#uncle reg???
dujour13 · 4 months
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Woljif: my abusive family lining up to kick my ass 😭
Regill: can I be next
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deathnguts · 2 months
Narcissa: We decided that if, Merlin forbid, anything happens to us, we would like regulus to be Draco’s god parent
Regulus: That is great news! Draco! When something horrible happens, you’ll be all mine!
Lucius: It really is an ‘if’ situation-
Regulus, already holding Draco: All mine!
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morsmortish · 2 months
Hi! Just slipping in for a second to say that in a Modern Au, Walburga is just like any Chinese mother in a sense that she wants her children to marry Chinese people and they just don't 😀
(totally not projecting)
Okay have a nice day! :))
sirius swans off with a tall awkward white kid who doesn’t know how to use chopsticks or what oyster sauce even is whilst regulus has a swarm of respectable chinese men and women after him but regards them all with utter disdain and disgust. walburga spends her final days ripping her hair out.
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
Can you imagine telling 2022 Jessamine that these two people would share a stage this Sunday:
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Or, more accurately, these two people:
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That's right!!! This Sunday I will be performing with Scott Thompson on the same open mic, where he will be testing out new Buddy Cole material and I will be performing my character Aubrey Aubergine. This is my Toronto comedy debut and Scott's first time seeing any of my comedy, which is so exciting!!! Scott is one of my absolute biggest comedy inspirations and I'm incredibly lucky to be able to call him a friend, so performing together at the same show is a dream come true. I'll be filming both of our sets for the Buddy Cole documentary, and if all goes well I may finally post my Aubrey set online
Thank you so much to everyone who's supported me on this journey from awkward-comedy-nerd to awkward-comedy-nerd-who's-performing-with-scott-thompson. it's been such an incredible ride and this is just the beginning
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thestarchaser · 9 months
i want to write the best part of james being indian/desi: his wedding
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theloveinc · 8 months
still thinking abt kiri’s emotionally intelligent son… things I have decided about him:
-hates wearing clothes and walks around the house in just underwear
-gamer like I said… YELLS into the microphone and u can hear it across the house
-probably has some weird side hustle selling stuff that you kinda… do but also don’t know about. He always has money tho???
-definitely has adhd / add and is always moving. bouncing on the couch, using kiri’s weights, etc.
-has long hair his whole life. Shaves himself bald occasionally to let it grow back and it’s the strangest thing.
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 11 months
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various sillies of mine and my bf's pinned messages and whf characters👍
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joyful-downer · 1 year
I put the We Happy Few Vibes Playlist on Spotify now 🌈🌼💊
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natsmagi · 10 months
fem mama but she's taller than regular mama and also has big boobs. mama should have big boobs either way. i love tall people with big boo
TALL WOMEN ARE LITERALLY SUCH A HEAVENSENT ITS UNFAIR. AND YOU ARE SO RIGHT SHE SHOULD BE TALLER AND ALSO HAVE BIG BOOBS. she should be 185cm at LEAST. preferably around 190cm. a tall, muscular, busty woman completely towering over u is genuinely the craziest thought imaginable its like making me shake a bit
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babeiwannabeastar · 2 years
sometimes i forget it's not canon that regulus is luna's godfather
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deathnguts · 10 days
Barty: Looks like Reg is gonna be mad…
Child Draco: Ah! 😟
Barty: Then you won’t be his favorite anymore…
Child Draco: Ah!! 😰
Barty: Then I’ll be his favorite.
Child Draco: *bursts into tears* 😭😭
Barty, no clue how to console the Small Thing tm, and only half regretting what he’s done: aw … babies never get my jokes…
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 year
"Little butterfly, life is only preparing you to fly" (-quianna perez)
Pandora said this to regulus. Regulus said this to Luna.
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
i am the queen of accidentally manifesting things lmao like how many mutuals have i dm'd something along the lines of "ik it's never gonna happen but just as a writing exercise if buddy cole and aubrey aubergine met here's how i think it would go..."
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tiredsuitguy · 7 months
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impishtubist · 2 years
Playboy Uncle Reg likes to bring Harry to the park and teach him seeker tricks. Every time this happens, the single mums come to hit on him and he is irritated because this child needs to learn how to do a perfect wronski feint before he starts hogwarts if he’s going to be the youngest seeker in a century. Can’t they see he has priorities?
Omg I love playboy uncle Reg so much!!!!! Yes, his priorities are correct, and all the single mums need to go find someone else to hit on.
