#they tell me 'hey let me know if it hurts' and im like ok :D and then stay silent. so silent.
whumpshaped · 9 months
I'm probably super late & no pressure to respond but I want to share a scar story! (Maybe it can inspire writers who want to read a firsthand experience about some OUCHITY OUCH pain.)
I have a tiny straight line of a scar along the nail of my big toe. But the interesting bit is just, the painful part tbh. It's wild but might be squick. So again, no need to respond or read it all. Bail if it gets too squick. Nothing life threatening or gorey, just big ouchers.
(CW: I had a Matrixectomy/partial nail removal. But he forgot the local anesthetic.)
I was like 14 yrs old and had a really infected spot on my toe where my nail had become ingrown that kept getting infected again if I stubbed my toe etc. so my mom took me to a medical clinic & they performed a Matrixectomy. But without a local anesthetic.
So it's one nurse, one doctor guy and my mom. He just gets right to it after all of the tools are brought out and was pushing teeny mini scissors/cutters into the infected skin area that was really tender and painful by just barely walking on it, cutting a straight line on my nail to the base of the nail to remove the problem area. With No injection for numbing. I was like a 90lb stickboy of a beanpole but my mom had to help the nurse hold my legs down bc it was so hard to stay still and not roll around in pain. I tried not to cry too much and didn't scream bloody murder because I didn't want to inconvenience the doctor or freak my mom out but that shit HURT. Then he applied the acid with a q-tip or something that scars the area so the nail in that section doesn't grow back. That also hurt.
Once it was over I sat up and nearly passed out so they had to make me lay back down, & brought me a wet towel for my forehead. Once I was good to get up we walk out the door to pay or whatever, idr, I just know I almost passed out in the hall on the way to the counter, and then one more time in the parking lot before I got in the car to go home. The gauze was so tight my toe was throbbing, I was literally just writhing in pain on my mom's bed for 1 or 2 hrs till I loosened the wrapping and the pain finally went down enough that I could sleep it off with an Ibuprofen.
A couple weeks later the nail still curled into my skin and got infected again. 🫠 I nearly cried when I saw the pus it was gross and I didn't want to go through the procedure again, I was an anxious wreck over it. We go to another clinic, get told the first guy did it wrong/incorrectly somehow, then get directed to a podiatrist to fix it for real this time.
That podiatrist was the nicest doctor in the world. When the nurse brought out the tray with the tools right before they were going to start my eyeballs took one look at the instruments and just WEPT without my say-so. It didn't even feel like crying. It just felt like water coming out of my eyeballs without my consent. They were so understanding about it. 😭 I felt like I was being a big fat wuss, or a crybaby. But I was scared. "Sorry. I'm good. It just really hurt last time." And they'd heard the story so they knew so I was gonna trust them to NOT do that they reassured both my mom and I they'd make sure it didn't hurt.
Then he injected the local anesthesia to numb my toe and get to work. All I felt was him vaguely pushing my toe around for a better angle and a little bit of pressure and then bam. It was over and done. 0 pain whatsoever. It was fuckin INCREDIBLE. 20/10 experience.
IDK why that first guy kept going when the patient was clearly in so much pain or distressed he had to be held down. I was like 14. >:( But it makes for a good story to tell.
& that's my traumatic scar horror story of the smallest scar I have. :D
THATS INSANE. SOME DOCTORS ARE SO DUMB AND SHOULD NOT BE PRACTISING. also yeah i know abt this procedure bc .. i obsessively watch videos w it.. dont even. dont even say anything. i know. i know.
im soooo sorry u went thru that shit thats so bad. but im glad it got fixed later.
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skzstay0325brownie · 21 days
Lee Know x Reader
Summary: Lee Know comes back from a bad practice, looking to y/n for comfort. everyone was so mean to him today. but y/n had her university finals coming up and she ends up being a little bit to harsh on him. happy ending!
you've been sitting at your desk for the past 5 hours, taking notes and reading the passages over and over again, to make sure you would ace the last few tests. you're so engrossed in your work, you don't hear the front door open and close. unbeknownst to you, minho had a terrible day at practice today. everyone was so mean to him. Han and Felix started getting angry because he kept missing one of the dance moves. Then Seungmin got mad because his voice cracked and they had to restart the entire filming process. Jeongin and Changbin got upset because Lee Know ate their food. But he didn't know it was theirs! Then to top it all off, he accidentally made Chan angry. Chan wanted to just work on the songs that he had to write before a dead line. But lee know had so many questions. Then Chan had enough of interruptions and just told minho to fuck off and go home. He walked back, just wanting some love from his beautiful girlfriend.
"y/n?" minho asks, a little tremor in his voice. but you don't notice it, your head still buried in you textbooks. "hey min" you say. He tries to crawl into your lap, just wanting some attention. "min, im trying to get some work done." you tell him, a tiny bit irritated. but he doesn't listen and keeps on trying. squishing your cheeks, poking you, even blocking your computer. the final straw was when he stole your pen. "Lee Minho. GET THE FUCK OFF ME. CAN YOU NOT SEE I'M TRYING TO WORK??" you shout at him, exasperated. he looks at you in shock and doesn't say anything. then he shuffles out of your room door and into the hallway. you finish your work after about another hour. then you notice its sorta quiet. too quiet. where was minho? you call for him but no response. so you walk around the little apartment that the two of you shared. didn't take long to find him. but the scene in front of you broke your heart to a million pieces.
there, by the foot of your bed, was lee know. curled up, his head between his knees, and quietly crying. "Lee Know? whats wrong baby?" you crouch beside him, and take him into your arms. "n-nothing. you j-just want me t-to fuck off right? s-so i d-did." he replies to you, not looking up. then you realize how much it hurt him and what you said earlier. "oh minho, i am so so sorry. i was just frustrated with my finals tests, i didn't actually mean to be so rude baby." you say, caressing his hair. "ALL I WANTED WAS A HUG! MIN HAD A BAD DAY AT PRACTICE! ALL OF 'M WERE SO MEAN TO MIN! FELT SO BAD. j-just needed you!" he wails. "oh baby, its ok now. i'm here right? lets get onto the bed. then i can hug you all you want. okay? i can fix you a snack. or we can watch a movie if you'd like." you offer. "n-no. min just wants cuddles." he says softly. " alright min." you lift him up on to the bed, and pull the sheets over your bodies. Minho presses his head into your chest, and wraps his hands around your waist. Sighing contently, he smiles, and you can feel how relieved he is, finally getting love he deserves. "its okay min, tomorrow will be better. and if it isn't, i'm always here for you. just tell me next time, yeah?" you kiss his head. "mm. love you" his words muffled by your chest. "oh minnie. i love you too"
Then both of you fall asleep, happily cuddling in each others arms.
WTF GUYS THIS IS SO BAD. HELP ME. FIRST TIME WRITING ON TUMBLR. if you have any suggestions, please tell me. tysm!
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"Out of the Shadows"
Part 4
Guys, this might be the last one, if not then part 5 definitely wil be so, stick around for the next one :D
Tw: violence, injuries and (harsh?) transphobia. Not for the easily upset
Aizawa and Class 1a x ftm!bullied!reader
Before we start, I just wanted to say thank you all for the likes and follows, it may not seem like much but I really appreciate it. Thank you for supporting my work
And with that being said, let's do this
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"I think you'll want to see this" It was strange for Katsuki to be quiet so something serious must of happened Aizawa thought so he walked outside and closed the door behind him.
He widened his eyes in shock.
"What...What happened?" He said, looking at your limping form on Izuku's shoulder.
"We're not sure. According to the nerd (Deku) one of Minato's friends, Kyou, called for him and me to go to the locker rooms and we found Y/n lying on the floor, nearly unconscious" Bakugo explained.
"It wasn't even that bad, it was just a little miscommunication that led into a fight. Im literally fine.-" You said but Bakugo shouted
"Well what the hell was all your lunch, stationary and other stuff doing all over the ground huh!!"
"Alright Bakugo and Midoriya, thank you. I would like to talk to him alone. Midoriya could you please hand out the worksheets to everyone? Do what you want just dont cause much trouble. Y/n can you walk?" Aizawa concluded.
"Yes, but I think my foot is injured" You said while Bakugo and Midoriya walked back into class, all your classmates asking them questions before they walked filly into the class.
"Alright, let's go to recovery girls office, she'll heal you." He said as he walked by your slightly limping figure.
Once you guys got to recovery girls office you sat down at one of the beds.
"Alright, please tell me what's going on. I need no lies at this moment forward" He said seriously, looking at your nervous eyes, waiting for some answers.
You sighed shakily but finally gave him the truth
"Well, these kids have been bullying me, since the day I saw them. They've been picking on me and hurting me. I know I've been keeping this a secret. I'm sorry" You say, tears starting to well in your eyes.
"It's ok, let it out I'm here" he said as he stands up to hug you, you grip onto his hero costume like its the last thing on earth and sob in his shirt until you calm down, sniffling and red-eyed.
"It's alright, I've got you. Recovery Girl will heal your foot, get some rest kid. You need it" He said after you calmed down,
"Y/n, we will get these kids expelled. For you. For all the victims"
You nodded and climed into one of the beds, you couldn't resist the cozy comfort of the bed and quickly fell asleep, in a matter of minutes.
You woke up and it was evening, you could see it through the big class windows which were shining through a yellowish orange glow inside.
"Good evening dear, your teacher left a note for you. Its just by your side" recovery Girl said as she noticed your were awake.
Your foot had been healed though you felt very tired, she handed you the note that read
"Hey kid, come to the dorms as soon as you can. Your classmates have something for you"
You sighed and got ready to leave, your bag and your belongings beside the bed you were in. You said your goodbyes to recovery girl and left the room, wondering hat your friends and classmates had done for you.
You were so drifted out of your thoughts that you never noticed Kyou who accidentally pushed passed you. "Sorry dud......" when you saw who it was you froze.
"I'm not gonna do anything to you, I need to go" he said rushing away in a hurry, you had so many questions for him that were unexplained but he just ran off so you saved it for the next time you saw him.
You were so lost in your thoughts, again that you didn't realise you ran into someone else, two people. When you tried to apologise, the only word your mind could conjure up was
Minato and Haruki.
As soon as they saw it was you, Minato slammed you right into the wall. You really couldn't catch a break..
"What the fuck did I tell you, you fucking freak" Minato said as he opened the door to an empty classroom and threw you in there.
"You stand guard and get Riku to come with weapons. Im finishing this now" He said, eyes glinting with rage and malice, his true intent was to get rid of you.
"Please man, I haven't done anything to you."
"Your existence alone is enough reason to make your life miserable." Minato said and Haruki added on from the side
"Pathetic. Trying to fit in won't change what you really are. A girl, A female. A woman"
Your heart shattered into a million broken pieces as the reality of what they said sank in. It was true, that's all you were. After years and years of trying to fit on and be a real man, just shattered over a few words.
He threw you at a table and desk and you slammed right into it, your body aching with pain. He lifted you up and slammed you back down on the ground, the nerves in your back shooting all the way to your brain.
He then towered over you.
You felt the cracking of bones and the gush of blood as the punches rained down upon you, your face becoming a grotesque battlefield of pain and blood.
The ringing in your ears just wouldn't stop.
Just then Riku, Asahi and Kyou walked in.
Riku's eyes glinted with mischief as he reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a collection of bats, one for each person. With a sly grin at you, he started handing them out, creating an unwatchable atmosphere in the room.
"I want him gone"
Ahhhh, cliff hanger. This is the 4th part.
I kind of got lazy with this one considering it's 3:18 in the morning so forgive me if any silly mistakes were made.
The final part is coming tomorrow, or today so stick around for that
And remember:
Always drink water and eat something, You deserve it :DD
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voxxiedustadam · 16 days
Josiah nelson x short fem Reader (If Mario Was In Among us)
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   This was requested by Cassidy on quotev
( Your Pov)        
                 Emergency meeting 🚨
"There was a! ... wait why is the table so small ?"jocelyn asked"SOMEONE SET UP A BOB-BOMB AND THE TIMER ONLY SAYS 30 MINUTES LEFT!!!"micah finishes jocelyns sentenceEveryone gasps
 "Wait why is green Mario here" wario asked then starts laughing with waluigi (I don't know ther actuall names )
I wasn't really paying much attention because all I heard was arguing. Then I heard eligah speak up"They couldn't have done it on there own that means two of us here are imposters "eligah said
Well i knew that part already as i were one of those imposters. Yeah "Is anyone sus"shiloh asks
"Well there's 3 people wearing red so let's vote them all of just to be safe"judah says
"Wait if the imposter who started his is still among us"shiloh starts to say but gets interupted by judahs laughter "Stop. So they wouldn't wanna risk being inside the castle when it went off "shiloh continues
  Then something something something then everyone votes skip .Even though I was an imposter I took a task card anyway.
 Me Y/N and was (whatever mario character) and also an imposter, Josiah comes up to me "hiya shortie"
 Oh how I hate it when people call me that but when Josiah says it it kinda hits different, buuuut it's still annoying I wasn't that short . Was I?
"I'm not that short"I say while blush appears on my face.i had a crush on josiah a while now but the no way he would like a short person like me and plus he's also like my best friend I can't lose him so I won't risk it
Any way shiloh was saying there are power ups around the place anyone can use pipes and stuff so yeah
Josiah starts talking to me"Sooo my Tiny Y/N it's a big dangerous place out here and I thi-" "Yes Josiah I'll be your buddy "I already knew what the rest would be everyone treats my like I'm some child but I'm like the same age as all of them .
"Well wanna go for a pipe ride it's great that crewmates can like vent to right "Josiah says smiling"Yeeeeah crewmates sure it's great "I wisper to myself.Josiah was wearing a pretty nice toad outfit and li..
."Oh wait a power up box!"josiah screams "No wait you have to collect enough "Josiah tries to break the power up box put practically breaks his hand and is now screaming on the floor.
"Ouch are you ok that look like it hurt "I ask josiah genuinely concerned 
"Nah im fine shortie nothing I can't hand "josiah replies still holding his hand in pain .He gets up and we continue to go do our tasks well his tasks anyway"Well so Y/N there's something I kinda wanted to tell yo-"
"PIRANA PLANT IS LOSE " judah shouts Then it just...         
          Emergency meeting 🚨
"Someone let  pirana plant lose but judah took care of it "Pauline said
Juudah had and flame onto his head as he bangs his head on the table."And shyguy is gone "shiloh reported and everyone gasp
 Well I didn't do it but I did let out piranha plant while josiah was doing his task silly me I guess.
