#therefore THIS meme is also canon
lieutenantselnia · 1 year
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hyperactively-me · 10 months
king!ghost x princess!reader au
this brainrot has taken over my head the past few days. i'm not sure if i want to keep it to blurbs or if it will turn into a full-fledged fic......i'll see what i feel like doing soon. anyway, this post will be the masterlist for this au of mine cause i already have a few blurbs and headcanons in the drafts tee hee. i appreciate any interaction / feedback
A/N: so originally i was going to keep this to blurbs, but the whole thing gained quite a bit of popularity! so therefore, laid before you, is about 100k+ words written! have fun reading!
one two meeting proposal knife journey questions massage harsh contact introductions three the wedding the reception bedtime four names sword fighting slip up lessons sick knight!soap boat almost learning, growing exploratory go again distracted suspicious hand to hand, man to woman watching punch wishes hair jealousy, jealousy general vows reading anger more jealousy attack ball nightmare jousting knife explained archery forest's edge war separation duties taken home (pt 1) home (pt 2) taken (simon's pov) safety measures it's always dinner uncle and aunt
you decide (basically, you can choose if you view this as canon or not lol) tbd
extras (these occur at no particular point in time unlike the works above ^^, so these can be read as standalone. they are also canon.) puppy love upside down poison eavesdropping staring problem oddball beach episode
non-canon alternate ending to 'anger' what if you never learned to love him like you've seen a ghost
fun little extra: meme for 'taken'
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astrolavas · 11 months
Do you have any cursed Hunter headcanons? (cursed as the headcanons are cursed not hunter being cursed)
he uses a 13-in-1 shampoo/shower gel cuz he thinks it's most efficient 💔 (he redeems himself a bit during the timeskip though cuz he has more time to take care of himself and sometimes likes to actually chill and enjoy the scents and stuff + darius shows him Self Care, but back at the coven???? irredeemable i fear. efficiency above all) (i also have some serious thoughts abt the reasons behind this hc but that's for a more serious emo talk so ehehhh)
speaking of canon bi hunter, he has absolutely atrocious taste in fictional men. the rest of hexsquad always prepares for the worst when they're watching a movie and a terrible slash cringefail slash furry slash nerdy dude comes on screen and hunter starts clearing his throat to speak up. he's TERIBBLE
he bites into ice cream (and then always gets brainfreeze. fly high king 🕊️)
he has god-awful luck when it comes to getting sick/injured in the most stupid ways. like, AWFUL luck. this is my son crump he has every disease and he has been attacked by seagulls 10 times in one week
back in the human realm, especially during the first week, he'd always wake up dreadfully early and Want Chores (sth sth being raised in an environment where you're constantly expected to do things that'll "earn your place" there over and over again therefore not being able to understand that you can just exist somewhere and be taken care of by someone without them expecting anything in return, sth sth) so he'd just stand in a dark hallway like this 🧍 randomly. camila constantly getting near-heart attacks everytime she has to go to work early or has some vet emergency in the middle of the night cuz she just steps into the hallway and immediately sees mr autistic grimwalker's glowy pink eyes staring down at her and demanding daily chores. awful
he thinks facebook minion memes are hilarious unironically. he sends them to hexsquad's groupchat i'm afraid. he also loves those flashy glittery wolf videos/gifs/edits/images. he sends them to the groupchat also
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ineffable-doll · 1 year
Shipping is so much more FUN when you're aspec.
I'm not super fandom savvy, having only ever been active in one of them in any meaningful way, but I am familiar with the online culture surrounding shipping fictional characters together. Something I've personally witnessed is that the thinking around platonic v.s. romantic is extremely binary; a relationship can be one or the other, and a platonic relationship is the failing outcome if you, as an audience member, preferred the latter. This reflects much broader societal thinking, so it makes sense that most people approach shipping this way.
However, when you're aspec (anywhere on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrums), this idea doesn't necessarily apply. Suddenly, platonic and romantic are not opposing ideas, they're just two potential options on a very, very wide sliding scale / multi-dimensional graph wherein the significance of a relationship is completely disconnected from its label.
A huge part of shipping culture (again, just from what I've witnessed) is that Explicit Confessions and/or an onscreen mouth kiss are necessary to make a ship canon, and that not happening means Your Ship Isn't Canon And Therefore Isn't Important or Valuable (and gets used as a way of invalidating other people's ships). However, for a lot of aspec folks (and others, of course), romance is not automatically more valuable than friendship, and an end goal for a particular character dynamic becomes a lot less about fulfilling A, B, and C to verify the couple as "real" in the eyes of the mainstream or even the fandom as a whole, and instead is more about wanting to see characters happily in one another's presence. Specifics vary wildly case to case, so I'm gonna leave that fairly broad.
