#this is truly stonks
degozarumyu · 7 months
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i love seeing the names of ppl who buy stuff from me in this game
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sugashook · 5 days
Hugh pile driving compliments to Ryan makes me happy
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Obey Me Headcanons
Topic: Fights
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Beel, Satan, Levi, Asmo, Belphie
Warnings: Angst, Lucifer being a little BITCH
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Getting into a fight with him hurts
He will point out every single way you need to improve yourself
And call you an imbecile while doing it
He’s just so pissed that he’s scolding you worse than Mammon
Call him a little bitch to throw him off
Start crying to make him feel bad >:D
He’s not the type to stay mad for long
Unless you’re like,,,legit making out with someone in front of him, he’s quick to apologize
But if you two happen to be in a really heated fight, he won’t necessarily be mad
Mammon acts more of a sad puppy dog
“Do you really think that?”
He gets very dejected its kinda heartbreaking
Pls apologize rn!!!
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Tsundere type of angry
“It’s not like I cared!”
He will deflect. 
It’s one of the worst types of defense mechanisms 
If you just leave him alone for a while
Eventually he will be so consumed with playing back the fight
That he will apologize
Feel free to flick him
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I dont wanna fight Satan
I feel like he’d slap me not that I would mind
Similar fighting style to Lucifer
He’s a little more cold and doesn’t really point out your faults
He just insults you
“Are you choosing to be this childish right now? Do you really want to fight over this?”
He’s stubborn and will totally drag out a fight
It can either end in you two awkwardly apologizing
Or not talking for weeks
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I feel like getting in a fight with him wouldn’t be an actual fight
He’d just be super condescending
“Oh? So that’s how you feel. Cute.”
Will scoff at you (it doesn’t sound like a big deal but it is)
“Darling, I just don’t understand why you’re upset. I did nothing wrong.”
It will end in you storming off in tears telling Asmo that he’s a self centered ass
Only then will he slightly feel bad 
(i love him it makes it sound like I don’t)
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Beel has trouble comprehending other’s feelings
He truly tries, but sometimes it’s frustrating
And when he’s frustrated, he shuts others out
“Beel, you can’t just sit there and eat. Talk to me.”
“I don’t want to.” 
It’s very aggravating when the you can’t get through to you
It’s the fact that he won’t even try to understand
Either sit down and talk it through, or have one of the brothers explain it 
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Two things can happen
The first is he completely ignores you
Every time you say something he just yawns, nods his head 
Or he says “I’m sorry” without even meaning it
Eventually, he’ll get so tired he’ll just go to sleep
The second thing that happens is the worst
Full on screaming match
Belphie is so fucking pissed he will start throwing insults
And maybe actual physial objects (not at you though)
If you slap him out of it, he’ll start profusely apologizing
If one of the brothers (Lucifer) intervenes, he’ll storm out of the house and disappear for days before coming back to apologize
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rainbowcaleb · 2 months
Thank you Matthew and Liam truly deeply I needed this serotonin so much, thank you for these lovely endearing shadowgast stonks
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zeravmeta · 2 months
An oft unaccounted for factor when it comes to discussing Arknights balance in regards to busted 6*'s is that in the base game and most side modes, there isn't really a "cost" per se to just fielding a whole bunch of 6* units compared to needing to use lower rarity units. Part of what makes some of these 6*s super busted is that you can easily supplement downsides with Other busted 6*s to cover specific team weaknesses, which may sound obvious on paper but Arknights is a game revolving around unit niches, so when you have a strong generalist with only a specific single weakness that can be covered by 2-3 other units, thats a non-issue, especially when you have 12 whole team slots. I consider Thorns and Ling to be the single most busted units in the game specifically because they can cover all bases, so to speak, and can genuinely solo a majority of the maps in the game because of how they can functionally interact with all enemy types in Arknights. Flying units exist as a counterbalance to just fielding a strong melee unit to block and kill everything, so the reason why Lord Guard stonks have never dropped is because of this one interaction.
