#until they saw us sitting practically on top of each other to read a book together and they were like '???? don't you hate each other'
liebelesbe · 2 years
I miss having a "making fun of each other and pushing each other around (affectionate)" friendship :(
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classypauli · 7 months
She’s the Man
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem Reader A/N: I don’t even have words, I definitely wasn’t expecting this feedback, you guys made my day. Thank you for all the likes, rebloggs and comments!! You are the best!! Warning: alcohol, drunk people, grammar mistakes, bad punctuation in complex sentences, spelling errors Word count: 4.8k
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Y/N was walking down the hallway with Mason, they didn´t share many classes except literature. It was one of her favorite classes. Y/N becomes a little nerd if someone asks her about history, paintings, architecture, or literature. When she was a kid, she wasn´t into this kind of things. She used to do a lot of sports and her grades weren´t great but also not worse.
When she started to go to a high school she stopped. Her grades became better and soon she was topping most of her classes. Her classmates saw her as someone intelligent, she wasn´t just book smart, she had good opinions and when she started talking people listened to her, she didn´t know why, maybe because she didn´t talk much so they became interested in her talking.
But she never talked about herself. She was always trying to avoid any questions about her. Y/N didn´t know why she did that. She felt more secure that way, less on target. She likes to keep things like this together.  When she used to tell someone about her problems she didn´t feel relief, it was the opposite, she was scared that it wouldn´t end with that person or that they actually didn´t care and just listened to her cause they didn´t want to be impolite. So she found peace in her silence.
When she struggled she picked up a pen and notebook. She kept writing and writing until she forgot why she started. She never read it. Felt ashamed of her words and her feelings. She wasn’t alone after all, she had her family and brother, so why did she still feel so lonely? Y/N knew she wasn´t good with words but she wanted to be better.
When she became older she found herself in poems. Sometimes she was writing about her feelings, other times she was writing about things she likes, saw during the day, or just about her day. In some way they made her realize that being focused on bad things won´t bring her good feelings. And she felt stupid, of course, it was like this but talking about it and behaving according to it were two different things.
„How was your weekend?“ Mason asked as they walked side by side to their class, passing by some of their football teammates, shooting them nods.
„It was pretty good, got some sleep, how about you?“ she shot him a glance. Y/N still can´t believe that someone like him exists, he is so kind and helpful. Today after school they are having practice, she was kind of on the edge of her toes because on saturday they have the game but Mason supported her and calmed her nerves.
„Me too, there was a party going on, it was quite good but it would be even better if you were there.“
They walked into a class and took a seat, chatting about some festival going on this week when suddenly Percy came into a class. He saw her shot her a quick nod and started to make his way to them.
„Hey, Charlie! I didn´t see you almost all weekend!“ Yeah, they were always avoiding each other but not on purpose, Y/N was always somewhere and when she came to the dorm Percy wasn´t there yet, he was sleeping or it was the other way around.
He turned to Mason but didn´t say anything. It was weird, like some tension between them. They just kept looking at each other till Percy asked her about her Friday night.
„How was your hang out with your teammates?“
Mason shot her a questionable look but Percy didn´t seem to notice that. Y/N got stuck. Now there was no way she could keep lying because clearly, Mason was sitting beside her, she could say that she felt sick so she canceled the plans or-
„It was great.“ Mason said from beside her. „Why are you interested? You wanted to join us?“ he asked and kept looking at him for an answer. Y/N knew he didn´t mean the question that way but silently thanked him for saving her. Percy looked at him, stunned, as he wasn´t expecting his statement.
„No, of course not.“ After that, he walked away somewhere behind them to find a free chair to sit on. Mason looked at “Charlie” again with a slightly raised eyebrow.
„I´m not going to ask, if you want to tell me you can, just so you know, I don´t want to force you.“ He said softly. Mason can see the way his teammate is. How she only talks when someone asks her something. He sees how she acts and holds herself. He also can see that something is off but can´t really say what. But still, he has this urge to hold a protective wing above his new friend.
„Thank you, Mason.“ Y/N shot a small smile his way and he gave it back to her. Class began and she can only hope that Percy will forget about their small but tense interaction.
Soon the mentioned festival came. Y/N was walking around by herself not really sure where to head to. There were all the students from her school running around. She saw Georgie on the bench, he was holding big candy floss in his hand looking excited at it. The girl wanted to laugh at him, he looked really funny. Slowly she came to him with a small teasing smile on her face.
„Aren´t you a little too old for this?“ Y/N asked him looking at his change of face at her question.
„There is not something like an age barrier in eating cotton candy!“ Georgie shouted and turned his face around, acting angry at her. Of course, he was right, she liked it too, she just saw the opportunity and took it.
„Yeah, believe whatever you want“ Y/N smiled „Where is the rest?“ she was hitting on Hunter, the two boys were always together, they truly were like brothers, always bickering but supportive of each other. Percy was also a lot of time by their side but Hunter and Georgie were glued by the hip.
„I don´t know I´m waiting for him.“ He said as Y/N slowly took a seat by him. „And what brings you here? Shouldn´t you train for your upcoming match?“ he looked her way.
„Today we have a free day, coach was talking about him having some show at the festival.“ Y/N was looking forward to her match and wanted to be ready, hoping he would let her play for at least a couple of minutes. She wanted to find out how her body would react. She was a little nervous but this stress was healthy. It kept her going.
„Me and Hunter will come to watch you.“ The girl looked at him shocked. He was eating his candy floss with his fingers all sticky.
„You like something else besides eating and taking photography?“ she teased him and he looked at her with lowered eyebrows.
„I didn´t say I enjoy watching it, I just want to see how you lose your first game.“ Georgie laughed then Y/N punched his shoulder. „Ouch! I was only joking you know!“
She stopped and looked around her, feeling like someone was watching her and she was right. There was a girl not so far, looking at her with folded arms and a smirk on her face. She had long brown hair and was short. She started to make her way to the two of them. Y/N straightened her back and waited for what this girl had to say.
„Hey, I don´t think we know each other but my roommate talks a lot about you.“
Now that made the girl sitting on the bench stop. Roommate? She had never seen this girl and Y/N wasn´t sure where she should know her roommate from. The only girl she talks to is Jenna but she´s almost sure that she has no reason to talk about her.
„She is working in the photo booth, I´m sure she would be on top of the roof if you came to see her.“ She still has that teasing smile on her face.
„Uhm... yeah, sure“ Y/N lets out looking at Georgie who´s trying to hold his laugh. The girl left and he lets it out.
„Shut your mouth and keep eating.“ She hissed at him but he only continued with his laugh.
Soon she found Mason and some of her other teammates, they talked about the game how excited are they and how they would smash their opponent. Her brother called her again, saying how his tour was going and he wished her luck. Their parents luckily aren´t suspicious so everything is going according to plan. She takes her walk around the festival, looking at all kinds of booths and how people are enjoying themselves. She stopped by one and just stared, she saw Jenna, and she sat in one of the booths on her face her significant smile. Suddenly the brown eyed girl looked up and saw Y/N. She smiles wider and she indicates with her eyes at the side of the booth. Y/N slowly walks there are is greeted with Jenna´s hug. This was the first time they hugged and Y/N couldn´t focus on anything. She was shocked by the girl´s body language but also glad cause this meant their friendship became stronger.
„Hey, I was looking forward to seeing you today.“ Jenna backed her way out of their hug and looked up at her, still with their bodies close to one another. Y/N looked where they were and she saw that Jenna was working in a... photo booth.
„Uhm... yeah? Why? Do you need something?“ the other girl asked looking down at her again.
„No, I just wanted to see you.“ There goes her dimples again. They are so cute. Her whole face is too pretty. Y/N wanted to say something but was cut off by another voice.
„Hey football player glad you finally decided to come.“ She turned to Jenna „I found her when I went to the toilet, couldn´t hold myself from inviting her to our booth.“ She shot her teasing smile. Jenna face palmed herself, she could already imagine how she approached you and what she said. Gideon was like that, she is a big matchmaker but also really attentive and sweet when it's convenient.
„Charlie this is Gideon, Gideon Charlie.“ She pointed her hand from one to another.
„Hey Charlie, I heard a lot of things about you.“ She smirked and Jenna pushed her away, awkwardly looking around as she stood in front of Y/N.
„Ehm...so, I heard you have an upcoming game this Saturday, are you excited yet?“ the shorter girl asked as she looked at her feet, arms folded. Y/N found her cute right now, how she couldn´t look at her like she did before her roommate interrupted them.
„I pretty am, even though I don´t even know if I will play, I´ve been training only two weeks, and I’m not sure if the coach will let me play.“ She shook her shoulders.
„Oh I´m sure you will be playing, you are one of the best on your team.“ Jenna winked at Y/N and smiled at her. „I saw you a couple of times.“
Now, Jenna was acting as if she had seen her just a couple of times but the truth is, she saw her every practice. She doesn´t know why, at first she just went there cause she didn´t feel like going straight to her dorm, but when she saw you she knew that she wanted to see you again. You were so good. You acted like a totally different person on the field, you were confident and energetic, and your every move was calculated. You could easily catch someone´s attention. You caught Jenna´s attention.
Y/N felt a lot more confident because of Jenna´s words. She wasn´t the first person who said this to her.
„Will you come to see us?“
„Are you inviting me to watch you on your game?“ Jenna teased her.
„Well, if you already have some plans you don´t have to, I mean you probably have better things to do than to watch some stinky players running around the field chasing the ba-“ Y/N didn´t even finish her sentence and the other girls cut her off.
„I will come“ Jenna wouldn´t miss your first game, she was excited to see you being competitive. There was something about you that was always bringing her thoughts to you. You were such a good listener, a soft speaker, and intelligent. She doesn´t think she has ever met someone like you in her life. You were like a fresh air to her stereotypical life. She wanted to be with you cause every time you are together, you give her something new.
Jenna watched Y/N. She couldn’t tear her eyes off her. You were like someone else like they switched you. In-person, you were sweet, quiet, caring, and soft. On the field, you were almost aggressive but not in a bad way, you knew what you were doing. This was definitely your alter ego and Jenna was here for every second of it, you put on quite a show. Running back and forth in your jersey, defending than attacking, the ball moved exactly where you wanted it to move. You were fast, probably the fastest one on the field.
Jenna enjoyed it so much. She used to play football when she was a kid with her family when they spent time together and also in school. But that was a long time ago, she may not play it anymore but she still likes to watch it.
The girl moved her eyes as you got the ball on your foot and started to run trying to get near the opponent's net. Players trying to stop you, running after you, trying to slide their way to you, nothing works. When you got near the goal area you tried your luck and shot the ball into the net. The opponent's goalkeeper couldn’t see the ball because of his teammates standing in front of him, making the ball straight to the top corner. Whistle. Goal.
Jenna stood up clapping her hands big smile on her face as she watched you running to your teammates to celebrate your success. The whole tribune of the students from your school is clapping, yelling supportive words, happy that they are winning against a different university. Your coach is standing near the field with his arms folded and a proud smile on his face. It was definitely a good idea to put you in the first lineup.
“Charlie! That was so good!” Mason tapped your back, he had the biggest smile, and he was so happy for you. You were a big talent.
The game went on and it was almost the end, Y/N became calmer because they were leading. She shot her gaze a couple of times at the tribune and every time she could see Jenna looking at her, she hoped she was enjoying this. Y/N also saw Georgie and Hunter, both boys beside each other smiling widely at her with their thumbs up, Georgie with a hot dog in another hand.
Soon the game ended, and they won 3:0. Y/N was glad that her first match was successful and hopefully, she impressed others. In the changing room, her teammates were chanting, happy about their first match. After that, she walked out of the changing room, bag on her shoulder, still in her football jersey, she’s planning to take a shower in her dorm. She knew that they were a bit suspicious about her cause every time after practice she just took her bag and left, unchanged. But they thought maybe “Charlie” was just shy which was okay not everyone liked showing off skin, even if it was in front of the same gender. Y/N was near the entrance looking into her phone, texting her brother about her game.
„Hey football player.” She looked up from her phone and saw Jenna leaning on her side into the doors looking at her.
„Oh hi, wasn‘t expecting you, did you enjoy the game?” the girl asked as she got closer to her. Now they were looking at each other holding gaze, Jenna looked up biting her lip. You look good right now. Still being in jersey, sweaty forehead, hooded eyes from the energy you gave on the field. If this was someone else she was sure she wouldn’t find them as attractive as you right now.
Jenna nodded her head „Congratulations on your first successful game, pretty cool goal if I have to say.” She says softly still looking at the other girl.
„Pretty cool? It was awesome! Didn’t you see how I ran through half of their players and still shot it?” Y/N started defending herself „I was unstoppable.”
Jenna threw her head back letting out a laugh. She grabbed Y/N by the arm and started to pull her outside of the building.
„Come, we need to celebrate your first win”
„Wait, but I’m still in these clothes, I can’t go anywhere like this.”
Jenna shot her a look „There isn’t any problem if you ask me, but we can stop by your dorm?”
They walked out, still holding each other's hands, Y/N didn’t want to be rude and tear up their hands, she liked this feeling, Jenna’s hand was so soft and warm. Y/N felt good with Jenna, like she has finally someone just for herself.
But her thoughts went to her words, what if her roommate was there and saw them together? He would beat her up. But it was afternoon and he used to be at this time somewhere in the amphitheater.
Y/N agreed as they started making their way towards the dorm rooms. They chatted about some party going on tonight. Jenna’s friend Gideon invited her. Jenna was about to decline but her roommate said there would be also a football team probably celebrating their win. That made Jenna say yes to her offer which Gideon only laughed at.
To Jenna “Charlie” was special, she didn’t know what caught her attention, something inside of her wanted to be with you, by your side.
Luckily for Y/N, Percy was nowhere to be found. She invited Jenna to their room she took her new clothes and went to get a shower. Jenna was sitting on Y/N’s bed, looking around trying to find something which would only make her closer to her friend. Your bed smelled like you, she loved your scent it was like citrus with cedar or something like green tea, she couldn’t describe it in one word. On your desk were books and a notebook, you had it perfectly organized, and everything had its own place. Yeah, you are definitely a perfectionist. When she looked at the other side of the room she could exactly say who was the owner.
The paintings and papers spread around the desk and floor, different types of art. She found them a couple of times in her locker, at the table where she sat, or in her mailbox. Paintings of her. At first, she found it cute but it kept graduating as she got them almost every day. And it was always herself.
But maybe she would be glad, if it ended just with this.
She was in a room where lived two people. One that makes her most pleasant in their presence and the other one she feels most uncomfortable with.
„So what´s your plan for today?“
They were eating in some corner restaurant, Jenna got herself some vegan food, and Y/N sat in front of her with a plate of big burger and some fries. It felt good seeing them like this, both out of student uniforms in their civilian clothes, enjoying each other´s company.
Jenna wanted to know, inconspicuously, if her friend in going to the local party that night. If she said yes then Jenna would also have some plans, that´s for sure. Even though she doesn´t like parties, not anymore.
„Well, some of my teammates are going to some party, I don´t know where, they asked me if I´ll join them.“ She said as she kept eating her fries. „I haven´t decided yet, I´m not really into parties, too loud for me.“ That really didn´t answer her question.
„What about you? Any plans?“
„Gideon was saying something about today´s night but I´m not sure yet.“
„Oh, cool.“ And just like that they continued eating their meals, both hoping, at some point they´ll see each other today. Jenna looked up from the table to Y/N, the girl looked flawless right now, with her invincible walls down, silently eating a burger. Jenna pushed her hand up and stole some fries from her plate. Her friend looked at her with her head not moving from her meat, unimpressed. Softly shook her head from side to side.
„You are lucky it´s you, if it was someone else they wouldn´t have a hand by now.“ She said. She didn’t mind sharing food, sometimes, and she definitely didn´t mind sharing food with the brown-eyed girl.
Y/N was thinking. About Percy to be exact, about their deal or more like his, because he isn´t doing anything to repay. But she promised him she would at least try. And she also tried. When she and Jenna had classes together, like when they were lab partners, she could feel Percy´s stare. His eyes were boring into her skull so hard that sometimes she could even feel a headache. When she looked up at him he moved his eyes to the other girl and back to her. Signalizing what he wants from her.
So she asked. She asked Jenna if she was dating anyone or if she ever thought about going out with Percy. Jenna only laughed at her and shook her head, trying to avoid any questions about him. Y/N could feel something was off, the brown-eyed girl knew the boy and still didn´t even look at him or say hi to him. But Y/N doesn´t know why is she like that. Something happened between them and she wasn´t sure if she wanted to know. It wasn´t her business after all.
After Y/N´s questions, Jenna felt conflicted. She was used to guys asking her out, trying something with her but not you, you were different. You are the only guy who hasn´t tried to get with her. And she liked that. But when you asked her about Percy and said that she would be perfect for him, she almost wasn´t sure if she heard you right.
Perfect for him. But would he be perfect for her? Jenna knew the answer to that question. She disliked him. For what he made her feel. Jenna didn´t want to be perfect for him, she wanted to be perfect for you. And it took her quite a long time to realize that she liked you more than a friend. She talked to Gideon and Emma about it, they told her the same thing.
But did you feel the same?
Jenna was now standing in someone´s living room. Loud music and drunk students were escorting her thoughts. She was looking for her friends, they agreed that they would meet there. She saw Gideon sitting on the sofa, cup in her hand. She was talking to someone Jenna recognized from school. She sat beside her and her roommate looked her way.
„Hey, glad you could make it.“
„What are you drinking?“ Jenna grabbed Gideon´s cup and smelled it.
„Vodka, I got it from the kitchen, down the hallway to the right, you want me to go with you?“ Gideon was sweet, she knew Jenna didn´t enjoy such a thing as a party.
„No it´s okay, I´ll get it, maybe I´ll see Emma or Joy somewhere.“
So with that, she picked herself up from a sofa and started to go into the kitchen. There were a bunch of teens, she barely could make it through them. Some were really drunk and the scent of strong alcohol could be smelled from them. Some guys who saw her shot her flirtatious smirk. She brushed them off and was trying not to make any eye contact on her way. When she saw football players she immediately started looking around if you weren´t somewhere over there. No, you weren’t. She was looking forward to meeting you today but still with no luck. She hoped you would decide to go there.
She made it to the kitchen took a cup in her hand and started looking for some juice. She didn´t feel like drinking, maybe if she was at home with some close friends or you, she would drink but she was at a party, by herself in a stranger´s kitchen.
Jenna heard a voice from the back. The girl turned around and saw someone she was trying to avoid at all costs. She hoped he wouldn´t be there today but of course he would, they are in the same school after all.
Percy was standing by the kitchen entrance, eyes low, looking at her. They were alone there and loud music could be heard from the other room. Suddenly she didn´t feel safe. The last time they met they were in a room full of people and it still didn´t stop him. Now they were alone and she felt even more scared cause there was nothing that could stop him from doing whatever he wanted.
„H-Hey.“ She shot him nodding with her head and continued with whatever she was doing, with her shaking hands, acting like he wasn´t even there in the first place. But she could feel his cold presence closer behind her. She turned around and was met with his face. He smelled like he just drunk a whole bottle of alcohol. She took a step back from him.
„Is there something you want?“ Jenna asked him. He never broke the eye contact, slowly smirking.
