#this could be any pairing/ship you want or totally platonic
vladdyissues · 2 days
your blig, your fic, your takes on pompous pep are just *chef kiss*. I was never into the pairing but reading your takes on it, well, they all make sense. Vlad's desire to be desired and lived amd seen as a first choice, just wow! Daniel's need to be of service,his acts of service but it stemming from neglect. Like seriously he and Vlad were neglected by the people they care for. Whew! I just want these two to have that tender love and affection for each other 🥹
Same, anon, same ಥ﹏ಥ
I'm probably not adding any new insights to this venerable ship, but I'm so happy you found this blog and decided to hop aboard the SS Pompep. There's so much about these two that the show writers either a) hinted at but neglected to explore, or b) didn't elaborate enough to satisfy the fans' needs. The romantic angle appeals to me especially 'cause I'm a sucker for that enemies-to-lovers trope, but I love Vlad and Danny's relationship even if it's totally platonic. I mean, Pompous Pep or Badger Cereal, it's all good and I want more of it ლ(ಥ益ಥლ)
I guess we should all be thankful that the show gave us such a great premise with so much potential and yet left enough gaps that we could fill them with our fanfiction and fanart
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👆 (Vlad's doing his part)
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toska-writes · 1 year
helloo! i love your writing so much and i wonder would you like to write commander cody with padawan reader, it's after order 66. and as we know in bad batch s2 he's gone to AWOL right? so what if he go to other planets anywhere and meet reader again (let's pretend he already removed his chip lol) imagine how he feels guilt meeting his little padawan after trying to kill her and her master (obi-wan) and how the reader react meeting him again especially looking at her cody sun armor become gray like shadow unlike him.
(sorry if my english kinda messed up, and have a great day!! <3)
Wow, just wow
Summary: after order 66 Cody jumps at only the chance to get at least one person from his old life back- no matter the cost
Paring: Cody x GN padawan Reader (it’s platonic!)
Warning: hurt/comfort nightmares ptsd let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 1822
Notes: I’m very proud of this one and I hope you enjoy! It’s also not proofread because I need some sleep
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Cody’s head hurt again.
But it wasn’t like last time, he was in control now and always will be.
“How are you feeling Kotes?” Rex came around the tables and laid a hand on Cody’s shoulder.
To be honest Cody wasn’t sure what he was feeling, if anything. Nausea sat in the pit of his stomach but he feared that it wasn’t just from the procedure he went through.
A hand reached up to the side of his head, the fresh bandage felt course under his hand- the all to familiar feeling of before.
“I’m fine.” Cody’s voice was raspy and burned his throat- Rex picked up on this and quickly went to get him a drink of water.
There he sat alone.
He was alone for a while now, but nothing like this. If you went back a few week you would see the small spark of hope illuminating in his eyes.
Cody wasn’t sure of a lot of things since the war ended but maybe it was the illusion of hope that he and Crosshair could escape together.
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
Then Cody went AWOL. Finally it seemed that he got his mind right- the headaches and the dreams that plagued him however said otherwise.
Rex walked back in. Cody’s eyes were clouded in thought as he sat unmoving on the table.
Placing a ginger hand on his knee Rex has never seen is brother in such a state. But the way he felt in this moment- finally getting his free will totally returned to him was something he would never forget.
“Hey Kotes,” Rex helped him to his feet and lend him out into the halls. “We found something you might need to take a look at.”
Cody almost instantly snapped back to attention as the pair of brothers made their way back to the ship they arrived on.
“A few radars picked up on some chatter from the bounty hunters guild.” Rex returned to the Captain Cody knows and loves, things were going back to how they use to be.
“Why would your crew have any interest in the guilds?” Cody questioned, a little slow to connect the dots. “Your fighting an empire here.”
Rex stared at him for a moment, his try at a sarcastic tone clearly flew over Rex’s head.
It was one of the only times Cody has ever seen Rex so unsure about what he was about to say. “We picked up Y/N’s location. The bounty for Jedi are unbelievably high and I’m worried if one of us doesn’t get there in time it might go sour.”
Cody froze in his seat, the end of Rex’s sentence seemed to go blurry. The moment replayed every hour of the day, awake or asleep. He memorized the moment when he watched Obi-wan fall from that terrible hight.
He remembered the look you gave him as he turned to you, your lightsaber coming up in your shaky hands staring at him.
“Cody what’s going on?”
“I- they made it?” Cody looked at Rex, the dark thought that he was playing a terrible joke on him.
Rex only nodded his confirmation. Waiting for Cody to see just want he would do.
You wouldn’t want to see him. Cody didn’t even want to see himself. The terrors he’s created would never wash off no matter how hard he scrubbed.
The armor that surrounded him all his life was striped away, just like everything he has ever known. His sunshine was stripped away as well.
Taking a shaky breath in Cody whispered. “Take me to them.”
Your head hurt again.
It was just like the last time, the moment you realized nobody was on your side anymore.
The purge left you stranded by yourself, unsure of what to do you fled as far as you could.
The outer rim served its purpose for now but the empire was expanding, and the hunters became bolder with their search.
Against your better judgment you tried to reach Ahsoka, Hunter even but it was no use.
Maybe now you were by yourself. Cutoff.
You sat up straight in your makeshift bed. The sheets bawled into your fist as your chest heaved and sweet ran down your back.
You weren’t safe even in your own mind.
You watched him fall. The scream you let out as you lost him over the edge. Everyone around you went off.
Cody. Your Cody turned to you next- all around you heard the all too familiar sound of blasters raising. Cody aimed for you as you brought your weapon up, the thought of hurting any of them never crossed your mind before.
“Cody.” You had tried. “Cody what’s going on?”
The blaster that was shot at you was the moment you woke this time. Other times you weren’t as lucky to be spared with the memory.
The sky was masked with the darkness of the night, your clock told you at you barely sleep 2 hours since you tried to go to sleep.
You gathered yourself as practically dragged yourself to the only window in your “home”
This wasn’t home. Nothing would come close to what the word use to mean to you, but it was soemthing keeping you mildly safe.
The sky above never really changed, it was the only constant you found after the end of the war. The only thing you could depend on that would never harm you.
Your head buzzed again, for a split second you turned to your hidden saber, the weapon you couldn’t pick up since you arrived on this rock. The crystal within buzzed constantly in your ear, begging to be picked up once again.
It use to be a background noise that grounded you, but things have changed.
You stared into the darkness for a moment, the lightsaber wasn’t it. Turning your attention back to the outside world the familiar feeling felt crooked in your chest.
It wasn’t really right, but it was something you recognized none the less.
A cloak that you threw around yourself countless times before made its way to your shoulders- masking you from others and you left closing your door silently behind you.
For a moment you thought maybe, just maybe it was your master heat to tell you everything would be ok, to help you just as he had countless times before.
But you couldn’t think like that, like you use too. Hope burned within you as you followed the force you tried desperately to get rid of.
Cody tried the comm channel he used countless times before, he could practically put it in with his eyes closed.
But of course no answer.
He did try once before- the first night he ran from the empire, alone in the back of a transport ship he tried to reach the Jedi he grew fond of.
It was one of the only instants the commanders eyes watered slightly and his nose ran.
Rex was waiting near by with the ship as he walked the streets of this planet alone. His armor was covered with a poncho Rex lent him and frankly it was the best he could do.
He hoped that you weren’t here, the disgusting streets and inhabitants made him sick. But what if this was better than see him again?
Cody shook that last thought. His hand shook slightly at his side which was a nervous habit he picked up a long time ago.
His eyes scanned the dark scenery for any sign that you might have been here, a sign Cody hoped nobody else could pick up on.
On instinct he turned down an alley to his left, this was definitely not the place to be at this time.
His eyes squinted trying to pin point a figure towards the end. This was the only time he wished for his helmet that didn’t seem his own.
Something ate at the inside of him again. His breath was sparse wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. If his mind was no longer his own.
The figure took a few steps from the shadows that engulfed them. The moon illuminated someone that haunted every minute of his life.
You held a blaster out in front of you, but this time you didn’t shake.
Cody didn’t dare take another step. His eyes were firmly planted on the ground as he kneeled down dropping his blaster in front of him.
He could only nod, afraid that his voice would highlight just how vulnerable he felt in this very moment.
But he had to say something, he couldn’t leave you again.
“I’m- I’m so sorry kid.” His voice broke through his words. This uncertain feeling engulfed him like a flame showing no mercy. “Sorry, I’m sorry.”
You stared at him for a moment. Taking in the sight- clearly things were different. The sunshine was stripped from him. His eyes, though they tried to avoid you, seemed hollow.
You thought of two things in this moment.
You wanted to run, run from someone that could hurt you all over again, someone that you weren’t even sure you could trust.
You could try to hang onto one of the only things that you so desperately needed. You needed someone.
The blaster clanked to the ground as you walked to Cody. Your guard was up but the tears betrayed what you were really hoping for.
You hoped that Cody was himself again.
