#to the people that can enjoy it I applaud you I guess??
toastybugguy · 1 year
i cannot ask this ina way tht does not sound accusatory or sounds like i ship it but what r your opinions on stydia as a whole????
oh god…. I’m not sorry to all the stydias out there but I… hate it. SO much. O| ̄|_
I’ve GOT to gripe, but like. Let me just say. Stiles and Lydia as bi/pan solidarity best friends is my EEEEVERYTHINGGG. There’s some moments between them that I SOOO love, except it’s only the platonic ones (n if you’re me, you’re reading intended-to-be-romantic scenes as platonic on purpose bc hey you’re allowed to care for someone’s safety and well-being in a FRIEND way OKAY). I need them 2 be bitchy best friends so much, that’s my lifeblood.
But romantic stydia…. SO truly bad. I hate the early 2000s-2010s trend of “guy being straight up creepy and obsessed is an endearing trait” thing they use to introduce it. Then stydia didn’t even exist after like, season 3a, but all of a sudden they NEED it to be the center of season 6a so they bring it back in a WHIRLWIND. Stiles saying “remember I love you” kills me bc like. Brother you have been dating Malia. You fully were not even interested in Lydia anymore I HHSGHSGGGj. They had to REAAALLY force that one convo in 5a (?) where Scott, Kira, Lydia and Stiles go to Eichen and Scott and Kira basically exposition at each other about how they’re soooo good together (what. why. where is this coming from. show me your proof Scott. SHOW ME YOUR PROOF!!)
Not to mention it undermines the other relationships so much bc hello? Out of Scott, Malia, and Lydia, Lydia is the LAST person that would be likely to bring Stiles back. They absolutely had the weakest connection out of everyone there. Also the panic-attack-stydia-kiss— NOOOOO nononono. BAD SO BAD. I FHJSHJFUckin digress.
I’ve said this before but I reaaaally really hate how Lydia’s arcs are often completely thrown out when love interests are introduced, and that still definitely happens with Stiles. Suddenly in 6a her entire character revolves around him and how much she loves him and needs him and Totally Has The Whole Time !! HHHHUH ?? Because MEANWHILE we’ve had a big arc about Lydia coming into her own and realizing her powers and that pretty much grinds to a halt once stydia starts trying to be canon.
Not to mention the fact that you get about 5 seconds of stydia being canon on-screen before it becomes irrelevant again, so whYYY did we do this in the first place ??? I’MMHDJGHJ
I may or may not make a more comprehensive version of this post at some point in the future, I’m not sure, cos this is just me off the cuff spouting my issues with it. Not as well articulated as I’d generally like. BUT. yea. I am a hater. my overall reaction to stydia is EUGH AUGH… ECK…. BAD……..
Anyway. Platonic best friend stydia is REAL in my HEART!! 🫶🫶
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bonesandchalamet · 6 months
in this world, it’s just us — Finnick odair
masterlist | pairing: Finnick odair x reader
summary: in a world where hunger games don’t exist anymore it’s just you and Finnick
warnings: fluff
a/n: finally writing for finnick 🤭
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you can hear his breath escape his lips, it’s faint, but it’s all that matters. he’s alive in your arms and in your bedroom.
nights were never the same, consisting of some form of him muttering incoherent words, legs thrashing, and thick sweat glistening against the sheets. the hunger games haunt him, even in a world where he’s safe.
there’s no president snow, there’s no more kids being hunted by others. the odds were in everyone’s favor, and people could sleep well again. except those in their respected districts victors villages.
the soft grunt that escapes his lips indicates he’s awake now. he rolls carefully onto his side, almost like he doesn’t want wake you, but you’ve been awake for some time. reflecting on what the nights could’ve been if finnick never was picked at such a young age.
“you’re doing it again.” he mutters, you feel him shift closer to you, his warm clammy skin pressed against yours, “you’re thinking about the if’s.”
he tsk’s you, and yanks the covers off your bodies to reveal the cool air of the house. it feels nice, after tossing and turning in the heat trapped sheets, you allow yourself to stretch out against the mattress and watch finnick rise for the day.
no day was ever the same, but finnick needed a new task everyday, or else he’d go insane. he needed to occupy himself from the loss and maybe even the ache. you never knew, he was a closed book about his experiences.
you watch him gather around to fish, a typical morning routine despite the overflowing amount of food in your house. you never objected or asked him not to go, it was the one thing finnick enjoyed and he could now do so freely. who were you to stop him?
“can I join you?” the words slip your mouth without a second guess, and he’s stopping in his tracks. you’ve never taken up much of an interest in fishing, not since you didn’t have to do so anymore, but you loathed sitting around waiting for him to return. plus, it gave you something to do as well.
“you better hurry.”
scurrying out of bed, you find yourself rushing with the sunrise and finnicks personal clock, but by the time you’re down by the water, no one else is even there and the sun is just starting to rise.
“what’s the plan?” you ask, turning to face him he’s got a trident in his hand, his typical choice of weapon that somehow made it back to district four along with him.
“we hunt, we go home, and then we eat.” he says offering a small smile before moving carefully and slowly into the water. he moves with such precision, careful not to alarm the fish. any movement and they’ll scatter along. you watch him hunt for awhile until it’s your turn, you don’t come up as lucky as he does, but he still applauds the three fish you killed.
“now we eat and save some for dinner.” he smiles, content with the couple hours of work done. without telling, it’s most likely noon and your stomach was reminding you of the lack of food in your stomach.
the hike home doesn’t take long and Finnick is cooking while you shower. the warm water trickles down your back, soothing away the morning worries. you take longer than you normally do, just to enjoy the silence your mind finally gives you before turning off the water.
emerging from the shower, he’s leaning in the doorway. a cocky smile against his lips that if it weren’t for his beauty, you’d attempt anyway to erase it.
“you think about me in there?”
“never in a million years would I think about you in my shower.” you pick up a soft towel, running the fabric all across your body and through the ends of your hair. out the corner of your eye, you can still see that smile. the smile that every girl falls for when finnick would enter a room. he’s easy to like, bright eyes, beautiful smile, golden blond hair, and an ego so big sometimes it’s adorable, other times? not so much.
“you’re awful at lying. it’s actually one of your worst traits.”
“and you’ve got an awfully big ego, it’s one of your worst traits.” you fire back with a smile on your face leaving him to roll his eyes and tell you lunch was waiting for you.
In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was
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restinslices · 4 months
If it's alright with you, can you write the lin kuei trio with a s/o, who is a detective tracking down a serial killer who is going to target s/o and the lin kuei trio's reaction to it.
I can confidently say I have never gotten a request like this
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Handle it or he's handling it 
It's as simple as that 
Did Bi-Han let his own father die? Yes. But for whatever reason he didn't fuck with him 
I'm assuming he fucks with you though, so the thought of someone hunting you down is not something he's very fond of 
I don't think he'd have any strong feelings about you being a detective. Not everyone can be out and about fighting people from other realms. Some people gotta do some protective work for the smaller people 
So you being a detective is whatever to him
When you say you're hunting down a serial killer, I don't think he'd have any strong emotions either. He just assumes you'll catch them soon. His faith is pretty high 
When it's revealed the serial killer is hunting you, that obviously becomes a big problem 
A problem he has to solve 
If you're like “No Bi-Han! I got it! Let me find them and end this!” he'll consider giving you a set amount of time before he handles it 
Doesn't know how he's gonna track this unknown person down but his faith in himself is stupidly high 
If you find them and lock whoever up then great for you 
If the agreed time passes and they're still on the loose, he becomes Batman. Get out the way. He got it 
No point in protesting either. Just sit at home and let him figure it out 
He becomes the annoying boss in police movies. Y'all know what I mean 
Definitely finds the person eventually and finishes the job for you 
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Honestly I think all the brothers are a “handle it or I'll handle it” case 
Thoughts on you being a detective are positive. I think he can see how difficult that certain job would be 
He's fighting with his fists. You're using your brain. You're both helping people. 
He admires it lowkey 
You're hunting down a serial killer now? Ok. Be safe-
What do you mean you're a target now?
He kinda saw it coming but it's still unfortunate 
He'd understand still wanting to lead this case and he applauds standing your ground, but he's also worried because ya know, you could be killed 
He'd try to assist but at some point he would really want you to let someone else handle it 
By someone else, he means him 
He's a trained assassin. He can probably hunt this guy faster than you can 
Has more patience than Bi-Han but if a lot of time passes and they're not handled, then he'll step in 
He probably would've warned you beforehand that this was something that would happen but as we can see, you either didn't listen or still slipped up 
It's not that he thinks you can't handle it… kinda. 
You're just not moving quick enough 
I think he’d be nice enough to remind you he has faith in you but would vocalize his concerns when it comes to you still working on this case 
Whether or not you decide to drop it is up to you, but he’s definitely not 
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Thoughts on you being a detective I think are also positive
He thinks you're doing a good thing
The Lin Kuei can't help everyone. They do more bigger things 
So you helping civilians is great to him. It's a good cause 
I think he'd also enjoy hearing about your cases and chiming in whenever 
Hunting down a serial killer? Well, he guesses someone has to do it 
He'd be confident enough in your abilities to catch this person 
But then you're the next target
I think honestly all the brothers would have a similar reaction. So much so, I don't think there'd be much of a change. I probably could've written this in one paragraph 
He could possibility be the most cooperative when it comes to letting you handle it
Gives you the most time to figure it out and tries to help out as a partner 
Doesn’t wanna step on your toes but if you’re taking too long, he’s gonna do his own investigating 
Probably asks Kuai Liang for assistance 
I’m not saying any of them would find this person in days time, but they certainly believe they will 
Worried about your safety as you could imagine, so he wants you to sit this one out 
He’s probably conflicted, like what I said with Kuai Liang. One part is like “yeah, you gotta find this person!” And the other is like “you need to sit down so you’ll be safe”
Probably prefers for you to do all your investigating at home. Any leads you have you’ll either follow together, he’ll follow it, or someone else will 
I think all the brothers will want to help as much as they could and would wanna handle this serial killer. And by handle, I don’t mean letting them go to prison. You can get out of that if you play your cards right 
The only real difference is how much they let you help after they find out you’re a target 
Bi-Han is like “I gave you time. You’re done. I got it”. Kuai Liang is “I knew this would happen and I know you wanna stand your ground, but maybe take a step down” and Tomas is “I get it so let me help”
This is kinda boo boo. Also I hate their little moodboards I made. It’s sickening
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casurlaub · 23 days
Can we please agree that liking a character doesn't mean you have to explain away their every bad call? And that disliking a character doesn't mean you have to overlook their good qualities to have them fit your narrative? No one is just this or that. It's always a range.
The lack of nuance in parts of this fandom annoys me so much. And let's please drop the double standards - finding excuses for every 'bad' thing character A does while demonizing character B.
