#twst solace
harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Trey: Ah! Riddle! You need to snap out of it!
Riddle: I can't, Trey...
Riddle: It's whispering to me how I am a failure... *tears rolling down his cheeks*
*his phantom continues to attack Trey*
Trey: Argh!
Cater: Trey!
The Heartslabyul students: We need to get the headmage!
Trey: *coughs* Riddle... You're stronger than this...
*the phantom giving him a mocking laugh, ready to finish him*
Cater: Don't even think about it— Eh?
MC: *has snagged the phantom away from Riddle* *and smashing it to the ground*
The phantom: *shrieking*
Ace and Deuce: Trey-senpai! Riddle-senpai!
Cater: Ace! Deuce!
Ace: What happened— Holy shit! What is that?!
Cater: That isn't important now! We need to get Riddle away from them!
MC and the phantom: *fighting each other off*
The phantom: *sees that they're taking away Riddle, tries to get back to him* Ri...ddle...
MC: *gets close to it, looking at it murderously*
The Heartslabyul students: E-Everyone! M-MC! MC is tearing the phantom to shreds!
Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce: ...
MC: *bites the phantom's head off*
The Heartslabyul students: Oh god!
MC: *is temporarily confined*
Idia: Seriously...
Ortho: *scanning MC* All vital signs are fine.
Idia: *suddenly receives a phone call from his father*
Idia's father: Idia, report to me what happened this instant.
Idia: A classmate overblotted and... MC helped.
Idia's father: *takes a breath in*
Idia's father: Did they see how they fight?
Idia: Yep. Everything. It happened in Heartslabyul dorm and the victim was Riddle Rosehearts.
Idia's father: This is bad.
Idia: I know.
Ortho: MC, everything will be alright.
MC: *is sad, thinking they've disappointed them*
Trey: Riddle.
Riddle: *waking up* ...
Riddle: What happened?
Trey: *who's bandaged up* You lost control and overblotted.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: I am sorry, Trey...
Trey: You have nothing to apologize. I wasn't hurt that badly. Thanks to MC.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Right. Where are they?
Trey: They're in confinement now. For terrorizing the students.
Riddle: What?!
Ace: This is unfair, headmage! They helped and saved Riddle!
Deuce: And I don't think it's right for them to be punished!
Crowley: *sigh* If only Mrs. Rosehearts wasn't here, and completely misunderstanding what had happened.
Ace and Deuce: No way...
Crowley: Let's just hope that Mr. Riddle Rosehearts would talk to his mother to clear things up.
Ortho: Are you feeling agitated? Do you need your favorite plant pot?
MC: *nods*
Ortho: Here.
MC: *holds it protectively*
Idia: Ortho, come here a second.
Ortho: Yes, brother.
Ortho: MC, you stay here. Okay?
MC: *nods*
Ortho and Idia: *closing the door*
MC: ...
"It's hard when everyone starts to fear you. So try to avoid that. Do you understand?"
MC: ...
MC: *tearing up*
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etheries1015 · 7 months
MC lives just as lonely as Malleus does, and he thinks to himself...perhaps they could be lonely together?
Loneliness was not something you were unaccustomed to, and perhaps your hopes got a little too high coming to NRC. Although you had Grim Ace and Deuce on the occasion, the majority of students pretended as if you did not exist. This was fine, you said. It isn't different than before. You were used to not particularly having many friends, keeping to yourself, and guarding your heart from the world. You could not be open as you had dreamed of being, for every time you had shown your true nature, being turned away from had become the norm in your life.
But loneliness can fester and turn into self-loathing, tears sprinkling down your cheeks as you sat on the little broken bench in front of Ramshackle, staring out into the dark emptiness of the worn-down garden that hadn't been tended to for quite some time. You could truly sympathize with the garden- perhaps a few people came here and there to tend to the flowers, yet eventually everyone leaves, desolate and alone the floral slowly wither away into nothing. Much as yourself, growing thorns around your battered heart, for being alone is better than being betrayed by the lies of those who claim to care.
