#this is the kind of old married couple teasing I always Headcanon them as doing
loganslowdown4 · 2 years
{Roman drapes himself over Logan’s lap while Logan does work}
Roman: *pouts* Logan, tell me I’m pretty.
Logan: *holds Roman’s face, smiling* You’re pretty. Pretty f*cking annoying, that’s what you are.
Roman: *smiling back* Yeah? Is that why you married me?
Logan: No I married *makes air quotes* a vapid beautiful airhead with nothing between his ears because he won’t shut up about being pretty.
Roman: You do think I’m pretty! I knew it!
Logan: *fondly rolling his eyes* Ugh, just let me work!
Roman: *laughs* I win!
Logince Week 2023: Day 1 @loginceweek2023
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gonzo-rella · 6 months
Headcanons: Being Married To Old Man Ray Stantz
Relationship(s): old man!Ray Stantz x gn!also old!reader (romantic)
Warnings: Possibly inaccurate science words, because I'm a simpleton. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: Here's my first Ghostbusters thing! I've got a few other Ghostbusters fics in the works, mostly Ray-based reader-inserts because I'm in love with him, but I've also got a Phoebe-centric character study in the works that's based on part of her storyline in Frozen Empire. By the way, I loved Frozen Empire! I've already seen it three times, and it's such a joy. I'll try to catch it a couple more times at least before it leaves cinemas. Anyway, I haven't included any explicit spoilers for Frozen Empire in this, so you're safe to read this if you haven't seen it yet. I'd love to write more old man Ray Stantz fics, especially something involving Phoebe. I'm really excited to write for Ghostbusters, so feel free to send in requests! I've only seen the movies, but I plan on watching the Real Ghostbusters at some point soon. Also, even though I took my mum to see Frozen Empire the other day, I still don't have anyone to talk to about this movie, so please feel free to talk to me about it!)
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It’s evident that, even after all of these years, Ray is still madly in love with you.
The adoration with which he looks at you is clear as day.
Venkman has always loved to tease you both about how sickly sweet your relationship is.
He will make fake gagging when either of you are affectionate to one another when he’s around.
(He won’t admit it, but he actually finds your relationship to be kind of cute)
It’s not like either of you are overly lovey-dovey, especially now.
Ray’s naturally a very passionate and expressive guy, but he’s rarely mushy.
Still, you show one another how much you care.
I have this idea that your silent way of saying ‘I love you’ to each other is holding the other’s hand, stroking their knuckles with your thumb and smiling at them.
It just seems so cute to have this thing that you’ve been doing for your whole relationship.
Ray knows you like the back of his hand, and you know him just the same.
It’s almost scary how well you know one another.
I can imagine that there’s been a time that someone’s asked one of you a question, and the other has been able to answer it with ease.
I love the idea of Ray being with someone who’s not a scientific mind like himself.
So, if you’re not as knowledgeable about the supernatural as Ray, you’ll still have picked up on plenty of information against your will, and Ray will always be impressed with and proud of you when you manage to regurgitate or understand his ‘science-y word salad’ (as you have referred to it).
He will also find it very attractive when you talk supernatural or science to him, but he tries not to make it obvious.
His eyes still light up like he’s a kid on Christmas when he explains supernatural stuff to you or tells you about a new psychically charged item he’s bought, and you find it so endearing.
Also, I can imagine him practically forcing you to listen to Podcast’s podcast when he discovers it, and you both end up getting really into it.
As devoted as he still is to his work and his supernatural endeavours, spending time with you is his greatest priority.
He might miss being an active Ghostbuster, but the silver lining of it is that he gets more time with you than he ever used to.
Even if you both used to be Ghostbusters, it’s nice to spend time together that doesn’t involve being covered in ghost slime and shouting over nuclear accelerators.
If you’ve not got anything else to do, I think it’d be sweet if you kept him company in his store.
Phoebe and Trevor are your honorary grandkids and you and Ray are beyond proud of them, especially Phoebe, who you’re closest to of the two of them.
Phoebe will always remind the both of you of Egon, so whenever she does something particularly Egon-like, you will exchange a knowing glance, and when she’s gone you’ll end up reminiscing about your old friend.
If Phoebe or the other Spenglers ever want to hear about Egon, you’re both more than happy to talk to them about him.
Even in his golden years, Ray is still the same sweet, passionate, excitable man you married all those years ago.
Sure, the regular excitement that came with Ghostbusting is long behind you both, but you both cherish this quieter time together just as much.
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nickeverdeen · 22 days
Heyloo! How are you doing? :) Here to ask for headcanons (The Umbrella Academy fandom) fem!reader being married to Diego while being best friends with Klaus. Like, a female, non-addict, a little smarter version of Klaus and married to Diego (btw season one and she has powers that can make her make other people see and hear shit. Idk if you've seen Twilight but one of the Amazona girls has that there.)
Thank you I hope you and your loved ones are doing phenomenal! 🫶
Being Diego’s wife and Klaus’ non-addict best friend with the ability of creating hearing manipulation and illusions
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Diego is fiercely protective of you, always keeping a close eye on your surroundings to ensure your safety
Diego loves to train with you, not just physically but also to help you refine your powers
He sees it as a way to grow closer
While Diego tries to maintain his tough exterior, he’s incredibly affectionate with you when no one’s watching, often whispering sweet nothings
You and Diego share a lot of playful banter, often teasing each other about your quirks
He loves when you can match his sarcasm
Diego always supports your decisions, even when he doesn’t fully understand them, because he trusts you deeply
Diego is big on small, meaningful romantic gestures like leaving you notes or surprising you with your favorite snacks
Though he tries to hide it, Diego gets a bit jealous when he sees other guys getting too friendly with you, even if he knows you’re just being kind
Sometimes, your sparring sessions with Diego turn into flirtatious encounters, ending in laughter and kisses
You and Diego are a power couple when it comes to solving problems, often thinking of creative solutions that blend his physical skills with your mental ones
After a long day, you and Diego often have late-night talks in bed, discussing your plans, fears, and dreams
Diego finds great comfort in your presence, especially when he’s struggling with his emotions or the weight of his past
Diego has deep respect for your powers and often consults you for tactical advice, knowing how valuable your abilities can be
While Diego isn’t big on public displays of affection, he has a habit of always keeping a hand on your back or waist when you’re out together
You’re Diego’s emotional anchor, helping him keep his impulsiveness in check and reminding him to stay grounded
You and Diego share responsibilities equally in your relationship, whether it’s in battle or day-to-day life, reinforcing your strong partnership
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You and Klaus often wear matching or coordinating outfits, much to Diego’s amusement (and occasional frustration)
You and Klaus have countless inside jokes that no one else understands, often bursting into laughter at the most inappropriate times
Whenever Klaus wants to throw a party or cause some chaos, you’re the first person he calls, knowing you’ll add to the fun
You’re Klaus’s go-to person when he needs emotional support
You help him stay grounded and avoid falling into old habits
You and Klaus love to play harmless pranks on Diego, especially using your powers to mess with his senses
Your shared dark and quirky sense of humor often leaves others confused, but it strengthens your bond with Klaus
Klaus knows he can tell you anything without fear of judgment, making you one of the few people he truly opens up to
You and Klaus have deep, sometimes philosophical conversations about life, death, and the beyond, often leaving both of you introspective
Klaus occasionally asks for your help to amplify his abilities, combining your power with his to create truly bizarre experiences
While you’re a little smarter and more grounded than Klaus, you enjoy indulging in his reckless ideas, finding them a refreshing break from reality
You’re fiercely protective of Klaus, often stepping in to shield him from harm or from making bad decisions
You and Klaus frequently go on spontaneous adventures, whether it’s exploring a new part of the city or trying out an absurd new hobby
Your connection with Klaus is so strong that you can almost communicate telepathically, often knowing what the other is thinking or feeling without saying a word
Whenever there’s a night out, you’re always Klaus’s partner in crime, ready to dance, sing, and enjoy the night to the fullest
Klaus often brings up cosmic and existential topics, which you humor and contribute to, sometimes causing Diego to roll his eyes
You regularly practice your powers by creating illusions for Diego and Klaus, using them as test subjects for new tricks
You sometimes use your powers to play harmless pranks on Klaus and Diego, like making them see or hear something strange
When Klaus is particularly distressed, you use your powers to create comforting illusions, like a peaceful meadow or a warm embrace
Klaus loves how your powers can blend with his, especially when communicating with the dead, making you an even stronger duo
Occasionally, you use your powers to create playful illusions to entertain the other members of the Academy, bringing some lightness to their often stressful lives
You use your powers tactfully, often helping Klaus avoid bad situations by creating distractions or misleading people
You never hesitate to use your powers to protect Diego, Klaus, or anyone else you care about, creating powerful and terrifying illusions to ward off threats
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 8 months
more Grojband au drawings and headcanons bc apparently I only like making fanart for fandoms that are non-existent or on the brink of extinction.
