#trifle cups
kawaii-foodie · 2 years
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Husk: *traps a spider under a cup*
Niffty: *appears with two identical cups*
Husk: no-
Niffty: *sets them down and starts to shuffle them*
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zemoiii · 3 months
Half blood and half piss wine.
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elibeeline · 1 year
Great british menu time hehehe!!!!
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dewdropdinosaur · 3 months
Green May Be His Color
Summary: Alastor has a crush on you and gets...shall we say - possessive.
Warnings: Make-out scene and implied smut. Rating PG-13
For the dearest @anon-of-the-void
In the bustling underworld of Hell, where demons and overlords roamed freely and the souls of the damned wander, there existed a peculiar yet charming figure known as Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon. With his toothy grin, a penchant for chaos and macabre humor, he was a force not to be trifled with. Except by one. 
Amidst his devilish and intimidating face, there lay a side and secrets only known to one other: Rosie, a fellow overlord and Alastor’s best and one of few friends. Rosie was well-acquainted with the inner workings of Alastor's mind, particularly his peculiar fascination with a certain dead mortal soul named Y/N. Y/N was unlike any other sinner, with a charm that transcended the boundaries of Hell itself. She had caught Alastor's attention with her old fashioned wit and grace, though he dared not confess his infatuation with the cannibal town resident.
Little did Alastor know, his affections were not as clandestine as he believed. With mischief gleaming in her eyes, Rosie concocted a devious plan to bring the two together.Rosie, with her sharp wit and mischievous nature, saw an opportunity for amusement. She knew of Y/N's fondness for tea and gossip, often indulging in such pastimes with Rosie herself. 
One evening, as the flames danced in the infernal sky, Rosie extended an invitation to both Y/N and Alastor for a tea gathering at her lavish abode. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Rosie had already informed Alastor of the rendezvous, igniting a spark of excitement within the Radio Demon's heart.
As Y/N arrived, her presence brought a sense of warmth to the dimly lit room. She greeted Rosie with a warm smile, unaware of the scheming glint in her friend's eyes. Alastor, ever the gentleman, tipped his hat in acknowledgment, his crimson eyes alight with hidden desire at the more free flowing attire his secret paramore was wearing. 
The tea flowed freely as conversation drifted from trivial matters to the depths of the underworld. Rosie, with her quick wit, subtly steered the discussion towards matters of the heart, all the while casting knowing glances at Alastor. The Radio Demon, though adept at masking his emotions, felt a tinge of unease stir within him. He knew what Rosie was playing at and was thankful for the oblivious nature of his crush. 
As the evening progressed, Rosie's playful banter grew more pronounced, her words laced with feigned flirtation directed at Y/N. Alastor, unable to contain his jealousy any longer, felt the inferno of emotions raging within him. With a sharp inhale, he rose from his seat, his gaze locking onto Y/N's. Rosie, with her devilish grin, played her part to perfection. She engaged Y/N in playful banter, leaning in a tad too close, and fluttering her lashes in feigned innocence. Alastor, observing from the sidelines with a mix of amusement and jealousy, felt his heartstrings tug tighter with each passing moment.
As Rosie's antics escalated, to actually near caress and Y/N embracing her friend back - Alastor's patience wore thin. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, he stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of both Rosie and Y/N. With a flourish of his cane, he rose and coughed loudly. 
“Pardon me ladies, may I borrow you for a moment Y/N? I wish to discuss something outside.”
“Oh..of course Alastor. One moment Rosie.”
Placing their cup down on the side table, Y/N rose and followed Alastor down a long hallway till he stopped abruptly. 
In a moment of recklessness born from desperation, Alastor pinned Y/N against the nearby wall - encasing them between his arms as closed the distance between them in a swift motion, his lips capturing Y/N's in a fervent kiss. The room fell silent as time seemed to stand still, the air thick with anticipation.
After the kiss, Y/N's heart raced with a mixture of surprise and warmth. She pulled back slightly, meeting Alastor's intense gaze. Each one’s breath heavily with affection and lust.
“Alastor... I... I didn't expect…”
Alastor, his crimson eyes ablaze with a possessive fervor, cut her off before she could finish. “Expectation is for the mundane, my dear. But your presence in this infernal realm has ignited a spark within me that defies logic and convention.” 
“I suppose love has a way of doing that, even in Hell.”
Alastor's jaw tightened, a flicker of jealousy crossing his features as he glanced towards Rosie, who observed the scene with a knowing smirk and a low growl. 
“That infernal minx... She knew exactly what she was doing, toying with my affections like that.”
Y/N chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on Alastor's arm “It's alright, Alastor. Rosie's just... playful, you know?”
Alastor's grip on his cane tightened, his frustration evident as he struggled to rein in his emotions, gritting his teeth.
“Playful or not, I won't stand for anyone else trying to claim what's rightfully mine.”
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at his possessive declaration, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she whispered softly, staring at his lips. 
“And what exactly do you consider to be "yours," Alastor?”
Alastor's gaze softened, the fiery intensity giving way to a tender warmth as he reached out to cup Y/N's cheek.
“You, my dear. Your laughter, your company, your... affection. All of it. It belongs to me, and me alone.”
Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her eyes locked with Alastor's in a silent exchange of understanding and acceptance.
“Well then, I suppose you'll just have to keep me close, won't you?”
Alastor's lips curled into a devilish smirk, his possessiveness giving way to a newfound sense of determination as he leaned in close once more. 
“Oh, you can count on it, my dear. I intend to keep you closer than anyone else ever could.” Slamming his lips back into hers, that hallway ended up being taken of its innocence. 
And as Rosie listened on with a satisfied smirk, she knew that her mischief had borne fruit, paving the way for a love that defied the very fabric of their world.
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mondaymelon · 7 months
Hihi!!! Saw your requests are open and maybe…. Just some cuddling hc or drabbles 🙏
I’m touch starved obviously, but it would be nice with kaeya, diluc, Alhaitham, and Ayato ?
My pookies, they need a hug fr 😔
₊˚ෆ "𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌." | kaeya, diluc, alhaitham, ayato, kazuha x gn!reader
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not very familiar with writing this kinda stuff so added a little bit of variation for each one!! thank you for the request nonnie !!!
[ touch starved genshin men are so... chef's kiss... ]
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Kaeya has been growing busier recently.
With the return of several reconnaissance missions, all sorts of paperwork have been shoved onto the poor man, and he’s spent every free hour away from his desk unwinding at Angels Share, where instead of getting pestered, he’s pestering any person close enough to hear his words. 
“I miss them…” He mumbled to no one in particular, swirling the deep reds of the wine in his glass, pressing his cheek against the wooden counter. His voice denied his dubious sobriety, and his hazy gaze certainly wasn’t helping his case.
The bartender just sighed, clearly fed up with Kaeya’s drunk antics, and turned to the crestfallen man while clearing away the bottles he’s downed in the past two hours. “Your lover? Why not just go see them?”
“...” Silence was the only answer from the male as his mouth dropped slightly ajar, his eye sparkling with realization. That’s right, why couldn’t he? Ignoring the jarring fact that it was well past a reasonable bedtime, he slammed his cup down on the table, before stumbling out the door. The path to your place was well-trodden and familiar, winding along the perimeter of Mondstadt’s walls and a cozy place to all. Kaeya could’ve sworn all he did was blink once or twice, yet he had already found himself with his hand raised, knocking on the wood of your door. There was quiet, then the soft steps of your sleepy footsteps. The door creaked open, and he practically flung himself at your pajama-wearing form, engulfing you in an embrace as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
“K-Kaeya?” Your body swayed from the sudden weight, and you hesitantly returned the gesture, wrappping your arms around his lower torso. He mumbled into your skin, unintelligible sounds that just made your ears burn. “Hey, you reek of alcohol, just where have you-”
“Ugh, you’re too loud.” His voice was low, breathy, and he slowly walked into your house, closing the door behind him. “I just wanted to see you. Cuddles please, love?” He’s drunk, it’s clear from the red flush dusted across the cheeks and the way he stares, practically mesmerized by the sight of you.