Cody looked up, your familiar eyes caught his own. The tears that he dried so many times fell across your cheeks, and he only wished to dry them one more time.
“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say, his mind left him and he could only mutter the only words that went through his head, as if they could make everything better.
You kneeled down with him. For a second Cody thought this might be a dream of his own and this was the moment that he would loose you once again.
But you stayed.
Quickly you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him flushed against you.
Cody wasted no time crushing you into him. You cling to him as he continued to whisper small apologies into your hair.
Through the muffled sniffles you voiced. “I liked your other armor kot’ika.”
For the first time in a while Cody found himself giving an actual laugh.
He nodded as he griped you even tighter as if he was afraid that if he let go you would leave.
“I think I could use some help painting it again.” He spoke a little louder. The emotions still sounded in his voice.
It was your turn to nod into his chest. For the first time in a while You found yourself crying tears of relief that finally someone was here for you again.
This time you weren’t going to let him go again.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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I'm aroacespec (and honestly confused about where I fall on that spectrum, but I do know I'm sex/romance favorable) and tbh my relationship with shipping is weird.
There are some ships I look at and I'm like "how can you see this as anything but romantic" and there are other ships where I'm like "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" and it's almost always the total opposite of what the fandom majority's view is. For example, my Sonic "how can you see this as anything but romantic" ship is Espilver, and my "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" ship is Silvaze.
I will say that something I've noticed is there tends to be a double-standard with allo people (specifically cishet people) when it comes to ships. You get a ton of "why can't they just be friends" with slash and femslash ships, but then those same people will ship a het pairing that look at each other in a single frame. I don't know if it's something that's more obvious to me because I'm gay myself (or even if it's more obvious because I'm aroacespec specifically), but it's weird to me. I choose to look at it this way: if this was a het ship with the same character dynamic, would people still say "why can't they just be friends?"
That's not to say aroace people are in the wrong for looking at a pairing and saying "can't they just be friends? Why do we have to ship them?" but with a lot of cishet people specifically, it feels like there's a lot of people perpetuating a borderline homophobic double-standard. I get it when it's something like Scott and Jay from Ninjago, but so many masc characters' dynamics are canonically given homoerotic or even just romantic undertones (a good example of this being, in my opinion, Sonadow; there's not an almost 3 and a half hour long Sonadow iceberg video on YouTube for no reason. As far as I'm aware it's the longest Sonic-related iceberg video on YouTube that covers exclusively official content) which is why people tend to gravitate towards those ships. I could do an entire analysis on why gay ships tend to have bigger followings than het ships but if I did this would get too long lmao. I will once again point to the Sonadow iceberg video though.
I generally use shipping to explore my own relationship with my aroace-ness, and usually I do that using characters I either headcanon as aroace in some way or who are canonically aroace, because I can relate to those experiences. It's kinda weird to me to see other aroace people acting like doing that is bad or wrong, because usually that's what people are doing, and even if that's not what's going on, fanfiction doesn't affect canon.
There is no right or wrong way to participate in fandom (unless you're harassing people and/or actively putting people in danger), no matter what you identify as.
Basically: People should be allowed to do what they want, if something bothers you that bad there's nothing wrong with blocking a person or tag.
(I might've gotten off subject a few times, sorry lol)
Okay, that thing about blocking tags inspired me to look through my blocked tags to see what ships I've blocked and here's my petty aroace thoughts on all of them without naming names lmao
Fanon het ship. They've never given any indication that they know of each other's existence. Her girlfriend is right there.
Canon het ship. Had the chemistry of two wet paper bags. Literally just shoehorned in there because god forbid any story exist without a romance subplot.
Semi-canon het ship. I'm mostly neutral about them. Just unnecessary.
Fanon mlm ship. Literally brothers?? I don't care that one of them is adopted, they grew up together?? As brothers??
Fanon het ship. I don't care what you call their relationship. You can call it professional, platonic, familial, just please don't call it romantic.
Semi-canon het ship. Again, completely unnecessary. God forbid a man convince a woman to become a villain without there being ~attraction~
Fanon het ship. She is 14?? And he is like 30??
Semi-semi-canon het ship. He did have a crush on her when he was, like, 14 but he's a grown adult now and she's the most lesbian-looking woman to ever exist and they're the most found family siblings to ever find a family
Fanon mlm ship. I personally see them more as brothers. But whatever floats your boat.
Semi-canon het ship. Just really shoehorned. I don't like the woman very much. I liked her more when she was allowed to be a badass without being a ~flirty badass~
Fanon mlm ship. Again. Adopted brothers. Gross.
Canon het ship. I've seen many things from this director. He's a creative man. He couldn't think of a way to move the plot forward without a smooch?? He couldn't create a series that didn't have an unnecessary love triangle??
Semi-canon het ship. The man isn't coming back for S2 and boy folly gee am I glad
Fanon het ship. Not my cup of tea. Just let them be friends
good lord I have a lot more ship tags blocked than I thought
anyway, this is your daily reminder to just block stuff you don't want to see and move on
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fallenrain40 · 3 months
AVM RELATIONSHIP HEADCANON TIME these are literally all just based on random feelings I get from them. TSC and Red: so I imagine Red and TSC are both aroace and don't do relationships, but they both care very strongly for their friends. Blue and Yellow: they are just together. they are gay. I love them both sm. yes its cause of those captions in that one video saying "I ship it". but also like they just work SO WELL TOGETHER whenever they are paired up they get along really well and don't really have any problems, like they both naturally understand each other and communicate rlly well. It just makes me very happy. And also just the way Yellow takes Blue's hand in that one ep and just HHNNGG I love it sm. I actually don't think they've ever fought like in the sense where they were mad at each other- and I definitely wouldn't want to see them to. Although I CAN also see them as friends, they'd be like. Very affectionate and super close friends if so. I also imagine these two are probably like... the two least likely to start a fight with someone. Green and Purple: I love these two so much, maybe even more than Yellow and Blue. Green is definitely the closest to Purple out of the gang, but I'm not sure whether I see them as platonic or romantic though. Like they could totally be either and I'd be 100% cool with it. I like to see them as QPRs. It makes me very happy seeing lots of people ship them cause even if theirs isn't a QPR, it still works as one. They both adore music. Green loves drama and sad backstories and Purple has THE sad backstory of all time so imo they get along very well. Like I just imagine Purple probably feels like nobody would like them cause of everything that's happened, they feel broken and then Green just comes along and is like. Hey. You are so cool. And Purple is liek "what omg they like me even tho im a mess???" n is probably very happy about that. And I bet Green loves the attention from Purple too. That new short with Green and Purple is everything to me. He's tryin to impress them rahh. I also imagine Purple being aroacespec? They are also both gay bc I say so. (also getting sidetracked here but King Orange/Mango is also aroace to me hehe.) I wanted to write more like how I think red is the second closest (/platonic) to purple after green and how I could see green being QPRs with other characters as well (namely red and blue) but omg my laptop's on 7% and i havent eaten in like 8 hours so yeah. I will add onto this later.
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the-bar-sinister · 5 months
Yesterday I talked a lot about the gay subtext in Ace Attorney– it exists, and there's lots of it.
Today, I'm going to talk about the het subtext in Ace Attorney– it exists, and there's lots of it.
Honestly, I could probably end the post there, because that's my whole point.
But I'll elaborate.
I'll elaborate because the Ace Attorney fandom is pretty unique in that a large section of the fandom acknowledges the subtle gay subtext in Ace Attorney, while at the same time absolutely refusing to acknowledge that the blindingly obvious het subtext exists at all, and pretending strongly that it does not.
Headcanons are one thing, but even as slash shippers, we can't actually engage with the text in good faith without accepting that the dominant cultural perspective– the perspective that the narrative assumes and is written with the intention of catering to–  is straight.
An adult, straight, culturally normative audience is who the Ace Attorney is primarily directed at and written by.
Yes, there is deliberate gay subtext in the series. But it's written with the understanding that a queer reading of the text will not be the dominant/majority reading.
The dominant/majority reading of the text, and to a large degree its intention, is a straight one.
We need to accept that, as I said in my post about the gay subtext in the series: 
"Phoenix Wright and Athena Cykes both have obvious subtextually heteronormative romantic partners. To an adult, straight, culturally normative audience, Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey read normatively as an obvious romantic pairing. This is also the case for Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill. In Great Ace Attorney the same can be said for Ryuunosuke and Susato.
I repeat– to an adult, straight culturally normative audience, the romantic subtext between these characters is clear. If you showed these games to an American movie going public, that would be the obvious read by the audience."
To a culturally normative, adult, straight audience the relationships between Maya and Phoenix and Athena and Simon aren't seen as problematic. They are in fact viewed as the obvious pairing. Male/female age gaps with an older male and a younger female are very often romanticized in heterosexual society, and they are, frankly, romanticized in the text of Ace Attorney, with both Phoenix and Simon being protective toward Maya and Athena.