(au ramblings after the keep reading)
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Lanes and Larry (nickname Lars or Lars Bar) got really close during middle school. They found comfort with each other bc they were in similar situations regarding their crushes. They'd sneak off after band practice to rant to each other about their band leaders and just wallow in self-pity. And that didn't really change as they got older. If anything, they got even closer, acting more like siblings than friends—they even got similar/mirroring piercings to match and wear coordinated outfits—, constantly ranting to or annoying each other at any opportunity. However, their audience doesn't really believe that it's just that (having given both of them the titles of casanovas for dating each other and their band leaders). And neither does Corey. Which, as you can probably guess, often leads being a point of contention between them.
Kim and Konnie: I've made them really close cousins. Why?. Because I can! jk jk but tbch I just wanted to add some variety in the lineup's dynamics. I'm also playing with the idea of one of them being half-white and the other being half-Filipino and having them be raised in different households to see how that would affect the different ways in which they'd interact. They are still close like sisters and each other's best friends, they were born on the same day and wear matching hair ties like friendship bracelets, but I want them to have things about them that make them different from being exact copies of their counterparts. However, this is definitely subject to change as I explore the concept more.
Corey and Carrie: acquaintances. Over the years their rivalry has seriously mellowed out and are more or less pleasant with each other. They will tease each other from time to time but that's kind of just what you do when you've known someone as long as they have.
Mina and Trina: Not quite sure where to put this one lol. Their relationship imploded senior year when Mina confessed to her and Trina responded in the worst way possible. Now Mina is doing school abroad and Trina had to repeat her last year. No one really knows what happened but rumor has it that Mina had said something so bad to Trina that it made her completely break. She doesn't hang out with anyone and she rarely, if ever, talks. She spends all her time alone in her room or at her job that nobody is even really sure she has.
Kon and Konnie: they are just happy and cute together. They started hanging out together more during sophomore year when Konnie's gym closed down and she had to go to a new one. They were definitely more awkward at first, they didn't really dislike each other but their friends did so they kind of just...didn't interact, but once they actually started talking they found they got along really well! They would often spot for the other and offer encouragement when working out. Inevitably they caught feelings and tried dating in secret. But that didn't last long (bc ofc it didn't lol) and they got caught. Both bands were more irritated than mad but eventually got over it.
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Kin and Kim: a bickering old married couple. they are constantly 'breaking up' and then getting back together the next day. They are snarky and live for drama and gossip. They both think that the other is more in love with them and can control them bc of it. In reality, they are both equally whipped for each other but refuse to admit it. They constantly 'fight' to show that they aren't in love then somehow always fail miserably every time. They haven't made their relationship public and hopefully never will. They like having their fans think they're single and that if they found out it would ruin their images as the mysterious prince and princess of their respective groups. The bands' reactions to them range from exasperated eye rolls to mocking laughter.
Larry (yes, I'm sticking to calling him Larry) and Carrie: ??? Larry adores Carrie and she knows this. He makes it very clear and is willing to do almost anything for her. But how Carrie feels for Larry is unclear, at least that's what he says to Laney. She will treat him like a best friend and they'll hang out alone without problem, but she will have this weird distance about her that she doesn't close. That is until the cameras come on. During interviews and shoots, she will pull him close to her and say things that can be easily interpreted and romantic, but when asked to specify she will laugh and deflect the question. Then, once the cameras are off, she goes right back to being distant. He is unsure whether or not she actually likes him romantically or is just refusing to clarify for the sake of the band, but he'll lean into her touch whenever or wherever it's given. He seems to have come to terms with this being their dynamic and just...goes with it. There is one thing he knows for certain, he loves her and regardless of whether or not she cares for him romantically, he will stay by her side no matter what. Oddly enough, whenever the topic of Larry and Laney's relationship is brought up, Carrie refuses to talk about it. To be honest, she'll act like she has no idea what they're talking about and bluntly steer the conversation towards literally anything else.
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Laney and Corey: Contradictory. Laney has essentially given up on forming a romantic bond with Corey. However, her actual feelings don't seem to have gotten the memo. She still cares for him so much it hurts. So much so that she's come to terms with the fact that she will never be able to be with anyone romantically because of it. Laney used to love the high of being in love, floaty and light, and now she feels more like a suffering addict, lost and panicked. She drowns in every touch and caress given to her but at the same time feels burned and scorned every time she realizes how simple and platonic they are. She can't blame him for not liking her back, but she's come to resent him for it. Just a little bit. She sometimes even wishes she had never met Corey. Constantly thinking about the life she could have had had she not been pulled into the living whirlpool that was Corey. She loves him, and he doesn't know it. But he holds her closer than anyone else. He is possessive of her and her attention. Whenever it's directed towards someone else, Larry especially, he pulls her back into him and refuses to let her go. This makes it even more unlikely for her to move on, in fact, it makes her angry. They argue about it often.
I have the beginnings of several scenes that explore these relationships and stuff but I'm not too sure I wanna share them just yet ^^; (my creative writing skill is a bit more than a little lacking lol)
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kafka-ohdear · 6 months
hello duck :D since i just came back from a grocery run 💀😭 for brenny and dougley post war or modern au (whatever) what's your thoughts on them going shopping for groceries?? i mean of course dougley is the old married coupleᵀᴹ type and brenny would take meatball with them for sure (yes unfortunately this is exactly what i was thinking when I went for groceries 💀💀)
idk what kind of coincidence is this but my mom just asked me to get some groceries when i was answering this ask 😭
!!!!! alright you got me when you hit send this ask 😈
tw: long ass and random post about my headcanons for them 😭,,,
for dougley, i think it's like:
- blakely pays. of course.
- blakely is (un)surprisingly good at choosing fruits & vegetables etc, and he is like a professional yk. he has everything planned out and follows the exact list. nothing more, nothing less.
- dougie? that man doesn't know what is a shopping list. he likes something, he'll buy it.
- maybe i'm delulu rn but i think dougie can literally buy anything (mostly candies and random stuff) because: one, he doesm't meed to pay under any circumstances; two, blakely likes to see him smiles when he gets his favourite treats.
- okay. the neckerchief. based on the fact that blakely handles grocery runs very well, i'm convinced that dougie has tried at least once to tie the neckerchief onto blakely's head in the babushka style (idk im sorry about my poor vocabulary 💀💀,,,).
- blakely didn't resist him doing so, but he's already working on the plot of his revenge on dougie (yes i'm talking about the "coquette" bow 💀...).
- the kids in the supermarket/grocery store likes them (😭 idk because blakely has the grandpa aura to me,,, and dougie surely loves playing with kids) so whenever the kids see them doing grocery, they'd wave at the couple and talk to them.
- blakely does most of the things, and dougie will help him with smaller stuff like putting the groceries into their vehicle or help him carry some of them back home.
- dougie would steal some of the treats or some random stuff when blakely is unpacking the bags, which usually is blakely's.
- blakely knows but he wouldn't say a thing but plots on his great revenge mission instead
and in my mind brenny would be like:
- they certainly would bring their child aka meatball along with them whenever they are going out for groceries.
- they have zero clue what to buy for their meals and end up taking loads of random stuff back home.
- brady like canned meat. demarco doesn't. they argue over the problem that demarco throws up whenever he smells canned meat, but brady always wins and gets to buy some because their beloved meatball likes canned meat as well.
- brenny is the kind of couple would buy ice cream or other small treats after getting groceries.
- hmmm i have a feeling they might take a walk around (somewhere near there idk,,,) so meatball could enjoy some fresh air before going home.
