#they’re building a house in the lot that’s been abandoned for the last three years
ireneae · 1 year
me watching my little shows until 3am: haha yes, this is great!
me being woken up at 6:30am by the men pouring concrete outside my window: well fuck. this fucking sucks.
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ouchie-central · 1 year
Whump Wheel Drabble #2: Missing
Thank you to @ofinkandstardust for the wheel and the inspiration!
CW: Amputee Character, (Magical Prosthetic) Non-Human Whumpee (Harpy) Cane use, Healing stitches, Cursing, Ignoring the severity of wounds, Loss of family.
Characters: Bixita “Bix” Meliaki, (he/him) Prince Tahir (he/him)
“They’re gone.”
Bix’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach as soon as he set foot in his home. His siblings weren’t there, and as he frantically began looking around for any signs of them, it became more and more clear that they hadn’t been here for a long time.
The old silo had been abandoned when Bix found it standing alone at the edge of the city. All the grain long since picked clean by rats, and hardly anything but the roof, the floorboards and the door warranted calling it a home. But his siblings had been born in the nest he’d built into the silo’s catwalk. He’d told them stories of monsters and adventurers around the fire pit he’d dug into the ground. And the shelves lining the wall, built from nothing more than an abandoned cart Bix had run across on the road, still boasted the various knickknacks he’d acquired, found and stolen over the years.
But his siblings were nowhere to be seen. Everything was coated in layers of dust and cobwebs, and it was impossible to tell the last time the fire had been lit. Bix dropped his makeshift cane at the door and hobbled over to the nest on his leg that had barely healed, collapsing into it and sifting through the blankets, as if he’d find the three little harpies wrapped up in them.
But there was nothing.
Tahir, still frozen in the doorway, finally spoke. “Bix, I’m so sorry…”
“Shut up.” Bix snapped. He was clutching a blanket so hard it seemed like he was trying to strangle it. “You have nothing to be sorry for. This is my fault.” Bix swiped at the tears that were beginning to prick at the edges of his eyes and threw the blanket down, pushing himself up with great difficulty and dragging himself over to the stairs. Tahir picked up the other’s cane and shut the door behind him, following closely down the stairs.
“Bix, your stitches…”
“I don’t care!” He shouted, whipping around to give Tahir a piece of his mind. But his eyes were filled with tears. “My siblings are gone! I was supposed to protect them, I’m their big brother, and I was stupid enough to get arrested and leave them alone for three years! So my stitches, and my fucked-up leg, and my useless fucking wings don’t fucking matter because they’re probably-“ Bix froze, his eyes widening as the worst-case scenario fully dawned on him. And the grief that had been building up in his chest finally came out in wet, anguished sobs. His bad leg gave out, and with a split second to react, Tahir caught him and lowered him to the ground.
“Get the fuck off me!” Bix cried, pushing against the prince, who let go immediately. Tahir could only watch in sympathetic silence as Bix crumpled in on himself and cried, his sore wings only having enough mobility to partially wrap around himself in an attempt to hide. Eventually, he slowly uncrumpled and began to drag himself down the stairs, one step at a time. When he reached the bottom, he toppled over onto his side, his weak body still wracked with sobs.
The world seemed to stand still for a few moments. Bix’s world had crashed down around him, and Tahir didn’t know how to help. Eventually, the prince stood up and slowly walked down to the bottom floor of the house, setting the cane at the bottom of the steps but staying away from Bix as he’d requested. Instead, he wandered over to the shelves, observing the meager belongings of Bix’s family. An assortment of pots and pans, some folded-up fabric scraps and a basket full of sewing supplies, lots of pretty rocks, and a couple of toys: Some cobbled together, some that had once been nice but were now a bit past their prime. And between them all, there were some empty spaces, spots in the dust.
Some things were missing.
“Bix…?” Tahir asked cautiously from across the room. “What else used to be on this shelf?”
“What the hell are you talking about…?” Bix sniffled, his usual vulgarity having lost it’s edge. The harpy pushed himself off the ground, grabbing his cane and hauling himself to his one working foot to cross the room.
And as soon as his eyes finished scanning the shelves, he gasped.
“Their favorite toys are gone… And their bags, and my good cooking pot-!” Hope began to seep into Bix’s tone as a realization hit him. “They left…”
Tahir looked down at Bix, who was staring at the shelves in disbelief. “Do you know where they might have gone?”
Bix shook his head, trying to dry the tears that just kept coming. “No… But if they left then they’re out there. And I’m gonna find them.”
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multistanisms · 2 months
Let Our Circle Be Unbroken; Chapter Two || Multi-Group
FANDOM: NCT [other groups will be featured/mentioned]
PAIRING: Jaehyun x Taeyong, Yuta x OC
SUMMARY:  Surviving a near death experience comes with a lot of surprises when warlock Jeong Jaehyun finds a dragon in a place that holds tragic memories for him. Nothing is as whirlwind, though, as when Jaehyun begins to meet the little clan of misfits Taeyong has gathered over the years and a mystery is revealed.
“Both clans?” Jaehyun asks, looking between the two men. A witch having two familiars wasn’t something unusual, but the unconscious woman sleeping against Yuta doesn’t appear to have the necessary elements that Jaehyun is familiar with when applied to multi-familiar witches.
Taeyong nods. “Each familiar is part of their own clan, and you can imagine they can be very protective.” The dragon shakes his head a little, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll get the rooms set up, they’re going to want to be close to her.” He watches the pair for a moment before turning to look at Jaehyun. “You wanna help?”
Jaehyun nodded, following Taeyong up the stairs. Despite the location being the same, the mansion had been changed so much that he isn’t sure he could make his way around. The stairs weren’t old and covered in chipped paint anymore, instead covered in carpet with a polished oak railing. “Did you build this?”
“Build it, no.” Taeyong answered as they reached the landing to the second floor. “It was abandoned when I found it, and really needed some work. But a mansion like this is perfect for the clan, just with the three floors and number of rooms. Without magic, there's already a lot of space for everyone. The fact that the property is so large is even better because the larger breeds will have space to run around without the need to worry about being caught.” There's a smile of pride on his face as he walks, looking around. “Fixing it up took time, but it was worth it.” 
“You did it by yourself?” Jaehyun asked, letting his own gaze look around and take things in. 
“The other clan members helped when they could, so there's a little bit of everyone in the house.” Taeyong replied, leading down a hall with doors on either side and to the end. “Arashi and Yuta's room is the last one on the right. We're gonna get the one across and the one next to it set up, that way everyone is close without completely invading Yuta and Arashi's space. Though knowing Wooyoung, he'll be glued to her side for a little while anyway.” 
“Is he a hound familiar?” Jaehyun chuckles, knowing the way the canine familiars are with their bonded witch or wizard.
“Fox, actually, though I suppose that still makes him a canine.” Taeyong laughed a little himself. “He's definitely an…acquired taste, though. But once you get to know Arashi, it makes sense.” He moved to open the door to the room across from the couple’s room, switching on the light. The room was massive, probably originally two large rooms, but Jaehyun couldn’t really recall anymore when looking at the decor and placement of furniture.
“Three beds?” 
Taeyong nods as he slides open the closet door to pull out more pillows and blankets. “I want everyone to be comfortable, to make this the permanent clan residence.” He gives a thankful smile as Jaehyun takes a stack of the pillows from him. “Once Yuta and Arashi picked a room, we set up the rooms to have space for Wooyoung and Youngjo's clans when they visit.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, how many are you expecting?” Jaehyun asks.
“Fourteen, as long as no new mates have been found.” Taeyong answers, tone distracted as he settles folded blankets at the foot of the bed. “Youngjo’s clan has six, Wooyoung’s has eight. Since they’re connected through Arashi, they’re basically a smaller sect of my clan.”
“So correct me if I’m misunderstanding. Arashi has two familiars, correct?”
Taeyong nodded. “She and Wooyoung were already witch and familiar when she met Yuta.” he answers, helping lay the pillows along the head of the beds before a quiet laugh escapes him. “We all met Youngjo by chance, but his bond with Arashi and Wooyoung was quick to form.”
“Forgive me if I’m intruding, but Arashi doesn’t seem to be the appropriate age to have two familiars. Among other things.”
“Technically, yes, that is true. But I can promise you, there’s a very good reason.”
Jaehyun hums to himself as they step away from their respective beds. “Let me guess. One of those things where I have to find it out on my own?”
“Something like that. It’s not something that's my place to tell.” Taeyong answers, making his way to the door. “Come on, let’s get the other room ready. Then I’ll make sure the three of us eat, though I doubt Yuta is moving for a while. Then we can settle in the den for a while, you’ve had a lot of exertion for your first day on your feet.”
“I’ve handled worse when recovering.” Jaehyun counters nonchalantly as they make their way into the other room, going to the room’s closet to pull out blankets and pillows, letting Taeyong take some of them to place on the beds. This room only has two beds, but Jaehyun finds that one bed has a trundle underneath when Taeyong moves to pop open the bed frame and the mechanism reveals the mattress hidden. 
“You may have handled worse, Jaehyun, but considering the circumstances, I don’t think you want to push yourself.” Taeyong retorts, pausing to look at Jaehyun pointedly. His gaze meets Jaehyun’s and the two look at each other, and it’s similar to reading each other’s minds as they stop what they’re both doing for a long moment. Eyes are locked and bodies still, and for a moment Jaehyun is frozen. They’re locked in some kind of moment that Jaehyun has never experienced, and when the moment breaks, he clears his throat to occupy himself with the task before him.
“I didn't mean to sound ungrateful, Taeyong. Or offend you or Arashi.” The words show that Jaehyun realizes the way he came off. “I want her to be okay, too. She saved my life, after all. To be honest, you all three did.” he replied, trying to push the strange moment out of his mind. It was weird to have the kind of moment he’d just shared with the dragon, as if the two of them didn’t need to speak words to understand each other. Taeyong is right though, it would be a mistake to insult Arashi by ending up back how he started, or by sharing her current unconscious state. “How long has she been out before?” 
“No more than a week when it’s happened in the past. She wakes up faster when Yuta stays with her, not that he'd leave her for long regardless. And of course, having both Youngjo and Wooyoung here will also speed up her recovery time, so…” Taeyong cuts himself off and briefly focuses towards the window as he seems to think, rainbow colors shimmering through his irises before he continues. “Depending on how fast they arrive, she may even be awake in the next few days.” 
“That's definitely a strong bond.” Jaehyun mused. “It’s something very special.” 
“Her connection with her familiars is something she cherishes, no matter how often they can get on her nerves.” Taeyong chuckles at his words. “And those clans protect her as fiercely as we do, maybe even more so. With the exception of Yuta, of course.” Finishing his task, he steps back to look at the room, giving a nod. “Alright, let's get food.” 
Jaehyun nodded and followed the dragon out, stopping to turn the light off on the way out and closing the door. “Are all the rooms enchanted?”
“A few of them. Namely the ones currently claimed. The guest room where we had you isn't, it was that big originally. Though I think you already knew that.” Taeyong answers, leading the way down the stairs. If he senses or smells the shock that courses through Jaehyun, he doesn't mention it as he steps onto the ground floor. There’s a brief stop in the den to check on Yuta and Arashi, the witch’s head tucked into the crook of Yuta’s neck as he pet his fingers through her hair gently. Jaehyun doesn’t hear whatever the two men talk about, mind reeling from the dragon’s words. Taeyong motions for Jaehyun to follow and slips into the kitchen, going about finishing the cooking and prep.
“How did you know?” 
“Hm? Know what?”
“That I know the house.” 
“Warlocks can't portal to a location they've never been to.” Taeyong says as if it’s obvious, putting the salad ingredients into a bowl and mixing them, opening a lower cabinet to pluck a big lid out and cover the bowl. He's walking over to put it into the fridge when he continues. “Once Arashi confirmed you were a warlock-”
“How did she-”
“When you're unconscious, your eyes are their natural color.” Taeyong replied, grinning.
“Didn't know that piece of information, huh?” the tone is teasing but calm as Taeyong speaks, taking in the slightly taller male as he speaks.
“I…no, actually, I didn't.” Jaehyun thinks as he moves to lean against the counter. “She saw my eyes when she checked me over.”
“Mhmm. She took vitals and made sure your body responded before she started working her magic, literally.” Taeyong replied. “She’s a damn good healer, but, as you’ve seen, she can push herself too hard when it comes to taking care of people.”
“I wouldn’t be too hard on her. My condition wasn’t ideal for any healer, honestly.” Jaehyun counters, frowning. “I’m loath to imagine what could have happened if I wasn’t what I am.”
“Let’s not breach that possibility. That’s not a scenario I want to consider for a very long time.” Taeyong is placing the dishes neatly into the dishwasher when he makes a gasp of realization and turns to rush towards the patio door when it slides open with ease. Jaehyun’s eyes are taken from the dragon’s form to the door, eyes widening at the sight. Two men are carrying in a large platter of delicious smelling meat inside, one with bright pink hair and a teasing grin reminiscent of a cat while the other has what Jaehyun would consider a peek-a-boo style hair; top half black and a platinum, snowy blonde color underneath. While the pink haired male greeted Taeyong, the other male remained quiet as he entered, not even acknowledging either of the men inside before disappearing towards the den.
“How dare you leave steak unattended!” The pink haired one scolds Taeyong with a laugh as he sets the platter on the counter. He’s well built, energy playful as he looks around the kitchen. “Imagine if we hadn’t gotten here when we did. Your dinner would be ruined.” 
“You being here so quickly should tell you there were more important things, San. And at least the raw meat wasn’t on the flames.” Taeyong rolls his eyes. “Glasses are in the cabinet by the fridge, both of you get some water.”
“Yeah, only one of us is going to drink anything right this moment. His mind isn’t on himself.” The newcomer, San, answers as he walks over to get a glass and fill it with ice water, pausing when he spots Jaehyun. “You’re new.” he muses, two fingers uncurling from the glass to point at the warlock with a curious purr to his voice.
“San, be nice.” Taeyong scolded as he put the prep dishes into the dishwasher. “He’s new.”
“Oo, are we adopting another member?” San perked a little, eyes shifting from dark brown to heterochromatic blue and turquoise briefly as he grins. 
“That’s yet to be seen, right now he’s just recovering.” Taeyong replied, ruffling pink tresses even as San gave a quiet hiss and fixed his hair with his free hand. “Now be nice and introduce yourself.”
“Yeah, yeah.” San grumbles, walking over to hold out his free hand. “Choi San. And you are?”
Jaehyun arches a brow at the pair before San is before him and he takes the other’s hand. “Jaehyun.”
“You have a surname with that or…?”
“San.” Taeyong scolds again, the tone more parental as he turns to look at San, closing the dishwasher. “Why don’t you take Wooyoung some water or something?”
“Geez, you’re touchy today, dragon-hyung.” San quips, but gets another glass to fill with just cold water from the fridge, heading out of the kitchen. 
Jaehyun watches him disappear, head tilting a little, before he looks at the dragon. “Taeyong…who exactly-”
“San is a mate of one of Arashi’s familiars.” Taeyong answers calmly, concentrating on what he’s cooking on the stove and carrying the large pan to drain it through a colander in the sink. Steam clouds up and he leans away from it before setting the empty pan down on a hand towel next to the sink. 
“I take it Wooyoung is the quiet one?” Jaehyun inquired again, startling a little when Taeyong barks out an amused laugh. “What did I say?”
“I can promise you, Jaehyun, Wooyoung is far from quiet under normal circumstances.” The grin is obvious on Taeyong’s face as he speaks. “His concern is just solely on Arashi at the moment, and that takes up most of his focus. No doubt he’s also able to send intel to Youngjo about her condition.”
Jaehyun allows his eyes to wander to the doorway where San had disappeared into the den area. He can hear talking in the room beyond the swinging door; no doubt between Yuta and the newcomers, as he lets his mind soak in what he's learned so far about the people around him. “He has a slim build for a fox.” He comments thoughtfully, eyes reverting back to where Taeyong stands. 
“That's because of his breed. Island fox shifters don't typically bulk up like some other breeds.” Taeyong replied, going to the table to get the plate of steaks San and Wooyoung had finished making. “I just have to put everything together, you can go out with the others if you want.”
“Are you sure?”
Taeyong turns to look at Jaehyun, giving a reassuring smile that Jaehyun can't help but return. “Our kind tends to put focus on a wounded party or friend first. It's who we are as nonhumans. I don't expect you to be different on that front, even if you're recovering from wounds yourself.” 
Jaehyun wants to negate the words in some way, but deep down, he knows it isn't possible. Especially not with his own history of helping people. Taking a breath, he sighs and moves to lay a hand on the dragon's shoulder. “Just let us know if you need anything?”
“Ten minutes and I'll be letting you guys make plates.” Taeyong promises. “Go on, get to know them a little. I won't be long, I promise.” Jaehyun manages a chuckle, nodding and turning to leave the kitchen to join the others currently chatting in the den. 
“-by tomorrow morning, give or take.” San was saying as Jaehyun walked in. 
“Hongjoong didn't want the others to rush, but he knew I needed to be here.” Wooyoung added. “So naturally someone had to tag along.” A pointed look is given to San, who returns the sass just as easily with a wide grin all his own. 
“I was not about to let you go off alone, especially when we've only been to Neo Manor once since Yongie found it.” San countered, reaching to ruffle the ebony tresses at the top of Wooyoung's head. “Dumbass.”
“The important part is that you got here safe, boys.” Yuta says, distracting the pair from each other. “Arashi will be thankful enough for that.” His eyes drift to where Jaehyun stands, a relaxed smile curving his lips as he takes the male in. “Jaehyun, come join us. I believe these two were a bit forgetful of manners upon their arrival.”
“Only Wooyoung.” San comments nudging the male in question, who swats at his arm.
“It's quite alright.” Jaehyun replied. “His focus was on Arashi, I can't fault him for that. I do the same thing when one of my charges is in need of help.”
“Charges? What are you, a witch?” Wooyoung asks.
“Warlock, actually. I run a network of safe houses.” He explained, walking over to take a seat on the chaise across from the loveseat San and Wooyoung occupy. “I'll have to make contact with my current visitors just so they know they're still safe. I wasn't expecting the events occuring.” 
“Life happens that way sometimes.” Wooyoung replied, shrugging a shoulder up. “It's not always all bad, though. Sometimes you end up being better off from it.” His smile is warm, encouraging despite the current situation of his master being unconscious. “That's one thing I've learned from Arashi.”
“She's at least thirty years younger than you, Woo.” San counters. 
Eyes shift in color to a soft gray as Wooyoung rolls them. “I meant how I met her,” he replied. “That situation was one of the worst in my existence. It could have ended a lot more terrible than the event itself, if not for her.” 
Jaehyun tilts his head a little at the words. “If it isn't intruding, how exactly did you meet?” Wooyoung's eyes find Jaehyun’s, and the fox holds his gaze as he clearly thinks. Jaehyun is fully aware of the movement of San’s hand to Wooyoung's knee even as his eyes take in the fox. After a long silence, Wooyoung's head tilts and he begins to speak.
“I didn't have the greatest childhood.” He began, eyes closing. “I found out about my familiar gene as a kid, and it wasn't ideal.” He stops, taking a slow breath that triggers San’s hand to move and take his hand, lacing their fingers together. “By the time I met San, I had no trust for witches or warlocks. Hongjoong, our captain, understood and didn't force me to be around him, which is part of why I decided to stay with the Aurora Clan. San and Yeosang helped me find my footing, myself, really. Without the Auroras, I don’t know if I ever would have found out what it feels like to be happy.” As he speaks, he moves closer to the arm of the loveseat, closer to Arashi and Yuta, so he could reach out and lay a hand on her knee over the blanket. “We were all out for a holiday when we were attacked and got separated. I ended up hurt really bad, passed out despite the sheer terror of being alone and hunted. That's when she found me, just a little fox curled up and bleeding despite trying to stay hidden from attackers. She took me back to her place, got me cleaned up and bandaged. Took care of me while I was near death. I don't know when I changed back into human form, but that's how she found Hongjoong and Seonghwa, who came to check on me.” He laughs a little, more to himself than anything, adjusting so he could half lay on the arm of the couch to lay his head on the arm outstretched to the witch. “She could have done a lot worse, but all she did was keep me alive while she found my clan. It wasn't how I had come to know witches to be, the only exception before that was Hongjoong.” His eyes slowly swirl back to dark brown, watching Arashi sleeping for a long moment. “She could have kept me, held me prisoner.” 
“Arashi has a heart bigger than an ocean.” Yuta mused softly, turning his head to kiss Arashi's temple. “Her capacity to care for others is unparalleled, though my opinion is likely a little biased.”
“You don't have to be her mate to recognize that capacity for love, Yuta. It's just…who she is.” Wooyoung says. He looks at Yuta, the two having a silent moment of communication that curves Wooyoung's into a fond smile. 
“It's a unique attribute, one often taken advantage of.” Jaehyun mused. “I'm glad she found the right fit.” 
“With a clan as big as Neo, there's a lot of support. Even not knowing every member, I know she’s safe with all of them.” Wooyoung replied. “Arashi is the initial bridge that brought our clans together, and for that I'm happy.” The sound of a phone vibrating brought the men from their conversation as San pulled his phone out of his back pocket to look at the screen before he grimaced a second.
“It's Hyunjin.” He says.
“Oh fuck, I forgot to tell him we had to leave.” Wooyoung’s eyes go wide as he sits up, a mix of emotion on his face as San answers. ”Let him know we’ll be back as soon as Arashi’s awake.” He lets his attention switch to Jaehyun as San answers to speak with the caller. “So how long have you been around, Jaehyun?” Wooyoung asked suddenly.
The question takes Jaehyun off guard, and it takes a minute for him to fully register. “I’m sorry?” 
“You’re the newest addition, right?” Wooyoung asks. 
“Not exactly. It’s…complicated.” Jaehyun replies, taking the bowl of food that’s offered to him with a grateful nod. “But as far as time here, apparently about two weeks?”
“You were hurt pretty bad, then.” San mused. “Arashi’s magic doesn’t wane so easily.”
“From my understanding, yes. I must apologize for being the cause of her current state.” Jaehyun replied.
“The important part is that you’re okay. If you were still in bad shape, that would be a reason to apologize.” Wooyoung chimed.
“Hongjoong would smack you for that.” San mused drolly, shaking his head. 
“I said what I said.” Wooyoung retorts confidently, and the relaxed atmosphere continues as everyone begins eating.
“At least it won’t get insane until tomorrow.” Yuta smiled as he answered, tone teasing and obviously content to stay where he was. “For now, all of you worry about getting fed.”
“What about you?” Wooyoung asked, head cocking to one side as he watched the vampire. “You need something, too.”
“I’ll be fine for now, Wooyoung.” Yuta assures. “All of you eat. Yongie and I can show you the rooms after.” 
