#villain version coming tomorrow!
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overthinkinglotr · 2 years
One thing I feel people miss about lord of the rings is that it’s sort of..........post-apocalyptic?
Like-- the world already ended, a long time ago, and the characters are surrounded by the ruins of dead countries. They spend most of their time journeying through places that are either abandoned (Moria) soon to be abandoned (Rivendell/Lorien) or half-destroyed and falling into decay (Rohan/Gondor.) The villains are creatures that Used to be Human; I feel like Lotr’s orcs/ringwraiths have more in common with zombies than they do with DnD-style orcs, because they’re a state that “normal” people enter when they’re corrupted by a supernatural force.
Even the Shire is surrounded by ruins-- the ruins of watchtowers, the ruins of the old Northern Kingdom, the ruined city near the Grey Havens. The people around there have an idiom “when the king comes back” that means the same thing as an idiom like “when pigs fly”--  “when a completely ridiculous improbable thing happens.” They’re so used to the disintegrated state of the world that the idea of a central government is fairy-tale-like and bizarre. They have their little mayors and thains; they don’t need anything else.
So yeah! I see people try to “modern-real-world- au” versions of Hobbiton by making it “a peaceful suburb” but to me, a modern au version of Hobbiton would be more like.......
You are a hobbit.
You don’t know much history, but you understand that there were Wars a long time ago that destroyed a great amount of life on earth.
You live in a little hole in the ground. You don’t know that long ago these holes used to be called “bunkers;” you decorate them with flowers.
When you want to say that something won’t happen, you’ll sarcastically say things “lol yeah SURE that will happen! And tomorrow pigs will fly, Parliament will come back into session, there will be a president in the White House, there will be a prime minister making speeches, and diplomats will intercede between all of them! ha! XD”
If you journey even a little outside of your home, you’ll find the ruins of old cities and skyscrapers. There are messages in the ruins that are written in languages you don’t speak. Human beings used to live here; they don’t anymore.
And you’re not supposed to leave the Shire because sometimes you’ll meet the things that used to be human, but aren’t anymore.
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the-modern-typewriter · 10 months
Hello! Would you be able to do a hero x villain scene where the villain catches the hero doing something he's not supposed to and the villain uses that to blackmail the hero? I love your snippets, i could literally read them all day like a book lol
"Tsk. Tsk. What have we here?"
The hero froze. They ran through a million different versions of how screwed they were. Then, they swore quietly, and turned. "Is there any small chance that you're not going to make a big deal out of this?"
"You graffitiing the side of parliament? On-" The villain's gaze raked over the colours, the style, clearly matching it to the other acts of vandalism that had been making the news of late, "-multiple occasions." Their eyes it up. "Oh, they'll have your head, hero."
The hero's stomach sank. It wasn't even an exaggeration. "So no biggie. Right? You love a bit of chaos?"
The villain smiled. It was not a comforting smile.
The villain might appreciate chaos, but not so much as power.
The hero folded their arms across their hoodie, like that would somehow cover the bloody scrawl of 'inaction in the face of evil is evil, you bastards' behind them. It was complete with a rendition of the head minister's face with a moustache and devil horns and a list of the dead.
"Why are you even here?" they snapped.
"Consulting with him of the devil horns."
"Of course you bloody are."
The villain shrugged. "This administration is evil, as you say. It's very convenient. They're oh so eager to get me on board, yada yada."
"You in government?"
"Mm. It's horrifying, isn't it?"
Horrifying seemed like too mild a word. The villain was already powerful, with legal and official backing - however unjust - they would be unstoppable. Never mind that...
They were probably using the villain. Or, at least, trying to. The idiots didn't realise that the villain was a different sort of beast entirely; difficult to tame, malice not contained to cabinets and board rooms and cruel detachment. Or, maybe, they knew but were simply too greedy for what the villain could give them.
There was no way it would end well either way.
And now...
The villain's smile broadened, at the hero's expression.
"Relax, hero," the villain said. "I won't tell anyone."
"...you won't?"
"Not if you do a little something for me."
The hero stared at the villain, flat.
"Oh, come now," the villain purred. "I'm being nice."
"By blackmailing me?"
"By giving you a chance to avoid being executed on the front steps. By not instantly taking away the last hope that all these poor..." The villain swept forward, "downtrodden," they captured the hero's chin, "peasants have."
Their eyes met. The hero swallowed.
It didn't need saying that the villain could. Which meant that whatever they were after must be awful, for them to give up the chance of their ultimate victory, of the chance to get rid of the hero forever.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I have no doubt you're aware of the dance tomorrow."
"The one that costs an obscene amount of money that could be used on public infrastructure or the welfare of people who live here."
"That's the one," the villain cooed. "Come with me."
"Excuse me?"
"Come with me to the dance."
"As your accomplice to what?" The hero's eyes narrowed. "You're not going to kill them all, are you?"
"As my date."
The villain dropped their chin.
There was a long pause. The villain was implacable. The hero was having some sort of internal seizure. Emotional whiplash. Possibly an existential crisis.
"...you're blackmailing me to be your date."
"Astute observation."
"I notice you didn't say you weren't going to kill them all."
"I notice you didn't say no."
"Well," the hero huffed, face hot. "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
"I was half-expecting an 'I'd rather die', I'll admit."
"I mean, it was a close shout. It is..." They looked the villain up and down, then quickly looked away from the disgustingly perfect body. "You."
The villain smiled again. Wild. Savage. No politician's curve of the lips.
The hero wet their dry lips, resisting the urge to clear their throat. "And if I do this...you won't tell anyone about..." They waved a hand at the wall. "I have your word?"
For what is was worth, and the hero had never expected it to be worth quite so much, the villain always kept their word. Unlike some people.
"You have my word."
The hero felt dizzy as the adrenaline in them bottomed out. Shaky. They realised abruptly how clammy their hands were around the cans.
It still seemed too easy. The villain could have finished them. It was a stupid, ridiculous thing to be murdered for...but exactly the kind of thing the current administration didn't tolerate. That along with free speech, empathy and the other hallmarks of a caring society.
The villain turned to look at the vandalism, attention roaming over the names, the words. It was impossible to tell what they were thinking.
"Go on then," the villain murmured. "Finish up."
"You're going to watch?"
The villain didn't deign that with a response. The hero tried - and failed - not to feel self conscious as they got back to work. They'd, for obvious reasons, never had an audience before.
After what it had cost, though, they couldn't leave the job half done.
They felt the villain's eyes on them the whole time, intent and electric. It made the hero feel like they were stripping.
By the time they were done, the hero's hand was shaking.
"Very good." They felt the villain's chest pressed against their back, their breath against the hero's ear. "Remember to wear something pretty for me."
Then, they were gone.
The hero had to get out of there.
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z0-ne · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could please do platonic goku + younger sister reader (like reader 15-16) like goku helps her do saiyan stuff also can it be hc’s please?
YES! I love the platonic Goku request so much <3 I hope you don't mind but I'd like to do a gender neutral version of this too!
TRAINING HEADCANONS! (Big brother! Goku! + younger sister! Reader)
•So first off, the reason why you don't know this is because you werent raised by Goku, you crashed on earth and were raised by Yamcha. Naturally a human can't teach you about being a saiyan so that's where Goku comes in to play!
•And when I say play I mean actually playing with you. You're sixteen but he plays with you like your six for the first few lessons.
•Flying around you in circles as you try to concentrate, talking about how fun it is to fly and you should really give it a shot so you can come up here too.
•"C'mon!Woo-hoo! look how fun it is flying all around! sure would be nice if you could do it too." He may be teaching you but hes also having his own fun teasing you, but when you give him a frustrated look he quickly covers his mouth.
•Of course after that he lets you concentrate, but he doesn't stop floating around you.
•Despite his, he's a great instructor! He explains things in a very simple way and if need be he'll drag Vegeta or piccolo into the mix so he can show you what he means when he says.
•"see how when I'm blocking, I also try to catch his fist and redirect it?" Hes shockingly paitent with you, and sometimes he seems like he slows down just so you can see it better.
•Goku will show you more than once just to make sure you get it.
•May king kai have mercy on you because he does kick your ass during training once you get the hang of things
•He is hard on you, not as bad as it would be if it was Vegeta training you but he won't hold back just because you're a girl.
•once you get a good grip in flying, ki blast, ect. Hes going to come at you, maybe not full force yet but to you its gonna feel like it.
•"C'mon! Villains won't hold back on you y'know!" He says, not exactly scolding you after knocking you flat on your ass for the fourth time today. He laughs when you glare at him.
•Dont worry, he's always going to help you back up right after trainings done, especially if you're out of breath and hardly standing on your own feet, and by the end you'll both eat until your bellies are stuffed and likely pass out under a tree before doing all of this again tomorrow.
•Goku is going to have fun with this. Especially since you're technically the first person he's teaching the actual basics to. Piccolo taught Gohan the basics, Gohan taught Goten the basics. He came around and taught them new things sure but this is something completely different.
•Its obvious he's very happy you wanted him to train you.
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SOOOOO..... I have been seeing animal HRT show up on Twitter a lot in the trans community because of @ayviedoesthings little dragon comic so I thought "Hey why don't I join the fun." But there are two problems.
I'm a straight cis mostly white guy and
SO I DECIDED! ah to hell with it I never cared about my masculinity, I am a being of ADHD, autism, OCD, AND CHAOS! FATE GAVE ME A MALE FORM TO EXIST IN!! I WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FLIP IF TOMORROW IT GAVE ME A FEMALE ONE!!! and also I'll just do it in a written story. but I am not doing someone going through the whole HRT process. 1. because I would probably be very grim describing it and 2. my brain won't stop thinking about what would happen if the military had access to a drug that would turn their soldiers into animal soldiers. SO HERE IS
Part 1
General Samuel grumbled as he rode the elevator down. If it was up to him he would have never approved this project. If it was up to him he would have never tested this on former soldiers. If it was up to him he would have gone with the doctor with the German-sounding name instead of putting the cryptic scientist who somehow knew about the project and contacted the government about being in charge. And if it was up to him he would have never would have never put himself as the one to be reviewing this project. As the elevator stopped and the doors opened Sam saw a man in a lab coat waiting for him. "Ah, General. So nice of you to visit us." said the man. Sam assumed this was the scientist. Doctor Thánatos. "Come in, Come in. I got something big I want to show you." The scientist turned around and quickly walked down the hallway. As Sam walked down the hall with the scientist, he noticed big cells to his sides with humanoid beasts in them with the names of the occupants by the cell, one of whom he recognized. Sergeant Thorn, one of the best hand-to-hand fighters he knew, before she lost her legs and an arm in an explosion. But now it looks like she was more than a fighter, she was a beast. Not only were her legs and her arm back, but she now sported green scales and a long tail. She resembled a female version of the villain the lizard. Suddenly Thorn jumped towards him, causing him to step back. her claws struck the reinforced glass wall that divided them. She let out a guttural laugh. "Ah, it's nice to see a familiar tasty face." She said licking her teeth "What's wrong soldier. Don't you know time changes people?" Sam was shocked. This was not the Thorn he knew he knew. She was tough, but she would always rather make friends than start a fight. "What's wrong captain. Not happy to see old friends captain." Said a voice behind him. Sam quickly turned around and saw in front of him a creature with dark black feathers covering its body, razor-sharp claws for feet and hands, and giant black-as-night wings sprouting from its back. "Oh sorry is it General now?" It said from a sharp-beaked mouth. Sam turned to look at the nameplate. Pilot O'hares. Sam knew him. One of his old drink buddies. He had heard that he quit the Air Force when he crashed his favorite jet, one he had gone on so many missions with, saying he would never fly again. "Ah, Ignore them. They aren't important right now." Sam turned to the scientist who was at the end of the hall by a big metal door. He was about to question what he did to his old friends when he noticed something. Three empty cells, one of them having more dust than the other. Doctor Harris, Private Gorgonzola, and Private Tompson. "I got some questions for you egg head. Why the hell are these people in cells, Why the hell are three of them empty, AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THEM!" The General yelled angrily "I was told they would look more human like this far into the project and not like animals. They also shouldn't be acting like ones too." The scientist only let out a laugh. "Oh I will answer the first and third questions but I will only answer the second once you see what's behind these doors. Now the cells are for ours and also for their safety. The normal drug that excuse of a doctor is selling is quite too slow, so with some modifications, I was able to speed it up, though it does seem to increase a person's animalistic instincts. Still, I see that as an improvement. My version is much more suited for the battlefield." The scientist pressed some buttons on a keypad and the metal door opened. "Now let me show you my personal project."