However you convince yourself to continue on, choking down those ugly emotions by painting a smile and playing one big game of pretend- for nobody likes to hear the woes of a person known to be an optimist and the face of a proper prefect; their world or otherwise.
Malleus, however, knew that face all too well. He knew from the moment he first met you in the front gates of your run-down dorms, although you spoke to him like any other student, he could see you and him were alike; surrounded by fake smiles and false pretenses of friendship for their benefit or enjoyment. He understood the differences between realness and a front, a mask he noticed you often put on in front of everyone else. Yet with him... you were very much real, and honest, despite sheltering the deepness of your personality in the depths of your heart you hadn't made it a point to lie to the prince as you had gotten to become close to him. He desperately found himself wanting to know you- pulling apart the layers, he wanted to learn more about who you were, about the things you liked, how you felt, how to see the world, to finally rid himself of his loneliness by inviting another to share his burdens; and he was terrified of it all the same.
Malleus grew up understanding his duties and knowing the facade he had to put on in front of everyone else- he knew he had to be the perfect prince, a leader, the face of a country, and the spokesperson of his people. Yet around you...he was free to talk about anything and everything under the sun and moon without judgment, without fear of tainting his name, without the shackles of princehood holding him down. He had people fear him, running away at the simple sight of his horns, and avoiding him as if Malleus were the plague himself. He knew he was destined to be truly alone- that was, until he found someone to be himself around. Although you were often by your lonesome and kept to yourself, you had always found a way to lift his spirits, smiling at him with genuine interest rather than the plastic he was sick of staring at.
That is why he was utterly shocked when he found you staring at the garden, tears pooling down your cheeks with that same look he had been all that familiar with. He had quietly sat next to you on the bench, noticing your melancholic gaze not leaving the garden although you now had company beside you. Together you sat in the silence of understanding, until you had taken a shaky breath and choked out a feeble cry of help.
"I'm tired of being lonely," Was all you said. Malleus felt his hand creep over to yours, gently grasping it and squeezing it with a slight tremble.
"You do not have to be," He said, turning his emerald eyes to stare into your own, "I...am here now." You pursed your lips and nodded slightly, leaning your body against the tall Faes strong build. There was not much to say, not much to do, yet in contrast it seemed as if the puzzle had simple put itself together in one aura of familiarity and assimilation without verbal articulation .
Silence reigned once more...two solitary souls finding comfort in one another's presence.
...For however long it'll last.
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frie-ice · 1 month
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Screenshots from the anime trailer of the Twisted Wonderland event, Glorious Masquerade: Let the Bell of Solace Ring.
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deluxe-rabbitsu · 8 months
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''Let's indulge our eyes into this beautiful view...!''
Ahhh finally i had the motivation to do another fake card with my Yuu, comparing this one with the last one i changed the composition a lot (even though the other one was only the preview and not the groovy art) Anyway, i really liked how this turned! I hope the next one i do would be even better<3 (if you zoom a little you can see her soft freckles 👀)
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mylittlesecrethaven · 4 months
Here To Remind You This Masterpiece Still Exists
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kaechannn · 7 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵’𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓽… 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼..
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The Bell of Solace rings for the night and flowers wilt in their presence! Glorious Masquerade Collab has been taken over by these three! A big thank you to @siillkie and @reireisama for joining the night !
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“Masquerade” — Ruggie Bucchi — Ungroovified
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" Just who is the monster and who is the man...? "
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" The sights and the sound of the city are beautiful. It's like a magnificent piece of art... I can't wait to have enjoy it at the social with the others. "
I might be cutting it close, but I think it was worth it in the end. I'm really happy with how the final card ended up! I did use Malleus's SSR as a reference for the background, but I like that they have some sort of connection with one another.
as was the plan.
