#vlad's fight should be easier
brainmuncher · 29 days
Danny would like to preface that this was entirely Vlad's fault. The fruitloop had made another harebrained scheme to kill off his dad and marry his mom… nothing new. What also wasn’t new was the three vultures in fez hats that he had to chase across the Nasty Burger’s parking lot after dismantling the whole plan. Vlad was a fruitloop after all so it only made sense that he’d do the same thing over and over and actually expect a different result.
What was new was the gun that Vlad had appeared with during the chase. He looked pissed that Danny had gotten away again and wasn’t aiming well. Unfortunately, Danny had Fenton luck so he eventually got hit by whatever the gun was firing. One of the vultures also got stuck in one of the stray blasts so he didn’t feel too bad about it.
It turns out it was shooting some sticky substance that was impossible to phase through. Vlad had walked over, said some eye roll worthy monologue, and cut the stuck vulture out with a concentrated ecto blast. He’d just been about to probably kidnap Danny for the millionth time when there was a screech of a van. A dozen or so GIW agents flooded the area and Vlad with the vultures made a run for it… leaving Danny behind. Because of the mysterious goo still holding him in place, he was an easy target for the GIW to “arrest”.
That's how he found himself thrown in the back of a white van in what could only be described as a dog cage, bundled with all sorts of restraints. His arms were pulled behind his back, his legs tied together, an actual muzzle on his face, and an extremely uncomfortable collar was on his neck. To put it lightly, Danny was not amused.
Before the doors had shut he heard the agents talking about transporting him to one of their facilities. Based on how much driving they had already done, it wasn’t a local one. Thankfully, Tucker and Sam have his ecto-signature, so they should be able to find him. It was just a matter of them getting a quick enough transport. They might end up calling Jazz to help which will be a huge pain later. No, he did not feel traumatized Jazz, this was more of an unfortunate field trip with the GIW than anything. Then again she was probably going to complain that he wasn’t taking things seriously again if he said that.
While thinking of ways he was going to try and escape his sister's overprotective meddling, the van came to a screeching halt. The stop was so sudden that he hit his head on the back of the cage. Grimacing at the injury, that was honestly pretty mild but he was feeling petty, he tried to listen to why they’d stopped. He could faintly hear the sounds of fighting outside the van. At first, he thought that he’d been found quicker than he thought, but then he heard the first gunshot.
An actual gunshot.
Now Danny knew that he wasn’t in Amity anymore, that point had long since passed, but hearing that was like a bucket of ice water. He’d only heard guns on TV or from those soldier guys at the parade before everything got replaced with ecto-guns. But something about hearing one again after so many years reminded him that he wasn’t home anymore. He didn’t even know where he was.
Despite having already tried to escape when they first put the restraints on, Danny once again began struggling to get out. The best start would be freeing his hands so he could at least see if he could find a weak point. He started to try and get his hands out in front of his chest but quickly found that it was easier said than done. Because of the way his hands were encapsulated in the cuffs and only ended at the lower wrist, he was finding it very hard to stretch far enough to get his arms underneath him. His shoulders ached as he pushed them past their limit, but another set of gunshots gave him the boost he needed to ignore it. Finally, he got his arms out from underneath him.
Before he could even think to celebrate, the doors to the van opened up. He reflexively used his arms to block the light from the outside. Once he blinked away the blinding change of light, he found himself blinking at a completely baffled person in a black ski mask.
“Johnny?” The person called out, turning away from Danny to presumably talk to someone outside the door. “I thought you said this was a truck full of money. There’s just some kid back here!”
Despite the danger he was in, Danny couldn’t help the indignation rise in him at being called a kid. He was sixteen for Pete's sake! He was firmly past the ‘kid’ stage and now in the ‘little shit’ age of his life. There’s a clear difference.
“What the hell are you talking about? This thing was scheduled to be guarded and transported just like any ol’ money transport. If you’re fucking with me-” The second person, who was wearing a blue ski mask, and man Danny didn’t know that they came in different colors how neat, paused after seeing him. “What the hell is this.”
Both of the men were just staring at Danny, who was now questioning just what was happening.
“You don’t think Flash set this up do you?” The one in the black mask asked, making the other one whirl to look at him like he asked if the moon was made of cheese.
“This is Keystone, not Gotham. Flash wouldn’t even consider something like this. This is something else entirely,” The person in the blue mask sighed, giving a sidelong look at Danny. “I say we bounce before Flash gets here. This one is a bust.”
The one in the black mask stopped the other one before they could get too far. Looking over their shoulder at Danny they gestured in his direction.