„Yeah, actually, you could help me with something.“ He went to grab her hand but she pushed him.
„Stop, you know what happened last time-“ he cut her off.
„I don´t care! Why can´t you just give me a chance? We could be so good together. You like that, right? You like it when guys are chasing you, it makes you like you are in charge, well Jenna, now it´s different, now I´m in charge here.“
„Please get away from me you are scaring me.“ She felt like crying like she got stones in her throat. Still walking away from him, praying that someone will show up and save her. She felt so small in front of him, no one had ever made her felf like this, like she was some prey.
„What are you doing?“
She turned her head to the new voice that was heard in the kitchen. And she was so glad, felt like she could breathe again. There was you looking at him, no emotion in your face, then you walked up to them and looked right into Percy´s eyes.
She had never seen you like this, you were so serious and didn´t show any emotion. You continue your stare down without blinking. Even though you were shorter than him, not much, you still had a bigger and stronger aura than him.
„Is there a problem?“ Y/N could smell the alcohol from his mouth and could see that he didn´t know what he was doing. So that´s why she knew she couldn´t show that she was scared. It would make him even more confident.
His eyes changed when he realized you were here to get him away from Jenna.
„Charlie, what are you doing? We had a deal! You promised!“ he shouted at his roommate. He knew he shouldn´t trust you. He is sure that you like her. You want to take her away from him!
He started to breathe harder and his eyes became more dangerous. You weren´t scared of him, you were calm and waiting for his next move.
„Leave.“ Y/N said with a low voice, face unimpressed. But before he could say anything else Mason and a couple of others of your teammates came into the kitchen.
Mason walked up to the three of you and stood even taller than Percy. Percy was now in a corner and had nothing to do. So he smiled dryly and walked away.
When he left Y/N turned her gaze to Mason and silently thanked him for standing beside her, he smiled at her with his soft eyes and left with their teammates. You turned down to Jenna and saw her already looking at you. She was hugging herself and looked so gentle and small.
„Hi, you good?“ Y/N asked, almost whispering, waiting for the other girl's answer.
„Yeah.“ She softly let out. She then threw her arms around the taller girl. Head buried in her chest. Y/N hugged Jenna strongly, letting her know that she was there with her.
Yeah, Jenna was sure that you were perfect for her.
next chapter
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totheblood · 1 year
superposition. (four)
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pairing: dealer!ellie x best friend!reader
summary: a flashback to when ellie and petal first met...they hang out in a bathroom for some reason?
warnings: 18+, no smut! (i'm sorry it's just necessary for the plot) cursing, drug/alcohol mention and use, cheating if u squint
a/n: i am so sorry but this chapter has no smut and yes that was a decision i made on purpose, it will be back and i am already working on it so don't be mad at me.. this chapter is important for the plot and is mainly from ellie's point of view. also there are ai audios but they are not ... nasty... cause no smut! also reblogs, asks, and replies are so appreciated and encouraged! thank u kisses
wc: 2.9k
masterlist for previous chapters
"why don't we rely on chemistry?"
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It was decided, Ellie wanted to crawl inside your chest and live there forever. 
She can’t remember a time she’s felt this involved with someone, this desperate for another person’s touch. Any free space of her mind was taken up by you, by your smell, the way your skin felt under her fingertips. There was only you. 
Ellie had always fantasized about this being a reality. About you leaning into her, delicately murmuring her name onto her flesh, coming undone on top of her several nights in a row, but she never expected it would hurt as much as it did. Every time you rushed out the door, fixing your hair in the mirror before you went, or she checked your location and saw that you were at some new restaurant or bar, her heart sank to her chest. 
She was unsure of what she expected when she first kissed you. She knew it was a bad idea, that nothing could come from it that would stop the swirling in her stomach when it came to you. The pit in her stomach could only be filled by you, by being on, around, or inside you. 
Ellie had met you during her junior year in high school when she was just starting to discover herself. She always knew she liked girls but before she turned 16 she had never kissed one. Everything about her was more chaotic at 16, her freckles seeming more scattered and auburn hair always slightly messy. She had been falling behind in most of her classes, except physics, and found herself not sleeping. She was an overly anxious kid with a mind that never stopped turning until she met you. 
Jackson was a small town with an even smaller high school; everyone had some connection to someone. So when you sauntered into class, with shaking hands gripping the straps of your backpack unsure of where to sit, Ellie had offered you Dina’s seat. She told herself she was just being kind and it wasn’t because Ellie’s brain came to a halt when she saw you, which was wildly untrue. Dina cursed her out for giving you her seat, but when she grew to know you she understood.
Ellie was soccer captain, the one sport that the high school had for girls. When her body was moving she wasn’t thinking, all she could think was: ball, net, don’t trip, you? You slipped into her mind when she was on the field, looking up and seeing you perched on the bleachers, a book in your hand. Upon seeing you, she smiled to herself, but that smile was quickly wiped off her face as another girl on the team bumped into her, shaking her from her thoughts.
She approached you after practice, wiping the sweat from her forehead and briefly smelling her pits before getting too close. Your legs crossed over each other as you hummed, flipping the pages in the worn-down book and not noticing Ellie’s presence. 
“Hey,” she grinned, hands coming forward to lean on the rail of the bleachers as she looked up at you, “came to watch me practice?”
“You wish,” you giggled, tucking your book into your backpack, “needed to find a quiet place to read. Not much action on the field.”
Ellie faked a gasp and rolled her eyes, hoping her face wouldn’t betray her but it did. The sweet blush crept up on her face as her eyes blinked at you, what a tease, she thought. 
“Talking a lot of shit for someone who probably can’t make a goal,” she replied, making the playfulness in her voice evident. It was your turn to fake a gasp as your hand came over your chest. 
“Excuse me, I’ll have you know I was goal champion back in New York,” you added a bit of cockiness to your voice, fully knowing you were faking it.
“Goal champion?” 
“Never heard of it.” Ellie laughed, shaking her head before turning back and seeing the field empty. The sun was going to set soon, nighttime just around the corner. She usually hated walking home in the dark, but decided she wanted more time with you. Any amount would do. “Wanna show me your moves, goal champion?” 
“I don’t think you could handle it,” you giggled, picking your bag up and walking down the steps to the field. 
“Try me,” Ellie looked back at you, a shit-eating grin on her face as she ran onto the field. The night was spent with you trying, and failing, to make one goal against Ellie. She giggled as you made one goal and threw your hands up in the air chanting ‘goal champion’. She decided to never tell you that she let you make that goal. Her smile never left her face and for a brief moment in time she wasn’t thinking about all the work she had to do, or how she was going to do it, or how Joel would react when he found out she failed her Algebra test, she was just happy. She slept like a baby that night thinking of the sound of your laugh. 
She kept her crush on you secret, letting it fizzle out slowly. Every sleepover the two of you had, the fear that if you found out about her crush on you that you would think she was a creep crept up the back of Ellie’s neck. It was a fear that wasn’t exclusive to you, but the rest of her feelings were. The way you sat posed for her, smiling with your teeth on display as she painted a portrait of you for art class created a new feeling she had for you, and only you. She couldn’t name it but she believed it was love. 
When you came around to look at the finished product, you gasped. Ellie had painted you with flowers coming out of your hair, tulips, lilies, and roses surrounding you. You never believed you could look that beautiful, but it was how Ellie saw you. Your mouth hung open as you gasped, eyes taking in the artwork and glossing over with tears. The pink, orange, and red hues adorning your pictured face. 
“Ellie, this is-” Your mouth fell open again, eyes too shy to meet her. 
“You like it?” Ellie asked nervously, eyes darting between you and the painting. 
“I, I love it, Ellie,” then a smile was on your face from ear to ear, “I didn’t know I could look so beautiful… and the flowers I mean?”
“The flowers are meant to represent you,” Ellie’s voice was small as she looked up at you, “beautiful and delicate.”
When you beamed at her and brought a finger to trace the lines of her art she was sure she melted. It was over for her. Every waking moment would be now spent trying to get that reaction out of you. That was the day she began calling you ‘Petal’, her own face blushing at the memory. 
Her plan had always been you, even when she wasn’t sure she was making a plan. So when you and Malia had become ‘Instagram official’ she couldn’t stop herself from keeling over and throwing up into the trash can she kept beside her bed. She didn’t feel like she was going to be sick, she was just sick. 
There was jealousy, and then there was whatever Ellie was feeling right now. It was almost a blind rage. She knew she didn’t have any claim to you, but didn’t she? It was her fingers, her lap, and her mouth that you came onto, not your ‘girlfriend’s’ and Ellie made sure of that. 
She didn’t feel the need to call you for two days after seeing the post. She texted you to let you know she was sick, which wasn’t technically untrue, and you texted her back a sad face paired with a message to get better before the formal on Saturday insisting that you couldn’t do it alone. She wanted to reply with some snarky comment about why your girlfriend couldn’t take you, but she refrained. 
The upcoming formal was something you attended for Dina and Jesse’s sake. It provided an excuse for you to wear a fancy dress while also providing a large and willing customer base for Ellie. These things were boring, and at most became fun when the music got slightly more uptempo. The point was to raise money for the fraternities, not shake your ass in front of your classmates. 
Despite how excruciating these things felt, you and Ellie had gone together for the past two years. She always wore a suit and tucked your pink flask into the pocket inside her jacket, spiking your drink whenever you flashed her the signal. What started out as a boring night always ended with you and Ellie in a fit of giggles on the bench outside the venue. It was one of those traditions that you continued to look forward to.
Ellie showed up that night, a tequila-filled flask pressed tightly against her shirt. She even felt bold enough to wear a bowtie. She waited in the lobby of the venue, occasionally staring at her feet as she waited for you to arrive. She expected to drive you but you told her that you would come on your own. That alone should have raised some flags. 
You showed up with Malia, her arm linked with yours. Ellie's green eyes widened but she had to maintain her composure as you approached her with a giant smile plastered on your face and arms open for a hug. She took you in, breathing in your scent which now felt unfamiliar to her. You smelt like pink pepper, Malia was rubbing off on you. Ellie shivered at the thought. 
“Malia,” your voice was sweet and sing-songy, “this is Ellie, my best friend.” You gestured to Ellie who reached out her hand to Malia, a smile on her face that said ‘I’ve fucked your girlfriend, in fact, I took her virginity and I felt good doing it’ but only she knew that. 
“Nice to meet you, Ellie,” Malia said as she shook Ellie’s hand, her own warm smile on her face, “this one’s told me so much about you.” Internally, Ellie scoffed. 
Ellie wanted to hate Malia, and for the most part, she did. She was objectively beautiful and had this aura around her that made things in the room glow. Everyone who knew her always raved about how kind and caring she was, you being one of them. Ellie wanted to hate her, but more than that she wanted you to be happy. Malia made you happy. She had to like her. 
“Same here,” Ellie shook her hand before pulling it back. Her eyes glanced to the door of the room the event was being hosted in, classical music seeping from the walls. “Should we go in?” 
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you smiled as you took Malia’s hand in your own and walked towards the room. Ellie followed after, feeling like a third wheel. This was the night that your tradition would die. 
Ellie had to make some quick exchanges and so she had to reluctantly leave you. She didn’t want you to get too comfortable without her, but she had a job to do. When she returned she found you and Malia on the dance floor and had to actively ignore how much she wanted to throw up again. 
Ellie leaned back against the cold metal backing of the chair as she watched you and Malia dance in the center of the room. You looked like you were having fun, laughing and throwing your head back as Malia whispered something in your ear. Malia’s hand was on the small of your back, mine, Ellie thought. Her lips grazed the shell of your ear, mine, Ellie’s mind rang again. Her hand moved down to rest at the top of your ass, min-
Fuck it, Ellie thought, as she got up and stormed out of the room. She found herself in the ladies' room, eating the mints that were in a bowl by the sink and taking swigs of the liquor she bought for you. The bathroom surprisingly smelt nice and some lady handed Ellie a five, thinking she was the bathroom attendant, and tipping her. She didn’t even try to correct her, she just thanked her by nodding her head and opening the door for the woman. Easy five bucks.
Then you were pushing through the door, looking underneath the stalls, and locking the bathroom door behind you. Ellie was so flustered she didn’t even know what to do. She just stood up straight as she watched your movements carefully. 
“Hi?” she questioned, eyeing you with a confused look on her face. 
“You brought the tequila?” You questioned, your eyes wide and frantic, glancing down to her chest where you knew the flask was. 
“Oh, um-” Ellie’s fingers pulled the flask out and handed it to you. She watched you intently as you took a giant swig, attempting to pretend she couldn’t read you like a book. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m a shitty fucking girlfriend.”
“No, you-”
“Yes, I am,” you sighed, leaning your head back against the wall, hitting it with a cold thud. You were about to groan in pain when someone tried opening the door. “It’s fucking occupied!”
“Jesus, Petal,” Ellie cursed under her breath as she watched you take another swig from the flask. 
“I just, I can’t do it,” your eyes looked glossed over, Ellie had to stop herself from pulling you into her arms, “She’s just so nice, and every time she tries to… you know, I just can’t.”
“Is she pressuring you?” Ellie’s voice had a bite to it as she crossed her arms across her face. Her eyebrows knit together and her mouth was in a permanent frown.
“No!” you quickly assured her, “not at all. She’s actually been really nice about it and I have no idea why I can’t just go all the way with her.”
“You’re not ready,” Ellie’s voice was softer now, “that’s okay. You don’t have to be.”
“Then why…” you took another deep breath, avoiding eye contact with her, “why am I ready to do it with you?”
Ellie’s breath caught in her throat, the words getting lost on her. She wanted to speak or to lean forward and kiss you, but she couldn’t. She was a lot of things, crass, rude, occasionally a bitch but the area that was once grey was now so clearly black. You had a girlfriend, and if she kissed you, she would be a homewrecker. She couldn’t speak, but she could whisper your name. It sounded like an apology. 
“Ellie, I know you were just being a good friend but I think you ruined me.”
“You’ve ruined me for anyone else. Every time I kiss her, it’s just…” Your hand came up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “It’s not you, and I can’t understand why that’s so disappointing.”
“I’m not,” Ellie breathed out the words, eyes staring at the floor, “I’m not a homewrecker, Petal. I can’t keep doing this.” 
“I know,” you took a step closer to her, causing her eyes to look back up at you. She looked so sad, or conflicted, you were having trouble reading her, “I know you’re not, I’m sorry.”
“Do you like me?”
“Of course, I like you.”
“You know what I mean.”
“What does it matter?”
“It matters to me.” Her voice was louder now as she attempted not to choke. She knew the liquor was giving her the confidence to do this, but also knew that it would give you the push you needed to be honest.
“Do you like me?” 
“Yes,” Ellie answered quickly, too quickly. You took a step back from her causing her to shrink almost immediately. This was the first time in her life she felt like she couldn’t read what was going on inside your head, “I like you, not as friends or any of that crap. I like you more than I like myself, more than I like anyone, and now that I know what it’s like to kiss you… I can’t go back to being your friend.”
“And you know this has been really shitty for me. This was supposed to be our night and you bought your girlfriend?” She took her own step back, leaning against the counter of the sink. “And I know this is my fault, I shouldn’t have kissed you or,” she made a weird gesture with her hand, “done any of that. I know but, it’s you, Petal. I would do anything for you. I will do anything for you, except for this.”
“Ellie, I-” your voice was cut off by the sound of your name being called from the other side of the door. It was like reality had hit the both of you and immediately you were both sober, “I have to go.”
“Of course you do.” Ellie rolled her eyes, moving back to sit on the bathroom counter. She watched as your nervous eyes scanned her and you turned around to open the door, hand stilling over the lock. Quickly, you turned around and hurried over to her and pressing a kiss at the side of her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed at the feel of your lips so close to her again. She was fucking losing it. 
“We’ll talk about it?” You whispered, mouth still close to hers, “I have to go but can we please talk about it later?”
Ellie nodded, eyes still closed. She heard you breathe a sigh of relief before opening the door and leaving. She only opened her eyes when she knew you were gone, letting the tear slip down her cheek.  
ai audios:
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writerofsorts · 2 years
Right Place, Right Time
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(image creds: to the owner)
pairing: jason dilaurentis x female reader.
summary: 1x09 “the perfect storm” episode imagine/rewrite.
warnings: none... wilden being a jerk?
*read previous part here!
“Where is Spencer with my mozzarella sticks?” Hanna groaned, dropping her head on top of her book that laid open in front of her, and [Y/N] chuckled at her friend’s antics. 
Currently, [Y/N] and Hanna found themselves in Spencer’s kitchen, sitting at the island, as they studied for the SATs. 
“Relax, Han, I’m sure Spence is on her way here,” [Y/N] replied while working on practice questions. “Remember she had to pick up Aria on her way?” 
“Yeah, I remember,” Hanna groaned yet again, facing [Y/N] this time with her cheek pressed against the cold page of her book. 
[Y/N] was so engrossed in her studying that she didn’t notice the sudden mischief that lit up Hanna’s eyes. 
“Until they get here, though,” Hanna began, lifting her head up and sitting straight again with her hands clasped in front of her. “We have something very important to talk about.”
“Talk about what?” [Y/N] asked, her eyes turning suspicious as she noticed the teasing glint in the blonde’s eyes. 
“About the past few days,” Hanna replied. “About Jason.”
“What about Jason?” [Y/N] asked, her eyes dropping to the pages in front of her again as she tried to remain nonchalant about the topic. 
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N], you know exactly what I’m talking about!” exclaimed Hanna. 
“Nope, I don’t,” [Y/N] answered, flipping the pages of the book because she couldn’t concentrate on the practice questions anymore.
Hanna, who understood this, was quick to pull the book away from [Y/N] to which the latter let out a ‘hey!’
“[Y/N/N], did you really not see the way Jason’s eyes lit up when he saw you after he said hi to me the day he came to discuss the memorial with us?” Hanna asked, ignoring her friend’s protest to grab the book again. 
“The way he hugged you and to me, it looked like he only let go when you pulled away from him first,” Hanna continued and [Y/N] remained silent, no longer trying to get her book back. “He also stood closer to the side you sat by at this very spot. He was all polite and business until he brought up Ali’s picture, and you replied that it was our favorite. Not to forget, you speaking up totally calmed him down when we pretty much nagged him about why Jenna wanted to speak at the memorial.”
[Y/N] played with her fingers as she processed Hanna’s words. She would be lying if she disagreed with Hanna because she had made the exact same observations about Jason. However, she was afraid to hope that there was more – that Jason somehow returned her feelings. 
“Also, let’s not forget the extra large frown on his face when Eric hugged you after the memorial,” Hanna added. 
“Wait, what?” [Y/N] asked as this was the first time she was hearing about this. 
“Yes!” Hanna exclaimed. “I mean he probably knows Eric’s your ex so he was very much likely jealous.”
“Han,” [Y/N] sighed. “Are you sure you’re not imagining things?”
“Of course not,” replied Hanna. “I’ll have you know that I’m a very observant person.”
[Y/N] couldn’t help but chuckle before sighing. 
“Hanna banana, nothing is going to happen between Jason and me. So, you need to forget about Jason and I, and focus on the SATs we have tomorrow.”
“Hey, I’m multitasking!” Hanna reasoned, making [Y/N] laugh yet again. 
“But, Han, I’m serious,” [Y/N] replied. “To Jason, I’m prob- definitely just a friend of Ali. One of the powerpuff girls as he used to call us.”
