#very funny dobbs
vfdinthewild · 1 year
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“Very funny, Dobbs” found in the show Friday Night Lights.
Submission by @thingswelostinfires
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Love how republicans were like “let each STATE decide if they want reproductive rights” until they realized that purple states like Michigan and even red states like Ohio and good old Kentucky keep choosing reproductive rights. Then they pivoted to “national ban!!!” once they realized that abortion was actually popular amongst even *gasp* red voters. Funny that
I mean, Republicans talking about "states' rights" is, and always has been, thinly veiled code for "we don't believe the federal government should be able to enforce anti-discrimination/civil rights laws across the whole country, because we are terrible pieces of shit who exist only to do performative cruelty, so STATES' RIGHTS TO BE TOTAL DICKS! YEEHAW!!"
....except when suddenly the states don't do what they want, THEN they are all for sweeping government mandates, because lmao what is intellectual consistency. I do have to say, you can bet that somewhere tonight Samuel Alito is very mad that the states actually keep protecting abortion, just like he wrote they should have the right to do in the Dobbs decision (while obviously intending for it to be outlawed instead). And oh, that warms my cold, cold heart.
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months
I am very normal about the rescue corps so anyway I transcribed all of (as far as I’m aware) their casual dialogue on base. Too long to do it all in one post so I will split it up starting with Collin:
I recently asked Nelle about her experiences with that giant dog creature. Apparently, when she was first captured, it was quite playful. She said she didn’t feel like she was in any danger at all. That made me wonder if it was acting more aggressive and violent because it was being controlled by Louie.
There must be something about this planet that pulls ships in or causes machinery to malfunction. But wait. Come to think of it…why didn’t your ship crash, (player name)?
If you press (Y) while on the Area Select screen, you can see your current progress for every surface area and every cave. Be sure to keep an eye on your Status Reports while out in the field!
The captain has a special certification in Rescue Pup training. She’s also one of the few members of the Rescue Corps with the highest certificate ranking. I mean, she’s kind of…incredible.
Believe it or not, you can always count on Dingo. If you’re ever in a tough spot, he’ll show up to save you…probably.
Yonny may be a laid-back kind of guy, but he’s incredibly accomplished in the medical field.
He may not act the part, but Bernard is actually a veteran pilot. I heard that at the intergalactic travel company where he used to work, he piloted a 20,000-hour-long flight. That’s…long.
I was surprised to learn that Olimar is quite reticent in person, weren’t you? Though I must admit, he does have a certain air of gravitas about him.
I heard that Dobbs became a treasure hunter so he could help solve the poverty crisis back on his home planet. What a generous and noble pursuit! I never expected someone so intimidating to be so kind.
From what I can tell, Yorke really looks up to Dobbs. Somehow he always finds a way to bring him up in conversation.
Giyans, Ohrians, Hocotations, and Koppaites…How funny that there are so many planets represented here on this tiny, little nondescript ball of dirt floating in space.
Nelle comes across as quite aloof, doesn’t she? She doesn’t seem to pal around much with her crew either. You know what? I can respect a healthy work-life balance.
Koppaites are notoriously poor planners, but you can only judge something like that on an individual basis. Dobbs, for example, is pretty laid-back, while Yorke tends to plan ahead. Nelle, on the other hand, can be…pretty intense. Especially when the topic turns to food.
You never know what you’ll learn when you peruse your Tablet or talk to someone new around here.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 7 months
What are some of your favorite moments with Hawkeye and Trapper? What about Hawkeye and Charles?
thank you for the ask anon !! 🫶🫶🫶
— probably my favorite hawkeye + trapper moment , although it’s very subtle , is in ‘ major fred c . dobbs ‘ where hawk and trap put frank’s hand in water while he’s sleeping and when he wakes up they’re staring at him like 😐😐 ( until trapper breaks character and starts laughing ) . my runner up is in ‘ love story ‘ when hawk and trap are in margaret’s cot and they do the ‘ the first one was too hard ‘ ‘ and the second one was too soft ‘ bit , that scene always makes me cackle
— my answer for charles and hawkeye is sooooo basic but it’s hard for me not to be soft about ‘ actually , hawkeye , i never told you anything ‘ . charles and hawkeye have so many great funny moments together that it’s hard for me to pick a specific one ( also because my memory of later seasons is kind of hazy ) but i always like this one . also any scenes with drunk charles and semi - sober hawkeye have my heart they make me cry laughing 😭
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rescue-ram · 11 months
Finished my rewatch of S1
This has been my first experience binge watching MASH- I don't think I've ever watched more than 4 episodes in a row before, and usually not in order. So it was really interesting actually watching the show this way...
Hawkeye- his characterization stood out to me. While he's definitely not doing a Donald Sutherland impression, his portrayal is closer to movie than late series. Very laconic. In "Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts" there's a line where Frank calls him "a rock" which retrospectively feels like a joke, but in S1 isn't- he's clearly very stable and pretty unflappable.
I actually was tallying the amount of times Trapper and Hawkeye explicitly hook up with nurses and the crimes they commit lol and was surprised by how low the number is for both lol. Between the two of them they hooked up with women in 7 episodes, though they're referenced as doing it more often and they flirt/get shot down/refuse sex a little more often, bringing total up to 12. Only two episodes really featured pranks, which was also surprising
I know Major Fred C. Dobbs is in the running for worst MASH episode but I liked it lol. It was funny and had some quality TrapHawk moments, and the Hawnk kiss at the end made me laugh even as I added it to the rap sheet
Just tallying up the days that pass on screen gets us to just over 3 months, giving me little a hope for my horrible timeline ldkkdjf
I really liked the recurring characters- they didn't have a lot of depth per se but they made things feel fleshed out. It was nice having recurring nurses I could recognize and I will miss my boy Ugly John. God that we lived in the alternate universe where the writers had figured out what to do with Oliver...
Also was thinking about how a lot of the racist moments kinda come from the writers trying to engage in a neutral-to-well-meaning way but alas they were all white guys raised in a white supremacist culture and cannot escape that influence so it comes out horrifically dated, but I think they do try more in the early seasons
I had forgotten what a minor character Mulcahy is in S1. He gets a couple little moments, but I think Margie and Dish have more scenes lol...
Trapper my baby Trapper, he does not necessarily have a lot to do besides be lovable but he does it well. Him providing pediatric care for local kids is deffo going in my note document for Shit Trapper Is Doing lol...
