#this isn't really like... the best writing i've ever done but i was bored and wanted to do something lol
rowanwritestoomuch · 16 hours
The Best Writing Advice I've Ever Recieved
"There are no original stories. Only new ways to tell them."
On it's face, this might seem like terrible advice and so disheartening, and for me, it was. I asked so many follow up questions to expand on what my mentor meant by this, and he offered only this; 'we created every story there ever was before the beginning of time was recorded, before we could read or write, when we were sitting in caves casting shadows and craving pictures on the wall. Every archetype, every trope, every cliche, every character arc, every plot twist--- its already been done. So do it your way.'
For a long time, I thought this meant I needed to be unique, that I needed to literally find a new way to tell the stories I wanted to tell, which fit into tropes and archetypes and plot points I understood, and I agonized for hours twisting my ideas into every possible shape in order to make them as unique as possible-- and turning them into something completely incomprehensible.
I spent a lot of time stewing on this advice, trying to find my new way. Wondering, were there stories that hadn't been told? Could I be the one to finally figure out a way to tell a story that's never been done before? How do I tell my story in a way that doesn't remind anyone of anything else they've ever read?
And I focused on that. Guess what? The text was boring. Soulless. Contrite. Banal. Like the world's beigest pillow.
And if that last line struck you as familiar, it's popular from AMC's Interview with a Vampire right now, a fandom joke. And fandom is what taught me the thing I really needed to know from this advice; references aren't bad. Your media being akin to other media like it isn't a fault. I don't need to create a new story, I need to tell my own story, in my voice.
Telling a story in a your own way will always be new, will always be unique, will always be something that has never been done before; and to tell those stories in a way that resonates with us and the audiance, looking back on all the storytelling before us, and leaning on it rather than running away from it, using it to guide us, help us, hold our hands while we learn to sing with our own voice the song of generations and generations before that are all connected through storytelling---
that's what he was trying to tell me.
Your idea is good; it's been done before. That's okay; let that help you.
A story will be unique because you told it.
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dailyadventureprompts · 8 months
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Monsters Reimagined: Yeenoghu, Demon Lord of Insatiable Hunger
It's been some years since I did my overhaul on the lore of the gnolls and how they embody the weird de/humanization that goes on with various monsters over d&d's history. Ever since I've had more than a few folks write in asking about how I would handle the default Gnoll God Yeenoghu, who exists in a similar state of "Kill everything that ever existed" to Orcus and a good portion of the game's other late game threats, thematically flat and not really useful for building stories around.
For a while I've avoided doing this post because I thought it might skew a little too close to my personal philosophy, and risk going from simply being influenced by my views to an outright soapbox. I personally hold that despite being part of our nature hunger is the source of the majority of human cruelty, and if society and cooperation are the tools we developed to best fight against the threat of famine, it is fear of that famine that allows the powerful to control society and secure their positions of privilege.
I've also dealt with disordered eating in a prior period of my life, alternating between neglecting my body's needs and punishing myself for needing in the first place. I'm well acquainted with hunger and the hollowing effect it can have, though I'd never claim to know it so well as someone who went hungry by anything other than choice and self hatred.
Learning to love food again saved saved my life. The joy of eating, of feeling whole and nourished, yes, but there was also the joy of making: of experimenting, improving, providing, being connected to a great tradition of cultivation which has guided our entire species.
If I was going to talk about an evil god of hunger, I was going to have to touch on all of that, and now that it's out in the open I can continue with a more thematic and narrative discussion on the beast of butchery below the cut.
What's wrong: Going by the default lore, there's not much that really separates Yeenoghu from any other chaotic evil mega-boss. He wants to kill everything in vicious ways, and encourages his followers to do the same. He's there so that the evil clerics can have someone to pray to because the objectively good gods are on the party's side and wouldn't help a bunch of cannibalistic slavers.
This is boring, we've done this song and dance before, and the only reason that there are so many demon lords/evil gods/archdevils like this is because the bioessentialism baked into the older editions of the game's lore was also a theological essentialism, and that every group had to have their own gods which perfectly embodied their ethos and there was no crossover whatsoever, themes be damned.
Normally I'd do a whole section about "what can be salvaged" from an old concept, but we're scraping the bottom of the barrel right from the inset. Likewise my trick of combining multiple bits of underwritten d&d mythology to make a sturdier concept isn't going to work as most of d&d's other gods of hunger or famine are similar levels of paper thin.
How do we fix it: I want Yeenoghu to be the opposite of the path I found myself on, a hunger so great and so painful that it percludes happiness, cooperation, or even rational thought. Hunger not as a sumptuous hedonistic gluttony but a hollowing emptiness that compels violence and desperation. More than just psychopathic slaughter and gore, it is becalmed sailors drinking seawater to quench their thirst, the urban poor mixing sawdust and plaster into their food because their wages are not enough to afford grain.
This is where we get the idea of Yeenoghu as an enemy of society, not because violence is antithical to society ( I think we've learned by now how structured violence can really be) but because society fundamentally breaks down when it can't take care of the people who provide its foundations. Contrast the Beast of Butchery with one of my other favourite villainous famine spirits: Caracalla the grim trader, who embodies scarcity as a form of profit and control in to Yeenoghu's scarcity as suffering.
Into this we can also add the idea of the hungry dead, ghouls yes but also vampires, anything cursed with an eternal existence and appetites it no longer has the ability to sate. A large number of cultures across the world share the idea that the dead cannot rest while they are starving, which is why we leave offerings of food by their graves or pour out a glass to the ones we lost along the way.
On that topic, there's also a scrap of lore involving Doresain god of ghouls, who has been depicted as an on and off servant of Yeenoghu. Since I'm already remaking the mythology, I'd have Doresain act as a sort of saint or herald for the demon lord, the wicked but still partially reasonable entity who can villain monolog before the feral and all consuming demon god shows up.
Summing it all up: Yeenoghu isn't a demon you wittingly worship, it's a demon that claims you, marks you as its mouthpiece and through you seeks to consume more of the world. It gives you just enough strength to keep on living, keep on suffering, keep on filling that hole in your belly and feed it in turn.
The greatest of these mouthpieces is Doresain, an elf of ancient times who's unearthly hungers elevated him to demigod status. Known as the knawbone king, he dwells within a dread domain of the shadowfell, and is sought out only for his ability to intercede with the maw-fiend's rampages.
Signs: Unnaturally persistent hunger pangs, excessive drool and gurgling stomach noises, the growth of extra teeth in the mouth, stomachs splitting open into mouths.
Symbols: An animal with three jaws, a three tailed flail or spiked whip. A crown of knawed bones (Doresain)
Titles: Beast of butchery, the maw fiend, the knawing god
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poppadom0912 · 2 months
Mafia boyfriend
Warnings: Mentions of violence, guns, canon-typical injuries, mob/mafia typical behaviour
Summary: Your boyfriend isn't exactly how you described him to be.
A/N: I’m trying to get a bunch of writing done before the new academic year, so please do enjoy! This idea was so random but the concept is kinda fun so I thought why not. I know no Italian at all, everything is from google translate so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. This writing and description is very stereotypical and very wattpad of me, I apologise in advance. 🙏
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"So, are we ever going to meet your mysterious man?" Stella asked you while the four of you sat in the back of the ambulance having your weekly talk about anything and everything.
You laughed at her expecting face, along with the knowing glances Violet and Sylvie had. "He's just a really busy guy, taking over his dad's business takes a lot of time and not all of it is in Chicago so he's going back and forth from here to Italy."
"But he treats you good, right?" Violet asked seriously, wanting nothing more than for you to be with someone good.
"Oh he's amazing." You said whimsically, a soft smile settling on your lips at the thought of your boyfriend of one year that your family had yet to meet. "Hopefully he's back by Friday so you'll see him on Saturday for the barbeque."
"Oh I completely forgot about that." Sylvie frowned, confused as to how she forgot the yearly picnic that always took place. "What time does it start?"
"I have no idea." You shrugged. "I'll just show up whenever I'm ready."
"Wow, so organised." Stella complimented you sarcastically, ducking away from your hand when you were going to smack her.
"In my relationship, Enzo does all the planning." You mumbled with a slight pout as though trying to prove a point but it didn't work
"Mystery man does have a name!"
"Enzo sounds hot."
"Eeeee! You're here!" Violet squealed in pure joy as she practically sprinted towards you with her arms open, enveloping you in the biggest hug despite seeing you yesterday on shift. "About time, these lot are getting boring."
At her snide but playful comment, Gallo and Ritter started booing her from where she left them behind at their table with a few others from 51 who were drinking beers. You quickly waved at them and made a mental note to go and say hi to them.
"Oh Violet, I have someone I want you to meet." You eagerly smiled and the younger paramedic took note of your eyes sparkling which could only mean one thing.
Violet gasped, her arms dropping to her side as she did so in disbelief that this was finally happening. "Y/N, don't lie to me girl, my gentle heart can't take it."
You shook your head, smiling at the utter joy one of your friends had for a moment that lots of people don't consider that important. "Violet this is my boyfriend Enzo. Enzo, this is one of my best friends Violet."
With her award winning smile, Violet followed your line of sight and her brows rose in shock when she finally met the man you'd been dating for a little over a year now.
There was no doubt about it, he was an extremely attractive man but he was definitely out of his element. Unbeknownst to all of the CFD, the park was littered in bodyguards who had been held back from personally tailing their boss like they usually would.
Shaking off all her negative thoughts, Violet thought the best and held out her hand towards the attractive but intimidating man. "It's lovely to finally meet you after so long Enzo, I'm Violet."
"I've heard plenty of good things about you. It's a wonder we haven't met earlier." His voice was slightly accented, Violet remembered you saying he was Italian. His grip wasn't as hard as she thought and his tone actually softer than he looked, his words making the paramedic laugh.
"We've been nagging Y/N for so long to meet you but she's very convincing." You choked back a laugh at Violet's comment, lightly elbowing her in the gut. "Alright Vi, that's enough. Where's Stella and Sylvie?"
"Over there with Kelly and Matt."
It was comedic really, the sight of you and your boyfriend together was unbelievable. Despite being a firefighter, you were of very short stature and you were practically the embodiment of pure joy but with your boyfriend standing besides you, he was so much taller and wore all black smart ish attire with rings on two of his fingers.
