#they not only found something yellow for him to eat but to DRINK as well
itswhatyougive · 9 months
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Something something Steve is going to be food for Eddie in S5
125 notes · View notes
whatswrongwithblue · 25 days
The Fire in the Sin
Chapter 8 - Scrambled Eggs
Word count: 6,081. Read on AO3. Series Masterlist. <-Previous Chapter.
Summary: Alastor finds out someone has hurt his wife. TW: canon typical language. Mentions of violence. Possessive Alastor but it's honestly nothing too crazy.
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Series Summary:
In the 1950's, Alastor met the woman he would eventually marry but unfortunately his Radio Demon persona went for her soul rather than her hand. He has to learn what it means to love, and cherish, without possessing and he does. Their relationship is beautiful, strong, unbreakable . . . but he carries a dark secret through their marriage for decades until eventually he has to face the consequences of that secret and leave her, without warning, for seven years. He returns, finding her at the Hazbin Hotel, and has to convince her to forgive him, while being literally bound to secrecy, unable to tell her any of things he now is desperate to explain to her.
(This is a duel timeline fic, timestamps will be a the top of every chapter.)
Chapter 8 - Scrambled Eggs
Present Day
Dawn didn’t break in Hell the same way it did on Earth, at least not in Pride Ring. There was never any soft yellow glow on the horizon with a transition to baby blue with little fluffy white clouds. When morning came in Hell, it was just a slightly lighter color of red in the sky from the deep, almost black crimson of evening.
With her blinds closed and still mostly asleep, Mina had no idea what time it was when she shifted in her bed and noticed the weight of another body under the covers with her. It was not something she had experienced in seven years and the shock of it was enough to wake her up.
She carefully turned from facing the edge of the bed to look at the man fast asleep behind her. It was still very dark in the room, but she could make out the shape of his large ears, two-pointed antlers, and the way the shadows dipped and deepened across his facial features.
Alastor was well and truly out like a light, in bed with her.
The biggest giveaway to how deeply he was sleeping was his smile. He couldn’t fake that small of a smile while awake if he tried. It was barely there, just the smallest twitch upwards at the corner of his lips, the rest of his face completely relaxed.
Even Mina hadn’t seen him sleep properly in a bed since his return. Though they weren’t sharing a room currently, she had noted the lack of one in his own room and knew he was back to his old, bad habit of fighting off sleep as much as possible, only crashing in his chair in his radio tower when his body demanded it. But she had known that eventually, even the Radio Demon, had to get his beauty rest.
It was a weird power trip for him, creating the illusion for everyone that he didn’t have the same biological needs as everyone else in death. He would eat and drink in front of others, but Mina was sure that if he could help it, he wouldn’t even breath around them, God forbid let them know he had to sleep, or shower, or use the toilet.
The fact that he enjoyed a nap and a bath after sex was a secret she would keep for him until the end of the universe.
Mina was never tempted to wake Alastor when she caught him asleep like this. Even in the early years of their relationship, when she would often wake in the middle of the night needful, achy and wet with desire for him, if she found him sleeping peacefully next to her, she let him be. It was such a rare sight, and she cherished every time she got to see him like this.
He showed no signs of waking when she had turned around; hadn’t even changed his rate of breathing, so Mina risked getting closer until she was pressed against his chest. Alastor sighed a bit and shifted his weight in response, and the sound of radio static buzzed momentarily in the room. Mina’s breath caught in her chest when his arm moved but then he simply put it around her waist and went still again.
Pressed this close together, Mina could feel that he had left his red button up on but stripped down to nothing else but his briefs before he had joined her in bed. She ran her foot down his calf and ankle, feeling his foot that ended in hooves instead of toes like her own. Unable to control it, she felt the purring start in the back of her throat. God, she missed this intimacy.
Though she had gone decades without romance before they had met, that had only been out of fear from her past traumatic relationships. She was not like Alastor; she craved physical affection, even when she wasn’t in love. To have been left behind for seven years just for him to return and not “be in the mood” for weeks now was wearing her down.
It was only her deep exhaustion, brought on by the battle and blood loss from just hours before, that kept her hands from roaming to more exciting places on Alastor’s body. Instead, Mina closed her eyes and let the feeling of his arm around her, and the vibration of her own purrs soothe her back to sleep.
For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, Alastor felt his body waking up and tried to fight it off.
His shadow had alerted him to Mina’s return in the middle of the night and he had marched down to her room, ready for a confrontation, and instead found her curled up under the covers, limbs and tail tucked as close to her core as possible, and fast asleep.
He had sent his shadow under the blankets to inspect her, watching as it caressed and wrapped itself around her body, before returning to its owner and informing him wordlessly that she seemed fine. No injuries at least, just incredibly worn out. Something bad had happened but she would be alright.
Alastor had been so tired as well that he made the decision that their inevitable argument could wait until they were both better rested and had divulged himself of most of his clothes and slipped under the covers as well, careful not to get too close to her lest he wake her. Manifesting a bed in his room had sounded like just another chore to do and after all, Mina had offered to share her bed with him earlier that same night, so he doubted she would wake up angry.
He couldn’t remember any of that, or even where he was, or what year they were in, when he first began to wake. All he felt was her body against his and the urge to stretch his limbs. He began to move, first one leg and then the other and felt Mina yawn against his chest and shift her weight as well.
Alastor opened his eyes, blinking away the still heavy curtain of sleep. His vision cleared and red irises met green and gold and instinctually, as easily as breathing, he leaned forward and kissed his wife.
She responded eagerly, her hands quickly emerging from beneath the blankets and tangling in his hair before moving up to caress the base of his ears. He felt his smile widen before he deepened the kiss, his own hands still under the covers and found the hem of her nightgown and pushed it up, following the heat of her flesh up until he was cupping her ass. Mina groaned against him, and he moved until he was fully on top of her, allowing her to adjust herself until her legs were wrapped around him before settling his weight down. She wasn’t wearing anything beneath her nightgown and he ground down into her, nothing between them but the thin fabric of his briefs. He hadn’t woken up with an erection but was quickly feeling himself growing hard and she moaned again, claws digging into the back of his neck in response to the friction.
The small amount of pleasurable pain from her scratch shocked his system and he began to wake up a little more.
Mina leaned up and kissed him and he responded in kind, kissing her back as passionately as before, but something had shifted in his mind.
This was not their bed.
Beneath him, she angled her hips up and tried to grind against him again, but he had stilled a moment as he tried to process his thoughts.
The hotel. Hazbin Hotel. He had named it.
“Alastor?” she said, and he realized he had stopped kissing her completely.
He stared down at her as reality came crashing back.
Where he had been the last seven years, the deal he had made, the shit that he and Lillith, and Lucifer, were all wrapped up in, Charlie, the hotel  . . . Mina. The memory of looking at Mina for what he knew to be the last time seven years ago and her smiling innocently back at him, completely oblivious to the destruction he was about to bring into her life.
Mina, who had taken off to somewhere last night when he had been aching for her the most.
Alastor really wished he had just kept his momentary sleep-induced amnesia for even a few more minutes longer.
“Where did you go last night?” he heard himself ask before he had even really decided how to proceed; before the radio filter had even taken its hold on him.
He could feel the tension suddenly enter her body beneath him.
“Alastor, please,” Mina pleaded, her hands still in his hair. “Please, just keep kissing me.”
He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against her, truly wishing in that moment that he was the kind man who could just put his feelings aside and give his body what it wanted. Relationships, sex, life in general, seemed so much simpler for men like that, and for the first time since he was alive, Alastor envied them.
Mina moved her hands from his hair to cup his cheek and whispered to him. “Please, Al. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, and regretfully pulled away from her and got out of bed.
“Don’t,” she said but he was already getting dressed.
“Where did you go last night?” he repeated, static filter now fully in place as he pulled his pants on. He could just materialize his clothes back on his body, but he was nothing if not petty when he was upset and wanted to take his time making a show of it.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she sighed, sitting up and with her elbows on her knees, and put her head in her hands.
“Answer me.”
“Where did you go for seven fucking years?” she spat back.
“I am here now. I was here last night. You weren’t. That is what we’re talking about right now.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
“I have made it clear I have told you everything I can about that and you accepted it, so, my dear, I would appreciate it if you’d stop throwing it in my face every time you fuck up.”
Mina’s head shot up and she glared daggers at him, but he just smiled back as he buttoned his jacket and straightened the sleeves.
“You don’t get to ABANDON me, keep secrets from me, and then expect me to trust you with ANYTHING after that! I don’t even know you anymore!”
“Don’t ‘darling’ me. You only call me those stupid pet names when you’re pissy with me, and you do not get to be angry with me right now.”
He rolled his eyes. “Now you know me so well.”
“Just get out,” she said and looked away from him towards her window, as if their conversation were anywhere near over.
Alastor didn’t move a muscle. He studied her as she sat there in bed. For all her anger, she was shaky and pale. Normally, she would be up out of bed and in his face but she didn’t seem to have that kind of fight in her this morning.
“I said get out!” she yelled.
“What happened to you last night?” he asked.
“Ugh,” she scoffed, “I didn’t know the radio played broken records.”
“Mina,” he warned, and she threw the blankets off her.
“Give me a reason to trust you enough to tell you and maybe . . .” she swayed as she stood up from her side of the bed.
Alastor was in front of her before she could fall, supporting her with one hand on her elbow and the other at the small of her back. He was still very angry with her, but his concern was suddenly at the forefront of his mind.
“Who did this to you?”
Mina took a couple of slow, deep breaths and then shook her head. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“This is my punishment, then?” he asked, “you’re going to make me watch you suffer and not give me the pleasure of tearing apart the fool who touched you?”
Mina didn’t answer at first. She just sat back on the bed, giving another defeated shake of her head.
“Or is the silent treatment?” he continued, “Giving me a taste of my own medicine?”
“Why are you like this?” she finally asked.
“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“First, you’re on top of me, then you’re furious with me, and now you’re playing the protective husband. Wherever you took off to, they must have served Bipolar Disorder on a fucking platter.”
Still seething inside, Alastor smiled wider and laughed a little as he sat down next to her on the edge of the bed.
“You have always driven me to my wits end, my love. But I simply cannot continue berating you with you about to tip over. It takes all the fun out of it.”
He brushed a lock of her long black hair away from her back and trailed his red fingertips across the pattern of leopard spots that he had exposed across her shoulder blade. Mina just continued to silently sulk next to him, unresponsive to his touch now that they were no longer tangled up in the sheets.
This was ridiculous. He realized she wasn’t going to just “get over things” right away, but to be keeping him in the dark about why she was so unwell just out of spite was childish. He was the one acting emotional and unpredictable? She was the one continually accusing him of not caring enough about her but then weaponized his obvious concern for her against him.
He was bound by a deal to secrecy. She was just playing games with him. The last time he had been this pissed off with her, he had set fire to an entire city block in order to scare her. Now, the worst he could bring himself to do was withhold sex from her.
Love really had made him weak.
He gritted his teeth and, grateful for his ever-present smile helping him hide his true feelings, tried another approach. “Will you at least do me the honor of telling me how I can help you return to full health? That way we can both return to our indignations, guilt free?”
She sighed loudly and said, “Honestly? I’m starving.”
“There we go!” he said and stood, “Now, was that so hard? And it just so happens, I have quite the buffet waiting in my room. Are you well enough to get dressed and join me there in a few minutes? That is, if you can tolerate my moodiness for a while longer?”
Mina stood slowly but looked up at him with steady eyes. “Stop it,” she poked him in the chest. “Stop your petty play acting. I get it, okay? You’re mad, but you still care. Just stop being a jackass about it.”
He grabbed her hand and held it to his chest. “Oui, ma amour,” and as he let her hand go and she turned away to collect her day clothes, he followed behind her, smacked her on her ass, and said, “You see, you do know me so well.”
Mina had to admit – albeit silently to herself – that the smack on the ass and the deer were both making her feel better.
When Alastor had first introduced her to his specialty Hellish cuisine of rotting deer meat, she had tried to be repulsed. It was one thing to repeatedly torture other souls by eating their spleens in front of them but the idea of eating and actually enjoying a decaying animal carcass made her take pause. But the smell had enticed her and when she finally dared to take a bite off the fork Alastor had held for her, she had fallen in love all over again. Maybe she really was a monster.
So, when he presented her with the dead deer laid bloody and gutted across the small dining table for two in the pocket dimension in his room he had turned into his own personal bayou, she knew he had been saving it for a special occasion. It soothed the icy sting of him turning cold in bed earlier, just enough, to keep her from seething too much during breakfast.
Mina could tell Alastor was still angry beneath his smile and while she didn’t blame him, she wasn’t about to give in. If he had shown up after mysteriously leaving, obviously unwell and refusing to say anything about it, she would be furious and concerned as well. It was similar to the cause of her own anger these past couple weeks. What he was feeling this morning, he had put her through a thousand times over by going missing for years. She had hoped this morning would give him some perspective; that he would cave and tell her even a little more about where he had been, and instead he just acted like a bigger brat than he had been before.
He was being childish, self-absorbed, and temperamental. He was also being caring, observant, and mindful of her delicate state. It was why she could tolerate, at least for now, the secrets he was keeping, if it meant he was staying for good. He was such an asshole and also everything she loved about him, all at the same time.
“I’ll make you a deal today . . . no, not that kind of a deal. Obviously,” he rolled his eyes when she had perked up her ears suspiciously. “I just mean, I promise I’ll tell you something if, in return, you tell me what you were up to last night?”
Mina set her fork down. “Can you be more specific about what you’ll tell me?”
Even though this wasn’t one of his “deals,” she still didn’t like the vagueness of his promise.
“There’s a meeting of Overlords happening today. In just a couple of hours, actually. I plan on using it as an opportunity to gather some intel, if you will, and I promise to let you in on everything I learn today if you tell me what you did last night.”
Mina chewed another bite, taking the moment to contemplate his offer.
“You always used to tell me things like that, if I asked.”
“Of course I did. Because you weren’t hiding injuries or illnesses or whatever malady you have gotten yourself into and I didn’t have to make bargains with you in order to find out what was going on in your life.”
