#they way it took me 2 days to make this cause ps kept fighting me
seance · 3 years
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― Agustín Gómez Arcos, The Carnivorous Lamb
767 notes · View notes
lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Bards Sister  Geralt XFemale!Reader Part 1
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Summary: Geralt of Rivia and his long time travel companion Jaskier find themselves in Jaskiers home land. A place geralt had not only never seen nor heard of. Jaskier is ready to reunite its his family after traveling and exploring the world for 20 years. The one person he missed the most was his baby sister (Y/N). Who he hadnt seen since she was 5. The journal is long, but the pay off is grander then they would ever be able to predict. I know i am trash at summaries.
Trigger warnings: NONE a lot of Geralt and Jaskier in this first part. Your charicter doesn’t come in till closer to the end.
Pairings: GeraltxReader JaskierxSister!reader
Word count: 6,095 longest fanfic I’ve ever written!!
A/N: hello my loves!!! I got my Insperation back!! I’m hopping i will be regularly posting agin!!! I ove you all so much you consistent love and supoort has not gone unnoticed. The constant likes and reblogs truly means the world to me. I love every single one of you so much. Thank you for believing in my writing the way you do. All my love -Lilith ps. I have reviewed and edited but I will be doing a more in-depth review soon!
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“Where are we going, Jaskier.” The Witcher’s brooding voice echoed threw the flowered valley. His horse trotted not far behind his companion. Jaskier looked back at him and just rolled his eyes.
“How many times have you led me on endless roads, towards the middle of nowhere speaking little to no words to me no matter how much I ask?” Geralt said nothing. Jaskier snorted looking back towards the road.
“Exactly. No shut up, your brooding is giving me a headache.” The bard was giving the witcher a taste of his own medicine. The idea that Jaskier was leading him to somewhere he had no idea of the location, made him uneasy. Did he trust his bard? Absolutely without a doubt. Would he ever admit it to him? No never.
Their travels continued till the sun was barely hanging in the sky. The air had grown crisp replacing the harsh burning of the full summer sun. Jaskier pulled his mare to the side of the road, climbing off her, tying her to a tree. Geralt followed, realizing they were stopping for the day.
“We still have a couple hours of daylight left.” Geralt said as he took Roach’s saddle and tack off.
“We don't need a couple hours, we are nearly there. Maybe an hour and half.” Geralt cocked an eyebrow at Jaskier.
“Then why did we stop?” Jaskier pulled his saddle bags off his horse, putting them beside a log as he gathered some sticks for the fire.
“Because I have to debrief you as to who we are going to see and you must bathe before we do so. The stream here will do the trick.”
“Gods Jaskier, will you just tell me where we are going? The secrecy is bullshit.” The broot of a man was losing his patience with his friend.
The duo had been on the trip for nearly two weeks. They left Tramieria and headed east. Much further east than Geralt could ever remember traveling. Yet the bard seemed to know exactly what turns to take and when. The closer they drew to their destination the more the witcher could hear his heart beat faster.
“Jaskier if this is some stupid plot for me to protect you from some man who’s wife you slept with again-“
“It's not Geralt-“ Jaskier pinched the bridge of his nose, his stress causing a minor headache. “Just go bathe then I’ll tell you everything.” Geralt studied his friend, his eyes searching his face, his ears tuning into his heart beat trying his best to figure out what he was getting himself into.
With a low grunt the witcher grabbed his last set of clean clothes and the bar of soap from the bard's hand before stomping off to the river.
“Clean EVERYTHING!” Jaskier yelled over his shoulder. Only getting an unfriendly finger in return.
Nearly an hour later, the sun was completely hidden behind the canyon, the glow of the fire Jaskier started illuminating their small camp. Jaskier’s fingers strummed mindlessly at his lute, his eyes fixed on the stars that were making their presence known more, humming to himself softly. He heard his friends footsteps as he approached, his hair was wet at his shoulders. A fresh white Cotton tunic hugged his muscular build, black trousers hugging his legs. He smiled nice for once. All thanks to the lavender and honey soap Jaskier had received as a gift.
“Now don't you look better.” Jaskier said with a chuckle. The witcher sat down across the fire from him, his golden eyes staring heavily at the bard.
“Spill your guts Jaskier.” Jaskier rubbed his hands over his face and nodded. His eyes looking anywhere but at his friend.
“I haven't been completely forward about my family life.” Jaskier’s eyes landed on the moon above them. It was nearly full, he was doing well with time. He knew they would reach their destination well before the next full moon.
“Jaskier.” Geralt’s harsh voice broke the silence. With a loud sigh Jaskier finally looked his friend in the face.
“I’m royalty Geralt.” The Witcher’s expression did not change. He just looked at his friend. He could hear Jaskier's heart beat become uneven and unsteady. At first he thought it was a joke but the nervous energy radiating from his long time friend made him think better.
“My family, they are wonderful people. My mother, bless her, taught me everything I needed to know about writing and music. Convinced my father to let me train at Oxenfurt Academy. My father is a noble and loyal king. He served our people well. Still does to my knowledge. I haven't been back in nearly 20 years…” the bard trailed off, his eyes fixated on his hands, his fingers twildilling with a ring he had on. The ring was that of his family. Their crest engraved into the gold.
“I was never meant to be a noble. I lived for adventure, for more than just sitting on a throne and watching people come and go. I was never fit to be king. My parents knew that. They understood. Understanding people they are.” His voice trailed off again, hopping his friend would say something. Ask a question. Anything. He didn’t know where to go next.
“Why didn't you ever tell me?” Geralt finally asked.
“Because it never came up. My family never needed me. I never needed them. I love them all dearly of course. But we were never the closest people in the world. Well, my sister and I were.” That caught the Witcher’s attention. His eyes narrow slightly, he made sure to not let his expression scare the bard into not telling him more. He was genuinely curious about his family. But he couldn't lie and say he wasn't disappointed that in the 7 years they traveled together he never heard of them.
“You have a sister?” The bard's eyes lit up. His memory raced with images of his tun little sister chasing him around the courtyard screaming, yelling his name. Her giggles and laughs pulling at his heart strings.
“Yes. Her name is (Y/N). She is about to be 25. Big age for a princess. I havnt seen her since she was very little.” His heart started to break softly. His neglect to his baby sitter weighting heavily on him.
“I write her often, as much as I can. She was...well, a surprise to my parents to say the least. I was 15 when she was born. I left home at 20. I was only around for her toddler years. I never got to see her grow, blossom into a young woman. I missed so much.” Jaskier had to fight back the tears, his throat becoming tight and dry. His body filling with regret.
“I just kept pushing it back Geralt. I alwasy said I’d make it home. I alwasy had it in the back of my mind to go back and see her. But I never did.”
“Why now?” Geralt asked.
“She wrote me a few months back. It was nearly a book. It was filled with tales of her new travels around our country. She had been training heavily with an unmanned matester of combat. She traveled the countryside with the man. She referred to him as an uncle. In the letter she asked me if it was true that I’d been traveling with you. She said the songs and tales of Jaskier the Bard traveling with the White Wolf made it to her ears.” Jaskier stopped talking for a brief moment, rummaged around his rut sack and pulled out a notebook. He untied its string and a large pile of papers fell out into his hand. He unfolded the parchment and scanned the writing.
“I wrote her back that week. Only to receive this in return.” He began to read;
“Oh dear Jaskier!! I cannot believe its true. I thought he was only a legend. The white wolf. Please tell him he is a hero here. We love his stories. Many have written books of him. Children run round calling themselves the butcher of Blaviken here to save the damsel and distress. I love his stories, mainly because they involve you. Please come visit me this year. I miss you terribly. I want to hear of your travels with the wolf. Mother said he is more than welcome to stay if he wishes to travel with you. I do miss you Jaskier. More than I think you know. I do not mean to guilt you or make you feel bad as i know you are traveling the world to your heart's content and would never want you to feel as though I do not support you-“ Jaskier stopped reading for a brief moment. A small tear dripped onto the page he was reading. Geralt listened to every word he read. He couldn't help the small tug of his lips when he read about the children pretending to be him. It was a breath of fresh air for the witcher. He had constantly been told he was a monster. To hid your children from him. Yet here was an entire country that loved him, yet he had no idea. Jaskier cleared his throat and continued. “But i miss my brother. And maybe, just maybe. I could come with you. If you deem me fit. I have been working tirelessly with a friend of fathers. He trains me in not only swordsmanship, but Herbology, and monsters as well. I can name nearly every monster that has inhabited the Continent and how to slay it. He thinks I’m ready to leave the nest and I think mother and father are getting a bit tired of me as well. I cannot stand another somber, dull, dinner party with nobles who look at me like a piece of meat. So please. Visit me soon. Come and stay a few days. Catch up with your dear sister and maybe, if he isn't too busy and if it doesn’t inconvenience him, bring the Wolf with you. He’d be a welcomed hero. All my love dear brother. Xoxo Love always, (Y/N) Irene Pankratz
Jaskier folded the letter, placing it inside his notebook before safely storing it inside his sack again. He ran a hand over his face, his eyes slowly moving from his hands to his best friend. They sat in the silence for a while. Geralt’s brain replaying the words he had heard from his friend.
“You could have told me about her Jaskier. Why didn't you? You’ve been in contact with her all this time, planning to see her and your family again. Bringing me along for the ride, yet not a single word in 7 years. Do you not trust me with such a secret Jaskier?” Jaskier was taken aback by his friend's words.
He never knew his secrecy would have such an impact on his friend. When it came to Geralt he learned long ago, the little words, the better. The witcher can only handle so much before he loses interest and stops listening or walks away. He never in a million years would have thought he cared about his life that much. It warmed the bards heart to know his dear friend, the only brother he ever had, cared that deeply for him.
“It has nothing to do with not trusting you Geralt. Is has everything to do with the shame I hold for not seeing her sooner. For treating her like a dirty secret form the world. There is no logical reason for me to keep my family such a big secret. Yet I have. For 20 years.” Geralt’s hands rubbed together softly as he listened to his friend. He understood the secrecy. He was a box full of secrets that nobody could get into.
“Its okay Jaskier. I understand the secrecy. Is that where we are going tomorrow?” Jaskier nodded, a smile appearing on his face.
“Her birthday is the next full moon. I’m hoping my gift will be a good start in time lost.” Geralt looked at him curiously. He hadn't noticed any major item in Jaskier’s possession that could make a good gift for a young princess.
“You’re her gift Geralt. I wrote her back after that letter and told her I’d be back for her next birthday. But that you simply were to busy with your work. I told her that you greatly appreciated her support and that youd consider writing to her in the future. She has no idea your coming with me.” Geralt didnt know how he felt about being a gift. He never ever saw himself as a gift to anyone. More of a burden the a gift. He shook his head at Jaskier and tutted at him.
“Jaskier if your that broke you could’ve asked me for a few extra coins for a real gift.” The witcher attempted to joke with the bard. It made Jaskier smile more. Geralt could be funny, but his humor was incredibly dry, much like Jaskier’s father.
“Geralt! Did you just try and joke around with me??” Geralt rolled his eyes, laying down stretching his muscles as he looked up at the starts.
“Best get some sleep Jaskier, you’ve got a rather big family reunion tomorrow.”
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The next morning Jaskier was up and awake before Geralt, a rare sight. He truly hadn't slept more than a couple hours that night. His nerves kept him awake. He feared his sister wouldn’t be as loving as he pictured, she had every right to be mad at him, hate him even. By the time Geralt was up, Jaskier had bathed, changed and had his horse completely ready to go.
Geralt had to do everything in his power to not laugh at his friend. He looked rather ridiculous. His normal bright attire was replaced with a royals outfit. A green and blue velvet tunic and some extremely uncomfortable looking black trousers. His hair was combed back and his face was freshly washed. He even cleaned under his fingernails. He looked rather ridiculous in Geralt’s opinion. He couldn't help the low chuckle that left his lips as he put his bed roll away.
“I don't understand why you're laughing. I have some clothes for you to put on as well.” Geralt’s expression changed instantly, from humorous to angry.
“No. Absolutely not. What I’m wearing is perfectly fine. I’d wear it to meet any king or queen.” A bag was chucked at him, he barely caught it before it smacked into his face.
“This isn't any normal king and queen Geralt. This is my family. And besides, you are no ordinary witcher in my kingdom, you’ll be treated as royalty there. You may as well look the part.” Geralt huffed and threw the bag of clothes back at his friends feet, glaring daggers at him. He hated dressing up with a burning passion. Everything was too tight, not easy to fight in. If anything happened he’d have to rip the seams on every piece of clothing to be able to maneuver his weapons properly. And fancy clothes dont have space for weapons. He didn't like that one bit. Jaskier looked at his friend. His eyes pleading with him.
“Please Geralt. Just for today and her birthday. I couldn't care less what you wear at any other point on this trip.” He had walked closer to Geralt now. About a meter away from him. He extended his hand, the bag in his hand. Geralt looked from the bag to his friend. His teeth and jaw clenched.
He let out a loud huff and grabbed the bag from the bard.
“Fine.” He said through gritted teeth and began taking off his clothing. Jaskier smiled before turning his attention to Roach, getting her stalled and tacked so when Geralt was dressed they could leave.
“If we move with a bit of a haste we could make it there before breakfast.” Jaskier said as he mounted his horse, looking at his friend. His hand slapped over his face. The witcher looked utterly ridiculous in his new attire. The bright red and orange vest a-top a cream tunic, his legs tight in some disgustingly ugly corduroy pants. The pants were obviously smaller than the seamstress he bought them off claimed them to be. The ends of the pants came nearly mid calf on Geralt’s legs. His pasty white ankles and feet shining in the early morning sun.
“Jesus Geralt. Those are worse than the ones I got for Pavetta’s party.” The bard could no longer hold in his laughter. Did Gerarlt look like a nobleman? Sure, but his size, white hair, and bright yellow eyes really didn't help the situation.
“Jaskier, I will kill you for this.” Geralt grumbled angered as he pulled his socks up his feet and over his calves. Luckily for him (and Jaskier) his boots went higher than his pants, making it harder to notice that the pants he was wearing were way too small.
“At least I’m not making you wear a big hat with a feather, those are truly hideous.” Geralt mounted Roach, more carefully then he normally does in fear his pants could bust at the seams.
“I had to wrap you up nice and pretty to present you to my sister.” Jaskier commented as he led his horse; Napoleon to the main road, Geralt and Roach in tow.
The two men rode in a comfortable silence for some time, but as they got closer and closer to Jaskier’s home, all Geralt could hear was his frantic heartbeat. Jaskier’s palms get sweaty and his throat dry, no matter how much water he drinks from his water skin.
“Jaskier. You need to calm down. Your fucking heart beat is driving me insane.” Geralt hissed. They could see the end of the valley they had been traveling in. Geralt looked out in the distance, his eyes saw the castle first. It was very far, but he could tell how beautiful it was from where they were.
“Maybe you just shouldn’t listen to it then.” Jaskier barked back.
“You know I have no control over it, idiot. Take a deep breath. I know you're scared, I understand. But from the sounds of it your sister desperately misses you, I don't think she would ask you to come see her if she was going to hate you.” Geralt didn't talk much at all, that everyone knew. He was a man of few words. But when he did speak it was wiser than most people ever expected. People tended to forget the age of the white haired man, as he stopped ageing physically in his late twenties.
Jaskier smiled softly at his friend's words, he listened to him and took a few deep breaths, calling himself down. Geralt was right. His sister seemed eager as ever to see him again.
The two men approached the entrance to the city. Geralt was more than shocked. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen a city so beautiful in his entire life. The streets were lined in beautiful stone, flowers, vines, greenery all around every corner. The banners that were hanging on the outside of the main gates caught Geralt’s eyes. The crests on them were brightly colored in greens and blues, a very large diamond in the center. Their horses rode into the entrance of the town. Jaskier’s heart was calm, steady, his face was bright and had a smile Geralt had never seen on him before. He was finally home.
“Welcome to Inritha (In-Rithe-A) the capital of Unthya (Un-The-A) Geralt. Welcome to my home.”
Their horses traveled down the stone brick road slowly, the city was buzzing already even with it being the early hours of the morning. Geralt was surprised to see everyone look so...happy, care free. Enjoying their lives. They looked as though nothing was a fret, no monster looming. Geralt was mesmerized by the city. The buildings were built out of what looked to him like limestone, a building material he so rarely saw in other parts of the Continent. The buildings were being taken over by vines and moss, flowers all over. He’d never seen so many butterflies in his life.
“Jaskier-'' his voice was barely a whisper, the bard turning to look at him as they rode side by side. Jaskier couldn't help but smile as his friend admired the beauty he himself had so easily forgotten over the years.
“I know, it's beautiful. I've forgotten myself.”
The two men continued riding their horses up the road closer and closer to the castle. The longer they road tho more attention they got from passer buys. Geralt could hear their whispers.
It couldn't be. Could it?
THE Geralt of Rivia? Here in Inritha?
Mummy look! It's the butcher!!
Has Prince Jaskier finally returned home?
For the first time in what seemed like his entire life, the hushed whispers Geralt heard as he rode through a city were not of hate and disgust. But of admiration and curiosity. The entire time Geralt and Jaskier rode through the city, he never once had the urge to grab either of his swords that were at his side.
The two men approached the gates of the castle, four armored guards stood outside. The put their hand up in motion for the men to stop. One who looked as tho to be the commander of sorts stepped forward poking between both men. Eyes lingering for a long while on the two.
“State your name and what business you have in Inritha at this early hour.” Jaskier dismounted his horse, waking a few feet forward.
“My name is Jaskier Alfred Pankratz son of Dastrill and Alvere Pankratz. This is my companion Geralt Of Rivia, we are here on behalf of my sister, (Y/N) Irene Pankratz’s 25th birthday.” Jaskier bowed his head lowly, keeping eye contact with the commander in front of him.
“Prince Jaskier?!?” The man clearly looked flustered and embarrassed for not recognizing the prince of his own kingdom. All four men quickly bowed their heads.
“Please accept my apology your highness, we welcome you home. As do we welcome your honored guest.” Jaskier smiled and told the men to not trouble themselves with an apology. Geralt continued to watch from atop Roach, still not use to being idolized instead of feared. Honored guest. Geralt thought to himself. He could get use to the new treatment. Jaskier remounted Napoleon the gates to the castle walls opening. The both road threw, all four men bowed their heads as the two walked threw. Not once did they threaten Geralt’s life. They were led by a guard to the stables where they left their horses.
Geralt could hear Jaskier heart beating again in his chest as they were led inside the castle. Geralt tried to concentrate on his friend, to be there for him but he couldn't help but let his eyes wander all over the castle's walls, it was a bright exterior. The walls polished, candles everywhere. Large windows allowing for natural lighting. Nothing dark or gloomy about the castle at all. He felt uplifted..cheary almost. As they neared the entrance to the grand hall where the King, Queen, Princess along with some others were. Geralt could hear the light conversation, and the clicking of silver on plates, they were eating breakfast. But he could still hear Jaskier’s heart beating in his chest. Geralt placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder as they walked, giving it a soft squeeze. The action made Jaskier more worried if the witcher was feeling alright, as it was abnormally out of character for the man. But he said nothing, appreciating the gesture.
They got to the door and just as the guard was about to push the doors open Jaskier grabbed his arm.
“Could we maybe skip the loud over dramatic announcements of my arrival? I have not seen my family in years.” The guard only nodded, bowed his head and walked back outside to his post. Jaskier looked over at his friend, as he put his hand on the door ready to push it open.
“Now or never.” Jaskier said as he opened the door. Both men walked into the large room, the talking stopped almost instantly. Geralt stood at the door, not wanting to impose on the important reunion of his friend and his family. He followed Jaskiers gaze to the table ahead of them in the front of the room. The room was lined with huge floor to ceiling windows, the light of the early morning sun shone brightly making the marble floors glisten.
“JASKIER!!!” The loud scream of a girl nearly made Geralt jump out of his skin, his hand reaching back for a sword that wasn't there in instinct.
It made Jaskier jump but the smile that covered his face was even bigger than the one he had seen as he walked through the city. Geralt followed Jaskier’s gaze to a young woman. The sight of her alone made Geralt want to pass out. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen someone so beautiful in his entire life. Her hair was the same chestnut brown that Jaskier had, but it was long, hip length. She had it pulled back slightly out of her face, a few baby hairs framed her face. Oh her face. Geralt thought as though he was looking at a living breathing angel. He heard her chair scrape roughly on the ground before it loudly crashed on the floor. She raced around the long table from her mothers side and sprinted to her brother. She practically threw herself on him. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, stumbling back a few steps. Everything was quite as the two embraced. Geralt's eyes went to the king and queen who were now standing. The queen looked just like (Y/N) but her hair was black, long stripes of grey peeking through her hair. The crown atop her head glistened in the light. Her right hand was tightly around her husband's arm, her other hand placed softly over her mouth as she looked at her children. Her husband looked much like Jaskier. His hair was the same color as both of their children, but much like his wife’s, much of it had turned grey. His eyes were the same cornflower blue that Jaskier had.
Minutes passed in silence before Jaskier put his hands on his sisters shoulders, pulling her away from him. He put one hand on her cheek as he examined her features. Her pale cheeks were damp with tears. But not sad tears. Tears of joy.
“My sister, how you’ve grown.” Geralt could hear the tears in the bard's voice. He couldn't see him but he could hear everything.
(Y/N) fingers gently brushed over her brother’s face as she smiled at him.
“My brother, how you haven't aged a day. You look just as I remember you. Maybe a few more wrinkles.” She teased. He laughed softly. Wiping his eyes with his hand before pulling her into another bone crushing embrace. She was much shorter than Jaskier, barely shoulder level with him. Geralt was shocked to remember she would be turning 25 in two days. She was still young in the face, beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to see her more up close.
While the siblings spoke their parents moved from the spots at the table, standing behind (Y/N). Alvere was the first to pull him into a tight embrace after her daughter let go. Her fingers gently combed through his hair as she inhaled his scent deeply.
“My dear son how I've missed you.” She whispers slowly into his ear. Geralt was starting to feel bad for eavesdropping. Not that he could help it. He was still standing at the entrance to the grand hall yet he could hear everything.
Jaskiers father hugged him next, it was not nearly as long as the outer two but both men were okay with it. Understanding that their relationship had never been one for long father son hugs.
“It is good to see you again my boy.” His hand clasped down on his son's shoulder.
The four of them stood close together, smiling more than Geralt ever thought possible. It almost made his heart turn. Deep, deep, deep, down the witcher longed for a family that would look at him the way they looked at Jaskier. He often cured the universe for not giving him an option when it came to what he had become. He clung to the few memories he had of his mother. But as years passed they became harder and harder to remember, more painful. But he had. Made a new sort of family over the years. From Jaskier, to his brothers at Kaer Morhen.
“(Y/N), mum, dad, there is someone I’d like you to meet.” Jaskier turned his head towards the door to the hall. Geralt stood tall, shoulders pressed back, his hair framed his face gracefully. Even in the entirely ugly attire he was in, he made himself as presentable and as proper as possible. (Y/N)’s eyes grew bigger when her eyes met his. He once again was taken aback by her beauty. Her eyes were a powerful emerald green matching similarly to the color of her brother's tunic, but brighter. Her mouth fell slightly agape when she realized who it was. The eyes were a dead give away that he was in fact a witcher, but once she saw the silver medallion that rested on his chest, she knew.
Jaskier nodded his head for Geralt to walk forward and he did, his footsteps were light, his pace slow and steady as he walked closer to the royal family. (Y/N)’s hand gently covered her mouth in excitement. Her eyes flickering to her brother who grinned at her.
“A bit of an early birthday gift.” He winked. Once Geralt was closer to the group Jaskier turned so he could introduce them, at his sister's side. All eyes were on him. Even the few people who were still seated at the table were looking at him. He started to feel a bit more uneasy. He started to remember how far away his swords were if he needed them. This alone was beginning to make him panic. He was not used to being welcomed into royal courts unless it was specifically for a hunt.
“This is Geralt of Rivia, one of the most feared, renowned, and skilled Witcher’s the content has to offer. And also my best friend.”
Geralt's eyes were back on (Y/N)’s, his worries dropped more when she smiled brightly at him. Her eyes gleamed.