It was like the typical grumpy and sunshine trope that people read about in books but this was real life. Violet almost couldn't believe you bagged yourself a man like him but in a good way.
"Y/N, hey girl!" Stella smiled, waving you over from besides Kelly as soon as she noticed you. Not only did she notice but so did three others that stood with her that a man was accompanying you, someone who was very out of his element. "Stop- is this the infamous Enzo?"
At your dimpled smile, Stella's smile widened as she fully turned to greet your boyfriend she'd been desperate to meet since you mentioned taking his number ages ago.
There was no denying you were ecstatic to be with him but something wasn't adding up and it seemed that she wasn't the only one suspicious.
Things weren't adding up and your family were dammed if they didn't find out what.
Being shot at was nothing you weren't used to living in Chicago all your life. At this point, you'd become accustomed to it and you no longer feared it how you used to when you were a child.
However, it did scare you when in uniform and out on a call.
Following Casey and Severide's orders, everything was organised in an orderly manner but as soon as you re-entered the house to bring out a victim, all the gunfire suddenly stopped.
Initially, everyone was relieved and began calming down but as soon as you exited the house with a woman in tow, gunshots began raining down once again causing everyone to shout in a flurry of panic.
But once again, as soon as you backed up into the house protecting the smoke inhalation victim, all the gunshots stopped.
It was at this moment, it all slowly started to click.
Whispering to the female victim to stay put, you very carefully set one foot outside the house and what do you know, gunshots started popping off.
Eyes wide and chest heaving, you swallowed harshly at the realisation that you were being targeted. You alone and no one else.
"Y/L/N, stay inside, we're coming to you." Casey relayed over the radio, your captains words making it clear to you that he had also connected all the dots.
All you had to do now was wonder why.
Following the shooting, everyone came out unharmed but you. While you were distracted with the smoke inhalation victim, you were caught slacking and got grazed by a bullet.
You'd been hurt much worse before but it was bad enough for Sylvie to warrant a trip to Med where Enzo met you, worry and concern flooding off of him in waves. Not once since your year of being together had you ever seen him so worried about anything.
He brushed off your questions about work, he told you this morning he had an important meeting with some clients but here he was with you.
Unbeknownst to you, a group of Italian men were dutifully waiting for their boss in the waiting room and beyond the hospital doors lay a few cars all inhabited with similar looking men.
Once you fell asleep, Enzo lightly placed a kiss on your forehead before stepping away, gently closing the doors to your room. Walking away, he was lucky not to bump into anyone from the firehouse, going straight towards his brothers who waited for him to speak eagerly.
"It's them. They're targeting my Y/N."
His younger siblings eyes, identical to his, all darkened at his words. They'd grown attached to you over the one year period and they'd be damned if one of the best things to happen to this family was hurt, let alone dragged into business that she was too pure for.
"Come on, we have some work to do."
That incident was over a month ago. You fully healed since then, the trauma of such an incident long forgotten. And you were too oblivious to notice the change in the people around you, especially your boyfriend and his family. Their protectiveness reaching new heights, not that it bothered you though.
Things drastically changed when one day you never showed up to shift. You were very strict on punctuality and Stella mentioned seeing you yesterday morning for some brunch.
It was only when Violet called Enzo, asking if you'd fallen sick and forgotten to call Boden, did they properly start to get worried.
Your boyfriend picked up on the second ring, voice filled with confusion at your best friend calling him, something she's never done before.
Violet explained the situation, Enzo confirming he hadn't seen you since you left early this morning for work.
The tension in his voice was clear as day. So when he said 'I'll deal with it' before hanging up, Violet was left feeling uneasy.
What the hell did he mean?!
Three hours later, Intelligence were rolling up to the firehouse, well only Jay and Hailey.
"We just got a call about Y/N being kidnapped?" Hailey said, confusion laced in her words as she approached the squad table.
The firefighters all looked at her in shock. They were never told anything about a kidnapping.
"What the hell." Cruz whispered as the two detectives explained everything they knew.
"Who knows where she was seen last?" Jay asked, looking at all of 51, everyone joining them outside in concern for you.
"Her boyfriend Enzo." Violet said, brows furrowed as she bit her lip. "I called and asked him around three hours ago now."
"Really?" Jay hummed. "What's his full name?"
"No clue. That's all we really know about him - his name, he's Italian and he's now a CEO after his dad died." Stella replied when Violet remained silent.
Dropping off a patient at Med, Violet stood besides Sylvie as she filled in some paperwork, bouncing on her feet to pass time when Will appeared in front of them suddenly.
Scaring both paramedics, he apologised with a sheepish smile.
"Hey, you guys never mentioned Y/N being kidnapped?" Before either of them could reply or explain themselves, he carried on. "It doesn't matter now, she's upstairs in a private room."
Both women were too shocked to reply, staring at the doctor mouths agape and eyes wide.
"Y/N's here? At Med?" Sylvie repeated, wanting clarification just in case she was hearing things.
"Yep." Will nodded. "Me and Maggie were treating her, I'm the primary on her case."
"Well then, what are you waiting for?" Violet said impatiently. "Lead the way Halstead."
And lead the way he did, showing them to a floor they barely saw due to their lack of 'rich rich' patients.
In the chairs outside were several men dressed in blacks and greys, all looking very similar to each other, their brown eyes glued to Sylvie and Violet as they neared the room.
Knocking on the door, Will didn't wait for a reply before entering, poking his head inside before opening it fully.
"Sylvie! Violet!" You exclaimed, trying to get up from your laid back position on the bed, wincing from moving too fast.
"Okay, let's not do that." Enzo said at the same time as Will, gently pushing you to lay back down.
"I've put a rush on your test results." Will said, looking at you and your boyfriend. "If I'm not available, I'll send Maggie."
Enzo thanked him while the two paramedics hugged you cautiously.
"Girl, what the hell happened?" Violet asked first, standing by your head with Sylvie standing next to her, opposite to where Enzo was sat.
"I'll be honest, I don't remember much." You admitted, grimacing at the pain in your head when you moved too much. "Pretty sure I was drugged for the most of it."
"I think I was taken like two blocks away from 51." You said confusingly, looking to your right at Enzo in confirmation, turning back when he nodded. "And all I can really remember is being punched and kicked a few times and like, a bunch of men talking about mob revenge stuff."
"Honestly, I don't even know or remember what they were talking about - I was so out of it."
You licked your chapped lips at which Enzo instantly held a cup of water in front of you, directing the straw for you to drink.
Humming appreciatingly, you smiled at him, dimples and squinted eyes and all before turning back to 2 of 3 of your girls.
"I was so out of it that when I first saw Enzo, I struggled to even recognise him, innit baby?"
Enzo just hummed, his one hand encompassing both of yours, his calloused fingers softly rubbing your knuckles.
"Where was she?" Violet asked, mustering up the courage to ask. "How- Where did you find her?"
Enzo finally took his eyes off you, eyes cold as he looked at your best friend. "I have a really good friend - we grew up together - whose a detective."
"I just asked for a favour." Enzo lied masterfully, having a lifetime full of experience.
The two paramedics, while quite suspicious, remained oblivious to what he was covering up.
"Fratello." A voice from the door interrupted them, all yours heads turning to one of Enzo's younger brothers. Brother
"Sono stati affrontati. Ale and Carlo assicurati che facesse male."
they have been dealt with. Ale and Carlo made sure it hurt.
"Bene." Enzo nodded, smiling at his younger brother. "You guys can go home now." good
His brother rolled his eyes, scoffing when he replied, "You're very silly Enzo, why would we go anywhere?" He said rhetorically before looking at you.
"You look much better cognata!" He smiled, brightening up his face and looking much less scarier than he just was. "All you need now is some good food and you'll be as good as new." Sister-in-law
You giggled, stifling a groan from the pain it caused in your ribs. "Thank you Luca. I expect to go home to your cooking."
He laughed, winking before he left, nodding at his brother who shooed him away.
Before anyone could say anything, the radios around their torsos went off, the familiar voice of Matt asking for their whereabouts causing them to frown.
"We should probably get back to work. We're still on shift for another fifteen hours." Sylvie said, the sadness clear in her face at the prospect of leaving you for so long.
"Yes yes. Go back and save the city on my behalf." You removed one hand from Enzo's, holding it out for both of them to take. "Say hi to everyone for me. Tell em I'll be back to working soon-"
"Ah- no you won't." Enzo stopped you before you could continue, chastising you with a smile but firm in his words. "You need to recover first. Only when you're fully healed can you go back to putting out fires, yes?"
"Exactly!" Violet agreed. "We're all on the same page, perfect."
"We'll come back and see you again after shift." Violet said as the two of them got up to leave. "Don't move an inch."
"Promise." You smiled, thanking them profusely for visiting. "Give everyone my love."
Closing the door behind them, the waiting room remained full of the same men, who now that they were looking properly, looked eerily similar to Enzo.
Making their way to the elevators, Sylvie broke the silence. "I don't- I don't think he asked a friend for a favour."
"Did you see the gun his brother had?"
"I did."
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adventuringblind · 11 months
The Edge of the Knife
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: Sometimes, pain is the only sense of control she has. So, she gives that to Daniel too.
Warnings: SH is mentioned but not described, fingering, bandage, knife play, branding, dom/sub dynamics, gentle Daniel, PinV, everything is consensual and very safe
Notes: Listen, y'all, this is probably the best thing I've ever written. I fell in love with this so fast. Also, I promise I'm working on requests! I just also have to find time to write things for me as well 😁
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She wouldn't say Daniel is possessive. He doesn't care if she talks to other guys. Hardly gets jealous. Only intervenes if he can see she's uncomfortable.
He does, however, like to show her off. Show people she's his in the more unconventional ways. Hickeys and bite marks are the way he normally claims her. It wards off the unwanted attention and he gets to be smug about showing people she's his.
She loves it. Bathes in his adoration and want of people knowing she's his. He's always telling people how amazing she is to the point where Max even gets fed up with him because he's so smitten.
She is really his everything. Would give her the moon and stars ig she asked. He wants to show everyone she's his in every way.
The problem is, hickeys and bite marks aren't permanent and a tattoo is nice (he has many) but it's not as personal. It doesn't feel the same.
