#they say never meet your heroes but holy shit guys
snarky-magpie · 4 months
(I still think this exchange, especially side by side, is one of the funniest things in the whole fic.)
James: Still being mysterious. Okay. Keep your secrets. I’ll tease them out of you eventually. 
James: I, however, am not mysterious at all. Open book. Quite literally. Are you familiar with The Marauders trilogy?
Reg: …
Reg: …
Reg: …
James: Did your phone freeze or…
James: Hello?
Reg: James.
Reg: Your first name is James.
James: Yes, I’m aware. One of the first things I told you about myself.
Reg: And you’re twenty-eight years old.
James: Yep, also not a secret.
Reg: Holy shit. You’re James F. Potter.
Reg: Unless this is Barty pulling an elaborate prank.
Reg: If this is you, Bartemius, I’m gonna bloody kill you dead.
James: Bartemius? You said your friend had a human name.
Reg: I can’t believe I’m messaging with James F. Potter.
James: So you’ve heard of me.
Reg: …no.
James: :) :) :)
James: Also, could you stop saying my whole name? It freaks me out.
Reg: But you’re James F. Potter. You’re like, proper famous.
James: Hardly. Barely one person out of ten recognises me in the street. Three out of ten at cons. I take it you’re a fan, though.
Reg: Not really.
Reg: Might’ve read your books in passing.
Reg: Once.
Reg: Or twice.
Reg: Or twenty times.
Reg: And might or might not own the first-edition signed hardbacks of The Marauders. Your other books are a nightmare to find, or I’d have those too.
James: Fucking brilliant. 
Reg: But to be clear, I still think you’re an obnoxious wanker.
Reg: Like, as a person.
Reg: It’s true what they say. Never meet your heroes.
Regulus: Do you remember the author I like?
Barty: Like? You mean the guy you worship? James something?
Regulus: James Potter. There’s no worship.
Barty: You have a shrine dedicated to him in our living room!
Regulus: Barty, that’s a bookcase.
Barty: Whatever. His name’s plastered all over that thing. I recognise a shrine when I see one.
Regulus: He messaged me. Out of nowhere.
Barty: Why? Was he tracking down his most insane Reddit followers to know who to pick out of a lineup for future restraining orders? 
Regulus: I’ll never understand how some people find you funny.
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metalotaku-da · 9 months
So many cross overs so narrow of common hero choices. Let's expand a little.
"Rip what the hell is that?"
"It appears sir, to be a small human child. Around the developmental stage of 4-5"
"Even you know better than to cuss infront of kids.
"I was gone for five minutes."
"Actually I snapped you back to a minute after you left."
"Are You misser booser gol?"
"Yeah kid that's me. You a fan or something who got into something you shouldn't to find me?"
"No. Clockie said tis for you." Hands a sticky note to booster.
Note reads: this is Danny. You will care for him from now on. See this as payment for resetting your time line safely. If you even try pass him off to Bruce wayne/batman, I will ensure your entire familial line never touched time traversing. And you stayed forever trapped in the 31st century. -clockwork master ancient of all time. P.s. there is not conning your way out of this. I will hunt down every ancestor or decendant for all time.
"This looks very serious sir. Congratulations sir you are a father Now"
"Wow kid. Clockie must hate you. I'm so sorry."
"I'm not that bad of an option. Obviously I was judged better that batsy."
"Clockie ass hero I want to say wiff."
"OH kiddo and you asked for the greatest hero boostergold?"
"I wike space. He say geen lanern is space. He take care of me."
"I'm so sorry sir, you have already disappointed your new child. Should I take a commemorative photo of this milestone moment for you?"
"No" "yes skeets"
Camera flashes.
"I shall add this photo to a new album labeled baby book. It is labeled Danny's first disappointment, sir."
"Thank you skeets." X2 one sarcastic one pleased.
"I wan geen lanern."
"Think you're gonna need help anyway Micheal. Call one of them. Not guy."
"I would never co-parent with guy. What kind of idiot do you take me for?"
"Rip takes you as the utmost idiot sir. As does most of the justice league sir."
"Thanks skeets."
"You are most welcome sir."
"Can I pay wif the talking space ship?"
"Sure kid." Pushes skeets into the kids hands.
"I do not believe I am rated for physical interaction by children under 10 sir."
"To bad skeets." Picks up Danny who looks up at him instead of at skeets to smile all teeth. "Holy shit are those fangs? We are going to go see my friend Ted now. He will know what to do."
"He will atleast know not to cuss infront of kids. Don't know about the rest."
"Is ted geen lanern?"
Cue shenanigans. They were roommates, but adopted a child.
"Does Batman know you stole a child from him?" <- Jaime when he visits.
"Do not even joke like that. My existence is at stake."
"Batsy is the new beetle juice. In this house."
"Are You geen lanern?"
"Sorry kid I am blue beetle."
"Should I take a picture for Danny's third disappointment since becoming your child sir?"
"No skeets."
"3rd? How long you had him?"
"A week"
"Ouch. Hey kiddo why do you want to meet green lantern? Aren't these guys just as cool?"
"Considering the average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees I do not believe they qualify as cool sir." Jaime is picking up danny to hold on his hip.
"Clockie says geen lanern is space." Danny smiles.
"Are those fangs? Is this a meta kid? You like space? My scarab is from space. Isn't that just as... Oh My, no scarab!" Scarab starts to go into protect host mode while screaming danger desteoy threat in Jaime head just as Danny's eyes start to glow green at the statement and his mouth splits inhumanly wide with even more teeth. Ted and Michael scramble to grab Danny and move him away from Jaime till he gets control of the scarab again. But Danny has a death grip and won't let go of his new friend.
"I do believe sir that your new child qualifies as a meta. Should I take a picture to commemorate your child's first power demonstration sir?"
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if is it ok to request, what if April brought her best friend down to meet the bayverse turtles? But her bestie is goth/punk with piercings and tattoos? looks a little intimidating but an abseloute sweetheart?<3
love this idea, thank you for your patience as it's taken me so long to get to this x
Also this is 100% like my best friend, they're super goth and tatted up to the 9's but they're also a massive sweetheart
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"hey, I have someone I want you to meet" April calls from the doorway to the lair
Leo knows who she wants him to meet, she's been going on and on about how this friend is finally in town and she would love to hang out, all of you guys together
he puts on all his charm
"And who is this lovely-"
then he sees her
lips, eyebrows and nose pierced, hair dyed in an acid green/black split dye, dark and black ripped up clothes, tattoos covering every inch of visible skin
"-wow" is all he can make out
she's the complete opposite of April looks wise
"No, keep going. You were about to tell me how lovely I look" she jokes. "Hey, I may not be barbie girl pretty but I bet 'ya anything I can kick your ass at call of duty!"
that softens the mood and makes everyone a little more relaxed
and she was totally right, Leo was fighting for his life playing that game with her
when it's finally time for them to leave she calls back "And if you think my hair is cool, just wait til you see what I can do with a paint brush, that shell of your's is going to put the Sistine Chapel to shame when I'm done with it!"
