#transfem clark kent
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
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Superbat core(ft.Transfem Clark aka Molly)
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laiosynth · 2 months
i'm starting an ask blog!! help me decide on a concept to go forward with
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i have no ultimate goal with this other than to explore the wonderful world of fandom AU askblogs and have some fun improving my art through practice. :DD vote below on which you would hypothetically like to see !! and please reblog for a larger sample size :3
if anyone wants to hear more about any of these, lmk !! these are some of my favorite old WIP fics/stories that i never got to finish or post.
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fonzerful · 1 year
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i am a transgirl superman truther
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 10 months
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stealing my girlfriend @vaguelyethereal's joke & turning it into a comic bc i think she's the funniest person alive. bonus:
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(theyre still arguing in the background)
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lexd · 2 months
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not posting on art blog bc fuck that but yay or nay for these modern designs. not going anywhere w them theyre just 4 funs
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cm2tfemotd · 1 year
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Clark kent from my adventures with superman!
she is an autistic lesbian trans woman that use she/her!
also in a yuri relationship with lois lane!
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
it really does drive me crazy when ppl act like magdalene visaggio invented the idea of transfem kon and act like its so sad her proposal got rejected. lest we forget, she also:
called kon "the jason todd of the superfam"
claimed that the name "kon-el" is bad because "it's still a name someone else gave him"
(yet still decided to call transfem kon "constance lara" as in, lara lor-van and some conveniently made-up relative of martha's after that. lol.)
said her vision of transition involves burning down everything about your old life and who you used to be
DIRECTLY compared superman to jesus christ
came up with antagonists named "saint", "shepherd", and "savior"
had kon abandon his relationships with the kents to go fuck off to live in texas with jinny hex, because as we know, trans people can't have loving or supportive families
introduced a plot with kon resenting clark despite that like. only being a thing in yja before
"leland" aka the "luthor-dominant" clone brother he had. bc hey we LOVE emphasizing biological family over anything else. also in proud geoff tradition, we can't google basic genetics terms right??
and again. the EGREGIOUS christian allegories rubbed all over the SUPERFAM. you know. the immigrant family based on a character made by jewish people in the wake of ww2.
like ngl. every single time i see someone going "ohhh but dc rejected this proposal so sad..." i just go ah youre white arent u. or u just dont... care abt the antisemitism inherent in "superman = jesus christ" being directly stated in the text? "rimi who is saying this in 2024" youd be surprised i literally JUST saw a post going wahhh we couldve had it all. i know i can't fix peoples reading comprehension skills but my god man. "jason todd of the superfam". what if i became the joker of the superfam
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I love Kon Kent more than anything else in my life and the reveal of the discarded storyline that would have given us a transfem Kon hasn't left my mind once today. I don't like the writer that proposed the idea for a number of reasons, but I'm not going to get into that. What I am going to get into, is the changes I would've made.
First of all, I love the name Lara Kon-El. I feel like Kon doesn't have to be gendered, so she would definitely keep her Kryptonian name that Clark gifted to her and she accepted with happy tears in her eyes (yes I'm petty that the writer misunderstood that whole exchange and painted it as something bad). But adding Lara to it just makes it even more meaningful since it's Clark's krytonian mother's name and gives the name more of a feminine touch to it.
I go back and forth with the human name. I'm not opposed to Constance but I feel like Coraline would be a little more fitting to her. She could be a Coraline Constance Kent to honor Ma's mother
Hero name time! I'm not sold on the name Skyrocket but I saw someone suggest the name Supernova and I love it so much! I feel like it's so fitting. Kon struggled to find her place as a super, so to me, it's important that super stays in her name because I believe the S is important to her
This is all I can think of rn because I'm fighting off the sedatives in my medicine, but I will add more later because I have so many thoughts about this
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augustjustice · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers!