“I’ve just… never seen you look at a guy the way you look at Jason,” Hanna said softly. “I mean I know you were with Eric and you two liked each other, but I don’t know. I’ve always thought you two were better off as friends.”
“That’s why we ended things but we are still good friends,” smiled [Y/N].
“I hate that I’m nagging you about Jason, but I just… I want you to be happy,” Hanna shrugged. 
“I am happy, Han,” [Y/N] replied, leaning over and squeezing Hanna’s hand reassuringly. 
Before Hanna could say more, they heard the sound of Spencer’s car.
“Let’s not talk about Jason anymore,” [Y/N] said. “Can I have my book back please?” 
“Ugh, fine,” Hanna rolled her eyes dramatically and handed [Y/N] her book again. “Our conversation isn't over [Y/N/N]!”
The day of the SATs was awful to say the least.
Veronica Hastings had driven Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and [Y/N] to the school. Spencer’s mother didn’t let the girls out of her sight until she verified with someone the test was definitely taking place and not getting canceled due to the storm.
“Test is on today,” a woman, one of the proctors, told Veronica. “Rosewood students should register in the library.”
“Half of the school isn’t even here,” Hanna said.
“And, they may never make it,” Veronica added. “We saw this huge tree down on Sawmill Road and they’ve closed off York street.”
“That wasn’t because of the storm,” a familiar voice replied from behind them and the four  best friends looked at each other in alert. Detective Wilden was the last person they wanted to see at the moment. They, along with Veronica, turned to face him. “York Street has been closed since last night.”
“Why?” Veronica questioned. 
“Somebody decided to pay a visit to Alison DiLaurentis’ memorial and destroy it,” Wilden informed them, making the girls’ hearts drop. “Shattered the tiles, broke the bench.”
“What?” Aria and [Y/N] whispered in shock. 
“When did this happen?” Spencer questioned.
“We had to cordon off the area, there’s an investigation going on,” Wilden stated, eyeing the girls rather suspiciously. 
“Spare them the details,” Veronica interrupted before Wilden could continue. “They’re about to take their SATs.”
“Right,” Wilden nodded, slowly backing away from them. “Good luck on the test, ladies.”
“We should get to the library,” [Y/N] said quietly and walked ahead with Hanna as the others followed.
The exam still hadn’t started and [Y/N] found herself alone in the music room after a while. She was seated on the window sill and leaned against the window with her eyes closed as she listened to the sound of the rain and winds. 
She felt exhausted with everything.
First, one of her best friends, Alison, disappeared a year ago only to be found murdered a few months back. Then, Jason DiLaurentis – her dead best friend’s brother and the man she had feelings for – returned to town to plan a memorial for Ali. Now, the memorial they put their hearts into was destroyed.
It also didn’t help that Emily was acting pretty strange. She hadn’t joined the rest of the girls the previous night to study for the exam, explaining that she didn’t get out of swim practice till late. Except, when Wilden had questioned about all of their whereabouts, Emily told him that she was with her friends to study for the exam. And, now, Emily was upset with them for questioning her on her lie and had stormed off. 
Everything was taking a toll on [Y/N] and all she wanted to do was go home, snuggle in her covers, and shut the world out for a while. 
The call of her name startled her and she snapped her eyes open, turning her head to face the doorway. To her complete surprise, there stood the man, who had captured her thoughts and more.
“Jason?” she asked, her voice indicating her surprise, as she moved her legs down to sit up straight. “What are you doing here?”
“Wanted to have a word with Detective Wilden,” Jason replied, walking further into the room, and his wet raincoat hung on his right arm. “Went to the police station and found out he was here.”
“Jason, it’s terrible out there,” she couldn’t help but say in concern. “You shouldn’t have driven in this weather. It’s dangerous.”
“I know, but I had to,” he said, pausing a foot or two away from where she was sitting. “I don’t know if you heard but Ali’s memorial was destroyed.”
“I heard,” [Y/N] whispered, dropping her gaze from his. “Detective Wilden told us.”
“I’m sorry,” Jason said a few moments later and [Y/N] looked up at him again in question. “I know that you and your friends worked really hard on it. I can only imagine how upset you guys must be.”
[Y/N] shrugged with a sad smile. 
“You can sit here if you’d like,” she said when she noticed Jason was still standing in front of her. He complied, sitting next to her with a small ‘thanks.’ “I’m sorry too.”
“For what?” he asked, confused. 
“For everything that’s happened since Ali’s disappearance,” [Y/N] replied. “It feels like… she can’t rest.” 
“More like Rosewood won’t let her rest,” Jason added with a bitter smile. 
“I’m still having a hard time processing this, to be honest,” [Y/N] commented. “Rosewood has always been a strange little town. Yet, it’s hard to believe that such a heartless person is out there who would destroy a memorial.”
“Do you or your friend know of someone who would want to hurt Ali?” Jason asked and [Y/N] froze in her spot. “Someone who must hate Ali to such an extent they’d go as far as to destroy a memorial for her?”
In [Y/N]’s opinion, the list of people who disliked Ali was rather endless. Unfortunately, her deceased best friend wasn’t the nicest person. She had bullied almost half of the school and had made more enemies than friends. One of Ali’s victims definitely had to be their faceless tormentor, A, and they had to be responsible for destroying Alison’s memorial the previous night. 
But, of course, she couldn’t exactly reveal all of this to Jason. 
“[Y/N]?” Jason called when she didn’t reply for a long time and the girl looked at him again. 
“I’m not sure, Jason,” she shook her head. “I have a feeling that there are probably a lot of people out there who didn’t- well, don’t like Ali and us. But, I don’t know anyone specific who could’ve done this.”
Jason seemed convinced and nodded at her answer. He was well-aware of the type of person his little sister was. Yet, it broke his heart that even after her death, someone was holding grudges against her. 
“Are you ready for the SATs?” Jason asked [Y/N], changing the topic from Alison.
“I- I guess so,” she shrugged with a low chuckle.
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” he said reassuringly, understanding how stressed she must be feeling. “Don’t think about anything now. Just focus on your exam, okay? I’m sure you’ll do great.”
“Well, it’d be greater if the exam gets canceled,” she said, causing him to laugh. “But, thank you, Jason.”
“Of course,” he said, still smiling. “And, I hope for your sake that the exam does get canceled.”
She laughed, shaking her head, before meeting his eyes. The two of them felt lighter for a moment despite the chaos that awaited them outside the classroom. The moment was soon interrupted when [Y/N]’s phone binged with an incoming text.
“Excuse me,” she said, moving to grab her cell phone from her bag, and Jason nodded, looking away. [Y/N] instantly tensed when she saw that the message was from none other than her and her friends’ faceless tormentor.
Define 'desertion.' Seems like you're about to lose Emily. Who's next? - A.
Just like that, the calmness Jason’s words and presence brought [Y/N] disappeared. She abruptly stood up, startling the man next to her.
“[Y/N]?” Jason called her name and she turned to face him while wearing her backpack. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” she breathed out, nodding her head rapidly. “I have to go.”
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” he couldn’t help but ask, having noticed her rapid breathing.
“Yes, yes, I just really have to go,” she replied, already walking towards the door. 
“Uh, okay, can I walk with you?” he asked. 
“No, no, it’s okay,” she said quickly, already out of the classroom. “I’ll see you later.”
Before he could reply, [Y/N] was already out of his sight. He was confused and a little suspicious by [Y/N]’s sudden anxious state. Soon, he walked out of the class too, hoping to find Wilden and also to check up on [Y/N] if possible too.
[Y/N] walked to the locker room to join the rest of her friends, who were all there except for Emily.
“[Y/N/N], where were you?” Hanna asked in concern.
“I- I just needed some time to myself,” [Y/N] answered and her three friends nodded in understanding. “Where’s Emily? Is she okay?”
“She’s right behind you,” Aria replied and [Y/N] turned around to see Emily walk towards them.
“Hey, Em, where were you?” Spencer asked gently when Emily stopped a few feet away from them.
“I was looking for my purse,” replied Emily, not meeting her friends’ eyes.
“Maybe it’s still in the library?” Hanna suggested.
Before the girls could talk further, they were interrupted by Wilden.
“Emily, we found something that belongs to you. Could you come with me, please?”
Without waiting for Emily’s reply, Wilden began to walk off while Emily turned to her friends, looking scared. [Y/N] held Emily’s hand in hers, nodding at her, wordlessly telling her that they were in this together.
“Emily, let’s go,” Wilden pressed sternly and the five girls walked behind him, annoyed and worried.
They followed Wilden to the library and their eyes widened when Wilden stopped by a table, where Emily’s bag sat.
“Perfect, we can all be together for an update,” he said in mock excitement as the girls stood in front of him.
“What’s going on?” Spencer asked first with her arms crossed across her chest. She wasn’t about to let Wilden intimidate her and her friends easily when they did nothing wrong.
“Did you tell your friends where you were last night?” he asked, facing Emily with a smirk. “When you weren’t studying for the test? See, because I got these really interesting photos…”
Wilden passed his phone to the girls and they were shocked to see the pictures of Emily at the site of Alison’s destroyed memorial.
“And, I see that you didn’t get a chance to clean your shoes either,” Wilden stated, looking at Emily’s muddy shoes.
“It wasn’t me, I swear,” Emily said in a shaky voice as tears ran down her cheeks.
“Oh, really? Were you there to cover up Toby’s tracks then?” Wilden questioned sarcastically.
“I found it like that,” Emily continued tearfully. “It was already destroyed when I got there.”
“And, this,” Wilden ignored Emily’s words and pulled out a piece of paper from his coat pocket. “Would you like me to share this with your friends or would you?”
Emily looked horrified and tried to snatch the paper from Wilden, but he held it away from her. Meanwhile, the rest of the four girls looked on, feeling confused and helpless.
“Go ahead and tell them, Emily,” he said with what [Y/N] would call a purely evil smile. “Tell your friends about the angry letter you wrote to Alison.”
“You had no right to read that,” Emily said tearfully, wrapping her arms around herself, [Y/N] instantly side-hugged her as she was standing next to her. 
“What’s in the letter, Em?” Spencer asked softly.
“Tell her, Emily,” Wilden snarled. “Tell her how you wanted to punish Alison for rejecting you. Tell her how you felt relieved at her funeral.”
“I went back to the memorial to say that I was sorry,” Emily said as [Y/N] rubbed her back. “I wrote that letter in anger and- and I didn’t mean the horrible things I said to her. I- I loved her as- as more than a friend.”
Emily looked down as she finished speaking, leaving her friends in surprise. They had no idea that Emily was in love with Ali. 
[Y/N] held Emily tighter when she felt the latter shake in her arms. Her hatred for Wilden was increasing day by day. She couldn’t believe he would go ahead and reveal such personal information about Emily. It should’ve been totally up to Emily on when or if she would’ve preferred to share this with her friends.
“Give her the letter back or I swear to god–” Hanna demanded, facing Wilden with fiery eyes. 
“Sorry, can’t do that,” was Wilden’s smug reply as he kept the letter back in his coat pocket. “We’re not leaving the room until Emily here tells me why she was carrying around pieces of Alison’s memorial!”
“Detective Wilden,” a familiar voice called and their heads turned towards the doorway of the library to see Jason standing there. 
He walked further inside the library, towards the detective and his sister’s friends. His eyes were narrowed and suspicious as he looked at the familiar faces gathered there. His suspicion soon shifted to concern when he noticed a teary Emily being held by [Y/N]. He looked at [Y/N] in question while she looked back at him helplessly.
“What’s going on here?” he asked sternly, turning to Wilden. “Shouldn’t they be with the other students?”
“It’s good that you’re here too,” Wilden smirked, taking Emily’s letter to Ali out of his coat pocket again. Then, he proceeded to show Jason the pictures of Emily at Ali’s trashed memorial, the figurines in her bag, and the letter.
“Stop,” [Y/N] interrupted before Wilden could explain the contents of Emily’s letter to Ali. “Jason, Emily didn’t do this, okay? She would never!”
“I believe you, [Y/N],” Jason replied instantly. “Emily or you girls are the last people I would expect to destroy Ali’s memorial.”
“The proof is right here, Jason,” Wilden scoffed in disbelief.
“Just because you can’t find the ones who committed the crime doesn’t mean you can go around and accuse my sister’s friends,” Jason said back. “Besides, you shouldn’t even be talking to these girls without their parents present!”
While Wilden was staring down Jason, Hanna was quick to grab Emily’s letter from his hand before moving back and the detective glared at her.
“Spencer?” another voice called and they turned around to see Veronica Hastings walk into the library, observing the people present there, especially Jason and Wilden rather cautiously. 
“Who are you?” Wilden questioned, annoyed. He was already in a foul mood as Jason hadn’t believed his accusations against Emily. 
Veronica was not at all fazed by the detective’s rude tone and her face was a mask of calm as she came to stand next to Spencer.
“Her mother,” she replied simply before her eyes fell on a crying Emily, then she turned to her daughter. “Honey, why is she crying?”
“Detective Wilden accused her of killing Alison,” Spencer replied.
“What?” Veronica asked, baffled.
“He also went through her purse and continued to accuse her,” Aria added. 
“Hold on, you’re questioning minors without an adult?” Veronica questioned the detective angrily. “What police department do you work for? What century are you in?” 
In the next few minutes, Veronica Hastings successfully shut Wilden’s mouth, causing him to leave the library in irritation while she proceeded to take the girls back to the locker room.
[Y/N] slowly trailed behind her friends and Spencer’s mom. She knew Jason was standing behind them and could feel his eyes on her. A part of her wanted to thank him for standing up to Wilden for her friends and her, while the other part was nervous to do so with a mini audience. 
With these thoughts swirling in her head, she was already outside the library when a hand held hers, stopping her. She looked to her right to see Hanna giving her an understanding smile. 
“Go talk to him,” she said softly. She glanced at Aria, Emily, Spencer and Veronica, who were walking ahead of them.  
“Han,” [Y/N] protested weakly.
“Go, I’ll cover for you,” Hanna interrupted. “Just be quick.”
“Thanks, Han,” [Y/N] said before turning around and walking to the library again. Once she reached inside, she saw Jason still standing in the same spot, staring at the ground and lost in his thoughts. 
“Jason?” she called softly, not wanting to startle him. 
He looked up at her, surprise evident in his eyes.
“[Y/N]? Is everything okay?” he asked in concern, walking towards her and she met him in the middle of the library. 
“Yes, yes,” she breathed out, nervously fiddling with her fingers as her gaze moved around the library for a few moments before finally meeting his attentive, green orbs. “I just wanted to thank you. For standing up to Wilden for Emily… and the rest of us.”
His lips pulled into a small smile as he looked at her.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he replied, shaking his head. “Wilden had no right to accuse Emily and intimidate you girls.”
“We’re kinda used to it by now,” [Y/N] shrugged with a humorless chuckle and Jason’s smile faded.
“Has he been bothering you and your friends?” he asked, a protective stance taking over him. “Do you want me to file a complaint against him?”
“No, Jason, don’t worry about it,” she shook her head. “I’m sure Mrs. Hastings scared him enough. You saw the way he kinda ran out of here, right?”
“Yes, but still…” he sighed. 
“I’m sure he won’t bother us anymore,” she said, smiling reassuringly at him. 
“Okay, I believe you,” he finally nodded, smiling back at her. 
“I should go now,” she said, slowly walking backwards. “Thank you again.”
“Anytime, [Y/N],” he answered and she gave him one final smile before walking out of the library. 
Once [Y/N] was out of his sight, Jason sighed and looked down at the carpeted floor of the library, wondering if it was right to feel the way he did for his deceased sister’s best friend.
*read next part here!
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 11)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Reference to a Panic Attack and Spoilers for The Cruel Prince.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.0K
Summary: Halloween, the best holiday of the year is meant to be spent with the people you love.
A/N: Definitely not me adding in the KitKat part because I just went on a road trip in the US and my Canadian self was disappointed with the KitKat.
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Friday night, Y/N finally has her first book club meeting. Rafe sits beside her with one hand on her thigh and the other holding his book. “I like how confident Jude’s character is. She is so badass,” Rafe inputs into the conversation. When the other members of the club found out Rafe is a part of it, it is safe to say they were shocked at the revelation and didn’t expect him to actually read the book. But ever since Rafe and Y/N started reading together every night, he has actually gotten through a few books. If they weren’t sleeping in bed together, they’d FaceTime each other and just bathe in the knowledge that the other was a shout away. For the book for the club, they would often take turns reading to each other. “Yass, she is an absolute queen. Like becoming a spy was so awesome,” Kate adds. The conversation continues until the hour is up and everyone has gone home. Y/N is getting herself a snack when she feels Rafe drop his chin onto her shoulder. He gives her a gentle kiss, “I think we should dress as Jude and Cardan for Halloween. You can put your hair up in horns and wear a dress. I can put on one of those flowy shirts that are like a pirate shirt. You’d love it.”
“That’s a great idea, we can go into town now to see what we can get. Ooh, but we should look at fan art first,” Y/N rattles, completely abandoning her snack to go check her phone. Rafe smiles as he sees the excitement on her face. She shows him multiple different pictures and he gives her his thoughts about it. Before he knows it, they are going into town to see what they could find. 
Halloween is Y/N’s favourite holiday. The idea of being able to pretend to be whoever one wants is appealing to her. This Halloween is especially exciting for her because Rafe actually wants to do a couples costume with her. Rafe is throwing a Halloween bash in honour of the holiday and she knows he is going all out just for her. He had her help him pick out a multitude of decorations, drinks and candies. She is trying to follow the video to make the horns with her hair for the costume, but she quickly grows frustrated with the task. “Ugh,” she lets out very loudly. This summons Rafe into the bathroom from the adjoining bedroom, “What’s wrong, my rose?” “This video is literally the hardest thing I have ever done,” she complains to her boyfriend. Rafe gives her a wicked smile and approaches her, “Here let me try.” 
He begins to work on her hair and she watches, shocked that he is able to do it without even having to watch the video. He can see her questioning gaze through the mirror, “I’ve been practicing how to do it with my sisters’ help. It took a lot of hair-pulling and arguing, but we were eventually able to nail it.” She feels a rush of heat spread across her neck at the effort Rafe is going through to make their first Halloween together perfect. She never asked him to do any of this, but he went out of his way to make the environment comfortable for her. “Thank you,” she whispers once he is done with her hair, turning to give a kiss on his exposed collarbone in the pirate shirt. He has yet to put on the crown or feather cape they had custom-made based on the fanart they saw. “You’re welcome. Could you help me put on a little eyeliner, please? It seems like something Cardan would do,” Rafe replies, reaching into her makeup bag to bring out the eyeliner. 
She gives a small nod of her head and pats the counter for him to sit on top of. He does as instructed and they both laugh as they realize it made him too tall. Y/N motions over to the toilet for him to sit on. Once he is seated, she brings his head into her hand and starts to apply the eyeliner. He starts to squirm in her hand, making it harder for her to do what she needs to. “Cameron, stop moving,” she chastises, holding onto his head harder. He shakes his head a little, “I can’t. It tickles. 
“Well if you don’t, then it will be all smudged.” 
“Ughh, okay.”
“Rafe Jacob Cameron! Stay still. I’ll give you a kiss if you do.”