“Oh, our rooms are ready?” Wooyoung chimes, stopping mid-bite to look at the dragon. “When did they get finished?”
“Arashi still has a few things to bring in, but the main stuff is complete for the clan rooms.” Taeyong replied. “There's plenty of room for mates to have their rooms, as well, but the concern wasn’t on that at the time.”
“Wooyoung doesn't care. As long as he has someone to cuddle him.” San teased, nudging his mate. 
“Says the plushie hoarder.” Wooyoung countered, sticking his tongue out playfully. 
“I prefer the term collector.” San corrected, pouting a little despite the laughter in his voice. Wooyoung leaned over to kiss the male, further apologizing with a nuzzle before going back to his food. Dinner went by with idle chatter, and by the time everyone had eaten and dishes were being done by Jaehyun and San, Yuta was adjusting to carry Arashi upstairs to their room. 
“Let me help,” Wooyoung scurries to the vampire's side, following up the stairs.
“Thank you, Woo.” 
“Of course.” Wooyoung replied. “You don't have to take care of her alone, y’know.”
“I never thought I did. I know you are always going to be there. Kind of like a little brother.” Yuta replied, nodding to the door so Wooyoung could open it, following the fox inside. 
“Hard to believe a few years ago I hated you.” Wooyoung mused, pulling the blankets back on the bed and stepping aside.
“You didn't hate me, Wooyoung. You were unsure about me, about my bond with Arashi. As is your right as her bonded familiar, especially given her past.” Yuta explained as he laid Arashi down and brought the blankets up to her chest, making sure her arms were free. “I could never fault you for that.”
“Doesn't mean I had a right to act like a brat.” Wooyoung countered. He’s quiet for a moment before looking at Yuta. “You know…you don't talk a lot about your past, even though I’m sure Arashi knows some of it.” Wooyoung replied as he perched on the large wicker chair near the bed. “But I know something happened, hyung. And I’m sorry for how I acted back then.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Wooyoung. I would act the same way with my sisters’ mates.” Yuta answered. “But yes, you would be right about something happening, ototo. I'm grateful that you’ve never tried to pry, believe me.”
“Will you tell me one day?” Two pairs of eyes meet and Wooyoung can see the mixture of emotions in the older being’s gaze as the vampire simply looks at him. Finally Yuta breaks away to look at Arashi, brushing the back of his hand along her jawline.
“One day, Wooyoung. For now, though, just know that there is nothing either of us wouldn't do to keep her safe.”
“...Hyung?” Wooyoung asks softly, head tilted to one side in concern.
“Your eyes.”
Yuta glances up, crimson-gold irises once more locking on Wooyoung for a confused moment before it clicks and he closes his eyes. Slow breaths are taken in and then suddenly, he's still as stone. While it’s startling to see the change, it takes Wooyoung barely a few seconds to realize that Yuta is reigning himself back in. The fox adjusts to sit cross legged in the chair, hands folded in his lap as he watches the vampire. When Yuta's eyes open, they're back to the human color Wooyoung is familiar with - a rich, dark brown like fresh coffee. “You okay now?”
“I'll be better when she wakes up, for obvious reasons, but I'm passable for now.” Yuta teases, chuckling. The sound is a comfort on Wooyoung’s nerves; the last thing he needs is to try and level his master's mate while both of them are worried for her. “You can come on the bed, you know.”
“I'm okay just being in the room right now. Your scents are stronger here, obviously, so it helps.” Wooyoung replied. The words seem to catch Yuta off guard, and he tilts his head as he looks over, a brow arching curiously at the fox.
“Our scents?”
“You can’t be too surprised, you are her mate after all. And you’re soul bonded. Your scents begin to blend a little bit after a while.” Wooyoung replies. Still cross-legged, he leans back in the chair. “Your scents already complimented each other, but since they’re starting to share notes from each other, both of them have the same effect. I can still tell you apart by which part of the scent is stronger.” He’s well aware that even as Yuta settles into the bed next to Arashi, the vampire is listening to him. “Her scent has always been earthy, like a waterfall in a forest. Your scent has more floral notes, like lilies and cherry blossoms.”
“Her scent has always had that earthy tone to it.” Yuta agrees, but there’s a tone to his voice that gives Wooyoung pause. “It’s not something easily mistaken.”
“I like it, and your scents compliment each other really well, so it’s calming for me.” Wooyoung replied, choosing not to mention the sound he could hear in the elder’s voice. “But, ya know, I am a fox, so that has a lot to do with it. I’m sure at least part of your scent has to do with your homeland, though. It’s beautiful scenery.” 
“Osaka is beautiful,” Yuta agreed. “For most of my life I never even thought of leaving the clan territory, let alone Japan.” He goes quiet for a moment, and Wooyoung can sense the brief flash of emotions, eyes shifting to the natural golden green as Yuta pets fingers through Arashi’s hair. “Obviously, things changed.” 
“Do you miss home?” 
There's a long pause before Yuta speaks again. “Sometimes, yes. Mostly I miss my sisters, the scenery. That's the part of home I miss.” 
“That’s understandable. At least Kaiya and Fumiko come to visit, though.” 
“They're actually overdue.” Yuta chuckles. “But yes, it is nice that I get to see them.”
“Would you go back?”
“As in to live?”
“That’s a good question. There's a lot of negativity in my mind that goes with being home, and I like the life I've made outside of that world.” Yuta answers, giving a thoughtful hum. “What about you?”
Wooyoung shook his head without hesitation. “Not a chance. Not without my clan or Arashi.” 
“I knew Arashi found you in bad shape, nursed you back to health while she found Hongjoong and the others.” It's quiet as Yuta speaks, eyes watching Wooyoung as he turns on music at a soft level. “I'm sorry you had to go through rough times, Wooyoung. Even though I don't know the exact details, I do know you deserved better.”
“That may be true, but without my past, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have found San, or Arashi, or even you. If going through what I did was the path to get me where I am now? That's just how it has to be, and I accept that past so I can cherish what I have.” He smiles encouragingly at the vampire, adjusting to half curl into the soft fabric of the chair. It's the first time they've had a deeper kind of conversation, usually they banter like siblings. Wooyoung is glad regardless after their rocky start. He knows they've come a long way from that first meeting.
“Accepting your past as a way to being who you are is a good view to have. It can help when you're healing.” 
“We're never fully healed, Hyung.” Wooyoung replied. “We just learn to handle what we've been dealt.”
Yuta chuckles as he nods. “Very true.” He agrees, looking up towards the door. “San is coming.” he nods towards the door, smiling as Wooyoung pops up to go to the door. Sure enough, San stands with a hand raised to knock when Wooyoung pulls it open. 
“Hello handsome,” Wooyoung practically chirps, leaning to steal a kiss. “Come to join the fun?”
“Fun?” San shakes his head a little, ruffling mates hair. “You're chaos incarnate, I swear.”
“It's why you love me.” Wooyoung steps aside to let San inside, closing the door quietly.
“Wooyoung, behave.” Yuta scolded, though there was a playfulness to his tone.
“I'm used to him, Yuta-hyung.” San replied, easily finding where Wooyoung had perched and sitting in the chair. The moment he's comfortable, Wooyoung joins him, tucking his face into his neck and relaxing into him. “How's our favorite healer?” 
“She's starting to relax and her scent is leveling back out.” Yuta replied, fingers still brushing over Arashi's arm. 
“I like that, it means the overload wasn't as bad this time.” Wooyoung mused softly. “How bad was the warlock when he got here?”
“Jaehyun was in pretty bad shape, from the blood and mess I helped Yongie clean up. Arashi and I weren't here at the time. It took us a little while to get here, by then he had the bleeding stopped and wounds wrapped. Arashi did a vitals check before she did any kind of work on him. She used her magic to keep him asleep while she worked, that spell was in place for about a week. Even after she broke that spell, it took a few more days before he woke up this afternoon.”
“It was the magic to keep him comatose. It drains her more than any other magic she casts. She should have used a potion.” Wooyoung explained, contently curled into San’s arms. “With that knowledge, she should be okay in a day or two, especially once our little bird arrives.”
“For now, we all need rest.” Yuta explains. “No doubt we'll have a lot to cook and I don't want Yong trying to do it all by himself.”
“I'll take first shift in helping.” Wooyoung volunteers, tucking his face into San’s neck, closing his eyes. 
“Thank you, Wooyoung.” Yuta responds, adjusting the music to a comfortable level and keeping an eye on the two shifters before allowing himself to lay down completely, unsurprised when Arashi moves towards him subconsciously. A quiet chuckle passes through him before he's singing quietly to her, fingers caressing through her hair as he allows himself to fall into slumber as well.
0 notes
Clan (Technoblade x demon!reader, Philza x demon!reader)
Word count- 2,210 Content Warnings- none that I can think of Ao3 link- right here.
My first post back in a while. I’m sorry about the absence to whoever might care- a lot of things popped up in my personal life that stressed me out, on top of my graduation fast approaching. But I’m back now, and this might not be the Karl or Ranboo fic that was promised, it is at least something. Those will both be coming within a week or two, I just need to finish up some stuff and then edit them. So follow if you want to see when I post those, or just reply on this post saying that you want to be tagged when I do post them. Enjoy! Reblogs are appreciated, as well as likes. So if you could just do both, that would mean the world to me!
Techno’s used to being alone. He lived the first hundred years of his life that way- until he met Phil. And then Phil left. And he was alone again. 
But when he met Y/n, that all changed. He never had to worry about being alone again. Immortals are rare, and meeting another one is even rarer, but the two were inseparable. She never disclosed where she was from, or what the tattoos of strange runes on her body meant, and Techno knew better than to pry into matters that didn’t concern him, but he couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking about as she stared out the window with her eyes clouded over and memories of a past time playing in her mind.
When Phil came back, it was easy for the pair to fit him back into their lives. Even though Y/n had never met him before it was as if they’d known each other for centuries before then. The three easily settled into a calm daily routine and when they returned to their own houses in the little community they’d created for just them at night, they fell asleep having forgotten what life was like before they’d met. 
The three gods never worried about what would happen when they were found. After all, they’re immortal. They’ve lived to see the rise and fall of countries, rulers, and everything else. Them of all people know that nothing is permanent. But none ever stopped to consider that what they had wasn’t permanent.
It started when Techno woke up in the morning. The arctic always lent itself to freezing mornings but this one felt colder than the others. It could be because he had expected to wake up with Y/n and Phil next to him on the couch, and was surprised that they would go back to their own houses. But it was much more than that- even if Techno couldn’t have known.
Phil and Techno looked in silence for any trace of Y/n around their community when the sun hit the middle of the sky and she still hadn’t shown her face. Any places she might have gone off to in search of quiet or a place to nap. But that didn’t appear to be the case and their search turned up empty and in vain. 
Techno retreated into himself. He found the note she’d left when he and Phil returned from their search and he didn’t say anything, instead heading down to the basement in his small house and shutting himself in to work on ‘very important stuff’ as he told Phil. Phil didn’t believe him-  Techno wasn’t exactly quiet in expressing the emotions he felt about Y/n leaving.
Phil wasn’t quite as emotional as Techno. He was more than two hundred years older than the pink-haired man. He was used to the constant ebbing and flowing of life, of the appearance and then disappearance of people. That’s not to say it didn’t hurt, but he knew that it’s the way of life. People come, and then they go. To stop it would be to disregard the nature of humans as a whole.
He was a little surprised when Techno came back up at the end of the night and, while silent, had refused to acknowledge that she’d even existed there in the first place. He ignored the building next to his where she’d slept and kept her belongings. Whenever Phil tried to bring her up, Techno would shut out the conversation and pretend he hadn’t heard him. It wasn’t healthy, and Phil couldn’t blame him because he was still young but he just wished he wouldn’t be so heartbroken to the point of refusing to acknowledge that she ever existed in the first place.
This went on for months. Almost a whole year had passed and the building that contained Y/n’s belongings went untouched. All the delicate keepsakes from past adventures, photos of strangers that neither of the men dared ask about, and the bookshelves lining almost every wall and so full of books from all over the world- it all gathered dust. Until finally she came back.
Phil almost didn’t recognize her at first. The tired weariness evident in the dark circles under her eyes and the dragging of her footsteps, but everything else was the same. The dark hair on her head now long enough to braid- much to his excitement- and the multitudes of runes covering her body, with the additions of quite a few now. One of the newest things though is the several piercings and jewelry that she’s wearing. The most prominent of which is the chain hanging around her neck, a medium-sized precious stone of unknown origin hanging off of it. 
“Y/n…” Phil said, dropping the wood he held in her arms in favor of running over and embracing her.
She hugs him back, the feeling almost foreign to her now. But now that she’s back, she doesn’t intend on forgetting it again.
“Where’s Techno? I need to talk to you both.” Y/n mumbles into Phils' shoulder, and for a minute he feels the cold flush of fear at the thought of her leaving again.
“He’s inside his house. Here, I’ll take you there.” Phil can’t help but feel like he’s showing around a visitor. The community has changed quite a bit since she’d last been there but the dread-filled feeling that he gets at the thought of her leaving again, coming back to say that she’s leaving and never returning, is more than he could take.
“Techno. Where are you?” Phil calls out as he enters the house and the chill of the room makes him shiver.
“Downstairs.” A gruff voice calls back, followed by a grunt of frustration.
“Well, can you come upstairs real quick? We have a visitor.” The word is bitter on his tongue and the look that flashes quickly across Y/n’s face makes him wish he’d chosen a better wording.
“Fine.” The ladder creaks and then Techno is peeking his head through the hole that leads down the basement.
“Y/n. What are you doing here?” It’s not entirely a question, and Y/n winces at Techno’s harsh tone. “Why are you back now? What, was living out there not as good as you thought it was? Well, you can leave. We don’t want you back here. We’re doing just fine on our own.” 
Y/n feels destroyed. She didn’t expect Techno to react positively to her return, but she didn’t expect this.
“Can I just tell you why I left?” She asks, and Techno snorts.
“Sure. Go ahead. Lay on us this wonderful reason.” Techno’s voice drips with sarcasm.
“There were some people I needed to find- had to find.” She says and Techno laughs.
“Really. That’s your reason. You had to go find some people so you left for ten months. You didn’t even think to tell us in person, instead, you just left a note. Hell, you could have taken us with you. We would have happily gone with you. I would have happily gone with you. I’d have done anything for you. But it appears that the feeling wasn’t mutual, since you barely bothered to leave a half-assed note telling us.” Techno shouts, having climbed fully into the room and stood towering over the girl.
“You don’t understand. This was not a trip you could have made. Neither of you would have been able to!” Y/n shouts back. 
Phil backs away, settling into the couch on the other side of the room. 
“What do you mean, I don’t understand. I understand perfectly. You abandoned us. You abandoned me. Well, you know what, I don’t want you back here. You need to leave. Get your things and leave. Right now.” Techno says and it feels like Y/n was just punched in the gut.
“What? Techno you’re not serious?” Phil’s astonished. Of everything he thought Techno would say to Y/n, this wasn’t one of them.
“Yeah, I am. Now get out.” Philza protests and Techno starts yelling at him as he tries to shove her out of the house.
“My clan was killed! I had to find their bodies!” She shouts out over the two men and Techno stops pushing her.
“Clan?” He asks and Phil stares at her blankly.
“You’re a demon?” He asks and Techno looks back and forth between the two.
“Part demon, yes. My clan was killed and I had to find them. I needed to know who was left. And… I’m now the leader of a clan that doesn’t exist anymore. They were all dead.” Her voice breaks at the end of her sentence, and the sorrow overwhelms her. She’d done a good job on the trip there and back of not crying, of ignoring what happened. But saying it out loud makes it real, and something inside her snaps with those words.
Suddenly the runes tattooed on her and the amount of gold jewelry she’s wearing makes sense to Phil. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Techno pulls her into his arms protectively.
Phil stands from the couch and joins them. The combined warmth of the other two hybrids is almost too much to bear, but Philza hugs them anyways. Y/n’s sobbing continues for a little longer, but soon it turns into muffled sniffles and the shaking of her body calms a little bit.
“It’s up to me now to find a new clan. Custom is that I have to either join one or find others to form one with. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay here. Most of them require you to live with the group.” Y/n whispers as she pulls away from the hug.
“No. I won’t let you leave. Not for a second time.” Techno says stubbornly, and Y/n shakes her head.
“I don’t have a choice.”
“Yes, you do. We’ll be your new clan. Even if you can’t give us the jewelry of your brothers and sisters like tradition dictates, we can still be your clan. Technically your clan doesn’t have to be other demons.” Phil smiles at her. Techno doesn’t know why Phil would know that, but he doesn’t question his knowledge either way. Phil’s lived a long life before he and Y/n came into the picture.
“You guys would do that?” She asks and he nods his head eagerly.
“Of course. We were already really close before- nothing’s going to be changing.”
“Yeah. What do we have to do to join your clan?” Techno asks.
“Well, we basically have to get married to each other. It’s really just an unbreakable promise to stay with each other and protect each other until we die. Soooo… forever. Are you guys sure this is what you want? Because once we do this we can’t go back.” Y/n looks at them in worry.
“Yes. We both want this. You belong here with us. Life was horrible without you here. I had to deal with Phil all alone. The full force of his attention was on me. It was a never-ending nightmare.” Technos voice is dry as he delivers the joke and Y/n laughs as Phil protests.
“Hey. You forget that I was equally as stuck with you. It’s not easy when you live with a piglin who never gets cold and forgets that not everyone is as lucky as him.” Phil says and Techno mimics his words.
“Whatever you say, old man. But Y/n, I’m a hundred percent serious about joining your clan. I never want to let you go again.” Techno says into Y/n’s shoulder.
“Yeah, it was so quiet without you here mate. And cold. So, so cold.” Phil wraps his wings around the two human furnaces and holds them close.
Even though he’s more than two hundred years older than the pair and knows the reality of life- that eventually they’ll get bored of each other or tired and leave- he finds himself wanting to never let go.
“Here, hold out your hands,” Y/n tells them as she pulls out of the hug.
The two men do so without hesitation, and Y/n places a ring in each of their hands. They’re heavy, made of an unknown metal to most who walk the earth and they’re burning hot to the touch as if they were just forged and taken out of the fire.
“But… you’re not supposed to?” Phil says and the woman shakes her head.
“It doesn’t matter if my clan is made of demons or not. I’m still going to give you guys the rings signifying our bonds.” She says and Phil nods.
“Now… who wants to go and slaughter some orphans?” Techno asks, clapping his hands together.
Y/n shouts yes and drops her bag on the ground, running out the door. Techno hangs back a moment, pausing only to look at his reflection in the mirror- at the heavy ring on his tusk. It’s stopped burning and has turned into a comfortable warmth.
“Hey, you good mate?” Phil asks and Techno smiles.
“Never better.” He eyes the half-demon waiting outside in the snow, her tail swishing on the ground behind her. 
“Good. Because now there’s no getting rid of her.” Phil smiles and they join the girl waiting outside, ready for whatever adventures lie ahead.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Adoption Papers
Rating: Gen, General Audiences
Part 2 of Camila is Hunter’s Mom Now
Camila officially adopts Hunter and Vee
Might be a little hard to explain where they came from, though.
Direct Sequel to “Another Shot at Life”
“What’s a social security?”
“What do you mean an ID?”
“Why do we have to do a bunch of paperwork to live here? Luz just lived in Eda’s house for months!”
Camila pinched the bridge of her nose. “Things work differently here than in the Boiling Isles. And if the two of you don’t want me to get arrested for kidnapping, we have to fill out paperwork, and I have to officially adopt you.”
Vee sniffed the papers. “But I’ve already been living here!”
“Yeah, pretending to be me,” Luz reminded her, “Gonna be a liiiiiitle hard to explain why there’s two of us.”
Hunter squinted at the documents. “I used to do paperwork for the coven. But I have no idea what any of this says.” It was all a lot of technical stuff—with a lot of words he didn’t know the meaning of.
Camila sighed. “I’ve filled out most of it, but… we’re going to need to explain where the two of you came from. And ‘wandered in from another dimension’ isn’t something I think we can tell people.”
Luz bounced up. “Ooo! I’ve got it!” She waved a hand. “Vee is my twin sister, separated at birth!”
“Luz, sweetie, the hospital records will say otherwise.”
“Okay, okay, how abooooout… we say that Vee was a home birth, maybe a year younger than me, but Dad took her away with him when he left, and we assumed he’d do all of the registry, but apparently he didn’t? What are they going to do, track him down and ask him? They haven’t managed that yet. We can say that Vee ran away and came home to us.”
“That might work. What about Hunter?”
Luz grinned at him. “We found him living feral in the woods, he was raised by a pack of wolves.”
Hunter stuck his tongue out at her.
“Yeaaah… I don’t think that one’s gonna fly.”
“How about we tell them the truth?” Vee asked, “We say he ran away from a bad situation, and we’ve been taking care of him.”
“What if they start investigating? They’ll ask him questions, definitely, and if they try to figure out who his family is-!”
Luz jumped up and down. “Oooooo, tell them your horrible family chased you, and tried to push you off of a cliff, but they slipped and fell off and died!”
Hunter felt sick. “Pass.”
“Let’s stick to something simple. You and your… uncle… traveled, didn’t have a home, and you slipped away one day. You were camping out in the old abandoned house to hide, Vee found you there and brought you home, and you’ve been living with us ever since.”
“What if they try to figure out who his family is?” Vee asked, “I mean, uncle sounds a lot like he might have just kidnapped him.”
Hunter shrugged. “I’ll tell them my whole family was already dead. Freak boating accident, bodies never found. They were recluses, no one noticed they were missing. I’ll say uhhhhhhhh, I don’t remember their names, because I was a kid, and my uncle never told me our last name.”
Luz squinted at him. “What is your last name?”
“No idea.”
Camila sighed. “This is getting complicated. What if they start trying to figure out where your family lived?”
“Mexico,” Luz said immediately, “But Hunter was born over the border.”
“Does he look Mexican to you?”
“Okay, fine, Canada, whatever!”
“Let’s just… keep it simple, okay, Luz? Hunter, what do you think? This is your story, you have to be able to tell it.”
His story. Okay, who did he want to be? “I think… I think Vee’s idea is good,” he said slowly, “Ran away—I’ll just say he was my uncle. And we were homeless, so there’s nowhere they could track him down to. Even if they DO start looking for my birth family, it’s not like they can actually pull anything up, because I’m not from here. Okay. So, I ran away, made my way to Gravesfield, camped out in the abandoned house for a bit, then Vee found me, uhhhhh…”
“A week ago,” Vee offered.
“Okay, yeah, a week ago.”
“And if they ask for details about your uncle?”
“I’ll just talk about Belos. It’s not like they can find him.”
Camila nodded. “Okay! The closest adoption agency is out of town, but I already scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. First hurdle, guys!”
“First?” Hunter echoed.
“Oh, yeah, we have to get the two of you enrolled in school—”
Luz laughed. “Ohhhhhhh, you’re gonna hate it, Mr. Prodigy.”
