#they literally looked at a child that just woke up from a coma after three years
riddles-fiddles · 1 year
The pregnancy scenario is so gorgeous, I love!! And perfect timing, I literally had a dream the night before about having a kid with Leona and Idia (two different dream timelines of the same scenario converging later as a kind of after party). I thought you might get a kick out of my brain’s toy box nonsense :3
The Leona timeline was very sweet, him comforting me after someone attempted to kill me for imperfect human genetics, and then getting me pregnant to spite the killer. Idia was too nervous to kiss me to wake me up from a Maleficent curse sleep. He eventually woke me up and we then had a kid who I think was called Scoot? Started with an S and had a double O in the middle.
At the after party scene, both the kids looked like the Tsums of the father, since my brain struggles to render babies in sleep XD But the fathers were both thrilled and proceeded to show them off to everyone around them!
Honestly this is so cute anon!!! You're making me want to write more domestic scenarios with the boys,,,
Leona knocking you up in spite from the killer is so him lmao but ohhhhh think if the killer was hired by his parents to erase you out of his life. Just makes Leona more possessive of you, so when you finally grow a bump visible enough he'll be walking around with his hands always somewhere on your body, making sure to let everyone know you are his most perfect human mate (and he'll personally throw hands at anyone who even dares look at you with any hint of disgust or mockery). When the baby arrives, Leona is so lively - his lazy demeanor never truly leaves his soul, but at least now he has one motivation to get up from bed and slack off - especially if it's a girl! I can totally see him being such an endearing girldad, the type to make feminine voices when playing house and always getting so invested when throwing fake tea parties, also gets his daughter the biggest unicorn on the fair, no matter if he needs to go through some ridiculous game. Either be it a girl or a boy, Leona's favourite thing to do is go to small walks with his baby on his shoulders, squealing in excitement from all the stimuli around them, teaching them about everyday things like what is a butterfly, why birds chirp, and so on. You could say your child really did bring a light to Leona's life.
Idia... he wants to give the baby an unique name, or something regarding the online games or otaku media he consumes, but all you need to do is bat your eyelashes and hold his hand in a death gentle grip to sort his mind out of this idea. Idia's very nervous and overly cautious around the baby, always, and easily freaks out from the smallest ractions - when the baby sneezes, when they cough, even innocent, bright squeals sends him spiraling into an anxious coma. He's horrified of the idea of accidentally dropping his own child or just hurting them in some way, so he's always with a firm grip around the head and body, sustaining them even with trembling hands. He's very dedicated though, so Idia is always close to them, literally. He'll have the baby secured against his chest in a baby carrier while gaming, sometimes making effect sounds to amuse them; you know they truly are Idia's child from the way they look so enthralled to the screen, curious eyes scanning every move, every change of scenario like they're actually understanding something. He finds it annoying to go out in public with them though! His child is just so freaking cute with their cheeks so rosy and squeezable every stranger wants to talk and cuddle them, making Idia feel proud and at the same time mortified, fighting the urge to just turn heels and run back home as fast as possible. Idia doesn't care what gender his child is, but you can be sure he'll want to dress them in gamer onesies and clothing. 'Player three' and 'level 1 human' kinda shit, you know? But he will neeeeever admit he's doing it because he secretly finds it cute; god forbid Idia Shroud enjoying something so normie. Cringe.
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todomitoukei · 2 years
What are the Dabi haters gonna do now
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volturiwolf · 3 years
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story (part 1)
A/N: This is the first Volturi- and Twilight-related story I ever started writing and it is quite long and elaborated/complex, as I tend to overanalyze in many parts. I have wrote a few parts until now and I'll be uploading them in the future. I have been quite emotional throughout writing it, trying to understand the reader's point of view.
A/N 2: I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense. English is not my first language. I also include Italian through the story, with translation, but I'm not a native or a speaker, so I'd like to apologize in advance to those who speak Italian. Enjoy :)
A/N 3: According to "The Amagi" on Youtube, Felix was born in 250 BC (their thumbnail), so I used that in my story.
No of Words: about 5347
Mentions of: Abandonment, Abortion, Anxiety, Blood, Bruises, Coma/Comatosed State, Death Emotional Abuse, Emotional and Physical Pain, Gaslighting, Greece/Greek Language - with translation, Heartbreak, Italian Language - with translation, Manipulation, Murder, Pain, Panic Attacks, Pregnancy, Suffering, Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts, Swear Language, Throwing Up/Puking, Witches/Wizards/Witchcraft
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My heart felt heavy. I may have just escaped the cruelest vampire of all, but I also ran away from the love of my life, my mate, the only person who could fully understand me in this world. I asked him to run away with me, but, although our bond was strong, he felt obliged to stay loyal to his master, his creator. I drove as fast as I could, away from the sunny Volterra, and away from him.
(Y/N) grew up quite privileged, in Vampire terms. Being born into the Volturi coven was something many vampires could only dream about. (Y/N) was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby, but Aro, one of the three Volturi leaders, took her under his protection, and offered her more things than she could ever have imagined. After all, she was his only biological granddaughter, the “Volturi princess”, an heiress to the throne; her mother lost that “privilege” when she met and fell in love with a wizard.
(Y/N)’s mother soon got pregnant with her, and then later turned her husband into a vampire to help her with her pregnancy, and stay together forever. However, (Y/N)’s parents couldn’t raise her because they wanted to run free and careless, not commit to anything permanent, so Aro took over and raised his granddaughter with the highest honors and privileges, “as a princess should be raised”.
(Y/N) was a mix of Vampire, Witch and Human, due to the grandmother, Sulpicia, being human when Aro found her; Sulpicia later fell pregnant with (Y/N)’s mother, and Aro transformed her to vampire, as he had planned all along. Aro raised (Y/N) according to his own rules and morals, teaching her how to kill humans to feed from, how to attack and slip away from her opponents, how to lead other vampires, and most importantly, how to keep her identity and existence a secret, not only to humans, but other non-Volturi vampires as well. No one could know that there was a possibility of a vampire having a child with a human, and that the child could be effectively controlled and raised as a regular vampire.
As (Y/N) grew older and older, reaching the human age of 25 within 7 years of her birth, Aro would spend more and more time with her, examining and studying her possibilities and her potential powers’ development. (Y/N) grew up to be extremely strong and fast, an excellent tracker with great intelligence and understanding of the world around her. However, Aro could not risk sending her to “Volturi duties”. She was his hope for a stronger coven; with (Y/N) in the throne, Aro felt like he could conquer the vampire world with ease.
That’s why he was always searching for the best guards he could find, to protect the coven and do his work instead of himself, Caius, or (Y/N). He couldn’t rely on Marcus, as he proved to be too emotional since Didyme died, but was still valuable for his plan. Caius, on the other hand, although powerless, was far more sadistic and “diligent” in following vampire rules, and (Y/N)... (Y/N) was just too obedient, following every order Aro gave her - a strong asset for the Volturi.
Aro was changing guards and trackers quite easily, disposing them when they were no longer needed or when he found better ones. He needed talented and strong vampires to serve the coven and do their work.
Chelsea was the very first vampire Aro created solely to serve the Volturi, after recognizing her potential when she was human. Chelsea’s gift of relationship manipulation was truly useful in bringing new vampires into the coven and was used thousands of times during Volturi's reign. It could also easily dispose of them, making their bonds with other vampires break at will; those vampires were isolated by the other vampires and then killed - Aro couldn’t risk letting them get away knowing the Volturi’s secrets and life.
About 100 years later, Corin joined the Volturi, just a couple decades after (Y/N)’s birth. Corin’s gift of addictive contentment was the one which kept Marcus in the Volturi after Didyme’s death - along with Chelsea’s to make him committed to Aro’s greater plans, and was also used on Sulpicia, Athenadora and any other vampire in the Volturi guard to keep them satisfied being in the Volturi. Under Aro’s instructions, Corin was keeping Chelsea content with being in the Volturi, and Chelsea was keeping Corin loyal to them, each of them using their gifts against each other, without their knowledge.
Sometime between 230 and 220 BC, while travelling in Rome, searching for additional vampires to add to the coven, Aro supposedly met a young, strong and ambitious fighter, who wished to become a gladiator one day, named Felix. Felix did not only look, but also was physically capable of fighting even with beasts, during his short time as a fighter, way before the Colosseum was built. Born into a poor family, his strength was his only way of making money, and becoming a gladiator was his only way out of poverty, a way to provide for both his family and himself.
When his family was almost imprisoned by Roman army officers for outstanding debts, Felix was forced to make a deal with them to fight, in whatever they ordered him to. Fighting turned out to be the only way for Felix to deal with his emotions and rage towards people in power. When Aro approached Felix, he was promised a good life, where he wouldn’t have to worry about surviving another day. Felix did not seem willing enough, not being fond of the idea of serving people in power, who he so despised.
Luckily for Aro, Chelsea was the one who “convinced” Felix to join the Volturi guard, with Aro changing him afterwards. Unlike previous guards, Felix showed impeccable strength, speed and talent towards both dodging and initiating attacks, eventually making him a permanent member in the Volturi Guard, along with Chelsea and Corin.
Felix was assigned as the leading guard for the three kings’ protection, this role extending to the protection of their two wives and (Y/N); though Aro knew that, if it came to anyone attacking his granddaughter, she would be able to handle it by herself. However, he still wanted to make sure that she was safe and that Aro would do anything to protect her.
For about a couple millennias, (Y/N) was content with her situation, being the “Volturi princess” and all that. Besides, having Felix in the Volturi was another reason to stay in the coven, apart from staying loyal and true to Aro for taking her in, when she was abandoned.
Every time Felix looked into her eyes, she felt her whole body burn - though, it wasn’t a feeling of suffering, rather a feeling of longing, waiting for something to happen so badly that her body couldn’t control itself. Although she was partially a vampire, (Y/N) would feel like she couldn’t breathe, like her legs were ready to give up on her, like she wanted to grab Felix and never let go.
Felix, although not admitting it even to himself, would feel the same way, but he knew that his position would not allow him to approach (Y/N) in such a way. He was just a guard - although he was the strongest of them all, and she was the Volturi princess, one of his masters, whom he was only allowed to approach in order to protect. He didn’t want Aro to know he saw his granddaughter like that; it could cost him his position in the guard, or even his life. So, he kept these feelings deep within him, not allowing them to resurface, or act upon them.
However, every time these two existed at the same place, the invisible sparks between them would fly left and right. And only one vampire was able to see them. One who hadn’t felt these sparks in centuries.
(Y/N)’s POV:
I yawned loudly as I woke from a long, much needed sleep. I was the only vampire around who was able to sleep, mostly due to my non-vampire natures. I didn't really need to sleep on a regular basis, but when I did, I could literally sleep 3 days straight and nobody would be able to wake me up. “For my own protection”, as Aro said, I would always have at least two guards outside of my room’s door, in case anything happened while I was sleeping. Like what could even happen? My room was at the furthest side of this huge castle. I’m pretty sure that if there ever was an attack against the Volturi, it would most probably have been dealt with immediately, and the attacker wouldn’t make it anywhere near my room.
I felt the warm sun on my skin, slightly glowing and sparkling beautifully. My eyes, mostly (Y/E/C) with a golden ring around the pupil, could easily adjust to the light. Unlike the other vampires, I could easily live among humans; I could sleep, eat human food, my skin not being as sparkly as others, and I could control my thirst far better than others.
Since Jane and Alec joined the coven, Aro would show an immense interest in them and their skills, helping them train daily and develop their powers further, eventually forgetting about me. I would spend more and more days away from the castle, “protected” by my anonymity, getting to know humans more and more. The longer I was observing them, the more they would trigger my interest in them. They could feel true emotions, real pain, real hurt, real love. They had their families, they received an unconditional love that I could never have.
Unbeknownst to Aro or anyone else for that matter, I have started developing new powers, similar to the other vampires in the Volturi coven or anyone else outside of it. I have also started noticing that I may have an immunity towards others’ talents, feeling that neither Corin’s addictive contentment made me satisfied with being in the Volturi, nor Chelsea’s relationship manipulation could keep me loyal to Aro anymore. If it weren’t for Felix, or Demetri and the Twins, who have all become my best friends by now, I would have probably left.
A vampire named Carlisle Cullen had visited the Volturi and stayed with us for a while, about 100 years ago. He saw the way the Volturi treated humans like they were nothing, and how they were as cruel as to kill other vampires, with the excuse that they were exposing our kind with the way they lived. Entire covens had been wiped out due to such excuses, a way to eliminate potential enemies from becoming too powerful and find as many talented vampires as possible and force them to join the Volturi.
Carlisle was talking about a new way of life, where vampires wouldn’t have to kill humans to survive, a life where vampires and humans could live in peace, without harming each other. He was insisting that vampires could survive on animal blood just as efficiently as with human blood; that animal blood would not make them weaker, and that it would be a much more ethical and sustainable way to feed.
Of course, Aro and Caius were the first ones to mock his proposition, clearly not caring about humans’ feelings and pain. Marcus did not budge at all, his heartache making him indifferent to anything around him. But I was growing more and more interested in this alternative way of life; I was, after all, feeding on human food already, so that I was feeding on human blood as little as I could.
It was a few years after Carlisle left Volterra that Eleazar joined the Volturi. Aro forced him to join after finding out he could detect if someone had any special ability. Aro considered his gift useful in identifying if any of his enemies had any special power when in battles, or when he sent Eleazar around the world to recruit talented vampires.
Eleazar was clearly not liking the way the Volturi forced their ways and wants on others, and how they could take advantage of others for their own benefit. I could just sense that he was displeased and was forcing himself to stay in the coven, one, due to Corin’s and Chelsea’s gifts, and two, out of fear of what could happen to him and his mate, Carmen.
Carmen, a vampire from Spain, like Eleazar, met with Eleazar while he was a guard here, they fell in love, and eventually, Eleazar decided to leave the Volturi and run away with Carmen. Aro decided that he did not care about him and his gift as much as others’, so he let him go unharmed, “blessing” them for safe travels.
Just a few days before he left, I consulted him on my own powers. Though a lower member of the guard, Eleazar had his own room, a decent place to stay, and spend his endless hours in. I knocked slightly on the door.
“Come in”, a calm voice was heard. I opened the door and came into his room. Carmen was sitting on the edge of their bed and Eleazar was reading a book on his desk. They both smiled sweetly. I just felt and knew they were too nice to fit anywhere in here, among the cruel and strict Volturi.
“(Y/N)! So nice to see you!”Carmen exclaimed and stood to hug me. The second we hugged I started seeing parts of her life in Spain, the calm waters of Catalunya, the vast vineyards where she would spend the early years of her life… I quickly detached myself from her embrace. I just couldn’t invade her privacy like that. She and Eleazar both looked at me worried, as if I had offended them.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t let you “show” me your whole life like that!” I looked at Carmen apologetically.
“(Y/N), you saw Carmen’s life?” Eleazar continued, intrigued by my words.
“That’s why I came to talk to you. I..I feel like I’ve been developing a gift, or a few gifts, to be completely honest. And I feel like.. like I have a specific power one day, and another power the next!” I stated frantically.
It was the first time I have openly talked about my powers to anyone, and I was shaking just by the words that came out of my mouth. Eleazar did not say anything, he just stood there for a few minutes, I supposed “examining” me, as if a doctor checking on a patient.
“Remarkable.” He said calmly. He looked at his mate with excitement, as if he just discovered a lost treasure. “(Y/N) has one of the most remarkable gifts I have ever seen.” He then turned to me. “You, (Y/N), are able to copy anyone else’s gifts and keep them as your own. You don’t even have to be in contact with them. Just by meeting someone, you can obtain their powers. I have never met anyone like that. You also seem to have obtained immunity to others’ powers, kind of like a shield. I have met such vampires before. From the stories Aro has been telling, your mother was like that. It is likely that you copied that gift for her. Such vampires are extremely useful to themselves or even others, in battles. Like themselves, you can use your gift to protect others from others’ powers, beside yourself.”
That came too sudden to my ears. I have assumed that I may have at least one power, but I didn’t realise I could copy others’ powers. That is why I was showing signs of Aro’s power!
“How can I train my powers? Eleazar! Carmen! You have to help me!”
“As you know, we will be leaving soon. I don’t know if there will be enough time to train you.”
“It’s okay. We will train as much as you want. Please, Eleazar! Please, Carmen!” I started begging them. As if they were hypnotized, they quickly looked at each other and agreed to help me.
The next few days, before Eleazar and Carmen’s departure, included intense training, far away from Volterra, deep in the woods, where no human could interrupt us. I couldn’t say the same for vampires, but I hoped nobody would cross paths with us. Eleazar and Carmen helped me develop my self-control and self-awareness, concentrating through the deepest parts of my mind, resurfacing my shield and expanding it beyond my existence. I started to have control over it, as if it was an actual solid substance, a veil floating around me towards any direction I ordered it to go.
After Eleazar and Carmen left, I started travelling the world more, trying to copy as many powers as I could come across with, while also training my shield. My excitement for the endless possibilities was what kept me going - kind of when Aro would add another talented vampire to his Guard. His Guard. Felix. I wonder how he was. I hadn’t seen him in a while. I wondered if he thought of me like I thought of him.
After travelling pretty much anywhere I could reach, I eventually went back to where it all started: I went to Greece. Aro met Sulpicia here, apparently my mom met my dad here. Maybe I could find out, understand why they left me. I have never met them, but I felt as if my tracking skills could detect them through my own existence.
I started travelling through the country, hoping that they stayed here or, at least, that they’re alive. I spent about 2 or 3 years in Greece, trying to take in every different place, while also avoiding the battles that seemed to take place in every other corner. I was feeding off animals mainly, mostly when I couldn’t find any other human food. I was washing myself in rivers, streams, whatever I could find.
I was stopping by any village that seemed to be still standing, asking about the current situation. The Greek Revolution, which started a few years ago, seemed to still be going on. The Ottomans, who had been occupying Greece for almost 400 years, could not allow Greeks to turn against them and start claiming their rights within the Ottoman Empire.
