#this and the comment that he had adopted his brothers kids to Rose
thelittleangryitalian · 3 months
Donald was really out here dropping hints about not being the rats bio dad. Concert in a can he says “I’m more of a fun uncle than a school activities dad”
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Brotherly Love P.t 2 J.T
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Jason Todd x Al-Ghul/Wayne reader(platonic)
Brotherly Love Masterlist <- right here
Gender Neutral
Summary: Time at your father's has broken apart your relationship with your brother, but what about your adopted brother?
Warnings: insecurity, mentions Scarecrow and his toxin, mentions of murder.
You were sitting down in the library, reading one of your favorite books, and sipping the tea you had made just a few minutes beforehand. The ache of being alone had finally disappeared weeks ago, you don't even know if Damian has left the Batcave, you wonder if he too missed how things were before you came here.
A sound of footsteps alerted you before the large library doors opened, it was that man that you had seen talking to Alfred, the guy with the familiar eyes. You watched as he closed the door behind himself, his eyes caught your own as he glanced at you with no readable expression. You kept eyeing him as he passed the couch you were sitting on and headed straight for the bookshelves, he reached a hand up before grabbing onto a worn out book.
He turned around and started heading towards the couch opposite of you, you quickly looked away, staring down at your own book as an attempt to look busy.
As he sits down and opens his book you look up again, trying to figure out why he looks so familiar, and notice the book he has is green, and the spine is falling apart, the title has worn away probably from how old the book was.
"Y'know it's rude to stare." The mysterious man across from you commented, snapping you out of your daze making you look back up at his face that was now facing you.
"Who are you?" You questioned, still confused about what looks so familiar about him, the man across from you chuckles, and his face breaks out into a smile confusing you even more.
"Straight to the point huh?" He he chuckled out again, "well I could ask you the same, you came here with that brat didnt you?". You wanted to snap back, defend your brother from this random man that seemingly knew him.
"Yeah...I did" you mumbled out looking back down at your very own book. The change in attitude seemingly left the man a little lost, and not knowing what to do, he shifted a bit and gripped his book a little tighter. His lips pursed and his eyes darted to things around him as he sat in the awkward aura that had taken over the enormous room, his eyes once again looked at you as he thought about what to say to lighten the mood back up.
"My names Jason." He introduced finally answering the question you asked him, his eyes softened and the corners of his lips slightly rose when you looked back at him.
"(Y/N)." You responded, your brain was scouring for anything that could pinpoint why you think you know him, but sadly, no knowledge of 'Jason' had come up.
"Yeah, you're the old man's kid." He stated, somehow knowing you, just like he knew Damian, seriously who was this guy? He must have sensed your confusion because he answered your question immediately.
"Bruce took me in when I was a kid, and I have some history with Talia."......was this guy in your head or something what is going on?
"The library was my favorite place when I first moved in." Jason spoke, talking to himself as he looked back down at the book in his hands.
"Mine too." You mumbled....
The two of you sat there until Jason had gotten about halfway through his book, he had then run down to the Batcave and you hadn't seen him since, when you asked Alfred he told you that Jason had come by to talk and to borrow something from Bruce. Later that night after dinner you ran to catch up with Bruce before he got to the Batcave, hoping to get answers to some questions.
"Bruce!" You called out, not really on the term 'father' yet like Damian is. Bruce stopped walking and turned to look at you, waiting for you to catch up to him.
"What is it, Y/N?" He questioned once you finally reached his side, after putting out his arm for you to hold on to he started walking again.
"Is Jason another one of your adoptees?" You questioned, your head turned up to look at Bruce who was looking back down at you with his eyebrows raised.
"Well yes he is, my second....why?" He answered, curious as to why you would bring up Jason.
"Well he came by today." Your statement took the older man by surprise, Bruce hadn't even known Jason had been at the Manor, after their most recent fight that caused Bruce to explode and say some things he didn't mean Jason had cut off his communication with the rest of the family. Surely this visit meant that he's ready to speak again, hope filled Bruce, maybe Jason would forgive him so that he can have his son back again.
Before you knew it you and Bruce reached the Batcave, and he looked down at you yet again, eyes holding nothing but love, offering a small smile he hesitantly let go of you. As you turned around to leave, Bruce had stopped you to ask
"Do you know what he came for?". You shifted your body to face the taller man yet again, this time his eyes were holding a look of sadness, begging you to say that he came for his father.
"He came to get something from you, then he sat in the library and read with me." You answered, before staring your journey back to the kitchen to help Alfred with dishes.
Bruce finally had time away from Wayne enterprises, and Dick was going to be in town for the next week because of a case, seeing an opportunity, Alfred had put together a dinner and invited Tim and Dick. Which lead you to where you are now, sitting next to Dick and Tim, Dick was talking to Damian whilst Tim was talking to Bruce about business at Wayne enterprises.
Conversations were cut short when Alfred had come out with all of the food, everyone had collected what they wanted and started completely new conversations with other people at the table, except for you, you just sat there staring at the food you were eating.
A knock at the door caused everyone to stop their conversations yet again, curiosity got the best of everyone as they turned to look at the entryway of the dining room once two voices were heard.
"Master Jason is here." Alfred announced, as he walked into the dining room, and just like he said Jason was there right behind him. The scarred man had taken a seat across from you, where a plate was already sat waiting for him to fill up, you and Damian had gone back to eating, unbothered by the awkward aura surrounding the other men at the table.
Dick was the first to speak, mumbling a "Hey Jason" served with a half smile, The man across from you just glanced up at him and muttered out a "Dick." in acknowledgement, after that the rest of the men around the table started eating again, continuing their conversations from earlier, leaving you to sit there and silently eat your food.
A foot nudging your leg from under the table got your attention, your head shot up to look at Jason who was staring at you with his eyebrows knit together, his face showed a look that silently asked 'are you okay', offering him back a slight nod you went back to eating.
Bruce had cleared his throat therefore making everyone at the table look at him, he set down his utensils and brought his hands together to sit under his chin, before looking at you and Damian.
"I spoke to Talia, and we both think it's best if I enroll the two of you into school." He revealed, as if he was just a normal single father, and he looked at each of your faces to catch your expressions.
"We are far to intelligent for schooling with a buch on simpletons." Damian exclaimed, seemingly annoyed that Bruce would even think about putting him in a room of regular kids.
"I know that Damian, but we just think it will do the both of you good." Bruce sighed trying to get Damian on board with the idea.
"But-" Damian started before you interrupted him, "Mother is not coming back anytime soon, is she?" You questioned, school would only mean that you and Damian would be staying here longer than anticipated.
"No Y/N, she's not" the older man muttered out, and went back to his food as an attempt to end the conversation at that.
(Trust me I know Talia talking to Bruce and being like "yeah put our kids in school whilst I hunt Deathstroke" is a little weird but I have a vision.)
After dinner Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian had all retreated to the batcave, and Jason had just up and disappeared. Alfred had already came and picked up all of the plates from the table you were still sitting at, your head was hung as you stared at your hands in your lap.
Everyone had willingly left you, they had all got up and left you, that wasn't fair. Why does Damian get all of their attention, why is Damian more liked than you, is it because he has proven himself worthy since he is Robin, is it just because he is more bearable to be around? Talia may have not been the best mother but oh how you wish she was here for you right now, maybe she would understand how you feel, maybe she would spend time with you, even if it was just training. Bruce had been okay at first but as time went on and Damian proved himself worthy Bruce had become distant, spending more time with Damian-
Your body snapped up and your instincts kicked in as you were pulled out of your thoughts, the hand that was just placed on your shoulder was now behind the back of the body you had bent over the table.
"Jesus, calm down!" The person yelled, as you looked down at the body you identified as Jason, letting go of his hands you backed away from the table, Jason straightened his back as he turned to look at you, slowly he brung both of his hands up to hover around his head in a way to show that he means no harm.
"Calm down will ya." He whispered out, gesturing to your rapid breathing, he slowly brung down one of his hands and reached it out towards you only for you to move away from him yet again.
"I'm fine." You muttered out, looking down at your feet, and trying to steady your breathing. Jason lowered his arms back to his sides and waited for your breathing to regulate before speaking again.
When your breathing finally went back to normal you looked up at Jason who was just staring at you, a smile broke out on his face and you could see that he was trying to hide a laugh. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to guess what he wanted to laugh at, the look you gave him only caused his laughter to finally break out. Once Jason's laughter died down he moved towards you and raised an arm to put around your shoulders.
"Come on." Was all he said as he pushed you out of the dining room.
Your enture body was stiff as Jason lead you around the Manor, his arm still residing around your shoulders. The two of you walked down the long hallways, no conversation being made, just admiring the art along the walls. There were various paintings hanging, some sporting random people you've never seen, others looked like younger variations of Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim. You wondered if Bruce would sit you and Damian down to get yourselves painted, Ra's himself had had a couple commissioned of the two of you, but never hung them.
Jason guided you down another hallway, you could feel the warmth from his skin seeping in through your clothes, his arm was heavy, a resuring weight, a reminder that he was still there right beside you. He brought a feeling that you had never felt, maybe it was the fact that you have never been held except by Damian, who's embrace lacked comfort and love, maybe because he himself never experienced that.
You could smell the cologne that he sprayed before visiting, that traditional man smell was on him but the more you focused you could tell that he smelled like Tobacco, Gunpowder, leather, and something earthy, hints of something sweet hit your nose as you continued to breathe, like he had been in a bakery.
Jason and You had come to a halt in front of a pair of doors, doors that you're highly familiar with, doors to the library to be in fact. Jason took his arms off of your shoulders to push open one of the doors open, gesturing for you to go first and himself after. Jason walked past you, seemingly heading for the couches in the middle of the room but he soon passed them too, ending up in front of one of the many bookshelves, the very one he stood in front of when the pair of you read in here the other day. Speaking of the other day Jason was now grasping the same exact book that he had the other day, old, green, and missing its title. Jason scoured through the book, seemingly reminiscing, you watched as Jason straightened his back, closing the book and looking directly infront of himself, before looking back at the book one last time. Jason turned around face you, his legs moving towards you, book still in hand, his eyes kept moving from the book and the floor.
"Here, I noticed what you were reading the other day." He stated holding the book out to you with a smile on his face, trying to hint that you would like this book as well.
"What is it?" You questioned, curious as to what the book in fact was, before taking it in your hands and tracing along the cracked spine. One of Jason's arms went to rub the back of his neck, and his eyebrows knit together as if trying to find the answer to your question.
"To be honest, I don't know, book was here way before me." The man infront of you confessed, Jason let out a chuckle before heading towards the door again, opening it and gesturing for you to step out.
"Where are we going?" You questioned him again, first he led you all the way to the library without telling you where you'd be going, now he's trying to get you to go somewhere else.
"The cave." Was all he muttered.
Everyone was already in their suits, crowding around the office chair infront of the computer's, you and Jason stood behind all of the boys with curious looks on your faces.
"What is it this time." Jason asked breaking the silence that hung around the room, Damian turned to look at him, if looks could kill, Jason Todd would be a dead man again.
"Homicide." Bruce answered first, never once taking his eyes off the screen. From the looks of it, he was looking at the filed police report.
"Wow, surprise, it's Gotham." You remarked, Jason turned to look at you with a hidden smile on his face, your own face mirroring his after you made eye contact. Damian turned to look at you, offering the same look he gave to jason seconds before. Dick stood up straight and rested his elbow on your head. Quickly, he looked down at you, then Jason, then back to you.
"Not all of the murders in Gotham stem from Scarecrows gas." Dick informed."The infected committed the crime this time." He finished, Jason moved from beside you, heading for the entry from the batcave and back to the Manor, you pulled Dicks arm off of your head and went to follow Jason back up.
Once back up Jason headed straight towards the front door, and fled down the front steps of the Manor.
"Jason, wait!" You called out to him as he hopped onto a motorcycle.
"What?" He asked, putting on a helmet.
"Where are you going?" You questioned him
"work." Was all he said before revving up his motorcycle and speeding off.
You stared down at the book in your hands, tracing the faults on the cover with your fingers, honestly in a family of vigilantes you should've known that he's one too.....
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I got so much support on p.t 1 of this and that makes me so happy, I hope you enjoyed this part as well. I don't know when it will be uploaded, but I am going to write another part. <33
(Pt.3 is out now)
Taglist: @sanjanapm @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Disney Descendants Random Headcanons (Part 1);
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(No Kids Born Pre D1 Addition since I don't have the full list yet).
Let me Know if I'm missing any characters because I'm well aware I'm missing more than a few.
Akio (number 42): He is the son of Tomiko (from Elena of Avalor).
Ally: Her dad is Pinocchio, making Pin her younger brother.
Amber Dearly: She's a waitress but still does beauty pageant events when they're in season.
Anthony Tremaine: Jacob Lathyn (The Baker from Cinderella 2) is his dad.
Anxelin Fitzherbert: She's Goth.
Arabella: She's morally gray (and had ill intentions when she stole her granddad's trident).
Ariana Rose: Grows less jealous of Audrey over time and cuts contact with their grandmother. Is very popular in college.
Artie Pendragon: Somehow ends up with a pet dragon. No one knows how it happened.
Audrey Rose: Goes on to be the CEO she always wanted to be.
Aziz: He takes after his mother in looks and personality.
Bashful Jr.: He goes by Bash and is very popular in school.
Beezlebub (The Cat): Beelzebub is the Lucifer's least favorite kitten.
Ben: Likes building miniature models and wanted to be in a band with Ben and Lonnie when he was a kid.
Big Murph: He lost his eye as a kid when rough housing with the Gaston Twins.
Bobby Hood: He's Tiger Peony's boyfriend and a sports commentator at school.
Bobby Radcliffe: is a good friend of Artie Pendragon and is very shy.
Bonny: Is the medic of Uma's crew.
Carina Potts: Wears a cooking pot as a hat.
Carlos de Vil: He becomes Henry's mentor and gets Beelzebub back.
Carter: The 'nice' twin.
Celia Facilier: Goes on to be a very successful business woman (in whatever you think she'd go on to do).
Chaca: She's Li Shang Jr's girlfriend and Kuzco is very protective of her, much to her and his wife's bemusement.
Chad Charming: Redeems himself sometime after d3 and leaves to find himself.
Cheerful: Is emo.
Chip Potts: Babysat Ben a lot when he was younger. Has 13 siblings. He works at the castle.
Chloe Charming: Learned a lot of what she knows in ROAR from Lonnie.
Claudine Frollo: She had red hair and is left handed.
Clay Clayton: He's a party animal and is very hard to take out in a fight.
Crabby: is actually quite pleasant to be around.
Crocodile Descendants: They love tormenting Captain Hook and wrestling.
Cubby: He handles Neverland Academy's finances.
Danny Darling-Cooper: He's good at tourney and ROAR.
Derek: He's a selective mute and carries a bell around to get his friends' attention when they're arguing.
Derelict (Electric Eel): He's the friendly eel.
Desiree: She's one of the most wild pirate kids. Even when compared to her crewmates.
Diego de Vil: His most popular song is titled 'Kill the Beast'.
Dizzy Tremaine: She joins Evie's business when she graduates and her jewelry becomes very popular.
Doc II: Goes by Raphael.
Doug: Evie helps him meet his favorite band (The Dragon Players) on his 21st birthday.
Dude (The Dog): He is jealous of Beelzebub.
Eddie Balthazar: He is always tired.
Eliza: She becomes more of a rebel as she grows up and is always backing Jane up when FG gets difficult (like most parents do).
Elle: She's adopted.
Emir (number 26): He's Aziz's younger brother and is a lot like his dad, personality wise. He does not like his mom's cousins.
Evie: She is Dizzy's half sister.
Finn the Mer-Boy: He works at neverland academy but also remains as Neverland's Protectors (kicking entitled tourist out when they cause too much non fun trouble/damage).
Freddie Facilier: Is banned from being alone with Jordan because those two are just as bad as Ally and Cj when alone together.
Gaston Jr.: He relates a lot to Luisa Madrigal. He also walks with a limp after a failed escape attempt he and his father attempted (he nearly drowned).
Gaston The 3rd.: He's the smart twin.
Gesundheit: Cannot for the life of him spell his name.
Gil: Has stolen a penguin from the zoo with Jay, Chad, Harry, and Carlos before.
Ginny Gothel: Is allergic to flowers. Her middle name is flower.
Gordon: Is a mechanic.
Hadie: Has a villain phase as a teen that no one takes seriously.
Hamish of DunBroch: He works with bears.
Hana: She is the royal party planner in her kingdom.
Hap: He's a hippie/hipster mixture and has a van he customized himself.
Harriet Hook: She has a hip high rose tattoo and broke Anthony Tremaine's nose once when she was 12.
Harris of DunBroch: Will not hesitate to bite people in fights even as an adult.
Harry Badun: He is a detective and has made it his job to make everyone behind the isle and every bad isle adult's lives hell. He will also make up outrageous theories to mess with people he doesn't like.
Harry Hook: Is good at art and has Dyscalculia.
Henry: He's a long lost de Vil.
Herkie: He has his dad's personality and strength but his mama's brain and kinda looks like a blend of his parents.
Hermie Bing: She has a variety of circus related skills, loves clowns, has a sweet tooth, and wears very colorful clothes.
Hubert of DunBroch: Loves reminding his sister of how she turned him into a bear all the time.
Hunter de Vil: His influencer career takes off when the barrier is brought down.
Ivy de Vil: She's allergic to hair dye and becomes a great model when off the isle.
Izzy: She's ROAR instructor at Neverland Academy.
Jace Badun: His mom was a strong woman at the Ringmaster's circus. He is the most exasperated person you will ever meet.
Jack/Korak: He prefers 'Korak' over Jack. He takes after his dad looks wise but his mom personality and fashion wise.
Jade: She has tons of scars from the crocodile wrestling.
Jake: Because of him, Princess Pirate, Finn, Stormy, Marina, Izzy, and Cubby all grew up.
