#this is also why i jump in and out of the 'dick/bruce + abuse' ao3 filter like its an ice cold pool alsjdf
thebestestbat · 2 years
the fic i read that bothered me the most and it continues to bother me CONTINUALLY was a sirius/harry fanfic (on ff.net, i dont remember the title and i definitely couldn't find it again). i was like 12 or 13 and it was like 50-100k of "everyone thinks this relationship is not okay but it is okay because we love each other, and everyone who thinks it's not okay either changes their mind or Gets Theirs in the end" and it made me feel so BAD and to this day thinking of it makes me feel BAD and its part of why i cannot stand fics like that. i mean i think in an objective sense as well, i wouldn't like those stories, but i also acknowledge that it's a fine line between a story like i described and a story that is Depicting An Abusive Relationship. which i think are fine and in fact i love reading those. and i think that is my main problem bc i enjoy reading about dark things, but sometimes the story is just not what i am looking for and in fact makes me feel BAD.
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 4
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Note:  When italics are in quotations (“”) then Marinette is speaking French. If the italics don't have quotations, that’s people’s thoughts.
After patrol, Dick made his way to bed, mulling over the announcement Bruce had made at dinner. When he had seen that picture, he had wanted to join Jason on his Paris killing spree. That girl-Marinette, was it?- seemed to be in need of a better place to stay, and he was happy they could provide it to her. At the same time, he had no idea how to treat a young teenage girl! What does she like? Sports? Dresses? Both? None? He had no idea! As he lay there having a breakdown in a slight panic, he couldn’t force the image of her broken, bloody body out of his head. He wondered what kind of person that sort of assault would turn her into. He had seen greater people snap after such emotional and physical wounds. 
Meanwhile, Jason, Tim and Damian were facing similar dilemmas over the girl in question. 
Jason had no idea how to handle teenagers, especially ones that had been assaulted. Suffering through fucked-up shit like that would definitely leave you with some trauma. He thought to himself. Maybe we should ask her about her boundaries. His coping method involved wearing a red helmet and gallivanting around the rooftops of Gotham, looking for excuses to shoot people. He didn’t exactly think that was the best way to help her out. Sure, he grumbled, I’ll just walk over to her, hand her some Kevlar and a grapple before pushing her off the top of fucking Wayne Enterprises in hopes that she’ll get it right. ‘Cause that’s totally fucking healthy!
Tim on the other hand, was completely and utterly paranoid. Sure, he was definitely worried about that girl, considering that it looked like she had lost a lot of blood; but at the same time, he was worried about exposing their identities to her. Just one slip up, and she would know exactly what the Wayne family did at night. Not to mention that if they ended up getting injured, they’d have to figure out how to hide it from her. As he hacked into her school records, he noticed that she had filed several bullying complaints that had never been acknowledged, as well as a request to transfer classrooms that had been dismissed. Just how corrupt is this school?! He thought to himself as he saw how the principal-Monsieur Damocles- had bent to one girl’s every whim, just because her father was the Mayor! Abuse of power, and ignoring bullying reports? He thought to himself. This is not going to end well for them. With that, he completely launched himself into digging up every bit of dirt he could find on that school and it’s staff; completely forgetting about his original panic over being discovered.
And as for Damian, he was completely furious that there would be another person living in the Manor with them! Not to mention she had to go to Gotham Academy as well! He hadn’t even met this Marinette, and she was already proving to be a pain. 
As the day of their Marinette’s arrival dawned bright and clear, four members of the family waited for the arrival of their last member and guest. Bruce was slightly nervous. He had never had a girl so young stay in the Manor before, and he didn’t know how to greet her. Did he shake her hand? Smile and wave? Shake her hand then smile? Wave then shake? 
Dick, however, was full of excitement that their new guest was arriving in a couple of hours. He wondered if she knew any gymnastics, and if she would be willing to do some flexibility-related stretches and workouts with him.
All his other children were scattered throughout the city, doing various different things. Jason was up in the Manor library, reading his latest novel. Tim was in his office at WE, finishing up some paperwork he had wanted to fill out before Marinette arrived. Damian, thankfully, was at school, and wouldn’t be returning until later in the evening.
His thoughts were cut short by Tim’s arrival. As he walked into the kitchen and came back with a large mug of coffee, Jason trudged downstairs, and they all sat around in the living room continuing to work and read as they waited for Marinette and Alfred.
Half an hour later, Bruce was alerted to the gates in front of the Manor opening. They all lined up outside the house and watched as the sleek, black limo pulled up in front of the house. 
They waited patiently as Alfred got out of the car and headed to the trunk before opening it and taking out a suitcase, and what looked like a foldable wheelchair. The four of them were confused. Why would she need a wheelchair? Surely her classmates hadn’t injured her that badly? Their thoughts were cut off by Alfred opening the back door on the opposite side of the car. He bent down and proceeded to open the wheelchair, before wheeling it around to face the family. When they caught their first glimpse of their guest, they were absolutely floored.
They had all seen many worse injuries during their nightly patrols, and several injured children years younger than her, but when they saw Marinette, they were shocked into silence at her battered appearance.
She was a decent height at around 5’ 4”, but compared to Bruce and Jason she was absolutely tiny. She had several dark purple-blue bruises that contrasted sharply with her pale skin as well as an angry gash covered in stitches on her forehead. She also sported a clunky cast and a thick brace on her leg and wrist. With her dark hair pulled into space buns, and blue eyes, as well as how small and bruised she looked, they all felt a rush of protectiveness flood through them when they saw her. 
Their silent shock was interrupted by Jason leaning over to Bruce and whispering angrily “You said her classmates did this to her?!” At his exclamation, the other three tensed in anger at the reminder that her old friends had been the ones to injure her so severely. They were snapped out of their thoughts by Marinette speaking.
“Bonjour, Monsieur Wayne! Thank you for letting me stay in your house with you! I promise I’ll do my best to not be a bother to you and your family.” Her voice was slightly rough from when she had been crying, but she spoke sweetly, and politely. At her statement, Jason jumped in “No problem Pixie Stick! The only nuisance here is the Demon Spawn, and he’s not home yet.” She blinked up at him, before her mouth twitched up into a half-smile. “Thank you, Monsieur. I’m sorry but I didn’t get your name…” she trailed off. 
“Sorry about that Sunshine, he’s Jason, I’m Dick, and the sleep deprived one is Tim.” Dick interjected. “And you don’t have to call us Monsieur, either. Just our names are fine.” 
“Oh okay. Thank you Mister Bruce, and thank you Dick! I’m Marinette, but I’m sure you knew that already. You can call me Mari if you’d like. I’m not very picky about nicknames!” She laughed. 
“Now if the young Masters are done with their introductions, I will gladly show Miss Marinette to her room.” Alfred cut in. “Thank you Monsieur Alfred, that would be wonderful.” The girl in question smiled up at him from her seat in the wheelchair before he wheeled her inside.
Marinette thanked Alfred as he wheeled her into her room. He mentioned that someone named “Damian” was at school, and that she would be attending school after she gets adjusted to the time difference. After he left, she opened her bag to let the Kwami out, and waited for their excited chattering to calm down. Once they had quieted, she spoke. “Hey Tikki? Do you think it was wrong to tell Alfred about the Miraculi being active in Paris?” she questioned as she fiddled with the straps on her bag. ”I was just so excited to meet another wielder that everything slipped out!” 
The Kwami was quick to reassure her. “Oh no Marinette, it's okay. SInce you are the Guardian now, you need all the help you can get. And besides, you already recognized each other’s auras, so there was no point in trying to hide it!” She flew up to her face and patted her unbruised cheek gently. 
“Oh no! I completely forgot to tell Alfred that I’m the Guardian!” She shrieked. “What if he gets mad at me for being too inexperienced?! He’ll kick me out and I’ll have to live on the streets! Then I’ll end up becoming part of the Crime Alley hierarchy, living alone in an abandoned building with a stray cat named Tommy! Tikki this is a disaster! A disaster!!” She would have continued to ramble in french, if it wasn't for the fact that Wayzz had flown up to her and reminded her that she needed to shower because she had been on an airplane and in the airport.
Several curses, near falls, and plastic cast coverings later, Marinette limped out of the shower, exhausted but clean. She quickly tied her hair onto a messy bun before changing into warm leggings (although she couldn’t fully pull one side down due to her cast) and a sweater. Gotham was cold! She let the Kwami roam around her giant room as she put her clothes into her closet. 
After settling in, she plugged in her phone and texted her friends. 
FashionableBug: Just got everything organized and took a shower. Turns out M. Wayne has four kids! I met Dick, Jason and Tim, and apparently Damian is at school. 
QueenofMean: Maribug! How dare u not text us as soon as you arrived! Ur plane landed over three hours ago! 
Snakey Boi: Chlo’s right, Mari. We were all worried bout u.
FahsionableBug: Sorry u guys. Everything was going so fast I completely 4got!
FashionableBug: Also I met a Peacock wielder!!!!!!!
You’reUnderAgreste: Really?! Buginette thats amazingggg
DragonGurl: Wonderful news indeed, Mari. They must have lots of advice for you.
QueenofMean: !!!!!! 
QueenofMean: Nettie thats awesome!!!!!!
SnakeyBoi: Thats totally great!
SnakeyBoi: Also who is it???
FashionableBug: lol Luka its Alfred their butler. Tho hes more like a grandfather
FashionableBug: Anyways, I’m going to go find the kitchen. I wanna make the Kwami some macarons!
FashionableBug: Bye!!!
DragonGurl: Bye Marinette.
You’reUnderAgreste: Bye Bugaboo!
QueenofMean: Bye Bug!
SnakeyBoi: Bye Mari!
Marinette smiled as she put her phone down. Glancing over at the Kwami flying around the room, she stretched before calling out “I’m going to see if I can bake in the kitchen. Do any of you want to join me?” Before she had even finished her sentence Tikki and Kaalki were flying over to her and nestling in her bun. Laughing at their antics, she maneuvered herself into the chair before wheeling herself down the hall. She hadn’t gone very far when she bumped into Alfred walking out of another door. "Salut, Monsieur Alfred! Would you mind showing me where the kitchen is? I was thinking of making some sweet treats for my...friends.” At her statement, Tikki and Kaalki poked their heads out of her bun to wave, before hiding again. Smiling, Alfred turned to her and spoke. “Of course Guardian. Right this way.”  Her eyes darted to meet his hesitantly. “You aren’t mad that I’m the Guardian?” Alfred paused and looked her directly in the eyes. “Miss Marinette, I am in no way questioning your capabilities as a Guardian. You are very powerful, and I have no doubt you will do an amazing job. I am simply upset over how you seem to have no Mentor or any form of Guidance to help you.” Sighing in relief, she smiled. “Well, my old Master lost his memories because he had to give up his memories after being compromised. I do have the Grimoire though, and I was also hoping you would help me as well?” She questioned, looking up at him hesitantly. As they walked into the kitchen, he bowed to her and stated “It would be my greatest honor to assist you, Great Guardian.” She laughed and thanked him before beginning to bake. 
She hummed a simple melody designed to bring about calm and peace, and soon she was happily working in her own tranquil little bubble. 
An hour later, as she was frosting the little pastries, Jason walked in, drawn by the smell of sugar and freshly baked goods. “Hey Alfred! What cooki-” he cut himself off. “Sorry Pixie Stick, I thought you were Alfred. Only he can make something worth eating in this house!” 
“Oh it’s no problem Jason, I was just making macarons. My parents own a bakery, so I’m kinda used to just baking whenever.” She laughed softly
“Damn Pixie, macarons?! You haven’t been here a day, and you’re already much nicer than all my asshole brothers!” 
“Yeah, well these are for after dinner, so no touching ‘till then!” She warned.
He sat at the counter and scrolled through his phone as she decorated the pastries. Soon enough, she had them all completed and proceeded to carefully take the tray and wheel over to the fridge. Before she could move an inch, Jason had leapt up and placed the tray in its designated spot. “Sorry Pix, but I’ll get that for ya. We don’t need you accidentally crashing or dropping these heavenly treats!” He laughed.
She crossed her arms and pouted up at him, before her mouth stretched into a wide grin. As she wheeled herself into the dining room, she swiftly turned her head and stuck her tongue out before disappearing through the door into the room beyond.
Dinner with the Wayne family was a rambunctious affair. Dick and Jason bantered good-naturedly over their meals as Bruce sighed tiredly in the background. Tim moved lethargically, downing giant gulps of coffee as he ate his meal. Damian apparently was studying with his friend Jon, and therefore wouldn't be eating with them. They all smiled and laughed as they talked through dinner. Marinette told them about her friends, before adding that they’d probably video call her tomorrow so they could meet the family. Bruce assured her that it was not a problem and added that he would be glad to speak with her parents. After eating, she headed up to her room to work on the outfit she had been sketching on the plane. 
She immersed herself in designing, and ended up finally going to sleep shortly after midnight. The Kwami flew over to their little nest of pillows and blankets, and she turned off the lights before drifting off to sleep. Her dreams were plagued by nightmares of looming shadows and ethereal dark butterflies destroying the world in fire. She watched in helpless terror, stuck in her Ladybug persona, unable help as the world burned. The horrific dreamscape was shattered by the sound of her phone blaring out an Akuma alarm. 
She leaped out of bed and shut off the shrill noise as she called for Tikki and Kaalki before leaping through the portal and into Paris.
She ended up in a ravaged, unrecognizable landscape covered in flames. Looks like her dream had been semi-accurate after all. The Eiffel Tower was partially melted, and fires were cropping up all over the city. The four simultaneous thuds behind her signified the arrival of her team. As one they looked upon their ravaged city and charged the Akuma.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter One: Arrival
Yo, this has been on Ao3 for a while and people seem to really love it, So I thought I’d post it here! Chapter below the cut.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: Gen Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle's Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas, Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason's language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What's canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
The Avengers find themselves in an alternate universe where none of them exist. Instead, there is a different group of heroes: The Justice League. They decide to work together to get the Avengers home. But not not everything is instantaneous, so the Avengers need a place to stay. The only place available is Wayne Manor.
Que Batfamily shenanigans!
Multi-chapter fanfic, with some one shots that go along with the plot thrown in.
This is my first time writing anything with the Avengers - especially a deaf!clint - and the Batfam, so I apologize if anything is doc. Constructive criticism is appreciated!
This is mainly comic DCU with Movie Avengers (Set after the first avengers movie, plus Spiderman, cause I can ;-)
Crack! Bang! There was a flash of blindingly bright light, followed by a huge explosion.
"Wha- where are we?"
Tony Stark looked over to Peter who had been the first to speak. Crap, the kid had come here too. But wherever here was, he did not know.
Tony, Steve, Hulk, Thor, Clint, Peter, and Natasha stood in a loose clump at the center of a smoking crater. The sky was cloudy  and dark, and they appeared to be at least five miles outside of a big city, judging from the buildings in the distance. There was also a highway filled with streaming cars a couple of miles to Tony’s right.
“This isn’t right,” He muttered, opening his faceplate. Where were the sunny tropical trees that housed the compound of Anagnorisis - weird name, he knew - who was some D-list villain who thought some slightly advanced tech made them a world-conqueror. But Tony was beginning to think that those guns were a bit stranger and more advanced than he had previously believed.
“Tell me about it,” replied Steve. “Any idea where we are? Was it some sort of teleportation gun that was shot at us? This looks nothing like the Amazon.”
Before anyone could speak, Tony received a notification. Multiple incoming objects were approaching, fast . With the exception of the second fastest, they seemed to be airborne. “Multiple incomings, perhaps hostile. Most are flying. And they aren’t missiles. I think people ? But -”
“Who are you?”
Suddenly the first object arrived, and Stark was right. It was a black haired man in a blue skin tight suit with a red “S” on it and a flowing red cape. It would look ridiculous if he wasn’t glaring daggers at the group while flying .
He was joined almost immediately by another man, this time wearing an all red bodysuit with a lightning bolt on the chest and cowl. He was not flying though. He stopped in front of them swinging his arms as lightning dissipated. He had run there.
Next came a woman dressed in the colors of the american flag, with golden cuffs, tiara, and lasso by her side. She came with a man in a green, white, and black skin tight suit with some sort of symbol - perhaps a lantern? - on his chest. He also wore a green ring and black domino mask with white lenses on his face. They were both joined by another, a split second later. This was by far the strangest arrival. He was completely bald, with green skin and red eyes. He wore navy blue pants and cape, with only a red “X” over his chest. All three were floating.
