#this is extremely stupid but also I’m stupid so
The Best Thing
“So… I heard from the grapevine that I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you.” “Stupid, you hear that from me every day.”  from this prompt list AO3 link
Merlin is usually good at learning the gossip that spreads through the castle like wildfire. It's not simply because shit-talking annoying nobles and royalty is therapeutic, but because one can usually figure out which ticked off noble is going to try to wed and/or kill Arthur based on what the servants say. Additionally, being the Royal Prat's manservant, Merlin was regarded with some respect amongst the servants and the knowledge of who was doing what and why frequently came in handy when he was approached with various requests. All in all, being attuned to the palace grapevine was quite useful both in his daily life and in accomplishing his destiny. So, naturally, when everybody clams up when he enters the room, Merlin is concerned.
He does his best to seem unaffected and uninterested when the whispers stop and are replaced with giggles and poorly hidden grins when he walks past. It's not the first time this has happened and Merlin knows it won't be the last. What does concern him are the glares some of the servants shoot in his direction. Being on the receiving end of a death stare is far from a novel experience, but it does concern Merlin especially as he cannot recall having done anything to warrant such looks recently. Yes, there was the time when that group of stable boys (nevermind that they were actually men) wanted to kill him because he got the washing-girls' work area changed so they did not have to deal with the frequent unwanted advances. There was also the time a specific group of chamber maids and page boys wanted to kill him for putting an end to their bullying the younger servants (their punishement involved having to take on extra work). But that was all too far gone to be a reason for today's hostility. And it certainly did not explain the giggling.
Getting an explanation appeared to be out of the question. Any inquiry he makes is brushed off with a friendly "oh, nothing really" accompanied by even more giggling or a knowing smile and clap on the back. By lunchtime, Merlin is feeling extremely distracted and is considering the likelihood of magic being involved in whatever was going on. Maybe Gauis would know of something that could enchant a whole court.
Leaving Arthur's chambers, deftly acquired pie in pocket, Merlin heads to the kitchen to collect his own lunch. Thankfully, the Royal Prat was, as usual, ignorant of the servants' gossip, so there had been a break from the giggles and glares. The reprieve, though brief, was much welcomed, and Merlin drags his feet a little to savour the peace before entering the kitchens for a second time.
He rounds the corner, mentally steeling himself to enter the kitchens and - the goddess has decided to have mercy on him after all!
"Hello to the most popular man in the castle today" Gwen's smile is teasing and she is holding a basket which means a picnic lunch for both of them.
"Gwen! Hello," she's a saint, Merlin thinks, "usual spot? I've got a pie."
"Oh, perfect! What didn't Arthur need this time?"
"Some sort of meat... thing. I left him the vegetable one."
By the time they reach their designated picnic spot Merlin can no longer quell his curiosity.
"Gwen, what's been going on? The whole morning everyone's been giggling or looking like they want to decapitate me? And no one wants to tell me anything." Merlin flops onto the soft grass, brow furrowed.
Gwen laughs, "I thought you'd have found out already. But you look hungry, so eat, and I'll tell you," she opens the basket.
"Fiiiiiinnneee," Merlin drags himself up off the ground and picks a roll out of the basket. He takes a bite out of it and gently waves the now bitten roll in front of his best friend, "food, now the tea, pleaaase"
Gwen takes a bite out of her apple, savouring it for a moment, "Alright, so, last night..."
"Another round!" Gwaine is grinning as he slaps Lancelot on the shoulder, none too gently, "and I'll pay for it, you can get the next one!"
Lancelot thinks that two - soon to be three - rounds is more than enough for him. He has never been one to drink much, preferring to avoid hangovers and stupid, drunk decisions. He can make stupid decisions perfectly well while sober, thank you very much. But everyone is here - almost everyone - and he can head to Gaius' early tomorrow for Merlin's miracle hangover cure. He can leave when Leon does, that sounds reasonable.
Three more rounds later, somewhere in the still rational part of his mind, Lancelot thinks that it would have been reasonable if Leon were less capable of holding his alcohol. Lancelot has been passing off most of his drinks to Leon and topping up with water. His head feels pleasantly fuzzy and Leon seems completely unaffected. Gwaine.. seems fine.. sometimes it's hard to tell. Percy is, unsurprisingly, unaffected. At least Elyan is looking a bit tipsy - but then he hadn't been topping his drinks up with water.
Pushing his chair back, Lancelot shakes his head to help clear his brain. Gwaine, naturally, picks up on his intentions.
"Leaving so soon?" His tone is teasing, they all know that Lancelot is a bit of a lightweight.
"Hmm, yeah. Any more and I might try to challenge a tree to a duel," Lancelot grins. He is impressed that he managed to not slur his words at all.
"That was oneee time," Gwaine rolls his eyes, " gents, what say we send our most honourable off with a toast?"
It's Lancelot's turn to roll his eyes. There is still something left in his cup, so might as well finish it.
"Good idea!" Elyan thinks for a moment, "a toast to the best thing that's happened to us?"
"Hear, hear," Leon nods approvingly, "To becoming a captain" he raises his cup.
"To becoming a Knight"
"Hmm.. to coming to Camelot"
"Yes, to Camelot!"
"The best. .. very well..to Merlin, then"
They all down the remainder of their drinks and Lancelot bids his friends a good night. He manages to make it out of the tavern without walking into anyone - a not unimpressive feat considering the place was rather busy with servers constantly running to and fro serving the increasingly lively crowd.
The cool night air feels pleasant and the moon is shining bright. The walk back to his chambers is peaceful and he falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow.
"Anyway, I heard it from Rosie, who heard it from Jackie, who was with Hamish at the tavern last night." Gwen grins, "apparently after he left, Gwaine just sort of stared at the door for a full minute. No one else seemed phased at all though."
"What did he mean, MERLIN!?" Gwaine might have been more inebriated than Lancelot gave him credit for.
Leon, Elyan, and Percy glance at each other.
"I mean, isn't his whole thing being the most honourable knight. Wasn't becoming a knight his eternal dream or something?" Gwaine looks nearly offended. "How could he say that?"
The other three sip their drinks.
"Not that Merlin is not literally the best to ever .. he is definitely the best..but they're friends..how does he rank over becoming a knight?"
Elyan glances at Leon. Leon nods. Percy hums in agreement. They all fail at repressing their snickers but dutifully pat Gwaine on the back.
Merlin lies back down on the grass. A small smile tugs at the corners his mouth.
"You're starting to look like a tomato," Gwen giggles lightly.
Merlin groans, slapping his hands over his face, "This is why no one would tell me. It does put the murder stares into context, though. Everybody and their mothers love him. Me, not so much. I think I've got more people who don't even like me."
"Who doesn't like you?"
"Hi Lance," Gwen smiles, "have you eaten yet?"
"Hi Gwen," Lancelot smiles back, "yeah, I've eaten, thanks. I've brought gifts!" He takes carefully wrapped mini tarts out of his pocket.
"Oh, those look lovely! Thanks!"
"You're welcome," Lancelot sits, looking over at Merlin, " what happened to him?"
"He, uh, received some interesting information," Gwen laughs, "I think it might have overloaded his brain for the moment."
"Oh?" Lancelot is curious, "what was it?"
"Well, you see..."
Merlin sits up abruptly. Gwen represses the urge to howl with laughter. His face is no longer completely tomato red, but the traces are still very much there.
