#they keep unlocking new abilities and stuff after getting character development because they are actually MEANT to grow
calypsolemon · 8 months
You know. Maybe the gems were/are emotionally immature people because the majority of them were born in a society where having emotions and personal desires was literally considered a privilege for the elite, and even the elite could only express them in extreme circumstances. Nobody ever really taught them how to regulate anything they felt whatsoever, and that gaping hole in their development followed them even thousands of years after they defected from their shitty society.
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secretgamergirl · 3 months
The Entire Plot of Final Fantasy 14 Bonus Part- Jobs, Deep Dungeons, and Adventuring Forays
Over the course of all these other posts, I've definitely covered the main plot of FF14 to date, and for good measure also talked about the tribe quests and raids which for the most part are technically optional. But there's a few scraps of story here and there I haven't gotten into, some of it good even, so today we're going to be talking about... well the stuff in the title of this post. Starting of course with all the job quests... and all the class quests. Which are technically sorta separate things, for reasons of weird legacy code.
For historical reasons I'll keep these pretty much in release order, and for the first few we'll mostly go city by city. First though, let's just get the non-combat classes out of the way. We've got the three gatherers (miner, herbalist, and fisher), and eight crafters (alchemist, armorer, blacksmith, carpener, culinarian, goldsmith, leatherworker, and weaver). Each one has its own little storyline, but for the most part they are all pretty rote. You meet someone who teaches you the ropes of your new little profession. They are extremely impressed by your rapid progress. By the end of ARR you're pretty much the best there is and spend Heavensward showing someone else the ropes, and then during Stormblood you wander off to one of the new hub cities to either help people rebuild Ala Mhigo, or have a bit of cultural exchange in Kugane. The only real notable exceptions are that the leatherworker leader is weirdly hard to please, the alchemist storyline actually develops into a weird murder investigation that evolves into a confrontation with someone messing with immortality treatments, and the Heavensward arc of the culinarian quests involves a cooking contest and at the end we go all Ratatouille with the judge.
One weird quirk with FF14 is that which of the three starting cities you spend the first few hours of the game in is determined by your starting class. It's where your class quests start, after all, and getting between the three is annoying at first, so there's just three versions of the intro, three kindly innkeepers to tutorialize you, and different Scions in each region to initially bump into. The other weird quirk is that because once upon a time the game had this weird system where you had to unlock the proper iconic Final Fantasy Jobs by leveling different combinations of more generic MMO style Classes. They dropped that, but you still go from a Class to a Job at level 30, so the base game ones all have two different names to keep track of, and you pick based on the vaguer one. Anyway we'll be starting off with the Gridanian set, because Gridania is nice and boring!
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Up first, we have Archer, which eventually transitions into Bard. You start off basically joining the militia, doing some target practice, dealing with some bandits, and helping a catgirl peer deal with how her family of hunters kinda suck a lot. Then you meet an old retired guy who's into music and whistful memories, do some traveling around the world learning his backstory, and helping some loser friend of his self-actualize. The whole thing honestly left the least impression on me of the whole lot, but when you do officially switch over to bard, you not only get songs as a combat ability, there's this whole surprisingly elaborate music performance system that unlocks for roleplaying. People form bands and hold concerts in major cities pretty often. It's neat.
Then we have Lancer, which transitions to Dragoon. Up to level 30 it's the same basic deal as Archer, but after that you go meet Estinien to learn how to jump around a lot. From Heavensward on, Estinien is a major character/party member, which is a nice upgrade for him, and means that after a bit of friendly rivalry as he teaches you the ropes and challenges you to a duel, the rest of this questline is inherently tied to the ongoing events of Heavensward and a bit of epilogue to it. You sorta take on an apprentice who's pretty sure she's going to turn into a dragon because she was low dosed with blood as a child (this was a whole thing, go reread the Heavensward summary) and later have to deal with an unruly dragon who wandered off to the east. Not bad stuff overall.
Finally we have Conjurer, which transitions into White Mage, and hey, this one has cool lore attached! I just called Gridania "nice and boring" in reference to how it's kind of this sleepy peaceful little rustic village, but it has some of the juicier background lore, it just doesn't tend to come up outside of this quest line. See the big ancient forest it's smack in the middle of is the home of these ancient elementals which are all weird and mysterious and presumably make things nice if they're happy, and definitely make giant tree monsters try to kill everyone when they're upset. Every so often a human (hyuran if you insist on making me look up dumb official names) is born with a big ol' set of pointy horns, which marks them as a padjal, weirdos who don't age right and can cryptically communicate with the elementals. This gives them the two jobs of governing Gridania according to the whims of their weird primordial spirit religion, and teaching people how to magically summon wind/rocks/healing spells in exchange for them directly taking care of the elementals' problems. So early on you are training with/mentoring a girl who thought she was just gonna learn how to heal people and does not get that she's also signing up to deal with this Evil Dead stuff on behalf of the elementals, then you learn some more of the history to all that, deal with a weird cultist during Heavensward, and in Stormblood discover this younh padjal whose mother freaked out and took her off to live in the middle of nowhere because she didn't want her taken away and given over to this weird cult with all the other horny people. Understandable, but she ends up doing weird magic stuff when she's upset which isn't great and also attracts demons like catnip so you and that girl who finally embraced rock tossing need to go teach her the ropes and keep her from summoning demons and keep her sick mom from dying in a moldy cabin in a blighted forest. This one is actually pretty good.
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For some direct contrast with that, swinging down to Ul'dah, let's start off with Thaumaturge, which transitions into Black Mage. We've got some spooky lalafel nerds with a big ol' library who are way into magic, and do a bit of dealing with demons when rifts to hell open up and let some out. Mostly though these guys suck beyond the recluse who's really running the show, and serving as part of this secret shadow council whose other members come from the various "beast" tribes who you probably won't pick up on as not all just being evil monsters if you pick the class up early on. Once you're hanging out with them, the whole deal is handling demons with dangerous magic that kinda draws on hell as a power source. Which seems a lot less edgy post-post-Endwalker, but they've got this nice "seem evil, actually super good" thing going. Moving forward into the expansions, there's a bit of a conflict there, where some white mage who grew up on too much propaganda from the big ol' three-way mage war responsible for one of the less talked about past apocalypses, and needs some firsthand lessons that no, they're standing around the hell portals all the time because they're closing them, not opening them. And then there's an odd arc where the original black mage, who may or may not be the one who's a major FF11 character ends up posessing your mentor to fix a problem/brag/lead into a sort of out of left field love story. Not bad, could be better.
Gladiator transitions to Paladin eventually, but for Stormblood the focus shifts back to the gladiators, which is marginally the better of the two, but these are rough. Gladiatorial combat is the big sporting event of Ul'dah, and you EVENTUALLY get to participate in a bit of it first hand in the 60-70 range, but the bulk of the gladiatorial story is that the head trainer of the guild has this will-they-or-won't-they thing going with the old star of the arena who kinda skipped out on her to wander the world and right wrongs a bit and... the thing with these two is that both of them could really do better and they really don't have any chemistry at all. The whole thing gets old fast, too. In the middle of all this though, you sort of accidentally half-join the paladins who are largely the royal guard of the city, getting jumped in by a big boisterous guy who's kind of on the outs with everyone, and once you patch that up he immediately fakes his own death to lead some new paladin recruit (and you, his babysitter) on a big wild goose chase with no real payoff. Everyone seems to hate this whole thing.
Pugilist transitions to Monk, and eventually ends up where you'd expect, but the path is a weird one. We've got the local fight club, nominally run by this old guy who's kinda lost his mojo. You train with him but it's really more about you waking up his old fighting spirit than you learning much, and you also rough up some local gangs so that's fun. Then on formally becoming a monk you... help a scientst travel around the world taking readings because he's pretty sure all that stuff about "ki" and "fighting spirit" and such is total BS and people are maybe just getting high off fumes or something. Basically he's wrong in the end, and you end up with a rival-turned friend, and an evil rival dojo, and there's this whole light fist/dark fist conflict where facing each other powers both up, where eventually you defeat the dark leader and talk his students into the totally sensible arrangement of practicing both together because it's just kinda win-win.
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Moving on to Limsa Lominsa, we have the star of the show, Marauder, which transitions to Warrior. In intro movies and such, this is the default class of the protagonist. They don't call you the Monk of Light. It's also the class of your dorky evil twin eventually. It's also pretty simple. Go to pirate town, have someone hand you an axe, learn to hit things really hard with it. Early on that's largely rocks, and large rampaging animals, with the nerdy sister of the lead axe-swinger helping you out because the famous self-healing of the class isn't until later. Then you meet a guy named Furious Gorge. Which, yeah. Roegadyn names are either Welsh if they're blue-ish or terrible rock puns if they're red-ish. It's a thing. Anyway Furious Gorge teaches you how to unleash/tame your inner berserker beast mode, and then it turns out he's actually really terrible at managing that himself. So you spend some time trying to help him get a handle on it with his nerdy brother, and then come Stormblood you're all training this tiny litle au ra girl with clear romantic tensions all around. Eventually Furious Gorge gets the courage to go up to her and go "hey, I know you've secretly been into me, and it's mutual" at which point she basically responds "what the hell? You suck dude, I'm hot for the protagonist." Which, yeah, you get that a lot, really. So that's... funny, ish? Mainly the name Furious Gorge.
The final starting class, Arcanist, is a weird mutant that transitions into both Summoner and Scholar, which then end up sharing an experience level as a result. It also has a further identity crisis in that it USED to be a pet-focused class where you had minions to order around while you focused on other things, as of Endwalker it's just a caster. I mention this because the early Arcanist classes still really play up your role as a battlefield tactician, discussing with your mentor how to split up and deal with large numbers of enemies and come up with plans like disguising her as a hapless floozy to track kidnappers to their base, and it no longer really makes sense. After level 30 this is less of an issue though as things branch away. The summoner quests are all about learning how to bring forth smaller, more controllable versions of the gods who were relevant in ARR from the start (Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Bahamut, Phoenix), and dealing with an evil summoner bringing them about in a less safe fashion. Scholar quests are a bit more interesting, as you replace your normal pets with a fairy and start learning about the third faction in that three way mage war, who were afflicted with a weird disease turning them into those good ol' knife-and-lantern spooky pals the tonberries. They're not actually murder monsters, just suffering from a horrible mutating skin condition. Whoops. This one too ends in a love story between a normal lalafel and a fishy hooded one.
In the post-ARR patch cycle (when the Doman refugees show up), we did get a third Limsa-based class, but they aren't available when first creating a new character. Rogue, which transitions to Ninja, has this whole secret society thing going, where you can start leveling it it as soon as you unlock multi-classing at level 10 or so, but you need to be tipped off about where they meet. You'd figure the secrecy is because they're a bunch of criminals, but the actual deal with the rogues is that they're basically Limsa Lominsa's secret police. They're still all about the backstabbing and hiding and getting a mug skill, and they're still a bunch of charming low-lives who speak thieves' cant, but the idea is that when you have a whole city-state of pirates you need to draw a hard line between jaunty adventurous crimes like plundering Imperial shipments, and hardcore crimes like kidnapping people to sell as sex slaves, or large-scale terrorism. Rogue quests are actually really fun and varied, sneaking around spying on people, identifying targets based on how they're dressed, running all over town hacking up terrorists and disarming bombs. Good good times.
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At level 30 there's a real shift in things as you instead hang out with some ninja, looking for their sacred scrolls and dealing with their honestly pretty goofy rival, but there's still some variety getting someone drunk in a hot spring and spying on people from rooftops. And much like with Paladin, come Stormblood they realized which crew is more fun and you're suddenly back in it with the rogues. This is a genuine high point of the whole game that really stood out to me at the time, and like several others, oh, turns out that the woman who took over as head writer for Shadowbringers handled these.
Moving on to Heavensward, the impressive number of alternate meanings that title has includes the stuck-up blueblooded order of holy knights making up Ishgard's military. As they are just the worst, some nerds form the Machinist job and work on constructing guns and training the common people in how to use them. There's an active rivalry there, and the gun nerds are generally pretty likeable, so there's some nice investment. While not as bad off as Arcanist had it, there was a bit more tactical consideration when the quests were first written making things awkward, and after proving that guns are great, there's a bit with proving this one gun prodigy gal is better sticking with this than marrying some noble or whatever. I feel like I'm forgetting a whole arc here too.
We also have a girl with real cool looks coming down from Sharlayan (AKA Nerd Town) to teach these primitive screwheads how to be Astrologians. It's like a white mage, but with more tarot and constellations. Very scientific. Everyone in Ishgard freaking sucks so they all think it's witchcraft until you use it to personally save their lives, and the whole field trip turns out to be unsanctioned, with the lead trainer's father sending hit squads after her. Eventually she gets a haircut and switches to manlier clothes to avoid him. This may be a low-key early transition thing. Oh and then we combine this with similar far eastern traditions.
Then there's Dark Knight, the job with hands down the best writing in the game. You meet someone named Fray in cool all-concealing armor, crumpled in a back alley in the slums, with a stupidly big sword they aren't in any condition to use, so they offer to teach you to be a Big Sword Edgelord too. There's a lot of cryptic talk about tapping into your inner darkness and hearing some powerful voice, and also just a lot of hanging out with your cool new friend who hates the religious classist scumbags running Ishgard as much as I do, so you end up killing a lot of them to defend the common people as Fray becomes more and more depressed, and more inclined to kinda half-break the fourth wall, asking if you're getting as burnt out as they are over how many boring pointless quests you keep having to do for every NPC who apparently can't even bring a bag of groceries home from the store without needing you to come along and help. And yeah, we are still in the portion of things where the filler quests are unforgivably common instead of just way too common. Then somewhere in the middle of dealing with other people's problems, one of your respectable Ishgardian friends comes up to talk to you about how apparently you're being accused of heresy because aside from killing the local jerk knights a lot, someone says they've been seeing you having one-sided conversations with a corpse in an alley lately.
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Neither Fray nor you particularly take the revelation that uh... Fray was absolutely a random corpse in an alley when you first met, and you just kinda lifted a cool sword and a job crystal out of their cold dead hands, and have kinda just been psychically projecting your own depression and irritation with boring filler quests into an imaginary friend, so after killing a bunch of these jerks trying to arrest you, the two of you have a bit of a fight, Fray's mask comes off, you get a cool glowing eyed wraith sort of look before we go proper evil twin mode.
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Then while you're sitting there dealing with the fact that you kinda hallucinated your best friend in the world here, some au ra guy named Sidurgu walks up and just kinda goes "hey! Someone told me you knew my friend Fray?" So... yeah? You start hanging out with him, sharing stories about a probably more alive Fray and learning about how he has this whole thing going where he rescued this little girl from her horrible religious zealot mother and he's her big defender now. They have a weird relationship where she correctly calls him out as not really having her best interests in mind and just being caught up in playing the role of hero. You wander around with them, do some soul searching, and eventually confront her mother, fight her, and try to patch things up. She continues to unrepentantly shout about her daughter being a horrible demon who needs to be killed, kid basically says "well if you like your god so much, I guess you can go join her," and Sid, finally getting over himself enough and really learning to help her with what she really needs, cuts this horrible woman's head off, and you all go out for drinks. It's a great moment.
Then for the Stormblood quests (and yes I am giving the Dark Knight plot three or four times the space as the rest of these, it deserves it) some weird androgynous kid walks up (looking kinda like the halfway point between your two NPC pals who die at the end of Heavensward funnily enough), asks if they can borrow your job crystal as a battery for their cool ability to manifest people's dead loved ones and give them closure, and breaks it. So you have to follow them around while they do all the closure stuff on their agenda before fixing it for you, and consistently, turns out coming face to face with weird simulacra of their dead loved ones mostly just really distresses people and they aren't into it. Eventually when it starts to sink in that this kid is just you psychically manifesting your own hangups again, Fray just suddenly shows up, says some cool pal stuff, apologizes for the whole bit before with going full embodiment of your darker nature and trying to kill/replace you, and teams up to trash this little punk, after which you can summon them in combat, so that's cool. Again, hands down best writing in the whole game, and again, this is the writer who took over as lead for Shadowbringers, where things generally get more enjoyable.
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But yeah, there's other expansions' jobs to cover too. These have less to them though, since Stormblood's don't start at a low enough level to squeeze in three arcs of story and just give you the one, and past that they basically phased out job quests in favor of role quests, so the classes from those also just get a quick intro really. In other words, lightning round!
