#they learn to trust other people and bond over their sense of duty
ceruleanvermillion · 1 year
Enemies (with benefits) to lovers Guili hostage prince au where zhongli is the sickly prince of a small kingdom married off to the empire as a consort for a political alliance and Guizhong is the grand empress, rumoured to be heartless and calculating who only wants power.
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
I've been getting very into DC again, from all the comics I had in my attic.
So i would like to request a "meeting the batfam" like think.
Being Bruce's new boyfriend and meeting the kids and how would they react.
Have a nice day! (You're the only think keeping me from commiting a crime/jk)
Bruce Wayne x male reader
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Ive been on a kick lately of making half-god characters, so reader is the son of a god, hehe ^^
You were the son of Ares, a half god, and the son of a god most feared, and that the Justice league had fought many times.
So, by relation, many people didn’t trust you when they learned about your parentage. Had you been any crueler of a person, that might have driven you down a path where you followed in your fathers’ footsteps, but you weren’t.
You ended up inheriting many of his powers, even gaining his clairvoyance and precognition in dreams. Said dreams had been your first sign that you were more than just your average person, as you foresaw many of the larger disasters around the world.
There ends up being a sense of duty in your heart as your dreams keep warning you about an invasion of earth, becoming more and more detailed every night. It reaches a point where you think you are going mad.
As a last-ditch effort, you end up in Gotham, where you spend days trying to find any of the bats, just trying to find somebody to believe you. In the end, you stumble across Bruce, who probably thinks you are on something because of the less than put together state you are in.
That is until you spill everything you have been dreaming about, and how its all happened, and how this dream keeps haunting you every night.
Bruce of course listens to everything you have to say, and takes you as seriously as anything else he would. He keeps your warning in mind and gets prepared, and when your precognition comes to pass, he is ready.
From then in, Bruce passes by your place every now and then, as you end up moving to Gotham as Batman is the only hero you feel takes you seriously.
Hes the one to help you figure out your true parentage, and gets you in contact with some people who can help you deal with your new developing powers. You two end up bonding a lot, and over time, fall in love.
You both make each other feel like a full person and like you are understood. The relationship is kept quiet on Bruces end, not because he doesn’t trust his family or anything, but because he just wants to keep it to himself for a bit.
It does get a bit hard to hide the hand shaped bruises on his hips or torso when your godly strength slips out, but Bruce has lived with worse aches and bruises in his life, so its not something people notice.
You never went out of your way to become a hero, even with your godly powers. You are happy living your life and being together with Bruce, much of your stress gone since you know Bruce will believe you when it comes to your dreams.
When the day finally comes where you go to meet his family, you can’t help but feel a little nervous. Sure, you’ve met them in passing as their vigilante alter egos, when they’ve followed Bruce during his meetings with you, but this will be as Bruces lover.
Bruce is endeared by how hard you want to make a good impression, how you fuss with your hair and your clothes to be most presentable. When you ask him if you need to bring a gift or something, he just laughs a little and kisses your forehead, telling you to stop worrying as he’s sure they’ll love you.
The family all know Bruce is bringing his lover that night for family dinner, but they all don’t know who it is, even Alfred is in the dark.
They are all a bit on edge, as Bruce doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to partners. And since he didn’t tell them a name, they assume its not the people he’s normally been with, like Selina or Talia.
Imagine their surprise when Bruce arrives with you on his arm, from your civilian clothes to your sheepish smile, to you looking downright nervous to meet them as you clearly want to make a good first impression.
It might take a bit for any of them to recognize you, as only a few of them might have met you in passing, but you probably end up telling them during dinner when they ask how you and Bruce met.
I can’t see them being against you more than they would any other partner, especially when you go out of your way to use your dreams and abilities to help as many people as possible.
Cass is most likely the one to warm up to you first, as she can easily read that you are a good person who loves Bruce very much, and Cass’s approval makes the others become less tense and more open to the idea of you.
Alfred is also happy that Bruce has found someone who isn’t a criminal or assassin for once, even though they all know you could punch a guy to smithereens if you wanted too, thanks to your godly strength.
But your personality makes it clear that’s not something you want to do, so that gives you extra points in their books. They most likely use their knowledge from Diana and her parentage when it comes to you, incase you end up doing something a little too godly without realizing.
They’ve all been around many different kinds of people and beings, so I don’t think anything you do put them off. They’ll all just need time to warm up to you, and see with their own eyes that you truly do love Bruce, and that Bruce loves you back just as much.
It would take a while, as they were all trained by Bruce and are all suspicious of anybody and take forever to trust. It starts to make you think they’ll never like you, even when Bruce tells you they will, they just need time.
You know you’ve gained their trust when they start showing up in your apartment, be it after patrol, during the day, or any other time, they’re likely to just appear. This also means you end up learning a lot more first aid than you thought you’d ever need.
The last to trust you is Damian, but you can tell you scored a win when he demands you learn self-defense, as your form is horrible, and he drags you down to the cave to walk you through the basics.
Bruce feels like his heart could burst with love when he sees his family accepting you, and he couldn’t be any happier. The batfam is pretty damn happy too, as Bruce starts taking care of himself because of you.
Can’t have a date if he hasn’t slept in days, or if he’s covered in bruises or has broken bones. You probably end up spending a lot of time at the manor too, since Bruce can’t just go into town to spend time in your apartment during the day, or else the paparazzi would find out about the relationship almost immediately.
So, all in all, his kids would like you quite a lot after they got enough time to learn what kinda person you were, and what your morals were. They might even start seeing you as a safe person to go too when they need someone to talk too or just need some company.
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sotwk · 2 months
Happy birthday and bless you for coming up with such a fun, hobbit-like way to celebrate!
I would love to avail of your matchmaking services for one of my OCs. He’s called Ejder and he features in the Boromir/OC fic I’m currently working on, as Eirlys’ stepbrother by her stepmother Miryeman.
He feels somewhat separate from the rest of his new family, feeling like something of a leftover. This, coupled with the sense of alienation from both his home culture and that of Gondor, means that he, more than the rest of Duinhir’s children, is entitled to a bit of a whine. (Try telling them that though)
Since his mother married Lord Duinhir, he has actually been the child who has spent the most time with his stepfather, acting as his advisor and his more diplomatic mouthpiece among his people, since politeness has never been Duinhir’s strong suit
He’s naturally friendly and resilient. He tends to adapt well due to having a keen eye for social dynamics (inherited from his mother) and being genuinely nice to be around
Outdoorsy but not in the ‘must go kill something’ way of his stepsiblings and more in a ‘ride alone and contemplate the trees’ kind of way. Eirlys sometimes goes with him but tends to ruin the vibe by bringing a crossbow and getting trigger happy around rabbits
He really enjoys making pottery. He started learning it when he and Miryeman were living in the Haradrim quarter in Minas Tirith and he befriended a local pottery (who he lowkey wanted to be his new dad) and has pursued it henceforth whenever he has the time. He’s actually really good and finds it an effective way to relax
Despite not being naturally inclined towards the life of a warrior, he joins Gondor’s active military in the final years of the War of the Ring to tamp down rumours of his disloyalty to Gondor due to his heritage
I’m really bad with actors and tend to have too specific an image of a character for an actor but here’s a picrew of him all prettied up for some event at Minas Tirith.
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Given that I actually haven't worked out who/if Ejder will end up with anyone, I am interested to hear what match you comeup with!
"Feeling like something of a leftover" and "sense of alienation from both his home culture" produces such delicious angst in a well-rounded character! But I love that Ejder rises above those issues to use his gifts and help his father with official duties. He definitely sounds like a stand-up guy and a great catch! I have just the noblewoman to suit him nicely...
The SotWK Matchmaking Machine pairs Ejder with:
IDIS, Daughter of Théoden! (Semi-Canon)
Idis 100% exists in the SotWK AU and is given the fanon attention she deserves! I don't want to spoil my own WIP too much, but Idis does play a significant role in flashbacks of "Change the Stars". She is Théodred's older sister by only a year, so they were very close throughout their childhood.
Idis is smart, kind, brave, and skilled. She has the makings of a shield-maiden just like her cousin Eowyn, but she was born with health issues that precluded her from that lifestyle. She therefore turned to intellectual pursuits, and becomes somewhat of an expert not just in Rohanese lore, but also the cultures and histories of other realms of Men--yes, including the Haradrim, Ejder's (his mother's??) homeland!
Idis is constantly overlooked in favor of the King's heir, Théodred, but she does not begrudge him that; she loves her brother and cares for him in place of their deceased mother. Idis knows the realities of her situation, it does sadden her sometimes--she just keeps in all inside. She and Ejder would be able to bond over this as well.
(My Unsolicited Fancast: I thought Santiago Cabrera fit the bill for Ejder, based on your Picrew of him!)
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Thank you for trusting me to match up your OC! :)
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This OC Matchmaking game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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just2bubbly · 1 year
Worrisome Mornings
Well, it seems I did manage to convince myself to write warnette fic: cuz why not? This one isn't necessarily about the two but it indulged me and wish it works for the same for you. Inspiration for this comes out of this post.
Book: Shatter Me
Words: 1k
Pairing: None
With Warner unable to be contacted in the morning of chapter 56, Delalileu worries himself with reasons. None that matches when he learns the actual cause.
Delalieu's POV:
Delalieu almost did have an aneurysm. 
He was promptly waiting for the Commander to show up at his usual time to discuss the doings of the day. With Commander Warner harbouring enemies of the state in his personal quarters, the stability and agenda that had been maintained since his appointment had been disrupted. Delalieu himself had overseen a part of this mission that could cost him his life at the least.
He wasn't sure why he had always been so willing to sacrifice his life and work for members of Anderson family. Many a time he had been on the wrong side of power, a young man lost in the sense of manifestation. Perhaps he still was on the wrong side of power while he had seen much, he had lost more. 