"I think Merlin would prefer to tell you himself…" Gwen smiles, and Merlin thanks the goddess that his best friend has decided to use her powers for good.
"I'm all ears," Lancelot turns his head to give Merlin his full attention.
"So..." Merlin can feel his face heating up again and can feel Gwen's amusement, "I heard from the grapevine that.." Merlin can't bring himself to meet Lancelot's eyes, "I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you." The last part comes out in a rush.
Lancelot laughs, "Why are you so red? You hear that from me, in person, pretty often," He takes Merlin's face in his hands, "and I'll tell you again now. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, Merlin."
Merlin presses his face into Lancelot's shoulder to hide how much redder he has become. He mumbles something out and Lancelot's smile grows wider.
"I love you too, Merls."
After a moment, Lancelot manoeuvres himself and Merlin so that he is now, with a lapfull of Merlin, facing Gwen again.
"So," Gwen begins, "when's the wedding?"
"That's for you and Morgana to figure out, after she proposes, isn't it?" Lancelot grins.
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I love that in this scene (ep 9) Dean once again defends Cas to Ezekiel/Gadriel. Ezekiel/Gadriel asking Dean what he’s going to do about Cas being around them and Dean gets pissed off. He says that Cas is the one that the angels are after and yet he’s fighting. He wonders what Ezekiel/Gadriel is afraid of. Cas has been on earth for like 6 years and I’m happy to see him understanding human things. He could tell that every time Sam brought up Cas leaving the bunker Dean changed the subject and Cas waited until he was alone with Dean to ask him about that. He understands that Dean changing the subject meant there was something Dean didn’t want to talk about with Sam in the room. Back in season 4 Cas wouldn’t have understood that and probably would’ve said something at the wrong time. Then the fact that Cas knew that Dean is in a tough situation and even though he wants to be around Dean he knew he had to listen to Dean.
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I’m pretty much just adding this part because Cas looks amazing. I don’t like that he’s being tortured and that he has blood on him but I love seeing him half naked. I will say there was soooo many missed opportunities with human Cas. I would’ve loved to seen Dean teaching Cas to cook or to shave or even something stupid like tieing his shoelaces. In my opinion they didn’t think this storyline completely out. There’s a few things that happened that don’t make sense. Like how did that angel (April I think her name was) find Cas since he had the tattoo?
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In ep 9 Dean tells Cas they have to stay away from each other and at the end of that ep Cas says he should stay away from Dean and the very next ep (ep 10) Dean calls Cas for help and Cas comes right away. I would love to know what happened to Cas tie. He obviously magics up his suit and trench coat considering when he got out of purgatory he was still wearing the clothes he got from the mental hospital then when he came out of the bathroom he had his suit on so where is his tie now? I also love how Dean is looking at Cas here. He obviously loves looking at Cas in his suit (the ep where Cas gets out of purgatory proves that) and Cas is letting Dean look.
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This scene is hilarious. There’s an angel, a human and the king of hell and the human takes over. It’s Cas car (I’d love to know how Cas learned to drive) yet Dean just goes directly to the drivers side and tells Crowley to get in the back which he listens to Dean (at that point Crowley is handcuffed so he doesn’t have powers) and tells Cas to get in the back with Crowley and Cas listens to him. Cas and Dean will literally do anything the other asks them to do. Another cute thing I noticed Crowley said to Cas riddle me this boy wonder. Riddle me this is what the Riddler says and he is a villain so obviously Crowley is calling himself a villain (he’s the king of hell obviously he’s a villain) but Dean is in the scene and Jensen has voiced Batman a few times. Boy wonder is Robin which is Batmans sidekick so Crowley is calling Cas Deans sidekick.
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Dean finally apologizes to Cas for not telling him about Gadriel possessing Sam snd kicking Cas out of the bunker and I love that Cas completely understood what was going on and that Dean really thought Sams life was in danger. This scene also had my second favourite quote so far in the show Dean says we’re dumbasses and Cas says I prefer the word trusting less dumb less ass.
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This scene is interesting. Pretty much since Cas and Dean have known each other Dean says whatever he wants to to Cas without any fear that Cas will hurt him because he knows he’s the one person Cas won’t hurt. Cas gets pissed off when he finds out the angel possessing Sam is Gadriel and that Gadriel is the reason for all the bad stuff that has happened to earth and Dean clearly knows that Cas is pissed off because he puts his hands up. To me he is showing Cas that he knows that Cas is an extremely strong angel even with his stolen grace (at this point at least) and can kill anyone if he wants to and right now Cas wants to kill Gadriel but Dean knows he has to calm Cas down so they can get Gadriel out of Sam.
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To me (ep11) this shows how much Dean trusts Cas. Crowley is trying to look at the journal but Dean pulls it away from him. Back in season 8 Cas was picking through Deans stuff and looking through the journal and Dean didn’t care. Even in the scene when Naomi comes to Dean and Dean says he doesn’t trust angels which means I don’t trust you. Obviously that scene was about Dean not putting the signs on the boat so Cas would be able to come back to him but it does show Cas is the exception to that rule. Plus in the ep before this Dean was willing to let Cas possess Sam to get Gadriel out. He knows how much trouble letting Gadriel possess Sam made but Cas is the one angel he trusts would get Gadriel out and wouldn’t hurt Sam in the process.
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I love that here Cas is trying to defend Dean to Sam. I don’t think Sam understands that Dean lied to Cas too but Cas got over it.
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I love how honest Cas is. He’s always been truthful about how much he doesn’t like Sam. Cas has said that he doesn’t like the sound of Sams voice and other such things. I found it interesting that Cas said that before he became human he would’ve pushed the needle into Sams neck and killed him because the ends always justifies the means but now that he’s had human emotions he no longer feels that way. I find it interesting because even before Cas was human Cas would never do something like that to Dean. He didn’t need human emotions to feel like that for Dean. I personally don’t see Cas and Sam as friends I see them as putting up with each other for Dean. I do think that them spending that time together did help them not to become friends but to understand each other better and be able to be around each other if Deans not around.
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Alright my dudes, it’s time for another episode of Bedtime Stories With PCE,
•Comeback Of The Year•
For those unfamiliar, the Bedtime Stories series has been continuations of fics I published on ao3, within the OrangeJuiceVerse, that I don’t feel necessary have a place within the official lineup. This one is a little different.
This story isn’t a continuation or something that happened when we were in another character’s perspective; rather it’s a what we didn’t see. Chronologically, this takes place after the main 5’s first year of college, during the time Cartman’s leaving Colorado and Kenjorine and Style are moving into their campus apartments, set between Extremely Stupid And Incredibly Avoidable and It’s Not The Frat Flu. (As usual you don’t need to be familiar with those or the OJV in general to read this lmao)
ALSO!!! This idea is inspired by a suggestion from my dearest sickfic queen Ana @alwaysinstyle and I’ll explain under the cut before we get into the story!
(Tw for Kyle’s eating disorder thoughts, mention of behavior and mentality surrounding)
So I’ve talked before about OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle being a recovered anorexic, and said I probably wouldn’t write something with him actively struggling with his ed, BUT, my fine friends, last week in the R.A.N.T. Park chat the girlies and I were discussing my impending move and the factors surrounding it (including your local Whumpshot Wizard trying to kick her own relapse’s ass before my husband and I move rip lol), and Ana slid into my messages like “I have an idea that could work for OJV Kyle” and I RAN WITH IT!!!