James Brown Jr.: He works at a candy shop.
Jane: She's a big gossip and she and Carlos both bonded over this.
Jane Darling-Cooper: She's a teaching assistant at Neverland Academy.
Jay: He sleeps with a stuffed tiger but will deny it if asked.
Jenna: She's Aziz's oldest sibling and is the heir to the throne. She has a pet Elephant.
Jonas: He's Uma's cousin.
Jordan: She's the one who created the secret Agrabah Club at school (along with Aziz).
La Foux Doux: He's younger than LeFou Deux and loves puppet shows.
Lagan (Electric Eel): He's the mean eel.
LeFou Deux: He has a crush on Claudine and is the isle's Santa Claus.
Li (number 85): His parents took creative liberty with his name without checking to see if that spelling already existed.
Li Lonnie: She does eventually get her show. Her successful ROAR career probably helped (: .
Li Shang Jr: His music is decent but few people take him seriously because of the whole 'Lil Shang' nickname thing.
Lil Yaz: He died of appendicitis after d1. He was morally grey/apathic and had eyes for Quinlynn Hearts.
Lina: Jasmine was her favorite babysitter and she in turn, ended up babysitting the younger of Jasmine's kids when she was in Agrabah.
Lucifer: Lucifer often escapes from the saloon and gets on everyone's nerves.
Lulu Brown: She's much younger than her brother, Jim/James Brown Jr. and is a very good at ballet.
Mad Maddy: She has quite the sweet tooth.
Madam Mim's granddaughters: No one is sure how many there are or how they came to be.
Maddox Hatter: He's an inventor and is very close to Red.
Mal: She grows up a lot after the royal wedding and gets back in touch with her artistic side.
Marina the Mermaid: She's the swim coach at Neverland Academy.
Marya Rasputin: She's the doctor of Harriet's crew.
Max La Bouf: He works at Tiana's palace and often caters the events for his family and Ralphie's.
Melody: She's an environmental activist and the go-to cousin everyone talks to when they need someone who will hear them out.
Meriem: She and Korak are married now, and she's very into learning languages.
Mia: She is a sore loser when it comes to the fashion industry.
Miguel (number 44): He's a Madrigal.
Morgie le Fay: Morgie is just a nickname.
Opal: She's Freddie and Celia's aunt.
Othello (The Parrot): He repeats the things EQ used to say to Evie but is a very loving pet otherwise.
Pin: He's very smart and skipped a grade.
Pirate Kitty (Cat): It's Gil's pet cat (seen in a missing poster in d2).
Princess Pirate: Her friends now call her 'Princess' for short.
Quinlynn Hearts: She's the oldest Heart child and she had a crush on LIl Yaz.
Rafi: He gets along the best with his younger brother, Aziz, and works in the royal guard now.
Ralphie: He and Max are Pen Pals.
Rami: He's a party animal.
Red Hearts: Red is just a nickname. She's also in the school newspaper.
Reza: He is very interested in forensics and was adopted by Mozenrath and Sadira. He has two younger siblings.
Rick Ratcliffe: His middle name is 'Perseus'. Yes, after the pug. And he has a habit of saving people from drowning/bodies of water.
Ruby Fitzherbert: She's shy and artsie.
Salima: She's a middle child now.
Sammy Smee: He's an inventor and a book worm.
Scarlet: She's Carter's twin and is considered the 'evil' twin.
Shy: His name is very fitting because he really is shy.
Sleepy Jr.: He's a gamer.
Snoozy: Snoozy is a night owl.
Sophie: She's Snow White's eldest child.
Spotted Hyenas: They like tormenting Gaston but not his kids.
Squeaky Smee: He's a selective mute.
Squirmy Smee: He and his brother look up to Harry a lot.
Stabbington cousins: They're only known by their nicknames by those outside of their family (and for good reason, since they're secretly Westergaards).
Stormy The Mermaid: She becomes a hippie when's older and mellows out.
The Sea witches: They're the daughters of Ursula's sisters.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee cousins: They all have varying shades of red hair.
The Wicked Step-Granddaughters: The seven that are Drizella's are Hans' daughters as well. If any are Anastasia's, they're adopted.
Tiger Peony: She's a hippie vegetarian who's really into Tourney but doesn't play.
Tipo: He learns to cook from Kronk and helps him out with  Camp Chippamunka during the summer when he's older.
Tyrone (number 32): He's Tiana and Naveen's son. Lotte spoiled him, lol.
Uma: She gets her OWN sea phonies after d3 and she keeps her shark friends as well.
William (number 12): Wendy's oldest son and Jane Darling's younger brother.
Yi-Min: She's good at tourney as well as Swords and Shields.
Yupi: He is Kuzco's favorite 'nephew'.
Yzla: She's good at gymnastics.
Zam: He is the oldest of the kids in Yzma's family and has also caught his cousins doing weird things most often.
Zellie: She's the oldest of Flynnpunzal's kids.
Zephyr: He looks more like his mom as he grows up.
Zevon: His dad (and his siblings' dad) is Cedric from Sofia the first. His mom also accidentally turned him into a llama as a baby.
Zim: He still practices chemistry but the idea of being evil bores him.
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader x Daughter x Instagram AU
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Liked by cassiewyatt, yourbestiename, jackharlow, claybornharlow, and 7,557,345 others
alizemiaharlow Exams are kicking my butt 😩 can I just go to sleep???
View all 1,900 comments
cassiewyatt Same 🥲🥲
alizemiaharlow dude come over
urbanwyatt still grounded, sorry mia
alizemiaharlow BORING!!!!!!!
allabouttheharlows wait ur in school? but you’re acting and doing music
alizemiaharlow You thought that was going to matter in The Harlow household? Dad said I needed a backup so school is a priority whenever I’m not filming.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, yourbestiename, cassiewyatt, and 6,567,357 others
alizemiaharlow Showing thong is our thing apparently 😂😂😂
View all 1,400 comments
ezharlow weird flex but ok
alizemiaharlow & you’re annoying
yourusername 😂😂😂 Twins
alizemiaharlow Always 🥰😘
cassiewyatt Hotties 🥵
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Liked by cassiewyatt, yourbestiename, yourusername , and 6,590,456 others
alizemiaharlow 🌹 this delivery made my night
View all 1,600 comments
yourusername They’re beautiful Mia
alizemiaharlow ☺️☺️☺️
cassiewyatt Ok major points to that person
alizemiaharlow likeee maybe 90? 😊🤭
yourbestiename Awww Mia, they’re definitely earning brownie points
alizemiaharlow Ahhhh, sure are 🥺
ezharlow Umm what? Dads gonna flip
jackharlow Dads already flipping
nemoachida oh hell noo. Who is he niece
shloob We checking his ass fr
2forwoyne send the details now
yungskylark 🤔 no
quiiso Does he want to get jumped?
alizemiaharlow damn dad, you brought entire of PG on here????
claybornharlow NO NO AND NOO
alizemiaharlow damn you too uncle clay-clay 🙁🙁🙁
jackharlow stop stalling child of mine, who’s the boy who send those
alizemiaharlow Omgggg no go away!!!
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, nemoachida, yungskylark, and 9,577,356 others
alizemiaharlow Since day one, it’s a family thaaanggg ❣️
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yourusername 🥺😍
ezharlow You had to one up them huh
alizemiaharlow 🤫 not so loud 😇
quiiso Nah because I know what you’re doing little one.
alizemiaharlow wdym? I’m not doing anything 🤫
jackharlow This made me shed a tear or two.
urbanwyatt Girl I know you did not try to play us like that. This cute post isn’t going to make us forget about roses guy
nemoachida ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
nemoachida But who’s the guy who sent the roses
yungskylark family thing for sure 🔥
yungskylark Now tell us who’s the fucker sending my niece roses????
alizemiaharlow Omggggg, I love y’all but you guys are annoyingggghh!!!!! Just someone I’m talking to, nothing serious yet. Happy???
jackharlow No, what’s his name?
twin2 ask ez I’m pretty sure it’s his friend
twin1 didn’t we hear u say something about “if dad finds out I know it’ll be my ass”
yourusername Heyyy twins of mine, stay out of it and DRUSKI IM GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!!! Stop making them a account. I said nooo social media!!!!
druski2funnny 🫣🫣🫣 Is it too late to cancel on thanksgiving?????
alizemiaharlow TWINS!!!!! Wtf????
ezharlow welcome to my world Mia, I told you they were evil little demons
twin2 all demons are evil idiot
twin1 seriously how are you mom and dads kid.
twin2 you are aren’t you 😂😂 I knew dumb didn’t run in the Harlow blood.
twin2 I’m gonna cut yours and feed it to my fish.
twin1 this is exhausting 🥱
yourusername 🤦🏻‍♀️ What happened to my nice, sweet little babies??? All 4 of you, downstairs, don’t make your father repeat himself.
cassiewyatt Well I’m happy I’m the only child 😳
urbanwyatt 😂😂😂😂
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
@minkookie95 💕
@deannaard 💕
@jacksmoviestar 💕
@harlowcomehome 💕
@fdl305 💕
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taurusmoonchild · 3 months
Since I've introduced yall to my next gen trio I might as well introduce you to their friendgroup of mainly OCs (and Scorpius)
I've been working on a story with all of these characters but I haven't really had the time to think too much about the plot. But hey at least I've got the characters down.
I've got a few dynamics figured out as well and might do a post about those soon.
Scorpius Malfoy
Birthday: September 13th 2005
House: Slytherin
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Protect this kid at all costs!!
He's constantly in battle with Rose for top of the class. He loves learning and Hogwarts is very special to him. Very much a nerd.
Has had a difficult relationship with his dad after his mum passed and because of all the stuff he learned about him in school. Ultimately he loves him though and their relationship is very interesting to navigate through.
He is a very honest and open person, but absolutely despises confrontation and arguments. Therefore he tends to feel a little awkward around people bantering.
Olivia Alice Longbottom
Birthday: September 1st 2005
House: Gryffindor
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GOLDEN CHILD! She was hoping to be sorted into Hufflepuff but deep down she knew she was a Gryffindor.
She very much seems like the perfect girl from the outside. She has good grades, is funny and humble.
She is very genuine person and cannot hide her true personality.
Being surrounded by her parents constantly is something she struggles with a lot, though she is not ashamed of them in the slightest.
Deep down she is very insecure about how she is perceived by others and is afraid she comes across as annoying to others.
Emily Wood
Birthday: January 26th 2006
House: Ravenclaw
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Yes this is Oliver Wood's daughter who very much dislikes to play Quidditch. She will, however, hyper analyse every game.
She is your non-typical Ravenclaw that got sorted into the house not because she seeks knowledge but because her creativity is beyond admirable.
She is the type to craft and upcycle everything she owns.
She is the groups honorary Ravenclaw and she oftentimes gets annoyed about them calling her that.
Due to her not playing Quidditch she often gets annoyed about her dad and brother throwing comments at her.
Mason Shay
Birthday: December 27th 2005
House: Hufflepuff
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Adopted Muggle Born of the group with a kind of fucked up family situation (I love traumatising my OCs).
When he got his Hogwarts letter he thought it was a prank by his older siblings because none of them had gone to Hogwarts.
He didn't spend too much time looking into what the school was about which leads to some confusing moments for him.
Naturally pretty good at magic because he doesn't spend too much time second guessing himself about his abilities and just accepts what he can or cannot do.
He is a very impulsive person that sometimes should be put on a leash.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 10 - The Aftermath. Episode 2.
Rose: *She smiled softly and sipped her wine* it's still a strange thing to get used to, my little brother, having involved himself with a man. And on top of that, he is in a relationship with two men.
Congo: *I chuckled deeply* No Rose, he is in a relationship with Andy, and Andy happens to also be married to me. Evan and I do not kiss, nor do we have sex, or share any romantic feelings. I see Evan as a dear friend and a family member. Maybe even as a son in some ways. My heart only sees Andy, and there will always only be space for him as my partner.
Rose: *She smiled warmly* That's so sweet. I wish I had someone to talk so warmly about me.
Congo: *I raised my glass and nodded at her* Maybe someday you will. As I sipped my wine, I lifted the heavy lid of the big iron pot simmering on the stove, taking a quick look at the juicy pot roast, and as I put the lid back on, I couldn't help but notice it looked like she had more questions. So in a warm but still firm voice I told her* Rose, if you have any more questions, I would prefer you just ask them. I always say; better to ask one time too many, than making up your own stories.
Rose: *Chuckled warmly and sipped her red wine* that's true, but I don't like sticking my nose too far into other peoples private lives.
Congo: *I smiled big, and laughed softly* I do appreciate that a lot, but being in a relationship with Andy, not much is private any longer. I have gotten used to it by now. *I chuckled deeply and sipped my wine, then nodded at her in a 'go on' gesture*
Rose: *She paused a few seconds, then went on* Do you want to have kids, Congo?
Congo: *I smiled softly, but couldn't hold back a small frown* Yes, Rose. I would love to have kids. But this particular subject is a bit fragile. You see, Andy wants kids even more than I do, and in his previous relationship, he was actually promised to have kids. So now, obviously, he is sad he can no longer have that.
Rose: *She frowned softly as well, and brushed a strand of hair behind her right ear* I see. But couldn't you two adopt? I mean, you seem like a great couple, really warm people, I can easily imagine you two having a couple of small kids running around here, and I mean you definitely have space for it. This house just goes on and on. And I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind. He likes kids, he just never thought of having any, since he can't.
Congo: *I smiled softly and shook my head lightly* Unfortunately, Andy's heart and mind was set on having kids of his own. That dream was brought to ashes only about a week ago, when he figured his ex, the person that promised him kids, now is due to have one, without Andy. It's a long and private story, I don't wish to go into further details on. But, according to Andy, he no longer wants kids. Well that's what he says on the surface, but if you know him good enough, as Evan and I do, it's easy to see he still wants kids, just as much as before. And I think we have both reached a point, where we both wish we could give this to him. But as none of us is willing to have a sex change, I guess sometime in a not so distant future, we have to try to convince him to adopt.
Rose: She nodded slowly Yes, I think that sounds like a plan. And Im happy to hear Evan is on board with it. I think he would be a wonderful dad… you two for that matter, you are alike in many ways. And I have no doubt Andy would be a terrific dad, even if I only know him a tiny bit. He has a wonderful energy, a great sense of humor, and I just love how him and Lily seems to be long lost siblings she laughed warmly they really act like kids when they are together, which is so strange for me to observe, since Lily normally is one of the most responsible adults I know. She truly blossoms around Andy's energy.
Congo: Before I could get to reply to Rose's comment, the front door swung open, and in came Daniel, marching straight towards the fridge Good evening Daniel I smiled at Rose and shook my head lightly Daniel: He peeked out from the fridge, already stuffing his mouth with a chicken leg, mumbling with his mouth full Evening! What ya cooking? Congo: I chuckled deeply Pot roast and baked potatoes…. I would offer you to stay for dinner, but I think it might not be time for you and Evan to be in the same room yet?Daniel: He chuckled hoarse from inside the fridge, still talking with his mouth full yeah…. I guess Lily were off limit… tell me… Rose… he looked at Rose a bit wodering, then pointed at her with the half eaten chicken leg your name is Rose, right? Rose: she chuckled lightly and nodded her hair, clearly observing Daniels naked chest yes, thats my name… Daniel: Grinned wide, then noticed a piece of chicken he had dropped on the floor. He bend down and as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he picked up the piece of chicken, stuffed it in his mouth, chewed a couple of times and swallowed it Congo: I shook my head and smiled at Rose good thing I like to keep my floors clean I winked at her and opened the oven to check on the potatoes
Daniel: So where is Willy? His eyes searched the kitchen floor, gliding into the dining room and further into the living room, clearly searching for the Italian Greyhound puppy
Congo: I chuckled silently Daniel stay focused. Weren't you getting ready to ask Rose a question?
Daniel: He looked puzzled for a while, then grinned wide and turned towards us ahh I was just going to ask if she was off limits too, or if it was only Lily? He laughed loudly and stuck his head into the fridge again, smiling bright as he seemed to find what he was searching for, stuffing himself for a couple of minutes before he slammed the fridge door, and yelled out loud WHO'S A GOOD BOY!!!
Rose: Observed Daniel with a soft laughter as he threw himself on the floor and rolled around with the small grey puppy is he always…
Congo: All over the place? I chuckled deeply
Rose: Nodded with a small smile
Congo: I nodded softly when he forgets his medication yes. Daniel has ADD, and he tends to get really hyper when he forgets to smoke his medical joints. Which happens more or less every day, the ADD often toasts his memory, so he often do or say random things, or randomly switch from one thing to another. But he's a sweetheart really, he just needs to be reminded a lot. Daniel!
Daniel: Quickly got up on his knees Sup?
Congo: I shook my head lightly How about that joint?
Daniel: Looked a bit confused as he patted the pockets of his army pants what joint?
Congo: I couldnt help but roll my eyes Behind your left ear Daniel.
Daniel: He grinned wide as his fingers found the joint, quickly jabbing it between his lips, and lit it with a big drag I was wondering where I had placed this. He quickly got up, opened the fridge again, and grabbed a beer, and as he opened it he winked at Rose with a cheeky grin I live next door..
Rose: Shook her head and chuckled softly Yeah, thats not going to happen.
Daniel: No, Im just saying.. in case you get lost at some point and cant find this house…
Rose: Nice try…still no.
Congo: *I sipped my wine and leaned back against the counter. This ought to be good. Rose were one of the best cops in her department according to Evan, and willpower was her middle name. For Daniel this would be like trying to move a school bus with only his pinky finger.
Daniel: Pushed his beers against his lips, and as he leaned his head back, he let some of the golden liquid dripple down his chin and chest, making the whole kitchen look like a cheesy commercial, it was very hard to contain my laughter. And it only got worse as he started flexing his muscles while continuing to drink the beer
Lily: Hi Danny! Her voice was high and cheerful as she walked up behind him and slapped his butt
Daniel: The most goofy look I have ever seen spread on his face, followed by an if possible even more goofy laughing, and he immediately put down his beer
Lily: Chuckled softly, picked up his beer, petted him on top of his only few mm hair, and sipped his beer what has gotten into you today?