I was tagged by @ataliagold; thank you so much!! 💛🖤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
45 at present.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
418,048 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now I write for Stranger Things, predominantly Steddie. From 2019 to summer of 2022, I was very deep in the Gotham fandom and wrote for that mostly (it's the thing that actually got me back into writing, and really into posting my work for the first time).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
After School Special (Stranger Things)
Everything is Different the Second Time Around (Gotham)
The Second Hand Unwinds (Gotham)
Sights On Someone Else (Gotham)
Only Fools Rush In (Gotham)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always do, even if it's just a quick thank you in response to extra kudos. Comments mean the world to me, one of my favorite parts of fandom is getting to interact with the community that way.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easily The Punchline, which is a Gotham spin on the comic The Killing Joke. If you tackle Batman and Joker's relationship, there's bound to be some angst, and the Gotham backstory really adds an even more bittersweet twist.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my finished fics have happy endings 😂I'm a fluff girl primarily. Mer-May I Have This Kiss? which I co-wrote with @inkfowl has a very prototypical happily ever after ending, which I'm a sucker for. Honorable mention to my transfem Stevie fic Pretty in Pink, too, since that fic is basically fluff all the way through.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've got some weird spam-y comments on occasion (in at least one instance, from a person who did that to many others throughout the fandom), but thankfully no real hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Haven't published much of it, although I'm hoping to complete something for the upcoming Stevie Week. By far my smuttiest fic is (I'm the New Cancer) Never Looked Better, You Can't Stand It which is nearly 20k of Penguin/Riddler suit porn.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've written some crossovers that exist within the same broader universe, so Gotham fics that draw on other Batman media, or my Smallville/Gotham crossover that also uses certain elements of broader DC comics canon. I'd like to write more, though! I've got an idea for school guidance counselor Steve meeting with teens in other supernatural dramas like Buffy, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, etc. No idea if I'll ever get around to it, but I think it would be fun.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! A few folks have asked to translate my Gotham fics. Always very flattered when people are interested in doing that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@inkfowl is my co-writing buddy in the Steddie fandom! We've done a lot of writing/roleplay together, including our long, ongoing Study Buddies series.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
My current favorite is, obviously, Steddie. Clex (Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, specifically in Smallville) was baby's first OTP and so will always hold a special place in my heart. And Sterek gets an honorable mention, too, as it had me in a chokehold in the fandom days of old and is one I remain extremely fond of.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
I hope that the muses grant me inspiration at some point so I can go back to Wouldn't Catch You Hung Up on Somebody that You Used to Know which is my Gotham/Smallville fic with Clex, Batjokes, and a sprinkle of Superbat. I'm not in the frame of mind for it right now, but that fic is basically my ideal DC crossover future fic. I'm also holding out hope that I might get back to my sort of Legally Blonde college Steddie AU Better Than That, but that remains to be seen. I'll admit, I wasn't entirely certain where that fic was headed, so I would have to try and plot it out before picking it back up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I would say I'm good at descriptions, particularly capturing visuals and setting tone/atmosphere. People also often compliment my ability to write banter between characters, which is something I definitely enjoy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm so not a plot gal; I'm much more interested in just writing slice of life glimpses of characters or deepening character interactions, so I think I'm definitely weaker there. Also, while people have told me I'm good at making characters sound authentically in-character, I can really get in my head about that, which is a struggle at times.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm woefully monolingual, so I would definitely be reluctant to do this unless I knew someone who spoke the language and was willing to help me out.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we're talking about the first ever fanfic I wrote in my notebooks as a preteen and never saw the light of day, then Disney Channel and other more obscure kids shows lol. The first fic I published to AO3 was for Teen Wolf.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Following trend, I'm gonna do top 5.
Only Fools Rush In, even though it remains unfinished, is my Gotham magnum opus, and I would be remiss not to mention it. It picks up right after the series ends (pre-finale flash forward) and continues the story from there. This was really a chance for me to explore a lot of the things left unsaid in the show proper.
Got Your Mother in A Whirl (She's Not Sure If You're A Boy Or A Girl) is the first Stranger Things fic I ever started wayyyyy back after Season 2 aired and was abandoned before evening finishing the first chapter for years until I got into the fandom again after Season 4. I'm very touched by the way people have responded to it and feel proud of how I captured Steve's feelings while discovering their genderfluidity (and in something I started long before I fully realized I was somewhere on the nb spectrum myself!). Plus, I got to write Stevie and Dustin's sibling dynamic, which is always a favorite of mine.
Got You By My Side This is just a sweet post-S4 one shot, but I feel like I really captured exactly what I wanted to about Steve and Eddie's newly forming relationship with it.
this gun's for hire, even if we're just dancing in the dark An alternate universe first meeting between Oswald and Ed in Gotham, and I'm honestly still pleased with the atmosphere and vibes I was able to capture with this one. It's also brimming with a particular brand of belligerent sexual tension that I live for.
you wanna feel how it feels? (let's exchange the experience) My Steddie bodyswap fic! This is a recent one and still very much ongoing/in the early stages. But it's a fic I've wanted to write for ages now, so I'm very excited to have it underway.