Dumbledore is no super villain. Yes, he put defeating Voldemort over Harry's (emotional) needs. He isn't some supportive father figure, but he's not responsible for the war nor everyone's decision to join in. 'He raised an army of children' - um no? Because if so, he, the greatest wizard of the age, did a shitty job. In both wizarding wars it was just one group of friends joining the Order, not a huge number of former students. So either super-smart Dumbledore seriously sucked at recruiting, or maybe he didn't try all that hard?
James wasn't some prime example of social justice warrior from the very beginning. Yes, he had - to some extent - a set moral code, he hated the Dark Arts, and he certainly never used dark curses on others. But he found it entertaining to hex students at random. He was a classic bully; he did it because he could and because he found it funny. He enjoyed it. But that doesn't mean he had no good traits - he cared for his friends, befriended Remus (practically an outcast), and later he changed. I can't get over the people who find excuses for Snape's bullying of his students, of literal children when he's an adult, but seem to think James was the worst person to ever exist.
Sirius has a ton of good qualities; I could write an essay about it. But guess what, that doesn't make the prank thing okay (no matter if Remus cared about it). The same goes for the Snape bullying and his condescending (cruel) behavior towards Peter. And his treatment of Kreacher, who was oppressed, not the oppressor. And why do we applaud him for 'forgiving' Remus in PoA for not trying to get him out of Azkaban? What's there to applaud? He was in Azkaban because he thought Remus was the spy, did we forget that? How do we expect Remus to suss out that Sirius thought himself clever enough to outsmart not only Voldemort but also Dumbledore? Sirius isn't on some moral high ground here. He wasn't in Azkaban because of Remus but because of his own arrogance and lapse of judgement.
Remus isn't some impersonated moral code. He isn't 'the sensible one' by default. He makes a ton of shitty, truly awful decisions (roaming Hogsmeade while a werewolf, not telling Dumbledore about the secret passages or Sirius's animagus form in PoA even after Sirius, the alleged mass murderer with an agenda of killing Harry, broke into Harry's dorm, abandoning Tonks...). But he isn't some master manipulator with a hidden agenda either. He was driven by his self-loathing first and foremost. And when did it become worse to be a bystander than to participate in the actual bullying? (I'm not saying it's okay, but how can we find excuses for James and Sirius, but Remus is super evil for doing... nothing? When it's stated that Snape was following him and trying to uncover his secret to get him expelled? Shocking he didn't feel all that sympathetic.) Of course he is passive-aggressive, of course he was selfish/cowardish, I don't know, but he isn't evil? He's usually kind (ffs, he even felt pity for Greyback), and his issues are in the end all rooted in his endless self-loathing. That doesn't excuse it. It doesn't. But it doesn't mean he's acting like he does because he's an inherently bad person. This idea of inherently 'bad' or 'good' people is naive and harmful anyhow. Besides - I feel some standards imposed on him are impossible to meet, when the same people are quick to explain away James's/Sirius's/Snape's flaws. Remus is suffering from massive childhood trauma that he's forced to relive every month, he's stigmatized for it by society his whole life, but he himself is supposed to just 'let it go'? Without therapy or anything? Right...
And even Lily isn't a saint. She's fighting back a smile when James is bullying her (supposedly) best friend?
Snape is no tragic hero whose every wrong is justified because he turned around and sacrificed himself. Of course, he was brave. Of course, he had a shitty childhood. That doesn't give him a free pass. He was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts when he arrived at Hogwarts already, he invented curses like Sectumsempra while at Hogwarts, he sold the 'love of his life' to Voldemort. And even after he 'changed' and overcame his fascist views, he bullied children he was supposed to take care of - as a grown man. Not only Harry, but also Neville, Hermione, Ron, who knows how many others. So, yeah, cool, he protected their lives 'when it counted' - 'when it counted'??? You don't belittle your students, you don't insult them, you don't threaten to poison their pets no matter what happened to you when you were a kid. You're an adult, take responsibility. Easy as that. What happened to you may be an explanation, but not an excuse. And do we really think he didn't strike back at James and Sirius? That it was just James and Sirius and him taking it lying down without doing anything himself? I don't.
It's entirely natural to relate more to one character than another and to feel more sympathetic towards them. But let's move away from this 'all or nothing' way of thinking.
To me, they're all beautiful because they're flawed. It makes them real. I don't want them to be stripped of their flaws, not even my favorite characters.
Don't take Sirius's darkness away, don't turn Remus into the ever gentle voice of reason or the super selfish master manipulator (same goes for Dumbledore) and ffs don't excuse Snape's fascist views and bullying of children.
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dailyreverie · 8 months
Adore you
Part of the Your Wish is my Command universe
A/N: Requested by @dameronshandholder 💖 thank you so much for sending one in! This one ended up being 700 words of Poe being a sweetheart (and tbh exactly what I need rn). I hope you enjoy this warm Poe hug 😊
@flufftober - Day 4 Cinderella Moment (the "ugly duckling" gets their moment to shine)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Solo!reader
Word count: 763
Flufftober masterlist || SERIES MASTERLIST
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If there was something Poe truly admired about you, it was your quiet dedication. You always knew just what to say and when to say it, your words carrying an intelligent and thoughtful touch. Even during missions, your first instinct was to praise your team and share the credit with them. "I don't need anyone kissing the ground I walk on," you had once remarked, prompting a playful roll of Poe's eyes. He respects your work, applauds it every time he can, but sometimes he wishes you would let others see how hard you worked.
Poe's wish came true when you returned from a week-long mission, one that had started with you sifting through intel at your desk and eventually leading your squad to investigate a supposed First Order station. Your departure had been a quick, hidden kiss behind crates, but your return was met with cheers and applause. 
He sees you come back victorious, like a bounty hunter who was about to get their life's worth in credits. The word had spread quickly, and soon not only the general, but most of the base went up to you. He sees you from afar, not able to contain the proud smile that begins to form on his face and the warmth in his chest that creeps up when he sees the praise you are receiving from everyone. With everyone clapping and cheering your cheeks begin to hurt from smiling and laughing; your mother goes up to hug you and whispers something in your ear that Poe can only guess is a confirmation of how proud she is of you, your own squad pushing you to receive the recognition you deserve. He could spend all day every day hearing all the wonderful things about you that you are getting from everyone, just to make you see that everything he sees in you is true.
From his spot far away from the crowd, Poe can see the sudden flicker of your eyes among the multitude that surrounds you, your search for him evident in his eyes, to which he can’t help but chuckle. You find him as if you had heard him, your cheeks immediately heating up from the way he’s looking at you alone, welcoming and shining, ignoring every rule of discretion you may have set before. If it were for you, you would ignore everyone else and run towards him, wrap your arms around him, and let yourself melt in the sweet nothings you knew he was saving for your ears only. 
When the crowd finally dissipates he’s still standing there, the same glorious smile on his face waiting for you when you finally go up to him.
"Lieutenant," Poe greeted you with a nod, his smile revealing the depth of his feelings.
"Commander," you replied, your cheeks still flushed. "All of this attention feels a bit much." You did your best to remain professional in your words, knowing people could still be around, but deep inside, you yearned for Poe to whisk you away to his quarters and let you forget about the mission entirely.
“Are you kidding me? Sweetheart, what you did was amazing. You deserve every praise, and every cheer, and every hug everyone wants to give to you.” Poe declared, his hands gently caressing your shoulders with subtle motions to keep your focus on him. "I'm so glad that everyone can now see what I see. That you see what I see."
“Thanks, Poe.” Your words choke on your throat. You didn’t expect to get emotional, but the way he speaks makes tears begin to sting the corners of your eyes, his kind and beautiful eyes only emphasizing every word he says. 
"I'm incredibly proud of you," Poe continued, his eyes looking around to ensure privacy before brushing away a stray tear that had escaped. "Always."
“Maker, I must be exhausted.” You chuckle as you justify your emotions, sniffing and wiping away your tears. “And I missed you, so damn much, which is probably why I’m getting so emotional.”
“I missed you too.” Poe joins your laughter and hugs you close to his chest, rocking you side to side softly. In the middle of his tight embrace, you can hear him whispering one more “I’m proud of you” against the top of your head where he seals the words with a lingering press of his lips.
Reluctantly, you pulled apart, but your hands lingered, promising a reunion after your mission debrief with the General. At that moment, you both knew that the sweetest reward awaited in each other's arms.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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Hey for LMK Mac master list can I request “you see him again” cause boy totally needs more love imo 🤌🏼 you’re writing style slaps btws!
You just gonna make me cry, thank you sm. I totally agree with you, he needs all love. Luckily for you, I was planning to post this today. ;3 Hope you enjoy!
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You didn't want to socialize or even leave the house, but one of your mortal friends needed you to go on a double date, which you didn't like but understood. Sisters took care of each other, and it was better to have backup to 'whoop ass', as Wukong often liked to say, than to be alone. You didn't completely pay much attention to the male you were basically on a blind date with. He was okay-looking and as interesting as any other tall and handsome foreigner. You couldn't remember much of what he told you… Like his name, how he knew your friend's date, where he was from and why he was visiting China.
You never expected they would take you both to a puppet show, though. It seemed childish and when you really looked at them, they acted the part a bit too well. He swore that it was the best show they'd seen, but you were only interested when you saw the flier your friend's date had. It was a shadow play… which was much different from a simple puppet show in your opinion. 
Ever since your meeting with the emo monkey man, you always thought of Macaque whenever you're in the dark, staring somewhere only to discover it was the shadow of something, or happened to see something that reminded you of him. Did you maybe need to see a doctor? Potentially. Regardless, it was safe to say he'd plagued your mind and, unbeknownst to you, it was just as much as you plagued his. 
Before the play started, you caved and decided to get a helping of popcorn and a drink, something your friend complained about since you'd refused when they were buying earlier. Your journey to and from the line and back was infected with Macaque and almost made you order a popcorn with Pepsi instead of popcorn and a Pepsi.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to today’s shadow play,” 
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling to yourself. You'd only heard it when you’d first met, but you knew that voice from anywhere. He seemed to be using a human disguise and since the boys liked the plays, you guessed that he did them often. 
“You like these too? You seem excited,” you didn't know if it was your date or your friend who spoke.
“You can say that,” you trailed off. 
It was a brief moment, but Macaque’s gold eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones and his smirk grew before he continued.
“For the new viewers, I will start with the tale of the Hero and the Warrior,” and he did. You were no fool. You could tell that the story was based on him and Wukong. A hero that left his friends behind after obtaining immense power… yeah, that sounded like Wukong, alright. You loved Wukong like a brother, but sometimes he got too caught up in himself that he frequently forgot about others, it was something you noticed in MK too.
“Now, I can tell you about the Goddess,” his voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you noticed he looked at you when he said goddess. 
