#unless you're a dickhead
taco-night-frenzy · 1 year
Graveyard Keeper Review
I couldn't post this on Steam since I technically don't own it there (even though I paid for the DLC) but I wrote this all out for a Steam Review and I am not wasting it.
ANYWAYS. Here's my review of the game Graveyard Keeper under the cut.
Warning, it is negative, and I did not like it very much. I don't hate it though. I gave this game a solid 40 hours with all the DLCs.
Really thought I'd like this game, but it gets old and it gets old FAST. I wouldn't say it's a terrible game by any means, I legit got some entertainment out of it at the start, but it quickly falls apart when you realize you just never…. do anything. I played this game with all the DLCs installed and I think that give it a feeling of lots of 'content' and made it addicting for a while when I wasn't quite sure what awaited me.
This is like baby's first Factorio/Stardew Valley game but you get the worst of both worlds.
You're tasked to be a Graveyard Keeper, but honestly, that's like 10 percent of the game. You very rarely do any graveyard keeping. And when you do, like everything else in this game, it is extremely poorly explained. The thing you'll be spending more time than anything doing is just… walking back and forth. You're given a clunky teleport pretty early on and maybe later you'll find out you can keep buying speed potions if you can't live like this anymore, but that seems to be it. There's no mounts, there's no better system of travel, no upgrading that.
The gameplay revolves around your standard Factorio / Stardew Valley type things… gather resources, find a way to min/max gathering those resources etc. It's a bit addicted at first because min/maxing them is incredibly easy when you understand the game. Sadly, when you understand the game, you also realize there is nothing awaiting you for doing any of these tasks. The 'rewards' you get are mediocre at best.
The soundtrack is also just… not good. You get maybe 2 songs on a 2 minute loop for this intensely long grindy game. Bring your own music.
I'd say by far the worst part of this game though is the writing. I don't think this matters to some people and that's fair, but the writing here is just bland, boring, dry, and riddled with typos and spelling mistakes. There's some sort of spelling error in almost every scene.
The plot and the characters are way worse than I expected. The plot turns out to be an ISEKAI. Yes, that's right. This is a cut and dry ISEKAI somehow. You play as John Milk Toast Normal Guy and get hit by a car and end up in this boring world that makes you a Graveyard Keeper. That was a red flag off the bat, but I tried to be open minded.
Throughout the game though, you'll learn that not a single one of these characters is likeable in any sense. They're all vaguely buttheads and kind of rude. They have a lot to say, but it's never fun, it's just bad stale jokes and quips without any kind of style or flair added to them.
(Note: I LIKE rude characters. But they're ALL weirdly low level rude and dull as dishwater.)
The OTHER red flag should have been noticing all the DLCs just titled after popular TV shows. Stranger Sins, Better Save Soul, etc…. none of these references have literally anything to do with DLCs. It is just, "Hey this one is sin related, let's make the title look like Stranger Things."
And tying in with the rewards sucking, your rewards 90% of the time are just waiting through these incredibly dull scenes that feel like they were written by a 15 year old boy going through an edgy phase (but also doesn't want to upset Mom)
Final Bit: This game is just sadly mediocre. It's not a terrible game, but it is certainly not good. It has no strong points. Play Factorio, Oxygen Not Included, something like that if you need the grind. Play Stardew Valley or Sun Haven if you want that Harvest Moon farm feel. This game does not scratch the itch of either. If you can get the full game and the three DLCs all at once for extremely cheap? I guess it's not the worst, but it is still not fun enough.
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monkemischief · 11 months
When I was really young, all my classmates and cousins and friends were "something". One of my classmates was a "Lion", another was a "Witch", I had a friend who was a "Bounty Hunter", and another was a "Dog", but of all of them, we could find nothing for me.
There was "Penguin" and "Tornado", there was "Turtle" and there was "Clown", there was "Sage" and there was "Scholar", there was "Monk" and there was "Knight", but none of those quite felt like... me.
I spent a lot more time with books and animals than with people, so even with the dogs and the cats and the mice, I would see if I could find myself as one of them, but I never could.
I don't know what I am. I don't quite know who I am just yet either. But that's okay. That's enough for me.
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yayroos · 1 year
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How is that a risk? Why is that to be warned about? Fuck i hate economics.
Anyway I wish all house prices a very get cheaper and all interest rates a very go down and all rent a very go down and all housing a very become affordable.
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charlotteking23 · 9 months
Can I request any headcanon or Oneshot of Batmom calling the Batfamily by their names? Batmom always calls them nicknames (sweetie, babybird or somenthing), so the Battys think she's upset.
Sorry if it's written wrong or it is not understood!! My main language is not English 😓😓
sure I would love to.
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Early in the morning, Batmom lies there in her bed staring at the wall. At 6 in the morning, no one was awake except for the infamous Batman sitting next to her.
"Honey, what's wrong why are you up?" To Bruce, it was very unusual to see her up early for she had a habit of sleeping till 10 in the morning.
"Nothing Bruce", and Batmom stood up from her bed and left for the bathroom.
"SHIT, SHIT! what did I do?"
that's all he could think because she NEVER called him Bruce unless she was upset at him. He thinks of all the things he had done the latest skipping a gala and lying to her about an emergency when he was really hanging out with Superman and Wonderwomen.
Batmom came out of the bathroom and left towards the kitchen. There Tim sat at the table with a huge cup of coffee in his hand. He expected a hi or hello but nothing just an awkward silence.
"Hey Mom", but she grunted and said, "hi Tim."
OH MY GOSH, Tim was in complete panic, forgetting about his coffee. She always calls me Timmy, Fuck what did he do?
Finally, Dick comes and sees Tim in complete panic. "What's wrong with you?"
All Tim does is point. To Dick's shock, he points at his mother. Dick thought nothing of it and greeted his mom and gave her a hug like every morning. But to his surprise, His mom didn't greet him back nor return the hug.
"Mama, are you okay? I am fine Dick"
What where's my nickname. Dick looks at Tim and Tim just looks completely horrified. He sees his mom leave and goes back upstairs.
"Alright, Tim fess up what did you do?" said dick. "Me this could have been easily you, Maybe Mom found out about you breaking her very expensive vase," Tim said defending himself. "Well, it's not like you are innocent, Mom probably found out that you're the one who's been finishing all her expensive French coffee," Dick said as a comeback.
"Alright Dickhead, why is mom so angry?" Jason comes walking behind him, "I have no clue she's been acting strange all morning AND SHE DIDN'T CALL ME BY MY NICKNAME," Dick says wiping his tears.
jason says, "Huh same, she usually calls me Baby Bird but she just stood there staring at me". "Maybe, Jason, she found out how you snook out to patrol even though you are grounded," Tim says. Jason says in response, probably... "WAIT how did you know about that Tim. I Know everything... you have cameras around the house don't you Tim," Dick said. "Maybe, Idk", Tim said with an evil grin.
"Okay, guys come on let's go upstairs and apologize to whatever we did," Dick said. "Fine Dickh"-, Jason said but was interrupted... AHHHHHHHHH
"what the hell! I think my eardrum exploded," said Tim
"come on guys, someone could be in trouble," Dick said. "Okay, dickhead calm down," Jason says.
"Damian what's wrong, Ummi said Damian instead of Dami. What did you idiots do this time?"
"Hold on demon spawn we didn't do anything let's ask Dad," Tim suggested.
"Dad, what's happening with mom?" Dick says
"I don't know Dick your mother has been acting weird since this morning and she even woke up early like 6 in the morning early." [GASP], Bruce answers.
"Damn, what the hell did we do?" Damian says.
"shut up demon spawn, I am trying to think," Jason continues.
"Hi, kids... MOM/UMMI!!," Batmom says out of nowhere.
"Kids, I am very disappointed in you," Batmom continues
"But mom we don't even know what we did wrong," dick said, and collectively everyone said yeah.
"Sweethearts, why is there a FUCKING COW on my lawn," Batmom yelled out.
"OHHHHHHHH, yeah Mom we all decided to get a cow," Dick answered truthfully. "Shhhhh dickhead don't get me involved," Jason says slapping Dick behind his head
"Well, I am so glad you told me what happened, so here you go," Batmom says while handing everyone a paper.
"What's this Honey?" Bruce said while taking the paper in his hand
"well, that's the list of chores and you all are grounded for a month!!!" Batmom said yelling.
"No, Babybird, you all are grounded for two more months since you all exposed yourself when trying to figure out why I was upset with you guys", Batmom said with her hands on her hips.
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
Hi, sorry if this is a weird question, but do you ever feel lonely in tf2? I've been playing for a few months now and while it's mostly been fun I always get this dreadful feeling when the match ends and everybody leaves. I also haven't made any friends which makes me sad. Have you made friends and if yes, how?
that feeling of loneliness has existed in the heart of every TF2 player since the Meat Your Match update.
it is difficult to meet people in casual unless you're an active participant in chat, or somebody else goes out of their way to interact with you specifically.
i find it really enjoyable to type in chat (even with the chance that 40% of the time i do it's spammed by bigoted jerks), and at the beginning of most of my games i start by sending "hi everyone! im googoo. lets all have fun together ok?" and more often than i get called annoying or cringe, im met with people saying "hi googoo!" and "gl hf!" (good luck have fun), which feels nice.
be ready to up and leave games if things become TOO heinous (what constitutes "too heinous" is up to your own discretion), but also dont be afraid to stick it out and talk with some of the other weirdos who play this 17 year old game.
sometimes, talking with people who are dickheads can be fruitful too.
one time, i was playing in casual and i met a stereotypical edgelord toxic tf2 player. they were typing shitty things in chat and had a bigoted name on one of their weapons. i called them out, and said "that's a weird way to act, most people will find it odd". as a result, they were teasing me and calling me names during the game, but i still played along side them. after a while, when they noticed that i was still being a helpful teammate to them and letting them take health packs/extinguishing them/protecting them, they were like "why are you helping me after i was a dick to you" in voice, but i ignored them. from then on they werent verbally abusive anymore.
the game continued, and they were speaking more in voice chat, specifically to me mostly, but i never responded. and after a while they said disappointedly "did googoo mute me?" and i said "no i didnt mute you." and he said "why do you still help me? even after ive been an asshole" and i said something along the lines of "i want to be a team player, and you are a part of my team. i dont want to be vindictive, because i dont think that's right. it wouldnt be helpful. i just wish you were a kinder person" and they said "oh. ok" in a really sad way.
after the game they left this comment on my steam profile.
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and a few weeks later, they deleted it without another word.
the point of this story is that even as unapproachable as people seem, and as unapproachable as they will make themselves, every person playing has some degree of rationality and understanding, and they want to be a part of the normal social world too. some of them just dont really know how to.
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duothelingo · 6 months
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Welcome to the shitshow.
Hi I’m Duo, if you’re reading this you have found yourself in my basement.
Welcome home, mouse.
You can run but I will find you, good luck kleine Maus.
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Legally I have to say this is a parody blog please don’t sue me I’m just a silly little guy :)
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I started this blog when I was drunk and for some reason I’m at like 12k? Weird.
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People that believe in France
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I’m an awkward 26 yo trans guy from Scotland who is scared of women. My main is @blanketgoblins - MDNI on that tho pls. I’m 26, not old.
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If you send me asks, please don’t tag your corpo, business, parody of whatever blog - it makes me feel like you’re just using me to advertise and don’t actually wanna be friends etc. (unless you're @operagxreal ily pookie)
Please do not tag me in posts, I have over 12k followers and the notifications are frustrating.
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Why do you teach French if France isn’t real?
We also teach Klingon
Are you British?
Do you support AI?
Hell nah.
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Duolingo lore:
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teaboot · 11 months
so if. hypothetically. you have a friend dealing with a Situation and you have to metaphorically muzzle the Rage Dragon when they talk about it bc murder is unfortunately not a viable solution here
how do u deal w that and give a response that isn’t “do you want me to fight them for you”
How to help a friend with a shithead without committing crimes:
Offer a safe place to speak. Listen to their troubles and keep their complaints in confidence, unless you believe them to be in imminent danger. It's important to know that there are people who won't leak your strife back to the source.
Plan for emergencies. Arrange a safe word or a place to meet if things get bad. Failing that, help pick a place to run away to if needed- your place, a relatives place, a motel, a hostel, whatever, so that a select few can know where to look if they need to vanish.