Thus, this was born. A tale of everyone’s favorite ginger coming face to face with an eating disorder relapse in the middle of moving apartments in the summer heat. There is a fair amount of angst, but a lot of wholesome moments too, a lot of hope and healthy communication in typical PastorCraigEnjoyer fashion! And plenty of Stan being the sweetest boy on planet Earth lmfao I’m obsessed with OJV Stan it’s fine
If y’all read this, PLEASE let me know what you thought, and I hope it pleases and sparkles!!!
Without further ado, here y’all go:
Mid July was excruciating, to put it mildly, even in Colorado. Kyle couldn’t imagine how rough summers must be for someone in, like, Texas or something.
Maybe the weather would be tolerable if he was lying in the shade somewhere with an ice cold drink in his hand, listening to Stan play the guitar, maybe watching lazy clouds float through the endless blue. That idyllic mental picture was a lot more pleasant than his current reality.
“Ay! Get your lazy ass over here and help Kinny with this chair!”
The weird little house they’d spent the last year living in no longer suited the group’s needs, with Cartman declaring his gap year done and announcing that the online matchmaking and wedding planning service he’d been building up had taken off, that he’d be moving to Nevada. It was a fitting career for him, Kyle thought, but even if he and a certain abrasive fuckwad butted heads from time to time, that big of a change to the group dynamic made him anxious. They’d collectively decided to disband the SP Survivors Safehouse, all knowing that it wouldn’t be the same from here on out, but none of them giving voice to that.
It wasn’t that he was completely sad about leaving that place behind; it was kind of a shitbox, and these campus apartments were nice and well maintained. He and Stan would only be a few doors down from Kenny and Marj, and the units were decently spacious for what the rent was. Just… the adjustment of it all. The change in routine and life in general. That’s what had him stressed.
With a groan, Kyle pushed himself off the wall where he’d been taking a breather. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
Out of the minute shade the shadow of the building had cast, his vision went spotty with the shift in temperature. Seriously, it was too goddamn hot for this shit.
Kenny unclipped the ratchet strap holding his favorite recliner (a well loved sidewalk find) to the bed of the truck, turning to look at him with a quizzical expression.
“You good, firefox?”
“I’ll be better when we’re done getting everything inside,” Kyle complained, and immediately regretted his tone. All of them were out in the sun, not just him. “It’s just hot,” he amended.
Hopping out of Resurrection, Kenny gestured for him to climb into the bed. “I hear that, brother. Even Fatboy’s helpin’ speed shit up.”
From the staircase, arms laden with boxes, Cartman called down a “I heard that, broke ass bitch!”
“I’m commending your work ethic!” Kenny argued back, wide grin on his face. He braced himself to catch one side of the chair. “Gonna miss that fucker.”
Kyle shook his head and slowly walked the furniture to the edge of the tailgate. “He’ll be blowing up our phones with stupid shit even more than he already does.” Though, it’d take more getting used to than he wanted to think about. He didn’t have the energy to stress over it more than he already had been. He sighed. “We’ll get used to it. Ready?”
“When you are.”
“Yep, careful, Ken.”
“When am I ever not careful?” The blond replied with a smirk.
“I’m not answering that.”
Kenny chuckled, enviously buoyant and upbeat in a way Kyle couldn’t seem to match. The guy had always been a little more go with the flow, cryptic and weird sometimes, yeah, but overall good for a smile when you needed one, and Kyle very much did right now. He’d been driving everyone up the wall the past few weeks with his neuroticism; maybe he should take a page out of Kenny’s book.
“Alright, dude,” he said, “it’s coming down.”
Step one and done, chair on the grass, Kyle hopped out of the bed to begin the arduous task of helping his friend haul the damn thing up the stairs. Not particularly heavy, but awkward, and Kyle wasn’t feeling very strong today. Past month or so, come to think of it.
He knew why, of course, and it was his own damn fault.
Stress had always effected his appetite, and with everything going on, he’d fallen into some… old habits. And the worst part was, he was good at hiding it, even from his boyfriend. For nearly five years, Stan had been diligent (on his ass) about his eating habits, his health in general. Stan didn’t find Cartman’s ed jokes funny even when Kyle himself did. None of it was funny now.
He didn’t realize what was happening until he was already in it, an involuntary deficit awakening long dormant thoughts and behaviors, secrecy and avoidance. The lying came naturally, and that made him feel worse.
But it wasn’t a problem, Kyle told himself. He’d get back on track and no one would have to know, once they got this new chapter of their lives up and running. Just a momentary slip up, nothing to start an upset over. He was fine.
To prove it, Kyle let Kenny lead in front, taking most of the weight as they climbed the stairs. His friend whistled something he couldn’t quite place while he walked backwards, like he didn’t have a care in the world. A sickening trickle of sweat ran down Kyle’s back, an annoying ringing in his ears.
His arms were shaking when they at long last made it to the open door of number 207, and he spared a glance across the hall and down a ways to unit 210, his new home with Stan, who was currently inside with Marj getting the couch set up.
“Kyle? Hey, man, you hear me?”
Snapping back to attention, Kyle pulled his focus back to Kenny. “Sorry, what’d you say?”
Kenny raised his eyebrows and started backing up into the apartment again. “Dude, I was saying we could put the chair in the corner for now. You alright?”
“Like I said, just the heat,” Kyle assured him. Though now that he was inside, out of the open concrete hallway with its hot wind, he was suddenly freezing. Freezing, but still dripping sweat from what felt like every pore. Maybe coffee wasn’t enough to get him through the morning after all, but he hadn’t been able to stomach the thought of anything else.
Cartman rounded the corner, wiping his hands on his jeans and scowling on his way to the front door to grab some more stuff from the truck.
“This is why I told you guys to hire movers like I did,” he started condescendingly. “By the time I get to my sweet new house tomorrow, all I’ll have to bring in is my backpack.”
“And yet you’re still helping us out of the goodness of your big fat heart,” Kenny pointed out. “You do love us.”
“Nah, fuck you guys.” Cartman flipped them a middle finger on his way out.
Kenny laughed as he set his side of the chair down, Kyle following suit on that, but not the laughter.
His head felt like it was being squeezed on all sides, blood fervently racing through his veins, clouds at the edges of his sight. He hadn’t even straightened yet, but the room was spinning. Kyle slowly pulled himself up, undeniable dread flooding his gut when the vertigo worsened.
“I’m-“ he started thickly, swallowing hard with a throat that felt like a stale desert. His own voice sounded like he was hearing it underwater. “Ken, I don’t feel so good-“
Kenny’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit, you look like a ghost! Okay, get down, get down, you’re good, dude, sit down…”
Even with Kenny’s secure grip on his arms, Kyle felt his legs turn to jelly right as his vision turned white.
He couldn’t decipher what his friend was saying, only that his tone was calm, reassuring and steady. How was Kenny so calm? Kyle was abruptly made aware of his own panicked breathing, eyes burning with tears while they struggled to focus again. He was on the floor, and didn’t remember getting there. Why was it so cold?
“-re you are.” Kenny’s voice still sounded distant, but a little clearer now. “Just keep your eyes open, dude, we know how to handle this, you’re fine.” The blond turned his head to the open door. “STAN!”
Kyle felt wrong. He hadn’t gotten snappy and irritable like he usually did when his blood sugar dropped, so even if he was low (definitely on the table here), it wasn’t just that. There was something else up too, and he was scared, and embarrassed, and whyisitsohardtohearanything-
“Ky?! Shit, baby, I’m here, I’ve got you.”