Your heart was already beating quicker knowing he was there, but when you heard his new story of a goddess the Hero once served, and had both him and the Warrior smitten, you knew that you were the goddess reference. He didn't even try to hide that from you… your brain was then quick to notice something; Macaque insinuated that both he and Wukong were smitten with you the second you met.
“This one is so adorable and tragic at the same time,” your friend swooned, and you rolled your eyes at the hopeless romantic.
“It’s kinda boring…” Yeah, you sort of forgot he was there and his hate for romance? It was never gonna work out. Maybe you took it to heart most because it was about you… The thought almost made you want to laugh.
When the show was over, the few people that were there applauded, you included. You thought your friend’s standing ovation was a bit of an overdo, but eh, who were you to judge? You met eyes with Macaque once more before he turned and walked away. Not wanting to miss the chance, you stood up.
“Where you going?” your friend questioned you.
“I'll meet you guys outside, okay?” was all you said over your shoulder before you chased after the hooded figure,
“Wha-” you barely heard her. “Okay, then?”
When you walked behind the stage, you saw a door as it closed. You walked over to it and opened it to be met with an alley and the back of the hooded figure you knew was Macaque.
“Hey, puppeteer,” your voice stopped him in his tracks, but since his back was to you, you couldn't see his grin. He knew you'd follow him, and you proved him right… It made him oddly happy.
“Sorry, miss, but I’m not signing autographs right now,” he said as he turned toward you with a lazy smirk. You could barely see the rest of his face, only his mouth.
“You get people wanting your autograph?” you mused at the thought of him signing autographs.
“I'd never taken you for the shadow play storyteller type, Macaque,” you said with a slight snicker, he playfully clicked his tongue at being caught.
“I never thought you'd be the type to come watch one, (Y/n),” he lifted his hood and looked down at you with a slight grin. “What gave me away, hm?”
“Your voice obviously gave you away, dude,” you folded your arms, and a small smile adorned your face.
“Obviously,” he chuckled, “wasn't that obvious to MK.”
“Yeah…” you trailed at the memory of MK explaining the time they went to one of Macaque’s shows and how it didn't go too well. “He’s kinda clueless sometimes.”
“Remind you of anyone?” he teased, which made you laugh a bit.
“Most definitely,”
“Did you like the tale?”
“I did,” you gave a nod. “I guess I sympathize with the warrior… being in the shadow of the hero is something I bet the Goddess can relate to.”
“I bet,” he chuckled softly. “Like what you see?” he asked as he noticed you kept looking over his features. 
“I like the real you better,” you confessed and cleared your throat, your words caught him off guard. “I guess 'cause I get used to seeing demons in their true form that seeing their human forms feel… wrong,”
“Oh? Why’s that?” he asked before he chuckled, shook his head and reverted to his true form. “How’s that?”
“Better,” you smiled at him before you looked away and cleared your throat again. “Ya know, since it’s the one I’m used to.”
“Got something in your throat there, (Y/n)? You seem to be clearing it a lot,” he teased. “Too much popcorn?”
“I just wanted to…” 
You didn't know what you wanted to do. Why’d you go after him again?
“There something you needed? I doubt you wanna leave your boyfriend hanging,” he tried to tease, but his cocky attitude had a change to it that you didn't quite pick up on.
“He isn't my boyfriend, and never will be either. Not with that attitude.”
Oh, the irony. 
“Your failed date, then?” he asked curiously. He didn't know why it bothered him that you were there with another human man, but it did. Regardless of the outcome of said date.
“We’ll leave it as that,” you sighed in exhaustion, he didn't need to know the details. He thought your reaction was kinda cute though… “What are you doing here?” you asked as you finally remembered why you went after him.
“Cause I wanna be,”
“Macaque,” you folded your arms, unconvinced.
“Unlike His Majesty, some of us need to make a living,”
“So you're doing shows for money?”
“Yep,” he said and looked over your features. 
“That’s shocking,”
“You work, don't you?”
“Touché,” you chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. “Not at the moment, though… I guess you can say I'm on vaca.”
“I never expected you to be a liar, ya know,”
“What did I lie about?”
“You told MK you’d visit, but every-” he cut himself off and continued, “he said you never showed,”
“Were you trying to see me again?” you raised a brow in amusement, but he couldn't deny that he was caught.
“What if I was?” he stepped closer to you till you were a breath away. “Why does my old pal Wukong get to be friends with you and I can't?” he asked softly.
“Hm,” you looked up at him. “You're in my personal space,”
“Does it bother you?”
“The alley is already small, it'd like as much space as I could get.”
“What if I don't wanna move?” he smirked a bit.
“Then I won't be your friend,” you shot back.
“Oh, playing dirty,” he chuckled but stepped back. “Does that save our potential friendship, plum?”
“You don't have the rank for nicknames,” you stated in a matter-of-fact voice.
“Yet,” he added.
“That might take a long… long time, ya know,”
“I have nothing but time, you know that,” he leaned close to your face. “See you soon, plum. Maybe without a boy toy.”
“Would you rather yourself as my boy toy?” you had no idea where that came from, but you were internally screaming at what had just come out your mouth. Where'd that confidence come from?!
“Definitely,” he leaned back and looked away as you did as you both blushed. “Later, goddess.” with that, he fell back into a portal before you could say anything else.
“Why are the cute ones always so irritating?” you said to yourself in annoyance, but your undeniable smile said you definitely weren't complaining.
Friends. Yeah, you could both work with that… For now.
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duhragonball · 3 months
It's my birthday today, and the local grocery store was thoughtful enough to stock the Dragon Ball Z Reese's Puffs, so I'm gonna try it out. Join me, won't you?
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I still can't believe this is real. I mean, Reese's Puffa is kind of surreal enough as it is. It sounds like some satirical brand meant to poke fun at sugary kids' cereals. The box says "Made with REAL REESE'S Peanut Butter", the same way a fruit-flavored beverage will claim to contain genuine fruit.
The bowl on the box art is a Reese's cup, so it basically depicts candy being served in more candy. I'm old enough to remember when they would photograph cereal as "part of a complete breakfast", and there'd be grapefruits and toast and maybe a hard boiled egg. Basically they were admitting that the cereal was so unhealthy that you needed to eat three or four other breakfasts to make up for it. I just liked the photos because they were so picturesque. Ah, to have unlimited free time to prepare a leisurely 4-course breakfast while reading the paper. I just assumed everyone else was having toast with their cereal except my family, but yeah, it never really made any sense.
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I haven't even gotten to Goku yet, but first I want to talk about his spoon. I don't think we see him holding a spoon very often. He's usually a chopsticks kind of guy, or he'll just use his bare hands or even dunk his head into the bowl. It kind of looks like a ladle when he holds it like that, which implies he cooked this bowl of candy soup all by himself, and he's showing it off like a proud chef. This spoon kicks ass, is what I'm trying to say.
But the real reason I bought this is because of that orange hillbilly who needs no introduction. I wasn't even looking for Reese's Puffs. It was the furthest thing from my mind. No, I was stocking up on the old-man cereal I require to survive, when I just saw him staring at me, with his friendly-yet-confident smile. Goku's not pressuring you to buy the cereal. He's sure you'll enjoy it, but it's okay if you want to take a pass. He'll just enjoy all this peanut butter chocolate goodness all by himself. Goku is truly the ideal spokesman. How can you say no to this lovable hunk?
I'm kind of out of touch when it comes to cereal marketing, but I'm pretty sure this sort of cross-promotion is a rarity. Like, they once put WWE wrestlers on Wheaties or something, but usually if the cereal companies want a cartoon on the box they'll just make their own character. Or if the cartoon people want to put their guy in the cereal aisle, they'll just commission a whole new cereal just for that brand. C-3PO had his own cereal for a while. It was pretty good!
What I'm saying is that it's kind of unusual to see a popular character like this on a cereal box. The only exception I can come up with is Fred Flintstone on Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles, but I always assumed that those were specifically "Flintstones Cereal".
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Other than that, yeah, I can't think of any other examples of cartoon characters appearing on unaffiliated cereal boxes like this. Well, I drew my DBZ OC on a box of All-Bran today, but I don't think that counts.
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I wondered what was up with the picture of Piccolo on the back of the box, and it turns out that he's one of seven different characters you can find on the back of the box. Collect them all! Aw man, that Cell one looks fucking sick! I don't know how they distributed these. Maybe they roll them out in waves and Piccolo's came first. Or maybe it's random and I might have found a Cell if I'd checked more boxes at the store. Well, Piccolo's pretty good. I guess.
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All right, I just poured myself a bowl and Goku's cereal is gonna have to set course for Planet Oat. The dairy industry may not applaud my shopping choices, but I like oat milk because it doesn't spoil as quickly as cow milk, and it's got a nice oat-y flavor that compliments the cardboard taste of All-Bran.
I did not put Dawn liquid soap in my cereal. This time.
So what's the verdict here? Well, the first few bites were pretty tasty, and then I realized I was getting kind of sick of this as I made my way to the bottom of the bowl. The peanut butter flavor overwhelms everything. It has a very strong odor, so if you like Reese's peanut butter cups you can just sit this out in your room and savor the aroma. I barely registered any chocolate flavor at all. I mean, I believe they put it there, but the peanut butter is the whole story to this.
It's basically Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs from Calvin and Hobbes, only this is a special Peanut Butter variant they made. I never really appreciated the jokes about sugary cereals before. I grew up on Frosted Flakes and the like, but there were a certain class of cereals that my mom would just refuse to buy. My grandparents would have them, but I never really understood the difference between Frosted Flakes and Honey Smacks. As I got older, I ate less cereal in general, but that was mostly because I fell out of the habit of eating breakfast altogether.
But now I'm 47, and the only cereal I eat these days is bran topped with diced peaches and a couple of packets of artificial sweetener, so Reese's Puffs is way, way too sugary for my palate. It's not bad, but a little goes a long way for me.
When I was a kid, old people were always griping about all the stuff they couldn't eat anymore. I remember Isaac Asimov writing mournfully about how he couldn't have an Oreo cookie, which bummed me out because that was my favorite cookie back then, and it seemed that the fate of all humanity was to be denied the simple pleasure of enjoying them.
Now, I realize that a lot of the stuff that you liked as a kid just doesn't age up with you. Your tastes change, and you gain appreciations for new things that you wouldn't have appreciated before. That's not a bad thing. It's life. Things change, and you change along with them.
Well, you and I do, anyway. Not Goku, whose Saiyan biology keeps him looking exactly the same for sixty years so he can eat all the sweetened corn puffs he wants. But I don't envy him, is what I'm trying to say. I'm watching a wrestling show on PPV tonight, my mom took me to Cracker Barrel for lunch today, and I drew on a cereal box. I can't complain.