Henry and Radar's relationship 🥹 I really liked both characters, scamp!Radar is so good, and Henry is so funny with these little moments of genuine wisdom and compassion... Good shit
I really liked both Margaret and Frank, not a lot to say beyond that, but they're just so good. Just enough nuance to make 'em pop.
Gaaaaah many more thoughts than I can type, but in conclusion I Love MASH
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carriesthewind · 1 year
Everyone is focusing on 2S2S right now, which is understandable, but when I read the very first-ever post on it you started with something like "oof. So you guys know I like to laugh at bad case law as much as the next person...." So I'm curious, what are some of your faves that AREN'T the 2S2S case?
Hello! My apologies for the very late response.
I don't know if I have favs, really, at least not that I can think of off the top of my head - I am to a large extent at the whims of my hyperfixations. And while I like to laugh at bad legal arguments, often dumpster fires that both end up in court and are interesting and unusual enough to catch my attention involve too many real world harms to be entertaining. (E.g., as a small and pedantic sidenote - "case law" is the legal term for laws that are made through precedential decisions in cases. So "bad case law" can (and usually does) include bad legal arguments, but it's less 2S2S nonsense and more...Dobbs. Which doesn't make me want to laugh so much as it makes me want to [REDACTED].)
With that said, Sovereign Citizen nonsense is often quite funny (as long as you avoid the parts where people are/become white nationalists/other terrorists and/or ignorant people are conned into putting themselves in situations that massively increase their risk of being subject to police brutality.) If you don't know what Sovereign Citizens are, the Southern Poverty Law Center has a file on them; this video is also quite good (and funny); and I haven't had time to read the Mead decision cited in the video, which I hadn't seen before, but I have it bookmarked because it looks fun and interesting.
Speaking of youtube videos, I don't know if I will ever see anything funnier than someone stating, in a DMCA takedown notice, "the poster significantly transformed my original work".
If you are up for something involving more real world harms, I really enjoy Knowledge Fight's Formulaic Objections series, where they go through the depositions of Alex Jones et. al. in the cases filed against him by the Sandy Hook families (which one very funny digression into a deposition of Roger Stone). Dan and Jordan do a great job of making it funny while treating the actual tragedy and experiences of the families with the seriousness it deserves. And all of the corporate rep depositions are just...magical.
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sirwow · 1 year
As I’m currently resting my wrist from drawing and I’m still thinking out more detailed story beats for WC I thought I’d just do some random rambling about my Pikmin au that won’t be very organized lol. Also adding a cut here as not to flood anyone’s unfortunate timeline
First off since I imagine I’ll get asked this someone someday, a small list of all the local losers preferences.
Olimar - Straight Cis. Doesn’t really get anything outside his bubble but is supportive regardless.
Louie - AroAce Cis (also has the tism). His only love is food.
Alph - GayDemi Cis. Likes love but not actively looking for it.
Brittany - GayDemi Cis. Her and Alph always laugh about the fact people think they’re dating just because they show physical affection to one another sometimes.
Charlie - Bi Cis. Koppite crew is literally the LGB.
Pom - Straight trans. You are not safe from Pingo propaganda.
Terry - Bi Cis. Probably doesn’t even know what being bi is and just thinks he has to make up his mind.
Penelope - Pan cis. Olimars shock when he found out when they were dating that she found girls cute too.
Zack - Pan trans. Saw he had 13 brothers and said wouldn't it be funny to have another.
Yorke - Straight cis. The most gay looking straight guy.
Nelle - Straight cis. to yorke "i hate you sm. wanna kiss"
Dobbs - Gay cis. Charlie and Dobbs are the local toxic yaoi so sorre
Shepherd - AroBi cis. the only dates that exist are DOG PARK dates.
Collin - BiDemi cis. Currently married to coffee and 4 hours of sleep
Russ - Straight cis. Probably does have a wife but no kids
Yonny - AroAce non-binary (F to NB) masculine presenting. Galaxy record for being the first person to survive giving top surgery to himself.
Dingo - Straight cis. Yonny makes fun of his failure of flirting.
Bernard - AceBi cis. He will never realize hes being flirted with at any point in time.
Now thats done, some more stuff about just some general relationships people have with each other. Olimar and Louie when Louie first joined HF were pretty neutral about each other even after 4 but after 2 and deeply apologizing for leaving him behind scared, Louie and Olimar got much friendlier with each other. They started carpooling and even spending some time outside of work together. While Terry thinks Louie is cool if a bit strange sometimes, Lebe is rather more skeptical and scared of him. Penelope worries he might be a bad influence but can't help but worry about Louie as much as Olimar does when Oli vents to her about Louie.
Alph and Brittany are best friends but their relationship isnt the most balanced at times. Brittany is quite quick to getting emotional and blaming others for things. Alph tries not to hold it against her too much given hes aware of her issues and why she is like that in the first place but it can rub off on his timid nature. Though he admired Charlie all through 3, Brittany's negative comments eventually changed Alph's perception on Charlie to just being someone he works with.
Now some of my own world building brain rot wo! a time system, joy. I was just thinking about how do people keep time between every other planet so i propose: Galactic time. Galactic time is not based off anything but purely numbers. 1 "day" is 20 hours long and there is no PM or AM. Its based of a single founding clock that all the other galactic clocks follow now and is usually exclusively used for interstellar work and jobs or meeting up on different planets. The galactic months are all 25 days long with only 10 of them. a galactic week is 5 days long and though i don't have names at the moment the months and days also have different names as not to get confused with any planet names or calendars they might have.