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ryxmix · 2 years
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smut - ⩔
fluff - ⩚
angst - ⩜
hcs - ⩘
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“ain't no rest for the wicked!”
xiao - selfship event ⩔
zhongli - sumerian visitor ⩔ ask
zhongli - he puts the manipulate in mansplain, manipulate, malewife⩔
adult! razor - bunny ⩔
enjou - sugar daddy ⩔
albedo - two in one ⩔
baizhu - what is it like? ⩘⩔
adaman - stressful nights ⩜⩚
adaman - selfship event ⩚ + slightly suggestive
adaman - breed breed breed! ⩔
pjo with pokemon pt 1 ⩘
pjo with pokemon pt 2 ⩘
keith kogane - what is it like? ⩘⩚⩔
boothill - save a horse, ride a cowboy ⩔
bugbear - soft desires, dark hearts ⩜
malleus draconia - it's been a long, long time ⩚
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hey-its-cweepy · 1 year
OH speaking of snakes-
I forgot to post Cowboy!Connor!!!
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Based on this!
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grgulya · 9 months
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LMAO are you kidding me?? 😭😭😭😭😭 all my supplies went to SSR Jamil If azul scams me…what am I saying, he will definitely scam me
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Idia: *on a phone call with his dad* I've removed their mouth cover. Is there anything else that you want?
Idia's father: Did they throw a tantrum?
Idia: They were a bit annoyed, but no.
Idia's father: Good. Next, try to remove their chains.
Idia: Huh?
Idia: Why?
Idia's father: It's the right thing to do.
Idia: I know what you're saying. But those chains are—
Idia's father: No longer needed.
Idia: ...
Idia: And what's next?
Idia's father: That's the last thing I would request from you, Idia.
Ortho: Um... I think that one would be impossible, Idia.
Idia: I know. Father doesn't have to know.
Ace: What is it, Idia-senpai?
Idia: Nothing. You two, are you going to stay here?
Ace: Yeah. We have nothing to do in our dorm and our housewarden seems to be going through something. We don't want to get involved.
Deuce: I heard it's a family matter.
Idia: Ugh. Family matters suck. Anyway, Ortho and I are going back to our dorm. And MC, make sure to always brush your teeth from now on.
MC: *grunts*
Cater: Is everything alright in there—
Cater: Seems not...
Trey: ...
Riddle: Mother, I would like to ask you to go home for now. You need to rest.
Riddle's mom: We're not done yet, Riddle! We're not done yet!
Riddle's mom: *storms out of the door and sees the other Heartslabyul students* *scoffs then leaves*
Riddle: *walking out of his room*
Trey and Cater: *approaches him*
Trey: Are you okay, Riddle?
Riddle: Yes. My mother was just a bit disappointed.
Cater: What was she mad about?
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Let's not talk about it.
The Heartslabyul students: Housewarden...
Riddle: I'm fine.
MC: *lets out a guttural growl*
Deuce: MC? What's wrong?
MC: ...
MC: *gets their whiteboard and writes*
MC: 'Smell foul'.
Ace: Aw come on. We just brushed your teeth!
MC: *shakes their head*
Deuce: They're not referring to themselves, Ace. They're talking about something else.
Ace: What could that be? I only smell flowers here.
MC: *closes their eyes*
Ace and Deuce: ...
MC: *then growls again, but harsher* *runs outside*
Ace and Deuce: M-MC?! Wait!
Trey: Riddle? I've brought you some tea and—
Riddle: Trey... My mother is disappointed with me...
Riddle: For surrounding myself with people like you.
Trey: Ri...ddle?
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frie-ice · 2 months
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This Twisted Wonderland collage on Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia and Azul Ashengrotto is due to them being a well liked trio, after their group performance for the festival masquerade in Fleur City. That's why I used cards of them in their Masquerade garb for the collage. This is also my first TWST collage and I'm hoping to make more of them in the future. I already got a few planned out.
Although I have duded the collage as "Masquerade IdiMalleAzu," you are free to use IdiMalleAzu as either a poly ship or friendship. Not all ship titles have to be for ships of a romantic nature, they can also be given to friendships and family ships, if you prefer platonic ships.
