#then have to buy all their stuff from the camp store
tac-the-unseen · 3 days
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson Sfw alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s actually pretty affectionate. Any chance he has to hold your hand or kiss you, he takes it, including missions. He’s told you he takes just a little bit of time to love you because ‘I’ll never know when our time has come.’ He wants the last memory you have of him to be a loving one, and he wants his last to be spent thinking about his unending love for you.
And don’t think for a second that because he can’t talk he won't praise you. He leaves you notes or texts that tell you just how much he really loves you. He puts sticky notes on all the doors he knows you'll walk through. Every mirror, the fridge, your desk, computer monitor, windows, everywhere he knows you'll see them.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You two got close to each other while on a long mission. It was hard not too, Saving each other's lives on the daily can really bring people together. You ate every meal together, watched out for each other, took your time to understand what he wanted to say. You were able to build trust in each other fairly quickly because of this. By the time the mission ended it felt like you two had known each other forever. You were able to slip into a routine with him fast, becoming the first and last person you spoke to every day. It wasn't long before Gary started to catch feelings for you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He likes cuddling, He doesn’t love it but he likes how it easily communicates his love for you. It's simple, but when you're with a guy that can’t speak, every little thing he does is noticeable and a declaration of his affection. The reason he doesn't like it too much is that even though he is normally cool as a cucumber, he can get overwhelmed pretty fast. He tries to let you know it’s not your fault, but it's hard to communicate that when he's overwhelmed. So even though he loves giving you physical attention he might pull away from this kind.
Sleeping is the exception to this, He always cuddles you at night. When it comes to cuddling positions he loves to hold you and wrap his whole body around you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes and No. He loves you, but he also loves his job. He loves the thrill and adventure and doesn’t want to give that up. He’ll buy you a house, he’ll live with you, but he will yearn for adventure. If at some point he’s on leave or simply allowed to go home he’ll take a break for like, a week. But after that he’s planning hikes, camping trips, rock climbing, stuff like that.
He's an okay cook, he's great on the grill though (His steaks are to die for).
He can clean, the military is really strict about cleanliness. If you need something cleaned up or otherwise taken care of, just point and he's on it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He breaks up with you face to face. He makes a list of the reasons why it wouldn't work. He makes it gentle and softly gives you the news. He feels bad about the break up and because he's awkward gives you a 50 dollar gift card to your favorite store or restaurant.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He is willing to commit to you, but he will take his time to make sure you're the right one. He might be fast in a relationship but when it comes to marriage he takes his time.
When he’s sure he wants to marry you, he will plan everything out meticulously. He will secretly get your ring size, figure out what kind of ring you want, and what your dream proposal is. If you don't have a dream proposal he will combine his own dream and the things you like.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gary’s soft with you. He opens up to you and lets you open up to him. He’ll use sign language or notes to tell you about his past and feelings. He tells you about what he wants to do with his life or what he wishes to do with you.
When it comes to physicality he's still soft with you. He loves to hold you and softly touch you. Gary loves to hold your hand and hug you from behind. It's the easiest way to communicate his love for you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs but tries to make sure he touches you in appropriate times. It's hard to find the right times when you're fighting for your life all the time. When you get back to base or back to home, He's all over you. It's these times when he's okay with cuddling and prolonged touching.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
When teaching you to sign he left out how to sign ‘i love you’ because he didn’t want it to feel like he was forcing you to say it or that he was love bombing you. He was secretly signing ‘I love you’ but you didn’t have to know that. you aren't fluent in sign so it's not like you noticed.
He was being sent on a mission where he wouldn’t have any contact with you for several months. You two were outside while other soldiers entered the awaiting helicopters. He was in all his gear, mask up, and an ACR strapped on his back. After you had signed your goodbyes and he was at the entrance of the helicopter, He turned around and signed “I love you so much”. He didn’t expect anything to happen after as normally nothing did. Until you signed back ‘Love you more.’
In truth he hasn’t stopped thinking about that day.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If put on a scale it would be 6/10. He's not insanely jealous, but he can't help the pit in his chest he feels when you're talking to another guy. He can play nice and not get deep into it, but as soon as the guy starts flirting, his nice act is out the window.
A fellow soldier decided to make a sudden and not at all anticipated comment on your ass…while Gary was in ear shot. It took Gary all of 3 seconds to send the guy flying and knock him on his ass. Gary was reprimanded as the soldier lost 4 of his teeth in that fight, Oh and the broken collarbone didn’t help either.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
This is the one part of the relationship (besides Marriage) that took the longest to happen. This is because it involved taking his mask off.
Once he was comfortable with you and the idea of seeing his face, he'd let the mask go and kiss you. It was actually the first thing he did when he took off his mask.
You two were in his room, sitting on his bed, you two had a long talk about his face and trust. After this Gary removed his mask and eye gear and held your hand. He took a breath then kissed you softly and passionately. It was a Huge milestone in your relationship.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Gary is okay around kids, He can handle them for bits at a time, but kids don't seem to like him that much. Kids don’t like the silence, it unnerves the little ones. But he's kind and careful and has told you that if you want kids he'll do better with them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He just wants to hold you a little longer, To spend these gentle moments with you for as long as he can. He's the one telling you to come back to bed, pulling you back into bed and into his arms. He makes grumbles and noises of pleasure when you slither back into his arms. He may not be able to Tell you he loves you, but the kisses, noises, and cuddles speak for themselves.
Once he's out of bed and stepping into the day, He’ll get into his chores and start cleaning up from the night before and help you in your morning routine. Once he's done cleaning up and you're cooking breakfast you better believe he's hugging you from behind.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Gary has a tough time going to bed. You have to convince him to come to bed and get some sleep. You can get him to bed by reminding him of the warm mornings or promises of intimacy.
He will slowly do his nightly routine to prolong the inevitable. He'll take his time cleaning up, showering, brushing his teeth, a little bit of skin care, then begrudgingly climbing in bed. His apprehension is swiftly thrown out the window once he is in your arms and in a warm bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It depends on what he's opening up about. Because He primarily uses sign language and writing to talk to you he can easily edit but for the most part he's pretty open with you. However there are something he would never tell you, no matter how close you guys are.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is even tempered most of the time, He rarely gets angry outside of the battlefield. When he does get angry it's not at you and is never taken out on you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Gary remembers the little things, he’s hooked on every word you say. He writes what he thinks is important down. If you like to talk, well great, he likes to listen.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You had found a box of kittens while on a mission. You had taken and hidden them from your teammates and captain. Gary found out about this when one night he caught back at base cooing of a blanket that meowed back.
You had explained yourself and told him you just wanted them to be safe and you were trying to find them a home. He kept the secret and helped you care for the kittens. You made the kitten get a good home and occasionally get updates about them. He loved seeing you in a Domestic light and liked feeling like a parent even if it was only for a few days.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's on guard all the time, He is a war criminal. He can be a silly little guy then into a serious scary soldier.
Physically: He will defend you till his last breath. He will do everything he can to make sure you're safe.
Emotionally/Mentally: He will make sure he's always there for you to lean on. His soft, loving personality gets even more soft and loving. He makes sure to free up time just to check on you and hold you.
When it comes to his safety, just knowing you care is enough for him to feel better.
Physically: He would rather die than have you put yourself in danger to save him. But if you do, he will enterally appreciate you and your love for him.
Emotionally/Mentally: He doesn’t like asking for help but when he does, it should be taken very seriously. Sometimes he just needs someone that nods while he signs away at what's troubling him. Other times he just needs to have someone to hold onto.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Depends on why you're having a date night. Obviously he’s not going to pull out all the stops for a casual date night but he's not doing the bare minimum either.
He puts in the appropriate amount of effect for your dates and makes sure it's something you'll enjoy.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a habit of sneaking food. The military trains soldiers to simply inhale the small portion of food given to them. Even though there is extra food he waits until he thinks no one is looking to ‘steal’ another piece. Everyone knows, no one says a word.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The mask is really just to keep his identity safe. Even though it takes him a while to take it off, that's mostly to make sure he can really trust you. He is not too concerned with his looks but that doesn’t mean he has no concern about his looks.
Gary never really thought to care about anyone's opinion, but that changed fast when he developed feelings for you. He can and will clean up if you ask him to.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It's a slow burn when it comes to this deep level of attachment. At first you were just this really cool friend, then best friends, then partners. You fell deeper and deeper into his heart before you became the center of it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He communicates mostly through sign language, which he made sure to teach you. He took you step by step, getting you to understand how the language is ACTUALLY structured. He loved watching you try and figure out what he said and how to respond.
Outside of work, Roach has a couple deaf friends that he take on hikes and fishing trips.
If you ever get married, Ghost is his best man.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone unwilling to learn sign. Its his main way of communicating and its frustrating to write down everything he wants to say all the time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He has to be practically dragged to bed if you want him to sleep.
The best way to get him to bed is too softly play his favorite music, lay down, and give him puppy dog eyes.
What is he going to do? Say no to you and that pretty look on your face? Absolutely not, he's flying into that bed.
Thanks for reading <3
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smeddiemunson · 1 year
Eddie dating Steve Harrington and being so stupidly in love from the very first moment that no one has to tell him he’s being mean for always ragging on Steve’s taste in music, films, hobbies, and that he should try giving Steve’s interests a go.
Eddie getting home from their first date (a lunch date a the newly reopened Benny’s diner) and immediately turning the TV onto whatever baseball game he can get to first. 
Wayne watching him from the table where he’s drinking coffee and now ignoring the newspaper with a gobsmacked expression until Eddie very quietly asks him what the fuck is going on, and Wayne thinks he’s the one that should be asking that question. But Wayne slowly goes over the rules, who the players are and what all the jargon is; then turns the channel over to watch Chicago instead. 
When Steve starts coming around it suddenly starts to make a bit more sense. But Wayne doesn’t say anything because he’s enjoying the time with Eddie where they get to share an enjoyment of something, and they haven’t been able to do that since Eddie was being navigated through adolescence by the Union music Wayne liked to listen to. 
Eddie spending hours on end in the listening booth at the record store with Tears for Fears, Wham! and ABBA until he knows the records back to front and can start trying to remember the cords long enough so he can write them down at home. He can’t afford to buy all the albums he wants to learn, so he annoys (and confuses) the store clerk until he’s banned from the listening booth for a week. 
Eddie answering Steve’s questions about DnD and his guitar and Dio’s discography with such a big smile on his face that his cheeks hurt. Then being so worried when Steve gets cagey about answering Eddie’s questions about his interests. 
Eddie doing everything in his power to show Steve that no he’s not trying to tease him, that he would never do that because he thinks Steve has great taste. Sure it’s not what Eddie would pick himself, but Steve picked Eddie and Eddie thinks that Steve’s taste can’t be all bad if it landed him multiple dates and a smoking hot boyfriend. 
Steve slowly starting to allow himself to enjoy the things he enjoys in front of Eddie. Rambling tristes on why Steve thinks The Breakfast Club was one of the greatest films ever made even though it doesn’t really have a plot, and launching into tangents about whatever his brain jumps to next. 
Eddie choosing cheesy romcoms to watch for their film nights because he knows it’ll make Steve smile and Steve choosing camp slasher horrors because he knows they’re Eddie’s favourite. 
Just Eddie doing things for Steve before anyone has to tell him to because he’s so in love with Steve and wants to see him smile all the time, wants him to know he’s loved.
Eddie having grown up knowing he was gay and thinking he’d never get to have a relationship like this, thinking he was destined for nothing but hookups in dirty club bathrooms. He’s not so self-centred to think Steve will be with him forever (even though he desperately hopes for it) so he has to make the most of this relationship while he has it.
Their friends being shocked when they catch Eddie humming The Winner Takes It All under his breath or when he name drops a basketball player he shouldn’t otherwise know, and Eddie just shrugging and casually saying stuff like “Steve likes it” or “Steve was talking about him the other day”.
The Hellfire guys very seriously asking Eddie if Steve had him under a spell because the Eddie they knew would never be interested in pop culture or sports. And Eddie laughing, saying “He’s definitely cast a spell on me but nothing malicious. I’m just in love.”
And the party knowing not to bash Steve’s interests when Eddie was around because he’d threaten their DND characters lives and their backup characters lives until they got the hint.
Eddie apologising to Lucas because he didn’t get it before but he does now.
Eddie and Steve being obnoxiously in love and utterly unbearable sometimes but no one could say anything because they all just wanted the best for each other in the end.
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wosoimagines · 6 months
Tall Tales - Alyssa Naeher/Reader
part one | part two
prompt: part two to Our Own Litle Book Club where Alyssa helps open up a book store.
warnings: none.
words: 1562
i hope you guys like this cause i'm hoping to get back into writing and maybe even setting a schedule for it to help keep me on track since i'm working two jobs and can get pretty busy these days cause i've really missed writing.
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“So, I have a surprise.”
Alyssa furrowed her brow as I pushed the box across the table toward her. I kept a close eye on her reaction as she opened the box.
Alyssa blinked once. Then twice. And then a third time before she reached into the box.
“Are you asking me to move in?”
I chuckled a little as Alyssa held the key up in between us.
“Not yet,” I shook my head. “I bought the place next door with the money I made from my book. Which reminds me, I really do need to do something for Rose the next time she’s in town since she recommended it to all of your teammates and on her Instagram.”