The Red Mage quests are about helping some cool cat help a girl with amnesia realize her past doesn't really matter and she should try being a red mage too. Blue Mage is a mutant job you learn from a conman with a heart of gold, suckering people into signing up as blue mages and faking magic shows/duels to raise money to send to his lizard pals in fantasy America. Samurai's quests are your standard cool old guy with a sword has big regrets, trains you hoping you'll kill him to atone for stuff he's ashamed of. Gunbreaker is kind of also that but with a lot of wandering mercenary stuff first, and the amazing revelation that in this setting guns are called guns because the concept of bullets is derived from the magic cartridges used to give extra oompf to the swings of gunblades, and gunblades get their name from being the blades of Queen Gunnhildr. We'll circle back to her. Dancer like Rogue is a job where cool charismatic people have a secret mission, in this case killing these weird horrible emotion-based monsters after luring them out with sexy dance performances. It's kind of a preview of Endwalker's whole deal. Sage is about being a science nerd who heals people even when they suck. Reaper is about joining a found family of mostly Garlean ex-pats who make soul contracts with demons to get cool edgelord powers to fight demons, and keeping scythe-mom from going all self-sacrifice. Seems like a terrible idea when you can just kill them normally, but then post-Endwalker we learn most demons are actually pretty chill nerds who just want out of hell, so it's cool.
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I think I already covered the role quests elsewhere, but real quick: In Shadowbringers, we help a set of mercenaries deal with the monster-angel forms of Ardbert's old crew while learning along the way how most of them were originally pretty cool people, and help some crafty types with humanitarian work and also with finding where invisible dinosaurs hang out. Then in Stormblood, we revisit every major city to help their leaders get fleshed out and deal with the one person each had suicidal enough to turn into a big monster, and then go help a bunch of college nerds awkwardly date each other and work out the secret of healthy bread that doesn't taste disgusting.
Next on the agenda- Deep Dungeons! At some point in the process of wedging extra stuff into this game, someone realized that tacking one of them randomly generated 100 floor dungeons where you can only use what you get inside is a welcome addition to basically anything, and FF14 has three of them. The Palace of the Dead is a horrible hole in the ground tied in with some of the spookier quests in Gridania where you finally confront a nasty ghost girl you had unresolved business with and some stuffy old necromancer. Heaven-on-High is a mysterious Jenga tower off the coast of Doma which turns out is actually a high tech training ground built forever ago. Eureka Orthos is a sub-basement under the crystal tower with conceptual ties to Eureka, which we're getting to, because... somehow the writers still had more to say about ancient Allagan superweapons, somehow. You know there's a bunch of apocalypses in this timeline you never really dug into right? It doesn't all have to be this ONE ancient evil empire. Anyway these are actually all pretty story light, I'm just covering my bases.
Finally, let's talk a bit about relics. Every post-whatever patch cycle has some set of weapons that have this whole multi-stage evolution to them whose acquisition is this WHOLE THING. ARR's just involve entirely too many sort of tedious steps replaying the whole game up to that point multiple times over with a vague reference to creating the weapons of the Zodiac Braves, you know from FFT. Heavensward has some weird nerd all about bringing into being this weird fairy-like new form of life by letting it hang out in your sword/stick/gloves/whathaveyou while you absorb elemental essence for a good long while, and has an unrelated side project where crafters can raid sky islands for supplies and help rebuild the lower levels of Ishgard as kind of a theme park. After that though, they made these pretty beefy chunks of game.
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The Forbidden Land of Eureka is... that island Krile and her grandfather were hanging out on before it was suddenly wiped off the map while on the phone with Minfilia near the end of ARR. It just somehow... passed through the center of the earth and popped out by Kugane. It's kind of a wreck and is particularly all elementally imbalanced and supercharged, and it is basically a whole second MMO with older sensibilities stashed away inside the one you were already playing, as you explore a bunch of really well-rendered biomes, grind tons of monsters which had a surprising number of new art assets, actually deal with elemental paper-rock scissors mechanics, and get a bit of a retelling of FF5's backstory with Galuf's weird old friends as flashbacks between fixing up teleporter networks and dealing with Krile's evil little smug nerd rival... who ultimately turns out to have just been fake evil. The whole thing caps off with this homage to FF11's most infamously nasty content with a high stakes dungeon that gates some progress behind people out in the overworld killing bosses in sync with those inside. Very grindy but I actually like the vibe a lot.
Then post-Shadowbringers when we're re-building the hype of the Imperial threat and getting into how its various holdings are rebelling, we have the Bozjan Southern Front, where a bunch of Big Women and Cat Men are fighting the empire in full force with honestly a bit of a World War I vibe to it with the trenches and big tanks and such. There's some pretty cool grand assaults on major fortresses, and a bit of backstabbing intrigue with a spy who eventually uses the local resource of crystalized traumatic memories to brainwash a recreated-from-the-past version of the country's old leader Queen Gunhildr and then kinda merge with her in this like-summoning-Shiva-but-technically-this-isn't-a-god-it's-its-own-thing-but-yeah-people-still-get-tempered deal. This one is written by the same guy as Final Fantasy Tactics who wanted to have a much more involved storyline with way more NPCs but this got truncated down to fun facts on collectable trading cards, essentially. Still pretty neat and show-y though.
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And... is that it? Am I done? I think I already covered the variant dungeons and made at least passing mention of the private island farming thing (which, I confess, I have not looked at... but I'm told Sadu and her girlfriend the other au ra leader swing by on a date at some point). I might quietly add that in later, but otherwise, that's really it. That is all the plot of FF14 as of this time of writing. There is nothing else left for me to summarize... until Dawntrail comes out like... this Wednesday, time of writing.
As usual, here's my patreon. Here's my Amazon wishlist full of other games I could be playing instead of talking about this one. I am in bad financial shape and these articles are a lot of work, so, maybe help me out?
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My thoughts on Marvel's Avengers: Definitive Edition now that I've had half a day of playtime or so with the beastie:
This is a fine enough game, and one where I can easily see the potential it always had. Most, if not all, of this game's problems were solvable. The simple elimination of the cash shop alone, and the act of entrusting players with the plethora of customization options they always really wanted in the game's twilight weeks in online storefronts really shows how much of this game's negative reputation stemmed from corporate grift, not a lack of love and care by the developers. If Crystal Dynamics had the ability (or the willingness, whichever was lacking most) to say "no" to their corporate bosses, this would have been a much more well loved game.
The combat is good enough -- keeping such a diverse roster of heroes feeling relatively distinct from each other and yet not forcing players to abandon muscle memory and allowing them to lean on what they've learned with other heroes at a basic level is no easy feat, and while maybe there's TOO MUCH interchange between hero control schemes for my liking, I can't say Crystal Dynamics chose poorly here, as indeed I might have come to the same conclusion had it been my job to figure out where that line was. As it is, once you learn how Kamala Khan plays in the campaign, you are well prepared to be competent with any other hero, though picking up their divergences and eccentricities is a matter of leveling up and unlocking their corresponding abilities, but animations, haptic feedback, and excellent sound design do a much better job carrying more weight than they should have had to.
The voice cast is superb. If you've been a fan of literally any Avengers animated series since 2010, you're well familiar with the cast of characters voicing this beloved cast of characters. Nobody here is a surprise, and they all bring their long-running interpretations of the Marvel roster to this game. Welcome back, Nolan North, Laura Bailey, Troy Baker, Travis Willingham, and Jennifer Hale. You're always welcome around these parts. In addition, we have prior Marvel voice alumni like Danny Jacobs and Jameison Price turning up all over the place. You've heard these versions of Earth's Mightiest Heroes before, and in no way is that unwelcome.
The VAs are supported by a story that's… well… it's …adequate. Where it's present, it's fun, if standard and cliche, but sometimes that's just how comic book plots go. The Avengers have been un-Assembled, and it's up to in-universe super-powered superfan Kamala Khan to start getting the band back together so they can stop the mad scientist from generally being a comic book supervillain. Very boilerplate stuff, but it's delivered well.
That is, WHEN it's being delivered.
All the story campaigns are unreasonably short because some unforgivable chucklefuck at Square-Enix decided to tell Crystal Dynamics, a predominantly single-player game developer, to make the next Destiny 2 (begging the question of why anyone would WANT that, given that one Destiny 2 is already far too many). Doubtless, upper management believed that the cooperative multiplayer aspect of the game would carry the bulk of player engagement, but Crystal Dynamics was an inexperienced developer when it came to live service titles, and they were not prepared to deliver on the unreal demands of keeping such a game consistently updated. Cooperative missions are largely cookie cutter affairs taking place in a small handful of environments that all begin to bleed together before long, and there aren't THAT MANY more multiplayer missions than story missions, in the end. These samey environments aren't visited for long, often between 5 and 15 minutes at a pop, and bada-bing, you're back to the Quinjet to pick out your next mission, which JARVIS will helpfully inform you is TOTALLY IMPORTANT, ACTUALLY, but after curbstomping hundreds of robots and gas mask-clad anonymous henchmen in the same New York City underground labs for the fortieth time, you find yourself inclined to stop believing him after a while. This game just lacks content and variety in missions, activities, and enemies, and it's a shame Crystal Dynamics weren't allowed to play to their strengths here.
I don't feel that the lackluster mission variety kills the game for me though; I have plenty of other games and don't plan on LIVING in this one, and that's really where this Definitive Edition shines best: you don't have to live here. The only FOMO at play is that the game becomes unpurchasable in 6 days as of this writing. You don't have to fret over timed content, no waiting for the magical timer to reset, or the usual toxic shenanigans we typically associate with live service games.
You pay $4, get your game, and everything associated with it so you and your friends can shitpost as Marvel characters on the weekends. That alone makes this a much more practically rewarding game than most live services (coughDESTINYTWOcough). This game ain't a service anymore. It's a product, plain and simple. It's a product to buy and have fun with, and put away for a while when you want (or need) to do other things.
I don't know about you, but I call that a bargain.
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My complicated opinion on Keith Kogane
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Keith Kogane is definitely one of the more popular characters in the VLD fandom. People love brooding emo bad boys.
My feelings on Keith are... complicated. I definitely don’t hate him. I have a lot of problems with the character but I don’t think I could ever bring myself to actually hate him. Mainly because I kinda relate to him. We both have problems controlling our emotions, interacting with people, and making friends.
And we both have trouble believing there are people who truly have our best interests at heart and won’t abandon us because we’re a burden.
What I do hate is the way his character was written and the way it negatively impacted the characters around him.
There are definitely a lot of factors that contributed to VLD ending up the way it did. But to me, Keith and the writers insistence on pushing him to the forefront was the poison that killed the show.
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Ok, before we get into this whole rant I feel like I should talk about the things I do like about Keith.
I like the premise of Keith’s character. He’s half Galra and never really fit in on Earth. He didn’t act like the other “normal” kids so kids made fun of him and adults didn’t want to deal with him. So in order to protect himself from the pain of rejection he would put up a tough angry facade and push people away and reject them before they could reject him.
This is something that really resonates with me personally having grown up neurodivergent. It’s awful growing up in a world that isn’t made for people like you and not knowing how to interact with or connect with your peers. Especially when you don’t know why you’re like that.
You learn to avoid social interaction because it always ends up negative. You put up walls because you don’t feel like anybody understands you or what you’re going through.
I know the writers probably didn’t intend to code Keith as neurodivergent. They just wanted Keith to be a hothead with abandonment issues, but nonetheless, this interpretation means a lot to me.
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I also really like his relationship with Shiro. Keith is so used to being left behind and abandoned that when he meets someone like Shiro who’s patient and genuinely cares it’s new and strange. He’s so ready for Shiro to abandon him, even telling Shiro to send him back to the home, but Shiro refuses to leave him and tells Keith ethat he’s never going to give up on him.
It’s also interesting to see how their relationship develops over time. It’s clear Keith trusts Shiro, but you can tell that that fear of abandonment is still there deep down. In S2, Keith tells Shiro that he’s like a brother to him, and then in season 6, he takes the extra step and tells Shiro that he IS his brother and that he loves him. And for someone like Keith, telling their friend they love them is a big scary thing.
And also it’s just great to see a platonic “I love you,” especially between two guys. Don’t be afraid to tell your bros you love them!!!
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Now let’s talk about the stuff I didn’t like.
Keith doesn’t have much going for him in terms of personality. He’s just sorta brooding and serious all the time. He does make jokes occasionally but it’s rare. The writers were more focused on making him cool and badass rather than fun.
I always loved the idea of Keith as a cocky carefree asshole who doesn’t give a shit about rules/laws and is kinda rude/aggressive but has a heart of gold deep down and would do anything for the people he cares about. (Just like a cat.)
I would also make him more alien esc. In terms of design I like the idea of Keith having red eyes with narrow pupils and fangs. And also just small things like the way he walks and holds himself. He growls and bears his teeth when he’s angry, his hair puffs up when scared, he’s fast and agile, disappearing and reappearing without making much noise, small things.
Then you have his race and sexuality. I have no doubt in my mind that Keith was intended to be a straight white dude. A lot of people see him as gay and Asian but there’s no evidence for this in canon. Acxa was originally intended to be his love interest and his race was never mentioned in canon. His name isn’t even Kogane in canon. (And the race of the voice actor doesn’t equal the race of the character. If that was the case Shiro, Hunk, and Lance would be white.)
They should’ve totally made Keith Japanese like he was in the original. It would’ve been so easy! Just canonize Kogane as his last name and have the book say he’s half Japanese half Galra. They could’ve also done what they did with Shiro and keep his og GoLion name. Just have him be Akira Kogane. Definitely cooler than “Keith.”
And as for his sexuality, I definitely think they should’ve had Keith be gay. But well get to that Later...
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I also don’t like how they handled the whole Krolia thing. Not only was it crazy rushed, but it completely goes against the shows theme of found family.
Keith’s arc should’ve been about overcoming his abandonment issues and learning to accept the paladins as family. But instead they just get rid of the abandonment issues by just giving him his mom back.
I know a lot of people love Krolia but I don’t feel like she should’ve been introduced in anything other than flashbacks. Because Keith’s mom isn’t really that important. The show is about found family and friendship, not blood relation.
You can definitely have Keith learn about his mom and his family, but I feel like giving him his mom back was too much.
Personally, I always headcanoned that Kolivan was Keith’s grandfather or just a close friend of Krolia’s, and when Keith showed up at the Blade’s base Kolivan recognized the blade as his Krolia’s. Keith could learn about his mom through Kolivan telling him about her, how she was a great person and warrior who died fighting to make the universe a safer place for her son.
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Another thing I didn’t like was the whole Keith leaving the team for the Blades thing. I know why he did it, he felt like the team was gonna reject him, he wanted to be more useful, and wanted to learn about his family, but I feel like you could’ve touched on all that without having him abandon his team.
One of the biggest problems with the show is that they did a bad job at establishing the paladins as friends, they feel like coworkers more than anything, and I feel like Keith being absent for two seasons contributed to that.
And his absence is hardly addressed. The team forms Voltron perfectly without him and no one ever says they miss him. Keith doesn’t even seem like he missed them after being gone for two years.
And a lot of the weight was taken out of that Keith v Kuron fight by the fact that Keith and Kuron hardly interacted.
That whole thing amounted to four things, Keith meeting Krolia (which I don’t think should’ve happened), them finding the colony (which was a dumb plot I don’t think should’ve happened), Keith aging up two years (which was weird and unnecessary), and Keith meeting Kosmo (which is... complicated).
I don’t think this plot was necessary. Keith should’ve stayed with his team.
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Then you have his relationship with Lance. I know people are very sensitive about this topic. People have very strong opinions about whether or not Keith and Lance were intended to be romantically coded.
Personally, I do like Klance but I don’t believe they were romantically coded. I think if you want them to get together some things would have to go differently.
For example, the bonding moment. In canon, Lance tells Keith, “we make a good team.” I don’t see this as referring to him and Keith. I think he was talking about the whole team. If you want it to be about the two of them, I feel like it should be Lance telling Keith something like, “ya know, you’re not so bad after all,” and then Keith smiles and responds, “you’re not so bad yourself.”
Another example could be the scene where Lance comes to Keith with his insecurities. (Whether it’s as a leader or a friend.) This scene was weird in canon, Lance comes to Keith for advice and Keith basically tells him to just stop thinking about it.
I would prefer if Lance brought up to Keith how he doesn’t feel like he’s good enough or that he doesn’t have, “a thing,” and Keith is completely dumbfounded like, “what are you even talking about?” He goes on about all the good shit about Lance. Talks about how Blue chose him, how he’s a great shot, how he’s good at dealing with people, meanwhile Lance is standing there in shock as Keith says all these nice things about him.
Over all you would just have to develop their relationship more. More meaningful interactions. And if you want the relationship to be romantic you would have to establish that early on. Establish that one or both has romantic feelings for the other in like S1/S2 because if you wait too long it’s gonna feel forced/out of no where.
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And then... you have the Black Paladin arc... I’m gonna be real with y’all, this is the arc that killed the show for me, for a few reasons.
One, even ignoring the whole quintessence bond thing, it makes no sense for Keith to be the bp. He doesn’t fit the role. I adore Shiro but choosing Keith as his successor was a dumb move. I get that he saw potential in Keith but they’re are fighting a war, there’s no room for favoritism.