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dotster001 · 11 months
Hi! May I request the reaction of the twst boys, if they already have an S/O but they meet their soulmate? What would they choose between, their S/O or their soulmate?
Summary: Ace/Rook/Sebek/Sam/Leona x. Gn! Reader
A/N: this got long, but I had souch fun thinking about this. So feel free to request other boys for me to look at!
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Ace knew just as well as anyone that in modern day society, it was common to not end up with your soulmate. Some people never met their soulmate, some people's soulmates were just not a good match, some people seemingly didn't even have a soulmate. It was fine. Nothing to get butt hurt about. 
Ace's soulmate mark on the palm of his hand had never even sparkled, let alone lit up. And he'd found someone that he had fun with. He wasn't sure if it was really love, but that was fine since he couldn't be sure if he was even capable of love.
He probably wasn't. His only other relationship, he'd ghosted them once he got bored. So a fun relationship, with no love, was probably all he deserved.
Until the day the you'd poofed into the mirror chamber, and his soulmate mark had glowed for the first time in his life. He saw you looking around in confusion, and at the time, he had assumed you were looking for him. Later he would realize you were too scared to even notice your mark. He was so god damn selfish.
He quietly slipped a glove on that was supplied with his uniform, and decided to wait and scope you out.
You'd both just defeated a monster of some kind, and you, Deuce, and the cat monster were laughing together, but he was just thinking of you.
You. You were too good.
He couldn't do this with you. You'd be hurt at first, but it would be better than knowing your soulmate was a heartless asshole who would leave you when he got bored.
You never had to know. He'd take solace in what he had, and give you your best chance for happiness. 
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His string of fate had finally become a natural color. And during the SDC auditions, he'd found it belonged to you. 
He'd told you the truth. That he'd been seeing many people, believing that you were dead, or he'd never been destined to meet you. He was practically pleading with you to forgive him for the crimes he'd committed against you, but you told him you'd done the same thing once you'd realized your string wasn't the correct color.
He fought back a wave of intense jealousy, by kissing you, and telling you he'd break up with the one he'd been dating immediately. Hell, he'd be doing it right this moment, if you hadn't told him it'd be cruel for him to do it over a call.
How could he even care about cruel when you were right in front of him? Ready to help him find his happily ever after! 
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Lilia had always told him about soulmates, and how they would change your life. When you saw them, your world would literally expand, the otherworldly "colors" flooding your vision, but all you'd be able to focus on is their eyes.
He'd started at NRC, and Riddle Rosehearts had brought up the fact that a marriage of convenience would help Malleus more than being with his soulmate would. Silver had stepped in, repeating what master Lilia had always repeated. But Rosehearts was one that his lord respected dearly. There was no harm in trying it.
And one date with the rich merchant's kid had turned into two, had turned into three, had turned into a full relationship. For Sebek, the connections were very helpful to his king. For his partner, connections to the fae court, which were normally hard to come by, were completely open to them. 
While Lilia often gave the disappointed dad look,  and Silver wanted no part in the relationship, Sebek saw no reason to end it.
At least until the two of you made eye contact, and he finally got to experience color. 
You were ecstatic! But he was torn… could he give up this boon he had for his master, just for his own happiness.
He told you he needed time. You looked disappointed. Perhaps you had your own Lilia back home who had filled you with beautiful promises. But you told him you understood. Albeit with tears glimmering in the corners of your eyes.
He spent three days straight training. He didn't think to stop, even with the sweat streaming into his eyes, causing them  to burn more than they already were. 
It wasn't until he felt his Lord's calming presence entering his periphery, a steaming mug of hot cocoa, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream floating in it, in his hands.
"It would be foolish to work yourself to death."
Sebek halted his moves, sheathing his sword, and quietly grabbing the mug.
"It is not often you are rendered speechless," Malleus smirked,but Sebek could barely nod.