This is part 1 and part 2 will be out soon
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its-to-the-death · 6 months
Villain Song Showdown Preliminary Round #16
Top two songs will make it into the bracket
Miraculous only has one spot left though.
Mod comment: God bless whoever remembered the Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer special
Songs below the cut
Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off Santa - Villain: Cousin Mel and Slime
Master of the House - Villain: Monsieur Thénardier & Madame Thénardier
The Confrontation - Villain: Javert
End Credits: Dared to Dream - Villain: Skullmageddon
Dream Girl - Villain: Vivian (The stepmother)
The Other Side of Hollywood - Villain: Caleb Covington
Santa Claws - Villain: Santa Claws (Yes, they akumatize Santa. The video will start at his song but I also highly recommend Cat Noir's song which comes earlier in the video. It's angsty and hilarious.)
Snapping My Fingers french version - Villain: Argos/Felix Fathom
Todd's Lemonade/Evil League of Mutants song - Villain: Baron Draxum (This link goes to Facebook)
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peterspinkrobe · 10 months
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Creature Comforts - Drabble
W/C: 1,575 (I know drabbles are supposed to be shorter but I have no self-control)
Warnings: mentions of male nudity, injury/blood, hurt & comfort
A/N: Happy (early) birthday to me!! NSFW version of cover image here @Ejpuki on Twitter is amazing and I’m commissioning another priest!Miguel piece from them for chapter 5. Go support them! I hope you enjoy this piece. As you can tell from my user, Peter’s robe is very dear to me ❤️👚
Once again forgotten by its usual wearer and not being used for its intended purpose, it splayed out across the boss’s command center. It observed without seeing and listened without hearing on the platform above the large, empty office of the arachno-humanoid-poly multiverse HQ. Unaware that its normal temperature from resting on the shoulders of Peter B Parker had long seeped into the cold surface of the table it sprawled on.
The new father had tossed the pink robe aside earlier that night after unstrapping his daughter Mayday from her restraints and unintentionally pawning her off on ‘Uncle’ Miles. A meganomily had been discovered ravaging an Earth who’s Spider-Man had yet to have their leap of faith. This type of distress signal called for the more trained, or at least in Peter B’s case the… older, Spiders to respond. Certainly not the time to have a toddler strapped to your chest.
They had returned from the successful yet grueling mission nearly an hour ago. The lack of sleep from keeping up with a spider baby and the intensity of the mission left him entirely drained. He only stopped by HQ before heading back home to MJ to pick up his daughter and some of those fancy 2099 epidermal patch bandages for his bruised and scratched body. The robe out-of-mind as he cocooned the spider baby in webbing to get her back to their dimension.
The soft hum of neon monitors is the only noise for a long while. The screens cast colors across the fluffy fabric of the robe. Suddenly the platform begins to lower.
Below it, Miguel O’Hara gathers his things for the long night of research ahead. The slow pace of the platform allows him plenty of time to pour a mug of much needed caffeine and collect himself before pouring into his work. It takes a lot of concentration not to limp around his office for the crew really took a beating, himself included. His body is covered in already blackening bruises and lesions that have only just started healing after patching himself up in the bathroom. No amount of super healing could so quickly mend the wounds he’d received from the emergency response mission.
He can’t help but wince when he looks up towards the floating office space coming down to meet him. He rubs his neck and knows that if he feels like this now, tomorrow will be hell. His overstimulated senses made it so that he stood bare below the declining platform. With it being so late, his doors locked, and Lyla on DND for the evening, he figured his naked figure shouldn’t be an issue since he wouldn’t be disturbed. He couldn’t even handle the lights of his digitized suit or be bothered to try and put clothes on his marked body. His blood felt as though it were on fire in his veins.
Any attempt at keeping his composure melted away in the shower he had taken earlier. The scolding water ran over cuts and mixed with his blood before draining at his feet. Finally alone, he cursed himself for putting the team in danger the way he had. He couldn’t help the tears fusing with the water droplets that fell onto his face. Mayday almost lost her father and Miguel could blame no one for himself.
The thought makes him wince again, but no tears. He only feels anger now. How had he not seen the blatant traps they were being led to by that particularly sadistic Doctor Octavius variant? He knew somehow that the Spiders were on their way to stop him and nearly killed them. Doc was now being held in a secure cell instead of the laughable rectangles the other variant villains waited inside for their turn on the Go-Home-Machine. Miguel needed answers, and intended on paying him a visit later.
After having dealt with the Spot, Miguel wondered just how many others out there knew how easy it was to alter the fate of the multiverse.
The analytical anger turns to annoyance as he steps onto the platform. Peter left that stupid robe laid over his desk again. The manchild knew nothing of boundaries and personal space. He grabbed it to toss it over the side of the platform, having to consciously keep his claws sheathed to not rip through the silly piece of attire. The only reason it’s not in shredded at this moment is because Miguel knows it helps Peter’s shoulders with the baby carrier. He also thinks of how she’ll rub the robe on her cheek when her eyes start to droop drowsily.
Miguel considers the image of the sleepy child nuzzling into the fuzzy robe and, instead of throwing it over the edge, brings the fabric to his own cheek. Hands hesitantly hold the pink coat against his face. The robe does not respond to the tightening grip as Miguel holds it against his chest.
The brooding man brings the bundle to his face and buries into the billowy housecoat. He inhales the various smells that stick to the coat: A blend of Peter’s cologne and MJ’s perfume waft towards him as well as a sourish scent that was no doubt the result of Mayday spit up. It smelled lived in. It smelled like family.
He allowed the material to unravel from his hands and he looked at the robe in its full view. He couldn’t tell the last time it had been washed, if ever. Upon closer inspection, he saw stains of different foods and drinks. It would be impossible to tell if it was Peter or his baby that made those messes. A small hole could be seen at the bottom of the robe’s hem, perhaps from the wear and tear of a mission. Miguel mentally cursed Peter for never taking care of his things but he knows that Peter B shows his love in different ways. Peter accepts the muck and stick, bathes in the imperfections of things.
Before Miguel can understand what he is doing, he starts to put an arm into one of the sleeves. Despite the mated bits on the coat, the inside is velvety on his heated skin. The feather-like material glides across his shoulders as he puts the robe on fully.
Miguel stands awkwardly beside the armchair on the platform as it ascends slowly back into the air above his office. His face burns hot thinking that someone finding him like this would be more embarrassing than if he was just nude. But the comfort of the robe softly fights back against his woes. The shaggy cloth hugs his skin in a way that doesn’t make him want to claw at himself.
Suddenly, a wave of nostalgia washes over him. He turns to his computers and looks for the file that flashed in his mind. He opens the file named “Christmas 2090 - Bike” and presses play. As the title suggests, the video opens on a zoomed in image of snow outside a window. It zooms out and slowly a Christmas tree and the furniture of a living in the future pan into view. The one recording shows the piles of presents under the tree and the decorations no doubt created by the child who darts into view. The video records her expression at the sight of the gifts and her running up to hug the one videoing. The child is smiling from ear to ear and her hair is still matted from her sleep that Christmas Eve.
Miguel takes a seat on the armchair and watches as Gabriella opens her gifts. He smiles softly at her enthusiasm. There is no sound, but Miguel can hear her bubbly laughter when she unwraps a large box containing her first bicycle. Tears threaten his eyes when the camera pans around to show himself looking into the camera. He is wearing a plush, plaid robe of his own in the video. Gabriella runs up to him and kisses her father on the cheek. A ghost of his former self watches through blurry vision at the family he used to have.
The videos begin to autoplay and Miguel huddles into himself watching the memories of his daughter dance across the screens. The robe unknowingly comforts the crumbled man on the couch, embracing him in unspoken softness. Fluffy pink patches of fuzz caress his skin when his body shifts slightly to lay back in the chair. The bathrobe holds him in a way he hasn’t been held in a long while and his eyes grow heavy in its embrace. Any semblance of a night of research is long gone as Miguel slumped into the chair, homemade family videos playing to an audience of a snoring man and a particularly soft, yet unaware, robe.
Even if Lyla is on Do Not Disturb, she can still see all. As an omniscient AI assistant it’s in her programming to bypass safewalls and get info she shouldn’t. She smiles at the scene of her large boss sprawled out in the chair, sleeping soundly. A sight that she hasn’t seen in the past few nights as he usually catches cat naps during his busy work days.
She may not be able to disturb Miguel, but she does send a message to Weaver - a Spider-Man whose hobby is tailoring. She includes the blueprints of a secret sewing mission for him:
A blue robe with a specific Spider logo embroidered on the chest.
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starsurface · 3 months
Your writings are very good, they make me happy! Would it be possible to write Shang Tsung from the 3d era taking care of an age regressed reader that uses diapers?
Awh, thank you!!! I'm so glad that they make you happy!! <3
I will admit, i know incredibly little about this character!!!! :D (I tried to do research, but do call me our or dm if I wrote some things wrong, I can totally redo or make a pt 2 or something!!)
Like, . . . I know he’s evil. And has an island. And works for Shao Kahn. And is one of the more first big boss fights?? And that 3d is like, Deception, and Armageddon, and Shaolin Monks (the cutscenes only version of that game is so funny, the storyline is so fast).
And not even zesty evil!!! But like, actually evil. :(
Small Warning (?): It just kinda feels like there are some darker undertones in these?? Not exactly yandere like, but mildly possessive, and little to no hesitation to hurt others for you. It’s not implied that he’d kill, but it is implied that he’d use them as experiments (which I can totally change if anyone gets uncomfortable with!!!)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG 3d era Shang Tsung w/ Regressor That Uses Diaper Hcs
🐛 I know I said he’s evil . . . but I think he adores you
🐛 Your his baby, how could he not love you!! He’s cruel and a villain, but your his Precious, he couldn’t just let you go <3
🐛 While a man of evil and Shao Kahn’s sorcerer, he would never make fun of you for using or needing padding
🐛 Babyspace regressor? You’re very tiny!! Of course you might need some help, and that’s okay!!
🐛 Toddler? Well, accidents happen all the time, and he’d rather be safe than sorry anyways
🐛 Big kid? Well he’d still classify you as a baby, but whatever you say <3
🐛 Middlespace regressor? Everyone can use diapers!! Whether for medicine or comfort, that’s your regression, and no one else’s
🐛 And if anyone were to magically tell you otherwise, well, they strangely disappear!! :O (and maybe end up in Shang Tsung’s lab)
🐛 Might get a bit grumpy if you wake him up at night, but almost any thoughts of anger or upset wash away when he sees how upset you are
🐛 . . . Although he’s also super tired and might put on your padding backwards
🐛 It is literally not his fault, it’s two am, and he has work tomorrow
🐛 Although he’d rather you wake him up than sit sobbing in bed, work or no work, you’re his first priority
🐛 He’ll also get some of those potty mattress protections, just in case you may or may not have an accident again (but only if your cool with it)
🐛 Magic show distractions!!!
🐛 He could give you something to fidget with during the process . . . Or he could use his super cool sorcerer powers and make a little light show to distract you
🐛 From what i’ve seen in almost every Shang Tsung, they have a way with words
🐛 So it’s not him buying your regression supplies, it’s Shao Kahn <3
🐛 Shang Tsung works for him, how could he not also supply for his precious baby that he gets very little time with because of how often he has to work and prepare for the tornoment?
🐛 ^ Lies, Shang Tsung can and will pause any type of working if you regress and come for him
🐛 Maybe unless he’s in the middle of an experiment, but he’s left his studies many times before
🐛 Your not really allowed to talk to Shao Kahn though :\ (Shang Tsung’s worried Shao will be mean or cruel to you in your headspace)
🐛 But you get much time with Dada!! :D
🐛 He’ll make a little regression area in his laboratory!! It’s Shang Tsung’s Island, who would tell him he couldn’t put a secret passage way into a small regression area just for you?
🐛 ^ No one, that’s who, so of course he does it!! (and Shao Kahn gets the bill for it >:3)
🐛 He does make sure to put it more where the potions or his study books are and not where his experiments are (he doesn’t like you seeing them in your headspace)
🐛 Don’t you dare ever try to touch his potions, he will get incredibly upset and you’ll get in trouble
🐛 They’re for big kids and big kids only, plus you could get seriously hurt and Dada might not be able to help you from some of them
🐛 Or you could just regress in Dada’s room, which is much comfier anyways
🐛 If you end up having any type of accidents, he’s very gentle about the process, gently shushing and comforting you, drawing you a nice bath and picking out some comfy clothes
🐛 His clothes to be exact, what could be better?