Daniel: He snapped out of the goofy look faster than any of us had expected, pointed at me and grinned wide well sadly not Congo! Its safe to say we all laughed loudly
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
If you’re pale, do you get made fun of for it?:
More so commented on a lot— “You’re so pale.” Turns out it wasn’t lack of sun, though that didn’t help, but actually severe anemia…
Are you white/black/asian/mexican/etc?:
White and Mexican.
How old are your parents?:
56 and 60.
Did your family move to America from another country?:
Have you ever been to any other countries? If so, where and for how long?:
I went to Mexico once for the day.
Ever been to Washington D.C.? Did you get to meet the president of the time?:
No, I’ve never been. Not very likely at all that I’d meet the president while there.
Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?:
Ever been to NYC Or LA? If so, how were your experiences there?:
I’ve been to LA a few times. It’s a cool city, lots of stuff to do. There’s still stuff I have yet to do. Most of my trips there were for Disneyland, which I love. I’d like to explore other places and nearby cities as well.
Ever known anyone who did business with a prostitute?:
Not that I know of.
Are your real parents divorced? If your parents are divorced, how old are your step parents? Do you like your step parents, or are they assholes?:
Were you adopted? If so, have you met your biological parents? How about biological siblings or grandparents?:
Ever had an abusive parent or other family member? If so, what’s the worst they did?:
Got any step siblings? If so, how many? Are they annoying or cool?:
Are either of your parents engaged but not married yet?:
Do you think it’s silly for grown adults to still be dating around?:
I don’t care?
Ever walked in on your parents while they were getting busy? If so, how many times and how old were you?:
Gahhh, no.
How many siblings do you have? How old are they, and what are their names? Do they have the same hair color and eye color as you?:
I have 2 brothers. One is 22 and the other is 38. Yes, we all have the same hair and eye color.
Do you like older or younger siblings better?:
I have one of each.
Ever had to take care of a baby sibling? If do, did you feel responsible, or were you just annoyed?:
I helped out when my younger brother was born and babysat sometimes when he was kid. I wanted to help, but once he was a kid he definitely had his annoying moments as younger siblings do haha. He and are super close, though. He’s grown up to be a very mature, responsible, intelligent, hardworking, and driven young man. I’m proud of him.
Do you like children, or do they piss you off?:
I can handle them in small doses before getting overwhelmed. I’m hardly around kids, though.
Think you’ll ever have kids of your own one day?:
Have you ever had a close friend get knocked up early?:
Have you yourself ever gotten close to getting pregnant?:
Do you know if anyone in your family ever got knocked up as a teen?:
Do you prefer baby boys or baby girls?:
If I wanted to have kids I’d probably want a girl, but it wouldn’t matter of course.
Know anyone your age who sucks on a pacifier for fun?:
Enough about babies; what’s your favorite color? Own anything special that’s your favorite color?:
Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, yellow. And yeah, I own things in those colors.
Do you prefer black or white?:
Do you have a favorite number? What is it?:
Do you have a favorite letter?:
Are you one of those losers that buys things with the letter of your name?:
Not sure why that makes someone a loser to you, but yes I do. So?
Do you label people at school based on their appearance?:
Yeah, I can’t say I never did that.
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pokenimagines · 3 years
Can you write a drabble for a platonic Bede and older-sibling-like!Reader, who is around Leon's and Raihan's age?
Bede is a little garbage child, but he is a little garbage child whom I am fond of and I think he deserves good things, especially after seeing him essentially being dumped on the side of the road by Chairman Rose in that one scene.
I mean I've adopted like 90% of the kiddos of the series as my little siblings so I feel you. Here we go, some adorable and fluffy Bede content because they did him wrong and he deserves more good role models.
Discord (16+) - Request Information
SFW Bede: Like A Family
"Okay and we're hugging." You said as you felt the fluffy haired blonde kid wrap his arms around you. Immediately you were threading your fingers through his hair as you tried to calm him down. He seemed shaken up about something and you needed to find out what it was to help him out.
"Something happen, Bede?" He was normally never like this, so whatever happened was serious. You swear you hadn't seen him cry since he was a toddler.
"You were right..." He murmured into your shirt, clearly not wanting you to see his face.
"About?" You normally enjoyed being right, but at the moment it filled you with a sense of dread.
"Rose..." Oh that man was fucking dead. The moment you got your hands on that asshole he was going to be begging for mercy. You always got a bad feeling from him, so when Bede went to you telling all these things he promised him, it didn't sit right.
You weren't the type to sugarcoat things either. You told Bede immediately that he shouldn't trust Rose, but Bede was stubborn and adamant about it. Sure it led to a fight that eventually you two made up, but you still made sure he knew you didn't trust him.
"Oh he's dead. Like dead dead. Like I'm going to jail soon, Bede." You said, trying to lighten the mood. This made Bede actually laugh as he looked up at you.
"Like you could hurt him." Bede said, rolling his eyes.
"Oh I could try. I'm just as stubborn as you. I will fight him. Screw Pokémon we're doing fist to fist." You joked, making Bede hit your chest lightly.
"You're being a dork." Bede commented and you noticed he had a bit of a smile now.
"Well one of us needs a sense of humor." You teased him and he shot you a half-hearted glare, "Now want to tell me what's up, or are we going to watch some movies and eat junk food and stay up all night?" You decided, giving him an out of the conversation. He'd tell you when he was ready, you were sure.
"Let's watch a movie." He said, putting his hand sin his giant coat and walked inside your apartment.
"Fine, but the ridiculous coat comes off. It's an atrocity to my eyes." You joked as you closed the door.
"You bought it for me." Bede reminded you.
"And I was highly intoxicated when I did." You shot back as he kicked off his shoes and tossed the jacket onto your coat rack.
"You're just jealous I pull it off." He was right but you wouldn't admit your stupid adopted little brother looked decent in horrid clothes.
"Whatever. Do I need to put on a found family movie or something. Then we'll both be crying." You said as you grabbed your DVD album and went through them.
"Let's watch a comedy." Bede suggested.
"Comedy it tis...go grab some soda and snacks from the kitchen and I'll get the movie set up you little shit." You shooed him off. He smiled as he went and did just that. You sighed in relief, glad that he seemed to be doing better.
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roscgcld · 3 years
HEADCANON + GOJO SATORU || the gojo twins
request: HELLO^^ so I’ve been wondering this so long but do you think it would even be possible if Gojo had a twin sister that also has the sixth eye ? Probably not but, I’d kinda want to know what the clans higher ups and curses react to 2 sixth eye user.
note: I am glad I am not the only one thinking about this lol. like what if they were two gojos? absolute chaos the world has ever seen. i love it, this entire prompt lives in my head rent free lol
pronouns: she/her
gojotwins!au masterlist
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imagine the other clan’s reactions when they learn that not one, but two of the gojo clan’s newest heirs were born with the highly coveted Six Eyes?
gojo satoru and y/n - the newest members of the gojo clan, twins that are born with the Six Eyes. a first case that has ever happened in the family’s history. it was this monumental moment when the higher ups realise that things are going to be interesting
by the way - you’re the older twin lol. just so you can poke jabs at gojo for the rest of your life by using the line. “i’m the older sibling here!”
“only by like, two minutes!”
that being said though, over-protective twin brother who will scare all your boyfriends/girlfriends the first time they meet because of his height and overly nice personality that scares people even more
you’re just as bad though - if any girl or guy walks out of his room after a night of fun you will probably be a little bitch and make them feel awkward until gojo wakes up
“can’t you be a little nicer to them?” gojo groans after the person he slept with last night quickly left after an awkward cup of morning coffee with you. “I actually liked them a lot.”
but it’s all done with love, and if the other realise their significant other makes them happy, they will back off
the moment you two entered jujutsu tech, then yaga-sensei was about to hand in his retirement slip early with the sheer chaos that his year of students were bringing him 
ieiri was delighted that she wasn’t going to be the only girl at school; geto was amused how you two were basically copy and paste of each other, just in different genders
surprisingly enough, think you’d be the one who’d be the more studious and definitely more interesting in learning how to hone your skills better - gojo probably still has this ‘i am the strongest’ mentality that the elders planted in him because ✨misogyny✨
but he loves to compete with you - and you’re the only one who’d he ever admit defeat to, and will defend your honour whenever the elders talk down on you because you’re a girl. and to them, girls are just meant to be ‘a pretty face with strong genes to bring a strong generation into the world’
he’s probably the one who talked your elders out of arranging a marriage between you and an heir to another important family like the kamo clan - because there is no way in hell is he going to let some random ass man take you away from him
probably joking told you that if all else fails, to marry geto on the spot - and let’s be honest here, who wouldn’t? Geto looks so damn fine both the anime and especially in the Gojo Past Arch. rail me daddy-
*cough cough*
anyway - ever since that comment, geto and you might pretend to flirt with each other to get gojo riled up. playfully brushing your hand along his arm, playing with his hair between your fingers whenever you two talk, geto leaning close to you to whisper something in your ear with a smirk, or him resting his hand around your waist whenever he leads you about
it always gets gojo riled up, and he’d get in between the both of you; whining for you to give him attention instead
you probably sneak into his room, even as you got older, to hide in his arms whenever you have a nightmare - and he’d wordlessly just hold you close and cuddle you to sleep again no matter how old you two are
both of you share the same braincell - same reactions, expressions, and sometimes even finishing each other’s sentences. sometimes you two even say the same thing at the same time, to which you two just high five each other with a laugh 
freaks everyone out a little, since it’s just so random and natural for the both of you to do it 
nanami hates it whenever he has to accompany you two - as his senpais, he can’t complain much. he does learn a lot, yet at the same time, he can’t stand it when the both of you are sent on a mission together 
with you he’s fine; but he barely tolerates gojo 
ijichi loves you, since you compliment him on the smallest of things, or smile at him warmly whenever he does something right; may have a crush on you that he refuses to reveal to anyone
both of you probably have shopping trips every weekend; don’t tell me you two don’t splurge on clothing when you two can charge whatever it is you want to the gojo clan account 
you two probably got a lot of those roadside modelling offers - and sometimes you’d probably even joke about leaving the whole jujutsu world behind to become a model instead
“i mean - it pays. and all i need to do is sit and look pretty.”
a lot of ‘did not!’ and ‘did too!’ arguments all day long 
you two love to taunt the Curses together before you kill them - it makes them only more scared, but the ‘chase more fun’
“say, toru - it looks so weak for a semi-first, no?”
“must be a new born - how pathetic.”
bags of candies all over the place - somehow he got you addicted to candy as well, so whenever you two travel, you always buy different candies and different treats 
when geto betrayed you all in your third year, gojo turned to you as his pillar of familiarity; even more so when he was force to kill his best friend a few years later. the both of you leaned on each other as you start to pick the pieces of yourselves once more
both you and your brother share the same idea of changing the jujutsu world from the inside out, so you two decided to take up teaching together under the command of now principal yaga
poor man is deciding if he now regrets accepting both of your applications 
you took in megumi as your own by the way - so megumi respects you a lot since you’re like the mother he never had. but at the same time, he wouldn’t be surprise if he heard that you do something stupid with your twin brother
feel like gojo and you will spend your free time probably trying to unlock more secrets of the Limitless and how to use your Six Eyes better - and Gojo will teach you how to probably use Hallow Purple and how to use Reverse Cursed Techniques with the held of ieiri as well
you took in maki, inumaki and even panda as your own kids as well - teaching them whenever gojo is forced to go and solve some issue the higher ups throw at him; making the kids super protective of you
even when yuta came, you didn’t care about the special grade curse that was stuck inside of him; treating him like an actual person and training him up and build his confidence once more
when you heard what happened to the special-grade cursed object that megumi was tasked on taking the following year, you laughed your ass off for 10 minutes while megumi tried not to show his annoyance
“y/n-sensei, i almost died. it is not funny.”
but you still took yuji in as your own child, and when you were giving him a tour around campus, you raised an eyebrow when a pair of lips appeared on the side of his cheek
“even though i want to kill that white haired bastard, i might spare your pretty little face.” 
“hello to you too, sukuna.” you greeted with a smile while yuji slapped a hand over the mouth, apologising to you with a wild blush on his face. you just laughed and reassured the poor boy it was alright
when nobara came, you adopted her as well; and she loves you, and loves how in tune with the trends you are. you two even have a girl’s night where you talk about everything that happens and have a few rants about boys
all in all - highkey chaotic, but with more common sense then your younger twin brother gojo and knows how to act professional whenever you need to. you also tend to adopt all the students that walks through your doors, and they view you as a parental figure as well. you and your brother are a menace together, but you two get things done and no one can really complain
gojo is protective, but when it comes to you it’s worse lol. but you’re just as bad when it comes to making sure ‘your baby brother’ is safe. you two tend to be super sassy and throw shade at each other, but when it comes down to the basics, you two love each other a lot and will go the extra mile to make sure that each other are safe
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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reimagine7 · 3 years
Adopted by whom?
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Warnings: lighty mentions of physical abuse
This was my third camp, I was really excited. Even though I knew these womens for only a year, they became like family to me, a few of them were even closer, like Mal and Rose, probably because we are closer to age, so we have a lot of fun together. Tobin and Christen are like moms for me, since the first day of camp they took me under their wings and were super protective, they were worried about my school work and if I ate well or if I drank enough water, even after camp they kept talking and asking how I am, and I talk about them so much that my moms got jealous, and said they are my team moms.
I told this to Tobin and Christen, they laughed at it and began to call me their daughter, so I started to call them mom. They wanted to meet my parents but that didn’t happen yet. Why? Because I didn’t tell them that I am adopted, or that I have two mothers, let alone that one of them is none other than Shannon MacMillan. I know I should but it is a sensitive topic for me and I'm scared that they will treat me differently after they find out about it. That’s why I haven't told anyone on the team about it yet, but I'm thinking about doing so after this camp.
“Kid!! I miss you so much” Tobin ran towards me and gave me a big hug. “Mom, we talked yesterday.” “I know, but I can't hug you on facetime.” “Okay, I miss you too.” “I don’t get a hug?” Christen asked and opened her arms for me to hug her, so I did. “Mama I miss you too.” “Hi sweetie. Excited for camp? How is school?” “The same, boring but my grades are good. And I can't wait for everyone to get here.”
“Siisss!!!” Rose and Mal scream as soon as they spot me in the looby and come running. “Rose!! Mal!! How are you guys?”. We jumped on each other and ended up in the ground on a group hug. “Hey, you weren’t as excited when you saw us. I feel betrayed.” Tobin complained pouting while watching our interaction. “Kids get up before you hurt each other.” Christen separated us and pulled us up. “Sorry mom, but I love you too.” I said to Tobin who still had a pout on her face, so I went and hugged her again.
The rest of the team were finally arriving in the lobby of the hotel, we were talking when Jill spoke up and designated our roommates for this camp, and I was with Tobin. We went up and went to our room. We had lunch soon so we chilled and talked for a bit in our room, until it was time for lunch. So here we are, everyone eating and having fun talking about everything.
On the table was Sonnett, Rose, Linds, Sam, Mal and myself. Sonnett was telling everyone a funny story about her family.
“I’m serious, we were at this party and I kept annoying this girl, who was a douchebag. I forgot about it and started to dance and have some fun, but then suddenly a boy cornered my sister and I heard the girl saying she was the girl who annoyed her and he was about to push her when the parents stepped in. Long story, but in short my sister ended up two days grounded because of that.” “You never told them the truth?” I asked her. “A few years later. They grounded me as well, that was not fun.” “I wish I could have a twin sister, so we could switch places all the time.” Rose commented. “I wish I could have a sister.” Mal complained.
“At least you have your parents all to yourself. You are the favorite.” Sam complained only to be mocked by Linds “Someone is grumpy because it’s not the favorite child.” “And you are?” “Of course.” “Alright, this is not what your brother says.” Sonnett interfered with a smirk. “But I'm for sure not the favorite, my parents don’t hide it.” “Me neither, I’m sure they love me but I have my doubts about who their favorite is. It’s probably Wilma, I don’t blame them.” Everyone laughed at Rose's statement.
Until Mal asked me a question. “What about you Y/n? I’m sure you are your parents favorite.” “Yeah, I don't know. My brother is 10 so... pretty tough competition.” “Wait! You have a brother?” Sonnett asked incredulously. “Yeah.” “Why have we never heard about it? We actually never heard much about your family Y/n.” One of them asked me. Shit, why do I have to open my mouth. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I tried to avoid their eyes so they would know that I didn’t want to talk about it. But Sonnett didn't get it. “Why not? Your parents can’t be that bad?” “Sonnett!! Shut up. Y/n/n, that’s okay, if you don’t want to tell us you don’t have to.” Lindsey said, trying to make me look at them. “But you know that you can tell us everything right?”
I didn’t want to talk about it, and if I stayed one more minute here I would cry, so I decided to leave for my room. “Yeah… I...I think I’m going back to my room. Bye.” “Y/n. Wait! We are not talking about it again. Come back.” Rose tried to stop me, but I stood up so fast that I didn’t even register my surroundings. So as soon as I turned around, I bumped into Ashlyn and her juice spread all over my shirt. Fuck! Ash began to apologise, but now I could feel everyone's eyes on me and all I wanted was to get out of here. “Sorry Speedy, you turn so fast. I…” “That’s okay.” I interrupted her, got free of her hands and walked as fast as I could out of the dinner room.
No one's pov
Meanwhile at the youngies table.
“That was odd.” Sam broke the silence. “I didn’t do it on purpose.” “We know Sonnett. Should we follow her? Or talk to Tobin?” Lindsey asked, trying to comfort Sonnett who was blaming herself for her teammate's outburst.