Many Greeks I met and talked to, admitted that some of the Ottomans were actually being nice to them; it was only the Ottoman government ordering their armies to execute massive massacres against Greeks, and after all this time, a few Greeks started gathering up and planning a revolution, away from Greece, in fear of being caught. They started getting organized and finding possible allies to help them with the Revolution; they just couldn’t risk getting caught within the country that they were hoping the independent Greece could become. The battles were becoming more and more intense, both on the mainland, as well as on the islands.
I started looking for answers, anything that could suggest that my parents were still alive and somewhere in Greece. To my surprise, I crossed paths with many Greek nomad vampires all over the country. They were also fighting against either Ottoman vampires or each other for territorial claims; however, they all talked me out of travelling north, towards Macedonia. The region had started being reclaimed back by Greek humans, but vampires were also seeing the potential for the area and they fought against each other for the land.
All of the nomads I encountered were talking about some of the most vicious vampires claiming the land, their enemies being literally slaughtered and burned to set an example for other vampires to back off their territory. I was intrigued, and I knew that, most probably, I would be able to deal with them or flee before they got to me.
So, I started travelling north, through the woods and mountains, in order to avoid any possible battle between humans, though many of them seemed to hide in the mountains, preparing for their battles. Macedonia was a quite big and vast region, so I had to travel quite a few days and search every possible corner.
I know I shouldn’t have done this, but I was feeling exhausted from all the searching. I haven’t fed in quite some time, and my throat was burning by the familiar need for blood. I haven’t seen any animals all these days, and I was wondering if they were gone or hiding.
Sadly, I came across a human. He seemed to be wounded, probably during a battle, his blood gushing out of his body. I couldn’t help myself, when I breathed in the smell, the burning sensation becoming unbearable. I thought of approaching him slowly, so as not to scare him, offering to help him, but deep down I just wanted to feed off of him.
“Γειά! Συγνώμη αν σε τρόμαξα. Σε είδα από μακριά. Μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω με κάποιο τρόπο; (Hey! Sorry if I scared you. I saw you from afar. Can I help you in any way?)” I offered calmly.
The man was trying to suppress his growls. I could sense his pain. I tried to help him stand on his feet, and then I saw all of his memories. He was in the army, fighting alongside Greeks against the Ottomans, in Macedonia, just outside of Thessaloniki. I didn’t even know I was so close to a city, let alone Thessaloniki.
He was trying to pass through the woods, when he came across what seemed to be two red-eyed vampires, one male and one female. They tried to attack him, but someone else managed to shoot him first, forcing the two vampires to run away. I don’t know how or why, these two felt familiar to me, I could feel that through his memories.
“Γειά! Μπορείς.. Μπορείς να πας στο κοντινότερο χωριό; Νομίζω.. Νομίζω ότι είδα κάτι στο δάσος, δε νομίζω ότι ήταν κάτι φυσιολογικό! Πρέπει.. Πρέπει να προειδοποιήσω τους άλλους! (Hey! Can.. Can you get me to the nearest village? I think.. I think I saw something in the woods, I don’t think it was something normal! I have.. I have to warn the others!)” He mumbled in between sharp shoots of pain.
“Με συγχωρείς πολύ! (I’m really sorry!)” I plead with guilty eyes. I put my hand in his wound, searching for the bullet, while he was consumed by pain. I took the bullet out of the wound, and quickly attached my lips on his skin, sucking the blood as fast as I could, biting deeply unintentionally. His screams were becoming louder and louder, so I covered his mouth with my hand, while trying to shut him up or break his jaw. A few seconds later, he stopped screaming, and I let his lifeless body fall, completely numb and drained out of blood.
I felt renewed, his blood travelling to every part of my body and giving me a new kind of strength that I haven’t felt in a while. I still felt guilty for killing him, but he was already wounded and I couldn’t risk him exposing our kind to others. I assumed that whoever found him - if anyone found him - would also assume that he died of blood loss, so I tried to position him in a realistic pose for that purpose, as best as I could. I left him there, and continued the search for my parents.
I was running through the woods, trying to locate the two vampires from the guy’s memories. My mind was chaotic, I wasn’t thinking about something specific. I stopped in my tracks. What Aro taught me, and what I understood from Demetri’s tracking skills, is that you have to stop, take a breath and realize your position in the world. Then, you would be able to realize everything around you and find your targets. I have successfully found other vampires like that before, vampires who I have either met in person or smelled their scent, but I didn’t know if I could find someone through someone else’s memories of them.
I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate as best as I could, focusing on the smaller details of the guy’s memories of these vampires. I felt two vampires running on my west, about 10 kilometers away, and I ran after them. They were running fast, but I was way faster. Within a minute or two, I was running right behind their tracks. They must have realized that a stranger was following them, but, instead of running, they suddenly stopped. I stopped as well, and we were now facing each other.
The female had long, brunette, curly hair, and the male short, dark brown, straight hair; both of their hair looked shiny, healthy, and rich. They were of average height and their eyes were piercing red, as if they also fed quite recently. The female was exceptionally beautiful and enchanting; I could only compare her to Heidi’s exceptional beauty. The male looked quite stoic and austere, though still beautiful.
Both of them on defensive positions, waiting for me to attack. I wasn’t planning to move any further from my position; I was only waiting for their own reactions. I felt that kind of a burning sensation within me again, like a feeling buried deep inside me, trying to find an escape.
Suddenly, the male growled at me, flames springing out of his hands, and being thrown at me. I felt my heart fall out of my chest, fearing that this would be my end. As if my body reacted on its own, I felt my own shield extending out of my body, building a wall around me and protecting me from the male’s attack. My hands started burning and flames came out, ready to counterattack the male. The male looked at the female, dumbfounded by what he witnessed, still in a defensive position, but ready to attack again.
The male shrinked back, the female following close by. “Who are you looking for? We haven’t seen you around. Who are you? Why are you here?” The male requested. His voice serious, but smooth at the same time; a voice I could only describe as the warm earth below their bare feet.
“No, I’m not. I come from Italy, though I think I was born around here. My name is (Y/N), I’m looking for my parents. I don’t quite remember what they look like, but I’m pretty sure that they lived around here. They abandoned me when I was a baby.”
“This has been our territory for almost 3 millennials! We would have known if any humans abandoned their offspring around here!” The female exclaimed, as if she didn’t believe a word I said. I didn’t want to tell them the whole story, but I had to show them that I didn’t mean to fight in any way.
“I never said they were humans. My mother was actually sort of a vampire, like you.”
The female started letting her guards down. “What do you mean sort of? I’ve never heard of a “sort of vampire” before!” She continued doubtfully.
“Believe me or don’t, my mother was born half vampire, half human. My dad wasn’t even a vampire before she met him. He wasn’t even human to be honest.” My eyes started stinging slightly. I could have had a good, happy life if they didn’t abandon me. I wouldn’t have to grow up with Aro.
“You said you were from Italy.” I nodded at the male, as he continued. “You never said where exactly.”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell them my real origin; I wouldn’t like them to know I was a Volturi, but I knew I needed help to find my parents. If they were actually here as long as they say, they might have known or met my parents at some point.
“Volterra. I was born here, in Greece, like my mother, but grew up in Volterra with my grandparents.” I looked down, kind of scared, kind of anxious, waiting for their next move.
The female gasped. “Are you a Volturi?!” I looked at her, straight in the eyes, swallowed, and nodded. “I know the Volturi. Who are your grandparents?”
“Aro and Sulpicia.” I answered so quietly that, if they weren’t vampires, they wouldn’t have heard me, my voice trembling slightly.
The female suddenly fell on her knees, the male wrapping his arms around her, comforting her. I didn’t know what was going on. Did I say something wrong? Were they scared? The sheer mention of the Volturi would scare a lot of vampires, but I thought that maybe these two seemed strong enough to deal with them.
The female started sobbing, no tears coming out of her red eyes, her body shaking. I felt something within me break. I felt that I didn’t want to upset them, that’s why I was hesitant in telling them who I really was. The male looked at me, pain in his eyes. I saw a familiar look. I saw me in his eyes, what I looked at in my mirror anytime I was thinking about my parents, or, sometimes, when I thought of Felix.
“Are you a half witch?” The male asked quietly. Something snapped in me. How would he know that?
“I swear, I didn’t do anything to your mate! I DIDN’T!” I shouted at the male. I didn’t want him to think that I would hurt his mate, or himself.
“I know you wouldn’t. It’s just..” He looked at his mate who had stopped sobbing, but was still down on her knees, unable to stand up. “..my mate is Aro and Sulpicia Volturi’s only daughter.”
My body tensed and shivered. If that woman is the only daughter Aro and Sulpicia ever had...could that mean..?
I took a few steps back. “AM I YOUR DAUGHTER? ARE YOU MY PARENTS?” I looked at them in disbelief.
Those were the people who abandoned me! That let me grow parentless, under Aro’s rules and directions! I was breathing heavily, in between sobs. I didn’t even realize that I set my whole body ablaze, until both vampires looked at me shocked. I didn’t feel any pain, but I couldn’t stop the flames licking my body, and in my frantic state, I started panicking even more.
The male started approaching me slowly, trying to not scare me away. “Shush, shush. You’re okay. You’re doing okay. I know how it feels at first. You’re experiencing some aspects of the life as a witch. It’s okay. Close your eyes and picture the flames in your head.” I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on the flames. “Now, imagine them burning out, becoming smaller and weaker.” I focused on the flames, imagining them weakening. After a few minutes, I felt them getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappearing. I opened my eyes slowly.
The female was standing next to the male, watching me carefully. In a quick motion, she pulled me and embraced me, stroking my hair lightly. I breathed in her scent, a mix of mountain flowers and the saltiness of the sea. Her touch was soft, and filled me up with what felt like a thousand different emotions.
But, I mostly felt safe. It was the first time in my life that I actually felt this safe. And whole. I felt like I actually belonged somewhere. I hugged her back. Tears started spilling from my eyes. That was my mom! That was actually my mom! After all this time, we were finally together. I felt the male, my dad, hugging both of us, and in that moment, I felt my legs giving up on me, and I finally fell into a long sleep.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
200 event! :D A scenario for Bakugo x reader x Kirishima poly. What if their fem s/o takes a hard hit to save a child jumping in front of a blow from an enemy? The injury nearly kills her but in the end she survives, and fully recovers. How would they react to this? (I actually requested something almost exactly like this once for Hashirama, Tobirama, and Minato awhile back. Now I’d like to see it done for these two.) And congratulations on 200! You are amazing and deserve it! 🥰
A/N: Thank you for trusting me with this, I hope you’ll like it! Also...that’s actually quite the cute scenario for these three Hokages 👀 Enjoy! 
Tags: Bakugou x reader x Kirishima ✅  poly relationship ✅  fluff ✅  slight angst ✅
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More than you can imagine - Bakugou x reader x Kirishima
What were you thinking when you jumped in front of that small child?
Your team had been sent out to evacuate the area while the present pro heroes handled the threat and everything seemed to go just as you had planned it, but that’s when a giant villain caught your attention. He was towering in front of a small child who tried to save their parental figure from some ruble that had injured their leg. You watched in horror as the adult tried to warn and prompt their child to run away, but seeing how hard that young person continued to struggle motivated you. And before you noticed it, you were already running in their direction, ignoring the two screaming voices of your loved ones behind you, you sprinted for the small child who had finally realized the inescapable situation. Just as the villain was about to hit that small figure in front of him you jumped in between them and tried to reduce the attack’s damage with your own quirk’s impact, but the last thing you remember hearing before everything went black was two familiar voices calling your name.
After what seemed like a couple of minutes you slowly opened your eyes and were greeted by an entirely white room. You wanted to look around some more, but a sudden wave of pain halted any planned movement of yours. A silent groan escaped your mouth and that’s when you felt someone squeeze your left hand.
“(Y/N)...you’re finally awake.“ said a deep and tired voice.
“Katsuki? Is that you?“
As if to answer your question he stood up from his seat beside you and carefully leaned himself down to where your head was resting as he finally responded in his usual and cheeky tone: “Who else would it be dumbass?”
Even if he tried to sound like his usual self, you still managed to hear the slight worry and tremble in his voice, a realization that made you quite sad. You wanted to make sure that he was ok, but that’s when you finally remembered the incident with that small child.
“W-What happened to that child? A-And the parent..? Are t-they safe? Or what about t-the villain? Where is he?“
You were visibly panicking and thanks to the vital sign patient monitor next to your bed Bakugou was also able to see the evident rise in your heart rate, so he did what he always did in order to calm you down. His big hands took a hold of your cheeks, squeezing them lightly as he brought his forehead closer to yours until they eventually bumped into each other as he whispered: “It’s all been taken care of...calm yourself down.”
The familiar gesture of his made you smile and it indeed helped you calm down. He always did that when either you or Kirishima were freaking out, mad, or just upset in general and something about his method always helped you come down from your raging emotions.
Now that I think about it...where is Kirishima?
You once again began looking around, but thanks to the tight bandages on your neck your head only moved a couple of millimeters that really didn’t help much with your plan.
“If you’re looking for Kirishima then you really don’t have to worry...he’s sleeping right next to you.”
To prove his point he gently lifted your head up just enough so that you caught a glimpse of the red-haired young man sleeping on the right side of your bed while his hand had grasped your own right one. The peaceful sight of your normally energetic lover conjured a smile on your face which was then passed onto the blond young man who carefully returned you in your former lying state. Before the two of you continued your talk he quickly left the room to tell a nurse that you’ve regained consciousness.
While he was gone you listened to the light breathing of the sleeping man beside you and smiled to yourself. You gently squeezed his big hand and caressed the back of his palm with your thumb when his head suddenly shot up.
“Oh my god (Y/N), you’re finally awake! Baku-..Bakugou? Where is he? How could he miss this important moment?!”
Seeing him panic like that gave you quite the déjà vu and you couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction. Not wanting to keep him on tenterhooks you subsequently told him that the man in question had left to inform the hospital staff of your awakening. Relief spread across Kirishima’s facial features and he once again took a seat next to you as the both of you waiting for the others’ arrival.
The nurses finally arrived alongside your other boyfriend and after they asked you a couple of routine questions they finally moved on to a physical exam. A couple of minutes later they discussed something amongst each other while the three of you tensely waited for their estimation.
“Alright, then we have some news. Your body seems to have recovered almost completely, but we’d like to keep you here for at least another day or two to see how well you’d do without the bandages.”
You nodded understandably but for some reason, Bakugou seemed rather opposed to that idea, but instead of lashing out at them he, much to your surprise, remained quiet. Only when they had left the room he finally exploded and began screaming something about how they could have the audacity and why Kirishima and he couldn’t just take care of you at home. While you just stared at him in confusion the red-haired young man tried to calm him down so that they could explain everything to you.
“I still can’t believe that you could be that reckless! Just what were you thinking, you airhead?!”
Not even a minute had passed and the blond was already lecturing you and all you could do was remain silent and nod. From a fourth person’s viewpoint, it would seem pretty insensitive of the blond to scream at you like that, but this was simply his way of showing you that he genuinely cared and was worried for you. After he finished he simply stood up and went to your room’s windows, leaving the explanations to Kirishima who only giggled and then sat down on the small stool next to your bed.
“Well you see (Y/N) after that villain’s attack hit you, you immediately lost consciousness and well...your injury didn’t look mild at all so as panicked as the two of us were, one of the pro heroes took it upon themself to bring you to the hospital.” he paused and began to softly play with your fingers before continuing  “Baku-...the two of us were pretty upset that they didn’t allow us to take you to the hospital, but I guess that was their way of trying to distract us and even though it worked for a couple of hours, the moment we set foot here the doctors packed quite the punch with your condition...”
You noticed how his and Katsuki’s facial muscles immediately tensed up, their expressions growing grim at the unpleasant memory. Knowing them and their typical behavior patterns, you refrained from prying or even saying anything and just waited until one of them continued.
Kirishima told you how your entire torso’s bone structure had been literally smashed to pieces by the villain’s blow and that at first, the doctors weren’t that optimistic concerning your recovery. Bakugou didn’t like that attitude at all and had apparently made it clear by doing what he does best: screaming. Neither he nor the red-haired man next to you elaborated what they had said or done, but they had apparently pulled some strings and called Recovery Girl over to take a look at you. She of course agreed to help you, but she said that even with her quirk’s help it would be up to your body to do the rest, and as unsatisfying as that answer was, they had no other choice but to accept it. You had been bedridden for almost an entire month and the doctors had told your two lovers that you might actually be in a coma considering that you weren’t making any signs of waking up anytime soon. They were given an ultimatum until the end of the month. They had to decide whether they’d like to keep you hooked on all the necessary machines or turn them off...and their decision was due today.
“S-So if I hadn’t woken up today...then you two would’ve...?“
Kirishima looked at you with his big and glassy red eyes, nodding silently, but just when he opened his mouth to tell you something, Bakugou beat him to it.
“But you woke up, didn’t you?! That’s it, end of the story.“ he abruptly turned around, facing the two of you as he took a deep breath and continued “I’ll go and grab some apples from those nosy nurses, and by the time I’m back I don’t want to see those mopy expressions on you two, got that?!“
And with that statement he stormed off, leaving Kirishima and you alone.
“You know, just between the two of us...he was really worried about you, like really worried. He refused to go back home and insisted on sleeping here next to you and even though the nurses forbid him to enter your room for the first couple of days, he still came over with a folding chair and sat right outside of your door. They’d call me every night and lecture me about it, but somewhere deep inside of me I understood where he was coming from, so after they finally allowed visitors even I decided to join him and every single night or free day we had we were here...waiting for you to wake up.“
The imagination of the two of them always being beside you, sick with worry made you tear up a little and your lover noticed that. He gently wrapped his arms around you and softly caressed your slightly trembling body.
“The hell is this? I come back, hoping that you’d be grinning like idiots by now and what do I find? More ugly crying faces than before...god, you’re impossible.“
While the two of you cried in each other’s arms, the blond sat down and started cutting the apples he’d brought, listening to your sobby apologies and how you’d think before acting next time. You explain that at that moment it was as if your feet had moved on their own and at that familiar sentence Bakugou finally interrupted you.