He could blearily make out the shape of his boyfriend kneeling beside him, feel the hand that burned like fire on his cheek. “Can you hear me, dude?”
“‘S hard to,” he managed.
“That’s okay, we’ll fix it, I’m here,” Stan repeated, and looked up at Kenny. “What happened? Did he fall? Pass out or just get really close?”
Kyle was vaguely aware of his tears being wiped away by someone who smelled like green apples. Oh, fuck, he was probably scaring Marj. He had to calm down; panicking never helped in a situation like this.
Kenny stood up, beelining to turn the ceiling fan on. “Said he wasn’t feelin’ good, and then he went all white, and then his eyes rolled back so I got ‘im on the floor. A low, right?”
His hands were tingling. Stan was shaking his head.
“He doesn’t freak out like this over it normally, you know that. Kyle, dude, what else is going on? You get too hot?”
Marjorine sounded worried. “Oh, geez, should we call 911? I’ve heard heat exhaustion can be real bad.”
Kyle’s heart felt like it was working overtime to get blood to his brain, stomach twisting with nausea and mouth drier than the wrinkled up orange peel he’d found in one of Stan’s drawers when they were packing.
“Hypotension,” he whispered. “Gotta… legs above my head. Drink something.”
Stan nodded, already sliding a box under his sneakers. “Ken, there’s Gatorade in my bag at our place. Can you grab the full sugar one?”
“On it, bossman.”
Marj softly ran her fingers through his hair, rubbing his temples in an almost motherly gesture. “You just lie still and catch your breath,” she advised. “You’re probably just dehydrated with how hot it is and all. You’ll be feelin’ better in no time.”
Oh, no doubt, but if only it was just that. “I’m sorry,” he muttered.
“Dude.” Stan took his hand and kissed the back of it. “Shit happens, okay? You’re just gonna need to take it easy for the rest of the day, right?”
“Right.” Kyle sighed, uneasy and hating how much his body was still shaking, but at least his senses were starting to come back after a few minutes horizontal. “‘M just not built for summer.”
His partner snorted. “I know, baby. I’ve heard you complain about how sunburned you get every summer for our whole lives. Full on lobster the second the sun comes out. I don’t think I’ve seen you faint from low blood pressure, though, not since-“ Stan’s face fell at the realization. “…oh, Ky, no…”
The mix of shock and concern and guilt and sympathy and fear on Stan’s handsome face felt like a punch in the gut. Kyle couldn’t meet his eyes. “It’s not what you-“
“You were up before me,” Stan cut in. “Did you eat breakfast?”
His head hurt. “I told you I did.”
“And you were lying,” Stan inferred, his voice cracking.
His sweet, sensitive Stan. The regret of hiding his recent bullshit from the man who worried so much about him threatened to, ironically, eat Kyle alive.
Before he could think of something to say to save face, Kenny returned from his side quest, Cartman close behind and carrying a box labeled ‘Another Man’s Treasure’, also known as Kenny’s assortment of random junk to hypothetically be used in a project at some point.
Their no-longer-resident asshole set the box down on the kitchen counter. “You just had to have a dramatic little moment today, didn’t you, Jew?”
“Cartman,” Stan warned, ripping the the nutrition information off of the Gatorade bottle Kenny passed him with far more force than necessary, “I’m telling you right now to lay the fuck off him.”
Naturally, Cartman didn’t lay off. “Hell no! Using his sneaky little ways to get out of physical labor? I must say, Bone Broth, I’m impressed.”
Kyle managed something resembling a weak laugh at that; “Bone Broth” was a new one, so stupid it was almost funny. That is, until the other three shouted “JAR!”.
How were they going to keep up Fuckwad Jar records if the five of them no longer lived together? What even was the point of it anyway? It was too much, all too much. Too much change, too much going on, he felt like microwaved garbage and Stan still had an unreadable look in his eyes. Maybe that was just still Kyle’s brain catching up to full consciousness, though. He could always read Stan, eventually.
He’d have to explain himself later, because his boyfriend had shifted into full caretaking mode.
“Ignore him, dude,” Stan said, taking Marjorine’s spot at his head. “I’m gonna sit you up, really slow, okay?”
Kyle nodded, blinking away the dark spots in his eyes at the movement and letting Stan hold him against his chest, one arm around him for stability, the other guiding him to drink. The cloying taste of lemon lime flooded his tongue, but the thickness in the back of his throat from unshed tears lingered.
Kenny squatted down beside them, extending a fist. “Aight, grandma, dap me up. C’mon, I’m checkin’ your motor functions and shit.”
He obliged, slowly completing the handshake with an eyeroll. Leave it to Kenny McCormick.
Unfortunately, ignoring Cartman was easier said than done, especially when he let out an exaggerated groan.
“I’m so seriously, you guys. I could already be relaxing by the pool at my hotel instead of watching the rest of you coddle the damsel in distress, but nooooo, we have to pause the whole move just because one bird boned bitch can’t pull his weight.”
Kyle was willing to let that one slide; it was true, wasn’t it? Even if Cartman could have phrased it a little less cruelly. Marj stood up on his behalf.
“Eric!” All four boys stilled at her rarely used stern voice. “You know darn well you’re only actin’ out because you don’t do well with change either, mister! Now, apologize right now!”
“Damn, Buttercup,” Kenny whistled, audibly impressed. “Called Fatboy out.”
Cartman grumbled, rolling his eyes, but sighed with genuine defeat. “I’m sorry for being an asshole, now will you guys hop off my dick?”
“None of us want to be on your dick, fatass,” Kyle pointed out.
“Keep it that way, you anemic twink.”
“Okay, I’ve had enough of this,” Stan groaned. “Ky, the bed in our place isn’t made, but it’s put together. Let’s get you somewhere quiet to lie down, okay?”
That sounded nice, but Kyle really wasn’t looking forward to the third degree he was about to get. He didn’t want to get defensive like he knew he would, didn’t want to act like a dick. Still, he resigned himself to be swept up into a safety that didn’t feel deserved.
“Sorry I freaked you guys out,” he muttered, arms draped around Stan’s neck, Gatorade bottle dangling loosely from one hand. “I’ll help finish up in a little bit, promise.”
“No the fuck you won’t.” Stan tightened his grip, pulling Kyle closer to his chest.
As his boyfriend carried him to their apartment, he could hear Cartman taking over command of getting the rest of Kenny and Marj’s stuff in. Dread pooled in his empty stomach, dread that he wanted out. Kyle felt exposed. He’d been seen right through, and scrutinized, all over again.
The summer before and into his ninth grade year had been one of the lowest points of Kyle’s life.
He couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it had all started, but by the time he started to notice the changes to his body, to his pattern of thinking especially, he was spiraling down a dangerous path.
There was comfort in controlling what he could in the here and now, Kyle had realized, especially with the future seeming so uncertain. He wasn’t fucking stupid; he had known right off the bat that obsessively counting, competing with himself to see how little he could get away with eating, even shoving his fingers down his throat on a few occasions just to prove to himself that he had control, all of that was dangerous and would only make him feel worse in the long run. And yet, he’d spent months getting extremely efficient at running on nothing but his own stubbornness.
Kyle hadn’t been the one in control, though, not after a certain point. No, his eating disorder had controlled him.