She ignored his taunting, not willing to fall into that circular argument again. Not yet anyway.
“I don’t really care what the other Overlords are up to right now. I want to know what you have been up to,” she countered.
“This meeting is about the exterminations. It has everything to do with the hotel and the hotel has more to do with me than I can say. And” he paused for dramatic effect. “I’m not asking for you to tell me the reason behind all of your disappearances as of late. I just want to know what happened last night. Deal?”
Mina was already figuring things out in her head and about to answer when the door slammed open and Vaggie barged in, surrounded by egg bois.
“Alastor!” Vaggie said and then paused, surprised to see Mina in there as well. She made a mental note to remind Alastor that she really wanted to be sharing a room with him again, and as soon as possible. He was her husband, why the fuck shouldn’t she be in his room?
“Do you mind?” Alastor said over a mouthful of meat. "We’re in the middle of breakfast?”
“Pentious’s eggs are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them.”
“Oh well in that case, I’d be delighted to,” he said, standing and approaching Vaggie with a flourish of his cane.
“Mina,” Vaggie said, looking around his shoulder, “make sure he does it humanely, please.”
“I am perfectly capable of accomplishing a task without murder,” Alastor said defensively, then turned and smiled darkly at Mina, “though that’s a lot less fun.”
“He can take care of it himself on his outing today. I’m staying in,” Mina agreed as she walked over to join them in the doorway and that’s when Vaggie really got a good look at her.
“Jesus, you look like shit. What happened?”
“I’m afraid she’s caught one of those Hellish bugs that go around now and then. Best she stays inside for a while and receive all the TLC she can stand, right my love?” Alastor said, making a show of putting an arm around her shoulder and an obnoxiously audible kiss to the crown of her head.
Not that he hadn’t been taking care of her this morning, but she found it really annoying that he felt the need to make a scene about what a loving, and doting husband he was, especially when she was still angry with him, and he with her.
His obviously fake smile at her let her know he was absolutely doing it on purpose.
“Agreed,” Mina said with a nod, making prolonged eye contact with him. His smile spread across his face, understanding she was agreeing to his bargain and not his statement about her being ill.
Vaggie looked at both of them, watching the moment of silent communication between the couple. “Okaaay, good to see you two are fucking weird as ever . . . that looks disgusting,” she said with one final glance at the deer behind them, before walking away.
Mina had no intention of staying at the hotel while Alastor went about his day. She was feeling better than she was letting on after their meal together and though she had agreed to his “deal,” she didn’t trust Alastor to be as forthcoming with information as he promised to be. She was planning a few lies of omission herself and she expected the same of him.
After watching him leave the hotel with the eggs in tow, she morphed into her cat form and followed him, keeping at a safe distance and utilizing vertical spaces to blend in once they were in the heart of the city and surrounded by buildings.
The first problem she encountered was when he and Zestial entered the elevator. She felt a bit hopeless as she watched the two Overlords ascending until she noticed the egg at Alastor’s feet. They didn’t seem incredibly bright, and she was confident she could get information out of it if she could just get her hands on it before Alastor disposed of it.
And then she watched Rosie enter the building and felt even more confident she could find out the whole story from her. Rosie may have been closer to Alastor than she was with Mina, but the cannibal had a soft spot for women with lousy husbands and if Mina worked the angle that he was keeping secrets from her, Rosie would take her side immediately.
Mina kept out of eyesight from the eggs that remained outside with her as the meeting went on, although at one point, she was almost distracted into a chase by a scaley mouse sized creature that ran past her as she hid behind the dumpster. As the rodent escaped and ran out into the street, that British cunt Velvette came down the elevator, obviously pouting, followed a minute later by most of the other Overlords. Alastor came down from the elevator a moment after everyone else, though he was without Zestial or the egg that had accompanied him up.
She waited, hidden in the dark and small cramped space, hoping that the eggs in the dumpster above her didn’t give away her location, as Alastor loitered suspiciously outside the building for several minutes.
Mina didn’t keep a watch on her when she was in this form, but it felt like at least 30 minutes before the missing egg came down with the elevator.
“So, what did you hear?” Alastor asked it, bending down to its level like they were co-conspirators.
She listened carefully as the egg described Carmilla admitting she had killed an angel.
That bitch was selling guns to irresponsible Hellhounds and she had found a way to kill angels? Mina would hold onto that information. She was sure Abaddon would like to know all that but since their dismissal of her, she wasn’t going to run to their doors to tell them just yet.
“Interesting,” Alastor said once the egg was done rambling. “Let’s keep this between us, shall we?”
Darkness enveloped the street as Alastor’s more demonic form came forward to threaten the egg into cooperation. It only helped fuel Mina’s sexual frustration with him since that morning. The man was a walking thirst trap for her when he was in full Overlord mode.
“You got it boss!” the egg enthusiastically agreed as Alastor returned to his normal form.
“And Mina, I do believe it’s time you came out from there,” he said, turning and looking right at the spot she was hiding at.
How did he always have the upper hand?
Mina trotted from behind the dumpster, tail held high with a confidence she wasn’t feeling, and then morphed back to her usual form.
Alastor tsked at her. “You should know better than to use shadows to hide from me.”
Mina crossed her arms. “I’m not going to apologize. And I still expect you to hold up your end of the bargain.”
“Well, there’s not much left to tell, is there?” he said, and she allowed him to take her arm as they walked back to the hotel, eggs following closely behind them as he told her what he had seen during the meeting. “Velvette made a ghastly presentation with the head of an exterminator and Carmilla was really weird about it, so I sent one of those pleasant little fellows to spy on them, and you heard the rest . . . I was going to tell you all this, you know. I made a promise. And I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t believe that I would follow through.”
She would not let him make her feel guilty for that.
“Just like you told me about how you knew the exterminations were going to be moved forward by six months before anyone else did?”
Alastor pretended to remain composed, but she noticed the way his eyes darted towards her nervously before looking straight ahead.
“What makes you think I knew that?”
“You can hide your expression from everyone else but as you’ve continuously pointed out this morning, I know you. I saw the look on your face when the announcement came on the T.V.”
“Hmm, very astute observation,” he said and continued walking.
“So, I’m right?”
“Of course you are! And I’m quite relieved. If you could figure that out on your own, you’ll figure out the rest eventually.”
“But you won’t tell me how you know.”
He sighed. “Once again, Mina dearest, I can’t. But this bit of the conversation wasn’t part of our promise. I’ve told you even more than I bargained for, so it’s time you held up your end of things.”
“Okay then,” she said, “last night, I was shot by a Hellhound.”
Alastor stopped walking.
Mina chose her next words carefully, having rehearsed them so that they were utterly true but selective.
“I got a call from an old coworker having issues with a Hellhound who was involved in the Earth trafficking business. In hindsight, I know the whole thing was handled stupidly and I shouldn’t have gone, but I was upset and restless last night and it sounded like a good way to blow off some steam. It went badly, I got shot. I was able to heal and I’m perfectly fine now, but I did lose a lot of blood.”
Alastor narrowed his eyes.
“And where is this Hellhound now?” he asked slowly.
“Abaddon found out about it before you did,” she said, fully prepared for Alastor to lose it then and there and when he sucked in a breath, she interrupted him before he could explode. “They’re just as pissed as you are, love. Probably more, actually. As much as you upset me this morning, they really said some things to me last night that I don’t know if I can forgive. And I promise you,” she said with a gentle squeeze to his arm for emphasis, “I’m not working for them.”
Right now.
It was the biggest piece of information she was keeping from Alastor but she was nowhere close enough to being able to trust him with the information that she had started working for Abaddon again once he had gone missing. She was also not about to divulge the fact that she had been shot with an angelic steel bullet that could have very easily killed her permanently. Mina thought of how Ro had fallen from the sky right in front of her and imagined it had been her. She would have been gone from Alastor’s life, as suddenly as he had disappeared from hers, only she would be gone forever. And would he ever have found out what had happened to her? Or would Abaddon keep him in the dark, just out of spite.
Maybe she didn’t want to go back to that job if that was the risk she was taking. Maybe Abaddon really had done her a favor by telling her to take some time to herself.
“Happy now?” she asked Alastor after a moment of silence had passed between them.
“Hardly,” he said, deadpanned. “You expect me to find out someone so much as laid a hand on you, let alone spilled your blood, and do . . . nothing?”
“There’s nothing to be done, love. You see? I wasn’t being spiteful when I wasn’t telling you this morning, I just knew you would get all worked up and have nothing to show for it.”
He took her hand and continued their walk back to the hotel, fuming all the way, his eyes blackened and turned to the shape of dials. His grip on hers wasn’t painful but it was possessively tight. If other demons on the street were running from him before, they were positively scattering now. Even Alastor’s smile couldn’t hide his fury with his antlers so visibly extended. Mina was just thankful his height hadn’t increased with his anger; if his legs got any longer, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep up.
Alastor managed a more calm and pleasant façade when they returned to the hotel in front of Charlie and the other residents, returning to the egg bois to Sir Pentious graciously. Vaggie looked questioningly to Mina who entered through the front doors of the hotel, her hand still clenched in Alastor’s, when she was supposed to be spending the day in her room resting. But if Vaggie had questions for her, she kept them to herself.
They excused themselves and went upstairs, still hand in hand.
When Mina walked through her doorway, she gasped in surprise.
She didn’t know when or how Alastor had managed it, but her room was now the perfect combination of his and hers. Her bed, dresser, and décor, mixed with his desk and the little slice of bayou on the farthest wall.
Before she could verbalize her joy, he grabbed her by the shoulders.
“Let me see,” he demanded.
It took her second to realize what he was asking and when she did, she rolled her eyes.
“You already saw it this morning and didn’t even know it. I told you; I’m all healed now.”
He just stared at her, so she sighed and pulled her sweater and dress strap to the side, exposing the flawless skin of her shoulder and collarbone.
“See? No bullet wound. I’m fine.”
Alastor pulled her into a hug, crushing her to his chest.
Carefully, she put her arms around him as well, and began rubbing gentle circles in his back. She felt his breath against her scalp as he pressed his face between her ears, breathing in the scent of her.
“Al, my love. I’m fine. Really,” she said again in a small voice, suddenly feeling wrecked with the guilt she had been avoiding letting herself feel.
“You don’t understand,” he said, and pulled away. His red eyes were wide and his smile incredibly strained when he looked at her. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, her nose, and then finally, her lips.
“Just talk to me, then,” she pleaded when he pulled away. “Help me understand.”
His black and red clawed hand took hold of her brown and black one and pressed a final kiss to her knuckles. 
“You need to rest, I’ve put you through enough for one day,” he said, and turned to leave. From the bathroom she heard the sound of water suddenly running and knew he had drawn a bath for her. “Stay here. I’ll be checking in on you, and I’ll know from now on, the second you try and leave.”
He walked towards the bedroom door and Mina was immediately enraged.
“You can’t keep me prisoner!”
He rounded on her, all evidence of his previous fury back in place in his demonic features.
“You’re not my prisoner, you’re my wife!” he shouted, his voice crackling deeply with static. “I told you when I got here that I’m not letting you go this time. So, you will stay put, and keep yourself safe, or you will tell me where you’re going from now on. You can be as angry as you want at me for what I’ve done to you, but I have always had the intention of us being together in the end. You can’t dare say the same to me if you are getting yourself shot at because you’re bored here.”
Mina wasn’t scared of him, but her ears pulled back just the same. This was worse than fear or anger. He was right to be furious with her, and she knew it.
For the first time since his return, she had nothing to say to him. She couldn’t find the words. So, when he turned away and slammed the door behind him, she let him go. She didn’t have it in her to chase after him or apologize for what she’d done. But she did at least do as he had demanded, and after a moment of staring dumbfounded at her bedroom door, she went into the bathroom, took her clothes off, and sank into the hot bath.
She was much more tired than she had realized and closed her eyes as soon as she was submerged, feeling sleep tugging at her subconscious. After a few minutes, she opened them, only to find Alastor’s shadow in the room with her, smiling down from the wall next to the tub.
It was probably there to spy on her, but she didn’t care. She reached her hand out to the wall, and the shadow reached towards her in kind. Shadow and skin connected, and she felt the pleasant coolness of it as the darkness danced along her fingertips; a gentle caress of affection in stark contrast with the sinister smile that always played across its features.
Mina knew it was more than just a part of Alastor. It was a manifestation of the darkest part of him, and she worried sometimes it was even worse than she could imagine. This shadow seemed to have a mind and will of its own at times and had as much influence over Alastor as he had of it. And still, she loved it, almost as much as she loved her husband, and it seemed to hold quite a large amount of affection for her as well.
If the most evil and malicious parts of Alastor’s soul still sought her out and never touched her with anything but a loving caress, then she knew that even in his moments of rage, he still loved her. She held onto that notion as she fell asleep in the bath, her hand still wrapped in darkness.
Next Chapter ->
@saccharine-nectarine, @inuhalfdemon
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bandgie · 10 months
Bandgie's Masterlist!