“(Y/N), I get what you want to say, but what annoyed me the most was the fact that you didn’t react to our screaming back then. I am a hero who can fight in close combat as well as in a more distanced one and while you were running toward that child I was preparing my AP Shot. Kirishima and I wanted to warn you to get out of the way, but you didn’t listen. And if you think that I was the only one worried sick about your condition, then you better think twice, cause shitty hair over there cried himself to sleep every night, thinking that his stupid excuse of not getting enough sleep would work on me. You wanna know why he avoided visiting you every day? Cause it reminded him of his helpless self back then and the thought that he couldn’t protect you-“
“Ok I think that’s enough...let us stop talking about it, please.“
Both men looked at you, surprised that it was you who interrupted the blond’s line of thought. You wordlessly stretched your arms out and waited for them to wrap their arms around you and embrace you like always. It took a short while and a bit of persuasion until they had finally hugged you and the moment their muscular bodies were wrapped around your in comparison smaller one, you simply ruffled their hair, kissed both of their cheeks, and said: “I’m sorry you two, I know I’ve worried you and I’d like to apologize one last time. Thank you for not giving up on me...I love you.”
We love you too...more than you can imagine
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stargirl75516 · 2 years
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So I finally decided to post something about my own fnaf AU that I’m going to call the ‘One Story AU’. The name is a reference to one of the blocks of texts that was over a fnaf world poster that said ‘Four games, One story’.
I didn’t put any color since this is traditional art and drawing color on my drawings on paper makes me VERY dissatisfied, but hey their colors are already shown in game. The drawing of CC crying? His colors are the same as his sprite in fnaf 4. The one where he has a bite mark on his head? His colors are the same as the crying child from the S.A.V.E. H.I.M. mini game from fnaf 2. The Marionette? Y’all already know his colors
For me personally, the story fnaf was telling ended after the 4th game, everything after got WAY to complicated so for my AU everything that was revealed, confirmed, or included after fnaf 4 is NOT canon in my AU and nothing after the first 4 games will be mentioned or included.
That means I’m free to use the crying child as the soul that’s possessing the Marionette since Charlie does not exist in this AU. I will talk more about my AU in future posts because I feel like I’ve already talked long enough about the basic premise of my AU in this post when it’s supposed to be about the Crying Child, his story, and what role he plays in this AU
The Crying Child, named Chris, was a very shy and sensitive child who was quite literally afraid of his own shadow. Before a certain ‘incident’ he was already pretty shy and cautious but after the ‘incident’ happened it made him the way he was in fnaf 4. Constantly crying, afraid of the animatronics, having terrible night terrors, VERY easy to scare, etc…
That type of behavior from him continued until his 8th birthday when his brother and his friends decided to pull a very cruel ‘prank’ on him which resulted in his frontal lobe becoming severely damaged and putting Chris in a coma for a few months.
Since the frontal lobe is responsible for many things such as social interaction, controlling responses, emotions, attention, memory and other things Chris became a husk of the child he once was when he woke up from his coma because of how damaged his frontal lobe became after the bite. Chris was no longer able to express much of any emotion, he had trouble remembering many things but more so important people and moments in his life, and his attention span was very small
What happened to him at FredBears on his birthday was one of the many things he forgot about so when he rediscovered the FredBears franchise he wanted to go back to it cause he was curious. Unfortunately for Chris, there was a ban on him from ever entering any FredBears locations due to Chris bringing ‘negative attention’ towards FredBears because of the Chomp of ‘83.
Corporate pigs really blamed a child for staining their ‘family friendly’ franchise/reputation and opted to ban him from ‘getting into anymore trouble on their property’
After immediately being turned away, Chris just…stood in front of the restaurant watching as the Freddy animatronic in the new FredBears diner give cake to the other children
Chris was focusing so much on what was going inside the restaurant that he didn’t notice a man pulling up behind him and sneaking up on him until hands were around his neck and suffocating him.
When Chris died he refused to move on due to being extremely angry and dissatisfied with his early death so his soul went on to posses the Marionette. A newly made animatronic at the time that was hidden in the new FredBears diner/restaurant for being ‘too creepy’ for the kids
After becoming the Marionette, he tried keeping an eye out for anyone shady that may be around so he could make them suspects of his murder (Chris hadn’t had the chance to get a good look at his killer while he was being chocked to death) however, he wasn’t being as thorough as he had hoped since purple guy managed to kill three different sets of five children in the years 1985, 1987, and 1992. The second set of murders was the one where he finally managed to identify the killer but unfortunately Purple Guy would escape him and the others in 1987 and again one final time in 1992.
During the years, Chris has maintained a ‘leaders position’ of sorts, due to being one of the oldest ghosts. He (and the shadows) helped the other kids get used to their ghostly forms, taught them how to properly possess their animatronics, and does his best to motivate them.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Holy Ground - Chapter 5
The one where Andy seems to have lost everything, but he’s not ready to give up.
A terrible car accident ruins Andy Barber’s idea of a perfect life. But if the love’s still there, why wouldn’t he retrace the steps that led him to his happy ending? After all, the best love stories were made to be written more than just once.
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist and if you’d like to be tagged on my following Chris Evans and characters stories, just fill out this form.
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Waking up in Andy’s arms was like something out of a dream. Instead of feeling disappointed because I opened my eyes to reality - and therefore had to abandon whatever it was that had been entertaining me while asleep - all I could feel was excitement at being in his bed, surrounded by his scent and warmth.
He really was a dream come true to me .
I managed to turn around in his arms without waking him up, taking advantage of this opportunity to admire him. God, he was attractive. A bit more mature than I remembered from our first date, but I guess going through a coma can change your perspective on a lot of things, this included.
And I couldn’t believe he had stuck out with me during this entire medical situation. I think this would be hard even for people who were already in long term relationships, for someone who had literally just met me…
I just couldn’t believe it was really happening, outside of a movie screen, and to me. With someone as great as Andy. It felt like one of those sappy romantic stories, where a sad circumstance brings a couple even closer together, and I was so happy about it. Perhaps even too happy.
A part of me, the part that had been realistic due to everything I’d been through in life, kept asking me to slow down. Not to trust him too soon, not to fall in love despite his gentleness, his patience, everything he’d done for me ever since I woke up. And even though I’d blatantly disregarded that part - I was in love with him, and I knew it - it still existed inside of me, and it made me cautious of losing him suddenly, just like I’d lost everyone else in my life.
I didn’t want to have to live without Andy, but I knew love stories could only end two ways. There was a 50/50 chance for both paths.
As much as I wanted to lay there and think only of the optimistic happy ending I wish I would get to share with Andy, my body reminded me of my reality. I was starving, and if Andy didn’t wake up soon, the growls in my stomach would certainly be his alarm clock, and that just wouldn’t do. So I decided, albeit reluctantly, to leave him in bed and venture back to the main floor of the house, in search of something I could eat.
It was so hard to leave his room without waking him up - I didn’t know how deep his sleep could be, but I didn’t want to take any chances, considering how peaceful he looked. So when I finally managed to close his bedroom door and realized just how badly I needed to pee, I wanted to slap myself on the face, where it would leave a mark.
“Alright,” I thought to myself. “Big place. He’s gotta have another bathroom here somewhere.” And so began my quest for a toilet I could pee in. The first door I opened was obviously an office - it made sense he’d choose the room nearest to his to work on. The second one looked like a guest room, if the lack of personal decorations was any indication of the absence of any current occupants. The third door I tried seemed to be locked, since I wasn’t able to turn the knob all the way to one side. But the fourth one is a charm, right?
I noticed I was wrong before my brain processed what it was that I was seeing, purely from the scent that the room exhaled. It was unmistakably baby powder and that newborn smell that was so peculiar it seemed to be able to make any woman who sniffed it feel fertile in a second.
But then my eyes got used to the low lighting of the bedroom and I noticed the crib. I noticed the decorations on the wall. And I noticed the child on the lap of a woman sat by the window, seemingly as surprised to see me as I was to see her. 
“Oh, I didn’t think anyone would be joining us today,” she said, sitting up straighter as the little boy sucked on a bottle of milk. He couldn’t be older than… what? Three or four months? “Andy said he’d be coming home late and not to expect any visits until way past lunchtime.”
At the mention of the man whose bed I’d just left, I felt as if a bucket of ice had been dropped on me, and I had to hold onto the door so I would keep myself up as my body startled to tremble.
“He… did?” I asked, not in search of any particular confirmation, but just to keep the woman talking so I could have something to focus on instead of the feeling that I was about to faint.
“Yeah, he was excited about it, weren’t you, little one?” She asked the tiny baby, obviously fond of the boy. “Truth be told, he hasn’t been spending much time with his father, and a baby misses that, you know?”
I did know. I did know, but I didn’t have anything to offer in response, so I excused myself from the conversation and closed the door behind me, mind empty but running aimlessly at the same time.
I was still frozen with shock by the time Andy found me in the kitchen, staring emptily at the wall. “I’m so glad you’re here, sweetheart. I’m so hungry, but the only thing in this kitchen that seems to make my mouth water is you.”
His words didn’t even register in my head as I raised my eyes to meet his, my tone cold and devoid of any emotions when I asked, “When were you going to tell me that you have a son?”
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emilyofjane · 3 years
Why the Disney Princesses definitely need therapy: a Hot Take
Snow White
Losing her parents as a child and having to learn to take care of herself at a very young age (Snow White is 14 in the movie, and judging by her work ethic, she appears to at least have some experience with living independently before moving in with the 7 dwarves)
Lack of socialization due to isolation
Depression due to isolation and loneliness. This makes the whole “Someday My Prince Will Come” thing much more believable, because Snow White really isn’t in any sort of immediate danger and doesn’t need “saving” or whatever; she’s just tired of being alone and wants human companionship. (And tbh who can blame her? The poor girl’s literally talking to birds and moved in with the first group of humanoid creatures she could find ffs)
This one’s a bit of a stretch, but I’m pretty sure Snow White would also have an unhealthy fear of strangers and/or an irrational fear of being poisoned after the whole apple fiasco
Being raised in an abusive home environment for most (if not virtually all) of her life
The complete lack of positive social interaction throughout her life has probably led to problems with social withdrawal and isolation at some point, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she has repressed symptoms of chronic depression due to loneliness.
Her closest emotional confidants are literally two talking mice, and that just screams “My only friends are animals because their love is unconditional I’ve been invalidated and unloved by every human being in my life” (aka extreme emotional neglect)
She probably has tons of questions about her biological parents that were never answerd because, again, her stepfamily hated her, which would obviously lead to some emotional baggage
If we consider Cinderella III: A Twist in Time to be the new canon, she definitely has some unresolved PTSD from her near-death experience (the “almost getting crushed to death in the carriage because it was transforming back into a pumpkin” scene)
Existential crisis because the three fairy godmothers basically rewrote her entire identity as “Rose” and hid the fact that she was a princess
Never knowing who her real parents were as a child, leading to emotional baggage similar to that of Cinderella and Snow White mentioned above
Either the emotional burden of having to make up for 16+ years of lost time with her biological family, or the grief of losing her biological family without ever getting the chance to know them (idk whether Aurora actually got to meet her parents by the end of the movie or if they died before she woke up, because I don’t remember exactly how much time had passed while she was in the coma)
Speaking of the spindle prick-induced magical coma (which is a really long-winded and inefficient way to kill someone honestly, idk what Melificent was thinking), Aurora also has to deal with the emotional burden of how much time has passed while she was in a coma, which would only further feed into the existential crisis and emotional trauma in bullet points 1 and 3.
(Also, off the record, but Aurora’s entire life post-movie is just a hot fucking mess and she really deserves a second movie exploring that concept imo. I know that Sleeping Beauty has already gotten a live-action villain spinoff, but the story of Aurora herself really deserves to be reexamined under a modern lens also. Aurora is easily one of the most overlooked Disney princesses and tbh she deserves more love.)
Belle (feat. the expanded lore from the live-action movie)
Witnessing her mother die from the plague in their own home
Being forceed to move from the more culturally progressive city of Paris to the unnamed “poor provential town” in the movie, where she is clearly the odd one out and is subject to gender inequality on a daily basis (in the form of being publically shamed and socially ostacized for being an educated woman)
Being regularly sexually harassed by Gaston, which is further exacerbated by the villagers and their close-mindedness. Not only is Gaston’s behavior enabled and encouraged by the villagers, but they even go so far as to idolize Gaston — as shown during his namesake song — despite his obviously predatory actions, simply because he is a cishet white man that they find conventionally attractive
Watching her father get arrested despite being 100% innocent...TWICE
Also being arrested when her father is wrongly convicted a second time, by none other than her abuser
Watching her lover — who besides her parents was the first person in her life who truly loved her and respected her intellect despite being a woman — nearly die in her arms, as well as everyone else in the castle (who ALSO respected her regardless of her gender) nearly die at the same exact time.
...And you know, Stockholm Syndrome or whatever. (But tbh, given how everyone in the castle was very kind and respectful and how the Beast was a tsundere at best, Belle would probably suffer far more from PTSD brought upon by Gaston and her previous environment than from “Stockholm Syndrome” in a castle where everyone actually treated her like a normal fucking human being. Unpopular opinion I know but as a sexual assault survivor this is literally a hill I will die on.)
I’ve actually never watched Aladdin all the way through, so unfortunately I can’t give a full analysis of Jasmine’s conflicts...but I have seen that gif of her saying “I am not a prize to be won” and that just screams “I’ve suffered a lifetime of female objectification and gender inequality despite my social status, and not even in the highest position of authority possible am I allowed to have a voice” and idk about you but that is really fucked up man
PTSD from being manipulated by Ursula to give up her voice and nearly losing everything (both her previous life in the ocean and the promise of a new life on land with her love interest) because of it
Near-death experience from *vague hand gesture to whatever the fuck that was at the end of the movie*
Inevitable depression from abandoning the only home she’s ever known (the ocean) and leaving her friends and family behind
She’ll probably also need some form of behavioral therapy to help her adjust to her new home on land, whose culture is still extremely foreign to her — and maybe even additional therapy for social anxiety, given how her first 3 days of human interaction were so mortifyingly embarrassing that she’ll probably be laying wide awake at 3 AM and thinking “oh my god I can’t believe I looked Eric’s parents dead in the eyes and brushed my hair with a dinner fork” for the next 10 years.
PTSD from literally being turned into a frog
Overworking herself to the point of near burnout, and being unable to fully live out her prime adult years because of said burnout
Constantly dealing with shitty customers, bosses, and other white-collared people disrespecting her and treating her as subhuman because of her career choice, which is unfortunately a common shared experience among restaurant workers and those who work hourly wages
Since this movie takes place in the United States presumably before the 1960’s, it’s probably safe to assume that Tiana also probably had to deal with segregation, Jim Crow laws, and other forms of racism off-screen on a daily basis, which would obviously take a toll on her mental well-being and further exacerbate the issues mentioned in #3
Grief from losing her dad, which has likely been repressed due to her workaholic tendencies denying her the ability to properly take the time to mourn
I don’t even know what to categorize the whole witch doctor shenanigans as, I just know that she and Naveen are both going to need some SERIOUS therapy after going through all that shit
Being raised in an emotionally abusive and controlling environment for her entire life
Being completely isolated for 18 years with no social interaction whatsoever with anyone except her own abuser
Existential/identity crisis from discovering that she’s actually a princess, that her “mom” was actually the one who kidnapped her as a baby and tried to cut her hair, and that everything she knew about herself and the world she lived in was essentially a lie to keep her obedient to Gothel
Near-death experience (the drowning scene)
Internalized fear and mistrust in strangers — and quite possibly in people in general — due to Gothel’s lifelong warnings that people in the outside world would only want to take advantage of her
Because Flynn’s revival was such an uncanny revival that not even Rapunzel knew how she did it, she obviously thought he was gone for good...and since Gothel was gone also, there must’ve been at least a split second before she healed Flynn where, for the first time in her entire life, she was completely and utterly alone. That alone deserves to be a bullet point because holy shit
I’m not even going to get into Tangled: the Series man this list is getting too long as it is
Losing her parents at a young age
Abandonment and isolation issues (mostly self-inflicted due to her own fear of hurting others, see #3)
Internalized fear and self-doubt of her powers — and, by extension, fear and self-doubt in herself
Guilt from nearly plunging Arendelle into an eternal winter
Guilt from almost losing her sister (twice!) due to her own direct actions
(Coinciding with #3) Guilt from isolating herself from her sister to protect her, only to nearly get her killed by the very thing she was trying to protect her from
Anxiety. Just lots and lots of general anxiety.
(Omitting Frozen 2 for Elsa because I haven’t seen it yet and this list is getting too long)
Also losing her parents at a young age
Abandonment and isolation issues, but hers are moreso due to Elsa “shutting her out” as a kid and having no one else her age in the castle to interact with
Lack of socialization in general for much of her childhood, as well as any social anxieties/lack of social knowledge and etiquette/etc. that would come with it
Abusive relationship with Hans (I know it was only one day, but holy fuck that was a trainwreck. What Hans did to Anna is a literal breeding ground for PTSD and trauma)
Coming to terms with the fact that the trolls fucking erased her memories of Elsa having ice powers and that Elsa isolated herself to protect her (and not, you know, because she hated her or something)
Leftover guilt from holding a grudge against Elsa for most of her childhood for shutting her out, because NO ONE BOTHERED TO TELL HER THAT IT WAS FOR HER OWN GOOD and she never knew why
Basically Anna and Elsa both need joint therapy or family counseling or something because holy shit their parents did NOT handle this situation properly AT ALL
(Also omitting Frozen 2 for Anna because I haven’t seen it and this list is also getting too long)
Surprisingly, Moana’s movie was relatively tame — in fact, because her tribe returned to voyaging and she is now exploring the seas/following her passion, these events were arguably beneficial to Moana’s mental health rather than detrimental. The only emotional baggage I can really imagine Moana having post-movie is leftover grief from her grandma dying and maybe the stress of having to put up with Maui’s shit
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aka-ashi-keiji · 4 years
Shinsou’s Safe Place ☔️
( this is a headcanon based on an oc designed by @kiyozichan on tiktok, shes awesome and her content makes me super happy! she gave me permission to use her oc for a this headcanon. go follow her for Haikyuu and My Hero Academia content!!! First is an overview of the oc and then we’ll get into the headcanon. enjoy lovies )
Kiyozi kai (aizawa’s adopted daughter) (shinsou’s gf) 
quirk: magnification through whistle and transfer whistle to head (causes victim to pass out)  
drawback: extreme drowsiness that can lead to sleep induced comas
costume: black  pants w dark wine red belt buckle , black shirt, dark wine red  thigh harnesses, aizawa’s binders,dark wine red ballet shoes, forest green fingerless gloves. 
