#toddler anon
blinday · 1 year
really cool that you think disabled people should just fuck off and die if they don’t have friends.
Sorry anon I do not have enough braincells to deduce where is this coming from. Where is this coming from? Oh- OOOOH the post about the disabled assholes.
Yeah sorry if you start a post with "society needs to" I already disagree, and even more if you want to make me feel bad for not taking bullshit from an irresponsible asshole. There's a lot of variables in question too, that my young autistic mind won't shut up about: where are this person's parents? Do they not have extended family? Do they not have friends? Why do they not have friends? Do they not have money to hire someone to help them? What have they been doing for so long that they don't have any spare money if they dont have family or friends?
Also, even in the bottom of the situation, if the asshole in question has nobody to turn to, it's the classic case of elimination of disposables: when you're struggling financially you start disposing of the unnecessary costs until you have a way to take care of the situation safely. There's always something you can cut off to save, I say from experience- yeah anon, what a surprise! I've dealt with poverty! :) and for all I know you could be just an entitled asshole who got pissed I touched where it stings since you didn't have the guts to question me like an adult or start a coherent conversation.
In conclusion: needing help doesn't make you entitled to it, be grateful for the help you get because no one owes you shit.
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oifaaa · 1 year
How good is Bruce at parenting a toddler? Did Damian come with any instructions?
Bruce doesn't need any instructions he's great with kids its when they get older then 8 that he starts to struggle a wee bit but with baby Damian he's great
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disked · 2 months
i thimk you should just draw. dave :3 hes so special liottle guy to me RAGGGHDSHGGHDEGJDHDJHED
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he sure is special! educatio
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markscherz · 11 months
would you eat bug 😲
I have and do eat bug, on occasion. But I confess, I try to keep my goblin son from eating bug whenever I can, mostly because bug is not so tasty raw, and he has limited faculties of logical thought.
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slashthrashandcrash · 2 months
I think I remember you saying something about baby!Legion to the effect of Frank being the clingiest, and honestly I can see him having the same separation anxiety as that one kid who cried for an hour straight every single time they were dropped off at daycare...except instead of daycare, it's a trial.
Worry not! Ghostface is actually present in all the trials with baby!Legion, so no one has to worry about losing their hearing from any ensuing tantrum--
Danny doesn't even do anything most of the time he's being forced to babysit, he'll just lean on a generator (not actually intervening when someone tries to fix it, maybe make a bit of small talk while he's at it) or something and take a few pictures of the kiddos and occasionally smoke. He's only there because they're too small to reach the hooks for a sacrifice, or he'll trip an injured survivor if they're too fast for their little legs to keep up with so they can descend on them like a pack of wild dogs for a mori :3c
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fallahifag · 4 months
white ppl are like “omg u can’t make a statement without there being a news source to prove it”
and then you give them a news source and they’re like “omggg just because the news source confirms your statement DOESNT MEAN it’s actually true”
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ky-landfill · 1 year
I would kill and die for your Roy art. Any chance that we could get some art of him with his darling little girl? We don't get enough art of Roy and Lian and it's frankly a travesty
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chrisevansdaughter · 11 months
Scott and Chris always scare each other… what about Chris accidentally scares his little toddler reader who just got up from a nap?
Maybe only Scott can calm her down after this🥺 ???
Scare games gone wrong
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Paring: Brother Chris & Scott x toddler! Reader
Summary; in the height of the lockdowns for the pandemic we all remember the scare games. Let’s just see one of those times it goes wrong.
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Of course the whole point of war for the other not to know when it was going to happen but add their baby sister into the mix one afternoon.
All hell breaks loose.
Scott had put y/n down for a nap and was just chilling in the kitchen. Chris no where to be seen. He knew that probably meant a scare was being schemed, but Chris wouldn’t do that whilst she was napping right? He thought.
Time went by, he was just catching up on work, reading new scripts and replying to emails whilst listening out for if y/n woke up.