Wario was saying shiloh was sus and given a bunch of valid reasons and if I were a crewmate I would think she was the imposter , but sadly jocelyn defended her
.shiloh Is the best at finding imposter if we don't get rid of her were doomed Then the meeting was over
 "Hey josiah what did you wanna say to me earlier "I ask curious
 "Oh huh that that wasn't important shortie don't worry bout it in fact you stay right here I gotta goooo do some task be right back "josiah says quick then runs off
I then see a power box and then Pauline, a smirk grows on my face I break the power Box and get a red shell
"Hey stay back " Pauline says afraid and tries to run away"Sorry but these never miss "I say I throw the red shell stun here then throw her out damn I am good.
The josiah comes back "Oh where's Pauline "he wonders
"W-well she- umm"i try to make up and exuse put josiah didn't really seem to care"Huh guess we're ya know shortie alone but dont worry ill protecty you "he say, I just roll my eyes , but i smile
"Huh hey josiah even if was acting just a bit sus you wouldn't vote me out right "I ask hopefull
y Josiah repliesw ith "of course not shortie I would never plus I trust you. You wouldn't lie to me"
"Ummm yeah of course "I say but I do feel bad now"Umm well I have something what is the word agani oh yeah vague to do over there so wait here be right back "I say shyly"
Alright shortie but be care if you aren't back in 5 minutes "josiah says smirking
"Josiah I may be short but I aint no baby I'll be back "
I say smiling "ALso next meeting vote out micah he acting sus "I say as I run of
"If he's acting sus we need to vote him out byee" josiah said
After I come back to josiah but shiloh ,eligah and micah are already talking to him"Woah woah woah woah woah now no way shorties the imposter she to innocent for that "
"Josiah  Y/N is the imposter "Shiloh says
"Y/N is not the imposter "he replies back
I couldn't take it anymore "sorry josiah but shiloh is right hehe funny " Josiah looks sad he says"o-okay but I can't lose you, your my shortie"
An idea popped up in my head "then stay with me"i shout happily then I throw him out 
         Emergency meeting 🚨
 "It's " micah begins to speak but I interupt " yeah it is me vote me of I have a friend to see"
"Aaah " I scream as I get voted of"Did you really do that just for me "josiah ask smiling
 "Maybe , maybe not" I say as I smile
 "I love you " we both say at the same time
"Aww I love you to "we again say at the same time 
And then the most magical thing happened he kissed me
"eew gross josiah shes an imposter "Pauline says still mad I threw her out"I couldn't care less she's my little imposter "josiah responds happily 
Judah got thrown out and was talking with josiah "So for your leg you can either take one pill a day for 14 days or you could take this 💊 once"judah says holding a gigantic pill in his hand.
"I am not eating that"josiah says.
"Oh come on"
"No""Just do it "
"just a nibble "
And to be honest I'm more concerned how that fitted in judahs pocket
So maybe the imposters lost but josiah let me celebrate with them so I say this was a win win for everyone well maybe not everyone 😅
"My Tiny Y/N do you wanna be my first ever girlfriend every did I say the ever part "josiah asked with hope in his eyes 
"Of course how could I say no "I reply "Wait really ,i really thought you'd say no .damn I got rejected a lot in life" josiah answers surprised
 I just slightly laugh and give him a peck on the cheek well I kinda had to step on a stool though hehe that's the short life for me
The end
Word count :1,320🥰
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~More incorrect quotes while I figure out my next fic revolving around my fav WTTT characters~
(Also, Y’all are amazing 🥲🤍✨)
Gov: What are you planning to do? 
Florida: Hey, now. "Planning"?! Do you KNOW who you're talking to?!
Mass: York- Bud-
Penn: It- it was just a rat-
Cali: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying? 
York: D*nm, if people did that to each other, Mass woulda killed me years ago.
Loui: Slash gamemode creative. 
Jersey: Dude, this isn't Min- 
Loui: *starts levitating*
York: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
Cali: Oh gosh I wish I got more sleep I only got six hours! 
Tex: Six? I only got three! 
York: You guys got sleep? 
Gov or Loui (you decide), comes stumbling out of their room and grabs a jug of coffee before saying: What year is it??
Gov: A mouse! 
Loui, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you. 
Florida , pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal! 
Mass, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy. 
York, gasping with pure joy in his eyes: It's Ratatouille! 
Cali: His name is Remi, dumb*$$. 
Gov: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
York: No, I wanna keep im’!!
Gov: Ok, first of all, what the f(speaks sleep-deprived coffee bean)?
Loui: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? 
Jersey: Technically a mix of green and blue? 
Loui: So blurple. 
Mass: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. 
Loui: Would you rather have f(speaks New Orleans) bleen? MOTHERF(speaks New Orleans)IN’ GRUE? 
Jersey : You were confusing before but now I'm scared.
York: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine! 
Tex: How can you still say that? 
York: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Teacher: Your little brother was in a fight. 
Connecticut: Oh no, that’s terrible.
Mass and Jersey: Did he win?
Florida: It's locked. You got a lock pick? 
Loui: Yeah- 
Tex: *kicks in the door*
Florida: Or y’know what? That works too.
York: BWWAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, you hear that? That's the wrong opinion alarm. 
Jersey : That is not something you actually have installed. 
York: Sorry, say again? I couldn't hear you over my alarm that YOU SET OFF with your WRONG-*$$ OPINION.
Jersey: …. You are so lucky that Masshole is sleeping or I would’ve made you eat those words.
York: *chokes on something* 
Loui: Jeez, Yorkie, don't die on us. 
York: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the he// I want!
Jersey: Loui seems really zoned out. Whaddya think he’s thinkin’ about?
Mass: I can't imagine what Loui is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Cali, shooing York away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
York, very high and disoriented: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
*York drunkenly wanders around the house and Tex is drunkenly giggling* 
Cali, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the world, Jersey . 
Jersey , going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Jersey: How would you like your coffee? 
Loui, trying to be dark and broody: As dark as my soul. 
Jersey : Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Mass: What’s it like being tall? 
Mass: Is it nice? 
Mass: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? 
Tex: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. 
Loui: It was one time!
Connie: York, can I speak to you for a minute? In private. 
York: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that.
*Tex is casually searching around the room* 
York: Hey cowboy, what’re ya lookin’ for? 
Tex: My will to live. 
*Loui walks into the room* 
Tex: Oh, there it is. (Loui is pretty much everyone’s will to live tbh)
Mass: We all have our demons. 
Mass, grabbing York: This one’s mine.
York: 👹👹👹
Mass: Okay, what does A stand for? 
Loui: Arson. 
Mass: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? 
Loui: Barson. 
Jersey: *laughter* 
Mass: What stands for C? 
Gov: Commit arson. 
Jersey: Oooo. Mass: D! 
Loui: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. 
Jersey: *more laughter*
Loui: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- 
York: A doll. 
Florida : A cinnamon roll. 
Mass: A sweetheart. 
Loui: ...stop it. IM NOT BLUSHING SHUT UP-
Loui: So, what's it like living with Mass? 
York: He once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter." 
Loui: ... 
York: I both love him and hate him so much.
York, looking over Tex’s shoulder: You can draw? 
Tex, stopping what he was doing: You can speak?
Loui: Sometimes I like to place my hands on my enemy’s cheeks, look into their eyes... 
Loui: ...And violently jerk their head until it snaps. 
York: ...That took an unexpected turn. 
Mass: So did their neck.
Texas, popping up behind York: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
York:*turns in his chair* Just put me out of my misery please.
Penn: You disgust me. 
Jersey : *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.
Jersey : I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise. 
Tex: What's the surprise? 
Mass: Blood poisoning.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
ok i have an oreo on one hand and a shark plushie on the other, lets do this
trimax volume 8 (pls dont hurt me)
BUT BEFORE THAT, ACTUAL QUESTION: how are the 1st timers holding up? yall doing good?
ok now long post is here
chap 1:
-oh that title page its SO FUCKING GOOD
-oh hes not....doing it by choice.....oh
-legato looking like a pizza pocket is the comedy relief we all need tbh
-oh my geesus i heard that, i felt that shit
-"they abuse us" and here you are knives...doing the same shit
-could you look less happy while doing this shit knives? pls?
-something something divine punishment from the skies, something something yeah ofc not anyone can do that shit
-oh hey why is he with them i actually forgot
-aw :3 i wonder who taught him to not shoot to kill :3
-also pls leave him alone hes not just a killer pls youre hurting my feelings-
-rem mention :c
-knives can you stop being right for a second, thanks
-the arm...wow
-i dont remember what the other translation said but "that was the day we both lost our minds"....yeah im gonna sit with this one for a bit and cry cuz its true, they did
-oh yeah i didnt get this the 1st time lets try again :D
-ohhhhh....oh shit
-i hate siding with knives on this chapter but i cant help it. i also love the idea of being even
-also he looks so fucking cool while being evil, cool points for you knives
-"invasion" and it ends with him looking at the stars/nightsky? brilliant
chap 2:
-ah yes, the classic, sweetest, full of angst potential "i will remind of you of your home and how you dont belong there anymore" card, good to see you here
-oh god i forgot about this part, geesus
-ah crap i love this tho, gives you time to actually take in everything that knives is causing. its so easy to gloss over it with some quick panels but to actually take the time...i love it
-ok ik they get absorbed by knives but the idea of them flying away and being free (for a bit) is so pretty, im happy for them
-...geesus christ
-it makes you wonder what they did to stay alive actually, like you never think of that stuff ig
chap 3:
-wait they didnt know???? hold up....yeah ig that makes sense but...hmmm
-ALSO interesting how the borders didnt go black to represent a flashback, so maybe it wants to show how present is that memory in luida's mind. wow
-"maybe hes been waiting for us to come and help him" aaaand thats enough to make me tear up, im the weakest bitch on the planet let me tell you
-oh shit so he hit some plants oh shit oh damn
-omg she looks so epic while killing people <3
-oh look its the man in the tin can lmao
chap 4:
-HALF A YEAR???? damn i always forget, this is still going at the speed of light tho
-aw no :c my baby :c
-then again i like that you can see that even if it was just half a year (literally nothing for vash) it still caused him pain and suffering, 10/10
-oh shit oh shit no
-im not really sure how he escaped legato but im glad :D also vash is longgggg i lvoe it :3
-well thats just depressing livio
-pls leave livio
-ok but vash being basically a ragdoll rn while wolfwood is fighting and bleeding breaks my heart let me tell you
-wolfwood shut the hell up ok? shut up, i dont wanna hear it
-oh im going insane :) i hate wolfwood so much rn (his crime was to say sad things)
-"youre not lost wolfwood" wolfwood saying all that shit outloud and IK FOR A FACT vash's heart almost broke ik it i feel it
-baby dont apologize :c
-............................................................ :c
-ah fuck hes here
-oh oh im sick to my little stomach i fear oh geesus my boy, my baby, im so happy that wolfwood is all you need but also im so sad you dont have anything else, do i make sense?
-threatening you brother and begging him to not sacrifice himself in the same breath...knives the plant that you are
-woooooooooooooooooooooooooow i love that shit, hes so little...
-im not entirely sure what is happening but damn thats nasty
chap 5:
-welp...this is terrible
-nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-oh righttttt, i forgot about that plan, so thats why people called him chapel
-oh that panel with livio thats fucking brutal geesus nightow. like the old livio seems so pure and far away while the current livio is so violent and present
-my god he looks like shit
-oh meryl my girl :'3 omg shes the best
-im so depressed rn :D
-idc if hes rotting, sadly the man looks majestic af
-ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh ok
free bird time ig:
-freeeee biiiiird yeaah tururururururu
-wdym congratulations cmon man
-oh honey......
-awww :c
-oh wow now im DEPRESSED :D
-ugh that fucking face
-hes so cool sometimes >:D
-aw you made her cry :c
-"tired of filling a space in other peoples lives"....hmmmm
-aw :c
I hate whats coming i fucking swear.
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floatingonalowvibe · 2 years
chapter two - part two
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"ok Barnaby, I have just one question." My dad started. I saw the annoyed look on Bernards face. "Where the have are we?!"
"First, it's Bernard, and second, you're at the north pole."
" And why exactly am I at the north pole?"
"Because the last Santa fell off the roof, and you put on the suit, and you are now Santa. Did you not read card?" He said, placing his hands on his hips.
My dad looked bewildered. He opened his mouth trying to find words. "I am not Santa claus! Look, I've had a long night, and my back hurts. Have you ever tried to fit a kayak down a chimney? I just wanna go home."
As he said that, I looked around as some of the surrounding elves looked at him with hints of sadness in their eyes.
"I don't think you should say things like that, dad." I said, looking at him.
"Not right now d/n" he said, not even looking at me.
I pursed my lips, really pissed at him.
"That's not my name...." I said under my breath.
"What is your name?" Bernard asked, directing it towards me. I saw Scott try to but in and answer for us, but before he could, I spoke out.
"My name's m/n, and this is Charlie.....where did he go??" I said, looking around me, trying to find him. I looked until I saw him over by what looked like animal stables, petting the reindeer. When I turned back around Bernard was still there, waiting for me.
"Nice to meet you, m/n." He said with a smile, reaching his hand out to shake mine. I took his hand, going it a firm shake.
" You too, Bernard."
He nodded, then turning back to Scott.
"Great, not that we're all introduced, can you please tell me how I can get home?!" I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was getting annoyed and mad. I knew that tone of voice all too well. The feeling of dread started to build up in the back of my throat, as it usually does when he gets like this.
"Like I have told you, the old Santa fell off the roof, you read the card, you put on the suit, so now you are Santa." Bernard said, obviously annoyed at this point. He looked like he's had a really long night. I feel bad for him.
"Hey! Look, it's not my fault that that other guy fell off my roof, it was an accident. And I've got homeowners insurance and a great lawyer, not as good as my ex wife's, but let's not open up that wound." I sighed, remebering the long days in court. I wish those days never happened. But if they didn't, their relationship would've gotten really toxic.
We watched as Bernard turned on his heel, walking the other way. We both followed him.
"Can I get you a drink?" He asked, walking into a hallway lines with these huge ass candy canes. I did the whole look up at the ceiling while walking thing, still in awe at everything.
"Im thirsty and hungry!" Charlie said, announcing his presence.
"Hey bud," I said, ruffling his bowlcut "I guess I could go for something too." I said.
"Hey, where were you?" Scott asked. "I was petting comet." He said, matter of factly.
Scott rolled his eyes.
"Well hiya sport." Bernard said "You must be Charlie."
"Mhm!" Charlie said. He then turned to Scott, " dad! He called me sport, just like you do!"
"Thats great buddy." He responded with zero enthusiasm.
"Hey, you know what, I got something for you " Bernard said, reaching into his satchel he had with a grin. "Hold out your hand, ok?" As Charlie held out his hand, I watched as Bernard pulled out a beautiful snow globe.
"Now be careful, it's old, just like me." I gave his joke a little laugh. Bernard glanced up at me, giving me a sly smile. I like his smile. It was nice.
As Bernard placed the globe In Charlie's hand, Charlie let out a gasp. A smile took over his face.