“Who are you?” The blue and red man repeated.
Tony scoffed. Was this guy serious? “We’re the Avengers, obviously.”
The group shared a look. “Is that some new kind of villain group? I swear to all that is good and holy if I need to deal with another group who think they can rule the world, I. Will. Quit.” This time the man who spoke was the runner.
Steve replied, confusion clear on his face. “We’re not villains! We’re the Avengers; Earth’s mightiest heroes!”
Instead of coming to their senses, the strangely dressed newcomers laughed .
“You do realize you are speaking to members of the Justice League?” The woman spoke, her lips pursed.
“The who now?”
“Be quiet Kid, we don’t know what we’re dealing with.” Tony spoke to Peter. He was getting more worried by the second. Something was seriously wrong.
“Dealing with?” The green dressed man frowned, clearly suspicious of the Avengers. He started to fidget with his ring. “Well, since you don’t seem to know, let me enlighten you.” He gestured to each of his companions. “Superman, son of Krypton. Wonder Woman, Amazonian Princess. The Flash, fastest man alive. Martian Manhunter, well, a martian. And Me, Green Lantern. Member of the Green Lantern Core.”
Well, that explained everything. Not.
“We do not know you, strangers.” Thor spoke this time. “Perhaps you leave us be, our green friend over here gets frustrated easily.” He pointed to Hulk, who was breathing heavily.
The green man - martian, apparently - spoke for the first time. “Not until you tell us who you are and why you are in a smoking crater near His city.”
“His?” Clint clearly did not like the way the martian spoke of this character. To be honest, Stark didn’t either.
This got the most surprised reactions from the five. They looked at each other, and Tony could have sworn there was a hint of fear in their faces.
“Oh, He is so not going to like that.” Green Lantern said.
“Combined with the fact that we ditched Him.” The Flash cringed. Then looked worried again. “Yo, green grape, you okay.
The Hulk’s breathing was growing heavier, his face contorted into that of utter rage.
“Uh-oh,” Steve said.
“I . . . Not . . . GRAPE!” Hulk roared as he charged the The Flash who nimbly dodged. Superman went down to intercede, and just got punched by the Hulk. Though it did not seem to physically bother him, he was clearly angry.
Tony shut his face plate and moved forward, intending to stop the fight, but he only got attacked by the martian. Peter jumped forward to help, and soon everyone was fighting.
Thor was pitted against the Wonder Woman, and they seemed evenly matched.  Black Widow was against The flash, and despite his incredible speed she seemed to be almost winning. Both Hawkeye and Captain America were battling Green Lantern.
No one seemed to have the upper hand, which worried Tony. These people were tough. If they couldn’t beat them . . . he didn’t know what would happen.
Peter didn’t seem to share his worry though. He instead seemed to be having fun. Tony could tell the kid was smiling beneath his mask, and his body language screamed hyper and happy. He seemed to get that way whenever they fought together, and a small part of Tony was filled with a sense of parental pride.
The fight seemed endless, no one gaining traction. Until something incredible happened. Thor threw Mjolnir directly at his opponent, and instead of being knocked down like everyone else, she caught the hammer. Every Avenger - even the Hulk - immediately froze, catching the attention of the newcomers.
“This is a very well crafted weapon, though a bit clunky,” Wonder Woman said as she tossed the hammer from one hand to the other. She paused, seeing their reactions.
“You are worthy.” Thor spoke with disbelief and a tint of resignation in his voice.
“Pardon?” Superman spoke, his frown apparent.
“Only those worthy can lift Mjolnir - my hammer. She clearly can, which means that you are trustworthy.”
Five minutes of somewhat confused conversation later, they had reached an uneasy truce. Neither spoke much at first, but they soon began to compare notes. Apparently They both believed themselves to be the protectors of Earth, which brought on a bout of argument before Peter stepped in.
“Woah hold on, calm down. Something is clearly up, so there’s no need to argue!”
Wonder Woman looked contemplative. “How old are you boy, you seem young.”
Peter bristled. “I’m 15, and I’ve been a superhero for a while now, so I’m not inexperienced!”
Green Lantern laughed. “That’s not what she met, kid. We aren’t going to tell you how old you need to be to fight crime. The amount of we work with, and some even younger than you . . .” He shook his head and laughed. Then he realised how he had sounded. “I mean, we don’t force them, it's up to each individual to make that choice for themselves. Well, with the mentor’s approval of course.”
Natasha furrowed her brows. “How young are some of these kids?” Tony knew she had a thing against child soldiers, so he wasn’t surprised she was disapproving.
Green Lantern looks to the Flash. “How old is Robin at this point? 9?”
Flash laughed. “Naw, that little devil is 11. He was very adamant on that fact when he threatened me with his katana.” He shook his head.
Green Lantern laughed. “Yeah, most of the others are teenagers. Robin is the youngest, and I’d say most deadly, but Red Hood . . .”
“The Dark Knight really does have a problem,” Flash said.
His last comment made Green Lantern freeze. They both looked at each other then turned to Peter.
“Kid, stay away from The Dark Knight.” Green Lantern says.
“Yeah, if He sees you, there’s no way you’ll ever leave.”
“He’s the most dangerous man on earth,” Green Lantern adds.
“Guys, stop. You’re scaring him.” Superman looks disappointedly at the two heroes who Tony pegged as the trouble makers of the group. This idea was further cemented in Tony when they started laughing. Despite this, he decided to keep Peter as far away from this supposed Dark Knight as possible.
“Speak of the devil, he’s on his way.” Superman says this with a smile, then he cringes. “And we’re going to get an earful alright. Ten minutes ahead of him is a big deal apparently.”
In a moment. Tony got an alert that something was approaching. Fast. Soon he saw a large black military type armoured car fly down the highway from the city and off the road. It zoomed toward them.
It was a sight indeed to see the menacing black car swerve and expertly stop a few yards from the group. The top opened and a dark form shot straight up before landing in a kneeling position in front of them. The figure rose, and Tony got the first good look at him. He was a tall man with a broad chest and shoulders, dresses in complete black. There was a bat-like symbol on his chest, also in black. He wore a cape that flowed around menacingly. His face was covered by a cowl with pointed ears, like that of an owl, or perhaps a bat. The only part of his costume that was not black was the dark gold utility belt at his waist. Altogether, he was utterly frightening.
Tony took a step forward, effectively blocking Peter, who scoffed.
“Batman,” Superman said, a smile on his face.
Batman fixed the most impressive and terrifying glare upon the man that Stark had ever seen. “You broke protocol by going ahead of me. You are in my territory Superman. And you know that I cannot fly or run at the speed of sound.” He fixed his glare on the rest of his group who all reacted with either flinches or sheepish shrugs.
Batman grunted before looking at the Avengers. He sized each of them up, staying longest on Stark. Tony felt as if his entire being was being stripped away under the scrutiny.
“Alternate Dimension jumpers, not by choice I’m assuming.”
He spoke so simply that it took a minute for Tony to react. Even then, the man was already on his way back to his car.
“We’re near Gotham, let’s regroup at the Cave.”
Tony didn’t know what this Cave was, but he wasn’t sure he liked it. “Are you the Dark Knight?” He asked, before he lost his nerve.
The man looked immediately at the Flash and Green Lantern, who looked both scared and amused. Their sheepish smirks and chuckles dissipated when Batman looked away and back to Tony.
“The Dark Knight, The World’s Greatest Detective, The Caped Crusader, The Batman. All are titles I have earned. See you at the cave.”
And with that he hopped in his car and sped off back toward the gloomy city beyond.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
Get a Little Worn Down in Between
For @summer-of-whump day 5 prompt: broken which gave me a reason to write hurt Tim Drake and protective Jason. Fandoms: Batman Comics/Red Robin Comics Warnings for: Suicidal thoughts, talk of emotional and physical abuse.  You can also read it on AO3 Rated Teen(PG-13)
Jason wondered if they even realized that they had broken Tim, the one that gave everything and asked for very little in return who fought and still fought to be usefully in hopes that it would mean that he would be welcomed into the family until they broke him beyond repair.
Given the smug smirk on Damian's face as the little demon stood behind Dick and Bruce as he once away got away with emotionally and verbally abusing Tim while Tim was lectured about how he was older than Damian, he couldn't let Damian get to him, Damian is just a child and Tim should know better.
Jason could see as each barb hit deep and left another scar already over his sacred heart.
"Enough!" Jason snarled as he stomped forward and pushed Tim behind him. He had done his fair share of harm to Tim, he allowed Talia to manipulate him, to twist and turn him into her weapon to get rid of Tim. He still didn't know why she hated Tim so much that she would use him and now her son to get rid of him
He saw Talia in Damian and it scared him. He couldn't deny that Dick had done wonders with the little gremlin but staying quiet while Damian went after Tim with everything he had to push him to the edge needed to stop it wasn't helping Damian it was just enabling him. If no one took Damian aside and explained to him why trying to kill Tim, why attacking him not with just his weapons but also his words were wrong and needed to stop Jason was afraid that one day they would find Tim standing on the edge of a ledge and no words would be enough to pull him back from the edge.
Tim had saved this family, it was time someone saved him.
"Just enough. Stop it. No," Jason held up his hand when both Bruce and Dick looked to speak, "You both have done enough talking now it is time for you to listen and you will listen to me even if I have to tie you to chairs, you will fucking finally listen." Jason snarled out.
"Jason?" Tim's soft voice came from behind him and Jason's heart nearly broke at how soft and hopeful it sounded.
Turning to look over his shoulder Jason flashed Tim a soft smile, "It's going to be okay baby bird." He found himself promising.
Biting his lower lip Tim looked at his Robin, his hero and he felt safe, not like he felt when he was with Kon, Bart, Cassie and Cass but safer than he has felt in the cave for years. "You don't have to do this." The last thing that Tim wanted was to cause strife between Jason and the others just when Jason was slowly starting to return to them.
"I'm doing this Tim because it should have been done long ago."
"What is this drivel? We have more important things to worry about than Drake's feelings. He is just proving how weak he is."
Jason didn't miss the way Tim flinched at Damian's words or how he curled into himself when no one spoke up for him.
"Your mother sure taught you all of her tricks on how to manipulate people. I heard that speech from Talia before when she was doing everything in her power to turn me against Tim. To make me her weapon in getting rid of him. I'm just surprised that Dickie and B are weak-minded enough to fall for that bullshit trick." Jason casually commented. "Physical, emotional and verbal abuse are three tricks of the Al Ghul's and you Damian have mastered them." Jason clapped slowly. "Your mother and grandfather must be so proud of you. You are proving you are Al Ghul through and through."
Damian froze as Dick let out a growl, "That is enough Jason." Dick snarled out.
Cocking an eyebrow Jason looked at Dick like he was a speck of dirt on his boot, "So it is wrong for me to talk to Damian like that but it is okay for him to talk to Tim even worse? And don't give me that bullshit that Tim is older and Damian is just a child because that excuse is shit and you know it. Tim is not an adult yet, he has been forced to grow up fast all of his life. He never had a childhood, the only happiness he had was chasing us all over Gotham. He is not you Dick! He didn't need space, he needed his family supporting him while he was grieving losing so many people that he loved. And what does he get a little brother that tries to kill him and doesn't even get a stern talking to? No, he gets Robin and he gets to keep up the emotional and verbal abuse because the only adults in his life are too much of a bunch of cowards to step up and set boundaries for him!" Jason could feel the rage of the pit starting to bubble up, a soft touch on his arm had him turning to look at Tim who had stepped up beside him.
Tim could see the pit beginning to take over and that was the last thing he wanted, Jason had worked so hard to learn to control it that he didn't want to set him back. "For so long I have wanted a family." Tim started and he found himself licking his lips as he met Dick's gaze, "From the moment you gave me that hug that horrible night I wished that I could be your little brother. Batman and Robin were more than my heroes they were the family I longed for." He moved his gaze to Bruce, "No matter how hard you pushed me, wanting to make me quit and go away I fought all that much harder to find a place here because you were my family. Only no matter how hard I tried it was never enough. I would never be Jason, I was just his replacement, a placeholder until someone else came along. Someone who was wanted."
The smugness returned to Damian while Dick paled as the words began to sink in and Bruce began to see where this was going.
"I will never be Dick. I will never be Jason. I will never be Cass. I will never be Damian. All of them are loved and wanted in this family. I am just Tim, the replacement, the placeholder, the tool of the Batfamily. I love you all, even you Damian. I had been so happy to learn that I was going to have a little brother that I could pass Robin off to." There was a tear trailing down Tim's cheek as his voice broke.
Jason felt his heart break for Tim as Damian's eyes widened as Tim's words finally seemed to sink in.
"I knew I wouldn't be Robin forever and that you would someday be ready for it. I know you hated me, Damian, that you saw me as someone you needed to get rid of to prove your worth here. I don't know if your hatred of me grew because I was the first and only one who drew a line in the sand and told you that we don't kill. In the end, it didn't matter because Bruce or Dick never once backed that rule up. They never thought to set limits for you because you had a tough life. But the thing is Damian you weren't the only one. And I'm not even talking about myself but Jason and Cass, both of who have made amazing progress because someone took the time to sit them down and teach them what is and isn't acceptable. I guess since I am the only one you want gone neither Bruce nor Dick think it is important enough to teach you why words can cut deep and leave scars that sometimes never heal. I guess I just am not worth it to them, after all, I am the unwanted one."
"Tim." Dick took a step forward, his hand reached out to touch Tim, only to stop when Jason shifted so he was once again standing in front of Tim blocking the younger man from view.
"Now is not the time Dick," Jason stated his voice hard.
"It's okay Jason," Tim informed him as he moved out from behind his bulky form, staring at his so-called family Tim decided it was time to announce the decision he had come to weeks ago, "I think it is best for myself if I left Gotham."  
Silence filled the cave, not even a bat could be heard.
"Son," Bruce started his eyes wide, he knew that things had been rough but he never expected this.
Tim shook his head, "No, it is too late. If I stay here it won't be long until I am jumping from a ledge."
Dick's legs gave out from him as he collapsed on the floor and out of the corner of his eye he could see Bruce falling back into the chair at the Bat Computer. Even Damian looked affected by Tim's words.
"If it wasn't for Kon and Bart finding me, breaking the no meta rule I wouldn't be standing here today. And that is why I am leaving. I can't take being someone's punching bag and then being blamed for defending myself. I am done being the victim in what is supposed to be my home. So I am moving to San Francisco permanently. Red Robin will no longer be a part of the Bat's so please don't contact me, not that you have. I haven't heard from any of you but Jason and Cass for six months."
"Timmy," Dick's voice cracked as he realized that he was losing his baby brother, again. "Please don't go." Once again he felt helpless as another brother left him behind.
"I can't Dick." Tim's eyes were full of sorrow as he met Dick's pleading gaze. "I can't stay here and wither away until there is nothing left of me. I am barely hanging on as it is. I'm sorry but it is time I put myself first for once. I will miss you, despite everything I still love all of you and still think of you as my family." With nothing left to say Tim turned on his heel and left the cave.
When Tim's footsteps could no longer be heard Jason let out a laugh, "Well Talia's plan worked she wanted to get rid of the light of Batman and she did." Not wanting to be around them any longer Jason turned on his heel and left, he wanted to make sure that no one tried to stop Tim from leaving.
Dick looked shaken as he turned to face Bruce as he begged to know, "Bruce, what do we do now?"
Bruce had no response all he could focus on was how much darker the cave looked now that Tim was gone.
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zorilleerrant · 3 years
Monkey Prince
5 times Marcus hated superheroes and 1 time he didn’t (AO3) Marcus and Billy being friends. I love them. They’re best friends. There’s a bit of secret identity nonsense also.
In The Mythic Tradition Marcus muses on his childhood hero and his own heroics.
Are you. You know. Adopted? Marcus muses on being adopted.
Change! It’s the one where Marcus is trans. Like I know the issues around shapeshifting and trans stuff, but, like all trickster deities, all the stuff with Wukong and gender roles/gender presentation is quite thematically interesting so I do think it adds an angle that might not otherwise be there.
What We Learn In Chinese School Marcus is great friends with Billy. Monkey Prince hates Shazam. Sometimes the crossover gets a bit confusing.
The Smallest Details Marcus and Billy can rely on each other. They trust each other. They love each other. (Jumping on board this ship train before it leaves the station!)
Happy Year of the Tiger (AO3) Billy goes over to Marcus’s house for New Year’s.