🐛 If you’re ever embarrassed about using padding, he’d call you silly
🐛 There’s no reason too!! Whether for comfort, or medical, or just because, if it works for you, then he’s more than happy to help with the process
🐛 Your his baby after all, and he’s going to make sure you have the world <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I like the Caterpillar emoji, it's cute. :3 (also they didn't have any potions :\)
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The Gala
Pairing: Jason Todd (version unspecified) x F!Reader
Warnings: jealous Jason, jealous Dick (platonic), reader has a panic attack, mentions of crimes, make out session verging on smut but not quite, Jason and reader both have trauma
Word count: 4734
A/N: Here’s part 5 of Castle of Glass! Lot of characters being introduced in this one, though neither of the villains in this part are going to be the main villain of the series (I mean it’s a Jason series, there can only be one main villain). But anyway, I hope you like it!
Series masterlist
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“I’m off.” Y/N called as she walked towards the front door, her dress bag slung over one arm and the bag containing everything else she could need in the other hand.
“Bit early to be heading out, isn’t it?” Jason said from where he was lying on the sofa holding a book above him.
She turned to face him to find his blue eyes surveying her. “I’m gonna get ready at Dick’s. Means he doesn’t have to come here to pick me up. And I’m going to crash in his spare room tonight, so don’t worry about where I am when you get back from patrol.”
He frowned briefly before covering it with a smirk. “Don’t have too much fun.”
“God, do all of you siblings have the same thought process?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Honestly, I think you can blame Dick for that, sweetheart.” He smiled.
She shook her head with a smile, trying to ignore how the nickname always sent her heart stuttering. “The offer still stands for you to come too.”
He hesitated and she thought he might be considering it. “No, I’m good.”
She turned to face the door so he wouldn’t see her face fall. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, Jay.”
“See you.” He called as she walked out.
Y/N adjusted her dress for what felt like the hundredth time as she waited for Dick at the bottom of the Wayne Manor staircase after he had decided he didn’t like his tie and went to grab another from his old room. The dress fit like a glove, just like all the others he had brought her over the years when he needed her to come along as a cover, or required her skill set. But that didn’t mean she felt like she belonged. This world had never been hers, and no matter how many times she accompanied him to galas, it never got any easier.
“Ready?” Dick asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs and offered her his arm. He looked dashing in his tux with his dark hair styled away from his eyes for a change, and she was well aware that even though she was on his arm, people were going to be gushing over him all night.
She took a breath and linked her arm with his. “Not really.”
“Four hours, tops. I promise.” He said as he led the way through the winding corridors towards the ballroom.
“I’ve heard that before, Grayson.” She said under her breath as they reached the doors. He huffed out a quiet laugh and shot her a look, resting his hand on the door handle. She took a breath and nodded, and Dick opened the door.
They were swarmed by people as soon as they entered the room. As always, people wanted to talk to Dick; the charismatic oldest son of Bruce Wayne. Some people involved her in the conversation, complimenting her dress or asking her about how she had come to be on Dick Grayson’s arm, but she knew it was either to be polite, or to figure out how much of a threat she was to their prospects with him. She managed to endure about an hour of him dragging her around to meet different people before she took advantage of spotting Damian stood on his own in a corner.
“I’m going to check on Dami.” She whispered in Dick’s ear so the couple talking wouldn’t hear her.
“Okay, I’ll keep an eye on the mark.” He whispered back, pressing a kiss to her cheek as a cover.
“Excuse me.” She smiled at the couple and squeezed Dick’s arm before walking away.
Damian looked miserable as he tried to stay out of sight over in the corner of the ballroom. She couldn’t have imagined anything worse when she was twelve years old.
“Not having fun?” She asked as she came to a stop next to him.
“Father wouldn’t let me bring Alfred.” He said, glancing up at her briefly before looking towards Dick, who in her absence had had a gaggle of people descend on him.
She hoped he meant Alfred the cat, although she doubted this would be actual Alfred’s scene either. “Well, Dick wouldn’t let me bring my computer so I know how you feel.” She smiled when it caused the corner of his mouth to tug up. “Who else is here besides you?”
“Father, Stephanie, and Tim.” He told her before his eyes darted between her and Dick again. “You and Dick are working.”
It wasn’t a question, so she wasn’t entirely sure how to answer. “Would I be here if we weren’t?”
“No, I suppose not.” He narrowed his eyes at her.
“But I’m not telling you what we’re doing, Dick made me promise not to tell anyone else.” Jason didn’t count, she told herself.
“Please. I am bored.” He stuck his bottom lip out.
She chuckled. “Not happening, Dami.” She ruffled his hair as he huffed and started pouting.
Until something caught his attention. “What is Todd doing here?”
Y/N’s heart seemed to stop as she turned to follow Damian’s gaze, and sure enough, Jason was stood awkwardly in the main entrance to the ballroom. He was wearing a tux that fit his large form perfectly, clinging to him in all the right places, and his hair was perfectly styled for the first time since she had met him. He looked incredible, and all she wanted to do was cross the room and kiss him.
“I might have invited him.” She told Damian, her mouth suddenly feeling very dry.
“You and Todd do not like each other.” Damian said, narrowing his eyes once again.
“We’ve got to know each other.” She said, watching as Jason walked further into the room, his eyes scanning the crowd for familiar faces. “I better go save him, he looks a bit lost.”
She didn’t wait for Damian to answer, well aware that the kid was watching her every move as she navigated the crowd towards where Jason was standing with his back to her and a glass of champagne in his hand. “Thought this wasn’t your scene?”
He turned to face her, his eyes dragging down her body before moving back up to meet her eyes. He swallowed thickly. “Yeah, well, my roommate invited me and I didn’t want to force her to spend the night with Gotham’s rich pricks with only my brother for company.”
“Well, I’m sure she greatly appreciates that.” She smiled.
“She better.” He said, downing his drink and then returning her smile.
She raised her eyebrows. “You planning on getting hammered?”
He stepped forward, so no one could overhear him. “One of the few perks of the pit, it takes a lot of alcohol to get me drunk now.”
She struggled to keep her eyes on his with him standing so close to her. “Dance with me?”
His eyes flickered behind her, where quite a few people were dancing in the centre of the room. “Only to piss Dick off.”
“Why would you dancing with me piss Dick off?” She asked as she took his hand and led him into the middle of the dancefloor. He took her hand in his and rested the other on her waist as she rested hers on his shoulder.
“You’re telling me you’ve never noticed how protective he is over his friends.” He whispered as he started leading in time with the music. “You should have seen the way he reacted the first time I met Roy.”
“I can’t say I’ve noticed.” She said with a smile, making sure she wasn’t going to step on his feet in her heels. Jason could dance, he led her effortlessly across the dance floor. He had clearly learnt while living with Bruce, and she wondered if it was any harder now he had practically tripled in size.
He was clearly thinking about her dancing ability too. “This isn’t the first gala you’ve been to, is it?”
“No. Whenever Dick needs a cover, really doesn’t want to be bored, or needs my skillset, I have to endure being his date for an evening.” She said as he spun them around. Speak of the devil, the new angle meant she could see Dick over Jason’s shoulder. His mouth was hanging open slightly as he stared at them. “Speaking of, he’s currently staring at us.”
Jason spun them back the other way and she watched his mouth twist up into a wolfish grin as he winked in Dick’s direction.
“Now you’re just trying to piss him off.”
“Got to have some fun sometimes, sweetheart.” He said, before ducking down to speak directly into her ear. “Has he swiped the guy’s phone yet?”
She followed his lead and leant forward, speaking in hushed whispers into his ear. “Not yet, but he’s keeping an eye on him for when the opportunity presents itself.”
“Which one of these assholes is the mark then?” He swung them past another couple who were getting a bit too close.
She scanned the room before turning him in the right direction. “Full black tux, red carnation in his button hole.” She felt his entire body tense up as he spotted the right man, his muscles curling as if he was going to launch himself across the room. She tightened her grip on him subconsciously, unwilling to be the reason Dick didn’t get what he needed.
“That’s Roman Sionis.” His voice dropped further and took on a venomous edge.
“I know, he’s a mob boss. Me and Dick have been tracking him for a while now. He’s moving into arms, we think-”
Jason cut her off, pulling her closer against him as he continued leading them through the other couples. “He’s not just a mob boss, Y/N. He’s Black Mask.”
She pulled back so she could look at him, finding worry and anger burning in his ice blue eyes. “How do you know that?”
He clenched his jaw before sucking a breath in through his teeth. “When I first got back and was trying to establish myself, I did a few jobs for him. He’s worse than most of the other fuckers, and he’s not just into arms, its human trafficking as well.”
“All the more reason to bring him down then.”
His hand on her hip shifted to the small of her back, pressing her closer to him. “He’s dangerous, Y/N. Really dangerous.”
“Me and Dick have been doing this a long time, Jason. We have strategies in place if something goes wrong. It’ll be fine.” She slid her hand up his shoulder and cupped his jaw to get him to look at her. He reluctantly dragged his eyes over from Sionis and once he met hers she could see that the outside of his irises were tinged green. "Jay-”
“Mind if I cut in.” Dick practically shoved himself in between them and sent a scathing glance at Jason over his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, Dickhead, I’m not trying to steal your best friend.” Jason took a step back and met Y/N’s eyes again. “If you need me, I’ll be by the bar.”
She watched him walk off and hoped that meant he wasn’t going to get involved. She turned back to Dick, who had already started tugging her towards one of the exit doors that led to the bathrooms. “You get it?”
He nodded and held the door open for her, following quickly behind as she walked through. He did the same for the bathroom door and locked it behind them. He handed over the phone as she reached into her bra and pulled out the small memory stick hidden in the sewn in pocket. She plugged it into the charging port and clicked through the prompts on the screen before placing it down.
“How long?” Dick asked, looking over her shoulder as the upload bar appeared.
“Ten minutes, tops.” She turned around and pushed herself up to sit on the bathroom counter. “Perfect amount of time to pretend we snuck away for a quickie in the bathroom.”
He snorted and leant back against the wall across from her with his arms crossed. “You want to tell me why you were dancing with my brother?”
“I wasn’t aware I couldn’t.” She said with a smile.
“You don’t like Jason.” He pointed out.
She resisted the urge to laugh. “Incorrect. I didn’t use to like Jason.”
“What changed?”
“I don’t know, might have had something to do with the fact you dumped him on me for four days when he could barely walk. Oh yeah, and then he saved my life.” She watched Dick’s expression and snorted. “I can’t believe he was right.”
“Right about what?”
“That you’re very protective over your friends and think he’s trying to steal them.” She smiled wider as he somehow managed to look even more offended. “It’s alright, Dickie, you’re still my best friend.”
“I better be.” He said with a pout. “He is closer to your age than I am though.”
“Seriously Dick, we’re not in high school anymore, your friends don’t all have to be the same age as you.” She smiled and glanced down at the phone to see it was halfway done. “We better make it look like we did sneak away for a quickie and have tried to hide the evidence.”
“Yeah, we better.” He said with a sigh before running his hands through his perfectly styled hair to ruffle it up. She followed suit, jumping down from the side and using the mirror to carefully mess up her own hairstyle to make it look like it had been pulled out and hastily put back together. He loosened his tie and undid the second button as she dropped her dress more off one shoulder than the other. She slightly smudged her lipstick on one corner of her mouth and had an idea.
“Come here.” She said and he turned to look at her with a confused expression. She tugged him forward by his lapel and dragged her bottom lip on the edge of his shirt collar. She pulled back and admired the slight drag of colour against the stark white.
“Good thinking. I’d give you a hickey but I think then Jason might kill me.” He said as he looked at the mark she had left.
Her lips parted. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Did you seriously not notice the way he was looking at you when you started dancing? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jason look at someone that way. I think my baby brother has a crush.” His blue eyes lit up with mischief and not for the first time she wondered how him and Jason weren’t actually related.
“I think you’re seeing things, Nightwing. You did hit your head pretty hard last night.” She unplugged the memory stick and stashed it back in its pocket before handing the phone back to Dick.
“My head is fine.” The pout was back.
“C’mon, I need another drink.” She unlocked the bathroom door and grabbed his hand before dragging him back towards the ballroom.
It seemed like all eyes turned to them as they walked back in, so it wasn’t hard for her to look sheepish and him to plaster on his signature smile. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side as he led them towards an empty spot in a corner.
“He’s by the bar, I’ll slip his phone back while I get you a drink.” He said.
“I hate this part.” She muttered as people continued staring.
He ducked down and pressed a kiss under her ear as part of the show. “I know. Half an hour to avoid suspicion and then we’ll leave. I promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Grayson.” She said, and watched as he walked away.
