#ughhhh so good like you can feel it trying to fit in your mouth but it doesn't quite and for some reason that dissonance is so striking
weebsinstash · 7 months
I didn't notice vals coat was his wings until you mentioned it, but side note, val and vox were literally frenching it in the last episode, vox literally had vals spit all over his mouth wdym they're not dating???
Oh yeah, the wing reveal was an entire thing!
In episode 4, Masquerade, Charlie decides to put her foot down and use her authority as Princess of Hell to try and visit Angel at the studio to talk to Valentino, but, um, she cannot read a room to save her life, massively fucks it up, starts a small fire (not entirely her fault, that surge protector was a mess), and Valentino actually uses his wings and his weird smoke/pheromone powers to put out the flames (so also I've thought of him rescuing Reader from fires now because of course)
I'm not sure how the logic of the coat wrapping around his arms to form sleeves works but it fucks severely. then I also think, what are alternatives for a moth Reader? Someone sent in an ask about Reader being a silk moth so that you have the moth powers but you're ultimately helpless because you either don't have wings or they're too small for you to actually fly and escape ( because domesticated silk moths were bred to not be able to fly) and I think that would be great. Maybe Reader just has a tattoo of moth wings across their back, OR you have just, magical poofing powers where you can retract that shit back in, like Anthony's second pair of arms, and when they're hidden away, you have a tattoo. It leaves potential for hiding who you are from Val. This whole mystery of him chasing down some cute moth he sees in blurry footage from your first night in the afterlife and he doesn't realize the mysterious moth with rumors of a special dust that knocks you on your ass and makes you see stars is right next to him
I just. I keep thinking of butterfly/moth Readers and different powers they can have, like a silk moth Reader who can create silk and lowkey be Spiderman (or... bondage powers? 👀) , or the pheromone powers we mentioned before, or just a Reader who has their own fuck huge wings. Most moth species have female moths be physically larger than the males and I can just see like, a luna moth Reader who's wings are big and elegant and can become an evening gown or whatever, just a moth Reader whose wings become something pretty 😍 (ughhhh callback to my "Reader becomes an incognito Overlord called Big Blue" poeer fantasy except now I'm thinking of a Reader who's tall like Val and you're a blue morpho butterfly.
Reader being in the midst of being Val's weird pet slash forced partner, waking up and Valentino is sleeping beside you and he's just got those big ass wings open and they're draped all over the bed and they're covering you like a blanket while he squeaks in his sleep... you wind up as the filling in a VoxVal sandwich and those big red bitches are huge enough to cover everybody... also... what if Valentino used his wings lowkey like a tripwire so if you try to get up out of bed, you can't move without touching the wings, and he wakes up the instant you leave the bed, I'm talking you're 5 feet away still tippy toeing and you hear "you better get the fuck back here before I have to get you" and you're instantly scrambling back to his bed and now he's wrapping his arms around you so you can't leave again
I feel like Vivienne saying Val and Vox aren't dating is.... I saw someone phrase it as "dating is a really heteronormative concept and you'll have people be in domestic partnerships who aren't married" which is a good point and i also saw someone say "you've got two men throwing nasty hissy fits and probably having the world's best hate sex afterwards, you know Valentino isn't taking this man to dinner"
I feel like staticmoth IS sort of canon but it's not, explicitly like, they would DIE for each other or anything, idk. Maybe Valentino is only truly capable of loving himself and he loves the attention Vox gives him, and Vox is toxic codependent but he truly loves Alastor, who fucking knows, I'm still over here writing them both as my favorite problematic horny queers. Now I can just see Val and Vox fighting for "custody" of their shared darling, arguing who gets them which days, stealing them from each other, sabotaging each other's dates, just being selfish nasty evil obsessive gross dudes 😩❤️
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hunterbunter3000 · 2 years
I am a price whore, sweetheart seeing price hunch over his desk, walked up to him, standing beside him and messaging his shoulder and do that hand gestures where she slide one of her hands down his chest, aight imma dipp😗✌️
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Mind turning into mush and for what
BRUH after all that has happened, I feel like Sweetheart is getting bold 💀 cause honestly, she's trying to figure out if they all do like her (as Laswell said)
So she goes to Price's office, and he's so busy he just grunts permission to enter, not really seeing it's Sweetheart. She enters with his nightly hour tea that she's been giving him today cause he's so busy. She looks so sad that he's working himself to the bone (and to the shape of a shrimp 🍤) so she sighs and walks over to him, putting his tea and cookies down on his desk. She comes on his side and caresses his tense shoulder.
Sweetheart, in a low voice: Cap, maybe you should take a break.
Price shivers, her fucking hot ass voice snaps him out of his grind (YOU'RE MESSING IT UP SWEETHEART FUCKIN LEAVE)
Price: Hm. Later.
And then goes back to the grind 💀 she sighs and then has an idea.
Sweetheart: how 'bout I give you a shoulder massage! Maybe that'll relieve some of the tension?
Price nods, but his mind is going BONKERS-- like omg her hands are gonna touch me, soft calloused hands, her perfume FUCK
So she does the massage, and she's actually getting in there- so much so that Price is grunting AHAHA She kinda slows down cause wtf was that? She asks if he's okay and mumbles yes, continue- so she does
She kinda gets lost in it- I mean who WOULDN'T-- his broad ass shoulders, the built muscle, THE LOW GRUNTS AUGHHH her mind just becomes hazy and her hands start to travel. Traveling to his neck, making goosebumps form along the way, slowly and gently moving down to his big chest (HNNGGGGG IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH)
Price's breath hitches cause um??? She's never done this before??? She leans into him, her chest resting on his back and her breath fanning on his neck. The small scratches from her nails is making him lose his mind. It's already lost from her fondling him, hands moving to his neck, shoulders and chest. Almost like she's studying him, how he feels, what makes him hot. Papers long forgotten, Price's fingers are GRIPPING the edge of his desk. Fuucckkkk it's been forever since he's been felt up like this.
Sweetheart, in his ear: Relax.... you're still tense.
BIITCHHHH HOW CAN HE RELAX?? He takes a deep breath, and the sigh. That this man. LETS OUT. UGHHHH rated R. Istg
If you walked in his office now, the scene is so sensual omg- Price is leaning all the way back, completely relaxed, eyes closed with mouth slightly open and eyebrows creased a bit. Sweetheart behind him, tatas pressed up against his back, head fitted between his neck with her eyes hazy and low, and her hands feeling everything. (His shoulders, arms, forearms, his chest, waist and stomach)
Sweetheart:...Are you relaxed now?
Price, lightheaded and pink: Yes...
Sweetheart, smiles: Good.
Huh? Where the hands go? Where the pressure from her chest go? Oh she got up (NOOOOO WHYYYYYY) Price snaps his eyes open and looks at her fleeting figure. Her swaying hips still keeping him light-headed.
She smiles at him before leaving.
Sweetheart: I'm glad I made you feel relaxed! Also, make sure to drink your tea while it's hot. Good night Price.
And with the sound of the click from the door, she's gone. Price can't believe what happened. Maybe he fell asleep on his desk and he had another fantasy about her? (He has had alot of fantasies about her LOLL)
Noooo, he's still up, he pinched himself. Fuck, that legit happend. And the tea is still hot... how? It felt like hours in that state of mind with her. He looked at his clock; 11:10 p.m.
....Are you fucking kidding me. (THAT ONLY LASTED FOR TEN MINUTES???MOTHER FUCK--)
Sweetheart in her room: SCREEEECCHHHHHH WHY DID I DO THAT!?!? OMG HE JUST NEEDED A MASSAGE NOT FOREPLAY OMFG WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEAAAAAA he was so hot tho- NO SHUT UP (and then cries for bout an hour)
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
16 taakitz 16 taakitz bls for my soul <3 ~argonaut--keene
16. “I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
It wasn't that Taako was avoiding Kravitz. Because he deffo wasn't. No, he was just... busy. With, y'know, rebuilding the world after the Hunger. And starting his school. And doing lots of cool things because he was a cool, very busy person, with little time to sit down and think about all the things wrong in his life.
Not that Kravitz was a bad thing. No, no, no, Kravitz was actually a very good thing. Person. Human? Skeleton? He was a good living being. No, that didn't fit either. He was a good Kravitz. Taako appreciated many things about him including, and not limited to, offering Lup and Barry jobs so they weren't put in death jail. The way he texted Taako random emojis because he thought they were fun. His stupid goddamn work accent. His eyes. His voice. His-
But as stated before, Taako was a very busy person. Between all his savior of the world things and Lup and trying not to talk to Lucretia whatsoever, he had very little time to be in lo- be a boyfriend.
Unfourturely, Kravitz had nothing but time to be a boyfriend.
"Taako?" Kravitz said after Taako had come into the room and planted himself face down in the bed. "You good?"
"Peachy," Taako said, his voice muffled by the sheets. He felt the bed dip a little as Kravitz sat down.
"Therapy session go that bad?" Kravitz asked. Taako made a so-so motion with his hand. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
And there was the crux of his problem. Talking about it. Taako groaned, flipping himself over. Kravitz shifted slightly to give him space and laid down on the bed himself, turning to look at Taako. He had stubble growing along his jaw. Taako brought a hand up to feel it and Kravitz smiled slightly.
"I probably should talk about it, I guess," Taako said, dropping his hand onto the bed again. Kravitz caught it with him, squeezing slightly.
"If you want to," he said. "I'll listen."
"Why are you so-" Taako made a sound, gesturing to Kravitz's face with his free hand.
"No. I mean, yes, but not that." Kravitz was definitely smiling this time. "You're just... really nice. And that's not fair."
"I'll try to be meaner?" Kravitz said, his eyebrows scrunching up.
"No, it's- ughhhh. You're just. Nice. And good. And really handsome." Taako took a deep breath. "Please stop looking at me, I can't focus."
"Of course," Kravitz said, turning onto his back. He trained his eyes up at the ceiling.
"You're a good person, I think," Taako said. "So I don't really get why you'd wanna, uh, be with me?" Kravitz opened his mouth to say something, but Taako hurried on. "Like- like I'm sure there's a lot of hot death criminals or whatever that you coulda chosen but now your kinda stuck with me, or at least stuck with Lup and Barry, because, y'know, coworkers and shit, but-" Taako groaned again. He wasn't getting anywhere with this.
"I'm not a good person," he said. "Like, chaotic neutral at best, babe. And I just... I'm. Scared? Of messing shit up. Or being vulnerable, in general, which you mighta noticed by now. Uhm, yeah. That's the Taako-sitch. Thanks for listening. Please like and subscribe or whatever."
Kravitz was silent for a while, still looking up at the ceiling. Taako was just about to get up and try to say he was joking, but Kravitz just squeezed his hand again.
"Can I look at you now, Taako?" he asked.
"If you really wanna, I guess," Taako said.
Kravitz turned his head. He was still smiling slightly, though it had taken on a more melancholy look than anything else.
"I think you're worth my time," Kravitz said. Taako scoffed, but Kravitz shook his head. "It's my turn to talk, just give me a second. I think you're worth my time and I think that you deserve a lot more credit than you give yourself. I- if there is anything I can do, to help you be more comfortable, or less scared, or whatever, please let me know, babe." He turned back to Taako completely, squeezing his hand again.
"I don't care if you don't think you're a good person," Kravitz said. "'Cus I know you are. Sure, maybe a morally ambiguous person-" Taako chuckled, but it sounded sort of pathetic. "But when it comes down to it, you're good nonetheless. You know I love you right?"
Taako felt the words get stuck in his throat and he nodded, swallowing around them.
"You don't have to say it back," Kravitz said gently. "Is... is that part of what scares you? Me saying that? Because I can stop, if you need me to-"
"No," Taako said. "Don't- don't stop. I'm just-" he sighed, wiping at his eyes. "Sorry, uh, I'm not great at this part-"
"It's o-"
"I think I'm falling in love with you," Taako said, quickly, quietly. Kravitz shut his mouth. Taako shut his eyes, not wanting to see any of his reactions. "And I- I guess that makes me scared, 'cus the last time I let myself love someone, someones, they fuckin' beefed it every other year, y'know? So I'm just kinda like- hey! Maybe if I don't admit it, then it's chill! Can't kill him twice over, right? So I don't really wanna like, say it a lot. Because it's... weird."
"I think I'm okay with that," Kravitz said. Taako peeked his eyes open. "You're not a super verbal person with your emotions and I know that. I know you love me because of the things you do. Like letting me help you cook, even though I'm awful at it. Or hugging me when I get home."
"I haven't done that in a while," Taako said, feeling a little more than guilty.
"Lup said to give you some space," Kravitz said. "I'm alright without a hug every day, Taako. Though I do appreciate when I get them. I just... I wanna make sure I haven't done anything wrong? To make you sorta..."
"I was gonna say closed-off, but that works too," Kravitz said.
"You haven't done anything," Taako said, scooting forward to bury his head in Kravitz's chest. "I'm just like-" he blew a raspberry. Kravitz laughed, wrapping an arm around him. "Y'know?"
"I think I do," Kravitz said. "I'm here for you, okay?"
"Okay," Taako said.
"I love you," Kravitz said, dropping a kiss on his head. Taako's ears flushed a bit.
"Right back at 'cha," he said and Kravitz held him just a little tighter.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Slashers Toy Story!AU
Or, *cough* a way for me to write out a buncha funny Incorrect Quotes and smoosh two things I love together.
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Woody: Jason Voorhees
Buzz Lightyear: Michael Myers
Jessie: Ghostface
Prospector/Stinky Pete: Roman Bridger
Bo Peep and Ham: Freddy Krueger
Mr Potato Head: Chucky / Charles Lee Ray
Mrs Potato Head: Tiffany Valentine
Slinky: Carrie White
Rex: Bubba Sawyer
Barbie: Jennifer Check
Ken: Patrick Bateman
Lotso-'O'-Huggin' Bear: Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt. Was gonna be Bo, but Hoyt just fits way better. Plus he has Thomas.
Chuckles: Monty
Big Baby: Thomas hewitt
The Chatter Telephone: Luda Mae Hewitt
Also, Sunnydale Daycare: Ambrose. Because why not.
*I'm thing the kids in Toy Story are the fanbase and creators of the Slashers in this AU. Like, Andy and Bonnie are the original creators that make up the canon stuff and created them to be the infamous characters we all know- and Sid is us fan-people that twist and distort the characters for our own pleasure, haha XD *
An abundance of Incorrect Quotes bellow the cut!
Chucky: *With all the features on his face mismatched*
Chucky: Hey Freddy, look! I'm Picasso!
Freddy: ... yeah, I don't get it. *Leaves*
Chucky: *what... * You uncultured swine!! *Shakes his fist at Freddy's retreating back. That was a good fucking joke, goddamn.*
Michael: *Writing down on whiteboard:* Excuse me... I think the word you're searching for is
Jason: *Already so done with this edgy boy's bullshit*
Jason: *Moves attention to his own whiteboard, starts writing*
Jason: *Shows board*
NO. The word I'm 'searching for', I cant say, because there are preschool toys present.
*Gestures ferociously to Carrie and Bubba.*
Jason: *Ughhhh. Shows board that he frantically wrote on:* Its not a KNIFE! Its a little stick of plastic!!
Freddy: What's wrong with him??
Chucky: Knife envy~
Freddy: Ah been there
Jason and Michael: *Watching Dr Loomis give psychology advice*
Jason and Michael: *Slowly tilting their heads sceptically, in unison*
Michael: *Holds up board for Jason to read:* ... I don't think that man has ever been to medical school.
Jason: *Trying to get Michael to help him. Writes passive aggressively on board and shoves the thing in Michael's view:* Would you give me a hand!???
Michael: *Fucking slices his own arm off and chucks it at Jason*
Look, he's having a bad day...
Freddy: *Sneaks up on Jason and digs his fingers into the giants sides*
Jason: *Whips around and cracks Freddy in the face from shock*
Jason: *Realises its just Freddy as the other groans and holds his nose, and looks a little guilty. Oh, Freddy. Writes on board and shows him:* There's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.
Freddy: Agh- Fucking- Merry Christmas, hockey puck!
Jason: *Catches sight of something above them, tilts his head. Writes and shows board:* Isn't that mistletoe?
Freddy: *A slow, creepy grin rips across his face* Yep.
~ Toy Stoy 2~
Jason: *Frantically holding up a board:* Michael! I was a yo-yo!
Freddy and Chucky: *Look at each other*
Chucky: 'Was'?
*Michael and the others watching a dude try to buy Jason and failing.*
Michael: *Thinking: Mm, now just walk away.*
Man: *Follows after where Jason went.*
Michael: *Thinking: ... the other way.*
*After Jason has been stolen- everyone is panicking*
Michael: *Stomping his foot, trying to gather these psychopaths' attentions. Wait a minute! Wait, hold on! When he semi has their attention, he shows a piece of paper with writing on it:* This is not time to be hysterical.
Freddy: Its the perfect time to be hysterical.
Bubba: *Gasp. Should we be hysterical!?*
Carrie: *Tries to calm Bubba down, a hand on his arm and voice gentle* No-
Chucky: Yes.
Michael: *Thinking: ... well, maybe*
Freddy: Give this to Jason when you find him
Michael: ... *Holds up board* Alright. But I don't think it'll mean the same thing coming from me.
Freddy: *Up ahead* Hey guys! Why did the toys cross the road!?
Michael: *But rolls his eyes. Not now bacon bits.*
Bubba: *Perks up and waives. Oh! He loves riddles. Why?*
Freddy: To get to the chicken... on the other side!
*They all look out and celebrate, seeing where Jason was being kept hostage... but then realise how dangerous getting across will be as a giant fricken truck careens by and crushes a can the same size as them*
Bubba: ... *Promptly turns around and starts walking back the way they came. Oh well. We tried-*
Michael: *Grabs Bubba back*
Jennifer: I can help! I'm Tour Guide Jen!
Jennifer: Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography! Thanks.
Chucky: -I'm a married man, I'm married man, I'm married man-
Freddy: *Shoves Chucky out of the way* Then make room for the single fellas.
Michael: *Ugh. Writes on board:* They're on level 23.
Carrie: How are we gonna get up there?
Bubba: *Gestures to balloons, then up to the sky. Meaning: Maybe if we find some balloons, we could float to the top!*
Chucky: Are you kidding? I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom, and pretend we're delivering a pizza.
Freddy: How bout a roast? *Grins*
Freddy: *Assesses Chucky and Carrie in turn* With tenderised pig and a slaughtered lamb as sides.
Chucky: Hold the fuck up did you just call me a pig- and a side-
Carrie: What?
Bubba: Oh! Oh! *Pats his chest excitedly. Do him! What about me??*
Freddy: ... Eh, you can be the toy that comes with the meal.
*Michael does something to get them all hurt and doesn't to care at all, of course. Just moves on.*
Chucky: Remind me to glue his mask on his head when we get back.
Freddy: *Nods, yep*
Chucky:*Embracing Tiffany after having been away saving Jason*
Glen and Glenda: You saved our lives! We're eternally grateful!
Chucky: Oh, fuck...
Tiffany: You saved their lives, Chucky?? Oh, my hero.
Tiffany: *Immediately drops Chucky in favour of picking up the babies* And they're adorable! Lets adopt them!
Chucky: *Thinking: What? No- Absolutely not- Don't say tha-*
Glen and Glenda: Daaaaddy!
Chucky: Fuck.
~Toy Story 3~
Jason: *Holds up a sign as he stands there menacingly with his machete:* You got a date with justice, Charles.
Chucky: Heh, too bad, 'sheriff'. I'm a married man.
Tiffany: *Comes out screaming, wielding goddamn nun chucks*
Michael: *Eyes narrow behind mask, slowly holds up sign he prepared earlier:* Bastard son of a hundred maniacs.
Freddy: Hah. That's Mr Bastard son of a hundred maniacs, to you!
*The toys/Slashers watch some toys, including Jennifer and her car get thrown in the donation bin*
Ghostface: Oh, man, poor Jen.
Freddy: ... I get the corvette.
Tiffany: Its alright, Jen, it'll be okay.
Jennifer: Well... Needy and I have been growing apart for a while...
Jennifer: Its just... I cant believe she would kill me!
Chucky: *Who's 'best friend till the end'/victim also killed him* Yeah. Welcome to the club, toots.
Hoyt: They just love new toys, don't they?
Chucky: Love!? We've been chewed, kicked, drooled on-
Tiffany: Just look at my nails!
Hoyt: ... Hm. Well, here's the thing, sweetheart. You aint leavin' Ambrose.
Tiffany: *Thinking: Oh fuck no he did not just- * Sweetheart!? Who do you think you're talking to!? I have over 10 kills, and I deserve more respec-
Hoyt: *Covers Tiffany's mouth with his hand* Ah, that's better.
Chucky: *Thinking: I'm going to fuck this douche up- * Hey, no one takes my wife's mouth. *Shoves Hoyt back off her by the chest* 'Cept me.
*Hoyt and Thomas bring Chucky back from 'The Box'. He's more fucked up looking then usual, sand all through his hair and stuck to his plastic features. He shakes it out of his pockets.*
Tiffany: *Gasp* Sweetheart!
Chucky: Eugh... it was cold. And dark. Nothin' but sand and a couple of Lincoln logs.
Freddy: Ehhh... I don't think those were Lincoln logs.
Ghostface: I was wrong...
Chucky: Ghostface is right. He was wrong.
Jennifer: *Fake cries*
Chucky: *Slaps a Pidgeon*
*Trying to reset Michael back to his former settings/self (The one that knows them and therefore will maybe-perhaps-possibly not kill them*
Freddy: Oh- oh- oh, here we go. there should be a little hole under the switch.
Jason: *Little hole little hold little hole- Nods. Got it!*
Freddy: To reset your Michael Myers action figure, insert paper clip-
Jason: *Sharply turns to Bubba, urging him to put his finger in the hole quickly*
Freddy: Caution; Do not hold button for more then five seconds...
Michael: *Suddenly stops thrashing and goes slack*
Everyone: ...
Bubba: *Jumps off him, holding up his hands. Its not my fault!!*
Michael, on Spanish Mode: *Gives Jason two sweet kisses on either cheek*
Jason: *Awkwardly, slowly holds up sign:* We gotta switch him back.
Ghostface: Oh! Mikey!!
Michael, still on Spanish Mode: *Sees Ghostface*
Michael: *Drops to his knees, gathers up Ghostface's hand*
Michael: *Looks up at Ghostface in utter awe and admiration*
Ghostface: *Freaken freaked out. Shouldn't he be the creepy one in this outfit? Leans away* Uhh... did you fix Michael?
Freddy: Uh, sorta. I mean I for one think this is a huge improvement.
Michael, STILL on Spanish Mode: *Does a dance of feelings around Ghostface, wanting to express himself*
Ghostface: What- why- please stop I'm gonna pee myself- Of laughter or fear I have no idea but I WILL PEE
Michael: *Grabs and dips Ghostface, and holds up a sign* We will be the most famous killers in history, together.
Ghostface: *Thinking: Oh I can get behind that, hell yeah- *
Jason: *Arrives*
Ghostface: Oh- *Scrambles out of Michaels hold* JASE!
Michael: *Watches them move on together* *Throws down the sign*
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Freddy: I suddenly feel disgusting, like... I somehow ended up in some kinda... love-square, of some kind...
Jason: *Nicely gestures for Michael to give him some help*
Michael, stillllllll on Spanish mode: *Sniffs his nose at Jason's hand, shoving him out of the way with one arm like no thank you.*
Jennifer: Authority should derive from the consent of the governed. Not from the threat of force! // Or, alternatively which I think fits a whole lot better- // I am not going to stand back here and let another fucking old white guy tell me what the fuck to do!
Chucky and Freddy, two old white guys: *Look at each other*
Chucky and Freddy: *Shrug*
And that's it seeing as I don't really wanna see Toy Story 4. I hope you enjoyed this silly thing with me at least a little XD
Okay so I got a little attached in the end.
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related. Outfits that are linked here are purely for picturing the clothes, you don’t have to look like the model.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :)  Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 4,593
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A week later. You could say you were pretty well rested. You went to bed relatively early that night, and since you had gone running with Bucky and Sam that afternoon, you were tired so you were really able to sleep through the whole night. 
Today you were at school, writing some stuff down on your pad and copying things your teacher wrote on the board. That day, your teacher had explained that you all were going to work on a project and suggested that you all find your teammates quickly before he assigned them himself.