Most of the time she’d just climb out of bed because she had toddler bed with a rail just for her comfort and the brothers piece of mind.
Chris went to go scare Scott running round the corner into the kitchen, he soon found out he didn’t run into to him or dodger it was a sleepy y/n with her messy bed head, dummy hanging off her sleep suit and blankie tailing behind.
“Rawr!!! Scott I got you!!!” Chris screamed.
Tears lines her eyes, conflicted at why chrissy just did that, loud cries engulfed the entire room, echoing into the living room where Scott was currently going through emails on the couch.
“Chris what the hell is going on!” He asks as he walks into the kitchen, y/n running to him away from Chris. “Come here bubbas, you’re okay, it’s okay.” He tries to console a sleepy little y/n who’s basically having a meltdown.
Chris was sheepishly stood by the fridge, trying to make y/n a bottle as a little “I’m sorry”
It took a while for Scott to calm her down, before she would even let Chris anywhere near her or even let him try and get a word in without crying again.
“Bubs, come here sweet girl I’ve got something for you” He says as he shakes the bottle up for it to be ready to present to his little love.
“Mhmh Crissy” she mumbles from behind her dummie snuggling more into Scott before fully giving Chris another chance.
“I’m sorry sunshine, Chrissy is sorry baby” he sits in her room on the nursing seat that his sister insisted upon for her room at his house.
He rocks her as he tells her how much he loves her and how sorry he is, looking down at a sleepy milk drunk bubba lull herself back into her sleepy slumber he interrupted.
He knows next time, scare games can go wrong.
And let’s just say Scott wasn’t happy with him for the rest of the day…
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Thank you guys so much for being patient and understanding with my massive absence on here. I just appreciate you all so much and that you guys still want me to write your requests.
I hope you guys enjoy, and I hope you guys could show it love and reblog it 🫶🏻
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taglist! Send an ask if you want to be added!
@mcuamerica @positivelyholland @angelbaby-fics @angelbabydoll28 @ace-of-gay @bubblessunshinehoney @velvetcloxds @reginaphalange2403 @buckybarnesandmarvel @writersblog20 @youre-amazing-say-it @dumb-fawkin-bitch @imyourbratzdoll @anotherfuckingmarvelfanaccount @stuckysgirl27 @nana1000night @marvelstarker-mha98 @f10werfae @full-timephoebefanatic @steverogersluvbot @hulkstacos @jessybarnes @bergarasunsolved @haleyhunwritess @haleybr @yelenasdiary @babyhatesreality @lu-morningstar-2 @lyrarodriguez @harley-d
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pippuns · 2 years
i unironically think lbh would get along with baozi baby lqg, as long as he does not monopolize shizun. and we all know that fighty baby prefers sj more anyways LMAOOO. brawling brothers 😤!
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all those years doing shen yuan's job and taking care of the other disciples gives luo binghe unmatched baozi wrangling skills. truly, the protagonist's halo can defeat all.
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omgcatboi · 6 days
Fatphobic anons stop dumping your baggage that you refuse to work through in therapy ( get help bitch!! ) on my fat mutuals bc ur mad that u choose not to feel confident and fat like them so you try tear them down to build your shitty self up challenge: IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER.
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angelsdean · 10 months
the thing is, jack literally is not a toddler. like i am all for baby jack AUs and headcanons but in canon he is not a baby in an adult body. the narrative does not treat him as a toddler. they settle this debate in jack's second (2nd) episode when jack is mimicking dean (bc he imprinted on him like a baby duck) and he goes to drink a beer and they let him because he's not actually a baby despite being new to the world. it's the same as when amara is born and grows up fast. she is not still a baby when, a very short time later, she is in her fully adult form. jack is a young adult, who yes is a bit naive and learning abt the world, but it's more on par with like angels being new to the world and learning abt humanity, (like cas.)
