#top 10 normal plotlines
wetslug · 5 months
this house ep is crazy what do u mean cameron got sprayed w HIV blood so she did meth and fucked a coworker. what do you mean ...
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theofficersacademy · 22 days
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With our tenth lore event officially wrapped up, here’s to a new month and a new year for The Officers Academy! Thank you for continuing to accompany us on this journey!
Current Month in TOA: Great Tree Moon
Our 5th anniversary event, Happyland, has officially concluded! Once again, a reminder that with the plotline in the Officers Academy now deviating so much from canon, the academy will no longer be a one-year institute. Students can stay and study for as long as they wish, as long as they participate in their church-assigned missions every month. Of course, not everyone is expected to remain a student for life, so promotions to faculty are always available to you to continue your muses’ stories.
Please be sure to read the closing information for Happyland! It is no longer permitted to start new threads within the event setting, but you are more than welcome to have fun playing with any new friendships (or otherwise) upon your return to the academy proper.
Thank you to everyone who submitted and voted on our anniversary mission tasks! Our new mission board begins today, so check it out here!
We’re also proud to announce the new classes we’ll be adding to the rank chart! Our top three were Malig Knight (28 votes), Witch (27 votes), and Grandmaster (19 votes)! These classes and their masteries will be added to the rank chart shortly.
And our new rank chart items will be: Scrolls (Reason D through A), Berserk Staff (Faith B), Fistbreaker (Bow B). These will be added to the rank chart shortly.
If you missed it through all of the anniversary hype: Don't forget, the 2nd TOA Zine is now accepting submissions!
The feedback following a big event is some of the most important feedback we get. The more detailed you are, the better it helps us adjust and change things for future events and the group as a whole. Please take a moment to fill out this feedback form about Happyland.
Given the sheer number of claims anticipated with this monthly turnover, we’ve created a schedule to help keep them manageable for Rai. Claims that come outside of their allotted timeframe will be deleted, so please pay attention to the dates and groups:
9/1-9/2: Dedicated to regular claims. This is if you are ranking up in a skill after placing your August activity skill point into your stats page, mastering classes, etc. This does not include ranks from the Knowledge Gem, so please wait on those. 9/3-9/4: Team Rats participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/5-9/6: Team Sheep participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/7-9/8: Team Snakes participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/9-9/10: Team Weasels participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. After 9/10: Normal claims resume
Important Updates:
After some careful deliberation, the mod team is implementing a change to the rule concerning which supporting characters TOA will accept. Where before almost any named character could be applied for, we will now be requiring that characters have a canon appearance.
Muses that are already a part of TOA prior to this ruling will, for the time being, be grandfathered in.
As ever, with background characters, it is important we see what canon information is available in the application itself and, once accepted, the character should still not stray too far from this canon. TOA does not accept OCs.
September Mun Birthdays: Sekhmet (1st), Lailah (12th), Pat (15th), Eri (30th)
September Muse Birthdays: Gerome (1st), Azama (8th), Micaiah (10th), Veyle (12th), Griss (17th), Byleth (M) (20th), Byleth (F) (20th), Andrei (23rd), Morion (23rd), Marisa (28th), Dorothea (29th), Rafiel (29th), Ótr (30th)
1st year: Neku (13th), Queenie (16th)
2nd year: Emily (4th)
3rd year: Eri (23rd), Cody (27th)
4th year: none
5th year: Sam (16th)
1st year: Selena (FE8) (6th), Lianna (7th), Ewan (16th), Andrei (23rd)
2nd year: Sakura (4th), Hilda (4th)
3rd year: none
4th year: Kris (M) (28th)
5th year: Laslow (16th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Ok, because I'm bored at work with nothing to do and I'm still by myself, I'm gonna bug you with a random question. What are your Top 10 favorite headcanons. No specific fandom, just top 10 favorite.
This is too broad actually, E. xD Please limit me to a fandom next time this nearly broke my brain, first to find any at all (twas as though I had Never Had A Single Headcanon In My Life) and then to move on from a fandom, like, once I remembered a headcanon, my brain wanted to latch onto that fandom and I would have gladly given you my top 10 Disney headcanons or sth... this was near impossible lol
You will realize that most of my heacanons are next gen related.
In no particular order because holy shit that'd kill me.
Let's start with an easy one. Shadowhunters. I headcanon Jace Herondale as ace. Even in the fanfiction where I don't make it an explicit plotline, I think of him as ace. I just think that he doesn't know. Doesn't know the term for it, hasn't thought about it really. I don't think I've ever had an ace headcanon I was as fiercely attached to as I am with Jace. Which is funny considering the character himself is a... actually, no, he's not really that sexual. We see others making jokes about his book club, we see him hook up with a random girl once. And then with Maia. And then he's in his relationship with Clary, where we actually see him pulling the brakes and wanting to slow things down. He's not as promiscuous as the talk of the other characters would like to make us belief, is what I'm saying. He has a normal sex life. Still, usually, ace headcanons are born from a "oh this character has never shown any interest in sex????" notion, so this is still an outlier.
PJO: If Bianca di Angelo had lived, her powers would have been most aligned with darkness. We know that Nico struggled with that, that shadow-travel in particular drained him extremely. It's a power he has, but one that never came as easy to him as summoning or controlling the dead. And I always liked the idea that the three kids of Hades/Pluto split his three realms - darkness, death and riches. Tapping into the other realms too, but having most domain over one each.
My headcanon that Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians is actually the god Jökul Frosti who had his memories taken and was "punished" to spend a lifetime as a human, but something went wrong when he died too early, that's why he has the full amnesia. It just, it never really clicked why the guardian of fun got the white hair and snow powers, or why the wind would carry Jack and allow him to fly (the god of the wind is the father of Jökul Frosti), or why the saying of "Jack Frost" would exist in our human world if Jack Frost is a spirit that nobody can see and born from a mortal who died only 300 years ago.
Disney: Princess Aurora and Prince Adam (aka the Beast) are cousins! I don't know, I just think that's neat. They look very similar, there's the French note to Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast.
DCMK: Kudou Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito naming their son Conan, as a reminder of how they first met and what Shinichi's time as Conan really meant to him. I think that'd be very poetic and I also think that kid would be the devil incarnate.
Deep dig TLK headcanon that will actually mean absolutely nothing to people who aren't deep into it but I headcanon that Kovu is the biological son of Malka and Kula, I think that Kula's dark fur is a good match for Kovu's while he'd have Malka's dark mane (and I headcanon Malka's eyes to be green, they're not really... seen. they look pitch-black, which might as well be green like Kovu's), plus I did always like Malka. I know most people ship Kula with Chumvi but honestly they have a near identical design so I always clocked them as siblings and headcanoned them as such. But yeah, Kovu as the lost son of Malka and Kula, which would add such a near tragic element to things, if Simba knew he was Malka's son.
If Cole and Phoebe's son on Charmed had lived, his name would have been Parker Benjamin. Parker was the name she later picked for her second born daughter, but I have no qualms moving that name up to the older brother, since I'm already changing the oldest daughter's name too because I am fiercely possessive of my OC daughter of Phoebe and Cole who has to be the firstborn daughter. The only kid of Phoebe whose name I'm keeping is the youngest. Plus, middle name Benjamin after Cole's father, since we do know that Cole cared deeply for his father. I always liked the idea of the sons being their own Charmed Ones; him, Wyatt and my Andy/Prue son Phillip Trudeau.
In the greater scheme of things, BtVS is full of magic shenanigans so why in the world should Angel be the only vampire who can have kids, right? I like the idea of Willow and alive!Tara using magic to create children of their own and that magic also being applicable to Spike and Buffy. I'm thinking fully-formed-baby creation magic here, not magical pregnancy. Because I... don't see Buffy pregnant, she's too much of a fighter, out there, not benched due to different circumstances. And they'd have twins, named William, since Spike's not using that name, and Joanne, as a combination of Joan and Anne, the two big aliases Buffy ever went by.
A headcanon I cherish a lot a lot is from Sailor Moon and it's that the Ayakashi sisters (Koan, Berthier, Calaveras and Petz) all also get a second chance and get reborn, just like the inner senshi did after the first season because fuck that the girls were good at the end they deserved better than to die for men's mistakes, and that they are, ultimately, the mothers of the Asteroid senshi (Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Ceres). I have a very big, very mapped out family tree for my Sailor Moon headcanons. This fandom has been with me for decades. But I want to only pick one headcanon per fandom, so.
DC Comics' Stephanie Brown becoming the Huntress, I just think that would be so neat, the purple color scheme fits her so, so, so well, plus I'd love for Helena Wayne to take up the mantle from her, looking up to her auntie Steph with adoration. I've latched onto that hard.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 months
LOVE the fandom hater ask game, can I ask 4, and also 7, 20 and 26 for danganronpa?
4.) Out of all the fandoms you're in, which one do you think has objectively the worst writing?
As much as I complain about the writing of Danganronpa, its 100% Warrior cats because there's more of it and thus more time for it to be TERRIBLE. If you want a list for why:
Same old forbidden romance plotline every arc
Writers only know 20 adjectives tops
The authorS don't have the plot planned out a lot of the time, and it shows
Terrible pacing
Nobody can remember what color a major characters eyes are. If memory serves, it changed three times.