“Too late for that. Tobin is already coming on her momma bear mode. I’m always scared when she is like this.” Mal spoke looking at Tobin with wide eyes.
“Girls, what happened to Y/n? Why did she get out?” The girls looked at each other until Rose decided to answer Tobin’s question. “We don’t know exactly. We were talking about our families and when we asked about hers she got weird and said she would go to her room.” Tobin sighed and nodded. “Thanks, I will go check on her.”
Tobin pov
I knocked on the door and opened it, when I entered the room I saw Y/n laying on the bed looking at the ceiling.
“Hey, kid. What’s going on?” “Not now Tobin, I just want to be alone for a minute. I’m fine.” “Yeah, you’re not.” Y/n shakes her head and asks. “And how do you know that?” “For starters, you get out of the dinner earlier than usual and without saying goodbye. Then you call me Tobin, you never do that only when you’re not okay.”
With that Y/n sighed and sat on the bed. “It’s just a hard topic for me.” “Your family?” I asked, trying to understand, she just nodded her head.
We stayed in bed for a minute. I waited to see if she was giving me anything else, but that didn’t happen. “Fine, if you don’t want to talk about it, I get it. But let's at least take this shirt off.”
I helped her get up to take the dirty shirt off, but then I looked at her back and saw some scars on it. I was about to take a better look but she quickly pulled back down, trying to hide it. But it was too late, I had already seen it.
“Y/n, what are those marks on your back?” “Are from soccer.” She told me, not looking at me. “I’m not buying it. Tell me the truth.” “It’s nothing Tobin. Give up on this.” “Nope. Right there, you call me Tobin again. Come on kid, you know I won’t give up so soon. So buy us some time and tell me what’s going on.” “It’s hard, Tobs.” “And I’m here by your side, you can tell me everything. But I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.” “Everything is fine now, it’s already in the past. But I'm still learning to trust people, so I normally don’t talk about it with others. I want to, but when I do I cry and I don't want to cry in front of the team.” “Kid, we will never judge you for crying.” “I know but I never had this, not until three years ago. So it is hard to let people in.” “What do you mean? You wanna tell me about it? “
She hesitated for a minute but nodded. She was about to say something when my phone rang. I looked at it and turned off the call, it was Christen but I couldn’t talk right now.
“It’s okay if you need to go. I’ll be fine.” Y/n told me in a low voice. “I’m here for you kid, you can trust me, after all i’m your mom isn’t I?” “Yeah. You are. It’s not actually complicated. It’s just that, my dad abandoned my family when I was 7, a month later my mom found out she was pregnant. Things were already tough, but my mom did everything she could for us to be happy, but a year later she died in a car crash.”
Tears began to fall from her face, so I put my hand on her back trying to comfort her.
“I’m sorry for that Y/n/n. You don’t need to keep going if you don’t want to.” “I want to tell you everything.” After a minute she stopped sobbing and spoke again. “Well, after that my father didn’t want us so we ended up in foster care and that’s why I don’t like to talk about my family. Is not because I don't trust you, but is because for most part of my life I didn't quite have one. I have just a few memories from my biological mother and I had to take care of my little brother during seven years of my life. Is not simple to talk about it. I was abused from the age of 8 until I turned 14 years old. That's where my marks are from, they hit on me just because they wanted to.”
I hugged her, but didn’t say a thing, I knew that’s what she needed right now. After a few minutes I spoke up. “Kid, I had no idea that you passed through this all. But I want to tell you that this doesn't change our relationship, I still love you and will fight everyone who messes with you, and you know Christen will as well.” “Thank you Tobs.”
After a minute of silence, I decided to ask her what I was scared to ask. “This is still happening? I want to do something about it. I won’t let any of this happen to you again.” “No, three years ago me and my brother got adopted. I told you the truth when I told you that everything is good now. They are amazing and are helping me to get better.” “That’s good. That’s why we never meet them? You didn’t want us to know your story?” “Yeah, that’s one of the reasons.” “One?” “Yeah, well the other one you will understand when you see my moms.” “Your moms?” I asked, still not sure I had heard it right. “Yeah, I got adopted by two moms.” “Oh, Megan will love this.” “I know.” “You want to come back for lunch or do you want to stay here?” “Stay here. Can we just watch a movie?” “Fine, but I choose.”
I jumped on top of her and got the remote so I could choose the movie. “No way, we are on my bed, so I choose.” She got the remote from my hands. “No no, I'm your mother so I choose.” “There’s nothing to do with it. I won’t give it to you.” “Yes you are.”
With that I began to tickle her, trying to get the remote back. Then there was a knock on the door and it opened, but we were too occupied to see who it was. “Okay kids, let's stop the fight.” Oh, that’s Chris. “Tell that to Tobs, she is the one attacking me.” “I see.” Christen separated us. “How are my girls? I’ve been told that I should come here to check on you both, but by the look of things I guess that is all sorted out now.” I looked at Y/n and she had a smile on her face. “I think we are better now right?” “Yeah, much better. Thank you Tobs.” “Of course, I'll always be here for you.” She hugged me and I gave a kiss on her head.
“Oh, I feel left out now.” “Sorry Chris, but Tobs will tell you everything later. But I know I can count on you as well. I’m going to change my shirt now and wash my red face.”
Y/n stood up and left the remote on the bed. “Yes, I got the remote.” I could see Y/n shaking her head and then closing the bathroom door, Chris came to me, gave me a quick peck and asked me what happened.
Your pov
I went to the bathroom to change my shirt and clean myself, and I could hear Tobin telling Christen a little bit of what I told her. “‘What was that about?’ ‘The girls were talking about family stuff on the table and the topic is a little complicated for her. She lost her mom really young and lived in foster care most part of her life, and just recently got adopted. I tell you more later, don’t worry about it.’” I’m glad I finally got to share my story with someone else, and it is no surprise that the two of them were the first to know, I like them a lot.
While I was in the bathroom my phone started to ring.
“Kid, your phone is ringing and is your mom. She wants to facetime.” Tobin yelled from the bed. “Which one?” I yelled back. “Humm… mom Mac?!” Oh, maybe that is a great time to introduce them.
“Could you answer for me? I’m almost finishing.” “Me?” “Yeah, you didn’t want to meet her? That’s the time. She wants to talk to you both as well.” There was a silence in the room, until Chris spoke. “I don’t think that is a good idea.” “You’ll like to talk with her. Don’t you trust me?” “Fine.” Tobin answered me and accepted the call, ready to talk to my mom.
“Hi hon… Oh, hi Tobin!” I could hear my mom speaking. I was already changed, but I wanted to see their reactions while meeting my mom. “Hi… wait your Shannon MacMillan.” Toby speaks and stays with an open mouth. “Yes, and I was told that you are my daughter’s roommate. Oh, hi Christen I didn't see you before. How are you doing?” “Your daughter?” Now was Christen's time to stay in shock. “Yeah Y/n. Is she alright?” “Yeah, but… what?” Tobin was speechless, so I decided to intervene.
“Oh hi mom, sorry I was in the bathroom.” “Hi honey and taking by Tobin and Christen's faces I believe you hadn’t told them about me, am I right?” “Maybe? I actually didn’t tell anyone on the team, I dodged their questions about my family. You know how I am, I wanted them to get to know me first.” “I know.” “But I had told Tobin almost everything, I just kept your name out of it. She saw my scars and made me explain it.” I lightly elbowed Tobin, trying to take her off her transe. “Made you?” I think it worked. “Y/n!!”
“I’m kidding, kind of. She just got overprotective and wanted to punch the person who made me those, so I had to explain the story to her.” “Yeah, I was right she is definitely your team mom. And don’t worry Tobin, they are already taken care of.” Tobin laughed and poked me in my sides “I told you, now even your mom agrees with me. But I gotta say this is kind of crazy.” “Whatever, that doesn't mean you can choose the movie.” “Movie?” Mom asked, not quite understanding what we were talking about. So Chris came to the rescue. “When I got here they were in a tickle fight, because Tobin wanted to choose the Netflix movie and Y/n had the remote.” I completed it. “Christen saves me, but then Tobin got the remote, so it looks like we will be seeing her movie.”
“Seems like you’re having fun. I just called to tell you that the thing you buy on the internet has arrived, I hid it in the garage. I'm sure your mama won’t find it there.” Great, my mama birthday present has arrived. “Cool, and is everything ok?” “Yes, as we expected. We’ll call you later to talk more, I just took that I was alone now so I could warn you.” “Thanks mom.” “Bye honey. Bye Tobin and Christen.” “Bye Shannon.” They say in unison.
So I turned off the call and looked at them, they had a surprised look on their face so I got ready for the questions. Mainly the questions were about why I didn't tell them or the team about it, how I ended up with them and I had to explain my whole story again for Christen. In the end, it was already time for team meeting and we were getting ready to go.
As we waited for the elevator, I remembered to ask them something. “Guys, please don’t tell the team nothing about it.” “Why not? Speedy, I already told you that they won’t treat you any different.” Tobin scolded me. “I just... I will tell them when I feel comfortable, but for now just keep this secret for me. Please mom!!” “You can’t pull the mom card like this.” “Why not? You told yourself that you’re my team mom.” Tobin kept staring at me until she gave up. “Fine. But I think you should at least tell them about your mom, because if they find out about it from another person they're gonna be mad.” Christen punches Tobin in the arm. “Tobin! They are not gonna be mad at you Y/n. Just at the moment, and then they will just fill you with questions. But the last part is going to happen either way.” “Oh, so different from what I said.” Tobin said with sarcasm, but Christen sent her a killer look. “Sorry! But if by any chance, someone annoys you because of who your mother is, tell me and I will kick their ass.” Tobin told me with a serious look.
“You mean if they mocked me because Tobin Heath is my mom?” I tried to contain my laugh. “Oh, shut up!!” She got my head and began to rub it. “Mom stop!!” “Kids stop with it. Let’s go or we are gonna be late.”
With that we entered the elevator and I could see that Chris had a worried face on. My story must have affected her, she has a sad expression, so I decided to lighten her mood a little bit. “Oh Christen, you don’t need to be mad. You and mom are a couple, so that means you are my mom as well.” I hugged her and she kissed my head. She tightened the hug, and I knew some tears were rolling down her face. “Thank you Y/n, you for sure can come for me anytime you need. I’ll always be here for you.” “I know. You’re the mom I listen to but also the mom who grounds me, and Tobin is the mom who takes me out of the ground, and also the one who tries to cover my mess.” Christen rolled her eyes, understanding what I was trying to do. She cleaned the tears that had fallen out and shook her head, but now with a smile on her face. Tobin on the other hand protested. “I would never do that Christen!” “Why can't I believe that?”
With that the elevator door opened and Christen got out first, then Tobin raised her hand for me to hit it. I love these two. We got to team meeting and discussed our training sessions, how our week is going to be and other things. The meeting took about an hour. After it, the whole team went to dinner, me and Tobin were talking about the conversation we had early about my past soccer teams and how my mom is a crazy fan, so we got our food and sat at some table don’t even looking to see who was on the other ones. But as we were talking Christen, Megan, Ash, Julie, Ali, Alyssa and Carli sat at our table as well.
“I’m telling you Tobs, once she got so mad about a bad call that she almost got inside the field to yell at the referee, luckily my 9 years old brother stopped her.” Tobin was laughing her ass out. “I would die to see that.” “Who did that?” Megan asked, breaking the bubble we were on. I then noticed everyone else that was on the table with us.
“What?” I asked, not quite sure what she was talking about. “Who almost got in the field?” “My mom.” “Oh…” “She seems cool.” Ash responded. “She is, when she is not mad. Despite that, she is awesome, my family is really supportive.” “Your brother plays soccer as well?” Alis asked. “No, he hates sports. But he loves to cheer for me, so he goes for all the games he can.” “Oh, this is so cute, I would love to meet him.” JJ awed with my answer. “He for sure will love to go to the mall with you and Chris, I can guarantee that he would be a better company then Tobs.” “Hey kid! You are just as bad as I am.” Tobin protested. “Ok you're right. But I’m telling the truth, he and my mom go on walks for hours.” “I’m certainly taking him out when we meet him.” Chris gave me a wink, letting me know that this was for sure happening some time soon.
“And who encouraged you to play soccer? Your mom or your dad?” Alyssa asked, wanting to know more about my family. I took a big breath and answered her. “Oh, it’s a little more complicated than that. But I can for sure tell you that it was not my father.” “Why is that? He doesn't like sports?”
I take a look at Tobin and Christen and them both nod their heads encouraging me to tell them. “No, it’s because… I don't have a father, at least not one that I care about.” “Sorry I didn’t want to put you through that.” Alyssa told me with a worried expression. “That’s fine, I'm ok with that now.” “So is it just you, your brother and your mom?” Ali asked. “Well, my moms.” “Excuse me?” Megan almost spilled all the water she was drinking with the new information. “My moms. Me, my brother and my two moms.” “Oh, that is awesome. I already liked you before, now I like you even more.” Megan cheered and high five me. “Because of my parents?” “Yeah, you were already cool, now that I know that you for sure support my community you got points with me. Tell me about them!” “They are awesome, I've only been with them for three years, but they changed my life when they adopted me.” Ops! Shouldn’t have said the last part. “Wait, you are adopted?” Ali asked. “Yep.”
“Who is adopted?” Emily asked while getting close to the table. “Y/n” Alyssa answered. “What? You never told us.” Mal and the other youngies were all surrounding us now. “That’s why you run away during lunch?” I looked around and by now the whole team was at the table listening to the conversation.
“So about that…” I look at Tobin and send her a ‘help me’ look, she quickly understands me and steps up. “Guys, less questions okay? If she hasn't told us about it yet it’s because she is not comfortable with it, so let’s give her time.”
Everyone nodded, but Megan was still interested in my family. “Fine, but I want to know more about your moms okay?” “That I can do, but I think you already know at least one of them.”
I took my phone and showed her a picture of my family. Her mouth drops and she passes the phone for Ash, who passes to Ali, who passes to Carli, who finally says something.
“Wait a minute, your mom is Shannon MacMillan?” “Yeah.”
Everybody's jaw drops, except for Christen and Tobin because they already knew, and the questions started again. I finally told them my story and Tobin was right, they were really supportive and of course asked a lot of questions, but I'm fine with it. They are my family now.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [epilogue]
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Warnings: sexual comments, pregnancy and children, marriage and weddings, just cuteness, mentions of IVF, mentions of parental issues, language, mentions of marital issues, mentions of fuckboy!Tommo
Word Count: 7,996
Author's Note: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for those that have stuck with me through all of this. It's been a journey and I'm so grateful for those that stayed for the whole thing. This series has been such an important part of my life and writing and I don't know how I'll function without it, but I'm grateful to have finished it and gotten it out there for others to enjoy. 💖
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                                          Welcome to Our Forever
                                               Thomas & Y/F/N 
                                                August 5, 2023 
White roses and eucalyptus line the wooden board announcing your wedding to the man of your dreams. Maybe not the best decision to have a summer wedding, but Harrison and Ivey had only wed some three months before, and you refused to take away her shine. As it was, when she sat beside you in her auburn colored dress to have her hair and makeup done, she was glowing, reminiscing on her big day with a brand new wedding band to go with her engagement/wedding ring, and a new ID showcasing the Ivey Eleanor Osterfield namesake. 
It wasn't necessarily the first time you four girls had been together since graduation, but the time that you spent together had dwindled since going out into the real world. Phoebe was making bank as an emergency room nurse at UW Emergency just off campus and she and Keaton had started living together in University District. Cole had moved Scarlett into his apartment once Keaton had moved out and she's been working as a financial analyst the past two years. He'd mentioned proposing to her, but hadn't officially done so yet. Ivey and Harrison were living in an apartment not far from you and Tom, Harrison working at the Seattle Art Museum, and not too far from him, Ivey was working as an editor in downtown Seattle. Still, after two years, the four of you were meeting up for date night often, you and Ivey mostly discussing wedding plans and crazy stories from your day, while the boys talked sports and alcohol. 
Since graduation, you and Tom had adopted a little gray pitbull from a local shelter, similar to Tessa, whom you named Rosir. With the help of your dad and the first few paychecks from your therapy office, you were able to purchase a car, a Subaru Crosstrek, which you and Tom used for weekend getaways and vacations. He'd even taken the time to revisit the same house he and the group stayed in in Oregon two springs ago with you. 
"You remember how you told me you wanted something like Ivey and Harrison that night shit went to hell?" He had asked you as you lay in bed one night, bare chests pressed together and Rosie laying just off to your side on the floor, squeaking her toy. You had hummed and nodded, leaning on his chest, 
"I regret that." 
"Don't say that. I just hope that it's been better than what they have. I've tried to make you happy." You smiled up at him and nodded, 
"I've never been happier than I am now." You had reassured him. He'd smiled and leaned in to kiss you. You'd discussed the shitshow that was the last two years of your relationship and how now, you couldn't see being with anyone else and you were convinced that your kids wouldn't have what you did, with a fractured family. Most of Tom's wounds had healed and he was focused on you, his career path, and your future. You were putting everything that had happened in the past behind you for the better now, focusing on your wedding, your marriage, the future. 
"You nervous?" Phoebe asks as an artist drags a brush with eyeshadow across her lids. You shrug as you're drawn from your haze, 
"Less nervous about marrying him than I am about graduation." You admit. She smiles, 
"I'm in love with you two. He's fucking lucky to have you." She murmurs, closing her eyes again. Ivey sighs, 
"I think you've beaten me out at being the most gorgeous on your wedding day." 
"No, don't say that. You were absolutely stunning." 