Physical features: aizawa hair w/ platinum highlights, cut above shoulders
personality: introverted mainly, until she gets comfortable. Closed off because of trauma, very good at comebacks, especially with bakugou. Connects to shoto through quietness, good friends with deku. Part of bakusquad, not as loud as them but eventually gets to their level. 
Plot: Shinsou’s reaction after she falls into a really deep sleep because she over used her quirk. 
(Outside Pov)
- Kai has been going at this for hours, literal hours. 
- Her breath was uneven and rigid in a sense, she could feel her chest shake as she breathed in through her mouth
- lips cracked from the use of her quirk, Aizawa could see she was nearing her end. But  he knew she needed to do this. 
- Today class 1-A was given the gym to develop ultimate moves. however, kai’s quirk being slightly physical but mostly mental, she had struggled all throughout the training course. 
- The rest of the students had been sat  outside to wait for Aizawa and Kai. Aizawa thought maybe being by herself would allow her to unleash the power she had felt she needed to hold back. 
- He watched carefully as she brought her left leg back, and planted the right hard into the ground.
- Kai’s hands came up to a fighting stance and curled in her pinky and ring fingers, leaving her hands in gun shapes. 
- she focuses on the air flow around her and how it enters her own oxygen supply. 
- She feels every molecule enter her system and leave with a single breath. 
- Kai breathes deep into the bottom of her diaphragm, one last breath before she pushes her quirk to the very limit just to get this ultimate move. Just once. 
-  She feels that air flow start to increase into her lungs, and her whistle starts at a pitch so low, she can barely hear it. 
- Kiyozi can make objects float towards her with her whistle by going from a high pitch, to a low pitch. And she can make things repel from her doing vice versa. 
- She slowly works up her whistles pitch to an frequency that she can now hear, and so could aizawa. It was close to an uncomfortable ring, but it wasn’t anything unbearable. 
- Kai began to move her hands in circles to help he feel the air flow better, with this the frequency only increased. 
- Aizawa watched carefully, ready to stop her quirk if he saw any true signs she was at her end, and he could sense she was. But, he still waited. 
- The way Kiyozi’s ultimate move works is that she bring her whistle up to half her power then drops to the lowest frequency to draw air towards her. But, after she instantly brings her whistle back up to it’s highest frequency which causes the air to be propelled away from her. This causes a form of hurricane. 
- Kiyozi had reached half her maximum power, and she could see her hands start to shake, and her flow of air started to waver. 
- Drowsiness was starting to fog her brain. 
- she knew that if she pushed any harder, her quirk would get pushed over the edge. Aizawa knew this as well. 
- She had to do this, she had to. She was so close to mastering it, and there was no way she was going to let the rest of the class get ahead. 
- she quietly damned herself for being one of the only hero students with a mental quirk. 
- Kai lowered her whistle quickly, but kept the stream of air steady. It was right there, she could feel it.
- Right as she started to raise the frequency, she heard her dad’s voice scream through the intercom
- “Kai stop! You’re at your end!” Aizawa screamed
- he didn’t activate his quirk fast enough as you unleashed the hurricane from your lips and blew over the towering rock formation within the arena. 
- Once it had stopped, Kiyozi felt the darkness engulf her vision and her body. 
- Last thing she remembers is seeing aizawa running towards in what seems like slow motion as a could of smoke clouds her vision.
{ time skip like 10 minutes lmao }
- aizawa had rushed down to the arena and lifted kiyozi into his arms.
- he carefully examined her as he rushed her out of the arena, towards the rest of the students outside.
- he noticed blood dripping from her head, that wasn’t good at all. especially since she was asleep, that was a sign of a concussion.
- he came outside and all of 1-a stopped their rough housing to try and comprehend the situation.
- shinsou was the first to rush over and take her from aizawa’s arms.
- “what the hell happened! you said you wouldn’t let her get to this point!” he spoke roughly, but still trying to keep his composure in fear of getting expelled for disrespecting a teacher.
- bakugou was the next to move, he was her best friend after all. katsuki would never admit it, but seeing her hurt and lifeless like that crushed his soul.
- he made his way over to the three of them with fire raging through his eyes, down his arms and into his hands.
- he tried to get closer to kai to see her, but shinsou stepped back far enough to keep her out of reach.
- “what the fuck bushy hair?!!! let me see her”
- “you’ll just hurt her more, you’re steaming bakugou”
- “i don’t give a shit, i need to make sure she’s fucking alive”
- at this point bakugou was ready to blast shinsou’s head clean off his shoulders, that was until aizawa stepped between them.
- “bakugou, i can assure you she’s fine. she has a head injury but other than that this is just a minor coma. this is her drawback from overusing her quirk. however, it would be nice for you two to stop yelling so we can get her proper medical help” aizawa said this all with his voice low and unbothered.
- however, if you listened closely, you could hear his voice shake in the slightest bit.
- bakugou grumbled and slowly backed up so aizawa could lead shinsou with kiyozi back to the main building.
- aizawa was walking faster than usual and shinsou was having a hard time carrying kai as she was entirely limp in his arms.
- he watched as her head lolled against his chest, he noticed how lifeless she truly looked.
- this was the first time shinsou had seen kai use her quirk far enough to put her out of commission. it scared the living shit out of him seeing her like this.
- kiyozi and shinsou had been dating for around 3 months now. no one knew except for aizawa.
- everyone just assumed you guys were close because aizawa trained shinsou separately, and aizawa was your dad.
- shinsou, kai, and aizawa hurried into recovery girls office and shinsou gently placed her down on the table.
- recovery girl slowly made her way in and asked for the full story.
- shinsou was usually good at handling his nerves, but as aizawa explained what happened during training. he couldn’t get his hands to stop shaking.
- he heard the sound of what would have been kissing and turned to see recovery girl healing kiyozi’s head
- “she has minor cuts along her head but no internal damage, her quirk drawback will continue as usual. she should be awake in a few hours. watch her closely though, you guys know how those mental quirks can be” recovery girl said as she helped aizawa lift her carefully over his shoulder.
- they walked out and around the building aizawa’s car. he carefully placed kiyozi across the backseat as shinsou took the front.
- aizawa got behind the wheel and started to back out and headed towards his house.
- shinsou’s leg was shaking purfusely, he tried to ease it by watching the trees pass behind them as they drove.
- aizawa reached over a placed a hand on his shoulder, gentle but there. just letting his student know he’s there.
- “she’s gonna be alright. i’ve seen it worse than this. i know this is new to you but i assure you she will come to soon” shinsou just nodded his head, but at that his leg has calmed a bit.
- the rest of the ride was filled with silence and shinsou craning his neck to see kai sprawled across the back seat, face still holding that lifeless expression.
-they arrived at aizawa’s house and he asked shinsou to carry her inside, which shinsou gladly did
- he slid her out the car and back into his arms. he kicked the car door shut and held her under her thighs as her upper half rested against his chest and shoulders.
- he leaned forward and pressed a kiss into kai’s shoulder and whispered
- “you gotta be alright flower, i’ll make sure of it”
{ timeskip 5 hours }
- kai woke with a gasp and grunt escaping her. she’s had sleep apnea since she was a child along with insomnia. (father like daughter)
- but, sleep apnea causes a person to stop breathing in their sleep. so when kiyozi does, her nervous system wakes her and she gasps for air when she does come to.
- she scanned her surroundings, trying to figure where the hell she was and how she got there.
- kiyozi’s vision was still incredibly fuzzy so details about where she was were barely visible
- she kicked off her blanket and noticed she wasn’t in hero costume anymore, but back in the shirt she wore to bed the night before.
- kai heard running down the hall and expected to see her dad, but then she remembered he wouldn’t run inside of the house.
- the door creeks open and shinsou’s head pops in, looking more timid than anyone would’ve expected.
- “shinsou! what are you doing here? it’s like 8pm” kai exclaimed as she tried to cover her lower half back up, the thought dawning on her that she wasn’t wearing pants
- “ oh right, i should’ve knocked. i’m sorry zi, i can go get your dad instead. he’s asleep on the couch” shinsou said as he entered her room, but kept close to the door frame.
- kiyozi put her hands up and waved them in time with shaking her head. “no it’s okay i promise, come in. i need catching up on everything, my memory is a little foggy”
- she laughed as she said it, but shinsou’s expression as he sat beside her gave it away that it wasn’t a laughing matter.
- kiyozi laid her head on shinsou’s strong shoulder, the stray pieces of purple hair tickling her cheek.
- shinsou let out a long shakey sigh that made kai look up at him, except when she did her heart broke.
- a single year rolled down his face and he reached over to hold her hand.
- kiyozi sat up and looked directly at his side profile, waiting for him to follow her actions.
- “shinsou, hun are you okay? did i say something wrong?”
- shinsou shook his head and turned to face you.
- shinsou wasn’t the biggest fan of physical contact, even if kai was his girlfriend. they would occasionally hug and steal a kiss from each other but other than that it was just some hand holding. nothing too clingy.
- so when he turned and grabbed the sides of kai’s face and pressed her to his chest, she was so surprised she had to hold her breath to keep her from gasping.
- she felt his chest shake as he let another broken cry, kissing the top of her head over and over, muttering something kai couldn’t exactly hear.
- she tried to pull away to hug him properly but he shook his head hard and pushed her head farther into his chest.
- it took time, but kai finally understood why shinsou was so upset. he was scared she was going to leave.
- kiyozi took his hand from her head and wrapped his arms around her waist, she then took his head pressed it to her chest. right where her heart was so that he could hear that she was still there.
- when they finally both stilled, shinsou let out the loudest and most broken sob kai had every heard.
- she brushed her fingers through his hair as she shushed him.
- he squeezed her tighter as he spoke into her shirt.
- “i- i thought you were going to be gone, i thought you were gonna leave me for good. i didn’t think i would ever get to hold you like this again. i can’t lose you zi, i really can’t. i can’t lose the one person that actually made me feel worthy of being here.”
- zi took her hands and placed them on his shoulders as he pulled away to look her in the eyes, his eyes pink and puffy.
- “i’m not gonna leave you, id never do anything that would put us in a situation to be separated forever. my dad wouldn’t let that happen. he’s there to make sure i don’t get to this point during real fights. i promised you i’d be here forever, and i meant it.”
- kai took her hand and placed it on shinsou’s cheek.
- “sweetheart, you don’t ever have to worry about me walking out. i’m here for good. i’m here for you, forever”
- and with that being said, kai leaned forward and connected her lips to his gently.
- shinsou leaned into the kiss, trying to burn the feeling of it into his brain. he’d never say this to her out loud, but her kisses melted him down to the core.
- when they pulled away, shinsou hugged around kais shoudlers and she hugged his waist, burying her face into the scent of his shirt.
- ‘he smells like my house’ she thought.
- but then again. shinsou always did to her. because he was zi’s forever home.
[ this was rough but i tried my hardest, i hope you liked it zi! you are one of my greatest forms of comedic relief and i love you, thank you so much❤️ ]
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scandeniall · 4 years
we’re us
pairing: atsumu x f!reader
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summary/warnings: after atsumu almost lost you he decides ts time to make things official. But he’s overly sweet and its weird. Thats not who you two are / mentions of near death, implied sex, hes grossly sweet for part of it, mentions of bad parents
a/n: this is a PART 2 to the rulers. a few of you asked and i decided to give us a happier ending than what we wre left with in rulers. (rulers is 12k words and gives the context to this so kinda impt!)
wc: 2k
“Would you fucking stop,” you scowl swatting at the hands on your waist as you stumbled into the office. You roll your eyes at the way your desk chair is pulled out for you. “No can do. You’re supposed to be taking it easy.” Atsumu replies ignoring the frown at him sitting in the desktop. His hand subconsciously takes yours stroking at the skin and you resist the urge to take your hand from him. He needed it. 
It’d been three months since the incident and since you’d gone into a coma. You stayed in it for a little over a week. Atsumu remembered how he numbly took in the doctors diagnosis. Something about a complication from the surgery or maybe it was blood loss from the bullet wounds? Something about a seizure thus prompting your state. All the medical terminology confused him. 
After he finally decided to visit three days later he came as often as he could. He assigned people like Oikawa to do press releases on his behalf. It was already hard enough having to hear events recounted over the news. He couldn’t be the one to talk about it. 
“President of Yokohama (Y/L/N), (Y/F/N) caught in apparent shootout with parents among others. The 23 year old was rushed to the hospital by non other that Vice President Miya Atsumu. As of now it is known that (Y/N) has fallen into a combs and that Miya will be taking over. The voting families are likely to vote over a course of action within the upcoming days.”
One thing Atsumu made sure to do was to get your recording. You risked your life to get a confession out of your parents. A confession that they had plans to kill you. He sent the recording off and following their own minor recoveries they were promptly arrested. Trials took long and there’d be no way an official one would happen until you were ready, but nonetheless he was happy that both them and Terushima were out of your hairs. 
The day you woke up Atsumu actually shed tears. It was something he denied and claimed that the hospital fumes were finally getting to him when Osamu teased him. But everyone knew better. He’d take your condition worse, a factor that even your little sister teased him on. “(Y/N’s) strong and a bad ass. She’ll be fine. Stop acting like a wimp” he couldn’t even scold the 14 year old for the word choice. 
Even though the first face you made was a grimace, followed by confusion and agitation he couldn’t help but think you were beautiful. He stayed in the room as they took the feeding tube out, gagging himself at how gross it all seemed. He held your hand as you took sips of water all disoriented. 
A few days after that you were able to go back home and he took you to his. Your sister had been staying there and there was no way he’d let you go back to neither your parents or your own now trashed house alone. He’d wheeled you out of the hospital demanding you to keep your head down at the flashing lights and journalists. He’d buckled you in like a child despite you rolling your eyes and complaining and driven you to his. 
He made sure you took all your medications and attended your personal physical therapy sessions. A month in when you wanted to go back to work fully he refused, citing that until you were fine he was the one in charge. He could and would disobey your orders to keep you safe. “I swear once I’m fine I’m going to fucking fire you.” “How do you fire the family head sweetheart? Try again.”
Now two months later you were heading back into your office for the first time. With non other than your shadow practically attached to your hip. You watched as he animatedly recounted some events from his latest press conference and boring financial meetings as his thumb subconsciously rubbed circles into onto the back of your hand. Your hand was slightly sweaty but you resisted the urge to pull away. Ever since you’d found out that you technically died, Atsumu had been more touchy than normal. 
“Hey Tsumu?”
The call of his name stopped him mid sentence as his eyes peered at yours with concern. He started questioning if you were ok or in pain and if it here time for your meds.
“Thank you. For everything. Stepping up, I know this isn’t easy for you, especially since it was so sudden. And for watching after my sister and me.”
“Well it is my job as VP. Ya know when ya can’t do your job. It’s annoying but-“ he chucked as you stood up and told him to shut up. His hands found your waist both as a way to stabilize you and to resume physical contact as you eased in between his legs. “You talk too fucking much,” you mumble arms locking around his neck. 
“I was trying to be serious and thank you and here you are making me regret it.” You don’t miss the way his eyes glance at your lips as you talk. You continue playing with the ends of his hair as you talk. “I appreciate it a lot. Even if you are overbearing and annoying.”
“Yeah well, we’re us. And you know I’d take a bullet for ya”
“Too bad you didn’t take this one,” you muse using one hand to motion at your healing side. You smiled as his hands slipped under your sweatshirt to caress the scar. 
“I wouldve.” He says the words without missing a beat while you frown. “Being sweet doesn’t suit you. Where’s asshole Atsumu.”
“I almost lost ya. I was the one who held ya in the backseat as you bled out. I had to get rid of the car. Couldn’t get the smell, stains or memories out. I was there when you flat lined (Y/N). Sorry if I cant act normal like the shit didn’t happen.”
“All the more reason to act like the man I fell in love with,” you shrug. “The non punctual asshole who doesn’t listen to half the shit i say. The smartass who cares for his friends and family more than he lets on. The one so committed to what he does that id never trust anyone else even a fraction as much. Life is short. Clearly,” you snort referencing your own situation. 
“No point in being different. What’s done is done. Besides, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. With the trial and reformations and-“
“Ya just said you loved me.” Your face scrunched up at his smug one. His voice had a happy lilt to it. “If you didn’t know that by now you really are dumber than I thought. Pretty sure it’s been obvious.”
His reaction was to hop off the desk, this time his arms coming around you in a hug.  “God, I’m so in love with ya.” The words came whispered in your ear and you couldn’t help but melt into the hug. “Good or this would’ve been really awkward.”
“Wait a fuckin’ second-“ you eyed him in confusion as the embrace ended you stepping back to cross your arms. “I said i was gonna confess first. Ya just had to mess things up. Take it back. I bet Samu that i would” You looked at him in disbelief. “On second thought-“
Your words are cut off by his hands pulling your hips into his. “Will you be my girlfriend. Let’s make it official.”
“What did i tell you about being sweet,” you scold the both of you leaning in your lips hoovering over each other. “Give me a few more weeks to worry about ya alright?” You nod hands locking around his neck. “Deal. And yes I’ll let you be my boyfriend.”
“Gonna ignore that for now,” before you could react he turns the two of you so that your back was against the desk. His lips ghosting the shell of your ear as he tells you to sit. Before he steps back eying you. “Can’t believe I almost lost this.” 
The words are whispers to himself and you almost didn’t hear him as his hands trail up your thighs. “You’re so beautiful.”
“I’m literally in sweats. A far cry from how you usually see me” you tease leaning back to shift your weight into your palms. “Still the most beautiful woman in the world.” You ignore the warmth that blossoms within you opting to grab at his wrist. “I thought I said to stop being sweet.”