Shiro should’ve chosen Allura as his successor. Not only does she have actual leadership experience, but you would only have one paladin in a new Lion instead of three.
If a lifeguard breaks his leg and can’t work, he should choose an experienced swimmers to take his place, not his little bro that’s still in water wings in the hopes that it’ll teach him to swim.
Two, Keith being the bp doesn’t help his arc. Keith’s arc is about overcoming his abandonment issues and learning to be a team player, he doesn’t need to be the leader for that.
VLD should’ve been about the paladins growing into the best versions of themselves they could be. Their development shown by unlocking new abilities in their respective lions, new forms for their bayards, and new Voltron bayard power ups. They shouldn’t have to change lions and themselves.
Keith and Red have a strong bond and work great together. Keith and Red are both temperamental, unpredictable, and have issues with trust. Keith having to fight to get Red to trust and open up to him mirrors how others have to fight to earn Keith’s trust and get him to let down his walls.
It would’ve been interesting to see them grow together. Keith has no emotional connection with Black.
We never even get to see them bond. Keith just suddenly becomes the “perfect” bp/leader because he got over his mommy issues
Three, it’s a MASSIVE disservice to Shiro’s character. Shiro put all the work in earning his position as the bp, he literally fits fought Zarkon on the astral plane to earn her trust, yet Keith is the true bp? What?
It sucks. Sendak told Shiro that a monster like him could never be a paladin and the writers went and proved him right. Hell Shiro didn’t even get to kill Sendak, Keith got that too.
And don’t tell me, “but he got the Atlas!” REALLY!? A massive Deus ex machina that required absolutely no effort from him to acquire!? Filled with a bunch of rando background characters no one gives a shit about!? You’re totally right, that 100% makes up for it.
I could go on and on about how the treatment of Shiro in this show (and fandom) is blatantly ableist but that’s a rant for another time.
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It sucks. I want to like Keith! He had the potential to be an amazing character but the writers just kept on trying to turn him into something he wasn’t and it ruined him for me.
They kept trying to turn Keith into the main character and ignored that ALL the paladins are the main characters. It’s an ensemble cast! You don’t have to have everything come back to one guy.
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juni-ravenhall · 4 years
20 things i want really badly for sso to update / add
1. regularly scheduled main story updates. this is THE most important thing for a game that is quite story-based, but something sso has problems with. it makes us feel disconnected from the story and main characters and makes players lose interest, not knowing when we will get more story, or if the story will ever go anywhere. 
2. work hard on fixing bugs and improving functionality - QA testing a lot more on their own. i know the game has a crappy engine and that theyre trying to improve stuff, but yeah, theres just a lot of stuff that needs to be worked on. (i think they should just move to a good engine. a huge investment, yes, but worth it in the long run with the potential benefits from selling a higher quality game and being able to work on it more smoothly?)
3. ability to use photomode and control the camera properly when our character sits down, at cafes, etc, basically just being able to go into photo mode at all times.
4. weather system. rain, snow, fog, etc. preferrably random aside from during quests that need specific weather ofc. possibly with an ability to turn off weather. optional: updated skies for more variety in colours and clouds and all that to go along with the weather.
5. new areas to be released of the ones that have already been hinted at for ages! north link goes where???????? ashland, etc. and also, ofc, for the new areas to be unique and interesting in design, and to bring related main story updates - or “big side stories” like the nightdust storyline etc. i am just longing to interact with npcs for long storylines again and see some drama :( 
6. new tack and equipment, specifically more halters (simple not fancy ones, but cute and colour variety!), would be nice with lead rope too, and ofc blankets, stuff like this. but also more new good designs for tack in general and more colour options for saddlepads and legwraps, it drives me crazy that most pads are ugly and old and hard to match to anything. i want realistic pads with dark, vivid, pastel and natural colour options.
7. new mane and tail styles that are available for all horses (aside from too old models). it makes horses feel more individual and unique as well as giving us options to dress up our horses for photoshoots, eventing, etc. 
8. updated player model with new animations and everything, diversity and good representation in the design options. facial expressions, blinking. i would also love if there were more animations for the player character to pet and groom the horses.
9. our own place to live (something theyve been working on but we dont know exactly where it stands) that we can also customise and decorate. i would prefer if we can choose where we live in the way we choose homestables, for example theres this little house between the rescue ranch and the lighthouse on south hoof that would be lovely to live in. id like to be able to choose wallpaper and flooring, curtains, stuff like that, and furniture. we should be able to invite ppl in as well. optional: the pet that’s in your saddlebag shows up in your home and you can pet it. also ability to choose music from lisa, miscreants, etc to play in our home. it would also be great if when it was raining outside you could hear it from inside your home and see it outside the window. oof actually when i say that now im imagining seeing city lights in the distance on a rainy evening looking out the window while acoustic sso music plays in the bg. can you tell how much i fantasise about living on jorvik by how long this paragraph got
10. customisation in our home stable, to be able to choose designs and colours of the interior, etc. i would love to be able to choose decorations like the ones we see during holidays (light strings etc). i would like the tack room and feed room to be more cluttered and stuff too for better realistic rp purposes.
11. more groundwork type of gameplay, like the working equitation races that have been added lately, but not just “races”. maybe possibility of training for xp in different ways than just finishing a race quickly enough. just realistic groundwork stuff. 
12. dressage gameplay, and more arenas for it ofc. 
13. for jumping courses to keep being better as theyve been lately! theyre more difficult and interesting now and the designs are better! i want for this to continue and im really enjoying the obstacle designs. 
14. pasture - i’d love to see my horses run around and eat randomly out in the field without me controlling them, being able to go up and pet them or give them snacks. it would be cool if a paddock near the homestable was just used for this purpose (where you see your horses, but other players see their horses, etc, and we have the ability to hide other players). maybe it would show 3 of your horses at a time, out of the ones that are kept in the field in our stable manager.
15. new (and regularly added!) quests at south hoof rescue ranch, as well as other places where it makes sense like jorvik ranger quests, etc. stuff that doesn’t necessarily relate to the main storyline (but it might!) and is just fun dramatic quests, but it can also have character developments for hugh and others on south hoof, for jorvik ranger characters, etc. it could also be a way to introduce new pets and horses that are adoptable after rescue quests have been completed, as well as unlocking new equipment related to rescuing, rehabilitation and ranger work.
16. more shops, cafes and other things to do at jorvik city mall alongside the mall being updated in general, and to jorvik city which i really love and just hope aideen’s plaza and governor’s fall will also be updated with more shops etc. (add a dance club to the mall like the fort pinta disco! cafes with different aesthetics and menus, a fastfood restaurant, a fancy restaurant, a photo studio for professional horse photos and for our character, a cinema, a theatre stage like thalia’s idk, that whole fashion week catwalk thing, theres a lot of different things i think you can add aside from more shops which could also be added)
17. updates and additions to the cafe food menus and foods we can feed our horses, goes along with adding new shops and stuff too. seasonal event food being sold in cafes like gingerbread at christmas, chocolates on valentine’s.
18. make archaeology more fun - i still haven’t got all the things after years because i just can’t be bothered to do it, it’s too hard to find all the things and it’s not fun.
19. if fishing is going to stay at all, it needs to be improved and be fun.
20. overhaul of all the prices in the game so it makes sense. there are clothing and tack items that just make NO sense when you compare them to each other both in sc and js costs, or when you look at how meh quality they are. and, i dont think it’s reasonable to make individual equipment items (clothes or tack) cost more than like 50sc at the most (look at the real life cost when you buy sc!!! should we be paying that much for a low quality pixel sweater, really?). a good time to do this price overhaul, would be leading up to the player model update being released, since ppl will be buying lots of new clothes after that.
bonus: give us a ferry from south hoof to mistfall PLEASE. PLEASE
bonus 2: updates to every existing area and npc model, this is obvious and will most likely happen given enough time
bonus 3: 500000 pages of backstory and character development quests and bonding with mc scenes for all my favourite npcs. i would also like to take rowan on a date. thanks
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slanax · 2 years
Assorted Fire Emblem Three Hopes gameplay tips and tricks for newcomers
(Disclaimer: This is less an expert guide and more an assortment of things I’ve picked up after playing through the game once that some people might appreciate especially when they’re overwhelmed by all the choices the game gives you. None of this should be taken as gospel and there’s exceptions for everything, and especially when it comes to class or skill recommendations, what you want to play with should always take priority)
A lot of this will focus on out-of-battle optimization, aka how to get the most out of your base and how to best develop your characters’ skills. Some gameplay elements will be spoiled, but plot or specific recruitable characters won’t get mentioned at all, no worries. If you have any more questions related to anything I wrote or regarding other (gameplay) aspects of the game, feel free to ask and I might add something about it to the post.
This got long so under the readmore it goes
- The Training Grounds are incredibly useful. Not for leveling up someone’s main class - if you use the unit enough, that’ll just happen on its own - but to collect abilities and combat arts from other classes. The Training Grounds let you train any class the character has available, so look through what your characters can get from their various classes and see if anything could help them in the class you want to play them as. Standout abilities I went for on a lot of units are Offensive Tactics from Wyvern Rider (free damage boost) Armsthrift from Archer (lets you spam out more combat arts and spells, extra useful in long battles or if your character has a very expensive spell) and the Essence abilities from Warlock if the character in question was using a lot of elemental attacks. Trickster, Mortal Savant and Dark/Holy Knight can also benefit greatly from using the Training Grounds to learn spells from the Monk tree. Just read carefully to make sure the thing you want actually works with the class you have - the [Class] Ploy and [Class] Wisdom abilities only work in their own class lines, for example.
- If you, like me, don’t really vibe with playing as mages or bow users, the Training Grounds can help you out too - keep them around and have the AI control them in battle, and let your mages climb through the Soldier class tree through the Training Grounds. Once they can become Dark or Holy Knights, they can bring all their favorite spells with them, and all you need is a magic lance (for example, one with the Invert Physical/Magic effect on it) to get a very strong unit out of it. Casting big spells is much safer when you can immediately use your horse’s mobility to get out of danger. Bow users work similarily because the Bow Knight’s moveset makes your archer a lot more mobile.
- Forging, at least early on, is for suckers. The game keeps giving you stronger and stronger pre-forged weapons and you need to invest a lot of resources into your weapons to even keep pace with the cool new stuff the game throws at you, especially if you’re trying to forge a weapon for everyone. Related, the materials needed for forging Hero’s Relics and Sacred Weapons are best saved up until you upgrade the Blacksmith enough to be able to unleash their effects - it’s a massive power and durability boost, and gives each weapon special effects as well, so you definitely want to make sure you have the materials saved up to do it as soon as you unlock it. Once your character has what you think will be their final weapon - an unleashed relic, a strong unique weapon or a weapon with a nice Lv3 effect - that’s when you start forging away.
(the only exception to the above tip is if you have a unique effect like Invert Physical/Magic that you really want to keep around bc your unit depends on it. That can be hard to come by, so it can be very well worth upgrading your weak weapon for)
- Similarily, upgrading the selection of the weapon shop is pretty much a waste of resources too. You’ll only ever be able to buy Iron, Steel, Killer and Silver weapons, no speciality weapons anywhere and they won’t have any unique effects on them, and usually only after the point when the game starts giving you pre-forged versions of them anyways.
- While we’re on the subject of forging, I’ve found that Silver weapons with good effects on them can be a lot more worthwhile than Brave weapons in lategame. Brave weapons require the rare and expensive to trade for Wootz Steel to forge, while Silver still only needs simple Smithing Stones, so you can get a lot more forges on a Silver than on a Brave for the same resource cost, which more than makes up for the small head start Brave weapons’ stats have. If you get a random Brave weapon with good stats or effects, go for it, but don’t upgrade your Silver to Brave, it’s not worth it.
- So, if you’re not forging early on, what else to do with all your Smithing Stones? Upgrading your base, of course! The Supply Master lets you trade them in for the materials needed to upgrade your base, which can give you all kinds of advantages that’ll do more for you than a quickly powercrept damage boost on a weapon. Personally, I’d recommend going for the Collect Some Surplus Goods upgrade on the Supply Master as soon as you can - the added stones you get for trading in your random garbage add up really quickly to let you do more upgrading elsewhere. Other priorities I go for are unlocking new class certification exams at the Training Grounds (incredibly important to do asap!), letting you repair better weapons at the blacksmith (rusted weapons turn into some of the strongest stuff you’ll get) and expanding what you can do at the Tactics Academy.
- I do have one in-battle tip (by which I mean an equipment tip that helps in battles): Keep your combat arts and spells in the same slots for all your characters based on what they do. For example, all my skillsets follow the same general pattern: In the X slot, a big area of effect attack for crowd control, and in the Y slot, a more focused attack that deals lots of damage to a single target to take down bosses. That way, I don’t have to constantly re-think which character had what art in what slot, even if I’m switching between them a lot. If I need crowd control, I hit the X art, and if I’m fighting a boss, I hit the Y art, and even if I get my characters and skillsets mixed up they’ll still generally do what I want them to.
- Final tip: Windsweep is probably the best combat art in the game. It draws in big crowds and/or multiple minibosses at once, interrupts nearly every enemy attack, starts an aerial combo, lets you break the Stun Gauge, is usually enough to let you get a Critical Rush off on an axe user, and if you happen to have a big fuckoff spell or combat art it’s the perfect opportunity to fire it off while your targets are still stuck in the tornado. Any sword user that can get Windsweep should have Windsweep in their moveset and max out its level as soon as possible so you can spam it more often for less durability cost.
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jackdaniel69nice · 4 years
Ninjago Jay-centric fanseason (no ships)
“change one thing change everything”
Time gets screwed up where Jay never became a ninja and they have to fix it
Jay is worried about his importance to the team and feels left out and ignored, he’s“the expendable one” and doesn’t have any strong skills to add.
Well Clouse screws with time trying to destroy the ninja (go figure) and puts jay back with Cliff Gordon. The ninja find out he’s trying to mess with time and interrupt him so stuff gets screwed up and an alternate timeline is created instead. The ninja are thrown into it.
Jay never becomes a ninja and peruses his career in entertainment. It’s a very dark and negative place (think season 9 but everything’s still functional). the “other ninja” (from this timeline) absolutely do not get along and act more like soldiers. There are no jokes, very serious and unhappy. They wear all black with only colored headbands. They all have secret identity’s and go about their other lives like normal citizens. None of them have reached their full potential or know each other’s identities.
Nya: takes the place of the “blue ninja” in the prophecy, She wants more out of life than some job and craves adventure
Cole: He still does dance as a cover up for his ninja life, he always argues with his dad because he’s unhappy and closed off from others, ninja-ing is his excape from the real world
Kai: lacking in confidence and angry at the world, he’s just trying to support Nya and himself and get by, thinks Nya’s selfish for wanting to give up everything they’ve built together
Zane: he knows he’s a robot but is super unemotional, was taken in by Borg
There is no green ninja either because after the ninja defeated Lloyd in the treehouse they left him there (due to the bad relationships). Garmadon came for him though and now they have been trying to take over ninjago together for YEARS. Basically a war. Garm is on the dark island with the stone army sending attacks to ninjago and Borg’s nindroid army fights them while the ninja take on garm and Lloyd.
So yeah this world sucks and the ninja need to get back to their timeline but how?
Other jay is named Jason Gordon and Cliff died a number of years ago at this point. Jay lives alone with a cat and his career is well. He’s cheery but unhappy. He still refuses to become a ninja though.
Bad stuff starts happening to jay where he’ll “glitch” this of course causes everyone to freak out. Other Zane figures it’s because of the major difference in the two versions of jay and this timeline sees him as an “error” and is trying to erase him. If they can figure out how to get back to their timeline before that though he’ll be fine but it’s a race against the clock.
Other Kai picks at him though saying it wouldn’t be so awful if he did disappear because he hasn’t been very useful. Jay feels awful but our ninja come to his defense. The other ninja are seeing how they act like a family and are kinda jealous. So slow character development for them where they begin to be nicer to each other.
Garmadon attacks!! They have figured out how to return but need Jason so Lloyd goes to get him. It’s spoiled by other Lloyd who fights him and tries to kidnap og Lloyd for his powers. Jason has been thinking hard about the whole ninja thing and realizes how unhappy he is with what he’s doing. He shows up just as other Lloyd is about to kill og Lloyd and start talking to him about Starfairer (which he still loves). He tricks him or distracts him or something so og Lloyd can get away.
Meanwhile the other ninja are fighting garm and his stone army and are helping the og ninja to get to a new portal at borg tower. Jay’s really not well and keeps disappearing. Other Kai offers to stay and fight as they run but the others won’t leave him behind and refer to each other as brothers. Jason helps og Lloyd to get away with a helicopter (what, he’s rich Ok) and takes him to borg tower. Unknown to them other Lloyd follows them.
