#there's no choice there
oscar-isaac · 8 months
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RYAN GOSLING "I'm Just Ken" wins Best Original Song at the 29th Annual Critics' Choice Awards (January 14, 2024)
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animentality · 2 months
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embracetheshipping · 6 months
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titleknown · 23 days
So, a comparatively high amount of states are voting on the fate of ranked choice voting this year. Missouri is voting on whether or not to kill it, Alaska is voting on whether or not to keep it, and most importantly, Nevada, Oregon and Idaho are voting on whether or not to adopt ranked choice voting, with maybe Colorado to follow.
And if you live in these states, even if you don't want to vote at the top of the ticket, I urge you to get out there and vote in favor of ranked choice voting on all of them.
Like, the two-party monopoly is a big part of the reason why politics in this country is so shit, and a big part of that is our "first past the post" system making it basically mathematically impossible for candidates outside of them to win anything beyond a local or state level.
So, if you want to try and break the cycle of voting for the lesser evil, of bipartisan cruelty towards the Global South and the country's own citizens alike, we need to change this and we need to vote on it where we can.
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zytes · 10 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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kavaleyre · 6 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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thecooler · 4 months
Feel free to specify in the tags :) if the animal is one that needs company assume you'd have multiple
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arctic-hands · 18 days
Every time there's a food recall that spreads from one company to the next, even from generic brands that are unique to the store selling them, it makes me realize the illusion of choice under capitalism hyped up by conservatives is a bunch of bullshit.
Oh and uh, don't drink apple juice for a while. Arsenic. And it's more than just Aldi and Walmart
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grauline · 1 month
i can convince myself anyone deserves to be mistreated. i am also unshakable in my belief that i'm pure of heart and objectively a good person <- how you guys sound to me
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mysterycitrus · 1 month
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bring back the creatures
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months
This is such a good, succinct way of describing the illusion of choice many fundamentalist women and men have when it comes to life paths.
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animentality · 2 months
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cottagedreamy · 2 months
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God told me to draw this
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ivynightshade · 2 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am an observer, but not by choice.’
[text id: my fist has always been clenched around the handle of an invisible suitcase. / i am always ready to leave. / there is not a single room in this world where i belong.]
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vaspider · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how important it is that whatever you think of anything else, Trump Cannot Be President Again.
The "rip apart democracy and install an autocrat" group was not Ready for him in 2016. They didn't think he'd win.
They're ready now. They're teeing up for a second Trump president. Whatever your favorite current Thing, it would be worse under Trump, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they're going to try to make sure that they stay in power forever, by any means necessary.
SCOTUS basically just said, "If Trump sends the Army in to murder protestors, that's okay. If Trump assassinates a political rival with the armed forces of which he is the Commander In Chief, that's an official act, and there's no recourse."
Anything he can even vaguely justify as "an official act" - including installing people in the Justice Department to support his coup, including pressuring his VP to support his coup - is no longer a crime.
This isn't just me saying this, btw. Here's Robert Reich, lifelong public servant (and yes, dad of @samreich, since I know what's important to y'all):
Finally, the Republican-appointed justices have given a dangerous amount of discretion to presidents — broad enough, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in her dissent, to protect presidents from prosecution for bribes and assassinations. A president already has the authority under the Insurrection Act to order troops into American streets. After today’s ruling, those troops would be under the command of a person who would almost certainly enjoy absolute immunity for the orders he gives them.
This is unbelievably terrifying.
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my-midlife-crisis · 28 days
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