#this is for mutuals and friends
shadooper · 8 months
Hey guys, things are going really bad.
Here's my life update:
So as many of you know my Mom moved down to Florida with her very serious long term boyfriend. He bought the house down here so they could go to Disney together. I had to come with since I cant live alone and couldn't really make money to rent with someone.
Fast forward a bit and my mom loses her job and is suffering from a very long menopause. So things get a bit more stressful. She has no health insurance either. My mom's bf also seems to be less happy about life in general.
In October/November, while my partner was visiting from the UK, my mom's bf decides to break up with her. He establishes he won't kick her out and still wants to be friends, but this wrecks my mom. Her whole idea of what her life would be is destroyed.
She slips into a horrible depression, especially since she soon finds out he got a new gf so quickly after. Just a few weeks ago now she had to visit facility after a very very bad breakdown. Luckily she got some much needed medication. Her ex promises to help and sits down with me and sperately with mom and very genuinely tells us how he's on our side.
Just a few days ago he does something insane. He brings over his new gf, 3 days after my mom left the hospital btw, with no notice. He wanted them to meet to help mom move on or something??? Either way its going as well as it can until mom needs to get her meds from the bedroom that she is still sharing with her ex. The girl goes off on mom for trying to get between them (this apprently was lead up to by us making "a lot of noise on purpose", we were doing the DISHES).
My mom is crying as her ex and this girl procees to have INTERCOURSE in the bed my mom sleeps in and on her blankets while me and my mom are in the house with no way to leave cuz he owns the car and moms shoes are in the room.
After all this mom is furious of course but her ex still doesn't understand "what happened".
We need to get put of this house but we have three cats , mom has bad credit, and no money and I'm disabled. I'm terrified and betrayed by someone I thought I trusted. I dont know what to do.
I might need to ask yall for help with this by starting a fundraiser or something im not sure.
So if anyone is looking for room mates on the east coast let me know please.
(I'm sorry for such a large stressful dump.)
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emilnikos · 2 days
love it when my friends say "you would do numbers on Tumblr" buddy I am on Tumblr. and the number is 3
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ominouspuff · 6 months
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You know who you are
but for everyone else btw it was @razzbberry
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rosees3ray · 10 months
reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
having online friends who are busy is just like. I LOVE YOU. I miss you. YOU GOT THIS. I'm giving you space to work. I LOVE YOU.
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elliesbelle · 8 months
emily gwen, the creator of the sunset lesbian flag that we’ve come to commonly use, still continues to live in poverty.
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multi-billion dollar companies have used their design and made profit from it, and yet they have not seen a cent for their creation.
i’ve been friends with emily for years, and i have not once seen them be financially stable the entire time. i’ve seen them homeless, unemployed, starving. right now, they need our help more than ever.
please consider donating to emily’s ko-fi, especially if you’ve used their design to create something and profited from it.
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lightasthesun · 10 months
2023 is coming to an end so this is my annual I love my online friends so fucking much you wouldn't believe me if I told you post.
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thatrandomblogsays · 9 months
Annabeth: I, a child, had to earn Thalia’s love, that’s how the world works! I have to earn my moms love. Love is transactional, you gotta be worthy of it first silly :)
Percy, listening to this on the train
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oars · 1 year
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 7 months
Little reblog game thingy because I love making these (and want to show some love to my mutuals)! <3
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hey um, this might be an unpopular opinion rn, but you need to examine antisemitism in your thoughts and actions and communities even when it isn't politically convenient or socially acceptable to.
i would argue that it's actually even more important and necessary to examine and challenge antisemitism when it isn't politically convenient, cus that's when antisemitism is most likely to be rearing its ugly head again.
that's how fascism gets you - by making you believe that bigotry in your community is actually the "right thing to do".
don't fall into the trap.
love and support Jewish people now more than ever.
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primsycoldbottles · 1 year
um . warning now that tumblr is allowing gif pfps . PLEASE dont use gifs with flashing or eyestraining colours <3 since the gifs Cannot be turned off it WILL negatively affect photosensitive people
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arkanaea · 6 months
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mirpkechi · 22 days
this is me btw . . . me when online frienfds . . . me when close mutuals . . . me talking to the silly people in my phone . . .
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