So jay’s dieing in front of the portal, garmadons burst through the door, Jason and Lloyd get in through the roof. Everyone’s pretty shocked by their entrance and then other Lloyd reveals himself again meeting up with his father and are ready to fight. Jason starts talking to him and try getting him to rethink this, Lloyd’s just a kid and shouldn’t be doing this. Lloyd is pissed and yells at the other ninja for abandoning him. They have all grown since the beginning and are sincerely sorry and apologize. Lloyd is frustrated and emotionally confused (because he never really has wanted to do this, but his father is the only one who’s ever loved him). Garm sees his indecision and begins to criticize him. They argue before garm gets frustrated and says he’ll dispose of him if he won’t help. Lloyd’s hurt and confused, taken aback. Og Lloyd notices garm looks strange and declares he’s actually the overlord (PLOT TWIST!). other Lloyd is scared and the overlord admits he had been manipulating Lloyd through garm to get the golden power because now he knows he’s supposed to be the green ninja. Lloyd gets angry and begin to fight him demanding he release his father. The ninja (all of them) help and Jason is kinda just there.
Jay asks him if he’ll help and Jason says he doesn’t know how and that he’s useless. Jay realizes his usefulness isn’t in his ability, but in his willingness to keep fighting, he tells luke this. Jason decides to go fight and unlocks his lightning (Woah!) and makes a dumb pun about this “shocking development”, the other ninja laugh. Jay isn’t so glitchy anymore and joins in with the fight too. The overlord, up against two sets of ninja, retreats.
Other Lloyd is worried about his father and tries to follow but og Lloyd tells him to stay and that they will save him eventually. The other ninja (Kai) offer to let him stay with them and make amends for last time. He only agrees so they will help save his father (he’ll certainly warm up to them in time tho).
Jason is just gushing about his new powers and being a goofball the other ninja are much more relaxed and laughing along. Og Cole comes over and points it out to Jay. He kind knew jays struggle the whole time and mentions how vital he is to the team and how the first real victory they had was only when he had helped. Cole points out how they were all so serious as well as their rude behavior towards each other was because they didn’t have him. He calls jay the “glue that keeps them together” and as being crucial to them making a good team, even the most important person on the team. Jays all teary-eyed and hugs him (what a sap). Zane reminds them they need to get home and they open the portal, returning to their timeline.
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catflowerqueen · 3 years
Okay, so I finished the post-game (or at least, the parts of it I actually care about i.e plot and talking to characters to see their reactions), and am ready to give my final thoughts on the experience.
It was very fun, over all, and I liked it a lot. I didn’t feel as much of a personal connection as I did with Explorers, but that didn’t really take anything away from the experience. The overall plot I think was…. simpler, in some ways? Less complex, at least, despite the heavy topics. And I think it was shorter over all? I didn’t do a dungeon count comparison, but it seemed like it was shorter. Well, the “fugitive arc” seemed longer, I suppose, but that’s probably because it was slightly more complex in what was actually happening. Like—there was a bit of lead up to in where you technically weren’t a fugitive, but the circumstances surrounding the whole thing made it seem like you were away from home longer as far as gameplay went.
…I mean, I think that the original fugitive arc from Rescue Team was probably longer in terms of dungeons visited during it and implications given via the narration, but unlike other games in the series I’m pretty sure that was the only period where you didn’t have access to the hub for a major stretch of time, whereas other games had more times where you would have to be solely focused on your deposit box/Kangskhan statues and picking up stuff in the dungeons. …And, okay, you could cheat a little in Gates with Companion Mode, but in a way that just added to the feeling of how long the hero was gone, since it takes pains to make it clear this is a side-story type deal—that this is what everyone was up to back home while the main plot was happening. Which could then either add to or shorten the duration of the gameplay, depending on how much time you spent there.
Overall characterization I think was better here, although I don’t think that the partner, specifically, went through as much character growth as in other games? Like… they very clearly pointed out in Explorers at different points how much the partner had grown and changed, and there were also points like that in PSMD, but in Gates it wasn’t entirely clear? Like, there were some points where the partner talked about what their life used to be like… but it isn’t as though you actually saw that in-game. While it was clear to see friendships growing over time, and the growth in terms of acceptance of the hero eventually having to leave was clear… their attitude as far as the hero was concerned kind of seemed more static from day one? Like—the closeness was evident, it’s just that it basically went from zero to a hundred upon first meeting them and then just stayed there. I think there was more growth from the player’s end of things in regards to the partner.
And the Rescue Team partner was just very, very bland in general. There was a little growth during the fugitive arc—sort of—but… honestly, they didn’t add that much beyond being a way to provide exposition. Especially with how much they didn’t matter come post-game.
And I still feel like there was something weird with how Paradise and Post Town were treated. At some points it felt like your Paradise supporters were the closest to you and should have mattered more… but at other times there was a lot of focus on the Post Town inhabitants, and Paradise didn’t come into the equation. Which was especially jarring in the ending, where I think it was only the Timburrs who came to the party—and aren’t really treated as Paradise inhabitants, for the most part, though they would occasionally show up there—and yet Gurdurr’s response to the hero’s return was to break down in tears and need the screen to fade to black for a bit (which was actually extremely sweet). I think that the “travelers” to Post Town actually had more characterization than the people who were really inhabitants—bar the shopkeepers, who, as always, had reactions and some of them actually had little subplots of their own—which was… strange, considering how important they all supposedly were when it came to fighting the Bittercold. (And, like, I don’t really get why they chose Scraggy to be the move tutor. Considering Azumarill was just pulled randomly out of nowhere, I don’t see why they couldn’t have done the same thing with him. Or, hey—just made Quagsire the move tutor and let Azumarill do both the request board and party editing. Or leave the party editing up to you doing it yourself right before entering a dungeon—as when you were taking the magnagate paths—or having you go around Paradise and talking to individual pokemon, similar to how you did it in Rescue Team. …Though that admittedly probably would have gotten very annoying very quickly).
It was very cool, however, that you actually had to work to get the hero back. That it wasn’t just given to you like in Rescue Team or Explorers, and that everyone made a genuine effort and tried to think about what was best for hero, too. … And also that it was something I actually cared about, whereas in PSMD I felt like it was… half desperation for their own circumstances, rather than necessarily because they genuinely missed the partner? I mean—yeah, that’s kind of harsh, because it was clear that they were genuinely good friends, but… well, as in the tone of my other complaints about how the player got screwed over in that game, the partner was really their only tie to their actual past, and even then it was a tenuous one. So… I just didn’t care as much, I guess. …Also probably the fact that it was a lot simpler/more linear process and took less time to get the hero back in Gates. So… yeah, you had to work for it, and the work was satisfying, but it was also a short enough process that you wouldn’t get bored or frustrated during the duration.
The choice of what to make a cutscene and what to just keep as narration during specific plot points was also a little odd at times—I would have enjoyed to actually get to see a bit of the welcome back party after the initial glacier exploration, for example, and maybe even seeing you help building your house. (On that note—it was a cool little detail to see grass starting to grow around your house as the game went on.)
I think the gameplay mechanics were overall an improvement in Gates—though I do miss the IQ abilities just because of how rare it was to actually find team skills. It seemed more luck-based than anything, which does provide a challenge and leads to replay ability since it would lead to a different experience each time, but…. I don’t know, I just liked the other method better. It was nice to actually be able to utilize my recruits and see their growth, as well as getting to actually play as them and utilize different strategies in Companion Mode… but that also highlighted just how bad the AI and certain choices they made as far as attacking/not getting separated from the group were in comparison to how I remember the other games going.
I think as far as total experience with gameplay, mechanics, and story goes that I still like Explorers more—because it does feel like more of a challenge, after all, and that each new accomplishment, shop, or special episode that gets unlocked was due to your general efforts and hard work. Like it is a genuine reward, rather than something that just got handed to you. And the progression was clearer to see and made more sense than in Rescue Team.
So I guess my new order for favorite games in the series is: Explorers, Gates, Rescue Team, PSMD.
…I think I hit all the highlights, but I’m sure that I’ll probably think of some other stuff later, too.
Oh, also—I still think that the Timburr who speaks more formally has a crush on the hero (I mean—they actually cried, just like their boss, when the hero returned, whereas the other one was just happy. Which—yeah, people react to joy in different ways, and tears—or lack thereof—aren’t necessarily “proof,” but… I still think I’m on to something). Actually, I think a lot of the travelers also have/could easily develop a crush on the hero. Like… some of them, like Trubbish and Mienfoo, I think are just good friends with them. But I really don’t think Dwebble would have gone to all that trouble or felt that bad about things if there wasn’t a little crush or something going on. And, sure, maybe that just goes along with his overall personality—like he gets embarrassed easily or is a little vain or something, but… he addressed those letters to the player, not anyone else. Not even the partner. And, like, no one really noticed they were gone aside from the player/partner until right before Crustle made an appearance? But they expected that the player most definitely would notice. So… yeah. And they also cried when the hero returned.
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lambourngb · 4 years
Duty of Care and /or Gravedigger’s Union
I did Grave Dancer’s Union - a nod to my 90s love of Soul Asylum here.
Duty of Care was another torture Michael fic- I wrote it pre-season 2, when I thought the love triangle was going in a particular way. I don’t know if there’s still an appetite to season 1 au stories? There’s some season 1 characterization of Alex ahead, particularly in regards to Jesse.
Here’s what I had - some of which already appeared here before Last Year’s Wishes ate my brain.
“Can’t believe Maria is still wearing the pendant of alien poison around her neck while she dates your alien ass, Guerin..” Kyle commented watching the decay values multiply as Liz titrated pollen into the samples.  
The current theory on alien resurrection, and it said a lot about his life that he had competing theories on alien-involved resurrection, was that their ability to manipulate energy changed based on their needed life skills at the time of adolescence. Michael had been separated from his siblings young, and needed to develop defensive skills. The defiant and pained look on his face when he explained stopping an item being hurled at his head at the age of 7 was a needed survival tactic courtesy of foster homes he had passed through kept Kyle from questioning any further.
Isobel had through her mother Ann’s never-ending dinner parties and charity benefits, found comfort in seeing and knowing what was meant under the sugary sweet words of adults around her. Being a small child paraded around adults who were charmed by her blonde hair and blue eyes meant she had the most exposure to social events while Max hid in his books. 
Finally Max had anointed himself as a fixer early on in their life. He had taken responsibility for Michael being left behind, and had tasked himself to protect his sister afterward. The defensive use of healing fit with his offensive ability to kill in the service of keeping those he loved safe. 
At the most basic level, it was all energy from synaptic responses in brain waves to manipulating molecules to move or stop an object. How a pollen interrupted that energy use could theoretically solve the problem of how to jump start an ability.
“You think you might get around to telling her the big secret anytime soon?”
The mask over his mouth and face did little to block the glare Michael shot at him. “Shut up Valenti.” 
“I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s Maria. She is a card carrying member of the ACLU and the Nature Conservatory. I had to bail her out of jail last year during an ICE protest. She’s not going to turn you over to the government.” 
“Kyle!” Liz scolded, “We talked about this. Agency. It’s up to Isobel and Michael who knows. I already broke that with you.”
Michael ran a gloved figure over the counter absently. “I hate secrets, okay. This isn’t any fun for me, especially considering how many people already know. I went from having just Max and Isobel, to basically the whole graduating class of New Roswell High in on it. A lot of loose lips.”
The habit of 20 years of paranoid silence was probably a lot to try and break with a new relationship if that was the basis of it. There was a good amount of slack that Kyle could extend to Michael, including trying to be understanding when he started up with Alex’s best friend in the wake of Max’s death, but exclusion of Maria from the secret felt wrong to him.
He couldn’t fathom the reasoning behind lying to someone that he wanted to be in a relationship with, and he had a feeling that it wasn’t because of worries that she would tell someone about the aliens living in Roswell. While he couldn’t outright call Michael an asshole on Alex’s behalf, he could poke and prod him when the opportunity surfaced.
“You should look at this way Guerin, that larger circle means if something does happen, you’ve got more back up than just Isobel, with Max being out of commission.”
“Oh yeah, so if the government disappears me to a black site, you’re going to ride to my rescue?”
“Yes.” Kyle replied seriously. “I wouldn’t be alone either.” The name Alex Manes went unsaid, but from the brief wince on Michael’s face, he knew exactly who was being referred to obliquely. Scored hit again.
“Well as fun as this discussion is, I’m going to take off. Iz and I have practice plans.” Michael slipped his hat on, and tucked the stool away. “Liz, call me if you have a breakthrough on nullifying this stuff. For a rare flower, there sure was a lot of it stockpiled in Noah’s cave.”
“Sure thing, Mikey.” 
“Valenti, make sure she goes home to sleep and eat at some point. I don’t want to have to put her in a pod next.” He ducked out of reach of her hand, laughing at the offended look she sent his way. 
“Far be it for me to agree with him, but he’s right. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends and the middle between rebuilding your lab, researching Max’s healing power, studying this pollen, not to mention working at the diner. We should make time for something else, like a drink or a movie. Recharge.” The past month since Max’s ‘death’ brought back the manic energy burst from solving the issues with the depowering serum. From one catastrophe to another, it was barely time to recover before the next happened.
“I know, I just. I need to stay busy. It’s so quiet without him.” Liz stretched and started to tuck her last slide away into the cooler. “But I think I am done today, if I work anymore, I’ll just be making mistakes.”
Kyle slipped on his coat and held the door. “Not that I don’t believe you leaving on your own volition, but let me walk you out.”
“Lucky for you, I’m too tired to be offended.”
Kyle kept his hand on her back gently steering her through the hallways. The third shift was on at the hospital, and he winced to think about his own upcoming shift at noon tomorrow. Balancing football, his pre-med studies and his social life in Michigan taught him valuable life skills in working on short sleep, but even the hours of residency had no competition on his current life of alien lab work and tracking down government funding of a black ops prison project with Alex. When he mentioned a night off, he wasn’t only including Liz in that need.
Inhaling the cool night air, he calculated if he made it home, heated up a meal, and fell asleep promptly there was the opportunity for 6 good hours of sleep before meeting up at the bunker to check in on the data mining project Alex was running. 
“You know, you should go a little easier on Michael.”
“I thought everyone in this town was in love with Max Evans, but apparently it’s Guerin.” Kyle retorted sarcastically. 
Liz bit her lip at the mention of Max before sighing softly. “I’m serious, Kyle. He’s really messed up right now. I was actually shocked he was somewhat sober tonight.”
“I’m not going to be petty here Liz, and mention the obvious that we are all really messed up right now. I get where you’re coming from about their need for secrecy, but Maria really deserves better. I’m not her best friend like you are and Alex was, but I’ve been here in this town with her. She was there for me after my dad died, and she supported my mom’s election for sheriff. With Mimi getting worse, she deserves to have someone to count on, not someone who is lying to her, and by extension, making all of us lie to her as well.”
“Alex was? Past tense?”
He arched his eyebrow in disbelief, “I guess I am going to be petty tonight, but seriously Liz? Have you talked to Alex lately? Every time Maria comes up in conversation he puts his best ‘Baghdad was a little warm and I was just doing a job’ face on and repeats to anyone listening how happy he is for them. Guerin messed him up, and worse, took away from him one of the few people he lets himself drop that soldier bullshit front he has.”
Liz sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I know the history with Michael is a little complicated, but we don’t always get to choose who we fall for and who we don’t. Love is messy. It doesn’t color inside the lines and follow any of the rules.”
“Maybe you’re right about that, and maybe there’s no avoiding the heartache. I do believe though that you can choose whether or not to be a dick about things, and Guerin not telling Maria is a dick move and it’s got consequences.” Kyle unlocked his car, and opened the passenger side with a gesture. “Our sister doesn’t have many friends, and he’s robbing her of one right now. Rosa lost ten years because of aliens, don’t you think that’s enough loss for all of us?”
“Do you know how annoying you are when you’re right? I’ll talk to Michael, better yet, I’ll talk to Isobel about letting Maria in on the secret.”
He slid into the driver’s seat, smiling across to her. “Tomorrow. Tonight, what’s left of it, is for sleeping.” He turned the ignition, and stopped,  as the headlights came up illuminating the familiar green Chevy sitting across the lot from them. “That’s Guerin’s truck.”
“He left before we did, what’s it still doing here?” Liz ducked out of the passenger seat and ran toward the truck without waiting for an answer. Kyle swore softly, untangling his hand from the ignition to follow her. The truck looked undisturbed, no sign of the occupant. Liz reached for the driver’s side door, testing it, and gasped as the door swung open. The ever present black hat slipped off the dash into the floorboards.
There were three things Michael prized above all others, his truck, his cowboy hat, and his sister. To leave two out of three unprotected was highly out of character for him. Kyle turned around the parking lot, scanning for signs of him. 
“Kyle, look,” Liz grabbed his arm and pulled him down toward the wheel well of the truck. Gleaming silver in the light , tucked on top of the tire tread, was a syringe needle with a depressed plunger.