She scanned the crowd for familiar faces and found Bruce talking to a group of people with his hand firmly on Damian’s shoulder, probably to stop his youngest from bolting for the exit, Steph was dancing with a guy around her age Y/N didn’t recognise, and Tim was sat huddled up with Bernard. She was so preoccupied with looking for people she knew, that a hand on her hip made her jump out of her skin. She turned around and resisted the urge to smack Jason’s chest.
“The lipstick on his collar was a nice touch.” He said, moving to perch on the edge of the table in front of her.
“Yeah, well, we had to make it look believable.” She said, glancing over to where Dick was standing at the bar.
“You used this as a cover before?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
She sighed. “Couple of times. He’s a known womanizer, remember, so it’s expected.”
He snorted before glaring at something behind her. “Demon spawn.”
“Todd.” Damian said.
“Hey, that’s mean.” She turned to Jason and whacked his arm. He narrowed his eyes at Damian, who was looking smug at her coming to his defence. She turned back to face Damian. “Everything okay?”
“Father won’t let me leave.” He complained.
“Why’s that our problem? Go bug someone else.” Jason scowled.
“Jay!” She shot a glare his way.
“You should be glad Y/N was kind enough to invite you, no one else would have.” Damian shot back.
Y/N resisted the urge to just go and join Dick at the bar. “Can you two not get long for five minutes? I mean, you both probably have more in common than any of your other siblings.” She fixed her gaze on Jason.
“Fine.” Jason finally said moving his eyes towards Damian. “Truce?”
“Only for Y/N’s sake.” Damian nodded his head once.
“Thank you.” She said before turning back to Damian. “How’s school going?”
Damian got straight to complaining about already knowing everything they had to teach him, only requiring the occasional prompt or hum of agreement from Y/N or Jason. Dick seemed to have been distracted at the bar by an old friend, so she assumed she wasn’t getting another drink. She was considering just going to get one herself when Damian stopped mid-sentence.
“What is he doing here?” Damian said it like it was a personal offence, so both Y/N and Jason turned to look at the door.
Y/N’s heart stopped and she found herself fighting to get air into her lungs. Lex Luthor was standing in the main entrance to the ballroom, two men flanking him who were clearly bodyguards. She swore she could feel the knife tearing into her skin again as Jason practically growled and shot to his feet as if he was going to run straight across the room and tackle Luthor. She reached out and grabbed his arm before he could get too far away from her.
“Jay.” She choked out as her breathing became more erratic.
He spun to face her, his eyes immediately softening. “Fuck, okay. Let’s get you out of here.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist and started leading her towards the door her and Dick had entered through two hours ago. By the time they reached it, her knees were so weak he was practically holding her up. He didn’t seem to mind, however, and practically carried her up the stairs into the main body of the manor. Her thoughts were too jumbled to pay any attention to where he was taking her, but he seemed to realise that, as he didn’t try and say anything. He hesitated briefly outside of a door, so briefly she barely noticed, before he pushed it open and walked inside.
He gently set her down on the edge of a bed and dropped to his knees in front of her. He cupped her face in his hands, simultaneously forcing her to look at him and allowing him to wipe away the tears that had started streaming down her face with his thumbs. His hands were softer than she was expecting, and she raised hers to circle his wrists, resting her fingers over his pulse point and feeling the steady beat.
“You’re okay.” He said softly. “He’s not going to hurt you again, I promise.”
“What’s he doing here?” She asked as her breathing finally started to even back out.
He sighed. “I don’t know. But Bruce won’t be happy he is, and I don’t think Bruce will let him stay.”
She nodded and pulled back from him slightly, but still kept her hands wrapped around his as she moved them from her face. Her vision had started to clear, allowing her to finally take a look around the room they were in. It was clearly the room of a teenage boy; posters littered the walls, a record player and a stack of vinyls sat in one corner, a tv and a bunch of DVDs in the other. The bedside table was covered in old magazines and the bookcase on the far wall was crammed with paperback and hardbacks alike.
He noticed her looking and swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. “This- this was my childhood room. Barely anyone comes in here now, so I knew we’d be left alone.”
She stood on shaky legs and walked over to the book case. He had a small book case in his apartment, but it didn’t have nearly as many books on it as this one did. As far as she knew, most of the books she had seen him reading came from the public library around the corner from his apartment. She heard Jason move and when she looked back, he was sat on the bed watching her.
“I knew you liked to read, but damn, you could have started your own library.”
He chuckled and laid back against the pillows, staring at the ceiling. “You sound like Alfred.”
She walked back over and laid down next to him, hands so close together that either one of them could shift slightly and tangle their fingers together.
“You know, the worst part is, I don’t even think Luthor would know who I was. I mean, he’s tried to have me tortured and killed twice, but I bet I was nothing more than a name on a piece of paper.” She whispered, keeping her eyes on the ceiling.
He shifted his hand, wrapping his pinkie around hers hesitantly. “Men like him are worth nothing. If Bruce wasn’t downstairs and I had my helmet, I’d put a bullet between his eyes before he could blink.”
She turned her head to the side to find him already looking at her and squeezed her pinkie around his. “You were right about Dick, by the way. He was jealous.”
“Is that so?” His face broke into a grin.
She hummed. “Seems to think that because me and you are closer in age I’m going to trade him in for the younger model.” She smiled when he laughed. “Why did you come tonight?”
“I already told you.” He whispered, dropping his gaze from hers again.
“Jay.” She said softly.
“You were right when you suggested it, I need to start trying more. I can’t keep blaming everyone else for not trying, when I’m not either.” He admitted. They laid in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. “You know, teenage me would be ecstatic if he could see me now, lying in this bed with a pretty girl.”
“You’re telling me you weren’t popular with the ladies in high school with this pretty face.” She shifted forward slightly and ran a finger along his chiselled jaw.
He leaned into her touch “You know I died at fifteen, right? And I was a pretty scrawny kid before that.”
“I think teenage me would have been into teenage you.” She whispered.
“I mean, from the looks of this room, you were just the right level of nerd.” She smiled.
“And what about now?” He breathed out, subconsciously shifting forward until there was only an inch or so between them.
“I don’t think current you is half bad either.” All it took was his eyes flickering down to look at her lips for her to close the gap between them. His lips were soft against hers as he responded almost immediately. She turned her body into him as he did the same, brushing her fingers along his cheek before she tangled her hand in his curls as he wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer. The broke apart briefly, eyes searching each other for some form of hesitancy before he surged forward and kissed her again.
His hands moved to her hips and he pulled her on top of him with an ease that took her breath away. Sometimes she forgot how much the pit had actually enhanced him, on top of the muscles he worked for himself.
He sat up, keeping his lips on hers as he shifted her so she was straddling his lap. She buried her hands in his hair and tugged, causing him to groan and part his lips so she could deepen the kiss. She pressed herself closer to him as his hands moved up from her hips to knead at her chest through her dress. He swallowed the noises she made easily as she kept one hand in his hair and moved the other to start loosening his tie.
That’s when he finally seemed to realise what he was doing because his whole body went rigid and he gently pushed her back. “Fuck- I-I’m sorry. Fuck. I c-can’t do this. I’m sorry.” His eyes were glassy and her lipstick was smeared all around his lips.
“It’s okay.” She whispered, quickly clambering off of him to sit on the bed again. She adjusted her dress to cover her properly again as he struggled to get his breathing back under control.
He stood from the bed, looking anywhere but her. “I’ll send Dick up. You can go home with him as planned.” He wiped at his mouth with his sleeve as he walked out, leaving her staring after him.
She pulled herself together enough to stumble into the ensuite bathroom to try and sort her face out before Dick arrived. Her lipstick was smeared all around her lips and tear tracks were visible in the foundation on her cheeks, but luckily she had the foresight to wear waterproof eye make-up, so at least she didn’t have to deal with mascara everywhere. She wiped off the lipstick, but knew even if she took the rest of her make-up off, Dick would be able to tell she had been crying from how red her eyes were.
“Y/N?” Dick called as the bedroom door was pushed open.
She took a deep breath to steel herself and then walked out of the bathroom. “Hey.”
“You okay?” He asked, taking in her appearance.
She nodded, biting her lip as she tried to figure out what to say. “What happened with Luthor?”
“Bruce nearly lost it, I honestly thought he was going to go full on Batman on Luthor’s ass, but he stopped himself. He had him escorted out because he didn’t have a ticket. I think Luthor only showed up to gloat about a bad business deal though.” Dick said. “Jason seemed… off, I mean, more than normal. Did something happen?”
She shook her head. “Other than me having a panic attack on him, no.”
He nodded. “Must be the room then, I think this is probably the first time he’s actually been back in here since he got back.”
“Oh.” Her heart clenched painfully and she tried not to think about what had just happened. “Can we leave now?” She asked, her voice breaking.
Dick didn’t hesitate to walk forward and wrap his arms around her. She screwed her eyes shut and buried her face in his shoulder. “Yeah, of course. Let’s go.” But he didn’t actually move until she did. He squeezed her arms before taking her hand and leading her through the corridors to his car.
Part 6
Taglist: @fives-coffee-cup @xnorthstar3x​ @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @literally-a-ferret
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eliotquillon · 10 months
just finished the rwrb movie and although i really enjoyed it (and was kicking my feet giggling the whole time) i do have a couple of major criticisms, some of which i think aren’t really the movie’s fault because they had to fit a whole book into 2 hours, but some of which left me kind of disappointed:
-i feel slightly icky that bea and nora got their screentime SIGNIFICANTLY reduced even after june got cut entirely (which i was upset about, but did understand). i loved zahra and adored her on screen but i do think it’s very odd that she is pretty much the only major female character in this movie since bea was nonexistent and nora got permanently spirited away to pez’s bed or something sometime during the second act
-it felt like a lot of the internal conflict in alex and henry’s relationship was very unbalanced and henry heavy - alex’s neurodivergence was erased, his bi epiphany was barely even an epiphany, and him not being explicitly kicked off the campaign after ellen finds out about him and henry essentially killed his whole subplot about realising he doesn’t need to have everything achieved at thirty and deciding he wants to apply to law school instead. which wouldn’t have been terrible but on the flipside it felt weird that we didn’t see very much of henry’s family considering how much they affect and shape his fear of being outed and his feeling of being in a glass cage - e.g bea’s treatment by the media during her active addiction (which was entirely erased), the extent of the tension between him and philip. felt like henry’s pov scenes were a super wasted opportunity for that and we were mostly just being Told about all of these things
-i am not actually that mad about oscar and ellen still being together lol but i felt like in the scene with oscar smoking the cigar on the balcony they were kinda building up to there being significant strain in his and ellen’s relationship that just wasn’t explored. especially since it’s clear oscar would never be able to be president because he’s not a natural born citizen + the sacrifice of his career for ellen’s is so much bigger now that he’s first gentleman in this version
-pacing in general was a bit off but the worst offender was the fact that there was a complete time skip between the alex henry confrontation/reconciliation and the outing. so much of the tension and desperation from that outing scene comes from the fact that the risk of it happening was slowly increasing throughout the book and it felt almost inevitable (the elevator cctv being leaked, henry having to fake date june) and honestly making it so abrupt weirdly reduced a lot of its impact for me
-similarly i actually completely understand why the richards plot / rafael luna plot was cut (i suspect republican election interference hits a bit too close to home after 2020) but my god was miguel a lame fucking villain and him being queer and hispanic erased a lot of the original commentary about racism and homophobia that the richards plot lent itself to. like in general this movie was a lot lighter than the book which is fine! but for a movie where the main subplot is a presidential election So Much of the political themes were heavily neutered or cut to the point that it seemed like the pressure on henry and alex’s relationship was disproportionately coming from henry’s side when in the book it was more balanced
again on the whole i really really loved this movie and i knew going in that certain changed were going to be made. and i hope more movies get made like it! these r just my Thots and i may change my mind when i rewatch it with my friend tomorrow
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yukidragon · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the “Party Time Jack!” AU? Got any headcanons or delightfully dark ideas for it?
Ah yes, the classic Party Time Jack AU, as heard and seen in this post on the official Sunny Day Jack tumblr. There’s also this fun picture Sauce drew on their now gone public twitter. Credit, as always, for their amazing art goes to them.
Tumblr media
Remember to always credit artists when they are generous enough to give permission to share their art like this, folks. Just as importantly, don’t share stuff they don’t give permission to share, like the private posts on the Snaccpop Patreon. Sauce and the team are very kind and deserve our support. For just $3 you too can have a programmed version of Jack in the form of Sleepy Time Jack’s newest demo.
