#they're being very intense over there and having a very deep discussion about what it means to be a system
isalisewrites · 4 months
A Deep Dive into JKR's Terrible, Amateur Writing - Part One
Welcome to my new series, where I will prove to you, dear reader, that J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series and resident Twitter TERF, is actually a very, very poor writer.
And when I say 'poor writer,' I'm talking about her prose, her sentence structure, and her scenes. I am not going to discuss anything about the HP world nor the plots of the books.
This is all about the nitty gritty in the craft of writing itself.
Disclaimer for all readers: I'm going to sound very confident in my posts. I'm going to be working under the assumption that I'm a better writer than JKR. Because I am. My apologies if this rubs you the wrong way. You're just witnessing two and half decades of experience with the intensity from a neurodivergent who is hyperfocused on her special interest. I didn't just learn how to create stories; I learned the craft of writing to a minutia of details.
After years of being beaten down by others, I will no longer tolerate that.
I will be using my writing to compare with hers to make some of my points. Some of what I say in these posts could be considered stylistic choices. However, in my humble opinion, most of this is a difference of skill, which can be learned. Yes, everything I'm going to teach and cover in this series can be learned. There's no 'talent' here. You can learn how to become a better writer right here and now. You only have to understand the craft of writing and sentence structure to better improve your prose and scenes.
I don't have fame and money.
I don't need them to teach you how to write better than JKR.
You're free to disagree with my stances about this and about everything I cover, of course. But if you're a writer, you might gain some insight from this post and I sincerely hope you are enriched by my efforts in this. I spent quite a few hours on this post. Helping others become a better writer than JKR is one of the greatest contributions I can give to society.
Thus, take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
I have stated before: JKR's writing is bloated in the wrong places, underwritten in others, and the prose is poor. These problems show up in all of her HP books.
Buckle up, my writing friends. Grab a snack. Hydrate. Let's begin.
Class is in session.
In this post, we're going to dissect a page from HP4.
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There's so much wrong with this page and the three pages of this scene overall. So much to go over. Bullet points I'll cover from this page:
Disconnected Dialogue Lines
The Great Sin of Adverbs
Too much fucking dialogue!
Wrong focus altogether in this scene
Out of POV writing
First point. This is a huge ongoing issue I see in all of the HP books. There are a lot of disconnected dialogue lines, which become confusing over time. This could be an issue of the publisher, but it's still a problem. In the middle of this page, we have:
Sirius hesitated. "I've been hearing some very strange things," he said slowly.
Wait, wait, wait. Who said this? Listen, I know. I know it's Sirius. However, this is an improper placement on the page and can become confusing because Harry also goes by he/him pronouns and he's also in this scene. While the dialogue here suggests Sirius is talking, it could easily be misinterpreted if there were other characters or if he said something that Harry could've just as easily said.
To make this dialogue more clear for the reader, it should go as follows:
Sirius hesitated. "I've been hearing some very strange things," he said slowly.
Second point. JKR is an adverb sinner, a criminal. Jail. "Do not pass go; do not collect $200." Arrest her for these blatant crimes, please, for the love of god.
Look, I love adverbs. They're great. Don't fucking listen to anyone who outright demonizes them (including your huffy, uppity literature professors). Adverbs are the seasonings of writing. You season your food; you also need to season your writing when the case asks for it.
Adverbs should always be used sparingly when connected to dialogue tags. The setting in this scene is: Harry is in the Gryffindor Common Room at night crouched in front of the fireplace where Sirius is in the fire in a floo call. I read through the whole scene, though I've only shown one page here.
Harry says a line of dialogue 'slowly' three times and Sirius says a line of dialogue 'slowly' two times.
The same adverb 'slowly' is used FIVE FUCKING TIMES IN THREE PAGES.
I want to scream, not gonna lie here. Set this adverb on fire!
What does this adverb do for us in this conversation? What is so important that we have to be told that five lines of dialogue were said slowly? What do they contribute? Spoiler alert: nothing. What are their facial expressions? Harry is 14. He's exhausted since it's well after 1am or so and he's burdened with the new knowledge of dragons for the first task. He's kneeling in front of a very hot fireplace. There's fire fumes and smoke, potentially. Is he fidgeting? Is he yawning? Rubbing his eyes? Bouncing a leg? Is he picking at the carpet or rug?
Harry is a tired, burdened child.
Show me this!
Now I'm not saying that you can't use adverbs in your dialogue tags. There's a huge difference between "he said softly" and "he whispered." It's about balancing the moment when an adverb says just enough versus an adverb replacing well needed scene enrichment. Let's compare this with a section from my HP time travel fanfiction, Terrible, But Great, Chapter Thirty.
Dumbledore nodded at Monty, pocketing his wand. “Mr. Potter.” “Lo, Professor,” said Monty, pout gone, but still a watchful light in his gaze. “Is there a problem?” asked Dumbledore in a mild tone. Ice slipped in between Tom’s ribs, piercing his flesh. Monty tilted his head. “No, sir.” Oh, but Tom knew better. He could see through that innocent facade. The man could’ve been a Slytherin for how much he was cataloguing every little detail, from Tom’s appearance, to the content of the selected books, and to the supplies of ink, quill, and parchment scattered on the surface of the table. Tom masked the raw, whirling feelings in his chest with a well practiced blank, emotionless expression. He willed himself to hide.  “Nothing at all, sir,” said Tom lightly. “Young Mr. Potter was regaling me about his friendship with Miss Malfoy.” Monty glanced at Tom, brows furrowing. Those blue eyes were piercing, filled with suspicion. “Was he now?” Dumbledore said; though his tone was still without direct accusation, Tom could hear the hint of it. “Then, may I ask, why a silencing charm was necessary for such a benign conversation?” Tom wet his lips. His throat was dry. “I thought it wise to avoid disturbing others in the library.” “I am awfully loud,” said Monty with a sage nod. “Ah. A noble intent. However, it is not an appropriate use of magic in the library,” said Dumbledore, his gaze firm as it bore down on Tom. “Ten points from Slytherin. I think it’d be wise to take your studies to your common room, Mr. Riddle.” “Yes, sir,” whispered Tom.
I only used "said Tom lightly" once in this section to show Tom attempting to be unaffected by Dumbledore's interference. I did not dialogue dump information in giant chunks. I did utilized actions tags versus adverbs, like Monty tilting his head or Tom licking his lips. I suspect that if JKR had written this scene, she'd have used lines like:
"No, sir," said Monty curiously.
"I thought it wise to avoid disturbing others in the library," said Tom nervously.
The adverbs that JKR's uses add nothing to her scenes. They're just thrown into them without a thought. Did she even reread this scene after she wrote it? I cringe in agony if I use an uncommon word more than three or four times in an entire 4,000 to 7,000 word chapter, let alone the same adverb five times in three pages. Good grief.
There are two other adverbs used in this page, hastily and bitterly. Hastily does nothing for the scene and is connected to another issue, but I'll go over that in the end. However, bitterly is one of the adverbs I'd keep. It gives us a glimpse into Harry's feelings here. We need more of this, but we got nothing.
Thus, the overuse of adverbs in JKR's dialogue detracts and steals so much from the scene.
Third point: there's too much dialogue and no description whatsoever. Again, the adverbs are a pathetic attempt to give us something, but they're thrown in there without a damn forethought. We're missing the crackle of the fire and the smell of it. We're missing Sirius' facial expressions. We're missing Harry moving around on the floor, fidgeting, yawning, rubbing his eyes, feeling the heat of the fire, bouncing his legs, picking at the rug, something, anything, etc.
The dialogue is bloated with a terribly boring conversation. It's just endless dialogue with nothing else. No, it's awful. Welcome to the fourth bullet point. This scene focuses on the entirely wrong point. This scene is 100% a plot device and it's terribly done as well. It's three pages about Karkaroff being a Death Eater--oh no he might be trying to kill you, Harry, aaaaaa--and something about Bertha Jorkins being near Voldemort's last location. Meh. Who cares. Somebody has been trying to kill Harry in every book thus far. This isn't a new development, sweetie.
We been done know this, okay? Come on.
This is a stilted, unnatural conversation between Harry and Sirius. It's not realistic. It's not normal. Telling Harry about the Karkaroff's past is boring and does nothing for him. One line, maybe two, for Sirius to say, "Hey, keep an eye out for Karkaroff. He's an old Death Eater." Done. End of Karkaroff information. And cut Bertha Jorkins out altogether. I'm sorry, but why the hell are we talking about a dead woman to a 14 year old kid whose biggest problem at the moment is dealing with a jealous friend, school ostracization, and a giant fire breathing lizard???
These points are important to the plot, but they're not important to Harry.
The plot isn't important. No, it's not.
Harry is the POV character.
Harry is the single most important aspect in every scene and should be treated as such.
The plot should weave around Harry, slowly revealing itself to both Harry and the reader. Harry should not be the weaver of the plot. He should not be used in plot devices.
Do you know what part of the conversation was summarized in the prose between Harry and Sirius in a single paragraph versus the three pages about Karkaroff?
Harry talking about how no one believes him about not putting his name in the Goblet of Fire. About the school hating him. About Ron, about his betrayal and his jealousy. About Rita Skeeter. About seeing the dragons as the first task. These are all important to Harry. These all are causing pain to Harry's heart right now. Somebody give this child a hug, please.
We missed out on exploring Harry's feelings here. The author skips the MOST important part of the conversation, what could've been a deeply emotional, either positive or negative, conversation between Harry and Sirius.
Oh, this scene could've been so good. It could've been amazing. There are so many paths that could've been explored here, too.
We could've had a callous Sirius, who doesn't notice Harry's state of being, and just goes on and on about nothing of importance where Harry clams up. Or we've could've had a comforting Sirius, who attempts to give Harry some actual advice about his friendship with Ron. We could've seen Harry opening up in his body language, connecting with this parental figure in his life. We could've heard a story of Sirius' time as a kid at school with Harry's father and the marauders.
We were robbed of an important moment between Harry and Sirius.
Instead, the author puts the focus on the red herring 'foreshadowing' of Karkaroff. What a waste. She's trying to put suspicion on him, rather than Moody/Barty Crouch Jr., the real Death Eater in disguise. Again, who cares. It's not about them. It's about Harry and how his experiences are affecting him. It's about how he reacts to them.
This scene is a waste of time and paper. It's empty of emotion and movement/flow. It's just there for a set up and it's glaringly obvious during a second read of the book.
When I say, "The writing is bloated and underwritten at the same time." this is what I mean. We're focusing on the wrong things here.
Fifth point. JKR breaks the POV character with the following line:
"--and reading between the lines of that Skeeter woman's article last month, Moody was attacked the night before he started at Hogwarts. Yes, I know she says it was another false alarm," Sirius said hastily, seeing Harry about to speak, "but...
Harry is the POV character. Sirius 'seeing Harry about to speak' should NOT be occurring in the prose whatsoever. To fix this with the bare minimum of effort for this poorly written dialogue line:
"--and reading between the lines of that Skeeter woman's article last month, Moody was attacked the night before he started at Hogwarts--" Harry opened his mouth to interject, but Sirius said hastily, "Yes, I know she says it was another false alarm, but..."
I wouldn't write these lines like this, by the way. I just don't want to rewrite this. It's a poor paragraph overall, but this is an example of returning the POV back to Harry. Sirius isn't 'seeing' anything anymore. Harry is doing an action and Sirius reacts to his action.
Breaking POV is a rule that can be occasionally broken, but should be done so with intent and purpose. I'm pretty confident when I say that JKR probably had no idea that this was a mistake on her part in the prose.
All right then.
We have come to an end of Part One in this series. We have dissected a single page and a single scene in JKR's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The page in question is 333 should you wish to look it up and study the scene yourself.
More to follow because I have lots of pages to go over. This will definitely be series, ah dear.
And so, please do the world the greatest of favors and write better than J.K. Rowling. I promise, it's not that hard once you see the differences.
Until next time.
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borathae · 1 year
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"Yoongi can’t talk right now. He is so ruined and it’s only been seconds. This is going to be the biggest torture you ever made him go through. Being touched and licked should have prepared him for your pussy, but it didn’t. When you played with him, Yoongi noticed the spell but it felt more like very intense edging to him. He is starting to realise that this is so much more."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut, domestic Fluff
Warnings: switch!Yoongi, switch!Reader, this goes from Dom to subbiest!Yoongi, he is all cocky at first but then turns into the whiniest baby, i love when men submit :), he spanks her casually and talks about putting her over his lap, it’s not in a sex related context but with heavy sexual undertones, she is such a tease when she subs ahaha, and a sexy demon when she Doms, explicit flirting, dirty talk, istfg the tension between them, a lil bit of dry humping, sex spells, magical orgasm control, strength & size kink, she lifts him onto the counter to feel him up, stripping, he sits on her lap as she gives him a handjob, edging, praise, good boy kink, she calls him kitten, he calls her Mistress, begging, sexy possessiveness, messy nipple sucking, blowjob, deep throating, CBT, masochist!Yoongi, she rides him, his big vampire cock makes an appearance, so much cum besties, subby boy tears, his fangs make an appearance too, she fucks him into non-verbal subspace, dollification in the sense that he can't move anymore cause it feels so gooood, this is both the kinkiest sex ever but also deeply emotional for him, you know me there's gonna be an emotional conversation at the end, they're in love :(
Wordcount: 11.4k
a/n: listen besties, you know my thoughts on them. i can't form any more words. i just love them and i want them to be happy always 🤎
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“My love?” you say, sitting down next to him and draping your arm over his tummy.
He was lounging in his living room, writing lyrics in his notebook when you interrupted him. 
“What do you want?” he asks, not looking up.
“Why do you think that I want something?”
“You’ve got your needy princess voice on.” 
“I don’t have a needy princess voice”, you mumble with a pout. 
Yoongi lowers his pen and gives a look, cocking his right brow up.
“Even if I do”, you give up, “you can at least give me a chance to voice it.”
He lowers his book to his lap and turns just a little so you are facing him better. 
“I’m all ears.”
“Okay so”, you begin by taking his hands and bouncing on the sofa excitedly, “I’ve been thinking and I wanna show you something.”
“Here. This”, you place a piece of paper into his palm, “read it.” 
Yoongi sighs in defeat and reads whatever secret you put onto the paper. He looks attentive at first, but soon his expression changes into utter surprise and shock until landing on confusion.
“Where did you get this from? I didn’t show you that yet.”
You snicker mischievously, grabbing his thigh to shake his leg.
“What do you think of it?”
“I wanna know where you got this from. That’s not the magic we’ve been practicing.”
“Tae. He had this really interesting book on sex magic and he gave it to me and I went through lots of spells with him already. This was one of them.”
“Princess”, Yoongi says in his scolding voice, lowering his eyes at you, “what did I tell you about doing new magic behind my back?”
“Technically you said that I knew enough control these days that I can feel safe in myself.”