Ultimately, I have found myself shipping characters in the usual way less and less as I've learned more about my own aspec identity and experience. I care less if characters kiss; I care less if characters declare three little words...though I also am very familiar with the history of queer erasure and definitely root for explicitly romantic queer rep. And all this doesn't mean I don't have couples I support - I very much do. But whether their relationship is specifically romantic matters very little to me, with rare exceptions. (In fact, I often find myself "shipping" characters platonically - seeing a couple that would make great best friends being forced along standard, heterosexual romantic beats.) Mostly, I want the characters I ship to be around each other, to support each other, and to love each other in whatever capacity is fulfilling to their arcs and to the narrative.
Or, to put this all in a more digestible meme format:
Allos: If the couple doesn't kiss then the ship isn't canon
Me: but have you considered that the real kiss was the friends we made along the way?
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wolfdrakocat · 4 months
Who thought that they would post drawings regularly? I thought.
Artblok thought differently.
And then in the chat they suggested drawing Sunstreak on Design meme.
I usually don't draw canon characters unless I'm asked to do so.
But my love for showing off my headcanons got me into drawing.
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Sunstreak. And my headcanons for BeetleWings(and HiveWings, and SilkWings).
When I first saw the tribal designs, the wings quickly became the object of my ire.
Insect wings. which do not bend. and are attached only to the limb.
The last straw was the children Sunstreak and Clearsight. These massive Nightwings bodies have butterfly wings. And Hivewings can also have transparent wings.
Result: The wings are movable and cannot be transparent. But BeetleWings and descendants have an additional joint in the wing manus, which, when the muscles are tense, locks the wing motionless in an extended state. Other tribes don't have this. The wing membrane is attached to the body. And these are full-fledged wings, which have a shape similar to the wings of insects. The composition of the scales from the wings differs in composition from the scales from the rest of the body. Therefore, the wings feel different to the touch and their color may differ radically from the main color.
Beetlewings also have wings like bees or dragonflies. Wings Silkwings are a mutation of the wider wings of Nightwings - the result of several hybrid generations.
On the other hand: antennas growing from the temples have no justification other than my personal whim. (I don’t like it when they grow from the forehead.)
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Narrator of Tell Tale Heart propaganda:
The OG, the meme, he has it all
He is so so so sure that he is not insane because of his high intelligence and planning skills, also his increased sense of hearing is DEFINITELY NOT because he’s insane but because he can just hear well :) yeah he can hear the old man’s heartbeat after he’s dead, what about it? also he is under the impression that killing the old man is justified because he has a weird eye
Marvin propaganda:
this bitch is crazy you can't trust a thing she says!!!! but um seriously he is neurotic and while recounting his childhood everything is wack and doesn't make sense and ummm. Idk the man lies he withholds information (such as names of main characters he deems unworthy or important details) he makes he presents his fantasies like actual canon events (how marvin eats his breakfast, rape of ms goldberg) he tries to convince himself and therefore us that he's straight ummm he's just a little freak and an attention whore and a liar and a fugly slut and i love him. Heart
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Okay so i finally got it down after dumping word vomit and then editing word flow into my notes so here we go! Still rough but eh it's concepts and stuff.
Inspired based on the initial magic mirror quote/diagnosis for magicless yuu: “The Dark Mirror: I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.” which made me think well if the soul is empty of magic then maybe it can take in magic. If the reason it's senses no magical power plus it notes the soul is funky. Dark mirror even had to pause and notes…. "Your soul is unclear to me…" Then my “soundless and colorless and shapeless” soul is obviously probably different than other souls magic mirror sees. What if the soul could absorb some magic and do some funky stuff y'know? Lightning rod absorbtion type of situation.
Dark Mirror roasting our soul in front of orientation like "look at this bland ass empty soul mf. Murky ahhh" /j
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Still Essentially all the canon event shit but like to the left cause my Yuu is a chaotic dipshit (affectionate) who discovered that they can essentially absorb and thus utilize magic to an extent but only if it's direct source and it unfortunately causes some side effects. Namely changes in appearance - sometimes chimeric depending on what was consumed/absorbed- plus odd sense of hunger/emptiness due to filled up soul and resulting emptying when out of magic. Think blot effects but not really blot cause the earth soul is funky and don't really have blot capabilities since blot comes from magic producing folks who are stressed and we don't make magic and this yuu is basically a blank vessel conduit with lightning rod type of abilities but only for direct magic. if spell fire hits then whatever free fire magic but if the spell fire makes other real fueled fire then ouch! Or if curse is flung but again it depends. Plus it is absorbed and retained and if there's a fair amount of it in the blank slate soul then changes happen but like no blot so you just look funky plus abilities. You can burn it off cause your shapeless funky blank slate soul is just a conduit/vessel. Personally wouldn't want to cause i want that back up magic y'know lol. also grim will have to fight me for those stones cause I'm gonna eat em up once i genuinely figure out my abilities. Again canon is like in the room but not really y'know. Mostly cause there's a "magic less" human who can eat up your magic spells and become a bit chimeric depending on the amount inside and also what was absorbed or outright consumed. Crewel keeps a sharp eye on our mouth movements cause now he has to live Knowing one of his students might snack on a piece of his magical ingredients for magic gains- he's that meme of dog owners wondering what the hell is in their dog's mouth. Also magic absorption changes based on how far removed it is from just magic versus enchanted etc plus still a limited vessel so like gotta increase the capacity but also plan out what to absorb and keep and not run out etc.