This way of devotion towards Commander Warner, his grandchild was his way of asking forgiveness to his daughter, Leila. Forgiveness, he would never deserve. He had seen the crimes committed by his own against his own and he had silently let them happen, overseen them at times without questioning the morality and insanity of it. 
Delalieu was a man lacking in courage when it came down to crossing the lines of duty and relation, in situations when it was a need to put his blood first he had failed to do so. 
It had taken multiple years to gain Warner's trust. An odd sort of bond that goes nowhere- there's respect between the two, born completely out of sincerity and years of seeing each other. What relation he had with Commander Warner could be carried with any other Lieutenant had Paris decided to appoint another. 
"Family should be close," Paris had said, smiling wickedly to him the day he had been appointed. 
Here at Sector 45, he worked both for the Commander and the Supreme, not letting his interactions with either mix. Delalieu was that tie between the two that secured that they were far more isolated than nearer. 
Pulling himself away from his thought he glanced at the huge wall clock.
The Commander was late by 14 minutes. If experience and memory served him right, Commander Warner was never late- not on a sick day, not when he was shot in his arms, not when Miss Ferrars was dying. Aaron Warner was a punctual man that valued his time more than people. Seeing how he had been running late for over 16 minutes now seemed to surprise him beyond his wits.
He diligently decided to wait before jumping to conclusions about the Commander's whereabouts. Patiently waiting for further 10 minutes before he decided to give in to his unease.
Delalieu called for his office, assuming that the Commander had decided to spend his morning drawing plans for the aftermath of this rebellion. No one answered the phone, as his request was met with an automated attendant. He pinches his head in worry trying to find a single reason why Warner couldn't be contacted.  
Trying to calm his nervous tick, he searched for the boy on the base surveillance. Nothing. He needed to check whether Warner was out to his house in the sector like he preferred disappearing to. Alone. To keep an eye on correspondence and locals. When his search came back with no signs, he rang the operators instead.
"Where was the Chief Commander last seen ?" He asked masking his worries with an emotionless tone. 
"Last night entering his quarters." 
"Any activity outside his quarter?" 
"None noticed, sir."
 "Any tanks put off from surveillance? Lost signal with any soldiers?" He asked not wanting to give away any matters for the soldiers to divulge in.
"None, sir. "
He hung up on the phone and sprang out of the door within seconds.
The time read 7:48 am.
Last sighted in his quarters which did not have any cameras as per his request and command. Delalieu knew it was stupid and naive to give in to the demands of a 19-year-old boy and foregoing protocol. With no surveillance inside the ward, Delalieu had no way of knowing what harm Warmer might have undergone. 
Warner was housing revolutionaries on the base, a floor away from his quarters. Castle and his band of refugees were too deep in grief to be hosted as allies. One never knew when feelings of revenge came to the surface. Them living a floor below him gave them a perfect opportunity to do away with his cruelty for once. Delalieu berated himself for not trying to talk the boy out of his decision.
Stupid mistakes taken out of desire. Aaron was doing so much to save the girl's life only for her and her refugee of friends to take advantage of his kindness. Delalieu reminded himself that Aaron was more than capable to take care of himself but when it came down to the girl, Juliette Ferrars he failed to meet his own assessment. Love bedazzled him, like always the girl made him forget everything else. Made him do things he won't do for anyone. Ella always blinded him. 
He had walked on gun ready, his card swiped in to let him enter. His mind was numb with scenarios he might come across and his body operating purely on adrenaline and years of practice. 
He stepped inside the room. Only to see a sight be hadn't quite expected- clothes were strewn around everywhere. It took him about ten seconds to register the scene and now his mind was buzzing with the need to be out of the room, eyes wide in horror and cheeks flushed with humiliation. He quickly stepped back into the elevator, pressing the button to move down to his floor. As the elevator doors closed on him he had unintentionally glimpsed enough to confirm his suspicions. The two sprawled on the bed. Huddled over each other. 
Back in the safety of his own office, he sighed. Not so much out of relief. There was so much past to uncover for the two.
A/N: Hope it wasn't much disappointing. I just wanted to write someting new and my old wips have haunted me for months and I wrote this down in a day instead. Taking asks for warnette now if you all can be so kind as to send them.
No taglish cuz don't know mutuals that are into this book. Do mention if you want to be tagged in future works.
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eilinelsghost · 10 months
Director's Cut: Grief in All Her Guises
Continuing to chip away at the Director's Cut game (still taking asks if you have any you'd like to send in - the more specific the better 😊) and today I'm hopping in with this delightful ask from @mangez-peches-art:
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This is such a good question!
I actually went back and forth on this for a long time while I was planning out the series arc, and it was one of the main reasons it took me a really long time to get the first two installments nailed down (I'd been working on both of them for probably four months or so before I finally decided to post part 1 and get the series going). That meeting is such an iconic moment in their whole story and it felt like an oversight to leave it out at the beginning.
However, I ended up deciding to jump in after the relationships had been established for several reasons:
First and most simply, there was the logistical difficulty of writing those encounters. I confess I balked at trying to accurately depict the process of two people learning each others' languages from scratch, even with the help of Finrod's ability to just stroll through Balan's brain. I don't have a lot of linguistics in my background and I wanted to be careful that I didn't lead with an installment that would undermine authorial trust if I completely botched how that process would go. Or, to put it more forthrightly, I was just scared of looking like I didn't know what I was talking about 😂
Perception of the Encounter
Another thing that made me hesitate was that the whole nature of that first meeting is laden with dreamlike imagery and I did not want to begin by "demythologizing" it at the start of the series. I wanted it to retain an unsteady and ethereal presence throughout their growing relationship that undergirds how they relate to each other. Each, in their own sense, feels that they have stumbled upon the other in a dream and the unsteadiness that brings to their daily reality shapes how each beholds the other.
For Finrod, dreams are laden with intent. It is through such that he retains any tangible connection to the Valar (or to Ulmo at least), and it is through such that he was given what he understands to be his purpose and duty in Beleriand. Even his moments of foresight hold a dreamlike quality where he seems to be pulled out from the reality about him to experience/witness moments of understanding that structure the subsequent direction of his life. Meeting Balan in a kind of dream, therefore, sets Balan alongside those other moments of import: their meeting is intended, their bond is unquestioned, this encounter was fated and they (Finrod and Balan/Balan's people) immediately belong to each other in a way that other meetings do not engender. In fact, this ends up being a large part of why Finrod is able to deceive himself re his own feelings for the whole of that first year. He does not question that he feels an unusually close bond - this is Balan, sent to him in a dream; Balan's people, brought to him by powers outside himself and each fated towards the other. Thus when he realizes what is actually going on within his own feelings, he panics both at the mortal/immortal divide and also at the fear that he has betrayed what was entrusted to him (entrusted by fate? by Eru? by the Valar?) through desiring that which was committed to his keeping.
For Balan, he and his people have finally crossed through the perils of the mountain passes, they have left behind (as they think) the danger of their former lives, and have come at last to a land of safety - where some even believe they may find the gods' own dwellings. And one of the first things that happens is he wakes in the middle of the night (is he awake? is he dreaming?) and meets Finrod's eye over a dying fire, his own harp held in the hands of a seeming god and images rising through the air about him in ways that defy understanding. Balan remembers this vividly throughout his life, but it is always somewhat fluid, always filled with an uncanny awe, fear, a nagging sense of unreality. This recurs throughout their relationship at various points - see, for example, the confession scene from In These Holy Waters where Balan once again encounters Finrod in a woods and once again doubts the reality about him:
The glade was spinning. Balan forced himself not to look away, for he could see his own passion blazing back from the other’s gaze, ardent and desperate, and his breath fled before the force of it. Did he sleep still? Had he awakened indeed or was he slumbering yet beside the boulder in the sun? He reached out to brush a strand of hair from Nóm’s face, his movements slow and muddled as though caught in the dream he feared
Keeping the mythological feel of that initial meeting was really important to me, especially early in the series to set the tone, and so I concluded that beginning with depicting it in full would likely undermine that strategy.
Memory as a Character
Finally, the third deciding factor for me here was that I wanted memory to function, in some sense, as another character in the series, given how Finrod speaks about the Eldar and memory in the Athrabeth. We begin the series with Finrod's confession to Aegnor and end the series with [redacted for spoiler reasons], which serve together to structure the intervening installments as a cluster of progressing memories, moving between past and present in (what I hope is) a stream of consciousness flow of connections. The lines between Balan's memories and Finrod's memories are deliberately blurred (who is it doing the remembering when both POVs are present throughout?) because their bond leaves them with the lines between each self blurred as well - Balan never fully absent because some part of him is still present in Finrod's own self, Finrod ever with one foot crossing into mortality because Balan too has preserved some part of Finrod within his own departed self.
So as part of this, there are three main memories that the series dances around long before we see them (or hear of them in greater detail): their first meeting, their eventual coming together, and Balan's death. Each of these are such laden moments that memory shies away from recalling them directly until it cannot be avoided. (This doesn't mean that you have to wait till the end of the series for each of these, I promise! Just that they all participate in a similar dance before appearing directly in the narrative.)
I think that covers most of the reasoning? That ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would! 😂 Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to unpack more or if this didn't quite answer what you were wondering. Thanks so much for the question - this was such a fun one to answer!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
You know, weirdly, the JA books never actually bring up the attachment thing. That's something that's more in the movies, and perhaps not so weirdly only aimed at Anakin (which does suck for him, because he didn't really understand it and no one explained it in a way that made sense, leading to even more communication issues), but no in the books they like actively push Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to bond and whatnot. It's just that Qui-Gon has a lot of guilt/shame/trauma from Xanatos - which Obi-Wan purposefully triggered twice at one point, oy vey, but that book was it's own special brand of crazy - and Obi-Wan was burned by being sent to Bandomeer and was given some self-esteem issues as a result. He also has a hard time reading Qui-Gon sometimes, especially at first. So the emotional constipation is all their own lol. And it does get a lot better over the course of the books, too. They learn to read each other, but it's kind of a slow process.