- BTW ABOUT THE CLOTHING. i think brady would dress kinda??? like a fashion icon??? and demarco would wear clothes like some random ass guy with white t-shirt and black shorts with some slippers,,,
- demarco packs & unpacks things for almost all the time while brady uses entertaining meatball as an excuse.
- demarco doesn't mind because he loves seeing his two favourite person (i kinda feel like he would refer to them as "creatures" to tease brady 💀) happy together,,,
i'm really sorry for this long ass post and shitty headcanons but 😭😭😭 i hope you like them,,,
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disneyprincessabby · 2 years
How do you headcannon Radiator Spring residents and their relationships with Lightning?
*sorry this took so long! I’ve been working on this during my lunch breaks/when I’m not at work, and honestly I struggled to form my thoughts for this one a bit*
I love these kinds of asks!! These questions are super easy but supper difficult because it comes more easily for certain characters (like Doc, Sally, Mater, etc...), and then for some characters it's a little more challenging (like Lizzie, Red, etc..) but anyway, here's what I think everyone's relationship with Lightning is like:
Doc: is Lightning’s dad. Fight me.
Sally: Pretty sure this one goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway. They've been together for the better part of a decade, and I personally like to think they're married (though I really wish Pixar would release a short or something to establish what their relationship status is but anyway), and they are both completely and hopelessly in love with each other. Sally is by far one of the absolute best things (if not the best thing) to ever happen to Lightning, and she feels the same way about him.
Mater: Lightning is like the little brother Mater always wanted as a kid; someone he could go on crazy adventures with (and get into loads of mischief with).
Sheriff: acts like McQueen is an inconvenience to him, but *not so* secretly really cares about the kid. (this is actually pretty much established in all three Cars movies but whatever) I like to think that Sheriff thinks of Lightning as a son to some extent, but they don't really have the same father-son bond that Lightning has with Doc (though that bond got a little stronger shortly after Doc passed...)
Flo: loves him like a son, and isn’t afraid to give him a little ‘though love’ when he needs it. She is definitely as brutally honest/ blunt with him as needed, and while Lightning's never said it out loud, he appreciates that Flo cares enough about him to tell it like it is.
Ramone: Lightning is basically Ramone’s Guinea Pig; Ramone has complete artistic freedom when it comes to paint jobs (in Carsverse)/ coming up with a sick tattoo design (I headcanon that Ramone is a tattoo artist in a human AU) and McQueen trusts him completely.
Luigi: Luigi loves cooking authentic Italian food and Lightning loves eating it. They have heated (jokingly) debates over which racing circuit is better (European or American) that can go on for hours; Sally and Guido have to get them to stop sometimes because otherwise they would go on like that forever.
Guido: Guido doesn’t speak much English (he knows a few words, but not enough to have a full conversation), so Lightning makes an effort to learn some Italian so he can talk to Guido in his native language. Luigi teaches him enough to have a conversation, and he eventually picks up a few more words after listening to Guido and Luigi talk.
Lizzie: She loves to tease (and low-key embarrass) Lightning in anyway she can (kinda like an older aunt/ great-aunt would), and she can get away with it because she's a 'crazy old lady'. However, she's actually super thankful Lightning crashed into town and revived the town she and Stanley built. She's confident her little town will be in good hands when she's gone.
Red: It took some time for Red to warm up to Lightning (considering he killed his poor flowers), but after a couple of months they started to become friends. When Lightning realized that Red was mute, he started looking into basic sign language and other forms of communication to make things easier for Red.
Sarge: Lightning is one of the few residents of Radiator Springs who actually enjoys listening to Sarge's war stories, and while he would never show it or admit it, it makes Sarge so happy. It also helps him with his PTSD/depression/survivor's guilt he sometimes experiences when McQueen just sits there with him for a couple of hours and lets him just talk about it.
Fillmore: they both have similar tastes in music which is how they’ve bonded over the years. They have really deep, philosophical conversations sometimes (sometimes they can talk for hours, sometimes the topic goes over Lightning’s head: there’s no in between). McQueen has definitely smoked with Fillmore at least once (that Doc knows of).
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inkyminx · 1 month
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Trivia Under The Cut ~
Zhe Kong Shi (Middle)
The second born, Guardian Lion
Cunning, Mischievous, a bit chaotic & unintentionally funny
Sensitive (body-wise)
Really good with kids
Might be part jackal but who knows
Don’t hurt his loved ones he will bite all your toes and eat your prized possessions
No really, don’t risk it
Loves cats (he will steal yours)
Has ptsd because of his capture & t*rture by humans in his past
A BIG foodie but is one of those people where they eat a lot but always looks fit (like muscular and constant workouts)
Is surprisingly a gentle giant
Likes working with metal or mechanical objects (mostly vehicles and tiny trinkets)
Play wrestles with Ping on the daily
Was put in his father’s mouth as discipline (it’s ok, he was never bitten. He’d just sit there bored)
Likes trading (it’s business, kid)
“Shorty” proceeds to eat on your hand
Definitely has a “natural beauty” as they are known to be really pretty
Naturally has curly hair but uses one of Yuan’s oils to tame it
Wears a band around his neck to hide the wounds he got from the capturer’s chains
~ ~ ~
In a relationship with Cole
Like his brothers, Cole gets very concerned about how tall Kong is since (headcanon time) he’s the tallest of the ninja
Dates? Isn’t it obvious? These guys would go to cake testing, maybe some test of strength games & more outdoorsy activities like a carnival or rock climbing
Takes turns sitting on each other while one’s doing push-ups
“Brains and brawns? HOW ABOUT BRAWNS AND A TITAN”
He probably also scared Wukong and the gang as he nearly matches the height of Sandy and DBK (if not taller like his brothers)
Will lift the ninja/monkie team/monkeys like it’s nothing & tease them about it
Dear God do not let him be alone with Wukong or there will be chaos. Who knows what shenanigans they will get up to
Might have forgotten to pay for some noodles one ten time
Cole meeting the parents was fun
Kong: *in his dad’s mouth and lifting it up by his teeth* Pretty neat huh?  Cole: 😨
Has probably yeeted Jin & Yin into the celestial realm at one point
Doesn’t like Lou (Cole has to hold his boy back from strangling his dad)
Fengkuang Huayuan (Left)
The first born, Jue Yuan
Flirtatious, sneaky, mature (somewhat) & easily amused
The mean responsible one: will tape a kid to the wall or “your a disappointment, grade C+ kiddo”
“Chillax man, I got this” comes back clean despite an explosion in the background
Loves to cook and knows how (mostly stews & broths or anything with vegetables)
Kind of a slvt
Doesn’t like wearing revealing clothes
Probably gets his jewelry from Guimo
Definitely the one who taught Kong how to be a menace
Adopted three small dragon-like cats and treats them like his children
Knows how to push buttons
Likes to make puns
Smokes (owns a kiseru)
Lost his vision as payment to reunite with Kong
~ ~ ~
Had a relationship with a soldier at one point before not aliving him when he found out he was a demon
Definitely likes using pet names, both platonically and romantically
“Darling”  ,  “my sweet baby”  &  “pumpkin” are big in his vocabulary
Will tease tf out of Macaque & Kai
Kai will get the short end of the stick with this guy usually
The ninja definitely caught Kai taking a nap on Yuan’s lap at one point but said red ninja had threatened them to keep it a secret (especially from Nya)
And it’s no different for Macaque just with Wukong
Kind of acts like a mom to said red ninja & monkey, and is very protective of them
May threaten the monkey king and mr. six ears to reconcile PROPERLY instead of bickering like an old married couple
“Smashes their faces together” NOW SHAKE HANDS AND SAY “I DO”
Pingheng Xie (Right)
The third born, Phoenix
A sweetheart, big body big heart, constant state of confusion & responsible
Had a really close relationship with his mother
Will cry if a loved one gets hurt (even a paper cut will set him off into becoming Niagara Falls)
Incredibly strong
No really, this bitch can probably lift an entire palace if he wanted to
Kind of a mama’s boy
Uses his own feathers for fun (writing, tickling someone, etc)
Will let you use two hands in an arm wrestling match
Is the more responsible fun “parent”
“If you eat your vegetables we can go to the water park”
But will probably lose the kid(s) as he’s on the slides and go apeshit trying to find them
A little chubby around the stomach
Might have accidentally thrown Kong off a mountain cliff while playing as kids
Lost his vision as payment to reunite with Kong
~ ~ ~
In a relationship with Lloyd
Dates? Definitely going to arcades, reading comics, some indoor dates like movies & most times Ping cooking while Lloyd clings to him like a finger monkey
Probably needs to be pulled off Lloyd & MK when hugging cause he can practically sense how fvcked up they are
Lloyd often uses his wings for comfort or hiding (it’s a must if he has a nightmare)
Gave Lloyd a necklace with one of his feathers as it’s charm to keep him warm & comforted by his presence
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acacia-may · 1 year
Can I request YamiChar, pls? I love this ship so much!