His mother had seen it, because of course she had. But Sheila Broflovski, loving and caring as she was, hadn’t a clue as to how to approach the matter. One of her “solutions” had been to organize a dinner party with all his friends and their parents, a subtle way, he’d find out years later, to try and get her eldest son to associate food with celebration and love again; good things, not something to be avoided. But the well meaning idea had only sent Kyle into an anxious frenzy.
“Ma, you have got to be fucking joking! You didn’t think, oh, I don’t know, maybe you should ASK ME?”
“Now listen here, young man-“
Oh shit. Kyle knew that tone, and had dreaded hearing it his entire life. Worried and angry at the same time was easily the most frightening version of Sheila Broflovski. He’d seen a good amount of that side of her around that time, come to think of it.
And Kyle could out-argue anyone; he could diffuse high tempers or match them, whatever the situation called for. At fourteen, he counted that as the best tool in his arsenal.
But he had been tired, for months. So fucking tired.
Plus, the only people he’d never won a screaming match against were God and his mother. His voice had, for once, faltered.
He would find a way to make a damn dinner party work.
“S-sorry, ma,” he’d managed. “That sounds like a good idea. Just, uh, just remember that Stan doesn’t eat meat, when you’re cooking. Like, leave the bacon out of the green beans.”
She had looked like there was something on the tip of her tongue that she wanted to ask. Kyle felt the weight of her stare settle on his shoulders like the shirt that had been hanging off of them; incidentally what had caught the attention of the captain of overbearing mothers in the first place.
But she’d softened, apparently having agreed to his unspoken truce and switching tactics. “Alright, sweetie. Now, you’re doing homework in your room again, I’m assuming? Oy, you’ve just been working so hard since high school started! I’m so proud! I’ll bring you some snacks later so you can keep that focus up, bubbeh.”
Kyle had fought to keep his face even. He couldn’t tell her. Not even Stan knew he couldn’t focus if he ate, which was why he… kind of hadn’t been. But he’d nodded and said,
“Okay. Thanks, Ma.”
He hated to think back to that party. The whole night had been spent dodging pointed looks, staying talking as if on autopilot to act okay, to distract the people he loved. To hide. It was his problem, not theirs.
But everything that passed his lips that day did so twice.
Now here he was, and it was a problem again.
Kyle’s anxiety only spiked entering the apartment that was, in theory, his home for the next few years. It didn’t feel like home yet, just an impersonal cookie cutter one bedroom, its beige walls and vertical blinds taunting him. New chapter, they seemed to say. New chapter, but there’s a misprint; we’ve read these words before.
Stan softly kissed his forehead and set him down on the bare mattress. “You’ve got some color back,” he noted. “How do you feel?”
Looking anywhere that wasn’t into worried blue eyes, Kyle shrugged. “Okay, I guess. Hands are cold.”
“Baby, look at me.” Stan took his hands in his own warm ones and drew a deep breath. “Dude, are you relapsing?”
“That’s not-“ Kyle forced himself to pause and take the hostility from his voice. He needed to communicate clearly and honestly; immediately acting like he was being attacked would help no one here, and Stan only got overreactive when he had cause to freak out.
“I’m not sure,” he admitted quietly. “It just kind of… happened, I guess. I didn’t realize, dude, I swear. Not really.”
“…okay.” Stan was chewing his bottom lip, and Kyle’s heart lurched, feeling his boyfriend’s fingers twitching but not letting go of his hands even though he obviously wanted to chew at his own like when he got nervous. “How long?”
“Past month or so?” Kyle guessed. “Seriously, I was gonna go back to normal after we got settled in; it wasn’t on purpose-“
“That’s not you talking,” Stan interrupted. “Honey, you know that’s not you. That’s the anorexia. Trying to justify it.”
Stan was never this blunt. He hated using that word, always had. He said it felt too big, too scary. Kyle didn’t want him to be scared.
“Dude, it’s under control,” he insisted. I just needed one less thing to think about for a little bit.”
“Do you even hear what you’re saying?!?” Stan asked incredulously. “Ky, you know better! You know that’s not how this works!”
“Don’t fucking yell at me!” Kyle sobbed out, overwhelmed and hating that he was crying again. He was the least prone to tears of the group; another thing that was apparently crumbling.
Stan slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, hands up in surrender and eyes like saucers.
“Baby, baby, shh, I’m not yelling, okay? I’m not mad at you. I’d never be, no matter what.”
“I… I know,” Kyle whispered. He didn’t protest Stan’s hand moving up to cup his cheek tenderly.
“Kyle, you remember what you told me your therapist said when we were in high school? That it’s a slippery slope, dude. You give it an inch, it takes a mile, right?”
She had used a metaphor that stuck with him. say you’re climbing a mountain, sticking to the path that you know you’re supposed to be on. A few feet to the side, there’s what looks like a shortcut, something easier than the path. But what you don’t see until it’s too late, and you’ve already strayed, is that the shortcut gives way to slippery gravel, and eventually you slide back down to where you started.
“Fuck, dude,” Kyle groaned. “Can we just pretend this never happened? It’s out in the fucking open now, not like you’re gonna let me get away with more bullshit.”
Stan shook his head. “I’m not gonna let it keep trying to get you, dude. It made you sick.” He looked down, shoulders sagging. “I’m sorry I didn’t know. I knew you were stressed, I just-“
“Sweetheart, c’mon.” Kyle wasn’t about to let Stan blame himself for missing the signs. “Don’t do that. I’m just really good at hiding it.”
“Making your ancestors proud with your deceptive ways,” Cartman quipped from the doorway. He turned his attention to Stan. “Hey, Big ‘n Tall. Marj needs help with a bookshelf.”
Stan rolled his eyes. “So why aren’t you helping her? I’m busy.”
“Because.” Cartman crossed his beefy arms over his chest. “I need to have a little talk with Kahl.”
Clearly suspicious, Stan stood up and squared to their friend. Kyle knew the two of them didn’t usually have real beef, but Stan was obviously on edge and feeling overprotective.
“He’s not feeling well, assclown. I don’t want you to work him up.”
Cartman raised one eyebrow, unfazed by Stan’s intimidation tactics. All five of them knew that while he could certainly look scary, he wouldn’t hurt a fly unless completely unavoidable.
“Relax, Lancelot, I can babysit your languishing fleshlight without starting a fight.”
Annoyed, Kyle raised his hand. “You two realize I can hear you.”
Stan glanced back and forth between them for a pregnant moment, then sighed. He knew Kyle could handle himself, especially when it came to Cartman being an asshole, which was much appreciated. Finally, he sighed, relenting.
“Alright. Ky, just take it easy, okay? I’ll be right back. Cartman-“
“-Don’t piss off the Jew, got it.”
Stan bent down to kiss Kyle gently while Cartman pretended to gag. “We’ll beat it together, baby.”
“Together,” Kyle agreed, feeling like there was a fist clenching his heart when his partner left the room. Cartman sat on the edge of the bed and glared at him.
“You’re a fucking dumbass.”
Classy. “Thank you, Cartman, is that all?”
“No, that’s not all, bitch. Listen up.”
And Kyle was, picking up on the seriousness in his friend’s voice. He sipped at his Gatorade and gestured for him to go on.
“I need you to be okay, you idiot.”
That made Kyle pause. Cartman anxiously ran his hands through his messy brown hair.
“Look, dickhole, it’s no secret that your body hates you. Sucks to suck, and all that. But you’re stupid for thinking you can outsmart it. That shit-“ he gestured vaguely in the direction of Kenny and Marj’s place. “-That shit can’t happen. You can’t get sick like when we were in high school.”
