#v; fire meets fate
paeonie-s · 1 year
my current read on yoshidas ch is that hes the equivalent of a high schooler being made manager of a mcdonald’s bc all of his adult coworkers quit which leads him to believe that the fate of the world now depends on his ability to keep the drive thru times below 90 seconds
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eraenaa · 5 months
A Bastard's Bride, A Dragon's Desire
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen Princess Reader
Synopsis: They have betrothed you to Jacaerys as a way of securing a line to the throne if they fail in usurping your half-sister’s crown. Your older brother Aemond was livid at the decision.
Warnings: Targcest, Mature, 18+, Submissive Aemond (kinda), Oral Sex (M receiving), Boobjob, P in V Sex, Jealousy, Possessive, not proofread
Word Count: 4,327
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“This cannot go! You dare betrothed my sister to a bastard!?” Aemond screamed at your grandfather and mother. Never have you seen him so angry and agitated. His lilac eye was wide in fury, his frame rigid in rage. You did not wish for the betrothal, but you did not have the same anger that Aemond showed. Screaming and spewing foul words as if he was the one being sent as a bride for the plain prince. “My prince— you will learn to hold your tongue.” Your grandfather warned. “We understand your qualms upon the match; believe it or not, we do not wish for it. But it is a marriage that must be made.” Your grandfather sighed, his eyes going to you, who had your head downcast, ready to silently meet your fate.
You peeked a look at Aemond, heart swelling at how protective your brother was. How he would defend and voice out the concerns and fears because you did not have the courage to. You tried to reach for his hand under the table; your touch always seemed to calm him, but he was in a state of utter anger— rage at a level he had never reached before. His vision was white hot at the injustice he believed to be presented— injustice greater than when his eye was taken. For how could they be so cruel to betroth you, his sweet, smart, and enchanting little sister, to a plain and weak bastard of House Strong? “I will not stand by this union,” Aemond seethed and stood from his chair. “With all due respect, my prince, you have no say nor sway upon the marriage— complain and rage as you would; you will not change the plans made. You swallowed thickly as Aemond marched out of the chambers of the council, your mother heavily sighing at the reaction of your older brother—his reaction to your betrothal confirmed her suspicions. 
You walked to your chambers and were slightly startled to see your older brother there. Staring intently at the fire, waiting for you. “They cannot do this— they cannot be allowed to dict—“ You sighed and shook your head, sitting upon a settee and bringing a pillow to your lap. “They have the power to— I have no choice but to do as they wish,” You answered. You knew of this— you always knew you were to be played like a pawn, sold like a sheep in order for them to have a greater claim to the throne. You’ve expected this for years— you have made your peace with it. 
Aemond turned to you, his eye dark and terrifying. “Why are you not angered? Why do you only obey without even a question?” He asked, threading closer to you. “Tell me, sister… do you wish to marry Jacaerys? Is that why you said no word when they made their plans known? Hm? Are you ecstatic at the thought of being a bastard’s bride?” Your lips agape at his words— at his anger that he now pointed towards you. 
“Grandfather was right— you must learn to hold your tongue.” You whispered. “You dare insult me, brother? You dare try to dress my quiet contempt as ecstasy in being a lamb for slaughter so they can continue on with their plans,” You whispered harshly as his face threaded closer to yours. His lilac eye softened and started to fill with remorse, but you shook your head, disheartened by the words he uttered. “Get out,” You said and stood, not wanting to face him any longer. Growing hurt at your brother for thinking as such. “Sister, I—“ he tried to get hold of your arm, but you stepped away. “Leave— I wish to be alone,” You muttered, hearing him sigh before doing as you asked. 
The following day, you confined yourself to your rooms. Ignoring the knocks of your maids, sister, mother, Aegon, and Aemond, who was the most persistent of them all. Trying to bribe you with sweets freshly made from the kitchen and then the promise of jewels and dresses that your heart was completely bemused with. You ignored all their calls and focused on the betrothal made. Trying hard to have a better outlook upon it— trying to find the little positives so you would not be so completely miserable with the marriage. “Ñuha hāedar, you must eat— please.” (My little sister) You hear Aemond call; it is time for supper, and you have not consumed a meal the entire day. He called your name once more, but you ignored it, simply staring out of the window to the starry night sky.  
“I swear to the gods I will break down this door!” Aemond gritted out— trying a new tactic because his pleading got him no reaction. The prince sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, growing tired of your stubbornness. He regretted raising his voice at you— wrongfully pointing his anger at you, who was simply a victim of their desire to ensure a line of power. He could not bear it— he could not have another thing taken from him by the Strongs. He already lost his eye to Lucerys— he’d rather burn the entire Kingdom than have to lose you to Jacaerys. 
Aemond sighed in relief as he heard you unbar the door, slowly opening it to reveal your sullen self. “The cake,” Was all you said through the little gap. Aemond bit his lip and handed you the platter that held your favorite sweet. He was to speak once more, offer his apologies but you were quick to shut the door and bar it again. 
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The next day, you were finally forced out of your chambers. Your mother was persistent in readying you to meet your future betrothed. Having you fitted for new dresses as if you were a doll. You used to love that— you used to love spending hours discussing your visions and specificity for your dresses. You did not mind having to stand for hours whilst they took your measurements— you would even volunteer to embroider your own dress, but now the task seemed heavy. 
Aemond watched you as you were being spoken to about the plans they had made when your bastard kin was to come. He watched your sullen eyes, your deflated shoulders, your pouted lips. The rage in him started to return; he hated witnessing you be in such a state. He believed that you do not deserve to be given such a cruel fate. He believed that you deserve someone better—someone who was not a plain bastard. You deserved someone honorable and were of high standing. You deserved someone who would adore you, dote on you, spoil you, love you— you deserved to be with someone like him. Aemond clenched his jaw as you sighed heavily; your mother had ignored his wishes and pleas.
His mind was made long before. He knew he loved you more than the love a brother and sister shared. He loved you in the way of your house, in the way of a dragon— queer it must be in the eyes of the others, but he did not care; he loved you as a man would love his woman. But he was silent with his love, fearing you would not return it. Yes, he felt that you loved him, but he believed it only to be a familial kind— that it was not the same as the burning passion he had in his heart. 
Aemond lay on his bed, mind swimming in thoughts on how to save you. On how to make you his. It did occur to him that to make you his, he would have to admit the deep feelings he had and was certain of ever since he was but nine. That he would have to confess his devotion to you, his sweet little sister. He hears a small knock on his door, and he immediately knows it is you. The prince did not even stand, simply muttering for you to enter. No word was uttered as you closed the door and walked to him, who lay on his bed. Your brother was to sit up, but you moved to lay atop his chest— just like you often did in childhood. You wanted comfort, and your brother Aemond is always and you believe will forever be your greatest comfort. 
Aemond froze as you placed yourself atop him, letting your body press against his, your arms wrapping around his neck. You two did this often in childhood; whenever you felt glum or melancholic, you would place yourself atop him, and he would wrap his arms tightly around you. But as the both of you blossomed and grew into man and woman, you stopped doing such actions— growing weary and aware of your bodies. 
Aemond wrapped his arms around your waist. You were so warm and soft and plush. Your frame fitted perfectly against his— just like it always has. “I do not wish to marry him,” You mumble against his letter-clad chest, taking a deep breath to smell his scent: leather and citrus. “I know,” He mumbled against the top of your head. Aemond taking a deep breath of you— lavender and lilac invading him. 
“Perhaps I should flee…” you mused after a stretch of silence. “And go where?” Aemond asked. “I do not know… maybe Essos? I’ve always wanted to see YiTi, or I could go and find Old Valyria? Anywhere but here.” You sighed as Aemond ran his hand through your hair. Your body tingled with every stroke his hand made. “You would leave me?” He asked, and you shook your head. “No, you would come with me, of course.” Aemond smiled at your words. “Of course,” He agreed and placed a kiss atop your pretty head. You stayed in Aemond’s arms for hours— drifting off to slumber. Aemond stayed awake, wanting to savor the feeling of having you in his arms, indulging himself with the thought that you were his. 
However, as time went on and you were starting to wake, Aemond’s heart clenched at the thought of letting you go. Right then and there, he had decided. He decided to do what he never had the courage to do… he had to claim you and make it known to everyone that you were his and his alone. 
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The scowl never left Aemond’s face as he and Helaena were tasked to escort you and Jacaerys. Having to watch you grow familiar with the boy they intend for you to marry made his heart wrench in jealousy— his stomach pitting in fear as he saw a small smile on your lips. Aemond resisted the urge to throw a dagger at his eldest bastard nephew when he dared take your hand to escort you down the steps of the courtyard. “You’re growing too obvious, brother,” Helaena muttered as she watched you acclimate yourself to the presence of the Strong Prince. “I do not care— let them know my intentions,” Aemond answered, holding tightly at the railing as he saw the enchantment in Jacaerys’ eyes as he spoke with you, body daring thread closer to yours. “I’m afraid there is not much you could do… they are to be bounded by blood,” Aemond shook his head, stubborn and unaccepting of their fates. 
When evening came, and supper was held for the whole of the family, Aemond stewed in anger as your place next to him was removed— moving your place to sit with your soon-to-be-announced betrothed. You took in a breath as Jacaerys took hold of your hand, a smile on his lips. But you could not focus on the joy he showed because you saw clearly the scowl on your brother’s. His hand tightly clenched around a dinner knife, his eye steady on you. 
“This is torture for you, isn’t it,” Aegon muttered to his younger brother. His eye held a spark of amusement at Aemond’s ire— but there was a tinge of concern at the uncertain look in your eyes as Jacaerys kept his hold on your hand. “Return to your seat,” Aemond gritted but Aegon kept still at his spot. “You’ve waited too long, brother… you must take matters into your own hands before it truly is all too late,” He advised. Aemond closed his eye at the temptation his brother’s words presented. “As much as I like to watch you suffer… control yourself and painfully deny yourself of pleasure— I’d rather have our little sister here with you than be with a bastard in Dragonstone.” 
Aemond gritted his jaw. “Enough, Aegon— what you suggest will not only dishonor me but our sister as well. You a—“ Aegon sighed and shook his head. “There is an opportunity for you, brother, to gain something you’ve wanted since we were children— lower your damned pride and self-righteousness and make her your own. Either that or watch her be married to Jacaerys; it’s your choice, Aemond.” Aegon warned and finally returned to his seat, leaving his younger brother silent, confused, and torn.  
You were in your chambers after the supper— you dismissed your handmaids, wanting to be left alone. You readied yourself, removing the pins in your hair as you stared at yourself in the mirror, your eyes admiring the dress made especially for the occasion. You sighed that such a pretty dress was made for the sole purpose of pleasing your future groom, whom you had no love nor fondness for. You stared at yourself in the mirror until you jumped in shock as you caught a glimpse of your older brother standing behind you. “You scared me,” You said as your eyes locked, you returning to remove the pins in your hair. 
You tried not to grow conscious at how he was in your chambers after dark, at how your dress was partly unlaced and the sleeves were starting to drape off, and you especially tried not to notice the dark look in Aemond’s eye that you could not read or process. “I have a gift for you,” Aemond said lowly, walking closer to you, who still faced the mirror, your eyes never leaving his as he approached. You took in a breath as you felt him behind you, a few inches away, but you still felt the heat that radiated from his body; you still smelt his familiar scent. 
“What is it?” You asked. Aemond wanted to smile as he saw the clear excitement in your eyes. You were always bemused by gifts and shiny things. “Close your eyes,” He dipped down and whispered. There was a hint of hesitancy in you, your skin growing with gooseflesh at the way he whispered in the shell of your ear and how his lips grazed your skin. You licked your lips as you were certain that you would recall this moment as you lay in your bed and pleasured yourself with the thought of Aemond. You were shameless to do such an act— seeking pleasure with the thought of your brother in mind. 
Aemond watched as you obeyed him and closed your eyes. His own wye flying to your lips, shiny and pink. How magnificent it must be to kiss them, he thought. Aemond is distracted as he stares at you, memorizing each part of your face. “What’s your gift?” You asked impatiently. Aemond made no answer. You froze as you felt something cold touch your bare upper chest. You peeled your eyes open, the orbs growing wide as you Aemond clasped a sapphire necklace around your neck. “Aemond…” You called in shock at the beautiful gift. Aemond took in a breath and let his fingers graze the soft skin of your shoulders, letting himself indulge and touch you in such a way. 
You finally turned to your brother, a somewhat satisfied look in his eye as you marveled at his gift. There was another emotion in his eye, something that was always present but you could never decipher. “Thank you,” You sincerely said. “Anything for you, ñuha perzys,” (my fire)
He had never called you that before. He had never addressed you with such a primal and almost possessive tone. You did not know what possessed you— why you did it. Too muddled in excitement and silent wanting perhaps, but you stood at the tip of your toes as kissed his lips. A kiss that was never meant for brother and sister— a kiss that was meant for the intimacy of man and wife. Aemond took in a harsh breath as he felt plump and soft lips against his— him tasting cherry wine and feeling a delicate frame against his. When the uncertainty left Aemond, he tried to move his arms to wrap around you— to flush you tight against him, but sensibilities returned, and you backed away. Fear trickles inside you as you realize what you have done. 
“I… I’m sorry… I should not have do—“ You could not word out the finality of your sentence as Aemond pulled you to him and smashed your lips. Holding you tight to him even though you tried to push him away, keeping your lips locked even though they should have never met. “Aemond,” You called as both of you gasped for air; his hold on you was tight and secure— painful even, but pain disguised itself as pleasure as you felt yourself grow in need with each passing moment you were in your brother’s arms. 
“You will never be his… you’re only mine.” He stated—a promise in his eye. You gasped as you felt him tear away your dress. “You want me, yes? Say it, my fire,” He whispered, tone desperate for you. “I want you… I need you,” You muttered and sighed as his lips met with yours again. “Say that you’re mine,” Aemond ordered, as his lips flew to your neck decorated with his gift. His hands planted on your shift-covered waist, not daring to move until you uttered that you were his as much as he was yours. “All yours, Aemond— never his, only yours,” You distractedly uttered as your mind clouded with the feel of his lips on your neck. That was the assurance Aemond needed to let his hands travel your frame. 
One of his strong hands gripped the flesh of your behind; the other went to your chest. Heaving and soft, the bud calling for his touch. He would have to admit, ever since womanhood struck you, he had grown tempted more than once by your tits. Especially when you have grown a fondness of wearing dresses with a lower cut, going against your mother’s orders, and proudly fashioning a neckline that exposed a tease of your bosom. A breathy moan escaped your lips as Aemond picked the bud, rolling it between his callused fingers. You’ve wanted to feel his touch for years now— deeply desired him that it started to make you grow crazed. And now to finally have him? You felt like you could come by just how his hand played with your tit and how his lips peppered kisses on your neck. 
“Tell me what you want, my fire,” He whispered in the shell of your ear as he noticed you closed your legs and whines leaving your lips. “You— I want you.” You said decisively. You watch his eye grow dark, his lips twitching. “Then you shall have me,” Aemond answered. You bit your lip as another wave of need washed over you. “Tell me how you want me,” Aemond said, giving you control. Your cheeks heat at his words, “I… I want you to lie on the bed,” You said quietly, making Aemond smirk. He dipped down and quickly kissed your lips before doing as you meekly ordered. 
You blushed even more as Aemond expectantly lay on your bed; you were uncertain about what you should do; you had a faint idea of what you wanted, but you lacked the courage to proceed. You gazed at him, though the most evident thing in his lilac eye was lust; you saw his encouragement through it. You swallowed your doubts and bit your lip, moving to remove your shift before him. Aemond turned rigged as you stripped the last of your clothing for him. Leaving you bare and completely exposed. You had not touched him yet, but he could not help but let out a groan of pleasure as he saw your body. You were truly carved by the gods themselves. 
You kept your bite on your lip as you threaded closer to him, bare and moving to straddle him. You hear him take a breath, his eye scanning your body. “Take off your eye patch,” You said, willing your voice to sound stronger. Aemond froze, hesitant to do so. You waited for him; the silence wanted you to take back what you said. Aemond mustered his own courage and let himself be exposed to you. You were taken aback as you saw him fully, as you realized why he chose to give you a sapphire necklace. No word was uttered as you kissed him again. Kissed him until both of you grew dazed. Your hands moved to remove his tunic and unbuckle his belt. Your lips grew downward from his lips to his jaw, then to his neck, to his chest, until finally, your lips hovered over the wanting bulge in his trousers.
Aemond felt himself grow cold in anticipation; a moan slipped his lips as you placed a light kiss on the cloth-covered bulge. You gazed up at him, eyes locking, both desperate for more— you decided to end both of your torments. You pulled down his trousers and revealed his hard length, needing and seeking for your touch. You licked your lips and placed a loud kiss on the tip of his cock; already releasing a clear bead of liquid. You were satisfied as Aemond let out another moan— he was usually so quiet… you would think he’d be quiet when in pleasure as well. 
Aemond shuddered as you took the tip of him in your warm mouth, your tongue circling his cock. You were barely doing anything, and he already felt the urge to release. You took in a deep breath and moved your head to take as much of his long and thick cock, your eyes watering as you could not physically fit the whole of him in your mouth. You were breathing heavily as his cock slipped out your lips, your hands moving up and down his length, coating it with wetness. 
Aemond marveled at every movement you made, every flutter of your eyes, every flick of your wrist. He was certain that he was in heaven as you positioned yourself, taking his cock in between your heavy and heaving tits. Your name slipped lips, lost in utter pleasure as you fucked him with your tits. His large cock fits nicely between your ample bosom. Aemond fisted the silk sheets of your bed, his toes curling in utter pleasure as your movements fastened and as you moaned as your nipples grazed along his skin. You clenched your legs together, feeling the tightening coil of release even though it was you who was pleasuring him. 
Aemond felt himself ready for release but he could not have that— not yet. You gasped as you were yanked off, Aemond switching your positions. Now, you were the one to lay beneath him. You feel him coat himself with your wetness, his cock teasing your folds. “Make me yours,” You whispered.
Aemond groaned as his cock pushed inside your— your walls already clenched and painfully wrapped around him. You feel the prickle of tears as he tore his way through you, the blood from having your maidenhead taken mixing with the wanting essence of your cunt. You let out a shuddered breath as you feel him fill you— fully inside you and the tip of his cock hitting a place that made you forget about the pain of taking him fully. 
Aemond let out pleasured breaths as he tucked his head in your neck, deeply inhaling your scent and savoring the way you moaned his name and how you clung to him. Your fingernails scratching along his back, your hips moving to meet his thrusts. “I thought you innocent, sister— but look at you… you act like such a whore,” Aemond nipped your neck, leaving a mark for all to see. “Just for you… only for you,” You managed to say in between moans. Aemond let out a groan at how you declared yourself his— only his. 
Aemond’s thrust grew faster; your moans grew louder as both of you sought release. Aemond removed his head from your neck and admired the whole of you under him. Your tits bounced with each and every thrust, your lips parted, and your eyes rolled back in pleasure—the sapphire necklace he gave shining from the light of the moon. Aemond let out a groan through gritted teeth as he realized your hand moved to draw circles upon your needing bud, shameless as you pleasured yourself whilst he pleasured you. “Aemond… I’m— I’m,” You instead moaned, the words not coming to you as you felt yourself ready to release. 
“Scream my name when you come— let them know who you belong to,” Aemond ordered with one last thrust, you doing as he said. His name leaving your lips with the tone of nothing but sheer pleasure. Aemond gave a deep final thrust before filling you with his seed— making certain that all part of you will be his. 
That night, you and Aemond slept peacefully and satisfied in each other’s arms. Waiting for morning to come for all to see that the only one you belong to— that the only one you wanted bound to you was your brother.
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kckt88 · 2 months
You Really Got Me.
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After being dragged to a club by his brother, Aemond meets the girl of his dreams.
Warning(s): Alcohol, Flirting, Banter, Kissing, Smut, Oral Sex M & F Recieving, Multiple Orgasms, P in V sex.
Word Count: 3384
A.N - Shout out to @zeciex for suggesting I write this!!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
As the bass thumped through the club, Aemond Targaryen leaned back against the plush leather booth, a tumbler of amber liquid swirling in his hand. His older brother Aegon was at it again, prowling the dance floor in search of his next conquest, his laughter mingling with the music and the chatter of the crowd.
Aemond couldn't help but shake his head at Aegon's antics, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Some things never changed, no matter how old they got. But then, his attention was caught by a figure sitting at the bar.
She was captivating, with long, dark hair cascading over her shoulders and a leather jacket over her dress only adding an edge to her ensemble.
Her fingers tapped against her thigh in time with the beat, a subtle rhythm that drew Aemond's gaze like a moth to flame and he found himself unable to look away.
As the music pulsed around them, Aemond felt a surge of courage wash over him. With a glance towards his brother, who was still lost in his pursuit, he made his decision. Setting down his drink, he straightened his jacket and approached the bar, a newfound determination in his step.
It had been a good few months since he’d last took a woman to his bed and tonight, he would take a chance, and see where the night would lead.
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With a steady resolve, Aemond made his way through the pulsating crowd towards the bar where the captivating woman sat. As he approached, he couldn't help but admire the graceful way she moved to the music, her presence commanding attention.
Just as he was about to speak, fate intervened in the form of a misstep.
The woman turned at the wrong moment, her sudden movement catching Aemond off guard. Before he could react, their paths collided, and the contents of her drink went tumbling through the air, splashing across the front of his shirt.
"Whoa, I'm so sorry!" Aemond exclaimed, his hand instinctively reaching out to steady her as they both stumbled back from the collision.
The woman's eyes widened in surprise, a look of mortification crossing her features as she took in the mess they had created. "Oh gods, I didn't see you there," she apologized, her voice tinged with embarrassment.
"It's alright, really," Aemond reassured her, offering a warm smile despite the dampness seeping through his shirt. "Accidents happen."
Together, they shared a rueful laugh, the tension of the moment dissipating into shared amusement.
As they both cleaned up the mess, the woman offered a sheepish smile. "I'm Y.N," she introduced herself, her voice soft but carrying a hint of warmth.
"Aemond," he replied, offering his hand with a gentle shake. "Nice to meet you, Y.N, despite the unconventional start."
Y.N's smile widened, a glint of amusement sparkling in her eyes. "Likewise, Aemond. And I must say, you handle unexpected collisions quite well."
Aemond chuckled, a hint of colour rising to his cheeks. "Years of practice," he quipped, enjoying the easy banter that flowed between them.
Feeling a sense of camaraderie growing between them, Aemond gestured towards the bar. "Can I make it up to you by buying you another drink?" he offered, hoping to extend their conversation beyond the initial mishap.
Y.N's lips curved into a playful grin. "I suppose that would be fair compensation," she teased, a sparkle of mischief dancing in her eyes.
With a shared laugh, they made their way to the bar, the music and chatter of the club fading into the background as they continued to get to know each other.
As they settled into a more intimate corner of the club, Aemond and Y.N continued their conversation, their laughter blending seamlessly with the music.
"So, what brought you here tonight?" Aemond asked, genuinely curious about the woman sitting across from him.
Y.N's expression softened, a hint of wistfulness crossing her features. "Honestly, I was just about to leave," she confessed, her voice tinged with a touch of disappointment. "My friends bailed on me, and I didn't really fancy staying here alone."
Aemond's brows furrowed sympathetically, but a playful twinkle lit up his eye. "Well, I suppose luck was on my side then," he remarked with a charming smile. "Because you're not alone anymore."
Y.N's lips curled into a smile, touched by his sincerity. "I suppose you're right," she conceded, a warmth blossoming in her chest at his words.
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As the night wore on and their conversation deepened, Aemond and Y.N found themselves drawn to each other in ways they hadn't expected. With each shared laugh and exchanged glance, the spark of attraction between them ignited into a blazing flame.
Aemond leaned in closer, his voice low and husky as he teased Y.N with playful banter. "You know, I must say, you're quite the captivating presence," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone.
Y.N's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight as she returned his gaze, her eyes sparkling with a newfound confidence. "Flattery will get you everywhere," she quipped, her smile playful yet inviting.
Their flirtatious exchange continued, a dance of words and glances that spoke volumes without the need for further explanation.
Aemond couldn't deny the magnetic pull he felt towards Y.N, her wit and charm captivating him in ways he hadn't anticipated. And as he watched her laugh and playfully toss her hair, he knew that he wanted nothing more than to explore where this newfound attraction would lead.
For Y.N, the feeling was mutual, her heart racing with excitement as she found herself falling deeper under Aemond's spell. In his presence, she felt alive in a way she hadn't in a long time, her every nerve tingling with anticipation.
As the night progressed and the chemistry between them intensified, Y.N found herself drawn to the subtle intricacies of Aemond's appearance. With a gentle touch, she reached out to tuck a stray strand of his long, silver hair behind his ear, her fingertips lingering against his skin.
"You know," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "You have to be one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen."
Aemond's breath caught in his throat at her words, a rush of warmth flooding through him at the sincerity in her gaze. He met her eyes, his own blue orbs reflecting a depth of emotion that words could scarcely capture.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mixture of humility and gratitude. "That's-quite the compliment."
Y.N smiled, her gaze softening as she took in the sight of him. "I mean it," she insisted, her fingers trailing lightly along his jawline. "Your sharp features, the colour of your eye-it’s truly mesmerizing".
“-And the eyepatch and scar?” mused Aemond.
“Proves that you’re a survivor” replied Y.N smiling.
Y.N's gaze lingered on Aemond's profile, the soft glow of the club's lights casting gentle shadows across his features.
With a small smile playing at the corners of her lips, she couldn't help but voice her admiration.
"You know, Aemond, your side profile is absolutely incredible," she remarked, her voice hushed yet filled with genuine appreciation.
Aemond turned to face her, a faint blush tinting his cheeks at the unexpected compliment. "Really?" he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.
Y.N nodded, her eyes tracing the elegant curve of his jawline and the noble slope of his nose. "Yes, really," she affirmed, her tone earnest. "There's something about the way the light catches your features-it's like you were sculpted by an artist."