"Shake it up Charlie."
Charlie did as he said, and we both watched as the fake snow flurried around. And to our amazement, a little model of our house showed up. My eyes widened.
I look up at Bernard, and he was looking at me. I looked back at him, giving him a smile. He returned one, matching my energy.
"Why don't you hold onto that, it might come In handy."
"Thanks!!" Charlie looked like he could just explode from happiness. My respect for Bernard began to grow. He seemed like a really nice guy, and he was cool.
"Hey, Larry!" Bernard shouted to someone behind us, and I turned around to see who it was. "How about you take Charlie to his room!"
"No, no Larry don't do that!" Dad called out to them, but they were already gone.
"M/n, why don't you follow me to your room."
Before I could even nod my head, I felt Scott grab my shoulders and pull me back. "Uh-uh. She's not going anywhere. Not with you." I closed my eyes. I really dont like it when he does stuff like this.
"𝘏𝘦 will be just fine. " Bernard said putting his hand out. I smiled thankfully at him. I felt my heart swell with a feeling I couldn't quite describe. I pulled myself away from Scott's grip, grabbing Bernard's hand.
His hand was big compared to mine. It was rough, but soft. He held my hand with a firm but gentle grasp.
"So you're just going to leave me?" I heard Scott yell behind us.
" Judy 'll come and get you!" Bernard yelled back.
We walked down many halls, each as extravagant as the last. He both walked in silence, until he spoke.
" I'm sorry your dad does that." He spoke softly.
I was confused for a second
"does what?" I asked.
"Calls you the wrong name and pronouns. That's not very nice of him." I took a moment to think about what he said. No one has ever really apologized to me about that. I've always just delt with it myself.
I studered for a second, trying to figure out what to say.
"T-thank you.." I finally spit out.
Once we reached what I assumed to be my room, he let go of my hand, leaving them cold from the sudden lack of warmth. He opened the door, and I just stood there. The room was perfect. Fairy lights danced around the ceiling, a bed tucked into the corner with the most comfortable looking blankets, a fire place roaring.
"Holy shit!" I said, which I have thought all night, but this is the first time I have actually said it.
"Hey, language. We don't want any of the young elves to hear that." He said, not even sounding annoyed or mad about it, just informative.
"My bad, sorry." I said.
I took a step into the room, taking in the smell of fire and wood.
"If you need anything, I'll be down the hall to the left. Good night m/n, sleep well."
"Goodnight Bernard," I said, watching him walk off and close the door.
On the bed, I saw what looked to be flannel pants. I felt them, and they seemed comfortable. I quickly slipped off the pants I was wearing and put them on.
By the time I slipped into the bed, I was already half asleep. Tonight had been long, even if it was all a dream. As I fell asleep, the smell of peppermint and cinnamon lingered in my nose. It was a pleasant smell.
A/n : I didnt feel like writing the entire scene so I just kinda did this.
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sentofight · 2 years
ooc. i feel like this kind of hug is superior idk man. does it have a name cuz i cant even describe it in writing, such a lame writer i am haha~
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its just ... YOU KNOW YOU ARE HOLDING THIS PERSON SO TIGHTLY THEY AINT GONNA ESCAPE BRUH!!!! its soft...cute....tight...warm...secure....sobs. anyway art source here in case someone thought im stealing. nah. it showed up and i just went into I WANT THAT. I WANT THAT FOR MY MUSES BUT HOW CAN I EVEN WRITE IT IM IDIOT SOBS ... beside my inability to describe things anymore gonna list muses who might do this mmmm lesseee....
def lucina ... edea ... machina oh machina..mmm for sure machina..dont let me explain this it hurts. maybe zack but he is goofy hugger lmao. dont tell anyone but roland haha. he will murter me. hmmm maybe akihiko yee aki is softo sobs. i want so say raquel but....feels like she is the lean head type. but hey maybe :eyes: slaps lyn and feiruz's names like it is so obvious bruh!!!!!!!!! probably top huggers like that are lucina lyn and feiruz. hmmmmm follow up is edea. is this gal kind of hug??? shutaro ..i can see him. yes. shutaro with the girls. he will hug like that he does not care. oke so luci, lyn,fei, shu and aki. yes. they. sigh and hides my face in my hands. oke i will disappear. contact me on d/iscord @ Faty#8326
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mrstsung · 2 years
Some kuai liang sub zero self ship abcs i did.
I hope you guys like them. I put a lot of thought into it. Maybe a bit more than i should have but i love them.
Cw: some nsfw content. Fluff too. So if you dont like that. Plz dont read. As always 18+.
A - Act naturally (to play naturally) - How do they behave when they realize that they are in love with you? How do they act when they find out that you have feelings for them?: ok i hc kuai isn't as stagnant or stoic as some proclaim. At least after a certain point. Especially when the lin kuei were restored and the cyber automation projects were shut down. He saw thru the errors of previous grandmasters,his own even. He knew a new way had to be made. One with more understanding,and less bitter chill towards the future students and members. Many who traveled and sought refuge from the harsh cold mountains of the tundra. Could rest and seek sanctuary in the lin kuei temple. Some traditions survive. Some reformed anew. Like a fresh virgin snowfall. But kuai is that type if he found someone. He would be rather sweet,honest with his feelings. Not to say it wouldn't be awkward,i would be no exception. Because of past traumas. But he's moved past that for the most part. I hc he was just upfront. Nervous to hell. But honest and direct. He seems like the direct,no bullshit type guy. Honest and sweet tho. When he found i felt the same. You could see him smile. His face was warm and radiant. It could melt the coldest glaciers.
B - Broken heart (broken heart) - How will they behave if they find out that you cannot love them back? That you're in love with someone else?: now. I aint that kinda girl. If i was with kuai. Im a down,ride or die binch. But if some how. For some reason it had to end. Oof. He would take it fairly well at least on the surface. But deep down kuai would be hurt. Eventually he will come to terms. But it would always hurt him that there could have been something more. Honestly why would anyone hurt this mans heart is beyond me.
C - Communication - How do they communicate with the one they are in love with?: he actually communicates well with me. He makes sure that I've slept well,ate well,hydrated,etc. He also makes sure I'm well emotionally,mentally,etc too. He is good husband material ok? He also makes sure to let me know when he needs to have time for himself and also when its time to train his students. And any other lin kuei affairs. He isnt perfect tho. He does have messy days. This is where i help him lighten the load and take over for a short time if needed be to the best of my ability. Or even have him genuinely get some much needed r&r. But overall he tries his best to keep communication open.
D - Damage  (damage) - How will they react to your wounds or bruises?: honestly kuai kinda like hanzo gets worried easy. Who did this to me?! Where are they? But unlike hanzo. Kuai i feel wouldn't get as well heated. But you can feel still the anger seething from him,but he would tend to my wounds and discuss if he wants him to pursue the person or not. But if it was by accident,or even my own doing. Kuai i feel would be much more calmer. He would tend to the wounds. Kissing them tenderly. Tell me to be more careful next time.
E - Excuse (forgiveness) - Which of you is the first to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel?: look its not often we fight. If we do its over something that might be reasonable. But we do actually have healthy communication. I made that clear as ice for him when we got together. I wanted kuai to feel safe to trust and honestly given the shit he went thru. Yeah. Communication is hella important to him. Always touch base. Even if its simple as "hey i dont have the spoons to deal with this rn maybe later" thats hella sexy of him. But it would more likely be me but it could be both. Depending on the situation. Overall we never stay mad. (I honestly don't think i could no matter who im with)
F - Furious (furious) - How easily can they be pissed off? What can they do in such a state?: ok look don't piss off kuai. I mean for the most part he's a chill dude. But don't push him. His anger is cold,precise,and deadly. He'd never take his anger out on me tho.
G - Gaze (stare) - How often do they watch you? How do they react when you look at them?: he is the type to stare when im not looking. But oh boy is it full of love and admiration. If he caught me tho,he'd be a blushing mess. But he still loves it.
H - Hugs (hugs) - Do they like to hug? How do they hug?: kuai used to be a bit iffy with hugs before me. But now he's actually quite accepting to them. And hugs as often as he can. (Again like hanzo,kuai had to learn to feel love and compassion again. But for him it was hard because he had to unlearn that cold emotional shoulder that was taught to him for so many years. Oof) he still always asks tho. Because he's polite. But he gets a bit giddy when i wholeheartedly accept. He has bear hugs and despite being a cyromancer. His hugs are warm and comforting.
I - Intimacy (intimacy) - What is your intimate life with him?: ok sexy times or general intimacy? A sexy times hc is kuai likes temperature play. He will form a smal ice ball and run it up n down my back. Or just use the tip on his finger. But his fave thing to do it lightly blow a bit of cool air on my pussy when he eats me out. Or on the back of my neck. Non sexy times hcs is he like to cuddle together in our bed chambers and read with me. Sometimes he likes to watch me doodle too. Asking what im drawing. Sometimes we doodle together and play fun drawing games. Or even do puzzles together. He actually got a chessboard from Johnny as a gift. He was very greatful for it. Uses it all the time. Even solo. Sometimes he mourns to play with his bro bi han. But these feelings can come n go.
J - Jealousy - Is it easy to make them jealous? How do they behave in this case?: tbh kaui isn't the jealous type truly. But if he does feel these feels. Its fleeting. He wouldn't act upon it tho. But he will give an ice cold stare at whomever decides to earn his anger.
K - Kiss (kiss) - How often do you kiss each other? How do the characters kiss?: kaui kisses are sweet,passionate,and invigorating. He tries to give kisses as often as he can. His fave kisses to give are hand kisses,forehead kisses,a quick cute kiss on the cheek. And if he's in a more private setting. Then kisses my lips. Not that he couldn't in front of others. He just likes to be private to be more intimate most of the time. (Again i hc kuai over time became more lax with the restoration of the lin kuei when it came to affection. Because he had to unlearn that trauma from the old grandmasters. But especially after he got in a relationship)
L - Letter (letter) - Would they dare to write a love letter? What would he write about?: i. Think he would write a cute love letter. I dunno what it would be about specifically tho.
M - Main (main) - Who will have a dominant role in your relationship?: we both are equals. There is no power play here.
N - Need - How much do they need your presence and touch?: kuai can do without. But he doesn't enjoy it. He actually craves physical affection a looooot. He may not always say it. He will ask for it if he can. Look he's baby ice guy ok? Kuai is baby bro. (Bi han was waaaaay more tsundere)
O - Objective (goal) - How will they pursue you?: he was unsure how to feel at first. But he actually found me endearing. And everytime we had a conversation,sometimes he would get lost in thought. Any cold feet he was getting would just melt away. After maybe of a month or so, i hc kuai was very upfront about his feelings. Nervous but also ok even if he got rejected. He didn't but still. He was quite happy when he knew i liked him back.
P - Pace (tempo) - How fast can they get close to someone?: it takes him a bit. But be patient with him. He's trying. Again he needs to sort things out. Give him at least a month. He's hella open with me tho
Q - Quizzcal (quirky) - How often do they joke? Do they like to have fun?: tbh before he met me he wasnt much of a joker. But over time he got to losen up a bit. He's a big teddy bear deep down. Tbh he loves snowball fights. And to make ice sculptures. Sometimes to show off. Sometimes because he wants to train with me. Look he tries. He's tired a lot of the time.
R - Relax (rest) - How often do they rest? How do they like to relax?: he tries whenever he can. Hot spring baths,meditation,and if im around sometimes he will ask for a massage. But if he's really stressed,a nice romp will work.
S - Saviour (savior) - Will they be able to protect you in case of danger? What will they do if your life is in danger?: he would most definitely. Tho i am capable of handling myself for the most part. But honestly if he was that pissed. And someone done fucked up bad. He would stop at nothing to end that person who hurt me.
T - Teach (teach) - Can they teach you something? Who will take the initiative?: oh course. We both have something to teach each other.
U - Uncertain - What is their reaction when they find out that you doubt yourself?: he actually is very sweet. He talks things out with me. He gives solid advice. But he knows i love hugs and physical affection when im not feeling so good. Also humor gets me thru. So he tries to make me smile. Dad jokes galore. You'd never know but he's actually quite funny.
V - Vaunt (bragging) - How often do they brag about something? Do they like showing off to you?: he's not the bragging type. Tho he is very proud to call me his lover. If he shows off its more in a private setting.
W - Who is first (who is the first) - Who is the first to confess their feelings?: i hc actually he did he was upfront about it. But we both had mutual pining. Lol. I confessed after he did.
X - Exxx (ex) - How will they react when your ex shows up all of a sudden?: ok in this au i dont have one. But hypothetically he wouldn't be angry or harsh. He would keep a close eye. But like i said he isnt the jealous type. Nor would he do anything unless i am am obviously in harms way or he needs to step in.
Y - Your teasing (your teasing) - What activities make them turn on? How can they turn you on?: a surefire way is actually subtle and sweet things. Or a simple wink. I hc He actually is hella touch starved. So hand holding,stroke to chin as you pass by,really gentle somft things. That makes his heart melt. But its not easy to make him come undone in front of others,not impossible but difficult. But in private. Oh boy. As for me its not really that difficult.
Z - Zzz (sleep) - How do you prefer to fall asleep?: kuai always loves a cooler room but tons of blankets. He likes to cuddle. He's a big teddy bear like i said. He's almost always big spoon. But sometimes he's little spoon. But that's usually when he needs a little tlc. But if he's in a good mood for the most he's big spoon. He has fuzzy blankets. He has a small throw that's made of snow hare fur. Its uber soft and silky.
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auntbibby · 3 days
this "empty spaces" scifi furry story is inspired by my time spent living in psych wards (especially a high-observation cell) and in disability group homes. when u hav autism, tourettes, OCD, & meltdowns, and the staff knows, it can get dehumanizing.
it can be found on deviantart here and furaffinity here
i always felt like such a horrible schnauzer-human hybrid in these moments. i knew the guards would eventually unlock the door to my living space for one reason or another, and id have to tell them what i did. mentally, and therefor physically,i couldnt do anything but wait.
there it was.
CLICK!!!! wheeeeeeze.
“hey tina”, my current primary guard said, thru his bulletproof body armor & bulletproof helmet, as he opened the graphene-plated door from the outside of my living space. “its supper time…….. oh…… did something happen?”
i hesitated, holding my paws in front of me….. “um…… sorr- ….. um……. i had a meltdown….. im sorry. im really sorry. i broke the bedside table. sorr-sorry.”
i could hear the click of his tranq gun being put into ON mode. they always tried to hide that, but my enhanced dog senses could hear it. it always made me feel shame, but i knew it was probably government protocol. “can you show me?” he said, as 2 of my 5 current secondary guards and one secondary guard who didnt smell familiar came in behind him. he smelled like he was scared. must be new. sigh.