Geralt bowed his head to the three of them, “ it is an absolute pleasure to meet you, your highnesses.” (Y/N) was nearly blown over by the sultry sound of his voice. She had only heard stories of the witcher. Never see him for herself and definitely had never heard him speak. She never expected a monster hunter to be as handsome as he was. She admired every feature he had. Her eyes fixating on his chiseled jawline, the light gray stubble across his chin and cheeks.
“My, what a pleasure it is to meet such a famed warrior as yourself Geralt!” The king spoke before (Y/N) could, which she was happy about as she did not trust her voice to not waver at his beauty in that moment.
“You my dear are very popular around here. Your stories are legendary. The school children even host yearly plays, Reenacting your most beloved stories.” (Y/N)’s mother added her finger pointing light hardly at Geralt. Her hand came out gracefully from her side to shake the Witcher’s hand. He gently took it, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. His attention returned to (Y/N).
“I’m terribly sorry I’m the birthday gift from your brother this year.” She shook her head almost as soon as the words left his mouth.
“Do not be sorry Geralt-'' the way she said his name made him feel as though he could keel over. “I would like to thank you, for protecting my brother for the years you have. He never skips on his gratitude for you in his letter to me. For that we are all eternally grateful for you.” She reached her hand out. Geralt wasted no time in grabbing her hand, shaking it gently. He was dying inside, but he couldn't let her or anyone else see. He took a gentle step towards her, his head lowering softly, his soft lips were placed on the back of her small hand. The small action made the young girls' faces burn red. Her eyes flicked to her brother who smugly smiled, knowing danm well his gift was going to take the cake.
“Well, you both should come join us, we just started eating.” The king said with a smile, with a quick wave of his hand two more places we set.
(Y/N) gently removed her hand from Geralt’s. Walking towards the table, both men in tow. As she reached her spot she moved her plate and glass to the middle seat that had been prepared, leaving Jaskier a seat next to their mother and Geralt a seat next to her. They all sat and waited as food was served to them. (Y/N) could feel Geralt watching her as she ate, her brother deep in conversation with her parents about his most recent travels. But she wasnt listening. Her attention was only on the man seated to her left. She looked over at the man, eyed him up and down then turned to her brother. For the first time she noticed how ugly their attire was.
“Gods Jaskier who dressed you two?” She asked as she sipped her orange juice. Both men looked at her. Jaskier looked a bit hurt and Geralt only snorted.
“I told him the clothes were horrendous.” Geralt said beside the young woman making her giggle. The sound made his heart beat faster. This was also when he realized how sensibly everyone else in the room was dressed, and how much they stood out. (Y/N) was in a thin white cotton dress, it was around knee length and a light sweater was on her shoulders. Her mother and father dressed similarly. Their clothes looking normal, comfortable.
“Oh my dear brother. What have you done to the poor witcher.” She laughed, turning her attention to him. She could see how uncomfortable the clothes made him. The vest was way too tight and he was practically bursting out of his pants, not that she minded, she gladly enjoyed the view.
“He is torturing me. That's what.” Geralt scoffed and she couldn't help but giggle again.
“You're so dramatic Geralt it's truly not that bad.” Her head flicked to her brother.
“Jaskier don't be rude.” She tutted him like a mother, it made Geralt snort under his breath as he took a bite of his eggs. She stood and walked behind him. He was stiff at her movements.
“Do you mind?” Her fingers were on the strings of the vest. He shook his head no and she quickly untied the tight strings, and it fell from his shoulders. She took it off and handed it to one of the maids
“You can burn that horridly ugly thing.” She said as she sat back down.
“I do not remember you being so rude, little sister.” Jaskier quipped.
“What I think is rude is how you made sure you got the more presentable clothing and dressed your poor friend in those horrendous colors. Have you seen his pants, Jaskier?? It's a miracle he can still breath.” Her eyes looked towards the witcher who was already looking at her with a cocky smirk on his face, glad she was putting Jaskier in his place for the ugly outfit choice.
“I can take you to the seamstress later today, if you’d like Geralt.” Her smile was like a drug.
“I’d appreciate that m'lady.” He said softly.
“And I can show you around the city, both of you. But in return I would like to hear some of your stories, first hand if that’s doable.”
“That sounds like a reasonable trade.” Geralt quipped back.
“Then it's a date, Witcher.”
“A date it is.”
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Tough Love (Part 2)
Peter Parker x Enemy!Reader
Summary: Peter Parker and I have always had a tense relationship, but there was always a line that you wouldn’t pass. What happens when one day you do, and there are horrible repercussions? Will you and Peter make up, or will it be an endgame for you?
Warnings: A bit of angst, and fighting, but a lot of fluff in the end.
Here is the request it is based on!
Here is my Masterlist as well, in case you wanna check out my fanfics :)
Word Count: 1.7k
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“Are you really going to ignore me forever?”, you asked Peter, buckling up your seatbelt. It had been a week after your flight, and you two hadn’t said a word to each other. You had tried to apologize several times, but it was hard when Peter skipped school just to avoid you, and while training, he made sure to stay out of your radius.
So you didn’t really have a wide variety of ways to say sorry to him. There were no insults thrown at each other, no teasing and definitely no normal conversations. Even now, Peter just looked away, his jaw clenched shut at the question you asked. Sighing, you turned away, focusing on the floor rather than Nat’s questioning eyes. Everyone in the compound could see something had happened. Usually, your dad had to separate you two from biting each other’s heads off, with the rest of the team cheering either one on. But this week? It had been pitch silence at the compound.
You could pretend you didn’t care, but you did. A lot. When MJ had called you up after the fight, you had been a mess. And maybe, just maybe, it was because you wanted the conversation in the closet to go well. “Well” in a way that you finally told Peter you liked him, and hopefully, he reciprocated it. But the cards were definitely not in your favour, because the day ended with him storming out, and leaving a red-faced, teary-eyed mess behind.
“Okay team, here is how it’s going to go”, Tony said from the front of the jet, looking back at the 4 of us. “Nat and Steve, you two work on getting rid of all the guards inside the place, and I will patrol the outside. Once all the threats are taken out, Y/N and Peter can get in easily and retrieve the Hydra files. It should be easy enough-”
“No”, Peter muttered, looking up, his eyes dark. “I’ll stay with Steve. Nat can go with her”, he said, jerking his head towards you. You could feel your throat close up, as you took a deep breath, opting not to say anything. The entire jet went quiet, all the eyes on you. Not knowing what to say, you just nodded, not taking your eyes off the floor.
Instantly, Peter felt bad. He knew you were trying to make amends, but to what? Just so you could go back to fighting 24/7 every day? He didn’t want that, not in a billion years. So he just shut you down or ignored you anytime you spoke to him. It was better than getting his heart broken again anyway. But now looking at you, head down, biting your lip, he almost felt like reaching out to you, but the plane lurched forward, indicating you guys had landed.
“Alright team, let’s do this”, Tony said, looking hard at you. “And remember safety first. This isn’t a hard mission, so we can be in and out in 15 minutes”
At least that’s what he thought. When Steve and Peter went out to get rid of the soldiers, they were immediately outnumbered, by a lot. Calling in Nat, the four of them kept fighting, giving you a straight passageway to the secret room.
“Y/N, you alright sweetie?”, Tony asked, grunting as he got hit again. You said yes, ducking away from a guy’s view, pushing him out of a window with your powers.
“Yeah, no one is here”, you said, pushing your way into the room, the files just lying there on the table. “But it seems too easy-”, you began, but the minute you touched the paper, the room exploded.
Bright, hot heat clouded your vision as you were thrown back, your suit feeling like it was on fire. Trying to move away, the last thing you could remember was Peter’s voice in your ear, crying out as your eyes closed, giving in to the sticky darkness that swallowed you.
“Y/Nnnnn”, you heard Tony’s voice call out to you, “c’mon, get up”. You could feel your eyes start to flicker open as a sharp pressure was applied to your head.
“Ugh”, you groaned, trying to dull the pounding ache in your head. Pushing your hands up, you couldn’t help but wince, a burning pinch travelling up your arm.
“Woah woah woah, relax little Stark”, Steve said, pushing you softly back down, “you have heavily burnt your hands. I would refrain from even lifting them up”
“Wha-”, you asked, looking at your dad. Tony sighed, telling Steve to go outside the room, as he came to stand next to you. You looked at him, still confused about what happened.
“Yo-you went to the main circuit and apparently, they anticipated it. Well...they anticipated Peter to be there instead of you. Some type of fiery air was released around you, which, based on Bruce’s experiment, showed that it would literally burn Peter from inside his suit.”, Tony stopped for a second, looking outside the door, “Um, since you weren’t wearing a suit, it didn’t have too much of a boiling effect, but it did cause some burns and severe blackouts-”
“How long was I out?”, you asked quietly, looking down at your arms, seeing the layers and layers of bandaging on them.
“About 2 days”, he said, looking at you closer. “Peter’s been out there the entire time, waiting for you to wake up” Tony chuckled, resting his hand on your shoulder. “I don’t know how many times I’ve told him to go home, but he just wouldn’t listen to me-”
“Where is he now?”, you asked, surprised he had stayed behind to see you. After your fight, you were so sure that the chances of making up(making out) with Peter were close to zero.
“He’s outsid-”
“Mr Stark, is she awake?”, a drowsy voice called out, as a disheveled Peter came inside the room, his eyes catching onto yours. “H-hey Y/N”, he mumbled, eyes wide as they scanned your body.
“So I’ll leave it to you then”, Tony said, backing away, but not before whispering something in Peter’s ear that made his entire face go pink. “I’ll be back in an hour, alright? Gotta go pick up Morgan from school” He waved you off, but you were too busy staring at Peter. Who, by the way, looked like a mess. His hair was sticking out in all places, his eyes were bloodshot, and clothes rumpled.
Yet, he still looked like your Peter. Hesitantly, he walked over, almost as if he was too scared to even come near you, but the moment he was close enough to hear you, you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“I’m so sorry”, you whispered. Peter’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Why are you sorry? I’m the one who acted like a total dick!”, Peter exclaimed, and it was like a dam broke inside him, “y-you could’ve died Y/N! Why did I-”
“Peter, I’m fine, okay?”, you said, wanting badly to put your hand on his shoulder, but you couldn’t even do that. “And I’m sorry for what I said to you last week- i-it wasn’t right, and I didn’t even mean it-”
Suddenly, you were cut off, because Peter’s lips were on yours, kissing you as if his life depended on it. You froze for a second, but as he began to pull away, you surged forward, kissing him back.
You could’ve stayed that way forever, in the dim light of the hospital room, kissing your enemy(crush), but you both needed oxygen to live. Pulling back slightly, you kept your forehead on Peter’s, looking into his brown eyes, as his looked into yours.
“I-I needed to do that”, Peter whispered, and you understood. “With you almost dying, I couldn’t just-”
“I know”, you said back, smiling at him slightly.
“I’m in love with you Y/N”, Peter confessed, glancing briefly at you, but blushing down in embarrassment. Not responding for a couple seconds, he took it the wrong way, as he backed up, eyes starting to brim up with tears.
You were so shocked, you didn’t even realize that he was almost out of the room. Tyring to speak as loud as possible, you piped up, “If you leave now, you aren’t gonna be here to hear my declaration of love Pete”
Peter stopped, his hand on the doornob. “What?”
You smiled, staring at the familiar mop of curls. “Yeah, and if I start speaking as you go out, then Cap might think it’s for him, and that’s an awkward conversation waiting to happen”
“Wha- declaration of what?”, Peter asked, baffled.
Grinning at the dopey smile of his, you chuckled. “I like you too Peter. Hell, I love you”
Peter walked closer, “Wait, you aren’t just saying that out of pity right?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to sit up, “When have I ever done something out of pity Parker?”
“Never”, Peter replied, a smile taking over his features. He came and sat next to you, and as suddenly as he kissed you earlier, he did so again, this time whispering so close to your mouth, and so quietly, you weren’t sure if you even heard him. “We were literally at each other’s throats a week ago, and now-”
“We’re making out”, you said, smirking, “but do you want to change that? I’m sure I can find someone as equally crazy as you to make out with”
Peter shook his head, laughing. “Not at all...plus, as tough as it is loving you”, he said, giving you a chaste peck, “it’s well worth it”
“Mhm, tough love”, you agreed, smiling at your brown haired boy.
Wow! Loved writing this, and even though it took a long time to update, I hope you enjoyed this, and I can't wait to write my next one :)
Ps. If you have the time, check out Season 2 of Never Have I Ever, on Netflix. It's awsome!
Taglist: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme @a–1–1–3 @hayhays
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[[zuko x reader]]
Summary: Zuko and Y/N had liked eachother for a while even though neither of them knew it. Y/N tries to get over her crush for him, failing miserably. So just when she decides to let go and embrace her feelings, the new Fire lord finds himself feeling jealous and decides to take matters into his own hands
A/N: this is the first Zuko/ATLA fic i’ve ever written, so go easy on me plssss, i just finishes the show a couple days ago (a little late ik) and ever since then i’ve been OBSESSED with this man (if he’s too ooc pls let me know) . This is set a while after the coronation and it’s an AU where zuko and mai were never a thing. Hope y’all like this <3
ps: this may get a little long, i’m writting this before i finish it but i get a feeling it’s gonna be a long one so be prepared lol also it will most definitely have a pt.2 if y’all like it.
Warnings: Angst but it’ll end well i promise, swearing
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Things after the war ended had been chaotically peaceful. Turns out that leading an entire nation, specially when it was the one that caused the war, and reuniting the lands that had for so long been against eachother was harder than all of you thought. The fact that a group of teenagers were the head of the operation wasn’t a big advantage either.
Sure, Aang and Zuko, who were the ones who had the most important positions when it came to politics and diplomacy, had advisors and people around to help guide them, but it was still a hard job. Nevertheless, without a war or fighting, you were sure it was good for the entire group to keep busy. They’d kept a lifestyle of always moving around and being on guard for so long it would’ve been a big shock to be forced to stay still after that.
Katara and Sokka travelled back and forth from the Southern Water Tribe to the Fire nation a few times, not too often though because of how far apart the two were. That was a shame because of how close you’d grown to Katara and her motherly self, her advice and her unconditional friendship, and even to Sokka and his bad jokes, his way of teasing everyone and how he could make you smile even when you weren’t in the mood, you even missed how mad he made you sometimes. Suki went with them to spend some time away from everything, she loved her life as a Kioshi warrior but she decided she needed a break after everything she had gone through.
Aang, on the other hand, was traveling all over but mostly between the Earth kingdom, were he would very often meet with Katara, and the Fire nation. You got to see him way more often than you got to see Katara, Suki and Sokka, although he tended to be busy with avatar business. He was doing a great job, you had to admit. The people loved him, he found a way to spread his teachings and the teachings of the Air nomads to the world and uniting others helping them put aside their differences seemed to be his thing now more than ever. But most importantly he seemed truly happy, one time he even told you he finally felt like he was making all the air nomads proud, wherever they were.
Toph still wanted to be away from her parents, so she refused to go back to the Earth Kingdom. She hated the cold, not being able to use her seismic senses in the snow and being bossed around by katara, so she refused to go with them too. So when you offered her to stay with you, she accepted. She made it seem as though it was her last choice because she had to keep her tough girl reputation, but actually she liked you a lot, she saw you kind of as a big sister. You took care of her in a way no one had before, not seeing her as helpless and weak but still being there for her when she needed you. Though she’d never tell this to anyone aloud.
And Zuko was still Zuko, just that now he was a Firelord. He took his job very seriously, determined to prove wrong everyone who had said he was too young or too weak for it. He knew the big responsibility he had in his hands and he seemed to be doing really well. He had his moments, of course, where he would have outbursts of emotion and anger, but he always found his way back to being who he needed to be for his Nation, and you always helped with that. He was the one who suggested you stayed in the Fire nation as a representative of the Northern Water tribe. You were hesitant at first, but after thinking the idea over you realized you had no business up in the tribe, you’d been away for a long time and you weren’t ready to go back just yet.
The two of you had never been incredibly close in the time since he joined the gaang, but you couldn’t denied there was a connection between the two. You got his humor and he got yours, you could tease eachother all day without getting butthurt, you could open up and talk about deep stuff under the stars on a sleepless night, and spending time with him seemed easier to do than with most people. You’d brushed this off as the two of you being good friends for a good while, even after you moved into the palace and started to hang out with him more, but for the past few weeks it’s been getting harder to do.
Every time Toph, him and you ate lunch together and he sat in front of you, you couldn’t help but end up staring at him, not in a weird, creepy way but in a ‘I’m mesmerized by you why am i mesmerized by you and since when are your eyes such a beautiful shade of gold’ way. You were in denial about it but deep down you knew you were starting to have a crush on him, and eventually Toph caught up to it too.
One night after diner she pulled you into her room, closed the door and said “Listen, Snow queen, I’m kinda tired of your heart going crazy every time mister flaming pants is around so you either get over your little crush, tell him how you feel or I will personally snitch on you directly to him, understood?” You didn’t even have the guts to deny it to her, specially since she’d know if you were lying, so you just heavily sighed and looked at the floor. She must’ve felt bad for you cause she took your hand and dragged you to sit on her bed to interrogate you about the situation.
“Out of anyone you could’ve ended up liking I never saw this one coming” she told you taking a seat on the opposite side of the bed
“Don’t get me started” you threw yourself back to the bed and stared at the ceiling for a second before speaking again “Like how dumb do I have to be to crush on someone who isn’t only probably the busiest man on all kingdoms right now, but also royalty and... well Zuko. He would never like a girl like me and even if he did, he probably has to end up with a princess or something.”
“I’m not letting you drown in a pity party here, ok?” Toph pulled your wrist and forced you to sit back up and look at her. “He’s lucky a girl as decent as you is willing to put up with that temper of his and how annoying he can get. Now what are you gonna do about it?”
“Nothing?” You replied in a low voice not taking a second to think about it. Toph punched you in the arm in response “Hey, what was that for?”
“What I said before still stands, I can’t deal with you being all flustered every time he’s around, so get over it or tell him how you feel.” She spat and all you could do was grunt and throw yourself back into the bed
So you were gonna get over it then. Easy task. Never done anything easier before.
It wasn’t.
Turns out that by trying to avoid Zuko at all costs you ended up stumbling into him even more. Around the corners, in the hallways, everywhere. The plan was to just avoid him as much as possible until eventually your feelings faded away, you couldn’t have a crush on someone you didn’t even see right? Wrong. Even when you weren’t around Zuko he was still on your mind. You tried to go to the palace library and distract yourself with literature, but reading romance books only made you feel more miserable and the only other option there was were war strategy books which you weren’t very interested in. The next distraction you chose was gardening, you loved nature and you were a water bender, it was the perfect task you thought, but once again you were wrong. You turned out to be such a bad gardener, Kya who was the one in charge of the royal gardens (and who was the sweetest lady) ended up banning you from messing with her flowers ever again. The last thing you could think of to stay away from Zuko was feeding the turtle ducks. It seemed like a good idea and on the few occasions you’d been in the pond before, the little animals seemed to be very fond of you. You couldn’t mess this one up, anyone could feed the ducks, but there was a little problem as it seemed to be the theme of that day, the Fire lord had forgotten to tell you that the pond was his place of choice when he needed to clear his head.
You didn’t even notice he was there until you heard his voice behind you. “Keep feeding them like this and they’ll get obese”
You jumped a bit out of surprise and turned around to face him with your palm pressed to your chest. “Spirits, Zuko, don’t do that to me, you’re gonna kill me one of these days” It was a bright and sunny day, the heat of the Fire nation weather made his face glimmer a little, his hair was up held by the royal Fire lord hair piece and he was wearing a version of his formal attire made for a hotter weather, leaving his muscly arms on display. As soon as you realized you were staring once again, you turned your attention back to the pond in an attempt to hide the blush that was slowly conquering your cheeks.
He took a sit next to you and waited a couple seconds before breaking the silence. “Hey... um... I don’t know if this is just me but you’ve been acting weird lately, is everything ok?” He asked looking at you.
“Everything is fine, definitely just you.” you replied not taking your eyes away from the shining water of the pond. The ducks had grown tired of waiting for you to keep feeding them and swam away.
“I... don’t think so. You didn’t come to breakfast today, everytime we’re together you seem to wanna leave as soon as possible and right now you can’t even look at me.” He paused before taking in a deep breath. “Did... did I do something to upset you?”
You finally turned around to look at him and the look you saw in his eyes was heartbreaking. Ever since he joined Team Avatar, Zuko had been making a huge effort to be good. You could see how sometimes he struggled to pick being kind and gentle over being erratic and explosive, and you also knew that had a lot to do with his childhood. But he had been doing such a good job at it, specially since he became Fire lord, he was so much more friendly, better at socializing and overall improving. And right now it was clear to you that you had made him feel like he was failing at being a good person and he’d somehow messed up with you.
You turned your body around slightly and put a reassuring hand on his knee before saying “Oh, Zuko, no. You haven’t done anything and I’m not upset at you, I mean that. It’s just...” coming up with lies and excuses had always been your strong point but having Zuko there making you ridiculously nervous wasn’t a factor that helped. “I.. uh...I’m getting a little homesick, you know? With Toph gone most of the day and you busy, I’ve been feeling a little melancholic about my home, but it’s nothing I promise. I’m just trying to find something to do with my time.” You we’re impressed with yourself with this one, it actually sounded pretty convincing.
You thought you had the situation handled until Zuko spoke again a few seconds later. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized until now with all the chaos of being Fire lord but I asked you to stay here and represent the Northern Water tribe and I haven’t even given you time out of my day. I haven’t been the best host, have I?” Before you could even reply he widened his eyes and said “I have an idea, tomorrow I’ll take the day off and we can go on a small field trip to this cabin my family has on the ourskirts of town, there are some nice fields and it’s very peaceful, we’ll have a picnic lunch there and just relax. You can even ask Toph to come with. How does that sound?”
He looked at you expectantly and you started to look for reasons to turn him down, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. It was true that you hadn’t had much time to spend with him ever since he took his position, and in all honesty, crush or not you really did miss him. Your weakness for him won the battle and you ended up accepting the plan saying it was a great idea. The regent stood up from his place and assuring you he’d have everything ready for the next day he left.
You really had messed up this time.
The next morning you put on a flowy, flower-print dress. It was classy but at the same time comfortable and light enough to handle the summer weather. You had nervously been looking at yourself in the mirror for way too long now. Before dinner the past night you at least had hopes that Toph would come with to the field trip and she would help you contain yourself when it came to Zuko, but of course that wasn’t the case. When he had brought the topic up at the table Toph limited herself to look at you knowingly and say “You know what? I happen to be very busy tomorrow, you know, I’m trying to get a name for myself in the Fire nation’s fighting scene and I have a fight tomorrow, sorry.” You knew she was lying because she had told you about her fight but instead of the next day it was three days from then. All you could do was look at the little devil and make sure you wrote a mental note of getting back at her as soon as you could.
So here you were, minutes ago from embarking in a field trip with the person you were supposed to avoid, and you had no idea how you were gonna get out of this one.
A knock on your door startled you and took you out of your worrying thoughts. A few seconds later a maid’s head popped in as she said “Lady Y/N, Firelord Zuko and the carriage are ready for you.” You took a deep breath and walked towards the door while replying with a soft “Thank you, Yun”
The carriage waited for you in front of the palace and so did Zuko. He was already inside, sheltering himself from the unforgiving sun, so you startled him when you hopped inside. “Y/N, you look...nice” he complimented you, a faint blush running through his cheeks making him gain a more childish and youthful look.
“Thank you, Zuko. Likewise.” You responded attempting to stay as calm as you could. You hated that he had so much power over you.
He ordered for you to be in your way before the carriage started moving swiftly. Your eyes flowed to the window, looking out at the capital city of the Fire nation. “You’ve done a great job leading this people. They look... so happy.” You drew your eyes back at Zuko as he stared at you. It was you who was starting to blush now.
“I hope so. I’ve done everything I’m capable of to change the old ways of this nation. I hope I’m making the right choices.” A worrisome look took over his eyes as he let his own attention drift towards the streets.