All of these works are 18+, MDNI
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ warning! some of my works are dead dove/lemon
yellow is dubious/not too bad orange has mentions of gore/dubious consent red is noncon/full gore/graphic deaths
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Drabbles/One Shots
So Cruel - Miguel O'Hara
Pussy Eating - Miguel O'Hara
Beast of a Man - Tarzan
Pussy Eating - Gyutaro (Demon Slayer)
Quick Taste - xReader's Insert
An Uncertified Doctor - Alucard Castlevania
Pretty Boy (1) | Poor Baby (2) | My Pretty Baby (3) - Bangchan Stray Kids
Ateez MTL Pussy Eating - OT8 Ateez
Ghost in the Night - I.N Stray Kids
Cursed - I.N Stray Kids
Anon Req. Yandere - Bangchan Stray Kids
Before Class (1) | During the Party (2) - Huening Kai TXT
A+ Student - Felix Straykids
Car Drabble - Felix Straykids
Missionary With Them - Bangchan & Minho
Agora Hills - Changbin (skz)
Language Barrier - OT8 SKZ
Req: Gamer Boyfriend - Beomgyu (TXT)
Req: Dark Vampire - Yeonjun (TXT)
Req: Hate sex - Yeonjun (TXT)
The Spell of the Night - Huening Kai (TXT)
Req: Perv & Yandere - Seungmin (SKZ)
Req: Perv & Yandere (2) - Seungmin (SKZ)
Req: Jealousy - Seungmin (SKZ)
Desperate Drabble - Wooyoung (ATZ)
Req: Tarzan Continued - Tarzan
Req: Perv & Yandere (3) - Seungmin (SKZ)
Req: High with Perv - Seungmin (SKZ)
Req: Pervy Thoughts - Seungmin (SKZ)
Req: Choking - Bangchan (SKZ)
Req: Piss - Hyunjin (SKZ)
Req: First Time Domming - OT8 SKZ
Req: High With Them - Chanlix & Jisung (SKZ)
Req: Distracting - Beomgyu (TXT)
Munch Drabble - Jay (ENHA)
Bratty Head Drabble - Sunoo (ENHA)
Learning Kinks Drabble - I.N (SKZ)
Req: Hate Sex 2 - Yeonjun (TXT)
Req: Choking (2) - Bangchan (SKZ)
Req Drabble: Perv - Seungmin (SKZ)
Club Sex Drabble - Lee Know (SKZ)
Anal Drabble - Changbin (SKZ)
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Series
Predator & Prey (Completed) - You were suddenly teleported to a snowy world while discovering a cave. After norrowingly escaping a terrible fate, you're practically forced to deal with a winged beast you saved. It's awkward and kinda mean, but it does more good than harm.
Lost & Found (Ongoing) - You hated the little town you lived in, you hated your job, hated how everyone knew everyone, you hated how your mother didn't care about how much you hated it. You needed to do something, to get out of this repetitive life. You've decided to apply to be a maid in the castle for the Viscount and his family. With this new life, you hope to change your pace. Yet, one of the sons can't help but give you an eerie sense of familiarity. (Second Part to Predator & Prey)
The Insides (Completed) - You have it all: a good job, a nice apartment, a doting boyfriend who loves you so much. It seems all swell, until he starts behaving strangely. Unfortunate for him, he's not the only person that fell head-over-heels for you. Well...not the only entity at least.
All in White (Ongoing) - Your father, that major of Neuva York, was hosting a party congratulating their safe environment by the hands of Spider-Man. You did not care for parties, only there for the alcohol and occasional good conversations. You managed to catch the eye of Spider-Man, and boy did he want a taste.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ I do have requests/hard hours open! Here are some rules...
I will not write about underage characters, real or fake (unless they're adults playing as younger people ex: Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove, etc.)
No shit! Like literal shit, no scat play (pee is fine, but no piss drinking)
Incest, including in laws (brothers bff/dad's co-worker is fine)
No age play (age gaps are fine)
No virgin reader (this might change, but not allowed as of now)
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queen-shiba · 11 months
Now and Forever
@killersweetie @leonistic
Author's note: I did take a few liberties [more than a few because google is fucking useless]... I hope it's worth the read
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Today was the day! The day everyone was waiting for...
4 years ago, Leona found his one and only.
Now, you two were sealing the deal.
Imani, Falena's wife.. You two got along quite well. So well, you asked her to be the maid of honor!
She accepted, of course, and was proud to be there with you and help you with your dress.
Everyone was so excited!
You and Leona had agreed on the color being yellow for the wedding crew.
Sunset colors were being set up for this big event!
Today, you were so very excited to see Leona, but alas, you had to wait.
As did he.
Now he stood in the dressing room, adorned in gold and all sorts of lovely colors.
Falena, surprisingly enough, was chosen as the best man, considering he helped Leona through the first stage.
Leona couldn't be more thankful to his older brother for this...
He stood behind him, wearing a yellow suit, clearly very happy for his little brother.
"Are you excited?" Falena asked, watching Leona practically shake with joy.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He smiled softly.
Nothing condescending... not smug...
A genuine smile.
Truly, this was an amazing day for him.
Falena was happy for Leona!
He finally found someone to love... and someone who loved him just as much.
"I'm glad. And proud of you, little brother." Falena pulled him into a hug, resisting the urge to tear up.
There were so many unexplainable emotions he felt...
One was certainly pride... seeing his brother shine so bright...
It was something to be proud of.
Leona returned the hug with a chuckle, "Don't go getting all sappy on me. Save that for the event."
Falena could only nod, finally pulling back, "Right.." He beamed at him as Cheka came rushing in, "Mjomba! Baba! It's almost time!" He smiled, "Come on! Everyone is waiting!"
He pulled the two men along, careful not to mess up anyone's outfits.
Leona was positioned outside under a great big tree in the Savanah off to the side, standing across from where you'd be.
He could only imagine how beautiful you'd look....
He was excited to see you in your dress...
Just you in general..
The crowd of people stood extatically, awaiting your entrance.
The steady beat of a drum went off, and your bride's maids came in, dancing, making quite the entrance for you, clearing the way as you came down that isle.
You looked... beautiful... gold, colorful fabrics.. everything was just perfect...
You were perfect.
Leona had to keep himself together. Don't jump. Don't scream. Try not to cry..
Kifaji smiled softly, watching as Leona tried to get a hold of his emotions.
He'd truly come a long way...
He was glad he got to see it.
Now, you stood face to face with your lover, taking him in.
He was breath taking...
Everything you could ever ask for..
There you were, ready to tie the knot and be together forever..
It was time.
You couldn't control your smile, and neither could he as the music died down, and you finally got to vow your loyalty to one another.
Food and drinks were brought out, and music started right back up with guests cheering and singing your praises.
You danced all evening, up to midnight.
Eating and drinking, you both were focused on each other.
You could only stare into those deep green pools that you'd fallen in love with all those years ago.
You would dedicate everything to him, and he would do the same for you.
This, you could be sure of.
As the festivities came to a close, you and your newly wed husband held one another close.
"Ninashukuru kupata kutumia maisha yangu na wewe..." He buried his face in your hair, with a smile, holding you by your waist as if you might fade if he let go.
"We'll stay together, now and forever..." You reciprocated his affections.
This would last forever...
The End!
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thirstydiglett · 8 months
Oh Lenny, amazing wonderful Lenny 😭😭😭 pls just a crumb of something maybe possessive Law, just a lil nibble nibble 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I hope you're having a wonderful night so far homie g !!! 💖💖💖✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Omg yesyesyesyesyesyes
Started writing this bullet style because I am lazy but then it got really long but also I was still lazy so it’s just gonna have to stay like this
Also my night is lovely! I got to dress up like a witch and eat cheese curds today so it pretty much couldn’t get any better. Hope your night is good too my loveeeeeeee 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
WARNINGS: public sex, possessiveness, choking, spanking, some dubcon
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———————NC17 Minors DNI————————
The Polar Tang had finally landed at an island after weeks of sailing, and you and the crew were eager to finally get your feet on solid ground
When Shachi suggested you all go out drinking together, you were the first person to say yes
To your surprise, your captain agreed to come out with you all as well—usually he didn’t like crowds, but strangely he’d said yes as soon as you did
Eager to get out of your jumpsuit, you changed into a dark red velvety crop top and tight leather pants, with heeled ankle boots to finish the look
Styling your hair properly and doing your makeup for the first time in weeks, you were surprised at how hot the person in the mirror staring back at you was
It had been so long since you’d gotten laid, you were really hoping to get lucky tonight
As your crew walked to the tavern, you couldn’t help but notice your captain’s eyes on you. His gaze cool and penetrating, indiscernable
But every time you turned around, he seemed to be looking anywhere else
Annoying, you thought, pretending like the feeling of his stare hadn’t sent inexplicable chills up your spine
Shaking your head, you followed your crewmates into the lively and crowded tavern
Two drinks later, you were laughing your ass off with Bepo about some pirate you’d encountered recently, having the time of your life
Reaching into your pocket, your face fell as you realized you hadn’t brought enough cash
“Bepo, any chance you can spot me?”
Bepo shook his head. “You still owe me for last time you forgot your wallet.”
You sighed, “Fine. Guess I’ll just have to get one of these townies to buy a pretty girl a drink…”
Bepo’s face suddenly turned pink. “Maybe you…what if… our captain wouldn’t… It might not be safe!!!” He finally managed to get out
You laughed, ”I can take care of myself dude. Unless you wanna buy me one instead?”
Bepo crossed his arms stubbornly. “Not a chance, y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you scanned the room for a target
Finally you settled on a muscular blond man covered in tattoos
He was with his friends (so no girl in sight), clearly a few drinks deep, and pretty easy on the eyes—maybe he’d even break your dry spell if you played your cards right
Walking over to him slowly, you gently rested a hand on his shoulder
“Whoa, I love your shoulder tat! What’s it mean?”
The man turned, scanning you with his eyes, smiling at what he saw
“Well hey there, cutie. It’s the Jolly Roger for my brother’s crew, actually”
You feigned interest. “Wow, your brother’s a real pirate? What’s it like?”
The man smirked
“Why don’t i buy you a drink and I’ll tell you all about it?”
You nodded enthusiastically and were just about to sit down when you heard a voice from nearby
Suddenly, the entire tavern was enveloped in blue light, the bar patrons looking around in confusion
You felt yourself ripped from your chair in an instant and teleported by what could only be Law’s fruit
Finally landing, you found yourself outside the tavern, standing against its wall in the quiet alley beside it
“Law, what the hell? Where are you?”
Suddenly two hands grabbed yours and pinned them above your head, and two piercing yellow eyes were just inches from yours
“Y/n, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“You’re the one that just used your devil fruit to yank me out of the bar, asshole.”
“Yeah, because you were hitting on that absolute waste of space of a townie.”
“I was just trying to get a free drink, Jesus!”
Law’s entire body suddenly pressed against yours, one hand moving to squeeze your face almost roughly
You felt your legs shaking as a strange, sudden flood of desire for the man coursed through your body
Leaning in, his lips inches from yours, his face flushed, he spoke
“What in hell makes you think he’s good enough for you?”
You blink. “W-what?”
“You could have a fucking Warlord, y/n, and instead you’re flirting with randos at a bar in the middle of nowhere?”
Law’s face betrayed a strange amount of pain in it, more feeling than you were used to seeing in your captain
You blinked again, slower this time. “Are you… are you jealous of him?”
Law stared at you for a moment, like he was trying to decide what to do
Then, suddenly, he grabbed you hard and yanked you close to him, his lips crashing into yours
The heat pooling between your legs—things you’d never realized you felt for your captain—ensured that you kissed him back, your tongue dancing with his, his hands desperately groping at your body
You almost immediately began to unbutton his jeans, feeling his cock pulse against your fingers
“God… please, y/n…”
You freed his member from the confines of his pants quickly, taking it into your hand before suddenly he stopped you, looking into your eyes
“Before we do this… you should know that I don’t share, y/n.”
You smile teasingly. “So what, does that make me like your girlfriend?”
“If you want to be.”
You’d never really considered it before, but you can’t deny how close you’d always felt to Law. He had a strange way of making you feel safe even in the scariest circumstances
His kindness beneath his creepy exterior, his fierce intelligence, his loyalty to his crew
And the throbbing of his (surprisingly big) cock in your hand was only making it easier for you to make a decision
Wordlessly, you nodded, never breaking eye contact
Law smirked
Pinning you hard back against the wall, he had your shirt off in a heartbeat as you stroked him, rubbing drops of precum (holy shit, he was practically drooling for you) back onto his cock as you did so
He moaned, a sound you’d never heard him make before
It was strangely vulnerable and left you just that much more eager to play with him
Eagerly, Law squeezed at your breasts, flicking and pinching hard at your nipples, leaving you moaning in turn
His hand made its way to your throat and squeezed suddenly
It wasn’t enough to cut off your air, but it left you dizzy all the same—you were surprised to say that you kind of loved it
Yanking your hips from against the wall and digging his pelvis hard into yours, he slapped your ass hard
First once, then repeatedly
You couldn’t help the squeals escaping your mouth as he struck you, feeling your juices staring to overflow, running down your leg
“Don’t you ever—“ slap. “Talk to losers—“ slap. “At random shitty bars—“ slap. “EVER again—“ slap. “Understand me?”
All you could do was moan his name as he finished spanking you, stroking your ass softly to take the pain away
Law gently released your throat, letting you breathe normally again
You felt your legs giving way as you breathed deeply, but Law caught you, wrapping them around his waist
“Ready for me to fuck my pussy?” He murmured as he slid your pants down enough to position himself between your legs
“God yes, Law… please, it belongs to you and only you…” you gasped
The words were barely off your tongue when the head of Law’s cock pushed inside you
Stars sparked in your eyes as he slowly filled you, two fingers sliding down to trace circles on your clit
He held his position for a moment, letting you adjust to being stretched by his girthy cock before he started moving, slow at first
“I’m going harder,” he warned you, kissing you gently before he began thrusting deep into you
Over and over, he hit that spot inside you that had you screaming his name, flooding his big cock with your juices
You felt yourself rocketed to the edge of cumming within minutes, your body twitching and humming with the feeling of him touching you, kissing you, filling you
You’d never known you could want someone like this, least of all your own captain
Your back was arching before you know it, and your orgasm overtook you, spilling you into Law’s strong arms as you screamed into his shoulder, not giving a fuck who heard
It wasn’t long before Law followed, grabbing your already sore ass and growling your name as he pumped ropes of hot cum deep inside of you, marking you as truly his own
The two of you collapsed against the wall of the tavern, catching your breath as Law pulled you close to him
“Not the most romantic place for our first time, but it was still pretty fun,” Law laughed as he pressed a kiss to your hair
“My y/n.”
“Should we get back to the others?” You asked
Law considered it for a moment
Then he smiled
“I’m going to go tell Bepo we’re tired and going back to the ship early. After all, there’s so much more of my girl I haven’t gotten to enjoy yet.”
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agaypanic · 1 month
i just need more vamp! reader x ethan morgan /preferably hc's (you choose the plot)
Ethan Morgan With a Vampire S/O Headcanons
Request Something!