Leo just laughs, thinks she's a great girl
"Never judge a book by its cover" he mouths to April as she walks out the door
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He knows April is there, he can hear her joking with Mikey but he can hear another woman's voice
he walks in to say hi and stops dead in his tracks when he sees who she's with
"Raph, it's rude to stare" April scolds
"It's ok" he friend reassures "I just have a natural allure that's irresistible to men and turtles alike, it would seem"
that makes him chuckle, she's funny, he's glad she's funny
"The, erm, the..." He keeps touching his nose, clearly indicating towards her septum piercing "... like a bull" is all he manages
"Well, I am a taurus" she quips back
he laughs again
tensions settle after that and he gets on with her like a house on fire
he asks her later what he first impression of him was, since it was clear he was taken aback by her appearance
"My first thought was whether or not you'd fit through the door frame, holy shit dude you're built like a truck!"
the rest of the evening is spent with a lot of joking and laughing, April's friend can give as good as she gets and Raph likes that
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He's so excited to meet April's friend
so much so, he's prancing round the place trying to get everything ready
when April walks through the door with her, he his jaw drops
"Devil lady!" he says in a tone which indicates he clearly thought that was a compliment
"Masked turtle man!" she replies with the exact same enthusiasm
the two of them bond over how cool she is and how cool Mikey is
comparing stories and boasting, all in good fun, until they both get a bit carried away
April has to put her foot down when her friend tries to give him a stick 'n poke tattoo on the kitchen floor
"It's not sanitary! Put the ball point pen away! He's gonna get sepsis!!!"
eventually they all retire to the sofa and play guitar hero, which April's friend does not do too well at
"I thought all you punk chicks knew how to play guitar" he says
"Nope, we just date guys who do" she laughs
After they leave Mikey is begging April to bring her round again
he still wants that tattoo
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He's not the best at meeting new people
but, he actually feels more comfortable when he see's April's friend is alternative looking
he loves a good social outcast because he is one
they bond over talking about the history of subcultures and the ecological impacts of fast fashion and why you should DIY all your clothes or thrift them
April is ind of just sitting there like "what have I done? Putting two nerds in the same room..."
When the subject of tattoos gets brought up she mentions a couple she regrets
cue Donnie and his inventions
"I have a laser remover!"
"No" April pipes up
"It's totally safe, it's just-"
"N-O! No!" she reiterates
her friend mouths "When she's gone" and winks at him
the two of them are fast friends
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galaxycunt · 2 months
I Dream Of You
The Punk Buggy fic 😎 just for u my friends @gayafsatan @gingernut1314 @hey-august @rorywritesjunk @operationroots
Modern AU kinda
Let us all think back on the time of hooking up at a show with sticky floors and your ears left ringing for a few days after.
You wouldn’t admit it to a single soul, but you had a crush on Buggy. He was the kind of guy you couldn’t miss in a crowd, you weren’t sure if you’d even recognize him without his clown get up. Sometimes he’d even dress like a pirate, he was a funny guy. Buggy the Clown.
He’d never notice you though, people gravitate towards a guy like that, not someone like you. So tonight, you watched him like always. At point in the night he lost the big red clown nose he always wore, currently on his hands and knees looking for the damn thing while one of his friends held up their phone for a light.
You saw it though, you could be the hero. Before the woman next to you could step on the nose, or your hands, you grabbed it. You felt a cold sweat, you had your chance. Did he know you? You knew the band that opened, surely that wasn’t too weird to bring up?
“Hey! Buggy!”
He flashed a smile, prancing over to you, “holy shit. Thanks!”
“I’m uh,” you were more flustered than you realized.
You repeated your name, shouting into his ear. He nodded with a smile, motioning you for a drink. You second guessed the way you nodded as you two navigated your way to the kitchen.
“Let’s go outside,” he said.
This was so fast, you almost couldn’t believe it.
“I’ve seen you around, you live here?”
“Nah, my friend does. They’re the opener.”
“Oh shit! That’s cool!”
You nodded, thinking of the best thing to say as he smoked and drank.
“I know you, Buggy. I really dig the costume.”
“It’s my uniform.”
“Oh is it? That’s so cool, man.”
He laughed, “yeah I can make balloon animals. I juggle too.”
“That’s so fucking cool! Wait, like anything? Can you juggle, uh, sticks?”
He laughed, picking up three random sticks in the yard to juggle. A few people turned to watch, but he only focused on you if not the sticks in the air.
You applauded, “see that’s why clowns are hot.”
He cocked his head, “what’d you say?”
You blushed, “clowns are fun. I never got the whole they’re scary thing. They’re funny.”
He only smiled, letting a comfortable silence fall as you listened to the band from outside. You wracked your brains for conversation starters, you didn’t think you’d get this far.
“Would you like another beer?”
“Yes, please.”
“Stay put.”
You locked eyes with a friend, nodding in approval. This was so embarrassing, everyone was gonna know by the end of the night. You looked at your friend again.
“Fuck him,” they mouthed.
Did he wanna fuck you? Should you try?
“For you,” he bowed, holding out a can.
“Least I can do, you saved my nose.”
“Where’s Richie?”
He had a small cat on a leash sometimes, the only other time you’ve talked to Buggy was to pet his cat.
“He’s getting old, left him at home for some peace.”
“Aw, I love that little cat. He’s so good.”
“Well maybe you can come over, meet him.”
“I-I’d love that.”
Buggy stared at you a beat before speaking, “can I kiss you?”
Why he wanted to do that, you’ll find out later. Right now, all your brain focused on was his lips on yours.
“So why are clowns hot?”
You flushed, “o-oh. My god, uh. It’s kinda like a mask but not? I can get all messy when we make out?”
He raised his eyebrows, “interesting. I like it.”
You tried to shrug nonchalantly, “yeah, man. I like what I like.”
“You’re cute, you know that?”
You smiled so brightly at him, he seemed to love it.
“Come on, you say this is your friend’s house?”
He smiled, “so they won’t mind if we discussed this more inside?”
Your heart skipped a beat as he led you towards the upstairs bathroom. He rubbed your back, your hand flew to your cheeks to cover the burning you figured was too obvious at this point.
Before you could say a word, he pushed you against the door, teeth grazing your lips and your ears. Instinctively, you spread your legs, arms holding you steady on his shoulders.
“Do the gloves make it hotter or do you want it off?”
You thought about it, “off. The nose too.”
He laughed into your kiss, squeezing your thighs before he fumbled around with your jeans. You could barely think, you hoped the music was loud enough, the line outside not forming too long.
Would it be too cheesy to say anything? Your hands dropped to roam under his shirt, the cool metal of his piercings under your warm skin sent a hiss escaping his mouth. Your glided your palms against him again, he bit your lip in thanks.
Buggy shoved your pants down, dipping a finger inside you. You couldn’t stay as quiet as you wanted to, bucking your hips into his hand as he fingered you.
“Fuck me, buggy. Oh shit.”
“Beg for it.”
“Please, oh fuck. Please.”
You watched yourself in the bathroom mirror getting fucked, Buggy was only focused on your pleasure. You only had a few moments before someone would really know what you two were up to in here, he thrusted faster and faster.
“Fuck anyone outside, let them fucking hear it.”
You moaned hoarsely as you came around his cock. Buggy mumbling in your ear as his thrust became erratic.
“Fuck, I always wanted to fuck you. Fucking shit.”
You let him fill you up, he didn’t pull out as he caught his breath. He splashed his face with water, looking at the two of you in the mirror.
“Shut up, jerk,” you smiled.
You cleaned up the best you could, with Buggy stealing kisses the entire time.
You pretended you were in there puking, looking sick as he slung his arm around you. You were really dehydrated, you wanted to sleep.
“Lemme take you home, go see Richie.”
You nodded, “yeah.”
Buggy smiled at himself before speaking, “make you honk like a real clown.”
To him, the shove you gave him was worth it.”