"Yeah, but are you seeing yourself? Tom is going to lose his shit." She explains. You smile, staring at yourself in the mirror as your makeup artist brushes blush along your cheeks. You giggle, 
"Okay, fine, I do look hot." You murmur. The three of you laugh along before Scarlett sighs and moves into the room, 
"Your dad and Cole are fighting again." You roll your eyes, 
"I almost just wish they hadn't tried to reconcile." You tell her. She smiles, 
"I mean... at least they're trying for you and all of our future kids." She reasons. You sigh, 
"Yeah, I guess." She sits behind the three of you, waiting until you're all finished before she helps you slide into the a-line dress you'd chosen, the girls gasping, 
"Oh Y/N, you look gorgeous." Ivey says. Phoebe and Scarlett agree and when Nikki enters the room, she gasps and covers her mouth, tears springing into her eyes, 
"Oh Y/N darling..." She mumbles. You smile, taking her hands when she approaches, 
"Do you think he'll like it?" You ask her about her son. She nods, sniffling softly, 
"Oh I think you could wear a burlap bag and he'd think you were exquisite, but this..." She nods, "he'll absolutely love you in this." She assures. You smile, 
"Great. You look amazing yourself." You tell her, looking her over in her maroon colored mother-in-law dress, 
"Well thank you sweetheart." She murmurs, a dusting of red coating her cheeks. She clears her throat, 
"I uhm, I have something for you." She says. It's only then that you notice the worn black box in her hands. You follow her to the small couch, sitting just beside her before she opens the box and reveals an old pearl necklace, "My grandmother got this as a gift and it's been passed down through our family. My mother wore it on her wedding day, I wore it on my wedding day. If you'd like... I want you to have it, wear it today and any day in the future as my first daughter-in-law." She tells you. You stare at it, mouth agape, 
"Oh gosh... Nikki... are you sure?" She nods immediately, 
"Of course. They're to be passed down. Hopefully you get a daughter to do the same to and the tradition can continue in our family." She tells you. You dab at your eyes with a tissue, 
"Thank you so much. It's beautiful." You tell her, moving forward to hug her. She hugs you back, kissing your cheek softly. She helps you latch it around your neck and by then, the girls are completely ready, 
"It's time Y/N/N." Ivey tells you with a cock of her head. You take a deep breath, 
"Gosh... really?" She shoots you a sympathetic smile and nods, 
"Fortunately." She tells you. You allow Nikki to fasten your veil into your hair and hand you your bouquet, the girls each collecting theirs before you stand before the full length mirror, staring at yourself. You take a deep breath, 
"The next time I step foot into this room, I will be Mrs. Tom Holland." You murmur more to yourself more than anyone. You watch Ivey smile in the mirror before you turn to them and nod, 
"Okay, I think I'm ready." You tell them. They each nod before leading you from the room, walking the short distance to where the boys are waiting at the end of the hall. Tom had more groomsmen than you had bridesmaids, but you didn't really care. Three of his seven groomsmen were walking alone, his brothers leading the pack down the aisle together. You honestly thought it was cute. Cole maneuvered his way over to you to kiss your cheek as your father appeared, 
"You look beautiful." He tells you. You smile, glancing up at your dad, 
"Thanks Cole." 
"You know mom would be more than proud of you." He reminds you. You nod, indicating to the veil, 
"And she's with me." When your dad had offered up the diamond encrusted lacy material your mother had bought for her own special day, you sobbed and agreed without a second thought. It was such a simple yet meaningful gesture, especially coming from your dad and you haven't thought twice about it since. Cole's eyes are glistening as he nods and Scarlett slips her hand in his bicep. 
Sam, Harry, and Paddy are the first down the aisle together, Tom's smile wide when he sees them. Ivey and Harrison are the first couple down the aisle with her as your matron of honor. Scarlett and Cole are next with her being your maid of honor, but you told Phoebe she was also your maid of honor. You weren't letting her feel left out in this situation. Gil was last down the aisle, helping your flower girl and ring bearer, both younger cousins of yours, down to their respective sides. You take a deep breath as you watch Tom stand at the head of the aisle, nervously swaying side to side, hands clasped in front of him. Your father flexes his bicep to imitate a squeeze, 
"Don't pass out on me. At least let me get you to him." He jokes. You smile, 
"Course not. But... this is the last time your little girl will be a Y/L/N." You tell him. He hums, glancing down at you when you look up, 
"You'll always be a Y/L/N, but I'm okay with you being a Holland. Tom is a good man." He reminds you. You smile and nod, 
"I agree." You murmur before "Canon In D" starts, giving you your cue. You take another deep breath before your father starts the walk, and all of your guests stand. Your dad reaches out and pats your hand as you walk out into the sunlight, your videographer (thank you dad) crouching beside your fiancè to capture his reaction which is quite honestly, the sweetest, most heart touching thing you've ever seen. He reaches up to brush his tears away, pivoting from foot to foot quicker as he takes a deep breath and blinks away the flood of tears that threaten to spill. You smile up at him, walking steadily with your father until you're standing just before him. He takes a deep breath as your minister asks who gives you away. Your father replies and hands you to Tom who helps you onto the small pedestal across from him. He sniffles softly, staring down at you with so much love in his eyes. 
The ceremony progresses quickly and before you know it, you're announced as Mrs. Tom Holland. Tom smiles wide before he's wrapping an arm around your waist, the other curled up your back as he dips you, sealing your deal with a final kiss. You hold him to you, staring up into his eyes when he stands you straight before he pivots on his feet, smile as wide as it can get as you're announced as husband and wife. He gives your hand a squeeze and waves it in the air as your guests cheer and clap. 
You scurry off, holding onto Tom as he kisses you over and over again and continuously tells you how beautiful you look while your wedding party makes their way back down the aisle, your bridesmaids and his groomsmen all crowding around you with congratulations thrown your way. You flaunt the ring, and before the guests pour from your venue and towards the large brick building for the reception, Tom's family and your dad and Heidi follow your wedding party to the designated picture area. 
The pictures, you can tell, are going to be absolutely gorgeous. Harry and Nikki were both more than happy to be the wedding photographers, and absolutely denied being paid for the work. But you'd seen sneak peeks of some of the shots they'd snapped of your wedding party and you were in love. You'd finally sobbed, and Tom had let you when Nikki flashed you a photo of yours and Tom's foreheads pressed together, his hand brushing along your cheek, wedding band shown off blatantly. It hadn't hit you, how serious getting married was and now it was. 
You'd been the last to depart the area where your professional photos were taken, Nikki and Harry leaving you for a private moment to yourselves, the first in nearly two days since the boys stole him and the girls had stolen you. You'd stood in silence for a moment, admiring the scenery of the woods around you before he'd untucked a hand from his pocket and reached out for yours. You'd threaded your fingers together, 
"Has this been the wedding of your dreams so far?" He asks softly. You smile, nodding, 
"Since I was a little girl I dreamed of marrying a prince. Now I have him, and this," You gesture around you, "This is more than I could ever ask for. It's been beautiful so far and merging our families has been a dream." You tell him, taking a step closer to him. His smile widens, 
"Good." He murmurs. Standing on your toes, you lean in and kiss him. He hums, 
"Can't believe I married the girl of my dreams." He murmurs. You giggle, 
"It is all very surreal. All of the times we talked about marriage and kids and now we're here, doing it." 
"Hell yeah, I don't fuck around." He jokes. You roll your eyes, 
"But... now that we have a moment... what do you think of the dress? Your mom said I could wear a bag and you'd still think I look stunning." 
"Oh definitely, but... yes... this is absolutely gorgeous. You look stunning darling. More so than ever." He tells you, holding you at arms length to look you over. You twirl for him, the bodice of your dress flourishing around you and Tom smiles, 
"So beautiful." Dragging you back in, he leans in to kiss you, arms bound around your waist, your hands rested on his shoulders, smoothing down them. He hums, 
"We should sneak off and have married sex now." You giggle, tipping your head back which draws him in to trailing kisses down your throat, 
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try and do a quickie in this dress. You'll get lost in it." You tell him. He chuckles, 
"I believe you. You've got a lot of tulle goin on here." Nodding, your rest your hands atop his shoulders, staring up at him, 
"You've made me so happy the past four years... I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." You tell him. He smiles, 
"The feeling is so fucking mutual." He tells you, hands curled around your back. He presses his forehead to yours and sighs, 
"I promise to make you happy every day of my life. You mean the world to me." He tells you. You sway him softly, holding his waist, 
"I promise to do the same." 
"And after tonight, we'll go to Fiji and have a good time, just the two of us, and then we'll come back and try for a baby." He starts. You giggle again, 
"You have our whole lives planned out then huh?" You ask. He nods, 
"Definitely. Won't be long now before we're house hunting and moving a sweet little babe in." He murmurs in your ear. You sigh, 
"Is it bad that I kinda wanna stay in the apartment for a little while after having a baby?" You ask. His eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, 
"No, not really. We... did talk about turning that spare into a nursery for her. We could go through with it." 
"And we're still stuck on them being a her huh? You do know I'll kill you if we have a boy first and you even think about being disappointed." You tell him. He hums, eyebrows knitting together again, 
"No, of course not, I would never. Any baby that comes from you is loved by me darling. You don't have to worry about it." He confirms. You nod, letting the silence permeate between you for a moment before you sigh, 
"We should probably be heading back. No one can do anything without us." You tell him. He chews the inside of his lip for a moment before sighing himself and nodding, 
"Yeah... let's go get a beer." Smiling, you hold your hand out for his again, lacing your fingers with his. He smiles as the prongs of your ring scrape against the pad of his finger and you give a tug of his hand to lead him up the trodden path towards your reception. Once on the concrete, leading up to the building, Tom squeezes your hand, glancing at the sign announcing you as husband and wife, 
"I cannot believe I am Mrs. Thomas Stanley Holland." You say. He chuckles again, 
"Sounds so fucking amazing." He tells you. You smile, 
"It does. I get to change my nameplate at work. Mrs. Y/N Holland. So exciting." He smiles before you round a corner and your wedding party is there, beers in hand and cheering directed your way. Tom waves his hand, cheeks flushing red and chuckles leaving his lips, 
"Stop, stop-" 
"You're a married man now Tommo!" Haz starts, 
"Yeah, what happened to the forever bachelor thing? Who are you and what have you done with our Tom?" Gil jokes. Tom rolls his eyes, 
"A beautiful girl crashed the party and roped my ass in." He admits. You smile and accept a beer from Cole, another handed to Tom, 
"Well congrats. You two make a beautiful couple. And... now you're my brother." He tells Tom, dragging him in for a hug. You smile, watching your husband and brother hug before Cole turns to you, 
"And you look beautiful Y/N/N. Mom is so so so fucking proud of you. I just know it." He tells you again. He leans in and kisses your cheek. Ivey pops up from inside the venue, 
"Alright guys. We're headed inside. Back into formation." You smile, looping your arm through Tom's. You'd chosen to have your DJ announce your wedding party, the group dancing in and once you make your way inside, it leads into your first dance. The other Holland boys lead, both sides of the families laughing at their antics. Ivey and Harrison follow, then Scarlett and Cole, and Keaton and Phoebe, finishing with Gil. Tom squeezes your hand in his arm as the DJ speaks again, 
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holland!" He cheers, the roaring from your guests loud as Tom escorts you in the door, twirling you and showing you off to your family. Your cheeks hurt from the smile you carry and Tom let's out an airy laugh as you hand your bouquet off to Ivey and he wraps you in his arms, holding your body close as the first notes of your first dance song play through the speakers, all eyes on you. But none of it matters. All that matters are the chocolate colored eyes you know every inch of. The ones you've come to love and the ones you get to stare into for the rest of your life. He's yours, and you're his, and this is what forever feels like. 
You giggle and cling to Tom as he carries you across the threshold of your suite. He gently sets you on the bed, watching you lay out beneath him, 
"So stunning." He murmurs. You roll your eyes and sit up a little to pull your veil off, 
"I see the cheesiness hasn't dissipated." 
"Well no. It'll only get worse from here. Instead of taking it as my girlfriend or fiancèe, you're taking it as my wife. Now you for sure aren't going anywhere. It's so much worse." He tells you. You giggle, kicking your heels off. He sighs, raking a hand through his hair, 
"Is it bad if I say I'm glad that part is over?" He asks with a cock of his head. You shake your own head, 
"No... it's stressful. Especially for me when there was so much for me to trip over." You tell him. He hums, 
"You did great. You looked amazing all night and you were such the little party host." 
"I'm the bride, I have to be." He sits on the bed beside you, clearing his throat, 
"Yeah, I guess." Sighing, you roll so your body is pressed into his side. He leans back on the bed on his elbow, loosening his tie, 
"It was a pretty good night. You did good on the planning love." He chides. You smile, 
"Thanks babe. I put my heart, soul, and money into this perfect day." He nods, raising his eyebrows, 
"That's for damn sure." He murmurs. You giggle, 
"I couldn't imagine any other wedding being more perfect than ours. It was really fucking beautiful." 
"To be fair, your dad paid for a lot and my parents contributed too." He reasons with a shrug, staring up at the ceiling when he moves to lay back on the bed fully. You smile, leaning in on his chest. He sighs, 
"I loved every minute of it." 
"That's all that matters. You only get one wedding and it should be perfect." 
"It was. I love you." He smiles and leans up to kiss you, 
"Love you too darling." You sit in silence for a moment before you sit up and take his hand, 
"Unzip me, I have a surprise for you." You tell him. He hums, sliding the zipper down your back and moving to lean on his elbows again as he watches you slip from the wedding dress, revealing a beautiful set of ivory colored lingerie, an intricate piece that draws Tom's eyebrows up again, 
"Well that's one hell of a surprise." 
"I had every intention of wearing blue but this is a wedding night set and I couldn't pass it up." 
"Yeah, no, you'll have all kinds of opportunities to test out different lingerie. Heaven forbid you pass up this opportunity for wedding night lingerie." He murmurs. You smile, stepping from the puddle of tulle, lace, and satin at your feet and leaning in on his knees, 
"So I assume you like it." You coo. He snorts, 
"When have I ever not liked lingerie on this sweet little body?" He asks. You giggle, 
"Exactly." Moving his hands onto your hips, he drags you into his lap, your lips covering his. He hums into the kiss, moving his hands up your back. Your fingers move down to unbutton his shirt. You smooth over his stomach, his hands traveling down to hold onto your hips, 
"Shall we try and figure out what's so different about married sex?" You ask him. He smiles, pulling back to look into your eyes, 
"I think that'd be quite great actually." He murmurs. You smile down at him, 
"Just think... you don't have to worry about getting me pregnant now because we're already married." He chuckles, watching you reach behind you and unclip your bra, tossing it aside. He licks his lips, 
"I'd love to know what these'll look like when you end up pregnant." He murmurs, moving to massage your breasts into his hands. You tip your head back, holding his shoulders. You slide your hands beneath his button up brushing it from his shoulders. He sighs, 
"So perfect." 
"So yours." You murmur. He chuckles, 
"You're damn right." You giggle before he's leaning back, pulling you with him. You lean on the bed over his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him, 
"I love you husband." He smiles wide, 
"I love you, wife. More than you'll ever know." You lean back in to kiss his throat, his hands skirting down to your hips until the cold metal of his wedding ring is pressing into your lower back. 
The next night, after landing in Fiji and checking into your bungalow, Tom slides down into the sand beside you. He sighs, squinting in the setting sun and holding a beer out to you. You take it, thanking him softly and sipping from it. He does the same as you look him over. He looks calm for the first time in months. His hair is flat and he's wearing a tee and a pair of cotton shorts, no shoes on. You smile when he looks at you and his eyebrows furrow, 
"What?" He asks through a laugh. You shake your head, 
"Nothing, I just love you. You look good right now." You move to lay your head over his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, laying his head over yours and reaching out to squeeze your knee, 
"Happy first night of forever." He mumbles. You squeeze his body against yours, 
"So far, so good." You tell him. He hums, 
"Can't go wrong with me." Giggling, you sip from your beer again, leaning your arm on his knee, 
"I will admit, seeing "Mr. and Mrs. Holland" on the door was a really surreal thing for me." You tell him. He smiles, moving his hand up into the light to look at the ring on his finger, 
"I've always been called Mr. Holland in a professional sense but... hearing Mrs. Holland and knowing that it's in reference to my wife and that you're finally, fully mine is like... insane." He admits in return. You nod, 
"I agree." You murmur. Nudging the neckline of his top down, you brush a finger across the hickey you'd left the night before. He smiles, 
"The markings of a spoiled little wife." 
"I really don't think I'll ever be over the whole wife thing. Like... hearing you say it blows my mind. I definitely thought I'd be your girlfriend for the rest of my life and you'd never be ready to marry me." 
"I was ready to marry you the second you came back from New York after Spring Break." 
"I did. I never wanted to let you go again. I had fucked up and never wanted to risk losing you again." He explains. You smile, looping your arms under his and leaning your head on his shoulder, 
"That's truly adorable. You've still had your moments but... I have no doubt that all the growth you've done since that whole mess has helped you. Really." He nods, 
"I feel a lot better, that's for sure." He tells you, sighing. You hum, 
"I'm glad. You know... we both have to be in a good mindset to have a baby." 
"Speaking of, you are okay with having a baby like... soonish right?" He asks. You shrug, 
"Yeah, sure, why not?" 
"I just obviously wanna make sure you're comfortable and we're on the same page." He tells you as you move to lounge between his legs. You scoff, 
"Bitch I just married you. There isn't a thing you could do to make me uncomfortable. We're one now." He chuckles, laying his hands over your stomach, 
"But you would tell me if something is out of your comfort zone right?" He asks. You nod, eyebrows knitting together, 
"Good." Leaning your head back against his chest, you sigh, closing your eyes. He presses his lips to your temple and leaves them there, breathing you in. The setting sun provides a nice warmth, 
"I say we just never go back to America. We just run away and become permanent travelers." Tom chuckles, 
"And abandon my very expensive diploma, I think that's a dumb idea love." He tells you. You hum, 
"You could very well get a big break in Europe without the degree." You reason. He hums, 
"That'd be great to take you back to my home." 
"Well since we'll be traveling, you very well could give me a better tour of your little hometown." You confirm. He nods, 
"That sounds really good." A silence settles over you, the sound of the waves crashing being the only noise around. He reaches up and rubs over your shoulders, 
"I'm glad we're here." 