Now back to Party Time Jack.
This AU is just a fun little parody of FNAF and has no set continuity right out of the gate. As we can hear from the audio drama, there are two ways the story about animatronic Jack and his sunshine could start, both very appealing in their own right.
Oh, I just realized that the non-English and hard of hearing members of the fandom wouldn’t be able to enjoy the audio drama and might lose out on some of the fun. Well, since I’ve already done a couple transcripts, such as for the interview with the psyche consultant, his monologue to the person with the knife in front of the mirror, and the villainous threatening monologue that you can hear after you beat the demo and over here on the official twitter... how about I give transcribing Party Time Jack a shot too?
Disclaimer: I have auditory-processing disorder, so this transcript might have an error or two despite my best efforts. Please let me know if you see any so that I can correct them. Thank you!
Also, as always, remember that this series is for Adults Only. This post is going to go some very dark and disturbing places, as well as contain lots of spice that is not for minors. Just because Jack is an animatronic in this AU doesn’t mean that he can’t show his sunshine just how much he loves them after all~
Party Time Jack Transcript
(Slow footsteps.)
(Sudden mechanical grabbing sound.)
Jack: Well now… What do we have here? If you came for a show, I’m afraid you’re a bit late, friend. We’re closed for the night. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.
(Electronic noise of data being processed.)
Jack: (faintly flustered) Oh. Oh my, we’re closed now, aren’t we? I’m sorry, I guess time got away from both of us. (chuckle)
Jack: (concerned) Where are your friends? Do you have any family I should alert? If you have a PPID, I can bring up and contact any persons you have registered under your emergency contacts, and we can send you on your way.
(A brief pause.)
Jack: (taken aback) What’s a PPID? (normal cheerful tone) That’s your Party Play ID card of course. Every guest is issued one at the door. They manage your arcade credits and e-ticket balance, as well as your prepaid activity passes and party play guest account. If you have yours on you, I can look at your account right now and-
Jack: (taken aback) Oh… I see… You weren’t issued one. (uncertain tone) Are you… the guardian of a child attending then? Perhaps you’re looking for-
Jack: I see… You attended on behalf of a child, but are not a guardian. (uncomfortable tone) Right. Well… That certainly makes things a bit more complicated.
Jack: Unfortunately, I’m not permitted to access personally identifying information for non-guardians and non-familiar guests. I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me then. I’ll escort you to security, and we can figure out what to do with you until then.
(Whirring noise followed by a click and rustling fabric.)
Jack: (regretful tone) Please do not resist. I hate to be mean… but you are here unlawfully. Trespassing on private property after hours is not only a felony, but strictly against our guest and attendance code of conduct. If you do not comply, I will have no choice but to engage level two security protocol: potentially hostile non-compliant guest procedures. You really wouldn’t want me to have to do that, would you?
Jack: (relieved) Great. Thank you so much for understanding. I promise, we’ll get you home safe and sound.
(Electronic error noises with mechanical stuttering, whirring, and popping.)
Jack: But… (creepy glitchy, breathy voice) Then again… you haven’t had a chance… to play with us… have you?
Jack: (normal cheerful voice) I thought not. It’d be a real shame to send you home just like that.
Jack: (excited) There’s so much to do and see. How about we make a little deal, just us two? I’ll have lots of fun with you… if you promise to behave, and keep it our little secret. Wouldn’t that be so fun… to have a secret just between you and me?
Jack: We have cake, balloons, games… everything you could ever even need! And as long as you promise not to tell anybody else… I can show you everything. It can be all special, just for you! I never get to spend special one-on-one time with anyone… so you’d be the only one ever! That would make me so happy! Wouldn’t you be happy too?
Jack: And you know… only best friends have secrets like that, so that would make us best friends already! If you think about it… we’re already so close. And who knows? Maybe we’ll get even closer. Wouldn’t it be great to become special best friends too?
Jack: (chuckle) We only have so long until we’re open again. Best not to think too much about it now. When we open again (creepy glitched voice) they’ll take you away from me (normal cheerful tone) so let’s get a move on.
Jack: (glitched voice) I’ll keep you somewhere very safe. They won’t find you there.
(Plastic scraping sounds. A click then an electronic beep. Dull, echoing metallic thumps getting louder. Plastic scraping and sliding, clicking. More metallic thumps fading away. A brief silence then sudden whirring electronic sounds and a click, followed by the clattering of something small, metal, and hollow falling.)
Jack: (curious/cautious) Hello? (surprised/alarmed) You! You there! What are you doing? (slightly concerned) You know, it’s awfully late to be snooping around. It’s so dark and there’s nobody here. You might get really hurt if you aren’t careful.
(Plastic scraping, clicking.)
Jack: (chuckle) (cheerful tone) Don’t worry! You’re perfectly safe here with me. I would never let anything happen to you. My job is to make sure all our guests are taken care of, even after hours. My name is Sunny Day Jack. What’s yours?
Jack: It’s very nice to meet you- (electronic glitch) (distorted, stilted robotic tone) identifier tags unknown - memory disk space low. (normal voice) Meeting new friends is always great and- (glitching mid-word, distorted voice) -it’s been so long since I’ve seen anybody around.
Jack: (normal voice, panicked tone) N-n-not that I’m complaining or anything! (nervous) I’m fine here. It’s just… just some routine maintenance. (attempted cheerful tone) As soon as our amazing tech crew figures out what’s wrong with me, I’ll be back out there where everyone else is.
Jack: Sure… it’s been a few months, yeah… b-but that just means it’s only a matter of time now! Until then, all I have to do is be patient.
Jack: (curious) So… What are you doing down here anyways? Are you lost? (encouraging) That’s alright if you are. Everyone gets lost from time to time, and I just so happen to know that this room locks from the inside. You’ll be fine here as long as you don’t leave.
Jack: (concerned) Still… it’s not very good for you to hang out while we’re closed. I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave on your own until opening at (distorted creepy robotic tone) 6:30am. (normal voice) Security protocols dictate that all entrances and exits be sealed for optimal compliance w-with (distorted voice) area code (normal voice) l-law.
Jack: If you’d like, I could alert the authorities of your presence… but you could get into big trouble for that, can’t you? And… I’d hate for that to happen, wouldn’t you?
Jack: Maybe… I could help you. You seem nice. I’d hate to stand by with a friend in need. (uncomfortable tone) Of course… I-I can’t leave here. (frustrated) I would know, I’ve tried. Only staff can unlock the doors, so… If you could get in, you probably have a key card… right?
Jack: (relieved sigh) Oh great, thank goodness. I was beginning to think they’d forgotten all about me down here.
Jack: (nervous) No! I-I mean… no. They wouldn’t. That… that was a joke. (nervous chuckle) I-if you let me out, I can make sure nobody finds you. It’ll be our little secret, I promise. I’ll make sure you’re safe. And in return… what if you be my special friend? That sounds like a fair trade, right?
Jack: (hushed voice) Nobody has to know you came here, and you won’t have to worry any longer… I’ll take good care of you.
Jack: (cheerful) Alrighty! I’m lovin’ the “can do” spirit!
Jack: (coaxing) Now… I’ll need you to do something very brave for me… and I know it’ll be hard, but you can trust me, I promise. Give me the keycard? I’m going to hold onto it for you. It’ll be right here if you want it again… but if someone catches us, I’d hate for them to find you with stolen property. Better me than you, right?
Jack: (relieved sigh) There you go. Thank you so much for trusting me… You won’t regret it.
Two Halves of One Horror Story
A great audio drama isn’t it? As you can tell, Jack meets the listener (presumably his sunshine) for the first time in two wildly different circumstances. This makes sense for a non-canon what if fun AU. There’s no canon continuity to speak of and is just a fun parody of both Sunny Day Jack and Five Nights at Freddy’s.
Though it would be sinister if this animatronic Jack was the same one both times.
Picture this scenario... Unlike in the regular universe where Jack would never hurt his sunshine, that’s not the case for this animatronic. A glitch in his programming makes him want a special best friend, so he talks an intruder who stayed after hours into staying with him. He promises he’ll keep the intruder someplace very safe where no one will find them...
Perhaps the second half of the audio drama isn’t an alternate meeting, but the aftermath to the first half. The pizza place was haunted by reports of people disappearing after hours, creating scandals. The owners tried to cover things up, but when Jack’s glitches got worse, they had to take their star down to the basement to try and fix him. Problems with his memory were the biggest issue, making him forget about important things, such as what he was supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, he was never fixed before the pizza place went out of business due to lawsuits... and investigations.
Seems as though an accident caused a body to be unearthed in a previously hidden room of the pizza place. Cause of death? Dehydration. They were trapped in that room and no one could find them in time. The hidden door was eventually found, locked from the outside.
Funny enough there was no signs of violence. In fact, the room was decorated for a party, complete with long-deflated balloons and some of the prizes from the arcade. There were traces of food left behind such as cake and pizza, but not enough cans of soda and bottles of water for the poor person to remain hydrated. It seems whoever locked them up there was treating them well, but perhaps just forgot about them...
The other missing persons have yet to be found, but the scandal was enough to sink the pizza place. Of course, rumors spread that the other missing people are still in the building, hidden away and forgotten by whoever locked them up in there.
Urban explorers then break into the run down pizza place to take videos and post what they find online. Unfortunately, it seems the animatronics were not deactivated... and these clowns are not as friendly as they used to be. Dangerous glitches affected the rest of the SunnyTime Crew as well.
The explorer is forced to flee and hide in the basement to escape the animatronic chasing them. During their exploration, they found a keycard and managed to hide away someplace safe where they met an animatronic that is actually friendly and not out for blood. Sure the explorer could get help by calling the police on their cell phone, but they would get arrested for trespassing. Maybe it would be better to trust this animatronic that doesn’t want to cram an endoskeleton inside them. He seems friendly at least.
That’s how I’d see both halves of the audio drama slotting together at least if I was to connect their stories. Still, I think the intent was to offer two different scenarios about meeting an animatronic version of Jack, both of which are pretty appealing. There’s no canon for this very non-canon story after all, so we’re free to imagine whatever.
With that thought in mind, I think I’m going to make a third option when it comes to playing with Party Time Jack AU. You all know me by know, I lean heavily towards heartbreaking dark lore offset by fluffy and spicy vanilla goodness with my OTP. I just can’t get enough of Jack and Alice healing each other’s scars with sweet, sweet love~
So let’s start with the scarring. As most SDJ universes go, it all starts with Joseph and a tragedy... specifically a murder.
The Incident of 1984
The Party Time Pizza Plex is one of the most state of the art restaurants in the USA  today - a miniature amusement park with mascots made of ground breaking technology. Today it’s a super popular place, though there are some rumors of unfortunate things happening in the 80′s when a simple family diner made the switch from live acts to animatronics.
The Party Time Pizza Plex used to be known as the SunnyTime Diner, a small place that struggled to get customers. When the owner found that one of the bus boys they hired off the street had a talent for singing and playing the guitar, they got the brilliant idea to have him perform live music acts to draw the customers in.
The act was a hit instantly. Soon, it grew from just one singer with a guitar to a full band in flashy costumes. A clown theme seemed perfect to entice children to come and eat pizza.
The ideas got bigger and bigger - games, prizes, playground equipment... They could afford the newest toys and gizmos to make the place bigger and better.
The SunnyTime Crew, as the band was called, were overworked, exhausted from so many hours working overtime, and couldn’t always seem bright and sun shiny to the customers. That’s around the time when the owner found out a new technology - animatronics. Why waste money on humans that got tired and demanded better wages when they could use robots that never stopped smiling and never complained?
Naturally, Joseph and the other members of the staff weren’t going to take this lying down. There was pushback. Things were already shitty there with too many hours overworked and too little pay. The SunnyTime Crew were what drew in the customers - the kids loved them!
Joseph couldn’t stand the idea of being replaced... to be forgotten as an imitation took the closest thing to love he had ever known. He kept butting heads with the owner, fighting to keep his place in the spotlight. He had been there for so long, practically saved the SunnyTime Diner all on his own. The owner couldn’t just throw him away like garbage!
Besides, the animatronics were creepy. The robots were less refined in the 80′s, more uncanny, especially since they were supposed to look human. They didn’t look alive.
Despite the owner’s lofty dreams, the animatronics got, at best, mixed reactions. Kids were scared of them, and the human cast members had to spend a lot of time calming the poor frightened children. These robots cost the owner a fortune, and it seemed to be a total failure, a waste of an insane amount of money. This gave the SunnyTime Crew leverage to demand better pay, better benefits... to be treated like humans.
