#those are three bugs meeting the children of gods
ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Comparing the societies of Bug Fables to those of Hollow Knight's (especially their gods) is super funny actually. Like, I have issues with the worldbuilding of Bug Fables, but the society is pretty darn stable and moderatly advanced, there's some skirmishes and some magic issues here and there, but nothing too intense. Meanwhile down in Hallownest everyone lives in the shadows of behemoths and dies to their whims, but they just fuckin vibe with it because what else can you do when the very sun is angry at you? The risk is worth it for eternal kingdoms and the possibility of being blessed with strong magic, which is both heavy in the air at all times and also a major part of their technological advancement. It's like comparing a little genaric fantasy kingdom to fucking Atlantis or Olympus, which makes it deeply funny when the two worlds collide
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astray-anomaly · 3 months
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Equivaltale’s story! (Part one)
Trigger warnings: Violence, character death, major character death, descriptions of body horror, cult activity, child abuse/neglect, mentions of grooming; physical abuse and sexual abuse, transpobia, child labour
Be very mindful of the trigger warnings! If you can’t handle some of these topics then don’t read!
This is very long so you better be prepared to go through a big chunk of text
Many Eons ago when the multiverse started to branch out there grew three trees. One of Life, one of Magic, and one of Feelings. The trees secured the balance of the multiverse, and each tree was protected by a guardian. All remained that way for centuries.
Until the downfall of one of the guardians. Nim, the Guardian of Feelings.
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She had fallen by the hand of a mere mortal who wielded a dagger made to kill a guardian. Nobody knows how he got such a weapon as it was never recovered, yet he suffered a terrible fate. Being strangled by vine and bramble, left to bleed after the guardian had fallen.
Nim was losing blood fast, too weak to heal herself, yet there was one thing that she could do. She took all her energy, morphing it into two beings of light. One of positivity and one of negativity, Dream and Nightmare, two entirely new guardians.
Treating them like her children, even if she knew she couldn’t stay with them forever, but she couldn’t leave them without proper vessels either. After many attempts she finally found the perfect vessels for them that allowed their energy to flow perfectly, two skeletal bodies. But afterwards she had to fuse to the tree to heal. Leaving nothing for the twins to remember her by but the notes she left them and the tree she was binded to that they were to protect.
The twins lived peacefully for six years. Running around, playing with each other, catching bugs, and watching the stars, Then sleeping up in the branches of the tree after the sun had long set. It was just them and they were happy with that.
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Until one night, it was different. When they woke up they found people, settlers not far from the tree, just ways down the hill where they were. Dream was excited, rushing to see the settlers; wanting to meet new people. Nightmare was cautious but followed their twin to look after them.
The settlers were overall nice people to the twins when they first met them. Some were skeptical, after all it’s not like the twins were ‘normal’. Nobody knew them. They didn’t understand basic things the villagers were used to. They were considered wild. After all, they didn’t know what “society” was.
But the settlers accepted them nonetheless, though it wasn’t long before they had to be taught how things worked by the standards of the people. Many things were unknowingly forced onto them, It wasn’t long before Dream and Nightmare had referred to each other as brother and sister. It was new, but they had gotten used to it even if they always referred to the other as ‘twin’.
Nightmare didn’t like it though, the title just didn’t fit. She wanted to be the same as her brother, she didn’t understand why the village disapproved of what she wore and how she acted, saying it was not very feminine. Like she cared what those stupid people thought though.
The village still tried to relatively respect them ,as they were related to Nim, the guardian which they had worshiped for a long time. It wasn't uncommon for people who lived around the trees to worship the guardians since they were god-like figures.
They viewed Nim as a symbol of growth, clarity, and spirit. Even having a temple built for her in the center of the village…At least that is how it started out.
It didn’t take long for the village to become more corrupt over time.
The people who ran the temple realized that they could use the twins for their own benefit, mainly Dream. Nobody wished to be unhappy, afterall. All they ever needed was happiness and it wasn’t long until Nightmare had been forgotten, discarded. Not being given the same attention that the temple leaders gave Dream, being looked at with disgust and disappointment.
The leaders would always grab away Dream from his sister and Nightmare would be left alone to suffer at the hands of persecutors who thought she deserved to be punished just for being the Guardian of Negativity.
It started as light insults, yet the words cut like a knife. Then it became actual cutting.. breaking.. Screaming…
One occasion leaving Nightmare’s right femur cracked from being stabbed. But she didn’t dare tell Dream. She didn’t want her brother to worry so she bandaged it up herself even if it left her with a permanent limp and pain, only forcing her to just stay by the tree more. Not explaining it to Dream and always brushing it off.
It wasn't like Dream would say anything to Nightmare either. He wasn't in the best place either . He tried to help Nightmare, going to the villagers to see if they knew anything about his sister getting hurt, but he was always scolded for asking. Dream could never question anything, he just listened to the temple ministers. If he didn’t he would be punished.
He just did what they said, even if it was tiresome to always be praised, looked up to, and running around helping the people, even if some things they did made him uncomfortable too. He didn’t like some of the praises, they felt weird, but he never said anything against it. After all he would always be rewarded for his work, even if the gifts they gave him barely equaled the amount of work he did.
He always listened to what they said, being molded (groomed) into what they wanted him to be like. Soon becoming more and more blind to what they were doing, becoming the perfect little guardian in their image. A being they could have complete control of and exploit.
Both twins were tired… so tired.
Nightmare would barely talk anymore, it worried Dream but he was pushed away again. The darker guardian couldn’t help Dream either, when she tried to convince him they should run away, he refused. Even if he cared for his sister, the lighter guardian was completely blinded by the village now. There was no convincing him to leave.
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Nigwhtmare let herself drown her own negativity. Suffocating in her own body.. The days went by in a blur, always waking up with new injuries she didn’t know came from. And the cycle continued to repeat. It’s not like she even felt the pain anymore. She felt numb.
The only friend she had now was the voice from the black apples.
She didn’t know where it came from but it was comforting in a way, even if it was just a voice, it listened to her. She could pour all her feelings out to the apples, not really caring if it was real or not. It slowly convinced her to do what just felt right and listen to its advice. Promising help to her.
One day she decided enough was enough. She couldn’t stay like this, the voice was right. What was she doing?! She couldn’t let the village hurt her like this, she couldn’t let the village hurt her twin! She needed to get Dream back, they couldn’t take him away like this!
She snapped, finally lashing out, attacking the people who tormented her for so long. Hoping to get away, to injure them enough so she could run. Go to her twin, take the apples and run away with him from everything as fast and as far as they could, even if he would try to fight back.
..Her fighting really didn't do anything, she was outnumbered, and her bones were fragile. She was broken down and badly injured, bleeding out on the ground for just trying to protect herself.
The numbness was broken, she was broken. In pain, left to die like her mother before her. She didn’t want it to end like this, she wanted to see her brother again. Just once to see him again. Feel close to him again for one last time before fading away.
Everything was spiraling and echoing. Her head hurt badly, part of her skull cracked, now with only one eye to see. She forced her legs to carry her, reaching for one of the black apples. She didn’t think, she was just listening to what the voice was telling her to do. What the apples were telling her..
She needed the apples to be stronger.. to survive.
She would die without the apples. So she listened, after all the voice promised her help, it was the only thing that stayed with her. She trusted it. She bit into the first apple.. then the second.. then the third…
She didn’t stop, she couldn’t. No matter the damage, the negativity, the vile taste; she continued to eat and eat.
She was blind in her hunger, she didn't realize how badly the negativity began to grow. . The golden apples started to rot and snap off of their branches, turning into dust. Everything became dark as the moon began sheathing the sun, causing the sky to bleed a red hue.
A crowd gathered around her, horrified by the scene. The temple leaders demanded other people to try to stop her. To get rid of her before it was too late.
Dream watched in terror from the crowd, one of the first arriving in the scene . He yelled out and cried for them to stop. Trying to get to his twin but he was restrained. He clutched the last surviving golden apple in his hands while the villagers tried to drag him away to ‘save’ him.
A horrid scream pierced through the air and everything was frozen. Dream watched through tears of dread as half of his sister’s skull shattered and black twisted tendrils broke through the frail bone.
The last thread finally snapped and Dream broke away from the restraints, running to his sister. He didn’t care about the village anymore, he ran as fast as he could to Nightmare. Pushing those away that tried to stop him.
He held the last golden in his hands for dear life. Surely.. just surely.. There was a chance he could help Nightmare. There had to be a chance. He reached her even if Nightmare yelled at him to run away through her pain and cries.
Dream didn’t listen, pulling his twin close even if it burned. Trying to produce as much positivity as he could to counter the corruption. Using the help of the golden apple’s magic, trying to help Nightmare absorb its energy.
It didn’t go how Dream wanted, he was hoping the positivity would get rid of the corruption but it latched onto it instead.
Blood curdling screams were heard as the two souls fused together. The sound of bones breaking and mending back together filled the air with the disordered cries of the twins. There was nothing the villagers could do but stand there and watch, horrified as they saw the twins melt into this painful mangled mess. None of this would happen if it wasn’t for them.
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Soon the cries went quiet for minutes after.
It was too quiet..
Then the sounds of bones snapping was heard again as the mush of goop and bones that was once the twins took shape into a single disfigured skeleton. Its purple and yellow eyes darted around, looking at its sudden surroundings.
It looked horrified and resentful at the villagers, feeling threatened. All it knew was the villagers were bad.. that they caused them pain. The sudden movement of one of them who tried to run caught its attention and triggered it to attack.
It was a bloodbath, one after another, each villager was ripped apart. There was no fighting back, it only caused the creature’s rage to grow. Blinded by its own fury until every single one was dead. Until every single one who threatened and hurt them was gone.
Once brought back to their senses, they saw the bloodshed that they had done. Not realizing it was their own doing, scared. Retreating back to the one place they remembered was safe, the tree.
Yet the tree was gone.. nothing but a torn stump. How did it get like this, what happened? The creature cried, collapsing by the tree. Their pain and shock finally caught up to them and they passed out at the roots of the rotting tree…
Part two
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as things I've heard this week
The saga continues
(This one is late don't mind that)
Physics class: *doing an egg drop*
Romeo: Man this egg better be appreciative I'm putting a lot of work into this
Finch: Preach it
Specs: this hallway smells like bacon bits and man musk
Race: I love this year's seniors but like- Shut the fuck up
Albert: What?
Race: Look at their Instagram posts! "Meet the seniors" "I can't believe I'm graduating" "last year in high school" like shut the fuck up "can't believe I'm old enough for senior class play" shut the fuck up "so many memories coming to a close" shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up!
Albert: I think he wants them to shut the fuck up
Jack: Ahh...maybe? It's hard to tell
Race: *chewing*
Albert: Damn you're smacking on those nuts
Race: I'll smack on your nuts if you want me t-
Race: Do you wanna send my streaks?
Davey: Oh my god don't send them to the guy!
Race: Help! I wont
Crutchie: What guy?
Davey: He sent streaks to some guy yesterday and he sent back that he wanted to choke him with his cock!!
Crutchie: With no warning??
Race: No!!!
Davey, a physics teacher: *First period physics* so if the projector remote isn't working that's your observation. Your hypothesis might be that it needs new batteries but there could be another, more simple answer. Your trial might be to... What? *smacks the remote* just hit it, right? Maybe that'll work
Jack, a music teacher: *Ninth period music theory* *trying to turn on the projector* why is this not working? *smacks the remote*
Elmer, a student: Oh my god didn't your husband talk about that literally today-
Race, another student: HE FUCKING DID OH MY GOD
Finch: Protection
Race: What if I was about to get some and I had to be like "hold on gimme a few minutes"
Spot: A few minutes?? Give a few hours! Those buttons are really in there
Finch: how do you know how hard it is to undo Race's buttons?
Spot: ... It was an assumption-
Sarah, an english teacher: We're going to play a game, I'm going to read the blurb on a couple books and you're going to write an opening line. Then I'm going to put the opening lines up on the board with the actual opening line and you're going to guess which one is real. If you guess the real one, you get a point and if people guess yours you get a point per each guess
Elmer, a student: This is just like Is It Cake
Spot, about Race: He looks like a bug (/affectionate)
Sarah: Jesus Christ I'm going to get dresscoded-
Crutchie: My chocolate chip muffin doesn't have any chocolate chips in it I am going to kill myself-
Denton: and I started to feel sick- mind you this was 2021 so I thought it was COVID. I hadn't been infected with COVID before so I like- I thought my time has come, I have been chosen! It was like the little green guys from toy story
Race: the clawwww
Albert: the coviddd
Davey: that's actually a pretty common symptom or side effect for other stuff it's just inflammation of the lungs even though it sounds bad like- What is this, 1855?? I have never heard of pleurisy before
Denton: I was patient zero in my house for Hand Foot and Mouth disease? The toddler disease! I started it! I gave it to my children under five! The only person who didn't get it in my house was my husband and he was like "pfshh yeah of course I didn't get hand foot and- what am I? Three?" That hurt
Katherine: Bee Tee Doubleyoos (btw) as the kids are saying
Davey: Calculus, that's a disease in of it self
Jack: it's not that bad, I'm fine
Davey: Jack, you-
Jack: A little touch of salmonella, that's all
Davey: Jack-
Davey, teaching epidemiology (study of disease): and your immune system sees the E. coli bacteria and is like "you are supposed to be in the colen, why are you in my mouth? :("
Denton: I don't want you to leave this class with a new psychological disorder or anything but-
Albert, after talking about diharreal diseases: I'm all about food (/gen)
Davey: Stick my arm out the window and *slaps his arm* hit me up (about vaccines, not drugs)
Davey: I don't know anyone who Gatorades there way through severe dehydration
Race: I bet you I could
Race: all the football players have asses!
Hotshot: you think I have an ass?
Race: I dunno, spin
Hotshot: *turns around*
Race: damnnn okay! Alright you got a little bakery back there!
Hotshot: yeahhh thanks my man *daps him up*
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Missed Opportunities | Helmut Zemo x Reader
Here's a little something I cooked up. Not sure what I want to do with it, but it was bugging me to be written. For better or worse.
This is a little Helmut Zemo/Female Reader moment. It has Sam and Bucky too. It's not fully developed, but hopefully you all can enjoy it for what it is.
You were in Germany when you got the call from Sam. He needed help locating the Flag-Smashers, and was hoping you could offer some assistance.
He just happened to call at the perfect time, because as it turns out, the person you went to visit was no longer around. So, since you had essentially made a trip across the ocean for nothing; you figured, why not? Might as well make something of your travels abroad and not make it a total loss.
Sam gave instructions to meet him at a residence in Riga, Latvia. He mentioned very little other than that. Technically though, that wasn't entirely his fault. You're pretty sure he intended to provide more information, but Bucky was shouting, "Hellos.", "You've been missed!", and her personal favorite, an exasperated, "Please save me from my tormentor."
After Bucky's outburst, Sam had seemed to have forgotten about you on the phone; so you were just listening to constant bickering in the background. All you could do was shake your head and laugh at this point. Truly, Earth's greatest defenders were simply children at times.
It was good to hear their laughs. It had been too long and the world was still recovering.
We all were.
Bucky, Sam, and you all disappeared when Thanos snapped his fingers, wiping out half the universe. When you all returned, there was love and there was loss all around, but it bonded the three of you in a friendship deeper than any of you could imagine.
Okay, perhaps, that's a slight exaggeration. You became extremely good friends with both James and Sam; however, the two of them are a different story altogether. They won't admit to their friendship, but you know they'll both come around one day. They're just being stubborn idiots. God, she missed those two guys. It's been months since she had laid eyes either one of them.
So, here you are, standing right out front the door Sam gave instructions to meet at.
You fiddled with the arm of the backpack strapped across your chest. You didn't think you'd be this nervous, but a combination of excitement and adrenaline had caused you to be a bit jumpy. You tried to shrug it off as you raised your hand to knock on the door.
Not even 10 seconds after you knocked on the door you heard the shuffle of footsteps, accompanied with the ever present response of, "I got it."
Only the footsteps halted abruptly and muffled discussions were faintly heard through the door. You couldn't make out what was being said, only that no further movement had been made to answer the door.
I swear to God, if they are simply having an argument about who gets to open the door, I am going to murder them both on the spot.
You were about to knock on the door again a bit more insistently, but you never got the chance as the door abruptly swung open to reveal Bucky.
As you stared back at one another, you couldn't help but noticed his tense appearance, which is not all that unusual for him, but it was a more strained posture. You assumed it had something to do with whatever was being talked about just moments prior to answering the door.
It couldn't have been too serious because seconds later he dropped all pretense and gave you a heartfelt smile before sweeping you up in his arms for a hug.
He all but dragged you inside, it only caused you to chuckle at his enthusiasm. Yeah, you had missed him a lot.
The hug continued to linger on, and you could hear the door behind you close. You were about to motion to Bucky to release you from his hold when you heard Sam pipe in highly amused, "Buck, give her some room to breath."
You could feel the glare James was giving Sam, but he did let you go eventually.
Upon the release from your hug, the sleeves of your blue hoodie had drifted past your hands; you pushed them up a bit where you could grab James's hand and squeeze it in silent thanks.
After letting go of Bucky, you turned around to face Sam, shaking your head and grinning at him with delight, "Never a dull moment around here is there?"
"Never," Sam replied. "It's my turn, now," holding his arms out, he smiled pulling you into a softer embrace, but no less enthusiastic.
You huffed out a laugh and hugged him back with equal fervor.
A few moments had passed, and you reluctantly untangled yourself from Sam. More pleasantries had been exchanged and small talk had filled up the space as you walked fully into open living space.
You did a turn about the room as you headed towards the kitchen area with the guys trailing behind you. You had grabbed the strap of your backpack and had lifted it over your head.
You were about to place your stuff on the kitchen island when you heard soft footfalls make their way from the outer hallway towards you.
The unexpected noise caused you to hesitate; you turned your head towards Sam and James with a puzzled expression on your face. You had opened your mouth with the intention to ask them who else was in the safe house with you, when you saw him.
The backpack you were holding had fallen out of your hands and onto the floor with a thud, but you couldn't tear your eyes off the man standing across the room from you now. Your face had gone completely slack jaw and eyes had widen in shock leaving you speechless.
You would normally have said something quippy in this moment, but your brain had stopped functioning.
The silence was finally broken from Sam's response to the situation.
"Okay, I know what this looks like. We can explain him," Sam cautiously said. "Actually, Bucky should be the one to share this story, since it was his idea."
You could hear the words Sam was saying, but they never really registered. You assumed he thought you were shocked because the man who stood in front of you once tore your friends a part. Because he was supposed to be in a prison in Germany. Any other number of reasons could potentially be listed. What Sam didn't realize, was that the man standing before you was the last person you saw before you disintegrated before his eyes, and this was the first time since that chaos you had seen him again.