“Did you see how many guys they had guarding him? I think we could still make a good penny selling him,”
An uncomfortable feeling crawled up Danny’s spine. It was one that Vlad often made him feel when he was trying to get him to ‘denounce his father’. Objectified, Sam had once complained. She described that it was something she often felt whenever her parents forced her into some pink monstrosity. This somehow felt much more dangerous than when Vlad did it. Maybe it was the fact that Danny didn’t know what would happen, unlike with Vlad. Completely separated from his usual support and without a clue of what would happen, the threat loomed more fiercely than Danny was used to.
He started to subtly check the bands restricting his hands. There wasn’t any keyhole are keypad to open them, which meant there was probably a remote that one of the agents has… or had if they had been killed.
Suddenly one of the guys let out a startled cry that cut off. The other one disappeared, only for something to hit the truck a moment later.
“You’d think after taking over a van they wouldn’t just stand around in the street. It’s like they wanted to get caught,” A completely new voice joked.
With both guys gone, Danny could now clearly see the outside world. It was late, almost sunset outside. The buildings were completely unrecognizable. There were even some really tall buildings further in. He was in an actual city… Keystone if he remembers right.
“Let’s see what you were after,” The voice continues and steps in front of the open doors.
If not for the muzzle, Danny’s jaw would’ve dropped. This GIW field trip was turning into one hell of a time.
“Whoa hey, are you alright?” The Flash asked, already climbing inside the van to help.
At this point, this mind as well happen.
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starry-bi-sky · 7 months
childhood friends danny and jason miscellaneous thoughts: because why not, i'm reworking ch2 because it no longer fits with the remaster of chapter 1 so i've been thinking of them, and i love talking about them. which you should totally go read the remaster because its 26k words and im very proud of it and it barely got any attention.
First off Ellie vapes. Mostly because I think its real fucking funny. The first time Danny finds out about it he gets all up in arms about it. Ellie at first thinks its because she's smoking -- which, helloooo pot meet kettle, Danny has been smoking for a lot longer than she has.
And then he throws a curveball at her and says he's upset specifically because its vaping. Like no, no. Dammit, if you're gonna fuck up your lungs you gotta do it properly, none of this cotton-candy flavored nonsense.
He plays it up for laughs and it's largely non-serious 'i can't believe you're using a vape', if only to hide the fact that he is genuinely displeased with his little sister smoking. Self-destructive behaviors and bad habits are his thing, thank you very much.
But, well, he knows he'd be a hypocrite if he told her he didn't like that she was smoking. He's aware its bad for him, but habits are hard to break and he's not particularly keen to break this one in particular.
Danny bullies her relentlessly about it whenever she vapes in front of him. Like don't be a loser, Elle, carry a carton of cigs and a lighter in your back pocket like the rest of us degenerates.
[more under the cut]
Secondly: Danny's piercings? He got the first lobe piercings as a lost bet from Sam in junior year, and they did it in her room with a needle, a small bottle of blood blossom extract, and an apple. He broke out in hives for a week after thanks to the blood blossom, but it prevented the hole from healing up :)
He got the rest done professionally at a piercing place in the Ghost Zone. He asked Johnny where to find it. Sam and Johnny (and Kitty) nearly convinced him into getting snakebites. He got an eyebrow piercing instead.
Danny's undercut is also self-done, he did it because Technus shot at him with an ectoblast and it missed hitting him, but set his hair on fire. Danny got it out pretty quickly, but it left his hair lopsided and obviously looking like it got burned by something. He went to Sam for help after the fight. He liked the way it looks so he's kept it that way since.
Vlad brought up Jason once(1) in a taunt during a fight, and this was after Jason disappeared from the ghost zone, and Danny very. very nearly killed him on the spot. He hasn't done it since.
Which leads into the other thing: Grief Triggers! As I call them. All Banshees have them in this au.
While all banshees are, in general, in a permanent state of grief, Grief Triggers are a specific emotional response that can cause them to spiral into a state of intense, sometimes debilitating sorrow, and most of the time causes them to start wailing.
Banshees know what their Grief Triggers are and in general tend to try and build up a form of resistance against it so that, if something occurs that happens to trigger said grief, they can at least either get away from other ghosts to let loose or have enough control over themselves that it'll take more work to send them spiraling.
As expected, Jason is Danny's grief trigger. He's built up a pretty good resistance to it so that hey, talking about him and his death is easier than when Danny was fourteen. But a little more prodding and it will trigger, especially depending on who brings him up and how. (See: Vlad)
Grief Triggers also manifest relatively the same; with the induction of an intense state of grief and sorrow, but how a banshee acts on it can sometimes vary. Again, it depends on who triggers it and how. Some of them can get,,, violent, depending on how it happens.
Rath, this au's 'Dan', is a case of a banshee being put into the grief state caused by grief triggers and... never really leaving it. Which they usually do on their own, or with help depending on the severity of it.