A lot of Obi-Wan's rollercoaster childhood stuff was pretty beyond anyone's control too. He's such a danger magnet, I swear to god. You leave him alone for like five minutes and he's being kidnapped or joining a cult-like militia or getting attacked by people they thought were trustworthy. Qui-Gon at first does tend to leave him alone in some place they think is safe (or safer than where he's going at any rate), but after a few missions he's practically ready to attach a child leash to Obi-Wan just so he's always in grabbing range lol. Obi-Wan's also really stubborn, which is not always a great mix when people are like "please stay where it is safe, we're literally begging you", and he's like, "no :)" lol. This seems to follow him to adulthood too, in the movies, so I imagine Anakin's padawan-ship (and Cody's entire stint as his commander, r.i.p.) was pretty similar lol, just marginally safer because he's the one on rescue duty. Obi-Wan's saving grace a lot of the time is his ability to make friends really easily, and they often come to his rescue when a jedi can't. All of which is fun, because that means there's so much hurt/comfort potential!
Oh yes, they definitely need so much therapy. Like individually and as a pair. Even a dose of plot-convenient truth serum would do, frankly. So much could be cleared up so fast if they just talked to each other. But that's pretty much par for the course when it comes to most media featuring communication issues, I think. Thank god Inoichi is like, emotionally healthy and pushes Shisui to be too. You have no idea how relieved I was when like Inoichi took one look at Shisui in No Tomorrow and immediately knew he needed help and was ready to give it. It pretty much instantly sold me on their relationship, ngl
(Also, you're totally fine, I wasn't complaining I was just like, I need to make Torship knows, you know? Like at least 95% of fandom who write about Obi-Wan's childhood stuff haven't actually read the books they're talking about, they get what they know from other fanfics, so it tends to be a weird echo chamber that doesn't match up to canon. Which is a shame in this case, because those books are so fun and add so much to the characters, and would add a bit more variety to what I typically see. But you actually like parent-child bonding stuff so my very tired brain was convinced you Needed To Know and got excited to talk about it. Which is also why these have both been so long; I never get to talk about this stuff and am kinda infodumping at you, my bad 😅)
Hahaha your tired brain was right, this is super interesting! I'm gonna go hunt down found family qui-gon-obi-wan fics now...
Obi-wan is so willful and his luck is just comical 🤣🤦
("which obi purposefully triggered twice" oh for gods sake they all need rattled 🤦🤦🤦)
The whole reason I even picked Inoichi to mentor Shisui (just a name-drop back in 2019 for In The Eye of The Beholder) was because I asked myself 'who would they trust to monitor a ticking time bomb?' And the answer was immediately 'interrogation therapist'... Inoichi's decision to do that by gentle parenting was just natural lmao honestly one day I WILL write a inoichi and Shisui master-padawan fic just for the sheer comedy of Inoichi showing everyone else how it is DONE 🤌👏
Also I am... aware that I'm focusing on a fandom that 95% of my followers/readers probably aren't interested in so there's not a lot of activity on that front, plus I don't have any mutuals to talk about SW with so... info dump away, anon! This is nice :)
(I like reading info dumps anyway, haha, I'm the kinda person who tries to get people ranting about their interests on purpose :) )
Thanks for all this really cool insight, have a great day/night ✨
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gcthvile · 1 year
Dmitri Shostakov - The Corentin
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Name: Dimitri Shostakov
Age: mid 20's
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Super Soldier
Height: 6'2
Appearance: Dimitri is tall, muscular, and ruggedly handsome with thick dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He bears a striking resemblance to his father, Alexei.
Father - Alexei Shostakov
Mother - Unknown
Dimitri has grown up knowing the truth about his father, but because of his father's history, he's kept his heritage a secret from everyone in his life. He's always had a strong sense of justice and has secretly been working as a vigilante in his hometown of St. Petersburg. He's fiercely loyal to his friends and family and has a strong moral compass.
Despite his rough exterior, Dimitri has a kind heart and a romantic soul. He loves to read and write poetry in his spare time and has a soft spot for animals. He has a pet bulldog named Boris who is his constant companion.
Dimitri is a skilled fighter and has trained in various martial arts for years. He has a particular affinity for acrobatics and parkour, which he uses to his advantage in his vigilante work. He's proficient in multiple languages and has a strong knowledge of Russian history and culture.
When Dimitri learns that his father is alive and serving as the Red Guardian, he decides to reach out to him. Although he's not entirely sure how his father will react to the news of his existence, he's desperate to connect with him and learn more about his identity. When they finally meet, Dimitri and Alexei develop a bond that proves unbreakable. They fight side by side, and their relationship strengthens as they navigate their shared history and the dangers that come with being a hero.
As Dimitri becomes more involved in the superhero world, he discovers that his unique combination of skills may be just what the Avengers need. With his father's guidance, he begins to hone his abilities and works to become a valuable member of the team. His acrobatic skills prove useful in both combat and reconnaissance, and his knowledge of Russian culture proves valuable in missions that involve that area of the world.
However, Dimitri continues to struggle with the fact that he has been living a double life. The secrecy and danger of his vigilante work have taken a toll on him, and he begins to feel torn between his duties toward the Avengers and his obligations to the people of St. Petersburg. Eventually, he decides that he can no longer continue to put his loved ones at risk and announces his retirement as a vigilante.
Despite this, Dimitri proves to be a valuable asset to the Avengers. His loyalty and dedication to the team are undeniable, and he continues to use his unique set of skills to help them succeed. Over time, he becomes a trusted friend and confidant to his fellow heroes, and he develops a close bond with several of them.
One day, when a new villain threatens to destroy everything that the Avengers hold dear, Dimitri finds himself drawn back into the world of vigilantism. With his father's blessing, he takes up his mantle once again and becomes the Red Guardian. Alongside the Avengers, he battles the new foe and ultimately triumphs. In the aftermath of the battle, Dimitri realizes that his place is with the Avengers. He feels a sense of purpose and fulfillment as part of the team, and he realizes that he can be a hero without sacrificing his personal life. He develops a deep appreciation for the other team members, and his bond with Alexei becomes even stronger.
When Natasha finds out about Dimitri's past as Corentin (his hero name), she is initially surprised and a bit skeptical. However, as she learns more about his experiences and the reasons for his actions, she begins to understand and empathize with him. Dimitri and Natasha have a complicated history, as they were both trained as Russian operatives and worked together on several missions before he became Corentin.
Despite their past, however, they develop a strong friendship as members of the Avengers. Dimitri respects Natasha's skills and her unwavering dedication to her work, and she admires his loyalty and determination to do what's right.
Dmitri is a complex individual with a deep sense of loyalty towards his friends and family. Due to his past, he has a strong moral code and is willing to risk everything to protect those he cares about. He is also known for his wit and humor, which he uses to defuse tense situations and lighten the mood when necessary.
Dmitri is a strategic thinker and often takes a measured approach to his actions, but he is not afraid to act on his instincts when the situation calls for it. He is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and is a skilled marksman, but he is not one to rush into battle recklessly. Dimitri is someone who values intelligence more than brute force, and he tries his best to find creative solutions to problems rather than relying on violence.
Despite having been trained as a Russian operative in the past, Dimitri is not a ruthless or cold-hearted person. He is empathetic towards those in need and is not afraid to show his emotions. His life experiences have made him somewhat guarded, but he learns to open up more as he builds closer relationships over time.
Overall, Dmitri is a highly capable and trustworthy individual with a good sense of humor and a strong moral compass.
His hero costume:
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Hope you guys like him! @msrochelleromanofffelton @jackiequick @drspencereidhotch @blueboirick @meiramel
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phoebe-ofthe-cosmos · 11 months
A Court of Thorns and Roses | Recap & Analysis, Ch. 13
And a not-so-brief trip back to Chapter 12.
Spoilers for ACOTAR the book and the series.
Chapter 13
Tamlin brings Feyre to the study, where she tries to write a letter to her family to tell them she's okay and warn them of the blight. Feyre can't read or write, and is very insecure about this. As she tries to write her letter she is also reading children's books and taking notes of the words she doesn't know. I am once again so impressed by Feyre's intelligence; it's no joke to try to teach YOURSELF to read and write and despite her insecurity and the frustration of the immense challenge, she isn't backing down.
Feyre finds the giant map of Prythian painted on the wall of the study
Tamlin finds Feyre and offers to help her write the letter. She is too insecure (and too proud) to admit that she needs help.
About to get a lot of important character moments again so buckle in
Tamlin doesn't understand why Feyre won't let him help, but she will let Lucien take her on hunts. Again, jealousy.
Feyre says that Lucien doesn't pretend to be anything but what he is. This is a shot at Tamlin but I like what it tells us about Lucien's character.
Tamlin gets angry at this comment, but Feyre notes that his claws stay retracted. Tamlin says that Feyre isn't what he expected from a human. He snarls this, so he's saying it angrily. It kind of sounds like it could be a compliment though?
Feyre gets upset and leaves the room; Tamlin doesn't try to stop her.
Clearly, Tamlin is softening up to Feyre. Five days have passed since he caught her following the puca, and he was very cold and distant then. What changed for him between then and now? Their only notable interaction since then was when Feyre bandaged his hand. So I want to revisit that scene.
Going back to Chapter 12 for a moment here:
During the bandaging scene, which I hadn't paid too much attention to at first, I notice that Tamlin asks Feyre, "you can't write, yet you learned to hunt, to survive. How?" and Feyre responds, "That's what happens when you're responsible for lives other than your own..." Soon after this, Tamlin tells Feyre for the first time that Feyre isn't what he expected for a human. In contrast to the same declaration in chapter 13, Tamlin is saying this in his stupefied state; he has his walls down and it is a moment of honesty and vulnerability for him.