Hi there, friend! 💖 Thank you so much for the ask and for playing my song + headcanon game!
Your song & headcanons are below the cut! 🥰
I love YamiChar too, and since I've already exhausted most of my serious YamiChar songs in this post, I've gone a bit cheeky with this one and chosen "When I'm Sixty-Four" by The Beatles. It's kind of a funny song--a bit teasing and cheeky which I think works for this ship because they do sometimes dryly banter with each other (and it's delightful), but I've always thought it's a really cute song too! And of course, it really reminds me of Yami teasing Charlotte that they'll take care of each other when they're old if they never find anyone else (which they won't because they're meant to be obviously lol 😁). I've always thought it would be kind of funny if he mentioned that or somehow referenced that conversation again if/when he ever actually confesses--maybe not the exact words "Give me your answer, fill in a form/Mine for evermore/Will you still need me, will you still feed me/When I'm sixty-four" but the same kind of sentiment. Also this passionate YamiChar shipper really just wants to see them grow old together! 😊
So without further ado here are some "Old Married Couple YamiChar" Headcanons...
Charlotte and Yami become very avid gardeners in their old age. At first it was just Charlotte (and if any asks Yami it's still "just Charlotte's garden") but Yami helped her with some of the more heavy-lifting gardening things and really took a shine to it. Most days he is out there working even longer that she is. They do grow flowers, but the garden is mostly vegetables which they are always giving them out to their family and friends.
Yami snores very loudly in his old age. One year for Charlotte's birthday, part of his gift was taking a potion meant to stop him from snoring, but it made all of his hair fall out so Charlotte insisted they never try it again. Instead she sleeps in earmuffs Charmy made her with her cotton creation magic.
Charlotte picks up knitting as another hobby (after Yami takes over most of her garden lol) and every year she knits scarves, sweaters, or socks for all their kids and grandkids.
Yami and Charlotte spoil their grandchildren, especially Yami. Their children are a little beside themselves with how much Charlotte and Yami let the grandkids get away with, but their grandchildren adore them and are all agreed that Grandpa Yami tells the best stories.
When I'm Sixty Four (Remastered 2009) - YouTube
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penname-artist · 1 year
Tidbits #4
Q & A: Define 'Softy'
Notice: this chapter of 'Tidbits' is reposted from it's original document of 2021, and may no longer be up-to-date with current headcanons.
Tanel asks: I feel like i asked it somewhere, but i am not sure.. Does Windlifter think that Blade is sexy AF and visa versa?
To answer your first thing, it was a question on Sharatrap's Q and A that I know of. And, headcanon wise....ehhhhh not really? I mean, we all know the both of them are sexy fucks, but as to them thinking that of one another, its almost completely irrelevant to them - they've never been romantic towards each other, even though in Emergency they've escalated to "old married couple" in terms of conversation.
Now, that isn't to say they don't admire one another. Blade has always looked up to Windlifter like a guiding force, and someone he feels can be a safe space to speak out about personal matters. Windlifter, in turn, thinks highly of his chief, and would do all in his power to take care of him if need arises. They've spent hard nights together, and in those times they've bonded like brothers.
You've heard the saying 'birds of a feather'? Well these two are more like chopps' of a rotor. And they flock together.
Sharatrap123 asks: Is Blade a softy :3?
I have no idea under what context this even is, so I'll just try to cover the broadband of "everything".
In terms of emotional vulnerability (which I think is really what this question meant XD) kind of, it depends. So, Blade has a soft core; however, years and years and years and years of heartache and loss, and then trying to be a firefighter and train a crew, has made him build up shell after shell around it until, outwardly, he's got a heart made of steel. But, if course, there's ways to break through all those layers! ;)
In terms of physical appearance...I mean, his sponsons only act as extensions of his landing gear, so equivalent to his hips....so he may not be soft, but damn he thicc. *I'm getting angry glares, guys help me I might die*
And lastly, kind of an extension of the first point, Blade has a soft spot for:
-Tegus, and other reptiles (he got hooked on them after Trigger)
-Kids, oddly enough (they do terrify him, but hes at least got the sense to bring down his Big Tough Gruff mode if he has to work with one, I.e. pulling a kid from a fire, etc)
-Lets make this known, Blade does look at good looking male helis and planes with 'interest' now and again. Would it be considered a soft spot? Not really. Is it necessary information? The hell it isnt, my good proppies must know the truth! XD
-The old men of the PPAA always tease this, but yes Blade does also have a soft spot for chocolates, specifically those really really dark chocolates that are so dark theyre almost bitter-tasting. Someone always manages to find one to stuff in the chief's stocking around Christmas (the team does a little secret-santa type thing every year).
ShuTodoroki asks: How dependent are the Piston Peak crew on coffee? Like, rank the Piston Peak crew from "I can deal with no coffee in the morning" to "I need coffee to live." XD
Oh boi! Lesse here…
Going from the members who need the least amount of coffee, we have: Windlifter (he actually doesn’t drink coffee, he has a regular habit of instead drinking herbal teas and such); Patch and Pinecone, who’ve both picked up on the tea habits (well, on frequent occasion, but not always); Avalanche and Drip who are both banned from having more than two spoons of sugar in their mugs; Blackout who forgets where he leaves his mug all the time; Dynamite and Dusty, who both have “normal” takings; Dipper who’s a sugar-addict; Blade who ends up drinking coffee at night (go. The fuck. Ta bed!) ; Maru, who has evil concoctions of coffee and what the team suspects is Redbull (hey, it works when he’s trying to save a team member); and the winner of the coffee-addiction is actually Cabbie, both because he drinks much larger cups than everyone else, and because it takes at least two whole cups to get the old engines firing in the morning.
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Since you like The Gangreen Gang and Princess Morbucks, What do you think of the other PPG villains (Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, HIM, the Amoeba Boys, Sedusa, the Rowdyruff Boys) and what are your favorite episodes starring them?
Mojo Jojo: A good campy villain that I've come to appreciate more over time, and a bit of a tragic one as well when you think about it. His dialogue is super hard to write though; I'd always try to watch a scene or two of him from the show beforehand to get the rhythm of his speaking style right but I still don't think I've ever been able to capture his voice fully. My favorite episodes with him are probably Meet the Beat-Alls, Birthday Bash, and Mo Job.
HIM: Outside of the Gangreen Gang and Princess he's probably my favorite villain, though for different reasons. With the other two, I see them as more morally grey; people who have their own trauma and issues and have been led to crime because of it, but under the right circumstances could become better. With HIM, he's just unnerving as hell and evil for the sake of being evil. He's the only one who genuinely scared me as a kid, and I think he's also the only villain that truly has no limits or capacity to love. My favorite HIM episode would probably be Speed Demon, with Octi Evil as a second. Speed Demon especially has given me a lot of ideas and inspiration.
Fuzzy Lumpkins: Uh... his design is kind of cool, I guess? I kind of forget about him most of the time to be honest. His main goal in life, to live unbothered and not have people touch his stuff is valid tho. My favorite episode with him would probably be Meet the Beat-Alls.
The Amoeba Boys: They're good joke villains and lovably pathetic. I remember seeing a post going around a month or so ago that was talking about how if they were a supervillain, they'd be one of the Amoeba Boys and same tbh. My favorite episode would probably be Geshundfight.
Sedusa: A character that could've been utilized more than she was, and is probably the most competent villain outside of HIM, and maybe Mojo. I know her personality mostly revolved around, well, seduction since it's literally part of her name, but it would've been cool to see her be manipulative and crafty outside of just being sexy. Maybe she takes an interest in her victim's hobbies, tells them that the thing they've always been insecure about is actually super charming, remembers little things that she knows would mean the world to them, etc. I have a lot of headcanons about her character that I'm excited to explore in the future.