This is not saying that you have to accept these pairings as canon, or you have to like them. You don't have to at all. You're totally free to reject them and ship other pairings.
The Ace Attorney games are in fact written deliberately without any romantic confirmation so an audience is able to project whatever relationships that they want onto the cast.
But it is not written without romantic subtext. 
A culturally normative audience just naturally assumes that Phoenix and Maya are meant to be together. If you showed the story to an American movie-going public, that would be the obvious, default assumption.
Having gay ships is not the issue here, there's as much subtextual evidence for them as there is for the het ships.
The point is that there is just as much subtextual evidence for het ships.
The issue is that people need to accept that the het subtext is real, and stop pretending that the people who see it are somehow wrong, misguided or outright predatory.
You can't read romantic intentions between Miles and Phoenix's behavior while insisting that the same type of interaction between Athena and Simon is meant to be 100% platonic, or even deliberately sibling-like.
You can't look at official artwork of the characters--such as Maya and Phoenix-- framed in obviously deliberately romantic ways and demand to know what the artwork means. It's meant to be shippy.
You don't have to like het pairings. You don't have to ship het pairings. But you have to admit that het pairings have just as much, if not more, deliberate canon romantic subtext as the gay pairings.
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anulithots · 6 months
So I found this on bird app :
"i only like ge/go when it’s doomed and they have no longterm future
same with go/ge. they’re about the same to me but i think gojo bottomed more and was a total pillow princess about it in their teens. as adults they probably switched equally. i can see gojo developing his experience more with topping as an adult
either way they’re better as exes. gojo deserves more from a partner than someone who would leave him to start a cult "
Can I ask your thoughts, please?
………… I don't ship them sexually. Because I'm not comfortable with it.
(I have aroace spectrum satosugu headcannons I'm quite fond of. So basically I ship them queer platonically and semi-romantically and flip flop between the two.)
Sorry about that!
But in terms of are they better off being okay with being apart, or if they should stay together regardless…
Complex answer. Depends on the context really.
They loved each other a lot. And I disagree with 'Gojo deserves a better partner than someone who left him to start a cult'. Like… he does but also… that's not the entirety of the situation?
If Geto loved Gojo, why didn't he try to recruit him? by @ellionwrites
How much Geto canonically loved Gojo by @ellionwrites
These two analysis's explain it very well. Also there's a fanfic called Carry me home that is just 100/10. Character analysis interwoven and it perfectly explains this part of Geto's motivations.
Geto COULD NOT go on for much longer without coming to a breaking point. His cursed teqnique requires him to go through painful experiences over and over and over again. The very coping mechanism he prided himself on ('I do this to protect non-sorcerers') has fallen to pieces and Gojo isn't there (for his own reasons). He's grappling with his entire sense of self and it's been repeating in his head for A YEAR.
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And Geto did not want to confront Gojo during the whole 'kfc breakup scene'. (Again, analysis above explains it really well.)
Shoko called him there. For good reason. I don't think either Shoko or Gojo had a good idea of just how bad it was getting because Geto (a) didn't tell anyone (b) Gojo was doing 'okay' (he wasn't) and (c) Geto's strong in morals and in resolve. He'll be okay.
(Gojo especially believes this. Strong sorcerers stay safe. Especially Geto. I have… a lot of posts talking about how Gojo depends on Geto to be around him when interacting and just… existing in general.
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Gojo gets so fixated on being stronger so he wouldn't make the same mistakes like with Riko. He isolates himself to do so. ~~~ Backstory ~~ explains this.
The Gojo clan isolated Gojo, told him he's the strongest, and gave him rules and responsibilities for that - along with safety and confidence. So - in Gojo's mind - the only way to get stronger is to double down on these things. More responsibility. More isolation. He'll be able to take care of things once he gets stronger. )
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Geto's ideal was fixing the world - partially for Gojo as the strongest, partially for himself because he was struggling and didn't have any foothold.
And… listen… sometimes you have to take priority over your partner. I don't think the way Geto went about it was right, by any means, but… at least he did something, he had to.
At the end of the day, the system is to blame. It's the system that drove them both to this and it's the system that let it perpetuate.
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But let's say they met right before JJK0-ish and decided to forget the world for a little while and escape from it all together.
It would be… strained to say the least.
Because they are canonically soulmates. A pair. Do not separate. But they have and it's been going on for ten years despite the fact that they both very much still love each other.
Gojo just couldn't leave the society that gave him meaning (other reasons too), Geto couldn't leave the thing that gave him meaning.
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Does that indicate that they do not love each other/shouldn't be together because they both value their respective ideologies? No.
(We're going to ignore Geto's whole 'kill the monkeys' thing for a second and pretend like it's just an opposing idealogology for the sake of the argument <3)
The circumstances, their respective coping mechanisms, and the system, very much the system, makes it so they went their separate ways. Just because their ideals got caught up in this thing and they went for their own paths does not mean they don't love each other and wouldn't jump at the chance to have a 'perfect world' with the other in it.
(the sunset scene, Geto's death scene… need I say more?)
If the society decided that "… maybbeee we shouldn't put all this traumatic pressure on children and say that the only answer is isolation and acceptance and instead give them the help and support they need" then Geto and Gojo would've stayed together.
But it wouldn't have been JJK then, would it? Without the friendship that haunts the narrative?
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Sorry if I'm rambling, what I'm trying to say is - it's complicated. The story itself drove them apart and canonically they never got back together while mourning their separation the entire time.
And Gojo never moved on, never let go. If you wanted to - and this is something I played around with in my head - and if JJK miraculously got rewritten as a slice-of-life post hidden inventory, then part of GOjo's arc could be about letting go of Geto, as painful as that may be.
But honestly? Comfort people are hard to find. Geto and Gojo were specifically created to be a pair. Gojo was so detatched from the world that Geto tethered him to it. After Geto left, Gojo went on to be a teacher and do what the Suguru he remembers would've wanted him to do, and he 'doesn't feel lonely anymore'…
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Gojo loves his students dearly, but he can't ask his students to understand him. And more than anything, Gojo wants to be understood and loved for it. The only one who fit that criteria was Geto.
(Gojo's whole sentiment about 'not as a human, but as a living creature' is Gojo saying that he (a) didn't feel human without Geto there (b) didn't let himself feel human and instead made himself a tool, gave himself the role of the strongest.
Because otherwise Riko happens all over again.
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ANNNDDD I'm going off on a ramble.
Last point!
Narratively, should Gojo and Geto be a tradegy, where they never get back together? (AKA, as it is in cannon)
Yes. That is a huge part of their characters, along with being a huge draw to JJK in general. There's something about the separation exemplifying how much SatoSugu loved each other that gives it nuance and the possibility for lots of fix it fics.
So I can understand why the bird poster thought that SatoSugu works a lot as a tragedy, it does. But if SatoSugu had a well-written redemption arc, that would also be extremely compelling I think.
But alas, this is JJK we're talking about.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun to ramble about at 2am.
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japeneselunchtimerush · 8 months
Akashi for the ship tier list please, because i'm very predictable
I knew I could count on you to give me want I want(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Ok Im not going to give a long explanation about each ship. But I totally am going to give an explanation about most of them.
Senpai♡♡♡: My top 1(they share a position) ships with Akashi, his first captain(and love) and his shadow. I could go on a rant about why they both make such good pairs but then this post would exceed 100,000 words. Ill just conclude by saying that they are top tier(literally)
SS+: MidoAka & TakaAka(they are a package deal) are absolutely adorable. I live both of them Individually but I prefer TakaAka along witb Mido(because MidoTakaAka is superior)
MibuAka: Ive already explained my thoughts on these two about a 100 times so ill just summarize. Both of them love each other so much it doesnt even matter whether its romantic or platonic. Reo just cares about Akashi so much and Akashi views Reo as someone so special to him its just a very good ship.
NashAka: Nash has a crush on Akashi. Enough said.
AoAka: Also have spoken about them quite a bit. Their friendship is so sweet and they have so much trust and faith in each other. They think so highly of eachother. Plus that dialogue in the kuroko's birthday ova was very cute.
KiAka: Very cute and fluffy pairing. Akashi saw Kise's potential from the beginning and encourage him to grow. Kise would definitely include akashi in a bunch of them and make him happy.
SS: This post is getting very long and I want to talk more about the other tiers so ill just include all of them here. All of these ships are very cute and Akashi would benefit a lot from these relationships. The friendships alone are great and the characters themselves are some of Akashi's greatest friends. Riko and Akashi would be a spectacular duo and im not elaborating any further.
I read one fic about these and I see the vision: I read a HanaAka fic(Beyond the waiting room and its sequel by sweet rosei) and I absolutely adored it. It does not only have the ship but it also talks about akashi's mental health, the selectivism about violence and Hanamiya's violence as well. Overall great fic 10/10 would recommend. Im definitely more open to this ship because of it.