Aemond's heart fluttered at her words, a warmth spreading through him at the sincerity in her gaze. In Y.N's eyes, he felt seen in a way that went beyond mere physical appearance, a recognition of the uniqueness that defined him.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice soft yet filled with gratitude.
Aemond found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull drawing him closer to Y.N. With a silent exchange of longing glances, they closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a fervent kiss that ignited a firestorm of passion between them.
In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of Y.N's lips against his own, soft yet electrifying. Aemond's heart thundered in his chest as he deepened the kiss, his hands instinctively finding their way to Y.N's waist, pulling her closer to him.
Y.N responded eagerly, her arms winding around Aemond's neck as she melted into his embrace.
As their kiss finally broke, leaving them both breathless and flushed with desire, Aemond gazed into Y.N's eyes, a question lingering unspoken between them.
"Y.N," he began, his voice husky with emotion, "Would you like to-go back to my flat?"
Y.N's lips curved into a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Yes," she whispered, her voice filled with a quiet longing that mirrored his own.
With a surge of elation coursing through him, Aemond took her hand in his, his fingers intertwining with hers as they made their way through the throng of people towards the exit.
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As they reached the door, Aemond fumbled for his keys, his fingers trembling with anticipation. With a satisfying click, the door swung open, and they stumbled into the dimly lit interior, their bodies pressed together as their kisses grew deeper, more urgent.
“A-Are you sure?” asked Aemond.
“Yes, I’m sure-“ replied Y.N as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him for another kiss, the tongues gently caressing one another.
Aemond’s hands then slipped her leather jacket off her shoulders and draped it over the back of a chair before he took her face in his hands and ran his tongue over her lips, eliciting a low moan from Y.N.
His long fingers sliding up the back of her neck and into her hair, his forehead resting against hers.
“So beautiful” whispered Aemond.
“I-I want to see you” muttered Y.N softly.
Aemond hesitated, he never took his eyepatch off around anyone except his mother, brothers, and sister.
But there was something about Y.N that instantly made him feel comfortable, so with a deep breath Aemond slipped his fingers under the strap of his eyepatch and pulled it from his head.
Y.N stood silent she stared at the scar the bisected his cheek, extending through his eyebrow. The sapphire that he’d placed in the eye socket, glinted in the moonlight.
“You are-so-beautiful” whispered Y.N as she leaned forward and placed a number of kisses along his scarred cheek and over the sapphire.
Aemond closed his eye in delight at the tender gesture, a contented sigh escaping his lips.
“Hmmm” rasped Aemond as he ran his thumb over Y.N’s bottom lip, his eye going wide as she opened her mouth and nipped at his thumb before sucking it into her mouth.
Aemond could feel his eye roll into the back of head, fuck his cock was throbbing.
“Please-“ moaned Y.N
Aemond removed his thumb and quickly shed his jacket before throwing it on the sofa.
Wasting no time, he pulled Y.N to him, his lips once again claiming hers.
He put his arm around her waist and kissed her passionately, deepening the kiss as she moaned into his mouth. His tongue pushing against hers.
Y.N ran her fingers across his lithe body. His muscles rippled under her fingertips.
She unbuttoned the white shirt he wore, placing feathery kisses on his sparsely haired chest as the shirt was removed.
Her fingers toying with the silver cross chain he wore.
Groaning against her creamy smooth skin, he kissed her neck, sucking on the delicate flesh as she leaned into him, enjoying his every touch.
Her dress felt heavy on her. She wanted to be rid of it. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. She reluctantly broke free of his embrace and turned her back to him moving her hair out of the way.
His fingers trembled as he grasped the zip to her dress and pulled it down, the sound echoed through the quiet apartment, and he pressed his lips to the back of her neck.
Using his long fingers, he freed her from the confinements of her dress, and it fell to join his shirt on the floor.
She wasn’t wearing a bra, which excited him to no end.
Goosebumps appeared where his fingers moved over her. Cupping her ample breasts from behind, Aemond pulled Y.N against his chest. Burying himself in the crook of her neck, sucking on the skin whilst his fingers massaged the soft mounds and played with her hardened nipples.
Aemond turned her to face him. Kissing her again, he trailed kisses down her body and took a rosy nipple in his mouth. Sucking on the aroused bud, he bit down lightly, earning a low moan from deep within her.
He continued his actions on the other breast and kissed past her stomach until he knelt before her. Her fingers in his hair tightened as he ran the tips of his fingers from her stomach down to her core.
Slowly he hooked his thumbs on the sides of her knickers and pulled them down.
 Fuck she was dripping, and it was all for him. He could not wait to taste her. Somehow, he knew she would taste delicious.
Y.N delicately stepped out of the lacy material, and Aemond's long fingers grasped her buttocks. His fingers dug into her delicate flesh.
He felt her lean in eagerly. Gently he swiped his tongue across her hairless pussy, instant gratification as her fingers tightened their hold on his head, and a low moan left her lips.
Aemond smirked. Using his tongue, he gained access to her wet, pink folds. She tasted fucking amazing. Aemond enthusiastically ran his tongue along her slit, flicking his tongue over her swollen clit.
Y.N effortlessly placed a leg on his shoulder, spreading her thighs for better access. Oh, how he welcomed it.
Her clit was a swollen mass of pleasure waiting to explode. He pressed his tongue hard on it and sucked on her pulsating womanhood. Again and again, he felt her squirm. He felt her heat, she was so close.
Y.N felt the flow of heat accumulate behind her navel as she hovered on the cusp of orgasm. She let out a loud moan as she intricately spun a bundle of nerves that exploded within her.
"Fuck!" Y.N cried and buckled under the weight of her release.
Wave upon wave of unbridled passion unleashed within her as an earth-shattering orgasm tore throughout her body. Her slick juices dripped down his lips and chin. He didn't stop until she was utterly spent.
Pushing his tongue further in, he fucked her with his tongue till her orgasm ceased.
"Aemond," whimpered Y.N as she began to wobble.
Smirking, Aemond rose to his feet and kissed her, letting her taste herself on his tongue.
Y.N regained her composure and keenly clung to him, returning his kisses while undoing the button of his trousers.
Not skipping a single step as she directed him backwards towards the sofa.
Kissing him full on the mouth, her fingers stroked his body, not missing an inch of flesh.
She marvelled at the feel of his body. It was so lithe and fit. Trailing kisses past his stomach, she came face to face with his sizeable bulge.
Biting down on her lip, kneeling between his legs she pulled his trousers and boxers down his shapely legs and threw them next to her.
Even in the dim light, Aemond could see she was impressed. His rock-hard shaft stood up, eagerly awaiting its reward.
Y.N bent her head and licked a line from his balls to his pulsating head.
Aemond groaned aloud as she clasped her fingers around his girth and moved her hand up and down the hard shaft. Y.N enjoyed his slow torture. She smirked and licked the underside of his cock.
"Y.N-" whimpered Aemond.
His eye closed, and he felt her tongue at his head, licking the pre-cum that oozed out.
Without warning, she took him in whole, deep-throating his length. Aemond knew he would not last, he could not hold back any longer, but gods he did not want her to stop.
She was sucking on him, her lips tightening around his cock as she built a beautiful pace.
"NO!" groaned Aemond and Y.N withdrew.
She barely had time to react. Before he grabbed her around the waist and moved her on top.
“I-have condoms-somewhere” mumbled Aemond.
“I’m on the pill and clean-“ exclaimed Y.N her eyes going wide as Aemond lined up his cock with her entrance and sheathed himself inside her with one hard thrust.
Y.N moaned as Aemond withdrew and entered into her repeatedly.
Faster and faster. Harder and deeper, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips.
"Please don't stop," cried out Y.N
"I have no intention of stopping" growled Aemond, his feet planted firmly on the floor to allow him to increase the intensity of his thrusts.
A satisfied smile spread across his face as he quickened and angled his movements, so his cock rubbed on that special place inside her.
Aemond was mesmerized by the sight of Y.N’s breasts bouncing in front of him and unbale to resist any longer he surged forward, his mouth wrapping around one rosy bud.
His teeth and tongue teasing the stiffened peak.
“Gods-yes Aemond” shrieked Y.N as she bounced on his cock, her hands coiled in is long silver hair.
“That’s it baby-take it-take all of me” growled Aemond leaning back as he moved Y.N’s hips in time with his thrusts.
“Oh gods-” wailed Y.N.
“That’s it-FUCK Y.N” groaned Aemond as he took hold of her and quickly manoeuvred her onto her back, his cock never leaving the warm wetness of her as he began to pound into her, the sounds of skin slapping on skin echoing around his apartment.
“P-Please Aemond. Don’t stop. Don’t stop-“ whimpered Y.N.
“Come for me baby-come for me” growled Aemond as he felt her clenching around him.
“AEMOND” screamed Y.N as she exploded, her nails digging into his back.
Aemond held back for as long as he could, but his release was upon him.
Surrounded by her wetness, he closed his eye.
With a final hard thrust, he spilled rope after rope of his seed.
He muffled his groans into her mouth as she hung onto him, kissing him fervently.
Only once she milked him dry did he collapse on top of her. She held him close to her body, whispering words of comfort and satisfaction while running her fingers down his back.
The sweat on his back stung against the scraps her nails made.
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As they lay entwined on the sofa, their bodies bare and glistening with the remnants of their shared passion, Aemond and Y.N savoured the quiet intimacy of the moment. The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle halo around their entangled forms.
Aemond's fingers traced lazy patterns across Y.N's skin, his touch tender and reverent as he explored the contours of her body.
With a contented sigh, he pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the unexpected twist of fate that had brought them together.
In the stillness of the night, a silent thanks drifted through Aemond's mind, directed towards Aegon, who had unwittingly led him to the club where he had found Y.N.
Aemond couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't want this to be just another fleeting encounter. With Y.N nestled against him, her warmth radiating against his skin, he felt a longing stir within him—a desire to see her again, to explore the depths of their connection beyond the confines of this single night.
Gathering his courage, Aemond brushed a stray lock of hair from Y.N's face, his voice soft yet resolute. "Y.N," he began, his heart pounding in his chest, "I don't want this to end here. Would you-would you like to go on a date with me?"
Y.N's eyes lit up with delight, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she looked up at him with a sparkle of excitement. "Yes," she replied, her voice brimming with warmth and affection. "I would love to."
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butdaddyilovehimmm · 6 months
t's marvey fic rec list!
These are mostly smut (bdsm / d/s), fluff is in pt. 2 in the reblogs
Still updating!
Long Fics (50k +)
Forget The Rest by eadunne2 (66k)
Chance Meeting Series by SmoothieM (286k) (one of my fav series ever)
Barely Legal by KittyHowell (142k) (cw teacher/hs student but mike's legal)
The Marvey Chronicles by flamyshine (129k)
The Complicated Way by SmoothieM (100k)
Honey Trap by SuzyQSmilesForYou (191k)
Pretty Boy by SmoothieM (120k)
Deal of a Lifetime by SmoothieM (96k) (another fav)
Quarantine Diaries by SmoothieM
Biological d/s AU
Once Upon A Brat by Fessst (62k)
Subspace by poppypickford (69k) (part 1 of a 3 part series, 3rd fic is unfinished and 2nd is v angsty lol)
Bite by paraselenewoman (15k) (unfinished)
Long BDSM Fics
Fall Into Me by malawi (81k)
The Last Thirty Percent by TooSel (110k)
Possession Verse by Xanthe (73k) (one of my personal favs)
Needs Must by thatotherperv (98k) (a classic)
The Day We Met & Submit by BeautifulBestseller (one of my favs too)
Just Ask Series by veritas_st (57k)
No Needles Series by sal_si_puedes (68k)
Fate Gets a Bad Case of the Shanks by Joni_Beloni (84k) (read the tags)
Everything You Want Series by ThatwasJustaHarvey (81k) (pretty heavy but good)
Upside Down and Inside Out by mskatej (37k) (i LOVE this)
The art of coming clean by in_need_of_some_sanity (341k) (unfinished but i honestly really enjoyed it for what it is)
One Shots / Short Fics /PWP
You Can Be The Boss by me (sorry for self promo lol) (11k)
Charlie's Fetish and Bondage Emporium by Joni_Beloni (10k)
And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear by rospeaks (23k)
Tales of the Forgotten Associates by AnnaNSmith (2k)
Happy Birthday by cyphernaut (1k)
Almost Like You're Asking For It by FoxInSoxes (13k)
Obedience (1k)
That Damned Skinny Tie by mightierthanthecanon (3k)
Good Boy by MajaLi (3k)
Sweet Thang by MajaLi (13k)
Happy Stoniversary by Loyalty2WayStreet (6k)
Hush by Sway (4k)
you fire me all the way by Sway (2k)
Calamity of Casual Touches by bewarethesmirk (10k)
Like the Way You Apologize by EclecticRegard (3k)
Strictly Ballroom by sal_si_puedes (3k)
Going Public by LearnedFoot (4k)
Best in the World by mskatej (6k)
That Sweet Spot by mskatej (8k)
Come Again by mskatej (9k)
Five Hotels Series by mskatej (24k) (can u tell i love their writing)
Tied Together With An Easy Thread by androdaixa (15k)
Heat by CC99trialanderrorgirl (1k) (this is dom!mike but it's hot as fuck)
Madison Avenue by Closer (5k)
Office Hours by greenlifejacket (2k)
intrigue and accidents by Bontaque (5k)
Obviously Oblivious by leista (7k)
Blackout 'Verse by CC99trialanderrorgirl (7k)
Again by Faulty_Funeral (4k)
The Drop by flitterflutterfly (6k)
Five Times Mike’s Phone Sort of Gets Him Into Trouble and One Time It Really, Really Doesn’t by Akiseo (4k)
Baby Blues by surrenderdammit (5k)
a day too early (still a couple dollars short) by thatotherperv (11k)
Three Simple Rules by LearnedFoot (13k)
Doll, you make them feel so small (and they love it) by trinipedia (16k)
Punish by veritas_st (3k)
words to live by by Sway (1k)
Markers by Xazz (4k)
What I Want by silentdescant (2k)
We'll Stagger Home After Midnight by team_freewill (2k)
Streak by LawfulSlab (3k)
You Got Off Easy by theaeblackthorn (5k)
2 Tickets, 2 Lawyers by jazzwriter (3k)
Mr. Specter by L122YTorch (4k)
libidinous, adj. by eadunne2 (19k)
Desk Job Series by JaneDavitt (8k)
Like Stars by babykid528 (1k)
A Night to Remember by tinygiantsam (8k)
9pm in the Records Room by revvvv (2k)
Exclusively Yours Verse by tattooedsiren
Special Hell by ChristyCorr (7k)
Answer in the Form of a Question by blackstar777 (20k)
All Fifty by butdaddyilovehim (okkk more self promo)
Harvey Specter, Fashion Icon by TooSel (7k)
Soulmates AU
Imprimatur by Closer (22k)
many times, many ways by spqr (15k)
Appetite by Skara_Brae (18k)
The Ultimate Challenge by sal_si_puedes (18k)
truth is only hearsay by Miyai (13k)
Imperfect Perfection by Skara_Brae (15k)
Machinations by astralfox (4k)
The Art of Running into You by SmoothieM (37k)
(i'm not really into abo but i liked these)
Vacay Fics (aka bed sharing teritory!)
Just the Right Amount of Wrong by blackstar777 (6k)
It's an Inconvenience by killym (16k)
The Trip by mskatej (9k)
Reservations by khasael (13k)
One Night In Paradise by Vearth (8k)
libidinous, adj. by eadunne2 (19k)
the long way around by TooSel (15k) (no smut but so incredibly cute omg)
Vacation in Vermont by Joni_Beloni (21k) (cw for cheating but technically not really?)
What Happens in Vegas by LearnedFoot (7k)
Secret Identity
Nerd Love Series (11k)
5U175 by Closer (26k) (a classic and one of my absolute favs it's so good)
Chocolate by writingtoreachyou (33k)
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
The Six Pillars; Masterlist #1~
The animes I do write for is Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Death Note, Haikyuu and Record of Ragnarok~! But I also want to do writing for the current communities and shows I am vested in so I’d love for requests of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss! Don’t have to but that’d be appreciated, any character from those two shows!
I’ll write absolutely any type of concept like angst, drama, romantic love to platonic love, NSFW, fluff, comfort, character x character, character x reader. I’d prefer to stay away from very intense situations like r**e, su****e, death since I don’t wish to make a mockery of these themes, I am not the best with reader x OC requests and I do not like choosing characters myself nor coming up with the scenario, please do these yourself! It’s your request, not mine! My main work is anime, primarily Demon Slayer!
Enough on that now! It’s time for the Masterlist~!I present you my work! Do as you please with this!
Pillar #1: Demon Slayer~❤️
❤️ Akaza: Of Different Worlds
💜 Obanai: Back Off
🌈 Douma: Snuggly Orders
❤️ Muzan: All Mine
🖤 Gyomei: Toasty Blood
💙 Giyuu: Fuzzy Morals
💜 Obanai: Serpents and Arachnids
❤️💜🧡 Tanjiro, Obanai and Kyojuro: Ribboned-up Niffty
💛 Hotaru: Nothing or Everything
💙 Muichiro: Wire of Fate
💜 Nakime: Hot Red Strings
💙 Giyuu: Sky-High Fortitude
💜 Obanai: Dragon Tamer
💙❤️💙 Muichiro, Tanjiro and Giyuu: Eating Drama
🖤 Gyomei: Typhoon Shelter
❤️ Tengen: The Best and the Worst
💜 Obanai: Sheathed Blade
💚❤️💙💛 Karaku, Sekido, Aizetsu and Urogi: Fishing for Prizes
🩷💜💚 Kanae, Shinobu and Kanao: Near-Death Experience
🩷🧡💜 Mitsuri, Kyojuro and Shinobu: Doll Mattress
💙 Aoi: Horseyback Rides
💙 Muichiro: Rest Now
💜💜💚 Shinobu, Obanai and Sanemi: Victim Issues
💜 Genya: Unlikely Partnership
💙🩷🖤 Giyuu, Mitsuri and Gyomei: Hook Hashira
💜 Shinobu: Eyes on the Walls
❤️ Tanjiro: Wait, Your Majesty
🌈 Douma: Sharing a Heart
💚 Kanao: Feeling Flop
🧡💜💚 Kyojuro, Obanai and Sanemi: Past and Future
Pillar #2: Jujutsu Kaisen~💜
🖤 Noritoshi: Numb Senses
❤️❤️ Choso and Ryomen: Tiger Eye
❤️ Choso: One of the Same
❤️ Choso: Styling Perfection
💛 Kento: Eclipse Heart
❤️ Naoya: Toxic River
Pillar #3: JoJo Bizarre Adventure~💚
💙💚💛 Jonathan, Erina and DIO: Clock Delay
Pillar #4: Death Note~💙
Pillar #5: Haikyuu~💛
Osamu and Atsumu: Plus Three
❤️ Kenma: Level 0; Training
🧡 Hinata: Impressing You
🧡💙💚 Atsumu, Osamu and Rintarõ: Clown of Mischief
Pillar #6: Record of Ragnorak~🩷
💚💙 Adam and Eve: Broken Little Heart
💜 Loki: Appreciation and Simp Post
Hazbin and Helluva Pillar~🖤
💜 Loona: Fuzzy Kisses
💛🖤 Moxxie and Millie: Appling
❤️ Valentino: Silkworm Caterpillar
❤️ Blitzø: All the Same to Me
💙 Vox: Baby Laptop
🩷 Angel Dust: Made of Love
❤️💙 Alastor and Vox: Climbing the Ladder
🖤 Rosie: Fire Lily
🖤 Carmilla Carmine: Love at First Meeting
💙 Vaggie: Bolt Spear
💙 Vox: Cameras and TVs
🖤 Husk: Dolling Up
🖤 Husk: Glass Barfly
🖤 Husk: Daddy’s Little Girl
💛 Emily: Counting Sheep
❤️ Alastor: Three Glowing Candles
💛 Charlie: Balloon Soul
🖤 Husk: Pootie-Kitty
🖤🩷 Husk and Angel Dust: Growing Up
❤️🩷💛 Alastor, Velvette and Emily: Mirage Mind
❤️ Alastor: Yin and Yang, Light and Dark
🖤❤️💙 Husk, Cherri and Vox: Pink Shoes
💛 Adam: Stem of the Apple
❤️🖤 Alastor and Rosie: Blood Spill
💚💙 Fizzarolli and Asmodeus: Ruby in the Rough
❤️ Alastor: Picking Favourites
❤️ Alastor: A Little Game
❤️ Blitzø: Guns & Volleyballs
🖤 Husk: Precious Kitten
❤️Alastor: Rose Drop
❤️ Alastor: Staying Here
❤️ Alastor: Fresh Meat
❤️ Alastor: Rainbow Irises
❤️ Alastor: Old Habits, Never Die
❤️ Alastor: Diamond Trio
💙 Vox: Vampire Canine
❤️ Alastor: Rabbitfoot
❤️ Alastor: Lies and Deception
❤️ Alastor: Little Mistake
❤️❤️🖤 Alastor, Lucifer and Husk: Wildcard
❤️ Alastor: Smile, My Dear
❤️💙🩷 Alastor, Vox and Velvette: Getting Over It
❤️ Alastor: Crystal Heart
❤️ Alastor: Beauty from Within
❤️ Alastor: Blood Draw
❤️ Alastor: Shopping Trip
❤️ Alastor: All the More Demons
❤️ Alastor: Follow Me
❤️ Alastor: Mischievous Rumours
❤️ Alastor: the Prey and the Predator
❤️ Alastor: Redemption Path
❤️ Alastor: Chaotic I.M.P
❤️ Alastor: Night & Day
❤️ Alastor: Reaching Out
❤️ Alastor: Hell’s Angel
❤️ Alastor: Hopping Little Heart
Here is the first temple of this blog’s lengthy Masterlist~ Masterlist #2
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ladythornofrivia · 7 months
Kingdom of Fire & Blood || (Part Five)—Revised
Next Chapter
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summary: aemond spying on the reader as she meets the council. council meeting gone wrong.
pair: aemond x reader
warnings & disclaimer: smut, violence, p in v sex, sexual content, aemond being arrogant, modern reader doesn’t know how the world of GOT works but is a Aemond stan, praise kink, breeding kink, spitting kink, voice kink, fluff, angst—family drama, oral sex, hate sex, stalking, jealousy, virginity loss, obsession, reader being sassy and aroused, sweet moments with reader and aemond. Reader is a huge GOT & HOTD fan. Pro-Green, Reader is a green supporter. Aemond becomes king instead of Aegon. (P.S. Alys who? I only know Aemond x Reader)
Chapter Five: The Council
~Aemond's POV~
Hidden in the secret pathways, he was sure he was slowly losing his breath. Not because the profoundness of the Blacks and Greens have attended, or the conversation he has heard in countless times. Or the fact when Aegon volunteered himself to watch the council within to pass of as entertainment. Alicent insisted on her sons to stay put. As always, they behave. Especially the new encounter in King’s Landing.
As much as Aemond hated to admit, he couldn't abide anymore to what's in store for the council, especially to a certain name he expected to hear.
“I still don’t know what you find so special about this girl,” Aegon commented, peeping through the secret view from the secret tunnel.
Swallowing, Aemond paid him no mind as the meeting was about to commence.
“I thought you prefer to a company of older women,” Aegon added.
On his thirteenth nameday, Aegon has taken the young Aemond to Streets of Silk. His innocence is ruined by the time he returned back to the Red Keep.
“Quiet,” Aemond said, not facing his older and drunken brother, now that Aegon carried wine in a pouch. “We don’t want mother to scold us again, do we?”
“Daemon is here,” Aegon whispered in his ear with dismay.
With certain guests like Daemon came for one thing. To question.
“But our father isn’t present,” Aemond said. "Even if he is, I doubt he’ll live to see the forging tale before us.”
“Who cares about him? He’s in his bed, slowly dying away even when he’s already a rotten corpse.”
Aemond ignored him.
“This might be a chance for us to survive from the fate of our house,” Aemond whispered, but Aegon is unsure and oblivious to what Aemond meant.
The moment the doors droned a creaking sound, the council ceased their talk and focused on the main objective they have been longing to grasp.
You, appearing as miserable and beaten, limped legs dragged.
It was quite clear either Otto—or Daemon—ordered the guards to escort you.
Aemond held his breath. He has seen countless women in the Street of Silk, but has never seen like a strange aura exuding, something he can’t quite put. He has seen many women in tourneys and gatherings and ceremonies, he has seen them in training yards for a good long look of his training, and gardens and lavish gatherings and lessons with the septa—all are stiffened with false courtesies and sweet smiles. But the air of your presence filled him with conundrum, raw and ethereally indescribable he couldn’t pinpoint to how he reckoned you, regardless of exchanging words once.
His eye laid watching the soft sways on your locks and cinch of your waist clung tight nightwear. The suppleness on your skin somewhat bruised. Other than that, you’re in your broken state; bandaged and eyes averting to look below.
Watching you tossed your hair over after the guards pinned you down, the twinge in his chest lightened. As soon as he learns your name, he’ll endow you. But quickly faded when he spotted to how their mistreatment.
"What in Gods’ name happened to her?" Aemond muttered.
Aegon discerned Aemond’s eager impatience.
“Patience, Aemond,” Aegon said, eyes twinkled at your quiet presence. “You wouldn’t want your special lady to be feared by you if you show yourself again.”
Aemond leaned in back to mutter Aegon’s ear. “Perhaps it’s you who’s impatient.”
Only Aemond could watch afar, despite the distance is at its proximity between the secret walls. Soon, he abided, await for your lowering gaze to come alight and basked in glow.
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~Your POV~
The guards released you after a sudden drag they put you from your deep sleep. Men in the council weren’t the only thing to watch out for; at the corner of your eyes, the guards were there, Daemon is also present in the council.
“At last,” Otto stated in quiet merry. “I was afraid you might not show.”
Still drowning under the influence of Milk of the Poppy, you said nothing but you head bobbed in sleepiness; shaking on the inside; your hands clamped in cold sweat, rubbing your palms altogether, gawking your lulled eye down on the ground.