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infoglitch · 8 months
My very bad takes on rwby ships (the well known ones atleast. And yes most are jaune)
(i do not represent anyone except myself so do not judge others based on me because if you do. That's YOUR problem. Not the peoples you think I represent)
Hoi! I think its time I get crucified. Kidding obviously. This community isn't completely toxic, that much is obvious. Now let's get the obvious ones out the way
Ok... time for the one I don't wanna touch because I don't have nice things to say.
Ok first. I don't mind this ship. Wanna get that out of the way because unlike most would assume. I don't hate or love this ship.
BUT. I got problems with how it was made fucking cannon. First off, fuck you rt and your "from the beeginning". I don't fuckin care how much you try to cover your incompetent asses. If the pants don't fuckin fit. Don't fuckin wear them!
Second. There was no real build up (you can argue there was. But it wasn't good. Anyone could have done a better job than rt). The only real thing that could "prove" this was planned was that yang "flirted" with Blake. Now you might be saying-
"oh but she explained her trauma to Blake that clearly means shes interested in her" in which. NO. Yes this moment is VERY good basis to build off these twos dynamic. And if rt kept building onto this by having yang slowly break down Blake's wall before eventually getting her to open up, I would be applauding rt for it, hell I would be a fan of it probably because for these two, it fuckin works! Blake clearly is alot more reserved and is rather prickly meanwhile yang is the rambunctious, ass-whooping, badass, and overall awesome ball of joy (sounds weird saying especially since yang is my favorite character). yet rt dropped the fuckin ball the moment sun showed up. Now I love sun and i enjoy black sun. But for the love of GOD if this shit is from the beginning than this clearly proves it was fucking not!
After volume three who did blake spend most of the time with in menagerie and rt was clearly trying to push? Not bmblb! BLACK-FUCKING-SUN. Let's give a round of applause to RT for making the dumbest decision of saying bmblb was planned from the start because bitch it was not.
And what did we get for yang. Oh only her trauma from one losing an arm and the fact she has PTSD from it. Oh yeah let's not forget the fact yang had ABANDONMENT ISSUES. Yet the moment her and Blake meet back up suddenly it doesn't fuckin matter because Weiss managed to somehow fix it by telling yang that Blake had suffered as well (i know that's not exactly what happened but point is I fuckin HATE the scene where Blake rejoins the team and yang is just "OK! I totally still don't have problems with the fact you left me and the team at both my and our teams lowest moment." Personally fuck you rt)
.....where was I again? Oh yeah rwby ships. So before I fuckin lose it at rt's incompetence at story telling, developing a romance and character building- let's move on to..... whiterose.... SON OF A BIT-
Look does the fact I don't care for BB and the fact I hate white rose with such a burning passion make me look like a misogynistic homophobic asshole a bad thing? Yes. But I just can't enjoy this damn ship because I just find it so FUCKING BORING!
I get it, it's "opposites attract". But I just don't care because this is so boring and basic that I can't even be glad a gay ship is actually popular instead of the same boring straight pairings.
I don't care if ruby could help Weiss be less of a bitch. Because that troop has been done to fucking DEATH.
There's not even the fact that it be a middle finger to Weisses dad because guess what he's already got his comupance and is also you know, FUCKIN DEAD. There's no satisfaction from any of this ship for me. Is it a bad ship? Fuck no we aren't even going to cover THAT!
But do I like this ship and hope it'll be cannon? No. And if it is? I won't care and I'm not even gonna celebrate it. You can take a fat piss on my grave before I say whiterose becoming cannon is the only option.
Now what ship is next- oh. Oh no. It's the ship everyone enjoys.
Look I'm already gonna get fuckin crucified for my opinion of WR and BB. I don't feel like pissing off even MORE people!
... ok fine I'm saying my opinion.
I don't care for this ship. I don't care for pyrrha and I'm actively glad she is dead.
I won't even elaborate because this ship is dead and will gladly piss on its grave.
Rest in piss arkos. Overrated as fuck!
Next up is... rose garden. Finally a ship I dont mind supporting... but also... one thats gonna be hard to say
Rose garden
Look... their just fuckin cinnamon rolls and I love it!
"but you hated arkos yet both jaune and pyrrha were cinna-"
Uhp! No! None of your bullshit. But I will explain.
I don't care for arkos because I don't care for the fact pyrrha has no development. Not even a personality. She was always "the one girl that has feelings for jaune" which don't get me wrong, jaunes one of my favorite characters but I prefer the character he would be shipped with are actually characters and not... cardboard.
Now thankfully Oscar does not suffer the same fate. He's not infatuated with ruby, he is just a "kid" who just found a wizard stuck in his head and now he's off into a war he never knew about. He was timid (batshit terrified even) and yet when he sees the courage shown by the cast he slowly tries to be like them. with the moment between ruby and Oscar being a moment I fuckin love. Oscar is being honest and asking ruby why, why does she keep fighting? Keep marching into a unknown war that could very well kill her. And ruby simply answers by admitting she Is aware she might die, she even lost good people during the fall of beacon but she kept going because she wanted to be a huntress, she wanted to HELP people.
One of the many reasons I love rose garden is because these two fuckin dorks grow WITH each other instead of the simple "oh I'm the love interest of the main character I'm gonna be a cardboard cutout of the character I should be!".
I can't put it into proper words but I just love rose garden.
Wait... are we actually talking about white knight and not another ship that I probably don't care about and get crucified because of them?
Gentlemen and ladies. I am proud to say I am whiteknight trash because damnit I love this ship.
I will say it now this ship is the shit that gives my Tumblr account LIFE. And like rose garden I can't even find words to describe how this ship makes me my brain go up with dopamine. This ship is just my favorite ship. Weiss and jaune have had so much buildup. Starting with jaune being a idiot and trying to flirt with a very much more cold Weiss (HA) To Weiss laughing at jaunes reaction to his voice after the high of depression that was V9! The little smile jaune had as he heard Weiss giggle. To the mother fuckin mature scene that has skyrocketed to memehood! I just love this ship because it is just everything I want out of a romance subplot!
Oh... oh we already at some.... unpopular ships.
Now this isn't exactly ship related as pyrrha was to arkos but I just don't like Blake, so you might be thinking "oh then you must hate knightshade". Well..
I don't know why I like it I just like knightshade. It's cute, it's got enough crack to make it a crack ship, and the memes! The. Fuckin. MEMES.
God I love knightshade.
So... how do I say this?
I love this ship. Not joking I love this. I'd be peeved if this became cannon but as syndrome once said
"OH COME ON! YOU GOTTA ADMIT THIS IS COOL!" (Man was a salty man and died like a BITCH)
As to why?
I could write an entire fanfic of jaune and cinder fighting each other for days on end until jaune fucking loses but instead of killing him cinder just lets him live. To continue to fight as she gets some sick enjoyment from the attention.
That's all. (Also cinder please choke me with your thighs-)
Alright I'll behave. No thirsting, now onto.... Lancaster.... you know I can't tell if I want to be killed or be celebrated as a fuckin gift because this list is bizarre as fu-
.... where do I begin?
Ok I should probably state this now. I love this fuckin ship despite how... cliche it really is. I want these two dorks to be fuckin happy but I just can't say whole hearted this is my otp. It's just not for me, I'm sorry. But as you all know I have written.. some.. Lancaster fanfics (I am absolute jaune shipper trash, you can Bury me before I say any jaune ship is terrible except THAT! Even arkos ain't bad just overrated!)
But... yes I like this ship that why I'm writing fanfics in the first place I like alot of jaune ships (despite how much I hate THAT!) Because we'll most female characters that I pair with jaune have atleast some form of interaction. (Except silent knight. I just like that one because I like the "small murderous and tall gentle" dynamic. But we aren't covering silent knight.)
Now thats all I could say for Lancaster but there's one more sister that I wanna talk about but first.
For runner up on this list. Drum roll please.
Thank you-
Huh I guess that drummer wasn't as dumb-
Ok fuck you, your fired!
Now for runner up on this list (mainly because I like it but I don't have much to say-)
Martial arcs
(ha bet y'all rat bastards weren't expecting me to list a gay ship that I liked.)
Now all I have to say is.
🎶let them be fucking gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!~
Now onto... my favorite one thats not white knight. The one, the only, the truest form of "what the fuck is glitch snorting"-
Dragon slayer
This is the one ship that has continued to be a ship I love dearly.
To me yang and jaune feel like they would be each other's wing(wo)man and would just be an ride to watch.
There wasn't even any evidence in why this ship could happen. But I still love it. Y'all can call it "just a write inserting themselves as jaune" but let me say this.
Dragon slayer is the Pinnacle of the most wholesome moments! Not even Lancaster can compare to the intimacy of this ship and yes! I AM TALKING OUT OF MY ASS BECAUSE I LOVE THIS STUPID SHIP AND AINT NO ONE TELLING ME I SHOULD BE ASHAMED!
Ok I think that's enough talking about Rwby ships for one Day because I've caused three things.
1) probably pissed off arkos, BB, and WR shipers.
2) weirded out quite literally everyone with my batshit insanity.
3) probably started a debate on what I mean when I say "THAT!"
Anyway have a great day/night/or what other time it is bitches, bros, and non-binary rat bastards
I'm off to get crucified because OH BOY did I probably poke the bear.
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athousandbyeol · 9 months
discussion #11 (only friends): is mew an outcast in the friend group? is it an intentional tactic by the directors/scriptwriters to make mew "less attractive"?
i think, from episode 1 to episode 3, we aren't seeing much of mew because it's intentional.
he's always at the furthest side of the shot, not really in the spotlight (except in scenes shared with top and close-up shots of himself alone). the clothes he wears aren't exactly trendy or fleshy. those glasses. he looks... boring. ordinary. nothing exciting about mew.