“Yeah and then I followed it up by telling you to discuss new magic with me before trying it. Perfect control doesn’t mean being master of all magic. You can still get hurt or hurt others. This is crazy”, he says, lifting the piece of paper to wave it in the air, “you’re not ready for this kinda stuff.”
“But I am.”
“What do you mean?” he squints his eyes, “princess, what did you do?” 
“I’m only gonna tell you if you promise not to get mad.”
He squints his eyes even harder, making it difficult for him to see. But he doesn’t need to see clearly right now, to see the utter mischief in your eyes. You may pretend to be sorry right now, but you aren’t. You are completely and utterly confident in your past sins and Yoongi is meant to accept them all. He loves that you feel safe enough with him to feel no fear in confessing to him, but he also hates that your trust in him means that you will act reckless way too frequently. 
“Fine”, he grumbles through gritted teeth, “I won’t get mad.”
“Okay so, I practiced with Tae. Many, many times until I was good at it. Then I practiced it on Tae and at first it didn’t work, but the second time we tried it I was able to control it for ten minutes. And by the third time we tried it, I managed to do it for an entire session.”
“Fucking hell, this is giving me a headache”, he murmurs, massaging the bridge of his own nose, “what else? I get a feeling that’s not it.” 
“Of course not. I did it a few more times with Tae and it went splendidly with all of them. And then I did it, okay so remember how Kook and I went on a camping trip?”
“You did it to Kook?!” Yoongi gasps, “are you outta your mind? Princess, don’t do that.”
“No, it’s not like that. I did it to him and it went well”, you calm him down, taking his hands, “it went really well. So well actually that I gave him a Ripper high without blood.”
Yoongi gawks. The silence between you and him is heavy, but not uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry, you did what?”
“I gave him a Ripper high without the blood, just by controlling his orgasms and making him cum really hard.”
“Stop fucking with me.” 
“I’m not. This actually happened. Ask Kook.”
Yoongi studies your face with distrust in his eyes.
“Go on, ask him”, you stress, shaking his arm.
“No, don’t be weird”, he whines and shakes you off, “I’m not gonna ask him that. Goddamn it princess, I wanna be so mad at you right now. You’re so reckless. Do you even have an idea what could have gone wrong? What you could have done? What-”
You silence him by kissing his lips. Deep and passionately. With your hands cradling his face and your tongue tasting his surprised gasps. Deeper. You need him to forget he ever wanted to be mad at you.
You climb his lap, hook your arms behind his head to pull him close. Yoongi sounds so utterly helpless underneath you. His thighs keep pressing together and his fingers cling to your body desperately. How obviously ruined he is. Just from simple kisses. 
You break them because you know that you’ve got him enchanted.
“Nothing happened”, you whisper. 
“If you think that I’m just okay with it because you kiss-” 
You kiss him again, even deeper than before.
Yoongi shakes you off, “princess, stop that. You-”
You pull him back into the kiss, silencing his growl of complaint by stuffing his mouth with your tongue. His fingers twist your jumper at the back, his throat produces a small keen of helplessness. His tongue tangles with yours. He couldn’t even control it happening. It was instinct. 
Your fingers begin scratching him behind his ear. He’s sensitive there, resulting in his chest to rub against yours as he arches his back. 
He’s distracted. Good. Your plan has worked. 
You break the kiss again, basking in the desperate sigh he lets out. His pouty lips chase you. You know that he wants more. Good. He can’t think about scolding you if he craves your kiss.
You flutter your eyes open once you are far away enough that you can comfortably look at him. He has his head tilted back and his eyes half-lidded. They switch between staring at your lips and gazing at your eyes. 
“Don’t do that”, he whispers.
“Just needed you to shut up”, you answer him as your fingers play with his hair at the nape of his neck. You know how much this makes him shiver. He gets so weak because of hairplay.
Yoongi chuckles deeply, sliding his hands to your butt. He spanks you with both hands. Hard enough to make it tingle and to force your body to flinch into him instinctively. You even let out a surprised moan, arching your back. 
“Say shit like that again and I’ll put you over my lap”, he warns, rubbing the tender spots on your pulsating buttocks, “understood?”
“You’re being unreasonable”, you argue, earning yourself another spank. You had hoped that it would. It burns so good, making you sigh his name. 
“Are we understood?” he stresses as his big, manly hands rub your tender flesh. His touch feels addictive. 
“Yes”, you get out, “yes, we’re understood.”
“Good girl. I like you so much better when you listen”, he praises and runs his hands along your waist. Up and down, back and forth. His touch feels like electricity on your skin. 
“Yoongi”, you sigh, grinding on his lap instinctively. The spanking made you needy, “Yoongi, I wanna try the spell on you.”
His touch stops. Silence. His eyes are widened as he stares at you.
“I’m sorry?” he gets out.
“I wanna do it with you.” 
“Why do you wanna do that?” Yoongi gasps with widened eyes. 
“I don’t know, I just thought that it could be fun”, you say, shrugging your shoulders.
“You’re just gonna mess it up”, he is pretending to be against it. You can see it in his eyes. 
“I know I can do it and you’re the only one who didn’t get to experience that yet”, you try harder.
“I’m three thousand years old. What makes you think I never experienced that before?”
“Because you were a brooding loner, who didn’t wanna be touched, for most of it”, you throw back.
“Wow”, he lets out and laughs. It’s heavy in amusement. His hands slide to your ass, taunting you because they aren’t lifting for a spanking again, “I was a perv for the first few centuries. You know that I was.” 
“Yeah well, then you didn’t experience it with me yet”, you throw back. 
Yoongi smirks. He’s so sexy when he does that you feel your heart flutter at the view. 
“I’m busy with lyrics.”
“That’s okay. We can do it whenever you have time.”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t act stupid”, he says and picks you up so he can lie you down on the sofa. He hovers above you, pressing his crotch against yours, “you’re so fucking wet already and you wanna act all innocent with me”, he rasps, rolling his hips into you, “as if I have the choice to still say no.”
“You always have a choice. You just gotta be stronger than your urges and stop getting affected by my smell.”
“You’re a brat”, he says as his amused smirk grows, “fuck, I wanna make you cry on my cock.”
You shudder. He’s driving you insane. He can be so dirty-mouthed if he wants to.
“You can only do that after I made you shake”, you tell him, earning yourself a deep growl from him.
“See? I have no fucking choice.”
“Yeah, you do.”
His eyes gleam in the thrill of this little game you are playing. He closes the distance between your lips, needing your kiss. The tug was too unbearable otherwise. He is so hungry for you. 
You however, turn your head away. It results in his lips to mouth at your jawline. He lets out a chuckled whine, dragging his fangs over your skin without pressure.
“Don’t deny me”, he whispers deeply.
“I don’t wanna kiss right now”, you lie, twisting his hair playfully.
“Yeah, you do. You just get off on being cruel”, he rasps and nibbles on the spot where your jawline meets your ear. 
“Maybe. Or maybe I just don’t wanna get lost in something which isn’t my plan.”
“Plans can change.”
“No”, you laugh and push at his chest harsh enough that he has to sit up. You sit up as well. Your legs are tangled together, your middles pressed closed. “Not this plan. I still have lots to do. Potions to brew and bottles to fill, so you still have a few hours to think about your answer.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then you can have my kiss and you can make me cry on your cock.”
“See? That sounds like a good plan.”
“Definitely, but I also know that you’re only pretending to be against my plan.” 
Yoongi chuckles, cocking his right brow up.
“Brat”, he says, making you grin victoriously. 
“Yeah, I know”, you say and untangle yourself from him. You get up from the couch even if Yoongi tries so hard to keep you with him. In the end however, his hands slip from your hips and he is left feeling cold and desperate while you look down at him.
You run your hand through his hair. Yoongi tilts his head back instantly, looking at you with half-lidded eyes. 
“Think about it”, you tell him, “I gotta go back to work.”
You step back, but Yoongi manages to snatch your hand. He holds it tightly, guiding it to his lips so he can kiss it. 
“Stay. Don’t go”, he begs, looking up at you with pleading puppy eyes.
You really want to stay. Hell, you want to kiss him and touch him and allow him to make you feel so good that you cry. But you can’t. The game of chase is too much fun with him and you know for a fact that Yoongi loves it just as much. There are many occasions where you turn each other on without acting on it instantly. The thrill of denial and the desperate hunt which follows, makes the sex all the more intense. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t”, you tell him and slip your hand out of his hold.
“Princess”, he pleads, but you step back.
“I’m in my kitchen. Yeah?” you tell him and turn to leave.
“Fuck”, Yoongi drops in the sofa, running his hand through his hair, “you’re so fucking cruel.”
You are in the doorframe, looking over your shoulder. The playful smirk you send him, makes him crazy.
“See you later”, you coo and finally turn to truly leave. 
You spend the next hours getting needier and needier. You just can’t stop imagining all the possibilities of tonight and as your mind produced vivid images of Yoongi being lost in pleasure, it couldn’t help but wander to past evenings with him. Shared moments of intense pleasure run through your mind and make you all the more desperate for him. It may sound peculiar, but you love those feelings. Thinking about sex with him is just as exciting as actual sex with him. You love swimming on those thoughts and especially when you know that your near future will include sexy times with him. The knowledge makes the fantasising just all the more sweet.
You managed to fill an impressive amount of potions in the time you thought about Yoongi. 
You made a deal with Maël and the Seville pack to deliver potions for the upcoming blue moon next week. The wolves want to strengthen their lifespan and asked you to deliver the needed potions for it. The ritual will be a werewolf only event, but you are allowed to see the preparations with the explanation that you are Min Yoongi’s mate. It is honestly remarkable which places you are allowed to enter without question because you are his love. It is also very nerve-wrecking to think about which important people trust your magic because they know that Yoongi has his entire trust in you. You are obviously excited about all the opportunities, but if you told your past self what kind of life she would be living one day and what kind of job she would be pursuing, she would have called you crazy. You’re a witch, delivering potions to an established and highly important werewolf pack and you are helping your vampire Creator mate keep the peace between the supernatural factions. Goddamn, your life is awesome.
There is a sudden knock on your door. Your heart does somersaults in your chest, your knees almost give up on you. He is here. Yoongi is finally here. You check the clock. It’s not even been two hours. It felt so much longer than that however.
“Yes?” you call out, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
The door opens and in steps Yoongi. He seems to have taken a shower as he is in a rope and nothing else. The rope is black with golden dragons on the material and a golden belt. His long raven hair is tied into a bun.
“Oh? Hey there”, you tell him as calmly as possible, while your heart is almost giving up in your chest. You pretend to be busy with wrapping rope around the potion necks, whilst in reality you are just waiting for him to make a move.
The door locks.
Your heart races even more.
Yoongi is by your side within seconds, wrapping his arms around you from behind and connecting his lips with the side of your neck. His big hands squeeze you while his strong arms pull you against him. You stumble because of it, but Yoongi holds you with enough strength that you barely even notice the stumble. He sways you from side to side slowly, helping you instantly float on the sensation of being close.
You feel light-headed. Fantasising about being intimate with him made you so sensitive that his neck kisses feel like paradise right now. 
“You were being fucking awful with the shit you pulled”, Yoongi rasps, “telling me all this shit and then just leaving. You think I was able to actually be productive these past two hours?” 
You can feel his voice against your back. You press yourself closer because of it.
“I was just saying. It was just an idea.”
“Stop fucking around”, he warns, guiding his lips to the shell of your ear, “you knew what you were doing.”
You smile. Of course you knew what you were doing, that’s why you did it in the first place.
“And what is your answer?” you ask him.
“If we are gonna do this, I need you to promise me not to tell anyone.”
“Of course I won’t. It’s our secret.”
“Good girl”, he praises and turns you in his arms. He presses you against the countertop, staring you down with dark, enchanting eyes. You feel so drawn to him. You touch his chest.
“So how are we gonna do this?” you ask him.
“Not so fast. I’m not done yet”, he says and takes your hands to guide them behind your back. He steps closer this way, making you gulp as you look at him. He lowers his voice, caressing your wrists as he keeps you pinned, “I need you to promise me that if I won’t react as well to the spell, to not get disappointed.”
“What? You mean that you’re too strong for it? Like you are too strong for the rope spell?” you taunt, staring at his lips.
Yoongi tugs his brows together, making you snicker victoriously. 
“Don’t worry about it, my love. It’s okay to be nervous”, you tease him as you rub his chest.
His frown grows, but you know not to be intimidated. He is just embarrassed to be caught in a lie.
You run your hands to the nape of his neck and begin to play with the hair he didn’t put into the bun. 
“Anything else?” you ask him.
“You’re a brat”, he mumbles.
“I know”, you grin, “and you love it. Be honest.” 
His frown softens. He steps closer, sliding his big hands to your hips. He lowers himself, you do the same. You are resting against the desk in a way so that your legs are between his’ and he can look down at you. Your weight, you support with your elbows propped on the countertop.
The tension is unbearable. Your lips are only a tilt of the head away from feeling the other’s kiss.
“Kiss me right now”, he orders in a rasp, staring at your lips with half-lidded eyes.
“And if I won’t?”
“I’m gonna get my kiss regardless.”
“Is that a threat?”
“This is the truth.” 
You giggle, “oh Yoongs, you are so delightful.”
Yoongi gazes at your lips.
“Kiss me”, he whispers.
You lift yourself. Yoongi moans, parts his lips and closes his eyes. He is so eager to kiss. With a fluttering heart, you watched it happening. You giggle and lower yourself again. 
Yoongi opens his eyes.
“Please”, he begs, cupping your cheeks. He lets his words swirl over your lips, “give me permission to kiss you.”
“You’re so cute”, you whisper. 
Yoongi moves his lips as if he was already kissing you, letting out a pained sound. 
“I’m begging you, allow me. Please.”
“I don’t even have to enchant you to get you begging”, you taunt, inching closer.
Your lips ghost over his’. Yoongi moans softly, squeezing your cheeks. He doesn’t move in. Not until you initiate it. The denial aches.
“You’re a delight”, you whisper and push him away from you 
Yoongi stumbles back, looking so utterly hurt. You take his waist and switch your roles, pushing him against the counter. One surprise movement later, he sits on top of it, pressing his legs together in embarrassment.
“Why would you do that?” he complains.
“Because I can”, you are smiling up at him and kneading his hips, “now stop pressing those legs together and let me get a peek.”
Yoongi follows without hesitation, gawking at you with his eyes slowly getting softer in submission. He knew that he would be the submissive tonight and he loves it. He feels so excited about it. You are such a good Dom and you know him like no other. He trusts you, he can be naked with you, vulnerable and utterly himself and you wouldn’t judge him. Which is why he loves it when you’re bossy. Yoongi loves being a helpless slut just following your orders. 
You slide your hands to his inner thighs, sending electricity through his veins. You massage them gently, never going past the hem of his rope. He wants you to go past. He currently exists for nothing else than your touch.