Most other gachas do have costs associated with using a bunch of high rarity units, FGO for example has its cost system per team that's raised with level but never truly maximized so you Can't run full team of 5* units + CE's. Alchemy Stars gets around this in a semi-unique way imo, where you Can use all 6*s but the teams are only 5 units and all content revolves around cycling through these teams of 5, as well as having a good chunk of key units be 4*/5*, so you're encouraged to make a blend of these rarities instead of just dumping all 6*s into a single team
of course this is all resolved anyways with Integrated Strategies, im just rambling about balance changes in the funny slots machine phone games
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syn4k · 5 months
one of my new favorite out of context mcyt moments is jordan captainsparklez yelling "STONKS NO WHY" as he chases after a drowning zombie villager named Stonks because he forgot that it wouldnt float in 1.13+. this game produces some truly beautiful moments
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skidaddleskidoddle · 1 year
The thing with gacha is that it need to incorporate itself into its player's routine to keep em hooked. Gotta do some work and won't need the phone? set it on auto grind. Just woke up? better login and get the daily mission started.etc. etc.
It goes on and on, reinforce the pattern with positive reinforcement(gacha currency and other materials). At some point it probably became a habit. Like just keep the game running, check it once in a while to see if there's anything to be done.
So if the players stays off of a gacha long enough, they either got a replacement to fill that time or just establish a new routine. Both of those would make them unlikely to return to the one they dropped. So yeah radio silence isn't the worst move but it won't do them much favor either.
It's roughly a month since the boycott begin. I trust y'all seen the numbers. The stonks be dropping. It's 9/7 in Korea, and I remember the PM player association's ddl was 9/8. Wonder how he's coping.
If things just goes for the worst direction then hopefully all the white knights from dipshit inside have enough money to fund all kjh's other projects and kjh is competent enough to not do another big fuck up that piss off like half of his players again. Or else it would be truly limbover for that man. His other employees probably still has a chance at other jobs, assume he didn't choose to display incel sucking behavior again, since they have experience and education, but when a CEO fucks up so bad they ends up on international news platforms I honestly doubt anyone would want them around their finances.
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swimmingback · 10 months
jb gayotic has my head spinning for real that conversation zonked my stonks and just put into eloquent words what i feel like weve all been feeling for so long but DAMN yes we all knew fuck infographic culture but that it's actively harmful in that way well YES the constant information streams are designed to be simultaneously assuaging our savior complex needs in a super consumerist way WELL YES it makes us worse participants in the places we can actually enact change: out local communities WELL YES it all goes back to the isolationist individualist capitalism of the west WELL YES why do we treat luddite like a bad word? do we really truly disagree with that idea?? i dont! delete tik tok and go to your local library and have conversations with your friends and family. that is your responsibility
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disfrutalakia · 1 year
Biter anon back! For the last time of the week! Yes, it is Sunday, it is the curse of ao3 authors and I didn't even post shit.
Anyway, I bring today not dark 4halo, but 4ever stonkcraft trivia and themes because I somehow watched all the two seasons between the kia post about it and now! And gods... now I understand him more somehow??? Even if his character isn't directly tied to that one but still make my brain worms wiggle.
Because! 4ever themes in both seasons is fucking, rats. He literally picked the focus on the rat mod in the second one lmao, but also funny thing, he calls it rat, but he had a pet Tasmanian devil!(can you imagine him saying that he already dealt with demons before to bad and he gets his rackles raised because what the hell no you deal only with mE-) he also tried to make it the mayor. It did not work but it was funny to watch.
He did at one time sell everything he owned including the love pairing shirt which fuck God he has a historic with messy breakups. Including bribing the guy, brumin didn't accept of course but like... God's the precedent setting.
Surprisingly for me, but forever is as much as bird coded as grian in the first stonkcraft! With the flying around, nesting, attracting macaws and whatnot, makes my brain wiggles and think about griffs and whatnot kk.
Talking about hermitcraft. My dude really gone to doc build with cyborg mods, which I'm now headcannoing that he covered the scars of that adventure with tattoos on his arm and should and belly and gut, what is the themes of the tattoos? I'll get to you if my brain isn't mush.