Other than Sam's calm reply, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Perhaps it was because the same look of shock and awe was reflected on Zemo's face.
You tried to form a response, something, anything to say.
Neither Sam or Bucky knew you used to visit Zemo after he was imprisoned. Whenever you travelled to Germany, you would tell them you had a contact that only agreed to provide information face to face. They never put two and two together, but they also trusted you implicitly; so they had no reason to ever question your motives or who exactly you were going to see. You actually saw Zemo a fair amount of time. More often than not, it was always to learn about the inner workings of Hydra. While they may be diminished in capacity; they still had not been completely eradicated. And you were determined to locate and destroy every remaining Hydra base, and dismantle them once and for all. They took your parents from you, and you were going to make sure they couldn't hurt anyone ever again. So, Zemo had been the obvious choice to help gain as much information as possible in your quest.
So, over the course of 2 years, you had made several trips to see him. You could almost say you were on friendly terms, but mostly, you believed his kindness and willingness to provide information was a benefit to him. To interact with someone on the outside to remind him he's not completely alone in the world.
The last time you saw each other was a day like any other you would come to visit. You'd lean outside his glass cell and just talk. The prison only allotted an hour's visit. So you always had to make your time worth while.
This particular day was colder than usual for the time of year. And being left outside the prison hallway where Zemo's cell was located only caused the draft to further lower the temperature with the concrete walls. You had involuntarily shivered as a cold draft had blasted in from one of hallways. Zemo had taken notice and unzipped his hoodie, passing it off to the guard to hand over to you. In that moment, the realization came that things were no longer black and white between the two of you. When you asked him why, he simply shrugged and said it's what any gentleman should do. His expression had softened though and was no longer outwardly indifferent. You had put on the blue garment and zipped it up; tugging at the sleeves as the hoodie was much larger on your frame than his.
There was only about 30 minutes left of your visit when alarm bells started going off. Zemo had pushed himself against the glass to look down the closest hallway to try and see what was going on. You had tried to remain calm, but when the guard standing nearby had disappeared right in front of you both, you knew something was dreadfully wrong.
With visible panic on your face, you had whispered out the word Thanos to Zemo. You'll never forget what happened next or the expression on his face. There was a hitch in your lungs and a strong tugging sensation drifting through your chest. You stumbled into the glass and fell to your knees in front of Zemo. You had slumped onto your side trying to concentrate on what was happening to you. You peered up at Zemo as he had slid himself down the glass to your level gazing at you in concern. You could hear him shouting for help, but there was no one around. You placed your hand on the glass to get his attention, and only then did you realize, you had tears in your eyes.
He brought his hand up on the other side of the glass and placed it against where yours was. Funny how an instance can change everything between two people. You saw his eyes widen and that's when you noticed the right side of your body started to turn to dust. All you had time to say was, "I'm sorry," before you completely disintegrated before him, leaving him, no doubt, alone once again.
You would have laughed at the expression on his face now if you knew it hadn't been the first time he's seen you since....what happened. But there was nothing really funny about the situation.
You weren't quite sure what to do, but your feet made the decision for you as you slowly made your way to stand directly in front of Zemo.
It's the first time you've stood together without any glass between you both. He's a bit taller than you, but not by miles; you're chin roughly comes up to his shoulder.
You see him swallow as if he's also thinking of something to say, but instead you see him raise his hand up and start to reach out to touch you, but stops before actually doing it. Internally, you make your choice for him and reach up with your hand and grab the one he's left hanging in the air. It's just a light touch, almost as if you're both worried the other might not be real.
Zemo glanced down at you holding onto his hand and back at you briefly. He squeezed your hand gently and then you heard him release a harsh breath before gripping your hand tighter and yanking you into his arms.
You barely had time to think about what was happening before you were enveloped into the most emotional hug you've ever felt.
The reaction was unexpected, but then so were the circumstances you were in, so nothing should really surprise you, but you were. Your arms were slightly hovering over his back, not entirely sure at that moment what you wanted to do, as you were still in shock. But, after a brief pause you brought your arms firmly around his body and hugged Zemo back with just as much care and buried your face in the crook of his shoulder. You heard him mumbling words into the side of your head, but couldn't understand what he was really saying.
Time could have been standing still for the infinite period we were latched onto one another. It wasn't until the clearing of Bucky's throat that jarred us out of the moment. The noise wasn't loud, but the room had been so silent until then; it sounded like a freight train.
Realization must have hit us both at the same time that we weren't alone in the room, and we jumped apart as if lightning had struck us both.
At this point, you were looking at anything in room, but Zemo. You started playing with the ends of your sleeves in nervousness when Sam spoke up in a very slow and deliberate manner, "Would you care to explain to us, what is going on?"
"I thought you were going to have Bucky explain to me, why Zemo's not in prison!" you say back, not ready at all to try and explain things. You still needed to wrap your own head around it, before attempting to share your brief history with Zemo.
"Oh, no doll. This can wait," James answered. You could tell he was not happy, but maybe more confused than anything by how he responded.
Both were assessing Zemo to try and figure out if this is some sort of game to him. Bucky had reached out to grab your arm and pulled you gently away from the criminal mastermind and closer to them to instinctually protect you from him.
You outwardly sighed, knowing there was a long conversation about to happen.
Zemo took a step forward and James took a step back bringing you with him. Sam seemed perturbed over the entire situation, but Zemo spoke up first.
"Is that, what I think it is?" he said. Zemo cocked his head to the side and eyed you with amusement.
You silently shook off the hold Bucky has on you and raise an eyebrow at him to not try that again. You swiveled back to Zemo, placing your hands on your hips. Confusion was written clearly on your face as you answered him back, "Could you be a little less vague?" A small smile graced your face in reply.
Zemo pointed at your midsection and a smug expression appeared on his face.
"I must say, you look quite fetching in my clothes."
You were physically startled by his comment. You had forgotten you were wearing his hoodie. It's why you went to Germany. To return it to him, but when you found out he was no longer there, you realized you were going to have to either keep it permanently or track him down. Sam's call came in before you could make that decision. Fate really is something else.
Your hands grabbed the fabric of the hoodie as you closed your eyes and ducked your head. You could feel the embarrassment threatening to turn your whole face red.
You started to shuffled away knowing an immediate outburst was coming from both of her friends. What Zemo just said, implied so many different things. So, of course Sam and Bucky would start shouting without having any context to the situation of how you acquired a piece of his clothing.
If the floor could have opened up at that moment, you would have appreciated it.
Sam and Bucky were both visibly upset and clearly about to start a fight with Zemo, but thankfully Sam, being the more even tempered of the group, stopped Bucky from doing anything. He had shrugged off Sam and stared at you with hurt on his face.
You exhaled shakily as things started to calm down. You dared to catch a glimpse of Zemo, and of course, out of everyone here, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy causing the chaos he wrought with his sly comment.
If looks could kill, he would have been flayed alive.
"Enough," you said to everyone. It was time to clear the air. "Let's all just take a seat."
You had gotten exasperated by the entire situation and turned to Bucky and Sam, "Do you automatically have to jump to conclusions? Do you not think there is a perfectly logical explanation, somewhere?" You had slapped your hands down by your sides and turned to Zemo. He looked as if he were about to say something, but you cut him off pointing a finger at him.
"And you. Big trouble. Don't even get me started."
As you stared at Zemo; he at least had the decency to appear somewhat contrite at your scolding. You could still tell he was mildly amused about the whole situation.
You saw Sam had taken a seat and started to wave you over to where he and Bucky were.
"Start talking," he said.
"I'm not sure where to start," you answered, pacing back and forth.
"How about the beginning?" Bucky parroted out arms crossed in front of him, he was clearly still a bit defensive.
"The beginning. Right. Sure. I can do that," you stopped to think about how to start, but everything just seemed to be as if you were actually hiding something from them, when you weren't. It just never came up, and The Blip was emotional for everyone.
Truth be told, you would like to avoid this conversation at all costs. For many reasons, some you're not ready to deal with.
Zemo had spoke up while you were deciding how to broach the subject at hand.
"If I may," he spoke.
The three of us had answered him simultaneously, "No!"
Yeah, it was going to be a long day.
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exovapor · 3 years
The Adventure - TMNT Bitches:  Chapter 9
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CHAPTER 9:  Enter the She Turtles
·         Kari watches the elevators with anticipation and feels a wave of giddiness at as the doors slide open and two of her TMNT peeps step out into the crowded hotel lobby.  Kassie’s shorter frame leading the way in her TMNT t-shirt, jeans, and ‘Raph’ shoes, cute leather lace-up sandals, that she bought specifically for this occasion.  Holly following, her blonde head bobbing through the crowd, in her own TMNT swag, jean shorts, and green Converse tennis shoes.
·         Kari is practically bouncing when they finally walk up to join her near the receptionist station, she looks like a cat who has eaten the canary, her grin is so wide.
·         “You look mighty happy”, Holly chirps out in her thick country-southern accent.  “Yes, you look as happy if someone showed you turtle cock”, comes Kassie’s southern accented comment, as she and Holly both stare at Kari’s wide grin.
·         “Oh, it wasn’t THAT good, but it was GOOD”, Kari replies back, “you guys will never believe what I just saw!”.  
·         “Well, don’t keep us in suspense, sweetie, tell us”, Holly crosses her arms, tilts her head, and stares expectantly at Kari.
·         “I just saw a guy dressed as the Shredder!”, Kari spills out in a rush, grabbing Kassie’s upper arms and emphasizing her excitement.  “And just think, if that guy is walking around like that, there MIGHT BE TURTLES HERE!”, Kari adds, following her own train of thought and HOPING like mad that some guys decided to cosplay together, some as the Shredder and some as the Ninja Turtles.
·         Kassie’s mouth drops open and an unintentional squeal escapes her.  Her mind buzzing with how amazing cool that would be!  Her first Dragon Con, with her and her TMNT friends doing their own group cosplay of the turtles, and now there is a possibility of men cosplaying as turtles too?!!!  That would be completely EPIC if it were true!
·         “You’re shittin’ us”, Holly voices out, fully hoping that Kari isn’t playing but it seems all too good to be true.
·         “I’m dead serious, here look, I took a picture of him”, Kari holds her phone out for them to see, with the back shot of the Shredder on the escalator.
·         “Oh my gawwwdddd”, Holly drawls out while Kassie rips the phone out of Kari’s phone to get a closer look.  “That costume is AMAZING!  Look at the detail!, “ Kassie breathes out, her eyes glued to the phone’s screen.
·         “I say, as soon as Val gets here, that we go find this guy again…even though he was sort of an asshole”, Kari expresses to her friends while her face turns sour at the memory of the guy’s rude attitude.
·         “Sounds like a plan to me, Val should be here in about an hour or two, she texted that she was about to leave her house and start driving this way”, Kassie says handing Kari her phone back, “in the mean-time, let’s find some food because as soon as Val gets here we’ve got to get dressed in our costumes and start partying…Mikey style”.
·         “MMMMmmmm, Mikey Style…Mikey’s style is up against a wall or holding you upside down and just eating you alive….mmmmm”, Kari’s eyes go all day-dreamy and unfocused.
·         “Not exactly what I meant, Kari”, Kassie giggles back at her tall friend, “But, I appreciate the visual”.
·         A couple of hours later, the trio stood by the receptionist station watching the automated doors of the Mariott slide up and close for the steady stream of party-goers, cosplayers, and hotel guests.
·         Among the flow of people came a short, dark haired female with katanas strapped to her back.  “There she is!”, Kassie exclaimed excitedly and rushed forward to greet her friend and fan, “WIFEY!  Over here!”.
·         Valerie wheeled her suitcase into the hotel’s lobby and immediately hears a familiar voice, one that’s she has heard through voice recordings via the WhatsApp many times, one of her favorite writers of all time, and Tumblr wifey, Kassie!  She sees the joyful five foot three woman bouncing her way, excitedly clapping her hands and throwing her arms open wide for those hug-things that people like to do.  Valerie grins and bears it, Kassie is a touch person, Valerie gives her the hug she’s seeking.
·         Holly and Kari are close behind, joining in the hug pile and causing Valerie to shake them off exclaiming, “okay, okay, enough with the hug fest you hippies.  I just had years scared off my life and here you are trying to suffocate me to death”.
·         “Oh, no, what happened?”, Holly’s concern clear in her blue eyes.  “Yeah, who do we need to kill?”, Kari asked while grinding her knuckles into her palm.
·         “Grrrr…no one important.  Just some stupid guys LARPing in the middle of the road.  I swear, it’s like some people aren’t born with common-damn-sense”, Val growls out, the annoyance that she felt in the parking deck quickly coming back to haunt her.
·         “Forget about them!  You are here with us now and we are going to have a great time!”, Kassie says pulling Valerie into her side by the shoulder, “Come on, let’s get your stuff to the room and get our outfits on, I want to get this party started!  You’re bunking with me, Wifey.  I put the two wild children in a room together with a whole solid wall separating us….you know…so you don’t kill them at some point this weekend.”
·         “HEY!  Our room is going to be the fun party room, isn’t that right, Holly?”, Kari asks while pushing Holly in the shoulder with her fist.  “Damn skippy it is, we’ll be con legends for years to come”.
·         “Oh god”, Valerie groans, “I can see it now…we’ll be kick out of the Mariott on the first night here”.
·         “Stick in the mud”, Holly snips back teasingly.
·         “Now I truly know what poor Leo feels like all the time having to deal with Raph and Mikey”, Valerie shakes her head and allows Kassie to lead her to the elevators so that they can ascend to the room floors and go to get dressed.
·         An hour later, four scantily clad women dressed as ninja turtles exited two rooms on the fifth floor of the Mariott of Atlanta.  Out of the “Party Room”, walked two tall women, one sporting the orange of a Party Dude and one repping purple for a genius, complete with gadgets strapped around her body. Their tall figures adorable, and hot, in their green pleather corsets, green tulle skirts, complete with a green shell backpack decorated with their weaponry.  The other two women exiting, what Holly and Kari had dubbed the “Boring Room”, dressed as Leonardo and Raphael…if Leo and Raph wore corsets and tulle skirts.
·         “Oh my god, I nearly forgot!”, Kari’s eyes bugged out as she grabbed for her phone and starts swiping through it, “Val, you gotta see this.  We’ve gotta find this guy and take a picture with him, he’s dressed as the Shredder!”.
·         Kari hands Valerie the phone and Valerie stares at the image stunned.  She’s been going to DC for over twenty years.  She has seen A LOT of nice costumes, insanely good replicas that looked like they walked right off a movie set, but the suit she is looking at the in the photo is unbelievably good.  It looks so real.  That guy was either a REALLY good costume designer or just a REALLY HUGE nerd. Either way, getting a picture with him would be epic.
·         “Ok, then let’s find him”, the blue clad pseudo-leader says, “and the easiest way to do that is to split up”.
·         “Don’t forget that panel that we want to go to for Rob Paulsen, it starts in about two hours”, Kassie reminds the group, “I’ve got to hear that Donnie voice inperson”. Valerie nods her head in agreement, “If we don’t find this guy within the next hour or so, we’ll meet up around the fountain on the lower level and head over to the panel.  Kassie and I will search the lower level and you two…”, Valerie gives a weary eye to the two wild children,  “one…BEHAVE.  Two…take the main level and search for Shredder.  If either party finds him, phone the other, got it?”.
·         “Behave? What do you think is gonna happen? That you’ll find Holly and me hanging from the  railings in the atrium?”, Kari asks Valerie dubiously.
·         “Please don’t”, is all Valerie replies as she walks off, Kassie following her and giggling.
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @kokokatsworld @the-second-circle-of-shell @nittleboo
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon!  Sorry it took literally a year to answer this!  If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes.  This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post.  Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks.  I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast.  It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though.  Small-ish.  I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!!  When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park.  He.  He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks.  We’re talking blacklist-level banned.  He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again.  However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right?  There’s no way this is the same guy.  Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned?  When asked, he only gave a curious hum.  “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes.  He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day.  He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge.  There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run.  They fail the mission.  Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless.  They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon!  Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group.  Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story?  He does.  He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins.  Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.  He wants out.  Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over.  Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror.  Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly?  Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on.  Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge.  Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides.  Mammon and Simeon do not.  Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke.  They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph.  Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari.  And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up.  The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009).  Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry.  Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together.  Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun.  Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though.  Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary.  Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you.  They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good.  Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though.  Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line.  Barbatos abandons him.  He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable.  Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos.  Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation.  He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show.  He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise.  The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others.  I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show?  Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day.  Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too.  They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks.  Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants.  China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada?  Huh.  Canada.  There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there.  He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC.  That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while.  They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears.  Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them.  Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring.  He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick.  He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC.  No demons allowed, thank you very much.  He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for.  The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time.  This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit.  Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one.  MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves.  And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder.  So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but.  RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know.  It really does make them think, like.  Grandma found the VR games at Christmas!  The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so.  RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy.  If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast.  Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy.  What is Lucifer busy with?  Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.  Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph.  He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince.  Other groups see that family and follow suit.  Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee.  The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks.  (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail.  You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it.  Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot.  But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times.  Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Okay but hear me out
Dad villain Izuku.
( I mean dadzuku for the won but still!)
Like, him having his precious little boy/girl?
Fierce protective dad?
Huh...kinda sounds like the start of a Mob AU.
Idk i just like dad izuku so I thought you might too!
You have just opened a can of worms you cannot close!!! Haha but really, here's some pregnancy/baby headcanons because a lot of people tend to enjoy that. Not really my cup of tea, but I'll make an exception here. To your credit, you've got me really thinking on this. 😳
“Not really my cup of tea”, I say, as I make the world’s longest headcanons about Vil!Deku being a dad.
TW: Pregnancy, children, cursing. :)
Dad Villain!Deku HC's
-Look, Vil!Deku is already possessive as fuck. The second he finds out you're pregnant? He will literally be attached to you at the hip. Can't go anywhere without this man. Can you say coddling?
-He's so thrilled and nervous at the same time. Not about being a bad parent or anything, more about you or your child getting injured, threatened, or put in danger.
-It started with some symptoms that looked like the run of the mill flu. You probably got pretty bad morning sickness, and he fussed over you the whole time; held your hair back for you, rubbed your back, made you tea, the whole nine yards.
-Both of you just thought it was a stomach bug. But you just kept getting sick, and Deku actually took some time off work to stay with you and make sure you were okay (what a gentleman).
-After a week of being sick, this man is so concerned about you and your health that he calls a doctor to your place to take a look at you. God help that poor doctor because if he even looks at you the wrong way, Deku will obliterate him.
-Doctor asks if you could be pregnant, and both of you just kind of go quiet.