“That’s not good.”
She stuffed her hand into her pocket and withdrew a spare latex glove to wrap around her fingers as she lifted the syringe from the tire.  She peered closely at the vial, a sickly yellow liquid film thinly coated the inside. “I think someone took him, and without testing it, I’m guessing this is some sort of knock out drug based on the pollen.”
Kyle reached for his phone, mentally saying goodbye to the idea of sleep anytime soon. “I’ll call Alex, you call Isobel. And I don’t know, I guess call my mom? I mean, we usually call the police when someone gets abducted.”
Liz thinned her lips, holding the needle with one hand as she dug out her phone with the other. “I don’t think you can call the cops on the government, which I’m guessing that’s what we are dealing with since they knew how to knock out Michael.”
The government, or more specially it was probably someone related to Project Shepherd. Kyle sighed, holding his phone to his ear. It rang once, before he heard, “What’s wrong?”
He pulled the phone away from his ear to make sure he had called Alex and not the psychic alien sister, “How did you know something was wrong?”
“You’ve called me twice in the last three months, once to tell me you put my dad in a coma and once to tell me about Max. You’re a texter, even though I explained it’s easier to keep things secret if you call. So again, what’s wrong?”
Kyle slowly walked back toward the hospital. He should have volunteered to call Isobel, because this was not going to be easy. “It’s Guerin.”
“Is he okay?” 
“We don’t know. We think someone took him. Liz and I found his truck at the hospital, unlocked. It looks like he got jumped by someone who knows how to incapicitate him.”
“I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” 
Kyle wasn’t surprised to see the call disconnected. It was a forty minute drive from the cabin to the hospital if someone followed the speed limits. 
“It’s Guerin.”
Alex was somewhat aware that he must have replied. He was in his SUV and away from the bunker, before he’d registered that the call had ended. He could only be thankful that today had been a ‘pull day’, rather than a ‘push day.’
Alex could divide his days into two motivations, he either wanted to be as far from town and the chance of running into someone he knew (Michael) or he wanted to be close in case something happened that he could help fix (for Michael). The cabin was isolated enough that only Kyle made the trip from Roswell, but not in recent memory with the pace of lab work and hospital hours. Alex could comfortably avoid reality with his laptop until the second feeling took hold. The Project Shepherd bunker was an easier location to reach Isobel or Liz from when the inviatble call for assisting an intoxicated Michael came. 
Seeing Maria meant seeing Michael in the evening hours, and it was strange to resort to in his post-service life the habit of a decade before; lying and hiding himself in every interaction. His calendar had a weekly reminder to join Liz and Maria at the Wild Pony for a beer, usually scheduled early enough that Michael was still at Sanders working, but late enough that the automated work emergency text to his phone could reliably give him cover for an exit. 
Psychic as she was, Maria always let him go with a pained but relieved look. It wasn’t her fault that he was still in love with Michael. It wasn’t her fault that Michael wasn’t in love with him. Neither he nor Maria had so many friends that they could afford to lose one, but neither was fooling the other that the relationship hadn’t changed in the aftermath of her dating Michael. 
This wasn’t his first go around with unrequited love. 
He’d survived Brendon Urie, and he wasn’t ashamed to have been a sixteen year old pouring over fan meet and greets on livejournal before hitting the road with Rosa to see Panic at the Disco in Albuquerque just after school let for the summer. He might have mapped out Los Angeles coffee shops to busk at after he turned legal and could escape west to be a musician, coffee shops close to Silver Lakes and Encino neighborhoods to be organically discovered by his crush.
He had survived his fourteen year old obsession with Kyle, that lasted until it was safer to love unattainable rockstars versus the childhood friend now high school bully. He could laugh at himself for thinking that Kyle had turned on him because he felt the same way but just didn’t know how to articulate it outside of shoving him against the lockers and jeering at him in gym class. 
Unrequited love that had once been returned was a higher bar to clear than a fan fantasy or a childhood crush, but then the sins Alex carried were deeper and more lasting as well. More than a ruined but now healed hand and a discarded scholarship, he had the murder of Michael’s mother to carry.  He would survive Michael not loving him, he was reasonably sure of it. He wasn’t sure if he would survive something happening to Michael because of the Manes family legacy. 
Someone knowing how to subdue and take Michael pointed to his family’s involvement. 
He didn’t bother with the visitor’s desk at the hospital foyer this time, walking purposefully toward the elevator and wing where Liz’s new lab resided. The door opened to his touch, revealing Isobel hovering anxiously near Liz’s shoulder as she swabbed a syringe. 
“You made good time.” Isobel greeted.
“I hacked the traffic lights.” Alex informed, setting his laptop case on the lab table, and popping the case open. A few keystrokes and he was inside the hospital network and probably breaking a dozen federal laws of privacy. 
Kyle closed the door, and shook his head, “Seriously?”
“No. I was at the bunker.” He brought up the internal security logs, noting visitors and elevator access. “So what do we know?”
“Not a lot,” Liz replied, her gaze fixed on a spread of swabs and slides. “I’m trying to pull as many samples as I can from this syringe so I can analyze it. There looks to be a reservoir of 3 CCs. My original serum required a dose of at least 6 CCs to incapacitate, so whatever they used was more concentrated.”
“Hopefully less lethal,” Isobel observed. “Are you in the hospital network already?”
“Just what’s linked to the internal wifi signals. I’m going to need access to their security office since it appears the actual camera footage is on a closed circuit.”
Kyle pulled out his ID badge, “I can take you there, but how are you going to get the guards to let you look at the footage? I can still call my mom and make this an official police investigation.”
Alex dug into his pockets for a thumb drive, and then turned to Isobel, “I’m hoping you can influence the guard into letting me download the footage. If you can’t, then we will need to bring the sheriff into this.”
Isobel tapped her forehead knowingly, “If I can’t influence the guards to let you in, I can at least make one of them think he left his car unlocked or his coffee pot plugged in.”
“Let’s go then. Michael has been missing for at least an hour.”
Kyle tapped his badge at certain checkpoints, opening the electronic doors as they headed down to the security room. Alex made a mental note to scrub the ID tags once they were done, on the off chance someone was curious about the movements of a doctor who should have been long off duty.
The windowless room was covered in screens and held one guard boredly sipping his coffee while he watched a television show on his phone. There was a chance they didn’t need a psychic to gain access, but it was probably better safe than sorry.
Alex moved quickly after Isobel held the security guard’s mind in hers and slide behind the desk to call up the footage on the parking garage. Mindful of time, he plugged in his drive and started transferring all the raw data from the camera recordings. The antiquated hospital computing system did nothing to soothe the anxiety. 
Long experience working with poor computing power and broken infrastructure while deployed in Iraq was the only thing that kept his inner impatience off his face. Touching the mouse or tapping his fingers never moved data faster. 
Finally the file clicked over complete, he slid back from the bank of monitors, and nodded to Isobel. The security guard took a deep breath and look around briefly before picking up his phone and restarting the television show on his app.
The door clicked shut as the three of them hastened back to Liz’s lab. His hip barked at the hurried extension he placed on his body. With the clock ticking, the discomfort slipped into the box marked ‘to deal with later’. Once the drive was inserted, it was a matter of minutes to set up a scan for vehcile traffic entering and exiting the hospital parking lot. 
Liz dug out a bottle of acetone for Isobel, who accepted it with a small smile and then nodded over to the laptop. “I hope you are having more luck with the security footage, than I am having with this drug.”
“I grabbed everything from the last 72 hours, just in case. It’s possible someone followed Michael to the hospital,” Alex balanced carefully onto the stool, keeping the weight off his prostetic. “I would have found a less populated area for a snatch and grab, but maybe they were worried about Michael’s powers and if so, then likely they scouted the view points of the cameras before they made their move to minimize their exposure. At least that’s what I would have done, if I had discarded the open road or home as possible targets.”
“Well we all know what a paranoid and careful asshole you are, Alex.” Kyle observed, working on a second set of samples. 
“I try not to repeat my mistakes.”
“Like Caulfield?” Isobel asked pointed. 
A sharp stab of pain went through him at the reminder. As if the prison ever left his mind for a moment these days. “Yes, like Caulfield. I should have found a more covert way to gain information than assume it was abandoned. I should have realized my dad had more going on than surveillance on Roswell.”
Kyle touched Alex’s shoulder with a comforting clasp, “At least we know he’s not personally behind this. Master Sergeant's main nurse likes me, she would have called if something had changed.” 
Alex stayed silent, knowing that his next task would be gaining access to the long term rest home in Santa Fe where they had transferred his comatose father after he had attacked Kyle. There had been initial protests regarding the forged records until he had pointed out the other option had been to kill Jesse. 
The classic body Chevy truck flashed on the screen with the timecode marking it as Michael’s arrival at the hospital. Alex paused and marked the frame for reference, then eased through the later clips watching for his exit. There were two cameras concentrated on the parking lot, one at the entrance/exit, and one with a long panoramic view of the lot, primarily to ward off a car thief or would-be mugger. It was grainy in grey scale, but at least he could be thankful that Michael drove such a distinctive truck. The task of finding an unremarkable Honda Prisius would have been daunting.
His hand stilled as he paused the footage on the slow but unmistakable swagger of a figure striding away from the hospital entrance toward the parked Chevy. Michael’s black cowboy hat hid his face but even absent such an identifiable marker Alex was sure could have picked out his body in a sea of others without question. 
Michael reached his truck with no issue, unlocking the driver’s side door. His hand swept off his hat and casually tossed it into the front seat of the cab. Behind him, in the next parking aisle a nondescript panel van, a door opened slid open and a glint peeked out. Michael reached behind his neck, his body half in the truck and slapping at the skin there. 
Alex inhaled sharply, fear and dread rising. It was a terrible thing to watch knowing it had already happened. Two figures dressed in plain dark clothing emerged from the van, and started toward the truck. Michael’s body half fell from the cab, and curled around the front wheel. Alex watched as the two effortlessly brushed off the weak struggles to fight their grasp of Michael’s shoulders, tugging him backward to the waiting van. 
His body was tossed without care into the back, the door sliding shut blocking the last view of Michael. The two men split up from the van, circling around to the front doors. Alex numbly clicked on the frame, saving it, and switched over to the second camera focused on the entrance. 
Watching his brother Flint calmly pay the ticket machine was not much of a surprise at this point. 
“Kyle, I’m going to need you to call your nurse friend to check on my father.” He was proud that his voice was calm and even, despite the rising sickness within. “The good news is, this wasn’t a government issued black ops team that took Michael.”
“And the bad news?” Isobel prompted.
“It was personal, which means they aren’t as invested in keeping him alive.”
* * * * 
[Isobel details their mental bond. That it feels blank]
“I was always closer with Max. I don’t know if it was a twin thing or being raised together, but Michael was always harder to connect with until recently. We’ve been practicing so much together, he started to take up a bit of space here, “ she patted her chest. “Not enough to fill the void where Max was, but enough that I could tell if he was happy or if he was angry. Strong emotions only came through. Lately it was a lot of anger but he wouldn’t tell me what was going on… “
“And now? Do you feel him now?”
Tears filled her eyes and she shook her head. “It’s empty. Blank. Like it was when we kids before he moved back to Roswell. I think he’s still alive, but he feels very far away, or very weak.”
[Alex waits patiently for the call. He thinks this is going to be an exchange of Michael for his dad, until he realizes his dad is not at the long-term care facility any more]
[Round table discussion at Max’s house to figure out what Jesse wants. Isobel finds out more about the shared past of Michael and Alex- and Maria shows up at the end looking for Michael]
“It’s been 2 days, why hasn’t your dad called with his demands? Is he not reading from the classic villain script this time?” Isobel wondered bitterly. “What is with your family, Alex?”
Kyle injected, “We don’t know that Sergant Manes is involved.”
“Don’t we? He disappeared from the nursing home just before Michael was taken. It seems pretty convenient timing to me.”
Alex pressed his fingers under his eyelids to relieve the building pressure. It had been a long two days of nothing after he received the call that the psuedonmyn he had checked his dad in unrder was no longer a patient in the long-term coma ward in Sante Fe. The staff was calling it a miracle that just after a devoted son had prayed at his bedside, he had woken up. Alex knew it was anything but divine intervention to have Jesse awake and free in the world. 
“Isobel is right, this has Dad written all over it. Somehow Flint found out what had happened and woke him up. It’s been two days because I’m guessing he is still weak from the inactivity.”
Liz stirred from her claimed spot on the couch, cracking an eyelid. “What makes you think there’s going to be a demand, Isobel? Manes has what he wants, a new alien to test and torture. If you look at the research side of things, the aliens in Caulfield were all weak and elderly, and Michael’s a healthy 28 year old. Whatever fucked up weapon he was developing might need a younger test subject.”
“Now there’s a comforting thought.” Kyle muttered. 
“I don’t think it’s research. This still feels personal to me. Michael still has an offensive power to defend himself with, the softer target would have been Isobel if he just wanted an alien to grab.”
“Gee, thanks Alex. Come closer and I’ll show you what I’ve been working on and see if you think I’m still a soft target after I turn your skull into crushed bone.”
Alex’s fingers were numb, as he pressed in his code to access his Whatsapp account. Waiting in his inbox was an unknown number and a video attachment. He abruptly dropped into the deck chair as the video opened to his worst fear made real.
Michael’s left eye was swollen shut, blood staining from the corner of his forehead, dripping down his cheek bone. His arms were stretched high above his head, disappearing out of frame. His shirt was missing, and there were sluggishly wounds striping over his shoulder and licking across his collar bone. 
The camera turned, Michael blurring out of view. The monster that starred in seventy percent of his nightmares filled the screen. “Hello, Alex. I was hoping to keep you out of this, son, but this creature is being very uncooperative.” 
Off screen, he heard a weak, “Go fuck yourself, Manes. I keep telling you, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jesse nodded to someone out of frame, and Michael screamed in agonizing pain. Long hiccuping gasps for air puncuated another softer, “fuck you.”
“Like I said, uncooperative. When we last saw each other, you had something that belonged to me. Jim Valenti stole it from our base, and refused to tell me what he had done with it despite my best efforts at persuading him.” 
Michael cried out again, choking on a soft sob. Alex forced himself to watch, drinking in every detail for his later plans. 
“With N-38 gone, I can’t hurt this thing the same way I did dear old Jim so I’ve had to get creative. Electricity just makes some of them stronger, but good old heat and sharp still work on them. We both know you can break its bones with enough force.” Jesse turned, pointing the camera toward Michael again, focusing on the dangling bare feet. “There are more bones per square inch in the foot, than anywhere else in the body. I am telling you this so you don’t doubt my resolve. This thing is relatively harmless for its kind, and I’m willing to return it to you in more or less good condition, if you bring me what Valenti stole. Let me know what you decide to do.”
The video cut off. 
There was an expected role to play, like there always was when Jesse Manes was involved. Once it meant peppering his speech with ‘yes sir’ and ‘sorry sir’ and toning down his clothing in hopes of escaping his fists, and when that proved futile, it went in the opposite direction with makeup, nail polish, and piercings.
For all of his proud talk about the service, his father never served anywhere but stateside. His knowledge of tactical defense and enemy counter measures were likely twenty years of date, and Alex was counting on his father’s pride from keeping him unaware of the technology shift. The set up of the Project Shepherd bunker confirmed that.
He tucked his personal side arm into his thigh holster, securing to his left leg and reached for his secondary weapon to slip into his boot strapped to his prosthetic. The weight of the kevlar and vest registered briefly on his shoulders before it slipped into the blank shroud that had enveloped him as soon as he heard Michael’s cries. Knives and a pair of percussive grenades weighed down each side of his pockets.
A floorboard behind him creaked, his gun cleared the holster before his mind caught up on who would have followed him to his cabin. It was a little concerning that the sound of a vehicle hadn’t registered until now.
“Whoa, don’t shoot.” Kyle lifted his hands, halting abruptly.  He took in the dark clothing, combat hardware and the array of weapons spread on the cabin’s table. “I guess we are going full cliche today, good to know.”
Alex dropped his arm away, resecuring his gun. “Then you know what I’m going to say already.”
“Humor me, then. This is a trap, Alex.”
“I’m well aware.” Alex flipped open a black case and pulled out his phone and laptop. Carefully he pulled out three silver discs, and a pair of jeweler’s glasses. He sat down in the chair, slipping the glasses on to peer down at the discs. “I’m going anyway.”
Kyle sighed, aggrieved. “Well I did promise Guerin if he got his ass kidnapped by the government, I would come to his rescue.”
Alex didn’t look up from his work, pressing a small pin on each disc. “You’re not going with me, Kyle.”
“I know this face is distractingly handsome, but tell me you remember all the time we spent on the range together as kids. I can shoot a gun.” 