Thats pretty interesting.
Being able to absorb and consume magic would be rad, which also makes me think of being able to steal it.
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vulpesverda · 6 months
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I'm sure you were referring to my Kayn Making Food for the Group headcanons, but I think this would be more fun to do a headcanon post about the kinds of pranks he'd pull on all of the members. I'm also a menace who loves giving myself extra work, lmao
Prank Master Aphelios
Content: No Warnings 》 SFW 》 Alune Included
Requests: Currently Open
We all know about Aphelios replacing K'Sante's protein powder with flour, right? KNOWING this man eats that shit DRY? Evil. And I love it. On top of that, I like to imagine Phel changes the lock and homescreens on K'Sante's tablet to just... really weird shit. Obscure memes. Sometimes ones he's made himself. Ones he's made about K'Sante. How did he get the pass code. K'Sante doesn't know. K'Sante does not have the power to stop him. Someone help this man.
Pranking Sett is both so easy and so difficult. It's so easy to get a big emotional reaction out of him... but there are some pranks that will just fly right over his head. But I think Phel's favorite thing to do is gaslight this motherfucker. Tell him fake facts knowing that Sett is gonna repeat it later and look silly. And when Sett is like "Phel told me that! It's true!", Phel is like "I did not say that, where did you hear that".
You might be thinking, "If anyone were to be free of his shenanigans, it's got to be Yone, right?" And you would be correct. However, no one is free, and therefore Yone suffers. And by "suffers", I mean his cold brew is replaced with decaf. Yone notices. Immediately. He doesnt even have to taste it. He is not happy.
Yone is aware he can just go buy a cold brew, but its the principle of the thing. You don't fuck with a man's coffee, or his morning routine. But Yone can't prove anything, and his coffee is re-replaced as soon as he makes a stink about it, so.
Kayn loves to dye his hair, canonically. And if he dyes his hair with any dye that comes in containers like the Arctic Fox hair dye, you bet Phel has intentionally switched around the colors. He bought sticker remover stuff so he could peel off the labels and switch them around undetected, so Kayn opens up his next bottle of pinkish purple dye and ends up with ultramarine or black or green and dumping it directly on his head.
Because let's be honest, I don't imagine Kayn would put that shit in a bowl and apply it with a brush. He's squeezing that bottle on his head and rubbing it in with his hands. And you're lucky if he's using gloves.
Ezreal is an easy one to prank. If Ez leaves his phone alone for even a SECOND, Aphelios is on that shit, hiding it away in his pocket or something so Ez is frantically looking for it. And then he puts it in a spot he KNOWS Ezreal knows he's looked. He gets a really big reaction out of it, too, which is what makes such a low effort prank so worth it. Minimal risk, big reward. If he's lucky, Ezreal might start whining.
Now, dear reader, you may be asking "Why is Aphelios on this list?". And the answer to that question lies in the fact that Aphelios is not even safe from himself. Particularly when he is drunk. I envision drunk Aphelios giggling to himself as he thinks "It would be really funny to piss off sober me", and doing something he knows is going to inconvenience him while hung over. Like rearranging his bedroom furniture in a way that doesn't make sense or is impractical. Or hiding the toilet paper so he has to do the shuffle of shame after his morning shit.
He is a menace, even to himself. I told you no one is free.
This is her brother. Her brother who loves her, but her brother nonetheless. He's perfected the art of the prank, and she was his unwilling test subject for many, many years. Anything you can think of, he's probably done it to her. There's nothing he can do that would surprise her, at this point. I think he enjoys stealing her hair ties and hiding them somewhere she can't reach. Or hiding all of the left socks in her matching pairs. Anything to inconvenience her just a little bit. And she knows this has the work of the Phae (Phel/Fae) written all over it.
》 ------ ◇ ------ 《
AN: God I love aphelios. End note.
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gojuo · 4 months
Is satosugu a queerbaiting ship?
Yes and no. No, it's not queerbaiting in canon because Gege is not writing anything romantic in their relationship; Yes, it's queerbaiting coming from the fandom because the majority of stsg shippers are genuinely convinced there's something romantic between them in canon, and fandom is what a fan engages in way more than just canon therefore people get brainwashed/gaslighted into thinking stsg is meant to be canon.
