#through rose coloured glasses
cripsynapkinskin · 1 year
Most Hozier fans will do ANYTHING but acknowledge the African-American influence that shapes most of his music. No one talks about it, and no one cares.
Rather let him be your "forest daddy", "fae king", "Irish dude", and all that stuff, and refuse to acknowledge some of the political and social commentary he's made, especially those that affect P.O.C. Rather put his folk music on a pedestal, and ignore everything else. Rather "go look another way".
I've probably seen about 2 posts ever, that talk about the African-American influence in "Take Me To Church", self-titled and "Wasteland, Baby", and almost everything. Everybody else just sees his music as cute cottagecore, forest folk stuff. It's almost as if "Nina Cried Power" (such a powerful anthem, with THE Mavis Staples) , "Almost (Sweet Music), "Someone New" and basically the whole of self-titled don't actually exist.
It's almost as if Hozier doesn't incorporate R&B, Soul, Blues, Gospel, Funk and Rock and Roll into his music, and it's almost if these SAME people don't enjoy it.
He mixes Irish with African-American and everybody only acknowledges and appreciates one side of that. How surprising. How shocking. 🙁
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
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This was supposed to be a Juliet
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 months
@tangleweave {{Because Tumblr}}
{this is a joint post written by Fane and Keni's mun. Finding Pe-Tyr, part I.}
She can almost feel his antipathy radiating off him like winter's chill. At the same time she understands that it is perhaps her own disquiet that provides what she sees as motivation for that sigh. The ghost of admonishment silent on his lips that does not come to fruition, and so just this once she affords him the courtesy of not lashing out. "I…I do not know where such places could be. What I fear is that the lower one goes into the city, the more terrible and varied the dangers. He could be hurt, or worse. But I need to find him before they mobilise Sentinels for a search. How do you propose getting those records without leaving one of our own?" He shifts, then rises to his feet and offers her an open hand. He is not particularly chivalrous, and he knows she is perfectly capable of getting up on her own, but neither is he discourteous. "I think it's a mistake to assume the worst has happened. We should remain calm," he advises. "You know Pe-Tyr better even than his own instructors. If he were in need of help, how likely is it he would really choose not to reach out to you for it?" He takes her question into thoughtful consideration for a long moment. "A favored instructor… perhaps even a knight? Someone who wouldn't fear for Pe-Tyr, but would understand the need for delicacy and discretion. Who do you trust that would first help us at this hour, and then allow us to proceed unobstructed?" The moment that her fingers ~ribbon thin~ slip into the waiting cusp of his own there is no way to hide the turmoil within her. It is a tempest of doubt and fear and palpable grief only barely postponed and just as quickly as she accepted his courtly manners does she rescind that touch. Withdraws the hand and its mate into the confines of the sleeves of her outer robe which she presses then before her. It is a symbolic bulwark that retreat. You do not know the lower levels like I do, she wants to say, but doesn't. "I am calm." And there are no such things as the dead that walk, too. It is all she can do not to pace their tiny confines. "I would sooner swallow glass than ask my Master." She calls up every Master she can think of in her mind. She would trust Anakin. She would trust Tzekal. And that….oh. "Thank you," she murmurs and turns sharply on her heel. Starts to make her way toward the door without so much as a by-your-leave. Fane knows Melakeni to be headstrong and willful, even proud, in a way that goes unrivaled by their fellow trainees in the Force. He knows that is as much a product of her upbringing as it is her confidence in her own acumen; she is not like most other Padawans who were brought to the Temple in infancy, and her emotional output was not modulated or sculpted by the practices and disciplines of the Jedi. Hers is a far more colorful history, of which she shares little, but he has heard enough bits and pieces to assemble the image he knows she prefers most here to have of her. She has reason to be headstrong and proud. If it were not so, she would not be permitted to get away with half the things she does. In that respect, she is not entirely unlike Skywalker. And that is a far safer comparison, in her auditory range, than any which would line her up with Master Windu -- notwithstanding their identical lightsaber hues and combat techniques. In fact… Fane would be more likely to draw parallels between Melakeni and the nameless 'dark woman' that seems to make appearances only and purely at her own discretion… oftentimes when she is least expected. So to detect the apprehension within Keni now is a thing most unusual, and gives Fane pause enough that she both mulls and appears to have her answer before he can even summon up the words to assuage her. And maybe that is for the best. Whenever Keni feels a thing, she feels it with all of her being, and he knows she has never been someone to dismiss a concern upon the bidding of another, no matter how serene and rational that person might be (even Masters Gallia, Unduli, and Yaddle combined might not be able to banish emotional upheaval from Keni).
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schumigrace · 9 months
@merenwenformulauno for some reason the hellsite won't let me edit my answer ? so anyway posting it separately
"so for Scottish people NC is mostly seen as 'the first train stop in England on the way to London' aaaaand the place we go for big birthdays and stag dos. But, I know it is actually a beautiful part of the country so what do you wish people knew about your city and/or area that they don't?"
Honestly you can't really dispute the reputation toon has for being a football loving drunk city because that's.. very true. but there's soooo much to it that isn't boozing
we have sooooo much history to begin with. I always recommend people go to see the Castle and Cathedral if they're interested in roman history (a lot of links to Hadrian naturally) and Norman history, and especially if you're an architecture nerd like me (Grey Street is also a great place for architecture). Plus we were the second city for a looong time
There's also a lot of museums and science centres people don't seem to think about much. The life centre and the great North museum are both great days out as well as Shipley art gallery (technically gateshead). Also the discovery museum!!! It has the whole British Film Institute archive and tons of maritime history
Mostly though, people don't realise how many wonderful green spaces there are near toon. Tyne Riverside and Derwenthaugh are both stunning !!! Also, I have spent sooooo much time at Jesmond Dene just sitting and watching the waterfall. Also the coastline in the summer is glorious and heading up to whitley bay when the weather is nice is just *chefs kiss*👌👌👌
Not to forget the amazing surrounding areas, you're so close to Durham which is a gorgeous city and of course Alnwick in the other direction (if anyone is ever there, try going through the Poison garden without passing out)
cant forget BYKER GROVE the best tv show ever created
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chandnihumai · 7 months
I like how Augustus met January on the right time. Comforted her when she needed it. Hugged her even when she ugly cried and made her realise she is not stupid for seeing good in people and expecting happy endings.
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writingpuddle · 2 years
once again i am hitting the point where writing is mostly on pause--its my last semester of classes (ever! hopefully) but they are occupying 98% of my available brainspace and so ill be on soft hiatus probably till the end of april 🧡
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strongfuck · 1 year
where should you be kissed?
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you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing… always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
tagged: @stingslikeabee now u know where mel should kiss him tagging: @auroradicit (kalma), @finalslay (arthur), @phaseshiftings 😳, @thescaledqueen, @love-seared, @therelignedstars, @general-kalani (vince), @irrfahrer, @manaborn, anyone else who sees this and wants to!!
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pink-academiaa · 2 years
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— [22/02/23]
the best realisation i made about having a study blog is that i did not, in fact, have to post every day, and that just once in a while is fine enough.
but simultaneously i think maybe i should post more of the ugly and messy late nights part of studying to combat the consistently pretty and aesthetic cafe and library shots that frequent this community but... i have yet to find an opportunity to do that without being bothered with how it looks lmfao
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cluethegirl · 2 years
I'm like those scottish fold kitties in that what makes me so cute is also the same thing that makes my life debillitating
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youhaveyourfits · 5 months
honestly im thinking of going to church bc im surviving but I think to #thrive I need a place I can go w welcoming open understanding faces. like I could Not go but to go might be what I need to get to a better life even if I don't go forever
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Poppy - A Collab by Ice-CreamForBreakfast & Surely-Sims
::Download:: (Patreon - Free)
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You know I never pass up a chance to delve into 60s mod fashion, so when the wonderful Surely-Sims asked me to collab on this set for her character Poppy, the answer was always going to be yes!
This collection of seriously sixties (and like one eighties dress but shhh) fashion is perfect for that dinner party, stakeout or just looking better than Beryl at the local potluck.
Item descriptions below:
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Wolfsbane Dress - A suspiciously 80s, woven mini-dress with diamante detailing and contrasting colours. Did you time-travel to the future for couture? Naturally.
Daphne Set - A sweater and pants set, perfect for day to day comfort while still looking better than Doreen Parker who works the reception at the local doctor's practice.
Foxglove Dress - A sleeveless mini-dress with a pleated hem and bow detail on the neckline. Perfect for a summer garden party, but breathable enough for a casual heist.
Heliotrope Dress - Why bother keeping up with the Joneses when you can simply make Marjorie Jones jealous enough to curse the day you were born. This button-down, belted dress is simple, chic and classic.
Larkspur Dress - The Larkspur Dress shows just enough while leaving the rest to the imagination. Made with a fine, but surprisingly sturdy fabric, you can be sure that your secret weapons remain concealed.
Cardosanto Bikini - Looking for fun in the sun, with enough space to conceal your throwing stars? The Cardosanto bikini has you covered. The belt ring? Emergency parachute cord.
Daffodil Sunglasses - Why bother with rose tinted glasses when you can see the truth (and through walls) with these floral frames?
Hyacinth Hair - Cleaning up the scene of a crime, but want to look chic while doing it? Look no further than this flippy 'do with a rather fashionable bandana!
Triffid Sunglasses - These sunglasses look really cool. That's it! No secret powers....or are there?
Nightshade Gloves - Not only are these heart-cutout gloves incredibly stylish, they don't leave fingerprints anywhere! Jessamine Earrings - These fabulously mod earrings make a statement, but could also take someone out...so don't whip your head around too quickly.