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(i just have to put this picture because he's as precious as he can be <'3)
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(well, hello there, mew.)
i think the directors and scriptwriters intentionally make mew look/feel like an outcast in this messy friend group so that we'll grow suspicious of him. mew is 'hidden' because he has yet unleashed the 'other side' of his. because i think we might have questions now; is he really all this? is that even possible?
side note: even p'force said mew is the flirty/cunning one in this relationship. he knows a lot of things, but i assume he chooses not to let people know because it isn't of importance to mew. he just wants to have fun sometimes and get that degree. that's all. but is that really it?
i see so many people are having strong opinions about mew, but saying mew is boring is where i believe this is somewhat true. i think many of only friends watchers took the bait— mew is so boring— they [topmew] aren't progressing anywhere— what are they even doing? it's so interesting to witness so much disparity when it comes to topmew. some like their story. some hate them. but as someone who enjoys every plotline in the drama, i can only say the six of them revolve around each other. the story won't progress if one character/a couple is pulled out from the circle. all of them are equally important. some relationships progress faster than the other. it's in sync with the build-up of the story (do refer freytag's pyramid to get a better idea of how a story is constructed), and the growth of the characters. they depend on each other. so, like it or not, the six of them co-exist. it can't be five people or only two pairs. it must be six and three pairs to make only friends work.
i regress.
moreover, i guess, p'jojo and p'ninew want us to implant this idea of mew in mind— just a normal person. i think, in that way, it creates tension, suspense and speculation. i think most of topmew enjoyers see this gradual growth of mew's character. as top has grown out of his confident persona little by little (mostly when he's with mew, top shows more of his vulnerable and child-like personality; the smile top gives mew during the silent disco scene was so pure and innocent. it made top look like a kid again; that lost kid in the fire), mew's other side of the coin is waiting to set sail. this excites me very much. because we clearly don't know who on earth mew is. and i'm taking this opportunity to applaud p'book again. he's doing a fantastic job as mew. kudos to him.
additionally, i have a question, don't you think it's a bit off that mew is friends with 1) ray, an alcoholic (i apologise if this term is degrading), 2) boston, a sexually-active person, and 3) chueam, the party-goer (i don't have anything negative to say about her, hehe). mew— a nerd, who likes partying but is still pretty much an average university student— how did he end up in this group? i just find it a bit weird. a bit out of place. he feels like an oddball in this friend group. it's like he doesn't belong here. and that itself is very intriguing.
i have a feeling mew's transformation will shock everyone, and he might be the core of everyone's heartbreak/headache (with nick being the second/main destroyer). i'm excited to see mewnick's revenge arc unfold because both of them will approach their battles differently; nick is going to be more emotionally driven, while mew is strategic and perhaps, heartless.
thus, i think the directors/scriptwriters have succeded in making us view mew as just... a person. nothing special. dull and one-dimensional. but this is just so thrilling to me as i believe (way before the series aired) mew is so much more than what we think he is, and i can't wait to see that mew. :)
//p.s. i don't know what this is honestly so i apologise for even writing this post...
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]
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svaints · 4 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you could write a birthday drabble for how the one and only Yuu!Reader might spend their birthday.
Boyfriend Rook and the Pomefiore crew get all dolled up and see theatre performances (Hell maybe they go to one of Vil's). Afterwards Rook and reader have lunch at a fancy restaurant and enthuse about the performance.
Meanwhile everyone else is trying to get a party ready for NRC's favorite prefect. Riddle has sorted everyone into teams according to what they need to accomplish. Baking crew, Decorations crew etc. Best Friend Idia's tinkering away at their computer for a surprise.
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𝕽𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝕳𝖚𝖓𝖙 | 𝕾𝖋𝖜
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤
Being woken up from your nap by Rook looking around your closet may have been the strangest thing you've seen him do till he explained he wanted you well dressed for a performance that was starting in two hours. It was 4 PM, on a weekend...the last thing on your mind was to get up from the comfort of your bed.
"Rook I'm not...in the best spirits." You were eluctant at first since the entire week had been a busy one, He looked backed from the closet and came to lay your clothes down. "Ah Mon amour, tell you what...get dressed, we'll go to Vil's performance, and then we head to your favorite restaurant." To be honest the thought of going to the restaurant that always had a fine view of the outside world and amazing food there was enough motivation. With that, you got ready within 20 mins.
Once it was 5:36 pm, Rook had made sure you both arrived to get seats front row after all he was happily there to encourage his friend and to enjoy the show with his partner.
Meanwhile...back at the college, everyone was busy preparing with Riddle being the leader.
"Great, so everyone is aware it's NRCs Favorite Perfect birthday. I only invited the House wardens because I am sure we don't need too many people here, it will be crowded especially with some not focusing on tasks. Oh and Ace, Trey, Deuce and Cater are extra help."
"Where's Idia then??" Asked Ace, "Idia is working on a gift for perfect. Now! I'll be working on the cake. Kalim decorations with Deuce, Malleus you can cut the fruits for the fruit salad with Trey, Silver with Cater on drinks such as punch, Leona you can blow the balloons up or use the gas tank just make sure to place them around the room in groups of three."
"Awesome.." Leona with arms crossed turned his gaze to the side.
Trey began rinsing the fruits they'd use while Malleus took the kitchen utensils out to cut them up. "Should I sharpen the blade on these?" Malleus asked Trey holding the knife down while he inspected it.
Leona was selecting which balloons would fit the color room best even if it was taking time to match since there was a bunch, "For what do we have all these balloons.."
"Where did you think those balloons came from in special events?" Kalim was carrying a box of party hats, poppers, table cloths, napkins...this boy was carrying a whole variety pack. "Ah, yeah I guess...do you need help with that?" Leona eyed the box surprised. "No, I got this but I can come back to help you with the balloons, I got Deuce setting chairs and tables up right now, I'm sure he won't mind."
Everyone was doing great helping one another when they could. Back to the Majestical Theatre, everyone was applauding Vil upstage as the curtains closed and lights began to brighten up.
"Ah, Magnifique! Wasn't that great dear?!" Rook smiled looking at you, "I agree he is gifted afterall." Vil never failed to make a show touch the hearts of many with his beauty and acts. It all becomes so real for the time being.
After the whole chaos getting out of the crowd being caught up with Vil, Rook took you to the restaurant. Finally alone and away from everyone.
The ambience of dim lights in the fancy place was welcoming as you talked about the performance. "The way he changes outfits back to back must be exhausting, I'd probably get mixed up with the clothing knowing in 5 seconds I have to be back up to play whatever character is next!"
Rook let out a chuckle nodding, "It's truly a chore yes, mon dieu." He shook his head smiling before looking down and took out a small red velvet box with a gold ribbon on it, handing it to you. "Open it."
You smiled and took it from his hands eyeing the box before opening it to see a necklace you've been saving up on for quite some time.
"Rook are you serious! You didn't have to...ahh, it's like I imagined it to be..." He only admired the corner of your lips curve into a grin. "Happy Birthday mon lapin!" He admired the way the necklace decorated your neck, how it complimented your skin color and all, it was meant to be worn by you.
"Thank you, I love it." You smiled holding his hand from across the table as he tightens his grip on yours.
Back in at the College, everyone was finished after the busy afternoon. The kitchen was cleaned up after Riddle suggested it so everyone could enjoy the party.
"This is great, honestly." Silver sighed smiling. "Yes for once I agree. Now we hide." As soon as Riddle said it, everyone scrambled to their positions with the party poppers.
Rook was already walking you down to the venue with his hands on your wrists making sure to keep your hands covering your eyes. "Don't peek at all, at all!" He chuckled.
"I feel like you're trying to lead me into trouble again.." You giggled and suddenly hear the door shut behind you, his grip gone. "Rook?..."
The party poppers went off as soon as the lights came on causing a slight startle.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone cheered as you laughed the shock off. "Jesus so many surprises!" Rook stood beside you and leading the way to the cake being lit up.
It seemed perfect moment with everyone wishing you the best as the favorite in the college. Everyone talking about the first impressions, the memories you've given them, how they felt their lives change once you came and gave them another thing to look forward to.
At the end of the day after clean up, you took the gifts to your room with the help of Rook. One gift specifically caught your eye seeing it was from your best friend, Idia.
"What's wrong?" Asked Rook watching your eyes admiring the gift all around before opening it. It had bubble wrap all around, a flat glass with buttons such as replay, forward, backward, and pause.
"I'm not sure what this is..." You said before pressing play and the glass lit up above you replaying the moment everyone sang Happy Birthday to you.
You smiled seeing it play before your eyes. Pressing forward played the moment you danced with Rook for the first time in the Masquerade ball, first time actually having a full conversation after he helped you too.
Rook sighed lovingly remembering the scene before taking the gift and set it down, taking your hand with his and pulled you in closer to dance.
"I'll never forget the day, it's the most enchanting moments of my life...the scenery and the beauty before me..." He looked down at you wanting to relive it all.
Thinking about it, Idias request to have you half a day to put you to sleep while having those small patches on your temples and head made sense as weird as it was.
He wanted to have something to look back to be able to feel it all again just as it was the first time.
Now and then when you feel a little sentimental, all you'd have to do was turn the lights off and let all your memories replay before you. Idia even made sure to had you a guide on how to make it work, he had broken down many steps saving you from the endless hours of coding and combining you would've had to do.
Now all it takes was a to put the patches on and let them process or a usb would do fine.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
I get that afterglow is a thing, and that would explain why Blitz initially took the photo of him and Stolas cuddling, but it doesn't explain why he would keep it.
It also doesn't explain why he would be so upset over Stolas' shame at Ozzie's and rejecting him. If Blitz didn't care about Stolas, he absolutely would not be shedding tears over the matter. The Blitz you've conjured in your head would be jumping for joy to get the "owl pervert" off his ass, not depressed over the matter that he doesn't mean more to him.
And you hand-waving his complex feelings away with just "Oh, he's playing pretend to cope" does not explain it at all.
The Blitz you've conjured in your head
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Why you little—
Pictured: Is the image Blitz was really shedding tears over..stolas? Cause he really likes stolas..?
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You sure about that? God the twins are so precious here🥺
“He’s playing pretend to cope” literally is the story. That’s like…the entire theme of stolas speaks as well. Both of them are. Pretending pirates, bodyguard, best friends, knight in shining armour. Etc. Until stolas goes back to Via and Blitz goes back to his own family. Trying to mix the two, also clearly, fails. Those are the complex feelings at play. Blitz hoards memories. Good and bad. And it’s all stolitz stans claiming stolas reminds him of Fizz, based on strong evidence, not me. I never saw that until they pointed it out. But it’s definitely there.
All of this has been fake, a play date he entered once as a trafficked child so he could help his mom, and now as an adult with begrudging sex with stolas so he and his family can have access to the living world. I know Viv is apparently forcing it into a romance, somehow, but up until now this has made perfect sense. I probably won’t even recognise the blitz we see in the next episode, and if you need to break all the characters and the plot continuity, ditch the pilot and do constant damage control on Twitter to silence people all for a ship, there’s probably a reason ^^;
The fondness can easily be explained as seeing him as someone to protect and someone who will prop up his ego when everyone else is calling him out and he runs away from them towards someone who applauds everything he does. That’s not even the subtext it’s just the literal text.
“You don’t want to do things alone blitzø”
“You’re gonna die alone”
“Im gonna die alone aren’t I”
??? Hello??? Im not basing this on nothing? Attaching himself to an abusive man to cope because everything til now has been bad.
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But how can he stick to that when the Goetia family situation he eventually starts to blame himself for, can’t just be discarded. His daughter needs him and how could Blitzø allow himself to come between a father and daughter?
I know this is kinky bdsm and everything but, damn. And if that’s your thing, fine. Enjoy it I guess?