(They hit on Sirius the one time he brings Harry to the park instead, even though Remus is standing right there, which makes Remus cackle and Sirius gets all indignant because why is no one hitting on Remus??? Can't they see what a catch he is????)
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Heh, I did it! It's finished. Getting this done was worth staying up way past my usual bed time. XD
Either way, the Mecha Pilot Au belongs to @cuppajj , I'm just someone who wrote something in it/for it. :3 (Please, let me know if I need to change somehing cuppa. I'm not afraid to re-write some things. ^^)
Also, just so that everyone knows which of my ocs is which: Theron = Thrillchaser (Reg) Robing/Red = Reg!Phoenix Samuel/Snow = Sg!Phoenix Fools Shot = Fools Shot (Reg) Beatrice/Bessie = Tankcrusher (Sg)
So with that out of the way, please enjoy.
Trigger Warning: mentioned character death (?)
Theron, also known by his mech’s name ‘Thrillchaser’, always knew that his past deeds would catch up with him. After all, someone like him didn’t deserve happiness, or a life outside of fighting. He always knew that. Finding Beatrice and marrying her was something Theron would have never imagen could happen. But there they were, young, well, she was a bit older than him, full of love and ready to move on towards a brighter tomorrow.
And then, after finding a home far away from Cybertron, their happiness grew with the birth of their little twins. Their birth might have been complicated, and the nurses had to drag him away from his beloved and their children a few times, but once he had his sons in his arms, all his worries melted away. They were healthy, despite being so small, and they were here. It almost made Theron feel like all the fights he had joined while working under the Decepticons were worth it.
Although, if he had known what was about to come next, Theron would have probably fought harder to keep Beatrice with him. With their children.
“You know that they need my help.” Was what Beatrice said, as she packed her bag, while Theron was taking her things and putting them back. Telling her how wrong it was for her to go onto a suicide mission, especially now that they had a family.
“Do you really want them to grow up not knowing who their mother is?!” Asked Theron in desperation, as Beatrice zipped her bag up and slung it over her shoulder. “Please. Stay, you know that there’s not much of a chance for you to come back. Don’t they have enough fighters? Don’t they have enough people to chase off those monsters? Please, Bessie, my diamond, please, stay.” The desperation in Theron’s voice only grew, as he grabbed his wife's hand, trying his best to pull her back into the safety of their home. Even though he knew that she was stronger than him. “And if you won’t stay for me then, please, stay for them. They need you Bessie. Please. Robin and Samuel both need you.” But his begging did not help nor sway his love to remain with him and their sons. No, once Beatrice made up her mind, there was hardly anything holding her back. Especially if it involved protecting her family.
So, with one sad smile, she leaned down to give Theron one final kiss, before leaving their home for good. Never once looking back at him and the tears he shed.
Since then, every evening following her departure, when work was done and his sons were sleeping soundly in their bed, Theron would sit on the porch. Softly strumming his guitar as he waited for Beatrice to come back. Hoping and praying to Primus that she would make it back home. That she would return to them safe and sound, and that no-one would ever take her away from them.
But he always knew that happiness wasn’t something he was ever allowed to have.
Theron could still remember the day when he received the letter. He was so excited to hear news from his wife, that he didn’t realize his sons were coming in. The letter and its possible good news got all his attention, although, after reading it, the world started to spin around him. He could distinctly remember Red and Snow calling out for him, before rushing over to catch his swaying form, or at least try to. And as his knees hit the ground, he pulled them closer. Hugging them tightly, as if he was scared they would leave him too.
“She won’t come back… She won’t…” Was all Theron could mutter for a while. And as his sons asked him what he meant, he found himself forced to explain to them what ‘Missing in Action’ means and how unlikely it was for Beatrice to come back.
They understood, at least Theron thought they did, and life went on as if nothing happened. The only thing that changed though was that Theron no-longer waited outside for Beatrice to come back. No, after getting the news about his wife, he decided that there was no use in waiting for her return. So, he spent the time with his sons. Teaching them everything he knew, which also included Mecha piloting. Was it wrong? Yes, especially if you consider that his sons weren’t even ten when he showed them how to pilot his mech, but what was he supposed to do? He has always been weak for their big pleading eyes and their trembling lips. So, he would take them into his Cavalier, place them on his lap, and show them how he was piloting Thrillchase.
Looking back at it, he probably shouldn’t have done that. Because once they were ten, they came running to him during work. Telling him about the mech they have found in the back of Fools Shot’s scrapyard, before they were looking at him with that look Theron knew all too well. They wanted to keep the Trooper Class mech.