You thought you hear him say something about your deal it it’s quickly forgotten as he slots himself between your legs and roughly presses his lips against yours. 
A few months later
“Well it’s done. How d’ya feel.” Atsumu is the first to speak out his words filling the space within the car. “Like shit. But I’ll live.” You mutter honestly. “Ya want to take a few days off from the office?” His hand rubs comfortably up and down your thigh. 
“And have you try and mess up my office. I’ll pass,” you sigh out, head coming to rest upon the headrest. “Sorry my taste is better than yours.” You flick your middle finger at him before closing your eyes. “Yeah well redecorate your own damn office. Oh wait- it’s not as nice as mine”
His laugh fills the car and you smile as his lips press against the back of your hand. The two of you sit in silence, the forming clouds outside seeming to match the conflict in your heart. “It’s just weird you know.” He nods in support. 
“I know they tried to like kill me but— they were still my parents. They taught me everything I know.” A silence fills the car, Atsumu not really knowing what to say. “I hate that you’re so quiet these days.”
“I’ve lost at least 7 years of my life having to worry about ya through all this s-OW!” You roll your eyes as he rubs the arm you’ve just hit. He complained about you having a good arm before telling you to look at him. 
“You’ll be fine. Ya got me and-“
“Is that supposed to be comforting?” 
Shaking his head he continues,” and your sister and Granny. Our friends, and the whole city behind ya babe.”
You found yourself slowly nodding. You’re right,” you mutter more to yourself before leaning over the console to press a kiss on his cheek. Atsumu gives you a look before complaining. “That’s all I get. What a shitty thanks.”
You notice he slightly reclines his seat a smirk now on his face. “You’re definitely back to being annoying,” you scoff. “If you think I’m gonna ride you ride now you’ve lost it.”
“I’m just getting comfortable. What’s so bad about that. But what’s 1 kiss.” You ignore the way his hand creeps higher as you lean over the console. “It’s not even gonna be that if you don’t meet me halfway.” His eyes soften for a minute as he complied allowing your lips to connect. “Ya know what always makes me me feel better,” he mumbles lips against yours. 
The hand that had been on your thought moved to cup your jaw. “If you say sex I’m gonna walk home,” you breathe out as he presses fluttering kisses along the side of your neck. He only laughs. “That and spending money. Let’s go out.”
You ignore the shiver that runs down your spine as his touch gets harsher and you can feel the beginnings of a pain in the ass bruise at the junction between your neck and shoulder. “Only if you’re buying.” That causes him to stop, his eyes catching yours. “Aw c’mon ya have more money than me.”
“It’s official. I hate you,” you deadpan pulling away to sit in your seat. “I’m just joking. Lighten up woulda,” he teases the two of you fastening your seatbelt. “Just drive already.”
“Hey, (Y/N). I love you”
“I love you too. Now I think I deserve a treat right?
a/n: well one day i may add on to this universe but for now my longest piece of work is complete. Are there things id do differently? absolutely but for a total of 14k words between the two pieces? IM PROUD. thank u if u read it ily. Untl the next celebration yall
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calypsoff · 4 years
Eight. Part 2
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Sitting in the SUV “I need you both to ring every hospital in Virginia for me, I Googled searched and there is thirty six” Jen and Mel just stared at me dumbfounded like I was talking crazy but at this moment I am, I just got rid of Jay Brown and said I would meet him later which I won’t be, I need them to help me on this “what has happened?” Jen asked “I have been hating him every day since he was ignoring my message to only find out he is in hospital, I need to see him, but he doesn’t want to tell me where, I didn’t ask because he is stubborn. Now please, I need to see him. Ring every hospital and say you’re his wife, I will do the same. Please do it for me” I know I sound like I have lost my mind, but I care for him no matter the circumstance we are at right now, I really care for him “he, meaning Chris?” Jen asked “yes, I am speaking on Chris. Just please, his name is Christopher Maurice Brown, he was in a coma, so I am guessing ICU, not sure but please find him for me” Mel rubbed my arm “you really do love him?” Mel said “I always have but I can always put my feelings aside, I have grown used to doing it because I didn’t know where he went but I do now, I just get angry with him. I am going to go back to Virginia and see him. Jay Brown can kiss my ass, Rich is booking me a ticket. I don’t know what happened, but he is in hospital. I don’t care, he is my friend and I care for him. I would do the same for you both, you know I would. I am just that kind of friend to you all, but with him he is my friend and also my lover, please girls” Jen and Mel look so concerned “we will come with you?” shaking my head “I have Rich, I will get back quick. Just ring them and find out, I am starting now” he is stubborn and if I ask him he will never say it because he doesn’t want me there, he has no choice now.
Mel is clicking her fingers in my face all wide eyed, but can she just tell me, I think she has found out “thank you so much, I thought he moved that is all. I have been away, but I will see him soon, thank you” Mel put the phone down “so found him, I had to talk so much shit to her. He is at the Virginia Hospital Center, he is in the critical care part. They are allowing visitors and she said he is awake, and also that he is having some scans today so he may be away from his room, but you can come along” thank you god “thank you so much Mel! I better get going, I need to get on the first flight out there” Mel pointed behind me, looking behind and seeing Rich. He opened the car door “not another flight until three hours, so I got a jet booked for as soon as possible. That will be quicker” I guess so “thank you, I will go now but I Wil call you both. Just wait for me here. I will be back” Mel leaned over hugging me “you honestly do love him; I am shocked but yet impressed. You love someone” I chuckled “thanks, love you both” holding Jen’ hand smiling at her “go and see him, put your mind at rest. Hope he is ok” I hope he is too, sighing out.
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“Please don’t try and touch your head” the nurse navigated my hand back down, I feel like so much is happening, I was asleep, but they are putting me in for scans and I just noticed my leg is in a cast, I am so tired that I just didn’t notice till I wiggled my toes, now I feel like shit “is it bad?” I asked, “what is?” she asked “me? Is there something mentally wrong?” the nurse smiled at me “not mentally wrong, if there is you wouldn’t be speaking to me, we want to make sure your head is ok one hundred percent” she is right “why am I so tired then, what happened to my leg? And my fingers?” she may have more answers “so you are taking them of to check?” I asked “yes, check your whole body for anything else broken properly. With you being in an induced coma we didn’t want to move the body too much, but you are awake now, not to worry” she said not to worry but she is saying I am broken, this is going to be so long. I know it now, this recovery is going to be longer than I assumed it would be, I am in a state of shock and also pain, I feel my mind is trying to catch up with everything that happened to me, but it’s just too much. I would like to know what I was hit with “let me know if you feel any type of discomfort, we are taking the bandage off your head now” nodding my head, will my head come apart, this is scary.
I properly look like a spoilt child right now, but they are right my left hand pinkie is finger bone is broken, my leg is broken, and I don’t know about my head. They bandaged it back up again “I hate this” I really do, I am just here in this bed “when will I get back to normal” looking to the side of me “let’s think of the positives, you are alive ok? Bones will heal, the doctor will come and speak to you about the rest. You need to just rest and not think of everything else; you are doing too much thinking. Rest is key?” I sniggered “bills don’t get paid ma’am, I will probably get beat again and I will be back” laughing to myself “I don’t think your body can take another, looking at your records from last time you got hit it was also head injury. You need to be more careful with yourself, love yourself” I feel like an invilid on this bed “and the porter is here, we will get you back to your room. I think you should be happier and feel more blessed that you are here in this world Chris. But the doctor will be with you and he can then discuss what he has seen and if there is anything serious ok?” nodding my head “see you soon I guess” I mumbled “you will, take him back to his room for me thank you” I sighed out heavily.
It sucks that nobody is here, they all went home of course. I mean I was gone for tests for hours, so I don’t’ blame them, now I am alone here. I just have Netflix on my phone, TJ downloaded me some shit to watch but my mind is not in it. I just keep thinking back to when I left the house, my parents’ home. I didn’t see anyone around, I literally was walking to my car and then some nigga just started calling me a snitch, I knew from then on shit was going south. I was beating that nigga up, I was doing so well. I was beating his ass so bad and then that was it, now I am here. So whoever he was he had a crew with him, sad part is this is cousin that is doing this to me. He blames me and I blame him for getting me in this shit, his whole family hate me which is my family of course. I need to think, I need to think about leaving this place because I can’t get beat up again, I really can’t. Resting my head back on the pillow, I need to care for myself. The nurse is right, I do need to care for myself and just want better for me. Locking my phone, I am tired so I will just sleep.
“Excuse me, Chris” my eyes shot open “huh!” I spat moving back seeing this huge black guy hovering over me “sorry” he stepped back, my eyes bulged out near scared for my life “if you here to kill me then you should have done it in my sleep” the fuck is he “I am not here for that, I was just waking you up. It’s Rich, we met in New York, we may have crossed paths?” squinting my eyes at him “I am Rihanna’ bodyguard” my face softened, my heart is beating even hard then it was. Looking around the room “I just come to scope out the room, is anyone else here with you?” shaking my head “no, wait. Is she here?” I am expecting to see her face “I don’t want her here, please tell me she isn’t. I really don’t want her to see me bro” he laughed “she found you, your wife that is. You’re married to her now, she got her way like that but yeah, she is here. I will get her now but is anyone else here?” shaking my head, I am palpating right now “did she really come here, look at me” he shrugged walking, he is laughing at me, but I am not happy. I can’t even deal, I am not prepared for this, I am here peeing in a bag and Robyn is here.
I would like to get out of the bed and make myself look a little better, shit is a mess, and she is here to see me. I am shaking, I am nervous to see her after speaking to Barry about shit that happened, I feel like I know what I want but we need to speak and she is here, my heart right now. They will be here soon; I mean it’s been about five minutes. She has come here, and she could get caught, she is crazy for doing this, but I am shocked, this has bought on a whole new feeling to me, my beard has grown, I look a mess. Even I couldn’t bring myself to take a selfie that is how bad I look, I took in a sharp breath as my head turned to the door, it opened “I will stand outside, keep an eye on who comes. Don’t be long” hearing her bodyguard say, she is actually here. I feel emotional, she came here for me. She took time out to search for me, when she said she would search for me she meant it with her whole heart. I feel teary about this, pushing her hood back as she came into the room. She froze near the door, but it closed behind her, she is staring at me I think in shock, she took her shades off. She is wearing my snapback, I forgot she took that “I told you I would find you” nodding my head, I look terrible and she looks so good as always.
Robyn slowly made her way to me, ever so slowly. She is drinking in every part of me, I don’t know what to say. I feel her aura again, I can feel her. When she is close to me I malfunction and now I feel it again, she is here playing with my mind. I can sense the hurt, staring at her intently “I have been hating you every day when you didn’t contact me. Every waking moment I woke up I just hated you not knowing you was here, not knowing what happened to you. And all along you was here, I am hurt and to see you in this state has made me hurt even more. Then the conversation hit me, you said it. You told me that those people are after you still, I am happy to see you alive, but I am hurting so much. I care about you and I was going to come to see you, whether you wanted me too or not” watching Robyn look me up and down, she looks in pain “I was in Miami, but I came here straight away, I lied about a lot but I am here. This is why I say to you life is too short to play games, you know but you’re here and awake” Robyn is speaking so much to me, I am just here mute and in shock that she is here, she came. I didn’t expect her to be here, she came. Robyn reached her hand over and lightly brushed the back of her hand over my cheek, our eyes met, and we just stared at each other in complete silence, when you have so many things to say and you just can’t bring yourself to say it, this is the moment. The look in her eyes, she is hurt “I missed you” I admitted, I missed her so much, and I just want to explode because I am full of feelings.
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cosmicpeko · 5 years
“Christmas Night” | FuyuPeko Christmas Exchange
Word count: 1,787
OTP: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama | Danganronpa 2
Story type: Fanfiction
Short summary: Following the end of the Hope Restoration Program, everyone in the Future Foundation headquarters was ready to spend another night in recovery and rehabilitation. Fuyuhiko, however, who managed to regain track of the time and date, was able to find out that night was not like any other. And he had just the perfect person in mind to tell first.
Important notes: This is my gift/fic for the FuyuPeko Christmas Exchange event hosted by @may-we-have-peace! The user I’ve been assigned was @flannelspacegay and since I wasn’t given any prompts, I tried my best with the ones I had in store ;_; Please remember English is not my first language so there might be some grammar mistakes or things that don’t make sense? Anyway enjoy this will be super short!
Read on AO3
"Won't you sleep a little?"
Between the greasy white walls of room 102 echoed the wind, howling cold from its half-closed, only window. That's how Peko knew it was winter ㅡ the freezing air sliced her cheeks. Since she woke up, she had been rebellious to any sort of request for some reason ㅡ including those of the guard nurses to leave the window closed, so that the toxic fog of the outside wouldn't enter the building's rooms and corridors. Reluctant to give up in spite of the many reminders, Peko's room was assigned an air filtration machine, which unstoppably produced some kind of metallic noise that would keep Peko awake.
Fuyuhiko, on the other side of the room, kept looking at her, leaning with all his weight on the door he had closed behind him. The change in temperature between room 102 and the rest of the building was enough to make Fuyuhiko shiver, but he decided on trying not to antagonize her by forcing the nurses requests on her newly rebellious self ㅡ rather, he carefully approached the little, uncomfortable mattress where Peko's bony, thin body was resting. He helped her be seated then, so that she would feel at ease looking at him on the same height. Her composure always made her look like a soldier, ready to receive an order any time.
Peko was unquestionably skinny ㅡ her athletic structure had been lost during months of unconscious fasting. Although everyone was constantly fed during the simulation, and that was also why Fuyuhiko hadn't lost much weight ㅡ those who were killed in Jabberwock Island entered a comatose state which made their body function irregularly. Depending on how much their body was into the coma, more physical damage was found, like PTSD*. That was also why Peko didn't speak.
As a result of the trauma experienced during her execution, her lungs, and her whole respiratory system was on the edge of collapse ㅡ as she could concretely feel the blades still pierce her body, she was having a hard time breathing. Oxygen depleted, starting again was an extremely difficult task for the swordswoman.
Fuyuhiko found more strength in helping her than helping himself.
Not one day would pass without him trying to guard and protect her, ignoring the rest of his classmates and sacrificing his own recovery. Being without her had been of excruciating pain ㅡ it took him so long to accept her death, until it was proven fake. Since then, a moment couldn't pass without him needing to make sure she was alive. So he wouldn't give up: he would stand before room 102 day and night, fighting whoever got in his way, waiting for visitation time ㅡ and everyone knew that time was Fuyuhiko's only. At night, surveillance was extended to the whole hall, so it was easier to dodge; and he knew he could be finally be with her without worrying or fighting.
The blonde took a sit next to her, facing her side with his entire body, emulating her composure.
"I found an old calendar in the guardhouse and spent the afternoon doing the math. I couldn't wait to tell you what's up today."
Peko, who was deeply insomniac and a little confused, rubbed her tired eyes with her hands and goggled a little, struggling to see without her glasses but still trying to focus on his face, giving him a sign of her attention.
Fuyuhiko smirked again, delighted.
"I think you could tell by my freezing ass-" the girl's sudden coughing caught him by surprise for a second, but while trying to make sure she was okay, he found out she cracked under a little laugh. It took a while before Peko got on her track again, struggling to breath, but visibly humored. He continued, "...but this is Christmas night. It's officially december 25th."
Only by mentioning Christmas, the blonde had Peko beaming. She raised both her eyebrows, then melted in a sweet, little smile. Christmas had always been an important tradition for the Kuzuryuu family. Both Fuyuhiko's mother and father, although very conservative and loyal to the culture of old Japan, adopted this western recurrence for their family. During Christmas night, they used to hide presents and sweets all over the house for their children to find. That Peko knew, because every year, she would be sent from her Master and his sister to find all the hiding spots, making it hard for the Kuzuryuu's to think about more clever solutions for the following year. Just by remembering, she could feel the house's warmth intensely on her skin ㅡ she could picture the oven in the kitchen, too high for her at the time to reach, in constant function, while Fuyuhiko's nanny was busy cooking all kinds of dishes for the day, both western and Japanese.
The boy could notice Peko's smile even though she tried to hide it by lowing her head slightly, letting her silvery hair slide on her shoulders ㅡ only that sight was enough to make him smile two-to-three times brighter.
"You remember, right?! 'Tis a special night, this one, Peko!"
That was the first time in years she had seen her like that ㅡ he thought nothing was going to ruin that moment for them. Nonetheless, they were conscious of the fact that those moments were not to come back anymore.
Brainwashed by despair, they were guilty of many crimes ㅡ including killing their family and masters, who they loved deeply, burning their house down, massacring the closest members of their clan and guiding the rest into their same madness. They couldn't remember any of it, and probably didn't know about it, but they could feel it. But even with that, they weren't able to feel sad or guilty ㅡ like if that ability was surgically removed from their brains. Evil lurked around them without ever touching them. They, who were once despair embodied, were blessed to be born again, could never be infected again.
"I hid something for you to be found, yesterday." now calmer, Fuyuhiko searched for the swordswoman's attention, who immediately raised her head again at his level. That alone was enough to make Peko blush lightly. Her tired, but still flaming red eyes regained strength immediately, as they started flashing quickly from a corner of the room to the other, analyzing the blonde's body and behind his back, with the same curiosity a child would have if they exchanged places ㅡ trying her best, she also moved her body to better observe her surroundings, resulting in a big laugh from Fuyuhiko's side.
However, he decided to anticipate her and unveil the secret, preventing her to make too much of an effort ㅡ he knew she would complete any task for him, to the point of putting her life at risk.
Getting up on his feet, and lowing his back, he managed to pull out from under the mattress what seemed to Peko like a piece of fabric. It took a while to realize that piece of fabric the other was holding was effectively stuffed and shaped as a little panda ㅡ her favourite animal. The black was heavily marked with some kind of ink that resembled that of a pen. The eyes were badly sewn buttons. Overall, it looked creepy. But she couldn't help but feeling overwhelmed ㅡ she freezed, as she was holding the little gift too close to her eyes, trying to capture every detail without her glasses.