At the time it happened Danny was going through the worst week of his life a second time: his best friend's ghost disappeared, then his family and friends all died right in front of him, and then he was stuck with someone who wasn't helping him through that grief.
He was already in the grieving state when Vlad tore out his ghost half. As a result, Vlad only made it worse. With that fury thrown into the mix, Vlad ended up getting torn apart and nobody else was close enough with nor could they get close enough to Rath to help him come down from the wailing state.
So Rath ended up getting stuck in a perpetual negative feedback loop of absolute misery, and well... drove himself insane. The rest of the world became collateral as a result.
the difference between Danny and Jason lies in the fact that Jason died, while Danny is dead.
I'm having more thoughts on the CFAU/TMWS universe banshees, actually.
Banshees are either born in the ghost zone from ectoplasm and are ecto-entities and work as banshees as how we know of them, or they're human spirits that died mourning someone and that grief was so intense that it turned them into a banshee. They're a little more rare.
These banshees typically mourn only one person, or sometimes they follow their Realm-born counterparts and choose a family to mourn for. Typically their own.
Ember is not a banshee; human spirit banshees are always mourning another person. However, her abilities emulate certain qualities of banshees: like the beautiful singing. But in comparison to an actual banshee, Ember's voice pales.
Does this mean Danny has the better singing voice? Yeah. Ember is incensed by this.
If canon Danny and CFAU/TMWS Danny met, I think canon Danny would be kinda unsettled or off put by CFAU.
CFAU Danny still has some pretty core Danny traits, at least I like to think so -- his general drive to help people just out of compassion for them (even if it manifests differently at first due to trauma), his wit and humor, his fear of failing to protect his loved ones, all of those resonate with canon Danny.
However, canon Danny, as far as I can remember and as far as his wiki goes, rarely gets extremely angry or emotional. He gets irritated and he gets annoyed but him getting mad I don't think happens super often. CFAU Danny is the angrier one between Jason and Danny. It's one of the things I consider a division point between him and canon Danny as it's a result of him growing up in Crime Alley. Canon Danny is canonically shy and meek prior to becoming Phantom, CFAU Danny couldn't be -- he'd be dead already.
CFAU Danny's anger would off put canon Danny, in my opinion. His anger, his smoking, and for lack of a better term, his bloodlust would unsettle him.
Like, for example, say CFAU Danny gets transported to a canon (or canon-adjacent) Danny's universe. He's staying with canon for a little bit as they brainstorm how to get him back home, and CFAU Danny goes to school with canon if only so that he's not stuck in the house all day.
Whether they try and pass CFAU Danny off as canon's cousin or if the town already knows that he's another version of Danny, it doesn't matter. Because insert Dash.
Dash who, in CFAU Danny's world, has since learned not to fuck around with Danny or the other kids because Danny has long since asserted that he will beat his ass if he does. 'Fucking around' always predates the 'finding out', and Danny is happy to act as consequence.
(As my father told me (paraphrased) when I was a small child and full of uncontrollable anger: "there's gonna be a day where you're gonna hit someone, and they're gonna hit you back")
And canon Dash, who is used to canon Danny who kinda just takes it because it means that he won't target other people, would see CFAU Danny. He'd notice the resemblance between him and canon, immediately try and go "oh new target!", and try and bully him the same way he does to canon. And Danny "I am the consequences of your actions" CFAU Fenton, instantly throws hands.
Just, CFAU Danny is kind but he's also Gotham-raised and full of bite; he's meaner than canon is. He's more ruthless too, especially in his ghost fights. The ease of which he slips into violence would, imo, discomfort canon. CFAU and Canon would eventually get along though, they're not so different that they'd be in constant clash of each other.
(Canon Danny and Danyal Al Ghul however,,, thats another post LMAO)
#cw smoking#cw vaping#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dead on main au#childhood friends au#cfau#dpdc#ugh i could have made this two parts probably#i've had a lot of thoughts on banshees in this au and how i could adjust them#what i didn't get into: the ghostly behavioral affects that danny has gone through since dying. the ghostly mood swings and#heightened emotions that he's had to work through for the last five years.#one of my favorite lines in the remaster is danny mentioning offhandedly that he's gotten better at his mood swings ever since being a ghos#but also implying that vlad has been on the receiving end of these mood swings before and it didnt end well for him#like yessss gurl go through permanent irrevocable changes of your physiology and psyche that has ultimately altered you from the person you#used to be. you are now no longer fully human yess gurl pick up those habits and behavioral changes that is common in the species you've#been turned into even if its only halfway.#iirc i don't think i included obsessions in this au and checking the remaster doc and the word doesn't show up once in all 26k words of it#so hey looks like we get this instead#danny's singing voice is permanently ingrained in my head as sounding like hozier#its very very funny to imagine my au dannys meeting canon danny or canon adjacent danny#cfau seeing dan: who tf is that?? | canon: um.. dan? our evil alternate future self? | cfau: THATS your evil future self??#canon: yeah?? does yours not. look like that? | cfau: NO?#look if dan saw rath he would do a doubletake is all im saying and then would go “what the fuck what the fuck what the fUCK”#turning rath into a horror movie abomination is the fun part of this au and he's never even gonna show up#jason died but danny is dead. it lies in the past and the present. the was and the is. one of us got up and the other didn't
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
lying in bed making myself sad about cartoon characters this fine night. Showing in Brain Theater tonight: “what if Maddie vivisected Vlad”
Danny, in a fit of frustration after fighting Plasmius and getting beat up Yet Again, or maybe to test the waters for how his parents would react to “someone you know is a half-ghost”, tells them.