Theories you read? That's fandom. Art you reblog? Fandom. Memes you consume and regurgitate? Fandom. Sending me asks about JJK? You're engaging in fandom. When you only—and I really mean only—read the manga and do not engage in any other aspect of JJK in online spaces, then you are not engaging in fandom therefore you have no stsg shippers forcing their headcanons down your throat and manipulating you into believing that shit. However... not engaging in fandom really isn't the reality for most JJK fans ... and because the majority of the JJK fandom are stsg shippers ... and because the majority of stsg shippers are truly convinced Gege wrote those two with a romantic dynamic ... people start to think there's actual romance happening and therefore he's queerbaiting bc "Gege will never have the balls to make stsg canon so he just sprinkles in random hints bc he's being censored by homophobic Shueisha!!!!" even though JJK has a lgbt couple and openly trans character like ... Lmfao.
The answer is no, there's no queerbaiting going on because there is no romance between stsg happening. Neither Gege nor his editors have never insinuated anything of the sort, nor have the voice actors, or anyone from the animation team. In canon, Gojo and Geto's relationship has only ever been portrayed as platonic. Any stsg cope that their friendship is secretly romantic is manipulative gaslighting. They keep twisting facts to suit their narrative and it's so annoying. "My one and only" is not romantic, the line before that is literally "My best friend"; "My soul knows otherwise" is not romantic, Gege said in the fanbook it's about the way Kenjaku's CT interacts with Gojo's Six Eyes; "Geto is the only deep bond Gojo has with a person" Literally a lie but this is also because of the age-old issue of Shonen writers' misogyny.
The biggest and greatest example of this issue is what Kishimoto did with Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura. To keep it short, Kishimoto, self-described as "I don't know how to write women", put all his effort into developing both Naruto and Sasuke as independent characters, their dynamic with each other, their relevance to the plot, their narrative arcs, etc. etc. and Sakura? She was just ... there. Not saying she was a nothingburger character but the gap between Naruto & Sasuke vs Sakura was considerably evident. And what happened when Kishimoto gave way more depth to the two guys in the trio over the girl? Mass shipping and delusional nrss is canon takes and egg hunts everywhere, even though it was clearcut that nrss was nothing but platonic. It's the same story with Gojo/Geto/Shoko (she literally disappears during HI like fuck you Gege), and the same story with Yuuji/Megumi/Nobara. Hell, I'd even go as far as to say it's the same with the Special Grades: Gojo/Geto/Yuuta/Tsukumo. There's a big disparity between character work for Gojo, Geto & Yuuta vs Tsukumo.
Gege might not make his female characters do fanservice like panty shots, unreasonably big tits, mad sexualization, KYAAHHH!!!, etc. all the time but that don't mean he's above being misogynistic to his female cast .
Gege did a lot of character work for both Gojo and Geto in HI which led up to the iconic Kenjaku reveal moment in Shibuya arc. Great. None of that shit was romantic in any way though. Had he given Shoko the same care and love he's given to the boys, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Because that would mean that the fujos would have to engage with her character and her dynamic with other characters in a meaningful way. Alas... that didn't happen because Gege said this is a sausage fest.
Now, all this doesn't mean that you can't ship stsg. It just means that stsg is not a canon ship, Gege is not being censored so he can't "confirm their love", it means that in canon there is no romantic love between those two and there never has been. But you can still ship it, though. Hell, I ship TojiGo! Literally negative romance there in canon obviously, but that won't stop me because exploring character dynamics outside of the confines of canon and the what-ifs is what shipping is all about! (Majority) stsg shippers are just annoying as fuck because they genuinely believe their ship is canon, try to force their headcanons and misinterpretations of the material down everyone's throats, and send death threats to anyone who dares to ship Gojo with literally anyone else. And then gaslight the part of the fandom that isn't into shipping culture so bad that people start to think this fujo ship is queerbaiting. Goddamn.
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creepy-old-memes · 6 days
genuinely thrilled that this blog exists. like i don't know WHY so many people take issue with this ship. fiction is fiction, who gives a shit?
no, ACTUAL teenage girls shouldn't be out frolicking around with weird, creepy, middle aged men, but lydia deetz is not a real teenage girl and beetlejuice is not a real creepy old guy. also they're literally so couple "coded" anyway like. basically canon regardless, shut the fuck up (not you <3)
anyways ily and i love ur blog, thank u for the safe space to ship the weird goth girl and her weirdo smelly boyfriend
aww thanks anon <3
AND EXACTLY like of course I wouldn’t condone a 30 something and a teen dating in real life THATS CRAZY and fucking gross!
But that’s not what I’m doing it’s teen x immortal being which hello?! Reaaaallllly common trope, seen it a million times but what? Because he’s not conventionally attractive and doesn’t look the same age it’s bad™? I’m sorry but wasn’t there a million dollar franchise about a 100 yr old vampire falling for a teen girl?
I just don’t get the disconnect people have that one is morally evil and the other is totally fine?? And I’m not even saying so therefore you have to like it or have no issue I’m saying just chill out, it’s really not that deep, let people do their own thing, and the world sucks and having silly enjoyment like this shouldn’t be causing people to get this angry and writing DNI on EVERYTHING it’s just goofy.