Meme with them. Talk shit about the fucker. Speak out when they describe something that sounds like dickhead behaviour. Sometimes it just helps to be seen.
Document the problems. Either encourage them to write stuff down or do it yourself. If things get bad, whetger through violence or an HR issue or whatever, it will feel more secure and lend credible backup if things suddenly get worse. It can also be a good way to check if you're exaggerating or making things up, if those are doubts you have.
Just be a bro. You know what sucks worse than dealing with bullshit? Dealing with bullshit alone. Hang in there.
Know when to walk away. This one is more for you than the friend. The truth is, you can't really solve problems for people very often. More often than not, their fate is in their own hands, and all you can do is be supportive. Remember not to take on their life. It's hard, especially when it's someone you love, to just... not take over, not make everything better yourself, not protect them or intervene or mediate... but sometimes you gotta. It feels bad, but you gotta.
Hope life gets better, bud
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wileys-russo · 11 months
best friends sister II platonic!a.russo x reader
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y'all have been sending in the requests for AI alessia being her gay older sister who plays for arsenal and i hope it satisfies because it was tricky to write lmao, so picture that ^ is isabella
best friends sister II platonic!a.russo x reader
"-and you promise that you're not mad?" your best friend bit down on her bottom lip nervously as you smiled as reassuringly as you could. "less of course i'm not mad! why would i be?" you laughed and shook your head at the blonde you'd all but grown up side by side with.
"because we always said the plan would be for you to go to university and me to play professionally in whatever club was closest so we could do it together, and i've ruined that!" your best friend sighed guiltily, collapsing back into her pillows.
"alessia. you are one of the best up and coming footballers there is, you've got a huge career ahead of you and this is the perfect next step to launch you into it. i'd be selfish cow and a terrible best friend to try and keep you from it." you promised sincerely, grabbing her hand and squeezing with a nod.
"will i miss you? of course. but i want you to go, i promise." you affirmed firmly. "and i promise that i'll make sure we don't drift apart. best friends for life means for life, and you better come and visit!" alessia held out her pinky as you grinned and interlocked it with your own.
"okay well that makes me feel a bit better because i was stressed about telling you!" the girl sighed and sat back up. "i've also been stuck with you for like ten years now, i'd really like a break." you shoved her playfully, ducking as she swung back at you with a grin and slid off her bed.
"please we both know you'll be a blubbering mess at the airport, your only friend off on a whirlwhind adventure and you...stuck here." alessia pouted sarcastically as you gasped. "i have loads of other friends thank you! you just refuse to accept that because you're notoriously posessive and needy." you teased back with a grin.
"and i'm off to university anyway you dickhead! where i'm sure i'll find myself a new blondie to spend my every waking day with." you jeered as she fumbled around in her cupboard for something. "you better not or i'll be forced to come back and kick her head in." alessia warned making you laugh.
"unless its a girlfriend of course, you desperately need one of those so you can stop kissing your hand." your best friend shrugged dropping a large box on her bed. "less! that was one time years ago and i told you that in strict confidence!" you kicked at her as she grinned, your cheeks blushing red.
"what? i wouldn't blame you for dating someone who looked like me, i know it's your biggest shame that you're secretly in love with me." the blonde pouted patting your leg making you roll your eyes.
"please. you know it's actually homophobic to assume that because i like girls that i like you, and here i was thinking you'd be an ally." you tutted as her eyes widened and she scrambled to ramble out an apology.
"an ally? please." you both looked up at the new voice, alessia's older sister isabella leaning in the doorway with a smirk. "have you heard of knocking?" alessia sighed as bella shrugged. "have you heard of not caring?" the older girl retorted walking into the room further as you covered up a laugh with a cough and alessia shot you a glare.
"see? she thinks i'm funny. why are you so in denial?" bella pouted, the two always arguing about something which amused you to no end given it was often over something so incredibly small it seemed they just enjoyed bickering.
there was only two years between them and they had more in common than either would care to admit, in fact both would argue they were one anothers opposite that really wasn't true.
you knew isabella had been training with arsenal in their junior academy and was hoping for a professional contract now she'd made her senior debut for the lionesses, both goals alessia was quickly following in her footsteps to also achieve, the entire russo household all football mad.
"what's all this then? college bribing you not to come anymore?" she began to rifle through the large box on the bed which you realised was full of various UNC swag. "get your filthy hands off it thank you! god knows where they've been." alessia scoffed, pushing her away and snapping the box closed.
"they're squeaky clean. want to check?" the older russo smirked, grabbing alessia by the face with her hand and pulling her into a headlock as you watched on in amusement. "get out! god i'm gonna miss you the least." alessia eventually pulled away, shoving the taller girl across the room with a glare.
"still admit you'll miss me though, and mum wants you." the girl winked backing away. "for what?" alessia questioned with a frown. "mm she did tell me, but i didn't care enough to remember." with a shrug bella left the room leaving alessia fuming and you quietly chuckling.
"why do you always egg her on by laughing! she's not funny she's infuriating!" alessia huffed glaring at you now as you held your hands up in defense, your best friend dragging you with her downstairs to see what her mum wanted.
"dinners ready. can you go get your sister and her friend please lessi?" carol asked, shooting the blonde a firm glare when she groaned at the request. "why do i have to come?" you laughed as she grabbed the back of your top, tugging you up with her.
"just think of it as me wanting to spend as much time with you before i leave." alessia grinned as the two of you ascended the stairs, her brothers already having moved out it just left alessia and isabella living at home.
"oh thats it is it?" you rolled your eyes knowing she was full of it as you reached her sisters door, alessia giving her sister the same courtesy she gave her as she flung her door open without knocking.
though she wished she hadn't.
"get out!" the older russo sat up quickly half naked spare some shorts and a bra, having been previously hovered over the girl pinned beneath her, the two clearly making out.
"jesus my poor eyes! dinners ready, looks like you were just about to eat though bella." alessia smirked before leaving the room, purposefully leaving her sisters door open.
"what are your ears painted on? fuck off!" bella scowled, throwing a pillow at you as you stood frozen, quickly spinning around and almost running out of the room, the door slamming closed after you.
safe to say she didn't come down for dinner after that.
"it's not even scary less, its a thriller!" you argued as you and alessia made your way back upstairs, each of you stating your case over what you wanted to watch tonight.
"my names not lily? jesus you're worse than what everyone says!" you both glanced down the hallway before entering alessia's room, the girl from earlier standing there with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face.
"sorry?" bella shrugged leaning in her doorway, clearly not sorry as the mystery girl whose name was not lily scoffed, shoving the taller girl and hurrying off downstairs to leave. "you truly are disgusting." alessia grimaced as her sister only grinned.
"careful now ally, did you used to say the same about all the girls gio snuck round?" the older girl winked, leaving her sister scoffing and about to defend herself before the door thudded closed.
"god she is insufferable."
"can you go make more popcorn?" alessia asked, head buried in her phone as you nodded, more than comfortable to help yourself to anything in the russo household. "can i go and make more popcorn..." you trailed off expectantly as the blonde tossed her phone beside her.
"now?" she guessed with a grin, causing you to flip her off as she tossed an m&m at your head and began to rummage around for the remote to select a new movie.
with it being half past ten at night you expected the kitchen to be vacant, though you noticed the lights were all on and as you rounded the corner you saw the older russo sister sat at the benchtop eating a plate of leftovers from dinner.
her attention on her phone she didn't notice you at first, only looking up as she heard you start to rummage around in the pantry. "surely we've started to charge you rent by now?" the older girl teased as you emerged with a bag of popcorn, rolling your eyes and tossing it in the microwave.
"i'll make sure to sign a jersey for you once i get my pro contract so you can sell it and buy my family some food since you consume so much of it." the taller girl shoved your head to the side playfully as you moved out of her way so she could rinse her plate.
"so. did you enjoy the little show earlier pervert?" she smirked, glancing at you as she dried up her plate. "what? you're so weird." you frowned, pulling yourself to sit up on the counter.
"please. you know if you asked me nicely i'd kiss you so you can stop wondering what it feels like." she grinned, moving closer to you as your frown turned into a scowl. "or so you can stop using your hand. less talks quite loudly you know." she teased, standing in between your legs as you tensed up a little.
if you were honest with yourself you'd always found her to be quite attractive but you'd never ever go there, both for your own and alessia's sake.
"i've kissed girls!" you defended truthfully, and you had, you'd just not ever progressed any further than that. "mm but have you been kissed by a girl?" the older russo quirked an eyebrow, leaning in closer as her hands fell either side of your body, somewhat caging you in.
"thats the same thing." you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how hard your heart was hammering in your chest. "that means no then." bella chuckled, tilting her head slightly.
"i mean have you ever been properly kissed by a girl? when she's got her tongue roaming your mouth, her teeth nipping down on your bottom lip before she sucks on it to soothe the sting-" she leaned in closer as your eyes widened.
"-where one of her hands are on the back of your neck so you can't pull away until she lets you, and the other hand...well it touches other parts of you." the older girl grinned wickedly, her mouth ghosting yours before she put her plate back in the cupboard behind your head and pulled away entirely.
"baby gays are always the cutest." bella winked, ruffling your hair and walking off as if she hadn't just sent your head into a spin, the beep of the microwave making you jump a little as you slid off the counter, shaking your head to try and rid it of the thoughts you'd just had.
she was your best friends sister, she'd always be off limits.
"just when i thought we'd gotten rid of you." you rolled your eyes as isabella opened the door for you with a sigh. "no one else is here and your best friends in another country, so then you must be here for me?" she grinned as you pushed past her, heading for the stairs.
alessia had been gone for months now and you missed her like crazy, so much so you'd booked a flight to go and visit her during what was to be her spring break and your time off from your own university course.
though of course that meant the girl had texted you a rather elaborate list of things she'd left behind that she requested you bring with you to see her, which despite the ongoing teasing that she'd lose her head was it not attached to her body you agreed to go and collect.
"she'd kill you for being in here." you sighed as the older russo collapsed onto her younger sisters bed, making herself comfortable as you began to gather what alessia had requested.
"only if you snitch me in." the girl grinned, watching you as you fluttered around the room. "surely you have something better to do? being a big pro now and all!" you sighed, looking at her with your hands on your hips.
"so you did hear! not even a congratulations? thats just poor manners." bella tutted with a shake of her head, sitting up and moving to the edge of the mattress. "i'm not an arsenal fan." you teased with a smile, hearing her scoff in mock offence.
"you don't have to be, you can just be my fan." bella challenged as you again rolled your eyes. "you know if i had a pound for every time you rolled your eyes at me over the years i could have bought a house by now." the older russo sister grinned.
"must mean you say a lot of stupid things to have girls always rolling their eyes at you." you quipped, rummaging through and grabbing out two hoodies, tossing them onto your growing pile.
"i personally prefer to make their eyes roll back into their heads." the taller girl commented quite casually, your eyes widening for a moment at the abrupt statement but choosing to ignore it. "so what are you doing after this?" she stood and made her way out, leaning in the doorway.
"going home?" you quirked an eyebrow unsure where she was going with this. "do you want to watch a movie or something?" she asked surprising you.
"are you asking me to hang out?"
"maybe. you miss less, i miss less, though if you tell her that i'll deny it till the day i die, we may as well keep one another company."
"plus i'm older so less's entire personality comes from me anyway. so it'll be like she never left, just swap one russo for another!" she added on with a smile as you shook your head.
"yeah sure, why not."
"burn yourself with the straightener did you?" you flinched suddenly as the girls thumb gently pressed into a fading love bite on the side of your neck, the only lingering evidence from an incredibly drunken hook up at a university party you'd gone to over the weekend.
and much to your best friends horror and delight, where you'd finally lost your virginity, before her.
"none of your business!" you pushed her hand away as she smiled and turned her attention back to the movie. well, for a few minutes. "finally dropped the baby gay card then, feel good?" she teased as you rolled your eyes.
"stop calling me that."
"oh sorry, prefer if i just call you baby then?"
"stop, bella seriously."
"can you not keep it in your pants around anyone? or do you just shamelessly flirt with anything that moves?" you shot her a dirty side eye only making her smile widen. "well the something has to be female, obviously." you tried to hide your smile with your hand but she grabbed your wrist.