You couldn’t even form a coherent thought, let alone an argument. With a sigh, you dragged his limp self to the bedroom, covering him in blankets and pillows before cuddling up next to him. “Happy?”
“No, I asked for cuddles. C’mere.” And just like that, you’re trapped in his sturdy arms, and he let out a content exhale as he snuggled himself into your form. 
“Warm. Can’t we just stay like this for tonight, love?” ₊˚ෆ
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Diluc always came home late.
It’s no surprise that Mondstadt’s everyday occurrences and trifles kept him away from where he longs to be the most, and the fact that he’s secretly Mondstadt’s Darknight Hero wasn't exactly aiding him in this predicament. He let out a long sigh, rearranging the papers on his desk, and ignored the ink splatters that had gotten on his sleeves. His red eyes scanned the world past the large windows, the sun overhead shining down on the grape fields below. In just a few months, harvest season would arrive, and then the whole estate would be bustling with activity. Just thinking about it made his head hurt.
A walk would do him some good. As work-centered of a person he was, it wouldn’t do him any well to keep himself glued at his desk for countless archon-forsaken hours on end. He stepped out into the hallway, only to pause in his place as he spotted you, glancing around in confusion with a wicker basket dangling from your hold. All questions flew out of his head as he approached you from behind, pulling you into a back hug. “Love, what are you doing here?”
“Diluc!” You perked up as soon as you felt his touch, giving his red hair a light ruffle. He leaned into your touch with a soft smile on his lips. “It’s lunchtime, isn’t it? The maids told me you’ve been cooped up in your room all day, so I figured I’d bring a little something…” You held your picnic basket a little higher so that he could see, face growing red as he remained silent. “H-Have you already eaten…? Sorry, I’ll-”
“No, don’t.” He reluctantly let go of you, but took your hand instead, gently guiding you to the drawing room, where a long couch has been fixed next to the wall. He looped his arm around the basket and placed it on the table, then directed his full attention onto you. “But can it wait?”
You’re not used to him requesting things, and your eyes widened. “S-Sure, but what for?”
“So I can do this.” Suddenly, your back was against the couch, and Diluc was on top of you, his arms planted on either side of your form and effectively capturing you with his own body. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, before leaning his head against your chest, letting out a breath of contentment as he fluttered his eyes shut. Your quickening heartbeat pulsed in his ear. “Do… Do what you did earlier. That… playing with my hair. Please.”
Who were you to refuse? You relented to his efforts and ran a hand through his crimson locks, letting a smile grace your lips at his sudden childishness. “You tired?”
He hummed in response. “Mhm.” Your touch was ever so gentle, and he yearned for it with a passion. Slowly, he reached for the hand on his head and held it, kissing the back of it delicately, as if you were made from porcelain.
“Thank you, love.” ₊˚ෆ
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Alhaitham’s head is always stuck inside a book, that is no understatement.
And now was no different. Even with his duties relieved, it being a weekend, and despite the fact that he’s literally sitting right next to you on the couch, his nose is still buried in his novels, eyes scanning page after page. Yes, you could understand his love for reading, but did it really surpass his love for you? Call it childish, but it had been a long week, and you wanted nothing more than to snuggle into Alhaitham’s arms and listen to his half-hearted complaints. You pouted at the ashen-haired male, who hadn’t even looked up for the past two hours. This had to be a new form of torture.
“Mhm?” You could feel your frown deepen as he just hummed a response, not even bothering to look up. In situations like these, isn’t it better to be upfront?
“...Can we cuddle?” Alhaitham’s eyes widened the slightest margin, his multicolored gaze finally, finally shifting upwards to meet yours. His stare flickers as he spots the small pout fixed on your lips, and his own formed a smile.
“Needy, are we?” He said it with a dash of sarcasm, yet set the book away all the while. Uncrossing his toned arms, he glanced up at you with a brow raised. “Why don’t you say please?”
You huffed. Of course, he had to be like this, but whatever irritation you might’ve had was more or less swept away as you opened your mouth to speak once more. “Please?”
And just like that, you’re wrapped tightly in his arms, the side of your face pressed into his chest where you could hear the dull, just slightly faster than usual beat. His hand snaked its way behind your head, and he softly toyed with your strands as he buried his own face into your neck. Alhaitham’s skin was slightly cool to the touch, yet his warmth spread across every inch of you, and all of a sudden, it was hard to breathe with how much overtime your heart was putting in. You moved to speak, but your voice was completely dead, and when you tried to shift your position, Alhaitham’s firm hold on you kept you locked in place.
It’s not like you had any complaints. Even from this unflattering angle, you’re able to admire how long the archons spent crafting a man like Alhaitham, with his sharp jawline and fair skin, and gorgeous, marble eyes that’s colors blended like a painting.
“What, like what you see?” Alhaitham couldn’t even act exasperated, and the smile that’s reserved only for you was one filled with amusement.
“And if I do?” You could feel the flush on your face.
“Admire me all you want, since I’ll be doing the exact same to you.” ₊˚ෆ
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Ayato is a man of many masks.
It’s something that’s needed for the life he leads. A situation that he’s been delved deep into ever since his birth. You certainly don’t blame him for it, it’d be impossible to. That, and that facade absolutely collapses whenever the two of you are alone together. His usual business politeness and mask of indifference simply cease to exist, and you become one of the only people who can see the man as he is, rather than just a political figure that you’ll shake hands with to maintain appearance. Instead, it���s the smooth-tongued and cheeky man who found you when you were at your life’s low, took your hand with a smile, and brought you back to the light. You had fallen for him, and fallen hard. To think that you were his lover now seemed like a delusion that your brain had crafted, but it was true, and it was found in small moments like these.
After a rather taxing meeting with the Inazuman officials, who were busy pressing for marriage between the Kamisato clan and another, you found him snuggled into your arms when you woke up in the morning. When he had joined you in your bed, you had no idea, but you admired the way his violet eyes were shut and how his long, dark lashes curled. You marveled at how ethereal the man was, the beauty mark that graces the skin just below his lips, and his long, silky tufts of light blues and indigos. “Pretty…” Your voice was barely a whisper, so as to not wake the sleeping male, but you already know your eyes are sparkling. “Archons, isn’t it unfair that you’ve given him all the beauty you could’ve given?”
You shake your heads at your odd thoughts, lightly touching his head, in awe at the softness of his hair, and his hazy eyes slowly fluttered open with remaining ebbs of morning grogginess. “Ah, you’re awake?”
Ayato merely smiled, pulling you closer and pressing into your form. “No,” he sounded pleased with himself, too pleased with himself. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. “I’ve been awake all this time. Seems like you say some embarrassing things about me while I slumber?”