Now, on her end, she feels the same way. But she'd never say this to him. The fear of rejection outweighs the desire for him to make her his in a permanent way.
Her past isn't an easy one. It's not something she talks about often. It's heavy and she doesn't like thinking to much on it if she can help it.
The edge of the knife has been her attempt at regaining control. A pain she chooses in a life that hasn't ever given her a choice. It's not a good habit and she's aware of it. Daniel has done a good job of keeping her mind occupied enough. Even helping her find other healthy habits.
Yet her mind still wanders back to that place. That desire to choose where and when she feels pain. That desire to retain control over at least that one thing.
It's on a particularly hard day when she finally goes to Daniel. She'd been stressed beyond what she could handle. The weight of the world sitting uninvited on her chest.
He'd noticed this; Daniel is an observant person.
Her mind had wandered to distant and dark places. The depths she shouldn't wander to. She walks gently over to Daniel where he sits absentmindedly flipping the switchblade in his hands. Most likely double checking he still had it and it hasn't fallen into her bored hands.
When Daniel takes notice of her just standing in wait, he puts the knife away safely in his pocket and opens his arms to her.
The tears flow freely then, soaking into his shirt like it's a towel. His fingers run along her spine, shoulder, arm, and her legs. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Life's just hard right now." She admits through choked sobs.
Daniel hums into her neck. "Do you want something specific to help?"
She hesitates. This could be to her detriment. But she wants the knife on her skin so badly she's willing to beg for it. So, she takes a deep breath and prepares herself for whatever happens.
"I want you to mark me. Permanently." She cringes away from him. Though it's pointless, Daniel simply drags her gaze back to him with a hand layed gently on her cheek.
"I want you to be very specific. Do you want me to brand you with the knife?" He sounds serious, but there is a look of excitement in his eyes that betray his calm demeanor.
She shakes her head yes, assuming that will suffice.
"Words baby." She assumed wrong.
"I want you to carve me with your knife. I want you to mark me permanently. Want you to make me yours, Danny."
They eye contact he holds with her is gentle and considerate. She can see him mulling through his thoughts. His hand moves to her left hip, his fingers tracing things against it.
"How you you feel about the number three? Make you the only lucky charm I'd ever need."
She almost falls out of his lap. "Yes please." It's something like a whine mixed with a beg. It's desperate but she could care less.
"Now, I know this might be scary, so do you want me to have complete control over you? Or shall we skip that for tonight?"
"No please, I need you to take the control away. If you do it then I can't anymore. It'll be like ruining something intimate after."
"Then give me a few minutes. I want you waiting on the bed when I come back."
It doesn't take long to strip of her clothes as asked. Her mind wanders to what he could need that not in there bedroom already. She runs through a mental list in her head, but her thoughts are cut short by Daniel sneaking back into the room softly.
"Fuck love, you're sitting so pretty for me. My beautiful girl."
He's beaming at her. She can feel the blush on her face rise to her ears. Mostly because of the compliments, but also because of what he returned to her with. Daniel places some darker colored towels, water, and first aid supplies on the nightstand. It makes her swoon. Seeing him care so much and so willing to do this for her.
"I'm gonna tie you up now, okay baby?"
Always attentive. Always checking in with her.
He takes his time securing her wrists to the headboard. There is no escape now. Daniel reassures her many times that she can back out. There is no shame in that. Then he kisses every inch of her body. Praises her for being so brave. "My beautiful girl, being so brave for me, letting me show the world your mine."
She's no longer in the darkest portions of her mind. She's given up to the voice of Daniel. Submitted her mind and body to him, letting him take car of her how he deems fit.
Her legs are not secured. She assumes that it's something to do either future plans. For now, he spreads her legs and places wet kisses and small bites around the space she needs him most.
She cries in relief when his tongue flicks her clit woth kitten licks. Her moans grow as he laps at her like a man who's starving. She repeats his name like she's praying to give her the release she desperately craves.
Its messy, but it's amazing. Daniel's hands place pressure on both her knees to keep them down. The tremors shaking through her body make her legs want to cage him there.
The rapidly building release stops suddenly. She bucks her hips I'm utter disappointment. She wants more of him. She needs more of him.
"You're doing so good for me baby. You'll get to cum, Just not yet." He winks. It makes her fall into that fuzzy, floaty headspace even more.
Daniel maneuvers their bodies into an odd position. Her left side is facing the ceiling but he has her looking at him. Her left leg is bent so he can still have access to her aching a needy heat.
His fingers are slow to fill her. Two, but with his rings on it feels like more to her.
"Are you sure you want this love? You're sure you want to show off that you're my girl?"
"Please Danny. I want this. I need this. Let the world know I'm only yours." She moans out. It's mildly slurred but she knows he understands. There is a glint in his eyes that it excited. His pupils are wide with arousal. His lips twitch up in that award winning smile she loves so much. It doesn't help she can feel how hard he is through his shorts.
Daniel loses his shirt, but his shorts stay on for the moment. Then he curls his fingers back into her, capturing her lips as he does. It's a sloppy and wet kiss that he spends dominating her lips. It's filled with love and passion, which is normal for them, but this one feels different. There is something primal about it.
His fingers do a number on her. He knows her body so well that his fingers work on autopilot. Daniel pulls away from the kiss and pulls out the switchblade in his pocket. He holds eye contact while gently tracing the outline of the three he plans on carving into her skin.
The cold of the metal against her skin pulls another breathy moan out of her. "You like how the feels baby? You like knowing I'm gonna make you mine?" If she could moan any louder it would alert the whole of Monaco.
"Danny I'm-"
"Shhhh, it's okay baby, let me take care of you."
It's startling, being three seconds away from the plunging her body and soul into endless pleasure and having the knife press deep into her flesh.
Three seconds becomes zero and the cliff falls out from beneath her. She scream his name as his fingers work her endlessly into overstimulation and the knife continues its path.
She can't hear. She can't see. Her mind is overrun with emotion. Her muscles contract as her nerves catch fire.
She can vaguely hear the man she loves talking her through it. The contrast between the filthy but loving words he uses only sends her further into submission.
Finally, his fingers slow and the knife is no longer touching her. She can hear in click closed an set on the nightstand.
She's just crying at this point in a writhing mess of pain and pleasure.
Then Daniel does something she's not expecting. His tongue hits the area of her hip that's now leaking crimson. It's animalistic the way he licks the wound clean. It's aggressive the way his fingers leave her just for his hand to find the wound and make her cry out ad he applies pressure. It's primal how his red coated lips find hers. His free hand wipes away her tears as he sings her praises. Her mind can only find him in the fog as he claims her as his over, and over again.
She watches with intrigue as the rest of his clothes fall to the ground. As his hands are wiped off on one of the towels that he then places under her. The goal to catch the excess blood running down her side.
Is a mix of gentle and possessive as he fucks her into the sheets. Her body and the mattress becoming one.
It's loving and beautiful. It sparks every positive emotion in her. The sting in her hip numbed from the feeling of Daniel flush against her skin. His hips rocking rhythmically and hitting every place she needs him.
She's lost by the time he finishes. His voice the only thing making sense in her head. She almost cries when she can no longer feel his skin of hers. The feeling of him gone more painful then the ache on her side.
"I'm here baby. We have to clean you up now, okay? Gotta keep my mark from getting infected."
He's gentle with her body as he cleans it. Though, she still hisses in pain as he works through disinfecting everything and plastering medical tape over it.
"You're so beautiful baby. Can't believe you're all mine. My everything. The love of my life. And now the only lucky charm I'll ever need."
The next morning is filled with sweet kisses and gentle looks. Daniel has to stop her from just ripping the bandage off and staring at the mark for hours. He simply keeps her hands busy in other ways.
When Daniel deems it safe to pull the bandage off, he's the one to do it. Nothing but lobe and adoration fills both of them as they see the, currently stabbed, mark on her hip. He places small kisses down the length of it.
In reality, the mark is only visible to them. But Max had invited them to swim and Daniel wasn't going to let the opportunity go to waste.
Did he get her a bikini that revealed more then neccecary? Yes. Is she wearing it and basking in his attention? Also yes. Something about the way he hypes her up just drives her confidence levels up.
Is everyone a little concerned when they see a very obvious scar of the number three on her hip? Again, yes. That concern quickly dies down when they see how happy she is when Daniel traces his fingers over it.
Max comes and asks teases them about it eventually. "I didn't know you were into that kind of thing!" He laughs.
Daniel looks between him and a certain Monegasque. "Mhmm, like you would do the same with your whole name to a certain someone." Her and Daniel laugh as Max turns a bright shade of red.
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vivithefolle · 6 months
You seem to be really against Hermione for the bird incident, but don’t seem to care much about Harry sending Hedwig to claw at Ron and Hermione during the summer preceding fifth year, why is that?(/gen) You also seem to ship Ronarry. Is it just because she’s the canon love interest that you’re so upset? I know Harry regretted telling Hedwig to do what she did afterwards, but I don’t remember him ever apologizing to Ron and Hermione. How can we know that Hermione didn’t apologize to Ron after he came back in Deathly Hallows but before the battle of hogwarts?(I agree with your opinions on Hermione in general, I’m just curious.)
If you don't know, I've made some jokes about how Harmony shippers are right about Harry and Hermione having something in common, which is that they both sent birds to attack Ron.
Harry doesn't interest me nearly as much as Hermione because to be frank he's pretty much just... the most boring character in the series to me. I like him for his Ron-loving potential which is pretty off the charts when Rowling isn't actively using Ron as a stepping stone for Harry and Hermione to look better.
I'm actually a pretty big Romione shipper even if I myself get confused about what I'm mad about sometimes. Honestly, it's just that I've kinda had it with people constantly writing Ron fucking up and having to make it up to Hermione, I want her to be fucking up and making it up to him and it not being considered a Crime Against Women Everywhere because yeah, women fuck up and hurt men too, men also get abused or shat on by women, it happens. Hermione as she is has a pretty toxic mentality, what with her often using violence completely casually (her first "big heroic moment" in the series is to set a man on fire) coupled with that shitty tendency of Rowling to use "Hermione on the verge of tears" as a kind of sedative to make the average reader go "who cares what Hermione did before, she's crying NOW and that's UNFORGIVABLE, PROTECT HER".