“Why did you buy the place next door?”
I looked down at the table as I fiddled with the mug that had my latte in it. I had wanted Alyssa’s opinion, but she had been so busy preparing for the World Cup and the last thing I wanted was for her to feel like she had to help me with it.
“I want to open a bookstore. Is it a bad idea?”
Alyssa stayed quiet as she put the key back into the box that was sitting on the table. We had only been together for a couple of months, but her opinion on this meant a lot to me. I held my breath until Alyssa reached across the table to grab ahold of my hand.
“I think it’s a great idea. Do you have a name for it?”
“That’s a work in progress,” I said as I grinned at her. “I was hoping that you’d help me with that. And maybe help me fix it up? I’m not in a rush and Arthur said he’d keep me on the schedule until 11 so that I could work on it in the afternoon until it’s ready to open and then we’ll come up with a plan for my schedule here too.”
“How much work needs to be done?”
“I could show you around when you finish that coffee.”
Alyssa shook her head as she turned back to her coffee that was only half gone.
I grinned as I stepped back once we had moved the bookshelf into place. Alyssa wiped the sweat off her brow as she joined my side.
“Now we just have to put the books on the shelves.” Alyssa let out a small groan as I waved her off. “I can do it tomorrow with the others.”
“You sure you want the others to put the books up with you?”
I rolled my eyes at that before I tossed the water bottle over to her. Alyssa had met most of the people I had hired but she had insisted that the two of us do the work ourselves to make it our little project.
“You have practice tomorrow and I have the day off from the coffee shop. Besides, it would help if the others know where everything is at so that they can help people find what they’re looking for when we open next week,” I said. I had been training everyone who was hired how to use our system, but it had been easy since a couple of the people coming to work at the bookstore also work at the coffee shop with me. “Besides, you have your national team camp to worry about.”
“I can always tell them that I have personal stuff going on. I want to be here for opening day.”
“Alyssa, you know you can’t do that,” I swatted at her shoulder. We had arguments over the topic that past few days now that I had set the date for my grand opening, and it happened to be while Alyssa was going to be at camp. She’d ultimately be in town as their national team camp was taking place in Chicago, but Alyssa was worried that she wouldn’t be able to stop by for opening day. “I won’t let you put your own career on hold because of me.”
“I want to.”
“And I don’t want you to. What if they refuse to call you up later because you took time away from the team?”
“Let me worry about that.”
“Absolutely not, Alyssa. I’m your partner, it’s part of my job to worry about you. I could never forgive myself if they refused to call you up because you took time for me.”
“So, you can support me as my partner, but I’m not allowed to support you.”
I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Alyssa didn’t even have a schedule for her camp days yet so there wasn’t any telling if she would have to miss opening day or not.
“Look, the team is coming for the soft launch. It was supposed to be a surprise in case you’re going to be busy on opening day,” I explained. I had reached out to Becky to help me set up the surprise. “You guys will be the first customers that we have. I wanted to make sure that you could still be a part of the opening, but I won’t let you put your own life on hold for me. And we’ll have the first book club meeting when you get done with camp. Okay?”
Alyssa stayed silent as she nodded her head. I was a little upset that I had to ruin the surprise, but if it helped to quell Alyssa’s nerves about possibly missing the opening day then I guess it wasn’t too bad to ruin the surprise.
“We’ll be the first customers?”
“Pinky promise.”
I held my pinky up so she could lock her own around mine. After all, pinky promises were the most important promises ever.
I grinned as I rocked on my hills as the girls made their way toward me. I wrapped Alyssa up in a hug when she got close enough. We had been on the phone just this morning, but nothing compared to being able to see her in person.
“You ready to see how it turned out?” I softly asked her.
“You know I am.”
I pulled away from her before turning to unlock the door. I waited for the girls to pile into the store before I turned on the lights. Most of the girls gasped or squealed when they could finally see how the store turned out. I didn’t mind as they started to go about the store.
I did step up next to Alyssa though as I grabbed ahold of her hand. My eyes were drawn to the display that she was looking at. There were quite a few displays about the store. We had mystery book dates scattered throughout the store, along with a banned book display and even one for our employee favorites.
“In the beginning,” Alyssa read out loud. She looked down at me. “Are those the books we’ve recommended to each other?”
“I couldn’t have opened this place without you. I wanted to do something a little extra special for the two of us,” I admitted. I had even gone as far as to make sure that all the books were in order of how we had each recommended them to each other as just another way to tell our own story. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.”
“Good, because you guys are also working opening day as well.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah, you guys are going to come and work opening day. More press for the store and you get to come to opening day.”
Alyssa grinned before she pulled me closer to give me a kiss. I couldn’t help but melt in her arms. I was getting to live my own little story and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Sonny called out, causing Alyssa and I to pull away from each other. Neither of us being comfortable with showing too much PDA around Alyssa’s teammates. “How did you get ‘Tall Tales’ for the name?”
“You don’t have to tell her,” Alyssa said to me, but I was already shaking my head at her.
“Alyssa loves telling me all of the national team tales you guys get up to and she’s tall, so it kind of just worked out perfectly.”
“I knew you loved all the shenanigans that we get up to, Uncle!”
Alyssa groaned at that.
“Is ‘shenanigans’ your word of the day, Sonnett?” Alyssa asked. I immediately brought my hand up to cover my mouth to keep the laughter from spilling out. “I’m so proud of you for being able to use such a big word in a sentence.”
“Don’t be mean,” I said as I pushed Alyssa away from me.
“Let’s be realistic,” Alyssa said. She caught sight of the book in Sonny’s hands. “Are you sure you should let her read your book? She might have trouble with some of the words and subtext and all the hidden meanings in it.”
“It’s okay, Sonny. You can ask me all the questions about it,” I said to the blonde defender before turning to Alyssa. “And you are getting no more kisses until you can be nice to Sonny.”
Alyssa groaned at that as I moved closer to Sonny to talk to her about some of the themes that she would find in my book.
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cowpokeomens · 8 months
helloooo ~
could you please do a casual outing date with noah sebastian? anything from a simple lunch to some shopping just super fluffy and cute thank uuuu
Ask and ye shall receive! This is loosely based off of an experience I had a few weeks ago (The entranced window-gazing, not the almost-sugar daddy part, RIP me ig) Enjoy!
You had a long week. It seemed like your higher-ups gotten more demanding with each passing day. As if going to a shitty job wasn’t hard enough on its own, Noah was home from tour, too. You could drag yourself to work with the promise of a venti triple shot drink from Starbucks most days, but with his sleeping form next you in bed- warm, tattooed skin on display- the feat of getting up became nearly impossible. When the weekend finally rolled around, you embraced it with open arms, sleeping in until 11AM on Saturday. 
You awoke to the smell of coffee, stretching your arms and padding your way into the kitchen. You found Noah there, sweatpants slung low on his hips, swiping on his phone while music played softly from the TV in the living room. He glanced up upon your arrival. 
“Well good morning, gorgeous. I was starting to wonder where I was going to hide your body.” He flashed you a lopsided grin.
You returned the smile, going over to where the coffee pot was still set to warm. “You couldn’t get rid of me that easily, Sebastian. I’d haunt your ass.”
“Oh no! I hope the scary, sexy ghost doesn’t watch me in the shower!” Noah mock-cried, waving his hands in the air for effect. You giggled at his antics, adding creamer to your coffee as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, placing a kiss on your shoulder. “What’re we doing today, buttercup?”
You thought about it for a moment. “Well, I need a new pair of shoes for work, supportive sole type shit-”
“Nope.” You were cut off by the man behind you. “No boring work shit today. We’re having fun.” 
“Fun?” You echoed, turning just enough to waggle your eyebrows at him. 
He rolled his eyes, snorting at you. “Not that kind of fun, you freak. Good, wholesome, Christian fun.”
“Ooh, are we gonna make out on the bus on the way to church camp?” You mocked him.
“I cannot stand you. Have I said that before? Because I can’t.” His actions betrayed his words as he leaned in to kiss you on the cheek, then the top of your head, then your shoulder again. 
“Then what is your definition of ‘good, wholesome, Christian fun,’ Sebastian?” You turned to face him fully, sipping from your mug. 
“I was thinking retail therapy. We could go to that shopping center you like so much, with the paper store that has all the tape and stuff.” He puffed his chest proudly for remembering it.
“The stationary store.” You pondered aloud. “I could get stickers.”
He nodded eagerly. “I’ll buy you so many fucking stickers, baby.”
You grinned up at him. “I’m sold. Let me brush my teeth and find udnerwear-”
“-Hey, no pressure from me-”
It was your turn to roll your eyes at him. “-And then we can head out.”
A few hours later you found yourself in a shopping center somewhere in the northern section of your city. It was more of an outdoor mall, but you really only preferred a small corner of the sprawl. 
Noah walked beside you cheerfully, hand tightly clasped in yours. His other hand held a cute, pastel blue bag from the stationary store, where you had racked up quite the tab. Before you could get your card out, though, Noah was tapping his own against the machine. 
“You didn’t have to do that, babe.” You pouted, feeling guilty. 
He shrugged. “I’ve got that ‘Rockstar Boyfriend’ money now, baby, I can buy you stickers.”
You snorted at him. “Glad to hear that Jolly has been filing you guys’ taxes correctly.”
“Hey, I help, too.” He protested. 
“Mhm, no one can work the espresso machine for him quite like you, dear.” You mollified him. 
“I can’t believe I’m being treated this way, I have an ‘Alternative Press’ cover, y’know-”
He got quiet when he noticed you had stopped walking. He glanced at you, concerned, then followed your line of sight. 
You were gazing, open-mouthed, into the window of a purse store. You didn’t actually know anything about luxury brands- much less designer handbags- but you could recognize art when you saw it. 
It was black, probably genuine leather. A cross-body bag, pleasantly spacious without being large. Its silver rivets glinted at you in the midday sun, enticing you with their gleam. A thick, silver chain decorated the top, contrasting sharply with the clean cut of the long black handle. 
“What?” He asked at last. 
“Sorry.” You responded absently, still not looking away. 
He huffed a laugh. “Do you want to go inside?” 
“No.” Came your immediate response. 
“Babe, I know that look. That’s how you looked at me the first day I got back from tour. Now, I’m not so insecure as a man to let a purse threaten me, but if you start talking dirty to it-”
“Shut up, Noah.” You finally broke your stare to turn to him, giggling. “It’s just pretty is all.”
“‘Pretty?’” He repeated.
You nodded earnestly, already beginning to walk away. 
“Well hey, if it’s so ‘pretty,’ let’s go inside and get a closer look.” He tugged on your joined hands.
You grimaced, lowering your voice. “Baby, it’s probably like, a gajillion dollars-”
“Oh, I hope so. I just so happen to have a ‘Gajillion’ Monopoly dollar in my pocket. C’mon.” He tugged you once more, finally convincing you to follow.
The inside of the store was freakishly white. White walls, white display podiums, white chairs. Who the fuck comes in here to sit? You wondered to yourself. There, in the field of white, was your black sheep in all its glory. Noah released your hand as you glided over to it, sighing dreamily. You didn’t see anything saying you had to keep your hands to yourself, and you couldn’t resist the urge to touch it. A hand came up to run a single finger along the rivets, bumping up and down at their protrusion. You gripped the side experimentally, loving the squish of the leather. You had never been a bag person; You used the same backpack for the entirety of college, purchased for $20 at Walmart. You had other bags, mostly to carry things from point A to point B, but this was different. This was- what did the fashion bloggers call their clothes? A piece. This was a piece, not just a purse. 
You were shaken out of your reverie by Noah walking over to you, peering at the bag curiously. “You ready?”
You let out a deep breath. It was absolutely a gajillion dollars, and you could not justify the expense. You turned to Noah, about to say an affirmative, when a new, large shopping bag caught your eye. 
You recognized the brand emblazoned across the bag as the same one from the window. Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. “Noah, what did you do?”
His grin was devilish. “Relax. It was actually only half a gajillion dollars, quite the steal if you ask me.”
You could feel yourself panicking. “What? No! Go give it back!” Your whisper was frantic. 
He was outwardly laughing at you now. “No.”
Your eyes widened further, incredulity coloring your tone. “No?”
He shook his head, leaning in close to you. “Nope.” Then, taking your hand in his, he happily walked back outside, ignoring the saleswoman’s call of “Come back again soon!”
You barely kept up with his long legs. “Noah, I do not need a gajillion dollar-”
“Half a gajillion, babe. Half.”
You huffed. “Whatever. I don’t need an expensive purse, it’s not fair for you to be spending that kind of money on me when I can’t repay it-”
“I can think of a few ways you could repay me.” He cut you off again with a wink. 
“Noah.” You stopped walking. He could hear the change in your tone, stopping to turn to look at you. “I can’t- baby I really appreciate it but I can’t-”
“Hey.” He said softly, coming up to look into your eyes deeply. “Hey. This isn’t about owing me or anything. There’s no need for that between us.” You nodded, the movement small. “I see you busting your ass. I see you working hard. I can see that you’ve had a shitty couple of weeks. So if I have to go back and buy you all the gajillion dollar purses in that store, I will do it. If it will make you happy, I will personally see to it that you get every gajillion dollar purse manufactured on this continent.”
You couldn’t fight off the smile at his words, so sincere and sweet. He kissed your forehead for good measure, offering his hand out to you. 