Silence. Your eyes are round, and your mouth has fallen slack as you stare in utter shock at the audacity of your lover before you. “Y-You-”
“Next time, don’t be too shy to say it to my face, alright?” ₊˚ෆ
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(a/n) omg its finished hooray hooray !! first ever req on the main so jodafjlfjlksd dies are the characters ooc theyre ooc okay im tired lets honk mimim
-> teehee what if yall left a message on my christmas tree 😶😶😶
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @scara-is-my-wife, @solxima
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avocado-writing · 4 months
*eats your words*
no but seriously, your writing has me kicking my feet when I’m supposed to be typing an essay 😞‼️ I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for the companions x monk! Tav who, when being confessed to, Tav responds with “it’ll pass”?
basically fleabag inspired 😍‼️ please and thank you! stay safe n warm 🔫
OH GOD HEARTBREAKING i tried to make it have a happy ending tho!!! enjoy! and I'm so glad that you enjoy my writing! (mild nsfw mentions)
writing as if you're saying this because you think you wouldn't be the best option for their future, one way or another, and want to try and soften the blow for them by replying like this. you only want them to be happy and you're scared it can't be with you.
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you cup his face, and the look in your eyes is so, so sad.
you think perhaps your simple nomadic lifestyle will not be enough for him. you love him, you do, but he needs someone more modern. more cosmopolitan.
when you tell him it will pass you see a myriad of expressions cross his face: sadness, confusion, anger... but finally, resolve.
he takes your hand in his, firmly.
"my heart. I know when things will pass, and when they won't. my love for you is not some trifle, a fashion to be abandoned like it would go out of style. I mean it. I can make my own decisions, and I have decided where I want to be. It's with you."
he reaches out to embrace you. you're surprised, but let him do it anyway, and you bury your face into his neck to hide your emotions.
maybe, just maybe, you were wrong.
you hold him tighter than ever that night.
you're worried he is too smart for you. that he will get bored of you, and the idea breaks your heart.
you tell him "it'll pass" when he confesses because you're scared.
seems actually offended that you'd tell him his love for you might be fleeting.
"there are things which will span the ages. stories, gods, heroes. my love for you is one of them. I do not confess that lightly. you are a beacon of hope in my life, love... and that will never fade."
goes on for some time afterwards about how committed he is and how much he loves you, until eventually you accept that he's not going anywhere.
bloody wizards, so good with their words...
fall asleep that night after having the most intimate lovemaking session, all about feeling each other's breath and heartbeats.
he is here to stay, forever.
wyll deserves someone amazing. someone who could handle his life if he became duke, and you're scared you'll let him down.
when you tell him 'it'll pass' he is hurt, and leaves the conversation for a moment. you think perhaps it is for the best. you don't need this to cause any more pain.
but later he comes to find you and asks if he can have a private moment. you find out he wasn't hiding from you but preparing: he has a little intimate picnic set up where you can sit and be alone.
when you're comfortable he tells you about how deep his love is, how fate has thrown you together.
"there is nothing about how i feel about you that could pass. nothing."
to prove his point, he slips to his knee, and that is when he proposes.
you're overcome with emotion. you have to accept how committed to you he is, and work out if you deserve something as fierce as his love.
there are tears in your eyes when you accept. you never think his love will pass again.
probably the hardest one to say this too. together, your future is so uncertain. it will be easier to break it off here rather than maim both of you.
gets angry. in fact, goes into a rage. tears up the surroundings, and for a moment you're taken aback--
but then she turns and she's sobbing, stuck at the midpoint between being apoplectic and brokenhearted.
"you don't get to decide that for me! you don't! you're the first person i've loved... I've touched... I've felt anything for, for a fucking decade! when i feel this, it doesn't fade! how dare you think about yourself like that? as if you're some sort of phase?"
eventually she calms down enough but bursts into tears instead. you go to hold her and she embraces you so tightly that the wind is knocked from your body.
"i love you. i won't leave you. don't leave me." her voice is tiny.
how could you ever say no? how could you ever doubt her?
when the two of you are in Avernus, you're reminded of this moment, and so glad she fought against it. you'd trade this away for nothing.
would she want someone like you? long term? she's so brave, so fierce. what if you're not good enough? what if your relationship develops only for you to let her down?
she gets angry too, but quieter.
is furious that you would question her affection.
"githyanki do not give their devotion lightly. the fact that you think my love for you could pass makes me wonder how well you know me."
it turns into an argument where you try and explain your side, and she's angry at you for thinking this way.
eventually it descends into angrily making out. some fierce lovemaking. her saying how much she loves you, possesses you, between every bite and kiss.
you lie in the afterglow. she says she will not leave, and pretty much tells you that you won't either. you agree, and tangle your hand with hers.
tries to hide how hurt she is.
yes, Shar is the lady of loss, but the idea of losing you... of not having you in her life? unthinkable.
you only tried to tell her it will pass so that, if she wishes to become a dark justiciar, she will have no lingering attachment to you after.
and yet...
it is blasphemy for her, but she refuses to let you go.
"no. i won't allow it. i can't believe this will fade between us. you are the most precious thing to me. stay."
you're weak for her, end up tumbling into bed, reconfirming your love for each other.
you never quite believe that this is forever until she changes her hair, embraces selune. then your heart is full of joy. and it is full of Shadowheart.
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Malleus: Marry me!
Noble!Yuu: I will not.
Malleus: My love please. If it's not you then I'd love no one else.
Noble!Yuu: Tragic. How tragic. Don't you understand how impossible it is for us.
Malleus: I don't understand. You love me and I love you.
Noble!Yuu: I'm not naive my dear. I'm not some young sycophant who knows nothing of the world I would be walking into and more than that I have my own responsibilities. Do you think your people will accept a human as their ruler?
Malleus: I can make them. Given time they will accept you.
Noble!Yuu: You can not. You can't make them do anything just because you are king. No matter how powerful you are you can't control anyone. You'd be a tyrant thinking like that.
Malleus: I will protect you!
Noble!Yuu: And be a powerless consort who must rely on you to do everything for me. How humiliating would it be to be ignored and shut away in my own castle? How depressing to only have you to lean on and have no confidence in myself. I was raised better than that and educated for better.
Malleus: You'd be safe. Wouldn't you be happy with me?
Noble!Yuu: I would at first. I'd feel aflutter at the thought of always having you to make things better and not having to worry about petty trifles like money like some peasant. But then I'd be left alone as you govern your nation that I am foreign too. I'd grow to resent you as I feel impotent to change anything other than the decor of my room and even then the traditional fea lifestyle will likely prevent it. I'd never be your equal.
Malleus: You wouldn't be just my consort. My people will understand once we are married, they know how dragons are. They won't have a choice but to love you.
Noble!Yuu: Wishful thinking. Fea are slow to change and they have not moved on from their hate of humans. What can I expect but poison in my cup or protests against us? Not to mention the fate of any children we have. What will they think of a half-fea heir?
Malleus: ....
Noble: Sure a few half-fea here and there isn't much but as their ruler? A child of tainted blood who will only live as long as a human. A magicless human's child at that. In a world where power matters? Blasphemy. You don't think they wouldn't usurp you for that alone long before a child is born? Tell me my love do you think that we will have a fairy tale ending and happily ever after?
Malleus: I don't understand where this is coming from. Why can't we do what will make us happy? Forget about all these silly what-ifs and treasure each other.
Noble!Yuu: We are not at liberty to do such things. We were born in a position of power and trusted to use it for others, not ourselves. Of course, I want us to be happy and to be together. But I can't ignore our differences for the sake of love. Love today could be a tragedy tomorrow. I will not live for long, less than 10 years from your perspective. Can you stop time? Can you prevent death? Will you lose yourself to grief after I'm gone? Do you not think I will not suffer the older I get knowing how much I will hurt you when I pass? Do you think all of this only effects you?