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
To add onto the idea that Danny sheds his human body and becomes some kind of eldritch shadow monster with which MM has to play Pictionary with, I also feel like it would be really funny if at some point Danny has this lighting bulb moment (which he describes to MM as several electric lightbulbs and exclamation points) and just...fucking overshadows some super that's there. Dealers choice who, could be superman (thinking of some of your kryptonite/ectoplasm prompts), could be some member of the bat family (since there's a Lazarus pit under Gotham right? lots of exposure makes them compatible), one of the flashes ig if you do something with the speed force.
Either way, Danny's eldritch shadow form suddenly disappears, causing the JL to erupt into panic and interrogating MM like where did he go what happened he disappeared did he say something is he pissed is he going to attack earth what level of world ending threat should we be prepping for, none of which Martian Manhunter can answer since he's just as confused.
Only for someone to straighten up and give the rest of the JL the biggest sheepish smile ever and go "Whew! Sorry about that, don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. I guess I never wondered if it was a possibility but this body seems sturdier than most. Anyway--this is so much easier now--hi! My name is Danny, I'm fourteen years old from Illinois and it's so cool to meet you!" punctuated with an awkward wave that looks so out of place on the hero they all know.
There's just so much potential for chaos if the only way Danny can actually communicate with words is to overshadow someone. Especially if they're just...the complete opposite of him. Like Batman or something.
Prompt anon is referencing.
Oh maN this is beautiful. The Justice league realizing “holy shit. This is just a kid. What happened to a kid that made them look like that.”
Ok Batman getting overshadowed is funny but I also give you:
- Plastic Man. Danny still shifting and twisting in very unnatural ways as he’s possessing Plastic Man because this body is far too bendy and he’s forgotten the range and motions of how normal human bodies move.
- Dr Fate. Mostly for the fear of “oh fuck this kid possessed dr fate, a host who’s technically sort of possessed by another guy already.”
- Wonder Woman. Danny Lasso of Truth’s himself to prove that he’s not a threat and it shocks everyone.
- Martian Manhunter. When he possesses the Martian, his form shifts to look like Danny just before he shed his human form.
- Robin. Oh god you can see even clearer that this is a child since he’s already in a younger persons body.
There’s so much to work with here. This is truly a beautiful idea dude thanks for sending this in.
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qpr-culture-is · 6 months
I know it's not really a confessions blog or something like that but I'm just so confused and lost and I just want to describe my feelings to someone. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes
So first of all I'm trans, I think it's pretty important to the story, kinda had a transphobic phase because my country it's not only very lgbtqphobic but our queer community is also very hostile towards trans people, like more than I have seen in other communities, so it's common. Pretty closed about this, tried to come out to some of my friends and classmates almost 2 years ago now, went wrong, don't talk to them and become very paranoid. Not even planning to tell someone about me being trans before a lot of people transferred to our class, they all were added in our group chat and I immediately pin pointed this dude with gerard way as their pfp who then asked to refer to him with he/him only and use other name. Holy shit. I literally never in my life seen an openly trans person, not even a closed one, never interacted with someone also trans irl so it was HUGE for me. Skipped first week of school, was kinda worried that I'm going to be an outcast, but that I finally meet him, and like the first thing he said to me was "wait are you that person with *fandom* as your pfp?" so we immediately connected. I was on cloud nine because he is SO COOL and only a few girls in our class are deadnaming him and it's so nice no one is being mean to him and I think it kinda changed my way of viewing how people will react if I come out to them. Because most people just don't care. Then I gave him my other socials and he saw me using any pronouns and he was like hey! How do i refer to you! Cool! And i told him that I'm actually also trans and he never ever questioned or doubted it even though I'm pretty fem presenting.
So yeah I rambled sorry it was just a really cool experience really cool dude. So the reason why I'm writing to qpr blog it's because I lately started catching feelings for him?? But I'm not in love?? I don't really know how to explain this but for a really long time I was just thinking that I just have a friend crush then that I want to date him and like I knew about qpr and I knew that qpr is way more complex and it's not just the secret third thing after dating and being friends. But like, I want to kiss him and give him gifts in a way that I view as romantic but when he's mentioning dating or his exes I don't feel a thing. Today was weird, I slept for only 3 hours and felt a little bit wonky, so I said a lot of things that were like straight up flirting. And I felt embarrassed and blushed and shit but not in "hehe I flirted with my crush!!" way but more in "holy shit it was embarrassing why did I say it" way. And he also talked about a guy that he has a very weird relationships with for the past 2 years, he said that like yeah we're friends but not really we had some periods of dating but not really and he also constantly flirts with other people including me. And I was just yeah kill him and didn't thought much of it, not jealous or sad that he have something going on with other people, but I still want to date him, but in friends way. So after I pondered about it for a while I think that I just want to have that Secret Third Thing with him. Still feel lost because I never felt like that before and because I think that I'm alloromantic and I was in romantic relationships before so I know how I act when I'm in love with people. With him it's so close what I feel when I'm in love with someone but at the same time it's so different and such weird foreign felling. Woud like to hear some advice for how people realised or what people feel and want in qpr relationships, I know it's different for a lot of people, but I want to hear something from heros who read this wall of text
Giving you a little breakdown of things I have noted;
-You can absolutely be alloromantic and want a qpr/have a squish
-To me it does sound like it may be a squish
-All in all you'll have to make that decision for yourself, and it could very well just be the fact that you've never connected with a person like you have with him before so it's all a bit different for you
And here's a bit of my past experiences
It's really a bit hard to remember since it's been forever, and given I'm aroace squishes have always seemed like legitimate crushes (in a weird way) so keep that in mind.
The last squish I remember having was a little over a year ago. I really connected with the person and they made me laugh a lot. I felt pulled to them in some kind of way. I wanted to spend time with them and I wanted to be called their partner. It was just,,, different than my previous feelings towards friends. Now, if it weren't for events that happened later on, I could have very well been convinced it was a romantic crush (we ended up in a romantic relationship for a bit but my aro ness got in the way and I began to feel very uncomfortable with the whole thing), and am honestly not sure how to differentiate those feelings from that of a romantic crush.
The only other time I can think of having a squish would be quite a while back, and at the time I was completely convinced it was romantic (I had not even really been aware of the aro and ace labels at the time). Once again, the feelings were towards a close friend. They were my best friend in fact, and at the time I really thought we understood each other like nobody else did, and it was almost as if we were very drawn to each other. Contrary to what you noted, there was a bit of jealousy here and there when they were with someone else later on (tho I know believe to be more in a platonic context anyways). And... thats basically all I've got
So those are my main experiences with having squishes, if that gives you an idea of what to expect from one. I'd also like to say that I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this! I've been a bit busy the last few weeks and am currently on holiday break now and haven't felt up to doing a whole lot (and keep forgetting to post as well)
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villainsblog97 · 1 year
Xdinary Heroes: Gaon as your Boyfriend
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Happy 400 Days with Xdinary Heroes! Now I know I've already done a XH as your boyfriend and the romance troupes, but to celebrate 400 days with our heroes, I wanna get just a little more in depth with each member!
Summary: How would our quirky fun-loving guitarist be as you boyfriend?
Warnings: Slight language, maybe some mentions of intimacy, Arguments, nothing too serious
Scenario: Boyfriend AU, Romance, Fluff, slight angst here and there.