Holly Earplugs - Block out his snoring while tuning into your favourite bugged phoneline to lul yourself to sleep with these very stylish earplugs.
Holly Earrings - Love your Holly Earplugs, but prefer to hear what's going on around you? These earrings are perfect for you. Sadly they can't pick up radio signals, but they can pierce skin!
Oleander Earrings - These earrings will set you squarely on the list of Oasis Springs' most stylish sims! If they don't, simply take them out and throw them at the journalist who dared to write the list.
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 Looking for more? Grab Surely-Sims' part here! And check out the amazing Plott Legacy while you're at it
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yaderyngoch · 6 months
Normally I have a strong preference for Good Dad Bruce(tm) but I do think it's kinda a vibe for Bruce to just have So Many Kids and So Many Things to pay attention to and do all the time that Tim kinda just slips through the cracks sometimes. And Tim grew up so severely neglected that he doesn't notice. When you grow up starving, scraps seem like a feast. So as far as Tim's concerned, Bruce pays attention to him Ever, remembers his birthday, and treats him like something more than an inconvenient trophy, so as far as Tim's concerned Bruce is the best Dad ever. Tim doesn't notice he's being neglected, but Jason does. Jason doesn't have the rose coloured glasses anymore, so he picks up on those things real quick and he's pissed about it, especially after finding out how Tim grew up and how Tim's parents treated him.
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 months
@tangleweave Finding Pe-Tyr || Part 1 // Part 2
Jedi robes were tailored for just such circumstances, when they meant to avoid notice… and historically they've had a strange talent for working even on other occupants of the Temple. Simple garments, deployed for their usefulness in complex xenopsychology. Beneath the hem of the hood, his eyebrows rise at her, while his golden eyes shimmer with concern and compassion for her and her situation -- as well as a spark or two of mischief. "Quite simply put," he concludes quietly, "it is the right thing to do, and you know it, else you would not be doing it yourself." His gaze flickers to the hallway ahead of them. "So, shall we?"
"I would recommend scrubbing that look from your face ere we proceed. It is unbecoming of you." She doesn't need to have eyes in the back of her head to feel the weight of his gaze. And as much as she hates to admit it she hopes that he finds her knowledge to be unnerving as so many of their clan-mates and the younglings do. When she does catch his face Melakeni doesn't realise her own is so open and that all of her misgivings reside there like signal-beacons. For all that she might wish she could be as stone or durasteel, her truest weakness is demonstrably the fate of those she is closest to, particularly when they fall away from their path. How can the same not be so for Fane much as he would deny it? There is little mollification to be gained by his connection and for the briefest of moments her eyes narrow. Even with fractions of them eaten away by the shadow of her lashes there's something too accicular to the brilliant emerald hue, as if they absorb the dim light around them. "You assume much. I came to you because you are arguably one of the smartest people I know and I have seen you be kind and patient with Pe-Tyr when others are not so generous. In that you may take the reassurance of truth." She bites back the urge to snap her teeth around the very idea that there is veracity in just how slight a commodity they are for it is quickly becoming clear to her that only some Knights are thought so by the Masters. The tip of her tongue brushes along the points of her teeth but she manages to keep her sneer to herself. "I cannot help but feel in my gut that it will go far harder on him if we do not shepherd him back to his quarters. Moreso I want to know what drove him away in the first place." And there it is, the crux of the matter whispered in her soft tones. Her willingness to fight everyone's battles save her own. Eyes flicker hawk-like to watch his sabre meet its scabbard. A faint snap of tendon and muscle suggests she would not have been unarmed for long if the blade had come whirring to life. It is not that she considers Fane to be bloodthirsty. Somewhere during his concealment of self Fane loses her interest in watching him so closely. Neither does she answer him. For as slight as she might be, her shoulders straighten and her back stiffens. Detached but imperious she becomes, an aura that has always suited her if not their instructors. Pride is not a welcome trait amongst their kind yet it might be impossible to sheer it from her without cutting bloody swaths of her in the process. She steps to the door and waits for it to slide on its track to permit her into the hallway that leads to the common area. In stark contrast the impression of her voice wafts through the back of his thoughts as it has so often before. Do you wish to lead? I am curious of your ability to keep up.
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jaegerbby · 11 months
➳ persistence
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--͙[katsuki bakugo x female! reader]-͙-
╰┈➤ word count; 8244
╰┈➤ rundown; katsuki sees you through rose coloured glasses, you're his best friend after all. little does he know, you would do anything to have him.
╰┈➤ caution; alcohol consumption (legal drinking age is 18 in my country), bakugo cheats on his gf, possessiveness, jealousy, dry humping, choking, cunninglingus, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating, belly bulge, size kink, virginity loss (mentions of blood), slight kaminari x yn, yn has small boobs.
not proof read !
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katsuki has been yours forever.
well, he has been your best friend forever.
although, katsuki is oblivious to how near and dear you hold him to your heart and the things you would do to have him.
you were prone to running girls off even if it meant spewing some preposterous lie.
you would do it all if it meant being able to fawn over katsuki like he was more than your best friend.
you spend every moment that you can with him.
you thought he loved your company the same but katsuki tells you he lost his virginity and you realise he was seeking love elsewhere.
he smashes your heart into a million pieces with just a sentence.
you stick closer to him, you thought he would heal your broken heart although he was the reason for it.
but he does it again, he takes it and rips it apart because two months later, you find out katsuki has a girlfriend.
you try to break them up.
you really do. you make yourself an issue.
what girl is okay with their boyfriend constantly around his girl best friend. what girl would tolerate that?
katsuki's girlfriend.
you find that out the hard way.
you disrupt their plans but somehow she finds herself there.
you delete messages she sends and she blames it on the network. not katsuki! never him!
he misses countless calls when he is with you but she does not mind!
you drive yourself insane trying to get rid of her.
it seems like she is here to stay.
you are eighteen when alcohol is legal and a hot commodity.
when your friend group rents a beach house with the sole purpose of getting wasted.
you see katsuki as soon as you step into the hall. you smile, well almost.
"what the fuck are you wearing?" you furrow your brows at his irritated tone. you swear boys are suppose to like this.
"a bathing suit."
"your entire ass is out." he scowls.
"okay? who cares?"
they do care. they all have their eyes on you.
izuku swallows hard when you smile at him and shouto almost stops breathing when your hip brushes his. katsuki is stalking around the house like he wants to lay claim. like he is seconds away from pissing all over you.
it is on the tip of your tongue to tell him to worry about his girlfriend.
she comes downstairs a second later and is all over him. you are jealous. of course you are! he is letting her do all the things he should have given to you.
the alcohol is all you have to quell you over. when kaminari starts feeling you up, who are you to deny it? he is slurring words with his body flush to yours and katsuki seethes for the world to see.
"you're so pretty and your body." he whistles. you giggle in his face, your arms around his shoulders to press your breasts to his bare abdomen.
he is a good looking guy but he would never compare to katsuki. kaminari's hands trail lower, thumbing the fabric of your bathing suit.
you find katsuki whose jaw locks tighter the longer you are in kaminari's arms. whose knuckles have turned white from being wrapped in fists.
"i've wanted to fuck you for so long." he rasps, you can definitely feel his erection digging into your tummy.
you smile, your lips brushing his "then why haven't you?"
katsuki has had enough.
he yanks kaminari back by his hair and roughly shoves him into the wall. you wince.
"what the fuck, bakugo?" everyone though tipsy is alerted by the scene. katsuki is intimidating and as bad as you feel for kaminari you are stifling a grin behind your palms.
"do you want me to kill you?" katsuki nears him, smoke seems to blow out his nose like a raging bull.
"for what?" katsuki has only gotten bigger over the years, his abs flex as he breathes hard and his bicep swells when he reaches for kaminari.
you step in front of him and katsuki looks murderous as he glares at you.
"yn, move." you are all wide eyed and playing innocent.
"i won't let you hit him."
"you're choosing that dunce over me?" his brows tilt up. you do not say a word. "you let him touch you. you were asking him to fuck you."
it is exactly how you want it to go. his girlfriend furrows her brows. you do not know if it is the alcohol, anger or jealousy but katsuki does not care.
"katsuki." you hate the way his name sounds on her tongue.
"why do you care?" he tenses. she comes up to his side, pulling on his arm.
you want them to fight, you want to draw her to her breaking point and finally push her over the edge.
it should have happened years ago.
it is way into the morning, about 1:43 am. everyone is in the rooms, black out drunk and desperately needing to recuperate.
you are on your phone on the couch, still dressed in your bathing suit.
you sit up when katsuki walks down the stairs in a short sweatpants and a tshirt. his hair pushed back by a bando, one of yours he had taken years ago.
he settles right next to you, your feet pulled to your chest and facing him though he is staring at the blank screen of the tv.
"how'd you get her to quiet down?"
"there are men here and they think like men and you still wore that." really he wants to say, i'm a man. a filthy fucked up one that has longed to wreck the friendship between you.
his eyes meet yours looking at your features with so much softness before they lower to all the skin you have on display, your tits, your stomach, the scars and he knows the story for each one.
there are birthmarks he has never seen before, katsuki wants to know more, about you.
his eyes only grow darker, primal, everything in him wants you. he has for a long time.
you ignore his words "did you fuck her?" he scowls "i wouldn't fuck her and then come to you." you scoff.
katsuki's eyes trail to the curve of your cunt, barely covered by that scrap of fabric, the way you have your legs up only makes it more prominent.
"liar. over the last two years, you fucked her and now you're here." his eyes flicker to yours. you rest your phone on the cushion as you lean over to him, his tongue swiping over his lips when your bare ass comes into his view.
you straddle his lap, his legs spread and his bulge pressing into you immediately. his large hands find your hips, holding you as he thrusts up. his erection has you gasping. your hands find purchase in his fluffy blond hair.
you are still smaller than him, you have always been. your face nears his, you want to break down and cry.