You said nothing; eyes narrowed in drowsy exhaustion.
“We’d like to ask you a few questions regarding to your first arrival at the Red Keep,” Otto informed, wearing the sincerity of his smile. Daemon, on the other hand, observed you by the pillar; his posture was exteriorly calming in a calculating way. You’d think meeting with the cast is a good for setting up pranks, but turns out the meeting is set for an intimidation. In other words, King Viserys is nowhere to be seen.
“You’re well aware to why you’re summoned in the council,” Otto asked.
Without looking, you felt the eyes of the council members and the guards sent their pierced gazes at you before you responded, “I know.”
“The King wishes to acquire of your existence,” Otto resumed. "But he's ill, as of late. Would you kindly introduce yourself to the court of the small council?” he demanded.
The sky outside the Red Keep thundered.
Over your veiled face and bandage from your tousled hair, Steady, you eyed on each member, not knowing on who to look; you didn’t want to make a miscalculation that could lead your early demise.
Beside you, Alicent’s hues sparked with encourage; a tiny curved quirked upward upon her lips.
Behind the council walls, there was none other than green shadows of her sons. Although while Aegon peered with amusement as Aemond with intrigued notion. Darting your eyes at Aemond, the sensation in your body faltered with alerting thrill and admiration. Without realizing, corner of your melancholic lips twitched, one dimple dented, but reformed back to a scowl, bandaged hands, your back slouched as your hands folded and rubbed altogether.
Drowsy, your head threw back in lazy gesture, released a heavy sigh, your vision blurred.
Otto inclined back in his seat with his hands folded, attentive. “Might I acquire ask to where are you from?”
Your heart thumped.
“Based on your accent, you neither sound like one of us as Westerosi. Are you from Essos?”
Subtly, you shaken your head.
“Great Moraq? Leng? Quarth? Yiti?”
You licked your parched lips, eye frantic below your lap. “Where the fuck is my cigarette,” you hissed.
Startled, the council is confused with your question.
"I beg your pardon?" Otto spoke, stunned.
“I'm not going to give the answer you wanted unless I have my belongings,” you answered, your quiet voice deepened with loudness, lounging back against the chair frame as your arms resting on the armrest, you head tilted back against the frame. This time, your eyes pierced directly, knowing this information you’ll provide won’t take overnight.
Otto unyielding eyes shot back. “Whatever it is, you can retrieve your possessions back after you answer, my lady.���
You scoffed.
Meanwhile Alicent whispered—inquired Criston where your belongings are.
After a couple minutes passing, the knight returned with none other than your clutched purse.
Sweeping your hair back, huffing as you gave the council members the glare.
The council exchanged concerns.
Otto conceded. “I’d like to say my gratitude on saving my granddaughter. However, I would like to know how you got here into Westeros. More so in King’s Landing.”
You paused and adjusted yourself in the seat again, putting your folded hands on your lap. “Look, I don’t know how the fuck I got here. I went to a party, got drunk and then slept on my bed in my apartment. The next thing I knew that I was cold and wet, and someone pulled me over back to the shore from drowning at Blackwater Bay; I was unconscious for two days until the third day and then I was being chased by three men in armor.”
“Do you remember what house they’re from?”
You leaned your back and pondered. From what it appears, it’s all too hazy until it struck. “No. But this one knight saved me from them—Ser Remon Blackwood.”
“Must’ve been the Brackens chasing after her,” Daemon concluded. “Damn Brackens and Blackwoods never cease to shed grudge and the indulgence of their pettiness.” Daemon darted his unpredictable glare at you. “What I want to know is how in the Seven Hells did you survive? Or was it Ser Criston who murdered them in Kingswood?”
Some council members collectively gasp in silence, rather in a quiet outrage, anticipating.
Gritting your teeth, you explained, “For the record, I only saw Ser Criston when I woke up, when he took me to King’s Landing. Before Ser Criston found me, those three men were hunting me, saying that I should be bred with their children, called me a whore—one said he wanted to eat my flesh after done raping me and then other said whoever makes me scream the loudest wins and give birth,” you answered. “In return, I stabbed them in the knees, cut their cock off, then disfigured one man’s face with the knife. Is that good enough for you or should I spell it out for you?”
Each and every one of their faces blanched.
“Why aim for the knees?”
Your long locks shielded your good eye. “They exposed their weak spot.” The corners of your lips twitched.
“Is it true you found her in the forest, Ser Criston?” Otto asked.
Criston’s shoulders shrugged. “It’s true. She was lying on the ground when we reached to the exit, all smothered in bloodshed.”
The silence collectively ensued, replacing with coherent whispers.
“Knights often had armor on their knees, even their cocks.”
“I’m certain she’s a wildling.”
“For Gods’s sake, Wildlings would never set their foot here, not even King’s Landing!” Daemon is annoyed by the other council’s statement.
“You’ve never been into the Wall,” one council member said.
Daemon folded his arms. “No, but I heard stories of their customs—filthy animals they are as they come.”
“You mentioned Ser Remon Blackwood,” Otto said, facing you. “He managed to pull you back out on the shores from Blackwater Bay.”
Your voice lowered. “He did.”
“From what I’ve gathered, when Alicent and Rhaenyra saw you in the Maester’s room, your peculiar clothes and your hair are covered in dark sand, you were at Dragonstone while unconscious at the time?”
Everyone was looking at you intently.
“I was.”
“On that night, there was an occurrence that awoken the dragons—the whole Westeros. Nobles and common folk often talk for the past few weeks, regarding to the incident. The green star befell from the skies and plunged into waters of the Blackwater Bay—in Westeros. Have you heard of it?”
Confused, you didn’t answer.
“Daemon was there, that’s when he last met Ser Remon Blackwood—Ser Criston saw to it.” Otto then exchanged glances with Alicent. “We were…I hate to be the bearer of news or gaining the notions of accusing. But…we believed that you’re the green star that fell from the sky.”
At the very least, nothing surprises you anymore. You were drunk at someone’s birthday party, then off to sleep in your apartment, but off to sleep and find yourself awake in the middle of the forest, in Westeros, is utterly mind blowing, but soon accepted the fate that’s been thrust onto you until the reminder.
You scoffed, your hand gestured in. “Wait just a damn fucking minute,” you interfered. “Whatever you’re thinking, you—”
“So you’re the one who causes my Caraxes to nearly bitten my hand off in half. My dragon couldn’t sleep well for the last few days,” Daemon fumed as he went closer to you. Daemon clutched the side of your neck, fingertips pressured. But you were unfazed.
“Fuck off,” your voice raised, eyes hardened, shoving Daemon away, but he wouldn’t budge, his clutch tightened on you.
“Daemon, spare her—she did no such treason; she protected and defended your life with hers on the bridge and the life of children,” Otto said, but you detected his sarcasm. Otto never cared for the Blacks.
Behind you, you felt a heavy presence towering over you. But no one was there, as if someone’s watching over you.
Daemon studied your features. “I find it hard to believe that a young lady like you who could fend off your opponents with a blindfold. Tell me, how did you manage to strike under such vulnerable condition,” His fingertips caressed you on your cheekbone, leading down on the side of your throat, thumbing across the smooth flesh.
Your hand clutched his, nails deepened.
“None of your goddamn business,” you answered, cold expression in your good eye unwaver, shoving his touch back in lenient motion; your body leaned back. “A little “thank you” for saving your royal, arrogant ass would’ve been nice.”
Daemon clicked his tongue and stepped back, giving you the broken knife you once held underneath the folded handkerchief. “You attacked the men in armor with this. You stole this Ser Remon Blackwood, didn’t you? The sigil marked on his dagger,” he seethed.
Quietude engulfed the air.
“Think what you like, princeling. But Ser Remon Blackwood gave that to me for protection. I promised him that I’ll give the knife back the next time I see him…”
Daemon shaken his head. “His body has been found, buried. His family were in mourning. Seeing them would consider to be the worst idea.”
Hearing Remon Blackwood’s death, you carried no hope or peace of mind. Instead, you sulked, but insisted on not showing the upsetting factor invaded in you. When you veered Daemon’s eyes, he could offer nothing but sympathy, but molded to indifference. Somehow, it left you clouded in anger.
“This is certainly a waste for our time,” one maester said. “We’ll never get information out of her!”
“Filthy as her mouth, spiteful as a venomous beast.”
“Surely she’s a born Wilding.”
While the council spoke over, nose scrunching, you assumed, almost sinisterly ill from the flips and coils in your belly, watching the young knight carrying on what it seems to appear—your clutched purse.
Your eye fixed on the object, glaring at the young knight, who was taking his sweet time to chat another guard—a report, you assumed.
At your attentive gaze, Alicent ordered the young knight in order for you to retrieve your belongings—all which are intact due to the quality of your clutched bag.
The young knight handled your possession, but as he called you, you stare into space, contemplating. The world you admire was starting to piss you off. You understood that you’re the outsider. With your unhealed wounds, what can you do? In a world of Westeros, men and women died often.
You stared into space so much that you didn’t sense others watching you. All you wanted was a peaceful sleep, but the guards are strong, with your weakened health, you fought them off, but they got the upper hand.
But each time their discussion extended, you rarely responded; blanked expression, white noise ringing louder, and concentration in your head afloat elsewhere.
You gripped the young knight’s hand, without looking back over your shoulder and twisted his fingers; he yelped, his body collapsed as you twisted his hand and arm farther with your good hand, with your position changed—then with both hands, you shifted—slammed his weight against the marbled table, his arms twisted on the back, leaving everyone standing in shock. The council collectively had their breaths inhaled, paled at the sudden shift within you.
“I said, don’t touch me,” you reminded him, voice darkened.
Criston tried to hauled you, but you resisted.
“He has your possessions,” Alicent begged, motherly as she sounded, while the guards prowled at your direction to arrest you.
At once, you released the young knight and reclined back to your seat. From there, you opened your purse after retrieving it, inspecting all your items are intact. He hissed, appeasing the pain on his hand. The council members slowly arrived back into their seats.
“Seems you’re no ordinary maiden,” Otto said.
You ignored him. “I haven’t had a chance to get a fucking break. I think you got the answers by now that I’m not from here. I’m neither a prostitute nor a foreign bitch or a Wildling from those places you mentioned, one that you people are accusing me of.”
Nobody moved.
“I don’t think you understand the occurrence, my lady,” Jason Lannister barged in with soft voice. “In fact, you have no clue to why you’re graciously summoned.”
“I didn’t know being “graciously” summoned in the meeting by guards dragging me out of the blue.”
“You don’t know what it’s at stake. You have woken the whole seven kingdoms in Westeros! And the dragons barely slept—flying about the skies and roared as if they’re dying. I suggest you start acting like a noble maiden instead of being a foolish common whore in Street of Silk,” Jason Lannister suggested.
In paused silence, everyone was waiting for your answer.
Opening your clutched bag, you took out your dragon lighter and the pack of cigarettes; lighting up the cigarette and blew a smoke as you turned away.
The council watched in astonishment as you held a foreign object in your hand.
“Where I come from won’t matter, and as far as I’m concerned I would worry about something else more important, if I were you.” Your eyes narrowed it almost shadowed.
“Father, she’s in no better shape. It would be best if we leave her for a proper recovery to regain answers,” Alicent said, giving you sympathy. “Dragging her from her bedside while under the Milk of the Poppy won’t do much good.”
You looked at her with a smile in gratitude.
Shutting his eyes, Otto rubbed the bridge of nose. “We will continue this tomorrow. King Viserys would like to witness the accountability of the young woman.”
The council absconded the meeting, as you watched them up and left, you did the same, leaving to your quarters, but the Cargyll twins followed and escorted back.
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~Aemond’s POV~
Under a stricken of nightly hour in King’s Landing, after a long watch in the secret pathway, Aemond’s internal aggravation simmered and worsened as time struck pass. Hands flexed and fingernail scratched against the palm, recalling on you exiting the council, despite the Cargyll brothers kindly escorted you back to a spare room that Aemond assigned since your first arrival. He could never undo the memory of you.
Soon, Aemond learned that Daemon ordered them to a quick way “summon” you. Ser Criston and Aemond abducted the men in armor who mistreated you, yanking the sleeping guards buried deep the underground of Red Keep, only for their tongues to be cut and their bones to be bloody and fractured.
He got up and under the lavish wooden box, it contained in miscellaneous items. But underneath, he had the possession of your clothes—all washed and dried. No blood stains or mud was to be seen.
Once he gathered the materials, Aemond lounged back on his velvet chair near at the great hearth, not averting from the bright fire, clenching your attire in his arms, and lifted to his nose; a fainted scent of vanilla and strawberry wafted, aroused his cock.
His heart aflame, determined and tribulation all at once. He must have you. He must claim you as his only lover. He must claim you and your smile alone. His white flower, his hope, his wandering light. He must succeed.
No matter what.
Taglist: @galactict3a @daonenonlysandman @toodlesxcuddles @hufflepuff1700 @me753 @fredskum @omgsuperstarg @xcharlottemikaelsonx @paninisstuff @danika1994 @angeljcca @taintedlovesworld @kukulyarva @darylandbethfanforever9 @blackswxnn @namelesslosers @heavenly1927 @snh96 @colored-tr-panels @valeskafics
@ aemondswifffeeeyyy - all rights reserved.
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (IV) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: Dumbledore's Army gears up in the Room of Requirements and Regulus reveals information that demonstrates the extent of his magical prowess.
Part III / Part V / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x Gender Neutral Reader
Notes: Not canon compliant, Tweaks to canon magic, Cursing
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Harry made a fine teacher and if you weren't positive that he was leaning towards becoming an auror, you would have jumped at the chance to sing his praises to Dumbledore.
The meeting at Hog's Head started off rocky, but by the end of the trio's speech, everyone was convinced to sign the membership paper that carved their fates.
Of course, Umbridge somehow had ears and eyes everywhere and not even a week went by before she became suspicious of your group.
Thus, her proclamation for the dissolution of all student organizations went into effect.
Bloody ministry folks and their paranoia.
Regulus found her "Educational Decrees" to be the most ridiculous abuse of power and you had never seen him so fired up about something before.
He sure did take education seriously.
Despite Umbridge's warnings, everyone who was a part of the D.A showed their commitment by attending every meeting regardless. Soon, the tense air that uneased everyone dissipated as lively chatter and adrenaline dominated the space.
Your latest meeting in the Room of Requirements left you flabbergasted by the depth of skill and perseverance shown by a few individuals.
Currently, you were lazing on your bed, fawning over everyone's progress, "Hm, Reg, you should have seen it. Ginny's reducto was truly marvelous."
Your eyes glitter as you recall the moment Ginny managed to absolutely demolish the practice dummy, stunning her older brothers into silence.
Which reminded you that you would need to ask her about her acclaimed Bat-Bogey hex in the future.
"No need for me to see it. I heard it. Indeed, she is quite a formidable witch."
There was a weird edge to his tone, but you tried not to think much of it because you were having a strange gut feeling that he was off-put by your praise towards Ginny.
He was being quite strange today.
You still weren't quite sure how far you could push him for answers and the last thing you wanted was for your friendship to be strained.
Instead, you opted to gloss over your observation and continue rambling on. It was currently past curfew and you had warded your bed with silencing charms a couple of times, too paranoid to risk exposing Regulus.
There was a certain subject that you couldn't help but dwell on. Frankly, it was eating away at your patience and sanity.
After a few moments, you worked up the courage to bring it up, "Reg."
You hesitated, peering down at him and meeting his attentive gaze, "This is going to sound crazy, but do you think there's any way for you to... not be a painting? I mean, I've just been wondering about it. Like, what if I could somehow bring you into the physical plane."
"Is that why your head has been up in the clouds so much, little bird?" He smiles teasingly at your offended look, having taken a liking to ruffling your feathers as of late.
(Fuck. Did you just accidentally make a pun out of that nickname?)
You gape at him before replying, more flusteredly than you appreciated, "Little bird? I know you said that to throw me off, Reg. So, don't try to change the topic!"
Regulus sighs quietly before looking at you steadily, "I just don't want you to be disappointed, Y/N. You shouldn't worry about me, I'll be just fine as your personal pocket portrait."
He pauses before continuing, posture growing rigid at his next words, "Besides, I don't need you experimenting with dangerous magic. In fact, that is the last thing I want you to do."
He fixes you with a stern look, eyebrows raising in challenge.
You nod in defeat, deciding to file away your thoughts for another time. It wouldn't do any good to try and bring Regulus back while Voldemort was still running amuck, anyway.
Successfully placated, you conceded, "Okay. I just care a lot about you is all. Promise you'll tell me if you become dissatisfied with this arrangement."
He smiled faintly, shaking his head in fondness, "I know. I promise I will. But you don't have to worry your little head about it anytime soon."
His teasing was insufferable. But you‘d let him win the argument this time.
Your heart was racing in your chest and you flipped over onto your back, dazedly staring up at the canopy of curtains above your bed.
You were growing worried. At first you had assumed you were suffering from a minor medical condition, after all your heart had some pretty brutal scares from the twins over the summer. But as time passed, you concluded that you were suffering from a crush.
A minute, itty-bitty crush. On Regulus.
Who were you kidding. You were smitten for a bloody portrait. It was incredulous. Seriously, you were tempted to ask for a psych evaluation, but Madam Pomfrey would likely dose you into a coma and have Dumbledore ship you off to St. Mungo's.
But, the more you thought about it, the more you realized that Regulus wasn't just some dusty painting. He was vibrant and sarcastic. He could read you like an open book and he always looked out for you.
He was so alive.
Whoever had painted him captured his magical essence and personality so well, you were almost certain that he was exactly like his deceased, human counterpart.
Really, you couldn't decide if you were grateful towards the artist or if you wanted to hex them for making you feel the way you did.
You were like a bloody crup puppy tripping over your own tail for him.
How maddening.
Luckily, you didn't have much time to beat yourself up over it as Harry had approached you the very next morning with his own romantic dilemma.
"So...you guys kissed?"
You teetered with your thoughts for a few seconds, trying to make sense of Harry's grimace, "And it wasn't...ideal?"
"Well, she was crying so it was more wet and salty than anything."
"Bloody hell. Was that your first kiss, Harry?"
The boy gapes at the question and seems to come to a realization, lips furling down at whatever he was thinking about.
You couldn't stop the chuckle from leaving your lips, laying a comforting hand on your friend's shoulder, "It's okay, Harry. Besides, now you can move on from her. Plus, not everyone can say that their first kiss was with their first crush."
The boy shakes his head to rid of his thoughts, fixing his glasses (a habit you noticed he did whenever he was stressed).
Sighing, you tilt your head, "I'm assuming there's more to this story then?"
Harry looks like he's conflicted on whether or not to answer, but ultimately gives in, "She was crying over Cedric."
Ah, shit.
You eloquently mustered up a quiet, "Oh."
Harry nods along as if he was used to being the scapegoat of all of the universe's jokes. You couldn't help but feel terrible for your friend, it seemed that every school year was more traumatizing than the last.
"Don't worry, Harry. You're both going through your own issues, and you'll have plenty of chances at love in the future. Plus, you're going to look bloody cool today when you demonstrate that Patronus charm of yours."
Regulus had worn you down with his teaching, but you could perform most of the spells in the curriculum in your sleep now. The only spell you had never attempted before was the Patronus charm, always being daunted by the difficult spell.
Harry seems to perk up a little at your words and you could see the gears turning as he planned out his approach to the next lesson.
He really would make a fantastic professor.
A little bit later, after your classes, you figured that you could chat with Regulus for a bit before the D.A. meeting. As you tugged the curtains to cover your bed, casting a silencing spell, you quickly pulled Regulus out of your robe pocket.
You couldn't help the bright smile that overtook your face at the sight of him, "Hey there, Reg."
The boy smiles gently at your excitement before it's wiped away by a serious look. He was certainly much warmer with you than when you first met, but he was still quite guarded.
No matter. You were stubborn. You could wait for him to open up.
"Little bird. Did you want to discuss Harry's unfortunate love life or did you want to learn the Patronus charm ahead of time?"
You groan a little at the nickname, "I swear, I need to come up with a nickname for you now. But, wait, Reg, you can cast a patronus?"
The boy looks ready to retort, but you're quick to clarify your words, "I mean, not that I doubt your skills. It's just that I've always assumed that..."
Regulus, luckily, is not offended by your explanation and saves you from your fumbling, "That death eaters are incapable of casting it, right? Well, you're not wrong in the assumption. To my knowledge, many are unable to. I know the mechanisms of the spell, but I have only ever been able to cast it once."
Merlin, why did you even ask, he was literally capable of everything.
"Once? While you were still a student here, then?" Your defeated mumble of questions only slightly gave away your disappointment at his inability to be flawed.
Regulus looks as if he was expecting the question, a small smile tugging at his lips, "No. I was able to cast it after my death."
After his death?
Your eyes were nearly bulging from your head, "Portraits have the capabilities to cast magic? No. No, that's just a you thing, right? Merlin, I was already in awe by how sentient you are, but this exceeds all my expectations."
Yes, Regulus was flawless. He was not merely blessed by Mother Magic, he was dearly loved by her.
Your nerves were buzzing and you were suddenly more awake than you were before. While you brung your finger to run along the frame of his portrait, Regulus seemed to finish gathering his thoughts.
It appeared that he was debating whether or not he should satiate your curiosity. Apparently, this topic was another one of his secrets.
Crossing his arms lightly across his chest, he answers quietly, "Yes, it is highly uncommon for any portrait to be as aware as I. Being able to cast magic was more of an experimentation of mine. Many wizards and witches do not delegate the necessary time frame to their portraits so it may be this nuanced. They usually only cover the basics: appearance, humor, and eccentricity. But, I just happened to spend many years before my death transferring all my knowledge and memories into this portrait."
"Years?" you echoed.
"Years." He nodded in confirmation, eyes unfocusing as he seemed to delve into past memories, "I always knew I'd take his mark growing up, so I commissioned for a portrait to be done beforehand. Luckily, I had it repainted over shortly before my death."
His explanation is a heavy, but not an unwelcome one.
So this was what Regulus looked like before he died. He was so young. You had always assumed that his portrait looked like him years before his passing.
The gears in your head were turning as you processed this new information, realizing that likely, very few people were privy to this knowledge on portraits.
For the sake of the wizarding world, you would keep this information from public ears.
It would be cataclysmic to have Voldemort live on and command his followers through a portrait.
"Thank you for telling me, Reg. I appreciate it."
The boy simply nods, a heavy weight seemingly easing off his shoulders. This was the first time he had divulged heavy information about his past, and despite how fleeting it was, you were appreciative nonetheless.
Suddenly a realization hit you and you perked up on the spot, "Wait, Reg. You said you can cast the patronus charm, right? Was it corporeal?"
Regulus doesn't grace you with an answer, but the twinkle in his eye and the smirk on his face already told you everything you needed to know, a youthful glow suddenly shrouding his face. Unbelievable. A bloody portrait casted a fully corporeal patronus before you.
Your awe only grows once the D.A. meeting starts.
Harry doesn't even begin the meeting by saying anything, he simply takes his wand out and casts his spell into the air with a firm Expecto Patronum.
A burst of bright, blue light whirls like a tide before manifesting into a large stag, the light of the patronus illuminating Harry's gleeful eyes.
Everyone in the room stares in wonder as his patronus galianty runs in circles above their heads before bursting into a sprint through the wall, disappearing, just as Harry tucks his wand away.
"Well that's one hell of an opening."
Your words are met with a few nods and chuckles as Harry grins in your direction. Harry then begins to break down the wand movements necessary to cast the charm and supplies everyone with tips on how to cast it quicker.
You were not going to let Regulus beat you out, you were going to cast a bloody patronus today if it's the last thing you'd do. So you continue to listen to (Professor) Harry attentively, fiddling with your wand in anticipation.
You remember what Harry had told you in third year, the year he learned to cast it. You needed to bring forth a strong, happy memory in your head.
Taking in a deep breath, you maneuver your wand in front of you and narrow your eyes into the air, almost as if willing your patronus to sprout from your wand just from desire alone.
A happy memory. Happy. First year. Meeting Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Running around Hogwarts and beating up the troll in the lavatory. —You wondered if Harry's memory had anything to do with your friend group.
The little blue light that peeked from your wand immediately evaporated as you lost concentration, causing you to silently curse yourself. Focus.
Happy. Third year. Sneaking around with your friends and watching Harry blast Snape across the Shrieking Shack. Happy. Fourth year. Laughing with Ron as Harry got flustered around Cho. Happy. Happy. Finding Regulus.
The small wisp of blue light that you conjured grows a little bigger and brighter.
Yes. Regulus.
Laughing with Regulus. Laughing at Regulus. Learning from Regulus.
Making Regulus smile for the first time in the disappearing room at Grimmauld Place.
Regulus giving you his ring. Feeling the cool silver against your skin for the first time. Watching Regulus‘ eyes unconsciously drift towards the ring whenever you waved your hands around.
Suddenly, you're pulled from your thoughts by a sudden burst of blue light in front of you. You are still rather overwhelmed by the thought of Regulus. Until you're not.
You don't exactly register the next few moments of time, being vaguely aware of Harry's shout of pride and everyone's murmurs of awe.
No, you're too distracted. Not because it was the thought of Regulus that allowed you to cast a fully corporeal patronus.
No, it's because as you're watching your patronus move around in the air, you realize that you're screwed.
A sparrow. A little bird.
Your patronus. Did it manifest from how much you secretly enjoyed the nickname? If so, you certainly did not like the implications of that.
The sparrow circles around your stunned body one last time before flying through the ceiling and disappearing. Your shock recedes as you see Ginny and Luna successfully cast their patronuses as well, just in time for a deep rumble to reverberate around the walls.
Turning to face the entrance of the room, dust clouds your vision as your ears begin to ring. Rubble lays astrew on the floor and you blurrily bring your hand to swat away the dust in front of you, feeling someone grasp at your shoulder to keep you upright.
As the dust settles and you're pushed back into the coherence of reality, you bring your gaze towards the perpetrator.
Standing proudly at the newly blasted hole in the wall were Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, a shamefaced Cho held by Draco's side.