“Okay, fine.”
She finishes doing his eyeliner and goes to apply her own lipstick. Rafe is quick to press a kiss onto her lips, smudging her lipstick and imprinting some of it onto his lips. She giggles at the messy lipstick on her boyfriend's lips. She moves from between his legs and goes to get a wet cloth to wipe his lips. “Now, let me get you your crown,” she says, walking over to where it sits in his dress and placing it on his head. Rafe smiles up at her and relishes in the kiss she places on his forehead, “This kinda reminds me of the coronation scene from the book.” 
“Yeah, it kinda does feel like that with you being shorter than me right now. We should’ve gotten Mason to be Oak. Then we can recreate the whole scene.”
“Maybe, but I like this being just an us thing to do.”
“True. I just worry he feels left out sometimes.”
“It’s okay, we can include him when we do family costumes with our kids.”
“When we have kids? You seem to have our future figured out for us, don’t you?”
“I absolutely do. I was thinking you’d probably want to move out to England after you finish at Oxford, which I would definitely follow you to once I finish school. We would have four kids because I know you like the even number and you like the idea of kids always having a playmate. Of course, Sparky would move with us. And the house would definitely need a bay window for you.”
“That’s quite the plan you have. You’d really move to England for me?”
“I’d move to the end of the world for you. You are my forever.”
“You are my forever too.”
But a small part of Y/N can’t help but feel guilty about the idea of making Rafe move. Ever since she overheard Ward talking about the distance, she can’t stop worrying about their future. She knows he always planned to take over his dad’s company after he finished school and she didn’t want to be the reason why he didn’t realize that dream. She knows it’s what he wants to do to make his dad proud. She doesn’t even know what Rafe would do in England with her. It would also mean that they would have four years of being apart before they could be together again and she isn’t sure how she could handle that. Not wanting to think any deeper about it, she snaps out of her spiral and leads him downstairs to get ready for the party. 
Lacey and Mason arrive earlier to help set up for the party; the former with booze in hand and the latter with candy. Lacey is dressed as a chef, true to her future career choice and Mason as a handyman. “So what are you guys supposed to be? Pirate prince with pointy ears and a hot badass knife girl,” Lacey asks with a questioning brow, setting the box of beer cans on the counter. Y/N shakes her head at her best friend’s teasing, “Nooo, I’m Jude Duarte and Cameron is Cardan Greenbriar from The Cruel Prince. Silly.” “Ahh, so it’s a couples costume. Cute,” Mason adds, organizing the candy he brought.
The party is in full swing now. Music blaring, people screaming, bodies moving and Y/N is getting nervous. She is lost in a sea of people, getting pushed from every side. At a certain point, she couldn’t keep up with the crowd and tripped onto the ground. She curls into a ball to protect her head and heart. She begins to cry and feels as though her chest is tightening. Lacey had seen what had happened to her best friend and immediately shoves her way through the crowd to help. “Come on, it’s okay. I’ve got you,” Lacey picks her up and brings her to Rafe’s room. Lacey sits Y/N on the bed, “Tell me five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell and one you can taste.” “The… The…” Y/N is so frazzled she can’t concentrate on the relaxing technique Lacey suggests. 
Rafe finds the girls in his room after searching everywhere for his rose. He starts piecing the pieces together as to what happened when he sees the pair and rushes to her side. “I’m sorry we got separated, I’m here now. Let’s do some butterfly taps and take some deep breaths in and out for me, my rose,” he advises with his hands rubbing the sides of her hips. He helps her place her hands in a cross on her chest. She copies Rafe’s breathing and begins to tap her collarbones, alternating between the left and right. The other two immediately notice her breathing start to slow down and her shoulders aren’t as tensed. He places a kiss on her forehead now that her breathing is finally steady, “There we go. You’ve got this.” He continues to whisper hushed encouragement to her.
Lacey can’t help but feel jealous at the sight in front of her. She used to be able to help Y/N calm down from a panic attack. Definitely not as fast though. However, she can’t help but feel happy that her best friend has found someone who understands how she works so much. She takes this as her opportunity to slip out of the room and go back to check on the partiers for Rafe, making a mental note to check on Y/N later.
 Oppositely, Rafe is feeling more confident in himself. He thought back to what his father said about knowing sooner rather than later that he couldn’t reassure her. This proves Ward is wrong. Rafe was able to assess the situation without being told what happened and help Y/N through it. He remembered what Y/N said about her panic attacks and jumped into action. He figures the party and getting lost in the crowd are probably the reason for her panic attack. “Wanna ditch the party and see if the pharmacy is already serving discounted chocolate and candies? We can head to the beach and eat it there while watching the waves,” he offers as soon as her breathing has steadied and she moves her hands into his. 
“But what about your party? You and Mason have to stop shutting down your parties before even ten just for me. You’ll both start having a bad reputation.”
“I couldn’t care less about what people think as long as the people I love are safe and healthy. But I was thinking of just letting Mason watch over everything.” 
“I would love to go get candy, but maybe we can go later. I think it would be more fun to go trick or treating. I mean we are in costume.”
Rafe chuckles at her childishness, “Really?! I mean, I don’t object to the idea, but you really think people will give us candy?” 
“Yeah! Not to brag, but everyone on this island loves me.” 
“That’s very true. Come on, let’s go get some clean pillowcases.”
Rafe secures two pillowcases for the pair and sends a quick text to Mason to keep an eye on things for him. Mason replies back quickly saying that he will and asks if Y/N wanted him to come check on her. Rafe answers by telling him she has now calmed down and wishes to go trick or treating. Y/N is excited about going out, but she isn’t sure how to feel entirely about it. She definitely noticed how Rafe would shut down his parties early and forgo going to other parties ever since they started dating. The girl would insist on him going without her or offer to go for an hour or two; however, he would always resist her pleas. She doesn’t want to change his personality, even though he says it is okay. At this moment though, Y/N could not be more glad that he is seriously okay with the idea of going out to get some candy. 
The houses on the Kook side of the Island often give out the best candy and it often becomes a competition between the houses. Halloween is the one time a year in which the Kooks do not care if the Pogues are on their property and most Pogues would dare to approach the rich side. Kooks welcome as many people to their houses to prove they offer the best treat with the number of guests coming at their door. Y/N remembers the excitement that would pass around in elementary school as the students would brag about the candies their parents bought. She and Rafe run up the driveway of a house while holding hands giggling like schoolchildren. They arrive at their first house of the night. After going through the trick-or-treating ritual, Y/N reaches into their bag to see what they got as they walk back to the road. Her eyes shine at the red wrapper in her hands. “What is it?” Rafe questions the girl. 
“It’s a Canadian KitKat! Yes, I love these.”
“What’s so special about a Canadian KitKat? We have these in America.”
“The Canadian one isn’t as sweet and it doesn’t leave that weird aftertaste. The chocolate taste much better. I had some when we went up to Canada for my mom’s book tour last summer. Here, try some.”
She quickly opens the package, breaks off a piece of the chocolate and shoves it into his mouth. Rafe’s eyes widen in surprise and he eats the chocolate bar, “Hmm, this is good. Why don’t ours taste like this?” 
“In Canada, KitKat is owned by Nestle and here, it’s owned by Hershey’s.” 
“I see. Well, next time I go to America, I’m going to pack a suitcase full of these for you.”
She looks at him with a huge smile on her face. The pair go to a few more houses and the next house on the street is quite dark. As they approach the house, a little girl dressed as Barbie is walking beside them. Rafe gives her a small smile and a wave. They make their way to the front door to see a duo of teens standing in front of a candy bowl with a please take one sign on a table. The teenage boys laugh as they take the whole bowl of candy without leaving one, even though they saw the little girl. The boys run past the trio without a care in the world. Little Barbie looks at the candy bowl with sad eyes and before Y/N can even do anything, Rafe is handing over his candy bag to her. Her eyes light up and she yells a thank you, running back to her mother at the end of the driveway. The mother waves her hand in thanks to Rafe’s sweet gesture. 
Y/N looks at her boyfriend in awe, “That was so sweet. But now you have no candy. How about we stop by the pharmacy for discount candy and head to the beach?” Rafe nods at the offer and leads her back to where he parked his car. 
She is examining the box of candy in front of her when he pops up behind her, wearing Jason’s mask from Friday the 13th. She jumps, startled at his sudden appearance in the strange mask. She gives him a light hit on his bicep and a frown. “Cameron, You scared me! Don’t do that,” Y/N reprimands her partner. Rafe laughs and wraps his arms around her shoulders, “I’m sorry, my rose. I was only playing. I love you.” He kisses her cheeks in hopes to soothe her anger. She shakes her head at him. “Ugh, I guess I love you too. Come on, let’s head to the beach.” 
They head down to the beach with the bag of candy in hand and a blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders. The duo sets themselves a few feet away from the water. The sound of the waves hitting the sand is the only noise that can be heard on the beach. Y/N rests her head on his shoulder and begins to eat the candy they acquired, Rafe looks down at the girl with a grin on his face. She looks more serene than she did at the party and he loves the way she is watching the waves in wonder. 
His life plan was always to go to UNC, graduate, come back home, and work for his father. It was engraved in his mind in his very first memory of his father. It had been their plan and Rafe never questioned it because he thought it was the best path to pleasing his father. He may have known Y/N for more than one-third of his life, but the plan never changed just from knowing her since he never thought he had a chance with her and he just suppressed his feeling for her. But, now, she is his girlfriend and they have a future together. This makes him question everything he thought he wanted for his future. Now, all that mattered to him is her being in the picture and if that meant going off to England with her then he is going to make damn sure he is by her side every step of the way. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist
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sexxyasia · 7 months
capture the flag (LUKE CASTELLAN X !FEM! READER
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ABOUT: after luke hears about you being a little too nice to some of the other boys in his cabin, luke starts becoming over protective, and jealous since everyone says you're the most beautiful girl at camp...
WARNINGS : told in 3rd person, pet names (reader & luke), cursing, p in v, jealousy, teasing, overstim (reader), kinda noncon, luke being a little jealous BITCH, use of y/n, rough sex, squirting, sex in crazy places, (tell me u know that song) unprotected sex, creampies (dont be silly, wrap your willy...), y/n being very childish and humorus whilst luke isnt even smiling, an instigating ass friend. a few ocs that arent too important and the reader can be any race (no shit) but i intended for her to be black :P...
MDNI :P (bruh cmon js wait until ur 17+... if u dont wanna u will be blocked. sorry not sorry pooks. :O)
(dont mind the fuck ass banners i used, they're fucking terrible. i was too lazy to actually look for something... but ig it KINDA matches my vibe 😭)
"woohoo" you cheered while having the opposite teams flag in hand.
"you were so fucking amazing y/n..." your teammate ezra says to you with a bright smile on his face.
you give him a warm smile back and embrace him in a tight hug. his hands wander to your ass, but you ignore it thinking he meant nothing of it.
your team had been kicking ass all day, you'd been playing capture the flag since 9:00 this morning, you were fucking tired.
you threw the flag to ezra and waved goodbye to your other teammates before walking back to the aphrodite cabin.
when you arrived you told your siblings about everything. even the hug with ezra. you were so excited to practice for the next game tomorrow with ezra and his friends.
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ezra arrived back at the hermes cabin with his siblings and friends and saw luke sitting on his bed reading a book when all of a sudden some of the boys from the aphrodite cabin rudely interrupted.
"hey man, you'll never believe what ezra did to your girl... or my sister? i dunno!" luke quickly looks up in shock "what happened..." "they were like huggin' and shit like all day. they might be doin something on the low..." one of your brothers; pedro said in a whispered tone.
"like a lot?" luke asked with a furrowed brow.
"hell fucking yeah a lot, he like touched her ass and everything. i think they, like each other, man..." pedro instigated.
luke stood up and stormed out of his cabin, making his way to the aprodite cabin.
when he arrived he knocked on the door and then let himself when no one answered.
"y/n, come here, i need to talk to you..." luke yelled out.
"hey baby, whatchu doin here?" you asked playing with his necklace.
"you were touching all over ezra and thought i wouldn't know. do you like him?" luke said in a hushed tone.
"honey, you know i'd never like any other guy... and besides, i was only touching him to hug him because we'd won the game this morning..." you said while rubbing up and down his torso.
some of your siblings in the cabin giggled as you two talked back and forth.
"come with me y/n, i'm not joking with you anymore. i seriously have to talk with you." luke grabbed you by your wrist and took you to your favorite spot; the middle of the woods.
the woods were your favorite because you two could hook up there when your cabins were full and the bathrooms were occupied.
why did luke take you here just to talk?
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"just take it off baby, you know you wanna..." luke whined
you slowly nodded, not being sure if you even wanted to, but it was luke so you definitely wanted to.
while you worked to take your shirt and bra off luke squeezed his cock through his shorts and boxers to relieve some of the tension thats built from seeing you in a thin tank top and booty shorts all day.
luke pulled your shorts clean off and rubbed your clit through your panties on the wet ground making you moan lightly.
"i bet ezra doesn't even know what a clit is..." luke mutters to himself.
while you lie on your back luke pulls his shirt and shorts off too.
left in nothing but his light grey boxers that read calvin klein on, his shoes, and his necklace.
he pulled his boxers down just under his cock to reveal his raging hard on that he's been harboring for quite some time.
luke kneels over you, lining his throbbing cock up with your pulsating hole before shoving it in without warning.
he quickly fucks your dripping hole, making you a whimpering mess.
"do you think ezra could fuck you this good?
your creamy cunt left a ring around the base of his girthy, and veiny cock. he squished your cheeks while you looked up into his eyes to guarantee your eye contact
"answer me." he said whilst hitting all your spots with his leaky, red tip making you tremble and squirm.
"no baby... no." you whisper while you moan out in pure pleasure.
his hand quickly rubs circles on your puffy pink clit. he kisses and licks all the glittery gloss off your lips. your back arched off the ground and your legs shook under his touch.
his deep orgasmic groans fill your ears making you dig your long fingernails into his back, causing his to fuck into you faster and harder.
"does my pretty girl like that?" luke says in a cocky tone.
"yes... harder baby, harder." you moan into his ear.
his big girthy cock stretched your walls to an almost painful point. making you wrap your legs around him as thighs clench around his toned waist.
the way his thrust perfectly filled you up made your stomach tighten and your heart race.
he pulled his throbbing cock out and rubbed it all over your dripping clit.
"you're such a good girl for taking me so well." luke said while he lightly stroked his cock over your pussy.
"am i?" you said bucking your hips upward in need of friction again.
"yes you are mama, yes you are..." he moaned out.
he pushed himself all the way in making you gasp as his heavy balls smacked right under your pussy. his hand wandered to your clit and he slapped it a few times getting a few praises from you.
all of a sudden your body convulsed upwards and liquids sprayed out of your abused cunt. you tightened around his thick cock and squirted all over his torso while he mindlessly fucked you and attacked your clit.
"honey, slow down fuck!" you say pushing his torso forward.
"give me one second baby... one second." he said while his head was thrown back and his tip lightly brushed your cervix, causing you to be on the verge of pain and pleasure.
all of a sudden his thrusts got slower, but deeper. his cock slammed against your cervix causing you immense pain, that was somehow still pleasureable.
"fuck baby, thank you!" he moaned out while his balls emptied in hot sexy spurts of cum, filling you to the brim and making you squirm.
"what if i get pregnant, you should've pulled out!" you whine
"trust me, you won't." luke says standing up and brushing off his knees.
he helped you stand up, legs wobbly and your heart still racing. he handed you your clothes and kissed you up and down your body while you got redressed.
"we should go back, huh?" luke suggested.
"yeah..." you said breathlessly
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(i wanna make a taglist, but i dont have anyone to put on it, plz tell me if u wanna be on it :P)
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ascendingtostardust · 2 years
Angel Of Small Death (18+)
Josh Kiszka x F Reader
Words: 5.8k
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Warnings: mentions of religion and religious trauma, religious themes, spanking (if you squint really hard), slight degradation, spitting, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it up, y’all) **if I’m missing any please let me know!**
a/n: this was sitting in my docs, half finished, for almost a year and it was time to finally finish her. This is my first piece of full-on smut and the longest thing I’ve ever written, so please be kind to me. Any feedback is always welcomed!
Spending the summer in the middle of the woods with a handful of adults your age and an overwhelming amount of kids somehow sounded like a good time when you voluntarily signed up. You had never been to camp as a kid and when the opportunity to be a camp counselor presented itself through your mom’s church, you knew you had to take it. You had grown up very religious - going to church every Sunday and youth group every Friday night, only surrounding yourself with people that shared your own views, and being expected to uphold traditional morals. As a teenager, you began questioning everything the church taught you and eventually started exploring the experiences you had missed out on for years of your life.
Although you had blown through your “teenage to-do list” by the age of 18, one thing that you couldn’t bring yourself to do was actually have sex. The guilt that came along with such intimacy before marriage was drilled into your subconscious from an early age and never failed to make an appearance whenever the opportunity arose. It’s not that you didn’t want to experience it, you had urges like everyone else, but you couldn’t bring yourself to break the barrier in your mind and push past the guilt. You had slowly gotten better about accepting the idea of being so vulnerable with someone over the years, but still wanted that person to feel “right” to you and you had never found that right person…until you met Josh.
His name came up frequently in your house, your mom constantly trying to set you up with the man that led the youth worship group at her church. Her attempts were always met with a groan and an excuse as to why you “didn’t want to get involved with a church boy.”
“But he’s a great kid, please just give him a chance!” Your mom would reply, getting more and more frustrated each time you wouldn’t give in to her incessant pleas but still not letting it go.
You didn’t even know what Josh looked like, let alone what his personality was like and blind dates weren’t exactly your thing, especially with guys that were as involved in their church as Josh seemingly was. Looking back, it was easy to see that your mom had a whole plan to get you two to meet one way or another and that was why she was so eager to help you sign up to be a counselor at the camp that a few local churches got together to host each summer.
The first few days at the camp were merely orientation for the adults that would be in charge of the campers for the next couple of weeks and you enjoyed the other girls in your orientation group and being in the little oasis in the middle of the woods.
However, a particular boy caught your eye from the moment you saw him get out of his car and effortlessly sling his duffel bag over his shoulder, the setting sun catching the curls that sat at the top of his head and creating a halo effect above him. As soon as he caught your eye, you looked away and felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment that he saw you practically gawking at the way the counselor t-shirt you were all given hugged his shoulders and chest just right.
It was two days after you had first laid eyes on Josh when he finally came over to you during lunch break, taking a seat across from you at the picnic table you occupied alone. You preferred to be alone during lunch, using the time to write in your journal, read a book, or quietly sit with your own thoughts. Startled that someone just invited themselves to sit at your table, you looked up from your book quickly to meet Josh’s warm brown eyes that stared into your own expectedly.
“Uh hi, Josh…” You said, giving him a questioning look and marking the page you left on in your book, slowly closing it and pushing it to the side.
“Hi, angel.” The nickname rolled off his tongue and hit you right in the stomach, leaving lingering butterflies.
The two of you had been introduced by one of the girls in your orientation group earlier and right away you were both intrigued and intimidated by the man. Josh looked at you as if he saw right through the “church girl” act you put on to better fit in, a smirk always playing at his lips when he observed you interacting with the other counselors.
“Do you need something?” You asked as nicely as you could, confused as to why he was looking at you the way that he was.