"you're my best friend, suki, aren't you supposed to know my every want?" your hips grind into his, panting and mewling into his face, you have not done this before.
your cunt soaks through the thin fabric, it feels wet and slimy. your hips roll against him, why did his dick feel so good when it was not even inside you?
you do not want to stop, you want to do it all and now.
"i do."
he thrusts up into your weeping slit and you whine as your body grows hotter. your eyes fixate on his, his hands grip your cheeks and they are so big you feel safe.
you feel like nothing can hurt you so long as he is around. you tilt your head to kiss the side of his palm.
"you want me to kiss you, you want me to touch you." he brings you close until your lips brush. he smells so good, he feels so good and right with you.
"you want me to fuck your little baby pussy that's rubbing on my cock so perfectly and make you mine." you nod your head, gripping onto him more. you have never heard him talk like that, never.
your head goes into a daze. "you want me, you've always wanted me."
"i know you." tears leak from your eyes and katsuki's lips part before he kisses you.
he kisses you and it far exceeds the countless times you dreamed about it. it feels more than fireworks and electricity, katsuki feels like love.
he feels like patience and understanding. katsuki kisses like you are all he needs and all he wants. he kisses with as much feeling as you have harboured for him in all your years of existence.
his lips languidly move along yours, thumb stroking your cheeks and keeping you close.
you practically melt into him more, your breasts flush to his chest, kissing him deeper as you hump his erection. he pulls away and you are breathless, his hands cupping the bare flesh of your ass to help you fuck yourself on him.
"tell me you didn't fuck some other guy." he winces, his forehead meeting yours.
hypocrite, selfish, unfair. that is what he is.
"i didn't." you concede, gripping his shoulders tighter.
"are you just... saying that cause i want to hear it?" you press your lips to his again and katsuki cups the back of your head to kiss you as deeply as he can. to sink his tongue in your mouth and claim it for himself.
your hands pull the strings on either side of your suit's bottoms, tugging it off before your cunt meets the fabric of his shorts and strands of slick coat it.
"fuck me. fuck me and you'll know."
he groans, reaching around you to untie your top.
"such a gorgeous girl." the praise is entirely unfamiliar, katsuki has never called you gorgeous.
"your pussy is so wet, baby. i can feel it already." his hands grope your breasts, tweaking at your nipples that sting with sensitivity. his hands trail over your sternum and squeeze the flesh of your hips.
they feel rough and calloused. like they have lived a life, one you have been there for every second of since he called your name.
your cunt soaks his shorts and leaves a wet patch on the grey fabric but you cannot stop humping him. not when it feels so good, not when your cunt is clenching and the friction is stimulating you.
"i can't wait to have this tight little hole stretched around me, can't wait to fuck you open and have you shaped to my cock. mine alone." his fingers thread through your hair.
"do it suki, please, please put it in." your naked body writhes against him, your hips rocking and stuttering,
you cannot help your moans or the way you are constantly biting on your lips. you are depraved and desperate but katsuki has ruined you from the moment you laid eyes on him.
tears trail down your cheeks from the overwhelming feeling between your legs, from the way he looks at and touches you.
"kat it's so big." you mewl, bowing your head and looking at the way your cunt rubs along him.
his rough fingertips find your clit and your jaw hangs as he rubs the bundle of stilted nerves. your face is in the crook of his neck, losing all composure.
"cunt's messy. i want you to cum for me." you whine, your hips grinding harder. hands knotted in his tshirt.
"are you close?" your thighs are locking up and your abdomen feels unbelievably tight, your pussy constantly clenches. "uh huh." his hand grips your throat to make you look at him. "i want to see it, i want to see your eyes roll back, your mouth water and how fucked out your face looks when your pussy is creaming."
your body bounces on his lap, lips parted as he presses your forehead to his. "suki, it feels good, you feel so good." a smile crosses his pretty face.
"yeah? getting yourself off on my cock feels good? nasty girl, you're rubbing your dripping little cunt on me and you're enjoying it." his mouth meets yours in a searing kiss. "i'm enjoying it too, no one compares to you, no one is as pretty or as perfect as you." he whispers, like the only one that matters is you.
your body halts, jerking still on his lap because he is stroking your clit like he has known your body forever. like this is all familiar.
your fingers wrap around his wrist and katsuki grips your throat a bit tighter. just as he expected, just like his daydreams, only ten times better, your eyes roll, drool drips from your pretty mouth and you are the most stunning when your body is overcome by an orgasm.
the first one he has seen from you. "that's it, fuck, baby, doing so well." you whine at the praise, his words itch a part of your brain you never knew about.
your cunt creaming and soaking his pants, there is a wet patch and a sticky mess between your legs. you want to be filled so badly.
you do not think you can function if he does not. you are panting before he releases your throat and you slump into his strong body. he pushes back your hair and holds you close to him, you are all sweaty and his body temperature only makes you hotter.
his hands rub and caress all over you, his chin on your head before he wraps you in a tight hug. "i need to see you like that again, look so fucking pretty." you swallow hard, that sounds so much like a promise for the future. one with you and him.
he kisses your forehead "do you want to have sex?"
you perk up, bobbing your head. "of course i want to."
you are surprised when he brushes your cheek and his expression is saddened.
"this isn't the only time, you know that?" you slowly nod your head. "if you want to wait, i will. we can take things slow."
katsuki, katsuki, katsuki, how could you ever want anyone else.
"i waited long enough. i really want you to fuck me, ki." his eyes grow hooded. he presses a soft peck to your lips before he shifts you off his lap.
he removes his tshirt to reveal full pecs, toned abs, and a deep v line. all things you have seen before. all things you have day dreamed about but you have never seen him right before he would fuck you.
you have never looked at him knowing he would be in your body.
katsuki's skin ripples in defined muscles, any where you look you would see it. his eyes meet yours and your bread hitches. a smile crossing his features softly. his arms rest on either side of your body, gaze flicking to your messy cunt as he leans closer.
his mouth presses to yours in a soft gentle kiss and you find yourself following him when he pulls away. his nose nuzzles yours. "let's go upstairs, i'll get a condom."
you tense. here you are stripped bare, for him to see, for him to touch and have and own the way you have always wanted.
she is upstairs, in his room while you are on the living room couch waiting to be fucked.
you cannot find it in yourself to care.
"what are you thinking about?" his forehead meets yours. his eyes are so red, so red that you want them to draw you in and never let you go. you want them forever, you want him.
"do you use condoms with her?" his brows draw together, he does not want to talk about her but he will answer every question you have.
"always." no hesitation, no dishonesty.
you are immature, especially when it comes to him. "i'm different to you. i'm not like her. right kat?"
katsuki wants to wrap you up in his arms and keep you from the world. he wants to keep you to himself. he should have done it from the start.
kat, ki, suki, they are all his, they are all yours and that is one of the many ways that shows how different you are.
he breathes a heavy breath "you're everything." your hands cup either side of his nape.
"then show me. you shouldn't want something between us." not when it’s me.
katsuki regrets that those words even came out of his mouth. his eyes flick over your features before his large palm is pressing on your chest. you lie back under the weight of his searing touch, under the weight of his heavy gaze.
his lips leave wet kisses to your cheek before he drifts lower. you whine when his tongue laves over your perked nipple. all hot and sticky with saliva. the rough pad of his thumb rolls the darkened flesh before he takes it back into his mouth and circles the bud with his tongue.
your legs jolt, although your bare skin meets katsuki's body. katsuki who is above you completely with his body between your legs. he is so close you cannot think, you can hardly breathe.
"when we were younger." he trails off, leaning closer to press his stiff bulge against your messy cunt. your fingers curl into your palms.
"i used to wonder how big these would get." his hands grope your chest, your breast that have not changed much, have not grown much.
"but i like them this way. so much." his hands are so big, they only make the mounds of flesh look smaller. as he touches and squeezes. as he flusters you.
"why?" your voice seems ten times harder to get out. his mouth covers yours, pressing deep and your eyes tightly close. you whine when he pulls back
"cause it gets me so fucking hard." his voice is rough, you want to hear it that way forever. your hips tilt up to press against him more, where his pants are already soaked with your cum.
katsuki groans before his mouth meets your stomach and he trails kisses down the soft flesh. the closer he gets to the dripping slit between your legs the more you tense.
"kat, wait." your hand reaches for his hair but your fingers keen into themselves when his tongue trails over your stiff clit. your back arches, lips parting.
"why should i? i waited long enough." you said the same and here katsuki is with his mouth over your cunt and amusement all over his face. you cannot look at him.
"it's weird!" his breath hits your soaking mess as he lightly laughs. your legs lift and your toes curl when his heated tongue glides through your opening in a languid stroke.
