#then usually it's time to stop writing for a bit!!!!! or interacting in fandom for the day as a whole tbh
torchickentacos · 1 year
current skill I'm working on is called 'stop it' where, once I start overthinking about my hobbies to the point of them not being fun, I stop them for a bit. it's not going great so far but we're working on it
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evelynpr · 29 days
bakugou for the character ask game?
Truly the teenage boy, shonen deuteragonist, love interest coded, gay asshole, of all time.
My first impression - Woah I did not understand why people were so into this guy. Like I get it, he's a flawed and loud pretty boy, he gets character development, and probably gay, but seriously him??? His mouth is so fucking foul and he is so up his ass. - I was meh with this character, enjoyed him in fan content, but just did not get why people were sooo into this guy.
My impression now - I cried in "Light Fades To Rain". Twice. - My god his growth...his will, his persistence, and by god his love for Izuku is so ridiculous and powerful I just cannot help but admire the little shithead. - He is also a lot more to me than I expected, with the whole "foul mouth shit", "high expectations bullshit", "violent urges", and "dedicating your whole life and love to someone you love and admire" and that...that makes me feel quite conflicted.
Favorite thing about that character - The thing about Bakugou is that...you just cannot help but wish you had the same kind of persistence, strength, will, and power that he does. I love how all this is initially so shallow and selfish, then grows to wanting to be a better and truer hero. He really learns and changes and is just an unstoppable force of nature, it's genuinely incredible and beautiful to watch.
Least favorite thing - I wished that the overall writing did go harder in making him stop bad-mouthing people and...everything so much. You can tell he did grow to respect and care for people around him more, but by gods he is sooo bad at communicating his feelings right now. (tbf, he is so fucking young and traumatized) - Also, really please stop hitting people. I get a knee-jerk reaction to that kind of physical violence sometimes ngl.
Favorite line/scene - There are so many. I already mentioned his death in "Light Fades to Rain" so I'll mention a different one - Team Bakugou in Class A vs B was so goddamn good, for being a monumental milestone of his character. How much he trusted his teammates and put himself in danger to save others, winning in the end. No injuries, no failures, truly a perfect beautiful victory. How he also pushes Deku to keep getting better afterwards in his usual constipated-ass language too. Man I just love that battle to death.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - (me pulling out scenes that aren't bkdk centered here hahaha) - I fucking LOVED the Bakugou vs Ochako fight. It made me love Ochako so so much as a kid. I really wished we had a follow-up to that battle, and it genuinely changed my life. - I love how it really shows just how focused and rational he is in battle. How he truly respects his opponents, Ochako in this case, and the sports festival really establishes so much about him.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Speaking of which...OCHAKO VS BAKUGO 2 COME ONNNN - There is SO MUCH these two need to talk about. How to save people, who they want to save, who saved them, never underestimating each other, how they changed and grew. I just love these two characters to bits, that's why I need them to FIGHT AND TALK SO BADDDD - Additional: Also Toga (see my post on Toga right before this one lmao), Shoto (because I still don't really get their friendship but its hilarious, and I love Shoto)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - I legit cannot think of anything here...like for Toga...I am so sorry my brain is blanking T__T - It's hard to be a massive anger-issue filled, victory-focused, die for their lover (twice), amazing chef, all at once, kinda guy...you know?
A headcanon about that character - I am a believer in trans!fem Bakugo in the future. He's so ridiculously angry for some reason, voice always cracking, and just on-edge for some reason. Idk I just think its hilarious and satisfying if he transed his gender in the future and became happier and more comfortable.
A song that reminds of that character - I also have a Bkdk playlist in the making! Here's some bkg focused songs in character development order: - Boys will be Bugs, President Perfect, Top of my School, Oh No!, I'm Gonna Win, The Last of the Real Ones, Skyfall, Die For You, Set Fire to the Rain
An unpopular opinion about that character - Like Toga, he actually isn't possessive. I think he quite well understands and accepts that Izuku is a very loving person that many people are easily drawn to (I mean, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't understand that). - He is protective instead of possessive. He keeps an eye out for anything and anyone who could possibly actually hurt Izuku, but he doesn't hold him back at all in hanging around with others, and when other people fall for Izuku either. - He is actually quite skinny, and doesn't have the big thick buff guy build. Those go to Izuku and Iida more imo.
Favorite picture - I never really thought of this much??? I love art of him being softer, more solemn, quiet and contemplative even. I guess I'll go pick out some favs right now...
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Here they are! Hope you enjoy the post lmao
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐓𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐬/𝐋𝐚𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 (pt 1)
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Hi there!
So- I don't know why or how I got this idea, but it seemed interesting in my mind and I had so much fun while writing this!
I'm going to make a part 2 and even a part 3 of this! Right now I happen to also have many more ideas and scenarios for the characters!
If you find my content disturbing please don't interact with it! Thank you! ^-^
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff, mention of blood, everybody also has relationship headcanons except Earth, Lunar and Moon, also no proofread, I wrote this instead of sleeping-, they're mostly cuddling and taking care of you :3, fem! Reader
Fandom: The Sun and Moon Show, Earth and Lunar Show
Character(s): Sun, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar, Earth, Solar, You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Ship(s): Sun/Reader, Moon & Reader, Earth & Reader, Solar/Reader, Eclipse/Reader, Lunar & Reader, Earth/Monty (implied)
Form: Headcanons
[The artworks are not mine! The credits go to @//kiwi_artz and @//Ayyy-Imma-Ninja!]
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• Okay, so Sun would be very panicy at the begining, but after some times later, he would handle it very good!
• He is a daycare attendant, right? Although, he mostly works with children, but the important thing is that he knows how to take care of people. Even if you're an adult, he can help you at least a little bit.
• He knows while you're on your period your mood will probably swing back and forth. He totally understands it and won't be upset.
• He'll often go check up on you, bring you pads/tampons, medicine and do his best to keep you comfortable. He'll also scan you, just to make sure that you're really okay.
• If you need something, you just have to say it and he'll get it for you. Want a snack? Let's see what's in the kitchen...
Water? Of course, you have to stay hydrated!
Comfort? He'll make sure of that as best as he can!
• Also also, he'll ask Earth's help to make sure that you're really okay.
Relationship hcs:
• He does literally the same things, but
• He'll offer himself and his cats, if you want to snuggle.
• While cuddling, he will caress your hair and hug you to keep you close to him. Your heartbeat also helps him find out if you're okay or not. And after all of this, it helps him relax!
• The blood isn't disturbing him at all, it's just makes him worried even more. Usually, blood is not a good sign. :)
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• Moon would act more calmly, but behind it, he is nervous
• He can get easily concerned and he's often unsure if he does the right thing to you
• Because of that, he'll ask for Earth's advice and help a lot!
• He's not the best at comfort, but he'll try. He won't do kiss and cuddle, but he will try to make you feel comfortable as best as he can. He'll often scan you instead of just simply ask you if you're okay.
• The closest you can get to cuddling is watching a movie with him. Y'know, i don't think he'll stop his workmaniac ass from work, but to make sure that you're fine, and if you really wanna spend time with him, then he'll stay for a few hours. Mostly he will wait for you until you fall asleep. After that, he'll send Earth or Sun to check up on you.
• Don't worry, he cares, he really does! And he's more than just worried about you! It's just so much happening right now...
Relationship hcs:
Nuh uh, i'm respecting him way too much to write this lmao
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• -Eclipse my beloved-
• so, the most realistic scenario is that Eclipse probably wouldn't really care (at least not that much), but the fact is, i'm a fanfic writer lmao :) So lemme just rip apart some canon facts and paste my headcanons into their place. Okay, now we can begin!
• Eclipse is not the best at comforting, and he probably won't just go and snuggle with you. However, he is a great listener!
• If you don't annoy him too much, he'll let you tell your problems and might decide to help you.
• He acts like he wouldn't care, tho ocasionally he will ask you if you're okay or how bad the pain is
• if the pain is that bad, he'll try to get you painkillers.
• If you're at the point where you can't even get up or just feels bad to reach for example a water bottle, if you ask him, then he will probably give you (with a slight eye roll) the thing you asked. Just don't bother him too much.
• We all know that Eclipse can be a lil shit- but if you tell him that you're not in the mood, then he won't tease you or be a jerk. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that he'll be a total sweetheart, but he will understand that now is not a good time.
Relationship hcs:
• Dude, idk how, but you managed to get him into a relationship. Good job 👍
• the blood won't disturb him and he's really calm about it.
• And this may be surprising, but he knows excatly what he has to do. He's really serious about your care too! He seems like that kind of person who doesn't care, but trust me, when it comes to you, he takes his job really seriously.
• He is usually quiet, but if you love to hear his voice, he'll talk more often. You know, just chatting about random things, everything that comes in mind. And actually, he is a great company!
• (Because let's be honest- that deep voice Davis gave him makes me feel something more than just "calmness"-)
• He will stay by your side won't leave you. This is how he can make sure that you're alright or find out easiestly if you aren't well. And like I said, he also gives you company with this!
• if you ask him, he might order you food aswell!
• The closest you get to cuddling? Mostly your head resting on his chest while you gently hugging him. Rarely, big spoon and little spoon — and he's the big spoon.
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• Earth is very kind and caring! Though, she is an animatronic, she knows more about the female body and mentality.
• She usually stays right next to you except if you ask her to give you some privacy, then she will respect your decision and leave or if she has no other choice than leaving, she will still manage to check up on you somehow.
• She is gentliest and supports you all the time! She tries to make you feel comfortable as she can!
• She will order you food (even if you don't ask her) and buy you supplies. She isn't panicking or worried (okay, maybe a little), she knows excatly what to do and she can keep herself calm and steady.
• If it makes you more comfortable, then she'll cuddle with you (and tbh, Monty might will join) with icecreams and/or noodles (or anything else you desire) while watching a movie.
• If the pain is really bad, then she'll consider to call a doctor. But usually she knows what to do.
• In the end, she is really caring!
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• He'll probably be misunderstood or confused abour your behaviour at the begining so you or Earth may have to explain it to him.
• As he catches up, he will pay more attention to you.
• Earth and Sun will help you the most, however Lunar will do what he can!
• AND i know that probably many of y'alls comfort/kinnie/favourite character of the show is Lunar, so I'll let you cuddle with him! Just don't squish him too much please-
• But seriously, he'll let you hug him and he'll often ask you how you feeling or reassure you that "It's gonna be okay!" and soon you will feel better
• Also, he will probably join to the movie with you and Earth (and Monty) if he isn't busy with training.
Relationship hcs:
...This section makes me uncomfortable-
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• dude, you have no idea how much we miss you...
• Solar is probably the third one beside Sun and Earth who will try to help and take care of you a lot.
• If he's concerned or unsure about something (tho this is rare) he will search up for more information in his head, and try to do his best
• He'll bring you anything you need for comfort
• He will often ask you how bad is it, to know your status. You can't say that he isn't worried, although he looks very relaxed and calm. Probably because he dosn't want to stress you more.
• He will work while he keeps an eye on you.
Relationship hcs:
• I think this twink would be a really great boyfriend like-
• let's start with the snuggling and cuddling
• we knew that he is a workmaniac and bro literally doesn't know what sleeping is
• BUT he may take off some days and spends those times with you
• otherwise, you two will spend the day in the theatre
• Solar usually likes to play with your hair to relax you or steal your attention from the pain OR i can imagine him do big spoon little spoon. And usually he is the big spoon.
• But if you stay at the theatre and if there's nobody, he will let you rest in his lap while he is caressing your hair. But the least he will do is let you rest your head on his shoulder, even if there are some people. Fortunately, the theatre is not a busy place, so you two can cuddle as much as you desire
• I wouldn't say that he's a big kisser, but sometimes he'll land a small kiss on your forehead or on the top of your head.
• It's really important him to make you feel comfortable, and he is more than happy to be that person who makes this possible.
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wispscribbles · 11 months
Mw3 spoilers (just a long personal ramble)
Hiii. So
As soon as the pre-release came out on, I hunted down spoilers, because I know myself and knew that if someone died and I got that information out of the blue, I wouldn’t take it well. Jokes on me, because I still haven’t been taking it well lol
I won’t talk about how Soap’s death was handled or the quality of the game. Plenty of smarter people are doing so.
I try not to talk a lot about myself and irl stuff on here, but will just say: I am very unwell, mentally. (Cue silence because that’s not surprising at all) Something I am very aware that I do, is that I latch onto fiction with my whole being, usually one specific character. For some reason, I always latch onto the character that ends up dead, usually in a way that make them only exist to further the motivations of other characters. It sucks.
So my hope for Soap has never been great, but for some reason I was still so shocked?? I don’t know, I tricked myself into thinking this time was different. Such an iconic character with so much good setup for great character development. I knew someone would die, but ow. To me, he was the element that made 141 seem more like family than coworkers. Soap’s interactions with the rest just livened up the games so much and made them all shine. Especially Ghost. Their dynamic, man.
Soap was the character that intrigued me enough to jump into the cod rabbit hole. It feels very hollow without him.
I keep telling myself that it’s silly to be so hurt over something fictional, and that I can just treat it as a mcd fanfic and move on, but nope. Brain’s stuck in the bad stuff. It’s a bad habit of mine to let something like this affect me so much, but well. Logic vs feeling and all that.
I really did find so much comfort in Soap this last year, that I severely needed. It feels a little like losing someone I know, someone who helped me through a rough time. I related to something in him and felt inspired. I only started writing after getting into ghostsoap, I started working out and I got back into art after a very long burnout. It may be fiction, but the impact is not.
So that was pretty much the worst case scenario of what mw3 could be to me. I always knew the risk, but, once again, ow. But there also seems to be plenty of good stuff in the game that I enjoy. I’m happy with the Ghost and Soap dialogue, the whole team working together and seeing Laswell and Farah and Alex and Nik. I hope I can be inspired by some of the new content once I’m calmer.
And I was worried they would ignore Ghost and Soap’s relationship after their development in mw2, but they genuinely seem to have gotten real close. It’s nice. I thought the shipping might scare the game devs into never having them appear in a scene together again, so that’s a plus.
Bottom line to all this is: I probably need a little break to get my head sorted. The grief is surprisingly real, it’s triggered some old stuff for me (haven’t been sleeping or eating, been stuck in some old thoughts). I’ll need to calm down and become a bit more normal about this again. Part of the grief isn’t so much about Soap himself, but also just the safe space that this account has been. The very nature of how the fandom is going to interact with Soap and Ghostsoap is going to change now, and man… I liked how it was, y’know? Could’ve used a little longer in that bubble. There’s going to be plenty of new fics and art, lovely stuff as always, but many of them will be tinged with grief, and I’m not in a place where that won’t break me a little.