Also fun fact, he also had an history of fucking hidden warpstones in loved one bases, brummin is suffering the first season with that and the motorcycle kkkk
Also fucking, head in HANDS both seasons 4ever involved himself so much with elections and who is in charge, he also made a voting system in first season... it didn't cause one discord and you could walk back the votes you got, how this is better than that time in qsmp. HOW-
And it is in season two that he goes deeper into character things, and God's the choice of making his character have so many anger issues is mwau! Adore it I want more more more, my guy literally sold his body and blood to brummin to get stronger for a fight over stealing things kkkkkkkkk
And his fucking determination and Lazer focus to get stronger, to get back, to bite back onto the hand that hits, adore it adore it, he is such a fucking fucked up guy, his home was destroyed and he decided to never be normal about anything again.
Also the fucking kidnapping is much more fucked up than I thought???? 4ever pretended to be afk for a whole irl day, can you imagine that in minecraft realism terms. 4ever playing statue as a revolution mocked him and brummin biting him until agony was what his blood was, and doing all of that knowing he was "standing sleeping"? Sooooo fucked my cubito must have the most twisted sense of boundaries ever kkk.
Also yeah, 4ever planted bombs all over the server and made it a bit to threaten people with nuclear fallout, no biggy and all, and his ending did show him going to the moon to save his first pet rat, I choose to believe he did activate all of them in canon and taking that qsmp is mostly directly after stonkscraft that is part his whole complex of seeing himself as a monster and better be shot down and binded than be let rampage free <3333
Thanks for hearing my 4ever ramblings, goodnight until the next week!
Biter Anon!!!
If I tell you that to this day I haven't watched stonkscraft would you believe me? Would I be a fake Forever fan lmao
But also, I'm almost sure he confirmed that his character backstory is tied to both stonkscraft and Forever mapa. So you can get so so much stuff to analyze his character from there.
God maybe that's what I should do on this one month he will be away, binge watch stonks craft so I can truly study him with a microscope.
I love all the trivia you got from it, and yeah his past experiece in there with politics, revolution and violence defintely explains A LOT of his qsmp character.
Biter anon you remain the best one out of all of us. Have a goodnight see you next week <3
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katyspersonal · 2 years
I will sound like I am 45 and not 25 ofc, but to be truthful, I am heading towards losing my joy and passion as a fan-artist. It is about the fandoms as a concept in general, without applying it to any specific one. More like about, WHAT fandoms are by now.
I tend to dive into a game/show/whatever ears deep because as an autist I interact with a lot of concepts vicariously through fiction, but also because I just have this natural wish to respect and love (revere, even) something, and complicated creative works that combine several art types work just well. But fandoms are... bad. They are just bad. Now this is absolutely normal for some gremlin that doesn't know anything about the source material to jump in and start to do their thing - be it being super inaccurate to begin with, breaking the source material to replace with their agenda and tastes, or simply spam a lot of samey, 'soulless'(?) fanart with clear clout in mind to, as kids call it, "build the platform" so they can let the STONKS roll in and promote their own stuff at last if they have it.
Like... This is what fandoms ARE by now. Halfway the grinding ground to gain following to sell commissions to, halfway a ground to spread politics and opinions. Business or propaganda. Not a matter of whether products and propaganda are for good things, they're value neutral concepts and can be used for good or bad equally, but both are not ABOUT the source material. Okay, not fully halfway - some ears-deep fans still are here. But why even? When we, actual fans, give people essays on why they are drastically wrong about a character - we get mocked for not having (highlight the correct: real life, girlfriend, touched the grass, job, all applies). When we demand respect and accuracy to the source material - we are called snobbish entitled gatekeepers at least, accused of various isms and phobias at large. When we try to encourage something deeper and more interesting - again, people tell us we are "boring" and that no one cares about this or that character, and outright boast about how they are only here for this sexy man or for that ship and not really lore dive.