How You Met:
I can think of about 20 different places you could meet Jiseok
But the best one that comes to mind
Is a music shop
He saw you strumming an acoustic guitar
Boy was in love
It took him a hot minute to even talk to you
Let alone ask you out
But eventually he got pushed enough courage to talk to you
You both definitely started out as friends
But then soon enough
You two realized you felt more than just friendship for each other
Only one word that comes to mind
Jiseok's favorite place to go with you is the arcade
Then some pizza or Korean BBQ afterwards
He also looks like a Boba date kind of guy
Really anything that gets you guys together
Oh boy Jisoek
I've said it once, and I'll say it again
He gets a little scary
No scratch that
He gets a lot scary
I feel like he mostly just kind of yells out his frustrations
"I work my ass off Y/N!"
kind of things like that
But it's all over
If he sees you flinch
Or jump
This boy would crumble
He'd pull you into his arms
Apologizing so many times
Kissing your head
Holding you so close
His eyes stinging with tears
"I would never hurt you baby"
Jiseok is your soulmate
Change my mind
You two were literally made for each other
He is so in love with you
He would scream it to the world
He definitely has a thousand nicknames for you
Princess, Sweetheart, Baby, Love, Honey, Darling, ect...
The guys groan so hard at how cute you guys are
Now Jiseok looks like a quick kisser
Like he gives you little pecks
On your cheek
On your lips
Your head
And your hand
But if he was in the moment
Like that kind of moment
His kisses would be slow and sweet
He builds them up for sure
And he loves either holding your face in his hand
Or your hand
The Little Things:
His laugh
Oh my god that laugh
It's so sweet and funny at the same time
And his eyes
Those big boba eyes are to die for
He personally loves it when you hold his hand
That lets people know you guys are a thing
He Loves when you get jealous
It's so cute
Like holy shit
You get so salty
And he can't help but laugh at you
You love hearing him play his guitar
And you two totally play together
He'll even show you some techniques to help you become a pro like him
Rather it's an arcade date, or just chilling at home, Jiseok would be the best boyfriend in the whole world.
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askstevella · 3 months
Take Me Back To The Start
Her eyes shot open, waking up in a bedroom across the other building. She was curled up in a set of sheets, as she sat up and rolled up the window.
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There were street cars rolling across the sideway, calls of New Yorkers running around back and forth, women dressed to go to work and men rushing into buildings.
Last thing was being tossed in a room at Avengers Tower, the young heroes were messing around in a lab as a blast hit..
..and here she was.
She had no idea if she was alone or not in this time. The signs outside her window said otherwise as she step out the door to grab some breakfast from the dinner.
It looked cozy, colorful in a sense, and warm. She was more than welcomed, despite her all black and brown outfit. Her hair wasn't pinned up, but let down to her shoulders as she ate the stake of pancakes she had in front of her.
She tried contacting Rick, Liane and Rei, who were the ones who mess around with the experiment in the first place. But no answer, she wondered if they ended up in this timeline as well?
She wondered around the corner after breakfast, going in and out of store hoping to not waste in money she had in her pocket and--
-she heard a voice.
She sipped her soda, whipping her head around hearing a voice that sounded familiar yet so forgiven to her. Along with a voice she didn't recall at all. She turned the corner to find two young men in an ally. Correcting they were fighting!
"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" Yelled the voice.
"I can do this all day." Said the other voice.
Holy shit...it can't be..can it?
She saw the man punch the other one, as he fell onto the ground. Something kicked into Stella's head rushing over in her kitten heels as she yelled, "Hey!"
By the time she said that, the blonde was already up from the ground holding up his fist as the jerk glared at her.
"Get lost princess." Yelled the jerk.
She scoffed, "With that mouth, no wonder you use your fist."
"I outta use my fist to push you over."
"You won't do that.."
Just as the jerk was about to say something else, the blonde took the lid of the trash can and hit him with it. The jerk him back and turn to the girl, but Stella swung him hard causing the young man to stumble back then walk away grumbling.
She help the blonde stand up from being against the wall, as she finally got a good look at him. Blonde hair, blue eyes, beauty mark and skinny features.
"Thank you." He said.
And the voice. Holy crap she was in 1944, right before the war.
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"Are you alright miss...?" He asked, taking in her soft features with a soft smile.
She cleared her throat and nodded, "Yeah..just a little shaken up..I mean, uh I punched the guy..are you okay?"
"Ah well, nothing a little water and an ice pack for later can't fix."
"You sound pretty sure of yourself.."
"Yeah well, this isn't my first fight."
"..and it won't be your last.." She muttered.
"What was that?" He questioned pushing his bangs out of his face.
"Nothin'..just looked like you get beaten up a lot.."
"Funny. I always get into fights, don't like bullies. Uh, where you headed off to?"
"Uh, just getting walk in the park and back to my apartment building.."
"I can talk you home if you like?"
Stella looked stunned, according to stories he was never go with women in the first place, until meeting Peggy Carter who he falls for shortly after. She didn't know to reject him or not..
Steve looked at her with wishful blue eyes, hoping he can get a chance to repay the women who saved him. Bucky was out on a date with Connie today until midnight tonight. He was mostly alone for the rest of the day.
She smiled, "Um, sure. Yeah, I'll like that. I'm Elle Romano.."
"Steve Rogers." He said returning the smile leading the way out of the alley into the park.
Maybe being stuck in the 40s won't be so bad? As they walked into the park, Stella looked over her shoulder to see a fire escape that held a sign in front of it, glimmered with a bouncing energy.
She was a women who studied magic, she can see glimpses of elements everywhere. And according to Thor, science was just magic people don't truly understand yet.
She read stories about this. All someone was supposed to do was climb up the lonely fire escape and jump though the sign into hopefully where they came.
That was her way out of here..
Where do we got to next? The 90s-2000s to see young!Stella? The part of her relationship with Cap? Time with her brothers? She meet Sarah Rogers? Join in on the fun with your own tales of time travel if you like.
Tags: Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh@sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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Watching Star Trek: Picard, s3 ep2 'Disengage'
Getting some guardians of the galaxy vibes with the music
Damn, it isn't
This Ranger dude is sketchy, and I don't think he's legit
I don't trust him as fr as I can throw him
Ah, Romulan Ale😂
Oh Jack, you're a sketchy dude but I respect it
I don't think the Titan Captain is gonna want to aid Picard and the Crusher's
The way everyone looked like they wanted to speak up on behalf of Seven but don't because they have to listen to the Captain 👀
Oh Raffi😭 she looks so upset
"Here... We are." I'm sobbing the emotion in her voice has me sobbing 😭
She definitely seems to be at her breaking point with this mission Starfleet sent her on
"'Disengage?' No. Hell no." IS THIS WHY SHE GETS IN A FIGHT
"118 should you continue. Do not join the dead." I really think Worf might be her handler
"I guess I'm on my own." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You're on your own kid, you always have been
"I love how Seven "You could be the hero who saved heroes. Or you could be the Captain who let two Legends die." YEAH WHAT SHE SAID
Since they went after Jack, and Picard did the transport inhibitors, it makes me wonder if Jack isn't Beverly's son by blood, but was entrusted with him for his protection (it would certainly make sense why she kept him secret from her friends
"Bring em all onboard, we're basically a hotel now." 😂 Hotel Titan that just makes him a Hotel manager😂
If they left her on the ship I'm gonna scream
Oh Raffi is so gorgeous
"Gabe says you ambushed him at his baby's doctor." While not wrong, still rude
"Ambushed? So that's what my son thinks of me?" I'm sobbing she just wanted to meet her grandbaby
"I chose my son, my art. And that was enough for me. But not for you." I'm sobbing so freaking hard rn
Fuck, he's making her chose between her son and talking to the guy who could be responsible for killing hundreds of people, that isn't fair at all
Thank God they got Beverly
"She said not to trust anyone and you've basically brought, everyone." I like Jack😂
The way all of them turned when the Ensign said Captain 😂
I don't like this other Captain Lady, she's big creepy
Oh shit, they're outside of their justification
Oh damn, the Captain Lady just threw a ship at them👀
Holy hell, it tore a hole through deck 11👀
Love how Geordi taught his daughter that any law of physics could be broken
"The Fenris folk." I would like to punch you sir for how disrespectful you are being
I don't think he's a con man in that he's not Beverly's son
"And you? You are no better." FUCK YOU
"You are relieved of duty for insubordination." FUCK YOU YOU ASSHOLE
"This man is getting what he deserves, so is she." I HATE YOU
OH MY GOD, 'Do the math, Jean-Luc." OH MY GOD IS JACK PICARD'S SON
I'm screaming a bit
I love how Jack is calling Picard out on his bullshit
"Who is your father?" "I NEVER HAD ONE!"👀 The plot thickens
The fact Jar owns a bar is not surprising, kinda funny honestly😂
Haven't you heard Sneed? Smoking kills.