I will hopefully come back to posting and making stuff once my brain settles down. I have so many drafts for fics and ideas that I hope I can return to. I’ve gotten so used to drawing these lads that I doubt I can stop tbh
The version of Soap that we love is already evolved from the games due to all the time and care the community has put into the character. The games may have killed him, but luckily, he’s fictional. We can do what we want, same as before.
I’m not even saying that I wish they hadn’t killed him. The games are crafting a story that fits their audience. It makes sense.
But I will choose to live in one of the many universes we’ve created for Soap, where he is alive and cared for, with a found family and a spooky lieutenant with a soft spot for him. Good for him.
Hope you’re all taking care of yourselves. RIP canon Soap (again). Thanks to Neil for a wonderful portrayal. And no matter where we go from here, thanks for a wonderful year of creating with you lovely folks. Seriously, some of the kindest people I’ve met in fandom. <3
Lastly: fuck you Kevin O’Reilly, but more importantly, sincerely thank you. (CallMeKevin video about mw2 got me into this mess. Otherwise I was keeping cod at an arm’s length, but he’s my fav youtuber, so I watched it. And here we are!)
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Hi! This is my presentation post! I will update it from time to time! ^^
— I am a teenager (between 15 and 19)!! Please don't ask me to send you money to help you with what you're going through, I will not be able to help you. It will only make me sad and uncomfortable, and make you lose time that you could use by asking the same thing to someone who can actually help you. I will most likely aweser your ask with a dot and appropriate #, only because I feel guilty when I don't. Also, I will block you, I'm sorry.
And I've just been asked that so just to be clear: No, I am not interested in any kind of "sugar relationship", thank you very much. (*traumatized crying*)
— Please do not interact with me if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic or a terf, if you willingly body shame people, if you are sexist, if you promote any kind of non con/illegal-relationship, if you are a nsfw-only account, or if you don't like to see the most random post at any time of the day. Once again, I will block you.
— I am genderfluid! You can use any pronounces while referring to me, but I do have a slight preference for they/them. :)
— Also, I mostly go by Eleana online, but I like to be called Len too. Or by my url idc. :3
— I do not have the energy to find the exact label for my sexuality, but I like to think of myself as queer and demi romantic! ^^
— I am mostly active in the following fandoms: The Goldfinch, Stranger Things, and Bungou Stray Dogs.
— I like to post some writing prompts that I make when a cool idea tickles my brain but my lazy ass can't bring itself to actually do something with it. :3
— Most of my posts/reposts are absolutely random and probably a bit confusing lol
Here are some of my favorites ships in...
... Stranger Things
— Byler; Wiseheat; Miwi / Will x Mike (they need to be romantic and fucking cheesey.) (/hj)
— Jancy / Jonathan x Nancy (both platonic and romantic)
— Lumax / Lucas x Max (slight preference for romantic, but platonic is cute too)
— Elmax / Eleven x Max (both platonic and romantic)
— Elumax / Eleven and/x Lucas x Max (both platonic and romantic)
— Rokie / Robin x Vickie (preference for romantic)
— Ronance / Robin x Nancy (slight preference for platonic)
— Steddie / Steve x Eddie (both platonic and romantic)
— Duzie / Dustin x Suzie (both platonic and romantic)
— Stobin / Steve and Robin (ONLY PLATONIC!!! They're my favorite duo!! :D)
... The Goldfinch
— Boreo / Boris x Theo (romantic.)
— Pippadore / Pippa x Theo (only platonic.)
— Hobie x Welty (both platonic and romantic)
... Bungou Stray Dogs
— Soukoku / Dazai x Chuuya (both platonic and romantic)
— Shin Soukoku/ Atsushi x Ryūnosuke (also both platonic and romantic)
— Fyolaï / Fyodor x Nikolaï (both platonic and romantic too)
— Rampoe / Rampo x Poe (preference for romantic but platonic is cool too)
— Higugin / Higuchi x Gin (again, both platonic or romantic)
— Tachigin / Tachiara x Gin (platonic or romantic too)
— Kousano / Kouyou x Yosano (both platonic and romantic)
— KyouKenji / Kyoka x Kenji (both platonic and romantic)
— Atsulucy / Atsushi x Lucy (slight preference for platonic but romantic is cute too)
Some random things about me! :D
— I absolutely loooove music. It doesn't have to be any specific kind of music, I could listen to pretty much anything and I'd be happy, because it's music.
— I am a cat person, and I'd like to adopt one or two when I'll have my own place!
— I never actually dated or really had a "crush" on anyone, but that doesn't stop me from being one of the biggest longing romantic person that I know!!
— I'm a fucking Drama Lord. >:)
— I am currently hyperfixing on Finn Wolfhard's acting. And by that, I mean that I discovered him by watching "The Goldfinch", and seeing more of his acting is the only reason why I watched "IT", "The Turning", and "Stranger Things" even thought I usually really hate horror/action shows.
— I am an extraverted introvert!
— People say I look mean or scary, but really I just have a "do-not-come-near-me-or-I'll-bite-your-head-off" resting face.
— My favorite love languages are physical touches and words of affirmation. :)
— My memory works in a really strange way: I can remember word by word some parts of books and their entire storyline when I've read them years ago, but it took me 7 years to know the birthdate of a friend of mine that I met when we where both three.
— I sometimes have an hyperfixation on a random thing for months and then suddenly loose any interest about it for literally no reason at all.
— And (you probably guessed that by now) I tend to overshare things about myself when people let me. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
You can also find me here! ^^
AO3 →
And that's pretty much it! Wow I'm actually impressed if you finished to read all that lol--
Thank you for being here, I love you! (/platonically) ^^♥
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slickricklj · 1 year
The Return of Jill Valentine: My thoughts on the perception of Jill’s character, and her relationship with Chris Redfield
I saw the film weeks ago, and have been sitting with some thoughts since then. Now that the film is out in most places, I’m going to dive right in. The film wasn't the best, but there are still some things worth talking about. The handling of Jill's character development and personality, and her relationship with Chris are things I've seen discussed, and I definitely have some thoughts on both. There were many things that could have been done better, but there is also much I quite enjoyed about the film, and actually expected to see, because it’s just the nature of the franchise for certain things to happen.
That said, MASSIVE deep dive below.
As usual with fandom, reactions have been mixed. I myself, went in with lowered expectations as, RE tends to drop the ball on so much, and be very predictable. While I have several issues with the film (like pacing, and choices that seem to have been made for the sake of time constraints, or characters not being aware of certain things they usually would be), I can’t lie, the film had some things that I found mildly or very entertaining, and while it failed to deliver the proper return and real FOCUS Jill should have had IMO (and a not lazy design), it was nice to FINALLY see Jill interact with other major characters, and to see everyone get a chance to shine.
That said, one thing that annoyed me were some comments claiming that Jill was being icy towards Chris, and somehow she’s been ruined, and still “Nu Jill” from RE3make, who’s not the REAL Jill. Well, simply put, that is a bunch of bull. Jill Valentine is still the same character she’s always been, and what some folks need to take into consideration is that naturally, HER experiences shape who she is, and ALSO some of the personality traits people think are new, have IN FACT, always been a part of her character. Perhaps the problem is some people never actually had a grasp of who she is, and clung to their own ideas. Even with some less than stellar performances over the years, she never changed because of a voice actress, or a writer change. The core of who Jill is, is still the same. Different situations and characters have warranted different aspects of who Jill is to come to the surface, and forced her to develop from them.
Jill’s relationship with Chris in the film, is actually one of a close and PERSONAL bond (a near 20 year connection at this point in time). Chris decided to hear the latest on what Rebecca found out from her research (this was an impromptu visit). The FIRST thing she asks him is, “Where’s Jill?” Which suggests she is used to them being together, like they come as a packaged deal.  Chris says he’s making Jill write up the report for their mission from the night before. Rebecca immediately calls him out for him doing that to punish her, and I was here for it.
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Chris didn’t wanna get the 3rd degree from Rebecca, and impatiently asked her if her tests turned anything up yet. Rebecca explained it’s an improved T-virus, and all of the infected victims had needle marks.
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Chris asked, “No bites?” She told him no. This virus was not spread via saliva or bite marks, and also THEIR victims, did not become infected. They simply died from their wounds. From her understanding, this virus wasn’t spreadable through the air, or saliva (bites). Chris went on to say they had to stop whoever was behind this, “Fast.”
What I found interesting was Rebecca’s reaction to his urgency and demeanor. She appeared to be thinking a bit deeper about what was really on his mind, when he said this.
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She appeared to have assumed that Chris was in a hurry, because he was worried about something having happened to Jill, like possibly being bitten.
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When Chris told her no, she had a faint sigh of relief. I didn’t feel she was really all that worried, because why limit it to a bite, when she just said the virus was spread via needles, was not airborne, and those bitten do not turn (which means there is no infection)?  Also, if she was concerned about that, why not have asked about that sooner?
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Rebecca looking at Chris like, “Chris...I KNOW you aren’t trying to call someone else reckless!”
Rebecca asked him why he was so hung up on that. She had me in stitches, because she called out his own hypocrisy (ironically she called him and Leon out on their BS in Vendetta as well…this time she didn’t display any regret in how she handled Chris).
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This was kind of interesting to me, because the vibe felt like she was commenting on a personal relationship, rather than a professional one. She empathized with Jill’s situation, and made Chris consider the fact that, after EVERYTHING Jill had been through, here she was, FINALLY able to return to the field, and Jill more than likely, blames herself for what happened to her, and everything that Wesker used her for. She’s trying to make up for it. One has to consider that Jill literally has not actually been on the field for nearly 10 years at this point (late 2006-whenever she first returned since Vendetta and the start of this film). Rebecca was also correct in what she told Chris about himself. He too can be “reckless” and risk his life.
On one hand, I don’t like that, Chris hasn’t (apparently), considered Jill may still blame herself for the actions she had no control over, especially since the very first thing she did, after being freed, was she apologized to him. She even asked his partner for that mission, Sheva, for forgiveness, after explaining that she had no control, but was still aware.
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Forgiveness has actually been a theme in many of the games Jill has made appearances in. I will touch on this more, in a bit.
Even with Chris, who sometimes fails to see the bigger picture on things, it was a little off-putting (for me), that after all those years, he wouldn’t realize Jill might still feel guilt and regret, and this is despite it already being established via Rev2, Chris and Jill had some private conversations (we at least know Chris talked to her about what she missed out on and how hard Barry took her “death”) during some of the time leading her road to recovery. However, I appreciate the writer’s intention. It shows that this isn’t a professional relationship, this is about a very CLOSE and PERSONAL relationship. Chris cares deeply about Jill’s entire being, and vice versa. It’s actually sweet that Chris believes Jill didn’t need to blame herself, and he just wants her to back to her usual self. The thing is, part of the healing process, is also being able to forgive one’s self.
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Chris contemplates on what Rebecca said to him, and he then finds Jill and approaches her. Jill stops what she’s doing, and Chris tells Jill that he wants her off the case, and that she needs some time off (it’s not even given as an order, but more like a plea). Jill scoffs at that, like, “You can’t be serious!”
Chris tries to clarify himself, saying that it’s GOOD she’s back, he just does not want her to push herself too hard, as she’s been through a lot. He doesn’t say this as a mere “factual” basis, but this is Chris emotionally trying to get Jill to compromise with him. He’s telling her what he wants from her (to be on the field with a clear head/to be her usual self), because he cares. There’s no talk about a partnership or anything professional, let alone him not wanting to work with her anymore. This feels more like someone talking to their significant other.
Jill responds by bringing up what happened to her, when under mind control from Wesker. Jill, first, isolated the fact that she was ordered to kill him specifically. She would then say “all of you.” Although I do not feel the writing was taking into account everything that happened to her, or that she’s said this before (moreorless), Jill tells him she was aware, but could not control her actions. It bothers her that Wesker (and all of those who aided him), took her autonomy from her, violated her entire being, and then he made her go after the person she cares the most about, on top of leading to the deaths of others.
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^A reminder that the FIRST image in RE5 is of Jill, after having infected a man, who was used as a trap to kill off fellow BSAA agents. She was made to sit there and watch this man BEG for his life, with her own body refusing to help him. She has to watch him suffer as part of her torture.
In RE5, Jill was always one step ahead of Chris, and she kept tabs on him during his mission. She was actively working against him (the opposite of her nature), until Wesker decided to reveal himself, and the fact she had been around Chris—right under his nose. Wesker taunted Jill when he ordered her to kill Chris. Jill appeared to also not be allowed to speak as well. I say this, because she spoke (with attitude) when threatening Irving to “deal” with Chris and Sheva, by having him inject himself with a dominant species plaga, and a moment such as when she told Excella and Wesker Chris and Sheva had arrived. When they face each other, suddenly she’s silent (seriously if they remake this game, get rid of the hissing cat crap, and let Jill taunt Chris…making it more psychological).
I wish more people would grasp how hellish for Jill, the story in RE5 was. Her story, and involvement was the centerpiece of it all, as Jun Takeuchi said himself. Jill KNOWS Chris is looking FOR HER. She sees him demanding to know where she is, relentlessly fighting to find her, but she is not able to reveal herself. Even when Chris shot her mask off, Jill suddenly disengaged from combat, and purposefully kept her face HIDDEN, until Wesker decided to reveal himself, and took the pleasure of revealing her to Chris, knowing what was about to happen would mess with Jill psychologically.
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^She reacted to losing her mask!
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Nicole SLAYED this line delivery. You can HEAR Jill’s anguish in her voice.  Chris would go on to try and let her know he can understand, at least part of what she must be going through, and warns her that if you let a nightmare stick with you, it can swallow you up. This is actually part of the internal struggle the main villain, Dylan, has.
Jill received what Chris said, and understood where he was coming from. She didn’t try to argue with him, threaten him, or blow up in his face. She calmly tried to assure him that she was fine now (which is not entirely true), and that he did not need to worry so much about her. Jill may try to convince herself of that, but it’s not really the case.
It wouldn’t be the first time Jill has ever minimized how she’s really feeling to him. You had her keeping her composure long enough for Chris to go pursue Wesker in RE5, but a minor example could be seen when they raided UB’s Russia based facility. When they made their way inside, Chris said this was the place, and Jill was like, “Yeah…”
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The thing is, they always try to keep one another sharp, focused, and encouraged. So, it’s a natural reoccurrence, where Chris worries about her…excessively at times. 
