#unnamed clones
clonewarslover55 · 2 years
The Price of a Mile
Notes: Sabaton is a fantastic heavy metal band that sings about war to educate people.(They have a large youtube channel explaining all of their songs and it's GREAT! It's great for people who don’t like heavy metal and want to learn quick things!) Sabaton has actually taught me a lot about the many wars, battles, and fights that have plagued this planet over the short time the human race has been here. A lot of these songs make me think of the Clone Wars and the poor soldiers there! So I took one of their songs that breaks my heart every time I hear it, and made a fic out of it!
I also know that most Clone Wars warfare wasn’t trench warfare but I wrote it anyway!
I highly suggest you listen to The Price of a Mile by Sabaton and try many of their other songs! They are fantastic and heart wrenching.
Lyrics will be shown by either formatting or by ‘’
Warnings: This shit gets depressing. Battle details, gruesome here and there, mentions of death and blood. Its war, its ugly, gross, and sad.
The young clone sat in the trench, mud covered and soaked by rain and blood. He looked amongst his exhausted brothers, then glanced past them into the scarred fields. The fields of this world were once green and beautiful, now they are scarred and are nothing but mud and rain filled holes. Skeletons of destroyed houses and barns were scattered amongst the fields, dead livestock strewn about them. Bodies of clones and droids alike were everywhere as well, unmoving as the mud slowly sucked them into shallow wet graves.
Then it clicked for him. ‘What was the purpose of it all?’ The sun began to set as he gripped the arm of the brother closest to him. “We’ve been at this for weeks….We have hardly made any progress. Each foot we gain we lose hundreds of men. What is the price of a mile?”
The other clone looked at him, before he spoke a nearby shell exploded, covering them both in a fresh layer of mud and gore. He wiped the mud from his visor and sighed, “Thousands.” He spoke, his voice gruff and emotionless.
The young shiny just stared at him before turning to look past the trenches and into the no man's land, and past that, an army of droids. They had pushed them back some today, the remaining droids falling back so they could regroup when the Separatists dropped off more into the thick overgrown forests where they held their line.  
‘And as the night falls the general calls
And the battle carries on and on
How long?
What is the purpose of it all
What's the price of a mile?’
When it was time to push forward his heart strings pulled at the mere sight of it all. Dead brothers, everywhere. They were nothing but pawns, tools of the Republic to win this petty war. Hot tears ran down his cold face, but he could hardly tell through the sweat and rain that mixed with it all.
They pushed forward though, their commander leading the way. His once colorful armor was now patches of white underneath layers and layers of crusted over mud and blood. Their Jedi was still nowhere to be seen, he would remain on cushy Coruscant until the hard work was completed and they got to the Sepratist base. He gritted his teeth and began the march with his brothers.
‘Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out’
The mud as they marched sucked their feet in, making walking difficult. The mud was so bad the tanks couldn’t be moved yet, their feet trapped. Their mechanical feet were stuck just like thousands of brothers already. Underneath the cold mud, dead and finally at peace. The mud was getting so bad it was beginning to trap and drown men who walked on the more unlevel spots. The young clone believed some may even have done it on purpose, the exhaustion finally enough for some.
They continued on, stepping over destroyed and mangled droids. The rain was pelting them like bullets, the wind so harsh he couldn’t hear the commander over it. Luckily the comms in most of their helmets weren’t broken so some could still hear orders. He could hear, his helmet still new. His armor was no longer shiny though, it was already scarred and painted by mud, and he had only been on the battlefield for a month.
Once at the next set of trenches they dug back in, the fighting and death starting back up. The young clone felt like he had won nothing… but of course the knowledge of how much he hated this. War was nothing but bloodshed and pain to him, thousands dying for just mere feet of ground! It broke his heart, so many young men dead. And for what?
‘Still a deadlock at the front line
Where the soldiers die in mud
Roads and houses since long gone
Still no glory has been won
Know that many men has suffered
Know that many men has died
Six miles of ground has been won
Half a million men are gone
And as the men crawled the general called
And the killing carried on and on
How long?
What's the purpose of it all?
What's the price of a mile?’
After they gained the sixth mile the young clone was caught by droid laser fire, scarring his armor and heart even more. Would he make it through? Did he even want to? Exhaustion and hunger gripped him, digging in and bringing down his morale. As he stared up at the gray sky, the rain pelting his armor he sighed. He didn’t feel much, just a deep sadness as he grew colder, his blacks now fully dampened by blood and rain.
The young clone could finally rest now, the terrors of war would no longer haunt him. The nightmares were over now, for him. But for many others it raged on, and it would never stop.
‘Young men are dying
They pay the price
Oh how they suffer
So tell me what's the price of a mile
That's the price of a mile.’
End note: I actually enjoyed writing about a song like this! I would love to do more if anyone asked! 
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hello-eden · 3 months
 Tim was really starting to get worried about his new brother.
Danny moved into Wayne Manor after his parents were arrested.  Jack and Maddie Fenton opened  a portal to the infinite realms with no way of stopping any of the world-ending threats. They let the ghosts wreak havoc and never once closed the portal. 
Danny had gotten some sort of connection to an ancient being. The Justice League Later found out that the ancient being was using the connection to gain a way to stay on Earth. They were able to sever the connection but Danny is not getting any better.
Since the attacks in Amity Park started Danny has been getting sicker and sicker. He got paler and started to bruise more easily. But after they severed the connection he seemed to no longer have energy.
Even now that they have gotten him away from amity park, nothing seems to be helping. It's been 3 months with no sign of getting better. they're on their last straw and they finally decided to get a magic user to try and help. unfortunately The person who knows the most is Constantine.