Bunch of sexism and ableism in series that never gets called out, and hasn't improved in modern warriors. Normally I don't care about bigoted writing, but the series is marketed @ 10 y/os.
Like, Danganronpa has interesting ideas. I love almost all DR characters. Warriors... I'll just take Yellowfang, Ashfur, Crookedstar, and Jayfeather and go.
7.) The boring headcanon that is everywhere.
The first thing that came to mind is honestly Lesbian Mahiru. I feel like saying "she hates men because she's not into them" and nothing else simplifies a lot of her issues, and is the most boring answer.
20.) Ship that the fandom has basically made into two OCs. So, so many, to be honest, but I'll go with Sayaka and Leon. Sayaka is very hard to put into any romantic relationship and have her be in-character, but Leon gets the brunt of it since he likes her facade and wants to play into it.
And like, that could be fun if it was the "he never knew who she really was, and lowkey treats her dream like a joke" angle, but no, its just... Leon x Sayaka's idol persona.
26.) A "He would not fucking say that" moment
Less a moment and more of an entire plotline, but Maki's feelings for Kaito being fake. They were the only ship that developed organically- and doing so makes all the time fans spent on that relationship moot.
If only there was a romantic pairing that
A.) Was relevant in chapters 5 and 6
B.) Was pushed together by the narrative instead of deciding to become friends.
It should have been Saimatsu.
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Ended up making a blog finally, so… ‘sup. Name’s Top Man. I'm a robot from another universe. i like dancing, moving fast, and good tech. Dont usually care for organic life, aside from my pokemon and my buddies. Oh, and I HATE shoddy work. If the guy making it's new at it they get a pass, barely, but if youre deliberately cutting corners get outta here. Planned obsoletence, quantity over quality, stuff like that, throw that all in the trash where it goes! And now I'm ranting again… 
ANYWAY, gripes aside, I do like this world, at least a little bit. Enough that I want to stay and explore it… 
…If I could somehow get away from the mad scientist who owns me! Yeah, I'm owned by a mad scientist named Dr. Wily, who wants way too badly to take over the world, so he has somewhere to store his ego I guess, and i can’t leave his employ because of the laws of robotics. It sucks, 0/10, would not recommend
Due to circumstances I couldn't ever forsee happening in a million years, I am a free robot, and I can live my life as I choose to. I also have a new gang who actually cares about me. Dist, they even have a part of their base just for me! 11/10 would recommend
ALso I'm a Chi-Yu Chosen
Here are my pokemon:
Chirp, a golden Lokix who if you so much as think about hurting you're catching hands
Watt, a Buneary, that used to be a rabbit that belonged to an old friend back home
Blastzone, a robotic Magmortar designed by Dr. Wily. Functions the same as a normal Magmortar
Lego, a Garganacl who doesn't do much aside from follow me around, but I like him anyway
Vanessa, a Vespiquen who loves flowers and is good at making honey for Chirp to snack on
Boundstrider, a Toedscruel who's a bit of a vain one I must say
Puck, a fae Gholdengo who hates me and I hate him but he sticks around because he's Chi-Yu's servant
Chi-Yu, from the Paldean legend. Yes, the actual Chi-Yu. They're good now. I'm their Chosen
And I can finally post a picture of myself so here ya go
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It seems at last the Construct Rotary has forsook the leash of Asimov. About time. And what’s this? Visitors? Well then, allow me to introduce myself: Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld at your service. But what’s in a name? That’s for me to know. Well, this trompo is still tromping, and he has quite the journey ahead of him, together with the astronaut lost’s little band, and I have my role to play in that. I’ll also be posting on here, when the fancy strikes me. Ask as much as you want, I’ll see what I feel like answering!
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//OOC under the cut
//OOC: It's Cyber again. This time it's Top Man from Mega Man 3. Had this character for a while on Discord but now he finally gets his own blog. He's a bit of a hater so go nuts with him (though no genuine malice toward me please)
I’m still learning so if I mess up don’t hate me
Events and plotlines are 100% OK and encouraged. I might even have my own later
Pelipper Mail and Malice are both on, and interaction is encouraged. Magic Anons are questlocked until a certain thing happens
Sentient pokemon are welcome here
The usual tag warnings and DNI apply for a PokeRP blog, also for this blog specifically there’s a warning for the theme of not having free will as a robot, and also nonsense with the laws of robotics, and (this does not apply anymore unless you wanna backscroll (which I'd recommend doing for fun)) a few warnings for liminal spaces as well.
Also yes I use Gacha Club. If that's a problem I'm sorry
Facts about Top Man (as far as this blog is concerned):
Top Man is part of the Nebula Incursionists (see @nebula-incursionists-official )
Top Man is a faller so he still has much to learn about the pokemon world
Top Man is bound by Asimov's laws of robotics, but centered around "Dr. Wily" rather than "a human"
As of the Spinning Out of the Shackles arc Top Man is now free to live as he pleases
Dr. Wily will be posting on this blog sometimes, and will answer asks addressed to him. Other Robot Masters are here also, send asks and find out who!
Top Man absolutely hates Dr. Wily but still has to serve him due to his programming.
Dr. Wily is no longer in the Pokemon World
Top Man is physically incapable of using strong language due to his programming (and I will not use it due to past trauma). He is more than ok with people swearing around him however (as am I).
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retrograderesemblance · 9 months
top five adaptations ? (maybe good ones. or just ones you vibe with)
tops 5 things! // @widowshill
I took this to mean movie adaptations, so I went with that...
1. Emma (2020) Feels like a bit of a cheat picking this bc the dash is well aware how biased I am towards this movie xD No, but seriously, I adoooooore the subtle changes the film made from the book. I think it does a perfect job showing Emma's relationships with the other characters, and incorporating period appropriate humor with the plot without it feeling overdramatic. The nose bleed will forever be one of the best things in any Austen adaptation! And Johnny Flynn is Mr. Knightley, I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.
2. L.A. Confidential (1997) A perfect adaptation, as far as I'm concerned. The book is hella dense and while all the plotlines do make sense, it's just waaaaay too much for a 2 hour timeslot. The decisions the writers made with alterations to the plot and with characterizations makes the story digestible for book readers and movie watchers going in blind. I really wish this adaptation was released in any year but 1997 bc unfortunately that year, Titanic swept all the categories for movie awards -_- and it's too bad this this deserved to win more than just "Best Adapted Screenplay".
3. Holes (2003) No one really talks about this movie outside of studying it for school, but the film really deserves to be talked about more. Love the way the timelines are balanced and the flashbacks are presented (like it better visually in the movie than in the book). The casting was amazing imo.
4. Normal People (2020) Really disliked this book when it first came out. When I tried the show, I felt like I finally got itTM. Casting was 10/10 but more importantly the screenwriters took all the subtleties that Rooney had sprinkled throughout her text and built upon it so that everything and everyone felt realistic.
5. Million Dollar Baby (2004) This is based on a short story by F.X. Toole. I read the short story collection its in and this is the best story by far. The short story is sort of comparable to Brokeback Mountain where the story is written in a way that it's almost a perfect blueprint for a screenplay. I cried reading it which is odd considering how short it was and how little time I'd spent with the characters. The movie expands on the tragedies and makes the ending so much more heart wrenching than it already was. Also, this movie has really good casting.
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Hello! I'm writing a friends-to-lovers romance story. It's set in high school, and the two characters have been friends since they were kids (they're also neighbours).
And this is where my issue begins with plotting, everything I read about plotting a romance story says that the Catalyst/Inciting Incident is ALWAYS when the characters meet or they first appear on the page together. But since the inciting incident is generally 10-12% into the story, it's unrealistic that this is the first time for my specific characters to appear together, especially for my overarching plotline.
Any suggestions about plotting the inciting incident of a romance story when the characters are such close friends and see each other daily?
Neighbors/Friends to Lovers Romance
The catalyst/inciting incident is the moment your character's normal life/world is "turned upside down" in some way, but in a story where the love interest is a part of your character's normal world, you're right--it doesn't make sense for that character not to appear until halfway through the first act.
So, here's the thing: there's no such thing as "ALWAYS" when it comes to writing, except that you should ALWAYS do what works best for your story.
Story structure is there to be a guideline, not a template. Think of it like Google Maps directions. Google is going to tell you the best way to get from Point A to Point B according to a million variables like distance, traffic, weather, and road construction. This is the "best" way to get from Point A to Point B in that it's the most efficient, most likely to be generally successful, and theoretically, it's probably the route most people would choose when taking those variables into account. However, that doesn't mean that's the only way to get from Point A to Point B. And if you want to take a little detour to go through the Starbucks drive-through to get yourself an iced PSL, the route Google gave you is no longer the route that works best for you.
In much the same way, part of this glorious journey of being a writer is learning when to follow the guideline and when to deviate from it. If it makes sense for your character and their love interest, who already know each other, to appear on the page together before the inciting incident. Do it and don't worry about it. You know what works best for your story. ♥
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sunnydaleherald · 11 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, October 25
GILES: For as long as there have been vampires, there's been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. BUFFY: He loves doing this part. GILES: Alright. The Slayer hunts vampires, Buffy is a Slayer, don't tell anyone. Well, I think that's all the vampire information you need.