Confused by her reaction, Fuyuhiko pouted. "I managed to shape a metallic spring from my bed as a sewing needle with the little knowledge I have of crafting, and literally sewn my sheets." he lowed his head, embarassed, "That's honestly trash, but like, I thought you could use some company when I'm not around."
Lost in his own words, he didn't realize until he heard it, that Peko was sobbing lightly, challenging her own lungs.
Since her awakening, every little emotion had a huge impact on her. From not being capable of feeling much - as she taught to, from a very young age - she was suddenly weak to any small change of mood. To Fuyuhiko, it was like returning to planet Earth and crushing on its surface. He rushed towards her again, sat on the bed, and cupped her face with his hands while brushing away her tears with his thumbs. "Shit- please don't cry," he panicked instantly, and more so when Peko slightly rubbed her cheeks onto his hands, cuddling slowly ㅡ that would be reassuring, if it wasn't Peko he had before him. Something clearly changed after the whole experience in Jabberwock Island.
He took a while to understand what the swordswoman was trying to say. She was happy ㅡ and that was her way of communicating her newly discovered feelings. "We're the only ones left," Fuyuhiko whispered, "who can carry on our family's legacy." His hands slided on her shoulders and arms, until he finally grabbed her hands again. "I don't wanna do it without you, Peko." Hope was good, he thought. He couldn't help but smile because as he watched her being vulnerable and tired, he could see his future ㅡ a bright future, where a thousand more of Christmas nights would happen, and they would spend them in a proper room, where pretty lights would replace those of the beeping machinery above her head, and the heat of an actual house would surround them instead of the cold wind Peko was so stubborn not to defend herself from ㅡ just to feel alive. A future where they would be togheter.
Peko was in love with that hope ㅡ and she was in love with Fuyuhiko. Love doesn't need words, and it goes far, it goes beyond the devotion and the loyalty of a tool. She opened her lips softly.
"Thank you..."
The boy was left astonished by that attempt of hers, but deep down, he knew that was the right time for her to do it.
He kept smirking, literally on the moon. Moving his body towards her, he gently guided her head against his own chest, then rested a cheek among her silver hair. Peko could feel his heartbeat through his bones ㅡ so fragile, yet so powerful. To her, it was all so natural, just meant to be. So she closed her eyes, soothed by that rhythm, and immediately fell asleep, squeezing the little gift she received that night in her thin arms.
Fuyuhiko found out a while later, but kept hugging her and rocking back and forth, like he was holding just the most delicate thing in the world.
"I can't wait to spend my life with you."
Everyone, meri christmis (~ ̄³ ̄)~
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cirrius-akiyo · 4 years
-Parallel to Hold On (Let's Go Home) [Buck's POV]-
Buck has been feeling a bit under the weather for quite some time now. It has started with small throbbing headaches, which he quickly dismiss as fatigue or stress. Then come the sudden spells of dizziness that had caused dark spots to dance behind his eyes. To which he blames his lack of sleep.
He has not bother to tell his husband nor to consult Chimney or Hen because of the gap between the episodes of dizziness or getting light-headed were quite big. It's not like he has a constant throbbing pain to the point he's unable to function, so he doesn't really dwell on that matter.
Then one night came the nose bleeds after he had finished putting Chris to bed. Eddie was still on a shift after switching with Gary in order for one of them to be able to attend the parents-teachers meeting and Eddie had insisted to go this time. Remembering that one time Bobby got it too after the radioactive exposure scare, Buck shoves down his panic and worries into the imaginary bin. At least this time he is sure that he was not exposed to any killer rays.
After cleaning himself, he prepares to go to bed and slipped under the cover. His hand wanders towards the cold empty space beside him. Being by himself in the silence of the night, it is easy for his mind to shift to the last scene of the previous night.
They both had gone to bed angry. In all honesty, Buck doesn't really remember why they were fighting but he knows it was about something trivial. Something mundane on house chores, but he was tired and he snapped at Eddie.
The next morning he has said his apologies and Eddie had kissed him goodbye before leaving for work.
"I'm in my bed
And you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left"
It is the night of the parents-teachers meeting and Eddie has left a while ago after finishing his 12 hours shift, leaving Buck to complete the rest of his 24 hours. Chris doesn't need to attend the meeting so he's at Abuela's, most likely in food coma now.
Once in a while, the unwelcome ache come back niggling at the base of his skull but Buck doesn't let them bothers him. He has learnt to live with them for a while. He really doesn't want any unwanted attention on him and be the man that has too many baggages, the firehouse doesn't need to divert their attention to a firefighter who simply has recurring headaches.
What is he really looking forward to right now is to go back home and cuddle with his husband, preferably while hearing the praises the teachers must have showers their son with.
Thinking about his family somehow able to chase the pain away to the point it is unnoticeable.
He simply smiles to the thought of his little family and his smile just get wider when Hen throws him a knowing look.
Their relationship is not without hiccup, but they've got through it all together. They both believe in healthy communication and no-sad-no-bad-secret-rule. Little did he know his belief is about to be tested.
"What am I now?
What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
"I kissed Ana."
Not the three words Eddie usually says to him before bed.
At Eddie's thundering confession, Buck can feel his heart break, but he also literally can hear his mind cracked. Like his whole body is about to pop out of his skin.
Buck tries to find the logical reasoning for this confession and alcohol is usually to be blamed.
Eddie then has refuted on the possibility of getting drunk during a parent-teacher meeting and Buck doesn't know what to do about that. Did Eddie kissed Ana because Buck snapped at him the night before? Did he fucked up so bad? Did he do anything that has pushed Eddie away? His brain immediately went into overdrive and so he froze eventhough he can hear the strings of apologies that fell out if Eddie's mouth.
Then come the tears.
"What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
That night Eddie had held him while whispering strings of apologies into his ears, swaddles him with comforting words. But despite the lightness of Eddie's words towards him, Buck feels like the weight of the world is crushing him down. He feels like the exhaustion and the fatigues of the past few weeks are squeezing him dry. He's frustrated and tired and the tears doesn't seem stop any time soon. After baring his soul out, he finally succumbs to sleep, seeking momentarily solitude from bitter reality.
His sleep was not a peaceful one. Once in a while he'll wake up to either nightmare or sudden panic washed over him. He had thought of leaving to sleep in Chris' bedroom, but Eddie has keep him tight in his embrace. Dull ache keep pulsating in his head and so he nuzzles himself deeper into Eddie's hold. His husband's smell always able to keep him grounded and for a moment he believes in his wishful thinking that everything will work out later.
"You said you cared
And you missed me, too
And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you
And the coffee's out
At the Beachwood Café
And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say"
Buck woke up that morning to warm kisses peppered on his neck and jaw. He still feel sluggish and not well rested but to see Eddie's warm brown eyes full of guilt and sadness just tug his heart in the wrong way. It is easier for him to remain angry at his husband but with their history, he knows anger doesn't do any good to either of them. So he reciprocate when Eddie's lips touch his, welcoming the warm feeling while trying to shove the thought that this lips had been on another woman last night.
Initially he was hopeful for a busy day that will give enough distraction to him, but now he is thankful for the minor calls that came in as his head is literally pounding him to the ground.
They had start their morning routine as per usual but Buck had noticed how Eddie has been working hard to give him more attention and care. Not that Buck is complaining but with Eddie plastered to his side, it is getting harder to hide the needling pain of the headaches from his husband.
They were doing the inventory when a sharp pain blossom in his head that caused him to falter in his step. Worry immediately etched on Eddie's face as his husband massage the stiff muscle between his neck and shoulder.
"Are you okay, Evan?" Eddie asked.
Buck really hates to cause unnecessary worry to Eddie and so he grit his teeth trying to ignore the pain. "I will be." Buck replied with the most steady voice he could muster.
But Buck did not get better. Every passing moment is an agony but he wills himself to keep going, effectively trying to avoid to be in close vicinity with Chim or Hen.
But then he found himself halfway into the toilet bowl vomiting the little food that he just ate with Eddie a constant present on his side providing silent support.
He feels awful. The pain. The nausea. The heartbreak. The frustration. The exhaustion.
Is he being exhausting right now?
Will Eddie ran away to kiss Ana again now that his mouth full of stomach acid. He's not actually kissable right now.
Buck chases the dark thoughts away while trying to stand up with Eddie's help. Buck's mind is really jumbled up at the moment so sue him if he thinks Eddie is going to leave him alone in his misery.
"Maybe it's migraine." Buck suggested to Eddie who is still actively acting as his support pillar. With all the symptoms he's experiencing, the possibility fits, but then as fast as he heard Eddie humming in agreement, he feels like the single string holding him splintered and sudden blackness consumed him.
"What am I now?
What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
All Buck is able to feel right now is fatigue. Extreme fatigue. He can hear white noises all around him but he can't really help himself to care. He feels the fog of unconsciousness slowly dragging him under but as soon as he let the darkness embraces him, stabbing pain prevented him from giving into total sleep.
He feels like he's trapped in between worlds and he hates the idea and the feeling of it. Buck wanted to stay in the world that have Eddie and Chris in it but right now he's encapsulated in a world clustered with pain and agony. Colours keep bursting behind his closed eyelids as waves of nausea hitting him.
He can't help but to let his mind runs the image of Ana substituting Buck in their house. Ana kissing Eddie goodbye. Ana making pancakes with chocolate chips for Chris. Ana on Buck's side of the bed. Ana celebrating Christmas and Halloween with the 118. Ana attending the parent-teacher meeting with Eddie. Ana putting Chris to bed. Maybe later on Ana will give Eddie another child. Maybe a girl so they'll have a pair. Buck had thought of adopting another baby with Eddie but they haven't really discuss it seriously, and now Buck is about to lose his chance.
Pictures of Eddie and Chris with Ana and their faceless child slowly taking over the house, replacing any trace of Buck in it.
Where will Buck be? Who will Buck be?
"And I get the feelin' that you'll never need me again"
After feeling like eternity, the line of consciousness finally tugging him awake. Buck can feel a presence beside him, but he's in so much pain that tears are slipping free from the corner of his eyes.
He can feel the warm hands holding his left but he can't make out the owner but the feeling is like coming home.
But later the pain become unbearable to the point that he regrets of being awake.
The hands that are holding him suddenly gone and so as his consciousness. Buck knows no more as he slipped back into a nightmare addled sleep.
"What am I now?
What am I now?
What if you're someone I just want around?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
Clarity comes to him in stages. At one point he can hear a voice saying his name and Buck simply hums in response. That is his name, right?
Later he can hear Eddie's voice calling him, and he smiles to the thought that his husband is still beside him. At least he's not a lost cause.
When the numbness slowly fades, he can feel familiar calloused hand stroking his jaw and he leans his face into the warm palm silently pleading: please bring him home.
"What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
(Falling - Harry Styles)
Eddie’s POV is here: https://cirrius-akiyo.tumblr.com/post/621917028804165632/hold-on-lets-go-home-i-kissed-ana-eddie 
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imfires333 · 4 years
Undead (2)
Tumblr media
Summary: Your world turns upside down (quite literally) when you wake up to find a mysterious man who tells you you’re undead.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
All you could see was white.
It was burning.
You groaned in pain and scrunched your eyes closed against the flare of light burning your eyes. With your eyes closed, you heard violent clicking sounds that resembled someone pressing buttons over and over. There was the sound of a truck passing by, tires squealing and engine puffing. A soft whisper. Furniture moving, something briefly skittering across the floor. Footsteps growing louder and louder. A doorknob twisting. A door quietly creaking open. More footsteps. A click.
You opened your eyes again, expecting the harsh brightness again, only this time it was gone and replaced by a face, curly black hair falling from either side. A soft jawline held his face together, his chin perfectly flat at the middle. His pale pink lips, a stark contrast against his tanned skin, were slightly parted, showing a sliver of white teeth behind them. You followed his nose up, observing how it gently tapered off at the top, so far showing no sign of an imperfection. Then you found it. The eyes. They were red, the color of your favorite merlot, staring straight through you, making you gulp. Your throat suddenly closed up, and your hands went up to grab at your own neck, not understanding how it was betraying you at a moment like this.
The man frowned from above you, his eyebrows creasing, mouth pressed into a hard line. He leaned away and your eyes followed him. “Are you thirsty?” he asked, reaching to a place next to you and finding what looked like a juice pouch. He ripped a corner off the side of the juice pouch with his teeth and held it out for you to take. No straw?
Your thirst took over your need for a straw and you took it, tipping the pouch against your mouth and letting the liquid fall in. It was a thick liquid that coated the insides of your mouth, taking you aback briefly before you continued guzzling the delicious drink, thinking it was probably the most wonderful thing you’ve ever consumed. You squeezed the remainder out desperately, sucking on the corner that the man had made for you seconds ago.
“That should be okay for the next couple hours, so we’ll have to get you some more soon,” he huffed in what sounded like annoyance. His eyebrows were knotted together, and he looked around the room, running a hand through his black hair. Beginning to pace around the room, he said, “Just had to be there at that time, huh? And put me in this spot? Well, I don’t know why I’m mad at you since this is all my fault anyway. I don’t know how, but it is. This shouldn’t even be possible!” he said to himself, walking back and forth.
“I’m sorry, what’s going on?” you asked, your voice coming out hoarse like you hadn’t used it in a while. You wondered how long you’d been sleeping. Black curtains were covering the window, so you couldn’t estimate what time it was, and looking around the room, you couldn’t find a clock anywhere. “What time is it? Where am I? And who are you anyway?” you blurted out, confusion taking over. You found yourself sitting up and tried to ignore the headrush you got as a result.
The man stopped pacing and faced you. The sudden halt startled you, and you held your breath, not expecting what he would do next. You had no idea who this guy was, where you were, and how long you’d been there. Was this guy a kidnapper? A murderer? You felt an immense fear wash over your body as he walked toward the other end of the room. He picked up the chair that was sitting there and set it next to the bed you lay in.
“While I’m seriously pissed off, I know that this must be strange and confusing for you, so I’ll do my best to answer your questions, so long as you don’t fire them off at rapid speed like just now.” He leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on his knees and fingers woven together. His hair fell in his face, and his red eyes bore through you. You leaned back into the pillows behind you as if to escape his gaze. He appeared to notice and raised his eyebrows questioningly.
You let out the breath you’d been holding and spoke slowly, more for yourself than him. “First, where am I, and how long have I been here?”
“That’s two questions,” he chuckled. “But I think I can handle it. You’re at the house I share with some others, and you’ve been sleeping here for six days.”
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. “Six days?!” you shrieked. “Sleeping?!” The longest you’d ever slept was probably fourteen hours after a long day burning at the beach. This guy must have been seriously crazy. That was literally impossible unless you’d been in a coma. Wait, was I?
His attitude was so nonchalant considering the bizarre situation you were in right now. He shrugged. “Yeah, but I slept longer when I was your age.”
“You know my age?” Was he a stalker? Did he stalk and kidnap you, bringing you here? Where even is here? “Don’t tell me you’ve been stalking me. I mean, I’m always paranoid that someone’s watching me, but I didn’t think someone was actually watching me.”
Again, he laughed at your blabbering and leaned back in his chair, swinging one leg on top of the other. “I’m referring to your age in this life.”
This was getting weirder and weirder. This guy is definitely crazy, and I need to tread carefully so he doesn’t snap and kill me. “This life? What are you talking about?”
The man smiled and paused before continuing, as if he was unsure of what to tell you next. “Well…Welcome to the life of the undead. It’s not great, but it’s better than nothing. You’ll find out soon enough.”
There was a long pause, and you burst out laughing. “Ha! Oh my god, you’re crazy. Seriously, you need to get that checked out.”
His expression grew dark and his eyes burned a hole in you. “Listen, I don’t know who you are either, but you’re a vampire just like us now, so the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on with your new life.” The words came out angrily, like he was spitting them out at you. “If you don’t believe me, believe your senses. You must have noticed a difference between what you sensed before and what you sense now.”
As if on cue, an intoxicating scent swirled around your nose, and you eagerly stood up, spinning around to search the room for the source. It smelled like almost nothing you’ve ever experienced before but threw you back to the thought of drinking the juice pouch. Why are you thinking of that juice right now? You need to find where that smell is coming from!
The man stood up quickly and brought his hands to your shoulders, pushing you back down to a seated position on the bed. “Not so fast, ma’am. We can’t have you going out there killing someone in broad daylight.”
“What? Why would I kill someone?” you asked, perplexed by the accusation that you would kill someone over something like this. “I just need to find that smell!” You tried standing up again, but his hands kept you firmly in place.
He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Listen to me. That wonderful scent you are smelling right now is blood. You need blood. I gave you as much as I had on hand in that bag, but we have to wait until nightfall to go out.”
“The bag? What…” you trailed off, remembering the juice pouch. What is going on? Then you had an idea. “Where is the bathroom?” you demanded. You had to confirm your thoughts with your own eyes.
“Bathroom?” he said, caught off guard by the sudden question that seemed very out of place. “Uh, this way. But I’m holding onto you so you don’t make a run for that guy,” he continued, removing his hands from your shoulders and wrapping a cold hand tightly around your wrist.
He pulled you out of the room that was at the end of a long white hallway. There were three other doors, two on the left and one on the right. He led you to the door on the right and opened it, showing a large bathroom. The first thing that caught your eye was the marble tub that sat opposite the door. Black curtains were above the tub, covering what you assumed to be more windows. You walked into the bathroom and felt the cold tiles underneath your feet. Looking to the left, you found what you were looking for.
You stared into the mirror, which showed someone who resembled you but was not you. This person looked like an upgraded version of yourself. You walked closer to examine the stranger. There were no dark circles underneath your eyes. The pimple that had appeared yesterday morning—or a week ago, according to the man behind you whom you knew nothing about—had disappeared, as well as the scar that you’d gotten on your cheek as a child from getting too close to your dog while he was eating. Getting even closer, you examined your eyes. They were a little lighter than they used to be, but there was no mistaking it. What was once a chocolate brown color in your irises was now deep red, resembling the color that you’d seen when you first woke up. The color of his eyes.