Tamlin and Feyre first bond over being in the reluctant position of having to care for other people; Feyre as the provider for her family and Tamlin as the caretaker of these lands and the people here (Feyre still doesn't know his title).
The difference here is that Feyre truly had to do this on her own, but Tamlin's isolation is self-imposed. Feyre's sisters never helped her; her father made a few feeble efforts but between his physical disability and his mental state he was never in a position to truly provide.
Tamlin, however, is isolated because he cannot, or will not, delegate. Feyre asked Lucien in Chapter 11 if Tamlin had anyone to help him, and Lucien said Tamlin would shred them for disobeying his order. This was said specifically in regards to hunting the Bogge, but it is a major insight into how Tamlin manages his Court. Consider, in contrast, Rhysand: we learn in ACOMAF that Rhys has a Second-in-Command, a Third-in-Command, a General, and a Spymaster in his inner circle. He has people he trusts to help him. Tamlin only has Lucien, and even then, Lucien's role is limited to diplomacy. In ACOMAF, when Feyre expresses interest in helping manage the Court, in acting as a High Lady, Tamlin tells her that she can't. Tamlin does not HAVE to do this on his own, he chooses to by not seeking out an inner circle of his own, by never delegating or trusting someone else to help shoulder his load.
His sense of duty is fundamentally different from Feyre's. Her burden was truly imposed on her, but Tamlin's burden is his own doing.
So back to Chapter 13, and to answer my own question:
Tamlin is warming up to Feyre because he thinks they share the same burden, of having to care for others. This is also why his question to her in Chapter 12, when he asked if anyone had ever taken care of her, is so important. In Tamlin's mind, neither has he; they have this in common.
So Feyre left the study but returns later and reconsiders Tamlin's offer to help her write the letter. She thinks that he must have better things to do with him time, and yet he offers to help her. But she also remembers that he called her illiteracy a shortcoming, and feels foolish for feeling sympathy for him. She feels like she should have known better than to think that he would understand her. While Tamlin thinks that he and Feyre share a common burden, Feyre is reminded that they are not equal to each other.
Feyre seeks out Lucien and finds him in his room, working. He comments that he is glad that Feyre's human heart is warming to him. This is a coded reference to the curse; if Feyre is warming to Lucien after less than two weeks here, and if the deadline to break the curse is two-ish months away, then there is theoretically plenty of time for Feyre to fall in love with Tamlin.
Lucien tells Feyre that she got under Tamlin's skin (he actually says fur, lol) and that Tamlin nearly bit his head off during lunch. With how animalistic Tamlin is, he very well might mean this literally.
Feyre attempts that "social warfare" she mentioned earlier and tries to play Lucien for information about the Suriel. She is so, so laughably bad at it. No subtlety at all. I love this girl but the secondhand embarrassment while reading this...
Lucien sees right through her and gives up the information willingly, although he kind of plays along and lets her think she's slick. He also tells Feyre how to protect herself, revealing that he is beginning to care for her a bit, too. Maybe it is selfish, because of the curse, but he wants her to come back in one piece. But the chapter ends with Lucien confirming that he thinks he's staring to like Feyre.
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A look into the world of Scavenging
by Harley David P. Greenwood and Eula Mae Laoyon
Scavenging is a term that elicits different emotions in different people. Some may feel pity for those who engage in it, while others may look down on them as people who have failed in life. However, my recent encounter with two boys scavenging, an old man, and two watching scavengers made me realize that scavenging is not a choice but a necessity.
It was a hot afternoon, and I was walking back home when I saw two boys scavenging through a heap of garbage. They were picking items that they could salvage and sell for a few coins. They were not alone; an old man was working alongside them. He seemed to be in his seventies, but he was still able to move around with ease. I was amazed at his resilience and dedication to the task at hand. As I approached them, I noticed two other people watching them from a distance. They seemed to be keeping an eye on the boys and the old man, probably to ensure that they did not take anything valuable.
I was curious about their story, so I approached them and started a conversation. The old man told me that he had been scavenging for over forty years. He said that he had lost his family during the war and had no other means of survival. He had taught the two boys the trade, and they had become his protégés. He was proud of them because they had learned how to make a living out of scavenging. The two watching scavengers were his friends, and they had come to check on them.
As I listened to their story, I realized that scavenging was not a choice but a necessity. These people had no other means of survival. They were not lazy or unskilled; they were victims of circumstances beyond their control. They were doing what they had to do to survive. I could not help but feel pity for them. I wondered what their lives would have been like if they had not been forced to scavenge.
This encounter taught me a valuable lesson; never judge people without knowing their story. These people had a story, and it was not a pleasant one. They were not scavenging because they wanted to but because they had no other choice. It made me appreciate the little things in life that I take for granted. It also made me realize that I should be grateful for what I have and not complain about what I do not have.
The two boys scavenging, the old man, and the two watching scavengers were a community. They had formed a bond that was based on mutual respect and trust. They looked out for each other and helped each other in times of need. It was touching to see how they had created a sense of belonging in a world that had rejected them.
Finally, this encounter left me with a sense of responsibility. I felt that I had an obligation to help these people in any way that I could. I realized that I had been blessed with a lot of privileges in life, and it was my duty to share those privileges with those who were less fortunate. I left that place with a sense of purpose and a renewed commitment to making the world a better place for everyone.
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eulalaoyon · 1 year
A look into the world of scavenging
by Harley David P. Greenwood and Eula Mae Laoyon
Scavenging is a term that elicits different emotions in different people. Some may feel pity for those who engage in it, while others may look down on them as people who have failed in life. However, my recent encounter with two boys scavenging, an old man, and two watching scavengers made me realize that scavenging is not a choice but a necessity.
It was a hot afternoon, and I was walking back home when I saw two boys scavenging through a heap of garbage. They were picking items that they could salvage and sell for a few coins. They were not alone; an old man was working alongside them. He seemed to be in his seventies, but he was still able to move around with ease. I was amazed at his resilience and dedication to the task at hand. As I approached them, I noticed two other people watching them from a distance. They seemed to be keeping an eye on the boys and the old man, probably to ensure that they did not take anything valuable.
I was curious about their story, so I approached them and started a conversation. The old man told me that he had been scavenging for over forty years. He said that he had lost his family during the war and had no other means of survival. He had taught the two boys the trade, and they had become his protégés. He was proud of them because they had learned how to make a living out of scavenging. The two watching scavengers were his friends, and they had come to check on them.
As I listened to their story, I realized that scavenging was not a choice but a necessity. These people had no other means of survival. They were not lazy or unskilled; they were victims of circumstances beyond their control. They were doing what they had to do to survive. I could not help but feel pity for them. I wondered what their lives would have been like if they had not been forced to scavenge.
This encounter taught me a valuable lesson; never judge people without knowing their story. These people had a story, and it was not a pleasant one. They were not scavenging because they wanted to but because they had no other choice. It made me appreciate the little things in life that I take for granted. It also made me realize that I should be grateful for what I have and not complain about what I do not have.
The two boys scavenging, the old man, and the two watching scavengers were a community. They had formed a bond that was based on mutual respect and trust. They looked out for each other and helped each other in times of need. It was touching to see how they had created a sense of belonging in a world that had rejected them.
Finally, this encounter left me with a sense of responsibility. I felt that I had an obligation to help these people in any way that I could. I realized that I had been blessed with a lot of privileges in life, and it was my duty to share those privileges with those who were less fortunate. I left that place with a sense of purpose and a renewed commitment to making the world a better place for everyone.
In conclusion, my encounter with two boys scavenging, an old man, and two watching scavengers taught me that scavenging is not a choice but a necessity. It made me appreciate the little things in life and taught me a valuable lesson about judging people without knowing their story. It also showed me the power of community and left me with a sense of responsibility to help those who were less fortunate.
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taurusvenusian · 3 years
Composite Chart (Sun Signs)
Composite charts help us understand our relationships more as it is set in the midpoint of two people’s individual charts. You can find out yours and your partner’s here: https://astro-charts.com/tools/new/composite/
The Sun sign tells us more of your relationship’s drive, life force, and outcome of two energies. Disclaimer: these are generalized descriptions and some other planets/aspects may influence your chart. If you want a personalized reading of a composite chart, book a reading with me!
Aries Sun - Your relationship is driven by passion and action. Your relationship is meant to be dynamic — always on the go, always working on something. Being bored might be something avoided as exploration and activity are musts. You need a pace and energy that makes use of your independence and assertiveness. This keeps both of you courageous in relationship pursuits, curious, and independent. Arriving at a common ground with each other must be observed to avoid miscommunication and feelings of being left out by the other. Taurus Sun - Your relationship is driven by stability, familiarity, and comfortability. Both of you find it important to be at ease and comfort wherever you are. You do not appreciate quick and erratic changes as much, as you are very drawn to what you are already comfortable with/how things already used to function or work for you. You are fond of things that give both of you pleasure and stability like having a beautiful home, ensuring food always tastes great, and etc. You need to feel like the relationship is not on a slippery slope and is always at its strongest. Avoid resisting changes because these changes can even benefit your relationship, if you choose it to.
Gemini Sun - Your relationship is driven by curiosity, mental stimulation, and intellect. Variety and humor are important for the both of you. You avoid anything boring and anything that would neglect you of the mental stimulation and excitement you need. Both of you are very big on conversations and find that talking to each other keeps you energized and satisfied. You share a wide-range of interests and find it comforting to explore each one. Avoid being too focused on your own thoughts that you end up neglecting your partner. Communication is a two-way street; one must listen to be able to speak.
