#this starts the flood
kittlesandbugs · 2 years
Title: Breathe dammit Pairing: Chargestep Warnings: RETRIBUTION SPOILERS.  Big fat ones for the end of the book.  Also near-death experience, but not for the POV character (Ortega).  Chucking the whole thing under a cut to be polite for people who haven’t gotten there yet lol. Word Count: 647
Prompt:  @sidestepping prompted: write the car crash or the hospital waiting from the point of view of Ortega, or, alternatively, any of the main cast dealing with your Sidestep being injured.
"She's not breathing!"
The paramedic's words freeze your blood in its veins, sick dread heavy like lead in your gut. 
no no no not again, not ever again, you just got her back, you can't—
Feet moving before you realize, shove the medic out of the way, only halfway done cutting through her layers. You fall to your knees beside her, finish the job. 
What is that orange…? Spiraling out of central stripes in a pattern you can't recognize. 
Not important now. 
Hand over her heart, flesh still warm but no movement, no flutter that you've wanted to feel since she came back into your life. 
"Sir you have to—" 
"I'm not losing her again!" You shrug the hands away, normal strength of a person no match for your modded muscles. 
Remember the training, elbows locked, thirty compressions. Eyes locked on her too-slack face for any sign of life. Tilt the chin, mouth to mouth, breathe the life back into her. 
"C'mon, Ry…" 
Compressions again, harder this time. Like you can force your life into her. Should have been yours taken so many times, this is why, this is why, to bring her back again, rip her out of death's grasp again. 
"Breathe, dammit…" 
One breath. 
She gasps, sucks air like a fish, and relief makes it easy for the paramedics to shove in again. They strap her to the gurney, mask to her face, compression bag assisting her breathing, lift her up, wheel her to the ambulance. 
You stumble to your feet, follow after them, push your way in after them before they can shut you out and leave. 
"Sir, you can't—" 
"I'm a Ranger. Charge."
Flash the badge from your pocket. Been a long time since you've had to pull that card but it shuts them up and you settle in beside her. 
You wipe sweat slick hands on your ruined sweats and gesture to the mask bag. 
"I'm sorry." You're not, but it eases the glares. "She's my…" Can't say girlfriend, she'd yell at you, and it'd be so welcome you almost do. "May I…?" 
He hands the bag over after a brief glance to the other. You follow their instructions carefully, so carefully, eyes glued to every rise and fall of her chest. 
She'll pull through right? 
She's so stubborn. 
Too stubborn to die, right? Always too stubborn. Just needed a little help to get her feet back under her. 
The ride is over too quickly and not fast enough and they take it back from you before you can move, wheel her out, you barely catch the words "respiratory failure" and "multiple complex fractures". You limp after them, your own injuries starting to catch up with you, but it doesn't matter.
All that matters is she pulls through and you have to be sure. 
You're arguing with a nurse in the hall outside the operating theater when a heavy hand falls on your shoulder. 
"Ricardo. You need to stop."
Wei. You almost wilt as you turn.
"But she almost— I can't—" 
"She's in the best hands this city has to offer. I'll stand watch now."  Hard eyes soften as he pushes you a few steps from the door, towards another nurse waiting to take you for examination. "I won't let anyone— won't let anything happen to her. I promise."
Anyone?  Hollow Ground? But he doesn't believe in… What is he… ? 
The nurse almost manhandles you into the wheelchair, interrupting your thoughts, and you spin to call back, "You'll let me know when she's out of surgery, right?" 
"Yes. Now get yourself taken care of." 
"You'll let me know if anything… if she gets…" The words die in your throat, you can't even bear to think about that now. 
"I will. You need to rest."
"I… okay."
The nurse wheels you away and you suddenly remember.
What were those orange markings? 
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 47
Hear me out. Amity Park gets shifted in universes slightly- maybe it’s from Pariah, maybe it was a wish, maybe they did so on purpose to escape something- and they end up in the DC-verse. The thing is, thanks to the media blackout and the shields, no one in the new universe notices. The Amityville Paekers know about outside, can go on the internet and leave whenever they want, but they’ve all become more than a little liminal. More than a little off. Movements too graceful, eyes too sharp, ears too pointed and teeth more akin to predatory fangs. Skin with a soft glow, hair moving as though underwater or being tussled by the wind- bodies seemingly unaging after a certain point. They’re so ecto-contaminated that they’re unsure they can even be counted as human anymore, and it wasn’t like the city wasn’t already practically self sufficient. Add in a portal or two through the Infinite Realms to get supplies to start a few fields or some fish farms and well, they’re pretty good. Sure it’s resulted in them using a mixture of modern and older money and having several extinct plants and animals running around but that’s fine. There’s magic in this world! Actual magic, that they can learn! And use? Oh this makes rebuilding after a sparring incident go so much faster! 