“You’ve got the softest thighs, my love”, you gush and look into his eyes, “I want to exchange safewords with you.”
“That’s right and is it okay for me to control the scene?”
He nods his head, opening his legs further. You are caressing his skin mindlessly as you talk and it feels so good.
“Say it.”
“Yes, it’s okay.”
“Good boy. Is it okay for me to take off your clothes and to touch you?”
“Yes, it’s okay.”
“Why are you asking so many questions? You’ve been torturing me for two hours, please I wanna be touched and cum in your hands”, he whines, cracking you up. 
You bounce on the spot, blinding him with your smile. Your fingers knead his flesh. It tickles uncomfortably which forces Yoongi to whine and push them away. You change your grip, now caressing him again. This all happened within seconds as you smiled at him.
“You won’t cum for a long time, kitten. So get that outta your head.”
Yoongi gulps, opening his legs even more. He looks so, so needy this way. And like such easy prey. He even arches his back so his nipples would slip out of the rope accidentally. So perky and dainty. He’s got the prettiest nipples. You ogle them for a moment then look back at his face.
“And second of all, I fucking love you acting this way. My pretty slut, mhm?”
Yoongi rolls his hips against nothing. His skin is charged in sensitivity, his body feels fuzzy. With just your eye contact, your simple touch and your words, Yoongi already feels fucked. Shit, you are such a safe space for him. You make it so easy to switch from his normal – careful and wary – headspace to his sub headspace.
“One last question, promise”, you say, running the back of your nails up and down his inner thighs. Yoongi places his hands behind his back, putting his weight on them just so he can arch into your touch. 
“Please hurry up”, he stresses, hurting unbearably. He needs your touch on his cock. It hurts so bad to be denied.
“Is it okay for me to go with the flow or do you need me to ask for consent each time I do something new?”
“I wanna be touched”, Yoongi begs.
“Answer my question, kitten.”
“Don’t ask for consent, just touch me. I’ll say if I don’t want something.”
“There we go, that’s all I needed to know. Thank you for being such a good cooperator, kitten. Such obedience needs to be rewarded”, you say and slip your hands from his thighs. 
You twist the golden belt between your fingers and open the loose knot with one tug. The fabric still hides him, but you open it. You want to see him and marvel at his beauty. His ivory skin glows golden in the candlelight, his dark nipples are swollen and against his soft tummy, his hard cock stands impatiently and aches for your touch. His velvety cockhead is flushed, the thick veins on his cock pulsate as he gets harder under your greedy eyes. 
“Look at that. You’re already hard”, you gush, looking up at him, “kitten, you’re so hard.”
“I’m so needy.”
“Of course you are. My needy kitten.”
You run your fingertips to his tummy. Up, up, up until you can trace his pecs and down again. Teasing. You trace the outline of his cock on his tummy without touching him on his cock.
“Please touch me”, Yoongi begs. He’s such a good boy with you, always so eager to beg. 
“I am.”
“Touch my cock, please”, he tries, arching his back. 
“You’re such a fucking delight, my kitten”, you rasp and step closer. Your fingers slide to his waist, your lips connect themselves with his chest. Your teeth take his right nipple and play with it hungrily. Your lips suck him swollen, your tongue tastes his skin. 
Yoongi feels lightheaded while his nipple feels charged in pleasure. Every touch, kiss, lick and bite feels better than the last. He thought that he couldn’t get any needier, but he was wrong. 
“___”, Yoongi begins moaning your name. That means a lot with him. Your name doesn’t fall from his lips often. Only when he feels deeply and overwhelmingly emotional. Being pushed deeper and deeper into the safest, most pleasurable subspace is definitely one of the most intense emotions he can experience. Your name feels like relief during those moments, your syllables taste like candy on his tongue. 
You switch sides. You are a very fair Dom after all. His nipples need to be worshiped equally. He has such a pretty pair of them. Once his left nipple feels as swollen as his right, you lift your head. 
His cheeks are flushed. He is breathing heavily. Your thumbs stay on his nipples, rolling circles into them.
“Be my good kitty and take off your rope”, you order him. 
Yoongi obeys. The rope falls onto the countertop and stays there.
“There we go. Look at you.”
Yoongi is entirely naked while you are still dressed. If his past self could see him right now, he would actively make sure never to meet you just so he doesn’t have to get naked in such a demeaning way. But Yoongi isn’t his past anymore. Yoongi is in love and he is happy and he found his safe home with you, which means that being naked while you were dressed feels good to him. Maybe even empowering because of how incredibly smitten you look. 
“I want to worship you for hours, my love”, you tell him as you run your hands over his torso.
“Because I’m beautiful?” he asks shyly, earning himself your eye contact.
“Say that again.”
“Do you want to worship me because I’m beautiful?”
Your heart does somersaults in your chest.
“Do you think that you’re beautiful?” you can barely get the words out.
“Yes”, he whispers, lowering his head shyly. 
“Holy shit”, you press out. Your hands cradle his face, your eyes sparkle as you make him look at you, “holy shit, Yoongi my love. You, you never said that- you, oh god, are so beautiful, oh my love”, you choke out and squeeze his cheeks. 
Yoongi feels great. Nothing hurts. Except his cock. Oh god, he is thinking of it again.
“Can you touch my cock?” he begs, “please, I was a good boy”, and he bargains.
“I can, just not here. Follow me, my love”, you say and take his hands to tug him off the countertop. 
He hops off and follows you to the sofa. You twirl and fall, tugging him down with you by his hips. Yoongi stumbles and falls onto your lap, gawking at you with widened eyes.
“What the hell?” he says.
“You like it?”
“Why should I, I like it? You tugged me down and that’s it.”
“No, I meant do you like this?” you ask him and wrap your hand around his cock to jerk him off. 
Yoongi gasps, writhing desperately as his legs squeeze around your thighs. His eyes widen for just a second before his lids flutter and a breathy "ah" slips past his lips.
The first touch won’t ever lose its spark. Yoongi has to moan again because all the mental and physical teasing made him unbearably sensitive. 
You place your unoccupied hand on the small of his back and tilt his hips so his cock thrusts into your palm. Then you continue your rhythm, running your skilled hand up and down his entire length.
“Do you like this? Mhm?” you repeat your question.
“Yeah”, Yoongi gets out, writhing on your lap. This position is a first for him. To sit on your lap and have you touch his cock. He feels so vulnerable and small in this position and it’s messing with his already dizzy head. 
Yoongi lowers his head, looking down at where your hand makes him feel electric. His tip is glistening in his excitement. 
You run your fingers to it and give him a squeeze, forcing more droplets to leak out of him. The sensation combined with the visual makes Yoongi moan. 
It was soaked in surprise, shock, pleasure and submission with a hint of embarrassment in the end. 
“Look at you”, you have your sexy, powerful voice on. The kind of voice which makes Yoongi’s knees weak, “you’re leaking like crazy”, you say and massage his pink tip in strong squeezes. You have him between your thumb and pointer finger, using the grip to really make him leak. 
And he does. Oh, how he leaks. He gets so wet for you. He gets especially wet when you are helping him fall into his small subspace. And tonight. Oh tonight, you pushed him into it with one simple act. The act of sitting him down on your lap and playing with his cock.
“Look at all of this. You’re so wet for me, kitten.”
Yoongi falls even further, arching his back so the tip of his cock moves between your fingers. He closes his eyes and scrunches his nose. A breathy, “fuck” follows. So quiet and shy only you can hear it. 
You watch him, feeling your tummy churn in excitement. His cheeks are rosy, his pretty button nose is scrunched up and his dark hair frames his delicate face messily. 
“You’re so pretty”, you praise him, “my pretty kitten.”
“Please”, he chokes out and lowers his head. His body writhes on your lap, his cock throbs between your fingers. 
“Yoongi, love”, you speak sickeningly sweet, placing your fingers under his chin to tilt his head up, “don’t hide your pretty face from me. Open your eyes.”
Yoongi obeys, looking at you with droopy, glassy eyes and his lips parting as he keens shyly. He can barely keep up eye contact. It makes him feel so shy that his tummy keeps fluttering. But he doesn’t want to disobey you. Not when you touch him so good and not when you look so pretty.
“That’s better. You have such beautiful eyes”, you say and smile, “keep looking at me, kitten.”
“___”, he whispers shakily, cupping your face as his hips roll back and forth on your lap. Like this, his balls and tender hole grind against you, sending bolts of warm pleasure through his middle. His palms are clammy. You know that it is because of a mixture of pleasure, coyness and the intense warmth his body produces because he is with his soulmate. His touch feels so alive on your skin, because this is how you make him feel.
“That’s it, don’t you dare look away”, you praise, rewarding him with the best touch Yoongi ever felt on his cock. Nobody feels like you do. Nobody makes him feel so good. 
Yoongi mewls and runs his clammy hands to your jaw. He cradles it for just a second then his hands slip to the sides of your neck.
“My handsome prince”, you whisper, “you’re my handsome, pretty love.”
“You’re making me cum”, Yoongi chokes out and pulls a face of devastated pleasure. 
“Thank you for telling me”, you say and retreat your touch, caressing his thigh instead.
“No”, Yoongi breathes and squirms, “please…”
“You’re such a good boy for telling me.”
“Don’t edge me, please”, he begs and tries to tug your hand back to his aching cock. 
“You’re cute. I take it that I can start with the spell now?”
“What spell?”
“The orgasm control spell. Yoongi love, that’s why we’re doing this tonight. Did you already forget?” you ask in a fond snicker and your loving hands caressing his waist.
“Oh”, Yoongi lets out.
He was so lost in pleasure that he forgot the true purpose of tonight. He is so deep in subspace that he forgot the only reason why you are touching him is because of the spell. He feels a little sad at that thought, lowering his eyes.
“Unless you don’t want it anymore. Then we can do something else”, you say.
He shakes his head, “I want it, but I’m, I don’t know, I need reassurance.”
“Of course, oh Yoongi you’re my most loved. Yeah?” you say and slide your hand to his cock, “and I’m gonna make you see stars”, you add in a rasp as you run your hand up and down the underside of his cock. 
Yoongi moans softly, closing his eyes and slipping his hands to your shoulders.
“Don’t stop”, he whispers and adds a breathy, “please, Mistress.”
“Okay. I won’t stop. Is it okay for me to do the spell when I notice you getting close again?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“I need to hear it.”
“Yes, surprise me with it. Please, holy fuck, don’t stop.”
“There we go, that’s what I like from you. You’re such a good boy voicing your consent like that”, you praise him as your thumb massages his most sensitive spot. 
He writhes and moans softly, “fuck. There.”
“Yeah, right there. You’re such a good boy, my love. Such a good boy.”
“Okay please”, Yoongi reaches down and laughs panickedly, “be quiet.”
You snicker, “close?”
“You’re so cute”, you say and cup his cheek, “come here, kitten.”
Yoongi leans down. Your lips brush his forehead. A hot, breathtaking sensation shoots through his body. A big, unbreakable knot forms deep in his tummy and his cock suddenly feels like exploding. Not literally but he swears, one wrong touch and he would shoot cum everywhere. Except that there are touches on his cock and no matter how good they feel, he can’t let go. 
You pull your head back, studying his face. 
“Shit, ah”, he gasps, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to make sense of his own state, “what did you do? Ah.”
“See? And you wanted to tell me that you’ll be too strong for the spell.”
He somehow manages to open his eyes. They are filled with devastation.
“It shouldn’t feel like this.”
“Does it hurt?”
He shakes his head.
“What else?”
“I can’t, I can’t cum. But I want to. Please don’t edge me, I don’t know what- ah-”, he stutters, ending his senseless rambling by rolling his eyes back and closing them. His nose scrunches up, his fingers dig into your shoulders as his body begins fighting the enchantment. He keeps grinding and humping and bouncing on your thigh, all while his cock throbs and pulsates between your fingers.
“Look at you. You’re such a needy kitten. Look at you trying to cum”, you say and giggle maniacally, “you’re so cute.”
“Fuck. Shit”, he gasps and tugs your hands away. “Oh”, he startles because of his own reaction, looking at you with big eyes. His hands grasp themselves and move up to hide his lower face behind them, “sorry”, he mumbles into his little fists.
“You’re okay”, you soothe him, “I can stop this again. It’s not your taste, is it?” 
“I don’t know”, he confesses and looks at his cock. It is swollen and pink. So pink it borders red. He drops his right hand and wraps it around his cock. He still covers his mouth with his left hand, changing the grip once his own touch meets his length. He squeezes his own cheeks, furrowing his brows as his eyelids flutter. A deep purr rumbles in his chest, his thighs squeeze your own. His own touch feels so different than yours. You have the softest palms while his’ are slightly calloused from fighting. He misses your softness whilst at the same time getting addicted to his rough touch.
“Fuck, please”, he begs as he tightens his fingers around his cock. He tugs on it, trying so very hard to make himself cum. He fails miserably at it, gripping your upper arm in desperation, “please princess, please.”
You watch him touch himself, caressing his twitching thighs as you do. His hand is so big around his cock. Yoongi isn’t small, he is actually the perfect length, but his huge hand makes his cock almost look tiny. He pumps it around his girth, squeezing out droplets of useless precum. 
“Ah god, shit”, he presses out and speeds up his hand. Wet squelching and the needy sounds of him fill the room. He is panting like crazy, mixing in deep purrs and desperate gasps every now and then.
“There we go, touch yourself. Isn’t it fascinating? Look at your wet, little cock. Such a wet kitten cock, mhm?” you talk to him in your sexiest voice, soothing the shakes in his legs with tender touches. 
Yoongi mewls loudly and drops his head against you. He humps you, fucking his cock between his naked tummy and your clothed stomach. His hands, once grasping his own body, slam down on the wall behind the sofa. He scratches his nails down as he somehow tries to make himself cum. 
“Fuck”, he presses out, letting the word swirl over your face. His hips chase you quickly, giving his cock a fruitless fuck, “f-fuck.”
“Does that help?” you ask him with a fond chuckle on your lips and your hands grasping his buttocks. They are tensing uncontrollably, mirroring the desperation he currently experiences.
“No”, he croaks, “what did you do to me? I can’t cum. I want to cum, please.”
“Just say the word and I’ll stop this.”
But Yoongi doesn’t say the word. Yoongi mewls and fucks himself against you with such vigour it knocks the air out of you. And again. Again. Again. Yoongi is desperately humping you even if it makes breathing oh so hard for you.
“Stop that”, you laugh and grip his ruthless hips, “hey, you’re gonna make me have a stomach ache if you continue humping me.”
Yoongi drops onto your lap, whimpering into the crook of your neck. His hands cradle the back of your head, his body shudders.
“I can’t do this”, he gets out in a fragile voice.
“I will stop this, yeah?”
“Don’t stop please. I can’t cum. Holy shit, what did you do to me?”
“Magic”, you say and slide your hands under his thighs, “now don’t startle.”