"tell me how weird it is that my mouth is on your pretty little pussy, that i'm finally getting to taste how sweet you are." your hands rest on your lips and you swallow hard.
katsuki leans in to lap at the cum and the slick that seems never ending. you can hardly keep your eyes open yet you look at him.
with his hooded eyes and you in his mouth. his fingers reach between your legs to pull your lips apart. to spread open your slit and your body jerks when he spits a thick ball of heady saliva into you.
the tip of his tongue glides through the mess before you feel it dipping inside you. your eyes widen and your entire body squirms. your hips rocking, you are not sure if you want to pull away or press more into him.
his strong hands hold your legs open and then he is shoving into you, until your eyes roll and his nose is nuzzled to your clit. your cunt squelches at the intrusion, gummy sticky walls pushed apart.
your fingers dig into the broadness of his shoulders "suki." you cry his name, it is so strange. to have something so foreign inside. to have someone's mouth much less their tongue there.
you are not quite prepared for him to move the wriggling muscle. no nothing could prepare you for the feeling of a tongue squirming inside your cunt and stroking your walls.
katsuki is fucking you with his tongue.
your hips jerk, and tears leak down your face without you realising. your hands tangle in his hair and all he does is press deeper and move faster.
your eyes meet his and you moan so disgustingly loud. his eyes are dark and they look mean. you can feel him everywhere. the muscles in your legs pulsate, he is sucking on you, he is eating you up and you grip his hair so tight because there are no coherent thoughts in your head.
the sounds fuck with you the most, the sounds are sloppy and sticky. the longer you hear it the more your brain turns to mush.
he will not stop, he will not give you a moment to breathe not as you moan and cry, not as you tug his hair or dig your nails into his scalp.
your cunt continuously clenches around the invasive muscle. your stomach feels unbelievably tight, "you're so gross." yet your hips are rocking, yet you are enjoying it. katsuki's tongue moves rougher and your eyes roll back so hard you are disoriented.
"ki, seriously! i'm gonna cum." your voice is watery and jumbled. you think he will stop, isn't he supposed to? but katsuki does not. no, not until you cream in his mouth and all over his face. your body jerks and tenses, you swear you are drooling and there are tears in your eyes.
you are already a mess, when his tongue slips out of your soaked hole you grit your teeth. your entire being is still stuttering with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
katsuki has liquid down his jaw and lips, some is even in his hair. he lies on top of you, his face close and his cock on your sensitive cunt. he is heavy, all you can feel is hard muscle and his skin as bare as yours.
"you taste like heaven, got the sweetest little pussy." he swipes at your tears and your legs fold on either side of him. "you're gross." he cocks his eyebrow "cause i want to eat your dripping cunt forever? or cause i want to drink up all the cum that comes out of it? which one makes me gross?"
you squeeze your eyes, it makes your heart feel all weird and your cunt throb. you wonder if he can feel it. if he can feel how hard you are pulsating all over.
"open those pretty eyes." his fingers grip your jaw and you whine. you are so flustered, you are so disoriented. katsuki spins you tight and messes up your head.
"all of it, katsu." you are a whimpering mess. you cannot think properly. not when you are naked, not when he is plastered to your skin. you want him inside of you. you want to know what it feels like so badly.
"katsu." he rolls the name around his tongue. you have not called him that in years. you have not called him that since you were kids.
he wonders what you then would say if she saw you now, if she knew how you would be. if she would be as angry as you are because he had been with someone else.
"take it off." you mutter, your hand cupping the hardness of his bulge. it is borderline painful. he has been hard since he sat next to you.
he swallows, sitting up to shove the restrictive material down. your body shifts on the couch as you see his length. long thick, the head a mixture of pink and brown. you have never seen one before.
his balls look heavy, you cannot help but wonder what they would feel like. in your hand, in your mouth. his fingers run across the short blonde pubic hair before he grips the base and squeezes, pre cum leaks from the tip.
he is quick to collect it and stroke it over the bluish veins along his shaft. his eyes meet yours, he looks at your expression. why do you look so in awe?
his defined muscles flex as he comes over you again. he crowds you into the corner of the couch, like he wants to keep you only for himself. only for his eyes.
your legs hook on his hips, his cock pressing into the flesh of your abdomen. he is so close, he is so close to being inside.
"how's it going to fit, ki?" you puff and the groan he lets out is bordering a loss of self control. he hesitates, will it fit? will all of this really fit in your tight little hole? where would it end in your body?
"we'll make it fit, right? tell me you'll make it fit, katsu." there it is again and he is losing his mind. what did you get out of calling him that besides ruining his head? he is already obsessed with you, did you want to make him psychotic too?
you are stripped naked with your cunt an inch away from his length practically begging him to stuff you so full you will ache. katsuki has lost it.
he tries to crack a smile but it is shaky, his thick fingers stroke between your slit and you sigh.
"yeah." it is so unsure, his voice cracks "we'll make it fit, i'll get it all in this cunt." his digits press into your walls, pushing passed the swollen flesh that seems to resist.
the gummy blood filled walls that make you so unbelievably tight. you gasp at the intrusion.
"just have to get this tight hole to loosen up." that seems easier said than done. why are you so tight? why do your walls grip him so viciously and hold him so close?
"fuck, baby. how am i supposed to stretch you out when you're so little?" his mouth meets yours, while his fingers slowly slip in and out of you.
he called you baby.
his mouth coaxes over yours, his lips gliding along yours like he was made for you.
your hips rock as he plunges his digits to his knuckles. everything he does feels good. he could look at you and you would still be this much of a mess.
your hand wraps around his length and katsuki's muscles flex. they flex and ripple, you wish you could see the way every single one contorts.
he grits his teeth, forehead rolling over yours, his jaw clenching before it hangs. he is so beautiful. his eyes lock on where you hold him. where the softness is so mind blowing, where your finger tips do not touch. where you are stroking his reddened cock the way he imagined.
it felt better, your slow, inexperienced strokes feel so much fucking better.
his fingers slam into you, palm grinding into your clit as he quickens his pace. your pussy sputters and wetness coats his digits. some splattering under the force of his movements.
your mouth drops in a moan, all breathy and pretty. "fucking pussy is in love with me. dripping all over, for me. such a loud nasty little cunt. who's it for?" your hand tightens around his base and drags along the length, enough to make him pant.
"you, katsu. it's yours, always been yours." your hips grind and fuck against him, legs spreading wider on instinct. you are so inviting. you are so perfect.
your eyes are barely staying open, your hand jerks his length. there is sweat on your skin. your chest heaving. he pulls his hand from your messy cunt, sticky strands connecting him to you before he collects the pre cum from his tip and presses it to your mouth.
your mouth opens to lap and suck and clean the liquid from his digits. your little hand growing more vigorous in your strokes, it only makes katsuki hump into the space between your fingers. "i want to fill you all over, i want to fuck you everywhere. this baby mouth, this vice pussy and this teasing little ass. i want to stuff your belly and holes with my cum. i want to cover you in it."
he is so nasty, he shoves into your mouth until you gag, until spit pools in your mouth and you drink it all down again. he cups your cheek and presses the sweetest kiss to your mouth, a soft wet smack filling the empty room.
katsuki is perfection incarnate.
he sits up on his knees, your hand slipping from his length as he grips your hips and pulls you lower. your legs spread and his cock resting on your abdomen.
his large hand spans out pressing his length against your flesh as he trails to the head. pre cum pools from the slit and katsuki's eyebrows bind together so tight. his jaw locks and his red eyes have gone black.
he is sizing you up. he is trying to figure out where exactly his cock is going to reach in you. you are breathless, you are a mess. katsuki has always been bigger than you.
he is lean muscle but they bulge so wide they make themselves present. he is all hard defined rivets in the planes of his skin.
"are you sure you want to do it?" his eyes lock with yours. why would he ask that like you would not say yes a million times?
"i am. i've never been more sure of something." i've never been more sure it's you. katsuki will always be the one. always.
"i want to have sex with you, i want you inside of me." he swallows hard. then his face relaxes, he looks so soft.
"tell me if it hurts. i'll stop if you want me to." he reaches down, leaning more over you as he strokes his length. his stiff cock bobs before his head is mushed into the sticky flesh of your pussy.
you gasp, looking at him breach your entrance. your slit slowly being pulled apart. katsuki was relaxed, he was but now his heart is beating out of his chest.
he has never had raw sex before. he has never been inside without a condom. you feel better than anything, even with a condom he is sure you would be better. you are better.
your pussy is warm and wet, so unbelievably wet. he does not know if your gummy walls are sucking on him or sucking him in, he thinks it might be both. he pushes in until the swollen flesh of his head is surrounded by your sticky hole.
you both let out laboured breaths. katsuki is inside you, he is inside of you and he cannot think. he wants to burn this moment into his brain and eye lids. he wants to think about this forever.
you feel so tight, warm and wet that katsuki feels like he will cum. he will cum and fill you up and he will want to do it again and again.
"how are you this good?" he grits his teeth. "your pussy keeps holding me, so tightly. how am i supposed to fuck you if you won't let me move?" he covers you, his face in front of yours, one hand cupping your throat and the other stroking your waist.
"rub your little clit for me and loosen up. you want my cock in you, right? you want me to fuck your cunt, don't you?" you whine, your hand reaching between your soft skin and his muscular flesh.
finding the stilted bundle of nerves and roughly rolling it. you cannot think, you cannot think at all. katsuki is inside of you and you are looking into his eyes.
how can you function?
"katsu, i want it so bad. i want you to fuck me so bad." your cunt gushes around him. you soak him again and again.
"yeah, want my cock to spread you open and fill up this pussy." he shoves in an inch more and you swear it sucks the life out of you.
"put it all in, please. i don't care if it hurts." he pants into your face, easing in more and more of his heady length. it feels like it goes on forever.
tears stream down your cheeks and your hand grips the back of his nape.
"such a good girl, pretty girl. you're doing so well." you whine, you want to cry and scream for him.
you are insanely tight and you are insanely hot.
you wrap around him and guzzle, you squeeze and you slurp him up.
katsuki cannot fuck you with a condom. he could never do it after feeling you like this.
"how much more is there, katsu?" your voice is as teary as your eyes. he brings your hand away from your clit to hold his nape. both of your hands intertwining before they lace in the spiky blonde strands near the base of his neck.