Cancer Sun - Your relationship is driven by emotional connection, the feeling of safety and security. You love to nurture each other and feel that you are being taken care of always. Building a family or home may be ideal, or at least being around family connections. There is emphasis on feeling secure and assured by each other. Affection helps in fueling each other/giving each other a boost and it is easily given and felt by both sides. The relationship helps each other feel secure and being with each other feels like a comfort zone to resort to in times of sadness. Leo Sun - This relationship is driven by admiration, creativity, and loyalty. You admire each other immensely and want to be admired by others too. Activities that boost creativity help the couple enjoy the relationship. Both of you are likely to be very loyal and devoted to each other and that is one of the foundations of your relationship. There is a sense of confidence in this relationship. You are also both generous to each other that you find yourself continuously making efforts for the relationship to work.
Virgo Sun - This relationship is driven by work, missions, and order. Seeming serious in nature, you are both very inclined to having work that keep oneself grounded and satisfied. There is an emphasis in being helpful and useful towards each other and other people. You are who people go to during in times of trouble because of the reliability that both of you possess. Cleanliness and organization in everything is important. When together, there is an innate pursuit of wisdom and meaningful work/activities. Health is one of the many things that you both prioritize. Libra Sun - This relationship is driven by harmony, balance, and devotion. This couple maintains the peacefulness that is felt in the relationship, they avoid arguing and always want to feel that the relationship is working for both sides. Romance and good & healthy connection are highlighted here. There is an acknowledged agreement to make the relationship work and both are focused on fulfilling each other’s wants and needs. Knowing how to balance each other out was something both of you learned or are continuously learning. You are both aware and cautious of the things that affect your relationship and are most likely partners in decision-making.
Scorpio Sun - Your relationship is driven by intimacy, intensity, and trust. You both reach a certain level of comfortability that help you enjoy genuine intimacy of any type. There is an undeniable and inevitable intensity felt by each other. Both are usually apt to trust each other with secrets you cannot tell other people. There may also be themes of struggle with regards to control or power. This is one of the most passionate connections, one hard to forget. Sagittarius Sun - Your relationship is driven by adventure, wisdom/learning, and movement. This relationship thrives when both of you are on to the next adventure of any type. Exploring philosophy, culture, religion, and other concepts that interest you strengthen each other’s bond. Traveling may also be what motivate the relationship as you like continuously moving and learning together. Routine may put each other off as stimulation and fun are what the couple finds and wants. Capricorn Sun - Your relationship is driven by ambition, personal success, and earthly desires. This relationship thrives when both of you are motivated to stay on top of your game and meet desired goals. You motivate each other to achieve potential and high standards. Respect, integrity, and honesty are valued and prioritized. Somehow like the Virgo Sun couple, there is an acknowledged responsibility and duty to serve the community. 
Aquarius Sun - Your relationship is driven by unconventionality, explorations, and freedom. This relationship possesses uniqueness, like they may be less interested in the typical conventions of a relationship and may try a poly set-up, a long distance relationship, or may explore ideas or experiences that are uncommon. There is a commitment to reinvent oneself over time thus freedom is needed. You both learn to embrace each other’s individuality and also the relationship’s. Encouragement from each other and constant movement will keep the relationship alive.
Pisces Sun - Your relationship is driven by depth, compassion, and connection. There is an energy here that allows you both to connect on a deep and spiritual level and the search for this spiritual fulfillment may be one of the pursuit of the relationship. You may do things together that bring out each other’s creativity and faith. The focus and interest here now are higher awareness and the inclination with a higher self. This is a couple who is apt to experience life-changing growth.
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mishasminions · 4 years
Here’s why the Supernatural Series Finale Sucked
First of all, I’d like to state, that this perspective is coming from someone who has watched, invested in, and dissected this show for 15 years. I’ve tried to rationalize and justify every single decision each of the main characters made throughout the years, and I’ve always tried to make sense of each of their story arcs from a “bigger picture” standpoint as each season progressed.
Anyway, before I can properly explain why the finale sucked, let me quickly take you through 15 seasons by segregating them into 3 eras, because you can’t really comprehend what Supernatural is about and what it’s become without going through how it tried to expand its universe.
Now, we all know that Kripke was always set in wrapping up Sam and Dean’s story in 5 seasons, and he did just that.
So, in this era, Supernatural is about two brothers who set out on a journey to fulfill “the family business”. They hunt mythical monsters that terrorize the world, while battling the monsters within themselves. Their ultimate “big bad” is an apocalypse.
Towards the end of this era, we find out that Sam and Dean are actually a parallel to Biblical characters who are brothers turned rivals. And that Sam and Dean’s destiny is to go up against each other.
However, as a dynamic, they have always been about making their own choices, choosing free will, and having a brotherly bond that can power through against any obstacle at any given day.
So, this era is neatly wrapped up with its finale. The characters grow, and get justified endings.
Dean, a man who thinks of himself as two things: 1. Sam’s older brother and protector; and 2. Daddy’s blunt little instrument.
He’s spent his whole life believing that that was his only purpose, and he knew that the only ending he’ll get would either be a bloody death fulfilling his duty to the family business; or laying his life on the line to save his brother.
Dean gets the ending he thought was never possible for him, something he thought he could never deserve. After years of living and dying for his family, he gets a shot at having an apple pie life--to settle down with a nice girl, raise a kid in a house with a white picket fence. With Sam gone, Dean’s responsibility now is to himself.
Sam, on the other hand, never wanted any part of it, because he wasn’t groomed the way Dean was, and because thanks to Dean, Sam wasn’t traumatized or forced into growing up too quickly the way Dean was.
So Sam aspires for a normal life, and works the cases with Dean so he can maybe get some semblance of it, when everything they set out to kill are laid to rest.
Ultimately, Sam performs a selfless act for his brother, who has given up everything for him, and for their cause--to save the world.
The journey is this: Dean sacrifices everything to save Sam, and Sam sacrifices himself so Dean could live.
Apart from being Dean’s “savior” and guardian angel, Castiel’s role in this era is to serve as a mirror to Dean’s journey. Castiel goes from being heaven’s foot soldier, following “God’s orders”; to an angel who learns to choose and feel for the first time in his existence.
After they realize that they’re both daddy’s blunt instruments, Dean starts choosing his own path for himself, and convinces Castiel to join him. Castiel stops following heaven, and starts following Dean.
In the end, with his newfound understanding of the world thanks to Dean, Castiel goes back to heaven to reform it.
We’ve resolved the biblical arc, and the character journeys.
So this is where the show realizes how vast its universe can be, so it tries to expand it by tapping into uncharted lands and experimenting with it.
They take on heaven, reform hell, explore purgatory, have the angels fall, turn Dean into a demon, and kill Death.
Dean and Sam recognize their codependency, and try to rise above it.
They go back and forth between which brother will risk it all for the greater good every other season.
Dean and Cas strengthen their relationship by recognizing the impact they have on each other’s lives.
Cas structures his life and decisions around Dean (Seasons 6-7), and Dean learns to trust and fight for Cas (Seasons 8-9).
Sam and Cas bond (mostly over Dean) because of their shared rationales in decision-making.
Dean, Sam, and even Cas also forge relationships with the people they work with. The concept of “found family” is introduced here.
This era was heavy on the plot while establishing, reinforcing, and solidifying relationships and dynamics.
At this point, it wasn’t just about the brothers anymore.
If Supernatural had ended in Season 10, the logical finale would’ve been Team Free Will, along with the family that they’ve found, going up against the latest big bad (Death or whoever). Maybe they lose them along the way, maybe they all make it out alive, or maybe they go down swinging, but at least the show recognizes and supports the message they keep saying, “Family don’t end with blood”
This is where the show runs out of ideas and decides to invalidate the seasons that came before it.
From bringing Mary back (basically rendering their whole journey pointless because they’ve literally started hunting because of her death), to changing the stipulations in being Michael and Lucifer’s vessels (another character struggle rendered useless), to God himself breaking the fourth wall by saying that the Winchesters get away with everything because “they’re the main characters in his story and everything they’ve been through was just part of a badly written narrative”.
But what we’re getting from this era is that Sam and Dean, along with Cas (who has also deviated from the story) ARE trying to escape a badly written narrative.
That’s the “big bad” in this era. The writer.
At this point, the characters have picked up so many strays (including those from alternate universes), and have settled into their roles in their “found family”. Dean, Sam, and Cas all become surrogate dads and uncles.
They’ve also graduated from the whole “we’re on different sides” and “going behind each other’s backs” drama. And they just want the whole family together.
They’ve all resigned themselves to the cause, but they’re also tired. Dean allows himself to contemplate about wanting more out of life or at least getting a vacation. Sam, on the other hand, realizes his capabilities as an effective leader. Castiel learns to love another being that isn’t Dean (spoiler: it’s Jack).
However, they also realize that they’ve just been puppets on a string all this time.
So what they want now, is to write their own story, and make their own choices knowing that God/the writer isn’t the one fueling their narrative.
So here’s why the finale sucks:
Andrew Dabb, the current showrunner, said that there would be two finales.
15x19 - The finale to wrap up Season 15, and 15x20 - The finale to wrap up the series by “resolving the characters’ journey”
In 15x19 the boys find a way to de-power God/the writer. For the first time in their whole lives, they are free from the story. Their lives are completely theirs now. They can make their own decisions. There are no more “big bads” to fight
And here’s what happens in 15x20:
Immediately after being freed from their story arc, Dean and Sam go back to hunting the monster of the week.
Dean eats pie, gets nailed (literally), makes a 10-minute speech to Sam because he knows he’s dying, then he goes to heaven.
Dean is greeted by Bobby, his surrogate Dad who he hasn’t seen (fully alive) since Season 7. Bobby’s expository dialogue comprises of him explaining that he got out of heaven’s jail, that John and Mary are next door, and that Jack and Cas fixed the dynamics of heaven off-screen.