OgiAka is a very special ship. I imagine that after the winter cup the GoM apologise to Ogiwara for the 111-11 match and afterwards Ogiwara asks akashi whether he likes basketball and this time Akashi says yes and I think it would be a very cute moment between the two.
Brothers: I know that AkaAka is a ship(pretty weird if you ask me) but I really cant see them as anything other than brothers. They love and care for each other more than anything. Bokushi was created to protect Oreshi and would do anything for him. One of my favorite things about them is thr character song "Return" when Akashi says " Now along with my other self" or something along those lines and its just so sweet that Oreshi is bringing his little brother with him on his healing journey.
Polyam: NijiHaiAka and MuraHimuAka that is all
Respect it but no thanks: Ive already explained my thoughts on AkaFuri before. All I will say is that I prefer their friendship more than their romantic relationship. Mostly because the fandom ruined it for me.
Soulbonded: Akashi and Kuroko's relationship cannot be justified with a word as simple as romance. Their bond is so deep it goes deeper than the mariana trench.
This still ended up being long as hell. Oh well
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optiwashere · 7 months
for the prompts, B-8. hit us with the good shit, boss
I'm just gonna make this one Asheera/Shadowheart since you didn't specify a pairing! Thanks for sending this one in 💜
You can send a prompt from this list + a ship or platonic pair, and I'll write a ficlet!
B8. Non-sexual assisted bathing due to injuries/sickness (feat. my personal annoyances with healing magic being a cure-all)
"If you try to do this yourself one more time," said Shadowheart, annoyance sharp on her tongue, "I swear I'll have to keep you locked in the room."
Asheera groaned, tapping one of her tusks against the top row of her teeth in frustration. Everything about this situation was wrong. Her arm had been broken so badly while trying to build a barn next to their cottage that it would take a few days of continuous healing spells to ensure everything mended properly, and her broken leg was only given enough magic to ease the pain.
It would only be another week of this steady convalescence by Shadowheart's estimation. A fully concentrated heal spell ran the risk of fusing her arm in a static position, rendering it completely useless. The risk was even greater with her leg.
All in all, she felt completely and totally useless. She wanted to ease the burden from Shadowheart by at least bathing herself.
"I have one good hand, and I'm already in here," Asheera complained. "You can go relax. It's all right."
"All right? You could have fallen. You could have twisted your arm and ruined any chance of healing you have left." Shadowheart grimaced and soaked a sponge in the bath's warm waters.
"It's fine. I'll be fine, love."
"You and I both know that you'll be even more upset if you wind up unable to use your arm without a trip to a better healer than me. One that would have to regenerate it for you."
"It's all right, I can do this myself now. Go rest."
Shadowheart slumped on the chair next to the tub. Their little washing room beside their bedroom smelled faintly of lilacs that Shadowheart had recently planted in the garden, a perfume she carried on her hands and clothes most days. But that sweet Spring smell couldn't mask the obvious hurt on her face that Asheera saw.
"Why won't you let me do this?" asked Shadowheart.
"It's not like that—"
"You're allowed to help me free myself from the Dark Lady, yet I can't help you with this?"
Asheera reached out with her good arm, laying her hand over Shadowheart's now soaked by the sponge. She said, "You're helping me by healing me."
Her voice gentler then, Shadowheart whispered in the quiet room, "My love, I want you to know that I care for you like you care for me. Please, let me do this."
That admission struck Asheera harder than the fallen beam had when it crushed her arm. Shadowheart's distant look hurt more than her leg when it woke her at night. She gripped Shadowheart's hand and pulled it towards her, letting the soapy water cascade down her forearm. A layer of protective energy stopped her sling and splint from getting wet.
Asheera sat back in the metal tub and tried to catch Shadowheart's gaze when it wandered and eventually fell upon her. She waited a moment, saying nothing. Then, she nodded.
Shadowheart took her time with the soap and sponge and carefully washed away the grime that came from lying in bed for most of the day. A few muscles were tense from all that lazing, and Shadowheart massaged the knotting out with minor magic and deft hands.
It took far longer than a bath should have because Asheera muttered praises and thanks over and over. Over and over, she asked Shadowheart to work a strained muscle. Over and over, she reminded Shadowheart that this was not a one-sided love.
Finally, she asked Shadowheart if she would help her out of the bath.
Shadowheart offered her arm without a word.
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tmntkiseki · 26 days
Oh goodness gracious, the last couple of days have been extremely stressful
So, as we all know, I am the admin of Turtles & Turnips, a TMNT 2003-focused server. It's been a little over a month since I made it and right now, it is pretty bustling most days; including myself, we have 60 - 65 members at this point and while we've had a few hiccups here and there, overall things have been running pretty smoothly.
That said, the last couple of days saw an extremely eye-opening situation unfold in the server, one that required not only a lot of active communication between the mods to solve, but also the questions and input of our current community, which I remain incredibly grateful for.
(Warnings for discussions relating to pseudo incest canon to TMNT as well as mentions of tcest.)
To explain what happened: Among our rules and restrictions, we have a very strict ban on any and all discussions of tcest. The reason is obvious; it's a massive squick for a lot of people, I myself do not support it, and I wanted to make sure people had a place to be able to discuss the relationships of the brothers without needing to deal with anything related to tcest shipping. However, despite having a total ban on tcest, we originally did not have any sort of rule addressing discussions of canon pseudo incest IE Leo/Karai in the 2012 series, as well as the stuff with Venus in The Next Mutation. At least to me, it made sense to ban these sorts of discussions too, seeing as these also fall into squick territory with people often being yucked out by pseudo incest as much as full blown incest. There were other reasons as well; there has been a lot of critique thrown at the 2012 iteration with Leo/Karai often being a part of it, and banning discussions of the pairing was lowkey an effort to try and lessen the amount of these critiques.
So the mods and I discussed this and we decided to adjust the 9th rule in our rulebook to include a ban on discussions of canon pseudo incest alongside tcest. I announced the update to the rules yesterday with the assumption that everyone would be okay with it and understand it. But then not too long afterwards, some of the members began asking questions and commenting on the update to Rule 9, and these questions and comments actually ended up exposing some objective flaws in the rule update.
The first of these: "Pseudo incest" is a very vague term. According to Fanlore, "Pseudo-incest refers to romantic pairings in which characters who consider each other family, but are not blood relatives." The thing is if you look at a lot of the shipping-related discourse in the TMNT fandom, not everyone agrees on what does and doesn't count as pseudo incest. For instance, many people do agree that 2012 Leo/Karai and any pairings involving Venus and TNM turtles do count as pseudo incest--however, some people have claimed that various pairings involving April and the turtles also count as pseudo incest due to the fact that she tends to be treated as a sort of sister to them in most iterations. Again, it's a very vague term and results in a lot of confusion as to what does and doesn't count as pseudo incest.
The second, and more worrying of the issues: It has the potential to greatly stifle discussions. This is something I was definitely aware of when we were discussing updating Rule 9 and as more people commented on it, the more obvious this flaw became. While tcest can easily be excluded from discussions to the fact that it is exclusively a fandom thing and thus not actually relevant to the franchise, like it or not, pseudo incest pairings did happen in a couple of TMNT iterations. By banning all discussions of these pairings, not only does it prevent people from offering constructive critique towards them, but it could even stop people from talking about the characters involved from a general/platonic standpoint.
Speaking from the perspective of the admin who had to weigh the decision of myself and my moderators with the concerns of those in the server, there really was not a right way to go about this. On one hand, yes, considering we literally have a rule that more or less says "do not even breathe a word about the existence of tcest," it seemed silly to allow discussions of pseudo incest, even if there are a couple of canon instances. But at the same time, the points of the term being vague and difficult to understand, as well as it potentially being too restrictive on the discussions, were incredibly valid. I couldn't simply dismiss these concerns.
Myself and my fellow moderator, Bee, spent a lot of time discussing what everyone said, suggestions that were made by the members, and ultimately came to our final decision: Rule 9 would be dialed back to only cover tcest and other full incestuous ships, and an additional rule would be added to explain our policy concerning the instances of canon pseudo incest; yes, discussion and critique of these pairings would be allowed in their appropriate iteration channels, but they need to be hidden behind a spoiler warning so that those who are squicked out can avoid them. Further communication with server members occurred in order to clarify any remaining questions, as well as to ensure that the rule concerning our policy on instances of pseudo incest canon to the franchise--listed as Rule 10--was clear and easy to understand.
This was definitely the best possible outcome for the server. Members expressed their concerns, the mods listened and discussed the matter, we continued to communicate with members in order to make necessary adjustments, and ultimately came to a decision that satisfied all parties involved. Most importantly, there wasn't any drama: everyone cooperated with each other and the server is really all the better for it.
For how good the outcome was, it was still an incredibly stressful situation to be in. Being the admin of such an active server is extremely tough some days--you can't please everyone, there will inevitably be conflicts and drama because of so many different personalities mingling in the same space, and no matter how much work you put into making the space as fun and welcoming for all who join as possible, some people will end up leaving for whatever reasons they may have. And mind you, I'm not getting paid for this; I'm doing this entirely out of love for TMNT 2003 and wanting to provide a space for people to chat about it and other iterations in the franchise.