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Again, with some people not understanding what is actually happening, I’m highlighting this to show the symbolism within this moment. Jill grabs TWO water bottles, and tosses one to Chris, assuring him that she’s “fine now,” basically to say he doesn’t need to/she doesn’t want him to worry so much about her. She’s trying to reclaim her life she had, to get back to her “old self” so to speak. This shows warmth and closeness. It’s like an invitation. Like someone saying, “Hey, come sit with me, grab a drink.” Jill’s not pushing him away, she’s INVITING him in. Chris is not leaving her side, and she doesn’t want him to. THEY BOTH KNOW THIS! Think about it. Jill had just RELOADED her gun, and was letting off some steam, but she stopped for him. She didn’t even complain about doing the paper work (assuming she actually did it).
Jill knows AHEAD of time, Chris is going to be stuck on her. She’s used to it.
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^Chris giving no fucks about the poor pilot! I still LMAO at Jill’s glare at him.
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^Jill already telling him to LISTEN to her, because she KNEW his ass was gonna be hung up on her.
“We can’t just leave you here!” & “Well yeah, but...” So IN character for Chris when it comes to Jill. I actually had to laugh during the film, when just like CVX AND Darkside Chronicles, Chris was willing to leave Claire by herself, but when it came to Jill he was dead set on finding her, and he didn’t want to be away from her. Heck he was about to ditch Sheva, and Piers even experienced something similar when he was going after Carla.
Jill LITERALLY had to repeat herself and put her HANDS on him to push his stubborn behind to leave her. Jill had to ask him a LITERAL question. “Don’t you trust your partner?” I’ve seen some people misinterpret this many times. Jill told Chris THEY (Chris/Sheva) had to stop Wesker, before it was too late. When he wouldn’t budge, she said he had to go on without her, as they were the only ones who could stop Wesker in time. She asked him if he trusted his partner, SHEVA! Like, after all this, don’t you trust this woman to help you by now? This is why both of them look at her! As you can see in my screens, Jill is even gesturing her hand over toward Sheva! She’s not talking about herself, which wouldn’t make any sense anyway, as they have trust. Chris needed to TRUST SHEVA to see things through. Have confidence THEY could make it, without her. Anywho...(:P)
Chris talking about someone being reckless, yet...
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*Something those who played the 3ds version, will know is different right away.
When they were on their mission the night before, Chris got together with the local Swat team, and Jill went in ahead. Chris was telling her it sounded like it could be a bioweapon situation, and wanted her to cordon off the street and wait for backup. She calmly said she was already inside, and checking for survivors. He tried to get her to not rush in alone, but she got annoyed and cut him off before he could finish telling her it was an order. LOL! Jill was having none of that shit.
Her scoffing at him, for getting on her about her actions, is not because they are distant, I’d say, but rather it’s because this has been a recurring issue for them ever since she got back on the field with him. Jill’s basically trying to redeem herself, and feel more like her old self, by trying to stop the bad guys, trying to save anyone she can, regardless of the potential danger, yet more victims keep turning up dead or have to be put down. Then you have Chris feeling something is off with her, and he worries her actions will possibly get her or someone else killed. Perhaps now is the first time they’ve talked about it. Sometimes even the closest of people, have things they don’t talk about, or there could be some issues that a person feels they have to work through themself.
The writing doesn’t really give us much to go on sadly, we have to go with this idea, that there’s certain things they haven’t talked about. Jill not knowing of Piers really doesn’t make sense for many reasons, for instance, and I would hope the writer was just a little short-sighted, or simply phrased things a certain way for people unfamiliar with the games (maybe the games will address these issues in the future). When they reached her, he asked why she rushed in alone, and she said she wasn’t going to wait for backup, if there’s a chance someone is in danger (think of her leading Nemesis away from the subway station in RE3make or her attempting to save the security guard in the film). Jill’s frustration with his lack of understanding why she feels she needs to do this, is shown, when he brings up her actions again.
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Chris mentioned “this guy” Piers, was someone he wanted to take his place on the field. Chris said himself, that after RE5’s events, he felt like he had accomplished all he had set out to do, and found the meaning behind what he fought for.
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Thinking about the future, realizing what he was fighting for (which I’ll discuss more later in this post), and the possibility of other people like Wesker popping up, he chose to become a captain in the SOU, sometime after he and Jill returned from Africa (this path for him was something teased as an easter egg in RE5). Chris became overwhelmed by everything that happened in RE6— all of the death, regrets, and failures. He was DONE. Chris was so done, he chose the worst time to bring up Wesker to Jake, and did not care at all if Jake killed him, so long as he helped get a vaccine created.
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^I included some parts of conversations between Chris/Sherry, Piers/Sherry, Jake/Chris and then Chris/Piers – to highlight how Chris was for sure retiring from the BSAA after this. How his behavior made him unpredictable and hard to rely on (which may be part of Chris’s annoyance with Jill in the film), and then Piers acknowledging that Chris did not need to recklessly put his life in danger with the way he approached Jake. He was not thinking straight.
His reckless behavior caused him to take Carla’s bait, and lead another team to their deaths, because his desire for revenge, and survivor’s guilt over the loss of his team in Edonia, blinded him to what mattered, and what was really going on.
Leon would eventually snap him out of that stupor, where Piers had been failing (part of that is because Chris was looking at Piers as his subordinate, not his equal). Leon physically stopped him from shooting ‘Ada,’ without knowing it was him at first, and he talked Chris down. 
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Their scene showed Leon providing a defensive, but more calm approach to dealing with Chris and his blind rage, rather than trying to meet him with the exact same energy. Chris couldn't win this argument, or deny the facts. Leon let him know there was a wider scope to what was going on, and that he was willing to protect ‘Ada’ all costs, not because he’s a “simp” (as some want to believe, but this isn’t the case), but because she’s a key witness to what’s going on with Simmons, and all of what was going on went back to him. Mind you Leon and Helena were also being framed by Simmons for the whole thing that happened in the US, and he lost a good friend in the then current president, whom he had to kill.
Ironically it was Piers who was shoving, violently, the images of their fallen comrades in Edonia, in Chris’ face, and telling him he owed it to them to remember (Complaining about the state he found Chris in even). Piers was encouraged to bring Chris to China depending on his condition (so he was not forced to do it, he just felt it was where he belonged) only because they had experience facing the BOWS present, and he told Chris he was bringing him back with his team, one way or another. Part of Chris, felt the only way he could remember and get his life back, was to join this mission in China. This meant Chris needed to take on a lot of responsibility. The problem was Chris was not ready for that, and HE needed time off. HE needed to be rehabilitated (dude even had acute memory loss from a severe head injury, and I despise how carelessly this game treated it and his mental health overall).
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Chris was left in a situation with someone with the same hot-blooded temperament as him (even going so far as to tell Jake he’d have killed him if he had killed Chris, DESPITE Jake’s significance in saving the world). The whole FORCED Chris Vs Wesker thing being rehashed, made me roll my eyes, just like the predictable outcome for Piers. I always believed he would die before the game even dropped. Just because of how RE works. When Piers wasn’t meeting Chris with the same hot-headed energy, he sometimes made valid points to Chris.
Piers told Chris they should escort Sherry and Jake, and pointed out how Neo-Umbrella was after them. Mind you, that six months prior, Chris met Sherry, whom he knew all about from Claire. Think about that. Chris was so blinded by his RAGE, that he didn’t even CARE about Sherry’s well-being (he literally said they were on their own), after briefly assisting her and Jake. Chris was NOT thinking about how it would affect CLAIRE, if she found out that he NOT ONLY was the one who arranged for the chopper that Neo-Umbrella took down, and caused Sherry to go missing just as long as Chris was, but then he ran into her AGAIN, and left her to fend for herself? Imagine, what that would have done to their relationship! Then again Leon wasn’t even fully aware of the fact Sherry was an Agent in the DSO (a process which began right after Wesker was killed), and knew NOTHING about her going missing for six months! There is NO EXCUSE for that! That SHIT does NOT make ANY sense!
Chris, became distracted, and only cared about pursuing the snake that Carla unleashed SOLELY as a trap for Chris’ new team. Chris took the bait, and she mockingly said, “Looking for me boys?” She infected the only other survivor of their new team (who Chris couldn’t bring himself to kill before fully transforming just like in Edonia), and she said “Welcome to China!”
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Piers lost his cool with Chris, because Chris kept being stubborn, and would not listen to reason. He was a loose canon once he resumed command. Chris had to refrain himself from becoming violent towards Piers, just to try and shut him up (Chris kept trying to use his rank to get Piers in line as well). Piers said some hurtful/triggering things to Chris once again, though I want to say his intention was to find a way to get Chris to listen to him, and think more clearly, by bringing up sore spots, like the rookie Finn. He even asked him what happened to the legendary Chris Redfield, and did he even care about their mission.
Some have claimed Piers should’ve said Jill, but the point is about this NEW ROLE Chris took on. Working with a new partner, Sheva, in RE5 was a big change for him. He never took on other partners, after losing Jill. He hated the feeling of being the “one who survived.” That’s why everything that would happen after RE5, depended solely on Jill’s survival. Having her back, made him feel it was all worth it. The both of them were sacrificing their own lives, so that others could live theirs. So, working with younger generations of soldiers that would entrust their lives to him, was a HUGE responsibility for Chris. He even told the team in Edonia, it was HIS job to make sure they made it out alive.
Chris no longer had Jill as a safety net, and it was no longer just them as a duo. He had taken on a new role with a team depending on his leadership, while she worked on reclaiming her life.
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Chris had to deal with things like this. It wasn’t a surprise to me that Piers responded to Chris saying he wanted him to take his place as Captain, with reluctance. After everything that happened, it made sense why. He saw what happened to the man he looked up to, and aspired to be like, as did many others who had since perished. Though, we also would find out in the Marhawa Desire manga, which was set several months before the events in RE6, that Piers lost someone he was “very close” to, as Chris put it.
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Merah Biji was someone Piers took an interest in. She wasn't the only girl (there was Sophie, and also him wishing he could say more to the “pretty” Captain’s Sister Claire), but she was the one he grew most attached to. Merah had lost her parents in the RC incident, and dedicated herself to stopping bioterrorism. She was a researcher who moved to the combat field. She trained against a bunch of men, and within a year, she was beating them in sparring sessions. The ace of the Far East branch, met the ace of the North America branch, both knew of who the other was…the rest was history. 
When it comes to Merah, Piers was very much like Chris is with Jill. Giving her certain looks, taking particular interest in her and what she’s doing (even her eating habits), fiercely protecting her, and showing the utmost confidence in what they could do on the field together. They had a special bond, that CHRIS himself took notice of (smiling at them and even telling Piers to focus at one point), and he even told another character, Ricky, he wouldn’t dare let something happen to Merah, because he’d have to face Piers’s wrath. LOL! Merah moved him out of the way from an attack, and died from her wounds. Her last words telling Piers to work with Chris, and rid the world of bioterrorism.
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^Merah literally was cut from the same cloth as Jill, and heck Sheva too for that matter as well!
So in a way, Piers was keeping a promise to Merah. I try to keep this in mind, in hindsight, as it’s very informative when trying to understand Piers’s own headspace. Piers himself was never meant to replace Chris. People talk about how the devs mentioned they thought about developing an alternate ending where Chris could die, but they didn’t do it because it felt cheap. They thought about doing the same thing with Jill in RE5. It would’ve just been a bad ending (like RE1 or Rev2). The thing is, Chris would’ve completely given up, and quit had Piers lived. There would’ve been no “good ending” if both lived. Piers had to die, for Chris to actually do what he said he needed to, which was to get his life back. They got the reaction they wanted from fans. This drama was done this way, because THEY felt Chris and Leon were too much alike, and since Chris just had RE5, they let him have the more dramatic story of the two.
Going back to the scene with Chris and Jill, one should be able to see how loaded Chris’s words to Jill are. He’s talking from his own experience without saying much. He even acknowledged that he probably would have done the same thing as her. Saying they always have to make tough choices like that. He’s telling her how they risk their lives all the time, but with them having been doing this for so long, they’ve become numb to what their fight encompasses. He warns her that they have to be that much more careful, because if they (not she, but they), let the numbness they feel get to them, it could engulf them right down to their very souls. Like, they could lose themselves in every sense of the word.
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As a quick reference, this is Ricky from the manga. He’s trying to honor his uncle, who he saw himself a protector of, by trying to expose the woman who caused all of the tragedy. Note how he said he felt numb, as he watched all of the chaos and destruction in China.
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Not once does Jill disagree with anything Chris said, but she’s frustrated, with how Chris doesn’t understand her. What she feels they need to be focused on. Why she feels she needs to be on the field, and why she’s behaving the way she does. It’s not just her trying to redeem herself, but she is pissed off, not at him, but at what this unknown bioterrorist(s) is doing. Jill’s real focus is aimed at the bad guys. Jill herself had been poisoned and used as a weapon, so you can bet Jill takes this personal. You literally can hear the anger in her tone when she says this. LONG ago, Jill made it her responsibility to protect others, and to fight so others could have futures (again same with Chris of course). So, if people want to dare say she’s a bitch for speaking her truth, and having some attitude then (like she’s NEVER shown anger/annoyance/frustration before, even though she wasn’t having shit from Wesker or even Barry in RE1)…
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Rebecca must be a bitch!
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Claire must be a bitch!
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Sheva must be a bitch!
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And the men are also just tryhard “boss bitches.” The list goes on!
All of that said, I mentioned earlier that Forgiveness is a reoccurring theme in stories Jill has been involved in. In RE1, her forgiveness/trust of Barry determines whether or not he lives or dies, and the impact extended far beyond that one game.
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I included Barry’s story in Rev2, because Jill continues to have relevance in his life years later. Aside from references to her story in RE1 with Barry, Alex had used Uroboros as well (with Barry also making it clear he found out what happened in Africa…so I assumed he’d met up with Jill and Chris since her letter), but Jill’s forgiveness and understanding of Barry’s situation, is what allowed him to go on to live, and protect his family. He came back for Jill in the original RE3, and Jill (along with Chris) later invited him to join the BSAA, as an advisor. Claire even got to meet Barry and his family. Jill maintained her friendship with Barry, and she wanted him to heal his relationship with Moira, and told him not to be overbearing (in the Japanese text she outright told him she thinks he can be too meddling with the girls), and to cherish his time with his loved ones.
These connections would lead Barry on a path to find his daughter, and her overcoming her own fears, taking responsibility for her own actions, becoming a survivor, and appreciating what she had. Both of them were able to realize their own faults, and find forgiveness AND understanding from each other. Barry admitted he could be overbearing, which means he took to heart what Jill told him. Moira herself had also saw firsthand, the kind of loneliness and grief a father can feel, over regrets and devastating loss.