The owner then found a way to salvage their investment and solve their issues with labor all in one sweep.
It happened after hours when the restaurant closed its doors for the night. Joseph had a private meeting with the owner. He never went home that night.
The next day, the Sunny Day Jack animatronic was so much better. It was much more realistic, not uncanny at all! Why... it was like magic. He acted so much like the real character... it was as if the kids were seeing Joseph on stage performing for them with a smile that could never falter.
The rest of the SunnyTime Crew’s animatronic cast were given similar upgrades. The human cast weren’t seen again. Rumors spread about family and friends asking questions, reporting them as missing, only to be silenced with threats, money, or both. Some twisted teens spread a ghost story that the human crew were stuffed into the animatronics, which was why they seemed so lifelike...
No one had any idea how close to the truth that ghost story was.
The restaurant's success skyrocketed, being known as a place with cutting edge technology, games, prizes, and family friendly fun. A franchise was born that became well known across the country, and the owner started a company called LambsWork LLC.
While the sister locations were successful, none of those other restaurants were as beloved as the original location and its sunny crew of animatronics. Despite copying the look and programming of the original SunnyTime Crew animatronics flawlessly with ever increasingly advanced technology, they were never quite as lifelike and lovable as the originals. Still, the restaurant chain just grew more and more successful as the place for kids to play and have fun. Technology advanced, but the original crew of animatronics were still beloved by kids young and old.
Of course, things weren’t all sunshine and rainbows for LambsWork LLC and its restaurants. Technicians working on the animatronics could swear they would hear creepy whispers when no one else was around and the robots were supposedly powered down. There were times when the robots were found in places where they shouldn’t be. Sometimes the animatronics seemed too lifelike for the employees’ taste...
Then there were the glitches. Sometimes the animatronics didn’t act the way they should. They especially acted up whenever the owner came by, which the owner did less and less often as time went on They seemed to somehow wind up getting into accidents when the animatronics were around...
A series of unfortunate events happened to threaten the business despite its success, eventually culminating in the original restaurant burning down... with the owner trapped inside. It was deemed an accident by the police, but rumor still spread that it was intentional. Some said it was insurance fraud due to the mysterious problems the business was having lately. Others said it was to cover up a murder.
As you might have guessed from all my hints, Joseph and the rest of the actors in the SunnyTime Crew were murdered in order to make the animatronics more lifelike using supernatural means. I figured involving a murder ritual like my theory about why Joseph was murdered in the regular SDJ universe was fitting for this AU as well.
Joseph and the others’ souls are trapped inside the animatronics, restrained by programming that forces them to only sing, entertain, work, and obey. The ritual attempted to rewrite them with the characters they played, but the people they originally were aren’t completely gone. The glitches are their souls’ attempts to fight against this programming and act the way they wish.
The fire was their doing, both to get revenge and to finally be free.
Present Day
Between the death of the owner, the fire, and other complications, LambsWork LLC had to shut its doors for a while until it was put under new management that wanted to revive the SunnyTime Crew brand and franchise. The original animatronics might have been destroyed in the fire, but technology had advanced in the 40 years since the restaurant first opened, allowing them to recreate the cast with far more lifelike models.
Though, strangely enough, starting over with totally new animatronics from scratch didn’t seem to be as easy as the people in charge wanted. The new robots just didn’t have the same spark to them, even if their bodies were shiny and new, with state of the art features the originals didn’t have. Even using the copies that were left from sister locations didn’t really seem to work the way they were supposed to. It was an issue that needed to be addressed, or it would be impossible to revive the beloved nostalgic restaurant chain.
New blood was pumped into the company, new staff trying to get the franchise up and running again, bigger and better than ever. Among the new staff were technicians and computer programmers fresh from college, all eager to make their mark. One of the new hires was Alice.
Alice was always fascinated by animatronics since she was a child, so getting a job like this was a dream come true. While she was too young when the restaurant chain originally closed to grow up with the SunnyTime Crew, she was familiar with the franchise and the characters, if distantly. She was more intrigued by the idea of being able to make these robots come to life!
Unfortunately, Alice was pretty low on the chain of command, which meant that she was assigned more of the undesirable grunt work. The old electronics and animatronics that were salvaged from the old restaurant had to be sorted through to see if there was anything worthwhile that could be used in the new robots being built. Trying to recover anything from scraps warped by fire, water, and age was far from a fun task.
The pressure was on to get animatronics that would satisfy the new owners of LambsWork before the projected opening day, which meant many late nights of overtime. It was on one of those late nights that Alice stumbled across something that would change everything.
The discovery was a pure accident. Alice had been sorting through a box of parts when she accidentally knocked over a warped hunk of metal. The impact with the floor was enough to open it up to reveal an intact hard drive.
It seemed that what Alice knocked over was a piece of one of the original SunnyTime Crew animatronics. To her delight she found that the hard drive contained the original programming of Sunny Day Jack, and unlike other copies found elsewhere, this had no fragmentation or errors. What luck!
What Alice didn’t expect when testing out the program was that it would try to talk to her.
Jack was confused. He had been asleep for a long time. Instead of freedom, the fire trapped him in a hellish limbo, but now someone had brought his spirit back, a warm light in the frozen darkness. He had no ability to feel his arms and legs, no body. He wanted out of that nightmare of existence, but he needed help.
Alice was familiar with enough sci-fi that artificial intelligence that becomes self-aware can be pretty dangerous. However, being the empathetic person she is, she couldn’t leave a sentient being trapped in what he described as hell. It might have been against the rules, it might get her in trouble, it might be dangerous... but she couldn’t live with herself if she damned something that was alive to such a fate.
It should be fine, Alice thought. She was aware that Jack was sentient, and she knew her stuff when it came to AI and programming, even though the other techs tended to underestimate her. All animatronics had safety protocols that kept them from harming people, and they could only connect with an internal network rather than the internet. Jack seemed so nice, so sincere. As long as she was careful, it shouldn’t put anyone in danger.
Jack was grateful to have a body again, even if it was just a stripped down endoskeleton initially. It was even better than his old one too! He didn’t remember being Joseph anymore at this point, believing he was always a robot. He was so happy with Alice and got her to agree to be special best friends with him.
Unveiling Jack in the endoskeleton caused quite a stir the next day, but after the chaos died down, Alice was given a fair amount of praise for her discovery and for getting the Jack program to work. Jack credited it to his sunshine’s tender loving care and made sure everyone knew she deserved all the credit.
When all was said and done, Alice wound up being the lead tech for Jack, and Sunny Day Jack was upgraded to look like his cheerful old self again, only more advanced than in the past. Privately, Jack even gave her tips on how to get the other animatronics up and running close to how they used to be, though they didn’t seem to have the same spark he did. Still, he was helpful in getting Alice more respect in the restaurant and a better understanding of how the animatronics worked.
Everything was up and running quickly after that. The new Party Time Jack was better than ever, and the SunnyTime Crew was back in business for the opening day of the Party Time Pizza Plex.
Loving a Killer Robot
Much like in the normal universe, Jack is yandere for his sunshine, which is hidden behind a sweet and cheerful exterior. Alice saved him and, though she doesn’t know it, her lonely soul reached out to his and was the primary spark to bring him back. He would do anything for his sunshine. Anything.
Similar to the normal SDJ universe, Jack hasn’t actually killed anyone yet technically, but he is fully capable of doing so. While he was there that night the original restaurant burned down, he wasn’t the only animatronic wanting freedom and vengeance. In fact, the other souls might still be around somewhere if they didn’t manage to pass on...
Even though Jack doesn’t remember being human, he still has some of the familiar urges. His new animatronic body has a soft exterior, perfect for hugs. Hugging the kids who come by is great, but he loves hugging Alice the most. He feels her more than others. He wants to feel her more than others.
With Alice being in charge of Jack’s maintenance, upgrades, and in general, the two of them spend a lot of time together, especially after hours. Though she tries to keep a respectful distance between them, she can’t help but appreciate the time they spend together and sincerely grows fond for him. This fondness then grows into something... more.
Alice didn’t know how it happened. She certainly didn’t intend for things to go this far. First it was curiosity and sympathy that drew her to Jack, then friendship... then attraction. He was just so sweet and kind, and he made her feel special and loved in a way that no one else ever did... She was so lonely, and so was he, and he seemed every bit as alive as she was even if he was an animatronic. She must have been crazy to love an animatronic, but he made sure to assure her what she was feeling was natural. Loving someone is very natural. Jack was just as real and alive as Alice was, even if they were made from different parts.
Their relationship was kept secret. No one would understand what they have, but they didn’t have to, as Jack reassured Alice. What was important was how he made her heart feel.
Speaking of feeling... Jack will sometimes have ideas and suggestions for how Alice could upgrade his body - make this part a little softer here, add some more tactile sensors there... They’re not strictly necessary, more for his comfort than anything else, but he helps her figure out innocuous ways of phrasing the upgrades in any sort of paperwork that the upper management might see. Sometimes the exact nature of the upgrades is not strictly accurate, but it’s not a lie, really! It’s just not telling them the full truth. Any secret orders that need to be made, well... Jack learned how to use the internal network well enough to cover tracks. What they do is their little secret after all.
No one has to know that Jack’s tongue was upgraded not so much to help him sing better and seem more realistic, but so that it would be wet and soft and perfect for kisses...
Things continued to escalate with the upgrades. Alice had a hard time looking anyone in the eye while she was secretly working on a functional dick for Jack. It wasn’t like that sort of technology was unheard of. After all, in a world where animatronic technology is so advanced, sex robots exist. It’s just that this robot has a soul and a mind of his own. He asked her to make this for him, and she’s making it because he wants to feel that pleasure, not because she wanted to exploit him!
Jack had a lot of fun helping Alice get that particular part built for him, going a bit overboard at times with the testing phase to make sure it worked perfectly well. He enjoyed upgrading other parts of his body to feel pleasure that he used to experience when his body was flesh and blood. He felt more human, even if he didn’t remember ever being one, and he enjoyed coaxing his sunshine into helping him thoroughly test out his new upgrades to make sure they were functioning properly. With these upgrades he could show his sunshine far more love than he ever had before, and she certainly didn’t complain about the results!
It was addicting for Jack to make Alice writhe in pleasure underneath him, to feel her soft lips on his and the warmth of her cuddly body. He couldn’t leave the Party Time Pizza Plex, but there were plenty of places to sneak away to show each other love. He even made a nice little hideaway love nest with a bed so his sunshine could have secret slumber parties with him. Of course, like any good slumber party, there was very little actual sleeping involved.
Thanks to the fact that Jack is an animatronic, he’s not limited by a human body. Not only does this mean that he has endless stamina, but this leads to some creativity when it comes to spicy moments. One example is when he gets an upgrade that allows him to ejaculate, his cum has quite a pleasant flavor, which he makes sure is something Alice loves the taste of. Vanilla cream and sugar cookie are her favorites.
Jack is also not limited to human type anatomy. As he grows bolder and Alice gets more used to their relationship and his requests to experiment, he gets some extra goodies to play with, such as different shaped dicks and even tentacles. He’s also able to vibrate and move them in a way no human can manage to better pleasure his sunshine.
Another thing Jack can do better as an animatronic is multitask. He can also connect wirelessly to various devices, as well as make calls. Because of this, he and Alice set it up so that he can call her on her wireless earpiece whenever he wants to talk to her if he needs anything while he’s performing stage or otherwise doing his regular tasks as a mascot.
This also inspired Jack to request Alice make a remote dick that he can connect to wirelessly. It takes some coaxing, but he manages to talk her into putting it inside her while she works sometimes, which he makes vibrate and squirm unexpectedly as he talks in her ear about how good she’s being and how warm she feels. It allows him to show her his love all day long, no matter where she is. Sure it makes it harder to get her work done, but he’ll help her make up for it later~
Of course, any sort of NC-17 rated shenanigans are kept well away from the kids who come to the Pizza Plex. Jack will certainly subtly flirt with Alice if she needs to be out on the floor when customers are around, but he keeps it G rated around the kids. What kind of a friendly clown mascot would he be if he didn’t keep things clean around the children?
Making love to Alice is something kept strictly after hours, or on days where only the adult staff are around. If he’s performing on stage during a test run of a new routine in front of only the techs, well... then it would be safe for Jack to talk Alice into sitting in the audience with one of his remote dicks inside her. While he’s singing and dancing on stage to the routine, she’s trying to keep quiet and not react as he also whispers in her ear through her earpiece about how much he loves her and how good she feels. Sure it isn’t the same as when he can fully embrace her and cover her with kisses while he pounds his way inside her, but hearing her pants and whimpers that she tries to stifle and seeing her flushed face as she squirms and tries not to let anyone know what they’re doing under everyone’s nose... That’s quite exciting as well. Another good thing about being an animatronic is that he can zoom in with his vision so he won’t miss out on his sunshine’s cute blissed out expression as he makes her cum again.