“Shooting a paper target is different from shooting at a human being.” Each disc beeped softly, then went silent. He pulled the glasses off with a satisfied smirk, “Besides, I need you to come with the cavalry. These are military grade GPS trackers that I’ve linked to my laptop and my phone. Once my father sees I’m there without the piece of the ship, he’ll take me to Michael so he can teach me a lesson.”
“What makes you think your dad won’t find these trackers?”
“I’m sure he will, but I’ve got a back up plan on that as well. My father has underestimated me my entire life. He thinks I am weak, that my emotions and desires cloud my judgment. He’s going to see he was wrong.”
“Alex.” Kyle hesitated, struggling for a moment before taking a seat at the table. He gently laid his hand on Alex’s wrist, stilling the other man. “We all want Guerin back safe but I want you to consider for a moment that your father is right, that your emotions are clouding your judgment. Because what I’m seeing right now is kind of freaking me out, dude. You’re dressed from head to toe in black ops murder gear with GPS trackers, which I didn’t even know you could buy, talking about going in alone, guns blazing, against your dad.”
“I got them on Ebay.”
“That’s what you’re choosing to focus on?”
“What are my other options, Kyle? He’s got Michael. He’s had him for two days, and there is exactly zero chance he doesn’t want both the UFO fragment and Michael.” Alex wrenched his hand away,. He inhaled deeply and pushed down the swell of thoughts of what had already happened to Michael in two days.
“I agree, but back when I laid him out with barbiturates in our bunker, you and I had a discussion about killing him. I seem to remember we decided against that.”
“No, Kyle, you decided against it and I went along with it. Which was clearly a mistake. This has been a long time coming, okay? He brought this on himself when he took Michael.”
“I knew there was no talking you out of this. I just don’t want you to do this alone.”
* * * 
The lights were all on at the formerly known as Evans-Bracken residence, now just Evans. 
“You look like you’re ready to storm the castle.” Isobel commented, before pushing the door open and turning back into the house. “I still haven’t felt anything from Michael. He could be dead, and all of this would be pointless.”
Alex winced and acknowledged the point before pushing the thought down. “He’s not dead.”
“How do you know? Your so-called cosmic connection?” She sipped from the glass in her hand, the scent of chemicals wafted to him. It was clearly not water.
Gently he wrapped his fingers around her hand, guiding the glass away before resting it on the table next to him. “Maybe, but in reality, if he was dead, my father would have taken someone else as leverage and he would have taunted me with my failure to protect Michael.”
[ So as you can see it needs a massive rewrite to fix my characterization- but I still like the plot of Jesse taking Michael for the ship piece- especially since the show fumbled on this so badly in 2x10-2x11. ]
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listdepot · 5 years
Top 10 Indie Games of the Decade (10 - 6)
Boy oh boy, video games sure did happen this decade, huh? A lot of stuff with a whole lot of video games and, most importantly, the independent game scene became far more pronounced, previously just confined to PC, the increasing presence of the online marketplace on consoles has greatly expanded the scope to which indie games reach players, putting these games on the same level as AAA. Anyway this is 10 of this games that I liked this year.
An honorable mention goes out to Firewatch because I still don’t know what is Firewatch.
10. Stacking
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Double Fine are undoubtedly my favorite game company. Tim Schaefer’s company has not only created my favorite game of all time (Psychonauts), but all their games have such a fun creativity to them. Whether its a turn-based RPG where children fight based on their Halloween costumes or an action/strategy game set in a world based on hard rock and metal, Double Fine have proven to be such a company that embraces fun and whimsy, that Sesame Street of all people let them develop their most recent game.
Stacking, as you can tell from the screenshot, is a world populated by matroyshka stacking dolls, and you play as Charlie Blackmore, the smallest of all the stacking dolls, who sets out on an adventure to stop an evil Industrial Age baron called The Baron, who has enslaved his siblings. To do that, he stacks into other dolls, only able to go up in size one at a time. Most characters have their own unique abilities and Charlie uses those abilities to solve adventure game puzzles. And that’s where Stacking gets really cool.
Every single puzzle in the game has multiple solutions, if you can’t figure out one version of how to do it, there’s usually two more solutions. While you only HAVE to do one, the puzzles reset once you finish them, letting you take your time trying to figure the others. Its an adventure game that forgoes classic tropes of that genre, also replacing your standard point and click with the quick to pick up stacking mechanic that lets you pick and choose how you want to do things. Its a game that combines interesting ideas with an anticapitalist story and visually is both early 1900s set design while those sets are comprised of everyday household items. Its like playing a diorama from 1915. Not a lot of games are like that.
9. The Stanley Parable
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The story of The Stanley Parable is simple. A narrative-driven walking simulator, you control Stanley, a boring office drone that’s tasked with monitoring data on a computer, pressing buttons and not asking questions. One day, that monitor goes blank and Stanley goes to fix it, suddenly discovering the office he works in is completely empty.
But that’s not the real story of The Stanley Parable. The narrator that describes Stanley’s actions, storybook-style, doesn’t control Stanley’s narrative. You do. And you have every opportunity, every step of the story, to go against the grain of what you’re told happens.
The Stanley Parable is a game that, as soon as you do anything it doesn’t want you to, begs you to continue following the path laid out for you then berates you for not following that path then continues to just complain to you, trying to regain control of the story. Every variation of Stanley’s story is maybe 10 - 15 minutes long but each one is a fun and weird surprise and Kevan Brighting’s soft friendly British narrator is an all time great voice acting role. One so good, Valve’s DOTA 2 MOBA game features an announcer pack that fully replaces the game’s announcer with Brighting’s narrator. DIGITAL SPORTS.
8. Observer
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A digital plague called a nanophage has infected and claimed the lives of countless augmented people in this cyberpunk hellscape of Krakow, leading to war and rampant drug use. The Chiron Corporation stepped in soon after and took control, turning Poland into even more of a nightmare than it had been, condemning those on the lower rung of society to poorly kept together tenement buildings, while also creating a police force known as Observers, detectives given free reign to hack the minds of citizens. Its 2084 and you are Daniel Lazarski, an Observer who receives a message from his estranged son Adam to come to a tenement, where he discovers Adam’s body, dead from long before the call was made. And that’s when things get weird.
The more I think about it, the more I think Bloober Team’s more recent horror game, Layers of Fear 2, should take the place on the list. The only issue is I only played Layers 2 a month ago and, no matter how much I love it, my first exposure to this company was through Observer, and more than that, this was a game I did not stop thinking about for like a year and a half. While Layers 2 plays with color and black & white in a game about the early days of film, Observer is clearly influenced by classic works of cyberpunk (the most obvious being Blade Runner), the bright neon buzzing endlessly in this dark, miserable nightmare. 
Even the real stars of this game, the minds of the dead you dive into as you solve this murder mystery, embrace that look as your setting is warped around you constantly. Rooms that look normal start stretching endlessly, doors open into other memories. And as Dan gets deeper into the mystery, the line between the real of the world around him and the memories of those he’s probing begin to blend until his own memories get mixed up among them, showing what lead to the current sad life he lives. Its a game that oozes misery even as it tries to jumpscare you around every corner. And its why it still keeps showing up in my thoughts.
7. Gone Home
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What exactly is a walking simulator? Dumb, that’s what. The idea that a game isn’t a game simply because it follows more of an adventure game aesthetic without any real challenges is absurd and, frankly, a childish view of what a game can be. And no game broke gamers’ brains more than the “walking simulator” Gone Home.
In 1995, Katie Greenbriar returns from a trip overseas on a stormy night to find her family home completely abandoned, moving boxes still unpacked. The unnerving quiet of the house mixed with the constant rain and occasional thunder feels like something out of a Resident Evil game. But instead of horror, the game uses this to make you feel confused, something to make you want to solve what happened. And it turns out its not a horror story, but a love story.
As Katie progresses through her house, she finds plenty of objects she can interact with, many that often unlock other areas in this large rural Oregon home. Along with many of those unlockables comes narration from Katie’s sister Sam, who details the awkwardness of moving into this new house, frequently thought to be haunted, and her life in a new school where she can’t connect with too many other people. Until she meets Lonnie. The two young women bond and fall in love. And the more you explore the home, the more this story gets fleshed out. Gone Home is a pure delight of a video game and one that not only spawned the pejorative term of “walking simulator” but became a gold standard for them, a term that the gaming industry has since embraced. There is no shame in using interactive media to simply tell a story, and Gone Home knows it.
6. Jazzpunk
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Its the late 1950s in the country of Japanada and Agent Polyblank must-  I’m going to be honest with you guys. I don’t know what Jazzpunk is. I’m not entirely sure what its about. I’ve played it multiple times and loved every moment of it but I’m not going to pretend its a game that makes any sense. And that’s just what it wants to be.
Heavily adopting the style of mid-century spy and cyberpunk fiction, Jazzpunk is a game that overly prefers making you laugh over any qualitative form of actual gameplay. Sure there are puzzles to solve to move the story along, but those puzzles task you with collecting giant spiders that are better rendered than anything else in this game, or hacking into a Soviet consulate which involves using a telephone to dial “Kremlin 2: The New Batch”. 
And the puzzles that make up the story stuff isn’t even 1/5th of the general dumb garbage you can do in this game. Jazzpunk exists for gags like the wedding cake that opens into a console that lets you play the multiplayer wedding-based FPS Wedding Qake. Jazzpunk exists to make you help a woman swat down flies in her store of very expensive vases. Jazzpunk will make you suddenly stop what you’re doing to do a first person version of the car bonus stage from Street Fighter 2, or suddenly put you into a cyberpunk heist in a Blade Runner-like city. 
Jazzpunk is Saul Bass on laughing gas. An intentionally stupid and disorienting experience purely designed to have you explore every inch of this weird world just so you can dig up weird crap on the beach with a metal detector and experience a pizza-themed Evil Dead 2 parody. Jazzpunk exists to be Jazzpunk. And in a lot of ways, it fully lives up to its nonsense name. Its a game of subversion in a way so impossibly dumb that it entirely feels improvised. That’s Jazzpunk.
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Notes from Stephen King’s “On Writing” 03: How to Write
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Now that King has laid out the tools before us, he sits down and tells us exactly how he goes about his craft. He acknowledges that everyone writes differently, and that how he writes may not jive with you, and that is okay. He is just walking us through what he does, and you can take what you want and leave what you don’t.
How to Summon Your Muse
“There is a muse, but he’s not going to come fluttering down into your writing room and scatter creative fairy-dust all over your typewriter or computer station. He lives in the ground. He’s a basement guy. You have to descend to his level, and once you get down there you have to furnish an apartment for him to live in. You have to do all the grunt labor, in other words, while the muse sits and smokes cigars and admires his bowling trophies and pretends to ignore you.”
Read a Lot and Write a Lot
“We read to experience the mediocre and the outright rotten; such experience helps us to recognize those things when they begin to creep into our own work, and to steer clear of them. We also read in order to measure ourselves against the good and the great, to get a sense of all that can be done. And we read in order to experience different styles.”
Man, I probably can’t even count how many times I’ve seen this piece of advice. But the fact that I’ve seen it this much means that it must be right, I guess. In particular, King advises us to read bad books, as the bad stuff is usually more glaring than the good, and we can learn from that. 
He also says that reading bad things can provide us positive inspiration.
“Most writers can remember the first book he/she put down thinking: I can do better than this. Hell, I am doing better than this! What could be more encouraging to the struggling writer than to realize his/her work is unquestionably better than that of someone who actually got paid for his/her stuff?”
Certainly, I have to agree with him.I remember the first time I was deflowered with bad fiction.
King also advises us to read good books, because we can learn about style, graceful narration, plot development, the creation of believable characters, and truth-telling. 
On Finding Time to Read
It’s not that we don’t want to read, it’s that we just don’t have the time to read when we’re working and have other obligations and also want to write. So how do we find the time to read? King says:
“The trick is to teach yourself to read in small sips as well as in long swallows.”
Especially with the advent of e-books, it is easier now than ever to have a book on hand at all times. Read in waiting rooms, in transit, in the checkout line, on the treadmill, and the bathroom. Read when you have an hour to yourself on Sunday. Just read when you can. 
On the Importance of Reading
“The real importance of reading is that it creates an ease  and intimacy with the process of writing. ... Constant reading will pull you into a place (a mindset, if you like the phrase) where you can write eagerly and without self-consciousness. It also offers you a constantly growing knowledge of what has been done and what hasn’t, what is trite and what is fresh, what works and what just lies there dying (or dead) on the page. The more you read, the less apt you are to make a fool of yourself with your pen.”
This makes a lot of sense. From personal experience, even though English is my native language and I love reading and writing, I stopped reading English for leisure when I moved to Japan. I poured all of my free time into learning Japanese, and I consumed only written Japanese media for about three years. When I went to pick up a pen again, it felt like a foreign object in my hand. My prose was clunky, the words were stop and start, and I was forgetting words. Especially since I spend a good 90% of my day in Japanese now, I make it a point to come home and read in English every night, and I have seen an improvement. 
How Much to Write?
Okay, so we know that we have to “read a lot” and “write a lot,” but let’s quantify that. (This is the specificity that I really love in this book.) 
King prefaces this section by making it clear that all authors work at different paces. James Joyce sometimes wrote just seven words a day. There was this dude Anthony Trollope who wrote for 2.5 hours every morning before work and stopped even if he was mid-sentence when time was up. If he finished writing a book before the 2.5 hours was finished, he would close that manuscript and start writing the next one. What a machine.
Also, just how many works must a person write to become a Real Writer? Harper Lee only wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. (I know a sequel has been released since King’s book was published, but don’t we all want to forget that sequel exists anyways?) This guy John Creasey wrote five hundred novels under ten different names. 
So how long your works are and how many works you have is your choice. You do you. But if you’re good at it and you love it, don’t put down that pen! 
Writing Schedule
King writes in the morning, takes naps in the afternoon, and spends time with his family in the evenings. That sounds like a dream come true to most of us that are still working a 9-5 and writing on the side. But that’s what he does now. 
To put things more concretely, he says that he has a strict 2,000 minimum that he must write every single day. Even if it’s like pulling teeth, even if it takes longer than he hoped, he does not stop until he has 2,000 new words on the page. 
King also believes that the first draft of a book, even a long one, should take no more than three months to write. (Personally I feel that could be difficult for everyone to do unless they have the ability to commit a certain amount of time everyday to writing no matter what.)
How to Keep Good Writing Habits
King gives us this advice.
Have a “writing room.” For King, this was the cramped laundry room while he wrote Carrie and Salem’s Lot. He isn’t telling you to add a room onto your house. Just have a space that is yours and free of distractions. Have a space that is designated for writing and nothing else, and make sure you can close the door to it. 
Set a daily writing goal for yourself. Even if it’s as low as 100 at first, that’s fine. Just write every day no matter what. He says you can take one day off a week at first. But only at first. 
Eliminate all possible distractions while writing. No phone, no TV, don’t even have the windows open (unless your view is boring). You can have music on if it helps filter out the outside world. 
Have a schedule. Dedicate a certain time before or after work that will be “writing time.” Let’s say mine is 8 pm to 10 pm every day.
Don’t wait for the muse. In King’s words, “Your job is to make sure the muse knows where you’re going to be every day from nine ‘til noon or seven ‘til three. If he does know, I assure you that sooner or later he’ll start showing up, chomping his cigar and making his magic.” Sidenote: King’s muse doesn’t match muse stereotypes lol.
“I think we’re actually talking about creative sleep. Like your bedroom, your writing room should be private, a place where you go to dream. You schedule -in at about the same time everyday, out when your word goal is on paper - exists in order to habituate yourself, to make yourself ready to dream just as you make yourself ready to sleep by going to bed at roughly the same time each night and following the same ritual as you go. In both writing and sleeping, we learn to be physically still at the same time we are encouraging our minds to unlock from the humdrum rational thinking of our daytime lives. You can train your waking mind to sleep creatively and work out the vividly imagined waking dreams which are successful works of fiction.”
The above quote put a lot of things into perspective for me. I had never thought of writing like dreaming, but really, that is what it is. I have a desk that was meant for writing, but is actually for everything now. Eating, chatting with friends, surfing the web, and writing. It is very far from distraction-free. I also just write “when I feel like it,” which means that sometimes I have months-long or years-long dry spells. And that’s nothing but a shame. 
So now I’m looking at getting another smaller, simpler desk to put in my bedroom, upon which I’ll put a tablet with no internet connection and a wireless keyboard. Maybe a notepad. Maybe. I’m not much of a note-taker. But I’ll put that in my bedroom, which really has just a bed and clothes, not even a clock, and I’ll push myself to write more every day, right there, from 8 pm to 10 pm. 