-Deku had thought of that possibility but refused to acknowledge it because something that good? Happening to an outcast like him? A criminal? To someone who was never worthy enough to be a hero? No. Way.
-But it did! You can probably see Deku's eyes visibly sparkle when the doc asks that question. The doctor leaves with the theory that you're pregnant and tells you to take a test.
-Congratulations! You're both going to be parents!
-Everything is so different after that. Deku has always been soft on you because you're his Sweet, but he's extra soft and caring now. Also extremely protective and possessive?
-"It's just the grocery store. I can do it myself, it's alright!" You're out of groceries? He's going with you. You can't argue it. "I'll go with you." "What if someone recognizes you?" "They won't say a word about it. I’ll make sure of it." You know what that means...
-Pregnancy cravings are wild, but he's miraculously got it covered. Never forgets a single craving you've had. Always has your favorite foods on hand, including the odd ones. Pickles? There's three whole jars in the fridge. Certain flavor of chips? Always a bag in the pantry. And if there's ever an instance where you crave something he doesn't have on hand, he makes his lackeys go get it while he stays at home with you. But if he absolutely had to, he would get it himself.
-Nobody is allowed to touch you, especially not now that you're carrying his child. If anyone so much as breathes too close to you, they're toast.
-Keeps tabs on you 24/7. Has to know where you're at and that you're okay or he's worrying 25/8.
-Somehow he's even more crazy about you? Just the fact that you're pregnant with his child is enough to stir him up any day, any time. You've definitely caught him staring at your stomach obsessively several times.
-Takes THEE best care of you. You are your child's lifeline and the love of his life, so you have to stay healthy and happy. Once again...can you say coddling? Makes sure you've eaten throughout the day, brings you water, makes you rest, runs you hot baths, generally just keeps an eye on you to make sure you're okay. Oh, and if you're working? Say goodbye to that job for now. No way you're doing anything strenuous while he can help it.
-If you for some reason insist on keeping the 9-5 job and you manage to convince him otherwise, he visits you on your lunch break whenever he can and hacks into the security cameras way too often for his own good. Literally will be in the middle of a meeting watching live feed from your store. 
-Whenever the kid is due, he’s gonna have a bit of a rough time during the whole process. It’s hard for him, because he doesn’t trust the doctors and nurses at the hospital to give you top notch care when he’s not there, and he can’t really take you there anyways because of his villain status (do you think maybe villains have hospitals and resources for each other?? That would be kind of cool...). He ends up pulling some strings with a fellow vigilante/former villain connection who works in the hospital, and they work out some sort of undercover deal probably?
-Don’t question, just accept. He’s got it all covered. He gets to stay with you through everything and he’s got the best doctors and nurses on your case, top notch, extremely professional and comforting for you. They don’t bat an eye at a villain and his s/o and child, they just do their job and keep quiet about it (how does some extra cash sound?).
-Super tense right up until it’s all done. If looks could kill, everyone in that room besides you and the baby would be dead. But he softens right up once he gets to hold the baby. Despite you being extremely tired, you’re glad you stayed awake to see this, because there’s a certain look on his face. For a second, it almost seems like he’s back to how he was before...almost as if he was never a villain in the first place. The hope in his eyes is reminiscent of something old and nostalgic; it reminds you of when he aspired to be a hero. But still it’s not quite right.
-He is immediately mesmerized by your child. “They look like you...” He’s never held something so vulnerable before and felt so...warm, other than the times he’s held you.
-He would kill for both you and your child. If anyone ever threatened you or put the both of you in a dangerous situation, he would drop everything without a second thought to come running to save you. Pray for anyone who comes between the two of you; Deku will make sure they meet a fate worse than death.
-You both take turns taking care of the baby when they wake you up at night, but Deku will be willing to get up before you do nine out of ten times. He loves his child, he really does. It gives him something to take care of and nurture and it makes him feel hopeful again. That kid is his pride and joy.
-There was one time (but only one, because you absolutely ripped into him for it) where you heard the baby cry, and Deku offered to get up and take care of it, so you rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. But he never came back to bed, and the baby had been silent for a long time, so you got up to check on them to make sure they were alright, and what did you find? Deku, wide awake at his work desk with his laptop open, baby sitting comfortably on his lap with a bottle, and some surveillance footage and grotesque crime scene pictures pulled up. You were livid.
-”You better not be doing what I think you’re doing. You’re going to traumatize our child.” He looks like a deer caught in headlights when you interrupt his work. The baby just coos and gurgles, and you are absolutely mortified. He looks like he’s about to say something, and you cut him off before he can answer. “Whatever you’re going to say better be a damn good apology, Deku.” Oh, he’s in trouble all right. He just slowly shuts his laptop and brings the baby over to you. Kisses can fix everything, right? ;) He better hope so.
-Even though he’s a villain, the baby always goes quiet when he holds them. It’s like magic, almost. Sometimes you can’t get them to stop crying, and Deku will just come up and look at him with those soft eyes he reserves for only the two of you, and the baby just starts cooing and reaching out for him. Gee, favorites much?
-Never was there ever a moment more peaceful and serene than the time you came home to Deku asleep on the couch with his arms cradled around your child, face soft from sleep and the baby breathing lightly. You feel so lucky to have this in your life. It’s not easy being villains, but this was something you never expected to have, and it’s changed both of you for the better. 
-If Deku still has a relationship with his mom, you can bet he gets her to babysit when you decide to go back to work (if you do at all, because he really wants you to stay at home with him and the baby).
-If your mother wasn’t the best or isn’t around, congrats, Mama Midoriya is now your mother, and there is nothing you can do about it. And honestly? Deku loves seeing the way you bond with her. He’s made himself a tiny family that loves him for who he is. There’s no greater feeling in the world than that.
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
Fuck Misogyny
request: Bucky uses his newly gained knowledge of feminism to squash misogynistic interview questions. @ptrs-prkrs
warnings: language, creepy men, feminist!bucky
a/n: hey babes!! i hope this lived up to what you wanted! i couldn’t find the exact video you were referencing but i know what you’re talking about, so i drew inspiration from a few others.
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
xoxo ray
full m.list
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The set up was simple. A long row of fold out tables covered in black fabric, microphones in front of each seat. Black papers were taped to the backs of the microphones with each team member's name. Bucky had told Evie that he wasn’t going to be able to work out with her today because of this so it better be worth it. The PR manager for the team, Amanda, had set everything up. Hired the mediator, notified the press, everything. Ever since they announced that they were going to be hosting an Avenger’s Q&A Panel, the internet quite literally broke.
Of course Bucky had been doing lives on TikTok with the group of five for the past couple of weeks now, so he was becoming quite comfortable in this format. He’s become increasingly active on his social media accounts, gaining more and more followers everyday. Granted, there were still haters, as Freddie called them, but Bucky ignored them for the most part.
Bucky was actually excited for this press meeting. He was finally gaining traction in the media and he knew how to correctly answer their questions. As Amanda had explained, there was going to be several questions from the mediator, tons from the press that they had invited, and then some fan questions as well. They apparently were going to be live streaming the conference on YouTube allowing them to read the comments and questions as it went on.
“Okay, everyone. You have two minutes until we start.” The team was in an empty board room in the Hilton hotel. Tony didn’t want everyone on the compound’s grass because he just had it fixed. Bucky scanned his fellow teammates. It was impossible for everyone to dress for the same event. Steve was wearing a shirt that was almost bursting at the seams with a pair of jeans and sneakers.
Tony was wearing a lovely Tom Ford, three piece, two-button, of course. Natasha and Wanda were wearing ripped jeans and casual tops. Vision was wearing a sweater vest and slacks, Bruce was clad in slacks as well a jacket covering his shoulders. Sam was wearing a button-up shirt and pressed jeans and he couldn’t find Clint anywhere, probably hiding in the rafters again.
Bucky had his iconic leather jacket donning his shoulders, a pair of slightly ripped jeans. His outfit was picked out by Cassie and Penny. “You need to look like you care but like you don’t at the same time.” Is what they said, the phrase made Bucky shake his head. His hair had finally started growing back and he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it.
He had gotten help from Evie before he left Cassie’s apartment. She had pulled back the top half, braiding back two sections into the bun at the back of his head. There were pieces dangling in front of his eyes, “to accentuate the facial features, trust me they’ll love it.” Was Evie’s explanation as they pushed him out of the apartment, so he wouldn’t be late.
“Alright guys! They’re calling your names!” The team filed out of the board room and into a large ballroom. Bottles of water were placed beside each placemat. Tony went out first, followed by Steve, then Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Sam and ending with Bucky. They all settled into their seats, Bucky peeled his jacket off himself, placing it on the back of his chair. His black short sleeved shirt highlighted the gold inlays of his vibranium arm.
“Oh, I see we’re showing some muscle today huh, Buck?” Sam teased as Bucky took his seat next to him. Bucky groaned in realization, covering his microphone so it didn’t pick up what he planned to say.
“Good God, is this what it’s going to be like the entire panel? You just bugging the shit outta me?” They shared a laugh making the rest of the members look at the pair. The audience clapped as they were introduced and continued clapping as they assembled before them.
“Thank you. We would like to welcome everyone to the first, of hopefully many, Avenger’s Q&A Panel.” The female mediator, Stacey, read the assigned lines off the sheet on her podium. “We are going to start with questions we curated for the team and then open it up to the members of the press. After that we will turn to our live stream and answer some viewer questions.” The press rustled in their seats, pulling out pens and journals as well as their phones to record. “Okay, starting off with a question directed at the Avengers in general. How are you feeling about coming before the media in this type of format?” Glances were exchanged between the members, not sure on who was going to start.
“I feel that this is a great way for the general public to learn a little bit more about each individual team member.” Vision was the first to respond and Steve added on.
“Yeah, I definitely think that there’s a common misconception that we don’t want to engage with the media or the general public. We do, unfortunately due to the amount of research and training that we are doing behind the scenes, it just goes to the back of our minds.”
“Right. So Tony and Bruce, we all know that you two are geniuses. What are your feelings on expanding the teachings of STEM courses to not only high school, but as far back as elementary school or even kindergarten?” The pair thought about the question before answering.
“Well, I definitely think that offering STEM-based classes at a younger age would be beneficial, especially if we were to allow the kids to continue to switch what they want to focus on.” Bruce started. “It’s incredibly anxiety-inducing for teenagers to have to decide what they’re going to do with their life right before they are thrust into an unforgiving world.”
“Yeah, I’ll never understand why we do that to our future leaders, it’s honestly baffling. Why do American schools wait until high school to require our children to learn foriegn languages, they aren’t going to retain that information. The same applies for such comprehensive courses like STEM-based ones. If you wait until their brains are already developed so far, then they’ve already decided what they think is interesting and if they don’t find those courses interesting then they aren’t going to pay attention.” Tony finished Bruce's thought before nodding to each other smugly, obviously proud of themselves for answering the question so well.
“Interesting that you see it that way. This last one goes out to everyone and then we’ll open it up to the reporters. How do you deal with the stress and anxiety that comes with being an Avenger? Do you feel a certain amount of pressure to always do the right thing?” Stacey shuffled her papers, tapping them twice on the podium.
“We all have our own routines and ways that we decompress after missions so that really just depends on the person. Like I think that Bruce listens to opera music, and Wanda mediatates, Tony tinkers. It depends on the person.” Natasha answered concisely, making Bucky nod his head. He could recall all of those things to be true.
“Oh definitely, and it doesn’t hurt that we have a former VA Trauma Counselor on board to help us work through the harder stuff.” Steve added a gesture of his head to Sam.
“Speaking of that Sam, just a quick question before we open it up. How difficult was it for you to transition from regular Air Force missions to Avenger level missions?” Sam made a face at Stacey before answering.
“Um, I mean, it’s not that different. You’re always fighting one of the Big Three-- aliens, androids, or wizards, no matter what department you’re working with. The only transition I had to deal with was the Tony Stark-erized suits. Now that I think of it, Tony, can we make it tighter?” Sam quipped making the room laugh with ease.
“Alright, well now we’re going to open it up to the reporters. Starting with this gentleman in the front and then if we could also give a microphone to someone on that side of the room. Okay, thank you.” The first reporter stood up, holding the microphone in one hand and his phone in the other.
“Hello. John from Huffington Post. The Avengers inspire almost everyone around the world, so we would like to know who inspires you? Who do you look up to in terms of your idols?” He sat back down as the team contemplated their answers.
“Gandhi.” Bruce said, Tony snapped his fingers and pointed at him then added. “Pepper, she’s so amazing.” Steve looked down to Bucky, who shrugged.
“I would probably have to say that my sister, Sarah, inspires me. She raised her two sons, Cas and AJ, by herself after the Blip and was able to keep the family business going.” Sam’s answer made Bucky smile. Sam had brought him to their house in Delacroix, he remembered waking up to Cas and AJ playing in the kitchen, happy giggles filtering through reminding him of his time in Wakanda. By the time that Bucky had refocused on the conversation they had moved on without his answer. Several different questions went by, all directed to the team at large, until Chad.
“Hi, I’m Chad for the Daily Mail. My question is for Wanda and Natasha.” The pair of women perked up, excited to have a specific question. “Do you find that your equipment hinders you in doing your job as well as your male counterparts?” Stunned expressions settled over the womens faces, then annoyance. Bucky’s brows shot up to his hairline, appalled that someone had the balls to ask that. Wanda and Natasha handled the question with grace and much more restraint than Bucky would have.
“Well for me, I am able to move things with my mind so I can throw things randomly at people even if I’m not in the room. I’ve been very fortunate to work with Natasha who has Widow training, so my hand to hand combat is improving immensely. And being able to work with Princess Shuri in Wakanda to learn how to fully control my powers. It’s an ever evolving process that I’m always excited to take on.” Bucky nodded and turned his attention to Natasha.
“My favorite thing is training with either Steve or Bucky because they push me to do my best. We all have our specialties here and it’s nice to learn new skills or improve old ones with people who support you.” Natasha sat back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest, throwing daggers with her eyes at Chad in the audience, waiting for him to say something else. Chad stood again, yelling so he could be heard over the crowd’s commotion.
“That’s great, ladies, but forgive me, you didn’t answer the question I asked.” Bucky pushed forward in his seat, leaning into his microphone.
“I’m sorry, I think I misunderstood what you asked them then. I would like for you to clarify what you mean by equipment.” Chad balked, not expecting a male’s voice to respond.
“You know what’s implied by equipment, sir.” Bucky’s jaw clenched at the man.
“Did you just ask two of the most capable women that I’ve ever known, if their equipment, which I’m assuming you’re referring their breasts, made it to where they couldn’t do their job as good as the rest of their male counterparts. Just to be clear, that’s what you’re asking?” Chad stuttered as he answered yes.
“Right, well first off that’s disgusting. Just a bit of background for you, Wanda is the strongest Avenger here, plain and simple. As for Natasha, she’s the smartest woman I’ve ever met and she can take down every single male here.” Bucky took a breath before continuing. “So, what I think you really want to know is how they encourage their teammates to keep up with them.” He dropped his head to look at the two women down the line.
“Don’t worry Chad, I’ll ask them the right question, since you can’t quite seem to understand how to respect women.” The team was holding back snickers at Chad’s reaction. “Wanda, Natasha. Chad wants to know how the hell you push your male teammates to be just as good as you are. What are your strategies to keep us on our toes while training?” Claps sounded from the women press members and Bucky awaited the pair's response. The next press member stood and asked a question.
“Hi, I’m Chloe from Vanity Fair. This question goes to everyone on the panel.” Bucky settled in for another question that didn’t matter. “How do you continue to be aware of things happening in our society today? Do you keep up-to-date through new channels, or social media?” The answers were rather generic from the team, all of them rather uncomfortable from the tension that Bucky and Chad had created. Stacey interrupted after Chloe’s question.
“Okay, we’re going to open it up to viewer questions from our live stream.” An iPad was placed on the podium in front of Stacey and her eyebrows rose. “Okay, there’s quite a variety here. Here’s one for Steve and Bucky.” Bucky perked up, nervous to answer because his adrenaline had worn off.
“One viewer asks, ‘Steve and Bucky, being from the 40’s, women were treated like second thoughts and were talked about like objects. Now, you’re in the 21st century, not much has changed. What have you been doing to support feminist causes?’”
“I just want to say that everyone should be answering this. It’s true that during the 40’s women were not treated the right way, and they still aren’t today. An 18 year old can’t walk down the street at nine o’clock at night without being catcalled. I am a proud feminist, as everyone should be. I think that as a team we are doing pretty well in that department. As far as what I’m doing to support feminist causes, I’m doing as much as I can. I actually recently enrolled in online classes to expand my knowledge on many subjects, seeing as how I am from the 40’s and all.” The crowd laughed along with Bucky.
“Almost all of my classes have to do with either psychology or gender studies, it’s a fascinatingly haunting subject. One book that I’m reading right now was suggested to me by my friend Cassie, it’s called Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women that a Movement Forgot. The author doesn’t let up and I’m only halfway through it. Look, I’m still educating myself, but I’m a strong believer in doing what is right for everyone, so I’m trying. Thankfully I have a few people keeping me in check as far as my actions.” Bucky thought his response was well thought out for being an on the fly question. He was new to the concept of feminism but that didn’t change the fact that it made total sense.
“I’m with Bucky on this. The 40’s were a rough time. I remember the first time I met Peggy Carter, I was astonished that a woman could be in such a powerful position. One of the first things she did after I met her was punch out someone who made a sexual comment to her. I’ve been supporting feminist causes ever since working with Peggy.” Steve added, a sad smile spreading on his face reminiscing Peggy.
“This one says, ‘As a total fan of all of you, I love seeing what you post on your social media accounts. When are the rest of the Avengers going to follow Bucky’s lead and download TikTok?’” Bucky’s head flew back into a full body laugh. Tony shifted forward in his seat, pointing his finger at the laughing man down the table.
“I would just like to say he didn’t get that approved before doing it. However, it did go over really well, so we’ll consider it.” Wanda’s mouth rolled inwards, stifling her laughter.
“We’ll consider it, you’re such an old man. Most of us have TikTok already, we just don’t make content on it like Barnes over here.” Sam said, tossing his head in Bucky’s direction.
“I’ve got like three videos on there!” Bucky and Sam began bantering back and forth.
“Yeah and one of them is dancing to a Cardi B song! Who even showed you that? I thought you only like 40’s music?” Bucky made a face at the man.
“Uh, just because I didn’t like your suggestions for music doesn’t mean I don’t have taste. My Spotify playlist is filling out quite nicely, Wilson.” Bucky and Sam didn’t quit fighting from then on, just little jabs at each other under the table.
“Here’s a good one,” Stacey had a smile on her face, “Are you allies of the LGBTQ+ community?” Bucky responded quickly with no hesitation.