“just over here” i pointed with one paw bean and walked over to my bed. “there used to be a table here, right?” my primary guard nodded in recognition “ohhhhh, yeah… what happened to it tina?”
i interrupted him out of frustration “im getting to tha-ARROOOOO ARROOOOOOO …..sorry.. sorry….” my dog instincts always took over when i got stressed or overwhelmed… when i howled just then, my primary guard didnt flinch. i appreciated that. he knew it was just my neurology. the new secondary guard had briefly aimed his tranq gun at me out of human terror but looked around and realized the other secondary guards didnt flinch much, then slowly put his gun down.
“so” i continued awkwardly “its over there, stuck in the ceiling” i pointed at the ceiling above the door. all 4 guards looked up to the 20ft high ceiling. my bedside table was split in 2, both sides embedded in the rafters.
my primary guard didnt skip a beat “ok well we’ll have to get you a new table for your bed!!!!” i shifted uneasily “yeah…. okay.” “may i ask what caused you to get upset?” i could smell the fearful human sweat increase in the room. “umm…. my instincts kicked in when i was getting out of bed and it frustrated me, and a few minutes earlier i spilled some water... it was a few different things really” i put my paw behind my head and scratched the back of it while giving a nervous smile. i had seen many characters do that gesture in my government-provided cartoons and it seemed to be a way regular humans expressed nervous apologeticness. i liked the cartoons i was given. they made me feel better.
“okay tina!” the smell of fear abated. primary guard turned OFF his tranq gun. “well anyways heres your supper today. its pork kibble with garlic bits today! yum!” i backed up from the front of the room and sat down with my paws behind me, to follow the rules i had been previously told for when the tertiary guards wheeled in the food. the rules felt kinda dehumanizing but i guess i wasnt completely human. and about the primary guard saying *yum*? the infantilization wasnt the worst thing in the world. at least it meant the regular humans had a somewhat positive view of me.
the guards were about to leave me to my food & lock the door again, but i wanted to address the obvious concerns of the rookie guard. “before you all go….” just off of that alone i already heard a tranq gun click. “yes tina?” i let out an involuntary doggy whine quietly. “if there happens to be a new guard coming soon, can u tell them that i dont want to hurt anyone and i want to get along and stuff? and i hope they do a good job?” i saw one of the familiar secondary guards almost turn her head toward the rookie guard but then stop herself. primary guard nodded. “sure thing tina! we’ll pass that along!” eventually they all turned and marched out.
wheeeezze…. CLICK
i trotted over to my big metal doggy bowl and took my giant spoon and started eating my kibble. it had my medications mixed in already. it actually tasted really good, like usual. once again, i thought to myself “this isnt the absolute worst way to live. its…..okay. on friday i get to eat in the cafeteria with the other anomalies. thatll be fun. sigh.”
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myaheartsmarkie · 2 years
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addicted - chapter three
word count: 12.9k
playlist: from time by drake, late at night by roddy rich, i want u around by omar apollo, wasting time by brent faiyaz, best you had by don toliver, luv is dro by jack harlow, and party by sik-k!
genre: smut, so much. mild one sided pining, jealous! jeno, angst, fluff (im team jeno yall lol), fwb! to lovers, student athletes! yn + jeno. the boyz! and dream + 127 member make side role! appearances. jaehyun is trying to fight jeno lol, haechan and kevin stir up trouble as per usual
warning(s): smut! smut! smut! (pls, if you're a minor - leave.) lots of swearing!!, jeno is toxic, and boy oh boy does it show. choking, spanking, slight public sex! (they're fucking in the locker rooms again lmaooo), teasing, dom! jeno, sub! reader, face fucking, spit play, cum play, oral (f! + m! receiving), tons of sex talk, established height difference (im not even short so lets not jump to conclusions, but the dominating role i wrote in for jeno imo calls for a significant height difference. im the author so pls respect it. if you don't like it don't read it. thanks.) reader has a smart ass mouth (if you're sensitive? ig..lol my mouth is reckless too so it feels normal) mentions of violence (jaebae isn't taking no shit in this chapter lmao), use of pet names (baby, angel, princess, etc..) jeno can be rough at times in some scenes, but not violent, some dry humping, slight size kink, i think that's it...lmk if i missed anything!
note from mya: ITS FINALLY HERE YALL!! omg this took so frickin long D: im so very sorry & i pray to every god that its worth it ! i worked hard lol. also i had originally written 14.8k but last night it got deleted bcus we had an outage & i guess it didnt back up properly :( but yea, you guys already know. no minors. if you're legal, happy reading :) taglist is posted at the bottom <3 . & of course this isn't revised lmao...fuck that. thanks for your patience & support, ily!
© myaheartsmarkie 2022 — all rights reserved !
“yn?” kevin said softly, knuckles grazing the frame of your door. 
he sighs when he receives no response in return. he looks back at jaehyun with a sad expression. jaehyun lets out a sigh, chest heaving angrily. 
“i’ll fucking kill him” he mumbles, turning around and stalking to the front door. 
kevin scurries to sit the plate of food down and catch his best friend before he reaches outside. kevin grabs jaehyun’s shoulder, halting his movements. 
“we don’t even know if it’s because of jeno,” kevin starts. 
“i know it is—god, i never liked that dickhead” he says, hands going to grip his hair out of frustration. 
“ok…but your rep too—you can’t just beat up the baseball captain and get away with it” he tells jae. 
jaehyhun sighs, moving to sit on the couch. he tugs his phone from his pocket, quickly finding your contact. 
jaebae: hey…ik you don’t wanna talk rn but me & kev are here for you, ok? you know we always are. so whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here waiting. i love u. 
jaebae: …and if it was that fucker j*no i promise you these hands are rated e for everybody, especially if they hurt you. 
you smile at the text messages. you love your best friends but right now…you weren’t up for any kind of communication. you were glad they knew that as well. hearting both of the messages from jaehyun before you turn your phone off again, burying yourself under your duvet. 
it’s been a long ass week. 
missing three days of class, constant crying, and using up your vacation days to sulk in bed can be very exhausting. luckily sungchan has been sending you his notes, filling you in on what you’ve missed. he was god sent, truly your guardian angel. his notes were filled to the brim, jotted down sentences in multiple different pen colors, he was so extra. the last photos he sent to you was yesterday. three pictures of his college ruled white paper concluding with a quick selfie of himself with a thumbs up, ‘get better, i miss u!’ drawn across the screen with a tiny heart. 
you haven’t thought about him. not today at least…but have you thought about him since the whole ordeal? yes. yes times a thousand. you can’t help it, your mind does its own thing. it doesn’t listen to you, no matter how hard you try to not do so — your mind betrays you. pictures of his stupidly handsome face, his stupid buff arms, and his stupid stupid stupid (very good) dick game. you can’t help it! 
you’re surprised with yourself though, the fact that you’ve actually mustered up the courage to block him and not text or call him back. it truly takes a ton of work and you’ve done well these past few days. the countless missed calls from the ‘no caller id’ contact and constant texts from the said man. begging for you to come back and his meaningless apologies. you’ve read them…hell fucking yeah you have, but have you replied? nope. 
you sigh, reluctantly sitting up in your bed. you eye the time, 11:06am. you have class at 12…if you get ready now, you can make it on time. you purse your lips in thought, do you really wanna go to class today? you shake your head, tugging the blanket from over you and make your way to the bathroom. 
jaebae: im going to practice and kev is at sunwoo’s. lmk if you need anything, sweetheart. 
you see the text from your roommate, eyes drifting from the mirror to your phone screen. you read it and smile. tooth rotting sweet as usual, what more do you expect from jae? you pick up your phone, texting him back. 
you: ok!! thank u but im good rn :) luv ya 
you lock your phone, continuing your activities. you press the plus sign on your speaker, upping the volume trying anything to get you into a good mood. mumbling some lyrics here and there while you get ready. once you’re done you twist the door of your bathroom, but you come to an abrupt pause. the house is empty now…which means you have no ride. you facepalm. you can’t text jae now, it’s been like 10 minutes since he left. you internally whine, moving to sit on your bed. you lay back dramatically, huffing as you wonder who the hell you could call. kevin’s free but probably tipsy…afterall in his world it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. jaehyun and sungchan are at practice, jieun…we’re not even gonna think about her. who else even is there…? 
you sit up in a flash as his face pops up in your head. if you remember correctly he has a 12 o’clock class as well, so it shouldn’t be much of a hassle, right? you hurriedly grab your phone, scrolling until you stumble across his contact. 
you: hey bestie :D !! i need a ride to class, can you pick me up ? 
you cringe at the message, swiping up and out of the app. you bite your lip…were you being too forward? is this crossing any lines? was it too soon? 
you: if not it’s cool!! don’t worry about it lol..
you chuck your phone backwards onto your bed. palms covering your face as you groan loudly. was it always this awkward? like…texting? you don’t know, but what’s done is done. mainly because you can’t unsend it. 
you flinch at the sound, reluctantly picking up the cellular device. 
eric :) : sure!! be there in five :) 
eric :) : ps…cus you’re cute i won’t charge you for gas money :P thank me later
you roll your eyes at the second message, you’re glad he’s not being awkward about it. you were already emotionally fucked up…you didn’t need another problem added to your plate right now. you sigh happily, gathering your things and moving to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. settling on a green apple, you bite the fruit scrolling through your fyp while you wait. 
eric :) : i’m here 
you make your way out the door, clutching your bookbag strap tightly. why were you so nervous? you weren’t even this nervous when you and him went on your first date! this is so backwards. 
watching your shoes as you hop down the stairs, making your way to his black jdm. you’re glad he’s not standing outside the car like usual, you’d be too embarrassed to look at him face to face. you grab the handle, pulling the car door open. slinging your bookbag off before you climb in. hand running down the back of your skirt to make sure it doesn’t bunch up when you sit. you close the door before turning to look at eric. when you do you let out an audible gasp. 
“o-oh my god!” you say, eyes wide with shock. 
eric laughs, running a hand through his hair. 
“when the hell?” you say, hand moving to touch his newly dyed hair. 
“two days ago, you like it?” he asks, body turning towards yours. 
your finger runs through his hair, admiring the new color. his eyes are on you, watching you with curious eyes. you were still so damn pretty. 
“i do…it suits you” you smile, retracting your hand from his head. 
“thank you m’lady” he grins, hands moving to start the car. 
you shake your head, buckling yourself in before he pulls off. 
you make your way through the hallway, squeezing through the many other bodies. you clutch your book bag to your side, trying your best not to bump into anybody. you stand atop your tiptoes trying to glance over the many heads. you eye your classroom, trying to push your way through in
the direction of your class. you successfully make it to class, pushing through the door and hurrying to make it to your seat. you sit down with a huff, head falling onto the table. if you knew it’d be this stressful you would’ve stayed home. 
you sat up, eyes curiously searching the classroom. there were a few other students scattered everywhere, but it wasn’t 12 yet…so more people are sure to show up. you didn’t see sungchan though, you pouted picking up your phone. 
you: HEY FUCKER!! WYA???
bambi: ??? you’re in class ??? 
you: YES
bambi: i’m almost there, save me a seat pls
you thumbs up his last message, sitting your bookbag on the seat next to you. in the last minute or so at least ten or twelve more students poured into the class. you rest your face on top of your open palm, blowing a breath out from your mouth obnoxiously. you really didn’t wanna be here. 
you and sungchan stretch in unison, fingers reaching towards the ceiling. you guys turn to face each other, laughing loudly. you both gather your things making your way out to the hallway, thanking the professor on the way out. you loop your arm through sungchan’s skipping side by side down the hallway. 
“you wanna get some food?” he asks and you nod happily. 
“ok, i gotta get my keys from my locker, come on” he tells you, leading you in the direction of the elevator. 
the two of you step into the elevator, pressing the number four. you both wait patiently, stepping out once the doors open for the two of you. 
“you wanna wait right here?” he asks, pointing at the bench outside of the locker room. 
you nod, un-attaching yourself from him and sitting down politely. you cross your legs, folding your hands over your lap. you watch sungchan walk away, both yours and his book bags slung over his figure. you slightly smile, you loved him so much. your left leg bounces, nerves going a little crazy – worried jeno would randomly pop up when you least expect it. you find your nail in between your lips once more, chewing nervously. 
“yooo! haven’t seen you in awhile,” a voice shouts from behind you. 
you jump, eyes wide as you look over the figure. he walks up to you, hand resting on your shoulder. 
“woah, didn’t mean to spook you” haechan laughs, welcoming himself to sit next to you. 
“you fucking dick,” you roll your eyes, punching his arm. 
“ow! why’re you sitting out here? waiting for jeno?” he asks, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
you huff out, rolling your eyes at him. you lift your hand again, but haechan grabs your balled up fists so you don’t hit him again. 
“it was a joke, i’m kidding” he tells you.
“i’m waiting for sungchan, we’re gonna go eat”  you say to haechan, tugging your hands from his grip. 
“—and jeno and I are no longer acquainted, thank you very much” you huff, turning your nose up. 
“wait, really? why, what happened?” haechan asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“don’t wanna really talk about it, but he can’t keep his dick in his pants to save his life” you mutter with a roll of your eyes. 
haechan makes an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, nodding his head in understanding. you nod as well, turning your head to the sound of the door opening, haechan peeking around your shoulder. sungchan walks out, spinning his car keys on his finger. you stand up, brushing your skirt down. haechan follows suit, standing up as well. he daps sungchan up and gives you a kiss on top of your head. 
“i’ll see you guys later,” he yells out, holding the locker room door open. 
the two of you waved goodbye to the boy, turning around to make your way to the elevator. 
“yo sungchan! i forgot to ask—” his sentence is cut short as he sees who is standing in front of him. 
you and jeno make eye contact, your mouth drying up at the sight of him alone. you shift on your feet nervously, swallowing hard. jeno’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion and anger. 
“hey roomie…what’d you need?” sungchan asks with a nervous laugh. 
“so you’re too good to text or call me back because you’re hanging out with my best friend?” jeno asks, looking past sungchan at you. “hey…i’m both of your guys’ best friends.” sungchan says. 
you roll your eyes, turning your gaze elsewhere. you didn’t have the energy to deal with this right now. not only did you not come here for this but you’re hungry as hell. not a good mixture. 
jeno scoffs when he realizes you’re not going to reply, “oh so you really think you’re too good, huh? can’t even speak to me.” he says, mockingly laughing at you. “fuck off jeno,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever, are you coming back to the crib tonight?” jeno asks, turning his attention to sungchan. 
sungchan thinks about his question for a bit, but he shakes his head no. “i’m going to haechan and yuta’s for the tournament…they want their asses whooped in mario kart again,” he chuckles lightly. jeno nods in understanding, smacking sungchan’s back with his palm. “i’m having jieun over, I needed it empty tonight” he winked at you. 
you scoff loudly, can you believe this fucking asshole? you can’t believe you used to like him. 