The first thing Dean decides to do is go for a long drive in his Impala (as if he hasn’t done enough of that already).
Meanwhile, Sam decides to stop hunting after Dean dies, he gets the apple pie life he hadn’t wanted since Season 8 (while Dean was in Purgatory), and names his kid “Dean” for effect. He grows old and dies.
Dean drove around in heaven for so long that Sam catches up to him.
They hug. The end.
Great, right?
After 15 years of struggling to battle their own respective destinies, going up against big bads and even bigger bads, then finally being able to take charge of their own stories, Dean and Sam regress to hunting the monster of the week, and get killed off by a nail and old age. Okay.
Sam gets to retire and have a family, sure, but they still focus on him and the kid he named after his dead brother. Still just “Sam and Dean” through and through. Nothing to do with found family. Just lineage. Just blood. And it ends there.
See, the problem here is that this ending would’ve been passable in The Kripke Era. But we’re 10 years down the road since, and while Sam and Dean are the original main characters, the show isn’t just about them and their codependent relationship anymore.
So you see, even if you take out the whole “Castiel deserves to be in the finale because he’s also a main character with an unfinished story arc” argument, the finale still does no justice to the series it tried to “wrap up”.
But anyway, now I’ll make the case for the problem with Castiel not being in the finale:
In 15x18, we get a 5-minute rushed confession from Castiel to Dean. The context of which are as follows:
1. Earlier in the episode, Dean had wounded Death with her scythe. We later find out that this wound is fatal.
2. Their friends start to “blip out” in a Thanos-like snap, and Dean thinks that Death is causing it, so Dean seeks her out, and Cas goes with him.
3. Dean and Cas anger Death, apparently for no reason because she didn’t even do the thing they thought she did. She chases them to try to kill them
4. Dean and Cas lock themselves in a room. Dean starts a pity party.
5. As Dean goes through hating himself out loud, Cas decides to inform Dean of the deal he made with The Empty. He then proceeds to explain the stipulation of the deal (that he would get taken once he experiences a moment of true happiness), then discusses his newfound happiness philosophy. Dean is getting whiplash.
6. Cas goes on to imply that the one thing that he wanted that he knew he couldn’t have is Dean Winchester reciprocating his romantic feelings for him. (Don’t even try to fight me on this because Cas already has Dean’s platonic love, and he knows that Dean thinks of him as a brother, so if he really meant this in a “familial” way, then why would he think that he couldn’t have the thing that would make him happy?) So Cas’ realization is that telling Dean about his feelings is enough to make him happy.
7. Cas tells Dean all the reasons why he loves him (thereby combating Dean’s self-deprecation tirade), and all the reasons why he’s worthy of his love. Meanwhile, Dean is still winded from the fact that Cas is about to sacrifice himself for him again.
8. Dean never gets to process anything, because Cas is shoving him out of the way, as he and Death (who busts through the door) get taken by The Empty.
After this episode, Dean never speaks of it. Misha Collins supposes that Dean doesn’t reciprocate. Jensen Ackles says that Dean didn’t really get to process it because it was too much, too fast, and that Dean, still dense as ever, thinks that Cas, a celestial being, doesn’t interpret human feelings the same way.
So what was the point of this confession?
Politics and sensitivities of a 2005 network television aside, what does this do for the story?
Cas proclaims his romantic feelings to Dean, but Dean never acknowledges it, doesn’t even give it a passing thought afterwards. So Cas’ big declaration goes unheard.
Cas cashes in on his Empty deal to kill Death (who was dying anyway), in order to save Dean who dies two episodes after.
Dean makes no effort to save Cas (despite being really broken up about his previous deaths, or even spending a whole year in Purgatory looking for him), even after they’ve beaten God, not even asking Jack (who has all the power in the universe) to bring him back (when Jack has already done it before, with less mojo).
Dean moves on to fight the monster of the week. Somewhere off-screen, Jack rescues Cas from The Empty, but Cas uncharacteristically doesn’t even bother to go to Dean? (Every single time he comes back, Dean’s always the first person he goes to)
And Cas, who apparently helped craft and reform the new heaven, isn’t the one who welcomes Dean and explains the new dynamics of it?
Sure, Jan.
Supernatural, you’ve created a finale that only your casual viewers and people who dipped out after Season 5 can appreciate.
Just goes to show how much you actually valued the people who actually invested in your story and characters, and consistently helped keep your show on the air.
[RT this on Twitter]
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ladybookstan · 3 years
Viviane Appreciation✨
Synopsis: A post completely dedicated to Viviane, talking a little bit about the character and bringing solid and real reasons why this woman deserves more recognition and appreciation by the fandom.
We meet Viviane in ACOWAR (chapter 43) at the High Lords meeting, she is described as "A Stunning Young Female" and is introduced to us as being the Wife and Mate of Kallias, the High Lord of the Winter Court. We also learn that she is Mor's best friend and it has been a long time since the two have seen each other. Viviane was born and raised in Winter Court. She was and still is Kallias' best friend.
From this excerpt, we can get a sense of what Viviane's personality is like:
“I tried to suggest she stay at home,” Kallias said drily, “but she threatened to freeze my balls off.” ACOWAR - 43
Let's take a look at Viviane's background story:
Viviane had not been Under the Mountain. As her childhood friend, Kallias had been protective of her to a fault over the years—had placed the sharp-minded female on border duty for decades to avoid the scheming of his court. He didn’t let her near Amarantha, either. Didn’t let anyone get a whiff of what he felt for his white-haired friend, who had no clue—not one— that he had loved her his entire life. And in those last moments, when his power had been ripped from him by that spell.… Kallias had flung out the remnants to warn her. To tell Viviane he loved her. And then he begged her to protect their people.
So she had. As Mor and my friends had protected Velaris, Viviane had veiled and guarded the small city under her watch, offering safe harbor to those who made it.
Never forgetting the High Lord and friend trapped Under the Mountain, never ceasing her hunt for finding a way to free him. Especially while Amarantha unleashed her horrors upon his court to break them, punish them. Yet Viviane held them together. And through that reign of terror—during all those years—she realized what Kallias was to her, what she felt for him in return.
The day he’d returned home, he’d winnowed right to her. She’d kissed him before he could speak a word. He’d then knelt down and asked her to be his wife. They went an hour later to a temple and swore their vows. And that night — during the you - know, Viviane grinned at Mor — The mating bond at last snapped into place.
The story occupied our time while we waited, since Mor wanted details. Lots of them. Ones that pushed the boundaries of propriet and left Thesan choking on his elderberry wine. But Kallias smiled at his wife and mate, warm and bright enough that despite his icy coloring, he should have been the High Lord of Day. - ACOWAR - 43
Amarantha reigned for fifty years, and we know that the Winter Court was one of the Courts that rebelled against her, unsuccessfully, but this did not stop Amarantha from unleashing her fury on this Court and its inhabitants.
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But during all this time (fifty years), Viviane was a firm and strong leader, keeping her Court united and standing. I believe that the training she has received on the borders of the Winter Court has helped her in this moment. Because, in my opinion, you can't simply lead a Court without training. Kallias didn't beg Viviane to take care of his people just because he loved her, at that moment, Kallias wasn't just a man begging his beloved for something, at that moment he was a High Lord who would have to leave his Court, his people, his beloved and go under the domination of a tyrant. The High Lord inside Kallias knew that he could trust Viviane, because she was (still is) a good leader and received enough training on the borders.
We have to understand the situation that Winter Court was in, the situation that all of Prythian was in. Amarantha's reign was brutal, cruel and sadistic. The fact that Viviane led the Court alone and did not go crazy, but stood firm in her brave, fearless, righteous and even sweet personality, is reason enough for her to have more appreciation and recognition.
Now, here are excerpts from the chapter that show us a little more of Viviane's personality:
Here we see her talking about how she still hasn't gotten used to the title "Wife" of Kallias:
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Here is when we discover that she and Kallias are not only married, they are Mates too:
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From that moment on, Feyre was not the only one who began to like Viviane:
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We cannot forget that she spoke an incredible truth to Beron in front of all the High Lords and was not afraid of his response.
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And even though Mor and Viviane are friends, Viviane did not forget the seriousness of the meeting and behaved like a responsible and dedicated leader to her Court. Besides supporting her Husband and High Lord, she used her voice and didn't wait for Kallias or Mor to come to her rescue.
This excerpt was her response when Tamlim asked if they (the Winter Court) were willing to fight on Rhysand's side.
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Now, I intend to answer this question and explain why I consider her as the First High Lady of Prythian:
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Remembering that this post is not to diminish any character or to say that Viviane is better than Feyre. There is a big difference between doing that and making a post "Viviane Appreciation", which is what I am doing.
"But Ana, Feyre is the first High Lady, she has the title, Rhysand made the declaration and she is the Cursebreaker."
First, we are talking about the High Lady title, not other titles they may have.
Second, I know that Feyre is the first woman to have the title of High Lady.
Third, what is more important? Title or Attitudes?
Just as my wise queen @angelic-voice-1997 said a few days ago, the title is not so important when we see the attitudes.
Points that reinforce my point about Viviane being a High Lady and deserving recognition:
Viviane has experience leading a Court. And she did it alone and in one of Prythian's worst moments (it was fifty years).
She dealt with political situations, Amarantha attacks, probably had to earn the respect of the people, because honestly, do you think an entire Court suddenly started to trust her?
If we put ourselves in Viviane's place, we can see some real feelings like, fear of failing Court, failing Kallias, insecurity of starting to lead alone, great responsibility and above all, Viviane had to find strength within herself not to crumble.
Caring for an entire people is not easy. They were lives depending on her. For everything.
And even with all these obstacles, Viviane had a very good result and delivered the Winter Court stronger, united and resistant to Kallias.
To lead is not to sit all day long on a throne, we know that, to lead, the leader has to be ready to get her hands and sword dirty with blood.