I'm no pressure tagging @eriquin @tinytalkingtina @formosusiniquis @lingeringmirth @momotonescreaming
@chierei @inkfowl @arcanemoody @afoxnamedmulder and anyone else who sees this and wants to join!
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tedloganshairclips · 1 year
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transfem clark kent is now in my predictive text
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Lois x Transfem Clark aka Molly.Clois yuri is not a want,IT'S A MIGHTY NEED
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thekidthesuperkid · 1 year
Hi I would love to hear you expand on your queer superfam headcanons if you’d be willing to share
Hi anon! I'd love to!
Right now I've been mainly thinking about Clark and Lois. For Lois, I think of her as bi or pan (Wonder Woman #170 you will always be famous to me). She experimented with her sexuality a lot in college and in high school (there were some fights with her father about it), but because of a combination of things didn't really date often. For one she was super ambitious and focused on her career and that came first for her, but then also half the guys who were attracted to her were assholes and she never put up with their shit unless she needed something from them, which gave her a bit of a reputation in her schools and workplaces, you know how it goes. Now that wasn't a deterrent for the resident sapphics, quite the opposite in some cases, and Lois did have some hookups with them but again didn't date much. She doesn't get emotionally close to people easily or quickly. This might mean she's demi- or grey-romantic, or she's just a busy career-driven woman who's experienced trauma and is also a bit neurodivergent. Her gender is cis and femme in a mildly dykey and "fuck you" kind of way. Also she's fairly unreserved and uninhibited about her sexual desires. She's pretty into kink and unashamed about it.
Right now I really like my transfem!Clark headcanon. She doesn't realize anything or come out until later in her life, and even then it's only to Lois, and then she doesn't come out to more people or transition for several more years, and even then only Clark Kent transitions, not Superman. In her early life she feels very alienated and very different from the kids around her but she doesn't have any of the knowledge to understand why she feels that way, so she chalks it up to being neurodivergent and a meta, and later when her parents tell her about where she comes from, chalks it up to being from a different planet. She doesn't realize it until at least two decades later, but her high school crush on Lana is half attraction and half gender envy. Another thing that delays her gender realizations is that she's a butch woman. Typical femininity doesn't fit her. So she never identified with the women and girls around her in a clear and defined way. And also the main core part of her identity is that she's an alien and a refugee and one of the last of her people, and that she needs to help people. Her gender is a bit secondary to that. She realizes eventually, and even though she's delayed and interrupted by a few crises and universe resets, she does eventually transition as Clara Kent, but stays Superman, partly because Superman transitioning at the same time as Clark would be suspicious and partly because she just doesn't mind being seen as a man if its not all the time, and she uses Kryptonian clothing technology to hide the changes to her body from transitioning as Clara. I have the full story of her transition in my head but it's too long for this. So basically Clara is a trans butch lesbian. She is m-spec a bit, but she has a strong preference for women and her attraction to men just doesn't really come up or play much of a role in her life so she prefers to describe herself as a lesbian.
Kara! Kara is a genderqueer woman (masc headband from the 80s my beloved <3). Kryptonian concepts of gender are literally alien and dont necessarily match up to human ones. She goes by she/her pronouns because she just doesn't care to navigate human concepts of gender to explain it to them but when she's speaking Kryptonian with someone she's referred to with...I guess the equivalent of ze/hir? But not that? Idk I haven't properly thought out my ideas on Kryptonian gendered language. She does get frustrated and sad sometimes about how characteristics that would have easily been recognized as masculine on Krypton are meaningless on Earth, but (if I place this headcanon of her in the same world as my Clara headcanon) she does share some of those signals from Kryptonian culture with Clara and bond with her over being genderqueer women. She's also gay. More specifically she's pansexual homoromantic, but doesn't really care for having a relationship with just sexual attraction so...gay. Lena Thorul come back you could've been so powerful...