Many of your friends and classmates asked you, but you looked over at Ruby and saw that she hadn’t moved from her chair. “Thanks guys, but I think I already have a partner. Next time though!” You said, waving to them and making your way to her desk. When she sensed your presence, she looked up and gave you an awkward smile. “Hey! If you don’t have a partner, we can team if you want?” You shrugged. 
“Sure.” She said, clearing some stuff from her desk to make room. You both got started on your small project and soon, the time passed by and you were halfway done. That was until some kid you didn’t recognize walked through your classroom and asked for you. “I’m here for Y/n y/l/n. Someone needs her at the office.” He said. He handed your teacher a sticky note with your name on it. Mr. Thornton looked up at you and nodded. 
“Go ahead.” 
You sighed, confused but looked at Ruby Anne. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what they’re calling me for. I hate to leave you here to finish.” You said, giving her an apologetic smile. Ruby shook your head and waved you off.
“It’s cool, there’s not much more to be done anyway. I can finish it.” She said. You smiled brightly and gathered your notes and put them in your bag. You didn’t know if you were leaving school or just needed to do something quickly. But if you were leaving, then Ruby and Peter would have to too. So, you left your bag in the classroom and went with the kid.
You were walking alongside him for a few moments, noticing he had a very tired and lazy expression on his face. But then again, 90% of people at school had that face. You rounded a corner to see Peter standing in the hallway, pacing. You furrowed your eyebrows in more confusion as the kid led you closer to Peter before stopping in front of him. “Peter?” You turned to the kid and gave him your face. “Is this where I’m needed?” You asked him. The boy only shrugged and walked away. You watched him as he walked away and furrowed your brows even more if that was even possible. You were so confused. “Peter what’s going on?”
“Hey! So, I need you to do something for me.” He said. You stopped him right there, having too many questions.
“How did you get him to pull me out of class?” You asked, surprise lacing your voice.
“I gave him 5 dollars- look I know you have a lot of questions but I really need you to help me get my phone back.” He said, grabbing your wrist and taking you down the halls. 
“What? Why’d you get your phone taken away?” You asked. Peter didn’t usually get into much trouble so it surprised you that he got his phone taken away. “Wait, and why are we going towards the boy’s locker rooms?” You said, forcefully stopping in your tracks and resisting against him. Peter stopped and turned to look at you. 
“I was using it in class but I was in Ms. Abercrombie’s class and you know she doesn’t like anyone using their phones at all-”
“Then why were you using it?”
“Because I was reading up on news around the city for patrols and stuff. Anyway, I was looking at it and so she took it away and sent it to the principal’s office.” He growled. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief.
“The principal’s office? Dang, that’s extra.” You sighed.
“Yeah, so I need you to sneak into the office and get it back for me.”
“What?!” You yelled. Peter quickly shushed you and draped a hand over your mouth. “Peter why me? This is your problem. I don’t wanna get caught sneaking into the principal’s office! What are people gonna think when they see a sophomore trying to get in the principal’s office!” You whisper yelled.
“You’re not gonna get caught. That’s why we’re going through the vents.” He smiled. You widened your eyes in disbelief. Is this kid crazy? 
“Ughhhh Peterrr whyyy?” You whined, groaning when he took your hand to lead you into the locker rooms. 
“I know, I know. But I really need it back ok? I have a plan that promises you won’t get caught.” He says as you both arrive at the locker rooms, in the small hallway behind everything and where the vent is. It’s positioned high on the wall, almost on the ceiling. 
“Peter, if you got your phone taken away, I think you should just accept it and learn. They’ll give it back to you soon.” You sighed. 
“I know, but I really need it y/n. I have a lot of important information on there and plus, I’m going on patrol after school. I’m on a lead with a group of drug dealers and my phone has their info on it. So, I need it to track them down and beat the tonight. Please help me.” He begged, giving you puppy eyes. You sighed and thought. 
“Well... you need to potentially save a life, so.... fine. I’ll help you.” You smiled. Peter cheered and thanked you before giving you a hug. “But why do I have to be the one to go through the vents?” You asked. Peter chuckled.
“Because I’m too big to fit through them. Ok so, here’s the plan. The principal’s office is just: straight, pass about 2 intersections, right, left, another left, then right. Keep going until you pass the 3rd intersection and there should the air vent above his office. The screws should be easy to take off, be very quiet. I’ll give you my web shooter so you can climb up and down from the ceiling. I don’t know where he put my phone, but check in every drawer you can open. When you find it. shoot a web to the vent and retract the web to pull you up. Screw the bolts again and go back from where you came. I’ll be here waiting for you and keeping watch.” He smiled. You sighed, remembering the information and nodding.
“Okay. I think I got it.” 
Peter nodded and crawled up to take the vent door off. He hopped down and gave you his web shooter and you took it and out it on your wrist. “Don’t be nervous, you’ll do great. And don’t feel pressured either. Take your time and I’ll be here when you come back.” You nodded with a smile, still feeling slightly nervous. Peter noticed and gave you a thumbs up and locked his hands together and brought them down. You laid your foot on it and he hoisted yourself up and crawling your upper body into the vent. Your legs were dangling on the wall and you were struggling a bit to put your whole body in. 
“Ihihi think I’m stuhuhuck!” You giggled, making Peter smile. “I am sohoho horrible at stealth.” Peter smirked, looking at your legs. The backs of your knees were perfectly exposed. It was an opportunity too good to pass.
“Yeheah, you really suck at this.” He chuckled, suddenly scratching his fingers behind your knees. You squealed in surprise and burst into hysterics, kicking your legs out violently.
“Peteheheheher!!!” You brought your hand up to your mouth to stifle your giggles, since you couldn’t reach your legs. 
“What? You looked so nervous and stressed. I’m helping you ease up!” He teased, moving up to flutter his fingers a bit higher, the backs of your thighs. You shrieked and desperately started to climb, trying to get your legs in the vents, but it was no use. 
“NOHOHOO! STOHOHOP IT!!!” You laughed, now trying to slip back out of the vents and drop to the floor to escape the torture. But Peter only chuckled and grabbed your legs, lifting them back up to keep you in there before continuing his attack. “NOHOHOOO!” You cried, your laughter ringing through the vents. Peter was now openly giggling with you. 
“Not much you can do, y/n/n, you’re pretty stuck.” He smirked, squeezing up and down the back of your thighs. You cackled, the teases making this 10 times worse. You were praying that no one could hear your laughter echoing in the rooms. “Are you feeling more relaxed now?” He asked, grabbing your leg and scratching behind you knee, holding your ankle to keep you from kicking your leg out. 
“YEHEhhhhhehes!” You wheeze, erupting into bubbly residual laughter when he let your leg go. You lay there, completely immobile as you pant and catch your breath. Peter smiles up at you though you can’t see him and chuckles.
“Ok. So now that you're less nervous, thanks to me,” He says, making you roll your eyes. “You should be ready to go! Remember the steps?” He asked.
“Yup.” You say, grunting as you once again try to climb in. Peter grabs your legs and pushes you up to help you crawl in once you're in the vents, you stick out your hand to give him a thumbs up. Peter does the same and you start crawling through the school. “Okay, one, two, right.” You mumble to yourself. “1…2 lefts.” “Right. 1, 2, 3. Here.”
You reach the vent look down to see the principal’s desk below you. You check to see if it’s empty. It is. You then quietly unscrew the screws and gently let the door open. You take a deep breath and let your legs down first, shooting a web at the top of the vent and slowly reel down. You begin to look around the drawers of the office, checking in all the drawers of his desk. They’re empty. You sigh, looking around and a filing cabinet catches your eye. You walk towards it and find that the drawers are locked.
You look around and finally spot a set of keys hanging on the corkboard next to the door. “Bingo.” You grab the keys and unlock the cabinets. You smile as you find Peter’s cracked phone in the 3rd cabinet. You quickly grab it putting everything back the way it was, and retracting the web to lift you back up into the vents. “Like I was never hereee.” You say in a smug voice. You were pretty proud of yourself for doing something like this and not messing up. After tightening the screws again, you make your way back through the maze.
You stick your head out and see Peter sitting on the ground resting against the wall. “It’s official. I'm the world’s greatest spy.” You quipped. Peter grins at you and stands up.
“Awesome! You were amazing, I know it! Thank you so so much.” He sighs, helping you down. You giggle and hand him the phone.
“It was really fun actually.” You admitted. Peter nudged your ribs with his elbow, causing you to breathe out a laugh.
“I bet it was. Thanks again. Now I can get back to my leads.” He says, looking through the phone. “I’ll walk you back to class.”
Thankfully class wasn’t over yet, so you were able to return and finish the project with Ruby. You finished the rest of your classes and the school day went by. The 3 of you went home and did your chores; homework, laundry, etc.
 After you had all finished your chores, the team was in a meeting discussing a few things with Secretary Ross in the council room, so the 3 of you were hanging out in the theater room with a movie on. Godzilla was playing. However, you three weren’t really watching the movie. This happened a lot because you would eat all your snacks and get into a sugar rush, which ended up with you guys goofing around and jumping all over the place. Ruby Anne was kind of chuckling a bit as you and Peter flew around the recliner couches, jumping on them and doing acrobatic movements. You and Peter were challenging each other by giving each other moves they had to copy.
“Okay y/n/n do this.” Peter panted, jumping up in the air and doing a backflip, landing right back on the couch. You giggled and attempted to do it, put you didn’t have enough momentum, causing you fall flat on your back. You both burst into giggles and you slowly got up once you caught your breath.
“Thahat’s not fahair! You know I can’t do backflips.” You said, clutching your stomach from laughing so much. Peter chuckled and nodded at you.
“Tough cheese, y/n/n. Your turn.” He quipped. You growled at his phrase before smirking and grabbing one of the throw pillows.
“Okay… do… THIS!” You said, smacking him on the head, causing him to fall off the couch. That made Ruby Anne laugh a bit, covering her mouth to hide her smile. Peter groaned and sat up, giving you a knowing look.
“Ooh. Wrong choice of words.” He chuckled before grabbing a pillow. You scream at your realization and start to run around the theater, moving through the aisles of the couches and ducking behind them when he launches a pillow at you.
You both continue to chase each other around until you finally man up face him, commencing the official pillow fight. You're giggling hysterically, closing your eyes and throwing your pillow around blindly, repeatedly aiming for wherever you felt him.
After a moment you heard Peter grunt and pick you up from your waist and throw you down on the couch. You open your eyes and see him straddle you before whacking your face again and again. You raise your hands up to protect your face, still giggling uncontrollably. Peter grins at your attempts to protect yourself and digs his hand under your arm, causing you to shriek and bring your arms down. He cheers victoriously and starts to whack you again. “RUHUHUBY HEHEHELP!” You say, hoping that she’d at least tell him something. But before she could even say anything, Peter turned to look at her.
“Don’t even think about it or you're next to feel my pillow wrath.” He threatened. Ruby chuckled and stayed put, a slight blush on her face. You cackled as you tried to grab hold of his pillow but he kept ripping it out of your grasp.
“OHOHOW YOHOURE SITTING ON MY RIHIHIB! AHAHAND IT TIHICKLES! BUT IT HUHUHURTS!” You cry, making Peter laugh and move his knee from your ribs. You finally rip his pillow out of his hands and you press it on his face and push until he's on his back. You hop off the couch, giving him a hard smack with the pillow before running away, deciding to sit next to Ruby to potentially use her as a shield. Peter rounds the couch and has a wide smirk of his face.
“What, you think she’ll protect you? I’ll get her too!” He laughed and started to whack Ruby on the head. Since he didn’t know how she reacted to rough play, he kept the hits light, but fair. Ruby started to giggle, something you haven’t heard out of her yet. You grin and begin to whack her as well with your own pillow, eventually turning into a 3-person fight; Peter attacking you again after Ruby, and her attacking Peter.
Amidst the fight, Ruby felt herself feeling more and more attracted to Peter. His silly personality was very appealing and though it may be surprising, she liked guys that goofed around. Peter had a confidence that she didn’t see in many guys, while still being humble. This crush has been going on hard for 2 weeks now. She wondered if she should tell him straight away or not. Ruby Anne was a very direct person. She liked to be certain of things and she didn’t like to doubt stuff; it wasted her time. If she told him right away, at least she’d know if he felt the same for sure, right? Then if he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, she wouldn’t be wasting her time chasing something she wasn’t gonna get. It hurts less this way. She thought.
You're exhausted, sprawled out on the floor with your pillow a few feet away from you. Peter is doubled over on the backrest of the couch, looking lifeless. Ruby is panting on the couch and holding the pillow to her chest. It was a long battle.
Right then, Tony walked in to the theater room and made a woozy face. “What happened here?” He chuckled. “Looks like this place had an earthquake of its own.”
“We had a pillow fight.” Peter said, still not moving from his position on the couch. Tony chuckled and shook his head. He noticed Ruby on the couch and smiled, liking that she’s been hanging around you guys more.
“Ah. Well I'm glad you kids had fun. Meetings done. We’re about to start dinner.” You perked up at the sound of food and you got up.
“I’ll help! To speed up the process. Cause I'm hungry.” You smiled cheekily at Tony as you passed by him. He shook his head fondly at you before ruffling your hair.
You were so happy tonight because you were helping Nat and Wanda make Chicken Alfredo for dinner; one of your favorite dishes. Since Wanda was vegan, she was making a small separate pot of pasta without chicken. When dinner was ready, you all sat at the table and ate, everyone wanting seconds and thirds. “This delicious and nutritious meal has definitely satisfied my hunger! I always enjoy when we have this meal.” Thor boomed, stuffing another spoonful of pasta. Everyone else agreed, thanking the three of you for cooking. You all continued to talk over dinner, Tony going over a few points that they discussed in the meeting, and when everyone was finished, you and Pietro stayed behind to help Wanda clean up the kitchen.
After a while, you were washing the dishes when you looked behind you to see Pietro looking bored out of his mind. He was staring out into nothing, lost in thought. You smirked and lifted a hand from the sink, flicking some water off to get it at him. He flinched with a look of disgust, coming back to reality. “Ugh! What was that for?!”
“Look alive Pietro! We’re cleaning!” You said cheerily, to tease him. Pietro grumbled and continued to wipe down the counters with the wet rug. He passed by behind you and pressed the clod wet rag against the back of your neck, making you squeal and shrug your shoulders up. You growled and got your hand wet again before flicking it on him. He had the same reaction for a split second but this time he looked at you with a look that told you you were screwed. Before you could even think, Pietro scooped you up and started blowing raspberries on your belly. You instantly fell into loud belly laughter. “NOHOHOOO IVE BEEN TICKLED ENOHOHOHOUGH TODAHAHAHAY!” You cried, letting your head hang backwards and you desperately pushed at his head.
“Not by me!” He teased, tightening his grip on you and rubbing his stubble up and down your belly. “Besides, its not my fault you’ve been a cheeky little thing today. Maybe you deserved everything you got!”
You shook your head as you laughed, Wanda smirking at your desperate laughter as she continued to dry the dishes and put them away. Just then, Steve came into the kitchen and grinned at your predicament. As soon as you saw him, (you don’t know why, but you did) you reached out to him for help. “STE-STEHEHEVE PLEHEHEASE TELL HIM TO STOHOHOP!” You whined. Steve chuckled and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it up with water.
“Try biting her ribs, she loooves that!” He said, winking at you teasingly.
Pietro hummed thoughtfully and began to nibble at your ribs, making you convulse in his grip. “AHAHAHAA! PLEHEHEASE!” You beg. Steve watches you freak out as he leans against the counter, the corner of his eyes wrinkling a bit as he smiles. You think you're gonna die at the hands of the blonde haired speedster tonight. Or you did, because Wanda finally came to your rescue by telling them to stop.
“Okay boys, don’t kill her,” She chuckles. Pietro lets you go after a few seconds and you wobble over to the counter to lean on it, since your legs feel like jelly. You're still letting out tired giggles and Wanda steps closer to you. “We’ll handle the rest of the kitchen. Go rest, okay?” She says, giving your back a small rub before going back to work. “That means you're helping too, Steve.” She says, giving him a look. You smile and stick your tongue at your brother before leaving the kitchen and throwing yourself on the living room couch.
You're there for about 10 minutes before you feel the cushions dip quickly, Peter having jumped over the couch and landing between your legs. You were laid face down so you couldn’t see who it was, but you knew it was Peter by the way the cushions felt when he landed on them. “Hey, you asleep?” He asked. You turned around on your back to look at him.
“Not really. What's up.” You asked.
“Wanna go outside to the tree swing?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, putting on your shoes before following him outside. You both reached the swing that was pretty far away and you took a seat on it, Peter offering to push you.
You both talked and laughed, talking about the usual things, school, upcoming tests, gossip about girls you don’t really get along with in school, and everything else that came with teenager talk.
After a few minutes, you grinned as you had an idea to jump off the swing. You were going pretty fast and high but for some reason you weren’t scared at the moment. You hopped off, flying in the air for 2 seconds before falling down. You land on your feet but you kinda stumble down right after; but you catch yourself with your hands and stand up. “Nice!” Peter chuckles, walking around to the other side of the tree, where a strong thick rope was tied. “Think you can hang from the rope upside down, like I do?” He challenged. You giggled, walking to where he was and looked at the rope. It looked strong enough, you thought. With a nod, you jump up and grab it, using your core to lift your legs and hang upside down. Your holding your weight with your hands on the rope, and your kind of in a Spider Man position, except your legs stretched out and dangling instead of resting on the rope near your hands. “Wooow look at you!” Peter sings and you start to laugh, suddenly getting nervous. You feel your hands losing their grip on the rope.
“Okay nononono put me down put me down!” You squeak. Peter chuckles and loops his hands under your arms and you let go, flopping onto him, your back to his chest. You ler out a relieved giggle and you both sit down on the grass. It’s getting dark and the stars are becoming visible. You and Peter stargaze and make conversation again, and before you know it all the events of today have made you exhausted and you drifted to sleep. Peter looks at you to see you sound asleep and he smiles to himself, before gently carrying you, careful not to wake you up and takes you to your bedroom. He lays you on your bed and tucks you in before whispering goodbye to you.
Ruby had seen Peter take you to your bedroom so she decided to wait for him down the hall. She was going to be forward and confess her feelings for Peter.
Finally Peter came out of your rom and started to walk down the hall before Ruby called out to him. “Hey, uhh Peter. Do you have a moment?” She asks. Peter smiles and nods, coming close to her. “Sure. What's up.” She takes a deep breath before speaking up to him. “Okay, so… I have been kinda wanting to tell you this for a bit now, so I'm just gonna say it.” She says, pausing. “I have a crush on you.—I like you kinda like a lot, and I was wondering If you felt the same? I f you don’t, that’s completely fine, I understand but I just thought I would tell you so I would know for sure…” She hums, her words dying out at the end.
Peter stood there, shocked and unsure of what to say. He felt so bad. “Oh…” He said.
“Oh?” Ruby echoed, looking up at him, shifting in her weight a lot. Peter shakes his head to get in the game and looks up at her.
“Umm… I'm- I really uhh- appreciate your honesty. Thank you for telling me. But umm,,, I- I kinda have a crush on… someone else.” He sighs, pressing his lips in a fine line.
Ruby nods slowly but fully, already knowing who he meant and smiling a bit. “Is it... y/n?” She asks. Peter stays silent for a minute before looking down at the floor, blushing and barely nodding. Ruby smiled tightly. “Yeheah, I thought so. I see the way you look at her sometimes.” She chuckles. “That’s cool though, she’s a really nice girl,,, Well, thanks for the talk.” She smiles a bit and turns to leave. Peters eyes widen a bit and he reaches his hand out.
“But wait Ruby Anne!” She paused and turned around to look at him, waiting for him to say something. “I hope this... doesn’t change anything, or you know, set things back. W-We’re good right? We’re still friends?” He asks, playing with his fingers a bit. He would hate for all their progress to be lost over this.
Ruby half smiles and nods a bit. “Yeah, were good.”
Peter nods, sighing in relief. “Great. Oh, and can you not...like... tell her? About this? I-I wanna wait until the time is,, right.” He said, knowing himself that he wasn’t planning on telling you anytime soon, at least until a couple of years when you’re older so as to not ruin what you have now.
“Of course, yeah I get it. Night.” She nods.
“Thank you. Goodnight Ruby.” He sighed. After that, they both went to their own rooms and went to bed as well. Sure, Ruby was a bit disappointed, but she didn’t feel jealous or envious. Now at least she knew for sure, and could move on quicker than she would if she had manifested those feelings for longer and longer until it would hurt more to let those feeling go. And that was okay with her.
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So while Six of Crows has been on my to read list for a while now when I saw that Shadow and Bone was coming to Netflix and realized they were all part of the same little universe I was like *rolls up sleeves* K guess it’s time to read five books in one month to prepare for this new series drop. (special shout out to @darklesmylove​ because it’s mostly your blog posts that convinced me I had to read this series...I give you this as a gift...) 
And now I present to you (in the order which I read them) the events in the Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows books that made me go ABSOLUTELY FERAL (wow there’s a lot more of these than I thought there were). 
- “The problem with wanting,” he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, “is that it makes us weak.” (unfortunately the last time I was seduced by the Darkling - NEVER AGAIN BAD SIR! But this was fucking hot) 
- THE. FIGHT. OVER. THE. STAG. (Just...Alina not killing it, the Darkling is here, now he’s going to kill it. NOW ALINA IS IN FRONT OF THE STAG SAVING IT. NOW SHE WANTS MAL TO SACRIFICE HER. NOW THE COLLAR IS AROUND HER NECK AND NOW SHE’S UNDER HIS POWER AHHHHH) Bonus: “Shhhh. Quiet now, or I will let Ivan kill him. Slowly.” 
- When Alina figures out the dream and TAKES THE POWER BACK!!! (yaaaaasss queen!)
- When the Darkling finds Alina and Mal in Cofton and that whole fight scene and her getting bit and then I had to WAIT UNTIL THE REST OF THE BOOKS CAME IN THE MAIL
- “From what I know of the Ice Court, whoever stole my DeKappel is exactly who I need for this job.” “Then you’d be better off hiring him. Or her.” “Indeed. But I’ll have to settle for you.” (I’m 50 pages in and in love with Kaz Bekker, someone help me) 
- “Not just yet, Inej.” The rasp of stone on stone. Her eyes flew open. Kaz. (ugh my cold cold heart is awake and beats only for them!) 
- Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. (literally like......)
- When Jordie and Kaz get tricked. (I mean all of Kaz’s back story but that was...ugh..........)
- It was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the bastard of the Barrel and the deadliest boy in Ketterdam, fainted. 
- When Nina runs into the guards and the alarm goes off and I realize that I’m an idiot and OBVIOUSLY THINGS WERE GOING TO GO WRONG. 
- WHEN INEJ TOUCHES KAZ’S FACE. His eyes were nearly black, the pupils dilated. She could see it took every last bit of his terrible will for him to remain still beneath her touch. And yet, he did not pull away. She knew it was the best he could offer. It was not enough. 
- He slammed his fist against the window. “Do not speak my name.” Then he smiled, a smile as cold and unforgiving as the northern sea. “Welcome to the Ice Court, Nina Zenik. Now our debt is paid.” (like FUCK MATTHIAS GOT ME TOO. WHAT A GOOD ACT!)
- I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath. It was the vow of the druskelle to Fjerda. And now it was Matthias’ promise to her. (OMGGGGGG) 
- “This is going to sting a bit,” said the druskelle holding the whip. His voice was rasping, familiar. His hands were gloved. “But if we live, you’ll thank me later.” His hood slid off, and Kaz Brekker looked back at them. 
- The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbor wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world. (YEAH OKAY. AND THIS IS HIS LAST THOUGHT BEFORE DROWNING.) 
- Nina on parem. 
- “I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” (SCREEAAAAMS. BANGS HAND AGAINST BOOK. DIES.) 
- “Kaz knew the instant he made his mistake...in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej.” (asdlfkasgkjasglk;sdfjl) 
- I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl. (YEAH BITCH!) 