“Hey” you called to him as you stretched your hand to cover his. “You’re doing just fine Zuko. You’ve done so much for these people and all the other nations as well, I’m sure you’ll do even more good.”
He faintly smiled at you as a response and you could tell that although he did worry about the future, your reassurance helped.
The rest of the ride was spent pointing out the animals you saw on the road, sharing childhood stories about when Zuko and his mom used to come here when they both needed to get away from everything, and a bit of teasing about how Zuko had no idea what to pack for a picnic and had to ask the head chef of the kitchen for help. Luckily you had become friends with chef Karou in the time you’d been living in the palace and he knew your taste rather well.
When you finally arrived there was no sight of the usual movement and noise proper of a big city, the air was filled with the peculiar scent of flowers you couldn’t recognize just yet and grass. In the distance at your left you could see a small cattle of Hippo cows and Komodo chickens. And at your right a long field of grass and flowers that seemed to go up in a small and almost unnoticeable hill.
You and Zuko stepped down the carriage just as a guard handed him the picnic basket. The tall regent turned to you and ordered “Follow me, I wanna show you something”. You did as you were told, being led by him all the way up the hill until you were at the very top. When the two of you got there your breath was taken away by the beautiful view you had in front of you. A huge field of flowers layed gracefully at the end of the hill and extended far enough that it connected to the horizon.
“This is...” you started but were so taken aback by the view you didn’t finish your sentence.
Zuko seemed to understand regardless and replied “I know.” Behind you he started to set up a cloth for the two of you to sit on. You forced yourself to remove your attention from the field and place it on what was going on behind you. Taking a seat on the opposite end of the cloth you helped him take out all the items chef Karou had packed for you. When you were done you looked at Zuko and said “Thanks for this. It’s really nice.”
“No need to thank me, I’ve been leaving you alone so much time lately. I know aside from Toph I’m pretty much all you have here so take this as a ‘Sorry I’ve been a terrible friend’ offering.” He smiled wide expecting you to do the same but that smile faded away as soon as he saw the expression on your face.
The word echoed in your head as your eyes dropped to the food you had in front of you. Of course he saw you as a friend. You had almost convinced yourself you should confess your feelings to him and he goes on to call himself your friend. A knot in your throat started to form and you did your best to show it as little as you could. But you obviously failed.
“Everything ok?” Zuko asked tilting his head to catch your eyes.
You looked up and faked a smile. “Yeah... just thinking how far we’ve come.” You lied through your teeth before continuing. “Anyways, enough of all the cheesiness, I’m starving.”
“Agreed” He replies picking up something for himself. You chose a small salty biscuit with a mix of meats on top and decided to distract yourself with it. “Chef Karou said you’d like that one. He also said you hated onions and peas. What type of weirdo hates peas?”
You chuckled a little, the feeling that oppressed your chest fading away quickly. “I do. They’re disgusting and if you like them I don’t trust you.”
Zuko laughed loudly before remarking “Its not like I like them, Y/N. It’s just a weird thing to be picky over. They’re peas, they don’t really taste like anything.”
You widened your eyes and quickly swallowed the bite of biscuit you had taken. “What do you mean they don’t taste like anything? They taste disgusting and they are mushy and just... gross”
Zuko replies with another laugh. His laugh made you feel warm inside, it could make you forget about everything, Toph’s threats, your previous plans and even the now faint voice poking the back of your mind telling you to be careful or you’d get your heart broken.
The two of you kept eating and chattering at the same time. You’d finished the salty food and it came time for the desert. Chef Karou had made a type of cake and stored it inside a small glass jar. You tried opening the lid but it was too hard. You heard Zuko in front of you offering you help but you refused it telling him you could do it on your own. After a couple minutes of struggling , Zuko took your deep sigh as a sign of defeat and scooted closer to you. “Here, let me.” He took the jar from your hands and quickly opened the lid, handing it back to you. You looked up expecting to find a smug smirk that felt way to familiar to you at this point but instead you found his serious face dangerously close to yours.
You took the jar back and set in down. “Thanks” you muttered softly and quietly. His only response was to slowly but firmly raise a hand up to your face to put away a strand of hair that had fallen. His touch sent shivers down your spine. All thoughts of caution escaped your mind as you felt his face so close you could feel his warm breath mixing with yours. The tension between you seemed to almost be to much to handle when you thought you saw Zuko lean in a little. Before anything else could happen, one of the guards that had come with and stayed back where the carriage was spoke. “Firelord Zuko”
The golden eyed boy dropped his hand from your face and turned around to face the guard. “Have they not taught you to not interrupt people when they’re talking privately?”
“I am very sorry, Firelord.” The guard bowed in sign of respect. “But we have just received a messenger hawk with a letter from the palace. The Avatar and you other friends are here.”
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crookes-library · 4 years
Fanfic Year in Review 2020
Tagged by the continuously wonderful @kirstenseas TY hun 
1. List of fics completed this year:
I know what you did last night: The Untamed - WangXian
Seasons: TLK - Uhtred/Finan
We’re All Fools Here:  TLK - Uhtred/Finan
Amber:  TLK - Uhtred/Finan
What Would I Be:  TLK - Uhtred/Finan
Echoes:  TLK - Uhtred/Finan
Moon & Stars: TLK - Sihtric/Ealhswith & Sihtric/ Osferth 
Osbert:  TLK - Uhtred/Finan
The scent of you:  TLK - Uhtred/Finan
& a bunch of Ficlets
Are we noticing a theme? Uhtred/Finan are just that special blend of best friends to lovers & old marrieds that makes me want to tear my face off so I will probably not ever stop writing them 
2. Number of words written:
67,112 words published on AO3 & about 2.6k in tumblr prompts not to mention the scraps and notes I’ve got here there and everywhere which is more than I’ve written in like 8 or 9 years? I’m pretty damn happy about that tbh
3. Your most popular fic this year:
By far ‘I know what you did last night’ which I like to believe is cause its cute but also because its a much bigger fandom and a much more popular ship
My most popular TLK fic is ‘What Would I Be’ 
4. Your personal favourite this year:
This is difficult because there’s a few I’m fond of but I’d say its between Seasons and Osbert. 
‘Seasons’ because it really kick-started my writing this year and I was really proud of it. It felt pretty true to the books and I enjoyed weaving in the little moments between Uhtred and Finan. I’ve debated messing with the end but I’m still very happy with it overall 
‘Osbert’ because it came out of nowhere and just ended up so nice? It was originally going to just be a vent fic of Uhtred’s frustration at being injured/in pain and unable to do things he would normally do because at the time I started writing it I was commuting to work and the chronic pain I get from my hip dysplasia was flaring up real bad but then Finan just took over and decided Uhtred deserves all the softness like he so often does lol
Honourable mentions to The scent of you because it was super fun to write and The Bodyguard because I just enjoy the concept
5. Your favourite scene:
Little Stiorra threatening to fight Finan’s secret lover for his hand in marriage in Amber so she doesn’t have to marry any stinky boys.  I love love love Stiorra, she’s my baby and Uhtred and Finan just having a quiet afternoon being fond dads gives me all the warm & fuzzies
6. A fic or scene that challenged you:
Can I say all of them? Cause if so all of them, writing is hard and I am a very tired person who second/third/fourth-guesses every damn word
Mostly The Bodyguard though because its the first long fic that I’ve even attempted since like my ff.net days. I know what I’m doing with it/where I’m going but actually getting it all down is hard and slow going and I’m trying to forgive myself for that and not pressure myself and end up sucking out all the joy because I really do love it and I want to keep loving it 
7. A line of writing you’re proud of:
Cheating with a couple lines from What Would I Be because it was one of those middle of the night-can’t sleep-sudden inspiration-omg the gay yearning of it all-things that I just really liked.
Once the clean-up is done Finan finds him. There is an easiness in the way that Finan folds into his embrace, steady and familiar. Finan pokes at his ribs when they draw back. “You were worried,” Finan teased, eyes warm with amusement. “As if I’d waste the energy on your scrawny arse,” Uhtred scoffed. But Uhtred was worried, he was, he was, he is.
8.  A comment that touched you:
I’m someone who reads and re-reads my AO3 inbox constantly whenever I’m feeling stuck or I’m having a Bad Brain day and I need the serotonin so its hard to pick one because I’m honestly touched by anyone who takes the time to comment but a special shout out to The Enablers and to @deespiegel because they’re all just so? lovely?? I wouldn’t have written half as much this past year without their encouragement
9. Something that inspired your writing this year:
Uhtred Uhtred Uhtred ❤ I literally cannot emphasise enough how much he means to me and with S4 & the last book coming out I just fell so deeply back into my feels. Looking forward to the next book has gotten me through some really low points the last 13/14-ish years and what is fic if not an outlet for dealing with a story you love coming to an end? Also just the TLK books in general, BC has a terrible (brilliant) habit of writing the main character and his best friend as just super married in his books but Uhtred/Finan might actually be the craziest example yet of all his books that I’ve read. The last 2 books especially (Sword of Kings & War Lord), how is my little gay heart meant to handle knee touches and worrying and inside jokes and “Did he touch you?” HOW?? BC ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES
The Enablers have also been an endless source of inspiration and encouragement. I used to be such a fandom lurker, I was too awkward and shy to talk to anyone but now I have like actual fandom friends?!! And they’re just such amazing people?!! Cannot believe, they’ve really kept me going this past year ❤
10. Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc)
The fact that I’ve written more than I have in absolutely forever and also committing to a long fic, its not done yet but just the fact that I’ve started is huuuuge for me
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
To finish The Bodyguard and just keep writing :)
I think all the enablers have already been tagged so anyone else who wants to do this have at! 
PS Please make a new post if you do :)
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propsandmayhems · 4 years
illicit affairs (pt. 3)
ok yall lets get angsty! ps sorry this took forever i just couldn’t find the right words i’m still not entirely happy with it but whatever 
part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | read on ao3
And you wanna scream / Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
James didn’t say another word to Cordelia the entire rest of the walk home. Even when they reached the house, he opened the door and held it for her without a word. She passed by him silently and crossed the foyer, making her way towards the stairs that lead to their bedrooms. She reached the foot of the stair and turned back toward James; and upon realizing she was finally a good two meters from him, she let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. He had just clicked the door closed and lifted his head up to her. Although the house was only illuminated by the light that flowed in through the windows from the street, it was if his eyes absorbed every bit of excess light in the room and refracted it, causing them to glow and stand out against his shadowed face. 
His right hand was still on the door handle and his always-present silver bracelet peaked out from under his shirtsleeve. Removing his hand from the doorknob, he took his hat from his head and placed it on the coat rack by the door. “Well, I think I’ll stoke up the fire and read for a while,” he spoke, flashing her a smile that still managed to clench her heart. “Good night, Cordelia.” With that, he swept past her and into the parlor, witchlight blazing up in the room as he entered. She and James decided to replace all the candle fixtures with witchlight as the previous owners had never converted the townhouse to use electric lighting; they figured it would not be worth the cost to install electricity since they would only be living there a year. 
Cordelia was simply entirely over the evening. She turned on her heel with a huff, hitched up her skirt, and bounded up the stairs. She had left the door to her room open when she left and she kept it open as she entered. She wanted to let James know that she wasn’t upset with him but that she just couldn’t continue to play the image of a content and loving wife. She knew James was not upset about Cordelia not wanting to sleep with him tonight - he didn’t expect sex from her - but rather, he was upset that she didn’t share what was burdening her. James was raised to always share his concerns with someone; whether it be his sister, his steadfast parents, or his dedicated Uncle Jem.  
She made her way to her dressing table, James’s eyes burning like heavenly fire in the back of her mind, and dropped down on the bench. She immediately started pulling the pins she had carefully placed in her hair earlier from her curls haphazardly and watched in the mirror as her hair began to fall in waves around her shoulders. Combing her fingers through the strands to check for any more pins, she decided that she would have James do her hair for next week’s dinner. James had made the mistake of telling her that Lucie forced him to learn how to braid hair, although, Cordelia suspected he was not ‘forced’ as James would do anything to please his little sister. Regardless, James had tied Cordelia’s hair back into a tight, neat plait multiple times for training or patrol now. Cordelia was sure he could manage to knot her hair into an updo and would love to see the look on Will’s face when she told him it was his son that did her hair. 
Hair freed, Cordelia stood to work on undressing herself. The dress she had worn to dinner tonight had a high neck, and she had nearly dislocated her shoulder in her efforts to secure the clasps at her back. Easily, she undid the fastening at the back of her neck and the middle of her back, but again, she struggled to reach the clasp between her shoulder blades. She knew she could reach it if she tried a little harder, but she desperately just wanted out of her corset and simply didn’t feel like struggling to contort her arms when James was downstairs - and as her husband, there was no reason he shouldn’t help her.
Moving out of the room carefully with the dress hanging around her strangely, she called down the stairs, “James, this dress is just impossible to unfasten on my own. Would you mind helping me?” 
She heard a book shut and within a moment James appeared at the bottom of the stairs. He had rid himself of his jacket and had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. Despite being left alone for only a few minutes, he had already managed to dishevel himself with his tie askew and his hair sticking out in all directions as if he had been running his hands through it. He looked up at her with a soft expression, gold eyes illuminated by the witchlight sconces that lined the stairwell, and gave a nod, “Yes, of course.” 
Cordelia moved back into her room as James moved soundlessly up the stairs. She watched as he entered the room with trepidation; their usual casual air was replaced with an awkwardness. Turning around, she gathered her hair to one shoulder so James could see the clasps that ran up the back of the dress. “If you could just undo the clasp between my shoulder blades.”
Behind her, she felt James move forward and take hold of her dress with his long, nimble fingers. She willed herself not to shiver as his calloused skin brushed her exposed back while he worked on the fastening, which quickly came undone under his touch. “There, you are freed, Lady Cordelia,” he said lightly. 
Cordelia knocked the dress off her shoulders and let it pool around her ankles as she turned to face James. She heard her mother’s voice in her head that she should be scandalized to be standing in front of a man - even her husband - in her petticoat, but this was not the first time James had seen her in a state of undress and would most likely not be the last. She gave him a small smile, “thank you, Lord James.” 
Returning her smile, his eyes flicked down to the marriage rune that was placed on her left breast and was now peaking out from the top of her petticoat. Returning his gaze to hers, his smile fell. “Daisy, I-” He began, hesitantly, but didn’t get to finish. 
“Don’t call me that,” she spoke, cutting him off. The words had left her mouth before she could process what she was saying. 
James recoiled, taking half a step back from her. “What?”
Cordelia thought a very unladylike word while the silence spread between her and James for a moment. She had backed herself into a corner and cursed the fact she had no training in fighting her way out of this type of situation. Breathing in, she steeled her voice, “I said, don’t call me that, James.” Her hands came up as she spoke, flying around and enunciating each of her words. She had gone this far, and everything just came spilling out of her. “I can’t bear to hear you say it, as to you it’s just a name. But for me, it’s us as children in Paris and us in the Whispering Room of the Hell Ruelle. It’s the times when I feel a sliver of hope that not every part of this is a farce. At night, when we are together, your touch lays trails of fire on my skin, and in your eyes I see desire and I can imagine that maybe there is a part of you that truly does love me as I love you. Then we wake up and you depart to your room and your stone mask replaces itself. You are unable to give me more than telling me I look beautiful, but even those words feel hollow and empty, as if you are an actor who has rehearsed their lines one too many times. 
“I thought our evenings together would be enough for me; to escape into the illusion that you love me, but the more I have felt the smallest spark of something real between us, the less I can take pretending. I can’t face your mother and the way she embraces me as if I am her own daughter, knowing that I will lose that in just eight more months.” She stopped for a moment, stepping out of her dress and moving towards James. His golden eyes were wide and shimmering and his mouth was open in surprise. His hands were hanging limply by his side, unsure of what they should be doing without a book or throwing knife in them. The bracelet on his right wrist shone in the witchlight, and she had the strangest feeling that the light glinting off the bracelet was winking at her mockingly. Ignoring her absurd thoughts, Cordelia placed her own hands on James’ chest and looked up to him, continuing, “I’m not telling you all this to hurt you. I never wish to hurt you, James; but I need you to understand that I cannot continue on this way. I know you never intended for this to happen when you proposed, you couldn’t have known the way I truly feel for you. I feel like an idiotic fool even thinking this, but the colour of your eyes is my favorite colour in all the world. Some days I cannot even bear the thought that in just a few months I will never again look into your eyes as you lean in to kiss me. I don’t need you to apologize - I won’t apologize either - it’s neither of our faults for how we feel. I- I guess I just need you to know that for me, it needs to be all or nothing.” 
Cordelia truly had no idea how James would react to her confession, but she hardly at all expected him to nod and merely say, “I understand.” Backing away from her hands, which still rested on his chest, he bid her goodnight again and swept out of the room. Cordelia stood for a moment with her hands frozen in mid-air, still warm from the heat that radiated off James. Mindlessly, she turned to finish undressing and once she made it into her nightgown, she laid on her mattress and stared at the ceiling until she was pulled into a restless sleep. 
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hi!! I’ve been dying to write this chapter 💕I hope you like it!
Ps. Sorry if you find any errors (from grammar or vocabulary)
Chapter 15: After the game.
All bad things happen fast. Harry had learned that from a young age. So fast, that one could only stare as they happened before your eyes. The problem was, that bad things were always happening around him. He was cursed.
He took the dive as fast as he could. It was not enough. And he saw it all.
The coughs. The way that Malfoy was grabbing his own throat. The red face from the suffocation. Blood. How fast he fell. How fast he hit the ground... how hard the boy hit the ground.
He got to the floor a few seconds later. But that was the thing with bad things: they only took seconds. It didn’t matter if someone was ‘almost there’ of avoiding them, they didn’t wait for the hero to come in. They happened.
He kneeled next to the blond boy. Something yellow covered in blood was scattered all over his chest. Harry took Malfoy’s face between his hands and tried to wake him up.
“Come on! Don’t do this to me, you competitive git! I told you it was too high!” He knew that he was yelling, but the prat wasn’t waking up.
Suddenly, someone was pulling him away from the boy. As he was fighting to free himself, he heard his father’s voice.
“Stop, Harry. They are going to take him to the hospital wing.” He could feel the arms around him, hugging him. “He is going to be fine, Dumbledore and Snape casted something so that the fall wouldn’t be as-“
“What about the blood?” His voice came out strangled. “There was so much blood on his chest.”
All the professors were around Malfoy, trying to move him without hurting him further. Harry just wished they would let him get near.
Sirius suggested to wait outside of the hospital wing so they walked over there. Harry felt like everyone was moving too fast.
They were the first to get there, then his best friends followed; and lastly Parkinson and Zabini, with Snape by their side.
“Someone from St Mungo’s is coming. They don’t want to move him, and Madam Pomfrey needs help.” Said the potions professor.
Harry just nodded; his best friend, on the other hand, was freaking out.
“But What does he have?”
“Ron, stop. They clearly don’t know yet.” Hermione touched his arm and something in the redhead relaxed.
His dad and Padfoot had guilty expressions on their faces. Harry didn’t like that. Then Padfoot spoke.
“Actually... we know.”
Snape turned to where he was with a wild look on his eyes. His godfather casted a muffliato and kept talking.
“A few months ago, Draco told us what the deal was... He didn’t exactly knew what it meant, but I did. He asked us not to tell.”
“And of course you two listened to a sixteen year old. Because you are unable of thinking about the consequences.” He snarled.
Their faces were full of guilt. They didn’t even tried to argue with the man in front of them. Then, Snape asked them what it was.
“It’s Hanahaki disease.”
Harry saw how fast the face of the man changed, from pure rage to unbearable pain.
At least this time, Harry wasn’t the only one who didn’t know what was going on. Parkinson, Zabini and his friends were all asking questions, demanding to know what this disease was. Snape was the first to speak, voice strangled.
“It’s an awful, rare, disease caused by unrequited love. Flowers grow in the patient's lungs until the roots reach the heart and strangle it to death. Unless the feelings are reciprocated, which almost never happens.”
Harry’s glasses broke right then. He was having problems to control his magic, he could feel it radiating off him. Hermione slowly took off his glasses.
“Oculus Reparo.” She murmured and gave them back to him.
“Thanks.” He said in a low voice.
“We didn’t know it was this bad already. We asked, almost daily... He kept telling us that the was only having the coughing fits.” His dad was worried, he could hear it in his voice.
“Of course he lied, Potter. He knew he would be treated differently.” Snape sighed.
Ron, Zabini and Parkinson were frantic, saying that they should have taken him to the hospital wing by force, while Hermione seemed to try to calm them down a little.
Harry could only stare. He felt so guilty. To think that, at some point, he thought that ‘the deal’ was just a lie that Malfoy had come up with... But, no, it was true: the boy was dying.
Not only was Malfoy dying but he was dying from love itself. The boy loved so desperately that his own feelings were making him sick.
He just kept seeing the boy falling in his head... or lying on the floor, not moving. Fuck.
“Hello, I’m Healer Jones. I need to speak with the family of Draco Malfoy.”
The man looked young. Harry wondered if it wouldn’t be better to have a more experienced professional, since the life of a teenager was at risk.
Snape and Padfoot talked to the healer. Harry could get some things from the conversation and none of them were good news:
1. There wasn’t any treatment, except maybe a potion to ease the burning from his lungs after a coughing fit.
2. With time, everything would get worst.
3. He highly recommended to avoid quidditch. Yes, no shit.
Apparently the most worrying thing right now was the fall. Malfoy’s body had shut down because of the traumatic events, the combination of suffocating and falling from his broom, had taken his brain into the edge of what it could handle... Long story short, the useless healer, couldn’t do anything to wake the boy up, they just had to wait. Harry hated waiting.
“Just wait? Did you see the state that he is in?” He said with a harsh tone. His father was trying to pull him into a hug to calm him down. He pushed his arms away and walked to where the healer was.
“You are telling us that he has a terminal disease and that he is not waking up, all at the same time? With such ease”
“Mate, it’s not his fault...” he heard Ron say behind him. He ignored him.
“Do you have any good news?” The healer was staring at him, dumbfounded, his mouth opened to try to formulate a response but nothing came out.
Harry let out a groan, pushing his hair back with his hands, frustrated. His dad grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him away, so that Sirius and Snape could finish talking with the prick of a healer.
“Harry! Stop, the man is just doing his job!” He turned to look at his father.
“He didn’t do anything!” He yelled. Something in his voice was cracking, breaking “Nobody understands, I saw him fall. I should have been faster. I just keep seeing it in my head over and over-“ He felt the tears coursing down his cheeks, he didn’t care.
Why did bad things always happened around him? The more people he cared about, the more people got hurt. He can’t save them, he is not good enough. He couldn’t save Hermione from getting petrified. He couldn’t catch Petigrew to freed Padfoot. He couldn’t save Cedric from getting killed. He couldn’t save his friends from Umbridge’s torture. He couldn’t catch Malfoy as he fell. He sobbed, tears continued to flow from his eyes.
He felt being pulled into a hug, the familiar smell of nicotine filled his nose as he kept on crying. His godfather kept whispering into his ear ‘It wasn’t your fault’ ‘Breathe,Harry’ ‘We love you so so much’. He could hear his father asking if they were allowed to see Malfoy now. He blinked, clearing his eyes.
“Yes, normally I wouldn’t recommend to be allowed so many visitors but given the situation...” The healer looked at Harry then, guilty expression on his face. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t do more than explaining the situation. The only thing I can tell you is that his magic is still strong, kiddo.” He said with a kind smile. “ He is a powerful young man, his magical core decided to shut him down so he could recover after the trauma. Otherwise he would have lost too much energy trying to stop the coughing episode. When his magic feels that he is healthy again, he is going to wake up. That’s a promise.”
Harry hated promises. They were almost, always, lies that people told to ease bad news. He really hoped that this man was telling him the truth, though.
Dumbledore said that his dad and Padfoot were welcome to come everyday to see Malfoy if they wished. They tried to get in touch with the boy’s mother but Snape said that it was likely that the letters were being intercepted by Lucius Malfoy. Harry hated that prick.
All of them had to keep attending their classes, which he thought it was bullshit. Who cares about transfiguration? There is a sixteen year old boy in a coma . Parkinson agreed with him; in fact, she got detention for talking back to Snape about the way that they were handling the whole situation.