"saw that!" she teased as you tried to pull away, the two of you messing around for a moment before she leaned in and your heart began to race, recognize her eyes flicker down to your lips.
"we can't." you whispered, hating how unsure your voice sounded. "tell me to stop and i will." she whispered back, leaning in even closer as you opened your mouth and she paused, but you couldn't speak.
taking that as permission she closed the small gap in between you both, pressing her lips firmly to yours. you'd have loved to say you pushed her off, told her again that you couldn't, thought about your best friend and what she might think.
but the only thing that consumed your mind was her and how good her mouth felt molded with your own. as you began to kiss back you felt her hands move, grabbing your hips and pulling you to straddle her lap, movie long forgotten in the background.
"alessia." you pulled away remembering your best friend as the older girl nipped at your bottom lip and your stomach twisted. "doesn't have to know." bella promised and you hesitated for a moment, but as her lips curled into a cocky smile and her hand flew to the back of your head, you knew you were a goner.
safe to say that was not the last time it happened, far from it.
you ignored the guilt which bubbled up in your stomach as you pretended it never happened, flying over to see your best friend and spending two blissful weeks with her, then flying over again a couple of months later to watch her in the she believes tournament where she would finally get her senior national team debut.
though of course that also meant isabella would be playing, and their whole family would be there with you.
"i'm so so proud of you!" you yelled happily as your best friend jogged over, shit eating grin on her face as she wrapped you up in a hug, isabella hanging back as she chatted with some of her team mates, though her eyes lingered on you.
and it was those lingering eyes which eventually did you both in.
you were all out for dinner after the game, you seated beside your best friend and luca, gio opposite him as the other russo sister sat across from you and mario across from alessia, carol at the head of the table.
you'd hardly spoken to her the entire time you'd been around, focusing all of your time and attention on the rare moments spent with your best friend who you knew you'd have to say goodbye to again in a few days time.
however that didn't stop the defender from trying to gain your attention, sending you subtle looks across the table as she kicked you playfully, winking at you when alessia wasn't looking.
well, when she thought she wasn't looking.
dinner finished you excused yourself to the bathroom, declining your best friends offer to come with you with a laugh as you promised to meet them outside the restaurant.
you did your business and washed your hands, hearing the door open but not bothering to look up, jumping in shock as arms wrapped around your torso and a familiar pair of lips pressed themselves to your neck.
"bella we can't." you chuckled, though still leaning your head back a little to give her more access, eyes fluttering closed as she peppered the warm skin with butterfly kisses. "can't we?" she smirked at you through the mirror with that same cocky smile that made your knees weak every time.
"i've missed you in camp." she confessed softly, spinning your body round and pushing it into the bathroom counter, wasting no time rewarding you with a searing kiss which sent your head spinning.
"they'll wonder where we are." you exhaled shakily, using all your willpower and pushing her off you. "you won't escape me later." she warned playfully, nodding for you to leave first as she hung back.
it was several hours later, you and alessia hanging in your shared hotel room together catching up just like normal, your combined laughters echoing around the room as the girls phone suddenly buzzed.
"hey i have to go talk to the training staff about something. but find a movie, i'll be back!" she promised, rolling off the bed as you nodded, not bothering to question why she was suddenly needing to speak to the training staff at almost ten at night.
alessia wasted no time marching down the hallway to where her sisters room was, knocking impatiently as she answered. "oh come on in!" the older russo chuckled as alessia shoved past her, checking the two of them were alone.
"how long?" alessia asked, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the taller girl who frowned, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "pardon?"
"how long have you been fucking my best friend behind my back?" alessia spat, scarily calm as a storm brewed behind her bright blue eyes. "look less-"
"no, don't lie. i saw your little fuck me eyes across the table, and it wasn't her leg you kept kicking at the table. so tell me the truth." alessia warned as her sister sighed, rubbing her face with her hands unsure how to find a way out of this.
"we haven't slept together, i promise."
"but we've done, other things."
"you are seriously unbelievable. you couldn't just be happy plowing your way through every insecure footballer in london, you had to go for my best friend?" alessia yelled angrily, fists balled by her sides.
"woah okay less i think you're overre-"
"you're going to stay away from her bella. she's not just another name for your books, she's my best friend and a better sister to me than you've ever been!" alessia fumed, hurt flashing across the older girls face momentarily before it hardened.
"it takes two to tango. you gonna go yell at her too then?"
"she can't have known any better, which is why you're going to stay away from her. i won't let you take advantage of the fact she see's the good in people, as little of it exists in you."
"fine. get out!" the taller girl stood, shoving her sister back who scoffed, turning on her heel. "happily!" the door slamming after her, you none the wiser of anything that had just happened as alessia returned, plastering a fake smile on her face and not uttering a single word about it.
which is why it hurt all the more as you slipped out of your room to call your mum that next morning as to not wake your best friend.
making the mistake of glancing down the hall, you watched as a random girl slipped out of one of the rooms, a familiar face kissing her goodbye with a grin.
you froze and thats when her eyes met yours, not a single look of regret on her face as you stared one another down for a moment before she watched you hurry back into alessia's room.
she was your best friends sister, and that's all she'd ever be to you.
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thisapplepielife · 5 months
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Written for @subeddieweek, day five.
Today Is Not Tomorrow
Prompt: Omegaverse/Posessive | Word Count: 2043 | Rating: E | CW: Role Playing Hints of DubCon | Tags: Long-Term Relationship, Older Steddie, Role Playing in Public, Omegaverse, Heat, Teasing, Alpha Steve, Omega Eddie, A Look at Aging, Light Hurt/Comfort, Lasting Love
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Eddie sits on the barstool, and he's not wearing blockers of any kind tonight. An act of defiance. He's throwing his scent all over the place, right as he's rushing headlong into his heat, and he knows it's sweet as fuck. Cloying. He knows how he smells, even if it's hard to smell something you're around everyday. He's nearly noseblind to it after all these years, but he's not totally unaware of his own scent. 
And neither are the alphas in the bar, apparently, because they're circling like sharks smelling fresh blood in the water. No, that's just a little bit of slick and pheromones. Everybody's got 'em, what's the big fucking deal? Honestly.
Tonight, here in this bar, he's been touched, brushed against, and groped half a dozen times already. Is he asking for it, being here as his heat is ramping up? Maybe. But he still says no to each of them. And some take no for an answer. Some others growl at him, at each other.
Eddie is tired of this. He's just trying to have a beer, but he's surrounded by alpha bullshit this, alpha bullshit that. He's truly, and well over it by his age. He's not a young omega, hasn't been for a long fucking time, and he's definitely not in need of a savior, never has been. They're all knotheads, and while that sounds great, in theory, he remembers being young. Remembers how it was never what he actually wanted, once he got them between his thighs. Not really. He could never trust them enough to enjoy the act of submission that he's always longed for, so he learned to do without. He'd take care of himself on his own, before he'd drag home some random asshole alpha.
He wants to get held down and fucked, but not by any of these dickheads. He'll wind up bitten and bred, and no fucking thanks.
Not for the first time, he thinks if he were an alpha instead of an omega, he'd never have to put up with this.
He doesn't give a fuck, he can handle himself, he thinks, just a second before he's scruffed by the back of the neck, and he tenses just for a moment, before he goes limp in the alpha's grasp. Submitting, instantly.
Fucking godammit. He kind of hates himself for it. Maybe he can't handle it all on his own.
"You're coming home with me," the alpha commands, and Eddie's whole body melts into the alpha's voice, hand. It shouldn't work on him, it wouldn't, not usually, but it has in this instance. Jesus H. Christ.
Then he's tugged off his barstool, the alpha throwing a handful of bills on the bar, as he leads Eddie off, like he's a pup that needs to be manhandled into submission.
Maybe he's exactly that. 
Maybe he wants to be.
Eddie tries to get a whiff of this alpha, to see if he even likes the smell of him, but the bar is full of alphas, and they're all mixed together in an overwhelming stench.
"What makes you think you're so goddamn special?" Eddie asks, and the alpha tightens his grip on Eddie's neck, not allowing him to move, let alone run. Not that it would matter if he did try to flee, he'd be chased, he knows he would, and easily caught, he's certain.
This alpha is bigger, stronger, and adamant. Eddie can't win against any of those things.
The alpha pushes him up against the alleyway wall, face-first, shoving his knee between Eddie's legs. Pressing upwards.
"You soaking wet for me?" he asks, close to Eddie's ear.
"I think you know the answer to that, unless your nose is busted," Eddie answers, laying his head against the filthy bricks. The knee is pressed harder, higher, and Eddie's body betrays him, releasing more slick, getting ready. Sending out a blatant invitation. 
His biology, overtaking his brain.
Then the alpha spins him around, and sinks to his knees, burying his face right in Eddie's crotch, sucking in a deep breath. 
It's the filthiest thing Eddie's ever experienced, and now he's even wetter than before. Throbbing with need. Want. 
"It's not broken," the alpha says, and presses his face right up against him, even harder. Breathing deep and greedy.
"Do I even get a name, if you're gonna shove your nose in my crotch like a bad dog?" Eddie asks, reaching down and running his fingers through thick hair, pulling, just a little. 
The alpha looks up, with big, expressive eyes. 
"Alpha," he says, and Eddie glowers down at him. 
"Yeah, no," Eddie snaps. "Not happening. You're not my alpha. And even if you were, I'm not into that bullshit."
He gets growled at for his trouble, and Eddie growls back. It doesn't have the bark, and definitely none of the bite, and the alpha throws his head back and laughs.
"That's cute," he finally says, and Eddie seethes. 
"You're going home with me. And I'm gonna take what you desperately want me to have." 
Eddie can't even argue, he's floating away at the idea. His heat finally hitting in full force, making its feelings on the situation known. 
The betrayal of his own goddamn body. 
He's suddenly flushed, and so fucking hot, burning up, and he needs to be out of these clothes, so he nods, and the alpha smiles, caressing his hips, before rising back up onto his feet.
"Take me home," Eddie says, and the alpha does just that.
Eddie is writhing under the alpha, flushed with desire, rolling along with his heat. Feeling drunk on it. Needing the release. Crazy with want, panting, begging, needing. Needing more. Needing everything.
Relishing the feel of the alpha's big hands pressing his wrists to the bed, holding him down, taking. And Eddie gives. Gives this alpha everything he has. All the control, all the power.
He closes his eyes and just feels. Feels his own body, feels the alpha's cock sliding in and out, feels the knot that's forming, threatening to catch and lock them together, at any minute.
And it does.
The knot catches, and the teeth sink in, biting him hard, and Eddie comes. Clenches down on the knot he's now locked to, and comes all over his own belly at the feeling of the teeth in his neck. When the alpha finally lets go, Eddie puts his hand to his neck, pressing against the wound.
"You just go around biting everyone you meet in a bar?" Eddie snaps, but he smiles.
"Only when they belong to me," Steve says, and Eddie laughs. 
"You think I'm your property?" Eddie asks, raising his eyebrow, a question. A challenge.
"Oh no, I'm not that stupid. I'm not new here," Steve says, nuzzling his face against Eddie's neck. Licking at the wound.
And it makes Eddie smile. Because he does belong to Steve. Has, for a very long time. And Steve belongs to him, too. Steve's definitely not new here, so he's definitely not gonna let Steve get by with just saying that. It's just not how things work in their house. 
Eddie will submit, wants to, loves to, but he damn well doesn't want that commented upon like it's a goddamn given. It's his choice to make, always has been.
Even as his body makes demands.
And now that his body has finally given in, gotten what it wanted, the foggy feeling has been snatched away. Too fast. Too abrupt. It never used to be this way. 
Before, he could ride the wave of his heat for hours, for days, lost. Adrift. Steve taking care of him, such good care, being inside him, day and night. Holding him down, fucking him, loving him, and keeping his omega desires beyond sated.
Because he trusts Steve. His husband. His mate. His alpha.
His body would be filled, and loved, and fucking worshipped. And he could float off into space, indefinitely, while it was happening.
And now his body is betraying him. 
These days, after he comes one fucking time, it's like the dial on his heat is turned from eleven down to zero. From blaring heavy metal, to complete radio silence in an instance. No pleasant buzzing in his brain to be found anywhere, only the ringing in his ears, left behind with the sudden absence of it. Like he'd hadn't been lost in his heat, just minutes ago. 