Yoongi startles. You stood up with him in your arms and he didn’t expect it. He presses himself closer, whining about being put down.
“I’m too heavy, don’t do that.”
“You’re not heavy. Hush.”
You turn and sit him down on the sofa. Yoongi looks up at you, looking so embarrassed. He’s adorable.
You give him a grin and fall to your knees before him, spreading his thighs for him. Yoongi reacts in a thrust of his hips and his hands placing themselves over yours. You caress his skin and look up. He is breathing heavily, looking so utterly nervous yet turned on.
“My pretty kitten”, you praise and take his cock between your lips. 
“Ah”, Yoongi gasps, furrowing his brows as his cock twitches into you. He is so messed up. His tummy clenches like crazy.
“Mhhhm”, you purr around him, sinking down on him until he tickles the back of your throat. You hum deliciously, swallowing around him to make it all so tight for him.
“Please”, Yoongi breathes and grips the edge of the sofa. He squirms, pressing out another “please” when you begin fucking your mouth with his cock. All while you are purring and humming and moaning around him, making him feel your voice in the most stimulating of ways. It makes him so sensitive.
Yoongi scrunches his face in desperate pleasure. He can’t cum. But he wants to cum. You feel so good. Hot, warm and soft. You keep sucking on his tip and licking the spots which are the most sensitive. Everything – every single fiber in his body – begs for him to let go, to fall into the sensations. But Yoongi can’t let go. The pressure in his tummy aches and makes breathing hard, his legs are so weak that they can’t even tremble anymore and his nails hurt from gripping the sofa. And yet he can’t cum. No matter how hard he tries.
You are at his tip again, sucking so harshly your cheeks fall in. All while your left hand is sliding to his balls and your right is jerking off his shaft. You are moaning as you feast on him, sending vibrations through his sensitive cock. 
“Please”, he begs. Pleads. Whimpers. His eyes tear up. He closes them and curls his lips back as another high-pitched whimper rolls off his tongue. 
“Mhhm, ah”, you slip off of him deliciously, slurping up the sweet mess he leaves just for you, “you’re so wet, kitten”, you taunt, massaging his thick vein and therefore forcing more useless precum out of his cock. It sits on his flushed tip as pretty, translucent pearls, “look at that mess. It’s so fucking useless, isn’t it?”
Yoongi takes your hand and squeezes it. You look up, meeting his glazed over eyes. 
“Need a break?” you ask him to which he shakes his head, “what else? Mhm?”
“I need to cum”, he presses out.
“But you can’t. I know, you told me before”, you say and smile, kissing his knuckles softly, “don’t worry kitten, you’re in safe hands. And mouth”, you say and snicker at your joke, lowering yourself back to his cock. 
Yoongi wanted to complain about your stupid joke, but couldn't because you stole his ability to speak. All he can muster are needy noises and desperate gasps for air.
You take him as deep as you can go, using the position to really push him past your throat’s limit. It’s not uncomfortable, it’s so incredibly hot to you. Especially because it makes Yoongi whimper above you and grip your head as his body slacks in utter defeat. His legs fall open further and his tummy softens as his muscles give up on him. He presses out a weak, “hngnmm” and lets his head all against the sofa and roll to the side as he is staring at you with heavy eyes.
He doesn’t use the leverage he has on your head. He truly wastes the opportunity, letting his hand lay limp on your head while you throat fuck his cock. Your left hand grips his pretty waist, your right cups his balls and tugs. 
“Ah!” he yelps, thrusting into you against his will. His back arches off the cushions, his eyes roll back involuntarily. The pain was intense, gaining in intensity because your spell turned his body into one overly sensitive mess.
You slide off with a slurp, keeping your attention on his flushed tip while your hand tugs again. Harshly. The pain sits deep, but feels like paradise. 
Yoongi drops his hand from your head for the sole purpose of rubbing his own face. With both hands. Desperately. Mostly to make sense of his state, but also to wipe some of the tears he spills. 
Another tug on his balls reminds him that he’s your fucking slut. He throbs between your lips and chokes out an agonised sound. It is filled with so much pain and torture that you feel the need to check up on him.
“Colour?” you ask, massaging his aching balls gently.
“Green”, the word leaves him breathlessly, a small whimper follows, “please let me cum, please.”
“Mhm, I don’t know. You’re so cute when you’re like this”, you coo and kiss his tip, “my cutie.”
Yoongi touches your head before cradling your cheek. His palm is sweaty, his touch weak yet loving. You tilt your head up to see him.
“Please", he whispers, staring at you through his lashes. His dark hair hangs into his face messily. He is practically glowing in pleasure. The view makes your heart race. He is so pretty.
“You’re cute when you beg”, you say and give his balls a tug. Once stretched to their limits, you incorporate a twist to really drive the pain deep.
Yoongi’s face scrunches in pleasure, he squeaks out a “please” while his enchanted cock throbs between your fingers. 
“Like this, so cute”, you squeal and giggle, “my cutie patootie”, you add in a squeak and tug on his balls, giving them a twist when it hurts the most.
Yoongi thinks that you are the cruellest person ever. Your voice and the words it produces build him up and makes him feel so loved, your eyes show him how much he is adored and yet your hands torture him as if you hated him. You are so loving and yet so cruel. Yoongi can’t function because of it. 
“Mistress, please”, he begs and squeezes your cheek gently.
“My cutie”, you say and kiss his palm. Just once because then you stand up. Your torturing, amazing touch ceases to exist. Yoongi feels cold because of it, aching in his chest.
He reaches for you instantly, “don’t leave, I need you”, he pleads.
“I’m not leaving”, you assure him and slide your hands to your own clothes to undress. 
“Oh”, Yoongi lets out, watching you with heavy eyes, “you’re beautiful, princess.”
“You’re beautiful too, love.”
You step out of your pants and get on his lap. Yoongi welcomes you with his hands touching your hips instantly. You slide your hands to his jaw, using a gentle grip to tilt his head up. Yoongi gazes up at you, looking so utterly ruined. Only you can get him this way. Ruined and flushed. So pretty. 
“You’re gonna cum inside me. Are we understood?”
“Yes, Mistress”, he whispers as he runs his hands up and down your lower back. 
A faint smile washes over you. You run your thumb to his lips to trace them. Yoongi chases you with a soft moan and his tongue darting out to lick you. You allow him, watching him lap at your thumb while his devoted eyes are gazing at you. 
“Who do you belong to, Yoongi?” you ask him.
“___”, he says your name without needing to be asked. 
“Yeah, that’s right”, you press out with a fluttering heart, “shit, you’re mine.” 
You pick up his cock and sink down on him. Yoongi’s face scrunches up. He is so overtaken by pleasure and yet he still finds the strength to press out a desperate “yours.” As if it was instinct, but it’s not instinct. It’s the result of a well-trained, loved and utterly devoted sub finding his heaven in his Dom. And it’s his desperate attempt to show you that you and only you own him. He is yours and only yours and being reunited with you is the drug his body runs on.
“That’s right. Mine”, you praise and bottom out. You caress his neck and begin moving on him. Up and down with a skilful roll in your hips to make sure he hits every single inch of you.
Yoongi presses out a desperate moan and drops his head into your chest. He hugs you close, shaking in a tearless sob. It feels so good to be fucked by you.
“You’re doing so well”, you praise him, hugging him against you with your hands deep in his soft hair. 
Yoongi can’t talk right now. He is so ruined and it’s only been seconds. This is going to be the biggest torture you ever made him go through. Being touched and licked should have prepared him for your pussy, but it didn’t. When you played with him, Yoongi noticed the spell but it felt more like very intense edging to him. He is starting to realise that this is so much more. With every bounce on his sensitive cock, every clench of your soft walls, every swirl of your hips, Yoongi feels less and less in control of his own body. This is the true effect of the spell. Every second with you feels like ecstasy and yet Yoongi is denied its high. He is right at the source and yet can’t taste its sweetness on his tongue. 
He forces his head to tilt back just so he can look up at you. His hair is a mess on his forehead, his eyes are barely open and his chin is still in contact with your chest. 
He presses out your name until the first vowel then forgets how to talk as you slam down on his cock again and render him useless. 
“You’re so handsome, my love”, you coo as you cup his cheek with your left hand. You keep your right still buried deep inside his long hair, giving him a soft tug because you know he can take it. The bun he once wore has long being ruined. You fucking love him like that. Messed up and ruffled just by you.
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut in the most devastating of ways, hiding his face in your chest again as his throat produces the most beautiful of sounds. 
“So handsome and you’re taking me so well”, you praise while you are ruining him. You bottom out, writing your name with your hips. He should remember who treats him like that. He shouldn’t forget.
Yoongi falls back because his body is weakened more and more the longer you ride him. 
You fall with him, laughing because you didn’t expect it. Your hands slam onto the wall to support yourself, your boobs smother him. 
“Careful baby”, you snicker. 
“Yours”, he croaks and gathers your tits just to suck and lick them. He is wet and sloppy with it, giving you glimpses of his fangs and you are loving it. 
“Yes baby, this feels so good”, you encourage him and use the new position to bounce on him. Your clit grinds against his lower tummy this way, while his cock hits all the right spots deep inside.
Yoongi mewls and whimpers into your tits while you feel yourself get lost as well. You are going to cum on his cock. That’s all you can think about right now. His touch, his lips, his warmth and throbbing cock paired with the feeling of having him at the tip of your fingers makes you feel so weakened.
Yoongi drops his lips from your nipple. He can’t breathe. If he doesn’t fight for air soon, he will pass out. His head is against the edge of the backrest, your tits are all in his face while you bounce him. You fuck him so hard that the impact your ass makes on his thighs is audible. You sound so wet. So goddamn wet. He feels it stick to his thighs and run down his balls. Your puffy walls keep clenching and sucking on him as you make yourself cum. Yoongi knows those motions by heart. You always start to get tighter when you are getting close. Yoongi finds it hard to control himself during such a ride on normal days, but today he is actually suffering. He wants to cum, but he can’t. He is so serious. He wants to cum, but he can’t. Why does nobody know how serious he is? He wants to cum, but can’t. He can’t. Every second feels like that one pivotal moment before he tips over the edge, but he can’t. 
“Please”, he begs, scratching his nails down your back. He doesn’t even realise that he is leaving marks on your skin. All he needs you to fucking understand is that he can’t fucking cum, but he wants to so, so bad.
“I’m so close, baby”, you moan above him, caring shit about him. You are just using him and his enchanted cock. Yoongi feels so ruined, spilling tears from his ruby eyes. Your tits keep slapping his face. It’s like mockery to him. He is so desperate to make you understand him and find pity in yourself and yet you are blind to it, “so close, kitten”, you press out, squeezing around his cock, “your pretty kitten cock is gonna make me cum so good.”
Yoongi tries to beg you, but can’t. He doesn’t know how to speak. Only animalistic sounds come easy to him. They’re not of feral nature, but that of a scared, little animal getting cornered by its biggest predator. You are talking about your impending orgasm while he suffers. Yoongi feels so fucking mocked by you and as a result, he wants to kiss the very ground you walk on. You own him.
You motherfucking own him.
“So close, kitten. So fucking close”, you moan as your tits remind him what heaven is and your pussy keeps his enchanted cock on edge.
Yoongi tries to help you, but he can’t. His body is useless. He can’t even get his legs to move or his hips to meet your bounces. He genuinely feels like a stupid, little sexdoll right now. A sexdoll meant to exist for your pleasure and to be useless otherwise. You could do anything to him and he couldn’t even fight back because you ruined his body to the point of paralyzing exhaustion. 
All which still works are his hands and they are currently dimpling your ass from gripping you so goddamn harshly. He’ll leave bruises in the deepest parts of your flesh, but you can’t care about this right now. Yoongi doesn’t even notice that he is bruising you. He feels numb to anything other than your hot pussy and your tits in his face. He snatches for them and manages to brush his tongue over your left nipple. It’s so weak and slow, his licks that is, and Yoongi can’t speed up even if he wants to.
“Yes Yoongi, yes. Fuck my prince, my beautiful, ah”, you moan, rutting against him. Your walls are so tight. Yoongi tries to breathe through it, but even that gets hard when you knock the air out of him each time you slam yourself down on him. 
Your hands come to cup his cheeks and tilt his head up. You want to meet his gaze, but can’t. Yoongi’s eyes are glued shut, his face is crinkled in pleasure. Or agony. You can’t decide. Maybe it’s both. 
“My love”, you moan and climax to the view of him, “a-ah Yoongi”, you whimper, dropping your forehead against his’ as your body shakes out of control. 
Yoongi’s hands lose strength as well. Your pulsating, clenching walls are too much. Not even spilling tears is enough to show the desperation he feels at this point. But he still does. It’s the only thing he can still do besides moan like crazy and fight for air.  
You come down soon, but don’t slow down as you fuck your tight walls through the overstimulation. 
Yoongi tries again to produce words, “p-please n-no more”, he chokes out and tries to grip your hips, “I can’t take much more.”
“I know kitten. Almost there”, you lull your words, sounding so ruined by your high. You speed up your hips, fucking him into insanity and no control.
“No more”, he squeaks and presses out a pained, “oh”, before a sob shakes him. 
“Who do you belong to?” you rasp the words against his temple.
“You”, he chokes out, spilling tears.
“Yes Yoongi, fuck”, you lull as you drag your lips to his forehead, “cum for me”, you order and kiss his forehead. 
The spell drops. Yoongi screams and arches his back off the sofa to its breaking point. His head he keeps thrown back, showing view to his throat and his agape mouth. His fangs are on full display as he screams over and over again as you finally fuck him to an orgasm. His cock, once perfectly human sized, grows into his supernatural length within a second. 
“Fuck, ah”, you gasp, convulsing around the sudden intense stretch. One second you need to get used to it and then you are already bouncing on him again, fucking masses and masses of hot cum out of him, “yes Yoongi, cum for me. Yes”, you growl, using the edge of the backrest as support. Shit, he is cumming so hard that it is squirting out of you and you fear that he might stuff you past your body’s limits. You can’t get enough of him, wishing for him to reach places no human should be creamed at.
“Keep cumming for me. So fucking good. You’re such a good fucking boy”, you moan while Yoongi is reduced to screaming and clawing at the couch. If he didn’t claw at it, he would hurt you. He has no control over himself right now. It scares him, but all the more it fills him with sensations he hasn’t experienced in millennia.
Yoongi thought that he knew pleasure with you. He was so sure that he couldn’t climax any harder with you. You break him and build him up just to break him again over and over each time your bodies connect in pleasure. You know his every spot and how to get him to his breaking point, you know how to keep him there until even breathing gets hard and you know how to draw it out until begging is the only thing he can do. His pleasure is on your literal fingertips and Yoongi thought that you already dragged out the deepest highs from his soul. And yet he was wrong. He was still fucking wrong. 