Jack is shocked. Heartbroken. Disbelieving. My man Vladdie? A ghost? How??
Maddie is less disbelieving. She’s gotten the chance to study ecto-acne now. For it to reoccur after so long must mean there’s something ectoplasmic highly integrated into Vlad’s body.
When she shows up at his door with Ghost Catching gear, she gets to finally let out everything she’s been building up, simmering and repressing.
“He was my friend!” she gets to shout at a trapped Plasmius. “And he changed, after the accident. He got selfish and possessive and cruel and—and mean. Obsessed. And maybe he was always a bit petty. He was always a little selfish. He was a business major, after all.” (“Hey,” Vlad says.) “But he was never mean like that. And he was never possessive, or cruel. And I wondered how that happened. How the Vlad I knew in college could have turned into that. But that wasn’t him, was it? It was you. You’ve been possessing Vlad for twenty years, warping him, twisting him, making him cruel and obsessed, the way ghosts are! That wasn’t Vlad, it was you.” Plasmius trues to protest. That isn’t how it works. This is him.
But in the choice between believing that her friend from college doesn’t see her as a whole person, but a malleable romantic prize that he was Owed and Still Deserves, that that was his angle and the friendship wasn’t real, that maybe that was what he was thinking every time they talked, every time she thought they were friends, all along… (and maybe, just maybe, that his resentment kind of has grounds, actually, that she and Jack weren’t good friends to him after the accident, were they)… or that he’s been taken over by a ghost and all the bad things he’s done since then are due to ghostly influence twisting him into a monster…
One of those is emotionally much easier to believe than the other.
“I’m going to get the ghost out of you, Vlad,” Maddie says, firing up some scary looking equipment. “And see if there’s anything of you left.”
And then there’s Vlad, strapped to a lab table, realizing that the docile and beautiful Maddie in his head who just needs to be separated from the corrupting influence of Jack and then she’ll be his ~Perfect Wife~ that she should have been is not real. That he’s been denying her involvement in the Ghost Portal Incident when it was her goddamn idea. He’s been mentally writing her out of all of her own ghost science, blaming it on Jack when, no, she is Like This all on her own and will never not be Like This. Both of them staring at the other, red eyes meeting red goggles, and neither wanting to believe in the real person in front of them, preferring to see each other as an idealized memory rather than face who they actually are as people.
And, maybe the ghost part of Vlad was affecting him, amplifying feelings that were already there in him, making him obsessive, unable to let go… but at the same time, if he isn’t the same person at 42 as he was at 22, who ever is?
The ecto-scalpel comes down. They’re both hurting.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 19
Chapter 18
Danny had unsurprisingly not gotten a good night's sleep that night. He was currently staying in an abandoned Firehouse. He was pretty sure he was getting the hang of finding semi-hospitable hideouts. Just to be safe, he had taken to hiding his stuff in the walls when he left. It was tedious, but there was no way he was risking a Red Hood (Jason?) situation. He knew that opening a portal to the Ghost Zone would be a bad idea, and that it could lead the GIW straight to him. That big of a power surge in one spot would no doubt attract them. At the very least, Vlad might also be aware of him in Gotham now. But for some reason he didn’t want to leave. 
Sure, He’d be safer if he stayed on the run but he had friends at school, was actually doing well in classes, and he had befriended the local vigilantes. Not that he was avoiding them. He had patrolled a bit with them again- invisible as always- but he’d started to feel eyes on him so he gave them Phantom’s contact info and proceeded to lay low the past few days. 
Danny had started feeling a bit paranoid after the whole ghost portal thing, but Batman and Frostbite were already making progress. Batman had even said that the GIW wouldn’t be able to do much in Gotham since he’d alerted the GCPD to reject any attempts at partnership and to detain the Fentons if they were spotted. Danny was still worried about it. Especially with Vlad and his parents. He’d of course told Batman about Plasmius, but in order to keep his own secret he hadn’t told them Vlad was a Halfa too. He was starting to think that maybe he should, just in case he showed his fruit-loopy self in Gotham. 