“you’re a dick, fuck you” you say, not breaking eye contact with him. jeno shrugs, leaning down towards your face. you back up in disgust, not wanting to be anywhere near him at all. “let me know when you’re done being petty and I promise I’ll take you back, princess,” he whispers, curling a piece of your hair behind your ear. you smack his hand away angrily. “never in a million fucking years,” you say through gritted teeth, turning away. 
you make your way to the elevator, pressing the down arrow. sungchan follows suit, nervously fiddling with his fingers. you huff out, blowing the stray hairs in front of your face away. you were beyond livid right now. 
[ the (3) stooges ] 
you: jeno fucked jieun. 
you: and they’re meeting up to fuck again 2nite
you: feeling suicidal :) 
you: i wish i was fucking lying. 
kev: what an asshole…that’s so disappointing
jaebae: i’m omw
[ you and kev ‘?’ this message ] 
kev: where are you going??? 
you: ^
jaebae: to fuck him up . 
[ kev hearted this message ] 
you: no?? wtf???
kev: ignore her, go fuck him up!!! beat his ass!!! 
[ jaebae liked this message / yn disliked this message ] 
you: i’m so serious, what if you lose your scholarship :( 
[ kev disliked this message ]
jaebae: sigh
kev: fucking party pooper, boo tomatoes boo!! 
you: thank you i love u guys 
[ jae + kev hearted this message ] 
you lock your phone, sitting up off of sungchan’s lap. you make your way to the kitchen to grab a drink. twisting the cap on the bottle of water, you take a few sips as you walk back into the living room. 
“who the FUCK threw that bannana?!” haechan asked and yuta smirks in response to his outburst.
“what are you gonna do about it, huh?” yuta asks, throwing another banana towards haechan’s character. 
sungchan is quiet throughout the game, eyebrows crinkled in sheer concentration. you eye the gold number one in the corner of his screen. all the other boys moan out in agony as he crosses the finish line. haechan throws the switch controller down onto the couch angrily. 
“fuck you” yuta says, flipping your best friend off. you and sungchan laugh at the boys' reactions, finding them amusing. 
you guys all looked at the door confused when the doorbell rang. yuta gets up to answer the door, and you all look curiously from your seats. 
“eric? what’s up!” yuta says, unlocking the door for him and his friends. 
you turn to sungchan with wide eyes, sungchan smiles at you. 
“take your mind off jeno for now…he’s my friend but he’s being a dick right now” he tells you, ruffling your hair. 
“you invited them?” you ask, and sungchan nods. 
“i swear i’m—” you start but you close your mouth abruptly when you hear your name being called. “yn? is that you?” eric asks, you turn around slowly with a sort of awkward smile. “i didn’t know you’d be here, would’ve come over sooner,” eric joked, sliding into the open seat next to you. sungchan rubbed your back before he stood up to walk away. 
“you met my friends, right?” he asks, pointing back at his two friends. sunwoo and juyeon wave at you with a smile. “is this your girlfriend?” juyeon asks, you and eric blush madly. sunwoo elbows him in the side, offering a small apologetic smile. “s-sorry, it’s just–when you guys were at the club…i-i thought” the black haired boy stutters. 
“it’s fine,” you smile, hands holding your blushing face. eric is just as red as you, coughing at the now awkward environment. “we’re not dating, jackass,” eric says, running a hand through his hair. 
“you guys want in?” you hear haechan ask.
sunwoo and juyeon’s eyes light up at his question, practically running to grab a controller. you watch them, laughing at their excitement. yuta then makes his way back to the living room, speaker in hand. what was a small quiet get together is now a very noisy party of seven. 
“do you wanna go outside?” eric asks, leaning down to whisper the question into your ear. with blushing cheeks you nod yes, following him out the front door. 
haechan looks at sungchan both of them sharing a nod before sungchan pulls his phone out. 
[ bsb bozos ]
hae: wooooah yn went with him outside ;)
sungchan: lol fr? just them?
hae: yuuuup
jeno: ???
hae: oh shit
sungchan: wrong gc, fuck.
hae: yea my bad jen lmao
jeno: who are you guys talking about?
[ read 11:34am ]
jeno: you little shits better answer me 
[ haechan liked this message ]
hae: i love aggressive men <3 
hae: yn went outside with eric :)))
sungchan: stfu omg you can’t hold water for shit. 
hae: im sorry D:
jeno: are you deadass?? im omw you fuckers better watch her, if he touches her istfg 
hae: you got it daddy— boss!
sungchan: i meaaaan…
jeno: chan don’t fw me rn
sungchan: no bcus you literally told her you were gonna fuck her now ex bestfriend…
sungchan: but now you want us to watch her?? because she went outside with someone?? 
sungchan: it’s ass backwards…you can stick your dick in anything that walks & she has to be ok with it but when she’s in the vicinity of another man you’re losing your fucken mind. make your mind up jeno, we’re not kids. if you want to be with yn, then tell her AND show her that. stop making shit complicated. we all know you want her. 
hae: ok, but it’s giving poet…modern shakespeare if you will 😫 .
sungchan: LMFAOOO stfu haechan 
jeno: im not responding to that shit in full, you talk to damn much. but ik im in the wrong, but im selfish ass toxic mf and she knows that. im omw rn, you don’t have to watch her…but i am taking her home so you don’t have to worry about us. 
hae: oh we’re not worried abt y’all…were worried for eric
sungchan: ^ yeah…will he be ok? his team still needs him lmao..
jeno: i won’t touch him…
sungchan: im not buying it, where’s the rest
jeno: if he’s not touching her, i’ll be cool. 
hae: alright lee, stop texting cus ik you’re driving.
sungchan: ^ adios 
“wait wait, so you didn’t always live here?” you ask, and eric nods. “nope, i just came back this year.” he confirms, and you nod with a slightly agape mouth. “how are the states? is it as fun as people make it seem?” you question, eric holds his chin with two fingers trying to figure out how to answer. “i like the states…different—very, but it’s enjoyable.” he replies and you nod. “you wanna go?” he asks, referring to the states and you nod excitedly. “ugh, it’s my biggest dream…but i
haven’t gone yet,” you pout, bottom lip slightly jutting out. you wrap your arms around yourself, seeking warmth from your hands. 
eric notices and slips out of his hoodie, offering it to you. you shake your head, waving your hands. “it’s fine,” you say. “wasn’t asking, yn” he tells you, already putting the hoodie over your head. you reluctantly push your arms through the holes, pulling the oversized sweater on. eric slides his hands under your hair, lifting it from under the sweater. he curls some of it behind your ear and you look up at him with a sweet smile. “uh, thank..you” you say, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. eric looks back at you, with kind eyes, loving how you look in his sweater. he bends down slowly, inching towards your face. you bit your bottom lip, contemplating whether or not you should let this happen. it’d be wrong, right? to lead him on, you know you don’t like him…not more than a friend. so why let him do this? it’ll only hurt him again. before you know it, he’s centimeters from you, his lips so close to yours. you sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. you wait for his lips to touch yours, squeezing your hands together. your nails dig into the skin of your palms. 
before his lips could touch yours, you’re being tugged away from his grasp. your eyes shoot open, you’re now staring at the back of a tall figure. 
“the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” the man says, his grip on your wrist was tight and unwavering. 
“jeno?!” eric says, astonishment evident on his face. you and him both were just as surprised at his presence. 
“w-when did you get here?” you ask quietly, trying to pull away from him. jeno turns to you, eyeing the sweater on you. “take this shit off,” he tells you, pulling at the sleeves. 
if you didn’t do it yourself he was going to do it himself. you tug the sweater up and off of you, wrapping your arms around yourself. you guys may be on bad terms but you know better than to aggravate an already angry lee jeno. eric scoffs loudly in response to the scene unfolding in front of him. 
“yn, what the fuck is going on right now?” eric asks and you open your mouth to respond. “don’t fucking talk to her.” jeno seethes, looking at eric angrily. he throws the man his sweater back and turns away. he grabs your hand, tugging you away from eric. you shriek, looking back at eric slightly waving as jeno drags you along. 
“j-jeno, my wrist..it hurts” you say quietly. 
jeno stops walking, causing you to run into his back. you stumble, holding your nose from the impact. you look up curiously, wondering why he stopped walking. “you know how angry i get when you do shit like this,” jeno whispers, and your eyebrows crinkle. “w-what do you mean?” you ask. “don’t play dumb.” he tells you, pinning you against the wall. you flinch at the way it feels against your skin, but you couldn’t care less right now. 
“everytime i see you with someone that isn’t me,” his hands snake around your waist. “i fucking hate that shit…and you know it” his hands grab your ass, squeezing it until you moan out. “i’m selfish, and you’re all mine baby” you bite your lip, looking up at him with glazed over eyes. 
“w-what about jieun…” you whisper, needing to know. 
“i fucked up, and i’m sorry..” he tells you curling a piece of hair behind your ear. you nod in response. “did you…” jeno shakes his head, finger grazing your lips shushing you. “no baby, we didn’t…i promise” he tells you, bending down to kiss your head. you nod in response.
you’d rather not talk, it's been a long night. you’re relieved to say the least though…you’re glad they didn’t sleep together. you don’t know what you would’ve done or said if he said they did. 
“take me home,” you say, turning your head away from him. 
jeno nods, grabbing hold of your hand. “let’s go baby,” he says, leading you towards his car.
[ the (3) stooges ] 
* ‘kev kev’ added ‘bambi’ and ‘hae <3’ * 
you: there’s 5 of us now, gc name is incorrect. 
hae <3: omg girl stfu
[ you changed the gc name to “yn for prez :D” ]
bambi: lmfao tf kind of name
kev kev: i hope you know i would n e v e r vote for you :)
you: rude asf. 
hae <3: yeah yeah, shut up. what happened yesterday ?!
kev kev: oh yeah! how’d it go last night??
bambi: ^
you: ??? wdym
kev kev: did you get dicked down last night?
you: wtf?? no. 
hae <3: mission: failed
kev kev: fat ass sigh
you: wait a damn minute…
you: i knew it…jeno literally just popped up. 
[ bambi + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
bambi: stfu you’re a fucking liar
hae <3: jus because i helped doesn’t mean i was involved :(
you: i’m gonna fuck you two up
[ kev + hae <3 liked this message / bambi disliked this message ]
bambi: yn, i love you 
[ you liked this message ] 
bambi: it wasn’t me D: pls believe me 
[ you liked this message ] 
you: <3 
[ kev + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
kev kev: in FRONT of me ?! 
hae <3: ^ ong, ur so fake bro ):
kev kev: fuck u yn :( 
jaebae: can you guys shut the fuck up?? i have a game tmrw u asshats 
you: sorry :(
kev kev: im shutting the fuck up. 
bambi: aye aye captain 
hae <3: yes daddy. 
you skipped down the hall with jaehyun, his arm slung over your shoulder. he insisted on walking you to class today, you were a bit taken aback but you let him do so. 
“so, what’s up after class?” he asks. “i go back to practice today—i’m excited” you reply back, a glint showing in your eyes. jaehyun looked down at you fondly, he adored you. “should i be worried..?” you ask, turning to look at him. jae shakes his head no, petting your hair. “just didn’t want you running into him again alone,” he tells you, a small smile spreads across your features. 
you wrap your arms around his middle, buying your face in his chest. “thank you, jae…i appreciate you” you tell him, he chuckles lightly. bending down a bit to press a kiss to the top of your head before he turns you around to push you through the classroom door. 
jeno watches from afar with an annoyed expression. his fists at his sides, jaw clenched tightly. he hated seeing you with other guys. fuck everybody that wasn’t him. though he knows everything between you and jaehyun is all platonic, it still bothers him. 
jae turns around, making eye contact with jeno. he rolls his shoulders back, jutting his chin in his direction slightly—silently greeting him. jeno doesn’t nod back, he just stays still—fists still shaking with rage. jaehyun smirks slyly, turning away from jeno clutching his book bag strap.
you sat in class quietly, jotting down notes every now and again. you were mainly zoned out though—pondering on what jeno was doing right now. you pushed the pen into your cheek, clicking the button in and out. you wondered what he had on right now, or if he was listening to music, or if he was thinking about you too. you didn’t know why your mind drifted off to jeno lee, but you couldn’t help it. after the encounter with him last night, he’s been heavy in your head. 
j: come to me after class. 
what are the odds, lol. you say to yourself in your head. you pick up your phone, clicking the notification. 
j: and you better have me unblocked or else yn. 
[ you disliked this message ] 
you: stfu i do what i want
you: where and why
j: don’t question me & stop being funny.
j: locker rooms, right after class. not a minute later.
j: don’t make me fucking wait. 
you rolled your eyes, leaving him on read. a little riling up never hurt anybody…well, never hurt you at least. plus, you already know what’s going to go down—why not get him all worked up beforehand? he deserves it after all, that little stunt he pulled at the club. 
you rock back and forth on your feet in the elevator. you were a little nervous. you fiddle with your fingers, rubbing over the acrylic on your nails. it was just jeno…why are you worried.
you: um…im up here, wya?
j: come to the back. 
you lock your phone, nodding your head. you push through the swing doors, making your way to the back of the locker rooms. you take a deep breath before you twist the doorknob. you peek from behind the door, everything looks the same. same chair, same desk, same jeno. 
“took you long enough” he says through gritted teeth. you don’t respond, you just step fully into the small room before you close the door behind you. “come here,” he tells you. 
you slowly make your way to him, eyes on the floor. he’s shirtless, leaning against the desk. sweat is collected above his brow, you wonder if he’s fresh out of practice. jeno’s index finger curls under you chin, jerking your head up. though he’s leaning against the desk he’s still towering over you. his intimidating features and size make your legs tremble. you look up at him, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. 
“don’t be so scared love..” he whispers, bending down to be closer to you. you gulp down hard, both your mouth and your throat suddenly dry. “i-i have practice…a-at 2:30” you tell jeno and he smiles down at you. “we’ll be done by then, but i don’t know if you’ll be able to stand.” jeno loops a finger through your belt loop, tugging you into him. as your body collides with his he bends down to catch your lips in a kiss. your hands are awkwardly pressed against his chest, not really knowing what to do with them. one arm is holding you in place, the other placed at the back of your neck. “i missed you,” he tells you through small kisses and breaths. “didn’t miss me when your tongue was down jieun’s throat,” you spit back, slightly pushing him back. 
jeno laughs, looking up at the ceiling before his eyes fall back onto you. you cross your arms over your chest. you were going to let him get away with it, but you can’t let it slide. not after what he told you that same day. even after what he showed you? you needed answers. 
“yn…come on, i already apologized.” he tells you, hands moving to touch you again. you jerk back so he doesn’t touch you, jeno sighs in response.