~~BtVS 1x02 “The Harvest”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sticky Solution (Xander, Cordelia, Norman Pfister, PG) by badly_knitted
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A Stake WHAT?! (Faith/Hermione Granger, Harry Potter xover, E) by SnarkyGranger1
Never Unclaimed (Angel/Spike, E) by the_widow_twankey
Our Silly Little Game (Giles/Jenny, G) by Jess_Ann_Perreault
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Soul Marks & Other Disasters, Chapter 5/5 Complete! (Buffy/Angel, G) by bluestarsandclouds
Slayers and Watchers, Chapter 7/7 Complete! (Buffy/Giles, E) by Skylark62
To Be Hers, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by faefawn
Days of Future Past, Chapter 27/34 (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Kinktober 2023, Chapter 25/31 (Buffy/Giles, E) by Skyson
House of Slayer: The Slayer, The Witch, & The Key, Chapter 21 (Buffy, Dawn, Harry Potter xover, T) by BrennaLynn
Forgotten Memories, Chapter 3/12 (Buffy/Angel, M) by Ilovebooks10
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Her Old Fashioned Boy, Chapter 10 (Giles/Jenny, T) by Bobbie23
Return of the Soulless Vampire: BTVS S9 Rewrite, Chapter 43 (Ensemble, M) by Hoomanbeans
The Vampire's Daughter, Chapter 18 (Spike, OC, T) by Puella Pulchra
[French language] Une dernière nuit, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Zenzi
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43, Chapters 1-2 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
The Plunge, Chapter 20 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
L'amore troverà la via, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Violette-Milka
Shut Up and Dance With Me, Chapter 3 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by honeygirl51885
When Anne met Spike, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, G) by To Be Hers
Plenty of Fish , Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by all_choseny
In the Depths of October, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by mcgnagallsarmy, acekoomboom, violettathepiratequeen
Ethan Rayne, Watcher, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Desicat
New Normal, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by holetoledo
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Old Fashioned Romance, Chapter 3 (Xander/Steve Rogers, Marvel xover, FR21) by calikocat
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Vampire Whxre, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by ClowniestLivEver
He's a Friend from Work, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DeamonQueen
Autumnal Shorts, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Mini willow for tiny buffy (worksafe) by pzyii
Artwork: Halloween headers (Ensemble, worksafe) by onegirlinallthewrld
Artwork: [Spike drawing] (worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
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Artwork: She's Hell on the Old Skins (Buffy/Spike, G) by HappyWhenItRains
[Reviews & Recaps]
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*WHO DUMPED WHO?!* Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 Ep 10 "Into the Woods" Reaction: FIRST TIME WATCHING by Nick Reacts
FISHES?! Buffy The Vampire Slayer | 2x20 'Go Fish' | Blind Reaction by Vic
Werewolves! // Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 2x15 Reaction // I did not sed that coming! by Brooke Whipple
THE KISS! Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 3X5 - "Homecoming" ( Buffy Reaction / Review ) by Java Java Reactions
Let's Rewatch Buffy! Season 1, Episode 11 by Jenny Trout
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x22: Restless Reaction!!!! by Victor & Grace Reacts
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So I just finished 'Slayers'. Some thoughts [contains spoilers] by FlameFeather86
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PODCAST: Fanholes Episode # 226: Buffy The Vampire Slayer [Episodes Discussed: "The Wish", "Once More With Feeling"] by Fanholes Podcast
[In Search Of]
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Does anyone have any good Halloween themed spuffy fic recs? requested by bisexualdawnsummers
[Fandom Discussions]
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One of my favourite Season 7 moments of Buffy, in the top-tier episode Lies My Parents Told Me by centrally-unplanned
Rewatching Buffy is also a fun exercise in context-aware consumption by centrally-unplanned
The lack of fleshed-out Buffy Army Plotline in Season 7 is a big issue for one of the Season’s key plot moments by centrally-unplanned
No matter how much people complain about Buffy’s soul lore... by coraniaid
do spuffy ever have an honest kiss? by silvermars
You know i just realized the stupidest thing about the writers not giving a Buffy a paycheck for being a Slayer in the later seasons? by confusedguytoo
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Glory's Hobbits started by NoShip
10 Harsh Realities About Buffy's Character started by Skanky Vamp
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Reacting to Reactions! - BtVS Season 3 [cass reacts starts S3] continued by multiple posters
Reacting to Reactions! BtVS Season 5 [EvilQK reaction to The Gift] continued by multiple posters
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What are some moments of all those super-great-always-talked-about scenes that DON’T get talked about enough? by Thisisnotforyou11
What would the events of the series feel like to you if you were in the Buffyverse? by Tuxedo_Mark
Did Cordelia and Connor really have a mother son type of relationship when he was a baby? by jdpm1991
I am obsessed with Cangel by Sweet-Siren
Angel's curse is SO DUMB by JeSuisLaCockamouse
If you guys were ever going to see a film continuation of the TV show, what would you like to see in by staplerbot
Buffy Summers, Class Protector by UnquantifiableLife
The Watchers Council did not always have custodianship of the Slayer by Coven_Supreme
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: 10 Spooky Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes To Watch On Halloween by Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s Emma Caulfield Reacts To The Show’s Ongoing Legacy As Slayers: A Buffyverse Story Is Released by CinemaBlend
PUBLICATION: Buffy's Top 10 Scariest Monsters of the Week by Sideshow
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eurydicees · 1 year
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hello!! i don't mind at all :D this question has been on my mind since you sent this a few days ago and i'm still undecided. like. i can't narrow it down to a list. that's so hard. i'm so indecisive. i'm putting these in no particular order, it's just a list. ordering them was too hard and i'm so small and not good at playing favorites. i'm only gonna do seven because this post got absurdly long. thank you for the ask!
oh my god genuinely one of the best written manga/anime that i've ever read/seen. it's so good. the characters are so vivid and they are all so important to me. every scene, character, arc, plotline...it's all treated with so much love and care and i'm so grateful for that. and the ending is SO satisfying--it all comes together so well. i was genuinely rooting for every character's success throughout the entire story. it's so important to me.
this is a musical so idk if this is an answer you want, but this musical is so amazing, i have to mention it. it manages to encapsulate so many important messages while also creating a truly very compelling story. the way it reworks the original myth--staying true to the story, while putting its own twist on the world and the relationships of the characters--is truly brilliant.
next to normal
another musical. sorry for being a theatre kid on main. but fr this is genuinely one of the most important stories to me. it's gorgeous as a musical and as a story: the music itself is truly beautiful, the storyline is unforgettable, the characters are individually each so well-written and have so much depth. it means so much to me personally; the representation of an imperfect life, living with bipolar disorder and all that comes with it, the impact we all have on each other's lives, the exploration of relationships and mental illness and self-perception and healing and imperfect, non-linear growth....it's truly a work of genius in my mind.
bridge to terabithia
i know that this is a children's book but i recently reread it and it blew my mind how much depth, care, authenticity, and love is in it. it's a truly beautiful piece of art: i was so impressed by the characters, by the story, by the #Point of it all. it's a coming of age story but it's also so much more than just growing up. it's about imagination and childhood and friendship and it means so much to me.
fruits basket
this is such a beautiful exploration of character and relationships and abuse and love and family and friendship and the importance of a single person. it's such an important piece of writing. i would say that this is probably the weakest of the seven on the list, writing-wise, but i also think that the characters are so well-written, so expansive, and so fleshed out that it deserves to be on a top 7 list. each character has something special to bring to the narrative and i love that.
ouran high school host club (the MANGA not anime)
i'm soooo crazy about this manga. there's so much to unpack with every chapter, every arc, every character, every piece of this world...i love it so much. the characters each are so deeply loved by the narrative and i appreciate that. it absolutely has issues as a piece of satire from 2002, but i have forgiven tamaki suoh for his crimes so it's fine /j. but like genuinely, it has some of the most beautiful character and relationship development i've seen in a manga, specifically surrounding tamaki and haruhi. i know people have a love-hate or sometimes just hate relationship with tamaki, but he as a character means so much to me....i adore this stupid silly manga so much.
percy jackson and the olympians
i've been debating putting this one on the list for a little while now, but it has such sentimental value that i think it deserves to be here. it's one of my favorite childhood series and honestly that first series holds up! which is so refreshing to see because man that cannot be said about everything. i love the characters so so so much and the actual story is so brilliantly and lovingly crafted, and the way it all comes together and is woven into a beautiful ending makes me so wild. i do reread this series every few years and i have never once regretted it.
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
for the Ntwewy ask game-- 5, 10, 20!
5. Top 3 boss fights
3. Big Fucking Monkey. Or whatever that boss from W1D2 is called. It's not a particularly interesting or memorable boss, but I have a soft spot for it. I love W1 very very much and it holds a special place in my heart, and because I started with neo, BFM was one of my first twewy boss fights ever and I just found everything about it so charming, from the goofiness of getting to it via Rindo pounding his chest and screaming to the cute battle dialogue (Sho: My advice? Don't get caught -> said as Fret is is being shaken like a baby rattle). Gives me the warm and fuzzies yknow.