Obviously, Phantom could take Vlad in a fight no problem. It was him against the bats that he wasn’t so sure about. Lack of ghost weapons aside, Vlad also had a propensity for overshadowing people. Often multiple people because of his clones. The two things Danny wouldn’t or couldn’t do. 
He sighed. Maybe he was overthinking it. He should just do his best in school and hang out with Tim and Steph like a normal kid for once. Phantom was benched for now, and Danny needed to lay low in case the GIW or … the Fentons were searching for him. If they noticed the power surge of the portal, it’s likely, but who knows. Maybe they didn’t notice anything. Maybe Danny’s still safe. 
“Yo, Danny, are you okay man?” Steph asked, nudging him. They were at lunch, having gone off campus to a coffee shop instead of sticking around the cafeteria. Tim was downing his coffee and staring longingly at the second one he ordered like he couldn’t drink them fast enough. Steph and Danny had both gotten sweeter drinks because, as Steph says, they have taste buds that work. 
“Yeah,”Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck.”Just an off day, you know? Couldn’t sleep.” 
Tim perked up at that.”You know you can always come over to the manor-”
Danny cut him off with a groan. “I told you Tim, I’m not coming back.”
“Yeah I know,”Tim glowered, sipping his drink. “Had to try though, the Demon Brat is still spamming my phone about you. Even Bruce asks for updates.”
“Yeesh, even Bruce?” Steph winced, looking between the two boys. “Yikes Danny. Bruce isn’t known for letting things go. You’re doomed.”
“He’s not ‘doomed’,” Tim rolled his eyes, while Danny sighed dramatically from the other side of the table. 
“You know, it’s kind of hard to keep a low profile with a billionaire taking an interest in you,”Danny commented dryly. Tim shrugged. 
“Just means he can keep you safe from whatever you’re running from,”Tim raised an eyebrow pointedly at Danny’s scowl. His phone alarm rang and the three of them started packing up to head back to school. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,”Danny wrinkled his nose. “And wouldn’t hiding with a billionaire make it easier for them to find me?” 
“He’s got a point,”Steph chimed in, getting a look from Tim. “I’m pretty sure Bruce has a room for me just on the off chance I spontaneously need adopting. No doubt they’re gonna keep your room exactly how you left it.” Tim fought back a smile, knowing it was true, but wouldn’t prove his point. 
“Pssh, Bruce can be stealthy. No one will even know you live at the manor,” Tim pointed out. Danny snorted. “What? He can be stealthy,”Tim persisted, only for Steph and Danny to exchange amused looks and start laughing. “I’m serious!”
“Sure,”Danny chuckled as he and the others left the cafe and headed back to school. “He’s about as stealthy as the sun. Sure, you don’t see him at night, but when you do see him he’s super intense and the center of attention.”
Steph burst out laughing at that, and Tim made a face. “Okay that’s a fair point but still. I know we all told you before but everyones still worried about you.” 
“I get it,”Danny said. More than you know, Danny thought wryly. He knew that if the GIW had a way to track him they’d be led straight to the Wyanes, and then their secret identities would be in jeopardy. Danny wouldn’t allow that to happen. Besides, if he’s on his own he can use his ghost powers to sneak away and fly to a different state undetected. “This is my problem to deal with though. Can we just drop it?”
Tim wilted. “Fine, but if you ever need anything let me know.”
“Will do,”Danny saluted lazily. He would not. And judging by the look on Tim’s face, he knew it too. 
The conversation switched to upcoming school projects and classes as they made their way through the school. “Alright, I’m off to class, see ya later,”Steph waved. 
“See ya,”Tim and Danny waved. The two boys had chemistry together, so they walked to class side by side. They were a bit late, so they didn’t have much time to chat before sitting down in their seats before class started. 
Tim was a bit worried about his friend. Sure, he knew Danny could take care of himself, and had superpowers that could help him. But was he taking care of himself? Tim was sure the meal plan Damian had him on was all but nothing while Danny continued to live by himself. He wasn’t too worried, knowing that Danny was pretty good at surviving on his own. Besides, he was pretty sure everyone had scared Danny away with their lack of boundaries. 
In addition, Danny was a good person. Tim would be a fool to not see how the kid was trying to protect them. It was nothing they couldn’t handle, sure, but Danny didn’t know that. Even if the bats couldn’t be with him all the time, Tim was sure Phantom was protecting the kid. At one of the meet ups, Phantom had said he’s usually with the bats at night and Danny during the day. Though, the past two days Phantom had more or less said he’d be sticking around Danny more often so he wouldn’t be around much to help the bats. Which was fine. They’d need to find Danny to talk to the Phantom though, because they hadn’t been able to give Phantom a communicator before he disappeared. 