But, Harry himself also has a system like that, by virtue of being Our Poor Orphan Protagonist. Honestly, I hate to say it but Potterheads read another book because yes, Harry is nothing new, when an author wants you to root for their protagonist they give them a backstory that makes you want good things for them, yes Harry's suffering is just all destined to make you attached to him and meant to make you think everything that ever happens to HIM personally is automatically The Most Horrible Thing Ever To Happen To Anyone Ever and I'm kinda done with that as a whole because of fandom experience. I can only tell people to pay attention to what Ron goes through only to be rebuked by a "but look how hard Harry had it, in comparison Ron is a baby" so many times before I get completely soured and decide that the character they feel so sad for doesn't need any more people to feel sorry for.
... I don't know if I'm being clear. But yeah I function mostly through pure spite nowadays.
I know Harry regretted telling Hedwig to do what she did afterwards, but I don’t remember him ever apologizing to Ron and Hermione.
He did say a token sorry to Ron specifically:
He showed Harry the index finger of his right hand, which sported a half-healed but clearly deep cut. ‘Oh, yeah,’ Harry said. ‘Sorry about that, but I wanted answers, you know –’
(I say "token" because yeah it's not really an apology given how it's immediately followed by a justification.)
Hermione however?
‘He seemed to think it was best,’ said Hermione rather breathlessly. ‘Dumbledore, I mean.’ ‘Right,’ said Harry. He noticed that her hands, too, bore the marks of Hedwig’s beak and found that he was not at all sorry.
How can we know that Hermione didn’t apologize to Ron after he came back in Deathly Hallows but before the battle of hogwarts?
Honestly she can have apologized anytime, I'd just like it to be shown to me, and I'd like it to mean something.
While for example @divagonzo believes that after Malfoy Manor Hermione realizes her own mortality and blunts her sharper edges, I still remember the scene where Ron isn't sure they can trust Griphook and Hermione immediately insult him for being racist. Yeah, if that's blunting her sharp edges then I sure hope she's got other ways to do it otherwise she's gonna need a lot more Malfoy Manors.
As it stands, Harry and Hermione are really underdeveloped and bare-bones. If Harry has a character arc then I've missed it entirely because while he does realize that Snape has reasons and shit he's still kinda hating on him all through OOTP, HBP and DH until the Epilogue pulls the rug from beneath our feet. Hermione has moments indicating there's some things happening - her arc with Luna in OOTP is neat, in DH she finally learned to thank Ron for complimenting her - but aside from that she never is confronted to actual failure, to actual dilemnas, to actual problems without a true "I'm right you're wrong" solution - we only see her "being right" without anything exploring what she COULD be beyond "being right".
Which leaves Ron to shoulder the burden of having to do character development for two static characters that amount to "male role model" and "female role model". Ron IS confronted with failure, with actual dilemnas to which there's no easy answer or solution, Ron IS confronted with his personal character flaws... in pretty much every book, he's kept in a loop of "complete character arc" -> "oh no JKR needs drama to happen and she can't have Role Model 1 & 2 do it because they're supposed to be Above Mere Mortals" -> "backtrack on Ron's character arc so he can cause the drama so she doesn't have to strain her brain too hard", which is pretty obviously a disservice to Ron's character. And sadly, the fandom picks up on it but takes the wrong message from it: instead of realizing "wait, Rowling is violating the rules of good storytelling by constantly backtracking on her one good and complex character's development all so she doesn't have to risk Harry and Hermione's popularity by using their character flaws to create conflict", the fandom instead goes "ugh Ron is always causing messes while Harry and Hermione always have their hearts in the right place and always want what's best and anyway if they ever did something bad it's because they were forced by the situation".
It's... upsetting.
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yharnamsnewslug · 2 years
Within horror there are so many genres, but the one thing they've in common is that either you do it well or it will not work. Certain genres allow an amount of flaws that, well, as long as it's fun and you're entertained, it's all good. But horror isn't mid, it can't be mid, it can only be either really terrible or incredibly good.
This is because horror and comedy are the hardest genres to write (which is also why Jordan Peele is so good at horror, bc he's done comedy!), and you can tell when someone just doesn't get a genre, why the base doesn't work, why jumpscares are remembered but not the plot of your movie.
The best horror movie I've ever watched is Hereditary, despite the ableist undertones that Ari Aster just loves to fucking put in his films. Ari Aster, tho, understands the basis of fear and uses horror tropes with that foundation already built. If you copy the homework but don't know why those are the answers, you don't actually understand the subject.
I'm a huge horror fan, and as much as I hate the term "elevated horror", I'm enjoying the movies that come out of it. Jordan Peele's "Get Out", Ari Aster's "Hereditary" and "Midsommar", or even "The Haunting of Hill House" (Netflix adaptation). Horror is finding new ways to explore the genre and going back to the basics, understanding what scares you, and applying a new angle to it is FANTASTIC.
So it's incredibly frustrating when movies or shows that take the time to let you understand the characters that it is portraying (an INCREDIBLY important part of horror that works) are called boring. "Why did we need a 10 minute conversation about metaphysics?!" BECAUSE THAT TELLS YOU ABOUT THIS CHARACTER AND WHY THIS IS HAPPENING TO THEM. IT MAKES YOU CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENA TO THEM.
The story isn't about the fucking monster. The monster is a vessel, you idiot, it's not an actual monster, the monster MEANS SOMETHING. It's an idea, it's a metaphor, it's your mother at 12 when she slapped you for the first time, it's when you broke your leg and there was no one around to help you, it's the existential dread of being 35 and not knowing where you're going in life, it's looking at your spouse and thinking they're a stranger, it's walking into a room and feeling like you're a ghost. IT'S A METAPHOR.
We've used horror since fucking FOREVER to talk about the human experience, and I get that there's creepy slashers and monster flicks, I love them as much as you, I PROMISE, but for fuck's sake, can your poor excuse of a critique be something else than "not scary, 1/10, it was boring, waste of time."
Know when something isn't made for you.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Hi, I'm the Anon that wrote to you a while ago desperately seeking assurance about the drop. Want to thank you again for your insights and patience. You are a gift to this fandom. I'm sorry to bother you again but this episode crushed my heart completely.
The added context ended up being the same out of character BS which did nothing to allay my fears over the direction of Lestat's character. And I felt the writer having him "break script" during the trial to make sure that viewers understood that "this asshole is the real Lestat who intentionally dropped his partner from the stratosphere for the crime of defending his daughter but wait he feels really bad about it but also don't forget he's still Domestic Abuser POS" seemed like an insidious choice. The decision to make that drop real and the vile speech about "wanting to break Louis" (wtf) is a total betrayal of who Lestat fundamentally is and for me was kind of an event horizon (because no matter what, that *isn't* Lestat in any universe) It's been 2 years of this and I'm so exhausted. 
Sadly, I'm not nearly as excited for Season 3 as I was before this episode. I no longer feel like I can trust these writers to write Lestat with care and do TVL justice- especially after they inexplicably endowed their version of Louis with several of canon Lestat's character traits and story beats( literally why?)- or anything that comes after. How can you tell Lestat's painful self loathing storylines in QotD and TotBT when you've already written him as the exact kind of shallow violent inherently evil brute that Akasha tried to groom him into believing he was? What would be the point? No one would believe him.
Right now, for me the only bright spot of show!Lestat, is Sam, who is truly doing the lord's work. Much like the character he is playing, he is mesmerizing as an actor and so full of light even as he's playing the part of a monster. He's so brilliant, constantly making lemonade out of lemons and trying valiantly to infuse this evil ooc shell of Lestat with the spirit of the canon character.
And maybe I'm a brat, but we've waited long enough. I want the real Lestat de Lioncourt: the eternally optimistic, impulsive, naive to a fault, enduring, brash, impatient, irreverent, airheaded, sometimes unstable, ridiculous,  traumatized, vicious, obstinate, wicked,  cocky, narcissistic, short tempered, endlessly forgiving, capricious ,vampire to the core, Brat Prince- full of too much love for everything and everyone, who can be an absolute pain in the ass, who is the emperor of really bad impulsive decisions, who is stupidly honest about the terrible things he's done but tries to downplay the terrible things done to him, who finds revenge boring, who would never ever maliciously hurt Louis or Claudia, who tries so hard to be a good father more than once, who fears that he is an evil thing because he thinks his innate light seems to hurt everyone he loves; and that innate light and goodness is so in conflict with the existence he was raped into but he decides "Fuck it. I'm gonna just be the best vampire I can be". And I really really want to see Sam play *that* Lestat.
Of course I completely understand that everything we are seeing is still not the full story and that we are deep in the middle of Armand's Wattpad fanfic. But with the choices made in this episode, I just don't see how we can *ever* have *that* Lestat- (even if or when next week, Armand's story falls apart spectacularly) and unfortunately no spoilers I've seen about the finale give me comfort or hope. It's all too much and it just hurts my heart and my head. I want off this ride. I'm so so tired 😢
Hmmm :)
While I... understand you, I don't quite agree, and... I think I would just like to redirect you to this interview with Sam here, which really lays a lot of it out:
And... it also confirms a lot of what I have been pointing out before, and what has been hinted at.
So. While I get where you are coming from I still think "Lestat" is in very good hands... we haven't had his POV yet. But we will.
And after that... we can judge.
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dayscapism · 2 days
My Thoughts on the Percy Jackson TV Show (was not a fan):
Months have passed but, I guess I like to throw wood to embers to make fires again. Honestly, I would have abandoned it after episode 3 if it weren't one of my favourite book series ever and I wanted so bad to be hopeful and pleasantly surprised.
I don't think it's a terrible adaptation, but I think it's boring, badly edited, with character inconsistencies, has first-draft-level writing and just missed potential. I'm happy it's been working for so many others, but I've also seen a lot of people being so reluctant to negatively criticise anything about it. Which is weird, it makes me feel like we're watching two different shows and I'm the problem (am I the drama? perhaps. I don't care.)