“I just came to say that I’m really happy we got paired up as age buddies. I’m interested in getting to know you a little better.” And there was that knowing smirk. He somehow figured you out without ever having a real one-on-one conversation with you lasting more than 5 minutes.
You gave him another questioning look, not knowing what he was talking about or why it seemingly brought him so much joy.
“Age buddies?” You prompted, letting your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“So each counselor gets paired up with all of the girls or all of the boys in a certain age group, but the counselor of the boys and of the girls are buddies and have to plan activities and stuff together. Make sense?”
“Yeah, yeah that makes sense. So we’re really going to be spending a lot of time together then, huh?” You asked, already knowing the answer but trying to prolong the conversation as long as you could to be able to admire how his toned arms looked as he leaned his elbows on the wooden table.
“Oh loads of time, angel,” he began getting up from the table, “and I can’t wait.” Walking backwards for a few strides as he finished his statement before leaving you with a wink and turning around to jog back over to the small wooden chapel to finish preparing the welcome sermon for that night when the campers arrived.
Being “buddies” with Josh had its perks, but was just as draining and frustrating as it was exciting. He always seemed to find a way to leave a lingering touch on your arm or lower back as he walked past you or came up to mutter some complaint about his campers to make you giggle. It’s not that you weren’t doing your part to get him back for it, though. Moving your knee to “accidentally” bump his as you sat almost hip-to-hip next to the nightly bonfire, asking for his help applying sunscreen to your back and neck before a day in the sun, and letting your hand linger a beat too long on his shoulder when trying to grab his attention.
He knew you noticed his advances and you knew he noticed yours, but both of you lived for the back and forth and the tension that only got more and more unbearable as the first week of camp quickly came to a close and the second week threatened to only make things worse.
It surprised you how naturally you fell into a daily rhythm with Josh, contributing most of it to the fact that you had to spend every day together, but the very obvious spark between you two definitely contributed as well. Of course, you didn’t expect any sort of a “hook up” to occur while you were working a summer camp, let alone a church camp. However, after enduring a few days of Josh’s intentional teasing and testing you decided to let whatever was going to happen, happen.
The other surprising element to working the camp was how quickly you fell back into old thought patterns and behavior. You were long past the days of praying for guidance or clarity when life felt like it was way too overwhelming for one person, but yet…here you were. Having to bow your head and fold your hands with the kids during worship every morning left you grasping at it as a last resort after what happened earlier that day.
Yours and Josh’s groups were gathered together in an empty rec cabin that held no purpose other than storage for the various random pieces of equipment for games that the camp set up most days. That day, though, all of the rain that the sky had been collecting all summer began to pour down and oversaturate the earth.
Although no phones were technically allowed within camp limits, you and Josh realized that the two of you had both broken the rules after he asked for your number to “help coordinate plans for the day better” one the third day of working together. On this particular day, the rain completely ruined your plans for swimming and volleyball and your face lit up as your phone softly buzzed from its spot in the waistband of your jeans while you sat with a few campers at breakfast.
Josh: Meet us in the rec cabin. Tell NO ONE.
Collecting the kids and telling them the plan in a hushed tone, they followed your lead down the overgrown path to the cabin you hoped Josh and his campers were already waiting for you in. After arriving to find that it was, in fact, not Josh and his group trying to prank you again, everyone began grouping together as they typically did throughout the day and excitedly chattering about being in the “forbidden cabin.”
Josh slid up next to you, bumping your hip with his own. You looked over at him and tried to hide the grin that began to spread across your lips as the two of you took each other in for just long enough that none of the kids would notice and ask if you were “boyfriend and girlfriend” like they had begun doing a few days prior. The rain had made his curls even more unruly and the collar of his shirt sat wet and heavy against his skin from the drops of water that still dripped down his neck from his hair.
“So…” You started, attempting to prompt him into conversation.
“So?” He fired back while turning to fully face you.
“Why’d you drag me all the way out here, huh? Trying to get us caught and sent home early?” You raised an eyebrow at him but kept your voice soft so only he could hear you.
Josh stared at the ground for a moment before finally finding the right words to say. “Would that be so bad?”
What he meant by that, you weren’t sure. The shrug of his shoulders made you think that he didn't mean much by the response and maybe didn’t even think much about his response, he just said whatever came to mind. But on the other hand, it ignited your own thoughts and sent your mind racing with possibilities. They were only halted when Josh quickly surveyed the various small groups of kids in their own little worlds around the room and grabbed onto your hand, still damp from the walk though the rain. He didn’t even seem phased, though, as he lifted your fingers to his plump lips to kiss each knuckle so softly that you almost didn’t even feel it happening.
Just as quickly as it happened, the moment came to an end when a loud crash and the sound of each kid immediately blaming someone else filled the room. As confused as ever, one thing was for sure - sinful thoughts about Josh and his lips were going to be running through your mind for the rest of the day.
Being assigned the role of locking up the chapel each night after nightly group prayer also had its perks, as you realized that it was the only moment that you could truly just sit alone in quiet and stillness. The thought of Josh’s lips on your body hadn’t left your mind all day and began making you almost feel dizzy at the thought that maybe he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
You knelt on both knees on the second step leading up to the altar where dozens of candles from the nightly service still flickered and cast a deep red hue against each wall of the small chapel. With your eyes closed and palms pressed together, your forehead leaned against your connected thumbs as you mumbled a string of words only comprehensible to yourself.
Your attempt at asking for forgiveness for the impure thoughts you couldn’t seem to stop from dancing through your mind whenever you saw Josh was cut short when you heard the wooden door to the chapel creak open and light footsteps echo behind you. Not wanting to be bothered, you refused to turn around to see who was interrupting you and kept your eyes closed, but your thoughts raced as the mystery intruder continued closer and closer. Just from the smell of palo santo that wafted through the air, you knew that you were about to be joined by the subject of your sinful desires.
Although you sensed his presence, a warm hand placed on your cheek still startled you, forcing your eyes open to find Josh crouching in front of you wearing loose grey sweatpants and a baggy white t-shirt. It was the most casual outfit you had seen him in, considering the fact that all counselors had a strict dress code consisting of a camp t-shirt with jeans or khakis. One thing remained the same though, a necklace of white glass beads hung around his neck, the chunky white cross at the end falling just above his navel. Your mind began to wander as you stared at the man in front of you, wondering how the cross on his necklace would feel dragging across your bare-
“You okay, angel?” His voice pulled you back to reality, a look of genuine concern painted across his face.
“Yeah- yeah I’m fine, just…” you shook your head slightly, trying to put together a coherent thought, “just really got into prayer for a little bit there.”
“Ah, I can understand that.” Josh nodded, running his thumb softly across your cheek a few times before pulling his hand away and moving to kneel next to you.
“Mind if I join you? I feel like I have a lot of repenting to do lately.” He peeked over at you as if to gauge her reaction, but was only met with your wide eyes staring at the floor in front of you.
“Angel?” He reached his right hand to settle on the middle of your left thigh, keeping his touch light to simply grab your attention again.
“Uh-yes, yeah of course. Everyone is welcome in His house, right?” You let out a nervous chuckle and finally looked him in the eye, swallowing thickly when you realized that he never pulled his hand away from your leg.
The two of you remained kneeling next to each other on the scratchy, carpeted step, maintaining eye contact until you cleared your throat and bowed your head forward. Eyes now closed again and hands placed on either side of your legs, you once more asked for forgiveness for what you wanted to do to the man on his knees next to you. Focusing on repeating the words in your head got harder and harder once you felt Josh’s fingers twitch slightly to lightly squeeze your thigh. With your eyes shut, you couldn’t see the smirk that rested on his lips as he mirrored your posture and also bowed his own head to pray.
Minutes passed, yet his hand still burned through the material of your jeans, both of you sitting silently. Josh couldn’t stand the stagnant nature of the room anymore, the stillness killing him as his own mind ran a million miles a minute. It seemed that sinful thoughts were flooding his mind faster than he could pray them away. Almost without conscious permission, the hand that rested on your leg began rubbing up and down your thigh, his fingertips dancing along the seam of your pants. He could hear your breathing become slightly more labored and could practically feel your heart racing through the palm of his hand.
“Is this…okay?” He questioned with wavering confidence.
You knew it wasn’t right and shouldn’t be happening here of all places, yet you couldn’t stop yourself from whispering out a quiet “yes.” There was no going back now, you knew that. The wetness between your legs both mocked and encouraged your desire.
Your eyes were barely open for a few seconds before they were squeezed shut again and a pair of the softest lips you’d ever felt met your own. You couldn’t say you expected things to exactly progress slowly once the first kiss finally broke the tension that had been building for the past two weeks, but the speed at which Josh’s hand crept up to cup your clothed core still pulled the breath from your lungs.
His hands found your hips and pulled you to straddle his lap as he rolled back to properly sit on the step that you once innocently knelt upon. Your hands ran over the shaved sides of his hair, fingers catching his curls and giving them a tug to tilt his head back and leave Josh looking up at you.
The flickering flames of the candles still burning strong on the altar just a few feet away caught in your eye as he stared at you, wide-eyed, as if it was the first time he was really seeing you. For a moment, you simply sat staring at one another, taking in the moment. However, a beat later your hips began tilting forward and back while you sat lower to apply more pressure to Josh’s lap.
He groaned and let his eyes slip closed as your breathing picked up and you found yourself grinding down on Josh’s hardened length faster and faster just to hear another beautiful whine or whimper pass through his lips. Josh snapped back into himself after a particularly rough tug on his hair, causing his head to raise once again and his lips meet yours in a feverish kiss. His tongue battled yours once you finally let him in, bringing both hands to the back of your head to allow him some leverage.
You didn’t want to give away just how much Josh affected you so quickly, but once one of his hands left your head to crack down against the thickest part of your ass experimentally, you couldn’t fight the moan that ripped through your chest. You could feel Josh smirk at your reaction, getting exactly what he wanted from you in that moment. To get him back for making you slip so fast, the next time he brought his tongue to meet yours, you wrapped your lips around it and sucked lightly while giving the tip a few small licks.
The moment was over before you could complete the action as Josh quickly grabbed your hips tightly again to pull your body off of his and leave you kneeling while he stood. The sound of Josh’s sweatpants being pulled down his legs and haphazardly thrown behind him accompanied a both satisfied and impressed hum from you.
His cock stood at attention in front of your face, so close that you could press a soft kiss to the leaking tip if you leaned forward ever so slightly. Your gaze was broken when Josh brought a hand down to wrap around his length, giving it a few pumps as every muscle in his torso seemed to contract with the sudden contact.
“Go on, angel, give it a kiss. Be sweet for me.” Josh broke the silence in a hushed tone, running his unoccupied hand over the side of your hair to push some of it behind your shoulder.
You took a moment to admire how beautiful he looked like this, standing before you with a needy confidence. Quickly, your own confidence was replaced with a wave of nervousness and the shame that always came with any intimate situation you had found yourself in prior to this.
“Hey,” Josh said gently, grabbing your attention, “we don’t have to do this. We can go grab some hot chocolate or something and pretend it never happened.”
You smiled slightly at the innocent nature of the suggestion in contrast to the image right in front of you.
“No,” you whispered out, “I want this. I want you, Josh. Fully.”
His eyes searched yours for any sign of discomfort and, when none could be found, he smirked once more and gave himself a few more pumps before he felt your hands find the back of his thighs as you slowly leaned forward.
You pressed light kisses around the base of his cock, taking a moment before gathering the courage to finally flatten your tongue against the underside of his length and trail it up to his tip. Right away you realized how dry your mouth felt, nerves getting the best of you. He noticed the hesitation and cupped your jaw, encouraging you to meet his eyes.
“Need some help?” The question seemed innocent enough but given the circumstances, you weren’t sure what answer he was looking for.
“Open.” He nudged your jaw with his thumb as you opened your mouth for him, maintaining eye contact through your bare lashes. He gave you a small, almost mocking, smile and stroked your cheek before bending forward slightly and spitting directly into your open mouth.
“Now try again, angel.” His hand found the back of your head and guided you to your previous position, intently watching as your lips met the tip of his cock once again. He let his head fall back and a soft moan escape from deep within his chest, finding it harder to keep quiet the closer he got to the back of your throat.
Keeping his hand tangled in your hair as a means of grounding himself, he bucked his hips forward involuntarily as you bobbed up and down his length, varying the pressure you applied with your lips. Your nails dug into the backs of his thighs, leaving a welcomed sting to his skin and crescent-shaped reminders of how heavenly it felt to have his cock in your mouth.
Josh could feel himself crawling toward his edge faster than he’d anticipated and knew he needed to stop you before he ruined the chance to do everything he wanted to do with you. Reluctantly, he brought both hands to cup your jaw and led your head back, where a flash of disappointment on your face almost brought another moan to escape his lips.
Without a word, his left hand glided across your face, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear innocently and admiring how pretty you looked with your eyes glazed over and a rosy tint covering your cheeks. Your lips fell into an involuntary pout as Josh ran his thumb over your top lip, then your bottom, coaxing your jaw open once more and slipping the finger into your mouth. Closing your lips tightly, you let your tongue drag across his thumb painfully slowly, watching as his confident demeanor faltered slightly.
When he had enough, he hooked his thumb on your bottom row of teeth to force your jaw down and release him, pulling his thumb out of your mouth and dragging it across your swollen bottom lip, leaving a sheen of your own saliva across the burning skin of your cheek.
“I knew those lips could do more than just pray, baby.” His smirk was intensified by the flames of the red candles burning on the altar, making him look anything but holy.
As if you weren’t blushed enough, his words brought even more blood rushing to your cheeks. You looked down, hands in your lap, almost embarrassed by the praise of your performance thus far. You were brought back out of your own head when you felt the bottom of your shirt being lifted as Josh bent at the hips to grasp the material, his face now centimeters from yours.
He took advantage of the position and pressed a soft, almost innocent, kiss to your neck before tugging the shirt off further. As if somehow holding you back, you could feel the bashfulness you once felt about what you were doing leaving your body when your shirt was carelessly tossed to the side and your chest was left exposed.
The new surge of confidence made you look Josh directly in the eye, your right index finger dragging up and down the length of his bare leg.
“Are you gonna fuck me now, Josh?” You questioned, lulling your head to the side.
A noise that could only be described as a growl rumbled from deep within his chest and before you knew it, you were lifted to your feet by your armpits and led down the few steps to the first row of pews. A gasp escaped you when you was spun around and pushed towards the maroon velvet pad that covered the seat of the pew. You found yourself thankful that Josh decided to show some kind of mercy and not fuck you into the scratchy rug covering the floor.
Your knees met the soft cushion and you climbed up on all fours, only catching glimpses of Josh quickly pulling his own shirt over his head before making quick work of reaching around to unfasten your jeans and slide them down your legs, taking your panties with them.
With how fast he was moving to get into position, you expected to feel him pushing into you within a few seconds...but felt nothing.Worried that he may be regretting everything leading up to this moment, you turned her head around to see Josh on his knees behind you, shamelessly letting his eyes travel the length of your spine to your ass. He bit his lip and shook his head side to side slightly, not able to believe that this was all for him. You wanted him.
“Okay, okay.” He whispered to himself, shuffling closer to your body and running his hands up your back across her shoulder blades, your skin burning at his touch.
“You’re sure this is okay? Seriously, we can stop and just go-”
“Josh, I’m sure that I want this.” Your eyes met his and he almost fell off the pew at the sight of your glossy lips and rounded eyes staring back at him.
“Please…” you breathed out, shifting your hips side to side ever so slightly and rolling your head downward to face away from him.
He mumbled something to himself before dragging his hand down your back once more, grabbing at your hip when his fingers met the flesh and moving closer until you could feel the head of his cock just barely grazing your core. The breath left your lungs when he caught your sensitive clit that had been begging for friction and you had to remind yourself to let oxygen in again when you started getting lightheaded.
Josh’s knuckles grazed your bare ass as he dragged his cock between your folds, gathering enough of your slick to begin pushing into you little by little before pulling completely out again. He loved being a tease, at this point you fully knew that, but in this moment you just wanted all of him. A whine escaped your throat and you could hear him chuckle at your impatience.
“I know, baby, I’m getting there. You really think I’m not going to take care of my angel?”
His voice helped put you at ease, and the feeling of his length slowly filling you up again, but now going further to bottom out inside of you, left your muscles completely relaxed. He gave you a few seconds to stretch and adjust to the size of him before slowly rocking his hips, a sensation you’ve never quite experienced in its entirety radiating through your body.
Each set of thrusts into you felt like there was more speed and force behind them than the previous until Josh’s hips snapped forward with such strength that you lowered onto your forearms, leaving your ass up for him. Your whines, accompanied by the sound of skin slapping against skin, echoed against the wood-paneled room just as hymns had only an hour or two prior. Josh wasn’t completely silent, though. He hummed and whispered out an occasional “fuck” or “so good for me” every now and then when the angle seemed to affect him more than before.
Wanting to hear you louder, he suddenly reached down to throw one of his arms across your chest, pulling you up on your knees so that your back pressed against his damp chest. His pace remained merciless as he held you there, his pants leaving his hot breath to fan against your face. You didn’t even think about where Josh’s other hand was until you felt a surge of electricity run through you when his fingers began toying with your deprived clit, expertly circling around the bundle of nerves.
Unable to spare the energy to hold your head up any more, you let it fall back onto Josh’s left shoulder, your right arm coming up to wrap around his neck lazily and provide more support. Your moans got louder with an increase in speed and pressure from his fingers until you felt your orgasm barreling towards you faster than you could process. Josh picked up on it immediately as you shifted your hips to sloppily meet his.
“You want me to send you up into the clouds? Hm? Does my pretty angel want to meet god?” His words barely registered as he held your head close to his mouth to whisper directly into your ear.
A weak nod was all you could give him in response, surrendering complete control of your body to the man holding you up in his arms. As your orgasm washed over you, your legs shook and your body tried to fold forward to find comfort in the plush velvet you still kneeled on, but Josh held strong and pulled you impossibly closer. The necklace he wore every day pressed so deeply into your skin, you could feel the cross pendant burning your skin to create a defined outline on your back. His pace slowed as he felt your walls fluttering around him, coaxing his own end.
When you opened your eyes again, Josh leaned his chin against your shoulder and pressed a wet kiss to your neck, moving your body in his arm to lay your back against the maroon fabric on the pew.
“Want to see that pretty face when I cum.” He whispered out, kneeling between your legs and taking in your naked body that laid on display in front of him. Bringing a hand over to brush against your cheek, you lightly grabbed his hand and kissed his open palm reassuringly.
You hummed in response, almost letting a small smile spread across your face until Josh surprised you by slipping his cock back inside of you, bottoming out without hesitation. He returned to the merciless pace that he kept just a few moments ago and he fought to keep his eyes from fluttering closed, allowing his hands to explore the expanse of your torso.
Josh grabbed your legs to bend your knees and push them towards your chest, allowing him to reach deeper inside you than you thought possible. His sloppy thrusts held no rhythm as his now quickened breath was accompanied with a small whimper every time his hips snapped forward.
“Come on, baby…” You breathed out, not wanting to disturb the little piece of heaven you and Josh shared by raising your voice any louder. Your hand lifted from its place on his arm to his pink-tinted, burning cheek to softly push some of the hair that clung to his forehead back into place.