- When Alina first sees the Darkling while they are traveling the fold (I froze, I read it like four times, I couldn’t believe what was happening)
- When Mal suggests they go to that stupid party and then Alina actually agrees (I literally was like...well something bad is going to happen and I hate it here) 
- When the Darkling shows up after Alina and Mal kiss. “Another otkazat’sya, Alina?” the Darkling mocked. (sdflkajd) 
- “I can’t decide if you’re an idiot, or an idiot.” (ugh Nikolai, marry me) 
- two pages later: “You’re a spectacular actor,” I said drily. “Do you think so?” he asked. Then he leaned in and whispered, “I’m doing ‘humble’ right now.” (FUCK ME)
- “I want to kiss you,” Nikolai said. “But I won’t. Not until you’re thinking of me instead of trying to forget him.” (Am I the only one who found this cute??? Why did Alina get upset??? Do I have Nikolai-colored goggles on??? Maybe...) 
- When the Darkling came to Alina in her sleep and then PRETENDED TO BE MAL SO HE COULD HAVE HIS WAY WITH HER?!?!?!?!?! (ahhhhhhhhhh) “I missed you too, Alina.” That voice. Cool and smooth as glass. (AHHHHH)
- Nikolai stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the parquet floor. “When did you lift the blockades? How long have the roads been open?” (LSDAKLFSDLFDKASLDKLSKLKLL) 
- “Not bad looking?” said another voice. “He’s damnably handsome.” Luchenko scowled. “Since when - “ “Brave in battle, smart as a whip.” Now the voice seemed to be coming from above us. Luchenko craned his neck, peering into the trees. “An excellent dancer,” said the voice. “Oh, and an even better shot.” (And then I damn near died.) 
- There’s a whole three pages (that I will not re-type here) after they arrive at the Spinning Wheel of Nikolai just being *chef’s kiss* flawless. Some great lines include: “Everyone needs a hobby.” “I thought yours was preening.” “Two hobbies.” “Should I be offended that he doesn’t want to dine with us? I set an excellent table, and I rarely drool.” “What a filthy mind you have. I was referring to puzzles and the perusal of edifying texts.” “Last chance to run.” 
- “Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. Whatever seems most fitting at the time.” (asldjkasl;dkfs;lkd NIKOLAI) 
- Okay gunna skip ahead - you can assume any time Nikolai said anything I screamed. 
- Nikolia’s second proposal (THE EMERALD!!! JUST HOW HE PUTS IT ON TOP OF THE WALL) 
- Nikolai’s third proposal. Nikolai’s skin was warm, his grip gentle. I’d wondered if I would ever feel something so simple again or if the power in me would just keep jumping and crackling. (THIS is why he is perfect for her - no jolt of electricity, just warmth and comfort!!!) 
- SERGEI!!!!
- When Nikolai gets fucking taken over by a nichevo’ya (I HATE EVERYONE)
- When Baghra sacrifices herself 
- When we finally FINALLY find out what makes Mal so special (I mean....his tracking was OTHERWORLDLY I can’t believe people weren’t more fucking freaked out by him) 
- “The Darkling marched on Keramzin.” (Literally screamed: “MY HEART HURTS.” I was crying. I nearly threw the book down. “BUT THE CHILDREN!” I say with my fists in the air. I am become a blade.) 
- Nikolai visiting Alina while he is the monster and trying to make himself better (ahhhhh tears!!! THE EMERALD!!!) The words died on my lips. Nikolai turned my palm over and slid the ring onto my finger. (FUUUUCK. PAAAAIN.) 
- “Please,” I sobbed. “Bring him back to me.” (lkadsflkj this was actually devastating even though I’m not a huge Mal fan)
- “We need more light,” he said. A choked laugh escaped me. I held up my hands, pleading with the light and with any Saint who had ever lived. it was no good. (UGHHHH. MORE PAIN.) 
- Tamar sobbed. Toyla swore. And there it was again: the thready, miraculous sound of Mal drawing breath. (and also the first time I breathed for an entire chapter!) 
- “Alina,” he said and kissed the scar on my palm, “I remember everything.” (Literally the last like twenty pages of this book I just gave up and was like actually Mal is adorable and I need to protect him at all costs.) 
- “Really I just wanted to look at the words.” (ughhhhh) 
- Once a man arrived with a fleet of toy boats that the children launched on the creek in a miniature regatta. The teachers noted that the stranger was young and handsome, with golden hair and hazel eyes, but most definitely off. He stayed late to dinner and never once removed his gloves. (NIKOLAI SIGHTING IN THE EPILOGUE MY HEART GOES ON)
- When Van Eck thinks Kaz is coming to get Inej and then he tells Inej and then she is WILLING HIM to not show up and then it is revealed he wasn’t there all along (BOOM BITCH THAT’S HOW KAZ BREKKER FUCKING WORKS.)
- “Those were my mother’s favorite flower.” 
- “Why the net, Kaz?” I couldn’t bear to watch you fall. (POETRY OKAY?)
- Jesper and Wylan going to see Wylan’s mother and just fucking everything about that chapter. 
- “Pick up the pace,” Kaz said, eyeing his watch. “If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” “Take your time.” 
- “We’ll fight our way out together,” Inej whispered. Nina glanced from Inej to Kaz and saw they both wore the same expression. Nina new that look. It came after the shipwreck, when the tide moved against you and the sky had gone dar. It was the first sight of land, the hope of shelter and even salvation that might await you on a distant shore. (AHHHHHH) 
- Wylan’s first thought was that this boy had the most perfectly shaped lips he’d ever seen. His second was that his father had sent someone new to kill him. (Wylan you are so adorable it’s adorable) 
- Inej was moving before she thought of it. She couldn’t just watch him die, she wouldn’t. They had him down now, heavy boots kicking and stomping at his body. her knives were in her hands. She’d kill them all. She’d pile the bodies to the rafters for the stadwatch to find. But in that moment, through the wide slats in the banister landing, she saw his eyes were open. His gaze found hers. He’d known she was there all along. Of course he had. He always kew how to find her. He age the barest shake of his bloodied head. (THESE TWO!!)
- “My leg! My leg!” “I recommend a cane,” Kaz said. (cackling) 
- When Sturmhond (aka Nikolai ***swoons***) showed up in Crooked Kingdom. (What actually happened: me reading a description of a “fox-like” man with Genya and Zoya and screaming and saying to myself “OMG WHEN I TURN THE PAGE IT WILL CONFIRM THAT NIKOLAI IS IN THE BUILDING I CAN’T” (did I mention I’m in love with him??? already??? k))
- When Jesper and Wylan FINALLY kiss FOR REAL (this was a big chapter for me) This was the kiss he’d been waiting for. It was a gunshot. It was prairie fire. it was the spin of Makker’s Wheel. Jesper felt the pounding of his heart - or was it Wylan’s? - like a stampede in his chest, and the only thought in his head was a happy, startled, Oh. 
- CHAPTER 33 - just everything, everything about the reveals in this chapter. The money being funneled to the Shu, not being able to trace even the RANSOM NOTE back to Kaz. WYLAN SHOWING UP!!!! “ARE YOU SURE THEY WERE PEKKA’S MEN?” !!!!!!!!
- “Do something,” Matthias growled at Kaz. “This is about to turn ugly.” Kaz’s face was as impassive as always. “Do you think so?” (bahahahahaha) 
- Nina’s just complete glee over the chaos she creates!!! “She was the Queen of Mourning, and in its depths, she would never drown.” 
- Jesper using his fucking power!!!!!! 
- She stared up at him. He was going to miss that look of surprise. (HE’S GOING TO LET HER GO. HE KNOWS HE IS GOING TO LET HER GO.)
- Inej frowned. “I thought you and Nina chose four outbreak sites on the Staves.” Kaz straightened his cuffs. “I also had her stop at the Menagerie.” She smiled then, her eyes red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) 
- “A sedative,” said the medik. “Is that safe for a pregnant woman?” “For me.” (This is just FLAWLESS in its depiction of people who don’t do OB care regularly.)
- Matthias saw the anger there, the rage. He knew it well. But he was still surprised when he heard the shot. (NOOOOOOOO!!!) 
- “Has she at least done it before?” said Kaz. “For this purpose?” asked Sturmhond. “I’ve seen her do it twice. It worked splendidly. Once.” (NIKOLAI I BEG YOU!) 
- When Matthias DIES?!??! (I’M SORRY WHO LET THIS HAPPEN??)
- “You will meet him again in the next life,” said Inej. “But only if you suffer this now.” 
- Wylan getting all of his father’s money because KAZ HAS BEEN PLANNING THIS ALL ALONG??!
- Jesper leaned in and said, quietly enough that no one else could hear, “I can read to him.” (alksdflk;jasfl;jkd that was hot) 
- “Well hopefully the medik will be here to fix my ribs soon,” he said as he headed back into the parlor. “Yeah?” “Yes,” said Wylan, glancing briefly over his shoulder, his cheeks now red as cherries. “I’d like to make a down payment.” (OMG WYLAN?!?!?! IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?!?! IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!)
- At some point, Jesper realized Kaz was gone. “Not one for goodbyes, is he?” he muttered. “He doesn’t say goodbye,” Inej said. She kept her eyes on the lights of the canal. Somewhere in the garden, a night bird began to sing. “He just lets go.” (TEARS.)
- She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved through him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine. (I gasped so loud i literally woke my cat up from a deep sleep.)
- “Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?” Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. “That’s the laugh,” he murmured. (THAT’S THE LAUGH. THAT’S THE LAUGH. AHHHHH) 
Okay done. Gunna go stare at the ceiling until tomorrow night/whenever I finally get King of Scars and Rule of Wolves in the mail (BECAUSE YOU KNOW MY SORRY ASS IS DYING AT THE THOUGHT OF TWO BOOKS ALL ABOUT NIKOLAI) 
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nekoabiwrites · 4 years
Oh my god, they were roommates...
IT’S @not-so-innocent-bi-sander‘s BIRTHDAY! At least in my time zone~ And I tried my best to make a fic that covers all that Jordan loves :D
AU: Human/College AU Pairing: Prinxiety Words: 3408 Warnings: Panic attack, nudity. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Virgil didn’t think he’d ever see him again and yet, here he was... and he was hot!
“Across the hall from your room is our final roommate, Virgil Evans. He pr-”
“Virgil Evans?!”
The loud exclamation of his name had something clicking in the young adult’s mind. The voice was eerily familiar, though Virgil would have sworn up and down that it was just a hallucination and that no one was even out on the landing. The now muffled voices and the thumping of heavy things hitting the ground told him that someone was definitely out there, or at least was before they moved into the empty room opposite his own. There was no way it could be… could it? He went to shake the thought from his head and get back to work, but a sudden excited knocking at his door interrupted him. With a slight shake of his hand, Virgil walked up to the door and grasped the handle to see who was on the opposite side.
Everything stood still immediately once the door was opened. Virgil was, metaphorically, flung back in time by the mere sight of the man before him.
They had both been akin to outcasts in middle school; one a fledgling emo who was too scary and quiet, the other a small pudgy child who was too loud and excitable. Somehow, they were complete opposites yet fit so well together, almost like puzzle pieces. They liked to play make-believe, watch Disney movies, draw and paint. Though, on a deeper level, there was far more in common.
Virgil had been in denial in middle school. He realised that he found his friend absolutely adorable and really cute, and he realised one day during a pretend scene of true love’s kiss saving the day that he actually did like kissing his friend. But Virgil couldn’t say that, it could ruin his best friendship and – most definitely – the rest of his entire life. So, it stayed hidden and Virgil pretended like all of his emotions weren’t there. Up until the day he left.
One day, Virgil was waiting in the usual spot when his friend approached him, looking sad. He told Virgil that his family were moving away, and he was going to have to change schools. It felt as though Virgil’s entire world was crashing around him. A week passed and he was gone. Virgil was back to being alone. He thought he’d never see his friend again. Apparently, he was dead wrong.
“I can’t believe it! It’s actually you! I’d recognise your emo ass anywhere, though I didn’t expect you to get better at it!” His old friend laughed heartily, giving Virgil a once over.
Virgil rolled his eyes and leant against the doorframe, arms crossed, “Didn’t expect you to become a meathead like your brothers, but I guess we were both wrong, Roman Prince.” Virgil put extra emphasis on his last name, which caused a grin spread across his face as the man before him almost inflated with indignation.
“How dare you!” Roman pressed a hand to his chest dramatically, “I will have you know I surpassed them greatly with my grades, thank you very much!”
“Like that was hard.”
“Are you undermining my achievements?!”
“A little.”
They continued to argue back and forth for a few more minutes before a quiet voice interrupted them and both of their heads turned to the new participant in the conversation. “Um, are you two fighting? Please don’t fight, at least not on the first day…”
Virgil ducked his head in embarrassment, “Sorry, Pat… Didn’t mean to freak you out…”
“Yes, many apologies. We weren’t arguing. Just old friends teasing each other as you do!”
Patton’s eyes lit up, “Wait! Are you the friend from middle school that V-”
Immediately, the emo was out of the doorway and in front of Patton, his hand clamped over his mouth. “Patton, shut up!” Virgil hissed, his face already beginning to burn in embarrassment.
A chuckle had Virgil’s stomach churning, “So, Virgil has mentioned me, hm? I guess I am unforgettable.”
“Whatever. I’ll be in my room.” Virgil muttered, slinking back into the dark bedroom. He shut the door in Roman’s face, who tried to get one last comment in. He listened carefully to the sounds in the hallway; the short conversation between Roman and Patton, the footsteps descending the stairs as the door across the hall shut and vague noises of Roman unpacking started. Only then did Virgil allow himself to whisper scream as he collapsed onto his sheets. He asked a question in his mind, ‘How the fuck did he get hot?!’
Virgil hoped that, over time and with exposure, his sudden surge of attraction to his old friend would dissipate. Perhaps Roman would have weird habits that would turn Virgil off or maybe his personality – having changed over the years – would grind on Virgil’s last nerve until every ounce of attraction fizzled away. Of course, things were not that simple.
Roman was just as energetic and friendly as he had been years prior, easily making friends with not only the other roommates living with them but also many other students, and even the grumpy old lady who lived in the house next door who always complained about the weird phantom noises they were apparently making at 3am when they were all asleep (or at least, lying in bed). He always had time for Virgil though.
By the end of the first week he’d been living in the house, Roman had somehow gained an all-access pass to Virgil’s room at most reasonable times of the day. To the point that the two would just sit and do work before eventually falling into long discussions – or arguments – about nothing in particular. Some days, they’d simply fill each other in on their lives since they parted ways. Roman was extremely invested in Virgil’s life and what became of the other kids from their school, and Virgil could say the same about Roman.
It was during one of these conversations that Roman asked a particularly interesting question. He was laying on his front, head held up by his hands. There was an open notebook to the side of him, though it was all but forgotten at this point.
“I haven’t heard you mention anything about the topic but I’m very interested, so I’ll ask anyway. How many of the girls did you have throwing themselves at you when you got older? I bet that dark and mysterious vibe got them all, didn’t it?” Roman wiggled his eyebrows playfully, grinning slyly as Virgil choked on the drink in his hand.
The emo put the cup down and smacked his chest a couple of times before rasping out a short “What?! No. The fuck?!”
“Oh… Sorry, I just thought with your good looks and the whole… aesthetic you have going on, you’d have the pick of them all.” Roman said sincerely. Virgil’s cheeks darkened at the compliment and Roman’s eyes quickly lit up. He swung around, throwing his legs off the side so he could assess Virgil closer, “Virgil… I don’t mean to pry, and you don’t have to answer me but… were there any… guys?”
The immediate spinning of Virgil’s desk chair told Roman everything. The sly grin creeped back up onto his face as he stood, approaching the chair that now faced away from him. Roman faked a gasp before resting his crossed arms on the back of the chair, “Did I get it right?”
Virgil huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. In a single swift movement, he grabbed the rainbow stress toy from his desk (a gift from Patton) and threw it over his shoulder, attempting to hit Roman’s shoulder with it. However, the tug on the back of the chair and the undignified high-pitched yelp followed by stumbling steps had Virgil thinking he’d missed his mark. It didn’t stop him from laughing after he turned in his chair and found Roman pouting at him indignantly.
“Oh, yes. Laugh it up. It’s just so funny that you tried to assault me!” Roman tossed his head with a sniff, a haughty look upon his face.
Virgil managed to control himself a little in order to respond, “You look like such a jock, but you are way too gay for that. And I hope that this answered your dumb question, Princey.” He picked the stress toy off the ground and held it up for Roman to truly get a look at before putting it back on his desk.
Roman perked back up once he saw the toy properly, “Well, thank goodness for that! I don’t think I could have lived knowing someone as pretty as you was straight.” He situated himself back on Virgil’s bed and went back to looking over his notes, while Virgil stewed over what he’d just heard.
The weeks passed and nothing was getting better for Virgil. It had gotten to the point where he couldn’t just bottle it up within himself anymore, he just had to talk to someone. That’s how he found himself laying on his back on Logan’s bed, staring up at the precise constellations that dotted his ceiling.
“If you truly want my opinion, Virgil, it seems there is enough evidence to show that your affecti-”
“Ahhh, don’t call it that!” Virgil threw an arm over his eyes, as if that would help him get away from the truth of his smart friend’s words, “Is there anything else you can say instead?”
Logan placed his tablet pen back into its holder, twisted the lid of his laptop back to its regular position and turned to face his bed. His left leg crossed over his right and his arms tightly crossed over his chest, looking at Virgil with his stern steely gaze. The emo lying there almost squirmed away, as he could feel the piercing gaze even without seeing it.
“Ughhhh, I knew you’d be no help!” Virgil slid himself off of the sheets and onto his feet, heading towards the door, “I’m gonna go see if Patton’s in. Maybe he’ll help me more!”
Logan said nothing, simply shrugging – which Virgil caught sight of in the mirror next to the door – before turning back to his work, “If you think he’ll help, then go ahead. Unlike you, I am actually trying to complete my studies, so you’ll know where I will be.”
A light twitch of a smile came to Virgil’s lip as he muttered a thanks under his breath before fake-storming out of Logan’s room, shutting the door behind him. He pulled his phone from his pocket and went to text Patton. His attention was so focused on his phone that he didn’t notice the sound of a new door opening near to him. It was only when he collided with something warm and solid that Virgil realised someone else was in the hallway with him. He quickly lifted his head to apologise, but found his words catching in his throat at the sight.
Roman stood just in front of him, still damp from his shower that he’d clearly just finished. His hair was slicked back with the water, though a few strands had fallen across his forehead from the slight jolt of someone walking into him. Virgil’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the trail of a droplet that had already run its course down Roman’s torso, drinking in every detail of his clearly well-looked after body. He was just muscular enough to have definition, as well as being incredibly broad chested – which really made Virgil realise how much taller Roman had grown as Virgil had clearly made contact with his pecs when they’d bumped into each other. His eyes travelled even further before Virgil could even consider tearing his eyes away from the sight before him. Roman’s body was almost that unbelievable triangle shape that he’d only seen on magazine covers, advertisements and movies. It even had that V-shape that guided Virgil’s gaze to the towel that was hanging low on Roman’s waist, being held up by only one of Roman’s hands.
All of a sudden, Virgil came back to himself. Thankfully, it had only been a few seconds since the impact, and both had been a little startled. Virgil, however, took several steps away, blushing a deep red. He stuttered, attempting to find something to say as he backed up to Logan’s door again. As he fumbled behind him for the door handle, Roman approached slowly, looking concerned. Virgil hadn’t even noticed he’d started to panic.
“Virgil. It’s okay. We’re both okay. Try to breathe…” Roman spoke calmly, holding his hands before him. However, he’d seemingly forgotten that his hand was the one thing keeping the towel from falling to the ground. As he went to reassure Virgil with both hands, Roman could feel the fabric fall from around his waist.
Virgil outright screeched pterodactyl-style and dove into Logan’s room, his face burning. He didn’t see Roman also turn a fantastical shade of red as he saved at least some of his modesty as the door had been slammed shut just as quick. The larger of the two listened at the door for a few seconds. He waited until he heard Logan speaking to Virgil, coaching him through breathing techniques to quell his panic, before heading back to his room to get dressed.
In Logan’s room, Virgil was slowly uncurling from the tight ball he’d managed to get into in his panic as his breathing was starting to return to a somewhat normal level. His eyes were swimming and his head was pounding, but he was able to make out the shape of Logan kneeling beside him.
“Are you feeling better, Virgil? Would you like me to fetch you some water?” Logan asked, analysing Virgil’s body language.
“That… um, please… yes.” Virgil wheezed, stretching out on the ground. He carefully stretched each muscle from the tips of his fingers to his toes as Logan cautiously stepped around him and out of his room. Virgil allowed the sense of embarrassment to wash over him again and his face continued to burn, though his panic was manageable. He could not believe that he’d almost lost it over Roman, of all people. He went to audibly groan whilst slapping his hands across his face, but the sound of Roman’s voice had him stopping mid-movement to listen to every single syllable.
He heard Roman address Logan, clearly both in the hallway nearer the kitchen.
“How is everything?” Roman asked, concerned.
“He is doing relatively well, compared to the state he came to me in, if that’s what you are asking.” Logan’s voice was getting closer. Virgil sat himself up, so he wasn’t caught by Roman lying on the ground.
“That’s good. Um, could you tell him that I’m sorry for whatever happened. I don’t know if it was my fault or what, but I just want to cover my bases, just in case.”
“I’ll be sure to let him know. I think it’s best if you don’t come too close. Seeing you again may cause a slight relapse.” Logan stated as his voice came right up to the door. Virgil was now sat with his back pressed against the bed, trying his hardest to look natural.
“O-oh. Right. Of course. Um, well… I hope everything is okay…” Roman sounded disappointed, but a set of footsteps started to retreat away from the room and up the stairs.
Logan then opened the door and entered, his face as stoic as ever. He handed the glass of water to Virgil before sitting himself back into his desk chair and continuing to work. Eventually, there was a rustle of bedsheets that told Logan that Virgil had gotten off of the floor and sat himself back on Logan’s bed. Virgil was muttering something under his breath.
The chair spun back around before stopping on a dime as Logan sighed, “Virgil, if you are going to say something, please let me hear it. I would like to help you, but I can’t if I don’t know what’s going on.”
Virgil gave his friend a withering look that had no malice behind it as this was just the way they worked, “I said ‘I’m going to fucking die’” Virgil made air-quotes around his words.
Logan smiled wryly, “If you’re going to do that here, could you at least make it quiet? I do have a project to finish.” He waited to see Virgil smirk and stick his tongue out playfully before turning back to his laptop, giving Virgil some space to think.
It was after dinner when Virgil started to make his ascent back up to his room finally. There had been a long conversation with Logan once the emo had his thoughts in a semi-coherent order which had ultimately ended with the conclusion that both sides had a mutual interest and that Virgil should really just go for whatever he wanted. It was just as that final point was made that Patton knocked on Logan’s door in order to call him out for food.
“Oh! Virgil! I was about to call you and Roman down, but since you’re here, come on out!” Patton cheerfully said, grinning from ear to ear. The peppy student practically skipped away to call out to Roman, leaving Logan’s door wide open. Both of the other students emerged, slipping into the kitchen quietly. As food was being served up and they were all eating, Virgil avoided eye contact with Roman, even as his roommate was trying his hardest to catch Virgil’s eye. He was working out the script in his head, as Virgil knew he would never do it if not today.
It was only once he was halfway up the stairs and Roman called his name that Virgil even contemplated looking at his roommate again. When he did, his face flushed pink once again at the memory of what he’d seen. Virgil pushed that all away however, as Roman took the stairs two at a time to catch up to him.
“Are you alright? I wanted to check on you after what happened earlier, but Logan said I probably shouldn’t. Just in case. But I wanna make sure you’re okay.” Roman rattled off as they both headed up to their rooms.
Virgil stopped outside his room, leaning against the closed door. “Yeah, I’m good. Just was a little… surprised, I guess?” He mumbled, looking at a very interesting piece of the carpeted floor.
“Good. Good. I didn’t want to uh… traumatise you or something.” Roman laughed nervously, which got Virgil’s attention. He’d never heard Roman nervous before.
Slowly, Virgil raised his gaze, “Well, um, thanks? I guess? Logan helped me. We talked about a lot…” he trailed off, unsure of himself.
“What did you talk about?”
“Just… what happened and things.”
Virgil was shifting his weight from foot to foot, his nervousness getting the better of him. He was trying to remember the script he came up with in his head, but nothing was coming to him. This wasn’t how this was all supposed to go. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. The emo growled under his breath before practically shouting, “I fucking like you, okay?!” Immediately, Virgil clapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened in shock at his own outburst.