I’ve said this before, but he’s cautious about your teeth being near him
Specifically, your fangs near a bloodstream
He’s scared you’ll either drink him dry or turn him
Usually, you’re good about keeping them in around him, but sometimes, they just come out
Especially since, canonically, Ethan has really good blood
You and Ethan had been studying in his room for a few hours. Well, he was studying. You decided to just sit on his lap and accompany him, okay with risking that you’d probably be doing a frantic study session the night before a test. Ethan had stopped trying to get you to study with him, learning to just be content with the fact that you were spending time with him.
One hand was planted on your hip, keeping you steady in your place, while the other turned the pages in his textbook. Every time he reached to turn a page, he’d kiss your cheek or forehead.
Somehow, Ethan cut his finger while lifting the page he was on, and you stiffened. 
Ethan looked at you, soon becoming scared at the sight of your fangs and yellow eyes. Usually, he thought you looked cool. But then again, your fangs usually showed when you were fighting a bad guy of the week, not when you were staring at your boyfriend.
“Uhhh, Y/n?” His voice shook you out of your bloodlusting trance, and you slapped a hand over your nose and mouth, scrambling off of his lap.
“Oh my gosh, Ethan, I’m so sorry.” You both seemed shaken up at this moment. You were genuinely thinking about taking some of Ethan’s blood as soon as the delicious scent hit your nostrils. 
And by the look on Ethan’s face, it seemed like he knew it.
“It’s okay,” he said reassuringly, but he still stood up and moved out of the room cautiously. “You stay here; I’ll go clean this up.” 
Yeah, sometimes things get a lil rough
But usually, you and Ethan have a great time together
If you have to hunt at night, he likes to go with you
He won’t look because he’d probably throw up or something
But he likes spending time with you and doesn’t want you getting hurt or anything
Even though he knows you can take care of yourself
“Okay, I’m gonna grab a bite to eat.” You stood from the park bench you and Ethan were sitting on. It was about eleven at night, so the place was empty except for you two and wildlife. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be here.” Ethan smiled up at you. You kissed him briefly before speeding off, hoping to find something filling.
Although he never accompanied you during the main part of your excursions, Ethan liked to come with you when you had to hunt at night. It was nice to spend some time together away from everyone else.
Ethan only had to wait a few minutes before you returned. You sat down next to him, sighing in satisfaction.
“That was fast,” Ethan commented. 
“Yeah, I found a pack of squirrels.” Despite the situation, Ethan laughed. He threw his arm over your shoulders and looked down at you.
“Oh!” He moved his head back a bit in surprise, looking at your mouth. “You got a lil something there.” He pointed to the corner of his mouth, mirroring the spot where you had a smudge of blood. You wiped at your mouth and, after seeing the red, licked it off your finger. Ethan shuddered but still held you close. “Okay, then.”
I feel like Ethan would eventually want to be turned
Kinda think that death and dying scare him a bit
Plus, he hates the thought of you outliving him since you’ll live forever
It takes a bunch of convincing on both sides before you actually do it tho
“Ethan, are you sure you’ve really thought about this?” You asked, staring up at his ceiling as the two of you lay on his bed. “I mean, once I do it, there’s no going back. The chances of there being a cure are slim to none.”
“I know.” He sighed. “But I’m sure.”
“A hundred percent sure?”
“Yeah.” Ethan turned his head to look at you, just to see that you were already looking at him. “And besides, we agreed to do it after graduation. So if I’m suddenly not completely sure, I have a few months to say so.” He reached down to grab your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “I’m not gonna change my mind, though. I don’t wanna lose you.”
“I don’t wanna lose you either.” You said softly.
You turned onto your side, shifting so you were pressed into Ethan’s side. He let go of your hand to wrap his arm around your body, keeping you close.
“Just a few more months.” He said before kissing you.
“And then forever.” You replied once you broke apart.
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endless-summer-soldier · 11 months
dr. feelgood - chapter seven
pairing: Surgeon!Bucky x SurgicalIntern!Reader
summary: Y/N has a one night stand with a handsome stranger the night before starting her new job as a surgical intern. Little does she know, the handsome stranger also happens to be her new boss
warnings: must be 18+, drinking, some surgery descriptions, smut, self-pleasure, praise kink, very minor character death, unprotected sex, rough sex
word count: 1k
series playlist
taglist sign up (for the people I'm currently tagging - please fill this out if you want me to continue tagging you!)
taglist: @tellmealovestory @mrs-bucky-barnes106 @charmedbysarge @sebsgirl71479 @ozwriterchick @notmeddy @drewsuncrustables @lokidokieokie @hextech-bros @nats-whore @m4nulup1n @arcanebabe @tanyaspartak @jackiehollanderr @princezzjasmine @fallenlilangel99 @pono-pura-vida @mavrellover91 @milanaasblog @helluvapimp @almosttoopizza @esposadomd @theroyalmanatee @zannemes​​
series masterlist
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I woke up to that smell again. Ginger, bergamot, and citrus. And then I felt the pounding in my head. Memories from last night came flooding back and I groaned, knowing I showed Bucky some of my vulnerability by asking him to stay. It was like my brain knew it was a bad idea, but we had this magnetic pull that forced us to keep coming back together. 
I rolled over, expecting to see Bucky, but he wasn’t there. Did I imagine that he stayed over? I pushed my head into the pillow and the scent was overwhelming; he must have stayed. I searched around the room for a shirt or a note or any sign of his presence, but there was nothing to be found. 
And then I realized the worst possible scenario: he stayed over and left. Without saying goodbye. He realized this was all a big mistake. I sunk further into the covers, trying my best not to pout. The only solution I could come up with was to go back to sleep and forget that all of this ever happened.
I shut my eyes and inhaled deeply in an attempt to keep myself from panicking, when the bed sank in next to me and the sheets were being peeled down.
“Hey sleepyhead,” he teased. I let out a groan and just turned into him, taking in his sweet aroma. “How you feeling?” he added.
I didn’t respond with words, still dealing with my rapid change of emotions, and groaned again. I heard him chuckle as he ran his hand through my hair.
“Well I made us breakfast. Why don’t you come down and eat something. It’ll make you feel better.” I nodded my head and Bucky pulled the rest of the covers off me as I rolled over out of bed. 
We shuffled downstairs and I was stunned to find a full breakfast spread laid out on my kitchen table. Stacks of chocolate chip pancakes, a plate of crispy bacon, sunshine yellow scrambled eggs, and a pitcher of orange juice made me realize how hungry I actually was. Bucky pulled out a kitchen chair for me and placed a steaming mug of coffee in front of me.
“How did you have time for all of this?”
“I’m used to getting up early. The military forced that habit onto me.”
“But I know for a fact I didn’t have any of this in the fridge.”
“I ran to the grocery store.”
“Are you not hungover?”
He shrugged, “Not really.”
“Let me guess, military?”
“Something like that.”
“So do you remember all of last night?” I pressed, hoping he may have somehow forgotten my momentary lapse in judgment.
“You think I would forget any time spent with you?” he grinned.
But there was one question really on my mind, “Did we…?” I pointed between the two of us, hoping he understood my question.
“You don’t remember?”
“I had a lot of tequila,” I used as an honest excuse.
“Well that is unfortunate because it was one of our best sessions.”
“Oh really? Must not have been that great if I don’t remember.”
He smiled at me, “Shall I refresh your memory?”
He had a mischievous look on his face and I had a feeling he was going to do more than just tell me. 
“At least let me recharge first,” I said, taking a bite of pancake.
“Let’s see…first I cuddled you. Then I spooned you. And then we went to sleep.”
I looked up from my plate at him, “That was it?”
“There might’ve been a few innocent kisses mixed in there, but it was a fairly PG night.”
“I didn’t make a move on you?”
“Oh you did, a few times.”
“And you resisted?”
“I didn’t want to take advantage of you.” I shot him a confused look, waiting for further explanation. “The first night we hooked up, we were both drunk but you made it very clear you were interested. You flirted, you made moves, you consented multiple times. But recently you’ve been giving me mixed signals, and I didn’t want to sleep with you without knowing it was something you wanted.”
And just like that he proved he was a genuinely good guy.  
“That was very considerate,” I replied.
“I keep trying to tell you, I’m not an asshole, despite what Stark might think. And I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know,” was all I could muster. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I wasn’t ready. I kind of enjoyed playing these games with him. If this turned into something more, it could get complicated.
I caught his gaze across the table and could tell there was so much more he wanted to say, but he followed my lead. We continued eating and Bucky continued filling up my cup of coffee, promising it would help me feel better. I kept waiting for him to rush out and leave for the hospital, but he never did. 
“Are you going into the hospital today?” I finally asked, as we finished up with our meal.
“Not unless I get paged. Why? Do you want me out of your hair?”
I shook my head, “No, actually I was hoping you’d stay and hang out for a bit.”
“As you wish,” he replied with that charming smile. 
“Come on,” I said, ushering him out of the kitchen and into the living room. I had nothing planned for the day, but figured we would lounge on the couch and watch a movie. But Bucky had other ideas. He paused in front of the closet door that was left ajar and was currently displaying my board game collection. 
“I knew you were a massive dork, but I didn’t take you for a board game dork,” he mused. I hid my face in my hands, “I forgot about those. I usually keep that closet locked when I have company over.”
“Oh, no way,” he said, diving further into the closet to grab whatever game caught his eye. He came back out with a bright yellow and blue box. “I haven’t played Operation since I was a kid.”
“I don’t know if you want to play against me, I’ve logged a lot of hours,” I bragged.
“You are so going down,” he said.
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jksprincess10 · 10 months
Exile 2. Smartass
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Summary: After Steve Murphy's unforgivable death in the never-ending fight against Pablo Escobar, Javier Peña finds himself stuck with a new partner. A girl that they brought from Miami. Smart, devastating, strong. Nothing he would have thought her to be. Their rivalry builds up to something intense, destructive.
CW: canon violence, mentions of death, smoking and drinking, language, bullshitting my way through the Narcos plot, no y/n (3rd person), no physical and racial descriptions of the girl, eventual smut. 1500 words.
Divider by @cafekitsune
Masterlist for exile
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In the evening, most of her things found their rightful place. She didn’t have many dishes, but they all found a little space in the kitchen. The cupboards were mostly empty. At least, the apartment came with the basic furniture, a luxury that filled the quiet emptiness.
Her bathroom was full of her makeup items and her walk-in closet in her room overflew with clothes. Riri was still hiding in the closet. She would be hiding too, after meeting such a "nice" guy.
She got the basics for cooking meals for the following week. But she was too tired to cook anything big today, so she snacked on some cereals instead.
It was late when she heard Javier coming back home, door slamming shut. Great. The apartment wasn’t well insulated. She can also vaguely hear his TV.
She decides to sleep it off, not wanting to think too much about her new coworker who already seemed to despise her.
In the morning, she slips on a white shirt and black slacks after forcing herself to eat and drink coffee. She looks at the clock on her wrist. 6:58. She grabs her bag and goes outside to meet Javier in his Jeep. He’s already sitting, waiting for her, a cigarette between his lips.
“Morning.” She says.
“Almost late.” He responds as a greeting.
“I had two minutes to spare.” She argues as she rolls her eyes. “Your TV was loud yesterday.”
“Get used to it, princesa. Walls are thin here.”
She can almost see the hint of a smile around his cigarette. He’s wearing a light yellow shirt, a leather jacket, and dark jeans. The yellow looks good on his tan skin.
“Where are you from, Agent Peña?” She asks as he drives away.
“Texas.” He responds dryly.
“Fun. I wouldn’t have guessed.” She finds a cigarette pack in his car console, takes one and brings it to her lips and lights it up. He glares at her in the rear-view mirror, but she smiles like a wolf she takes a long drag on her cigarette. She would need to take a lot of fucking nicotine to endure the grumpy man. “I worked in Miami. But I’m from Canada.”
“I don’t care. I only care about the fact that you can do your job.”
“Lovely.” She rolls her eyes and keeps smoking in silence.
When they finally get to work, he shows her the empty desk in front of his. She would get tired of his presence pretty fast if he didn’t miraculously become nice. He puts a pile of files on her desk.
“That’s what we have so far. Read all of it and then get back to me.”
She puts her thick rimmed glasses on her nose to read. “This will take me all day.” She complains.
“You have to start somewhere, new recruit.” Says another man she didn’t know. He’s middle-aged and large. “I’m Chris, welcome.” She offers him a smile and tells him her name.
“What he said.” Javier responds. And then, just like that, he’s gone.
She flies through the files in just a few hours. She knew most of the information already, except the most recent breakthroughs that were still under wraps. And that last report. With everything that went wrong. Faceless people who died under an attack by Escobar’s men.
Maybe that’s why Javier was such a dick. Maybe that’s why he underestimated his new partner so much.
Javier comes back to his desk for a smoke break, eyebrows shot up as he sees that chiquita is done reading and she’s laying back in her chair, legs up on the desk.
“You’re a fast reader.”
“One of my many qualities.” She responds with a grin.
She watches as he lights up his cigarette and gets a glimpse of his teeth. She wondered what he looked like when he smiled. If he ever did.
“Let’s see if you actually retained any information or if you’re bullshitting.”
Javier tosses his cigarette pack at her, and she notes that she would owe him later. They smoke face to face, vapors of their cigarettes intertwining between them. She holds his gaze, defiant.
He quizzes her from the beginning of the case, and she responds flawlessly, with numbers and dates when needed. He feels himself getting smaller and smaller with every response, like he finally met someone better than him.
And then, he talked about the latest report.
“What went wrong, you think?” His eyes are suddenly distant, far away, as he remembers everything that went wrong. The way he almost lost his job when he came back with the news. He had failed miserably.
“You underestimated the fact that La Quica could call reinforcements with a phone you couldn’t track. And how close the help was from him. You thought you had framed him. But he framed you.”
“Smart girl.” He says, lips curled around his cigarette in what resembled a smirk.
Her thighs closed at the praise. She damned her body for getting aroused at his words. She tried to remember that he was an asshole.
“You need more help from the inside.”
“And how you suggest we do that?”
“You have to find someone who’s willing to sell them for immunity.”