But what made it all worth it was the amount of thanks myself and the other mods got afterwards for handling everything so well. Everyone was grateful that we listened and kept everyone informed, and it made me realize just how important input is from the community is. Yes, myself and the mods ultimately have the final say in what happens in the server, but we aren't the only ones utilizing that space; we have several dozen people in there and I suspect that we are going to continue slowly but surely growing. I want to make sure that the voices of the members are involved in developing the space we've made because if only the mods and I are allowed to say what goes down, then it might result in decisions that end up being of detriment to the community rather than improving it.
A very special thank you my mods @temunitu/@23-punnybee and @bleu-oscar, as well as everyone who has joined Turtles & Turnips and has chosen to stick around. I have many ideas and plans to further expand the server and make it even more of a fun, engaging place to be in, but I'm going to need help if I'm going to do it. We're all in this together!
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keru0 · 1 year
A Lighter Sentence
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This kind of writing is a bit new for me as its quite more on the hard-core side of tickling, and I don’t really have any experience with it. That being said, I do love me some more hard-core tickles from time to time, so I thought eh why not try it out! Again, this is a bit on the rougher side and contains some bondage, so if thats not your forte, totally understandable, just wanted to give yall the heads up! ^^
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Ships/Pairings: Lee!Itto, Ler!Heizou (platonic/romantic)
Contains: Bondage, Rough/Sadistic Tickling, Feet Tickling, SFW, Fluff
Word Count: 2616
"So uhh...are you gonna tell me why I'm in this chair thing, detective? Oooor are you just gonna stand there...?" Itto is currently in the interrogation room of Shikanoin Heizou’s detective building, sitting in a...chair-like object, his wrists strapped beside his head, exposing his armpits and sides, with his legs out in front of him, bent slightly upwards, his feet resting in a pair of locked stocks.
Surprisingly, there was no one in the building, most the guards off patrolling 
How did Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto find himself in this position? Well, a few days ago he saw a group of kids out on the street. He had asked them what they were doing when they said that they were homeless and were quite hungry. Itto, being the great oni-samaritan that he is...stole some food from a food vendor to give to them.
"They were hungry! What should I have just let them starve?!" He had said to Heizou, the main detective who was put on the case and also a close friend of Itto's.
"No," Heizou had said, "but you didn't have to steal. You could have, y'know, asked the vendor for food for the kids? Or told the shogunate?"
"W-well...that would have taken longer!" Itto had argued.
It continued like this for quite some time, and the original sentence was 60 days of jail time. However, Heizou was able to bump it down to...two hours in the chair that Itto is currently sitting in...or so that's what he was about to tell Itto.
You see, Heizou actually managed to get him completely out of a sentence, saying that he was just trying to help out, and he even managed to convince the shogunate to start handing out free food to those in need. Even so, he still thought Itto needed a little harmless punishment for his crime.
"Well, Itto," Heizou started, "you're sentence for stealing was originally 60 days in jail."
"W-what!? Sixty days?! A-are you sure? I-" Itto panicked. Obviously, he had been in jail before, being quite the troublemaker, but he has never spent longer than a few days because either Heizou or Kuki had helped to get him out. But 60 days? That was frightening for the oni.
Itto was then cut off by Heizou, "Calm down, Itto. You're lucky that I'm close to you because I was able to get you a lighter sentence." Heizou put on a smirk and walked up to Itto's side.
"A lighter sentence? Psh what, so I just have to sit in this chair for a bit- AH!" Itto was suddenly cut short by a ticklish jab into his exposed side, his body flinching in the opposite direction of the ticklish feeling.
"No," Heizou said, rolling his eyes. "This is your sentence." Heizou tried to make his point by lightly scribbling his nails against Itto's side.
Squirming away from Heizou's hand, Itto tried to make sense of what he said, when it finally clicked. "W-whahahat!? Wahahahahait! C'mohohohon! Nohohoho! That's not fahahahahair!"
"Oh I think it's perfectly fair, Itto. Unless you want 60 days in jail?" Heizou quirked his head at Itto, his fingers traveling up to his armpit.
"Nohohohoho! Buhuhut nohohohot tickling! Plehehehease! Ihihihit’s so embahaharassing!" Itto giggled, the tickling already starting to break him down.
Heizou mockingly gasped and teased the oni, "No tickling? But if you didn't want anyone to tickle you then why in Teyvat would you wear that outfit, hm? I mean, just look at it! Your armpits are exposed, as are your ribs...abs...sides...hips..." Heizou moved his fingers to tickle each spot as he said it, tracing his ribs, poking his abs, lightly scribbling his sides, and wiggling his finger in Itto's navel.
"ACK! NOHOHOHO! STOHOHohohop that! EEK!" Itto screeched as Heizou lightly wiggled his finger into his navel. Itto tried to back away from the evil hand tickling it, but his bindings held him right in place, tears starting to form at the corners of the oni's eyes. "NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE! MOVE! PLEASE MOHOHOHOVE!"
"Okay," the detective sighed. "I suppose I can go somewhere else..." Heizou smirked as he made his way down the chair and suddenly latched onto Itto’s thighs, clawing into the sensitive flesh.
“NOHOHOHOHO STAHAHahap it!” Itto shrieked, followed by a short chuckle by the detective before he kept moving down the chair, stopping in front of Itto's feet.
"W-wait! Not there! Please, not there Heizou!" Itto pleaded as Heizou removed the geta he wore, though the detective kept his stirrups on...for now.
"Not where? Here?" Heizou teased, running a finger up Itto's sole, from his heel to his toes.
Itto's leg shook violently, the stocks keeping his feet where they were. "NOHOHO! Please! Please don't!"
"Please don't what, Itto?" Heizou smirked, knowing that the oni wasn't the smartest and that there was almost a 100% chance that he'd fall for it.
"Tickle my feet! WAIT-" Itto was cut of by his own laughter, Heizou raking his nails down both of the oni's large feet. Itto's feet shook in the stocks, constantly moving back and forth to try and evade the devilishly ticklish feeling on his soles to no avail, Heizou's fingers always following right behind.
"My, my, my Itto. What big feet you have!" Heizou teased. "So much room to tickle!" He teased as Itto shook his head back and forth, tears starting to fall onto his cheeks from the brutally ticklish onslaught on his feet.
"I don't think so, Itto. I was able to get your sentence down to only two hours in this chair, and it hasn’t even been 10 minutes! Not to mention, I really haven't even done anything~" Heizou laughed out, still raking down Itto's feet.
"NOHOHOHOHO! I- I CAHAHAHANT!" Itto yelled, the tickling starting to become too much for him. To the poor oni being mercilessly tickled right now, 60 days in jail seemed like heaven. Had he known that this is what the detective got his sentence down to, he would have plead for the jail time. "PLEHEHEHEASE! HEIZOHOHOHOU! BREHEHEHEAK! I NEHEHED A BREHEHEAK!"
Slowing down his motions, Heizou's tickling slowly came to a stop, the detective sighing, "Alright, fine. I'll give you a small break. But just know that it's going to get worse~" With that, Heizou retreated from Itto's feet, walking up beside him and then climbing on his legs to straddle his lap, facing him.
"U-Uhm...hehe...w-what are ya doing, detective?" Itto laughed nervously, blushing in the process. Normally for Itto, he would let any of his friends sit in his lap - it was no big deal! But with his current predicament, Itto could only stutter and blush, knowing what was probably coming.
"I'm just getting comfy~ Is that okay, or would you like me to move?" Heizou asked with a smirk.
"N-no, no! This is fine! I wouldn't be upset over a little dude like you sitting in my LahaHAHAP WHAHAHAHA?" Itto was suddenly flown into a fit of laughter as Heizou dug his fingers into Itto's flanks, massaging the soft skin. "NOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Itto tried to flail as much as he could, but he could barely move an inch with the detective's body on top of him.
"What's the matter, Itto? Feeling ticklish?" Heizou teased, lightening his touch to quickly flutter his nails over Itto's sides, scratching beside his bellybutton, going to where his sides met his back, which got the oni screaming, and back to their original position. He repeated this motion for quite a while, Itto losing his mind with every passing second.
"COHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! I DONT DESEHEHEHERVE THIHIHIS! I WAHAHAS HELPIHIHING!" Itto cried out, desperate for the assault on his sides to end.
Heizou stopped his hands as he looked at Itto’s horns, granting him a small break. Seeing where his vision was focused, Itto started begging. “Where are you…w-wait, Heizou please not there! Not my horns, c’mon little dude!”
Heizou scoffed at the nickname. “Little dude? Oh you are so getting it now.” He smirked as he started to gently glide his fingers around the base of the oni’s horns, where his scalp met the hard material.