“jeno. you told me you loved me, then you went and made out with jieun that same day!” you tell him, and he holds his face in his hands, an exasperated sigh falling from his mouth. “you went outside with eric and left me there by myself, how do i know you didn’t make out with him?” he shoots back at you. you scoff rolling your eyes at his response. “i broke it off with him for you,” you tell him. “ok…and jieun came onto me and i wasn’t thinking straight” he tells you, walking towards you…wanting to hold you. “i was watching you and eric that night, why do you think i was so mad?” he says, eyebrows furrowed in slight anger. “when i came up to you at the bar? that wasn’t when i first got there,” you look up at him, expression full of confusion. “i seen him help you down the stairs, watch your drink, hold your purse—all that shit,” he says to you and you’re rendered speechless. “that should’ve been me…and i swear if i could go back in time and go with you, that night—i would.” he concluded his statement, hands holding your face softly. 
you stand on your tiptoes to capture his lips in a kiss, you knew you would fold and forgive him…all you wanted was a proper apology. you couldn’t stay mad at him for too long…
“are you still mad at me?” jeno asks after he pulls away from your lips. you respond silently, bringing your hands up to show ‘just a little’ with your fingers. the both of you laugh, going back to making out. jeno’s hands grip your waist tightly, if he’s speaking honestly he’s afraid of letting you go. he feels that if he lets you go he’ll lose you again…and he can’t risk that, never again. 
“don’t leave me again…” he whispers, lips barely grazing yours. “never leave me…please” he’s practically begging right now. “don’t do shit to push me away then jeno,” you tell him, arms wrapped around his shoulders. he nods in response, arms wrapping tighter around your middle. he squeezes you softly, inhaling your scent. 
the last few days have been hectic to say the least. you and jeno have been in contact, very much so in fact. you’ve been over to his place a few times but you haven’t brought him around jaehyun yet. you feel kind of bad, he tried so hard to protect you from him but you went right back. so you don’t have the heart to tell him you guys are on good terms just yet. 
jaebae: im waiting outside, sungchan is here too !
you: okaaay, im coming rn just have to grab some things from my locker. 
[ jae liked this message ] 
“look at you, what have i done…” jeno says into your ear, licking the back. “you were such a good girl, where’d she go? hm?” you don’t respond, you just look up at him from your place on the floor. your pretty eyes are glazed over with wetness from your previous activities. 
“you just do everything i fucking tell you too, huh?” jeno’s hand goes back to your hair, gripping your locks firmly. “such a good little slut for daddy,” he praises you. your bottom lip is caught between your teeth, biting down hard enough to draw blood. you look up at him wanting for him to do something so badly. jeno looks down at you slyly, smiling at you sickly. “you want my cock, baby?” he asks rhetorically, bobbing your head up and down for you. “yeah? huh? you want it?” he asks, making you nod your head again.. “p-please…” you whisper, looking up at him with teary eyes. jeno groans audibly, grip tightening on your hair. he jerks your head in the direction of his pants, squishing your face against his clothed boner. you whine, hands going to grip his legs to stabilize yourself.
“unzip em, now” he tells you. 
you nod, hands shakily moving to unzip him. jeno jerks you back by your hair again, and you yelp. he bends down slightly, getting close to your face. “use your fucking mouth” he says, unoccupied hand squishing your cheeks. he hallows them out, forcing your tongue to poke out. he stands back up to his full height, moving you back to in front of his bulge. you open your mouth teeth grazing the cold metal of his zipper. you grab the zipper with your teeth, pulling it down—unzipping him. 
“such a good slut for me,” jeno praises once you free his rock hard cock. “open.” he demands and you obey. lolling your tongue out of your wet mouth, waiting patiently for your treat. jeno strokes his dick a few times, thumbing the tip. he spreads his pre cum around, making your anticipation and need for him run wild. he leans forward, spitting into your open mouth.
“you ready for me?” he asks and you nod, mouth still hanging open.
he slaps the tip on your tongue, grinding against you a few times. low girthy groans leave his mouth, loving the wetness of your mouth. your arms are politely crossed behind your back, knowing you're not allowed to touch him unless he says so. 
“fuck, i missed this” he moans out, pushing deeper into your mouth. his tip is hitting the back of your throat making you gag but you couldn’t care less. jeno’s other hand goes to your hair, pushing further down your throat. you gargle around his length, choking on his size. jeno loves the sound of you choking, ego boosting a bit as it reminds him how big he is. he looks down at you, sweat dripping down his bare chest and forehead. hot tears roll down your face as you look back up at him. he fucks into your mouth a few more times, nearing his orgasm. you shut your eyes tightly, letting him abuse your throat roughly. “f-fuck—shit” he mumbles, biting his lip as he empties his load down your throat messily. a mixture of your salty tears, spit and cum drips down your mouth and chin. jeno bends down to look at you closer, eyeing the slick mixture of nastiness as it drips down. it all pools atop your cleavage but you were too busy trying to catch your breath to care. you gasp in and out, chest heaving. jeno smiles sickly. god he loved ruining you. 
“you’re so hot, i fucking love you” he whispers, crashing his lips onto yours. 
“hey! what took you so long?” jae greets you with open arms. 
you slightly smile, accepting his free hug. he holds the back of your head, his other hand rubbing your middle. you sigh out of sheer habit, you were a sucker for hugs like these. may or may not have to do with you liking to be dominated…but who cares? 
“mmm, my bad…ran into an old friend” you mumble into his chest. jaehyun just nods, still holding you. 
“alright fuckers, we’re hungry. let’s go!!” haechan yells from his seat in sungchan’s car. 
you and jae laugh, parting from each other. he opens the car door for you, and you accept happily. 
j: stop letting that fucking asshole touch you. 
you: why are you even watching us???
j: that’s how i hold you after im done rearranging your guts, he’ll never be me.
you roll your eyes at his jealous texts. the toxicity is real. 
you: what are you on about?
j: fuck jeong jaehyun that’s what. 
you: omg. bye jeno. 
j: don’t play with me, i’ll fuck you in front of him. 
you: is that a threat or a promise?
j: you into that ?? such a nasty little slut. 
you: your slut. now get off my phone, im with my friends. 
j: i love you
[ you liked this message ] 
“so~ what you been up too?” haechan asks you. you roll your eyes, biting the fry in your hand. 
you were seated in between haechan and jaehyun. the six of you guys occupied the booth in the back of the burger joint. it was just the four of you guys, but you guys ran into eric and sunwoo so haechan extended the invite. 
the more the merrier you guessed lol. 
“not much, i had practice yesterday…haven’t been there in awhile” you say, haechan nods in response. 
“ahh, fun. you like being back?” he asks with a full mouth of hamburger. you don’t even flinch at it, you guys are more than comfortable with each other. “i like it, I missed playing,” you respond.
you fiddle with the straw in your cup, you’re very full and kind of bored now. you watch everyone talk and chow down. haechan and sungchan are talking about some new girl on the cheer squad, sunwoo and jae are talking about god knows what. but eric…is looking at you. you hold eye contact with him, you wonder what he’s thinking. 
eric: can we talk? 
you look down at the text and look back up at eric. he nods at your phone, telling you to text back. 
you: …about?
eric: yk what yn…come on. pls?
you: idk eric…i don’t have anything to say.
eric: what? we almost kissed that night
eric: i gave you my sweater dude
eric: none of that meant anything? none of it? 
you: eric, i already told you…i like you as a friend. 
eric: you were gonna let me kiss you that night 
you: i know..and i shouldn’t have, i’m sorry
eric: i don’t want your sorry 
eric: i want you
eric: please, give me a chance yn
“can you take me home?” you whisper into jae’s ear. you clutch the bottom of his shirt tightly. 
“wha? are you ok?” he asks, too loud for your liking. you look at eric out of the side of your eye, he’s staring at the two of you. you were never good with confrontation, but in your defense you already shot him down. one time should be enough. 
“ok, babe let’s go.” he tells you, holding your hand. 
he guides you out the booth, helping you stand up. you clutch his hand tighter, just wanting to be home at this moment. “yoo, where are you guys going?” haechan slurs, obviously having had one too many beers. “i’m—” you cut him short. “s-say it’s because of you,” 
“i don’t feel too well, and she’s sleepy,” he lies with a pretty smile.
 you couldn’t have asked for better friends. 
eric looks like he’s about to say something but he doesn’t. he watches you quietly, walking away hand in hand with jaehyun. 
“so he made you feel uncomfortable?” kevin asks, fingers running through your strands. 
you nod, nuzzling your face into his lap, sleepiness overcoming your senses. “i know it’s kind of my fault—i shouldn’t have let him almost kiss me..” you confess. kevin hums in response, still rubbing your head. it was putting you to sleep, relaxation was inevitable due to his motions. 
“it was still a dick move though, i’m glad jae was there.” kevin says and you hum, agreeing with his statement. 
“so what’s up with you and lee?” he asks, figuring you would like a subject change. 
you shrug. 
“not sure, we’ve been fucking…a lot” you mumble, finger tracing the plaid pattern of his pajama pants. “—and he tells me he loves me, but i don’t know kev” you continue on. 
you didn’t want to ramble but you have lowkey been pondering on where the two of you will end up. especially since he’s been more open with his feelings and focusing on you more than he has ever before. there was just a tad bit of an issue.
!! lee jeno doesn’t date !!
duh! this has been the issue since the first time the two of you fucked, yet it feels different now…you can’t deny that. something deep down is telling you he’s going for a different approach but after what he pulled last time you’re not so sure. you don’t wanna be the dumb girl that continues to give your heart to the asshole that keeps breaking it. but then again, you’re a grown ass adult and can make your own grown ass decisions. who’s going to say something about it? 
“jeno, stop it!” you whined, kicking your legs like a child. 
you’ve been trying to do your homework for the past hour or so now and jeno keeps on bothering you. tickling, biting, licking, kissing, you name it, he’s done it. you’re splayed across his bed, laptop in sight but certainly not in use. jeno is standing in between your legs, looking down at you. 
“nooo, fuck your homework…cuddle with me” jeno whines. 
his hands trace your bare thighs, the pads of his fingertips tracing the faded hickeys and bite marks left by his mouth. you shiver at his cold touch.
“i dont think i’ve fucked you in this position” jeno whispers, gripping your waist as he bends down to be face to face with you. “um, yeah you did actually,” you tell him, mind dating back to that day he cuffed you and fucked you for not listening to him. you press your finger to his forehead, pushing his face away.
“i don’t remember…” he whispers, making his way up to your ear. “...i guess i’ll just have to do it again,” he says slyly, kissing your ear softly. 
jeno traces your skin with his nose, dragging it from your earlobe and down your neck slowly. he licks a stripe up your throat. you bite your lip, but you have to hold your own. 
“no jeno, not right now…later” you say, your voice betraying you. “you don’t sound so sure of yourself,” jeno laughs, pecking your cheek. “shut up, get off me” you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest knowing you can’t push him if your life depended on it. 
“gimme fifteen minutes, come on” he tells you, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“come on pretty…you know you want me too” he teases, grinding down on you with a sick smirk.
you did want him. when did you not? you roll your eyes at him, letting your head fall back onto the mattress. 
“good girl,” he snickers, kissing your nose. 
“yeah yeah, get on with it” you say. 
jeno falls to his knees, hands automatically grabbing your thighs. he hoists your open legs onto his shoulders. he eyes your panties, leaning forward to kiss your clothed heat. he looks up at you but your looking away. too embarrassed to watch right now. no matter how many times you guys fuck, you’re always shy. 
“look at me babygirl..” he says, voice muffled because his mouth is pressed against you. he pushes your panties to the side, tongue immediately going to tease your clit. you clutch the bedsheets under you, still refusing to look at him. jeno chuckles, arms wrapping tighter around your thighs. his hands squeeze your inner thighs, pinching the supple skin. jeno licks a stripe up your slit, moving his tongue in a circle atop your clit. you moan quietly, not too loud. 
He eyes you again, but you’re still looking away. he breathes out, teeth grazing your thighs. he bites down, sinking his teeth into your inner thigh. you jolt, sucking in a breath. 
“oh my god!” you shout, sitting up onto your elbows in a flash. “fucking listen to me” he says, licking over where he bit you to soothe the pain. a whine comes out your throat as you lay back down. jeno just laughs. 
“now…back to my meal,” he snickers. 
he continues to eat you out like a starved man. you learned your lesson, watching his every move. 
“fuck,” you stutter, struggling to keep your eyes open. jeno loves it. 
“keep em open, baby” he tells you in between licks to your heat. 
he sucks on your clit, middle and ring finger moving in and out of you quickly. your fingers dig into the sheets, gripping tightly to the fabric. you moan out loudly, thankful that the apartment is empty. 
“are you close?” jeno asks, and you nod furiously. 
he fastens his pace with his fingers, unattaching his mouth from you so he can get a good look at your face while you cum. a free hand goes up to squeeze your boobs, rolling your nipple in between his fingers. you let out a shaky moan as you feel that familiar fuzzy feeling in your gut. 
“i’m close–so close” you manage to say. 
jeno nods, licking his lips. he dips back down to your heat, sucking on your clit again. you arch your back at that, thighs squeezing against his face. jeno pushes your legs back open, a small grunt leaving his mouth as he does so. he twists his tongue every which way, getting you to your high. “f-fuck” is all you can mutter before you cum. 
jeno laps it all up. his saliva, your juices and release all mixed together making a slick mess. you push him away weakly, whining because your sensitive. jeno keeps eating though, not bothered by your weak attempt to get him to stop. 
“always so sweet,” he says with a toothy grin, wiping his face with the back of his hand. 
you don’t respond, just flipping him off. jeno rolls his eyes, grabbing your hand. he uses it to flip you over on your tummy. a small squeal of surprise leaves you, you weren’t expecting that. 
“you got your release, now i want mine” he tells you with a small smack to your ass. 
he climbs atop his bed, hands holding your hips. he pushes his clothed cock against your ass letting you feel how hard he is. you bite your lip in response. you were still sensitive. nonetheless you grind against him, rubbing your core against his boner. jeno lets out a low moan, pushing up against you too. you let your head fall against the mattress, hands laid flat against it to keep yourself upright. you swivel your hips, pushing harder against him. 
“fuck, im about to cum in my pants” jeno says and you laugh lightly.
jeno slips out of his sweats with a quickness, wanting to at least be in you for a few before he actually cums. he aligns himself with your hole, pushing all the way in. 
“a-ah, fuck” you say, looking back at jeno over your shoulder. 
“you’ve been taking my cock all week like a good girl, you don’t need to adjust anymore,” he says, pushing in and out of you at a quick pace. 
you can feel every vein on his cock, it’s making your head spin. he grips your hips, steadying himself as he drills you from the back. you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the sheets under you tightly. you feel like you’re about to cum already. he fucks you fast and hard, his head thrown back girthy moans coming from his throat. sweat drips down his bare chest, a work of art he is. you were sure your hips were gonna bruise though as hard as he’s holding them. 