thank you if you've read my ramblings this far. have louie drinking paint
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tamaharu · 10 months
law articles are always such a drag and also very funny sometimes. reading one for my sociology class that contextualizes itself by going "so when dobbs v jackson happened, we (the authors) theorized that abortion rights could be based in the equal protections clause instead of the 14th amendment. the judge said that didnt apply here. the judge also didnt acknowledge any of our many arguments about why actually, it would apply here! so we're going to talk about it more to reinforce what a fucking ignorant, misogynistic douchebag he is!" in so many words
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Okay so this is the confession place for aroace people. Ummm so I may have done something to one of my parents. This was mostly unintentional. The parent was talking about crushes that the parent had when parent was younger. The crushes in question were of both girl and boy gender. Parent (to my knowledge) is hetero. I asked if parent was bi. Parent said parent had always liked both but was hetero. Uh sorry, I don't remember where I was going with this but um,,,,, This, I guess??? Currently also confused as to whether I'm actually aroace or just a very late bloomer. So I've never had a crush in my life and I don't really want one, but according to a parent (the very same one I talked about earlier) they're not something you can ask for or refuse. I also feel like crushes would just be a waste of time (for me, this doesn't necessarily apply to anyone else). I'm also a romantic according to the very same parent, but I still don't know what that means? Please tell me what it means. I mean, I love romances and close friendships in stories and cute romantic things, but just as long as I'm an outsider looking in. (Wow, that sounds really creepy haha. I don't actually mean it in a creepy way though!!) Sooo maybe I am aroace, maybe I'm not? Another thing, I got a few plants but for the life of me I absolutely cannot get them to stay alive :(. A bit sad about that. One of the other states of affairs in my strange life is the fact that my extended family on the other side of the world is bonkers! I feel like I'm watching a sitcom without the funny bits! I'm so glad I don't live near them! My little sister is also getting kind of weird around me :(. She has a best friend now who isn't me and they talk about everything (I could be wrong though). We're kind of growing apart and I don't like it :(((.
I also really want a cat.
Will I ever hit my rebellious teenager phase? I hope not. I love my parents and don't want to cause them any more anguish. They have a bunch to deal with already (including my bonkers extended family).
I'm kind of hungry now. maybe I should have lunch early?
Worried about college too. I need to take my SAT and apply and do a whole bunch of other stuff and I'm worried I won't be successful. I'm worried I'll fail my SAT, I'm worried I won't get into college, I'm worried I won't graduate college, I'm worried I won't find any jobs, I'm worried I won't be accepted by any jobs, I'm worried I'll hate my job, I'm worried I won't ever retire, I'm worried I'll fail life basically.
I'm also nonbinary (agender) and the same parent I've been talking about doesn't want me to come out publicly because parent says I'll "face many hardships and might get hurt/killed and I don't want that for my child". I mean, I get where parent is coming from, but dang, that's kind of a wild thing to say to a kid who has thousands of other things to worry about. Also I don't want to pretend I'm a girl for the rest of my life, that would suck so bad.
Oh another thing, racism sucks :(. I'm not white btw. When you get mad at brown people, you do not tell them to go back to their own country or some bull like that!! I mean I haven't experienced that yet, but both parents and sister have experienced things in that vein. I, however, have experienced so many little microaggressions (so has my sister D:<). For example when we go biking, one of the first things people ask us is "Are you from here?" or "Do you live near here?" I mean, come on! I know this is a mostly white neighborhood but you don't go around asking people those things! You never ask the white kids that! Don't pretend it's something you ask everyone! So rude!
Well I've been typing for about 20 minutes, maybe this is enough? No, I still have more to say.
I'm kind of tired of everything I deal with :(.
Also I hate what went down with Dobbs. The justices just yeeted our rights out the window, huh? Anyway reproductive rights should be protected on both the state and national levels.
More stuff,,, uhm,,,,,another confession... I am deeply uncomfy around republicans. They kinda just remind me of all the bad stuff.
Also I have no irl friends :(. (not counting my sister). Parent (yes, that one) says I'll make friends in college but I'm worried nobody will like me for who I am. When I was younger I had no problems being myself around other people, but now I just tailor my personality to fit other people because I want them to like me. I have no problems making 'friends' with people multiple times my own age, but making friends with people my own age is just difficult.
I'm also worried about the people I love dying because about 6 years ago, a close family member died. I also saw a post here that said you'd treat people better if you pretended everyone was going to die at midnight, and now sometimes I still can't shake the feeling that it might actually happen. I do try to be nice to everyone.
My sister says I'm too trusting of people, and I'm also too optimistic. Anxiety and optimism isn't the best combination haha.
My parents are nice, but they don't really understand all this stuff and everything I'm going through. For example, I told one of them I had anxiety and was believed! And then I told the other (yes, this is the parent who I've been griping about through the whole thing, the very same), but was told "no you don't have anxiety because other people get more worried than you". HGJK BVNKM SO FRUSTRATINGGG!!!
Also I'm half-convinced that parent (yes, that one) actually dislikes me?? :( The parent in question says parent wants what's best for me and stuff but I don't know...
Also the pandemic has taken a large toll on my mental health. Also the Roe v. Wade being killed thing. Also the midterm elections. Also climate change. Also capitalism. Also college stuff. Also being a human. I wish I was a jellyfish. Immortal jellies are really cool. Also Portuguese man-of-wars are cool. Also Sailor-by-the-seas. Jellyfish salad is pretty tasty though.
Sometimes I just wish the earth would swallow everyone else up and I'd be alone with the animals and Earth could start anew.
I wish life wasn't so complicated.
Also I got a therapist recently, she's helping a bit. She told me I have anxiety (not a surprise). She said I may also have ADHD too (also not a surprise).
Anyway, if you read the whole thing, have a nice day!!! Even if you didn't, you can have this ->❤<-
~ (:)Anon(:)
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shsenhaji · 1 year
📚 April and May Reading Round-Up 📚
I wasn’t able to post my April round-up, so have both April and May together! I am glad that I was able to read more books for both of these months than in March.
I started a few new series (Tiffany Aching, Maisie Dobbs, the Craft Sequence), and continued a few other series (the Memoirs of Lady Trent, October Daye).
In April, I read:
- The Tropic of Serpents by Marie Brennan (very good, enjoyable and compelling, liked it even better than the second book, great relationships and character growth, liked the way motherhood and grief were tackled, touched on themes such as colonialism and research ethics)
- How Not to Marry a Prince by Megan Derr (cute, fun, somewhat heart-wrenching but with a lovely ending, liked the themes surrounding class and privilege)
- Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear (good, interesting, liked how it tackled healing and war and trauma, definitely cried at the end)
- Derring-Do for Beginners by Victoria Goddard (read it in one sitting, very relatable protagonists, loved the worldbuilding and the themes, happy to see younger versions of favourite characters, much growth and introspection, some of the emotional fulfillment will have to wait for the next book)
- I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (listened to the audiobook read by the author, compelling, kind of horrifying and depressing, very funny, great prose, banger chapter endings)
In May, I read:
- Half a King by Joe Abercrombie (read it in one sitting, bittersweet, good, interesting worldbuilding and politics, great character relationships and interesting character growth)
- Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear (good, enjoyed it more than the first book, engaging, bittersweet ending, liked the themes)
- A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire (very good, read it in one sitting, a bit less depressing than the first one, sad but with a hopeful ending, good character growth)
- Clary Sage by Victoria Goddard (amazing!!! delightful read, loved all of the characters, so very heartwarming, Hal my beloved)
- Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone (read it in one sitting, loved the MC’s motivations and character growth, interesting magic system, loved the themes at the heart of the book, commentary on justice and policing and belief, taking on the patriarchy)
- Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, Vol. 1 by Alexandre Dumas (good, very political, very grounded in the societal issues and references of the time, thoughts on morality and justice and the prison system, poor Dantes, liked the different perspectives)
- The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett (amazing, read it in one sitting, loved the themes and Tiffany’s entire character and character growth, felt very much like the books I used to read as a child in the best sort of way, the frying pan!)
- Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Winspear (highly enjoyable, compelling from the very beginning, better than the two previous books, much character growth and nuance)
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uncannychange · 11 months
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Jerry Butterworth planned on gaining fame with a series of YouTube shorts in which he would visit exotic and out-of-the-way places worldwide and try their even more little-known methods of massage and healing and tape himself getting the works at said place; he was going to call them Jerry the Wisconsin Ginger Wanderer.
The problem was that he was far from the first person to come up with this idea, so pretty much everything from ax massages (the axes were wrapped in towels) to zen deep thought massage had been covered by someone else.
Then, a somewhat seedy old sailor told him about the rare form found on the Island of Wondehato. “Never seen it myself, but they tell me it has something to do with pretty gals wrapping you in leaves and boiling or steaming you are something and then poking you with sticks.” That was good enough for Jerry.
Finding Wondehato, he discovered that there was indeed a place run by some beautiful native women, but he could not quite find out what they were offering. It turned out it was only for women, but with a lot of persuasion and even more money, Jerry talked them into letting him have one of the treatments on a day when no women were scheduled to take part.
Indeed, it did involve him being wrapped in odd-smelling leaves and soaked in almost boiling water, as well as rubdowns with oils, sweats in a small dark room filled with incense, and finally taken to a room where a dozen or so of the women did indeed poke him with sharpened roots in something like acupuncture dialed up to eleven. At the same time, they whisper chanted a monotonous refrain, so monotonous that Jerry, even with the poking, found himself drifting off. “Oh wow,” thought Jerry as he faded out, “If my camera is getting all this good, I’ll be able to hook into the ASMR market too!”
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Then, just like that, Jerry found himself awake and standing, and it was at that exact moment that Jerry Butterworth began to suspect that there was more than just a massage in the massage he had just gotten on the small Indonesian Island of Wondehato.
“Yeah, yeah, something funny is going on here.” thought Jerry, but on looking up, he saw that the attendant he had paid to move his camera around to point at him while he was otherwise `tied up’ had placed it on a shelf in front of him, and he could feel his Dobbs fedora still on his head, which he planned on making his trademark for the series of videos. But he could also tell that while they had dressed him while he was out, he was not dressed in his loose fitting `travel togs,’ also now all of the women tending him now were his height while before they had all been a head or shorter than he?
Whatever the case, he was still feeling dizzy, but once he was back at his hotel, he could see everything that had happened, and the first adventure of the Ginger Wanderer could start to get edited.
That’s when one of the women tending Jerry brushed his now very long, no longer red hair so that he saw it, saw it, and then looked down.”
“Oh crap!” thought Jerry. “I’m going to have to think of a new title for my series.”
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Oh man. Oh jeez. Okay. I'm gonna get annoying about this. Just remember you invited this.
1. The Emergency Room - The West Wing
“You were supposed to leave—” he couldn’t remember when Donna had said her flight was. He remembered too much, but it was never the right things. “—already,” he finished lamely. “Well, I didn’t.” On Christmas Eve, Donna takes Josh to the emergency room. Post-Noël.
This is probably still my favorite thing I've ever written. I really feel like I achieved something with the prose here that I've been striving to do ever since. Since the whole point of this is self-promotion; this fic will probably make sense even if you haven't seen The West Wing. It takes place the same day Josh is diagnosed with PTSD, a few months after being shot. It focuses on Josh and Donna, but it's not romantic. If you ship them, it will feel like pre-relationship, if you don't it will feel like friendship. I alway catch myself thinking this fic came easily, because I pretty much tortured myself over this one but the result was so worth it. Here's a little excerpt from one of my favorite scenes:
A streetlight flickered above them. He watched through the windshield as a few wet flakes drifted down.
“We can deal with that.” Donna was solution-oriented; it was a valuable skill in an assistant. Even now, he knew, she was making plans—drafting memos, rearranging his schedule. She’d ban music from the building if she thought it would protect him. He felt a surge of appreciation—affection, even—but protection wasn’t what he needed now. “Next time it could be something else.” The implicit acknowledgment hung between them like frozen breath. There would be a next time. Donna turned up the heat. “We can deal with that too.”
It's really all about hope and getting better, but at this very early, awkward moment. It also explores, without discussing it head-on, the idea floated in the episode that Josh may have had suicidal thoughts. The conclusion this fic comes to is that he lived because he wanted to live.
2. hills like white elephants - M*A*S*H
“Margaret,” he says for a third time. “The result of this test… the one that goes in your file, the one we tell Colonel Potter… it doesn’t have to be positive. Not if you don’t want it to be.” Margaret laughs, because it’s just like him to think he can make a test say what he wants. “I think people would notice when I had a baby,” she says, trying hard to sound funny. “If you have a baby,” Hawkeye says quietly. Seriously. An AU of What's Up Doc? where Margaret is pregnant, but still doesn't want to be. Hawkeye offers her another choice.