Äs soon as Heizou’s fingertips landed on the sensitive skin, Itto let out cute giggles, trying to keep still so he didn’t accidentally hurt the detective with one of his sharp horns. “Eheheheheh nohohoho! Stahahahap it! You’re soho mehehean!”
Smirking at the oni’s outburst, Heizou slowed his fingers to a stop, wiping away the tears on Itto’s cheeks, deciding to be merciful and give him a break before what was coming.
"Well," Heizou sighed, reaching down on his uniform to take off a tassel. "I suppose I haven't used any tools yet..." He smirked teasingly as he looked Itto in the eye, lowering the tassel on Itto's stomach, swirling it into and around his navel.
"T-tools?! Detective come on! Haven’t I suffered enohohohough! Nohohohoho! Whyhyhyhy?” Itto cackled as the tassel made its way into his navel, his upper body trying to thrash, unable to because of the weight that was the detective's body keeping it down.
“Why?” Heizou questioned. “Well, who wouldn’t want to tickle a big, handsome oni like yourself, hm?” Heizou smirked as he teased the oni, a blush now prominent on his face from the teasing.
Itto knew Heizou was flirty – he was flirty with almost everyone! But being in his current predicament, the flirting and teasing was making it so much worse. Itto’s face scrunched up with embarrassment as he laughed. “Stahahap teheheasing me!”
“Oh, but I’m not teasing you, Itto~ You are very handsome. I mean,” he moved the tassel to flutter over his abs, “just look at these abs~”
“Nahahahaha!” Itto giggled.
Heizou stopped his attack with the tassel and turned around so his back was now facing the oni. He placed it between Itto’s feet before striking, digging his hands into Itto’s thighs.
“NOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAT! HEHEHEIZOU! AHAHAHAHAHA!” Itto screamed at the maddening sensations, the hands squeezing and kneading the muscles of his thighs making him fall into helpless laughter.
Heizou giggled as he moved his hands to his knees, squeezing the kneecaps and even fluttering his fingers under them.
Though his knees weren’t that ticklish, it was still enough to make him giggle slightly, acting as a small break. “Ehehehe!”
Heizou finally stopped his assault and got off of the oni’s lap, leaving Itto a panting mess as he went back to his feet and took a box out from under the chair and opened it after slipping Itto’s stirrups off his soles. From the box, he took out some twine and looped it around Itto’s big toes, tying them back to hooks that were on top of the stocks, making it so that Itto could no longer scrunch his toes or move his feet side to side.
“What are you doing now?” Itto whined, hoping that this punishment was coming to a close.
“Oh, don’t worry, Mr. Arataki,” Heizou smirked once again, pulling out a bottle of oil from the box and massaging it into the oni’s soles. “I’m just trying out a technique I thought of.”
At the feeling of the oil being massaged into his soles, Itto closed his eyes and let out a soft moan, the massage feeling much better than what he was going through a few minutes ago. “Mmm…that feels nice…”
“I wouldn’t get too comfortable,” Heizou pulled out a hairbrush from the box, “it’s about to get much worse~”
Itto went from being in a state of bliss to manic in less than a second, his eyes flying open as soon as the plastic bristles of the hairbrush started moving on his oiled soles. “WHAHAHAHAHAT IHIHIHIS THAHAHAHAHAT?! NAHAHAHAHA- STAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Itto’s laughter was hysterical as soon as it started, tears starting to brim at the corners of his eyes at the maddening sensations on his feet, the bristles of the hairbrush moving up and down on his oversensitized feet, from his heels to his toes, over and over again, making Itto laugh helplessly.
“It's a hairbrush, Itto. I thought it could come in handy for this little excursion, and I guess I was right! Wow, it looks like it's driving you wild, yeah~?” Heizou teased, continuing to rake the bristles over his soles like he was trying to scrub a stain from a carpet. Smirking, the detective also kept up his teasing, “C’mon, laugh for me! Your laugh is just so adorable~”
Itto just couldn’t take it anymore. The ticklish feeling was driving him insane, hot tears of mirth freely flowing down his cheeks, his eyes shut tightly as he tried, and failed, to hold in his laughter. What was even worse was that damned detectives teasing. It’s like he was trying to kill Itto with embarrassment. “MmmmmphahAhAHaHAHA! NoHOhOHO MOHOHORE! NAHaHAHAhAHaHA!”
Heizou, almost satisfied and now wanting to draw this show to a close, used his vision to create little wind gusts that kept the hairbrush scrubbing over Itto’s soles as he moved up to once again straddle his lap, giggling evilly as grabbed the oni’s waist and began massaging his thumbs and fingers into his hips.
“FUHUHUHUHUCK! NAHAHAHAH- STAHAHAHAHA- GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Itto  tried to uselessly buck his hips and curl his toes, the detective's body and the string preventing him from doing so. He though that what Heizou did before was bad, bu this was so much worse. It felt like all of the nerves on his feet and hips were electrifying him, forcing him to laugh while having no way to lessen the sensations. The hairbrush felt like it was scrubbing over every nerve-ending on his feet, drawing the laughter out of him like it was nothing. Heizou’s fingers were no better – every squeeze and rub from his fingers made him buck uselessly, trying to get away from what was causing his spastic laughter. Around 30 seconds into the torment, Itto’s laughter went silent, only forced wheezes making their way out.
At this, Heizou decided that enough was enough, and decided to stop Itto’s “punishment.”  “Okay,” he smirked, stopping his tickling, “I think you’ve learned your lesson, right?”
Itto could only pant and stare at the ceiling, trying his best to respond to the detective as he drew in much-needed oxygen. “I-its been…two hours…already…?”
“O-oh…um, well,” Heizou started, not knowing how well Itto would take the news that he never actually got this sentence and that it was all Heizou’s doing. “You never actually needed the two hours…” he grinned nervously as he started undoing the restraints on Itto’s wrists, freeing them as he got off of his lap and moved down to the stocks. “I made it up! You never actually needed to be in this chair…I got your actual sentence down to a warning…but I couldn’t just let you go, you needed some type of punishment!” He laughed nervously as he unlocked the stocks, allowing Itto to slide his feet free. “I just chose this because I thought it would be fun…”
“Detective?” Itto said mischievously, starting to sit up and collect himself, putting his stirrups and geta back on. 
“Y-yes, Itto…?” Heizou replied nervously, slowly backing away as a nervous smile painted his face.
“You are gonna get it so much worse. I'll give you ten seconds. Run.” Itto smirked, a playfully mischievous appearance taking over.
“Ten. Nine.”
With that, Heizou darted out of the room as fast as he could, leaving Itto to chuckle to himself, saying out loud, “That little dude is gonna be in so much trouble when I catch him.”
AHHHH this was actually kind of fin to write??? It was such a change of pace from the usual fluff I write, and even though this was still kind of fluffy, I really got to have some fun with writing restraints and reactions with this one. Let me know how yall liked it!! ^^
Also sidenote, after writing this fic…I realized I actually really like this pairing surprisingly??? They’re both just so teasy and flirty, I think it’s a cute dynamic!
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kisames-corner · 5 days
FAQ – 👻KisaWeen 2024👻
What is KisaWeen? KisaWeen is a Halloween themed event that's centered around Kisame :) Just like how Kisame Week is, we post prompts, and you create something based off that prompt. That could be absolutely anything you can think of. Maybe a gif set, a headcanon list, a one-shot, a multi-chap, a drawing, really the sky's the limit.
How do I participate? Check out this guide for how to participate.
Do we accept submissions which use AI? We here at Kisame's Corner do not tolerate AI art/fic of any kind. Basically, if you use an AI bot to create your art and/or your fic this is not elidable to be submitted. Using AI for ideas is okay, however your creations must be your own. Reposts are okay so long as you have the explicit permission of the original poster. Since it is nearly impossible to get explicit permission from the original artists whose art is fed into AI bots, and original fic writers who've had their stories scraped, we have decided that all AI work is prohibited. We repeat, all creations must be your own or you must have explicit permission to post them.
Is there a limit to how many prompts I can do? Nope! You can do all or just one, two in one day, whichever! If you want to combine prompts be our guest! The only rule is that if you combine prompts, they have to be for the same day. We want to make sure the specified content gets the spotlight. Doing a multi-chap or something like it for the whole week as one cohesive story is okay too!
How many prompts will there be? 6 this time! We will be hosting three per day for the last weekend of October. Since we started so late 😅
How should I interpret the prompts? Any way you'd like! The prompts are to spark inspiration, so go wild! Just make sure that Kisame is at the center of them!
Are prompts going to be ship based? They are not going to be ship based. It's more along the lines of an idea like a word or a phrase or a scenario, and you create content based on that. If you want to write a non-romantic Kisame-centric piece, that is totally welcome!
What pairings are welcome? All ships including Kisame are welcome! As long as the characters in question are of age, everything is accepted as a ship. This includes non ships, × Reader, × OC ships, and childhood aus as well. If you want to keep it platonic, that's okay too! Just remember that if someone doesn't share the same idea as you, it's okay to take a breath and move on.