“Or I could send you as bait. Make them believe you’re a whore sent to please them.”
“Fuck you, Javier.”
There it was the reminder that he was an asshole.
“It’s Agent Peña for you, chiquita.”
“I’ll call you trou de cul if it pleases me. Let me see if we got more intel on the phone if you’re done bothering me.” She gets up, the cigarette she stole from him still dangling from her lips.
When she’s gone, Chris shoots an amused look to Javier.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?”
“She is.” He agrees.
“What does… trou de cul means?”
“No idea, man. But I think it’s French.”
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After the last incident, it’s like everything had went quiet and Escobar was even more careful. So, she didn’t find much as she sat on the phone, listening carefully to the fast-paced Spanish. A veiny hand grabs the phone from her grasp and sets it down. She looks up at Javier.
“Hope you brought comfortable clothes. We have physical training today.”
“I don’t. How nice of you to tell me in advance.”
He shrugs. Cocky bastard. A cocky bastard who had already changed in shorts and a tight kaki t-shirt.
“Guess this will have to do.” She mutters as she gets up and rolls up her sleeves to free her arms.
She follows Javier to the gym, where a few people are already in duos practicing close combat. There was also another room connected and separated by a window, where they could see people training to shoot.
“Who am I fighting?”
“Me.” Responds Javier. “And I won’t go easy on you.”
“I was hoping you’d say that. How do we determine the winner?” She asks as she takes off her shoes while Javier positions himself on the carpet, taking a solid stance.
“When one of us successfully disarms the other.” 
She nods and observes where his gun is ridiculously poking out of his pants. Some people had stopped fighting and were starting to stare in their direction. A lot of the men thought that the fight would be unfair, and the girl would lose.
She noted that she also had a small knife hidden in her bra. She always had one. It would be useful against Javier.
The man strikes first, and she falls to the ground in a loud thud. She tries to ignore how heavy his body feels on her. She also ignores the public’s reaction.
She lets him think he’s winning, until the moment he’s reaching for her belt. Her hands grab his wrists in a solid grasp, her legs roll him over and he’s stuck under her as she puts all her weight on him. She lets go of his wrists and holds her arm against his throat, making it hard for him to breathe. He looks up at her, anger filling his gaze or… something else.
“You have to stop underestimating me.”
“You’re just a girl.”
A few boys let out a “woooo”.
Javier pushes her away and she falls on her back. He uses his legs to immobilize hers, trapping them in an impossible position. His chest presses against her back, trapping her on the ground. She fights with all she’s got, and when he reaches for her belt again, she pulls out the knife from her bra, still in its case, and she aims for Javier’s arm, grazes it.
The surprise destabilizes him, and she feels him weaken just long enough for her to take over again. He falls on his back and she sit her ass on his stomach. She takes off the case from her knife, aims for his balls but she plants it in the carpet between his legs instead. She turns just enough to see his stunned face as she takes his gun from him and gets up. Everyone starts clapping.
She holds her hand out to him and he takes it to get up. She swears she can see redness creeping up his neck, a deep feeling of shame settling in. She grabs the collar of his shirt and brings him close to whisper:
“Always protect your balls and expect your opponent to have more weapons on them.”
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ninjigma · 1 year
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QuinFox Week Part 6/7 - First / Previous / Next
Day 6: Sleep/Nap + Psychometry Track: 'Touch' - Sleeping At Last (Spotify / YouTube)
This time it was Quinlan’s own racing heart that woke him. 
His dreams had been filled with blaster fire, flashes of his parents blending into recognized red armor. The screams of his Mother echoed around him as he picked up the broken helmet, saw his own reflection in the visor, his eyes burning yellow- 
The screams became his own. 
He heaved in air, awareness spreading out with the Force into the dim room in search of the threat. He had tried to sit up, felt pain flare in his abdomen and caused him to stall halfway, curling to lean on his uninsured right side. 
“-nlan, focus on me. I know you recognize my voice you joke about it being familiar all the time-“
He hadn’t even noticed Fox come in, or maybe he had been in the bunk next to him? He hadn’t sensed him in his panic though he had been searching for threats, which Fox definitely wasn’t. If anything Quinlan latched his focus on Fox now and felt only safety, a comfort in the strength of another. 
“I’d say who else could I be but I guess there are at least a couple thousand possibilities,” Fox’s voice became sharper again, falling back on familiar humor at the sign that Quinlan was successfully anchoring himself. 
Another few breaths and Quinlan managed to croak out “Lucky guess then.”
Fox snorted, standing from where he had been kneeling in front of Quinlan. Slowly he reached out, hands barely brushing Quinlan’s shoulder in a clear direction for the Jedi to lay back down, which he did with a soft groan. 
“You should drink something,” the clone Commander pointed out. “Can probably eat now too if-“
“My mother. It was about my Mother.”
Fox pulled up short, half a step from turning away to grab the mentioned water and food. It was the middle of a sleep cycle, so he hadn’t been far when Quinlan’s choked scream woke him, but now he felt almost disconnected as Quinlan opened up in a very rare moment. 
A moment he was sharing, though quietly, as if Fox would push it off- no. As if Quinlan was giving Fox the option to push it off, that he didn’t need to stay and listen. 
But Fox had always listened before, even to things he definitely knew were ridiculous from the man before him. Why do anything different now?
At least, that was the reasoning Fox used as he returned to his spot from earlier, sitting and eyes tracking over Quinlan to check no bandages had come undone in the panic. 
“Your… Mother?”
Quinlan’s head gave the shortest nod but hadn’t managed to look to Fox yet. “She was… murdered. Both of my parents were, sacrificed by my great aunt to Anzati. I was four. They gave me her medallion, the one she wears in every memory I have. And-“
At this, his eyes closed, and Fox watched the signs of Quinlan slowing to find a semblance of control and balance, something honestly quite rare for the straightforward man to do. 
“And they gave it to me knowing full well I was what they described as ‘the best example of psychometry they’d ever seen’. I held the medallion and I relived their deaths like they were my own until Master Tholme found me.”
Fox blinked. He didn’t know truly what to do with any of that information. Surely he couldn’t change the past and had no similar experience of even having a parent to begin with. This wasn’t something he could fight physically or even parse out verbally. But before he could grow any more uncertain with the want to help but no path to understanding how, Quinlan continued with all the calm he shouldn’t have if Fox was to believe he was okay. 
“Sorry if that is a lot. You asked about her and it’s only an explanation of why I panicked. It was long ago, and I deal with it as best I can. I’m telling you not because I think you change anything about it Fox, but just cause you asked,” dark features finally pulled away from the ceiling to land on Fox. “All you had to do was listen, which you did. So, thank you.”
Fox didn’t feel like he should be thanked. Like he hadn’t done anything to actually help, though Quinlan always made it clear that Fox didn’t ever owe him anything. Thus he found himself nodding, agreeing as best he could in the heavy silence. 
Fox could be snippy, strong-headed, and fiercely loyal, pointed himself in a direction and slipped and fought his way to the end with everything he had. And though Quinlan told him thank you, Fox decided he could definitely do more than just sit here looking dumb to receive it. 
He didn’t owe it to Quinlan, he wanted it for himself. 
He reached out, fast before he could rethink it, and took Quinlan’s hand in his own. The Jedi didn’t even flinch, simply gave a short inhale and let his eyes flutter close. Fox had no idea how anything Jedi truly worked, but Quinlan had explained his need for gloves and how his psychometry worked before. Recalling that, he had wondered if Quinlan was strong enough to pick up memories or imagery, and decided he at least wanted to try. A chance to help Quinlan in some way even if it wasn’t with a blaster or armor. 
Face scrunching up slightly in concentration and a thought of how insane this all truly sounded if he thought too long, he pictured Dex’s. He thought about how it had been one of the first places Quinlan ever convinced Fox to eat at. He even recalled some of that meeting, how excited Dex had been, how the food quickly become something Fox loved, and then how it ended with Fox dangling off a speeder while Quinlan attempted to help him and also steer with the Force. 
He really did collect the insane one this time didn’t he? Maybe even give Rex a run for his money in the crazy General department.   
Quinlan suddenly laughed, choked but a laugh nonetheless. So perhaps it wasn’t that insane to think that even without being able to use the Force, Quinlan could reach out and find Fox instead. Like he always seemed able to do.
“Cody is the one with the crazy General,” Quinlan murmured. “But thanks for the nomination.”
Fox thought of some of the stories Cody had told him and snorted softly as Quinlan laughed again.
“I- I can’t tell what you are thinking exactly, it is more an impression and imagery thing, and people are always complicated. But you definitely have no contradictions in the feelings of ‘you’re crazy’.”
Fox rolled his eyes, though at least he hadn’t thought of anything too embarrassing or made a mockery of holding Quinlan’s hand for no reason. “It’s because it isn’t complicated, just a fact. You are crazy.”
“Crazy about you.”
It had been said teasingly, familiar in Quinlan’s antics of flirting playfully with Fox, in which the commander would normally quip back at him. But after everything, Fox being confronted with how much hearing Quinlan say goodbye hurt, how his heart plummeted when Quinlan had collapsed so lifelessly in his arms, how every step carrying him back made him fear he may never again hear those flirting comments again, and thus never feel the resulting small flutters of hope that they could be true; after all of it, he finally put a few thoughts to his feelings. A few realizations that his priorities and wants may have shifted without him ever really noticing. Like the shadow he was, Quinlan had slipped in close and before Fox knew it he found he didn’t want to be left alone in the dark again.
In a blink, he decided he wanted Quinlan to stay with him.
And in another blink, he realized his mistake.
“Sorry, I-” he pulled his hand back, every intention of moving away, under the guise of getting Quinlan or drink or maybe even an excuse to check the ship again. But he had barely let go before Quinlan’s own hand wrapped around his, anchoring the clone in place.
“No, Fox, it’s okay. You don’t have to leave,” Quinlan’s voice was low, raw in a way Fox had never heard before. “I want to stay, want you to stay, if you do too.”
Quiet. Neither of them was known for being quiet, especially not when they were together. But now it filled the small room, cushioned them both in silence that spoke louder than any words. Shifted to still and watched as they both took soft breaths.
Fox moved first.
Slowly he slid towards Quinlan, who moved the blanket back like he had been expecting it. And maybe he had with whatever Jedi nonsense Fox still scrunched his nose up about, but what was important is actually how his own stomach flipped over itself as he was now on his side, one arm naturally stretching out along the bed which Quinlan quickly accommodated, laying still on his back to not agitate his injuries.
Again they stilled, Fox’s eyes drifting over the dreadlocks splayed out across the small bit of pillow between them. Now he was close enough to pick apart the smallest scar almost hidden by Quinlan’s eyebrow, how those yellow tattoos complemented the deep color of his skin, a complexion even darker than Fox’s. 
“Don’t forget to breathe, Commander.”
A joke, one that shocked a scoff out of Fox as he tried not to show how he began to consciously breathe again. “And don’t you dare irritate your wounds. I spent way too long patching them up for you to aggravate them again.”
Quinlan’s eyes had shut and left Fox the illusion of privacy even as he could watch the rise and fall of Quinlan’s bare chest. The hand that had come to rest between them looked wrong now that it was empty, and there was still that little space between them.
Fox shifted closer, fingers drifting over the back of Quinlan’s hand. The Kiffar man hummed quietly, shifted his hand above Fox’s and moved closer as well. Naturally, they tucked close together, and Fox found his nose pressed to soft locks and Quinlan's head turned slightly to ghost breath across the low hollow of Fox’s throat.
“So, you really carried me all the way back?”
Fox steadied himself in the note of humor, even if Quinlan’s own voice still had those unsure feelings hidden in it. It didn’t phase Fox, especially because of how his own emotions were still as confusing as ever and thus he focused on that familiar banter.
“Yeah, dragged your self-sacrificing Jedi ass back here and I still haven’t heard a thank you.”
“Awe, would my clone in shining armor like a kiss for his efforts?”
Fox rolled his eyes and sank a bit closer. “I think the painkillers are still affecting you, you sound delusional.”
“Not at all, Fox,” Quinlan hummed. “So much not that I may actually pass out from the pain.”
Fox tried to hide his smile. “Can’t be that bad if you didn’t say anything, di’kut.”
“You would’ve gotten up, and I didn’t want you too.” Quinlan's eyes opened lazily to glance towards their entwined fingers, smile small but bright. “Not a chance Foxie, not for anything.”
“You’re so stupid.”
“All for you Fox. A true menace or you wouldn’t like me.”
Fox felt the other man sag against him. His voice had slurred, being awake finally becoming too exhausting for him. And Fox selfishly accepted the moment, relished in the touch of someone he found he trusted explicitly for the rare seconds he would have it.
Only to realize… he didn’t have to steal the moment. Vos had gifted it to him. Was giving him the chance, the choice, the option. Told him exactly what he wanted, and gave the Fox the moment to back out or get up and leave. To keep the distance they had carefully crafted with their quips and side missions and drunk sabacc games. 
Quinlan’s thumb brushed over the back of Fox’s hand.
Fox stayed.
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bloodhoundluke · 8 months
luke hemmings headcanons —❦ halloween
description: this is just a small collection of halloween things you’d do as a couple 🎃🧡
warnings: a few curse words, an illegal amount of fluff, a sexual hint. loosely written so might contain typos.
a/n: so this is my first headcanons post ever! hope you like it, and happy halloween to everyone who celebrates ❥ also, the cute little ghost dividers are by @silkholland & can be found here :)
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decorating the house
i don't think you'd go overboard with the decorations, tbh. you'd decorate the house in some spider web and pumpkin decorations, some halloween lanterns on the patio. some orange and yellow candles across the house. you'd put up some pumpkin and ghost string lights in the entryway of your house, and a decorative skeleton leaning against the entryway wall. and you both would startle everytime you came home (losers ❥).
and you'd go to the florist to get some halloween-y colored flowers to put in your kitchen and the living room. you'd take forever choosing which bouquets are the best. "do you think this is better? what about this one? oh no, this is cute as well! luke??? are you listening?". his only concern would be that you'd be happy with the choice, even if he had a favorite of his own. but then you'd persist and you'd propose he'd pick one and you'd pick the other. you'd pick one for the kitchen with orange and red roses, orange asiatic lilies and dried leaves. luke'd go for different shade of orange with lilies, roses and carnations for the fireplace in your living room.