It sucks.
It'll start buzzing again later, slowly picking up for round two, probably, hopefully, but the harsh change right now threatens to drag him low. 
He misses what once was.
He clutches at Steve's back. 
"Watching all those alphas approaching you, thinking they had a chance," Steve says, giving the barest roll of his hips, all he can manage while they're locked together in this way. It probably hurts Steve, but he does it anyway, and Eddie moans at the tugging sensation at his opening.
It brings him back to Steve. 
He's so full. So taken care of. So loved. 
And has been for years, decades. 
"You got jealous?" Eddie asks. 
"Always," Steve says, "they don't get to touch you. Scent you. That's mine. You're all mine."
And Steve's cock must agree, because it gives another spurt, filling Eddie even further with come. 
"Easy there, hot shot, you're old. You'll dehydrate yourself," Eddie says, and Steve laughs. 
But then Eddie tells him, voice serious, "I'm all yours." 
And Steve growls, low in his chest, possessive. 
"You better not be growling at me, sweetheart," Eddie teases, and Steve rolls it over into a purr, smiling. "That's better."
He'll submit to Steve in bed any day of the week, wants to, and feels fucking amazing when he does. But he's still Eddie, and that will never change. He's an omega, but he's his own goddamn man, out of this bed.
Luckily, Steve seems to love that about him. Has always loved that about him. 
Eddie thought he was a bad omega in his youth, and was sure he didn't give a fuck about any of it. Then, along came Steve.
He's not a bad omega, because he's Steve's perfect one. He's been told that enough, to believe it to be true.
Steve's knot eventually goes down, and then he slides out of Eddie. He's immediately down between Eddie's legs, fussing, "You okay?"
Eddie's okay, he's just getting old, and he can't take what he could at twenty or even thirty or forty. He's sure his days of getting heats are coming to an end any day now, as sporadic as they are anymore, and in some respects, he feels like, good fucking riddance.
In others, he'll miss it. Miss what it is, what it might mean, for them as a pair.
Steve's ruts still come like clockwork, and biology isn't fair.
Eddie worries that he might not even get to submit to Steve if there's no heady undercurrent telling him to, guiding him.
He worries he won't be as attractive, as alluring to Steve, once he's no longer throwing down the major pheromones. 
"Where'd you go?" Steve asks, taking a break from running his tongue all around Eddie's opening, cleaning him up. Soothing any hurts. 
"Worrying that maybe this was the last time," Eddie whispers, and squeezes his eyes shut. 
"Honey," Steve says, crawling up Eddie's body, laying on top of him, heavy and protective. Giving him the feeling of security that comes in no other way, can't.
"I'm good," he tells Steve, then smiles into Steve's neck, "You're a good alpha." 
And Steve purrs at the praise, at the love, and it rattles against Eddie's chest, soothing him. Making all his worries slip away. Eddie knows that's what Steve gets off on the most. Their love, their bond. 
And that's going nowhere. Heat, no heat. 
Nothing can change their love, their connection, and Eddie melts into the sheets, and just relaxes under Steve's body. 
"Do you want me to stay on top of you?" Steve asks, and Eddie does.
"Please," Eddie answers. Wrapping his arms around Steve's middle, squeezing him tight.
Today is not tomorrow, and it's not yesterday either, and submitting to that fact means he's just gonna stay right here. In the present. 
With Steve.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @subeddieweek and follow along with the fun! 🖤
Notes: This was my first foray into writing omegaverse, ever. I enjoyed the new challenge, but it quickly turned into a bit of a character study on aging without my permission, lol. I don't even know if the menopause equivalent has a counterpart in omegaverse lore. Welp, it does here, I guess.
My other fics for this challenge week:
Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Six Day Seven
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chrolloluvr · 6 months
Hello! Can I ask for general relationship headcannons with Mammon from helluva? I know he's toxic but I just love this bastard and his australian accent lol.
General Mammon SFW Relationship Hcs pt.1
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Note: YESS TYSM FOR REQUESTING THIS!! I love this dude idc what anybody thinks, also i might do a pt2 if this gets enough traction!! This is also a Female!reader, but if you squint it can be Genderneutral!reader
Warnings: Some cussing, use of pet names, some creepy behavior 💀
Starting off, Mammon would probably love to show you off. At his clown pageants, royal meetings, and basically anywhere important. If he's going somewhere, you will most likely be there, with his hand on one of your hips, or carrying you on his shoulder. However he won't let anybody get to know you, or even get their grubby hands near your precious body. Most of his fans speculate that if they see you somewhere, Mammon is always somewhere near you, or he at least has his servants follow you. I also imagine he also brings you to interviews.
He just loves to talk his head off about you. When it comes to his little lady, he just can't keep his mouth shut. I swear this man will be talking to Beelzebub or one of his business partners, and be like “Yeah that's nice and all dickhead, but Y/N is better at that by a long shot.” HE WILL BRING YOU UP AT THE MOST RANDOM TIMES! He will also twist his words in a way that involves you.
Loves and lives to buy you things. He feels obligated to get you luxurious items, even if you don't want them or feel bad. He knows he's one of, if not the most wealthy man in hell, so just let him spoil you, because he won't take no for an answer. If you don't like something he buys you, he won't be mad at you, but the people who made it. You're his pride and joy, so anything he buys you is very luxurious and one of a kind. When you go out to events with him, the press and 666 news will go crazy over the latest new necklace he bought you. If you just look up at him with those big doe eyes of yours, he will move heaven and hell for you.
He knows your weakness is his boisterous voice. He notices every detail about you, including the way your knees lock and your demeanor softens when he does that deep, Australian accent. He likes to grab your cheeks, and say in a low husky voice how you're so cute babe, my perfect little woman. Or when he calls you or leaves voicemails, he will talk innocently about something, but you never fail to take his voice and imagine it in, well, other ways.
I feel like Mammon would give you nicknames all the time. He rarely calls you buy your real name, unless hes upset, but he is never truly upset with you. He will call you babe most of the time, misses, my little lady, sweetheart, princess, my queen, woman, babycakes, and my little money maker (sometimes). He will call you these things, but also when he wants something from you like a warm hug, or to rub his shoulders, or to bring him his morning breakfast. He doesnt call you by your real name often, because he thinks its too serious, and in his eyes, you arent serious,you are just his little innocent woman, oblivious to the dangerous underworld.
There is an obvious power imbalance between the two of you. There's Mammon, a powerful deadly sin, the king of greed, and loved by billions of demons. And then there's you, a lowly demon/sinner who in his eyes, can barely do anything by yourself, hell, you need him to open a nutella jar for christ sake. He thinks of himself as your big strong protector, and also your king who you should bow down to, who you should be thankful for, because millions and millions of girls would die to be in your position.
When you two date, he want complete control over your life. Your social media, friends, people you talk to, family, etc. He most likely implanted a tracker somewhere on your body while you were sleeping. He controls all your socials, and most likely put “Account ran by the handsome king of greed” im your Sinstagram bio 😭. He also deleted any hate comments. One time somebody put “Miss girl is getting that little dick every night” And he got so butthurt, so he blocked them and personally killed them. He also wants you to stay innocent.
He loves to touch you. whether it be groping you, or slowly dragging his gloved fingers over your skin. He does not care about your size too, whether you are chubby or skinny, he loves you for you and that only applies to you. It does not matter how big or small your boobs are, he will guaranteed grab them atleast twice every day randomly. His favorite part of your body is most likely your belly and your boobs. But he loves everything about you, dont get me wrong.
He will never, and I mean never, let you down. He wants to see your pretty smile. If your going on a flight? First class. A show? Front row. You two are staying at a hotel? Presidential suite. He has you covered. Hes the sin of greed for crying out loud. He uses his status to get you the best of the best. If he sees you upset, he is upset at the people around him, and throws a big temper tantrum. In his eyes, he always needs to be the person to make you happy. If he ever sees you laughing at another mans corny jokes, he makes a mental note to personally handle them, and show them that he is your man, not some low class, vile excuse of a man.
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ph4ngz · 2 years
[DARK CONTENT] Dabi x ProHero!Reader
Warning(s): NON-CON, Reader is under a quirk suppressant, physical abuse, Dabi is kinda scary and psycho tbh, Reader is a very new hero, crippling corruption kink, use of fire quirk (he brands reader), mtf oral, ass play, nipple play, Dabi is a huge dickhead, cumming inside, talk of getting pregnant toward the end, kinda hurried to finish it lmao...
"Oh, good morning sleeping beauty."
Your restless stirring seizes the exact moment an unfamiliar hoarse, teasing voice registers in your brain. What the fuck?
Urging to find the source of said voice, you find an intense pain blossoming over the span of your right cheek when you attempt to lift yourself from the ground despite the handcuffs binding your wrists. You'd opened your heavy eyelids for a split second just now, all you saw was the blinding sun beaming through many jagged gaps of a wall made of cracked cement, but the sudden pain had made you clench them shut again before you could make any sense of your fleeting view.
"Ooooh, yeah... Spinner threw you to the floor last night. Impact do a number on ya, huh? Sa'shame none of your useless hero friends could be bothered to save you."
The scent of cigarettes and damp concrete surrounds you, the strength of it almost suffocating. Where the hell are you? Who is Spinner?
"F-Fuck off." hostility laces your words, yet your supposed kidnapper is rather amused by them, a scoff ringing in your sensitive ears. His heavy footsteps echo everywhere as he saunters around above your place on the cold floor, purposely keeping a certain distance so you can't see his face if you open your eyes. The ground's temperature is numbing your shivering body through your thin training getup. Goosebumps cover your chilled skin, although you're not entirely sure whether it's the flooring or the anonymous villain at fault for them.
"Unless you wanna be burnt to ashes, you better watch the attitude, bitch."
White pulses in your vision once the villain stoves the heel of his steel-toed boot into your side, the thick block digging into your ribcage and leaving a dusty, dark imprint on your shirt.
Your bloodcurdling cries echo within the confines of what you assume is some warehouse tucked away in the city, car horns and occasionally loud pedestrians fading in and out of your hearing capabilities. It's entirely possible that your screams will not be acknowledged from this distance, obviously decreasing your chance of gaining backup from other pros.
You consider unleashing your quirk, but deem your current situation grants too little information for you to use it yet. Best to wait until it's guaranteed safe and necessary. Even though, guessing this guy's quirk is heat or fire-based, your own powers wouldn't be of much help.
The heel bruising your side lifts slightly but not completely, relief only surfacing for a quick second before being dragged away by the villain ruthlessly nudging you around with his foot like a feline plays with it's prey. High pitched groans pass through your gritted teeth, making him close his eyes as if listening to the soothing whisper of each tree in a forest.
"God, can you tone it down? My ears might bleed from all that useless whining." Another gravelly voice enters the vicinity and you pause your involuntary wailing and thrashing. Once again, you open your eyes to be met with nothing but the ground.
You recognise that voice.
Flashbacks of what past UA students refer to as 'The USJ Incident' and "The Training Camp Incident" flicker inside your mind like a dying flame. Shigaraki. Holy shit, you've been captured by the League. You could've sworn your heart just skipped at least four beats.
"Oh boss, such a buzzkill." the pressure on your ribs finally disappears and the boots responsible for your noisiness step directly in front of your line of sight, albeit sideways which, when paired with your facial injuries, brings on some dizziness.
You're practically paralysed as the man you'd woken up to lowers himself into a steady crouch beside you, allowing his patchwork face to be visible. A pair of the most enthralling blue eyes seem to glow beneath a veil of messy obsidian hair. Dabi, the only member of the league who excels in long distance attacks. His quirk is basically fire, from what little findings you've heard from Hawks during your mere few weeks of being a number 6 hero. Wonderful.
"Is this the hero Spinner brought back for us, Shiggy? Woah, she's super adorable!" A petite, blonde girl lays a hand over the shoulder pad of Dabi's coat, eager to inspect. Toga. Deku had told you about this one as you'd volunteered to help at that infamous training camp during your third year, Uraraka too.
A faint shout from another room, “Not as super adorable as you, my darling Toga! Yeah, you’re totally smokin'!”,sounds before Shigaraki speaks up again.