“If it makes you feel better, you can buy lunch. The lady in the store talked me into getting the matching quarter-gajillion dollar wallet, too.”
Your jaw dropped. “Noah Sebastian-”
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writingfool001 · 9 months
Manga Artist MC
Authors Note: I'm trying to fall back in love with writing again, I'm getting there slowly.
Request: No, author wanted something short and silly.
Pairing: Vargas, Lilia, Riddle x manga artist reader
Warning: gn reader, quick, fluff, headcannon, established relationship, & reader
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Opposites that attracted.
He would help you make sure to stretch and take a break from sitting at your desk.
I can see him lifting you and popping your back.
He is also helpful if you need to buy a large amount of supplies.
He asked Sam if he would sell your work at the student store which seems to sell well.
Every time you get your in an actual book, he asks for you to sign it so he can brag about it to Crowley who took an interest in your work.
He'll act as bodyguard for any book signing or panel you go to to talk about your work.
Has learned the hard way to not rearrange or move things around your workroom.
Appreciates the small doodles you have of him whenever you're telling your readers stories about working on the volume towards the end of the manga
Is there to comfort you if you've had a rough day or are butting heads with your editor.
He finds your work fascinating.
He may give the occasional outsider opinion when you're having writer/artist block.
He'll also act as bodyguard for any book signing or panel you go to to talk about your work, but use it as another reason for a date and to be all lovey.
He has sold this book to so many of the students which caused more foot traffic for your stuff.
Being fatherly, he tells you to take care of yourself and take breaks.
He tried making a meal for you…
You found a reason to get up and eat or else.
He sometimes offered to you to camp out in his room if you didn't mind some noise or company when he was playing online with Idia.
He would support you, but not let it get in the way of your education.
Doesn't entirely understand, but he learns from you or other students he's close too.
Will read the first volume and probably give you an whole paper about it.
He forces you to stop at a certain time in the night if you both are spending the night together.
I see him as being a story editor and would ask questions which would make you figure it out before reaching that certain point in the series and put something random.
He offers petting the hedgehogs as a way for you to take a break (he wouldn't mind cuddles either.)
Would definitely celebrate with you if you were able to get your work as a physical copy.
268 notes · View notes
justagalwhowrites · 10 months
Lavender - Ch. 38
You, Joel and Ellie hit some snags on your journey west. A continuation of Lavender, Ch. 1-37 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Smuttttttt (unprotected P in V sex), canon typical violence, threat of SA (unsuccessful), reference to past SA (not described.) No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 5.5k
“See that?” 
Joel pointed to some grass that was catching the sunlight a bit better than the grass around it. 
“I think so,” you frowned, looking at it. 
“Called a shining,” he said. “Something steps on the grass, presses it down, shiny side catches the light. Only stays shiny like that for about two hours after it’s stepped on but the grass will stay bent for about a day. So you know that something passed through here within the last two hours.” 
You nodded slowly. 
Joel had been teaching you and Ellie how to track and hunt. She was getting better than you were with the rifle, though neither of you were as good as Joel. You tried to not think about just why he was so good with it. 
The tracking, though, was probably going to get easier. It was mid-October now and the weather had been steadily getting colder. Snow was not far off. At night it was dropping below freezing and you’d had to start building fires to stay warm - something Joel wasn’t exactly thrilled with. 
You’d stayed in Curtis for a few days. Joel killed a deer in town, something that was oddly easy in the post-outbreak reality, apparently. The animals out here had never seen people. They didn’t have the same reaction to humans that the creatures of your youth did, or even those immediately around the QZ. You could practically walk up to them here, them just looking at you quizzically for a moment, almost like they were questioning what the hell this bipedal animal approaching them could be. 
They were everywhere, too. The town had been reclaimed by nature. You were walking to the grocery store again the second day there when you came across a small herd of deer in the middle of the street. They stood there, looking at you, clearly puzzled. You looked back, waiting for them to run. They never did. 
Part of you hoped the one Joel killed hadn’t been one of the ones you’d seen. The hotel had a small garage - a golf cart, riding mower, some general maintenance stuff inside - and Joel turned it into a place to dress the carcass and then dry the meat you weren’t eating immediately. You’d ended up with almost 50 pounds of venison jerky, enough to supply you for a stretch. 
The whole process had made Ellie take an interest in hunting. You supposed it was natural, her wanting to know the survival tactics you’d all been relying on. It definitely made sense to learn it. If something happened to Joel, you thought you could get her the rest of the way on your own, but it would be a lot more difficult. Joel’s skills were immensely valuable. 
But hunting made you uneasy. You knew meat came from animals, obviously, but buying it from the store before or getting it as a ration was so far removed from the process, you didn’t have to think about it. Stripping an animal of its meat was so oddly surgical, it was hard to separate the two in your mind. It made them seem too close to human for your liking - though you’d far rather do that than die of starvation.  
You were well into Wyoming now. But neither you nor Joel had acknowledged that you weren’t sure what you were supposed to do now that you were here. 
He had a vague idea of where the radio tower was so that’s where you were headed. Just hoping that the operator would have some inkling about where Tommy might be living. Otherwise, you were at a loss. It was a large, empty state. It wasn’t like there were people every few miles you could stop and ask - even if you felt like you could trust the people you ran into. You hadn’t seen another person besides Joel and Ellie since you’d fled the camp. 
“So which way should we go?” Joel asked you, still looking at the shining in the grass. 
You looked out, finding another spot like the first, and another after that. 
“That way,” you said. “Looks like there are more…” 
“Good,” he nodded. “Lead the way.” 
You obeyed, following the small path through the grass that it appeared that the rabbit you were tracking had taken. 
It really hadn’t been far ahead of you at that point and you caught up with it a few minutes later, Joel putting an arm out to stop you and Ellie from moving closer and startling it. He looked to Ellie and jerked his head toward the rabbit. She nodded once and slung the rifle off her back before lining up to shoot. You watched her as she did, not wanting to see rabbit die if you could help it. She took a deep breath and fired before a look of satisfaction spread over her features. 
“Fuck yes,” she nodded, smiling a little. You looked over. The rabbit was dead on its side, its tan fur fluttering in the wind. 
“Good shot,” Joel nodded. “Go grab it, we’ll find a place to camp for the night.” 
There was a cliff line that made for decent shelter and the three of you settled in there for the night. You built a fire while Joel and Ellie dressed the rabbit before you put it over the fire to cook. 
You liked the quiet of evenings like this. It felt almost oddly domestic, not so different from grilling in the yard by the pool or cooking while the news was on in the background and Sarah told Joel about her day. Just part of the routine the three of you had settled into over the past few weeks. 
It seemed like Boston was a lifetime ago now, not just over a month. You could hardly remember what life without Joel and Ellie had been like anymore. It felt like they’d just always been there. Sometimes, when you thought about spending time with Andrew and Jess and the kids, you found yourself wondering where Joel and Ellie had been - were they sick? In another room? - before you remembered that they hadn’t been anywhere besides just not with you. They hadn’t been a part of you yet.
Ellie fell asleep and you sat, leaning against Joel, already zipped into your sleeping bag to ward off the cold. 
“Gettin’ close to Casper,” he said, looking at the fire. 
“Thinkin’ that’s gonna be our best shot at runnin’ into people and infected in weeks,” he continued. “Unless we wanted to try and skirt around it…”
“What do you think?” You frowned, glancing up at him. He sounded oddly unsure. The only time you’d ever left the QZ without Joel had been the one run to Lincoln you’d made when you first met Bill and Frank. Every time, he was cool and certain. Even for this trip, unless someone was at gunpoint, Joel was self assured. He’d consult Tess, but it was usually just that - consultation. It wasn’t to ask for help, just to make sure his partner was on board. This was different. It sounded like he didn’t know. 
“Normally, I’d say let’s go to Casper,” he said. “Or at least close to it. See what we can find. Probably be a good place to resupply, somewhere we can stay for a few days, rest, get cleaned up, see if anyone knows Tommy. But…” 
He broke off for a moment before he looked at you. 
“Baby, it just feels like too damn big a risk with you and her.” 
You frowned. 
“Do you think we’ll hold you back that much?” You asked. 
“No,” he shook his head and looked back at the fire. “It’s not that. It’s just… They tried to take you, tried to kill her. What if I can’t stop it next time? Rather never find Tommy and just live in the wild than lose you…” 
“We need to find the Fireflies,” you said, pressing closer to him. 
He sighed. 
“I know.” 
“If there are people - assuming they’re friendly people - then we should try,” you looked up at him, your head on his chest. 
He sighed again. 
“Fine,” he said. “We’ll at least come up to the edge, see what we can see. But no offering yourself up or I swear…” 
“Swear what?” You asked, half teasing, when he didn’t finish his sentence. 
“I’ll make sure you regret it,” he said. 
“That I’d like to see,” you yawned. He scoffed. “Wake me up for my watch.”
The outskirts of Casper were quiet. Joel didn’t fucking trust it. 
For starters, it was quiet of animal life, too. Like the wild things knew to give it a wide berth. There were people around. He could feel it. 
He just wasn’t sure where the fuck they were. He’d have to try to go into the city. 
“Stick close,” he said, snow drifting down in delicate, lazy flakes. 
He led the way into the city - if you could even call it that, civilization in this part of the country was so goddamn small, rotted away so bad that he knew it must have been in shit shape when the world ended - keeping an eye out for any signs of people. 
The signs were there. The people weren’t. 
The closer the three of you got to the river, the more signs of humanity there were. Buildings that had clearly been maintained over the last 20 years, laundry - though stained and torn - hanging on lines, chickens pecking a scraps in enclosures. People had been here and they’d been here recently. 
“Where is everyone?” You asked quietly. So you saw it all, too. 
“Fuck if I know,” Joel muttered. “But nowhere good, I’m sure…” 
“Ellie!” You hissed and Joel’s head whipped around. The kid was on a porch, opening a door. “Get back here!” 
“No one’s around,” she shrugged. “And if you guys don’t want to look for reasons why…” 
She opened the door and went inside. You looked, exasperated, at Joel and took off after her. 
“Fuck,” Joel swore, following you into the house. 
“Ellie!” You looked around, bypassing the living room and the stairs, heading for the back of the house. “We need to get out of here…” 
“They left in a hurry,” she said, standing by the kitchen table. There were three plates sitting there, half eaten food covered in a layer of mold. “Doc, how long would that take to grow?” 
“It varies a lot depending on the kind of mold and it’s not like I have a microscope with me,” you sighed. “But probably a week?” 
“So whatever made them leave is probably long gone, right?” Ellie looked at you, her brows raised. “Probably nothing to worry about, right?” 
“We should move,” Joel said, grinding his teeth, getting you and Ellie back outside. Ellie walked in front, looking around, her thumbs looped through her backpack straps. 
“What are you thinking?” You asked quietly, voice low. 
He glanced at you, cautiously. 
“Raiders,” he whispered. “Looks like just the shit they’d do if the town just decided to stop paying them off…” 
You nodded slowly and Joel looked straight ahead. 
He’d never had a proper conversation with you about what he’d done before he came to the QZ. He told himself for years that it could have been worse. He wasn’t really a raider. He never raped anyone. He didn’t hurt women if he could help it, never children. When him and Tommy would partner up with a raider party, he’d make that deal: no women, no kids. By anyone in the group. 
But that shit didn’t mean much. He’d still killed people he didn’t need to kill. He’d still terrorized communities to make them pay for protection. He’d hurt people who didn’t deserve it. He’d been so numb to it at the time - Sarah gone, believing you were gone, too - that he didn’t give a fuck about anything. He was trying to survive, he told himself. Trying to keep Tommy alive. 
All the while, he could have just gone to a fucking QZ. If he had, he’d have found you sooner. Maybe gotten past his own bullshit sooner. 
No, he didn’t want raiders to know you or the girl existed. That was too goddamn dangerous. But he also didn’t want to face his own shit because raiders turned up.
The three of you made it up to the river, looking around for some indication of people. But everyone was gone. 
“I guess we just keep heading for…” you began, but a voice cut you off. 
“Hello!” Someone yelled. 
You and Ellie spun to face the sound, Joel raised his rifle. A man - maybe more of a boy, he was maybe 20 - came out from in between two buildings, his hands up. 
“Stay back!” Joel barked. “Or I’ll fucking shoot you!” 
“That…” the man stopped and laughed darkly. “That would actually be a big help. I got bit, ankle, about a day ago. And I can’t…. I keep trying to and I…” He started getting choked up. 
“Oh shit,” Ellie breathed. 
“Joel,” you looked at him. He scowled and lowered the gun. 
“No,” the guy drew closer. “No, man, I wasn’t kidding…” 
You slipped your pack from your shoulders to the ground. 
“I’ve got a better way to do it,” you said, your voice kind. You went to a large rock, on the bank of the river, and patted the spot on the rock next to you. 
“Doc,” Ellie put her back to the man as he came closer. Her eyes were wide. “Do you think… can we try my blood? Just… just in case it could work?” 
“Oh honey,” you smiled sadly at her. “No. Even if that would work, if he was bitten yesterday, it’s too late. It’s a lot better if he doesn’t go through the change, if I just euthanize him.” 
She set her jaw and nodded slowly. 
“You don’t have to save anyone, Ellie,” you said quietly. “It’s not your job to save anyone but yourself.” 