Just Monkey Business Some codas about civilian life. Marcus & Billy, probably Marcus & his parents when they show up more. (ongoing)
To Honor A Debt My OC, Xanthippe Long (White Horse’s kid) follows Marcus around to try to settle the debt between their families. (ongoing)
Shazam | Captain Marvel
In the Museums of the Night (AO3) Tawny tells Billy what happened when he stayed at work past sunset.
Batman (various continuities)
Educational Overnight Crossover with Static Shock. Mostly animated Batman continuity (although largely backfilled from Batman Beyond), but I don’t think it super matters to the text of the thing. Static pretends to be Batman and has to face off against the Riddler. Also featuring Richie in hot pants (as Robin).
This Changes Nothing Extremely self-indulgent fic about Damian. Tim comes out and Damian freaks, but also it’s just fluff. Fluff and lots of graphic violence. Warning for graphic panic attack, suicidal ideation and self-harm, internalized homophobia, and externalized homophobia. But it is fluff I swear. Definitely the most popular fic I’ve ever written.
Scenes from Earth 420 Bits and pieces of a (loosely) Batfam fic I’m working on. None of this will probably make it into the final draft if I ever get there. It’s humor. Guess what kind, go on.
Coffee or Tea? HBO Titans, specifically Aqualad era. A barista watches our heroes, in both identities. (This is the fic where no one is named, not even Diego, the barista, whose perspective it’s from.)
On Loan from the Wayne Family Collection Ambiguous timeline and no particular canon, but may contradict current continuity. This is an entire fic based on my headcanon around the background of a specific panel of a random issue of Titans. Like that’s not necessary to understanding the fic, I just thought you would like to know. Bruce & Dick fluff, also featuring some of the rest of the Batfam and Titans.
Even A Broken Clock Tim panics when asked why he’s injured and tells Bernard that Bruce hits him. Bernard, as you may imagine, is very concerned about this. Timeline is generally ambiguous, but Tim and Bernard have been together for a while and both have their own apartments. Damian lives at home with Bruce. Jason is in the area but not completely reconciled with the batfamily. Dick is Nightwing, but frequently around. Babs is a cop and has been for a while. Clark Kent is the classic intrepid reporter. There’s a lot of in depth discussion of child abuse throughout this story, including sexual abuse. None of it is actually happening, but still watch out if it gets to you.
Lockdown Prompt: the Joker is broken up over Batman’s death and becomes a crimefighter in his memory. My version: but he can’t be normal about it.
The Baby An Earth 420 story. Humor. (Read: Crack.) What if Ivy’s baby was getting passed around like a football? (She’s fine, she didn’t even notice, she’s a baby.) There’s an implication of plot in the background but it’s not relevant to anything.
Good Girls Stay Alive HBO Titans continuity. After Donna Troy dies, she’s just done with things. Unfortunately, things are not done with her. Warning for suicidal ideation in the sense that she would rather stay dead.
Half Gay/Half Straight HBO Titans continuity. Tim discusses sexuality with Conner and then they kiss.
Batman fic: he was the best Yeah so probably a little sideways from what anyone was looking for, but it fit an idea that was percolating in my head for a while. Based on this post and all the fun people were having in the notes. Dick hallucinating Jason, mostly.
Harry Potter
Courage Hermione deals with racism. I always headcanoned Hermione as middle eastern, so I wanted to add something with that because I don’t see it a lot even when people intentionally make her nonwhite.
Terrible TMR POV character study
Don’t Call Me Nymphadora I wrote a fic about Tonks being nonbinary. This is effectively a prequel to Just Tonks, but they don’t have to be read together, I just felt like a lot of people missed what I was trying to say about Tonks, so I wanted to write something that described her feelings a little better.
Five Degrees West Bellatrix character study. evil but make it feminist
Summary Judgement Sirius-centric fic where he realizes that maybe the criminal justice system that traps people in a cement block with soul sucking demons eating all their happiness until they go insane is not the best idea. Azkaban times. tw for police violence, state violence, human rights abuses, and graphic murder
on house elves a scene from no particular fic about how elves are fae and subject to the same rules you would typically expect
a true gentleman this is probably technically a ficlet. shuri x bucky. humor
Just a Perfectly Normal Rabbit WandaVision. Our Awesome Trio finds Senor Scratchy in the aftermath of the show.
Another Loki Loki. Sylvie works in a coffeeshop and is in love with Loki. No it’s not fucking straight wlnb ships aren’t straight asshole
it’s a love story baby just say yes Loki/Legends of Tomorrow crossover. I ship Casey and Gary so sue me. there is more planned for this but like. when I get around to it
Brain Freeze Loki. B-15/C-20. a set of vignettes. canon compliant because C-20′s memory was actually about B-15 for sure
You’re gonna go far, kid Loki. Ravonna POV (1st) talking to/about Sylvie. originally a songfic but I tossed the song part because I hate lyrics. nonlinear. probably the most artsy fic I’ve written to date. it’s awesome but also made up exclusively of things people do not like in their fanfic
Auntie Yelena Saves Christmas Hawkeye. A bit of humor and fluff about Yelena showing up for Christmas at the Bartons’. Also she kisses Kate.
A dog might have got blipped! NOT CLICKBAIT In the movie, Klev tells you that he won’t drive a bus anymore. In this fic, he tells you why.
Spider-man: No Such Thing As Responsibility Prompt. What if Spider-man was a villain?
Static Shock
No Flams Prepz Hotstreak talks to a (presumably court mandated) therapist.
Worry Static’s dad worries about the kids in his life.
Everybody Makes Mistakes Character study on Virgil, pilot centric. (Contains guns.)
Protest Static meets Magneto. The timeline on this is obviously confusing af, but like, imagine it’s during the corresponding irl point of any of the major ups of BLM protests, within Static’s timeline somewhere after he’s got the hang of heroing but before he’s really used to it, and in Magneto’s timeline, somewhere during the initial rise of the Brotherhood. This was just an idea that got stuck in my head and that’s about it.
Attraction Virgil/Richie. Just an excuse to write puns.
Marathon Static & Rubberband Man. Fluff
Frieda Character study. Also ruminating on bullying and sexual harassment. (It’s about the gun violence episode, if that gets to you.)
Educational Overnight Crossover with Batman. Mostly animated Batman continuity (although largely backfilled from Batman Beyond), but I don’t think it super matters to the text of the thing. Static pretends to be Batman and has to face off against the Riddler. Also featuring Richie in hot pants (as Robin).
Parabatai A lot of people were invested in the part where Jace could tell that Alec boned. Just my take on the thing. There’s sex in this one. Probably my most popular fic to date.
Love Will Tear Us Apart Magnus blames himself about Raphael drinking Izzy’s blood. So tbh I don’t actually remember this fic and I don’t think anyone liked it? I will have to read it over at some point and see what it is.
A Fish Without a Bicycle This is a companion piece to Parabatai; going along with the Parabatai bond being a sort of metaphor for an erotic relationship, it posits Izzy as aspec and explores that a little.
Answers Another companion piece. Just a lot about Alec exploring his sexuality and trying to figure stuff out.
Forever Home Magnus being A Dad, to cats and other magical creatures.
Better Together I was trying to meld the old and new canons into something I liked better. I do still have ideas for this but it would be a lot of work going back into it and figuring out what the hell I was doing. Incomplete. Semi-permanent hiatus.
untitled hunger games fic So I got in my head what if what happens in the Capitol is just everyone and the Hunger Games are literally just like. Games. Anyway it’s meant to be humorous, but I don’t know if my ideas about the setting actually came through. Hunger Games fans will probably not enjoy this.
American Gods/Sookie Stackhouse: Small Town Mentality A little character study about Shadow interacting with Sookie. This was when I was rereading American Gods, and I was like. You know, these books have similar vibes and similar canons. Timeline wise it’s set about halfway through American Gods and a few years before the first Sookie book. (The title is about not-my-business isolationism, not racial violence.)
untitled Beauty and the Beast fic From the perspective of LeFou waxing poetic about Gaston.
Queer as Folk: Not Always in the Same Way Hunter being bi
Animorphs: Restrained A snippet from Cassie’s POV. Violent death tw
Star Wars: A Reylo Story just a little jokefic making fun of anti-reylos
Star Wars: Where There’s Life There’s Hope I started watching Clone Wars and I was real sad about how terrible they are to the droids so I wrote something depressing. Enjoy!
TAZ: Balance: Gift of the Magpie Just a little fluff about the twins doing a shoplifting.
Good Omens: One of Yours what if Crowley was responsible for BoJo???
Rick and Morty: Animorty Cricksing: New Pants script format fic that’s about the family playing animal crossing. it was written for a prompt for a bingo but I abandoned that bingo
Legends of Tomorrow: Zari & Zari Inspired by the scene where Zari says she updated the look of the Totem. What if she wanted to update even more looks?
Arrow: Love Like a Sister’s Laurel considers her feelings on Ollie, and Nyssa, and playing fair.
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doks-aux · 4 years
ZsaszMask Week Day 1: Pumpkin
Happy ZsaszMask Week the First! Many thanks to @mashimero for putting this together. I’m gonna do my best to stay on schedule and post something every day.
Kicking things off with some seasonally appropriate trauma set in The Arkham Home For Troubled Youth AU.  Features kids swearing, background Hattercrow, violence done to innocent pumpkins, and very indirect references to child abuse, dead parents, and self-harm.
Also on AO3.
“How’re you not excited for Halloween?”
Roman scowled at Jon across a table strewn with several pumpkins and the contents of just as many pumpkin-carving kits. “Every day is Halloween in this sickhouse.”
“Yeah, it’s great,” the taller boy grinned, thoughtfully sorting through the various jack-o’-lantern patterns. “But this is real Halloween. I never got t’ have real Halloween before. Granny always said it was the Devil’s work. Oh! Look at this one!”
Jon grabbed a pattern of a wide, grinning cat face and held it in front of his own. “Jervis’ll like this.”
“Well, it’s stupid,” Roman said. “So probably.”
“Don’ be a dick,” Jon scoffed, lowering the paper. “I wan’ him to have a good time. I don’ think they even have Halloween in England.” He set the cat face carefully to the side and went back to studying the rest of the patterns. “But he’ll have a great first one. It’s really cool a’ the rich boy t’ take us all trick-or-treatin’ in his rich neighborhood.”
Roman bristled, baring his teeth and growling his words out between them. “His name is Bruce.”
“We always go trick-or-treating with Bruce,” Victor suddenly spoke up, jumping in like he always did when he knew Roman was about to do something especially stupid. He was kneeling in the chair next to Roman’s, struggling to cut a lid into a pumpkin with one of the thin, flimsy knives from the kits. “His parents have a big party every Halloween, so we all meet there, and then his butler drives us to all the houses. It’s cool ‘cause it’s too far to walk, and we get to eat candy in the car. And then we have a sleepover if it’s not a school night.”
“And it’s not!” Jon crowed, successfully distracted from a potential fight with Roman, which was probably for the best. Roman thought he might be stronger than Jon, but Jon was taller and quicker and claimed to know karate. “I can’t wait! It’s gonna be the best night. Candy and scary movies and monsters and zombies and ghosts!”
Victor’s face blanked out at the last items on that list, and he went still. Roman sat up in his chair, hackles rising again, but he wasn’t as fast as Victor was at averting disasters. Jon had seen and was already leering at Victor, grin as wide and toothy as the jack-o’-lantern patterns.
“Oh?” he said, teasing and delighted. “Are you sca-a-ared of those?”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?!” Roman roared, slamming his hands on the table hard enough to hurt and make the pumpkins wobble dangerously. The look on Jon’s face was almost worth it.
“Th’ hell’s your problem?! I was only askin’--”
“Dead things should stay dead,” Victor said flatly, once again cutting in before Roman could receive the ass-kicking he just kept asking for. Except Roman wasn’t sure he’d meant to do it this time. The way he was staring down at the partially lobotomized pumpkin, Roman wasn’t sure he was aware of them at all.
At least Jon wasn’t a complete idiot and noticed it, too, his eyes widening as he stuttered out an apology. “Oh, sh-shit, I’m sorry. I-I didn’ mean--”
Victor suddenly stabbed the tiny carving knife into the pumpkin with such force Roman was sure it would snap in half.
“This isn’t working,” he said, still in that flat tone, and pushed back from the table to disappear into the kitchen, leaving the knife wedged in the top of the pumpkin, wobbling slowly to a standstill.
“Fuuuck,” Jon groaned, shrinking back into his own chair and looking guiltily at Roman. “I swear I didn’ mean anythin’. I jus’... I forgot...”
How do you just forget something like that? Roman wanted to ask, except that he had sort of forgotten, too. Or else he might have realized where the conversation might end up and could have stopped it. He should’ve stopped it.
“Don’t say stupid shit like that to him,” he said, anger already fizzling out and leaving him exhausted. “He’s just a kid.”
“Yeah. Yeah…” Jon stood and awkwardly gathered the cat face pattern and a few others into a stack in his hands. “I’ll jus’... go see if Jervis likes any a’ these... Sorry.”
Roman slumped back into his chair once Jon was gone, sighing and grimacing as he peeled his still-stinging palms from the table and turned them over to look. They were red.
Little socked footsteps heralded Victor’s return, and Roman hurriedly rubbed his hands together to soothe and hide them. Victor didn’t need to worry about him right now. The smaller boy climbed back into the chair next to Roman, holding a kitchen knife almost as long as his arm. Roman eyed it warily, but didn’t say anything just yet.
“He won’t say anything like that to you again,” he began, speaking softly and reassuringly, carefully watching Victor’s face. He looked sad and a little confused, but that was better than the blank look from before. The dead look. “I’ll kick his ass if he does.”
Victor sighed. “Dr. Thompkins doesn’t want you getting into fights.” He was quiet and didn’t look at Roman, but he smiled, just a little, and that made Roman smile, too.
And feel a hundred times worse about what he had to say next.
“She doesn’t want you using that knife either.”
Victor’s tiny smile immediately vanished, and Roman hated himself a little more than usual. “I have to cut the pumpkin,” he insisted, his grip on the knife’s handle tightening. “The little one doesn’t work.”
“Okay. But maybe we should wait for her to-- Hey!” His hand shot out to grab Victor’s arm as he raised the knife. “You’re not supposed to have something that sharp!”
His voice broke on the word, and he swallowed hard, sliding his hand down to curl around Victor’s tiny wrist gently, so carefully. “Put it down,” he said, much softer, lowering both their hands. “C’mon, kid. Let’s put it down.”
The knife dropped to the table with a clunk, and instantly Roman filled Victor’s empty hand with his own.
“It’s okay,” he said, squeezing tightly as Victor lowered his head to stare at the floor. Roman wasn’t as good at comforting Victor as the reverse, but he was learning. “It’s okay.”
They sat like that for a long, quiet minute, not quite looking at each other. Finally, Roman heard a sniffle, and Victor’s hand squeezed back. “Roman…?”
“How come you aren’t excited?” Victor lifted his head to frown at him. His eyes were always sort of wet and shiny, so it was hard to tell if he’d been crying. “You love Halloween.”
“Halloween’s fine,” Roman sniffed, frowning right back. He didn’t want to talk about it, and he didn’t want Victor worrying about him, but it was hard to say no when Victor looked at him with those big eyes, wanting something else to think about. It felt like being tricked.
He let go of Victor’s hand and shrugged. “I just don’t wanna go back there.”
Victor cocked his head like a little bird. No, a puppy. “You don’t want to go home?”
“It’s not home anymore, Victor!” Roman suddenly shouted, slapping the table again. “We don’t live there. We don’t live there anymore, and now we’re gonna go back, and... Everyone will be there, and it’s the first time since... since we left, and... And they’re gonna know now! They know... what happened, and that we... But now we’re going back like it’s normal, and Bruce should’ve known--!”
Roman curled his hands into fists and stuffed them into his armpits so he wouldn’t hit the table again. He didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want to think about it, and he didn’t want to yell at Victor, and he didn’t want to be crying, but...
The rich boy and his rich neighborhood.
Because Bruce was the only rich boy now, and Roman and Victor weren’t. Because it was still Bruce’s neighborhood, and Roman and Victor didn’t belong there anymore. Because even though Bruce came to visit and get his head shrunk, he didn’t have to live in the crazy house with the crazy kids nobody wanted. Because Bruce had someone who loved him and took care of him, and Roman and Victor--
“It’s okay.” Victor’s arms wrapped around Roman’s trembling shoulders, hanging on tight as he climbed from his chair into Roman’s. They were both bigger now and couldn’t fit in the same seat like they used to, but that didn’t matter much when Roman grabbed him around the middle and hauled him into his lap. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not!” Roman sobbed, burying his face in Victor’s shoulder and gripping his shirt with both hands. “It’s not okay.”