The last time he felt that kind of high, Yoongi lived a different life. He killed for pleasure, fucked for short relief and found his highest high in the taste of blood. He was twisted and wrong and loved nothing more than the sensation of blood coating his throat. He doesn’t like to think of this time in his life, but sometimes he thinks about the highs he can’t have anymore and begins missing them. And you are dragging such a high out of him right now. Safely. Without blood spill. Two millennia without it and Yoongi finds it again at the fingertips of his beloved woman. If he didn’t already exist solely for you, he would have started to do so right here and now. 
His screaming stops in sync with his back dropping against the sofa. He grows limp as paralysation sets in. Yoongi is there for it. Mentally he takes in every second of his vulnerable state and he can’t do anything against it. He should feel scared, but he doesn’t. He just feels so ruined and happy that he wants to smile but he can’t. Even that he can’t do because you fucked him into helpless paralysation.
“Good job”, you praise and slip off of him, “ah shit, I’m not peeing myself right now, it’s your cum”, you say and laugh which makes even more cum squirt out of you. It covers his thighs and drips to the ground. Truly you are leaking like a goddamn faucet. You snicker at the situation and look at Yoongi when he doesn’t respond. 
He is staring at the ceiling with ruby eyes and silent tears running down his cheeks. His lips are parted and his cheeks look so…fallen in as if his muscles stopped working.
“My love?” you ask, cupping his cheek, “what’s wrong?” you say, shaking his head gently. It flops from side to side without any kind of protest from him. Like his muscles forgot how to work.
You study him with furrowed brows. Unmoving and limp. Almost as if…you widen your eyes. This is the result of a Ripper High. 
“Holy shit, I gave you a Ripper high”, you gasp and press out a squeaky giggle, “oh my love, I did it!” you exclaim and begin kissing every inch of his face, “I, I did it. I knew I could do it. Oh my love, oh I love you. My love, you’re doing so well. It’s safe to come back to me, my love. Take as long as you need to, I’m right here.”
Yoongi is present for all of it. Physically he is gone, but his mind and heart are still with you. He doesn’t feel your kisses and loving touches at first. At least not on his skin, his heart still feels their effect. It swells in his chest and fills with the warmest of warmths. He knows that what you are speaking is the truth. It is safe to come back to you. There won’t be agony and guilt waiting for him, just love and the healing feeling of home.
“My beautiful, handsome love. Oh my Yoongi, I’m so happy and so proud and oh, I love you like crazy.”
Your words have an even stronger effect on his heart, affecting his mind as well and healing wounds so deep he thought they could never heal. When he lived a different life, being paralysed after his high meant that he slaughtered villages, left families ripped apart and caused nightmares to whoever was unlucky enough to survive. When he lied paralysed between the massacred bodies of his once pleasurable hunt, the guilt and pain of what he did made him cry and scream his lungs out until he stopped tensing up and he had to flee the scene with his limbs barely wanting to work. 
And now he knows that once he regains control of himself, there won’t be any bodies waiting for him. Just you. Perfectly fine and unharmed. 
The first kiss he feels on his skin is one at the tip of his nose. You trail them up the bridge of it and by the time, Yoongi feels your lips on his forehead the feeling in his skin returned completely. He can feel the wet mess on his lap, your warmth against his skin and your loving touch on his face. 
“___”, he croaks with his voice terribly ruined.
“Hey”, you speak gently, “welcome back. You did so well, I’m so proud”, you praise, tilting his head into a kiss. 
It focuses his attention on his lips and Yoongi does everything inside him to make them work first just so he can kiss you back. It happens soon. Yoongi regains control over his lips and finally kisses you back and it fills him with so much overwhelming happiness that his body regains control within the brink of a second. He loves you so much and he shows you that he does with his arms wrapping around you and his body melting with yours as he sits up and deepens the kiss. 
And he kisses you. Kisses you. Kisses you. And kisses you without wanting to stop. He kisses you with you on top of his lap, kisses you with his arms around you and his hands as deep in your hair as your texture allows it, kisses you with his chest flush against yours and his throat producing the most grateful, happy whimpers. 
He stands up with you in his arms, still kissing you. He keeps kissing you as his weakened knees drag him down and he falls onto the couch with you underneath him. And even then he keeps kissing you, needing you to understand what this meant to him. What you just healed. What you fucking mean to him. He swears that no kiss he shares with you is enough to show you what he feels for you. None of them is enough and so he has to keep kissing and kissing and kissing you until he finally finds the one worthy enough of his feelings. 
Quite frankly, he would have kissed you for countless more hours if you hadn’t broken it for him. You had to because he barely gave you time to breathe and you felt dizzy. 
“___”, his begs are instant, his lips search for your kiss but find your fingertips. The spot on your body which holds his heaven, paradise and dreams. Yoongi begins kissing them, doing so with his body trembling in emotion. 
“I can’t tell if you’re upset or not”, you whisper, watching him with overwhelming feelings in your chest. You always thought that he showed you every variation of kisses he had to offer, but the way he kissed you right now was unlike any kiss you ever shared. It left you feeling overwhelmed in the best ways possible.
He tries to answer you, but can’t. He is too overwhelmed by everything he feels.
“Take your time”, you encourage him, caressing his cheek with gentle fingers while his lips still kiss your other hand.
Yoongi tries again.
“The last time I felt this high, it was surrounded by dozens of massacred bodies”, he begins with his cheek seeking your palm. You help him find it, feeling your heart grow in love when he nuzzles into you, “I hated myself so much and wanted to die.”
“Yoongi my love”, you croak, cupping his other cheek as well.
“For hundreds of years I chased this high even if I hated it. For hundreds of years feeling it meant that I killed innocent people and left others traumatised and now you-” his voice breaks as his emotions overtake him.
He opens his eyes, giving view to the tears blurring his vision.
“I love you so much”, he chokes out shakily, “I-I want to know words more honest than love, but there are none. I love you so much more than love, I can’t f-find words. I feel so much for you”, he stutters and lets his head fall into the crook of your neck. He closes his arms around you, cradling you against him as best as the position allows him, “you’re the home I always longed for, ___”, he confesses, leaving you to spill tears because it felt so good to be loved by him.
“You’re my home too, Yoongi”, you say, hugging him against you as your nose nuzzles against his face, “god, you’re making me cry”, you confess in a chuckle, “I was planning for the evening to be fun and kinky and yet here we are sobbing again.”
“I feel so much, I can’t help it.”
“That’s okay, as long as we have each other we can be little crybabies after sex”, you say and making him laugh out a sob.
“Yeah”, he says, “ah fuck”, he gets out and laughs into the crook of your neck as much as he sobs.
You snicker and hug him closer, kissing his hair, “my Yoongi.”
Being with each other is the only thing that truly matters and if one was wondering, yes Yoongi will whine about everything which happened once he regained clarity again. It will come by morning after you and he shared cuddles in your bed and he wakes up to an empty bed and a magical note telling him that you were in your kitchen. He will find you kneeling by the couch as you attempt to fix the holes he ripped into the cushions and Yoongi will sit down next to said holes and give you the shiest glances you ever saw on him and mere seconds later, you and he will talk about last night. You will be terribly excited while Yoongi will whine at first about how reckless it was, but in the end he will giggle with you and tell you how nice you made him feel and that you healed wounds he never thought capable of healing. Then you will attempt to fix the couch together, stealing kisses and snuggles way too often as your giggles just didn’t seem to want to stop.
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archer3-13 · 8 days
oh wow a fire emblem post after a lot of not posting about fire emblem. its been slow and i dont care too much about heroes, sue me.
i've come to the conclusion that people get too hung up on the idea of whether felix was right or wrong about dimitri when it comes to discussions on their character dynamics [it all tends to be very felix focused anyways]. I would say that at the end of the day, the story needs felix to be wrong in order to work as it does and theres no getting around that.
as a result however, dimitris side of that dynamic often gets overlooked i think and its a shame, cause i would say its the most important factor in how that dynamic works. cause well felix hurls all manner of verbal abuse at him, dimitri never disabuses felix of those notions even when he's trying his hardest to pretend everything is fine. he just takes the abuse, and i would argue thats far more important to the dynamic and speaks a lot more to dimitris core characteristics.
what dimitri is, is sad, traumatized, and possessed of an intense self loathing that blends together into a self destructive cocktail. its not just that the dead are haunting him, its that the dead are haunting him by calling him a pussy ass bitch in the most violent way possible, all the while everything falls apart around him. and his response to this is to try and repress that sorrow and trauma as deep as he possibly can, because he has too much to do, not enough time, and everyones counting on him.
what dimitri isn't, is possessed of a hidden darkness that can only be expressed in violent rage and general monsterousness/assholery. certainly he can express those things, but they're always symptoms of whats happening around him and in the story. the inevitable reaction of all that misery hes so deeply repressed exploding in violent reaction to the cruelty of the world around him. And it is importantly cruelty and injustice that he's reacting to, remire village, the holy tomb, the entire god damn war phase etc. its why dimitris story is always importantly intertwined with the idea of having others to support you and your burdens.
anyways, guess what end of the stick felix latches onto during the academy phase!!
its grimly funny in a way, but what felix is essentially playing with dimitri is purity politics. people often overlook that canonically he was a very sweet and gentle child before the tragedy, and that his aloof prickly i studied the blade demenour is just a crude imitation of glenns personality [but yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that hes dealing with glenns death better then rodrigue]. and he practically grew up alongside dimitri, who he only ever knew as a kind and gentle boy as well. then the tragedy happens and uproots everything in his life, so he tries to find that stability again by going with dimitri in their first battle.
and that's where he sees that violent reaction dimitri sorrow can elect. and like a true gamer, felix rejects the idea that his [pure, sweet, gentle] dimitri could ever do or be like that. it must be a monster in a humans skin, a boar prince.
and like the tsundere idiot he is, felix takes it as his own duty [consciously or not] to act as the jailkeeper for that wild animal that's taken his friends place. possibly its executioner even. because felix is too caught up in his own grief to see beyond that rage, a rage he rejects the "true" dimitri of being capable of.
and, wadda ya know. dimitri being caught in a violent spiral of self hatred and anger at the injustices of the world, does nothing to disabuse felix of these notions. because he feels like he deserves to be abused by felix, and also because its easier to brush things off that way and pretend everything is normal.
and i find that a lot more interesting to view the relation between the two in and how it develops over the games story.
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pearlprincess02 · 7 months
olivia rodrigo and joshua bassett composite chart
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aquarius sun: aquarius sun in the composite is all about acceptance. this relationship exists to express individuality and fully accept each other. there is a lot of zesty energy and the two may love to innovate/create together. there is rarely harsh judgement but rather encouragement to pursue grand visions.
sun in 2nd house: composite sun in the second house deals with security. there is a lot of power for one person to influence the other persons self-worth. the energy is steady and everlasting, as both people feel comfortable early on in the connection. the people involved can really raise (or hurt) each other’s self-esteem/confidence!
scorpio moon: “You are the subject of my deepest desires, the love I will always long for.” things are never light in the relationship as everything is taken into its deeper level. it is an emotional bond that can keep ties strongly connected and felt. there is emotional intensity always present and that may give you the assurance that the relationship is going to last or at least will overcome whatever challenge is to come. emotional boundaries may not be felt or made as both of you are interested in knowing each other at one’s core. since emotions are always felt at the extremes, this may cause emotional distress when the couple experiences challenges and will make you over prioritize the relationship. avoid being overprotective and controlling of each other and the relationship.
moon in 11th house: very fun and friendly relationship. the two people relate to each other as friends, they're very accepting of the other person's weirdness. we get to be who we are. we invite the other person's unfettered natural expression. we get to fart in front of each other, eat too much in front of each other. we get to do whatever just happens and the other person very much enjoys it. so, the spontaneity is similar. very few expectations and demands made on each other. a great deal of forgiveness and tolerance. a free-flowing, exciting place. cut down on resentments, score keeping "I accept whatever it comes with you."
rising/ 1st house:
sagittarius rising: open-mindedness and adventures are right up your alley. you two are more optimistic together and can become quite restless. you are both more free in this relationship than you might be with others, and like to discuss philosophy and perhaps travel together. 
pluto in 1st house: you are both conduits for dramatic transformation in each other’s lives. you both are magnetically drawn to each other as you inspire each other’s power, confidence and attraction energy. yet you can also easily inspire each other to make significant changes especially to your outward ambition and even physical appearance. through this relationship you are both likely to help usher in dramatic changes that alter the way others see you both as individuals. you can influence each other to become more focused and determined to succeed in your ambitions. you may also help each other release fears and insecurities so you can better embrace your true purpose and shared mission together.
vesta in 1st house: with vesta in your 1st house, you possess a strong sense of individuality and a deep desire for personal growth. you are driven to express your true self and to embody your most authentic self. your dedication and commitment to your own inner flame are remarkable, as you continuously seek to ignite the divine spark within you. as the goddess of hearth and home, vesta's presence in your 1st house radiates warmth and security. you have a natural ability to create a sense of sanctuary within yourself, where you can retreat and rejuvenate. this inner sanctuary not only offers solace for you but also acts as a beacon of light for others, inspiring them to find their own inner sanctuaries. with vesta in your 1st House, you are reminded to honor and nurture your own inner flame. take the time to reflect on what truly ignites your passion and brings you joy. how can you integrate these aspects of yourself into your daily life? what practices or rituals can you establish to honor your own sacred space within ? remember, vesta's presence in your 1st house serves as a reminder that your own inner fire is a precious resource. by tending to this flame and allowing it to burn brightly, you not only enhance your own well-being but also become a guiding light for others, inspiring them to connect with their own inner sources of strength and vitality.
chiron in 1st house: there is a shared wound or sensitivity related to self-expression, identity, or physical appearance. there’s a deep sense of insecurity or feeling different from others that both partners share. however, this placement can also indicate a strong desire to heal and overcome these issues together. in some cases, this can also mean that the relationship itself is a source of healing and growth for both partners, and that they have a strong sense of purpose or destiny together. the first house is associated with the self, the physical body, and the individual identity, so having chiron here can indicate a need to work on these issues both individually and together in the relationship.
pallas in 1st house: when pallas, the asteroid of wisdom and strategy, resides in your 1st house, it infuses you with the ability to perceive patterns and analyze situations with great insight. your mind is naturally attuned to problem-solving, and you possess a keen sense of strategy and diplomacy. this placement grants you the capacity to see the bigger picture and find creative solutions to challenges that arise in your life. as pallas influences your self-expression and personal identity, you possess a natural talent for leadership and guidance. your ability to think critically and make informed decisions sets you apart from others. you are skilled at finding common ground and mediating conflicts, making you an effective communicator and problem solver. your wisdom and analytical skills enable you to see beyond the surface and understand the intricate dynamics of any situation. with pallas in the 1st House, you are encouraged to trust your intuition and use your strategic thinking to navigate through life's complexities. embrace your intellectual curiosity and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills. reflect on how you can apply your analytical abilities to enhance your personal growth and contribute positively to the world around you. consider how your strategic mindset and wisdom can be utilized in various aspects of your life. how can you harness these qualities to create a positive impact on your relationships, career, and personal development? remember, your ability to think critically and find innovative solutions is a valuable asset. trust yourself and let your wisdom guide you towards fulfilling your potential.