The abortion fic! This one means a lot to me. I've had a couple people tell me they've read it more than once, and that means a lot to me in and of itself. I think we need more stories about abortion, especially ones where abortion is shown as it is: a procedure that rescues women from really difficult situations. I had a lot of fun writing this one, even if my post-Dobbs feelings were very much on my mind. I had a lot of fun writing Margaret and I feel good about how I wrote her in this one. It was nice to focus on her and her interiority. I originally envisioned the fic as a mix between Hawkeye and Margaret POV, and I almost cut the one short Hawkeye POV scene I ended up with because it was so close to being entirely Margaret. The reason I didn't is that it was very important to me to imply BJ knew what happened, but he and Hawkeye chose not to discuss it for safety. I really loved the Hawkeye-Margaret dynamic I hit in this one, too. This is my signature "if you ship them, you can read it a pre-romance, but that's not necessary" dynamic. Hawkeye's willingness to go out on a limb to help is important and I think the story is stronger for not suggesting it's motivated by romantic love. A little excerpt two little excerpts because I can't pick and they go together:
“Why are you doing this?” she blurts out.  He looks at her sideways.  “Just because we can’t do it in the hospital doesn’t mean we’re abandoning safety.”  “No,” she says, frustrated, “I mean… When I told you that I might be… you practically started knitting booties.”  He doesn’t say anything.  “You think I should have this baby,” she accuses.  “It doesn’t matter what I think,” he says softly.  “It matters to me.”  She’s even softer; she’s not sure he can hear her, but he does.  “Why?” he asks. 
“Maybe,” she says, but she knows she won’t. After a moment, she asks, “What would you want?” He raises his eyebrows.  “You mean besides a maternity girdle?”  She laughs, properly this time.  “I meant in Donald’s position,” she scolds.  He thinks for a moment.  “I’d want you to be happy,” he says. “That’s what I want in my position, too.”  She sighs.  “Not all men are like you.” 
I knew from the very beginning I had to get a couple Hawkeye pregnancy jokes in there. The booties line is my own little reference to the "baby booties" line in GFA. I also wrote an author's note where I wished death on a couple of Supreme Court justices.
3. the play's the thing - M*A*S*H
“Oh, yeah, in college I played Hamlet,” he brags. “No kidding.” Sidney stares at him, and he has a funny feeling he can see all of it. “I was pre-med. I was the only one who could get my hands on a skull,” he says, attempting to explain what he’s never been able to explain to himself. Hawkeye plays Hamlet and is very mentally ill about it.
This was not the first M*A*S*H fic I started, but it was the first one I finished and posted, so it's very special to me! I had a lot of fun writing this one. It kind on of turned Hamlet into my signature Shakespeare play. Hawkeye playing Hamlet being true is a near and dear headcanon to me. I knew that I wanted my Hawkeye acting story to be that he did it once and was very good at it and then never did it again. I was really worried about making actor Hawkeye different from Alan Alda and without knowing it, I succeeded at this by making Hawkeye memorize his lines without meaning to; Alan Alda was awful at learning lines (see: all the blooper reels). All the non-Hawkeye perspectives were added in fairly late in the process and I think it was absolutely worth it. Gloria also became much more significant; originally, she was just the cute girl he cited as his reason for auditioning. I really grew to love her. I loved her so much I had to give them a good ending; for all my reputation as an angstmonger, I'm a total sap. Gloria's last name, Mayer, is for my great-grandfather who worked in the ticket office on Broadway. A short excerpt:
He doesn’t say anything. He’s staring at the skull. It’ll spend one last night in the safe hiding spot he’s found for it backstage—protected from the world by the thin cloth of the bag—and in the morning he’ll slip in Searles 103B and return it. If Professor Grable has noticed it’s missing, he hasn’t said anything, and he sees him three times a week for anatomy lab. He finds himself a little sad at the thought that he won’t see it every day anymore. A man and his skull can grow very close, he thinks. 
This part is relatable to me in a way I can't quite explain. The image of college freshman Hawkeye showing up to the audition with the portion already memorized and his own skull charmed me and still does, but the skull just took on a life of its own, even for me. I didn't get too deep in the weeds researching this fic, but I did find a building at Bowdoin that was already built in the early 1940s and is currently a science building, and I used a plausible room number. I also did a quick, panicked rewrite when I remembered it wasn't co-ed yet. I just love this fic a lot.
4. Campfire - The West Wing
The fic I wrote in the woods. Huge chunks of it came to mind and I was so anxious about getting home in time to write it down, I ended up writing pieces of it in my notes app during lunch and in the car. Since I posted this, I've been really overwhelmed by the willingness of my fellow fans to put up with what I call "summer camp bullshit." It's a very different setting from the White House and it's about kids. That part of the story was intended to be shorter and darker, but these three kids basically invented themselves and said "what if Josh had friends?" and it really changed the whole tone of the story for the better. This was the second time I did this one-shot-two-narratives thing and I'd like to do it again. A small excerpt:
“You didn’t have older siblings growing up,” CJ continues. “It teaches you humility. And how to fight dirty.” His fist tightens around his beer. “I did,” he says softly. CJ looks surprised, then confused. “You did?” she asks. He nods. “But I thought… I mean, when we sent that card, after your dad— we checked with Leo, about who to address it to, and he said just your mom and you.” Josh looks at the floor. “Her name was Joanie,” he says, so he won’t have to say she died.
I've had bits jotted down for years that never saw the light of day but got at both parts of this fic. Josh talking about Joanie at summer camp and having it go badly, and CJ being the first person from the Bartlet campaign he told. I love Josh and CJ's brother-sister relationship, but I also think telling CJ first just makes the most sense because of her role in The Crackpots and These Women. This was also a September fic; one of the reasons I latched onto Josh was the experience of losing a close peer at a young age, and I certainly had feelings going into this fic. The only thing is I wish it had a better title! I couldn't think of anything better so I just went with this, but I love the titles for the other fics I've mentioned here.
5. safe travels - M*A*S*H
“Of course, this is all just speculation. I couldn’t tell you what happened in Seoul on that particular day.” BJ looks like he wants to say something, but Hawkeye beats him to it. “I never made it that far,” he admits, his voice dropping. Post-ep for 9.01 The Best of Enemies. With some encouragement, Hawkeye tells the truth about what happened after the left the 4077th.
I had a really hard time choosing a fifth fic, so I reread several, and I remembered how much I love this one. I posted the play's the thing first, but I started writing this one first, and it was almost finished for a very long time. I struggled to get it over the finish line, but I had so much fun with it! This was the first time I wrote BJ and I had a blast; since then, he's been difficult for me to write. I felt good about how I captured a bunch of different characters in this fic--BJ, Potter, Charles, and in a very brief appearance Mulcahy--and there are several pieces of dialogue I'm really, really happy with. I ended the first two sections on dialogue by chance and decided to keep it up throughout the fic. I don't think it was necessary, but it was fun to play with. When I reread it, I noticed some parallelism I don't remember consciously putting in, like both BJ and Hawkeye missing/ignoring their cues, so I'm very pleased with myself. A couple of small excerpts:
Sherman sits for a moment. It takes that long for the man’s words to sink in. “You’re serious.” “You thought I was kidding?” He’s not too old to feel the flush of shame. “I’m sorry.” “People always think I’m kidding,” Pierce shrugs it off. “Of course, most of the time, I am.”