“It’s not,” Victor echoed, and Roman was certain he was crying now, too. But he nuzzled his little blonde head next to Roman’s and just held him tighter, the way he had since the hospital, since the funeral. Like even when he let go, he hadn’t really. “But that’s okay, too.”
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years
Joker’s Killer
Chapter 2: A Father’s Rage and it’s aftermath
Summary: In the end, it’s not Batman that kills the Joker. It’s Bruce Wayne.
May 29, 1:19: Bruce Wayne walked into Arkham undetected by any security cameras or guards
May 29, 1:25: Bruce Wayne entered Joker's cell.
May 29, 1:35: A guard realized that the hysterical laughter and gurgling from the clown's cell weren't just for show.
May 29, 1:37: Bruce Wayne was found standing over Joker's body with a steel bar in his hand, Joker's head bashed in.
Note: This is an A/B/O fic though the only tropes that are focused on are the protective omega parent and bonding.
TW: Non-consensual bonding (It’s an a/b/o fic)
Chapter 1
Joker bit Jason.
Joker bit his boy, his pup.
That monster hurt his son. Again.
Red Rage rose up inside of him.
The monster will never hurt his baby again. The Omega would make sure of it.
His baby would be safe from now on.
The drive took twenty-one minutes and forty-three seconds.
The omega knew how to get around the cameras and guards. Enter from the supply chute, count the seconds between the camera rotations, walk when the guards turn the corner.
The cell was easy enough to get into, he knew the code after all. Make sure the alarms didn't go off. Make sure they click back into place.
The monster greeted him with a smile and a laugh, the pale face twisting in unnatural ways.
The Omega took out the steel bar he had in his sleeve. The joker look at it and laughed mockingly. The omega picked it up and broke the monster's hands first and then his legs. He then moved on to the jaw. The monster was still laughing, the sound coming out in gurgles and gasps.
The monster's head was bashed in next, the blood and bone flying all over the place, the sound of laughing finally started to die down as the door of the cell opened. There were arms holding the Omega back and keeping him down, but he didn't care.
The Red Rage subsided and was replaced with an empty calm.
The monster was gone.
His baby was would be safe now.
May 29, 1:19: Bruce Wayne walked into Arkham undetected by any security cameras or guards
May 29, 1:25: Bruce Wayne entered Joker's cell.
May 29, 1:35: A guard realized that the hysterical laughter and gurgling from the clown's cell weren't just for show.
May 29, 1:37: Bruce Wayne was found standing over Joker's body with a steel bar in his hand, Joker's head bashed in.
Detective J. Morales and E. Rosario were the ones to go down and get the report on Bruce Wayne's bloodwork.
"So what's the verdict doc?" asked Julia, "What drove our dear billionaire bonkers?"
"Please, Julia," sighed Estella, older and a little more polite than her younger partner
"What? I'm just saying," said Julia
The ME, Ethan, turned to them with a grim smile.
"There were no drugs," said Ethan, "His hormones spiked first and then stayed that way for a while but then they came down when-"
"And this is where we remind you that not all of us went to med school," said Julia
Ethan smiled, "Right. Uh...it's a little unprecedented. You know the two defences of when omegas take the defence of themselves or their pack?"
"Sure," said Estela, "The first one is where they go 'up' and they go into a rage protecting their pups and sometimes packs, constitutes as temporary insanity,"
"I mean it would make sense," said Julia, "We all know what happened with the Joker and Jason the first time,"
At that, the mood in the room dimmed even more. Jason Todd's disappearance and return might not be the hot topic of the headlines anymore but any person with a half a mind knew that the consequences of it would stay with the family. And with the realization that Joker had hurt Jason again, bitten him, well...who could blame a parent?
"The other one is when they 'retreat' into themselves," said Ethan, "Don't really realize what they're doing and go on autopilot, It's less common but it happens,"
"I've seen it before," said Estella, "Woman got a year's probation and mandatory therapy for running over a guy while driving away from an abusive partner. She was taking the fastest route on autopilot to her mom's house. Poor thing just wanted the baby in the backseat safe,"
"So which one is it here?" asked Julia
"That's where it gets weird," said Ethan, "His hormones are very low now, dangerously low, indicating that he's not all there-"
"So the second one," said Julia
"That's the thing," said Ethan, "We have other indicators that show if someone was recently in a charged state and they're all there,"
"So...?" said Estella
"As we know, the Joker but Jason and Bruce didn't find out until about half-an-hour before he killed the Joker. My assumption is that he got charged, did the deed, once he realized that his pup was 'safe', he retreated into himself,"
"Why?" wondered Julia
"I can't be sure but there are so many things different from the usual cases. For one Jason is an adult but on the other hand, we know what kind of life that kid had so it's pretty understandable that his parent jumped into defence mode. As for the 'retreat', Bruce is a public figure, this might be his mind's way of protecting his pack from the vultures but again that's just speculation,"
"There's no point in assuming things," said Estella, "What do you have to say that we can relay?"
"Officially, this man does not have the capacity to stand trial from a biological standpoint, you should ask a psychologist but I believe they will say the same thing. This man also needs medical care,"
"You said officially," said Julia, "What about unofficially?"
Ethan took a deep breath, "It would be a little early for me to say it and might interfere with the case but this man might need long-term care. Gotham might have to say goodbye to her oldest hero,"
A dark stillness settled in the room. While Gotham's public might speculate, among the police force, the justice system and everybody in between, the identities of Gotham's vigilante family were an open secret.
"May they rest," murmured Julia. She didn't say who, nobody ever said it out loud but the idea, the thought, was there.
May they rest, Gotham's original legend.
The press conference was held at 10:00 AM the second day after Joker's death.
The day before had been spent by the Wayne siblings, along with Jason's pack, huddled in their nest, barely leaving, eating, sleeping and cuddling under the mountain of blankets. Their pack, the ones less affected, and their friends had taken up their mantles for two nights. Superman had been called in, a few of the arrows, the birds of prey had taken the night and Bluebird had also stayed out, giving Bruce's kids the time they needed. Barbara made sure to coordinate them efficiently. Martha Kent and Diana watched over the family, making sure Alfred spent time with his grandchildren, and not working himself to the bone in the kitchen.
Early on the day of the press conference, Alfred took his second grandchild aside and quietly spoken with him.
"You don't have to do this, my boy," he told Jason, "No one will blame you for waiting to do this or not doing it at all. Someone else can handle it. We could even do a private interview with friends in the profession if you are really intent on telling your story,"
"No," whispered Jason, "They will still speculate. I want this to be done as open as possible and then put a cork in it. This way they can't come up with their own ideas,"
"If you're sure," said Alfred
Jason nodded and Alfred gently hugged him close, wishing with everything inside of him that his own son was here to comfort his child. Instead, he was lying in a hospital bed under guard, waiting for the courts to decide his fate.
The press conference was held in a room on the WE building to be able to keep some control over the event and to keep Jason at ease. The commissioner was also present to carry on the conference once the siblings were done.
Dick was the one who went up first, introducing them as his five siblings, Kate, Selina and Alfred stood behind him.
"We are here today, not to talk about the incident but to give you context as to what lead to the incident happening. We want to clear any misconceptions and make sure the public knows that the Wayne family is handling this situation with the utmost decorum,"
"That said, most of this story will be told by my brother Jason, and it will be a difficult experience. If you could please listen first and keep your questions until the end,"
Dick backed away and gave Jason's shoulder a squeeze as the other man stepped up.
"Good Morning Gotham," said Jason, "As you know, due to previous stories, that I was kept from my family for some time during my teen years and that the fault was with the Joker. That story had been told many times, and I will not repeat it. I would instead like to talk about what happened three weeks ago, the last time Joker escaped,"
"The Joker captured me along with 16 other hostages that were in that store with me when he came in. We do not know if he had found me by chance or if e was looking to trap me somewhere and plays some more. About ten minutes into the situation, he took me to the backroom and-
Jason stuttered there, a lump forming in his throat. Still, he swallowed and continued.
"He-um- he took me to- to the back room and told me he was going to...that he was going to-to bite me."
There was a murmur around the room but died again as Jason continued.
"After giving me the bite, he insisted that I," deep breath, "that I bite him too,"
This time when Jason stopped the silence was deafening, no one had the heart or the presence of mind to say anything.
"A you can imagine, my first reaction was to refuse but he threatened the other hostages and to prove a point, went out and shot one of the women in the leg. He also kept physically assaulting me as he told me what he would do to the rest of the hostages if I refused. I finally agreed to the bite and Batman came around five minutes later. I was able to go home to a private doctor and due to confidentiality was able to keep the bite from my family. On the day of the Joker's death, I was having lunch with my father when he spotted it. One thing led to another, and I ended up telling him where it came from. He got quiet and left me at the table. Not understanding what had happened, I let him go and went back to my place where one of my friends was also keeping me company. I didn't know about Joker's death until I saw the news that evening,"
Jason took a small breath after that.
"And now we are here," said Jason, "Are there any questions? Yes?"
"Why did you not tell your family immediately?"
"As you can imagine I was in shock and felt violated and since they could not do anything about it, I didn't think it necessary to let them know. Next? Yes?"
"Why not follow your father after he left you at lunch? Did you not think his behaviour was a little odd?"
"It is not odd for my father to walk away from a conversation, when upset, to calm down. I really didn't think anything so drastic would happen. I just wanted to get home,"
"Can you comment on anything pertaining to the investigation? About the mental state of the accused?"
Commissioner Gordon could see Jason's composure slipping and stepped up.
"Due to the time available, I think it is time that I took over. I can answer any questions you have on the investigation this far,"
No longer finding any reason to hold back due to the fragile mental state of one of Gotham's prominent omegas, the crowd of reporters burst forth with questions.
Jason didn't pay them any mind. Instead, he let Dick and Alfred lead him out of there as his siblings followed. Through the back of the room, Roy and Kori were waiting and they instantly took him in their arms.
"You okay, Jaybird?" murmured Roy
Jason just pressed his face into his shoulder and whimpered.
"Let's get you home," said Dick, laying a hand on his back
Yes. Home. That sounded nice.
He nodded and they carefully started to move away to the exit.
Behind them, Gordon was still talking to the press, explaining to them what he could. In the coming days, there would be more of these as Gordon gave more to the waiting public but Jason wasn't going to have anything to do with those.
Slowly, his family would help him heal from these scars too. And they would heal from the aftermath of them.
34 notes · View notes
Chapter 12- The Dark King
Word Count: 10, 700
TW: Mentions of rape, abuse, violence
A/N: Thank you guys for your kind comments and support so far! I really love the enthusiasm and your responses! 
I also wanted to share these amazing fanart!! 
Tumblr media
by @nessieusagi​ 
Tumblr media
by @milas-imaginarium​
I think they’re so lovely and it makes me so happy seeing all of this!
The first thing you felt when you woke up the next morning was the burning soreness between your thighs.
You winced when you reached down to touch your tender folds. Your labia minora was slightly swollen, and you felt something sticky. You withdrew your hand to see dark red oxidized blood.
You got up from bed, flinching as you walked to your bathroom to wash up. After a quick shower, you head out but paused when you caught your own reflection in the mirror. There were bruises on your waist and your hips, a double crescent shaped marking around your left nipple- you hadn’t even realise he bit you there in the heat. Your eyes then darted towards your neck, taking in the dark spots that had formed on the surface of your skin.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered.
You were a fucking mess. Anyone who saw you would immediately know what you were up to the night before. Even washed and clean, you could make out your slightly swollen lips.
You reached for your makeup bag and started covering up the visible remains of the assault you welcomed- before pausing in realisation.
Mother was quiet. She hadn’t made a single comment about how dirty you were.
And you didn’t feel dirty either.
You saw your own lips quirk up in a smirk as you craned your head to expose your neck even more to dab on concealer. You had just finished getting dressed when you heard a knock on your door.
“ Hey, you up?” you heard Dick’s muffled voice from outside.
You didn’t bother to reply, but went to open the door for him.
You stared at him, as he stared at you.
“You look like shit,” you snickered, then stepped aside to allow him inside.
His eyes were red and puffy, with dark circles underneath them. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days and the fact that his complexion was gray and pale added on to the “looks like death” look.
“I feel like shit,” he groaned. You sat on the chair near your desk as he helped himself to your bed.
“Are you okay?” he frowned in concern.
“I’m fine. Why?”
“You’re walking funny,” he narrowed his eyes at you.
You had tried to walk as normally as you could, but you were naive to think that you could have fooled Dick.
“Oh!” you feigned realisation, “My foot hurts a bit. I think I twisted it yesterday when I ran up the stairs.”
Another blunder.
It wasn’t a half truth, it was a straight up lie, and you knew how good Dick was at detecting lies. Judging from the tightening of his lips and the scrutinizing pause, he saw straight through you. You remained silent for a few moments. Then-
“So, Bruce told you, right?” Dick changed the subject, “How did you take it?”
You relaxed.
“I didn’t know him,” you reminded, “So it was more like a surprise to me, you know? I didn’t think it was possible. Then everything just made sense. Like, mind blowingly. The shit he said to me, the familiarity with the gadgets and my uniform, the kidnapping.”
“It killed him, you know?” Dick brought up, “Bruce, I mean. When he saw those bruises Red Hood- no, Jason- left on you. He probably didn’t show much, but Alfred called and told me how badly he took it.”
Suddenly, you were hyper aware of the hickies you currently had hidden on your neck, as if they were burning into your skin.
“Well, that was Todd’s plan, I suppose,” you shrugged. It still felt weird to talk about him in the context of the present.
“It worked,” Dick nodded, “Bruce was messed up. You’re his daughter after all.”
You didn’t know how to respond to his sad smile, so you changed the subject.
“So did you yell at him?” you smirked, “For keeping it a secret for so long?”
“Yell at him? I punched him,” he revealed.
“In the face?” you gasped.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he muttered, looking away.
“How long will you be staying?” you asked.
“I’m taking a week off work. If nothing by then, I’ll go back, but will continue to drop by as much as I can.”
“Anything last night?” you questioned.
“No,” he sighed, “We tried to look for people to interrogate, but it wasn’t our luck. We’ll try again. We’ve been checking out Bruce’s safehouses as well since he never removed Jason’s security clearance so he could be using one of them. So far nothing, though.”
You felt like a dark mass inside of you was eating you up, drowning you in guilt and shame.
While they were out desperately looking for Jason the night before, you knew exactly where he was and who he was doing.
“You’ll find him eventually,” you offered, “And when this stupid suspension is over, I’ll be there to help as well.”
“Yeah,” he hummed, “Jason… I want to help him. Save him. He’s angry, and you know what? I get it. I get why he’s pissed.”
So Dick got it?
He got that it was your fucking fault? That you were Jason’s replacement?
He got why Jason fucking hated you?
Dick must have noticed the change in your expression, because he quickly added, “I meant Bruce. How Bruce let Joker go.”
“Yeah, I got that,” you recovered, “It’s fine.”
“Sure, Bruce beat Joker up and all that, but I felt that Jason was always the type to think that the ends justify the means. He valued the intentions more than the action itself-”
“I said it’s fine, Dick,” you cut him off.
“And of course it does not in any way justify what he did to you-”
“Dick,” you grit, “It’s fine.”
He looked at you warily.
Or was it pity?
You didn’t need or want his fucking pity.
“Anyway,” he got up, “Breakfast?”
“Sure,” you followed suit, willing yourself to not grimace at the shooting pain between your thighs that you had forgotten about.
The two of you made your way downstairs to have breakfast in the dining room, table already set by Alfred.
“Bruce?” you asked Dick, wondering where your father was.
“He’s been in the cave the whole night,” Dick frowned as he took a seat across from you, “Hadn’t slept a wink.”
“I see,” you acknowledged, while you piled your plate with bacon and eggs.
“So,” Dick started with his mouth full, “Where did you go last night?”
“Did Alfred tell you I went out?” you narrowed your eyes.
You immediately started to get more cautious.
“I went to see someone,” you casually told him, trying your best to lower your heartbeat.
“Oh, was it that guy you were seeing?”
“You never told me his name.”
You swallowed.
“Carter?” he snickered.
“What’s wrong with Carter?” you feigned a defensive stance.
“Nothing wrong,” he tried to stifle his laughter, “So is Carter the reason why you’re walking funny?”