Malleus: Yuu stop! Stop...I can't. Please don't ask anymore. You've clearly thought a lot about this, more than me. I've been short-sighted. But if I could find a way to fix these problems then you would be mine.
Noble!Yuu: Without hesitation.
Malleus: Even if you would cease to be human?
Noble!Yuu: As long as I'm not a monster or four-legged beast then yes.
Malleus: Would you become as fea?
Noble!Yuu: ...yes. I wouldn't take it lightly but yes. Is there even such a thing that could happen?
Malleus: I'll make it possible. For you.
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(I think as a Fandom we should acknowledge that being with Malleus would be no cakewalk. There are many problems with it but that doesn't mean we should forget about the bad parts. We all like to fantasize but we should realize that Malleus is complex and so is love. Hardships make stories good and trials make love stronger. I will never understand why some prefer ooc content where everything happens according to what they want with no conflict. How boring and unearned. I love you enough to hurt you so that you can be fulfilled.)
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Just for carlando can we get a mini lando blurb with a visit from uncle carlos
A/N: Ughhhh Aiden's favorite Uncle visiting him would make that baby so happy
Mini Lando Series Masterlist
Aiden truly loved one person more than his own parents and that was his Uncle Los. Still unable to say Carlos fully, Aiden has stuck to calling him Uncle Los and he has missed him dearly.
The Mini Norris has been begging to see his Uncle for the longest time. Unable to go to Singapore with his Daddy, he was stuck watching the race with you and his annoying brother Caleb.
Lando was well aware how much Aiden was missing Carlos, even more so when you posted a video of Aiden screaming. The little boy could have cared less about his own father getting a podium. Instead, he was decked out in his 55 merch running around screaming Uncle Los.
Carlos saw the video immediately and right then and there booked a flight to London to see his godson. Lando wasn't even aware Carlos was joining until he walked into his jet seeing Carlos there, trophy in hand.
Waking Aiden, the next morning was hard, the poor baby had tuckered himself out. Running wild for the rest of the day, trying to call Uncle Los but with no answer. Lando picked up, and Aiden asked where Uncle Los was first. Betrayal, betrayed by his own son.
"Carlos, you have to be exhausted. Go catch some sleep, Aiden won't be up for hours." You begged the Spainard while your husband stands there with his hands up. "Hey? What about me? I'm the husband and father. What am I? Chopped liver?" Lando grumbles, while you and Carlos watch him trifle through the pantry.
"Lan, I love you. But," "But what? He's, my son!" Lando was jealous. He knew Aiden loved him but given the chance Aiden would go with Carlos if he could. "Calm down, Aiden sees you all the time. It's not easy for him to see Carlos. Now, want to go get Caleb for me?" Lando's face lights up as he rushes down the hall to get his youngest.
Shaking your head, you grab your hidden stash of candy and rip it open. Looking up you stop seeing Carlos stare at you. "Shut up! I'll tell him later." "Am I getting a niece finally?" Carlos whispers, hope and love filling his eyes. "It feels like a boy again." Carlos grumbles but leans over the counter kissing your cheek.
"You missed me didn't you bubba? Yes, you did, you always miss Daddy." Shoving the rest of the candy in your mouth you hide the stash and smile, seeing Caleb and Lando. "Mama!" Caleb whines, reaching out for you while Lando groans handing Caleb off to you. "Do none of my sons love me? Y/n, we need another one please? A little girl?"
Carlos and you share a look, one that Lando misses as he fixes a sippy cup for Caleb. "Talk to me when you win a race." Carlos snickers but stops when the sound of small feet echo in the quiet house. "Uh oh, I think Aiden is awake." Speaking of the devil the little boy all 5 years of him walks in eyes closed.
"Why is he wearing a Ferrari shirt?" Lando whines, Aiden sticking his arms straight up when he hears his Daddy's voice. "Daddy! Up!" He whines, head thrown back trying to stay awake. "I'm coming." Lando coos, scooping him up as Aiden melts into his arms.
"I missed you," Aiden mumbles, rubbing his face in Lando's neck. "Ha! See, at least my boy missed me." Aiden whines at the loudness of Lando's voice. "Lando, he's your son of course he missed you." Carlos points out. Aiden's head rises, but eyes still closed as he tries to figure out where Uncle Los's voice came from.
"Uncle Los?" Slowly but surely, he pries his eyes open and blinks, then rubs them. Vision, clear he stares at Uncle Los, the adults holding their breath as they watch Aiden's brain catchup with what he was seeing.
Lando chuckles as he feels Aiden's body start to shake as he grows excited seeing his favorite person on earth. "UNCLE LOS!" Aiden screeches, Lando and you cringing but Carlos bursts into this wide smile gladly accepting the vibrating preschooler. "Hi Mini Lando." Aiden and Carlos all but melt into each other as Aiden holds onto Carlos with all his strength.
"You're here," All 3 of you look at each other, hearing the choked words. Carlos pulls Aiden back seeing his godson crying. "I'm here, and not going anywhere for a week." Aiden rubs his eyes as he throws himself back into Carlos holding tight.
"Okay, you're moving in." You whisper, your heightened hormones making you choke up. "What? He's not moving in!" Lando bursts, refusing to lose his son's to Carlos. "Lando, our baby is crying. I refuse to let him cry. Carlos you're moving in." Carlos just nods as you tighten your hold on Caleb who just lays there watching everything around him.
"No, he's not moving in." Lando's skin prickles when you cut him a glare that would send any man screaming. "I'll go make up the guest room." He whispers, as Carlos laughs rubbing Aiden's back. "I'm not really moving in, am I?" Carlos asks, somewhat unsure if you're being serious.
"I'm pregnant, Carlos. If you are what keeps my baby from crying, your sure as hell are." Leaving no room for argument. "Okay."
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gomjabbar · 7 months
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At every turn the heterosexual white man is castigated & symbolically castrated. He is made "small" and into an accessory in a world that He built. In Bob Iger's "America", even a trifle snack he is hung upon his loins before the cup of coco (diversity) is enjoyed. ALDI, the name is apt. AL(l) whites must DI(e).
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
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Singer/songwriter Y/n L/n and actor Jack Champion play “Spill your guts or fill your guts” on the Late Late Show!
Content includes: fluff! Some tension, eating gross foods, a live audience!
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n!" "And I'm Jack Champion!"
“And we are playing a segment called spill your guts or fill your guts!" You smiled with nervousness, hands in your lap. "You ready?" Jack looked up at you with his classic smile, the smell of the food radiating into your nose. "No, not at all" you laughed, holding onto the sides of the table.
"Let's take a look at the food we have on the table!" You smiled, turning the table to show everything. "So first we have some delicious...bug trifle!" Jack exaggerated, a big smile on his face as he watched you cringe at the names. "Jellyfish! Not horrible I guess" The crowed let out a "ew" Jack agreeing. "Yea, ew"
"Giant water scorpion" you squirmed, holding back a gag. "This is horrible" You read out more of the foods, the questions officially starting. "Okay Jack, I'll ask the first question" You gave him a mischievous smile, holding back a laugh. "The producers have not shown us the questions! So it's all real" You made eye contact with him, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's all real!"
"Okay, so Jack...I think I'm gonna give you…" You looked at the array of food, deciding to not start so badly. "Jack, here is your thousand-year-old egg nog" he looked at you with annoyance, biting back his lip. "Give it a sniff" you giggled, his face dropping the smile. "That's fucking disgusting! Oh no, wait can I cuss?" "No!" you shook your head, his face stuck on the expression from when he smelled the drink.