As soon as the scholar day ended, the five of them would go to the hospital wing and stay until curfew. They ate together there, studied and talk about trivial things... Waiting for the bloody boy to wake up at some point, to call them out on the stupid things they said.
Padfoot and his dad came to the castle everyday, but they stayed outside of the hospital wing when Harry and the rest of them arrived.
It was the fourth day that they were living like this. It felt surreal. Being with the Slytherins, next to Malfoy’s bed...
They heard someone outside, talking with his father and Padfoot. Harry frowned and started walking to where they were. The voices became clearer.
“I just want to see him for a minute. I promise I won’t be long.” It was Nott.
Before he could say anything, the prat was already inside of the hospital wing, walking towards Malfoy bed.
“Where the hell do you think you are going? Leave.” The way he said it caught the attention of the rest. Suddenly the room was filled with yelling, telling the boy that they didn’t want him here, to leave the blond boy in peace. Nott didn’t take the hint, though.
“Nobody wants you here. I don’t even want you near my father or my godfather. After what you said to Malfoy the other day, I don’t want you near him either.”
Nott rolled his eyes and looked directly at him.
“You don’t know shit about Draco and me, Potter. Move or I’ll curse you.”
“If you do something to him, I swear-“ That was Parkinson, high pitched tone and everything.
“I know how this works, Pansy.”
Harry didn’t like it. There was an understanding, apparently. He thought that they all hated each other... But Zabini kept looking at him like he was going to murder him, so maybe he wasn’t so wrong in thinking that.
Parkinson offered Nott a few minutes alone with Malfoy. Ron and him protested, saying that they didn’t trust the git, but Zabini and the girl dragged them away from the infirmary.
“That’s the friend that Draco told us about, right?” Padfoot asked to the Slytherins. “The one that he was fighting with.”
Harry felt a pull on his stomach, he didn’t like that he had talked about Nott with them. The prat didn’t deserve the boy’s friendship. He saw how Malfoy was with Ron or with Parkinson and Zabini. He was sure that Nott didn’t deserve that.
“That’s Theodore Nott. They known each other since they were in diapers.” The girl crossed his arms. “He is probably the worst person on the planet, which of course means that Draco sees the good in him.”
“Of course he does.” Said his father.
Harry rolled his eyes and then he heard something from inside of the room. Malfoy’s voice. He widened his eyes and ran inside.
The blond boy was awake, looking really tired. Soft smile on his face. Harry felt like a weight had been lifted. The rest of people outside followed him and froze. Suddenly, Parkinson was screaming bloody murder.
“ What did you do, you stupid fucker? The doctor said that he had to wake up by himself!”
Malfoy closed tightly his eyes and frowned.
“Pans, stop yelling, my head is killing me.”
His dad and Padfoot stood next to the boy. His godfather put a hand on Malfoy’s forehead to check his temperature.
“How do feel, little cousin?”
“Like I fell from the top of a building, Sirius.” He said with a lazy smile.
Nott chuckled. Harry couldn’t see how he found that funny. Then the grey eyes were on him, tired but happy...
“I won the game.” He said with a huge smile. “It was on my ‘to do’ list, you know? To beat you at a game.”
Harry could feel the rage flowing through his veins. He took a deep breath, restricting himself from yelling at the boy.
“ Are you telling me that you almost died on Saturday for the stupid snitch?” He hissed.
“I’m dying anyway, Potter. I’m sure you heard.”
Something inside the room shattered. He heard bottles breaking and liquid spilling on the floor. Everyone was looking at him, worried eyes on their faces. The only one who didn’t care was Nott, he only arched an eyebrow and returned his eyes to the boy on the bed. Something shattered again. He couldn’t control the magic around him.
“...Okay” His father put his arm around him and started to walk him towards the door. “Let’s go take a walk, Harry. I could use some fresh air.”
He looked over his shoulder to see Malfoy. The boy was frowning at him, confuse look on his face. Harry couldn’t blame him, he didn’t understand half of the things that happened in the last few days.
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s-riusblck · 4 years
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
SHIP: Sirius Black x Reader
DESCRIPTION: Life in Azkaban. These were the three words that had haunted your life for twelve years, until the day you saw Sirius Black’s face on the front of the daily prophet. He had escaped, but after twelve years in Azkaban, could things ever go back to normal?
NOTES: hey hi hello yes it is actually me back with another chapter of angel eyes!! quarantine really is making crazy things happen lol. I can’t apologise enough for how long this has taken, but i’ve tried my very best to make it worth it. also ps I have had to make some slight changes to the usual timeline, including remus/tonks wedding, and the major one being that the attack on the burrow now happens on harry’s birthday!! thank you so much for sticking with me xx (also apologies for any spelling/grammar errors my inspo kept striking at night when I was very sleepy lol)
Standing out the window of Remus’ London apartment, your hands wrapped tightly around your mug of tea as you stared out at the dense fog that had settled over the city. The sight of it instantly brought a nauseous feeling to your stomach, knowing that it was the growing presence of dementors that was causing it. Your eyes darted down to watch the innocent muggles who were walking by, clearly questioning the unusual fog, completely ignorant to the fact that their world was in grave danger. It all felt uncomfortably familiar, your mind flooding with memories of the First Wizarding War. With a deep sigh, you stepped back from the window and settled down on the sofa, freeing a hand from your mug to pick up The Daily Prophet. “Bridge Collapse: Death Toll Rises” was sprawled across the front page, and your heart sank further as you began to read the details, knowing that the families involved would never get the answers they deserved.
“Devastating, isn’t it?”
You jumped slightly at the sudden voice and looked up, your brows furrowing in confusion as Albus Dumbledore appeared in front of you.
“Extremely.” You said, placing the newspaper back down on the coffee table. Just as you were about to ask what brought him here, Remus appeared at the living room door, a similar look of confusion on his features.
“Good evening, Remus.” Albus greeted, giving Remus a nod as he stepped into the room. “Please excuse me for arriving here unannounced, but I am on a tight schedule.”
“Please, sit down.” Remus insisted, gesturing to the free armchair, as he himself settled down beside you on the sofa beside you.
“You must be wondering what brings me here this evening, and again, I apologize for arriving unannounced, but I wanted to check in on you both. Particularly after your recent mission, Remus.” Albus explained, and you glanced towards Remus knowingly, your eyes tracing over the gashes and bruises that now littered his face.
Much to your dismay, Remus had begun to take on more serious Order missions. It had resulted in many sleepless nights sitting up patching his wounds, and trying to get through to him. You knew his condition led him to extreme insecurities, but you had never quite understood the extent of it until now. Remus Lupin had fallen in love, but he was doing everything in his power to push it away and ignore it. He couldn’t see the same worth in himself that everyone else did, and it broke your heart to witness, but considering your current situation with Sirius, you were in no position to give your opinion.
“I’m recovering very well, sir, thank you.” Remus said, shifting uncomfortably under your intense gaze.
“I’m pleased to hear it.” Albus said, giving Remus a sincere smile, before he averted his attention. “I’ve just come from Grimmauld Place.”
It was your turn now to shift uncomfortablly, clearing your throat as you placed your empty mug down on the table. “How is he?” You asked.
“Extremely remorseful.” Albus said bluntly. Your head shot up to look at him, and Albus stared directly at you, his gaze unfaltering. “Far be it for me to get involved in personal business, but I feel I owe it to both you, and Sirius, in this case.”
“You owe it to us?” You questioned, and Ablus nodded, sitting up straighter in his chair.
“My ignorance came at extreme costs for you both, and still does. I have been engaging with The Ministry to ensure Sirius’ name is cleared, but it shouldn’t have come to this point. You told me he was innocent, and I should have believed you. I should have had more faith in him, especially when considering the fact that he has shown me nothing but loyalty. I let you both down in ways that are incomprehensible, and I hope you both know how deeply apologetic I am for that. One day, I hope you will find it possible to forgive me.” Albus explained, but before you could interject, he continued on. “I’ve known Sirius Black for a long time, and nothing gave me greater joy than watching you fall in love with each other. All Sirius Black has ever wanted, and deserved, was to be loved, and you gave that to him. It’s a truly beautiful thing, (Y/N). I’ve lived a long time, as I’m sure you can appreciate, and I struggle to think of a love comparative to that of you and Sirius. I understand why you felt it necessary to take the time that you have, but you’ve both already lost so much, I would hate to see you lose any more time with each other.”
You sat stunned, your mouth slightly agape as you tried to process everything Albus had said to you. Remus reached out, resting a hand on your shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I understand that that’s a lot to take, and I regret that I have to leave in such a haste, but I hope it may bring some clarity for you, as well as my apology bringing some overdue closure. I must now visit Harry, and bring him to stay with The Weasley’s. He will be much more comfortable there.” Albus explained, standing up from his chair. Remus stood up with him, shaking his hand and thanking him for coming. The sudden movement shook you out of your stunned state, and you stood up hastily, just as he was about to leave.
“I’ve already forgiven you, sir, we both have.” You said, and again, a sincere smile flashed across Albus’ features.
“Take the time you need, (Y/N), but not so much that you may regret it in the future.” He said, before suddenly disapparating, leaving you and Remus staring at an empty space in front of you.
“Why do I get the feeling that he’s tying up loose ends?” Remus suddenly said, and you let out a shaky breath, the nauseous feeling in your stomach returning.
The air was cool as you sat on the porch of The Burrow, a small breeze nipping at your skin. Glancing back through the front door, your lips quirked up into a small smile as you saw Harry laughing with his friends, a sight you would never grow tired of seeing. Throughout all the chaos, and all the panic, Harry’s 16th birthday had come around. Knowing how heavy the war was weighing on his mind, you had decided alongside Molly Weasley to put together a small celebration for him, hoping it might take his mind off the excruciating pressure he was facing everyday for at least a couple of hours, and so far, it seemed to be paying off.
Turning your attention back outside, you admired how clear the sky was, running your hands up and down your arms to try and retain some heat. Hearing footsteps coming towards you, and a jacket wrapping around your shoulders, you immediately recognised the intoxicating scent of Sirius enveloping you. Closing your eyes for a moment, as he settled down on the porch beside you, you took a minute to appreciate the feeling of having him so close. The closest he had been in weeks.
“Can we talk?” He asked, and you opened your eyes slowly, turning your head to meet his eyes.
Albus’ words when he visited had left you with a lot to think about. His words stuck with you, and brought you to a point where you weren’t quite sure anymore whether you were more angry with Sirius, or yourself. From the moment you met Sirius Black, you had known what you were getting yourself into. He had always been reckless, and stubborn, and much like everyone else, he came with his own flaws, but despite this, despite the flaws that you brought to the table, he continued to love you so deeply that the price had always been worth the payoff. Sirius loved you in a way that you could have never expected anyone to. He made you feel as if you were the only girl in the world, and Merlin, you couldn’t have been more in love with him either. How could you ever throw something like that away? He loved you so unapologetically, how could you deprive him of the same when you knew he would have never done what he did with the intent of hurting you?
“I’m sorry, Sirius…” You began, but were quickly cut off as a trail of black smoke appeared in the sky. You both stood up, slipping your arms into Sirius’ jacket as your eyes squinted in an attempt to see through the darkness. Before you could react, a circle of flames surrounded the house, and Sirius reached out to shield you behind him. You both quickly drew your wands as the guests of Harry’s birthday party came flooding out into the garden, and Bellatrix Lestrange appeared in front of you all, laughing maniacally. She disappeared just as quickly as she had appeared, and before you knew it, Harry and Ginny were running past you and Sirius, following her into the flames.
“Harry!” You cried out, your body immediately kicking into gear as you and Sirius both followed after, Remus and Arthur not far behind. The tall grass stung as it hit against your skin, your heart pounding in your chest as your feet moved you as quickly as they could. “Harry!” You called out again, your footsteps coming to a sudden halt as you found him and Ginny fighting off curses coming from multiple directions. You immediately joined them, alongside Remus, Sirius and Arthur, but the curses soon died out, and the silence was almost deafening as you all stood in a circle, listening out for any sudden movement and anticipating a second attack. It couldn’t be that easy.
Suddenly, the black smoke appeared in the sky again, and Sirius quickly pulled you into his side, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as your free hand gripped onto his shirt. You watched, stunned, as the dark smoke danced around the The Burrow, and the house erupted in flames. Your mouth dropped open, your grip tightening on Sirius’ shirt as Arthur called out for Molly, making a burst back towards the house. “Tonks.” Remus suddenly breathed out, before following quickly after Arthur.
As you all arrived back at the house, you could hardly comprehend the scene in front of you, your heart shattering into a million pieces as you saw the house The Weasley’s, and Harry, all called home, falling to the ground. The war had always felt personal, and unpredictable, but this just reinstated how truly unsafe, even the safest of places were. As you all helplessly watched the flames, your body automatically found Sirius’. You wrapped your arms around his waist, your head resting on his chest, as you held on as tight as possible to the feeling of safety he brought to you. His arms wrapped around your shoulders, and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head before you looked up at him.
“Let’s go home.”
Knowing The Burrow would take some time to be liveable again, and that the memories were still fresh, you and Sirius had insisted on The Weasley’s and Harry coming back to stay in Grimmauld Place for as long as they needed. Remus had decided he would go home with Tonks, both seeking comfort after what they had just witnessed, so you said your goodbyes and asked that he update you in the morning to let you know how they both were. When you returned home, you quickly fell back into the familiar routine of hosting in Grimmauld Place, and hurried around to make sure everyone had a bed, blankets, and were as comfortable as they could be for the night.
Once everyone was settled, you said your goodnights and made your way back to Sirius’ bedroom, stepping in and closing the door behind you. Once shut, you leaned back against it, your head falling back as you let out a shaky breath. Hearing the door close, Sirius appeared out from the bathroom. You lifted your head to look at him as he walked towards you, reaching his hand out for you to take.
You placed your hand in his, following after him as he guided you to the bathroom, the steam from the shower already beginning to fog up the room. You both quickly rid of your clothes and stepped into the shower, letting out a long sigh of relief as the warm water washed over your body.
Your eyes met Sirius’, his hand reaching out to gently trace his fingers along your jaw. You soaked in every second of his touch, your hands running up his chest and around his neck, tangling into the hair at the nape of his neck. Taking a step closer to him, you closed any space that was left between your bodies, your foreheads meeting in the middle as he leaned his against yours.
“I’m so, so sorry, love.” He muttered and you shook your head, biting down on your lip gently as he let one hand rest on the side of your neck, his other moving to press against your lower back. 
“I love you.” You breathed out, and with those three words, his lips found yours, an indescribable heat erupting throughout every inch of your body as your hands tightened their grip on his hair, unable to get enough of him. Backing you up against the wall, the water cascaded down both of your bodies, and the world outside the bathroom slowly slipped away as you forgave each other in arguably the best way possible.
Time passed, and you soon found yourself tangled up in both Sirius and the sheets on the bed. You lay partially on top of him, your legs intertwined with his as you ran your fingers through his hair, his hand drawing patterns on the small of your back. Tracing your fingers along the chiselled line of his jaw, you leaned down, pressing a short kiss to his lips.
“I’m sorry I ran.”
“I’m sorry I made you feel as if you had no other option.” He replied, turning his head slightly to place a kiss on the palm of your hand.
“I guess we aren’t as perfect as we thought we were, huh?” You smirked, and Sirius laughed softly. “No more running.” You told him sincerely. 
“You come first, (Y/N/N), always.”
“You know, we should really be looking for my ring, love. Maybe I could have left it Remus’ the other evening after the wedding? I’m pretty sure I must have taken it off to wash the dishes… Can you believe Remus is married now? I’m so happy for them both. They really make such a lovely couple… Where are you taking me, Sirius?”
Sirius chuckled as he guided you along, his hands covering your eyes.
“I told you, it’s a surprise.” He replied, eliciting an impatient groan from you. After a hectic day working with The Order, Sirius had whisked you off to an unknown location, giving you absolutely no reasoning why. Despite your impatient tendencies, and the fact you were mentally and physically drained, it came as an extremely welcome surprise. In the months following the attack on The Burrow, Voldemort had made it known that not only was he back, but he was back with a vengeance. The situation was escalating everyday, but amidst all the chaos, it was moments like this you spent alone with Sirius, rediscovering each other and repairing aspects of your relationship that were broken that kept you going. He was your light in what seemed like never ending darkness, and the determination you felt to finally live the life you had always dreamed of with him motivated you to keep fighting.
“Are we there yet?” You asked suddenly, and Sirius rolled his eyes in amusement, before suddenly slowing down the pace and coming to a complete stop.
“We’re here.” He told you, before removing his hands from your eyes. A small gasp escaped your lips as you saw where you were, and the scene in front of you. Just like the night of your engagement, Sirius had brought you back to the lake at Hogwarts, setting up a small picnic for just the two of you.
“Sirius! It’s beautiful.” You smiled, leaning back into his chest as you admired the scene in front of you.
“Worth the wait?” He mumbled, running his hands down your arms and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“So worth it.” You replied easily, tilting your head to the side and bringing your hand up to guide his lips to yours. “Can you believe how long it’s been since that night you first proposed to me? So much has changed since then. I certainly didn’t expect we still wouldn’t have made it to the wedding at this stage.” You chuckled as you broke apart, taking a few steps towards the picnic blanket to see what he had laid out.
“Well… That’s why I wanted to bring you here tonight.” Sirius began, and you turned back to face him, an even louder gasp escaping your lips this time as you found him down on one knee. “Your ring isn’t lost, (Y/N/N), it’s at home, but I took it because… I wanted to give you this.” He said, pulling out a small box out of his pocket to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.
“Oh Sirius…” You sighed, completely in awe of what was in front of you.
“I can’t even begin to comprehend how I got so lucky with you, (Y/N). You are… breathtakingly beautiful, and easily the best sex I’ve ever had,” He joked, and you chuckled softly, reaching up to wipe the stray tears that were beginning to slip down your cheeks. “But you’re so much more than that. Throughout everything, you’ve loved me more than I ever thought was possible, and I can’t thank you enough for that. You’ve really opened my eyes up to what love is, and how beautiful it can be, and Merlin (Y/N/N), I love you so much. Every day, every second, I fall more and more in love with you. You said it yourself, a lot has changed since the first time I proposed to you. We’ve changed as people, the world around us has changed, our relationship has changed, gotten stronger, and I wanted to give you this as a promise that this time around, we’re going to get our wedding. We’re going to get married, buy a house, have kids… Everything we’ve always dreamed of. So, will you marry me?”
A wide smile spread across your lips as you nodded furiously. “Of course I’ll marry you!” You said, watching as he slipped the ring onto your finger. Sirius barely had the time to stand up and you were in his arms, your hands tangling into his hair as you pulled him in for a kiss. “I love you so much.”
In stark contrast to the last time you had been on the ground of Hogwarts, an excruciating heaviness lay in the air as you and Sirius walked hand in hand through the castle. A number of emotions were coursing through your body, a mixture of anger, fear, uncertainty, grief, but most of all, extreme despair and heartache. The War in the Wizarding World had inevitably continued to intensify in the months following your engagement, tragedy upon tragedy being reported everyday. It was painful to admit it had gotten to a point where you had grown accustomed to the grief, learning to expect it, but what you hadn’t expected, what you could have never expected, was for Albus Dumbledore to be murdered. Arriving at Hogwarts on the night of his death, feet pounding heavily against the pavement as The Order tried to reach the castle as quickly as possible, the last thing you could have ever prepared for was to see him falling freely from the astronomy tower. Still to this day, as you made your way towards the Black Lake for his funeral ceremony, you couldn’t wrap your mind around it. You couldn’t believe he was gone.
Similar to most, Albus Dumbledore had played a crucial role in your life. From the moment you arrived in Hogwarts, a transfer from Ilvermorny, he had taken you in and welcomed you with open arms. Despite your differences in recent years, you knew that Albus had only your best intentions at heart, and that he strived above everything else to keep you, and the ones around him, safe. In addition to this, you knew the role he played in Harry’s life. You knew how important he was to Harry, and it only added to the overwhelming sense of grief to know what a toll the loss would take on him.
Reaching the door of the castle that would lead you to the Black Lake, you felt Sirius’ grip tighten on your hand, as he stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath. Turning to face him, you used your free hand to reach up to his cheek, turning his head slightly to face you. “You made him proud, Sirius. All he wanted for you was to see you loved, and you made that possible by not letting your past, and your family, change who you are. You are so loved, and he was so proud.” You told him, and Sirius smiled sadly, as you leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Ready?”
“Ready.” Sirius nodded, and you gave him a reassuring smile, before heading out towards the Black Lake.
Approaching the ceremony, the sound of soft sobs and people talking quietly amongst themselves took over. You greeted those you knew as you walked past, thanking the ones who expressed how wonderful it was to see Sirius out in the open again due to Albus’ efforts with The Ministry to clear his name. You soon spotted Remus and Tonks, quickly approaching them and pulling them both in for long hugs. As the hug broke, your heart once again shattered into a million paces as your eyes met Harry’s, the pain and anger evident. Upon seeing you and Sirius, a flicker of relief flashed through his eyes, and you quickly approached him, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. Rubbing his back soothingly, you bit down on your bottom lip to hold back your own tears, using everything that you had to convey in that one hug how loved, and appreciated he was. You wanted him more than anything to know that he wasn’t alone.
“They can’t get away with this. Voldemort, Snape, Bellatrix… They can’t get away with this.” He told you, and you nodded in agreement.
“Nobody is getting away with this, Harry. We’ll make sure of it.”
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negans-wifeyy · 5 years
Shake Hands with the Devil pt.1
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Summary: Laila was hungry for revenge ever since the death of her sister. The only way to fight the monster who killed her is to confront him in his natural habitat: the Sanctuary. As she infiltrates the kingdom of the leader of the Saviors in the hopes to kill him, things will not go the way she thoroughly planned. What will she do now that Negan has gotten her in the palm of his hand?
Pairing: Negan X OFC
Warning: None for now but eventual smut
Tags: revenge, hate, possession
Word count: 2361
A/N: Hi everyone! This is the first fiction that I ever post anywhere, and I chose Negan as the male protagonist because I’m literally obsessed with his character. I also chose a black protagonist because I couldn’t find ANY good fics pairing Negan with even a person of color on Tumblr, fanfiction.net or even Ao3. Since there wasn’t anything I could identify myself with, I decided to write my own thing. Hope y’all enjoy. PS: English is neither my first or second language so please be patient and correct me if there are mistakes or it’s not coherent. Also, the text in italics is in the past and time-lapse are separated by asterisks.
A/N 2: This is a repost from the @thoughtsandthotsss​ blog. I wanted this fiction and other content to be on a blog focused solely on TWD. So there you have it again and make sure to like and follow again :) 
For the past weeks, I’ve been doing everything possible that was asked of me to do in the Sanctuary. Attending to my duties, keeping my head down, staying away from trouble and most importantly, avoiding the leading man of the Saviors. But here I was now, sitting face to face with him in his “office” and waiting for my faith.
“Well, well, well” Negan started as he stood up from his seat. “Here we are again, Laila. Just you and me. Last time we were here together, you infiltrated my kingdom, killed a dozen of my best soldiers and then, came to this very room with a gun pointed at the back of my head to avenge your sister’s death.”
I avoided his gaze and stayed silenced. Just being in his presence made me sick to my stomach. Unlike everyone around here, I didn’t fear the man with the barbed-wire bat. Whatever reason he called me in here for, good or bad, he could just get to the point, so I didn’t have to converse with him any longer than I wanted to.
“So, you’re just gonna stay quiet? I remember you being pretty chatty the first time we spoke.” He snickered. “Don’t you wanna know why I called you in here?”
“Not really. Whatever sick, twisted mind game you feel like playing today, I don’t think it’s going to require me to respond back to you.” I finally broke my silence.
“Still quick-witted huh? With your track record, I wouldn’t be so mouthy with me. I mean, I did spare your life and let you become one of my hit women. My most reliable one too.” He responded as he got to the seat closer to me.