"a little more. breathe for me." and you do, you do as he anchors his hands on your hips. he slams into you so hard your cunt squelches, so hard your back arches off the couch and your voice pitches up into a broken cry of his name.
it is more than a little, you feel so stretched out, so pulled wide and filled to the brin. tears leak down your face
"it feels like." you trail off with dazed eyes "you're in my guts. no, my throat." katsuki pants above you
"i am." his voice is warbled. when you stare up at him in confusion, you follow where his gaze is locked. your entire body vibrates, there is a bulge in your stomach, there is a bulge where his cock is seated deep inside you.
your pussy tightens up around him so suddenly that katsuki hisses. "it's so deep, katsu." your head drops back onto the cushion, your legs hooking around his hips. his pelvis is flush to yours, he is buried inside you. he pulled you apart to shove himself inside.
you grip him so perfectly that katsuki feels like he will faint. he feels like he is blacking out.
"can you move?" you whine.
katsuki does not think he can.
he might just cum inside you this very moment.
he nods, leaning back to hold your legs open by the back of your knees. you lift yourself onto your elbows, both of you watching as he pulls out to just beneath his head, sticky strands of your slick covering his length and dripping from it before he slams straight to the base.
the bulge in your stomach appears again. you moan so loud, katsuki wants to hear it again and again.
you both watch him enter and exit you, watch him pound his heady cock into your walls. it feels so good your head is a mess.
he only fucks into you a few times, only makes a good few strokes before he stops.
"fuck you're bleeding. does it hurt?" his eyes are so filled with concern whilst yours only have lust.
you shake your head, "don't stop, katsu, don't stop."
your legs tighten around him, practically urging him to keep slamming the thickness of his cock inside of you.
"baby." he mutters unsurely, his fingers pressing into your skin.
"you got your answer, please keep fucking me. it feels so good." your head drops to the cushion as you grope your breasts. your nipples have never been this sensitive before. you want his mouth on them again. you tweak the buds as the gears turn in katsuki's head.
"you were a virgin." he breathes, you roll your hips. why won't he fuck you?
"fuck me, suki. harder." you whine and you jolt when he covers you. when your legs are pressed tight to your chest and his hand grips your throat. he presses down on the sides and when he really does fuck you, his thrusts are brutal and deep. he puts all of his weight into it as he fucks your pussy.
"does it feel that good, you want me pounding my cock into your freshly opened pussy?" you mewl, nails finding purchase in his back as you leave scratches down the ripples of muscle.
"you let me stretch out and pull apart your virgin cunt. you're bleeding all over my cock. that means you're mine." you nod, you bob your head with no hesitation.
"m'yours, yours." you babble as his cock is thrust into your walls. brushing your cervix and making you see stars. he slams so hard into you that there are wet smacking noises between your sexes. there are hard lashes of skin on skin.
his fingers hold your throat, you are so little under him he feels like he will crush it if he is not careful. your thighs tremble and your body jerks.
he is so heavy and he is so big and the way he feels sends your head into overdrive.
you are a spiralling mess. he huffs in your face, readjusting and you did not think he could go harder but he does.
he does and you shriek.
drool drips down your jaw and your eyes roll. you never thought it would feel that good.
you never really considered that a cock would warm you from the inside out.
katsuki's tongue laves over your tears and the whimper you let out drives him insane.
he is past the point of return.
every vein, ridge and bump on his cock is stroked by you. your cunt tries so hard to clamp down and keep him in until you have memorised them all, until you have taken his shape.
"why'd you keep this from me? all these years we could've been." he groans at the thought "we could've been fucking, i could've had you and this pussy from the start."
your legs tremble, barely perched on either side of his hips. your nails digging further in his skin to find your bearings. katsuki's hands are on you, he is in you. it feels like something out of a dream.
"i didn't keep it from you, i kept it for you." your words are forced out and broken, you can hardly speak with the constant pressure in your body.
"i used to think about you, about what i would do if you ever let me. i used to jerk off to you, all the fucking time." he grits his teeth, strokes growing more forceful, they hit deeper than before. they hit and caress every single spot inside you. "i rubbed my dick raw because i wanted you. why didn't you just tell me, baby? i would've given you it all. i'm giving you it all."
your fingers wrap around his wrist, he is so big. he is so big all over it makes you delirious. you are practically tugging his forearm closer to your chest.
"m'sorry, katsu." your eyes meet and katsuki breathes hard.
you look ditzy, you look downright brainless. he has never seen you like this, spit slicked lips, drooling and crying. getting filled with cock and becoming a fucked out mess.
this is his, this is his because no one else has seen it.
how can katsuki stay mad at you? how can he punish you for the past when you are giving him this?
he throbs inside you, he cannot seem to stop fucking you, he wants to do it forever. he wants to be wrapped up in the oasis between your pretty plush thighs forever.
you reach for his jaw, trembling fingers gracing the sharp perimeter. you want him close. you wonder how much closer you can get him than buried inside your cunt, than him prodding your cervix. than him nestled in your heart for years. you want him closer than that. he draws nearer, his nose nuzzling yours before soft pink lips meet yours.
"you're too good for me." you whine, his brows tilt up and he looks so pained. "but i can't handle seeing you with someone else." you shake your head.
oh never never never.
you have never wanted someone else.
you never will.
no one could ever compare to katsuki.
"i'm yours, only yours." you cry.
"yeah? you're mine, you'll always be mine and i'm yours." there is not an ounce of air in your body because he took it all. the shift of his hips is slow, it is slow and intentional.
he is yours. katsuki is yours. just as he is meant to be.
"promise?" you sound like the most precious thing ever.
you are. that is what you are.
"i swear, baby." your legs are jelly, they have lost all feeling. they shaking every time his thighs hit the back of yours. you cannot even stop them from spasming every once in a while. katsuki fucks hard, he gets deep and messes up everything.
he gets so deep your head is empty but so full. so full of him and the feeling. you feel everything ten times more.
your back arches "katsu, please." he hums, his hand rubs your little throat before he squeezes again. your jaw hangs. he is nasty. so nasty.
"what do you want?" his voice is baritone and love. his voice is what you want to hear the second you wake up and the minute before you fall asleep.
"you, just want you." you should not have said that, that seems to send katsuki far beyond a point he was trying so hard to avoid. the way he slams into you now is brutal, you feel the way your cunt clenches when he pulls out and the way he stretches you open all over again.
the bulge in your stomach is constantly reappearing. liquid drips from your slit down your ass and his balls. it splatters from your nasty union to the couch, to your skin and his. it froths up around his base until the blonde of his pubic hair is soaked. you bind him so tight in slick gummy walls, he does not think he will ever get this out of his head.
no he will remember this when he is at school, when he is supposed to be listening to lectures he will be hearing your messy cunt instead. he will hear the sopping noises your cunt makes when she is getting pounded.
when he is working out he will want you under him. katsuki will not be able to keep his hands off you after this.
he curses, fingers biting into your skin, he is over you completely. his forehead presses down on yours. he is gripping you so hard you swear it will bruise.
his finger marks will be on your skin and every one will know katsuki fucked you.
"ease up before i cum in you." katsuki's abs tense, they tighten up so much they hurt.
you puff into his face "you don't you want to?" cause you want him to. you want his seed spilled deep inside of you. you want your cunt creamed by him. you squeeze him so suddenly katsuki grunts.
"of course i fucking want to." his eyes narrow, sweat drips down his hairline. you did not realise how much he was sweating until his sticky skin glistens.
"i want to cum so deep in your pussy you'll never forget it. i want to fill you up and make you keep it in." his hips stutter and his movements grow sloppy. he is so close.
"then do it katsu, i need it. i need your cum." he whimpers. you have certainly never heard him like that before.
"you need it?" his voice is soft and the second you nod he sees white. his arms wrap around your waist to press you flush to him. his head drops to your chest and your hands stroke his hair as he pumps his hips.
deliberately and forceful.
you feel the weight of it more so. he groans into your chest, eyes tightly shut before his pelvis meets yours with no space between. where he is buried to the hilt.
his muscles spasm and your eyes roll when you feel his cock throb and vapid spurts are shot into you.
you feel like he paints your insides and it is so hot you are shaking. you can see the way his back ripples as he cums, the way he breathes heavy and feel his arms bulge as he holds you close.
you can make out reddened ears and blushing cheeks. your fingers thread through his hair, leaning into to press your nose to the crown of his head where blonde tuffs stick into the air.
his hips shallowly rock, pumping your pussy full of his seed and you tense as it leaks past the perimeter of his cock down your slit.
he shakily breathes before he wetly kisses up your sternum. you think all the air leaves your lungs when he kisses your lips.
"i love you."
you flinch when you hear it. there is absolutely no way he said that.
"you're just saying that cause you fucked me" you avoid him or you try to. it is hard to avoid a man that has his cock inside of you.
"no. i love you, i love you more than you know. and i'm sorry i fucked up. i'm sorry i took so long to say it." he tries to pacify you but you are stubborn.
you think you just might cry.
"can you take it out?" katsuki's face contorts but you have no clue what his expression means. he slowly straightens up, his hands cupping beneath your knees.
when he pulls out, his cum leaks from you. you wince from the feeling but katsuki loves the sight. he thinks filling you with his cum is the greatest thing he has ever done.
he regrets not doing it sooner.
you reach for his shirt once he is off of you. you tug the material over your body, you cannot help but lift it to your nose and inhale his scent. katsuki should have been yours. he was always meant to be yours so why did he find you so late when you were there all along?
katsuki smells like all the years and memories you shared with him. katsuki smells like love and comfort.
he notices you nuzzling his shirt and he swears there is nothing as precious as you. he pulls his shorts up.
you stand slowly, gritting your teeth. "it's dripping." katsuki needs you to be quiet before he gets hard again.
he needs you to be quiet before he makes you spread your legs so he can get his mouth on your cunt again. so he can drink all the cum he filled your pussy with and stuff you full with more.
he reaches for your hand, softly stroking it with his thumb. "c'mon."