"First question" you pulled from the deck of questions, reading it to yourself with a smile. "Jack…Who is your favorite to least favorite co-star on Scream VI?" You knew he would have to drink it, he was too sweet of a person to answer a question like that. "That's so mean, I can't answer that..." "Are you actually gonna drink that?" You teased, Jack shaking his head.
"So least favorite is probably Mason.." your mouth dropped open with a smile. "I'm kidding, no uh" he cringed before taking the cup to his lips, taking a sip. "Swallow it! Swallow it!" He held up the silver bucket to his mouth, shaking his head. You watched with disgust, laughing over at the audience.
“Good job!” You clapped, Jack’s face stuck on a sour expression. “This is my payback. You’re eating that meat cube thing” You shook your head, biting back your lip, your eyes basically pleading. “Ready?!” “Absolutely not” “Great!” He said with a laugh.
“Y/n, who is your hit song “Nonsense” really about?” You glared at him, the audience letting out a gasp. “Come on Y/n! Tell us! Or you could always just eat the tongue jello” If it were about any other person you probably would’ve told. But you knew it would be too embarrassing to tell Jack it was about him on live television.
Your lips bent into a frown, shaking your head as you took the spoon to the food in front of you. “That’s disgusting” “I know” you sighed, looking at the clear and pink jello in front of you. You held back your breath as you put it in your mouth. The taste and texture made you want to throw up, quickly spitting it into the bucket.
“You guys are horrible” you coughed, Jack just smiling at you. “You could’ve answered the question!” “That’s never happening”
“Okay! So Jack you’re gonna have the delicious cod sperm today!” His eyebrows furrowed, looking at the plate of bean shaped like sperm. “How…how do they get it out?” You chuckled, shrugging before reading out the question. “Jack, you have mentioned before that you’ve had a crush on one of your co-stars. Who is it?”
His heart pounded out of his chest, feeling his face get hot. He looked at you and then at the platter in front of him, letting out a sigh. “I really don’t wanna eat this” you smirked, watching him as he rubbed his forehead. “It was only for a bit!” You looked at him confused. “Just say who it is” he bit back his lip. “Y/n” the crowd yelled in awe, making you shake your head. He quickly noticed how your face held back a smile, his heart bouncing around in his chest.
“Okay, Y/n! Now it’s your turn!” “Hey! You can’t just say that and move on. For how long..?” You teased him, his eyes rolling. “Like a week, get over yourself” You pouted your lips jokingly, but on the inside, you were going crazy. He really liked you? Even if it was only for a week it meant he saw something about you. Maybe the stares he gave you weren’t just a figment of your imagination. Maybe you weren’t delusional…
“Y/n…I’m gonna have you eat the water scorpion!” You just sighed, hoping that the question wasn’t too personal. “Can you give us a sneak peek at one of your tracks?” You shot a glance at your manager, her smile telling you it was fine. “Yea! Okay!” You pulled out your phone. “Seriously?” “Mhm”
You scrolled through some of your voice memos, finding one of your upcoming singles. “Ready?” You held your phone to the mic on your dress, watching as everyone listened in awe. “Okay! That’s all!” You played about 5 seconds of it, everyone left wanting more. Jack didn’t say anything, instead, he clapped along with the audience. “Thank you guys…more coming soon? Maybe?” You smiled, Jack giving you a high five.
“For our last round…Jack I’m gonna give you the Salmon smoothie!” You picked up a card, reading the last question. “Jack! You’ve become a staple celebrity crush. Do you secretly watch fan edits of yourself?” You smirked, knowing the answer. “You already know!” He pointed, shaking his head. “Yes, I do” he sighed, the audience laughing. “I was literally backstage at some event and he was watching edits of himself” You shook your head. “Hey! Hey now, don’t expose me”
“Alright! Y/n, the bull penis is all yours” You shook your head, the crowd excited with laughs. “For your last question! Out of all your best friends…Who is your favorite?” The question wasn’t that bad, nodding as you pushed the plate away from you. “My favorite friend is you, Jack” “Yes!” He brought down his fist, your face with a big smile. The crowd cheered, your voice being drowned out. “That was spill your guts or fill your guts! We’ll be right back with more Late Late Show!!
You bumped Jack’s shoulder as you walked out, waving to the crowd. “You had a crush on me?” You couldn’t help but ask, your face filling with heat. “Yea, is it really that hard to believe?” You shrugged, walking into the green room behind him. “I am honored to be your favorite best friend!” He lied, he wanted you to see him as more than that. Sure, he was happy that you loved to spend time with him. But he wished it would go to the next level.
You plopped down on the couch, chugging down a water bottle to get the taste of raw meat out of your mouth. “I can’t believe you made me eat that” you made a face, shaking your head. “You could’ve just answered the question!” He was kinda glad you didn’t, it probably would’ve hurt when you said a name that wasn’t his.
“Why do you wanna know so bad?” You smiled, your heart beating a bit faster than usual. “I’m just curious” he sat next to you, faces dangerously close to one another. “Okay, I’ll tell you” “yea?” “Mhm” you shook your head, Jack staring at you with admiration. His eyes were big and doughy, making you choke on your words. “Well, I…uhm” he watched as your confidence drained, now filled with anxiety.
“You don’t have to tell-“ “It’s about you! I’m sorry, oh my god” you squirmed, Jack's eyes widening. You paused as you realized what you had just admitted. Before he could say anything you got up to leave, Jack taking you by your wrist. “Seriously?” You nodded with a gulp. “Why were you scared to tell me?” You scratched the back of your neck, feeling more than uncomfortable in the situation you had dragged yourself into. “I guess I was just scared you didn’t feel the same way…” his smile was comforting, pulling you closer to sit back down.
“I do” “You do?” He nodded, taking your face into his hands. He noticed as you panicked, your eyes tracing his expression. You couldn’t tell if he was serious. Before you could process anything you felt his lips fall onto yours, eyes widening before you relaxed into him.
Your heart was all giddy inside of you, your hand on his chest as he pulled you closer. It felt like pure euphoria when he kissed you. You didn’t know how to describe it, but it was addictive. You felt like you could truly never get enough of him, pulling him closer with a hungrier and deeper kiss. “Hey! You guys are on in-“ You pulled alway quickly, a producer with an awkward smile on his face. “Y’all are on in 20” you thanked him, looking back at Jack. His face was flushed, your lipstick messy on his face. You tried to rub it off, giggles filling the room.
“Also, I didn’t mean to friend zone you, I’m sorry” You moved the hair out of his face, rubbing his lip as he watched you in awe. “Well, I know that now” he smiled, pulling you in for another messy kiss.
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yestrday · 8 months
ouh oh eyeing the making them beg prompt RESPECTFULLY. not sure if the prompts are towards the chara or by them but if it's the first one.... blade and/or dan heng, maybe? holy moly when prideful/quiet men beg 🫣
no pressure pookie! i love ur works btw 🤍
ooh i do love me some bladie q(≧▽≦q) even if i do find him hard to write. dan heng was also supposed to be included but i accidentally published it :((
part of an ongoing event!
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╰┈➤ BLADE of the Stellaron Hunters.
only metal bars separate the two of you in this musty dungeon cell, and they shake ferociously when your prisoner grabs them and bares his teeth at you between the gaps.