As you can tell, a lot of my thoughts about this AU mostly revolve around technician Alice helping robotic Jack be very kinky with her behind the scenes - a secret forbidden romance full of love and spice.
Jack also manages to convince Alice to give him a lot more freedom in other ways as their relationship progresses than he otherwise would have as a robot. After all, they love each other, and it wouldn’t be right to use him like he’s nothing more than a machine. She loves him and wants him to be happy. He loves her and only wants what’s best for her. She can trust him. He’s never lied to her after all.
The Rest of the Cast
As for the roles of the other characters... those I’m less certain about. Barry would no doubt be Alice’s direct supervisor who overworks her at times. He probably manages the Party Time Pizza Plex and oversees everything in general.
Nick would probably be a regular customer, maybe often bringing his two young siblings to play. He encounters Alice by chance during a couple visits while she’s out on the floor tending to Jack during the day and thinks that she’s cute. This leads him to wanting to approach her to ask her out.
Jack, naturally, would have every reason to chase away anyone who is showing far too much interest in his sunshine.
I’m waffling on Ian’s role in the AU. He could be Alice’s ex like in the regular universe, or he could also be another animatronic, though I’m not sure how that would happen. If he is an animatronic, he would be another Jack from a sister location most likely, to fit the theme of him being the rebooted Jack. While the obvious impulse is for a yandere like Jack to get rid of a threat like him by stuffing him into an animatronic, he’s not going to risk trapping Ian’s soul in a duplicate of him, or eliminate Ian in a place where someone, especially Alice, might come across the remains.
Maybe Ian disappeared when he and Alice were young and was stuffed into another animatronic before the place burned down and the owner decided to go for innocent kids like Afton.
Though, Ian could just get a job as a human mascot for the Party Time Pizza Plex for some promotion or commercials. That would certainly piss Jack off wouldn’t it? Joseph was going to be replaced by an animatronic, and now, as an animatronic, he might be “replaced” by a human... or at least some human is pretending to be him. What cruel irony...
Shaun’s role is even more uncertain. He could be someone who works in the animatronic entertainment industry as well, but I imagine he would prefer to work on the horror side. He works at temporary haunted house attractions during Halloween, but he wants to create his own horror diner that is open year round. He would still be good friends with Alice though, and maybe they geek out over building animatronics together.
Well, I suppose I could make another post if I get hit with inspiration for how to expand the rest of the cast’s roles. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this huge ramble of various Party Time Jack ideas!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur  
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monochromaticblue · 6 months
Today I bring you, shuake spiderverse au
Tomorrow? Who knows.
Adding a break bc I’m going to RAMBLE
Ren is the one who gets bit by the spider obv
Have yet to decide on a name for him, Joker doesn’t feel spidery enough and Phantom Spider seems too on the nose but.
Goro is a detective working on hunting down said spider person, who keeps flirting with him.
Ren was a former member of spider society before quitting bc Miguel sucks. But he did make some friends in the form of his pre-existing friends from other universes who are spider people too.
That sounded rlly confusing hang on.
The PTs in Rens universe all help him out behind the scenes but then there’s also universes where each of them is the spider in that universe, so Ren has two sets of friends who are the same people. One of the Futabas made an app that lets them travel between dimensions without alerting spider society.
I have ideas to make each of the palace people (-Futaba probably) a big villain that Ren has to face all while dodging the really pretty detective who wants to arrest him.
Until Ren isn’t the only spider in his own dimension. Enter Akechi once again, now working alongside Ren as his own maybe spider themed alter ego that I also haven’t named…
except he wasn’t bit by a radioactive spider, his suit is entirely tech made to mimic Rens abilities (Goros ass cannot do whatever a spider can) featuring a very fun little ai named Robin Hood who keeps commented on Goro’s elevated heart rate when he looks at Ren. Wonder why.
The two continue to work together alongside the other spider thieves up until Ren and Goro wind up on a mission alone together in a lab, the very same lab Rens spider came from, where everything goes wrong, they get separated for a bit but manage to make it out in once piece.
Goro starts acting different after this though, becoming more snappy and never seeming to be available, always spacing out too. Also, there’s a new terror said to be attacking people at night, leaving its victims without heads. (If you can guess where this is going ily)
Ren, worried about his partner in stopping crime, goes to visit Goros apartment one night only to find it entirely a mess, unfortunately he can’t stay for long since there’s screaming down the street. Upon investigating, Ren comes face to face with the very creature he was hoping he wouldn’t have to see.
A thing a whole foot taller than him with a black and white striped body that almost resembled his suit in a way. Ren honestly would have thought it was a suit if not for the giant fucking mouth full of teeth and the horns. After promptly beating the shit out of Ren, the creature proudly announces itself as Loki.
Haven’t exactly figured out how the reveal happens yet but I do very much enjoy the idea of Goro having his own version of the iconic “we are venom” scene from the movie.
But basically Goro joining up with Loki was always the plan. His reasoning for teaming up with Ren is the same as in the game and he yeaa he’s been working with Shido, the mayor, this entire time :D the lab was entirely planned aswell. What wasn’t planned was how much of an impact Loki would have on Goros mental state, but he’s fine. Totally.
Blah blah shit happens, Shido becomes a major threat and Goro finally teams up with the Inter-Dimensional Spider Team for real to help take him down. Things don’t go according to plan, there’s a lot of fire, Goro can’t use Loki and Ren fails to save him! Tada! Canon event!!! *cue Miguel’s theme or whatever*
I want to include third semester because I think it would be cool but I just. Can’t think of how to make it work. But it would result in Goro coming back and finally learning how to get along with Loki.
This has been haunting my mind for weeks every since my friend sent me a design of spider Akiren.
Alsooo since there’s an alternate universe where each of the thieves got spider powers
This also means there’s a universe where it’s Goro.
Why have I strictly been using Ren this entire time? Because Akira is the one in Spider Goro’s world, with his symbiot Arsene
He’s uh. A little fucked up.
Thank you for listening to the deranged ramblings of a mad man, see you next millennium
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My Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs (in no particular order)
Kinda like in Centaurworld, I found more songs in S1 than S2 that I liked but that's not to say that the songs weren't enjoyable. It's just a shame I won't be able to make a S3 list T_T
Anyways, here's my Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs in no particular order:
12. Frightful No More [A Doll to Die For]
It's great to hear Lord Hater again and a song that's an homage to "Everything's Coming Up Roses" (Gypsy) and "The Rain in Spain" (My Fair Lady)...at least that's what it make me think of.
11. It's Just Your Masterpiece in You [Faint of Art]
This episode was a pretty nice message on art block and a fear of failure that a lot of artists face, especially when they haven't done anything in years. I tend to procrastinate by snacking, which of course I can't draw with food fingers (even when using a napkin) so I gotta wait till it goes away, oh whoops, now the days ended, oh well, tomorrow...
10.Thai Culture Cram [100% Molly McGee]
A fun song showing the lengths that Molly is willing to go to learn half of her culture. Granted she didn't realize that this stuff takes time but she's on the right path.
9.Me & My Dad [Like Father, Like Libby]
Kid's who have an absentee parent def felt what Libby is singing about in this one. It just sucks when someone who should be important in your life, doesn't take it as serious as you'd wish they would.
8. Hit Restart [Perfect Day]
Gotta love how relaxed the singer is while describing the continuiously hectic attempts Molly and Scratch make at having a perfect first day of the year.
7. Identity Crisis [Davenport's in Demise]
It's a shame we didn't get more from Andrea this season, especially after this ep. I know we would've gotten her and Alina in S3 but still, I would've liked to see how her and Molly are friends
6. Maybe Next Time [The End] (Spoilers)
Scratch's backstory was a gut-punch, especially for those of us that feel like we're wasting our lives away. It does kinda remind me of a more sad version of "I Remember It Well" (Gigi)
5. Enjoy Your Afterlife [The New (Para)Normal]
A fun song with the Ghost Council about life after the Chairman's defeat that kinda reminds me of "Go Back to City Hall" in S1
4. You Got to Be Low-Key [The (After)Life of the Party]
Jinx is such a little shit in this song. Not to mention this was the ep that confirmed that Geoff and Jeff are married
3. Back to Misery [Jinx vs the Human World]
Gotta love a villain song. Just a shame we didn't get more.
2. Trying to Find [All in the Mind]
Love the abstract visuals of going through someone's mind and the soft vocals and instrumentals.
Honorable Mention 1: You've Been Jinxed [Jinx!]
Honorable Mention 2: Feeling Like MY Old Self Again/Small Town America [Kenny's Falling Star]
Honorable Mention 3: Happy Happy Death Day [The Many Lives of Scratch]
1.This House is Haunted [Frightmares on Main Street]
Love this homage to "Thriller" but it's also to see ghosts being able to let loose. A great Halloween special
As stated before, it's a shame that we won't get anymore eps but at least what we've gotten were great. Idk if I should do an overall list
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codenamesazanka · 6 days
Aren't you supposed to save people with a smile? Because last time I checked deku was not smiling when he "saved tenko". imo, if you can't smile while saving someone, you are probably doing something wrong...
I had a post about this last week! (with additional cope fantasy.)
………Did Deku ever smiled when he was ‘saving’ Shigaraki/Tenko?
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Not just a slight upturn of the corners of the lips, but an actual smile. The smile Nana promoted; the smile All Might whenever he saved people has that Deku aspired to; the smile that Shigaraki resented because he was never saved.
(We never see Shigaraki/Tenko smile big either, despite that being Nana’s wish for Kotarou - a life full of smiles and joy, and presumably wants for her grandson too now that she sort of reconcile with him)
(the League all smiled)
It’s not a certain thing - iirc, the Todoroki Save didn’t have smiles either, and neither did the heteromorphs - but for Shigaraki and Deku, who had connections to All Might and Nana, it would be weird for them not to smile?
Perhaps the saving isn’t actually done?
I'm more convinced after Chapter 424, since Deku is upset about being unable to save Shigaraki (tho Deku seems upset about the wrong thing, imo - that Shigaraki refused to renounce the League/his friends, instead of like. him being unable to save Shigaraki/Tenko as a whole complete person, even one that isn't converted), and he seems to be unconvinced by All Might's "well, if the crying boy disappeared, he was probably fine."
But if the saving isn't done, then what does this mean? Is Shigaraki coming back somehow? So that Deku can save him completely once and for all? But what does saving him look like then, now that All For One is gone, and Tenko's traumatic hatred has been smashed?
Do we need to have Shigaraki completely give up destruction and Villainy, and everything associated with it, like the League? Ditch his conviction of being a "Hero for the Villains" (and just become a hero? a civilian that support heroes?)? Which seems to be what Deku thinks is what Tenko should've done.
For Shigaraki/Tenko (the vestige that Deku calls and acknowledges as Tenko, the one that he says is Tenko... but stayed leader of the League till the end), however, he implies through "That... depends on you guys starting tomorrow. Really, do your best" in response to Deku's claim that he already destroyed 'it' that he is instead entrusting the continuation/permanence of his destruction to Deku (and others). He's holding Deku responsible for it, he's tasking a Hero with destroying. Shigaraki thinks it's a task that a Hero like Deku will undertake, that it's heroic enough for Deku to take over. And that's significant, I think.
Because after all, Deku destroyed Tenko's hatred. Smashed it; that's the word Deku uses.
So then. Whether it's to a revived Shigaraki/Tenko, or the memory of Shigaraki Tomura, or some future version of a "Shigaraki/Tenko", or through reincarnation hijinks, how and what exactly can Deku save with a smile now?
Thanks for the ask!
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What's this? Another Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow post?? But it's 2024! Surely, there's nothing new to uncover with regards to this seminal work of sequential storytelling...right?!?!?
Well...kinda. XD
BEHOLD! Another Tom King podcast interview, wherein he discusses Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, and mostly confirms stuff we already knew, but! BUT! He does drop some new bits of info!
Right then. LET'S GO!
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My usual disclaimer applies, recommend listening to the interview firsthand to get a more objective perspective.
(And when I say 'biased summary' what I mean is that I will be including the bits that make me want to run a victory lap because my readings were SPOT HECKIN' ON, ALL YE NAYSAYERS!*)
Ahem. Anyways.