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baking halloween treats
you’d bake something relatively easy or medium hard, not anything too complicated. you’d go for halloween cake pops, pumpkin cupcakes, caramel apples or spider web brownies for example. i don’t think gordon ramsay would be too impressed of your skills in the kitchen tbh (at least not luke’s, lmao). "luke you are not supposed to put that in yet! the dry ingredients are supposed to go in first". "are you serious?? oh my god have i ruined the whole thing? i definitely have, have i?". "we can fix it, lu. or at least i hope so". "i should not be allowed in the kitchen, jeez", he'd sigh dramatically and you'd giggle at his adorable reaction. "not if you can't read the instructions, baby", you'd kiss his cheek and later you'd offer some dough to him from your fingertips. "mmh, damn this is good though".
& you’d go to the nearest grocery store or bakery if you craved something you didn’t know how to make or were too scared to even attempt.
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halloween movie night
yeah you've watched a few halloween movies on singular nights after work etc. together, but you both wanted to have a marathon night. you could go for harry potter, coraline, hocus pocus, nightmare before christmas, etc., the classics. and if you were feeling wild, you'd go for a scary movie first. "lu i'm scared", you'd hide behind a blanket. "c'mere", he'd offer you his embrace and kiss your forehead. he'd wrap his arms tightly around you, and your head would rest against his chest, your hand around his waist. "are you scared?", you'd ask him. "no". "then why's your leg shaking?". "...cause it's numb". "right...". you'd joke about possibly being plagued by nightmares the following night, and as an attempt to avoid that, you'd end the night with some sappy and cute halloween movie. you’d also eat the halloween treats you made earlier and drink apple cider etc., while watching the movies. your living room would be candle lit and the couch would be filled with blankets and pillows, so it’d be extra cozy and homey. and of course petunia would beg for food, and you'd give her the dog halloween treats you bought from the store. then the pupper would happily go to sleep and start snoring in her own bed 🥺
and at some point during the night you’d hear the doorbell ring. it’d be little kids trick or treating. you’d give them a lot of snacks and gush about how cute they were afterwards. you’d melt because you love seeing luke with children, he is so extra attentive and lovable. (maybe some day you’ll have a toddler of your own running around the house in the cutest costume ever 🥹💞).
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carving pumpkins
you’d go to a pumpin patch together. you’d look for the perfect pumpkins, but they’d all be a bit off so you settle for some decent ones. (this would take at least 30 mins and then you both would get frustrated at the selection). you carve the pumpkins at home while listening to some halloween playlist. then you’d look at the final results. “this looks like shit”. “...look at mine” and somehow luke’s even worse. this would lead to a stupid amount of giggles. luke takes a picture of the carved pumpkins together and sends it to the boys whatsapp group. (they’d all think yours is better and luke would frown, following with a jokingful ”well fuckin’ obviously they think yours is better”.)
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dressing up
there’s no way luke would not want to have matching costumes… yeah you’re that annoyingly cute couple at the party that arrives in painfully matching set of costumes. mike, cal and ash would totally make fun of you being clingy and predictable, but secretly think you two are adorable. you’d pick something you both like, ranging from cute to sexy to actually scary costumes. you could be dressed as each other too. you’d pick whatever you feel like that year. i feel like you could go for a barbie theme this year and you could help him with his makeup and apply glitter in his eyelids etc 🥹 "is this okay?", you'd confirm luke about the makeup and he'd take a look at himself in the mirror. "it's perfect, darling". "..do you know what else is perfect?". "huh?". "your incapability to know that you have a boner...". "well it's not my fault you are so sexy, is it?", he'd smirk and the comment would be followed by a hot make out session.
and of course petunia would be dressed up as something like a pokemon, pig or a ghost!! ”i don’t she likes it very much, luke”, you’d giggle. ”oh mama here thinks you don’t like your costume. don’t you like it tuney?”, luke babbles and petunia responds with a grunt and goes to her sleeping nook. you both giggle at her grumpy reaction and how cute she looks.
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attending a halloween party
so first of all, you’d be super late. you don’t have the concept of time whatsoever. but all of your friends are used to it so they don’t really expect you two to be on time. you’d arrive to the party in your painfully matching costumes and mingle with people. then one halloween you’d win the prize for the best costume together. ”i told you we would win!”. ”luke….you told me we’d lose because our eyeliners weren’t matching enough…”. ”oh… did i? silly me!”.
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© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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fang-and-feather · 2 months
A Third Chance to Live
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Characters: Robert Hooke, MC
Words: 1,096
Tags: Canon Divergence, Hints of Magical MC, Background Isaac x MC, Fluff
Summary: One would think that after dying once and becoming a vampire, it would take out the strangeness of waking up when you thought you were dead. It didn’t. But in the midst of his confusion, he met with Isaac's girlfriend, the woman to whom he owns his third chance at life, even if she has no idea how that happened either.
My entry for the Wish Upon an Aide event by @wordycheeseblob and @lorei-writes, for the Yellow Prompt: Life
Although I had more ideas, this is probably the only one I will finish in time (well, "finish" if you count a chapter as finishing, but it's that kind of chapter that can kind of stand on it's own, at least form my pov). I chose this one of all the ideas I had because I felt like it was something quite unique that although I thought of long ago, I don't think i would have another chance to actually write since unique things usually make e nervous...
Also, I feel like this fic sounds a little too shippy from all sides, and that was not the intention 😅
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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One would think that after dying once and becoming a vampire, it would take out the strangeness of waking up when you thought you were dead.
It didn’t. Waking up this time was equally disorientating.
Where was he? How did he survive? The only strange thing he could remember as he lost consciousness was a strange warmth that spread from the wound, enveloping him.
He stood up, but not without having to find purchase on the wall. It hurt to breathe too deeply, making him check to find the wound hadn’t fully closed. Did that mean he wasn’t out for too long?
He took in his surroundings. A simply furnished bedroom, with the curtain drawn over the window, only a sliver of light escaping through it and indicating it was daytime.
With the fog clearing from his mind, he realized there was only one place he could be in. That didn’t explain why he was alive, though.
He could feel the light burning in his throat, making finding food his priority. But he had no idea where to find the kitchen, and moving was difficult. Sometimes he had dizzy spells. At others, his legs threatened to give out.
He had to stop to catch his breath when someone finally found him.
“Mr. Hooke? You shouldn’t be out of bed.”
It was Isaac’s lady - had she told him her name? A lot of his memories were foggy, - who rushed to his side, balancing the empty tray she was carrying with one hand and pressing the palm of her free hand against his forehead.
“You’re burning up. Let’s get you back to bed and I’ll get you some Rouge. Even if you don’t think you need, I think it should help.”
“Thank you.” Robert nodded and let her guide him back.
It was strange to find himself alone with her again, with the woman being so nice to him.
Despite his messed up memories, he was aware of what he had done. They had smoothed things out before his ‘death’, but it still felt strange that she was so comfortable and so worried with him.
He was happy Isaac found someone like her.
It took a few minutes, but she returned smiling, bringing, besides the Rouge, a pair of sandwiches and another cup.
“I brought food and coffee too, but you don’t need to eat if you don’t want. I just thought it would be nice.”
“That is nice of you. Thank you.”
Although vampires didn’t need to eat, she went out of the way to make him something in case he wanted.
“You’re welcome. I always find that good food helps when you’re ill, if only by improving your mood. Although I just improvised something I could make quick. And I don’t even know if you like coffee…”
“This is enough.” He smiled, reassuring her, before drinking down the Rouge and then turning his attention to the food. “Will you sit with me for a moment?” She nodded and pulled the chair from the desk closer to the bed. “How long I was asleep for?”
“About five days. Your wound was taking too long to heal, and we were worried. Isaac especially. He’ll be happy you woke up.”
Robert nodded. He would be happy with the opportunity to talk to Isaac again, but that reminded him this was his third shot at life. Not many people received a second chance, let alone a third. And this time, he hadn’t chosen to come back. He had no idea why he wasn’t dead.
“Mr. Hooke?” The sweet, worried voice interrupted his thoughts. “Should I leave so you can rest?”
“No. I was just lost in thought.” He thought of asking Isaac about this latter, but she was there too. Maybe she would have answers. He wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it for long until he had answers. “Do you know how I survived? Both of us know I shouldn’t. What happened?”
She furrowed her brows and looked down at her hands that closed into fists around the fabric of her skirt before speaking, voice just above a whisper.
“I… I think I saved you. But I have no idea how I did that. My body reacted on its own and… there was a light… your wound started to close, but not enough that you were out of risk. Whatever energy had overcome me was gone in an instant. Comte said it was a miracle. Whatever they shot you with should have been able to kill a vampire. He said I should be proud to have been able to save a life but… well, I am happy. But I’m also confused, and… maybe I didn’t fully recover from losing that energy either. And up until now we had no idea if you would really survive…”
“I admit I am curious about how you could save me,” Robert interrupted her, seeing how distressed she was, “but I will also be forever grateful to you for this.” He stood up, feeling a little more stable, and bowed to her, making her look up at him with surprise. “After wasting my second life with senseless grief, chasing something that no longer exists, I am glad for a chance to restart, and that I will have an opportunity to talk to Isaac again. And it’s all thanks to you.”
“You’re welcome, then. I am also happy that Isaac will have a friend like you. Now,” she stood up, “I think I should get back to work and let you rest. I will tell Isaac to drop by when he comes back.”
“I’m looking forward to it. Thank you for keeping me company.” He bowed again, and she mimicked the gesture with a smile.
“It was my pleasure, Mr. Hooke. If Isaac doesn’t come home soon, I’ll drop by again. If you don’t mind.”
“I would love that. And you can call me Robert.”
She told him her name, extending a hand for him to shake.
Robert hoped their relationship would remain friendly, since she was the one who saved his life and they would both be sharing a close relationship with Isaac, and he knew she had priority.
Isaac went from a man who lost everything to one who had everything while he wasn’t around. Maybe it was selfish of him to seek to restore the relationship they once had. Maybe he was too stuck in the past.
But he was given a third chance. Something he thought impossible. And he would try not to have so much to regret this time.
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I did't know if I should tag people on this, but...
Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @2-lines-and-a-circle
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
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nanamisflowerfield · 1 year
Haikyuu request, andkajah choosing is so hard 🤔🤔
What about Kenma and confession? Maybe he was streaming? It doesn’t matter who confesses. Scenario please 💕🌻🌺
Take rest and drink lots of water, you can do it! 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Hanaaa!!💕 Thank you so much for the request and so sorry for writing it super late!! ;w; (I'm still busy and have to learn for my tests, but I really wanted to finish at leats one thing before my big studies!) I hope that you like it and have a great day!! x3 💕💕
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“Eat this!” You smirked, throwing a bomb at your enemy, while Kenma continued to play the game in silence, sometimes glancing to the side to read what his dear followers wrote in the chat, while he streamed an online game.
“Ha! I hit them!” You cheered, raising your arms happily and shaking them a bit. Your best friend’s yellow orbs wandered to you, staring at your grin, before his lips curled up. “Be careful, there are three guys trying to kill us.” You only chuckled at it, grin turning evil, as you dashed around the map in the game, shooting and throwing bombs everywhere.
Evil laugher escaped your mother like a mad person, while people laughed at the whole scenario during Kenma’s stream. “OMG! THEY ARE SO FUNNY!” Kenma’s eyes moved fast towards the chat, glancing and reading what his fans wrote and that person surely is right. You were funny sometimes. The gamer’s lips smiled slightly, before he continued reading some more comments, while shooting here and there in the game, ignoring your cute and pouting face. “How can you even do all this stuff at the same time…” You mumbled, very focused at the game, before lightly hitting him with your elbow in the ribs to signal that he should read some out loud.
Kenma flinched at the unexpected contact; his focus momentarily broken. He glanced at you, his face slightly flushed from the contact, trying to ignore his burning cheeks, before reading a few out loud.
“Applepie, your friend is AMAZINGGG!!”
“Can (Y/N) be in every stream?!?! They make it so much more entertaining!”
“They are the ultimate duo! They should play every game together!”
“OMG YES! Hahaha!”
Kenma's yellowish eyes flickered to you again, a small smile tugging at his lips. Even though you could be annoying here and there, he still liked you, just as much as the chat apparently...
As the game progressed, the tension grew, and the two of you found yourselves back-to-back, fighting off waves of enemies in the current raid.
But then, your character nearly died in the middle of the battlefield. Thank the gaming gods for having Kenma there, as he jumped into the action, protecting you like a superhero would protect his damsel-in-distress, while the chat couldn’t stop talking about you two.
“Hey, I know that you said that (y/n) is just a friend, but are you sure that you aren’t dating?”
You read the last question, when your gaze wandered towards the screen, blushing at it, while Kenma only cleared his throat before telling you to run to the exit point.
“J-Just ignore them… They don’t know anything…” You heard Kenma whisper next to you. Did it mean the chat? Was he telling it you or to himself?
His eyes met yours, as you softly thanked him. Two gazes meeting each other, hearts bumping so fast that they nearly skipped a beat, while the fans of Kenma spammed the chat.
“He is like your knight! Tell him that you love him! He saved you!”
“LOLOL WHAT!? Nooo! As if he could ever love anybody!”
“You blind!? Just look at them! They are SOOO IN LOVE!”
“He TOTALLY has a cwush on them!”
“*crush , sorry”
You chuckled nervously, scratching your neck. “Well, the chat is kinda right about something…”
“What!?” His yellow eyes widen in panic. “How did you know!?” His voice was suddenly getting louder, surprising you and the chat.
“Did Kuro tell you about it?” Before you could ask him what the poor blushing man meant, he puts his hands on your shoulders. “Did he!? Did Kuro tell you that I love you!?”
Just this question made you speechless. (e/c) eyes wandering from his face to the chat for only a second to see confused reactions or “TOLD YOU SO!” in there, while you shook your head.