"Me too." You tell him quickly. He smiles, 
"I'm really glad you agreed to marry me." He says. You giggle, 
"Me too." His smile widens. He leans in and kisses you softly when you rise to your knees and turn to face him, 
"I think we should revisit the newlywed sex." He implies with a raise of his eyebrow. You hum, 
"Me too. Definitely." He chuckles softly before he's standing and taking your hands, leading you back through the sand to your bungalow, pushing you on the bed softly once he slides the door closed. 
                                           *Seven Years Later*
"Mia darling, please don't do that." Tom calls to your oldest child, hoisting Harper, your current youngest into his lap with her holding his fingers and climbing his chair. He focuses on the two year old, her hair falling down her back and her legs tangled up in her dress. He rubs her back once she snuggles into him, kissing her forehead. 
Not long after your wedding, you were pregnant with Mia. The second Tom found out she was a girl, he couldn't drop the smile, convinced that the talk of having a girl first all throughout college was just divine intervention. Seeing your husband as a father that first time was unlike anything else. He couldn't put his baby girl down. You were his girl, and he followed you around like a lost puppy, but the second you gave birth to little Mia Faye, he was hooked. And the process continued with your first son three years later, Wyatt James was held in Mia's lap, who was always in Tom's lap. And then again with his second baby girl, Harper Monroe. And now here you are, pregnant with your final baby, another sweet boy who Tom talks to daily, first thing in the morning before he wakes your three older kiddos to bring to bed and see you and at night, right before you go to bed, wishing your little wiggly bean goodnight. He already has a name, Oliver Ethan, and you're excited to have a complete family, four kids to grow up together and travel with, something you and Tom have loved doing since being out of college. 
Cole sighs as he sits beside Keaton who holds his and Phoebe's daughter, Emma's tiny purse, glancing up at his ex-roommate, 
"'S the matter? Being the father of the birthday boy is tiring?" He teases. Cole rolls his eyes, 
"Not only that, but when his papa decides it's time to spoil him and he wonders why mommy and daddy don't do the same, it can get interesting." Cole explains. You smile, rubbing the baby bump over your dress. Tom watches you, 
"I'm just glad that he has a papa. You and dad have gotten along pretty well since he's moved out here." You tell him, reaching up to stroke through Tom's hair to soothe you both. Cole crosses his arms watching his daughter, Daisy, follow Scarlett around, Logan and Ashton, Ivey and Harrison's older boys by her side like they always are when the group is together, 
"I guess so, yeah, it's been... weird. He avoids bringing up mom which makes it awkward but... he's a good enough grandfather. The kids like him and if Scarlett needs help and I'm not available, he's been there." He explains. You nod, leaning into Tom's side. Harper twirls your hair around her finger sleepily, Tom leaning in to kiss her pudgy cheek, 
"Regardless, you guys are talking and actually acting like father and son. Now we have like an actual family again." He nods, 
"Yeah..." Keaton yawns, 
"And what about you Ke? Now that dad's back here and starting that branch of his company here and you're working for him again, how's it been?" He glances up as Phoebe slides into the chair beside him, 
"Yeah, it's good. Back to better payment, being the assistant. It's pretty nice." 
"And no such luck with the baby making?" You ask. He smiles, looking to Phoebe, 
"We're getting there. It's been a hard process but... IVF has been going pretty well." 
"I'm trying to calm the fuck down." Phoebe starts, dragging her fingers through her hair, "I know that going through all of this, the IVF'll fail and then I'll get pregnant naturally." She says with a roll of her eyes. Keaton smiles, 
"The embryo we transfer next month is a girl. Our little Sophia so... hopefully. Fingers crossed." He says. You smile and nod, 
"All our fingers are crossed." You tell them. Keaton smiles, glancing up as Wyatt runs up to you, 
"Yes my love?" You ask of him as he leans in on your legs, 
"Can I go with Mason to his room to see his toys?" He asks you. You brush his hair from his eyes, 
"Did you ask Auntie Scarlett or Uncle Cole if you could?" You ask him. He glances around, 
"Mason asked auntie." 
"If she tells him yes, you can go with him but- hey, Wyatt... but if you go in his room, you need to be careful and don't do anything bad okay? Pick up after yourself like we tell you to do at home." You tell him. He nods before running off to find his cousin. Tom is smiling when you look to him again, 
"What?" You ask. He shakes his head, 
"You're just a really great mum is all." He mumbles, helping Harper slide from his lap again, "Where are you headed love?" He asks, but she ignores him and runs off towards the jumper. You giggle at the pout on his lips, glancing up when Ivey sighs behind you. Her and Harrison slide in between you and Keaton and Phoebe, the little green blanket she left with half an hour ago to quiet the crying cradled in her arms again, 
"He okay?" You ask. She nods and rolls her eyes, 
"He's had a little bit of colic so... he's just cranky but... he's fed and asleep. He should be good for a little while now. Logan and Ashton been good?" 
"Yup, only pulled Daisy's pigtails once." You joke. She huffs, 
"I believe you. Ashton, if you don't tend to him in time, pulls your hair to get up on your chair or whatever he wants. I swear... sometimes if Harrison doesn't collect them while I'm feeding or something, he's sleeping on the couch." Harrison snorts, 
"Yeah, we've had to take up stock in ice cream to keep the boys away from mum." He murmurs. You giggle, watching Ivey roll her eyes before she reaches an arm out and rubs over your belly, 
"How's this little one? You're about in your eighth month huh?" She poses. You nod, pressing a hand to the base of your belly, 
"Yeah... he's doing good. He was super rambunctious last night. We were up all night last night watching him swim and kick. He's gonna be our biggest baby I think." You tell her. You carry a huge smile and taking a glance at Tom, you see he does too. He's so proud of this family you've created. He loves you and all three, almost four kids you have, 
"And Rosie is back to being her protective little self with new little man?" Harrison asks. You nod, 
"Soooooo much. She's normally with the kids but if I sit down, she's right in my lap, head laid over the bump." You tell him. He smiles, 
"She's been pretty great eh?" 
"Oh and her and Tessa get along so damn well when my parents bring Tess down." Tom pitches in. You smile, 
"They've both been great. We were blessed in a lot of ways." 
"That is so good. She's been such a great girl for you." 
"She really has, and Y/N never had animals growing up so she's been a great little companion for Y/N's first time." Tom explains. Ivey nods, glancing up at you, 
"And she's grown up with the kids technically." You pose. Ivey smiles, 
"That Christmas card... so damn cute. You guys with the matching kids and Rose. I can't believe how tall Wyatt is getting. I bet he'll be taller than Tom before we know it." She winks as Tom rolls his eyes, 
"Ha ha. Very funny." She smiles, 
"You know I'm kidding. He's so cute though. All those freckles. He looks just like you Tommy." 
"Well he's lucky then." Your husband murmurs, smiling when you swat at him. He leans over and kisses your cheek, 
"He's hooked on his mumma though. Doesn't ask me for shit. Goes straight to her." 
"Well you've got two baby girls that go to you. So... I'll keep him." You defend. Tom chuckles 
"Who is that? Is that Auntie Y/N/N?" You glance up just in time to see a tan little boy move into your line of sight, giggling. You smile up at him, 
"My little Hunter!" Gil chuckles as you take his little boy, laying him in your lap to tickle him. Tom laughs along as the little boy squeals and Gil leans in to kiss your cheek and then Ivey's, 
"Bout time you showed." 
"Mmm, Minah kept changing his outfit." He mumbles. You hug Hunter into you, smiling as Tom ruffles his hair, 
"Why didn't she come?" Harrison asks. Gil rolls his eyes, 
"Uhm, her mom's in town. But... I don't think she would've come anyways." He tells him. Ivey cocks her head sympathetically, 
"Still having problems?" 
"Yes, and she wants another baby like that'll magically save our relationship." He remarks. You smile up at him, 
"Well I dunno about you but I think this little one is great." You tease, tickling Hunter again. Gil's smile returns when Hunter giggles, 
"He's the only thing that keeps me sane." He tells you. Tom nods, 
"That's how it works." Reaching out again, Tom brushes long strands of hair from Hunter's eyes, 
"I think Wyatt and Mason went to Mason's room. You wanna go see?" You ask him. He nods, squirming from your arms and running off. Scarlett catches him in the doorway, standing on her toes and pressing a hand to his head. She smiles before walking to the table you all sit at, 
"Are we having fun? I see there's only one kiddo here right now. Hi sweet boy." 
"He's not so sweet right now." Ivey mumbles as Scarlett leans over her shoulder and coos into the blanket in her lap. Surprisingly, the little one smiles a toothless smile up at his aunt, the smile growing wider when she reaches down and pokes his nose, 
"Not feelin good baby?" Ivey shakes her head, 
"Colic still." 
"The gripe water didn't work?" Scarlett asks, 
"Very briefly." Ivey confirms. Scarlett clicks her tongue, 
"Damn. Poor thing." Ivey nods, rocking the bundle. When both girls look up, they find you smiling at them. Ivey giggles, 
"What?" You shake your head, blinking tears away, 
"Nothing... just wondering how we got here. What happened to the girls I was introduced to eleven or so years ago? We were so young and carefree and look at us now. We're all moms. We're all wives and killing it all." Tom hums, reaching out to brush the stray tear that falls away. Ivey clicks her tongue, blinking rapidly, 
"Oh babes. You pregnant and me coming down from postpartum doesn't help this shit." She moves in, laying her head over your shoulder. Scarlett whines before she's brushing Tom aside and wrapping her arms around you and Ivey. Phoebe's heeled boots click as she rushes in to join the group hug, Owen, in Ivey's arms cooing up at her too. She smiles, 
"I know I was quite the party girl but... these little ones are the best things we could ever do. Ten... almost eleven, twelve when I get a clear head, these are our greatest accomplishments." She tells the three of you. You nod, pressing her hand over your belly, 
"Definitely." Your baby boy kicks out against her hand in agreement, making the four of you giggle. Tom smiles too, watching you and the girls hug before you part and you take his hand, squeezing and pressing it to your belly. He hums as he rubs the bump, 
"He's gonna be a rambunctious little thing. Reckon we'll be exhausted after chasing just him around." He says, scooting closer to you. You smile, reaching up to drape your arm over the back of his chair, trailing up his back, 
"Well you're the one that had the years of experience of chasing girls around so I think you're suited for the job daddy." His smile widens, 
"Please never mention that in front of the kids. I don't need my little girls knowing and my little boys thinking it's okay that their dad was a womanizer in this very gender equalizing, accepting time." He murmurs. Leaning into him, you kiss his cheek, 
"I promise not to." 
"Thank you." Scarlett, who had previously walked away, starts back towards you, wide smile on her face, 
"I have another tiny slice of cake. I know you and baby boy want it Y/N." You gasp, holding your hands out, 
"Oh my God yes, you're a lifesaver!" You squeal. Tom watches, chuckling softly as you snatch the thin slice of chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream frosting from your sister-in-law. You offer some to him, but he shakes his head. He glances up at the bouncy house, clearing his throat after a moment, 
"Uh oh. The sugar monster's coming. You made a grave mistake accepting cake behind her back like that." You glance up, watching Harper trot towards you, climbing back into her father's lap. He holds her steady moving his legs closer to you to allow her to chomp the piece of cake from your fork. He tucks hair behind her ear, 
"That's good huh lovey? You are never getting to bed tonight little one." You giggle, watching a sparkle flash through Harper's vibrant brown eyes, 
"But with her daddy's puppy dog eyes, no one can resist her." You reason. He nods and leans in to kiss her cheek, 
"Well that's for sure." He murmurs. Once you've finished the cake, Tom holds Harper close, the little one allowing her daddy to love on her. He glances at you and raises an eyebrow and you know exactly what he's asking. The second she saw the cookies upon entrance, it's all she was stuck on for a while. She's such a daddy's girl because he spoils her and you just know he's asking if he can give her a cookie because she's been so good with no tantrums. You chew the inside of your lip, 
"Just one." 
"That's all I'm asking for anyways." He confirms. You nod, 
"Fine then. Nothing more though." He nods, pulling her from his shoulder, 
"Harp, I have a surprise for you, you wanna know what it is?" He asks her. She nods, standing on his thighs, holding onto his hands. He smiles, "You want a cookie? I know you wanted one earlier." Her eyes light up and she nods, bouncing on his legs gently. He chuckles, 
"Alright sweet girl, let's get you one then, yeah?" She nods again, clinging to him as he stands and your heart flutters. To believe that the same man that fought you on a relationship and constantly pushed you away, is now holding your two year old daughter to his hip at a kid's birthday party is beyond imagination, and it is the most beautiful thing ever. 
You smile as Tom grabs your wrist, pulling you flush to his body, 
"I know you're exhausted love, and I'll go get you some ice cream after the kids are in bed but... I missed seeing you with all of our friends. You looked stunning all glowing and pregnant out there." He tells you, pressing a hand to your belly. You smile, reaching up to stroke his cheek, 
"You're the sweetest." His smile widens before he leans down to kiss you, 
"I've spent a long ass time loving you and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Especially when you're pregnant with my baby. You and those three... almost four in there, I'd kill for." He reminds you. You sigh, 
"I really lucked out in the husband department then huh?" You ask. He chuckles softly, 
"Guess so, yeah." Popping open the passenger side door, Tom waits until you climb inside to close you in. He climbs in beside you quickly, turning the car on before Mia speaks up, 
"Yes love?" He asks, turning in his seat to face her, 
"Can we listen to Frozen?" 
"No," Wyatt speaks up, "put on Cars." 
"How about we meet in the middle and settle for some Brother Bear or... Lion King?" Tom poses, settling the argument your kids'll inevitably have. And it works. Tom finds the soundtrack for Brother Bear in his phone, quickly shuffling it and stuffing the device in the cup holder. His Spotify has slowly become Disney movie playlists since he's become a dad and he loves every second of it. Harper swings her feet, staring out her window as she hums along to a song, Tom watching her in the rear view mirror with a smile plastered on his lips. You reach up and stroke over the back of his neck, leaning over to kiss his cheek, 
"You are so perfect Tom Holland." You tell him. He draws his eyes off the road for just a moment to look at you, 
"Well that makes two of us Y/N Holland." He says, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles. Squeezing his fingers in yours, you sigh and twist in your seat to look at your babies. 
Wyatt resembles his daddy the most. He has the same signature curls and eyes and you can already see he's starting to inherit the same nose Sam has and those Holland freckles have emerged. He's definitely a little mama's boy and with the way the girls favor Tom, you hope Oliver will follow in his big brother's footsteps. Mia has Tom's eyes too, but her features resemble you a little bit more. She has your hair type and color, and your nose and eye shape. Tom loves that about her. Harper has more of your features as well, but she's a near perfect combination of the both of you, a gorgeous little girl that Tom coddles the most because she'll let him. He's been in love with all of your babies since the day they were conceived, the most amazing father and husband, getting up at ungodly hours to let you sleep in and him take care of the kids. He's always been an early riser because of golf and now, being a dad, he has the skill to master it like he was never sure he'd be able to. His true calling in life, the cure for his anxiety, has been you and his babies. 
Dragging his hand back up to your lips, you kiss it, 
"I love you so much Tom Holland." You whisper. He smiles, taking his eyes off the road for just a second to look at you, 
"And I love you. More than you'll ever know." He replies, dragging your hand up to kiss it. Tears spring into your eyes again as you stare into his eyes and recognize that boy you met nearly eleven years ago, the one that only wanted to be with you sexually and wanted to avoid you emotionally. You recognize the boy that tore apart your relationship again and again, but always chose to get better for you. And now he's the most perfect husband and father. And that's all that matters to you. 
Yes, you were nervous moving to Seattle, starting new, but your friends, Tom, they've made it easier to live. They've changed your life for the better. They’ve given you immense amounts of love and Tom, himself, has given you a love like no other that created four beautiful babies. And you wouldn't change a thing. Moving from Beverly Hills to Seattle, has proved worth it.