But wow. Is it disgusting to the rest of us. Not to mention mean spirited too. Like the more I think about it the worse it gets. Poor Octavia. Lots of things gross me out. Especially the circus flags in his car.
Stolas has been sexualising blitz since blitz was only about what? seven, eight? years old? On a stage?
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This scene. Braces himself for stolas propositioning him yet again. Then cries when stolas dared to ask him to come inside privately after everything he just did to him publicly, including trying to run away, and then hiding his face away from him.
It’s like when he does something nice for him like drive him home “it’s because he secretly loves him” but I’d bet if he didn’t drive him home I’d have to listen to “it’s because he loves him and can’t stand being too close unless he loses himself and kisses him”
I don’t know man, maybe public humiliation and public rejection in front of almost everyone important in your life is bad, no matter who does it to you? Seeing, ‘someone’ to you that you are scared to see, seeing your ex humiliate you, seeing your employees have what you wish you could have, but be stuck with a boring stiff like stolas who you have less than zero chemistry with?
“So uh. How did you kill them?”
“Uh. Bullets?”
“Right. Right.”
Um. And the other one is
“What can’t you memorise your fuckin spells?” Seriously there’s no way he didn’t just want blitz to stay in his imp form
“Oh and your memory is so great, what’s his phone number?”
“Fuck you”
But especially a guy you didnt want to ask out, but did begrudgingly, to use his class privilege, but then that same class privilege hits back at you? No wonder that stung.
Where’s the love here? seriously….stolas even dresses up like a character he saw on TV. Does it get more on the nose than that?
Even the words to not pretend what they have is anything but stolas wanting sex is directed at himself as well. And it really can’t be anything else. He’s never pursued him consensually, the only time he’s shown attraction was in seeing stars which hardly makes any sense since he was in human form and blitz has always found humans ugly. And even if he starts consenting this late, it’s already far too late. Stolas wanted an escape from his family duties, while blitz has never had the opportunity to forget his. Even if he follows him on Instagram and laughs when he jokes about amputation or about wives splitting their heads open. The rest of the room is silent.
Lastly uh…he’s doing fine? All season he’s been his normal self, sometimes upbeat, sometimes angry, sometimes flirty, meeting new people, trying to find Barbie, helping moxxie with his family, (kinda lol) reconnecting with Fizz. He’s even on good terms with Asmodeus now. Stolas who?
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Tips and Resources for curating your fandom experience across platforms
Hi loves,
I wanted to write up a curating resource post for fandom spaces, so here are some things I’ve learned along the way, and though only you can decide what your digital boundaries look like, I do hope that for anyone looking for them, this list might find its way to you.
For tumblr
How to make your DM’s only open to people you follow
How to make it so only people you follow, or people who follow you for a week can reply
How to have your ask box open, but closed to anon’s - no longer needed, there's a simple toggle button near the ask settings for whether to allow anons or not :)
Use the filtering function for your dash (this is also an option for a blocked user - who you might still see if a mutual reblogs them.  You can add their name to your filtered list, and then their post will be hidden on your dash).  This tip brought to you by @quiquimora tumblr resource post (great post if you’re new to tumblr)
For AO3
How to filter out keywords that might appear in summary or author notes, but not in tags (handy for when an author is trying to understandably avoid spoilers in the tags)
A script option for filtering (especially nice if there are certain tags you'll always avoid across fandoms).
Muting authors (a nice option if you don’t necessarily mind engaging with authors in comments, etc, but don’t want to see their content) - this secondary link includes a how to video you can now use the muting feature on AO3, no scripts needed :)
You can block authors now on AO3 as well, and here’s a tweet thread that shows you how, but also what it does, and doesn’t do
If you’d like to avoid certain ship pairings
How to use a few extra search symbols to filter out certain content
Quick tip: don't forget to save your curated search results in either a bookmark, or as a link on your mobile home screen - that way you can just do all the filtering once, vs typing it all over again every time you're loading up AO3
For twitter
Muting words/content
How to set up various privacy settings
For discord
Privacy & Server settings master list
Accessibility settings
Please feel free to reblog with your own tips!
Under the cut, a few extra tips for dipping into new fandom spaces:
Interact with reblogs and hashtags (this isn’t the end all to be all, but one way to showcase your sense of humor with commentary, or digitally applaud a content creator). People can get to know you a bit ;)
If you enjoy content creating, sign up for fandom events: big bangs, reverse big bangs, zines - a fantastic way to connect with several people at once sharing the same hyperfixation as you <3
Look up certain hashtags in someone’s blogs - not in the sense of digging up ten years of posts, but a quick search if you have squicks and triggers that someone might blog about a lot.  It’s not a judgment on them, for many might not follow you for the things you post about either.  It’s just self care to be aware of things you do not want to see on your dash and keep your following list to things that bring you joy - nothing says you can’t do the occasional reblog, or even connect with them on other platforms!
On the flipside - block liberally.  If you look up their blog and you both are on opposite ends of a spectrum on a topic?  Want to ensure they can never say such things to you in DM’s, etc?  Block.
And guess what?  People have the right to do the same to you.  Do not under any circumstances block evade.  This includes going to other platforms to engage with them if you know you’ve been blocked.  Just.don’t.do.it.please.
And if you've made it to the end, you get a digital cookie or hug of your choice 🍪🫂
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thisisthinprivilege · 7 months
thin priviege in rave/festival/EDM culture
I have always loved raves and music festivals since I was an early teenager (I'm 23 now).  Since I've been 18 I have been able to travel around to different festivals like Ultra, Zoo, Cochella, Bonnaroo, etc. And because I live in Vegas I have been able to attend some of the most elite clubs where internationally famous DJs have played. In many ways I am aware of how incredibly lucky I am to have the economic privilege to do all of these things thanks to my very supportive parents (they were hippies and enjoyed quite a few festivals in their day I'm guessing).
But instead, I want to talk about thin privilege at these events. The events themselves have become incredibly fashion conscious these last few years. People plan their outfits far far ahead of time and put so much thought into them. Which is great to some degree. But for me it is incredibly frustrating.  My thin friends that I go with were tiny shorts and skirts, wear body paint and next to nothing.  I am far from slut shaming them, I encourage them and help them plan outfits. I am happy for them. They are often asked by event photographers to take pictures.Their instagram photos get 100s of likes, DJs invite them in stage to dance.  They look great and everyone compliments them. It seems that dressing up is part of the fun for them. It is pretty much expected that you'll look good at the events, instead of actually enjoying the music. Not to mention the amount of people, that wear fat shaming clothing items that say things like "no fat chicks" and or "body by god and iron". As if being thin is all about being blessed by god and working out, not simply just genetics.  Thin girls wear shorts that say bootyful and get applauded and agreed with, not laughed hysterically at.
But then there is me. I am 5'6 and about 278. I have trouble in a size 24, usually the largest size available in places to do have larger sizes in my area. I feel often as I am somewhere between small fat and just simply fat. I know I don't have it to the worst, but growing up in  where literally everyone is hot and thin, I often feel much larger than I am, and I am usually the fattest person in the room, and I am then treated the worst because of it. As you guys and FBP have mentioned, fat shaming is usually relative, which I can 100% attest to. I only realize that I am not alone when I visit other cities where people are my size or larger.
I cannot ever find festival clothes that will fit my body and look good on me. The best I can do is usually wear leggings or tights with large men's hunting tops (those bright yellow/green/orange tshirts) and try and repurpose them to have ties, holes, etc. I've become really good at it (at least, I think so) and no one ever notices. I put just as much into my outfits and yet I never get noticed. I was even asked to step out of a picture because all my friends had on matching clothes that I couldn't fit into and therefore couldn't wear. I had to go as the fat friend on the side.
When I'm not going unnoticed, the stares i get are always out of disgust. People cannot fathom why a fat girl would bother with one of these events. Apparently only thin people in cute outfits can like EDM.
I just wish that the attention could go back to the music and happy community vibes and not the fashion of thin people.
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byeoltoyuki · 7 months
Somewhere only we know
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↳ Pairing: Felix x Reader
❧ Genre : Fluff / very slight angst / strangers to lovers / older reader
❧ Words : 2k
❧ Summary : Sometimes, all we need is an escape.
A/N: Honestly I don't know where it comes from. Guess i just needed to write something and this happened.
Some people would say that there was something wrong with you because, still in their opinion, you decided out of nowhere that dating was not your thing. It was so easy to judge without having the full picture; you didn’t blame them, even if sometimes their comments annoyed the crap out of you.
The reality was a little different. Yes, you chose to stay single. But no, it wasn’t decided on a whim. Far from it. The reality was much sadder. You simply stopped believing in love after another failure that had left you bitter, sad and in a dark place. Fortunately for you, You weren’t the kind of person to swallow in pity, therefore after one month of blaming yourself for another failure and mopping around, you decided that there were far more interesting thing to do with your life. Better yet, your happiness didn’t depend on a man.
Far from it.
It was here, at your reach. All you had to do was to reach out and touch.
And you did.
From the moment you decided to take care of yourself, you changed. Improvised trips? A must. Taking cooking classes to improve your life-style? Best thing you had ever done for yourself. Starting learning another language for the sake of self-improvement? Done. Sometimes, just going out for a walk was enough to clear your mind and make you smile.
But apparently, your friends didn’t fully agree with your choice. Especially Changbin. You adored the muscled man, but he was a hopeless romantic, someone who believed in love at first sight, therefore he simply refused your choice. Whenever he could, he would bring the subject on the table and try to argue with you.
Like tonight. You agreed to meet at your favorite bar, having a nice, fresh beer. You had a busy week, deadlines to meet which left you with no choice but to fully concentrate on your work and sacrifice for a little your social life. To some it could seem extreme, but you loved your work and knew that the load of work never lasted.
"I know you don’t want to date, but I promise I have a perfect guy for you." Changbin started, too excited for your liking.
"Not again." You begged. You came here to enjoy your night with him and not to talk about your love life. Or lack of it. "Can we not?"
"But Y/N!" He protested. Changbin grabbed your hand, squeezing it too tightly - sometimes, he forgot that he was really strong. "I swear he’s an amazing guy and definitely someone I can picture you with."
"Bin. I applaud your faith in love, but I’m not interested."
"Just one date. If it doesn’t work out, I promise I drop the subject and never mention it again."
His words made you pause. Just for the sake of your tranquility, you were tempted to say yes. You knew Changbin was persistent and stubborn as hell; he would never give up unless he had a good reason to. But the idea of going to a date with a guy, and a guy you had never met at that, was giving you anxiety.
"Tempting," You admitted. Changbin’s face broke into a smile. Too hopeful. "But still no."
Living in a big town was great, for many obvious reasons. Until it wasn’t.