“He told me nothing…” You mumbled, still confused by what has happened, only to make Kenma gulp and wanting to hide in his room.
Silence filled the room, while game had only “Victory!” written on it and the chat asked thousands of questions or commented on what just happened. You two sat there, staring at the screen with big eyes and ignoring everything around you two.
“Uhm… I love you too…” You said after two minutes, face mirroring the blush, as your lips curled up into a shy smile.
“I finally came into the stream. What did I miss???”
Unsure of what he should say next, he mumbled: “G… Good. Should we continue?”
You nodded with your head immediately.
“Hey, Kenma, stop acting like a teenager with a big crush and ask them out. By the waaay… Told you that I can keep it a secret!” Kenma read Kuro’s text message, before he rolled his eyes.
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Reblogs and comments and a ko-fi are appreciated. ( ‘ω’ ) © nanamisflowerfield. Do not repost, rewrite, plagiarize my work.
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fandom-junk-drawer · 7 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 8
"I dare you to lick that!"
"I dare you to eat that!"
Those two phrases had been spoken off and on as Geralt and Jaskier travelled on the Path, looking for contracts.
Geralt had pulled into a gas station to refuel and take a p*ss break.
"I dare you to lick the toilet seat." Geralt said as he washed his hands.
Jaskier's head snapped towards him, incredulous. "Lick a gas staton toilet seat? I wouldn't even lick the toilet seat at home!"
"Ok, then I dare you to lick the urinal instead,"
Jaskier paled. "No! No, I'll lick the seat..." He went into the stall, Geralt following to confirm he actually did it. Jaskier faced the toilet seat.
It sat before him, stained, dingy, yellowed and cracked with age, and probably teeming with germs and diseases. And it probably hadn't been cleaned properly...ever.
"If I catch some godsd*mned horrible disease and die, it'll be on your head!"
*offended gasp* "What do you mean I've put my mouth on dirtier things?"
"Yeah? Well, at least I knew where those things had been...er... At least I knew they were...knew I was the only one....er...."
"Fine. I see your point."
Jaskier crouched close to the commode and hesitated, staring at the filthy seat. The filthy seat with p*ss stains so thick, they looked like butter, and sh*t residue that would require a grinder and bleach to remove.
And oh, gods, was that gummy stuff what he thought it was???
He thought about backing out right then, but shoved the thought away. Julian Alfred Pankratz did not pull out back out!
Jaskier said a brief prayer, then closed his eyes and licked the toilet seat.
Geralt snapped a picutre with his phone. For documentation purpose. Yeah. It absolutely wasn't so he could send it to his brothers.
Jaskier immediately spat and splashed water from the sink faucet on his tongue, then rushed to Roach to disinfect his mouth with a little whiskey while Geralt went to fill up the gas tank.
The gas station attendand looked out the window a few minutes after the Witcher had paid and gone back outside, and saw him on his hands and knees next to his van.
Was he ill? Did he drop something?
No. As the attendant watched, confused as h*ll, the Witcher leaned down and licked an oil stain while his companion laughed. Then he got up, they both got in the van, and they drove away. Well, that was going to be a fun story to tell.
Geralt stopped in the next town for lunch. He sat at the table, looking over the restaraunt menu while he waited for his drink. He gripped the underside of the table with one hand to help pull himself closer, and put his hand in someone's chewing gum.
"I dare you to chew that!" Jaskier said, as Geralt went to pick the gum off his fingers with a paper napkin. Geralt made a face. He didn't really want to chew someone else's gum, but he didn't want the undesired consequence of getting kicked in the nads for turning down a dare. He was a Witcher, so he was immune to most diseases anyway, which worked out in his favor. A little A.B.C. gum wasn't going to kill him.
So Geralt chewed the pre-masticated gum.
"What does it taste like?" Jaskier whispered out of morbid curiosity.
"Hmm. Spearmint. Cigarettes..." Geralt rumbled as he chewed, "Cheese, or something sweet. I can't really place it. Oh, wait. Bad kidneys. Probably from diabeetes."
"That sucks for him." Jaskier said, not even questioning Geralt's analysis. It was a Witcher Thing.
"You can stop now."
*smug hmmm.*
Later that day, Jaskier almost ate an earthworm Geralt found under a rock as they wandered through the woods, looking for nekkers.
Almost, because he ended up spitting it out after trying to be funny and suck it up like a spaghetti noodle. Geralt had doubled over laughing as Jaskier gagged on the worm. Jaskier's face had twisted up, and he'd made this humorus gargling noise before spitting the worm out.
Jaskier dared Geralt to lick a sticky substance off the side of a tree. It was probably sap. It was difficult tell. It wasn't particularly sap-colored, and didn't have that resin smell.
Geralt couldn't sense anything toxic about it, so he leaned in and licked the stream of goo. Hm. That was an odd flavor. It tasted kind of like...goat and something musky...
Geralt gagged and grabbed his canteene. He desperately started rinsing his mouth.
"What?" Jaskier asked, hovering between concern and confusion. Geralt babbled something about dryads and satyrs f***ing as he spat and gargled frantically. "That's not sap!" he screamed in lowercase.
Jaskier gasped, then ugly laughed, "You-you licked satyr nut!"
"Do you mind?" the tree grumbled in Elder, in a crabby tone, "I'm kind of worn out and would like to sleep!"
"You licked satyr nut off a treeussy!" Jaskier said to Geralt out of the corner of his mouth before addressing the dryad. Geralt elbowed him sharply in the ribs.
"A thousand appologies! We didn't mean to disturb you," Jaskier paused to bow slightly before continuing, "My friend and I were just passing through, and we will be on our way now."
The tree grumbled and shook its branches in a shooing motion at them.
They quickly left.
Geralt spat periodically as they walked in silence, a vaguely haunted look on his face.
"Dare Truce?" Jaskier offered.
"Dare Truce."
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mcyt-as-birds · 5 months
Hey!! I hope I'm not bothering you but I just found your blog (love your blog it's amazing) and, as a fellow mcyt enjoyer & bird enthusiast, I just have to ask you what birds you would assign to Niki, Quackity, Ranboo & Jimmysolidarity, based on their character/personality/looks? I'm just asking because I'm making a mcyt harpy AU and you seem like someone knowledgeable in birds and generally like a cool person so I hope I'm not intruding on your time!
So far I think Niki could be a flamingo (despite looking pretty they're pretty tough lol but I'm having second thoughts on that), Ranboo could be a long bird w long legs (maybe some kind of stork or stilt i dunno), with Quackity I'm torn between a Loggerhead Shrike and a Goldeneye Barrow's duck (or any duck bcs well, it's in his name lol. I actually can't decide if I should go for his dsmp character or general mcyt persona) and Jimmy I have no frickign idea (maybe a canary??? I've been thinking about this for days and I have no clue lmao).
Anyways hope you have a good day/night and once again love your blog :]
AAAAAAA so sorry I didn’t see this ask until now!!!! I’ve been absolutely going through it lately since moving but it’s getting better and I’ve successfully seen and photographed a bunch of new lifer birds so like win!!
So, absolutely depends on which SMP for these characters but if we’re going DSMP for niki, ranboo, and Quackity then these are my assignments;
Niki: my first instinct for niki is American kestrel (Falco sparverius), but she also fits one of the jaeger sp pretty well. Personally I’d go with Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) also known as the arctic skua. They’re incredibly skilled aerialists that are called “parasitic” because they pursue other seabirds until they give up their catch and leave it for the jaeger. Girlboss of them. Jaeger is also a German originating word meaning “hunter” so it’s double cool! They look like this! They remind me of marble a lot.
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Quackity: I’ve given him two assignments before, but both were for QSMP!Quackity which is very different vibes to DSMP!Quackity but I think they’re generalized enough to still work. The first one, for a General Vibes quackity is the ferruginous duck because duh, duck, but also They Have Secrets. And Know All Of Yours. Just look at those eyes! (Only males have the bright yellow eyes btw.) Barrow’s goldeneye IS a good choice as well so if you wanted to I’d say go for it! I also think ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) is a great choice personality wise because they are Mean Little Bastards to each other and others rip.
Here’s a male ferruginous duck! Oh god what does he know
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I am, however, a HUGE fan of hummingbird!Quackity particularly for the small size->bigger aggression of some species. It’s so unexpected! There’s also large parallels with how they have to constantly be on the move and eating insects and drinking nectar, with some species needing to consume up to three times their bodyweight each day just to survive! It reminds me a lot of how DSMP!Quackity is always trying to do Bigger and More Things and just never stops, ever, ultimately to his own detriment when he can no longer keep up. Again rip.
Anyways the species I assigned him before based on coloration of the art is the violet sabrewing (Campylopterus hemileucurus) which is one of the larger but less aggressive emeralds. HOWEVER they do end up completely intimidating other species away from feeding flowers just from their size and General Vibes. They’re also cool as fuck so I won’t be changing that. But if you wanted something more aggressive then I’d go with ruby-throated hummingbird.
Here’s what a violet sabrewing looks like!
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Ranboo: This is a bit of a tricky one, because it would be extremely easy to go “black and white bird boom done” and I don’t think that’s like bad but there is More To Him. Past assignments I have given him include swallow-tailed kite (Elanoides forficatus) for a miss beloved design, purple-crowned fairywren (Malurus coronatus) for a general streamersona/r800 ranbrand, and violet-backed starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster) for r800.
But if we are going purely DSMP!Ranboo, I have two different ideas.
Personality: killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Design: secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius)
Personality wise, the killdeer fits mainly because of its well-known predator responses “broken-wing display/injury feigning” and “ungulate display.” The former is where the adult killdeer will pretend to be injured (and thus, an easier target) in order to lead predators away from their nest and chicks. Then, they’ll lose or frustrate the predator until they give up and it’s safe to return to the nest. The other predator response is what I affectionately call the “fuck it, we ball” response, where the bird lowers its head, raises its wings, and charges at the predator. It is frequently fatal. I don’t think I have to explain why it’s so Ranboo coded but if you need evidence look up anyone threatening Michael lmao. Also you probably didn’t want to hear that much about them but listen I love them so much they are so cool and baby.
They look like this when doing the broken wing display! They also just kind of have the panicked deer in headlights look that I feel like he embodies.
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The second option, the secretarybird or secretary bird, is even funnier looking but fits the aesthetic so well and honestly some of his strange and unsettling vibes. The secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius) is the largest bird of prey by height and length. They are almost entirely terrestrial and hunt their prey by—get this—stomping it to death. I’m not kidding. They have been described as “what you get when you mix an eagle, a stork, and a bad hair day” because of the stupid little feathers on the back of their head. They kinda look lights on but nobody’s home sometimes. Drumroll please for this absolute fucking creature (affectionate)
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Yeah, I wasn’t exaggerating. Why do they look like that.
Jimmy: is an extremely difficult one, tbh. Everyone assigns him canary which, like, fair—but honestly it does not fit his personality or his design, and only really works for life series!Jimmy. And they don’t even give him a specific species! (Although ppl usually mean domestic canary without saying it.) No hate to people who do this and the canary in the coal mine symbolism is cool I just have Opinions and Propaganda and I’ve been Enabled.
I have assigned him one bird before, the eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius) and I kinda stand by it for the content creator, but it doesn’t fit his general minecraft sona.
To figure this out, we must go even deeper. Into the deep dark, mind the wardens. You probably didn’t want this but Too Bad you’ve activated my trap card and now you have to suffer.
Jimmy is a peculiar character because he is very dear to everyone, but also the butt of every joke—and he likes it that way! He’s a key player in many important events in storylines, but also the most often discarded. His luck is terrible, yes, but it can be argued that he brings about misfortune for others more than he himself experiences it. This is across hermitcraft, the life series, and empires.
So I propose this to you and the general fandom:
Jimmy is a snowy albatross.
The snowy albatross (Diomedea exulans) previously described as the wandering albatross along with the Amsterdam, Tristan, and Antipodean albatross sp, is a bird that is heavily steeped in superstition. While generally considered a bird that would bring sailors good luck, to harm or kill an albatross was to bring about the sea’s wrath upon the entire crew. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the Mariner kills an albatross that is being cared for by the crew. The crew became very angry with him, believing that he had called upon bad luck, and forced him to wear the albatross around his neck. This is where the metaphor “an albatross around his neck” comes from, symbolizing an unwanted burden causing anxiety and distress. At the end of the story, the mariner learns to care for all the sea creatures and his releases from his curse, but is forced to walk the earth for eternity and tell his tale. This is where the albatross has also become a symbol of past sins, regret, and atonement.
Jimmy personifies these qualities so much, along with hidden power, vulnerability, and unconditional love SO MUCH I need the fandom to see my vision so bad. Albatross Jimmy propaganda!!!!
They look like this
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And the chicks are so cute it’s not even funny.
I could go on and on about how Jimmy is so albatross coded it’s not even funny and facts about them AND I WILL LETS GO albatrosses have specialized wing anatomy that allows them to lock their shoulder in place and fly hundreds of miles without flapping their wings even once! They also follow ships and will eat anything and everything presented to them, including garbage, and will gorge themselves on food until they are so bloated they can only float on the water. They can live for over 50 YEARS, the oldest known lasyan albatross (and bird in general!) is a female named Wisdom who is 70 years old and still kicking! They are often considered silly or ugly birds by people unfamiliar with them but are very beloved by those within the birding and research communities and snowy albatrosses are one of the most researched bird species in the world! They are fiercely loyal, highly protective, and also absolute little goofballs. Like Jimmy. They are also social birds, with a huge range of vocalizations and displays LIKE JIMMY they are kind of bad at survival (but mostly human threats) and need a lot of help LIKE JIMMY (please protect your local albatrosses) and they are very loud LIKE JI—[*I am forcibly yanked off the stage by a shepherd’s hook in cartoonish fashion*]
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gtbutterfly · 19 days
Oh sh*t, mermay ends tomorrow and I've haven't posted anything mermaid related!
Sh*t, sh*t, um, quick, here, take this unfinished wip I made earlier this month, I know it's not finished, but I don't have anything else, hope you enjoy it anyway!