“I don’t need school!”
“Yeah? Do you know how to do algebra? How about chemistry? Physics?”
“No?” Hunter looked to Luz. “Those are fake, right?”
She shook her head. “Unfortunately, they’re all very real.”
“I don’t need those.”
“We’ll discuss it later,” Camila interrupted, “For now, let’s just… focus on the adoption, okay?”
She looked… nervous. Which made Hunter nervous.
“What… what happens if they don’t believe me?”
Camila rubbed the back of her head. “I… I don’t know, mijo. If they dig deeper, I… but it will be fine.”
Still, Hunter didn’t sleep that night, his mind running through every possible way that this could go wrong. The next morning, when they loaded up in the car, he could see dark circles under Camila’s eyes, too. It did not make him feel better.
Hunter tossed his palisman gently out the window before they set off, the bird fluttering around his head. “You can’t come with us. Stay here and protect the house, okay?”
The bird chirped in affirmation, flapping back to sit on the roof.
Vee fell back asleep, leaning against him, and he resisted the urge to shake her awake and demand to know how she could possibly not be worried about this.
Hunter hadn’t ever gone outside of Gravesfield, and it was hitting him just now how… huge… the human realm was. He watched countryside flash by outside the car window, and even still, they didn’t seem to be getting anywhere.
And then buildings loomed in front of him, huge and imposing. Hunter pressed his face against the window. “Is this the capital of the human realm?”
“Ha. No. We’re not even in the capital of Connecticut.”
Hunter watched the streets go by. This world was enormous, and he wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about it.
They had the key on this side, and since he was here, Belos was down one coven head—hypothetically, his uncle couldn’t complete his day of unity plans. But if he did, or if he managed to get back through, somehow…
Hunter was almost confident that this world was big enough for him to hide in.
They pulled up to an office building, and Camila took a deep breath. “Okay. Here goes nothing. Come on, kids.”
They all followed behind her into the building, and Camila approached the desk. “Hiiii. I’m Camila Noceda, I have an appointment about a couple of adoptions?”
The desk attendant glanced behind her at the three of them. “Down the hall, first door on the right. Right on time.”
Camila gave the attendant a nod. Hunter and Vee both crowded close to her as they filed into the office. “Hello?”
The woman at the desk looked like she hadn’t slept in a week, a thermos on a table covered in papers. “Hey. Paperwork.”
Camila tentatively handed her the packet, and she disappeared into a back room, coming back out after about ten minutes.
“So, neither of these kids is in the system?”
Camila shook her head. “Neither.”
The woman squinted at Vee. “Certainly looks like your other daughter. Why didn’t you report her father taking her?”
“We… we were separating. We thought he’d already filed everything.”
A grunt. “Alright. You. Other one. Hunter. C’mere.”
Hunter looked to Camila, and she gave him a little nod. He followed the woman into the other room, where she read over his form again. “Tell me about your uncle.”
“What? Why?”
“We need to see if we can find him.”
Hunter’s blood chilled. “I’m not going back!”
“Hey, it’s okay. We need to find him because we just don’t know enough about you—not even your last name. So we need your uncle for more information.”
“You won’t find him.”
“Uh-huh. Let us try, at least. Physical description?”
Hunter sighed. “Tall. Blond but greying, long hair, blue eyes. Old.” Face creeping with slime, occasionally turns into a puddle of goop, can’t miss him.
“His name?”
“There’s one you don’t hear every day. Last name?”
“Right. Of course not. Where was the last place you saw him?”
“I don’t know.”
The woman sighed. “You’ve got to work with me, here.”
“Because this whole adoption will go a lot more smoothly. Where was the last place you saw him?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay. Fine. How long ago did you see him?”
Hunter struggled to remember. Kind of hard to tell when he didn’t know how much time he’d lost falling down into a cursed prison of darkness.
But according to Luz, that had only been for a couple of hours, even if it had felt like forever.
“Two weeks,” he said softly.
Two weeks since he’d been rescued. Two weeks since the worst time of his life.
“And you… ran away?”
“Can you explain why?”
Hunter shuddered. “Because I was miserable.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We can’t take you away from your uncle if he wasn’t a bad parent, Hunter. If we don’t have any indication he did anything wrong, then he can reclaim you any time he likes, and we are obligated to try to find him and return you to him. I understand that it may be painful to talk about it, but we cannot proceed without information about your past life.”
“Fine,” Hunter snapped, “He hurt me, and he locked me up, and he made me run errands for him and would punish me if I failed, happy?”
A slight pause. “What kind of errands?”
Hunting down palisman so he could drain them of their magic. “Uh… picking up medicine for him.”
“Medicine? What kind?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“I just picked it up. I didn’t ask questions, it wasn’t encouraged.”
“But you ran away, ended up in Gravesfield, where Camila found you a week ago?”
“Okay. Wait outside, send Camila in.”
Hunter shuffled out. “She wants you.”
Camila nodded, disappearing into the other room, closing the door behind her. Vee nudged him. “Are you okay?”
“She was asking about Belos.”
“I’m sorry,” Luz said softly.
Hunter paced back and forth. “What do you think they’re talking about?” He crept closer to the door, pressing his ear to the door.
“Hunter,” Vee hissed, “Get away from there, it’s rude!”
“I want to know what they’re saying,” he hissed back, “Shhhh!”
He pressed his ear to the door again. The voices were faint, but he could make out what they were saying.
“Obviously, if Vee is your biological daughter, there isn’t any reason for us to keep her from you. I don’t think there will be any difficulty with the transition. But Hunter… Ms. Noceda, you may be rushing into more than you can handle.”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t know him well. We don’t know where he came from, or what he’s done.”
“What he’s done?”
“He’s a liar, ma’am, you wrote that he was homeless, but he claimed his uncle would lock him up. Those two aren’t exactly compatible. He very obviously isn’t telling us everything—and I suspect he may have been part of a drug delivery system without knowledge. If I can believe him that he didn’t know what his uncle’s ‘medicine’ was.”
“Okay, well, let’s just say that I am really, really, really determined to adopt him anyway.”
“I’m really advising you not to. Let us get him into the system, foster him out, see how he does before you go all in on adopting him. He might not even be separated from his uncle—they might be planning to rob or hurt you and your family.”
“Hunter,” Camila thundered, “is not going to hurt us. And I don’t think it’s a good idea to foster him out.”
Hunter pulled back from the door, feeling sick. “Luz, what’s fostering?”
Her face paled. “It’s… it’s when they sort of send you out to different families to take care of you.”
“I don’t want to go to a different family!”
“You won’t,” Luz soothed, “Mom won’t let them take you away. And you can just run away if they do.”
Hunter started to pace, his chest getting tight. “I can’t start running away here, too! That’ll just make all of the adoption stuff harder, right?”
Vee grabbed his hand. “Hunter. Look at me.”
He did, the fingers of his free hand tapping restlessly on the side of his leg.
Vee gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s going to be okay,” she said firmly, “We aren’t going to leave you behind. Promise.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Good. Now sit down, and just think about other stuff. Like school.”
“I don’t want to go to school.”
“I’ll teach you algebra,” Vee promised, “They had a whole course on it at summer camp—it’s not so bad. And I’ll introduce you to my friends, too. You’ll be a couple grades older than us, but that’s okay.”
Luz bounced up. “Speaking of school, Hunter, is there any chance I can borrow Red? I know we’re worried about using the portal, but Eda and Amity and King and Gus and Willow will all be so worried about me!”
“Use your little…” Hunter clicked his fingers in the air. “Your little yellow thing.”
“My—you think that will work between dimensions?”
He shrugged. “Worth a shot. Might as well try before we open the portal and risk Belos getting in.” Hunter tapped his fingers against the chair. “If there’s natural titan’s blood veins in the Boiling Isles, then there’s a place here where it connects, right?”
“Right. That’s how Phillip—he wrote the diary I was using to figure out my portal—got into the demon realm in the first place.”
“So we might not need the key portal if we can find a place on this side where the worlds intersect.” Hunter’s stomach roiled. “Except that if we can do that, that means Belos has another way to get blood.”
“If I can just get in contact with Eda, she might be able to figure out my portal and then we don’t have to—”
The door to the other room burst open. Camila grinned, her hands behind her back. “Okay, Vee, Hunter, close your eyes, and hold out your hands!”
Vee did what she said, and Hunter followed suit, a little more hesitantly. Something paper settled in his hand. “Okay, open your eyes now.”
Hunter blinked at the paper in his hand.
Hunter Noceda.
Vee bounced up and down. “We did it!”
“They’re still finalizing everything—social security, birth certificates, all of that will take a bit more time. But you two are legally part of the family and under my care, now!”
Hunter Noceda.
The words felt… odd, in his head. But a good kind of odd.
Luz slung her arms around Vee and Hunter’s necks. “Whoo! Two new siblings! I didn’t use to have… well, any! I mean, I had you, but legally!” She shook Hunter slightly. “See? Nothing to worry about, I told you Mom could handle it!”
“Hunter Noceda.” He had a last name, now. A family name. “Vee Noceda.” It felt more natural to say her name—but then, she’d already seemed to be part of the family.
Luz cackled with glee. “Aha! You know what that means? Now the two of you have to wear ugly sweaters for family Christmas card pictures!”
“Ugly sweaters?” Vee questioned
“Christ-mas?” Hunter echoed.
“Ehehehe. Welcome to the Noceda family. You two have a lot of family tradition to catch up on.”
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murderrobins · 4 years
I decided to try writing a small notefic for the au prompt I posted the other day! I may end up writing the actual fic later, but here we go!
A secret relationship au where Talia kidnaps Damian and Mari to get them married to merge the order and the league, but they’re just like “we’re already married though?” And Mari just really wants to punch his mom and finally has the chance
·         Marinette is the guardian in training under her grandpa Fu
·         Her parents think that she visits him often to help him around the house and do tai chi together
·         Marinette meets Damian when he is injured on a mission
·         Marinette heals him
·         Damian is shocked by her kindness
·         The two bond over their mutual stresses as heirs to ancient organizations
·         The two meet whenever he has a mission in Paris
·         The League falls and Damian is sent to Gotham
·         Damian immediately contacts Marinette, but hides her from his family
·         Marinette helps him transition to living outside of the League
·         When they turn 13 Hawkmoth strikes
·         Marinette is a true ladybug and knows Damian is her soulmate and black cat
·         She uses Kaalki to give him the ring while Master Fu chooses other wielders to help her in battle
·         Bee!Chloe! is Golden Stinger
·         She and Marinette are friends because she saw the same scared kid as Damian in Chloe as kids and knew how to reach out
·         They have been inseparable ever since
·         Fox!Adrien is Swiper, because he’s going to swipe Hawkmoth’s miraculous!
·         This name is promptly vetoed by the rest of the team
·         Adrien then goes with Kitsune because he is our smol weeb boy
·         They all immediately know who each other is because they are true wielders, making them platonic soulmates
·         The team is brutal and efficient with Shadow monitoring the battle and running their coms from Gotham
·         Lila still happens, but is more effective in icing Marinette out because she is friends with Chloe
·         Marinette doesn’t care as much as she does in the show because she’s not as close with them
·         Adrien doesn’t bother with trying to appease Lila, he will not abandon Mari or Chloe
·         Lila doesn’t like this and turns her parents against her, so they begin neglecting her
·         Marinette is disappointed, but not surprised since they didn’t spend a lot of time with her anyways
·         Miracle Queen happens, but with Alya instead of Chloe
·         Marinette starts to crack when she is handed guardianship
·         She moves in with Chloe at Le Grand Paris
·         They start building a fashion brand together, Mari as designer and Chloe on the business side
·         Honey Blossom Designs quickly gains traction internationally due to the one and only Jagged Stone promoting “his rockin’ nieces!” every chance he can get
·         Chloe and Adrien are also main models, but wear masks to remain anonymous and to keep off of Gabriel’s radar
·         Hawkmoth is defeated when they are 16
·         Damian and Marinette officially start dating
·         He’s gotten this far without his family finding out about Marinette
·         He finally feels comfortable enough with them to trust them, but at the same time he wants to see how long he can keep the secrecy up
·         There was a close call when the trio portaled over to the manor for a movie night and got a bit too rambunctious
·         Damian proposes during one of their date nights in Paris when they are 17
·         She says yes!
·         The class wins the Wayne Enterprises trip and comes to Gotham during their senior year
·         The miraculous squad are all 18
·         The class tends to ignore them, so it was easy enough for them to slip away for an evening
·         Damian and Mari elope with Adrien and Chloe as their witnesses and the blessing of the kwamis
·         A week passes
·         Somehow with only three rogue attacks, which is truly shocking considering Lila is on the trip
·         Mari and Damian feel something is off and are both on high alert
·         Suddenly they feel a sting on their necks and then nothing
·         They wake up in a League of Assassins base in wedding robes
·         Damian looks around scowling until he notices their clothes
·         Marinette immediately notices their outfits and looks up at him confused
·         “Well it looks like mother approves of us”
·         Marinette just laughs upon realizing what is happening
·         She is unsure whether to be more incredulous or amused
·         Damian just raises his eyebrows, he has decided to be amused
·         Talia comes in with a speech prepared about how they must marry for the good of both of their organizations, she will kill their families if they don’t comply, etc.
·         She is surprised at what she sees when she actually looks at them
·         “Do you two know each other?”
·         “We got married last week.”
·         Now Talia is incredulous
·         Marinette sees her opening and takes it
·         She breaks Talia’s nose
·         “That’s for everything you did to him as a child!”
·         Talia is shocked and angry and is about to lunge until Damian steps between them
·         “So can we go now that we’ve cleared up the fact that we are already married?”
·         Talia just glares at them and leaves them there for the Bats to find later
·         A few hours later
·         The bats burst into the room and are relieved to find both Damian and the missing girl from the Paris class
·         Jason just stares at them until blurting out “Why the fuck are you dressed for a wedding?!”
·         “We will explain later, can we go now?”
·         The bats reluctantly agree to wait until they’re on the batplane to ask about what happened
·         The plane is filled with tense silence until Batman takes a deep breath
·         Lord give him the strength to deal with whatever bullshit Talia just pulled
·         “Talk.”
·         ”Father, meet my wife, Marinette Wayne. Marinette, this is my father Bruce Wayne, and these are my… brothers, Grayson, Todd, and Drake.”
·         “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you all! Dami has told me so much about you!”
·         The entire family just bluescreens
·         Jason is the first one to snap out of it
·         “Tt. She tried, but we’ve already been married for a whole week.”
·         “Surprise?”
·         Jason, Dick and Tim are now yelling over each other and rapidly asking questions
·         Bruce may be broken
·         Damian and Marinette just enjoy the chaos
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waywardrose13 · 3 years
Crimson Leaves- Chapter Seven: Calm Before the Storm
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Masterlist // Series Masterlist
Crimson Leaves- Zombie Apocalypse AU series
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: The dead have risen. Amid a global pandemic that causes the dead to prowl the Earth, a leader of a small camp in North Carolina fights for survival. Y/N Y/L/N was certain of three things: One, only a bite would turn you. Two, the brain must be destroyed in order to completely kill the thing. Three, trust no one. When a stranger is brought to her camp half alive, Y/N must make the decision to throw him to the walkers, or let the mystery man heal within the gates. As Dean Winchester recovers from a zombie attack, he worms his way into the camp, and eventually into Y/N’s heart. Love is a dangerous game, especially when it’s played with the dead.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, language, some fluff, *Graphic depictions of gore and murder*, implied cannibalism, death
Bingo squares: None for this chapter​
A/N- This chapter was commissioned! Thank you to the beautiful individual who motivated me to write this chapter. This one is for you:)
<<Chapter Six
Y/n’s heart nearly leaped from her chest. She cursed under her breath and turned slowly to face him. Smiling sheepishly, she tried to ignore the flutters of butterflies in her chest at the sight of Dean: arms crossed, eyes narrowed, lips pursed. Why was an angry Dean turning her on? And why was she letting it?
“Hey, Dean,” she said. She sent him her most innocent smile, which was not reciprocated in the slightest. “Why are you up so early?”
“Because I’m a light sleeper and I heard you leave,” he replied. “Haven’t you learned from last time? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I have a list,” she said, shrugging. “People need these items and the runners can’t get them.”
“Why not?”
“Because they’re personal items that people trust me with,” she said. “I have to go.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“I’m amazing.”
“You’re a pain in the ass.”
“I’m endearing.”
Dean sighed and rubbed his temples. “Okay, well I’m coming with you.”
“Not up for discussion. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if you were alone last time. I’m coming with you.” Dean gripped her chin and planted a quick kiss on her lips before stepping around her to open the gate. “Come on, you.”
Y/n’s lip quirked into a small smile. She slipped through the gate, Dean right behind her. “Ladies first” he had said the first time they left on a run together. She hadn’t taken it, of course. He had sauntered through the gates when she scowled at him. But now, she brushed a hand over his bicep as she passed, giving him a sly grin that he sent right back as she walked through the gates. He latched it back up and followed Y/n down the marked path before he reached out silently to intertwine his fingers with hers. She sent him a shy smile and squeezed his hand.
The sun hadn’t risen quite yet. The hints of a rosy pink bled through the trees from atop the mountain. The sunrise over the mountain-top was gorgeous. A perk of being on the east coast.
The two settled into a comfortable silence. The birds began to wake, their melodious songs echoing off the trees, creating a calming morning atmosphere. It wasn’t very humid, and the temperature wasn’t too high, so the air was comfortable, a soft wind blowing atop the mountain. With mornings like these, it’s hard to think of the death and destruction happening on Earth right now. These moments of tranquility were cherished by Y/n. She knew it couldn’t last, but she liked to pretend. 
They arrived at the Jeep in no time. Dean offered to drive, and Y/n reluctantly let him. She knew the roads better, but she was still tired, so she conceded.
“We aren’t going into Brevard today,” she said. “When you get to the fork, take a left instead.”
“Copy that,” Dean said. 
They drove in silence for the most part, one of Dean’s hands still laced with one of Y/n’s. Y/n huffed a small laugh at the thought of the last time they were outside the walls of the camp on a run. How she had been so annoyed and pissy with him. How he had called her a grade-A bitch.
Now, their hands were laced and her skin was abuzz with the feel of him. That attraction and that feeling had been there, hidden beneath denial and anger and self hatred. But Dean had set that feeling free. He had nudged open the door to her heart and let those feelings loose.
And it scared the fuck out of her.
She knew she wasn’t easy to be around. She knew she wasn’t easy to love. She knew that before the apocalypse. She had always had a temper. She was always a bit odd. She had been through some shit in her life that molded her into someone who locked away her trust and lashed out when she was hurt. 
It’s not like she wanted to be this way. A build up of unresolved trauma, the dismissal of her own feelings, and not knowing how to express her emotions in a healthy way led to it. 
So, no. She wasn’t easy to be around. It’s why most people in her life left. Even her own family had a hard time dealing with her sometimes.
“You make us all miserable.” 
It was so long ago, she couldn’t remember if it was one of her siblings or parents, but those words had stuck with her for a long time. And it stung, even after all these years. She wished she could fix it. She had always wanted to be loved despite her flaws.
She knew Dean didn’t love her. She knew the capability of someone loving her was low. But he cared for her. And he shared her affections.
She just hoped she didn’t scare him off.
The general store was nestled in yet another small town at the bottom of the mountain. The runners didn’t know about it. They traveled mostly west or to Brevard. But Y/n had come to the small town on a few occasions. It was one of the last untouched towns. Long abandoned, it wasn’t on many maps, and the general store still had many valuables to spare.
“What are we looking for?” Dean asked as they stepped inside. He closed the door softly behind him and locked it. The store was dark and full of cobwebs, dust, and leaves, but the shelves were still intact and covered in items. They weren’t full, but they had enough.
Y/n read over her list for the tenth time. “Some enemas, condoms, and hemorrhoid cream.”
Dean stared at her. “Personal. Right.”
“Told you,” she said, setting off into the isles. “Not everyone trusts all the runners. As their leader, most people entrust the more personal items with me. I think they know if they asked the runners for stuff like this, stuff that doesn’t benefit the camp as a whole, the runners would ignore it.”
“You’re a good leader, Y/n.”
Her skin warmed at his pride. “Thank you.”
They searched the store for the items, finding them all as well as a few more packs of batteries, lighter fluid, and a half empty tank of gas in the back. They poured the gas into the Jeep’s tank, stuffed all of the items into Y/n’s backpack, and climbed back into the car.
“That went by much more smoothly than our last outing.”
Y/n whistled and nodded, slumping down onto her couch when they got back to her cabin. They had dropped the items off at the respectable tents, dumped the batteries off at the nerve center, passed the lighter fluid off to the kitchens, and returned to Y/n’s cabin before their daily duties.
“I would say so,” she said, reaching a hand up for Dean to grab. He grinned and took it, sinking down onto the couch beside her and lifting her up into his lap. She laid her head in the crook of his neck, his hands resting on her waist and knee. 
“What do you have planned today, Lord Commander?” Dean asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Y/n rolled her eyes. “I’m stuck at the nerve center today. I have some role change requests and Luke and I are drafting a plan for some cabin construction.”
“Really?” Dean asked. 
“Yep. We’re growing rapidly. We’re thinking about some bunk houses, that way people don’t always have to stay in tents. There’s a man who worked construction who’s currently over in security, but he said he’d direct the building efforts.”
“That would be a lot of work,” Dean said. He peered down at her. “Where would the materials come from?”
“It would be mostly wood. Maybe some clay to help keep the logs together. But if we build a sturdy enough structure and use some of the tarps over the roofs to keep the rain from pouring in, I think we could build decent log houses. They wouldn’t be perfect, but the tents are filling up and we’re running out.”
Dean nodded at her words and squeezed her hip. “Not a bad idea.”
“Of course it isn’t. I came up with it.”
Dean chuckled. “So modest.” 
She looked up at him, their eyes locking for a moment before Dean bent down to plant a chaste kiss to her lips. 
Y/n didn’t think she would ever get used to Dean kissing her. Every time he did, she felt as if she was swept up into a new dance amongst the stars, or as if she was soaring up into the sky. Every touch sent her skin aflame and every kiss left her breathless in the best way. He was her drug, and the more of him she got, the more of him she craved.
He lifted her and laid her back on the couch, his hands warm on her hips as he held her down, skimming them up her sides. She arched into his touch and kissed him feverishly, wrapping her legs around his waist to rub against him. Groaning, he broke away from her to duck into her neck, kissing the skin there.
“Sweetheart,” he rasped as she grinded against him.
“Yes?” She asked sweetly.
“Keep doing that, and I won’t be able to hold back,” he said. She knew that wasn’t true. If she told him to leave and never come back, he’d respect her wishes. But his words still sent heat slithering to her core.
“Who’s asking you to?” 