"you really think these trifling things will stop me from laying a hand on you?" from the shadows, his crimson gaze seems to be devouring you like he's the one watching the prison from the outside looking in. "you think anything can keep you safe from me, lamb?" he laughs lowly. "you're as naive as you look."
"not as naive then if i'm the one who has you locked up," you hum, twirling they key languidly around your finger as you shoot him a haughty smile. "we're destiny's slave, bladie. not slaves to our whims. you should've thought better before you went about attacking me."
he keeps quiet, but he continues to gaze at you with a look between obsession and hatred. little thought went into his actions when he tried for your neck with his broken blade. but you had been working with him and kafka for some time now, and it was agonizingly tantalizingly how clear his head felt at your slightest touch. it was a medicine better than kafka's whisper.
you must know the effects you have on him, from how you always smile and lean in for a touch before pulling away at the last second. you must have known how crazy you've had him for you, and it would have hurt his pride, had he not been reduced to a rabid mutt itching to get a pet from his master.
"i think i know what you want," you smile at him, leaning in close to the bars till he can feel your breath mingling with his shallow pants. "poor thing, the mara must be torture for you." you let your fingers trail over the space between his brows and — ah, there it is, that lightheaded feeling that he's been drunk on these past months. like floating through space, like death hath come, like peace at long last— till you pull away with a teasing smirk and the weight of a thousand hundred years comes crashing down on him again.
no. impossible. why would you take away heaven after he's finally had a taste? you bite back a laugh at the tortured expression on his handsome features, before they curl into cruel smile.
"beg." because of course you'd say that. aeons were never benevolent. why should heaven and its master be?
"... lease..." blade mumbles, pride choking his own words as if he hadn't been living without dignity all these years. "please, [y. name]. i need it. this thing you're doing to me..." he raises his head, and though remnants of bitterness light aflame at the back of his eyes, you see more of the broken man that he actually is. "whatever it is, i need it. badly."
your hand cups his chin and tilts it back to get a good look at his handsome face. sweet, sweet euphoria blooms in his mind, that blank feeling overwhelming every scream and torture that had taken over his mara-infected mind. that blissed out blank look, paired with a gaped and panting mouth, is too beautiful.
"how badly?" you whisper, though blade can barely register your words.
"more than i need death itself."
that's more than enough for you. sweetly, like a lover and not a master, you kiss him through the metal bars. you give him pleasure that has his whole body weak, and he slumps into the bars, kissing you back like he never wants to pull away.
at the back of his mind, he thinks of how this was the start of a worse torture than mara. because now that he'd gotten a slice of your heaven, every second apart from you would be worse than hell.
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cambion-companion · 6 months
Frozen Contract
I had to deliver on the poll I recently made. This is a drabble, being forced to share body heat with a cambion as you're stranded in a frozen wasteland.
"You have the freedom to choose the only option you have left."
Raphael x reader | drabble
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You curled in on yourself, the coldness of hard-packed snow beneath you seeping through your thin bedroll straight to your bones.
Your shivering was becoming so violent you could just about feel your brain rattling within your skull.
“Dear, dear, you are in quite a state.”  Raphael sat quite unbothered upon his own pristine bedroll, golden eyes of licking flame as they watched you. “A frozen mouse quite fit for a snake’s meal.”
“Do you ever get tired of your metaphors?”  You could barely speak through the chatter of your teeth.
Raphael tilted his horned head, his breath creating puffs of steam with each exhale. “Does a nightingale get tired of singing the sun to sleep?”
You rolled your eyes.
“It’s self-evident you have life left in you yet, little one.”  Raphael noticed your annoyed expression, raising his eyebrow in return and flipping a page in the book he lazily read. His tail swept idly around in front of him, clearing a bit of snow and shoving it onto your blankets. “While we yet travel together, desist irking me with your trifling mortal troubles.”
“Such as freezing to death?” You bit back, your patience long gone.
Raphael smirked, holding out a large hand and catching several of the large flakes of snow that had begun falling from the dark sky. “Indeed.  I can hear the rattling of your bones from here.”
You glared at him for a moment, then squeezed your eyes tight shut.  
Raphael returned his attention to you, then snapped his book shut with a sharpness that made you jump.  He regarded you with a familiar haughty air. “I would admire your stalwart nature were it not so mulish.”
“I am not asking you for help.”
Raphael didn’t respond for a moment, his expression calculating. “I am quite accustomed to biding my time.”
You turned away, pulling the blanket tighter around yourself and attempted to sleep once more.
It was the shivering that awoke you, your body trying desperately to warm itself.  You couldn’t feel your hands or feet for the numbness, could barely lift your eyelids to check for signs of the dawn.
A heavy hand pressed upon your hip; you could feel the warmth of Raphael’s skin through the fabric over you. His breath was as the breath of life, hot against your neck and cheek. “Say ‘yes’.”
“Yes.”  You gasped out and the cambion responded immediately.
Raphael curled his large fiendish body around your much smaller frame, his fingers undoing the clasps of your clothing. He took hold of your wrists as you moved weakly to protest. “The ice will melt and leave you soaking, and I will not tolerate such a mess.”
You let him shed you of your clothing, his wing quickly covering you and his arm wrapping around your bare torso to tug your body flush against his own.
With two long fingers, Raphael tilted your face to look at him. His eyes flitted between your own, then down to your mouth. “Your lips are a charming shade of blue.”
“I can’t feel them.”  You mumbled; your thoughts hazy from the warmth seeping from his body into yours.
Raphael bent his head to you, his free hand cupping the back of your head, sending a thrill of heat through you. You closed your eyes, feeling his tongue trace liquid fire across your lips, then the soft press of a kiss that deepened to something more primal.
You felt the thick coil of his long tail slide and wind its way up your leg, warming you in a much different way.
Raphael took your chin between thumb and forefinger, forcing you to focus on him. “Say my name, pet.”
You hesitated only a moment.  Giving into a brief defiance before accepting defeat. Your lips trembled, but no longer from the cold. “Raphael.”
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2-dsimp · 2 years
Hybrid rule 202: Always give your cat milk before you go!
Cat hybrid! Tamaki Amajiki x female reader
Cw: Praise, NFSW, monsterfuxking, overstimulation, breeding, usage of cunt, slight lactation, smonophillia, impregnation, oral f! Receiving
You just got back after a trifling day at work, pulling 9 to 5’s working under a boss who’s really got his work cut out for him. If he thought for even one second that you were gonna stay overtime, handling rabid clients over the most ridiculous of complaints about hybrids.
Talking about how they wanted one, no, needed one in their pathetic lives. It annoyed you to no end to have spoiled grown adults complain about how getting hybrid companions are damn near impossible. Which to be honest it was.
You worked at a special shop that was anonymously known for their hybrid clientele. Who’d willingly sign up to be paired with a potential mate should you find someone who matches all the credentials, tailored fit for your esteemed hybrid clients.
However the partner selection comes down to luck, should a person call a certain number that pertains to your shop. They’re one of the few lucky individuals who’ve gotten a chance to be paired with the love of their life or best friend forever. The reason being that the store number changes periodically, so that not just anyone can be included in the match making just to be fair.
The next stage would be having them sign a contract that states that they’ve lost their right to privacy. In order for you to see if they’re qualified to even be considered as said hybrid’s life partner. Since the hybrids have specific tastes and desires that they believe their human partner should have.
Finally once everything checks out, you then notify said hybrid that you’ve found their match. And notify them that you’ll transport them via portal straight into their home and lives.