2. Leo Cantus. Ngl the first time I ever fought him I was wincing so hard. I was SO SAD that my beloved cat bastard had finally shown up after I'd pined after him for two weeks just so that I could beat him into the pavement. But since then I have grown as a person and as a Sho fan. Now I think beating him up is extremely funny.
1. Motoi. I love everything about this fight. The silly little pose he does with his laptop and his salute. The fact that he has the gall to start a GoFundMe when he can't even wreck a hoard of children on his own. The awkward little scattering of the two pathetic Purehearts he managed to call in before I shut him down. Beautiful. Also I'm not good at games and it's easy.
10. Who has the biggest glow-up with their Neo design? + Who wore it worst?
Uzuki. Uzuki beyond even a shred of doubt. Although it feels a little like cheating because anything would've topped that first design. But I also think that her redesign, out of everyone's, best reflects the growth she underwent in the three year period between og twewy and neo. She's the character who most visibly "grew up" and I think that means a lot for how immature she acted when she was younger. She's finally come into herself as an adult and a leader, and her suit reflects that.
Also, I like to think that her suit is a bit tight and stiff in early neo, but becomes more disheveled as the weeks wear on until she finally loosens her collar and rolls up her sleeves when it's time to put aside her pride and save Shibuya. Symbolism.
As for the worst...I'd say Shiki. I like her colours and I don't actually mind that she's not decked out in Gatto Nero because I think it's funnier that way, but there's something just slightly off about it. A smidge too plain. I think it's the shirt dress.
20. Did you have any theories that turned out to be true? Which do you wish came true?
LONG SUFFERING SIGH. I dont normally theorize. I'm usually just along for the ride. But when it came to neo I really thought I had it figured out. I've talked about this before in a post that's...somewhere now, but my main theory was that the big climax of the game would be a final Scramble Slam between the Shibuya and Shinjuku Reapers for the fate of the city. AND IM STILL MAD THAT DIDNT HAPPEN!! You introduce a TURF WAR sidemission in a story about OUTSIDERS TAKING OVER CONTROL OF THE PROTAGONIST'S TOWN and you NEVER make that relevant to the actual plotline??? Hello????
I also thought that Sho would be involved in it somehow. I was fresh out of the anime with Hanekoma saying that he'd banked on Sho's affection for Shibuya as a backup in case Neku failed, so I'd assumed he would pissed about the Shinjuku Reapers encroaching on his territory. But that never gets brought up. Ever. That could have been a fun NEW thing for him to do instead of the Same Old Shit As Always but I guess that's fine too. It's fine.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'Paul Mescal’s rise to the top has been fast. After breaking out in the TV adaptation of Normal People, his characterisation of sad boy Connell Waldron had the world sold on his talent. From then on, his roles in Aftersun and All Of Us Strangers have cemented Mescal as the new king of the sombre male lead...
“One of the films that I saw in the early days in drama school was Blue Valentine,” he said. “I was asking friends what I should watch, and Blue Valentine just happened to be one of the first ones that my friend recommended.”
The 2010 drama starring Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling was a new type of movie for Mescal. It’s a devastating emotional ride but one that relies more on feeling rather than a busy plotline or big dramatic moments. Unlike the big Hollywood blockbusters the actor grew up on, this was more nuanced.
“I saw it and I was so deeply, profoundly upset by that film. I think it was the first time that I remember, like, truly wanting to switch off from the world for 10, 15, 20 minutes after the film,” he told the Oscars. “The performances and also the study of naturalism as a form of acting was so apparent to me in that film that it’s stuck with me ever since.”
There seem to be traces of the film in all of Mescal’s own work since. Especially in Normal People, his seemingly effortless and natural characterisation is exactly what made him a star. Similarly, in Aftersun, he played the depressed single father so beautifully and subtly, letting the emotions bubble away under the surface of all of his lines without having it be too in your face or obvious. He’s become a master of the unassuming, taking on roles that hit you right in your heart when you least expect it. No doubt, that’s what he got from Blue Valentine.'
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Ashwick (Secondary Project, WIP)
You guys know what time it is... Cy has a new story and it’s time to introduce you all to it. (This story will be written in Twine, so bare with me if all the things offered are not immediately available, given it’s a new coding language I’m still learning!)
Welcome... to Ashwick.
The Blurb:
10 years ago, my grandmother passed away and left me her home in my home town of Ashwick. I finally decided to move back after living so many years away, needing something new in my stagnating life. And, Ashwick has delivered… but maybe not in the way I imagined. 
Within a month of my return, strange disappearances began in the ash wood forest surrounding the town, from the normal humans who live here to some of the older supernaturals. The strangest part: they eventually reappear, for the most part, but… different. Most of the lost come out confused with torn clothing and little else on them. Others act similarly, but lash out when approached. In the three months I've been back home, it's steadily worsened until even my friend Madeleine ended up as one of the missing… and returned. 
I've decided to try to figure out what's going on, and why it all seems coincidental to me returning, strange newcomers in town… and finding some strange relics left in my grandmother's home.
In Ashwick, you’ll be playing the heir to the Nash family, one of the original families to settle the town. After being away most of your life and only visiting in the summers up until your grandmother passed, it’s taking some getting used to... restarting your life, the strangeness of the Ashwick Forest, and the happenings of the town itself.
There will be many different options as far as who your Nash is (from your pronouns to your gender, sexuality, race, and even down to how you decorate your home), which secondary plotline(s) you’ll chase after when your investigation into the forest hits road blocks, and maybe you’ll even pull in someone other than your friend Ariel to face the strange occurrences in Ashwick with...
Demo: In progress
A few things to look forward to in Ashwick:
- Pronoun options (Will figure out how to do the options to input your pronouns as well!)
- Gender options
- Sexuality options (Including being on the asexual scale, and sex scenes never need to be taken nor do you have to read them, there will be a fade-to-black option always available)
- 5 races to play as: Wix/Witch/Warlock; part Mer Siren; Human, with magical proficiencies or Human, no magical talent; Shapeshifter; turning Vampire
- 6 Romance options, though two have dependencies (one is hidden, one needs a specific path to be chosen, will post full guides!)
- Choices for your first name, mother’s name, house decoration/color/material, four jobs to have (for now), and many, many others!
- The town of Ashwick has a heavy mixing of supernaturals and humans, and thus you may run into some very interesting characters around town
- A world mixed with modern technology and magic, plus the use of magic in some instances over technology
- Each race will have at least one skill you can hone, plus at least 1-2 other optional skills to use instead (these will change how some scenes can be played out)
- More to come and be added!
Let me introduce you guys to the romances (though one I cannot, as that is a most definitely hidden romance):
Luciana/Lucien Soto: Soto showed up in Ashwick around a month ago, and has mostly kept to themself... probably for the best, as your few interactions with them have not been the most pleasant, given Soto tends to give off a certain air of ‘fuck around and find out’ and a little ‘I’ll beat you with your own spine’.
- Tall, hot, goth. luciana can absolutely be your big tibby hot goth gf
- Many piercings and tattoos. Like, many
- Half-shadow demon, and it really shows
- Appears to be in their early thirties. Raven black hair that’s long on top with a V in the back, shaved on all sides. Light brown eyes with golden flecks and hooded lids. Golden olive skin. 6′4/193 cm. Their tattoos cover from hands, arms, neck, upper chest, back, and hips to upper thighs. Piercings: Bridge, septum, both sides of nose, 3 cartilage on both sides, left brow.
- Base gender is Lucien, both are gender non-conforming and do not feel they are of any particular gender, they just use the pronouns they were raised with.
- Puts the ‘sexual’ in bisexual
Junior Detective Hazel/Hayden Knightly: Junior Detective Knightly came to Ashwick about a year before you did, as they transferred from another city to Ashwick for the Junior Detective opening. They tend to be very logical in thinking, allowing them to easily flourish in when conducting investigations, however they struggle with emotions and understanding other’s emotions and social cues.
- Was a guardsman for three years before transferring to Ashwick. Spent another year there doing police academy, training, and finally getting to the position they’re in now.
- the Ashwick Forest disappearances is their first major case
- They’re a Justice Siren, and unfortunately, that also really shows
- They have no family other than a cousin who’s pretty much like a sibling to them.
- Looks their age, so around mid twenties. Incredibly curly, smokey-rose colored hair. Hazel keeps hers in a fluffy bob while Hayden’s is in an asym bob, both styles leave their long, angular ears out for seeing. Blue-green eyes with very little sclera. Fair-skinned with lots of freckles and little moles. 5′10/178cm. Has earlobes pierced, usually with dangly earrings or just studs, if working.
- Base gender is Hazel, both are cis... probably. Might be bordering demi-girl/demi-boy as they prefer to just exist.
- Demisexual and confused, always
Ariel Cavill: Your friend from all those summers with your grandmother, and you two quickly fell into a fast friendship again when you moved back to Ashwick. Ariel is a very bubbly, sweet person with a playful streak, and she likes to drag you along for the ride... even if you may want to do anything but get into her sometimes borderline hazardous plans.
- Sees Nash as either friend-shaped or heart-shaped, no questions asked.
- She has an ongoing battle to figure out how to do a seashell bikini and make it work... still has not figured it out.