“It belongs to Fools Shot, and I can’t just give you things that are on my boss’ scrapyard.” Started Theron, hoping that his sons would drop the topic. But Red only looked at him, before running towards Fools Shot and asking him about the mech. Snow stayed behind with him though. Whispering a quiet “Sorry”, while clutching his working overalls in his smaller hands. And Theron couldn’t help the soft sigh escaping him, as he ran a gloved hand over Snow’s hair. Telling him that it was okay, before looking over to Red, who was running towards him with a bright smile. “We can have him!” Cheered the older twin, as he grabbed Theron’s hand and pulled him to where the mech was. “Fools Shot said we can have him! He even offered to help us repair him! Isn’t that great dad? Soon enough we can be true pilots, just like you!”
Theron should have put his foot down on this day. Maybe then the incidents to come wouldn’t have happened, but he was just one man, and a single father at that. A father, who hasn’t seen his sons this excited ever since he told them that their mother wasn’t coming back. A father, who was taken back at how much Snow was talking and how much Red was smiling, as soon as they were by the mech. And a father who, in the end, wanted his sons to be happy. So, he reluctantly let them keep the mech. He even helped them and Fools Shot repair it.
And as his sons were thirteen, the mech was done. They had to completely rework his insides to better fit two pilots, and the outside. Red and Snow were very adamant on how they wanted their mech to fly, just like his. “It would give us a better advantage over the bigger mechs.” Was what Snow said, and Theron had to agree. A Trooper Class mech might be taller than a regular one, but it was still smaller than the other classes. So, Fools Shot somehow managed to make the mech fly. And then, it was Theron’s turn to teach his sons how to pilot their own mech. Which he was quick to regret, after finding out that his sons got into a fight with another pilot. A pilot known as Runningway, and who participated in some questionable practices. The worst part though was that he got very close to killing his sons during their first fight.
Emphasis on 'close', because Snow, somehow, managed to take Runningway by surprise and get him back out of their mech, while Red quickly scrambled back into his seat and made sure their retreat was fast. And when Theron asked his sons about how they managed to get away, Snow looked at him and simply shook his head. It was only later that Red told him what happened.
They were both sitting on the porch, with him softly strumming his guitar and Red wrapped up and clutching one of the quill blankets Beatrice made for the twins. Or, at least she tried making one. It turned out a little wonky. "It was a good idea to have our seats back to back… Sammy was completely hidden from Runningway." Was what his older son said after a while. "He didn't see him coming, when he wacked him with the steel chair… And then I kicked him, like you showed me papa. I… didn't think we would make it…” Muttered his son quietly. “If Sammy didn’t… if he hadn’t… It was my fault. I aggravated Runningway. I nearly… I nearly got Sammy…. I nearly got him killed! Papa! I nearly got my brother killed!”
Theron stopped strumming. His son was wrong. Robin was wrong with thinking that the fight was his fault. And so, Theron put his guitar to the side, before wrapping his arms around Red. Guiding his crying son’s head to where his heart was, while softly running a hand through his hair. “It wasn’t your fault. Robin. Pilots like Runningway don’t pick fights because you aggravated them. Yes, it may play a part, but they usually do it, because they have a fragile ego. They NEED the feeling of being in control. They NEED the rush of hurting someone weaker than them, because they NEED to know, they need the feeling of superiority, and they NEED to know they’re in control of life and death, because their ego starts to crack and hurt, as soon as you prove them wrong. You didn’t hurt him as much as he hurt you physically, but the knowledge of you two surviving has left cracks where it hurts. Runningway will ALWAYS remember this, because he was bested by two thirteen year olds who haven’t been piloting as long as he has.” Theron softly lifted his son’s head up, to wipe away his tears, while smiling proudly down at Red. Taking away his guilt for at least one moment, before his face scrunched up to portray the fear the older twin was feeling way down in his heart.
“But what if… what if there’s a pilot who will come close to killing us?” Asked Red.
And Theron only smiled down at his son and shook his head with a smile on his lips. “You’re forgetting something. If there truly is someone out there, who will try to hurt you, dare I say even attempt to kill you, they will have to go through me first. Even if it kills me.”
There was still an unsure expression on Red’s face, as he stared up at his father. Not because Theron wasn’t a capable fighter or pilot, but rather because the thought of losing his father was one that didn’t cross his mind. And Theron, knowing both of his sons well, could read Red’s expression like a book. So, he pointed up at the night sky. “See those stars?”