The man kept his distance, his arms still up. Joel took Ellie by the shoulder and tucked her behind him, his rifle still ready. 
“It’s OK,” you assured him. “Just come sit here and I’ll confirm the bite and then give you a shot. It’ll be just like going to sleep.” He still stayed a few feet away. “You’re not going to scare me, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s OK. It’ll be OK.” 
He sat on the rock beside you and Joel kept Ellie back, her peering out from behind him to watch you. 
“Show me where you were bit?” You asked, your voice kind and calm as you pulled a euth kit from your bag. The man tugged the hem of his jeans up and you leaned forward, looking at the injury. Even from a few feet away, Joel could tell it was infected. You nodded a little. “I’m sure this is no surprise but yes, you were bitten by an infected person.” 
“Yeah, the mushrooms growing out of their face was a dead give away,” he laughed a little, his voice thick. 
“What’s your name?” You asked, unpacking the kit. His eyes were on your hands as you worked. 
“Jason,” he said quietly. “Jason Small.” 
“Alright Jason,” you held the needle in your hand. “It’ll take a few minutes to kick in so you’ll have that time but before we get going, is there anything you want to say? Anything you want someone to know?” 
He looked at you for a moment. 
“No,” he laughed again, dark and sharp. “No, fuck, I never really did jack shit with my life. No one left to miss.” 
“What happened?” Ellie stepped out from behind Joel. You gave her a look that she promptly ignored. You looked to Joel for help but he just shrugged “Where is everyone?” 
“Raiders showed up about a week and a half ago,” he said. “Wanted payment for services but they showed up weeks earlier than normal, we didn’t have payment… They killed a bunch of people, not that Casper was ever huge to begin with, it’s not like we were a QZ and FEDRA left us alone. The people the raiders didn’t kill took off, mostly headed south because of the winter but… well, we started getting infected coming up from that direction not too long after. Probably following the trail of fucking people…” 
“Thank you,” you said kindly, shooting Ellie a glare before turning back to the man. “OK Jason, are you ready for me to inject you? It’ll just be a small pinch, you’ll have a few minutes of feeling normal and then you’ll feel really tired. It’s just like going to sleep. I’ll stay with you, if you want. So you’re not alone.” 
He nodded slowly. 
“Nothing left to really hang out for,” he shrugged. “But… if you could stay… I think I’d like that.” 
Joel looked off toward the water. 
“Joel,” you said, your voice soft and calm. “I’ve got this. Why don’t you take Ellie up that way a bit, I’ll catch up.” 
He opened his mouth to argue but you gave him a look. He sighed. 
“C’mon, Ellie,” he steered her away from the scene. 
The two of them walked in silence for a few minutes, putting some distance between you and them - something Joel didn’t like at fuck all. 
“She did that a lot, didn’t she?” Ellie asked, looking up at him. “Euthanizing people, I mean.” 
“Yeah,” Joel sighed. “Yeah, she did.” 
“Fuckin’ sucks,” she trudged along the sidewalk, kicking at the broken concrete. 
They found some rocks that were out of sight of you and Jason. Joel sat down on one. 
“If there was a cure, no one would have to do that shit,” she said, staring at her knees. “Right?” 
“I don’t know,” Joel said after a moment, looking at the girl. “But I don’t think people would need to be doing it quite as often.” 
She nodded slowly. 
“There’s a lot of shit riding on my blood, isn’t there?” She looked at him. He looked back. He was reminded - again - of Sarah. This time, it was of when she first started understanding that she didn’t have a mom like the other kids at school, when she was trying to figure out whether or not it was her fault. 
“No,” Joel said. She looked surprised. “Your blood is your blood, all that’s ridin’ on it is keepin’ you alive. If Doc and those other scientists can figure out how to do more with it, great, but that’s not on you or your blood. The infected are on the infected, on the governments who didn’t do enough to stop it, on a lot of shit. Not you, not your blood. Got it?” 
“Yeah,” she nodded. He wasn’t sure she believed him. 
You trudged up the sidewalk, tears in your eyes, a few minutes later. You were missing a ribbon on your braid. 
“He’s gone,” you said, voice thick. “It was peaceful. He did ask if there was anything else we wanted to know, so I asked about the radio tower. He said he thinks it’s an old tower that was used by the National Parks Service for things like fire warnings and such, out at Grand Tetons. The name Tommy Miller didn’t ring a bell, though.” 
“What happened?” Ellie said, nodding to your braid. “With your…” 
“Oh,” you glanced down at it. “The ribbons apparently reminded him of his sister. She died a few years back. He wanted to hold it, I didn’t want to take it from him…” 
Joel pulled you against him and pressed a kiss to your forehead, holding you to him for a moment. 
“We should move,” he said. “Get the fuck out of here before we run into raiders or infected.” 
You nodded and Joel led the way back on the road. 
It was two more days before you ran into more people. And it was far less friendly. 
The snow was thicker now, making you easy to track. It made Joel nervous. His whole body was tense, his jaw squared, his hand almost absentmindedly stroking the butt of the rifle as the three of you walked through the woods. 
He heard them half a second before he saw them, three men encircling your trio like a snare. Joel raised the rifle quickly and you threw Ellie behind you, backing up so she was tucked safely between you and Joel. 
“Hey, hey,” the first man said, his gun drawn. “Let’s take it easy, no need to make this any harder than it has to be…” 
“Right,” Joel said. “So why don’t you just leave us be and we’ll be on our way…” 
“Afraid we can’t do that,” the second man said. “There’s a toll to pass through our territory. One I’m sure we’d remember if you paid…” 
“Bet you fuckin’ would,” Joel’s gun was still up, his eyes darting between the three men. “We’ve got some jerky. Otherwise, you’re shit out of luck.” 
“Think you’ve got a bit more than that,” the third man said, leering at you and Ellie. “Think we can be quick, take turns…” 
You looked to Joel, your eyes wide, as the third man took you by the arm and pulled you back against him. 
“Fuck you, motherfucker!” Ellie moved to charge him but Joel grabbed her by the shoulder and ripped her back, delaying him getting a shot off. You were further away now and he started plotting the plan of attack, just who he was going to kill first, how to get you back safely. 
But Joel had underestimated you. Luckily, so had the men, not bothering to restrain your hands in any way. You went for the knife that was strapped to your waist and you freed it, bringing it up and then down in one swift, hard motion, catching the man with the thigh. 
He screamed and shoved you away and you stumbled forward. Joel grabbed you and threw you behind him, next to Ellie, before he shot the man with the gun and then the man who’d been holding you, dropping them both with a single shot before turning the gun on the last remaining man. 
“Weapons,” he barked. “Drop ‘em.” The man froze. “MOVE!” 
He pulled a gun from his holster and dropped it into the snow in front of him before he did the same with a knife. 
“Good,” Joel growled before he glanced to you. “You OK Baby?”
“Yeah,” your voice was shaky but he nodded. 
“You did good, Baby,” he said, keeping his gun on the man. “You did real good. I need you to take Ellie and keep goin’ the way we were walking, at least a quarter mile, no more than half. Find a good place to wait for me. I’ll get you.” 
“Joel,” you began but he cut you off. 
“Need to have a conversation with our friend here,” he said. “See you in just a minute.” 
He felt your eyes on him. After a moment, you obeyed, leading Ellie quietly into the woods. Joel turned his full attention to the man. 
“This’ll be a lot easier if you just tell me what I want to know,” Joel said, keeping the gun trained on the man. “I’d rather not scare my girls with you screamin’ so don’t give me a reason to make you.” 
“Look,” the main said, his hands up. Joel cut him off. 
“Don’t remember askin’ you a question,” he replied. The man shut up. He was younger, maybe in his early 30s. He didn’t know shit about shit. “How many people are out here?” 
“Just the three of us,” the man said quickly. “We’re cousins, had a family settlement not too far from here but my sister got bit, we’re the only ones who lived.” 
“And you just stayed out this way?” Joel asked. “Terrorizing people passin’ through?” 
“It’s hard out here, man,” his voice cracked. “Don’t have many resources…” 
“Not here for your fuckin’ sob stories,” Joel snapped. “So this is your territory? Won’t run into anyone else out here?” 
“No, no one else,” the man said quickly. “It’s just us, we haven’t seen anyone in weeks…”
Joel nodded. 
“So what was your fuckin’ cousin planning to do to my girl?” He asked, grip tightening on the gun. 
“Look man, he didn’t mean anything by it,” he said quickly. “Just lookin’ to trade, that’s all…” 
Joel lowered the gun and fired a round into the man’s thigh, making him drop to his knees with a pained scream. 
“I wasn’t going to touch her,” he was sobbing. “I swear I wasn’t…” 
“I think we both know that’s bullshit,” Joel said, pressing closer. “You plannin’ on raping all the women who come through here or is mine just special? Hm?” 
“Haven’t seen a woman in weeks,” he choked and sobbed. “Please, he was just… we were desperate, that’s all…” 
“Think that’s an excuse?” Joel asked. His blood was hot. This man and his friends had threatened you and Ellie. Wanted to hurt you. He’d hurt him. “Last chance. Anyone else out this way?” 
“No,” the man was sobbing now. “No, I swear, we’re it, we’re it for… fuck, probably 100 miles west…” 
“Good,” Joel said, aiming the gun for his head and shooting him there. He dropped like a rock. 
Joel collected what was worth taking from the bodies - mostly ammunition - and walked to find the two of you. 
It didn’t take long. You and Ellie were sitting close together on a fallen log. He slung the rifle back over his shoulder. 
“You both OK?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. 
“Fine,” Ellie said, glancing at you. 
The three of you walked a few more miles that day before stopping, Joel filling you in on the status of nearby people on the way. You spotted a place where the tree canopy was thicker, the snow cover on the ground a bit less dense. It should be a good place to spread out the sleeping bags without freezing. He dug out a place nearby for the fire pit. 
“I’ll be back in a minute,” you said before quickly walking into the woods. Joel looked to Ellie for a moment. She seemed oddly calm, reading a comic book in the remaining daylight with her back against a tree, sitting out of the snow. 
“I”m goin’ for firewood,” he said. She just nodded absently. 
Joel went in the woods after you. It didn’t take him long to find you, only five minutes from the site he’d picked to spend the night. You were pressed back against a tree, your arms wrapped tightly around yourself. He approached you slowly, his hands up. 
“Hey Baby,” he said quietly. You jumped, looking around for a moment before you spotted him. 
“Hey,” your voice was wet. You wiped your tears away. “Sorry, I can get back…” 
“No,” he stepped closer. “No, you don’t need to… I just wanted to see if you were OK.” 
“I’ll be fine,” you wiped your eyes again and sniffed. “Really, it’s not a big deal…” 
He watched you for a moment. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked. You looked up at him, confused. “It just seemed like that was awful close to what… what he did to you and you didn’t want me touchin’ you when he showed up in the QZ. I don’t want to hurt you, just take care of you.” 
“You can touch me,” you nodded. “Please touch me…” 
He moved to stand in front of you and pulled you gently against him, wrapping you in his arms, kissing the crown of your head. 
“How’d you know?” You asked after a moment. “Did Andrew tell you?” 
He paused, his hands keeping a steady rhythm as they moved up and down your back. 
“A bit,” he said eventually. “The rest… well, I… I wanted to know what happened. Felt like you’d lived it so I should, too. So I made him tell me before I killed him.” 
“You shouldn’t have done that, Joel,” you said softly. “Shouldn’t have to think about that…” 
“Should have been there,” he replied. “Should have been able to step in faster today, you shouldn’t have needed to do a damn thing…” 
“It wasn’t your fault, Joel,” you pressed your cheek tighter to his chest. “Not then, not now. It wasn’t.” 
He held you for a while and you stretched up and planted a kiss on his throat, sending a shiver through him. He pulled you closer. 
“Want you,” you said quietly. 
“Baby,” he groaned. “Not a good idea…” 
“Why not?” You asked, pulling back from him slightly. He cupped your face in his hand. 
“Just had something pretty fuckin’ terrible almost happen to you,” he said gently. “We shouldn’t…” 
“But I want to feel you,” you breathed. “Need to feel close to you, just for a minute. You said we should be safe out here… Please, Joel…” 
You pressed yourself against him, looking up at him with wide and desperate eyes. He gritted his teeth, glancing back toward the campsite. 
“We have to be quick, Baby,” he said. “Can’t leave Ellie for too long. And it’s cold…” 
You were already unbuttoning your pants, stepping out of one boot so you could free one leg of your jeans. He opened his jeans and freed his cock, rubbing it a few times, already hard in spite of the cold air. 
“Gotta keep it down,” he breathed as he pressed you back against the tree. “Ellie ain’t far…”
With that, he trailed one finger through your slit, the heat of you almost shocking against the cold. He gathered some of your wetness and spread it over himself, jerking himself twice more before he lifted you, your arms going around his neck as he lined himself up with your entrance. 
“Tell me if I hurt you,” he warned, already panting for breath. You nodded eagerly, your eyes still wet. He pressed into you and pulled you down onto him. 
He kept your back against the tree and your legs went around his hips, pulling him deeper. He groaned, your pussy gripping him so fucking tight. He kissed you as he started to fuck into you, taking things slow but hard, the head of him pressing into your back wall with every stroke. 