"In my experience, Artists are unknowable assholes who live in their head instead of the real world."👀
First wife? Does that mean he remarried?🤔
I feel horrible for Raffi that she had to do a drug 😭
Oh my god, Sneed beheaded T'luco👀
Oh no, she's fallen🥺
I get why Shaw doesn't want to endanger his crew and I respect that, but I still don't like him.
Love how Jack broke out of the brig😂
I don't like this Captain lady, but I applaud the actress because wow
"That was some specific standing up, Admiral." 😂
Oh shit, the whole ship is now looking for him😂
"I don't give a damn what rank I do or don't have, I need a tac team to Shuttlebay ASAP." VOYAGER SEVEN VIBES!
"He's protecting his mother." HELL YEAH
That look😭 she looks kinda ashamed that she kept him from Picard
"Because he's my son." I'M SCREAMING
Now that kid is protected because his dad is an Admiral
Yeah I'm loving this so much
Oh wait till Laris learns she's gonna be like a stepmom
So awesome
I'm screaming so much I fell off my bed😂
Also, based off the body language, I feel like the Captain Lady is actually Moriarty
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Part Four of “Leona introduces Kenta to the rest of Night Raven College’s student body” au!
Ok. The thing about Kenta is that, no matter what, he is still an 8-9 year old.
So when he sees Ortho for the first time, he JUST STARES AND POINTS LIKE "IS THAT A SUPERHERO." He absolutely rushes up to Otho like HEY. HEY ARE YOU A SUPER HERO. I SAW SOMEONE LIKE YOU IN A MOVIE ONCE. ARE YOU A SUPER HERO.
Ortho has. No fucking clue who this is and hes just buffering. But he just. Has to tell the kid hes not a superhero. And of course Kenta doesn't believe him. But he still has so many questions for Ortho. Like WHO MADE YOUR COOL SUIT. WHO ARE YOU. CAN YOU SHOOT LAZERS.
While Leona wont apologize, he will drag Kenta back like "stop yowling brat. Holy shit."
Ortho is just laughing like "no its okay! He can ask questions."
And the more he hangs out with Ortho, the more Kenta feels inclined to call him Big Bro.
Ortho... doesnt know how to feel. He's always been a little brother! Now hes been promoted to Big Brother? His lil brain is racing like WHAT SORT OF RESPOBSIBILITIES HAVE I TAKEN ON WITH THIS NEW TITLE AAAA
Also he can and will pick the lil guy up and fly him around since he weighs like nothing to Ortho.
As for Idia, Ortho will let Kenta follow him around, and Idia will not realize they have a guest until he turns around and there's an unknown cub staring at his RGB LED light set up
He. Doesn't do well with kids. At lesst as far as he thinks. But Kenta doesn't ask questions about his hair. He doesn't ask about Idia or his stammering or his choices to use his tablet to speak.
He moreso asks if hes got videogames here.
And boy does he.
The kid is in heaven, as hes never had a chance to PLAY videogames like this before. Hes moreso used to the crummy set ups with crap old tvs and jerry rigged consoles.
Idia is kinda happy about it.
The lil guy does eventually ask about Idia's hair but it's moreso asking if he can turn it green or purple or whatever.
It's nice to see Idia actually like spending time wity someone who isn't Ortho.
And finally.
Kenta is constantly told to stay away from Ramshackle, since "we haven't gotten you your shots yet, and I dont wanna have to deal with you getting tetanus or meningitus or Seven knows what else."
But Kenta is a brat and doesn't listen at all.
So he sneaks over at night and meets Malleus just hanging out there. The kid has no clue who this is. And just. "Oh hey there Mister Gazelle, I didn't think anyone would be here."
Malleus has to. Take a second and realize this child is talking to him. Last he checked he wasn't a gazelle. And he says as such.
"Yeah okay. Why do you have gazelle horns then. You look like a gazelle beastman to me."
Malleus will take a moment... and just laugh. He likes this kid.
Malleus has no problem teaching the kid about magic and all the cool stuff he knows about. Kenta stupidly gives Malleus his name much like Yuu does but Malleus has no intention of holding it against the child. Not right now. He might if it suits him.
Leona isn't happy to see Malleus talking to his son and heir, but Kenta grumbles and snaps at his dad about how he wants to meet everyone! There is def some disagreements between the kid and his dad, but Malleus thinks its cute.
As far as Lilia and the rest, Lilia does, as a person said, revet back to dad mode almost IMMEDIATELY. Its as simple as reverting to an old script. He checks on Kenta lots, inquiring with Leona about the lad and if he's been eating. Has he been getting enough sleep? Leona I got him this cute little sweater you should give it to him :)
Sebek scares Kenta so much, since he's loud and talks a lot. But he still teases him and makes fun of him, happy to trick and prank him as much as Lilia. But he's not a total bastard, and will still apologoze if he actually upsets him.
Silver is def big brother material as well. He can teach Kenta how to fight with a sword! And ride horses! Even if he just sorta falls asleep, Kenta will just sit and wait, maybe even try to wake him up! Like SILVER WAKE UP I WANNA DO SWORD PRACTICE.
Its kinda cute tbh, Silver likes being an older brother to Kenta... he cant help but love the lil guy and how he's taking NRC's reactions to him with stride.
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tailsrevane · 1 year
[book review] the farthest shore by ursula k. le guin (1972)
ok like, i know i kinda related to the presence of a caste of eunuchs in the previous book in ways that probably weren’t intentional on the author’s part and i don’t want to make this a pattern or anything but like… arren.
you know that genre of youtube videos that are just titled like “[character] being relatable for [x] minutes”? well, this babygirlified subby mess of a boy (who is destined to become king of all the isles i guess???) is variously described as “a gentle messenger for bad news” & “that girlish lad of yours”??? the latter comes when a bunch of patrons in a tavern ask ged if arren can sing, and after arren obliges they remark, “that’s a queer music.” and like, YEAH my dudes??? you asked a fucking subby femboy to sing??? if the music weren’t queer i would worry that something was wrong??? (yes, they’re not using “queer” in that context, but shut up, let me have this.)