Constantine walked into the room with Bruce. Danny had no idea that they were connected to the Justice League and they were hoping to keep it that way. They don't want to stress him, especially with how sick he is.  Constantine and Bruce stopped in front of Danny.
 Bruce tried to use a gentle tone and said “ danny I know you're having a lot of trouble so I called in someone to help “
Danny had  an apprehensive look.
 “Kid, I just need your hand,” Constantine said as he reached out a hand. ”I'm not going to do any creepy shit, I'm just trying to make you better”
Danny reluctantly placed his hand onto constantines. it was a few minutes before Constantine Swar under his breath.
"What is it” Bruce demanded.
”the little ghosty left a parting gift”
“that's not an explanation” 
“the kids got a  neverborn”
 “What's neverborn?” Tim asked, interrupting their conversation.
 “The closest equivalent I can make is that technically Phantom got the kid knocked Up”
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vimse · 4 months
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*squeaky clown noises*
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sabellart · 7 months
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they’re insufferable
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wormnamedwax · 2 months
dc launching a Revolutionary New Character (either a clone or a daughter of a villain) (that will become a well-loved character or literally never mentioned again)
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kaeirou · 26 days
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clone-trooper-cheese · 7 months
Making a Nautolan oc bc why not. She doesn't have a name, so suggestions are helpful. (She/her)
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The design is inspired off of a strawberry squid
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The second one isn't a strawberry squid, I just thought it looked cute lol
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beeceit · 3 months
Feeling silly goofy today
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zasmn · 2 months
Is there a named clone medic in the 212th (Kenobi) attack battalion? Even a much used OC? I know about Kix, but he's part of the 501st (Anakin).
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planetary · 10 months
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lazerswordweilder · 13 days
A spell (or something else) hits a group of imperials, revealing each persons biggest wish to everyone else, there’s what you’d expect, wealth, fame, power, a combinations of the three, and when it gets to Vader, that’s what they’re expecting too, instead they see a group of people.
A togruta showing off lightsaber tricks to the rest of the group.
A woman in sandy clothes with kind eyes and a kinder smile, complimenting the togruta.
A pregnant woman in a fancy dress, smiling and happy, laughing at the togrutas tricks.
A handful of clones, one with a five tattoo, another with blond hair, and many more, all cheering on the togruta.
A man with a beard and a tired but fond expression, occasionally making a joke which got everyone else to laugh.
They’re all standing together and they all look happy. And that’s it. No money, no power, no fame, just… a group of people, who are happy, looking a lot like a family. Family which is a topic of conversation Vader is known to hate. Well, that paints an ugly picture doesn’t it?
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beeapocalypse · 1 month
OKAY goodnight for real now :-)
#bike ride. take grandma home. some sort of image or paperthing#rlly want to draw kitty w [unnamed engiebee URCR rip. referred to henceforth as the cuckoo] w smth around mitskis me and my--#--husband. HAUNTING song#need to straighten out the magpie a bit more. guy pretty high up into the commercial sector of the URCR who gets a weird little clone of--#--him made whilehe is Still alive initially to act as an assistant b4 said clone freaks the fuck out and tries to kill him and gets sent--#--to a lovely little sheltered place w no contact and no import (i CANNOT make it a moon. it is all so obvious already LOL) . original--#--cuckoo goes ont he idea that the clone just came out Wrong when rlly being put thru such humiliation + dehumanization brought abt a--#--great rage. kittys later interaction w clone-cuckoo does NOT help things as she uses him as a complete punching bag- able to lash out at-#--him and bring him down 2 her level in place of the original cuckoo- and by the time the CS HAMARY went rogue things were real contentious#--on the main URCR planet as clone-cuckoo focused on raising dissent and gathering his Own power in order to get at original-cuckoo#kitty loses interest as clone-cuckoo starts focusing on her less in favor of the Great Affront of the URCR and what it has done to the--#--sanctity of humanity (clones) + its home (extreme environmental degradation necessitating colonization efforts a la the CS HAMARY)--#--and all that. not as much fun to fuck with a guy when he is fighting to transform into the complete Opposite of his current self half--#--out of sheer hatred for another guy who is him
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saxophone-cat · 1 year
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My sister didn’t believe that the homeless 501st veteran was Temuera Morrison so I had to give Cody his hair and then she said “oh ok I can kinda see it”
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edge-lorde · 2 years
Hello folks! Brothers Unnamed comic is now fully updated on ao3!
come find me! pluckyducky on AO3!
All of the comics ive posted here, ive posted there. come read them in an organized fashion, all in one place! I've even fixed a few typos!
Transcriptions available upon request! I have them all up on Deviantart . and AO3, but i think the text is only visible with a screen reader there.
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lupinshanshin · 1 year
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boyheros · 6 months
ok I was drawing pony maverick earlier and it got me thinking about the other clones. I made Maverick a pegasus and I was content with that for all the clones too BUT I realized ohh well cuz many of the clones are genetically modified maybe I can use that to make some of the clones different kinds of ponies? so here we go:
Maverick is a pegasus as previously stated bc of his everlasting angel motif (original version of his character was an angel lol). Ana is a unicorn, she has a superiority complex about it. Uses her magic lifting-things skills to wield her defacing scissors. Foster, Hurricane, and the currently unnamed G clone would probably all also be pegasi for consistency. the Template Maverick as well.
Elaine though, she would also be a unicorn. She's a surgeon so the magic thing could be for. healing spells or whatever MLP characters do. or wielding surgical tools idk. but it fits really well because in the story Ana's favorite successor clone is Elaine, due some similarities they share and blah blah whatever else. so them both being unicorns shows that well methinks
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