I like to headcanon Kon as pan, although he's slightly less romantically attracted to women compared to men, and hes demisexual and hypersexual. Also hes transmasc. I honestly don't know how that would work because I keep going back and forth on the specifics of his gender, but the version I came up with most recently is that for a while he identified as transfem and actually transitioned that way but then realized his gender wasn't that and transitioned back but then at that point he'd fucked with his gender so much that despite being perisex amab the term transmasc genuinely felt most accurate, because he does have a strong connection to femininity and his masculinity, despite being more prominent than his femininity, still needs to be taken with the context of femininity to be understood properly. His gender is like the error message you get when too many people are trying to access a site at once. All of this happens in the hypothetical future though. In his early life Kon doesn't feel secure about his queerness and leans hard into performative masculinity and compulsive heterosexuality. At his current age he's just finished growing out of the performativity but still hasn't recognized his queerness. He'll realize he likes guys a while before he accepts his genderqueerness, and then he'll go through all the gender exploration. When hes older he sometimes jokes that he's a he/him lesbian, which is because he feels "butch as gender" is an accurate enough way to describe him, even though thats not how he would choose to describe himself to others. He goes and finds Hero from the Ravers when he first realizes he likes guys.
Jon is canonically bi and Natasha is canonically a lesbian, Mae is genderfluid/multigender and a bi lesbian, Linda Danvers is a lesbian, Cir-El is a trans girl and sappic-oriented aroace, Chris is very aroace with a god-induced soulmate bond (which I'm not sure if I want to keep in my headcanons?), and John Henry is m-spec and both demisexual and demiromantic.
I saw someone headcanon Jonathan as a trans man, and I'm still kind of playing around with that idea in my head and I'm unsure of whether I will use it for my own headcanons yet. I do think Martha should get to have had a girlfriend in college though. I also like to headcanon that she went to a lot of protests when she was young in the sixties.
If you look closely you'll notice that I made most of the superfamily like girls in one way or another lol
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kiunlo · 1 year
are there any transfem clark kent fics out there. i know it's a very niche idea but like. i think it could be really compelling if done properly.
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craftaroons · 2 years
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[id: a dgital drawing of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent from DC. They both appear older than they are in canon. Bruce and Clark are dancing together. Bruce has her right arm on Clark's neck and Clark's left arm is on her hip. Both of their eyes are closed and they are both smiling. Bruce is wearing a purple and black Victorian-inspired ballgown. She is also wearing purple lipstick and pearl earrings. Clark is wearing a brown suit and a kippah with the trans flag on it. His kippah also has a blue Star of David on the white part. The background is a blurry photo of a ballroom. end id]
two t4t jews at a gala
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nofoundboy · 3 years
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(in ao3 I just work with my ships)
I write only for male/nonbinary/gender non conforming readers. Transfem readers are welcome too if they want representation.
All the hcs and imagines and stuff are female and as a trans dude myself, I want to write for the ones who struggle to find things with male/gn pronouns.
If you're female I can't stop you to interact here but please, don't be disrespectful. This profile is a safe space for all the LGBTIQ+
Requests are: OPEN
Current Requests: 5
Kiss Prompt thing
Who I write for:
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Michael Myers
RZ Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Billy Lenz
Poly Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Mickey Altieri
Daniel Robitaille (Candyman)
Jesse Chromeans (Chromeskull)
Leslie Vernon
Billy Chapman
Kurt Kunkle
Josef (Creep)
Pennywise (2017 version)
Norman Bates
Tiffany Valentine
Carrie White
Martin (1977)
Ash Williams (I know he's not an slasher stfu)
Star Wars
Obi-wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Lando Carlisian
Qui-Gon Jinn
Jynn Erso
Peter Parker (any version)
Stephen Strange/Dr Strange
Otto Octavius
Arthur Harrow
Bucky Barnes
Pietro Maximoff (any version)
Joker/Arthur Fleck
Joker (Heath Ledger)
Jerome Valeska
Edward Nygma/Nashton (any version)
Oswald Cobblepot (any version)
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller's, I didn't watch the show)
Ratcatcher 2
Bruce Wayne/Batman (any version)
Clark Kent/Superman (any version except Smallville one)
Other characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Eddie Munson
Dewey Riley
Jimmy Mcgill/Saul Goodman
Hutch Mansell
Dewey Finn
Tommy Bomowski (Coach Boomer)
Jareth The Goblin King
Abe Sapiens
Jason Dean
Robert Van Helsing
Dennis Rafkin
Ships I write for
Josef x Aaron
Josef x Sara
What I write
What I don't write
Full fics (only one-shots and headcanons)
Any bathroom kink.
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cm2tfemotd · 1 year
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Clark Kent from DC Comics!
they an autistic polyam lesbian transfem that uses any pronouns!
also in a yuri relationship with lois lane and bruce wayne
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