“Yes, many of my friends are members of the Alphabet Mafia. Why wouldn’t we be?” Wanda nodded at his question, laughing at his use of the phrase Alphabet Mafia.
“Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I’m dating a fucking android, I’d be pretty hypocrictal if I wasn’t an ally. Nat, Clint what about you?” Clint bobbed his head in response.
“Oh yeah. We all are, even the Star Spangled Man with a Plan.” Steve’s shoulders shook with laughter at Clint’s nickname for him. The team broke out into laughter, joining Steve. Stacey cleared her throat, commanding the attention of the room again.
“Alright, everybody! That’s it for today.” She glanced down at her papers. “We would like to thank everyone for coming out today and joining the Avengers Q&A Panel. At this time we are unaware, if we will be conducting another one of these, but the odds look good based on the response.” The team filed out of the ballroom and into the empty boardroom. Bucky was the last to get into the room and he was approached by Natasha and Wanda immediately. Wanda wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug.
“That was so sick, Bucky!” She stepped back and Natasha offered him a side hug as well. “Where’d you learn all that? And since when are you taking online classes?”
“That guy was being an asshole, he needed to be put in his place. I hope you guys didn’t feel like I overstepped or anything.” Bucky hung his arm over Wanda’s shoulder, leaning his weight on her. “And I started about two months ago. They’re going really well, I’m learning a lot and enjoying it surprisingly. It’s a good thing to do in my free time since I’m not always on missions.”
“I’m proud of you James, that was impressive.” Natasha complimented him, she wasn’t usually a woman of many words so that was a lot. Bucky smiled at her, nodding his head. His phone began buzzing in his back pocket, so he excused himself from their conversation. His screen displayed one of Evie’s senior pictures, signalling that she was calling him. He pushed the green button and brought the phone to his ear to answer her call.
“Hello?” She ignored his greeting with a squeal.
“Check your Twitter! Bucky, you’re trending! Here I’m putting you on speaker, we’re all here Buck!” Shuffling noises were heard through the speaker as Evie began reading the tweets to Bucky. Laughs from Cassie, Freddie and Penny could be heard behind Evie’s voice.
“Oh my gosh Eve! Just let the man get back to what he was doing!” Freddie yelled at an excited Evie, who retaliated with a scoff.
“Okay, okay! Just remember we have a movie night tomorrow! It’s Penny’s turn to pick so we don’t know what to expect.” Evie mumbled the last part into her phone speaker. Bucky heard the impact of a pillow hit Evie, causing her to grunt in pain. “Okay! We’ll talk to you later, Buck! See you soon!” She hung up the phone before he could get a word in edgewise. Bucky shook his head as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Amanda approached Bucky asking to speak with him privately.
“So we’re getting a flood of interview requests from networks and papers. We would like to start running with this. We’ll have to go over everything with our PR guy, Ryan, but it should work out. As long as you’re comfortable with all of this.” Bucky smiled and nodded, following after Amanda as she continued explaining what would happen going forward.
He was nervous, of course, but he could tell these nerves were coming from a place of excitement instead of fear, which was a new sensation for the man. It wasn’t unwelcome, it was the same as when he first started hanging out with Cassie, Penny, Freddie and Evie. It was the same when he went on his first mission with the team. Bucky was ready to tackle this next adventure, whatever it would entail.
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 4 years
Goodbye - Epilogue (Captain Syverson)
MASTERLIST         P1          P2          P3          P4          P5   
A/N: I happy cried writing this. I apologize for it’s delay but sincerely hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy! 
If I keep tagging you and you’re not interested or want to be tagged; please let know!
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF, language, a hint of smut, more fluffy domestic goodness, reference to PTSD
An arid summer’s eve laid upon them yet a welcoming, cool brisk dispersed through the night’s mellow sky. It was one of those magical July nights, a night that didn’t cause you to swelter miserably. At least not as fast as usual. Y/N gazed up at the array of luminescent stars glistening down on her sighing contently. She eyed the big dipper with ease thinking back to every astrological book she’d homed over the three decades.
Her hand grazed her bulging belly soaking in the last days before her son’s arrival. She leaned her head against the cool cushion contemplating the peaceful the evening. Soon her thoughts drifted to her husband, Sy putting their two miracles, Luna and Oliver to bed. Her eldest, Oliver was the definition of a blessing in disguise. Now her baby was five and the celebration of Luna’s third birthday long past. Where did the time go…every mother greatest fear.
Briefly, Y/N closed her eyes listening to the music laced in the wind. Soon they would be outnumbered, something both of them were slowly coming to terms with. Sy cherished the swell of her belly and the fullness of her breasts secretly wishing for as many kids as humanly possible. 
Y/N, on the other hand figured three was plenty but Sy was a tricky one, a handsomely tricky man who worshipped the ground she walked on. A different man from their initially rocky start. Granted, looking back on the beginning of their relationship left a small twinge in her chest, he’d tried his damndest to make it up to her every day since leaving that hospital.
Sy had gone through hell and back clawing his way from death’s vicious grip. Rehabilitation had kicked his ass but he persevered gradually gaining strength after every tedious therapy session. Needless to say, the last couple years weren’t always roses and butterflies. Oh no, there were times when Sy admitted defeat, yelled in unbridled anger, and genuinely resented the cards he’d been dealt.
But it brought them here together, in this moment, forever thankful of their ever-growing family. And for that she would be infinitely indebted for the rest of her days. Thankfully after two intensive years of non-stop motivation and assistance, the only sign of his accident was a minor limp Y/N found absolutely loveable.
Cicadas pierced the silence as lightning bugs alit to life. Sy’s heavy steps protruded along the wood stripped floors making his way towards his magnificent wife. The swivel of the sliding door popped Y/N’s serene daze. A thunderous voice echoed; “Baby?”
Y/N hummed sensing him approach from behind. His meaty hands met the crook of her neck massaging her swollen shoulders. An uncontrollable exhale escaped her.
“Hey good lookin’.”
His lips brushed against her moisturized skin grazing her collarbone before roaming towards the corner of her lip. Taking his own cue, Sy continued his trail of hot kisses down her chest wavering towards her plump breasts. She moaned in pure bliss.
“If you keep that up, you’re going to send me into labor.”
Sy stopped, a chuckle reverberating from his chest; “Ain’t that a good thing?” His Texas twang was the equivalence of freshly churned butter, a noise so familiar her heart still soared to cloud nine.
Choosing to ignore his sass, Y/N found herself staring upwards at the stars and many constellations. Sy’s large frame settled into the chair beckoning her towards the setta lounge chair. Y/N nodded unwilling to deny her handsome husband a minute longer sliding into his lap. His heat immediately emitted to her core warming every bit of exposed skin.
“I see you made it out in one piece?”
Sy’s massive arms engulfed Y/N’s changing body perching his chin atop her shoulder.
“Hardly! If I have to read Uni the Unicorn one more damn time I might have to be committed.”
Y/N jokingly slapped his shoulder; “Oh c’mon. You love seeing Luna’s beaming smile or else you wouldn’t give in to her every night.”
“Sure, she’s cute now but wait til she’s datin.”
“Nope, nope. She’s still gonna be my sweetie.”
Sy considered his wife’s words coming to a conclusion that she was shamelessly right. His girls had him tightly wound around their fingers. He wasn’t your average fool, no he was now a family man fool. If someone told him this is where his life path would’ve led him, he’d have blatantly laughed in their face but now he saw no other future than the one right in front of him. The numerous doctors and therapists saved his life but Y/N truly revived him from the perverse melancholy of PTSD.
The woman who hung the moon, balanced his universe, the woman who miraculously gave life to two healthy children, and the woman he once stupidly shoved aside. That was in the past and for the first time in his life, Sy looked forward to the future, their future.
Together they sat tangled as one listening to nature’s melody. After leaving the city, they’d purchased ten acres ready to rear their children outside of hectic city living.
“Baby, have I told you I love you today? Because if not shame on me.”
“Only bout a million times but who’s counting.”
His arms draped around her waist tenderly rubbing her jutting stomach.
“God, you are so fucking sexy like this.”
“Like what? Bloated and gassy?”
Her sarcasm was undeniable.
“No, horny and swollen with my child.”
“Man, you really know how to get my hormones raging….”
“Seriously babe, I love seeing pregnant. It’s incredibly hot. Bigger boobs, higher sex drive, these curves, I mean who would complain?”
“Ha ha. Well, that makes one of us because I feel like a whale.”
Syverson didn’t miss a beat; “But a very sexy whale.”
“Kids go down easy?”
“If by easy you mean fifteen minutes of reading with light back rubbing, and a fight over that squirrel night light, then yes, they went down easy.”
“Thank you for the peace and quiet. Sincerely.”
“Anything for you, baby.”
“Any more thought on what to name bubba here?”
Y/N caressed her belly protectively searching for catchy names.
“What about… Henry?”
Sure enough, Y/N nodded liking the ring of it; “Henry Syverson. Sounds pretty awesome if I do say so myself.”
He held her jaw lightly guiding her to face him admiring the sparkle in her eyes.
“Well cowgirl, I can’t wait to meet him.”
“I can’t believe we’re about to be outnumbered.”
Her pulse accelerated at the terrifying notion alone but Sy remained calm, cool, and collected.
“Y/N, we’ve got this. You and me, together. We’ve mastered two already, what’s one more?”
Her newfound nerves evaporated. Y/N squirmed trying to stretch her sleepy bones. A sensational moan flowed from his lips. So, Y/N repeated her previous movement wiggling her hips for full effect.
“Darlin, that feels fucking fantastic.”
“Mmm, yeah?
Taking charge Y/N kissed him sliding her tongue along his lower lip. With every passing second the intensity skyrocketed; Y/N passionately kissed him. Syverson devoured her like a man starved deepening the connection. Breathy pants circulated around the air. Before Sy could enunciate another vowel, his zipper was down and Y/N palming his hardening dick. He was damn glad he married a minx. His head back launched against the cushion at the sensation coursing through his veins. Y/N made quick work unbuttoning his pant clasp tugging the offensive material below his knees.
Sy’s fingers danced over her hips clutching at the sheer nightie. Silently taking his cue, Y/N raised to her knees giving him full access. Sy didn’t hesitate ripping the material watching her round breasts shimmer underneath the moonlight.
“God baby. You are gorgeous.”
“And to think you almost passed all this up.”
His laugh was hesitant thinking back on his former idiotic actions. Y/N allowed him a couple seconds of consolation before snapping him out of his self-hatred inner monologue. Her hand gripped his chin forcing his gaze; “Don’t do that, honey. Our past is what saved us. You are the only man for me.”  
He plunged two fingers into her soaked pussy jolting her system. Her hips moved as Y/N fucked herself atop him. Sy watched on in awe basking in marvel.
“Fuck, sweetheart. I gotta be inside you. Now.” Choking out the final word Sy knew he wouldn’t last long at this rate. He teased her clit rubbing his bulging tip teasingly along her most sensitive part. Y/N slid down his thick cock relishing in his fullness.
Every push and pull succumbed to a harder thrust. Sy held on for dear life losing himself in her sweet essence. Fireworks sparked beneath her lids as Sy pulsated within her velvety walls. Underneath the stars, two lovers made love uninterrupted for as long as the darkness lingered. Two mind- blowing orgasms later, two lovers remained intertwined and imperfectly in love.
“Mommy! Dada!”
Little feet pattered down the hallway nearing with every step. Y/N’s lids were sleep heavy enveloped by muscular arms.
“The rascals are awake and on the prowl.”
“Too awake. It’s Sunday! The day definition of rest.”
“Not when you have kids, hon.”
“Quick! Kiss me before the barge in.”
Sy leaned closer admiring his wife’s morning beauty sealing the deal. Milliseconds later their bedroom door burst open as two little people climbed the chest located at the foot of the bed. Grinning smiles in tow, Oliver and Luna snuggled towards their drowsy parents. Oliver landing atop Sy’s bare chest and Luna snuggled Y/N’s welcoming bosom.
“Mama! You pretty.”
Y/N grinned at her beautiful baby girl wondering just where the little baby she gave birth to went. Her heart ached wanting to memorize every last detail.
Sy’s booming bravado could awaken an entire hotel spinning her kids into endless giggles.  
“Good morning my cubs!”
“Daddy, we’re not cubs!”
“To me you are.”
Y/N shot him a glare; Sy joined in breaking into a fit of laughter; “Who’s hungry?!”
“Me, me, daddy!”
Jumping up and down, they were ready to greet the day bushy-eyed and energetic. Momma was in serious need of a strong cup of peppermint tea.
“But first lemme kiss baby Hen.”
Too distracted by husband caressing her loving belly, Y/N sighed at the newly created nickname.
“Hen, huh?”
His magnetic eyes travelled to hers; “You like?”
“So much. But let’s address the real elephant in the room… What’s for breakfast?”
Oliver continued jumping as Luna squirmed in Sy’s strong arms.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Y/N feigned coyly suppressing her glee; “Hmm, I’m thinkin…...WAFFLES!!”
“My favvvvorite!!”  
Shuffles of tiny feet waddled echoing down the hallway. Sy placed a loving kiss on her forehead; “Take your time sweetheart. I’ll watch the monsters.”
“You’re a godsend.”
“Only for my girl.”
Heavy footsteps followed suit. As much as Y/N treasured the last few months of pregnancy. With that being said she was more than ready to greet her bundle of joy. Out of nowhere a pain shot through her spine down to her pelvis knocking the wind from Y/N.
“Ouch...” She rubbed her stomach; “Hungry little man?”
Again, another kick radiated her body. Y/N ventured forward heading towards the loud noise coming from the kitchen.
Splash. Glancing down, Y/N noticed a puddle between her legs staring wide-eyed; “Shit, shit, shit!”
A dull ache riveted feeling overwhelming pressure on her uterus. Warm liquid dripped down her inner thighs. This could only mean one thing; show time.
No response.
“Syverson! Get your cute butt up here! NOW.”
Sy magically appeared out of breath, concern written all over his face; “What? What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
With her contraction temporarily paused her brain was able to formulate words; “I uh, believe my water just broke.”
“Holy shit.”
“Language, damnit!”
Sy threw her a stern spirited look; “Hi, Pot. I’m Kettle.”
“Hush it and make yourself useful. Suitcase is in the hall closet by the front door. I’m gonna grab my slippers. Meet you in a jiffy.”
An arm reached for Y/N; “Ah, ah. Not so fast. I moved them two days ago. I had this weird feeling buggin me and well, ya.”
Taking a deep hearty breath, Y/N collected her impulsive thoughts; “Okay, let’s’ get the littles buckled and do this, baby.”
“One sec.”
Locked in his hug, Sy wanted to remember every detail of Y/N, just like this, in the home they built and the family they were blessed with. Words were no longer necessary. But just as quickly, another wave of contractions hit Y/N sending her hurling over.
“Okay, moment over. Let’s get the show on the road.”
And just like that the once too painful burdens Syverson lugged with him the past years vanished never questioning his luck and life again eternally grateful to the woman who simply said I do.
Tags:  @thedeadhearted @giveusbackourbucky @henry-cavill-obsessed  @onlyhenrys @omgkatinka @thereisa8ella @threeminutesoflife @homewreckingwreck @gemini0410 @maan14@bluegalaxyprime @sofiebstar @whyyykitkat @encounterthepast  @readermia @ly-canthropewrites @scorpionchild81 @henrythickcavill @snowbellexx @stephartrave @agniavateira  @cap-barnes @henryfanfics101  @mary-ann84 @westcoast-nightowl @poledancingdinos  @justaboringadult @peakygroupie  @nalathefirefly @vikingsbifrost @bloodyinspiredfuck @moderapoppins @cooldiva1234 @icedcoffeeismythang @titty-teetee @summersong69 @kaatelyyynn @missursulacalmet @michelehansel @iloveyouyen @shyshu @star017 @raynosaurus-rex @radkesgirl83 @starrynite7114  @wheretheriversrunintothesea @i-love-scott-mccall  @darkbooksarwin @ellieseymour70 @designerwriterchic @studywithrosie01 @dangerouslovefanfic @lebguardians @crazybutconfidentaf @hen-cavill  @cavill-sass @oh-for-fic-sake @icedbottles @buckysgoldenheart @brexrif @gryffindorwriter @laketaj24 @foxyjwls007 @lawsofthejungle @henrycavillfanpage @kaboogie21 @fangirl199812 @gothicninibalor @qualitynightkoala @strictlybuckybarnes @toomanyfandomsshreya @hersilencescreams-blog @viking-raider @sesamepancakes  @madbaddic7ed @fuckoffbard @funfickgirl22 @inlovewithhisblueeyes @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @hoeforhenry @henrycavills-babe @abschaffer2 @loving-this @one-of-those-fanfiction-blogs @lovelycavills @beck07990 @bokillylovesloki @michelehansel @lharrietg
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17wishbones · 3 years
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Here is the FINAL part (3) of Chapter VII: War’s End! So glad that you made it all to the end. A rather bittersweet sort of sensation but, it was fun writing this to the very end. I so wanted a happy ending, but I still sort of followed Rengoku’s path and cried my eyes out again but it was worth it. Again, this one I know I could write better so I’m going to work on it. Thank you all for reading through this and sticking with me. This was just so fun to do!
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                                      Chapter VII: War’s End
“Everyone ready to go?” Tanjiro asked his ‘lively’ crew.
Zenitsu was sitting with Nezuko who was comfortably set in her box. “Yep, yep! Me and Nezuko-chan are as ready as we’ll ever be.”
“Finally! I can get out and stretch my legs!” Inosuke shouted with glee as he grabbed his two blades.
“Hope you have room for one more.”
“Oh, sure, we do-- _____, is that. . . is that really you?”
“In the flesh.” You stepped through the doorway in just the uniform. Over the weeks, you garnered a leveled bob cut of your locs, an eyepatch over your left eye, and scars littering your arms and around your face. “I’ve missed you all so much.”
“COOOOOOK!!!” Inosuke bum-rushed you into a hug, sniffling loudly beneath his boar’s head. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?”
Zenitsu joined him, well, more like pushed him out of the way as he hugged you next. “____, WE WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER!!”
“I’m so sorry for up and leaving just like that. There was a lot to process after the Mugen Train incident, and I didn’t want to muddle your healthy minds with my emotions. I wanted to be mentally strong for you guys.” 
‘Her scent is still sad. Of course, she has a reason to be. She lost Rengoku-san, and has had to cope with that loss on her own. I know how tough that can be, but I have Nezuko with me still. She doesn’t have any kin or home to return to. Demon slaying is all she has. . . and us.’ Tanjiro’s eyes lit up. “That’s right! You have us.”
“Hmm? What was that, Tanjiro?” You asked.
“We’re a family, isn’t that right, _____?”