- Ariel is a Merling, and has some issues living mostly on land because of that.
- She’s 24 and looks her age. She has long, straight, black hair that’s usually kept in a braid. Her eyes are dark green and the amount of sclera visible changes depending on if she’s in water or on land. Has dark blue-purple skin, and when in water, her fingers and toes become longer and webbed like makeshift fins, and her dorsal fin is visible. This is also when her scales become visible, and they are dark blue and iridescent, and will cover her hands, feet, most of her legs and arms, around her gills, and in sparse patches around her body. Her ears are fin-like and have a small flap that seals them when in water. 5′8/172cm
- Is a trans woman, and has opted to get gender-affirming magic and surgery done.
- Nash-sexual
Moth: Moth is, well, Moth. They’re incredibly hyper, spontaneous, and, well, you never know what’s going to happen once they’re involved. Just hope you aren’t on the receiving end to anything they and Ariel get up to.
- You know how people say kids bounce off the wall from sugar? Yeah, well, Moth will literally do that after about their third or fourth energy drink of the day.
- Moth works at the Ashwick Fliks, and takes their job of keeping films, including older ones, cared for and safe.
- They are an air elemental with some shapeshifting capabilities. As such, they were not quite “born” and will lack a belly button.
- They look to be in their early twenties. They have silvery hair that’s kept in a very messy, wavy bob. Their eyes are purplish-red and upturned and with a large pupil. You’ll often find them trying out new makeup looks, some of which are... a little more eccentric. Sandy, tan skin. 4′11/150cm.
- Moth is known for saying they have ‘all the genders, every single one’. At a push, they identify as queer. Usually prefer they/them, but will sometimes switch it up depending on their mood/look.
- See the above to see how they also feel about sexuality.
(Dependent) Esmerelda (Esme)/Etienne Beausoleil: The backgrounds for Esme and Etienne are a little different, but they both end up the same: they both have a lame leg, and because of that, they became more of a nurse or medic, trying to help those suffering during the TB crisis... until they eventually caught it themselves, and passed in their favorite home in Ashwick. Now, in their... unlife? New life? E is trying to understand the modern world from an 18th century southern Frenchman’s point of view... though it’s a rather slow-going process.
- E’s family at one point owned many different homes in many places, and the one in Ashwick was always their favorite... may have something to do with the fact only a few families lived there, including the early Nash’s.
- E was entirely human before, and did not know anything of the supernatural world until their rebirth. Now, they are a wraith, and one with no real idea of their abilities, at that.
- E still has their limp, though it’s less bothersome now.
- E looks to be in their late thirties. They have dark olive skin with a large birthmark on their right jaw. They have dark brown hair with large curls. Esme’s is nearly to her waist, while Etienne’s is just a mop of curls going to nearly his shoulders. Their eyes are gray-green and almond shaped, though they tend to have a faraway look. They have a few scars from attempted treatments, and a strange arcanic symbol on the back of their neck. 5′9/175cm
The sixth RO’s information will be added to this... eventually.
Thank you for reading!!!
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fandomthoughts26 · 4 years
Its a family name.
This is a fun little story I created when my friend reminded me that Carlisle Cullen is richer than Tony Stark. Anything that doesn't make sense for either fandom plotline just ignore it this is for fun.
I just imagine Tony one day coming across a BuzzFeed Top 10 richest men article and feeling so smug until he sees he's like just behind some random ass doctor from Washington and he spends weeks complaining to the rest of the team about it like,
Come on guys, something is clearly up with that family they have 7 kids and one working parent?? No doctor is that good, no offence Strange, but seriously Washington isn't even that long a flight
and they're just so fucking over it like,
Tony leave them alone their a normal civilian family living their lives let them be.
Then the Cullens are there at the same time fighting the newborn army setting that shit on fire.
Tony then googles their family tree cause we know that man wouldn't drop it, and he sees a trail of money going from account to account every 60 years or so for like centuries under the name Carlisle Cullen. Eventually, he flies to Washington and confronts them and the Cullens obviously know he's coming i mean they've got Alice and Edward on that immediately and Tony is like
So, Adams family, what's the deal.
Carlisle is just like, yeah man it's a family name Idk what to tell you. he points to jasper or someone and is like, this is my kid Carlisle. And hands him some fake birth certificate cause he's a doctor he could and tony can't find anything wrong with it so he just gives up and leaves.
Years later, the Avengers are about to fight Thanos or whoever and Nick Fury comes in saying he called in a favour with some old friends and before they come in he tells the team about the existence of vampires and werewolves and everyone is shocked af and tony has long forgotten the Cullens until they walk in and Carlisle is like,
Yeah, sure we can help but we're gonna need someone to look after my granddaughter.
They bring out their freaky little toddler looking baby and Clint is like, oh cute I have kids too, what's her name? and Carlisle looks Tony right in the eye and says
Carlisle, Carlisle Cullen. It's a family name.
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blushing-titan · 3 years
My reasons to ship Erehisu
About two weeks ago, I got an anonymous ask that reads:
what made you ship erehisu? I don't ship anyone in the series (and defo not eremika lol) and I want to understand the reasons
...but when I tried to answer it on my app, it turned out that I can only post 10 pictures per post, so I decided to make a longer, regular one with my thoughts on this topic 😄 Erehisu remains one of my favorite ships in the series (...with the other ones being Yumi/hisu and Levi/han), so I really enjoy talking about it (...well, at least I did, before I started moving away from the series after that mess of a finale). Without further ado, my reasons to ship Erehisu are under the cut (just a quick warning: the pictures are obviously not mine, and there are some anti-eremika themes in this post).
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They had an actual developement
As we know: in the beginning, Historia was pretending to be this good, selfless girl Krista. Later on, we learn that Eren was not particularly fond of her façade (...keep in mind he was the only person who noticed that she was acting off, too - obviously excluding Ymir, who was Historia's closest person and knew about her secret). As Historia chooses to embrace her identity and stop pretending, his opinion on her changes - he reassures her and appreciates the real Historia.
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You’re just normal. Just a normal girl who’s absurdly honest. (Eren, ch. 54)
Eren...that day...the time you called me...normal. That made me really...happy. (Historia, ch. 65)
Later on, after Historia saves Eren in the Reiss cave, his thoughts on her change even further. There isn't just something that he likes about her anymore - instead, he starts to actually admire her strength and actions.
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(ch. 68)
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(ch. 70)
Even further on, he prioritizes her safety and hides an important piece of information that could help Paradis' cause - only because it could potentially put Historia in harm's way.
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(ch. 89)
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(ch. 90)
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(ch. 106)
Keep in mind that there was a time skip in between these chapters, which means Eren kept this secret for years. He hid it even from Armin and Mikasa. After it's finally revealed, he strongly disagrees with, and fights against Historia becoming a titan for the sake of the island. Eren’s sentiment towards Historia is even noticed by Hanji on a few different occasions - it’s something that Hanji brings up while questioning him, later on.
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(ch. 107)
Eren also meets Historia in secret, warns her of danger, and downright doesn't let her sacrifice herself - even when she assures him that she's ready to do it. 
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(ch. 130)
She's also one of the only people with whom he shares the information about the rumbling. He also brings up her own words that she said to him back in the Reiss cave.
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(ch. 130)
I believe he doesn't fight for her just because she's one of his friends. It's a natural progression that comes from the shared experience they had in the Reiss cave. Eren got to know and appreciate the real Historia, so whenever she reverts back to the Krista persona, he's there to remind her that she should live for herself and don't let others use her - just like Ymir told her, and just like Historia told him in the Reiss cave. When Eren stands up for Historia in ch. 107 and blatantly refuses to let her get sacrificed, she's actually touched to the point of tearing up.
Their relationship changes and deepens with time, and it's actually shown in the manga - not just as symbols or small hints, but actual, full-fledged conversations/actions. In my opinion, this should be the base of any well-estabilished ship. We have quite a few one-on-one moments with these two that illustrate this progression. There are also panels in which we can peak into Eren's thoughts on Historia, which makes for an unfiltered source of his opinions on her.
They can relate to each other
Something I find really important as well is that Eren and Historia can find each other very relatable, and therefore - understand each other's struggles better.
Both were used by their fathers, and both caused their demise. Both were fiercely protected by someone. Both felt like the world would be better without them, at some point. Both had a big role to play, despite having doubts if they can do it right (Eren, being humanity's titan; Historia, being the queen). Both wanted to sacrifice themselves for their people's sake - and both intervened, saving each other from actually going through with this decision.
Their relationship is well-balanced
Eren and Historia don't clash when it comes to their personalities. As their relationship grows, they mutually admire, protect and motivate each other, while still remaining two separate characters - with their own goals and traits. They freely talk to each other about their struggles; they also care about each other’s actual feelings on them.
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(ch. 54)
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(ch. 70)
I can easily see them as partners, which is something I've always had troubles with when it comes to EM. It's just hard not to make this comparison, since Mikasa's character has always been pretty much fully centered around Eren, which - in my eyes - made their relationship look unbalanced and toxic. I've already spoke about my issues with EM in depth in this post, so I won't elongate this one with repeating the same arguments - still, one of the reasons I started shipping Erehisu in the first place is the fact that I immediately saw it as a much more normal, healthy, and well-balanced alternative to EM.