“always so fucking tight, i love it” jeno says, bending down to be right in your ear. 
he uses a hand to grip your thigh, pulling it forcing you to spread your legs wider. you yelp in surprise. his other hand presses to the small of your back, telling you to arch. 
“f-fuck, there you go–-good girl” he leaves a smack to your ass, fucking into you even harder. 
he’s no longer holding your hips. both his hands are holding the headboard, using it as leverage so he can drill you as hard as he wants. you let yourself go, not even bothering to say you were close. clenching down onto him as you release yourself. he moans at that, feeling the extra wetness. he doesn’t stop though, he keeps going. you feel your nerves going crazy, you were sensitive before but now you were extra sensitive. 
“i’m sensitive, jeno” you whine, using your hands to try and push his hips to make him stop. 
“move your fucking hands” he sneers. 
he grabs both your wrists, pinning them to your back. he continues to fuck you mercilessly. hot tears run down your face, pooling onto the bed sheets. he climbs up your body, making his way to your face. “cum for me, princess” he whispers to you. he kisses your face a couple of times. 
“come on, you can do it” he tells you. you shake your head vigorously. “i know you can do it baby,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek lovingly. 
it blows your mind how sweet he’s being. kissing on you while he fucks the shit out of you. backwards, but makes complete sense as far as lee jeno goes. you let go, that little knot in your tummy coming undone. jeno continues to push in and out of you, allowing you both to ride out your highs. you breathe heavily as you try to calm your nerves. you just came three times in a span of an hour. man he’s good. 
“you did so well,” jeno says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“you’re not touching me for the next two weeks” you say, flicking his forehead. 
“now you know damn well,” jeno laughs, laying down next to you. 
“i wanna tattoo” jaehyun says. 
“woah, really? you’d look so hot” haechan says with a mouth full of food. 
“on everything, where do you want it?” you asked, sipping on the drink in front of you. 
you and the regulars were currently on a “once a month lunch date”. your very own friend holiday that you guys created to make sure you guys always stay in contact. today haechan and sungchan crashed you guys, but it’s fine. they’re basically your roommates too. 
“i’m thinking about the forearm” jae answers and you nod. 
“everytime you play everyone will be able to see it, good spot” kevin agrees. 
“do you know what you wanna get?” sungchan asks, jaehyun shakes his head no in response. 
“regular you already gets all the girls, now imagine when he’s tatted” sungchan jokes, you guys all laugh. “man, but i never see you with any” haechan says, looking at jae for answers. “kid you not, as long as we’ve been staying together he hasn’t brought one girl home—ever.” kevin says and you nod. “i can second that statement” you agree with kevin.
jaehyun rolls his eyes in response. “you guys are so embarrassing” he groans, toying with the food on his plate. “it’s true!” you and kevin say in unison. “kev brings home a new girl every week,” you start. “yeah, and yn used to bring jeno over everyday” kevin jokes. “haha, so funny kev. it was not everyday.” you give him a dirty look. “oh please, the man was practically living there,” he follows up. “oh my god, it was like…once or twice a week!” you defend yourself. jaehyun shakes his head with a laugh. 
“it was like everyday…” jae says, scratching the back of his head. 
“fucking traitor,” you mumble with a pout. 
“speaking of jeno…” kevin starts. 
“conversation over.” you shut him down right away. 
“come on, let’s talk about your potential baby daddy,” haechan teases. 
you roll your eyes in response to their teasing. 
“damn, no rubber? you’re wild yn” sungchan says with a laugh. 
“plastic is bad for the environment, you should be thanking me” you joke. 
the table erupts in laughter at your joke. 
“get the bill so we can get the hell out of here” 
you and jeno were cuddled up on the couch, flicking through selections on the TV. you were stuffing your face with the popcorn while he tried to find an anime you guys haven’t watched. 
“what about death note?” he asks. 
“love it, but i just rewatched it” you respond. 
“anohana?” “menma is kinda annoying,” “boruto?” “nah, the manga is better,” “full metal alchemist?” “i’m sleep already,” “oh my god. what about jojo’s?” “character design is trash as fuck, hard pass.” “I GIVE UP” jeno says. 
you look up at him like he’s crazy. 
“the hell is your problem?” you say with a mouth full of popcorn. 
“you’re so picky!” jeno sneers, handing you the remote. 
“next time i give you head i’m gonna bite the tip” you say, snatching the remote from him.  
“shut the hell up,” he laughs, wrapping an arm around you and leaning his head on your shoulder. 
“ew get off me, i’m mad at you” you tell him, jabbing your elbow into his middle. 
“just find something baby, damn” he whines, holding your arm in place so you don’t hit him. 
“the holy grail itself,” you say with a wide smile. 
“this? this is what you chose?” he says with a look of disgust. 
“i don’t take cowboy bebop slander, you can shut the fuck up” you say, waving your finger in his face dramatically. “you chose this over all those other choices? really?” his mouth is agape.
“you must’ve never seen this one,” you retort. “hell no, it’s old as fuck!” jeno laughs.”shut up and watch it, you’re gonna love it” you press play on the first episode. 
“someone’s been living the good life, huh?” yuta says with a smirk. 
jeno looks back at him confused. 
“huh?” yuta shakes his head, turning him around in the mirror. 
the red scratch marks and bite marks decorated all over his backside. yuta laughs, patting his shoulder. “i’m tryna get like you” sungchan laughs, joining in on the conversation. 
“different girls?” yuta asks and jeno shakes his head no with a disgusted expression. 
“haven’t so much as looked at another girl since i got mines,” he tells yuta, pulling his jersey over his body. 
yuta nods with an impressed expression. 
“so…we’re all thinking about the same girl, aren’t we” haechan says and all the boys start laughing. 
“tell yn we said cut her nails” yuta jokes, slapping the back of jeno’s head before he makes his way out. 
“go figure, look who’s calling me” sungchan laughs, turning his phone so everyone can see. 
jeno sits down on the bench slipping his cleats on. 
“what’s up babygirl” sungchan says when the call connects. 
he laughs at jeno’s glare. 
“wait what? slow down,” sungchan tell you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
jeno perks up at his serious tone. he motions to his ear, sungchan tosses him his airpod case. 
“i don’t know, i just—can you come here, please?” you say, voice shaky. 
you sounded scared but jeno didn’t know why. he needed to know. 
“where is she at?” jeno mouthed and sungchan nodded. 
“where are you at, baby? send me your location, i’ll come get you” he says and you nod, doing as you were told. “okay, i sent it” you sniffled. jeno was losing his damn mind. why didn’t you call him? 
“don’t tell jeno, please…” you say, and sungchan looks up at him. 
jeno shakes his head no. 
“babe…i have to tell him,” he tells you. 
“no! please don’t, please chan…i’m begging you” you plead and sungchan nods. 
“ok, i won’t. i’m coming right now, don’t go anywhere.” he tells you and you shake your head yes. 
“ok, thank you…love you” you say before you hang up. 
“let’s go, now.” jeno says, grabbing his keys. 
“i told you not to tell him, sungchan!” you said, stomping your foot. 
you and sungchan were standing a few feet away from a pacing jeno. not super far but just out of earshot. 
“i couldn’t not tell him yn! he was right there when you called me,” sungchan said, defending himself. you groan, hands flying to your face. you sink down to the ground, shaking your head back and forth. sungchan rolls his eyes at your dramatic actions. he crouches down to be at your level, joining you on the floor. 
“he’s gonna fucking kill me” you mutter, squeezing your eyes shut. “come on, it can’t be that bad” sungchan tells you, rubbing your back. “i came here with eric!” you whisper shouted, looking back to see if jeno heard you. “oh….yeah you’re dead” sungchan says, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile. 
“come here yn,” jeno says. 
you swallow harshly, standing to your feet. you stuff your shaky hands into your sweater pockets. shuffling towards where jeno stands, your eyes watch the gravel under your sneakers. once you're in arms length, he grabs your forearm, tugging you towards the back seat. he opens the door aggressively, jerking his chin forward telling you to climb in. you do so, sitting in the middle seat. you fold your hands and rest them on your thighs. jeno tosses sungchan the keys before he climbs into the back seat. 
the air is thick. awkward and super quiet. even though there’s music playing it still seems super quiet. you look over at jeno. he’s staring out the window, jaw clenched tightly. even the grip he has on your thigh is strong. 
“j-jeno?” you whisper. 
he doesn’t respond, he just turns to look at you. 
“if you’re not gonna tell me why you were here, i don’t wanna hear shit from your mouth” he sneers. you flinch, his words hurt you. he’s never talked to you like that before. 
“i-i was here with someone…but something came up! i j-just needed a ride home” you lie, believably so at that. jeno wasn’t buying it though. he knows you too well. 
“you’re lying. don’t fucking lie to me, yn” jeno says, he raises his eyebrows at you. 
his serious expression made your stomach churn. 
“i was here with eric…” you admit. 
“i knew it! i fucking knew it—dammit!” jeno yells, fists flying full force to punch the passenger seat in front of him. 
“why? why were you with that son of a bitch?” he asks you, rage evident in his voice. 
you hiccup, trying to calm yourself down and steady your nerves. you scoot back from him, sliding into the seat on your left hand side. 
“it wasn’t anything like that! he wanted to talk, and that’s all we did…” you started. jeno rolls his neck from side to side. jaw still clenched as he stretches his muscles. “he didn’t like my answer to him, so he kicked me out of his car and left me there” you shrugged. 
“he did what?!” sungchan and jeno shouted at the same time. 
“this is why i didn’t want to say anything!” you whined, hitting your head on the back of sungchan’s seat groaning. 
“sungchan take me home, please” you say to your friend. he nods, picking up his phone to type your address in. 
“you don’t wanna come home with me?” jeno asks and you shake your head. 
“i think we both need some time alone,” you tell jeno. “fuck that, i wanna be with you.” he tells you. “did you not see how you just reacted?! you need to blow some steam off, away from me” you shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever yn,” jeno scoffs. 
“fucking kids” sungchan laughs, continuing to drive. 
“ow! stop, i’m sorry!” kevin cried as you pinched his ear. jeno and the other boys watched in amusement as you inflicted pain on the boy. “twist it!” haechan yelled out with a laugh. sungchan giggled, slapping haechan’s arm as he snorted loudly. 
“are you gonna do it again?” you ask tauntingly, kevin nods vigorously. “no, i swear to fucking god–just stop” kevin cries out, and you let him go. he pouts, hand flying to rub his throbbing ear. 
“and fuck you, haechan!” kevin sneers, chucking a pillow in his direction. 
you laugh as you make your way over to jeno. you climb onto his lap, making yourself comfortable on his lap. you snuggle into him, his hands wrapping around you. 
“you’re a little bitch,” jeno whispers, kissing your face. “mhm, what are you gonna do about it?” you stick your tongue out at him. he shakes his head, pinching your thigh. you whine, pushing his hand away. “yeah, that’s what i thought, don’t act tough with me” jeno says and you giggle, nodding your head. 
“haechan would be a really good name for y’all kid” hae says, tossing a pillow at the two of you. jeno catches it, throwing it back his way. “i don’t know why the fuck you thought our pitcher wouldn’t catch that” sungchan deadpans. 
"can you like shut the hell up? i like you better when you're not talking" haechan says, flinching at the taller boy.
“fuck no, kevin is a way better name!” kevin shouted, slapping the back of haechan’s head. “all i know is…i wanna be the godparent,” sungchan says with a wide smile. 
prev | part iii | next
taglist [ 1 ] :: @vantxx95 @travelleratheart1011 @underjeno @bockhyun @jaeymark @ggukkyu @cuteejeno @gaeulswrld @aliceinwhateverland @punnshine @4-eternity @kkakkdugi @tokyosmind @roseymerrie @oohyansi @melaninjhs @curieouscapt  @svtrny​ @youryuno​ @jenyongcas​ ​ @pewpewpwe00​​ 
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if i missed you pls let me know !! there was a lot of ppl that wanted to be added, so i might've missed a few.
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May I request Chuuya and Dazai x fem!reader (separately, ofc) where the reader has suicidal thoughts due to severe depression? It's okay if you find it uncomfortable, I understand!
Have a good day/night!
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Chuuya,Dazai X fem!reader
Format:Head Canon
A/n: it is hard honestly,but let me worry about that :D
tysm love :)))
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Osamu Dazai
well hes the same as you so he understands what it feels like
hes just good at hiding it,unlike you
but he doesnt really know how to help you get through it.cause...he never tried himself
hes like:
so,wanna commit suicide together?
hes not comfortable while asking you though,cause this time its possible for you to say yes,and that has never happened to him
he regrets it when he sees that you are actually considering it
he'll try to talk to you about it.he knows that talking about it kinda hurts,but it does feel good afterwards(if youre talking to the right guy
he will comfort you.its even possible that he tells you about his own story,if hes comfortable enough around you
i think he will feel better himself after the conversation :)
Dazai is so sad,honestly...i feel really bad for him
now im crying too lol
ahm...so,where were we?
just imagine him comming to you inthe middle of the conversation,hugging you from behind while comforting you
he'll plant small kisses on your forehead to distract you,and he kinda succeded
when hes alone he'll realise something that will made him smile softly...
all this time he was looking for someone to commit suicide with him,andnow that he has found the perfect girl...he doesnt wanna do it.he wants to live.he wants to see her smile happily.he wants to see her face when he wakes up in the morning.he wants to hug her tightly on rainy days,while smelling the coconutt scent thats comming from her hair
bruh i got so emotional LMAO
yeah...so dont worry.with this guy taking care of you,you'll definitely recover soon :D
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Chuuya Nakahara
this ones kinda hard,cause the same crap goes for him too ecxept for the suicidal part lol
so...he comes back home from a long mission,and finds you broken like that,surrounded by your thoughts
hes terrified.he finally found someone who will never betray him,and now hes gonna lose her in another way
is he gonna let that happen?is he gonna let you say goodbye to him that easily?
hell fucking no
he is terrified,but he wont show you that.instead,he comes in your bedroom,sits on your bed while asking you what is wrong with a serious face
"hey y/n! snap out of it! what is going on with you?"
thats when you just start crying.like a bumb which was about to explode,you were just waiting for something or someone to upset you,and then you found it
Chuuyas reaction is kinda funny lol.hes shocked and worried
"im sorry i didnt mean to upset you!hey stop crying!"
after hugging you a bit,you'll eventually calm down.you'll start talking to each other,and that will make you calm down a lot
Chuuya is sad now too
"my poor darling...what have you been through while i was gone?"
he'll definitely make you go talk to a therapist (unlike Dazai,he doesnt believe in them)
with an expert checking up on you and having Chuuya by your side,you'll be ok again not long after that :)
really hope youre ok KitKat,feel free to send me messages whenever youre feeling down
i got you :)
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raggedy-dxctor · 2 years
After Izzy gets the toe chop reader dotes on him, helps him take care of it, helps him through his feelings, gives him lots of positive attention/love (even if he feels like he doesn’t deserve it and) I feel like the toe chopping is fic starter no one uses yet
caring for post toe chop izzy
pairing(s): izzy hands x gn!reader
warnings: none really, no graphic descriptions at all, just fluffy bed bound izzy
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"iz, love, you can't let him do this to you! i thought he was changing?" "...yeah things change i guess" honestly he felt kinda guilty like seeing your reaction of horror and concern brought him back to reality
"izzy love you're gonna be ok i promise" "i know it hurts but it'll stop soon, relax i'm here" "please, just let me help you iz" "it's gonna be ok" "hey, hey, don't cry i know it's bad but it'll calm down soon"
he's constantly like apologising and telling you that you don't have to waste your tike doting on him.