“Every last one of those, are the souls and sparks of pilots and mechs who died. Be it in the war, in a battle, or because their time has simply come. And do you know why they are up there?” Asked Theron, to which his son simply shook his head. “Well, they’re up there, to watch over us. To guide us and when we need it, they will send a light to help us. Sometimes, the light may take their time to reach us, because they’re lost too. But in the end, they will find us. They will always find us…”
“Why are you telling me this papa?” Asked Red, which caused Theron to chuckled sadly, as he looked down at his son. A sad smile gracing his lips. “Because, one day, I will join them. I won’t always be there for the both of you, but I want you to know that I’ll always watch over you… And when you miss me the most, all you have to do is look for the brightest star.” Theron said, before looking back at their home. “… But I think we can worry about that, when the two of you are a little older. Come, I think it’s time for you to get some sleep too. Can’t have you falling asleep during our piloting lessons.” Theron smirked down at his son, which was met with a slightly unsure smirk from Red. His son was still processing his words and trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do with them. But Theron didn’t mind. He was sure that Red was clever enough to figure it out.
And as the two entered their home, and Theron made sure Red was going to bed and Snow was still sleeping, the future looked as bright as the shining stars of the night sky.
At least, it was bright for two years.
Theron knew something was wrong when he went to work that day. Snow, Red, and their Trooper, who they called ‘Phoenix’, were missing that morning. “They probably went out to that natural cliff side to train some more…” Was what he told himself, after looking around the house just in case he missed a note. But even with that reassurement, he still felt like something bad was going to happen. And Theron was proven right the second one of their customers walked into their repair shop and said that they saw a Commander Class mech roaming around the planet. Something that was quite unusual to see around here, considering that most didn’t even bother coming here. Unless they were looking for some spare parts or trying to run away from the law. Theron wasn’t interested in the news though, because everyone had their reasons to come here, until he heard the rough description of the mech.
Only then did his blood slowly freeze in his veins, as he put one and one together. He knew that mech, hardly anyone didn’t, and he knew the pilot.
He knew what that pilot did to others, and his kids were out there.
Everyone looked at him strangely when Theron threw down his welding equipment, but he didn’t care. No, all he cared about was finding his kids before anything bad could happen. Not even Fools Shot’s frantic yells and calls could stop him from rushing out of the workshop, towards his home, and into the shed where he kept his Cavalier. And after suiting up, Thrillchaser was already on his way.
However when he found Phoenix, he was already pinned against a cliff by Overlord. That wasn’t what brought Theron’s blood to boil in anger though. No. It was the hole cut into the Trooper and the faint but frantic calls and screams of terror from Red that made him even rush faster towards the fight. And with one loud angry scream that echoed through the cliffs surrounding their “arena”, Thrillchaser attacked the much larger mech with all he got in the hopes of luring Overlord out of the cockpit to come and fight him.
And it worked! Theron doesn’t know how, maybe Primus was finally smiling down upon him, but it worked! His sons were safed, at least, for now, but did it really matter? He doubted that Overlord would be able to find them any time soon. At least, he hoped so as he fought a losing battle. And hey, didn’t this also mean that his kids won this fight, because they survived?
That thought alone caused Theron to laugh, even as his mech was pinned down and cut open by none other than his opponent. Although, even as he was hoisted into the air by his throat, Theron did not once stop laughing or smiling. No, on the contrary, he only smirked down at Overlord with the knowledge that this monster wasn’t able to kill his sons.
“You look quite happy to die.”
Theron let out another barking laugh at that statement, before it was cut short by a cough. “Oh, it’s not my death I’m laughing at, it’s you.”
“Yes… Because the big and bad Overlord was just bested by two sixteen year olds in an old Trooper mech…” Was all Theron got out, before it became hard to breathe. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that to someone who was crushing his windpipe, but he has never been someone who simply caved underneath a monster. Not even one like Overlord. Also, his expression was just too hilarious.
“They didn’t ‘best’ me. They only got lucky, nothing more.”
“Y-yea…. tell y… your… yourself that…. B-Because we… both know… they won… They survived… they survived you… they made it… Over…lord… you lost the fight… because… they survived...they won… thee round...” Damn, it was getting hard to say anything,let alone come up with a good comeback. Is this how it feels to die?
“… There’s always a second round.” Were the last words Theron heard, before he felt a sharp pain pierce his body.
Yea, this is definitely how dying feels like.
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