Merlin be damned. Harry's love life is a proper mess.
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txoru @surelysherly
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attichaos · 1 year
Rune Meanings
These are a few keywords and themes for rune symbols along with their modern alphabet equivalents.
*longer read*
Ansuz - Message, A
God, Ancestors, Revelation, Signs, Visions, Insight, Message, Knowledge, Communication
Berkana - Birch, B
Earth Mother, Birth, Fertility, Growth, Renewal, New beginnings, Creation, New projects, Creativity
Kaunaz - Torch, C/K/Q
Fire, Knowledge, Enlightenment, Comprehension, Insight, Illumination, Calling, Purpose, Idea
Dagaz - Dawn, D
Intuition, Light Within, Day, Awakening, Consciousness, Clarity, Hope, Balance, Growth, New cycles
Ehwaz - Horse, E
Twin Gods, Relationships, Progress, Movement, Harmony, Trust, Loyalty, Friendship, Assistance, Duality, Animal instincts
Fehu - Wealth, F
Wealth, Mother Rune, Abundance, Luck, Hope, Prosperity, Fortune
Gebo - Gift, G
Divine Interaction, Generosity, Partnership, Gifts, Talents, Charity, Service, Assistance, Luck, Fortune
Hagalaz - Hail (as in the type of weather), H
Transformation, Egg of Life, Destruction, Natural wrath, Uncontrolled forces, Testing, Change, External input
Isa - Ice, I
Cosmic Coherence, Suspension, Delay, Stillness, Frustration, Blocks, Pause, Waiting
Jera - Harvest, J
Earth, Right Action, Year, conclusion, Life cycle, Endings and beginnings, Abundance, Learnings, Growth
Laguz - Lake, L
Fertilty, Living Renewal, Water, Intuition, Imagination, Healing, Dreams, Mysteries, Insight, Instinct, Knowing
Mannaz - Man, M
Divine Union Manifestation, Humanity, Collective, Mortality, Community, Relationships, Morals, Values
Nauthiz - Neccesity, N
Needs, Friction, Shadow, Restriction, Disagreements, Resistance, Survival, Lacking
Othila - Heritage, O
Genetics, Legacy, inheritance, Spiritual growth, Abundance, Values, Contribution
Peorth - Destiny, P
Divination, Luck, Primal law, Fate, Mysteries, Occult, Feminine fertility, Chance, Fortune, Mysticism, Unknown
Raido - Journey, R
Solar Chariot, Rhythm, Progress, Movement, Evolution, Perspective, Journey, Travel
Sowulo - Sun, S
Thunderbolt, Wheel of Power, Success, Vitality, Inspiration, Justice, Success, Joy, Happiness, Abundance
Teiwaz - Victory, T
Masculine Gods, Warrior Rune, Leadership, Rationality, Honour, Bravery, Courage, Strength, Perseverance, Endurance
Uruz - Power, U
Primal Creative Force, Gateway, Strength, Endurance, Health, Courage, Vigour, Vitality, Force, Perseverance
Wunjo - Joy, V/W
Kinship, Heritage, Joy, Pleasure, Feast, Celebration, Comfort, Belonging, Community, Success, Festivities
Thurisaz - Thor, X, th
Protection, Polarity, Regeneration, Defence, Challenge, Danger, Attack, Strength
Eiwaz - Yew, Y
Tree of Life, Dreaming, Magic, Connection, Inspiration, Endurance, Sacred knowledge, Protection, Life cycles, Divinity
Algiz - Elk, Z
Divine Protection, Sanctuary, Protection, Guardian, Awakening, Courage, Defence, Instincts
Inguz - Fertility, NG
True Love, Music, Harmony, Fertility, Virility, Inner growth, Virtue, Peace, Harmony
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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b00kdiary · 1 year
SJM: A Ballad of Flame & Shadow | Azriel Fanfic Alex was falling between worlds- falling through worlds- until she landed with Bryce someplace that was definitely not Hel. And now there was a male before her, the most beautiful male she had ever seen and something other than fear sparked in her heart. Wattpad & Ao3 A Court of Pleasure and Ruin (Nesta x Cassian x Azriel)
Nesta can't stop thinking about how Azriel and Cassian made her feel during training and all the things she wished she could do with them. Looks like her wishes have come true.
Wildest Dreams (Batboys x Plus size reader ACOTAR)
Where the reader finds herself gaining the attention of the most notorious males in Prythian and it seems that even her wildest dreams couldn't prepare her for the night they would share.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Relax (Bat Boys X Plus Size reader) Where the reader goes into the Birchin sauna for some peace– and then falls asleep. She wakes up and finds she isn’t alone anymore. Rhys, Cassian and Azriel desperately want to help her relax. (Hint: High Lady Feyre likes to watch) Dreamer-(Rhysand x Reader)Rhysand begrudgingly goes to Hewn City to secure a marriage pact that will indefinitely bond the two Courts together- but the fine ladies of the Court of Nightmares are not what he wants or needs. Instead, he discovers Lady Y/N, and she has no qualms about telling him how he has failed this City and her. This is more than just coincidence, it’s fate.
Yours (Rhysand x Plus size reader) Y/N meets Rhys in a bar- one month after the worst night of her life. One month after he saved her. But Rhys has no interest in being a hero, and Y/N doesn't want to be a victim. They only want each other.
Euphoria- (Ithan Holstrom x Plus size reader)
Where Y/N finds herself needing to be reminded just how desirable she is, and Ithan Holstrom is more than willing to show her.
Stay With Me (Rhysand x Plus size reader) Part Two Part Three
Rhysand reappears at the cabin four hours after he had gone on a mission- wounded and bleeding. Y/N has no choice but to help him, even if it means yanking out every ash arrow embedded in his wings by hand. But something Cassian once told her makes her re-think the line between pleasure and pain, and she will do anything to make it better for her High Lord. ‘Cassian said that the talon holds the most nerve endings, does that make it the most delicate to touch?’
Better Than Any Fantasy (Ruhn Danaan x Tristan Flynn x Plus size reader) Y/N’s been avoiding Flynn like the plague, and Ruhn knows why and is more than happy to tell him. Especially when that conversation leads to something much better than any of them could have hoped for.
Hurt me (Cassian x Plus size reader)
Cassian and Y/N are late for an IC meeting not that Cassian cares, no, he has two things on his mind: your body and your pleasure.
Mirror, Mirror (Cassian x Plus size reader)
Y/N flees a party where it seems Cassian and Nesta can’t stay away from each other, but when Cassian comes rushing after her, more than one declaration is made and more than one secret is discovered. Cauldron Blessed (Azriel x Plus size reader) When you overhear Azriel say that the Cauldron was wrong about you. Take it (Cassian x Azriel x Plus size reader) Part 2 Rhysand's playing Cupid and his meddling has you experiencing something you never would have thought possible. Unworthy (Azriel x Plus Size Reader) Azriel hated her, he was disgusted by her… and he didn’t want another male coming near her. It all comes rushing to the surface one night when Y/N can’t take his cruelty anymore- and Azriel can’t keep lying to her about how he really feels. Mine (Cassian x plus size reader) Y/N goes wedding dress shopping and is confronted with females who make it clear that they think she’s unworthy of being Cassian’s mate, that she shouldn’t be his wife. Cassian shows her just how fucking wrong they are. Fire Night (Eris X plus size reader) It’s Fire Night and High Lord Eris has to complete the Great Rite. He finds Y/N – he finds his maiden. House of the Dragon: Aemond Targaryen
An Old Flame (fin) Wattpad version
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI a Part VI b The Letter
Beautiful Creature (fin)
Part I Part II Part III
Unexpected (fin)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
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beetboxx · 2 years
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the leather jacket effect - billy hargrove x reader
pt 4 - masterlist
other warnings; era misogyny, mean dom billy, sub reader, fingering, f oral, p in v, billy being horrible and then billy being less horrible, slight angst - let me know if i missed anything
REQUEST BOX OPEN! (also, come and talk to me!)
you had only been on a couple of dates before that fateful monday. your first one was freshman year, in '82, when joshua wallace from model un asked you out to a movie. joshua wallace was.. average. he wore khakis and polos or sweaters, wore glasses and his hair neatly combed and pushed back. he was always italy at MUN meetings, and always got a little too into it. you two saw the secret of nimh, a dumb little animated movie about a mouse. you had suggested the dark crystal, or the slumber party massacre, but joshua said his mom wouldn't be okay with 'scary' movies. you two sat side by side, the armrest separating you two, as he snacked on popcorn he bought for himself and refused to share.
and then there was eric. he played tennis. actually, he spent more time playing tennis than actually breathing or sleeping. he was sweet. brown eyes, wore button ups and jeans and pulled out chairs for you and opened doors. he asked you out to his own tennis game. you went, it was boring, long, and you didn't quite understand the appeal of a bunch of dudes in white throwing around a ball. you made out in his mom's car after that, and then he struggled for about five minutes to open and put on a condom. you were bored the entire time, even though your famous “first time” is supposed to be romantic, special, significant. with eric, it was a chore. the next week, he asked you if you wanted to go watch him during a tournament. you called him to tell him you were sick.
and then steven, from theatre. he made you smile until your cheeks hurt, complimented you and left notes in your locker. he asked you out using shakespeare and roses, and then took you to a drive-in screening of rocky horror picture show. he covered your head with newspaper when janet and brad are walking through the rain, brought rice and playing cards to throw at the screen. you had the time of your life, but you couldn’t stop giggling and looking over at him and he was so damn cuddly. you two stayed late after the movie ended, popcorn and rice all over the bed of his truck so he could lazily finger you under a blanket before having the most average sex of your life. you went on four more dates with steven after that, each one unique and silly and full of giggles and smiles.
but you found him having sex with a girl wearing a prairie dress with a cowboy hat backstage during their production of oklahoma!
so, easy to say you hadn’t had the best luck with dating, or a very dignified sex life. you thought you would’ve found a long term boyfriend by your senior year- someone mundane and kind and.. boring. everyone thought that you would find some wonder-bread to bring home to your parents and sit at a comfortable distance, so when word spread around that you were going on a “date,” with billy hargrove, it felt like your hair was on fire everywhere you went. girls whispered when you walked by them, suddenly guys were paying attention to you and complimenting your skirts- well, complimenting how the skirts made you look. you just ignored it, for the most part. kept walking after saying a quiet thank you. this was not on the itinerary for the year. but everyone was way too scared of billy to speak out about this anomaly. he had been there for about a week and already had the entirety of hawkins high trapped in his fist. except nancy, of course.
“okay- what the hell happened to not wanting anything to do with him?” nancy interrogated one afternoon at your little study group slash chat hour.
“hm?” you hummed, not lifting your head up from your homework.
“the new kid?”
“yes, the new kid- you know who i’m talking about,” she argued.
“yeah. what about him?”
nancy gave you a very cold, stern look. she had this specific face that just read “don’t fuck with me.” her eyebrows were slanted as she glared at you through them.
“okay- okay!” you surrendered, setting down your pencil. “it’s nothing, seriously. we’re just going to the football game.”
“you say that,” she reprimanded, pointing a pen in your face, “but then he gives you his jacket, and then he tries to get a b.j. in his shitty car he can’t drive, and th-“
“i got it!” you grumbled, frowning and looking down at your hands on the library table. nancy took a breath before scooting a little closer to you, her stern face falling into a more worried expression. she was scared for you, you could tell by the pursed lips and raised cheeks and the pure amount of worry in her eyes.
“i’m sorry. i just- (y/n), i’ve seen guys like him,” nancy explained, joining you in the search for a distraction in her own fingernails.
“i know, i know. its..” you trailed off and lifted your head up to look at her, which soon caught her attention and gave her the cue to re-engage in the conversation. “he’s the first guy to like.. notice me. in a while.”
nancy frowned, her shoulders dropping rigidly. she’s been in your shoes before.
“trust me, nance. i’ll be okay.”
she sighed, nodded reluctantly and threw up her hands as a surrender. the rest of your study session had a huge cloud of tension hanging over it that entire time- all the nerds and study-junkies could feel it, and it made the rest of that hour and a half absolutely miserable. but it gave you alot of time to think, as your eyes aimlessly wandered pages and your pencil scribbled in the corners. billy wasn’t going to be an exclusive deal. he couldn’t promise you love, or loyalty, and you had no idea how everyone else would hypothetically react. but if this goes somewhere, this little chess game of yours, would it end in a draw? perhaps his king, instead of trying to capture your queen in all of his patriarchal powers, would pull her into a hug, give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her it would be alright. and of course, there was always a chance you were imagining all of this and it was all a spooky wet dream, and billy hargrove never really existed!
the attention was good, at first, with all the gossiping and sudden interest from guys since now you were considered unavailable, even though nothing had happened to consider you that. boys were just like sheep. and you kind of felt terrible for the girls, feeling like they needed to compete for their attention. you understood it now. all of the times you had made fun of cathy and nancy for waking up early to do their hair and makeup made sense to you now- they were all forced to be in competition with each other, and once word spread about billy asking you out, you were their top competitor. without you wanting to be.
and of course, word got around to cathy. she approached you about it on that friday, way later than you thought she would find out about it. it was during your shared history class, when you were finishing up notes. she had tapped on your shoulder from behind you, and you could tell from the strength of the taps that she was very urgent.
“what’s up, caths?” you asked, twisting your abdomen to face her.
“you know what’s up,” she replied, dead-panned and staring at you with her beady little eyes. cathy didn’t have a malicious bone in her body, but you really felt like she was about to tell you that she wasn’t angry, just disappointed. you could not bare to live in a world with no people like her or nancy.
“… i’m sorry,” you mumbled, looking down in shame like a kid who got caught grabbing candy from the candy jar.
“i said, i’m sorry.”
“wait- why are you sorry?”
you looked up, cocking your head to the side. you couldn’t tell if this was a rhetorical.
“because.. i’m going to the game with billy?”
cathy gasped, her hand immediately flying to your arm and shaking her head rapidly.
“i’m not upset, (y/n)!” she assured, her permed hair flying around as she shook her head. “i’m so totally excited for you!”
now it was your time to reply with a, “what?”
cathy beamed at you and giggled a little bit, her leopard printed shoulders bouncing carelessly. “you finally got yourself a little boy toy! and a very, very hot one, at that.”
“oh,” you said, confusedly. you didn’t exactly know what was happening right now. “you’re not.. mad?”
cathy made a weird pouting face and told you very sincerely, “of course not. i’m happy for you!”
you returned her smile in the form of a quick grin, before nodding in confirmation of her approval. you were glad you had the cathy-go-ahead, but there was still that aching feeling in your gut, pulling and twisting and screaming at you to abort the mission. screaming at you that this would change your senior year from the simple, academic, calm one you had grown to love. simplicity was good. unnerving, familiar. and billy hargrove was anything but simple.
"mrs. (l/n), do you have anything to share with the class?" mr. allen, your bald-headed, grumpy history teacher inquired sarcastically, pulling your attention out of your swimming thoughts. you spun around in your seat, completely silent as you shook your head. mr. allen was scary. looked like a bulldog and always wore very comically large shoulder-pads.
soon after mr. allen had interrupted you and cathy, you were given a solid minute before the bell rang to gather up your stuff that wasn't shoved in your locker into your backpack. he made everyone stay thirty seconds past the bell as usual just out of pure malice, and then you were dismissed for your next period.
you made your quick stop at your locker to shove a few more things that you humanly could in there. you could have sworn that locker had some sort of pocket dimension in it capable of holding all of your books and textbooks and notebooks. but it was lovely. familiar. you went there every day between your history class and english, and it was one of the moments in your day where the rustling and chatting and occasional shouts from the hallways around you were welcoming, because it happened every single day.
as you were walking down the hallway to your next class while holding your copy of , something very out of your schedule occurred, however. something that had never happened before. you got.. catcalled? you weren't really sure what to call it, but as you passed a group of basketball players, wearing their lettermans and sneakers and all various shades of blue jeans, one of them whistled at you.
you were very sure it was at you, too, because another one next to the whistler had the audacity to shout, "yo, (y/n)! lookin' fine today!" before the others erupted in chuckles and various sounds of dog-like expressions of attraction.
you didn't know how to react, so you just mumbled, ".. thank you," your cheeks flushing and a shy but very confused smile pulling at your lips.
one of the players, the one you guessed had started this, let out another form of onomatopoeia in a loud 'ooooh!' and slapping the chest of the guy next to him. it was all very strange. they acted like dogs. no, they acted like dogs and expected girls to swoon over them. they acted like dogs, and treated girls like they were the dogs. the entire moment just made you sick in your stomach. it felt wrong. to be objectified like that, like a piece of meat. they were only interested in you because you had been 'claimed,' and you were totally not a fan of it.
and then you realized that your next class was in fact english, and you dreaded your hallway walk even more. maybe you would get lucky, billy wouldn't show up and you wouldn't have to deal with him for another day. maybe billy was merciful enough to spare you from his demeaning flirts until you went on your little outing together to a shitty football game.
you soon realized that no, billy hargrove was not that merciful. he was there when you walked in mrs. campbells decorated door, lounging in his chosen seat with his toned legs sprawled out underneath him, stretching far enough to reach underneath the chair of the person in front of him. he had some smug expression on his face, as usual, like he was about to pull a pair of sunglasses from the abyss and tell you he had you all figured out. and most importantly and shocking- he was early. to a class.
he didn't seem to notice you, or was choosing to act like he didn't notice you, until tina, from behind your seat, drew the class' attention to you with a gleeful 'hey, (y/n)!'
his eyes dragged over to you, standing in the classroom doorway with your book and a composition notebook tucked in your arms. he flicked his chin up as a part of a greeting.
"speak of the pretty devil. we were just talking about you,” billy asserted, every single pair of eyes in the classroom falling on you. this attention you did not like. you could read every single emotion from the room full of opinionated teenagers. it made you feel like spotlights were blazing down on you, turning your face red and your skin hot and a little tingly. you gave a little, nervous hum as a response to his proclamation. the heat of the attention made your knees a little wobbly, your hands unsteady as you walked past billy to your seat. you sat down, slowly as you approached the shark, which prompted billy's body to follow your direction and give you a smile that rotted your teeth.
"you excited for the game tonight, babe?" he asked you while chewing his gum with his molars, that one ending word of endearment making everyone in the classroom have their own micro-reaction. excitement for their bro-dude, jealousy because that should be them getting that title, jealousy because that should be them giving that title, disgust that this was such a big deal, and more. but yours was just shock. your eyes went wide, lips parting in a barely noticeable gasp.
"um- please don't call me that," you whispered, hoping that it was just him that heard it, but unfortunately, the gaggle of jocks emitted chuckles and scoffs at your response.
you saw billy's face fall, with his nostrils flaring like a bull and teeth gritting together. he shot a glare as sharp as a dagger at the boys around him, to which they responded accordingly by falling silent. at first, you thought they were laughing at you for 'being such a prude,' but you soon realized that they were laughing at billy- you had embarrassed him.
his smile then returned with a chuckle as his jaw loosened from its tension, beginning to chew his gum like hew as doing before.
"why not? you're a fuckin' babe," he chided, intending to sound like he didn't care, but the bite he applied was obvious that he was a little wounded by your push-back.
"it's.. it's a little degrading, is all. you could have.. used my name."
he laughed at you. it stung.
"ah, so you're bein' a bitch today, huh?"
"n-no, i just don't want to be treated like.. that," you muttered, your agitation beginning to grow. the people around you basically pulled out a bucket of metaphorical popcorn as they watched the ping-pong match between you two. to billy, it was some sort of sadistic strip ping-pong.
billy was so close to responding, until he was interrupted by mrs. campbell's less-than-cheerful announcement that class had begun and to quiet down. he turned around in his seat, and you could feel the steam blowing from his ears and into your vicinity.
english class was painful. billy didn't say a word. not to you, not to the teacher, not to the people around him. he opened his copy of animal farm, but you could tell he didn't read a single word. you only got a chapter or so yourself. everything felt.. wrong. the words on the pages felt like you were reading an ancient symbolic language, which was the same feeling you got when you tried to read billy. he didn't make any sudden movements until the end of class, when the bell rung and everyone was dismissed.
you always took a while to get your stuff, and billy knew that already, so he lingered, sitting in the same exact spot you last saw him in, with his fists clenched on his desk and his shoulders tense. once you stood up, he followed, turning around on his heel and blocking your exit escape. you two were the only people in the class at that point. he didn't say anything, just took a step towards you and grabbed your chin with two unexpectedly soft fingers. he brought your chin to look at him, a movement that gave you a scary deja vu that made your stomach turn over.
he took a long moment to stare into your eyes with a dangerous, flat look. you could feel his minty breath, and you could see the brewing darkness in his eyes.
"you better learn to watch it," he said. it was simple, a command. a threat. you didn't know what he would do if you didn't, and you didn’t exactly know what you were supposed to be watching (you guessed it was the whole embarrassing him thing). but you didn't exactly want to find out- though, seriously, what the fuck could billy do that would be so horrible if you continued to ‘talk back to him’, even with your innocent intentions that you had before.
he didn't give you the chance to respond, though, letting go of your chin with a slight push, once again slowly turning around, grabbing his bag, and exiting the classroom.
that was all you thought about for the rest of the day. nothing else. just billy. and his fingers. and the dangerous look he gave you. and it was like a horror movie- you knew you were going to be scared and your nerves and adrenaline would be on fire under your skin, but you were so intrigued, and.. excited.
6:24, a whole 36 minutes until the terrible football game was about to start. no one went to the hawkins high football games for fun. the team was terrible, boring, and the marching band completely half-assed it, knowing it wouldn't have been a memorable moment anyways. basketball games were the true games to go to for the game itself- and the guys in shorts and tank tops. people went to hawkins high football games to either support someone, get drunk and/or high, snog in or under the bleachers, and just hangout with their friends in a reckless abandon.
you didn't know why you were going, to be honest.
you heard a loud, angry honk from outside your house, prompting you to mutter a string of curses as the anticipation grew in your veins. you couldn't tell if your hair was standing up on your head like you were upside down. you hurriedly put on your mascara, a finishing touch to a very intermediate look. it was definitely out of your comfort zone, but.. you wanted to impress someone. show them- him, you weren't what he thought. throw him off his game, show him who's boss in this situation.
you did your makeup with your best impersonation of molly ringwald, glossy red lipgloss and rouge on your cheekbones. but you kept your outfit strictly you. you didn't need to change your clothing style for a guy. it was your last thread of comfort that you were strong to hold onto. loose jeans and a button-up, that was it.
a loud knock- no, a bang on your front door sounded through the house. you basically sprinted to it, twisting the doorknob open and throwing the door open so hard it banged against the wall behind it, hopefully not leaving a scratch, but you were too caught up in the moment to check. there was billy, leaning against your doorframe, a cigarette hanging from the corners of his lips. he wore a tight polo shirt, definitely purposefully defining all of his muscles and figure. you noted a little silver necklace with a pendant you couldn't fully make out. his hair was.. well, perfect. it definitely had to be a perm. you wondered what would happen if you threw a bucket of water over his head. his blue eyes were piercing in the dim light, first shooting through your chest where a little sliver of skin showed, making you immediately go and cover it up. they skated up to your face, lingering on the glossy red lips you applied. for you, of course. it wasn't for anyone else.
"uh-.. hey," you greeted, trying to sound as calm as possible. you were anything but calm.
"you get all dolled up for me?"
damn it. he saw right through you.
you just shook your head. you saw the slight hint of a grin. you had to fight with your hand to not reach up and slap it off of him, but it was too planted to your sides to resist your resistance.
he clicked his tongue and looked to his car, before pushing himself up off your doorframe. he turned, and began walking to his car in quick strides. you followed like some sort of lost puppy. he walked right past the passenger side car door, going straight to his own and opening it for yourself, proving to you that you weren't even worth the few seconds it would take to open your car door for you. maybe it was to you, maybe it was to him. regardless, you opened it yourself, climbing into the car soaked in cigarette smoke, ash, and rebellion. billy didn't even wait for you to put on your seatbelt, which you knew you had to when driving with billy, to start up his car with a growl and slam on the gas.
it was about three minutes of tense silence, the small carriage being taken up by soft rock music from the radio and the sound of the camaro's exhaustion, before one of you broke. it was you.
"hey um- i'm.. i'm sorry for embarrassing you, or whatever. in mrs. campbells.”
he just scoffed.
“i really don’t like the way you spoke to me, though. like- i’m not mad, or whatever.. i only want you to treat me like-“
“it’s fine,” he bit.
you could hear cold as ice by foreigner playing on the radio. it seemed fitting, but you couldn’t tell why. maybe it was the icy tone in his voice.
you needed to change the situation, quick, or else you would be calling for cathy’s saving before the game even started. so you decided to.. turn it into a joke.
“but uh- did you see tim’s face when you gave him that glare?” you lightly laughed. “looked like he was going to shit himself or something.”
that pushed a tiny, breathy chuckle from billy. it was lighter than the chuckle he gave when he was mocking you earlier.
you let that light simmer for a while, resorting to staring down at your palms in your lap, trying to read the lines in them and see if the stars held any resolution that night. you didn’t see anything. and then there was a little shimmer from venus.
“yeahh.. guy’s a tool.." he grumbled, but you could feel the jokiness in his tone that threatened to rise to surface.
you offered him the same chuckle he put on the table. you chewed on the inside of your cheek as your eyes followed the lines on your palm, trying to find the courage within to say something more. you turned to look at him, your view landing on his hands on the steering wheel. you couldn't look him in the face, even if he was staring at the road.
“hey, billy?”
he hummed.
“why did you ask me to this game?” you questioned, quiet and very, very sincere. it wasn’t challenging, sarcastic, it was a genuine question.
“i dunno,” he replied. it wasn't cocky or smug, just clueless. he really didn't know why. he didn't regret it by any means, but it was something that just happened and he didn't realize that it did.
"is it a.. date?"
he iterated the same response, "i dunno."
"why are you so.. mean to me? mean to.. women."
billy blinked rapidly, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.