Even basically ancient fandoms like Doctor Who, Star Wars or Star Trek that sprouted THANKS TO those exact "30+ loosers with no life" could no longer uphold the whole ears-deep fan mentality because new installments invited too much shallow fans that are prone to mocking too, and celebrities that are responsible for making awful reboots/continuations can just violate the source however they want under cover of "everyone who doesn't like it is just a sexist and racist incel". This is just how it is now. Passion, elaborate knowledge on the source and respect for a thing truly great creative minds created are now considered DIRTY things, and are a proof of one's inferiority in accomplishments and personality. Because fandoms are no longer a place to gather FANS. They are "platforms".
I just consider, would it be more fun to either invest in the fandoms for real people (composers, poets, scientists, etc) where loving the source material for what it is is a requirement (because...... real people... historical accuracy....), or to just head towards creation my own thing sooner than later? I got to say though, I am thankful for each and every fan in whatever fandom I visited that was/is just as passionate as me. It felt, and still feels less lonely to have more people that don't see shame in REALLY fucking loving stories and characters.
#fandomry rambles#internets#/vent#originally did not want to even write something like this because i sound like an old lady#a GRUMPY old lady actually#but ehhhhh. my blog.#i just dont see what is so wrong about really loving a creation instead of just using it#why can't someone make their life more colorful by being passionate about a thing#i start to feel like 'gatekeeping is bad' was a lie sold to us#to destroy a very valid practice of people analyzing fiction into absurd depths#also about 'ancient fandoms':#no brainer that i did not catch the geeks stuff personally#generally speaking i just encountered some old fans complaining about how-#-fandoms 'used to be better' and saw them as silly old men that can't move on dhgkhkkh#but at this point i feel like i get what they were talking about#that they were bullied out of fandoms they CREATED by people that dont get the source material#even soulsborne fandom ended up pulling people that will MOCK real fans#like.... okay? then why ARE you here if no-lifing bloodborne lore is so bad?#siiiiiiigh#this post is so old lady that typing this made my back sore ghkughjjn /hj#but it is how it is#also i have a friend from another fandom with apparently the same kind of autism as mine#and she constantly has the same problem xd#the whole 'wait you guys dont LOVE this game and came here to beat it into your own thing?'#in bloodborne it is poor gehrman and maria who became the biggest display of the whole-#-real fans vs people who just are here to yell and grind fanbase#i feel like real fans got bad name BECAUSE they can be really rude in the name of fiction#but look at the fake fans! they likewise can be pretty rude but they ALSO drag politics into it!
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
You don’t have to explain to me. Everything you said in your tags resonated so much with me. If there was one thing you could name (besides the recent Niall shit) that pushed you over the edge, what would it be? AOTV? For me - and this isn’t even anything big but it made me say enough is enough - is the coffee/pap walk with S. It was so benign comparatively to other stunts but it was so unnecessary and such a blatant shrug to what his fans were feeling at the time, that it pushed me over the edge. I kind of went numb after that.
Yeah, I guess it’s a lot of things happening at once you know? I used to find comfort in him, but when Granma died at the beginning of the year I couldn’t find a safe space around me here because they kept doing stupid shit and It was (still is somehow) a very dark moment where I don’t have the emotional and mental strength to deal with their things.