The silence rang out between the two students. Virgil was unwilling to move and Roman was almost moving in slow motion. He tentatively reached out, loosely grasping Virgil’s wrist in order to pry his hand away from his mouth. It only took a step to close the distance between them, “I like you too, Virgil. Took you long enough to notice.”
Virgil was shocked this was working out the way it was. He was barely aware of what happened before Roman’s lips were brushing against his own, silently asking a question that required an answer. Instead of words, Virgil simply threw himself onto Roman, crushing their mouths together.
Immediately, his back was pushed up against his closed door once more as Roman took charge of the situation. The larger let go of Virgil’s waist in order to grab the door handle and push it open, leading Virgil inside. As the emo let his bedroom door swing shut, he watched Roman tug his shirt over his head and tossed it aside before taking one large step to close the distance between them once again. The lock on the door hit home immediately.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander​​ @didsomeonesayprince​​ @llamaly​​ @justanotherpurplebutterfly​​  @iaminmultiplefandoms​​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​​ @lowkeyvirgilobsessed​​ @louisthewarlock​​ @fangsandrainbows​​ @xxladystarlightxx​​ @sleepyssnail​​ @ao-koshka​​ @notalwaysthevillian​​ @pumpkinminette​​ @doces-e--tuga​​ @coloursintheblur​​ @safesandersides​​ @hogwarts-my-love​
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Submission P8 Dinner
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I stood in the bedroom doing my make up and my hair as best I could even if I didn't exactly have much skill in either department, I never had to worry about it, being a slave girl it's not something they every expect of you, and few times you have it are when it's auctions and that's done at the factory before hand. I heard the bedroom door open Thomas stepped in stripping off his clothes from working as he went, I playfully ignored him but watched him stripping off his shirt and jeans in the reflection of the mirror. He undid the buttons of his shirt as he marched across the room throwing the shirt on the bed, He undid his belt hanging it on the handle of the chest of draws, he undid his jeans and kicked them off his legs where he stands, leaving him in a tight black pair of boxers.
"what was all that about?" He asks as he grabbed a comb and began fixing his hair
"What was what about?" I asked playing dumb
"What was coming in the room, even when I specifically told you not to. stripping off and trying to hump me kitten?"
"I missed you" I shrug
"umm... did you now?" He smirked "Get dressed we're going out remember" he reminds getting some clothes and throwing them on the bed
"What do you want me to wear master?"
"Hum. Nothing." he growled in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me "But were going out, the blue one kitten, without panties" He ordered kissing my cheek
"Yes Master" I smiled as I finished up, I got up and went to the wardrobe to get the dress but he stopped me
"What did I say kitten?"
"The blue dress?"
"Yes. without what?"
"Without panties" I blushed
"Good girl. So take them off" He orders
"Yes Master" I smiled gently pulling my lace panties off kicking them off my legs
"Better my pet" He smirked "Put clothes on. Else masters' not going to be able to stop himself anymore"
"Yes master" I giggled going and getting my dress on while he got dressed too,
"Come on or we'll be late" he says grabbing his wallet and keys
I finished putting my little shoes on and took his hand, letting him lead me downstairs and out into his car, he smirked resting a hand on my leg as he started up and headed off into darkening London.
I blushed a little nervous as we stood at the front of the very impressive restaurant Thomas had his arm around me his hand dangerously close to being on my ass, I felt so intimidated in this place, like they would willingly buy and sell me without a second thought. The hostess came to the podium where the paperwork and such sat, she saw Thomas and smiled, then saw me and grimaced seeming repulsed by me, she looked over every inch of me like I was an important document.
"Yes sir?" she asks turning all her attention to Thomas
"Table for two, were a little late."
she looked in her book a moment not long enough to really read anything
"I don't have such a reservation, and were full"  she says
I glanced around her and saw the almost completely empty restaurant
"I called earlier.  In fact I spoke to you, Addison"
"ahh yes. I see it now" she says "But I'm afraid your lady friend can't come in"
"And why not?"
"Her shoes don't fit our dress code"
"Uuumm I know they do,"
"It's a recent change?"
"Recent? as in since this afternoon?"
"I'm sorry sir, Maybe you should check on your whores before you bring them here"
"Excuse me! Come on y/n" He says tugging me back to the car "What a bitch. Come on kitten how about we go and get McDonalds?"
"Okay" I smiled trying not to cry
"Ohh kitten, don't cry she's a pompous little bitch, you're not a whore your my beautiful little pet" He smiled wiping my tears and giving me kisses, "Come on, well go and get chicken nuggets"
"Okay" I smiled nuzzling with his neck
"That's my girl" He smiled taking me back to the car, we went and got drive though and parked up in an empty store car park sitting in the back of his car having our food "I'm sorry pet"
"It's okay it's not your fault"
"people are bastards" he sighed "still this is probably better anyway"
"Yeah better" I smiled as I cuddled close to him
"and in here... we can do whatever we want" He smirked stroking my thigh "Can't we?"
"Yes master" I giggled
"Does my little kitten want me to play with her?"
"maybe master, but wouldn't you rather your pet play with you?" I suggested moving my hand to his belt
"Umm you are being such a dirty little kitten" He smirked "I would like my pet to play with me kitten"
"What would my master ask of me?"
"will my kitten do as I ask?"
"Yes master"
"In that case" He smirked "Then how about we skip desert and head home kitten?"
"Or we could stay here" I smiled giving him a kiss he happily kissed back wrapping his arms around me tightly stroking my thigh getting higher and higher up my leg with each stroke while we where kissing I undid his belt making him pull away
"Umm what are you going to do to me kitten?"
"Play" I smiled slipping my hand under his pants and grabbing his half hard erection
"Umm that's my girl" He groans "Come on pet, come sit on master lap"
"I'm comfy here" I smirked
"ohh are you?" he smirked "so it my little kitten gonna suck masters cock?"
"If my master asks it off me"
"you know what I want kitten"
I smiled and did his pants completely tugging down  his boxers to reveal him to me I was surprised but egar none the less I pushed back my hair and moved so I would be comfortable, giving his shaft some gentle kisses
"Fuck. kitten come on now's not the time for teasing" He groaned "Masters already rock hard for his pet"
I was a little nervous I had never taken a man so big in my mouth but I gently at first took his head in my mouth and instantly he tried to buck into my mouth trying to fuck my mouth but I moved my hand to his hips to stop him
"sorry kitten... you just feel so good" he gasped petting my hair
I moved down taking a few centimetres more each time I went down slowly getting more used to him each time I went down he gripped my hair, his breaths sharp and jagged, groans falling from his lips like a waterfall
"Fuck! kitten! you're mouth feels so good" He groans desperately trying to move his hips to get more friction "Kitten... please... harder" He whines
I did as he asked as I had now gotten to the base of his cock and was now much more used to the size of him in my mouth, I gentle began to suck on him like a popsicle moving my head up and down I could taste his precum against my tongue my own saliva lubricating his shaft to allow me to move slowly faster and faster
"UGHHH UHH! KITTEN!" He screams making me glance up to him sat in the car's backseat, his head rolled back his eyes squeezed shut his mouth hung open agasp, moans and groans tumbling from his lips hardly ever words just little noises, if it ever was words it was usual a swear or the word kitten, his hand in my hair the other gripping the edge of the window and seat in a vice like grip, his feet ridged in the footwell  he was close I could tell, his shaft was throbbing and his head so tender, he thought against my hands desperately trying to fuck my mouth "Ummm don't look at me like that kitten" He whines I wanted to speak but as I went to move he forced my head back "Ohh no you don't. just keep going... please pet" he groans I got faster almost as fast as I could sucking as hard as possible "Uhhhh holy fuck your good at this!" He groaned "FUCK! Fuck kitten I'm gonna cum!" He screamed I went to slow but "No! kitten please I'm so close, UGHHHH! make master cum kitten!" I only moved maybe two more times and he finished in my mouth I did my best to swallow without tasting much of it, his hips bucking like crazy into my mouth, I licked him clean and sat up wiping my mouth on the back of my hand then having a sip of my drink
"Did I do good master?" I asked as he had just been sat there not moving and gasping for breath for a while
"You did perfect my pet" he smiled still gasping, he put his pants back up "You look so pretty sucking my cock kitten"
"you look very handsome when I'm sucking your cock master" I smiled
"do I? does my kitten like sucking my cock?"
"I do master"
"does my kitten like how master tastes?"
"Very much master" I smiled nuzzling into his neck
"We're going home kitten. Now" He ordered.
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moaserendipity · 4 years
Episode 2 of TharnType 7 years of love! Messy review let’s get it!!😎
So we left off with Tharn and Type being in a fight about marriage. I still think Type was being a dickhead but anyway let’s proceed because we all know thing won’t be sorted out immediately and Tharn is definitely sulking in bed.
I was NOT wrong about that! This side of Type we don’t see it often, him being all soft to get Tharn to talk to him, calling himself Wifey and talking in a cute way, which definitely does not work.
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I mean I would be angry or upset as well when someone reacts like the way Type did and thank god Tharn tells him exactly that. I do feel bad for Tharn though because I do get him and I really just can’t sympathise with Type any longer on this subject. The way he still is afraid to show people that Tharn is his boyfriend after 7 years, god I would be upset as well. Also I do absolutely get that Tharn just needs a bit of time to cool off but trying to understand Type AT THIS POINT... oh honey I would give that up because if you still don’t understand him then🤷‍♀️
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Type is also not cool, like he should stop being so selfish and put himself in Tharns shoes for once and him sleeping on the couch, wel that’s what you get from being a dickhead.
The thing with this morning scene is quite endearing but also shows who is the pleaser in the relationship because if it were me, I would STILL be angry(Yesyes I hold grudges) but anyway Tharn is being cute for trying to make up and it does show how much Type loves him because he gets all worried but of course he is being tough! SERIOUSLY THARN!! DO NOT PUT YOUR HAND IN THE FRYING PAN JEEZ!!🙈 I get he wants Type to forgive him but DUDE!!! Anyway all is well again between the two thank goodness🥰
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Awwww the cute couple is here! I really like them so their names are Cir and Phugun and they are super affectionate like all the kisses😳 I AM NOT COMPLAINING 😍😍👀 but seriously I will keep my eyes on them because super cute😍
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AND KLUI IS BACK🤩 I am loving this!! Did not think he would end up being a instavlogger? But hey whatever he is back!!
UGHHHHH FIAT.......😫 lol he just fell, Being overdramatic but yeah CALM DOWN DUDE, sigh I really dislike him already, little homewrecker🙈 also when is Type’s dad going to accept Tharn like come on get over it mister and support your son and hislove!!💪
I love that Tharn is still performing is Jeeds bar🥰 Type really fits right in and the fact he still supports!! JEED IS PREGNANT, THATS SO CUTE😍 that kid will have awesome parents😍 YESSS TECHNO IS IN THE HOUSE ALSO CHAMP IS THERE!! AWW I MISSED THEM😍😍 but techno my funny man, I missed you😍 lmao 😂 Champ really just hit him like that😂 OMG THAT LAUGH FROM TECHNO😂😂 (I am screwed I have to repeat it everytime I hear it😂🙈) HIT NUMBER 2😂 oh boy techno he still had a big mouth😂 Okay but seriously he is still singing this song after 7 years🙈 okay it’s a top tier song can’t argue with that but it has been 7 years now👀🤭 but he still LOVING it(it’s the song that I can sing completely and it looks like I am fluent in Thai, which is definitely NOT the case) I love how Type always looks at Tharn when he performs, its not only lust he shows but also passion👀
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TECHNO HAS A BOYFRIEND🤩💪 (I can’t help but wonder if it’s Kla) also can I point something out. type DOESNT call Tharn his boyfriend but rather Husband, soooo👀🤔🤭
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OMG “do you know what I love the most” the way Type looks at Tharn right now and confidently says “Me” THATS HOT PEOPLE ☠️🥵
WoW seriously I don’t want to see those two right now😂😂 they better don’t go looking for them😂🤭
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That was just WOW 🤯☠️🥵
(I need a break and drink something)............
Okay anddddd back!
Okay so I couldn’t place the Doctor and kept thinking back to where we saw him in season 1 but then it hit me It’s Champs roommate that made him want to switch rooms at first! But I am calling it they will end up together!
Oh I don’t like this man! Also why did it remind me of a newsroom where the reporter turns his chair around to tell some action newsstory! 😂 but anyway I don’t like him! WAIT “HARRASSED” is that dude in his right mind!! Ah the abuse of power... that just makes me angry, like kudos to Type for keeping it together like that🥺👊 also that guy in the corner is definitely the Snitch ughhhhhbbhbb!!😫
Awww Champ I think you liked him at college and I don’t think that changed🥰 I also think he likes you back because look at him smiling cutely🥰
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Yeah don’t talk aboutnyoyr boss at work, that never ends up well! Just wait like we all do and talk about it after work🤭👀 that face champ is showing is me when I don’t get something😂
I really love this friendship, you have the dumbass, the hothead and the laidback guy😂 also SAME Type😂 I would’ve pushed him away as well😂 
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I love he can talk about everything with his friends🥰 also he still is cursing a lot, awesome🙈 lol yes you will carry him him Techno we all know you will😂👀
Lmao what did I just say😂 I love techno funniest guy ever😂 also the nosiest like wow dude mind your own business but then again it’s cute so you’re forgiven👀 wow seriously oh that’s not good Type getting drunk because he is upset with Tharn🙈🥺 ugh take the hint Techno 🙈 also the way Tharn says he didn’t invite you because he hates you😂😂😂😂 Tharn JUST HIT HIM LIKE DUDE🙈 oh god don’t help them Techno just don’t🙈🙈
Sigh the way Tharn always takes care of Type🥺 it just softens my heart like I need that to🥰 he just really loves him🥺 but I hope he knows that Type loves him a lot as well he is just afraid🥺💜 even when he is drunk he seeks comfort with Tharn🥺 the way he snuggles into Tharn🥺🥰 ughhhh best couple in the world.
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Omg klui is still eavesdropping 😂🙈 dude come on grow up😂 ah nooooo not Fiat! The path to ruin has started😫
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 39 (Adorney/Adore x Tatianna) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters or here if you’d rather read on AO3. Thank you so much once again to @saiphl for being a fabulous beta! xoxo!
Chapter Summary: Just when Courtney thinks her year can’t get better, a new girl arrives who immediately captures Adore’s attention.
TW: Underage sexual activity (implied)
Chapter 39: Poker Face
Courtney loved being a senior; so far, it had been everything she’d always dreamed of. To begin with, she was fitting in better than she ever thought possible with Adore’s friends. As much as she loved the neighborhood kids, they tended to stress so much about school that it made her stress also--no such problem with Adore. It was already October and they’d yet to have one conversation about their grades, or discuss school in anything but the most casual terms.
Violet was still not her number one fan, but for the most part, she’d calmed down a lot, and the others were all great. Courtney had always loved Willam, his snarky sense of humor cracking her up constantly, and Trinity was just as funny, her deadpan delivery and calm presence immediately making Courtney feel at ease. Fame was pure sweetness, and Pearl was enough of a flirt to make Courtney feel cute but not so much to be awkward. She was having a blast with all of them, to the point where sometimes she felt guilty for not missing Roy more.
Today, she was sitting beside Adore on the bleachers, waiting for the homecoming pep rally to start, sipping an extra large boba tea that they’d picked up before school, and she just felt so...adult. She’d had to do a lot of convincing to get Adore to come to the rally, her friend generally opting to skip this kind of activity to smoke behind the portables with Pearl, Trinity and Willam, but it was worth it.
“Aren’t you glad you came?” Courtney asked, gesturing to her former cheer squad friends warming up. “You get to watch cute girls jump around in short skirts.”
“Bitch,” Adore cut her eyes at Courtney, shaking her head, “Those are not the girls I would choose to see jumping around.”
“Yeah...sorry I quit,” Courtney said coyly, and Adore shoved her, laughing.
“By the way, this drink is weird.”
“I know, but I kind of like it. We had so much of it this summer, Katya was obsessed.”
“You mean Mommy?” Adore teased.
“Omgod, stop it.” Courtney giggled, leaning a head on Adore’s shoulder, linking an arm through hers.
“Guys!” Fame waved from the bottom of the bleachers, where she was dragging Violet along by the arm.
Courtney waved back excitedly, beckoning them over, gesturing to the space on the bench she’d saved.
“I know this is a pep rally, but can you like, dial down the pep?” Adore groaned. “It’s too early for that shit.”
“Sorry,” Courtney said with a grin. “But look, Violet’s coming, you can be miserable together.”
Adore’s eyes suddenly went wide.
“Who is that?” Adore asked, mouth hanging open.
“With Fame and Vies…”
“Oh, uh…” Courtney squinted, then shook her head. She didn’t recognize the brunette with them, hadn’t even noticed her until Adore pointed her out: a tall girl in low-slung jeans and dramatic eye makeup. “I don’t know. Maybe she’s new.”
Courtney couldn’t help the slightly irritated feeling that filled her chest, seeing that Adore was once again going gaga over a new girl. Sure, she was pretty, with a glossy black pixie cut and rich, dark skin, and what Courtney supposed she had to admit was a killer body...still, it was annoying.
As difficult as it was for Courtney to swallow down her bitterness, she did, making room for the new girl, whose name was Tatianna. She’d just moved with her family from Virginia, and she didn’t seem too pleased about having to do her senior year in a new school, but she was grateful to get the good fortune to sit next to Fame in yesterday’s advanced drawing class.
She seemed nice, too. Ugh.
Adore noticed her tattoo, just barely peeking out from her top (of course she’d noticed that), and immediately complimented her on it.
“Oh yeah, it was the first thing I did when I turned 18,” Tatianna said, “just a little reminder of my band back home. Another thing I had to leave.”
“Wait, you had a band? What do you play?” Adore asked excitedly.
“Oh my god, I play guitar! We should totally jam sometime!” Adore exclaimed, cheeks flushing when Tati nodded slowly, her full lips curling into a smile.
“Yeah, sounds great…”  
Courtney jabbed her straw into her drink. Suddenly Adore didn’t seem to have a problem with pep in the morning, did she? Fortunately, the rally started, so she had something to focus on besides Adore’s embarrassingly obvious flirting. And something to distract her from her increasingly intrusive fantasies of pouring the rest of her boba right down Tati’s smooth, tan back.
Courtney wrapped her arms around herself, a slight shiver going through her.
“You cold, babe?” Fame asked sweetly.
“Oh, yeah, a little.”
“She’s always cold,” Adore said, punching Courtney on the arm and then turning back to Tatianna.
“Here, Courtney,” said a smooth, silky voice, and Courtney looked up with surprise to see that it was Violet offering her a sweater.
“Vies, that’s so sweet!” Fame squealed, thrilled that she was finally making a gesture of kindness towards Courtney after hating her for so long.
“Thanks,” Courtney said.
“You look like you need it,” Violet added with a wink, and Courtney sighed. Of course Violet would find a way to make a sweater feel like bullying.
“So..have you guys decided what you’re wearing to the dance tomorrow?” Fame asked.
“Do we really have to go to that?” Adore moaned, cutting her eyes at Tati. “School dances are so lame!”
“Yes, Dory, you promised!” Courtney said. “We said we’d all go together!”
“I know it’s really cheesy, but I actually love school dances,” Tati said, running a hand through her hair.
“Oh yeah, I mean they can be totally stupid fun,” Adore backtracked, and Courtney did her best to hide her eyeroll.
“Too bad I don’t have a ticket.”
“Oh yeah, bummer,” Courtney said, trying to hide her delight with extra sympathy.
“No, they're still selling tickets!” Fame exclaimed. “We’ll get you one at lunch!”
“Party,” Adore added, grinning.
Tatianna was totally right about the dance, Adore realized. If you just leaned into how dumb it all was, you could have an amazing time. At one point, when she was taking a break to get some punch, Tati caught up with her, touching her on the wrist in a way that made her a bit tingly inside.
“Hi! You, uh, having a good time?” Adore asked.
“Yeah,” Tati smiled, her brown eyes warm, a lock of dark hair falling into her eyes that Adore almost reached out to brush away--but thought better of it. “Your friends are really great.”
“Yeah, they’re a riot…” Adore glanced over at the dance floor, where Willam was currently wearing Trinity’s shoes and bolero and putting on a show for everyone.
“And I was wondering,” Tati continued, stepping closer, “if maybe you would want to do something together, sometime.”
Adore looked back at her, slightly surprised. She didn’t want to be presumptuous, but it seemed like Tati was asking her out. Was she?
“You mean...just us?”
Adore held her gaze for a few moments, pulse racing as she nodded slowly.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that a lot. Maybe...um...well we talked about playing a little. You could come over tomorrow, bring your bass...if you want.”
“Okay, great.” Tati grinned again. There was a heated moment, and then she leaned forward slowly, pressing a kiss to Adore’s cheek, close to her ear, that made her whole stomach flip around like crazy, goosebumps breaking out on her arms. It had been such a long time since Adore had felt this way about anyone. Well, anyone available.
Adore swallowed, clearing her throat before saying, “Um, wanna go back and join the group?”
“Sure.” Tati held out her hand and Adore took it carefully, still buzzing with excitement.
They ended up back at Adore’s house after the dance--all of them crashed out on her living room floor. In the morning, Adore stumbled out of bed into the kitchen and Courtney was already up, sitting on the deck with a cup of tea. Adore opened the sliding glass door and padded outside in her bare feet to join her.
“Up early for some morning yoga?” Adore joked.
“No, just needed some air.” Courtney turned her head to take Adore in, hair a wild, tangled mess, her loose pajama shorts practically falling off her hips. She patted a spot on the lounge chair beside her and Adore trotted over.
“So, did you have fun last night?” Courtney asked as Adore flopped down beside her with a yawn.
“Sure...well, about as much fun as I could’ve hoped,” Adore laughed. “What about you? Did you miss Roy?”
“Yeah, of course.” Courtney’s cheeks reddened, realizing that she hadn’t really thought about him. It was strange, how normal it felt for him to be gone. She should probably text him, make sure that his first semester was going okay.
“Sorry. I hope you had a good time anyway,” Adore said.
“Totally!” It took a few moments for Courtney to work up the courage to ask the next question on her mind. “Um...are you and Tatianna like, a thing now?”
“I dunno,” Adore said, scratching her head, little butterflies in her abdomen waking up. “Well...I mean no, but...maybe eventually. God, I’m so bad at this.”
The slight blush on cheeks told Courtney everything she needed to know. She pasted on a bright smile and linked their arms together.
“Nah, you’re doing just fine. I think she really likes you,” Courtney said. As much as she didn’t like it, this thing between Adore and the new girl, she knew that she needed to be supportive. That’s what friends did, right?
“You do?”
“Yeah, she barely looked away from you all night.”
This news somehow felt most shocking of all. Not only that Tati had been paying her so much attention, or that she’d somehow not realized it, but that Courtney had noticed. It was just a lot of information for Adore to process.
“Really?” Adore felt her cheeks burning.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” Courtney asked.
“Well...just...she’s so cool. And hot.”
“So are you!” Courtney insisted.
Adore opened her mouth to toss out something sarcastic, but found herself at a loss for words, finally offering a quiet, “...shut up.”
Courtney giggled, snuggling closer to her and resting a head on her shoulder.
Adore could not possibly have been more awkward with Tatianna if she tried--she was just so out of practice. It had been over a year since she broke up with Raja, and she hadn’t gone out with anyone since then. She’d basically forgotten how to flirt; it was absolutely hopeless.
She tried to cover up her awful nerves by focusing on the music (and perhaps taking a few more bong hits than she normally would’ve). Once she discovered that Tati’s band back home had done a lot of classic rock--80s hair bands and 90s grunge, cool shit like that--she tried even harder to impress her, playing some of the music she’d been working on all summer. It was rough, and a little embarrassing, but it also felt good to finally be sharing them, especially with someone who knew music.
At one point, she got super into one of the newer songs, forgetting to be self conscious and just rocking out. When she ran out of lyrics, she stopped abruptly, looking over at Tati, who was sitting on her bed with an amused expression, and shrugging.
“That’s...all, I guess. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, it was good.” Tati plucked out a soft bass line, eyes still on her. After a few moments, she chuckled to herself, shaking her head.
“What?” Adore’s cheeks grew hot, a flush creeping up from her neck.
“No, it’s just...when you said to come over and jam, I kind of thought that was code.”
“Code for what?” Adore asked, a smile tugging at her lips.  