A voice came over on the intercom and Tim snapped out of his thoughts to pay attention. Especially since the rogues were keen on attacking schools, Tim was listening to make sure there wasn’t some sort of attack on the way. Oddly enough, it was just about a student needing to come to the office. But that student? Danny. 
Danny stiffened next to him, and Tim looked over with a raised brow, silently asking if he wanted company. Danny gave him a small smile and shook his head,”Probably just something about paperwork,”Danny whispered before gathering his things and making his way out to the office while Tim’s head spun with questions. The intercom didn’t give any details, and despite it probably being about paperwork, considering Danny had no actual adult supervision at home, Tim had worries. Parent teacher conferences were weeks away, and Danny hadn’t gotten in any kind of trouble at school. He had a bad feeling about this. 
Exactly two minutes after Danny left, Tim raised his hand. “Can I be excused to the bathroom?”He asked and the teacher, Ms. Morgan, sighed but waved her hand to let him go. She was more than used to Tim’s antics, but because of his good grades and lack of friends, she let him do what he wanted. Maybe he should send her some sort of gift basket, he thought. She was a good teacher. 
Once in the hallway, Tim beelined for the office on silent footsteps, passing by the bathrooms on his way. He kept an eye out for Danny, pausing when he heard voices coming from the door to the office. Getting as close as possible, TIm busied himself with a nearby locker while he eavesdropped. 
“I assure you, this is the best possible outcome for everyone,”Someone was saying. He didn’t recognise the voice, but it sounded like a man. 
“I suppose. As long as you keep your end of our deal. I don’t want any of this getting out,”Tim recognised the vice principal’s voice. What kind of deal? And where was Danny?
“Trust me, your school’s reputation is safe. Dealing with these creatures is classified government business. Nothing will get out to the public,”The man was saying, and Tim’s blood ran cold. Creatures? Were they talking about  Danny? Did they know? Where was Danny? Tim thought frantically. He needed more information. 
“Either way, this is how far I’m willing to help you. Follow the others through the back entrance. I don’t want anyone seeing you or the boy,”The vice principal, Miss Wethers, snapped. 
“Trust me, he won’t be seeing anyone from Gotham Academy anytime soon,”He chuckled darkly, and dread filled Tim’s chest. They had Danny? Where was Phantom? How did they know where he was? Tim thought frantically, shoes squeaking on the floor as he quickly made his way to the back door of the school. It was the staff parking lot, and if he didn’t want to run into Miss Wethers or the creepy dude he’d have to go the long way. 
On the way, Tim took out his phone, calling Jason and putting a com in. The others would be at school or work right now, and he knew Bruce and Alfred were getting ready for the Gala tonight. 
“What is it now, Replacement?” Jason snapped, but Tim didn’t have time. 
“The GIW’s at the school, I think they got Danny,”Tim rushed out, turning a corner and skipping down the stairs. “They’re taking him through the school’s back entrance, I’m on my way there but I’m in school clothes,”Tim said, and he could tell by the movement on the other end that Jason was getting his gear. 
“Alright, find out what car and where they're going but don’t interact unless you have a way to sneak Danny out without them noticing,”Jason grunted,”Be there in five.” 
Tim gave an affirmative and cut the comm, finally making it to the back entrance door. He wasn’t sure if Danny had five minutes, but Tim was confident in his ability to be a distraction and stall for time. He eased the door open and immediately latched onto seven guys in white suits, three of which were carrying  what looked like a heavily restrained and unconscious Danny into the back of a big white van. Damn. From what Tim could see, there was a muzzle and handcuffs, but he wasn’t sure if Danny was knocked out or drugged. 
“Shit,”Tim cursed as the last guy came through the side of the building with the vice principal behind him. He didn’t have hardly any of his gear on him and they were about to leave. Taking out what he had in some hidden pockets, he activated a tracking device and took aim, hitting the van perfectly on the back of the vehicle, near the back right tire. 
Tim chewed on his bottom lip nervously as he watched the van doors close. For a small group they were very efficient and fast at getting Danny out and on the road. Tim eased out from behind the door and made his way behind some cars, following the van’s path as they drove out of the parking lot. He knew he couldn’t keep up from ground level, so he climbed up to the rooftop of the nearest building when he had a chance to do it  without being spotted. The whole time he felt nothing but worry for Danny. 
“Hood, come in, where are you?” Tim asked impatiently. “They’re in a white van, sending you the location now. I managed to get a tracker on them but couldn’t get Danny out.”
“Two minutes out. How’s the kid?”Hood grunted, and Tim could hear the sounds of his motorcycle in the background. 
“Not great. They have handcuffs and a muzzle on him, and he was unconscious when they loaded him into the van,”Tim reported, and Hood cursed. 