His words surprised you, and it made your heart jump with joy. You looked at all four of them as a part of your family. There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them. “You’re absolutely right. That’s why I want to come with you. Besides, as a Hashira, it is but my civic duty to protect Kyōjurō’s juniors.” Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you spoke fondly of him. “He was so ecstatic to have more apprentices under his belt. Therefore, I must follow in his footsteps and watch over you.”
“YEEEESS!! Having Cook with us will make traveling even better.”
Zenitsu frowned at him. ‘As if traveling with you has been anything pleasant.’
“Now, before we go. I want to see Senjuro. Did you relay the message to him already, Tanjiro?”
“Mhm. As soon as we got back, and when I was able to move. Do you want us to come with you? We’re heading through that direction anyway.”
“Perfect! Let’s be off then.”
You all travelled down to the Rengoku Estate, seeing Senjuro sweeping out of his home. He was caught off guard when you embraced him.
For a moment, there was silence as he held you back tightly, his eyes swelling with tears. Seeing him reminded you of all the times you spent together. The three of you were a team when you and Rengoku were training for the Final Selection. Senjuro, sweet and kind, had a quiet fire burning in him. He was going to be something amazing, just like his brother.
“Senjuro, how have you been? Are you alright?” You inspected him from his ember-tipped hair down to his sandals.
“I’m better now, after seeing you. You left in such a hurry, I was worried that you weren’t going to come back.”
“You’re stronger than I, Senjuro, and I wanted to be that for you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, _____. Are you leaving with Tanjiro and the others now?”
“Yes. I want to follow in your brother’s footsteps and protect those that I love and those that can’t protect themselves.” You knelt down, looking into his big, soft eyes. “I really wanted us to be together.” You said this, not knowing when death would knock at your doorstep. “I love you, Senjuro. I know you’ll be a great man in the future.”
“Mmm, I think I will be, too.” He hugged you one more time. “I love you, too, _____!”
You returned the favor before you both let go. You reached for your belt, pulling out a small box of goodies. “For you. Hope you like them. Take care, Senjuro.”
Your days, though filled with amazing memories, came to a close as you fell protecting the children. More than anything, you wanted them to succeed. Sacrificing yourself was the only way to win. It was a swift pain, a slow burn, and then darkness bled into your vision as your soul lifted towards the light and your warm, wavering aura vanished from your body.
You were sorry that you couldn’t stay as you walked halfway across the red bridge, spotting flame-tipped hair just over yonder. He peered over his shoulder, a proud smile spread on his handsome features as he held his hand out to you.
Over the red bridge did you both cross, fading into the distance.                                                          
                                       ( B O N U S - E N D I N G)
Summer had come and college was out! Most couldn’t wait to spend it goofing off on a beach, traveling across the States, or going right back into school a couple weeks later for summer courses. Many people had many things to look forward to, but you? You had woken up at the ass crack of dawn, taking in the morning air as you raced down the steps with your suitcase fully packed.
“Mom! Dad! Come on! We have to get the airport now! I can’t be late.” Your parents were so slow sometimes and that made you anxious. You could leave them here and catch a ride there or make it on your own but they were not having any of that.
“We’re coming, _____, we’re coming!” Your dad said with a mouthful of foaming toothpaste.
“You usually don’t wake up this early with this much energy.” Your mom added. 
“It’s not everyday you get to study abroad in the land of the Rising Sun! I have a day’s worth of traveling to do so I can always sleep later.” Yeah, you didn’t get any kind of sleep last night as you’d be spending most of it in the air.
You hurried them up and sped to the busy airport to meet with the group of classmates you were leaving with. You said your goodbyes to your parents, boarded the plane, and wished for a safe trip. 
As soon as service was offered, you grabbed a couple drinks, ate whatever they served in the trays, and knocked out until landing - save for the few bathroom trips -. 
Your horizon suddenly expanded the moment you walked out of Japan’s airport, looking around you in amazement. You had to keep murmuring to yourself, “Do not weeb out. I repeat, do not weeb out.” You loved anime, you loved Japanese culture, and you loved their idea of cuisine. Japan felt like the place for you.
“Okay everyone, please come together,” spoke your sweet, endearing Japanese princess of a teacher, Mayamoto-sensei. “We’ll be heading two hours out by bus to Kimetsu Daigaku (Kimetsu University). Rest up and be ready for a little surprise set up by a few students who were interested in meeting you guys soon after arrival.”
You internally squealed with glee. You weren’t dressed up for the occasion but who was going to tell you that you couldn’t wear a pair of sweats on the ride there. With your short locs retwisted and your good outfits packed, you were set to go!
So set that you were the first off the bus and getting your things out. “This is going to be a great experience, I know it!” 
“Nn! I agree!” 
“Oh my god!” You jumped, scared by the booming voice beside you. “Oh… oh my god.” You had laid eyes on one of the most unique men you had ever had the pleasure of gazing upon. He was different, what with his flame highlighted tips, dazzling eyes, and charming smile. 
“Yes. . .?” He slowly stood, his eyes never leaving yours once locked. This man, a vocal and expressive man, was left speechless. He ogled you for much longer than he’s ever done, going over your brown skin, your brown eyes, your short locs, everything! He immediately bowed before you, introducing himself. “Konnichiwa! Rengoku Kyōjurō to moushimasu! Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu!” (Formal: (Hello!) I’m called Rengoku Kyōjurō! Nice to meet you!)
Your eyes bugged out of your face. ‘Shit! Wasn’t he speaking English a minute ago? Okay, okay, what did he say?’ You looked back to see your sensei and the students watching the two of you interact. This was not how you kept yourself out of weeb trouble. Hell, you were still trying to figure out what his fine ass said so fast.
“Onamae wa, nan desu ka?” (Polite: What’s your name?)
You sighed, being able to understand that. “Watashi no namae wa… _____ _____ desu. Doozo yoroshiku.” (Casual: My name is _____. Nice to meet you.)
‘_____?’ He eyed you for a second longer before he placed his hands on his hips, smiling wide from ear to ear. “Very good, _____! I’m Rengoku Kyōjurō, and I am with a few classmates to meet you all. Welcome to Kimetsu University!”
“Woooow, his English is so good.” You thought. Aloud.
“Thank you! I have been learning since elementary! Your pronunciation is good, but your flow is slow. However, I am sure you will improve after being here for a month!” 
‘Oh, thanks for putting me out there!’ You smiled nervously. This handsome, wild man was nothing like you had expected. “That’s what I’m hoping for as I’d like to work, live, and travel here in the future.”
“Is that so?” He faced you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Be my student!” Your mouth, along with the others, dropped at his proposal. You looked to your sensei for help, and she encouraged it with an approving nod and smile. “Great, then it’s settled! You’ll be fluent in Japanese in no time!” He looked off to the distance, laughing loud as you smiled in confusion.
(Modern AU Sequel coming SOON!) - - - - - - - - - Chapters: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII (Part 1) / (Part 2) / (Part 3)
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Pass Out (Request)
Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Tom Holland x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: can I request a Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader where she gets sick during the press tour and ends up passing out in front of fans? love your writing btw!!
Warnings: none, really? sick reader, slight insecurity, language
(A/N): yeah im in berlin (we’re being very safe and wearing masks all the time :D) and thats why i havent updated much. im trying to update a bit, im writing this at 7:43 to make it before breakfast hsghssgs anyway hope y’all enjoy
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“Y/n, you don’t look too good? Caught a stomach bug?” 
You sighed at Jake’s question. You did quite literally feel like shit that morning, all three of you padding out of the hotel to enter the car. It was going to be another day of press, and while those days could be a bunch of fun, this time the thought just worsened your pounding headache, nausea, weakness, and general shit-feeling.
“I don’t know what it is, I just feel real bad,” you grumbled irritably. Tom and Jake exchanged glances over your head. 
“Think you should stay home today? Me and Jake can take a yelling from Marvel, it’s totally fine. They hate me anyway.” 
“Yeah, I was gonna say, there’s really no way Tom can worsen his image to Marvel. He can take the blame. I mean, he’s already hit rock bottom.” 
You snorted at their banter, and without looking, knew Tom had that undoubtedly offended face. Though, you still shook your head sadly. 
“It’s not that bad. It’ll be fine.” 
There wasn’t much arguing then. The boys never knew you to be a liar about such things, and trusted your judgement completely. And, to be fair, you didn’t lie about how you were feeling. You just thought it was less bad than it was, which is why, when you entered the car, sitting between the two man-children, you got very nervous when it suddenly worsened drastically. 
You were sickly-looking, and both your head and stomach hurt. Your legs felt like jello (which is a very weird sensation, by the way, causing you to wriggle your legs to give them life again), and an overwhelming feeling of nausea hit you. Overall though, you felt weak.
Jake and Tom were still watching you worriedly. Your worsened state was easily spotted by them. 
“We’re here,” the driver announced. Out the window, you could see the sandy building that you were filming press in that day, and a pretty sizeable group of fans (mostly beautiful young gals) who were looking to meet their idols. 
“This is a bigger group than usual,” Tom mumbled, and the comment made you involuntarily groan. You loved fans, but today everything sucked. 
Soon enough, you three exited the black car, and The Jello Effect was in full effect, as you wobbled to the front door. 
“Oh my God, hi! We’re super big fans!” A nice-looking lady smiled brightly when she spotted you all. Her voice was pleasant, you thought. 
“Oh wow, I can’t believe we’re actually meeting them. I didn’t think they’d show up here today. Guess you were right,” came the mumblings from between them.
“We can sign a few things, if you want? We still have a bit of time before our schedule,” Tom offered kindly, because he was such a celebrity that really loved the fans, possibly more than both you and Jake (not that you two didn’t, Tom just had so much love to give out). 
All the fans (girls and boys and nonbinary alike) gathered to have their shirts, comics, papers, and anything else that they wanted signed. 
You felt horrific, but didn’t object, signing and smiling the best you could, but overall staying quiet. You even joined in on the pictures. 
“C-Can I, um, also have a-a picture?” a shy boy asked stepping forward. Both Tom and Jake smiled and said “yeah” and “of course”, but in that moment the world suddenly got very blurry for you.
Everything was very overwhelming, the noise, the questions, the requests, and the responsibilities, and all of a sudden your legs were gone, and the ground was very close to you. And then it was black. 
Jake and Tom were standing in front of the boy, when a thump came from behind them (your jello body falling down, in case you were wondering). They looked, and surely enough, there you were, on the ground. 
They both immediately jumped down to you, crouching beside your collapsed body. 
“Holy shit, are they okay?” one of the fans asked, as a worried murmur spread throughout the crowd of people. 
“Uh, I don’t really know-” Jake said nervously. “Damn it, Y/n,” he cursed you, because, of course, you would underestimate the seriousness of your sickness. 
Thinking quick, Tom grabbed the rather shy boys phone, angled it so the boy was behind him, and then tapped Jake’s shoulder. They both, comically, duck faced simultaneously, and Tom snapped a picture. 
“Here,” he gave the kid back his phone, whilst Jake grabbed and lifted you. 
“We gotta get them to a hospital. I don’t want to risk anything,” Jake whispered, not wanting to further upset the fans that stood beside them, with wide eyes and filming phones. Tom nodded. 
“Alright, it’s been good, but, uh.. Well, we’ve got things to fix here,” Tom waved goodbye, and then followed Jake, who was sprinting to the parking lot with you in his arms. 
“W-What?” you mumbled and blinked awake. You felt drowsy and sick and simply quite terrible, and it was hard to understand, but you realized you were in someones arms. 
“Holy shit, Y/n, you scared the crap out of me!” Jake exclaimed breathlessly, as you awoke from your nonconsensual nap. You looked around in confusion, at Jake’s face (you had a great view of his nose and chin), the parking lot, and then a moment where you wondered what the hell was happening. 
“Did I- What happened?” your mumble was weak.
“You passed out! We’re bringing you to a hospital!” Tom came from behind Jake. This made you stir. 
“Uh, no. No, you’re not!” you (with much grunting and effort - and probably Jake simply letting you go out of respect) jumped out of Jake’s grasp and onto the parking lot. You stumbled, overestimating the solidness of your legs, and almost falling down again, but this time Tom was prepared. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to stand up. From his eyes came a warning look.
“Y/n. You’re sick. We’re going to a hospital. Just to make sure.” 
You knew he was right, but still you couldn’t help but feel like a bother. The boys both saw your stubbornness fade slightly. 
“Alright, I’ll go to the hospital. But you guys go and do press. I can’t have you getting in trouble with Marvel..” you mumbled somewhat angrily. 
Jake and Tom looked at each other for a moment, and then shook their heads. They begun moving at the same time, each taking one of your arms and just starting to walk. You looked back and forth between them accusingly. 
“I called an Uber. It’ll be here five.”
“Sounds good, sounds good.” 
“Excuse me? I said, I’ll go alone!” 
Tom stopped, turning to you. Surprisingly, he smiled playfully.
“Look, N/n. We’re going wether you like it or not, because me and Jake, we care about you too. So stop being so selfish, and let’s go get you checked out, because we can’t have you feeling sick and passing out on us. Alright?” 
His voice was surprisingly light and his smile was upheld, but you could tell he was still a bit concerned. The feeling of someone caring about you. It warmed your heart a bit. 
Jake ruffled your hair from behind, and you all started walking again. You smiled stupidly, and, though still present, your nausea was much smaller now. Jake eyed you from the side, watching your smile. He shook his head.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant 
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danny-chase · 4 years
The Batfam as Tech Majors
AU where Alfred got tired of watching Bruce slap duct tape on the Batmobile and call it good, so he forced the children into college. He makes each of them complete an internship with Lucius in R and D so they have better knowledge of how the devices that their lives depend on work. Majors/minors/tropes under cut.
Mechanical Engineering Major
He was in undeclared engineering for as long as possible
He settled on mechanical because it seemed the most broad
Plus he joined a car club, loved it, and there were a ton of MechE’s there
He ends up taking credit overloads most semesters because he always finds 1-3 random classes that he wants to take
Despite taking everything from advanced computer science classes (he somehow convinces even the most intense professors to let him into their classes) to hyper specific phycology classes, he doesn’t have any minors to show for it
He just gets bored with the subject after a couple classes
This gives him a bunch of random knowledge
When he talks to his younger siblings about classes, somehow he’s always managed to take at least one that they’re in, and offers advice.
He has the best RA stories. He most certainly did not need to be an RA. But the school was hurting for them and he thought it would be fun.
His residents loved him, but that didn’t stop them from playing beer pong in the common spaces at 3am.
He founds a circus arts club after his residents pull up information about his past and get overly excited about it
Specifically, he finds out they know about his past, because one of them decided it was a good idea to try and juggle knives, and because he’d prefer there not to be any additional bloodstains on the carpet he decides to start the club
He nearly graduated late because he forgot he needed to take specific classes for his major
Computer Science/Math duel Major
She’s a TA for Comp Sci 1, all the students fight to get her help because she’s amazing at spotting bugs and is super patient
Somehow she’s the president of 3 clubs and is on student senate
She’s the curve breaker
She gets homework assignments meant to take a week done the day they’re assigned
She and Dick went to a single party together, stayed for five minutes, decided it was too loud, and went to get ice cream
Along with her club, she’s in professional organizations, and is part of a women in STEM mentoring program
She started a petition to get more wheel chair ramps installed. Half the buildings are protected under some “historical grounds” bs that’s an excuse for not being accommodating
The petition didn’t go anywhere at first, but it was widely shared on social media and made the school look horrible, so they implemented some of her proposals
Philosophy/Cognitive Science duel Major
He gets asked “There’s a philosophy major?” every time he has to do one of those stupid what’s your name and major icebreakers
Jason lives in the library
He’s fallen asleep in there at 3am after it gets locked up
He quotes philosophers at his siblings when they’re being annoying, and it effectively shuts them up, because he only quotes the most nonsensical arguments
He gets involved with the college’s community outreach program
He volunteers for a local robotics team
When people find out his majors, they’re genuinely confused, because he understands robotics really well
He lies his ass off about being really interested in it as a child
Dick convinced him to be an RA for a semester, and he almost had a heart attack
Someone choked in front of him on the first day
Despite seeming like a tough RA, he genuinely cared about his residents and had to quit because he was so stressed out that one of them would do something stupid and die
Innovation/Design Major
She’s really observant, so she’s great at spotting flaws in infrastructure and coming up with ways to fix them
Spending time with Barbara made her realize the lack of systems designed with wheelchair users in mind
Her experience being illiterate and not knowing English has imprinted on her the need for signage that can be understood by anyone
She focuses on taking project based classes, where she can draw out her designs and build them, rather than figuring out the math behind them
She has patents for the inventions she created at WE
She was exempted from the “Alfred’s mandatory college degree program” but decided to go as a part time student for herself
It took her twice as long to graduate, and a lot of tutoring from her siblings, but she made it!
The family threw her an extra special party when she graduated - everyone else had minor celebratory dinners, but they went all out for Cass
There was not a dry eye at her graduation ceremony
Cass works part time with WE on and off as a designer after her first internship
She comes up with ideas during patrols, draws them and sends them to Lucius
Computer Science Major with a minor in game design
He makes it to approximately 20% of his lectures
He nearly didn’t graduate on time because he put off his humanity courses for so long
He missed the actual ceremony, even though the family showed up
He starts all his assignments the day before they’re due
If at all possible he avoids groupwork and offers to do assignments by himself because he gives his teammates heart attacks when he starts his part the project at 3pm the day before it’s due
This leads to extremely frequent all-nighters
He always finds himself rewriting everyone else’s code to make it work more efficiently
This can, of course, cause some people to feel a little upset
Other students specifically seek him out as a teammate so they can half ass their parts
He participates in game jams when he has time, and got super into the hacking club
Against all odds, he joined a fraternity
Dick literally fell off a building when he found out
He makes up stories about partying for the heck of it, when in reality he and the guys just play Smash Bros together until 3am
He hasn’t seen anyone drink more than two beers, and he hasn’t tried alcohol there either
He joined on accident, he had just pulled an all-nighter and stumbled into a recruiting fair, he heard someone shouting about Mario Kart Double Dash, and bada bing bada boom, he agreed to rush because it involved being stuck in a room playing video games all weekend
Civil Engineering Major with minors in Sustainability and STSS (Science, Technology, and Social Science) 
She gets constantly shit on for being a civie
Every time she introduces herself someone mumbles “fake mechie” in the background
She and Jason complain about the disrespect together
She was genuinely shocked when Bruce offered to pay for her college tuition
She’d been planning on going and cutting costs any way possible
But Bruce took her aside when she was applying and offered to pay it all
She refused at first, but then money just appeared in her bank account, and what was she supposed to do, give it back?