Your words combined with the sensation of you squeezing around his sensitive cock pushed him over the edge and he quickly pulled out of you just in time for his hot spurts of cum to paint your stomach. He helped you lower your feet to meet the cushion of the seat on either side of him, but remained kneeling between your legs, head bowed as he caught his breath. Allowing your eyes to slip closed, you focused on your own breathing and the feeling of Josh’s fingertips pressing varying amounts of pressure into the skin of your hips.
Josh leaned backwards to retrieve any article of clothing he could from the floor that was within arms reach, which happened to be his shirt, and wiped his release from your stomach. It was a moment so sweet and tender, you almost forgot what the two of you had just done together…in the camp chapel, no less.
“So, I’m thinking…” Josh started, tossing his shirt to the side once again and pulling you up by your arms to face him. “Maybe we can get cleaned up and then you can let me make you that hot chocolate I suggested earlier?”
And there he was. The Josh you knew and loved was back. Your Josh.
His sentiment caught you off guard and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“You haven’t stopped thinking about that damn hot cocoa since you mentioned it, have you?”
He raised both hands at the accusation, an offended look now overtaking his face.
“I may have gotten a little distracted once I got here, angel, but why do you think I came looking for you in the first place?”
“You’re ridiculous.” You cupped his face in your palms, admiring his still fucked-out features. “We better go before someone wonders why these candles are still lit and comes to put them out, though.”
He looked over at the altar, as if he forgot where he even was.
“I mean…maybe we should pray for what we just did…” Josh looked at you with such a serious expression, you could feel your stomach drop.
“Kidding, I’m kidding! Come on, angel, hot cocoa is calling your name!”
With a laugh, he untangled himself from you and began collecting your clothes off the floor, tossing them towards you while he double checked that there was no trace of you two being left behind.
Now dressed and about to put your hand in his outstretched palm, you remembered the candles, somehow still glowing red. You shuffled up to the altar, looking up at the giant wooden cross presiding over the empty pews of the chapel. Quickly blowing each candle out with a puff of air, you were left in complete darkness, following Josh’s voice as he beckoned you towards him.
Taglist: @ashole-x @earthlysorrows
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claraisanastronaut · 7 months
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₊ * ⋆。⊹🐚𓇼☾☼🦪₊ * ⋆。
"Sunny days."
Warnings: None, just a little spicy hint at the end. Context: What it would be like if the reader and Soap went to the beach.
John “Soap” MacTavish on the beach
•He simply loves everything related to water. Although sometimes he is a little difficult to take a shower, but once he gets in, he doesn't want to get out.
•Soap is definitely the type who likes to try fruit cocktails and the most diverse drinks available at the drink stands on the beaches, he likes the more colorful ones. Honestly, I don't even know how he has the stomach to handle so much. He probably really likes fruits he hasn't tried yet, always looking for something new. He's not that big a fan of alcohol, but he's willing to drink it.
•He definitely likes to mix sweet things with savory things, you'll have to get used to the strange things he likes to eat.
•Yes, this guy loves inflatable boats and he would definitely pay to ride one of those with you. That is if he didn't take one that he bought online, imagine the scene: You and Soap going to the beach in your car, a bumpy road and as always Soap going at a rather fast speed. And the two of you sing Gwen Stefani's Bubble Pop Electric, each completing the other's lines.
•Soap is usually the one who sings the most on car trips, he simply doesn't stay silent, unless he's very concentrated.
•Soap, as always, chewing gum. He always carries a watermelon or tutti-frutti flavored one in his pants pocket. And how annoying the noise he makes is, because he insists on chewing with his front tooth sometimes just to annoy you and asks if you want some with a smile on his face.
• The car shook whenever he chose between going straight through or avoiding a hole. The road was really rough, but what wouldn't you do for a nice day at the beach?
“Babe, slow down. The boat is almost falling from the ceiling.”
You warned when you saw in the rearview that the ropes that Soap tied to the top of the car were coming loose from the boat amidst all the commotion.
“We always do this, lass! Of course the boat isn’t goin to fa-“
The boat instantly detached itself from the roof of the car, the ropes came loose and the boat flew away from the car until it was stuck in a sharp rock.
“It seems that the boat wasn’t ver’ resistant, ...”
Soap crosses his arms and smiles at you with a smirk. As if the boat crash hadn't been his fault.
“What were you saying, John?”
You called him by his name and he already knew he was screwed.
•Soap would most likely rent you a swan-shaped pedal boat and pedal for hours if he could, but you also had to rest. This man is a machine on both the pedal boat and the boat. His muscular arms help a lot in steering the boat and his leg movements alone support the entire pedal boat. It's obvious that he has the spirit of a restless child, he was a naughty child.
•Soap probably drowned the first time he went to the beach. And yes, he was the kind of kid who ate beach sand and drank sea water. He was chaotic.
•He definitely likes to build sandcastles, and he's good at it from practicing so much. He places the flag at the top and also makes a bridge to the castle. You sit in the reclining beach chair, under the umbrella while Soap builds a sandcastle, roasting in the sun.
•And if you had a child, he would definitely help the little one build his sandcastle too, fetching sea water in the bucket. It's very funny to see a very muscular, high-ranking soldier fetching sea water in a frog bucket that he bought for your son. You took a Polaroid photo of that moment and put it on the photo board you have at home.
•Yes, he would jump waves with his son. And maybe he would slip and drag the child together unintentionally.
•He collects shells near the sea.
The indigo blue sky, the dense white clouds on the horizon. The sun was perfectly warm, you helped Soap apply sunscreen and left him alone for a few minutes to read a book while listening to the sound of the waves. After these minutes, he returned with his hand closed, holding something.
“I brought some gifts, lass. They suit ye.”
You open your hands to receive whatever he was carrying and he dumps several shells into your hands. Shells of different colors and shapes are the most beautiful he could have found.
“Thank you, Soap. They are beautiful."
You smile at Soap.
"Do ye want to know somethin’, lass? If I drown in yer beauty, do I have the right to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?"
Soap smiles widely as he says the tenth pick-up line of the day. Yes, you have a relationship. But that never meant he would stop flirting with you.
In a normal, very constant act of living with Soap. You put your finger on your temple and laugh at the stupid thing he just said to you.
•At the end of the day, when Soap's battery is finally running low, he drags you so you can watch the sunset together with his arm around your waist. Soap has always been a sea boy, just like a water-loving golden retriever. Soap suddenly picks up a stick near where you were, you have no idea how he found it. Suddenly, he sits down next to you again, the sand slowly melting away. He starts drawing with the stick, it seems to be just a few scribbles, but soon you see 2 stick figures in the sand: one looking like a cockatiel and the other very cute, with features very similar to... You.
"It’s ye and me, lass."
He smiles at you with those puppy eyes you love so much. You know that you are deeply in love with John "Soap" MacTavish and that he is the man you want.
 Suddenly, a wave comes and erases the drawing, Soap observes everything and sighs looking at the dark stain in the sand.
“Seall ciod a rinn an tonn, tha e coltach gun do sgrios e ar gaol, lass.” (Look what the wave has done, it seems to have destroye' our love, lass.)
You laugh, but kiss him on the cheek.
•You go home again after a long day at the beach. You take a relaxing bath together, Soap threw cold water on your face, but it was the best because of the heat, although it got even hotter after that. It seems like it's a very constant game in the bath. Then, Soap ordered pizza for you, half chocolate and half pepperoni pizza with a few more additions. It was a completely incredible day. And what a night!
₊ * ⋆。⊹🐚𓇼☾☼🦪₊ * ⋆。
Kisses, I'll leave the rest to you to imagine. This is my first headcanon, I hope you liked it.🤍
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monroeknoxwrites · 5 months
shopping trip for the luskren triplets, please! 👀💖
Early Sunday mornings were exclusively for the trade market. Three floors underground, with a projected morning sky on the ceiling overhead, all the residence of their district gathered to barter goods. No one really had money to spend except on food and essentials.
Everything else could be found here for the proper trade.
Vanith came bearing a blanket and her tools, setting up in her usual corner right on the stone floor. She'd fix things for people in exchange for any interesting gadgets or junk they found. And things for her sisters too.
The market wasn't packed in those first couple hours but she and Vanit still took turns accompanying Vanis on her never-ending search for books she hadn't read a hundred times. Maybe a pretty skirt too. A pretty skirt and a blouse if she couldn't find an interesting book.
On her own, Vanit browsed seemingly without interest or purpose. She didn't know what she wanted until she saw it. Sometimes it'd be a knife, a cooking pot, a pre-invasion era leather jacket. Once she returned to Vanith's repair patch the proud new owner of an unused yet worn makeup hexagon, the different sides opening to eye shadow, lip gloss, perfumed lotion, etc. It was the kind of luxury item no one in their district could afford. Vanit didn't ask how the previous owner found it. She never asked questions and that's why the shadier barterers liked her.
On this outing, Vanith looked up from replacing parts in a practically ancient flashlight, at her sisters return, Vanis's arm hooked around Vanit's and pressed in close, their cloth bag heavy with some prize.
"Three books," Vanis explained, her good mood evident in how she rested her head on Vanit's shoulder and invaded her personal space brazenly. "That old nosy bitch Ms. Drets let them go for gossip from our building."
"Don't know why she cares so much about other people's business," Vanit said.
"Auntie says she's old and living on gossip alone," Vanith said around the screws held between her lips.
Vanit let herself be pulled down to sit by Vanis, clicking her tongue. "She better keep her nose out of our business."
"No secrets in this family," Vanis said, lacing their fingers together. Her leg stretched out to brush Vanith's.
Vanit rolled her eyes but allowed her hand to be held hostage, grabbing a set of glass bottles one-handed out of the bag. They were different shades of light pink.
Vanith leaned in to examine them then remembered to be the disapproving older sister. "Alcohol?"
"I wish."
Vanit sloshed the bottles back and forth, little bubbles forming at the top. She and Vanis' expressions matched as realization dawned in their sister's wide eyes.
"Carbonation!? They banned that. It's banned. How–" Vanith cut herself off with a shake of her head. She dropped her voice to a hush. "Right, no questions. I can't believe you found carbonats! And one for each of us too."
Vanit placed them back in the bag. "I'm not a fan, take mine."
"But it's your find."
Vanis bumped her leg gently. "It's all for you, Van. The fizz is gross going down."
Vanith nearly swallowed the screws. She was bubbly like those pink drinks until Vanit said, "Pay us back by cleaning the bathroom this month."
"You're bribing me with drinks you traded for my repairs." Vanith pointed her screwdriver at Vanit and Vanis in turn, accusatory.
"Shut up, you love them." Vanit showed no remorse.
"You want us to trade them back?" Vanis was no better.
Vanith spat the screws in her lap. "Of course I do and no you won't. Twisty, you're both so twisty sometimes I can't stand it."
Vanis bumped her leg again. "Trapped in that 'responsible big sis' net you built all by yourself, Van. Don't blame us for exploiting it."
Remorseless, Vanit wandered off to find something else and Vanis began her book, head pillowed in Vanith's lap – making her repair work all the harder.
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Just some gender swap kokoshinbo x douma
Kokoshino X Douna
(no such thing as punctuation and there is probably spelling mistakes but i wrote this over a span of a month soooo)
Kokoshino walked through the woods holding a book and a box filled with sweets she was heading towards dounas cult her mind was racing as she walks forward she went through the window, knowing that the woman's followers wouldn't be to appease when they saw a six eyed woman, just walking through there, wanting to see their "Lord and Savior" as soon as she got into the biggest building at the site, she walked around until she saw a beautiful looking door with a sign on top of it saying true beauty and elegance room. She assumed it was hers. She walked in seeing three men sitting in front of douna with their hands class together as they looked like they were praying to her "Ah Kokoshino-dono come in come in what brings you here"
(Just read stroll from misunderstanding phycopthay)
As douna continue to talk kokoshino stoped her "as much as I love to hear your short rambles. What are you really like?" The higher raking women ask feeding her another sweet douna's face quickly became cold as she looked at kokoshino "why do you want to know me so badly? Why are you doing on this? Tell me now-" she was cut off by kokoshino pulling her onto her lap there facing inches from each other "do you want to know the truth then fine douna I want you to be my girlfriend no I want you to be my wife." She said sternly douna giggled a bit "your wife you don't even like me no one does" she said annoyed douna thought this was a prank imposed by kokoshino and anaza
"Oh i've seen the real you darling i've seen the you that everyone fears and i love it as much as i love the fake you so please marry me" douna still didn't believe her "what do you like about me depending on your answer I'll marry you" Kokoshino put a cocky smirk on her face then spoke "you are an impulsive liar a psychopath, and Absolute and utter monster you are a snake Nobody likes, but you are also so beautiful you know how to perfectly put on a fake smile and you can hide your emotions so well, and you can create new ones out of the blue you are deceitful and you are stupid but you're so smart while doing it and that is why I love you. You are perfect. You are perfect for me And that, my love, is precisely why I am drawn to you. You are flawless. You are the perfect puzzle piece that fits seamlessly with me. It's not just a want; it's an undeniable need." She admitted, as all six of her eyes stared back into the woman on top of hers douna face softened and it started to become pink she hid her face in the crook of kokoshino's neck she tightened the grip on dounas waist "is that a  yes my love?" Kokoshino asked already knowing the answer douna nodded "no no no use your words pretty girl" Kokoshino said to douna while raising her head up with her hand "yes yes i will marry you just please keep calling me those names" she confessed and begged "well of course my darling wife will always have pet names that i will give her we will have a enormous wedding but i don't want you to let anaza hit you anymore if she hurts you tell me I have been looking practically begging the gods for a reason to kill her" Kokoshino said merely as her hands moved and caressed her new founds wife's face "but she is just playing around she doesn't mean too" douna said pouting "No she does mean to you are so smart but you are gullible as shit my love she hates you and I don't fucking like that.* Kokoshino said grabbing her face and forcing her to look at all 6 of her eyes "if she hits you again kill her or call me you are her superior act accordingly my love" Kokoshino released her grip on dounas face douna stood up and walked over to the golden door and locked it then turned around and smiled at her "come here honey" douna made a motion with her fingers kokoshino quickly stood up and trotted too her kokoshino grabbed douna by the waist and pulled her close "I think you know what I want you to do and trust me I don't fucking beg" Douna said wrapping her arms around kokoshino's neck "I won't make you beg but I sure as hell will make you whimper" Kokoshino whispered into dounas ear before kissing and biting her neck earning soft yelps and moans from douna
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lonewolfel · 2 years
Fictober 2022 Day 25 and AroAce Hunter Week Day 2
Prompt: 18 - "I don't think this is your problem." / Day 2 - Friendship
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Amity/Luz
Characters: Hunter, Luz, Amity
Hunter was reading quietly on the Owl House couch. Luz and Amity were sitting on the floor talking about something that likely involved Azura, he honestly was paying no mind to them. That was until he saw Luz leaning over his book looking at him.
Hunter jumped slightly but couldn't get very far. Luz smiled innocently, but Hunter knew she was likely up to something.
"So Hunter..." Luz started. She was most definitely up to something.
"No," Hunter said. Luz pouted. 
"You don't even know what I'm going to say," Luz complained.
"I know it's not going to be anything good," Hunter said. Luz crossed her arms and continued to pout. Amity giggled at her girlfriend's antics. 
"Luz just wanted to ask if you had a date to Grom," Amity said. Hunter looked over at the abomination witch.
"I don't think this is your problem." Hunter said. Amity glared over at him. Luz practically flopped on top of Hunter on the coach. It took some rearranging to prevent himself from being covered in his adoptive sister's limbs.
"Humor us," Luz exclaimed. Hunter sighed knowing that the human won't leave this alone. 
"No" Hunter responded. Luz sat up, and both she and Amity made looks of surprise. 
"Really?" Amity asked.
"Not even Willow?" Luz asked. Hunter's ears and cheeks began to burn red. 
"No, she's just a friend. I'm not even planning to go." Hunter responded.
"Come on you have to go. It's a mandatory teen thing." Luz exclaimed. Hunter frowned.
"Raine says it isn't, besides, I have better things to do than stand in the corner while you and Amity make out." Hunter defended. It was Amity's and Luz's turn to blush and looked away from each other clearly embarrassed. 
"We weren't gonna..." Amity sputtered. 
"You know you could go with Gus and Willow and the rest of the Entrails as friends. I think only one of them has a date." Luz said once she regains composure.
"What?" Hunter asked.
"It's where a bunch of friends goes to a party or in this case Grom go but their just friends," Amity said mockingly. Hunter shot the witch a glare.
"I know what it means." Hunter snapped.
"I'm sure that they will love to go with you," Luz said. Hunter looked away.
"Uhm...I'll think about it," Hunter muttered. Luz hugged him.
"It'll be so much fun," Luz said. Amity leaned against the coach.
"I mean you don't have to go," Amity said.
"Yeah, you don't have to go, but the option is there for you. You don't have to limit yourself just because you aren't dating anyone. Friends can do plenty of cool stuff together." Luz said. Hunter felt tears begin to form in his eyes. He quickly pushed Luz off of him. She recognized the fact that he needed a little space so she sat beside him not touching but close enough that she was there if he needs her. 
"Thanks," Hunter muttered. Luz smiled widely. 
"Of course what is found family for if not this," Luz said. Hunter chuckled at that. He would never admit that he was glad Luz and their friends found him.
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 3 months
Cold as Ice - Chapter 23 - Part 2
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Wren Ridley
I saw Landon more often now.
Ever since that day in my room we had been seeing each other every day and making out almost every time.
I was sitting in the coffee shop with my laptop open, my latte sitting in front of me while Landon's coffee sat across from me, holding his place until he arrived.
Anthony had given me a look when I ordered Landon's coffee but he didn't say anything and I ignored him.
Landon walked in a few minutes later.
He stopped up at the counter and exchanged a few words with Anthony before making his way over to our usual spot.
I looked back at my computer screen before he realized I had been watching him.
"I don't need you to buy my coffee," he said as he sat down but there was no sharpness in his voice.
He spoke normally like we were discussing the weather.
I shrugged, glancing at him over the laptop screen.
He stared at me with raised eyebrows, the coffee in his hand.
"Sorry, is buying you things a deal breaker?" I asked.
Landon sipped his coffee, glancing at me over the rim of the cup and not bothering to respond.
"What are you doing tonight?" I asked him.
"Hockey practice until six," he replied.
"And after?"
"I guess that depends on you."
I grinned.
"Does it?"
Landon sighed, leaning back in his seat.
It had been like this for days, him acting like he wanted nothing to do with me but still making the time anyway.
He would act like he couldn't stand me but later on he'd be under me or on top of me any way.
I couldn't say I didn't like it.
As long as I ignored the fact that my brother would kill me if he ever found out I was involved with Landon, the whole hard to get attitude actually made the whole situation more fun.
It wasn't like this was something Fox would ever find out about anyway.
"I'm busy after practice actually," Landon said with an irritated expression.
I shook my head.
"Don't be like that, Lance. You can come right on over after practice. How about that?" Landon scoffed.
"And if I don't want to?"
"You do though, don't you?"
Landon was getting flustered.
He couldn't meet my eyes.
He was nervously drumming his fingers on the table and his leg was bouncing underneath it.