"why are you asking so many questions?" he challenged, crueler than he intended it to be. not that it mattered, anyways. "a little chatterbox tonight, huh?"
you nodded, shrugging. his mocking question was intended to make you shut up, but instead, it just made you continue to talk more. it made his forehead crease. "yep. i've never done this before, to be honest. usually when i get asked out on a date it's... asking, not demanding."
billy frowned, a now angry frown that he was being chastised.
"well, then i'll tell you," he began, stopping you before you could say anything else. "you sit next to me, look pretty and be fuckin' quiet. or you can go talk to tommy's girlfriend about.. shopping or whatever the fuck you girls talk about."
now it was your turn to scrunch up your eyebrows.
"and maybe, if you're lucky, i'll pull into an empty parking lot after the game."
your head cocked to the side as you glared at him, which to him, looked more like a pout until you narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. "an empty parking lot, really? why?"
billy scoffed at you again, rolling his eyes until they landed on you, pulling your attention from his steering wheel you had been staring at as he disregarded traffic laws and degraded you.
"oh, that's adorable," he mocked. "you really don't know?"
"okay, if you're gonna be a total lame-ass, i'll just go spend the game with my friend.” you tightened your arms over your chest like you were holding a shield to yourself to protect from billy’s overall unpleasantness.
“i wouldn’t be if you weren’t gonna be such a bimbo," billy rasped, his voice gaining in volume.
"didn’t you fail a grammar quiz, wise guy?” you snapped back. you felt your ears getting hot, your nails bluntly digging into your arms as the anger, and confidence, brewed. “i mean, seriously, do you have anything going on up there behind that mullet besides like.. wondering when you’re going to get your rocks off next?”
your tone became a lot harsher than it was before. your emotions had flipped like a coin, a quick switch with your increasing agitation and anger. you would rather eat cement than admit that billy was affecting and offending you. but maybe it's not so bad, i mean, wet cement looks edible-
"who do you think you are, billy?" you continued, a lot quieter than your last accusation. it was quieter, but it stung like a hammer to billy's head. you scooted further away from him in your seat, closer to the door just in case you needed to tuck-and-roll out of the camaro. you saw him seething, his knuckles turn white as the rest of him turned an angry red. his breathing was heavy and gravelly in his chest, rumbling like a volcano before eruption. "you can't- you can't treat women like they're pieces of meat."
billy gritted his teeth together.
"but that's all you are." he spat loudly, not even giving the effort to look at you as he pulled over in the road and stopped the car.
"no!" you argued, shaking your head, "i'm not! how do you know that you're not the.. piece of meat, huh?"
he laughed. a haunting laugh that you had been hearing in your head the whole week.
then he went silent. his face fell, his hands fell of the steering wheel and onto his thighs. he sat back in his seat, staring out the dashboard window into the darkness that had consumed the october night.
"you're killin' me, (y/n)."
you let your shoulders drop.
"i don't want to go to the game," billy declared, his voice much quieter than it was in his seemingly controlled fit of anger.
"what, you wanna yell at me more?"
"no. i don't know-" his voice suddenly rose to a shout, his head snapping to face you. the movement made you jump, swallow a thick cloud in your throat. "- what i want, okay? so if you could just shut the fuck up-" he slammed his palm down on the steering wheel, causing it to emit a loud, dull sound throughout the car that seemed to shake your body. you stole a shaky breath from the heavy air.
"let's just.. let's just talk," you apprehensively suggested, mousey and wide-eyed. billy ran his fingers through his curly hair. he shut his eyes, tightly.
"what the fuck is there to talk about?" he snarled. you fiddled with your fingers in your lap, suddenly losing that streak of bravery when confronting billy.
"your life? my life? i-.. if-.. let's get to know each other."
"god, that's lame. you're fuckin' lame."
you felt frozen in the leather seat, like he had spread out a thick glue and stole the sweat from your body. your chest was heavy, fingers seemingly stuck in a rigor mortis clench. but your jaw opened itself, like a venus fly trap luring an unsuspecting fly with a bitter sugar.
".. what's the necklace?"
billy stopped. his face turned white, a cold white. he flew away from you.
"it's none of your business," he snapped harshly.
your eyes darted from him, to the steering wheel, to your lap, anywhere in the car. they took their final resting place upon him, finding the sliver of skin where the pendant rested.
"i wanna get to know you," you whispered, shrugging your shoulders.
billy didn't further the conversation. just rapidly threw his hand onto the transmission and shoved it into drive, pressing down his foot firmly on the gas so quick you were kind of thrown around in your seat. you had to grab onto the console and the door handle to be able to settle yourself back into the leather before speaking again.
"billy- where the fuck are we going?" you urgently, but nervously, demanded.
you were met with nothing but silence and the engine of his car growling at you.
there wasn't a word spoken in that goddamn camaro until the car let out its hum of sleep and fell into stillness. you were snapped out of some sort of trance billy had put you under, a trance of confusion and a sprinkle of fear.
billy threw his door open immediately after tugging the keys out. you followed him on your side, more frantic than his somehow cool composure. you knew he was anything but cool, probably pretty near boiling level by now. he was such an anomaly. he didn't make any sense to you. when you got out of the car, you saw him leaned against the hood of his camaro, big hands shoved in his front jean pockets. you stood by the car on your side, making sure to not make any sudden movements. you were way too scared to even touch his car, like it would catch on fire and dissolve billy into an ashy mess.
the air was cool, a breeze blew past you and swirled around billy, ruffling up his hair gently. you could smell the water, musty and earthy as it swished around and waved hello to you two. you could see stars and billy's car's lights reflect onto the water, anything but calm as the reflections distorted and twisted and stretched on the surface. you could hear the trees rustling as they danced with the breeze. it was calm. a lot more calm then billy's tension
"california," he finally spoke up, staring down at the ground as he crossed an ankle over the other.
"california. i lived in california before i moved to this shit-hole."
you took a step closer to him, lighting a fuse that made his head turn to you. you saw a different emotion in his eyes, something you had never seen from him before. twinkling in the dark, a small spark distant from his irises.
all you could utter was, "oh."
"my dad- neil. he thought it would be good for his stupid fuckin' new chick and her kid. i thought that-" he swallowed, rough and hard and tobacco-tainted, "- that i could make this place mine."
"i hate it, (y/n). i hate it here."
you took another step towards him, the wind pushing you to him and coaxing you to investigate more. you couldn't speak. it was like you were watching a film play out and this was the final scene before the main character got his happy ending. but you knew that you weren't in that scene.
"you- have been driving me crazy," he conceded, his gaze returning to the abyss in front of him. "you.. and max, have been the things that i just.. can't win."
you chewed on your bottom lip, crossing your arms to hold your warmth and dignity to yourself.
"have you ever thought that.. maybe you haven't been trying?" you suggested. you took the final steps necessary to reach to the spot next to him, where you gently rested yourself upon the hood of his car.
"you're too fuckin' perfect. it makes me so mad," billy chortled darkly, a self-pitying laugh that made the night seem darker. "and you know what's the worst part? you're fucking boring."
your eyes glanced from side to side, searching for any words. all you could come up with was, "ouch."
you turned your head to look at him. his spine was curved where he was crossing his arms over his broad chest, his outline visible with the dim reflection of his headlights. his hair was a mess, out of place and frizzy from the moisture of the lake and the frustrated hair pulls.
"i dunno what to do," he said quietly, a small admission of hidden defeat.
"have you.." you cleared your throat to swallow down some of the fear bubbling in your stomach, ".. ever thought of.. not being such a dick to everyone?"
"cut the sass, alright?"
"i'm not being sassy," you dully argued, shifting your weight around in an attempt to make the situation a little more comfortable. you failed at that. "if you weren't so.. mean.. i would've happily gone out with you. you're pretty."
you saw billy's nostrils flare up. he stared off into space before his eyes clicked to look at yours, his head slowly following suit.
"pretty? really?" he threw back in a tone that more questioned if you were fucking with him, trying to emasculate him or something. but you weren't- he was just really pretty.
"mhm.. pretty," you mumbled. that was about as far as you were going to get with him. he still had a brick wall built up, made of hair-gel and muscle covered in thorns that pricked anyone who came too close.
in a swift movement, billy pushed himself off of his car, leaving you stranded in the darkness. he was about to march to the driver's seat and probably throw some sort of fit, but you straightened your knees and took a step forward in the chips of rocks.
"i'm serious, billy," you called out.
he had his hand on the door's lever, but stopped without pulling it towards him to open the car. his tongue poked in his cheek, sliding over to poke out to cover his bottom lip, shaking his head. "you are the devil, (y/n)."
"no," you said, taking another step towards him, swallowing down your dignity. this had to be some sort of trap he had laid out for you. "i just.. think there's more to you than all those.. abs and stuff."
"why are you being nice to me?" he asked, more irritated than anything.
you sucked in a breath and swallowed it down, in the process swallowing down your dignity. the breeze of the night must have possessed you, because before you knew it, you were closing the inches between you two and laying your hands on the collar of his opened polo. you grazed your eyes on the v of exposed skin before letting them walk, rather run, to his face. he was pretty. so pretty that you couldn't help but tug on the fabric, slowly, until the tip of your noses met. he just stared into you, blue eyes intoxicating you until you were out of your mind enough to close the gap and press your lips upon his.
you were kissing him. you were kissing billy hargrove and your head was completely empty. no synapse firings or rational thoughts were occurring to send a signal to your legs to run away and escape. maybe you were just falling into his trap, maybe it was pity or defeat, but when his hands came up to grip your waist tightly, you were spent. gone in the thin ring of ocean blue on his face. it was familiar, the hold he had on you and how he told you he would have you in a jiffy. it pained you to admit he was right. you just couldn’t help it, especially not when he moved to press you against the side of his camaro so he could deepen your kiss, lips battling with each other in a dissonant harmony that was somehow satisfying. but not satisfying enough to get you to stop.
“i-i wasn’t lying,” you stammered with a pant, as steady as you could be with billy expertly pecking at your bottom lip, trying to reignite another heavy kiss. “you really are pretty and-.. and-“
billy pulled himself off your lips, leaving not even an inch between your two heated faces. you could feel and smell his breath, the gum that he chewed and the words he spat to hide his emotions.
“and what?”
you stared up at him, smoothing your hand from his cheek and over his chest, fiddling with the fabric.
“h-hot? i don’t.. know..” you whispered, your eyes finding the silver pendant against his chest and locking onto it so you didn’t have to look at him. but you could feel billy’s signature smug grin grow on his face. you were immediately regretting the decision you didn’t make willingly, but you didn’t back out.
“you gonna get all shy on me?” he murmured, leaning down to force your chin back up with his nose. “c'mon, where did all of that high and mighty shit go?”
he began mouthing over your jaw, making sure to nip where your jaw met your ear. he noted the hitch in your breath by repeating his actions, this time pulling a tiny little squeaky hum from the back of your throat that didn't leave your lips.
"you were planning this, weren't you?" you gasped, leaning your head back without thinking just to let him wrap his tail around and around you until he suffocated you. he took it as an invitation to kiss and bite across the delicate skin of your neck, which he happily accepted.
"ohh, don't blame this on me, naughty girl," he muttered between bites. "but you're just too innocent and perfect for that, huh?"
you hummed a little, "mm-mmh," and shook your head. you didn't see yourself as innocent, per se, but billy wanted to grab the halo above your head that only he saw and rip it into pieces. you had a little tiny urge to prove him differently, lifting up your leg so it bent at the knee and rested on his hip. he caught it for you and gripped the skin under your thigh, letting it mold in his fingers. it brought you closer to him, particularly the pelvic region, which you realized when you felt a hard, thick bulge trapped under his jeans rubbing up against you. you gasped at it, hands jumping up to the back of his head, filled with long, blonde curly hair to lightly tug on it. he heard it, he felt it, and so he pressed up against you, lifted his hips up slightly so he could plant them back down between your legs, gritting his hard bulge between your jeans.
"jesus," he grumbled, sinking his teeth into a spot just above the crease where your collarbones met with your neck. he lingered there, placing his tongue on the target and began to lightly suck.
"mmh- billy, no marks-" you protested, shifting your hands to his chest to lightly shove him away. he didn't budge, simply slid one of his hands opposite to the side of your neck he was attacking, pressing it against you to press you further into his mercy.
he growled, a rumble bubbling in the base of his throat with a, "too bad."
you stopped pushing after a couple of seconds, the exact second a whine trailed from your lips and prompted a chuckle from billy when he sucked down, hard. it stung, a tiny bit, but god did it feel good for your skin to be violated like that. rough and unforgiving, teeth scraping on your jugular until he had decided there was a sufficient enough bruise to make you wear a turtleneck for the next week. you didn't notice how much you enjoyed it before you found yourself grinding against his pelvis, a friction that formed sparks and sent them flying up your nervous system.
"you've been thinking about this, haven't you?" billy whispered, removing his teeth from your skin and kissing up the underside of your chin, up the side of your jaw, kissing the corners of your lips as a finishing touch. "that pretty little head filled with nasty things, all the nasty stuff i would do to ya."
he hit every mark. you had been thinking about this since that damn party, rutting against his thigh lodged between your thighs like a dog. you didn't have to think about that, though, with the real thing pressed up against you and grinding at your clothed clit. you whimpered, pathetically and weakly. your eyes were pulled up to meet his, blue eyes corrupted by black pupils that tied you down in them until you broke.
"you want me, don't you, (y/n)?"
you nodded.
"say it," billy demanded.
you then shook your head. he twisted his wrist around so it fit the front of your throat, lightly grasping at it in his big palm. you felt his fingers dig in your waist, so hard you could feel his short nails pressing against your sweater.
"(y/n)," he murmured, sing-songy and mocking, "say it. i can leave you right here, shaking and fuckin' wet."
you whined again, trying to turn your head away from him, but he was quick to catch your chin, holding you in place so he could stare you down. he had this primal look in his eyes, all of the anger and curiosity and desire spilling from his eyes into you. his face was tight, relentless, pretty blue eyes corrupted with libido.
"i can easily drive you home, you know. let you say goodnight to mommy and daddy knowin' big bad billy got you all worked up."
you shook your head again, as much as you could with his hold on you. you could feel the small droplets of spit flying from his teeth and hitting your face, making you wince with each syllable. he was squeezing your chin now, enough to leave a dull pain.
"come on, tell me. say it. say it and i'll give you what you want," he mumbled, voice low but rising to a harsh whisper. "wanna hear you. wanna hear you admit that i won."
you did. you lost this. miserably. there was going to be no winning this game of chess you had going on, he already had your queen in his line of sight and was reaching out to steal it.
"i want you," you spat out. "i want you, billy."
a sickly sweet, sticky smile grew on billy’s face as he released his harsh grip on your chin.
“atta girl, there ya go. that wasn’t hard, was it?” he teased, pecking your lips lightly as a small reward. his hands met at your waist again, before making the short trail to the hem of your jeans. your eyes then snapped wide open, flying down to grab at his wrists and pull them away. he didn’t fight it, he wasn’t that terrible.
“i dont- i don’t wanna do..” your voice quieted to a secretive whisper, “.. it out here.”
billy was quick to reply with a solution. “my place. let me take you home.”
you paused, hesitant and fighting with yourself to resist him more. but you couldn’t. he was inching towards your queen piece that you had placed in front of him, laid out for him to grab his victory. you could just nod, too much in shock to say anything. your eyes were wide, bright in the dark night and illuminated billy’s sight.
“okay,” you quietly conceded. “alright. take me home.”
he lingered with you for just a second until he was turning around, finally opening his car door and climbing in the seat, leaving you completely isolated and feeling way too empty to be standing out in the dark without him. so you ran to the other side of the car, scrambling to get in the seat across from him. he didn’t even wait for you to sit fully before he was pulling the car in reverse and speeding out of the spot it was in. you two didn’t talk the entire road. you just had your eyes set on him as he disregarded most traffic laws. atleast he was watching the road. so much you don’t think he blinked once. it was intense and heavy and thick in that car. your lungs couldn’t catch enough oxygen and you felt a little fuzzy in the head, like you were walking in some sort of twisted dream.
when he pulled into his own driveway and shut off his car, he sat there for a second, breathing heavily and staring into the garage door. then he suddenly turned to you, grabbed your face and tugged you to him, mashing his lips against yours in an almost violent kiss. it was messy and very sloppy, your lip gloss smearing around your own lips as well as basically his entire face. you felt his tongue press against your bottom lip, filling your taste buds with the taste of him. your own hands found the bottom of his shirt, gripping the fabric in your fists to ground yourself to reality, or else you think you would’ve just floated away.
“lets- jeez,” you struggled to say, just barely pulling away from him. “let’s go inside.”
he tore himself away from your lips. your hair was a mess, cheeks rosy and lips bruised and swollen from his own. your eyes had this shimmer of want that drove billy fucking crazy, like he wanted to split you open. and to be frank, he was planning on it. a week of frustration towards you had been building and building and was spilling out in the form of sexual tension. billy nodded, for once not having anything to say as he climbed out of his car and waited for you to do the same. you mirrored him, stepping out of the vehicle and throwing the door shut. you inched your way towards the front of his car, where billy grabbed your wrist and began tugging you inside.
you barely had any time to comprehend his little house filled with the lingering smell of anger as he dragged you to his room. you just knew it was warm. but hot. and cold. all at the same time- something just wasn’t right about that damned house. it was completely put together- neat and tidy, but was so broken and torn apart. you were tripping over your feet, tripping over your mind as billy’s hand splayed over your wrist in his palm and he dragged you across the house. when you got in his room, it was exactly the way you expected. posters of random, half-naked women across the walls, a radio, blue sheets that were scrunching up to the side and left a silhouette of his body. it smelled exactly like him. cheap cologne, peppermint and smoke. you smelt it even more when he grabbed your hips and pressed his lips against your already bruising neck. he groaned softly into your neck, taking a big huff of your scent as he lifted up his foot to shut the door behind him. you were trapped now.
“nice room,” you snarked as sarcastically as you could be, breathlessly as you tangled a hand in his hair. you were still trying to hang onto that thread of control you had.
“watch the attitude." he grumbled roughly, pulling off of you to glare down at you. he cupped your chin in his hand, a glass teacup in his rough palm as he maneuvered you to be pinned to his door. “you gonna keep mouthing off to me?”
you hummed a no. in an instant, billy snapped that little thread you had in two.
what was the use in fighting it anymore? you wanted him. bad. the core between your thighs was aching, and your stomach felt tight. you were sweating, and you couldn't tell how much of it was from you, and how much of it was from billy's hot body pressed against you. he seemingly rewarded this endeavor of surrender, lifting up his leg to slot between your thighs with a strength that probably would've sent you flying into the ceiling if he wasn't gripping everywhere he could. you let out a whine, the double layer of jeans still didn't do much to stop the friction against your aching clit. he had returned to your neck by then, nipping and sucking, painting your neck with little red marks around a bruising spot from earlier. you rut against his thigh as much as you could, letting your jaw hang open and head loll back until it hit the door.
"billy-" you panted. to him, it sounded like you wanted to stop, so he reluctantly pulled back. you were gazing up at him, and you had these big, wide, innocent eyes and it made billy want to squeeze you until you popped.
"kiss me," you pleaded, grabbing at his shirt, "please?"
it made him grin. he had a pretty smile. the corners of his lips unsubtly curled upwards, pushing his cheeks up and creating a line that rainbowed over his way too perfect lips. he wasn't showing you his teeth, maybe he was scared that it would chase you off, but you didn't have enough time to question that fact before he was obliging to your request. he attacked your lips fervently, sliding his hand to grab your cheek, the pad of his thumb digging into the front end of your cheekbone. your hands were fisted in the bottom of his shirt, the bunching of which revealed the bottom of the toned golden skin of his abdomen. you let your hand snake from his abdomen to his oblique, just below his hip.
you felt the muscles tense up, his thigh lodge itself further in between the crevice of your legs. the kiss was anything but gentle. spit was swapped to the point of a thin stream of saliva dribbled down your chin. his teeth caught your bottom lip between them at one point, making a show of pulling it back until your lip retreated with a hard sting.
"you look.. so fuckin' sexy right now," he whispered. he kissed the corners of your lips before he took a step back, leaving you alone and leaning against the door, shaking and ready to electrocute anything from the amount of static swimming through your veins. he walked backwards until his knees hit his bed, plaid blue bedsheets stopping the back of his knees until he was sat down on top of them. his thighs spread, hands hanging over them as he stared at a very confused you in front of him.
you tried to take a step forward, but billy stopped you with a palm out and a ‘ah ah ah.’ your head tilted to the side, like a puppy that doesn’t understand a trick just yet.
“take ‘em off,” billy demanded, his eyebrows raising. “the jeans and that dumb little sweater.”
“i don’t-“
“take it off or i’ll do it for you. you can take off your own clothes like a big girl, right?” he mockingly asked, mirroring your head tilt.
you sucked in a hard breath, but your lungs couldn’t seem to be filled with enough air. you had to save it, as your shaky hands pushed yourself from the door to a standing position and then shadowed over your jean’s button. you kicked off your shoes and socked with your toes, kicking them to the side carelessly. you sucked your bottom lip, already bitten, between your teeth as you unbuttoned your jeans and shoved them down your hips. you shimmied your way out of them, embarrassingly losing your balance as you stepped out of them and tumbling around before you gained it again. but billy didn’t laugh at you like you expected him to, he just stared like he was watching a pretty bird through a piece of glass. shaky hands clutched the bottom of your sweater, tugging it off cautiously, as if a wrong move would set off some alarm. eventually you threw it to the side, leaving your arms free to cross over your chest. you saw his breath pick up, his chest heaving under the thin fabric of his polo. you stayed like this for a while, you shifting your weight awkwardly and billy staring at you, practically salivating.
“are you just gonna stare at me?” you grilled, pouting out your lips as you glared at him. your little pout dissipated, however, when billy shot you a warning scowl. it was a mean look, and it made you feel like you were getting smacked on the wrist for something.
“.. sorry.”
“you are such a brat, you know that?” billy griped, reaching out as far as he could to hook a hand on the underside of your knee, and another on your waist. he tugged you to him in a swift movement, settling you down to straddle his lap. you squealed at the abrupt force, grabbing onto his shoulders to find a balance. “you’d be so much hotter if you would just shut up.”
his palm inched away from your knee and to your backside, hovering over the exposed skin. “but you just needed some attention, huh? needed someone to take care of you.”
his words were heavy, deep and dark and made you feel so weak, so minuscule compared to him. you tried to tense your thighs together, but billy’s own legs stopped you from doing so, leaving you spread and open on top of him. he certainly l abused this power. the hand on your backside smoothed over your skin, trailing across your hips, finding itself between your legs. the fabric of your underwear were soaked, basically sticking to his fingers as he rubbed over it. he laughed darkly at the sensation, hearing you gasp out and grip his shoulders tightly.
“fuck, who could have possibly got you this hot and bothered?” he mused, meeting your widened eyes. you didn’t reply, you couldn’t. your words got stuck in your throat and came out as a prolonged mewl. you sank yourself down onto his fingers, and he gladly welcomed you, lodging the pads of his fingers between the valley created in your underwear. his demeanor was switching every five seconds, from charming and a condescending sweet, to just downright mean and degrading. he couldn’t decide if he wanted to make you pay, or take pity and give you everything you wanted from him.
“y-you did, billy,” you crooned, a needy tune that barely rose above a whisper. “never been with someone like you. i like it.”
billy gave you another grin, just the slightest hint of white teeth peeking through to reward you for the praise. he bit down on his tongue slightly before it poked out to wet his bottom lip, licking the remains of your lipgloss from it.
“you’re gonna be nice and use your manners for me, right?” he tested, bending his fingers slightly and angling them to find your clit between your two bodies. he knew he found it when you let out this little cute squeal that sent vibrations straight to his cock, straining against his already overly tight jeans.
“uh-huh, yes- sure,” you gasped, rising your body up to allow him more access. his fingertips dug into your bare waist, the slightest hint of nails visiting your skin. billy just watched you, watched how your face squeezed together when he hit a right spot, how your hips circled his fingers greedily.
“c-can this come off?” you requested, tugging at the hem of his polo. “please?”
there was no way billy was going to refuse you. he acted annoyed, pressing his lips out and rolling his eyes a bit, but he really, really liked it. his hand pulled itself away from you, making you plant yourself against the crotch of his jeans to compensate. he tugged off his shirt in one swift movement, throwing it behind you on the ground by some other dirty laundry he hadn’t picked up yet.
he was basically sculpted by the gods. something out of a porno or some shit. that time you watched rocky horror picture show, the entire movie you found yourself staring at rocky himself in his toned but brainless glory, how the sweat stuck to his skin and made the golden tan glow and accentuated every little crevice and muscle. you never thought you would see something like it in real life, but here billy hargrove was, with you perched on his lap whining, looking like some sort of sex god or whatever. his dirty blonde hair hung out over the large triangular muscle of his trapezius, curled and frizzy from the sweat and moisture. and god, his chest. you could see everything as his chest heaved, pecs the perfect size for your hand to hold onto for support. this was not pretty. this was some sort of sorcery.
you were staring at him for a long time, letting your eyes rake over every inch of skin he had. you found the little happy trail of hair inching to the button of his jeans, framed by your inner thighs and must’ve subconsciously squeezed them together, because billy let out a grunt as soon as you laid your eyes on them.
“can i touch you?” you asked, sliding your palms down his biceps and squeezing his forearm in one, the side of his hand in the other.
no one had ever asked him that before. it made him feel things in his stomach that he hadn’t ever contemplated before. it was weird. you thought he wasn’t replying because of what you didn’t say, so you made sure to add a small, needy,“please.”
“such a sweet thing,” billy mumbled, like it was a secret you weren’t allowed to hear. but you heard, and your cheeks flushed even further, as impossible as it was. but that feeling in his stomach grew and grew, some sort of gross fondness with your blush and pout- and he realized he needed to reestablish himself as the dominant one in this situation. he needed to hear you need him, beg for him.
so he lifted you up by the waist, manhandling you to be laying down on his bed with him sitting back on his knees. your legs were spread laying on top of his thighs, giving him a good and clear view of all of you. you had that deer caught in headlights look, lost and defenseless against him.