My favorite episode would be Aspirations mostly because that's one of my favorite episodes in general, but outside of that I'd say it's Something's a Ms. It really shows off how devious she can be and how she's a true master of disguise. It's hard to picture many other villains who could've pulled off what she did.
The Rowdyruff Boys: The PPG fandom might send torches and pitchforks my way for this one, but I think they're overrated.
I get why they're popular; they're the Powerpuff Girl's evil counterparts, and received several ship tease moments with them in the show. Stuff like that is always going to be popular with fans. But man, as someone who likes to read fanfic I'm kind of tired of 90% of the ones out there revolving around shipping them with the girls and everyone else being background characters. People are free to write what they want and I don't even have a problem with the ships themselves, I just wish there was a bit more variety of content to choose from.
All that being said, my favorite episode is probably Custody Battle, just because it's fun to see Mojo and HIM bicker like an old married couple.
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keepthemclose · 2 years
I love all of your Arya/Gendry stories, especially how Gendry is always at least a little bit dom. Do you have any head canons about the two of them and their relationship that you can share?
aww thank you, that's so sweet! (and yes I love a little bit of dom!gendry always.)
some headcanons in no particular order:
i saw a tumblr post (which i can no longer find) that says something along the lines of "when you're such a sub that you'll dom if asked" -> this is my foundation for dom!gendry. i think arya just likes to be taken care of and it's not easy for her to surrender / trust in many aspects of her life, but it's safe with gendry
they aren't a PDA heavy couple but lean into casual acts of quiet intimacy and affection, like holding hands, drawing idle patterns in each others' palms, and resting their head on each other's shoulders
they're both early risers and (chaotically) do not snooze the alarm. gendry always falls asleep before arya
they sleep late because they spend too much time talking to each other in the dark. it's an old habit that dies hard.
arya likes gendry with longer hair, in part because it's *ahem* easier to grip
gendry is more of the cook, but they order take out a lot. hot pie is also around a lot and keeps them fed well
it takes them awhile to learn how to healthily resolve conflict between them. they're both stubborn and i envision arya being more prone to isolating vs. gendry who is prone to emotional outbursts or anger. but what always draws them back together is that they fight for their relationship and ultimately humble themselves for the other.
they banter and tease a lot, but aren't actually the kind of couple that thinks the other is always nagging them. they're childhood friends to lovers after all!!
arya is a social drinker while gendry nurses 2 beers the entire night. for obvious reasons, he is wary of people who drink too much and it also takes a lot to get him drunk.
when he does get drunk, he just tells arya how pretty she is and insists on giving her piggy back rides. it's embarrassing but arya secretly loves it.
they will not get married for a long time. they live together, are committed to each other, etc. i think they ultimately somewhat believe in the institution of marriage but want to enter into it on their own terms.
eventually they propose to each other! also "Marriage is about having good sex and committing unspeakable acts of violence for one another" (x)
they both need a lot of alone time and respect each other's boundaries. i envision them doing their own things in the same room until they get bored and decide to fool around
hand kink!! arya is obsessed with gendry's hands on her, gendry is obsessed with how soft her hands are. they're both fascinated and terrified by what the other's hands can do.
arya is generally more forward and vocal about her feelings, and likes flirty with gendry in public to make him flustered. even after many years of dating, gendry continues to be flustered.
gendry is more of an "acts of service" guy—but is more vocal in the bedroom
in a world with social media, arya is the extremely online gf and gendry is a "3 followers and 5 pictures" (mostly of arya) bf. he's meme-literate but doesn't ever post anything.
modern AU: they're a really active couple: they go to the gym together multiple times a week and take nymeria out for walks
they’re both into tattoos (they have a matching sword/hammer)
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rein-ette · 3 years
For your headcanon time period ask! How about England in the 1600's? I'm curious to see what you'd think he was up to 👀
Aighttttt lets get crackin.
For me the standout events of the decade 1600-1610 was the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603 and the Union of the Crowns, and the ongoing Dutch-Portuguese War Arthur was meddling in.
I like the idea that Arthur was out and sailing about at the turn of the century, since that feels appropriately symbolic. It would also mean he was probably abroad when Queen Elizabeth made her Golden Speech in November of 1601, which marks the end of her reign. That speech was surprise for everyone, since Elizabeth was supposed just supposed to talk about taxes or something, and instead revealed that it would be her last Parliament. She then proceeds to proclaim her undying love for her country (wink wink) and gratitude to her ministers and subjects. I highly suggest everyone go read the speech because its a banger, but my favourite line is this one: And, though God hath raised me high, yet this I count the glory of my Crown, that I have reigned with your loves.
To add drama, I think Elizabeth would have prevented people from notifying Arthur, knowing he would be horrified and come running back, cutting short his time on the seas that he loved. When he returns a couple months later he indeed is horrified and after the customary ranting ("but why -- I would have come back had i known" "precisely") would retreat to his own room, read the speech, and break down.
Of course the thing with Queen Elizabeth is that she declared she was "married to her country." I probably wouldn't go with too literal an interpretation of that (tho she did the whole ring thing, man, like thats hella cute), but I do think Arthur was deeply in love with her on many different levels. Among his feelings was certainly a romantic attraction, but it was probably so intertwined with other kinds of love that Arthur could not, and eventually did not, care to tease them apart anymore. As for what she felt back, I don't really like speculating about historical characters, but I do think he would have been one of her closest confidants and cherished companion and partner. Her death in 1903 surely would have been devastating for Arthur, and after returning he definitely spent every second he could manage by her side until the very end.
Upon her death and the crowning of James I, however, Arthur would have skedaddled as fast as possible. This is because, with the coronation of James, Scotland and England were now united under one crown! Hurrah! Yeah, Arthur would have gotten out of there as fast as possible. He would have slapped that tiara on James, told his ministers not to let Scot fuck around and ruin everything, and boarded the next ship out to nowhere.
Lucky for him there are Spaniards to beat, traitors to hang, treaties to sign, and Shakespeare to watch as well! The Treaty of London ends the Anglo-Spanish War in 1604, Othello premieres the same year, guy tries to blow up Parliament in 1605 (lol Guy geddit), some random trade treaty is signed in Paris and "The Scottish Play" is released in 1606 (a personal favourite). During this time Arthur probably tried his hand at a couple sonnets and plays as well. Always a prolific writer and ever the escapist, literature would have provided a good outlet for his grief in these years.
Finally, I mentioned that the Dutch and Portuguese were having a grand old time blasting the shit out of each other. The English and Dutch East India Companies were created respectively in 1601 and 1602, after one of Port's dudes, after sailing around Asia for a bit, runs off at Amsterdam and publishes all the routes. Naturally the Dutch and English are thrilled and Port is not well-pleased, but England cannot outright start a war on Port (who's technically still a friend, even if hes in cahoots with the Spanish at this point). So Arthur lets the Dutch do the hard work of seizing all the Portuguese colonies while he provides strategic support, as one does. This leads to some very angry letter exchanges indeed with Gabi, and Arthur probably more than once guiltily slunk past Lisbon on the way back home. (Dude named Hudson was also havin a grand old time sailin up rivers and down bays in North America in 1909, so when sick of assisting the Dutch you know where Artie went).
And that's my hcs for the 1600s! As ever it got pretty long -- oops. But thanks for the ask -- I've learned quite a bit and am genuinely intrigued by this decade now, as it seems be an fascinating and complex snapshot of the very beginning of the British Empire we came to know. The foreshadowing, man.
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narumi-gens · 3 years
A Last First Kiss
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Miya Atsumu x Reader Headcanons
notes: I felt really bad about leaving you guys with so much Atsumu angst in those fake wedding date hcs that I decided to write some proper, fluffy New Girl inspired hcs. warnings: mentions of past infidelity but otherwise happiness guaranteed 
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💋 It all started when you walked in on your boyfriend of four years cheating on you. With literally nowhere else to go (considering you had moved in with him and it was his name on the lease), you had shown up on Atsumu’s doorstep in a daze, asking if you could stay in his spare room for a few days while you tried to come to terms with your new reality, which is that you were now single and homeless. 