“I don’t know how grateful I can be after everything that you’ve done” I caught my breath remembering the terror he caused this past year to me and my entourage. “You kept Sasha captive, you used her life to blackmail the Alexandrians and you led her to kill herself. Oh, and let’s not forget you terrorizing and murdering the members of my community. “
“I thought that we buried the hatchet on your sister’s passing sweetheart. And also, on the deaths of your Alexandria buddies.”
“You mean like Glenn and Abraham? They are not my ‘Alexandrian buddies’ they were my family. And no, I still haven’t let that go since I can’t give anyone of them proper justice.” I said angrily to Negan who just stared at me grinning.
“Don’t really remember the two others but I do miss that strong-headed Sasha from time to time” He said which made my blood boil even more. “Could have used her warrior skills here. Good thing you’re here the replace her memory.”
“Leave her name out of her mouth.” I fired at him. His words were really getting to me.
Talking about my big sister again was making me so emotional but I didn’t want Negan to see me vulnerable, so I held back my tears and stare right back into his sneering eyes. I needed to be as fearless and strong as the day I was going to kill him. Even if it was weeks ago and I clearly failed my mission, I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
Negan was wandering by himself in his office where he holds up his meeting with some of the Saviors and probably torture some others. I peaked through the crack of the door and as soon as his back was turned, I sneaked in with my AK-47 directing at his head and locked the door shut.
“Don’t you move now motherfucker” I spat at him as he raised both his hands up to surrender. Even in that position, I could still sense the smirk from that bastard.
“Can I at least turn around to see the face of my perpetrator?” Negan eventually said. “I wanna match the face to the sweet voice I’m hearing”
“Empty your pocket first ” I ordered.
“Bossy. Just how I like em” He said as he threw on the floor all his weapons.
“Don’t be smart with me. I’m gonna search you now and I better find nothing” I patted him down to his ankles in all the usual hiding spots and found a pocket knife that I threw with the rest of his armoury.
"I usually don’t need to use this one. Forgot I had it on me. Sorry sweetheart”
“Don’t give a shit. Turn around and stop calling me sweetheart.”
As soon as he saw me, he immediately recognized who I was. And that infamous grin of his slowly faded away.
“Remember me?” I asked, my voice getting angrier from seeing his face so up-close. “The name’s Laila. Not sweetheart or whatever pet name you tryna call me”
“Ok. Laila, it is then. I do remember you; you’re Sasha’s sister. I think it’s pretty obvious now why you’re here.”
“Yes, I am. I’m going to fucking kill you. For Sasha and every single person that I cherished that you killed over your ego power trip. You fucking psychopath. “ I snapped at him. His smirky little face might have gone away but he still was unfazed about whatever I was saying to him.
"Darling, if you want to end me for some sort of revenge, you’re gonna have to take a number” He said back mischievously.
“Don’t call me darling either!” I barked at him as I charged my rifle at him.
“Wooah woah Laila!” Negan shouted finally shaking in his boots "Even though I know you’re very much capable of doing it, you don’t really wanna kill me”
“What makes you think that? I want your head on a stick more than anything”
“Well, with the massacre that you already caused downstairs, adding me to the list would make you an even more disgusting person that I am”
“You and I are not the fucking same. You knew about the damage I literally just did to your people inside the Sanctuary and chose to stay in your own little space, turning a blind eye. How can call yourself a leader after that?” I said to him even more furious than ever.
“Maybe it was all part of my plan” Negan confidently said with a malicious smile.
“What pla—” I didn’t have time to finish when a sharp object hit the back of my head.
As I fell on the floor, the two last things I saw in between two blinks were Dwight behind me with a gun in his hand and a walkie under the table that was open during this entire encounter. After that, everything was blank.
I woke up possibly hours later tied up to a chair in a small dark room. The daylight coming from the small window brightened the room which meant that I was unconscious all night. In the corner to my right, Simon was standing there waiting for me to wake up. I immediately started squirming and moaning in pain when I saw him calling Negan with a radio. I tried to scream for help but the clothe wrapped around my mouth prevented me from it. It wouldn’t have amounted to anything anyway since Negan’s tall figure entered the room as I was struggling to loosen my restraints.
“Morning sunshine!” Negan exclaimed as he approached me doing his signature “leaning back” jig with Lucille tightly gripped in his hand. “As much as I love the sound of your voice with your mouth gagged right now, I’m really curious to know what you’ve got to say for yourself after the shitstorm you caused yesterday.”
He gestured to Simon to leave us alone and took off the cloth to let me speak.
“Fuck you, you prick.” I said to him without even a flinch. He could bound me all he wants but he wasn’t going to take my dignity, and I could see that it was getting him mad. Negan took his precious bat to lift it up underneath my chin.
“It’s not a habit of mine to put my hands on a woman but if you keep disrespecting me like that, I’ll make an exception. Got it? “He threatened me with the most dominating expression I’ve ever seen. Knowing what he could do, I just nodded.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen. I’ve seen some of your work on the guards that you executed on your way to kill me and I gotta say, I’m very impressed. I don’t usually do this type of thing with perpetrators who try to gun me down but for you sweetie, I’ll bend the rules. From now on, I want you to be a part of this community as one of my hitmen or should I say hit-woman.”
“So, you want me to kill other people for you, even though I tried to kill you? Thanks, but no thanks ”
“Well, I don’t think you really have a choice sweetheart. It’s either you work for me or I feed you to the walkers that we keep in a cage at the back of the Sanctuary”
As he said that, he pushed Lucille harder into my chin. I definitely felt more threatened and trapped. With my hands tied, both physically and figuratively, I had to accept his offer. 
“Fine. I’ll do it”. I finally said feeling like I fell right into the trap of the big bad wolf.
“Good. Here are the conditions: You’re going to work solely into protecting the Saviours which means no going behind my back to help the Alexandrians or to try to kill me again. If you don’t respect this, I won’t be afraid to use my Lucille here. Are we clear?”
“Yes..“ I surrounded. As soon as I did, he let go of Lucille off my chin.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Negan said a leaned closer to me and put his hands on the handles of my chair. “Whatever pet name I feel like calling you, you’re gonna have to accept it. It’s my kingdom after all and if you’re gonna be part of it, you’ll live by my own rules. Got it, sweetheart?”
I just nodded back and at that point, I didn’t know if I was more disgusted by his cruel behaviour or by myself for being a sellout.
And just like that, I became one of Negan’s executioner. Although, from my perspective, I became one of the killing monsters who did Negan’s dirty job for him. Any enemy, walker or human, who is a menace to the Sanctuary gets a bullet right in the skull from me whether I like it or not.
The first week was the hardest. I was so miserable being stuck in this place. It wasn’t because I failed my initial mission or even because I was away from my group with no news from them. It was just the daily apprehension of possibly having to gun down Alexandrians who could try to sneak into the Sanctuary like I did. With me going missing and Rick’s thirst for vengeance as strong as mine, it was very likely to happen. Fortunately, another Saviour told me that the day after my infiltration, Negan paid a visit to Rick and the members of Alexandria to tell them that I was now part of the Sanctuary. He also warned them that if any of them tried to come to my rescue, they would risk their life and mine.
It might not have come from the heart, but I still feel like that threat was a gesture from Negan to ease their minds and mine. So that I could accommodate myself better to the situation, I guess. And after that, I didn’t hear from Negan until today.
“Alright now, I won’t speak of her again, especially since she’s not the reason I wanted to meet you today.” Negan said after our back and forth about Sasha. I didn’t understand why he would talk about her knowing how it would make me feel. God, what an asshole he could be.
“What is it then?” I asked him indifferent about whatever he was going to respond.
“Usually, when I meet Saviours in this very room, it’s generally to punish them after they did something wrong, to betray me perhaps.” He said with a deadpan look in his face. At first, I didn’t care about the reason he wanted to meet me but, with those stern eyes staring right back at me, I couldn’t help but gulp. As soon as he saw me sweat a bit, Negan chuckled lightly to himself. “Don’t worry honey, it’s not your case, you can relax”
This motherfucker. He couldn’t help himself but to toy with me a little for his own sadistic pleasure I can only assume.
“You have nothing to worry about precious. Your situation is quite the opposite actually. All I’ve been hearing from everyone around here is how great you’ve been doing. And honestly, their opinions don’t really matter since I’ve been keeping an eye on you daily” Negan surprisingly said.
“Like spying on me?” I asked quite unsettled.
“Not spying on, just keeping an eye like I said.” He corrected. “It’s not like you’ve been doing anything shady babe. I observed you from afar and all I saw was a great warrior protecting her community.”
“You mean forced into protecting it? The Sanctuary is not my community.” I told him very truthfully.
“Whether it was intentional or not, I saw how well you fought and I wanted you to know how pleased I am to see that. Which brings me directly to the point of this meeting”
“I thought we were never gonna get there. Why did you call me here?”
"Hush sweetheart. I’ll tell you eventually, but I need you to keep an open mind”
“I wanted to promote into a position that will give you the best accommodations you can get in the Sanctuary while still being my main hit-woman”
“What position is that?
“I want you to become one of my wives”
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maxdark158 · 5 years
Chapter three! Finally! We’re halfway through guys unless I add more chapters
Thank you @ozmav once again for the inspiration for this, thank you everyone who is reading it, I hope you all have amazing days and enjoy!
ps: I’m thinking of writing a version of this from Damian’s POV. Should I do that or nah?
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
Once Marinette got over the hugeness of the entire house – The entrance was roughly three times as big as her entire house, bakery included – it was fun. Damian didn’t take her on a tour, as he wanted to eat before talking to his brothers, but the places she saw were amazing.
Alfred showed her the kitchen – she stared at it open-jawed for nearly a minute – before having them sit in the dining room and wait until he had prepared their lunch.
Lunch was amazing, to put it lightly.
Alfred whipped up some amazing food and desserts – sugary sweets that her parents didn’t typically make. He left her and Damian alone for the most part, though she kept asking if he wanted to eat with them. He assured her that he already ate and continued to leave them alone.
It was really fun. Damian was just, in general, an awesome person, and Marinette was having more fun than she had in years.
He made her happy.
She really, really liked being happy.
But, of course, the quiet lunch didn’t last. The food was finished, Marinette was full, and she couldn’t reasonably slip anything else into her purse for Tikki. Plus, she knew some of Damian’s brothers were in the house. According to Alfred, Dick and his father were working, but the other two were home.
“Do your brothers know we’re here?” she asked while helping Alfred and Damian clean up.
“No, and we can leave before they find out if we’re quick about it,” Damian told her.
“What if I’d like to meet them?” she teased. “They sound fun!”
Damian paled, though his expression hadn’t changed.
“Alright Angel, if you’re sure,” he pursed his lips, “but if you want to leave for any reason, just tell me.”
“Master Damian, I do believe that Miss Marinette is capable of taking care of herself,” Alfred chided him.
“What he said, Damian,” Marinette giggled. “I’ll be fine. They can’t be worse than The Riddler or Hawkmoth, and I survived those two.”
If anything, that made Damian look more… upset? He didn’t look nervous anymore. More… angry? His shoulders had tensed and he gripped the plate he was holding. But before Marinette could properly decipher his emotions, his grip loosened and his shoulders relaxed.
“Todd,” his voice sounded annoyed. Marinette turned around to see who he was talking to.
A very tall man with a white streak in his hair was smirking. “Demon Spawn! I thought you went somewhere else!” He glanced down and saw Marinette. “Timmy! The Riddler girl is here!”
The Riddler girl? Why was she referred to as-
Marinette heard a crash, running footsteps, and suddenly another boy was there. He had dark purple bags under his eyes and smelled of coffee.
“Holy sh-
“Language,” Alfred tutted.
“You’re actually here! I didn’t think Damian would let you near us!” he chuckled. “I’m Tim Drake-Wayne!”
“Jason Todd-Wayne,” The tall one with the white streak said.
For a moment, she blinked at them. These were Damian’s brothers, members of the Wayne family which is very prestigious and rich and well-known.
One of has a dye job and uses nicknames. The other looks like he hasn’t slept in a week and smells like his blood is entirely coffee. They were people.
Marinette liked being reminded of that.
She smiled. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng! A pleasure to meet you!”
“So you solved The Riddler’s riddle, right?” Tim asked. “Like, knew what the answer was?”
Marinette nodded. “He probably googled it. A toddler could do better.”
Tim seemed to light up. She wasn’t sure why the riddle was ridiculously easy. She was expecting a challenge from the villain named after them.
Tim opened his mouth to add more when Damian cut in from behind her. “Drake, don’t harass her with your questions!”
“I’m not!”
“You are!”
“She isn’t uncomfortable-”
“You’re asking about her first and only encounter with a villain of course she is-”
“Are you even looking at her she isn’t-”
“Hey!” Marinette jumped at Jason’s voice. It wasn’t loud, but the argument was putting her on edge. Tikki in her purse pressed closer to her. It was comforting.
“Yeah?” she asked, facing him. The brothers were still arguing behind her, but her focus was on Jason now.
“So you took down The Riddler, right? Like with hand-to-hand combat?”
Now that she thought about it, the uncertainty in her was beginning to rise. how did Jason and Tim know? Her memory then decided to remind her that Damian, the two’s younger brother, had also been there. Plus there’s the article online. Damian didn’t know she had taken down The Riddler combat wise until he read it
Marinette nodded. “You must have read the article. They really made it a lot more amazing than it was.”
He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. She took that as a sign to continue.
“The Riddler clearly has very little combat experience,” she moved her hands in an exasperated gesture. “In Paris, we have akuma that turn people into temporary villains, so most people learn basic combat to stay alive.”
Jason huffed. “Are you saying you only know the basics?”
Marinette tried not to freeze. If she said she only knows the basics, she’s lying. If she says she doesn’t, he might figure out her identity – the Wayne family was supposed to be smart!
“My class is attacked by akuma often,” she says instead, allowing him to come to his own conclusion about her words.
Jason hummed, contemplating. Then he grinned.
“Want to spar with me?” he asked. “I’m not a slouch in combat myself, and I’d like to see how good you are.”
No. Marinette should say no. Jason would respect her answer and she shouldn’t fight someone else in Gotham when the news already made an article about her. She needed to draw less attention to herself she should say no-
“Sure!” her mouth moved on its own.
“What?” Damian asked, interrupting Tim during their argument.
She spun around to face him and Tim while Jason slung an arm over her shoulders. “Freckles here just agreed to spar with me!”
Marinette almost expected the sudden physical contact to make her tense but it didn’t. Huh. Maybe she was doing better than she thought, dealing with… well, everything.
She turned her head to look at him. “Freckles?”
“It’s your nickname. ’Cause you’ve got Freckles.”
Marinette shrugged. It was better than Princess. Plus, it would be weird if he called her Angel too – wait why would that be weird? It’s just a nickname between friends!
“Do you seriously want to duel her because she beat The Riddler?” Tim scoffed.
“You wanted to question her because she solved his riddles! Plus-”
“Todd,” Damian hissed.
“Yeah demon spawn?” Jason went from annoyed to bored pretty quickly.
Marinette felt like another argument was going to happen. “Damian, I agreed to it,” she told him, meeting his eyes. “Plus, akuma are typically much larger than me anyway. It’s not like I’m going to break from someone as small as Jason!”
Jason and Tim both laughed at that, but she paid more attention to Damian. he seemed to tense for a moment again before his shoulders dropped. He grumbled something that Marinette couldn’t understand and turned around.
“We have a gym down the hall,” Tim helpfully provided. Jason was still giggling, his arm removed from her shoulder.
Marinette made her way there, following Tim. Damian walked behind her, and she heard him talking to Jason, but she wasn’t sure what was being said.
Plus, they just had this whole conversation about the right to secrets! If Damian didn’t want her to know, she wouldn’t eavesdrop.
“Do you know your IQ?” Tim asked.
Marinette blinked at the sudden, and odd, question. “No, I don’t think I ever took the test.”
She did remember taking a test when she was younger, but that couldn’t have been the IQ test. It was difficult, and there were things she didn’t know, but the IQ test wouldn’t be as easy. Plus, her parents would have told her if she had taken an IQ test!
Tim seemed to deflate slightly. “Do you have any measurement of your problem-solving skills?”
Marinette had a feeling that Tim was trying to compete without telling her the rules of his competition. She played nonchalant though, shrugging it off.
“My parents don’t like playing strategy games with me,” she said, remembering how even as a young girl she always won. They pretended to like it because she liked them, but she could tell it wasn’t fun for them after a while. She’s not sure that they weren’t just pretending to loose for her though.
“You always win?” Tim asked. She nodded.
“Hey Timmy, stop holding Freckles up!” Jason called from ahead of them. Marinette jumped this time, wondering how he snuck around them without her noticing.
She checked – Damian was with him too. What the hell?
“Alright, alright,” Tim grumbled. The two sped up and soon entered the gym.
It was huge, much like everything else in their mansion. There were several treadmills, punching bags, different assortments of weight lifting equipment, and a large mat in the center. Likely for sparring.
Marinette was glad she had chosen her overalls instead of her dress.
Jason took off his jacket and took a position on the mat. Marinette followed suit, setting her purse with Tikki inside near his jacket. When she took a position, she made sure that it was off slightly. She didn’t want to try her hardest, just in case the brothers realized something about her. Something about spots.
Jason lunged, Marinette ducked his punch and maneuvered behind him, driving an elbow into his back. He dodged, barely, and went for a swipe under her feet.
She let herself be tripped, maneuvering her fall so she wasn’t hurt.
“Well, that was fu-”
“You can do better than that!” Tim cried. “There’s no way that’s it.”
“Drake,” Damian grumbled.
Jason paused. “Wait, you weren’t really trying?”
“I-” she hated liars, she didn’t like lying, and usually preferred telling half-truths “What makes you think that wasn’t my best?”
“The Riddler is bad at combat,” Tim leaned against the wall, “But he’s better than that. Why are you holding back?”
“She can hold back if she wants to,” Damian grumbled.
“Jason wanted to see how good she is,” Tim retorted. “If she’s holding back, it’s like purposefully failing a test or losing a game!”
“No, it’s not!” Marinette responded before thinking, her competitive side awakening. It was hugely different! It wasn’t a game and-
“Why are you not trying to win, Freckles?” Jason asked. “This is sort of a competition.”
Marinette’s eye twitched. She was losing the game!
She got up and assumed a better position. “Fine then,” she huffed, deciding to make this quick. She could get her parents to vouch for her if needed, as she did actually sign up for combat lessons.
Jason got into position and this time, she attacked first.
She knew he was likely too heavy for her to swipe under his feet, so she instead went for a fake punch to the throat. He grabbed her fist to block and she grabbed onto his other hand to swing onto his shoulders. He attempted to pull her down with the hand she grabbed but she managed to remove it from his grip and grab it with her own.
“What the hell!”
Jason’s wrists were held by her. He couldn’t shake her grip off him, her hold was too strong. He was attempted to buck her off his shoulders, but Marinette’s legs wrapped around him too tight to be shaken off. As he struggled to get her to let go, she began to swing around to make him lose balance.
He didn’t have his arms to stabilize him or catch his fall. His bucking made his lack of balance worse, and with several curses, he began falling backward. Marinette let go of his trapped hands mid-fall flipped off him, somehow dodging his head.
When Jason landed face-first on the mat she was there quick as lightning, pinning his arms behind him and his legs with her weight.
“I win,” she grinned.
Jason responded with more muffled curses.
She got off of him and helped him up. After he was standing, she spared Damian and Tim a glance.
Tim’s mouth was open, likely because she climbed all over his brother to beat him – but Jason’s much bigger than her, so she had to use his weight against him somehow!
Damian… Damian’s expression seemed neutral, but his hands were open instead of fists. They shook slightly too.
She wasn’t sure what that meant.
“Holy hell what are they teaching you in Paris?” Jason grumbled, pupping his back.
Marinette bit her lip. She should have gone easier on him. “I’m sorry-”
“Why?” Jason asked. “I asked for you to fight me. This was fun even if I got a mouthful of matt.”
“Do you work out?” Tim asks.
“Not regularly,” she says. “But my parents own a bakery and the flour bags are heavy. Plus, sometimes someone orders a huge cake, and those can get heavy too!”
Tim nodded.
Damian was still silent. She frowned.
Jason spoke before she could. “Hey Demon Spawn, are you rebooting or something?”
Damian blinked. “Apologies. I’m a bit surprised, as I didn’t see Marinette actually fight The Riddler, I didn’t know what she was capable of.”
Marinette felt her dread building up. He was afraid of her and he hates her and she wouldn’t have him as a friend and she’d be heartbroken and because of his rejection and – wait what?
“What?” she said out loud, “I’m sorry I zoned out.”
“He said you did a good job, Freckles,” Jason interrupted Damian. Jason seemed smug for some reason. Damian’s eyes looked greener – or was his face redder?
“Thank you,” Marinette smiled.
“Okay since that’s over now,” Tim rubbed his hands together. “Marinette-”
“Please tell me none of you died,” Bruce Wayne, as in THE Bruce Wayne walks in, surveying the room. “Huh. I’m surprised there isn’t any blood. Alfred told me you were sparring.”
“Jason decided to spar Damian’s girl-”
“Marinette,” Damian interrupted. “My friend Marinette.”
Bruce Wayne sees her for the first time and Marinette has to shake off the feeling of being analyzed.
“She’s the girl that punched Riddler in the throat,” Tim says helpfully, and she feels slightly embarrassed but – hang on.
How does he know that? There’s no way he could have known that.
She abandons that thought and decides to introduce herself.
“Hi, nice to meet you,” she goes to shake his hand since that’s how Americans greet each other. He takes it and shakes.
“She won against Todd by the way,” Damian says and Bruce stiffened? She’s not sure what that’s about.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Bruce says. “Alfred wanted to invite you to stay for dinner.”
Marinette paused. “I apologize, but I must be returned to my class by five-thirty pm,” she says. American time is really weird.
“Uh, it’s four forty now,” Jason points out, “How long is the drive, Freckles?”
Marinette pails. “I should probably head back-”
“I’ll go with you,” Damian says. “Alfred can drive us if that is alright with you.”
She nodded, going over and grabbing her purse. “Thanks for inviting me over,” she smiled at Damian. She turned to his brothers and father, “It was wonderful to meet you guys!”
“I’ll win the sparring match next time, Freckles,” Jason told her. He was smiling though, and so was she.
Tim grumbled something about not getting to test something. “You better come back,” he said out loud.
Marinette a mixture of sorrow and guilt in her chest when she remembered her limited time here. Her smile turned to more of a grimace. But she shoved the nasty emotion away. “I’d love to return if I’m invited.”
“When,” he told her.
She managed to smile again. “When.”
She and Damian left the room. Alfred, who already seemed aware of the situation, escorted them to the car.
The ride was silent at first. Marinette couldn’t tell if Damian didn’t know what to say or was comfortable with simply sitting there.
“The brothers I met were nice,” she told him. “They seem annoying-”
“You can say that again,” he grumbled.
“-but they seem like decent brothers,” she finished. “They’re fun people too.”
Damian shrugged. “Sometimes.” Marinette saw his lip twitch though and knew he was happier than he let on.
“Do you have secrets?” he asked suddenly after a few more minutes of silence. “You don’t have to tell me, obviously, but you’re aware that there are things I’m not comfortable telling you yet and-”
“I have secrets,” she said, feeling Tikki nudge her. “Maybe I’ll tell you someday,” Tikki nudged harder.
Damian smiled slightly. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t wish to, Angel. It’s only fair that I give you what you’re giving me.”
Marinette grinned wide. “Thank you,” she said earnestly.
“We have arrived,” Alfred said from the front seat. Damian opened the door and got out, holding it open for her, and she mumbled a quick thanks.
As she got out, the worst happened. Her clumsiness, while rarer nowadays, sent a curse from where it resided in her Paris bedroom.
She tripped over Damian’s feet.
“Oh my- I’m so sorry,” she struggled to get the English out while scrambling to get off the ground.
“It’s alright Angel,” he said from behind and Marinette stiffened, ice water filling her veins.
Oh no, no no no.
Damian helped her up, and she turned to face him. The sun wasn’t setting, it was still low in the sky and she was seeing him in a new light.
“Is something wrong?” he sounded worried.
The ice water got colder.
“I’m okay,” she said, brushing off her knees. “I used to fall like that all the time, but I’m okay, I promise.”