It's not been an easy time to watch for me; it's a sustained, painful, physical effort to pay attention to this show, especially during dialogue scenes. Like how do you make a show about a bunch of ADHD kids and make it so NOT ADHD-friendly to watch?? (The writers and editors should watch EEAAO, that's how an ADHD brain approaches visual media). The pacing, the terrible exposition, it's the static and uninteresting camera work, the lack of a campy hyping music/soundtrack, the lack of stylization, the lazy editing, the actors stopping to chat in a static shot every other minute, no running during urgent situations, etc. Nothing is engaging! It's such a boring show! There's always exactly 1 thing happening on screen and nothing else around it, no hidden meanings, no mystery, nothing that could be layered storytelling, which is such an important thing in a TV show where you only have 8 episodes to tell your story! Spekaing of, ADHD and dyslexia don't seem to be shown or discussed again after it's mentioned that Percy has has it in episodes 1-2. I was hoping for bolder representation with that. (Why didn't they include the little dialogue where neither Percy of Annabeth can't figure out the sign at the emporium because of dyslexia, and Grover has to tell them! These little moments count so much for representation of this kind.)
The dialogue paired with the pacing/humour is not landing. It truly feels unpolished, like a first draft. Like technically it serves its purpose, but it's an ineffective, unengaging manner to write a tv script. They should have done more flashbacks too, to give context and exposition. But instead, everything is given to us like you would in a book. (And this is coming from someone who read the books years ago so I NEED this exposition because I don't remember a lot of details, but the exposition isn't even helpful and the writing doesn't keep me engaged enough for me to even pay attention to the exposition!) The actors are doing the best with the material they have, they're all really precious, but this writing and directing is hurting their acting so bad. The dialogue and scenes are so awkward, which hurts the chemistry between the characters too (I expand on my issues with the characters later).
A lot of the tone and pacing issues could just be a book-to-tv adaptation thing because we're no longer in Percy's head with his funny sarcastic remarks and long paragraphs that can give us context. But then why didn't they include narration? Why didn't they keep it up after the intro in episode 1?? Why did they even include that bit if they weren't going to keep it up?? We have 4th-wall narration in lots of things these days (from the top of my head, Fleabag and Deadpool), usually done for comedic and style effect. This would help so much with the pacing and tone! the lost potential is so frustrating. Many movies/shows don't need narration; this one could have benefitted so much from it.
The show is not funny whatsoever when the books are hilarious. At no point did I laugh out loud here. Such a crime. I hate to be one of THOSE but the movies at least got the unserious and funny beats right. Like why is the music in this show just an epic forgettable MCU-like soundtrack but with a serious tone? Why didn't they include modern or campy songs? They should have taken clues from the Umbrella Academy's first seasons. And they could have included Greek music in it too! How could would that have been? It's not a bad soundtrack by any means, but if nothing else is used in a very strange manner in some scenes because it sometimes cuts the action or doesn't match the energy or vibe of the scenes. The visuals and settings are pretty good, I admit, but these are underserviced by the entire production's lack of style and music and tone are a big part of that.
Some people have said the action scenes are bad, but I feel the problem is there's no sense of urgency, of danger (no layered storytelling here either). The fights with the monsters are okay, great even, the problem is this lack of excitement. The problem is the setups to the action: the lack of tension and then rushed resolutions. For example, they dragged the scenes with Medusa and Equidna talking that it lost all suspense. Equidna literally says instead of just jumping to it, showing what she would do to them kids. (Ok the chimera is cool tho, looks really cool. I want it as a pet 😊 And the editing when Percy falls from the arch is pretty cool too, rare exception.)
But most feels so underwhelming. These kids should also be running everywhere, not calmy walking (bad directing!) This makes the monsters not feel as menacing, because they always have time for a calm exposition break long conversations in the middle of what are supposed to be life-or-death encounters with ancient Greek monsters. And mind you, these pauses for conversation aren't even layered, they're often shot with a static camera, with dull dialogue no 12 yo would speak. They could be having these conversations while running, while hiding, while doing something else! Mix dialogue and action! Layered storytelling, it's about themes and characters but also about how you present the scenes themselves.
An adjacent problem is also the actualization of the myths for a modern audience is a bit surface-level (like with Medusa). They could have done so much more here.
Now, issues with characterization:
Characters can really make or break a story. Here we have a lot of character inconsistencies, or rather, a lack of definition of the characters. It's not about the show being exactly accurate to the book here, it's the show wasting perfectly good character and plot moments from the show, while not being true to tone and to the core of the characters. Change in adaptations can be good, to consolidate or make things clearer and work for the new medium, but they character work here was very ineffective and inefficient.
Percy is supposed to be cunning, smart but not knowledgeable about the Greek world. The show has this being reversed many times. Grover is perceptive and has more life experience but he is reduced to nothing. Like I'm wondering why is he even here? Also, Annabeth and Percy get sincere with each other really quickly after like 1 day of knowing each other, no layered storytelling or emotional reactions to them baring their deepest fears and darkest backstories either. (Poor kids are doing their best with mediocre adaptation, though Walker is carrying the show at this point, tbh.)
And Annabeth... Oh. Annabeth is a hard character to portray and write, tbh, it's easy to make her unlikable and straightforward, can very easily come off as annoying, pedantic perhaps, though I am all for unlikeable female heroines. But this is such a baffling iteration of her character. She comes off as a stalker in the first episodes, then she's bossy yet she doesn't seem to actually plan or have good strategies (all is deferred to Percy really), then she sort of uses "the power of friendship" to resolve things but never her growing wisdom in too. Yes, she could be weird and caring and smart but they didn't nailed any of those traits. But my biggest gripe is that they didn't make Annabeth nerdy enough! Annabeth recalls a lot of facts during the show to look smart I suppose, but she rarely gets to problem solve or truly nerd out neurodivergent kid style, which I think is a huge missed opportunity.
An example, which might be very niche but it shows mu issue with her characterization and I have to talk about it cause I'm a physics nerd (literally, it's my major), the part in the ST Louis Arch in episode 4 where she tells Percy and Grover stuff about the construction is so... basic. Like she just read it out of a tourist pamphlet or something. She just says how tall and wide the arch is and that it's symmetrical. That's it. Right...
Why didn't she mention what type of arch it is?? (A catenary arch, more specifically one that follows a weighted catenary curve. It isn't just held by "symmetry" it's tension! It's cool math!) Maybe she even mentions that it's a hyperbolic function and Percy and Grover can be like omg what are you even talking about, and she keeps going on and on about calculus and architecture, like a neurodivergent kid would about their interests. I mean, sure she's like 12, but she's supposed to be like a gifted kid, daughter of Athena, right? She probably knows some of the science and engineering behind the arch. Missed opportunity. Or maybe it's just that I see so much of myself in Annabeth and it hits too close when they can't make her justice. Idk. Like having a true nerdy, brilliant, neurodivergent, bossy but caring, black Annabeth would have been amazing. I guess the world wasn't ready for that.
This was episode 4 and the episodes are getting better...
Annabeth and Luke's relationship also suffers a lot from telling and no showing. Why don't we have flashbacks?? Such a missed opportunity for a show. As a rule, showing isn't superior to telling, but these two techniques need to be balanced in the writing, they can be combined too to serve the story during a specific scene or passage. In this case, telling was the wrong way.
For Luke, if they want his arc to have the emotional hit it has in the book, they really needed to build his character more and give him more screen time! Which could have been done with flashbacks. Because with Annabeth's stoic acting, too, we don't really get the emotional reactions appropriate to the events she recounts. So how are we going to feel with the betrayal since the relationship hasn't been built strongly so far? Nothing. We'll feel nothing.
Annabeth's actress is doing her best with what she's given she portrays her like she's in a Disney Channel kids sitcom from the 90s, deadpan but snarky, which is not a flavour of acting that helps this adaptation. This might be a larger directing issue, though, because Percy barely reacts when he sees his mother "die" in front of him.
Anyway, Flashbacks and narration could have saved this series alone, tbh. We don't even know how Thalia looks like! How are we gonna know it's her at the end of the book with the fleece reveal??
Ok, disclaimer, I didn't finish the show. I got distracted and bored and couldn't be bothered. I think I stopped after the Underworld episode (episode 7 I think.) I couldn't be bothered to watch the finale even with Toby Stephens in it. That's how enthusiastic I am about this.
Also a bit of a nitpick but why isn't it explained why are Percy and Sally are stuck with Gabe in the first place? About his scent? Why is the abuse so... sanitized too? Like yeah, we could have a more psychological and verbal form of abuse situation, of course, but we also didn't get that? Gabe was just unpleasant and a bit of a jerk, pathetic, but that was basically all. Also, no explanation for the blue food?? When it's such insight into Percy's relationship with his mom?? So much EXPOSITION in this series yet they missed many of the important parts!
Disney watered down Sally too. They really did. Her makeup is nice though.
So... yeah, they could be doing so much more with all the characters.
Concluding thoughts:
I don't hate the show (the visuals are great and Walker Scobell's acting is amazing, such a young talent!), but every time I finish watching an episode, I'm just bored and underwhelmed and wished I had done something else with my time.
I know it's frustrating that in previous decades usually had 20+ episodes, plus season 1 and 2 being shot side by side so we didn't even have to wait and fear of cancellation after so little; shows really don't have to be perfect from season 1, they need room to grow, but they have to have SOMETHING to pull the viewer in from the beginning, to make them stay. Anything! This show is giving me nothing to work with. I do hope the show gets better in season 2, and I understand that the 8-episode-season model is a constraint for writers, but I still think it could have done much better with the resources it did have.
For example, Black Sails had an infamous first season, but then it grew to be what imo is the best show ever put to TV. And yes, it took a while for it to find its perfect footing, but it was like a delicious cake that maybe has some bad frosting but the foundation is there, it just needs polishing and a few changes. But this PJO show doesn't live up to its potential and it's just so frustrating because I wanted to love this show so much but I'm finding it difficult to think of anything that I truly loved about it other than Walker Scobell's acting and course Toby Stephens (but I already love him from his previous work so it hardly counts).
Honestly, I'm a little bit tired of discourse going around saying that critiquing a show from season 1 is not acceptable because the show hasn't finished growing and we want a second season, we don't want the criticism to affect a season 2. But this is irrelevant and that's not how media criticism works. People can get very on board with good shoes from 1 season alone. That's no excuse. There are genuinely good book adaptations out there that make changes for the better and get a good foothold from the get-go! Look at Lockwood & Co, OPLA or Anne with an E. It can totally be done. The criticisms we have are precisely because we love the books, because we wanted this adaptation to succeed, because we wanted to love it, but it disappointed us. And we are allowed to voice that, as long as is done in good faith.