(Criticism appreciated)
CW: mild blood, shipwreck, implied death of crew, off screen hard vore(?) (death happens to the crew before the story starts, not the protagonist
Survival log, May 8th, 19XX,
Today is the day. I’ve been on this island for more than two weeks, today is the day I finally escape and make my way home. My attempts at fixing the broken radio from the shipwreck have failed, and my calls for help written in the sand have gone unanswered, so my only hope to return to civilization is to brave the seas myself. I’ve managed to patch up a life raft from the ship wreckage, and I’ve filled it with all the food and supplies I have left on this pit of sand. Tonight, I’ll set off and try to return to the mainland undetected. The creatures that stranded me here and left no remains of the rest of my crew have been lurking off the coast of this island waiting for me to go out there. I heard their singing trying to lure me out the previous nights, but their calls had been silent for the last three. I hope that means they’ve lost interest in me, and have left to find other prey to hunt, leaving me an opportunity to get away. This may very well be the last entry in this logbook. If I am to perish to the sea or to the beasts that lured our ship into the rocks, I only wish to be reunited with the rest of my crewmates, wherever they may be. If this book is found and I am assuming deceased, I ask my sons to forgive me for leaving them for the sea and leaving this world for the heavens.
Christopher closed the yellowed log book and dropped it onto the floor of the raft. It was sunset, the sky was clear but the usual fog was setting in around the rocks surrounding the island. Other than the sounds of waves crashing against the stone spikes and seagulls flying in the distance, it was completely silent. There weren’t any glowing eyes or shadows in the distant fog. There was no singing like there usually was around this time. It was getting dark fast, with the setting sun and the fog combined, there was hardly any visibility. That was when they liked to hunt. Ships would sail through the fog, and they would start singing while leaning on the massive rocks, putting the ship's crew into some kind of trance. The ships would be steered into the rocks and start sinking, and by the time the creature's prey would realize what was happening, they would be pulled into the water and devoured, leaving nothing left but the shipwreck against the rocks and a red tint in the water. Christopher didn’t know how he managed to survive. He fell into the water when the shipwreck happened, and everything went dark. When he woke up, he was on the coast of the island, 20 meters away from the rocks where his ship crashed. He was the only one there. There was no other debris on the island, nothing that could have floated him there as if something had plucked him out of the water, safely placed him on the beach, and left. For all he knew, he could’ve been dead and stuck on this island as a form of purgatory. But he would only find out if he tried escaping.
He’d spent the last two weeks on that island trying to survive. He’d been eating fruit from the few trees on the islands and drinking coconut water to stay hydrated. He made a poor shelter made up of branches and leaves for the night, and a campfire right next to it. During the day, the monsters would sleep. Christopher almost came face to face with one while he was swiming to the shipwreck to get supplies, luckily he was back at the island when it woke up. The water surrounding the island was too shallow for the creatures to swim it, so Christopher could swim and get fish there easily. At night, he would see the monster's glowing eyes and patterns in the fog, their dark shadows circling the island like vultures, and the sound of their song, though it didn’t have any effect on Christopher now. It didn’t sound beautiful and alluring like before, it was the same melody, but uncanny, and sadistic sounding. It was as if they weren’t trying to lure him out and were instead taunting him to get him to give up on survival, and let himself be consumed. But now those noises, those creatures, were gone, at least for this night. There was no telling how much longer they would be gone, no telling if they even were gone, or just lurking under the water. Assuming they were gone, though, Christopher couldn’t afford to wait any longer, he had to take this chance or risk dying on this island alone.
It was finally dark. There was a full moon that reflected brightly across the ocean water and a glass lantern Christopher had taken from one of the ship wreaks at the island that he put a bit of fire in acting as his only light source. Christopher pushed the raft into the water and kept pushing it until the water was to his waist. He climbed into the raft and started paddling it though the fog. It was silent as it could be, the only sound there was were the waves crashing into the rocks and the remains of ships. Without the threat of the beasts eating him whole, the environment was actually quite peaceful. The moon reflected in the crystal blue water, the stars filling up the whole of the night sky, the waves hitting the rocks and the shore behind him, it was all so surreal and beautiful, but now wasn’t the time to take in the location. Christopher kept rowing the small boat until he finally made it to where the water turned from a clear blue to a dark one, where the water was endlessly deep and empty. After two weeks, he made it off the coast of the island. He sighed in relief. This was finally it, he escaped the pile of sand trees and rocks where all his coworkers met their demise. There was a sliver of hope floating around in Christopher's gut, hoping he would make it to the mainland and see his family again. As he kept rowing past the rocks, his mind filled with plans for what he would do when he returned. He would publish the logbook he had been keeping, and use the profits to send his children to a good school. He would buy a new house for himself and his spouse, and never set foot on another cargo ship again. But as he was rowing, he noticed something in the water under him.
It was dark, darker than the rest of the dark blue water Christopher was surrounded by. It seemed like a shadow, or a silhouette of sorts, though it was hard to make out what the shape was, given how it was under the raft and covered by the fog. It was big, about twice the size of the raft, but it seemed to be getting bigger. Christopher leaned over the edge of the raft, hoping he was imagining what ever it was. The shilloette got bigger and closer until Christopher could just barley see two glowing yellow eyes in the water. They were only there for a second, and they were gone as soon as Christopher saw them. He thought he imagined them for a second, but he couldn’t have. They were to vivied, too real. The eyes were quite large, being perfect spheres, three feet in diameter. They had a yellowish glow that illuminated the surrounding green scales and the pounds of dead sea weed over the creatures head, that were otherwise completly hidden by the fog and the dark water. Christopher considered turning back and going back to the island, but he knew he was to far deep now, both literally and figuatively. He had to go through with it. So he kept rowing, albeit, with more urgency and panic than before. He quickly pushed the wooden oar through the water, trying to go as fast as he could. There were still something in the water, something following him. He saw just the tip of a sharp, massive dorsal fin peeking out the top of the water for a moment before going passed him. It had to belong to something atleast 30 feet long. He kepted rowing, trying to get away from whatever was lurking underneath. He was practically hyperventalating now. One of those monsters were right under him. He seemed to be seconds away from having his raft fliped over and being chewed to mush by the teeth of the creature below. Then, he heard it; the singing. Everything seemed to go still. Christopher stopped rowing for a moment. The singing was coming from the fog in front of him. It sounded beautiful and heartbreaking and kind and sad. It was a differnt melody than before, it was singular and quieter and more solem than the chorus he heard. Everything in Christophers mind was gone except for the singing. He started rowing towards the music. He couldn’t tell himself why, he just couldn’t stop himself from doing so, it was like it was all he knew. He kept rowing and rowing blindly through the fog, letting th esound guide him until it cam to a stop. Christorpher suddenly cam eto his senses and fell backwards in his raft as his face turned to absolute dread. There was something floating in the water infront of him. It was hard to see with the fog, except for its glowing perfect yellow eyes. It leaned closer to the boat as Christopher braced himself, and a giant, rough, wet feeling hand grabbing him from under his arms and pulled him upward.
It seemed about 30 feet tall, like christopher thought, though only two thirds of it was above the water. Its eyes were wide and its face was neutral. There was sea grass coming off of its head, it was hard to tell if it was just sitting on top or if it was growing from there somehow. Its scales were a blend of grey and green, and the moonlight shined off them like glass. Other than its eyes, there was nothing on this thing that was glowing, which was weird because all the other creatures that Christorpher had seen like this had glowing scales on their fins or in patterns on their bodies, similar to how predatory fish had glowing marks to attract their prey. This thing on the other hand only had its glowwing yellow eyes, simiar to a cat. Speaking of hands, Christopher noticed that this thing had them, he was being held in its hands after all. He didn’t remeber if the other creatures like this one had hands with human like opposable fingers like this one. He couldv’e sworn that they had fins at the ends of their arms, some with boney spikes coming out of them. He also couldv’e sworn that the other creatures were much bigger than this one. When the creature opened its mouth, Christopher braced himself to be chewed up, but instead, the creature seemed start talking, or at least trying to,
“H…….hu………hallu…..hell….hellu……” the sound creeped from the creatures mouth. Its voice was dry and raspy, yet young and feminine like that voice that christopher heard singing. It sounded like if a dog tried forming human words, they were just barely understandable, but still unhuman. The creatures teeth were flat and square,with rounded fangs before the molars like the teeth of an omnivore. Its mouth was red and fleshy and dark, ad smelled of seawater and kelp and small fish, but not of blood, not of humans. Christopher struggled to form words himself.
“H….h-hello?” he said, less so saying hello to the being that was holding him and more so asking if that was what the creature was trying to say.
“Hallo,” the creature said, its large face still netrally looking at Christopher. He gulped.
“Um…hello…” he said, looking at the entity in fear.
“Ewu….ee-uw hamam…ee-uw humon….human….” the creature said, still struggalling to speak correctly.
“Y-yes, I’m human…” Christopher said, “what….what are you?”
“S….sssssigh….ssssssigh when….” the creature said, “siiiiwhen…sighwen..”
“Siren?” Christopher asked. He had heard of siren before, but the name had slipped his mind when he was shpwrecked. The creature nodded.
“Sssiren….siren oar mmmurrmayed….” the creature said,
“Mermaid?” Christopher asked, the siren nodded, before it continued talking.
“eiiee….Eiess iz…Lamina…Lamina s….ssssav ewu, humon…”
“You’re…you’re name is…Lamina…and you saved me?” Christopher asked. It occurred to him how he ended up on the island instead of being killed with the rest of his crew, this siren, Lamina, took him from the water and put him there.
“Y-yez….” Lamina said, “ewus….ewur boat….wahs….” she made some kind of incomprehensible garling like sound, probrobly a word in siren langrauge that she didn’t have a translation for, “bye ssirens,,,,hoo…” it then opened it’s mouth and slammed it shut, making a loud sound with her teeth, startling christopher, “ewur frien humons,” Christopher just stared at them for a second, picing together what she meant.
“My ship was attack by sirens…other sirens…and they ate the other humans on it, and you saved me?” Christopher asked. Lamina nodded.
She made another weird gargling sound, before saying “siren” probably referring to the other sirens that attacked the ship, “wahn Lamina to…” she opened and slammed her mouth closed again, “...ewu…but Lamina…” The siren then just started making more gargling noises that christopher couldn’t understand. It was like she was trying to explain something, but was speaking in her native language and not broken english. It was impressive enough that she knew any english at all. Every so othen she would make some gesture with her free hand or her face. When she was done talking, Christopher looked up at her,
“Um….th-thank you…for not…letting me get eaten….” He said, smiling nervously. Lamina sunk deeper into the water and placed Christopher back in the raft he was in before. But instead of leaving, she started talking again.
“Sirens tat wahn…” she made the gesture where she opened and slammed her teeth close, it probably meant “eat,” “ewu coming bac tanight, humon go…” she made a gestured with her eyes closing and her head nodding downwards like she was sleeping, Christopher guessed it meant “home,” “naow, Lamina hep ewu,”
“You…you want to help me get home?” Christopher asked. Lamina nodded.
“Lamina hep ewu go homme,” she said, before dropping back under water, disappearing from the human’s sight. Suddenly, Christopher felt a bump in the bottom of the raft, and it started moving. The siren was pushing the Raft from under water. Christopher was skeptical of letting this…thing… help him, but it wasn’t like he could tell her not to, at least not now. He sat down in the raft as the siren pushed it from below him.
(yeah, that's all I have written. Let me know if you'd like to see this finished.)
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studyingpookie · 1 month
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What's upppp??? Here I just couple of photos from today!! Hope y'all enjoy!
Things for school that I've done today:
- history of art (starting all over to revise for my exam)
- computer science (just did assignments)
- started to edit my advertisment for my film class (I need to start it all over but now I have my mind set on what I want and need so that's fine)
So if you want you can read all about today but it's a lot 💀 like a LOT. I really wanted to describe this day sorry 🙏🙏🙏
So today was the first day of finals in my country, the good thing is that I'm not participating in this I still have two years till then. 🥳🥳
I've decided yesterday that this Tuesday will be ONLY for me and be my kinda rest day, I would be just chilling going through the city buy something to eat and drink. Well... My plan kinda shattered.
For starters I wasn't alone, my dad happened to be in the city and we went to dinner together. I'm not a big fan of crowded and obligated places especially when I eat. Long story short we talked a lot, I mean for sure more than normally. This made me super hopeful, I don't want to vent here by any means because I just feel uncomfortable with it but It was a really needed experience.
I thought at first that I'm gonna just go back to my place and study but i decided to push my limits. I went to the mall by myself and walked to the gallery to see if there are this McDonald's plushies AND GUYS HOW HAPPY IM THAT I DID THAT. So if you don't know McDonald's have now collaboration with hello kitty and some anime I forgot the name of it 💀 and now they have in stock super cute plushies!!!!
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I really wanted this yellow dog because just look at him he is super cute! Or this black penguin. I went to 6 McDonald's to searching for this fricking dog because I wanted him the most but than when I was ready to give up miracle happened.. I saw it. The mf penguin. Words won't and can't describe how happy I felt. I immediately went to buy this happy meal. And now I got him. My very own penguin 😭🙏🐧
I started to binge watching this series called World's Strictest parents on YouTube I really recommend it if you are interested! I love seeing these kids change or I can look at things from their perspective (ngl I almost cried during one episode) Also I looked up songs that will be on Eurovision, my favourite for now is "La noia" by Italian artist Angelina Mango. I can't wait to see who wins and what score Poland will get! I think this year we have a good song to show off but we will see how it goes.
I'm not gonna talk about my studies because it's boring and I just studied while being super sleepy, tired and bored as hell. History of art IS interesting but I don't really like remembering the names of people and things. It's super hard for me and it's only going to be worse. Why these names are so hard 😭😭 and why I can't get into my head any Italian artist 💀
And guys the last thing is that I found the CUTEST BAG (that I can afford at least) at first I wanted to buy it from joom but then I found the exact same bag on AliExpress and it's slightly cheeper. One time I shopped from AliExpress and I was quite surprised that the quality was actually good. I hope it would be the case with that one! I will try to order it tomorrow 🙏 "we're getting what's in my bag" with that one boys 😈
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