You did not expect that.
You were going to gasp in shock, but you had food in your mouth, so you ended up choking on it and going into a coughing fit.
“Dick!” you hacked violently, eyes streaming with tears.
“What?” he guffawed, “Oh, God. Are you okay?”
“Why would you say that?” you reached for the glass of juice.
“I need to know whether I gotta have a stern talking with some guy,” he laughed, “It was an honest question! Come on, I’m your brother.”
“Even more reason not to discuss these things!” you grimaced.
“Hey, if you’re old enough to do it, you’re old enough to talk about it,” he said smugly.
“It’s none of your business,” you protested, blushing furiously.
But the universe was a bitch.
Against all your luck, your phone that you had set on the table dinged.
You looked at Dick, and he looked at you, mischief glinting in his eyes.
You had been Robin for a long time, and while your reflexes were good, it still wasn’t as good as Dick’s.
Before you could reach for your phone, Dick had lunged for it, snatching it away mere moments before you could react.
“Dick, give it back!” you panicked, jumping across the table to catch swipe it back, causing a commotion.
He stood up tall, keeping the phone out of your reach.
“Oooh, Sexy Hunk From Library, huh?” he read out the notification on your lock screen. You put in a mental reminder to change your settings later.
“Thought of my proposal?” he read out loud, skipping away from you.
If Jason sent anything else, he’d expose himself.
“Proposal?” Dick continued, “What proposal? Did he ask you to marry him?”
You could tackle him. You couldn’t beat Dick but you could perhaps make him drop your phone.
“Or,” he gasped, “Is he into BDSM? Fifty Shades of Grey stuff? He’s getting you to sign a contract, isn’t-”
“How about instead of distracting yourself and using humor as a coping mechanism for your obvious grief and anger, you come to the terms and accept the fact that it was your fucking little brother who kidnapped and sexually assaulted me?” you spat with venom.
You saw the moment Dick registered your words, the way his smile fell, his teasing eyes darkened, his jaw clench and his back stiffened.
Dick had never looked at you the way he did then, and suddenly you felt small in his presence, the way Batman had always made you shrink away from his excessive aura of authority that he projected while he scrutinized you.
You felt like a dark veil covered the sun, and wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole as he looked at you with dark eyes.
“You’re right,” he grit, “Thanks for the slap in the face.”
“I’m sorry-” you tried.
“Clean up the mess you made,” he cut you off before leaving you alone with spilled juice and bacon bits on the floor.
You were never the clingy type.
You never really missed anyone because you never had anyone to miss. The maids and nannies in your childhood home rotated frequently so that you couldn’t get attached to them. Looking back, you were sure your parents did it on purpose.
It was only when you started giving full trust to your new family that you knew how it felt to miss someone.
And it had always been Dick, since you had gotten close to him and he wasn’t around much. You always had a good relationship with him, and he never once got angry at you or looked at you the way he did.
And now, it was Dick you had hurt.
But frankly, you didn’t care.
Because he deserved it.
It wasn’t like Jason was hoping for you to agree, but it was part of his plan so he couldn’t help but hope.
At least, that’s what he was telling himself.
He was sitting at his dining table- the fact that he owned a dining table sort of made him pleased with himself- cleaning his guns.
It took you almost an hour before you finally replied his text.
When Jason heard the ding, he looked to his screen to read the notification.
I’m still thinking.
He frowned, then put his gun down. He wiped his hand stained with grease and gunpowder residue on his bare chest, leaving a trail of gray on the surface of his skin before picking up his phone to reply.
Think faster. he simply sent.
He saw that you immediately started typing back.
These things take planning, Jason. I need to make sure no one can identify me if I were to go out with you. It’s not the matter of whether or not I can decide, it’s the matter of whether or not I’m capable of eluding Batman once he sees a surveillance footage of me with you.
Jason smirked. Evidently, you were agitated.
He liked that.
He liked agitating you.
You’re a smart girl. You can figure it out. he replied and went back to cleaning his weapons when you didn’t text him back.
Two hours later, his phone dinged again.
Fine. Where do we meet?
Jason smiled widely at his success.
Meet me at 7th Dillon Avenue, Coventry. I’ll be in the alley between the old tailor shop and a thrift store. 11pm sharp.
Oh, and babygirl? he sent again.
Put on that lip gloss you always wear. he replied with a kissing emoji he knew would get under your skin.
I don’t exist for him.
I don’t care what he thinks.
I don’t want to please him.
You repeated to yourself again and again as you stared at your reflection in the mirror, the tube of clear lipgloss you always wore held tight in your shaking fist.
After knowing he wanted you to wear it, you were suddenly torn between putting it on or not. You didn’t think something as stupid and simple as that could drive you up the wall.
You were frowning at yourself, at how idiotic you were being.
You were already ready, wearing a tight black suit made from Kevlar thread underneath black armor, your hair out of your face, and steel toed combat boots on complete with black leather gloves you usually wore during winter. The only weapons you were bringing were a pair of escrima sticks strapped to your back, your grappling gun strapped to your upper thigh, and a small knife strapped below it. Your belt only had smoke bombs. You were ready to leave, except for the lipgloss.
You groaned, and smacked it on anyway, hating yourself silently for listening to him.
You left your phone in your room, because you knew that Bruce could track your movements with it and deactivating your GPS and whatever bug he used would be more suspicious.
You managed to sneak past Alfred and head to the garage, thankful that both Bruce and Dick were already out, and chose the most normal looking motorcycle available and slapping black duct tape on the number plate to cover it up.
You thought about how your core would just sting while riding a motorcycle. The pain between your legs had lessened, but it was still sore enough to make your movements odd and stiff.
You left the manor with your heart beat racing, thinking of how you were betraying the man who took you in and loved you.
The man whom you called your father.
The streets in Coventry were dark and empty at that time. The only shops that were open were a couple of empty dodgy bars and convenience stores. You and Batman sometimes would patrol the area because it was such a perfect place for crime to happen. For some reason, it was so empty that even criminals hardly ever targeted anyone in the area save a few residents.
You hurriedly zoomed into the alley that Jason had told you. Both the tailor shop and thrift store were closed. You immediately saw him leaning against a black, sleek classic car, helmet resting on the hood. It was your first time seeing him as Red Hood after discovering his identity.
And the image ignited a fire in your belly.
You parked next to him and switched your engine off, taking off your own black motorcycle helmet.
You walked towards him and stopped a few feet away, arms crossed.
He looked at you, up and down. Then-
“Very homemade. I like it. Black suits you better,” he drawled. “You’re packing light tonight.”
“I had to be careful,” you reminded him, “I couldn’t take much weapons. He would have noticed.”
“I didn’t know you used those,” he nodded at the escrima sticks on your back.
“Dick taught me how to use them,” you explained, “My fighting style is too rigid- Bruce would recognize it if he saw me fight next to you. I’m not as familiar with the escrima sticks, so I haven’t developed a style yet. It could throw him off- hopefully.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, and started walking towards you. You refused to budge. He came close to you and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you close against his chest.
Your breath hitched, but you willed yourself to not show any sort of reaction.
“And this?” he breathed, hands snaking up your waist, rubbing the material up and down, “Kevlar armor?”
“Zylon,” you mumbled, ignoring the growing heat between your legs, “It’s six times stronger than Kevlar.”
“And he wouldn’t notice this go missing?”
“It’s stored away,” you huffed, “It’s more like a bulletproof vest rather than a suit. He wouldn’t miss it. Not the way he would miss the tech he used on the Robin suit.”
“Impressive,” he whispered, his warm breath fanning your face. He started caressing your cheek gently. It could have been a romantic gesture, but for some reason you thought that it was more threatening. “You’re even wearing contacts to change the color of your eyes. See? I knew you were smart”
“That’s a given,” you scoffed, looking sideways. Anywhere to avoid his eyes, though he was wearing a red domino mask with white lens. “Why do you even wear a mask if you already have a helmet?”
“Why did you wear your lipgloss when you had no obligation to listen to me?” he smirked, his thumb pressed on your shiny lips.
You slapped his hand away and looked at him in defiance as you put on a black bandana over your nose and mouth, tying it behind your head to give you a sense of protected identity.
He chuckled, and let you go.
“This is our rendezvous point. If anything happens, we meet back here. Now hop in,” he walked towards his car.
“Why can’t I take my own vehicle?” you demanded.
“Because I want you next to me,” he grinned, and put on his helmet. The minute it rested on his head, you saw it activate, the white glowing eyes switched on and you heard the very soft sound of his electronic breaths.
You frowned.
It was state of the art tech. You knew it must have had additional features like night vision and zoom lenses, not unlike the one you owned. You wondered where or how he had procured it.
“If that’s your only reason, then I’m taking my bike,” you defied.
He was already going to enter the driver’s seat when he stopped midway. He turned to look at you, and for some reason, it made you shudder.
In a flash, he was already behind you, taking your arms to incapacitate you and slammed your front onto the hood of his car.
He was unbelievably fast- you couldn’t believe that they were human reflexes. It must have been a result of the Lazarus Pit that Bruce briefed you on.
He bent over you, a hand in your hair forcing your head down against the warm car.
“Don’t get too cocky, baby girl,” he cautioned, “I still don’t trust you enough.”
You had to admit that the vulnerable position you were in sort of made your pussy clench.
“Fine,” you conceded, “I’ll go with you.”
You felt the pressure disappear and heard the car door slam. You grumbled and rubbed your cheek, before following suit.
Just because you knew it was Jason, you had let your guard down. You forgot how unstable he actually was. You made a mental reminder to be more cautious of his mood bursts.
You slammed the door shut. The interior of the car looked just as sleek as the exterior, with black leather seats- the passenger and driver’s seat were joined together- and an old school cassette player with nothing playing. The car was spacious and looked like a collector’s car. Again, you were left to wonder where he got it.
“Where are we going?” you asked, looking out the window, trying to avoid how sexy his arms looked when he gripped the steering wheel.
How could arms even be sexy?
“We’re heading to iClub,” he stated.
“On Verne Avenue? The one owned by the Ibenescus’?” you frowned, “They still a problem for you?”
“Big operation. Proud family,” he huffed, “International business. Yes, they’re a problem. They’ve been trying to hide it from me, but my men say they’re still active.”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
You felt uneasy.
“Just have a little talk with Victor,” he shrugged, “He’s in charge of the operations now after the Patru Fatri, and the cousins. He’s more distant from the main family, but an Ibenescu nonetheless.”
“Well, I hope the club doesn’t check IDs,” you mumbled jokingly to yourself.
To your surprise, you heard Jason bark out a loud laugh. It was an odd sound coming from the voice scrambler inside his helmet.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he rested a hand on your lap, which you felt almost burn, “You look way over 21.”
*** What Gotham lacked in security, it made up with entertainment.
Its affinity for producing and attracting bizarre individuals always made for good dinner discussion. You just never thought you would be on the side of the crazies.
Jason had parked a couple of blocks away from the club. You recognized the area, as it was just a lane away from The Black Bass Bar, where Jason had decapitated the cousins and put their heads on spikes.
The two of you walked towards the club.
“Listen here,” he started, “This isn’t your area of expertise. You do exactly what I tell you to do. You don’t open your mouth unless I say so. I’ve worked hard to earn fear from these people and I’m not going to let you fuck that up for me. Understood?”
“Whatever,” you huffed.
You noticed how the bouncers started getting nervous when they saw the two of you approaching. They had started to sweat and fidget, trying excessively hard to focus on filtering the going ins and outs of guests.
“Red Hood, sir,” one of them nodded and let the two of you inside. The moment you stepped in, you felt like you were immediately deafened by the loud techno music that was playing, and blinded by the flashing bright lights.
You noticed how many of the customers recognized Red Hood, and flinched away from him, avoiding eye contact. Their gaze would linger longer on you, curiosity in their eyes.
The both of you squeezed past the sweaty dancers on the floor, and towards the VIP area on the other side of the club.
Seated on the long suede purple sofas were three men, each with at least two women on their arms. The moment they saw you approaching, they immediately went rigid.
Red Hood simply strutted to the area and you followed behind him.
“Ah, Red Hood,” the man with straw hair that was slicked back and navy blue shirt that he had left unbuttoned, revealing his hairy chest, greeted. “Take a seat, take a seat! I see you have a guest with you, as well.”
“Victor,” Red Hood nodded, sitting on the chair. He crossed his legs and spread his arms across the back of the sofa, lounging comfortably. He looked over to you and nodded to his side, silently telling you to sit.
You obeyed, though less relaxed than Red Hood. It was slightly quieter at the VIP lounge, but you still had to strain your ears to hear them speak.
“Can I get you a drink, my friend?” Victor offered, “Maybe something for the lady?”
“You want anything, princess?” Red Hood turned to you.
“No, thank you,” you grit.
You hated that he was calling you pet names while in the presence of a crime lord. It was humiliating, and made you feel like you were just an accessory to him, not unlike those hardly dressed girls that were on Victor’s side.
You noticed one of them.
He had his arm wrapped around her waist, but she looked extremely uncomfortable. She was blonde, wearing a black dress with a plunging neckline, and didn’t look that much older than you. Even with the layers of badly applied makeup, you could tell she had eyebags and dark circles, perhaps maybe even bruises on her face.
“Angelica,” Victor called a girl from the other end of the sofa, “Come here give my friend some company.”
The girl called Angelica had tanned skin and exotic features, and was a brunette with curls that hung to her hips and was wearing a body hugging deep purple glittery tube dress. She came to sit on Red Hood’s other side, snuggling up close to him and started rubbing her hand on his thigh, and whispered something that you couldn’t hear.
And he just let her.
You clenched your jaw.
No, you couldn’t be jealous. It didn’t make sense for you to be. Yet, the sudden tightness of your chest said otherwise.
You saw Red Hood angled his face slightly towards you, probably to see your reaction.
You couldn’t see it, but you somehow knew he was smirking.
“So what brings you here?” Victor asked, trying to hide his nervousness.
It was the first time you met with an Ibenescu face to face. You thought that they would have a thick accent, but Victor sounded just as American as you and Red Hood.
“I was just wondering how things were going on your end,” Red Hood shrugged.
“Things are going excellent,” he replied, “As you can see, the club is doing great. People are enjoying themselves.”
“And the drugs?” Red Hood brought up.
“Ah, straight to business, like always,” Victor chuckled, “We’ve sold almost all our stock this month. You can come by and get your share of profits any time.”
“Who are your clients?”
“Local distributors, as well as some international ones,” he explained, “With explicit instruction to avoid dealing with the underaged, of course.”
“And how can you be so sure they’re listening?” Red Hood demanded.
“You know us, Red Hood,” he boasted, “The Ibenescu Family is one of the most powerful families in Gotham. Our name is very well known in the underground. We have people everywhere. Our operations span from the Americas, to Europe, to South East Asia.”
“And which operation did you come from, sweetheart?” he addressed the girl next to him.
She looked at him with shock, gaping like a fish out of water.
“Angelica here is from the Philippines,” Victor answered for her, his voice grittier than normal, “She migrated to find work. I provided for her. Isn’t that right, Angel?”
“Y-yes, sir,” she stuttered, “Mister Victor has been very good to me. He gave me a job when others wouldn’t. I am forever grateful for him.”
You frowned at the way she recited those words, almost like she memorized it from a playcard.
“The American dream, as the say,” Victor continued, “My family are very familiar with it. We are immigrants that came a long time ago, and America provided for us. I wanted to do the same for others.”
“Did you now?” Red Hood hummed.
“Of course,” he nodded aggressively, “But enough about me. Who is this ravishing lady you have here? I have not seen you before, my dear.”
You looked at Red Hood, who nodded subtly once.
“I’m V,” you made up on the spot.
“V?” Victor repeated.
“For Vendetta,” you finished.
You heard Red Hood chuckle next to you.
Victor raised an eyebrow, “Well, my dear, you must be special to my good friend Red Hood, here. I didn’t think he was capable of laughter. Where did he hide you all this while?”
“Ah, you see, Victor,” Red Hood cut in, “I did not hide her, because she isn’t mine to hide. V here is her own person, who happened to become partners with me for tonight. People only hide property, and women aren’t property, am I right?”
There was an unmistakable threat in his voice.
“Of course not,” Victor agreed, “I respect women.”
Suddenly, there was a tension in the air as the two men looked at each other.
Then, Victor started laughing.
“You’re too tense, Red Hood,” he boomed, “And you should trust your associates more. Especially the ones who sacrificed their entire industry for you.”