"Fresh out of UA, her quirk would be an insanely helpful addition in order to achieve my goals, but her pain tolerance is something to be ashamed of. I suggest leaving the room before your ears are damaged beyond repair."
The chuckling man before you dons a sickening saccharine smirk as he holds eye contact, "She's a noisy one, ain'tcha? Kinda cute too."
You glare daggers at him from your place below him, soft and aching cheek smushed against the dirtied concrete still.
"N'awh, don't go lookin' at me like that..." Dabi tilts his head, pouting with childish ways lacing his every word.
The way his large, shaky hand threads itself through the hairs on your head shouldn't be as comforting as you think it should be, especially after he'd stepped on you like nothing more than an empty soda can not even five minutes ago. You swallow dryly at the fact that his palm is covering the entire visible side of your skull, then sparks crackle inside of your veins, every part of you tingling at the villain's blunt nails barely scraping along your scalp.
Shigaraki mutters a few words whilst you close your eyes, something along the lines of: "Overhaul" and "forty-eight hours", to which Dabi responds with an ominous "how exciting". Maybe, maybe not. You don't quite catch anything they say, but you’ll stick with your guesses.
You're ashamed when you come to realise that the other members, even Toga whom was directly in front of you, had already filtered into another room as you'd been focusing mainly on the calming sensation. Some hero you are, you wonder if somebody had made a mistake by placing you at number 6 on the charts.
No, you don't have time to wonder this, wonder that.
Not when you're alone with him.
The cold hardly allows you to fully experience the next surge of agony, and you're somewhat grateful for that, when Dabi yanks your head upward by your hair to then fit his other hand beneath your arm, propping you up like a limp ragdoll.
You’re sat with your back against the wall now, legs spread slightly and wobbly like jelly. Your wrists seem to be as heavy as led, laid awkwardly on the gritty concrete.
“What’re you gonna do to me…” you exhale with utmost fear, lack of confidence visible to whoever wants to see it whilst he situates himself lazily on the floor in front of you, one leg splayed out and the other tucked in. The corners of the villain’s lips pull upward at your question. Dabi relishes in your wide eyed reaction to his joyous smirk. Shit, he hasn’t even given an answer yet!
“Fuck, I love this question. Alright…”
You strain to activate your quirk, whether this environment is safe enough to use it or not. It’s necessary. You perform everything in your power, every ounce of inner strength seeping from your pores… but it’s not working. Not on your first try, second, third nor fourth.
No, no, no!—
Azul, infernal threat emitting from the calloused palm of your captor immediately brings an end to your violent squirming, the instantaneous lick of scorching flames enough to stun you.
“Jesus Christ, have a day off. The boss wasn’t kidding when he said you were a fresh one.”
Despite the panicked currents whizzing back and forth within your state of mental whiplash, the features on your face relax. Your jaw, slack and vulnerable to snap with a single blow. Eyes drooped and void of metaphorical light, aimed his way.
Your kidnapper’s croaky chuckles bury themselves inside your poor head, his voice unforgettable.
“Pfft, perk up a little will'ya?” Leaning forward, Dabi pinches both of your hard yet covered nipples to elicit an adorable yelp from his newest muse. The sudden stimulation has you come alive once more, reacting in a way you don’t want to pay mind to.
“That’s better, riiiight?” The utterly disgusting, condescending mumble that falls from his lips when he’s tantalisingly peeling your skintight vest above your bare tits dares your brows to bow, but you manage to refrain.
What the hell is wrong with you?
“Nngh—! Stop it! Bastard!” The humiliating villain’s fingers rise to torture you with your pebbled nipples a second time, though now he’s carefully circling them with his thumbs as he observes you helplessly wriggling away from his touch. It’s making your clit throb, and you can feel the arousal starting to gather in sticky droplets before soaking into your panties.
Your captivating, fucking adorable, perky tits fully exposed to him, nipples painfully hard and sensitive thanks to the cold. Dabi's smiling still, like you're some tiny, mewling kitten in front of him. Stubborn but so curious, ready to play with him yet too proud and full of hero syndrome bullshit to admit how much your claws are begging to sink into the pleasure.
He's squeezing the fat of your breasts harder now, the soothing heat of his palms warming your chest. Or is that something else entirely?
“Hah, hah, h- AH!” An ear ringing slap to your already bruised cheek causes you to cry out in stinging pain. You can already picture the huge, pink handprint staining your face. During this moment, you sense him shuffle along the concrete floor to close even more distance between each other, kneeling between your legs.
The involuntary pout curling your bottom lip would probably be more than enough for the childish man to fall head over heels for you if he could, if he wasn't already out of his fucking mind. Two pairs of thumbs and forefingers grab ahold of your sore, puffed out cheeks and stretch them, squeeze them, mush your features which ultimately makes you appear even cuter. Dabi's patchwork face is directly above yours, hovering menacingly and casting a shadow over you as he begins to humiliate you once again.
“You're so precious, ain’t ya…” he nods and copies the fearful, pouting expression you’re blessing him with. He circles his thumb over the hot mark on your face then slowly trails it across to your bottom lip, playing with your mouth as the dirtiest thoughts play out in his vision.
You’re sat there, shivering uncontrollably and trapped under his predatory gaze, watching his other hand lowering closer toward the area between your legs in your peripheral vision. You’re about to break eye contact with the intimidating villain when he presses a few of his fingers over your clothed clit, making your thighs try to clamp together on instinct, although Dabi’s keeping them open with his body wedged between.
He giggles hoarsely, finding your pathetic body’s reactions so very cute. An experimental circle of his digits against your now pulsing bud has you holding your breath, doing your damn best to ignore the lowkey clenching of your leaking hole. After a moment or two, he swiftly discards of your sneakers to be met with the most endearing pair of socks, an array of tiny strawberries decorating the pink cotton. Soon, you notice him tugging at the hem of your joggers and images of what’s bound to happen if you let him pull them down project inside your muddled brain like a one second slideshow.
You’re scared. Absolutely terrified. But you have to acknowledge it now, the feeling has grown too much to disregard any longer. You’re so fucking turned on.
“Ass up.” Dabi orders whilst backing up a couple inches on his knees so there’s more room.
And you comply, willingly! Well, it’s not like you can make use of your quirk to escape, so…
He practically rips your bottoms off of your body in one fell swoop, leaving you almost fully exposed bar a pair of thin socks, matching underwear and the vest bunched up around your collarbones. He’s eyeing you like a starving vulture, faintly drawling out a “good girllll”.
Of course, your body reacts in the worst of ways to the villain’s praise, toes curling and fists closing and opening. He notices, and you swallow hard.
“Oh, so you get off on praise? Want me to tell you that you’re doing well? That you’re making me feel so good?”
Tears are beginning to blur your vision as he shuffles closer once more and leans in, pushes your panties aside to spread your pretty pussy with both of his thumbs. Your fingers twitch when Dabi dips his head into the side of your neck, lips ghosting upward until they reach your earlobe.
“Or do you want me to bully you? Make you cry, make you fucking despise me, play with your little virgin clit until you pass. The FUCK.” He gives a biting smack to your cunt, “Out?”
The tears escape at the sudden shouting and they don't stop, even if the rest of your face tells a completely different story. You can't tell whether your mouth opened in a silent moan or a silent scream just now. Dabi licks his lips at the view.
"Awww, know what? I like the second option much better." he coos softly, kissing the side of your head. It's his body heat drawing you closer into his affectionate kiss, the way it's radiating off of his entire form is making you crave his warm touch. Right?
In a matter of seconds his thumb is already back on your pussy, and the stimulation is so powerful that you can already feel your abdomen tensing. You’re gritting your teeth with panic, wide eyes observing his hand between your thighs as he’s biting your neck.
With a single buck of your hips, Dabi presses his forehead against yours, donning a mean smirk with his eyes closed.
“Desperate.” He almost whispers whilst positioning his other hand directly on top of your lower tummy, pressing slightly and creating an irresistible pressure which gets you that much closer to release.
Once more, the villain lowers his head to face your nipples, taking one into his mouth and watching your sweet face struggle to hide the truth. He circles your clit faster, his touch hardly there at all but enough to have you squirming. The near unbearable pleasure you experience when his tongue repeatedly swipes across one of your hardened buds is making you pant, jaw slack.
You’re almost laying down, only your head and shoulders leant upon the wall now, how easily you let your guard fall is terrifying.
“Stop, stop stop stop—” you gasp and plead for him to seize his actions, but it’s no use.
“Or what. Feel too good, sweetheart? You gonna cum for me? Heh, I can see it written all over your face, how pathetic.” Dabi muses, his words so condescending and hurtful.
You shouldn’t cum. You shouldn’t. You should be screaming and yelling and doing everything in your power to escape. Not just laying here willingly, letting this happen to you—
“C’monnnnn, I know you want to. You wanna let it all go, cum all over my fingers,”
“You want me to go faster, make my little virgin hero’s legs shake,”
“That’s it, that’s it, cum for me, cum for me—”
“Fuck!” You yelp, voice breaking after trying to suppress it for so long.
His touch is removed from your pussy as soon as your orgasm hits, only to be returned by his long middle finger rapidly brushing along and rubbing your inner walls. Instead of overstimulating you, it makes you yearn for more. More orgasms, more touch, more him.
This is bad, very bad.
Your high has hardly calmed down at all when he orders you to stand, “up, face against the wall.”
You do as told, humiliatingly eager. Although a bit too slowly due to your hands being cuffed, so Dabi stations an iron grip on your upper arms and tugs you upward, most likely leaving a bruise to match the rest. He manhandles you into his desired position, an unmistakable glint of excitement in his eyes.
You catch the villain lowering into a crouch position behind you after arching your back and spreading your legs. You wince when his large hands painfully grab both of your asscheeks, spreading them to see both twitching holes. Arousal and cum are dripping from your cunt, his needy tongue snaking from his mouth on impulse, and he lets you take a good look at him too.
“Blehhhh.” Dabi almost taunts you childishly with his mouth from behind you, your head turned to witness his display, and your brain willingly burning the dirty image into itself. His blue eyes are captivating, so bright that they seem to glow even in the daylight. You notice his eyes begin to narrow as a devilish smile also rises on his lips, clearly having seen your moment of fascination.
With you still looking, he disappears from your gaze to hurriedly close his wet, soft lips over your puffy, throbbing clit. His hands are holding onto your ass for stability, fingernails clawing at the skin and leaving red, raw strips in their wake. There’s no time wasted, one heavy lick after another, more of your juices gather upon his tastebuds and he’s fucking ecstatic.
You’re in too deep to try and hold on to your resolve now, you know that, but maybe it’s just your nature. Strained moans escape your plumped lips, deep pink and sore from biting down so hard in order to refrain from enjoying your captor’s antics.
Lewd noises of suction and your wetness sound as his mouth pulls away from your cunt for the first time since he started.
“Ugh, fuck…” he groans lowly, his heavy breath fanning out onto your aimlessly clenching, drenched hole when he leans back on his heel to take in yet another view of your behind. A few seconds pass before he decides you’re too addictive to stay away.
“Mmph- Ah, you taste so sweet, so fucking innocent…” Dabi breathes, his skilled tongue flicking your bud back and forth so much that your knees threaten to buckle, and of course he wouldn’t let that go unnoticed.
“Look at you, mm, can hardly handle it.”
He’s eating you so fast that it’s getting more and more difficult for your brain to keep up, and before you know it you’re coming undone for the second time. You barely even registered your orgasm building up, so this time it’s much more intense.
Dabi’s irises swirl with unexpected surprise and pure elation.
Your eyes clench shut, harder than ever as you endure the way your hole spasms, the way your body jolts under the villain’s hold on you. Thighs so desperately trying to close again, you strain to keep them open for him, even as you feel something watery sliding down the plush skin.
Even as you’ve hit your peak, he’s still got his mouth on you, this time shaking his head with his long tongue lolling around and gliding over every inch of your sex. For a split second, you wonder why he’s riding you through this one. And for another split second, you internally thank the concrete wall in front of you for being something to lean your full weight on.
“Sh-Shit, you’re a squirter too?” He asks rhetorically whilst standing, using the back of his hand to wipe his chin. Man, he's starting to think he should keep you after this.