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Brad abandoned the team at the start of RE1, out of fear, but hovered around the area, trying to make contact. He was never brave enough to face the reality of the situation head on. Ultimately him not leaving, allowed the remaining STARS members to escape alive. Brad chose to not fight back against Umbrella, like Jill and Chris were. In the remake of 3, Brad heard of Jill’s situation, and her plans to move out of RC (due to her investigation being stopped). He delivered a pizza with a slipped note to her, and Jill wrote back to him, though she never got to deliver it to him.
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Brad, said he hoped that Jill wasn’t mad at him for keeping his head down, when the others had been trying to build a case against UB. He wasn’t trying to fight back, and was able to keep his job. He told her he had to slip this message using the pizza delivery guy. Jill was replying back to him over everything he asked about. Jill showed her forgiveness to Brad, by wanting to ask him to get involved, and pick up with where her investigation left off, IF he heard something happened to her.
If you look in Jill’s apartment, she left notes on her poster for this same delivery service he used, that ran 24/7, so she intended on using the same method as him, to try and get her package sent to him. Jill had been packing up her stuff to move to a new place (which is shown at the end of the game). Jill never had a chance to deliver her package to him, due to the spies monitoring her apartment (there was other activity going on in the city as well). Nonetheless, Brad would try to warn her about Nemesis, and after being bitten, Jill did not want to leave him behind, so he asked if they were still a team. She said “Always” (meaning she had forgiven him), and Brad told her not to fuck up like he did, before pushing her to go on without him. Jill thus, was thrusted into a situation, where someone she trusted was taken from her. 
However, that said, look at Jill’s opening monologue to OG RE3:
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Jill mentioned that no one dared oppose UB, and this inaction would ultimately lead to their destruction. She said that perhaps they had to suffer the consequences of their actions, but she would NOT forgive them. You see her shut her eyes like, damn if ONLY these people had actually done something. This hurts her. Jill would be placing blame on the traitors within the RPD, possibly those who chose not to believe their story and just carry on as if nothing happened (literally most of STARS was wiped out mind you), and those who KNEW UB was up to no good, and corrupt, for just sitting back and letting things happen. Look at Marvin in OG RE2, he said Chris, Barry, and herself, risked their lives trying to expose UB, but no one believed them. So it’s understandable why Jill would be hurt and upset (the remakes tell things differently though). Things did not have to end up the way they did.  This is LITERALLY no different than how she feels in Death Island, as it was hard for her to really empathize with Dylan, because what he was doing was unforgiveable and he would not stop (much like Ada’s views on Carla in RE6). His nightmare totally consumed him. There was NO WAY IN HELL she would sit back and do nothing!
Even Chris himself had become desperate when all of their attempts to expose UB were thwarted.
Jill’s diary:
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Jill wrote about how Chris winked at her, after she stopped him after he punched an officer, and the truth there, was Chris did this on purpose, so he would get “suspended” or go on “vacation” from work. Chris was fed up with not getting anywhere.  It was Chris’s way of hinting it was all good, and he had something brewing. When Chris asked her to come over, late one night, she was shocked to see how he had been fighting on his own, without even telling her of all people. That said, here is what Chris said in his own diary: 
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Even though RE3 introduced some retcons to the lore, to account for Jill being removed as the lead of CV, they were very careful to make sure things made sense timeline wise. Chris mentioned that he was running out of options. If you look at his diary, and other notes, even in RE3, you will realize that zombies and BOWS were popping up BEFORE Chris left for Europe! Yet some people act like Jill has no right to be pissed off! They were trying to expose UB, and they were not getting help from ANY of the townspeople that were under UB’s payroll. Plenty was being covered up!
Days later Chris decided to “act up” at work, which allowed him to do some investigating without the prying eyes of traitors in the RPD and UB. Capcom would say that Jill saw Chris off to Europe, and continued her own solo investigation. The remake timeline however, doesn’t state that she would go off to Europe, and her plans were not suggested to involve joining up with Barry or Chris (though Chris didn’t tell her not to eventually join him). Her plans ended up being to move out of RC (before the events of the game began), so she could continue to find a way to hold UB accountable for their actions. 
Seriously, all the BS about Jill having no personality, or how she’s been turned into something unrecognizable, or the bullshit takes about how she’s just like Chris (hilarious when really many characters are following their templates tbh…as I said they even point out how alike Leon and Chris are), and BS about how she’s a bitch because she doesn’t entertain stupid jokes from people she just met, especially when she’s focused on bigger issues, or has VALID reasons not to completely trust people on UB’s payroll etc. It’s tired! Some folks really do not have a grasp on these characters IMO, and some probably spend too much time projecting what they THINK a character outta be, versus seeing them for what they actually are. Opinions are fine, but people should at least KNOW what they are talking about, instead of spreading BS.
 Let’s look at some of Jill’s bios.
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Jill – joined STARS because she couldn’t abide by the evil threatening the lives of citizens, wants experiences that make her feel alive, is strong-minded, questions things and will stop at nothing to find answers, says what she thinks, in a frank manner, has a strong sense of justice and responsibility, is impulsive, but behaves calmly during missions, cheerful, independent and determined. The list goes on.
I’ve seen people talk about how she treats the UBCS in RE3make, as if she hadn’t been disrespected, or had valid reasons not to immediately trust them. She was spied on, UB sent nemesis, and Mikhail even knew who she was. I’d have red flags up too!
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^Literally some think she actually changed. Trust from her is EARNED. After the betrayals she faced, and all the shadiness going on, it’s wise that she not immediately trust everyone.
Jill trusting any of them had to be earned. She tried to be helpful, and showed concern for many of them, even refrained herself at times, dealing with Nicholai’s BS. She even apologized for a rough start with Carlos, whom she had to rely on (she didn’t have the luxury of depending on people she trusted completely...i.e Chris or Barry). To say she changed in RE3make would be a foolish claim. Her situations changed, and she gave her fitting reactions to things. The characters around her ALL changed. She didn’t take bs (as usual), didn’t care for small talk, she was impulsive, spoke her mind freely, and generally put up her “strong” side, but when the time called for it, her softer side/tone showed itself. She even said “sorry” to  corpses of civilians!
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^Jill being considerate of other people’s conditions, and being supportive in BOTH RE3 games. Wow! Who knew she could be so consistent?! :P
I’ve said in the past, that this war on bioterrorism is PERSONAL for both Jill and Chris, because THEY were used as guinea pigs to collect combat data on bioweapons. Set up to be slaughtered all for GREED and POWER. They had targets placed on them after surviving that nightmare. Many other characters had relatives who were victims, and their lives changed, or it was by circumstance they got involved.  So for Jill, it would be foolish to think she would be content with sitting on her ass doing nothing, or going to get drunk, to numb the pain. That is something typically displayed by the males in this series like Parker, Leon, Alexander (Buddy), and Chris. That reminds me…Remember that time in Vendetta, when Chris went to recruit Leon, since he had experience with the Los Illuminados (yeah they still exist post RE4 apparently)?    
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Chris treated Leon’s drunken state, a lot like how Piers treated him—getting verbally aggressive, getting in his face, and not really caring (at first) about what he was going through emotionally, because “I got a job for you.” And “It’s OUR mission to bring his ass down!” In both situations, they were hoping to find these guys in a better state of being, so they could just go handle some business against bioterrorists who, in both cases, there was a 6 month time gap as well. Chris became physically aggressive with someone, so he needed to be stopped, and Rebecca had to check Chris and Leon’s BS so they could focus on what mattered. This new virus had a trigger, and it was unknown just how many were already infected. She said, she didn’t think either of them were the kind of people who would sit there and argue, while the world dies. Leon sitting there feeling sorry for himself, and Chris letting a personal vendetta get the best of him (again).
The approach in how someone handles someone can make all the difference, and unfortunately Chris’s dialog with Leon about how he could relate was cut, due to budget being put more into explosions/action over character, and only left in the novel. All that remained was Chris restating he needed him (in his best state) for this mission, and he could use his knowledge and skills. This is NOTHING like Chris’s approach with Jill though. Even with Chris being annoyed by her perceived recklessness, he’s ALWAYS tender in his approach with her, even with this threat rapidly increasing in numbers.
Jill doesn’t blow Chris off when he’s talking about his experience, and allows him to speak his piece. Yes, she went back to what she was doing, but that’s because there was literally nothing left to say. She felt justified, and that was that. Chris is not the boss of her. She’s not his subordinate. They are equals in their relationship.
She didn’t kick him out or tell him to fuck off, even when he was trying to talk to her again, he also doesn’t fight her on her desire to pursue the bad guys. Jill told Chris that, at least with her, she couldn’t afford to sit around and think about the numbness, their souls, etc. They needed to focus on stopping whoever was responsible for what was going on. She TOO isn’t one to sit around as the world dies. Also like Rebecca told Leon, Jill isn’t trying to sit there and feel sorry for herself. Again, she is pissed off about what’s happening because of bioterrorists. She’s spent LONG enough not doing what she dedicated her life to. SACRIFICING things she would like for herself, for the sake of OTHERS in the world. We as viewers, have to consider Jill literally was an UNWILLING participant in bioterrorist activity, and the fact she had to spend YEARS before she could PHYSICALLY do the work she committed her life to doing. Based on what we know, again, she had been inactive on the field for nearly a decade!
Jill has had more than enough experiences where she’s been isolated and could do nothing but sit in her feelings. RE3make and RE5 both had her being caged, be it in her physical living space/city, or her own body.
She had people spying on her 24/7 for several days in the remake, she was worried about possibly still being infected from the mansion, having daily nightmares, and felt that UB would come for her (which they did with Nemesis). 
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You’re talking about a girl that CLEARLY came from a very outdoorsy/outgoing life. There were also other things and people she clearly cherished (two of them look like they could be Chris and Claire tbh). Her investigative work shown in RE3make, showed she was willing and able to dig deep to get answers. It’s no surprise that she was struggling with not being able to progress further. Her home became more like a prison for her. 
In RE5, Jill was no longer being treated like a human being, but just as a personal test subject for Wesker, with OTHER humans aiding in his research and bioweapon development. Then she was forced to act as a bioterrorist, obeying orders from these twisted individuals. Consider how Jill really did not have a reason to hope for release, unless she had hoped and prayed Chris would find her. Even if she did, she still had to watch her body do things against him. The same man she had giving her life for. It was not done for the BSAA, or because “he’s my partner.” It’s simply because she cares that deeply for Chris. She could not watch him die. There were no last words or goodbyes. For Chris, she didn’t hesitate, and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, in hopes of stopping their nemesis.
I’ve referenced this multiple times in the past, but for a better grasp of Jill’s POV in RE5, take a look at her thoughts from the Biohazard 5 Kaitai Shinsho.
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Jill had given her life for Chris, only to have Wesker save her from perishing from their fall. He healed her body, with the intent on getting his revenge on her. The same woman who called HIM a slave of Umbrella (which he’d just found out was true). After being unable to enact his revenge, the way he originally intended to, he was said to have wanted to give her a suffering worse than death. Death being the only thing he wished to give Chris. He underestimated both once again, and was so sure that Chris would not live to see the world he was set to create.
After using her to finish his Uroboros project, Wesker used P-30 as a form of torture and control. Sure he might have even been able to sell it for funds or something, but he had no real use for this chemical in his endgame plans with Uroboros. Bare in mind also, Wesker generally, does not keep anything/anyone around beyond their usefulness to him. Because he could no longer use Jill as his first test subject (her antibodies developed from her infection in RE3 made her immune), he found another use for her. He disguised her in a way that didn’t just hide her, but made her something to be feared, as she left death and destruction behind her, which went against her very nature.
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^She has to live with these scars. Stuff like this is why she would want to try and SAVE a life. That is who she is!
The woman who thought Wesker was trash for how he manipulated and used Barry as a puppet for his own selfish purposes, he was now doing that, but on a far worse scale with Jill. It’s arguable that Lisa Trevor went through the worst situation of any character in RE, but the main difference here, is that things with Jill were done on a personal level, and her mind had not eroded—she was fully aware and knew who she was.
Even though Chris was able to break through to Jill, and push herself to fight harder to resist, Wesker would overdose Jill, knowing it would cause her to suffer even more. We as viewers, have to consider that the more Jill tried to put up a fight, the more painful fighting (for even just a brief moment of control) was for her.
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You can see Jill grabbing her head, crying out in pain as she fights for control. The entire fight, anytime you see Jill like this, this is Jill FIGHTING to be back at Chris’s side! The same way Jill’s whereabouts were fueling Chris along his personal objective, Jill has Chris pushing her to remember him, to fight for herself and to remember who she is. His faith in her, allowed her to help him, help her break free. That is how powerful their connection is.
I know that was a lot there, but with that in mind, one can understand that, despite some shortcomings within the writing, this conversation between Jill and Chris in the film, is the very definition of INTIMACY!
I occasionally see people lacking an understanding of what real intimacy is, and some not even understanding that sex and intimacy are not mutually exclusive. You can have sex and it literally be nothing but a passing moment of time (and not necessarily anything enjoyable for those involved). It’s different when there’s more of a spiritual and intimate connection involved. There’s so much asinine discourse about who should be fucking who…literally seeing people act like Jill OWES sex to Carlos for instance, because he got her the vaccine, and I’m like, “Well damn! In that case, I guess based on all of her other outings, Jill would be giving her body to Barry, Chris, Josh, Parker, Sheva, etc. Don’t forget Kendo for making her handgun, or the people who trained her in her military career!”
I’ve seen even some shippers who focus almost solely on Chris and Jill having sex, as a way to “consummate” their feelings. Some even saying the ONLY VALID reason Jill has not been around or mentioned (even up through Village), is either they fell out, or because she MUST be at home raising her and Chris’ children. It’s bad enough other people will say, she must have retired because it was “too much for her.” Some even out here acting like ALL of the women should be ignored and the focus should stay on the male leads. Like PLEASE. I’ve always said, Jill couldn’t just up and return in some random ass story, without her baggage being addressed. That would be a DISSERVICE to her character, to ignore her personal story. Hell, it’s barely even touched on in Death Island, but the production team, KNEW they had to consider what happened to her, when choosing her to lead the film. 
I’ve also said before that Jill would ONLY grow MORE DETERMINED to eradicate all of this evil and corruption from the world. THAT is who she has ALWAYS BEEN! It’s ALWAYS been part of her character. It is LITERALLY the reason she joined STARS. Also…Chris did order his soldiers to pick up the rest of the squad, before heading off to BSAA’s main HQ...IJS! She COULD be working with him, kind of like how Zoe made connections with him and some other agents. Chris and Jill do INDEPENDENT stuff as well, even if for the same cause. They just would not establish anything, without having re-established Jill’s character. 