juno in 1st house: juno in composite 1st house i would make both parties feel a need to commit to one another early on in relationship. for confirmation of that look to other aspects to the actual juno or other 1st house placements. other themes would be loyalty and devotion to one another. probably some kind of weird attraction to one another may to present but it’s not necessarily sexual in nature. however there would be a spiritual feeling i’d imagine. like in your face, which can not be ignored. they would feel like they were meant to come together for some kind of purpose. there is an emphasis of unity together. 
capricorn mercury: this couple has constant communication, they may dislike chit chat and prefer to have long talks with the other, because they find it extremely fascinating how their partner thinks. they are capable of solving any problem with maturity, because they respect each other a lot and listen carefully. very tactful, but they maintain their honesty, as they will hate lying to the other. both can guide and help each other on topics in which the other is not an expert and will always show their support. they may enjoy working together, doing indoor activities, going shopping, giving gifts to each other and complimenting the other. 
mercury in 2nd house: it’s very likely that at the beginning of the relationship the conversation didn’t flow as much, but over time it became stronger. this couple speaks clearly with each other, they calmly express their wishes or requirements to have a more fruitful relationship, in the same way, they listen carefully to each other. these people always try to keep the promises they make. they both give the same importance to maintaining a stable communication, they hate ghosting and it’s unlikely that they will do it. they may have similar values and goals alike. they’ll seek to keep the relationship stable regardless of the distance, but they will always prefer to communicate face to face.
aquarius venus: aquarius venus in the composite is all about embracing individuality. the amount of friendships i’ve seen this placement in! very on brand for aquarius venus. this is also common in long-distance relationships. learning how to love on another level. the energy is very accepting, and the individuals will feel free to express their authentic selves. likewise to leo venus, the pair will want each other to shine. they find beauty in every crevice of each other and want to share it to the world. 
venus in the 2nd house: agreements in regards to money, where the money goes, how they will decorate their home, what type of house they will live in, what kind of arts they will buy or make together. it's a very natural place for venus. they agree on investments. they can share fashion sense and like the same beauty concepts. it's wonderful for people that work together and couple will feel that senses in common between them. it's a wonderful place for those who make art in general, because the other person supports their art and inspire them. works so well in work and business relationships too.
scorpio mars: you may feel strangely fascinated by each other, there will be something that will make you look at each other more than once the first time you meet. the attraction is undeniable, as is the sexual compatibility, which is quite high. being with each other sexually will make you feel lost in them and found by them at the same time, you will feel seen, desired but at the same time you will feel so vulnerable only that this time you will feel good after having been. this couple seeks to connect deeply with the other and know each other's core. they motivate the other on a subconscious level, they can feel more powerful and capable after having entered this relationship. the relationship has a very strong emotional charge and can transform them quite a bit. in the event that discussions arise, the ideal is for them to be transparent and not hide anything from the other, as they will know how to identify lies or omitted information.
mars in the 12th house: you may feel nervous around the other, even a little shy, but once you get to know each other better, you can see that the other is much more similar to you than you initially thought. sex can be a very emotionally intense experience and you may feel a connection that is difficult to explain. there will be something that attracts you to each other, a feeling of wanting to be close from the beginning is likely. when differences arise, it is crucial that this couple be open with what they feel to avoid misunderstandings.
celeb's masterlist / 1H - 6H
composite sun
composite moon + house
composite rising + composite pluto + composite vesta + composite chiron + composite pallas + composite juno
composite mercury
composite venus + house
composite mars
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masterjedilenawrites · 8 months
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On this here February 1st, I'll be showing some love for the 21st Nova Corps, a unit lead by Marshal Commander Bacara and Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi. I couldn't find any other named clones from this unit outside of Bacara, and I haven't written for this guy before, so I'll do some headcanons just for him :)
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The 21st Nova Corps
I did a quick dive on Wookiepedia first, and here were some things that stood out to me from what's apparently already been canonized:
The 21st Nova Corps has a reputation for being relentless and exceptionally conditioned/disciplined.
This is in large part due to Bacara having super high expectations, he will kick anyone who doesn't meet them out of the squad, even without Ki-Adi-Mundi's approval.
Actually described as being "at odds with" Mundi, though in another section was said to have a grudging respect for him.
Bacara utilizes aggressive tactics and is extremely strict. He ignores the recommended GAR practice for commanders to remain inconspicuous in battle, and instead chooses to lead his troops from the front.
He's described as a loner and stern. I saw somewhere he was besties with Neyo, too, and they developed combat techniques together.
With that foundation, here are some headcanons I have for him:
Doesn't talk much, but not because he's shy or emotionally constipated. He really only cares about war and rarely meets people who are interested in discussing the topic with as much passion.
Like seriously, he has no other hobbies or interests. Music? Never heard of it. Sports? Boring. Holo-films? Food? Knitting? Yeah no, he's already walking away from this conversation.
If he is comfortable with someone though, he can talk about battle strategies for daaaays.
Fucking hates milk.
Has a mind for improvement. Not quite a perfectionist, he just won't ever settle for "good enough" when something better is still achievable.
Thus, he's constantly working angles in his head, coming up with possible solutions, thinking outside the box. Even for common, everyday situations like getting out of traffic or folding the laundry.
Jason Bourne vibes.
Has one small tattoo on his foot, will never say what it is.
Natural at picking up languages. Fluent in Mando'a but can carry simple conversations in plenty of others. 
Spends his R&Rs pouring over wartime history/strategy books in the archives, with a beer.
If someone asked him on a date, he would straight-up say "why?" So confused.
He would be a pretty good partner, though, if he ever opened himself up romantically.
And if he could ever find someone who meets his high standards...
I also read that he was featured on a GAR campaign poster, and I firmly believe he secretly has a massive print of it taped to the back of his closet door.
Can not roll his tongue. Every other clone can and it pisses him off.
Has the best laugh you've ever heard in your life. He does use it occasionally, but very randomly. Not even his squad has been able to work out what exactly his sense of humor is.
His squad... All are just as intense and passionate as their commander. When they're not fighting, they're training to fight. There's no room for shenanigans or relaxing.
Other clones keep a respectful distance. They know the Nova Corps get sent to some pretty hardcore places.
Most of them have never set foot in 79s, or any bar for that matter.
Bacara goes every once in a while, because he does like a good beer, but he's very out of place. Just... kinda sits there... not doing anything...
He gets hit on a lot because he's smoking hot but has never taken anyone home. Not opposed to the idea of getting laid, but it would take a lot to catch his eye.
Eeeevery once in a while, when life gets a little too still and his thoughts wander past all the combat tactics and weapon factoids that are usually in the way, a deep and vulnerable feeling makes its way to the surface and almost cripples him: loneliness.
He has no idea what to do about it, so rather than face it like he would a charging battalion of droids, he instead pushes it right back down and moves on.
Okay but now I'm imagining Queer Eye showing up to help Bacara find some hobbies and a girlfriend 😂
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cw80831
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aroace-ventplace · 6 months
I don't know how to put this right. I really hate qprs, I hate how they're just pushed as "relationship for aspecs" not just in fandom but real life. I hate just the emphasis on lifelong friendships and alternative deep relationships. It drives me up a wall, this seeking out for relationships "equivelant" in depth and closeness to romantic partners without the romance or sex. Maybe this isn't me being aroace? Maybe I really am aplatonic also? But I can't stand the thought of suffering a relationship that suffocatingly close, that's how I knew I was aromantic and I feel like I'm going crazy every time I see other aros and aces lamenting and mourning never getting to have such a deep relationship. Familial relationshipd are the best, because they have a limit to their passive degredation. My cousin doesn't mind it's been 2 years since we talked she still invites me over to her house to see her and talk! Friends are already exhausting what on earth could possibly ever make someone want to deal with something even more than that! What's so appealing about it? What is it everyone even other aros see in these relationships that make them lament lacking them? I can't see anything but cons. It feels like when people get upset about a friendship ending, I'll never understand that drive. I've never felt expected to have a romance or sex life, but I've always felt expected to want an equivelant, to "not be alone" and I can't tell how much of it is subtler forms of amatonormativity and how much of it is just spectrum.... I don't even know what I'm ranting about anymore...
i definitely relate to a lot of what you’re saying. the a-spectrum is so wide that constructs that are really important to one part of the community (like qprs) can make other people (non-partnering aros like myself) feel alienated all over again. this is a bit of a messy subject to tackle, but personally, the idea of being in a qpr fills me with the same kind of revulsion i feel towards being in a more “traditional” relationship. i’m genuinely happy for the aspecs who feel comfortable in qprs—it’s just not something that’ll ever fit me, and that boundary can sometimes feel a bit isolating in general aspec spaces.
i… can’t really discuss aplatonicism/friendships without bringing up the fact that i’m autistic (as are many aspec people). to me, autism feels like being an alien that’s forced to pretend to be human. i don’t understand other people, and most of them don’t understand me, and trying to keep up with them is exhausting; it’s easier for me to just keep my distance. i do have people i consider friends, but what i define as a “friendship” looks very different from what society expects it to be. as an autistic person, most of my relationships are less… “intense,” i guess. prolonged social interaction just isn’t something i’m suited for, and that’s how my brain works, and it’s fine—just like it’s fine how i don’t experience “romance” in the societally expected way.
sorry for the rambling; if nothing else, i hope it at least helped you feel like there’s someone else out there who’s experiencing the same things as you. best of luck!!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
your takes are usually so interesting so i wanted to ask what similarities/differences you see between loveletters and imodna and how developed they've become
bc i can't help but feel like fcg/frida is a little bit like what some fans wish (and honestly a few insist) imogen/laudna are
some that i can think of include the stable (albeit rushed) closeness, the intimacy that's conveyed through magical means (e.g., spiritual guardians that look like frida) and the willingness to learn more about the other (even when it may disrupt the relationship)
Covered to an extent here, specifically in relation to what people claimed Imogen and Laudna's conversation in 3x49 was vs. how FCG and FRIDA's pre-first-kiss conversation went.
The thing about FCG and FRIDA is that this absolutely is a ridiculously rushed relationship...but it also makes sense. They're both the first aeormatons the other has met! They're going to feel a particularly intense connection on that basis alone - I don't know if the relationship really has staying power, but it feels quite reasonable that they'd dive into something very deep and intense very quickly. As for the other things you mention, I think those are valid elements but the magical indications of intimacy is pretty universal in relationships with at least one spellcaster in D&D; and the willingness to learn more about each other is because, well, they haven't known each other long. I think that last bit is also important because they both have other people playing major roles in their lives. If the relationship doesn't end well, FRIDA still has Deanna's friendship and Jaquoby; FCG still has Bells Hells.
There are plenty of things I take issue with re: the fanon of Imogen and Laudna, but I think the biggest one is that it tends to pose an "us against the world" codependence, even when canon outright contradicts it (I remember it being popular fanon very early on that Laudna didn't want anyone to touch her but Imogen even though Laudna repeatedly happily let Dorian carry her when he'd fly over obstacles) and the thing is, I believe the only path forward for them actually being able to begin a relationship with each other is them first developing stronger connections with the rest of the party. Their unwillingness to resolve conflicts because it would mean not having each other is also, I believe, why they can't take the step from friends into romantic partners. Choosing to become romantically involved is a massive risk in which they could lose each other in the process, and they'd rather not take it.
Getting back to my first point, I also think there is an artificial attempt at drawing similarities between Imogen and Laudna to force something like FCG and FRIDA's connection. The problem is that while they have things in common, it's not as obvious nor unique as FCG and FRIDA: Imogen's power set is much closer to that of FCG, and her typical discomfort due to a chronic condition is something Ashton can better relate to, and her parental issues are also closer to those of Ashton or Fearne, and Fearne is also Ruidusborn. Laudna and Ashton have extensively discussed their own similarities - physical alteration due to trauma, loneliness, complicated relationships with evil women from their pasts - and Laudna's hobbies give her a lot in common with Chetney, she goes to Fearne when she wants to explore her magic, and she has similar experiences to Orym in being a commoner whose life was tragically altered as collateral damage to people going after those in power. So they're stuck in this position in which they see each other as each other's bulwark against loneliness while finding a lot more to talk about with the rest of the party. That "tether" feels like an elastic band that snaps them back when they go too far from each other, which means they're held back from the growth and change that would be necessary for them to actually start a relationship. FCG has no such limitation. (I think this is one of many reasons why some shippers have developed such intense and bitter resentment for FCG over this arc, which I've discussed already as well.)
Anyway this is all to say I think that separating Imogen and Laudna and forcing them into more independence is, ultimately, good for them and for the future of the ship. I don't think they will ever be able to become romantically involved unless they have stronger networks outside each other and feel comfortable enough to question each other; FCG and FRIDA, though they rushed into a relationship extremely quickly, have those networks and do have a connection that truly can't be found elsewhere in the party.
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lethaloptix · 2 months
The Dangers of Love-Bombing
I feel the topic of love-bombing isn't discussed enough in the context of psychological impact. While the term has gained recognition, many people may not fully understand its nuances or how significantly it can influence a relationship. And while it's more common in romantic relationships, it can happen in friendships too.
Love-bombing can make the recipient feel loved, valued, validated, and appreciated through excessive attention, compliments, or gift-giving early on. This might look like someone excessively complimenting your attractiveness, flirting too much, making themselves overly available, or declaring 'I love you' much too soon.
It sets the bar too high too early, creating an emotional dependency in the recipient. They make you feel valued and appreciated, boosting your self-esteem and confidence. But who doesn't enjoy this kind of attention from someone interested in them? You might see it as something magical, special, or rare—an opportunity you don't want to miss. So, you shrug off any discomfort and think it's nothing to worry about. You're excited, interested, and want more. They seem appealing charismatic. They're very conversational, you adore their exceptional conversation skills, and you compliment them on this, telling them from the start that you enjoy having intelligent conversations with them.
Once the love-bomber has established that emotional connection and dependency, they start to test the waters. Let's say they've been particularly quiet lately, compared to how they could talk for hours. You might think something's wrong, so you ask with concern. They say nothing's wrong; they just get quiet sometimes. Ah, cool. Understandable. No biggie. But then, it happens again. And again. And again. At some point, you notice they're being quiet all the time, not just sometimes because you find yourself talking to them, but it feels more like you're having a conversation with yourself and they're just in the room. So, you ask them again, thinking something definitely must be wrong now. Their answer? They just casually tell you they've never been much of a talker all their life.