This results in the hero who stumbles across this place to believe they’ve stumbled across some sort of city of fae or elves. 
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skrimbloz · 6 months
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I decided I wanted to have a go at using procreate’s symmetry tool and it was SO fun
Her silhouette is meant to look like a spider with her headband being the fangs and hair strands being the legs!! I also think it looks like a heart too which is pretty neat :D
This took me AGESSS because I kept changing the colour pallette and background, I love how it turned out though and the only thing I would change is that it’s kinda hard to see her bowing pose bc of all the dark colours 😭😭
I LOVE associating spiders with Harumi which is pretty ironic considering i’m arachnophobic 💀
I don’t think it’s used that much in the show other than the like spider they used to bug the bounty but I have chosen to RUN with it
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kingdomsaurushearts · 13 days
They're in the WALLS
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tomaturtles · 4 months
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Got inspired by this and had to
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bardicious · 3 months
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suntails · 1 year
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transmascissues · 7 months
how can you claim to be a man when you never even grew up as a boy?
you were never raised a boy, you have no idea what it's like to grow up as a boy. you were raised as the female that you are.
by what standard did i not grow up as a boy? did i not get dirty enough or pull enough ponytails or play enough catch with my dad? is it that my hair was too long or that my clothes were too pink, or maybe that i was friends with too many girls or had crushes on too many other boys? should i have built with blocks instead of playing house, or liked dogs more than cats, or wanted to become a firefighter instead of a vet? if my grandpa gave me handshakes, not hugs, would that be better for you? if the tears bad been beaten out of me, would i get to be a man?
what of the men who grew up decades or even centuries ago, or somewhere across the world from you? surely, their boyhoods looked different than yours. have they lost their right to manhood too in your eyes, because they didn’t grow up quite right? or is it just us that you expect to live up to one stereotypical concept of what it means to grow up as a boy?
and what if you were right? what if my childhood was girlhood after all? i’m a 22 year old man with a partner of 6 years and a job in the same field as my degree and an adult life that i’m building for myself. how much of myself can you really expect me to define by who i was when i was a child? i would hope you don’t define your life by the way you grew up either; maybe your childhood was good enough to be worth basing the rest of your life on, but that would make you one of the lucky ones. the rest of us will be defining our adult lives for ourselves, thank you very much.
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dammjamboy · 14 days
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forgot to ever post this here but i had the most fucked dream the other night and i had to draw it
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wizardnuke · 1 year
can't stop thinking about a shadowgast "i'm not looking to fuck do you have a screwdriver my bathroom is flooding" grindr au
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Tony: Do you even have any life goals other than spiderman?
Peter: I have been banned from every fast food place in Queens except for the Mcdonalds one block away from the Tower. I don't know what their limit is but I will find it.
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genericpuff · 2 months
Webtoons Is Making Moves - So Should You.
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We all saw it coming ages ago and now it's finally here. There's no more beating around the bush or doubting if anyone is "reading into it too much", Webtoons' use of AI in its more recent webtoons is not an accident, not an oversight, but by design, it always has been. And I guaran-fucking-tee you that the work that already exists on the platform won't be safe from Webtoons' upcoming AI integration through scraping and data mining. Sure, they can say they're not gonna replace human creators, but that doesn't change the fact that AI tools, in their current form, can't feasibly exist without stealing from pre-existing content.
Plus, as someone who's tested their AI coloring tools specifically... they're a long, LONG way away from actually being useful. Like, good luck using them for any comic style that isn't Korean manwha featuring predominantly white characters with small heads and comically long legs. And if they do manage to get their AI tools to incorporate more art styles and wider ranges of character identities... again, what do you think it's been trained on?
Also, as an added bit that I found very funny:
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Um, I'm sorry, what fucking year is it? Because platforms like WT and Tapas have both been saying this for years but we're obviously seeing them backpedal on that now with the implementation of in-house publishing programs like Unscrolled which have reinvented the wheel of taking digital webtoons and going gasp physical! It's almost like the platform has learned that there's no sustainable profit to be had in digital comics alone without the help of supplementary streams of income and is now trying to act like they've invented physical book publishing!
"The future of comic publishing, including manga, will be digital"??? My brother in christ, Shonen Jump has been exclusively digital since 2012! What rock have the WT's staff been living under that they're trying to sell digital comics as the "future" to North Americans as if we haven't already been living in that future for over ten years now?? We've had an entire generation of children raised on that same digital media since then! This isn't the selling point you think it is LMAO If anything, the digital media market here in NA is dying thanks to the enshittification of digital content platorms like Netflix, Disney+, and mainstream social media platforms! That "future" is not only already both the past and present, but is swiftly on its way out! Pack it up and go home, you missed the bus!