“Nevermind,” Tati said, biting her lip.
God, she was so cute, so irresistibly sexy. Adore could not fuck this one up, she just couldn’t. She placed her guitar in the stand and got up from her desk chair, walking quickly over to Tati and standing over her.
Tati looked up, dark eyes smoldering, and Adore realized that this was it, her shot at finally moving on for real. She cupped Tatianna’s face in her hands and bent down, planting a kiss right on her mouth.
It wasn’t until it was happening that Adore realized how much she’d missed this: human touch, the press of a body against hers. She was already trembling with need as she grappled with buckles and zippers and perfect, biting kisses that left her reeling.
Tati’s hands were perfect: soft and sure, and her plush mouth was absolutely transcendent. Adore closed her eyes, surrendering completely to the moment, the heat, the delightful helplessness of someone else taking full control.
Afterwards, she lay flat on her back, trying desperately to catch her breath, hands in her hair. Tati sat beside her, packing the bong, her gorgeous tits on full display as Adore watched her through heavy-lidded eyes.
“Fuck...that was so...fuck…” Adore breathed, and Tati giggled girlishly.
“Oh yeah. Shit.” Adore rolled over, burying her face into Tati’s lap, her thigh still slick with sweat, pressing her lips against smooth brown skin.
“My next ink is going there,” Tati announced.
“Here?” Adore laid another kiss on her thigh.
“Yeah. I want to get a cherry bomb.”
“Oh my god, that’s so fucking cool!”
“Right?” Tati coughed, passing the bong to her. “But I need to find a good artist, I don’t want it to be cheesy.”
“I might know someone,” Adore said.
“Yeah, there’s this chick my cousin goes to all the time, she’s fucking rad. I can show you her MySpace page...later...when I have the strength to get up.”
Tati laughed, patting her bare ass and dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “Sounds perfect.”
The shriek of Adore’s phone ripped through the moment, startling her for a second. She reached for the receiver on her nightstand, answering groggily. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me,” Courtney said, immediately asking, “So...how’d it go?”
“Uh...great,” Adore said, fiddling with the edge of her blanket.
“Yeah? Did anything happen?”
“Uh huh,” was Adore’s cryptic reply, but Courtney seemed to have caught on.
“Is she still there?”
“Uh huh.”
“Well...I was about to go pick up some Chinese food, do you want anything?” Courtney then asked.  
“Hell yeah!” Adore sat up, only then realizing how starving she was. “Beef with broccoli! And lo mein, you can choose what kind.”
“Okay, what about your guest?”
“Oh, right.” Adore covered the receiver, telling Tati, “Courtney’s getting Chinese food, what do you like?”
“Oh, that’s so nice of her. Um...I’ll eat whatever.”
“She’s down to share whatever. Maybe some kind of fried rice? And egg rolls. And orange chicken. Or, mmmm, Kung pao shrimp! Or what’s that creamy one? Cashew shrimp!”
“You’re high, huh?” Courtney asked, laughing.
“Little bit.”
“I’ll bring it over ASAP.”
“I...love you...so much.”
“Duh, same. See you soon.”
Moving across the country a month into her senior year had absolutely sucked. Tati went into the situation knowing that the entire year could very well be miserable and lonely. It was a brilliant stroke of dumb luck that on her first day, she happened to sit next to one of the friendliest, chattiest girl she’d ever met. Fame was truly a gift from the universe, not only immediately taking Tati under her wing, but introducing her to all of her friends, making her feel like she belonged.
It was possible, of course, that it was a mistake to jump into things so quickly with Adore. She didn’t know her very well, she didn’t know any of them very well. But Adore seemed so into her, and Tati couldn’t resist that smitten expression on her face, how absolutely cute and fun she was. And besides, she deserved to have something good in her life after leaving all of her friends back home.
Not that she was without reservations. When she reported the hookup to Nina, her oldest friend seemed extremely dubious about the whole thing.
“How long have you known this girl?” Nina asked.
“A...couple of days?”
“I dunno girl, that seems...you could be getting into some deep shit, especially if you’re trying to be friends with herfriends? Do you even know the dynamics of their group? You should really have waited a bit.”
“I see your point but like...it’s not like I’d be losing deep friendships, you know?”
“Yeah, but...well, just be careful. Don’t get too invested. Don’t be a mess.”
“I know, I know.”
In spite of the very sound advice from Nina, and Tatianna’s own misgivings, she couldn’t help catching onto Adore’s enthusiasm. Especially when that enthusiasm led to an intro to an absolutely fantastic artist to do her next tattoo. It took almost 5 hours, and by the end, she was really feeling the burn, eyes watering.
Adore was incredible the whole time--fetching her cold sodas, holding her hand, distracting her with cute stories. She really was working overtime to be the perfect girlfriend, and Tati appreciated it, putting all of her negativity aside and just enjoying herself.  
After all, Nina didn’t know everything.
As much as Adore hated to admit it, senior year was pretty fucking great so far. She had awesome friends, a sexy new girlfriend, and she’d planned an easy, low-stress course schedule for the year with barely any homework. She was living the dream.
It was Halloween night, and the gang all decided to meet at Courtney’s before heading to Laganja’s for her annual ‘why-do-her-parents-agree-to-this’ blowout.
Adore had been hanging out with Tati all afternoon, smoking and fooling around and eating Cheez-Its and peanut butter straight from the jar until the last possible second before they had to get dressed, dragging themselves out of bed to change into their costumes. As they walked next door, the chilly Autumn air hit Adore smack in the face, having quite a sobering effect. She shivered and slipped her arm around Tati’s waist, using the cold as an excuse to get close to her--which Tati gladly didn’t object to whatsoever.
“Happy Halloween!” Courtney flung open the door, squealing with joy when she saw Adore and Tatianna’s ‘Bacon and Eggs’ costumes. “You guys. Look. So cuuuute!”
She pulled them both in for a hug, jumping up and down. Adore eyed the big, nearly empty bowl of candy by the door, as well as Courtney’s mouth stained blue, Tootsie Roll pop in her hand, and shook her head.
“I warned you that she’d be hopped up on sugar, didn’t I?” Adore said, giving Tati a slight eye roll. Courtney didn’t eat refined sugar that often, so Halloween was one of those days when she was even more extra than usual.
“You did,” Tati laughed.
“Shut up, it’s my favorite day!” Courtney exclaimed. She stuck it back into her mouth and then thought better of it, holding out the glistening lollipop to Adore. “You want some?”
“Can I have the ones without your fucking drool all over it?” she asked, gesturing to the bowl.
“Take it all!” Courtney said, laughing. “Fuck the trick-or-treaters, right?”
“Exactly.” Adore swiped the bowl off the ledge, fishing out a bag of Sour Patch Kids.
“I love the Rosie costume, Court!” Tati said.
“Thank you very much.” Courtney twirled, displaying her Rosie the Riveter costume, complete with pin curls and a red bandana headband. “Come on in, guys! Fame, Violet and Pearl are here already.”
She led them down the hall, clinging to Adore’s arm, chattering a mile a minute about how Fame had been helping with her hair, and how everyone’s costumes were amazing, and how they were gonna be the coolest group.
“So, be honest. Do you think my costume is too abstract?” Adore asked. “Because we had a long debate about it.”
Adore’s interpretation of a fried egg was a little abstract--she wore a white unitard with a bright yellow felt circle pinned to her shoulder, and a yellow, chin-length wig, with matching face paint. Tati’s bacon dress was a little more straightforward, long, fat strips of painted fabric covering her corseted bodice and then hanging down to form a skirt.
“No! It’s perfect! You look adorable. Both of you.” Courtney wrapped an arm around them both, giving Tati a side hug.
It was nice for Adore to see Courtney being so welcoming and sweet to her new girlfriend. It certainly hadn’t been like that with Raja, or even when Pearl moved in. Adore wondered if maybe, for all her best intentions, it had just taken her this long to be truly comfortable with the whole gay thing. But whatever the reason, Adore was happy that she was being her warm, friendly self, treating Tati like an old friend without any coaxing.
They opened the door to Courtney’s bedroom, which was a bit of a madhouse, Pearl putting the finishing touches on her Beetlejuice costume, and Violet, dressed in what looked like real 1920s vintage flapper glam, helping Fame smear blood and brains all over to complete her zombie cheerleader look.
“Whoa, cool costumes!! But I can’t believe you guys all beat us here when I’m right next door,” Adore laughed.
“What the fuck are you supposed to be?” came a voice from behind her. She spun around to see Willam, dressed as a Bratz doll, and Trinity, in a cute Cheer Bear costume.
“I’m fried eggs!” Adore said, turning to Tati and whining. “I told you it was too abstract.”
“I think it’s cool,” Trinity said, checking out her reflection in Courtney’s mirrored closet doors and tucking some stray hair into her pink hood. “Will’s just being an asshole.”
“Being? Willam is always an asshole,” Violet piped up, laughing as Willam shoved her, pushing him right back.
“Guys? Guys?” Courtney jumped on her bed, eyes bright. “Are we almost ready? When can we go?”
“You need to calm down,” Adore said, a hand on her hip.
“I’m just excited, it’s Halloweeeeeeen!” she said, then shrieked as Adore tackled her, bringing her to her knees.
“No more sugar for you!”
Pearl couldn’t help notice the mildly perturbed expression on Tati’s face as she watched them wrestling on Courtney’s bed. She sidled up to her, slinging an arm across her shoulders and saying, “They just...get like that sometimes.”
“Uh huh.”
“Honestly, it’s no big deal,” Pearl assured her.
“Yeah, no, it’s cool,” Tati said, adjusting her bacon headband.
Pearl’s gaze traveled back to the bed, where Courtney had successfully gotten Adore face down, arm twisted behind her back. She sat down firmly on her as Adore squealed out, “Truce! Truce!”
“Guys?!” Courtney kept Adore in the hold a few moments longer before releasing her with a victorious smirk and a sharp smack on the ass. “Can we go? Can we go?”
“Why are you so anxious to get to this dumb party?” Willam asked. “Everyone we know who’s remotely cool is already in this room.”
“Awww, Bill, does that mean you think I’m cool?” Courtney asked, fluttering her lashes at him.
“I didn’t say that, cheerleader.”
“She’s the cheerleader tonight,” Courtney said, gesturing to Fame.  
“I think we should go, but first…”
Pearl pulled a bottle of Captain Morgan from her bag.
“Heyyyy! Look at you, good for something for once,” Violet said, bumping Pearl with her hip.
“Should I go get some glasses?” Courtney asked.
“Glasses?” Pearl took a big swig of rum and passed the bottle to Violet. “What are you, the queen of England?”
“Oh my god, this is so unhygienic!” Fame said, wringing her hands.
“Does that mean you don’t want any?” Violet asked, holding the bottle out teasingly.
“No, I still want some.” Fame snatched the bottle from her hands and took a swig. “I guess alcohol kinda kills germs, huh?”
“Totally,” said Trinity, accepting the bottle and taking her swig, pushing Willam away with her other hand. “Wait your turn!”
Courtney was last to drink, and Adore watched her swallow down several shots worth before pulling the bottle away.
“Take it easy, bitch! We don’t want you passing out on us.”
Giggling, Courtney handed the bottle back to Pearl, then wrapped her arms around Adore’s neck and gave her a big smack on the cheek. Tati watched them, but before she had the chance to get uncomfortable again, Courtney pulled her in, kissing her as well. Maybe this really was just how she acted when she was all hopped up. Tati grinned and slung her arm around Courtney’s waist.
“So, are we doing another round?” she asked.
“Whoaaa...Virginia knows how to party!” Willam said, raising his fist up in celebration, chanting, “Round two! Round two! Round two!”
Adore’s eyes were superglued shut. That was the only reasonable explanation. She slowly, painfully pried them open, the hazy morning light hitting her like a freight train, making her squeeze them shut again.
“What the fuck?” she asked. Well, tried to ask. Her throat was parched and it came out sounding something like a hoarsely whispered, ‘Watafuh?’
What had happened last night? She remembered arriving at Courtney’s, already a bit buzzed, doing a few rounds of shots and heading with the whole group to Ganja’s. There’d been oppressively loud music thumping, a toxically strong bowl of murky orange punch, a crowded dance floor in her den, more punch...way too much punch.
The ground was hard and awful, and something was holding her down, making it impossible to move. She turned her head, peeled her eyes open a second time to see Courtney’s blonde head buried in her shoulder, red bandana now over her eyes, covered by a familiar crocheted blanket. Adore recognized the blanket, figuring out for the first time where they were.
Violet’s basement. When the fuck had they even come here? Violet lived far enough away from Laganja’s that they would have needed a ride. Unless...did they walk 30 fucking minutes in the middle of the night? She had vague, hazy memories of making her way with the whole gang through a green belt “shortcut,” and the pair of muddy shoes lying by her head seemed to support this. She squirmed on the hard concrete floor, trying to get whatever was holding her down off. Probably Courtney’s leg, although she couldn’t really tell…
A groan sounded from behind her and she turned to see Tati. It was her leg, apparently, and she was not too keen on being moved. Or being woken up. Or being alive, presently.
“Good morning,” Adore whispered. “I guess.”
Another groan came from Tati’s lips.
“Yeah, me too.”
Adore forced herself to raise her head and look around, realizing that they were halfway on the shag rug. Her friends all seemed to be in equal states of comatose, their costumes in shreds or half off or, in the case of Trinity’s bear hoodie, being used as pillows. Fame was curled up with Trinity in the armchair, Violet and Pearl sprawled on the sofa. Willam seemed to have gotten the worst of it, face down on the rug a few feet from them.
“Hey,” Adore nudged Courtney with her shoulder, jostling her awake. “Court...wake up.”
Courtney yawned, arms tightening around Adore’s waist before her eyes finally blinking open.
“Ohhh, where are we?” she croaked.
“I have no idea,” Tati said.
“Violet’s,” Adore informed them.
“How did we get here?”
“I dunno exactly but...can you make sure Willam’s alive? He looks like a corpse.”
Courtney forced herself into a sitting position to lean forward and give Willam a good shake. As she did, the blanket fell away and revealed her bare chest. Adore let out a little yelp, hand flying to cover her eyes.
“Jeez, Courtney, cover up! Why aren’t you wearing a bra?!”
Courtney laughed, pulling the blanket back up.
“I didn’t need one with this costume. Would you calm down, you’re such a prude,” she giggled.  
Adore looked over at Tati, doing her best put-upon eye roll. But instead of commiserating, Tati shrugged, searching the ground for her purse.
“I better call my mom,” she said, brow furrowed. “Shit. Did I leave my bag at your house?”
“Oh, shit. There’s a landline in the kitchen. Come on, I’ll show you.” Adore took her hand, helping her up. There was a strange, faraway look in her eyes, and Adore squeezed her fingers, hoping to bring her back into the present moment.
She was rewarded, finally with a smile, making her shoulders drop in relief before guiding Tati towards the stairs.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Personal Demon (Indruck)
@pantstacular requested: 58 Is such my entire jam I’d pretty much die if you did it with Indruck.  “I’m a demon, you’re a witch, we’re enemies but when I show up to kill you, you’re crying and I really don’t know what to do now.” SFW
A talented, young warlock will employ the most complex, innovative, and powerful wards on their home. 
A seasoned warlock who was never that excited about all this in the first place will employ straightforward but deeply aggravating wards on their home. 
Indrid’s nemesis is in that second category. His wards are never fancy, but they’re durable and reliable, an utter pain in his tail to break down. Some cannot be broken by spells at all, and even a demon of his skill could burn through all his power trying to destroy them.
Which is why Indrid simply pays a passing human twenty dollars to kick a gap in the salt barrier, grits his teeth passing through the Rowan trees while his skin feels like he’s getting a full-body tattoo, and uses an oven mitt to open the iron door knob (the door is lined with iron, so he cannot slip as a shadow beneath it), hissing in pain all the while. 
“Duck Newton…” He lilts, certain the warlock will be terrified to hear his voice in his strong hold, “it is time to end things once and for all, dearest enemy.”
He keeps his eyes on the present, not wanting to spoil the fun for himself by peeking at the futures. He glides into the human’s bedroom, plants his feet on the floor, “your worthless soul is mine.” 
“Ughhhh” a muffled sound, Indrid flicking on the lights to find the human face-down on his bed, “are you fuckin serious? Now?”
“Yes, Duck Newton, now” dark energy crackles in his fingertips. 
“Ack!” He shakes his head, Duck now sitting up, preparing to throw another pillow at him. 
“Get out.” Duck glowers, voice flat. 
“You dare to order me-”
“Get!” Duck’s eyes are wet, red-rimmed, and Indrid notices he’s in sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt that’s damp in patches. 
“Have you been crying?” 
Thwump and his glasses are knocked askew. 
“How many of those blasted things do you have?” 
Two hovering pillows turn to four and all collide with him at once.
“Clearly you are, ow, in no mindset to, ow, duel me as I, ack, see fit. I shall return!”
He dissolves into shadow and speeds out the door, materializing on the sidewalk and paying a passerby ten dollars to fix the salt ring. 
Not willing to let a plan go to waste, he repeats this process the next night. This time, Duck is laying in the darkened living room. 
“Now, my greatest adversary, it is time to meet your end--why are you still crying?” He cocks his head as Duck magics the light on. 
“Because I’m in my own fuckin’ house and can do whatever I want.”
“But you seem upset.”
“No fuckin shit, sherlock.” Duck raises a throw pillow and Indrid covers his face far faster than he’d ever admit in public.
“I merely mean that, ah, perhaps a duel would be a welcome change of pace?”
“I look like I’m in the headspace to duel to you?” 
“Not at the moment, but that could change, yes? I do wish to destroy you, is that sufficient motivation to shake off this fog of misery that’s hanging about your soul like stale cologne?”
Duck groans, but straightens, reaching over the far arm of the couch. Indrid perks up, approaches at a safe distance, certain he will see a familiar sword or spell in a moment. 
What he gets is misted with holy water.
He hisses, wiping his face in a hurry. His power is so great that the diluted mixture doesn’t harm him, but it’s as if someone is squirting him in the face with lemon juice. 
“I banished you worse ways than this, demon, but I’m fuckin tired and you ain’t worth the goddamn energy and you don’t wanna end up straight back below. So get.” He raises the spray bottle, spritzes him again and Indrid backs away, spluttering and hissing. 
“You, you think you can threaten me, shoo me out like OW some common ghost GAh that was in my nose that time fine, fine I am going.” He stumbles over the threshold, falling on his ass on the pavement as Duck slams the door. 
Perhaps a new plan is in order. 
“You wanna know Ducks’ what?” Aubrey taps her spoon on the edge of the potion she’s mixing. 
“His favorite food. I wish to cheer him up. Unless of course, you wish to simply tell me what is troubling him.” Indrid grins at the witch.
“You know the rules, Cold; I don’t trade information between sides. And, like, even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you what’s going on with him. It’s...personal, okay?”
Indrid sighs. He expected that answer. Aubrey is the child of a witch of the light and a witch of the shadows, giving her a rare balance of powers. It also means entities of all moral alignments will come to her for aid. Her rules are simple; no fighting in her house and no getting her in the middle of major conflicts.
For all that, Indrid still has never told her his true name. She calls him ‘Cold,’ as everyone does. 
“French Onion Soup. That’s his favorite thing, from the Wolfe Grill downtown.”
“He likes that coffee fudge too, the one Barclay makes” Dani, Aubrey’s wife, adds from her spot spinning fur off a massive angora rabbit. 
Barclay is a kitchen witch, one with whom Indrid has a shaky truce (he egged on a fight in the restaurant, needing some quick points with the higher demons. It’s not his fault one of the humans knocked over a candle). He can probably manage to buy fudge without being scolded.
Duck’s added more fortifications since yesterday, and Indrid only needs a few moments anyway. He finds a sliver in a plane that lets him slip into Duck’s mirror, knowing the human is getting ready for bed. 
The human senses him, looks up from the sink, toothbrush still in his mouth. He blinks once, to tired to even count as annoyance.
“ ‘wat ‘ow?”
“I have brought you food.” Indrid waits until Duck spits into the sink to pass the two bags out of the mirror. 
“It will cheer you up. It is your favorite. Then you will have your fight back, and be ready to face me.”
Duck takes the bags, then several steps back, “y’know, most demons would see this is a chance to get me while I’m down.”
“Well” Indrid sniffs haughtily, “I am not most demons. Besides, what good is claiming your soul if it was like stepping on an ant?”
The warlock looks at the food, then at Indrid, “I ain’t gonna eat this.”
“Bu-wha-I got it specifically to please you!”
“And it could be poisoned or cursed or some shit.”
Indrid growls in frustration, “fine, wallow in your misery.” Then he’s out on the street again, ready to cause some evil. Or to go back to the bakery and drown his aggravation in a caramel eggnog latte.
Duck stares at the bags, still sitting on his kitchen counter. If he’s not going to bed any time soon, he should at least eat something. Not that though. Even if it’s his favorite. How the fuck did the demon know that?
Cold has never quite been like other demons Duck’s run across. When he’d yanked him out of Boyd (because Ned decided to read the inscription on a new artifact for the Cryptonomica), he hadn’t taken it personally, but proceeded to try and tempt Duck for two days solid with everything he could think of. Then he decided he liked Kepler and could do plenty of demonic work in it, which had Duck worried. The demon is powerful, he can feel it when they fight. But, while he still worries, Cold sticks to being a mid-level threat at best even if he keeps promising to destroy him.
God that soup smells good. 
He picks up a piece of amethyst, runs it over and over the air around the bag. No trace of anything dangerous. 
Fuck it.
Twenty minutes later his belly is full, he actually feels kinda sorta almost borderline happy, and he hasn’t turned into a frog or been transported to the underworld. 
When Cold inevitably shows up again a few days later, Duck doesn’t even look up from the model ship he’s working on . 
“Thanks for, uh, for dinner.” 
“How did you know I was here?” The silver-haired man steps out of the hall, red eyes glowing behind redder glasses. 
“I may not be able to sense auras or souls or shit, but you and I been dancin around each other for long enough that I can tell when the hair on my neck is standin up thanks to you.”
“Then you are prepared to fight?”
“No. Look, I dunno now how it is for demons, but takes more than nice food to make a fella get over somethin serious.”
“I see…” Cold looks around the room, “are you certain you are not interested in even a small bit of conflict?”
“Nope. Busy.”
“Well I am not!”
“Can’t you just go find another warlock to bother?””
“No! Well, yes, but I do not wish to. You are my adversary, the one I devote most of my time to tormenting.”
“That’s kinda an exaggeration. And it don’t change that I’m workin on this.” He points to the model, “so I’m just gonna ignore you until you leave.”
There’s a huff, followed by the fluttering of his mail as the demon knocks it onto the floor. He glances up and notices that Cold’s tail is now visible and twitching with agitation. When Duck does nothing else, he knocks the remaining mail on the ground. 
“That ain’t changin my mind.”
A roll of glass on tile, Cold pushing a water glass towards the edge of the counter with his finger. 
“Y’won’t like what happens if you do that.”
The glass tips over. As water spills onto the floor, Duck summons a towel with one hand and a dish of salt with the other. Before the demon can stop him, he draws a salt circle, trapping him in a small spot by the table. 
“Erase that this instant.”
“Nope. You been poppin in and out the last two weeks and not leavin when I ask nicely, so now you’re gonna stay right here until I decide you can leave.”
The demon drops down onto the floor, arms crossed and tail thrashing, “I just do not see what is so severe it makes you uninterested in anything but work, sleep, and making ships that cannot go anywhere.”
“Don’t expect you to understand.”
“Yes, but you also will not tell me so how can you know if-” a future flickers into vision, “your romantic partner left you.”
“That’s cheatin’.”
“That is what has upset you so?”
“Yeah, because we were together for six fuckin years, and she watched me grow up since I was eighteen and was my mentor and it feels like a big constant in my life is just fuckin gone.” He leaves out the part where he'd felt it going for awhile, where part of him knew it needed to but the rest wanted things to stay as they were. 
The demon cocks his head in that way of his, smirks but says nothing.
“Nevermind. You’re a demon, love ain’t somethin you got a concept of.” He stands, retrieving another bottle of adhesive from the too-empty living room. 
As he picks up the next piece, Cold murmurs, “It is not so foreign a concept as you might think.”
Duck shoots him an incredulous look. 