She also participates in professional groups and is a member of SWE (Society of Women Engineers), and she mentors younger students
She ends up as class president by running a very successful social media meme campaign
She got and email saying she’d won and panicked because she had no idea what she was doing and was just having fun making memes
She ended up staying class president the entire time, and ended up getting really into it, and ended up with a pretty solid approval rating
She joined a sorority and had a blast
They worked with the local animal shelter, and she started bringing Damian along as well
Her sisters think he’s adorable and he secretly enjoys the attention
She gets her revenge on all the civil engineering haters by landing her dream job redesigning the poorer areas of Gotham to include more green spaces, increase affordable housing, and upgrading access to utilities
Biochemisty Major with a minor in Neuroscience 
Harper, Tim, Steph, and him are all in the same year
Tim convinces him to join the fraternity with him
He joins a variety of professional groups as well
He mentors other BIPOC, and joins NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and runs helps run professional development programs
But he’s also in like million other clubs that he does not put on his resume
He’s runs the college’s meme page club, is part of the Pokémon Go club, is on the competitive Overwatch team, consistently attends the anime club’s Dragon Ball Z watch parties, joins the Dance Dance Revolution club, and the list goes on and on
When Tim is awake, and Harper isn’t busy, they go with him, but both of them have too much inconsistencies in their schedule to join
He ends up meeting like half the campus
He unintentionally has become a god of networking
Unlike his siblings, he goes all the way for a doctorate
He researches Joker venom, determined to figure out a cure for his parents (in my HC, he eventually does)
He wins like every award imaginable for his groundbreaking research into venoms as he comes up with vaccines that save countless lives
He still works on the meme page, even after he graduates
She somehow defies all odds and triple majors in Physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering
She takes credit overload every semester, and gets credit for her internships at WE
She and Steph were roommates freshman year, and Steph swears that Harper never sleeps
She is the most wanted partner for every engineering project
She thrives in college, and lives off of coffee
She’s in the front row in every lecture
She doesn’t leave the lecture halls, she’s gotten locked in more than once after falling asleep
She had a heart attack the first time she saw students using the machine shop
Half the students weren’t wearing safety glasses, she counted three people wearing slides, the machines were rusted over, the soldering irons were all broken, and she nearly watched someone break their wrist using a power drill
She refuses to work there
Her secret to success is prioritizing - she absorbs the material like a sponge so if homework is only worth 5%, it isn’t getting done, and she’ll just cram before the exam
She almost joined Tim and Duke’s frat (it’s co-ed), but she didn’t have the time
They let her in without rushing senior year because Tim ended up as the boss, and he said so
I don’t know a ton about Cullen, but I feel like he would be a comp sci major
He comes in when Harper, Tim, Duke, and Steph are upperclassmen, and he joins all of Duke’s clubs
They have a million inside jokes
To the other siblings, it seems like the two have their own language
He also joins a club that mentors LGTBQ+ students at the local high school, and encourages them to pursue STEM careers if they’re interested
Jason recruits him as a mentor for the robotics team (he’s the lead mentor at this point) after some of the kids in his mentoring program mention him at a meeting and Jason is like O.O
He avoids parties at all costs, and ends up joining the frat as well
It’s all Duke’s fault he’s in a frat
He does however, meet some lovely boys in the frat
Aerospace Engineering/Environmental Engineering dual Major with minors in sustainability and biology
He nearly riots when he’s presented with the college’s idea of a vegetarian/vegan meal
He manages to get out of the meal plan after that, and begins rallying students to push for better options that contain actual protein
He joins a community service club that works with the local animal shelter, and secretly joins the circus arts club (that’s thriving even without Dick there)
He learns how to sew blankets out of old clothes for the animals
He and Barbara are the only siblings to graduate with a 4.0, simply because they were the only one that took the time to actually do all the homework, and remembered to turn things in on time
He refuses to live in the dorms, and instead lives in one of their apartments nearby (once again somehow managing to complain to the college enough to get his housing waived)
He literally walked in once when visiting Duke, and immediately walked out, and resolved never to step near one again
He makes a total of three friends while at the school, both are in the animal shelter club
They exchange vegetarian/vegan recipes, and get together to cook
He decides to move off campus with them his junior year when they needed another roommate, and he won’t admit it to his siblings, but he had a ton of fun
He and his friend group may have joined an animal rights hacktivist group and may have helped orchestrate some major hacks
Poisson Ivy finds out and feeds him targets and information when they’re supposed to be fighting (she just walks back to Arkham if the others aren’t watching, and slips him a list at the end)
Bonus Bruce:
He cries at every graduation
He’s asked to make a speech at every graduation
He never does - it’s about his kids, not him
He single handedly is keeping the school from bankruptcy - not that any of his kids (other than probably Barbara) know
He sobbed for days after Cass graduated
He genuinely didn’t expect Dick or Tim to graduate
After Dick graduated, he wouldn’t let Bruce touch any of the equipment, and the rest of his kids followed suit
He isn’t actually bad at engineering, his education was just super informal, and hey duct tape works 95% of the time in his experience
The real reason Alfred was annoyed was because he refused to take the time to properly fix something if someone was in danger, and then he’d forget that he’d just used duct tape to patch something
But now since no one lets him touch anything, he’s genuinely lost a lot of the knowledge
But in a pinch, he can fix stuff
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brothermouse · 4 years
I'm just thinking about the first Christmas.
Mary feels a new blister forming and curses under her breath, so quiet Joseph can't hear. She fought too hard to come along on this trip to let him see an ounce of regret. She didn't have to come. Any sane person would tell her to just stay home, especially with how far along the pregnancy was. But she would walk hot, dusty roads and be covered head to toe with blisters for the rest of her life it it meant she didn't have to put up with the other women in the village.
They always seemed ready with some sharp catty comment, some new way to say the obvious without saying the obvious. She had been pregnant longer than she had been married, and everyone knew it. They would excitedly mention how big she was getting, almost as if they knew that she felt like an overstuffed cow. They would causally ask when she was expecting and then ask to be reminded when her wedding was, smugly implying that they had already done the math. It might have been better if they just came out and called her a slut. At least then she could yell at them. Then she could fight back. Then she could run crying into the strong, protective arms of her husband and he'd hold her and tell her that both she and he know the truth, and that's all that matters.
But even Joseph was different. Before all of this, he had been kind, loving, maybe a little clueless and awkward, but she found that part of him cute. But now? Now he seemed cold and distant. He didn't touch her anymore. No hugs and kisses like other newlyweds. He barely held her hand as her ever bulging self waddled about the house. He seemed almost afraid of her, like she was made of fragile glass or was some wild animal, ready to bite his hand off if he got too close. To be fair, some days she did feel like a strange beast, but her wild wrath was always meant for the town gossips. Towards Joseph she only felt sadness and grief for the kind man who seemed to vanish overnight.
Joseph, for his part, wasn't afraid of Mary. He was afraid of that thing growing inside of her. That Messiah. 'What even is a Messiah?' he would ask himself, 'What would it even look like?' Question after question after question filled his head and choked his tongue. Would the Messiah pop out, fully formed and armed for battle, before riding to Rome to behead Caesar, slaughtering heathens and gentiles along the way? Would it be like a rabbi, and call him and his wife to repentance for some yet unknown slight against God? Why does a Messiah need a father?  Does a Messiah need a father? Doubts filled him and crippled him.
He would steal glances at Mary. She was sweaty and dirty and a little angry-looking. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He wanted to grab her, lift the small delightfully plumped woman over his head and tell her all the ways she made him feel. But what if that broke the rules? What if his own uncleanliness some how befouled her? She was a holy vessel, like the Ark of the Covenant, and he was just...Joseph, the guy who cut wood.
Even without the angels and prophesies, Joseph would have felt unsure. Technically he was a grown man. He had lived the appropriate number of years, gone through the right ceremonies, done everything that everyone says make you a man. But still, whenever he saw those broad-chested, thick bearded men who seemed to have all the answers he saw he gap between himself and them. Real men had the answers. Real men knew what to do when their children were born. Real men could manage to say more than three words to their own wives.
Late in the day they arrive in town. Joseph curses himself. He should have known the trip would take longer with Mary. He should have planned ahead. Mary quietly curses again. Seems the baby didn't like all that walking and is kicking her kidneys in rebellion. She looks at Joseph, hoping he can see her pain, hoping he'll at least acknowledge it.
“I'll find an inn. ” He mumbles to her, knowing that a real man would have scooped her up in thick, strong arms and said “Not to worry, my radiant jewel! I'll have a roof over your head before the stars can grow jealous of your beauty!”
The sun dips below the hills and still no inn. Joseph wants to tell his wife that he's sorry. That she deserves better. That she deserves a real man by her side. One who would wrap her up in the finest silks and build a grand palace around her, wherever she wishes. But the most he can manage is rushing to the next inn, and hoping there's room for two.
Mary is growing concerned. What started as the baby rebellion has turned into all out war. Why didn't she just stay home? Why did she want so badly to spend time with a husband who seemed more concerned with chatting with unhelpful innkeepers than his own suffering wife? If she wanted to have a baby and be ignored by Joseph, she could have done that at home! At least at home she had her cousin Elizabeth to talk to. The contractions were getting closer now. Elizabeth had warned her about this. It was only a matter of time before the baby arrived.
As soon as Joseph wandered in arm's reach Mary snatched his robe.
“It's coming.” she says through gritted teeth.
“What is?”
“The baby!” Mary grunts.
Joseph turns pale. A thousand new questions and doubts fill his mind. “Where-”
“Anywhere!” Mary hisses through the pain. “An ally, a hut, a stable! Anywhere that isn't here!”
They enter a stable, a stubborn cow is woken up and moved to make room. Joseph feels remarkably out of his depth. He always though that when this day came, Elizabeth would be there to handle things and he would help by looking after little baby John. Only a few months old, John was a funny kid with an unparalleled knack for getting bugs in his mouth. Joseph liked John. Would a Messiah eat bugs? Joseph shakes his head back to the present. In a panic he asks Mary what he should do.
Mary meets Joseph's eyes. They are big and brown and filled with concern. They are the eyes of the man she loves. She wants to bask in the warm, manly kindness of those eyes forever, but another contraction cruelly pulls her away.
“Water!” she grunts, remembering what she can from Elizabeth's occasional words of advice, “and cloth!”
Joseph scrambles for the needed materials, but the pained screams of his wife tear at his soul. A real man wouldn't need to scramble for scraps with his wife in pain. In his heart he cries to God. He begs for an answer, just one answer to any one of his endless questions.
Mary lies on a pile of hay, eyes filled with tears, body filled with pain, and heart filled with loneliness. So few people could understand the pain of her soul, and the one person who she wanted most to understand, the one person who was physically closest to her was worlds away. She prays between agonized gasps for relief.
Mary screams to high heaven and Joseph's heart shatters. He can't do anything for her. She deserves so much more than he can give, and he can't even bring himself to give her a competent hand.
“I'm sorry” he gasps. And he runs out of the stable into the street. He shouts and screams and cries for help. A city of strangers huddles in their beds and ignores him. He spies a group of men. Desperate, he rushes upon them, grabs their woolly, sheepskin robes and begs them to help. Through childish tears and snot and sobs he explains his predicament.
One of the younger men huffs. He says they have something important to do tonight. One of the oldest men waves a hand and his young companion and claps an arm around Joseph. “We're used to delivering lambs,” he says, patting Joseph on the back, “But I think we can manage a child, just for tonight.”
In the stable, Mary clutches her belly. She's been abandoned. Her only companion now is an irate cow glaring at her from the the corner. Another contraction comes and she clenches her eyes. Suddenly something grabs her hand. She slaps it away, thinking it's the cow, getting impatient. It gabs her hand again. She opens her eyes and sees Joseph. His big, kind, brown eyes filled with tears. She squeezes his hand back. Suddenly she is surrounded by a small army of strangers.
“They're here to help.” Joseph says.
And they do help. With practiced precision each one fills a task. Water is fetched, clean cloth is produced. Shortly a tiny, pink, screaming baby is introduced into the stable. The cow wanders out, giving up getting sleep in this stable on this night.
The strangers hand the baby to Mary. She is tired. She feels like she's been stretched out a mile. She looks at the baby, wondering if she had been screaming this loud a moment ago. She's about to fall asleep. She shakes off the exhaustion and remembers something Elizabeth told her. Wrap the baby up tightly as soon as you can, so he can grow up nice and tall. She tries to calm the baby while fishing for spare cloth.
Meanwhile the strangers are beginning to leave, but Joseph delays them. He wants them to teach him. He wants to know how to be a man, a father, a husband. He stumbles over his words, trying to get the question right. The strangers are insistent, though. They have something important to do tonight.
Mary has finally got the baby wrapped up, and that seems to have calmed him. Exhaustion is pulling at her eyelids like iron weights. The baby needs a place to sleep. A nearby manger has relatively clean hay. She puts her baby there and lies back for her own long sleep.
Joseph is stumbling over his words as the strangers grow more insistent that they have to leave. Suddenly one of the younger men begins to tremble. He tugs at his elder's robes and points to a corner of the stable. The older man looks at the manger and the babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and begins to weep. The rest of the strangers follow suit, some weeping, some praying, some just standing and staring in awe. Joseph manages to eek out one more question, “What's wrong?”
The oldest man wipes the tears from his eyes and answers, “Absolutely nothing is wrong. It's just...well...” he scratches his bald head, looking for the words. “Earlier... when we were watching the sheep...there was this...angel.”
Instantly Mary snaps awake, all fatigue dispersing at that one word. “Angel?”
“Yes ma'am.” the old shepherd says sheepishly, “an angel, and-”
“I've seen one, too.” Mary says. “They're incredible!”
“And terrifying.” adds Joseph.
“And beautiful!” the Shepherd
The strange group spends the next few hours trading stories of their visions and the strange coincidences that brought them together.
While the shepherds and Mary are eagerly trying to explain the strange musical quality of an angel's voice the old Shepherd pulls Joseph aside. Joseph tries to ask twelve questions at once, but the shepherd stops him.
“She doesn't need you to have all the answers.” He tells Joseph, “She just needs you to be there.”
“But, how am I supposed to raise-”
“A day at a time. Children, sheep, men. Everything grows a day at a time.”
He gives Joseph a few more specific points of advice. And the begins to gather up his companions. He explains that the mother needs her rest, and they have sheep to feed. Slowly and reluctantly the shepherds are herded out.
Mary now feels more tired than ever. The baby begins to fuss. Joseph steps in and rocks his son.
He lies down next to Mary.
Haltingly, unsure, she moves towards him. His arm wraps around her and draws her in close. She rests her head on his chest and stares at her little baby boy. Her thoughts turn to the catty gossips of Nazareth. Without thinking she voices her fears, “What will they say when we come back home with a baby?”
Joseph squeezes her tighter, “Whatever they want. We know the truth. Besides, if it gets too bad, I'll bet we can get those shepherds to beat them up for us.”
Mary looks at Joseph, her tired mind trying to grasp what he just said. The joke dawns on her and she beings to laugh. Then as the emotional dam begins to burst the laughter turns to tears, and tears eventually fade into sleep. All the while Her husband holds her in his strong, protective arms.
And that's what I think the First Christmas was like; messy, loud, and full of people who had no idea what they were doing. So don’t feel bad if your Christmas is messy, loud and full of doubt. It puts you in good company.
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thecleverdame · 4 years
The High Tower - One
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Summary: Unable to find a suitable mate, your father places you under a spell meant to keep you asleep until your true match is found. Years later, when Sam discovers you in the high tower, he has no idea the upheaval it will cause between your two kingdoms.
Rapunzel meets Sleeping Beauty meets the Winchesters.
Story Master List
Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Warnings: Talk of dubcon, heats, ruts, all sorts of smut, violence.
Beta: ilikaicalie
Chapters 1-5 are currently available on my Patreon.
Once upon a time, your eyes were wide open.
Everyone in the kingdom knew you were an Omega the moment your parents announced they had a baby girl. It was the way of things. Your mother was an Omega too. She was a nurturing caring woman, a queen, who gave her husband nine children, eight sons, all Alphas. And just when they thought she was done having babies you came along.
It felt right to have a little girl with a league of older brothers to protect her. For a long time, life was perfect. You were smart and bubbly, just as happy in the mud as you were riding a horse.
Time passed. You grew older. And as you aged your parents prepared for the day you would need an Alpha. They took care to pick a good man. A confident but gentle son from an excellent family that would be able to give you the life you were accustomed to.
Then came your first heat, the agony of all-consuming need that your husband - your Alpha - should have been able to satisfy. But he could not. You spent a week in pure torture. Suffering you would later describe like a bug having its legs pulled off.
After three heats and three months of spine-curling pain, your father decided an unconventional decision needed to be made. Your marriage was dissolved and the hunt began to find an Alpha. A mate who could give you what you needed.
Months of searching turned into years. You slowly began to suffer the effects of being unmated. Dreams of children gave way to simply staying alive.
When it became clear that your life was in jeopardy, your father had a spell cast. A spell that ensured you would stay in painless sleep until a suitable mate was found. Then you were hidden in a tower along the southern border.
More time passed. And the urgent search felt much less urgent to those who tucked you away. So a year became two, then three and before anyone realized a decade had gone by.
A Decade Later...
“I think there’s probably a good reason we can’t get through,” Sam offers, resting his arms over the horn of his saddle.
“I’m sure there is.” Dean reaches out with a gloved hand, poking at the invisible barrier that shimmers out in all directions the moment he makes contact. “It’s exactly why we should be interested.”
“If the map is correct we crossed into Karrstad an hour ago. We shouldn’t have crossed the border into their land. Now you want to dismantle a magic wall of questionable origin. What part of this seems like a good idea to you?”
Dean looks at Sam, shaking his head in annoyance.
“All of it.”
“Dean.” Sam dismounts his steed, venturing closer to his brother. “There’s been enough trouble. We don’t need to create more bad blood between us and them.”
“I’m not trying to poke the bear. I’m just interested in what the bear is hiding. What constitutes this kind of protection?” Dean gestures toward the shimmer. “They could be planning something. What if they’re hiding a weapon? I don’t think we have a choice. We have to take a peek.”
“I don’t know…”
“Are you telling me you’re not interested? No one loves a mystery more than you.”
Sam is out of reasons to walk away. He helps Dean cast a simple spell, something they learned as boys. And with a puff of smoke and few holy words, the barrier fades away and they venture on with eyes peeled.
The terrain in Karrstad isn’t much different than home, except here there are more trees and less open fields. Thick forests of green and brown that shield them from the sun as they ride onward. It’s not long before the narrow path opens back up, the sun shining down and a strange sight in the distance.
“What in the hell is that?” Dean’s awestruck, tipping his head back.
They both look upward at a tower so high it’s impossible to see the top. It seems to end above the clouds.
“I’ve never seen anything like it.” Sam cranes his neck, trying to imagine what could be up there.