You spun around and faced him, grabbing the porcelain sink for support. He didn’t move. No one breathed. Just waiting for the other to say something first. With the silence between you two, you could hear the rustling of leaves from outside, a train whirring by, a cat yowling. It was so quiet in the room that you thought if you listened hard enough, you’d be able to hear your heartbeat. But you didn’t. You moved two fingers to your wrist, the one that the man had grabbed, and felt for the familiar sign of life.
“What did you do to me?” you hissed. You were angry. You didn’t know where this anger came from or when it began, but the only thing you could see was red. Red, the color of his eyes. Of your eyes.
He slowly moved closer to you with his hands up, inching across the tiled floor. He was only a few feet from you, and the moment seemed to drag on for an eternity. You weren’t sure what he would do once he got to you, but you were scared to let it happen. You brought your hands in front of you and balled them into fists. At this, his red eyes widened and the corner of his mouth twisted up into a smirk.
“Will you listen to me this time? Without thinking I’m some crazy stalker?” he said, continuing to slide his feet toward you. You hoped he didn’t see your hands trembling from what you didn’t know was anger or fear.
You considered the facts. You woke up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar person staring at you. You drank what you thought was juice. Your senses were nothing like they’d been before. Your imperfections that you’d hated were gone. And your eyes were red.
Something definitely weird was going on here.
Lowering your fists, you let out a shaky breath. Any way you looked at it, you had to cooperate with him to figure out what was going on. This man seemed to be the only one with answers right now. Your chances of escaping were low, considering you had no idea where you were and that this guy would probably not let you leave so easily, you had a feeling. So you decided. “Let’s talk.”
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To Forgive and Forget - Chapter 8
I am so so sorry it has taken me so long to update this fic. For those of you who are still with me, I really appreciate your support. Special thanks to @lurkingwhump, @guadalajara92 and @indelibleevidence for encouraging me to get writing again. Because it's been so long, here's a short recap.
'The team are called to a foster home under an anonymous tip, they find emaciated children in the floorboards and discover there is a missing child. Kurt takes the case to heart and trying to help, Jane calls Clem. Kurt and Jane end up having the worst fight of their marriage. 
A tip from Clem leads them to a seemingly abandoned warehouse, where they come under fire. Jane is shot and codes in en route. After two surgeries, she pulls through and is transferred to the ICU.'
I hope you guys enjoy this next update. I think there will only be one, maybe two more chapters left in this fic. 
It had been five days. The five longest days of his life. Kurt had barely been able to breathe for the first forty eight hours. He didn't have to use his badge against the staff in the end. A lot of the nurses had been a part of Jane's care when she was dying from the ZIP poisoning. They didn't have the heart to ask him to leave, even going as far as to bring him sandwiches and an endless supply of coffee.
Only when Jane defied the odds and survived the first two days, did Allie manage to convince Kurt to go home and have a shower and some sleep, with the promise that she wouldn't leave Jane's side while he was gone. 
On day three, they removed her ventilator, swapping it out for a nasal cannula, providing humidified oxygen. Her levels were remaining strong. The doctors had chosen to administer fluids through an arterial line, deciding to play it safe with the amount of bloodloss she had suffered. They wanted to make sure her BP didn't drop. 
Happy with her progress, they had started to lift her sedation on day four. She hadn't shown any signs of waking, but the doctors had assured Kurt that that was completely normal. Her body was exhausted. She had a long recovery ahead of her, and they wouldn't be surprised if she didn't wake up for a few more days. 
Once again though, she had surprised them all. On the fifth day Kurt was sitting beside her, talking to her softly, when she squeezed his hand. 
"Jane?" he asked, jumping to his feet and leaning over her. "Can you hear me?" 
Her eyes twitched, her eyebrows furrowing. She let out a weak groan, swallowing heavily.
Kurt reached out pressing the call bell, before returning his attention to his wife.
"Jane?" he asked again. 
She coughed weakly, grimacing at the pain the motion caused.
"K-" she tried, her voice croaky and thick. She swallowed again. "Kurt?" she managed to say, before cracking her eyes open.
Relief washed through Kurt with such force he nearly choked.
"Oh Jane…" he whispered, cupping her cheek. 
She grimaced, exhaling slowly.
"W-wha?" she stammered weakly.
"You're in the ICU." Kurt replied softly. "You're gonna be ok…"
Jane closed her eyes in response. She was fading fast, her body completely exhausted. She let out a weak groan.
"Sssh…" he soothed, stroking her hair gently. "It's ok baby. Go back to sleep… you'll feel better when you wake." 
Jane complied, drifting back into a healing sleep. A nurse came by moments later, switching off the call light and looking at Kurt expectantly. 
"She woke up." Kurt said proudly, not taking his eyes off his little fighter. 
The nurse's eyes widened. "I'll go notify the doctor!" she said quickly.
Kurt sat beside Jane, grinning from ear to ear. She had said his name. He had thought he would never hear her voice again, and then she had said his name. It was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.
Doctor Thompson entered the room after a short time.
"The nurse said she woke up." the doctor said, an optimistic smile on his face.
Kurt nodded, still holding Jane's hand.
"What did she do?" Doctor Thompson asked, moving further into the room to read her obs. "I just want to check it wasn't just a reflex."
Kurt smiled again.
"She squeezed my hand and opened her eyes. Then she said my name." 
The doctor's eyebrows raised at that. 
"I've said it once… I'll say it again… that wife of yours, is a fighter." he replied.
"Yes she is." Kurt replied softly, gazing in awe at his wife. For the first time since this had all happened, nearly a week ago, Kurt felt a sense of hope.
Since Jane had woken the first time, Kurt hadn't wanted to leave her side, in case she woke again. He didn't want her to wake up and he not be there. Both Patterson and Allie had come to visit briefly, offering to sit with Jane while he used the bathroom. They brought him food, encouraging him to eat. If he wanted to look after Jane, he needed to look after himself. He needed to keep his strength up. 
She hadn't woken again throughout the night, her body too spent. It was around midday the next day, that her eyelids started twitching. She let out a weak groan, her hand coming up to her nasal cannula.
Kurt took her hand gently.
"Leave it." he whispered softly, reaching out with his free hand to press her buzzer.
Jane cracked her eyes open, swallowing thickly. She stared blindly for a moment, before blinking, her eyes searching. He moved into her field of vision, her sight finally resting on his face.
He reached out and stroked her face. "Hey baby." he murmured. 
"Kurt." she whispered, too weak to use her voice.
He brought her fingers slowly to his mouth, kissing them delicately. His eyes welled up with tears, relief literally pouring out out him as he cried.
Jane frowned, not wanting him to be sad. She blinked questioningly at him, wanting him to tell her what was wrong. Her brain was too foggy to remember what had happened. 
The doctor chose that moment to enter the room. Jane pulled her eyes away from her ailing husband, in search of answers.
"Jane." Doctor Thompson said standing over her. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you awake." 
Jane raised her eyebrow. Communicating in facial cues didn't require as much energy. She caught the look the doctor gave Kurt, followed by his nod of confirmation. 
"I'm Doctor Thompson." the doctor started. "You have been one hell of a fighter." 
Jane frowned, still not able to remember what had happened. Had she gotten sick? Had the ZIP poisoning come back? Panic set in behind her eyes.
"What happened?" she managed to breathe out. She felt puffed… something didn't feel right within her chest. 
"You were shot Jane." Kurt muttered, his shame and guilt rising in the pit of his stomach.
Jane furrowed her brow, trying to remember. She looked questioningly at Kurt. "What happened?" she asked again, having to breath between words. 
Doctor Thompson took that moment to step in. 
"You were shot twice." he started, decided to relay the information to her in a clinical fashion. "One damaged your lung, the other your spleen… we had to remove your spleen and a lobe of your lung." 
Jane looked worriedly at Kurt. His eyes were downcast and he wouldn't meet her gaze. 
"How long?" she croaked.
"It's been a week." Kurt replied, still looking at the floor.
Jane frown.
"What?" she asked, trying to make her voice sound stronger. There was something he wasn't telling her. She could see it plastered all over his face. 
Kurt finally lifted his head, looking at her eyes, his expression creasing with what looked like grief.
"You died, Jane." he choked out.
Jane blinked, her foggy brain having trouble deciphering that information. Was she still dead now? Was this a dream? What was going on? If she wasnt on such heavy painkillers, she would have been able to figure out that she had obviously been revived. 
"You bled out…" Kurt could no longer speak, the doctor taking over.
"We managed to restart your heart and stabilise you in surgery. You've been in a medically induced coma for a few days now." 
Jane nodded at that, her energy suddenly spent. She couldn't bring herself to process the information just yet. It was too overwhelming.
Both Kurt and the doctor noticed that she was fading. 
"Call me if you need anything." Doctor Thompson said, before leaving the room. Quite often he had to have these conversations more than once with patients in the ICU, their opiate confused brains not always able to comprehend or remember what he tells them.
This left Kurt and Jane alone again. She reached weakly for his hand, needing to feel him close. 
Kurt stood, kissing her gently on the forehead. "You rest now." he murmured. "I love you." 
He thought Jane was already asleep, but she opened her lips, croaking out a soft "I love you too." before her breathing evened out and she drifted back off. 
"Sweet dreams, baby." he murmured, before he was overcome with a strong sense of déjà vu. This time… he was so bloody thankful that she was showing signs of pulling through. She was doing everything faster than the doctors expected. He was so thankful that they were receiving this second chance.
When Jane woke the third time, the first thing she felt was pain. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth falling open as her breath was stole away. 
Her face grimaced in agony, her breath coming out in a sharp gasp.
"Jane?" Kurt was by her side in an instant.
"K-kurt…" she cried out.
"What's wrong Jane?" he asked desperately.
She replied by clenching her teeth, a strangled scream escaping her throat.
Kurt rushed to the door. "Please help!" he yelled, before returning to her side. "It's ok Jane… I'm here… what can I do?"
Jane couldn't speak. Her chest was white hot, screaming in pain every time she tried to take a breath. She was trying with all her might not to scream, knowing that it would make things worse. She writhed on the bed, tears leaking out of her eyes, travelling down to her hairline.
The ICU nurse came rushing in. Seeing how much pain Jane was in she quickly rushed back out, paging Jane's doctor.
Kurt couldn't do anything but hold her hand and whisper reassurances in her ear. He wanted nothing more than to lay on the bed with her and take her into his arms, but he knew that moving her would aggravate her pain even further. 
"Sshhh Jane… try to calm down… slow your breathing down." he said desperately. 
Due to being in the ICU, they didn't have to wait long for the doctor to show up. 
It was Doctor Murphy who entered the room, the same doctor that had notified Kurt while Doctor Thompson had been operating on Jane the second time.
"What's happening?" she asked, rushing into the room, a team of nurses in her wake.
"I don't know!" Kurt replied, standing back out of the way. "She just woke up in agony!"
Doctor Murphy quickly examined her, while a nurse administered some stronger pain relief.
Jane started to calm down, the medication working quickly. Kurt sighed in relief as she relaxed. He looked questioningly at Doctor Murphy, who was examining Jane's suture sight.
"With all the tattoos it's hard to see if there is any underlying redness… but there is no extra swelling." She lowered Jane's gown back down, draping the blanket over her body again. "I think she is ok." Doctor Murphy said, turning towards Kurt. Jane had closed her eyes, trying to calm herself back down after such an onslaught of pain.  
"She is becoming more aware. The sedation is completely out of her system… we just need to make a few modifications to her painkillers." The doctor smiled. "Relax Kurt… this is a good thing."
Kurt took a shaky breath in. While it had been torture seeing his wife in so much pain… it was a relief to know that she was coming back to him, both in body and in mind. It would only be a matter of time before she started to remember. 
Jane went from peacefully sleeping, to wide awake in a matter of seconds. Her eyes were wide, the most alert she had been in days, but there was an underlying panic set within.
"Jane? Are you in pain again?" Kurt asked, rushing to her side.
Jane shook her head.
"Water…" she croaked. Kurt lifted the head of the bed up slowly, before getting her cup from the nightstand. She took a quick sip, before clearing her throat. "The girl… did you find the girl?" she asked desperately. 
Kurt smiled. Her memory was coming back. "She's safe." Kurt said, then paused. He wasn't sure how much of her memory had come back and he wasn't sure he was ready to address their argument. He shook his head. He was being selfish… and the longer he left things, the more pissed she would be if she remembered on her own and knew he had decided to avoid it. He took a breath. "Clem phoned in with an address… the man who- the man who shot you was holding her captive."
"Is she ok?" Jane asked, deciding for the time being not to comment on their argument. Checking on the wellbeing of the child was more important at this point. 
Kurt nodded. "She's fine… they've reunited her with Fletcher."
Jane smiled, and nodded. "I'm glad she's ok."
An uncomfortable silence fell upon them. Now was the time for apologies. They had both learnt that life was way too short. They needed to cherish each other. Apologize for the hurtful things they had said and move on…
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iamartemisday · 5 years
90 and 32 for Loki and your choice?
Is there really a choice? lol
Pregnancy Fic + Unexpected Virgin
...hoo boy.
Okay, so Loki decides one day to go to Midgard. No real reason why. He’s just bored.
While there, he meets some mildly interesting people, including a young woman about to graduate college named Jane Foster. She’s just escaped an incredibly painful blind date and Loki further helps her avoid the hapless human by pretending to kiss her in an alleyway. Her hot breath on his face actually makes him think of kissing her for real, but that’s a ridiculous notion. What kind of prince would he be cavorting with mortals? 
Regardless, as they talk about life and Jane’s plans for grad school, he finds himself intrigued by her. She’s highly intelligent for her species and while her grip on the Bifrost could not be more basic, if anyone was going to figure it out, he’d say it was her. 
Over the next month or so, Loki starts visiting Midgard and Jane more and more. As far as she knows, he’s another student like her home for summer break. As they grow closer, Loki thinks more and more about what it would be like to kiss her. Finally, the day comes and by Odin, can she ever kiss. 
Of course, there’s no way something like this can last. Even putting aside Loki’s greater longevity, there are so many people out there he’s pissed off. If they know a vulnerable mortal woman has caught his eye, no way they won’t take advantage.
That’s how Jane ends up a hostage of one of Loki’s many enemies. He is able to save her and kill the perpetrator, but he realizes now that their relationship can only end in pain. He knows now just how deeply in love with her he’s fallen. He loves her so much that he can find it in himself to erase every trace of him from her memory. Everything from their first meeting to the day they first kissed. He gives her one more kiss before he leaves her, pouring all his love and magic into it. Along with a wish that one day, somehow, their paths would cross again.
And so, Loki leaves her. Jane wakes up the next morning in her apartment with no recollection of her harrowing adventure or the prince she once loved. It’s as if nothing ever happened. 
Except as the days go by, Jane starts to have some odd symptoms. She’s weirdly sick in the morning and feels faint during the day. She’s moodier than usual, only wants to eat food she hates and gets random headaches.
There is an obvious answer that is also completely impossible. Jane is not ashamed to admit she’s never had sex (like it even matters how long someone waits). In fact, she hasn’t dated since that one awful blind date a few months ago (every time she thinks about it she feels sad for no reason, and she still can’t figure out why). Days later, the symptoms persist. As a joke, she buys a home pregnancy test. Not like it’s going to mean anything.
The test comes back positive.
Jane buys three more. All positive.
She goes to the doctor, who confirms it. 
Now, this is a major problem because again, Jane has never had sex. She rarely drinks and hasn’t been to a bar recently. A few guys in her department like her, but there was no way they’d ever do something like that to her. Right? 
The time frame of conception is determined. Jane recalls a day during that time when she did go to the bar, and now that she thinks about it, her memory of that week is a bit spotty...
At that point, Jane, being the determined woman she is, decides she can’t worry about what might’ve happened right now. She needs to think about what is happening. The obvious answer is abortion. That or adoption. How can she, a grad student going into astrophysics of all things, take care of a child? It’s not that she doesn’t want kids, it’s the idea never even crossed her mind because she’s just that focused on her goal. 
Now, motherhood is an actual reality. It’s still early enough for her to make an appointment at the clinic. She’s online researching, still unsure if she’s actually going to call, when she feels something. At first, she thinks she’s imagining it. She feels her stomach and there it is again. The tiniest movement. Maybe not even a movement at all. Maybe just a heartbeat...
At that moment, something fundamental within Jane changes. She closes her current web search and opens a new one on pregnancy guides and nearby baby stores.
A few months later, Jane’s daughter is born. While it’s definitely a bit on the nose given the circumstances, Jane can’t resist writing Christina on the birth certificate. 
It’s not as hard as she thought it would be. Erik and her mother are both huge helps. They immediately fall in love with the baby and watch her while Jane is at school and studying. By the time she gets her degree, Christina is five and has spent the last few years providing constant encouragement for her mother. She walks at Jane’s side during her graduation. She gets a little stuffed bear with a cap and gown while Jane gets her doctorate. 
The next few years are a bit hectic. Jane tries to give Christina as much stability as possible. They live in one place for a few years while Jane teaches at the university and builds up goodwill with the staff in order to get the grant money she needs to fund her research. Her efforts finally pay off when Christina is about to turn nine. Jane sets up her lab in New Mexico and they move there for the summer. They might stay longer depending on what Jane finds, but she doesn’t tell Christina that just yet. She’s already complaining about how boring Puente Antiguo is.
To entertain herself, Christina reads and writes about all sorts of fun adventures she could be having. She’s never showed her mom this, or anyone for that matter, but she has a few strange little talents no one else seems to have. For example, she can sometimes move things around without touching them. One time, she swears she turned a mean kid’s hair blue when he was bullying her and her friends. Snakes seem to really like her. She can’t talk to them like Harry Potter, but they do follow her sometimes. There are tons of snakes in New Mexico, but she’s not too bothered by it. They all seem pretty nice.
Soon Darcy arrives and she more or less bonds with her new boss’s kid. When some guy in town starts hassling Darcy, Christina asks one of her snake friends to make him go away and the guy never comes back. Another guy makes fun of Jane on the street, calling her a crackpot. He rather suddenly trips over nothing and knocks a few of his teeth out. 
Jane does notice a lot of this stuff, but not once does she think to connect it to her innocent daughter. Meanwhile, Christina is well aware that she’s the one doing this. Somehow or other, she does have powers no one else has, and she’s starting to realize just how strong those powers might be.