I for once didn’t watch the doc. I have nothing against those who did, of course. It just didn’t feel right for me and honestly I don’t feel the pressure to support him against the big cruel blacklisted propaganda or whatever. And to be quite frankly, they have stopped caring of what us fans think very long time lol especially when every dumb thing they do ends up being defended by fans like their life depends on it. I imagine them inside this unbreakable bubble shielded by fans that praise them for the bare minimum (literally the bare minimum kinda makes me wonder what fucking people yall hang out with irl) and this gives them manoeuvre space to make many mistakes without noticing if they’re hurting themself or not. Personally I feel Louis had a career stonk in the pandemic, because 1D became big again (probably thanks to Harry’s promo). They work as a chain if one gets the biggest the other follow in some measure you know what I mean? They are bounded career wise forever lol but since then, Louis hasn’t grown much. But I stopped questioning honestly, he’s still a millionaire and still does what he likes I suppose, so at the end of the day it’s not just about fame or popularity. It’s about doing what you love and I truly hope he enjoys what he’s doing more than how much he hates what it takes to do it, because if not that’s when you know you failed.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Lmao np <33 I always enjoy drawing Yandere's as pathetic lil meow meows hehe (funfact: I actually drew Rory first but after I finished his lineart I was like, wait shit I don't have a full color reference- and then I hyperfocused on drawing jay instead lol)
Also, you 🤝 me: jayce + jack o' lanterns = stonks ✅ ✅ ✅
Also also, ngl if Darling were self-aware she'd def hate me, because I always try to speedrun the Bad ending first lmaooo
Also^3, every time I hear baggy pants, I can't help but remember the boys I went to school with a few years ago, who wore the most ugly, most a t r o c i o u s pairs of baggy pants I have ever seen 💀💀
For Reference: https://imgur.com/a/fZsHsF7
This is what I'm talking about^^ like pls,, just sTO P-
About the blue reference, the paragraph I meant was the one about how I only liked EJ so much because of his BLUE mask 😔 young me truly set the bar too low (maybe it's because of him that I'm attracted to most fictional mad scientists/doctors with no morals now, damn this bastard 😒)
Oh, and the OG mikey myers Movie is the 1978 one! ^^
And finally about the Christian Gang /hj (every holiday Yandere of yours has/used to have strong Christian influences but these three are still considered extra Christian to me so I'm just gonna start calling em that lolololol)
Gonna be honest, when you revealed that one of them was gonna be Christmas, I immediately headcanoned him as just some guy in Christmas elf costume- thank god that's not the case though (I say, even though I know damn well that I'm still gonna draw him in that costume the nanosecond you drop a ref for him, because he's a lil skrimblo who needs to get a reality check via me shitposting him into humility)
Also ofc the twins are ginger 😒🙄 /derogatory /j okay but fr, whenever I see a fictional ginger online I'm like ....Ed Sheeran??? 😱😱 (coughcoughchildecough)
-Ren'py anon
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He only wears shades outside lol
Eh, I mean, its always fun to get the bad ending first though. Just to see then get all angry and violent 😍 good shit tbh
MC would def hate you, but I feel like it would take a bit to get the bad bad ending yk? I don't have the obvious, good/neutral/bad choices most of the time (although there are some choices that will obviously lead to negative consequences lol)
Though they can look good if done right, those boys at school were definitely not doing it right 💀
Now I understand the blue reference! Ugh how did I MISS IT SO BAD 😭 gosh you were going crazy abt him and the color blueeeeee
I understand how that all kick started ur obsession with fucked up men. We are one in the same 😎
Hehehe thank you for the confirmation! I will be watching Myers stand there menacingly as I look up fics of him 😍
It's so funny that you call them the Christan gang, but it's not gonna have all the significant original values and whatnot. It's just a global holiday thingy that everybody does regardless of religious background (Though I'm glad you still see their origins and acknowledge their important purpose to many other people!)
It would be very funny to see him as an elf that works at the mall as a side 😇 He needs it anyway
Typical gingers 🙄 so sensitive dude
Childe is one of the only gingers I can tolerate. If these two didnt have a life and played Genshin, they would favor Childe so much.
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gbhbl · 2 years
Live Review: Yours Truly with South Arcade and Lizzy Farrall at The Underworld, Camden, London (15/03/23)
It’s all about feeling good and enjoying life in The Underworld, as Yours Truly deliver a stonking blast of pop-punk.
Australian pop-punk band Yours Truly couldn’t have picked a worse day to play in London, seeing as the show coincides with massive train strikes, including the tube. Something that makes getting to Camden mighty difficult for many. So, it’s heartening to see The Underworld not just packed for the headliners but busy enough for the support bands, South Arcade and Lizzy Farrall. Two bands that…
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mitchipedia · 2 years
Good analysis from Casey Newton, who notes Musk is still reserving the right to back out if Twitter doesn’t play nice. So maybe Musk’s statement that he’s buying Twitter is really just the latest tactic to get out of buying Twitter. Which sounds crazy but this whole saga has been crazy.