Malleus sighed. "Humans do not live very long. To have one for your soulmate is a blessing few get to share. You will have centuries to be bound to someone you do not love.Do not lose your chance to hold them while you have them."
Malleus vanished as quickly as he appeared. Sebek stared at his hot cocoa, before running to find you, while he still had the chance.
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He was always so cold. No matter where he was, he never could find the warmth of his soulmate. He'd ask his friends every once in a while to see if there was a soul that was destined to truly belong to him. The answer was always no. So he lived in eternal winter.
Those trapped in the cold seek warmth. And he'd found solace in a simple witch. There was no love. The relationship was purely to bring warmth to one another.
Then one day, he felt a moment of relief, as his friends came running for him, all of them speaking over one another. The only word he could consistently catch was , "Soulmate". The worst part was that he was literally in the arms of his little witch.
It wasn't that he didn't want you. He desperately did. Especially when Everytime you walked into the room, the cold numbing his fingertips dissipate, and he'd feel like he was in a warm embrace.
But you never pushed him, because of the conversation he had with you the moment you walked into his shop for the first time.
"I can't."
"Not yet. I have someone relying on me. I'm their only source of warmth. Can you wait for me?"
You truly were perfect for him, because you never brought it up. And if you were anything like him, you desperately wanted the warmth you would feel if you held him close to you. But you were so patient. Pretending everything was fine, while he searched tirelessly for a soulmate that might not exist, for a potion that would simulate the warmth. 
One day though. He promises that one day, he'll have it figured out. And then both of your patience will have paid off.
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no one could ever love him. Which is why he wasn't bothered that no one's name was scrawled on his arm. And why he wasn't bothered when his brother had nervously asked if he'd be opposed to a betrothal to someone from another country. It's not like anyone was waiting for him.
It was a comfortable relationship. They definitely didn't love each other. But at least there was someone who had to at least pretend they cared when you complained about something. Comfortable. That's all he could ask for.
Until he'd felt pain on his arm, and found a name scrawled onto it for the first time. In a sea of new freshmen, he could pretend he didn't notice. He could pretend he didn't see.
And he hadn't run into the person the name belonged to, until you stepped on his tail in the greenhouse.
And after that, you were trying. You were trying so damn hard. It was endearing, and he almost let you in.
But deep down, he knew you'd one day seem him for who he was.
So one day, on edge from you asking him questions about himself, he snapped and told you to stop wasting your time, and get out of his life. Stop lying. No one could ever love him.
You glared at him. You called him a coward. And he growled back at you.
"I don't need you!"
For a moment, you seemed startled. Then you glared at him, and held your head high as you told him you wished him the best but doubted he'd find it.
And as he watched you storm off, a part of him knew you were right.
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hisui-dreamer · 6 months
ode to the heir of the underworld
Pairing: Idia Shroud x gn!reader
Synopsis: you would always be willing to stay by his side, no matter how gloomy he might be
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for idia, bot proofread
Word count: 618
Notes: happy birthday idia!! fr he was the only character i hated when I started twst, but he's grown a lot of me ever since and seeing his dialogue is always so refreshing hahaha
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Your lover is always nervous when he's talking to other people. And though it's a formidable shadow in his life, the rare moments of tranquillity that come with your presence hold a gentle beauty. The subtle relaxation, the easing of tense shoulders, and the softening of his guarded expressions—it warms your heart that he can breathe freely around you. In those fleeting instances, when his guard lowers, you see the true essence of his being, and it's in those vulnerable, unfiltered moments that your affection for him grows even deeper.
Your lover harbours a tempest within, a brewing storm that can be triggered by the smallest of things, though it's rarely aimed in your direction. It’s an anger that flares, but it's also a blaze that swiftly extinguishes itself, dissipating at the slightest touch of understanding or reassurance. You're slightly ashamed to admit it, but watching him burst into smoldering, golden flames is ever so slightly amusing.