💋 You and Atsumu had always been friendly, even if you had never exactly been friends. He was always the guy that you could have a laugh with in a group setting, but you never knew him well enough to actually hang out just the two of you. In fact, the only reason you even ended up at his place was because you had dropped your purse (which contained your phone, wallet, cash, and credit cards) on the living room floor in pure shock when you saw some woman who wasn’t you with her mouth around your boyfriend’s dick, and Atsumu was the only person you knew who lived within walking distance. 
💋 A few days ends up turning into six months. This means that Atsumu is there when you cry so much that it feels like the tears will never end. He’s there when you monopolize the living room TV, sitting through the romcom marathons without complaint. He’s there when you fill the freezer with so much ice cream that you have to move everything else in it into the fridge. It also means that he’s there when you decide that it’s time to stop moping and get back into the dating pool -- and it doesn’t go well.
💋 It’s the first date you’ve gone on since the break-up. You spend all day freaking out because this is the first first date you’ve had in over four years. Atsumu looks at you like you’re crazy when you demand he tell you what young people do on first dates these days. 
💋 You’re so worried and incapable of doing anything that Atsumu’s the one who has to pick out your outfit, assuring you, “Look, this guy’s the lucky one, not you. He’s the one who needs to impress ya, not the other way ’round, got it? Now go get lucky!” before he sends you off on your date with a cheesy but encouraging thumbs up.  
💋 But it all ends up being for naught because four hours later, you trudge through the front door, face buried in your hands, embarrassment so great that you’re trying to will yourself to just disappear into nothingness. Atsumu watches in confusion as you shuffle into the living room, grab the blanket off the back of the couch, wrap it around yourself until you’ve bundled yourself up in a blanket burrito, and collapse next to him pathetically. 
💋 “How was yer date?” he asks and you just let out a whine that’s so high-pitched, Atsumu worries it might actually damage his hearing. He tries to console you, assuring you that it was just a first date and there are plenty of other fish in the sea and that the hardest part is over now because at least you’re now back out there. He continues to feed you well-meaning platitude after well-meaning platitude until finally you can’t take it anymore. 
💋 You peek your eyes out at him from the end of your blanket burrito just enough to give him a glare that shuts him up. “So, what happened? Was he a jerk? Was he boring? Was he ugly?” You sigh heavily and fully pop your head out of your cocoon, your hair now sticking up at odd angles. 
💋 “No, he was great and we had so much fun together,” you tell him, but the tone of your voice says otherwise. Atsumu tosses you a confused, “Then what’s the problem?” that makes your face scrunch up in embarrassment as you let out another whine as you replay how the date ended in your mind. 
💋 “He was such a gentleman and he was so nice. We were downstairs in front of the building and I could tell he wanted to kiss me and he started to slowly lean in and I freaked out and screamed then I gave him a punch to the shoulder, bowed, shook his hand, and called him ‘buddy’ before I literally ran inside,” you blurt out, all in one breath. You open an eye to look at Atsumu, who’s staring back at you with pure horror written on his face. 
💋 “Why? Why would ya do that?” he finally manages to ask once he’s over his shock and you groan, wiggling in your burrito until you can pull your arms free so that you can hide your face in your hands for the umpteenth time. “If ya don’t want to kiss him, then don’t kiss him!”
💋 “But I thought I did wanna kiss him! I thought I was ready!” you groan. “But when he was leaning in, I just...” you trail off and when Atsumu prompts you to continue, you just sigh wearily before dropping your head back to look up at the ceiling tiredly. “You wouldn’t get it.”
💋 “Try me,” he offers and although you refuse to look at him out of embarrassment, you can hear his sincerity. You let out another, quieter sigh. “I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with Shinji. I wanted to it all with him -- get married, have babies, grow old together.” You glance over at Atsumu and see how his expression has softened. “And when I saw Taichi coming closer, all I could think about was how I couldn’t see myself doing any of those things with him.”
💋 He’s quiet as he takes in what you’ve just said, thinking over your words before he gives you a kind smile that puts you at ease. “Don’t ya think yer worrying too much over this? It’s just a first date. If ya wanna kiss him, then just kiss him. Maybe you’ll feel that magic when ya do. Live in the moment a little.”
💋 "Look, promise you won’t think I’m being stupid?” you ask softly and you wait for him to nod before continuing. “I want the next first kiss I have with someone to be the last first kiss I ever have. Even if it’s not actually the case and even if things don’t end up working out. In the moment when it’s happening, I want it to feel like it could be my last first kiss. And I just...didn’t feel that with Taichi. It just felt like any other first kiss.”
💋 You wait for him to laugh or tell you that you’re overthinking things. You wait for him to say that all the romcoms you’ve been watching have distorted your sense of reality. You wait for him to tell you that you just need to get laid. But in the six months that you’ve been living with Atsumu, you’ve learned that he never does what's expected. 
💋 “I don’t think that’s stupid,” he says simply after a few moments and now it’s your turn to be shocked. The look he’s giving you is just so kind that it makes your heart flutter happily in your chest, the disastrous end to your date slipping further and further into the recesses of your mind. 
💋 “Y’know, we’ve known each other awhile now, but it’s only since ya moved in that I’ve realized how soft ya are.” Soft. He says it thoughtfully. He’s not teasing you or pointing out some sort of perceived flaw. The word sounds almost...fond. “Yer heart’s soft.”
💋 The statement hangs over the living room, but it doesn’t feel heavy or oppressive. It feels warm and comforting. It feels like someone finally understands you. He then drops his hand on top of your head and smooths down your messy hair affectionately. “Don’t feel stupid for wanting to be soft, okay?”
💋 The sudden lump in your throat keeps you from being able to say anything in response, so you beam back at him and nod your head, furiously blinking away the tears that you can feel threatening creeping up on you. He smiles back in return and brushes your hair behind your ear before he stands up. “I gotta get up early tomorrow for practice,” he says. “Ya gonna be alright?”
💋 “Yeah, I will,” you assure him, meaning it wholeheartedly. But then you smile at him sheepishly and hold out your hands. “Can you help me out of this blanket though? I think I’m stuck.” He rolls his eyes dramatically, but makes no other complaint as he takes your hands in his and helps you stand. 
💋 He then lets go of one of your hands to grab onto the end of the blanket, using the hand holding yours to slowly twirl you around twice until the blanket comes fully loose and he can drop it onto the couch. Slightly dizzy, you clutch his forearm with your free hand and take a moment to reorient yourself with a soft giggle. 
💋 When you look up at him, you see the same softness in his eyes that he seems to see in you and it catches you by surprise. Your heart starts to beat a little more quickly in your chest, but you don’t know why. All of a sudden, you realize how little space there is between the two of you -- only a couple of inches at most. 
💋 And then his lips are on yours -- needy, hungry, desperate, soft. The kiss feels like a flash fire. Where only moments ago, you were feeling warm and content and fuzzy, you’re now at the mercy of a white-hot heat that starts in the pit of your stomach and spreads out so rapidly that it’s consumed your entire being in a millisecond. 
💋 His arms are wrapped around your waist, pulling you close before one slides up your back and he buries his fingers in your hair, quickly running them through your stands. Then both hands are running down your sides before they’re both on your back once again, his touch warm through the fabric of the dress he picked out. It’s like he’s so eager to feel every inch of you that he can’t keep his hands in one spot -- he needs to feel all of you.
💋 It’s not even that deep of a kiss, his tongue only briefly darts out to run over your bottom lip before it returns back to his mouth. Instead it’s really just his lips moving against yours, hinting at what more might feel like but never going far enough to actually let you have it. And it just makes you more desperate as you return the kiss. 
💋 But just like a flash fire, it’s over almost as quickly as it began. He gives you one, two, three more kisses before he’s pulling away, your foreheads resting against each other, his breath hot on your face where it mingles with yours as you both pant for air. Then, he leans in and gives you one final, chaste, soft kiss before he meets your glazed eyes.
💋 “A last first kiss, huh?” he murmurs, his voice rough and low and threatening to ignite the fire all over again. His hands slowly slip from you down to his sides and you miss the warmth of his touch already. You can only dumbly nod in return, your breathing still shaky as you try to catch it. The corners of his lips twitch upwards, something fun and mischievous and affectionate and...happy written plain across his face. 