anyway, this “girlish lad” meets his hero and IMMEDIATELY tries to become his sub ("as he had made his act of submission he forgot himself") and when fleeing the scene of that embarrassment turns into a boy disaster lesbian (“forgetting courtly farewells he hurried to the doorway, awkward, radiant, obedient.”) he later gets captured by slavers & chained up on a ship, there’s a curious comment about his soul not rebelling against the notion of slavery??? but anyway, ged rescues him which is pretty badass, and he later dreams about still being held captive. we’re meant to understand through context clues that these dreams are scary & unpleasant, but he never EXPLICITLY SAYS they are?
again, please don’t take this too seriously, i’m taking a character who was definitely intentionally written in some ways that appeal to me and reading WAY TOO MUCH INTO other things that were clearly NOT intended, but yeah i’m having a lot of fun with this and i love this character now, thank you for your time i will not be taking any questions.
so yeah, that was a big part of my enjoyment of the book, no lie, but like let’s just pivot i guess to the actual main action of the book and say that holy shit, this is one of the most original fantasy novels i’ve ever read??? we begin with arren bringing ged & the masters of roke the terrifying news that the power of magic has begun to fade from the outlying lands of earthsea. it turns out that they’ve been getting similar reports from other outlying lands, and arren’s report is sort of the straw that breaks the camel’s back, because whatever is happening is spreading. the archmage decides that he’s going to investigate this himself, and the only companion he’ll bring with him on this dangerous quest is arren himself.
they have some adventures while they’re investigating this that i already relayed some of, but the deeper they probe into what’s going on the scarier it gets? they find lands where not just magic, but all arts have begun to fade, as people grow obsessed with the promise of immortality promised to them by what we increasingly realize is a sorcerer who rivals archmage ged’s power. and like, it starts to sound like we’re basically dealing with a situation where ged is the most powerful servant of life & this other guy is the most powerful servant of death, and in a way that is kind of exactly what’s happening? but that makes it sound really simple & boring, which, nah! like, there’s just so much interesting characterization & worldbuilding around this, like, this is ursula k. motherfucking le guin we’re talking about, y’all! i don’t know that she really knows how to do “simple & boring.”
things escalate to the point where we find out that this evil power has even caused dragons to lose the power of speech??? arren & ged are tested in ways that are terrifyingly existential, and almost lose themselves several times, but it’s that thing where seeing these characters at their worst & most vulnerable actually helps emphasize how fucking strong they both are when they come out the other side of it still themselves?
this is exactly the same kind of “huge (in a good way), but also small (in a good way)” story le guin told in the a wizard of earthsea, and also tombs of atuan even though that one was harder for me to get into. the world faces existential threats that are mirrored in the personal threats the characters themselves grapple with, and the story is made so rich & meaningful because of this.
i’m looking forward to getting to the next book, because i know le guin is very frustrated with how male-dominated her first trilogy was, and the farthest shore is actually pretty easily the worst offender in this regard? but like, please please please don’t skip it as a result if you’re remotely interested in these books, because there’s so much good stuff in here. i’m just saying, i’m excited to get to the books where le guin feels like she rectified some of the issues she had with the original trilogy.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
Word of advice: don't watch any 80s/90s kid's movie that you did not first see as a kid.
Willow. Disney just came out with a sequel series. So I decided to watch the movie.
Holy fucking hot mess.
Campy as shit, nonsensical, lot of characters/threads/plot lines just...fall to the background, but I will say this: Val Kilmer is AMAZING in this movie. One of his best, honestly. Cuz the lead sucked, the lead bad guy sucked, the lead good witch sucked. The only parts I loved was 1-when willow is boating to the island, clear as day he can't operate the boat at all, so they are towing him there. One paddle doesn't even touch the water. It's adorable. 2-the witches fight, and the good witch is like KNOCKED THE FUCK over a hard pillar. And it looked real. I mean, probably a stunt double, cuz if not, that old lady can take A FUCKING BEATING. I thought it was actually her cuz her legs looked old as shit.
Either way, never meet your heroes. Just saying, a black cauldron series would blow the fuck of willow out of the water.
Willow: 6.2/10
Willow: If I would have saw it a a kid-8/10.
But, same goes for the never ending story. I LOVED that movie, but someone said to rewatch it unbiased and...it too is kinda a hot mess.
ps-best part? The entire end fight. It's so fucking stupid, it's entertaining. Willow is a coward for most of it. His magic ALMOST kills her then does nothing. And then the bad witch kills herself. WTF?!
side note: the red head bad lady in this movie is SMOKING. How have I never seen her in anything else?
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mangodestroyer · 4 months
You know, DnD is one of those things I've always been mildly interested in. I like hearing about people's experiences sometimes. And I like looking into the world building.
However, I could just never get myself into playing a campaign for very long. There was one where I had a character I really liked and it seemed like the group and the game would be pretty nice, but then we all got busy schedules and couldn't meet often enough. It was kind of the same thing with another game (except with a character I didn't much care for). And then one time where, I'll admit, the character was pretty lame and I made them on the spot. But HOLY FUCK was the group toxic about it! Like, at the time I was okay with the character, but people kept insisting I change the character and "should think about the mechanics more/get better." We were a six person party!
And yeah, I picked support/DPS. The Warlock didn't HAVE to be only support three games in! Out of nowhere (probably just to try and push me out of my character as they were the most insistent about me changing it). It also didn't help that the DM was ultra perfectionistic and expected people to be Oscar worthy actors. Like, if you wanted your character to have an accent, you'd better be good at speaking with that accent. If you're character was charming, you'd better be ultra charming and seductive irl. If your character played an instrument, it would be so lame if you couldn't do the same irl. Like... what planet are they living on? So with that mindset, DM insisted I should be a badass tank because, "It's so funny and cool when quiet people lose their shit!" No, thanks! "Mouse hero" is not my vibe at all!
And yeah, hearing about how people talk about their campaigns and other players has kind of put me off playing. Some people seem very rigid and boring af. "Oh, no! This person role plays and doesn't take the game seriously!" You mean that's a problem?
Like, maybe you guys need to communicate more before starting campaigns. Talk about the setting and type of game you want to play. And don't say you like rp and character depth when you actually don't. Because yeah, even people who say they like those things actually don't (or they're super particular about what they want, like the DM I mentioned earlier). Or maybe talk more about the kind of rp you like. And yes, I get it. Sometimes, players ignore this and ruin the game by doing their own thing. That's a problem too!
Anyway, I'd like to play an arcane trickster, whenever I happen to actually get into a campaign again (it's been YEARS). Now THAT'S a character more befitting for me!
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spacedhead · 10 months
homestuck reread #13 act 6 p4
still in these conversations where the kids reveal their true feelings about each other except not TO each other but to someone else. this dirk one is so true though roxy has been the goat of their session and the one fucking thing holding them all together. god i love roxy
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wow so cool they all ascended at the same time! surely nothing bad will happen immediately after
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theyre finally arriving. holy shit . theyre COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW. JOHN AND JADE
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yeah ok so jade showed up and her and jane immediately got turned evil
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this is a CLASSIC dave/karkat mess around. if you know, you KNOW . shit had me ROFLing.
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holy davesprite . i havent seen this mf since like RIGHT AFTER cascade. literally its been eons
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TRUEE i think its a strider lalonde thing they looove to go on and on about random bullshit
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hey its these bozos what up yall
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waitt theyre being friendly to each other? breath players CAN get along!!! this is huge news. especially for me.