“Why would this be out here in the middle of nowhere? No guards as far I can see.”
“They probably thought a magical wall was enough to keep people out,” Sam reasons.
“Not us.”
Dean guides his horse out in front and they approach slowly expecting to spot a soldier in the distance but there’s nothing. They walk right up the base of the tower. There’s a thick wooden door that looks as if it hasn’t been opened since the structure was erected.
“Shall we?” Dean nods to Sam and together they work to pry open the door. A breath of cool, musty air hits them in the face as the tower is unsealed.
Inside there’s nothing more than stairs that spiral upward until they disappear from sight.
“What the hell?” Dean looks at Sam, who’s already calculating how far up the climb would be. “We have to find out...don’t we?”
Sam wants to argue, but the adventurer within him wants to know just as badly as Dean. Maybe more. A tower cloaked in magic, seemingly forgotten for God knows how long, is something one doesn’t come across every day.
“That’s a long way up.” Sam steps out of the entryway.
“How far do you think?”
“I have no idea. A long, long way.” Sam pulls off his riding gloves and looks to his brother. “Should we go?”
“I don’t think there’s any need for both of us to go.” Dean shrugs, pulling a small leather pouch from his pocket and pulling out a dice. “Let’s roll for it. Loser makes the climb.”
“I suppose.”
Over an hour later Sam reaches the peak. He’s sweating and out of breath. Truth be told there was a point when he wasn’t entirely sure if he was going to make it at all.
It’s just as he steps on the landing at the top that he smells it. The ever so faint scent of an Omega.
He thinks. What would an Omega be doing all the way up here? It’s likely someone hid something with the scent still on it. That would make more sense.
There’s only one place to search. To his right is a large wooden door. He carefully, slowly pushes it open to reveal the last thing he would have ever imagined.
It appears to be a bedroom with narrow windows every few feet. In the center of the room is a four-post bed with a woman laying on it. You. Your hands are crossed carefully over your chest. Lying peacefully under a light blanket.
Has he discovered a dead body? Is this tower just an elaborate tomb? No. He can smell you now, the scent growing stronger. It’s much too sweet to be a corpse.
Sam inches closer, leaning forward to inspect. You’re beautiful and appear to be near his age. Perhaps a little younger. Your chest softly rises and falls with your breath. He wishes Dean were here.
“Hello?” he says.
When there’s no answer he draws closer, quietly making his way until he leans against the bed frame.
“Excuse me...I don’t want to wake you but...madame, are you alright?”
There’s nothing. Your body is still and the room silent as the grave. Perhaps he’s hallucinating your breath, seeing what he wants to see. After a few more minutes of silent observation, he reaches out to check for a pulse.
The instant his fingers touch the skin of your wrist he knows three things; you’re alive, you’re nearly in heat, and your pussy smells more enticing than any woman he’s ever come across in his life.
“Oh,” you murmur, head falling to the side. Your body twitches and he pulls his hand away.
“Madame,” he starts again, falling silent when you begin to stir.
You look like something out of a storybook. A breathtaking woman gently blinking awake as if you’re opening your eyes for the very first time.
“Ahum,” he clears his throat in the hope of not scaring you half to death.
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
MLQC CN Victor - Chapter 37
A main story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. REALLY contains detailed spoilers. A mixed feelings such angst, sweet and love-his-dummy by CEO Victor!
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Downstairs LFG, the film crew is still busy in an orderly manner.
A month ago, LFG launched an unprecedented charity project, mobilizing all the resources of the group, and watching the last moment before the arrival of the comet group with all mankind.
In addition to regular material donations, psychological counseling, and medical assistance, there is also a special item one wish list.
In the last issue of "Miracle Finders", we selected this subject for reporting.
Photographer: Everyone pay attention, go one first, and prepare the light for one-
Teenager: Ok, can I just say the words directly?
Willow: To put it straight, there is nothing to worry about, we can do it again, let's do it again!
The teenager was encouraged, and smiled and showed two small teeth.
Teenager: I am seventeen years old. I am an ordinary high school student. Although you can't see it now, I have lived in darkness for these seventeen years.
Teenager: Due to chromosomal abnormalities, I have suffered from congenital blindness since birth...
Teenager: The doctors all said that despite the advanced level of medical technology, they are still helpless against such diseases and hope that I will accept the reality.
Teenager: But I still don't give up. I don't want to usher in death without actually seeing the world, so I contacted LFG Group with the last hope!
Just as the teenager expected, LFG quickly found a Healer Evolver on the Island, and treated him so that he finally saw the light.
Teenager: Although I can only look at the world for a short time, how many times in a person's life can I witness miracles happen? I am very satisfied!
After he finished speaking, he gave everyone a young and a little embarrassed smile. The beautiful dark eyes are full of light, especially bright in the night.
MC: ... That's nice.
Until the last moment, miracles continued to happen.
I raised my head and looked at the towering LFG Building in front of me, thinking back to Victor when he started the project and jokingly said-
"I hope everyone can be like an idiot, as long as they fulfill their wishes, they will be happy." The tone couldn't help but felt a moment of surprise.
I hope that the last issue of "Miracle Finders" will produce satisfactory answers to him.
With emotion, I strode into the LFG Building.
At this time, most of LFG's staff has left, and most of the work spaces in the building have been vacated.
Even if some are still willing to suspend their posts and help Victor handle some charity projects, they are no longer sitting here and only exchange information via phone and email.
Goldman: I have been waiting for you for a long time!
I was still in a daze, and Goldman came over with aggrieved expression. Probably because I told him that I was almost there an hour ago, but I didn’t come up because shooting for most of the day in the downstairs town.
As soon as he saw me appear, he cast a "God finally" look.
Goldman: The CEO handed it to you, I'm going to prepare for the next meeting.
He hurriedly put the previously prepared contract into my hand, lightly approached the door of the CEO's office, and knocked the door.
Victor: Come in.
Hearing Victor's voice coming from behind the door, I quickly hid the hand holding the contract behind my back.
Goldman opened the door halfway and walked in.
Goldman: CEO, can we conduct an induction interview now?
Victor: Interview? When is it scheduled?
Goldman: Yesterday, I remember it was in your schedule.
After a short silence, Victor gave instructions indifferently.
Victor: Bring it in.
I strode forward, held back a sneer, and stood still in front of Victor. Before speaking, Goldman hurriedly took the door out, leaving a room of silence.
MC: Hello, CEO! I am the candidate for interview today!
I said hello to Victor very politely, and even bowed symbolically, with a sincere expression when I raised my head.
Victor: ....
Victor let out a sigh of relief, as if he had lifted his spirits from a long and exhausting work, and couldn't help but laugh when he met my sincere gaze.
MC: Reporting to the CEO, although I have limited work experience, I am active in doing things.
MC: The CEO of the most ruthless venture capital company in the industry has won a 500 million investment!
MC: Moreover, the level of stress resistance is first-rate, no matter how big the challenge is, how many plans are rejected, you can face the difficulties!
MC: In addition, I am quite familiar with LFG's business and can start working in a short time.
Victor sighed lightly, probably because I was too noisy.
Victor: Only you can make such boastful remarks without blushing at all. You come to LFG, don't care about your company?
MC: The final issue of "Discovering the Miracle" will soon be filmed, and sister Anna will be responsible for the remaining post-production work. I don't need to worry about it anymore.
MC: I always find a place to shine and heat, right?
MC: Or I have to be a rice bug for a month...
MC: In short, I am especially willing to share the worries and problems for the CEO
Victor touched his lips slightly, revealing a smile.
Victor: Didn't you often say that being a rice bug is your ultimate dream? Now that you have a chance to realize your dream, but you are not willing?
He was so eloquent, so that scenes of past scenes of bluffing and saying that I didn't want to go to work really appeared before me.
MC: But I have already changed my dreams.
I stepped forward two more steps, narrowed the distance with Victor, and stared quietly into his eyes
MC: My dream now is to be with you.
The outline of Victor's smile on the corners of his lips curled up, and his expression sank duplicity, and put out the CEO's frame in a serious manner.
Victor: LFG’s attendance system is strict, and the consequences of absence are serious. Be mentally prepared.
I walked up to him, took out the contract that had been hidden behind my back, and unfolded it on the table.
MC: I won't be absent, I will do what you say.
Speaking softly, pressing his usual fountain pen directly on the contract, it seemed to be "forcing the signing".
MC: If I can't do it... I will be punished.
Victor hastily flipped through the contract, which was only a few pages long, and paused as his gaze passed by the post.
Victor: Confirmed?
MC: Yes!
I deserved to be confident and without any explanation. Victor raised his head and looked at me with a clear smile in his eyes. He turned the contract another page.
Victor: The contract is valid for three years.
MC: Huh? It should be the contract template copied by Goldman, right? Renew after the three-year period expires!
Victor neatly signed his name on the last page, stood up and took my hand.
Victor: Let's go, the meeting is about to begin.
MC: What meeting? Wait, am I going to work as soon as I start?
Victor: According to the contract, every minute of yours belongs to me, and it takes effect immediately.
Is there such an unequal clause? Goldman's drafting of a contract is quite tricky
MC: You capitalists are squeezing employees too much!
Victor was slightly late to me, with a smile on his lips.
Victor: Well, capitalists are like this.
The conference room was already full of people, only the first two seats were still empty.
One of them is where Victor often sits.
I remember when I came to LFG for a meeting for the first time, I could only sit on the small bench in the corner and couldn't see his face even when I stretched out my head.
 Victor: let's start.
I sat down next to Victor, glanced across the crowd, and leaned silently on the back of the chair.
Goldman opened the prepared PPT and stood in front of us.
Goldman: Now carry out the relevant reports on the work of last week,
A sign hung at the door of Souvenir, which said that today is the last day of the restaurant’s business.
MC: Thank you for your preference for this restaurant, Souvenir will permanently close the store
LFG provoked too heavy responsibility, and Victor had no time to take care of Souvenir. I raised my head and looked at the blue light on the TV tower.
During the eternal night, the TV tower is bright yellow during the day and blue at night, marking the day and night. These days, people have been accustomed to measuring time in this way.
It seems that no matter what kind of predicament they are in, as long as there is a moment of peace, people are willing to steal a moment of peace and delay satisfaction.
I am no exception.
With Victor in front of the wind and rain, I even occasionally forget the reality that I am about to face, can let go of all my worries, and be silly in front of him carefree.
If time can be reversed, I can go back to the first time I stood in front of Souvenir...
I lowered my gaze and pushed the door into the restaurant.
MC: Mr. Mills, I
Before I could say hello, I was stunned by the scene before me.
Souvenir, who had always been cold and cold, is now full of voices, all seats are full of seats, even those who have never been before, and he has added new chairs.
Mr. Mills was busy between the tables with a smile on his face.
I hurried over to ask if I need help.
MC: Mr. Mills, shall I do this?
I was about to take the tray from Mr. Mills, but he shook his head hurriedly.
Mr. Mills: No, no, it's going to close in a while, the manager is waiting for you inside.
MC: Alright!
I walked towards the kitchen, and along the way, I was surprised by the food on the guests' table.
Like what the customer wanted to eat, Victor made something for them.
At the last moment, Souvenir's rules are no longer important.
Girl: Mom, this one is delicious, so delicious!
Six or seven-year-old children ate the little cakes with all their faces, holding their little hands and sending the spoons to their mothers, wanting their mothers to taste them too.
The young mother cooperatively ate the cream in the sentence and smiled hesitantly. She gently touched her daughter's head, but her eyes were full of sighs.
The family at the table next door talked about the topic of the younger son's college entrance examination this year, and they were rushing to plan for his future. They seemed to believe that someone would come out to save the world.
I stepped into the restaurant and walked into the back kitchen.
MC: Victor....
He stood at the window with his back straight. There was a deep night outside. I dazzled my eyes to see his black suit melt into the darkness, lonely and silent.
I walked over and pulled his sleeve slightly.
MC: Have you been busy all night?
MC: You can call me over in advance, and I can give you a hand.
Victor: With your culinary skills, you can't match up with Souvenir's back kitchen.
Victor glanced at me from the corner of the light, smiled faintly, and closed the slightly open window.
The moment he raised his hand, I saw that the pointer on his wrist watch was already three o'clock in the morning, but everyone didn't realize that the night was deep.
The world freezes in the dark, making time lose all meaning.
MC: The guests outside all had a good time.
MC: By the way, there was a little cake that a kid ate, with a few blueberries on top, and a layer of soft stuff inside. I don't know if it's ice cream... it looks super delicious!
Faced with my vivid expressions, Victor looked helpless as expected.
Victor: Three year old are not as good as you in eat. A pair of eyes fixed on the food all day long.
MC: Isn't it great? I will eat everything you make clean and happy, and I will change my way to praise your superb cooking skills!
I used an exaggerated tone to learn the child's way of speaking, trying to make Victor smile, but he still looked calm.
Victor: Ah, very good.
Those eyes that met me were as light as water, and they saw an unspeakable feeling in my heart. After he came back, something changed in his eyes.
I can't be sure, but I just faintly feel that the person standing in front of me at this moment is stronger than before but also lonelier than before.
In the past, silence was due to work habits and character.
The silence now means that no matter what you face, you can be calm and calm. The calm is strange.
MC: Victor, seven of the travel coins you gave me have not been exchanged. You said before that you would do everything you promised me.
I changed the subject suddenly, and Victor was still indifferent.
Victor: Seven? Didn't you secretly put a lot in the box again?
MC: … you’re not paying attention.
Victor: Really, when I don't pay attention?
The silence of the night was always reflected in his eyes, brewing the silence deeper.
MC: So you won't break your promise, will you?
MC: Everything you promised me will be honored in the future, right?
Perhaps it was because my words were too impatient to be too direct, Victor finally touched my hair as if calming down, and stepped forward to get closer to me.
The familiar temperature fell on the front of my forehead, which made my panic feelings find support.
Victor: Don't worry, I won't break my promise. Not now, and not in the future.
At this moment, I saw a slight surge of joy in his eyes.
Mr. Mills: Mr. Victor.
Mr. Mills walked in slowly, smiling.
Mr. Mills: Mr. Victor, after proofing today, I would like to continue to look after the restaurant. Please allow me.
Victor: Mr. Mills
Victor took two steps forward and solemnly nodded to Mr. Mills.
Victor : Of course. Over the years, thank you very much for taking care of Souvenir.
Mr. Mills turned to look outside the kitchen.
Mr. Mills: The guests all had a nice evening, and they hoped that I would convey my thanks to the chef.
Victor: It is..
Victor paused slightly and thought of something.
Victor: Excuse me, please take out all the wine in the cellar and give it to the guests tonight.
Mr. Mills: .... I understand. Do you need any congratulations?
Victor turned his head and looked at me, raising the corners of his lips indifferently
Victor: Just thank time for giving us abundant food and accumulated wine... With the feelings that have passed through the years.
Outside the window, the silent snow fell slowly in the dark night. In the cool night breeze in midsummer, a layer of untimely coolness blows off.
Victor: Is this your specialty?
MC: Do you look down on tomato scrambled eggs?
Victor did not speak, but frowned slightly to express affirmation.
MC: The scrambled eggs with tomatoes are delicious. You can't judge the taste of a dish by its difficulty. I feel wronged for him.
When the Haikou that I once boasted was fulfilled, I vowed to make a rich meal for Victor.
Victor probably feels a headache for me to prepare a home-cooked meal and have to put out ten kinds of kitchen utensils...
He has been standing in the kitchen supervising the work since the beginning, and I don't know if he's afraid of what would happen to the kitchen or what'd happen to me .
MC: Can you stop staring at me like this, I'm nervous.
Victor: What is the guilty conscience?
MC: It feels like waiting for you to approve the plan.
MC: I dropped the eggshells into the bowl when I was beating the eggs just now, I was thinking that you must spit me out.
Victor took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and unsealed it skillfully.
Victor: I'm used to it as you are.
I dealt with the ingredients in my hand and smiled without saying a word.
In the fireplace in the living room, the wood made a snapping sound under the lick of the tongue of fire, and it sang softly to the piano music from the record.
The fine snow outside the window disappeared into the night as soon as it fell to the ground, and time seemed extremely long at this moment.
I carefully handled the ingredients in my hand, and did not notice Victor's gaze.
He put down the wine glass, the glass collided with the marble countertop, and there was a pleasant sound.
At this moment, the night snow stopped in the air, and the fire and the record were speechless. The whole world stopped, and everything was quiet.
Victor: If I let time eternally stop at this moment, would you think I am selfish?
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He murmured, as if asking himself or answering himself.
Staring silently at her profile for a while, he stretched out his hand and silently hugged her in his arms.
This is an overly tender hug, without a trace of strong attitude, even the palms that are close to the back appear cautious
MC: Victor...
I stretched out my hand and hugged him tightly without leaving any gap.
Victor took a breath, as if he didn't expect that I would break away from his Evol, but didn't say anything.
MC: If I were not the dignified Queen, I would be completely controlled by you. Your Evol is stronger than I imagined.
He laughed and teased me helplessly.
Victor: It's amazing.
Although he was smiling, I heard a dumb sigh in his voice, so I opened my arms as much as possible to hold him tighter.
MC: Not even...
I stayed securely in his arms, with no intention of leaving this embrace.
MC: It’s just that I always remember the reason why I want to fully awaken, because I don’t want to let you bear everything. Always remember.
This dinner took longer than expected. When we sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace with red wine, the night was already almost reaching the sky.
For all this time, I have a lot to say to him.
Whether it is the heated discussions in the recent issues of "Discover Myself" or the process of LFG helping people realize their wishes one after another, I am deeply moved.
A couple wanted to go to a very famous sea island to watch the sunset before the end. Unexpectedly, before the trip, the island disappeared overnight.
MC: In fact, I also feel that it was a pity that I couldn't help them realize their wishes. I had seen that island before on the Internet.
MC: At that time, it was also selected as one of the "Top Ten Scenic Spots to Go to Before the End", I did not expect to be submerged by the sea so soon...
Victor: This is what you often say, do what you think of, and don't leave any regrets for yourself. Sometimes impatient fools can do things that many people can't.
I listened to every detail and smile in his voice, and my fingertips drew across the texture of the leather on the sofa.
The more I get to this kind of time, the more I feel that even his laughter seems precious.
MC: But I was a little surprised. The wishes that everyone wants to achieve before the end are so simple.
MC: Look at the light, look at the world, eat a delicious meal with the most important person.
Victor: What people really want has always been very simple. Before that, it was only controlled by desire.
Victor: No matter how long this moment of tranquility can last, for many people, it is enough to enjoy the life they still have.
MC: It is not easy to find the true desire in the heart.
Victor put the empty glass on the coffee table.
Victor: What about you? What is your wish?