Your lover holds his younger brother in the highest regard, showering him with unconditional adoration and protectiveness. He takes crafting custom upgrades, playing video games together, and doting on him with an earnestness that knows no bounds. It's incredibly heartwarming just how he's willing to go the distance just for his little brother.
Your lover has no boundaries in scientific creation when he is sparked by motivation. The dormant genius ignites within him, birthing ideas that defy the confines of convention. From the meticulous coding of new programs to the intricate design of futuristic gadgets, his creativity dances on the edge of brilliance. It's in these rare moments that you can see him fully as the technology genius he always was.
Your lover's excitement about the various games and anime that interest him truly rival a child. His eyes alight with a fervour that's infectious, and his words spill forth in a torrent, carrying with them a depth of knowledge and excitement that's utterly captivating. It's a large contrast between the gloomy man who always thinks the worst of every situation. In these moments where he allows himself to hope, you find yourself enchanted by the sheer intensity of his spirit, revelling in the privilege of glimpsing the vibrant core of his being.
Your love how, behind closed doors, he reveals a side that contrasts starkly with his reserved demeanour. He becomes the definition of affection and clinginess, seeking closeness and reassurance in your presence. His walls crumble, allowing vulnerability to emerge as he leans into cuddles, lingering embraces, and moments where he simply revels in your warmth. In these private spaces, he's unafraid to express his longing for connection, finding solace in the intimacy shared between you both, relishing every opportunity to be close and cherished.
Your love how he holds you as something delicate, a precious treasure he fears losing in the whirlwind of his own fears. In the quiet moments, he showers you with a tenderness that speaks volumes, his touch gentle as if afraid to break the fragile connection you share. He navigates your relationship with cautious steps, always nervously watching for signs of distance, a silent fear etched in his eyes that you might one day decide to leave. His actions, though at times hesitant, speak volumes of the depth of his affection, a love that seeks to protect and cherish every moment spent by your side.
Your lover is an enigmatic cosmos of emotions and complexities, a constellation of fears and passions, each shining with its unique brilliance. You share a love that dances amidst the stars, navigating the nebulae of his complexities, finding beauty in the intricate patterns of his soul.
Your lover, is none other than Idia Shroud.
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i have some ideas for mer twst ..
ROOK HUNTSMAN, MALLEUS DRACONIA, THE TWEALS…? : A mermaid captures a human, wanting to experiment on their unique physiology.
KALIM AL-ASIM, IDIA SHROUD, ACE TRAPPOLA, DEUCE SPADE. : A mermaid and a human finding a common ground in their shared passions or interests / The mermaid and the human are both outcasts in their respective societies, but they find solace and comfort in eachother's presence.
KALIM AL-ASIM, MALLEUS DRACONIA, AZUL ASHENGROTTO, VIL SCHOENHEIT, RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS : A human explorer stumbles upon an underwater kingdom inhabited by mermaids and falls in love with a mermaid prince.
EPEL FELMIER, RUGGIE BUCCHI, NEIGE LEBLANCHE (hear me out..), SILVER : A human finds a wounded mermaid washed ashore and takes care of him.
TREY CLOVER, ORTHO SHROUD (platonic !), JAMIL VIPER ..? : A mermaid rescues a drowning human from a shipwreck.
VIL SCHOENHEIT, CATER DIAMOND, AZUL ASHENGROTTO ..? : A siren lures humans into the water with his captivating voice, and a romantic relationship blossoms between an unsuspecting human and a beautiful mermaid.
LILIA VANROUGE. : Two young lovers become separated in a stormy ocean, and the mermaid decides to search for his lost human beau.
THE TWEALS, LEONA KINGSCHOLAR, VIL SCHOENHEIT. : a human was sacrificed to the mermaid.
that’s all i can think of :p have fun!
Legitimately... MARRY ME! WTF you are a genius! I know you're anonymous but this
Made my entire day I think I'll write quite a few of these so stay tuned in
Me @ you
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