“I see em’,”Jason said, and Tim could hear the roaring of his motorcycle across the street. Tim brought up his phone and used it to pull up the tracker he’d set on the van. He took a second to catch his breath from roof hopping, and tried to calculate their path. 
“Looks like they're headed towards the docks or the outskirts of Gotham,”Tim cringed. That’s also where a bunch of warehouses and abandoned buildings were located. It would be hard to find Danny around there if they manage to get away or ditch the van.
Suddenly, there was an explosion and Tim looked up from his camera with wide eyes. Looking over the edge of a building he was perched on, he could see the van scurry to a stop, smoke and what looked like the aftermath of an explosive right in front of them. “Jason?” Tim exclaimed, only to catch a glimpse of the Red Hood coming out of the smoke dramatically. He sighed a breath of relief. 
“What, worried about me Timbers?” Jason sing-songed, and from the roof Tim could see two agents exiting the van as Jason drew his guns. Tim huffed a laugh. “Stay out of sight, not sure what weapons they have on hand.”
Jason sneered at the white-suited agents as they approached him with a haughty walk. “The fuck do you think you’re doing kidnapping kids in my territory?” Jason called out to them, and the second guy paused. They weren’t actually in Jason’s area, but Gotham counted as his territory when he wanted it to be.
“You misunderstand,”The first agent said calmly, holding up his glowing green weapon nonchalantly. “I’m agent K with the Ghost Investigation Ward, we’re simply taking the entity in. It’s just possessing the boy, and it’s our job to apprehend it. You’re interfering with government jurisdiction.”
Jason let out a breath, but cocked his guns. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re doing. Step away from the vehicle before I start shooting.”
Agent K looked incredibly annoyed and yet smug as he slowly lowered his weapons. “Fine, we’ll do things your way. Agent O?”
At that, the other Agent dropped his weapons, including what looked like a glowing green grenade that rolled towards Jason. Hood cursed and leaped away as it went off in a flash of green light, firing at the Agents as they pulled out their weapons. Jason hadn’t seen any weapons like theirs in action before, but it was clearly heavy duty. Agent O even  tried to shoot a fucking net at him like he was some kind of crime fighting fish. Frustratingly, they kept him on his toes while he ducked behind a car. Jason managed to hit Agent K in the shoulder before the two ducked behind the car door. Hood caught a glimpse of them inching back to their van, and made to follow when suddenly the van itself rumbled. 
Tim and Jason’s eyes widened as what looked like missiles and lasers appeared from the van and locked onto Jason. “Shit,”Jason cursed, woefully unprepared for their tanked up van. Three missiles immediately took off, and Jason did his best to get to better cover while green lasers shot at him. One of the grenades from earlier hurtled towards him too, and it was at that moment that Jason vowed to blow up each and every one of those white suits in the van. He hissed as a lazer caught his leg and grazed his side. Clearly the weapons were made to hit ghosts, but damn, they still hurt. He needed to step back and regroup. As much as he hated to admit it he’d need backup. Or more firepower to counter these weapon-crazed maniacs. 
“Hood! They’re getting away and the tracker is down!” Tim shouted in his ear. Jason grimaced. 
“Little busy here,”Jason grunted as two missiles collided with each other, but the force of the blow blew him back, dragging his feet on the pavement. The third one struck him before he had time to dodge, and all he heard was the screeching of tires getting further away as it went off, sending him into darkness. 
Tim cursed as Jason was thrown back into a building before slumping to the ground. The van was gone and the tracker malfunctioned when the weird energy sources of the van's weapons activated. As much as Tim would have liked to go after Danny, he didn’t have a car or his Red Robin suit, nor a way to track them anymore. And Hood was down, He thought dryly. 
Hood was already moving by the time Tim skidded to his side. There was no blood, so Tim figured it was just a lot of percussive force damaging his brother. He’d have a lot of bruises for sure. As Hood grumbled and caught his bearings, Tim helped him stand, finding burns through his armor on his side and left thigh from the lasers. He grimaced in sympathy. 
“You okay?” Tim asked once Hood was standing. He didn’t seem injured too badly, but might have a concussion if not for the red helmet on his head. 
“Yeah,”Hood coughed. “Nothing I can’t handle. Wasn’t prepared for that shit though. The fuck do they have so many heavy duty weapons?” Hood spat, brushing off Tim’s hands. “Any way to track them?”
Tim shook his head. “I didn’t see Phantom anywhere but they managed to get Danny by roping the vice principal into setting up a trap for him. I didn’t notice until after they had him.” 
“Shit, think they got Phantom too?”Jason swore again, but went over to where his motorcycle was, dragging Tim with him. “C’mon, we’ll find them.”
“Yeah,”Tim responded, feeling his brain buzz with anxiety and plans. He’d have to figure out where the GIW base was, how they got into Gotham, and hack into the CCTVs to figure out if Phantom was around. A helmet was shoved into his arms and Tim jolted back to the present. 