I'm happy this show got renewed because of the fans who enjoyed it, love the Percy Jackson series, it is truly dear to my heart, but would I be sad if the show was cancelled? Honestly, no. I couldn't care less what happens to this show at this point. Why should I? I was given no reason to care, aside from my already existing love for the books. I'm not intrigued about how they're going to adapt book 2, I didn't connect with the characters, I wasn't having fun. Nothing. And sure, I want young kids to be introduced to Percy Jackson, great if it's through this show, I want younger generations to love this series too, but I don't know any gen alpha who would enjoy such a show. (Hell, I really wanted my audience-age-appropriate niece to love it, but she couldn't care less about it and jeez, I wonder why...) Kids deserve better shows than this.
Will I watch season 2? Idk. Maybe? I can put it in the background while doing something else perhaps. I do hope they improve stuff but I don't have my hopes up. Will I watch episode 8? No. Life's too short. I already read the books so why bother (hehe)
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totaldramafan-lauri · 10 months
Make Use Of Me (chapter 1, preview)
Dec. 7 EDIT: ONCE MORE, WITH BRAVERY THIS TIME. No more chickening out. You can read this thing FOR REAL now. Sorry for being weird, and now....sorry if this wasn't worth it. XD
O-OK...here goes....
First thing's first: I am not expecting a lotta people to read this. I'm not asking people to read this. At this point, I'm making this mostly as a passion project, and if anyone enjoys it, it'll be a really cool bonus. My writing style isn't gonna be for everyone, and the characters I write aren't the most....popular characters in the CRK X Reader community, and I imagine this isn't really something a lotta fans'll be demanding more of.
This is LONG. This one chapter is 56 pages long. I am a VERY wordy writer,
So......why'm I posting this preview? Well....partially as an interest gauge for people who WOULD wanna read it, but...mostly as a motivator. As something to remind myself of whenever I get lazy. After all....I can't quit after I made the first chapter public, right? By doing that, I put myself out there...And, hey, I even tagged it, so, if by the off chance, someone did read it, I'm basically promising them more eventually.....
But, again, I'm not forcing anyone to read this.
Not only is it long, but.....This first chapter is probably my least-favorite thing I've ever written. By posting this chapter by itself, I'm testing to see if it does its job of making people wanna read the rest, cuz....right now, I'm not so sure how well it succeeds at that.....
This is the boring part of the story. It's a bunch of setup, and me jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop to just get everything started. I know setup is important and all, but....I'm already a very wordy writer, so....oof....There is some interesting stuff that happens, but it takes a while to get there.
I-I....kinda hate it, actually. The only reason I didn't scrap it is that I didn't realize I hated it until I was about halfway through it and the "good part" hadn't started yet. And I still spent a month writing the thing, so....I finished it.
I'm tagging this...as an experiment. If you wanna read this, go ahead. W-well, read my tags first, THEN go ahead. XD
All I can really say in this chapter's defense is that....I do try my best to salvage it. It's just setup, but I TRIED to make it interesting. And everything that seems like it didn't go anywhere, will later. This isn't the whole story, it's just the beginning of what's gonna be a BIG story. Anything that seems weird in this chapter, gets explored in the other chapters. This does set up a bunch of stuff that becomes important later (The friend character shows up later, the Colosseum becomes relevant later). This chapter is boring, but I tried not to make any of it pointless.
For the future: I'm aiming for five chapters. Chapters 2 and 3 will be a series of smaller vignettes that take place over the course of a few years, chapter 4 will be the climax, and chapter 5 will be something of an epilogue. After that, there will be two endings to choose from (which will make sense when we get there).
This probably won't be my favorite thing I've ever written, but it will be the most ambitious thing I've ever, and probably will ever, write. I haven't written something like this before, and it's all to flesh out this story and make it believable.
Right now, I.....I want to finish this. I'll probably still be writing this in February at the rate I'm going, but...at this point, I've put too much into it to give up on it. However, I'm STILL not completely ruling out the idea of my motivation dying before then. It COULD happen. So, what I'm planning to do is...setting a short-term goal of finishing chapter 3. After I do that, I'll post the first three chapters on AO3 together, and work on the rest. That way, even if I don't finish it, I'll at least have it over half done, and chapter 3 will end on a somewhat high note.
So, yyyyeah....Not a lotta people will read this preview. Overly wordy writing style + boring setup part of story + 56 pages long + assumed lack of interest for X Readers of this character (At least, I haven't SEEN many simps for her, m-maybe I'm wrong, I might be, I-I haven't checked any tags cuz I've been nervous, b-but it doesn't make my writing any better. In that case, this is my first time writing her so I'm trying super hard to do her justice >//////<)
I-if you wanna read this, and see if this first chapter does a good job of making you wanna read the better chapters, then...Go ahead.....
Some notes:
-This is still not the final draft. It's finalized enough for me to share, but I'm still not considering it finished. Even tho I'm working on chapter 3 right now, I STILL go back and edit this, even very recently. So, chances are, even if the story is finalized, small details and sentences are still subject to change. I know for a fact that there are still SOME placeholder bits in here that will change after I get some stuff cleared up. Recently, I even considered chopping off an entire section to make it shorter. I decided not to, but hey, it could still happen. I don't wanna waste anyone's time. The first chapter of a story, even if it's boring, is still very important, and I wanna make sure it's the best version of itself.
(A-and yes, this means that I've finished chapter 2 as well. The reason I'm not sharing it is that, unlike chapter 1, it was finished VERY recently, so I might still need to give myself time to edit it. From what I have, tho, I do like it a LOT more than chapter 1. There are some parts of chapter 2 that I'm legit proud of.)
-Even tho this first chapter is completely clean, I-I should mention that....this fic is for adults. The full version, at least. Chapters 3 and 4 are gonna contain some light N/S/F/W moments (the "fade to black" variety, so nothing explicit) and there'll be other slightly racey comments here and there. Just a heads-up. I'm gonna be uncomfy with minors reading this.
Th-that's all? I-I think that's all.......O-OK, so......h-here goes..... E-enjoy....
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pythagoras180 · 7 months
Dude, your whole "reasons why I hate Adrien" just reek of not getting why he's the way he is. I'm not even saying he's a GOOD character. His writing is meh at best and dogshit at its worst.
His WRITING is why he's like he is. I've seen other posts where you reply to other asks criticizing him for being an awful person but. He isn't real. He's literally just a vehicle the writers use for the story, and they don't even do a good job at that.
They could have approached him with so many different angles. The entire conflict of the first five seasons revolved around HIS FAMILY. The writers alluded to him believing that his mom died. Yet they never outright say that she's dead. Just 'disappeared.'
They could have done something with that. They could have made a goal of him trying to find out where is mother's been for the last year. Yet they never do.
Because they don't know WHAT to do with him. They NEVER knew what they wanted to do with him. The only thing that they knew (and by "they," I mainly mean Astruc) is that Adrien was meant to be "perfect." But no human is ever "perfect."
You can't approach looking at a character in a story the same way that you look at a character in real life. Even if you think you can look at it from a citizen in that world, you can't. The audience is aware of more things than people in the story, so they're bound by how the world works. I wouldn't doubt people would be upset if they actually knew Adrien was trying to use Cataclysm on akumatized citizens if they knew who it was behind the mask. I wouldn't doubt that people would be upset if they knew he tried to get someone akumatized just because he was bored. But even that is played for fucking comedy more than anything else.
The whole backbone of the story's conflict revolves around his family. His dad is the main antagonist for the first five seasons. Yet they don't even allow him to actually do a damn thing that would build his character. He doesn't have a character. He's a plot device.
His whole existence is wasted writing potential. Don't blame the character. Blame the writers. He wouldn't exist otherwise if he was never written.
I don't really understand the mentality of "the writing is bad, therefore don't blame the character". Characters are entirely a product of their writing. Everything good or bad about a character comes from their writing. You say that I shouldn't judge a character like they're a real person, but isn't that kind of what everyone does? If a character's writing is very good, people will often end up loving the character. Would you argue "don't love the character, because that's just how they're written, they're not real"? It feels like you're saying "like a character because of their good qualities, but if they have bad qualities, just blame it on the writer". You say that the writers don't allow Adrien to do anything, but from an in-universe perspective, Adrien chose to do nothing. I think it's perfectly fair to blame the writers for creating a bad story, while also disliking a character for having bad qualities. And like I mentioned in the original post, I think that the writers treat Adrien like their perfect golden boy who can do no wrong, and that makes me dislike him all the more.
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goodluckclove · 5 months
I'm almost done with a short story of mines, which is rare because this is the first time ever that I've written long enough to actually finish the piece. Now that I'm on the finish line I've... slowed down. I don't know why, I already know how I want to end it, for the first time it's not writer's block, but physically writing it has gone at a snail pace, one or two lines in the span of a week, still not done. It's like the ending itself doesn't want to be written.
First off - fucking congrats for getting this close to finishing a full short story! I am historically terrible at short-form media as I honed my craft doing NaNoWriMo like four or five times, so now I can only produce in quantities ranging form wow to please stop. It's no small feat to be concise in your storytelling and create an experience that you can digest in a short time and potentially think about for years to come. Impressive work!
But endings are tricky, aren't they? I was tickled by your question and the way you phrased it, so much so that I jumped to answer it now. It's like the ending itself doesn't want to be written. I think about that kind of shit a lot and even though I feel weird talking about it to non-writers I really do think you and I are onto something.
Writing for me has always been a somewhat autonomous process. I hear writers who see themselves as the cruel or benevolent gods of the universes they create, and though I'm sure their viewpoints have backing I have never and will never relate to that mindset. I am not the god of my universe. I am the attendant to a roomful of dogs, all different breeds and sizes, and I am very much at the mercy of a majority of their whims.
Oh, you don't actually want to keep the secret I was planning on having you keep for another two chapters? Uh, okay. You actually have a completely different emotional reaction to this new character than I expected or wanted? Yup. Sure. I can say I have a plan, but a big pillar of my process is being able to see when my characters disagree with my plan and instead insist on pissing all over the floor.