“Fuck, Joel,” you moaned. “Fuck, I love you, I needed… This is what I needed…” 
His hips worked harder and faster against yours, one hand coming around to the place between you so he could press against your clit while he worked himself into you. 
It always felt fucking incredible being inside you but something about this time - knowing that you’d almost been hurt and the only reason he was inside you now was because you weren’t, that you trusted him enough with your body to want him - need him - right now - was driving him over the edge quickly. 
“Need you to cum for me Baby,” he kissed down your jaw to your throat. 
“Joel,” you whimpered, your voice wet. He pulled back from you, looking in your eyes. You were crying again. But before he could pull back from you, your fingers wound in his hair, pulling his mouth to yours, your legs tightening around him. He licked into your mouth, pressing his tongue deep, trying to devour your fear.
He pulled back from you just enough to speak. 
“I’ve got you Baby,” he breathed. “I’ve got you, I’ll keep you safe. Not going to let anyone hurt you, not going to let anyone take you from me, I’ll protect you, promise I’ll protect you…” 
You came with a shuddering moan, the fluttering of your walls triggering his own orgasm as he emptied himself into you. You went slack on him, your face buried against his neck, and he just held you for a moment, his spent cock still inside you, noticing the cold air again for the first time since he entered you. After a minute, your lips brushed his cheek. 
“I’m OK,” you said quietly, pulling back from him. Your eyes were dryer, you looked calmer. 
“Are you OK to go back?” He asked, still holding you. You nodded. He pulled himself slowly, gently from your body and tucked himself away before helping you get dressed again. 
Joel built the three of you a big fire that night, the flames licking high, casting heat you could feel from yards away. You smiled and dealt for Texas Hold ‘Em and Joel let Ellie win - a fact she adored. When the time came to sleep, you curled around Ellie and Joel curled around you, feeling the warmth of you tucked safely against him. 
“Love you,” he whispered when he was sure Ellie was asleep. “Promise I’ll keep you safe, Baby. I promise.” 
A/N: This was it, the last OC chapter before we get back into the canon overlap. EVERYONE GET READYYYYYYYYYYY :D
I hope you enjoyed this little diversion and some exploration of the time between Kansas City and Jackson. I know I did :)
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Thank you thank you thank you all for reading and caring about these characters! You make it so fun to explore this world. Love you all!
Taglist: @paleidiot@ayamenimthiriel@ginger-swag-rapunzel @drewharrisonwriter @flugazi @pedropascalsbbg @taoyuji @starstruckmusiciansartghost @splendsay @bigboiseason123 @jpbplvr @ashleyandring. @mrsyixingunicorn10 @sloanexx @ninaminaromina @lady-bellyn. @hufflepuffriver@sarap-77 @storyarcscribe @mellymbee. @jasminedragoon @lemonmeli. @reds-ramblings @arizonadaydreamer @mumma-moonchild @blackroseguzzi @candypeaches16 @kittenlittle24 @wrappedinfiction @oatmeaiboy @pedritosdarling @winchestergypsy90 @imnotdatboii @lalalalemonade11 @maknimuk1 @mrsdarcyinlovewithbuckybarnes @pedrosaidsheispunk @commanderawkward @n7cje @elliesgirlll @tsunamistorm123 @spookyxsam @leeeesahhh @anoverwhelmingdin. @untamedheart81. @pedropascalfan221 @pedr0swh0r3. @pedrobae @fifia-writes @fatima-marisa
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ganondoodle · 4 months
some random ideas for the totk rewritten project
krog (korok) seeds
i think i found a way to include krog seeds even if i reintroduced bags for expanding your inventory- what if the krog seeds are redeemed for the amiibo sets and maybe a few new things? that way you are not forced to engage with krog puzzles if you are tired of them and its not essential either, you can choose what armor set you want instead of being "surpised" by the same link hat three times in a row for fighting your way through the depths (like i was lol)
considering im rewriting the krog forest to be like a minidungeon with a unique miniboss and boss AND you start the quest for restoring the master sword there i think that this is acceptable
what if one of the expensive rewards was a krog armor set that includes the mask from the botw DLC but adds two more pieces, its effect could be to turn invisible as the krogs are to most people; considering how they are not invisible to everyone it could still work with important NPCs still seeing you AND you could run through monster camps without them chasing you if you just want to get through without you attacking them- since its expensive you gotta gather alot of krog seeds to buy it meaning it wouldnt make encounters much easier bc you have to fight alot of monsters before being able to afford it anyway and the effect is removed once you attack an enemy .... or maybe once you are spotted you can stand still and the effect restores itself nhfkjdnkjfdk
food + storage
to raise the difficulty a little i thought about bringing bottles back, they are physical items this time with a limited number and are able to store medicine and soup that has no expiration date; personally i like cooking tho so i want to keep it, maybe with the effect of being a bit more limited in number and, while not spoiling completely, it loses some of its effectiveness over time
how you use them im not yet sure, either the same way in inventory (which i think i will go for since i dont want to change it that drastically and with the added balance of limitation i think that is still fine) or on some kind of item wheel you can set yourself like in skyward sword
there are bags you can find as bigger items that will expand your weapon, shield or bow inventory slots, perhaps a small bag gives you one and a big one two slots- it would be a bigger and different reward for exploring or quests and fills the spot for inventory expansion
theres a chest in links house (i thought maybe links house is still links but they built onto it so zelda has a place to stay as well, like a bigger/double house) that can hold armor sets if you dont want to keep carrying all of them around but dont want to sell them either
repairable weapons through zelda
weapons still break but are full weapons again, i found the excuse of them all being useless now through the cataclysm ... somehow for some reason a pretty blatant way for forcing you to fuse stuff bc its literally the only viable thing to do, but i like the idea of inventing new weapons with materials; to balance it out and give you an incentive to help out your friends i figured that at first weapons still break, but in each region is a smith that can teach zelda (who is your companion in this rewrite) how to repair weapons of a certain type (zora, spear, goron, two handed, rito, bows, gerudo, one handed-- perhaps it is a longer quest of idk .. bringing certain weapons to those smith or similar) which she can do anywhere outside combat;
how broken the weapon is determines how much extra material she may need to do it- im still working on it but i got the idea of the status of the weapon being symbolized in three stages, fine, damaged and broken; damaged is the one that needs less material to fix up, broken costs more- a broken one might still occupy an inventory slot but is unusable or very very bad damage wise, you can throw it away either manually or when you try to pick up a new one you can choose if you want to swap it out (just like they did with stuff from chests in totk .. idk why they didnt add that to in game weapons lying on the ground too) or choose to keep it and repair it once you are out of combat
arrow types
i dont like the menuing in totk for the arrows ... it was one of the most frustrating things to deal with (especialyl bc it sorted your inventory too??? when you used the sorting in the quick menu???) so i wanted to change that a little, havign to go into the quick menu everytime for each arrow i find tedious too, so;
there are more arrow types but they are craftable with arrows and materials, you can craft them in bulk out of combat (the typical types from botw -fire,eletric,ice,bombs- but then add those confusion ones, wind, the cloudy shroom thingy, poison .. perhaps a few more if i can think of more but not too mayn to not clutter it again)
enigma stones function
i wanted to change how enigma stones function somewhat, they dont "enhance" the ability of the champion/sage (i still wanna call them chmapions bc thats what they areeeee) it allows them to link an ability of theirs to link without the orginal champion having to be present or dead, the stones come in set of two each and function somewhat like a magic communication between the player and the champion, once you obtain the second piece its embedded into links shiekah arm prosthetic (also something of my rewrite) and allow him to call upon their ability at will through a second selection wheel
ranch ruins
the ranch ruins i wanted to be rebuild (bc thats cool and i thought restoration was a theme? lol) and maybe you help rebuild it proper and as thanks you can put your horses there to roam around all at once when not taken out to ride, not a big gameplay thing but a neat quest with a rebuilding thing of a building we havent seen in its prime and a neat addition of letting you see all your horsies at once :)
(totk rewritten project)
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m2ok · 1 year
Captain Price Headcannons
John Price X M!Reader
A/N: I started putting together furniture today and my first thought was how good Price would be at assembling shit and that headcannon just kinda spiraled into my general thoughts about him :) enjoy
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Weirdly good at putting furniture together. Anything you buy that needs to be assembled he can put it together in an hour or less, and without the instructions too. He’d take one look at them, huff and throw em out. He’d probably add reinforcements too to make it better.
Going off of that, he for sure likes woodworking and would rather build you the things you want instead of buying it anyways. He knows he can make it better and just the way you want it.
His love language in terms of giving is acts of service. He just loves doing stuff for you even if it’s something simple like getting your favorite drink when he’s at the store.
His love language in terms of receiving is quality time. He’s so busy that getting down time is sacred and all he wants to do is spend it with you. He’d follow you everywhere you went just to be with you even if he hated whatever stores you went into.
His favorite cuddling position is when he gets to lay his head on your chest and have you play with his hair. He just finds it so relaxing to be able to listen to your heartbeat while your soft fingers worked through his hair.
You cannot tell me he isn’t a complete gentleman. He for sure opens doors for you, insists on driving (you’d always be a passenger prince idc idc), all in all just a respectful man.
I think he’d stick to classic nicknames like “sweetheart”, “honey”, “my love” that kinda thing.
Speaking of nicknames, he gets genuinely worried when you call him by his actual name because you only call him pet names. Will 100% think he did something wrong and get a little pouty.
Protective but not in a possessive way. He knows you can take care of yourself especially if you’re in the military, but it’s just something that comes with him. Honestly he’s protective over all his boys, just you a bit more.
Speaking of you being in the military, he’d have a very strict no favoritism rule. He’d treat you just like he did the other men. Not only because his job is important to him, but also because he respects you and doesn’t want to underplay your abilities simply because you’re together. Plus treating you like everyone else would ensure you get stronger and are therefore safer.
He wouldn’t hide the relationship from the team, but he just wouldn’t tell them. They’d find out because you’d probably give him a kiss goodbye when they went on a mission and the team saw. When asked about it he’d just say “we’ve been dating for a while, I wasn’t hiding it you just didn’t ask”
When you two eventually settled down you would have a cute, small house. It would be like a cabin in the woods, not too far from civilization but far enough that you didn’t have to worry about noise pollution or nosy neighbors.
Likes going on hikes with you, probably likes to camp too. Honestly just all of that kinda outdoorsy shit like chopping wood for your fire place.
You wouldn’t have a farm of any sort but I think you’d definitely have chickens, maybe ducks. He likes the taste of fresh eggs better than the store and he knows they were at least taken good care of.
Absolutely gets a big dog like a Saint Bernard or a mountain dog. Got it when it was a puppy and trained it to be a good hiking/guard dog. You always treated her like a little baby so now she’s more cuddly than scary and John always pretends to be mad about it
“She was supposed to be a killing machine. Now look at her” he’d say as she laid on top of you, blankets tucked around her so she’d stay warm.
“She’s just a baby!” You’d counter, covering her ears so she didn’t wake up.
Has a perpetual smell of pine and fresh air. Not overwhelmingly masculine, but strong and sturdy.
All in all I just think he would be a very comforting lover. He’d take such good care of you and it would be a stable, very mature relationship. You’d talk things out instead of argue, communicate well, and over all just have a healthy relationship.
As always, requests are open :)
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spinningalbinoturtle · 7 months
Where they like to shop-LOTR
Frodo- the bookstore obviously. He especially likes to support indie bookstores but if need be he will resort to Barnes and Noble. Always tells himself he will only get one book and walks out with ten (he always gets at least one for Sam) He likes artisan markets and boutiques and loves a vintage fashion store. He also can spend several hours in any yarn store.
Sam- the nursery! He goes through the entire store and every greenhouse very thoroughly. Usually comes out with a dozen new plants. Similarly enjoys the hardware store. Always has some landscaping project going on. Loves a good open air food market or little family run delis. Loves a good spice selection. Cannot go into a cookware store without buying something.
Merry- Merry of course loves the weed store. He also likes to shop for fancy wine. I get the sense that he would like shopping for nice suits too. He’s got a good sense of style. Loves to go to touristy shops and get the weirdest thing there. He does collect city mugs. He also collects the weird paintings at Goodwill which he will hang up in his parents house without telling them.
Pippin- Pippin is kind of an impulse buyer. Pretty much any store he enters he will buy something in. He spends way too much money at Target (“they have everything Merry!”). Is big on seasonal decorations and will always buy like the giant Halloween things that jump out at you and massive amounts of Christmas lights. Also has an absurd amount of ugly Christmas sweaters.
Gandalf- like Merry does spend quite a bit at the dispensary. Likes a good woodworking shop. Likes to buy unique carved pipes. And of course spends over a thousand dollars at the fireworks stand.
Aragorn- his main shopping destination is the feed store. Buys all kinds of shit for his horse. Is a loyal REI customer. He always buys the really good quality stuff for backcountry camping. He knows more than the employees there about what is a good brand to get and will happily assist other customers who assume he works there. He also likes to go shopping for Arwen and will usually get her some beautiful piece of jewelry or a really really nice handknit sweater.