Dean growled and nipped her earlobe. “I don’t want your first time to be us rutting against each other on your couch like a couple teenagers.” He bucked his hips into hers, though, making her gasp. “When we fuck, we’re going to do it right.”
“So sure of yourself, aren’t you?” She asked. 
Dean pulled back to look her straight in the eye. “Very.”
And he kissed her again. 
This time, he pulled her up to his chest, keeping her legs locked around his, and stood. How he did that so gracefully with her wrapped around him like a koala, she didn’t know. But he carried her across the room and to her bed, where he broke apart and set her down gently.
And took a step back.
Dean laughed as Y/n sagged with a pout. She looked up at him through her lashes and reached for him again.
“You’re cruel. Come here.”
“I told you, I won't do this now.”
“You said not on the couch,” she pointed out. She snapped her fingers. “Come back now.”
Dean grinned and clasped the sides of her head, bending to give her one last gentle kiss.
“I thought you weren’t ready.”
Y/n thought for a moment. Twenty-three years of sexual frustration had built, and he was right in front of her, willing to be her outlet. And in the moment, she was definitely ready. But taking a step back…
“We don’t have to do it now. Just come lie with me.”
“I need to shower,” Dean said. He shifted uncomfortably and Y/n’s eyes flashed down to where his jeans were definitely straining against his crotch. She smirked and looked up at him again.
“Naughty boy.”
“It’s your fault, Lord Commander.” He pointed at her and shot her a wink. “Your fault.”
He disappeared into the bathroom and Y/n laughed. A warmth had spread over her chest and seeped into the deepest parts of her heart. That hole that had formed inside her, the one that had concaved in on itself when she lost her family and sunk into a survival mode that changed her and tore her very being apart, had begun to fill.
And she had Dean to thank for that.
She wasn’t in love. Of course, she wasn’t sure what love really was. But she felt herself falling. She knew she was falling. Which was ridiculous, right? It wasn’t as if she knew him very long. Not even two months had passed since she met him. Yet he was nestling into the depths of her heart and mind, rooting himself there.
Fuck was it terryfiying.
He was helping fill that empty void she always felt. But what if she lost him? What if she lost him like she lost her family? The ones who mattered most to her? She didn’t think she would be able to handle losing someone she loved again. 
And while she could easily lose herself in love, in a romance that she had wanted for so long, it wasn’t what was important. The camp was the most important thing in her life right now. She wouldn’t let feelings get in the way of protecting the camp or its people. 
Perhaps throwing herself into her work would help stow those feelings away. They would be kept at bay so she could focus, so that maybe she wouldn’t inevitably become hurt by his leaving. Because everyone in her life left. What would make him so different? He could say he wouldn’t leave, say he wouldn’t do the same thing as everyone else had. 
But every one of those people who left said the same thing, yet they still turned their backs on her.
Sighing, Y/n slumped further onto her bed, burrowing into the blankets and pressing her head into the pillow. She had been up so early that morning and exhaustion was weighing down on her. She had been working throughout the day and into the night before waking up before the sun the next day. She was beat.
As her eyes began to droop, Dean emerged from her bathroom. She peeked and eyes open and watched as he toweled off his wet hair, dressed in simple jeans and a henley. Hanging the towel on the rack before he sauntered over to the bed where Y/n was laying. He gently reached down to run a hand along the back of her head.
“Are you okay?” He asked, fingers lightly caressing her head, worry etched into his face.
“Yes. Why?” 
“You seem sad,” he told her. He sat down on the edge of the mattress and rested a hand on her back. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” she promised. She sat up and locked eyes with him. “That’s kind of the problem.”
He cocked his head. “I don’t understand.”
“I don’t know how to keep myself from falling for you,” she said honestly. May as well speak the truth in the apocalypse, no beating around the bush when you could die at any moment. “I don’t know how to keep myself from getting hurt.”
Dean frowned. “Is that what’s happening here?”
Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat and gave a slight shrug. “I don’t know.”
Dean hesitated but nodded briefly and looked away. “You might want to figure that out.”
“I know.”
He sighed and squeezed her hip affectionately. “I thought I told you I wasn’t going anywhere.” He still didn’t make eye contact when he added despondently, “don’t you trust me?”
Y/n’s heart thumped roughly in her chest. “Of course I do.”
“Then why do you still question my motives? Why don’t you believe anyone could love you?”
Suddenly her heart was in her throat. Love her? He couldn’t love her. This couldn't be love with him. Not yet. Maybe infatuation or attraction, but he couldn’t possibly love her. He seemed to catch what he said because his face turned red and he stiffened. 
“Because everyone always says that. They never plan to leave in the beginning.”
“Well sorry, sweetheart. You’re stuck with me,” Dean said.
“For now.”
He rolled his eyes and stood up, beckoning her to the door. “I don’t want to argue with nonsense.”
“It’s not nonsense if it’s true,” Y/n muttered, taking his hand. He scowled.
“That in of itself is nonsense,” he said. “But come on, let’s get some work done before we say something we regret.”
Before the two could reach the door, it crashed open, Luke’s frantic face stepping into view as he nearly fell inside with the force he used to open the door. Y/n jumped and Dean crouched into a defensive stance automatically.
“Jesus, Luke!” Y/n said. “What the hell?”
“It’s… you have to look… I don't even…” Luke sucked in breaths rapidly, his face turning ashy pale as he hyperventilated. Y/n wasted no time in moving in front of her closest friend and second-in-command, placing her hands on his shoulders.
“Breathe, Luke,” she said. “Like me. In, hold, out, good. Again.”
He did his best to match her breathing, the terror still written on his face and glowing in his eyes, body trembling. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.
“Now, tell me what happened.”
“The barbarians. The runners left this morning for a hunt. They hadn’t come back in time-”
“Wait, they didn’t? Why wasn’t I informed?” Y/n asked, fingers tightening on Luke’s shoulders.
“Well… Mikela thought it best if we didn’t tell you. You’re finally back to health, well for the most part. Don’t think we haven’t noticed how you stare into space sometimes or forget something right after it happened. Your head is still healing and-”
“It doesn’t fucking matter.” She let go of him roughly, moving to the door. “I’m still the fucking leader.”
“We need a leader who is well enough to lead. She came to me and-”
Y/n spun around to face him. He stumbled back on the look on her face. She was furious, feeling betrayed. “Excuse me?”
“I’m second in command. I didn’t think it was right so I came to you and-”
“I’m not some fucking weakling,” she snarled. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not, and that’s okay. You’re not fine. You haven’t been fine in a long time,” Luke said. She nearly vibrated with rage.
“I’m fine enough to lead this camp. I’m fine enough to fulfill the duties I promised to fulfill when I took this position. You are second in command, not first. Which means I am the one they come to. Not you.”
“I know,” he said quietly. He looked down at his shoes. 
“Now. What the hell happened?”
“Runners two and six went hunting this morning.”
“Sophie and Gary. I wrote the schedule,” she said flatly. Luke nodded.
“They didn’t come back. So Mikela went out with runner three, Matthew, and-and they came back but we need you. Just… come with me. I have to show you.”
Glancing at Dean for a moment, who looked back at her with equal confusion, Y/n followed Luke outside. Some people were gathered by the front gate, but the guards were holding their line firmly. The small crowd of people parted to let Y/n through.
“What happened?”
“Where’s Gary?”
“If they’re dead, I blame you!”
Y/n stepped through the gate that the guards opened for her, ignoring the shouts from the crowd. Mikela was there, face as stony as ever, with Matthew and Richard at her sides. Y/n cocked her head.
“What happened? Luke was very vague.”
Mikela jerked her head behind her and led Y/n through the trees. Clouds covered the sky, but slivers of sunlight cut through the curtain of gray and down into the breaks of the leaves. They were on alert as they walked, Matthew, Dean, and Luke trailing behind the two women as they went.
“Why is he here?” Luke asked.
Y/n glanced back at them. Dean had turned his head to glare at Luke, who tried not to look in his direction. Y/n shrugged.
“He’s going to be a guard. He needs some field experience.”
Luke scoffed. “You’re only letting him trail you like a puppy because you’re fucking him.”
Everyone stopped walking collectively. Luke had paled and taken a step back, knowing he had gone too far. Dean’s face hardened as he gripped Luke’s shirt collar and dragged him within inches of his face.
“Watch your damn mouth,” he snarled. Luke shoved against Dean’s chest hard and stumbled back as the man let go.
“Luke,” Y/n spoke calmly. He turned to her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“If I hear one more word from your mouth, Dean won’t be the one you have to worry about. Speak to me or any other woman like that and I’ll boot you from your role here, and then contemplate your stay here at the camp. Is that understood?”
Luke nodded and swallowed hard. 
“Good,” Y/n said. “You’ve tested my patience enough today. Go back to the camp and stay there.”
“Yes, Lord Commander,” he said, trying to lift the spirits with her nickname. But it didn’t work, and he turned to slink back through the trees.
“Come on, we don’t have much time,” Mikela said lowly, gripping Y/n’s elbow to tug her along. They only walked for about a minute before she stopped and turned away. “Look.”
Mikela lifted her hand to point a few yards away. Y/n followed her finger and gasped in shock before she almost cried out in horror. She slapped her hands over her mouth to muffle the sounds. 
There, strung up by his neck, Gary hung from a thick branch of a tree. His eyes had been ripped from his head- dark, bloody sockets remaining. His throat had been hacked at, his clothes had been stolen, and his body had been utterly disfigured. Chunks of thigh had been cut away, one of his arms was missing.
The only way she knew it was Gary was by the tattoo on his chest, a family crest that sat over his heart. It had been cut into with a knife, an X marking it.
Y/n thought she may faint. Her knees wobbled at the sight and she quickly turned away, forcing the vomit that threatened to come up down. 
“Oh my God.”
“We haven’t found Sophie. We think it was the barbarians.”
“You’re sure?” Y/n asked. Mikela nodded and held out a piece of paper. It was crumpled and bloody. 
“This was nailed to his foot when we found him.”
Y/n took the paper tentatively, clenching her jaw as she read it.
“Thanks for the meal and for the fun. They’ll have to do until I get you back, Y/n.  -R.”
Y/n looked up at Dean, fear gripping her heart. Rick. He was still alive. 
“Why?” Was all she could say. Dean shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment.
“It has to be them, right?” Mikela asked. “R. He’s one of the guys who we fought last year. One of the guys who took you?”
Y/n nodded and folded the letter before shoving into her pocket. She cleared her throat and loosed a breath. “Yeah. Yeah, this was the barbarians. Rick. He uh… he’s threatened me on more than one occasion. He’s pissed that I got away from him again.”
“So what do we do?” Matthew asked. Y/n looked between the three of them, chewing on her lip as she thought. Sighing, she turned to the body hanging in the tree and winced.
“We have to give him a proper burial.” She took her switchblade from her pocket and put it in her mouth to hold it as she hauled herself up the tree, climbing it enough by the branches to reach the rope that held Gary hanging. She suppressed a gag at the smell of blood and decay and flicked the knife open. She sawed at the rope a few times until it gave away and Gary fell to the ground. “We’ll bury him in the cemetery with the others.”
“I’ll run back and grab a sheet or something,” Matthew said. He broke out into a run, desperate to get far away from their mutilated friend.
“Poor Gary,” Mikela said softly. “He was always so nice.”
“And what about the other one? Sophie, was it?” Dean asked. “You think they… they took her?”
“I hope not,” Y/n said. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “God, I hope not.”
Did you like it? What was your favorite part? Send me an ask with your thoughts! Feedback is loved and greatly appreciated:)
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lizamango · 3 years
Finding You (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 3/?
 A/N: Hey everyone, sorry this took so long!! This chapter was kinda hard to write, I felt like there wasn’t much that I could add but I did my best! I wanna get to Bucky as much as you all do! 😭😩
Summary: You’ve been one of SHIELD’s top spies for years but what happens when the organisation you’ve put your trust in crumbles and Captain America gives you a mission to help him find his best friend? The last thing you expected to happen was to fall in love with your assignment and become best friends with a witch.
Taglist ~ just comment if you wanna be added
@buckylokisimp​​, @white-wolf-buckaroo​​, @austynparksandpizza, @markandlexies​
Word Count: 2098
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~
Warnings: none
Chapter Summary: You and Steve run from HYDRA
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I enter a shopping mall where I buy a hoodie for myself and a jacket, glasses and a hat for Rogers using cash. I pass by JD sports and see some Supra Vaders I know the Captain will just love so I go in and grab a pair, and get a pair of Nike Dunk Sky His for myself. I leave and meet him where he waits, away from any crowds and we put on our simple yet effective disguises.
“First rule of going on the run, is don’t run. Walk,” I say, recalling my operations training.
“If I run in these shoes they’re gonna fall off.”
I smirk. “Sorry, thought you’d be bigger.”
Ignoring my innuendo, Steve huffs. “They’re ridiculous, why can’t I lace them up?”
“It’s a fashion statement.” I glance at a map as we pass by. “Apple store’s upstairs.” We ride the escalator and enter the store.
Finding an empty laptop, I get to work. “The drive has a Level 6 homing program so as soon as we boot up, SHIELD will know exactly where we are.”
“How much time will we have?” he asks, surveying the area not so subtly.
“About 9 minutes from…” I insert the drive. “now.” I enter the coding commands to unlock the intel but something inverts each one… now comes in my training from the Academy of Science and Technology. “Fury was right about that ship. Somebody’s trying to hide something.” As I look through the coding script my inputs are rewritten to counter the commands. “This drive is protected by some sort of AI.”
“Like Stark’s robot voice? Can you override it?”
I raise a brow as I type away. “The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly. I’m gonna try running a tracer. This is a program that SHIELD developed to track hostile malware, so if we can’t read the file, maybe we can find out its origin.” The map tracks a location and pinpoints it as we are approached by a store employee.
“Can I help you guys with anything?”
I react quickly and give him my best charming smile. “Oh, no. My fiancé was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations,” I giggle, placing my hands on Rogers’ shoulders.
“Right,” he adds awkwardly. “We’re gettin’ married.”
“Congratulations! Where are you guys thinkin’ about goin’?”
I go back to the laptop and the state has been pinpointed.
“New Jersey,” the Captain reads aloud.
“Huh,” the employee lets out, surprised. “I have the exact same glasses,” he says after a pause.
“Wow, you two are practically twins,” I remark as I type away.
“Yeah, I wish!” he chuckles. “Specimen. Uh, if you guys need anything… I’ve been Aaron.”
“Thank you,” Rogers rushes out. “You said 9 minutes,” he checks his watch. “Come on.”
I shush him. “Relax… I’m working.” The screen reads Wheaton, New Jersey. “Done.” I look up at him and he has a frown on his face. “You know it?”
“I used to. Let’s go.” He pulls the hard drive out of the laptop and we walk out of the store. “Standard tac team. Two behind, two across,” he turns to face forward. “two comin’ straight at us. If they make us, I’ll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro.”
As he speaks I roll my eyes, this guy was definitely not meant for the spy world. “Put your arm around me and laugh at something I said,” I say.
“What?” he sounds utterly confused.
“Do it.” I feel his arm rest on my shoulder and he gives the most awkward laugh I have ever heard come from a person. “See, Captain? No need to make such a scene.” We work our way to the escalator and I spot Rumlow on the escalator coming up. I turn to look up at Rogers. “Kiss me.”
“What?” he says again, flustered.
“Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.”
“Yes they do!” he whispers.
I put my hand to the back of his neck and push him towards me so our lips meet and I feel his hand fall on my waist. I open my eyes and pull away slowly after enough time has passed.
“You still uncomfortable?” I ask turning and walking down the escalator.
“That’s not exactly a word I would use,” he murmurs and quiets down as we get to the parking lot.
“We could get bus tickets to New Jersey, think I’ve got enough cash for the trip,” I suggest.
“Keep a look out,” he says approaching a truck as I frown but do as he says. In no time I hear the start of an engine and whirl to look at him. “Come on, we don’t have all day,” he says smugly.
I get into the passenger’s side and he starts to drive to the Garden State.
“Can’t believe Captain America can steal cars…” I say striking up a conversation.
He chuckles. “Kind of a necessary skill when you’re fighting a World War and you’re in enemy territory.”
I hum and he glances at me. “And it’s not stealing if we give it back so get your feet off the dash.”
“Bossy,” I remark but do as he says. “I like that,”
There’s a pink tint to his cheeks and his jaw clenches but he doesn’t say anything.
“So I have a question for you…” I start with a raised brow. “But you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, although no answer is an answer in itself so-“
“Get to it, L/N,” he interrupts authoritatively.
“Was that your first kiss since 1945?” I smirk.
“That bad, huh?”
“I didn’t say that!” I laugh.
“Well it kinda sounds like that’s what you’re saying.”
“I was just… wondering if you’ve had practice… since going… into the ice,” for a super secret agent, that answer lacked finesse. “It’s just, I don’t know how you did it in 1945 but guys normally move their mouths for a long kiss like that,” I shrug.
“I don’t need practice.”
“Everyone needs practice.”
“It was not my first kiss since 1945. I’m 95, not dead.”
“Oh?” I say, curiosity piqued. “Who’s been kissing Captain America then?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Someone special?”
He chuckles. “It might come as a surprise to you but it’s hard to find someone with shared life experience,” he says sarcastically.
“That’s okay, you just make stuff up.”
“What, like you?” I know he doesn’t intend for it to sound mean so I shrug it off.
“Not everyone can handle the truth, can they? I wouldn’t mind a few white lies to keep something good going… and you don’t need shared life experience, right? Not really… there’s that whole opposites attract notion, after all.”
“But it’s good to have someone who understands what you’re going through, right?”
I shrug… sometimes not knowing is better. Safer. “Maybe. But in this occupation…” I sigh. “Well I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been in love.”
“You’ve – you never had someone?” Looks like I threw him for a loop.
Shaking my head I turn to look out my window at the trees we pass by. “I don’t hate love or anything… it’s just dangerous to love someone like… us. Isn’t it? They’d either get hurt by people we go after or… ya know, if we don’t come back… it hurts them too.”
“But tomorrow isn’t promised to anybody,” he reasons. “So why deprive yourself of something as great as love on the off chance you die?”
“Because it’s easier.”
“For who?”
“Why the interest Rogers? You wanna fill that spot? Play a little house? Imagine we don’t have to save the world from domestic terrorists?”
He hums at my decision to not answer the question. “No, that’s not what I need right now.”
“And what do you need?”
“Just…” he sighs. “a friend.”
Of course. “Well, there’s a chance you might be in the wrong business, Rogers…”
“Maybe we could start with not calling each other our last names?” he offers.
I smile. “Maybe.”
We arrive at the location the tracer indicated as the sun is setting.
Camp Lehigh is on a sign but it seems to be long abandoned.
“The file came from these coordinates,” I say as I pick the lock on the chained fence.
“So did I…” Steve says looking up at the sign in nostalgia. “This camp is where I was trained.”
“Change much?”
“A little…”
I wonder around, scanning the area for any thing to indicate a power source. “This is a dead end. Zero heat signatures, zero waves. Not even radio. Whoever created the file must have used a router to throw people off.” I tuck the scanner in my back pocket and the Captain looks up at me then shifts his gaze to behind me, frowning. “What is it?”
He starts walking and I follow. “Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks. This building’s in the wrong place.” He breaks the lock with his shield and we enter as it leads us underground.
I turn on the lights and it reveals the insignia painted on the wall. “This was SHIELD. The early days, after it evolved from the Strategic Scientific Reserve,” I say, recognizing the outdated logo.
We wander around, finding a wall of three portraits. “The three founders.” He looks at me. “What? The history is one of the things they teach at the academies. Colonel Philips, Howard Stark and Margaret Carter.”
“There are academies?”
“Three. Very tough admission.”
Rogers spots something and looks closer. “If you’re already working in a secret office…” he pushes the shelves apart. “Why do you need to hide the elevator?”
Using my SHIELD issued code breaking device I type in the code for the elevator which takes us down even further to a room of computers, monitors and servers.
“This can’t be right… this equipment is ancient how could it be used to make the files?”
There was one place that looked like it came from this century and I decide to take a risk and plug in the usb drive. The servers whir and more lights come on.
“Initiate system?” a computerized voice says.
Yes, I type. “Creepy.” As we wait for the system to boot up I smirk. “Shall we play a game?” I laugh at myself. “It’s from a movie that was really pop-“
“I know,” he interrupts. “I saw it.”
A camera moves to Rogers and a voice recites his name and year of birth. Then it turns to me and does the same.
“Is this the AI that was blocking my commands back at the mall?” I say looking closer.
“I may not be the man I was back when the Captain took me in 1945 but I am.” A photo appears on one of the other screens.
“You know this… thing?”
“Arnim Zola was a German Scientist who worked for the Red Skull.”
“He’s been dead for years,” I add, remember something of the history lessons.
“First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive.” The robot voice recounts his end of life story and how he uploaded his consciousness into databanks.
“How did you get here?”
“By invitation.”
“It was Operation Paperclip after World War II. SHIELD recruited German scientists with strategic value. Always thought they shoulda just locked them all up… we probably wouldn’t be in this mess if they did.”
“HYDRA would have died with the Red Skull.”
“Cut off one head… two more shall take its place,” I recite their mantra aloud.
“When history did not cooperate… history was changed.” A flurry of photos of the Winter Soldier in the back ground of significant political events appear on the screens.
“That’s impossible, SHIELD would have stopped you,” I say, moving closer.
“Accidents would happen.” News of Howard and Maria Stark’s car accident shows up next.
Rogers punches the screen as Zola provokes him.
Does that mean…? I don’t finish the thought as the mad scientist explains what the drive contains.
“What kind of algorithm? What does it do?” I ask.
The doors begin to close as Steve is too late to throw his shield. A beeping comes from my communicator, detecting something. “Steve, we got a bogey. Short range ballistic 30 seconds tops.”
“Who fired it?”
“SHIELD.” I pull out the drive and Steve pulls a grate from the floor. I jump in and he follows, putting the shield up above us as rubble rains down on us. He strains against the weight of it all and the debris settles.
Thank you for reading!
I'll be gone until Monday again but I'll try to write on my phone!! I have literally never been so busy throughout this summer until now!