Damian’s face smoothed back to its neutral expression, but Marinette knew he was still worried. She wasn’t sure how she knew though.
“If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask,” he told her.
She felt numb. “I won’t,” she said.
They said their goodbyes. The car drove away. Distantly, Marinette realized that the sun was setting.
The ice water froze her to the core, it’s dread soon becoming a guilty weight to carry on her shoulders.
“Tikki,” she whispered. “I think Damian is Robin.”
“He knows. He’s going after her,” her friend sounded tense. “The girl from the article.”
“The one that took down Riddler?”
“The same one.”
“That’s not good,” she mumbled. “I haven’t even gotten to talk to Batsy yet.”
“Don’t tell her, okay?” her friend’s tenseness bled into worry. “She doesn’t ever need to see him again.”
“She doesn’t know?” she asked. “Don’t you two tell each other everything?”
“Just don’t tell her,” her friend stood. “I will when I’m done.”
“Done with what?” she asked, turning to watch her friend leave.
Her friend didn’t answer.
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 5 years
Tiny Time ch. 2- A new place?
Part one
*Tagging people @aceofspadeswiththedragoneggs @wildpuppa @pinkittwice @eleventhspy @jjpony @sillus @4firey1 ....ps don’t worry their will be more Link interactions in the next chapter*
A pair of blue eyes open to the world with confusion.
As the oldest warrior, Time, drifted into the dreamless sleep he was unaware of the changes that were happening to him. Memories soon began to fade from his mind but he didn’t fight it. The barriers he had spent years developing to protect his mind faded as well. His giant frame began to shrink, growing smaller and smaller. His body finally stopped shrink, stopping at a small and thin body. His clothes shift as well, his black paints shifted to shorts, his tan shirt shrink with him. However what changed was the things that appeared. A green gems appeared tied around his neck, as well as a deep green tunic that was lazily wrapped around his body. Old scars began to heal and fade as if their were never there while old forgotten wounds appeared again. When the transformation stopped the man now boy drifted into a comfort sleep. It felt nice.
A pair of blue eyes open to the world with confusion. The little boy on the bed bolted up in confusion.
“Where am I?” He states out loud before grabbing his head in pain.
‘Gods what hit me?’ Link thought through the pain. This felt like the time the happy mask salesman knocked him out when he had gone some time without sleep. He remembers Tatle screaming at him to sleep but he wouldn’t listen so the little fairy took matters into her own hands and went to the happy mask salesman. While the dude was weird he was also determined to help Link.
Link thoughts stopped and he finally look around the room.
It was a little bedroom with a small bed and dresser.
And it wasn’t familiar at all....
This wasn’t the inn in Termina he practically lived at, besides if he was in Termina Tatle and Tale would have been glued to his side. Despite how Termina made him feel he would visit it frequently to play with Skullkid and visit with the citizens of Termina.
However it wasn’t Hyrule ether. It seemed like the Lost Woods however Link didn’t dare go back without Navi. He didn’t think he could face Saria without her. However this didn’t look like the inn in Castletown, it wasn’t as nice as the inn. And it definitely wasn’t Lon Lon Ranch because the house and the barn weren’t as nice as this room.
So where was he?
Link stayed quiet for a minute trying to collect his thoughts. It was after he had helped Termina because that memory was clear in his mind, and he knew he had been on his own for a while seeing as he knew where to go to forge for food. But what exactly happen before he couldn’t tell. Was it a year sense Termina or two? Was he on his way to visit Tatle and the Skullkid or was he on the way to visit Malon. Malon the one who had helped him after everything that happen. So why wasn’t he there with her safe? Why wasn’t he with the Skullkid or the happy mask salesman? Why was so quiet?
Why was it so quiet?
His masks!
Link bolted out the bed to the brown families bag on the side of the bed. His mask, the only constants in his life. He open the bag and digged through the masks in the bag. Until he finally got to the ones he’s was looking for, the Goron, Zora and Deku mask, the transformation mask.
It turns out that even if a soul leaves the realm of existence they leave a mark, almost like an imprint on the world. So even if the souls disappeared and were at rest their was still some of them left in the mask. Link could hear them, the spirits telling him how to do stuff or what to say, they have became the only consent in his life after Termina.
Link hugged the mask closer, happy they were their with him, they made him feel save.
Link let go of the mask and put them back in the bag, slightly wondering why they weren’t speaking.
‘They’ve been asleep for a long time little one’ a voice said in Links head. He knew exactly who it being to, the fierce deity or as Link liked to call him the Oni. He was the only ‘soul’ in a mask; but seeing how he was a god trapped Link didn’t really know if he counted as a soul.
‘Why?’ Link replied in his head before gathering his stuff. He was slightly confused on why he had such big swords and shields; even though he knew how to use them, physically he couldn’t use them properly.
‘It’s something I don’t even think I can explain’ the god replied as Link just shrugged. After grabbing his stuff Link made his way to the door and reached out to grab the doorknob.
‘NO!’ The Oni yelled making Link winced ‘they’re are people down there’
Link put his ear to the door and sure enough he could hear voices; they appeared to be speaking in another language that Link couldn’t understand.
‘Won’t they be friendly? They help me didn’t they?’ Link asked confused.
‘I’m not sure, I don’t know anything about them. They could be friend or foe but you can’t risk a fight right now’ Oni explains to the boy and Link slightly nods, his mind was still foggy so rushing into a possible fight wouldn’t be the best answer.
So Link turn his attention to the window, looking out he appeared to be on a second story, nothing a little tuck and roll couldn’t break. Link started to go over a mental list of what to do, find a town, get some supplies, mental figure out what’s wrong, come back; then he jumped.
Link rolled before looking at the house then observing the area, a path which was clear as day leading to somewhere else.
‘Let’s hope it’s a town’ Link said putting on his bunny hood.
‘Lets’ The Oni said.
Link ran off in the direction of the path, leaving the house behind.
-30 minutes later-
“He’s gone” Twilight practically screamed in a panic down to the other Links. Any argument they were planning to have died as soon as Twilight spoke.
“What do you mean he’s gone?” Legend asked with a mix of anger and confusion.
“I mean he’s gone, he left the room” Twilight said as the group ran upstairs to check the once occupied room.
Twilight was right, their leader was no where in sight. The room was turned over slightly likely from Twilight looking for Time but nothing else seemed off. Legend went over to where the discarded armor was kept.
“He left his armor and his sword” he said gesturing to both pieces still clearly in a chair.
“That isn’t like the old man” Warrior said as nervous started to pierce his voice.
“Do you think he could have been kidnapped?” Four offered.
“Who would be stupid enough to try and kidnapped Pops?” Warrior asked.
“Maybe the Yiga. Their not the brightest....but even then none of them can really get to my house it has a protection spell on it” Wild said.
“I didn’t feel any dark magic” Hyrule offered in a quiet voice, still not liking to talk about it.
“Maybe he just need a walk?” Wind threw out.
“Out of a second story window? And Time isn’t one to just up and go wonder. That’s their camps” Legend said pointing to Hyrule and Wild.
“ENOUGH!” Sky screamed causing everyone arguing voice to stop in shock. Sky never raised his voice and always preferred to stay out of conflict. Maybe it was the fact Time was missing and they need someone to take control “Time is missing, the best thing to do would be to try and find him even if it’s just a walk”
Sky turned to Wild “do you think you can get your wolf friend to track him?”
“Umm maybe I’m not-“ Wild started.
“I’ll go look for Wolfie” Twilight said rushing out the door, no one saw Four practically roll his eyes.
“We can’t all go” Legend piped up “if Time did in fact just go for a stroll someone needs to be here in cause he comes back”
“Your right. Plus he could easily be in the surrounding area” Wild added just as Wolfie came in.
“So what’s the plan?” Warrior asked while the other Links turn towards Sky.
“Well Warrior and Wind why don’t you go with Wolfie and follow the sent. Wind has that special jewel that allows him to talk through Wild’s sheikian slate” Sky said before addressing the rest. “Stay around the area, don’t go to far and try to make sure Time didn’t get hurt or someone planning an attack”
The other Links nodded in understanding before Wild held out one of the straps for Time’a armor. The Wolf sniffed and seemed to pick up the sent as it turn to ran downstairs, Warrior and Wind found themselves chasing after the wolf.
“Me and Hyrule will check the eastern side of the house” Legend said.
“How about he rest of us check the western side, maybe it had something to do with the cave?” Wild offered to Sky and Four who nodded.
The Links soon began their next mission.
To find Time.
— around the same time elsewhere-
Link finally took a second to sit, sitting my a sign next to the road; he couldn’t read it but Link had an feeling is showed the name of the town.
‘Oni?’ Link asked in his mind. Physically he was removing the slightly red, green piece of cloth tied around his knee to wrap around his hand. The triforce on the back of his hand was sting.
‘Yes little one?’ Oni replies, was it Link’s imagine or did his voice sound softer.
‘What happen? Everything seems different....you sound different’ Link said as he began to dig through his mask bag, it alway just felt better to hold the mask you were talking to.
‘Alot happen little one...I sound different because I was hurt and only just now have started to recover’ the Oni explained.
‘What do you mea-‘ Link’s thoughts where cut off when he finally saw the fierce deity mask, an audible gasp escaped him.
The fierce deity mask, the indestructible mask that housed the War god’s souls was damaged. A clean slice went through the mask left eyes, going close enough to the edges almost enough to cut the mask in two.
Link lifted a shaky hand over the mask to trace the cut with his fingers. The only thing he could imagine doing this is Majora but he’s dead...
‘I apologize little one but I must leave’ Oni said interrupting his thoughts.
“What?..no” Link said not realizing he had said them out loud.
‘It won’t be forever my child. I just need some rest. I will speak to you soon’ Oni said before his presence left Link.
“No...no..no” Link mutter to himself when he felt the Oni leave, he hugged the mask to his chest. He hated being alone, he always had. He had Navi and then he had Tatle, and after them he had his mask.
Now he has no one.
Link began to cry on the ground, the emotions of the past year flooded him, the abandonment, the trauma, he was alone.
“Hey stop” he heard someone yell break him out of his thoughts. A covered wagon stopped on the road, and a brown hair women jumped out.
“Aww you poor thing” the women said stepping closer to Link.
Link immediately respond was to try and crawl away.
“No no no, it’s ok Little one I won’t hurt you” The women said and Link pause at the familiar nickname. The women gave him a smile.
“My name is Ema, and that my son Tama and my husband Rico (ps I made these names up on the fly I know their bad). We’re on our way to Terry Town to sell some honey” the women, Ema explain to Link.
Link slowly stood up to look in the wagon, sure enough their were jars and jars of honey, her son appeared to be eating some with a spoon.
“Do you know where your parents are? Did you get separate from them?” Ema asked. Link nodded a yes.
“Are they are Terry Town?” Another nod yes.
Ema smile “me and my husband would be more then happy to give you a ride there”
Links studied the women and the wagon. Their was nothing out of the ordinary and they seemed to know the way to town.
Link sallowed the lump in his throat and took a chance.
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onychaos · 13 years
Sonik’s muffins
i'am here to tell you a story of a pony named "sonik" he is what you would call "normal" or a "friend" but with a wonderful mere named "cookiedash" but no one or no pony knows about this side of him yet.this will change or may not change the way you see him but, lets start our fan fic ((this fan fic is made to be Dark and Grim and such.
 not meant for anyone or anypony with a weak heart and stomach. there a warning in the top of this title "grim dark" if you are not used to it or it becomes a bit dark for you, please stop reading this and ps, it is based off "cupcakes" and you will see a bit of that here and there of that.hope you enjoy))
* start Sonik muffins*
It's was a normal day for him, everything was the same.everyone and everypony was having fun or playing and was busy and over worked.  
but some of them were giving a to somewhat a feeling of doubt, sadness, bitterness, depression, despair and he could feel this and it was something that could never get the better of him but starting to get the better of him.
this normally would never get like this but there was something else that made him change.even though he was a tough pony, his will was slowly starting to fall apart, his mind was becoming filled with dark thoughts, his mood has reached depression, 
but he kept fighting it while trying to stay sane and trying to avoid going insane, keeping things neutral was the last way to stay sane.
the next few nights were sleepless, sonik's thoughts have got worse and his mood gotten worse then before, his will on the edge of insanity, he was unable to sleep, his mind slowly fading into the darkness.
 his friends thought "he will be fine.. it's just a normal thing he does to get help but he will always be fine at the end..." but they didn't know what was really going on and they just guess it was a act and just ignored him.
2 weeks later, his will was broken, his sanity was gone and his thoughts were in control of him. he flew down to the town where his friends and everypony and everyone lived at. everyone and everypony was to cheerful and happy today to even notice the new sonik. 
he trotted to a nearby shop but was stopped by a pony. "hello and what is your name?" said the pony,  "my name is sonik" he replied with a grin "what brings you here to this small town?" the pony asked. "i'am here to get someone or somepony to help me make muffins." said sonik. 
"muffins? you can buy them at any store.. for a few gold bits" the pony said. "but these are special muffins that you can't buy, but i must go and find the one person or pony who can help" said sonik and wave bye as he trotted away.   he still was looking for someone or somepony to help him but no such luck.
he kept looking and as the sun slowly began to set, and the town was filled with the cold night air and at this time night had already set. everyone and everypony has went to bed but some still wondered around the town unsure what to do at such a late time, then he realized that there is one he could use. a slightly evil grin is on his face.
sonik trots over to onyx.  "hello onyx..my brother.." said sonik.  "hmm, oh, hello sonik and how are you tonight?" onyx asked. "i'am fine...i need your help with something.." sonik said.  "hmm, what is it that you need help with?" onyx asked while thinking. "i need your help to bake and make muffins and other treats for this town..." sonik replied while grinning.  
"why do you need my help...?" onyx replied. "hmm, silly it's no fun cooking by yourself anyway and it would be nice to have your help." said sonik. "i guess that would be ok, i got nothing better to do in this town and nothing to lose" said onyx.
"anyway, if you would be kind as to follow me, we can bake in my special shop.." said sonik. they head toward the shop in the woods. "ok, onyx, we are here... it took a while but before we go any further into cooking i need you to get something for me but first...i made you a special muffin for being my best friend" said sonik with a smile.  
"best friend?.....i wouldn't call my self a best friend but thanks for thinking that..but i thought i was going to help you and where can i get the stuff i need to use for to bake the muffins and treats?" said onyx. "you will find out but first, this is taste test to see how well this muffin is." sonik said with a gleeful smile
onyx eats the muffin. "thanks for the muffin, not the best muffin, but it will do. now what?" onyx asked. "now you take a short and calm nap..." said sonik.  
onyx open his mouth to say something but feel his body turns numb and seconds later his world and body came crashing down as he hits the wooden floor and passes out.  "you shall do just fine.." said sonik with a evil grin
sonik drags onyx passed out body to the basement and tie him to a table and waiting for onyx to wake up from his drugged induced nap.
onyx comes to after a half a hour has passed. "hey, sleepy head...did you have a nice nap..?" sonik asked.  "N-nap..w-What do you mean?!?! and where are we?" said onyx while he notice he is chained up and becomes worried. 
"s-Sonik why am i chained up? i thought i was going to help you bake cupcakes or muffins, but how can i help get the stuff if i'am chained up...?" onyx asked.  "oh, don't worry, you are going to help me make cupcakes and muffins and more, and that muffin was special.." sonik said with a happy tone.
"sonik, this must be a prank, and you made me laugh.  it was funny....you got me good...heh, now let's go home and get rest." said onyx while worried.  "well, thank you onyx but i can't accept your praise since i did no prank but thank you anyway." said sonik.  
"sonik, this isn't funny, you don't have to do this. what about our friends and ruby? they will know something is wrong if i go missing and then they will figure it out, it was you  the reason why i'am missing." said onyx while begging sonik. 
"then why were you laughing? and i'am sure they won't mind you leaving for a bit..after all you seem to make them sad with the Truth and that ruins the fun for everyone and everypony and beside..you are just going on a trip."  sonik grin with a evil look.
"sonik, if i did anything, i'am very very sorry" said onyx.  "hmm, it's not so much as you did something, it just that your time and number has came up and i don't make the rules and we all must follow the rules rather we like to or not."  evil laugh of insanity. 
" s-sonik please..." said onyx while he begins to sob. "don't cry onyx, we can get to spend our final moments together as best friends..we should be happy..this will cheer you up..." sonik said.  sonik show a skull of a old friend to onyx. "W-What's t-that???" onyx asked worried and panicking. 
"it's a skull of your old friend, silly. it's a shame that he had to go but everypony and everyone will die sometime..." said sonik.
sonik trot into the dark side of the room to bring over a cart with a white sheet on top of it. "ss-sonik, what's under that sheet?" onyx asked while panicking. "some things to help me ... to if i need to do anything "said sonik.  
"i can't believe this ..." said onyx while still sobbing. * remove the white sheet revealing sharp tools such as hacksaw, knifes, and more * "don't cry onyx ... well, it's time to stop talking , now it's time to begin ~! "sonik said in a cheerful tone and evil grin.
the room was lit up by the lights, pick up the knife and trot over to onyx's left flank. "where to start ... i know where to start." sonik said in a cheerful tone.
 move the knife down to his left flank and make a incision in onyx left flank causing his flesh to hang and blood begins to drip from the incision that was made and gets a curved knife and use it to cut the hanging piece of flesh off of onyx flank
 onyx screams of pain echo from the basement and sobbing. "aww, does it hurt ..? but we have just began to start." said sonik. sonik grab onyx wing and play with it. "don't worry .. you will be in a much better place ... soon "said sonik.  
slowly cut onyx wing with the knife but only managed to cut through the skin. "maybe, this will work." trot over to the cart and pick up a hacksaw off the tray. "this will work .." said sonik in a annoyed tone
"it's odd .. what can it hack and yet, it's not a saw, oh well" said sonik. using the hacksaw to cut through the bone of onyx wing and starts on the other wing, blood gets on sonik hoof and onyx throws up from the cruel pain and began shaking in fear and pain and passes out. 
"awww, seems you need something to keep you awake, it will be no fun if you are not awake to see the fun" sonik goes to get a Syringe filled with morphine and inject the Syringe in onyx hoof, causing morphine to flow through onyx to make him come to while he gasp and his vision is blurry and still feeling pain in his back and starts to panic again as his adrenaline was rushing through his veins.
"well welcome back .." said sonik in a happy tone. "i-is it over ??" onyx asked while sobbing. "we are far from over .." said sonik as he popped a to what looks like a treat in his mouth, sonik goes to get a metal box and put the box on the cart. "w-what in that metal box?" onyx asked. 
"hot rocks and tongs for the next part but we will enjoy every moment..best friend" sonik replied to onyx. onyx was now frozen in fear and pain, sonik took two hot rocks and place them on onyx back hoof's, the rocks begin to starting burning his back hoofs slowly and get the same knife and makes a new incision  in onyx right flank and used the curved knife to cut the other hanging piece of flesh, causing onyx to struggle and scream in pain and sobbing as he feel the pain get much worse, his flank was burning in pain, showing onyx his cutie marks and waving them around. 
"well, it seems like i have a new cutie mark" sonik said in a gleeful tone. onyx couldn't help but tear up in pain and in his eyes gave that look "sonik why..."
the hot rocks by now have began to burn through onyx's back hoofs leaving a very faint smell of burning flesh floating in the basement. "you know what would be better then this..?" said sonik. 
"...w-what s-sonik?" onyx asked weakly and in pain.  sonik goes back to the other side of the room to get something while giving onyx a chance to think while he could anyway, come back with the special tongs and a hammer, onyx vision is getting worse but notice sonik. 
"S-sonik what are you going to do with those...?" onyx asked. "i'am going to use them silly" said sonik in a happy and gleeful tone.  set up the machine so it can be ready to power up the two special tongs, onyx begs "PLEASE, NO, NO, don't do that" sonik rolls his eyes and use the hammer to slam in one of the tongs into onyx hoof then use the hammer to slam in the second tong in to onyx's other hoof and his hoofs has been punctured by the tongs and causing onyx to bite his lip in pure pain and tear up more and wanting to throw up, onyx's will was starting to fade away with the pain and sonik had added metal wires to the tongs and battery and machine.
"now was that so hard?" said sonik. "it's hurts ..." said onyx while crying. sonik turn the machine on high causing it to send bolts of electricity from the tongs to onyx body, after 8 minutes, onyx eyes slowly rolled to the back of his head and the smell of burnt flesh got stronger and onyx convulsed uncontrollably and his bladder emptied. sonik was grinning, onyx has blacked out for the second time, from the new sources of blood lost, he wouldn't last much longer.
get the last Syringe and inject it into onyx chest causing onyx to wake back up for the last time, onyx's back was covered in blood and was bleeding and in pain and his hoof were bloody and bleeding as well and sonik was covered in some of his blood, onyx was numb in pain and numb from his hoofs to his rib cage "onyx..it's almost over, time to let you help me make muffins, i want you to be able to see, the harvest." said sonik in a neutral tone. 
"I want t-to go h-h-home!" Said onyx. "I know you do but we are far to late for that" sonik replied.onyx was crying as much as he can soon, he had became completely numb, only his head was the only thing that could feel anything.
sonik gets a scalpel and makes a long vertical cut down onyx chest, onyx could barely feel the pain anymore, sonik reach into onyx chest and carefully sliced ​​opened his abdominal sac and took out some of his organs one at a time, sonik was laughing while he gutted his best friend like a fish, sonik remove onyx intestinal tube and wrap it around his neck and blood flew all over the room and getting blood on the walls and onyx and himself and grinning.
"what do you think?" sonik said. onyx was at this point lost in the pain and close to death "...." onyx couldn't say anything. sonik remove a kidney and liver and smile as he started to make jokes "i'am just kidney with you, onyx you need to live more up to these kind of things" put intestinal tube and kidney and liver on the cart. 
"I'm very disappointed in you, onyx, i thought you would last longer since you were tough but that's my fault.i guess if i had took it slower and used less tools, you would had last longer, oh well, it was nice knowing you onyx. "said sonik with a sad tone and sigh.
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sakuswritersblog · 6 years
Accidentally Engaged - Part 1 of a Noah Centineo Mini Series
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A/N: Hey everyone. The Noah Centineo mini-series I promised you is finally here! This story is based on the movie ‘Accidentally Engaged’ which some of you might be familiar with. I just changed a few bits and pieces of the storyline to adapt it to Noah’s life, but otherwise kept most of the plot the same. If you’ve already seen the film you’ll know how the story ends. I still hope that those who watched it, still decide to read this series since I worked really hard on this idea. Plus you’ll get a little bit of asshole Noah which I had a lot of fun with as well!
This is an AU because a lot of Noah’s lifestyle and family dynamic is different than from his actual life. I had to change these things, so they’d work with the story I was going for. Ps: I have nothing against Camila Mendes!! I actually think she’s amazing, so please don’t hate me for using her as the mean girl.
you can read part 2 here  and part 3 here
Everyone had dreams growing up. Some dreamed about being a doctor, firefighter or police officer while others dreamed about marrying a prince or being a wizard and going to Hogwarts. My dream had always been the same. Ever since I was little I wanted to be an actress in Hollywood, playing alongside acting icons such as Angelina Jolie or Leonardo Di Caprio. 
   I've always loved acting and jumping into different characters. I joined every drama club in all of the schools I went to and felt at home whenever I was on stage or standing in front of a camera. 
Despite a lot of people telling me to give up and move on from my dreams, I was determined to make them a reality. So, after I finally graduated from college, I packed up my old, boring life in Conway and moved out to Los Angeles, the city where dreams were supposed to come true. Once I got here though reality decided to hit me right in the face. 
Moving out to L.A. didn't launch me to where I wanted to be and I soon started to realize that working in this industry was harder than I first anticipated. The standards and competition I was up against were nothing like I ever expected. I knew that being rejected was part of the job, but it still wasn't easy to deal with, especially if it happened over and over again. I didn't give up though. I went from audition to audition, fighting for my dreams and working my butt off to better myself in every possible way. 
Luckily all of the hard work I put into improving myself eventually paid off and I finally managed to land a small role in an upcoming movie. While a role with less than ten lines wouldn’t seem like much to many people, it meant a lot to me. Now I finally had the chance to prove everyone wrong and most importantly prove to myself that I was good enough.