💋 “Goodnight,” he says gently and once again, all you can do is nod, still too dazed to do anything else. He seems to understand your plight because you can see how his eyes are shining with mirth. But his flushed face is a clear giveaway that he’s just as affected as you are. 
💋 You’re still frozen in place as you watch him walk away until his broad shoulders disappear from sight and you hear the door to his bedroom close. Slowly, you raise a trembling hand up to your face and brush your fingers against your still-tingling lips, where you can still feel the ghost of Atsumu’s. 
💋 Your mind is racing, but there’s only one thought that you’re able to fully grasp onto, desperate not to let it go as a small, soft smile appears on your face. You want more than anything for that to be the last first kiss you ever have. 
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relationship dynamics
because i felt like it
Birdflash: Their relationship dynamic is like the cutest thing ever. “I’ve noticed that we’ve slowly begun to phase the ‘B’ out of our bromance.” Have done the spiderman kiss and will continue to do the spiderman kiss. SO. MANY. PUNS. They’re CONSTANTLY in a pun war. In a drive thru: “Hey can you tell the guy in the car behind me that he’s cute and I’ll pay for his drink?” “Um….okay sir.” “Your total is $10.59. Also the guy in front of you said, um, he said to tell you that he thinks you’re cute and he’ll pay for your drink.” “*rolls eyes with a fond smile* that’s my husband, he thinks he’s romantic,” but the best part is that it works for either one of them. Birdflash Culture is the word “babe.” If you don’t think they had a bubble machine at their wedding then you’re lying to yourself. Eating junk food whenever and wherever they want,. “Oh my god just get in the fucking blanket fort already.” Where you go, I go. SO MUCH FOOD OH MY GOD ALL THE FOOD SO MUCH FRIGGIN FOOD. Police/crime lab aesthetic bc I have a headcanon that they’ both work with the police department (Dick’s a detective, Wally’s the lead CSI). Photo booth strips. Them being impressed by each other all the time. F R E C K L E S. Stopping halfway through the middle of sex because they just realized something about Star Trek season 3 episode 8 and they really need to pull it up on the tv to make sure they’re right. Re-enacting fight scenes from martial arts movies in the living room of a tiny apartment. Have i mentioned the babe thing because they toss around the word babe all the friggin time, not baby that’s gross, just plain babe along with bro and dude those three are interchangeable. “I called shotgun infinity when I was twelve.” The glass is always half full. Them playing video games at home eating pizza counts as a “date” but also they’ve been doing the same thing for years.
Jayroy: “don’t worry I know what I’m doing” “not even god knows what you’re doing.” Sharing cigarettes. Desperate messy kisses. Constant fast paced insult war that you can’t keep up with if you’re not quick witted enough. “My family had to put up with me but you? You’re the idiot who chose me as a best friend.” pet names galore but like edgy ones not gross sweet ones (my personal favorite is jaybird bc it’s awesome and also canon), very very kinky sex, will murder rapists and drug lords in the most painful way possible without giving a solitary fuck but will go to a nursing home the next morning and be as respectful as possible to the elderly. Tattooossss. Baseball hats. Say “fuck you” as “I love you.” Hair ties everywhere. m u s c l e s.
Timkon:  Classic love story. Like, switch one of their genders and you’ve got a old school romance movie in the making. Photo shoots with a pride flag and merch. Pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks. Tim wearing Kon’s clothes to the point where practically his entire wardrobe except for his fancy clothes and red robin suit consists solely of Kon’s stuff. The Neighborhood vibes. Holding hands on a date at the carnival. Pride bracelets and pins. 90s vibes. Kind of the type of Destiel feeling where you can’t really have Destiel without also having Sam being the overenthusiastic shipper/supportive brother? That but with the rest of the Core Four. Polaroid pictures. Gay and Tired. Flannel + Leather + Denim. they go on dates with other people (before they realize they’re in love) and spend the entire time talking about their other half. Skateboards. A high school romance.
Damijon (aged up obviously):  constant constant constant bickering and arguing, like we’re surpassing married couple status here. “I’m older” “I’m taller” starts out as a biting insult, falls into teasing joke, then becomes something they say with a mischievous fondness and an inside-joke smile. Country + Pop Taylor swift songs. Wandering together through the city. "Be kind to animals or I’ll kill you.” Sitting on the roof together. Kryptonite blades that Jon trusts no one except Damian to wield. “I hate you” “happy to hear it” turning into another inside joke. Sleepovers. Never growing up. “I trust you with my life unconditionally but I do not trust you to get my order right remember the time you betrayed me and everything I ever stood for?” “Oh my god dami I forgot the sauce onCE.” Don’t lie to yourself, habibi is totally a thing. Damian wearing Jon’s varsity football jacket over dark colored/black turtleneck shirts. Damian sketching Jon either late at night in the light of the moon or early in the morning by the light of the sun. Classic dark vs Light. Running down the street tugging the other behind you while holding hands. Red converse + Combat boots. TEAMWORK. “Clark, your son is annoying, loud, clumsy, entirely too tall, hopelessly optimistic, and way too naive. I trust him with every cell in my body.”
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let’s talk about 9-1-1 buddie headcanons:
- eddie gets rid of his truck. christopher is getting older and wants more independence so he gets something with better clearance. and I’ve decided that something is a dodge durango. eddie is actually really into it. can’t stop talking about the fold down seats and towing capabilities. buck teases him and calls it his soccer mom van. then immediately starts researching CP-friendly soccer leagues for chris.
- buck strikes me as a podcast kinda guy. I feel like a lot of his random facts probably start with information learned via podcast and then researched separately on google or wikipedia. 
- luddite eddie my beloved. but not like luddite luddite. eddie’s a millennial so I see him as okay with all the 20th century technology he grew up with and just not all the newfangled smart home/internet gaming stuff. 
- abuela gives eddie an old turntable and a box of records and he falls in love with it. likes to play spanish love songs while cleaning on the weekends.
- eddie breaks up with ana. he does it quietly and cordially a couple weeks after the sniper incident.
- buck and taylor date for a little while but never really take off. and it’s super important that it’s buck who makes the decision to break up. they both have very busy lives and different priorities. and taylor acknowledges she probably shouldn’t have kissed him in the first place. she just hated to see buck so broken and wanted to comfort him. they decide they are better as friends.
- bosko and eddie friendship rights! eddie actually apologizes to her and they become gym buddies. lena stops going to the junkyard fights and finds an MMA gym that she’ll take eddie to. during the pandemic they somehow find themselves doing socially distanced tai-chi in the park. they keep it up once the gyms reopen.
- side note: lena does in fact get a cat. he’s a huge floofy maine coon named sarge who absolutely adores eddie. rubs his head all over him and immediately worms his way into his lap when eddie visits. he hisses at buck tho and lena finds it endlessly hilarious.
- demisexual eddie! I like the idea of lena no-nonsense asking eddie if he’s ace one day and eddie just having an internal panic attack but not being able to figure out why. karen gently brings it up few months later and he’s just deny deny deny. then he overhears david telling michael that he gives off ace vibes and that’s the last straw. so eddie pulls a full buck and starts researching just to prove everyone wrong. except it’s like a lightbulb clicks on and yeah. maybe there’s something to this.
- eddie and karen have a book club every other week. usually novellas or a short story collection. queer theory and literary fiction. the occasional poetry book. at some point they invite david to join them. they also have a not-so-secret romance novel exchange because they are big saps.
- eddie is also a sucker for a really good cup of black coffee. has a favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe where he buys beans in bulk. buck calls it his diesel fuel drink and grimaces at the taste. he prefers simple oatmilk latte from the place near the station. and yet buck always seems to know what days eddie will be running late and rushing to work and has a cup from said hole-in-the-wall coffee waiting. despite it not being on buck’s route. 
- christopher loves buck’s loft. buck keeps a stash of toys and coloring books in his coffee table trunk for when he visits. chris sees the stairs as a fun challenge and will often ask to go up and sit on buck’s bed to watch the city. or sit on the patio while buck bbq’s dinner for the three of them. he thinks it’s the coolest house ever.
- buck actually rides his bike. it’s not just for show. especially after the pandemic hit. he likes to go out in the mornings. drives to a nearby trail on his days off and enjoys the scenery while the sun comes up. sometimes eddie and chris meet him there after his ride and they have a breakfast picnic.