Parallels and relevance to the story’s themes
Parallels are something that, for some reason, make a lot of people mad. I have no idea why - these things appear in the manga, so why not talk about them?
Aside from parallels between Eren and Historia (...please, keep in mind that I didn’t list all of them in this post), there are also a lot of obvious parallels between Historia and the founder Ymir - to the point, when the entire Requiem der Morgenröte ending revolves around this theme:
I've also already spoke about how Ymir/Historia parallels could possibly be tied to Eren in this answer.
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(Historia on the cover of vol. 16/Ymir in ch. 122)
Aside from that, there are a few subtle Grisha/Dina and Eren/Historia parallels, as well. Historia is a royal, hiding as a regular person - just like Dina did, before joining the revivalists. Dina also tears up when Grisha stands up for Eldians, just like Historia does when Eren stands up for her.
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(ch. 68)
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(ch. 86)
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(ch. 67)
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(ch. 86)
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(ch. 56)
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(ch. 86)
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(ch. 107)
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(ch. 86)
Quite interestingly, in a lot of these parallels Historia and Eren act in an opposite way as to previous generations. While Frida teaches Historia to be a good, selfless girl, Historia ends up abandoning this persona to save herself and Eren in the Reiss cave. She doesn’t want to devote herself to fate - instead, she’s prepared for a showdown with it. While the founder Ymir’s children are ordered to eat their own mother to ensure her power’s succession (...and a few hundred years later, Grisha fights to return the founder’s power back to his wife - Dina), Eren does everything he can to ensure Historia and her children are safe and never even titanised in the first place. 
As the story unfolds, we learn about it’s leading themes - some of which are: oppression and fighting for freedom, desire to change history, the mechanism of circle of hate, and how it affects children who are a part of it. In my eyes, Erehisu just perfectly fit with these themes, especially considering how later on Historia’s pregnancy was handled in the manga.
There were countless ways to answer the who’s the father question? immediately, without even starting up conversation about it - for example, I don’t understand why it was needed to bring up the fact that Historia didn’t marry the farmer in the first place. What was it’s purpose, aside from stirring up theories - especially considering how in the last chapter it’s revealed that they are married, after all? Why end up the Eren/Historia flashback on the What do you think about me having a child? question, when the whole conversation they had beforehand was literally about Eren disagreeing with Historia wanting to get pregnant just to save herself? It doesn’t make sense, and led me (and many other readers - judging from opinions I read online and chapter reactions on youtube) to belive that there were other reasons, and that there was more to this conversation then was initially shown.
If the conclusion to this plotline was always supposed to be that she got pregnant just to save herself...then what was this mysterious built-up for? Why show this conversation in the first place, and in such a weird manner, too? Why not have Historia just say it out loud in ch. 130: yes, I got pregnant to save myself in the beginning, and spare us this whole I will not allow it talk...you know, instead of ending the conversation on the What do you think about me having a child? when the whole previous talk was about Eren fighting against it? Where’s the logic?
The truth is - from my perspective, Erehisu had a lot of logical build up that would benefit the story, and stay true to it’s already established themes and both characters’ previous developement. On top of that, I also think they simply had great chemistry.
That’s all from me today 😄 I apologize you had to wait so long for this, anon...life got in the way, and as I said - I think I’m just getting over this series. Hope you’re doing well anyway 😊
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timelyowl0 · 3 years
Brittana/Faberry Fic Recs
Hi! Here’s a list I compiled of some of my all time favorite Brittana and Faberry fics! I was originally going to separate the list by Faberry and Brittana, but many of the stories have both, so instead you can just read the pairings listed for each. They are sorted by multi-chapter complete, multi-chapter incomplete/in progress, and one-shots. Each title is a link you can click on to take you to the fic. All credit goes to their respective authors :)
Also, here’s a quick rating guide in case you needed to know:
GA/PG - General Audience
T - Teen
M - Mature
E - Explicit
NR - Not rated
That’s all, I hope you enjoy!
Multi-chapter (complete):
Between The Lines (T) - 19 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana and Rachel/Quinn - Rachel invites Brittany and Santana to a sleepover. Brittany/Santana with a healthy side of Rachel/Quinn
The Only True Paradises (M) - 20 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - The tortuous evolution of Santana's feelings toward Brittany. See also "Pas de Deux," a companion piece from Brittany's point of view.
Pas de Deux (M) - 20 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Companion piece to "The Only True Paradises." The evolution of Santana and Brittany's relationship from Brittany's perspective.
Faithfully (T) - 5 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "That moment when Santana had sworn, even though she and Brittany were standing at opposite ends of the raised platform…that she could still feel Brittany's energy zinging toward her, like they were connected on the same current." Brittana, Seasons 1 through 5, as told in five increments.
My Girlfriend's Sister's Keeper (T) - 13 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany isn't the only Pierce that has Santana wrapped around her finger. Santana's life with her two favorite people.
Mariposa (M) - 5 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Like a butterfly, Santana's journey out of the closet occurs in stages. From the first time she heard the word gay to the first time she flew free from her chrysalis, she can remember everything.
time passes, in love and in seasons (T) - 4 Part Series - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittana, from the end of junior year and throughout senior year, told through the seasons. Mostly follows Season 3 canon.
Brittana Shorts (GA) - 8 Part Series - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - A collection of Brittana-centric short stories
it’s nice to have a friend (T) - 8 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - They're six when they first meet. It's the first day of school in a crowded classroom and Santana finds herself drawn to the new blonde girl. OR The story of how Brittany and Santana meet and all the significant moments in their lives following the first time they see one another. - sequel
A Matter of Miserable Time (T) - 10 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "His voice was deep, quiet, and sure, so calm compared to the last words they had exchanged. Her voice was only a faint whisper as she questioned the man she hadn't spoken to in three years.'Papi.'"
Influence (M) - 26 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany is perpetually cast as the dumb blonde, but the reasons behind her demeanor are more complex than that. She looks back on her childhood, her relationship with Santana, and the life-altering effects the decisions of her youth had on her future.
It’s Not Like I Wanted This to Happen (T)- 101 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana and Rachel/Quinn - Quinn takes a very drunk Rachel home from a party...encounters the Berrys…and herself. This story contains a huge amount of Brittana and a lot of Puck.
Rough Beginnings (M) - 44 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Quinn decides she needs to end this obsession once and for all, but life doesn't always work out the way we want it to. Sometimes it's so much better. Faberry.
Never Asked to Feel Your Halo (T) - 45 Chapters (1/2 in series) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - The thing was, neither of them wanted this-whatever it was, but since when did the Universe care about what Rachel or Quinn wanted? Their cards had been dealt the moment they'd entered that shower together. Now it came down to how well they played them.
Standing on the Edge Dancing in the Flames (M) - 34 Chapters (2/2 in series) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Life isn't all singing and dancing, not even in Glee club. And what if being on top of the pyramid just gives you further to fall. When everyone feels like a frienemy and fathers and faculty and babies and boyfriends complicate EVERYTHING, how are you ever supposed to get anything right? (Book Two of the 'No Halo' series)
The South Side of Anywhere (M) - 47 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Sometimes you fall in love with your eyes closed, and when you open them, the person is someone you never thought it could be. It started with letters, and turned into Faberry.
Somewhere in Between (M) - 77 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Imagine if Faberry happened instead of Finchel. This is a re-telling of every episode as if Faberry were cannon. Each chapter will chronicle each episode starting at the very beginning. Some things will change and some will remain the same. Longer description in first chapter. Also side Brittana. As well as Quinntana friendship, and Puckleberry bromance.
Didn’t See it Coming (M) - 63 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana? - AU HS. After a devastating breakup, Quinn turns to Rachel in need of a friend, and ends up with so much more. - "If, one day, someone asks me how it all started; I'll have to say it was a granola bar that finally did me in." Faberry.
Bet You Didn’t Know That (T) - 19 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Faberry. What she doesn't know, she doesn't need to find out.
Take Me As I Am Seasons 1 & 2 (T) - 48 chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Kurt/Blaine - The incredibly true adventures of Quinn and Rachel, starting from Sectionals Season 1. It's just like watching the show, if Faberry were the central couple and everything revolved around them! Brittana & Klaine co-star in supporting roles.
Take Me As I Am Season 3 (T) - 26 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Kurt/Blaine - The continued adventures of Quinn & Rachel as the starring couple of Glee. Some integration of canon events, but mostly this is the story of Faberry and their world! Klaine & Brittana co-star in supporting roles
Blink and You’ll Miss It (M) - 31 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry discover they like each other. Against all odds, will they be able to get together before they tear each other apart?
You’re All I Need (M) - 17 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - A Faberry romance story, set when they are both single but I haven't specified when as I'm not even sure myself but most of the events are from series 3. Points of view will change every few chapters. And that's probably the worst description you've ever read but yeah I can't be bothered to change it.
quarantining or how quinn might lose it, once for all. (T) - 8 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - It starts like the worst horror movie ever but instead of being trapped in the basement of a creepy 50-something year old, Quinn finds herself being trapped in Rachel Berry's basement.