“I was a creature of the divine once, beings capable of great love, even if many of them do not utilize that capacity. Even if I was not supposed to in my role. But more than the memory of that feeling, I have moments in which I suspect I can feel it still.”
“Like when you see someone do somethin real wicked?” 
The demon doesn’t rise to the paltry bait, “When I go sit in a park, or those woods you like, and draw and watch people coming and going in a thousand little moments of mundanity, I feel something more than mere tranquility. Sometimes I will go to movies or to concerts, to feel the swell of joy and excitement, and it almost seems as if I love those around me.”
It’s the last thing Duck expects him to say, and so all he can do is stare at him a moment before returning to his work. The demon, content with the silence, watches cross-legged. When Duck grabs a packet of cookies from the kitchen he pauses, then hands one to Cold. 
The demon sniffs it, proceeds to nibble on the edge before making a delighted sound and shoving the whole thing in his mouth. 
“You never had Girl Scout cookies before?”
“No. I do not need to eat, and often only do so when temptation requires it. Or when Barclay makes something with eggnog in it.  Which is a pity; I really enjoy human food, you come up with such interesting things. Now it is my turn for a question. Why are you making those?”
Duck looks at the near-complete model, “I dunno. Helps me relax, nice to just be able to focus on one thing rather than worryin’ about work or warlock stuff or dyin’ alone or if you’re gonna randomly turn up in my goddamn bedroom without warnin’.”
“Knocking is not exactly demonic.”
He says it so matter-of-factly, the smile on his face oddly honest, that Duck cracks up. Giggles spill out of him as he rests his face in his hands. His elbows slip on the shiny tabletop, collapsing him forward, laughing loud enough to startle the cat from her hiding place. 
“Yeah” he sniffs, finally sitting up while wiping away tears and still chuckling, “guess it ain’t.”
The demon is smiling again, softer than his usual grin that glints like a knife in the dark. 
“Will you show me more of your ships?”
“You ain’t gettin outta that circle that easy.”
“I am aware. But you could bring them where I could see.” He seems genuinely excited at the idea. 
Duck stands, hands him the packet of Thin Mints, “I could do that, yeah. Sit tight, I’ll be right back.”
Duck picks up to the two reusable grocery bags, locking doors and throwing up extra wards behind him as he walks to his car. 
He slides into the drivers seat, sets the bags in back behind him. Turns around and finds the passenger seat occupied. 
“Venturing forth at last, I see.”
“I ventured forth plenty.”
“That was only for work. You have been the picture of a hermit since you were dumped, Duck Newton.” Cold adjusts his glasses in the rear-view mirror. 
“Have not. And it was mutual.”
“Shall we get out of the car so I can destroy you?”
“We could do that. Or…” he points at the bags, the demon peering into them curiously, “we could take these two bags of snacks to a concert in the park.”
Cold bites his lip. Duck holds his breath, already gearing up his spells in case the demon says no.
A seatbelt clicks, “very well.”
They find a spot under some trees, far back from the crowd. Cold is in his human disguise, but Duck would rather not risk being seen if his tail or horns make an appearance. The concert is all movie soundtracks that Duck doesn’t pay attention to. He’s too busy watching the demon gleefully explore the food he brought (he chose the weirdest desserts and snacks he could find, wanting to give him a taste of things he’d never had) and talking with him about more or less everything.
As they’re getting into the car under the light of the half moon, Cold sighs happily, “we should do this again sometime.”
“Yeah, we could. Just uh, don’t get your hopes up, okay?”
Duck is up to his elbows in the pieces of an IKEA dresser when Cold’s voice comes through the mirror.
“I need to be let in right now please and thank you.”
He sounds pained, so Duck hurries out to the front yard and opens the circle, allowing the demon to pass through. He’s hunched at an odd angle, clutching at his back. Once they’re inside he strips off his coat, revealing a splinter at the base of his neck. 
“Shit, what happened?”
“I materialized in the house of a well-prepared witch and was immediately backed into a Hawthorne bush. Lucky I am not a vampire, but gracious it stings.”
“Why come to me?” Duck is already guiding him to the couch.
“I thought you might be able to help. Also it is movie night.”
Duck examines the injury; it’s a small splinter, but the skin is already looking sickly. 
“Should be an easy fix. Lemme get my tools and I can get to work.”
Indrid waits patiently for Duck to return, tries not to hiss at him too loudly when he pulls the splinter free. The human works quickly, and soon a tingling salve coats the sore spot. 
Rather than pull away, Duck smooths his hands down Indrid’s back, “damn, you’re all knotted up.”
“I was trying not to move too much and aggravate it.”
Duck’s thumbs rub small circles along his back, “here, I can fix that real easy.”
Indrid foresees where his fingers will touch next and let’s his desire overtake his caution. When Ducks hands come down again, he whimpers and wiggles happily. 
“It is my wings. In a way. They exist on another plane when not manifested here, and where you are touching is the place where it feels as you are stroking them.”
“That a good thing?”
“Yes, but you do not need to continue if you do not waAAhnnnt” he gasps as Duck slowly, steadily, runs his fingers over the spot again and again. 
The human leans forward, giggling, and whispers in his ear, “you’re purrin’.”
“I am awarerrrrrrrr.” His tail and horns appear, seeming to understand there is no need to hide here.  One of Duck’s hands skates up to his head, petting his hair and stroking his horns.
He whines, pushes his head into Duck’s hand for more. 
“Is this-”
“No Duck Newton, it is not sexual. It can be, but at the moment it simply feels comforting and pleasurable.” He purrs louder as Duck rubs the base of one horn. 
“That’s a good, uh, good demon? Bein’ so patient while I patch him up.” Duck coos. 
“Yes.” Indrid whimpers. 
“Lookit you, goin all mushy on me, so goddamn cute. Who knew you had it in you.”
“Duck.” Something is coiling through his veins, warm and ecstatic, as the human keeps up his stream of praise.
“Right here, demon of mine, just relax, lemme tend to you, there we go, you’re bein so good, such a charmin demon.”
Tears prick his eyes; he can’t, he can’t handle Duck speaking this way but speaking as if Indrid could be changed out for any one of his kind. He wants to know he means those words for him, he must, the feelings flooding him are incomplete without it and if they remain so he will wither away.
“Indrid, please, call me that.”
“Indrid.” It sounds joyous in that drawl as Duck adds a hint of pressure to his touches, “Indrid, you oughta stop gettin into trouble, oughta just stay here and put your head in my lap.”  The human is getting carried away, the fantasies becoming more elaborate, interspersed with his name, until the name itself becomes the litany. 
Indrid cries out, the energy in his veins enveloping him utterly for a moment, wings of absolute darkness flashing into view for an instant
He collapses forward, shaking, hoping the thanks pouring from his mouth are intelligible. 
“You, uh, you doin’ okay--Oh FUCK!”
Indrid whirls, finds Duck staring at his arm. There are glowing markings on it, blue and black light fading into a facsimile of ink on his skin. 
“What did you do?”
“What did I do? What makes you think this has anything to do with me?”
“Because this wasn’t there a minute ago! And you got one too!”
“I…” Indrid gapes at his forearm, where a matching symbol is setting in his skin. “Oh dear.”
“It is, ah, well, it is a soul bond.”
“How in the everlovin’ fuck did that happen--wait, fuck, is Indrid your true name?”
“Shit! I thought you gave me another false one, or I never woulda kept saying it. I ain’t that kind of warlock, I don’t want a personal demon.”
“I am not exactly thrilled either. I cannot return to the underworld, and for the first few days of the bond I will need to stay very close to you. All the same, that was rash of me and I am sorry.”
Duck rubs his forehead, takes a deep breath, “we’ll deal with it tomorrow. Right now, all I wanna do is sleep.”
“I as well. I suspect that took a lot of energy from both of us.”
The human stands, heading off towards the bedroom. As soon as he’s out of sight, pangs pulse through Indrid’s chest.
“Ah, Duck?”
A groan, “yeah, I feel it too. Get in here.”
Indrid hurries to the bed, finds Duck down to his boxers as he turns over the covers. 
“I, ah, I can sleep on the floor, or get a blanket for that chair, or lay by your feet.”
Duck pats the bed, “sleepin next to you ain’t nothin’ compared to bein’ soul bonded. Bed feels too big anyway. And none of that by my feet talk; you’re my equal, not my fuckin pet, even if you are a pain in my ass sometimes.”
Indrid crawls in beside him, lays stiffly on his back as the lights go out. After so much contact, his body aches to touch Duck again. 
A hand rests in the space between them, and Indrid takes it.
“Duck? I, ah, I am glad that if this had to happen to me, it was you who it happened with. I cannot think of another warlock I would actually enjoy being linked too.”
“Feelin’s mutual.” Duck squeezes his hand, voice gentle.
Indrid rolls to face him, and in the dark he can just make out the slight smile on the warlock’s face. 
“Goodnight, Duck.”
A yawn, then, “sleep tight, Indrid.”
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Assistant / Chapter Twenty Seven, “Meet Me in the Hallway”
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Ok I didnt forget this time :/
                           *  SNEAKYYYYYYYYY PEEK TIME *
“Why’re you annoyed I said that? Is it ‘cause that’s what you want? Did I expose your secret fantasy? ‘Cause ya know you can still go and date him, maybe it’s even easier now that you don’t work for him anymore.”
“Robbie, stop.”
“I can keep a secret. Scout’s honor.”
“No, you can’t! You always say that and it’s never true. And you were never in Boy Scouts,” I scoff, holding onto tufts of his jean jacket.
“I was too! Now, stop avoiding the question. Why won’t you give Harry another chance?” Robbie continues, veering back to the topic I so conveniently changed.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Hmmm, I don’t think I believe you, Ree,” Robbie tsks. “But I’m going to get the truth out of you one of these times.”
P.S - I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors or stuff that should be bolded/italicized that I missed, I already edited this chapter on here a few times and Tumblr kept losing it ugh. 
“I don’t know,” she replies, yanking at the corners of my heart. A sigh escapes my lips when I feel my heavy head fall into my hands. “M-my dad,” Becky continues, but her words collapse into tears before too long. 
I almost tell her that I already know, but my lips stop just in time. I don’t want her to get mad at Asher. And if I’m honest, our secret elevator meetings to talk about her are the highlight of my week. But my lips search for something to say. The sound of her tears is all I can hear, no matter how badly I ache to take them away. 
“He has c-cancer, Harry,” Becky says, her words tumbling out sloppily. They pull at my heart again, making it fall another notch. 
“Fuuuuuuuuck . . . . ’m so sorry, Becks . . . . Are ya okay?”
“No, w-why would I be? How could I be?” she responds, her words falling out fast. 
“Becks . . have ya been drinkin’, love?” I ask tentatively, wincing when I hear her groan. 
“I don’t wanna ‘ear it. Imma grown woman. I can bloody drink if I want t’ and-,” she argues, her voice steely. I’m caught off guard by the confrontation, and it only makes me feel worse. 
“Tha’s not what I meant, love. I jus’ . . . ,” I try, my train of thought fleeing me. All of my thoughts do, because I wasn’t expecting this. I don’t even know if I’d have any better idea of what to say if I’d had notice she was going to call. That she was going to remember who I was for the first time in 9 months. “Are ya atta pub? Cuz I jus’ wanna know yer safe. I can leave an’ give ya a lift home if ya need,” I finish, unsure of how she’ll take my words. 
She’s quiet and it only makes the scary thoughts buzz louder in my head. 
What if she gets the idea to drive herself home?
What if some drunk bloke bothers her and she can’t fend for herself?
What if she tries to walk home in the rainstorm?
What if she keeps drinking, not knowing when to stop?
What if-
“No, I’m at home. In me bed. I’m not st- dumb, Harry,” she slurs, showing me a side of her I’ve never seen. We’ve had drinks together before - in my office or rarely at a pub. But she never got drunk before. 
“I don’ think ya are, bug,” I counter, the nickname falling effortlessly from my tongue. “’m really sorry ‘bout yer dad. D’ya know how bad it ‘s yet?”
“Noooo, other than that ’s somewhere . . . like in uh Stage 2 . . or somefiing,” Becky answers, her words all over the place. “It’s t-the prostate. Ya know that fing that uh . . . is . . where ‘s it ‘gain?” One of her many words that don’t make much sense.
“Ya I know what it ‘s an’ where. I uh have one of ‘em,” I finish for her. I’m rewarded by hearing her decadent laugh. A sound I’ve craved and missed for so long. I missed it more than I thought I had, I realize as a smile pulls my cheeks upwards. 
“Oh ya. I uh kinda forgot ‘bout dat,” she titters, encouraging a chuckle from my now smiling lips. 
But her laugh fades first and mine follows. Because she didn’t call to laugh at my lame jokes, or to catch up on things we’ve missed in each other's lives. No, not really. 
“He’d been ‘aving pains. So bad he can’t eat, or use the uh loo . . He told me when we was there wit’ Robbie and . . . . he looked baaad,” she tells me, her voice catching on the last word. I feel my heart shudder in pain again, and suddenly I realize the validity of the second-hand pain phenomenon. “And I jus’ dunno ‘ow I’m gonna do dis. I wanna help him and take care o’ him . . . But I’m t’ree hours ‘way and . . . I just dunno how t’ do dis.”
“There’s no real setta rules, love. No guideline or brochure fer how t’ handle it . . Ya jus’ gotta do yer best, an’ love him . . ‘m sorry,” I tell her, not knowing what else to say. 
“You’re sorry?” she laughs, pulling my eyebrows into a knot. “Tha’s a firssssst.”
I listen to her laugh some more, savoring it. But I’m also confused and a little offended. But then it stops abruptly and I hear her sniffle. “I’m the one whoooo should be sorry,” she begins, tears lacing into her words. And taking all of mine with them. “You’re just trynaaaa help, and I’m bein’ mean and rude just like I always am to ya. Ughhhh, I dunno why I even called.”
“No, ‘s okay. Yer goin’ thru a lot an’ . . . I appreciate ya callin’. I jus’ hope ‘m helpin’,” I say quickly, dropping a hand in defeat. It finds its way to my pants and I pick at the loose thread that’s been bothering me all day. 
“But I am, Harry! I’m mean and I make no sense a-and I’m jus’ loadin’ onto ya. But I dunno who else t’ call, cuz ’m tryna t’ be strong forrrrr Robbie. And not worry Skye, an’ I jus’ dunno what t’ do, Harry,” Becky says, the last of her words dissolving into sobs. Biting my lip at the sound of her crying into my ear, I keep biting and biting as she cries. I yank at the thread and feel it dig into my skin, but I don’t let go. “I don’t wanna lose me dad afta I already lost you.” 
It takes a few seconds of telling myself, but I slowly release my bottom lip. I huff, swiping my tongue across my lips. I taste the metally blood coming from the stinging cut. And then the warm taste of salt joins it on my tongue. Pressing my lips together, the pain only intensifies. But I let it stay as tears roll down my cheek. My finger burns, but only for a few short seconds when I finally rip the thread from my pants. It doesn’t compare to the pain I feel inside of my chest, like a vice around my heart. Tightening and throbbing. 
The line grows silent, but I know she’s there. Because I hear her shallow breathing, and the occasional sniffle. And I know that she’s still crying, because I hear the whimpers that she tries to hide. Even if she is drunk. And the pain only keeps coming, because I hate that I can’t do anything to stop hers. Nothing at all. 
“I miss ya so much, Becks,” I whisper, not believing the words coming from my mouth. But they feel good. Freeing. Almost exciting. 
“I . . . I do too, b-but I can’t go down that road ‘gain, Harry. I- I can’t do this,” she rushes. I hear noises on her line, but I can’t get out the words before the it goes dead. Silence.
I feel my phone slide from my hands slick with tears. It falls to the floor with a thud, but I hardly hear it. Because her voice is drowning out the sounds of everything else. 
The thunder. 
The rain falling harder by every second. 
I press the pads of my fingers into my eyes and let my own rain fall. My fingers grow wet with every tear. Every single one I held in as her voice graced my ears. The tears that grew from the pain I heard in her voice. From when I heard about her dad’s diagnosis. And I think the ones I’ve been pushing away for a long time. 
The rain welcomes a friend, and I join the drops drilling against the glass until the storm passes. But I know that although the storm inside of me passed for a little while, that it’s only come back stronger. The velvety sofa cushions and pillow welcome my tired body. I fall into a fitful sleep with her comforting voice dancing through my head. The only place I can see her again, and where I didn’t fuck everything up.  
“Don’t worry, Becky. We’ll get this all figured out. You just do your best and take care of yourself and your father. Keep me updated on what you learn, and if you need extensions. Alright?” 
“I can’t tell you how grateful I am,” I reply emphatically. 
He nods before patting my arm and telling me to have a good day. I return it before leaving his office and feeling the slightest weight leave my shoulders. That was the easy part, I think to myself as I find my way through the twisty halls. 
Looping my arm through my other backpack strap, I turn a corner and keep walking. I feel my heartbeat start to slow down after that nervous meeting with Professor Alcott, finishing up my afternoon of meeting with my professors. I couldn’t even believe the words leaving my mouth to grace their ears. 
My dad was diagnosed with Stage 2 prostate cancer recently. We still don’t know a lot, but I wanted to let you know. I plan to still stay enrolled in the program and I’m committed to my courses. At the same time, I’m going to do what I can to take care of him. I will keep you updated as I learn more, but there are still a lot of unknowns at this point and . . . , I think, pausing the track I had on repeat for the last few hours. I had to figure out what to say, then rehearse it, and then say all of those words to the stern-looking expressions of my professors. Two of whom I’ve never even met before, because I’m taking their classes online. But my advisor, Sally, told me it would be best to meet with them in person. It’s more personal and shows your commitment blah blah, she said. 
I’m just glad to have that part over with, I sigh inwardly. 
The first fallen leaves of Fall crunch under my lace up purple Vans. The crisp air welcomes me. For a few seconds, I lose myself in the beginnings of the changing colors of Autumn. But the incessant worrying thoughts that have plagued my mind sit at the back, ready to pounce. I was rather numb for the first several days. I didn’t know how to function normally. Let alone inform my professors professionally and in person about the events that just rocked my life. I’m relieved that they were all very accommodating and kind to me about the news. But I know that the hard work is just about to begin. 
A U2 song pours from my speakers as I back out of my parking space and start my journey home. I try to lose myself in the beloved lyrics, but it’s hard. When they become too relatable and too nostalgic, I skip it and the stereo player whirs as it thinks. My Spotify chooses a song at random - a favorite by Vance Joy. I roll my windows down and try to sing along. 
I close my apartment door with my foot, sifting through the mail. 
A bill. An advert for Skye. Another bill. Another cosmetology advert for Skye. An advert from my uni. Something Skye ordered from Amazon. A random magazine subscription that I most definitely don’t want to subscribe to. A sheet of Domino’s coupons. And a square periwinkle envelope with my name scrawled across the front. No return address.
My feet stop in the middle of toeing off my shoes. The one falls to the floor with an echoing thud. I swallow and pad slowly over to the kitchen island. Pushing Skye’s mess over, I let the pile of mail fall with a slap. With one shoe still on, I soon find myself sitting on the arm of the sofa. Backpack still heavy on my shoulders. Keys still hanging around my finger. But all I can focus on is the periwinkle envelope in my hands. And that familiar handwriting. 
I hug it to my chest and tap my fingers along it as I think. 
I know what it feels like, but I don’t know if I want to open it. 
Because I know what will happen if I do. 
But I can’t deny the first bubbles of excitement rising in my chest. 
The first feelings of happiness I’ve felt in 11 days. 
11 days since my dad announced that he has cancer. The dreaded C word. 
My thumb does the first rip without me barely registering it. My excited heartbeat eggs me on. I try to rip it neatly, and leave the pretty envelope intact. But I’ve never been good at opening mail neatly. It’s just too exciting. I see the cursive word on the back first. The card company’s name. 
The card is a periwinkle purple, like the envelope. He remembered it’s my favorite. My eyes fall closed without warning when I feel the hard square inside of the card. A sigh escapes my lips. It only grows longer when I feel the tiny imprints the pen left from pressing down hard in the author’s hand. 
Exhaling slowly, I flip the card over and find a saying that I glance over. The cursive words made permanent by gold lettering tug at my heart. But I know that’s only the beginning. My finger pries at the opening and runs along the inside, feeling the bumpy impressions of the ink words. I rip the bandaid off and open it. But before I read anything, I grab a hold of the plastic square. I place it behind the card in my grip. 
One step at a time. 
The inside of the card is painted with sloppy black writing. At the sight of it, I watch my sight grow hazy. Starting at the beginning, I blink and feel the first tear fall when I see my name. 
Harry’s name for me. 
Dear Becks, 
I saw this card and thought of you. The little bunny on the front just screamed your name, and well it harassed me during my whole shopping trip to buy it. Isn’t it just adorable?  It made me think of the story you told me once about the baby bunny you found with your dad that was hurt. You both nursed it back to health before it hopped away back into the woods. Or your Dad called the animal services to take it to rehabilitate it. You said you couldn’t remember. Anyways, it made me think of you and the unimaginable pain you’re going through. You and your family. I never had the pleasure to meet your Dad but I wanted to extend my sympathies. He must be a pretty incredible man seeing how well you and Robbie turned out. You always spoke fondly of him. I know you’re very close to him, and because of that I know this is even harder for you. I’m so sorry. I’ve been thinking of you and your family often, and wishing there was something I could do to help. I’m so sorry, Becks. I really am. I don’t think there’s much else I can say to comfort you right now, or if there is I don’t know what it is. I’d just suggest doing what you can to be with your father during this time, and although it may be difficult to see him in pain, I think you’d be happy if you were there. No matter how things turn out, I think it would mean a lot to the both of you. I’ve experienced grandparents and loved ones passing, and it’s the shits but whoever said that it’s better to suffer together than by yourself was right. But please take care of yourself too. I don’t know what your plans are, but please don’t load your plate too full. Okay? I’m sorry, but you won’t be much help to your Dad if you’re giving yourself too much work.  I’m so sorry that this is happening to you, Becks. It pains me more than you could know to know that you’re going through this. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Please let them know that. Take care of yourself, please. For you and your dad. If there is anything at all I can do to help please don’t be afraid to let me know. In the meantime, I hope that this Visa gift card will help. I recall you said you’re from Madley and your dad still lives there, which is quite the trip. I hope this money will help pay for petrol, meals, hospital bills, and anything else that may help make you and your dad comfortable. Myles’ brother who’s a doctor knows of some good docs at The Royal London Hospital where he works - if you’re interested, just give him a ring. I’ll be praying for a hopeful diagnosis and outlook for your dad, and that he recovers from this. I hope you’re hanging in there, Becks. Just take it one day at a time.
Harry xxxxx
My chest shakes with a sob as I breathe in, but it’s so hard. And it hurts. Closing the card, I cover my face with it. And feel the warm tears paint my cheeks. I don’t know where they come from or how I haven’t ran out of them yet, but they keep coming. Without knowing it, I find myself sliding off the sofa and down onto the floor to rest against the sofa. Ugly sounds leave my lips and my body shakes with each sob. For the first time in days, there’s a feeling inside of me stronger than sadness for my dad. 
I miss Harry. And I let myself feel all of it. Like I haven’t been letting myself for months. I forgot how much I missed him. 
The way he could make me laugh. 
How he always knew what to say without worrying it being the right thing. 
His sunshine smile. 
His molasses like voice - deep, rich, and syrupy sweet. 
And most of all, the way his hugs fixed me like a bandaid. I feel my heart wrench with everything I miss, but it especially hurts when I think about how much I miss his hugs. And how badly I crave one right now. No, I need one. 
I cry harder at that, because apparently things can get worse right now, I think inside the chaos that is my mind. 
I miss my dad, even though I saw him yesterday when I went back home. And then I miss Harry, even though I kicked him out of my life. Even though I heard his molasses voice the other day when I mistakenly called him after drinking a bottle of wine. 
I miss him so much and it hurts.
I didn’t know that I could even hurt more than I already was. 
And I wouldn’t have guessed that his card warms my heart, and breaks it at the same time. 
My thumb wavers over the keyboard of letters, indecisive and lost. I groan and walk away, padding out of the room and into our main living area. 
“You better be getting a snack since you didn’t eat dinner,” Skye calls out to me from her perch on the sofa. 
“Okay, Mom,” I retort, searching the shelves of the fridge. It sounds bad, but it only took Skye a major life event to do a decent job at grocery shopping, I recount. Grabbing a yogurt from the drawer, an apple, and a spoon from others, I leave with my dinner in hand. 