“I… I don’t know! I’m sorryAH!” Your apologies are cut short by a firm smack to your ass and a breathless chuckle.
“You’re so CUTE!” He yells with a crazed grin and delivers another smack, harder than the last and sure to turn your skin a darker shade of red.
You’re well beyond crying over the pain now, instead you’re starting to fucking enjoy it, crying over the pleasure. Broken sobs echo with each crisp smack he hurtles toward your ass until he stops completely.
Without any warning, Dabi leans over your trembling body to take your jaw in one hand, keeping it steady for his other thumb to bully its way into your mouth. He coats it with your spit, rubbing the pad of his thumb all over the surface of your tongue and eventually removes himself from you.
The silence is deafening, that is until you break it with a sharp exhale.
He’s slathering your asshole with your own saliva, circling around it and causing you to pant, who knows why. Exhaustion, anxiety, anticipation, fear… pleasure.
“Oh? You like that?” He places his other hand around your waist, his featherlight touch tickling you slightly and making you twitch.
“Filthy girl.”
The harder he begins to push against your puckered hole, the louder and faster your breathing becomes. He’s contently watching you clench around nothing from above your pathetic form, and it’s when he dares to slide his thumb past the rim that you finally break.
“Urngh! Pl-ease, please!” You beg, non injured cheek scraping slightly along the wall.
“Begging? For what?”
You pause to think for a moment. Mind blank. There’s no answer, and Dabi can see it on your face.
“Haha, my dumb little hero doesn’t even know what she’s begging for! What, are you all fucked out already?” His raspy voice is pleasant in contrast to the words he says with it.
Suddenly, the villain slips his slicked thumb fully inside of your ass, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking it backward at the same time. He leans forward again, only to whisper in your ear.
“I hate to break it to you, precious, but I’m sure as hell not done with you yet.”
It seems like your entire world spins ten times faster, like you’re floating as he speaks.
“God, I’m gonna fucking ruin you…” he states, voice still low as his hold on your hair drops and he softly caresses the length of your spine in a way that’s frighteningly loving.
In a matter of minutes his coat is flung onto the ground, jeans are unzipped and pushed down with his underwear to free his throbbing cock, a sigh of relief from him indicating that his hard length was getting worse to deal with by the second.
You’re soaked, your cum spilling out of your hole without much of a push at all, and it’s driving Dabi insane. He wants to corrupt you, your sweet little cunt is practically calling his name, just asking for him to claim it. He’s sick of all the foreplay nonsense, all he wants is to split you in half, fuck you so dumb on his fat cock to the point where you can’t even form a coherent sentence.
So that’s what he’s going to do. Say buh-bye to the adorable virgin hero you are.
Quickly running both hands through his obsidian head of hair, he stares at his dick. Angry, long and jumping. Yeah. You’re destroyed. Your captor grips both of your shoulders, his cock level with your puffy, slicked up pussy without even having to align it. You’re the perfect size for him, now let’s see if you’re the perfect fit.
“MMPH! NNGH!” You squeal loudly, the searing pain originating from your sex automatically sending hot teardrops over your waterlines, the corners of your mouth downturned into a cute, wobbly pout.
“Oh, shut up. That was only the tip. Some pain threshold for a hero.” He says through gritted teeth, hiding his twisted enjoyment.
Dabi’s sinking you down onto his cock by your shoulders, his forceful grasp too much for you to wriggle away from. Inch by inch, he’s sliding in, the pain so overwhelming that you’re feeling lightheaded again.
“Almost done, don’t worry. You’ll be screaming for me by the end, virgin slut.”
That’s it. His attitude is getting to you.
“Get off on innocence much?” You backchat with a pained and hostile twinge.
“OI!” He shouts, pausing any movement for the time being, his voice making you jump in the process.
Good, that tormented look is back on your face.
The villain sucks on his teeth before slamming his hips into your ass, immediately nudging your cervix all the while branding your shoulders with burning handprints which evokes an agonised reaction from you.
A silent scream leaves your lips, the sensation so intense that no noise is enough to convey it.
“I thought I told you to watch the attitude, princess. Tch, stupid bitch.”
Fuck, you’re so tight around him that it’s hard to move. Inhaling through his teeth, Dabi attempts to thrust his twitching cock in and out of you. He succeeds, but only just. Looks like you’re growing accustomed without him having to touch your clit, how cute.
The pain is succumbing to the sheer pleasure, the feeling of his length brushing up and down your inner walls drowning it out. Whiney groans are erupting straight from your chest, playing like music to your captor’s ears. Every thrust is becoming more and more powerful, his cock dead set on finding release inside of you before anybody else ever can.
After a short while, your heated face is occasionally bumping into the wall as you’re bouncing on him, echoes of strained grunts and the sweetest moans mixing with each other and the sound of skin against skin.
“Sssshhhhit! You feel me? Yeah?” His gravelly questions pierce through your mind, every word he says so clear to you.
“Yes, yes! Hard-Harder!” You’re a blubbering mess now, letting yourself go, completely unhinged for your villain.
Your villain? THE villain. What’re you thinking?!
“Hahaha! You’re taking it like a bonafide slut! Turn around and I’ll go harder for you.” Dabi is loving this way too much.
Obeying orders, you turn around only to be picked up and manhandled once more, this time your back pushed into the wall with him between your legs. You’re left with an unbearable feeling of emptiness without his perfect dick stretching you out, but that feeling soon disappears when he instantly slams back into you. Wrapping your arms around his neck and scrunching your pretty face, you cry out, “Fucking hell!”
Dabi bites his lip at the sight before him and licks up a few of your stray tears, then finally presses his lips against yours. Your teeth clash sometimes with the movements but neither of you give a shit, you’re definitely too fucked. The villain soon slows his pace, still keeping the strength in his thrusts consistent, the slight decrease in speed allowing you to force your tongue into his mouth without biting it.
He sighs loudly and pleased, undeniably happy with your little performance of courage. He’s keeping you, he’s decided. The kiss is broken, and the pace is increased once more.
“I’m gonna cum—” Your captor warns.
“N-Not inside! Ah! Ah!” You attempt to yell through every bounce of your ass upon his strong thighs, sweet panic arising on your features.
“Sorry, what was that?” He asks menacingly, the muscles in his arms tensing up as they secure your legs. You can feel his cock jolting inside of your tight cunt. No no no!
“Please! N-ot insi-ide—!” Your nostrils are flaring, heart beating about a mile a second but he isn’t pulling out.
Dabi hears you, loud and clear. But damn if he isn’t going to make a show out of this. With his plumped lips open and teeth gritted, he closes his eyes and bows his eyebrows, pulling the perfect face of release just for you.
“Nngh— fuck, fuck…” the villain pants with his nose touching yours. As soon as his eyes open to be met with yours, filled with terror, excitement, lust… all such emotions that contradict with each other playing on your face, he just laughs at you dryly. Dumb, tiny virgin bitch.
“Whoops. Too late.”
Your wide eyes are boring into his narrowed ones as a mixture of his and your own cum droops to the ground beneath you, not a thought present inside your head. Shock numbing your emotions. Still, you attempt to weasel your way out of his hold, which gets you nowhere.
“You didn’t think we were finished, did you? Don’t worry, I’ll be the one to tell your hero buddies you’re on maternity leave... Hey, what'd you expect? A fuckin' apology?”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Jason is bothering you, he's determined to get to Eddie through you and does his best to annoy you and get you down. You hide this from Eddie but he finds out.
Angst with a happy ending. Protective Eddie.
Jason had been annoying you all week.
At first it was just stupid taunts in the hallway, taunts you would ignore by holding your head high and walking away. You rarely gave the asshole the time of day.
Unless he was pissing off your boyfriend Eddie, then you had no problem letting Jason know what you thought of him.
Yesterday and today had been different from Jason's usual taunts though. Yesterday he was borderline hostile and when you walked past him, he made sure to stick his foot out so you fell to the floor.
The fall had caused bruising on your knees and you were torn between humiliation and fury. What the hell was that douchebag's problem?
Today has been even worse. Jason specifically sought you out to pick at you and upended the contents of his milkshake on you.
He left you shaking with tears and covered in the liquid. He actually smirked and laughed, then walked away as if it was no big deal.
Robin saw everything and helped clean you up but you were still shaky and nervous about what Jason would do next. Fuck, if you told Eddie he would hit the roof.
You decided to keep this to yourself for now.
It's hard to not tell Eddie anything because Jason's taunts and the fact that your legs are aching. You've been trying to relax with Eddie but Jason's words keep playing on your mind and Eddie is suspicious about the bruising on your legs. You can tell he doesn't buy that you tripped.
"Sweetheart, are you sure you're okay? I can feel something is wrong. I know my princess and I know you're down" tears pool in your eyes and Eddie's hands tighten around your waist.
He gently wipes your tears away, feels his heart clench at you being upset.
"Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong?" He hates seeing you cry, it physically pains him and if he finds out the reason, if someone has made you upset then there will be hell to pay.
"Jason, he's been annoying me all week and the last few days he's been really bad. He tripped me up and I have bruising on my knees, he poured his milkshake on me and has just been a dickhead all week"
Eddie freezes, hot fury pools in his body and he's shaking. He's never felt this pissed off in his life.
Jason could do whatever he wanted to him but you? His girl, his princess. You were off limits.
He will deal with Jason tomorrow. For now he's going to make sure that you're okay. He gently pulls you onto his lap and presses tender kisses to your lips and forehead.
"Eddie?, you're not going to do anything rash are you?" You're peering up at him anxiously and he soothes you for a few seconds.
"Don't you worry princess, everything will be okay"
Eddie wastes no time in finding Jason the next day, he's laughing with his friends and Eddie stalks up to them and one look from him sends them scurrying away.
"What's up freak?" Jason smirks at him and that pisses Eddie off even more.
"Heard you've been bothering my girl asshole"
Eddie smirks as Jason pales. Good, he hopes the asshole is scared.
Jason feels his blood run cold. That smirk is full of cold fury and he realises how much he's fucked up.
"You go near my girl again, you touch even one hair on her head and there will be hell to pay. You hear me?" Jason snorts and Eddie's eyes narrow.
"I mean it Carver. I am not a violent person but I will make an exception for you dickhead" Jason seems to get the hint and he visibly shrinks under Eddie's death glare then hurries off.
With that sorted and enough time wasted on Carver he heads away to find you.
Jason walks around with his tail between his legs all week and yet he says nothing. You don't realise that Eddie scared the crap out of him, you're just thankful Jason is leaving you in peace.
You snuggle into Eddie and he kisses your forehead, he flips the bird to Jason and dotes on you for the rest of the day.
Jason doesn't bother you again. Not with Eddie the Brave at your side.
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Platonic gang all together how they react with a clumsy reader who is quite literally a hazard to herself. (So many stitches from cutting herself while cooking...literally falls into the curtis house everytime)
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Summary: The Curtis gang with a clumsy reader
Warnings: none
Authors note: none
PONYBOY thinks your clumsiness is absolutely adorable. However, he's a little bit on the clumsily side, too, so you've both definitely tripped each other up once or twice. He'll always help you clean and dress wounds that you got from being clumsy (and other things), but thankfully your ditzy personality has made you clear of any socs trying to jump you, and that he's so grateful for because he would rather die then let something bad happen to you.
JOHNNY isn't clumsy per say but sometimes he spaces out and loses some spatial awareness. For example, he zones out when people talk to him, and if they ask him a question, he'll say the first thing on his mind. Two Bit has called him a dramatic detective getting a clue and you his clumsy and talkative apprentice before. However he'll always try and make things less of a hazard for you, cleaning up overturned books and furniture to make sure you don't trip.
SODAPOP thinks that you're a hazard to yourself. He's always trying to make sure that you don't hurt yourself, walking behind you and catching you when you trip or slip. He finds your nonchalantness about it to be hilarious, how you can trip, have him catch you, thank him and just continue walking. He will never let you walk alone when it's dark, he can't risk you having to stand off against a soc. It's not like your not strong, but he knows that you're tied to bad luck when it comes to those kinds of things.
STEVE lacks spatial awareness, but I wouldn't call it being clumsy, just being a dickhead. He keeps a mindset that he doesn't have to move for anything, just walking into whatever he pleases. But he will literally never do that when he's with you, he's always weaving in and around things that could potentially get you hurt. He's not as overseeing as a lot of the gang are, he knows you can handle tripping once or twice on your own and that he doesn't need to accompany you with anything, except for walking home at night.