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this actually would be a hard ass shirt fr i need that shit
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this is the reaction i get when i bring up minestuck to my friends... and im like guys please its actually fun i promise... .(im lying)
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yo its the fan trolls what uppppp
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okay nice meeting you
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this is all very silly :D
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YES!!!!!!!! OKAYYYY TAVROS!!! stand up for yourself girl you are serving like crazy right now. i think maybe this is more meaningful than when he tried to kill her, cause that was just a too little too late type of thing where he wouldnt have actually accomplished anything by succeeding, and also had no chance of doing so. BUT realizing his CONFIDENCE and his FREEDOM actually is meaningful and it will accomplish things later on!!! :D YAY TAVROS
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insane behavior
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i think i agree with john here, i dont think it is out of line for him to hesitate in giving you the life ring. you dont have to be a good person to be a hero. but you do have to do... heroic things? like, ever? maybe once in your fucking life? when is the last time ANYTHING you did could be considered "heroic?" when you were alive, all you did was make everyone around you suffer. they had to kill you just to make sure you didnt doom them all. when youre dead, sure youre hunting down a weapon to kill the big bad monster, but you dont even seem to care about the millions of troll lives you are mind controlling against their will to be bait for your big mission. who the hell are you trying to save? the heroes that are alive in this story literally NEVER encounter the version of the villain that you are trying to stop. whats more, this big plan to use the your ghost army FAILS because the one who was doing basically ALL the legwork mind controlling most of the ghosts ditches you, and the only reason you still have an army by the end is because the guy you fucking bullied the whole time when you were alive (and a lot of the time you were dead) BAILS you out by ACTUALLY being a hero and a genuinely good person that doesnt need to MIND CONTROL PEOPLE to get them to follow him. look. i understand everything you are saying. about not having time to deal with the morals and ethics of what you are trying to accomplish. because the ends justify the means. but the thing is that NONE of it matters. YOUR PLAN FAILS. YOU GIVE UP and have an actual SATISFYING character arc. then it gets retconned and the main version of you goes back to being Worse. and then her plan...? succeeds? i guess? if succeeding means literally EVERY ghost in the army gets obliterated, the secret weapon deploying the four beta kids who are almost all killed by LE, and randomly davepeta being the one to throw him as well as themself into a blackhole. i guess if that counts as success, then congrats. you didnt even get to see that happen though, because you got ejected from the fight frame one. HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!
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anyway... what was i doing. oh yeah look at this. this is a bit sad
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okay this is pretty real. even if it is nonsensical, and maybe a little bit problematic?
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me talking about myself three images ago
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i like this panel. poor john cannot find his friends
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this is a very cool panel as well
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my worst nightmare
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fucking scary ass motherfucker please get a grip. also brown contacts .
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well. things are pretty bad right now! jade is evil jane is evil everyone is on random planets with no memory of how they got there john is missing. if i didnt know any better this might seem like the beginning of something really bad . but what do i know. anyway catch you on the next one. or catch me? joff i will see you next time. ok joff bye joff
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sharkdream3421 · 1 year
Chapter 5 Abandoned - The Killer (Male Orca Reader)
My Masterlist (Past Chapters in Masterlist)
Akihito Takahashi (My name for him, not his canon name in My Hero Academia)
He's back in Season 6 yes, and it gave me an idea as well!
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Four Weeks Before the Field Trip
"How are you so popular?! Look what you did! Everyone's asking me questions, everyone thinks that I'm your brother or something! I can't do this Hiroshi, not anymore! I can't be buddies with a meme that is on every shirt in Japan!" Hiroshi's friend claimed as he slammed the dorm room shut.
Hiroshi began to cry as he sat down on his bed. Akihito looked at his friend with worry.
"You-you're not go-going to lea-leave too? Right Akihito?" Hiroshi coughed up.
This was so cruel, unfair, and especially saddening to Akihito. Hiroshi only wanted to stand up for his all time favorite hero, Endeavor. Hiroshi was thrilled knowing that Endeavor was now the number one hero. Akihito was interested in seeing if Endeavor could keep up All Might's reputation. Hiroshi became a meme now due to him saying how Endeavor was still fighting. Hiroshi was overwhelming his friends, parents, and relatives because of how popular he was of being a meme on t-shirts. One of his friends had just walked out on Hiroshi, and there was nothing he could do.
Akihito sat beside Hiroshi and allowed the young adult to fall into his arms for comfort. Akihito was abandoned by a childhood friend because of his quirk, but he's moved on. Although, Akihito didn't want to treat Hiroshi the same way his childhood friend treated him. Betrayal, abandonment, those were very strong factors of ending a friendship. No, Akihito wasn't going to abandon his best friend. Hiroshi was never going to stop his determination to protect Endeavor and root for him. Akihito accepted that.
"I won't abandon you Hiroshi. Your my best friend, and just because your on a shirt doesn't change our friendship," Akihito said as he hugged Hiroshi.
Hiroshi let himself be comforted in his best friend's arms, "T-Thank you! Your the best friend ever Akihito!"
5:16 PM
Peakline Forest
"That's some real shit man," Aalto said shaking his head in sympathy.
"Yeah it is, but I'm hoping I can meet new friends. Perhaps you guys could meet Hiroshi!" I suggested.
"Maybe...once we get back from this vacation we can meet each other and even go hang out-"
Aalto was interrupted by something stabbing right through his stomach. Holy moly! What the heck is happening?!
"Aalto!" I screamed in horror.
Aalto moaned in pain as the sharp spear that was stabbed through his stomach was pulled out. The spear went back into the darkness of the forest. I was about to approach Aalto, but his body was dragged brutally into the darkness of the woods. I screamed as I jumped backwards and almost walked into the fire. I thankfully didn't catch myself on fire.
What was that? I don't understand?! Our teachers were just going back to our lodge to check its contents and make sure it was all clean. That means I'm all alone...no no no! I can't be next...I can't be...
I'm startled as I hear rustling in the bushes and jump backwards. As I turn around I see Sakamata and Tokoyami in sight.
"What happened!?" Sakamata demands looking around the camp ground to find that the teachers and Aalto had disappeared.
"The teachers went to check the lodge, but Aalto was stabbed and dragged into the woods. He was stabbed by something sharp, something out of a horror movie! Please you gotta believe me! I wouldn't make stuff like this up!" I begged distressed by what I had saw.
Y/N put his hand on my shoulder, "Easy Aki, I believe you. The scream sounded very genuine. If you said it looked like it came out of a horror movie then...what's out there? You said the teachers were at the lodge? We better hurry there! It shouldn't be far!"
We all made haste to the lodge to make sure that our teachers were okay.
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isajynx · 1 year
Chapter 1 Part 1
…am I falling? I was sleeping the best sleep I could have ever had.
                Without warning, I am jolted awake… sitting on a bench here in a park I have never been to before. It is warm, the sun is shining brightly, too brightly, I need my sunglasses. There is an overwhelming pull that I am forgetting something, somewhere I needed to be, a meeting I will surely miss. For the life of me, I can’t remember what, where or with whom this meeting is supposed to be. My eyes start to adjust to the fire ball, and I scan the plane of this park. The park is littered with so many people, of all different races, fashion, ages. Bodies on top of bodies, a sea stumbling shoes across the soft green grass. Of course, I would notice the shoes… Different styles, open, closed short, tall… holy shit is that guy wearing monster house shoes? I giggle out loud and someone interrupts me,
                “What’s so funny”?
                Oh, nothing I saw, something I would have worn at home, but never the park.
                “Oh… I thought you were laughing at me”.