Chapter 4
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sapphicscholar · 3 years
I've been rereading some of your fics, and with you saying prompts are open, I gotta ask, update on director sanvers v with Alex as the hinge? Absolutely no pressure, esp cause it seems you wanna branch out a bit more, but damn if I've wondered how they are doing
Hey there! Probably won't get to a whole fic about these three anytime soon, but perhaps you'd enjoy a few random headcanons about how things have been going? (also I've been feeling particularly attached to them of late after seeing TLW Gen Q really drop the ball on their attempt at poly stories :/ )
- Alex is still the hinge partner; Maggie's not seeing anyone else, but she's really enjoying having a bit more time for herself and the community garden plot she got (after 2 years on the waiting list); Lucy went back to the law after Marsdin's new legislation hit the books, and she splits the time she's not holed up in her office with Alex and Vasquez (who she's still dating and still refusing to go camping with; no matter how good at it she can be, it doesn't make it something she wants to do)
- Superfriends game nights have pretty much abandoned certain games like charades, pictionary, and taboo because even with a "no Danvers sisters on one team" rule, no one stands a chance, and it always came down to Alex and Maggie vs. Lucy and Vasquez. Winn campaigned hard for them to try DND (dammit, he's always wanted to DM a big campaign), and once he had Brainy and Nia on his side, he managed to sway the whole group. (Alex was the most resistant, but she was finally swayed with the promise that she could design her own weaponry.) Kara proposed that they play in the Sky High universe, and it was just ridiculous enough for everyone to agree. Lucy and Maggie both voluntarily chose to be classified as sidekicks, and they've bonded over pitching the most ridiculous schemes that only their random sidekick powers can facilitate, supers be damned, and Lucy's got a +7 on charisma that pretty much guarantees she always gets her way. (Their characters are now dating, and they tease Alex about how much she blushes at seeing them flirt.)
- Maggie and Vasquez joke a lot about buying a row of houses so that they don't have to build commute time into their massive shared calendar anymore. It was a running joke until they found a massive duplex on the outskirts of town with enough space for Maggie to garden up front and a big fenced-in backyard, which feels more and more important by the day as Alex keeps spamming the group chat with 90lb mutts in need of a loving home, and everyone's fairly certain that they'll be at a 1:1 human:dog ratio before long. The house needs a million and one repairs, but dammit, they've got tool belts and a bit of knowledge and an extensive history of YouTube searches about "how to x," and they're making it work. (Plus, Kara's handy in a pinch. Like when they need someone to lift the house up just enough to peek at the foundations...)
- Technically the houses are divided, but they've installed an inside door that's almost never locked. Besides, the good kitchen is on one side, and the better living room set up is on the other, so it's only fair that they keep an open passage readily available. (After Gertrude gets a brother who Alex names Harold to the surprise of no one in the house and the confusion of everyone in the neighborhood, they take down the door entirely. Apparently doggy doors don't work too well for 110 lb great pyrenees mixes barreling through them at 25mph.) On Saturdays, Vasquez, Lucy, and Maggie pile into the good living room and watch college football, while Alex and Kara head out to brunch for some well-deserved sister time, though once basketball season starts Alex is the first one in front of that TV. The neighbors aren't really up to speed with what's going on with the house and its residents (Maggie's overheard multiple people swearing that only 3 women live there, plus one neighbor who's convinced that every last one of the superfriends has a bedroom in the house), but they're welcoming enough regardless. (Except Terry, but Joan, the elderly woman next door, assures them that Terry "doesn't have much going on up there, if you know what I mean.") Besides, what really matters is that they win the neighborhood Halloween decorating contest. Every. Single. Year.
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matixv · 2 years
I’m here to express my thoughts on Maya’s and Carina’s journey as mothers on Station 19.
I was really happy when I first heard the idea of them building a family together, because as everyone, I wanted a lgbtq couple well represented on national television. But then the idea of Jack as the sperm donor popped out and ruined everything, but that’s not even the main problem here, cause if they’re happy I’m happy. The main problem is that Marina as the authors built them, IS NOT READY TO HAVE A CHILD.
I don’t want to be mean or disrespectful, but they’ve been married for a year, and honestly after all they’ve been through, I expected their relationship to take at least three years to settle. But let’s talk about the characters individually first:
We all know that Maya is struggling a lot with her mental health right now, cause even if she is not the «Eyes Forward» Maya anymore, she is an extremely prideful person and doesn’t like to lose. She is STILL learning to combine her job to her personal life, and don’t get me wrong, she is an amazing wife and would be an amazing mother, but she has a lot to learn before embarking on motherhood. Furthermore, they hadn’t show a lot about her going to therapy or dealing with her trauma, and last episode we clearly saw how Beckett forced sprints in the barn took her back to her childhood, so that isn’t healed either. Here we are talking about her situation in the present, but her past with Carina wasn’t healthy too. They’re lack of communication is evident in every episode and the things they’ve been through are much serious in real life then how they showed them. I know she changed a lot, and she is doing amazingly, but she has still a lot to learn, and as much as she wants to have a baby with Carina, as they’ve always shown since 5x07, I don’t think she mentally ready to face a new life, despite the fact that she has wife next to her. Maya loves her wife, but I think she wants to be sure to have a job that could bring her home safely to her family everyday, that could allow her not to get into fires and of course have a more financially stable situation.
Talking about Carina, we can clearly see her anxiety showing more in the past episodes. We don’t know much about her past, but we understood that her life wasn’t easy either. Maya is not the only one who went through abuse! Sometimes we tent to forget that. Carina’s father was mentally ill and she had to grow up by herself, and that’s were her abandonment fear comes from, she is scared of being alone. And that isn’t the best thing when your wife risks her life due to her job everyday. Again we can see the lack of communication, cause why does she talk to Jack instead of her own wife. Carina is definitely more ready to welcome a child, but her worries and concerns for Maya, will lead her in the wrong direction, cause although she learned to leave Maya her space when she needs it, it will be more difficult with a baby. With a baby you don’t have time to handle your problems like you did before.
If we finally talk about the couple, we saw how their sex/personal life and space is the pivot of their relationship. If their way to end up fights is having sex, their relationship through motherhood won’t last forever. I obviously think they’re endgame, but as wives, not as mothers.
Their relationship is still to new and fragile to handle a baby. I know, they can understand each other with a look or with a touch, but are we sure that they can handle more of that. Just imagine Maya not being able to run for a month when their baby is born, that will drive her crazy, she would feel trapped in her own house and eventually she will burst and snap with Carina. And then imagine Carina not being able to spend some alone time with her wife, cause of course she will be exhausted and tired all day and not really in the mood to have sex with her moody and angry wife. Their relationship will last until it’s just them, because they are so perfect for each other and can understand what the other is feeling in a second, but a child would destroy them.
Moreover, Carina didn’t choose Jack because he is «smart, humble and handsome», she choose Jack because she was fed up with the donor story. She choose Jack because he was near her, because Maya knew him and they’d be finally able to progress with the pregnancy. Carina just wants her little family, she doesn’t care about who the donor is, cause deep down she knows this child is gonna be just hers and Maya’s, whoever the donor is. But Jack words didn’t reassure me at all! He wants to be present, he wants to be «uncle Jack», yeah the same uncle Jack who broke Carina’s heart and shattered her trust for Maya. Did you remember how it ended up with Inara and Marcus? He got attached to that kid from the first moment he saw him, and that’s what will happen with Marina’s child too, and honestly Carina is not ready to see that, CARINA DOESN’T WANT UNCLE JACK IN HER LIFE.
I think if the writers had gone deeper into their relationship, I might have had a different opinion, but from what I’ve seen, I’m ready for the worst.
Despite everything, I will always love their relationship and this series, I’m just preparing myself for what’s coming.
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notquitetwilight · 4 years
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The Cullanos head to Boston to take care of some business.
“Well?” Carlisle Cullano asked his wife from across the table. “How does Boston pizza compare to Jersey pizza?”
“It doesn’t,” Esme answered her husband automatically. “Especially not ours.”
“Typical Jersey girl,” he smirked. He looked to their daughter beside her. “Rosie?”
Rosalie wrinkled her nose, looking up at him from the slice she was chewing on. “It’s too thick. I don’t like it. But then again, Jersey pizza doesn’t compare to New York pizza, either.”
Esme gave a deep sigh and threw her daughter a look. “Really?”
“What? You know I’ll always be a Manhattanite.”
“You were born in Jersey City Med,” Esme pointedly reminded her.
“Where I was abandoned,” Rose said slowly. “…To be raised in Manhattan.”
“You weren’t abandoned at the hospital,” Carlisle countered.
“She wasn’t abandoned at all!” Esme hissed before he could continue. “How many times do we have to go through this?”
“I know, I know, you were just kids, younger than I am now,” Rose waved the hand that wasn’t holding a pizza slice dismissively. “I’m over it. But I don’t know why you always get mad at me for saying I’m a New Yorker when you’re the ones who chose not to raise me in Jersey. Well, chose not to raise me at all.”
A tense silence fell over them. Rose lowered her eyes to the table of their booth as she continued chewing. Esme glowered out the window, her jaw clenched. Carlisle nudged his foot against her leg in an attempt to comfort her, but she ignored him.
It was a little over a year since the couple had gotten their daughter back. Though she had left her adoptive family and seemed to have settled into their lifestyle, the topic of their lost time together still occasionally raised its head.
The couple had had her at the tender age of 17, unbeknownst to their families. Both of them decided they were too young, too broke and already too involved in the mafia game to raise her themselves. She was adopted by the Hales, a wealthy couple of lawyers who raised her in a Manhattan townhouse and gave her the finest private education New York City had to offer. Carlisle and Esme secretly watched her grow from park benches and the back of school auditoriums. They never interacted with her or allowed her to see them, but watching her grow up safe and happy from a distance filled the void that giving her up had left.
Well, it did, until it didn’t. A year and a half ago, right before the couple finally married, Esme’s sister gave birth to her first child. The family rejoiced in the arrival of the baby boy, with Esme’s mother proudly parading her “first grandchild” around. “Aren’t you jealous, Esme?” Mrs. Platt had asked at the wedding. “You hate it when others have something you don’t.”
“No, mom, I don’t get jealous,” came her answer. Carlisle stifled a laugh at that. The death certificate of his previous wife proved otherwise.
“I always thought you’d be the one to give me my first,” Mrs. Platt continued, causing her daughter to bristle. “But your little sister has beaten you to it.”
Esme’s knuckles went white around the champaign glass she held. “She’s just drunk, baby,” Carlisle muttered in her ear. “Fuggedaboutit.”
But it didn’t matter. Esme’s moods worsened in the weeks that followed as she grieved 17 years’ worth of parenting the daughter they tried to do right by. She stopped parking outside the Hales’ Upper East Side building in hopes of catching a glimpse of the girl, or regularly checking her social media pages for updates on how she was doing. Carlisle knew it had become too difficult for her, particularly when her sister got to be a mother so openly. Mrs. Platt was right; Esme hated going without what others had. And Carlisle could never let her go without.
So one day, he pulled his yellow Alfa Romeo into the garage of the couple’s home and paged Esme to meet him there. “Hey doll,” he greeted her from against the bonnet as she entered and closed the door behind her. “I gotcha somethin’.”
She looked around in confusion. Normally when he asked her to come to the garage it meant he had bought her a new car. “What?” She wondered, but before her husband could respond, she was answered by a chorus of thumping and muffled screaming from the trunk.
“Who’s in there?” Esme asked, bored. Visitors to their home arriving by car trunk wasn’t exactly new. He grinned at her smugly as the thumping continued. “What?” She said again, but he could tell he had piqued her interest. He sauntered over to the trunk and opened it, a flurry of blond immediately lunging at him from inside. Esme instinctively reacted with a raised gun, but as Carlisle restrained the girl, her eyes widened and she lowered her weapon. “Is that…?”
He beamed at her as Rosalie struggled in his arms. Her wrists and ankles were tied, but still she writhed around. Her eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and fear, and duct tape covered her mouth. “Take that thing off of her,” Esme commanded. “I wanna proper look.”
“Hold still or it’ll hurt,” Carlisle told the girl. She stopped wriggling long enough that he could gently remove the tape without ripping her skin. She immediately attempted to bite his hand, but he was too fast. Then came an ear-piercing screech that caused both adults to wince, but Esme was smiling.
“You wait,” Rosalie said once she was finished screaming, her voice hoarse. “Just you wait. If it’s money you want, good luck. You might as well kill me now.”
“She looks just like you,” Esme said as if she hadn’t heard her, though she didn’t take her eyes off the girl. “We knew it already, but up close, it’s crazy. I didn’t get a look-in.”
Rosalie’s face contorted to an expression of both confusion and disgust. “What the fuck…?”
Carlisle laughed at her exaggerated expressiveness; the narrowed eyes, the over-the-top frown, the grimace that caused her cheeks to apple. He had seen Esme pull that face a million times before. “I wouldn’t be so sure,” he told her as they both went back to staring at Rosalie — who was attempting to naw at the rope around her wrists — with the kind of fascination people usually reserved for newborn babies.
“Carl, untie her,” Esme instructed. He gave her a hard look, thinking it was a terrible idea. She arched an eyebrow in response, and he knew better than to argue with her.
“Wait ‘til my father hears about this,” Rose grumbled as he began cutting through the thick rope. That amused him, and he couldn’t help but grin. “What’s so funny?” She demanded.
He shook his head. “Nothin’,” he tried, but he heard Esme giggle and he started laughing again.
Rosalie’s face flushed angrily as she looked wildly from her almost-free hands to Esme and then to Carlisle. “I said, what’s. So. Funny?” She said it slowly and punctuated, as if she thought he was stupid. Esme’s laugh was turning into the loud cackle she gave when she was particularly thrilled. He sniffed with a smile and shook his head again.
Rosalie was then red-faced, her eyes flashing with rage. “What the fuck is so funny, you piece of shit?”
The couple collapsed into full belly-laughs for what had to have been at least a full minute as Rosalie could do nothing but glare. “It’s funny—“ Carlisle started, pausing to try and compose himself. “It’s funny that you said ‘wait ‘til my father hears about this,’ because I am your father.”
Rosalie rolled her eyes, irritated. She clearly thought that was his lame attempt at a joke.
“It’s true, saweetie,” Esme tried to turn her amusement into a sincere-looking smile. “Your our daughter. I’m your mommy! Were you ever told you were adopted?”
“What kind of weirdos are you?” Rosalie mused, her eyes still narrowed. “Don’t normal kidnappers just tie someone up and leave them be ‘til they’re paid ransom or get arrested? What is this, some sort of house-play shit? I saw something about that on TLC once.”
“Look, princess,” Carlisle started, struggling to get the blade through another bit of rope. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’s the truth. I didn’t bundle you up in my car for money, or to hurt you. I bundled you up in my car to bring ya home, where you belong. We’ve missed you your whole life, and now that you’re a lil’ older, we’d love to make up for lost time.”
She looked silently from one to the other. Carlisle could see that it would take a while to convince her. She was suspicious, defensive, and unyieldingly stubborn. Just like her parents.
“Whadiya say, kid?” He smiled at her. “Wontcha give your ol’ man a hug?”
The last of the rope snapped and Rosalie immediately punched him so hard in the nose that it made a horrible crack. He held it as she tried getting away, having seemingly forgotten about the rope around her ankles.
The pair of them allowed her to hop around the garage as both exits were locked. Esme handed him a tissue for his bloody nose and they stood side-by-side against the car, watching Rosalie noisily hunt for something she could either free her ankles or hurt them with. It took him a second to realise Esme was quietly crying.
“Don’t worry, doll,” he put a consoling arm around her and pulled her into him. “She’ll come round eventually. She just needs time. And maybe a car, or a pony, or whadevathefuck teen girls are into deeze days. Whadeva it takes, we’ll do it.”
“It’s not that,” Esme swiped at her tears and turned to him. He was surprised to see she was smiling.
“Then what? What is it, baby?”
Esme wiped another tear away as she proudly cried, “she’s got my uppercut!”
Getting the three of them to work as a family unit had been no easy feat. After showing her the paperwork that proved they were her biological parents, the couple brought Rosalie back to her adoptive home the same evening they had taken her from it in an attempt to show her they were no danger. She didn’t tell the Hales about what had happened, instead blaming her broken curfew on losing track of time while at a friend’s house. Carlisle knew that this was more out of anger at them for lying to her her whole life than it was out of loyalty to the Cullanos. The couple returned to watching her, but this time it was on a daily basis, and they made sure she saw them either by waving across the street or approaching her if she was alone. They often arrived with bribes, but she rolled her eyes each time.
“Hi, Rosalieeee,” Esme sung one day, the two of them having waited for her to get home at the corner of her block. “How was school?”
“Get lost,” Rose muttered as she went to walk past them as usual. Carlisle caught her arm, so she begrudgingly came to a halt and rounded on them with a glare. “What? What do you want?”
“I bought us matchin’ Birkins!” Esme said excitedly, unfazed by Rosalie’s attitude. She held up her arms, each hand gripping the handles of a bag.
“I already have expensive bags. I don’t need more. You know what? I already have parents, too.”
“Who had about as much of a hand in raisin’ you as we did,” Carlisle said. “Tell me, Rosie, which nanny was it you used to mistake for your motha?”
She flinched for a second before recovering her steely expression. “I told you not to call me that. You don’t get to give me a nickname. You don’t get to ask me how my day was. You don’t get to wait around for me every single day. Seriously, you’re both stalkers. You’re already breaking the law by seeking me out before I’m 18. Stop before I call the police and report you for harassment.”
“I don’t think you will,” Esme said gently.
“Oh yeah? What makes you so confident?”
“If that’s what you wanted, you’d have done it already.”
There was a pause. Esme took her chance to hand Carlisle a bag, freeing a hand to caress Rosalie’s arm. “Look, sweetheart. All we’re askin’ for is for you to get to know us. If you get to know us, and you decide you want nothin’ to do with us, we’ll walk away, no questions asked.”
Rosalie considered this for a moment, then looked back and forth at the two of them. “You swear?”
Carlisle traced the cross-my-heart motion on his chest. “Hope to die.”
“Promise,” Esme said firmly.
She let out a sigh. “Fine. But how will it work? I can’t just disappear to go live with you. I’m in my senior year, and my parents would have the mayor turn the city upside-down looking for me.”
“Well, they work ‘til late, right? So we’ll start pickin’ you up from school, and get you back before they come home,” Carlisle said.
“No, you can’t pick me up. Friends will see me getting into some random car. Plus, I’ll have homework...studying....that kinda thing.”
“Ahrite-ahrite,” he nodded. “Responsible, I like it. Education is very impawtant.”
Rosalie rolled her eyes again. “Yeah, it seems to have played a huge role in your life.”
“How about we get you a cell that you can use specifically for us?” Esme asked. “And you can call or text us whenever you’re finished with schoolwork? We can take ya out to eat or...well, do whateva you wanna do.”
Rosalie paused again. “Do I get to pick the phone?”
“Of course,” Esme smiled. She had told Carlisle the bribes would pay off eventually.
“What about your...business?” Rosalie asked curiously. They hadn’t explicitly told her what they did, but she was bright enough to guess.
“We do most of our work at night, anyway,” Esme answered.
And so the months that followed were filled with evening family bonding. Rosalie would call or text, they’d go out to eat, do different things around NYC or Jersey City, drop her home, go take care of business, get home either a little before or after dawn, and sleep while she was at school. She seemed to enjoy her time with them; she never said she was happy to continue allowing them to be in her life, but she never again brought up wanting them to leave her alone, either. So they continued the way they were as her 18th birthday drew closer.
One evening, when the family had gone go-karting, Carlisle noticed Rosalie’s ability to drive with extraordinary speed and precision. He decided to test it out in an actual car, just the two of them, and was thrilled to discover this skill was transferable.
“Guess what, baby?” He approached Esme from behind at their kitchen counter the next afternoon, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“What?” She smiled sleepily as she prepared breakfast, though it was 1pm.
“I think I’ve found us a driver.”
“Really? Who?”
She frowned and pulled away so she could properly look him in the face. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Remember how great she was when we went go-kartin’? Well, I brought her to a track last night and she was amazin’. Turns out she’s actually really into cars — kid knows more about ‘em than me!”
“First of all, drivin’ round an empty racetrack at night is very different from drivin’ the streets when you’re fleein’ a scene or bein’ chased,” Esme said, pulling fully out of his arms and heading for the sink. “Second, Rosie’s goin’ to college.”
“Whadiyamean, she’s goin’ to college?”
“I mean what the fuck I said: she’s goin’ to college!”
“We just got the kid back and now you’re gonna send her off to some otha parta the country to go to college?”
She turned back to him with a glare. “The whole reason we left her in the first place was so that she could have a normal life. College is a normal life.”
“Normal life? She was bounced around from nanny to nanny! We didn’t give her a life with normal parents, we gave her human cash cows and babysitters!”
“Well, at least she was safe.”
“We’d never let anyone hurt her.”
“We couldn’t guarantee that. We still can’t. That’s why she should go to college like the rest of her friends.”
“What, because college is so safe for young girls? Have you neva read a newspaper?”
“Don’t tell me about the dangers young women face,” she practically growled.
“She’d be with us,” he said, his tone much softer. “Where else could possibly be safer for her to be than with the two people who’d die for her?”
She stared at the counter for a moment. “Her 18th is comin’ up,” she said slowly. “That’s her opportunity to decide if she wants to come live with us or not. If she does, she does; if she doesn’t, she goes to college like the private-school kid she is should. But I don’t wanna force her like we did last time. If she chooses us, I want it to be because she chooses us.”
“Okay,” Carlisle smiled, then added, “and she will.”
And she did. She turned 18, deciding to finish out the school year where she had always lived. After graduation, she packed her bags, told the Hales she knew the truth and that she was leaving them for good, and came to live in the Cullano house. The Hales were a little persistent in trying to convince her to come back to them, but it was nothing that couldn’t be solved by sending Emmett, the most intimidating-looking member of the crew, over to their house to smash a couple of things up. As Carlisle had envisioned, Rose started driving for the Cullanos and their team, initially just the occasional, stress-free errand here and there. But she found it brought a certain amount of thrill and excitement her life had been missing, and so she worked her way up to riskier jobs. This trip to Boston would be her riskiest job yet.
“Is everyone done?” Carlisle now asked. Esme still had a slice left over while Rosalie sat with nothing but crust in front of her.
“Mmhmm,” Rose answered. Esme mumbled something about being full.
They gathered their things and headed back to the borrowed Bugatti that Emmett had arranged for them. Though Emmett was a Brooklyn boy, Boston was his father’s city, and he had relatives all around it. Relatives that would be more than happy to see the Cullanos through what they planned to do tonight.
Rosalie set the GPS to their hotel. “How many Ivanovs are there, again?”
“Six— well, 4 Ivanovs, a Petrov and a Ryan,” Esme answered from the back.
“Who’s the head?”
“Mmm, Tatiana. Or at least she thinks she is,” Esme smiled.
“Is she the one who...did she kill Emmett’s dad?” Rosalie met Esme’s eyes in the rear view mirror. She had developed a bit of a soft spot for Emmett over her time with them.
“No,” Carlisle answered instead. “That was Katarina and Garrett.”
“Garrett doesn’t sound very Russian.”
“Garrett is the Ryan. Irish mob, like Emmett’s dad,” Carlisle said.
“They worked together ‘til he fell for Katarina,” Esme added. “So it was a real blow when the two of them killed him. A big betrayal.”
“Then how come no one’s taken them out yet?”