"love- love you can- oh fuck that- shit that's agony- you can go if you won't, you don't have to dote on me, i don't deserve your love" "shut up iz, im staying and you know it hun, id rather spend time with you anyway"
sitting next to him on the bed, him lieing down under a warm blanket and you propped against the headboard, his foot propped up on the ed of the bed
gently kissing him on the cheek as he just turns his head to the side, glacing up at your face, his eyes tracing your face
stroking your hand through his hair to help distract him from the pain
ranting about you're going to kill ed for hurting him and he just stays silent, looking down and avoiding eye contact out of pure guilt and shame. "....don't do that love, it was my own fault" the frown on your face just breaks him like. he almost breaks down crying on the spot
he finally tells you what happened and is shocked when you don't blame him for it. "iz, you judge wanted your old friend back, you could've never known he would do this to you"
making im food and hot drinks
watching over him while he sleeps
"..d- don't leave me please" "i won't love i won't, i swear, i'm here, forever and always" he falls asleep half an hour later, his hand wrapped in yours as he cuddles up to you, his soft breath fanning your face
helping him around the ship for the next few days, gently kissing him as a reward when he takes a step
his heart literally clenching anytime he sees you smile at him, full on convinced that he doesn't deserve you
after he's recovered he just kinds sticks to your side, avoiding edward out of a mix of fear of disappointing you and shame for what he drove his best friend towards
through the whole time you're caring for him he literally will not shut up about how much he loves you
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sunphroggy · 3 years
alright I have an au idea that im about to badly explain but it's a little strange so stick with me.
I call it: 'The Parent Trap but Opposite' au
So picture this: Tommy is Phil's only child, right. His mother died in childbirth so for his entire eight years of life its just been him and Phil. And that's fine, that's great, he loves it. Tommy doesn't want another addition to the family, it would only screw everything up.
That being said, Phil is lonely. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son and loves spending time with him, but he misses the feeling of being in love. He misses his wife.
Enter, Kristen.
They meet on a blind date, set up by a friend from Phil's work, and hit it off instantly. Months pass and Phil wants to propose.
One problem though. He hasnt told Tommy about it. He hasn't even introduced Kristen to him.
So what better way to merge both families that a holiday?
(I should probably say here that Kristen also has children. Take a wild guess who they are.)
Tommy is all for a holiday. Two weeks at a fancy ass hotel with room service, an arcade and a pool? Sign him up!
That is until, he finds out that Kristen and her boys will be joining them.
Enter, Wilbur and Techno.
(They're about fourteen. Their parents are divorced and, unlike Tommy, they knew Kristen was seeing Phil. They alse know that Phil is gonna propose - well, it's just a hunch)
Phil, god bless him, tries his hardest to get Tommy to warm up to Kristen, Wilbur and Techno. He plans all these activities and takes them all shopping, to the beach, to waterparks ect. But Tommy just won't take to them; he doesn't mind Kristen but Wilbur and Techno are weird, they keep making these cryptic comments about how they're going to be seeing eachother a lot in the future and Tommy just does not understand.
That is, until they decide to let Tommy in on the obvious.
Tommy, as expected, is in denial. Because there's no way his dad would do something like that without telling him first. Besides, Phil doesn't need to get married, they're perfectly happy just the two of them.
There's just no way.
Because Tommy is a curious little shit and he ransacks his and Phil's hotel room in search for the ring. He doesn't find it, of course, because Phil is used to Tommy's little raccoon tactics and hid it properly. But when he comes back from dinner with Kristen to a destroyed room and a confused Tommy, he decides to tell him the truth.
Needless to say Tommy has a fit. One moment, he's happy; just him and dad, living life. And then this lady and her shitty sons come along and fucks that up
(I imagine the conversation being something like:
Phil: Yeah im gonna propose Kristen
Tommy, inhaling deeply: *screams*
And then it would proceed to reinact that once scene from Steven universe with ruby and sapphire like-
phil: he'll eventually tire himself out :'D
Tommy, making even more of a mess than he already has: that's what you think! I am an eternal flame baby!! >:(
Tommy, ever the drama queen, storms to Wilbur and Techno - who are like "we told you so :/" - and the three of them (because Techno and Wilbur also do not want this little racoon gremlin hybrid in their home either) team up and plan to ruin the proposal. The only problem, they don't know when Phil is gonna actually propose.
And this...this is where the hijinks and shenanigans ensue.
They just like, constantly ruin Phil and Kristen's date nights with their dumb shit.
(I'm thinking shit like the three of them stacked on each others shoulders in a trench coat pretending to be a waiter at the hotel restaurant Phil and Kristen are eating at and constantly spilling drinks and food of them whenever it looks like Phil is about to pop the question; following them on walks under the stars, hiding in bushes with binoculars and making birds attack them; tackling Phil into the pool ect. ect. ect.)
But, plot twist, while pulling off these epic plans, the three of them...bond! Dun dun dunnnnn!!! Wilbur and Techno actually grow to like Tommy and think "Hey, maybe this kid ain't so bad" so they back out on the plans and try to convince Tommy to do the same. He won't.
(Meanwhile, Phil is just wondering why all his proposal attempts have gone so fucking wrong like???)
Anyways, fast forward. Its the last day of their holiday the two families go out for dinner. Its nice, they're having a good time, Kristen is chatting away to Tommy about Minecraft and Tommy is happy to tell her all about his favourite game. And then, Phil clears his throat.
He starts talking about Kristen and how happy he makes her, and Tommy can tell what's coming the moment Phil reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small black box. And, in a final attempt to keep the life he has, Tommy snatches the box out of Phil's hand and fucking runs.
He runs right out of the restaurant, ignoring everyone calling after him, and doesn't stop running until he's on the beach, where he hides. And he cries. He cries because his dad is gonna replace him with Techno and Wilbur, and he misses his mum even though he never met her, and because this he knows that stealing a ring and running away isn't gonna stop this proposal from happening, and because the only family dynamic he knows is going to change and he isn't ready for that. And it's just a big angst moment.
And then some fluff.
Kristen finds him hidden by the rocks, and Tommy quickly pretends he wasn't just crying bc he's a big man and shit like that. He half expects her to immediately call for Phil and then for Phil to disown him, but instead she sits with him.
She asks if he's OK and when he doesnt answer her she just goes on talking about random things as if Tommy didn't just ruin their entire holiday (about shit like how she thought the cake at the restaurant was too dry and about the stars and different constellations and she even continues asking him about minecraft) and Tommy, after a while, talks back to her.
They talk for a while, arguing about the best Minecraft block (Tommy wholeheartedly defending cobblestone like his life depends on it) until eventually Kristen asks why he did what he did. And Tommy explains everything (that can basically be summed up in "I'm scared of change")
It's just a wholesome moment really. They're just sitting behind a bunch of rocks, Tommy is spilling his guts and Kristen is just listening. And at then end of it she's there to give him a big hug.
(I imagine Tommy saying that one cliche line "please don't hurt my dad" and Kristen being like "I wouldn't dream of it" and then Tommy gives her the ring box)
But yeah, happy ending! Phil proposes to Kristen on the beach and it's all happy and nice and cool and Tommy, Techno and Wilbur watch and Techno starts crying a little bc he's so happy for his mum.
I came up with this last night when I couldn't sleep.
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Ok ~spoilers~ for sevens route
So i know that rika is the reason Sev is with the agency and had to leave his brother but like…. How? How did Rika get him into the agency? As far as I know she was part of a “normal” family (despite horrific abuse and trauma :D) Did she, like, participate in human trafficking (despite it being consensual on sevens part)? How did this random woman get in touch with this secret government spy agency and go - hey! I know the perfect kid for this! -
I cant ever recall that part being discussed in cannon, and if im wrong please let me know. Its been two years since ive started playing this game and i still cant figure it out!! What are your thoughts on this? From what i can tell she just said ✨poof✨ and Seven left
MAJOR SPOILERS! About Seven's induction into the Agency and the rest underneath the Read More.
Actually, a huge chunk of the information that you're looking for is within Another Story, Rika's Behind Story, and the Secret Endings. We  know how Seven got into the Secret Agency because it was revealed in a phone call with V that takes place during Saeran's After Ending. I was surprised since this was always one of those things that made me wonder what the real answer was. It wasn't Rika that got Seven into the agency. 
She was never near the agency unless we want to say it’s due to the proximity to V and the church. Because V says himself that the only reason he was able to encounter an agent was because one knew about his art and went to the same church as V and Rika. It's Jihyun who involved the situation that caused this to happen before it or not. I still think about this because he says “I thought these kinds of places only existed in the movies.” I always read that to imply that he imagined that the agency would be like the movies. 
I don’t know if he deeply understood the depth of what was going to happen to Saeyoung. He says that he knew that anything Saeyoung got into was going to be messy because it was a fight against Saejoong Choi. V thought that it was a possibility that the agency was a lesser of two evils. But, he doesn’t know how much Saeyoung has suffered, if we’re being honest. Saeyoung has told us all about some of his worst experiences. 
They shipped him to America for a while for studies, and then when he came back, he was shipped out into field missions that traumatized him. The whole reason he has so much HBC was a bribe after he spent three days thinking he was going to be killed in that warehouse. I know that he was put in near death experiences time and time again. Here’s the screenshots from that call if you want to see it. 
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I have the RFA box now, and Seven’s got a diary piece inside of it. It also points out one of his missions where he has to dress up like a maid because “the target is weak for them” or something like that. Seven dresses up a lot for his work to do what has to be done. He enjoys dressing up in cosplay and it clearly gives him a lot of gender euphoria since he shares it so often to everyone being proud of himself, but he starts doing it for work because they tell him to do it. He’s very young, easy to believe, and knows how to play a part. 
Sometimes I wonder if he has dealt with a lot of awful people because he goes deep undercover during his missions. I try not to think about it because it hurts to think that Saeyoung has been abused and scarred even more than what he had to go through as a child. He laughs these traumatic things off like it’s nothing but there’s so much that he’s suffered because of the agency. It’s hard to watch and listen to when you hear Saeyoung express these things. 
He won’t let anyone know how deeply he’s been hurt because he wants us to be taken care of first. He wants Saeran to be taken care of. He wants everyone to be taken care of before he even considers himself and that’s just a canon theme in his life. 
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So, yeah, unfortunately, Saeyoung Choi has been put through the wringer time and time again. V got him the contact for the agency. 
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
TRIMAX VOLUME ONE LETS GOOOOOO ....i didnt remember this was just 6 chapters...wow
chap 1:
-1st act of god you say...huh
-yeah who could believe that...thats insane....jaja
-ik this was written in the 90s but i still dont like eriks saying that, like wth man lina is right
-hey lina :3 missed you
-....i like the new glasses...
-"lina cover your eyes :]" oh :c
-"oh is eriks again" :c
-"stop. some legend that is" ow :c
-this is all just so sad cuz he rea;;y wanted to retire but he cant :c hes vash the stampede
-ww laughing at fake vash is the best xd
-also thats funny cuz yeah vash COULD shoot you in a matter of seconds but thats not what his name means and i really like that :3
chap 2:
-aw lina :c
-imagine going to the store and finding the silliest/most depressed wet cat in the universe ready for adoption
-ok but how did you (from the perspective of a stranger) figure that knives was a name? knives comes from knife, so if a random person read "knives" wouldn't they think about the utensil first?????
-vash: how do you know so much about this evil entity that is my brother?
ww: hehe, please
-ily lina theyre talking bs
-...im not ready for stampede eriks i will evaporate
chap 3:
-go get your vacation queen ily
-keele i will yeet you into the sun
-im never not going to be so fucking mad at HOW EASY THAT WAS BECAUSE THIS BASTARD MENTIONED MERYL LIKE IK YOU MISS YOUR DEAR FRIEND BUT OMG it just makes me sad
-wolfwood :3
-i like that :3 meryl just cant be an office person anymore when shes discover more of her world and people like vash. even if she almost died a lot of times, those were also the times when she was alive.
chap 4:
-ok but that panel with mostly shade is scary
-i also want to lift my whole self with my arm :D (she said even though just walking places makes him tired)
-ok but if he trained like that for 150 years no wonder he's the only pro gunman ever
-i like his face on that panel, he's amazed and proud that one of his siblings survived for that long
-vash knows why is it always like that and he understands it but god he wishes so hard for it to just fucking stop and it breaks my little heart
-hes literally just an anime girl saying "hi-mi-tsu :3" (im so sorry i will never say that again but I'm right)
-he remembers people and names after so many fucking years
-also those children probably have never met him but vash gives so much ragdoll energy that they went with it (ok never mind maybe they did but you get the idea)
-cmon brad :c why are you so mean to him :c
-all of this just backs up the SA interpretation and although it hurts my feelings....damn its just good writing. like not knowing what your own body can do and people taking advantage of that...makes me fucking sick (in a good and bad way i truly don't know how to explain it)
-noooooooooooooooooooooo :c every time someone calls/vash calls himself a monster this user loses 5 years of their life :D
-wolfwood sir your projection will make me want to eat my own arm
-"run away run away ">:b" i love him so much
chap 5:
-the chapters cant keep starting with flashbacks I'm gonna start WEEPING
-is geranium tea a thing? maybe vash would like geranium tea
-how dare you, my vash the stampede would never side with the cops, he's acab i know that in my heart
-THAT ONE PANEL MY BELOVED (the onle about looking without his eyes)
-hes so fucking done
-yey conflict time :3 boi oh boi
chap 6:
-oh the title placement on this one :3
-i dont think he will (or that he is) fine after all of this but sure
-such a loud chapter and vash is so quiet
-and again, there all judging, expecting to see what will vash do
-"what do you know about my pain" brb I'm gonna EAT SOME GLASS REAL QUICK
-its like....its like why, why make me suffer like this. its not even heavy stuff its just that everything hurts. his impulse and desire to help everyone, his reason why, how others see him while he tries and sometimes win while other times fails. it all hurts in a weird way.
-...legato why are you inside a fridge (i kinda forgot lol)
WHAT A VOLUME i need to lay down
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