So in short, enjoy the memes it’s time we make shitposts
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Hello fellow mutual!! I can’t remember if I’ve already asked you this or not, but what are some of head canons you have? Also, as a side question, was your pfp part of that one meme that goes something like “me when my mom tells me to socialize”?
Death Note headcanons:
Shinigami are the cursed spirits of death note users. The death notes and the shinigami king are older than any shinigami. Living the dreadfully dull life of a shinigami and siphoning the life of humans is their punishment for using the death note. So therefore, when Rem dies that is actually her reward for one act of selflessness.
Light was always more arrogant and self-centered than he let on, but he wasn't exactly evil until he picked up the death note, which encouraged all his worst instincts and personality traits.
L is autistic. His odd sitting posture and various odd mannerisms are stims. He is absolutely obsessed with his detective work to the exclusion of all else. He needs help with basic everyday tasks, and it's obviously not due to physical or intellectual disability.
Mello is non-binary. No explanation needed.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Subtext Glorious Subtext! A Dreamling on Netflix analysis in The Sandman - Part 3
Insert distracted boyfriend meme here...
1589 is when the queer coding starts ramping up a notch. Let me tell you how I am fascinated by their choice of actor to play Shakespeare - a twink with stars in his eyes - amazing. Bravo. Not even Hob manages to look at Dream like he wants to be utterly ruined by him the way this actor looked at Tom Sturridge. Here on Tumblr.com I am sure we are all very much aware of the theories and speculation about the actual Shakespeares sexuality with the consensus being that he was probably bisexual, and my GOD have they decided to lean into that on this show.
There is a lot to analyse in this scene. Hob’s dialogue about what he has been up to is almost word for word the same as the comic, but Ferdie’s delivery is perfect with its mix of flirtation and desperate need to impress. Look at this dramatic fool:
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Dream’s curious reaction to his bragging is almost as if he is trying to figure him out, but unlike the comics/audiobook, the conversation between Shakespeare and Marlow is interspersed with this one, with Shakespeare pulling Dream’s attention before Hob has even finished talking. This adds extra tension to the scene and raises the emotional stakes. In the comics, Hob had already finished talking when Shakespeare gets up and starts reciting Faustus to the point that he draws Dream’s attention prompting Dream to ask Hob who he is.
One of the interesting changes made is the removal of Hob’s description of Kit Marlowe as “bent as a pewter ducat.” A wise choice as it comes across as somewhat homophobic, but its removal also serves to not “other” Marlowe and therefore “other” the idea of homosexuality as something different to Hob. The other similar change to the show was the removal of Shakespeare flirting with the waitress whilst Marlowe claimed he’d “stick to boys, my horned “actresses”.” 
It’s funny to me that by removing the moments in this scene that canonically confirm one characters queerness, the show also removes any interpretation that could “no homo” the other characters, ultimately making everyone appear much gayer in general!
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(My giffing skills are woefully inept so have an image of Shakespeare's heart eyes instead)
When Dream approaches Shakespeare in the show it is insanely heated. The music swells with mystery and intrigue, Shakespeare stands and stares at Dream in complete awe. Enraptured by Dream’s gaze. The whole
“Have we met?”
“We have, but men forget in waking hours.”
Sounds like the ultimate pick up line. It's basically a play on One Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty in my opinion! This line is in the comic, and also in the audible book, but the delivery of the line in the show is the only time it comes across like a come on. Tom Sturridge please explain yourself?!?
In fact, all the acting choices here blow my mind. Seriously. I wanna know what the director told these two. Its really easy to see Dream’s proposition to Shakespeare as something beyond a business transaction. With the mysterious and rather romantic music, the soft candlelight, and the cameras keeping in close up of the two characters as they hold each others gaze... It’s a moment where you raise your eyebrows and wonder if the show just implied that their lead character just took THE Shakespeare off for a one night stand passionate enough to inspire the entire “Fair Youth” series of sonnets.
Joking aside, it doesn’t help the extremely queer undertones when the camera cuts back and forth between Dream, Shakespeare and Hob looking on at them with an expression one can only describe as hurt.
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(Gif link)
It’s the editing in this scene that really sets it apart from the comic and audible book. Dream is distracted throughout Hob’s talk, and continues to look over at Shakespeare much to Hob’s apparent distress. When he eventually gets up to leave, he holds a hand up to stop Hob talking and simply walks away. Which only causes to further upset Hob and heightens the emotional intensity of the moment. As Neil Gaiman said in the episode 6 watch party - Hob is having to watch his date get up and leave him half way through. It’s specifically framed in a way to emphasise the hurt Hob feels, as well as the envy towards Shakespeare.
This is far more subtle in the comic and practically non existent in the audible audiobook where Dream actually tells Hob “Excuse me” before approaching Shakespeare. I found this funny because where the audiobook interpreted Dream’s behaviour in the comic as rude and clearly sought to attempt to change that, the Netflix show makes his behaviour worse by framing it as Dream abandoning his date. Playing up the emotions of the moment and making the whole scene come across like a live action distracted boyfriend meme!