The food falls to my desk with a clatter as my attention diverts to my phone. Waking it back up, I see the words I had typed out before. Without another thought, I press Send. With wide eyes and a shaky hand, I lay my phone face down away from me. I’ve only gotten settled and read a few lines from my textbook when my phone chimes. With teenage jittery excitement, I stare at it for a few seconds before daring to pick it up. My heart does a somersault in my chest at the sight of the name. 
I read over my text first, and then read his. 
Hi. I can’t thank you enough for the incredibly sweet card. The gift card was more than generous. I don’t know which I cried more at. Just THANK YOU. A lot. I don’t know how many times I can say that. It was so kind of you to think of me and my dad. 
hi! stop it youre more than welcome. im glad you liked the card. i wasnt sure if it was 2 dorky. u better not have cried at it. im here if u need anything. have a good night xxxx 
My thumbs dance around on the screen. But before long, I set it down and try to immerse myself in my textbook. But it’s hard, because all I can do is think about him and our texts. I was texting him and we were talking, my over excited teenage-like mind thinks. But the adult part of it sweeps it under the rug, or tries to. Those two parts fight each other as I struggle to make sense of the chapter I’m reading. Because the teenage girl side wants to text him back, but the adult side argues there’s nothing to say. And that won’t I just get hurt again? I find myself nodding at that. Or more so, the argument it makes about there being no point in it. But the teenaged side reads into his words and grows excited at some of them. Talk about distracting. 
“Oh my god, just stop!” I mutter aloud, covering my ears but it doesn’t work. Groaning, I flip the page and read on. 
He helped and his card stands on my desk now, but I need to focus on my dad. And school. And this fricken boring chapter that I have an upcoming quiz on.
Voices carry down the tiled hallways. The sounds of footsteps sound like ghosts around me. So do the memories I have of these halls. Ones that stab at my insides as I walk further into them. I turn a corner and find the light at the end of the tunnel. He senses me and looks up. He shows a small smile as he crosses his arms over his chest. He’s continued to ignore the the circle of chairs in the waiting area. Instead, he leans against the wall nearby the door we’ve been staring at. 
“Is he done with his labs yet?”
He shakes his head no, narrowing his eyes at me. “You said you weren’t going to go and cry in the bathroom, you liar,” Robbie jokes, but I don’t laugh. He purses his lips and holds his arm out for me. 
I walk into them and rest my head on his chest. “Yeah well, you tell everybody that you’re the older twin when you’re not,” I quip with a sniffle. A laugh rumbles underneath my cheek. 
“That’s ‘cause I am.”
“No, you’re not. Dad only said that when we got in fights to make you feel better,” I reply, closing my eyes and listening to his heartbeat. For some reason, his hugs never fail to calm me down. After a fight we had whether we were 5 or 15, when I snuck into his bed at night when mom and dad were fighting, after a pet died, even after a bad day at school, and especially lately with dad’s diagnosis. It only strengthens my belief about the whole twin thing. 
He scoffs in reply and my lips find a laugh. “I want to see our birth certificates and settle this once and for all.” 
I giggle into his warm chest and close my eyes. But then the thoughts and not longer after, the tears arrive. Robbie squeezes me and tickles my back with his fingers.
“They sounded hopeful at least,” he says quietly.
“Yeah, but they want to do chemo before and after surgery.”
“I know, but they said they have to be sure. If things look good when they’re doing the surgery, like clean margins or whatever it was, then he might not need chemo afterwards,” Robbie points out and I nod, feeling the damp spots on his shirt from my tears. 
“He seems like he’s holding it all together pretty well.”
“Yeah he’s always had super strength. Remember in primary when we wrote that dad was our hero-.”
“And mom got mad,” I finish for him, adding my laughter to his. 
“Yeah. And even though we made that superhero poster about him, I never stopped seeing him as a superhero,” Robbie says, slowly trailing off when the emotions steal his words. 
“Bee, stop, you’re gonna make me cry even more.”
He laughs for a second, but then I hear him start to cry. His chest trembles underneath me. I give up and cry with him. 
“Harry sent me a card in the mail,” I sob, hiccuping in between words. 
“He did? I always knew I liked that guy. What’d it say?”
Something half-scoff and half-laugh is my response before I take a big breath. “I don’t know, it was just so sweet and kind. He said that he’s thinking of all of us, and told me to take care of myself. He said he knows it’s hard to see people you love suffering, but that it’s better to suffer together than on your own,” I choke out, tears drowning my words. “The card had a bunny on it. He said he got it because I told him the story of how Dad and I saved that hurt bunny. I wish he could’ve met dad when I still worked there . . And he sent a $150 Visa gift card to use for bills, petrol, and food.” 
“Wow, that’s crazy generous. Wait, what? You two didn’t save it, the animal control people did,” Robbie argues and I just shake my head. “And don’t say it like that. Dad’s too stubborn to die, you know that. And with how much you talk about Harry, I’m sure you guys are gonna get coffee one day and fall in love and get married,” he continues, his voice quickly turning mocking and girly. I laugh and shove him, stepping away with a laugh. 
“What?” he laughs. His voice is still under water, as is mine. “Why’re you annoyed I said that? Is it ‘cause that’s what you want? Did I expose your secret fantasy? ‘Cause ya know you can still go and date him, maybe it’s even easier now that you don’t work for him anymore.”
“Robbie, stop,” I reply, laughing with emotions fighting in my voice. 
“C’mere,” he says, pulling me into his arms once again. “Ya know you can tell me. I can keep a secret. Scout’s honor.”
“No, you can’t! You always say that and it’s never true. You blabbed to the whole 1st grade I had a crush on Johnny Turner. Then, when I gave you a second chance, you did the same thing again in 8th grade with Willie. And you were never in Boy Scouts,” I scoff, holding onto tufts of his jean jacket. 
“I was too!”
“Being it for one week and quitting because you went home in the middle of the first camp doesn’t count!” 
“I still think it does. I have the outfit, sash, hat, and everything still. I made dad proud, and you know it. Now, stop avoiding the question. Why won’t you give Harry another chance?” Robbie continues, veering back to the topic I so conveniently changed. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Hmmm, I don’t think I believe you, Ree,” Robbie tsks, his scratchy chin resting on top of my head. We hear the click of a door open, and I frantically wipe my eyes. “But I’m going to get the truth out of you one of these times.” 
I roll my eyes at Robbie as I peer up at him. He winks before sloppily kissing my head. 
“Come on, you rascals. Let’s get outta here before they try to poke me with any more needles,” our dad says, walking out of the room with his jacket folded over his arms. 
I know he knows we’ve been crying, but he doesn’t mention it. I think another secret language is already starting to form between us. With Robbie’s arm around my shoulder, I grab hold of my dad’s hand. He turns to flash a tired smile at me, before placing a kiss on my forehead. 
“Thanks for coming, guys,” he hums quietly as we stop in front of an elevator. His smile tugs at my heart. I’m just thankful to be able to still see it. 
Stepping onto the elevator, he squeezes my hand hard, just like he always has done. “Dad, don’t!” I yelp and he chuckles under his breath. 
After pressing the button for the lobby, I see Robbie’s lips bend upwards. This can’t be good. “Hey, dad, when we get home can you pull out our birth certs? I need to know the truth of who’s really the older twin.”
“Oh god. You two are 25 years old, when is this going to be over?!” my dad huffs, rubbing at his eyes, but with a smile. “Maybe I won’t take you with the next time, since it’s giving you existential crises,” he threatens, and we all fall into easy laughter. 
“I’m gonna have an existential crisis if I found out you’ve been lying to me for my whole life,” Robbie exclaims and we all only laugh harder. 
My backpack and coat fall to the floor with a heavy thud. With a yawn, I bend over to grab my things. The sound of chattering surrounds me. It slowly grows in volume as I sit there tiredly with my head down. I hear footsteps, laughs, and the scuffling of moved objects. 
“Wake up!” a voice nudges at me. I groan angrily in response and hear laughter in response. I peek through a crack in my arm to find Ruby’s crazy red hair bobbing next to me. My newest friend from Criminology. “Just ‘cause we have a guest speaker today, doesn’t mean you can sleep.”
“Oh, that’s today?” I reply excitedly, returning to the warm cocoon of my arms. 
“Yeah, but we still have to take notes. Ya know like last Wednesday when we had our first guest speaker? We had to write down questions for them, even if we don’t end up asking them. Alcott just wants us to get thinking and to well, pay attention. And not fall asleep like somebody! And then we have to write down 8 things that interested us, so get unpacking,” Ruby replies, her chipper voice drilling into my ears. 
“Noooooo,” I moan, scrunching my face in secret. 
I hear the door to the lecture hall close with a loud bang and Alcott laughs. “Alright, you lot, look alive. Our guest speaker has arrived and is ready to dazzle you this rainy Wednesday morning. Remember to be working on your page of ‘Ahas’ whilst he’s speaking. You’ll be passing it in at the end of class which is in 50 minutes,” Alcott announces. His Southern accent coming out in a few of his words. 
“Shitttttt. I think I might like this guest speaker. Look at him, Becky. He is fineeeeeee,” Ruby whispers, elbowing me hard in the arm. 
With a whimper, I sit up with a secret stretch. Combing my hair back, I rub at one of my eyes as they both struggle to focus. 
“What, who’s fine? What’s fine?” another voice blurts out. I squint and look over to find Simon taking the seat on the other side of me. The little Criminology trio back together again. 
“Not you being tardy, that’s not fine,” Ruby retorts with a smirk in her voice. I can’t help but smile. Simon flashes one at me as he combs a hand through his sandy hair after digging in his backpack. 
“So without further ado, I’d like to introduce our guest speaker today. Harry Styles from Styles and Lawson. Let’s welcome Mr. Styles with open arms and give him our undivided attention, please.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I mumble under my breath, coaxing a confused ‘what’ from Ruby and Simon’s lips . 
“Hullo, class. My name ‘s Harry Styles, but ya can call me Harry. Ummmmm as Professor Alcott said, ‘m from tha London law firm Styles and Lawson. Me mate, Myles Lawson, makes up tha otha half o’ tha firm. This year it’ll be 5 years since we started tha firm togetha, which ‘s bloody crazy t’ me. Before, it was his dad’s firm, and long story short, Myles an’ I got togetha an’ here we are. Anyways, I make me rounds in London talkin’ t’ law classes. I’ve always enjoyed speakin’ t’ tha incomin’ lawyers an’ tellin’ some o’ me stories. An’ me favorite part - answerin’ questions. I thought ‘d start with how I got into law, tho’.”
Shit. I really should’ve known this would happen.
“Nothing,” I reply. “J-just hand me a piece of paper and a pencil, please,” I say briskly to Ruby. 
The last thing I want is to make a single sound that will bring attention to me. But it seems like the universe doesn’t really care lately what I want. I’m already trying to figure out my odds of him spotting me in the sea of 50-so students. Amongst 35 or so ogling girls. Typical.
But the more my eyes focus and my ears attune themselves, I lose myself. I knew it wasn’t a dream when I heard the first word from his mouth. I’d know that voice anywhere. But when my eyes finally focus on the towering figure standing at the front of the room, my eyes struggle. Gone are his long curly locks, and replacing them is a short and curly quiff. I try to ignore the somersaults my insides are doing, but it’s terribly difficult. 
Taking a deep breath, I savor listening to the words fall from those smiling cherry lips. In that slow, calming voice. Never being able to remain in one place, he paces around the front of the room slowly. Clad in a gray suit with a black button down, I slowly melt next to Ruby. Who from her choice of words, is doing about the same. Just in a less graphically described way than her. I can’t blame her, because somehow he has only gotten more handsome over the last year. 
“Isn’t he just so nice to look at?” she croons. 
“Oh yes,” I reply without thinking, and she sighs happily.
Simon groans in disgust, shaking his head. I see him out of the corner of my eye playing with the lead in his pencil. He tries to take it out in one piece before putting it back in. Rinse and repeat.  
I bite my lip and somehow tear my eyes away and to the paper sitting in front of me. I scribble my name across the top. Numbering my page, I write down the first ‘aha’ I have. 
1. Renowned lawyer with his own firm at 28. Almost unheard of. 
Tapping the pencil absently at my thigh, I return my attention to the front. Playing with the rings donning his hands, Harry continues with the story of how he came to be a lawyer. One I can’t say I’ve heard before. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he starts to walk again. Changing his focus from somebody in the front row, it suddenly floats up. 
And lands on me. 
Not only am I surprised, but so is he. The pencil between my fingers halts and altogether falls from my fingers. He stops mid sentence when his eyes lock with mine. My insides grow bubbly as a sparkle gleams in his eyes. I watch a grin unfold on his lips before he composes himself. 
Clearing his throat, he asks, “I-I’m sorry, can somebody uh remind me what I was sayin’?” 
Nervously, he combs a hand through his hair. Laughing, he thanks an eager girl in the front row when she reminds him. And soon enough, he’s back on track with a new nervousness to his voice, or excitement. I’m not sure which. And his eyes trail back to me after a few words, making a smile tickle at my lips. 
Although hard, I look away and pretend to think of something to write. Feeling another pair of eyes on me, I look over and find Ruby’s hot on my cheek. I shrug at her jealous look and she just shakes her head. I laugh under my breath and she kicks me under the table. 
I lose myself in Harry’s words for the rest of his talk, his maple syrupy voice like music to my ears. 
He talks about starting his law firm with Myles.
Some of his favorite cases.
His first case.
His worst case.
His hardest case.
And then he goes on to answer questions. Ruby and I aren’t the only ones fawning over him, because most of the class is as well. Some girls are really flirting it up with Harry. He just relishes in the flattery, to no surprise. I try not to notice the few times he peeks at me when he looks for somebody to call on with a question. 
“Why does he keep looking at you?” Ruby whispers to me as I write down another ‘aha.’ Some random takeaway from another story of his. 
“How am I supposed to know?” I reply, twiddling with my pencil when I’m done. “Why don’t you ask him a question already? I can see the ants in your pants, Rube.”
“I don’t know, I think her question would be if he was single,” Simon jokes, garnering a few curse words from Ruby. I quietly laugh between their hushed argument. 
“Well, ‘m gettin’ tha eye from Alcott, so I reckon that my time’s up with you lot. Thanks fer havin’ me an’ hopefully I wasn’t too boring t’ listen to,” Harry concludes at the front of the lecture hall. 
I pretend I don’t hear Simon’s griping next to me. I can’t help but smile as I slide my backpack onto my shoulders. 
“Not so fast, everybody. What do we say to Mr. Styles for speaking to our class today?” Professor Alcott pipes up. I join in on the class-wide thank you as I hand Ruby her pencil back. 
“I bet you’ll be awake and ready for Wednesday lectures from now on,” she says, winking at me. 
I roll my eyes with a grin as I start down the steps beside her. “Like you’re any better. I saw you both drooling from the corner of my eye,” Simon remarks. 
“Maybe,” I say quietly, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my pullover quarter zip. The last syllable falls from my lips as my eyes pan over to find his head of dark curls.
Nearly at the uppermost row, my view wasn’t the best. As I near closer to him, his features sharpen and with the realization, my heart squeezes in my chest. Light stubble coats his dimpled cheeks as he smiles talking to a classmate of mine. 
I’m only a few footsteps from the bottom now, following the slow line of people who are leaving. The angel and demon, for lack of better words, argue inside of my head. Should I go and say hi? 
Yeah, why not?
No, why would you?
It would be rude if you didn’t.
It would be weird if you did. 
But there are a handful of girls around him probably already flirting with him. 
With an indecisive sigh, I clench my fists inside of my pockets. The two opposites inside of me clash, and I truly have no idea what to do. His card the other day was so kind and thoughtful. But I was a bitch the last time I saw him. I can’t believe it’ll be a year in two short months since I quit. Wow. 
“I dunno why they’re bothering, it looks like he’s taken,” Simon snickers, earning a flick on the head from Ruby. “Don’t be a bitch just because I pointed out the truth. Can’t shoot the bloody messenger, Rube.” 
I don’t intervene when Ruby chases after Simon to the door. Suddenly my feet stop around the corner from the stairs. Only a few more steps and he’d be out of my sight. 
For who knows how long until next time. 
I can’t take my eyes off of him. He really looks like he’s enjoying himself talking to law students. Up close, he really has grown more handsome over the last 11 months. I never thought that could be possible. Smiles crease his cheeks.And light up his eyes. 
But when his left hand habitually goes to fix his quiff of curls, I see the gold ring Simon saw. He wore rings, but never that one. It’s like my heart is brought up from the bottom of the lake where it’s been, and takes another nose dive back down.
“Becky!” somebody calls for me. I blink and almost think it’s him. But when I look around for the culprit, I find Simon walking up to me. 
I find it hard to squash the disappointment weighing inside of me. That it’s not Harry. 
“Sorry, Si. W-what’d you say?” I reply, tearing my eyes away from Harry. 
“Don’t look so sad he’s taken,” Si jokes quietly, putting an arm around me and squeezing my shoulder. I force a smile and walk to the door with him. “Wanna go get a coffee? Maybe that’ll cheer you up,” he suggests happily, his voice echoing in the hall to the door. 
“Yeah sure,” I respond slowly, unsure of my words. I let him guide me out of the lecture hall and into the busy hallways. 
Wow, Harry, you moved on from Amber that quick, huh? I think to myself with knitted brows and self-doubt. Swallowing, I try to push the nagging thought away. But I can’t, and I find myself barely able to carry on a conversation with Simon. 
I thought seeing Harry in my lecture was one of the sweetest surprises. Instead, it feels like a happy dream that turned into a nightmare at the end.  
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Five Otome/Romance Game Men I Adore
Hai hai many thanks for thinking of me for this tag game @justine-the-guillotine !!
 I always feel pressure to do these things perfectly, even though it’s just talking about things I like :’) so please bear with me in my, probably, screaming appreciation. I’ve been thinking of a list a characters for a whole day and honestly I’m suddenly blanking,,, who do I adore? lol who knows,,, Well actually you are about to know cause I am going to tell you LOL. OkAY. Enough of this blabbering, onto the list of many mens.
Please know I am excluding Lucien (MLQC) because it is obvious that I adore him to a fucking fault. If you want to see me do a whole appreciation about those him just hmu in my asks or message me and I will go on for days bby
This list is in no way order of most to least adored, I physically could not make that kind of decision jkdfjksdfh. ALSO PLS KNOW I DO SWEAR LIKE A FUCKING SAILOR AND I TALK OF SMUSHING LOVELIES OFTEN. IT”S JUST MY PERSONALITY SO SHHHHH IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT DON”T READ IT BOO, THAT SIMPLE!
Takeda Shingen (Ikemen Sengoku) - Okay, I will be honest, I was very skeptical of sengoku period romance games because I had played some in the past,,, but holy shit, Shingen blew me away. He quickly rose up the ranks of otome men in my heart, and I think about him at least once a day now. I related so much with his MC because it was so hard not to lust and swoon over that man. I have no idea how or when I fell hard for him but it happened and I am not mad at all. I self insert so much with my games,,, and it’s easy for me to slip my real feelings into my fantasies. And honestly I really wish I could have Shingen IRL, ~~though I’m sure I would absolutely freak out and hide under a rock if he ever paid me any attention. He represents the perfect man, lover, and husband to me; he’s on a god level kind of man. Shingen is compassionate, knows boundaries and has never restricted MC from doing anything she loved (without good reason), he’s reliable and strong in a way that makes my heart melt. AND  LET’S NOT FORGET HOW FUCKING BRILLIANT THIS MAN IS, HE IS SO FUCKING SMART AND I WISH CYBIRD LET US SEE HIS EXTREME INTELLIGENCE MUCH MORE,,,, He’s just so damn perfect it is near infuriating how good of a man he is. He fits my normal type so well; me saying “Tall, Handsome, Flirtatious, Sexy as Fuck and Infuriating” might of as well have been about Mr Takeda “I’ll marry you and give you everything for one smile” Shingen. I also really like characters that are loyal to their loved ones (yes in contrast to my bastard villain type kink, I also love those who show loyalty and devotion to the people they love) Shingen does more than enough of all of and I really do look up to him as a person and model for character,,,,, oh gods, and the way I imagine he would make sweet baby making love to ---*cough cough* ALRIGHT LETS STOP HERE BEFORE THIS BECOMES A WHOLE ASS SHINGEN APPRECIATION POST!!!
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) - I’m really tempted to just insert a daddy kink meme and leave it at that,,,, He is my absolute top otome man, or rather,,, one of my top “I wish you were real and we were married” men. As much as I whore around and claim to love a new man the most (besides Lucien because they’re on the same level now) every week,,, I will always come back to Mr. Flower Daddy. He holds such a precious spot in my heart, I can only try to explain the things that he makes me feel. Like a giddy school girl in love for the first time, but in this story they end up together. High school sweetheart kind of love that lasts till they’re old and wrinkled with time. Gods, thinking about Sirius makes me sob and my wallet sob harder . I must have a thing for men who keep denying their affections for MC (aka me self insert) because of things like responsibility, friendship, being labelled an old geezer,,etc. I have played his route about eight times over (probably) by now, it’s a little upsetting that his route wasn’t as spicy as his side content. Please Cybird, let Mr. Flower Daddy be the sexy and dramatic man he can be. I love the way he cares for others, how hard he works to achieve the bonds and peace he has now for not only everyone he loves, but for the country they all live in as well. His many layers intrigue me, seeing his reactions as well ughhhh I love this man so fucking much, how do people irl deal with love like this? I’m sitting here dreaming over Sirius Oswald,,, and his,,, big hands,,, Never have I held such large and terrifyingly real emotions and lust for an otome character. The man just screams let daddy take care of you baby but also let daddy wreck your pretty whore mouth, little lady or maybe that’s just me projecting my kinks onto this pure (lol) man. Not only is his body, heart, and morals absolutely stunning, HE IS ANOTHER INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT BEING AND I CANNOT STRESSSSS HOW MUCH I FIND SMART PEOPLE INCREDIBLY SEXY AND THE WAY HE USES HIS TALENTS TO SUBTLY AID HIS LOVED ONES UGHHHHHH I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE. GODS PLEASE LET ME BREAK INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSION AND MARRY THIS MAN!!!! 
Kent (Amnesia Memories) - OKAY LET ME JUST SAYYYY HE IS THE BIGGEST BABY AND BIGGEST MAN AT THE SAME TIME AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS IDC BUT HIS OUTFIT IS THE SHIT!!! FUCK YOU BELT HATERS!!! His outfit and his love slaps like the wholesome man he is. Absolutely I would love to h*ld his h@nds and give him the best smooches I can give. Because that is what he deserves. I really loved this game, growing to love Kent was easy despite his big brain fucker throwing math questions at me from time to time. I’m not sure what makes me like Kent so damn much, but I do and that’s what matters skjdfdskjfh. He is so damn precious,,, you all know those  “you so fucking precious when you smile” song video thingies? That is exactly how I feel about Kent. He’s so damn precious I want him to be happy always. And I will fight anyone who bullies him hnnn. 
Myeong Hwi aka Theodore Wilson + Lee Gun Wook aka William Harris (Mystic Code) - Mystic Code used to be one of my favs, till they did the whole updating and redoing the story thing, with no full voiced lines etc (I really hope they bring that back). But two stood out to me the most was Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Harris. Both have very strong personalities and care for the greater good, and thick as fuck lets be real with that dom energy . I adore men with strong and noble (?? is this the right word??) personalities and also possess a compassionate heart. As Theo is with the MIU team members and Will is with MC. 
Theodorus Van Gogh (Ikemen Vampire) - whoallowedthismantobethisfuckingattractiveandlegal??????  *insert his magic mike CG* I have played Theo’s route in JP a few times, once to completion but knowing him in the EN version I am already absolutely in love with this man. How this came to be? Maybe it’s his bittersweet personality, the way he cares for MC in the same way Sirius does, but he’s a bit more brash about it than Sirius. I absolutely adored his character growth in his route and as you get to know him better he opens up more and more, ahh the tsundere is quite the cute trait XD. He is strong willed and passionate, he is caring of his loved ones, he is loyal to his family, blood or found, and he is an absolutely attentive loving person. Why ask for more when you can just love Theodorus Van Gogh? He is the absolute softy packed into a large brooding and brash package with a shiny 8-pack abs that I wish to slather maple syrup on and lap up for the love of----  for someone who loves pancakes so much. And I very much admire his drive to do what he wants and needs to do to the absolute best of his ability. His will to thrive for the best he can get has me swooning. He truly is a breath taking man,,, whether that be because he is being a complete sweetheart all of the sudden or he’s whipping you some nasty insult that is itching for a rebut.