"where?" you remain still despite him trying to pull you along with him.
"to my room."
katsuki feels his heart drop when you yank your hand away.
"your stupid girlfriend is up there." you roll of your eyes. katsuki was just inside you, he came inside you. all the remnants are leaking down your thighs and you are acting like that?
his brows knit in frustration and although you like to act as though katsuki can never move you, truth is, he can. he grips your wrist and pulls you up the stairs with no issue.
even as you protest. you try to argue as quietly as possible because the last thing you want is to alert everyone in the house.
"katsuki, are you crazy?" he shoves open the door and once you are inside he locks it.
"katsuki?" he stares at you incredulously, "what happened to katsu? what happened between then and now for you to act like this?"
and you are crying, you look so miserable. he thinks you look too cute for your own good but he wants to curb your tears instantly.
"she's still your girlfriend." you brokenly say.
"i broke up with her. i wouldn't do that to you, i wouldn't sleep with you while i was with someone else. we had sex because i'm yours okay? i always have been."
katsuki aches to pull you close, to wipe your tears.
"she's leaving in the morning. it's just you and me. it should've been like that from the start." he cannot take it anymore, he pulls you into his chest. you who fits into him so perfectly, you were made for him and him for you. he sees that now.
"i know i don't deserve it, i don't deserve you but can you say i love you?"
you brokenly sob, "i love you, i love you. i love you, katsu. love you so much." you cry like those words were waiting for an opportunity to escape. to finally be in the world.
katsuki is yours, just like you wanted.
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can you tell i love him sm sm
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inky-duchess · 9 months
Fantasy Guide to Interiors
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As a followup to the very popular post on architecture, I decided to add onto it by exploring the interior of each movement and the different design techniques and tastes of each era. This post at be helpful for historical fiction, fantasy or just a long read when you're bored.
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Interior Design Terms
Reeding and fluting: Fluting is a technique that consists a continuous pattern of concave grooves in a flat surface across a surface. Reeding is it's opposite.
Embossing: stamping, carving or moulding a symbol to make it stand out on a surface.
Paneling: Panels of carved wood or fabric a fixed to a wall in a continuous pattern.
Gilding: the use of gold to highlight features.
Glazed Tile: Ceramic or porcelain tiles coated with liquid coloured glass or enamel.
Column: A column is a pillar of stone or wood built to support a ceiling. We will see more of columns later on.
Bay Window: The Bay Window is a window projecting outward from a building.
Frescos: A design element of painting images upon wet plaster.
Mosaic: Mosaics are a design element that involves using pieces of coloured glass and fitted them together upon the floor or wall to form images.
Mouldings: ornate strips of carved wood along the top of a wall.
Wainscoting: paneling along the lower portion of a wall.
Chinoiserie: A European take on East Asian art. Usually seen in wallpaper.
Clerestory: A series of eye-level windows.
Sconces: A light fixture supported on a wall.
Niche: A sunken area within a wall.
Monochromatic: Focusing on a single colour within a scheme.
Ceiling rose: A moulding fashioned on the ceiling in the shape of a rose usually supporting a light fixture.
Baluster: the vertical bars of a railing.
Façade: front portion of a building
Lintel: Top of a door or window.
Portico: a covered structure over a door supported by columns
Eaves: the part of the roof overhanging from the building
Skirting: border around lower length of a wall
Ancient Greece
Houses were made of either sun-dried clay bricks or stone which were painted when they dried. Ground floors were decorated with coloured stones and tiles called Mosaics. Upper level floors were made from wood. Homes were furnished with tapestries and furniture, and in grand homes statues and grand altars would be found. Furniture was very skillfully crafted in Ancient Greece, much attention was paid to the carving and decoration of such things. Of course, Ancient Greece is ancient so I won't be going through all the movements but I will talk a little about columns.
Doric: Doric is the oldest of the orders and some argue it is the simplest. The columns of this style are set close together, without bases and carved with concave curves called flutes. The capitals (the top of the column) are plain often built with a curve at the base called an echinus and are topped by a square at the apex called an abacus. The entablature is marked by frieze of vertical channels/triglyphs. In between the channels would be detail of carved marble. The Parthenon in Athens is your best example of Doric architecture.
Ionic: The Ionic style was used for smaller buildings and the interiors. The columns had twin volutes, scroll-like designs on its capital. Between these scrolls, there was a carved curve known as an egg and in this style the entablature is much narrower and the frieze is thick with carvings. The example of Ionic Architecture is the Temple to Athena Nike at the Athens Acropolis.
Corinthian: The Corinthian style has some similarities with the Ionic order, the bases, entablature and columns almost the same but the capital is more ornate its base, column, and entablature, but its capital is far more ornate, commonly carved with depictions of acanthus leaves. The style was more slender than the others on this list, used less for bearing weight but more for decoration. Corinthian style can be found along the top levels of the Colosseum in Rome.
Tuscan: The Tuscan order shares much with the Doric order, but the columns are un-fluted and smooth. The entablature is far simpler, formed without triglyphs or guttae. The columns are capped with round capitals.
Composite: This style is mixed. It features the volutes of the Ionic order and the capitals of the Corinthian order. The volutes are larger in these columns and often more ornate. The column's capital is rather plain. for the capital, with no consistent differences to that above or below the capital.
Ancient Rome
Rome is well known for its outward architectural styles. However the Romans did know how to add that rizz to the interior. Ceilings were either vaulted or made from exploded beams that could be painted. The Romans were big into design. Moasics were a common interior sight, the use of little pieces of coloured glass or stone to create a larger image. Frescoes were used to add colour to the home, depicting mythical figures and beasts and also different textures such as stonework or brick. The Romans loved their furniture. Dining tables were low and the Romans ate on couches. Weaving was a popular pastime so there would be tapestries and wall hangings in the house. Rich households could even afford to import fine rugs from across the Empire. Glass was also a feature in Roman interior but windows were usually not paned as large panes were hard to make. Doors were usually treated with panels that were carved or in lain with bronze.
Ancient Egypt
Egypt was one of the first great civilisations, known for its immense and grand structures. Wealthy Egyptians had grand homes. The walls were painted or plastered usually with bright colours and hues. The Egyptians are cool because they mapped out their buildings in such a way to adhere to astrological movements meaning on special days if the calendar the temple or monuments were in the right place always. The columns of Egyptian where thicker, more bulbous and often had capitals shaped like bundles of papyrus reeds. Woven mats and tapestries were popular decor. Motifs from the river such as palms, papyrus and reeds were popular symbols used.
Ancient Africa
African Architecture is a very mixed bag and more structurally different and impressive than Hollywood would have you believe. Far beyond the common depictions of primitive buildings, the African nations were among the giants of their time in architecture, no style quite the same as the last but just as breathtaking.
Rwandan Architecture: The Rwandans commonly built of hardened clay with thatched roofs of dried grass or reeds. Mats of woven reeds carpeted the floors of royal abodes. These residences folded about a large public area known as a karubanda and were often so large that they became almost like a maze, connecting different chambers/huts of all kinds of uses be they residential or for other purposes.
Ashanti Architecture: The Ashanti style can be found in present day Ghana. The style incorporates walls of plaster formed of mud and designed with bright paint and buildings with a courtyard at the heart, not unlike another examples on this post. The Ashanti also formed their buildings of the favourite method of wattle and daub.
Nubian Architecture: Nubia, in modern day Ethiopia, was home to the Nubians who were one of the world's most impressive architects at the beginning of the architecture world and probably would be more talked about if it weren't for the Egyptians building monuments only up the road. The Nubians were famous for building the speos, tall tower-like spires carved of stone. The Nubians used a variety of materials and skills to build, for example wattle and daub and mudbrick. The Kingdom of Kush, the people who took over the Nubian Empire was a fan of Egyptian works even if they didn't like them very much. The Kushites began building pyramid-like structures such at the sight of Gebel Barkal
Japanese Interiors
Japenese interior design rests upon 7 principles. Kanso (簡素)- Simplicity, Fukinsei (不均整)- Asymmetry, Shizen (自然)- Natural, Shibumi (渋味) – Simple beauty, Yugen (幽玄)- subtle grace, Datsuzoku (脱俗) – freedom from habitual behaviour, Seijaku (静寂)- tranquillity.
Common features of Japanese Interior Design:
Shoji walls: these are the screens you think of when you think of the traditional Japanese homes. They are made of wooden frames, rice paper and used to partition
Tatami: Tatami mats are used within Japanese households to blanket the floors. They were made of rice straw and rush straw, laid down to cushion the floor.
Genkan: The Genkan was a sunken space between the front door and the rest of the house. This area is meant to separate the home from the outside and is where shoes are discarded before entering.
Japanese furniture: often lowest, close to the ground. These include tables and chairs but often tanked are replaced by zabuton, large cushions. Furniture is usually carved of wood in a minimalist design.
Nature: As both the Shinto and Buddhist beliefs are great influences upon architecture, there is a strong presence of nature with the architecture. Wood is used for this reason and natural light is prevalent with in the home. The orientation is meant to reflect the best view of the world.
Islamic World Interior
The Islamic world has one of the most beautiful and impressive interior design styles across the world. Colour and detail are absolute staples in the movement. Windows are usually not paned with glass but covered in ornate lattices known as jali. The jali give ventilation, light and privacy to the home. Islamic Interiors are ornate and colourful, using coloured ceramic tiles. The upper parts of walls and ceilings are usually flat decorated with arabesques (foliate ornamentation), while the lower wall areas were usually tiled. Features such as honeycombed ceilings, horseshoe arches, stalactite-fringed arches and stalactite vaults (Muqarnas) are prevalent among many famous Islamic buildings such as the Alhambra and the Blue Mosque.