I do encourage every Sandman fan to listen to the Audible audiobooks, but fair warning, the tone is NOT the same. The meeting with Shakespeare is played completely straight (in both senses of the words). This is in no way a criticism of the audiobook, but it is an excellent indication of director decisions and how different elements in different mediums can convey certain tones. I find that the show in general plays heavily into Dream being other and oftentimes it is very easy for other to be subtextually layered alongside queer (see the entire history of queer coding in cinema and why gay people love the horror genre). Interestingly, the audiobook doesn’t give Dream this same vibe. People such as Hob, Shakespeare, Constantine, etc, they just treat him as a bit of a posh lord. His otherness isn’t heavily emphasised in scenes set in the Waking World, indicating he is better at blending in than he is in the show.
So after Dream goes off to ravage Shakespeare - ahem - make a business arrangement with Shakespeare, the final 1589 scene is Hob’s final reaction. The line is the same across all mediums.
“Everything to live for, and no where to go but up.”
In the comic, the final panels here do not give any indication that Hob is upset by Dream’s leaving. He get’s distracted by the joys of having white bread. Simple pleasures please comic!Hob far greater than mysterious black clad lords.
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The audiobook follows this along to the letter. Audible!Hob is joyful, laughing and happily reminscing about killing for bread (NGL I don’t particularly like Hob in the audiobook. No offence to Mathew Horne but 1. I can’t separate his voice from Gavin in Gavin and Stacey, and 2. I just think he comes across as really laddish and I find it offputting.)
In the show, Ferdie gives an absolute brilliant performance with just the right mix of hurt at being ditched for a young twink, and hopeful optimism for the future. Gone is any mention of killing for white bread, and in it’s place is a thoughtful Hob who looks at the spread of food laid out for his Stranger, and accepts it almost as a consolation prize. He’s gonna eat through his hurt and try to forget about this for the next century, but we all know he won’t forget at all.
Follow on to Part 4 to read my analysis of 1689
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not-poignant · 4 months
Sending some questions rom the fic meme, 20, 21 and/or 25 about Palmarosa? Ty
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
The tag that says: this is NOT canon compliant. The author's note that says this is isn't canon compliant and adds: "D&D purists enter at your peril." It's always always that I wish the purists would notice that the story is not and is not pretending to be canon compliant.
That. I wish more people noticed that about the fic. The folks who go into FR lore and go 'I bet the author's doing this' and it's like 'I've never heard of that.' Or the folks who are like 'Mephistopheles should be red' and it's like well he has a canonical blue counterpart and also I don't care.
And secondly it's like, I feel like folks set themselves up for disappointment if they miss the tags. I've only ever played one campaign of D&D and it didn't touch Avernus. All I know about vampire spawn and devils comes from BG3 and patchily maintained Wikis. And while I have done a lot of research, I think anyone could say pretty clearly that you can spend a lot of time doing research and still not know a very great deal indeed if you've only ever had limited experience in the world and haven't paid for the canonical materials.
Like I cannot tell you how many people go 'I bet you're doing this because of (X lore I've literally never even heard of)' and it's like anon, I don't even know how to read, I don't go here, blease I beg of you, notice the tags/author's notes.
Folks who expect little cool tricks based off hidden lore in Forbidden Realms canon are going to be extremely disappointed if that's something they're invested in. Like, no. This is a character-driven story where I'm making stuff up that suits the story and the characters. Some stuff is taken from lore, some stuff is invented lore, it's 'whatever works.'
21. What is something you didn't expect people to notice or gravitate towards in this fic?
I didn't actually expect so many people to gravitate towards thinking that Raphael is always jealous when he's punishing or hurting Astarion. That was kind of odd to me, because I don't really think that's how his mind works.
Like I do think he's possessive, but that to me is different. And I think he's possessive because he's Lawful Evil and has a contract with Astarion, so anyone who acts as though they have power over Astarion and the contract, is therefore acting as though they have power over Raphael, which makes him furious. And I do sort of see how people turn that into 'oh he's jealous because Astarion is his' but it's like well, no, it's not really about Astarion as a person at all. It's about the principle of the contract and the threat to his seat of power which is - as we've seen - a threat to his life.
Likewise, he doesn't hurt Astarion or whip Astarion because he's jealous or for any kind of 'relationship' reason, but because he's been lacking in souls, he's weaker than he used to be, he's used to feeding a much broader sadistic appetite, and Astarion was weak and Astarion was there and I suspect he knew and found it very appealing that Astarion would feel betrayed after he'd done a good job and he thought that would lead to better sadistic satisfaction than tormenting someone like Fhaeleb (and he'd be right, as I said in my author's notes, Astarion suffers very prettily).