Permanent Taglist → @embrace-themagic // @t-holland // @winters-beauty // @lolabean1998 // @musiclover1263 // @xxtomxo // @chillinjules // @sincerelyfan // @srh5605 // @justkeepdreaminganddreaming // @spnobsessedmemes // @hazmyheart // @saltysebastianstan // @counting-eyerolls // @princezzariel // @lilya-petrichor // @20coldhearts // @random-fandomer // @celinexlopez // @itsjusttor // @popluckbih // @takemetooneverlanddd // @marshyrebelcloud // @loveylangdon // @inlovewithmobtom // @bangtan-serendipity // @meg-holland // @localfangirlx // @turtlee-says-rawr // @illicitparker // @chances-and-miracles // @hatterripper31 // @agirlwithpointlessideas // @cassiopeiaskies // @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory // @deviilsangel // @peterspideysense // @hannahholland1811 // @jackiehollanderr // @artsyle // @unbelievableholland // @hollandjmc // @lmao-whats-up // @jbchrisevans // @biebsmylife95 // @sovereignparker // @spideynut // @hardcorefanofeverything // @petersasteria // @softholand // @gab-bones // @emistrash // @quaksonhehe // @supernaturalwriter24 // @myfinalwords // @sleepyhollands // @spiderman-2013 // @a-disappointing-teen-author // @deanismygodwiththatwhistle // @loudlycolorfulkryptonite // @rhyrhy462 // @dorbiksbitch // @joyleenl // @fairydustparker // @unbelievableholland // @justanotherusername80 // @lieswithoutfairytales // @witchyartemis // @thenoddingbunny-blog // @notquitewayne // @slytherinambitious // @dummiesshort // @desir-ae // @ataraxia-xe // @sarahm467 // @fanfic-reblogger // @bored-beryllium // @pandaxnienke // @u-rrose // @nj01 // @miraclesoflove // @itsemohours // @aeonian-forever // @troberts2319 // @tempo-rary-fix // @wonderwoman292 // @peonyophelia // @thehumanistsdiary // @hallecarey1 // @keithseabrook27 // @quacksonholland // @white-wolf1940 // @itsbieberxholland // @lokibuckylove6 // @goodgirlgonetom // @tomholland-isbae // @detectiveskully // @gigihydra1 // @chai-parker // @kharshsti // @tomthetease // @carmensandiego // @quxxnxfhxll // @i-love-superhero // @osterfieldshollandgirl // @chubby-cheek-calum // @ilovemypolarbear // @zspideyy // @haleemah // @hennamatildah // @lolooo22 // @tomshufflepuff // @blackbat2020 // @capital-koreasofia // @mathletemadison // @mayra_preciado20 // @warmchick // @drayshadow // @sophia220 // @bigdickjerry21 // @silverrmistt // @tpwkrosalinda // @hollandswife // @wh0reformaneskin
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Tom Holland Tags → @hollandjmc // @lmao-whats-up // @keithseabrook27 // @petersasteria // @theandreagtz // @joyleenl // @icyhollands // @sinisterspidey // @gkarisa839 // @tempo-rary-fix // @bellamy-barnes // @dangerouslovefanfic // @just-here-to-escape-from-reality // @usuck // @dhtomholland // @isimpforazula // @kim2812liza // @spideysimpossiblegirl // @m-a-r-i-n-t-p // @quacksonholland // @disaster-rose // @agustdowney // @wheeinsbitch // @mlmarint // @nonamenatalia // @gigihydra1 // @chai-parker // @kharshsti // @veryholland // @tomthetease // @carmensandiego // @carmensanfrancisco // @chubby-cheek-calum // @ilovemypolarbear // @parkers-gal  // @lovely-blackinnon // @haleemah // @lowkey-holland // @hennamatildah // @homesicam // @gaylord // @sublimeeaglepicklecash // @bibliophilewednesday // @lolooo22 // @roseke // @spideyspeaches // @mrsholland96 // @capital-koreasofia // @mayra_preciado20 // @bora-world // @el-vs94 // @hopexargent // @randomstufflol29 // @elizabeth228​ // @obsessed-airbender​ // @hufflepuffzutara​ // @the-fan-18​ // @whoeveniskendall​ // @bigdickjerry21​ // @silverrmistt // @tpwkrosalinda // @hollandswife​ // @wh0reformaneskin​ // @sabrisholland​ // @coco-bitch​
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2 Nov. Destiel Month: Pets
Cas mused, "We should get a cat."
au in the Sam Is An idiot About Destiel fanon subgenre 
Dean hadn't known his boiling point would be the local farmers' market at 9:27 a.m. on a frosty October Saturday; nevertheless, before he could stop himself, he blurted, "So are you two dating now or what?"
Whereupon his best friend gave him a look of profound confusion and his brother, kneeling beside said best friend, literally dropped a beagle puppy onto the ground. 
Thankfully, the puppy only had a foot to fall, back into the blankets in the big fenced area where the no-kill shelter was letting a variety of puppies and kittens bounce around and be cute enough to tempt customers to adopt. The sound the puppy made, though, was a series of adorably sad squeaks that made its beleaguered momma wander over and nose at it until it calmed down.
Neither Sam nor Cas were making any noises while staring at Dean like he'd grown an extra head. 
A random human kid who seemed to belong to one of the shelter volunteers wandered into the scene to tell Sam, "Puppies don't bounce."
Sam said, "I know, I'm so sorry," and stood up. 
Cas stood up as well. Dean took in the sight of the two of them side by side, Sam in a gray hoodie and jeans and Cas in one of Sam's old navy blue hoodies and jeans. Their expressions were similarly dismayed. Except for the height difference, they looked like a matched set, the way they'd looked for a week of meals, movie marathons, and the road trip for a bust of a case. Thick as thieves. 
It made Dean's chest hurt.
"We should talk," Sam said though clenched teeth.
Cas's eyebrows rose, but he followed Dean and Sam towards the picnic table area of the park. 
Sam waited until a family of five and a couple with a baby stroller passed by the area before asking Dean, in an even and polite voice, "What the fuck is your problem?"
Cas cocked his head like he had not expected this question either but was willing to let whatever was happening play out.
Dean hunched into his jacket. He wasn't cold, exactly; just his nose, hands, and mind were numb. "Could I speak to you privately?" he managed to ask Sam.
Sam's eyes flashed and it was a moment before he was able to say, "Fine."
He stalked over to the picnic area and Dean followed him, too cowardly to even glance in Cas's direction.
Sam wheeled around on him at the swingsets. "Were you making some of gay joke? Are you being possessed by John Winchester right now?" he hissed. "And if you say, 'Not that there's anything wrong with being gay,' I will kick your ass."
"Now who's acting like Dad," Dean said, on instinct and with immediate regret.
Sam almost growled at him. "You've been in a bad mood all week and I am tired of it, Dean. What the hell, man? Cas doesn't deserve this either."
"Okay," Dean said. "I know." He watched a cloud inch its way over the sun and felt nothing.
"Cas having a crush on me -- look, I know it isn't ideal," Sam said. "It doesn't bother me at all, but I also don't want to hurt him. You get that, right? He's my best friend. I like spending time with him. I'm glad he lives with us. I cannot imagine he believes I return his...infatuation."
Dean stared at a nearby maple tree whose leaves were turning red and falling away from the top down, like someone had dropped a lit match on it. 
Cas loved Sam. Cas loved Sam, and Sam didn't love him back, and both of those things made Dean want to lie down in the dirt beneath the swingset until the heat death of the universe.
"I'm trying to be kind, okay?" Sam said. "Can you keep the snide comments to a minimum?"
"Yeah, Sammy," Dean said quietly. 
"I'm gonna go--" Sam made some fluttery hand gesture. "That one shelter lady thought I was gonna adopt a puppy but probably now thinks I'm a serial puppy abuser, so I should go apologize formally."
"You're adopting a puppy?" Dean asked, because nothing about this morning had made a goddamn lick of sense.
"I told Eileen I would look at the puppies. Her niece is angling for one for Christmas."
"Godspeed," Dean said.
Sam stalked away. In Dean's peripheral vision he could see him pat Cas on the shoulder on his way back to the shelter set-up. Cas was coming towards Dean. In the absence of having the energy to flee the scene, Dean sat in the closest swing and took a couple of breaths that didn't help a bit.
Cas sat in the swing next to him.
No-one spoke. The market patrons' talking combined with birdsong and car traffic to create an almost peaceful white noise. A dog in the shelter pen barked and a dog on the leash of a man holding a huge pumpkin answered with its own series of barks. The volunteer lady laughed loudly at something Sam presumably said and Dean experienced a surge of sympathy for Cas, who probably also heard. 
Dean decided then and there to be a good friend. He could do that. Sam was right: Cas deserved kindness. 
He opened his mouth to say something encouraging, and never got out a word before Cas said, "Of late your brother seems to have developed a theory that I am interested in him romantically." He looked over at Dean. "Am I wrong, or was that the nature of your discussion with him a minute ago?"
"Uh," Dean said. He gripped the swing's chains and was gratified to have sensation again in the palms of his hands. 
"Well, I'm not. Interested in him romantically, that is." Cas drew an arc in the dirt with his heel. "I do greatly value Sam as a friend, of course."
"Oh," Dean said. "Sure." There were things he should be saying; he knew this. Not a single coherent sentence would arrange itself in his brain.
"And of course you didn't think I was romantically interested in Sam, did you?" Cas's tone was...peculiar. 
Dean looked over at him, at the guileless little smile on his mouth and the craftiness in his eyes. 
Comprehension bashed Dean in the chest like someone had turned a firehose on him full blast.
"No, of course I didn't think you were," he lied, lighting up at the sight of Cas's smile turning a little shy.
"Good," Cas said. "Sam is a truly good person, which you know."
"Yes," Dean said, nodding vigorously. 
"But I am already very fond of someone else. Who is also a truly good person," Cas concluded. He gazed at the sky, seeming to be at peace with this confession.
Dean prayed a quick prayer for his own sanity. "That's." He cleared his throat. "That's good to know. I bet. Um. Someone? Is very fond of you as well."
Cas's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink.
He and Dean sat rocking in their respective swings for a companionable few minutes. 
Dean had almost gathered up enough courage for another comment. 
Cas mused, "We should get a cat."
"Maybe we should go on at least one date first," Dean said, because suffering from brain-mouth disconnect was a lifelong affliction, apparently.
"We could do that too," Cas said.
Dean thought about what he wanted to say next. He settled on, "I'm so happy Sam is just as dumb as I am," because, god, he was.
"Yes," Cas said, looking at him with such resignation and such acute affection Dean stopped breathing for a second. "I thought you would be." 
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Quinzel brothers only in Gotham bio (redone);
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Name: Lucifer "Lu" Felix Quinzel. 
Age: 16 years old.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Gender: Cisgender male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Calling him by his first name instead of his nickname will get you slapped.
Commenting on his eyes will get you smacked.
Participating in 'Kick a ginger day' will get you kicked right back.
He hates his hair, eyes, and name.
He likes angry and sad music.
He is one of the many children of Harleen Quinzel and the joker. 
He is in the following clubs: The Global Villain Kid Support Club, Gymnastics Club, Martial Arts Club, Drama Club, Movie Club, Cards Club, and Comedy Club.
Liu likes building joke shop items and Jack in the boxes.
He is single for now.
He grew up with his grandparents until his youngest siblings—Jackie and Bryce—were born and his mother finally left his dad.
Harley fisted alot though and sent money for his, Emoji, and Joseph's care.
He did not know he had a twin that was being raised by Ivy until his mom left his dad.
He also didn't know that Lucy was his bio sister and not his bio cousin until then either.
After Harley left his dad, she moved him, Ace, Ivy, Ivy's kids, him, Emoji, and Joseph into the apartment building her uncle left her after his death.
Liu loves Hamilton the musical and stars.
He also always wears 3D glasses to cover up his mismatched eyes.
He has Heterochromia—which caused him to be born with one blue eye and one red eye.
He loves paint balloons and hates his name.
He and his family are Jewish.
He is terrible at chemistry but wonderful at psychology.
He resents his dad greatly.
He is also debating changing his name when he's 18.
Liu works at the movie theater and sometimes he takes up temporary jobs at passing by circuses.
He wants to be a dagger thrower at the circus when he grows up.
His superhero name is Karma.
He's allergic to anesthesia and corn.
His bestfriends are his twin brother, Ace, alongside Juke Jones (A Red Lantern) and Aster Cutter (Drawback).
His favorite classes are psychology and art.
His weapon of choice is throwing knives.
His family:
Frances Quinzel Sr. (Maternal Great Grandfather),
Phyllis Quinzel (Maternal Great Grandmother),
Nicholas Quinzel Sr. (Maternal Grandfather),
Sharon Quinzel (Maternal Grandmother),
Louis Quinzel (Maternal Great Uncle),
Alice Quinzel (Maternal Great Aunt by Marriage),
Harleen Quinzel (Biological Mother),
Delia Quinzel the 1st (Maternal Aunt),
Bartholomew Quinzel (Maternal Uncle),
Frances Quinzel Jr. (Maternal Uncle),
Ezekial Quinzel (Maternal Uncle),
Nickolas Quinzel Jr. (Maternal Cousin Via Barry),
Jennifer Quinzel (Maternal Cousin Via Barry),
Lila Valeska (Paternal Grandmother),
Zachary Trumble (Parental Great Uncle),
Paul Cicero (Paternal Grandfather),
Jeremiah Cicero Valeska (Paternal Uncle),
Joker/Jack Napier/ Jerome Valeska (Biological Father),
Bethany (Paternal Step-Mother),
Pamela Isley (Maternal Step-Mother),
Jeremiah Fleck (Older Paternal Half Brother),
Lonnie Machin (Older Paternal Half Brother),
Joker Quinzel Jr. (Full Older Brother),
Lucille Quinzel (Full Older Sister and Adoptive Maternal Cousin Via Delia),
Teresa Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Rose Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Thorn Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Hazel Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Ace Quinzel (Full Twin Brother),
Emoji Jeune Quinzel (Full Younger Brother),
Joseph King Quinzel (Full Younger Brother),
Sofia (Younger Paternal Step-Sister),
Benicio (Younger Paternal Step-Brother),
Jackie Napier (Full Younger Sister),
Bryce Napier (Full Younger Brother),
Ivan Isley (Maternal Younger Step-Brother),
Delia Dennis the 2nd (Daughter) ,
Deidre Dennis (Daughter),
Anthony Delfini (Godfather),
Calliope (Pet Monkey),
Rover (Pet Mutant Venus Fly Trap),
Budsie (Pet Hyena),
And Louie (Pet Hyena).
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Name: Emoji Jeune Quinzel.
Age: 15 years old.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Gender: Cisgender male.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Unlike his older brother, Lucifer, Emoji actually likes his name.
He gets along great with his siblings and is usually the mediator between them and sometimes their friends.
Skylar Kyle and Lee-Lee Willis are his best friends.
He loves smiley faces and they take up a good portion of his wardrobe.
He loves pulling pranks, playing cards, and riding his bike.
Emoji also has quite the sweet tooth.
Emoji decorates his clothes with paint and patches.
His best classes are art and music.
His weapon of choice is a mallet.
Emoji is also a fan of croquet, parkour, dancing, singing, cards, and board games.
He likes happy sounding and funny music.
His superhero alias is Happy.
He is less of a sourpuss compared to Lucifer and less temperamental than him too.
He also has almost no bloodlust at all.
He is friendly and hyperactive and a well-behaved, albeit horrible student due to his short attention span and lack of interest in school-related things.
He is in choir, drama club, band, the comedy club, the DND club, and the Global Villain Kid Support Club.
He wears a pair of smiley face sunglasses that Harley gave him when he was little.
He lives with his siblings and mom in the apartment building they live in.
He is single for now.
Emoji also hates their dad just as much as his siblings do but since he doesn't want his siblings to go to jail he keeps them from killing their father.
He has no allergies.
Emoji wants to be an art teacher when he grows up.
His family:
Great Grandpa Frances Quinzel Sr. (Maternal Great Grandfather),
Great Grandma Phyllis Quinzel (Maternal Great Grandmother),
Nicholas Quinzel Sr. (Maternal Grandfather),
Sharon Quinzel (Maternal Grandmother),
Louis Quinzel (Maternal Great Uncle),
Alice Quinzel (Maternal Great Aunt by Marriage),
Harleen Quinzel (Biological Mother),
Delia Quinzel the 1st (Maternal Aunt),
Bartholomew Quinzel (Maternal Uncle),
Frances Quinzel Jr. (Maternal Uncle),
Ezekial Quinzel (Maternal Uncle),
Nickolas Quinzel Jr. (Maternal Cousin Via Barry),
Jennifer Quinzel (Maternal Cousin Via Barry),
Lila Valeska (Paternal Grandmother),
Zachary Trumble (Parental Great Uncle),
Paul Cicero (Paternal Grandfather),
Jeremiah Cicero Valeska (Paternal Uncle),
Joker/Jack Napier/ Jerome Valeska (Biological Father),
Bethany (Paternal Step-Mother),
Pamela Isley (Maternal Step-Mother),
Jeremiah Napier (Older Paternal Half Brother),
Lonnie Machin (Older Paternal Half Brother),
Joker Quinzel Jr. (Full Older Brother),
Lucille Quinzel (Full Older Sister and Adoptive Maternal Cousin Via Delia),
Teresa Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Rose Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Thorn Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Hazel Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Ace Quinzel (Full Twin Brother),
Lucifer Felix Quinzel (Full Older Brother),
Joseph King Quinzel (Full Younger Brother),
Sofia (Younger Paternal Step-Sister),
Benicio (Younger Paternal Step-Brother),
Jackie Napier (Full Younger Sister),
Bryce Napier (Full Younger Brother),
Ivan Isley (Maternal Younger Step-Brother),
Delia Dennis the 2nd (Maternal Niece via Lucifer) ,
Deidre Dennis (Maternal Niece via Lucifer),
Anthony Delfini (Godfather),
Calliope (Pet Monkey),
Rover (Pet Mutant Venus Fly Trap),
Budsie (Pet Hyena),
And Louie (Pet Hyena).
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Name: Joseph King Quinzel.
Age: 14 years old.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Gender: Cisgender male.
Sexuality: Aroace (aromantic asexual).
Joseph also goes by Jo, Joey, Joey King, and Jo King.
His superhero alias is April Fools King, April fools for short.
April Fools is his and his brothers' favorite holiday.
Him, Emoji, and Liu all have ADHD.
He finds his name funny and takes great joy in introducing himself as 'Jo King' to people.
He took like prank shop items and clowns.
Joseph also wears purple and green 3D glasses.
His bestfriends are Linus Luthor, Lylod Snart, Eleanor Nygma, Ivan Isley, and Achilles Emerson.
He's playful with a temper and thinks he's funnier than Liu.
He also enjoys riling Liu up in several ways. Especially when it comes to his name.
He does well in school. Far better than his brothers.
He is a ball at parties.
Joseph is apart of the comedy club, the gymnastics club, the drama club, the dnd club, and the baseball team.
I he lijes pranking, acting, dancing, singing, playing games, playing with my pets, playing baseball, sleeping, parkour, go karting with his family and friends, and telling jokes.
He is allergic to fish.
His favorite colors are green and purple despite his hatred of his dad.
Joseph wants to be a pro baseball player when he grows up.