Now, about intimacy… Encyclopedia Britannica defines intimacy this way:
Intimacy - the state of being intimate, which is marked by the consensual sharing of deeply personal information. It has cognitive, affective, and behavioral components. Intimates reveal themselves to one another, care deeply about one another, and are comfortable in close proximity.
There are SOOOOO many different types and levels to what intimacy brings, and how it can evolve within a given relationship. Beyond sexual/physical intimacy and expression, there are things such as: 
Intellectual intimacy
Emotional closeness
Spiritual bond
Understanding self and partner
Mutual respect
These are qualities that exist within Jill and Chris’ personal relationship. It’s something they uniquely share, between each other in this series. They have both worked with others for the majority of their appearances, but the constant is their relationship with each other, sits above the rest. They ALWAYS find their way back to each other, and they don’t really feel whole without the other.
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They weren’t assigned partners on one off or circumstantial situations, they chose, or rather they CHOOSE each other. Hell, one might argue it was fate, like how Chris said maybe it was fate how after killing Wesker, he ends up having to save his son, to fight off a virus. Jill and Chris already had a very close bond before we ever see them, and it continues to last even during all of the years they are apart/don’t appear with each other. Death Island makes this abundantly clear. Jill can ‘shoot the shit’ with Chris, right after having a disagreement. Not even addressing each other as partners, yet they operate as two halves of a whole.
They share mutual interests, and ideals, and know each other better than anyone else. They always keep an eye on each other, and show a mutual need for the other to be alive and well. They would stop at nothing to be there for the other (hell Chris didn’t even want to leave her behind when the whole world was at risk). They respect each other, they are most vulnerable with each other, and their trust has always been there. They don’t have to say they love each other, their actions show it, and others recognize what they have between them. It’s even been exploited by others as a plot point.
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Hell, Claire knew what she was getting into by calling on the both of them. When Jill complained about not being able to get anywhere with their investigation, if they stuck around with the tourists, Claire offered to break away from them, so they could do their own thing. She witnessed her brother prioritize Jill over everything else, and was shown observing Chris’s reaction to moments with Jill! She knows what’s up! 
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^Claire is very observant. IJS. Heck, CLAIRE is guilty of the SAME thing, when she got STUCK on “the type of man she’s attracted to.”
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LOL! It’s no different than Parker witnessing Jill’s desperation in finding Chris. The way she lit up hearing that he was ok, and hearing his voice. “Chris!” Not ONCE did Jill ever show the SLIGHTEST concern for hating ass Jessica! LOL! Chris was at least professional about it, saying Jill AND Parker’s names, but Jill was STUCK on Chris! As calm as she was in general, she didn’t even try to hide it. LOL!
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^Parker suggested Chris work with Jill, fully understanding she deeply cared about Chris, and would probably feel better working with him.
Note that Chris does not say it, but part of the subtext in their gun range scene, is that Chris is utterly afraid of losing JILL. He CANNOT lose HER! Again, Chris has implied that since her return to the field, HE PERSONALLY, has been with her EVERY STEP of the way. Just like it was him, and him alone, who spent YEARS doing everything he could to find some clue that she was alive, as he REFUSED to believe she perished (a feeling that Jill shared over him as RE1 and her OG RE3 epilogue have shown). It was what was fueling him throughout the entire story of RE5. It was Chris who was still spending time with Jill after Africa (according to Jill). He’s being her consistent support system.
Chris was so desperate to find her, he was afraid to let go of any hint that she was alive. In this moment here, he WHISPERS her name to himself (whispering being a thing they both do over one another as well), and then he chose not to tell Sheva anything.
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^He looked at Jill’s image, as if she were his lover. This isn’t some OOC fanfic, this is what’s been stated and shown on screen.
He questioned the value of all of his efforts, and for him to figure out if it was worth it, EVERYTHING depended on HER survival. His will to keep fighting, his next steps in the BSAA, and this war on Bioterrorism, all hinged upon Jill’s survival.
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That pause in his statement says it all—Chris could not move forward without finding the missing piece of his heart. This is no different than how in the film, Chris was willing to look for Jill on his own. “I’ll find Jill.”
There are some who I have seen state they think Chris doesn’t, or wouldn’t want Jill on the field, out of fear of losing her, and honestly, I never got that impression, even from the trailer. With Claire, even with her skills, Chris has told her at times, for her to leave, or stay somewhere else, while he attempted to handle something. With Jill, he prefers to have her around, he doesn’t want to be separated. Even with the risk of BOTH of them dying. He’d rather die fighting beside her/for her. It goes both ways.
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“Excuse me.”
 “He’s all yours!”
Chris casually coming in, fighting beside her like the good old days. This is THEIR kind of fun on the field. This is like “old times” for them. You legit can see Jill’s amusement. This is what she needed from him. This helps her feel more like herself. These kind of moments make her feel alive! Even when his sister is around, he wants to be by Jill’s side. 
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This shows a man who wants someone close to him, to take a piece of the action (literally she runs like she was just gifted a box of toys to play with), a man who does what his other half needs him to, and a man who supports her, and does not want to let her face what’s ahead of her alone. 
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^You can even see him grab the prison cell bars, watching her, when Dylan attempts to test her, by trying to get her to kill Claire. He understands what this could be doing to her mentally, as this is TORTURE for Jill. I see it as him silently showing his support for her.
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They are a battle couple that can be casual on and off the field. Their casual interactions help keep the edge off, and it’s familiar ground for them. It’s part of their consistent dynamic.
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This is the face of an infected Chris, comforted by the fact Jill was still out there, which gave them all a chance. That said I want to highlight some things from the Umbrella Chronicles novels.
Now aside from these two joking around, like about Chris cursing around her, and calling Jill “sweetheart” etc., there came a point during their raid on UB’s Russia based lab, where Jill started to think about her past, and opened up to Chris about what made her who she IS. Why she does what she does. Honestly, it’s one of the most intimate conversations in the entire franchise.
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Jill thought about a time from her childhood, where she was still so naïve about some of the grim realities of the world. She was injured, and while Chris was tending to her wounds, Jill talked about an incident with a little boy that was beaten and killed by his father. All of this happened in a small town. This changed everything for her. Chris wondered if she perhaps wished she hadn’t been born, and Jill was like NO WAY! She’s GRATEFUL to be alive. Chris worried about how PALE she looks…sound familiar?    
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EVEN IN THIS MOMENT, Chris is expressing how relieved he was to see she’s alright! In this novel, he’s looking at her bravely put on a smile, telling him:
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“Chris was under the impression that she had been doing this all her life.” That is so powerful.
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^Again...they are so consistently portrayed.
Jill is very head-strong, and she won’t stop doing what she’s doing to try and make the world safer. She can’t afford to sit around and do nothing, and that comes at a cost. After defeating TALOS, they had another moment, but I’m gonna save that for a bit. However, I’ve referenced this part of the story before, but look at Jill’s conversation with Chris about a life she wondered if she could ever have:
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You see Chris was continuing to support Jill, even with his own injuries. It didn’t bother him (just like when he allowed her to rest on his shoulder in RE1 – that’s consistency!!!). They allude to what would end up happening in RE5, with them pursuing Spencer. Chris suggested the soldier seemed to like Jill, and she jokingly said maybe she should marry him. Chris is like, “Really? This guy?” Jill then begins to open up to him again. She expressed the idea of her getting married, building a family, growing old and watching over her grandchildren, and asked Chris if he thought she could lead such a life (a much simpler life away from all of this fighting). Chris, being his usual self with her, assured her, that she COULD have all of those things, but it depended on having the right “partner” (a term especially associated with them, that also has multiple meanings). Then he looked at her and winked. It says that this seemed like a new behavior to Jill. Somehow…that behavior caught her off guard.
One could interpret it in other ways, I suppose, but that’s a pretty heavy-handed hint that Chris is telling Jill, with no words, he would want those same things with her. Even with all the death around them, and their fight not truly being over, it was something worth fighting for, especially with the right person. Both of them have gone through it for each other. They are WORTH everything to each other. They don’t have to say it, because their ACTIONS tell their story. He’s telling her HE is there for her. He wants her to be happy, and he’s happy with her. When she’s down, or not in her best state, he is down. 
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One thing that always sticks out to me about them though, is how they END their stories. EVERY single joint appearance they’ve had, they are comforted by each other’s presence and have a moment. In RE1, Chris and Jill always choose to sit side by side. He allows Jill to rest on him. In their paired ending, originally, Jill would reach out for Chris to hold her hand, and then she observes him for a moment. They are both trying to take in what just happened, but they find comfort in each other. No words needed to be spoken. In the remake, he admires her ability to sleep and is comforted by her presence. They literally have no PEACE, if the other is not around and ok.
In endings leading up to RE5, Chris catches Jill observing the sky, deep in thought. He tries to comfort Jill, by highlighting their “accomplishments,” even though Jill is still thinking about the storms to come, because their efforts weren’t enough (i.e Wesker still being a threat), or come at a high cost (such as the presumed death of Parker). Even when he talks about other accomplishments, such as in this film, or killing Wesker, he looks back at Jill, and there’s this unspoken satisfaction, in seeing HER able to smile and have some peace. His stare LINGERS on her both times. In RE5, she’s happy and relieved Wesker’s dead. That brings him joy. One of their nightmares is over. He just keeps looking at her, even before his final thoughts are expressed.
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There’s a reason why his closing statement in RE5, is stated when HE is staring at Jill. He doesn’t say her name. Just like he didn’t say it in the opening segments of RE5. We found OUT his “personal stake” was Jill. He was willing to throw his life away for her, above all else! He could not let go of her. Chris looked at Jill MULTIPLE times in that scene. He looked at Jill when he thought about the WORTH of his efforts (He’s not looking at Sheva…SHEVA is looking at THEM looking at each other), and after Jill stares back at him, he looks away with a grin. To have this moment, after all of that time apart, the hell both of them endured, a simple moment such as this, was worth it all. Fighting for THAT “future” they both strive for (one without fear). The way I see it, the UC novel, in a way, was suggesting that that life Jill would LIKE to have, is something being SACRIFICED for the greater good. FEAR, made her question if it was at all possible.
The way they get so stuck on each other (and it’s hilarious how some fans claim Jill harbors a crush on HIM and Chris is just married to his work… :P), shows DEVOTION exists between the two of them. I mentioned I was saving a moment from the UC novel, and here it is:
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The take away I get from this exchange, is simply how comfortable they are with each other. Even with all of the suffering they endure, they are each other’s comfort zone. All of that, and Jill jokes about divorcing him if they were on a honeymoon. Chris says not to worry, as they’d be spared of such monsters. Project X Zone does something similar.
Not only do you have them doing the “Don’t worry” thing again, you have BOTH assuring the other, that they would always be there for each other (and they say it confidently).
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You also have Jill “threaten” to call off their engagement partnership, if he dares start to emit fire and electricity from his hands!
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Again with the consistency!
There’s even a non-canon RE1 prequel story, Biohazard: The Beginning, where Chris is getting grilled by Jill for withholding information (she doesn’t play about justice/getting to the truth!). Chris in various versions of the story, alludes to some feelings he has about her/her character, he tries to get her to stop interrogating him by suggesting she wants to go out with him, he pays attention to what is bothering her, they joke around, and he finds comfort in her presence.
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Again, there is just so much consistency in the way their relationship is written all over!
All in all, I love what Chris and Jill’s relationship is, and what it brings out of both characters. I don’t care if others don’t like it, or don’t see it for what it’s been said to be about. I appreciate all it represents. The film gave me more of what I expected. The film did not do any damage to their relationship, as some tried to suggest to others in the fandom, and they damn sure had plenty of chemistry. They put smiles on each other’s faces! Some people even got worked up over Jill FINALLY interacting with other characters...smdh. Like, it’s about damn time she did! Still, in regards to them, it was just classic Chris/Jill. No labels needed to be placed on what their relationship is, it’s still as solid as ever.
Along with that, I also wanted to show a bit of how Jill has not changed, contrary to what some seem to think. She’s still the same chic she was in RE1, but with more experiences behind her. She’s actually very consistent. 
I know this was a VERY long post, but if anyone enjoyed it and/or learned something from it, I’m glad.
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evadewilson · 1 month
hi all, thought i would make a quick post introducing myself — i go by Lance online (he/him) and i’m a reader/writer/artist, an old hat at fandom, and a newly minted spideypool shipper. i like to post little bits and pieces that get stuck in my head, memes, ideas/prompts, and reblog lots of art.
eventually i may post my own art/writing but at this stage i’m just here to look! — this blog is run by an adult (i am in my mid 20’s) and for other adults.
it isn’t specifically nsfw so i put 18+ in my bio because i don’t want to expose any minors to nsfw content that i may post/reblog in the future. in saying that, i used to be a minor in fandom spaces and i understand that an 18+ warning can’t keep them out so whatever.
i’m incredibly receptive to interaction and i love when people add tags to my posts, suggest things in the comments, etc etc. once again… spideypool fanfic… save me…. i have a whole post where i am on my knees begging authors and pals to link their favourite spideypool fics. PLEASE YALL.
account related housekeeping below:
i’m incredibly cool/comfortable with pretty much any ship (particularly surrounding spidey and ‘pool, so if you’re a poolverine shipper, etc etc. hello and welcome. i have many peripheral ships and will likely engage with those (scott/logan, peter/johnny, peter/mj, wade/almost anyone…)
another thing— i don’t care what versions of peter and what deadpool get shipped together. when i’m talking about spider-man i’m usually thinking mcu spidey because civil war/hoco came out when i was a teenager, and although i grew up with tobey and andrew’s spidermen, i got very attached to tom’s spidey and he’s the one who stuck with me. i usually mix canon when i’m discussing spideypool (combining all of the spider men’s movie plots, spider-man and deadpool’s comics, deadpool’s movies, etc.) feel free to imagine whoever or whatever you want!
IN SAYING THAT — i keep having to remind folks that mcu!spider-man/tom holland’s spider-man is officially born in 2001 and therefore 23 as of the time i’m making this post. he’s not a minor so please stop jumping on my ass about this 🙏 in any case, he’s a fictional character, just let people live.
if you condemn or attack anybody for their fandom/fanfic/fiction preferences you are not welcome here.
personally i think a “do not interact” criteria is stupid because most of the people that i don’t want to interact with aren’t going to be sensible or respectful enough to conscientiously decide to not interact with me/my content. in saying that i do NOT fuck with racists, transphobes, terfs, antis, people who engage in ship wars, xenophobes, or zionists. i am a loud and proud activist who believes in land back, a free Palestine, free and safe fandom spaces, and every human being’s right to self determination.
if you’ve made it this far, congrats! ⭐️ here is your official welcome badge. pull up a seat and get comfy. lfg
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anemptypuddingcup · 1 year
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❤️🤍Mari’s Introduction & Blog Rules!❤️🤍
❤️Hello! My name is Mari but you can call me Pudding or Pudding Cup. I’m a dyslexic twenty year old writer and artist with Sickle Cell Anemia. I love writing and sharing my fics up here on tumblr for people to read and enjoy. I only write for one piece and rarely other fandoms JJK, JJBA now, though if you dig deep enough you’ll find my tokyo revengers phase as well.