I was backstage with the makeup artist and stylist who were helping me get ready for my first shoot ever while waiting for my cue to go on set. The movie I was a part of was called Coffeeshop Crush, starring two of the biggest stars in Hollywood right now. The male lead was played by Noah Centineo, the internet's sweetheart who every girl wanted to be with, while the female lead was portrayed by Camila Mendes, a beautiful yet very presumptuous actress. Of course, it was an honor to play alongside these two talented actors, but I didn't really understand the big fuss everyone made about them. 
  “Alright, so we got you your director approved apron. I like this one a lot better than the other one.“ Kelly, the stylist said as she put it on me. I smiled at her, nodding. 
  “So... I saw his abs.“ She said, clearly talking about Noah Centineo. 
  Sidney, the makeup artist gasped, “Seriously?“ Kelly nodded, “Yeah. He just ripped his shirt of right in front of me. He got abs for days.“ She explained, fangirling a little. 
“And what did you do?“ Sidney asked while she continued doing my makeup.
      “What any girl would do, of course. I asked him to take a selfie with me for my Instagram so I can brag about meeting him to all of my friends.“ The both of them just started laughing while I just sat there and smiled, listening to them gushing about Noah. 
  “Are you gonna be able to look into his eyes without stumbling over your lines?“ Sidney asked, looking at me. 
  “I'm sure, I'll manage. I mean he's just a person like everyone else, right?“ I answered, looking back at them. 
“Right.“ The both of them answered simultaneously before starting to laugh. 
   “Okay, we're ready for her. Let's go.“ The assistant interrupted as she walked in to come and pick me up. I nodded and followed her. 
  The set we used for the first scene was a coffee shop where I played the waitress, which was quite ironic considering I worked as a waitress in real life too. 
 “Okay, everyone. Quiet on set! We're running in 3...2...1... and action!“
Noah walked in and sat down in front of Camila, who was already seated at a table. She looked up and smiled at him, “Hi.“ 
 Noah smiled back at her, “I didn't see you last Friday.“ He said, looking at her. 
  “Or the Friday before. But you were here-“ 
 “Three Friday's ago.“ Both of them said at the same time before laughing with each other. 
  “I thought I'd never see you again.“ Noah said, probably making every girl's heart beat faster by the way he delivered this line. 
  “Well, I'm here now.“ Camila responded, looking at him with loving eyes.
  Noah smiled, “Let me buy you a cup of coffee.“ He waved at me which was my cue to walk in. My heart was beating like crazy, but I tried to ignore it. I took a deep breath before walking into the scene with a pot of coffee in my hands and a big smile on my face. 
I started to pour some coffee into Camila's mug, “Can I get you anything else?“ I asked before pouring some into the other mug as well.
Noah shook his head, “I think I got everything I need right here in front of me,“ before he could continue with his next line, the lid of the coffepot slipped off, causing the coffee to spill on both Camila and Noah's clothes. They both gasped before jumping off their seats. 
“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!“ I apologized, feeling awful about messing up the scene. 
I looked at Camila and apologized again, “I'm so sorry.“ She just glared at me and said, “Uhm no,“ before walking away from me. 
I sighed and turned to Noah, “I didn't know the lid wasn't-“   
“Don't sweat it. Wardrobe has doubles.“ He said, patting my shoulder before walking over to the wardrobe to change. 
Once he left, the director approached me. “You come with me.“ I sighed and followed her, knowing I screwed up. She walked me out of set and immediately fired me. She also told me that someone like me didn't deserve to call herself an actress and that I should probably reconsider my life choices. 
   I left the building, feeling like crap. I got into my car and decided to drive over to my Agent Natalie. I knew she would probably give me one of her famous pep talks, which was exactly what I needed after I just ruined my acting career. 
“Oh honey, you always gotta check your props,“ Natalie told me after I explained what had happened. 
I sighed, pacing through the room. “I know that now. Gosh, I made a complete fool of myself in front of two of the hottest actors in Hollywood right now.“ 
“Oh, please. Camila Mendes is a notorious diva. It was probably her bad karma that caused it to happen in the first place. And Noah... he's sexy and all, but no brain's above. I doubt he'd remember you if he saw you.“ She said, trying to comfort me. 
“Natalie... I know how hard you worked to get me that audition.“ 
  “Forget it, okay? You still got paid and we'll keep it on your headshot until we get you something better.“ 
  “Yeah, but what if this small part could've lead to something bigger? It was the first role I got after two years and I messed it all up.“ 
 Natalie looked at me, a small smile on her face. “(Y/N), it was seven lines. It's not the end of the world or your career. You're still young.“ 
  “So is Camila.“   
“Do not compare yourself to her, (Y/N). You are such a talented actress. So, you're not all lips and lashes like Camila. You're beautiful just the way you are. You look like a storybook princess. You're vulnerable yet you're strong. Honey, you have star quality. That's why I signed you, okay?“ 
I nodded, “You're right. Besides... If I don't believe in myself who will, right?“
Natalie smiled, “See, you are a great actress.“ 
I looked at her confused, “what?“
“Well... even though you're down on your luck and you don't believe a word you just said, you still had me convinced.“
I smiled at her, “Thanks, Natalie.“ 
   I was right about her being able to make me feel better and giving me the pep talk I needed because she did. She was definitely the best agent I could have ever asked for and I was glad to be signed to her. 
“Alright. You go home and get some rest and I'm gonna get you out for a commercial audition on Friday at two in Studio City, okay?“ 
“Oh, I can't. I'm going back home for a bridal shower, remember?“ “Yes, you're maid of honor at your best friend's wedding, right?“
I nod, “The honor is all mine.“ 
“Well, it'll be good for you to get away and not think about auditions and Hollywood for a while. Go and have some fun.“ 
I smiled and got up from my seat, before walking towards the door. “Oh and (Y/N)?“ 
I turned around, looking back at her. “Life is a movie if you let it be. I know.“
Natalie smiled at me. “Alright, go and have some fun. Bye, honey.“ 
“Bye.“ I waved at her before leaving her office and walking back to my car. ****
I was working my early shift at the café that paid for most of my bills while trying to clear my head from yesterday's events. I still couldn't believe that I lost my first ever movie role because of some stupid mistake I made. I know Natalie told me that losing my role wasn't the end of the world or my career, but it definitely still hurt. I let out a breath and pushed all these thoughts away and focused back on my shift.
“Can I get you anything else?“ I asked the couple that seemed to be out on a date, after serving them some coffee. 
  “No, I think we're good.“ The boy answered, smiling at me. I nodded and walked over to the next table to take a new order when I saw that Noah Centineo was the one sitting there. 
“Uh... Noah.“ 
He was staring at his phone and looked up once he saw me standing in front of him. He seemed to recognize me immediately and forced a small smile at me, “Hi.“
“Uhm... Hi.“ I replied, looking at him. 
“You know, I... uh... think I came to the wrong place.“ He said before getting up from his seat and walking right out the door. 
I put the coffeepot down on the table and looked at my co-worker Melody. “Hey, Mel, can you watch my tables for a second?“ She nodded and I followed Noah outside, where he was talking to someone on the phone. 
“Yeah, the menu here isn't so great. We could get some take out.“ I heard him say into the phone. “Okay, bye.“ He ended the call and put his phone back inside his pocket.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest and cleared my throat. Noah turned around and glanced back at me.
“You didn't even look at the menu.“ I said, raising my brows at him. 
 “I just didn't think my publicist would like it here, so.“ He defended himself while fidgeting around with his hands. 
“What? You thought I was gonna pour a cup of coffee in your lap again? I'm not an idiot you know? I wait tables for a living.“ I knew how pathetic my statement sounded after what happened yesterday on set, but I needed to put him in his place. Just because he was a Hollywood star, didn't mean he had the right to be a jerk to everyone around him. 
“Really?“ He asked, raising his brows at me. 
“What exactly are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be brunching at the Ivy with some Teen Choice Award winners or something?“ I asked, a hint of annoyance in my voice.
“Uh...I don't even know your name so why are you even mad at me? Besides, you're the one who set our shoot back two hours.“ Noah said, giving me a reproachful glance.
“Seriously? Why does no one blame the prop master for not doing his job?“ I asked, throwing my arms in the air defensively. 
 “Checking your props is practically acting class 101.“ He commented, running a hand through his curly hair.
“Oh, yeah? Since when?“ 
“Since always. I don't know that doesn't really change.“ 
I shook my head, laughing. “Great. I'm getting acting advice from a Disney Channel star.“ 
  “You watched Austin & Ally?“ He asked, sounding a little surprised. 
  I shrugged my shoulders, “Everyone our age did.“   
Noah laughed and pointed a finger at me, “You had a crush on me, didn't you? Come on, admit it, you thought I was cool.“ 
   Now he was really taking it too far. Who did this guy think he was? I don’t think I've ever met someone in my life, who was so full of crap and I seriously had no idea what everyone else loved so much about him. Noah Centineo was an asshole who clearly only cared about himself and his career. 
“I have to get back to work.“ I said, turning away from him. 
  “Okay, but just remember... coffee is better in a cup than on your shirt.“ 
  I decided to ignore his comment and just glared back at him. 
  “I'm joking, girl. It was just a joke.“ Before he had the chance to say anything else, I walked back inside the café, slamming the door behind me.
I grabbed the coffeepot from the table and walked behind the counter.
“Uh excuse me. Was that Noah Centineo you just talked to?“ Melody asked, looking at me. I nodded my head, “Yeah... the one and only.“ 
  “Okay, wow. He sure is hella dreamy.“ She gushed, making me roll my eyes. “Yeah and he knows it. Gosh, that guy is so full of himself it's almost pathetic.“ 
She stared at me for a minute before saying, “Uh huh. You clearly are just saying that to cover up the fact that you two are actually a thing.“ 
I immediately shook my head, feeling a little offended by her assumption. “Ew, no, what the hell. That's definitely not the case. Why would you even say that?“ I asked, looking back at her. 
“Because of this pic, I saw online.“ She said, grabbing her phone.
“What pic?“ 
“The one of you and Noah leaving some VIP lounge in Hollywood.“ 
“I can assure you that it definitely wasn't me.“ 
“Okay.“ She said, clearly not believing me.
“It wasn't, I swear. Why would you even think it was me?“ 
She pulled out a picture and showed it to me.
“I don't know. I mean you can't see her face but she has the same hair as you.“ 
I glanced at it for a second and shook my head, “It's not me.“ I said before walking into the kitchen to make some new coffee. Once I finished my shift and got back home I immediately called my best friend Emily, who's bridal shower I was going to tomorrow. We both talked for a while and I poured my heart out to her, telling her about the last couple of days. She always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better and of course she did this time too. 
  Although I did get some bad news from her as well. Because I was so busy with going to auditions and focusing on my acting career she decided to change my title from 'maid of honor' to 'co-maid of honor'. 
The actual maid of honor now was our friend Ashley, who organized the bridal shower and also most of the wedding next weekend. Even though I'd been fired as the maid of honor, I still looked forward to going back home to Conway. It would be good for me to leave Los Angeles for a while and to focus on my friends and family back at home. I was excited to see them and hoped that it would distract me from all of the madness in my life. 
After a long flight and a two-hour drive, I finally arrived at my best friend's house where she held her bridal shower. 
I parked my car and knocked at the door. When no one answered, I checked if the door was unlocked and when it was I entered the house. 
  I walked through the familiar place until I reached the backyard where a lot of people were already waiting. I saw all of my friends gathered at a table and smiled. 
“You guys seriously started without me?“ I asked, walking towards the table they were sitting at. My friends Ashley and Jane squeaked before running over to greet me. Emily followed them with a big smile on her face. 
Ashley and Jane both looked me up and down once we pulled apart from the hugs.
“Oh my gosh, that color looks so good on you! And the L.A. weather must be good to you too  because you're tanned as hell!“ Jane said and Ashley nodded. 
“You look so hot, girl. Come on, let's take a selfie for Instagram.“ Ashley pulled out her phone and held it in front of our faces. I smiled at the camera and we took a couple selfies before both of them started asking me question after question.
“Oh my gosh, I heard you're filming a movie with Noah Centineo! The Noah Centineo. Is that really true?“ 
“Yes, is he as hot as he is in person? Is he tall and oh my gosh did you touch his hair?“ 
“Yeah, did you? What does he smell like? Are his eyes really that sparkly?“ 
  I let out a breath, feeling a little overwhelmed about this whole situation. I loved my friends a lot, I really did, but they were really hard to be around sometimes.  
“So... the maid of honor has finally arrived.“ Emily said, saving me from this crazy situation.
Ashley cleared her throat, looking at Emily. “I mean co-maid of honor.“ She corrected herself, smiling at us. 
“I'm just teasing, (Y/N). When you're here, I want you to do everything you can. And when you're not, I just wanna help out.“ Ashley said, smiling at me. 
  I smiled back at her. “Thanks, Ash. I think it's really sweet of you to help out while I'm stuck in L.A.“ She nodded before she and Jane disappeared to grab some champagne.   
Emily walked over to me and hugged me. “It's good to finally see you, (Y/N).“ She said once we pulled apart from each other. 
I nodded and linked my arm with hers, “It's so good to be home. I missed you guys so much.“ 
  “and we missed you.“ She smiled at me before we walked back to the table. 
“By the way, I didn't tell anybody that you got fired.“
“Thank you. I really don't feel like talking about it.“ 
“I know and you're welcome.“
We sat down at the table and waited for the others to arrive. Once everyone was there, we raised our glasses in a toast to officially celebrate Emily's bridal shower. 
  “So, how's Los Angeles, dear?“ Allison, Emily's mother, asked me
. “It's good. I'm going to lot's of auditions and also work at this cute coffee shop. I really like it there.“ I answered, looking at her. 
  She smiled at me before Jane asked me another question. “So... is Noah Centineo really that tall? Or just kinda tall?“ 
  I sighed, “No more questions about Noah, okay? Today is all about Emily.“ I looked over to my best friend and smiled. 
  She nodded her head and smiled back at me. “Yeah, (Y/N)'s right. Today's all about me. You guys know that I love being the center of attention.“ 
We all laughed at her comment before we moved on to open her gifts. 
  While Emily was opening her presents I went back inside the house to grab some more champagne for us, when I ran into Jake, Emily's fiancé. He was six years older than all of us which we often liked to tease him about. 
  “Hey, grandpa.“ I said, waving at him. Luckily he was a cool guy and immediately played along. 
  “(Y/N?) Is that you?“ He asked, doing a terrible grandpa voice.
I laughed and pulled him into a hug. “It's good to see you, Jake. Congrats.“ I smiled at him.  
“Thank you. And thank you for flying all the way in from Los Angeles. I know it means the world to Emily.“ 
 I nodded and grabbed the bottle of champagne before going back outside. Jake followed me and I stopped in my tracks to look at him. 
“Uh, since when does the groom join the bridal shower?“ I asked, raising my brows at him. 
   “Since the groom's poker tournament ended two hours ago.“ Jake said before making his way outside. I shook my head laughing before following him. 
   On my way out I ran into Dylan, my childhood crush and best friend for years. I barely recognized him. He lost so much weight since the last time we saw each other and looked even better than I remembered him.
“Dylan, oh my gosh, I didn't even recognize you.“ He smiled and pulled me into a hug. 
“Hey, (Y/N). I missed you.“ Dylan said once we pulled apart from each other.   
I looked him up and down, a proud smile on my face. “You look great. How much weight did you lose? I mean you look... wow.“ 
I blushed a little and Dylan laughed. “It's okay, (Y/N). You can ask.“ 
“How much weight did you lose?“ I asked again. 
“58 pounds.“ 
My eyes widened. “Wow, that's incredible. When did this all happen? I mean the last time I saw you was barely a year ago.“  
Dylan nodded, “Yeah, I know. It happened after grad school. I took spring break off, got a personal trainer and been focusing on my body ever since.“ He explained while we walked back inside to sit down at a table. 
  “and what are you doing now?“ I asked, looking at him. 
“I'm a project manager at a tech firm near the beach.“ He replied.
“Wow, that's amazing. Congrats. I didn't know you moved back here.“ 
  “I didn't. I'm close though. I visit on and off. I got back here for Jake's poker tournament which didn't go too well for him.“ Dylan laughed and I joined him. 
  “Yeah, he's awful at poker. My grandma plays better than him.“ I joked and Dylan laughed again. 
  “I destroyed him. But anyway, what about you? How's L.A. treating you?“ He asked, looking at me. 
  “It's good. You know... dreams don't disappear.“ 
  Dylan nodded, “Yeah, they don't. You know what does though? People.“ 
  “Ouch, was that directed to me?“ I asked but he shook his head. “No, of course not. I just... missed you a lot.“ 
  “I missed you too, Dylan. But you were the one that ran off to Atlanta for college, remember?“ 
  He sighed, “Yeah, but that's still a closer drive back home than from Los Angeles.“ 
  Before we could continue with our conversation, Ashley walked in and joined us at the table. She kissed Dylan on the cheek and sat next to him. 
  “Now I know what was taking so long for you to get that champagne.“ 
Ashley said, looking at me. “Did you two have some time to catch up?“ She asked and Dylan nodded. 
  “So... how long have you two been together?“ I asked looking at them. 
“Two months.“ Both of them said and I nodded. 
“Well... I'm happy for you guys.“ 
Ashley smiled, “Thanks. So babe, are you ready to go home?“ 
Dylan looked at her confused, “I thought we'd stay a little longer. I haven't seen (Y/N) in a while. It'd be nice to you know... talk a little more.“ 
  “Okay, sure. Let's go back outside then.“ She said, getting up from her seat. 
   I could tell how jealous she was and that she didn't like how close I and Dylan still were. I didn't really blame her though. Dylan and I had a lot of history together. At some point in our lives, we both had feelings for each other. Things got really complicated between us though, which ultimately lead to the end of our friendship. Thankfully a lot of time has passed since then and we're now back at being friends. 
“Yeah, let's go.“ Dylan said before getting up from his seat. I followed him and the three of us went back outside.
It had gotten dark outside when we joined the others and most people had already left the bridal shower. Ashley, Jane, Jackson, Dylan, Emily and I were the only ones left and we all gathered around at a table. 
“(Y/N), you have to tell us. Have you been dating any celebrities?“ Jane asked, clearly a little tipsy from all the champagne and wine she'd been drinking all day.
  “Not really. There were a couple of guys I really liked but they all ended up being total psychos so nope, no dating. Especially no one famous.“
“What about that director guy Zeke?“ Ashley asked but Jane shook her head,“No, we hate that guy. He dumped her on her birthday.“ 
“He didn't really know that it was my birthday, but whatever. That was a lifetime ago. Besides, I just wanna focus on my career right now. So it's fine.“   “Well, that's a good thing.“ Dylan commented.
“Yeah, but that's all by choice, right? Of course, all the guys adore her out there.“ Emily said, smiling at me. “and I totally respect that you wanna focus on your career. That takes a lot of dedication.“ 
  “It sounds like it's paying off though. I mean with this big movie role and all.“ Ashley added, looking at me. 
  “Wait, you booked a movie? That's awesome! Congrats, (Y/N).“ Dylan said, sounding all proud. 
  “When does it come out?“ Dylan asked curiously. 
  “I don't know. My scene might get cut anyways.“
“Wait, why would your scene get cut? I mean don't they need you in the film? I thought you were like a lead character.“ 
“I wouldn't say that, exactly.“ I responded, looking back at Ashley who was the one asking me all these questions. 
  “You guys it's complicated. You know she has to sign like a non-disclosure deal and all that stuff. She isn't really allowed to talk about it.“ Emily chimed in, saving me once again. 
  “Yeah, she's right.“ I said, mouthing a 'thank you' at her. 
  Jane's phone beeped and she immediately started squeaking. “Oh my gosh... no way. That's you, (Y/N)!“ She said, showing me a picture on her phone. 
It was the same picture Melody showed me the other day of Noah Centineo and some girl leaving a VIP lounge in Hollywood. 
She showed the picture around the table. “She's the mystery girl! The one that's been kissing Noah Centineo.“ Jane said and Ashley looked at me. 
  “You said you worked with Noah?“
“Yeah, I did.“
“So you guys are more than co-workers then?“
“Yeah... are you?“ 
  Everyone had so many questions about me and Noah which made me a little uncomfortable. I felt like I was being interrogated by the police or something. 
“I wouldn't really say that.“ I replied, looking back at them.
“Then... do you even know him?“ Ashley questioned, raising her brows at me.
“Yeah, I do. He just showed up at my work yesterday.“ 
“Then it is true! You're dating Noah Centineo!“ Jane laughed, nudging my shoulder. 
  I didn't really know what to do. Everyone was staring at me and I felt really pressured which is why I said, “Yeah. It's true. It's all true.“ 
  “I just want to know if he's coming to the wedding because I want him to sign my bridesmaid's dress.“ 
  “Oh, really?“ Emily asked, giving her a weird look. 
  “I don't know what the big deal is. It's not like I'm gonna wear it again.“ 
  I shook my head, “No, he's not gonna come to the wedding.“
“Oh, he isn't? Why not?“ Ashley asked curiously. 
“Because no one knows yet. It's a publicity thing, you know. So you guys can't say anything.“ 
“About what?“ A familiar voice asked, causing me to turn around. My parents were standing behind me and I immediately got up from my seat to greet them.
   “Mrs. (Y/L/N), you didn't tell us your little girl was dating Noah Centineo.“ Ashley said, looking at my mom.
“Well... I... I didn't know.“ My mother said, looking at me surprised.
“Uh, hi mom. Dad.“ 
  “Who's Noah Centineo?“ My dad asked, confused.
“Oh don't worry, honey. He's a cutie.“ Mom said, patting his shoulder.
“What are you guys doing here?“ I asked, looking back at them. 
  “We were just driving by and we didn't really know if you had a ride home or not.“ My mom answered. 
  “You're staying with us, right?“ 
“Yeah, but my stuff is in the car. I can meet you guys at home, though?“
“No, we can hang. Can't we?“ “No, you know what? I'm exhausted. Let's go.“ 
“Sure, honey,“ Dad replied before he and mom turned around to go back to their car. 
  I waved at my friends before walking towards the house. Once I got inside I saw that Emily was already waiting for me. 
  “So, is it true? About Noah?“ She asked, looking at me with questioning eyes.
“Of course it is, why would I lie?“
“Maybe because you don't want any of them to know you got fired from your job? Look, (Y/N), it's okay if you're struggling. I promise you all of them will understand.“ 
   “It's just like I said. I can't say anything.“ I felt awful about lying to my best friend, but I was already too caught up in all the lies.
Besides, she would never find out the truth anyway. After I leave Conway and get back to L.A. this whole story won't be relevant anymore. No one's going to talk about it and I won't have to worry about explaining myself to my family or my friends. 
“Okay, fine. I just don't understand why you wouldn't have told me.“
“Yeah and you could have told me about Dylan and Ashley too, you know.“ I said, looking at her reproachfully. 
  Emily sighed, “I just didn't know how to tell you. They started dating when he got back and I didn't even think it would last in the first place.“
“It's fine. It's just kind of weird, you know? Ashley used to make so much fun of him back in school.“ 
“Yeah, but he's a lot different than he was in school.“
“I guess. I mean he looks great.“ 
“Yeah. But so does Mr. Noah Centineo.“ Emily said, wiggling her brows at me. 
“I'm so sorry about how all of that came up. Today really should have been about you and not me.“ 
“It's okay. I'm just glad that you came.“ 
“Yeah, me too.“
“Hey, but no more secrets, okay?“ Emily looked at me.
I nodded, “okay. No more secrets.“ 
  I felt horrible. I know I had to tell her the truth, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I kind of liked that everyone thought I was Noah Centineo's mysterious girlfriend, even though it wasn't true. It just felt really good to have this kind of attention from everyone which makes me feel even worse about lying to all of them. 
“Anyway, I have to go now. Bye. See you soon.“ I said, waving at Emily before grabbing my bag and leaving her house.
I woke up the next morning with some surprising news. Apparently, the whole internet world was talking about me and Noah Centineo, which I knew was Ashley and Jane's fault. 