“ya act all tough, givin’ me sass. if only you saw how fuckin’ pathetic you look,” he growled. your hair fanned out under your head on his conveniently placed pillow. he decided then that blue was definitely your color, as you laid against his sheets, holding onto his forearms for dear life. he gathered your wrists in one hand, sliding them up your body as he lifted himself onto his knees, pushing himself forward until you were chest-to-chest. your knees were bent on either side of him, feet planted into the blue sheets to ground yourself. your wrists got pinned above your head, staying there when he released them because of the huffy whisper of, ‘leave ‘em there, sweetheart.’
you swallowed thick and hard as he moved down your body, latching his teeth onto the skin just above your breasts. you whined, wanting so badly to move your hands and grab onto his curly hair, but you also wanted so badly to please him. and you didn’t fucking know why, and it was infuriating, but god did you want his hand back on your cunt.
his hands cupped your breasts over your bra as he nipped at your chest, leaving them there just for a second before he was scooting down your body. your breath picked up, belly rising and falling rapidly as he found his way down it, seemingly biting and sucking at every ribcage until he was completely off the bed. his feet hit the floorboards as he pressed a less than gentle kiss just below your bellybutton, looking up at you through his eyelashes. your eyes were screwed shut, face clenched uncomfortably to not fall apart at the seams.
“look at me.” he barked suddenly, a sudden boom that made you flinch and eyes rapidly open. he smiled against your skin, you could feel his teeth dig into your belly, his tongue poke a dot of saliva down.
“please, can i touch you?“ you reiterated, your voice suddenly as whiney as it had ever been. you bucked your hips up, the cotton of your panties gently bump against his hard chest.
“no. hands to yourself.”
you frowned, pouted out your bottom lip and locked your eyes with his, trying to find peace within the oceans in his eyes. but they were darkened, muddy and clouded with a desire to ruin you.
he bit at your hipbone, keeping his eyes glued to yours, before his lips met the waistband of your cotton underwear. his hands replaced his lips on your hipbones with a bruising grip, keeping you pinned in place with not even a thought of movement. his sharp teeth latched onto the elastic, and you let out a pleading mewl, heels digging into his mattress. slowly, extremely slowly, his hands left your hips as his teeth pulled down your underwear from your body. the cotton slid down your thighs with him until it wrapped around your bent knees, where he just grabbed it and threw it away from you as he stood between your legs. and then you were just wearing a bra underneath him, eyes piercing into you with a need to devour you whole. you were sweating by this point, the salty liquid collecting on your collarbones and forehead.
“jesus fucking christ, (y/n),” he laughed. “thought you hated me, huh? gonna soak my sheets.”
you frowned, whimpering, “m’sorry.”
“oh, don’t worry. you’ll make it up to me.”
he clicked his tongue, shook his head with a quite scary smirk before diving it between your thighs, grabbing a mouthful of your inner thigh and sucked, hard. you mewled, nails digging into your palms with a dedication to follow his instructions. he hooked his palms under your thighs to hold you in place and tug him closer to you, impossible to escape as he inched his way closer to the center of your thighs. but he never got close enough; just kissed, licked and but his way up, down and around where you obviously wanted him most. every time he got close you ran your hips up to try and meet him, but then he retreated back all the way up to your knee. it got to where you winced every time his teeth scraped the soft skin from how irritated it was from his teeth. you were whining, whimpering but not saying anything out of fear that he would stop all together. at one point he got real close to the gummy, wet lips, just to where the color starts to shift, and just lingered there, staring up at you and gripping your sides to keep you from moving. he caught the thick skin between his teeth, and that was about your breaking point. you were aching, swollen clit so neglected it hurt sitting out there in the open.
“fuck, please billy-!” you cried out, stomach lifting up off the bed desperately, chasing anything you could get. “need it so bad, please..”
“quit whining.”
he said that, but that was exactly what he was waiting for. he was planning on taking his time with you, testing your limit with him, intoxicating you until he broke into your head. he was enjoying your dependency. the past week you had been leaving him high and dry by doing nothing. other girls had been wearing shorter skirts, wearing more makeup than they ever had, just to get his attention- and that was all fine and dandy. but you had been wearing the same high waisted, loose jeans and a sweater or a t-shirt that left everything to imagination. and for some reason, just seeing you had dirty thoughts that would make a priest saint running in his head. and he didn’t know why. he just knew it made him fucking furious. he had already hooked up with half of a whole lunch table, and every time, he thought of you. thought of the pretty noises you would make just for him, begging for his touch after neglecting him of yours. but he had to keep acting like you were just another body to him. a very, very good looking body that wouldn’t be able to leave his head, sure, but just a body to use anyways. but when you said that word please, looking like you were about to cry and asked for absolutely anything, he could have sworn he came in his jeans right there.
“please, please, i’ll be good! just want you to touch me.”
he huffed out a snicker. going to be the death of him.
billy decided to spare you. he moved his opposite palm, stuck out his thumb and lightly, ever so lightly, set the firm pad of his thumb on the top of your clit. but you got ahead of yourself, got too excited with the progress of stimulation and rut your core up to rub the slick little bundle of nerves against his thumb more.
“hey,” he snapped, not hesitating to retract his hand all together. “you are gonna take what i give you, when i give you it. stop being fuckin’ greedy.”
“m’sorry, m’sorry!” you pleaded, planting your hips back down and squeezing your eyes shut. “just felt good-“
“thought you were gonna be good, huh?” he mocked, shaking his head as his tongue poked out in his cheek. “couldn’t wait a couple seconds, that fucking pathetic.”
“please, lemme try again- promise, i’ll be good!”
he pointed a finger at you, raising his mean eyebrows warningly. “you move again, i’m not giving you anything.”
“s’not my problem, brat,” billy spat. “look at me and watch.”
too scared to be deprived of anything else, you obeyed mindlessly, gulping down a ball of spit that had been collecting in your open mouth as you opened your eyes and met his. you were shaking, thighs tense and unsteady around his face. your abs, arms, every muscle in your body clenched up when billy’s thumb returned against the hardened bud, his other fingers joining it to dig into one lip to spread you open. his knuckle rested in your slick slit, the smooth membrane welcoming him with a nasty, wet sound. you twitched, praying that everything moved except where billy was now rubbing slow circles. he didn’t seem to care about that. you hissed, letting out a loud “ah!” every movement he made felt like a full on sex toy you saw in a magazine every once in a while. it was overwhelming. the simple, slow rhythm consumed you, your jaw hanging open slightly.
“hng- s’good,” you panted. “more, please? please.”
billy rolled his eyes, scoffed at you a bit, but obliged, picking up the pace to a steady jog. his pointer finger began wandering down, sliding in the slickness of your cunt until he found the ring of muscle begging for something to lodge itself in it.
“fuck,” he groaned. he could smell your sweet arousal, how bad you needed him. his eyes snapped up to yours.
you got the memo, nodded eagerly. slowly, curiously, the tip of his pointer finger slid inside you, just enough to worm around and explore. you panted erratically, walls sucking his finger in. he wandered in further, steadily and slowly sliding his finger in you until your entrance halted at his knuckle.
“ah! f-fuck, thank you-“
his eyes left yours, instead raking down your body to find your hole. he swallowed down his breath. you were dripping onto his hand, swollen lips smacking and emitting wet sounds every time he moved his finger around.
“fuck, (y/n),” he groaned breathily, beginning to pump his finger in and out in a small pattern, matching his thumb to the pace. billy had never heard such sweet sounds from such a vulgar practice, in all the times he had fingered a girl at the very spot you were in. whines and gasps and little mewls that threatened to turn into moans.
however, he must have decided that you just weren’t wet enough still.
before you even realized it, his lips had wrapped around your clit, sucking and raking his tongue around and around. his pointer remained at its same pace, but was quickly joined with his middle finger, scissoring and stretching the tight ring. you let out a pathetic moan, the sound he had been anticipating. and you just couldn’t help it, it was all too much, and your own hands shot from above your head to tangling in his hair.
billy grunted into your slit, licking a stripe up from where his fingers spread you apart until he lifted his head up to look at you. very angrily. the creases on his forehead deepened, jaw clenched.
“didn’t i fuckin’ tell you to keep your hands to yourself?” he growled, halting his fingers plunged into you.
you pouted, a full on pout with big doe eyes and a pushed up chin, your eyebrows meeting high up on your face. you nodded slowly, trying to quickly choose your words wisely.
“h-hold them, please?” you strangled out, releasing his hair from your fist and laying them over your stomach. his jaw set as he shook his head with a cocky, sharp simper.
yet, he still wrangled up your wrists in his grip, keeping them pinned at your belly as he dove back into you. the action didn’t seem to phase him all that much. and it didn’t. he was flattered that you needed to hold onto him, but he had to keep the act up. it was getting hard, too. you were fucking adorable with that needy pout, saying please with every sentence. he was also getting very hard. like, painful hard. he was straining against his jeans, thick, hot blood causing a horrible tension.
but you didn’t have any affect over him, obviously.
his tongue continued with its attack, lapping between your folds ferociously, spit and your juices sloppily dripping down his chin and wetting the ghost of hair above his upper lip. his fingers sped up, erratic and merciless. he was chasing something. your eyes, as hard as you tried to keep them open, rolled to the back of your head as they followed the stars and sparks flying around your head. painted pink nails dug into the back of billy’s hand. your moans got louder and louder, frenzied. you almost sounded pained, but it was the complete opposite. it felt so good to be full, you felt full enough that there was a weight in your lower belly, like an endless black hole that kept sucking your senses in.
billy felt your walls tighten around his fingers, making him work harder to keep the pace he wanted. every little sound you made pushed more blood to his hungry cock- he would definitely have to take his underwear off without you seeing the wet patch staining his white briefs. a smile tugged at his lips as they sucked at your clit ruthlessly. you were tensing up so much billy thought you would have exploded. his grip on your wrists loosened up just a tad, enough to wiggle his hand around to grab at one of your palms so you could squeeze it as much as you needed.
but you didn’t have any affect on him.
“billy- billy, m’gonna cum-“ you cried, those words becoming a chant as the weight sank further into your gut. there was a fluttering feeling throughout your body, shockwaves gripping at every nerve and muscle. your mouth hung open wide, your breath getting faster and faster until-
it all disappeared. your vision went white for a while, stars disappearing from your sky as the coil in your stomach slowly uncoiled itself in a very unsatisfying resolution. you felt empty, walls contracting around nothing. his fingers were gone, tongue gone from your slit.
when your vision and partial sanity returned, you came to billy, standing between your legs, sucking off his pointer and middle finger. you were heaving, breathing staggered and noisy like there was a giant cotton ball in your chest. slowly, he removed his fingers from his lips, the same perfect lips that had just been pleasuring you like it was the last thing on earth he would do. his thumb, that same fucking thumb that teased you, wiped your juices off his upper lip and onto a flat tongue.
you felt like you wanted to cry.
“oh, what happened?” billy taunted, hands reaching for his belt and undoing it, making a long show of sliding it out of his jean loops. “did you wanna cum?”
“yes! yes, i did!” you sobbed out, tugging your hands out of his grip grumpily.
“poor baby,” he graveled cruelly, grabbing one of your hands to place a wet kiss on the back of it just to rub it in that your wet arousal was just sucked into his mouth. you sat yourself up, arms crossing loosely over your stomach as you sulked. “you must just hate me.”
you glowered at him, looking to billy like he just took a toy away from a puppy. but your ears perked up when you saw him unbutton his jeans, shove them down his heavy thighs. unsurprisingly, there was a thick, long tent begging to escape from the white fabric doing him no justice. and just as he didn’t want you to see, his pre-cum had left a small splotch of darkened, damp white just where his thick tip was.
your eyes were the size of the moon at it. you stared, rudely abusing the privilege he was giving you. you gulped.
“i wanna- can- can i-“ you stammered, scooting your way closer to the edge of the bed.
“can you what? speak up.”
“can i touch.. it? you?”
he scoffed, laughed maliciously.
“go for it.”
you bit your bottom lip rather roughly. you cautiously reached out, hooking your fingers in the waistband of his tighty whities to pull them down eagerly. his cock sprung out excitedly, stealing your oxygen away in the process. he was big. like, really big and it really wasn’t fair. thicker than it was long, slightly curved up, his big tip tapping his toned stomach. there was already white heading at the small slit in the oversized head, contrasting the angry red that covered his girth. you could see the veins popping out as they ran up his cock, and in that moment, you wanted nothing more than to run your tongue up each and every inch. but you yourself were way too desperate. you watched as he reached over to his nightstand, grabbing one of those aluminum squares. he was quick to open it, pull the condom out and stretch it snugly over his cock.
“you scared? think it’s not gonna fit?” he purred, reaching out to card his fingers through your hair to angle your flushed face up to him. you shook your head, offering him a tiny, excited grin. you wrapped a hand around the thick base, immediately coaxing a prolonged groan from his pretty lips. his head tilted back, which encouraged you to slide your hand up and down at a very slow pace- testing your waters. he cursed loudly, grunting your name as he tugged at your scalp lightly.
“you want it, don’t you?”
you nodded rapidly.
“say it.”
you pursed your lips, keeping your pride down in your stomach.
“i want it, billy.”
“ohhh, come on, you can do better than that,” he sarcastically encouraged, tightening a fist in your hair as your own fist stroked his cock at a steady pace. you frowned, shoulders dropping. your face clenched up for a second, releasing all of that stupid old dignity stuff.
“please, billy- i want you to.. fuck me. please,” you whimpered up at him. “need you so bad. you’re so big, need it in me-“
how could he say no to that?
“atta girl,” he grinned. in a swift movement, you returned back to your original position. you laying down on his bed, legs spread and bridged over his thighs, but this time, his thirsty cock pressed in between your folds. billy’s fist pumped himself a couple times, spitting out curses and growls. his cheeks pressed up against his eyes and made them squint up. you felt the smooth head press up against your entrance, slicking itself up in your juices.
“please, please, please,” you chanted quietly, clutching his sheets in your hands and scooting yourself closer to his cock. billy held his breath as he pressed into you, thickness splitting you open with the slightest taste of pain. your mouth went slack, stuck in a soundless moan as you gently writhed, walls swallowing every inch he slowly gave you.
“give it to me, sweet girl, give it to me,” he breathlessly huffed, stuffing you full at a painful speed.
“take it, take it- it’s yours,” you moaned, back arching up. your pelvises finally met eachother when the curly collection of hair surrounding his cock hit your skin. you felt so full, so warm. you both moaned in unison, yours far more whiney than his. he muttered something about taking him so well, being so good, simultaneously rolling his hips expertly to plunge his cock into you.
you cried out at the intrusion, how you stretched tight around him. he didn’t give you any time to adjust, immediately beginning to thrust into your needy cunt at a pace that aimed to please him most. your moans nearly turned into yelps and shouts, babbling curses mixed with his cursed name.
“f-fuck, fuck,” billy stammered, his words coming out as a sick laugh as he watched you suck his cock into your sweet core every time he pulled out to slam back in. it wasn’t a quick pace, just deep and rough and enough to make you reconsider the existence of god. he grabbed at your sides to push you down onto his cock counter to his jackhammers into you. his tongue stuck out and rested against his bottom lip in concentration. you weren’t talking, both in your own worlds with swearing god to hell and moaning the others name. the rest of the space was filled with his heavy balls slapping against you every time his hips struck down into you and the ugly squelching your cunt sounded around him.
“god- billy!” you yelped. “so, so good- feels so good-!”
he sped up with every minute, eventually rising to a bruising pace that would imprint the art of his thick cock onto the walls of your pussy. he was grunting, spit flying from his lips. the veins in his forearms were pulsing as they flexed when he worked you into a rhythm, using your body to stroke his cock over and over again. that coil was there again in your belly, warm and uncomfortable and pressuring you to relieve it.
he slowed down for a minute, just so he could bend over and lay his forehead on your collarbone, lifting up your hips just so he could reach the deepest possible angle he could. he hit the rough, folded patch in your cunt with every stroke and sent a spark straight to the hot fire building up. the sounds you were making were on par to sobbing, now right in billy’s ears. he looked like he was just taking a rest for a second, but you knew that he was staring down between your thighs, watching his cock ruin your hole in ways it had never been ruined before. and you both knew that it wouldn’t be ruined like this by anyone else. his hips rolled into yours, bruising your pelvic bone and you couldn’t help but push against him.
“fuck, just made for me,” billy purred against your collarbone, too distracted by the view to reprimand you for grabbing onto his back, his shoulders, anywhere you could reach with your nails. he was fine with some battle marks, anyways. your moans and whines never ceased, but his quieted down to heavy breaths that fanned over your skin and left goosebumps anywhere it could reach.
“wanna cum, wanna cum so bad. all for you,” you beckoned, a hand tangling in his hair freely. you got away with it, too, he just let you tug at his hair. one particularly hard tug left him moaning himself under his breath; you took a note of that.
billy sucked in an especially hard breath before returning to his brutal pace, thighs slapping against yours and the disgusting sounds returning to his warm room. the thread was getting tighter and tighter, and it was so, so ready to snap. he knew it, he could tell how your pussy fluttered around him and your thighs clenched around his hips. he just sped up, finding a pace that erupted the most sounds from you and then stuck to it. you writhed and jerked below him, clawing at his shoulder and tugging at his curls. sweat was everywhere, in your palms, glistening on his back and streaming down his forehead. the inner fat of your thighs were soaked by now, slippery as his skin slapped against them. your back lifted so far up it hurt, you knew you would be sore.
“gonna make me- fuck, gonna make me cum, (y/n).” he found your shoulder, bit down roughly. he wasn’t lying.
“please, please, need it-“
he lifted you up ever so slightly just to ram himself into your g-spot repeatedly, making you feel like a hundred pounds of feathers were fallen onto your gut. he kept thrusting and thrusting, hard and at the perfect pace. every time his balls smacked against your ass it just added to the weight in your belly, until it just became too much and you couldn’t control it. with a couple more thrusts, you were clenching around him, so tight billy could have sworn you grew some erotic superpower. you went quiet, before the loudest, most delicious moan spewed from your lips. your entire body shook, vibrated, as you continued to cry out. it was long and hard and hit you like billy’s camaro crashed into you at 100 miles per hour. but it was good. so, so good. addictive. you just dissolved into the pleasure, melted into his wetted sheets. it came in unkind waves, each one sending you into a new planet with your eyes rolled back far into your brain. and still, all you saw was billy. he captured a moan in his own mouth as he pressed his lips against yours in a lazy, careless kiss that could barely classify as that. it was just gross and messy, exchanging spit and swears and moans.
your clenching cunt coaxed billy’s own orgasm, a huffy and vicious moan coming out from his lips straight into your ear and made you feel like you came again. he thrusted into you as roughly as he could for a chain of pumps, until he stopped at the deepest point he could, fingers digging into your waist. he filled the condom to the brim, you could feel it weighing in you and it coaxed a sob from you.
“fuck! shit, (y/n)!” he exclaimed deeply, heaving and panting as he started up again, slowly and gently as he rode out his own orgasm. you went limp underneath him, holding onto him with your zero remaining strength. he slowed down to another stop, taking his sweet time pulling out of you, leaving you gaping and ruined.
you both were slowly returning to earth, panting and heaving harshly. your hands slid away from him, legs falling into the mattress as you molded into the mattress. he slid himself off of you, collapsing right next to you on the mattress with a dreamy look on his face.
but soon, both of your faces fell, as you returned back to earth and the oxygen got back to your brains. a dreadful, horrible thought and realization possessed both of you and forced both of your breathing to cease to exist.
what were you getting yourselves into?
@i-am-lokii-of-asgard @ekirah-d-spair @dasha029 @whiskeypowder @ymylu @emtaz-art @extra-3motions @fanatics30 @hessy04 @nikos-a-clown @zucchinimalfoy @angelbbygrl ask to be added!
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agentrouka-blog · 4 days
How GRRM works a fall arc.
Dunk's finest moment, and a rare bright spot in the asoiaf depiction of chivalry: He faces off against Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen (who would go on to accidentally kill himself with wildfire trying to become a dragon) to defend a helpless Dornish peasant, and as a result seven knights willingly come to his defense in a trial by seven, among them the crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms.
Egg hated Arion so much his first reaction upon seeing him was to seethe "Kill him".
What became of the dream of dragons was a grievous tragedy born in a moment of joy. In the fateful year 259 AC, the king summoned many of those closest to him to Summerhall, his favorite castle, there to celebrate the impending birth of his first great-grandchild, a boy later named Rhaegar, to his grandson Aerys and granddaughter Rhaella, the children of Prince Jaehaerys. It is unfortunate that the tragedy that transpired at Summerhall left very few witnesses alive, and those who survived would not speak of it. A tantalizing page of Gyldayn's history—surely one of the very last written before his own death—hints at much, but the ink that was spilled over it in some mishap blotted out too much. ...the blood of the dragon gathered in one... ...seven eggs, to honor the seven gods, though the king's own septon had warned... ...pyromancers... ...wild fire... ...flames grew out of control...towering...burned so hot that... ...died, but for the valor of the Lord Comman... (The World of Ice and Fire - The Targaryen Kings: Aegon V)
When we meet Egg, he is mistaken for something he is not. Naked and hairless emerging barefoot from a body of water. An egg. Unhatched.
Dunk and Egg is the candy GRRM uses to lure you into a tragedy of failed idealism and bitter corruption.
His specialty.
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kckt88 · 7 days
Where Water Meets The Sea!!
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Aemond is lured from King's Landing by his wife, Vaelarra, where she confronts him about killing her brother, Lucerys.
Warnings - Angst, Drama, Referenced Character Death, Language, Kissing, Uncle/Niece Incest, Smut - Oral Sex, Fingering, P in V, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms.
Word Count: 5063
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @immyowndefender @0eessirk8
Aemond sat alone in his chambers in the Red Keep, a faint glow from the hearth casting shadows on the stone walls.
The letter in his hand felt heavier than it should, the parchment worn at the edges from where his fingers had anxiously traced the letters of his wife’s familiar looping scrawl.
"Skoriot Wendwater meets se embar, māzigon mērī," (Where Wendwater meets the sea, come alone).
He had not seen Vaelarra or their son Aenys since the day he locked them in their chambers. The day of his brother Aegon's coronation, a day meant to solidify their family's power.
Yet, due to his actions, he had driven his family away. Vaelarra, with the help of Ser Erryk, had escaped the Red Keep with Aenys on the back of her dragon, Cannibal. They were now on Dragonstone.
Much had changed since then as now the blood of Vaelarra’s brother, Lucerys, now stained Aemond’s hands.
It was above Storm's End that Vhagar had torn Lucerys and his dragon, Arrax, from the sky, sealing their fates in a violent storm of fire and blood.
Now, Vaelarra was asking to meet him. The request was simple, yet fraught with a thousand unspoken words.
He considered ignoring the message, but something deep within him, a yearning for a semblance of what they once had, drove him to action.
He had to see her, if only to gaze upon her one last time before the war claimed him in its entirety.
Rising from his seat, he dressed in his riding leathers, the familiar weight of his sword at his side a cold comfort.
The corridors of the Red Keep felt less like home and more like a labyrinth of bad memories and regrets as he made his way to where his dragon rested.
With a deep breath, Aemond ascended the rope ladder to her saddle, feeling the tension coiled within him like a dragon ready to strike.
As Vhagar took off into the skies, her powerful wings beating against the night, Aemond couldn’t help but wonder what awaited him on the banks of Wendwater.
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Aemond arrived at Wendwater first, the chill of anticipation coursing through his veins as he landed Vhagar near the riverbank.
He dismounted and looked to the sky, searching for any sign of Vaelarra and her dragon. Although he did wonder briefly if he had been a fool to come here.
What if this was a trap? What if Vaelarra had lured him here so that the Blacks could descend upon him and Vhagar?
Despite her immense size, Vhagar could not withstand a combined attack from Cannibal, Meleys, and Caraxes.
The thought gnawed at him, yet he remained. The need to see his wife outweighed the fear of potential betrayal.
Hours seemed to pass as he waited beside Vhagar, the silence of the day only broken by the occasional rustling of leaves or the sound of water lapping at the shore.
Then, a sound reached his ears—a low, thunderous rumble that grew steadily louder. Aemond's heart quickened as he recognized the approach of a dragon.
He watched the skies intently, and soon enough, a dark shape appeared on the horizon, growing larger as it neared.
Cannibal. The second largest dragon in the world and possibly the most feared, did a few laps above the ground, his massive wings stirring the loose sand and sending ripples across the water.
The ground shook under Cannibal's weight as he landed, Aemond stared wordlessly as the dragon lowered himself to the ground, allowing his rider to safely descend down his wing to the floor.
Aemond watched as Cannibal hovered protectively beside Vaelarra, his dark, leathery wings partially unfurled, creating a formidable barrier between her and any perceived threat.
The dragon's immense size and menacing presence were undeniable, a stark reminder of the power Vaelarra wielded.
If Vhagar was the greens biggest asset then Cannibal was the blacks.
Cannibal's eyes, glowing like molten gold, flicked between Aemond and Vhagar, his nostrils flaring as he exhaled deep, rumbling breaths.
Vaelarra ran her hand along Cannibal's maw, her touch calm and familiar. The dragon responded with a low, almost affectionate growl, nuzzling her gently.
Aemond felt Vhagar shift beside him, the ancient dragon's eyes locked onto Cannibal, a subtle tension crackling in the air between the two great beasts.
Aemond's gaze remained fixed on Vaelarra, taking in every detail. Her long braided silver hair shimmered in the sunlight.
Her amethyst eyes, that were once filled with warmth and affection for him, now held a guarded, almost distant look.
It pained him to see the change, to realize how much had been lost.
Cannibal's watchful eyes bored into Aemond, a silent warning in their depths. Aemond met the dragon's gaze, unflinching, though he could feel the weight of its scrutiny.
He knew that Cannibal would protect Vaelarra with a ferocity that matched Vhagar's own.
"Vaelarra," Aemond called out, his voice firm, though the underlying tension was palpable. "Why did you ask me to meet you here?"