I reached across the table and put my hand over his, causing his fingers to stop and his eyes to shoot over to our hands, then up to my face.
"I'll see you tonight, right?" I asked.
Landon nodded, pressing his lips together tightly.
Later on that day, Stella, Jess and James were sitting around my dorm room while I was reading up on my bed.
I checked the time and it was getting closer to six.
"You're going to have to move this over to your room," I told Stella.
She looked up at me with a strange expression from her place on the floor.
"He probably just wants to jack off," James cut in.
"No, I just want some peace and quiet," I replied.
"To jack off," James added.
"Or," Stella started.
"He has someone coming over."
"Who is it? Is it that guy from the library the other day? The one who was checking you out?"
"I have no idea who you're talking about."
"Yeah you do," she said.
"I pointed him out. The one with the long curly hair."
"Doesn't ring a bell."
"So it is him," Stella said with a wide grin like she caught red handed.
I shook my head and checked my phone to see a text from Landon.
From: Wren Ridley [I'm on my way] From: Landon Reilly
"You all have to get out now," I told them, closing my book and putting it off to the side.
"All of us?" James asked.
"This is my room too."
"Didn't ask," I said, motioning toward the door.
James let out a loud groan and got up from his desk chair, following the girls toward the door.
"You owe me," James said, pointing at me from the door way.
"Just get out."
James shut the door behind them and once they were gone I picked up my book again and read until there was a knock on the door.
I opened the door to reveal a freshly showered Landon.
His hair was still damp and he smelled like a fresh soap.
He looked me up and down with his dark eyes before I pulled him inside by the front of his shirt.
As soon as the door was closed, he was against it and my lips were on him.
Landon immediately responded to my kiss, cupping my jaw with his hands while I gripped his waist.
He started walking me backward toward my bed and laid me on top of it.
Landon pulled away only for a moment to get onto the bed and hover over me before retaking my lips with his.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me and running one of my hands through the hair on the back of his head.
We made out like this for a little while until Landon pulled away and rolled off, lying down by my side.
His eyes were closed when I looked over at him.
As if being to sense my stare, they opened slightly to meet mine.
"Are you just done or are you freaking out in your head?" I asked him, propping my head up with one hand.
"Can it be both?"
"I suppose it can."
He sighed and looked over at me.
"This is fucking crazy, you realize that right?" he asked.
He sighed again, pressing his palms into his eyes.
I placed my hand on his chest, tracing circles over the fabric of his t-shirt.
Landon always seemed to wear his emotions on his sleeve but he hadn't yet lashed out at me over our new predicament.
It was only a matter of time and I couldn't tell if I should have been bracing myself at that moment.
"I can't really tell if you're going to punch me or not," I said, causing Landon to remove his hands from his eyes and look over at me incredulously.
"I never know with you."
"I'm not going to punch you," he said, sitting up slightly.
"There's just too much wrong with this and I don't want to think about it."
"So don't think about it."
And I wouldn't think about it either.
As long as neither of us thought about it for too long and talked ourselves out of this, it would be fine.
"It's not that easy," he said before letting out a yawn.
He settled into my bed, propping himself up with one of my pillows.
I could tell he was dozing off by the way his breathing evened out.
His eyes were still open but they were growing heavy, slowly opening and shutting like he was trying to keep himself awake.
Landon eventually did fall asleep next to me, his head tilting to the side and resting on my shoulder.
I read my book while he slept until I dozed off myself, feeling the warmth of having somebody beside me.
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alicraft336 · 5 months
Hex (Chapter 10)
Warnings: None
Note: Little Wish is a Dreamtale Au (Dreamtale belongs to Jokublog)
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Void continued to monitor their interaction until a villager came up to him, asking for his help with something. He didn't want to leave his brother alone with Hex, but at the same time he didn't want to be rude so he reluctantly agreed.
Wish sighed softly as Void left caching Hex's attention. He turned to him and saw him now sitting on the ground, his knees to his chest and his face hidden from view.
Hex's brow furrowed as he looked at him, "Are you okay, Wish?" He asked him softly as he sat across from him. Frowning as he shook his head no, "do you want to talk about it?" He asked, his voice softening as he tried to sound comforting.
"I just don't like how they take advantage of him," Wish mumbled, his voice slightly muffled as he spoke. "And I can't figure out how to stop it that would ensure he'd stay safe."
Hex looked away slightly, "You really care about your brother, huh?" He asked. Wish looked at him before answering, "Of course I do, where all each other have."
Hex nodded, "yeah, I know how that feels, I was fairly sheltered by my parents. The only person I had in my life besides them for the longest time was someone who worked for them and he practically raised me." Hex explained as he looked down at his hands.
"Let me guess, you snuck out and that's why you didn't want to go back to your parents yet because you knew you'd be in trouble?" Wish asked with a slight smirk, causing Hex to laugh, "Ah, you read me like a book, and here I thought I'd could keep that hidden a bit longer," he joked.
"A-anyways, back to you," Hex said, changing the subject. "So, you've been experiencing nightmares as of late, may I ask what there about?" He asked but before Wish could respond he quickly added, "I-if you don't want to though you don't have to, I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do" he said, blushing out of embarrassment. 
Wish laughed softly at his panic, "not particularly, no. But, why do you want to know?" He asked.
"W-well, that's what friends do, right? They help each other out, a-and I'm just curious what they're about n- I-I mean, they're about." Hex stuttered out, silently cursing himself for doing so. "U-ummm... H-Here," Hex said as he handed Wish a book.
Wish looked at him confused as he took the book from him, "What's this for?" He asked, looking at its cover, it had a rather interesting design on the cover with five oval cut gems in different colors.
In the middle was the biggest gem, it was black and it looked to have the silhouette of a cartoony ghost, in the top right was a red gem that had the silhouette of a eagles head, bottom right was a plum gem with the silhouette of a stags head, bottom left looked to be the silhouette of a fish of some kind, and top left was a yellow gem that had the silhouette of a dragons head.
"I-It's so you can write down what happens in your nightmares, b-but if you don't want to do that you can use it as a sketch book or something," Hex said as he watched Wish open the book.
Before Wish could say a thing, Hex had gotten up and started running down the hill, "I'll see you later Wish!" He yelled as he ran away.
"H-hey! Wait- and he's gone..." Wish sighed as he saw him already at the bottom of the hill and running into the village. He leaned against the tree, looking up at its foliage before looking back down at the book in his lap and opening it to its first page.
Characters used in chapter:
Wish, Void, & "Hex" all belong to Me (Ali Craft)
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teddybear-sunflower · 3 years
When you tell him you used to have a crush on him (pt. One) (Kuroo ver.)
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Pairing: Kuroo x reader
Wordcount: 1600
Genre: angst (kinda but not really)
Part Two: Kuroo
Other Versions: Atsumu Oikawa
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- The two of you knew each other since middle school.
- Like he did with Kenma he pretty much adopted your introverted ass and decided that you were his friend now.
- You didn’t complain.
- Due to him, you met so many wonderful people and became manager of the volleyball club of Nekoma. You considered those three years the best ones of your life.
- Also, pretty much all your best friends were made in that time and you could proudly say that you were still friends with them to this day.
- Some also went to university like you while you kept in contact with the rest thanks to social media.
- It was also easy to fall in love with Kuroo. You didn’t even know when exactly it happened.
- At some point you just realized that he was the love of your life.
- You never got to confess.
- Unfortunately, you were too late.
- It took you years, several pep talks and practice in front of your mirror as well as some internet forums that told you to go for it until you finally decided that you needed to tell him.
- You planned to do it after practice when you would walk home together.
- That was also the day Kuroo came into the gym announcing proudly that he had a girlfriend.
- She confessed to him, and he accepted her.
- You honestly had no idea he even had feelings for her or that the two knew each other but you didn’t question his decision.
- You could see why he would like her. She was extremely pretty with long shiny hair, big round eyes and cute smile and on top of that she was kind.
- It was the saddest day of your life but at the same time you were relived.
- You shivered at thought of what could have happened if you had actually confessed. He obviously didn’t like you, so maybe her confessing first even saved your friendship and in a strange way, you were thankful for that.
- Your friendship didn’t change since then.
- Now you were both university students though.
“Maybe you should try to date. I am actually surprised that you didn’t have a boyfriend back in high school. You were kind of popular” Kuroo gazed at your form on his bed as he was sitting at the floor, a book sitting in his lap as the two of you had one of your study sessions.
“First of all, I was only popular with you guys and second of all, it’s hard to date when you only have eyes for your best friend” you joked, not even realizing what you just told him since your mind was mostly occupied by the algebra problem in front of you.
Kuroo opened his mouth to make a snarky comment but closed it again as he finally registered your words or to be more exact, what they implied.
The male froze as his mind was thrown into a frenzy. He was your best friend but technically Kenma was very close to you, too. You never cared too much about terms or ranking your friends, so maybe you meant Kenma but what if you didn’t?
Thinking back on all the times you actually used the term best friend, you always referred to him.
Realizing that Kuroo was way to quiet, you looked up from your paper and gave him a questioning look. You slightly titled your head when you saw him pretty much staring holes into you. It was hard to read the meaning of it, though. He definitely stared but his eyes were glazed over, almost as if he was so deep in thought that he just blended everything out.
“Kuroo?” You called out to him and when he didn’t answer immediately you playfully threw your pencil at him, hitting his shoulder. That seemed to snap him out of it.
“You have a crush on me?”
Now it was your turn to freeze up. You recalled the words you carelessly threw out and couldn’t help but start to panic.
He wasn’t supposed to know.
He couldn’t know.
Your mind already went over all the worst-case scenarios that could play out within the next seconds.
From him laughing in your face and telling you that he would never like someone like you to him kicking you out of his dorm room and telling you to never show your face again.
Deep down you knew that those scenarios were ridiculous, but you didn’t have time to pounder about it. You needed to act quickly.
“Obviously not, idiot” you let out a giggle, hoping it sounded real, “we were talking about high school. Back then I liked you, but I am over it,” you lied, giving him a teasing grin that would hopefully do the job and make it seem like you were truly over your feelings for him.
The male slightly frowned but you tried not to think too much about his reaction.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice almost sounded cautious when he asked you that.
“Well, I planned on doing so” you decided to go with the truth this one time, “but the day I wanted to, you got together with Hana,” you still remembered the exact moment he told you about her as well as the feeling of your heart breaking into a million pieces. The worst thing had been that you couldn’t show your true feelings back then. You had to hide behind a smile and tell him how happy you were for him.
Just for a moment you frowned at the memory. You didn’t look heartbroken, but it was the first time you showed him at least a little how you truly felt.
“I guess, she kind of saved our friendship. I really dodged a bullet. I mean, imagine how awkward it would have been if I actually had confessed to you,” once more you chuckled, hoping to come off as casual as possible.
“I had no idea” Kuroo bit his bottom lip as he let those words out. How could he have known? You never dropped any hints. You were close and your behavior around him never shifted. When did you fall in love?
You were always a bit awkward when it came to affections, so he never read too much into it when you blushed when he ruffled your hair or when the two of you hugged.
Maybe that was the problem. The two of you had always been so close that the line between friends and lovers wasn’t as clear anymore.
“It´s fine, Kuroo. I´ve never blamed you. You can´t force feelings. I fell in love, and you didn’t. That’s life. I am just happy that we are still best friends. Wouldn’t know what to do without you in my life.” You meant those words.
You never resented him for having a girlfriend. You never hated Hana for taking him away from you.
His dark eyes were still fixed on you, taking in your every expression and gesture. Even though you really looked carefree he somehow wasn’t able to relax.
He too had a crush on you and if he had known you felt the same, he wouldn’t have hesitated for a second to make you his girlfriend.
Kuroo used to be so confused about his feelings. One day you were his best friend, almost like a little sister and the next you were the most gorgeous girl to ever walk the earth.
His heart had started to skip a beat when you smiled at him.
He had had to stop himself from shivering when you put a hand on his arm or shoulder.
He had felt jealous, even of his own teammates, whenever you paid more attention to them than you did to him.
He had constantly felt the need to have you close by.
He had felt like his heart would explode when you would fall asleep on his shoulder when you were having a movie night.
He hadn't known how to handle it. He had crushes before but never as intense as that and he was so sure you didn’t think of him like that.
That’s the only reason he dated Hana in the first place – as well as the girls that came after her – he hoped to be able to move on when he spent enough time with another girl.
It never worked, though. Other than you who always had been surprised when one of his relationships came to an end since they were always such a great couple according to you, he knew exactly why the relationship didn’t last.
“I´ve heard that Hana is studying in France right now. Pretty cool, isn´t it? I think-“ he didn’t say anything as you rambled on about his ex – you knew that Kuroo and her were still on good terms which was why you didn’t hesitate to bring her up – but the dark haired male could only stare at you.
He suddenly regretted all the relationships he had since high school and couldn’t help but question what if?
What if he hadn’t accepted Hana back then?
You would have confessed and maybe you would be together to this day.
What if he would have had the guts to confess to you after he failed his first relationship due to his feelings for you?
Maybe he still would have been too late but maybe not.
Was is too late now?
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- 'He has a wife'
Pairing- Elijah Mikaelson x Original!Reader
Warnings- Angst, Fluff, Forced marriage, Things get spicy, Elijah being a simp for his wife
Hayley sat having Elijah's head in her lap trying to keep his fever down after being bitten by Klaus. Elijah was hallucinating as he rubbed Hayley's arms muttering a name under his breath untill she saw what he was seeing.
You sat in tub as your husband walked in leaning against the door frame smirking watching water trail down your collar bone as he caught your attention. Elijah walked over sitting at the tub edge taking the sponge from your smaller softer hands enjoying the sight of your face flushing.
"I thought you were with your witch? Celeste, was it?"
"I wanted spend the day with you, Y/N." Elijah says lowly kissing your ankle as you looked away your face getting darker feeling his hand trail along your calf.
"Nik, is causing trouble for the witches. Since he listens to you, you should talk to him."
"I should. Perhaps a spanking is in order? But I need practice first, Come here my love." Elijah says as the water sloshed when you moved closer to Elijah wondering what he was up to. Elijah cupped your face as his kissed you deeply nipping at your bottom lip pulling a soft moan from you.
"Hayley?" Elijah rasped out as Hayley looked down at him placing a clothe on his forehead. Elijah realized he had let her in his mind.
"You saw my memories."
"I did...who ever is Y/N, she was pretty hot." Hayley tells the vampire as he groaned in pain from the bite.
"You need to leave."
"No Elijah. I'm staying until you are better." Hayley tells him going back to taking care of him.
Mikael returned home from battle with a prize from what Esther saw with Rebekah. You glared at the Viking as he pushed you forward and Esther caught you frowning seeing the dirt and torn clothes on you.
"Yes father?" Elijah questioned looking at you then at his father confused along with Esther and Rebekah.
"Meet your wife, Y/N."
"Elijah?" Hayley whispered seeing Elijah had fell asleep as she was trying to wrap her head around what she saw. Elijah had healed and not spoke to Hayley about the memories unaware she was going to meet Elijah's wife every soon.
Hayley watched in shock as the vampire attacking Elijah dropped dead as you stood holding the heart dropping it as Elijah stared up at you in surprise.
"Y/N?" Elijah whispered staring at you as you stared down at him. Elijah's eyes raked over your body seeing that you were dressed in a white tank top tucked into a pair of skinny jeans with red heels. You had gotten bit of a tan and your hair was longer from when he last saw you.
"Elijah, who is this?"
"Y/N Mikaelson.... my wife and Original." Elijah answers Hayley as he stood up finally shaking off his awe. You looked at Hayley not seeing what it could be about her to earn Elijah's affections if Klaus's word was to go by.
"You've returned to me." Elijah says snapping you from your thoughts when he cupped your cheek.
"No. Niklaus called saying you needed help." You say pulling away from Elijah not seeing his frown as you walked away. Hayley moved next to him reaching for his hand but Elijah moved it away from hers staring longingly at you.
"Elijah seriously has a wife?" Hayley asked Rebekah still having trouble warping her head around it. Rebekah was watching you from across the room while you were talking to Klaus who held a year old Hope.
"Yes. She was turned with us." Rebekah answered Hayley annoyed with her questions as for a week the hybrid had been asking questions about you. You and Elijah had an arranged marriage after your village had been attacked by Mikael and his men due to the leader of your village had attacked Mikael's first.
So to be sure you'll live your father offered you to Mikael as a wife to one of his sons while you glared as the older man ready to fight with a fire in your eyes. You were a round Elijah's age, only two years younger than the noble Mikaelson, so to Mikael, you were a perfect wife for Elijah. As Mikael didn't want Elijah to marry Tatia so he had brought you home with him even though you fought the whole way back.
"She didn't seem happy to see Elijah."
"That happens when you are forced to marry someone so you can live." Rebekah said rolling her eyes at Hayley knowing why the hybrid was asking while it took Elijah only 800 years ago to love you and treat you like his wife but you didn't return Elijah's affections or at least not from what Elijah could see as you were a hard woman to read.
"Oh....so why does she stay?"
"Because we have been with each other for so long....we can't just leave one another." Rebekah says walking away from Hayley as the hybrid watched Elijah step up beside you. Elijah's hand was on your lower back as Klaus excused hisself leaving you to talk to Elijah.
"Darling, I've missed you." Elijah says softly kissing your temple as you looked to Hayley catching her stare making the hybrid look away as Elijah focused your attention back on him.
The last time you saw your husband was back in 1912 when you left due to feeling overwhelmed by Elijah's affections so Rebekah and Klaus helped you run off one late night which broke Elijah but he understood why as there was times he forgot that your marriage was forced.
"Your little wolf seems upset Elijah." You say as Elijah's eyes flickered to Hayley then he focused back on you gently taking your hand in his kissing the wedding band on your finger.
"She isn't mine. What is mine is standing right here." Elijah says against your hand fully aware that Hayley heard him but all he could care about was you. Elijah's feelings for you had only increase as while you were gone, Elijah found hisself craving for your touch or to just have you near.
"Elijah, you don't ne...." You were cut off by Elijah kissing you softly as he cupped your cheek and an arm slipped around your waist. While you couldn't help but kiss back as you gripped his suit jacket and you had forgotten how well your body molded against Elijah's. He pulled away holding you closer resting his forehead against yours while rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
"You are my wife. I have fell in love with you over 800 years ago so don't tell me I don't have to pretend that I love you because I do. I see you and only you." Elijah tells you getting a nod from you as he smiled brushing his nose against yours enjoying how long you were allowing him to hold you.
"So you really are married?" Hayley asked seeing Elijah sitting in his study looking over a marriage certificate that needed to be updated.
"I am, I apologize for......" Elijah was cut off when Hayley sat on his desk in front of him hands on his face. Elijah looked up at Hayley seeing the the look of want in her eyes as she leaned in kissing Elijah.
"Elijah....I love you and I was hoping you would feel the same."
"Hayley....." Elijah muttered cupping her cheek as in a blur Hayley found herself on a couch and excitment filled her but noticed Elijah was by the door.
"I apologize and I am honored to earn your affections but I love by wife deeply. So please do not attempt this again."
"But Elijah..." Hayley said sadly watching him leave but Hayley knew she couldn't give up on Elijah.
Elijah headed for his bedroom surprised to find you sitting on his bed dressed in a baby blue babydoll face a deep shade of red. Elijah licked his bottom lip closing his door taking off his suit jacket and tie.