“They’re powerful. Ruthless. Batshit crazy,” Carlisle said.
“Look who’s talking,” Rose said with a slight smile.
“That’s why Emmett’s mother left here and raised him in Brooklyn,” Esme said. “That’s where she grew up, so she knew she’d be safe. The Ivanovs have people everywhere around Boston. And with a target on the back of every McCarthy, stayin’ woulda been a death sentence.”
Rosalie frowned then. “If they’re that bad, what are we doing here? There’s three of us— two, technically, since I’m just the wheels. Those don’t seem like very good odds.”
“There’s also Alice, virtually,” Carlisle reminded. “She’ll be there behind every camera to tell us what we’re dealin’ with.”
“Cool, so she can say, ‘hey guys, you’re about to die’ right before we die. Helpful.”
“It is helpful,” Esme said. “Even the shortest of warnin’s can buy you just enough time to save your life.”
“Besides, we’re not plannin’ a massacre,” Carlisle said. “I’m expectin’ only one to be there. We hit ‘em, we go. Then we’re even for how they fucked us over with the Kiev deal they were supposed to facilitate.”
“So it’s...a blind hit? It doesn’t matter who you get, as long as you get one of them?”
Carlisle nodded. “But it would be...convenient, if it was Tatiana.”
Once they got back to the hotel, they freshened up and changed. The couple pulled out the stuffed bags Emmett had also organised for them. They took only what they needed, a couple of guns and knives each, and shoved the rest back under the bed.
“Don’t forget my favourite,” Carlisle smirked, waving Esme’s thigh holsters in the air.
“Never,” she said, holding up two pistols that were identical to her favourites back home. “Put them on for me?”
He knelt down, lifted up her skirt and strapped one around her right thigh. Then he moved to her left as she slotted her gun into it. After buckling the left one, he ran his hand down her inner thigh, causing her to giggle. Rosalie burst through the door of their adjoining rooms and froze as she registered them, her face immediately screwing up in disgust.
“Oh, for shit’s sake,” she said. “Get a room.”
“This is our room,” Carlisle pointed out.
She rolled her eyes. “Why aren’t you in all-black?”
She was wearing head-to-toe black like they taught her, as she always did. Carlisle was dressed like an office worker from Mad Men, while Esme looked like a housewife from the 50s. Neither of them said anything.
“This isn’t one of your weird sex things, is it? Like, you can’t possibly get off on killing people together?”
The silence continued. “Ugh, don’t answer that.”
They made their way down to the car and Rosalie silently drove them to a street two blocks down from the address they’d given her. As the pair got ready, she drummed her fingers against the wheel.
“You scared?” Carlisle asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“No,” she said, a little too forcefully.
Esme leaned forward into the gap between the two front seats and put a hand under Rosalie’s chin, directing her so she could look at her intently. “Remember the plan. Stay inside the car at all times. Stay put here, lights off, engine off. Only turn it on when you see us. Or when you see people who aren’t us carryin’ guns. If that happens, you drive and you drive and you don’t ever stop. Same goes if we’re gone past, mmm, a half hour. Forty minutes, tops. There’s a loaded gun in the glovebox if you need it. Got it?” Rosalie nodded. “Good.”
“Stay safe, princess,” Carlisle kissed her on the cheek, opening his door. “Love ya.”
He closed the door and Esme took her hand and squeezed it. “Everything will be fine. But in case it isn’t, you know what to do. I love you, sweetheart.”
She nodded wordlessly again. She never said it back; it was probably still too weird for her. But she swallowed tightly. Esme brought the hand she held onto up to her lips and kissed her knuckles. She then let go and opened the door.
“Esme?” Rose choked out just as she was about to close it.
“Yeah, honey?”
“Come back to me, like you did before.”
Now Esme was the one who could do nothing but nod. And with that, she closed the door, and the couple walked off into the night.
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please. i can’t do this alone.
Titans 3.01
thoughts! thoughts! thoughts! some red hot thoughts!
1. one episode in, and this season already looks set to give me everything i want. its abandonment of plot and storytelling conventions as it goes from one point to the next at breakneck speed; its cheerful bastardisation of iconic storylines from the comics; the ‘as-you-know-bob’ clunky exposition on one end and extremely restrained, subtle explorations of complex character dynamics on the other; endless shots of neon bleeding into black and blue corridors, shadows and silhouettes; my delight in seeing it celebrate and deconstruct the dark nolan-y batman aesthetic at the same time; my bafflement that it’s so fucking goddamn obsessed with the batfam when it’s supposed to be about the TITANS; kory just... saving every overburdened, clunky scene that she’s in by her sparkling charisma. just... *chef’s kiss*. muah. my show is back, in all its glory.
1.5. i mean... this show is so artful and weird and not afraid to go absolutely bonkers in exploring its characters’ psyche, but can just about barely stage a passable comic book fight when every tom dick and harry and their new streaming services can deliver ones that are far more exciting. i love this show with every atom of my body.
(there’s something to be said about rooting for the underdog as well. a pleasure in finding something to love about what other people dismiss. but! enough navel gazing! i have fictional characters’ navels to look at! metaphorically! and maybe literally!)
2. i expected jason’s death to come about pretty early in the season as soon as i heard rumours that red hood was showing up, but for it to happen in the first five minutes of the first episode... that’s a record. 
(well. “happen.” still don’t know what exactly went down there.)
2.25. GOD. jason is such a tortured and tragic character in this show, used and passed around by people with alleged good intentions, never really fitting in anywhere. he’s veritably bleeding vulnerability and the need to belong, the need to be known, and yet the tragedy is that his death proves that nobody in his life knew anything about him at all; that they only saw the flimsy walls he put up to protect his soft core, and thought that that was all there was. that they say they loved him, but blame him for his own death. 
dick is flabbergasted that jason can read, though we know from last season, from what jason revealed to rose, that he has a love for plays and music. barbara is quick to dismiss his actions as ‘impulsive’. bruce has no idea that his supposed son was building his own little chemistry lab right under his nose, and beyond that, no idea that jason needed structure, stability and validation beyond being left alone in a huge house with a treasure trove of dangerous weapons. kory thought his decision to fight the joker was from not learning and growing when the guy tried to kill himself last season and nobody apart from dick even tried to talk to him about it! did you consider that he might still be suicidal? especially after the titans admitted to having “given up” on him because he was just “too hard”?
2.5. the one thing that’s been consistent across all three seasons (so far) of the show is the unreliable narrator trope. there’s a reason why the characters’ dismissals of jason’s actions as impulsive is so repetitive; why jason’s death is a mystery dick feels compelled to solve. it’s a flailing attempt to know his brother much too late--but with red hood, maybe he gets a second chance, just like he got one with the titans. this is what jason’s arc has been building up to. this is ‘death in the family’ but more fucked up in some ways. it didn’t linger on the death because the death wasn’t the point. the joker isn’t the point. everything that came before it is.
this way it will also make perfect sense that the red hood’s main enemy becomes the titans rather than batman.
2.75. goodness knows what’s going on with jason’s little chemistry project. at first i thought he was immunising himself to joker gas or something, but maybe it’s what passes for lazarus pit juice in this universe? 
anyway, it’s pretty impressive that jason learnt all of that from a college chemistry textbook. STOP BRINGING UP THAT HE READ SOMETHING, DICK--
2.8. i’m glad that dick doesn’t immediately sink into self-loathing and guilt and tries to investigate jason’s death while also acknowledging how he failed him. it’s like he actually learned something from the last two years! 
anyway. more about dick later. 
3. oh how i love titans!bruce. a lot of characters had a lot of Opinions on his reaction to jason’s death in this episode, but again, i ask you to consider that they’re unreliable narrators, and this universe’s bruce is a product of how it shaped him. bruce wayne has become a phantom to himself--an artifice borne out of vigorous discipline and crushing self-denial. 
bruce has been batman for a very long time, and without a robin for much longer. (dick must be... in his early thirties? so he was robin for about, say, 10-12 years according to the timeline of the show. that still makes bruce pretty old when he took on his first robin.) things have... calcified (possibly parts of his brain). the personal cost and the collateral from the mission he’s taken up for most of his life is too much to countenance; it has to be a war, and war requires sacrifice. 
on some level bruce knows that’s a lie. he’s so goddamned alone. what’s he going to do? sit down and cry? who’s going to listen to him now? oh, is he going to just stop being batman? who’s going to stop gotham from consuming herself then? he’ll just have to forge ahead, do better next time, maybe he’ll be firmer with them, or kinder with them, or notice more things, or train them harder, or spend more time--
3.25. don’t get me wrong: titans!bruce is an asshole and a half. his roster of potential robins was honestly bone-chilling. the fact that there’s a twisted root of compassion makes it more disturbing. 
3.5. alfred’s dead! it must’ve been pretty recent, because i could’ve sworn that dick tried to call alfred in the very first episode of season 1, or at least considered calling him... 
what a devastating double-blow for bruce then, losing his father-figure and his, uh.... son-figure so close together.
4. i don’t know about barbara yet. i mean, i like her, but she had so much clunky expository dialogue to deliver this episode, and for an episode that was named after her, she only showed up halfway through it. but i like the weight of history behind her interactions with both bruce and dick and her compassion to bruce before he cruelly crossed a line. i also like the implication that she and dick have been in touch recently, and that she didn’t immediately try to guilt-trip dick about some perceived abandonment. it’d be too repetitive.
4.5. there’s also a sense that she ran interference for dick a lot whenever there was something Too Big and Emotional for him to confront directly, and i like and appreciate that character beat.
5. dick, my man! it really does feel like a substantial length of time has passed between the end of s2 and the beginning of s3... kory’s got a new costume, they’ve become celebrities in SF, working missions together, and dick’s actually smiling! genuinely enjoying his work and having fun with it for possibly the first time in the entire series! it’s really a far cry from the fractured, dysfunctional mess that they were at the end of the last season.
i just hope this doesn’t mean that they’ve magically reached a resolution off-screen to all of their fucked-upness from last season, and that the repercussions--for gar in particular--are actually addressed on screen. 
5.25. i mentioned this briefly above, but it really is so refreshing that dick doesn’t wallow in guilt and self-loathing after jason’s death; he acknowledges his and the titans’ failure, is able to admit to barbara honestly that he’s not doing great, and is actively trying to reach out to bruce to make sure he’s ok, is trying to investigate what made jason seek out the joker on his own, and is probably the only person not immediately buying that it was jason’s recklessness that got him killed. i love that dick is finally beginning to trust his instincts or just employ them at all after years of guilt and paranoia and self-loathing. we love some positive character growth!
5.5. another thing i love? the bruce-dick interactions on this show. every scene they’re in together is so fraught with tension, both of them holding themselves back, their emotions on a whipcord-tight leash. dick wants to reach out to bruce, is even somewhat familiar with this brand of denial in the wake of grief, but wants barbara to make the first move because he genuinely does not know how to get bruce to open up. his instincts are right, and wonderful, and genuine, but his expression has been smothered by years of trauma, emotional and physical self-discipline, and what i suspect is poorly treated mental illness. 
it takes a lot for him to finally explode at bruce at the end of the episode--in a way he hasn’t done even when his only opinion of bruce was ‘fuck him’--and it’s all the more startling for how subdued he’s been through the episode, how much he’s been holding back his emotions for bruce’s sake. love it.
5.75. it sort of hurts my heart to see the flying graysons poster in jason’s room. there are a few implications:
a) jason settled into dick’s old room despite living in a giant mansion with dozens of other rooms he could’ve used
b) he didn’t take down dick’s poster--not when he moved in and was idolising him, not when he moved out of the titans and was sort of hating him. i wonder if the reminder of what dick was before robin--that he was forged out of unspeakable tragedy--gave jason the connection to dick that he so desperately wanted in real life
c) dick moved right back into the room and slept on the bed that was now jason’s. grief can be so quiet and piecemeal sometimes.
6. i spy the beginnings of actual arcs for both gar and kory! i just hope that with the move to gotham their stories don’t fall to the wayside...
6.5. i’ve known tim drake for less than ten minutes but if anything were to happen to him i’d kill everybody 
7. this review has gone on for too long and i am tiRED. however, before i leave: i miss some of the dedication-to-aesthetic that titans season 1 used to have. remember how the first few episodes didn’t really feel like a superhero show but something out of gothic horror? there was something gorgeous and raw about that, about open landscapes and the road and creepy buildings looming up at the end of it. moving to titans tower in s2 really ruined a lot of that for me, given its ripped-from-architectural-digest aesthetic, all smooth and clean and artificial. 
i hope that we really explore gotham’s hellscape in interesting and innovative ways instead of camping out in the batcave all the time and indulging in the show’s unending love for long corridors, neon backlights and silhouettes.
9.  wait, fuck, HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT HOT PSYCHIATRIST GUY (TM)??? NONE of you prepared me for his return! NONE OF YOU! i gasped! i got up and did a happy dance! 
listen, titans writers, if you’ve had a peek at my titans s3 wishlist, please go ahead and give the other items on the list a go too, thankyouverymuch.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 11 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Absurdity) 
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Message from the Lan Clan
After dinner the Yunmeng bros go to talk to Jiang Fengmian in his study. They're quiet and respectful here, with no shoulder-shoving or arguing. This scene has such Brady Bunch energy, where Dad's Study is the Man Place where boys come to talk about Serious Things.
The boys tell Dad Jiang about the Yin Iron and he says yeah, I know. This is probably why he let them run off on their road trip without punishing them, but he could have, like, shared data with them so they might have actually achieved something related to the Yin Iron, rather than just wandering around the countryside bonding with Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang.
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He shows them a letter from the Lans that basically says the Lan Clan is in the shit, and he tells them they've got to go to the Wen indoctrination because otherwise they will also be in the shit. 
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He gives the boys a warning about the Yin Iron, which is that 
1. it can be refined and 
2. if you refine it carefully, it will not control you. 
Awesome tip, will definitely use, thanks pop.
(more behind the cut)
Jiang Cheng wants to argue about going to the Wen party, but Wei Wuxian vocally gets on board, not leaving any opportunity for whining. 
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Wei Wuxian is only sucking up a little bit in this scene. He obviously has a lot of affection for Jiang Fengmian, but WWX doesn't play up to his favoritism nearly as much as he could. Compare, for example, how he leans into Yanli's preferential treatment of him.  
Fight Outside the Cold Cave
Over on the Gusu side of the country province township, the disciples have gathered outside the cold cave that previously none of them knew about, and Su She is freaking out. 
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Most of the acting in The Untamed is naturalistic, but then there are occasional characters who are portrayed with a much more theatrical, broad style. Su She's villainy is not given a lot of layers; he's playing a type, more than a person.
Many of the villains in The Untamed are played this way, but not all. Wen Zhuliu, for example, is a genuinely horrifying bad guy while also conveying depth and ambivalence--despite having hardly any lines. And JGY is a masterpiece of a performance. For Su She, the directors or the actor have opted for "sniveling backstabber" as a type, which is unfortunate, because it robs his final scenes of emotional impact.
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Lan Qiren tells the disciples to get to safety. He rushes forward, gamely getting his ass kicked by human cuisinart Wen Xu.  He's not as effective a warrior as either of his nephews but he's a brave S.O.B.
Hanguang Jun to the Rescue
Before things can go completely pear-shaped, Lan Wangji sails in with his guqin.
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The Blue Steel technique of the Lan Clan
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Like many gifted learners, Lan Wangji's musical abilities are more advanced than his social skills. Here he musically makes the ground literally explode, almost as if it had been specially rigged with incendiary charges.  
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Lan Wangji is very pretty when he's worried, and his affection and concern for his uncle is touching. He's 100% not interested, as we will see, in Lan Qiren's whole "lets all die for the future of the Lan Clan while my nephews hide" agenda. He's on his own agenda of smiting the wicked and protecting the weak.
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Notice how Su She is standing right next to Lan Qiren here, even holding his arm? The next thing that Lan Qiren says is to tell all the disciples to keep up as they run into the cave. Somehow Su She totally does not keep up, and he gets caught outside along with a bunch of other disciples.
Giving Up
Wen Xu and his men kill most of the other caught disciples, and then threaten Su She, asking him how to get into the cave. In fear for his life, he tells them. Not cool, Su She, but possibly forgivable. Although when you voluntarily join a, you know, battle cult, physical courage is kind of an important qualifier.
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But this shit here...
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They didn't fucking ask about the books, douchebag.  
Su She was there in Lan Qiren's house when the two heads of his clan knelt to each other, each claiming the right to be the one to stay behind and die. And he heard Lan Qiren say that the ancient books are the foundation of the clan and that only if LXC and the books survive, will the clan continue. By giving up both men, and pointing out the book situation, Su She has totally earned his expulsion. 
Lan Wangji Takes a Stand
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Lan Wangji decides, for the first but not last time, to openly defy his uncle...and it's got nothing to do with Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji is a hero, who follows the dictates of his conscience. His conscience is extremely filial and extremely orthodox, but he’s got a growing open-minded streak.  This is going to cause a whole lot of conflicts for him over the next few years.
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This time, however, he manages to skate out from under the whole disobedient, unfilial thing by citing Lan Yi's directive, which means Lan Qiren has to accept it because she's his predecessor and elder relative (She is probably not a literal ancestor, since she spent her life in a cave putting fucking headbands on fucking rabbits which probably didn’t leave time for having babies).
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This is a pretty extraordinary moment for Lan Wangji and for Lan Qiren, because Lan Wangji just asserted his own form of authority to do the exact opposite of what Lan Qiren wanted, and Lan Qiren just sucked it up and let him.
It's also very different from western stories involving a holy McGuffin such as the Yin Iron. Lan Wangji's solution of "fuck it, just let the bad guys have it, it's not worth so many people dying for" is refreshing and surprising to me, a westerner raised on The One Ring, the Grail, the Death Star Plans, etc.
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Lan Wangji steps out of the cave and uses a sword blast to save Su She, the ungrateful bastard, from getting stabbed by Wen Xu. Then he surrenders, and they break his leg to slow him down. This does not actually incapacitate him, because he is Lan Fucking Wangji, already a BAMF at like 17 years old. When they whack his leg, his chunk of Yin Iron falls out onto the ground.
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That thing was in a magic bag of holding before. So...it just falls out when you whack him? If they whack him again will his guqin fall on the ground? What about candy?
Archery Practice at Lotus Pier
Meanwhile, back at Lotus Pier, the brothers are enjoying some quality time together before they head to the hostage-taking indoctrination.
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Wei Wuxian is such a great cultivator that he can hit a distant target even when he jerks his bow upwards as he releases the arrow.
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Jiang Cheng seems fairly pleased, and proud of his brother. He's competitive and fundamentally grumpy but not, at least here, a sore loser.
Club Ruohan
We go over to Da Club, where Wen Ruohan is yelling at Wen Qing for letting Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian go. He names them both, so they're becoming more and more known to their enemies. Which is not a good thing.
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He menaces her with the zombie mosh crew, having them kill a dude in front of her and then saying her baby brother will be next in the circle of zombies if she tries any more stunts. Neither of them can imagine how much zombie ass her baby brother is going to kick, later in his (un)life.
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Side note: What is up with WRH’s hair? Why bother pulling your hair up over your ears if you're going to leave an enormous curtain of it over your face? It's because he knows there's a wind machine next to his throne, isn’t it?
Leaving Lotus Pier
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Jiang Cheng: when I ran off earlier in the year on my road trip you didn't pack a goddamn thing.
Wen Indoctrination
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Is it even possible to stand next to this much active volcanic shit and not, uh, die? I live in the tornado part of the US so I don't know much about lava (yet. 2020 still has 2 months to go). But it seems like it would be hard to breathe the air. Also they appear to build houses on lava piles, which seems imprudent.  I say that even as someone who plays The Elder Scrolls Online, which is full of lava towns and nonsense like “ash farming.”
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Nie Huaisang is adorable at all times, but particularly here, when he's so happy to see his friend who *didn't* fuck his gege and then abandon him without an explanation. 
Nie Huaisang: I'm so glad I can count on Wei-Xiong to be consistent and not vanish for months, or become a traumatized shell of his former self, or, like, horribly die.
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Jin Zixuan isn't quite as happy to see Wei Wuxian.
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Wen Chao enjoys the sound of his own voice way too much, and is malevolent and boring. On the plus side, he likes to stand with his hand stuck out in the air, which is fun for your resident photoshopper.
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Nie Huaisang is so miserable every time he's holding a sword, or blade, or whichever we're supposed to call this. He's got his fan tucked into his belt, which is sweet. He is happy to give up his sword but don't you dare try to take his fan.
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian is worried about Lan Wangji, and Jiang Cheng isn't.
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Lan Wangji shows up under guard, and takes his position at the front of the line, but without any extra disciples. The Wens let him change into snowy white robes after breaking his leg which will go well with arterial blood spray. He's focused and is determined not to interact with Wei Wuxian in this public context.
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When I was little, I would sit near my best friend at church on Sunday, but not be allowed to talk to her until church was over, and it was exactly like this. She was good at churching and I was hyper and hated church. We are still best friends and these things are still true.
This interaction is like a thumbnail for the whole dynamic of these three boys: Lan Wangji outwardly ignoring Wei Wuxian while having many interior feelings about him; Wei Wuxian demanding attention and creating a bit of a scene, due to his very genuine caring; Jiang Cheng telling him to leave that boy alone for fuck's sake.
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Lan Wangji: Stop trying to talk to me Wei Ying, I’m busy composing a song in my head about the two of us and our love for each other. 
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 17
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 17
Chapter Summary: We'll get through this, I promise.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: I'm almost 100% sure this is legally inaccurate. It's a work of fiction, though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Also, vomiting and mentions of anxiety/poor mental state. Mentions of prior abuse.
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8} {Chapter 9} {Chapter 10} {Chapter 11} {Chapter 12} {Chapter 13} {Chapter 14} {Chapter 15} {Chapter 16}
Lawyers, attorneys, case building, legal proceedings and court dates all swam around Faye's head to the point she was dizzy. Henry had taken immediate action and gotten in touch with his legal team right away, ultimately being referred to someone more specialized in custody cases who agreed to work with Faye's sister on the case. He as not about to let that slime ball come back after years and take their baby from them.
First, they had to file for Faye to be the sole parent and guardian of Briar, sighting the years long abandonment for terminating any rights he may have had. Then, they had to gather up everything they could proving he was an unfit father, picking at old wounds that Faye would rather be left alone. All she'd had to do was get in contact with her sister and within minutes she had over a dozen pictures of just as many occasions with Faye battered and bruised, or with her fingers in casts, or her lip split. Faye hadn't even known her sister had been taking them, but she had also blocked out a lot of that time of her life. Her sister had always been the more responsible level headed one anyway. She'd probably taken them just in case something like this ever happened.
Her sister had also filed for a restraining order against him on her behalf. She knew what kind of person he was and having a legal order of protection against him was a solid idea. It prevented him from intimidating Faye or trying to just take Briar.