This bit of dialogue came in early and I'm very fond of it.
“Hawk, he held a gun to your head!” BJ explodes. The thought of Hawkeye at gunpoint enrages him nearly as much as it frightens him. “What would you do if it was me?” Hawkeye asks. “If I had a chest full of shrapnel, bleeding into my brain—” “I—I’d try to make some burr holes. Get some pressure on the arteries—” “What if you weren’t a doctor?” Hawkeye presses. “What if you were… a farmer, or something, and one day the army said ‘sorry, Charlie, you’re ours now,’ and took you away from your plow and your family and your ox and gave you a gun? And the whole thing is just, completely unbearable, except for the guy standing next to you. He has has own family, and his own farm, and his own ox, or at least he did before the army took his pitchfork out of his hand and gave him a gun. And then suddenly he’s dying and all you have is this is stupid, lousy gun. What would you do?” “What if it was me? What if I had the 24 hour pass? What if someone held a gun to my head? Would you be so understanding then?”
This conversation--or rather, most of it; the Hawkeye speech came in later and was both fun and extremely hard to write--is where it all started. Hawkeye defending the man who abducted him was important to me. They formed a sort of bond by the end and I don't expect BJ or anyone else to understand that. I made a choice early on not to raise the question "what would Hawkeye do if it was BJ?" but instead "what would BJ do if it was Hawkeye?" I still alluded to the former, when Hawkeye himself wonders what he would do if it was any of his friends, but I gave more time to the latter. It just felt right; of course Hawkeye, who's been through it on the other side, has thought about it. BJ needs to be confronted with the question, and I found that more interesting. And of course it opens the door for BJ to ask how Hawkeye would feel if The Best of Enemies happened to BJ instead. I don't answer any of these questions, because that's the reader's job. If you have thoughts about these answers I'd love to hear them; I wrote this fic because I was absolutely consumed by this episode, and I still am.
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doctorwenqing · 3 years
I read every non-Zahn book with a Thrawn appearance
okay so there are a few books listed on wookieepedia as featuring thrawn, so to be thorough and because i am probably unhealthily obsessed, i bought them all and i read them. so here’s my guide on whether or not these are worth your time:
Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm
thrawn is in this book quite a lot! this one is definitely geared towards children (it reminded me of the magic treehouse books) but it was still pretty fun.
if you enjoy things like thrawn trying to solve a murder, thrawn wandering around in the woods, a force-sensitive little girl sassing thrawn, botanical gardens, and thrawn being mean for no reason i would recommend this book! if you hate bugs i would not recommend this book.
the thrawn characterization in this book is kind of fun honestly. he’s not really like zahn thrawn (his dialogue is WILD) but they also don’t make him completely into the bad guy, which is what i expected them to do for a children’s book. for most of the book he bregrudgingly works with the protagonists.
here’s some quotes i found very funny:
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also there’s a typo around the middle of the book where he suddenly becomes “general thrawn” which was pretty amusing.
all in all i would probably give this book like a 7/10, it’s very childish and there are some random things that are never explained, but i enjoyed it and it was only like 120 pages so it was a quick read.
Star Wars Rebel Force: Target
this book technically has thrawn in it. but it has thrawn in it in the same way chewbacca is in revenge of the sith. if you’re only interested in it for thrawn, i’ll save you the time. here’s the only parts that mention him:
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the rest of the story mostly focuses on the OT trio and a winter soldier-esque guy named X-7 who “befriends” them. it’s also a children’s novel but this one seemed slightly more mature than The Swarm. X-7 was kinda interesting but honestly after i realized thrawn wasn’t really in it i lost interest. 3/10
Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
this book was… not good.
as far as thrawn content goes, there’s not much and his characterization really isn’t great. he doesn’t feel much like thrawn at all and i don’t really understand why they felt the need to make this particular officer him? they really could have made him any imperial captain and it would have worked just as well. here’s his appearances:
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there is a stormtrooper-in-training in this named dobbs like thrawn’s tie defenders captain, so there’s that?
also the writing in this book was not enjoyable, it got a little better once the main character was introduced and it stayed with one consistent storyline. but the first chapter in particular it would randomly switch pov’s every few paragraphs, and some of the word choices were bizarre. the story was just kind of meh. i almost gave up three quarters of the way through reading it. 1/10.
Tattooine Ghost
okay finally an adult novel! i thought for most of this book that thrawn was going to essentially be the titled “ghost” because it seemed that it was going to continue to vaguely mention a “new admiral” instead of actually showing him. but then he made an appearance!
because this takes place before heir to the empire and han and leia don’t know thrawn’s name in that book, his name is never mentioned. also in his appearance he’s disguised himself as a stormtrooper for some reason. but chewbacca tries to rip his head off which is fun and then you get a glimpse of his face so it was definitely thrawn. you also hear someone who i suspect is thrawn giving direction to the stormtroopers a few times later.
the plot of this book was pretty fun. basically han and leia go to tatooine to buy a alderaanian painting that has a secret rebel code hidden in it. the chimaera shows up because thrawn also wants the painting (although it appears he doesn’t initially know about the rebel code). the auction decends into chaos, han tries to blow up the painting, and thrawn realizes if there’s rebels trying to destroy the painting it must be more valuable than he thought. kitster, anakin’s friend from TPM rescues the painting from being destroyed and so the rest of the book becomes kind of a race to find kitster.
the most interesting part of this book (besides when thrawn in disguise hits a stormtrooper over the head for being mean to an alien lady for no reason) was leia finding shmi’s diary. the worst part of this book was definitely han’s insistence that leia and him need to have kids, the awful portrayal of the tuskens and the amount of excuses made for anakin murdering them, and the huge amounts of time they spent just wandering around in the desert.
all in all i mostly enjoyed this book, although i think they could have cut out most of the desert scenes and made it a novella. 6/10.