"What is all this?"
"I.....hum....wanted...I uh...be here ....with you." You were a mess trying to tell Elijah that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. Elijah walked up cupping your cheek kissing you gently.
"My sweet wife." Elijah said kissing along your neck as your arms came around his neck feeling you shuttered under his touch.
"My loving husband." You whispered cupping Elijah's face watching his eyes darken as he pounced on you.
"Klaus is Elijah awake yet?" Hayley asked walking into the Mikaelson home as Klaus looked up from his book.
"No. He is still in......" Klaus didn't get to finish as Hayley headed up to Elijah's bedroom and he smirked knowing that Hayley wouldn't like what she about to see.
"Maybe we can head up to New York during the winter. Just the two of us." Hayley heard Elijah say as she peered into Elijah's room seeing him sitting in his bed leaning back against the headboard and you were in his lap.
"Do....you...really want talk about.... that right now?" You panted out as Elijah smirked hands on your hips kissing your breast.
"Can't talk and ride?" Elijah teased you helping you move as your fingers raking through his hair before burying your face in his neck.
"No....Eli...fuck." You cried out when Elijah moved your hips harder and as if he knew Hayley was in the hallway.
"I love you. A beautiful woman with a fiery heart that I am honored to be called your husband." Elijah tells you softly watching you flushed kissing him hungrily letting him take control.
"You know Elijah is committed to his wife. Right?" Rebekah say noticing how Hayley was watching Elijah dancing with you.
"But he wasn't before."
"That is because he was younger, angry with our father and freshly turned vampire. And even though Elijah had been coldhearted to Y/N, she stayed loyal even though after we turned sh ed could have ran off."
"Rebekah is right. It would be best if you focus on your marriage to Jackson." Klaus says walking up holding Hope as Hayley frowned she knew Klaus was right she was married now but she couldn't let Elijah go.
"Maybe we should marry." Elijah says softly kissing your shoulder as you both swayed.
"But we are already married."
"I know but I want to marry you the right way not with you being forced to." Elijah said spinning you then pulled you close as you reached up cupping his face.
"Okay." You tell Elijah as he lifted you up kissing you gently as you finally allowed yourself to fully give into Elijah and finally let yourself be happy.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Secret Boyfriend | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Lupin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Keeping secrets seem to run in the Lupin family but one of the two twins has a bigger secret than the other can imagine. 
Pitter-patter could be heard inside the Gryffindor Common room. The Scotland weather never really seemed to make up its mind during the period between winter and spring. Nevertheless, it brought a calming atmosphere to the red and gold common room. The five Marauders sat in front of the fireplace, speaking to one another. Remus, Y/n, and Sirius sitting together on a couch. James on an armchair, and Peter sitting on the ground in front of the sofa. 
“So, Little Lupin.“ James drawled, “When are you getting a boyfriend?” 
Remus chuckled, quickly putting an arm around his twin sister, “Hopefully, never.” 
“Maybe I already have a boyfriend, and you lot just don’t know.” Y/n snipped as she elbowed her brother in the ribs slightly, “Oh, come on, paws!” James exclaimed teasingly. 
Paws was Y/n’s Marauder name. Her animagus was a Siamese cat, which resembled her personality quite well if you asked Remus. Y/n was quick-witted, independent, intuitive, curious, and affectionate when comfortable. She and Sirius were known to flirt all the time but recently - meaning a couple of months - they hadn’t done it at all. Perhaps Y/n was actually avoiding his flirtatious remarks. Nevertheless, Y/n’s animagus was a direct correlation with her personality. 
“Yeah, paws, you’ve been neglecting me recently. I’m not too happy with it either.” Sirius added with a fake pout, “Oh hush it, you two. Leave my sister alone. She’s got no hidden boyfriend.” Remus defended, looking at his sister. 
“Right, Y/n?” Remus coughed, and she jumped out of her daydream, “Mhm! Of course.” 
Conversation went on as usual. They began discussing new pranks, but Y/n’s jumper pocket felt heavier than usual, knowing what’s inside. It was a cream-colored envelope with the Black family crest as a seal. Y/n knew more than anyone that Sirius wouldn’t be happy to see the familiar logo, but this wasn’t from his parents. It was from his little brother, and Y/n was anxious to give it to him. So when James, Remus, and Peter went upstairs, Y/n pulled him aside before he could leave. 
“Padfoot, wait.” Y/n called, and he turned back, “What's up, paws?” Sirius queried, turning to face her. 
She sighed and pulled the envelope from her pocket, “Please, read this. It isn’t what you think it is despite the seal.” Y/n stated, handing him the parchment. 
“Where did you get this?” Sirius asked as he opened the packaging, “Regulus.” Y/n’s answer was firmer than expected. 
Nonetheless, the letter inside seemed essential to his fellow Marauder, so he opened it. Inside he was met with his little brother's prominent handwriting. The black ink treaded so seamlessly across the brown paper. Y/n remembered watching him write it at his desk, desperately trying to collect his thoughts while his hand shook relentlessly. She couldn’t do anything but sit from his bed and watch. Regulus needed to do this alone. 
After reading, Sirius slid the letter back inside its packaging, “Well, it���s his fault.” 
“Actually, it isn’t.” Y/n quipped, “Listen, Sirius, Regulus is trying. He really is.” 
“You would know this how?”
“Because we’ve been friends for a long time.” 
“Oh really?” Sirius questioned sarcastically, crossing his arms, “Since when did you and Reggie become so close?” 
“He began tutoring me in third year for Potions.” Y/n answered, “You couldn’t have asked Remus?”
“No. “ Y/n shook her head, “Slughorn wanted Regulus specifically.” 
“Well then. Full moon tomorrow, hope you’re prepared.” Sirius chirped as he began walking up the steps to his dorm, “I’m always prepared.” Y/n replied to essentially no one. 
She sighed. It was apparent Sirius didn’t want to believe what Regulus had written. It would’ve been hard on anyone. But Regulus wanted it to come from him instead of Sirius finding out. Since Y/n’s third year - Regulus’ second year - she felt attracted to him. He always made time for her. It wasn’t until their fourth year when she realized it. In her fifth year, they made it official. Regulus Black and Y/n Lupin were a couple but hidden beneath an invisibility cloak. 
Seventh year wasn’t easy. The upcoming war, her brother's lycanthropy, N.E.W.T.S, and Regulus getting the dark mark. Nothing seemed to be working in her favor. Books didn’t even seem to please her anymore. Her eyes wandered while she began to daydream about anything rather than reality itself. People began to notice how lost the girl appeared. 
Especially her brother. 
Study sessions with her weren’t the same. Some days her eyes would appear glossier than usual as if someone put a coating of lip gloss over them. Maybe they were rimmed with a pastel pink seeming tired and unhappy. The tremors in her hands were hard to ignore as she wrote with her quill. If there’s one thing Remus Lupin was good at, it was being observant; however, there wasn’t time, and he didn’t have the patience to deal with this right now. The full moon approaching meant that Remus’ patience tolerance was down to about none. 
There was one thing that brought her clarity. Regulus Black. The Gryffindor common room was always a warm and welcoming atmosphere. In contrast, the Slytherin common room was cold and damp, but it brought her comfort because of the person inside. Y/n padded quietly inside of his prefect hallway, which was beside the Slytherin common. She walked into his bedroom, which was dark. 
No candles lit. Just dark. Regulus always felt comfort in the dark, but it wasn’t dark because of that. It was dark because he was absent. Y/n peered over to his desk, where letters sat from his mother and some cousins. Andromeda seemed to try and reach him, but the letter looked unopened. There was one that caught her eye. It was Remus’ handwriting, and it was from him. It was also opened. Y/n knew she couldn’t stay all night. The full moon was due to rise in just two hours. 
Picking up the parchment, she began to read:
“ To Regulus Black, 
You need to step up. I get it. Sirius has been disowned, but he tries to make an effort. Can’t you see that? Sirius really needs you, and I know that you miss him too. This whole stubborn game of not wanting to talk to each other has gone on long enough. 
I know what it’s like to argue with a sibling, and it isn’t pleasant. Suck it up, swallow your pride and talk to Sirius. You don’t have to ultimately make up, but please, he’s trying. 
From, Remus Lupin. “
Y/n swallowed down her anger. Who was Remus to get involved in their affairs? If Sirius and Regulus didn’t want to interact, that was their problem, not his. It infuriated her. But she didn’t have time to babble around. Y/n pointed her wand at her and became a cat. Perks of her animagus being allowed at Hogwarts, she could roam around freely without suspicion. Quickly she sprinted down to the Whomping Willow, where she was met with her three Marauders in human form. Y/n transformed back. 
“Where were you! I was worried sick!” Remus scolded, “Nowhere, but we need to talk later.” Y/n answered. 
They got Remus in the shack and changed into their animagus forms. A stag, a rat, a dog, and a cat. The dog and the cat had the most interaction with the werewolf. Sometimes the dog and werewolf would cuddle up beside each other, whereas the cat would sleep on its own along with the other two animals. The following day Y/n and Sirius lugged Remus up to the hospital wing. Y/n sat beside him the entire time while the other three went off. Sirius and James were off to Quidditch practice. Peter was off to see his girlfriend in Hufflepuff. 
Y/n tapped aimlessly on Remus’ hand, “M- Morning.”
“Morning, Moony.” Y/n greeted, “How are you feeling?” 
“What did we need to talk about?” Remus questioned, and Y/n tilted her head, “You said we needed to talk before going to the shack.”
“Yes, I did. Um- uh- did you send Regulus a letter by any chance?” Y/n stammered, “I did. Why?” 
“I saw it.” Y/n replied shortly, “You saw it?” Remus repeated incredulously. 
She nodded, “How did you see it?” 
“Regulus and I are friends. Sometimes we hang out in his dorm.” The words seemed like nothing as they rolled off her tongue, “You hang out in the Slytherin dorms? Is that why you always know the password so we can do pranks?” 
“Of course.” Y/n chuckled, “I use my privilege to its advantage.”
Remus began to get up but grimaced, causing Y/n to jump up to help him. Gently she eased him to a sitting position. A new scratch on his cheek and multiple on his arms. It’s evident that the cat and the dog had to stop him. The thin scratches on his arms were a cat's nails. The thicker scratch on his cheek was a dog's nails. Remus looked down at his arms. 
“I’m sorry.” Y/n muttered, “Not your fault, paws. Who was it this time?” Remus asked. 
“Prongs. Apparently, you wanted Prongs.” Y/n answered, and he kissed the top of her head, “Thank you for stopping me.” 
“Anything for my brother.” 
“Just like anything for our Moony?”
Y/n laughed, “Yeah.”
Paws began to tap on his hand again, until a voice echoed through the hospital wing, “Y/n?” 
“Y/n?” The voice called again, and Remus quirked his eyebrow at his sheepish sister, “Y/n!” 
Suddenly a black-haired, grey-eyed, pale figure was beside her. He didn’t realize what he was doing until he had already kissed the top of her head worriedly. Y/n turned pink at the affection and the embarrassment of it happening in front of her brother. Remus coughed, and the male stood straight. 
“Regulus, what a surprise.” Remus retorted, “Didn’t think you’d ever visit me in the infirmary.”
“Remus, please-“ 
“I wouldn’t.” Regulus snapped, “Then why are you here?” Remus inquired. 
Regulus’ hand was playing aimlessly with the ends of Y/n’s hair, “Moony….” Y/n began at a whisper, “Regulus is my boyfriend.”
“This-“ Remus pointed at them both with a laughing smile, “Is funny.”
“Nice prank, paws, but it isn’t going to work.”
Y/n sighed, “It isn’t a prank, Rem.” 
“We’ve been together for about two years now.” She confessed, and Regulus stiffened, “Friends, my ass.” Remus scoffed bitterly. 
“Remus, please-“ Y/n began, “No, please just leave. We can talk about this later when I’m in the right frame of mind. Because if you don’t leave, now I might throw a punch.” Remus replied. 
She sighed and reluctantly left with Regulus trailing behind her. Y/n didn’t want to cry. It was pitiful. Regulus never had a good relationship with Sirius since Hogwarts, yet he didn’t seem to care. Thankfully, after building the Marauders Map, she knew every little crevice and hiding spot. Pulling back a tapestry, she sat down on the cement floor. Regulus doing the same beside her. Hesitantly he pulled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. 
“This is pitiful.” Y/n chuckled bitterly, “I’m sorry, Reggie.”
“It isn’t pitiful. You and Remus have a close relationship. It’s okay to be sad about him telling you off.” Regulus replied, placing his chin on the top of her head, “Sirius and I are different. Don’t compare you and Remus with us.”
Y/n nuzzled into his chest, “I saw the letter Remus sent you.”
“I- I saw the way he spoke to you, and I’m sorry.” Y/n stated, “I hope he comes around.” 
“I do too, love.” Regulus kissed the top of her head, “ I do too.”
It was quiet for a moment until two figures pulled back the tapestry, “Oi! Get off, little Lupin!” James exclaimed, and Y/n sighed, “Sirius, James, please just leave.”
“What are you doing with my mate's little sister, Regulus?” Sirius interrogated, “Comforting her. She needs me.” Regulus retorted, tightening his grip on her shoulder. 
Y/n stood up and pulled Regulus with her, “Come on. We four need to talk.” 
The four of them walked into a broom closet. It was a quiet walk. Eerily quiet. It brought shivers down Y/n’s spine at how silent the walk was. The tension was so thick you couldn’t cut it with a knife. The pressure felt like sludge. It was thick and mush. But when Y/n opened the door, the lot of them walked inside. James and Sirius stared expectantly. 
“Regulus and I have been dating since my fifth year.” Y/n began, and Regulus intertwined their hands. 
“Little Lupin!” Sirius exclaimed, “You weren’t lying when you said you had a secret boyfriend!”
“You scandalous little thing!”
“I can’t believe this.” James stated after running his hand through his hair, “How did Remus take it?”
“Not very well.” Y/n replied, “He kicked me out of the hospital wing when Regulus showed up. “
“He’s- He’s not in the right mindset, though. He’ll come to. I know he will. He has to.”
Sirius’ eyes softened, “Moony will come around. It might just take him a minute.” 
“Regulus.” James called, and grey eyes stared at him, “Y/n is a Marauder.”
“I know that.” Regulus interrupted, “She is my little sister as much as she is Remus’” James continued. 
“And mine!” Sirius added, smiling brightly, “Y/n is our little sister. The lot of us depend on her. We can’t, and we won’t have her heartbroken.” James explained sternly, suddenly looking a lot like Mrs. Potter. 
Regulus’ cheeks flushed with pink, “I love her, I really do. I don’t plan on breaking her heart anytime soon.” 
“You’re gonna be my sister-in-law!” Sirius squealed, hugging Y/n forcefully, almost knocking her over, “Oh, little Lupin.” He cooed. 
“You’re all grown up!” 
They laughed, and Sirius kissed her forehead, “Take care of him, will you?” He whispered so only she could hear, “Of course.” Y/n smiled. 
“Alright, alright, I’d like my girlfriend back,” Regulus replied, taking her away from Sirius’ arms. 
Sirius gulped, “How’s mum going to take this, Reggie?” 
“I don’t care.” Regulus retorted, “Mums gonna have to deal with it.” 
The smile on Sirius’ face was brighter than the sun, “Oh, Reggie!” He wailed, pulling Regulus into a tight hug. 
The two brothers smiled as they hugged each other. Regulus sleeve slipped up, and James stepped back, pulling out his wand. The two Black brothers pulled apart, and that’s when Sirius saw it. The dark mark on his brother's sleeve. Y/n stiffened as Sirius lifted his sleeve up further to see it clearly. 
“Sirius, please, I didn’t want it.” Regulus pleaded, “She- They- Please.”
James watched intently at them. Sirius’ eyes had filled with tears as he embraced his younger brother. For the first time in a long time, Regulus felt protected in his brother's arms. James walked closer and joined them. Hugging both Black brothers as close as he could. James Potter, the man who never stops giving. They pulled apart, and James took Reggie into his own arms. 
“You need anything, you come to me, okay?” James informed sternly, and Regulus nodded, “Ye- Yeah.”
“Remus and Y/n always come for the holidays. You won’t be alone.” James stated smiling, “My parents already have one Black; they won’t mind another.” 
The Black brother smiled, “Thank you….”
The days went on, and Regulus still avoided the Marauders altogether. Remus glared at him from the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Deep emerald green eyes were flashing at the grey ones that sat at the Slytherin table. Until Y/n jabbed him in the ribs, taking his attention away from the younger Black brother. 
“Remus.” Y/n scolded, “Stop it.”
“I think you’re too hard on him, Moony.” James began, “He loves your sister. Maybe talk to him.” 
“No.” Remus snapped, “You guys can accept this, but I can’t.” 
They didn’t push any further. Y/n and Remus had been distant from each other. It was weird to watch the twins who were typically attached at the hip to be so - abroad. Regulus didn’t like that he was now the cause of their fussing. After all, they were the reason Sirius and him were on speaking terms now. So Regulus and Sirius made a plan. It involved them being locked in a broom closet, and so it happened—one night after dinner. 
Remus was shoved into a cupboard, not by his own liking either, “Come on, Sirius! This isn’t funny. I have prefect duties to do!”
“Actually, someone else has taken them over.” Regulus informed, and Remus whipped around, “What are you two doing here?”
“Remus, explain it to me.” Regulus began, “Why you don’t approve of me with your sister.”
“Because! You’re a bloody death eater! You probably forced her to be with you.” Remus exclaimed. 
Y/n scoffed, “A pureblood forcing himself with a half-breed? Doesn’t seem likely.” 
Remus ran his hand through his hair, “Okay, he’s still a death eater!”
“I was forced!” Regulus exclaimed, “They strapped me to a chair and embedded the mark into my forearm. You don’t think I wasn’t thinking of her the entire time?! I was scared out of my mind!”
“The entire time, all I could think about was ‘How is Y/n gonna take this.’” Regulus admitted, “My heart aches for her. I didn’t want her to be scared.”
Remus’ green eyes turned soft, “Does she accept you? Does she love you? Do you love her?”
“Yes, Remus. I love him for who he is. James offered him a place to stay at the Potters.” Y/n replied, “And yes, I love her.” 
Tears filled her eyes, “Remus, please. I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Remus held out his arms, and she walked right into them. He placed one hand on the back of her head and one on the small of her waist. Holding her close to his heart, rubbing his thumb through her hair. Regulus’ grey eyes stared at the two siblings before him. Remus’ heart softened at his crying sister. He never wanted to hurt her, ever. 
“Paws.” Remus began as he pulled away slightly, “Does he make you happy?”
Y/n sniffled and nodded; Remus wiped her cheeks, “Okay.”
“Does he know you, for you?” 
Remus turned to Regulus as Y/n parted with him, “Where’s paws favorite place to be scratched?”
Regulus chuckled, “Behind her ears.”
“Take care of my little sister.” Remus pleaded, “Please, Regulus.” 
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect any different.” Regulus answered. 
Remus walked forward and put out his hand. Hesitantly Regulus shook his hand. Grey eyes met green ones. Remus couldn’t help the smile that placed itself on his face. Without hesitation, he pulled Regulus into a tight hug.
“Take care of my sister, and I’ll take care of you.”
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