Again, I only write for One Piece and occasionally other fandoms JJK JJBA.
❗️||Requests|| are closed for finishing one sentence shorts.
Finishing current event submissions:
-One sentence shorts submissions.
Let me know if you want it non-con or not!
Check out my rules a bit farther down to see my exceptions. I only write one request at a time so I’ll get to yours as soon as I can. Feel free to choose any prompt and (one piece) character, I’m fully open to your ideas. They can be smut, fluff, angst or whatever you’d like!
I mainly write insanely detailed smut and fluff fics. If I’m free forming I usually go through a cycle though the main characters I write for are Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar D. Water Law. I’m not afraid of switching up characters from time to time.
I usually write for female reader since I, myself am a female. If requested, I will write for gender neutral reader…but I sadly don’t write for male since I’m not male. I may accept all genders in the future when I get better with the writing but until then,
Female only! Non-binary if requested.
❗️Check out my favorite imagines & fics i’ve written so far!
Amidst The Shoreline. Luffy Smut.
Stay Occupied. Trafalgar Smut.
I sadly won’t make a general masterlist though I’ve made a series master list for all the series I’ve created so far!
||Series Masterlist||
If you tap a tag on which character you enjoy from my writings, you’ll find all of the fics I’ve written for that character so far. Apologies for my laziness and how unorganized I am.
❗️Working on my Dream Demon Series & Wishes Aren’t Real Zoro Series!
Dream Demon Anatomy!
Wishes Aren’t Real. Zoro Series.
‼️Special 2k fic coming soon!
‼️ Things I won’t or can’t tolerate in my fics due to the reader’s safety-
-🚫Scat or Piss
-🚫Guro or gore
-🚫Incest or Step-cest. I do write for siblings sharing one person though.
-🚫you know the rest, the usual stuff other writers don’t like either.
‼️I allow non-con and dark themes! Please be careful if you aren’t comfortable with these topics.
🚫Minors or ageless blogs are not allowed here! Though I cannot stop you from reading my fics, please don’t interact if you’re under eighteen. There’s adult content that only adults can read.
Please keep in mind that I want everyone to feel comfy and safe here on my blog, I love all of my followers dearly so I hope you’re all comfy here. (Including non-followers who love my works too!)
Thank you for reading, please enjoy your stay here in my sweet and sugary hell.
Let’s fill that pudding cup of yours~
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codmw2019-2022 · 6 months
COD MW [2019-22] - Relationships part 1 of ?
Just wanted to preface before I get into it that I did struggle with writing this. It's my first time since high school writing something like this so it's been a bit of a struggle to get back into it.
I've also haven't added any romantic relationships to this, unless the characters have kissed or are canonically married ( like Laswell ) it falls more into head-canon territory. I may also come back and edit this in the future, I'm just getting down a general idea of how I currently view their relationships.
!! Just adding this is all my own interpretation of these characters. !!
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Relationship Chart
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Explanation : So this cube shows character relationships following both MW (19) , MWII (22) , and MWII Atomgrad Raids storyline. (Yes I am ignoring MWIII, no I will not elaborate /hj)
With this I can confidently show who has and has not interacted and what their relationship is from there. Since I'm not speculating if relationships are romantic or not I've decided to focus on how close the characters are. For instance Alejandro and Rodolfo are both shown to care about each other, same goes for Laswell and Price.
I was going to add in characters like Hadir and Valeria, but with Valeria her relationship with Alejandro and Rodolfo is very cut and dry; and Hadir's relationship is something I'll focus more on when I write about Farah. Their relationship is more complicated and interesting than most other characters.
Character Relationships
Farah :
Her relationships are mostly focused on trust or admiration. She's more close to characters who have stood by her side in tough times, such as Alex and Price. With this though as soon as her trust is betrayed she is more resentful and hostile towards them, like with her brother Hadir.
You can see through most of MW before Hadir's betrayal that she does care about her brother, but as she says to Alex during the cutscene before Hunting Party.
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Farah's relationship with Hadir changes instantly after his betray, no matter how much Hadir and Farah care about each other she will never see him as her brother again. This is shown more during the 6th and 7th cutscene during the Atomgrad raids. Hadir does care for Farah and even admits he personally wont kill her, but he will still stop her since their beliefs are so different.
Quotes :
Gaz: You'll be hunting your own brother. Farah: He is not my brother. Not anymore.
Farah: It is impossible that we share the same blood. Hadir: I love you, Farah- Even if you hate me… Hadir: In that way we are not the same. Farah: One of many…
Hadir: Sister… Together we can stop them, like we did before… Farah: Believe me… I will… Farah: My way… with those I trust.
Price :
He keeps a wall of professionalism between most of his close relationships, the exception being Laswell. We see this on multiple occasions where he goes from calling Laswell by her last name and instead calling her Kate. Usually when she is either in danger like what happens during Recon By Fire, or during moments of stress/anger.
Price does show genuine care for those he is close too especially when they could be hurt or in danger, but it's just not shown the same way his care for Laswell is. Same with Nikolai their relationship is best described by the mission title when we first see Nikolai, 'Old Comrades'. They're close but not in the same way civilians are, both being a hardened solider has changed the way their friendship can be viewed from the outside.
Laswell :
Similar to Price she keeps her interactions more professional, while still also bantering with Gaz or Price on occasion. She does however verbally show more care about those she is close too, for instance telling Farah to "Take care of them." ( in reference to Gaz and Price ) at the start of Atomgrad raids.
Alex :
With rewatching both MW and the Atomgrad raids I've realized that Gaz and Alex's relationship is a lot closer than the fandom makes it out to be. Both of them check in with each other, sharing banter and jokes. Alex's relationship with Gaz is more familiar and close, where as Alex's relationship with Farah is focused more on him being supporting and committed to her and her cause. He's willing to sacrifice himself for Farah, where as Gaz and Alex are equals leaving room for more friendly banter.
Quotes :
Gaz: If it wasn't me- I'm glad it was you. Alex: Too bad we couldn't kill him twice.
Alex: I'm pretty sure everything we do is illegal. Gaz: Only the good stuff. Gaz: You got friends nearby. Alex: You too.
Gaz: Told ya you had friends nearby. Gaz: Man o' steel. Alex: Titanium…
Gaz :
Out of all the characters Gaz is definitely the most open about his feelings. He outwardly more caring and emotional, we can see this with how he treats the other characters, he barely knows like Farah and offers her a drink after Hadir's betrayal and also willing to make his own support for Farah known when her liberation force is put on the foreign terror organization list.
Unlike Price, Gaz isn't as hardened by war yet, we do see this change over the course of the series so far. But compared to Price, he seems more friendly this may be because he is a good judge of character or might be because he is just more friendly. This doesn't mean he's quick to trust though.
Thank you all for waiting for this to come out, I've been struggling a bit with working on this blog. I will keep working on it but I'm just not as confident with my character analysis as I am with research gathering and collection information which is important to the story and characters we love.
I'm going to spend a bit more time working on the next part to this focusing on the character introduced during MWII, but in the mean time I'll see if I can get something else out.
PS: I've also spent some free time working on my cod oc and because of this I might be redoing the character ages post, not sure yet whether or not to edit the post or make a new updated one.
I'm also wondering if you all are interested in learning a bit about my cod oc and the mixed matched cod universe I've put them in. I'd make a separate blog for zem but curious to know if this is something you want to see.
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
What do you think about Levi not mentioning Farlan and Isabel throughout the anime? They were literally his first real friends and family. Even in their deaths he was frustrated. But strangely we don't see any flashback scenes about them or Levi talking about them. It's obviously disturbing to me.
I have an Oc an underground childhood friend that I ship with Levi in particular and I didn't write their story down, but it makes me think that if my character was in danger or if she died with Farlan and Isabel or if she ended up dying long after their deaths, Levi would never remember her or talk about her, just like Farlan and Isabel's deaths, and that bothers me.
I know it's a bit strange to get this kind of analysis-like question since you are a Levi writer's blog. But since I love your writings and I really liked and found comfort in your answer to anon's question about whether Levi likes weak people. Because I am also a person who gets caught up in rumors and doubts whether Levi will like us or not haha.
Anyway, I don't want to deviate too much from the subject and make it too weird. You can answer question if you want.
Hi, sweetie! Oh, I see. Yes, I understand where you're coming from. First of all, I'd like to thank you for saying that you love my writing, and I'm so happy you found comfort in my answer about Levi and a "weak person." It's alright that we get lost in what the fandom discusses too frequently; it has happened to me too. And do not worry, rest assured, I don't find these "analysis questions" weird at all. Though my analysis will never be as good as my close friends', like my friend Sushi who used to have a meta-analysis blog of SnK or Cosmic! They are beyond amazing.
But to answer your question, before I get lost in my thoughts, long story short, Isayama is extremely bad at writing emotional connections in my humble opinion. In my personal group chat with my SnK close friends, we discuss this in great detail at least twice per week haha. In my opinion, Isayama is a writer or a storyteller who struggles to find a balance between keeping the plot going and creating a cohesive society and interrelationships between characters. I personally think that the story was always advancing so fast, full gas, no stop, that we hardly got any real details about the characters that made them human beyond their mere roles in the story.
I always use as an example, if one chapter in the manga or anime started with different panels of the veterans getting ready and sitting down all together for a meeting, we could have seen how their personal chambers were, how their interactions were not only between them aside the presence of the cadets, but we could have also seen how they confront early mornings, if they had paintings of loved ones, flowers on their desks, etc. It would have taken ... 5-10 pages at most, and we could have learned so much. It's something I even keep in mind while planning my own stories; I have an entire notebook of "backstory" for all the characters of Holy Ground, canon or not. So when the time comes around, I can drop little details of their lives here and there because... Let's be honest, has someone ever sat down next to you and said "here, let me tell you my whole life"? No, usually, you get to know someone organically, and that's also what, in my opinion, should happen in stories.
Now, going back to why Levi doesn't talk about Farlan and Isabel. Well, my best answer to you is, sadly, another question. Tell me one scene in the whole anime or manga where Levi was having some quality time with someone he felt comfortable enough to open up and talk about fond memories, be vulnerable, or even crack a joke about some silly hormonal stuff he did as a young man with Farlan. Tell me, I will wait... Haha.
Levi doesn't talk about Farlan or Isabel because he doesn't have screen time to talk about almost anything besides the plot moving haha. I would put my hands on a burning fire and swear that Farlan and Isabel are still extremely important to Levi! And so would be your OC! Don't let Isayama's literary limitations fence your story. That's my best advice; explore feelings that he didn't have the production time for (perhaps he wasn't allowed to write about it because of financial stuff) or he simply wasn't good at it.
Hope that helps!
Love ya!
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2cmtall · 2 years
what they admire about you
Context: as the title suggests, this is about one aspect that the characters admire about you.
A/n: I made a goal for myself this month at school to write a certain amount by the end of January and this is one of a few that I have completed. Thank you to those that have reblogged and liked my last post. Although it wasn't genshin related, it was well received by those who did like that other fandom.
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc ( I might have made Diluc's a bit longer than Kaeya's by accident but I hope people enjoy either way)
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Your sense of empathy and non-judgment.
▪ For someone who is considered shady and non-trusting by some, even by fellow colleagues, it's refreshing to know that you don't hold those same misconceptions.
▪ he was skeptical of you at first. You being a newcomer in mondstadt, kaeya naturally wanted to know if you were a friend or foe, but after a few chats and hidden observations, he concluded that although you withheld some info about yourself, you seemed far from a possible threat and he soon forgot about you.
▪ that was until he happened to see you near good hunter, and decided he would come to chat with you for a while to see what you were up to these days. He greeted you in his charismatic nature, and you answered politely, laughing quietly at his slight antics. As he kept chatting with you, he couldn't help but notice the difference in how you speak to him. No matter the teasing comments he made to you, you seemed to laugh genuinely and sometimes even answer back with a quick remark, your eyes full of mirth. Your smile seemed to get wider the more he asked about you, and you were especially interested to ask him about his day. He didn't realize it at the moment, but the way you talk to him always seemed kind and genuine.
▪ eventually he had to say goodbye and he turned to leave, but he suddenly stopped crept back to a corner at which he turned when he caught the voice of Amber, one of his dear colleagues. He already knew for sure what Amber could possibly want to talk to you about, especially right after he left, and usually he would let her little rumors slide, but this time he seemed intrigued despite himself to hear your response. Will your views about him change? Will you start looking at him with scepticism and maybe even despise from here on out? No matter what, he wanted to know.
▪ despite his worries, when Amber started berating you with warnings about kaeya, whom you just had a pleasant conversation with, that seemed to irk you and you felt the need to defend him.
▪ "y/n, I don't know why he keeps talking to you but you got to be careful. Kaeya can be somewhat. . . Shady. It's best if you avoid talking to him, for your safety of course." This is the part where Kaeya loses a potential ally. A friendly acquaintance. But when he peeked around the corner just slightly, what he saw pleasantly surprised him. Your brows were now furrowed and he can see that your mood has substantially shifted by the way your eyes settle in a silent rbf. And in a monotone manner you replied, "I understand that you have good intentions in warning me about potential dangers, but I'll have to ask you to stop. I agree that Kaeya may be something other then what he shows in public, and I'm confident he has secrets he keeps secrets under lock and key, but I don't believe you should look at him that way. From my perspective and interactions with him, Kaeya is someone I genuinely enjoy talking to, and will continue to talk with him if he so wishes as well. Thank you again for the warnings, outrider amber, but I dont believe I'll need it." By the end of your grand speech, you were smiling, your face filled with polite kindness. Amber seemed to pause for a good moment, stuck staring at you as she scrambled for a parting response. Seeing the whole ordeal and witnessing your proud face as his fellow colleague scrambles away, he could feel the curve of his lips as it formed into a smile. A smile that stayed on even after he returned to his office, passing by knights, not caring for their questioning glances. Maybe you were someone worth chatting with more. . .
▪ some other traits he finds he admires about you later on is your acts of service and honesty.