Byzantine (330/395–1453 A. D)
The Byzantine Empire or Eastern Roman Empire was where eat met west, leading to a melting pot of different interior designs based on early Christian styles and Persian influences. Mosaics are probably what you think of when you think of the Byzantine Empire. Ivory was also a popular feature in the Interiors, with carved ivory or the use of it in inlay. The use of gold as a decorative feature usually by way of repoussé (decorating metals by hammering in the design from the backside of the metal). Fabrics from Persia, heavily embroidered and intricately woven along with silks from afar a field as China, would also be used to upholster furniture or be used as wall hangings. The Byzantines favoured natural light, usually from the use of copolas.
Indian Interiors
India is of course, the font of all intricate designs. India's history is sectioned into many eras but we will focus on a few to give you an idea of prevalent techniques and tastes.
The Gupta Empire (320 – 650 CE): The Gupta era was a time of stone carving. As impressive as the outside of these buildings are, the Interiors are just as amazing. Gupta era buildings featured many details such as ogee (circular or horseshoe arch), gavaksha/chandrashala (the motif centred these arches), ashlar masonry (built of squared stone blocks) with ceilings of plain, flat slabs of stone.
Delhi Sultanate (1206–1526): Another period of beautifully carved stone. The Delhi sultanate had influence from the Islamic world, with heavy uses of mosaics, brackets, intricate mouldings, columns and and hypostyle halls.
Mughal Empire (1526–1857): Stonework was also important on the Mughal Empire. Intricately carved stonework was seen in the pillars, low relief panels depicting nature images and jalis (marble screens). Stonework was also decorated in a stye known as pietra dura/parchin kari with inscriptions and geometric designs using colored stones to create images. Tilework was also popular during this period. Moasic tiles were cut and fitted together to create larger patters while cuerda seca tiles were coloured tiles outlined with black.
Chinese Interiors
Common features of Chinese Interiors
Use of Colours: Colour in Chinese Interior is usually vibrant and bold. Red and Black are are traditional colours, meant to bring luck, happiness, power, knowledge and stability to the household.
Latticework: Lattices are a staple in Chinese interiors most often seen on shutters, screens, doors of cabinets snf even traditional beds.
Lacquer: Multiple coats of lacquer are applied to furniture or cabinets (now walls) and then carved. The skill is called Diaoqi (雕漆).
Decorative Screens: Screens are used to partition off part of a room. They are usually of carved wood, pained with very intricate murals.
Shrines: Spaces were reserved on the home to honour ancestors, usually consisting of an altar where offerings could be made.
Of course, Chinese Interiors are not all the same through the different eras. While some details and techniques were interchangeable through different dynasties, usually a dynasty had a notable style or deviation. These aren't all the dynasties of course but a few interesting examples.
Song Dynasty (960–1279): The Song Dynasty is known for its stonework. Sculpture was an important part of Song Dynasty interior. It was in this period than brick and stone work became the most used material. The Song Dynasty was also known for its very intricate attention to detail, paintings, and used tiles.
Ming Dynasty(1368–1644): Ceilings were adorned with cloisons usually featuring yellow reed work. The floors would be of flagstones usually of deep tones, mostly black. The Ming Dynasty favoured richly coloured silk hangings, tapestries and furnishings. Furniture was usually carved of darker woods, arrayed in a certain way to bring peace to the dwelling.
Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD): Interior walls were plastered and painted to show important figures and scenes. Lacquer, though it was discovered earlier, came into greater prominence with better skill in this era.
Tang Dynasty (618–907) : The colour palette is restrained, reserved. But the Tang dynasty is not without it's beauty. Earthenware reached it's peak in this era, many homes would display fine examples as well. The Tang dynasty is famous for its upturned eaves, the ceilings supported by timber columns mounted with metal or stone bases. Glazed tiles were popular in this era, either a fixed to the roof or decorating a screen wall.
Romanesque (6th -11th century/12th)
Romanesque Architecture is a span between the end of Roman Empire to the Gothic style. Taking inspiration from the Roman and Byzantine Empires, the Romanesque period incorporates many of the styles. The most common details are carved floral and foliage symbols with the stonework of the Romanesque buildings. Cable mouldings or twisted rope-like carvings would have framed doorways. As per the name, Romansque Interiors relied heavily on its love and admiration for Rome. The Romanesque style uses geometric shapes as statements using curves, circles snf arches. The colours would be clean and warm, focusing on minimal ornamentation.
Gothic Architecture (12th Century - 16th Century)
The Gothic style is what you think of when you think of old European cathedrals and probably one of the beautiful of the styles on this list and one of most recognisable. The Gothic style is a dramatic, opposing sight and one of the easiest to describe. Decoration in this era became more ornate, stonework began to sport carving and modelling in a way it did not before. The ceilings moved away from barreled vaults to quadripartite and sexpartite vaulting. Columns slimmed as other supportive structures were invented. Intricate stained glass windows began their popularity here. In Gothic structures, everything is very symmetrical and even.
Mediaeval (500 AD to 1500)
Interiors of mediaeval homes are not quite as drab as Hollywood likes to make out. Building materials may be hidden by plaster in rich homes, sometimes even painted. Floors were either dirt strewn with rushes or flagstones in larger homes. Stonework was popular, especially around fireplaces. Grand homes would be decorated with intricate woodwork, carved heraldic beasts and wall hangings of fine fabrics.
Renaissance (late 1300s-1600s)
The Renaissance was a period of great artistry and splendor. The revival of old styles injected symmetry and colour into the homes. Frescoes were back. Painted mouldings adorned the ceilings and walls. Furniture became more ornate, fixed with luxurious upholstery and fine carvings. Caryatids (pillars in the shape of women), grotesques, Roman and Greek images were used to spruce up the place. Floors began to become more intricate, with coloured stone and marble. Modelled stucco, sgraffiti arabesques (made by cutting lines through a layer of plaster or stucco to reveal an underlayer), and fine wall painting were used in brilliant combinations in the early part of the 16th century.
Tudor Interior (1485-1603)
The Tudor period is a starkly unique style within England and very recognisable. Windows were fixed with lattice work, usually casement. Stained glass was also in in this period, usually depicting figures and heraldic beasts. Rooms would be panelled with wood or plastered. Walls would be adorned with tapestries or embroidered hangings. Windows and furniture would be furnished with fine fabrics such as brocade. Floors would typically be of wood, sometimes strewn with rush matting mixed with fresh herbs and flowers to freshen the room.
Baroque (1600 to 1750)
The Baroque period was a time for splendor and for splashing the cash. The interior of a baroque room was usually intricate, usually of a light palette, featuring a very high ceiling heavy with detail. Furniture would choke the room, ornately carved and stitched with very high quality fabrics. The rooms would be full of art not limited to just paintings but also sculptures of marble or bronze, large intricate mirrors, moldings along the walls which may be heavily gilded, chandeliers and detailed paneling.
Victorian (1837-1901)
We think of the interiors of Victorian homes as dowdy and dark but that isn't true. The Victorians favoured tapestries, intricate rugs, decorated wallpaper, exquisitely furniture, and surprisingly, bright colour. Dyes were more widely available to people of all stations and the Victorians did not want for colour. Patterns and details were usually nature inspired, usually floral or vines. Walls could also be painted to mimic a building material such as wood or marble and most likely painted in rich tones. The Victorians were suckers for furniture, preferring them grandly carved with fine fabric usually embroidered or buttoned. And they did not believe in minimalism. If you could fit another piece of furniture in a room, it was going in there. Floors were almost eclusively wood laid with the previously mentioned rugs. But the Victorians did enjoy tiled floors but restricted them to entrances. The Victorians were quite in touch with their green thumbs so expect a lot of flowers and greenery inside. with various elaborately decorated patterned rugs. And remember, the Victorians loved to display as much wealth as they could. Every shelf, cabinet, case and ledge would be chocked full of ornaments and antiques.
Edwardian/The Gilded Age/Belle Epoque (1880s-1914)
This period (I've lumped them together for simplicity) began to move away from the deep tones and ornate patterns of the Victorian period. Colour became more neutral. Nature still had a place in design. Stained glass began to become popular, especially on lampshades and light fixtures. Embossing started to gain popularity and tile work began to expand from the entrance halls to other parts of the house. Furniture began to move away from dark wood, some families favouring breathable woods like wicker. The rooms would be less cluttered.
Art Deco (1920s-1930s)
The 1920s was a time of buzz and change. Gone were the refined tastes of the pre-war era and now the wow factor was in. Walls were smoother, buildings were sharper and more jagged, doorways and windows were decorated with reeding and fluting. Pastels were in, as was the heavy use of black and white, along with gold. Mirrors and glass were in, injecting light into rooms. Gold, silver, steel and chrome were used in furnishings and decor. Geometric shapes were a favourite design choice. Again, high quality and bold fabrics were used such as animal skins or colourful velvet. It was all a rejection of the Art Noveau movement, away from nature focusing on the man made.
Modernism (1930 - 1965)
Modernism came after the Art Deco movement. Fuss and feathers were out the door and now, practicality was in. Materials used are shown as they are, wood is not painted, metal is not coated. Bright colours were acceptable but neutral palettes were favoured. Interiors were open and favoured large windows. Furniture was practical, for use rather than the ornamentation, featuring plain details of any and geometric shapes. Away from Art Deco, everything is straight, linear and streamlined.