Viviane did this, just as she also fought in the war against Hybern on Mor's side.
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As Feyre noted, "Kallias' Army was the Army that Viviane kept standing."
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And to conclude, a leader must be wise and seek what is best for her people. We saw that Viviane did this at the moment when she was the first one who said she was going to fight with Rhysand. She didn't wait for Kallias or anyone else. Thus being a determined and wise leader.
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Feyre is High Lady. No one can deny it, she has the title, the recognition and appreciation. But what I am trying to say is that nobody will die if we finally understand the facts and see that it is okay to admit that Viviane is a High Lady, the first one. Feyre will not stop being a High Lady. And I really want in the next books Sarah to tell us that Viviane was given the title, because even if it's not the most important thing, it's only fair. Because Viviane deserves it.
I, particularly, just want to see the happiness of this woman, and I was quite happy when, in ACOSF, we found out that Viviane is pregnant!!!
Kallias and Viviane, also swollen with child and glowing with joy and strength. - ACOSF - 61
Thank you for reading this post, you are welcome to add more, just don't forget respect🤗
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bigassheart · 4 years
I’ve seen a couple posts about how everyone was wildly out of character and totally inconsistent this season and I’m just like... were you guys paying attention? 
1. Luther
Arguably the biggest shift in character between the two seasons, but it makes sense. Luther spent a year fending for himself and thinking his entire family was dead. 
This is the first time in his life that he had to hold down a job and actually live on his own. It was literally his first time living out in the world among anyone other than his family, and you can see in his reactions with the other characters from that life (the boss, his landlord, those kids that idolize him, and the waitress) that it has really mellowed him out. It has allowed him to be more normal, despite being very much not normal. You can see the way he’s so much more comfortable in his skin. Literally the only times he looks uncomfortable is when he’s fighting people, shirt off and body on full display. He’s still not comfortable with that, but he’s not trying to hide under huge overcoats anymore. He has people in his life who accept him for being a little weird, but really do treat him normal. 
So is he a little less uptight and mission focused? Yeah. Because he can finally see another life, and it’s the life that he honestly did want in season 1 but felt like he couldn’t have because he was number 1 and he had a responsibility to his dad, his family, and the academy to be the leader. Having a year on his own frees him of all that. 
But he also spent all that time thinking his family was dead and feeling so guilty about it. You can see in his very first interaction with Vanya, where he suddenly feels that responsibility again. He brings a gun, not knowing what’s going to happen and, despite what he told Five, he absolutely does still have that lingering feeling of responsibility. But then he sees Vanya and she’s not a threat and everything he has been holding in for the last year comes out. Because he does feel guilty as hell for what he did to Vanya, but also for the fact that his actions pushed her into causing the apocalypse. He spent a year with the knowledge that he did that and thinking that his family was dead because of his actions. 
He’s willing to listen now because he spent a year living in a world where his actions killed his whole family. And now he finds out that that didn’t happen and he has a second chance. Of course he’s going to take it! 
2. Diego
In the first season, Diego finally admitted that he wanted to be close to his family and that he cared about them and wouldn’t leave them again. He confronted the guilt about leaving, which he had previously denied. He realized the difference between revenge and honoring someone’s memory. But despite all that, he never confronted the reason why he, a grown-ass-man, wandered around the city as a leather clad, mask wearing vigilante. 
So when we see Diego show up in 1963, that’s still who he is. He wants to be that hero and he finds an answer for how to be that hero in the first several minutes that he’s there. So he takes it. I mean, what else is he going to do? His family is gone. Maybe they’ll show up again. Maybe this is it. Either way, he’s on his own like he was before, so he’s got a duty to be the hero he has chosen to be. 
And then he meets his dad again. Everyone keeps telling him he has daddy issues, and they’re right. He absolutely has daddy issues. He’s still trying to simultaneously prove that he’s good enough for his dad, but also doesn’t need Daddy’s approval. Except he does need it. He still desperately craves it and he feels gutted when his dad denies him that approval, even falling back into the stutter he had as a kid. 
Now, despite the way we joke, Diego is not dumb. He is so observant and he makes some of the most poignant statements about his siblings and the way they see the world. He sees the people around them and he understands them, but he has never been able to completely turn that gift inwards and see those same things in himself. In this season, Lila breaks through all that and he finally sees himself in her at the end. 
“Do you know how hard it is to trust people when your whole childhood was bullshit manipulation? Then why would you do that to me?”  
Diego sees himself in Lila, in her failure to break away from her mother despite the fact that he knows she wants to. In the final episode, he sees that she is just like the rest of the siblings, but she doesn’t have to be. None of them have to be stuck with their daddy issues, because they have each other. They can support and care for each other. It’s the last step of the growth he started in season 1, moving beyond his tendency to define his life and his family through their father. 
3. Allison
Throughout season 1, Allison struggled with whether or not to use her powers, but it was all centered around getting back to her daughter. When she appears in 1961, that motivation is effectively removed. She thinks everyone else is dead. She thinks that she is stranded in the past and that she will never get back. She finds a group of people to support her and before long... she finds her voice again. 
It’s no coincidence that Allison’s first spoken words in the series come right after she gives Ray that pamphlet with a bunch of added notes. She finds her voice in the civil rights movement. She finds her power there. She finds a way to help change the world, to change reality, and she does it without her powers. 
This is something she struggled with through the entirety of season 1, feeling inadequate for using her powers to get what she wanted, not knowing if anything was real or earned. Now she has the chance to earn everything without those powers and she is thriving. 
And then she is forced to use her powers again. It all turns out fine, but now she’s showing off and experiencing all over again how good it feels to have power. She spent two years in a world where she was denied equal treatment, where she could be arrested and assaulted for any reason those with more power came up with. And now she feels that power... She doesn’t have to wait for people to give her respect. She can demand it. But the pain is still there, and it’s not enough to just be respected, because these people have hurt her. They almost killed her husband. They have used their power to cause pain to her and all those who look like her time and time again and now it’s time to understand what it’s like to be powerless, to be hurt and to be unable to stop it and... 
And it’s scary. It’s scary to have that much power, to see how you could become the kind of person who uses your power to hurt others. And she knows that her power has hurt people she loves and suddenly she’s right back where she started. 
Only not entirely. 
She doesn’t shy away from her powers in the final fight. She is obviously still finding that balance and I would expect this struggle to continue for her in future seasons. Power can be addicting and Allison’s power is so strong. She knows the danger there, but she also knows that sometimes it’s needed despite the danger. 
4. Klaus
Klaus is an addict. He finds obsessions to bury himself in to avoid dealing with reality. In season 1, he buried himself in drugs and booze. When he shows up in the 60′s, he finds a new drug to bury himself in: adoration. 
Klaus is so impulsive and it’s not difficult to connect the dots of how one thing leads to another until suddenly everything is out of his control. Honestly, that’s the story of Klaus’s life, no matter where he goes. And then something changes. He gets tired of his cult and leaves. Except... that’s not really the reason. 
After all this time, Dave is still the love of his life, and he knows he has an opportunity. He knows where Dave will be at this one time and he knows exactly what he has to change to keep Dave alive. 
He also knows that Ben is going to have thoughts about this. 
I know some people were disappointed that there wasn’t more Klaus and Ben bonding this season, but it makes sense that there is tension there. I think a lot of that tension comes from Ben’s circumstances, which I’ll discuss later, but Klaus is also not responding to that tension well. 
They are fighting more than ever (not that they ever didn’t fight in season 1, where they spent much of their time being snarky to each other and Ben literally punching Klaus in the face for being an asshole), but the fighting is about something new this season. Ben wants his own life and Klaus is not in a position to give Ben what he really wants. We also learn that he has been carrying around this guilt for the last 17 years about forcing Ben to stick around as a ghost. He forced this half-life on his brother and now that it’s not enough for Ben, Klaus doesn’t want to deal with it. So he avoids and deflects and snarks and we see the toll on their relationship. We see it in the way he tries to deal with his plans around Dave entirely on his own. He focuses so much into that last ditch effort. He’s already in such a low place before this, so when that fails, we see him snap. We see him give up and crumble. And Ben falls back to his old role, trying to save Klaus from himself. 
But the tension isn’t gone and Klaus’s guilt isn’t gone. We see it again when Klaus finally agrees to let Ben possess him. Klaus has always been afraid of his powers and being possessed is just as terrifying a thought as being surrounded by the dead. And yet he gives Ben that chance. It’s the last good thing he can do at that point. 
I do wish we had gotten more closure for Klaus and Ben’s story. I think Vanya’s reveal could have been given a little more time, but that’s not really a problem with inconsistent characterization, so we’ll save that for another post. 
5. Five
OK, who would argue that Five was out of character or inconsistent? He’s obsessed with stopping the apocalypse, is willing to cross a lot of lines to save his family, and constantly frustrated by his family’s failure to go along with his plans. This is textbook Five. 
What I loved about this season was that we got to see Five finally meeting his father again. They interact as two adults, not as a child trying to find away to become his own person, frustrated by a lack of trust from his father. It allows Reggie to see Five in a different light and to actually provide advice in a constructive way, something he has almost never been able to do when viewing them as his children. But despite outward appearances and despite the fact that Five is a grown man, he still sees his father the same way he always has. He doesn’t register Reggie’s advice as advice. He hears that he’s striving beyond his abilities and that maybe he can only travel in seconds. He hears his father telling him he can’t handle time travel. That’s why he doesn’t try to actually take the very good advice until the very end.  
An old dog can still occasionally learn a new trick and Five proves that true. 
6. Ben
As I mentioned earlier, Ben is chaffing at his ghosthood. Maybe it’s because Klaus has been sober enough to keep Ben around solidly for 3 years. Maybe it’s because Ben is no longer spending all his time trying to keep Klaus alive and sober. Or maybe it’s the fact that he has finally found someone that he actually wants to spend time with. Whatever the reason, Ben wants to be alive this season. 