Sometimes, you needed an escape, a place without familiar faces, a place where nobody would judge you, where nobody would question you. With time, you came to realize that your favorite place to go was anywhere by the sea. The scent of sea, the calm sound of waves, the sound of seagulls - it was the perfect escape.
You booked a small room in a hotel by the beach with a perfect view on the sea. Always with the view on the sea; you could watch the sun go down; you could watch the sun rise while drinking a cup of coffee by your window. Perfect scenario.
Tonight, however, you weren’t tired enough to go back to your room. Instead of staying inside, you went for a walk. Despite it being spring and the night being fresh, you walked slowly with your shoes in your hands, wanting to feel the sand under your feet.
You strolled through the beach, walking as close to the water as you could without getting splashed.
The beach was almost empty. There were some people walking and playing with their dogs. Some were couples, walking with their hands intertwined. Some were taking pictures and enjoying the view as you did. But then, your ears picked up the sound of a guitar - without really meaning to, you followed the sound, the sweet melody having you completely bewitched.
A young man was at the origin of the beautiful melody. He was sitting by himself, facing the sea, playing his guitar. You didn’t recognize the song, maybe it was composed by him, maybe not - it didn’t matter, it was lovely.
Without interrupting him, and because you couldn’t resist the pull, you got closer and sat down. You pulled your legs to you to rest your head on top of your knees as you watched the man. You closed your eyes to fully enjoy the moment, every note helping you to relax, to appease your mind.
It took you a moment to come back from your tiny world - you hadn’t realized he had stopped playing until you heard his incredibly deep, smoky voice.
Your eyes snapped open at his voice only to meet the prettiest and brightest eyes you had ever seen. Now that he was facing you, you could see that he was a very handsome and beautiful man, probably few years younger than you. To say that you were stunned would be an understatement.
You cleared your throat, embarrassed. "Sorry. I promise I’m not a creep."
The young man actually laughed heartily and shook his head. "It’s ok, I don’t mind." He looked at you, tilting his head to the side, curious about you. "Moreover, you’re too pretty to be a creep."
Just like that you relaxed and cracked a smile. "Smooth. Very smooth."
"I try to be." He was still smiling at you.
"The song was really pretty, I couldn’t resist." You admitted. Would it be too much if you asked him to play some more? You weren’t the shy type but something about him and about the way he was smiling at you, unsettled you. How long had it been since you felt so confused about a man? How long had it been since the last time you felt such a strong and inexplicable pull? A very long time.
"I’m glad." His gaze slid to his guitar, "Would you like to hear something else?"
Was he a mind-reader, you wondered. You didn’t hesitate as you nodded your head quickly, eagerly. And he obliged.
You watched him carefully, his every move, how concentrated yet relaxed he was while playing, a small smile on his face. You still didn’t know the song, but liked how he played it.
"Did you compose the song?" You didn’t want to interrupt the sweet melody at first. But your curiosity got the best of you. You wanted to know about this talented stranger.
"Yes. I like composing whenever life gets too intense." He admitted, "It helps to unwind."
To that, you could absolutely relate. He had his guitar and music, you, you had your little trips to help you to unwind.
He stopped, stared at his guitar with a frown before sighing, resigned. "I haven’t finished this one yet. Kind of stuck."
"It’s okay. It was still lovely."
He put his guitar to his side and fully turned to you. "Are you from around here?"
"Not really, no." You averted your eyes from his face, feeling incredibly naked under his gaze. His eyes held so much intensity, you felt like he could read right through you; it was disturbing but not in an unpleasant way. You looked at the sea, watching the waves crash beside you. "I tend to come here whenever I need to escape my life."
"A safe place then." He commented
You nodded and averted your eyes from the sea to him. He was watching you, always smiling. His smile was contagious and so genuine, it was heartwarming and also a tad worrisome - because you wanted to see more of it. Maybe you were finally tired enough and weren’t thinking straight.
"Where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking."
Did you want to tell him? There was something about this place, your safe place. You felt at ease and peaceful but if you shared more of yourself, wasn’t it a risk? What if you came to realize that you could meet again, only to realize that this connection disappeared?
Apparently, he could really read through you. "Don’t tell me. I get it."
But did he?
"Whatever happens here, stays here, right?" He got back on his feet, his guitar with him. He got closer to you, hovering over you. He stared at you, his face unreadable which was such a contrast after all the softness and smiles. But you held his stare. Tilting your head to the side, you wondered what he was up to.
"I have a feeling we’ll meet again." He confessed
You doubted, but didn’t contradict him.
"You’ll see."      
Changbin welcomed you to his little, improvised in the middle of the week, party with a big, warm hug (squeezing the life out of you). You chuckled at his eagerness and hugged him back.
"I missed you!" He complained. He pulled away to look at you and squished your cheeks as if you were a child. Someone forgot you were actually older than him.
"What do you mean you missed me? You saw me last week." You shook your head in feign annoyance, when really, you did miss him a little too. He was a noisy person, but so adorable and lovely, you could only miss him.
"Say you missed me too!" He demanded, furrowing his brows.
Oh boy. "I missed you, happy?"
He flipped the tip of your nose in response. "Very. How was your little trip?"
You opened your mouth, ready to tell him about how interesting it turned out but no words left your mouth as a very familiar melody started somewhere in the room. You forgot all about your friend’s presence, your eyes searching the room in hope to see a familiar face.
"You’re ok?" Changbin asked, noticing your odd behavior.
"Ye-yeah." But were you? It couldn’t possibly be him, could it? "Do you know who’s playing the guitar?"
Changbin glanced at someone hidden in the crowd, a tiny smile spreading on his lips. "Yes. It’s Felix. Remember the guy I wanted to introduce you to? That’s him."
Your breath quickened. No way. There was no way it could be the same person, you told yourself over and over again.
Changbin giggled beside you, put his hands on your shoulders and turned your body so you could see Felix. You couldn’t not see him. Him and his guitar. Him and his sweet smile. Him and his blond hair. The same guy, you thought you would never see again. The same guy that was supposed to stay just in your memory.
But he did warn you you would meet again, didn’t he?
"Want me to introduce you to him?" Changbin asked, curious with how quiet the simple sight of Felix got you.
You looked at your friend and then back at Felix. Did you want to? Changbin, apparently knew what you wanted better than you. He grabbed your hand and made you follow him, to meet Felix.
You expected Changbin to introduce you, but no. He winked playfully at you and left you by yourself near the couch where Felix was sitting. The traitor. You forgot all about your plans and threats, the moment Felix stopped playing and raised his head to look at you. A blinding smile spread on his face at the sight of you. Without even realizing it, you mirrored his smile, followed by an incredibly lame "Hi."
Felix rose from his place and joined you, his guitar long forgotten.  "Told you we’ll meet again."
And you found yourself not minding it at all.
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trash-seagull · 1 day
Wuthering waves has been out for around a week now and I have some thoughts. Warning: long post + potential spoilers for the entire available main quest line.
First off, Kuro can we please, PLEASE get controller support for iOS and Android? I don't have the money to buy a PC rn and combat is hard to do with a touchscreen.
Speaking of controllers, I really hope that we get a port to PS5 in the future. I've come to terms with the fact that, if it is happening, it may take around half a year, similarly to star rail, but I wish Kuro gave us some sort of update on how that's going. I'm not even sure that they officially announced that the game is coming to consoles....
Now let's move on to the actual game itself. It is gorgeous! I was initially sceptical about the muted colors during CBT as I really enjoy genshin's vibrant world, but in this case the color palette fits the post-apocalyptic narrative quite well and I've changed my mind. I also really like how the skybox looks like. Very pretty :)
The combat system has been very fun for me so far. When looking at CBT footage I was worried that dodging and parrying would be difficult, especially on mobile, but in reality it's relatively easy to learn the attack patterns of bosses once you have fought them a couple times. For me, dodging was not particularly difficult to learn since it functions similarly to the "flurry rush" mechanic from botw (and totk also) and I have sunk way too many hours into that game... Parrying is something that I still struggle with.
What I also like about the combat in this game is that, if you don't want to learn enemy attack patterns / are not good at combat, you can just unga-bunga through most bosses by simply mashing buttons, provided you have a healer in your team. Though I do wish that both boss and overworld enemies would be a bit more difficult to fight (this might just be because I have Encore and she destroys everything in sight).
There's also no music in the overworld? I first noticed this a couple of days ago while gliding and thought that I was experiencing an audio glitch or bug. It's a bit jarring, especially if you are sprinting and have to listen to the characters moan every two seconds (over sexualization of characters in video games is its own can of worms that I can make a separate post about if needed). You can hear characters' footsteps, as well as the sound of running water but when you are gliding the sound just.... stops. I have no problem with not having music, it is definitely a unique approach that fits the post-apocalyptic setting, but I wish Kuro added more sounds in general, such as the rustling of wind when you glide.
Now that I think about it, I don't actually have much to say about the main quest line so far. It was a bit predictable in some places but I enjoyed it overall and am excited for more when it comes out. Also I see people simping for Scar everywhere and, as someone who is not attracted to men, I find it funny)) So far the most interesting quests, in my opinion, were the exploration ones.
Thankfully, I was lucky and experienced pretty much zero glitches since the game's launch. The only thing that bothers me is that sometimes, when gliding, the character will start to jitter or shake a little bit, which is annoying. I don't know if anyone else has the same problem. I also wish I could play on higher graphics (from what I understand, my mobile device specs are between minimum and recommended and I can only set the graphics quality (whatever it's called) to medium in game before it tells me that it's being overclocked. Interestingly, when I played genshin on mobile I had all of the settings on overclocked and the game never crashed or stuttered...) but I guess I will just have to wait until the PS5 port to do so (hopefully the game releases before ps6 and is available on PS5 also. I also hope that there is cross save.).
I applaud Kuro for apologizing and doing their best to fix the issues that players were having post launch, as well as their generosity with the compensation rewards. Genshin truly could never))
It would be great if we could test the 5 star characters before pulling for them. I know we got to test some during the main story but I wish we had a way to be able to test a character several times, similarly to genshin.
I can't think of anything else rn, I'm excited for yinlin and more of the main story. If I remember anything else I will update this post.