After drinking a few glasses of wine, my thoughts were empty. I only heard his low and hoarse voice falling in my ears, and many pictures flashed before my eyes.
MC: I want to see your heart.
I turned to Victor and wanted to find the answer to this question very seriously.
MC: I want to see the real Victor. Without the burden of the CEO, there is no need to worry about the world...
MC: I can put down all the responsibilities on my shoulders, just be yourself... In this way Victor, What will it be like?
He paused for a few seconds, but quickly laughed faintly.
Victor: People cannot put aside all the past and responsibilities independently. In front of you, Victor will always be the most true.
I turned to him, stared at his deep eyes carefully, then stretched out my hand and slowly touched the position of his heart.
When the five fingers fell slowly, I already felt the warmth under his shirt.
A little closer, and the fingertips rubbed the texture of the shirt, and soon, my palm felt the rhythm of his heartbeat warm and powerful.
Victor: ...
With a sigh, Victor reached out and held my fingertips lightly.
Suddenly, the scene before me changed.
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This is a space I have never seen before.
The solitary galaxy and the dazzling sunlight are constantly flashing in front of my eyes, just like every ray of time that has been inscribed in memory, the brilliance of the moment only flashes, making it impossible to capture.
MC: Victor
He was sitting in the seat directly in front of me, proud and lonely.
All the changes in the stars passed through his silent and deep eyes, and he just stared lightly.
Time passed, he had been sitting like this, his back was straight, his eyes were firm, and he was silent without a word, yet he caught every light and shadow in his eyes.
He seemed to had been sitting here for thousands of years.
For a while, my heart felt like being held down by a deep sea-like loneliness, which made me breathless. After a slight pause, I walked along the long carpet to him.
I squatted down in front of him and looked up at him.
He lowered his head and met my gaze, as if waking up from a long wait, with loose eyebrows at the corners of his eyes.
I stretched out my hand, my fingertips slowly climbed over the edge of his slender finger, and squeezed him from the gap between the slightly bent fingers.
At this moment, I recovered, seeing Victor's eyes reflected in the fire of the fireplace.
We don't know since when we clasp our fingers together and hold our hands together.
In a silent night, only the firewood was still snapping.
MC: Victor, are you tired?
Victor: What do you mean?
MC: Everything.
*All the fatigue of endlessly walking through the timeline, all the tragedy you had to witness, all the pain that you had to bear, all the hopes that you've repeatedly dashed countless times .
MC: You said that it is enough to enjoy your current life before the end. You already know the ending, understand the truth, or do you want to move on?
Victor: Not enough.
Victor spoke softly, but every word made a sound.
Victor: I am not someone who can transcend desires, I also have my own desires.
He doesn't need to say anything, I already know everything.
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I curled up on the sofa, silently nestled in his arms, clasped his waist tightly with my hands, and fell on his sturdy chest.
Victor pulled the blanket and put a light hand on my shoulder.
With fire light and falling snow, the sound of two hearts beating is clear.
I know that I am embracing the most real Victor, the extremely real Victor.
Time passed quietly, and it came to the last moment.
The whole city is shining bright neon under our feet. Busy and calm-as usual, as if we can wait for every night in the morning light.
MC: Victor, when you brought me here for the first time, did you expect the world to become like this?
Victor shook his head.
MC: So what was the anxiety in your heart when you stood here?
Victor turned his head and looked at me, then smiled.
Victor: It is impossible to completely hold a fool in his hand, hold it tightly, and keep her from leaving.
MC: Did I make you worry a lot? I know you have been looking for me for a long time.
Victor: Not long.
Victor: After experiencing real time, I only feel that the years when I found you were as short as you went to buy me a cup of coffee
Heard what he said, I couldn't help being reminded of memories long ago.
MC: I just thought you were really harsh and annoying. There were so many conditions for asking me to buy a coffee.
MC: .. Now, I really want to buy it for you again
MC: No matter how many weird conditions you have, I will never get it wrong again.
Victor looked towards the boundless sky with emotion. In the night, countless meteors slowly fell, dazzling light across the blue to dark night sky.
It's not long since 19:17.
MC: Victor, I want to do something very important.
Victor: I know.
MC: But I just want to be your dummy and live the most ordinary and ordinary life.
MC: Let you have endless heart and endless planning plans every day, and bring you all kinds of trivial troubles.
MC: Then in the blink of an eye, you can...
With tears in my eyes, crying was already entrained in my voice, so I refused to continue.
Victor: She also said that she didn't like crying anymore.
I took a few breaths and stubbornly held my voice.
MC: I didn't cry!
Victor stepped forward and held me tightly in his arms. Surrounded by the familiar smell, I closed my eyes and gripped the corner of his suit with my hands.
My only wish is to be with him.
It’s okay to laugh and being embraced in his arms like this, I don’t want others.
But more important than this wish...
It's him. He can't just usher in the ending like this.
MC: When I come back, I will bring you a cup of coffee.
I grab his arms and made a promise, and he softly responded by caressing my hair.
Victor: Alright.
MC: That’s all? Don’t you have anything else to say?
MC: In the past, you always remind me about the deadline of my proposal, you would remind me not to oversleep like an elementary school kids for the meeting the next day.
MC: At this important moment, don’t you have something else to say?
MC: I’m going to do something big this time.
Victor loosened his arms around me slightly and looked at me.
Victor: I know.
Victor: But you’re no longer a dummy you used to be, there’s nothing you can’t do.
I have already understood his calmness from his eyes. As expected, I can’t still beat him. 
I want to say something, but I felt something. There were snow-white feathers on my fingertips.
There is no time.
I subconsciously grabbed Victor’s hand--  
MC: Victor..
My heart was overwhelmed by the huge perseverance, I almost called his name from the deepest part of my throat.
As he was holding me, there’s deep complex look between his brows.
Victor: Are you afraid?
I kept shaking my head, shaking my head anxiously!
It is not fear, nor regret, no matter what is waiting for me in front of me, at this moment I will walk firmly.
But even so, I still want to stop for another moment, a moment is enough for me to call his name again, to look at him again. .
Even... hoping that time can stop at this time.
I don't want to let go of his hand.
Victor hugged me with one hand, lifted my chin, and dropped a deep lingering kiss. 
During the exchange of our breathing, I looked into his squinted eyes & saw a love that I had never seen before.
The tears that kept spinning in my eyelids were still drawn from the corners of my eyes when I was on my post. I gripped his shirt tightly, very tightly.
Aware of my silent choking, Victor clapped his hands and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes with his index fingers.
Victor: Don't be afraid. No matter how difficult things are in front of you in the past, can't you always do well?
Victor: This time, there will be no exception.
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The scene in front of me and his voice were slowly dissipating, and I looked at him deeply, unable to say a word.
I clearly felt that Victor held my hand tighter, tighter than ever, as if he wanted to keep me too.
Like he didn't want to leave me alone.
He opened his mouth, what he was saying, but I couldn't hear anything and my senses were blurred.
Victor: ...Remember, to get me back.
MC: What?
I vaguely heard something, but couldn't be sure.
The white wings spread out in the dark night, and the sky is connected one after another, and the scattered white wings sit on the tall buildings together with the meteor, and fall into the street...
Victor let go of my hand and stepped back half a step, his eyes showed unprecedented joy.
MC: Victor!
Victor: I....
He was telling me something. His deep voice was mixed with a firmness that I've never heard before, but I could only vaguely recognize the words that I wanted to hear the most from his mouth. After that she calls his name
MC: Victor...
The sight was finally dark, and Victor's deep gaze disappeared in front of me.
The city fell into the night amidst the noisy shouts-
Victor slowly opened his hand and caught a piece of pure white feather in the air. The corners of his lips were gentle, his eyes drooping slightly.
That feather just lay quietly on his palm, soaked in moonlight, as slender as she looked at him at the last moment.
---- END ----
I’m sorry if there’s some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) thank you for read it~ ^^
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chubbybuckydumpling · 4 years
Christmas Biscuits
words: 2287
warnings: swear words, a tiny bit of angst, mentions of death (this sounds kinda bad, but it’s actually really fluffy)
A/n: this is my first ever fic and I’m really insecure about my writing. Please be kind 🥺💖 (gif is not mine)
Writing challenge by @mypoisonedvine
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“This one, daddy, this one!” Bucky chuckles as he looks towards his toddler, who sits on the kitchen isle in front of a box full of  biscuit cutters. The three year old holds up a huge reindeer cutter and smiles toothily at her father.
“Dude, it's way too big. We won't even be able to fit four of those on one baking tray. Why do we even have one this large?” The teenager stands to the left of her sister and looks at Bucky with a questioning gaze. Her hair is lazily put into a low bun and an ugly Christmas jumper adorns her body.
“Eileen, don't call your sister 'dude'”, the teen rolls her eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh, “Whatever” He makes his way towards the toddler and gently takes the reindeer out of her hands, while sending his oldest a warning look. “You heard your sister, baby. Let's choose some smaller ones” he explains and pulls the box towards himself.
His eyes fall on a Mickey Mouse biscuit cutter and a smile takes over his face. He grabs the desired object and places it on the isle, “When your sister was in kindergarten she made this all by herself. We use these every year. They are very special to me”. The little girl holds up the cutter to inspect it and then looks to Bucky. “Special?”, she asks.
He nods and watches as his youngest daughter holds the cutter towards her big sister. “We use this one, yes Isla?” Eileen smiles, accepts the object and places it on the counter next to the dough. She shakes her head lightly and grins at her father, “I can't believe you've kept this all these years”
Bucky shrugs and continues searching the box for appropriate biscuit cutters. “You gifted this to me, of course I kept it. You looked so proud when you brought this home, I'll never forget. Also, I'm pretty sure your father would have beheaded me if I even thought about throwing this away”, he pauses, just for some seconds, “We were probably as proud as you, if not more”. Bucky fetches a star and a smaller reindeer biscuit cutter out of the box and hands them to the toddler.
Eileen hums before turning towards her little sister, “Do you like ones dad chose, Sarah?”. She nods and holds her arms up, silently demanding to be carried. The older girl obliges and puts the toddler on her hip, so that they can add the new cutters to the counter.
Bucky joins his children with another biscuit cutter and the dough in his hands. He places both items down and grabs the rolling pin to flatten out the dough. “I remember how much papa loved baking biscuits. He'd always let me decorate them, even though he was so much better at it”, Eileen says while putting Sarah on the counter and holding her waist, in case she'll fall down. She eyes Bucky hesitantly.
He stops for a moment to collect himself and then forces a smile on his face, “He always loved everything you did. You were his little superstar. There wasn't a thing you could have done wrong. You've always been his pride and joy”. Bucky continues rolling the dough, “He always felt bad about actually eating them. He couldn't bear to destroy your art”
“That's what I've got you for though!”, his oldest giggles and gently pinches Bucky's tummy, which makes him release a high pitched shriek. Sarah begins to laugh loudly at her father's silliness and tries to tickle him as well. The man however grabs her hand and pulls her little body towards his chest. He quickly presses a kiss to her forehead.
“Alright, I think we can start cutting. Sarah, baby, do you want daddy to help you?” The young girl nods and claps her hands in an excited manner, “Please, daddy!” Bucky grins and encourages his youngest daughter to choose a cutter. Eileen quickly fishes for her Mickey Mouse one, a smile upon her lips. Sarah takes her time to think, before she carefully picks out the star shape. “Good choice, bug!”
The family spends some time on cutting and baking multiple batches of biscuits, laughing and smiling. After a couple minutes, Eileen starts to play a Christmas playlist to which they sing to. Time was flying and soon they found themselves ready to decorate their goodies.
Bucky forces Sarah to put on an apron and ties her dirty blond hair back into a ponytail. Eileen mixes different coloured icings and opens some sprinkles and edible glitter. Her father eyes the glitter and sighs, “This is going to end in a mess, right?” The older girl smiles sheepishly and her father accepts his defeat.
“Alright then girls, let's get going”. Eileen takes on the job of delicately dipping the biscuits into the icing while Bucky desperately tries to stop his toddler from pouring a whole bag of sprinkles over one single biscuit. And like anticipated, once Sarah finds the glitter, it's over. There's glitter everywhere. In his hair, in his children's hair, on the counter, the floor and of course, on the baked goods.
Once they finished all the biscuits and stored them, Bucky leans against the counter, utterly exhausted. His eyes drift to the clock. It's already 6 pm and he still needs to cook dinner. Upon seeing his father so tired, Eileen slides next to him and places a hand on his, “How about we order some food? We can even choose something healthy, if you want to” He raises his eyebrows, “Healthy you say?”. She nods and Bucky narrows his eyes, “Who are you and what have you done to my teen?”
His dramatic reaction causes her to snort and shake her head. “Well, do you want me to order something or not?”
After devouring some nice Italian cuisine and doing a whole lot of dishes, everyone is laying on the couch, tired, yet satisfied. “I'm glad baking biscuits is an annual occurrence. This shit is way to exhausting”, Eileen yawns out and cuddles up to her father, who lifts up an arm to pull her towards him. Sarah is already fast asleep on his belly.  Bucky gives his oldest a warning nudge for using a swear word, but quickly presses a kiss to her temple afterwards.
“Papa hated when I swore. And he always heard it too! I could have been on the moon for all I care and he would have still known”, she complains with a light smile on her face. Bucky chuckles and begins to play with her hair, “You could always hear him yell 'Language!' whenever someone used a bad word”. He sighs, “Your father was a good man. He only wished for the best for you and your sister”. Eileen remains silent.
“Are we going to visit papa tomorrow?”, she asks after a while. Bucky nods, “I was planning on doing so. Is that okay with you?”. The teenager mumbles a quiet 'yes' and yawns again. “Alright, my love. I think it's time for bed” She grumbles, but uses one of her hands to stroke some hair from her eyes. Sitting up, she yawns again and presses a kiss to her father's cheek, “Good night, dad. I love you”
“I love you too, dear. Sweet dreams”, he calls out to her retreating figure. The shine of the vanilla candles illuminates her form and Bucky can't help the warm feeling in his chest. Eileen grew up to be such a beautiful young woman and he realises again just how proud he is. Proud of her responsibility, her independence and her love for herself. It hasn't always been easy for her and she still pulled through to be her best self, which he can't help but admire.
Before he can get too emotional, Bucky gets up as well, careful to not disrupt his daughter's sleep. He blows out the candles, the smoke filling his nostrils with an overwhelming smell of vanilla. Steve always insisted on buying exactly these candles, for they calmed his mind enough to sketch a little, and really, how could Bucky ever deny his love? Now they are a reminder of him. His scent and laugh, the sound of his pencils scratching his paper, the feel of his lips on Bucky's own.
He shakes his head to rid himself of these thoughts and makes his way up the stairs into Sarah's room. He tucks her into the tiny bed and kisses her forehead, “Good night, baby. Sweet dreams. Daddy loves you”, he whispers.
On the wall across the door is the wall painting Steve made before their youngest daughter was born. He was so excited to meet her and made it his goal to create the most beautiful nursery for her. The underwater scene displays so much of Steve's character, from the way he carefully handled the brush to his determined, strong strokes. Bucky is happy that Sarah has this reminder of her papa, especially because she never had the chance to meet him.
He sneaks out of her room, switching on her night light on his way out. One of his hands rests on his soft belly and squeezes the fat that has collected there. A yawn ripples through him which makes him move to his own bedroom. There, the walls are shining in a light orange which creates an illusion of a  bigger room, or so Steve used to say.
Bucky unzips his jeans and throws them on the growing pile of dirty clothes on the floor. He'll have to do laundry soon. His soft jumper joins his trousers, leaving Bucky in some grey boxer briefs. Too tired to bother putting on pyjamas, Bucky lets himself fall into the king sized bed, which stretches under his weight. He turns to his night stand and reaches for the framed picture that rests upon it. His fingers run over the soft wood of the frame, a small smile on his lips.
“Oh, Steve”, he sighs. Suddenly, his strong exterior is quickly crumbling and Bucky's lips begin to tremble. He takes a deep breath. “I miss you so much”, his voice is shaky from his efforts to hold back the tears. “I wish you were still here: Oh god, Steve”. He begins to cry, sobs echoing off of the walls, tears rolling down his puffy cheeks. The picture slides out of his hands and falls onto the bed. Bucky covers his face and tries to muffle the sounds escaping.
It's been over three years since, but he can''t move on. He can't and he won't, wouldn't dare to. Bucky is exhausted, mentally and physically. He's trying to be strong, for Eileen, for Sarah, for Steve. These children are Steve's biggest treasure and Bucky is going to make sure they are happy and safe. It's what Steve would have wanted and he can't fail him.
He tries to wipe the tears away, but new ones follow immediately. “Fuck Steve, I'm so sorry. I wish I could have done more”, Bucky cries and pulls the framed photo to his chest, curling around it as if he were to protect it, “I wish it would have been me!”. Sobs continue to roll through his body. He tries to breathe through his nose, to be calm and controlled, but the piercing ache in his heart continues to make him cry out. His soft belly shakes with each agonized shudder and every heartbreaking sob.
Once he's finally calmed down, he dries his cheeks and presses his lips to Steve's picture. The cold glass a stark contrast to Bucky's warm lips. Immediately, it begins to fog up under the man's hot breath. His fingers find their wedding rings, which he is wearing on a chain around his neck, and play with them. The metallic sounds when they bump into each other fills the void room and aid Bucky into finally resting. Just before he falls asleep, the words “with you 'till the end of the line” fall from his lips.
The next day, the Rogers-Barnes family is bundled up in thick, fluffy coats, scarves and hats to fight against the biting cold. They are cuddled up on a picnic blanket and warm their hands with cups of hot chocolate. Their breath fogs up the icy air and the smell of biscuits is prominent. Bucky looks down to Eileen who is feeding Sarah a reindeer treat. He smiles.
“Do you like your biscuits, baby?”. The toddler nods enthusiastically and offers the rest of her half eaten goodie to her father, a big, toothy grin on her face. He grins mischievously  and eats the whole biscuit in one bite, which makes the younger girl gasps dramatically before bursting out in giggles, “Silly daddy!”
Eileen smirks and joins in, “Yes, silly daddy. He will never lose some pounds this way” Her hand pats his belly after she squeezes his admittedly pudgy cheeks, “but that's what we love you for, right Sarah?” The addressed girl nods, already on her next biscuit. Bucky smiles widely and throws an arm over his oldest and pulls her to his chest, “I know you're just jealous of my dad bod”, his hands stroke over his tummy in an appreciative manner. The teen hums an agreement and cuddles herself closer to her father.
“I guess your hugs have increased in efficiency”. The chubby man grins and kisses both of his daughters' heads. “Your papa loved it too. He'd always give me some nice belly rubs”, he tells her before looking over to the grave they are sitting next to,”isn't that right, Stevie?”
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