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m0chaminx · 10 months
Coriolanus Snow | Roses Grow Thorns
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*•.¸♡Request: Pls pls pls do a part 2 too the snow x reader fix it was so amazing and I want more of them 🙏🙏🙏🙏‼️‼️🩷
*•.¸♡Prompts: none
*•.¸♡Warnings: Coriolanus, Cori isn't insane (ish), Snow is slight ooc, jealousy, hurt comfort, fluff ending
*•.¸♡Paring: Coriolanus Snow x F!reader
*•.¸♡Summary: Coriolanus learns his favourite flower grows thorns
You confront Coriolanus about his relationship with Lucy Gray
*•.¸♡Words: 2k
Part 1
People danced, swaying with their partners in a circle as you stood on stage, strumming your guitar and singing to the crowd. Lucy had just finished the first half of her set, so you took the stage to fill the silence. Coriolanus sat with Sejanus at a table across the room, large glasses of some sort of liquor. Coriolanus looked up at you and smiled.
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots, babe
I just wanna be yours
Your voice trailed off slightly as Lucy raced to Coriolanus and Sejanus, throwing her arm around his shoulder and leaning between them. You shook your head and continued to play, trying to ignore Lucy Gray practically hanging from Coriolanus’s arm.
Jealousy, an unwelcome guest, clawed at the edges of your heart, leaving an ache in your chest. No words had been exchanged, and no actions had passed between you two. It overtook the corners of your mind, urging you to believe that Lucy Gray should sense the unspoken connection threading its way between you and Coriolanus.
Each shared trip to the lake, every stolen moment when Coriolanus chose to spend his fleeting free hours with you — these fragments of time saved in your mind like photos in an old book. Yet, as you observed Lucy Gray standing there, a vision of radiant smiles and hushed confidences exchanged with Coriolanus, a wave of emotion surged. It was as if the world momentarily lost its colour, and the whispers of uncertainty left an indelible mark on your heart.
You clenched your hand, trying to ease the shaking in your hands.
Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
Every night for the past week following that evening, Coriolanus Snow would tap gently on the glass of your window. You would turn your head and he would smile, the same bright smile that made your stomach flip and fill with butterflies. You crept across the wood floors and opened the window, looking down at the blue-eyed boy. “Are you busy?”
You would simply laugh at him. You grabbed your coat and slipped out the window, Coriolanus gripping your waist to help you down properly. He would smile, slip a scarf under the window to close it without locking it and you would slip away unnoticed, descending into the velvety embrace of the night.
In those quiet moments, Coriolanus would slip your hand in his own, his warm hand covering yours as he laced your fingers together. He guided you through the dense labyrinth of woods, you knew these woods better than he did but through the nights as he led you to the lake, you questioned if you ever knew them at all. 
The Mokingjays sang into the night as if calling to the small fireflies to light the way. “I brought matches,” Cori said, looking back at you. He tugged on your hand bringing you closer and you couldn't help but think about Lucy Gray running her hand along his shoulders. “We can light a fire. Maybe catch some fish.” You nodded and Coriolanus smiled.
You reached the lake and Coriolanus set his bag down, quickly gathering everything to start a fire. You walked to the edge of the water, your mind running faster than you could even start to comprehend. “Think we’ll catch anything?” He asked, stopping to look up at you.
You looked back over the water, looking at the fish no bigger than your palm swimming just above the sea floor. You shook your head, keeping your eyes on the moonlight dancing on the waves of the water. “Nothing big enough to eat,” You said. Coriolanus nodded and turned back to the fire.
Once the fire was made you sat on the ground beside him, leaving enough space so your shoulders didn’t touch. You both sat in silence, Coriolanus’s knee bouncing softly. 
The flames danced and flickered, the golden glow flickering in Coriolanus’s blue eyes, you settled onto the ground beside him. You shifted slightly, making sure your shoulders didn't touch. The silence stretched between you, Coriolanus's fingers drumming against a stick he held in nervousness.
Coriolanus's knee bounced softly, mirroring the unsteady rhythm of both your hearts. The mere inches that separated you felt like an unbridgeable chasm, as long and confusing as his thoughts. “Did I do something?” His voice cut through the silence like a knife and you turned towards him, your eyebrows furrowed. “You seem distracted. You’re not talking like you usually do. You’re sitting far away.” You bit your lip and shrugged softly. “What’s wrong?”
“What did I sing tonight?” You turned to face Coriolanus. “Tonight. I sang, I wore the red dress so everyone could see the white rose you gave me. But what did I sing?” Coriolanus stammered. “You don’t spare a second glance at me during our shows, you talk to Sejanus when I do perform and you let Lucy Gray hang off your arm like she was yours.”
He spoke your name softly, trying to shuffle closer but you stood quickly. “Don’t do that Cori,” You pleaded. “I’m gonna go home, I’ll see you later.” You turned on your heel. Making your way back through the woods.
Coriolanus sighed, dropping his head into his hands as you walked from his view.
The next morning you stared at the ceiling, stretched out on your small bed. You twisted a small rose between your fingers, the thrones pricking your skin occasionally. The knock at the window made you jump. You turned your head to look at Coriolanus standing on the other side, smiling ever so slightly. You sighed and set the rose aside before walking to the window and pulling it open. “Corio-”
“Don’t talk,” he said quickly. “Don’t say anything, just follow me.” 
“What did I just say?”
A frustrated huff escaped you as you forcefully closed the window, shutting out the annoying sounds of crickets. Pulling the blinds closed with a swift motion covering Coriolanus’s face, but you caught his smile dropping. You donned your jacket and stepped out the front door, stopping in front of Coriolanus just as you turned the corner. He extended his hand, a warm smile playing on his lips. Suppressing the annoyance that still simmered beneath the surface, you offered a muted response, "Just lead the way," your words carrying a hint of resignation.
Coriolanus nodded and started to lead you through the woods, the sun still yet to rise properly. “You sang I Wanna Be Yours,” Coriolanus muttered. “No, I didn't ask Lucy Gray. You wrote it after you met your old girlfriend but you haven't sung it since. That’s why it was so important to you. And why you wanted me to remember it.”
You hummed and tried to hide your smile. “So you were paying attention.”
Coriolanus spoke, low and earnest, his gaze fixed on you. "I always pay attention," he assured, a sincerity etched into his words. The weight of his gaze, coupled with the firmness in his tone, sought to reassure you. "And nothing is happening between Lucy Gray and me. She was helping me with something," he explained, his words carrying the weight of truth and an unspoken plea for understanding.
“Which is?”
Coryo smiled, “Keep following me.”
You followed Coriolanus, walking in silence until the sun rose completely. He stopped at a rock wall, a small dirt trail winding around it. He reached out, slipping his hand into yours and leading you down the track. “Roses don’t grow in 12, the ground is too hard,” Coriolanus started. “Lucy Gray told me just beyond the rock wall there is ground soft enough to grow flowers. Sejanus used his father's money to get some seed and…” Coriolanus stepped aside as you reached the bottom of the track.
You smiled, Coriolanus’s hand slipping from yours as you stepped further into the growing rose field. Dozens of rose bushes had started to grow, small red and white flowers sporting. Small raindrops covered the flowers, the sun reflecting off of them like diamonds. You crouched, smiling as you ran your hand along the rose petals. 
A soft smile played on your lips, and Coriolanus's hand tenderly released yours as you ventured deeper into the growing rose field. Rows of rose bushes, adorned with tiny red and white blossoms, unfold before you, blossoming like a garden from the Capitol. Small raindrops adorned the delicate petals, capturing the sunlight in a dance that shined like diamonds. Your heart swelled. You glanced back at Coriolanus who shared the same smile.
You carefully crouched down, your smile growing as you traced the velvet texture of the rose petals with your fingertips, each delicate touch slow and careful as if the rose would fall apart. Coriolanus smiled as he watched you, his stomach filling with butterflies as he waited for you to speak. 
"Wait..." The urgency in your voice sliced through the air as you stood, swiftly pivoting to face Coriolanus. His smile disappeared, replaced by a stark seriousness mirrored in your eyes. Your heart fell to your stomach as your voice shook, "You said Sejanus got the seeds from his father. If the Peacemakers find out, they'll take you away." The gravity of your words hung heavily in the charged atmosphere. “Cori, they’ll take you to the hanging tree-”
“They won’t,” Coriolanus said quickly. He stepped forward holding your face in his hands, his thumb tracing the lines of your cheekbones. “No one is going to take me away. No one is taking you. Or Sejanus, or Lucy Gray.” You raised your hand, settling it on top of his. “This place is ours, yours and mine. No one is going to take that.”
Yours and mine.
You smiled, laughing softly as you looked up at Coriolanus, his blue eyes meeting yours. “You got me roses?” You asked.
“You said you liked the Capitol flowers more,” Coriolanus remembered. “I can’t exactly take you to the Capitol, so I thought I’d bring the best part of the Capitol here.”
“Besides yourself.”
A warm smile graced his features as he leaned in, closing the distance until his forehead gently met yours. "Do people in the Capitol kiss differently than the districts?" His inquiry, spoken in a hushed tone, carried a hint of curiosity and a touch of playfulness.
“I think…” you leaned up slightly, bumping your nose against his, “you should find out.”
The brush of his fingertips against your jawline, tracing a delicate path along your skin, igniting a shiver that danced down your spine. As he cradled your face, your breath hitched in anticipation, your eyes staring at his chapped pink lips. Drawing you closer, the final shared breath seemed to linger, suspended in the charged atmosphere, before he sealed the connection with a kiss that felt like a spark that lit a fire. Your heart echoed the rhythm of the thousands of times you had dreamed of this moment and your hands instinctively wound around the back of his neck, the embrace pulling him closer.
Your stomach twirled, filling with butterflies as one of Coryo’s hands moved to wrap around your waist and pull you impossibly closer. He pulled away, his breath coming out in small pants, your breath in sync with his. You opened your eyes, looking up at his half-closed eyes tracing over every part of your face. “I love you, Coriolanus Snow.”
He whispered it back.
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