Kyle opened his mouth to insist that he was never planning on letting it get that far, but Cartman held up a hand.
“We all know you love to talk, but let me finish.” He shot Kyle a look that meant business until he was sure he wasn’t going to be interrupted. “Good. Okay. Fuck, this is hard to say, alright. Okay. You can’t get sick,” he repeated. “It would fucking break Stan. The stupid hippie would cease to exist if anything happened to you, and you know I’m not fucking around. He needs you. We… all need your annoying ass.”
Against his will, Kyle started to smile. “Is this you admitting you’re gonna miss me, Eric? Kenny was right, you do love us.”
“Fuck off, I hate you guys,” Cartman muttered. “And Christ, just call me “fatass”, it’s gross when you use my name. Save the faggotry for that misguided simp of yours.”
Kyle laughed. His face was tingling, but he really was feeling a little more human. “Just trying to annoy you, fatass.”
“Good. Keep doing that. Don’t make it weird. Listen…”
Cartman took a deep breath, like he was about to dive into the unexplored. Well, he kind of was, starting his career away from the safety net of the rest of them, Kyle supposed.
“This doesn’t leave this room, am I clear, Starving In Suburbia?”
“You know, it concerns me every time you reference one of those movies.”
“Damnit, Jew, am I clear?”
“Jesus, yes. What?”
“If you, uh, if you want, I can ask my therapist for some recommendations. You know, colleagues of his that do remote sessions and specialize in your bullshit.”
Kyle knew Cartman hated talking about therapy, about his fucked up brain and cocktail of medications, so the fact that he was offering was wild. Probably not necessary, but wild.
“Dude,” Kyle started, “I appreciate that, seriously. But I don’t think it’s at that point, you know?”
“I have a call with him day after tomorrow, I’ll at least get some names.” The way he said it made it clear that he needed to feel like he was helping. Not for Kyle’s sake, but for his own peace of mind.
Kyle sighed. “Thank you. Seriously, that’s really nice of you, dude.”
Cartman scoffed. “Please. I just need you to have your shit together so I can torture you without, like, karmic consequences.”
Typical. “Karmic consequences, huh?”
“Uh, duh, dumbass. You can’t rip on an anorexic if they’re actively in it. Everyone knows that.” He rolled his eyes. “For real, though. Get your shit together. I’m not having this conversation again.”
Movement caught Kyle’s eye in the doorway. Stan, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, but his face was relaxed, like he’d heard that last part.
Cartman turned. “Oh good, the guard dog’s back.” He sprang up like he hadn’t just hit Kyle with the tough love he didn’t know he needed. “Later, cocksuckers.”
“Thanks again, fatass,” Kyle repeated.
“Thank me by not being a delicate little bitch next time.”
Stan took his spot on the mattress, eyebrow raised. “Dare I ask?”
Kyle sat up against the headboard, curling his arms around his legs and resting his chin on his knees. “Just wanted to tell me to get it together. Apparently kicking me when I’m down would cause cosmic chaos.”
“Can’t have that,” Stan chuckled. “But really, dude. What do we need to do here? I’m not letting this thing fuck with you anymore than it already has.”
Thinking back to the first time around, Kyle remembered how strict his rules had been in early recovery. Meal plan, online school, limited physical activity, outpatient therapy multiple times a week. Granted, he’d been pretty fucked physically and mentally back then. This hardly even compared, in his eyes.
“I… think I just need accountability,” he said carefully. “For a little while, it’s not like…” Kyle sighed again. “Believe me when I say it’s not like it was the first time, Stan. It’s just… call it a sophomore slump, I guess.”
Stan cracked a half smile, still visibly worried, but like he trusted him. “Little slip up? You’re feeling like you can get yourself healthy pretty quickly?”
Kyle reached a hand out to take Stan’s. “Promise. The mentality behind it isn’t the same, you know? The body dysmorphia and the compulsions aren’t there, I just fell into some of the habits. Call me on it if you see it, okay?”
“I will, dude,” Stan swore. “I’ve always got your back.
Stan used their intertwined hands to pull Kyle into his lap, softly rubbing his back. “I need something from you too though.”
“I need you to tell me when you need support, baby. With words. I don’t want to miss the signs again, dude.”
Kyle looked up into his impossibly soft gaze, both vulnerable and open. “Oh, sweetheart, hey. That’s not on you, at all.”
“It is, though.” Stan cupped around the back of Kyle’s neck, bringing his head back into his chest protectively. “We’re a team, Ky. How many times have you told me that? Whatever the game is, we’re on the same side.”
“Dude, don’t quote me at me,” Kyle laughed. It had the intended effect, though, for sure. “But I hear you.”
“Yep, and we’ll be all good in no time,” Stan promised. “We’ll get used to this new place, start our second year of school, all that shit. It always works out, right?”
“We figure it out,” Kyle confirmed.
Stan’s grin was audible, brilliant and soul stirring, even if Kyle couldn’t see it. “Turn that sophomore slump into the comeback of the year.”
Then Kyle did pull away enough to see his face, trying to feign annoyance on his part. “How’d I know you were gonna quote Fall Out Boy at me?”
“Hey, you started it, I just finished it.”
“Proud of yourself, Stanathan?”
“Very much so.” Stan lightly ran his thumb over Kyle’s bottom lip before kissing him softly.
And Kyle believed him when he said, “but more proud of you.”
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j3llyf1shdust · 2 days
wait since it’s sonic prime he deals with the chaos council too right how does that go and also is shadow losing his mind or getting protective or even mad at the thought of Sonic going through all this
Not mad so much as he gets a bit overprotective, he also knows that sonic is strong and smart enough to not put their kiddo(s) in danger, but he still worries. in this AU sonic does manage to bring shadow into the shatterverses with him, because im changing how they work in this au beause I like ruining canon.
The other versions of their friends aren’t told about this, as its safer to keep it under wraps. they do notice shadow is protective, but is generally assumed that its because of their relationship (which is extremely unsubtle, lets be real) and not because of anything else.
Nine knows because of the scan and when they get captured, Rusty knows because she scans him, and the Chaos council know because they also saw sonic without his jacket and called him fat. that resulted in sonic saying, “i’m not fat, im pregnant you jerk!” which then leads to everyone in the chaos council calling sonic a girl for the rest of the series. (theyre stupid)
the only one who doesnt do this is the teen, he vibes with it.
THis also leads to them threatening the kiddo’s life near the end of the series, resulting n sonic nearly commiting murder. Shadow is also pissed off about it. he also kinda “guards” sonic while he naps so he can rest properly.
sorry, this is alot. im brain barfing a bit.
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smaeemo · 3 days
Midnight, sitting in my bathtub because I’m like 100% there is a mountain lion that will parkour up to my room and eat me, thinking about destiel and how Cas like fell for Dean (lol). Like I saw this edit, idk who the editor was (Ill reblog with @) that was like when Dean knocks over angel in that weird liminal place that jebadiah or whatever locked him in when Deano wouldn’t surrender to mikey or whatevs. And then cas spawns behind him right before having that homoerotic wall slam, but instead of dean turning around to Cas its him
It’s him turning around to Cas after the empty showed up and before the empty gobbled that bitch whole. And Cas looks all sad and goopy and Dean is like “Wha” and then the sound behind it is that one song that’s like “Should’ve known better,” and I just had a moment of reflection sitting my weirdly yellow bathtub??? (my house was built in the 60s) and then I got so sad because I realized that the brutal fight between these wild animals that I ear witnessed was the real deal. Like what if in this raccoon society I just witnessed like another Dramatic Destiel Death TM, but like Raccoon Version.