Gimli- man loves the hardware store, loves his power tools. Likes to hang out in the lumber yard much to Legolas’s distress. Comes home with a bunch of rocks and woods that he builds stuff with. Also likes to jewelry shop and admire all the nice gemstones- he has an excellent eye and will often go with Aragorn when he is shopping for Arwen. He likes handcrafted stuff from wood, stone, and ceramic and likes to support local artists. Always on the lookout for a good bargain at the hardware store but willing to dish out quite a lot for something unique and handmade. Knows good craftsmanship when he sees it and likes to support other craftspeople.
Legolas- accompanies Gimli and Aragorn to the jewelry store and always manages to convince Gimli to get him something despite having plenty of his own money. Loves the plant store and samples all the edible and some non edible plants. He can legitimately spend a couple of hours at the wine store. Will go to fancy wine tasting events with Gimli. Fashionista man will happily spend an afternoon walking through the high fashion district where all the attendants know him. Similarly an expert Sephora shopper.
Boromir- like Gimli loves the hardware store they run into each other there and end up chatting for like an hour. Loves a good appliance store. Chats with the Best Buy people while picking out a new fridge. Is very particular about getting good quality shoes so he goes to like really nice shoe stores. Absolutely loves a furniture store-will always be on the lookout for a good sale there.
Bilbo- antique store expert! Wanders around until he sees something he likes. Buys a lot of nice antique furniture. An expert clothes shopper-he usually takes Frodo with him who doesn’t mind cause Bilbo pays. Bilbo will exclusively go to second hand bookshops and buy the super rare things behind the locked glass. Also likes to go look for nice rugs, blankets, and linens. Does love the cooking store and usually offers to pay for Sam there (Sam always declined when he worked for Bilbo but once he and Frodo got married he let Bilbo buy him stuff).
Eowyn- shopping for weapons. This woman has a massive sword collection its honestly kind of scary. Also likes the hardware store and the home improvement. Generally she’s not really a big shopper - she really only buys something unless she needs it or as a present for someone else.
Faramir- Faramir loves the pet store. Totally an animal person and has like four cats and two dogs and like a couple guinea pigs and maybe a turtle. Buys so many pet accessories. Eowyn thinks it is cute but ridiculous. She has to remind Faramir that no they do not have room for any more animals-yes not even that gecko- every time they go into the pet store.
Arwen- loves going high end fashion shopping with Legolas. Is really into nice fabrics and weaves so likes to shop for things like fancy tablecloths. Loves a good shoe store. Also a big fan of hat shops. Gondor is a lot brighter than Rivendell so she wears lots of hats to keep her eyes shaded. Starts quite a few fashion trends this way. She also likes to shop for art-especially paintings and statues. She often attends art gallery events and almost always buys something that will be priceless in a few years-she has the money she’s a queen!
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fourcornerstar · 1 month
Random assorted Moral Orel Headcanons:
Moral Orel HCs
- Likes to draw comics of Barthalomew- similar to the DC superpets
- Wants to grow up to be either a pastor or an artist. Doesn’t know what an animator or film maker is but is interested in movie production
- Doesn’t like to spend much time outside after the camping trip. Finds comfort in movies, comics and video games.
- He saves up all the money he earned by working for Stephanie to buy a Nintendo system (the show takes place around 2005, so probably a ds)
- His favorite game is Nintendogs, he owns all different versions and loves going on walks with his ‘pet’
- But he thinks Pokemon is satanic.
- Fav movie as a kid is Prince of Egypt
- Veggietales kid.
- Catches himself singing “where is my hairbrush” when he’s looking for something.
- Wears “virginity rocks” merch when he’s a teen. No one can tell if it’s ironic or in sincerity. It’s a bit of both.
- LOVES Paramore when he’s first in his emo phase. Slowly grows to like My Chemical Romance once he fully dips into Emo music.
- As he gets into his teens he has an indie phase- Florence and the Machines is his favorite along with The Mountain Goats and Cage the Elephant. Likes some Hozier, Noah Kahan, They Might Be Giants and Jack Stauber. (this is if we assume their in universe would have access to our discography)
- His favorite extra curricular class is art, which Clay disapproves of, but Orel is really good at it- near prodigy level. Loves painting and chalk pastels in particular
- Hardcore Disney fan. For his graduation he and Christina go to Florida Disney World for the first time
- A Goofy Movie and Goof Troop are his favorite comfort media
- Wants to go to California or Florida for College, secretly is applying to Loyola University or other Christian campuses. Wants to take religious studies with a minor in art.
- Has never been to the beach/seen the ocean in person but has always dreamed of it.
- Quit his scout troop after the hunting trip bc camping would make him spiral into panic attacks. It took him years of exposure therapy to ever go into the woods ever again
- After the camping trip, the go-to family vacation for the Puppingtons would usually be road trips cross country. But it was always awkward and tense, so Orel would spend the majority of the trip reading, listening to music, or playing a card game with Shapey and Block.
- He always lets Shapey or Block win
- Uno was banned in the puppington house because “it wasn’t in English.” But he had no problem playing it at school behind his parents backs
- Is interested in learning other languages, but a bit scared of it. He eventually took ASL courses when he was in college
Shapey and Block:
- Both have an extensive stuffed animal collection, at least where they can hide them under all the storage and mess of his room.
- Tends to steal or borrow Orel’s stuff when no one is home to see. Is particularly fascinated by the viewfinder and Orel’s record player.
- Shapey suffers from night terrors. Orel would comfort him sometimes, other times Block would help.
- Both are Introverted. They helped each other transition to school when they, eventually, went. But they were loners in the class and had trouble assimilating.
- Other than cake, Shapey’s favorite foods are pb and j
- Block really likes cookies and pastries
- Shapey and Block snuck out a lot as kids and teens, sometimes they would go to the corner store, other times they would just wander around town or even up to the nature reserve.
- Christmas is their all time favorite holiday, more so than any other.
- Orel sometimes helps them clear up their shared room so Shapey and Block can actually have a clear space to walk around and play in.
- They steal Clay’s credit card to buy some actual furniture when they’re teens. Clay never brings it up, he probably never noticed.
- Both struggle at keeping a space clean. Struggles with routine, chores and scheduling all through their life, sometimes Orel or even a therapist helps
- Shapey’s favorite Disney movie of all time is Alice in Wonderland
- Block adores Peter Pan, he even went as Peter for halloween 2 years in a row
- Both love adventure movies
- Shapey loves showtunes, favorite musical as a kid was Matilda
- Block finds showtunes kind of annoying, but won’t say anything. Block prefers softer music, indie, folk, country but even LoFi when he discovers it later.
- Both love cooking and baking. They weren’t allowed to learn when they were kids, but when they moved out they read Bloberta’s old recipe books to teach himself. Block preferred online recipes
- Shapey was Diagnosed with ODD and ADHD as a toddler, Orel tries to find some resources at the library to figure out how to help Shapey, at least where he can. Unfortunately, the library is a bit of a dead end. But the constants in Shapey’s life help him a lot.
- They never talk with Clay. They are complete strangers to one another. Shapey and Block consider Orel to be the closest thing they have to a father figure
- When everyone is grown up; Shapey gives a speech as best man at Orel and Christina’s wedding that makes everyone cry
- Has an extensive record collection of her favorite bands from when she was a teenager.
- Clay has pestered her to get rid of it but she can’t bear to part with it. She keeps it hidden in the dresser and closet alongside her other unmentionables.
- Loves doo-wop, 60s pop, rock and roll and even some modern punk and metal. Doesn’t actually like listening to Christian rock but will put it on to be a “good influence”
- Was interested in student council and politics herself before she married Clay, but was pressured out of it bc “godly women let men take the lead” (ew)
- Her mom forced her to babysit as a first job when she was a teenager and she despised it.
- When she’s home alone she likes to put on romcoms such as Pretty Woman or Dirty Dancing. But she’ll mute the volume and block out the windows so no one can hear or see her.
- But more often then not they leave her crying wishing for something better. One day after watching one of her movies she locked Clay out of the house for a week because she couldn’t bear to even look at him.
- She’s a lot more supportive of Orel going to an out of state college than his father. She doesn’t want him to feel trapped like she does.
- Took ballroom dance in high school- is an amazing dancer but doesn’t like showing off.
- Has Irish ancestry, his great grandparents emigrated during the great famine.
- Likes to read when he gets the chance- favorite book is Catcher in the Rye or In Cold Blood (yes, they are supposed to be red flag books, remember who we’re talking about)
- Loves true crime- extremely fascinated by serial killers and mysteries.
- He likes movies, but rarely is ever able to put them on. But he likes Wolf of Wall Street and Fight Club (all the red flag films) (Call me By Your Name and Beauty and the Beast when he’s in private, would never watch them unless he’s completely alone) (once again, RED FLAGS)
- Believes all colleges are satanic propaganda. At least that’s what he told himself as he got older. When he was a teen thought about art school but could never afford it on his own.
- Never graduated with a full 4 year degree, but out of high school he was in and out of trade or secondary schools. He tried nursing, mechanic/auto shop, accounting, and technician work and hated everything. Bloberta suggested politics and somehow he had enough charisma and writing prowess to sell competency.
- Loves Queen. Could listen to any album any day- but has a particular soft spot for “I want to Break Free” and “Somebody To Love” has made him sob uncontrollably . He puts on Queen when he’s driving alone.
- Loves to drive. Before he started drinking it was his one escape. Sometimes he would just take his keys and a handful of his father’s cash and drive off for a few days without telling anyone. He’s been all over the country, but particularly loves to see the Grand Canyon or even up north near Niagara and the lakes.
- Even after he got married he would drive off on a bender for a week or two not to be seen. Bloberta never brings it up. He only HAD to stop when Orel was born.
Reverend/Rod Putty
- Never imagined himself as a pastor, when he was younger he was more interested in the hippie subculture. But he’s good at talking. He originally tried his hand at standup comedy, and that was a total flop. So when it came time for him to settle on a major/career he went religious… Partially to dodge the draft.
- Agnostic leaning. He believes in a God, but struggles with connection.
- Grew up in the south, but moved to the midwest in his teens. Sometimes his accent slips through when he’s tired.
- Scarily good at poker. Feels very torn about this skill.
- Banned from at least 4 casinos in a 100 mile radius.
- Was a straight A student all through school, but decided against University for financial reasons and pressure, she goes to the community college closest to Moralton. She dreams when she saves up enough she could go to a music or art college
- Had a band once but all her band mates moved away. She does try to pursue music herself. Has an album lined up but she doesn’t feel ready to put it into the world yet.
- A friend from out of state gave her her first tattoo in his garage. Since then she’s been interested in learning but doesn’t know how to practice back in Moralton. Is saving up for a machine.
- Hates the cold and cold weather, she’s always bundled up when it hits below 60 and it always complaining about how cold it is until the weather warms up
- But she loves rainy days.
- Her mom tried to sign her up for an after school Christian youth program but Stephanie always ditched to go hang out around town with Kim and others.
- She uploads song covers to Youtube when she has time, and has amassed a huge following
- She likes snapchat as well, she can keep in touch with out of state or online friends easier, it makes her feel more connected to people in similar situations
- Her first guitar wasn’t the best quality, but it’s one of her favorites for the sound, she covered the entire face with stickers and intricate drawings
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scary-tingz · 7 months
Slashers + Their Merchandise
A/N: Spirit Halloween is finally back.. and of course I needed to go for my costume and obligatory mug. Here’s the slashers and their thoughts on a reader who collects their merchandise.
Slashers Included: Michael Myers (any), Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface, Chucky
Warnings/Tags: SFW, can be interpreted as romantic or platonic, regular reader and victim reader included
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Michael Myers
If there’s one thing every Myers has in common, it’s ego.
Michael has already made up his mind, he’s going to allow you to live and accept you as his own, so whether or not you’re a fan is of no concern to him…
But it does feel nice. To be recognized, praised, admired even.
He can’t help but feel a fondness towards your little hobby of collecting merch of his, even if it is silly stuff like mugs with his face on them. To him, it only cements your loyalty and reaffirms his belief that he’s a great killer. I mean, you have to kill a lot to get your own merchandise and tourist based knickknacks, right?
He may feel a little jealous if you collect merch for other slashers though. Don’t be surprised if you find your Freddy fedora in the trash or something like that.
If he were to pursue you as an unlucky victim only to find out you were a fan, he wouldn’t spare you but he’d try to make your death special in some way. He has his reasons for killing you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t give a fan a proper show…
Bubba Sawyer (and co.)
Bubba likely didn’t even know about their merch at first, and doesn’t really know what to make of it.
They respect it as a cool little hobby of yours, thinks it’s sweet that you’d show interest in the things he does.
Chop Top and Nubs get a real hoot out of it, they probably sell Bubs on the idea of the merch since she values family so much. Anything her brothers are so fond of must be good, right?
Drayton likely isn’t a fan. The fact that the murders are well known enough to become a local story with souvenirs and everything makes him even more paranoid than before, so I doubt he approves.
That doesn’t mean you won’t catch Bubba wearing one of those “I Saw Texas” shirts on laundry day though.
Killing a fan would likely make him very sad though. An outsider who actually likes him is something he never thought possible, so once again Bubs is forced to kill his only connection to a person from the outside world… He’ll try to be merciful.
Freddy Krueger
If you think Michael is full of himself, you haven’t met Freddy. Myers seems humble in comparison.
He will actively complain if you buy merch for other slashers instead of his, if you don’t have a shrine before October is out you’re doing something wrong!
I’m sure somewhere in his own little realm he has a museum dedicated to himself, and he’d gladly let you borrow an old little number of his to wear as a costume.