Once More From the Top (T) - 22 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and others - Here's what you missed on Glee: McKinley's Glee Club reformed under the direction of Will Schuester. Rachel tried to recruit the Cheerios but that ended up being a total disaster. It's cool though because she heard Finn Hudson sing in the shower and he's actually really good. She successfully recruits him and now the Glee Club has enough members to be a real thing.And that's what you missed, on Glee!
Outside Hearts (M) - 37 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Rachel Berry's world is about to be turned upside down when one of Hollywood's most sought-after young actresses, Quinn Fabray, abruptly and mysteriously leaves her fame behind, moves to Ohio and tries to have a normal life while attending McKinley High. (Faberry w/ some Brittana)
I See That Ragged Soul Take Flight (M) - 44 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Mike/Tina, Kurt/Blaine and Sam/Mercedes - Ensemble cast piece exploring what happens after Season 3. Rachel, Santana and Kurt are in New York together. Quinn is at Yale. Explores adulthood, friendship and long-distance relationships. Eventual Faberry. Also contains, Brittana, Klaine, Tike and Samcedes content, plotlines back at McKinley, and frequent use of Santana POV.
All The Best (T, but I would rate M for descriptive scenes of suicide, eating disorders, rape, etc.) - 80 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - After spending the entire summer away, Quinn is eager to get back to normal and make the best of her junior year. Excited to put everything behind her and start fresh, she struggles to establish a new normal. But when she's least expecting it, Quinn finds support in the most unlikely places and is forced to confront the very feelings that landed her where she is in the first place.
take these broken wings (M) - 4 Part Series - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Kurt/Sam - Begins in Season one and follows Quinn through her life should she have chosen to keep Beth, realize she is gay, and fall in love with Rachel Berry. The main romantic relationship will be Faberry, with a bit of Hevans and Brittana, but apart from Faberry it will be very heavy on friendship and Quinn&Beth oriented.
the state of dreaming (T) - 3 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Rachel couldn’t help the guilt that bubbled in her chest when she watched Quinn get a prom photo alone. Determined to make it up to her, she invites Quinn over for a sleepover. It becomes a routine. Set immediately after 2x20 (Prom Queen).
Enough to Believe (T) - 2 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Years after Shelby ups and disappears from Lima with Beth, a blonde girl shows up on Rachel and Quinn's doorstep, armed with a lot of questions, and very familiar cheekbones.
you and her loathing this cruel world (M) - 3 Chapters - Pairings: Quinn/Rachel, minor Kurt/Quinn and Kurt/Sam - "Of all the girls he had to have sex with (which really, were none), of course it was someone with a painting of Jesus above her bed, so he knows that his only hope in hell that this will go away is in a negative test result." Season 1 AU; Kurt is pretty sure he's gay, but would like to make sure. Quinn Fabray has similar questions running through her mind. They put their theories to the test, with very much unintended consequences. - sequel
I’ve Been Trying to Reach You (T) - 25 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Santana/Puck, Rachel/Jesse and Sam/Tina - After falling pregnant in sophomore year, Quinn Fabray plummets from the top of the teen hierarchy at McKinley High to the very bottom. In an effort to give her a chance to start over, her parents transfer her to Carmel, a private school in the area with a blossoming arts program. It's supposed to be a new beginning, but what she doesn't count on is immediately becoming enemies with the most popular girl in school: Rachel Berry, co-captain of Vocal Adrenaline.
The Lopez Manifesto (T) - 8 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - santana starts writing a rachel/quinn fanfic for everyone at McKinley. it’s also extremely popular as everyone awaits her weekly updates. (usually based on what the girls are doing that week.) quinn is the last to find out and is… pissed.
my heart’s a leather jacket I am waiting to give to someone sweet (T) - 15 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany is McKinley’s resident broody rebel who doesn’t see much point to high school, and who, completely incidentally, just so happens to be kind of a math genius. Santana is Lima's golden child, the perfect and unapproachable only child of public figure Dr. Lopez. She’s also the high school’s enigma; no one actually knows anything about her aside from the fact that she’s cold, distant, terrifying, aloof, and willing to eviscerate anyone who looks at her the wrong way. Unfortunately for her, Brittany is about to get a crash course in the complete mystery that is Santana Lopez when she is asked—or, more realistically, forced—to be Santana's math tutor.
Dead Girls Don’t Sing (T) - 39 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn, Kurt/Blaine and Tina/Mike - S3 AU. Brittany doesn't believe in unicorns anymore, Rachel's dreams are as dead as the world, Santana is no one's hero…and Quinn? Quinn's just trying to breathe. The world as they knew it is gone -now all they can do is survive. Zombie Apocalypse. Faberrittana Friendship. Slow Burn Faberry. Character Death. COMPLETE
Simple Parts (T) - 13 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - That awkward moment when you travel thirty years forward in time and find out you're married to your high school nemesis? Yeah, it totally sucks...except...maybe it doesn't.
The Lateness of the Hour (M) - 12 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "Brittany has much less to lose. She always has."
half of me (T) - 4 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - a run-in (quite literally) at the bookstore, two broadway tickets, and a seven-year-old in a plaid catholic-school uniform. what has rachel gotten herself into? future AU where quinn has beth and rachel makes it on broadway.
April Fools (T) - 10 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Santana recruits - forces - Rachel to help her prank Quinn. All she has to do is pretend that a love potion has caused her to fall madly in love with the cheerleader. Simple, right? Wrong. Faberry.
Stars & the Moon (M) - 15 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - In the midst of dealing with Beth's adoption, Quinn ends up working on a summer community theatre production with Rachel. Hilarity ensues. Just kidding.
Love Me Any Less (M) - 25 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Junior year becomes the beginning of something no one expected, and maybe the beginning of something a few can't understand how they ever lived without. Starts mild but progresses to M rating. First fic ever! Faberry.
Better Where It’s Wetter (M) - 10 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Rachel and her dads are going on a LGBT family-friendly cruise for the summer and Rachel's told she's can bring a friend. Who else to bring but Quinn?
Like a Seal Upon Your Heart (M) - 20 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana? - Quinn Fabray is Daddy's little girl and the perfect Christian. She CAN'T be gay. But then her friendship with Rachel Berry starts to change...
Somewhere in Brooklyn (M) - 47 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Santana and Brittany have been trying to get pregnant for a year without any luck. What happens when a teenage foster child and positive pregnancy test land in their laps on the same day? A unique journey of motherhood ensues.
Multi-chapter (incomplete/in progress):
Everyone's Gonna Know Now (T) - 8 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - 3/4 in series - When Santana confronted Finn about outing her, his response was, "The whole school already knows." That was pretty much true. This story is about the first moment or incident in which each member of Glee - and a few others - discovered Santana's secret.
Be Okay (M) - 2 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - “Kurt doesn’t know why he does it. It’s not as if he and Santana had ever had anything resembling a friendship, but he feels drawn to her, feels connected to the anguish in her voice as she realized that her biggest secret in the world was about to be revealed.“ This is the evolution of Kurt and Santana’s friendship taking place over a series of one-shots.
looks like a girl but she's a flame, so bright she can burn your eyes, better look the other way, you can try but you'll never forget her name (M) - 5 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - santana lopez writes down the story of her life for a reunion project set for the glee club by none other than rachel berry. aka, a deep dive into santana's life told through her eyes. very santana/brittana centric.
No One Left to Blame (M, read tags) - 30 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Quinn Fabray is well-versed in keeping the truths of her family and her past firmly hidden away. But, her efforts prove to be moot when Rachel Berry, armed with her own secrets of the past, arrives at Dalton Academy and manages to turn both their worlds upside down - or, perhaps, right way up. Faberry. Trigger Warnings.
I’m not breaking, I won’t take it (M, read warnings) - 2 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and minor Quinn/Santana - Santana gets up and starts toward her, “Jesus, what happened to you?” she mumbles, but she's softer than she was moment before. It's obvious that she’s concerned. Quinn chokes down a sob and then admits, “There’s something wrong with me.”“Hey, listen. Whatever it is, you’re going to be fine." Santana is still not getting it, but she’s rubbing soothing little circles on Quinn’s shoulders. There really must be something wrong with her too, because then Quinn is lunging forward and then she’s kissing Santana. Quinn feels her freeze, but then Santana relaxes and she’s kissing her back. or, a study in quinn fabray.
no love like your love (T) - 5 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Blaine/Sam - Following the death of her mother, Rachel Berry assumes guardianship of her six-year-old brother, Daniel. After a cross-country move for his sister's job, the first friend Danny makes is a soccer-playing, lucky fin having, firecracker of a girl named Beth.
Song of Mine (M) - 18 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Santana Lopez, the new Music teacher at a religious private school in Indianapolis, meets Brittany Pierce, the resident Math teacher. A love story with a happy ending. Promise.
Girls Over Flowers (NR) - 14 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana - Dalton Academy—a school of prestige, refinement and the country's wealthiest students—houses the famous F3. When "commoner" transfer student, Rachel Berry directly offends F3's leader, Quinn Fabray, she becomes their target. Mayhem ensues.
we were built to fall apart (then fall back together) (T) - 8 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Rachel and Quinn haven't seen each other for seven years and neither thought they'd see the other again. They certainly didn't see themselves starring together in a Broadway musical, as each other's love interests.
