#violet brown
mangleschmidt · 5 months
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Me realizing I haven't posted this Ace Attorney AU art here before woops
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randomless123 · 5 months
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I barley saw fanart of this book so I decided to post some of my old art of it
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azharulhirok · 9 months
The world's oldest man, 256 years old, revealed the secret of his survival before his death
Li Ching-Yuen: The Taoist Herbalist Who Claimed to Live for 250 Years
Li Ching-Yuen, also known as Li Qingyun, was a Chinese herbalist who claimed to have lived for 256 years. He was born in 1736 and died in 1933, but there is no verifiable evidence to support his age claim. Nevertheless, Li Ching-Yuen's story is fascinating, and his teachings on longevity continue to be popular today.
Li Ching-Yuen was born in Qixian County, Sichuan Province, China. He began studying herbs at a young age and became a skilled herbalist. He traveled extensively throughout China, gathering herbs and learning from other herbalists. In his later years, he settled down in Kai Xian County, where he lived until his death.
Li Ching-Yuen was a devout Taoist, and he believed that his longevity was due to his Taoist practices. He followed a strict diet of herbs and rice wine, and he practiced qigong and meditation regularly. He also taught others about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and following the Taoist principles of harmony and balance.
Li Ching-Yuen's story has been the subject of much speculation and debate. Some people believe that he was truly 256 years old, while others believe that he exaggerated his age. However, there is no doubt that Li Ching-Yuen was a remarkable individual who lived a long and healthy life.
Here are some of Li Ching-Yuen's tips for longevity:
Eat a healthy diet of herbs and rice wine.
Practice qigong and meditation regularly.
Live a simple and harmonious life.
Avoid stress and anger.
Be grateful for each day.
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justaz · 3 days
merlin told arthur his favorite color was the color of the sky during sunset when it shifted into a deep violet. arthur gets a tunic made in that exact shade. its the best thing merlin owns. arthur was hoping that would mean he’d wear it almost everyday but merlin almost never wears it. the only time he does wear it is when royals come to visit (which isn’t all that often). arthur “subtly” asks about it and merlin is like “it’s the best thing i own. i’m not gonna dirty it mucking out the stables or serving rowdy knights wine while they splatter food on it” and arthur is like “why not wear it when nobles come to visit? look at least a little presentable for them” (cough nice save). merlin doesn’t see the point in it bc nobles don’t care about him at best, view him as less than human at worst.
arthur really just wants to see his boyfriend servant in the tunic he had made for him (bonus points for sending a message that merlin is his. not that merlin seems to notice. man is too much of an idiot). merlin wants to preserve his favorite tunic and gift from his boyfriend king.
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 7 months
Spoiler makes a routine stop on her patrol to stop a mugger, but when she gets to the alley floor the victim, a black haired goth girl, shoots him with some kind of green energy gun and it catches both of them off guard.
Spoiler, still in superhero landing pose: 😮
Sam, caught with a gun in her hands: 😬
Spoiler: is that a Lazer gun??!
Sam: you know I don't actually know...
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Stephanie Brown:
Is poor
Has an abusive dad who was also a supervillain and that led to her becoming a superhero to spoil his plans but she focused a lot on helping out other less fortunate people in addition to fighting crime
Did badly often in school despite her extreme intellegence
Has anger issues and violent tendencies that manifest in her getting extra brutal in fights and being lowkey mean in general but she almost entierly directs it to people who deserve it
Is emotionally intense with ways of showing friendship that her classmates found offputting and that led to her being isolated from them and having almost no friends
Listens to Metallica
Took Tim Drake on a date to a shitty basement party with a bunch of alt teens
Was willing to kill at 14,including her own dad and only changed that because Bruce Wayne convinced her too
Loved Cassandra Cain romantically in a gritty dark future Batman run,has been Batwoman in two which is a mantle that has been held exclusively by a Kate Kane who is a butch lesbian and has shown multiple hints of being bi in the main timelines
Yelled and screamed at and even assaulted grown ass adults in her teen years for treating her badly with no fear and this stays into her adulthood
Grew up to be a Team Mom by at least her Batgirl days and the targets of her mothering were a biracial boy(Damian Wayne),two darkskin black girls(Nell Little and Tiffany Fox),a japanese girl(Maps Mizoguchi)and MANY other unnamed kids we see her being implied to care for
Presents super femininely but in a way that most guys in-universe find bad instead of attractive and she dosen't care about this because she dosen't want normies
Is a literature nerd,an artist,a gamer,a pianist AND a gymnist
Makes her own superhero gear
Uses optimism for a better world and trauma fueled spite as her motivation for heroism
Got treated like shit by almost everyone as a kid but we see this explicitly in her hero days with how much Bruce puts her down because she wasn't good enough for him
Does activism even outside of hero work
Is canonically pastel punk and accidentally autistic-coded and genuinely a real weirdgirl,not a fucking 'basic white girl' or a queen bee just because she's blonde and blue eyed and it's worth noting she's also been described as flat-chested as a jab but it not working because she loves her looks perfectly and that she's never shown any particular liking for being blonde and seeing as she got her hair from her dad,this is completely valid
She's Stephanie Brown,not Stacie White.Stop.Making.Her.Only.Trait.Her.Gender.Babygirl deserves better
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violet-sapphic · 9 months
sluttiest thing a butch can wear is a tight black tshirt
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ゼイユ by 蟲尼手銀的小迷弟之樂
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peanuts-fan · 3 months
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Belated Valentine
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Hey, Soul Sister (dp x dc)
“I am so in love with you,” Stephanie said fiercely.
“It was the least I could do,” said the small, black-haired girl who had just verbally destroyed the creep from Steph’s lit class who kept making gross comments while side-eying her.
“I will get down on my knees and propose right now,” the blonde vigilante continued.
The other girl smirked which had Steph’s cheeks warming. Her knight in shinning armor was downright charming. Then, she brought her hands to her heart with a mock-astonished expression. “Elopement? But what about my honor?”
“Forget that, you are literally the love of my life-” Steph started.
“My poor grandmama would be so disappointed in me-” the girl exclaimed melodramatically.
“-Plus I have the ring-pop right here,” Steph finished
“-but she’d get over it,” the girl finished the sentence, her eyes lit up with mischief as she leaned in. “Show me the bling, I’m in.”
“Light of my life,” Steph started as she took the ring-pop out of the packaging and got to her knee. “Would you do me the great hono-”
“Sam!” Came an urging voice from further down the corridor. The girl turned towards the noise and winced. Then she looked back down at Steph.
“Looks like fate will keep us apart a little while longer,” the girl said. “Better luck next time.” Then, she started jogging away and towards the voice.
“I love you!” Steph yelled at her departing back.
The girl turned around and sent her a kiss before twirling back around to join her friend. Steph let out a wistful sigh.
“You are an embarrassment,” Tim said sipping at his fancy water bottle.
Steph just sighed louder.
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aviscranio · 8 months
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It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)
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taintedarabesque · 2 months
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this is who I am in my head
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will80sbyers · 8 months
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Emily Browning as Violet Baudelaire in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
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ciggiestash · 17 days
I have a type I fear
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mem-fr · 6 months
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3eanuts · 16 days
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August 4, 1956 — see The Complete Peanuts 1955-1958
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