Overall, they were assured by almost everyone that he stood no chance. He had walked out of her life before she was even born and never tried to be in contact since. No judge in their right mind would listen to a word he had to say.
That did very little to settle Faye's anxiety. Over the next few weeks Henry would often find her crying silently, her mind a million miles away dwelling on the what ifs. Briar had moved to sleeping in their bed the same night they had gotten the letter, more for Faye's sake than anything else. Having her daughter close was one of the few things that calmed her down anymore. Henry had tried everything he could think of to take her mind off of what was happening, but with little success. All it would take is one look at Briar and Faye would start tearing up again.
Faye had gotten so bad she would barely eat. She would only pick at her food, nibbling on a few bites here and there. Henry could tell she was losing weight, but he was unable to convince her to actually eat more. She just kept telling him she felt sick all the time. A few times she had even worked herself up into such an anxious mess that she was physically sick. Henry had yet to meet her ex, but he knew he hated him more than he had ever hated anyone in his life. Whoever that slime ball was, he had severely crossed the line. The woman he loved was a wreck because of him, something had to be done.
Henry took it upon himself to pack everyone for the trip to the states, not wanting to add anymore stress to Faye if he didn't have to. Briar had been given Dramamine before the flight and again almost halfway through to keep her from getting sick. Faye's chronically empty stomach faired far worse. She was in and out of the small airplane bathroom, Henry dutifully following each time as she brought up bile or nothing at all, her stomach desperate to rid itself of contents it didn't even have. She even threw up the Dramamine he'd gotten her to take. It was times like this he was eternally grateful he was able to fly privately. The entire flight would have been a nightmare if they had to deal with other passengers at the same time.
He had booked the biggest suite he could within a reasonable distance of the court house where hearings were meant to be held. They wanted to have some privacy before everything happened, though they were planning on staying with Faye's parents afterwards until they went back home. Faye wanted to be impressed and thankful for everything he was doing for her and her daughter, once again, but she didn't have the energy to do much more than squeeze him tight, resting her weary head against his strong chest.
"It'll be alright, darling. No one is going to take our princess away." Henry assured, tilting her head up to kiss her gently.
"It's just dredging up so many bad memories." Faye admitted shakily, wiping her eyes before more tears could fall. Between throwing up and crying she was sure she was dehydrated, her head pounding in synch with her heart to prove it.
"I know, but they're in the past now."
"But they're not." Faye hiccupped, hiding her face in his chest again. "All of this is happening right now."
"This is the last time he is going to have any contact with either of you. Go and take a long shower, darling. Try to relax. You need your sleep."
"I know I look awful." Faye sighed, reluctantly stepping away from him.
"Just as beautiful as ever." Henry corrected, digging through the bags to find Faye's shower bag and something for her to change into. While she was in the bathroom, Henry convinced the half asleep toddler to get ready for bed, handing her a pair of zip up pajamas along with her diaper, reminding her to go potty before he would zip her up.
The child was tucked into the middle of one of the beds, hugging her stuffed bunny tightly and falling asleep almost instantly. Henry went to check on Faye once he was sure she was asleep, smiling softly when he saw her stepping out of the shower.
"Feeling any better?"
"Not really." Faye sighed, letting Henry take the towel from her and dry her off.
"It will be over soon, I promise." Henry assured, pulling one of the shirts she had stolen from him over her head.
"Not soon enough."
"She ran out as soon as she found out she was pregnant. I tried to track her down for years, but I never could find her. That's the only reason I haven't been in my daughter's life. I could never find an address for either of them. She just vanished."
Faye felt her skin crawl at his words, physically shrinking away from him the moment he laid eyes on her. Everything just came flooding back, and suddenly she was right where she was years ago, having to put up with his lies and manipulations. She could feel more bile threatening to creep up her throat every time she looked at him.
"As you can see, the defendant never filed for sole custody of the child until very recently. It is our belief that she is using the child against my client for some perceived wrongs. She has even fled the country to make sure that my client has no access to the child."
"Alright. Miss Warren?" The judge shifted his attention to the other side of the room. "Is the plaintiff the biological father of the child?"
"Yes." Faye answered softly.
"And did you try to reach out to him after the birth of the child?"
"No, I did not. He left the second he found out I was pregnant. He avoided my attempts to contact him up until I gave birth. He made it pretty clear he wanted nothing to do with us."
"And did you in fact leave the country with the child in an effort to avoid contact with the plaintiff?"
"No. I left because I had a job offer in another country. My daughter came with me, because she is my daughter."
"Your honor, if I may?" Delilah stepped in, squeezing her sister's hand supportively.
"Go ahead Miss... Warren."
"As you can see from the documents I have provided, my client has only moved three times in the last five years. The first was into an apartment in the same town she resided in with the plaintiff before their split. She held a lease in that same apartment until a year and a half ago when she moved to England. She only recently moved from there into a home that she shares with her current boyfriend. For the plaintiff to be unable to locate my client, he would have had put little to no effort into actually looking for her."
"Does Mr. Young have any evidence of him attempting to locate the defendant? What efforts did he make?"
"My client did the searching by himself, there is no paper trail of his efforts."
"So you cannot provide any evidence of his attempts to locate the defendant or the child in question?"
"No your honor."
"Now, Miss Warren... the lawyer, do you have a statement to make?"
"Yes, your honor. As you can see from the documents I have provided you with, my client suffered abuse at the hands of the plaintiff for years. There are not only pictures of the injuries, but also documentation from several emergency room visits due to 'blunt force trauma' along with multiple domestic violence reports against the plaintiff. The plaintiff left shortly after my client revealed her pregnancy and no attempts to contact my client or the child in question are able to be confirmed. Tell me, Mr. Young. If you were so invested in your unborn child, what was the child's expected due date? On what day did my client suffer a miscarriage of one of the children she was carrying? What do you even know about the child you want in your life so badly now?"
"I don't know anything, that bit- the defendant kept her from me."
"Kept her from you, or you didn't try to make any contact?"
"I tried to make contact!"
"Enough, Mr. Young." The judge sighed, leaning back to look at the papers in front of him. "Tell me Miss Warren, what does the child in question know about the plaintiff?"
"Nothing." Faye replied softly. "She didn't have a father in her life."
"Would it be alright if we spoke to the child?" The judge asked, looking over to where Briar sat in the back of the room, playing with her stuffed bunny under Henry's watchful eye.
"Briar?" Faye called, the child popping up and running over to her mother. "Would you be ok talking to everyone?"
"Ok, Mama!" Briar eagerly accepted, scurrying over to the chair she had seen everyone else take a turn sitting in.
"Hello Briar." The judge greeted, smiling warmly at the child.
"Hi." Briar giggled, squeezing her bunny to her chest.
"I like your bunny. He is very well behaved."
"We be good." Briar confirmed, nodding her head surely.
"Now, Briar, can you tell me about your family?"
"Yeah! I have my mama and that my aunt Lilah! I see Nana and Grampy on the phone too! Oh! And I met Papa family too! We play in the big yard, then we all went to sleep in the couch room and they were all giggling, but I was good!"
"You met your Papa's family?" The judge asked, his brow furrowing.
"I like Papa family." Briar giggled.
"Mr. Young, has the child had contact with your family?" The judge asked.
"Yes, she has recently met my family."
"Hold on sweetie, Mommy needs to talk to Aunt Delilah." Faye rushed out, turning her terrified eyes to her sister. "What is he doing? Briar has never met his family. I've never met his family!"
"I thought he just congealed in a gutter somewhere. What is Briar talking about? Who's family did she meet?" Delilah whispered back.
"Henry's. She calls him Papa, we met them just a few weeks ago."
"That's kind of adorable, we will circle back to that after we deal with this douchebag. Can you prove she's never met dingus's family?"
"We've only been back in the States for two days. I don't even know where his family lives. Like I said, I never even met them!"
"That's something. Where's her passport?" Delilah mumbled to herself, shifting through the various papers in front of her.
"Papa? Papa, I gotta go!" Briar whimpered, squirming in her seat.
"I'll take you since Miss Warren is too busy." David quickly offered, popping up and reaching for the child before anyone else had a chance to react.
"No!" Briar screamed, kicking and wiggling when he picked her up. "No! Not Papa! Not Papa! Help! Mama!"
"Hey, it's me. It's Papa!" David tried, attempting to wrangle the thrashing child.
"NOT PAPA! WANT HENRY PAPA!" Briar screeched, hitting him in the face with her stuffed bunny.
"David, put her down! You're scaring her!" Faye yelled, anxious tears welling in her eyes. She wasn't sure if it was her heart in her throat, or if the water she'd been sipping on was trying to make a reappearance. The sight of him touching her daughter was enough to make her sick.
"Mr. Young!" The Judge barked, finally succeeding in getting him to release the struggling child. Briar dashed to the back of the room, throwing her arms around Henry's legs, frantically trying to climb him as she cried.
"Hey, it's ok Princess." Henry soothed, lifting her up and holding her tight. "Can you go and sit by Mama after you go potty?"
"NO!" Briar squealed again. "Papa stay! Bad man! Mama!" Briar blubbered almost incoherently, squeezing her bunny tight as she gasped between sobs.
"Ok, ok. I'll be right here. I'll make sure the mean man doesn't touch you or Mummy again, I promise." Henry assured, grimacing when he felt a warm wetness soaking through his shirt. "Princess? Did you have an accident?" Henry asked her quietly, glaring daggers at the other man when she shakily nodded her head.
"He... he scare me."
"I know, it's alright. We'll get you cleaned up, ok?"
"Your honor, may I ask the child a question?" Delilah ventured, standing up and placing her hand on Briar's back to get her attention. "Briar, who is your Papa?"
"Papa." Briar sniveled, hiding her snotty, tear stained face in Henry's neck.
"Your honor, as you can see from the copy of the child's passport, she has only been back in the United States for just over two days. She has never met the plaintiff's parents in her life. She is clearly terrified of him, too. Can we please stop all this nonsense?"
"I've heard all I need to." The Judge decided, turning to look at David. "Mr. Young, you have lied to me several times and provided me no substantial evidence regarding any of your claims. The child does not feel safe with you, and for good reason considering the numerous cases of domestic violence against you. Your parental rights are hereby terminated, and the defendant's request for an order of protection is granted, effective immediately."
"You can't be serious!" He growled, turning his furious eyes to the judge.
"I am very serious, Mr. Young. Even if you did genuinely want to be in the child's life, your previous convictions against the defendant prove you to be unfit to care for her." The Judge continued.
"She's ok." Faye breathed shakily, finally forcing herself to stand on shaky legs, Henry instantly wrapping his arm around her waist to steady her.
"I told you everything would be ok." Henry whispered, kissing her forehead softly. "No one is taking our princess away."
"I sorry Mama. I had accident." Briar sniffled.
"It's ok baby. Did you pee on the mean man?"
"Uh-hu. He scary." Briar mumbled. "No sorry."
"You don't have to apologize to him." Henry assured. "How about we go back to the hotel and get you a bath? We can go out for ice cream after."
"Please." Briar whimpered, continuing to hide in Henry's neck.
"No need to be upset. You're not in any trouble." Faye soothed.
"How about you? How are you doing?" Henry asked Faye, gently leading her out the door.
"Better? I don't know. I'm happy but still so anxious." Faye admitted.
"After all of this I don't blame you, but it's over now, darling. It's all over."
Faye and Briar ended up sharing a long bath when they got back to the hotel, giving Henry time to use the exercise room to relieve some of his own tensions. He had no idea what he would have done if they had been ordered to share custody. He hadn't known the little girl for very long, but she was still his world. He was willing to give up anything if it meant keeping his family together.
When he had gotten back to the hotel room, both of his girls were dressed, Briar happily attempting to dry her mother's hair while she sat on the floor, calling out directions to the little girl. She handed the dryer off to her mother as soon as she saw Henry, happily throwing her arms around his legs.
"You back!"
"Yes, sweetheart, I'm back." Henry chuckled, picking her up and kissing her forehead. "You have to try harder than that to get rid of me."
"Ewww! Papa you smelly!" Briar whined, covering her nose with both hands.
"The audacity!" Henry gasped, hugging her even tighter, laughing when she groaned in protest. "I in no way smell like a sweaty gym sock."
"You icky, Papa!" Briar repeated, pushing his face away with one hand, the other covering her nose. "You take a bath. I get you toys!" She decided, wiggling to be let down. Both adults nodded along as Briar monologued her choices in what Henry should take with him, tossing each one into the tub. She had decided upon a rubber duck, a wash cloth, a Captain America action figure, a horse figurine, the hotel mouthwash and carefully placed his razor on the side of the tub, sternly reminding him not to cut his hair again.
"Ok, princess. Promise I won't cut my hair again." Henry agreed for what had to be the hundredth time since he'd had to cut his hair for work months ago.
"Briar, how about we go finish getting ready, and then when Papa's done, we can all go see Nana and Grampy?" Faye offered, wincing at the decibel of the scream that erupted from the little girl's chest.
"NANA! GRAMPY!" She cheered, racing past her mother, digging through her bag to look for her shoes.
"You might want to hurry, I don't know how long I can keep her here." Faye chuckled, her brows crinkling when she saw the look on Henry's face. "What? You said you were ok with meeting my parents..."
"No, it's not that. That's the first time I've seen you laugh in weeks." Henry pointed out, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"I'm trying to do better. Sorry I've been miserable to be around."
"Don't apologize for how you feel. Anyone would be upset if they had to go through that. I want you happy again, but I don't want you to force it. I want you to be really happy."
"Well, you can make me happier if you showered. The man stink is overwhelming." Faye teased, Henry rolling his eyes at her. "I see how it is, right back to teaming up on me. Just so you know, Kal is usually on my side."
"Guess we'll have to have a tiebreaker then." Faye shrugged, smirking as she left him alone in the bathroom with a shocked smile on his face.
When they finally arrived at Faye's parents home, Briar was about to burst from her seat in excitement. Faye barely got her out of the car before she was scurrying up the front steps, frantically ringing the doorbell. Faye followed behind her daughter, relaxing even more once she was in the familiar surroundings.
Delilah was the one to answer the door, her hair still up in it's sleek, professional updo, though she had changed into more comfortable clothes once she had gotten back to her parent's house. Briar audibly groaned when she saw her aunt for the second time that day.  "Aunt Lilah! Where Nana?"
"She's in the kitchen, waiting on you." Delilah laughed, moving out of the child's way and wrapping her sister in a hug. "Told you we'd get through this."
"My sister, always there to save my ass."
"And you thought law school was a stupid idea."
"You said the same thing about art school, and look what it got me." Faye teased, nodding at Henry as he made his way up the stairs.
"Ok, you got me there. No one in my law firm looks anything like that. All the ones that ask me out for drinks are fat, bald and married."
"Is that where your standards are now?"
"Basically." Delilah laughed, ushering the two inside.
"Faye!" A short older woman cheered, bustling in from the back of the house with Briar on her hip.
"Hi Mom!" Faye greeted, pulling away from Henry to hug her mother. "Mom, I'd like you to meet my partner, Henry."
"Partner?" Her mother questioned, giving her daughter a strange look.
"It just sounds better than 'boyfriend'. More sophisticated."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Warren." Henry cut in, offering his hand to her only to be pulled into a surprisingly tight bear hug.
"Now, now! We hug around here!"
"Papa give good hugs!" Briar giggled.
"Yes, he does." The older woman agreed, patting his shoulder before venturing back into the house.
"Dad is around here somewhere. Probably break-fixing something." Faye mumbled, taking a quick glance around in an attempt to discern where he was.
"Just follow the sound of objects crying, you'll find him." Delilah laughed. "I think he said something about fixing the ceiling fan in the gremlin's room."
"Which one are you staying in?" Faye asked.
"I'll bite the bullet and sleep in the gremlin room. Not very often you have the chance to score in your childhood bedroom." Delilah teased, Henry shifting his gaze uncomfortably anywhere else.
"Like that isn't what happened when we visited your parents." Faye scoffed, grabbing his hand to lead him down the hallway.
"That's different." Henry mumbled, hefting their bags up as she pulled him away.
"They're my family. There's not much I could do by now that one of us hasn't done before."
"Relax, I'm pretty sure my sister knows we've had sex by now. I would know, I told her."
"Only good things I assume?"
"Well the conversation started with me telling her she gave me the wrong size condoms when I moved away."
"Wonderful." Henry sighed, fighting back a laugh when he was led into a room with two twin beds against opposing walls.
"If you want I can help you push those together." A voice from behind offered. "Hi, I'm the dad."
"Hello, sir. I'm Henry." He greeted, setting the bags down and offering his hand, the other man gripping it firmly and resting his other hand on his elbow, giving a curt nod.
Faye's father wasted no time in sequestering Henry off into a different bedroom to hold up the ceiling fan while he worked on it. Henry wasn't sure what he was doing, and he had a feeling he didn't know what he was doing himself. He was either trying to find a bad wire, or attempting to electrocute both of them.
Faye and her sister had wandered back to the living room, curling up on the couch with her head in her sister's lap catching up on everything that had happened while they had been apart. Delilah had been killing it in her law firm, to say the least. She'd bought her first condo and a cat to go with it. The cat hated her, despite her many attempts to befriend the feline now sharing her home.
Briar spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen with her Nana, 'helping' her make cookies and brownies. Naturally, she had to sample everything that was being made. She also got sole ownership of the spatula, and she made sure everyone knew it, loudly yelling it to the rest of the house.
They weren't all back in the same room again until dinner time, Briar happily explaining to Henry that she had been the one to make the 'sketti' as she kept calling it. He had doubts to the validity of that statement. He also quickly figured out where Faye had learned to cook. Faye finally did more than pick at her food, actually inhaling three plates of her favorite comfort dish. After they had all stuffed themselves, the three travelers decided to head to bed, the combination of jet lag, the day's events, and the amount of carbs they had just consumed almost putting them into a coma at the table.
Briar went straight into the room at the end of the hall as soon as her pajamas were on, happily leaping onto the giant canopy bed. Surrounding it were stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes, along with tumble mats, a slide, a small ball pit, a mini trampoline and the biggest dollhouse Henry had ever seen. One wall was a chalkboard, several of Briar's artworks still decorating it from the last time she was there, the other walls were painted a soft purple, her name written in big silver letters on the wall behind the bed, peering proudly through the posters of the canopy.
"It's her room at my parent's house." Faye shrugged.
"Tell me again how I'm the one that spoils her?"
"There's more stuff in here now than there used to be."
"No there's not!" Delilah called from down the hall, Faye shooting an annoyed look over her shoulder.
"They're her grandparents, they're supposed to spoil her."
"Is this the biggest room in the house?"
"It used to be our playroom. Dad wanted to turn it into a home theater before I had Briar."
"Papa, watch!" Briar gasped, picking up a remote and turning on the TV mounted on the wall across from her bed.
"A TV of her own in her room." Henry half laughed. "And I get yelled at for sneaking her a biscuit!"
"You sneak her cookies just before dinner!"
"Your mother has been stuffing her with cookies since we got here."
"She hasn't seen her in a while?"
"That settles it, until I end up getting that kid her own pony I don't want to hear another word about me spoiling her." Henry snorted.
"She asked you for a pony, didn't she?"
"It's come up." Henry confirmed, tucking the sleepy, squirmy child in tightly with her bunny under her arm.
"She's not getting a pony." Faye grouched, kissing her daughter's forehead.
"But I want a pony." Briar pouted.
"Where will you keep a pony?"
"The stable where Papa ride horseys."
"You know, Mommy is pretty sure she asked Papa not to take you out there." Faye grouched accusingly, glaring at Henry as he pointedly avoided her gaze.
"She started crying." Henry mumbled, giving her a pathetic look. "I can't say no when she's that upset. It was just the once, I promise. She only pat them, she didn't get on a single horse."
"Wanna ride horsey."
"Anything else you do that I should know about?" Faye asked, raising a brow at her boyfriend.
"I leave my underwear on the bathroom floor every night then put them in the hamper each morning before you wake up."
"Strangely specific."
"It has been eating me up inside for ages. I finally feel free."
It felt like no time at all that Faye was curled up in her old bed, Henry sleeping in the one that used to be her sisters. It felt like even less time before she was jerked out of sleep, her stomach protesting strongly, bile rising into her throat. She jumped out of bed and rushed across the hall to the bathroom, not even taking the time to turn on the lights before violently emptying herself of everything she had eaten that day. Henry was right there only a few seconds later, having been awoken by her frantic rush to the bathroom. He held her hair back at the base of her neck, rubbing her back softly and trying to focus on anything other than her vomiting. He should have been used to it after Faye being literally worried sick for weeks, but the smell got to him every time.
"I think I ate too much." Faye whimpered, using some tissue to wipe her mouth and tossing it into the bowl, flushing it along with everything she'd just thrown up.
"You haven't eaten much in weeks, darling. Maybe you should try pacing yourself more?" Henry suggested, slowly helping her to her feet to rinse her mouth out.
"I know, but I just love my mom's spaghetti so much." Faye whined.
"I'm sure she'll make it again if you just ask her."
"Well that seems obvious now."
"Think you can go back to bed?" Henry asked, leading her back across the hall at her small nod.
After another two days of feeling nauseous, they had all come to the conclusion that her immune system must have been weakened by the stress of everything and caused her to catch some stomach bug. After a week and a half, she was wondering what kind of super bug she had managed to contract. The only time she could keep food down was when she would nibble at things throughout the day. Just how long would it take for her stomach to get used to food again before she could keep it down? She'd hoped she would be able to stomach something more substantial on their last full day with her family, muscling down her mother's homemade waffles until lunchtime. Two bites of mashed potatoes was all it took to tip her over the top, landing right back in the bathroom with Henry holding her hair back.
Thankfully they had noticed the pattern of small bits of food staying down in time for them to fly back to England. The fatigue of her being sick, along with how emotional she was about not being able to actually spend as much time with her family as she would have liked while she was there had her sleeping almost the entire flight. That left Henry dealing with Briar's motion sickness. He was slowly becoming convinced his entire world would be nothing but vomit for the foreseeable future. Faye finally gets to where she can eat just fine, only for Briar to be throwing up kool-aid and vanilla wafers while her mother got some well deserved rest. It was a good thing he loved his girls, otherwise he may begin to resent them soon.
@weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @lharrietg @amberangel112 @mansaaay  @nostalgicb-txh
Ok, my taglist got deleted somehow. If I missed anyone, I’m sorry. If you want to be added, let me know. I’m doing my best to make the tags work, but it’s not going great, my dudes.