Newton notes that Musk and Twitter put out separate statements. “… it seems to me that if Musk was truly prepared to close the deal, he would have worked with Twitter to put out a joint statement indicating as much.
In the company’s #stonks Slack channel, one employee was similarly suspicious of Musk’s letter, according to screenshots shared with Platformer. “I don’t understand why Elon would need to propose the deal again,” they wrote. “The original one still stands. Just write the check, bro.”
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shanie · 9 months
For AO3 wrapped: 3 & 6 😊😊
3. What work are you most proud of? Well, honestly, it's not one fic, it's two. Or three. Sort of.
The entire idea of the "Generico-verse". For the record, (and I will scream this forever until people listen), the concept of a 'universe without Sami Zayn' isn't mine. I wasn't the first person to do this. I'm pretty sure that was Squidnapped with "Maintenance", although there may be ones before that that I just haven't seen. But "Maintenance" was just a smutty one-shot. Somehow, the idea of a 'world without Sami' has turned into something huge for me, and I want to just live here now. I am so stonking proud of my little version of this world I've created and I can't wait to write a dozen more side stories and such to explore it beyond simply "The Happiest Luchador on Earth."
But to answer the question, the specific work(s) I'm proudest of are the two side stories I've published so far in the 'Generico-verse', found HERE.
6. Favorite Title You Used?
Honestly, as far as this year goes, my title game has been weak. I've been using themes to name things, so very little is truly original. All of "He Used To Be Mine" (the series) comes from the song "He Used To Be Mine" by Paul Baker. And everything from the Disney Fic universe comes from Disney. So really there is only one truly original title I've had all year (Siempre te Amaré (I Will Always Love You)) and I hate it.
That said, if I had to pick one of the themed stories I'm proudest of, it's "Someone Worth Melting For" just because of the layers of meaning it contains. As far as Disney quote titles go, that one was just PERFECT.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! Please, sent me more! This is fun!
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solivcgant · 1 year
may i drop my url in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for the meme,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Do I Follow Them?: yes, chicken dad and gamer son lets gooo
Why Did I Follow Them?: @lannamused introduced us with one of the funniest and unique plots i've ever written. but then reverse uno-ed us with an ANGST filled ending. #betrayals.
Do We Role Play?: yes, but we should rp more with the rest of your muses
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: always, the list of your muses have to betrayal roast eiji
An AU Idea For Our Muses: i saw you liking eiji being doubtful for the supernatural heh. time for them to be ghost hunters going around with their cameras-- but plot twist. eiji is truly hunting for the supernatural with a supernatural being #ignoranceisbliss. the real question is while your muses play along and be like 'yeah, totally fake' or pull the surprise, "i'm the ghost you were looking for the whole time👻"
A Song For Our Muses: my buddy - local campione. for eiji and roy. just two bros.. chilling heh. wow. i can't copy and paste the lyrics cries. but the lyric i was going to vaguely use is roy and eiji's relationship always staying the same even if time passed uvu;; bc chicken dad and gamer ' are ya winning son' duo have to stick together.
Do I Ship Our Muses?: we have the BEST ship, family. cries.
What I Think About The Mun: thank you for always letting eiji be DUMB around your muses. it's fun writing meme threads with you. and i have also been slacking to reach out and chat ooc with you. cries. if anyone says i am a good friend-- that's a LIE. i leave things on read cries. but whenever we do chat it's always fun reading about your ocs or seeing your ooc posts on the dash for me to throw eiji at them. never forget stonks damian. you are someone i enjoy seeing on my dash and look forward to that little notification i get when you post/reblog our threads
Overall Opinion: a very good oc blog with a wide range of muses. even though they have a horror theme-- somehow eiji is always given a pass to meme with them cries. when i'm able to catch to catch the rare moments of you online, it's always a treat (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1∞
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