Anyways, can someone please draw that?? Like the 15x18 scene but they are all raccoons. I will pay apple cash, idk where that shit comes from, but apple cash is so stupid and I live laugh love it. #apple cash. Lol
Also, like, I was watching pretty little liars and I heard that one Florence and the Machine song at the end of season 1 and I was like “eargasm” and then I went back to moping in my bathtub with no lights on, fully dressed with no water, because like any another rational person I decided that the very real mountain that just had an extremely dramatic destiel death, but raccoon world (or like animal world ig) would specifically climb up to my window in particular to eat just me, because I was the only one with my lights on, and then it would just like leave afterwards because I was definitely the tastiest snack or whatever, so for some reason I would be the safest in my scary ass bathroom instead of my comfy bed.
Then I just got out of the bathtub because wtf. And the 4 melatonin gummies I ate are kinda kicking in and I am gonna catch that z’s like they aint everr been caught before.
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kaysdenofchaos · 2 years
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I’ve literally never read ATYD but from what I’ve heard I feel like canon teen Snape would want to strangle him to death himself. Idk homie gives the vibes of the Marauders but evil and green.
ATYD!Snape: ugh. Mudbloods, am I right? Don’t tell Lily I said that, just still feel angry over Tobias, that selfish dick.
Teen!Snape: Yeah,,, sure,, {Merlin help me or I will snap every single Slytherin and Griffindor here’s necks into pieces and fry their hands in a man-sized toaster.}
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sillyguy-supreme · 26 days
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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needle-noggins · 4 months
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The Trigun boys say take your brain meds!
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larkspurglove · 3 months
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I’m genuinely considering breaking my f2p status to get this even though I swore off spending on gachas ever since the cookie run kingdom incident.
Only issue is the battle pass is 30 dollars 🧍‍♀️
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art-student-rants · 12 days
i hate when authors CLEARLY dislike one of their characters and give them no real backstory or character development. it’s so annoying. like dude you created this thing at LEAST give it some attention. no wonder it’s misbehaving it’s crying out for HELP!!
#read this stupid book that i HATED called#four weeks five people#and i was really curious about how they would portray npd because i basically know nothing about it#and there was this character named mason and he was the FLATTEST NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AWFUL PERPSN#BUT ALSO THE MOST INTERESTING PERSON IN THE ENTIRE BOOK#AND THE AUTHOR DID NOTHING WITH IT#anyway after i was like huh is this what people with npd are really like???#so i went down a rabbit hole and literally NO. it’s NOT. the author literally did the worst job she could have#within twenty minutes of research i understood it better than she let on that SHE did throughout the WHOLE BOOK#the book was so annoying overall the mc stella was literally AWFUL#HATED HER#the book was weird asf i just read it cause it was suggested on my library app and i had to kill time while i was waiting#but literally SO BAD#the whole thing ANNOYYYEDDDD MEEE#and the even more annoying thing is that people were like I LOVE YHIS!!! on goddess’s#like bro#did you even READ it???#idk maybe i’m the problem but that book drove me CRAZY#not to mention the ridiculous glorification of alcohol as a means of escape?? wtf?? aren’t you guys supposed to be 14-16??#ALSO the romanticization of an extremely controversial setting that many people have spoken out about being HARMFUL and ABUSIVE is crazy#idk i just think it’s very interesting#the author clearly did basically no research#literally tons of the the information is infactual#ugh like BROOOOO#COME ON#ITS JUST BAD THE PLOT ISNT EVEN GOOD#thoughts#books#bookblr#writeblr
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deityofhearts · 3 months
I honestly just don’t get how people default to thinking southern accents are like unserious and unintelligent, I know I live in a bubble and I’ve never been outside of the south so like my world view is skewed but like idk I can’t like conceptualize hearing someone’s accent and going “your accent is too stupid and silly for you to have a brain” like ???
#deity dialogue#sorry I’m rlly half asleep#obvs my worldview is different cause I’m southern I’m surrounded by southern ppl I hear the accent all the time#so it’s like normal obvs but idk it still baffles me#idk if I ever go north are y’all gonna be mean to me cause I talk in a way that y’all perceive as stupid and lesser than how you do??#I’ve already mentioned that even here we aren’t safe from the ‘haha youre a dumbass southern hick’ statements#which is rich cause like bitch who are you to be talking you live here too I don’t wanna hear you call me a red neck cause you’ve been here#for a long ass time to and I’m sure if you went up north they’d be on your ass the same way they’d be on mine#like what gives you the right?#like I will say also that I do make fun of the accent but in the way that lexi and I will be heatedly talking and get more southern with#each word and that amuses and delights us like idk it’s fun to look at someone who just said one word in a more extreme southern accent on#accident and repeat it back to them#but like at the end of the day we like being southern we don’t think there’s anything wrong with it or like inherently worth mocking#plus there’s a difference between two friends being silly and strangers telling you you’re a stupid redneck hick :)#this is also coming from someone who compared to other southern ppl doesn’t have the most strong southern accent (it’s there onvs but ya#know) and I still have to deal with this shit :/#sorry I need to go to bed and shut up no one caressss
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Ohhhh my god Fitz refusing to think about anything at all when he found the White messenger girl dying shattered my heart he was so scared 😭😭😭
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Sony please release your cruel and un-creative grip on my autism creature game series. I beg of you. Let them at least start naming the series innuendos again… PLEASE. I’m sorry the Future series ever even got released at this point PLEASE go back to the old ways I beg you‼️
#ratchet and clank#the talkinator 2000#I say this as someone who’s first game from the series I watched was Tools of Destruction and who’s first game I played was A Crack in Time#if all it led to was the series getting turned into the next ‘plays like it’s a Pixar game’ bullshit#I would have never wanted them 😭#like this SUCKS man. the old ratchet and clank was full of so much personality it feels like the new ones are a corporate PARODY of it#let them name the games stupid dick jokes again. I KNOW it’s sony doing this. PLEASE#STOP MAKING RATCHET SO SERIOUS. ITS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY#to be clear I’m not saying what makes the old games good is all the dirty jokes.#but I WILL say the dirty jokes prevent the series from taking itself too seriously#which it has started to do.#man at this point I don’t give a shit about the Lombaxes! give me another evil capitalist to throw into the moon!!#and the ‘last of their kind’ trope really is getting milked for all its worth and I’m tired of it!!#clank’s ‘chosen one’ trope story had more creativity man!!#alister was like the one spark of life in the lombax thing and then it went straight to bland again#the main characters don’t NEED this to be interesting. they don’t need greater than themselves destinies.#ratchet and clank and the other characters are interesting and fun without that!!#the thing I always liked is that Ratchet is the gun happy mechanic and Clank is the quipping impulse control with the hero alignment#the hero thing rubs off on Ratchet and he does start being a hero with Clank but it’s not his first instinct lol#also extremely sad that the reboot took away the running joke that Clank is the one getting the glory for their heroics#they don’t have a destiny reason for getting into the hero thing. they just got started and liked it and kept going#a lot of the times neither of them even WANTS to be involved they just get roped in!!#like you can do some background shit for them but throwing out all the rest that makes these characters fun to focus on it isn’t the answer#man I just. miss the fun and weird stuff they used to do with the characters and cast and places#they still do big environments but there isn’t other fun wacky shit to match#it’s just ‘destiny’ and heroism. that was never the point of this series 😭
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arthur-r · 2 months
as usual i am up late into the night planning my future when i should be: getting a good nights sleep so that i even have a future!!