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the conclusion to the fëanorian tauriel saga! this one’s mostly about the state of affairs after she gets adopted into everyone’s favourite family of murderers, plus a couple of extra bits and bobs. there’s some more stuff i’d like to put down somewhere - a deleted scene, a minific - but this is mostly the end of my headcanons for this particular au. so far, anyway. part 1 part 2 part 3
mandos may have, in the past, given off the impression that fëanor would remain within the halls until dagor dagorath
that statement was always a bit of a conflation of terms. like everybody else in the halls, fëanor would get a clean pass for reinbodiment as and when he attended elf afterlife therapy and got a handle on his shit. it’s just nobody thought he would ever do that
but he has done that, and more besides. he’s honestly been clear to go for a while now, he just refused to leave until his sons were ready
and since then... mandos will admit to certain political pressures exerted towards keeping fëanor under lock and key
but over time, those pressures slowly yield to the fact that mandos absolutely cannot deal with this lunatic for the rest of arda
death has not put a damper on fëanor’s unstoppability. he was preoccupied for a long while with the damage done to his sons but with them all out he had a conspicious lack of things to Do
and a bored fëanor is a dangerous fëanor
so yeah. fëanor is less released from the halls of mandos as he is unceremoniously kicked out. mandos refuses to talk about it. the maiar of the halls throw a massive party
this all happens on extremely short notice. as in, manwë announces his release like half a day before it happens
this of course throws his extended family (and a decent proportion of the rest of the continent) into this massive frenzied whirlwind of panic. everybody thought they’d get more warning than this, and nobody knows what’s going to happen next
at the epicentre of this maelstrom is the elf himself. fëanor doesn’t know either, he’s still trying to catch up on everyone he left behind and everything that’s gone down since he died. so much has changed, and he’s still stumbling groggily in the darkness
at some point between his long-practiced apology to finarfin and the maglor encounter everyone’s been dreading, though, he makes an unexpected discovery
he has a daughter now. apparently
her name’s tauriel, she smells like woodsmoke. he first meets her when she wanders into the living room, blinks blearily for a couple of seconds, goes ‘hi dad!’ and immediately falls asleep on his lap
and it’s not like he’s not incredibly stoked to have another child, it’s just how???
the first time he asks this question, the motley collection of relatives and old friends he’s talking to all come to the same conclusion
they can either (a) walk him through the history of tauriel’s growing friendship with and eventual adoption into the least reputable branch of the house of finwë or (b) dump the latest copy of the grand unified tauriel conspiracy theory on him with absolutely no context
considering they’re the hellfamily and friends, they go for the chaos option
it takes fëanor, like, two days to read it. the thing was ridiculously elaborate even before people started competing to come up with the craziest possible theories
the people around him keep the ruse going as long as they can stretch it. eventually celebrimbor takes pity on him, and legolas fills in the details
(legolas currently occupies a position in the fëanorian internal hierarchy not dissimilar to fingon’s. he has no idea how to interpret that)
fëanor also just. talks to tauriel. about how she came, and why she stayed
the next day, fëanor loudly announces to the entirety of tirion that he has a new daughter, her name is tauriel and she’s amazing
she’s been a de facto part of the house for years but this is the first official confirmation of it. the news, and the gossip, spreads all over aman
not that this marks a massive turning point for tauriel. even without a big announcement, she made which side she was on pretty clear back when shit went down
and honestly her life hasn’t changed that much since then. she still spends most of her time exploring noldorin country or chilling in the forest with her silvan friends
this isn’t too uncommon a situation for a member of the house of fëanor. they usually do their own thing, whatever that may be. even nerdanel abandons her house every so often to spend a year or two in the mountains
even in tirion, it’s not that different. she still crashes in the same place, hangs with the same people
she just also occasionally does stuff for :mobster voice: the family
she’s part of the second generation’s extremely overprotective mutual defence web. she has a few responsibilities vis-a-vis the definitely-not-minions. she’s not quite as magnetic as her older brothers, but she’s charismatic enough people tend to both legitimately like and let their guard down around her
she goes to court events sometimes, if she’s in town and in the mood. she’s not virulently allergic to it like celegorm but she doesn’t thrive there the way elrond does. she prefers lower-city forge parties. way more booze, way less bling
(the greenwood elves have stopped needing to bring her along to every political meeting for quote-unquote moral support. everyone knows who she rides with now, and the court bureaucrats tend to give her people whatever they want without the need for extortion)
she’s not the rowdiest of fëanor and nerdanel’s brood, but that’s really not saying much. she’s kicked off the last vestiges of social respectably and indulges fully in her family’s ability to do whatever they want, whenever they want, because who’s seriously going to tell a kinslayer they can’t do something?
a decent proportion of the population of tirion, it turns out. eh, the arguments are always fun
that’s the state of tauriel’s life when fëanor comes back. afterwards - like i said, it doesn’t change terribly much, fëanor rocking valinor to its core notwithstanding
he is massively, intensely supportive of everything she does. she knows that it’s partially that this family is just Like That, but she also gets the vibe he’s overinvesting a little? she’s the only one of his children who doesn’t have a reason to hate him
but they get along fine. he’s had a lot of practice at being a dad, and is trying to improve on his personal faults. his relationship with her is blissfully uncomplicated compared to the mess most of his pre-death bonds are, and while she’ll protect her brothers from him if need be she’ll protect him too when the world is out to get him
there’s this moment at one of those fancy court galas. tauriel’s chatting with some sindarin visitors when something explodes a few rooms away
almost immediately, she locks gazes with curufin, who’s peoplewatching some distance away. they have a conversation conducted entirely in eyeflicks that could be summarised as ‘did he just...’ ‘alas he probably did’
they stride out of the hall together to rescue their idiot dad from the consequences of his terrible decisions
that’s another subtlety to the way the fëanorians work, tauriel is discovering. the siblings hellspawn may be a constant fight cloud of bickering nutbags (with the obvious exception of herself) but they all always out-sane their dad
she keeps learning things like this as the years roll on and her families get closer. she finds silvans having tea with nerdanel, tirion craftselves looking for her in the woods. across both of her worlds, she’s building a posse
(just like her brothers did, long long ago under the light of the trees. when next the host rides to war, there will be those who follow tauriel’s banner)
even legolas has mostly gotten over it. their initial friendship, after all, was founded on them both being chaos children. tauriel is one in a way they called silvan in greenwood and noldorin in aman, fully conscious that the powers that be disapprove of her shenanigans and deliberately and vindictively defying them
legolas’ style is more sindarin, vaguely aware that the rules exist but doesn’t really understand how they apply to him. he did sneak a dwarf up the straight road, after all. him and tauriel got up to so much nonsense when they were kids, and no matter who else she runs with, he’ll always be her best friend
he’ll never be fully comfortable with the literal childhood horror stories she’s taken up with, but for her sake he’s willing to try. they might be scary, but, he’s realising, they can be fun too
(even if he does spend most of their family gatherings hiding behind elrond)
and then, one day...
tauriel doesn’t exactly pine for kíli, but she does kind of regret how it all turned out. she wonders what being in a relationship with him would have been like, sometimes
but he’s a dwarf, and she’s an elf, and she can’t leave the undying lands, and dwarves aren’t supposed to come here. they are sundered until the breaking of the world
when she tells this to fëanor, this massive smug grin spreads across his face. ‘unless’
three hours later, they’ve turned fëanor’s front room into a base of operations. maedhros is on project management, caranthir is on logistics, amras is going down a list of maiar they can strongarm. celebrimbor stops by, looks at the plans on the walls, and, somewhat excitedly, goes ‘are we breaking into the dwarven afterlife???’
yes. yes they are
when the end comes and all elves return to cuivénen, certain people tauriel knew back in middle-earth discover what she’s been doing for the past few ages
they get the full skinny later, after they talk to her and stuff, but the first whisper they hear is ‘tauriel’s been taken in by the fëanorians’
reactions vary. tauriel’s mama, who doesn’t recognise the name, goes ‘the spirits of fire? that’s sounds so much like her, i’m so happy she’s made friends’
tauriel’s mummy, who does recognise the name, is laughing too hard to speak
and thranduil cradles his head in his hands. ‘of course’ he mutters ‘of course she fucking did’
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your-eternal-muse · 4 years
How Could I Hate Her?
Heather Series Part 7
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Bonus! Readers Card Confession Part 6
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Summery: When checked on by the team, Reader confesses her guilt ridden feelings
Warnings: Mentions and descriptions of depressive episode, light swearing, mentions of medication, but other than that? Nothing that I can think of?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Heather Carmichael, Spencer Reid x eventual Female!Reader
Words: 3.1k
A/N: Y’all.....it is almost 4:30 in the morning. I started writing this around 9 pm. I am committed and I have Criminal Minds to keep me company so its fine. Also, there is much needed fluff in this chapter. I also tried writing in 3rd person, because there were things I wanted to show that I wouldn’t have been able to if I didn’t. I hope you like it! I should have a bonus episode out later today at some point when I wake from the dead, so, enjoy! 
It had been two weeks.
Two weeks since anyone on the team had seen or heard anything from y/n.
“I stopped by her place a couple days after, to try and talk to her. I couldn’t even tell if she was on the other side.” Derek remarked.
Aaron, Derek, JJ, Emily, David, and Penelope stood in her office, talking about y/n, and how worried they were.
They all just got back from a case.
Spencer had immediately gotten called away from work by Heather, who claimed it was an emergency. None of the others truly believed it was.
“As icky as it makes me feel, I can check to see if she is still in her apartment, I mean. If the place where she lives has cameras, I can easily check to see if she’s left.”
She looks to Hotch for permission.
He nods his head in approval.
“Has anyone else tried contacting her?”
“I’ve tried calling, but it goes straight to voicemail. She turned her phone off.” JJ chewed at her lip, her mind traveling to the worst possible scenario. A scenario she wouldn’t let happen. Not again.
“Poor kid. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through.” Rossi’s voice is soft, and he leans back against the wall, eyes not really connecting with anything.
“I know Spencer has tried calling her a couple times. But by the look on his face, I don’t think he got very far.” Prentiss paces back and forth, trying to keep herself busy so she doesn’t go kick down y/n’s door herself.
They all knew. 
Derek couldn’t keep something like that to himself. And when he told the team, JJ stepped forward, and confessed that she knew. Spencer was in disbelief.
Y/n had come to JJ so often over the past couple of months, Will didn’t question it anymore. Y/n said watching Henry, and being around someone she doesn’t have to compete with helped.
She never really saw her smile like she used to, but JJ did see her relax, let her walls down. She thought y/n was getting somewhere. She was wrong. Some profiler she was.
“You should have seen her guys.” Derek had been the one to see her shut down before his eyes.
“She was shaking. She couldn’t stop crying, shaking. She was mortified that he had heard her. And then she just, stopped. She stopped shaking. The broken look on her face completely vanished. She didn’t say a word to me when she left. It was like she turned herself off.”
“Confessing your love for someone who then tells you they don’t love you the same can do that to a person.” Penelope says, typing away at her screens.
“No, it’s so much more than that.” JJ says, taking a seat in one of Garcias spinning chairs. “ Every time she would say something even remotely mean about Heather, or Spencer, she would shake her head, look up and smile. She shoves it down because she doesn’t want to be bothersome. That kind of burial of feelings can only end in an extreme.” JJ thinks back to every night, every tear shed at her house. How y/n would wipe her tears, shake her head and force a smile. 
“I’m in.” Garcia chirps up from her desk, pulling up video footage of a hallway. 
They all circle around, prying eyes eager to look inside the private life of their family, who is in desperate need of assistance.
“So, here she is, the day she left, about an hour after leaving the building.”
They watch the video as she walks down her to her door, tears streaming down her face. She takes her keys out, but before unlocking her door, she leans her forehead against the wood.
Her shoulders shake.
A collective sigh leaves all of them.
“And here I am fast forwarding a couple days.” People walk up and down the hallway, yet her door stays still. Until it opens. She taps a key and the video returns to normal, and a forlorn y/n exists, now clad in sweatpants and a cal tech sweatshirt.
“That’s Spencer’s sweatshirt.” JJ whispers, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Penelope fast forwards again, stopping it when y/n appears once again on the screen.
“Okay, she was gone for about, 2 hours and 43 minutes.” 
Y/n is holding two bags, one in each hand, though neither of them are very full. 
She disappears behind the door, and Penelope fast forwards again. Morgan can be seen a few times, but y/n doesn’t leave again.
“Oh my god. She left once, three days after and hasn’t been out since.” Penelope takes her glasses off, and wipes her face.
“Alright. We’re doing a wellness check. Y/n clearly needs some help right now, so help is what she is getting. Let’s go.”
The team all nodded, and off they went.
When they arrived, Hotch walked to the front desk, his badge already out. “I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner. We’re here to do a wellness check on y/n y/l/n in apartment 112.” 
The front clerk doesn’t question it, simply grabbing a set of keys and leading them down the hallway to an elevator.
Each person is in their own head, but when they appear outside of her apartment, their focus changes. It was about y/n now.
“Y/n, are you in there? Baby girl, can you let us in?” 
They stand and listen for a shuffling of feet or the sound of a chair, but nothing.
Radio static.
Hotch nods to the man, and he unlocks her door, allowing the team into her apartment.
It’s dark. 
That’s the first thing Derek notices as he walks forward. The second is how cold it is. 
The third is the glass breaking underneath his boot.
His eyes land on the pile of shards beneath him, and the move to the book laying on the floor, and the broken mirror which still stands on her wall.
He’s trying not to profile her, but it’s hard. 
She didn’t even want to look at herself.
The team walks through her apartment, taking in the abandoned bowls of half eaten food, the empty liquor bottles and faint smell of cigarette smoke.
The path leads them to the living room, where y/n is curled up under a blanket on her couch beneath an open window. 
Derek walks over and shuts it, his heart aching at the sight before him. 
Y/n clutches a pillow to her chest, her grip tight. Unfinished chinese sits in front of her, beside an ashtray filled with buds. 
An empty bottle of medication lays on the ground next to her, and he prays to a god he stopped believing in years ago.
She’s mumbling in her sleep, and the team gathers around, varying versions of wet eyes.
Derek is the one to kneel beside her, and place a hand on her shoulder. He’s relieved when he hears her mumbles, feels the warmth beneath his fingers.
“Baby girl. Baby girl, I need you to wake up.” He knows she’ll feel cornered. He knows it’s a lot to wake up to. But he knows she needs this.
She stirs and her eyes open, cloudy and grey. They flick up to him and then around the room, taking in the sight.
She wants to cry.
She begins to move herself in a sitting position, and Rossi can’t help but notice how thin she’s gotten the last couple weeks. She looks tiny compared to Derek. He just wants to hold her, and never let her go.
JJ notices her lips are chapped, and the dark circles under her eyes. She turns and heads towards the kitchen for a glass of water. 
“What are you all doing here?” Her voice is hoarse. She hasn’t spoken in days, unless you count the incoherent sentences she sobs at three in the morning. 
Aaron wishes he had stepped in sooner. Her hands shake as she moves to brush hair out of her face. She was his daughter, even if not by blood. He doesn’t know how he couldn’t have seen this.
Emily notices the dry wet spots on her t-shirt, and the pillow that now rests in her lap. She bites her lip to keep her own tears at bay.
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” The words are laced with guilt and self-hatred. How can she possibly take them from a case that could be 10 times more important than her?
Derek runs a hand over her head, wishing he could take her pain away in the blink of an eye.
JJ appears with a glass of water.
“You’re family, y/n. We take care of our family.” Penelope falls to her other side, and grabs y/n’s hand, clasping it in between her own.
JJ moves a couple things on her coffee table, sitting down and handing her the glass of water.
Y/n takes it with her free hand, taking a sip from it.
“Sweetheart, when did you run out of medication?” Derek's voice is soft, it almost breaks near the end, but he holds out.
She sniffs, rubbing the back of her hand under her nose. “A couple weeks ago. They’re filled, I just haven’t….I couldn’t…” 
She hands the glass of water back to JJ. Her fingers start tapping her thigh.
“Talk to us, y/n. We’re not going anywhere.” JJ starts to cry, but she can’t help it. The situation in which her friend was in, was dark. It was deep. She’s been on the road to where she is for months, and JJ didn’t do anything.
Y/n thought for a moment. About lying, saying she was fine, that she was coming into the office the next day, that she was over it. But she was tired. Tired of running. Tired of lying.
“I love him.” Her voice is wet, flem and saliva coating each word as it leaves her mouth. The sentence isn’t louder than a whisper. 
She clears her throat, and grabs the glass back from JJ, taking a longer gulp.
Her head hurt.
No one speaks. 
No one moves.
“I love him.” The tears flowing down her cheeks are different from the ones she’s shed the past couple months. They’re warmer, more full. It relieves the stinging behind her eyes a bit.
“I love him, and I can’t help but tell myself over and over how much better she is than me.” She turns her palm over in between Garcia’s and clutches it with every fiber of her being. “Every bad thing I’ve ever thought about myself is ringing through my ears, in her voice.” She chokes on her sobs, and the room is filled with the months of feelings building in her chest.
“I hate her.” The words fall from her tongue and her chest falls. A weight has been lifted.
“I hate her, and I hate that I hate her. Why should I? She’s pretty, she’s accomplished, she makes him happy.” She looks up at Derek, eye’s pleading. “She is everything, and has everything that I can never have or be. And it kills me.” 
JJ takes the glass before it slips from her hands, and sets it down, mirroring Penelope and clutching y/n’s hand between hers.
Y/n leans into Derek, and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her in for a tight embrace, resting his chin on her head.
She cries and cries, and finally after months, she breathes. Her tears stop and she lets the oxygen fill her lungs and she breathes. 
For a moment, sniffles throughout the room are all that can be heard. And then Aaron speaks.
“Morgan, I think you should take y/n to go get her meds. A little sunlight and some time out of the house will do her some good.” 
She retracts herself from Derek, a slight pink returning to her cheeks. She nods. 
“And when you get back, I’ll help you shower.” JJ whispers rubbing her thumb over the back of her hand.
Another nod. 
Penelope and JJ let go of her, and she stands. 
Penelope notices that she’s wearing the same sweatshirt from the video.
Derek stands with her, one hand on the small of her back, the others holding hers protectively. 
“Where are your shoes sweetheart? I don’t want you cutting yourself on the glass.”
“They’re in the kitchen somewhere. I kicked them off and didn’t notice where they landed.”
“Okay. We’ll just be careful, okay?”
Another nod. 
The team moves as she does, not crowding her, but never being too far away.
Derek helps her get her shoes and coat on, and leads her out the door.
Once the door shuts, Hotch turns to the others. “Alright. JJ, Emily, start in her bedroom and bathroom. Laundry, bedding, the whole nine yards. Garcia, start in here. I would suggest going through her laptop to see if there's anything we should know about. I know you don’t like it, but in order to make sure she’s safe, we have to.” 
The three women nod, and Penelope is already grabbing the laptop that lay at the end of the couch. 
“I’ll work on cleaning the kitchen, and David,” He turns to Rossi, already rolling up his sleeves. “I’m sure she doesn’t have much food on hand, and she could probably use a home cooked meal.”
“Say no more. I’m on it.” 
The car ride to the pharmacy was quiet. 
I can’t say it wasn’t nice to get out of the house. I missed the light. 
It was early February, so pink and red hearts decorated the storefront in preparation. 
I hated the thought of valentines day during all of this. The thought of what he would be doing for her drove me insane. 
It still makes my heart ache.
“What’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours, baby girl?” 
I shift my focus, turning back to the driver's seat where Derek sat.
“Just thinking about how much I hate valentines day. It’s over commercialized and the guy who named it named it after himself, selfish prick.”
I see Derek chuckle. “That you are right about.” 
I let a small smile slide across my face, and for once it’s not forced. I know not everything will be better right away. I know it’s gonna take time. But still.
It feels nice knowing I’m not alone.
We arrive, and he parks.
We sit for a minute in the silence, and his hand reaches over and takes mine in his grasp.
“I want you to know, that you are a million times better than Heather could ever wish to be. And any dude who doesn’t see that isn’t as smart as he appears.”
He turns his body, so he’s fully facing me. “If you ever feel like this again, I want you to call me right away. Even if that voice inside your head is telling you it’s nothing, call me anyway. You’re not alone, y/n. And I will do anything and everything it takes to make you see that.”
I squeeze his hand, and nod. “I promise, Derek.”
“Good. Now let's go get you your medication.” 
I nod, letting go of his hand, and releasing the seat belt, and climbing out of the car.
The pharmacist greeted me with my name and a smile, handing me the white paper bag that held a refill that was long overdue.
Before leaving, my eyes caught something inside a soda cooler at the front. 
Derek stops and follows my eye. “What is it, love bug?”
I point to a purple bottle. “When I was a kid, and I had a bad day at school, or life just got to be too much, my mom and I would go to the movies, and watch the most cringy, bad looking movie they were showing. We would sit in the back and eat our weight in popcorn while making fun of everything. And she would always get a large grape fanta for us to share.”
He smiles, and steps forward, opening the door, and grabbing a bottle. “I think this constitutes a grape fanta than.”
It’s getting easier to smile at him.
He buys it, and we head back out to the car. 
We sit, and he waits until the pill is down my throat, followed by fizzy grape soda. It's tart and sweet at the same time, and I lick my lips of the stickiness.
The music is a little louder on the drive back.
When we enter the door, the first thing I notice is the smell. It smells like Italian, and the best Italian at that. 
I walk into the kitchen and I see Rossi, towel over his shoulder and wooden spoon in his hand.
He smiles when he sees me. “Ah, principessa, come. Taste. I know pesto cavatappi is a favorite of yours.” 
He ushers me forward, holding out the spoon with a bit of sauce on the end. 
I lean forward, capturing the end with my tongue. 
“Mmm.” I lick my lips, and chuckle a bit. “It’s really good.”
He smiles, setting the spoon down. “Good.” He wraps his arms around me, and pulls me into his embrace. He kisses the top of my head. “I love you, kiddo. Don’t you ever forget that.” 
I smile into his chest. “I won’t.”
“Good. Now go get cleaned up. Dinner is almost ready.”
I nod, setting my soda down on the counter, and walking through my apartment. 
It doesn’t even look like mine. It’s lighter and clean, and every shadow that played tricks on my mind are no longer there.
I look around at the apartment, taking note of how much was done in the time I was gone.
The broken mirror no longer hangs on the wall, mocking me. My couch is back to its original position against the wall, and my windows are closed, the curtains open, letting all the natural afternoon light in. 
My laptop is set up and a playlist of feel good songs is playing softly through its speakers. 
I can’t help myself. 
I start to cry, and I clamp a hand over my mouth, looking around at the room.
How could I have not seen this?
“Oh no, you’re crying. What is it? Can I fix it? What can I do? Tell me what I can do?” Penelope rushes over, her hands running over my arm. 
JJ, Emily, and Hotch enter at her exclamation. JJ is holding a fresh set of clothes for me.
“They’re good tears, Pen, they’re good.” 
The feeling in my chest is warm.
They move around me, hands coming to gently grasp at me.
“I just forgot that I have a family. I don’t know how but I did.”
Aaron smiles at me.
“And man does it feel good to be reminded.”
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