Blind Trust, my novel coming out this Summer, was supposed to be one book. It's now going to be four. My reaction to this is best described as a furrowed brow and a resigned sigh.
What I mean to say is that, if you're struggling with the ending - even just to the extent that it bores you to write, it might be time to check in with the story itself and the people it follows. Maybe the ending isn't exactly what you think it is. Maybe it's not even the ending yet.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the reason why you got so far with this short story is because it's actually a novella, or even a full-length novel? Maybe even just a longer short story than you originally imagined?
I welcome you to give yourself and your cast of characters a little more creative freedom. The way a story forms in the head is often a lot different from what you actually end up with on paper.
I welcome you to DM me directly if you want to keep talking. I'd love to work with you on this!
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alwek · 2 months
I have 100 memes in my 9/11 folder, and so here's my
Bottom 10 9/11 Memes From My Collection
From Best Of The Worst To Worst Of The Worst
10) Jungle Game Edit
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While this is a good edit, there's not much context to this meme. As far as I'm aware, this screenshot comes from some computer game. Maybe it would be funnier if I knew the context to it, but as far as I know, this is just some pretty good edit over a jungle.
9) Tracker Plane
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It's a fun idea, but I think it could be done better. As it stands, this meme gets nothing more than a "heh" from me. Maybe if the plane was edited to be more antro, it wouldn't be in my bottom 10.
8) Tall Towers
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It's the towers, and they are tall. That's pretty much it. There's not much to this other than an edit I think looks pretty good.
7) French 9/11
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This meme is in the bottom because it requires a lot of context to understand. If you don't know french politics of the current years, this doesn't make a lot of sense other than "haha eifel tower 9/11. Whys hitler there?" Plus, this edit tries too hard to look low effort I think. There's better versions of this out there I bet.
6) Sunday Night Sucks
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I don't think there's much to this one. It's kinda basic in its relatability, and as 9/11 jokes go, it's kinda low effort, too. Relies too much on shock factor and the fact that this was the whole clip makes it a bit boring also. It's just "i hate work, 9/11." Could be better.
5) Holiday Card
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It's just 9/11 clip art. I find it uninspired. There's really not much to say about this. It feels like what corporate people would send to each other.
4) Foxy
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The clip of the fox is done really cleanly, but other than that, this meme is pretty basic. Not much going on, not much to say. The plane is the fox. That's the joke.
3) Doug Dimmadome Hat
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Doug Dimmadome Hat is the twin towers. Most of my least favourite memes in the folder are just the boring ones. There's nothing wrong with it, there's just not much going on. And for that, it lands near the bottom.
2) Latias Does 9/11
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I literally have a better version of this meme. Simple, low effort, boring.
1) Hobbits Walking
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The worst clip I've ever seen edited onto what I'm pretty sure isn't even a screenshot of the Two Towers movie. I get the idea, but the execution is just terrible. There are so many better ways that this joke can be made, and I don't understand how you mess up a joke that writes itself so dramatically.
Send me 9/11 memes
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now-that-i-saw-you · 9 months
2023 recap
I've lived a thousand lives this year. I also read around 40 books, watched 17 shows, 34 movies and listened to 40,214 minutes of music and I'm gonna narrow them all down to top 3 favorites of each category.
1. Midnights
I'm a swiftie forever and ever so best believe whatever album Taylor released it's gonna be my favorite album ever, but Midnights is exceptionally good. It's no surprise that most songs on my top 5 most-played are from Midnights (and the only one that isn't is seven). This is my AOTY and I want to personally thank Taylor for writing You're On Your Own, Kid.
2. Stick Season
My sixth most-played song was Dial Drunk and I think it was just a couple of streams away from entering the top. The rest of the album is just as good and as poignant. It's so folklore-esque and I adore a good story that makes me forget about my problems.
3. Good Ridddance
Did you guys know Gracie Abrams is fucking excellent? I listened to Good Riddance and it was amazing and then I listened to her earlier work and they were also amazing. Good Riddance is for girls in their 20s who feel like they mess everything up (it's so evermore-coded).
1. All For The Game
I read a lot of great books this year but this is probably the only one I've been properly obsessed with. Every single word in these books made me cry, it just made me feel so much; angry, sad, happy, but mainly hopeful.
2. She Who Became The Sun
This is objectively the best book I read this year. It's eloquent and complex and interesting and deals with subjects like gender and sexuality in such a fine, delicate way. I wanted to savour every moment with this book, read every word slowly so I could properly understand it. Ouyang is up there with Adam Parrish and Lyra Silvertongue in my Favorite Characters List.
3. Conversations With Friends
This book made me feel seen, while deeply hurting me. Turns out I kinda like the Miscommunication trope and I think it's mostly because I love it when characters feel like real people and nothing is more real than not saying what you should or saying the wrong thing.
TV Shows
1. Succession
I came to realize that what makes me love a show/book is mostly the characters. I love complicated characters that feel like real people. I love it when I can't decide whether I hate or love a character. Even my least favourite characters (Logan and Tom) were well-written and had a very satisfying storyline. I did not understand a single thing they said when talking about finance (at least I learned what a Bear Hug is...sorta) and that didn't stop me from enjoying the show and following the plot and to me that shows how entertaining it was.
2. Better Call Saul
Everyone should watch this show. This is one of the greatest corruption arcs I've ever seen on TV and Jimmy is an excellent protagonist, I love the way the writers build his character's arc and his relationship with people around him, mainly his brother but also Kim because their relationship was amazing. They were so cute and doomed by the narrative. Personally, I enjoyed every season and wasn't bored at any point. This show was done with so much love and you can feel it.
3. Totally Completely Fine
I love it when I stumble on a show because I have nothing else to watch and it turns out to be a favourite. Totally Completely Fine has everything: Humour and wit, discussing important, sensitive topics in a very appropriate manner, and an incredibly real sibling relationship. The show gives a voice and empathy to the eldest siblings, the youngest and the middle child and I'm never getting over "you took all the air."
Please watch it because I want a second season.
1. The Whale
Idk if this a controversial opinion or not but I found this film very moving. To me it's a story about healing and forgiveness being a possibilty for everyone. I really felt and cared for the main character.
2. El Camino
The Breaking Bad writers are just very good at their job. I love Jesse and I love this additional story to the universe.
3. Loving Vincent
The entire film was made by oil painting. How can I not include this? It's a beautiful film telling the story of Vincent Van Gogh's death. I encourage everyone to watch it.
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bitterflames · 7 months
fic writer interview
(tagged by @sunriseverse, tysm for the tag!! 💙 posting on my sideblog because it feels like the right place for this sort of rambling.)
How many works do you have on AO3? 10 (plus the one i orphaned, which still has my username attached). one is fanart. i'm... a very irregular writer.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 32,694 words (i do mean a very irregular writer lol).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) snow and repetitions of snow (elder scrolls) (169) 2) no takebacks (mysterious lotus casebook) (126) 3) a light that does not flicker (elder scrolls) (85) 4) what's in a name? (mysterious lotus casebook) (78) 5) to gravity and the unknown (elder scrolls) (50) the actual most-kudosed work of mine is the Accursed Orphan, red oni, blue oni (tensei shitara slime datta ken) with 2202 (oh god). it really, really wasn't my best work, i stopped following the canon when i got bored with the plot, and the constant stream of kudos emails started to get on my nerves, hence the orphaning.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try my best to! that said there are a lot of unanswered comments from periods where i just couldn't keep up with life. i appreciate each and every one though! i swear i'll get around to them someday 😭
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i tend to write bittersweet more than outright angsty. maybe snow and repetitions of snow, featuring two shitty stubborn wizards who are on-again off-again exes/enemies with benefits. it ends on them realizing that their ideals and personalities are irreconcilable and yet they cherish each other regardless. sometimes it just be that way!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? no takebacks is very short but given that it undoes a major character death and ends with a sort-of marriage proposal: probably that one. sometimes you just gotta write fluff to soothe the soul.
Do you write crossovers? not really. occasional crossover cameos can be fun, but overall they don't interest me a ton? i much prefer fusion AUs, but i don't often write them; perhaps because my stuff tends to be shorter and more intensely character-focused than setting-focused.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? not openly. if anyone's hating on my fics in private that's their prerogative lmao.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? occasionally! there's one explicit fic on my account and numerous WIPs that may or may not ever see the light of day. "porn with feelings" is probably the best description for the stuff i tend to write. sometimes the characters are trying very hard to ignore those feelings but they're still there. (shout out to the one lin chen/mei changsu WIP in my folder which is Very Much That.)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge. i tend to write for small fandoms and rare pairs so i'm probably not high on the radar for that sort of thing?
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! snow and repetitions of snow was translated into mandarin, i'm very happy that someone liked my fic enough to do so :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before? not yet, though i've done illustrations for big bang fics in the past, and RP'd and created shared AU verses with friends. actual co-writing isn't something i've done, but the idea is intriguing! (that said, i'm extremely flakey and wouldn't wish myself as a co-writer upon anyone.)
What’s your all-time favorite ship? "all-time" is a pretty broad category, wow. in terms of sheer volume of fics i've bookmarked though mei changsu/xiao jingyan are absolutely destroying the competition, no contest. in terms of "currently rent-free in my brain" i am frantically paddling this XJY/MCS/LC rareship against the current.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? (gestures vaguely at my entire folder of WIPs. weeps loudly.) tbh talking too much about my WIPs or even giving them a serious title until they're most-of-the-way finished feels like giving them the kiss of death. i'm not superstitious but i'm like a little stitious, you know?
What are your writing strengths? given that my entire writing process feels kind of like banging my head against a wall while crying: hard to say! i'm told i'm good with conveying tension though. in terms of characterization, insufferable theatrical magnificent bastards.