TWO BIT could care less about whether or not you trip when you walk. He never put that fact that you were clumsy together, to him you're just you. After someone pointed out your clumsiness, he tried to be more aware of your surroundings. Making sure that your not in a potentially bad situation and being or watching over you if you were in one. But eventually, after he realized that you'd been through quite enough on your own that you wouldn't need him to be around all the time, he calmed down.
DARRY knows you're clumsy, he knows how to live with one too, (he's got 2, sometimes drunk, younger brothers). He'll move books and magazines from off the floor when you come over, and makes sure to sit by the door to help you on and off that one odd porch step that you keep tripping on. He thinks your clumsiness is cute, and quite honestly, nothing that he can't handle.
DALLAS thinks that your going to kill him one day. He associates clumsiness with bad luck and he's terrified that one day he's gonna like get hit by a truck or something. He refuses to let you go to any rumbles, partially because he's scared that your gonna make him lose but also because he doesn't want you seeing that. He won't help you wrap or bandage your wounds unless it super big, he'll comment about how cool that scar was gonna turn out and then does a sloppy job of bandaging you. He tries though.
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whimsicalpolitical · 15 days
this is for the anon who asked me about writing something about girlie who’s avoiding intimacy and Matty confronts her about it. I accidentally deleted your ask!! sorry, love.
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It’s your first time staying over at your boyfriend's. it's nerve wracking for some reason. Maybe because you have all kinds of ideas running through your head about how your night could possibly go.
The thought about possible intimacy is scary, because you're not sure if you're actually prepared. You had set your mind to it on your way to his house; you will be ready if Matty asks to take things further. for his sake..
But, when the time had come, nothing happened. you expected at least something to happen. he's kissed you as per usual, however more than that has not occurred.
Now you’re laying on the couch, watching a movie that you’re not paying any attention to. You’re just focused on the arm that’s draped around you and your strength of not resting your head on Matty’s shoulder.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, love?” Matty’s smooth voice interrupts your thoughts. you clear your throat and shake your head, dismissing your own tendencies to overthink every little thing.
His big hands cover both of yours completely. They’re warm. Nice to hold. The older man lifts your hands up to his lips and kisses your palms. You sigh and finally relax after what feels like hours, "nothing, Matty."
Little did you know that Matty has long noticed what's wrong. You’re easy to read, your body language reveals every little thing you're feeling.
“Alright, can you look at me for a moment?” He asks, turning so his body is facing yours.
You do. You look at him, trying to lie to him that it’s nothing but your shaky hands and flushed cheeks betray you.
“Can we talk?”
“About what?” You ask, fiddling with your hands in his lap. Matty’s gaze drops to them before he looks at your eyes.
“Can I?” He asks, probably the first time if he can take your hands because in your head it’s a common thing to be holding hands.
You nod, “yeah.”
He brings your hands to his lap and brushes soothing circles into the skin with his thumb.
“I’ve noticed that it’s always me who reaches out first, ehm in like connection to touch. You never really touch me unless I do first, d’you know what I mean? I just- did I do something wrong?”
The question hits you harder than you expected, and your throat tightens. You can feel the panic rising, but you try to push it down. “No, Matty… It’s not you. I promise,” you say, your voice trembling slightly.
He squeezes your hand. “Then what is it? You can tell me, whatever it is. I’m here for you.”
You look away, the weight of your past suddenly feeling overwhelming. “I’m just… not ready to talk about it yet,” you admit quietly, struggling to keep your emotions in check. “But it’s not because of you. I just… I have things I need to work through.”
“That’s alright, I understand, s’just, you need to tell me when I can touch you and when not.”
You sigh, “you can always, Matty. I’m just not used to affectionate touching and it’s kind of hard to let the past go just yet.”
“So I can kiss you?”
You smile, “yes.”
Matty’s eyes soften with understanding, and he leans in to kiss your forehead gently.
“Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here,” he says softly. “We can go at your pace. Just know that you’re safe with me, okay?”
“Thank you.”
“Course, what dickhead would I be if I would ignore your feelings. I would never do something you don’t like and I need you to trust me on this.”
“I am,” you breathe in and exhale deeply bringing your lips to his cheek, “I do trust you.”
“Yeah?” He grins, “that’s good, great actually. Thank you for even bein’ honest with me, I appreciate earnestness.”
You stay close to him but at some point you get overwhelmed and pull back again, “s-sure, I’m sorry it’s-“ you groan.
Matty shushes you, “you’re alright, it’s baby steps. Darling, you gave me a kiss and basically hugged me, no pressure. I’m with you on this.”
You nod, tears stinging your eyes, but you don’t let them fall. For now, it’s enough that he knows something’s there, even if you’re not ready to share it all. And as his arm wraps around you a little tighter, you start to believe that maybe, with time, you can open up to him completely.
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 3 months
"We are not alone."
Nightwing sighed, placing a foot on top of the thief they stopped, "What is it, one of your feelings?" 
Jason puffed out his cheeks, annoyed. He hated it when his pseudo older brother used that condescending tone with him. He might not have had the same crime-fighting experience as Dick and Bruce, having only started a year ago, but he had grown up on the streets, and if he said someone was watching him, it was because there was some asshole lurking who was doing it. 
Why couldn't he be on patrol with Batman tonight? Just because he wanted him and Dickhead to bond?
Well, that was bullshit. At least Batman was paranoid enough to listen to him, and not dismiss his observations.
The Golden Child on the other hand was always sure that he was, and he never listened to what he told him. 
Fuck bonding moments, Batman!
“Yes, and I'm sure we're not alone!”
“Well, there he is," Nightwing said,  indicating the thief with a nod of his head.
“That's not what I mean, asshole! Someone is watching us.”
"I don't know!" he blurted out, frustrated. “That's what we would have to find out, if you listened to me…”
“Little Wing,” Nighwing interrupted, walking away from the thief. “I know patrols are very stressful, and you always have to be on alert. It's normal to feel nervous and think you're surrounded even when you're not..."
He wanted to hit him. Violently, and with a crowbar. Where was a crowbar when it was needed?
He angrily blurted out, “I'm not saying we're surrounded. I'm saying someone is watching us and…watch out!”
Apparently, the thief wasn't as unconscious as he had seemed, and he had a gun hidden in his pants.
He tried to shoot Nightwing, but Jason moved him in time. The shot missed. At least, that's what it seemed to him.
While Nightwing disarmed the man and hit him in the head, finally reducing him to unconsciousness, Jason heard someone groan.
He turned around, but saw no one.
Except there were traces of blood on the ground, which definitely wasn't his or Dickhead's. 
Blood was appearing out of nowhere and seemed to form a trail, which shouldn't be possible.
Unless there really was someone there, invisible, and he had been hit by the bullet.
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kometqh · 1 year
Return pt.2
╰┈➤ Ethan Landry x Female Reader
╰┈➤ Warnings: mentions of murder, blood, cursing, breakup, angst turned to fluff, ghostface! au, not explicitly following the events of the movie (Scream 6), alcohol, mean and sad ethan :(
╰┈➤ Summary: Ethan has to break up with Y/n, but regrets it instantly. Why? Because to him, she's the love of his life.
╰┈➤ Word count: 3,609k
╰┈➤ Part one
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀
He'd done this before; same thing over and over. One victim after another. Something in him twisted and churned at the stranger's screams, their begging, their cries, but a more cruel, a more violent part of Ethan supressed that twinge of guilt. It's not like he could do anything anyway – his dad would skin him, and his sister would take it upon herself to make his life more miserable.
"Please no! Stop I beg you." A voice screeched in his ear, begging for mercy, bloodied hands grasping his own. They were in hysterics, using all their strength against him but to no avail. His mind was elsewhere, the screams becoming white noise as he continued to drive the knife up. Agonisingly slow, too. He could feel the skin cut beneath his fingers, the blade never stopping. "I don't want to die..."
Their voice became all but a whisper, their hands losing the strength they had just a moment ago. He chuckled quietly, before abruptly pulling the knife out, his chuckling turning into a full-blown laughter as they screamed, body twitching against the wall behind them.
"I'll make it quick buttercup, yeah? Would you like that?" He whispered into their ear, holding the knife too close to their neck for comfort. He could feel them tremble, even in their half-passed out state, their fear too overwhelming. A slight nod followed shortly after his words, and he tutted in disapproval, moving away to take in the sight, his work.
"Please- if you're going to kill me, do it quick!" They exclaimed.
"So much demand from someone in your position..." He wasn't impressed, nor was he content. He didn't like being told what to do unless it was coming from Y/n. Speaking of which, he looked around the room for something. A clock.
His eyes caught sight of the moving handle, it was coming close to 8pm, in 15 minutes he was supposed to meet Chad.
"Look buttercup, I would love to drag this out, but I'm running low on time-" He muttered, more to himself really, whilst flipping the blade in his gloved hand, the sound of his footsteps bouncing off the walls as he stomped towards his victim – a fellow student – plunging the knife into their chest repeatedly, choked stutters and gagging resonating within the room, followed by pure silence just a few short moments after.
He wiped his knife clean on their clothes, turning to a window. His bag was there waiting for him, ready with his awfully stupid costume that Chad would force him to wear later on.
He heaved a heavy sigh and shook his head, muttering curse words under his nose as he awkwardly exited through the window and onto a rusty staircase.
Taking his mask off, Ethan inhaled a deep breath of air, shoving the damned thing back into his bag and instead placing on the wretched cardboard cut-out.
What even was it? He had no idea.
Down below, his bicycle was waiting for him, luckily it hadn't been stolen by some drunkard. Everyone seemed to be drunk and gone by this time, celebrating Halloween.
His feet moved quickly, the tyres spinning aggressively as he swerved to the left, narrowly avoiding a car. "Watch where you're driving dickhead!" He shouted, flipping the driver off in a fit of rage. After a couple of minutes, he could see heaps of students cluttering the streets, all dressed in silly, sexy or actually well-done costumes.
Some hollered at him as he hurried past, others swore as he swerved, his eyes finally settling on the half-naked figure of Chad, sported in some shorts and a cowboy hat, waiting outside their shared dorm building.
"Ethan what the fuck?!" Chad shouted, prolonging the 'fuck', flailing his arms in the air as he approached the teen, "You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago! Where were you?" He continued, his arm wrapping around Ethan's neck as the boy put his bike away.
"Sorry Chad, I was in the - uhm, library?" Ethan said slowly, though it sounded more like a question rather than a statement. It wasn't questioned by Chad though, who seemed like he already had a few too many drinks for the hour it was. He was already swaying as he walked alongside Ethan, tripping over his own feet - earning a few giggles from passing ladies - winking and blowing kisses, flashing his pearly-white teeth in a boxy grin.
In all honesty, Ethan didn't expect to get away with his lie so easily, but Chad was such a frat boy he couldn't keep his hands off alcohol until they got to the party. He let out a relieved sigh as he heard music blasting out of a specific home - the 'go to' for everyone.
There wasn't a single week without at least one party, and that added onto the ease Ethan felt any time he had to go and slash someone up.
Because nobody would even notice he was gone. Not even the people that called themselves his 'friends'.
Okay - that wasn't the whole truth. There was one person that truly did care for him. A small smile tugged at his lips as he thought of her - her beautiful, soft and shiny hair, that smile that made her look like an angel sent by God himself - no, not even that, she is a literal Goddess - he thought, those little crinkles under her eyes as she smiled, the few tiniest freckles scattered across her cheeks. The way she would always lead him to the dance floor, enticing him, bringing a smile of his own to his face. His heart pounded, no, it clawed at his chest whenever she was around. She was his whole world, and she held his heart in her grasp. He was at her mercy.
But their relationship wouldn't last.
As much as Ethan loved Y/n, he would eventually be forced to kill her. She was heavily associated with the 'Core Four', as Chad liked to call it, being present at the Woodsboro event. She was there when his brother was brutally slayed by none other than Sam Carpenter.
A string of curse words fought to escape his mouth, but he fought against it as Chad pulled at his bicep, leading him away to a group of dancing girls - who in his mind - were the most awkward dancers possible.