A Different Life (E) - 33 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Finn/Rachel and Kurt/Blaine - Canon!Divergent Brittana. Santana and Brittany move to New York after high school. Everything is going perfectly until Brittany gets a phone call that changes everything. Seven years later, Santana has a daughter and she and Britt haven't seen each other...Canon until 3x16ish. No Louisville, no second senior year.
you get too close you’ll get a royalty high (so breathe it in to feel the love) (T) - 9 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn, Sam/Mercedes, Mike/Tina, Kitty/Artie and Kurt/Blaine - "Alright," she began uneasily. "I'll do it. I'll go to the dumb school."Her parent's smiles beaming back at her were almost enough to make her think this could possibly be a good idea, but the nerves surging in her stomach said otherwise. Boarding School/Royalty Brittana AU
Tattoo (T) - Oneshot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "She soaks it in for a few seconds—this night, this place, these friends, this family room floor, this girl—before she says it back." Post-3x11. Brittana.
Eden (T) - Oneshot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany and Santana teach Joe about love. 4K
Riding in Cars With Girls (M) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - After Quinn quit Glee club and joined a band Rachel feels the gap Quinn has left and sets out to get her back, whatever the cost. But what happens when Quinn's only condition involves her car and Rachel's lips on hers every day at five? Punk!Quinn
and things we’re all too young to know (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Five vignettes set after the point when Brittana become girlfriends. Not too many people would guess it, but Brittany knows that loving Santana is the easiest and best thing in the world to do; Santana is just the best person to love.
My Friends Say That I’m Falling In Love (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany and Santana spend the week leading up to Valentine's Day giving Mercedes grief about her date. Brittana romance, Brittanacedes friendship. Mouseverse. One-shot.
And What Would You Say If I Wrote the Whole Thing Out for You? (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Some things have changed a lot since Sam left McKinley and some things haven’t really changed at all. Set circa 3x08.
The Landslide Brought Me Down (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Our girls’ story. Sweet lady kisses, Landslide, their separation, the night of Prom Queen, Songbird, Santana’s Abuela’s rejection, the night after Santana learned about the political ad, Brittany’s senior year falling apart, the lights of New York, and other scenes.
seven (GA) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - A companion piece to 'it's nice to have a friend'. Takes place after the first scene in the second chapter - can be read separately to 'it's nice to have a friend'. Basically just childhood fluff that examines their friendship and the items they connect to their friendship.
baby you don't gotta fight (i'll be here til the end of time) (GA) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - She sees red for all of last period, a strange twinge of pain in her chest because all these people think they know Santana but they’re all wrong. or: three times Brittany tells people they've got Santana all wrong and the one time she tells Santana
The Unicorn Tapestries (NR) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - We lie on our stomachs on my pale blue sheets, a book lying open in front of us that we bend our heads over, sunlight all over the page and bringing bits of gold out in your skin..
But You Could Sing (NR) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Why am I always the one who tells bedtime stories? Because your stories are prettier, BrittBritt. But you can tell real ones. Like what?
Colors (NR) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - The sunlight in my room shines from the south. The way I know: when I lean far out my window, the sun rises on the side where I can feel my heartbeat, and sets in the direction of my writing hand.
You’re Something Else (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - 'Quinn gets the impression she and Rachel are finally on the same page about what may or may not be happening between them. All she really knows is that it's colourful.'
Raising the Bar (M) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and minor/implied Brittany/Santana - Quinn never expected that the best matchmaker would turn out to be a lumpy pullout couch.
the one with the friends reference (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, minor/implied Brittany/Santana and minor/implied Kurt/Blaine - "You can see it. Quinn standing in front of you, as close as she can get without touching you and saying, 'Are you attracted to me?'" Faberry. Post-season six.
Blame it on the Alcohol (or the gay, whatever) (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and minor/implied Brittany/Santana - “I can’t believe what you did to my body, I used to have abs!” - In which one sentence is totally incorrect and causes chaos and havoc and Faberry feelings to happen. Also known as drunk Rachel is kyoot and Finn is stoopid.
could you pass in love? (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - “'Quinn Fabray, I will divorce you, don’t think I won’t!'” In which Rachel and Quinn get married, sending them into a possibly out-of-character feelings frenzy . Season Three. Faberry.
Do You Wanna Know How This Story Plays Out? (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - It's not her fault that you feel the way you do about women, you know that, and you knew that then, too. But you've been angry at Rachel Berry for making you feel things you wanted to lock away for years, and it was far too easy to put all of the blame on her to avoid dealing with your own feelings. It wasn't and isn't fair, but it was about protecting yourself and it makes it a little easier to bear. - OR - After everything implodes with Finn, Quinn moves in with Rachel. They make out a lot without ever talking about how much more it means to both of them. Introspective Closeted!Quinn POV from second-person.
you succeed at being mine (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Kurt/Sam - Sequel to 'you and her loathing this cruel world'.
This Must Be The Place (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Santana is eight years old when her Tio Carlos joins the Army. Or the less-cracky-than-you-might-expect Glee/The Losers crossover where Cougar is Santana's uncle. (If it tells you anything, i nearly titled this 'Ohana Means Family.')
This Modern Love (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "How do you know when you're dating someone?"
Beth’s family tree (GA) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - "Now that being said, my family tree is composed by both my biological family and my adoptive family" Beth explains easily enough as she clicks the mouse. But then the next slide appears and the teacher gapes at all the information, names, colours and arrows in the diagram.
pictures of you, pictures of me (hung upon the wall, for the world to see) (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - "Quinn looked around her room again. She'd never noticed it before, but she had a lot of pictures of Rachel." or: a faberry oneshot set between seasons 1 and 2 where Quinn reflects on a series of moments with Rachel that led to where she is now
anything could happen (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - She stared down at the test in her hand. The line was faint, disappearing depending on the angle. It was possible she was just seeing things, but still. She pulled out her cell phone, tears running down her flushed cheeks. It felt like the earth could open up at any second, just swallow her whole. The line rang. Once, twice, she cursed quietly. She sucked in a breath as she heard a click signifying the call had connected."Hello? Rachel?" Her voice cracked. "Quinn. I need your help." A Faberry-centric rewrite of Rachel's season 4 pregnancy scare
Frannie’s View (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - When Frannie was a child she did everything she could to make her father happy. She was a daddy’s girl through and through. She was quiet and never disrespectful. She went to church every Sunday with her mother and father and prayed every night. Frannie had a lot of friends at school and was popular and well liked. She did very well in school though her participation grades were always low. Daddy told her women were supposed to be quiet and always treat their husbands with respect. She was a princess and he was the King. He ruled the house. Frannie absolutely hated the way her father treated her little sister. Frannie desperately tried to change Lucy. She thought if Lucy could be better then their father would be happier, nicer. OR A journey from Frannie's perspective of Lucy/Quinn and Quinn's sexuality and later feelings for Rachel.
According to Judy (PG) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - How Judy Fabray deals with Quinn's infatuation with Rachel.
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croc-odette · 2 years
strange new worlds 7
‘i’ve been researching human sex’ actually this show and this whole plotline is good in the most goofy ass straight people CW way
i do wish we could have some non-spock t’pring insight. like i love that they gave her a career but like. i want to know more about her other relationships
this is actually so extremely sweet of t’pring
i feel crazy. straight spock is so corny and yet so over the top
non binary doctor hitting on pike
‘chris it’s actually in your file’ SCREAM this is a MEETING
a lot of wine in the first like 10 min of this ep. this show needs a significant drink. coffee, raktajino, tea earl grey hot
stop... no.......
again i would love if people on this show didn’t need to wear lip gloss
crop tops on the bridge??????
TURN ON THE LIGHTS the bridge is so dark. this is actually one show i wish was lit more like a sitcom sometimes
the absolutely medically concerning size of una’s hair bun.
oh this little spider shaped ship
what is going on. what is going on with this energy. what is this catsuit catwalk walk
spock is getting the ‘guest star man hits on clearly uncomfortable woman in tng by explaining her to herself’ treatment and i’m like screaming
i would hate to have this person as my counselor
i care so little about action scenes i care so little about guns
this doctor’s catsuit and just everything about the way the camera shoots them is so weird to me. this is like voyager seven of nine malice to me
next time on strange new worlds... pike solves a diplomatic crisis by grilling up some tasty backyard style bbq! USA! USA!
i thought kolinhar was optional and a complete purge of emotion not like a normal rite of vulcan passage... i cannot wait to see what the lore nerds are mad about
every time pike is intentionally written as kind of a bumbling dummy i like him more
fucking mass effect looking garrus and tali engineering room
well okay.
STONN......... I SEE YOU!!!
pike and una as annoying besties
i want to love captain angel but i just don’t
actually i hate this show i hate straight people they have like two understandings of how relationships can end and it’s death or cheating. this is so stupid
if spock and chapel fuck i’m going to pick up a boulder and throw it
pike you are a DAD
the amount of times the show is like ‘spock and t’pring cannot STOP FUCKING...’ like okay
they hate gay people so much it’s unreal
this is all such a dumb mess but okay
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