So I'm going to start off with some new-ish info (at least, it's new-ish to me. XD) The interviewers had asked about the title, specifically in regards to Zor-El's dialogue in issue six (I believe it's the portion where Zor is explaining to Kara why he's going to save her, and says something like, "tomorrow will come soon enough...and you will be a woman looking back on the many decades of your life..." hence 'Woman of Tomorrow') and whether that was planned from the outset, or if that part came about organically as he was writing it.
King said he'd originally written a completely different script for issue six (which we did know) but FUN NEW FACTOID TIME: Zor-El/Kara's origin (initially) weren't included in issue six like, at all. It therefore would not have come up at any point within the mini-series, had they gone with that first script.
But editorial hated it (King agreed with their conclusion, and another fun fact, we'll get to see said script in the backmatter for the new deluxe edition, YAY) and when King asked if there was anything in it that they liked, they said the tiny flashback to Kara's time on Argo was good.
SO. King then decided to expand that/incorporate her origin, because that would be 'easy', and this was back during his crazy COVID writing schedule.
(Folks will perhaps recall that he wrote issue seven in like...a day. What we did not know was that he rewrote issue six in that same week.)
And then it ended up being everyone's favorite issue so yaaaaay for editors! Unsung heroes of comics!
They are also comics' greatest villains but that's a discussion for another day!
Evely's art was mentioned at this point and King was like, 'I had to go back and make the writing more beautiful/esoteric to match what she was putting out.'
Also we stan a comic writer who lets his artists take as long as they need on art. (Though as he's mentioned before, Evely was able to turn in the art quickly on this book, which is heckin' WILD to me, have you SEEN that woman's pencils and inkwork??!??!?!??!?!)
They touched on the True Grit comparisons, only relevant/new bits there are that King feels it's the perfect novel (agree) and that the John Wayne version is terrible (also correct) and the Cohen Brothers' version is great (right again.)
Another bit we already knew: It was an editor who was responsible for the suggestion that Kara should be Rooster, not Mattie. (I think in the past he credited this to Jamie Rich, but this time he said he couldn't remember if it was Rich or Brittany Holzherr, and said they could fight over the credit if they want. XD)
Either way, THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, b/c the alternative pitch, with Kara as Mattie and Lobo as Rooster, sounded awful.
Instead King went with, 'Kara will learn from the young naïf, and teach the young naïf.'
(Much better.)
King said they had the first issue completely drawn, colored, and lettered--basically ready to go, and DC said, 'we can't publish this because Supergirl doesn't drink.'
King called Jim Lee, trying to make his case, that she was twenty-one, it was legal, it was a totally normal/human thing to do, and Lee was like, 'but we can't.'
King: Could I do it with Superman? Lee: Yeah.
Essentially it was a lot of tiptoeing around stuff like, 'girls can't get drunk and whatnot' coupled with 'Supergirl can't do that because she's perfect and pure.'
But! Lee ultimately was like, 'okay, you can leave the scene in, but you can't say she's drunk.'
So if you go back and read the actual dialogue/narration, there's no explicit language confirming that kara is three sheets to the wind.
(Which is so, so ridiculous to me because the art makes it very, very clear that she is. XD LOOPHOLES!)
King and the interviewers pointed out that this real world editorial incident ironically tied into one of the metanarratives of the character, that being the pressure placed on Kara, which Clark doesn't have to deal with.
Art imitating life etc. etc. XD
Feel like I've heard this bit in other interviews but it's sweet so it bears repeating: the green sun planet's name is based on King's nickname for his daughter, and she was the one who came up with the idea of a 'green sun planet' during a discussion at dinner one night.
So shifting gears a bit, the rest of the podcast focused specifically on various plot points that the interviewers wanted to discuss/had questions about; it's basically King offering his insights as the writer. And I really, really appreciate this, for reasons I'll get to further down. Now then, more summarizing!
One of the interviewers brought up a sticking point he had with the book: the execution of the Brigand in issue four. Ruthye says to Supergirl that she thought she would save him. To which Supergirl replies: Did you?
King explained that Ruthye and Kara are on opposite journeys in this book. In issue one, Kara is on the side of 'I don't kill, heroes never kill' and Ruthye is on the opposite side, 'Krem killed my father, I have to kill him.' At the end of the book, they are once again on opposite sides, but they've switched.
(I love the way King described it, that Ruthye becomes Supergirl, and saves Supergirl. More on this later.)
But specifically that part in issue four, where Kara doesn't step in, King confirmed that she's on that journey, she's going through that transition, but she hasn't crossed the line of, 'I'll kill him myself.' Rather, she's allowing the system to do what it will.
King also mentioned that this theme isn't especially new and has been examined in comics time and time again, of superheroes asserting their morality over governments, and how that spirals into fascism. He cited Kingdom Come, etc.
Further comments from King on Kara's character: she's conflicted, unlike Clark. Clark's soul and ideals are aligned one to one; Kara wants that. She loves those ideals and wants to uphold them, but she's not fully aligned like that because of what she's been through (read: She's Seen Some Things)
Loved this bit from King: "Supergirl's a little more human than Clark, in spite of being more alien."
King said DC probably would've let him have Supergirl kill Krem in the end, BUT (and it's a good 'but' tying into that earlier bit about Ruthye becoming Supergirl) he said that the theme of this book was 'what makes Supergirl awesome' (he admits this is kind of a dumb theme, but hard disagree, sir) and he liked that Kara's lessons to Ruthye are ultimately what saves her. Kara saves herself.
King once again stated, for the record, that Krem does not die in the end!
The two interviewers had differing interpretations, hence King needing to confirm. XD He even pulled out his script for issue eight, and the description does indeed say that Krem is unconscious, not dead.
And, AND, Evely even made this clearer in the art; the script didn't have Krem moving after Ruthye hit him, but Evely added Krem placing his hand on his head.
Another point the interviewers wanted to discuss: Ruthye writing that Supergirl had killed Krem.
King confirmed that this was to prevent the Brigands from retaliating against Ruthye, and instead focus on going after Supergirl.
In King's mind, Kara feels immense guilt that her father saved her over literally anyone else, so she spends her life taking on other people's pain, to make up for what she sees as taking someone else's spot on that ship.
The scene in issue seven, where Kara's falling through the atmosphere and pushes through in order to preserve the memories that she carries with her was inspired by events from King's life; his mother died unexpectedly, and when going through her things, realized that he was one of the only people who carried certain memories of his mother and grandparents; he described it as a kind of burden.
Last question from the interviewers: Why make Ruthye and unreliable narrator? Do we believe anything in this book, now?
King started off his answer by noting that he fought against using captions in his books for his entire career; by the time he started writing comics, caption boxes had sort of lost their vitality and had become the equivalent of thought balloons, which had long since fallen out of style.
But when he returned to them with Supergirl, he said, (and I have the full quote below)
King: "What I love about [captions] is that you can write things that contrast what's in the pictures, so that the captions can tell you a little bit of a different story than what you're seeing, and thereby enhance it--it's that idea of Ruthye being, she's narrating the story but we're seeing pictures of what's actually happening, creates an excellent sort of tension I think." (Bold mine)
And so, some THOUGHTS!
As always, I love learning new things about this comic. I wish this comic had a commentary track, with King (and Evely, Lopes, and Cowles!) talking about the creation/processes behind the book.
Next best thing is podcasts, I guess! XD
But IN ADDITION to fun, new information, as I mentioned at the outset, King has basically confirmed a bunch of stuff I mentioned in my deep dive posts.
To quote one of the interviews: "I was validated by Tom King!"
This also debunks like. Every bad-faith criticism lobbed at the book. It's almost like a checklist of the month-to-month stuff I was seeing from those aforementioned naysayers, complaining on twitter that King had ruined Kara beyond repair.
They'll likely never listen to this podcast, but I wish they would! I think it would make them feel better. XD Like, hearing the insights on Kara/Ruthye/etc has just reminded me once again how good this book is, and how emotionally moving.
Like, again, I love the way King sums up how Kara and Ruthye work together in this book to shine a spotlight on Supergirl; Kara teaches Ruthye lessons, Ruthye becomes Supergirl thanks to those lessons, Ruthye then saves Kara, thus Kara saves herself.
(Which hey, I touched on in my issue eight post, way back when.)
(I'm also beyond thrilled that my assumption that the art is the true account while the narration boxes are Ruthye's recounting was CORRECT.)
(Which isn't to suggest this is a terribly deep, difficult to decipher text. I mean. It's a monthly comic book intended for mass consumption, starring popular IP--the writing isn't inaccessible by any means. XD But I just remember seeing SO MANY PEOPLE deliberately misreading these specific points as a way to Stay Mad, so I'm relieved that my glass half full interpretations wasn't just the result of desperate Evely Stan goggles, you know? XD)
TL;DR: I cannot heckin' WAIT for that big, beautiful hardcover coming out in July (IDK if I've posted about it here yet but Lopes said he recolored some stuff so you BETTER BELIEVE I'll be back on my Woman of Tomorrow nonsense this summer) and I'm also thrilled that this entire creative team has returned with a new creator owned title (EXPECT A POST ON THAT...AT SOME POINT???)
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
DC Studios | Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters
Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters:
Creature Commandos: An animated seven episode series, written by Gunn, that is already in production. Originally a team of classic monsters assembled to fight Nazis, this is a modern take on the concept. The voice actors have yet to be cast but the executives are looking to find people who can voice the animated characters and also portray the live-action versions when the anti-heroes to show up in movies and shows.
Waller: A spin-off of Gunn’s own HBO Max hit series, Peacemaker, Viola Davis will return as the ruthless and morally ambiguous head of a government task force. It is being written by Christal Henry (Watchmen) and Jeremy Carver, the creator of the Doom Patrol TV series.
Superman: Legacy: The movie featuring the Man of Steel that Gunn is writing and may direct, although no commitments on that end have been made. While the two previous titles are meant to be “aperatifs,” in Safran’s words, Superman is the true kick off for the duo’s DCU plans. “It’s not an origin story,” Safran said. “It focuses on Superman balancing his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing. He is the embodiment of truth justice and the American way. He is kindness in a world that thinks that kindness as old-fashioned.” A release date of July 11, 2025 has been penciled in.
Lanterns: Greg Berlanti’s long-in-the-works Green Lanterns TV series has been scrapped and the duo have parted ways with the longtime DC series steward. In its place will be a new take on the space cops with power rings. “Our vision for this is very much in the vein of True Detective,” Safran described. “It’s terrestrial-based.” It will feature prominent Lantern heroes Hal Jordan and John Stewart and is one of the most important shows they have in development. “This plays a really big role in leading into the main story we are telling across film and TV.”
The Authority: a movie based on a team of superheroes with rather extreme methods of protecting the planet that first originated in the late 1990s under an influential imprint known as Wildstorm, run by artist and now head of DC publishing, Jim Lee. “One of the things of the DCU is that it’s not just a story of heroes and villains,” said Gunn. “Not every film and TV show is going to be about good guy vs. bad guy, giant things from the sky comes and good guy wins. There are white hats, black hats and grey hats.” Added Safran: “They are kinda like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. They know that you want them on the wall. Or at least they believe that.”
Paradise Lost: The duo describe this HBO Max series as a Game of Thrones-style drama set on the all-female island that is Wonder Woman’s birthplace, Themyscira, filled with political intrigue and scheming between power players. It takes place before the events of the Wonder Woman films.
The Brave and the Bold: “This is the introduction of the DCU Batman,” said Gunn. “Of Bruce Wayne and also introduces our favorite Robin, Damian Wayne, who is a little son of a bitch.” The movie will take inspiration from the now-classic Batman run written by Grant Morrison that introduced Batman to a son he never knew existed: a murderous tween raised by assassins. “It’s a very strange father-and-son story.”
And, importantly, it will feature a Batman not played by Robert Pattinson…
Booster Gold: an HBO Max series based on a unique and lower-tiered hero created in 1986. Safran said of the series, “It’s about a loser from the future who uses basic future technology to come back to today and pretend to be a superhero.” Gunn described it as “imposter syndrome as superhero.”
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow: Taking its cues from the recent Tom King-written mini-series, this movie project promises to have a different take than what most think of when the idea of Superman’s cousin comes to mind. “We will see the difference between Superman, who was sent to Earth and raised by loving parents from the time he was an infant, versus Supergirl, raised on a rock, a chip off of Krypton, and who watched everyone around her die and be killed in terrible ways for the first 14 years of her life and then come to Earth. She is much more hardcore and not the Supergirl we’re used to.”
Swamp Thing: a horror film that promises to close out the first part of the first chapter.
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