Is there a word limit for fics? Not at all!! Write as little or as much as you'd like for any of the prompts!
How dark can the content be? As long as everything is tagged correctly and the rating is appropriate, as dark as you want. We don't want to put very much limitation as to how much freedom creators can have. Whatever you feel comfortable making is fine for us:)
Can I submit art and fic? Of course you can! You can do the same prompt with art and fic, you can do one prompt with art and the other with fic, or you can do either or and switch off. There are no limitations for how much you'd like to contribute.
I didn't get to vote for the prompts. What happened? KisaWeen gets its prompts usually from the server members at Kisame's Corner. However, this year, we took a vote from the prompts that weren't picked in 2020 and 2021 when we first did KisaWeen. Long story short, prompts were picked by sharkfam in the 'cord (is that real slang or am i making that up)
I saw something about a Discord Link but I can't find it. Where can I find it? Right here!
Are you accepting late entries? Yes we are up until the end of the rest of November! Feel free to post your stuff by then :) (but also if you take longer we don't mind )
Have additional questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
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volterran-wine · 4 months
| 20 questions for fic writers
Thank you very much for tagging me @agirllovespancakes . And apologies for this being exceptionally late!
To not clutter everyone's feeds terribly I have put everything below the 'keep reading'. Do take a look if you want to read my ramblings as well as getting to know my brain a little more intimately.
I even discuss some of my other fandoms and expose myself as somewhat of a shipper.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
Currently I have nine works up on Archive of Our Own
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
37,793 words and counting, now my word count on this blog however... I dread thinking about it.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I have only ever written for Twilight, though I have outlines and ideas for other fandoms. Among others;
Hunger Games
Final Fantasy VII
Lord Of The Rings
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
The Hands of Time (98)
I Gave You My Heart (62)
Equinox (45)
Snowfall (39)
If These Walls Could Talk (34)
5. Do you respond to comments?
... I am absolutely atrocious at replying on AO3, while on tumblr I have been slightly better at keeping up with feedback. I greatly appreciate every comment however.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It has to be "Didyme's Demise". The short story details how she has faith in her dear brother, and does not even see her murder come.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
... I do not understand this concept. Though I guess "I Gave You My Heart" has a bittersweet ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I do not believe I have received direct hatred towards anything I have ever posted or written.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, though I have crossed more into the... emotional/romantic sphere than the hardcore smut genre.
10. Craziest crossover?
... No crossovers so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have experienced people pilfering my edits and graphics, but never any of my written work. That is something I am thankful for.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I am not against the practice as long as credit is given.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
Never! Though I really wish to do a collaboration at some point. Though, a little thing I am finishing up has a lot of influence from a dear friend; with one of their own OC's making an appearance. A blending of verses if you may.
14. All time favorite ship?
I have never been a huge shipper within fandom spaces, nor do I have a one true pairing (do we still use OTP?) I will throw down over. Most of the time I find myself shipping characters with comfort, happiness and mental stability these days. Instead of one ship I will give a little list of ships I have read about the last decade and a half, exposing some of my previous and current fandoms...
Carlisle/Aro (Twilight)
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Haruhi/Kyoya (OHSHC)
Rufus Shinra/Tseng (Final Fantasy VII)
Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100)
Yuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
Chise Hatori/Elias Ainsworth (The Ancient Magus' Bride)
Oikawa Toru/Happiness&Success (Haikyu!!)
Also, someone recently dragged me into JJK, and I think anyone in the know understand why I cannot look away from the absolute tragedy that is Geto and Gojo, wether it be platonic or something more.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
There is a work hidden in my vault that was begun while I was friends with someone. Now, this friendship has since turned sour, and because of that I do not know if it will see the light of day. It is Twilight related but it is centred around The Romanians.
16. What are your writing strengths?
The most common compliment I receive is "Beautiful", and seeing as though beauty is in the eye of the beholder I am inclined to say my strength is different for different people.
Personally I believe I have quite a good vocabulary, as well as being good with my metaphors.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fast paced action rarely works well with my borderline purple prose, which is why some of my works sometimes feel very different in my opinion. The New Moon rewrite has a lot more action instead of introspection and feelings, that is a challenge for me.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
If you do decide to add dialogue in another language; confer with someone who speaks said language if you are able to. Or, at the very least, do a lot of research so it does not sound off or out of character. The few times I have used Greek I have asked people who are native speakers for help!
Personally I think it can add a nice touch as long as it is not overdone.
19. First fandom you wrote for
Twilight! While I have been a part of fandom spaces ever since I was 12/13 this is the first time I created any sort of content for others to enjoy.
20. Favorite fic you've written
Of the ones that have been finished and published it has to be "He Loves Power, A Terrible Love". That piece will forever have my heart, and whenever i feel discouraged about my writing I return to it. It reminds me that my writing is in fact not half bad. Though I do believe a fanfic in the works called "As Above, So Below" will knock it down from its throne.
That one will have people showing up outside my house with pitchforks.
No pressure tagging
Anyone who feels inclined to join in on the fun!
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kitkatt0430 · 4 months
hello :)) for the fandom ask game, 2, 4, 23 and 24 for Cisco please
2.) OT3?
Hmmm, for Cisco I've probably got a few OT3s.
There's Hartley/Cisco ~ Lisa and Kamilla/Cisco ~ Lisa, both of which having Lisa part of the relationship as more of a Queer Platonic Partner to both of them while the Cisco/Hartley or Cisco/Kamilla part of the relationship is intended as a romantic relationship.
Then there's Barriscowest. Truly a classic relationship right there, Cisco and Iris have so many parallels in their respective canon relationships with Barry that honestly it'd be weird if i didn't ship it.
Similar to Cisco/Kamilla ~ Lisa, I also like Cisco/Kamilla ~ Caitlin, though I haven't written this one yet. I just... don't like Cisco/Caitlin as a romantic ship because I love their platonic ship so much but as QPPs? Yes, that's lovely. ^_^ And I just want more reasons for Kamilla and Caitlin to spend time together. Cisco's girlfriend and bestie really should spend more time together...
And Barry/Cisco/Hartley - it's got some fun dynamics in there and I want nice things for all three guys so shipping them together? Makes giving them nice things so much easier.
4.) Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Cisco/Cynthia. I thought they were cute in canon but my issues with her job got in the way of truly embracing the ship. The actors had great chemistry and I loved how adorable they were about each other on screen but... i don't think I've ever actually sought out any fics about this ship. I think if the show had actually acknowledged the ethical nightmare that was her job and had her choosing to leave it behind... I'd have one hundred percent loved the ship moving in that direction. Cisco supporting his girlfriend in recognizing the line of work she's in is actually really, really bad and choosing to do the right thing with regards to it? That would have been such an excellent arc for him and would have been a way better reason for him to be distracted throughout season 4 than... Breacher trying to poach him for a job.
It was just one of those ships were the baggage outweighed the cute and... it missed me entirely as a result.
23.) Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
Well, Cisco's been my favorite character from day one and he still is now, so that part? Nope.
Ship wise... I think Hartmon is still my favorite because of how complex it can get based off their history and the weird friendship they seemed to have post timeline change in S2 and just how similar they are no matter how much they'd deny it. But I do have a lot of shift in which ships I like secondary to that OTP. Barrisco is pretty commonly up at the top though. I do enjoy Harrisco a lot as well, though that's a ship I can totally understand why some people hate it. (Barrisco though... who could hate Barrisco??? that is weird to me when I stumble across someone who doesn't like that ship...)
24.) What's your favourite thing about [character]?
What initially drew me to Cisco was his nerdy references and t-shirts. This was someone who just got me. Whose fandoms clearly overlapped significantly with mine. This was nerdy representation of people like me in a super hero show. I adored him on sight. And then he's just the kindest, most loyal person on the show. It takes a lot to make him truly angry and even then more often than not what is really making him so angry is feeling so let down by someone he loves.
He prioritizes platonic relationships pretty heavily too - much as I enjoy the Barrisco ship as romantic, being aro I love the ship as read as platonic too. There's so much amatonormativity in tv shows - and CW shows, oh wow CW is so awful about this - so for Cisco to be able to be so willing to tell his best friends how much he loves them is something I crave more of on my favorite shows. He's so confident about it too. They're his friends, of course he loves them and why shouldn't he say it?
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okay yes everybody has amateur opinions on tiktok (except Nanami x Tiana and Yuuji x Rapunzel shit was galaxy brained)
So here are some REAL ships by a seasoned dululu shipper (these can be platonic or otherwise btw!)
(this got long so I put it under a cut)
Nobara x Jasmine - Both of them feel stifled by the people around them and are very headstrong and confident in themselves. They would love shopping together and would also kick so. much. ass.