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aerplain · 2 years
Hiii okay pick and choose or do them all haha :] 001, Catch 22, 002, Girlverse Cathkorn, 003, Girlcart (I'm sure you saw this coming) and your OC Saph :')
HEY MAX thanks for the ask and yes i will do all of them >:}
cut bc it will be very long
Favorite character: Cath... idk. :] he’s so terrible but so dumb and his parts are the funniest to read. Awful person wonderful character. I want another book of just his reactions to Situations bc he’s just such a Guy. The guy ever Least Favorite character: I think the answer for most people is aarfy. and I agree but I'm gonna also say captain black. Aarfy because he was created to function as basically the Worst, and Cpt Black bc i just personally find him annoying. There’s a lot of awful guys in c22 who are fun to read about, but reading these guy’s parts is just “man them again. do they ever shut up”. 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Kathcorn 4ever </3 
M&W (thanks max) 
clevbar (thanks max)
Yoss/luciana - they’re a classic
space reserved for random joke stuff that has no reason other than “these guy’s names are always mentioned together so they’re a Thing now” (gus/wes or plitchard/wren) there’s no reason for this but its funny
Character I find most attractive: Any character I draw tbh. I think they’re all supposed to be just Guys but i cant help being like “hi 😘″ when i draw them.  Character I would marry: NO ONE. they are so ridiculous Luciana Character I would be best friends with: clevinger maybe. we’re both annoying and like to seem smart.  a random thought: said this earlier but they will never make a good adaptation if they don’t get the cathcart or the milo right. They're so integral to the story and they’re always adapted like “look at this funny guy. he’s going to be a nuisance.😉 now back to yossarian”. and milo is always clean shaven and cathcart is not smoking his opulent cigarette holder? why not?? An unpopular opinion: i dont know what unpopular or popular c22 opinions even are. major major could beat captain black in a fistfight My Canon OTP: Do cath & korn count. I think they should count (has read every part where they’re mentioned like 20 times and morphed it to fit my interpretation) I think heller could’ve meant it in a homophobic way. Gay disney villain korn time. If they don’t count i think the Yoss & Luciana bits were always fun too.  My Non-canon OTP: Milo & Wintergreen just cuz I love your writing for them max. I never would’ve come up with this on my own since I don’t think they really interact cuz the concept itself is so fun. Business rivals>business partners> Love?? Most Badass Character: No one they are all kind of losers. Maybe Orr  Most Epic Villain: same for the last one. they’re all lame. Or the idea of the catch itself and all of it’s enforcers  Pairing I am not a fan of: maybe this is my unpopular opinion but i think yoss & chaplain are not ideal romantically. its the fandom go-to romance bc its the literal first line (and i used to love them when i first read the book) but idk. theyre ok to me and not as fun as all the other wacky and crazy guys out there Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I think duckett should NOT have been into yossarian and her thing should've just been being girlbffs with cramer. love loses. heller has to write every woman the way he does :[ Favourite Friendship: ME and MAX catch22bffs forever <3. real answer i think clev/dunbar/yossarian have the best conversations theyre all so insufferable in their own ways and its great Character I most identify with: nurse cramer. kinda her friend starts dating some guy and she’s like “ok what happened to being girl best friends😒”. and dobbs in the sense that i am kind of bad at a lot of the things i have to do Character I wish I could be: NO ONE for real this time. i can’t think of a single guy who isn’t either awful or has awful things happen to them. or both
Kathcorn :>
When I started shipping them: i remember reading the book the first time and thinking ‘wow they are just like my ocs. theyre dating behind the scenes haha’ and then forgetting about them. And I get back into the book and find a few other people who are Cath n Korn fans, I get really into Kathcorn Kontent, I draw them more and now they're my favorites <3 My thoughts: they’ve got one of my favorite themes, where the relationship isn’t beneficial to their main goals at all really. They both want to rise the ranks and being In Love with your right hand man isn’t really gonna help with that. Korn’s like one of those edgy guys who says he doesn’t want to get attached to people because it’s Just a Distraction from the Real Goal. And Cathcart’s one of those annoying guys who says he doesn’t want to get attached to people because it’s Just a Distraction from the Real Goal. And then both of them would try to justify it in their own silly ways and eventually have come to terms with it. And its also funny cuz they’re both just The Worst.  What makes me happy about them: they are both so lame and evil and sucks that everything they do will be entertaining to me  What makes me sad about them: I dont think they can even exist in a way that isn’t destructive to each other and everyone else around them. Not really sad since I focus more on the silly aspect but it could be. Not that they wouldn’t deserve it but it sucks that they have to drag the entire world into their evil love affair </3 Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Nothing they are ALL good i think to be a korn&cath liker you have to already Understand so all the fanfictions will naturally be good bc of that Things I look for in fanfic: For it to exist and for it to center around their inane interactions and just how awful they are but in a #love way My wishlist: I wish we got a scene inside the farmhouse. Just to see what theyre up to 🤔I wish we got the Korn chapter too Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one comes to mind. dreedle and peckem My happily ever after for them: their happily ever after is probably promotion and continuing to ruin lives but i think they really have to end up in the farmhouse. They cant have a farmhouse and not just retire there when everything goes wrong. its too convenient and its perfect
How I feel about this character: genderswap of cath that i got really attached to for no reason. Cathcart is interesting as a hypothetical female character since he’s trying to be this stereotypical toughguy all the time but he’s also so dumb and evil and awful. girlcart, i wuv her. she’s so important. She’s just woman cathcart but there’s the added interest of how she ended up as a squadron commander as a woman in the 40s, her relation with masculinity/femininity, whether she becomes more sympathetic when her problems are not all self imposed.. and we need more loser evil women everywhere Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: could it ever be anyone but girlkorn My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: to be honest she wouldnt have many friends but i think her interactions with milo would be funny. i like what we made up about Girl Milo being very ‘this is my 10 step beauty routine you should do it too. buy M&M skincare’ and cathcart being like ‘eww... makeup, gross” but also wanting to impress milo because milo is Successful My unpopular opinion about this character: She deserves everything ever shes so special. girlcart hiii. she sucks and she’s lame One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: there’s no canon bc we just make it all up. but i think her established storyline is growing up and not really belonging anywhere that a Lady(TM) would typically in the 20s-30s, always being second best in the rich east coast elite world and being desperate for some recognition. I think she deserved a friend who wasn’t caught up in the whole status thing Favorite friendship for this character: does milo count? danby? anyone? Korn’s her only friend and cathcart can’t stand her. I’ll be her favorite friend My crossover ship: what would she even cross over into?? she’d need a kornguy that’s all i know. 