jack is also an incredibly powerful being! he is literally thee most powerful being on earth, more powerful than any archangel, and only second in power to chuck-amara. and chuck fears him. especially when jack goes soulless. everything that happens in Moriah is because chuck is angling for them to do away with his jack-problem. he's moving the pieces on the board, fueling tfw's (yes all of them) already uneasy feelings about soulless jack and telling them thee Only way to stop jack is to kill him. chuck also establishes that he's a writer and writers lie early on in the episode. then he tells them there's no way to save jack, only kill him. that chuck's hands are tied and restoring souls is beyond his abilities (he literally created souls !! he's GOD !!). he's literally lying to them thee whole time. and it all gets revealed when sam realizes chuck IS scared of jack and that he knows where jack and dean are and that everything is going according to plan and that he's enjoying it. and then dean does something chuck doesn't expect, he doesn't go through with what chuck wants him to do! he disrupts the narrative ! he chooses free will!!! he will not kill his kid. he won't do it. he throws the gun away because he can't do it. jack, very much like dean during the michael arc, is prepared to die if it's for the greater good.
like i said before, jack mimics dean. jack loves dean. jack learned so much from dean's example. (also, an aside but. dean and jack do so much bonding off screen. just from the references to their movie watching alone-- they've watched the lost boys 36 times--it's clear they've spent a lot of time together). anyways, jack learns a lot from dean and he and dean both feel similarly re: sacrifice. jack thinks the same about sacrificing dean during the michael arc, he tells cas it doesn't matter if they can't save dean if it means ridding the world from the danger of michael. similarly, soulless jack IS a threat to the world because he is thee most powerful being in the world after god and right now he is behaving unpredictably. they are right to be afraid of him (and yes they love him, but all of tfw currently fears him.) still, despite dean and jack sharing these similar views, neither of them could follow through with killing the other when it comes down to it.
anyway, all some people want to remember abt 14x20 / jack's soulless arc is dean pointing a gun at jack / putting him in the box but literally dean cannot and does not kill jack and actively goes against god's manipulation. additionally, jack is not a baby who just made a mistake and everyone is overreacting. of course he didn't mean to kill mary, but they are not irrational for being afraid of jack, who is an extremely powerful supernatural being who currently is behaving erratically and where loss of control results in fatal consequences for others. like they are Right to want to take precautions and find a solution to protect the world from jack who at the moment is very much like a bomb that could go off on a whim. also this IS a supernatural fantasy show, like that context matters. they are not putting their literal baby in a box for, like spilling orange juice. they are trying to deal with a supernatural threat on the "dealing with supernatural threats" show. cas even suggests putting jack in the cage / binding jack. they are all afraid of him and looking for a solution until they can figure out a way to save him. and the only reason anyone starts talking about killing jack is when chuck is the one to suggest it as Thee Only Option (because again, it's what chuck wants to happen)
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Oh, I had my first actual argument with a JC stan! Because I dared to say that JC definitely kinda hates WWX as an adult.
I got blocked before I could take the screenshots, but I gotta say, I had to laugh when they said "JC is stuck at 17 mentally because of all the trauma" as if that was, like, a good excuse when I explained that how he acts is totally not OK for a 30 something adult.
That and "Everything would've happened the exact same way had Jiang Cheng not done anything anyway, he was completely powerless, he's the victim in the situation" were definitely highlights.
I am howling, it was a very enlightening experience.
You don’t have to bother with screenshots anyways, cause I believe you. Jc stans will say anything to absolve Jiang Cheng of his mass murderer tendencies, even if it makes him look even more pathetic in the attempt.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
Anon hate is the funniest thing in the world to me.
Anon: Saying the most vile, awful shit I can spew into this space.
Also anon: But refusing to sign my name to it because god forbid I face direct consequences to my shithattery by having people know I'm the one who said it.
Also also anon: I don't want to get in TROUBLE, but I want to pretend like I'm tough enough to call you a cunt to your face.
Also also also anon: But again, not signing my name because imagine if I had to face the most minor of consequences for knowingly being an absolute jackass where people could identify me.