Megumi x Elsa - UPON RECENT COMMENTARY (shout out to @sarah-dipitous) I think their personality matches really well!! They both have little siblings they want to protect, they're both serious and stoic, they both have a high sense of responsibility. Also the tragedy aspect would lowkey hit with these two in a fic like...if you know you know
Maki x Cinderella - Both of them were very mistreated by their families, and I feel like Maki would help Cinderella get out of that abuse and then they could BOTH help each other grow and heal from that
Toge x Sleeping Beauty - Okay honestly I just think this is cute like what if he wakes her up and breaks the curse with his powers 🥺🥺🥺
Belle x Sukuna - Girl is too curious for her own good, she would jump on this immediately. Monster lovers and furries are cousins after all. With her "I can fix him" ass, I would wish him on no one else.
Suguro x Ariel - This is more because I think the interactions would be very interesting. Ariel is so so curious about the world, enough to sell her voice, and ultimately has a positive experience having her eyes opened (but also can't go back to her home). Suguro had his eyes opened to the world but had a negative experience (and also can't go back to the world he knew). Also, I think Ariel's carefree and goofy nature would remind him of Gojo.
Gojo x Moana - SPEAKING OF!!! I paired these two because Moana's already friends with a cocky god-like figure!!! She would be unimpressed by Gojo's antics and would know how to handle his joking around, which I think is really important to anybody looking for a relationship with him. He starts being overly obnoxious and she just dunks his ass in the ocean lol
8. Nanami x Tiana - the GOAT. 10/10. Whoever came with this better be writing/commissioning this fic as we speak. First of all I love Nanami any time he's paired with a Black woman. I've seen y'alls selfships and it just looks good every single time. Second, they're both hardworkers, but Tiana is self-sacrificially so and I can just see Nanami stepping in and making sure she does not work a SECOND more than she is getting compensated for and makes sure she is still taking care of herself, because zero job is worth more than she is. Love that for her. (Also, like everyone else says, yeah he takes one bite of them beignets and has the proposal on DECK)
9. Yuuji x Rapunzel - This is literally sunshine 4 sunshine and I'm obsessed. First thing Yuuji says when Rapunzel tells him about her hair "Yoooo, that's sick as fuck!!!!" Totally unbothered cause he's also got his own weirdo issues!!!! She also would be unfazed by Sukuna. If he starts talking spicy to her, she would just knock his ass out with the frying pan and get Yuuji back lol. (They WOULD have to worry about him working with Mother Gothel tho...which would make for excellent plot conflict)
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pastara-cell · 1 month
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PART 1 (Double Life Au)
Okay so, This is sorta similar to yesterdays thing, and also, I’ve literally posted about this, but now that I have my medication, i can ACTUALLY write it. TMF DOUBLE LIFE AU- Okay okay wait wait lemme recap then I’ll go into detail, because I dont want this to be a complete restatement of my older post, as its been more fleshed out since then.
So, for a recap, if you dont know what double life is, them it’s essentially the 3rd season in a mcyt series called “the life series/traffic life”. In this season, people are paired up with anothet person, their soulmate, and they take damage when the other person takes damage.
However, with that being the canon, many different headcanons and fan conceps have popped up for it, such as feeling everything your soulmate feels (Physically and mentally). I’ll only give one example because there are physically so many that i’d be here all day talking about them.
I would also like to take a second to say that i’m a firm truther in the fact that double life is an allegory for the fact that you cant be forced until love. Also, remember that soulmates can be platonic or romantic, or sometimes even enemies! (Not like im gonna make zailey soulmates, they could be platonic but Its just not my thing)
So what I proposed is that we take the tmf guys, and we throw them into the double life universe! This au was just a thought at that point, but I have it mostly mapped out now! So, heres a lil thing showing all the pairs ^^ (what no, I didn’t steal half these screencaps from rosypenguins and the tmf suffering bracket…LIESSS/silly)
(The letters to the side stand for what the pair is. R means romantic, p means platonic, q means QPR, and c means complicated)
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Now im not gonna sit here and go over each pair, however, i’ll dump some headcanons for the au!! (If you end up using this au, which i totally dont mind, please change anything you want!)
-The reason Drean is a confusing pair is because they dont know eachother, or atleast, not well. They’d probably not know how to properly talk to eachother at first. I could see this going from not knowing eachother, to platonic, to romantic, but any way works and they’ll be able to be interpreted as romantic or platonic
-Staisy QPR because yes.
-ran out of people to pair up, and decided “huh, okay then, sadie and maria” and tbh, why not. New rarepair. They go from mild dislike to loving eachother practically as soon as they bond.
-all the pairings in this are based upon canon friendships, my personal headcanons, and whatever I felt like putting together.
-Lia and Zoey are NOT friends in this au, well atleast not anymore. But they’re stuck together.
-Hailey and milly cause i need to see them interact more
-Milly and Elliot totally do a secret soulmate thing, like bigb and grian, but are super awkward about it. Hailey and jake know, and they think it’s hilarious
Enough about the pairings, au facts time!!
-Drew is a past watcher. Take that as you will with your own watcher lore ^^
-Sadie is a listener, also take that as you will with your lore.
-Because I can and Because I will, Liam and henry live in the “relation-ship”. They’re the boat boys. No other pairing lives in the same houses as the original mcyts, Just those two.
-green, yellow, and red lives still exist. Yes they can die. Yes, my friends, this does mean angst.
-Will take place in the terrain of the double life map. Only things that are missing are the structures that were built by the mcyts, the cake does not exist, nor does pearl’s tower or anything. The relation-ship is there but thats an exception.
Mayyy update this, part 2 with my othet au may come out today or tomorrow, depends on how lomg it’ll take me to do stuff. ^^
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ya know what..... Kalim is one of those sunshine characters that naturally interacts and "befriends" so many characters. It's always the sunshine characters that I'm drawn to put in a giant poly-hole where basically everyone is in love with them. It just makes sense.
Kalim x Silver: He's always waking Silver up in class and tries to help is drowsy spells. They're also just one of the few genuinely sweet guys on campus so it's pure fluff. A bonus advantage is that since Silver is a Trained Knight (or on the road to be) he can protect Kalim from assassination attempts.
Kalim x Ruggie: Eat The Rich w/ a twist. My precious hyena boy DESERVES to get married to a sincere Sugar Daddy (or as my gf and I like to say, Sugar Bestie™). He's worked hard enough and Kalim is one of the few upper class individuals that would NEVER use his money or status to control, manipulate or abuse another. He just wants to help out and the endless positivity would not only bring Rugs outta his comfort zone but would also impact those in his hometown A LOT.
Riddle x Kalim: Not a favorite, but I get it. Two kids from wealthy families (one more wealthy than the other) who were kinda isolated from the "regular" world and gotta figure shit out for themselves away from their former caretakers. Obvi, very different contexts and personality but that's what helps them depend on one another. Even when they can't relate, they can Listen and Grow together.
Floyd x Kalim: ARE YOU KIDDING THEY'RE ADHD BUDDIES?!?!? Not only can they relate with similar neurological issues, but their common interests can be a safe zone for them to bond. On top of that, even with their reckless personalities and their overall lack of forethought, Floyd is STRONG and could protect Kalim from any pushback or consequences. They're also both raised by Extreme Capitalist (even thou we don't exactly know what the Tweels parents DO) so the business sense and exposure to the darker side of things probably wouldn't be too much of an adjustment for either side.
Obvi Jamil x Kalim: I know not everyone likes this ship (and considering the dynamic and difference in power/status I TOTALLY get it). Even if the relationship is seen through platonic soulmates, brother-like, or just a 'we-were-stuck-together-for-years-and-now-we-don't-know-how-to-live-apart' sitcom kinda vibe they'll ALWAYS be linked together. Besides, an angsty, complicated childhood friends to lovers story with repressed mutual pinning is a guilty pleasure of mine lol!
Whoever he gets paired with, regardless of if it's a ship that has an anchor in canon interactions or PURELY fueled by fanon crack, there's a billion tropes to work with before even having to dip into AU or Crossover. Kalim is a COMPLEX CHARACTER with so many random lore drops and info that has so much potential. Even when people are writing or creating fan-produces with a more 2d version of his character, he's still lovable!! He's one of the few reoccurring characters in a cast full of obnoxious, weird, arrogant, awful, annoying, egotistical, pigheaded teenage boys with the power of NUKES.... And isn't completely terrible.
Lemme reiterate, that I LOVE so many characters in Twisted Wonderland but boy do these kids get on my nerves. They're all little assholes in some way or another, but there's a range between "okay, pretty standard high schooler" to "IDC IF YOURE TRAUMATIZED NO AMOUNT OF BACKSTORY CAN EXCUSE YOUR ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR!!!!! YOU'RE A FUCKING INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL WTF" and Kalim is a lot chiller. He's irrational sometimes and often does things without thinking it through.... But he's also a kid who's allowed to make mistakes and grow now that he's away from the bubble he grew up in. He can interact with people of all walks of life and get that perspective.
And depending on who he's paired with, romantic or otherwise, it's fascinating and heart wrenching and awe inspiring to watch him grow through the lens and experiences of the other person(s).
.........thank you for coming to my Ted talk 😌
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