- the diaz-buckley-han’s share one netflix account. it’s technically buck’s in that he pays for it, but when maddie moved to LA he set her up with her own profile. then logged into his account at eddie’s one day and never logged out. renamed the profile buck & eddie after he setup a kid’s profile specifically for chris. then after learning about maddie and chim’s not-dating buff-fridays, buck put both their names on her profile as a prank. and then it just stayed that way. jee-yun even has a profile despite being a literal infant that doesn’t watch tv. maddie cried when she saw it.
- buck takes the legal guardianship thing very seriously. he’s already really involved in essentially co-parenting chris but he starts getting really nervous about asking invasive questions about chris’ medical history. so eddie sits him down with chris and the three of them talk about it. eddie very specifically asks chris if he’s okay with sharing that kind of info with buck. because even tho christopher’s a kid eddie always wants him to have a say in his own health decisions. then he has a more in-depth convo with just buck about insurance and bills and doctor’s visits. makes sure buck has access to all of it. 
- chris played secret matchmaker. went to his old friend santa claus and asked if buck would stay forever. santa came thru, as always.
- also carla knows. buck starts spending more nights at the diaz house and one morning she lets herself in and sees buck coming out of eddie’s room in just a pair of sweatpants. she gives him a coy eyebrow raise and buck blushes. then she just laughs, pats his cheek affectionately, and says your secret’s safe with me buckaroo. when a bleary-eyed eddie wanders out a half hour later she pushes a cup of coffee into his hands, waits a few moments, looks eddie dead in the eyes, and points at buck. I see you took my advice. eddie chokes on his coffee.
- speaking of carla she is family. she and her husband are regular guests at the 118 get-togethers, holidays at the firehouse, and family meals. she occasionally takes on other clients, but she’s mostly exclusive to the diazes these days. esp as christopher gets older and wants more independence. she’s been around since he was 7 and he’s comfortable with her. she stays his home heath care aide until she retires. then she personally vets a new one. because not just anyone will do for her boy. they throw her a huge retirement party.
- gonna jump into the future because christopher absolutely names his daughter carla shannon buckley-diaz. there isn’t a dry eye in the house.
- and I don’t actually see chris calling buck pops or anything. he’s just his buck. tho I can see eddie asking christopher if he wants to hyphenate his last name when buck officially adopts him. buck’s his hero so chris is 100% onboard. 
- buck and eddie don’t have more kids. eddie never wanted more and buck is surrounded by the ever-expanding horde of firefam kids. they love their little trio.
- also eddie is hilariously terrible with other kids. he just. doesn’t know how to talk to them. he’s literally the best father ever with christopher, but any other kid and he’s all awkward hello small human. it’s also the reason the team sends buck to handle kid rescues. he knows how to speak to kids and they light up around his sunshine energy. but then there are certain kids who just glom onto eddie. usually the quiet ones. they find something about his calm dad presence very soothing so they just cling to him until buck can coax them around. 
- I do not see the buckley-diazes getting a pet. buck and eddie work long shifts and it’s not fair to put that kind of extra responsibility on carla when her job is to care for chris. however, as chris gets older he does get a mobility service dog to help with counterbalance. she’s a golden retriever named stella and she’s a very good girl. 
- buck proposes by accident. they’re at the park with christopher and marriage just sorta comes up during one of his infodumps. eddie is eating his sandwich, nodding along, and just casually says of course I want to marry you. buck stops talking. christopher giggles. eddie panics. but when he looks at buck he’s all puppy-eyed and hopeful. you do? eddie nods. chris chimes in with a stage whispered ask properly buck and say yes dad. so they do.
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loveyhoneydovey · 4 years
best friends to lovers au with Amado
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Note: I just binge watched Narcos Mexico again, and this was the result. i got carried away so this is kind of long, but honestly at this point I think everyone's used to my long ass headcanons💀 hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. also, this is unedited
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone is more than welcome to read them
Warnings (please lmk if I missed any): death, blood, mention of guns
your friendship begins after you save his little sister from being snatched
one day, his baby sister had managed to rope her bodyguards into taking her to a little corner store after school to buy candy
you found yourself at the same store while on your way home. since it was Friday, you thought you deserved a little evening to yourself with some cheap alcohol and some of your favourite candy.
you were reaching for the last pack of your favourite candy when a small hand bumped into yours. that’s when you first spotted a little girl who couldn’t have been over 7 years old in her school uniform. you noticed the two armed men around her and you were smart enough to know not to ask any questions. you weren’t blind, you knew the city was full of people somehow connected to the cartel, and you weren’t trying to get yourself killed.
for a second you both stared at each other with a look of uncertainty, until you smiled at her and handed her over the pack.
“gracias, señora”, the smile on her sweet face managed to erase any disappointment you were feeling. her bodyguards spotted her as she had managed to briefly run away and were about to make their way to her, when suddenly they both violently collapsed on the ground.
the ringing in your ears made it difficult for you to figure what was going on, but the pool of blood that was beginning form around them made you realize they’d been shot. the people who just killed them were most likely after the girl and you understood you would for sure end up as collateral damage if you did not act now. that’s when your fight or flight instinct finally kicked in. you grabbed the girl’s shaking hand and made a run for it through the backdoor. you weren’t really thinking it through, but you were praying you’d find a way to escape.
you two ended up making a run for it and going to a nearby store, where the owner let you hide. Luckily he knew who the girl was and he was able to call for help
at first you didn’t know who “help” was, until a bunch of SUV’s pulled up and started to retaliate against the initial shooters
you didn’t remember much of what happened after the bullets started flying for a second time, but you’d always remember the moment that you first laid your eyes on the man in black. you could distinctly recall the aura of confidence his presence exuded. he looked like someone you wouldn’t want to fuck with
you soon learned the little girl’s name was Lucia, and she was the daughter of one of Amado’s close friends who had passed away and left her with him. he was taking care of her and treating her like a little sister more than a daughter
a friendship began to form between the two of you and soon, you became the bestest of friends. his chill, laid back personality worked well with your chatty energetic one
your friendship basically consisted of the two of you bickering like an old married couple
lots of roasting, this man has NO pity lksdnfjr, but it's okay because you’re able to dish it back
teasingly calling him “old man” to annoy him and him saying you’re responsible for all his grey hairs
you telling him that’s a lie because Lucia’s responsible for half of them
now can you imagine you and her teaming up against him. you definitely play a few pranks on him
him getting back at the two of you when you least expect it. because in case you didn’t notice, that seems to be his m.o. 🐸 ☕️
but most importantly, you’re each other’s person. you’re both able to talk to each other about everything and anything without feeling judged
he’s a great listener and always asks if you’re looking for advice or if you just want to rant
he is protective!!! and I mean actually protective, not controlling or overbearing
i’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, he respects you enough to understand that you’re capable of making your own choices. so if anything is bothering you, he will offer his help, and if you decline it he trusts you enough to be able to handle it alone
now if you ask him for his help...👀 you won’t be disappointed. someone has been inappropriate with you in any way and won’t back off even after you told them to? oop now they’re suddenly dead. natural causes or accidentally of course😌
omg he totally takes you on trips with him sometimes to keep him company
maybe even introduces you to Pacho when you’re in Mexico
Pacho being able to see that you two are into each other
ok honestly I think Amado would know you’re into him before you two would get together
like this man is super attentive to details, he might be silent but that’s because he’s busy observing
and the feelings are mutual, but he doesn’t let you know that until you confess
i have a feeling Amado would literally tease you into confessing, cause he can be such a little shit sometimes
he’d do the most to make you blush
and eventually he would break you and you’d just be like “I LIKE YOU OKAY?”
jnfedcnsd this asshole would be like “yeah, I know” while having the biggest shit eating grin on his face
you’d stare at him silently for a minute because you didn’t know what you wanted to do more, kill him or kiss him
your anger would’ve won if he hadn’t decided to wrap an arm around your waist while gently tilting your chin up with the other
i mean how could anyone resist those eyes
definitely asks if he can kiss you first, but he has a feeling he already knows the answer
you just press your lips against him instead of a verbal answer
i can imagine the two of you getting lost in the moment, finally completely belonging to each other after dreaming about it for so long
then an exasperated little voice would interrupt you, “finally”
Lucia is prolly your biggest shipper don’t even get me started
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