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yandere-kokeshi · 5 months
please toddler reader seems fucking feral 😭😭 i’m just trying to imagine ghost finding the raccoon and is like wtf?!
They do seem unreal. Like… coming inside, hands and feet dirty af. Holding up a 'dirty dog' and saying "papa!!! Look what I found, can we kweep it?"
This made me cackle LMAO
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could link some masc, toddler and children cc, if not thats ok i totally understand:D, i hope you have a great day/afternoon/night!
Hello! 💕 Of course, that's no problem at all! I'm just going to make a long list with some creator recommendations if that's alright with you! I will warn you... it's a long post lol. I went into my downloads folder and pulled creators that I noticed appeared frequently. Obviously there are probably some great creators I missed, but I did try to feature as many as I could think of!
Note that I'm a maxis-mix simblr, so some of these might lean alpha (with the exceptions of hairs, I exclusively use maxis match hair). But if you are against alpha all together, just ignore those suggestions obviously haha!
more info below ↓
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@darte77: just scroll down their patreon posts, they are one of the holy grails of my masc sim cc.
@gorillax3-cc: so many good masc frame clothes on their website.
@qrqr19: hairs!
@johnnysimmer: hairs, lots of great hairs (has child versions of their hairs, too!)
@christopher067: a few simple but fashionable masc frame tops and bottoms along with a wide array of masc frame accessories (jewelry that usually works on both m-frame and f-frame).
@plushxsims: clothes, pants chains and belts, kind of edgy and I like that (leans alpha).
@sforzcc: even if I'm doing a "vanilla" playthrough, their cc usually stays in game lol. The pants and shirts variations are my favorite. Added bonus that the t-shirt variants are perfect because you can have a group where they all wear matching shirts but have the realism of reflecting personality (one person might wear a crop and one might not, someone might roll their sleeves someone might have holes in their shirt etc. but they can all have the same design and I like that personal touch of realism for like werewolf packs and such but I digress).
@softerhaze: specifically this pack they just put out. Great basics, very versatile, looks good on a wide range of masc frames.
@wistfulpoltergeist: lots of versatile male hairs and accessories.
@liliili-sims4: huge section of masc cc (even has a male cc pack). Love the unisex scarf accessories.
@amelylinaa*: does upload on simsfinds/simsdom, so warning for that, but lots of good clothes.
@aharris00britney: Obviously they make a lot of fem frame cc too, but I have every single male item they've ever created in my game because it is really well done.
KK's Sims 4
@okruee: some of my favorite male hairs
@wyattssims: has two menswear fashion packs with a lot of content in each, just really good maxis match pieces.
@evellsims and @regina-raven both have some great goth maxis match cc that has fem frame and male frame variants, so it's versatile and not so "in the box" of atypical "average-joe" jeans and flannel, if you're into that!
@the-crypt-o-club: More punk/goth/edgy staple pieces for masc sims. Really unique cc with a ton of personality and versatility.
@clumsyalienn: they do a good mix of male and female cc. I have everything they've ever put out in my game tbh and their masc hair and clothes are versatile (they even have some great accessories for male sims as well).
@joliebean and @ice-creamforbreakfast: again, masc and fem cc. But their stuff is great quality and unique, they really hit formal wear for dudes, a category which I think is lacking in game imo.
@happylifesims: they have some great vintage pieces that also work for more intellectual or professional masc frame sims.
@pralinesims, @greenllamas: these two have a wide variety of cc but their beard packs for male sims are my go-tos because they have varying thickness and textures.
@simandy: all of their cc is great, but specifically this pack for male sims is a must have. The hairs in it are *chefs kiss*.
@igorstory: lots of facial hair
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Gonna admit this section and the kids section might look short but that's because a lot of toddler creators also create child cc and likely fall in the "additional" category below!
@casteru: you literally can't have a cc rec list for toddlers and not include them, as they cover a wide array of basics. To me, they are the golden goose of toddler cc.