Source: King, Stephen. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Hodder, 2012.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Rwbys biggest problem as of late is too much up too much groundwork laid out not and no where near enough pay off or resolution. Sometimes they build up something that ends up going nowhere and other times a plot point was not properly established so it feel like it's coming out left field. This was a problem before but volume 6 and 7 just highlighted it's gotten worse
I was actually just speaking to a friend about how I can’t even keep track of all the (presumably) important things that have been introduced. As in, I literally don’t remember because there’s just so, so much going on. Half the time I’ll write about Subject A in a recap early in the volume with the expectation that I’ll be keeping track of how it develops across the season, except that the next five episodes give us Subjects B through O and it’s only later, when I re-read that writing for whatever reason, that I go, “Oh yeah. A was an Important Thing that I thought was going somewhere. Not only did it not go anywhere but they introduced so much else I plain forgot it existed.” 
Start tallying up even a portion of what was introduced in Volumes 6 and 7 - not including everything else plot/characterization-wise that we’re supposed to be impacting the story from previous volumes - and you get a sense of just how much RWBY is trying to tackle: You need to reconcile with Ozpin, there’s still a relic question left, Blake and Yang killed a guy, they’re also (presumably) getting together, Penny was resurrected, a whole new team is introduced, Ren is struggling with... something, which is then ignored for a kiss instead, there are frame jobs, Ruby apparently has secret semblance abilities to unlock, there’s new info about her mom, Maria is a huntress legend who inspired Qrow, everyone gets weapon and armor upgrades, Penny now has the Maiden powers... etc. etc. Take any two of these things and you have a whole volume’s worth of material to work with if you actually take the time to develop each idea and have your characters respond to it. Instead we slam them all together, slam them into previous plot threads as well - Why did Qrow’s severe alcoholism just disappear? Does Jaune care at all that Cinder is in Atlas? Will Yang ever mention that her mom is a Maiden in a story now all about keeping secrets? - and the only possible thing you can do is drop/shorten the things you’ve introduced. Maria is shuffled off screen to do science things (I guess?) for the whole volume. Clover is killed off. Blake and Yang take a few sentences to say, “Killing sucks, huh?” and then you move on because there’s just no time for anything more. Not if you want to touch on the other twenty Important Things that have been introduced and make time for the epic battles RWBY fans expect.  
You’re right that this was always an issue, though in the earlier volumes I’d say it was more about RT dropping ideas they just weren’t interested in pursuing anymore, rather than not having the space for them. Now it feels much more like RT wants to pursue all of these new elements but because each volume has ten new things to do/say (which, as you point out, makes it feel like these things come out of nowhere because they did and the audience was working under the expectation that this other stuff would get resolved first) they’re shuffled off screen after they’ve only just begun to have an impact on the story. Insert everything from “Oscar solves all his problems during an off screen shopping trip” to “Literally nothing happens as a result of Penny being framed why did we bother with that?” 
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that-shamrock-vibe · 4 years
Movie Review: Artemis Fowl (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review a couple of days after the movie drops on Disney+, I'm not going to delve into massive spoilers but will give a general overview. So if you want to watch this movie fresh don't read on until you have seen it.
So here's where I'm struggling right now. Not only am I judging this movie cold as I have no frame of reference in terms of never reading the book series this is based on, but I am also judging this for what it is being a demoted movie.
Stream or Cinema:
This movie was originally supposed to be released in cinemas but instead, due to the current pandemic, was sent straight to Disney+. Not originally made available for purchase or rent like SCOOB! was but instead relegated directly to a streaming service, free to view for anyone already with a Disney+ membership.
I have to be honest, I think Disney+ is the best place for this movie l, but I don't think it will entice new members and will instead hopefully satisfy already subscribed members most likely who haven't read the books as was the case for me and my partner viewing this, because according to the majorly scathing reviews fans of the books will mostly not enjoy this movie.
I also feel this movie plays a lot like a streaming movie rather than a blockbuster as I feel Disney originally intended.
Not only is the acting quality rather small scale, but the movie largely feels rather contained specifically to two main locations of Fowl Manor and Haven City with no real development or exploration of either.
Not For Artemis Fowl Fans
It's weird to say that a movie literally called Artemis Fowl is not for fans of Artemis Fowl, but if you're a fan of the book series intending to see a faithful adaptation to film, this is not the movie you are looking for.
Like I said, I know nothing of the world of Artemis Fowl but to me the trailers more or less pitched it as a combination of Harry Potter and Spy Kids, what I got was a rather watered down rip off of Harry Potter if he was James Bond.
As a complete novice to this world I entered knowing nothing and by the movie's end I only knew slightly more than before and was left feeling cheated our of a satisfactory climax.
Lackluster Irish Folklore
The main crime this movie has for me is not representing the folklore or my heritage in the same way other movies have represented other cultures.
I'm not saying the irish need the accurate representation that the African or Asian communities need in cinema, but as someone of Irish heritage, it's important to me just as it was important for other communities to see themselves represented.
There is brief mention of Leprechauns, Banshees and other miscellaneous creatures but even that stunning fairy creature that was probably the selling point of the trailer was not in the movie.
I feel the true representation of irish lore was left on the cutting room floor along with half of this movie's story because it's evident this final product was clunky.
I really do appreciate the inclusive Irish castings in this movie. Not only are the main newcomers Ferdia Shaw and Lara McDonnell from Ireland, but seasoned actor Colin Farrell, who is usually the token Irish character in a movie like The Gwntlemen, is from Dublin just as Ferdia is and also where Judi Dench's Irish heritage comes from just as mine does.
The best actor in this movie is Josh Gad as Diggums, he does start off largely as a Hagrid ripoff, but the character's abilities to burrow through the ground and unlock safes did set him apart and were visually interesting.
As for the titular character, it's interesting to me that Artemis Jr. and Sr. were described as criminal masterminds, yet aside from referring to how Artemis Sr. stole various artefacts and the fact Artemis Jr. quite brilliantly duped Judi Dench's LEPrecon commander into bringing in Diggums to locate the Aculus within Fowl Manor, I saw no reason to see either of these characters as villains.
Aa for the movie's actual "villain", the thing that made Voldermort such a powerful presence in the first movie was that his backstory was built up so well and his presence, albeit shadowed, was used so well throughout the movie until that confrontation at the end.
I know nothing about this movie's villain, I don't even know the character's name and I'm not all that inclined to look it up. Again, if Artemis is supposed to be this villainous type of criminal then I can understand why the main villain was played down, I can also understand the writers wanting to tease us just enough to keep us interested to find out the villain's identity in a later movie...but I see no immediate need to know and I doubt anyone else watching this movie has that urge either.
As for Dame Judi Dench, she is definitely at an interesting point in her career, first with Cats now with this, but to her acting credit she commits in both. She was pretty much playing Glenn Close in Guardians of the Galaxy but it worked for the movie.
As I said before, I can't say this is a must see movie because the target audience is going to be and has been insulted by it and mainstream audiences like me may not entirely know what to make of it.
I'd say it's not an incentive or reason to get Disney+ if you haven't already got it, but there is still other great stuff on the service and this isn't a harmful or horrendous movie so it's worth at least one look.
Overall I rate this movie a solid 6/10, it's not the best fantasy spy movie out there, it's not the best adventure movie out there. If you have little kids and want to distract them for a couple of hours it'll serve you well but I doubt the repeat viewing would be high for this.
So that's my review of Artemis Fowl, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Movie Reviews as well as other posts.
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skamfrance · 6 years
Maxence Danet Fauvel, interview for Actors’ Factory - March 22
Translation under the cut
Hello Maxence
M : Hello !
What was it that appealed to you in the “Facto”?
M: First of all, the person that is Tiffany Stern. I had come to help my roommate paint the fence of the Facto, because we’d just moved here, and so I could see Tiff…be, amongst the people who were there, and there was this really cool atmosphere in that house, in this future artist house, back then.
And afterwards, as I was saying earlier, it really happened on a whim, one morning I woke up and though “fuck, I have to go there”, as if there had been a force telling me “dude, do it”.
How did you live your formation at the Facto?
M: So for me it’s a little special, because it really changed my life completely. I found the first year really interesting, because it teaches you a lot of stuff about yourself, it allows you to develop. Beyond the “actor”, it allows you to develop your inner artist, all its facets, and you as a human being too. And that is awesome. Because it shows you your weaknesses, the masks you wear, your bad sides, it shoves them in your face and so it allows you to work on them. And it also shows your good sides, and even those you’re not necessarily aware of.
And the adventure continues in second year where I start working on scenes and stuff, where I fail completely, I am bad and I’m aware of it. And that’s when I start feeling the pressure, because I tell myself “fuck, I’ve been here for a year, I feel good, it’s a career I’m interested in, but I don’t feel like I have the abilities”. And that’s hard to go through. It’s really hard because you think…actually, it only depends on you, in the end. It only depends on you and the intensity with which you’re going to work. And then we started the spoon rivers (?) exercise, so the monologue exercise that happens in January of the second year. The spoons exercise is really what gave me all the tools to succeed during filming…and even when auditioning. It’s really what taught me to work, and now I work on every scene I have like I did on a spoon river.
What does the Facto bring you as an actor?
M: No but it can bring you a lot because it’s really professionalizing. You’ll always be disappointed to fail an audition, but they teach you to relax and have fun when you do audition, because we’re incredibly lucky to do a job in which we have so much fun. And you really have to keep that with you, because if you don’t, and you focus on “success” or things like that, it won’t work.
It gives you support, permanent support. When I’m shooting, I talk to my colleagues, we have group conversations where I say “guys, I’m panicking, I have a scene to film and I can’t remember how to do this or that, do you remember that class, do you have advice for me? How do you work on that?” and…together. And it’s a crazy amount of support.
Whenever I get good news, I go to this house of artists to share it, because…well because people want you to succeed, there’s no competition. Because we feel great here, it’s an artists’ house, it’s a place where everyone is tight-knit, it’s a place where you want to come to work, to relax. I don’t know, it’s a second home.
Why are you getting coached by Tiff?
M: There are always…2 or 3 things about my character that I struggle with, because I’m young, because I lack experience, because I’m new to this profession, etc. And in fact, Tiff’s coaching helps me unlock things that aren’t exactly necessary, that probably won’t be seen on screen,  but that are going to help you build a character that is more nuanced, more colorful…more real, actually. It’s really about putting your finger on small things that you’re wrong about. You’re wrong, but it’s not serious, it’s just that you misunderstand certain aspects of your character. I really took Tiffany Stern’s coaching to create my character, I’ve never been coached to work on scenes, I’ve never been coached for auditioning, I really did it for the construction of a complex character, and for that, it helps…every time. I do it every time I have a part to work on, because…First I work on it alone, because otherwise it’s useless, she’s not going to do your job for you, but once you’ve really worked on your character, and that…and sometimes you can blind yourself, you can be set on an idea, tell yourself “fuck, it’s that, the solution is here, I know it!”, and you can just be told “no, look: you have that too” and she does it so well, that in one hour you get about one week of work done.
Can you tell us about Eliott, your character in Skam?
M: Yeah. I mean he has so many facets that he’s super hard to describe. But when I started preparing for him, I wrote him a letter. A letter in which I promise to respect a certain number of values, principles, beliefs, everything that the character wants to represent, because that character exists somewhere. And when I started working on him, I drew him from the back, and I wrote all the words that came to mind. He’s a lover, first. He’s a lover of everything, and that’s the first thing I was told when I got the statement of intent for this character…He’s a guy who can fall in love with a door handle, as he can fall in love with a man, with a woman, a plant, anything. He’s a boy who suffers a lot, who doesn’t show it. He struggles with handling his relationships because he feels so…Actually he feels whatever you and I could feel, but to the thousandth power. It makes him really moving, and as a parallel, negative things affect him intensely too. And that’s the kind of seesaw thing that he’s always on that makes him so fragile, even if he sometimes looks really confident.
Why was it so nice to film with David Hourrègue?
M: OK, so…because he’s an awesome human being. He’s…Axel and I called him “dad”. It was really that, he was a guy that…Even for me, from the first day I learned I was cast on this show, this guy called me almost everyday to know how I was, to know how I was dealing with the project. And after, during rehearsals, every night after rehearsals, he would call us to say “are you OK? You’re not too stressed? How are you feeling? Are you sleeping well?”. Super caring, always listening to our fears, our anxieties, our expectations, everything. We were so connected, at all times, during shooting that with one word…at the end he could direct us with one word, with one gesture, with one look.
How did you work on your character’s love story?
M: I was simply told : you have to act out a love story and never ever ever talk about sexuality. While working on this story... and even me while working on this character, I never talked about sexuality. Because he’s in love with everything. He’s in love with everything, so it makes no difference. He can be in love with a song, he can be in love with a man, with a woman, and it didn’t make a difference.
How did you create this chemistry with Axel Auriant?
M: First of all, we worked a lot in order to just live it. And that’s... I’m clearly using David Hourrègue’s words there, because that’s what he told us. He said ‘Guys, we’re gonna work our asses off for two months so that when you get on set, you just have to live your story.’ That’s the first thing. And then the second very important thing is that Axel and I saw each other every single day before shooting. We got to know each other in real life so that we could trust each other as actors. There was no awkwardness, we trusted each other 3000%, we supported each other completely, we were totally connected.
What message do you want to send out with this season of Skam?
M: The first message, the general message, is really about open mindedness on love stories between men. The thing is, for me there was another one, because there was also one on Eliott’s bipolar side. I wanted to make it... Fuck, here it comes. This is gonna be hard. I also have a side like that. I often get depressions and sometimes i feel like I have another me that’s hurting me. And it’s very difficult, because even if you talk about it to people, you don’t get any real support. Because it’s really an internal thing. If some people can see themselves in it... If you go through something this hard, well... thanks to love, actually... I’m not saying you can get yourself out of it alone, because it’s extremely difficult. But someone can. It’s not soft, it’s violent. But I’m sure every human being on Earth has someone who can help with their personal problems. And for me, it was Lucas. I mean, me... Eliott. For Eliott, it was Lucas.
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Every Single Grievance I have with Fable 3
I don’t hate Fable 3.
I swear I don’t, especially after a second playthrough that helped me get over the jarring change of mechanics from Fable 2. Heck, I don’t even think it’s a bad game. But I have a lot of problems with it.
Like, quite a few. And I did say I was never gonna stop ragging on it, so this list of grievances is the result. It’s not comprehensive, it’s going off of pure memory so YES I will get details wrong but this wasn’t made with perfect accuracy in mind.
It’s a lot of minor things and if anyone can explain why some of these things are like this, please tell me.
Enjoy my complaining.
1. Where the Fuck Am I?
Sanctuary map oh Sanctuary map, where the fuck am I???
I actually have a couple problems with the Sanctuary map, one of which being that it is a terrible map. Oh, it does decently well in places that don’t have many multi-level areas like Brightwall, but in places like Mistpeak? Where the terrain can range from very high to low? 
Navigating with the map is an absolute nightmare.
And I say this after trying to find the Mistpeak Demon Door using just the Sanctuary map. The result of that adventure was me looking up a YouTube video instead.
Nothing is where you think it is, areas are hard to pinpoint in relation to each other because you either can’t see them or there are other obstacles in the way. And the map doesn’t show you where YOU are so you have to either rely on the golden trail or do guesswork.
Not that the golden trail is reliable because the thing fizzles like a candle in the wind and it can’t lead you to locations that are not quests or fast-travel locations.
And... oh boy. Fast travel.
How the fuck does this game determine where you end up when you fast-travel to a location? Fast-travelling to Brightwall especially is a gamble, you either end up all the way outside the gates where you enter from Mistpeak Valley or you end up in the square. Why is it not always the square? Why can you end up outside the village? There’s nothing interesting there that would warrant it.
2. Dying in Slow-Motion
This isn’t about the hidden health bar. I’ll get to that later. This is about the gratuitous amount of slow-motion shots you get while fighting.
It’s... frankly a little absurd, like someone really REALLY liked that mechanic in Fable 2 and decided to crank it up to 11.
I get it, some nice slow-motion so we, the players, can appreciate the flourishes. But sometimes I don’t even hit anything so I’ve just wasted a few seconds watching my character miss, and sometimes if you’re swarmed you get a lovely slow-mo shot of your character about to get bodied.
It’s not as annoying as some other things, but I have to ask. Why??
3. Skill Tree Nuance
Fable 3 absolutely stripped any nuance of upgrading the Heroic disciplines. Fable and Fable 2 at least had you choose what ASPECT of each of the disciplines you wanted to level up, so you had to at least make a decision of what you valued most of each one. Was Accuracy more important to you because of the type of gun you were using or perhaps you liked shooting things more? Did you prefer a bigger health bar at this point in time over hitting harder? Did you want the greater power of Shock over the ability to hit more targets with Inferno? (These examples are all from Fable 2 because I’m not familiar enough with Fable to pull from that.)
In Fable 3 your hardest decision leveling up in skills is merely deciding if you like melee, shooting, or magic better. With a side of selecting what spells you want.