I guess I'm always kind of surprised how many people folks try to (in retrospect very understandably) attribute predictable human motives to Raphael's actions. Some of his actions are predictable, especially in the context of him being a sadist. But what I find the most fun about writing him, is that his motives are different by and large to many of us.
His core focus is always attaining more power and more souls, and also feeding via sadism, and he will do other things! We know he enjoys other things in life that seem a lot more 'human' and have very little to do with directly attaining power or torturing people, but I also think he's living his best life when he's kind of doing all of it at the same time, lmao, like watching a pornographic play while debauching Astarion, who is both into it and not into it, which creates a low-key delicious anguish that I think Raphael is very into, on the way to getting even more things that he wants, lol.
He's not falling in love with Astarion, although I do also - on the flipside - think he's a bit more human than some people think he is (since killed and resurrected - I've said he's lost his pit fiend form which means now he really is 50% human again), but that'll be talked about in the next chapter.
But it is really interesting watching people kind of like... try and find ways that Raphael works that aligns with what they know of people they've met. And while there is logic to his actions, it's not 'I'm attracted to Astarion so I'm jealous of anyone else touching him' logic. Possession can look a lot like jealousy, but to me they're two different things!
(It's very interesting watching folks either ascribe wholly human motives to all his actions or alternatively, wholly evil and manipulative motives to all his actions, in a very black and white kind of way. I think we see enough of him in the canon to realise that it's not that simple, for a start he's definitely got his own internal ethical compass, and he's also a horrendously sadistic torturer - enough that it goes against canon to have him not be worse to Astarion, which is where the fic is actually most not canon complaint tbh, and I killed him and resurrected him into a weaker form to justify that lmao - and he's just... Imho, to me he resists 'he's doing this' quantification in that he's doing about 10 different things, and some of those things contradict each other, because he's going through a rough time right now. So anyone who's like 'he's doing this one thing' is like... I mean maybe, but he's got these 9 other things going on. But sometimes he's also just not doing that thing at all. Like Raphael is not jealous of Temter, but he certainly finds Temter and amusing sore spot to keep pressing on to make Astarion twist on the hook).
25. Is there anything you would change now about this fic? Why or why not?
Oh definitely not. So far it's going how I'm wanting it to go (considering it has no plan!) :D Idk I'm enjoying writing it, and I don't like to go back and change things once I've committed to them, so it's rare that I actually even consider thoughts like that? I'm not that kind of writer where I go back and think like 'oh I should have done this' or 'I should have done that.'
I'm writing a serial, if there's stuff I think I should have done, I can usually find a way to introduce it later
From this meme!
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
Also b4 i forget to post this,Gwen and Hobie's dynamic is,in fact,canonically romantic.I love Siblings!Ghost Punk so much but literally nobody on the crew's ever said they're familial or took back Hobie being Miles' romantic rival so textually with Miles' jealousy at their interactions and nobody in-universe saying Gwobie's not a thing they're an unofficial couple.If you see them as strictly platonic due to personal experience then that's totally okay and it's very valid to hate the ship for being yet another case of black boy x white girl but i love Ghostpunk as a t4t romance from personal experience too and you can't be complaining about it if you ship both Ghostflower and Ghostprowler due to your misterpretation that Gwen and Miles are wanted together by the universe rather than defying canon to be together because that implies Miles could only ever truly love white girls and that's far more snowbunny than Hobie falling for a girl who just happens to be white(and mind you,nobody is stopping you from just making Gwen black like i do since i want her to be and Miles said to do my own thing like he does).Queerplatonic relathionships can have romantic tones to them because 'qpp' means 'outside of relathionship norms',not just 'super special strictly platonic bond'.This goes for relathionship anarchy too and Hobie's a canon anarchist and Gwen's a canon trans girl so she inherently exists outside of cisheteronormativity.You can dress up your antiblackness and transmisogyny in fancy language all you want but you're still calling Hobie a predator by implying he's 'taking advantage of Gwen when she's in a really vulnerable place' as if they aren't fucking friends and i'm giving you extra bombastic sideeyes for never saying the same for Miles even though he openly flirted with Gwen the whole movie and instantly got jealous when she just MENTIONED having a guy friend and it would be peak dumbassery of me to call him a bad person for it just like y'all do with Hobie but y'all can get away with it cause Hobie's darker than Miles and punk and therefore 'a threat' and 'not the soft sweet reliable romantic type'.It's also super gross that you guys refuse to let a transfem be loved and seen as appealing without objectification(see the Gwobie hook up allegations that aren't even by actual shippers and the 'Are these your drawings?' meme),especially when she repetadly expresses wanting to because of her insecurities,bad parental situation and social isolation.Google what 'intersectionality' means,i think it'll be a big help and help you not be one of the most annoying mfs on the planet
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catgirlforeskin · 1 year
i do not understand why cat "boys" are depicted as feminine. i know you're not a man type of person but i'd rather see a nicotine-addicted catman who sleeps all day on the weekends to cope with its 9-to-5 until eventually it gets broken by the 9-5 and switches to serving as a bouncer for a gay bar, not because it's strong (it's actually rather lanky) but because it was not declawed earlier in life and therefore stronger than the previous bouncer.
also it is canon that this cat"man" is actually a closeted trans woman, maybe its ideal form a dyke who gets confused for being the opposite gender. if someone else doesn't want it to be a transmasc cat t-woman make your own roughed-up catman.
i don't know why i popped off over you saying catboys don't exist. and made a closeted trans catwoman butch. sorry.