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desaturatedd · 1 year
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 ! ( a  collection  of  dialogue sentence  starters  by elmer c . albatross from baccano ! )
❛ c'mon and smile. ❜
❛ guess i didn't even need to check; you look fine. ❜
❛ when you're panicking, for starters, it's better to smile. smiling will cool your head. ❜
❛ if you can smile, that means you're still at least a little human. ❜
❛ no matter how small the possibility is, i want to try. ❜
❛ i think it's important to respect the dead — but they don't really interest me. ❜
❛ i doubt my whole body could express this joy with anything less than an explosion. ❜
❛ you may think you've got me cornered, but think again! ❜
❛ why do you sound all grown-up all of a sudden? ❜
❛ smiles are the highest of all human emotions! ❜
❛ you're a pretty good guy yourself, so relax and just live. ❜
❛ if you're going to get all worked up over not being good, why not just be good? ❜
❛ people can change, too. ❜
❛ if it'll make you smile, i'll do anything to help. ❜
❛ there are no limits to recklessness! everything that goes beyond its own limits is reckless. ❜
❛ for the sake of a happy ending, i'd sell everyone in the world to the devil without a second thought. ❜
❛ if someone's died a meaningful death, i'll applaud them. ❜
❛ being unhappy isn't a crime, but not seeking happiness is. ❜
❛ lots of people die never even knowing the word hope. but you know about hope. denying that is an insult to your life. ❜
❛ i'll teach you. i'll show you, alright? i'll teach you, i swear, no matter how many years it takes.❜
❛ smiles give me strength. ❜
❛ if i stay here any longer, you won't be happy. you'll just get annoyed. ❜
❛ the thing is, i've lost my way. ❜
❛ you should smile more when you hit people. ❜
❛ people generally enjoy looking down on others. ❜
❛ even if you're fine with that, i'm not. ❜
❛ it doesn't matter whether i die or not, though. ❜
❛ is there anyone who'll be sad if you die? ❜
❛ oh good. you'll be able to die happy, then. ❜
❛ if you've forgotten how to smile, i'll teach you. ❜
❛ as long as you're alive, you can get through just about anything. ❜
❛ i promise, no matter what i learn about people's pasts, i won't blab about it. ❜
❛ if you're warning me, that means you're worried about me. ❜
❛ because i want to see everybody smile. ❜
❛ ignorance isn't a crime, but i don't want someone to be unhappy because i used it as an excuse. ❜
❛ what do you suppose i'd have to do to make everyone in the world happy? ❜
❛ i think choices are a fundamental part of human happiness. ❜
❛ i did listen. and then i ignored you. ❜
❛ can't get away with anything around you, huh? ❜
❛ hey, what happens if it summons something? ❜
❛ i'm going even if it is a trap. ❜
❛ i do want to see ____ again; it's been so long. ❜
❛ we've known each other for _____ years, but we've never fought. ❜
❛ he may not look it, but he likes to make a dramatic entrance. ❜
❛ well, it isn't as if i didn't expect that. ❜
❛ if i could use real magic and started casting my spells everywhere, i bet i'd upset people from all sorts of religions. ❜
❛ hi there. we haven't met before... i don't think? ❜
❛ actually, just between us, i'm older than i look. ❜
❛ whoops. you're busy, and here i've been chatting about nothing at all. i'm sorry. ❜
❛ i think you'll find happiness someday. ❜
❛ every smile you've shown me has been fake. ❜
❛ show _____ how cool you are once in a while. ❜
❛ let's go with not killing them. ❜
❛ i could wish you happiness, but you're happy already. ❜
❛ he couldn't stand me, for some reason. ❜
❛ i think it's a terrific plan that will leave us all smiling! ❜
❛ if there's an accident, more people might survive with one more capable body. ❜
❛ you may not believe me, but... the thing is, i'm not human. ❜
❛ i wonder if these people had families. ❜
❛ how can we help their loved ones recover from their deaths as quickly as possible? ❜
❛ your sheep's clothing never ceases to amaze me. ❜
❛ all's well that ends well! ❜
❛ fake smiles are no good. ❜
❛ are you jealous of me? ❜
❛ none of you know anything about my past. ❜
❛ i'll tell you about it, if you ask me. ❜
❛ wanna go sneak in? it'll be fun, i'm sure! ❜
❛ i figured it'd be faster to check into it on my own. ❜
❛ we can just pretend we didn't see it and forget all about it, right? ❜
❛ right now, your smile stopped being real. ❜
❛ you're being remarkably honest. ❜
❛ you almost never show your true self to anyone. ❜
❛ i know what your own eyes can't tell you, obviously. ❜
❛ you're incredible! i bet you're a genius! ❜
❛ what matters is whether you trust _____ or not. ❜
❛ do you believe they'd betray you? ❜
❛ a person who wants to destroy the world shouldn't be talking about peace. ❜
❛ you really shouldn't trust someone like me! you'd better be careful! ❜
❛ well done! it's so helpful how quick you are! ❜
❛ you're asking the wrong person. ❜
❛ hi there. i came over to spend time with you. ❜
❛ i didn't come to laugh at you, i came to make you laugh. ❜
❛ everyone has an equal right to smile. ❜
❛ you don't need to forgive them. ❜
❛ if i'm funny, then laugh. ❜
❛ i played a little trick on him. ❜
❛ i never thought they'd actually fall for that. ❜
❛ wow, am i glad to see someone i know! ❜
❛ walking alone at night really does make you nervous, doesn't it? ❜
❛ relax and smile, please. ❜
❛ are you alright? you don't look so great. ❜
❛ your friend grew while you weren't looking. ❜
❛ people change. maybe they turned into somebody different when you weren't paying attention, but that doesn't mean you have to be sad. ❜
❛ don't be so pessimistic about everything. ❜
❛ that's all you ever had to say, you know. that's enough for me. ❜
❛ what are you doing out here? ❜
❛ if you fall, you'll almost definitely die. ❜
❛ i'm not sure what's the best way to put this... but i think you probably shouldn't. don't you? ❜
❛ i was out here first, you know. ❜
❛ what'd you think of my joke? ❜
❛ i may not succeed in stopping you, but it would still give me the experience of trying. ❜
❛ will dying make you happy? ❜
❛ do you think you'll go to heaven when you die? ❜
❛ if leaving you alone would make you happy, then i'd gladly do it, but... ❜
❛ you thought i was feeling bad for you, didn't you? ❜
❛ you're a good kid, aren't you? ❜
❛ i'm just a smidge immortal. ❜
❛ i wasn't trying to eavesdrop. ❜
❛ i sense a new business opportunity here. ❜
❛ it's been a long time since i met anyone this interesting. ❜
❛ how can i make it up to you? ❜
❛ i had no idea this town was in crisis because of me! ❜
❛ thank you... thank you so, so much! you've shown me the error of my ways! ❜
❛ even if the world doesn't forgive you, you only need to have one person who does. ❜
❛ if nobody forgives you, then i'll forgive you! even if i don't know what for! ❜
❛ because it'll make me happy. ❜
❛ people do call me crazy quite a lot. ❜
❛ if lunacy is your philosophy, that's terrific. ❜
❛ earth is so incredible. i think we're lucky just to be living on it. ❜
❛ i want to know whether _____ can be happy. ❜
❛ if you just decide to have fun for now, i think the sadness will probably go away. so come on and smile! ❜
❛ are you worried about something? ❜
❛ if you don't know what to do, then smile! ❜
❛ smiles are magic, you know. ❜
❛ all you have to do is sell your soul. ❜
❛ you okay? that was a close one, huh? ❜
❛ you don't get to decide whether you're worth it. ❜
❛ you're, uh — what's the best way to put this? you're a good guy. ❜
❛ i can always tell when people are faking their smiles. ❜
❛ you're a good guy. i just wanted to let you know. ❜
❛ are you satisfied now? ❜
❛ it's scary what can happen by coincidence, but it's fun in its own way. ❜
❛ maybe i'll have found a way to get rid of your pain by then, and the wounds of the people you hurt may have healed. ❜
❛ that was lucky, huh? they let us go without a scratch. ❜
❛ now that your revenge is complete, do you think you'll be able to smile sincerely?❜
❛ revenge isn't something you do for the person who died, you know. you do it to resolve whatever's in your own heart that isn't satisfied so that you can move forward. so that you can live. ❜
❛ you have the right to be happy now. ❜
❛ i don't know whether what you did was right or wrong, and i don't actually care. ❜
❛ are you wondering whether you should atone for your crimes? ❜
❛ if you regret it, just think of a way to start over. ❜
❛ there's absolutely no reason to give up. ❜
❛ i will never deny your right to be happy, even if the rest of the world does. ❜
❛ my friend always says people should be way more afraid of me with good intentions than of god with bad intentions! ❜
❛ you don't have to stop crying, but for now, smile! go on and smile! ❜
❛ that's right, i haven't introduced myself yet. of course you're suspicious. ❜
❛ so, what do you want to do now? ❜
❛ i'd like to start by asking why you look so sad, but i won't force you to talk about it if you don't want to. ❜
❛ i just thought i might be able to help you out with whatever it is that you want to do next. ❜
❛ you want to see this person, don't you? ❜
❛ will that satisfy you enough to let you smile? ❜
❛ maybe you're thinking 'nobody asked you' or 'this has nothing to do with you.' ❜
❛ it's kind of an important issue. it's going to affect how enthusiastic i am about this. ❜
❛ aw, i've been rejected! will you comfort me? ❜
❛ i'm sorry if i upset you. ❜
❛ i don't know anything about romance. ❜
❛ if it made you feel better and smile, i'd let you punch me or stab me as much as you wanted. ❜
❛ don't you worry. in fact, i'm glad you weren't serious. ❜
❛ i think someone like me probably shouldn't get married. ❜
❛ so who is this person you've fallen for? ❜
❛ if there's anything i can do to help you, i'll do it. ❜
❛ hello there. another terrific smile today. ❜
❛ oh good! because of you, i get to live longer. thank you! ❜
❛ i thought we had plenty of trouble already, but i suppose it wasn't as bad as it could get! ❜
❛ let's smile a lot before everything gets worse! ❜
❛ i think you just said something rude about me, but i've probably insulted you, too, so i'm sorry. ❜
❛ if you said that getting revenge would make you smile, i'd gladly help you. no matter what you're trying to do. ❜
❛ my goal is to make everybody on the planet smile. ❜
❛ if there's a road to travel on, i'll be able to get there someday. ❜
❛ i'd like to figure out a way to live a long time. ❜
❛ wait! i'll go, too! let me come! ❜
❛ i'm sure _____'s all right. i don't think they'd be happy to see you so sad, you know? you should smile. c'mon, smile, smile. ❜
❛ it really does bring back memories, doesn't it? ❜
❛ faking a smile when nobody's around is kind of odd. ❜
❛ did you bring back anything for me? ❜
❛ i saw a hint of a real smile, although i don't know why it was there. ❜
❛ would saving ______ make you happy? ❜
❛ if you get to see ______ again, will you smile? ❜
❛ if you tell me that, you know i can't turn you down, right? ❜
❛ well, i'm off. i hope we get to meet at least once more while we're still alive. ❜
❛ i hate long goodbyes. it's hard to smile when everyone acts so gloomy. ❜
❛ i'll never forget ______ as long as i live. ❜
❛ you don't have to repay me. just do what you can to help people smile. ❜
❛ you had better keep that promise you made me. ❜
❛ see you later, then. ❜
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