It all comes to a head with the arrival of Thor. Jane went out with Darcy and Erik to watch for an incoming storm. Christina had to stay home, as this could be dangerous. So, of course, she snuck along in the back hidden under a blanket. She’s right there when Thor falls from the sky. Terrified that they’re all about to die, Christina unleashes a HUGE wave of magic. Big enough to disrupt the bifrost and send Thor flying into a nearby rock formation. He hits his head hard, and as he is now human. this is not an insignificant injury.
In fact, when they get to the hospital, the poor stranger has already slipped into a coma. Jane is left to comfort her hysterical daughter who won’t stop blaming herself for what happened, She finally admits the truth about her powers to Jane and demonstrates by summoning a pen from the nurse’s station. Jane is shocked and has no idea what to do. Christina interprets this as her mother being scared of her and runs away. Jane chases after her. By the time she turns the corner, Christina is gone. Jane searches the entire hospital, but her little girl is nowhere to be found.
Now comes Loki. He’s been pretty out of it ever since losing Jane. Though it’s been close to a decade on Earth, that barely feels like a week to him. Now Thor has been banished, he has some truly uncomfortable questions to ask Odin about his origins, and to top it all off, one of his old enemies has just randomly appeared with a little girl in tow.
(NOTE: I honestly have no idea who the enemy would be. If I actually wrote this I’d just figure it out later)
His enemy mocks him for growing soft and not protecting his progeny like he should have. Loki has no idea what the hell this guy is talking about until he gets a better look at the girl. Her midnight black hair, terrified blue eyes, that face just like a younger Jane.
He hadn’t looked in on her since he left. He just couldn’t bring himself to. Now he wishes to all his ancestors that he had. The enemy issues a challenge, daring him to come and save his newfound daughter. He disappears with Christina, and try as he might, Loki can’t trace where they’ve gone. He has a few ideas, but he’s going to need some help.
And he’s going to need to correct some old mistakes as well.
At the hospital, the police have arrived and are searching for the missing girl. Jane curls up in the waiting room, thinking of everything that led them to this point. If only she hadn’t accepted the grant money. If only she’d gone somewhere else to search for bridges. If only she’d paid enough attention to her own fucking child to know that she was literally psychic. Or magic. Or something!
While she cries, a shadow appears over her. When Jane looks up, a tall man with dark hair and eyes like Christina is watching her.
It all comes flooding back.
She remembers Loki. She remembers their kiss, that monster thing that kidnapped her. Loki saved her, and then he told her they’d never see each other again. Then she woke up at home as if from a dream and it was like he never existed at all.
But he had. She knew now that she had, and she had a daughter to prove it.
Which still begs the question of how. She knows now that they definitely didn’t have sex. Loki’s theory is that his magic somehow infused with latent abilities within Jane herself (she might actually have a small percentage of Asgardian in her) and created a child born of them both. It’s a tenuous idea at best, but it’s all he has right now, and who even cares how Christina was conceived. Point is, she exists and she’s been kidnapped and Thor is in a freaking coma now and can’t help them. Time to gear up and save their kid!
Not going to go into too much detail here as I’ve already written way too much. Basically, Loki teaches Jane to harness the magic within. She already knows a few knife tricks from self-defense classes, so Loki gives her a new knife that never dulls and is virtually indestructible. When she’s ready, they strike out to find their daughter in the enemy’s secret hideout. At some point, Thor wakes up and rushes to help his brother. His willingness to go to a far off planet and fight to the death for a child he’s never met makes him worth of Mjolnir again at just the right time. Loki and Jane rescue their little girl, who instinctively knows her father the moment she sees him. The enemy is defeated and now they’re free to start over and live as the family they were always meant to be. 
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Time vs Force.
Summary: Dark often attacks the heroes, but recently those attacks have been much more persistent, and sometimes repetition and careful planning is all they have.
A/N: This would have come out yesterday but I had another migraine attack and took a seven hour nap.
If the other fics in this series have been unclear: (a strong possibility because I’m the one writing it) J.J has time manipulation powers. Why? I just like the ascetic, and I had to put that kind of power into the hands of a character I trusted. Nate has music based abilities that enhance the abilities and powers of those around him, Mare’s the one who can turn it into a living music video so often enemies get buffed if he’s not careful.
Jackie was running in from a patrol, almost slamming into Nate who was rushing out of the base at full speed. The speedster had felt one of the ripples that J.J created whenever he used his powers and had come sprinting back to the base to see what was wrong. Jackie tried to say hi, but the singer just kept on going until he caught up with Roman down the street, talking with him.
The speedster walked into the lobby to find J.J with his head on the table. Jackie noticed how tired he looked. But tried not to be too worried, J.J tended to bounce between unfailing enthusiasm, and looking like he was going to drop where he stood in an endless sleep.
“Hey, Jay,” Jackie smiled. “Need some coffee?”
The silent hero held up a series of cards and motioned for Jackie to flip through them. The first card read “No.”
J.J chuckled. “Should I be worried we’ve had this conversation enough times for you to make these?”
The mute motioned again for Jack to flip to the next card. “Don’t worry about me. Go and take care of Chase, he makes bad choices today.”
“Really?” J.J looked at J.J who still had his head on the table. Trying for a joke, and to see how predictable these cards were, he asked, “Hey Jackie, what’dya get when you cross a bean with a—”
He was cut off when J.J flipped him off.
“How bad is it?” Jackie was worried, usually J.J only got this exhausted after using his powers repeatedly, and that was always a bad thing.
“Go and find Chase, we’ve got enough people at the base,” J.J repeatedly, his hands slowing down as if he was trying to enunciate every little hand motion.
“Okay, okay, call me if anything happens,” Jackie set the cards down and after watching Jackie for a bit, he headed back out to check on the rest of the city.
J.J watched him go before trying to take a short nap, which he got a couple minutes in before he was lightly shaken awake by Nate. The singer was sitting on the table, looking a bit tired.
Nate gave a wave.
The mute gave a tired sigh, pulling out his pocket watch as he reached for the cards he’d prepared. “How long do we have?”
“Host says maybe fifteen minutes,” Nate shrugged. “If we’re lucky, but he thinks it’ll be closer to ten.”
J.J had an exhausted hollow look on his face as he rubbed at his arms.
Nate let out a sympathetic sigh, “You said the park kinda worked, we could try that again?”
There was a long stretch of silence, where J.J wasn’t signing but he was clearly thinking things through. Nate let him think, trying not to think about how little time they had.
After a bit, J.J lifted his hand and sighed a simple, “No.”
“Okay, I’ll get my equipment and make that call,” Nate had other questions but he’d save it for when J.J looked less like he was going to drop into a magical coma.
Nate left a full pot of coffee on the table and gave J.J a reassuring smile before he jogged down into the hanger bay when Anxiety was standing with the Host, the two were talking.
“How we looking?” Nate asked.
Anxiety looked distressed, he was holding a couple notebook papers of notes on how to set up Nate’s equipment, “I woke up ten minutes ago and I’ve literally never done this before.”
“Anxiety has set up Nate’s equipment more than adequately,” the Host announced, he looked like he was in a clean change of bandages.
“Iplier around?” Nate asked.
“The Doctor left with Marvin,” the Host answered.
“How long did that take?” Nate was ready walking over to his guitar and checking it.
“The Host had to lie a bit to get the magician to leave,” the Host smiled. “It was cathartic for the Host to do.”
“Is Mare going to cooperate?” Nate sighed, the singer was playing a couple chords to warm up his fingers.
“Great, it’s got a nickname now?” Anxiety sounded horrified and amazed.
“Demons are touchy like that,” Nate reminded. “Real question is do you want to hang back with Host or up in front with me and Jay?”
“J.J said I was better with you,” Virgil shrugged, looking away. He was already bringing a hand up to start chewing off his fingernails again.
“You’ve got the ability to create nightmares,” Nate reminded pointedly. “I’m making an executive decision, seniority be damned, if you don’t feel comfortable then sit with Host.”
“The Host agrees that Anxiety’s sense of security around the Entity is of vital importance,” the Host agreed, breaking away from his quiet minor narrations.
Virgil breathed in and out deeply, pulling his ring finger away from his teeth. “No, I’ll do it.”
“You sure?” Nate stopped to study him for a bit. “Dark can be a scary guy when he wants to be, there’s no shame in sitting with the Host just because J.J and I are desensitized to demons.”
“You clearly haven’t met Remus,” Virgil tried to joke, standing up.
Nate chuckled a little, but whatever comeback he had was distracted by J.J coming into the hanger with a coffee mug in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other. The singer held out his hand to look at the song list, most of it in his handwriting which always surprised him every time he saw something like this. He had no recollection of writing it, ergo J.J had brought it with him during his jumps.
“Go time then,” Nate tapped it to the floor in front of him, looking at the song choice. The Host nodded and backed up to the wall of the hanger to throw up what looked like an illusion so he could give himself space to work.
Nate started playing the opening to his song, “The Wrecked and the Worried”, starting into the song as his shadow began trying to shoot back as if it was trying to leap out of his body. It hit where the Host was before shooting back towards the Host before the blind orator shot it back towards Nate, effectively locking the Phantom in place until they were done.
Nate kept singing, clearly fighting whatever grab for control the lyrical demon was trying to make before dark lines dragged down Nate’s face from his eyes. The room began to be covered with trees and lined with walls covered in doors. All three of the heroes felt their bodies charged with energy.
“Okay,” Nate called out, looking from J.J to the Host. “He’s willing to play ball but he’s testy. Let’s get this show on the road.”
J.J was doing something with his pocket watch but put it back into his pocket and made a signal towards the Host. After a second the hanger door began to lower. It was barely fully open for a couple seconds before Dark suddenly appeared.
He was looking at the invisible shield around the base, clearly. Sizing it up but not reaching up to touch it.
“Aren’t you all tired of this song and dance,” Dark sighed as if he was bored instead of — as Virgil accurately suspected — absolutely furious. “I know I am and I can’t remember all the times we’ve played this charade.”
“You’re not the only demon here,” Nate warned, always trying to strum or play something so that there was always some music playing, his magic and power energizing his allies around him.
“Oh yes, your little shadow,” Dark scoffs, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “A child even compared to Anti. A true terror, forgive my impertinence.”
Nate’s eyes darkened and he let out a hiss, Nate violently shook his head, the music stopping for a second before Nate started to pick it up again.
“I’m going to remember this next time you and Anti ask for help,” Dark threatened, his eyes traveling the room until he saw Virgil. He grinned at him, something downright evil and twisted. “Ahh, I’d heard you’d lost your mind. Too bad you don’t have that snake to protect you.”
“I don’t need him,” Virgil replied, but without a lot of the strength he had initially tried to have.
“I’m just here to take my enforcers, and be on my way, after burning this miserable place to the ground, of course,” Dark promised.
J.J waved to get Dark’s attention then held up a finger for Dark to hold on for a second before pressing the crown of his pocket watch back in, freeing some of the object from the time loop he’d been holding it into and several large flamethrowers dropped back into reality.
Dark was barely able to pull his aura up in time, mostly because being lit on fire was the last thing he expected, keeping his suit and hair from being singed. As the Host was wrapping them all up in some kind of pocket dimension. It looked like a park that should have had families, but while there were sounds of people and cars in the distance but all of that was conspicuously absent.
Nate started playing “Feel Good Inc” by the Gorillaz. J.J and Nate had been choosing music based on the type of music Dark didn’t like to begrudgingly tolerate, so they used music that Wil was more likely to listen to. Because everyone in the city knew Dark could get unnecessarily uppity about music, and Nate didn’t want to accidentally power Dark up.
“Author,” Dark called out, his tone angry and firm, his aura roiling off of him, “quit hiding behind them and face me!”
The Host’s only response was to use his narrations to summon up some sharp looking rebar poles to try and stab him with it. Dark was able to dodge it, but the message was clear.
Virgil had three pairs of spider legs sprout from his back, spider webs starting to appear from between his fingers and fingertips. It gave him a bit more mobility, and as an added bonus made him feel a bit scarier so he could be brave enough to fight Dark.
Nate’s music cut into Dark’s aura, and while it couldn’t physically harm him on its own, but it was distracting enough to let J.J and Virgil grab whatever the Host summoned in.
The mute hero would occasionally take heavier objects, displace them in time a bit, and leave them as traps to stun Dark with later on.
“You heroes are the bane of my existence,” Dark spat, clearly getting angrier. Nate was slowly transitioning to a new song, trying to keep the pressure on Dark’s aura to keep him from using the full strength of it from ripping J.J and Virgil’s heads off.
The demon had landed more than a couple blows on both of them but it wasn’t as dangerous as if Dark’s was at his full strength.
Virgil was momentarily knocked back, coughing as the air had been knocked out of his lungs. He looked down at his hands to see he had a pair of throwing daggers in his hands.
With the impulsivity 90% of the Sides were all known for, Virgil attached spider thread to the handle and threw it at Dark, almost hitting J.J but catching Dark off guard.
He nicked Dark’s arm, barely a serious injury but it served to piss Dark off even more.
Dark’s ringing became shrill after Virgil pulled the dagger back. They’d gotten him to this point last time before everything had apparently fallen apart because J.J had reset everything again. His normally coal black eyes had changed, his right was red, his left was blue. “You infuriating insect, Anti should have killed you immediately.”
The mute hero just huffed defiantly at Dark which seemed to make him angrier. J.J discreetly pressed on the crown of his pocket watch again and one of the steel rebar bars J.J had frozen appeared and stabbed Dark in the leg.
Dark screamed like a wild, furious animal, ripping the bar out and powderizing it.
“Give me my boys back, they’re mine!” Dark shouted, clearly becoming more and more upset by the second his form seemed to be splitting. “You filthy charlatans don’t get to steal them from me! They’re mine and I will keep coming back as many times as it takes so I can take them from your dead bodies!”
“Now,” the Host’s voice whispered in Virgil’s ear. “His shell is cracking.”
Virgil summoned up as much of his power as he possibly could and directed the most powerful wave of fear he could and it slammed into Dark. Either the demon was so single-mindedly furious at J.J that he either hadn’t cared about Virgil or didn’t see him.
Amplified by Nate’s musical magic, and the Host’s aura, Dark actually paused as if gripped by something.
“I got him?” Virgil realized in shock, trying to keep his fear affects going despite the fact that Dark’s aura was pushing against it, almost like another person trying to push against his pulses. “How’d I get him?”
“Anxiety should concentrate,” the Host told him. “The heroes don’t have long, the Entity is still dangerous when dazed and they will not get a second chance.”
“I’m trying,” Virgil spat.
“Let go,” Dark growled, but in that odd way that people typically did to Virgil’s illusions and not to anyone actually around them. “Let them go.”
J.J began creeping closer, trying to stay as quiet as possible, Dark’s eyes began to track around at something. The Entity let out an animalistic growl.
“I should have known you were hiding behind them,” Dark almost hissing in rage, seemingly getting angrier as he threw his aura in a random direction, almost taking Nate’s head off and slamming into his amp, the echoing of Nate’s magic diminishing and Virgil fought to keep holding the force of nature that was Dark’s aura.
Dark looked around wildly, he grabbed onto J.J who was too close to get away. “No! You don’t get to slither off again! You don’t get to take anything else from me.”
J.J grabbed onto the front of Dark’s suit jacket and as Dark’s was already starting to dig into his skin, the two just vanished.
Slowly the Host brought them out of whatever pocket dimension he’d shoved them into. The three heroes were standing in the garage again, the only damage visible was from the flamethrowers that J.J had dragged in.
“Do you think he’s okay?” Virgil asked, feeling drained now that that Dark and the threat he posed was gone. “Did we win this time?”
J.J walked back toward the base from down the street, looking like he’d been fed through a shredder.
“Jay?” Nate set down his guitar and limped over to him. “I’ll call Schneep.”
J.J raised up a hand to sign something and promptly toppled over and collapsed, almost falling onto his face. Nate was already on his phone, speed dialing Henrik, but Virgil noticed that Nate was clearly trying to fight Mare off now that Dark was gone.
“Natemare separated and escapes before more heroes arrive,” the Host narrated, Mare violently ripped away from Nate, causing the singer to scream and drop to the ground, his phone falling out of his hand. Virgil scooped it up, watching Mare race off with barely a glance at them.
Virgil didn’t understand why he was suddenly so tired and tried to communicate with Schneeplestein who was still in the base and on standby for their fight.
The Host walked over, blood was streaming from underneath his bandages, making them sag on his face. He tried to shield the sight of what his eyes — or lack thereof — looked like underneath his bandages from Virgil. “Jameson should rest, he and the heroes deserve their victory.”
“Is he dying?” Virgil panicked. “What are we going to do?”
“No, and Anxiety should still his troubled heart,” the Host tried to reassure. “All is well, for now.”
“And he’s going to keep coming back?” Virgil spat angrily.
“There is nothing that Anxiety can do to prevent the Entity from returning,” the Host reported.
“What happened in here?” Marvin gasped as Schneeplestein was running in from the base. The magician had suddenly appeared.
“Scheiße!” Henrik shouted in surprise and horror.
“A victory,” the Host was sitting on the ground, trying to shield his face from the others.
“Edvard is going to kill me,” Henrik grumbled, reaching down to help the Host up as Marvin was already trying to use his magic to lift J.J and Nate. Virgil was quick to stand up on his own. “Zeh infirmary vaits. Marvin, help me vit ze ozers.”
“Dr. Schneeplestein does not have to hold the Host’s hand, he is perfectly capable of walking,” the Host stood and dusted his face off. Then he tipped over and almost fell on his face, clearly just as drained as the other but he’d been better at hiding it.
“I vould laugh at you,” Henrik told him. “Ho’ever, Edvard vould kill me.”
As Virgil began flowing the others, Jackie closing up the garage to lock any unwanted guests out, Virgil had an uncomfortable pit in his gut. Dark would be back, and he would only get angrier. It had taken more out of them and next time he might bring help.
The anxious Side couldn’t help but worry. Things had been reasonably good for him, and he was just worried for the next time Dark would swing back around, that the Entity would be back and more dangerous than the last.
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