"Ladies, meet my bro Ethan." Chad introduced, slinging one arm around Ethan's shoulder and the other around a blonde girl's waist, "Ethan, these are my classmates. They're all gorgeous aren't they?"
Ethan grinned at the group, doing his utmost best to look sweet, innocent and convincing. Chad wasn't aware of his current relationship status, and that was okay. Neither Ethan nor Y/n were bothered enough to tell anyone; they'd figure it out on their own.
"Hey there, nice to meet you guys!" He shouted over the music, lightly nodding in greeting as his cardboard helmet slid down and blocked his vision. He was about to move it out of the way, but a smaller hand did the job for him. He looked to his side, and was met with a big cheeky grin. The one he adored.
"Y/n? It's good to see you!" Chad erupted, arms raising high as he embraced her in a suffocating hug. Ethan's heart twitched, his stomach twisted with a tinge of jealousy. He did not like the sight of Chad acting all touchy with his girl - did he need to do so?
The answer was a simple no.
Y/n's hands awkwardly patted Chad's back, her eyes nervously moving from the other girls to Ethan's, though his seemed to have a darker look in them - he wasn't happy, "Alright Chad I think that's enough." She said quickly, clearing her throat whilst backing away from the taller male, and joining Ethan at his side. 
She turned to Ethan, her gaze meeting his lovingly, "Hello stranger."
"Hey there, fancy seeing you here." Ethan said, clearly pleased as he bit his lip lightly, his hand itching to reach out for her own, and it would have if it wasn't for another body crashing into Y/n's back, arms slinging over her shoulders as lips entered Ethan's vision, a sloppy wet kiss was planted on Y/n's face.
"Mindy?! Ewww your breath stinks!" Y/n exclaimed exaggeratedly, fanning the space before her face as she moved her head away. Mindy chuckled at that, attempting to gift her with another kiss whilst fluttering her eyelashes and puckering her lips in, what she thought was, a seductive manner, "Oh come on! My kisses can't be that bad!"
Ethan looked to her, a questioning eyebrow raised, "Are you sure?" He scratched the back of his head, purposefully looked around the room to imply Mindy was, in fact, a bad kisser. Though he couldn't know really. The girl in question smacked the back of his head, a nasty snarl gracing her features, rolling her eyes in the process, "Thanks Ethan. At least I can pull the ladies, unlike someone..." A couple of 'oohs' and 'ahhh's' left the small group, and Ethan could almost feel the sting - only he didn't, because in his mind he did pull the best girl possible.
And she was standing at his side, stifling a couple of giggles.
"Come on Y/n, let's get some drinks." Mindy said, taking a hold of Y/n's hand as she lead her away.
Ethan shook his head and chuckled, sending a slight wave at Y/n, who had turned back to say something, but was far too gone to be heard. He reached into his pocket, fished out his phone, and was greeted with the sight of two missed calls from his sister - Quinn. He sighed heavily and excused himself from the group, making his way outside as he attempted to ring her back.
The phone rang for a long while, and Ethan was growing agitated the longer it took.
"Ethan? Why didn't you answer?" Quinn's annoyed voice rang through Ethan's ear.
Clicking his tongue, he retorted, "I told you I will be busy. I'm at a party, why are you calling me?"
"You need to break up with that bitch. Plans have changed." Her tone was cold, and Ethan let out a scoff at the insult. How dare she insult the one girl he cared about? 
"Me and dad decided to let her live," She took a pause, awaiting any sort of reaction from her brother, but was greeted with pue silence as he anticipated her words, "If you break up with her, we won't kill her. We will only go after Sam, Tara, Chad and Mindy. Though I can't promise you that she won't be injured during the process."
"And if I don't? Maybe she can still be an asset." He argued, directing his attention at a stray rock on the side of the pavement, kicking it, "Then I will personally ensure she is gone. We need you to stay focused, Ethan." Quinn's voice sounded harsh, and it sent a chill down his spine, his eyes widening in horror. He never believed her threats were real; up until now. But she was giving him a choice.
"Ethan? Did you hear me?"
He took a moment to say anything, his attention shifting to how rapidly his heart was beating, how he suddenly felt so warm and self-aware, he felt as though he could feel every sensation on his body - from that miniscule itch on his thigh to the way his hair began to stick to his forehead unbrearingly.
"You'll let her live? If I break up with her?" He asked, swallowing down the invisible lump that had formed in his throat. He's never felt this way. What was it? Anxiety? Fear? Over the phone he could hear a male voice call for Quinn, and he visibly cringed, "I am very serious Eth. You think I wouldn't be up for the task?" She questioned, taking a puff of air, "Dad's getting impatient, and I'm being kind by giving you a choice. So act fast."
And with that, she hung up the phone.
His arm fell limp, and the blood pumping through his veins deafened him. His thoughts raced one hundred miles per hour, and yet did not come up with a single answer or solution to his predicament.
His sister, his own flesh and blood, was threatening what he deemed the 'love of his life', but was giving him the chance to save her life? He definitely needed a moment to think that one over.
A few minutes went by, the music coming from within the house never stopped. It worked as background noise as he pondered, talking under his breath about all the possibilities and pacing around, clearly anxious. Could he get out of this one? Was breaking up with Y/n really the ultimate choice?
He felt like falling in through the earth, down into its very core so that he did not have to make such a choice. He wasn't stupid though - he knew if he suddenly disappeared, that Quinn wouldn't hesitate for even a second - and Y/n's life would be in grave danger.
He couldn't let her do that. If anything, he would break up with Y/n, break her heart and have it crumble to pieces just to ensure her safety. 
"What's got your pants in a twist cupcake?" A soft voice asked behind him, at first he was slightly startled, but then realised who it was. His damnation, "Y/n? I thought you were busy partying?" He exclaimed, hand gripping his chest as a nervous, toothy grin creeped up his cheeks. 
The girl in front of him swayed a little, hands interlocked behind her back as she looked up, "Well I was, but you were gone for so long I started to think you snuck off."
He chuckled, shaking his head in denial.
"No, I wouldn't of left you here, alone." He said quietly, looking straight into her eyes cutely, "Chad would do anything for a chance with a girl as pretty as you." Ethan continued, now shuffling closer and closer, until their torso's were just a mere inch away from touching - so close he could see that dusty pink colour decorate her cheeks. That really did do a number on him. 
"Well, luckily for you, Chad isn't my type," A small smile tugged at her soft lips, and she fought hard to contain it as she spoke, moving her hand to trail her fingers down his chest, keeping her gaze locked on it, "My type are sweet, cute, nerdy boys, with adorable brown puppy eyes and soft curly hair. Specifically, brunettes." She shifted her gaze, now looking into his wide eyes, the street lights reflecting in her pupils.
That light dusty pink colour from earlier? It now turned into a full-blown crimson blush paired with a wide smile.
"Are you embarrassed?" 
"Why do you ask?" She looked at him once more, chewing lightly on her bottom lip, her blush intensifying further as she had indeed been called out. 
"You're blushing. So much. It's quite cute actually." Ethan teased, his hand slowly moving to grip hers, sliding down to interlock their fingers together, "I think we should get out of here." At that, his heart picked up the pace, and nervosity took over him. Should he do it now? Maybe that'll be for the best.
His mind rushed as Y/n pulled him along, into the crowded streets and through dark alleys. Their breaths matching in pace and heartbeats matching in rhythms, their hands interlocked and feet moving synchronically.
Cars honked at them, street lights flickered and light rain pattered down, drowning out anything but each other's presence. Ethan kept trying to think of the right things to say, but her presence overwhelmed him, tugging painfully at his heartstrings. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving her. But he had to, for her safety. And so, his mind made the unconscious choice to let her go.
Even if it hurt.
It would be like acting, he told himself. His ears could barely process the words she was saying, the blood pumping through his head deafening him. He was getting anxious and fidgety.
His footsteps came to a slow stop in an alley, his hand pulling her backwards. Her breath hitched, and she gazed lovingly into his eyes, but he could see the growing worry. How am I going to do this? He restrained a smile, and blinked away the tears that threatened to gather in his eyes, not looking at her, but rather off to the side.
"Eth? What is it?" She asked worriedly. He could hear her laboured breathing, and gulped down the lump that formed in his throat.
"I don't know if this is a good idea..." Ethan's eyes met hers, his heart beating loud against his ribcage. He fought hard against his urges to grab her hand from his shoulder, place a gentle kiss on it before embracing her and muttering sweet nothings and reassurances into her ear, that she shouldn't worry and it didn't matter. 
"You know what I mean," He continued, taking a deep breath, maintaining eye contact, "Us. This isn't working out."
He shook his head, seamlessly trying to rid his head of those thoughts, but to no avail. His heart panged with guilt at the sigh she let out, "Why are you doing this?"
"We both know this isn't working. It'll only end in us both getting hurt," He paused, taking a deep breath, an attempt to calm his racing heart before he blurted out, "I don't love you."
He put on a stoic face, letting go of her hand. Putting much needed distance between them. If he didn't, this simple task would become much harder.
"W-what do you mean? Just two days ago you were on about how you can't stand being away from me! What happened? What changed your mind?" A light smirk tugged at his lips, his nerves taking over every cell in his body - he was scared, terrified. That smirk was quickly wiped off as he saw the pain in her eyes - the one thing he never thought he'd be the cause of.
"Why are you doing this Eth?"
"I have to. It's best if we stop whatever this is."
"How do you know? Are you really thinking about what's best for me?" At that, his anger took over.
He was doing all this just to protect her. He was being selfless, and all that she was doing was making his life more difficult. He hated (loved) how she questioned his choices, never went down without a fight. His vein was visible on the side of his temple, and his teeth grinded on each other.
"Stop making this so difficult! I am doing what is best for me!" He shouted, breathing heavily, feeling his face became hot to the touch, he pointed to himself, but stuttered his words out as his hand almost slapped hers, "I-I don't give a fuck about what you want! Okay? This is over, we are over." Upon saying so, another lump formed in his throat. He wanted to take his words back so so bad. But how could he? 
She nodded her head at him, and pushed past him, bumping shoulders. His eyes caught sight of the first few tears, and his heart shred into bits. 
"Y/n! Wait!" He shouted after her, following in her footsteps, but she ignored him as though he didn't exist, "Come back!" With that, she entered the crowded streets and disappeared, from both his sight and his life. 
"No no no. What the fuck do I do? What the fuck did I do?!" He questioned himself, one hand gripping and tugging harshly at his hair, the other dragging over his face, and he wished this was all some sort of a sick dream.
He couldn't believe he just did that - abandoned the love of his life and watched her walk away. It's for the best. He shook his head, slapping himself lightly before rushing into the crowds, in hopes of catching up to her.
'She must have gone back to the party, right?' He thought, looking ahead into the crowd. Hoping to catch up. His legs carried him, they ran, and his mind pleaded whatever God was above them, whatever fate chose this. The house party wasn't too far, as the pair hadn't gotten far before he made his declaration. Within 15 minutes he was there, his height bringing an advantage to his speed. He pushed through and into the house, looking around in a panic.
"Where is she?"
Sweaty bodies and spilling drinks blocked the path, hands raised in the air and swaying to the sound of music. Ethan received a couple of (accidental) slaps to the face, which helped sober him up a little from his panicked state. He had reached the kitchen, an island decorated with red solo cups and empty bottles of all kinds of alcohol, stood in the middle. And on the other side of it was Y/n, busy talking to Tara and Chad, her lips trembling and hands shakily bringing an alcohol-filled cup up.
His heart broke into a million pieces, just at the sight of what he had caused. Was begging her for her forgiveness now a bad idea? Probably. He listened to his better judgement, swallowing the lump in his throat harshly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he did so. His hand wiped the forming tears away and he walked away, breaths heavy and trembling as his heart shook. He couldn't sabotage her safety - one which should have been guaranteed the moment those words left Quinn's lips. Though, his sister was renowned for being an immensely good liar - only that part seemed to escape his mind.
I just wanted to say a quick thank you, I am so grateful for anyone who has read Return, I'm thankful that you all enjoyed it and I really hope Before You is up to your guys expectations <3 For those who have read the pre-edited version, this new one has a few minor but important changes. Thank you for whoever reads this <3 - kometqh
Tags: @netey6m
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