                Ok… wow, there are really Karen’s everywhere. Anyway, Other than the fact that I am a woman and shoes like air are extremely important to me. Shoes have always been a safe place for me, a conversation starter. People’s faces and eyes are distracting for an empath like me. The energy any human’s face and eyes give I am always in tune with, like a laser beam. Being empathetic without sympathy is impossible. The energy it takes to focus in and look past the pain in other humans’ eyes, is intoxicating. So, people in the world are exhausting to me. And being the sympathetic empath that I am I usually feel obligated to help strangers. Whether it is holding a door, carrying a bag, overhearing a phone conversation about an elderly person trying to seek assistance from friends and family for money so they do not have to decide whether to eat or buy a new medication their doctor put them on. To bigger things of lending large sums of money, I would NEVER get back, or letting so called friends in my home “till they get on their feet”, which leads me to getting taken advantage of for many months. All done in one form or fashion in the name of being “helpful” or with intention of being “helpful”.
                “So, what did you just decided to be a push over”?
                Huh? What, I didn’t think I was talking out loud.
                “You were, it’s fine people always getting chatty with me”
                 Who are you?
                “It is not important; I just want to listen. You sound like you have a lot of stories to tell”.
                Yeah, there are a few… She moves closer, turning herself to give me her full attention.
                “Really! I love stories, I come to this park to hear stories and (with the people’s permission) I blog about the stories I hear”.
                For real? Why would people want to read about that?
                “Because it reminds my readers that their tiny little world isn’t as small as it seemed”.
                That’s cool…
                “Yeah, it is a hobby of sorts. Do you want to tell me a story or 2”?
                Sure, I don’t have anywhere else to be.
                Great, my name is Isa, what’s your name?
                “Like I said my name isn’t important Isa”.
                Well, ok then you be that mysterious person then, I said in my head sarcastically.
                Now I sit both utterly confused and intrigued about this new stranger that wants to hear what I have to say, the stories I must tell. But where do I start? This venture could be a huge lie, for I am fantastically capable of making stories from nothing. I could paint myself in such a way that I am always the hero of the story, or maybe the villain I had always loved in the movies (bad guy characters are always written better) … When out of nowhere my new stranger interrupts,
                “Or you could just be honest, good or bad”.
                Jesus Christ are you a mind reader?
                She chuckles, “Well kind of, but like I said I am here for you, not for me”.
                Well, ok then how about we start with a few quotes that have pulled me from the grip of total despair. “Some time you will never know the value of a moment until that moment becomes a memory”. -Dr. Suess. Or, a movie quote, Falling down is how we grow, staying down is how we die”. -Gladiator.   
                “Those are good quotes, but I want a story. Tell me a story.
                Ok, I have found that we are all born with a mask, a beautiful mask without any blemishes. Born without fear into this well written melodrama. The battles in our life are how our mask changes. I have been through many battles; I am very battle tested. Battles that shook free the hidden dangers out of the shadows and into the light in my life.  Each event loosening the stability of my mask, and each event deepening the cracks. Some of the cracks that could have sent my ship straight down to Davie Jones’s locker (cue the horrible British accent). I have learned, many times the hard way, I didn’t need people in my life and wanted very few in my inner circle, all while building them up to be the strongest people they could be. The journey of how I earned each crack is paramount to who I turned into. I hope that you and your readers can find strength from some of the cracks when you hear my tales. I have found that my worst cracks are the best ones. They are what set me on the path of who I wanted to be and forged me into the person I have become.
                Let’s start with a long-term re-occurring dream I have had throughout childhood. We never remember how a dream starts; we always start in the middle of the action. And this one is no different, I am placed in front of an antebellum style house. Three stories tall, whitewashed, wrapped around porch. It is obviously old, but well maintained.  There are two individuals standing in front of me, with their backs turned. A tall one built like a man, tall, strong, black hair. He is wearing a pin stripe business suit; his body language appears to be defeated. In his right hand is the hand of another. A smaller female-built person, in a black well designed dress. She has her left hand in his, and a white handkerchief in her hand. It gives me the feeling that they had been to a funeral. I begin to focus on the house and the two individuals have now disappeared. I walked up to the porch out of shear curiosity. The porch is warm, inviting and the front door is a doubled, deep crimson red in color. I place my hand flat on the door, when I hear an odd noise to my right. I was the unmistakable caw, from a raven. The raven is sitting on the back of a rocking chair. He is both alive and dead, his body full, deep black feathers but his head, his head is hallowed. A skull, no life is seen in it, so where did the “caw” come from? I am not sure… In his hand he has a set of keys, three of them. His body language indicates that he wants me to take the keys.
And with the door standing before me, I look like I am going to need them. As I reach out to get them the dream skips, like an old cd player, I am again standing in front of the door and have the keys in my hand. Each key is unique. Antique in appearance, no identifiers as to which key goes to this door.  So, I of course randomly pick a key and place it in the lock. Inside, is separated into sections however, not sections like a sitting room, kitchen etc., it is sectioned off in specific memories from my childhood. The two people from outside are now again with their backs turned to me, staring into a section. They look as if they are waiting for me to tell them about this memory. So, I assume the role of tour guide and usher these two throughout the area. The closer we get to the end of this floor, a sound can be heard coming from the floor above me, to the point of distraction. As I begin to become focused on the sound that sounds like a stomping giant and the low rumble of crashing noises, my two fellow travelers have now once again disappeared. I do not feel worried, but curious. And I am led to a set of stairs that should lead me to the noises that I am hearing.
When I began to look for my keys, there were now only two keys. I cautiously make my way to the second-floor door, again grabbing a random key, laughing to myself as to if ill be able to make the random key once again fit the door, and to my surprise the first I picked fit the door. Two for two, damn I am good. The second floor is set exactly like the one before it. Only in this one, the memories and more than a few not so fun emotional states from my adult life. Some sad, angry, fearful, and even violent. Again, the two fellow travelers are ahead of me, awaiting my arrival. I begin to usher them through this area however this time, it feels more like justification for my actions more than an actual tour. And in the most gruesome of memories, they seem to reset to t one of the few happy memories on this floor. I try many times to bring them back to the hardest ones in a desperate attempt to explain that this did happen, that those memories are just as important. But they only seem to want to watch and listen to the good ones. I become once again distracted by the sound that brought me to the second floor. It grows with each passing minute with intensity, to the point that I am having to scream every word to my travelers. Again, the noise is coming from above, the ceiling of the second floor begins to shake with every rhythmic thump of the walking giant. I am compelled to move forward to the third floor.
The stairwell to the third floor is dark, the darkest you can possibly imagine. Pure unbridled emptiness. As I begin to walk forward, or what I this is forward, I stumble on something. I bend down to assess with my hands what the something is and find it to be a step. Reaching upward to find that this is a staircase. But a staircase to where? I still have a key in my hand, so logically there is another door, for this solitary key. I begin to slowly climb the staircase mimicking the stomping rhythm of my giant footsteps previously heard. I climb for what feels in my body as forever, but my mind it has only been a few steps. Each step is more painful than the one before it. I become physically exhausted and begin to crawl up these stairs. When I feel that I cannot move another step, I tilt my head back in defeat, to find a white light behind a door. The door appeared out of nowhere, like a magic trick someone played on me. I sit with my back to the door for a minute looking at this key, in my hand. As I turn to the door, gaining the last bit of strength I could muster, I stand in front of this door, place the key into the hole, hear the lock unlock. I take a deep breath place my hand on the doorknob… and I wake up.
“Talk about leaving you in a cliff hanger”.
Absolutely, I have woken up in different sections of the dream, and with this story is the closest I have ever been to opening the third-floor door.
“Why does that dream leave me uncomfortable”?
Not sure, for me it is weirdly comforting.
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