Vaelarra's hand paused on Cannibal's maw, her eyes meeting Aemond's.
She stepped forward, her dragon remaining close behind, a looming presence that refused to be ignored.
"I needed to see you," she replied, her voice carrying a mixture of sorrow and resolve.
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Vaelarra walked towards Aemond, her movements purposeful and unwavering.
As she closed the distance between them, she removed her leather riding gloves, one finger at a time, and then threw them to the ground with a sharp, decisive gesture.
The gloves landed with a muted thud, a stark contrast to the tension crackling in the air.
Aemond stood still, his heart pounding in his chest as she approached.
He saw the fierce determination in her eyes, the anger that had been simmering beneath the surface now blazing brightly.
When she was within touching distance, Vaelarra raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face.
The force of the blow made Aemond's head snap to the side, the sting of her nails cutting into his flesh and drawing blood.
He felt the warm trickle down his cheek, mingling with the cool air. Pain flared, but he did not flinch or retaliate.
Instead, he turned back to face her, his eye meeting hers with a mixture of sorrow and acceptance.
"That-" Vaelarra hissed, her voice trembling with a mix of fury and grief, "-Was for Luke”
Aemond remained silent, his jaw clenched. The wound on his right cheek was nothing compared to the pain in his heart.
He had expected her anger, her grief, but experiencing it so viscerally was something else entirely.
"Do you think I can ever forgive you for what you did?" Vaelarra's voice broke, and tears glistened in her eyes, though she held them back with sheer force of will. "You tore my family apart, Aemond. You killed my brother”.
"I know," Aemond replied, his voice barely above a whisper, thick with remorse.
"You killed Luke! He was an envoy, Aemond! He was a child-
Aemond's face twisted with pain and frustration. "-So was I when Luke carved my eye out of my skull!" he shot back, the rawness of his voice revealing the deep scars the event had left on him.
Vaelarra's eyes blazed with a mix of rage and sorrow. "So that's what it was—revenge? What happened on Driftmark was an accident!"
Aemond stepped closer, his expression hardening. "An accident Luke was never held accountable for—he never even apologized," he said, his voice low but intense.
Vaelarra's breath hitched, her anger giving way to a profound grief. "He was a child, Aemond. A scared, impulsive child. And you-you slaughtered him for a mistake made in fear."
Aemond clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. "I didn't mean to kill him," he admitted, his voice strained. "But the anger, the humiliation I carried all these years-it consumed me. And when I saw him at Storm's End, it all came rushing back."
Vaelarra's shoulders sagged, the weight of their shared history pressing down on her. "I loved you, Aemond. I thought-I thought that we could be different. That we could rise above the hatred”.
"I never wanted this," Aemond said, his voice cracking. "But the world we live in, the choices we've made-they've brought us to this point. I am sorry, Vaelarra. Truly, I am."
Vaelarra shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Sorry won't bring Luke back. It won't ease the pain."
Aemond's eye burned with a mixture of anger and anguish as he stepped closer to Vaelarra, his voice rising with the intensity of his emotions. "How do you think I feel, Vaelarra? My eye is gone, my face permanently scarred, and my own father, didn't even bother to defend me. He publicly chose his favourite child, Rhaenyra, over and over again."
Vaelarra's expression softened slightly, a flicker of empathy breaking through her anger, but Aemond pressed on, his voice trembling with the weight of his pain.
"All through my life, Viserys never bothered with me, Aegon, or Helaena. Do you know what it's like to grow up knowing that your father would probably have preferred it if you and your siblings had never been born? To feel like an afterthought, a mistake he regretted?"
"You had your mother; your brothers, and you’ve had three fathers in your life. You had a family that loved you. But for me, every day was a reminder that I was unwanted, unloved. And then, when Luke took my eye, it was as if the last bit of hope I had for my father's approval was ripped away."
Vaelarra looked away, struggling to reconcile her own pain with the depth of Aemond's suffering. "I'm sorry, Aemond-“
Aemond took a deep breath, the weight of his emotions pressing heavily on his chest as he gazed into Vaelarra's eyes. "I never knew what love was," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, raw and trembling. "I had resigned myself to never knowing it, to never feeling it. But then we got married-"
Vaelarra's eyes softened, her tears glistening in the light, but she remained silent, letting him speak.
"I wanted to hate you," Aemond continued, his voice gaining strength. "I thought I would, that I could. But I couldn't not for long anyway. The way you would look at me, smile at me, hold my hand under the table at mealtimes. The way you would dismiss the maids so you could help me bathe instead, gently running your hands through my hair and taking care of me. You were patient, kind-and you showed me what love is."
He reached out, taking her hand in his, his grip firm yet tender. "You taught me what love is, Vaelarra. You made me feel something I never thought I would. You saw me, not as a monster or a scarred Prince, but as a man, deserving of love and compassion, with you I wasn’t a second son, I was a husband and then a father-insisting that we marry was the only good thing my father ever did for me-it allowed me to have you”.
Vaelarra looked up at Aemond, her eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and confusion. "If you loved me, Aemond, then why did you help to usurp the Iron Throne?" she asked, her voice trembling. "My mother is the named heir, and I, in turn, am her heir. I would have been Queen one day, and by our marriage, you would have been my King Consort. Our son, Aenys, would have been King one day. You helped to steal your own son’s birthright”.
“Viserys changed his mind,” replied Aemond.
“Changed his mind? According to who?” snapped Vaelarra, her voice sharp and incredulous.
“My mother was tending to him in his final moments, and he declared in her presence that he wished for Aegon to be King,” said Aemond, his tone defensive but resolute.
Vaelarra's eyes blazed with fury. “And my grandsire who that very same day, dragged himself out of his sickbed to defend his daughter in front of the realm—only to change his mind hours later? Do me a favour,” she retorted, her voice dripping with scepticism.
“Are you calling my mother a liar?” Aemond's singular eye narrowed, his jaw tightening.
“I’m simply saying that I refuse to believe it. My grandsire steadfastly upheld my mother’s status as his heir for over twenty years. He would not change his mind, not like that” Vaelarra said, her voice firm with conviction.
Aemond's face darkened with a mixture of anger and frustration. “You think I would lie about something like this?”
Vaelarra's expression softened momentarily, but her resolve remained unyielding. “Honestly-I think your just another victim of the deceit, but your mother is not the head of the beast, it’s your grandsire. It reeks of his manipulation-that man has always sought to reach far beyond his station“
“Ābrazȳrys-please try to understand,” implored Aemond, his tone desperate and quiet (Wife).
“Oh, I understand enough-your cunt of a grandsire is nothing but a green snake slithering about the Red Keep, waiting for the opportune moment to strike,” Vaelarra retorted, her eyes blazing with anger.
“Vaelarra,” growled Aemond, his patience wearing thin.
“I also understand that honey drips from Otto Hightower’s tongue, to conceal the bite of piss that he showers down upon the rest of us,” Vaelarra continued, her voice dripping with contempt.
“Enough,” warned Aemond, his voice low and dangerous.
“A snake is no match for a dragon-it might do you well to remember that, Valzȳrys hen ñuhon,” (Husband of mine).
“Do you think this is easy for me? I have a duty to my family and—”
“What of your duty to me, to our son? Are we not extended that same courtesy?” interrupted Vaelarra, her voice trembling with emotion.
“Of course, you are,” argued Aemond as he reached out towards Vaelarra, his hand trembling.
Vaelarra slapped his hand away, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and fury. “You say that now Aemond, but your actions speak otherwise”.
Aemond’s face twisted with anguish. “I did what I thought was right-”
Vaelarra shook her head, her tears mingling with her anger. “-You took the throne based on deceit. But in doing so, you lost sight of what truly matters.”
Aemond’s voice broke, his desperation palpable. “I love you, Vaelarra. I love Aenys-
Vaelarra's tears flowed freely as she looked at Aemond, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and desperation. "If you love me," she whispered, her voice trembling, "-Then choose me. Choose us."
She reached out, her hands gently running through his hair, her touch tender and filled with longing.
She traced her fingers over his face, her tears mingling with the rain that had begun to fall.
"Choose us. Here, now. Choose us, Aemond-Issa vēzos se qēlossās" she pleaded, her voice breaking with emotion (My sun and stars).
Aemond's breath hitched, the weight of her words sinking deep into his soul. He saw the raw vulnerability in her eyes, the pain and hope intermingled, and in that moment, nothing else mattered but the woman before him and the family they had created.
Without another word, Aemond leaned forward, capturing Vaelarra's lips in a passionate, desperate kiss.
His hands cupped her face, as he poured all of his love, regret, and hope into that single, fervent kiss.
Vaelarra responded in kind, her arms wrapping around his neck as she clung to him, their tears mingling as they embraced.
“Nyke iderēbagon ao, nyke iderēbagon īlva” whispered Aemond (I choose you; I choose us)
“Aemond-“ exclaimed Vaelarra.
“Issa glaeson, issa jorrāelagon, ivestragī issa emagon ao” rasped Aemond as he pressed gentle kisses along Vaelarra’s neck.(My life, my love, let me have you).
“Kessa gūrogon issa” (Yes take me).
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One kiss, that was all it took. She needed more. She needed him, that fire that had always existed between them roared to life once again.
Vaelarra wrapped her arms around Aemond's neck and drew him in back in.
Their kiss was rough and vicious. Consisting of teeth and tongue.
It had been so long since they’d shared any form of intimacy.
Aemond backed Vaelarra towards the canopy of trees, their hands pulling at each other’s riding leather’s, removing them as quickly as they could until they were a heaped mess on the floor.
“-Aemond” moaned Vaelarra as he moved away from her to pick up his coat and spread it across the floor before he shoved Vaelarra onto it, her back colliding with the ground with a soft thump.
He covered her body with his as he sucked and licked at the delicate skin of her neck, leaving red marks in his wake.
Vaelarra moved her head to the side and moaned loudly as she felt Aemond’s teeth nipping at her skin.
Ooo A-Aemond” exclaimed Vaelarra as he moved down her body, nibbling her at her skin as he went.
“Such a pretty cunny " breathed Aemond spitting on her pussy before he ran the flat of his tongue up Vaelarra’s soaked slit, from bottom to the top, tasting her.
“Oh, my god” moaned Vaelarra her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“That’s it my sweet. Let me hear you”. 
“YES! It feels so good. Don’t stop. Aemond. Please” begged Vaelarra.
"Delicious" purred Aemond as he began lapping at Vaelarra, running his tongue along every fold.
"More" panted Vaelarra. "Please. I need more”.
Aemond inserted two fingers, sliding them in and out of her slick wet folds.
“Oh, fuck" whimpered Vaelarra; her chest heaving.
 Aemond’s fingers were soaking wet as they continued to pump in and out of her tight heat.
“I can’t wait to get my cock inside you. I don’t want to wait any longer, come for me” moaned Aemond.
Gods his cock was so hard, it was almost painful.
Finally, he felt Vaelarra’s inner walls start to flutter around his fingers, squeezing them. Her back arched taut as a bow, and she screamed her release.
Aemond pumped slowly and lapped at his wife whilst she came.
Soon her tense body went slack and pliant, her chest heaving with every breath.
Aemond slowly moved up Vaelarra’s body, pressing kisses to her soft body as he went, until he reached his desired destination.
“Kostilus issa jorrāelagon” whispered Vaelarra as she writhed against him (Please my love).
Aemond couldn't wait any longer. He surged forward and ploughed his hard cock into Vaelarra’s soaked cunt causing her to shriek in surprise.
“FUCKING TAKE IT!” spits Aemond, wrapping a hand around her throat while the other digs into her hip, pulling her aggressively against him to meet each one of his hard thrusts.
Vaelarra can’t think of anything but the intense pounding thrusts that greet her, causing her to wail and moan, causing tears form in her eyes, before running down her cheeks.
Aemond sets a brutal pace, his hips crashing into hers.
“YES! YES! AEMOND!” screams Vaelarra.
“FUCK!” shouts Aemond as he feels her cunny clenching around his cock.
Aemond lifted Vaelarra’s legs onto his shoulders and wrapped his arms around her thighs, squeezing them together as he thrust his cock into her soaking wet cunny.
“Aemond! I’m going to come. Oh, fuck!” screamed Vaelarra.
“That’s it baby-come for me” exclaimed Aemond as he felt her clenching on his cock.
His wife always looked amazing when she came. Her head thrown back in pleasure, her eyes alive with lust, and her pale skin shining with sweat.
Aemond could feel the tension in his abdomen, but he didn’t want to come. Not yet.
“I love you-I fucking love you” groaned Aemond as he moved Vaelarra’s legs off his shoulders and manoeuvred her onto all fours, she whimpered as his cock slipped out, but he bent forward to press a series of kisses to her glorious arse, his hands kneading the soft flesh.
“P-Please Aemond” begged Vaelarra, her voice slightly muffled as she pressed her face into his leather coat.
Aemond took his cock in hand and sheathed himself inside her once again, his eye rolling into the back of his head.
Vaelarra arched her back and screamed as Aemond pounded into her, the sound of his hips slapping against hers echoed through the air.
“Fuck. Larra-that’s it” moaned Aemond.
He took hold of her hair, twisting his fingers in the messy braid before he pulled her backwards, her back colliding with his chest.
Aemond held Vaelarra tight too him as he fucked her, his cock reaching deep inside her.
“Give it to me Issa zaldrīzes” pleaded Vaelarra her head lolling back onto Aemond’s shoulder (My dragon).
Aemond could feel the tension building in his abdomen again, as he thrust his cock inside her.
“I want you to come on my cock again, but not like this-” muttered Aemond as he once again withdrew from his wife’s wet heat and laid on his coat.
“-Aemond” exclaimed Vaelarra breathlessly.
“Ride me baby” replied Aemond as he manoeuvred Vaelarra on top of him.
His hand moving to his cock, rubbing it along her folds before she sunk down and completely engulfed him.
“Oh” gasped Vaelarra as she rolled her hips against Aemonds.
“That’s it Larra, take it. Take all of me”.
Aemond placed his hands on her hips and marvelled at his wife as she rode him.
Vaelarra dug her nails into Aemond’s chest as she moved her hips against his, his cock hitting the sweet spot inside her perfectly.
“A-Aemond” moaned Vaelarra as he moved his hands to her breasts, rolling her rosy nipples between his long fingers.
“Let go baby, I can feel you clenching around me” exclaimed Aemond.
Vaelarra’s thighs began to burn, as she felt her third climax approach.
“AEMOND” screamed Vaelarra.
“I’m going to fill you with my seed-see you swell with my child again-FUCK”
“Y-yessss Aemond, I want it-I want you-please put another babe in me” babbled Vaelarra as her husband moved her back onto the ground his cock never leaving her warmth as he pounded into her, her legs wrapping around his waist, trapping his body against hers as he chased his own end.
“God. Larra. My Larra.” groaned Aemond as he exploded. His cock throbbing and twitching as he finally spilled his seed.
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Aemond and Vaelarra lay together, their bodies entwined in the aftermath of their passionate reconciliation.
The air around them, warm and still.
Vaelarra’s head rested on Aemond’s chest, her fingers gently moving through the sparse hair there, tracing lazy patterns on his skin.
“How’s Aenys?” asked Aemond.
“He keeps asking for you-“ replied Vaelarra.
“I miss him-“ muttered Aemond, his heart clenching at the thought of his son, his perfect little dragon.
As he laid with his limbs entwined with Vaelarra’s, he couldn’t help but remember the joy he felt when he first held his son.
Traditionally men weren’t allowed in the birthing room, but Aemond remained steadfast at his wife’s side, he held her hand and whispered words of love and encouragement as she birthed their son.
Gods he was so beautiful, silver hair and amethyst eyes and when the tiny squalling bundle was placed in his arms the world just melted away-nothing else existed except for Vaelarra and Aenys-
“Aemond,” she whispered, her voice tinged with uncertainty, “What if-what if you didn’t truly mean it? What if, when faced with the reality of it all, you can’t choose me?”
Aemond turned his head, his singular eye locking onto hers with an intensity that made her breath catch. He lifted a hand to her cheek, his touch gentle and reassuring. “Vaelarra, I meant every word”.
Her eyes filled with tears, and she struggled to find her voice. “I-I just-I don’t want to lose you, Aemond. Not after everything. I can’t bear it.”
Aemond wrapped his arms tightly around her, his own heart breaking at her anguish. “You won’t lose me, ābrazȳrys. No matter what happens, my love for you and Aenys will remain”.
Aemond was suddenly distracted by the distant roar of an approaching dragon. He stood up quickly, reaching for his sword and scanning the sky with a wary gaze.
Vaelarra, startled by his abrupt movement, quickly covered herself with Aemond’s discarded cotton shirt and stood beside him, placing a calming hand on his arm.
“Calm down, it’s only Vermax,” she said softly, trying to soothe him.
Aemond’s eye remained fixed on the sky as the smaller dragon flew overhead, its scales shimmering in the light.
Vermax let out a burst of flame, illuminating the sky for a brief moment before flying away into the distance. Aemond lowered his sword slightly, still tense but less alarmed.
“What was that all about?” he asked, confusion lacing his voice.
Vaelarra took a deep breath, her expression turning serious. “That was the signal.”
Aemond turned to her, his brow furrowed. “What signal?”
“King’s Landing has fallen,” Vaelarra replied, her voice steady but sombre.
Aemond’s heart skipped a beat, the gravity of her words sinking in. “Fallen?” he echoed, trying to process the information.
“Yes,” Vaelarra confirmed. “The Blacks have taken the city; the Queen has reclaimed the Iron Throne”.
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Aemond’s mind raced as he processed the implications of Vaelarra's words. His expression hardened as a sudden realization dawned on him. He turned to Vaelarra, suspicion darkening his eye.
“Your request to see me-it was a ruse to get me away from King’s Landing, wasn’t it?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous.
Vaelarra’s eyes met his, filled with a mixture of regret and determination. “Yes”
Aemond’s anger flared, and he pulled away from her.
“How did-”
“Daemon had been lying in wait, and as soon as you left with Vhagar, he attacked the Red Keep. The plan was to draw you away so Daemon and those loyal to my mother could strike.”
Aemond’s rage boiled over. “I will go back to King’s Landing and deal with Daemon myself-if he dares face me”
Vaelarra quickly stepped in front of him, her hands on his chest. “No, Aemond. Your endeavour is pointless. The city has already fallen. There are more dragons guarding its walls than Vhagar can handle. Going back now would only lead to your death.”
Aemond’s face twisted with a mixture of anger and worry. “What about my mother, Aegon, Helaena, their children—will they be safe?”
Vaelarra placed a calming hand on his cheek, her touch gentle. “Yes, they will be. Only the traitors will meet the sword. My mother’s wishes were clear: to spare those who were innocent and bring justice to those who plotted against her”.
"I don't believe you," said Aemond, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Aegon is a threat, a living contender, invites challenge. In order to secure her claim, she will have him executed-his sons too”.
"That is your grandsire talking," she hissed, her voice sharp and unforgiving. "He has spent years sowing his little seeds of discord, whispering his poisonous words into your ears, and now his time is up. His head will be on a spike before morning's light."
Aemond recoiled slightly, taken aback by the vehemence in her tone. "Vaelarra-"
"No," she interrupted, her anger boiling over. "Do you not see how he has manipulated you? How he has twisted your perceptions, filled your heart with fear and suspicion? All in the name of his own ambitions?"
Aemond's eye narrowed, a mix of frustration and hurt flashing across his face. "He is still my grandsire. He has always looked out for us, for our family."
Vaelarra shook her head, her expression one of bitter disappointment. "Looked out for you? Or looked out for himself? For his own power and influence? Aemond, you must see the truth. Otto Hightower has never cared for anyone but himself. And now, his machinations have brought us to this brink of war and chaos."
"What fate awaits me? I killed Lucerys. Surely your mother will demand my life in exchange."
Vaelarra looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. She stepped closer, placing a hand on his chest. "Aemond, I don’t know what my mother will demand. Lucerys was her son, and his death weighs heavily on her heart. She may call for your life in retribution."
Aemond’s face tightened, his eye searching hers for any glimmer of hope. "Then what am I to do? How can I face her, knowing what I’ve done?"
Vaelarra’s voice softened, her fingers tracing the edge of his shirt. "You must show her your remorse, your willingness to make amends. It may not be enough, but it is the only way forward. We cannot change the past, but we can shape the future."
Aemond shook his head, a mixture of anger and despair in his voice. "And if she demands my life? What then, Vaelarra? Will you stand by and watch as your mother takes my head?"
Vaelarra’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, her grip on his shirt tightening. "I will fight for you, Aemond. I will plead with my mother, remind her of our love and the family we have built. But you must be prepared for whatever decision she makes”.
Aemond looked at her, the resolve in her eyes both comforting and heart-wrenching. He reached out, cupping her face in his hands. "Vaelarra, I am sorry for what I’ve done. I never wanted this. I never wanted to cause you pain."
Vaelarra placed her hands over his, her touch warm and steady. "I know, Aemond. And I love you for your remorse, for your willingness to face the consequences of your actions. Whatever happens, we will face it together."
They stood there for a moment, their foreheads touching.
"If Rhaenyra demands my life in exchange for Lucerys, I will gladly accept my fate. But before Daemon takes my head, I ask only one thing: grant me the chance to hold you and Aenys one last time."
Vaelarra's eyes filled with tears, her heart breaking at the thought. She threw her arms around him, holding him close as if she could shield him from the harsh realities they faced. "Aemond, no," she whispered fiercely, her voice choked with emotion. "I will not let it come to that. I will fight for you, and just as you chose me, I choose you."
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1moreff-creator · 5 months
Happy Birthday Teruko Tawaki!
It's the protag's turn for a birthday post! You know what that means! Small character analysis, fun facts and songs that remind me of her! Let's celebrate! Just make sure to bring out the fire extinguisher before lighting any candles... actually just keep the extinguisher handy in general :v
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-Being the protagonist of the series, we actually know quite a lot about her backstory. Enough to know it's quite sad in general terms. This is because she appears to have supernaturally horrendous luck, which she claims affects her and those around her. She's mentioned several instances of highly unlikely, unlucky situations she gets into constantly. From washing machine explosions, vehicles crashing, theaters being "too flammable" for her, all the way to being stuck in a killing game where she gets betrayed, stabbed, her friends die, etc.
-She's an orphan who's never known her parents. She had a brother who was compassionate, but constantly hurt by her misfortune. That brother got adopted when Teruko was around five, and she's never seen him since.
-She doesn't have an ID, which meant she had to attend schools by stealing uniforms and infiltrating them. She then usually gets caught and repeats the process several times a year. She is also in a lot of medical debt as a result of her constant injuries. Given all of this, she actually prefers living trapped in the killing game, though obviously she'd rather not have people killing each other around her.
CW Suicide
-That said, it seems her luck prevents her from dying. She told Xander that she wouldn't die because she was the Ultimate Lucky Student, and it was implied she's unsuccessfully attempted suicide by hanging.
CW over
-This misfortune has led her to develop a tremendously pessimistic view of the world and her life, believing her fate can't be changed and resigning herself to her bad luck.
-This also extends to her relationships. She tried to be amicable at the beginning of the killing game, but after Xander stabbed her, she decided to stop trusting everyone else. She now carries around her unique weapon, a hunting knife, for self-defense. This is a pretty understandable reaction given everything she's gone through, but it will inevitably go wrong (prediction).
-Her numeral in the David MV is unlucky number 13 (XIII). Go to 1:22:20 on this video for an explanation!
-The secret quote on her page's source code is "It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all." Probably something she'll say in the final trial, given that this is one of the main messages the series seems to be aiming for.
-The quote on Mai's page attached to Teruko is "Some years ago, she was searching for someone named ‘Teruko Tawaki.’"
-Yeah, Teruko's relationship with Mai is one of the most mysterious parts of this series. Given that quote, it's very possible they knew each other several years before the killing game, got separated, and reunited some time before the killing game. After all, Teruko does remember meeting with Mai in the CH 1 Ep 6 dream sequence. If you want to read some of my other opinions on Teruko and Mai, I'll recommend reading the related portion of this post.
-Though adding to that, Teruko and Mai seem to have matching phone charms :D
-There is a lot more to talk about with Teruko, but I'm done for the day :v
Fun facts!
-Her nationality is "legally in question", whatever that means.
-She's left-handed, the only lefty in the cast!
-In kanji, her name is spelt 田脇【た ・ わき】暁子【て る ・ こ】
-She has prosopagnosia, aka face blindness. And fun fact about me, I actually have this too! I may have learnt about it when Teruko was a bit too relatable in that one conversation-
-Her favorite color is red due to "association." Possibly because it's Mai's hair color. Her least favorite color is pitch black because it's unsettling.
-Her hair recently started turning grey, probably from stress. Wild.
-Her favorite ice cream flavor is red bean.
-Her sexuality is unlabeled.
-She smells of dirt, sawdust, and burnt smell.
-Straight from a Q&A, "Her fashion sense diverges from what she’d actually wear. Secretly she wants to wear girly, cute things, but is unable to afford that kind of thing. She likes skirts."
-She likes fresh food, food which can be prepared without endangering herself with knives and stoves.
-Her birthday, January 7th, lands on "distaff day", "I am a mentor day", "old rock day", "bobblehead day"... still don't know how these come about. I think my favorite for this day is "I'm not going to take it anymore day." That's hilariously in character for Teruko xD
-Again by Crusher-P
-The Things I Deserve by Ghost & Pals
-God-ish by Pinocchio P
-The Medical Anomaly by RIProducer
-End-World Normopathy by Ghost & Pals
-Scapeg∞at by Ghost & Pals
-Chronic Wasting Disease by RIProducer
-Those Who Carried On by Ghost & Pals
And Happy Birthday! Well, that was fun. Now I have to deal with the meteorite which struck me midway through writing this post! Take care!