Everyone assumed that I was Noah's secret girlfriend and even pictures with my face were going around the internet. Some newspapers and magazines even talked about it. So of course when I landed back in Los Angeles people were going crazy. Paparazzi were following me everywhere and even a few girls approached me and asked for a picture.
It was insane. Of course, I wanted to be famous and always dreamed about being in magazines and newspapers, but not like this. I didn't want to be famous because of a  celebrity I supposedly dated. Especially if that celebrity was Noah Centineo. It was my own fault that all of this was happening though. I never should have lied about being with him in the first place. I mean I didn't really lie, it was more like a misunderstanding that lead to a lie, but still. It was what got me into this mess. A mess I didn't really know how to get out of. A few days had passed since I got back and people were still talking about me and Noah. I was working my morning shift at the café. Almost everything seemed normal, except for the fact that a lot of paparazzi were gathered outside, taking pictures of me. 
“All the paparazzi sure love you a lot.“ Melody said, looking out the window. 
“Yeah, try to go to an audition at 8 am with three cars chasing after you.“
“Ohh, poor you.“ She said, rolling her eyes. “You said you two weren't dating though?“
 “No, we're not. This whole thing was just a big misunderstanding. Noah Centineo wants nothing to do with me.“ 
“Then why is he here?“ Melody asked, pointing towards the door. I followed her gaze and saw Noah, who had just entered the café.
“Oh no.“ I said, walking over to him. 
  His arms were crossed in front of his chest while he was staring back at me.
  “Noah, I'm so sorry about everything. I swear I didn't tell anyone we had a thing it was just a huge misunderstanding.“ I explained, looking at him.
“But you did tell people it was you in the picture?
He raised his brows at me. 
“Well yes, I mean not really. Look, they all said it was me and I just didn't tell them no. I went home for a bridal shower last weekend.“
“Ugh, bridal shower. You're the bridesmaid?“
I nodded. 
  “Yeah... those can be pretty rough,“ Noah said, hiding his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, tell me about it.“ I replied, thinking back at how crazy the bridal shower had been before adding, “look, I just didn't want to tell them I got fired, okay?“
“So you told people we were together instead?“ He asked, giving me a weird look.
I sighed, “You don't know these girls. They create fantasies in their heads.“
“Well, it clearly looks like they're not the only ones.“ He glanced at me.
“Hey, if you want me to go out there and tell everyone it was a lie, I'll do it.“ I said, pointing outside to the paparazzi. 
   Noah put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me over to one of the tables. 
“Actually... there's something I need your help with.“ 
“My help with what?“ I asked once we sat down at the table.
“I was kind of hoping we could break up. In public.“
I looked at him confused, “Break up? Why?“ 
  “No one can know who was really with me in the photo that night so I kinda need people to keep thinking it was you.“
“Who is it?“ I asked curiously. 
  “It's complicated. If people find out I was dating this woman it could ruin both of our careers.“ He explained. 
  “Well, you didn't really seem to care about helping me save mine.“ 
“You didn't ask.“ 
  I rolled my eyes at that. 
“But I am. I'm asking for your help here. Besides, this looks like it might be pretty good press for you.“ Noah looked over his shoulder and pointed over to the window where all of the paparazzi were taking pictures of us. 
“It's not the kind of press I'm looking for. If I actually get famous I want it to be because I played the perfect part and not because I was the chick dumped by Noah Centineo in public.“ 
“Well... what do you want then? Money?“ 
“No. I'm not gonna lie for money.“
“It's not lying, it's acting. Besides, you didn't have a problem lying to your friends back home.“ 
  I sighed. He had a good point.
“Alright, just tell me. What do you want?“ 
 “We have to break up in a way where neither of us gets humiliated.“
Noah nodded, “Yeah, I completely agree. But we need to do it fast. Like this weekend fast.“ 
   “I'm not around this weekend.“
“This can't wait. In my experience, these things get out of hand pretty quick.“
“You know, this is perfect actually. You wanna do it this weekend? Then you come with me to a wedding.“ 
  Noah shook his head, “No. Definitely not. No way. No.“ 
  “This is the least you can do, Centineo,“ I said, looking at him. 
 Noah sighed, “Okay, fine.“ 
I grabbed a napkin and wrote down the details for the flight he had to book.
“So here's the flight you have to book. And you also have to promise not to embarrass me, okay?“ I said, before handing him the napkin.
“Pretty sure you'll be able to do that on your own, (Y/N).“ Noah said as we both got up from our seats. 
   I reached out my hand and Noah took it, giving it a gentle shake. When he reached over to shake my hand, the napkin I gave him earlier, fell down to the floor. I reached down to get it but Noah held me back. “I got it.“ He knelt and grabbed it.
   As he was kneeling, people immediately started clapping while all of their eyes were focused on us. Oh no, this can't be happening, I thought to myself as I looked at everyone's reaction. 
Noah immediately got back up and looked at me. “Okay. No more dropping things.“   
“Woah... that got crazy fast.“ I said, feeling a little overwhelmed about this whole situation. 
  People were still clapping, some of them even cheering loudly. 
  “Okay, so this weekend?“ He asked and I nodded. He then wrapped his arm around me and smiled, “We're getting married!“ 
  I immediately jumped into character and smiled as well. “Yes. This is the happiest day of my life.“ 
“Nice.“ Noah whispered before kissing me on the cheek. We posed for the cameras and acted like the happy newly engaged couple for a while until Noah had to leave.
I didn't really know what was going to happen this weekend. The plan was that Noah Centineo, who was now my fake fiancé, and I had to somehow convince my friends and family that we were actually together, before publically breaking up with each other. I knew how crazy this whole plan was, but at least it was going to be a weekend nobody would ever forget.
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marvelmymarvel · 6 years
A Lie
Lewis Nixon x Captain!Reader (Broken)
Ronald Speirs x Captain!Reader
Synopsis: The drinking was getting too much. You tried to make him stop, but in the end, he just drifted farther and farther away. Lucky for you, Ron was there for it all, but will it stop your bleeding. 
Trigger Warning: This is extremely sad in the sense of heartbreak. Okay, I am sorry but this song is so good for it.
PS: Listen to the song, its gorgeous and I love her but know that you are worth it and if somebody is making you feel worthless than honey, drop em because you are so worth being treated like a Queen. <3 Love you kiddies.
Song: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=GcmEB03P68I
(when the party's over - Billie Eilish) Lyrics are Italicized and in (Parenthesis)
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His back was to you. You sniffled as you laid there, facing his back. He was so far. Both emotionally and physically. The last time you two held each other was months ago before his drinking took total control. He didn't use to be this bad. You never had these violent fights that ended in him not talking for days. But Bastogne broke him, and he wouldn't open up. You thought you were silent. Your quiet sobs never shook him awake, but what you didn't know was that he heard every sniffle and every heartbreak. (Don't you know I’m no good for you). Lew thought you would know by now, but he was no good for you. His drunk antics were getting worse, and it hurt you more and more. But he couldn't lose you. (I’ve learned to lose you, can't afford to). You were his everything, and he's lost you before, and without you, he fell into darkness. You watched his back. Realizing all that you have truly done for him. (Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin’) Helped him when he was vomiting, helped him when he was stressed. You were always there for him. And what do you get. Him leaving you, every time. (But nothin’ ever stops you leavin’). You rolled over, before getting out of the bed. Ron was sitting at his desk as you knocked on the door. He looked up and his face fell before motioning to his bed for you to sit. He stood and shut the door as you sat at the corner of the bed crying. He sat beside you and brought you in, you didn't deserve this pain. Nixon should be the one to comfort you, but Ron would never tell you that. So instead, he held you close. 
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Lew noticed your absence and rolled over to see if you ever came back. (Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own). He was going to be alone. He choked on a sob as he looked at your empty spot. Rubbing his face in anger and sadness he reached for his flask, not even thinking as he downed more to forget the pain. The pain of losing you. 
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“I can't lie to him anymore Ron” You cried out softly and Ron's heart broke. (I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that). But you couldn't lie, it hurt you beyond words. There was so much Ron wished he could tell you, about how you deserved better. How this pain was not meant to be felt by a soul like yours. But for that moment, he just held you close, and tried to mend you in ways that Lew could never do. 
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Ron watched as Lew tried to pour the last drop of his Vat 69 into his cup. It was the 5th drink he's seen him pour in the one hour they were there. You sat on a bench nearby, reading your book as you tried to ignore the fact that Lew was heavily drunk, and there was nothing you could do about it. Ron looked up at you as Lew stood up, proclaiming he was out of Vat. You watched as Lew searched the bottles littering your guys' room. You closed your book and stood up, “Y/n” Ron whispered but you ignored it as you walked into the bedroom right as he opened the chest. “Don't you think you should stop searching and just, try being sober?” You asked softly as he threw the crate lid near your feet, causing you to jump back.
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He threw a blanket down, seeing the crate was empty. “MInd your business”, he snarled as he stormed past, leaving you speechless as he grabbed his coat. “If you leave” you started before turning “I’m gone.” Your words caused him to stop before turning, (Don't you know too much already). “You’ll be back” He slurred out angrily. (I’ll only hurt you if you let me) “You always do come running back.” He finished before walking out. Ron looked up at Lew as he stated that he was going to find more, all three of them heard the spout between you two, but as you came to the doorway, looking for a rock, you didn't care. As Lew left, the other 2 followed, realizing that Ron needed to do something, as it was only his place to do so. You sat on the table, no tears fell, you only felt your heartbreak. “Did you hear all of that” you whispered and Ron nodded as he continued to sit in the chair. You sniffled, trying your hardest to keep it in. “Come here” Ron whispered and you slid off the table and onto his lap. (Call me friend but keep me closer (Call me back)) You two were friends, but somehow, you kept him closer to your heart than Lew. You started to cry harder as the pain registered, Lew chose alcohol over you. Ron held you closer, Lew thought you'd be there after the whole downfall, but you knew better. (And I'll call you when the party's over) Leaning off of Ron you stared at him as he caressed your cheek, “Are you going back to him” Ron stated. You shook your head. In fact, when your heart wasn't broken anymore, you knew who you’d go back to. Leaning down slowly, you hesitated, looking for a sign in his eyes that he didn't want this. But he kissed you first. A little piece of your heart sewed back together, but it would take much more than this to fix you. And Ron was determined to do whatever it took, to make you whole again.
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Lew expected you to be in his bed, waiting for him. When he entered, though, you were nowhere to be seen. (Quiet when I’m coming home, and I’m on my own) He was out of alcohol, and you were gone. You left him. You laid with Ron, caressing his cheek as he whispered sweet nothings to you. (I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that) This is what you deserved. You could no longer lie to yourself. “I have loved you ever since I saw you” Ron admitted while running his hand up and down your back, “And I promise, I will never choose anything over you. You will come first.” You nodded, finally realizing, that’s what you deserved. Resting your head in Ron's neck, you began to close your eyes “I love you too Ron” you whispered back. And this time, when those three words left your lips, you meant it.
Lew and you stayed away from each other like oil and water. Thanks to Winters, he put you where Lew wasn't. But it didn't change the fact that Lew was having a hard time getting over you. (But nothing is better sometimes once we've both said our goodbyes) He tried to stop drinking, but the pains on the inside made him want to drink till he was drowning. Winters saw it though, instead of picking up a bottle, he was picking up a pen. You weren't toxic being with him. No, that was never the case. It was toxic not having you with him. Maybe, you finally leaving would make him stop drinking. (let's just let it go, let me let you go) Once he realized though, that you were never coming back, it made him realize who he truly was. And he didn't like it. There he sat in the jeep with his best friend and the only person that was around to help him. “Y/n, Ronald” Winters called out before saluting. 
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You smiled before saluting back at him with the hand that wasn't wrapped around Ron's arm. (Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own) Lew felt his heartbreak as you smiled sadly at him. As you kept walking, you rested your head on Ron’s shoulder lovingly, your heart finally mended. But Lew's heart was broken all over again. Winters turned back and saw his friends upset face, not feeling any remorse he stated plainly what he's wanted to tell his best friend for a long time. “You lost her Nix” Winters whispered.  Lew just stared at his flask. Thinking about how this one thing... this one stupid thing... ruined it all. "And I hate myself for it" he whispered softly before sliding out of the Jeep and walking towards his tent. You looked back as you watched Lew walk away. Your heart broke for him, as he was finally feeling what you felt. (I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that) You felt bad for wishing that he would feel it, you could lie and say you were happy he felt the pain. But that was just that. A lie. (I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that) Lew could lie and say he was happy to see you happy, happier than he could ever make you. But that was just that. A lie. As he stood at his tent flap, he looked at the flask. Gripping onto it hard he turned towards the forest behind the tents and walked towards it. Whipping the flask, it flew deep into the brush. He would shapen up. Maybe not so he could get you back, but so he would never have to feel the pain of being alone ever again. Walking back to his tent he caught your gaze from the distance. You smiled at him softly before saluting. Ron looked back and gave a tight-lipped smile before taking you by the back and leading you into your shared tent. He was doing the right thing. And that wasn't a lie.  
@hell-itwasyou @desired-love-
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maddysacademics · 3 years
I thought I’d better do a little bit of research into all of the presidents, that way I can really research into the ones that interest me most at a later date- I wanted to started from 1900 and I went up to 1950, I hope to cover before and after this time period at a later day too :) I also hope to cover the PMs and other world leaders who were very influential. What I love about my research is that I’m always finding new things to research off of the back of research. 
PS- sorry about the odd formatting, I had to copy and paste it from my Google Docs to upload at home since the school computers have tumblr blocked haha
26- Theodore Roosevelt
Party: Republican
Years: 1901-1909, 2 terms
Youngest ever president
Set up national monuments and parks, lover of natural beauty
Won a nobel peace prize by helping Russia and Japan make peace
Strengthened navy
Started constructing Panama canal
Square Deal brought about progressive era, idea of equal rights
Obsession with his own masculinity
Named The White House, started west wing construction
27- William Howard Taft
Party: Republican
Years: 1909-1913, 1 term
Interested in foreign affairs 
In disagreement with Roosevelt over a lot of things, eg being more sympathetic to big businesses, which made Roosevelt run for reelection under the progressive party
Saw construction of West Wing finished and Oval Office
Landslide voted him out, more conflict between Roosevelt and Taft meant loads of people voted for Wilson, leaving Taft and Roosevelt powerless (not coalition)
28- Woodrow Wilson
Party: Democratic
Years: 1013-1921, 2 terms
Had lots of power as congress was formed of his own party
Federal Reserve Act and Federal Farm Loan Act introduced, very progressive]
Reintroduced income tax
WW1 broke out in 1914 and stayed out of it for a while until Germany were rumoured to ally with Mexico
Passed 19th amendment: votes for women!
South weren’t very big fans of him, but some of his cabinet were pro-segregation so it kept them happy to an extent
The US profited from WW1
Helped make League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles, got a nobel peace prize
Prohibition happened, but Wilson had little to do with it
29- Warren G. Harding
Party: Republican
Years: 1921-1923, half a term (heart attack)
Popular during his life, turned out he was super corrupt after his death
First president to speak in protest of lynching
30- Calvin Coolidge
Party: Republican
Years: 1923-1929, 1 and half (finished WGH’s term)
VP of Harding, took over after death
Quiet, worked with middle-class on new ideas
Broadcasted on the radio for first time
Granted native Americans citizenship if they were living on reservations
Saw roaring 20s
31- Herbert Hoover
Party: Republican
Years: 1929-1933, 1 term
Wallstreet Crash ‘29 as soon as he came to office, Great Depression, awful economy
25% unemployment, many people declaring bankruptcy
Tried to balance economy by raising taxes, made things worse
Hoover supported prohibition, but it was causing more issues than it was solving
Built the Hoover Dam, mainly to tackle Depression
Protests happened, people were fed up
32- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Party: Democratic
Years: 1933-1945, 3 terms, died in 4th
Landslide victory in his votes, ‘new deal’ offered to country
Regulated business, Wall Street, and banks
Offered state employment to the unemployed
Involvement in economy by individual states
Saw progressive and liberal turn for party, yet still supporting segregation 
Cut ties between gold and money to print more money to pump economy
He suffered paralysis in his lower body during his rule, but his this from the public
WW2 broke out, originally stayed out, but helped allies eventually in fight for democracy
Atomic bomb progress made, just in case
After Pearl Harbour, US entered war fully, helping evacuate people from Nazi camps
Whole country was helping fight the war, on land, at seas, at home, across country
Laid grounds for UN
Died before Germany’s surrender
33- Harry S. Truman
Party: Democratic
Years: 1945-1953
Dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan
Fought the spread of communism, eventually involved in Cold War
Did the Berlin Airlift in response to blockade
Established NATO, helped fend off Soviets
Civil rights pushed, racial integration began
Created CIA, NSA, Department of Defense, and National Security Council
 Presidency became limited to 2 terms
Made first president oval office broadcast
34- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Party: Republican
Years: 1953-1961, 2 terms
Was a WW2 commander
Inherited Korean war from Truman and threatened Nukes to end it
Nuclear Deterrence was a key idea in Cold War once Soviets made Nukes
Increased social security, created interstate highways, pushed for science education
Lots of God references in propaganda and mottos, possibly to oppose secular USSR
Civil rights began in South
Warned people of military industrial complex in farewell speech
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Into It: Part 3
Part 3
Request or Original: Original
Embry Call x Reader x Paul Lahote
Mentions: Jacob Black, Quil Ateara, Emily Young, Jared Cameron and Kim
Inspired by Camila Cabello's song 'Into It'
Part 1: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/169879428479/into-it
Part 2: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/170175130949/into-it-part-2
The Call boy felt like he just got stabbed on the chest. She just got the news about him liking her and she tells him that she's going on a date? And with Paul!? He would've wanted her to at least lie to him for now and tell him about it later. This was overwhelming. He got rejected and found out the girl he's in love with is going on a date with one of the hall monitors on steroids, all of that on the same day.
In that moment,he kind of regretted being her partner for the project. This was going to kill him even more now.
He took a few deep breaths to steady himself.
''What do you want me to say? Congrats? Have a nice date with Paul?", he said as he looked at her, feeling the pain on his chest that was almost unbearable, "Because even if I do say so just to be nice, we both know it won't be sincere."
Embry turned around to look at his sheet and tried to get some strength to stand up and leave, but he couldn't move.
Y/N, once again, felt guilty. It was almost as if it was the only emotion she could feel that day. She kept looking at the side of his face trying to come up with something to say.
"Look, Em, it really isn't and wasn't my intention to-", Embry cut her off by standing up and grabbing his books.
"Yeah, um listen. I'll talk with the teacher and ask her if I can switch partners and seats with Jacob so I can be with Quil. Anyway, it's not like she's going to say no to me considering I'm one of her favorite students."
Embry did as he said and luckily for him, the teacher did give him permission to do so.
Y/N was now stuck with a partner who was pretty pissed at her and the fact that she wasn't in good terms with Embry affected her a lot.
"When do we get started on that project?", Jacob bitterly asked Y/N and earning a shrug from her.
"I don't know, just not Friday because-"
"Because you have a date with Paul.", he finished her sentence while making eye contact with her, "I know. Quil and I heard."
They both stayed silent for a bit until Jacob started talking again.
"Do you really care about Embry?"
Y/N scoffed and looked at Jacob in disbelief.
"Excuse me? You know, you're really offending me. Of course I care about Embry- a lot! Why would you ask me that question?"
The feeling of guilt that was taking over Y/N was now replaced by slight anger.
Jacob rolled his eyes at her before talking.
"Because if you did, you wouldn't have hurt him like you just did."
Okay, Y/N was getting fed up by his attitude. Yes, she knew what she did wasn't a nice thing to do, but what else was she supposed to do? She was certainly not going to lie to him. She couldn't do that to Embry. He was the only person she wasn't able to lie to. Plus, lying is not something she likes to do.
"And what the heck did you expect me to do? I wasn't going to lie to him because he was going to find out about it anyway. Look, Jacob, I get that you're trying to look out for him and it's okay, but this is none of your business.", she said as she crossed her arms and got into an intense eye contact with Jake.
"It is, because even if we got into a fight and he is mad at me right now, he is still my best friend and I don't want him to feel miserable like me because he can't be with the one he loves. I know how hard it is and I don't want him to go through it.", he paused for a few seconds and started talking again, "By the way, when we'll start that project, I will not adjust to your days, so if you happen to go on a date with Paul on one of our study day, reschedule with him."
"Asshole. Yes, that's what Jacob is, an asshole.", she thought to herself as she focused to read the guidelines to her project.
As school finished, Y/N walked out of school, only thinking about her happy moment with Paul during lunch to distract herself from the horrible fights she had with Embry and Jacob.
During the whole week, Y/N spent a lot of time talking to Paul and it made her happy. She also got the chance to meet Jared and Kim. She still didn't talk with her three best friends ever since she got into a fight with two of them and Paul kinda liked that. There was no Jacob to stop him from getting to Y/N and he knew that the crush she had on him was getting bigger by every second they spent together and got to know each other.
Fortunately for Y/N, friday came by fast and she was very excited about it, but also nervous. She had never been on a date before and the fact that her first date was with Paul made it even more special to her. Before Paul arrived, she almost called Embry to ask him for any advice he could give her, but as she remembered what happened, she locked her phone screen and sat down on her bed.
She was anxiously waiting for Paul to arrive when she started to think about Embry.
She missed him. A lot. Sadness started to get to her until Paul called her to let her know he was there and a huge smiled made its way to her face.
She walked out of her house and over to Paul who was standing outside of his car with a smirk plastered on his beautiful face.
"Wow, you're gorgeous.", he said as he hugged her kissed her cheek.
Y/N blushed at the contact of his lips with her cheek and the smile on her face got bigger than the one she had before.
"Thank you. You look good too.", she said as she winked at him. Her sudden act of confidence took her by surprise, but she liked it. She loved how she could go from shy to confident when she was around Paul.
Even if it wasn't that original, Paul brought Y/N to the beach, which was perfect because nobody was there. They sat down on a blanket they set on the sand and ate the delicious food Paul asked Emily to make and talked about the most random stuff that came through their minds.
The Lahote boy loved being with her. She made him forget about all the supernatural things going on, she reminded him that he was still a teenage boy who could enjoy life. For some reason, he didn't want to put up any walls. He wanted her to see him with no filter.
They both got to know each others fears, their hobbies, talent and every other cliché things you get to know about someone on your first date.
"This couch is getting smaller But it's my favorite place   Don't even ask the question You know what I'm gonna say
I'm into it"
As the moments passed by, Paul and Y/N found themselves getting closer to each other. When their elbows touched, Y/N felt sparks all over her arm and blushed at the contact.
When silence took over, the petite (a/n: means small in french) girl noticed that the handsome boy next to her was staring at her.
"What? Do I have something on my face?", she shyly asked him.
"Yeah, it's this thing called beauty."
Y/N rolled her eyes and even though the pick up line was wack, at least to her, she couldn't help but blush.
"Dang, he has a way to make me feel all giddy.", she said to herself.
"That pick up line was wack.", she said as she got rid of her shyness and confidence took over her.
Paul laughed with his stare still on her.
"You still blushed though. So I guess it wasn't that bad."
Even if she wondered how he could've seen her blush, Y/N quickly shrugged it off and looked at his lips.
Oh how she wished she could kiss him.
Paul noticed how hard she was staring at his lips and that made him smirk.
"You know, if you want to kiss me, you just have to tell me or simply go for it.", he teased.
And again, Y/N rolled her eyes, but smiled.
"Way to go, you ruined the moment."
"I'm not so sure about that."
“How can you be so sure?”
The girl raised her left eyebrow, her stare still on the boy next to her.
Paul then pulled her even closer to him and gently put his hands on her waist and leaned in.
As their lips touched, electricity filled Y/N's body. She felt like she was floating and even if it was her first kiss and probably didnt even know how to kiss, she felt like this was the best kiss she could ever have.
"This date is definitely the definition of perfect."
I don't know how I feel about this. I feel like it's wack? Also wanted to do more Paul x Reader cause I've done a lot of Embry x Reader.
Ps: Y'all gotta help me, cause I still don't know with who the reader is going to end up with and part 4 will probably be the last one so please let me know with who she should end up with hahahah!
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