Again, as I mentioned, that’s causing some tension. Ben doesn’t want to be tied to Klaus, but Klaus is ignoring that because he feels so guilty about it. Ben doesn’t want to admit that he was too scared to go into the light on his own, so they’re at a bit of a standstill. 
And then Ben gets the opportunity to be alive again, if only for a while. And in a lot of ways, it’s wonderful! But it’s not the same as being truly alive. 
So when the time comes, when he’s faced with that light again... he’s not afraid. He knows that it’s time to move on. He knows this isn’t where he should be, but he also got the chance to be there for his family. He misses them, but he got to talk to Diego and Vanya. He got to save Vanya. He got to save Allison and Diego and Klaus and Luther and Five and the whole world! So while he would have stayed, he’s not sad about leaving anymore, and he’s not afraid. 
7. Vanya
OK, she was a little out of character because... you know. She had amnesia. 
But aside from erasing her past, the amnesia allowed us to see Vanya without the anger and resentment that plagued her for all of season one. Vanya was always someone who was kind and loving, someone who cares enough to leave peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches out for a missing brother for years. Someone who knows the pain of not being seen and who will always take the time to truly see other people. She’s someone who wants to love and to be loved and to protect those she loves. 
That was all here, with or without the memories. And as soon as the memories came back, so did the guilt and fear about what she had done, what she had become, terrified of what was inside her in a way that she was not when her powers first surfaced. But Ben is used to being afraid of what’s inside of him. He knows she’s not a monster and is the perfect person to explain that to her. And this time around, she has experienced the love and care and attention of her siblings (and Sissy) to back up those words. That’s how she finally accepts them as truth, how she finally accepts her power as a part of her. 
Overall, there are things that I wish this season spent more time with, but there was nothing that I felt was out of character or wildly inconsistent. The characters still struggled with all the baggage from their shitty childhood, their fear of their powers, and the guilt in their past. Some struggled in new ways this season and some continued old struggles that had never fully been resolved. The season felt very different than the first, but it still felt like the Umbrella Academy. It was a good mix of new and old and a good mix of feel-good moments we have all been waiting for and frustrating and sad moments that just come with having a complicated family. I loved this season. And now, I’m going to go re-watch every episode. 
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cecillias-garden · 2 years
Your Weekly Tarotscope
Aries: What is this anticipation? Is it stagnancy? restlessness? Peace can be as much of a burden as it is a blessing. Take your mind off the wait. There is much that can be done.
Taurus: Now is a good time to focus on your strong bonds and deep friendships. You're beloved by the people around you. They're blessed by the strong friendships and mutual love you all share. Enjoy them, and recognize them for what they're worth.
Gemini: There's a theme this week of protection and responsibility. Do take care, there seems to be signs of coming motherhood - though it may not be in the literal sense. Have you taken on new charges, perhaps?
Cancer: Diligence, Diligence, Diligence. It's time to practice, grow your skills and take the time to hone them. Get to training. Whether the muscles are your legs or your brain, it's not going to get stronger sitting around. So get up and get moving! You'll thank yourself later. Leo: Sometimes our expectations are subverted and they could be more than what we bargained for. Be prepared for anything. All it takes is a little chaos for things to go strange.
Virgo: You may not have succeeded, dear Virgo, but you fought hard. Remember the lessons that you learned from this failure, and don't blame yourself. You did all you could, and sometimes even in failure, that is enough.
Libra: Take care not to give too much of yourself, dear Libra, for now is the time where others would benefit from your loss. There's no need to martyr yourself for others sake. Give, but be healthy in doing so.
Scorpio: There's no pulling the wool over your eyes. You know exactly what you're after, and you can see what's right in front of you. You may not care about money or wealth, but you know what it's for. Be practical, and maybe even blunt when need be. It's time to go after what you want. Sagittarius: Remember that we have a duty to learn all that we can, when we can. Be diligent in your studies, and don't willfully ignore a potential lesson. You'll need all the knowledge you can get.
Capricorn: Your tough exterior is hiding a vulnerable heart, and and now's a good time to show it. Don't worry so much that your strength will scare others. Instead, reveal the softer side that you want people to see in you. I'm sure they'll grow to love it.
Aquarius: Are you sure that this is what you want, my dear? Sometimes we see things through rose colored glasses - and we don't realize that we've convinced ourselves of the wrong course. There could be better futures ahead, be sure not to lead yourself away from them.
Pisces: Things may not be what they seem. The night hides many things and every light casts a shadow. Be careful how deeply your trust your own insight. For it is easy to be misled in these times.
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prof-peach · 3 years
{{ Could you tell us more about Plum? I saw their name in the moveset post, and that selection of moves really intrigued me! Why the selection of ghost/psychic moves? What do they do on the island? Are they as prickly as the move selection made them sound? Super intrigued!
Plum grew up in the city, with very well off parents, who pretty much gave her the world. While that had its benefits, it came with some down sides. She became very entitled, putting herself on a pedestal and demanding a lot of others. When she wanted to become a ranger, to be like the cool actresses in the movies, attempting daring rescues, fighting crime with their Pokemon. Her family bought her a dratini as a first Pokemon, and paid to enrol her in the ranger academy.
At the same time, peach had been recommended for the same course by local authorities that wanted to channel her destructive nature into something more useful. She was indifferent to doing it, so just went along with the whole thing.
Day one, the pair met their class, their teachers, and the campus. They immediately clashed. Plum was being snide and condescending to other students, peach was sitting behind her, called her some unpleasant things with her stupid dead-pan face, they broke into a fight pretty soon after.
This behaviour continued for four months before the teachers began to explore other options for the pair. Plum had proven incapable of handling her rogue dratini, it paid her no attention, and was often disruptive and chaotic. However she was very astute on the written tests, and technical knowledge of the law. Peach on the other had was suited to the practical learning, her and her vulpix were agile and effective at battles. She however only just scraped by with the written content, and slacked in classes, did just enough to pass with the least amount of effort put in. And so the crazy idea of the pair having to work together at all times until they get along was born. If they didn’t achieve this, together as a team, they would both be booted off the ranger program.
Plum was distraught, the ranger training was hard, it was nothing like the movies showed, she felt cheated out of what she wanted. Her new human partner was a nightmare, rude, blunt, disrespectful, irritating. Her Pokemon partner was unruly, why didn’t it like her? She bought it the nicest things, and fussed over it, and all it would do was run away or try to break all her expensive things. Nothing had turned out right for plum, it was not going to her plan.
The pair had three months to get it together, or they were out.
First month they argued constantly, nitpicking behaviours, being petty, generally getting nothing done well. Peach would bring their collective grade down to spite plum, and plum would slow down and spook Pokemon in the wild constantly, making it impossible to do anything tactical.
Second month peach got sick and tired of plum’s dratini being unruly, and began to secretly work with it to build some trust, whenever plum wasn’t watching. Because plum’s head was always in the books, she was completely unaware of this going on. Instead she studied and brought their written grade up, making sure to compensate for her lazy human partner.
Month three was when plum caught on that peach was working with her Pokemon. They were out tracking an injured aipom, trying to help. Plum’s dratini was out, and it bolted off in one direction, plum called it, it didn’t respond, peach did the same, and it turned immediately to come back, returning to plum’s side. Shocked, plum for once said nothing. They managed to successfully track and trap the injured Pokemon, and give it aid before release. The mark of the first actual successful mission.
Plum began to actually look at what peach was doing, for the first time, she took her head out of the books and secretly began to observe. Observation turned to practice. She started to use things peach was doing, to connect with her partner, and grow their bond.
By the end of their trial three months as a duo team, they had not stopped arguing, fuelled by their newly developed bitter rivalry. Instead of crushing each other down during drills and exams, they worked to out-do each other. A save of your partner was a win, because you could rub it in their face that you were the reason they weren’t hurt. It was enough for the teachers to allow them both to stay on the course.
This continued for a year and a half, they were very volatile together, but always got the job done. It was then that peach had a run in with some truly horrible poachers, and found herself in possession of a Teddiursa with a lot of trauma. There was only one thing to do, the ranger course was regimented and strict, and that didn’t suit her lifestyle. Peach left for the mountains to work with the new member of her team, ditching plum and all her connections without a word.
Plum was furious she would just leave, and vowed to do better than peach ever could have. She finished the ranger course, worked her way up the ladder, and achieved a high ranking admin position after a number of years. Her rich taste never changed, her family money never ran out. Perhaps she could have been brought back down to earth if she had to work with someone like peach for longer, her now faithful dratini had evolved in that time, but always reminded her of the early years, when things were exciting, and she had a strong goal to achieve bigger and better things than her ranger partner.
With new labs popping up, and new connections being made, plum was assigned liaison duty with Dotaku island, unaware that her once small, young rival, was now a big, strong professor. Plum’s dragonair was the tell. It sensed peach a mile off, for the first time in many years, bolting off towards her when it first touched down on the island. Plum saw peach, peach saw plum, snide comments followed, that escalated to insults, then to shouting. And finally the realisation that they had to work together again after all those years.
Now when the ranger bases local to the island catch something that needs specialist care, they send it through, and plum will be the one who handles their cases, and eventual release or rehoming. She does all the paperwork and organising, and the labs handle the actual care and rehabilitation.
Plum is still childish at times, usually quite snide when provoked, but has become strategic and observational about how she handles most things. After graduating top of her class, she’d had a complex about being the best, and prides herself on that. Her paperwork is flawless, her analytical skills top notch. She does however fall short on her people skills, folks do find her snooty at times. She’s taken full advantage of her family money, and bought a lot of gear and lessons to improve her skills over the years. She does lose herself when confronted with her old rival, and both tend to resort to playground tactics.
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