#i have work in seven and a half hours. so i should really be getting to bed#BUT i officially made my final definitive degree plan!!!! i mean not the actual classes but all the requirements i have to meet and how!!#(in order to earn: history and information science double major. with certificates in material culture and classics)#and i’m genuinely excited for every single class i have to take except for human-computer interaction#just cause i know it’s gonna get overly technical in ways that won’t quite apply to my future#anyway every single other thing i’m gonna do is very cool and exciting. so everything is good really#but i should be sleeping. and i’m not. as usual 🤧#idk wish me luck!!!! i’m so hyped about my degree plan though#i’ll go into more detail another time. i’m very excited#ANYWAY goodnight!!!! can’t be so busy planning my future in library science that i DONT GO TO MY SHELVING JOB#kind of important to actually go to work for the library that employs me….#and then i might go see a first-printing roget’s thesaurus!!!! or i’ll sleep. we’ll see#followed by lunch with GUY WHO IS THE WORST KILL HIM WITH HAMMERS#(there is nothing really wrong with me he just keeps kind of being mean to me and also expecting me to fall in love with him. but like#extremely passively and not manipulatively it’s just like. hey buddy you’re doing this friendship wrong….)#anyway then i have a class and after that i have an hour to rest. and then a phone call and then a lot of homework#(ten page paper draft due in a week and a half!! so it’s time to start writing the actual body of it)#and then i sleep for a LONG time and then work again on saturday. and then sleepover with somebody i have a crush on??#and then be normal all day on sunday and do a little more paper writing. and programming homework. and whatever else#and then keep up with the slog for three weeks!!!! and all of a sudden it’s summer!!!!#projects left this year: material culture paper (entirely unstarted. but may research the thesaurus and just win!!!!)#history project (draft due the monday after next and real paper due a week after classes end)#one more programming assignment where i adapt my recipe doubler project (probably. it’s getting stupid at this point but it’s what i got!!)#and a programming test in two weeks and then the final a week after that. then no more programming#and then i just have my weekly latin tests and a latin final on may 5th. and then EVERYTHING IS DONE#ok i got this. sorry for walking through my schedule in the tags it’s how i remember what’s real#can’t believe my fucking partner just kind of walked out on me there hello???? like. we should be powering through finals together#but i’m genuinely better off without him so i guess it’s just whatever. trash took itself out or something??#anyway. i’m so regular. and i have work in the morning. and i’m going to sleep#thank you world. goodnight
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no one absolutely no one
me: *immense psychological pain, only pain and flashbacks*
me: sigh *opens up character.ai and starts ranting*
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munamania · 1 year
something on my mind rn. as you all know i’m a lesbian. applause from the audience. and sometimes it just gets to be like annoying when. well. so i have at least A friend who’s asked me several times over ‘so you don’t have Any attraction to men? like at all?’ and i know they’re not being like malicious but you know. that answer has not changed since like seventh grade. and in the same vein it just feels aggravating when i have the nerve to say Oh i think she seems like a lesbian. that’s giving dyke. etc. and to be met with ‘umm well maybe she actually does like men.’ like. first of all in personal conversations if i’m just saying shit chances are i’m just going off of patterns from my own life or other lesbians i know. i’m not here for Bi Erasure and i promise you in this context your attraction to men is not ever invalidated as much as my lack of it. esp in college with so many people talking about their dating/app experiences and etc it’s 99.9999% of the time about men and i just Can’t participate in that conversation which is yk not the end of the world but a bit isolating and even if i do contribute anything it just feels like… a slight Stiffening like. and even just getting brushed off with Well yeah but you’re not even into guys. like real! i still have eyes though. and esp when my attraction isn’t being celebrated and engaged with in the way theirs is it’s just really fucking lonely! and maybe that’s a gross inner voice of insecurity that i’m projecting onto them but like you must get what i mean right. there’s still this odd air specifically around people who Do Not engage with men at all. and if i do make any kind of joke or comment abt someone maybe just Not being into guys i’m made into the asshole who’s invalidating their experiences etc when like. i’m just saying shit man idk. and it’s like many of these people are bi and claim attraction to women but get so like uncomfortable actually talking about it. i don’t think i’m the one with problems! i think there’s still some internalized shit there. you know. anyway all this to say as much as we’ve had the conversation of invalidating bi attraction some of you need to think about not treating gay attraction as this secondary awkward weird elephant in the room. and on a more personal note on top of the Everything that was getting under my skin last night this was just a cherry on top where i was feeling soo… misunderstood and invalidated lol even tho again i largely think those friends were being very supportive and kind to me. this is just one thing i was like. 😐
#esp cause the other one literally pulled the. well idk a man would have to be like Perfect but id still hook up with one. yeah it could be#any woman literally but you know men aren’t totally out of the picture if they’re like. Actually the most attractive man ever and then#i could just pretend it’s not a man#… and you want me to act like that’s not a dyke thing to say. like ok#i didn’t say that to her face btw she can figure that out herself. but you get what i’m working with#it’s so frustrating and truly. once again. just isolating. cause as long as people claim they’re into men it’s like they have this in for#so much bonding that i will never access cause i don’t give a fuck about men. so it’s like yeah i get defensive#esp speaking about a situation in which someone behaved so egregiously homoerotically with me and displayed many signs of um. being gay#and then could just run off with her bf she didn’t even seem to be that attracted to. u can see where#as MUCH as it’s not my goddamn business. when i’m dragged into that it would absolutely get under my skin and of course i’d say some stupid#shit about her needing to accept lesbianism into her heart. lol#because unfortch. yeah. That still came up as part of this. as much as i’d like to just forget it and move on#she just somehow fucking comes up and now it’s not even me obsessively talking abt it. it’s like that situation just cannot leave me alone#for my peace of mind. it’s been months. and that’s also sad and fucked for me cause it’s like#as horrible as that was for my like self esteem and peace of mind. it’s the fucking Only thing i had going for me in a long ass time#and since it just worked so well i latched onto it yk. and i have to trust as i get more confident and move on in the world#i’ll attract better people and whatnot#but it’s like personally extremely lonely and then just feels like an added stupid layer when. it just feels so invalidated in a way. idk#like no i did not have a relationship that i can technically mourn i just had a weird connection with someone who wouldn’t admit even the#slightest attraction even if it was glaringly obvious. it just preys on this stupid fucking loneliness i feel too. and i KNOW i don’t need#to constantly validate that and whatever and none of my friends actually think i’m delusional#it’s just that. i need to get a grip and not cling to it. like just accept it for what it is and go on. and when it’s brought up at random#when i’m already in a stupid sensitive spot it’s hard. u know. and then also w these friends they’re not used to hyperbole so when i say#shit like well i hope they die. they’re like Omg! 🙀 and i’m like oh my god i don’t mean that literally like. hello#this whole thing was not about film girl but of course she made a silly little guest appearance. in conversation#which is just embarrassing for me. you know.#pisses me off that she can move on and probably act like nothing even happened meanwhile i was over here sobbing like i’d been through#a heartbreak. and i’m remembered as like obsessive silly goofy crazy for it. and i was. but damn i’ve taken accountability for it 😭#abby talks#long post
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