@rebekhanasims: cute clothes, great accessories (pacifiers, bonnets, hats, headbands).
@georgiaglm: has some child pieces sprinkled in, but mainly toddlers.
@ravensim: hairs, a few cute accessories like a crown, missing shoes, etc.
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@madlensims: a lot of fem frame cc, but they have a ton of cute toddler and kids stuff, too (accessory backpacks and clothes).
@daisy-pixels: clothes cc. Super easy to navigate their patreon as you can just go to their "child" tag and download what you like.
@onyxsims: they do toddler cc, too! Huge variety.
C-Cerberus-sims: hair conversions folder HERE (their account doesn't exist on Tumblr any more). I pretty much exclusively use their hair conversions tbh.
@tommeraas-cc: has toddler cc, too!
@maytaiii: hair conversions and accessories (their crown and little face band-aid they just uploaded is so adorable).
ADDITIONALLY (specific things that fall in multiple categories):
@nucrests: child cc packs and loads of masc frame cc.
@simkoos: similar to nucrests, they have a good variety to child cc and masc cc (but they also have a few toddler items as well. The child items are my favorite though as they are unique and versatile).
@jius-sims have two children and toddler shoe collections that I recommend, and they also have two men's shoes collections!!
@lazyeyelids: they have a lot of great child cc and teen-elder masc frame cc.
Some of the old CC sets by @plumbobteasociety cover toddlers, children, and masc frame sims (I have cottage garden and rustic romance in my game). Obviously they have been inactive for a while, so hairs are missing the new swatches but the clothes and accessories are still very much worth it.
@rustys-cc: mentioning them because while they do make a lot of fem frame cc, they also have a sprinkling of hidden gem child and masc frame cc that is unique and well made (hairs/accessories/and outfits).
Vintagesimmer has some great cc for kids and toddlers that I enjoy, but it can lean alpha/maxis mix so if that's not your thing I'd stay away, but still thought they were worth mentioning!
@giuliettasims makes great accessories for fem sims, but for toddlers and children too.
Skin Details, overlays, presets blurb: I didn't really talk about these things because I consider them to be in their own category; I'd have to make an entirely different post on my genetic cc (I find everyone has their own method on this that works with their style). Additionally, a lot of skin overlays for masc sims aren't made specific to gender. This is usually true with age too, in the case of toddlers and children. However, I will note some general things I like that might fall under this category:
This hair overlay by @zombietrait changed my life because it helps unify the dark hair swatch more than anything or make the dark brown swatch true dark brown and etc. If two hairs in the same swatch don't match, this almost always fixes the problem.
THIS gray hair overlay by @sunnybelloria (works for fem sims, too) is necessary. Also THIS graying beard accessory for masc sims by @igorstory is my fave.
Paint/dirty hands and face makeup by @aroundthesims
Holy crap that was long lol but I hope this was helpful ❤️. I think I'm at max for links/tagging and I don't want Tumblr to have a crap attack, so I'll stop here. Anyone feel free to add on to this or reblog with your own additional suggestions!
Thank you for your ask!!
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captainkirkk · 2 years
I was just reading For Hearth and Home by Haicrecendo on a03 and I was thinking how amazing it would be for Firelord Zuko to offer a daycare within the palace so parents don’t have to worry about their young children and can pick them up after work. I just love Our Firelord.
I love this so much
Zuko likes to check in on them (re: procrastinate from paperwork) and inevitably ends up on the ground getting used as a jungle-gym
The kids aren't really young enough to remember Ozai, and the idea of a monarch is nebulous and far-off. To them, Zuko is just Some Guy in pretty robes and with a shiny headpiece, who they can easily bully into getting them more snacks and letting them go hang out in the royal gardens and see the turtle-ducks
The new staff are horrified. Everyone else just laughs and continues going about their business. Another day, another toddler drawing on their Fire Lord's face while he naps on the floor.
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