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Your plentiful rants about your passions
▪ most of us know by now that Diluc is not one to enjoy an idle chat, preferring to get straight to the point. You can't blame him, he is a rather busy man. For some reason though, people can sometimes see you yapping away (or talking in general) while diluc will quietly listen, sometimes also focused on his work (bartending, reviewing papers, etc), but he would also voice small comments to encourage you more and show that he's listening. There are even special moments where the both of you would be having the conversation because it's something you are both interested in. I believe some good topics to have with him are the art of mixing drinks and different tastes you like, chess, etc. Maybe talking about his business is something he would rather not have often because he wants to learn more about you (unless you were generally interested in business and the inner workings).
▪ I believe the reason you first met was because you happened upon him near the dawn winery when you first visited mondstadt. When you noticed the grand building and picturesque atmosphere, with the grape vines and crystal flies and the grand mansion at the very top (not to mention it was around sunset, the perfect splash of warm colors) you couldn't help but stay and be amazed. Eventually, when diluc had to leave his home to take care of something, he noticed you with an impressed sparkle in your eyes. Upon introducing each other and seeing how you looked genuinely interested, he offered to give you a special tour around the place after he was done with his duties. You thanked him and agreed to meet with him later. Even now, even if you were shy (unless you're not), he can already tell you had a friendly personality and appreciated how you held yourself.
▪ while giving you the tour, you couldn't help but ask him questions and with those answers, your rants would transform. You were always switching topics and giving comments about the things that spoke to you. You liked to speak of the existing knowledge you had and ask him for confirmation or further explanation. At first, he felt a bit. . . Apprehensive of the constant talking. He was used to short and quick answers, and usually upon introduction, he would say that he quite disliked chatter, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to say that to you. It's something in the way that your smile widens at every little thing that excites you, the giggles that escape when you're in the middle of telling a story, and the way that your eyes positively sparkle. Even if you're the type of person to be more reserved, he can still see your general excitement. And he enjoys that. Maybe he doesn't like idle chatter, but for you, he believes he can make an exception, especially when you give interesting stories, insights, and/or questions that reach a deeper level of interest than what he is commonly used to.
�� for you, you continued to talk to him, updating on everything and nothing at once, ranting about the things you have seen or heard while diluc tended to his work. It took you a while to understand that he was listening you as you might be the type of person that enjoys the full attention from the recipient, unsure if diluc was even listening to you, but when you stop suddenly that's when diluc would ask "why'd you stop? What happened after. . . " and then you would happily continue on. This whole time you never knew about his general dislike for idle chit chat until one day you overhear a conversation between two strangers, their topic being about you and how you were seemingly the only one who can have full conversations with the stoic businessman. Curious you listened on. "Its crazy how y/n can rant on for HOURS with diluc, and he hasn't once told them to shut up." The other stranger pitched, "yeah! Especially when everyone here knows he hates that sort of thing. It's a wonder how he tolerates them for even a second. Honestly I'm quite jealous. . ." By then you zoned out of their conversation because of what they said. Diluc hates chatting? How come he never told you about it? Ugh and the fact that you were just ranting on and on. . . You were convinced he must secretly despise you were for always coming in the tavern or his study and talked. Inside you were in total turmoil mentally hating your past selves for not being considerate. Form now on you decided to be more mindful, and you wouldn't bother him when he was working (which was admittedly alt he time) and to only greet him in passing.
▪ and that's what you did for a while, deciding not to visit him at his work and only greeting him in passing, always leaving diluc perplexed as to why you were suddenly acting so differently. He tried to ignore it for a time, but he couldnt help but wonder if he did something wrong when  you would look at him with an apologetic face and leave shortly after a quick catch up.
▪ eventually he decided to confront you about it when your actions felt too forced, as if you were trying so hard to not speak to him (in a way you were. You would still say hi, but you were actively not speaking about your day, lest you start going on a tangent). He missed listening about your day and noticing the little nuances of your speech and body language, happy that someone (you) wished to share their day in detail to him. Before meeting you, he was fine with the silence, since he could focus much better with no noise, but now he felt the silence to be too distracting in a way, too different. It constantly creaked at the back of his mind that something was missing, and that something was your voice.
▪ when he confronted you, asking if he'd done something wrong, you were a bit confused. Wasnt the peace and silence what he wanted? And you said as much, "but I overheard from some strangers that you were widely known to dislike idle chatter and that I was the only person that kept ranting on and on to you. I wanted to be more considerate about your preferences and I decided to limit me talking. Dont worry, you didnt do anything wrong and I'm sorry i didnt think how the sudden disappearance would affect you." You felt just as guilty as you felt when you overheard the strangers, and you couldnt help but look away from his eyes sheepishly. That was until he spoke again. "Y/n, did I by any chance say I didnt like chatter directly to you?" You stared blankly at him for a moment, trying to remember a moment where he mentioned it to you but couldn't think of a time, "I. . . I dont believe you did. Why not?"
▪ he simply huffed, a small smile forming as he spoke, "well, because I quite enjoy your 'ranting' as you called them. Admittedly, you're right. I dont usually enjoy the concept of meaningless pleasantries and conversations, but the way you speak with interest and feeling makes me forget about my usual dislike. For you, I would like to listen to your stories more, no matter how silly or irrelevant it is. Promise you wont keep avoiding me?" He chuckled lightly, making a joke to snap you out of the blank daze you seem to be in. Shaking your head, you smiled greatly, "Haha, I promise! And thank you for allowing me to tell you these stories. Speaking of which, would you like to hear this crazy thing I saw someone do yesterday?!?" "Of course, but why dont we go to the dawn winery. I can have the maids prepare us a dinner and you can tell me all about it."
▪ he might also like someone with a sense of justice (even if you dont usually act on standing up for things and making changes, I think he would still appreciate some form of initiative)
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doumekiss · 4 months
If you are here to contact me on behalf of someone else read this first
So I really hoped I wouldn’t have to make this post, but it recently came to my knowledge that a person I blocked many years ago started to send messages to a person she saw me interacting with here on my dungeon meshi prompt post asking them to send me a message on their behalf. I don’t have any wishes to receive messages from this person, so please don’t. Below I will explain a little bit of my history with her: 
So the person who contacted them won’t leave me alone, I’ve blocked them on everything and they won’t take no for an answer, I’ve told people in my life that if one day somebody kills me to look her up as a possible suspect because of how much she creeps me out, this is not the first time she saw me interacting with someone online and tried to get close to them.
I am going to explain a little bit about the context so you guys know where I am coming from so I met Ana on a Brazilian fanfiction website called Nyah Fanfiction back in 2015, and she was one of my most frequent readers and I had a lot of affection for her at that time. So in 2018 when some friends and I decided to create a WhatsApp group to send prompts and do challenges and just talk about fandom things, I decided to invite her to join. She accepted and became one of the most active members.
And then after a few months things started to get weird, anything I said she would get offended and hurt, and she would take everything personally, like she saw me liking an episode of Black Mirror that she didn't like as a personal attack on her and it was hurting me to constantly be treated as a villain to the point that sometimes I dreaded to send messages to the group I created, but I continued to ignore it until this incident at the end of 2019:
We did a mini ficathon on the group and Ana wrote a oneshot based on a prompt that I sent and she send me a message letting me know, usually when someone does something based on a prompt I try to read it the same day, but that week I was tired, at the time I was working and studying for some important exams (and she knew this because I mentioned it in the group), and then on the evening of the same day she sent a message asking if I had read it yet, and a bunch of other messages in the following days. So I went to tell her that this in the fandom was considered bad behavior and it's not something she should do to me or anyone else (she was 18/19 years old at the time and I know that often this kind of thing isn't very clear to young people in fandom). And then she got mad and said that I was bad and that she liked my writing but that I was a terrible person and a lot of other things.
I reflected for a few days and I went to tell her that I thought it was better for us to stop interacting, that we were clearly incompatible as friends and that because of our different personalities we were hurting each other. She was pissed but accepted it when it became clear that I wasn't going to change my mind.
A little before that I joined a different brazilian fanfic website called spirit fanfiction because most people had abandoned nyah at that point due to some really shitty management decisions that made the site almost unusable. Around the time that I chose to end our friendship I unfollowed her there, but I didn't block her. A week later after the drama, she started to favorite the works I posted here, and comment super nice things on some of them (I had a lot of nyah content to pass from one site to another), and send prompts in the first prompt journals I published (back them the site had this feature of creating blog posts similar to livejournal, and there is also a timeline feature that is similar to a mini twitter, this will be relevant soon), and I was a little uncomfortable because I asked her to stop interacting with me, but I thought it would be ridiculous to make drama about it and I just let it go.
A few months go by in november of 2020, and then I receive a message from someone who created an account just to let me know that Ana was talking bad things about me all the time on the timeline and sending messages to everyone who followed me to let them know that I was terrible person. At the time I barely interacted with the timeline, it wasn't a feature of the site that I read or paid attention to, I generally talked to people through comments on the fics. So I went to read Ana's timeline, and it was creepy as fuck, almost every day for months there was some subtweet about me, sometimes many times on the same day, things like that I copied her stories (which btw I didn't even read), that I had an evil soul, that she felt stalked by me, that I was rotten inside, that I should be run over by a bus. And she got so angry when people said something positive about me or interacted with my stories, there was a comment that I found particularly strange about me stealing readers (like how you steal someone's readers? It's not like a person chooses just one writer to read, I don't know, maybe she thought that every time someone chose to read something of mine they were rejecting reading something of her idk).
And after that, some things started to make sense, like my number of followers kept going up and down in those months, a sometimes people stopped following me just a few hours after they started for no reason at all. And some people continued to follow me but stopped interacting with my stories, at the time I was really active in the A Song of Ice and Fire fandom, and as soon as I joined the site I started interacting a little with other writers in the fandom because it was one of the ones I had more content to post, but then little by little they stopped talking to me, people who at first treated me very well, at the time I received the message I think there was two or three people still talking to me on that community. So I blocked her, and a few hours later she went to talk to Vanessa, a really good friend of mine she met through the group, that she didn't understand why I had done that. After receiving the message I talked about it with the person who sent me and also with a couple of personal friends on private and Vanessa was one of them, and she was someone who had known me for over ten years at that point, so she told me about Ana’s message and asked me if she could tell Ana that I knew what she was doing, and I said yes. And now I became super aware of the timeline and then I saw that Ana was making herself the victim there saying that she was going to leave the site because she made powerful enemies (seriously, the image she has of me is so distorted, she thinks I'm super popular but like when if you look at my fics you see that this really isn't the case, I have a few that ended up popular but you know I’ve been writing since 2009 I wrote over a thousand stories eventually something would end up popular lmao, but if you see in general most of the things I post only has like 2 or 4 favorites, I only have a large number of followers because I write for a lot of different fandoms and in general I tend to follow people who follow me back on there. 
My friends suggested that I write a journal explaining to my readers that there was someone spreading rumors about me on the site, and I considered it but I thought it was better not to, because everyone would know it was her and I knew that Ana had problems with depression and anxiety, my friends pointed out that I had it too and that Ana had no problem doing these things to me, but in the end she was a teenager and I was a 27-year-old woman so I put it aside and got on with my life.
In the following years she created a few new accounts just to interact with me, and as soon as I realize it’s her I block her again. A couple of people from the asoiaf fandom that stopped talking with me started again, and told me that they used to believe a lot of bad things about me because of Ana, and then she started being creepy with them too and making a lot of drama so they blocked her and thought maybe they were wrong about me, but I’m sure there are probably a lot of people who still believe in the things she said, and sometimes I still get a little paranoid sometimes that everyone secretly hates me and that the best thing would be to delete my account and only talk to some of the few people I trust, which obviously sucks because before fandom used to be just something fun that brought me happiness and I was much more open forming friendships in the past.
I called her out public on spirit I believe it was the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022 after it came to my knowledge that she started contacting people she saw me interacting with, I couldn’t talk with anyone on the timeline or get friendly in the comments that she went to follow them and started to message them, this time not to talk shit about me but casual at first, just to befriend them, and them after a while she mentioned we had a friend in common and how sorry she is about everything. And I made it very very clear that I have no wish to have any contact with her again ever in my life, and I thought it was over until I received that message today. 
In the message she said she was sorry for everything and that she did because she was a minor and had depression and that she wants to be friends again, but like I joined fandom when I was a minor with depression and anxiety and many many other issues and I never did this sort of shit to anyone, and she is no longer a minor and she is still trying to contact me after I made it clear that I don’t want to talk to her again, she has no respect for the concept of consent when it comes to human interactions, she thinks she deserves to have access to me no matter how profoundly uncomfortable she makes me. Everytime I’m reminded of her I have to relieve this really shitty chapter of my life. 
Her current username is iammyownsaviour, I’m not telling you guys to block her or don’t be friends with her, but please don’t send me anything from her, I don’t wanna hear it. 
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kitty-lennon · 1 year
OK since I had some nice returns about the height hc I wanted to share with you some of my other Hc!! (it get a bit long)
- Robbie / Glanni are faes (principaly due to Bound, that fic have been engraved in my soul) and also are two different person
- Robbie took care of the kids before Sportacus was around and have taught them about their special interest (Trixie and pranks/mischief; Pixel and love for gadget/tech and all; Stingy.... Stinginess; Ziggy and finding comfort in sweets, also Robbie made him that super hero suit)
-Latabæ and Lazytown are two different towns, and Latabæ is in iceland
-there is a Jives and Penny counter part in Lazytown but they are older and away to university. They still love to play with the kids
- Latabæ kids gang are teens while Lazytown kids gang is well, kids (/ almost preteen)
- ìþrott is older than Sportacus by a few years, and they aren't related by blood. They still view each other as Brothers tho. Also ìþrott passed down the number 10 title to him (will explain this more if asked)
- Àfram Latabæ Íþróttaálfurinn and Glanni Glæpur Í Latibær Íþróttaálfurinn are the same, he got badly made fun of by Glanni and after fighting the bitch away from Lazytown decided to get a makeover bc he indeed was a bit out of style.... Not that Glanni finds it better (except the abs)
- Glanni is a real menace that's holding back o' taking the world bc like Robbie, he's too much of a softy but won't admit it. (doesn't stop him from being a wanted criminal that have done heinous crimes but he had arguably good reason, as much as a morally gray flamboyant vilain can)
- Robbie and Glanni are distantly related blood wise but Glanni took care of Robbie most of his childhood and make sure he wouldn't take the same road as him in Villainy. (in love with this one, I love secretly soft vilains)
- Robbie is nb/ Agender, just doesn't give a single fuck about pronouns or gender, Glanni is identifying as man but like she/her and dressing either hyper masc or hyper flamboyant, pink and feathers and fur everywhere, glitters in his pockets and strass on his gun
- Sportacus is cis he/him a'd confident enough to wear a dress and make up even if it's rare / for his traditions as an elf (he like it tho bc it's comfy and fun to move around in a dress) Íþróttaálfurinn is the same, and often have his nails painted and likes to help the girls with their hair
That's the most I could think of hard enough to materialise in words!!