Will 100% call you basic for buying anything Haddonfield related but the ultimate sin is buying anything Jason or Camp Crystal Lake themed.
He was already salty that you were looking at other slashers, but JASON?! He’ll get you for that one, and your little dog too!
If you’re already a victim and he finds out you’re a fan of his work, it adds an extra layer of sick pleasure to the killing. What better way to snuff out a fan than to kill them himself? You like his murders so much, fine, he’ll murder you.
Jason Voorhees
Confused at first. There’s this mug in his cabinet all of the sudden that looks just like him, when the hell did that happen? Maybe you got a new skill and made it, impressive. Then he sees hockey jerseys with his mask on them, big goofy plastic machetes just like his… Where the hell is all this coming from?
He asks you about it and when you tell him there’s a store that sells things with his likeness he doesn’t know how to feel. Flattered? Insulted? Undeserving?
He’s still not sure, but seeing you enjoy yourself while putting the items to good use makes him happy… So he accepts it.
Jason would likely spare an average fan outside of his camp, especially if you’re younger and see him as an icon for the misunderstood. But if you’re an obsessive fan, willfully encroaching on his territory in search of relics or sightings, he’ll kill you. It crosses a line into disrespectful territory in his eyes, as he’s very sensitive about his past.
You really know how to get on his good side, don’t you?
Every Ghostface is an egotistical megalomaniac, and you being a fan just makes it so, so much worse.
Especially if you guys are living together and/or know each other outside of his life of crime… Bonus points if you’re unaware of that fact, excitedly showing him a piece of merch you paid way too much for while he smiles down at you. How cute.
It motivates him to add a bit more panache to his killings this year, maybe he’ll even write a little message to the fans in the victim’s blood… Though it’s clearly meant for you.
He will definitely collect merch for other slashers with you, he probably already has a sizable collection himself! He harbors no jealousy towards the classic slashers, only admiration. Newer slashers though… He might have a little competition with.
The classics are classic for a reason, you know… They just don’t do it like they used to, only he can truly capture the art of killing!
He finds it hilarious but will constantly complain about how it doesn’t capture his likeness well enough, like a Flynn Rider poster situation.
He will definitely bully you about it but will also get upset if you stop collecting because of his teasing, so don’t mind him!
Tiffany loves it though, thinks it’s the cutest thing how much you admire them. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been collecting Chucky’s merch for a while now, but it’s hard to keep the collection updated when she’s always moving.
Despite his complaining, you can and will find him drinking his morning coffee out of a mug shaped like his head.
If you find a shirt his size he might wear it if he’s going undercover, just for the sake of irony.
Tiff loves those Good Guy sweaters you find at Spirit Halloween, and those stupid lil knife purses too! She’d wear those things year round if she could.
Chuck would definitely wear a Tiffany costume if he was in a femme body, but aggressively refuses otherwise. He thinks it’s not hot if he’s a dude.
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misasimagines · 2 years
going to the beach with the genshin boys!
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included characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli might do a second part for Heizou, Ayato, Albedo, and Itto? if anyone has specific characters they want, please request! rating: sfw warnings: alcohol mention in Kaeya’s, gn reader!
he’s more of a resort or private beach kinda guy versus an overly crowded beach with a ton of screaming children and drunk spring breakers. If you do go to a crowded public beach, expect to carry your towel, snacks, and umbrella for a good 20 minutes while he walks you all over the beach looking for the most secluded area to set up camp.
He won’t let you do anything without first putting on sunscreen, and even then he frowns when you want to leave the shaded area he’s set up. The sun is bad, what if you get too hot and faint?
He brings a cooler full of water and drinks with electrolytes because he’s not taking any chances on either of you getting dehydrated and sick from this.
He’s more willing to take a walk down the shore or play in the water with you once the sun has gone done a bit and the majority of the families have left. He likes watching the waves or the sunset with you, and before it gets too dark, he will agree to go swimming with you. (Not too far from the shore though, he doesn’t want you getting swept away)
Complains afterwards about the sand that gets everywhere and promises you that next time, he’ll take you to a better beach where kids don’t run up and excitedly shout, “Ariel??” at him while he’s just sitting there drinking his grape juice.
No, he’s not playing mermaids with the group of kids. No he’s not singing. Yes, he’s making you both pack up and move your stuff even farther away now.
He likes to go to piers or beaches that are having some kind of event! If you go to a boardwalk type place, he’ll want to buy silly souvenirs or win you a prize at a cheap little carnival game. He does cheat! and he won’t tell you how!
He is the type to sneak alcohol in. Like, water bottle full of vodka or he’s repackaging a capri sun full of margarita. His ice pops are filled with alcohol and some juice to maintain a believable color. He forgets to bring food and you either have to fill that role or expect him to be tipsy and starving before the date is over.
He remembers sunscreen and makes a big deal about making sure to get every part of you covered, like bro we’re in public, keep your hands where I can see them.
He likes collecting shells with you and telling you little (probably made up) stories about pirates and treasure. You can join in and add details, pretend you believe him, pretend you know the fake story he’s making up, etc, and it becomes a game. He’ll find some random ring in the sand and be like, oh! we found part of the pirate’s treasure! and then you guys have to dig around in the sand for a while looking for more treasure.
He doesn’t expect to have so much fun doing the silly, innocent things, but he ends up really liking all the digging in the sand for trash and playing pretend. He likes that it makes you laugh, that he makes you laugh.
Afterwards you guys pick up something to eat and sit around with the sun setting and the salt water drying on your skin and he smiles a little softer at you. He slides the ring he found at the beach on your finger and says it’s only right he keeps his treasures together.
He likes the typical things like surfing or playing volleyball on the beach, and if you’re willing to join him, he’s excited! He likes the competition on who can surf the best wave or who can win in volleyball or whatever. If you don’t want to do these things, he’s fine with it too. He can either join some others or do his own thing for a bit while you relax.
Sports and competition aren’t his only preferences, though. He likes collecting shells, a lot of shells, so he can bring them to his siblings as gifts or just store in a little jar as a memory of the time he’s spending with you! He will use them also to build a sandcastle with you, of which he proclaims you both to be the rulers of. 50/50 whether he feels an attachment to your new kingdom and is sad to leave it or if he’s going to kick the shit out of it and laugh maniacally.
He also Will be the “how big of a hole can I dig before I have to leave the beach?” kind of guy. The hole will be huge, he will fill the bottom of it with water and it ends up as a weird little sandy hot tub that he’s so proud of. He abandons it to a group of kids who are interested, even if he’s a little sad that he’s lost his big sand pit.
He’ll love going swimming, or even just splashing around in the water, or jumping over waves, etc just normal things you’d do at the beach!
He’s a sucker for the people who drive their little carts by with ice cream or popsicles and ends up buying all the kids whatever they want because he can’t say no to them.
He forgets sunscreen and then he’s all sunburnt and red the next day and you have to cover him in aloe vera while he looks pitiful and sad. Anyway, 
He’s also not the biggest fan of the super crowded beaches but less because of the people and more because of the effect so many people have on the beach. He gets very thoughtful and sad about the litter and pollution in the water
He still likes to talk down the shore with you. He’ll hold your hand until he sees some trash and then he’ll pick it up, then he’ll pick something else up, then he’s holding random bottle caps and straws in both hands until he can find a trash/recycling bin to toss them into.
Sitting under your umbrella and reading or just watching the waves/clouds/sunset/etc is a good time for him. He’ll tell you about past experiences/stories at the beach or on the water, about the history of this area, about the animals that live there, etc. He’s the type to know where the sea turtle babies are and gently redirects people away from the area to not disturb them. He’s just on this beach to be a Lorax to be honest.
He will happily go swimming with you, or he doesn’t mind sailing around or something. He likes the more calming, peaceful stuff! The beach makes him a little mournful and he gets lost in a thought a lot, so be patient. He has a lot he’s willing to say if you listen.
He doesn’t remember to bring food or money for food so after you’ve spent a full day of getting sand between your toes and crouching over little puddles of water with teeny crabs and stuff in them, you have to grab something to eat at a nearby cafe. You’ll politely sit outside as to not track in sand and sea water, but it’s a nice dinner regardless!
Also, Zhongli standing on the shore with the sun setting and casting a pretty orange glow over him and the waves just gently crashing around him? come on i’m folding
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rekino2114 · 2 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Futaba and Haru from Persona 5? Thank you!
General relationship headcanons with futaba Sakura and haru okumura
Futaba Sakura
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Since futaba is so socially awkward for you to end up in a relationship, you probably had to do the first move, and she's so glad you did.
Dates with her usually include playing video games all day (and night) while eating curry ,coffee (that joker generously prepared ), and energy drinks and junk food.
You two will literally camp outside of a store to wait for the release of a game one of you wants. All you need is a Nintendo switch, a tent,sleeping bags, snacks, and headphones, and you can stay there for hours.
She'd like to buy you games you want but she doesn't have enough money so she does the next best thing:buy you merchandise of games you like, stuff like shirts and pins, she wanted to buy you an action figure once but gave up when she saw the price.
She's not against physical affection, but she doesn't like pda. Even holding her hand in public will make her blush, but in private, she'll cling to you like a koala.
You two definitely have matching wallpapers/computer screens of whatever video game you're currently obsessed with.
Speaking of. She'll try to get you to join whatever fandoms she's into(mainly videogames) and will encourage you to do the same cause the more things you have in common, the better your relationship will be.
Haru okumura
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Haru is so sweet and kind, and while you're dating her, you'll realize how lucky you are to have her as your girlfriend.
She likes quiet and classic dates like going to the movies or expensive restaurants(she pays), but a personal favorite of her is just walking in a park holding hands and smelling flowers it's just really relaxing and peaceful.
Haru loves spoiling you with gifts. They can range from a bouquet of flowers or plants from her garden to really expensive stuff you might have shown interest in once.
She's pretty neutral when it comes to pda. She likes receiving affection even in public, but she usually won't initiate things like kisses or hugs even if she loves them in private.
There is an exception though. She loves hand holding just the feeling of having your hand in her, gives her comfort, and makes her feel safe and warm.
She's also pretty protective of you, especially in the metaverse. If any shadow dares to hurt you, they're gonna receive an axe to their face.
You two genuinely love each other so much, and your relationship is so cute and wholesome. You'd do anything for each other.
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flowersandbigteeth · 3 months
do you have adulting adult advice for us newly adulting adults
Ummm hmmm I'm not a great role model but there are some good things to keep in mind, generally, but they are probably not particularly profound, but more pragmatic informed by some of my less than enjoyable experiences. Life comes at you fast 😭
TW: mention of domestic abuse
- opinions are cheap and people hand them out liberally. They have no idea what it's like to live as you day to day, so take them with a grain of salt, including mine!
- Don't let people rush you. Be thoughtful about your decisions. In romance, purchases, everything
- Keep a folder or binder with all of your important documents, you never know when you will have to leave a place abruptly and you want to be able to grab the important stuff quickly.
- Keep a "go bag" if you can with some useful stuff, toothpaste, travel bottles of shampoo and hair styling stuff, a brush, deodorant, some cash, tampons or pads if you use them, an outfit, etc either in your car or someplace easy to grab if you need to escape an abusive person, fire, etc.
- take a night to develop a plan in case you need to leave a job or shelter in the future. I know this sounds a little paranoid, but seriously shit happens! At least have a general idea of what you would do and who you can trust. Check what local shelters, camp grounds, motels might be available to you and their requirements and or prices.
- Jot down in a notebook all of your relationships, who you can rely on, and their phone numbers or addresses in case you need help. It's also useful to jot down the shelters or camp grounds you researched. Put it in your go bag for if you lose your phone or someone steals or breaks it. Memorize at least one phone number of someone you can rely on if you can.
- Try to brush your teeth regularly and limit super acidic drinks, dental work is very expensive even with insurance 😭
- Keep your eyes on your own plate, people and their lives are complex. You have no idea what's going on behind closed doors so don't compare your life to other people's it's a waste of your limited energy
- If you can, make a friend or two at your job that you can use as a reference who is NOT your boss, in case you need to leave the job abruptly or get fired. You can also use references from hobbies or volunteer work.
- If you can, put even as little as $10 in a savings account every paycheck, it will add up, even $100 in savings is something for an emergency (a tire, a motel room, some food, a bus ticket, etc.) If you can put a little bit of money aside it can be the difference between losing your job for an absence because you had a flat tire and not, if that makes sense. If you have more sporadic income, just put some money away wherever you can, no matter how small. I put any money I get as a gift from family into savings because it wasn't money I was even expecting to have, so I don't miss it.
- if you have a car, watch some YouTube videos on basic care. Learn how to add fluids and when to change them, and how to change them if you feel comfortable with that. Keep a full sized spare tire not the donut most cars come with if you can. Get some jumper cables and you can buy a battery charger that will jump your car without another car that you can plug in to recharge.
-if you have family that asks you what you want for Christmas ask for pragmatic stuff not treats 😅 a battery charger, a battery block charger for your phone, a warm jacket, etc.
- Sometimes you have to leave jobs abruptly for a myriad of reasons and you have to buy a new uniform (nonslip shoes or whatever) so it's good to have $50 put away for that.