I guess you could say you were a match maker of some sorts. The job can be tiring however, it puts a smile on your face. To see your matches made in heaven to be living happily ever after with each other in the end. You were the best of the best in this industry, as your matchmaking rate was 100% accurate. So no wonder you have evolved into a sleep deprived workaholic.
“W-welcome back honey, how was work?”
Thank the lord for your sweet hybrid husband Amajiki, he’d always wait for your return even after he’d been swamped with hero work as well. Making sure the house was kept clean and made sure to make his mate feel comfortable and taken care of.
“It was tiring as usual baby, but nothing that I can’t handle.”
At your drained response he looked down at the ground, almost guiltily as if he had something to hide. Uh uh not in this household, so you cupped his face mindful of his whiskers. And made him look directly into your eyes, indicating with no words how he should just spit it out already.
“Bunny…I’m sorry to say this when you’re already overworked but my heats coming up soon. Just to give you a heads up! Y-you don’t have to worry about helping if you don’t want too—“
You shut him up with a passionate kiss from your plump lips. Stealing his breath away, he could feel his heart thumping out his chest. He could never fully understand how he managed to have you as his mate for life. You were literally his goddess in the flesh, and he couldn’t be more grateful.
“Baby I’ll always want to help you in any way possible, so don’t ever bring up that nonsense again mkay?”
He gulped and stiffly nodded.
Face flushed pink, along with heart shaped pupils, he’d never do anything you didn’t want. If only you knew how much power you held over him. After leaving him unable to function you left to get ready for bed as today’s work had taken a lot out of you.
Once your lovely husband got into bed, you quickly turned off the lights and proceeded to drift off to sleep cuddling into Amajiki within your king sized bed. scarf secured tightly around your kinky hair, the silk satin bonnet placed snugly on top.
It was a peaceful night until you found it getting harder to breath through your nose, from weight being applied to your stomach. But you payed no mind thinking it was the thick covers limiting your air supply, the room was getting hot anyways so you promptly kicked the blankets off and slumbered away.
Failing to notice the your hybrid husband sitting on top of you staring pointedly at your defenseless half naked form, he was thirsty. Cat ears perked at attention, from the unforgiving urge to drink milk.
Amajiki couldn’t restrain the drool dripping from the corner of his mouth at the alluring fragrance you possessed. You smelt so good, he wanted to try and milk you to see if that could satisfy his peckish pallet. He gingerly placed his hands on your chest to knead and grope at your generous mounds.
“You smell so good baby, I bet your milk would taste so good.”
He said in a hushed voice.
Using his fingers to pinch and pull at your hardening nipples, to see if any breast milk would come out. Pouting from not seeing immediate results, he leaned down to take a supple tit and suctioned his lips around a dark areola. Swirling his wet tongue and nibbling at it to get any milky substance out.
Due to his quirk the saliva that he carries can act as a slight asphrodiasic. Thanks to that he managed to see those slicked areoles perked up with tiny beads of milk. However that wasn’t enough as he wanted those nipples to gush with the sweetness of your lactating tits.
“That’s not enough, I need more honey. I’m so thirsty”
He whined.
In his heat crazed mind He got a thought that maybe it was because you weren’t impregnated yet. So all he had to do was fuck all his seed into your womb ensuring he could indulge in your milk that’d probably taste as sweet as you smell. His violet feline eyes sparkled at the mere thought, as his slim tail wagged like a happy dog.
Sparing no time he teared your panties to shreds with his sharp claws, becoming entranced by your natural luring scent coming from your exposed nether regions. Admiring your pussy openly with an endearing smile.
“You’re so beautiful Bunny”
He praised endearingly.
He wasn’t worried about you waking up since he had your explicit permission to do what he seems fit whenever his heat came with a vengeance. He’ll be sure to buy you as many clothes as you want to apologize for the clothes he destroyed. But with the way you seemed to be unbothered by your panties literally getting ripped off of you. He could take more relaxed measures.
First he wanted to eat you out, so he started by shuffling in between your plush brown thighs inhaling a whiff of that pussy before delving in between those lips with his rough tongue.
It was messy and sloppy from the ravenous way he ate you out like you were his last meal on death row. Savoring the tasty juices that you left on his tastebuds, he had to practically rip himself away from the honey that dribbled from your sweet lubbed hole. That winked at him flirtatiously, teasing him, taunting him to finish what he started.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll get you all nice and filled up with my kits.”
Fishing out his long fat barbed dick, with the little ridge bumps trailing down from his leaking tip. He used his stream of precum as lubricant, Panting when he started to press up against your slick folds. being mindful of the spines protruding from his penis as a means to stay hooked within his mate.
The mere sight of your juices dribbling onto his dick from tip straight down to his balls made him go feral. And thrust deeply into your tight heat, a pretty moan falling from his lips as he reveled in your squelching cunt.
Today must’ve really worn you out, since you didn’t even bother arousing from your deep slumber. Only uttering praises and soft moans, as he pounded into your pussy like a dog in heat, or should I say cat. Unrelenting in his mission to impregnate you so he could suck on those delicious lactating breasts of yours.
“B-bunny you’re so tight and warm, your pretty pussy is hugging my dick so well!”
He mewled.
His face flushed a beet red as his ears were pulled back in deep concentration, leaning down he began to litter you in the faintest of kisses. Licking your sweat and nibbling on your exposed neck lovingly in a trance. In contrast to the harsh impact of his pelvis clashing against your trembling thighs. Grinding hard against your mound, that was messy with lewd fluid coming from the both of your conjoined bodies.
He was getting close, gripping your hips tightly and lifting both of your legs onto of his broad shoulders. To watch your beautiful breasts jiggle at the rhythm of his rough railing into your gushing cunt. That fluttered around his pulsating length as you squirted from the stimulation.
“Bunny I’m close! I’m so close to filling you with my kits, please take it! Take all of my cum!”
Letting out an feral hiss, he crammed his hips flush against your entrance. Locking in his barbed dick with the spines that implanted themselves inside your soaked walls. Allowing the sharp tip of his mushroom tip to burst nicely inside that irresistible drenched pussy he claimed as his own.
Your husband twitched from the overstimulation with each and every flood of cum that completely coated your walls. His fat balls being drained of his seed he’s saved up just for you. Surely he got you pregnant after that, hopefully when you wake up in the morning you wouldn’t be too mad at how much of a mess he’s made out of you.
Since he silently swore that throughout this heat he won’t stop pumping you full with his seed. Until he can fully milk your tits should he happen to get an unsaitiable thirst again.
Pt 2 ? 👀
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edosianorchids901 · 29 days
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When You Fall Asleep
Ace Omens Hugfest prompt - "an accidental hug"
Rome, 41 AD
“Would you like any more oysters?” Aziraphale asked, leaning forward to acquire a bowl of grapes. “Or are you all set?”
“Nnnh, this m’ set. I don’t, er. Eat big meals all that often.” Blinking slowly, Crowley pushed his tiny dark glasses up onto the top of his head. They knocked into his silly silver laurel wreath, and he hissed in irritation. “Guh. Here, hold this.”
He wrenched the wreath off and put it on Aziraphale’s head. It slid to one side and bumped into his ear, threatening to topple off.
With a chuckle, Aziraphale adjusted the wreath and fluffed his hair up to accommodate it. “Very stylish. What is with your outfit, anyway? I don’t think togas are supposed to be black, are they?”
“M’ not gonna be caught dead in white, am I?” Crowley snapped, snatching the jug of wine. “Probably literally caught dead. D’ya have any idea what Hell would probably do to me if I showed up wearing white? Besides, blood shows on white. S’ not exactly a good thing for a demon to be wearing.”