“Sacrifice, huh?” he said softly. Then, Red Hood turned his body towards you, scooting closer to your side. He let his hand rest on your thigh.
“You got my back, baby girl?” he whispered into your ear.
“Yes, but I’m not killing anyone,” you whispered back, “And you shouldn’t either.”
He ignored you and went back to Victor.
“Victor,” Red Hood said, “I’m feeling a little… Restless tonight. I want one of your girls.”
You clenched your jaw.
“Oh?” Victor widen his eyes, “Finally taking up my offer! Of course, of course! Pick anyone of my lovely ladies.”
“I want that one,” Red Hood pointed to the blonde Victor was obviously possessive over.
“Elena?” Victor started laughing awkwardly, “I’m afraid she’s not available, Red Hood. But you’re welcome to choose anyone else. Angel here is very popular.”
“No,” Red Hood insisted, “I want your Elena.”
“That’s not possible,” Victor denied, annoyance on his face, “Elena is only for me.”
“Well, since you respect women so much, let’s hear it from her, huh?” Red Hood teased, “Elena, sweetheart, would you keep me company tonight?”
Elena’s eyes were wide and terrified. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. You felt bad for her and wondered why Red Hood was putting her in such a difficult situation.
“I-I-I’m v-very sorry,” she squeaked. You could hear her thick Romanian accent. “I o-only serve Mister Ibenescu.”
“What, this clown?” Red Hood scoffed, earning a glare from Victor, “Unlike him, I’m sure I can give you a pretty good time.”
“S-sorry,” she stuttered, “T-that is not possible.”
Red Hood kept silent.
“There you go, the woman herself said it,” Victor commented, “And you’d want to respect a woman’s wishes right, Red Hood?”
“How old are you?” Red Hood asked softly, ignoring Victor.
“T-twenty-four,” she replied.
“You don’t look twenty-four,” he hummed, “How long have you been working with Victor?”
“Two years,” she automatically responded.
“I see,” he nodded.
You could tell she was lying, about both her age and how long she worked. And you knew Jason caught on as well.
Jason leaned back, taking out his gun from his thigh holster and casually dumped it on the low rise table, clinking against the glass bottles and shot glasses.
Ibenescu tensed up, and then there were about fifteen men who pointed their guns at the two you. You were about halfway standing up, reaching for your escrima sticks when Red Hood caught you by the shoulder to stop you.
You frowned at him, then sat back down.
You noticed that the music had suddenly stopped, and everyone in the club was silently looking, worry in their eyes and preparation to take off if anything were to get out of hand. You guessed that these sort of things happened frequently, and the club probably had a system for when it did.
“Relax, will you?” he growled at everyone, “Was just getting a little uncomfortable there, Jesus Christ.”
Victor nodded at his men, and they set their guns down. The music continued to play and the customers continued to dance as if nothing had happened.
You now knew what he was doing.
From the very beginning, he already planned out what he was going to say and what he was going to do in order to prepare for an inevitable fight. Based on observation, he knew that Elena was Victor’s favourite and that he would not let anyone touch her, so he provoked him by asking for her.
Asking Elena her age and how long she worked was also a calculated and pivotal move. Since both you and Red Hood could tell when someone was lying, the fact that she was indeed hiding what seemed to be minor information told volumes that she wasn’t supposed to be by Victor’s side, meaning that she wasn’t there by choice, and you could assume that she was trafficked.
From there, he confirmed his sources that Victor had not ended his human and sex trafficking trade, and had reasonable reason to attack.
And by putting the gun on the table, however he relaxed he seemed, was a massive power move. He showed that he wasn’t afraid of being unarmed- though, you knew he was probably packing more than one gun. Tactical wise, when Ibenescu’s men showed themselves, they also showed their numbers to you. You now knew where they were, what weapons they used, and how many of them you needed to take down.
You smirked to yourself underneath your improvised mask. You knew already how smart and strategic he was based on how he conquered the underground in only just a few months, but seeing him act in the flesh, you truly appreciated his brain.
“It almost seems like you’re scared of me, Victor,” he drawled, “Are you?”
“You did kill members of my family,” he mumbled.
“It was their fault now, wasn’t it?” Red Hood shrugged, “I told them to stop. They wouldn’t. Now, if you’re not as stupid as they were, Vic, you wouldn’t have to be scared, am I right?”
Red Hood leaned forward towards Victor, resting his elbows on his knees and tilting his head sideways.
“With all due respect, Red Hood, they were not stupid,” Victor argued, “They were simply protecting the pride of our name.”
“And how about you? You’re not protecting your family’s pride?”
“I prioritize my life over pride,” Ibenescu admitted, “And I respect you as Gotham’s Dark King.”
Dark King? What the fuck?
“Dark King,” Red Hood repeated, laughing lightly, “Got a nice ring to it, don’t you think, princess?”
He elbowed your side playfully.
“A bit cheesy for my taste,” you grit.
“Aw, the missus doesn’t like it. To be fair, I think it’s cheesy too,” he stated, “But you know what I don’t like even more, Victor?”
Victor frowned at him in question.
“I said,” Red Hood snarled, “You know what I don’t like even more, Victor?”
“W-what, Red Hood?” Victor sputtered.
“People who lie to me,” he growled.
In a blink of an eye, with the speed you had witnessed earlier and many times before, he had managed to stand up, reach for the gun on the table, jumped across and stepped on Victor’s chest who was leaning in panic against the sofa, and cocked the gun towards his head.
All before you could even register his initial movement.
The fifteen men aimed their semi-automatics at Red Hood, prepared to gun him down.
The music had stopped, and from your peripheral vision, you saw the crowd were ushered to the exit in chaos.
“If your men don’t put down their weapons, I’ll shoot,” Red Hood looked down at Victor.
“What is the point, Red Hood?” Victor defied, “You would kill me anyways. I might as well try to take you down with me.”
Red Hood paused for a moment. Then-
“Baby girl?”
You nodded. “Got it.”
The first person you attacked was the one pointing his gun to your back.
The sticks felt unfamiliar, yet refreshing.
You managed to knock him out before he could shoot at you, but by that time others were already pulling their triggers. You locked your next target.
You ran at him and slid on the floor, taking his knees out and simultaneously pushing him into the next person whom you used your stick to hit directly at the centre of his head.
But you could sense a gun being aimed at you, and you dived behind the sofa to use as a shield. You heard glass shattering around you, and on the floor you found someone’s dropped mobile phone. You reached for it, and with aggressive force, sent it spinning through the air and hit the culprit in the eye, blinding him.
You came out of hiding and lunged your sticks at his throat.
You spun around to grab the neck of a semi-automatic and directed it upwards, causing bullets to spray across the club.
Your ears heard nothing but ringing for the next minute.
You pounded onto the guard’s chest using your sticks, and ended the attack with a blow to his temples.
You had counted five, so you reacted quickly to lock on your next target, but when you came out of your adrenaline induced tunnel vision, you noticed everyone else were already lying on the floor.
During the time you knocked out five men, Red Hood had already killed ten.
And now, he was left with a sobbing, begging Victor Ibenescu who was on his knees on the glass covered floor.
“What should I do with you, Vic?” Red Hood drawled, “I’ve already gutted your cousins, put some of them on display. And it was a pretty display, wasn’t it?”
You approached them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a whimpering Elena who was in a fetal position against a toppled over sofa, terror in her eyes.
“P-please,” Victor stuttered, “I promise I’ll shut down the operation, for real this time!”
“I don’t give second chances, Vic,” he told him, “Now I’m just thinking about whether I have the time to skin you alive before the cops show up.”
“Red Hood,” you called out, “You don’t need to. The cops are already on the way- hell, Batman is probably a couple of minutes out. We should leave.”
“And leave him here unpunished?” he jabbed the gun into Vic’s head, causing him to recoil from the heat of the muzzle. “I don’t think so.”
“Elena!” Red Hood barked, “Come here. Now.”
You saw Elena struggle to get onto her feet and limped her way to you.
“What do you think, sweetheart?” Red Hood asked, “Should we leave him for the cops to find and deal with, or…”
He looked over to her and gently took her hand, handing her his own gun.
“Do you want to kill him?”
You gaped at Red Hood, just how Elena was.
“M-m-me?” she managed.
“Yes, you,” he confirmed.
“You can’t possibly make her-” you started.
“Don’t you think she’s the one who should decide what happens to him?” he cut you off.
Elena still looked shocked, and held the gun as if it was going to hurt her.
“Hey,” you approached her slowly, “You don’t have to. Once the police come, they’ll take him away and put him behind bars for the rest of his life. You don’t have to be scared anymore. They’ll help protect you.”
The poor girl was shaking so bad, you were worried she might set off the gun accidentally.
“No,” she whispered.
“Elena-” you tried.
“No!” she shrieked at you, causing you to stumble slightly back in surprise, “You- you don’t know. He do things to me! Again and again! He took me. I thirteen! Now I eighteen! No!”
You were utterly speechless. How could you reply to that?
She held the gun properly now, with two hands.
“He made me kill baby. Two times!” she sobbed.
Your heart broke.
She shuffled closer to him.
“Elena, my dear,” Victor started frantically begging, “You’ve always been my favourite. I’ve always treated you well, haven’t I?”
You heard Victor let out an inhuman screech.
Elena had shot him between the legs. Next to you, you heard Red Hood chuckle.
She pulled the trigger one last time, and crumpled onto the floor at the same time Victor did.
You wanted to approach her, comfort her, anything.
But Red Hood beat you to it.
“Listen to me,” he growled to get her attention since she was sobbing hysterically, “Are you listening?!”
She nodded.
“When the police come, you tell them that I made you shoot, alright? You tell them that I said I would rape you then gut you alive if you didn’t shoot him. You understand me?” he shook her.
“Y-yes,” she hiccuped.
“Repeat it. Tell me what you are going to tell them.”
“R-red Hood say he rape me and kill me if I no shoot,” she bawled.
“Good,” he nodded, “You did good, Elena.”
He then turned to you. “Let’s go.”
The two of you quickly rushed to the exit. You were just about to leave the club when-
“W-wait!” Elena called out, “Red Hood!”
He looked at her.
“T-thank you.”
He left without saying a word.
You were being really quiet in the car.
Jason thought that you were still shaken over what had happened.
Sure, maybe you saved people from being mugged or raped, and perhaps even some trafficked girls in the past.
But he was sure that those girls didn’t have the option Jason graciously gave Elena.
Jason thought that you were probably thinking about what those girls you saved in the past would have done if they were granted the same choice.
He sped up, hands gripped tight around the steering wheel. His body was still buzzing from leftover adrenaline, and he was itching for something.
An illegal car race. A good old fashioned hand-to-hand combat with somebody who could keep up with him. Hell, even a nice and long jerk off session.
He was bothered by the silence, despite being alone the whole time before this.
He put in a cassette and AC/DC started blasting through the speakers. He saw you jump at the sudden noise.
Somehow the ride back to the rendezvous point seemed longer than expected.
“Why do you still have a cassette player, and cassettes?” you spoke for the first time since the club.
“I’m old school that way,” he jested.
You ignored him and continued looking out the window.
That annoyed him.
Fuck, why was he so fidgety? Why did he want your fucking attention so much?
He felt like that kid in kindergarten who pulled on the pigtails of the girl he liked.
Finally, the both of you were back in the alleyway.
He turned off both the music and the engine, and took off his helmet. He combed through his hair with his hands and tossed the helmet in the backseat. He saw that you had taken your mask off as well, but hadn’t made a move to leave.
So he just sat there with you in silence, unsure of what to do or say- like a fucking idiot.
You were driving him crazy.
Thankfully, you broke the silence.
“What did your sources say about the Ibenescus’ still trafficking girls?” you wondered.
“There was a recent shipment of girls from Philippines, Thailand, Russia, and India,” he explained, “Only the Ibenescus’ would still have the guts to carry out the operation. Like Victor- may he rest in peace- had said, the Ibenescus’ are powerful. They have an international business they just can’t afford to sacrifice.”
“But since Victor is dead, someone else would just take his place,” you frowned in the dark, your outline illuminated only by the single dim street light from outside.
“And I’ll keep on killing every single one of them,” he grit.
“But like you said, it’s an international operation,” you argued, “Even if it was just the States, you can’t possibly stop every single operation under the Ibenescus out there.”
“Just like however much you and Batman patrol at night, you can’t stop every single crime, right?” he sneered.
You remained silent.
“It’s the same fucking thing,” Jason insisted, “Except that Elena got her justice. True and proper justice. Or are you telling me she made the wrong call? That she shouldn’t have shot his balls off and killed him after he raped her for years and made her abort her baby twice?”
“There must be some other way,” you muttered.
Jason was annoyed at how stubborn you were, but frankly he understood.
Because that’s what Batman did. He brainwashes you into thinking that his way was the only way.
“What if I told you that one fifth of the trafficked girls were aged below twelve?” he said softly, “What if I told you that the Ibenescus’ have been providing the elite pedophile rings with children? Would you want there to be some other way?”
You looked at him, shocked.
“Elite pedophile ring?” you gaped.
“Batman didn’t tell me either when I was Robin,” he grumbled, “It’s either he didn’t know about it, or he kept it a secret from us. And knowing him, I doubt it’s the former. Weren’t there days where he insisted on being alone?”
You frowned, taking in everything Jason had said. He was proud of himself. Just after a few hours with him, he could already see your resolve faltering.
“As long as I can clear Gotham of sex trafficking, as long as there are less girls like Elena here, and as long as there are no more children involved, I’m satisfied,” he continued, “That’s what I do. I give out justice and fix things. I know most victims like her don’t get the opportunity to get closure the way she did, so I’ll be the one to make that decision and carry it out for them.”
“Oh, so you’re supposedly Gotham’s savior, then? A fucking Angel of Death or something?” you answered sarcastically.
“Didn’t you hear Vic?” he chuckled, “I’m the fucking Dark King.”
You scoffed, and crossed your arms, still looking outside.
“You were pretty good with the sticks,” Jason commented, changing the subject. “Though definitely not as good as Dick.”
Fuck, why was he still talking to you?
“I don’t usually use them,” you shot him a glare that Jason thought was more cute than threatening, “I usually use Krav Maga.”
“Yes, I’m familiar with your subpar fighting skills,” he smirked.
“That’s not fair,” you huffed, “The Pit gave you peak human abilities. You can’t compare yourself to me.”
Of course Bruce knew it was the Pit that revived Jason.
“Baby girl, I was much better than you when I was Robin,” he poked.
Why was he teasing you like this? Flirting with you like he was normal?
Joking with you as if he wasn’t planning to hurt you?
“I doubt it,” you pouted.
Even in the dim light, Jason could still make out the shiny traces of lipgloss that were still left on your lips.
Before he could stop himself, he reached out a hand to your chin, and pressed his thumb against your lips, sticky from the lipgloss.
He saw the way your breath hitched in surprise, the way your eyes darted from his eyes to his lips, the way you gulped.
“Why do you like my lipgloss so much?” you spoke, lips brushing against his thumb.
“Because, baby girl,” he drawled and scooted closer to you, “Ever since day one, I kept on imagining your shiny, wet lips around my cock.”
A small gasp escaped your mouth.
Which made his cock start to fill up.
“Want to make my fantasies a reality, princess?” he smirked.
“Why would I?” you whispered, “I don’t owe you anything.”
“It’s not about owing me,” he came closer, now rubbing his thumb all over your lips, smudging your lipgloss, and picking up some of your spit. “It’s about helping each other out.”
He gripped your waist with his other hand, rubbing up and down through your armor.
“Didn’t you like last night?” he purred, gripping your thigh. He noticed how you easily spread them wider apart.
“Didn’t you come all over my cock?” he forced his thumb inside your mouth, hooking it at your lower teeth and forced your face closer to his.
“Didn’t you wear your lipgloss anyway just to get my attention?” he smirked.
He had expected you to pull away, or even bite his fucking finger, but to his surprise, your lips closed in on his thumb.
And you started sucking.
All while looking up at him with your innocent, puppy dog eyes.
And for some reason, even though it was just his one fucking thumb, he felt like he was being consumed by the warmth and the wetness and the fucking softness of your mouth.
Jason was in trouble now.
Because you had started swirling your tongue around his finger as you sucked.
Jason couldn’t hold back his groan.
And from the delight he saw you in your eyes, he already knew what type you were.
You were the type to get turned on by his pleasure, his approval, his praises.
Typical Robin complex.
“Baby girl,” he breathed, “I’m not going to come unless you do the exact same thing but with my cock instead.”