- I lived in my car for awhile when I was younger, (which is why I have so much car advice, lol) so in regards to that, try to find the cheapest gym membership you can with a locker room so you can take a shower. Bonus points if it has a locker where you can store stuff. You can also find public showers at the beach if you live near one that is safe (usually during the day and during the season where the beaches are busy with families). I had a friend who lived in a campground which had a shower he could use.
- Storage units have gotten expensive, but if you can afford one, they can be useful to have if you find yourself without shelter to store your electronics and easy to steal stuff. PO boxes are around 5-10$ a month in the US to receive mail if you need that.
- If you are without shelter, be VERY careful with who you share that information with. Predators look for vulnerable people and they are really good liars.
- If you have resources to and can, get a different doctor if yours isn't taking you seriously. I went to a doc before I was diagnosed with bipolar and PTSD that literally laughed at me when I told him about my hallucinations. Fortunately, I went to a student hospital and he got swapped out with a new one when his semester ended who actually diagnosed me properly, but bad doctors exist. If they are not addressing your concerns, it's ok to "fire" them.
- I don't care what he, she, or they says, if you can, keep your own bank account even if you also have a shared one with them. Keep some money in it in case you need to leave...even if it's only for a night to go to a motel room and cool off or for a bus ticket home. Also, even if the partner is not romantic but a parent. I've had friends thrown out because someone outed them to their parents with nothing. If you can't get a bank account for whatever reason, stash cash somewhere safe and don't tell anyone.
- If you break up with someone or get kicked out change all your passwords immediately. Even if you think they don't know them, you might be logged in on other devices.
I think those were the most useful things I learned when I was younger 🤔 sorry if it's too pragmatic but the most important thing to know as a young person is that it's easier than you think to become unhoused or jobless. I grew up in the era where when you were 18 you were on your own, so I kind of internalized that you need to plan for the worst because no one is coming to save you and if they do it's a nice surprise not guaranteed 😅
There's no shame in it, either. I've been laid off because corporate decided to just close the store a few days before Christmas with 0 notice. You don't have to obsess about this stuff, just take a night and try to develop a plan to give yourself some peace of mind in the case something bad happens.
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tohisprettyc00l · 9 months
celebrating your birthday
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A/n: It's nowhere near my birthday but whatever
Amity: It's been a while since she's had a real birthday party. She used to get mager ones when she was friends with Boscha. In retrospect that was probably to impress Boscha's parents. But enough about all that it's your big day. And with money (that she totally didn't steal from her mom) she wants to make sure that you have a great birthday. She takes you to any store you want. And then gets you your favorite food.
Luz: She loves birthday parties so much!!! She goes all out. There's a bunch of decorations. And if you like having more people there, all of her friends are there. Which we know is a fucking lot. If you don't want a lot of people that's okay. She buys your favorite cake. You only turn whatever age your turning once. And now I've at least alluded to Boscha two more times than I thought I would.
Willow: She's never been one that likes big crowds. And no matter how many people are on your part she'd feel kind of awkward. So she hosts a party that's just the two of you. On the plus side, it's more special. Also, her dads make you a cake <3.
Hunter: The FUCK is a birthday? Yeah, I think I've made it clear the Empoer's coven and the Empoer himself suck. Like doesn't even know what that word means. But once he finds out he's determined to give you a good one. Despite never being to or having one himself. And it's very all over the place, You have no cake but do have ice cream. Not sure how he managed to mess up the biggest part of the birthday. He's trying okay? Also the number of gifts he good you was absurd.
Vee: She kind of knows what birthdays are. A few kids had them at camp (Which was probably sad as fuck.) So while the general decorations are kinda dull. The gifts are great! Most (affordable) things you want you get. Though there are a few oddballs in there. Like she just got you a straight-up weapon.
Raine: Pretty good birthday. The happy birthday song is 10x more awkward. Because they have a beautiful singing voice. Thankfully they also are an awkward mess when it comes to stuff like that. So they probably won't sing it (if you don't when them to.) All of the gifts they get you are sweet.
Eda: Never trust Eda to throw a party, worst mistake of my life. There are so many different shows and gamed-themed plates it's insane. The presents don't make any sense. Like a book about how to get better at abominations, while your human ass is just sitting there confused as fuck. She starts laughing and then just straight up gives you 250 snails.
Emria: She bakes the cake herself (and almost burns the house down.) She's not great at the whole planning the party thing. But it is still an enjoyable experience! While the wrapping job might have been so bad that you could see the gifts, said gifts were still great. Is her lacking ability in making birthday parties just a her thing or is her mom also at the core of this? I don't know, you decide.
Edric: Dude was stressed. He wanted it to be perfect! But, just like his siblings, he had no clue what to do. I mean he'd had birthdays, but he's not known for excelling. And with his mom being Odaila there was no chance of him getting a proper birthday. Cue the googling! The birthday isn't very extravagant, despite his wealth. But it is a fun time. He did end up getting pin the tail on the donkey. So that's pretty fun.
The Collector: Any chance to throw a party is a chance he'll take! And it was about you? That's twice the fun. He can make you the biggest cake with just a snap of his finger, not sure how good it would taste but that's beside the point. Also, the presents are great, obviously. You guys have stereotypical "girls" birthday parties. You have a slumber party, eat pizza, play truth or dare, and stay up all night.
Lilith: She probably wouldn't do anything major for your party. A slice of a cake and a small gift or two. It's not that she doesn't care about you, she does a lot! She doesn't really celebrate her birthday. (Sorry boys it's not angst this time I just don't think she likes celebrating her birthday.)  That being said, if you want a bigger party she's not totally against the idea. But the only people she has the confidence to ask are Hooty, Luz, and Eda (King probably tagged along.) It's pretty hectic, as all things with the owl family are, but it's honestly the best birthday you've had.
Gus: Gus is almost the biggest overachiever out there (second only to Hunter.) So he's more than excessive. He takes all his past parties and parties he's been to and combines them into one big party. He invited Willow over to make sure it looked okay (bless her and the crap she has to deal with.) She tells Gus in the nicest way possible that you'd probably have a heart attack from all the colors. She quickly helped him fix everything up. When you do come over it's overall presentable. It's a far cry from what Gus had planned but it is chill.
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myveryownfanfiction · 7 months
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chapter 1
tags: @itzjustalexxx, @illiana-mystery, @onedirectionlovers2014, @eclecticwildflowers
warnings: swearing, drinking, era accurate sexism and misogyny
Ace had wanted to know what was in my camping gear but I had managed to distract him enough by saying it was just a tent and stuff for a fire. He had wanted to sell it, get me a little bit more money but after I had nearly screamed at him he backed off. I had to tell him that it had sentimental family value. He clearly didn’t buy it but he let it go. After he helped me move in, I didn’t see much of him outside of his weekly trips to the auto store and in passing when I was at the apartment.
“you have the money for rent?” Ace asked one night as I was coming back in from work. I nodded and followed him to the office.
“can I give you money for next month too?” I asked as I dug the money out from my bag.
“sure.” Ace shrugged. “What for?” I ran my fingers through the back of my hair and frowned at him. “Oh. Right. Uh billy can do it for free. If you want. He does all ours.”
“I appreciate it ace but…” ace smirked at me. “What?”
“do you have any idea what to ask for when you go to a barber? Or what you’re going to do when they question the lack of five o’clock shadow?” Ace asked, leaning back in his chair. I tensed up slightly and frowned. “That’s what I thought. Billy won’t ask questions. Talk to him.” I nodded and handed over the money. “Still paying for two months?”
“yeah. Figure I can get some more clothes while I’m at it.” Ace frowned and scanned my attire. “I’ve worn through the knees of three fucking pairs of pants ace. And don’t you dare make the damn joke.” I pointed a finger at him when ace started to smile. He held his hands up in defense. “Figure I can either buy a couple more expensive pairs that will last longer or I could buy a few more.” Ace pulled out a pen and paper before scribbling something down.
“they got the pants you need.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “I shop there. And you see what we do all day.” Ace waved a hand out to the main floor of the shop. I nodded and took the paper. “You know what size you need?” I nodded again.
“one of the few things I get.” I responded as I stuck the paper in my back-pocket.
“anything else you need?” Ace asked. I shook my head.
“I think I’m good. Thanks ace.” I said as I waved before leaving the office. After dropping my stuff off at the apartment, I went over to the shop ace had recommended. Shopping there was easy and the older man behind the counter ensured that they would last longer than the stuff I was currently buying. Going back to work, I greatly appreciated the new pants as they were a lot easier on my knees while I was stocking.
“looks like you have some admirers.” Gary snickered a few days later. I turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. He pointed towards the front of the store where a group of girls were standing and whispering amongst themselves. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head.
“what would they want to admire me for?” I mumbled as I went back to the task at hand. Gary laughed and patted me on the shoulder as he went into his office in the back. I kept sneaking glances at the main girl who was staring at me. Every time I caught her, she started giggling and looked away. I bit my lip and flushed as I tried to focus again. “alright. Alright. Move along girls. He’s not interested in high schoolers.” Ace said, his voice oddly breathy. When the girls didn’t move, he pushed open the door and called in. “Hey (Y/B/N) want to go grab a drink when you get off work? At the rock?” The girls groaned and dispersed. Everyone in town knew you could go to irbys for underage drinking. If you went to the rock, it was strictly for adults. I looked over at ace with a grateful smile that quickly fell when I noticed he was trying incredibly hard not to laugh.
“oh laugh it up asshole.” I said, throwing some box packing in his general direction. Ace finally let himself laugh as he walked through the store.
“Honestly though. Do you want to grab a drink?” Ace asked as he shopped. “I got a few things I wanna ask you.”
“Sure. I get off in two hours.” I said as I stood up with a groan. Aces head poked out from the end of the aisle I was working next to. I laughed at his expression and gently shoved his shoulder. “Shut up. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Ace laughed and walked out to stand next to me.
“don’t I know it.” He agreed. “How old are you anyway?” I smirked and walked over to the counter.
“Trying to get me to buy the round?” I asked with a laugh. Ace shrugged with a smile. “I’m twenty.” Ace nodded.
“me too.” He smirked at me as he leaned on the counter. “Looks like we’re going to irbys then.” I nodded. “I need to place three orders for paint. And uh,” ace looked over his shoulder at the stock. “I also need a new dipstick, two cases of oil and a case of washer fluid.” I nodded and pulled out the paint orders. “Actually make that three cases of oil.”
“paint or goods first?” I asked. Ace drummed his fingers.
“paint. Might take you a bit to grab the cases.” I rolled my eyes and leaned closer to him.
“look just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean…” ace smiled at me.
“I never said you couldn’t. I just said it might take a minute.” Ace tapped my hand and raised his eyebrows. “And tell Gary you’re helping me take it over to the shop. Eyeball called in sick and we’re a little overrun right now. Charlie and billy are having a hard time keeping focus.” I laughed and filled out the paint request forms.
“sounds like you get some pretty nice cars in your shop.” I mentioned as I grabbed a rolling cart and pushed it into the back. Ace nodded as I started to load up the cart with the four cases he needed. Wheeling it out front, I saw ace had grabbed a dipstick from the store.
“sometimes.” Ace agreed. “Mostly we get the beat up hunks of crap that no one cares about. Things is in this town, no one takes care of their shit. Everything’s run down. From the shops to the houses to the cars.” I rang ace up with a nod.
“I understand that.” I sighed. “Right let me go talk to Gary quick.” Running into the back, I knocked on Gary’s office door. “Sir? Ace Merrill is in and he needs some help taking his purchases back to the garage. Asked me if I could spare a minute to do it.” Gary waved his hand at me.
“whatever makes that little shit happy.” Gary said. “When you get back, see me for your paycheck and clock out. No need to keep you round today.” I nodded and left the office.
“I’m all yours.” I said. “Just need to grab my paycheck when we’re done and I’m free for whatever.” Ace has already balanced two boxes in his arms and nodded at me over top of them.
“here.” He said as he handed them off to me. “Easier to do that than pick them up.” Ace did just that with a grunt and started walking out the door. I followed him and over to the garage next door. “Office.” Ace groaned as billy and Charlie ran over to grab the boxes from us. I leaned back with my hands pressed against my spine once Charlie ran off with my set of boxes. “Meet you back here in five?” I nodded and headed back to the auto store. Gary paid me and I grabbed my stuff before walking back over. Ace was waiting out front while Charlie locked up. Billy was no where to be seen.
“see ya Monday ace.” Charlie called as he took off down the road. Ace raised a hand in parting before turning to me.
“you know how to drive?” Ace asked. I nodded. “Good. Get us there.” He tossed his car keys at me and walked around the back of the building. I looked at the keys in my hand before running to catch up with him. I took one look at the car and started panicking. Ace gave me a look before I slid into the drivers seat.
“Uh ace?” I said softly, staring at the steering wheel. He grunted in response and I bit my lip. “It’s been a while. And I…” ace raised an eyebrow.
“like riding a bike. Let’s go.” I shook my head. He sighed and ran a hand down his face. “Alright. Fine. I’ll drive. Get out.” I got out and swapped seats with him before we took off down the street. I tried to pay attention to what he was doing so if he asked me again, I’d know what to do. Ace parked behind irbys and got out. He was almost through the back door by the time that I was out of the car. “You buy the first round.”
“only if you rake ‘em up.” I said as I spotted an open pool table. Ace agreed and I went up to the bar to place our order.
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