Saph (OC)
How I feel about this character: Spy character for my main story. She's been around for longer than any character i’ve ever liked ever. I made her in middle school and she was a dragon named Sapphire (hence the Saph) and she’s stayed with me through countless story changes. I dont think because of anythign particularly special about the character but she was my first OC and typical toughgirl undefeatable no-weaknesses character made by a 12-year-old. and i think she retains that in sprit but in practice she’s a total mess. I <3 U saph Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Riya, another oc that i made to be saph’s sidekick also in middle school who i recently decided should #love her. I can’t really see Saph in any romantic situations so they’re either in an awkward purely physical relationship that’s really tragic for Riya or its an equally fail unrequited love situation. Riya’s not very outgoing so she’s kind of stuck with Saph and Saph doesn’t tend to get attached to anyone My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Riya again if you count the weird sexual-platonic thing they’d have going on. but she’s also got her spy team of basically a bunch of frat boys and they like to be Dudes together. I don’t like them tho and a lot of them are basically expendable in the story. rip My unpopular opinion about this character: she could fight 1000 demons and 1000 skeletons & not get scared One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: since her spy team is out trying to kill a politician (other side of the story)  i think it would be funny to write the alternate ending where they team up cartoon-style against a Greater Evil. i think the personalities would mesh well (awfully). I think a lot of her problems couldve been avoided too if the spy team had ditched their stupid orders and just gone on the run (which she and riya do in the end anyways) Favorite friendship for this character: i feel like she’s the sort to always Know A Guy wherever they go. but i dont really have anyone specific yet aside from the main characters and their counterparts. So for now im answering Riya for a third time. My crossover ship: i have nothing to cross over except catch 22. im gonna say wintergreen 
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cctinsleybaxter · 3 years
Vitiligo anon here! I also wanted to know why you think of Dunbar as biracial(?)
This essay has actually been a long time coming so thank you for prompting it!
The C22 guys are not a diverse cast; the book goes only by historical accuracy and limited personal experience so doesn’t handle race well, and all of these people are white, white, white unless explicitly stated otherwise. There is no way Heller intentionally wrote Dunbar as a black man, but it is, in my opinion, the only way to read him. It enhances the entire book if you do.
I started reading Dunbar as black passing-for-white because it makes the bit where they’re teasing the Texan about the threat of a desegregated hospital a hundred times better. Putting someone who very obviously has at least one black parent in a white ingroup because their skin was deemed ‘light enough’ fits the kind of narrative Heller is trying to push- something that’s true but feels unreal; absurd without being funny. Dunbar’s the only character in a book of 50+ characters without any kind of physical description, and one of the only characters with a normal and quintessentially American surname. He’s Yossarian’s best friend who goes to another school squadron and, like Yossarian, he’s obsessed with his own mortality. They commiserate in a way no one else does, so it would make sense that they’re the only people of color in their cohort thrust together by circumstance. 
All of that was enough for thinking of him as an average-looking guy from a black family, but as the book goes on it really solidifies.
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Dunbar’s whole deal with identity is hard to capture in just one passage, but it is the reason I specifically read him as ‘passing’ w/ light brown skin (Senegalese and Western European background, his great-grandparents the first generation of Dunbars not born into slavery.) Colorism has led to countless struggles with African American identity and I see him exploring that in a lot of ways.
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This is already classism, but to make it a true catch-22 I like the idea that he’s the opposite of the fighter captain in every way that counts. Also a great example of the way he carries himself- funny, philosophical, but overly composed and prone to tamping down his emotions.
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In the back half of the book he’s constantly getting in trouble even though his temper and bad behavior are no worse than anyone else’s. His anger is ‘off-putting’ and ‘unjustified’ even as Dobbs’ anger is excusable and Yossarian’s endearing. Dobbs is doing the exact same thing as Dunbar when they’re accosted for throwing the wardrobe out, but Dunbar’s the one punished because he back-talks. Like Clevinger he’s framed as too smart for his own good, but rather than being a know-it-all it’s genuine moral outrage.
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Speaking out is also what gets him killed in the end, and while the method of his death could conceivably have been used on anyone during WWII, there is a long, long, long history of the US government disappearing its black citizens.
That isn’t even all of it! One of those things where there’s zero authorial intent but you can work it into the very fabric of the narrative. It’s a shame Heller never got around to writing a whole book about him, but I also feel like maybe it wasn’t his story to tell.
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Obey me characters (minus the new trio) as Characters in British soaps
Thanks to @highwayhells for the idea and helping me out
Mick Carter or Cain Dingle.
Both are family oriented men, but both often tend to take a more agressive or forward approach, but most of the time it's when family is concerned.
Billy Mitchell.
Often very selfish and desperate and the butt of peoples jokes. Often a push over, but also cares a lot about family at the end of the day...also in a lot of things for a pay out.
Finn Barton or Vinny Dingle.
Sweet and really shy, but fights for the things he loves. Often viewed as weak. Has low self esteem.
(I absolutely adore Vinny Dingle and will not tolerate slander)
Daniel Barlow.
Extremely academic and Smart all around often seen educating family members and friends as he's the most intelligent of the bunch. Also has some family dependency.
Sean Tully
Very sassy and image dependent, but very very loveable overall and just wants to do good and have a good time although sometimes goes about things the wrong way to do so.
Tyrone Dobbs.
Another Family oriented man yet one that's soft and often cares too much about peoples feelings, but despite all his hardships he tries his best.
David Platt.
Sarcastic, Moody yet overall humourous. Family matters a lot, but he's got a weird way of showing it. Often plays things off with a cynical joke.
Marlon Dingle.
A massive worrier and always fears the worst. Fependant is an understatement, but also very humourous, but often accidentally funny and is often the butt of jokes too. Especially dependant on Paddy.
Paddy Kirk
Smarter than he let's on and is dependent on Marlon just like how Marlon is dependent on him, although he is definitely the logical one of the pair. Always wants the best for everyone and sometimes pushes them to their full potential.
Charles Anderson
A Vicar who wants to protect his son and do the very best for him, but also comfort people too. Just a very caring and compassionate man who found his good nature in his faith.
Dennis (Denny) Mitchell
Resentful and distant yet depends on family quite a lot. Will do anything to prove he's worthy to be a big league.
Jay Mitchell
Often seen as a bad egg or something being off about him, but is actually a lovely caring person who deserves respect and only wants good things for those he cares about
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