Alright, that’s it! I cheated a little lololll but there aren’t any rules so >;3c I can do as I wish. 
I uhhhhhhh don’t interact with many other otome blogs T^T (but maybe you can change that hwehwe) so I won’t be tagging anyone. However, if you do see this and want to join in and tag your friends pls do!!! Share the love, pass it on, scream about more 2D mans.
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ginger-and-mint · 6 years
Halloween Party
This is just a more readable / reblog-friendly version of this post, which was prompted by @fattyatomicmutant and @bellysoupset​.
In which a very scary vampire eats way too much and needs a little help to feel better!
Previous things with Theo and Darren: [1] [2] [3] [4] (this takes place before the most recent one ^^)
“I swear to god I’ve never felt stupider in my life.”
“Never? You’re sure? I can think of a few times you might wanna consider.”
“Very funny, Darren. And yes, I’m sure.” Theo tugged at the high-necked collar on the cheap polyester cape his boyfriend had forced him into. “This is not what vampires look like. Vampires look like me.”
“Yeah, well, you usually look more like a homeless screamo fan than than Count Dracula,” said Darren teasingly. He leaned towards the bathroom mirror and began clumsily applying the black eyeliner they’d picked up at Walgreens that afternoon.
Theo watched him with a mix of affection and exasperation. He’d never seen a grown man get so excited about Halloween. Darren had been talking about dressing them both up as silly horror-movie vampires for weeks, ever since they’d gotten the invitation to his co-worker’s party. As much as Theo didn’t get appeal of wearing a stupid costume, he hadn’t been able to say no in the face of his boyfriend’s adorable enthusiasm.
It could’ve been worse, really. At least the billowing cape hid the shape of his body. Darren had taken him out to feed only yesterday and he was still pretty swollen from it. Better that Darren’s colleagues didn’t wonder why he’d spontaneously sprouted a beer belly.
“I don’t suppose you’re gonna let me put some of this eyeliner on you,” Darren mused as he moved on to his other eye.
“Absolutely not. You’ll poke my eyeball out.”
“Huh! Well, you don’t need it anyway. You’ve got your all-natural eye bags.”
“And I’m not wearing those plastic fangs you got either,” Theo added.
That made Darren’s face fall. “Aw, really? But how are people gonna know you’re supposed to be a vampire?”
“I could just leave my actual fangs out.”
“No you can’t. Not unless you can think of a good way to explain how you got your hands on Hollywood-worthy mouth prosthetics.”
“Okay, true, but I’m not wearing the plastic ones. Do you know how uncomfortable they’re gonna be? It’s hard enough to talk when the stupid long things in your mouth are your actual teeth!” Theo made a face. “I don’t know why everyone wants to be a vampire so bad. I’d be perfectly happy dressing up as a normal human.”
“Aww, cheer up, Theo! It’s the one day of the year that I can actually tell people my boyfriend is a vampire! And the one day of the year I can match you. Ah-ha-ha!” Darren spun around, striking a pose with his cape raised in front of his face. “What do you think?”
Theo felt his heart going all gooey in his chest. “I think you’re the world’s biggest dork,” he said, and the last of his resolve crumbled at the boyish delight that lit up Darren’s face. “All right, fine – give me the stupid fangs.”
The party was actually fun. Darren’s co-workers were a friendly, relaxed crowd, and surprisingly dorky for a bunch of fitness nuts. There were board games scattered around, and little pumpkins to carve, and an old-school horror movie planned for later in the night.
There was also an enormous amount of junk food. Bowls of candy sat on every table. Beer and soda was freely poured into jack-o’-lantern-patterned plastic cups. Cookies, brownies, and other themed treats sat on table against one wall, and after an hour, a delivery car drove up with nearly a dozen boxes of pizza.
Apparently being ridiculously in-shape meant you could really let loose on special occasions, Theo mused. He laughed when Darren pulled a bowl of candy onto his lap and begin fishing out all the Reese’s peanut butter cups for himself, and laughed harder when he took out his plastic fangs in defeat, realizing how difficult it was to eat with them in.
Theo was actually finding the fake fangs pretty comfortable. They were only a little more awkward than his real ones. And he couldn’t eat any party food himself, of course. He accepted the plates people handed him, pretending to nibble at their contents before sidling up to Darren and handing the food off.
It was a few hours into the party that Theo was passed a brownie on a napkin and scanned the room for his boyfriend. He found Darren standing in a corner, looking a little uncomfortable.
“Hey,” said Theo, pushing the napkin into Darren’s hand. “Got something for you.”
“Um…” Darren took a short breath. “No thanks. I really can’t eat that.”
“Well, I sure can’t.”
“Just throw it out then.”
“What? You don’t like brownies?”
“Theo, do you realize how much food you’ve been giving me all night? How much food everyone else has been giving me all night?” Darren shot him a forlorn puppy-dog look. “I’m really, really full…. I’ve probably had like, a whole pizza to myself at this point. Not to mention all those peanut butter cups. And those cookies. And like four cups of soda, and those pumpkin cupcakes, and both of our slices of cake, ugh…. Seriously, my stomach’s done.”
Theo couldn’t help laughing. Usually he was the one whining about fullness as he struggled the get the last of his livestock feasts down, while Darren egged him on. How the tables had turned!
“Well, you’ve gotten this far!” he said cheerfully, echoing Darren’s words to him only the night before. “What’s a little bit more in that tummy, huh?”
Darren hiccuped as Theo patted him on the back. “Ugh. I dunno, I think it might – oh, hi Mark.”
Mark – a big, burly man who was one of the gym’s strength trainers –  grinned as he saw what Darren was holding. “Hey, I baked those brownies myself! What d’you think of ‘em, Darren?”
“Oh….” Darren cleared his throat and took a big bite. “Mmm. Really good.”
“Course they are.” Mark turned his attention to Theo. “I was looking for your boy, actually. Darren’s told us you’re good at word games, Theo. Want to join a round of Scrabble?”
Theo agreed and let Mark steer him over to a side table, his heart swelling a little bit at being included. What a funny thing that here, dressed as a vampire and wearing fake plastic fangs, he felt more like a normal person than he had in months.
He didn’t see Darren again until everyone began shuffling towards the TV for the movie. Seating was limited, and some partygoers were plopping down on the floor, but Darren had already commandeered a big armchair. He was sprawled out in it, head flopped back, his silly cape pooled around him.
Theo wedged himself into the chair beside his boyfriend. “Hey, sleepyhead. How’s it going?”
“Mmm…” Darren mumbled. “Theo, I don’t f–”
“All right, everyone!” the party’s host shouted. “Tonight, we’re going to watch the 1968 horror movie Night of the Living Dead! This cult classic is one of my personal favorites, and so I thought I’d share a little history about it before we get started….”
Theo was pretending to pay attention when he felt a weird rumbling sensation against his side. Beneath him, Darren shifted and groaned.
“Are you all right?” Theo whispered.
“Ughhhh,” Darren moaned quietly. “No. My stomach really hurts…”
Theo slipped a hand under his boyfriend’s cape to feel his belly. He expected to find it a little bloated – but to his shock, Darren’s stomach was sticking out like a ball, hard and packed solid under his stretched abdominal muscles. “Oh my god, Darr. You’re stuffed.”
“Ughhh, I know. I’ve eaten way too much…” Darren burped quietly as Theo’s fingers pressed gently into his tight stomach. “Doesn’t feel good.”
“Poor thing.” Theo shifted in the chair so he could wrap his free arm around Darren’s back. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have laughed at you earlier if I realized you were actually feeling sick.”
“S’all right. I was the one who shoved so much food into my stupid face. Should’ve just told you to throw your portions out.” Darren leaned into Theo’s touch, sighing. “Oof. God. I swear, I can feel my pulse in my tummy.”
“Do you wanna go home?”
Darren let out a strained chuckle. “And tell my co-workers what? That a grown man gave himself a tummyache eating too much Halloween candy?”
“They know you. They probably wouldn’t be surprised.”
It relieved Theo that Darren wasn’t feeling too unwell to laugh. “Well, I dunno if I could walk to the bus in this condition anyway. How about you just keep on rubbing my belly?”
Theo obligingly circled his hand over the big warm curve, smiling as Darren shifted and sighed in relief. As their host finally shut up and the lights went down, Theo nestled his cheek against Darren’s chest and gave his tummy a few gentle pats. “Try to digest before the movie’s over, huh?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Darren mumbled sleepily. “Whatever you say.”
The movement of the bus seemed to be making everything worse. Darren had gone stiff and quiet, and he was hunched over in his seat, his forehead pressed against the cold glass of the window.
Theo reached over to rub his back. “Stomach still bothering you, huh?”
“Mm-hmm.” Darren winced as the bus bounced roughly over a pothole.
“Is it any better than it was earlier?”
“Not better. Different though. I don’t feel so much like I’m going to explode, but my belly is just… cramping so bad….” He sucked in a pained breath. “Oohhh….”
“Aw. Like indigestion, maybe?” Theo gently slid a hand under Darren’s arm where it was folded around his middle. It wasn’t hard to feel the grumbling and churning going on in his still-bloated belly. “Oh sweetie. It was just so much junk food at that party. No wonder your tummy’s upset.” He pressed his fingers in gently, trying to relieve some of the ache.
Darren groaned and flinched away. “Aah, don’t – hurts too much.”
“Sorry.” Theo went back to rubbing his shoulders instead. “Hang in there, baby, we’re almost home.”
Luckily the walk from the bus stop to Darren’s apartment wasn’t very far. The poor guy was almost bent double the whole way, and Theo had to help him up the stairs.
“Can’t believe I did this to myself,” Darren grumbled as he fished his keys out of his pocket. “I’m such an idiot.”
“You say it like we didn’t already know that.” Theo squeezed his arm reassuringly. “Come on, let’s just get you feeling better.”
He helped Darren strip off the stupid costume and got him into bed, where he curled up into a ball like a potato bug. Theo could hear his soft groans from the next room as he searched through bathroom cabinets for something to help.
“Can you sit up, sweetie?” he asked when he returned to the bedside.
“Yeah.” Darren struggled upright. The movement made his stomach grumble, and he let out a difficult-sounding burp. “Ughhh. Gross. Sorry.”
“Hey, whatever helps.” Theo passed him a pink cup of Pepto Bismol. “Drink that. I’m gonna go get that heat pack thing of yours. Be right back.”
By the time Theo returned with the fabric sack of rice, nice and warm from the microwave, Darren had sunk back into the pillows. He stirred as Theo came in. “Can you come here? And just cuddle the hell out of me?”
Theo laughed. “Sounds like a chore, but I guess so.” He tucked the heat pack against Darren’s tummy before climbing into the bed.
They lay like that, silent and snuggled together. Darren still whimpered whenever his stomach was touched, so Theo rubbed gently at his sides instead, trying to help the relax the tightness there. It took some time, but slowly, Darren’s breathing evened and his body relaxed.
“Stomach settling a little?” Theo asked.
“Yeah.” Darren sighed heavily, then chuckled. “Jesus. I haven’t had a bellyache so bad in a long time. Makes me think of being a kid again. Like when I’d eat all my trick-or-treating candy in an hour and get sick as a dog.”
“Oh my god, Darren. Your parents didn’t stop you?” Theo’s own parents had always subjected him to a strict limit on how much of his haul he could eat on Halloween night. Three pieces only; the rest had to be saved.
“Nah. My brother tried, sometimes. He was always the sensible one. My sister was always right there with me.” Darren shifted in Theo’s arms. “God, that was a long time ago. We were such good kids back then, before all of the–”
“Hey. Don’t think about that,” Theo murmured in Darren’s ear, drawing him in closer. “You were a good kid and you grew up to be a good man.” He patted Darren’s stomach as it broke in with a low gurgle. “A stupid man, sometimes, but a good one.”
Darren laughed, although there was a little sadness in the sound. “Yeah. Guess so.” He pressed into Theo’s touch. “Thanks, Theo…. I love you.”
“Love you too.” Theo kissed his cheek softly. “Try to get some sleep, all right? You’ll feel better in the morning.”
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sanjayyyy-13 · 6 years
Batboys and Hugging
-He never really hugs people, so it is kind of an awkward hug. Since he is such a big guy, he would probably not realize that he is crushing you. If you had a near death experience he would probably squeeze you tighter just to make sure you are actually real.
“Bruce…. I … am …..choking”
“Ohhh thank god you are alright. I thought you would have died”
“Still…. Choking”
“Oh sorry”
-If you were waking up from a nightmare or a panic attack as such, be ready for cuddles and soft and gentle hugs. He will wrap you in his huge ass arms and hold you firm against his body. This is because you are probably too tired to hold yourself up. Be prepared for a lot of reassuring words from him. Something along the lines of….
“It will be okay, I am right here for you”
-If you were having a particularly bad day and have literally no energy. He will pick you up and lift your body off of the ground and smother you with his love.
-This dude legit gives the best hugs. He squeezes your body the right amount and wraps his arm at the right place above your hip. You feel very secure with him hugging you. If you were about to die or you have not seen each other in forever he would pick you off the ground and have you wrap your legs around his waist.
“Oh my god, I miss you”
“Same babe, same”
-If you were having some anxiety or depression problems. He will always hold you a little more tighter and firmer. He has the same generic response of reassurance. But he will always nuzzle in to your neck and give you soft kisses there.
“You’ll be fine babe”
- If you were leaving to work or just going out. He will always try to make you stay longer by holding you and kissing you as you try and push him away.
“Can you please not go?” He will say paired with puppy dog eyes.
“ I got to go… one of us has got to work”
“Ughhhh fine. But come back soon”
-BACK HUGS ALL DAY LONG. He will usually find you doing a simple task. He will snake his arms in front of your waist and just hold your there for a good 5 minutes. His head will be nuzzled in the crook of your neck. Then he will simply turn you around and whatever task you were doing becomes forgotten as you look into his beautiful blue eyes.
“Babe, I got to finish cutting the vegetables”
“To get out of this lock, you have to give me a kiss”
Cue you laughing and giving him a peck on his cheek.
“No, on my mouth”
You give him a passionate kiss, but he never lets go.
“You little liar”
He just grins into your neck.
- If you were separated for a long time he will hold you for a very long time, not wanting to ever let go. He will keep his head on top of yours and his arms wrapped around your shoulders. Your arms will go under his armpits and on his shoulders.
“I missed you baby girl”
“I missed you too Jay”
-If he feels like you guys are not spending enough time together, he will try to cuddle you for longer than he should. Basically he hugs you for an unnecessary amount of time.
-To be honest Tim will be half asleep all the time that he would usually be the one receiving hugs rather than giving them. He likes getting hugged around the neck from the back when he is on his laptop. It just gives him sense of security.
“Whatya doing Tim?”
*incoherent mumbling*
“Good talk”
-When he does give hugs, it is usually in a serious circumstance. He might be injured or you might be injured. He will hold you close to himself and repeat how much he appreciates you and what you do for him.
“thank you so much for everything you have done for me”
“you have a fever, calm down”
- He gives short and excited hugs if he has finally cracked a case or something of that sort. But they never last that long. He usually just goes back to the laptop afterwards.
-Damian was taught to never show affection and stuff like that. So when he first hugged you it was quite awkward. He didn’t know where to put his hands and how he should hold you. So he kind of followed you. However it was extremely adorable.
“you’re so cute Dami”
“I am not cute, I am the bringer of Justice, I am th-“
“Such a cutie”
- When you are feeling insecure and self conscious, he will legit get so confused at you. He will be very comforting and tell you that you are beautiful or handsome and that you are completely perfect to him. If you are feeling insecure about a body part he will pay more attention to that while hugging you.
“beloved, what do you mean you look fat?”
“I just don’t like the way I look”
“Nonsense, you are amazing and perfect and the right fit for me”
- If he had just gotten back from a long mission he will for sure hug you quite tightly and make surety not let go for a very long time. It does not matter if it is in public
“What is with the sudden PDA?”
“I have missed you for 5 long weeks. And thats what you say to me?”
“Im just kidding. I have missed you Dami”
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amanda-teaches · 7 years
The Side of the Road
Summary: When your car breaks down, a handsome man in a shiny black Impala comes to your rescue.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1543
Warnings: Smut? I mean, it’s not really smut, just pre-smut, but it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten.
A/N: This is my submission for @pheonyxstorm’s follower challenge. My prompt was broken down car. I also drew some inspiration from a gif @just-another-winchester submitted for my 750 followers celebration. FYI: this is my first time writing this much “smut”, even if it’s not really smut, so please go easy on me. :)
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“No, not now!” you yelled, partly in anger and partly in desperation as you heard the distinct clacking sound of your car dying on you. “Please, not now!”
With literally just enough time to pull over to the side of the road before it completed failed on you, you swerved your steering wheel, your car skittering over dirt and rocks before it came to a sudden stop. “Damnit!”
You quickly opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle, squinting your eyes against the blinding sunlight as you made your way over to the front of your small, red sedan. You popped the hood, stepping back just before a hot puff of steam hit you. “Woah!” you yelled as you waved your hand back and forth to clear the steam away.
Staring down at the contents of the hood, you tried to make out the problem, but it was like trying to read a foreign language. With how little you knew about cars, it could be anything from running out of gas to the engine completely dying- not exactly a small range of possibilities.
Pulling out your phone, you started to call for a tow truck, only to swear under your breath when you found a distinct lack of bars. “Great...no signal,” you growled, pocketing your phone and putting your hands on your hips with a sigh. “What now?”
Just then, you heard the familiar rumble of a car coming down the dirt road, and, looking up, you could make out a distant black shadow appearing on the sun-warped horizon. “Oh, no you don’t,” you whispered fiercely to yourself. “No way are you going to go over there and flag down some random car, Y/N. That’s exactly how people get themselves killed. Nuh uh, no way. Don’t you even dare.”
But, unfortunately for you, because of the signal-less phone sitting your pocket, you didn’t really have any other choice. “Ughhhh!!!!” you yelled into the sky, moving to the side of your car and waving your arms frantically to get the car’s attention. “Hey! Stop! Stop!”
Luckily, the driver saw you, and, as the car slowed down, you were able to get your first good look at it, blowing out a slow whistle as the gleaming black Impala came to a stop beside you. “Impressive…” you exhaled.
But, what was even more impressive was the man behind the wheel of the beauty. When he opened the door and stepped out, you could have sworn you actually stopped breathing- he was, without a doubt, the sexiest man you had ever seen.
His sandy, brown hair was spiked, sticking out at all angles, giving a “just got out of bed” vibe that you would’ve loved to get a chance to see first hand, and his green t-shirt was peeking out from behind two layers of light black flannel and denim, highlighting his clearly fit, well-muscled body.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said with an easy smile. “Car trouble?”
“Uh, yeah,” you mumbled, waving your hand towards your car. “It, uh, just died on me.” You stopped to smile in relief. “Thank you for stopping.”
His grin sent shivers down your spine. “Well, I never could resist a damsel in distress. I’m Dean, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you responded, your smile widening. “Um, my cell phone has no signal out here. Does yours work?”
He checked his phone quickly before shaking his head. “Nope, but I can take a look if you want. I’m pretty good with my hands.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are…” you whispered under your breath, pausing when a deep laugh signaled that he’d heard you. “Uh, I mean, sure go ahead.”
“Mmm hmm,” he laughed, making his way over to the front hood. When he bent down to inspect the engine, you couldn’t help but admire the way his jeans clung in all the right places.
“Yeah,” he said, pulling you back down to earth with his voice, “looks like it’s your engine. It’s an easy fix, but you’d need a few parts.”
“Really?” you asked, moving to stand by him and stare into the hood. “You can tell that just from looking at it?”
“Yeah,” he said, straightening up and smiling down at you, drawing your attention straight to his mouth. “Like I said, I’m good with my hands.”
“Mmm…” you whispered, your eyes still fully centered on that mouth. That gorgeous, glorious, sinful mouth…
“Want me to give you a lift into town? We can call you a tow from there.”
“Hmm...what?” you asked, pulling your gaze away from his mouth and up to his eyes. “What’d you say?”
He laughed and pursed his lips cockily. “I asked if you wanted me to give you a lift into town, but if you have any other ideas...”
Before he could finish, you grabbed his head, slamming your lips against his. You sighed against his mouth, relishing the taste of whiskey that lingered there, but, when you came to your senses and realized what you were doing, you quickly pulled back. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I just did that. I never do things like that!”
You expected him to yell at you or run back to his car and leave you there, but, instead, he did something that completely surprised you: he kissed you back.
His lips crashed into yours, swallowing your words hungrily. He advanced on you in a flash, walking you backwards until your legs were hitting a car. His or yours, you didn’t care, you just knew you needed more- much more. You wrapped your arms around him, pushing your body impossibly closer to his until you felt him lift you up.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you could hear him fumble with a car door before he pushed you inside and onto a soft, leather seat, his lips never leaving yours. As he pressed deeper into you, his body stilled for a moment and he pulled away.
“What?” you whispered breathlessly. “What’s wrong?”
His green eyes stared intently into yours, filled with tenderness. “You sure?”
You smiled and ran your hand down his stubbled jaw. “Yeah,” you whispered softly. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
His smile lit up his whole face before he claimed your lips again, sending jolts of pleasure all the way to your toes. You felt his fingers pulling at the buttons of your shirt, and you moved your hands down to help, unbuttoning the last three before he pushed the shirt aside and off your shoulders, letting the cool air rush to hit your skin.
As soon as the air hit you, you begin to shiver, but your chills were quickly taken away by Dean once again covering your body with his. He’d removed his own shirt, and the contact of his skin on yours was electrifying. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before moving down your body, peppering your skin with hot, open mouthed kisses. “Oh...my...God…” you cried.
He raised his head and flashed you a heart-stopping smile. “The name’s Dean.”
“Shut up,” you laughed before pulling his head back up to yours and kissing him passionately. As his tongue wrestled with yours, you ran your hands down his chest, over his rippling muscles, and down to his belt buckle, yanking on it.
Dean got the message, taking control, and, as his body melted into yours, warming you up from the inside out, you let the feelings of pleasure carry you away into blissful serenity.
Afterwards, as you laid in Dean’s arms, absentmindedly running your fingers up and down his chest, you couldn’t help but laugh. “I swear, I’ve never done something like that before.”
“Oh, really?” he asked teasingly, his chest vibrating as laughed right along with you. “Could’ve fooled me.”
You leaned up and stared down at him in exaggerated offense. “Dean!”
“I’m just kidding!” His smile softened as he reached up and gently brushed a lock of hair away from your face. “You don’t seem like that kind of girl.”
“Oh yeah?” you breathed. “And, what kind of girl is that?”
“The one night stand, hook-up with any guy you meet, kind of girl.”
You laughed. “Nope, definitely not that.” Your eyes sparkled as you grinned playfully. “So, what kind of girl do I seem like?”
He sombered and focused on you intensely, revealing a vulnerability in his green eyes that surprised you. “The kind of girl that makes a man want to settle down.”
Certain that if he wasn’t holding onto you, those words would’ve knocked you right down, you smiled even wider, leaning down and gently kissing him on the lips. When you pulled back, he was smiling again.
“So…” he said. “How would ya feel about that trip into town?”
“Hmm…” you murmured, pretending to think it over for a second. “I don’t know...What if you turn out to be an ax murderer?”
He chuckled before quickly flipping you over onto your back and looming over you. “Hmm...I guess you’re just gonna have to trust me.”
“Oh, alright…” you answered, licking your lips eagerly. “If you insist.”
“Oh, I do,” he growled before capturing your lips with his, sealing your agreement with a kiss.
Forevers- @hamartiamacguffin @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @katymacsupernatural @impandagrl @cyrilconnelly @impala-dreamer @castielhasthetardis @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @shotgunintheimpala @be-amaziing @jalove-wecallhimdean @there-must-be-a-lock @mysterious-398 @hannahindie @emoryhemsworth @ohmychuckitssamanddean @wi-deangirl77 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ericaprice2008 @masksandtruths @jpadjackles @roxyspearing @squirrel-moose-winchester @sweetpeamoose @babypieandwhiskey
Dean Tags- @akshi8278
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