And no, having the Guild Seals act as your experience and unlockables currency does not make the choice much more complex. You’re still choosing to upgrade the entire skill and not upgrade choice aspects of it.
4. Why is My Health Bar the Entire Screen
Listen. I meant it when I said I don’t hate Fable 3, and a big reason is because I can play around most of the stuff that is annoying or unfamiliar to me.
For those who don’t know, Fable 3 does not have a health bar. Or, rather, it does, but you, the player, are not privy to it. Instead, the entire screen turns gray and the edges turn red like it’s a fucking FPS shooter. Fable 3 is not an FPS shooter. Fable as a SERIES is not an FPS shooter.
It is not the type of game where you should have to guess EXACTLY how low your health is, because while the screen change gives you an approximation, it’s absolute garbage for making a quick estimate of how many hits you can take before you’re knocked out.
You also can’t even increase the health bar on the Road to Rule. At least, not as far as I’m aware because I CAN’T FUCKING SEE IT. Speaking of the Road to Rule...
5. Road to Rule is Not Terrible, But Half of it is Unnecessary
I get that the Road to Rule is supposed to be a replacement for the menu level-up systems in the other two games but the thing is, since leveling up was dumbed down the Road to Rule doesn’t have much going for it aside from being Theresa’s pocket dimension where she can talk to the Hero of Brightwall. But even then it’s unnecessary because, as seen in the last part of the game when she shows up for the last time, she can apparently stop time itself.
The thing is, half the shit in the Road Rule makes no sense to be locked behind progression. Sure, dyes maybe I can get (even though they’re superficial), but expression packs? I need to progress to even gain the ability to make friends with someone? I have to wait and shell out Guild Seals just to buy property?
Why? Because of the second half of the game? 
Wasn’t the point of that being the gold amount was set so ridiculously high you still have to put in time or job grinding so regardless you have to invest something? Being able to buy property earlier in the game isn’t going to impact it that much, which just makes it being barred in the Road to Rule very... unnecessary. Like the job level ups being in the Road to Rule instead of leveling up in the job itself and thus breaking any impression that your character was getting better at the task by doing it instead of just suddenly shooting up in skill.
6. Why is the Guild Seal so Fucking Huge and Logan’s “Enough!”
Nothing major here, just like... why is the guild seal so huge? It requires like 2 hands to pick up. Sparrow traveled with that thing for like, gods know how many years as well as the Heroes from ages past. Why is the damn thing so big, it’d be so inconvenient to carry.
Also in the cutscene where Walter confronts Logan and the Hero of Brightwall tries to stop him, there’s this moment where Walter tries to protest and Logan goes “Enough!”. But the thing is, he says it in the same tone you’d take if you were cutting someone off, and Walter stops speaking before Logan says it. It’s just a little awkward.
7. Side Cast
I really actually have only one issue with the side cast. Other than that, I think Fable 3 has a very well-developed side cast. Walter is really cool, Jasper is amusing, and Page and Ben are enjoyable and mark their personalities out starkly. I could go on, but you get the idea. I feel like I know these characters as people, much better than I do in Fable 2.
But the thing is, while that is true, some relationships are straight-up neglected. For example: any sort of dynamic between the Hero of Brightwall and Logan and the relationship between the Hero and their dog. Fable and Fable 2 at least gave their characters if not equal time, at least SOME time. The dog gets a few cute tidbits and honestly I didn’t expect a retread of the connection from Fable 2, but half the time I forget the dog is even there. The relationship between the dog and Hero does not impact anything unless you count Traitor’s Keep, but we’re not since it’s DLC. Nothing impactful is really connected to the dog.
Logan. Oh, Logan. You got did so dirty by this game. Fable 3 had the opportunity to do something with the player choosing to spare Logan, but it goes nowhere. It doesn’t offset your new money goal or increase it if you choose to execute Logan because of his soldiers leaving or staying depending on the choice, the Hero and Logan basically never talk in the second half of the game, heck, you don’t even see him again until he’s all “Imma just go” at the end. I’m not asking for a lot here, just something. I get that forcing your sibling to choose between the life of their childhood friend/lover and the lives of protesters will damage any semblance of a sibling bond they would have, but it would’ve been a wonderful opportunity to delve even deeper into why Logan made the choices he did and how they affected him. Does he feel remorse for what he did now that he’s off the throne? Would he do it all again? We’ll never know, because he vanishes off the face of Albion until the end where he says he’s leaving.
8. Some Plot Holes and Other Plot Issues
As much as I like Logan and believe he’s easily the most complex major antagonist the Fable series has had, uh... as much of the Fable community has pointed out, his secrecy makes no sense. At first I thought maybe he kept quiet because he thought no one would believe him when he said the Darkness was coming and Walter and the Hero of Brightwall only believed him because they experienced it for themselves. And that’d be a perfectly plausible explanation.
If the entirety of Aurora couldn’t back up his statement.
Seriously, it wouldn’t be just Logan’s word, he has the remnants of an entire nation to back him up. He already made a promise to Kalin and she’s been portrayed as a perfectly reasonable leader, I can’t see why she’d not help Logan convince Albion of the danger. It’d be in her best interests as well because it would increase the likelihood that Aurora would get aid from Albion.
Logan also doesn’t look great or even effective as a leader. Theresa tells you that he can’t defeat the darkness because... reasons, and I actually believe her. Because this guy has apparently been taking what was essentially the evil path to getting gold and only raised... 400,000 gold in 4 years. And you can piss that all away in one of your first choices as ruler. That’s like... really pathetic and unbelievable, because the evil choices are supposed to give more gold. That’s the whole reason why Logan decided heinous actions were okay in the first place! 400,000 gold doesn’t convince me of that!
Also, the second half of the game really suffers because of the Good/Bad duality choice system. It gives you little room for compromise. Why can’t I tell Samuel to wait one more fricken year before Brightwall Academy is reopened? Why does the orphanage have to be torn down to make room for a brothel, was there no other buildings or empty space?
See what I mean here?
9. Gamebreaking Glitch I Encountered And Am Still Salty About
Apparently, there’s a gamebreaking glitch in Fable 3 where you load the game up... and you never leave the loading screen. Yeah. That’s a thing. And I know, because I got it. The only way you can re-enter the game is by deleting your save file, because Fable 3 is so allergic to menus that you can’t even switch Heroes in the Sanctuary since that requires you to enter the game first. Yes, I am still salty about this.
10. This Is Just Here Because I Don’t Like The Number 9
Elise/Elliot don’t have a lot of emotional impact on me. You don’t really spend a lot of time with them like you do with Rose or even see them killed in front of you like with Rose OR Scarlet Robe. Like, you meet them in the garden then you get pulled away for a swordfighting tutorial lesson and then there’s a cutscene and you make a choice and they’re either dead or not. Aside from their unique presence in the kidnapped quest, they’re kinda just... there, especially if you choose to save them.
11. I Forgot This When I was Originally Writing the Post
Interacting with NPCs outside of the story-relevant ones in Fable 3 is... awkward. You are forced to interact with them one-on-one and do quests just to get them to like you. And I get the quest part, for it to force some personalized connection between the two of you, but the quests are all the same! Fetch this, deliver that, dig up this. You don’t even get to choose what expression you can do to them because the game only lets you see three options at a time.
Fable 2′s NPCs were not exactly deep and complex either, but they had personality! They had likes and dislikes and favorite places and shit. AND you could choose exactly what expression to do. Stores are not great either, the wares are so limited and unreliable its difficult to find anything specific.
Some Good Points About Fable 3 Because This was Too Much Negativity
Walter, as a final boss, is foreshadowed and built up much better than the Great Shard in Fable 2. While I do love the Perfect World section of Fable 2, it works better narratively than it does gameplay-wise. Lucien is built up to be Sparrow’s ultimate confrontation and he just... falls and dies after you suck the power out of him. Not exactly riveting.
The Hero of Brightwall follows the trend of having a semblance of personality and not being an entirely blank slate mouthpiece for the player. Fable’s Heroes have always been slightly more than just player avatars, to me at least. There are these little moments where they act like their own person. Like the Hero of Oakvale having a PTSD flashback of his village being burned down, or Hammer commenting on how quiet Sparrow is, or the Hero of Brightwall being a bit cheeky at times like giving Saker a playful punch before pulling him to his feet or saying “This is the last party I’m taking you to” (or something of the like) to Page at Reaver’s mansion. I dunno, it’s just this tiny detail I always liked about Fable.
THE FASHION IS SO MUCH BETTER IN FABLE 3. Gods I don’t know why I get so hung up on this but every dress and most of the shoes in Fable 2 look TERRIBLE. Fable 2 just doesn’t have a lot of appealing clothing options for me, thus why I dress mostly the same in a lot of my playthroughs of Fable 2. But Fable 3 has much nicer looking clothing. I only lament that I can’t snag something like Page’s masquerade dress, that thing was gorgeous.
I spent way too much time on this.
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danieyells · 5 years
Because of you, tumblr keeps advertising ObeyMe! to me. I'm starting to crack under the pressure to play it 😔 Can you at least sum up what I'm gonna be getting myself into? How's the gameplay? I've never played this kind of game before
8D tbf it may have had been doing that regardless apparently people were seeing the ads when it first came out BUT. OKAY SUMMARY TIME.
So, Obey Me!, is not an otome game by traditional standards and, instead, simply follows a storyline with a good amount of romance in it. I believe it was first advertised(and its title in the play store originally referred to it as) an otome game and, instead, it now advertises itself properly as a story and card game.
Obey Me! follows your adventure in a place called The Devildom–essentially Hell, though I believe Hell is a separate part of it between itself and the Human World, I DIGRESS–where you’ve been brought as an exchange student to the Royal Academy of Diavolo, essentially a college for demons.
Mind, you had no awareness or say in this situation, but suck it up because you’re here for a year.
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This is Diavolo! You can’t kiss him. Yet. I suspect we will eventually. But he’s basically why you’re here.
Story-wise your job is to develop an immunity to demonic influence and attend your classes(no, you don’t actually get to do so, though there are references to/talk of it) for a year stay in the Devildom. Afterwards, you’ll write a paper about your experience and you’ll be able to go home.
The exchange program is Diavolo’s attempt at starting peaceful and cooperative relations between the three worlds–The Human World, of which you are from, The Devildom, where Diavolo rules over all Demonkind, and the Celestial Realm, populated by angels and ruled over by who I like to call The Celestial Father, but most people just call god.
Don’t worry though! You won’t be thrown into the Devildom without help! After all, demons eat humans and their souls! You are overseen by Mammon, the Avatar of Greed, essentially your sidekick throughout the story. After Lucifer, his older brother and the Avatar of Pride, shoves you off onto the unwilling Mammon, you’re sent to the brothers’s home dorm, The House Of Lamentation, to get settled.
As you can tell by the names and ways I identify them, there are seven brothers and they’re all representative of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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In order of oldest to youngest, we have Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride and Diavolo’s right hand man, Mammon, the Avatar of Greed and the one responsible for you here in the Devildom, Leviathan(or just Levi), the Avatar of Envy and a shut-in otaku, Satan, the Avatar of Wrath and the most normal-seeming one, Asmodeus,(or just Asmo) the Avatar of Lust and most charming of the seven(in a sense,) Beelzebub(or just Beel), the Avatar of Gluttony who is just as self-explanatory as Asmo, and Belphegor(everyone calls him Belphie), the Avatar of Sloth and the demon sent to the Human World in exchange for you. Suffice to say…you won’t see him much.
Oddly enough, before you woke up in the Devildom, you heard a boy’s voice begging you to help them. A demon trapped them–and you’re the only one they can rely on to save them, the voice said… .
During your stay with the Seven Rulers of the Underworld(the aforementioned brothers,) you’ll get involved in their many chaotic family affairs, learning about them, making pacts with them, helping them, and romancing them along the way. Kinda.
The romance aspect has little effect on the game thus far aside from the phone calls you get every five intimacy levels. The more otome aspects are mostly in these calls, some of the texts you exchange, and in sidestories on Devilgram(the Devildom version of Instagram, obviously) you unlock by earning certain cards and raising intimacy scores. The main story does have a little bit of it(namely in the form of Mammon), but it mostly focuses on you making pacts with the brothers and helping them with their interfamilial issues and lives.
The story isn’t done and is likely not particularly near being done considering the game came out like two months ago and we get an update, thus far, once a month(but we’ve had a few events in between to keep ourselves entertained and busy with stories!)
NOW THEN ONTO GAMEPLAY… . If you’ve never played a gacha game before it’s basically a cashgrab whaletrap system where you randomly draw, in this case, cards for use in gameplay or collection. You get the best cards through premium pulls(i.e. paying real money but you actually earn the premium currency pretty easily in this game, not to mention you get one free pull of the two main paid gachas every…other day? I set mine so i get one every other day.) But you can get good cards through the regular currency pulls as well as actual gameplay.
You variously strengthen and level up the cards through battles(more below,) as well as drawing the same card multiple times(strengthens their ability), and through the Devil’s Tree, where you can also unlock more chats, calls, backgrounds and music for your home screen, and items. Using grimm(the regular currency) you can level up your cards quickly, and using grimm and items you get through gameplay and to-do “quests” you can advance spaces in a card’s Devil’s Tree and power them up as well. It’s pretty simple stuff!
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So your gameplay is in the form of simple little dance battles in which you summon the demons you’ve pulled from Nightmare(the gacha system) to battle for you. They take care of most of it–all you have to do is collect hearts that pop up on the screen and tap on them when their meters are full to use charged attacks in essence. Very simple and pretty repetitive. There are special abilities in your(and the enemies’s) charged attacks that can add some difficulty beyond simple upscaling(namely if they have paralyze as an ability which makes things very inconvenient.)
These dance battles have a timer of 40 seconds and typically last about a minute tops. So things are pretty quick and easy as far as gameplay goes. You read the story, you make some choices(the story is linear and thus far doesn’t branch based on these decisions and you can also go back and redo the decisions as well as read chats and answer calls to redo decisions for new dialogue and sometimes intimacy points as well), you do some dance battles. That’s basically it.
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:D JOBS is how you get money most easily as well as the occasional free affection items and affection boosts. All you have to do is send each of the brothers to work a job(they have favorite jobs as well as thus-far-mostly-secret combinations they can work in that you can watch secret conversations they have at their workplace in) and you’ll be notified when they’re done and you need to pick them up. If you do each job enough you’ll unlock another jobsite with greater profits(and more time between when you need to come get the little shits!)
Oh! But there’s a bit more I forgot to mention! Namely :D JOBS and Surprise Guests!
Surprise Guests come in two forms! The actual surprise kind which will pop up sometimes after a dance battle and the not-surprise kind which come up about twice a day on the home screen!
Oh, I forgot to mention the homescreen too. You can set one of the brothers to stay on the home screen and greet you when you go to it or open the app! The notifications are also voiced by them! If they have a little speech bubble over their head like so, you can engage them as Surprise Guests.
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You can also poke them on the home screen and they’ll talk a little! Usually about the other brothers or that you’re touching them.
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As I said, after each dance battle there’s a chance you’ll get a surprise guest–one of the three demons you used in the battle!
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From here you can give them food, items, medicine, or whip them--they all have preferences of what they like to be given as well! You can buy these things on Akuzon–which is the Devildom equivalent of Amazon which they clearly only used to avoid copyright, given Amazon is evil already–using premium currency or additional currency called Ravens(which you get through Surprise Guests, collecting cards over 10 times, earn in to-do quests, or get from :D JOBS.)  However you can also get them for free from :D JOBS, to-do quests, and sometimes they’ll send them to players through the mail system.
Alongside material items, you can touch them to praise them for a job well done(or comfort them after a battle you didn’t do perfectly in.)  Demons love being pet apparently!
Do this well, and you’ll get an intimacy boost! The first 5~7 surprise guests you get three hearts for the day will give you gifts–either AP(stamina), grimm(standard currency), or ravens.
↓this should be animated. If it’s not. . .gdi.
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You can also get them on the home screen and you get different, more affectionate/romantic dialogue when you do well on home screen affections. I believe these are also influenced by your intimacy score.
↓again, this should be a gif. . .not sure if moving atm 
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You can tap or rub the screen, as well as shake your phone or hit ‘Ignore’ to get a response out of them as well as giving them snacks and items. (They mostly don’t seem to like the phone being shaken or being ignored but I’ve also gotten neutral reactions from both rather than negative ones.) You can interact with their head/hair, face, arms, or chest(i think their hand counts as their arm so in the cases of Lucifer and Satan who always have their hand on their chest, be careful lol.) You can do bad, neutrally, or good in the end. You never lose intimacy points so don’t worry too much if you wanna fuck with em and see their reactions lol you’ll have chances to redeem yourself.
I THINK THAT’S IT. 8D i say give it a try if only for the fun characters or the story, and if you don’t like then nbd, right? 'u’ come to hell with ussss
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