Aziraphale frowned, confused by the sudden outburst. “I know you’re a demon, but it’s not as if you’re running around stabbing people. Are you?”
“No! I’m the one getting stabbed, usually. And beaten, cut, whipped, whatever.” Crowley’s irritated expression slid to deeply glum. “It’s better when I can stay on Earth. I like Earth, even when I’m having to deal with bastards like Caligula. At least it’s not… I can get away from it all, up here.”
“Ah.” Unsure what to say, Aziraphale twisted his hands together. He eyed Crowley, suddenly quite chilled. “And you had to go to Hell recently?”
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
Even Aziraphale, who sometimes struggled with such things, couldn’t miss the heavy sarcasm in Crowley’s voice. Swallowing hard, he slid a little closer on the dining couch. “I’m sorry. Is there, um… anything I can do to help?”
Crowley shrugged and poured his wine. He largely missed the cup, pouring wine all over his leg. “Shit. M’ not very coordin… whatever. Maybe had too much to drink.”
He drank more anyway, then clumsily topped off Aziraphale’s cup as well. Aziraphale drank, a trifle lost. He was quite intoxicated himself, and that made it rather difficult to determine the right course of action. But there must be something he could do.
“Are you injured anywhere?” he asked, leaning to look at Crowley’s toga. He didn’t see any bloodstains, but it was black, after all. Much harder to see blood, indeed. “I could heal you.”
“Nuh. Not hurt anymore.” Crowley swayed, reaching for the jug again. He let out a derisive snort. “Too bad we didn’t run into each other yesterday. Coulda used it then.”
“Oh! Oh dear.” Stricken, Aziraphale clutched his hands together again. “Oh, I didn’t realize you’d been hurt so recently. I’m sorry. You really ought to be resting, rather than me pestering you to spend time together.”
Something odd tugged at Crowley’s expression. He took another drink, then set the cup down and leaned back. His dark glasses fell off his head and vanished amid the pillows. “Nah. This is, er. A good distraction. Hanging out and everything. It’s loads better than just sitting around being all blah. And we can argue and stuff! I like when we get all…”
He did some sort of complicated flailing gesture with both arms, as if trying to demonstrate the enthusiastic verbal sparring they’d engaged in earlier. Then he overbalanced, toppled over, and slammed into Aziraphale’s side.
“Oh!” Aziraphale automatically caught him, pulling his limp body closer. “Crawley— Crowley, are you quite all right?”
“Nnnnyeaaah,” Crowley mumbled, eyes closed. “I just. Just. Er. Drinking.”
“Yes, you certainly have been drinking.” Concerned, Aziraphale hugged him closer. Then he realized he was hugging a demon, and wondered if he ought to stop.
But no. He didn’t want to stop. And Crowley was certainly too drunk to straighten up. Really, Aziraphale was more than slightly drunk, and therefore possessed lowered inhibitions. It was quite reasonable to hug a demon, under those circumstances.
Crowley had been rather tense all day, a fact Aziraphale had noticed earlier without realizing the cause. Now, though, Crowley went quite liquid in his arms, like a cat fitting into an oddly shaped container. “Oh. Wow. You’re really ridiculously warm, you know that? S’ like. Like. Sunning on a really soft rock or something.”
“Quite a compliment,” Aziraphale teased softly. “And you look rather thoroughly intoxicated and on the verge of dozing off.”
Smiling, Aziraphale cradled the demon to his side, Crowley’s head on his shoulder. Crowley had somehow gone even more liquid now, his lips slightly parted, eyes still closed. His breaths slowed, deepening. Perhaps he really was falling asleep.
Remarkable, that Crowley could feel safe enough to sleep here after being hurt so recently. The trust was quite an honor, really, and Aziraphale gladly settled in to watch over him.
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abbysdruidess · 1 year
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ how abby proposes to you-modern au ♥
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wc: 1k
warnings: modern au, marriage proposal, allusions to sex, general fluffy fluff, abby is a lil softie
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❦ ok so how did it happen? I imagine you two had been together for a looong time, staying together throughout college and whatnot<3 and let me just say, abby adores you. You're her ray of sunshine, what keeps her up and going most days, she'd travel to hell and back just for you, only for you. Your love is impossible to comprehend, since it is not of physical substance, but you're surrounded by it every day.
❦ it's no wonder then that she wants to marry you sooo badly🥺the lil softie waited until you two settled down a bit, found steady jobs and got your dreamhouse all set up. And so, she stumbles randomly one day on an ad for wedding rings and she's like fuck- because she always daydreamed about the big day, but she never considered it for real since both of you were in college
❦ but now it could not exist merely as a fantasy. And so, she goes on the hunt for a ring that is so very distinctly you-she probably gets your birthstone on it, and engraves your initials on the inside. bby is corny like that<3
❦ of course, she is not used to grand, poetic gestures of love, but she would be damned if she didn't try for you. She wanted to make the proposal an event to remember, so she takes you to a place that means a lot to the both of you-she decided on a small secluded beach that you guys had a lot of date nights together(and lots of fun nights in general ifkyim;))
❦ she packs a picnic basket full of some rosé champagne, a couple of bruschette and a strawberry trifle (your fave<3). She decides to do it in the anniversary of when you guys met, so a special lil event wont seem so meticulously planned
❦ so she drives you both to the beach, as she admires you from the passenger's seat-dressed to the nines, wearing a small dress that accentuates your curves while look at her beaming, eyes gleaming with adoration as you cup her hand over the gear shift<3
❦ once you arrive, you both set off for the little patch of shore, secluded from the world due to the large bushes and uncut grass that separates it from the rest of the world
❦ she sets down a white blanket and motions you to sit with her. You two sit back as you recount previous events from your relationship, gazing at the sunset and enjoying the food.
❦ "you remember that one time when we got drunk at the karaoke bar and did Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing?" "Oh my God, Abby-"
❦ eventually, the sun starts to settle for good, and abby gives you that little smile that goes :] while subconsciously feeling the little box up her cargo's pocket.
❦ to give credit where it is due, she did actually prepare a small speech in the days coming up to today, but once she is there, with you, the pink sky casting a gentle glow over you all of it goes out the fucking window. So it ends up coming off a liiittle unprepared.
❦ "Sweetheart, you know how much you mean to me right? You... you make me want to become a better person everyday. And... I know we're still a little young, but... I know I wanna be with you always."
❦ she starts fumbling for you hand, and you feel her sweaty, clammy palm reaching out while the other hand reaches in her pocket
❦ of course, you know where this is going, and you let out an involuntary squeal. Without her having made the actual proposal, you jump in her lap and start peppering her face with soft, soft smooches, while mumbling yes, yes abby I would love to more than anything.
❦ the box ends up falling next to her on the blanket, while she lies on it dragging you down with her. You end up shedding all of your clothes for some late afternoon delight with you now fiancé-and soon to be wife:))- in the spot you've been so many times with her, a deep celebration and confirmation of your love settling in
❦ afterwards, once you two lie down together snuggling, she slides the ring in your pointer finger while giving it a little kiss, as if sealing it in.
❦ the next day she calls her dad to announce that you said yes!!and of course he is over the moon for her, deeply content that his daughter found a person she wants to devote herself to and who loves her with her whole heart<3
❦ of course, you two have a load of preparations to make-you have to book the venue, decide on the guests, what to wear, the food and soo many other things that will be settled eventually-you know that with Abby on your side, these things will go over easily and you will both adore your final choices❤
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