No I’m totally with you, that’s the thing, like if it’s just some regular guy in cat ears I’ve got no issue, like when junji ito has em on it’s fine, but it’s so often just mimicry of transfemininity.
Like jee I wonder why Jerma’s “catboy” outfit was a skirt, feminine-cut vneck, thigh-highs, and choker, and not just him in cat ears. I wonder who this is meant to be making fun of 🤔
Which isn’t even to say that he’s intentionally being transmisogynist or whatever, but that this sort of trope is so deeply engrained culturally that he likely doesn’t even realize why it’s a thing. It’s still to this day so, so common for any media, whether blockbuster movie or viral meme, to have a caricature of a trans woman as a joke for everyone to degrade. And it’s not some new thing!
It’s just so wild to me when people are like “heehee I’m gonna put the cat from animal crossing in a maid outfit and draw him embarrassed and submissive and call him a little sissy femboy! This isn’t influenced by any wider cultural norms, im just being a little silly”
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glaucouscherubim · 5 months
Malleus' tamagotchi. A theory.
A theory that i haven't seen talked about a lot. {personally}
Going through pinterest and searching random stuff, i would eventually fall into TWST meme posts and more. One of them is Malleus holding his tamagotchi, "Roaring Drago"/ "Gao-Gao Drakon-Kun" and something saying about it being an easter egg. This includes the comments explaining that a tamagotchi's life lasts 12 days at most. After it ends, you will get a new egg/respawn. I can't find this currently. But i give credit to the pinterest post for this.
So, welcome to the tamagotchi theory. A blab since i was bored and don't have other twst fans to talk to. TW: Unedited, English is still not my first language, poor grammar, poor punctuation, possibility of missed information, spoilers, I am only caught up to chapter six on lore. Haven't played it the past few months.
Through the comments, it had spoke about Malleus possibly restarting the world. Just so then he wouldn't have to see Lilia go away or humans such as Yuu, Sebek, or Silver pass on. I'm saying Sebek since he is half human half fae. Therefore, even as i am unknown of his life span, would most likely have a shorter span than Malleus since it seems that he is growing by human years and stages. Sebek Zigvolt is 16[source] It would make sense if Sebek Zigvolt had a life span longer than humans yet shorter than faes. Other than that, we go to Yuu. It is known that Yuu may have a chance to get back. Even then, It doesn't matter, teh reaction will still stay teh same. Even if Yuu stays, they will age on since Yuu is a human. If Yuu were to stay in Twisted Wonderland with no way back, then Yuu would also die in twisted wonderland from age or other means. We can delve into the Yuu and Malleus relationship as well. Described as having a "...powerful aura that wards away most people from approaching him." More may have been described as: "...doesn’t get too friendly as he speaks, his calm, respectful yet cold tone always remaining and even those who want to get closer to him (like Silver or Sebek) fail to do as much as they wish to." "Malleus himself does not interact closely with other students beyond Lilia, Silver, and Sebek... this is mostly due to others being scared and avoiding him." "Despite enjoying time alone, away from his concerned and watchful attendants in exploring abandoned buildings, Malleus shows signs of loneliness and a desire to connect normally with others." This description of him depicts of how lonely he is always as way of communication. Yuu was one of the people to introduce themselves calmly to Malleus. Even having the choice to call him a nickname, showing that how he hides his name is another way to show how he knows that people fear him. Yuu is as well the first to treat him without a sense of caution. Still treating Malleus as a friend even after being informed of him and who he is. It is safe to say he is quite friendly with Yuu. As much as we wish TWST was an Otome, although the characters act differently (ex.Malleus, Rook, etc.) But, we can still say that They are still friendly. With this, Malleus may have a tendency to be attached to such people in his close ad small friend group. "...He is also said to have a naïve and childish side to him..." I bring this up since I am as well afraid everyone i know may leave some day. Malleus is afraid of that as well seeing how he reacted to Lilia leaving and Yuu having the possibility to go home.
This is all for now since i have lost my train of thought. This may become a Repost thread, idk. I blabbed and blabbed. This is just a dump of everything in my brain.
None of this is to be canon, it's just a theory. If you have any thoughts then just comment or repost idk.
Sources/ credits: 1 Jangmi-latte
2 Rewind
4 tamagotchi wiki
5 I also used Amazon.... but forgot the link....
6 sebek wiki from above
7Malleus Wiki
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