His family:
Great Grandpa Frances Quinzel Sr. (Maternal Great Grandfather),
Great Grandma Phyllis Quinzel (Maternal Great Grandmother),
Nicholas Quinzel Sr. (Maternal Grandfather),
Sharon Quinzel (Maternal Grandmother),
Louis Quinzel (Maternal Great Uncle),
Alice Quinzel (Maternal Great Aunt by Marriage),
Harleen Quinzel (Biological Mother),
Delia Quinzel the 1st (Maternal Aunt),
Bartholomew Quinzel (Maternal Uncle),
Frances Quinzel Jr. (Maternal Uncle),
Ezekial Quinzel (Maternal Uncle),
Nickolas Quinzel Jr. (Maternal Cousin Via Barry),
Jennifer Quinzel (Maternal Cousin Via Barry),
Lila Valeska (Paternal Grandmother),
Zachary Trumble (Parental Great Uncle),
Paul Cicero (Paternal Grandfather),
Jeremiah Cicero Valeska (Paternal Uncle),
Joker/Jack Napier/ Jerome Valeska (Biological Father),
Bethany (Paternal Step-Mother),
Pamela Isley (Maternal Step-Mother),
Jeremiah Napier (Older Paternal Half Brother),
Lonnie Machin (Older Paternal Half Brother),
Joker Quinzel Jr. (Full Older Brother),
Lucille Quinzel (Full Older Sister and Adoptive Maternal Cousin Via Delia),
Teresa Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Rose Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Thorn Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Hazel Isley (Maternal Older Step-Sister),
Ace Quinzel (Full Twin Brother),
Lucifer Felix Quinzel (Full Older Brother),
Emoji Jeune Quinzel (Full Older Brother),
Sofia (Younger Paternal Step-Sister),
Benicio (Younger Paternal Step-Brother),
Jackie Napier (Full Younger Sister),
Bryce Napier (Full Younger Brother),
Ivan Isley (Maternal Younger Step-Brother),
Delia Dennis the 2nd (Maternal Niece via Lucifer) ,
Deidre Dennis (Maternal Niece via Lucifer),
Anthony Delfini (Godfather),
Calliope (Pet Monkey),
Rover (Pet Mutant Venus Fly Trap),
Budsie (Pet Hyena),
And Louie (Pet Hyena).
This is a mix of Harley Quin and Joker medias.
Dc Rp friends; @gotham-is-fucking-weird @gothams-new-hero @christelgothamite @gotham-its-seven-in-the-morning @formerarkhampsychologist @gotham-bitch etc.
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urlocalpari · 3 years
finding jason.
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Request: Heyo! How about some hcs for a reader (they/them) who's half-brother is Jason? They were adopted as a baby and now they're looking for their bio family. Red Hood gets tipped off that someone's looking for Jason Todd and checks it out. How would he react?
a/n: LOOK, SOMEONE MENTIONED THE PRONOUNS!! fnreisu okay i’m over-exaggerating but the fact hardly anyone mentioned the pronouns is a little concerning and confusing,,, i hope this is what you wanted!
note: reader uses they/them pronouns
warning: the baby [aka me] learnt how to swear, now suffer canon bending and jason is a little ooc,,,
word count: 912 words
head canon | one shot | imagine
pairing: jason todd x platonic!reader
moved to @the-ink-of-roses
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you and jason were half-siblings, y’all had the same asshole of a father y’all grew up together
so the two of you were pretty much together all your life till you got adopted
some family from metropolis wanted you and only you, not jason
jason reassured you as told you he’d be okay, especially because he knew you’d be much happier out of gotham
he then lived on the streets, stole batman’s tires, got adopted, died, came back with a new and much better hairstyle and pants, yada yada yada
It’s probably at a time in life where jason doesn’t even remember of your existence
[harsh, i know]
but, like, it’s not like he doesn’t care per se, he just had a lot that kept his brain occupied
for example, red hood, pants [he has to remember that because of his childhood costume,,,], annoying tim, pissing bruce off, being a crime lord, cleaning his guns, wondering what roy is up to, if he can go to annoy roy, then proceeding to go to annoy him anyway
my point is, this guy has a lot on his mind
besides, he tried finding you as robin but he always came this close and then never being able to find you
after dying, he pushes it to the back of his huge brain
to rot.
[im kidding ffjreunsu]
[about the rotting bit, not the stuffing it in the back of his brain]
so when, one day, he finds an ad you post about searching for a ‘jason todd, the half brother’ he is shocked before it all comes back to him
its like that realisation, you can see it
yeah, you get it
he realises you exist and practically runs half way outside before realising he doesn’t know where you are
neither does he know if you know that he is bruce wayne’s child
because well, the news was there for a few months, it then faded away,,,
so, um, yay!
he contacts the number given on the advertisement, asks you to meet him at the cafe [because he, “knows where jason todd is”]
you’re not dumb, not in the slightest, so you take a gun with you
in your defence, this is gotham
imagine his surprise when he expects to see his baby sibling but instead sees you, a bad ass, walking into the cafe
you look so big
almost as you *gasp* aged
his baby sibling isn’t a baby anymore
he introduces himself as the jason todd and you’re like, “are you sure????”
and he’s like, “yes???????”
[he carries a dna test and the results and shit like that to prove his point and well, its him]
the first thing you do is comment on his white streak, calling him a “wanna-be emo”
he makes a face and calls teases you something
and it’s teasing back and forth
and then, if you changed your pronouns after you got adopted, you tell him that
he makes it a point not to deadname you or misgender you
and will beat up anyone who does
after a while, the two of you are inseparable, as always were
dick’s jealous at first, like who’s this person that my antisocial brother wants to spend time with rather than me???
after he meets you, much to jason’s dismay, he loves you
like, you’ve been adopted as a sibling by dick grayson and no you do not have a choice
jason is very reluctant to tell you about red hood but when he does, it’s actually you who finds out
and uh, you’re a scary person okay
but that’s over with now, and phew you can now meet the outlaws without him worrying about slip ups!
kori adopts you as her best friend because you’re so cool, man i wish i was as cool as you
jason now has to fight his friends and dick to spend time with you while tim sneaks you off to haVE SOME FUN
you two end up watching all the star wars movie and jason is mad cause yall didnt invite him to watch it
it’s at a point where everyone [bat fam + outlaws, no one else] knows about you but doesn’t question it? they are just used to seeing jason getting yelled at someone over the phone because he did something reckless
tim’s your secret agent, he and dick tell you every stupid thing jason does and you’re making a file to blackmail him
not that you will tell jason who it was, you’re no snitch
letting him crash at your place after patrols or whenever bruce was mad or whenever he wanted to
also teasing him about roy
a lot of teasing him about roy
“oooo, jason has a crusshhh”
“jason peter todd, tell me you don’t like your best friend and i will smack you”
“of course he agreed to go, its roy that was there as well”
all in all, you two are siblings of the year
but everyone wants you as a sibling so you’re now an honorary bat who scolds jason and helps alfred patch them up!
trust me, it’s not an easy job
but in the end, jason is your brother and you’re glad you found him again
fun indeed.
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taglist: tag list: @pleasestophoney @pricetagofficial @wonderlandifulcat @le-green-lion
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zabrak-show · 3 years
Back to School
The Greatest Love I've Ever Known series
Pairing: dad!maul x gn!reader
Summary: 2 nightbrother OC's Grim and Dire, reader and Maul's adopted children on Dathomir. It's the first day of school and Maul is nervous for his precious ones due to his past trauma with schooling as well as the history of Dathomir. Even though it is now peaceful between the brothers and sisters, he is apprehensive.
Based of this prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting
Warnings/Tags: domestic fluff, kid talk, possible ooc for maul given the nature of the fluff and softness here xD, school talk, not really proofread, and no beta reader
words: 869
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gif not by me: but is accurate representation of maul packing his kids' lunches
The first day of school. You hadn’t expected Maul to handle it with ease, but you also hadn’t expected him to be the ball of nerves that he was.
“How much food should we pack for them? I don’t want them to go hungry. What if someone steals their lunch? Maybe we should pack them each a back up lunch. And snacks. Do they have all the supplies they need? I went scavenging yesterday to get them more ingredients for potions. I don’t want them falling behind because I-”
You set your hand on his exposed forearm stuffing a lunch box so full of rancor meat it was almost bursting at the seams.
“Relax darling,” you cooed at him, easing his hands down to a relaxing position, “Brother Viscus is the headmaster, he won’t let anything bad happen to them.”
“Yes, but the sisters-” he started and you cut him off.
“The sisters will behave themselves. It’s all in the treaty that you helped write with them.”
“I know it, I just… the thought of them having to endure anything like myself or my brothers had to, it’s more than I can stand.” He growled out the last words, stuffing the overfull lunch bags into the kids’ backpacks. You knew all too well the treatment of Nightbrothers in the past, and even though Maul was not raised a Nightbrother, he’d had it no better.
“I understand, let’s just get them to school for their first day and take it from there.”
Grim and Dire held hands as you walked them both to school with your arms around your husband. The air was warm and humid, only to get warmer as the day grew long as was typical for Dathomir this time of year.
“I bet we get to ride a rancor on our first day!” Dire exclaimed, his soft yellow eyes bright with enthusiasm.
“Yeah right! You’re too little even if we could.” Grim jeered at his little brother.
“Not uh,” Grim unclasped his hand from Dire’s and flexed his arm muscles. “See, I bet my muscles are bigger than yours even.” Dire rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
You grinned at Maul, watching your boys bicker in a playful sense. He smiled back and you wondered if a moment could get more pure and blissful.
The path was worn and heavily treaded on through the years. It widened as you got closer and closer until at last the durasteel archway leading into the entrance of the school grounds.
“Alright, boys, we’re here. Let’s go talk to Brother Viscus and find out where your classes are.” You took Dire’s hand into your own as you spoke.
Maul grabbed Grim’s hand and you walked into the big brick building. It was just off the edge of the swamp lands with a lot of vegetation growing all around, and a small flat area cleared out for play and training. The building itself was 3 stories high with large windows. It had been a school for the Nightsisters originally. But now things were different on Dathomir. The nightbrothers and nightsisters coexisted in peace.
Brother Viscus greeted them from outside his office. The halls were bustling with students and parents roaming around, the sounds of everything from laughter to crying rang through the drafty halls.
“Grim and Dire!” Viscus smiled wide. He kneeled down to hug the brothers together, one in each arm.
“Hi grandpa,” they both squealed out in his arms.
“Alright boys, let’s see where your classes are.” He rose and pulled out a clipboard hanging on his door and rifled through some papers.
“Ok, Grim, you’re going to be on the third floor. Sister Ventress is your teacher. She’s tough, but fair, so be on your best behavior.”
“And let’s see here, Dire,” he tapped the pen to his mouth as he searched the directory. “Ah yes, that’s right, you’ll be with Mr. Ohnaka this year. He’s on the first floor here, all you have to do is go down the hall and turn left at the end.” He pointed with the pen in the direction of the hall.
A loud crash was heard from the other end of the hall along with some raised voices.
“I’d better go check what that is. You boys be good!” He closed the office door behind him and rushed off in the direction of the crash.
Maul squatted down to eye level with the brothers.
“Ok boys, it’s your first day. Do be good, but don’t follow orders if it hurts you or someone else. Let me know if anyone, teacher or student, is mean to you.” He looked past them both with a scowl as he thought about them in a bad situation. “They will be dealt with by me, if anyone harms a horn on your heads.”
“We’ll be good, daddy.” Dire leapt forward to hug Maul around the neck.
“Yeah, dad, it will be ok.” Grim looked around before also succumbing to the hug.
You knelt down to hug both of them too. “Ok, one of us will be here waiting for you when you get out of school to walk you home. We love you both so much”
a/n: honestly i debated not sharing this because it's a bit silly, but ahh well! i hope someone out there enjoys it. I also am working on a sketch of the brothers and if i can get it to look somewhat decent I'll post that too xD
reblogs and comments super appreciated!
dad maul taglist: (message me to be added or removed)
@savagesbonergarage @always-on-tatooine @cobb--vanth @dinsbeskar @thundershield @subbing-for-clones @andreamaul @lestrange2703 @mock-ing-bird_ing_bird @notvalidblogname @maulieber @botherbother-blog @emissarydecksetter @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @a-dorin @spookiifi
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sunaswife · 4 years
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A Suna Rintraou Series
Sequel to Your Everything
Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
A/N: I just had to start writing lmao I can’t stop
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter one: Kageyama Y/N 🤍
Your alarm rang and you rubbed your eyes. You sat up and turned off the alarm from your phone and you stretched causing your whole body to crack.
You put on your glasses and made your way out of your bedroom. You walked to the kitchen to put the kettle on and you got everything ready to make your tea and breakfast. You hummed quietly as you cooked the eggs and toasted some waffles.
“Mommy?” You heard a small voice and you turned to the doorway to see your little girl holding a fox plush. She was rubbing her eyes and her hair was a mess. “Yes baby?” You asked and she hugged your leg. “Can we go to the aquarium soon?” She asked and you chuckled. “Of course.” You said and lifted her in your arms. “We finished that book on marine biology, it’s crazy right?” You asked and she nodded. “The ocean is so big. I want to go to Hawaii one day and dive!” She exclaimed and you smiled. “Well with my new job maybe that can happen soon.” You told her and her eyes twinkled. “Can you wake up your nii-chan please and tell him breakfast is ready?” You asked and she nodded. “Good girl.” You smiled and kissed her forehead. She held your face and kissed your cheek and when you set her down she made her way down the hall to the room she shared with her brother. “Nii-chan breakfast is ready.” She said softly and tried to shake him but he didn’t budge. “Nii-chan mommy made waffles! Come on wake up before she gets mad!” She shook him again but he scooted farther away.
She pouted and she heard your footsteps, she looked at the door to see you leaning against the wall. “Suna Rini, breakfast is ready.” You said sweetly but they knew they were dead if you said their full names. “I’m up mommy I was just playing dead with Akira!” He immediately shot up and you tried not to laugh. You walked to the small bed and you patted his head then pinched his cheek. “Don’t lie to mommy next time please. You know how I feel about that. Breakfast is ready. I made waffles.” You said and kissed his cheek. He kissed back and jumped off the bed.
“OH YEAH WAFFLES! WOOP WOOP!” He yelled and Akira rolled her eyes. “How is he the oldest?” She asked and you shrugged. “He came out first.” You told her and she made her way out the door behind her older brother and you smiled. Today was a good day. It was your first day being a sports commentator for a professional game. You were one during nationals for middle school and high school teams and before you became a commentator you were a referee but you never quit your love for volleyball so you climbed up the ranks. You applied to be a commentator for professional games and to just your luck a man was retiring so you managed to take his spot.
You quickly made your kids bed while they probably started eating and you looked to see the shrine your kids had. Well I mean it’s more like a wall dedicated to their favorite volleyball players. They all happened to be ridiculously handsome and one of them was Miya Atsumu.
Akira is his biggest fan.
There was also their uncle, Tobio. And Ushijima who’s in Tobio’s team. As well as Bokuto who was in Atsumu’s team. Your son adopted a lot of habits the gray haired spiker does and you don’t know if your thankful or annoyed because of that.
Even though Tobio is in Schweiden Alders when they found out he was going against MSBY they dropped him like he never existed. They were dedicated to the black jackals.
Soon enough a waddling Jamie came over with her pregnant belly and she began doing your makeup. You tried to protest the week before but she shushed you and said that you needed to look good for the cameras and in order to catch some volleyball ass.
You reminded her you weren’t looking for a relationship and she’d always lecture you about.
“You’re hot, patient, funny, you’re a package deal!” She would remind you over and over but you weren’t interested in just any volleyball player.
Only one.
He actually made it pro and he looks even more handsome, more fit, and happier.
He wasn’t that quiet and deadpanned boy you fell in love with.
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“Excuse me Kuroo-San, I have a few things I kind of wanna go over...” you said after the meeting was dismissed. “Of course what can I do for you, Kageyama?” He smiled and you blushed.
He’s so nice and so handsome.
You cleared your throat and made you way out with him next to you. You needed to do a mic check in the gym. You started asking him a few questions regarding the match and he answered them to the best of his ability. You joked here and there as you made your way through the hallway passing the locker rooms in order to reach the court.
“So, Kageyama..um would you like to get dinner with me sometime?”
You heard a few voices and your children’s laughter. “Dinner? As in like a date?” You asked and he nodded. “I don’t know Kuroo—the thing is is that I’m a single—“ “MOMMY!” Your kids yelled and you were immediately tackled. Kuroo stepped back a bit flabbergasted. You’re a mom? And so young? You’re only a year younger than him.
But yet again everyone thought that.
You gasped loudly and immediately started hugging and kissing your children. You hate being away from them for so long. You kissed their cheeks leaving a stain of your lipstick on there and Rini started whining. “Mom!! You can’t just kiss me like that. Now my face is ruined.” He started rubbing his cheek and you rolled your eyes.
“Have you guys been giving Jamie any trouble?” You asked and they both shook their head and looked at you innocently. You put them down and they ran to Tobio, you’ll talk to him in a bit. What a coincidence that your first match is Tobio’s team against your student Hinata.
“Sorry bout that..they really wanted to see Tobio.” Jamie waddled over and you sighed. “It’s fine I just don’t want you stressing out. If it’s too much to handle them then I’ll get a nanny or something.” You told her and she shook her head. “No it’s fine they’re just so energetic.” She chuckled and you nodded. You honestly weren’t paying attention to who else was in the hall. “I just don’t want you to have to give birth to another stillborn.” You whispered as you gave her a hug and she nodded. “I know I know.”
“Y/N-chan is that you? Since when did you and Jamie get so close! You hated eachother in highschool!” You heard that annoying voice and your stomach dropped. You pulled away and finally looked at the blonde setter. He looked more mature and more fit as well which made sense being pro and everything. “Miya. My name is Kageyama.” You glared at him and his eyes widened. “Are you guys—are you guys together?” He asked and looked down at your hands. Jamie had her beautiful wedding ring plated on her left hand and you had you small diamond ring on your right.
“Jesus Miya, you honestly don’t know which finger the ring is on to indicate someone is married or not?” You raised a brow. “She’s married, I’m not.” You said.
“What about your kids?” He asked and you sucked in a breath.
“I’m a single mom.”
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A/N: I’m so excited hehehe I changed this up compared to the teaser/spoiler and I put it in Y/N’s POV
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki
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