Literally so much of WT's IPO pitch is just a deadass grift full of corporate buzzwords and empty promises. They're trying so hard to convince people that their business model is infinitely profitable... but if it were, why do they need the public's money? And where are all those profits for the creators who are being exploited day after day to fill their platform with content? Why are so many creators still struggling to pay their bills if the company has this much potential for profit?
Ultimately even their promised AI tools don't ensure profit, they ensure cutting expenses. The extra money they hope to make isn't gonna come from their content generating income, it's gonna come from normal people forking over their money in the hopes that it'll be turned around, and from Webtoons cheapening the medium even further until it's nothing but conveyer belt gruel. Sure, "making more than you spend" is the base definition of "profit", but can we really call it that when it's through the means of gutting features, retiring support programs, letting go editing staff, and limiting resources for their own hired freelancers who are the only reason they even have content to begin with? That's not sustainable profit or growth, that's fighting the tide which can and will carry them away at any moment.
I'm low key calling it now, a year or two from today we're gonna be seeing massive lawsuits and calls to action from the people who invested their money into WT and subsequently lost it into the black hole that is WT's "business model". This is a company that's been operating in the red for years, what about becoming an IPO is gonna make them "profitable"? Let alone profitable enough to pay back their investors in the spades they're expecting? The platform and its app are already shit and they're about to become even worse, we are literally watching this company circle the drain in the modern day's ever-ongoing race to the bottom, enshittification in motion, but they're trying to convince us all the same that they're "innovating".
Webtoons doesn't want to invest in its creators. We as creators need to stop investing in them.
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pkmn-hex-maniac · 2 months
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Realized i never posted my banner whoops Elgyem if it was fun sized (with a smaller head)
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 months
*me immediately after going through a terrifying and traumatic experience* haha yeah I guess it was rough but I'm fine now like I'm totally chill. It was kinda funny actually if you think about it
#GUESS WHO GOT A PIERCING INFECTION SO BAD OVERNIGHT SHE HAD TO RUSH TO THE HOSPITAL#AND GET SURGERY TO REMOVE IT BC THE METAL WAS BURROWING ITSELF INSIDE HER LIP#yep that was meee :3#man. it sounds so silly now. like that probably shouldn't have made me panic nearly as much as it did#but you have to understand at the time it was terrifying#I noticed my lip was a bit swollen earlier in the night but I was like ok it's probably nothing serious#I put some ice on it hoping it would be back to normal after I got some sleep#then I woke up at like 5:30 AM with my lip super swollen and my lip piercing literally burying itself inside my flesh#I tried pushing it back out a bit and blood and pus started coming out so yk I started panicking#so I went upstairs and I asked my mom to drive me to the hospital#luckily we have free healthcare in brazil and the hospital was basically empty(this was on sunday)#but when I got there they told me the doctor wouldn't arrive until 8AM and it was like 6:45 at that point#so I REALLY started panicking 🫠 bc I could feel like the piercing kept burying itself more deeply like#I felt like the skin inside my lip was going to close around it and I was terrified bc I had no idea what to do#and I was scared it might make things worse#but all I could do was sit there and wait and so I started having a panic attack#luckily my mom was there with me the whole time so at least I didn't feel alone#and then I just. waited for it to end. and then tried to keep myself distracted until the doctor got there#I got treated by military doctors! sjdjcjck the army has been giving additional support for hospitals in my city#bc of the floods some health units are currently closed and demand got higher so they needed extra support there#so an army doctor performed my surgery(inside an army tent no less ajfjjfkf maybe not ideal but. functional)#he was so nice?? like probably the calmest most careful doctor I've ever been treated by#I still had a bit of a nervous breakdown again after the surgery but that was bc I'd never been through something like that before#I got anesthesia obvs but I still felt the tug when he cut into my skin to remove the piercing and did my stitches#so my mind started cooking up all these horrible scenarios of how everything could go wrong and I was gonna die#cried on the doctor's table. 👍🏻 awesome#but he and his assistant were super nice about it she even offered me a hug#but anyway in the end I finally calmed down and got some medication#now I'm all stitched up with my little bloated lip eating soup out of a straw 👍🏻 but I'm ALIVE and I'm just glad it's all over fjjvjkf#sleep.txt
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missionel · 3 months
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if tmbg were in splatoon they would be called "they could be krakens" i think. here's splatoonified flood
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marzipanladyart · 8 months
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I don't think I've ever posted these 2020 Lauriam sketches! And these are one of the first drawings of him and my favourite sketches I've ever done! (I think there is still some art of him/LauriEven I haven't posted here cause I was more active on twitter at this time...)
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