(it's 2am when I'm writing this, I'll probably upload it way later wand I'm sure I could come up with more tbh they probably seem too logical to me rn to not be canon)
PLS PLS PLS don't even hesitate to ask me about your headcanons so we can talk about them I love that!! It's more than alright to judge my hc even if I think they are pretty basic, but I don't think I'll change my mind about them (I'll hear you out still tho!)
OK last blorb, if you have ocs you can also message / ask / pm about them and info dump on me I would LOVE to hear about them.
Tbh usually I get in fandoms along with some friends, and I love plotting / playing / drawing [with] our ocs. So tell me if you would be fine with it, it would be immensely fun to populate the towns with our silly characters and watch them interact.
Alright, stole enough of your time now, thank you if you read this far! I really like the community here and hope to interact a bit more with all of you nice people, Have a nice time out there ✨✨
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
I love your bucky is dog fic so much!!! I reread it all the time it's so heart-warming and funny and just ahhh so good!! refreshing ao3 patiently and excitingly waiting for more<33
(a BIG mix of non–brainrot asks so i don't spam the timeline <33 some of these are from so long ago i'm so sorry. also lil disclaimer at the end about some specific asks i've been getting recently and why i won't be answering them! x)
1) !!?? you REREAD IT?? my heart wtf that's so sweet??? 😭💗 THANK U SM i will do my best to not let u down with future chapters even if shit gets a little bit angstier SDJKG <33
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2) LMAO backseat gala–ing from the comfort of a couch 😭 judging the outfits as if they don't show up in plain tuxes half the time <3
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3) <3333 thank u omg sjgkdk i'm so happy if my lack of stfu ability brings any bit of joy to anyone LOL
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4) ILY THX LEGEND @air-exec u enable me too much <33
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5) ALWAYS HAPPY TO INDULGE!! thank u for indulging my constantly rotting brain ur so kind 😭 <333
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6) yaurrr i think it's just bc i do Not enjoy being around children LMAO i can't ever get into pregnancy/family dynamic type fics in general, i wish i could tho bc they're so wholesome :') but YEAH exactly ugh. it's like. the action of talking about it, especially when it's unattainable, is so intimate bc it's like an "i love you this much" thing. but it's also so hot bc the possession of it (and possible feminization depending on the pairing) sighhh
also i feel that sooo hard, sometimes you just gotta go where ur writing heart takes u yk? it's hard to write something if ur not fully invested :') and omg stop i WILL cry. 😭💗 wtf. thank YOU!! ofc i would read!! some ideas just /hit/ and urs is one of them <33 but also yes omg it's UP there (if not at the top) on my list of pwps i wanna write once i finish yad(iym) <33 thank you for sharing urs too and sending u good writing vibes regardless of what u write!!
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7) GAHH this ones been on my ao3 read later since u sent this ask in!!! i literally have started a doc with links to moots fics i need to read/general fics i've stumbled across that look good and this one is for sure going in it. i do love reading sooo much, i just have the hell combo of adhd and dyslexia but i did start concerta a couple weeks ago which has def made it a bit easier to read lmfao thank fuck.
i think i just get in this headspace where i'm either a reader or a writer when i'm working on smth, idk if anyone else does this? i have a hard time slipping btwn both mindsets, i'm usually locked in on one at a time LOL but i need to get my shit together bc fuck everyone in this fandom writes so damn good and i want to leave long essays on all the fics and hype people up <33 i think once i finish the dog fic i'll take a few days to just consume my reading list to celebrate SJDGK
also omg i can't believe this ask is from before i even posted it that's crazyyy MY BAD. thank u and also that made me giggle JSKDG if that's my legacy in this fandom i'm honestly so happy ab that okay dog coded bucky is everything to me and i will do whatever i can to do him justice <333 and thank u again for the rec!
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8) [ X ] UGHHH stop mammal RUINED me. he's soososoo pretty i want to die i think about that barry era as curt in the motaverse so often it makes me sick. i love pretty twinks!! xx (i have a whole motaverse au curtbucky where curt looks like 2012–ish barry and he's ken's age and they're cute lil mechanics together and it's so stupidly elaborate and niche and maybe i'll do smth w it one day who knows)
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9) this is very sweet and i do appreciate you respecting my boundaries! thank you <3 i think a lot of people get annoyed at adults asking minors not to interact with nsfw posts on here bc the argument is always "they're gonna look even if you ask them not to" which, yeah, true! i was a teenager growing up online, i sure as hell did not let 18+ warnings stop me ever lmfaoo. i'm not telling minors to stay off my account because ik if people wanna find specific content, they're gonna find it. if teens are learning ab gay sex thru my blog, then at least they're learning ab it from a gay man who tries to keep things realistic in fic and who isn't a creep LOL.
that being said, i more so bar off minors interacting with my nsfw posts/writing bc i personally just feel uncomfortable discussing stuff like that with anyone who isn't an adult, and sometimes i don't have the time to check bios for ages (or sometimes bios don't have ages) before i reply to comments or whatever, so it's just easier to ask that y'all stick to the sfw so i don't accidentally brainrot some cooked shit with a child JSDJKG bc i would feel icky. i hope you understand <3
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10) IT MAKES ME SICKKK. not only that, but when i was rewatching it with my irl last week, i realized that in e5 when bucky's smoking in the plane after gale goes down, he's sitting in the right (gale's) seat, which i'm pretty sure he doesn't do at any other time :((( like he was trying to be close to him in anyway he could </3
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11) omg i've been meaning to watch that just to get a better inside look at stuff for world building purposes lmaooo but that sounds so wholesome :( i read that a lot of the guys would get real sad/touchy around holidays (obviously), so i could see a oneshot where one of them takes it upon themselves to try and cheer everyone up the best they can under their circumstances. a little found family holiday </33
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12) thank u for the rec!! i'm suuuch a slow reader, i'm still working my way thru the actual mota book LOL but i've added this to my reading list <3 i think i might've actually read a couple excerpts from that one in doing research for my fic and it looks really interesting (and heartbreaking) so i'm sure i'll pick up a copy eventually :^)
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13) oh 100% agree!! as someone who already isn't super interested in fashion/pop–culture, i find it very hard to look at the men's outfits and be blown away by any of them LOL but the women?? insane. was losing it over lana and zendaya's fits tonight ngl. hunter had me in a chokehold with last year's <3 tangent alright i always say this to my friends but i'm just jealous in general that women have so many more options in terms of clothes like.
okay listen i know i can leave my house in a skirt or crop top or whatever and a lot more guys are def starting to feel comfortable doing so. but i also enjoy not worrying about getting jumped or looked at funny! it's a lot safer than it used to be to do so, even in my small ass conservative town i'll sometimes put on some dangly earrings or a bit of rodrick–liner SJKDG but that doesn't mean it's normalized yet or whatever. point being that i wish it was because men's outfits would be sm more exciting at these fashion events if they had a wider range of options too!
but that aside, absolutely. until that changes, really it's not that hard for the men who are going with women (who don't want to go crazy with their outfits/who are more lowkey like you said) to just. wear something nice and on theme that compliments their partner's outfit and they'll be FINE. anything is better than something boring with no effort; effort doesn't have to equal crazy and fancy and elaborate. like austin's 2022 look has always been a standout to me because it was still a really nice look (even if it was simple) and it also worked so well because of who he had at his side. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i also literally don't know shit ab fashion so i rly shouldn't be speaking on it LOL. i just know some things make me go oh no and some make me go YUM
and that's probs the last i'll post about the met bc i rly don't care thaaaat much, i was just happy to see barry since he wasn't at the panel this weekend <3
OKAY THAT WAS SO MUCH I'M SORRY. i just felt really bad bc some of those have been sitting in my inbox for months bc i was waiting to compile them all into a post like this :-) but also one last thing, idk if it's bc of me stepping out of mota to talk ab the emmy stuff/the met this week, but i've had a couple gossip/drama(?) asks and i just wanna say rn that i won't be posting stuff like that, even though they've been worded kindly! one, because i rly only post about fic/brainrot/mota–fandom related stuff here (aside from rare exceptions like today lol). and two, because as much as i adore our boys and try to keep up with the things they're up to, i personally don't vibe with speculating about them (esp if it's in a way that kinda. forgets they are grown men who probably don't think twice ab some of the stuff that people think they do lolol). i have no issue with people who do like to talk ab that stuff, i follow update blogs and think it's totally fine as long as it's done respectfully! i just don't feel like talking about gossip fits the vibe here and frankly i don't care enough about what goes on behind the scenes half the time; i'm just here to create and support and be insane. <33 that's all, just wanted to say that so ppl aren't waiting to have those asks answered/aren't sending more in! x
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doshiart · 8 months
Gallavich Intro
uh huh, thank you @callivich for these encouragement reblogs post, so here we are!
(nick)Name: Doshi
Age: 22
What made you fall in love with Gallavich? I mean… gallavich, they're they. Okay, if serious, I just knew about them but never interested in it and don't remember whether I watched this show before or not. But I seen all of seasons attentively only in November 2023. Then I fell into it entirely and completely.
How long have you been a fan? 3.5 months / since November 2023
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene? oh god, it's hard.. so many really awesome scenes. I want to highlight a few and maybe make a top.
Mickey Watching Over Ian [S04E07] — my s-tier, i love re-watch this scene, i love this song (and i'm so sad that it's been removed from spotify but ok whatever). It's incredibly emotional, that's all. Mickey is so protective, there are so many thoughts on his face. And this silent talk with Svetlana screams very loudly for me. I just like to think that in that moment Mickey is thinking about how much he loves Ian and how glad he is that he's finally here.
"First Time I Felt Anything Since…" [S05E10] — just one more emotional scene before disaster. Really like it and the song is good too.
The Club Kiss [S04E08] — they are so touch starved for each other's. yummy.
"I Gotta Worry. You're My Husband." [S11E04] — it's really sad that this scene was deleted :\
"Rain On Me." [S11E07] — PLEASE they're so domestic and comfort, singing together, what could be better??
idk i just can't stop?? ok i'm quickly pick these important ones for me: "Don't." [S03E12] "Ian. Look At Me." [S04E10] "Sorry I'm Late." [S05E08] The Dock Scene [S07E10] "A lot." [S07E11]
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey? Carl! I actually really love a lot of the characters, but Carl the most. Love his character development, love his sibling bonding with Debbie and how they grew together, as well as his brotherly relationship with his elders. Love his interactions with Mickey and wish there was more. He's so sweet and silly kitty. I also had a crush on Sandy and would have liked to see more of a storyline with Debbie, but eh.
Do you write or draw or make edits? I draw! tag in tumblr / commissions open + other social
Favourite type of Gallavich fics? I'm absolutely in love for AUs! Before gallavich I didn't realize how much I loved the AUs. It's just amazing and this fandom is amazing because there are so many things I want to read, but there are sooooo many. I love multi-chaps and slowburn! Any universe, the main thing is our boys and tension between them!
Most of all I want to mention my love for texting/social media or something like that. I like it when text messages are inserted into the writing.
I prefer fluff, but I have nothing against angst, only if it is hurt/comfort. I love getting different emotions and I love crying too, but I don't like bad endings.
Favourite Gallavich quote? "You're Under My Skin, Man." "What You And I Have Makes Me Free." "Hit My Husband Again, I'll Fucking Kill You." "Don't fucking tell me what's impossible! We're taking care of him here. You, me, us. His fucking family. "Fuck You, Fuck You, And Especially Fuck You!"
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? I'm a bit of a shy introverted lurker and didn't understand at all how tumblr blogging system worked until that moment, usually I just threw my art and ran away. But now I'm watching how people do their posts (use a queue?? what). And I wasn't completely sure how to blog with drawings without turning it into something personal, but it seems that's the point of blog?
So I'm just getting used to everything and want to stay in the shameless fandom, because it's very nice to be here. You are all very nice people and I have already become attached to y'all.
Apart from anything else, I have a huge obsession. I constantly read something new that comes into my hands, and I have a lot of ideas for new arts. (I might even want to do an edit, but shhh, I'm not sure I'm really mentally ready yet haha).
So yeah, you are truly amazing and I hope to be more active in the fandom! <3
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topguncortez · 1 year
I thought that this detox/hiatus/whatever the fuck would last longer, but I'm a glutton for punishment and can't stay away from this hellsite no matter how hard I try. might be my abandonment issues. . . anyway, conversation for my therapist
thank you all for the nice asks, messages, reblogs, comments. I read them all, I promise you that! I know that the good out ways the bad, and I should've just been the bigger more mature person and not post that anon, but it just struck something with me.
I know that I can sometimes come across as a bitch or blunt, I know that believe me. I can be cold and heartless. It's a trauma response, but not an excuse. I have been working on myself for years with the help of medication, several types of therapies, support groups, you name it, I've probably tried it. I am a work in progress. If I have ever offended you, or pissed you off, or said something that hurt you, I truly, truly apologize. From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.
The internet is a truly glorious and hideous place. I have met some many people that I would give up my whole savings account to meet. . . and I have met some that I would love to build a Time Machine and avoid.
I love that the TG fandom has made me friends, literally, all around the world. I love that TG has gotten me back into writing. I love it, I really do. . .But things need to change.
The vile, nasty hate that not have I been subjected to, but so have many others on here, needs to stop. It's truly alarming the things that you are saying to other human beings. It is not normal, it is not right, and I truly hope that you seek out professional help. If you are praying for nasty, vile, awful things to happen to another human, you need to be seeking professional help.
And to that anon, I really, really hope that you are having a better day/night/whatever than you were when you decided to come into my inbox and be mean. You don't know my story, and I don't know yours. So maybe, you were having a bad day, and needed to lash out at someone. I have bad days too, I know the feeling. But what you said was not okay, and I hope you know that. I hope that you know deep, down in your heart that what you said was wrong and gross, and you are getting help and having a better day.
as for me coming back and writing again. . . I really don't know. Like I said, I got abandonment issues so I can't say "no I'm done" or "yes I'm back". I have been wanting to step away for a bit and just slow down on my writing. I feel like everything I have put out lately has been total shit, so I'm gonna take this time to just write and not worry about posting. I am almost done with this semester from hell, and I can taste the summer air. Maybe once I'm done with school, I'll throw a party and get back into the swing of things.
I really would love this summer to be like last summer. Where the dash was full of us thirsting over lil fictional pilots flying lil planes. I hate seeing drama. I hate seeing hate. I hate seeing writers and creators beg and plead for reblogs and interactions. I hate it and I hope things change heading into the summer.
alright, enough, rambling.
long story short, I'll be around, lurking in the shadows like I usually am.
I love you all,
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