He smirked when you gave him an irritated look, but then-
“Ow! Fuck!” he snatched his hand away.
You fucking bit his finger.
And this time you were looking at him with complete smugness.
“Oh, you’re in trouble now, princess,” he growled. Then, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and tugged you to him roughly, forcing his tongue in your mouth as he kissed you violently and grabbed your tits which were still covered by all your-
“Fuck, why do you wear so much fucking armor,” he gasped.
“Because I’d like to actually live in case I get shot,” you shot back at him.
Jason glared at you. He usually loved your attitude, but somehow he felt really irritated by you that night. You weren’t as snarky and confident the night before. Obviously you were less nervous, and less afraid of him.
He needed to change that.
In a flash, he pushed you hard against the locked door of his car, earning a shocked gasp from you. He crawled over to you , engulfing your body with his own.
It was hard to move in the car, but the compact setting made Jason feel like he was trapping you in a cage.
He put his hand around your neck and squeezed lightly while he attacked your mouth with his own again. This time, his kisses were less pretty.
He bit and nipped at your lips, your tongue, forcing both of your teeth to click together.
He could hear you panting hard, and moaning into his mouth, sometimes letting out soft whimpers.
“You trying to sass me, baby?” he breathed over your face, lips brushing against yours. He increased the force of his throttle.
“You forget who’s in charge here?” he whispered, appreciating the way your mouth just fucking fell open.
“Who’s in charge, princess?” he growled.
He saw your eyes roll upwards, your lids fluttering close, and felt your thighs squeeze together.
Were you getting fucking turned on by his choking?
“Y-you,” you said in stuttered breaths.
“That’s right, baby,” he let go of your neck, causing you to gasp for air.
Then, Jason leaned back against the door on his side, and parted his legs.
He was glad the Impala’s seats were joined, without any annoying bumps that parted the passenger and driver’s seat. It allowed more room to move around.
Once he saw you catch your breath, he patted to the spot between his legs.
“My cock ain’t gonna suck itself,” he smirked.
He could see the fire in your eyes as you came over to him, bent on all fours. You laid on the seat on your belly, your mouth close to his cock that was borderline becoming extremely painful.
He had to wear protective cups while he worked, which meant that getting an erection was excruciating.
He tilted his head in curiosity when he saw you stare at his thigh holsters, biting your lower lip.
“You see something you like?” he teased.
Your gaze snapped back at him, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. You ignored his question and started working on his belt buckle.
Once they were off, you impatiently pulled his pants down, but was puzzled when you saw his jockstraps.
He almost laughed when he saw the confusion etched on your features.
“They’re just like normal briefs, baby, but with extra protection,” he winked, cupped his junk, and gave it a little shake to make a point.
“I- I knew that,” you fumbled, and went to hook your fingers in the elastic waistband. You brought them down with some difficulty, as they were tight.
But Jason enjoyed seeing you struggle, so he let you figure it out.
And boy, the look on your face when you finally took his cock out.
He hissed at the relief when his cock slapped back onto his lower abdomen when it was free, but your expression made him chuckle.
“Did- did I really have that inside me last night?” your voice went up an octave.
“Inside you, and outside, and inside, and outside,” he gave you a shit eating grin.
“Very funny,” you glared, but gulped again at the sight of his erection, “Jeez. No wonder I couldn’t walk properly all day.”
“And I assure you, every single time I fuck you, you wouldn’t be able to- ah, fuck!” he got cut off by the pleasure that suddenly shot up his spine when you gripped his shaft hard.
He looked at you and saw you gave the same cheeky grin back.
Fucking hell.
You bent down, and gave a small experimental lick at the tip of his cock. He could see the way your eyebrows knitted together, how your eyes were so full of fucking contemplation. Like you were thinking of a strategy to make him come undone.
You started lapping your tongue a few more times over the head of his penis before taking the tip into your mouth and started sucking softly.
Jason groaned, and then reached his hand to tangle into your hair. Not to control your movements, not to show you how it’s done, but just because he needed to grip something.
From the tip, he saw you let your saliva drool down his shaft, making it glisten. Then, you sunk down and took more of him in. You got too ambitious, because you went down too fast and then he felt you gag around his dick.
“Fuck,” he grunted as he felt your fucking throat try to push him out, “Take it slow, baby. We have all night.”
You released him from your mouth and gasped for air, a string of saliva connecting his tip to your mouth, tears streaming down your face, eyes and nose red.
It was a fucking sight, alright.
“I-I’m sorry,” you sputtered, “I wasn’t sure- I don’t- it’s my first time.”
And holy hell, did Jason’s heart flutter at your innocent apology.
“It’s okay,” he wiped the tears from your cheeks like he was your lover, like he fucking cared. “It feels great when you gag on my cock, but you don’t have to take it all in at once. Here.”
He pushed your head back down to take him in rough, but not too rough.
Jason needed to be a little forceful, a little violent with you. He needed to hide the fact that you sucking on his cock for the first time didn’t flick a switch of emotion within him.
“You take in as much as you can,” he panted, “And your hand can do the rest.”
He wrapped your hand around the base of his shaft.
“So when you go up,” he pulled your hair to guide you up his length, slick with your spit and his precum.
“Your hand follows your mouth,” he gripped your hand and moved it upwards as well, following the motion. “And don’t forget to suck.”
He saw that you got the hang of it pretty fast, and soon, Jason was groaning and moaning, and tugging at your hair.
He fought hard to not cant his hips upwards and start fucking your mouth. He fought hard to be considerate, to not hurt you, to not give you too much of what you could handle.
He didn’t want a repeat of the night before.
Yet, the fire in his belly and the dark voices inside his head told him to grip your head with both his hands and fucking use your mouth like a toy.
But, no. Jason was in control. And he didn’t want that. Not tonight.
He saw that you were watching him as you bobbed your head in motion, and he knew you were enjoying the sight of him. He felt vulnerable to you, open and exposed.
He hated that feeling. The shame of being laid out like that when someone was watching him-it made him feel small and guilty.
But the shame and humiliation and guilt was what made the whole thing more enjoyable.
Soon enough, he felt the familiar feeling of his gut tightening, his toes curling in his steel boots.
“Stop,” he rasped, pulling you away.
You looked at him with worry in your eyes that made Jason almost come anyway.
“I- I was close,” he explained.
“Isn’t that the point?” you smirked.
“Wanna fuck you first,” he murmured.
Then, you started blushing.
“Uhm, it still hurts a lot from yesterday,” you answered sheepishly, biting your lip awkwardly.
It reminded Jason of how you were with him the first time he met you at the library, how you were shy and a blushing mess, when you didn’t know his identity. It seemed so long ago, and for the first time, he wished things could go back to being that way.
“Fine,” he gruffed, “Come back down here, then.”
When you started sucking on him again, he added, “Didn’t know you were so weak. Thought you’d be used to getting thrown around by now.”
It really wasn’t fair for him to say that, and he knew it was hurtful.
But he wasn’t the good guy in this story.
You shot him a glare, and then popped his dick out.
“Jason, my mouth was around your cock when you said that, and if I were to accidentally bite you, well,” you retorted.
“You wouldn’t do that, baby,” he chuckled.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because, princess,” he drawled, and forced you to continue sucking, “My cock- ungh- is your favourite part of me, isn’t it?”
And as if you conceded, admitting he was right, you started to suddenly increase the pace. Filthy wet sounds filled the car as Jason heard the sound of rain in the background, and noticed that the inside of his windows had started to fog up.
Your warm, wet mouth consumed him whole, and he felt his balls tighten and tighten.
“Baby,” he gasped, “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-”
Despite his warnings, you still went on, as if you were determined to finish your job.
He groaned loud and long as he spilled his cum inside your mouth.
He felt you fucking drink it up.
When he was done blowing his load, you were giving him soft, gentle licks on his now sensitive cock.
And you then you sat up and smiled proudly.
“You waiting for me to give you a candy, or some shit?” he snickered, “Or a gold star?”
“Maybe you should,” you huffed and crossed your arms, sitting back properly in the passenger seat.
Jason put his pants back on, and sat up as well.
But then he noticed you squirming slightly, your respiratory rate fast, small pants escaping you. You were clenching your thighs together.
He smirked.
He reached out and caressed your cheek with one finger.
“Want me to help you out?” he offered.
“I’m fine,” you said, “I’ll deal with it later. I should go back soon. What time is it?”
“Almost two,” he glanced at the dashboard clock.
“Batman and Nightwing are probably just leaving the club by now,” you said out loud, “I’m sure they’ll keep on patrolling, though. Unless they got a clue.”
“Yeah,” you hummed absentmindedly, looking outside at the rain.
You remained silent for a while.
Jason hated the silence.
“It’s your face, by the way,” you started.
“Your face. My favourite part of you,” you avoided Jason’s eyes.
Jason was taken aback at your confession.
Why would his face be your favourite part? He had scars all over, eyebags and bloodshot eyes, and he was pretty sure his nose was more crooked than average.
“You’re good looking,” you said as if you were mad.
“Well, you’re not too bad yourself,” Jason blurted before he could stop himself.
You blinked at him in surprise.
He fucked up.
He wanted to punch himself.
What were the two of you doing? It wasn’t like it was a fucking date. It wasn’t like he cared about you that way. It wasn’t like he wanted you all to himself, and never let go.
He was done being the charming, kind, gentleman Jason Haywood.
So why was he still acting like he was?
“Where were you?” Dick demanded when you opened the door.
He was still in his Nightwing uniform, sans the mask.
“Alfred said you weren’t around, and you left your phone at home,” he persisted, “Where did you go?”
“I got some junk,” you pointed to the big bag of junk food on your bed.
“Alfred said he noticed you weren’t around at midnight, and you only just got back an hour ago. It took you almost three hours just to get junk?” he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Fine,” you conceded, “I went to see Carter.”
“Why did you leave your phone?”
“I forgot, okay?” you exasperatedly flailed your hands. “I’m grounded from patrol, not from going out. What’s the big deal?”
Dick frowned at you.
Your heart was beating so hard you were afraid he could hear it.
“Where did you meet him?” he continued to interrogate.
There were no more room for half truths.
“Robinson Park,” you answered, “We spent some time in his car. Lost track of time. And- you know what? I don’t even need to tell you all of this! It’s none of your business, Dick.”
“There was someone new with Jason tonight,” he stated.
“Someone new?” you repeated, tilting your head in feigned curiosity.
“A girl,” he continued, “She’s skilled.”
You frowned. “Who is she?”
“Eye witness said she calls herself V,” he told you, “She uses escrima sticks and a form of arnis and silat hybrid.”
“Hmm,” you pondered, “And? Is she someone you and Jason knew?”
“We’ve been wondering about that,” he muttered.
Your eyes widen.
“You think that was me?!” you shrieked.
“You tell me!” Dick retorted.
“Why, Dick?” you shouted, “Why?”
“You were out for god knows how long and suddenly Jason has a girl with your knowledge of martial arts at his side?” he snarled, “What else am I supposed to think?”
“One, fucking anyone could learn martials arts!” you argued, “Two, I was out with Carter yesterday as well! There wasn’t anyone with Red Hood yesterday!”
“Red Hood wasn’t seen yesterday,” he debated, “And you haven’t even shown me a picture of this Carter you’re seeing. What’s his last name? Where is he from? You need to tell me. You need to tell me the truth.”
“I am,” you grit, “You need to figure out your bullshit, Dick!”
“I get it, okay,” you sighed, and sat down on your bed, “Jason, your brother, he betrayed your trust. He’s angry at Bruce, but why didn’t he come to you?”
Dick simply looked at you.
“You trusted Jason when he was Robin, as family,” you explained, “The way you trusted me. And now that trust is destroyed, you’re questioning me as well.”
You looked at him with a sad smile.
“I’m not like Jason, Dick,” you tried to convince him, “I’m me. I’m your sister. I have no reason to hurt you or Bruce. I love you both. Okay?”
Dick stared at you, and you saw tears pooling his eyes.
That made your heart sink to your stomach.
“I’m sorry,” he blinked away the tears, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you got up and hugged him. He hugged you back tightly, pressing his cheek into the top of your head, “I love you, Dick. I’ll help you guys out with this, okay? I mean, I know I’m not as good as either of you, but I’ll try.”
“Yeah,” he sniffled, “Thank you. Can’t wait for you to get back in uniform.”
“Me too,” you replied, holding back your own tears while you thought about how fucked you were.
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Tada. A new fic. It’s a little... long winded, I guess. Hopefully y’all like it!!!!
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17746232
The boy and girl before him are both silent and staring at him. The girl glares and steps in front of the boy. The girl can't be older than fifteen. The boy is probably no more than six.
"It's okay," he says. "I'm not here to hurt you."
The boy and girl share a look and take a step back. Bruce sighs deeply. He's obviously not making any progress. The girl and boy both look Asian, though the boy's skin is darker. They could be siblings despite not sharing similar features. They certainly act like it.
Maybe they don't understand English? Then again, both seemed to understand him, just not trust him.
"Robin," Bruce says. "Come down, please."
There's a slight noise behind him. The girl and Boy's eyes go from Bruce to a point behind him. A moment later, Bruce feels a hand on his shoulder.
"Want me to talk to them?" Tim asks.
Bruce nods. "I'll take care of calling the police and collecting the files." Because if there's one thing Bruce is trying to avoid, it's scaring children. That they don't seem to recognize him… it's worrying. Almost everyone - especially kids and teens - know Batman and Robin are the good guys. Hopefully, Tim has better luck with them than he did.
"Hi," Tim says brightly. "I'm Robin." They don't change how they regard him, wary and scared. Especially the girl. She looks almost ready to jump him if he tries to move any closer. He holds his hands up and takes a step back, sitting on the ground. "What are your names?"
The girl's eyes flicker to the younger boy, who's staring at Tim intently. She looks back at Tim and nods slowly. Somehow, Tim can tell it's not to him.
"Dami," the younger boy says, speech heavily accented. "Cass," he adds after a moment, nodding towards the girl.
"What are you guys doing here?" Tim asks. "In this warehouse, I mean? It's not exactly a comfortable place to sleep."
The girl, Cass, blinks then looks at the boy, Dami. for what, Tim's not sure. Dami looks up at her and starts speaking rapidly in an unfamiliar language. The girl responds in the same language, slower, but she responds. Then both of them sit down on the ground, Cass first, drawing Dami into her lap and hugging him tightly.
"Running," Cass says, also accented, though hers is different than Dami's. "Hiding too. Lots of hiding."
"From who?" Tim asks gently. "Batman and I can help if you want. Why are they after you?"
"Whom," Cass says absently, looking down at Dami again and playing with his hair. "You're supposed to say whom."
Tim blinks and leans back a little, bemused.
"Father," the girl continues. "We're hiding from him. And running. Both. He wants us to listen to him. He's bad."
Tim listens to her carefully. Dami closes his eyes and leans against her. Now that he's looking, now that her words have given him a clue, there are signs of abuse everywhere. They must be siblings, Tim decides, with the way she treats Dami. Probably different mother's though, especially since they look so different from each other and she mentioned their father as if he was both of theirs.
"What's your dad's name? If I have it, Batman and I can make sure he goes to jail. You could live with your mother if you want," Tim says. "We can find some safe family members for you two to live with."
"No," Dami says sharply, eyes shooting open. "No. There is no one else. No one safe."
"There has to be," Tim argues. "There always is. I promise Batman and I can find them."
"No," Cass agrees, gently pulling Dami towards her again, turning him around and hugging him. He relaxes immediately. "There's nowhere we'll be safe. We have to keep going. Keep running."
"We can stop him," Tim says emphatically. "I promise."
"No you can't," Cass says sadly. "No one can. He is… he doesn't ever stop."
"Relentless," Dami offers, looking up at Cass.
"Thank you," she says. "He is relentless."
"I bet I'm more relentless. I could protect you. I wouldn't let him get you two again," Tim says.
He feels like they've been going in circles during this whole confrontation. He just knows he's supposed to help them. It's not even about being Robin, a hero, that makes him want to help them so bad. It's something else, something deeper. He can't even explain it. He's sure they need him, and what's more, he thinks he's going to need them.
They don't look like they believe him. Or more probably, they believe he believes what he's saying, not that he'll actually be able to follow through.
"Listen, have you ever heard of the Batcave?"
"Robin, what are they doing here?" Bruce growls at him.
Tim smiles. "I found out who's after them. Their father. David Cain," Tim says instead of answering Bruce's question. "I figured that warranted the Batcave."