(to be clear the meteorite thing is a joke)
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clawbehavior · 2 months
i watched a snippet from The Glory where it's revealed that *SPOILER* hot dad's daughter is not biologically his but he continues to love and raise her like his own despite knowing this. it made me think of a TDJ au where elijah is not isaac's daughter.
her mother heejin wasn't religious. after she gets knocked up and her boyfriend leaves, she meets isaac at a social service type thing hosted by the church. they fall in love, she partly because he's good dad material. they have a shotgun wedding. she becomes devout to protect her cover and because she believes in fate now, having come across someone like isaac. they have elijah a few weeks too early but she's small for her age so no one suspects a thing.
yohan finds out after the fire. elijah needs a transfusion but her blood type doesn't match with his or isaac's. maybe it has a marker that's passed down from fathers so it's v obvious isaac is not hers.
he gets his niece a transfusion but yohan doesn't know what to do. did isaac know? he loved elijah with all his heart but he was naive and led by his emotions. yohan can give elijah a good life as his own child but can he accept her as isaac's daughter? he's so possessive of isaac that he honestly doesn't know.
it's only several weeks later when he's hunting down the SRF and he finds the man who has a tape of the fire that he knows. he knows because he reacts instinctively, threatening the man and his mother and his mother's first degree and second degree relatives if the man so much as hints at what he knows.
walking away with the only physical copy of the tape with him, yohan realizes that he's made his decision.
isaac's last words when passing over his beloved daughter were protect her. so that's what what yohan's going to do.
and then you get a flashback that suggests isaac did know. i haven't decided how gaon comes into all this and how he acts once he finds out but i like the idea of yohan protecting elijah from two secrets that could fundamentally destabilize her sense of self. changing this detail would add another layer to yohan's protectiveness over her, paranoid that she'll find out.
gif courtesy of @daktyl-z-jordanii-blog and @phantombohemian
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usernameforaboredcat · 8 months
Wasn’t Fated To Succeed
{Spy Ace X Marine Reader}
(I thought of this idea from a manga side story where Ace breaks into a Marine headquarters and fucks around n thought “hey, I can make sum angst with this shit🤷🏻‍♀️” so tehe like look at him!!
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He’s such a silly goofy guy I love this mf so much!! Anyway-
Warnings⚠️: Angst, very sad angst, smut, p in v, virginity loss, use of nicknames "princess" "sweetheart" "good girl" ect, fingering, groping, very very slow burn, like this might take a while to read, death, daddy isn’t the best lol
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It didn’t take long for him to notice her.
That young woman maybe a year or two younger than him, sitting at the large table, leaning comfortably in her chair with her arms and legs crossed with an annoyed and tired scowl on her face. Whist on his infiltration mission, Ace got dragged into a Marine meeting. He was more in the back, hiding himself to stay unnoticed while listening in.
Something about her was trying to telling him something he couldn’t hear, and he was trying desperately to make out what it was. To be fair he had been listening to everything, making as many mental notes as possible.
“What about that Straw Hat kid?!”. His ears perked up. “That punk has caused enough trouble as is!”. A loud disgusted “uhg” echoes through the room, drawing all eyes to that girl. She’s wearing a white low cut sailor dress with a beautiful pink flower in her hair. “Is there something you’d like to say?”. She gets asked, the man talking in an angry tone. “First of all I don’t quite appreciate that tone of yours when talking to me”. She starts, her eyes like daggers.
Ace felt a shiver run down his spine, her cold tone freezing the temperature of the whole room. “And second I don’t think that child should be a problem of ours”. She leans forward in her seat, propping her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her laces together fingers. “He is a child, gentlemen. Us marines should be adult enough to not get too affected by him”. She finishes. “But miss! Haven’t you heard all the trouble he’s started! Lougetown! Alabasta! Water 7!?”. A man yells.
The girl rolls her eyes dramatically at his words. “Please, I quite frankly think we have much higher risks and problems than him! And even if we did follow through with his antics and arrest him, what exactly do we do? There’s no laws regarding child pirates so what? Do we execute a child? Just like how if a grown ass man committed theft we just give him a smack on the ass like a child who stole a cookie from grandmas kitchen?”. She questions.
The room goes silent, no one knowing how to respond or even daring to respond. Something switched in Aces mind, something that felt weird and funny and new. Seeing such a ice cold girl with a burning fire of true justice set his heart ablaze. She wasn’t wrong, there aren’t any laws about punishment for pirates under the age of 18. He couldn’t help but let out a quiet chuckle.
The girl stands up from her seat, resting her hand on her hip. “Now, personally I think we have more important things to deal with at the moment! Send a team out on a patrol of the city and see if there are actual problems we should take care of, report them back to me by the end of the day”. She explains as she starts to make her way to the door. “And if I find out that there’s been an incident that hasn’t been reported to me I’ll make sure to serve you at the next hot pot in the hot pot”. She threatens, then exits the room.
The room bursts into whispers and murmurs. The room started to clear out, the meeting ending basic after the girl had left. As Ace starts to make his way out, he hears whispers about her. “I don’t get why she’s here”. “Bitch really think she’s the boss of us”. “Hey! Don’t say that!”. “Why? Scared her daddy will kill you?”. “Yes!”. So her dad has a lot of power in the Marines then. Interesting.
The room had emptied, the halls slowly emptying with people heading off to their jobs. With not real job, Ace scrambles down the hall and walks into a random room. He sighs as he closes the door, the click of a sword being unsheathed makes him freeze. ‘Oh fuck’. He slowly turns around, seeing the girl from before standing behind her desk holding her swords handle in her dominant hand ready to pull out. “You’re not supposed to be in here”. She tells him. “Why are you here? And what’s your rank?”. She asks him.
He straightens up and chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck. “I just wanted to say that what you said back there was cool! A real sense of justice, I’ve never seen something like that from a marine”. He admits to her. “I see”. She mutters. She clicks her sword back into place and makes her way over to the little kitchen in the office, opening a cupboard. “Care for a coffee?”. She asks without looking at him. “No thanks, not a fan of bitter stuff”. He answers.
She nods. “Very well”. She only takes out one mug. “Tell me, are you new to the marines? With your wording ‘I’ve never seen something like that from a marine’ implies that you haven’t seen a lot of marines talk or any meetings”. She explains as she puts coffee grounds and sugar in her mug. “Yep! I haven’t been here too long!”. He answers. Technically he’s not wrong. “Tell me then, how are you finding the marines?”. She asks. “Definitely not annoying and sick of people telling me what to do”. He explains in a chuckle.
She lets out a small chuckle as she fills her mug with milk. “I can’t imagine having to listen to marine would be easy for someone like you”. She states as she stirs the milk. “Especially for someone like you, Fire Fist Ace”. She adds. Aces eyes widen, but he gets back his cool demeanour and tilts his marine cap up as if it’s his classic hat, his finger alit. “Guess it was only a matter of time before someone figured me out”. He chuckles.
She lets out a chuckle again, walking over to the kettle. “It only took me a second. Unlike my colleagues I’m good with faces. As soon as you walked in I was able to recognise your face”. She explains as she fills up the kettle with water and set it on the stove. “However I do not wish to report you or arrest you”. She adds. She tries to turn the stove on, but it’s refuses to turn on.
She lets out an annoyed sigh, turning back to the pirate. “Mind giving me a hand?”. She asks, her voice in a more softer tone. “Uh…sure!”. He agrees happily, walking over to her. He places his hand on the kettle and sets his hand on fire, the kettle slowly starting to boil. “So…how come you’re not gonna report or arrest me?”. He asks her. “Because I hate the marines”. She blatantly states.
The kettle quickly starts to whistle causing Ace to move his hand away, the girl grabbing the kettle by the handle and filling up her mug. “I’ve always hated the marines”. She walks towards her desk, taking a seat. She gestures him to take a seat in the chair across from her, which he does. “Ever since a young age we’re all taught the black and white of marines good and pirates bad, however those with a brain can tell you that it’s mixed. I’m only young but I’ve seen good pirates and bad marines”. She explains.
She leans back in her seat and takes a sip of her drink. “For example…That Straw Hat Luffy”. Aces eyes widened. “I had been keeping an eye of what’s been happening in Alabasta for a few months now but because of our affiliations with Sir Crocodile the marines never did a thing. I felt terrible, for the king, Princess Vivi, and their people! I honestly thought that Sir Crocodile was going to distort that poor country, until I heard that Straw Hat arrived and was able to take care of it. I’m honestly surprised someone just a year younger than me was able to take him down, colour me impressed”. She explains.
Ace let’s out a chuckle as he leans back in his chair, arms propped behind his head. “That’s my little brother for ya! He’s full of surprises!”. He laughs loudly. “You’re joking! You and Straw Hat are brothers?!”. She yells out in shock, almost dropping her cup. “Nope, Luffy’s my baby brother”. He confirms. “Hm, you learn something new everyday I guess”. She mutters. “So if you hate marines so much, why become one?”. Ace asks her. “Because like hell I’d let the corrupted marines stay in power and continue to ruin the world government. I’m just waiting for the day the head admirals kick the bucket and I’ll take over! With them gone, I’ll finally be able to fix this twisted government up”. She explains to him.
“Now it’s my turn to ask a question”. She sets her coffee mug down on the table, crossing her legs and setting her hands down on her knee. “Why are you here?”. She asks. “Simple! I’m here to gather information, is there anything else to it?”. He responds. “Well if that’s the case”. She takes a key out her pocket, opening a filing draw at her desk. She grabs a note pad and a pen, sliding it over to Ace. “What would you like to know?”. She asks him with a growing smirk, Ace smirking and chuckling in response as he takes the note pad. “Whatever you know”.
Ace had been around the marine base for over a week now, working as a small team with a very powerful woman in the marine world. (Y/n). That’s the name she told him, he trusts that it’s her real name and not a name she’s giving him just to play with him. They where a team of people from two worlds. Ace had thought she would have outed him by now, but instead she’d always vouch for him if he was ever in trouble and let him sleep in her office. In his eyes she’s truely an amazing person.
The room was quiet, the faint light of a candle lighting up the desk enough for the woman to work. She lets out a sigh as she finishes reading the last of the reports, crossing her arms and laying them on the desk to use them as a pillow. The door to her office opens without a knock, she knows who it is. “Hey hey! There’s my favourite marine!”. She giggles to herself and she looks up, seeing Ace closing the door behind himself. “Evening Ace, how was your day?”. She ask him in a soft tired tone. “Ah ya know! Pretty good! Almost got my ass beat today but I in fact was the one who did the beating!”. He says proudly as he walks over and takes a seat across from her.
“I wouldn’t recommend drawing too much attention to yourself”. She says as she look up at him. “I’ll be fine! I have you!”. He responds. She smiles to herself, tilting her head. “I can only do so much you know, have you forgotten the kind of number that’s on your head?”. She tells him, then letting out a yawn. “Hm? You okay?”. He asks her. “Yes yes, just tired from work is all”. She explains. “You want me to leave and let you rest?”. He asks her, concern in his voice. “No no no, it’s good that you’re here. It’s better when you’re here, I feel like I don’t have a stick up my ass”. She explains to him, laying her head back down.
“Aawww, you chill out around me! Aren’t you cuuuuuute”. He coos at her, heat rising to his face. “I mean you’re not a marine, I don’t have to try to impress you”. She admits in a soft tone, looking back up at Ace for him to see her reddening cheeks. “I wish you never have to leave”. She adds, smiling up at him. “It has been fun, but if I stay here any longer it might start to cause you trouble”. He adds to her statement.
“Hey, how about tonight we drink? To a better future!”. He suggests to her. She hums, smiling at the idea. “That sounds quite nice, I approve”. She agrees. “Actually-“. She gets up from her chair, walking over to the fridge and taking out a bottle of fancy expensive alcohol. “I’ve had this since my 18th birthday and I thought now would be a good time to use it”. She explains, grabbing two glass cups. “Wow! Pulling out that good stuff! Very nice very nice”. He responds, his hand on his chin as he rubs it.
“Only the best…for me!”. (Y/n) says happily as she grabs glasses, shrugging. She walks back over to her desk, popping open the bottle and pouring the liquid into the glasses. She takes a seat, the two taking a glass each. “Well, even with this funny predicament…I’ve enjoyed our time together”. (Y/n) admits, swirling the drink then taking a sip. “Why not come with me?”. Ace suddenly asks. (Y/n) looks at him wide eyed. “What?”. She asks simply. “Leave the marines, come join the White Beard Pirates with me! The old man would love ya, take ya in as if you where his own daughter”. He explains to her.
She continues to look at him in shock, then turning to look away from him. “Ace I-… I can’t just leave the marines! It’s all I know, it’s what I’ve grown up with. Besides, if I left the marines to become a pirate my father would for sure kill me”. She explains, the thought of death sending a shiver down her spine. “By the way, who is your father?”. He asks. “He’s a…an Admiral”. She answers, refusing to look at him. “Damn! No wonder everyone is so shit scared of you!”. Ace yelps, almost spitting out his drink.
“Hey! Don’t spit that out! It’s expensive!”. (Y/n) snapped at him. “You never told me that your dad was a fucking Admiral!”. He snaps back. (Y/n) scoffs and rolls her eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You wouldn’t know what it’s like to have a father like that, especially a father that kills the innocent despite being a “man of justice”, yeah justice my ass”. She mutters, chugging the rest of the drink. “I’m guessing you don’t know my father then”. Ace chuckles. “Hey, I have a lot of people to do background checks on and to keep track of!”. She defends. Ace let’s out another chuckle, chugging down the rest of his drink. “Ever heard of Gol. D. Roger?”. He asks. “Okay now you’re fucking with me! No way your father is the King of Pirates like 20 years ago!”. She snaps. “Yeah…”. He mutters out. (Y/n) leans over and refills both of their glasses up.
“So tell me lil Roger Jr. What do you think about him?”. She asks, taking a sip of her refilled drink. “I don’t really care, I don’t see him as my father anyway! White Beard is my father and always will be”. He answers. (Y/n) smiles softly as she looks at the older man. “That’s cute”. She admits. “What about you? What do you think about your old man?”. He then asks her. “Ah. I don’t know, he treats me like his own personal army toy. He raised me to be a marine and I never really got to have a life. No friends, no other family, no hobbies, no nothing to me! I never wanted to be a marine or even a pirate, I’d rather just be a normal girl”. She goes on. She sees Ace looking at her with a soft smile, causing her to take another sip of her drink to hide her plush.
“I didn’t mean to go on”. She apologises. “No no no, it’s fine”. Ace reassures her. “I just…never really had the chance to talk to anyone like that”. She hums. “Oh Ace, you have no idea how badly I wish I could go with you. Travel the world, find who I am as a person, meet people of all different…well…everything!”. She rants. “But…I’m stuck here”. She chugs her drink again, quick to fill it up again. “Come on kid, you’re drinking a little too much”. Ace states, getting up from his chair and walks over to take her drink from her. “I’m not a kid! Don’t you dare call me that!”. She snaps, quickly chugging the drink before it can be taken away.
“Maybe we should get you to bed”. Ace says, taking the glass from her and placing it on her desk. “I’m fine, okay? I don’t need you to baby me like everyone else!”. She snaps, looking up at him. He chuckles down at her, amused by her cranky face. He reaches and grabs her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. Without thinking, he leans down and presses his lips against hers. Regret immediately flows through him, but it instantly vanishes when he feels her hands on his cheeks to pull him closer.
He could taste the alcohol on her lips, tasting it more when she opens her mouth to let him slide his tongue in. He pulls away from her, looking down at her to see her big pleading begging eyes and kiss puffy lips. “For a marine you’re absolutely beautiful”. He whispers just loud enough for her to hear. “For a pirate you’re incredibly handsome”. She whispers back loudly. This time, she leans up and kisses him. She pulls him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck, Ace leaning over and easily picking her up to wrap her legs around his waist.
He sits down in her chair, letting the younger girl sit on his lap. She pulls away from Ace, the two panting of the lack of air. Fire, want, and need builds up in their bodies, (Y/n) slowly starting to grind herself over Aces growing length. He chuckles at her neediness, rubbing her hips up and down. “Never in my life would I ever think I’d see a marine be so needy for a pirate”. He chuckles as his hands travel to her thighs and going over her dress.
He uses one hand to move her panties aside and the other running a finger through her wet folds. “Ah! Ace~”. She moans out, grinding against his hand. “Jeez you’re so wet already, it makes me want to take you here and now”. He teases. “Then why don’t you?”. She asks in a giggle, running her hand down his chest to his hardened bulge and rubbing it through his pants. Ace hisses at her actions, causing (Y/n) to giggle as she leans in close to his ear. “Although I’d rather be the one to take you~”. She whispers into his ear, then kissing his ear lobe.
“God!”. Ace let’s out in a loud groan. He grabs her chin again with his spare hand and grabs her chin, pulling her in closer. (Y/n) moans into the kiss, letting out a cry of pleasure as she feels him slide two finger inside her warm wet entrance. She pulls away and whimpers at the new slightly painful feeling, her legs shaking as he slowly drags his fingers in and out. “I just realized…you’re a virgin”. Ace states. “Oh shut up”. She gasps, slamming her lips back on his. Ace picks up the speed of his fingers, using his thumb to rub against her clit.
He pulls away from the kiss, moving his hand from her chin to the low cut neck of her dress. He smirks as he pulls the dress neck down, her boobs sliding out from the motion. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t at least wanna cop one feel of her tits while here. He aggressively grabs her breast and squeezes it, pulling and pinching on the nipple. “A-! Aaaaaace~ please!”. She cries out, needing something more. “Pleeeeease let me feel you inside me!”. She begs. Ace smirks as he lets out a single chuckle, pulling his hands away from her as he goes down to his pants. With ease his undoes his belt buckle, belt and zipper, easily being able to hop with her on top for him to slide his pants and boxers down to his ankles.
(Y/n) feels a shiver go down her spine as she looks down at his erection. He’s so long and thick, probably the first time in her life she’s ever felt intimated. “What’s the matter? Scared?”. Ace chuckles, grabbing the base of his cock. “Quiet!”. She snaps. She puts her hands on his shoulders to use to keep herself stable. She lifts herself up and hovers over his cock, feeling his hot leaking tip against her entrance. “Take it slow princess~”. Ace coos her, his hands back on her hips and rubbing them to comfort her.
She sinks down on his cock, feeling his tip slide inside her aching hole. The aching feeling of need grows stronger and stronger, craving him to fill her up. Without thinking she sinks her whole body onto his cock, his tip slamming painful against her cervix. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”. She cries, feeling as if electricity shock through her body. “Sssshhhhhhit! Ah fuck me! Shit you’re tight”. Ace pants out as he squeezes his eyes shut, feeling his cock getting squeezed so tight inside her he could explode inside her already.
He opens his eyes but his vision isn’t the clearest, light headed from the feeling of her insides. He looks at the girl on his lap, seeing her still trying to catch her breath as tears run down her cheeks, a painful grip against his shoulders. He slowly starts to rock her hips, sliding her up and down on his length. Her cries turn onto moans, starting to move her hips on her own. “That’s it, good girl~”. Ace praises, rubbing circles on her hips over her dress.
(Y/n) picks up speed, smoothly bouncing up and down on the pirates cock. Ace happily leans back in the chair, his limit approaching fast at the feeling of her right pussy sucking him in and trying to milk his cock of every single drop of his cum. More. More. He grips her hips tight, getting a tight hold on her and pulling her up and down on him, using her as a toy. A very pretty, very off limits, very hey she’s literally your enemy, toy.
He can’t help but start thrusting his hips up into her as he slams her down, the two meeting half way as Ace oh so desperately tries to chase his fast growing high. He needs to cum. Specifically he needs to cum in this marines perfect tight pussy. A now strong believer in the idea of if he cums in her it’ll make all his dreams come true. Without warning and a hard slam he releases deep inside her, his hot seed filling up her insides. (Y/n) shutters at the feeling of his warmth.
She pants as she tries to get off of him, but Ace slams her back down, drawing a whimper from her when she whimpers. “I don’t think so”. He pants out. He moves his hands under her thighs, swiftly picking her up and laying her on her desk. Ace smirks as he looks down at the marine, seeing her breasts raise up and down with each breath, her pussy still stuffed with his cock as cum starts to leak out the sides. He reaches over and grabs the forgotten bottle of liquor, taking a massive chug of it till the last little remaining drops are gone.
He leans down with each of his hand on either side of her head, her hips trying to move to chase the aching need of release she still hadn’t gotten. “We’ll be here all night until morning, hope you like the shitty coffee they have here cuz you’ll need it”. He tells her as he slowly grabs her ankles and pushes them up to her chest. “A-Ace~”. She whimpers, feeling him so deep inside her he might just be inside her womb. “You’re in for a looooooong night sweetheart~”.
The wind was cold, giving a gentle touch every time to touched her face. There’re no clouds in the sky, just a blue ocean above and in front of her. The sound of ringing and feet pattering rush over to the young lady’s sitting spot, some marine in a much lower rank than her running towards her with a transponder snail. “Miss! Your father is calling!”. The man calls. She reaches out and answers it. “Hello father”. She greets him. “Hello (Y/n)”. He responds with his bored gruffed voice. “What is the pleasure I have for you to call me out of the blue?”. She asks. “I wanted to check in that you’ve arrived to the base safely”. He answers. “I’d prefer you’d be here but you made the mistake that lead not to”. He adds. Ah yes, a mistake. A living, growing “mistake”. She runs her free hand over her stomach, only a few month’s pregnant by this point. “I’m sure everything would go smoothly without me, besides I’m not really in the mood to see something like an execution”. She informs him. “Yes, I’m sure”. He agrees. “How long now?”. She asks. “8 hours until that Fire Fist is dead”. He answers.
(Y/n)s grip tightened, her hands shaking. “Mr Akainu! We have to go!”. A voice is heard in the background of the call. “These idiots need me, I’ll be leaving”. And without a goodbye, he hangs up. (Y/n) ends the call on her end, shooing away the marine. She takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes, feeling the soft breeze on her face. She starts to hum a random tune as she rubs her stomach, hot tears falling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, little one. I’m afraid your father won’t get to meet you”. She mutters under her breath. “Oh Ace, I’m sorry that this happened…I hope…I hope somehow that brother of yours saves you so I can see you again…and…and you to meet our little one…”.
The winds where fast, the breeze smelling like sea salt as music rode along the winds. “CAPTAIN!”. The crew pause their antics, looking towards the navigator. “MARINES APPROACHING!”. He yells. The Captain shoots to the head of the ship, sitting on the lions head. “Do we attack?”. The cyborg asks, getting ready to ready for an attack. “THEYRE WAVING A WHITE FLAG!”. The sniper informs them. “What do we do captain?”. The swordsman asks. Their captain looks at the oncoming ship, laughing. “This could be fun!”. He laughs.
The ship slowly gets closer, the two ships setting down their anchors. The pirates watch as the marines look over their ship to look at them. A young woman walks up to the side, a high ranking woman. Without a second thought she jumps down, easily landing on the ship. The woman is wrapped in a long white cloak, maintaining eye contact with their captain. “You’re Straw Hat Luffy, correct?”. She asks him. “Yeah? So what?”. He asks her. “There’s something I’d like to discuss, is there somewhere more private for us to talk?”. She asks. “Don’t worry, if you’re questioning my intentions your crew mates are free to join which I think you’d rather”. She adds. “Yeah sure, we can talk in the kitchen”. He answers.
He leads her to the kitchen and dining room of the ship, the crew following behind them. “So, what’s up?”. Luffy asks, taking a seat at his spot at the head of the table. “If I remember correctly your older brother was Fire Fist Ace, yes?”. She asks. Luffy shivers, looking at her with murder in his eyes. Why would a marine come to him asking about his brother NOW?! “Yeah, what about it?”. He asks. The woman smiles softly as she takes off her coat hanging around her shoulders, setting it on the table to reveal a sleeping toddler in her arms. A little girl, long black hair with freckles. She looks like… “I know Ace never got the chance to meet her, but I thought her uncle should at least know she exists”. The woman explains.
Luffy looks down at the girl wide eyes, his eyes softening as he looks at her. “Wh-what?”. He stutters out. “WHAT?!?!”. The other crew members yell out, causing the baby to stir and begin to wake up. She looks up at her mum, who sweetly looks at her. “Mama?”. She asks. The woman giggles as she points Luffy to her, the little girl turning to look at him with wide eyes. “Rouge, this is your uncle! You know that stretchy guy that grandpa yells about? Say hi”. She tells the little one. “Hi”. The little girl greets, giving a little wave. “Would you like to hold her?”. (Y/n) asks Luffy. He doesn’t answer, just taking the girl from her arms and holding her close to himself. The other crew members crowd around their captain, looking down at the girl with aws and coos.
“Aawww she’s so adorable!”.
“She’s so pretty!”.
“She sure does look a lot like her daddy”.
“Wow! You’re an uncle!
“Uncle Luffy!!”
(Y/n) takes a seat at the table as the Straw Hats coos and laugh at her daughter. “How old is she?”. Robin asks the mother. “She’s two”. She answers. “She’s so adorable! You and Ace really made the cutest baby I’ve ever seen”. Nami compliments, taking a seat next to the mother. “Thank you! A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t remind me of her father”. She thanks. “Honestly with how much she looks like her dad I’m surprised there hasn’t been anything in the news about it”. Nami points out. “No one’s figured it out yet, which I’m hoping never happens. If anyone asks about her father I tell them it was a random I had a drunk hook up with at a hotel so I don’t know what he looks like”. She explains. “Hey Marine Lady”. Luffy calls, the mother turning to him. “Yes?”. She responds. “What’s your name?”. He asks. “It’s (Y/n)”. She answers. “And hers?”. He asks, referring to the girl in his arms. “I named her Rouge, after Aces mother”. She answers.
“Luffy, I have a request”. She then starts. “Yeah?”. He responds. “If something happens to me, weather I die in war or I get executed for birthing Aces child, no matter what if anything happens to me…please take care of her. Either she’ll get raised to be a marine soldier like I was or killed as well, I want her to live free and I know you and your friends will teach her the right things. I know you’d be an amazing uncle and teacher for her”. She explains to him. He smiles brightly and nods. “Of course!”. He says happily. His expression changes into a more serious one, but still with a smile.
“If anything happens, I’ll make sure to protect and save her! I won’t make the same mistake again!”.
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