What are your writing weaknesses? long plotty fic and me are not friends. my pacing can be a bit mood whiplash-y at times. i abuse italics and semicolons like they're going out of fashion.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? depends on the cultural context of the canon, the purpose for doing so, etc... like pretty much anything else, it can be used to good effect, or it can be really grating. i think things like honorifics and terms that don't have a good 1:1 english translation are pretty much fine.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? idk probably some pokemon OC thing when i was like ten years old? in terms of fic completed and posted online, elder scrolls.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? (shoving numerous WIPs back into my folder) does NiF count? i haven't finished anything for it yet... in terms of canons i haven't touched at all, maybe sha po lang. i read the entire thing in one long weekend while house-sitting for a friend and i'm still not sure if it was good or if it just hit all my kinks just right, but either way there's probably something to work with here.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? it's also a WIP (mostly written, just lacking a solid ending) and it's utter self-indulgent nonsense designed to appeal to no one but me but: i'm very fond of how to deflower your martial brother (wo jia dashixiong naozi you keng). hanahaki disease, fucky shixiong/shidi relations, horrible pun in the title: these are a few of my favourite things.
tagging! @shararan @strandedchesspiece @foxofninetales @sinni-ok-sessi @junemermaid @melodious-tear @thebansacredbanned and anyone else who's interested (no pressure ofc!)
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subconsciousmysteries · 11 months
"sx isn't about connecting to other people, anything involving an interpersonal connection is soc"
So I've ranted endlessly about how people butchered the meaning of soc-blindness, but now let's get into what the typology world has done to sx. I can assure you that it's 10x worse than what they did to soc "I'm so much meaner and edgier than thou" blindness.
I have seen much shite online trying to overcomplicate what sx means. They say "it's not about sex", even though it is literally called, The Sexual Instinct. But when I first heard that sx isn't really about sex I thought, okay, that's fine. It can be about an intense passion for another person that isn't physically sexual, but can be seen as sexual on the mental level. I've had really intense friendships that were by no means physically sexual, but they felt mentally sexual for sure with how intimate we were, how many secrets we shared with each other. I couldn't quite describe them as social relationships since I did not choose these people based on some social agenda, or based on some moral characteristics that I respected and admired about them. I chose them based purely on the chemistry we had, and I would never compromise these relationships unless I felt a loss of chemistry.
But apparently no, that isn't right according to the sxflakes. Sx doesn't describe sex... and it doesn't describe intense 1-1 relationships either! No, no, that's all soc. Anything which relates to another person, ever, is soc. Even having sex with another person is social, because you're dealing with another person!
I was enlightened that sx is this totally abstract, you-wouldnt-understand-it-unless-youre-a-special-snowflake-like me thing, about ~chemistry~ and ~intense vibes~. and it isn't related to connecting with other people at all.
How can you have chemistry, one must ask, if there is no other person to have that chemistry with? Well. the "sx is separate from interpersonal connection" crowd continued to enlighten me. Some of them explained to me that sx-doms just want to seduce because they like to seduce, it's about seduction moreso than actually connecting with people... seems like they didn't really think through what the motivation behind seduction is for normal people who aren't far-gone narcissists (hint: the motivation is establishing a sexual connection, which is inherently an emotional connection unless you're broken or you're consciously walling yourself off, as I will touch on later). Others gave me a totally mechanical and disgustingly male-centric explanation of sx, how it's about "spreading your seed" through... making art that lasts for generations! They didn't even say that spreading your seed through literally being a fuckboy is sx, lol. because I guess that's what normies do and we all know that normies are sx-blinds.
It sounds to me like these "sx isnt about connecting" people are pretentious dickweeds at best... and they are describing sheer narcissism with a heavy dose of sexual degeneracy at worst. "Sx is about being a special arteest" or "Sx is separate from interpersonal connection because I'm a broken sociopath who can't feel bonded to all the people I lure in close to me" is all that I hear when people try to explain to me why sx is not about sex or intense emotional connection.
[Also worth noting that a lot of people who write ennea theory are practically proven sociopaths, if you listen to accounts from people who left their cults. Real shit always explains itself.]
Sx is fundamentally about the longing for an intense connection. describing sx as detached from interpersonal connection and being about some abstract sense of selfishness, makes utterly no sense. The reason why sx acts selfish towards most people, is because they are bored out of their brains and chronically disappointed if their interactions aren't a strong 1-1 connection with a person that they feel viscerally excited to pour all of their energy into. Average interactions feel empty, small talk is draining to sx moreso than other IVs. Sx is so fixated on finding #deep relationships that excite them, that they feel completely numb to the simpler, less exciting relationships, to the point of being unable to function in anything less than an intense 1-1. But people are making it sound like sx is this self-absorbed character even in the face of a person who excites them and makes them feel that sense of connection that they were longing for. Which simply makes no fucking sense, and just sounds like a YOU problem with narcissism, borderline or sociopathy making you unable to connect with others regardless of what your IV is.
Also just like how the "soc blinds are so edgy and mean" crowd show their lack of understanding of soc and sp when they define sp by its supposed edginess and soc by its supposed lack thereof, the "sx blinds are so detached from everyone ever at all times" crowd really show their lack of understanding of sx when they say this shite. which makes me question if most of them even have sx. I think some of them are clueless sx-blinds who see intensity as an abstract thing not directed at a specific person, because this is how they experience things due to their sx-blindness. people characterize sx-blinds as boring milquetoast normies, which causes a lot of sx-blinds to mistype as sx, and then butcher the meaning of sx to justify the mistyping. And some of these people who think sx isnt about connection do have sx... they're just also Cluster Bs who are mistaking their dysfunction for sx.
As soon as an sx-user forms a functional relationship with someone where they feel connected and happy, the "sx has nothing to do with other people" crowd declares that this person must be using soc to connect instead of sx. There you see the fallacy that sex is not the most powerful interpersonal connection tool... Rather it is some abstract Other thing that only the special sxflakes can understand. There's also this idea with sx that you must be in a constant state of suffering and longing in order to have the instinct; happiness and contentment is for lame sx-blind norrrrrmieeeees. You must never be satisfied as an sx-haver. Sx can never be satiated by their logic. Sx is just a never-ending void of a need to seduce people who you don't even feel connected with, kinda like borderline / narcissistic supply. "Sx has nothing to do with bonding," say these personality disordered sxflakes who want to pretend that their personality disordered inability to form bonds with other people is just normal sx.
The detaching of sx from interpersonal connection parallels greatly to how society was encouraged to view sex as separate from emotion in recent decades. It has reached the point where you get called an ignorant bigot if you suggest that sex can be an emotional act that is inherently related to interpersonal connection. It is certainly true that people can detach sex from emotion, as someone who's done it myself I can tell you that detaching sex from emotion is the unnatural thing; attaching sex to emotion happens naturally, for EVERYONE. yes, everyone, not just myself but also the dudes, and also the people who are in denial of it. Everyone has to put effort into remaining emotionally detached when they have sex. Sex intensifying emotional connection is the natural process for both parties. It is what sex was designed for, to emotionally bind two people and open the door for them to spiritually connect on the most intense possible level.
Sx can be cruel in how it is apathetic towards contracts, commitments and social norms. Sx'ers won't bother paying you any attention if they have lost passionate interest. Sx'ers give up on promises and obligations because they lost interest, much more easily and often than sx-blinds do. Sx-havers will be perceived by many people as very selfish. But sx is by no means as cold and detached from the interpersonal as people are describing it to be. Sx is not only an other-focused instinct, it is the neediest instinct. Its whole purpose is to seek bonds just like the social instinct does... in a far less level-headed, far more emotionally driven way.
But hey, don't listen to me. I guess the only reason I don't understand all these super special super abstract sxflakes who claim that sex has nothing to do with other people, is because I must be a sx-blind. Couldn't be that I'm just not fucking broken enough to be deluded that sex is completely separate from connection.
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storieschats · 13 days
Fourth Wing Book 1 Update 1
Where I am: Page 131 of 516 (Note: Portuguese version so a bit useless for most of you guys)
Basically in the history, she and ... Xander I think have just fought after she won all her previous fights by poisoning her opponents. Next chapter they are going to do the Gauntlet whatever that is.
What I think so far: It’s ok! I think I am linking it, at least we're not going to have the case where one person gives fives stars and another one xd. The history is fast-paced and I don't find it boring, so the reading flows well.
Positive Points:
The romance for the moment is pleasing me, I'm one of those enemies to lovers, bad boys kinda girl so I like Xander and I find the relationship in general funny and what I am most interested in the story.
Violet is not a bad character apart from a few cringe moments I don’t really mind being in her head and so I don’t think the history suffers in being told in her perspective.
I like Shanon(??) her best friend in the school. She is great!
Magical schools, magical schools! Although I don't think it's one of the best conceived ever, the feeling of following a school year, having magical classes and magical challenges to overcome is an arrow to my heart and I'm not going to pretend it isn't!!!
Oh my god the characters are twenty?! Finally a romance book with normal soldier ages xd.
Negative points:
The writing irritated me a bit at first, I find it a bit melodramatic and if I have to read the word “fragile” one more time, which I suspect I will because each chapter so far has used it about twice, I'm going to write in your book as you suggested but ONLY to cross out the word fragile. Oh and the writing is also a bit meta sometimes like the author knows she's writing a romance and throws in lines like “I don't like annoying boys oh but he's so cute”. Eye roll ok there are things that have to be shown and not told.
The magic system, the kingdom, the traitors and all that don't seem very well conceived. Maybe I'm wrong and it'll be better developed later on, but for now the fantasy is rather flimsy, it feels more like modern people in a war college than people in a magical fantasy world. I hope something is done with the story of the traitors' children who are forced to go to that school, which is basically the only interesting thing I've read about the history of this kingdom. For now this romantasy has more to give to rom than tasy.
The ages xd i love the fact that they're 20 because it's more realistic but if most books sometimes make the mistake of making 15 year olds sound like they're 25 this one does the opposite and these 20 year olds sound like they're 14.
Stars if I had to give them now: 3 stars
What I think will happen:  Mira (her sister) will die cause drama, Dain will have to do something horrible or we'll find out he's actually a monster or something, because romantic triangles can never have 2 to root for. Which is a shame because I like him for the time being, but I'm sure that'll change soon. She's going to bond with the super unique and important black dragon they learn about in class because duh this isn't the first story of my life xd.
Confession: Upss I when I got to chapter like 3 or something I went to see if I could find the index to see how many chapters there were and since there was nothing at the beginning I went to see the end because sometimes they put it there and honestly without intending to I read the last sentence of the book and I know that Brannon, her brother, is alive and there is a rebellion xd sorry I only read the sentence like “welcome to the rebellion violet said Brannon”.
Last thing: Also he called her Violence instead of Violet, her name. Cringe not sexy not gonna lie.
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