Wait, what? They talked to you all the time at first. You adored those conversations, whether deep or meaningful or intelligent. They knew you valued that in a partner. Now they can't be bothered to contribute much because "they've never been a talker all their life"? Why didn't they mention this to you before? Seems like something you should've known from the start because you made it clear you loved how conversational they were. That's... not cool. But fine, you try to shrug it off again. It's going to be an adjustment because let's face it, this isn't something you signed up for. With such examples, you can find the love-bomber lacking in other parts of the relationship. It may look like small unsustainable efforts or the bare minimum to reciprocate your attention or affection like they used to. It can happen quickly or be dragged out over time. Either way, you're not getting the same things you used to. You've become frustrated, dissatisfied, or even unhappy with the way the relationship has been progressing. Your needs are not being met. They seem like they're becoming more and more selfish.
This is the problem with love-bombing. It creates a dynamic where, once the love-bomber gets comfortable, they withdraw their attention and affection, leaving the recipient feeling underappreciated, undervalued, unimportant, neglected, perhaps unloved, and uncared for. This causes the recipient to invest more time into the relationship, neglecting friendships or even family in their efforts to regain what they're losing from their partner. Whether love-bombing is intentional or not, it is a red flag. It sets an unsustainable standard for attention and affection, which can be overwhelming and misleading. Even if unintentional, it can be a form of manipulation, as the intense affection can cloud judgment and make the recipient feel obligated or dependent. The withdrawal of attention and affection can lead to significant emotional distress and instability in the relationship. It can be a tactic to gain control over someone by making them reliant on the love-bomber's validation and approval. It can indicate that the love-bomber is not being genuine and is instead putting on a facade that will eventually fall away. Recognizing the signs of love-bombing is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and safeguarding your emotional well-being. By setting clear boundaries and understanding these behaviors, you can protect yourself from manipulation and ensure that your relationships are built on genuine, mutual respect and care.
If you’ve faced love-bombing, whether intentional or not, remember it’s not your fault. Recognizing these signs and setting boundaries is a vital part of protecting your well-being and ensuring you’re in a healthy relationship.
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
i think its so funny to see people discussing byler's positions during sex with missionary as the plain choice, as if their love itself isnt sexy? i can see how there's sex and then there's sexxxxx you know, but... i dont know... missionary being plain or not that hot or not feeling good unless you're making it about emotion is so odd to me. like, they can go deep with missionary. they can look into each other's eyes and be emotional with a slow cowgirl or ride. its always missionary=sweet=boring=cute OR super hot=sexy=doggy=reverse cowgirl.
maybe one is making love and one is having sex. but is it cheesy to say that the 'sappy' emotions are sexy too? super sexy cos its very vulnerable, whereas reverse cowgirl... i mean, you can hide. you can hide your face and yourself, and perform.
i love the idea of a missionary session where they're both super rough and passionate, it's not sappy or sweet at all, it's intense as theyre looking into each others faces and will is basically getting consumed and absorbed with mike totally on top of him and folding him in half. and i love the idea of a cowgirl session that was meant to start out rough but they both just press together and stare into each others eyes, super slow, instead.
Ha! 🙏 No, you're totally right and I definitely don't view the little jokes as saying its only the boring/sweet option. It's less the position itself and more... the way I think a lot of us view Mike and Will? Above all else they really truly crave that intimacy of being able to fully see each other, the eye contact is sweet and romantic but it's also super fucking hot? Watching their emotions play out, mouths parted and gasping, eyes - as much as they want to keep them open to watch each other - involuntarily shut in pleasure, maybe some tears falling. It's just funny in that for all the ideas the often get listed, it's gotta genuinely be the number #1. And for many reasons!!
Also so right - definitely missionary doesn't need to be slow and sweet. It's the perfect position for Mike to grab Will's wrists and push them above his head, arms stretched, hands pinned to the mattress, chest to chest. Maybe secured to the headboard sometimes, too. Legs grabbed, pushed wide, thrown over shoulders, experimenting with angles and flexibility. I think if they're switching it up a bit and he's topping, Will would love being in control of where Mike's legs go, they're so long and bendy, he's super flexible. Incredibly hot to see what he can handle, fold him basically in half. All the while they can watch each other's expressions, the twist of pleasure and effort as they push each other just a little further.
So totally agree. Everything is versatile! The thing with this duo is I think they have this incredible dynamic in the bedroom where on a turn they can flip from super sappy and sweet and romantic into intensity and rough passion and genuinely intermix it all. They just click. ❤️
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
If I can give my two cents on this (also obviously /nm, just from like a genuinely place of discussion):
I just think it's not that deep. Most of the people I've seen saying things like "they're my ocs now" are really not coming from any place of malice. There's a lot of serious stuff going on in the fandom with the content creators and it really does not hurt anyone to be like "they're mine now". It's a way for people to be like "I am not writing about the real people in any shape or form. I'm taking the base characters and writing them in aus and such. They're disconnected from what's going on."
People have been doing that for ages in fandom, even this fandom, and it's not some kind of like. crime. It's such a dumb thing to discourse about because like just let people do what they want.
Taking a character you love and writing them differently in a fic or something where they're not their canon counterpart is really really common. Not to mention the many times ccs like Wilbur have said that the characters "belong to the fandom". Also, c!Phil's wings, c!Quackity's scar, c!Wilbur's white hair streak, c!Wilbur's train limbo, c!Skephalo being c!Sapnap's parents, and so many other things in canon have come from the fans. A lot of these characters exist because people made animatics and art which inspired the ccs to keep making the story.
I think as long as you're respecting boundaries when writing them, you're pretty free to call them your oc. Like, within my own fics, I've completely rewritten c!Technoblade for one of my modern aus because of the life that he's lived in it. He's still the same base character at his core and thusly I'm respecting boundaries, but other than that, he could probably pass for an oc. Like I just don't think it's that deep to be like "these are my characters now because I don't like the people who made them."
And I detest the idea of "you hate the media so you have to leave the fandom". It's probably one of the worst takes I've seen time and time again. Like there's a difference between being negative about it every single day and being critical of how it is written. I really love this series even if I hated one part of it. I'm not leaving just because of that.
anyways if this is poorly phrased I am rather tired rn and I wrote this quickly but yeah my thoughts on the whole. I just don't think it's worth fighting over some teenagers wanting to emphasize the fact that their writing is separate from the ccs.
(this entire response is also /nm it's just a discussion)
I think we're just seeing different sides of twitter because I understand saying they're your ocs in a non-malicious way, but I've genuinely been seeing more intense takes on the situation in a way that just irks me. Also, I'm not referring to making them your ocs as in just putting them in different aus and keeping the core of their character, because I do that too! But they're not your ocs in that sense. You're still taking their characterization from canon. They still share the same names and aspects of their appearance with a cc. And again, I'm all for people just having fun in fandom don't get me wrong, I'm just seeing it phrased in certain ways on twitter that's really irking me.
Also of course you can be critical about a piece of media you're in a fandom for. I'm critical of a lot of writing choices in dsmp. That's not what I'm referring to. When I say if you're not having fun then leave, I'm referring to the people who literally hate every aspect of the media and fandom and that's all they talk about. Like, you're just making yourself miserable at that point, y'know?
Overall, I didn't mean to start a discussion on this, but that's my fault for not clarifying when I made my post. I just don't like the discussion going on on twitter right now because it just feels very weird and toxic in a way that's bugging me and I wanted to complain about it. But I'm not trying to attack teenagers for emphasizing their writing is separate from cc's, and that's not really what I was referring to. I can understand why my post might've sounded like that though so I totally get your point here.
Again this is /nm, but I'd rather not make this a whole thing so if anyone else sends me asks on this I'm not gonna answer them unless they have a really good point I wanna speak on.
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Flash Fiction #1
Inspired by @write-it-motherfuckers prompt post
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Glen's nerves are fried, and the constant buzz of the machines around her feels like a swarm of angry bees in her ears. She paces the length of the room, the soles of her shoes clicking against the hard floor, once, twice, three times, her movements frenzied and agitated. The harsh overhead lights flicker, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
Finally, Glen spins on her heel, fixing her eyes on Jessica with an intensity that makes her friend uneasy. She opens her mouth, as if to speak, but the words die on her tongue, and she shuts it with a frustrated huff. With a desperate gesture, she rubs her eyes with her palm, trying to ease the tension headache that's been building behind her eyes.
Feeling defeated, Glen stomps over to a nearby chair, sinking down into it with a deep exhale. "Really?" Jessica asks, her voice laced with amusement and a hint of concern. She's been watching her friend the entire time, taking in the subtle changes in her body language and demeanor.
Glen shoots Jessica a withering glare, as if daring her to say something else. But instead of rising to the challenge, Jessica raises an eyebrow in response, silently acknowledging the unspoken tension that hangs between them.
"Are you sure about this? Once we broadcast this, there's no turning back," Glen asks, defeated. She doesn't agree with Jessica's plan, but she's just as desperate for change and freedom. She wants things to be better, and if this is the only way, then Glen supposes it should be done.
"That's what I'm counting on," Jessica says softly, knowing that Glen is on the edge of a breakdown. "They won't be able to cover this up. The people will know, and things will have to change, whether the government bastards want it or not."
Glen shakes her head and lays it down on the cool surface of the table. "You're absolutely crazy," she whispers, a huff of incredulous laughter slipping from her. Jessica is crazy for her plan, and Glen is even crazier for going along with it, for once again enabling Jessica to do stupid things.
Glen sits up abruptly and turns to the laptop connected to the system in the room. Her fingers fly over the keys, the tapping joining the buzzing rhythm of machines, and Jessica watches with rapt attention and a growing grin. Glen closes her eyes and hits 'enter,' allowing the video of the president in one of his secret meetings with his board to broadcast live across the country on every available server they could hack – and there were plenty of those.
The meeting that Glen just exposed to every person and their dog that lives in the country is one where the president and his board discuss their work on keeping tabs on private communication between people. Their supposed-to-be encrypted and private conversations were being read by random people that the government assigned to the job. They went further and discussed how they planned to do the same with all cameras that they can connect to, to keep watch of the people. Their argument was that the civilians had to be kept from making stupid decisions and guided down the right path, and the government could only do that if they saw what problems and mistakes the people made.
Glen stares at the silent broadcast playing on her own laptop screen, a stark contrast to the loud and damaging versions being displayed throughout the country at that very moment. She turns to Jessica, who looks satisfied, but Glen's shoulders sag. Jessica glances at her and her grin dims. She sits forward and pats Glen’s knee, trying to reassure her.
“It’s going to be okay,” Jessica says gently, attempting to soothe Glen, who laughs sarcastically.
"This is going to be a mess," Glen says, her anxiety mounting. But Jessica's grin lights back up, and Glen sighs, her anxiety fading at her friend's enthusiasm. It's too late to change their mind now; they're in this together, and Glen will just have to accept the new life that will start once they face the outside world, which she is certain will be wrecked.
"No, this is going to be the start of a revolution," Jessica says, her grin growing wider.
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nagirambles · 2 years
I saw your post on Gray and Erza backstory and I was wondering did you have any HCs/theories on the Rest of the cast before we found out about their past ? (I hc that Natsu had either A) abusive town that treated him cruel and that’s how he finds ingeel after he runs away , B) zeref worshipers killed his tribe and that’s how he meets Ingeel after fainting from his injuries ?) ( for the Strauss sibs I hc was that there grow up in a church ?)
The Strauss siblings, you were pretty close! Their village seems to be very superstitious on the church side, that’s for sure. I think I was more thinking about how they all used Take Over? And so I thought it’d be cool if their backstory involved being raised in very indigenous tribes that lived deep in forests and mountains, where they lived in places where beasts frequented in a sort of survival of the fittest way. I think their clothing dismissed that theory quickly for me, though. I did think of a ‘raised in a prestigious and abusively strict orphanage/school’ sort of backstory as well, with Mira turning incredibly delinquent as a shout of freedom and rebellion. 
For Natsu, I think I liked the idea of a Mowgli-type story. Child abandoned in the forest and a dangerous ancient beast picked him up... he grows up as a dragon child, so when Igneel leaves, he’s devastated, but he gets over it to some degree because he knew that dragons have such enormously long lives, it didn’t matter if Igneel was gone for a dozen. He insists he’s ‘looking forward to seeing you again’ for a very long time, because big strong dragons are patient, not crybabies that can’t leave the nest. Yes, I do think Natsu should be more feral in canon. 
Also, my thoughts on the dragons were that one day, a big huge thing happened-- a calling to the end of the world, some kind of thing that required dragons to come at once and discuss things/do some intense damage control across the world-- among the elder dragon community (lmao), and so they all left to deal with it, and it took much longer than any of them expected. Or, most them them got sealed/died in the process, which left their kids alone. Child me didn’t have a very creative imagination. 
Levy Jet and Droy, I think there was a time very long ago where I had this strange backstory thought up for them. It’s kind of AU. I always thought of Jet and Droy as more ‘fanatic elder brothers/cheerleaders’ over actual love interests, maybe because I also have two older brothers and I loved projecting... But what I came up with was that Jet and Droy aren’t human, probably something akin to fae. They’re not strong at all, but they’re kind of immortal. And then they meet Levy, a hardworking child working multiple jobs, trying to survive, and they fell right in love with how adorable she was. They definitely wanted to protect her no matter what, and they start frequenting the places she worked just to watch over her and hit away anyone looking for trouble or taking advantage of her. They’re not strong at all, which means they get beat up and end up with Levy trying to figure out how to mend their wounds. Levy was ostracised where she lived, so when she finally lost all source of income, the boys decided to take her and run off to other towns to help her earn a living. That brings them to Fairy Tail eventually, and they’re actually overjoyed that Levy is stronger than them now. 
Maybe they hated her because they thought she or her mother could commune with spirits (witch superstitions?), but she actually couldnt. Ironically the aforementioned spirits were jet and droy the whole time, and they're just watching.
I think, before the Lisanna death reveal, there was a scene where Cana said to Mirajane, “what happened with Lisanna hurt all of us. but Elfman’s trying to move on in his own way,” and in that moment I was possessed by how interesting it would be if Lisanna had betrayed Fairy Tail and gone on the run, breaking everyone’s hearts because especially with the super sweet dragon egg episode, she seemed the least likely to go down a corruption route. (And that would have made it so, so cool.)
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Hey there! I'd like to request a genshin matchup please. He/they, isfj, I'm gay (mlm) and I'd like a sfw matchup.