Bruce looks at the two carefully. Cass glares back at him defiantly. She's holding Dami's hand tightly. Both look ready to bolt.
"They stay down here. No name. Get Oracle on the case. Find out more."
Tim salutes lazily. "Yes, sir."
Bruce turns around sharply, cape whipping behind him, and heads… somewhere. Probably to do more work. Whatever. Tim's got other things to do. Including finding out more about why they're so scared of their father. Granted, David Cain is a renowned assassin, so that's probably part of the reason. Also, abuse signs from earlier. At best, he abused them. At worst, he was training them.
"Follow me. I'll get you some better clothes," he says, gesturing. "What you're wearing doesn't look very warm, and lord knows this cave isn't warm either."
They share a look before following him into what Tim's named the 'disguise room'. Called that because of how many things they have for disguise. Tim would go so far as to say it's more stocked than Bruce's actual wardrobe.
Tim browses the clothes for a few moments before pulling out a huge t-shirt and sweater. He grabs fuzzy sweatpants and sock too, tossing the pile to Cass. She has her hands out to catch them before he tossed them, he notices, filing it away for future reference.
"You can change in there," he offers, pointing towards a small dressing area behind a curtain.
He looks for something for Dami next but has much less luck. At least Cass is about his height (which isn't saying something. Tim is short), but finding anything to fit Dami is going to be a challenge. He's tiny. Finally, Tim finds a small pair of grey sweatpants and a neon green sweater. Dick's from his first year as Robin, probably. They're still too big, but they should work.
"Once Cass is done you can change back there," Tim says, handing the clothes to Dami.
Dami nods and looks back at the curtain.
"Cass is your big sister, huh," Tim says. "She seems like a pretty cool big sister. You're lucky to have her."
"She's the best," Dami agrees. "She's always trying to protect me even when I don't need protecting though."
Tim laughs. "I know the feeling, Dami."
They wait in silence another minute before Cass emerges. The sweater she's wearing practically drowns her, but she looks warm. Dami quickly slides around her and behind the curtain.
"Better?" Tim asks, grinning.
"Yes," she agrees. "Warmer. Thank you, Robin."
"You're welcome, Cass. Always happy to help," he says. "Now, what can you tell me about David Cain?"
Cass looks at him, not in the eyes, but she looks at his whole body for a few moments before relaxing fully. "You do not want to talk around Dami, just in case."
"He's only a kid."
"Yes, he is. Thank you. He knows everything, but I do not like making him… remember it again. Think about it."
Tim remains silent. It's not the type of thank you that needs an answer.
"He is my… our father. He never talked to me. Only fought. Shot me. Two if I flinched. Dami came when he was little, but not as little as I'd been when he got me," she says. "I was a baby when he started training me. Dami was bigger. I think Dami's mother didn't want him training as a baby."
Tim feels sick to his stomach. Cass is only a year or two older than him. Dami is probably only six. He knows David Cain is bad, he never thought David Cain is a monster.
"Dami is very smart. He says it was to make me the best. I wouldn't have to talk. I would know what people were thinking or going to do. So would Dami. I couldn't let that happen to Dami. We stayed a little, then ran. We've been running for a long time now." Cass sighs. "I think I'm too tired to run anymore. I just want Dami safe."
"I know," Tim says. "We'll keep him safe, both of you safe. I promise. We'll even get David Cain to leave you alone for good. Both of you."
"That's good. Is there a place to sleep?"
"Yeah, I'll show you," Tim says. Dami's just emerged from behind the curtain, looking adorable in the outfit he's wearing. The fact that it's slightly too big just makes it more adorable. Tim has to try hard not to coo. He thinks both Cass and Dami somehow know what he's thinking anyway because Cass covers a smile with her hand and Dami scowls at him. "They won't be warm since it's just some beds in the med wing of the cave, but I can get you some blankets."
"We'll share a bed," Dami says. "So I can protect her in case he finds us. We won't need any extra blankets either."
Now Tim really wants to coo. That is just too cute for words. Again, they seem to know what he's thinking. His body language must give it away. Tim can't help but be a little impressed David Cain managed to teach them to read body language so well, even though the methods were horrible and abusive.
"Okay then," Tim says. Well then, here's the medical wing. Feel free to sleep. It's pretty late. I'll probably have to ask you guys more questions in the morning though, so I am sorry about that."
"It is okay," Cass says. "It will help keep us safe."
Dami looks at Tim with eyes much more serious and dark than a childs' should ever have the right to be. It's sad. Something about the way Dami looks at Tim is familiar too. But he can't put his finger on it for the life of him.
Oh well. It'll just be another mystery for tomorrow.
"Tim, are they settled?"
"Yuppers, B," Tim says. "I questioned the older one, Cass, just so you know, a bit though. Apparently, David Cain was training her to be able to read body language like a language, though she didn't tell me in so many words. He didn't talk to her ever."
Bruce makes a noise that's somewhere between a grunt and a groan. Obviously, it means he can't believe someone could do that to their own children.
"Also Dami has a different mother, either that or Cass doesn't know who her mother is, which would make it possible they share the same one. Dami didn't start that same training until he was a toddler at least, I suspect older though. She ran away to protect him. Both of them read body language amazingly well though, so I think they stayed with him for at least a year before escaping. I think Dami was also fluent in English and at least one other language that I haven't identified. He seems to be the one to have taught her to speak English and another language they used to communicate with each other at first."
"Anything else?" Bruce asks (ie: growls). "Ages? Full names?"
"No," Tim says. "They seemed tired. I'm letting them sleep. I think Cass is fourteen or fifteen though. Dami is probably about six."
Bruce nods. "I make note of that. You'll question them in the morning."
"Of course," Tim agrees. It has less to do with Bruce not wanting to and more to do with the fact that Tim is better with kids and teens, being a teen himself. Tim also thinks it makes Bruce uncomfortable, just teens in general. They remind him too much of Jason.
"Go to bed, Tim," Bruce says. "You can stay in a guest room if you want tonight since your parents are gone."
"Um, I don't have any spare clothes. I think I'll just head home. It's not like it's that far. Thanks for the offer though, B."
"Get home safe."
Tim nods, waves once, and throws a jacket over his Robin uniform. He'll change out of it at home. Then it'll be right back to the Batcave in the morning to talk to Cass and Dami again.
When Tim arrives back in the morning, Cass and Dami are both awake and in the middle of the Batcave eating breakfast. Alfred must have sent it down to them via Bruce, either that or he put a mask on. Bruce isn't in sight, but Tim's sure he's lurking somewhere.
"Hey," Tim says. He's not wearing his uniform since he's not going out until tonight. He's just dressed in jeans and a hoodie with the addition of sunglasses. He probably looks way less intimidating to them without the 25lb body armor.
"Hello," Cass says, looking at him. Dami turns away from Cass and nods at him before looking at Cass again with adoration.
"So, B and I are working on everything. We'll keep you guys safe. I just wanted to ask a few questions, if that's okay?"
"It is okay," Cass tells him, smiling slightly.
"Great. Well, how old are you guys? Do you know?" he asks.
"Fifteen," Cass says. "Dami is seven, right Dami?"
"Yes," Dami says. "December was my birthday. Cass' is in January."
"We always had 'gifts' from him, on birthday's," Cass says without much emotion like it's a fact and not something terrible that happened to them. "Missions, special training. Things like that. Staking out his targets so we could kill them when we were older."
"Okay," Tim says. "And are your full names Dami and Cass? Or something else?" Tim asks because he can't make himself think about their childhood further. It's just… awful. Tim knows his childhood has kinda sucked so far, but at least his parents didn't train him to kill people.
"Cassandra and Damian. I like Cass better. He likes Dami."
"No, I don't," Dami snaps, shoving her slightly and scowling. "I prefer Damian."
"Only I get to call him Dami," Cass says, whispering loudly like it's some sort of secret. Damian scowls more at her.
"Do you guys want anything while Batman and I track him down?" Tim asks, smiling slightly at their antics.
Damian leans into Cass' side.
"A cat. Dami wants a cat."
"Um, I'll see what I can do?" Tim offers because there is no way Bruce will let Tim bring them a cat.
"Thank you," Cass says. "For helping us."
Damian and Cass stay in the Batcave for two weeks. In that time he and Bruce have no luck tracking down David Cain. It means it's probably safe for them to be out and about occasionally, but not often. And they need to go back to the Batcave after.
Somehow - Tim's not sure how - Cass manages to get a cat for Damian, who promptly names it Cassandra Robin. Tim's flattered, he is. He's pretty sure Bruce finds it adorable. He's also fairly sure Bruce plans on adopting them; Tim's seen the papers. Now Bruce just needs to tell them.
Bruce approaches them when Tim's busy with homework. He's in the cave because Cass is a cool person and Damian makes Tim wish he had a little brother. Or a family that cared, really. Either would be nice. Anyway, he's in the cave with them, but not really interacting. They're playing with Cassandra Robin. (Damian insists they call her by her full name at all times.)
Vaguely, Tim hears Bruce start talking to them. He hears Bruce mention that he's telling them his name and automatically starts paying full attention to the conversation but staying quiet and out of it. Then it happens. Bruce Wayne, he says. He adds that Robin will share his identity if he wishes. Then he asks them the big question he's been working up to.
"Would you like to stay with me? For good."
Tim looks up now and watches Cass and Damian, who seem to be having a whole conversation with body language. Tim definitely isn't anywhere near as good at reading body language as Cass and Damian are, but he likes to think he's okay. Better than Bruce, at least.
"Will we be safe?" Cass finally asks.
"I will always do my best to keep you safe," Bruce promises. "Both of you. Even if he tries to get you, I'll stop him. Robin and I will keep looking for him too."
"May I keep Cassandra Robin?" Damian asks, sounding young and confused. It's probably the most age-appropriate response Tim's ever seen him have.
"Of course," Bruce says. "You may."
"Okay," Cass says. "Okay. We will stay with you. Thank you, Mr. Wayne."
"You can call me Bruce," Bruce says.
"Thank you, Bruce," Cass repeats. "Thank you."
"Why don't we head upstairs to my house. I'll let you choose rooms for yourselves," Bruce says. They start to follow Bruce, but at the last minute, Damian turns back.
"Are you coming, Robin?"
Tim looks up, surprised to see the three of them waiting for him expectantly.
"Yeah, yeah I am. And my name is Tim, Timothy Drake, but I prefer Tim," he says, hopping up and running to join them.
The media is in a frenzy once they get wind of adoption rumors. Tim doesn't know how many tabloid stories he reads in the next few days, but it's a lot. There's a lot of mention of Jason and what happened to him. Speculation that being adopted by Bruce Wayne will put these new children in harm's way, paint targets on their backs and they'll meet the same fate as Jason.
Tim visits every day after school still. Damian refuses to call him anything other than Timothy, though Tim suspects it has less to do with being rude and more to do with the fact that Damian is just an incredibly strange child, even for being raised by an assassin.
Dick comes back exactly one week after the first tabloid article appears. He storms into the Batcave, probably expecting to have Bruce telling him it's a lie or possibly Tim. Instead, he sees two new kids, a teen girl and a little boy playing with a kitten and Tim.
"Hey, Dick," Tim says sheepishly, sitting up and rubbing the back of his neck. "How are you?"
"So it's true?" Dick asks, ignoring Tim's question. "When did this happen?"
"Like a week ago," Tim says placatingly. He doesn't want Cass and Damian's first experience with who's going to be their older brother to be yelling.
"He didn't want you to be sad or think he was replacing you or Jason," Cass says calmly. "He loves you too much to hurt you."
Dick freezes and the anger seems to deflate as suddenly as it appeared.
"I guess I should know your names if I'm going to be your big brother," Dick says. "And the cat's name. How'd you convince Bruce to let you get one anyway?"
"I'm Cass. That's Dami."
"-an," Damian says sharply. "Damian. My cat's name is Cassandra Robin. She will be referred to as such. No silly nicknames."
"Well, I'm Dick Grayson. Bruce's first… acquisition. Tim is the third."
"Why doesn't Tim live here then?" Cass asks, turning to him. Tim folds in on himself. "Oh. I understand. Nevermind."
"So, how did Bruce find you two?"
"They were in a warehouse we were busting," Tim says. "Hiding from their father."
"David Cain," Cass says. "Tim promised to help us. He is trying to find David Cain."
"We haven't found him yet, but we won't let him get them again," Tim finishes. Damian nods in agreement and drags Cassandra Robin into his lap. She seems content to be pet repeatedly. Spoiled thing. "I'm still not sure how Cass managed to get Bruce to let them keep Cassandra Robin though."
"A mystery for the ages, huh?" Dick asks, smiling.
And Tim knows now that they'll be okay.
Two months after Cass and Damian are officially adopted David Cain appears in Gotham. He's technically on a job to assassinate a powerful politician, but it's obvious he only took it as an excuse to try and get Cass and Damian back.
Cass sneaks out. She takes spare parts of Tim's extra Robin uniform and a cowl from Bruce's uniform. Tim only notice her when David Cain is about to kill him and she pushes Tim out of the way.
David Cain laughs. "What are you doing, telling me no? You know I'm not just going to stop, darling daughter. If you come, I won't hurt Damian."
"Yes, you will," Cass whispers tremulously, staring at a point behind David Cain. In the end, it's an anti-climactic death. A cop shooting him while he's distracted.
Tim knows he should try to stop the bleeding, try to keep him alive, but he can't bring himself to, or at least not more than a token effort. Cass is already gone. Tim can hear her talking to Bruce through the comms.
"Why did you do that to them?" Tim asks because this is the only time he might get an answer. "To your kids?"
David Cain laughs wetly and smiles. His teeth are red.
"My kids? What a joke. Only Cassandra is my kid. Damian is, well, Maybe you'll find out someday."
And then he dies.
Tim can't get those last words out of his mind. Cass and Bruce are yelling at each other on the drive home. Tim sits in the back and thinks. If only Cass was David Cain's child, who's son is Damian? Was he just a kid who was kidnapped? Is that why (according to Cass) he'd been able to speak and taught her to talk after they escaped? That's almost more horrifying that him being David Cain's son.
And what's more, does Damian know? Who his real family is? If they gave him up or if he was kidnapped? Should Tim mention anything?
He doesn't think he should.
So he doesn't.
Cass wins the fight and ends up being the new Batgirl. Tim is inordinately proud of her. Damian begs to go out too. Tim promises him that he can be Robin when he's older.
Later that day Tim gets the news about his parents.
He moves in with Bruce.
Jason appears. Alive.
As soon as Damian finds out he hides in his room for a few days. Only Cass and Cassandra Robin are allowed in.
Jason tries to kill Tim.
Cass stops him, and like always, she knows just what to say to make Jason happier.
Somehow Jason comes back to the Batcave with them.
Jason is alive again, well, legally now, when Tim's dad wakes up.
Tim moves out and into a condo.
His dad remarries.
Tim likes Dana. He doesn't think she knows what to think of him. Tim, who's too smart and too short and too strange. Tim who has a girlfriend but always spends time with Cass and has her over just as much as Stephanie. Tim who hates sports but somehow still works out every morning in the garage and then by going for a run.
At first, Dana joins him for those. She stops after not being able to keep up with him. Later, she suggests he try out for track. Tim explains he doesn't really like sports.
Then his dad and Dana find out he's Robin.
And it's the end of an age.
Tim gives Damian Robin. Damian is only ten, but he's ready.
He doesn't like being a civilian, but he lives with it. He still keeps up the same work out routine. When his dad confronts him, Tim tells him it's not because he's still Robin. He tells him that it helps to relax him. It's not a lie, but it's not the whole truth.
Then his dad dies while Dana's pregnant and she breaks down. Tim goes back to the Manor. Bruce adopts him. Tim hyphenates his name. He becomes Red Robin because he needs to. Everyone starts to die. Bruce dies. But at least… at least Tim has his family. Dick takes over as Batman because Batman can't just disappear.
Before Tim leaves to find Bruce - because he can't be dead - he finds Damian breaking down in his room.
"He was my father," Damian says quietly. The tears are still falling, but silently now. "My real father. I never told him. My mother is Talia al Ghul. She wanted me trained by the best and gave me to David Cain when I was four. Cass saved me and we ran until we met him."
"It's okay, Damian," Tim says. "I promise I'll find Bruce."
"He's dead though," Damian says. "But if anyone can do the impossible and bring him back, it's you."
"Thanks, Dami."
"-an. It's Damian," Damian replies automatically.
Tim cracks a smile.
"Thanks, Damian."
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