- For personality, with people I've just met I come across as a very mature and quiet person who has a calming aura and just seems very trustworthy (the amount of people who just tell me things randomly because I have a very trustworthy vibe is hilarious) however once you get to know me properly most people can see that I'm a relatively quick-witted and blunt person who can be pretty irresponsible at times lmao. I'm a huge nerd and a bit of an overthinker too, and tend to not realise that the stuff I say is going over people's heads until they tell me that they have no clue what I just said, and despite that I'm still a people pleaser who's "maturity" is better described as being an old man stuck in a young body. I also like to jokingly insult my friends a lot (as long as they're okay with it) and cannot cook for the life of me to the point where I doubt any of my friends would let me near their kitchen
- When I'm with my partner I'm insanely clingy and will do absolutely anything for them despite the rest of my personality. My love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation and I'll spend half of me and my partner's conversations coming up with about a dozen different ways of saying "I love you"
- My hobbies are writing, drawing, learning about psychology, philosophy and medicine, and playing video games. I especially love games that have really intense themes and deep lore and characters that I can sink my teeth into and let myself be extra nerdy about lmao. I'm also a huge vampire nerd and if I'm comfortable with a person I'll spend hours talking about vampire lore and the book I'm writing
- As for other information, I need glasses but I forget to wear them so tend to squint at stuff a lot, I have a ton of piercings on my ears and hair dyed a bright colour so I surprisingly don't look that reserved, and despite spending most of my time outside of my house at libraries, I terrible at returning my books on time lmao
Hope this is a good amount of information, and thanks for taking my request!
I would match you with...
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Zhongli is also an old man stuck in a young body and would be able to relate to your personality.
While he may not fully understand how to play video games, he loves watching you while he reads or listening to you talk about the lore.
Zhongli is so relaxed; he has no problem with you being clingy and will come up with a way to respond to each way you say I love you to him.
He's always bringing you little gifts that remind him of you while he's out and about.
He's learned so much about vampires from you. He can keep up with you and have discussions about them.
He always remembers your glasses for you and carries them around, giving them to you when he sees you squinting.
He would do his best to teach you how to cook, but he would most likely give up and ban you from the kitchen.
He adores any paintings or drawings you make and hangs them up in his office or frames them.
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Perfect amount of information! I hope you enjoy <3
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elibeeline · 2 years
I dont know what emotion im feeling at the moment but my brain is only calling it 'not pog'
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1111jenx · 4 years
Sorry to ruin the mood but what placements in a chart indicate anxiety and Depression? It’s been difficult lately
Hi there,
Before answering you question, I feel that it's a need to embrace my cancer sun and give you a virtual hug🥺 Things will get better b, get the help you need and know that even me, a rando on tumblr who writes astrology notes got ur back:) I won't make you wait longer, lets talk astrology and mental health.
Awareness Astro
part 1
Hey guys, I think its important before we move on to point out that having these placements which I'll be discussing do not mean that you definitely have anxiety or depression, it just means that from my limited observation and personal studies, these people with the listed placements are more prone to having issues with their mental health. However, I must let you guys know that I'm not a professional and in no place should you guys take my observations to heart, you can read it and let me know what you think though i'd love a discussion:)! Please receive immediate medical attention if you think your mental health is in danger, it is just as important as your physical body
water suns/moons with air mercury/ascendant or air dominant chart = contradicting energy. are very prone to rationalize their feelings. I notice that most water suns/moons have a harder time opening up to people and if they have an air mercury( mercury = minds, thinking, thoughts, intellecys ) they are very prone to rationalize and finding flaws in their own feelings. a true battle of the head and the heart. obsessive but hate that they are. very anxious people and intense people but they lack the ability to express it well since they're used to a different energy. for instance, pisces sun/moon with aquarius mercury are very complex and sensitive people but they are so objective, even with their own feelings and this in turns, create a resentment in them, fearing a part of themself and create a storm of anxiety in them as they interact with people, fearful of letting others in or not being able to express what they truly feel.
air sun/moon with dominant water charts or water mercury= their goals and intellect output differ from one another. simply put, extremely deep people yet will never let others in. unless they have some good aspects to balance this out, if not, they will shut everyone out and sink in their dark minds, letting the negativity consume them. they feel that they're letting themselves down and hate that they can not live up to even their own standards. very very prone to panic attacks from my observations, especially if theres cancer energy or libra energy present. rly hate oversharing but can not help it sometimes:(
capricorn moons= the OG villain. they are so used to be perceived by others as heartless even thougj they're not, they have a harder time relating to others emotions but that does not mean that they don't feel any. practically tought themselves everything they know. deal with a lot of bizarre stuff that most people are not even aware of. tend to cut off people when they feel threatened. depression and depressive episodes, feelings unloved and unworthy are so common. take failure personally so losing something or inability to achieve their goals will result in breaking down and detachment.
sun square moon, sun opposite moon: people don't talk a lot about this but the sun rules over our brain, therefore, any damaging sun sign especially to pluto, saturn or chiron need to be examined. very much prone to panic attacks and have their moments lacking self worth.
sun in 6H, 12H, 10H, 3H: super neurotic energy if there's a lot of harsh aspects (tight orbs or aspecting any other dominant planet)
moon in 6th house: escapism. extremely negative and need a lot of assurance. prone to expect the worst. usually have a very bad health or if they work they may never feel they're good enough and can slip into suddens anxious moment.
saturn in 1H, 3H, 4H, 7H and 12H
mercury in pisces or cancer= scattered yet idealistic thoughts, thoughts which they find it hard for others to understand. tendency to take everything personal and to heart, over analyze people.
mercury in mutable signs= especially if there are harsh aspects to personal planets. overthinkers and get uneasy when confronted. lowkey feel that its better to lie sometimes. blunt but not really, not with their own stuff. very prone to become tense and nervous. negative thoughts start to spiral and once it starts they cant control it. (i'm looking at u gemini mercury)
mercury opposite moon, mercury square moon: how the feel deep down ≠ their words
mercury square ASC= this creates very conflicting people, they never seem to really understand themselves and can have a harder time with their own mental health.
mercury square venus, mercury opposite venus, mercury opposite ASC= the need to lie so that others will like them, lie to protect themselves/their images. feel that they cant even be honest to what they want. carry burden like no others. actions differ from what they rly want most of the time.
mercury aspecting mars (afflicted tho): easily frustrated. over analyzing 24/7 and losing their shits 24/7 too. panic attacks. crippling anxiety.
moon in aquarius, leo, scorpio, taurus: at the same time, one of the signs of depression is persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings (source). most fixed moon i know usually are very stubborn with their emotions, it also means that sometimes its harder for them to just let their feelings go. once they feel something it tends to stick around for a while, if not intensify as time progresses if theres no healthy emotional outlet. this is especially true for aquarius moon and scorpio moon. aquarius moon(fixed+air) people approach their feelings in an unusual way, sometimes if they're going through something you wouldn't even hear from them at all for a whole week, but then they'd come back and act like they're all good. scorpio moon(fixed+water) is naturally secretive with their struggles. they hates opening up or yearning for help so much they'd rather do it on their own and this tend to backfire most of the time. leo moon(fixed+fire) gives out a lot of love, they expect a lot in return and if not are so prone to pessimism and restlessness. taurus moon(fixed+earth) make connections through their charming ability to others, this is no secrets but they're one of the strongest people i've ever met, emotionally mature or have GREAT potentials to be one.
pisces moon: carry a lot of guilt and responsibility. they tend to have very low self esteem at one point at usually struggle to sleep a lot if they're not in a good place. very subtle yet very serious signs would be shown through this placement of the moon. they may lie to themselves a lot of the time for assurance tho. highkey need to be with people who are more rational.
pluto conjunct moon, pluto conjunct mercury or pluto conjunct ASC
pluto in the 1H,3H,4H,7H and 12H
Aquarius IC, Sagittarius IC, Scorpio IC, Capricorn IC: something about these people childhood was just off. as a child was extremely detached or extremely emotionala and switch from one state to another so often it's very alarming.
chiron in capricorn, chiron in leo.
mercury in Leo, Sagittarius: tendency to think of themselves as the one who carries the positive vibes, a need to always stay hilarious or as an entertainer for their circle, which is very exhausting and will sooner or later wear them out. great listeners to others but bad at opening up abt their struggles.
GRAND TRINE IN WATER: very very emotional people but something forbid them to show it and can get extremely obsessive and will lose themselves in toxic situations if not careful.
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saint jenx🖤
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
Hii! What are your theory for next ep? I don’t know why Big and Ken are hitting Porsche but I hope is not for Kinn
Hi, thank you for the question. Before I go deep into my thoughts, here's a quick summary and break down of what I saw in the promo for episode 5.
Aftermath of Episode 4- Kinn wakes up looking very troubled and worried, while Porsche is asleep.
I do think due to the nature of what happened in 4, this will be a massive thing that both Kinn and Porsche will have to discuss and deal with. For Kinn, this is not just guilt festering about losing control and ending up with this situation but also fear, and realisation of what is truly happening with him and Porsche. How they're going to deal with the subject of episode 4, I don't know so I can't predict that aspect, but I think there will be feelings of guilt and some punishment towards Kinn as the aggressor.
-For the Plot however, this situation would definitely unleash a massive well of feelings from Kinn despite the messed up nature and outcome. From thinking it would disappear; this uncontrollable obsession and attraction to Porsche  after he finally did the deed and acted on his lust, and then realising it hasn't,  I think we will see the episode focus on him realising that distance is important because being this way is very dangerous and must be stopped asap:
1. It's dangerous because Porsche is his bodyguard and people talk and are looking for ways for him to fall, Vegas is already manipulating and using this over him. He's become somehow weakened in front of his subordinates (other guards who saw his frantic panic) and he's now seen as having favourites, weakened in his resolve and his claim to being better than his father, which people keep hinting they don't think he is . His father is also telling him this, so the steps to regain his control is to show power and show distance and coldness so he can still seem unmoved by his bodyguards and in control of his situation. He can't afford to seem vulnerable and emotional.
2. It's dangerous because it is so clear that Kinn has trauma from love, and he has tried to lock it away and avoid it at all costs, this is also how love makes him; weak, childish, and irrational during important and serious times such as the auction in episode 4. It distracts him from his goals and makes his brain short circuit. Due to his feelings for Porsche, he's frightened because they are irrational, automatic, and uncontrollable and even after episode 4 we know the intensity of that connection is going to be doubled for Kinn, he will try to form a barrier immediately and push it away as soon as possible. Either feigning disinterest like he did when Porsche asked him if he was special to him in the last episode or actually actively making Porsche see him as cruel or cold (his mafia mask). Kinn however is still a kind person, so I believe his guilt will make him want to protect and take care of Porsche but be talked out of it, or Porsche misunderstands and thinks he's the one who sent the message that he doesn't care that he gets hurt or punished despite what happened between them. 
Voiceover of Korn telling Kinn he messed up and his reputation is on the line -
This could be why he does what he does as shown in episode 2, he has to be harsh to Porsche to prevent rumours of weakness and favouritism and people saw him leave and be frantic over 1 guard. Korn might have been the one instead that did this for fear Kan would think Porsche was important. Korn might be supportive of Porsche as Kinn's queen but he's also cunning and manipulative; he could punish Porsche for failing to protect his son and getting again into harm's way; endangering everyone. I'm still on the fence of if Kinn is the one who does this because of his desperateness to keep his mask on and look powerful and serious, I can see him do this but because of the nature of what happened in episode 4 he knows Porsche is in pain, and needs care i think his guilt will override his need to be cold and distant. Like he will stay away but to send people to hurt Porsche? Not sure about that. But it could be a misdirect, he could send the guards with an instruction to instruct and reprimand Porsche but didn't know that, that's the way they'd do it, like expecting them to scold him instead of actually violently harassing him.  But we'll see.
Porsche tied up and being taunted by Ken and Big in the pool scene: they seem gleeful taking it out on him this could be either
1. They decided to teach him a lesson on their own to punish him for being incompetent, I can see this because the show showed in episode 4 their frustration with the favouritism Porsche recieves, they will kind of snap on their own and want to teach him a lesson and because Porsche is weakened at the moment and they have a chance of doing major mental damage to his self esteem as he deals with the trauma and mental struggle of what happened in episode 4. Both Ken and Big walked away once Kinn screamed for them too, they looked angry and annoyed because Kinn wouldn't normally do this for the guards. Ken is irritated because he feels Porsche is incompetent as a guard and shouldn't be in his position, and Big is jealous and upset about the affection Porsche receives from Kinn. I think the show could use them as tools to further worsen Porsche's mental struggle and vulnerability of this situation and make him think even furthur that Kinn does not see him as special at all, which will lead to him wanting to leave.
2. Kinn sent them because of protection and running away from his realisations, again this makes sense as we've seen him have to hurt Porsche before for both their benefits and protection in episode 2 with Macau. However it could also be how he avoids the truth he keeps convincing himself about, that Porsche is not just a guard to him and he's important as a romantic interest (which is something he's not ready to accept or move on from)
3. Korn sent them and Kinn has no clue but this causes Porsche to misunderstand that Kinn sees him as a rebellious guard like the others with no special favours. This is also interesting because Korn doesn't want to seem harsh of Porsche in fact he normally lets him get away with things others can't; he has a favour on him so I don't know if he could be the one that does this unless the show is ready to show more hints to his cold and calculating Mafia above his relationships energy. However I think he's still gonna be a hidden threat for now, so this is least likely in my opinion.
Why Porsche shouldn't get special favours:
-Special treatment already shows chaos and disorder in terms of how Kinn rules and controls his subordinates, it makes Kinn look like a pushover and unfair making the other guards lose respect and see Porsche as a rival the most. But also exposes Porsche to Vegas completely as a target (he already is) and others who are trying to find Kinn's Achilles heel.
-He needs to learn to be more protective and how serious his body guard duties are, he's a diamond in the rough sure but he can't be putting himself in these situations, he should be trained more and dealing with him in a fair and strict manner is needed to make him grow in that aspect.
Why he should:
The nature of episode 4, the fact that he is a victim who was assaulted, and he needs a break to process and heal from the activities  both healing of his mind and body. Kinn sending people to hurt him makes no sense, because he's the aggressor and the one in the wrong for taking advantage of the situation.
What I think:
Looking at these options I'm unsure, but I do feel like it makes sense for Big and Ken to form a mutiny against Porsche and just use his weakness to attack and use it as a guise for training and growth. To make him feel small without being sent by anyone else. It will also make Porsche more weary and hurt and misunderstand Kinn once again and how he views him (which is a huge thing in their relationship, their inability to communicate or open up and be truly vulnerable and let the other one know they have control over them and see them as special). I think Kinn would go to his father and listen to him but distance himself from Porsche due to his issues, apologise without actually apologising and taking responsibility. Kind of like his duty instead of looking like he actually cares or sees Porsche as more than a one night stand type situation. He'll be apologetic and guilty but his barriers would prevent him from being too honest about how bad he feels and how scared he is to lose Porsche or see him hurt. This will then be coupled with the mental breakdown that makes Porsche want to choose himself over these feelings and try to leave.
Kim and his duality
Kim decides to accept the guitar coach role to further his advances and discovery of his mission
-Nothing apart from the fact that their story is going to have more importance, and I think Chay will soon somehow know the truth about the whereabouts of Porsche.
There you have it, I'm on edge and impatient for episode 5 but I can't wait because the show is slowly having me in its hooks and I adore all the characters so far.
Thanks again :) 
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