“We’re on our own for this one. B and the others are on their way to the Gala already,”Jason said, revving the motorcycle. “Sides, not much we can do until we track down the van. We’ll gear up at my place and come up with a plan before looping in everyone else.”
“I can loop in Spoiler,”Tim added, twisting his arms around Hood’s waist. Jason grunted in agreement and they made their way to Jason’s apartment without following most traffic signals. The whole way, Tim worried about his friend and what the GIW would do to him. Though he had one big question hanging over him. Where was Phantom?
Chapter 20
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hello-im-not-a-possum · 4 months
Writing in tags got a ball rolling and I'm thinking more and more about full ghost/bitter babysitter Vlad
Thinking about how Jazz and Danny grew up with ghost hunters as parents and a ghost as an uncle, the types of wrenches it throws into the family's relationships with each other...
Starting with the parents' perspective,
It's easy in the beginning to dismiss the paradoxical nature of ghost hunters having a ghost live with them, The Ghostbusters had Slimer, Fentonworks has V-Man. At the start, their tiny children can see and understand the difference between their friendly uncle Vlad (who at the start, looked like a pathetic wet kitten) and a 'real' dangerous ghost.
It's less easy when you and your old friend wind up in an arms race driven and perpetuated by both rational and irrational fear.
At the start when he looked human and his grudge was apparent but it was shown when he was passive-aggressively doing chores around the house and getting the kids ready for school, it was funny, guilt-trippy, sure, but also helpful. Now that the kids are teenagers and can do their own share of the chores and get themselves ready for school that grudge needs other ways to manifest and he can't break inventions and loom ominously on their bedroom ceiling forever.
"We're not *just* ghost hunters, there's more to our studies than dissection and having Vladdie around makes those other studies easier."
With time, turns into...
"Well, how would we know if our anti ghost forcefields and other ghost proofing gadgets work or not if we didn't have a ghost to test them on?"
With more time, turns into...
"This is the Fenton Ecto-Vaporizer, it turns every ghost caught in its rays into nothing but steam! Well, every ghost except the pesky patient because it grew immune to Blood Blossoms and effect amplifying serums 🙄"
And for the most part 'the ghost haunting our home for decades is immune to our shock collar and we need to make something stronger or he'll rip our spines out of our bodies and wear our skins like coats' is said in jest,
at the end of the day,
during those nights that SHOULD be silent but their guilty consciences make the whispers at the end of the bed recounting the day they not only killed, but dumped their best friend like garbage and fled the state that much louder as the bright red eyes of the vengeful spirit become their unwelcome night light...
They have to ask themselves will he kill them before or after the kids go to college?
From the kids' perspective... where do I even start?
Okay, good news is that they had a good tradeoff with a better childhood, I mean for starters their Christmases were a lot less nasty with Uncle Vlad and I strongly suspect that Little Danny's favorite Christmas story of all time was 'A Christmas Carol' as he'd love the christmas ghosts thanks to knowing his own 'christmas ghosts'.
And both kids grow up knowing that ghosts CAN be good people, they see their uncle lose his outer humanity over the years while they grow up and come to understand that just because a ghost can *look* mean and scary doesn't mean that they *are* mean.
Danny would likely have more 'tools' in his belt other than fighting. Sure, fighting's on the table if need be, but when it comes to different ghosts and their different issues, he'd likely stop and ask himself "Is this ghost who's screaming about a dance in need of a butt-kicking, or is she in need of some help?"
but as teenagers who can see that their family situation is NOT normal...
Jazz knows that there's more to Vlad's tragic story than 'I was really sick and your parents didn't visit me in the hospital :C'. She also knows he's not telling her.
Granted, nobody's really comfortable telling the girl one raised to adulthood that their parents murdered and abandoned them without a second thought,
But the whimsy and charm of 'oh look my uncle's a ghost' is lost when 1. you're not a kid anymore. and 2. getting him to be emotionally honest and upfront with you about his past is like pulling teeth.
Does Danny go to any of the adults when the accident happens? CAN he go to any of the adults when the accident happens?
It's established how he hates the idea of his parents getting a divorce, of losing his family, and at this point in time despite their attempts to hide it in front of him and Jazz, he can pick up that Vlad is not happy with or around his parents who in turn appear more and more uncomfortable with their old friend.
He knows that his mom and dad can put up with ghosts if they absolutely need to, but how will they take knowing that HE'S a ghost?
And how will Uncle Vlad himself take it?
He can trust him to teach him everything he knows about being a ghost, but at the same time, he's grown up watching Vlad destroy any and all inventions his parents make that seem too dangerous to them, so what would he do to his parents if he knew that 'their negligence killed him'?
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thebucketpail · 1 year
When You Accidentally Kill a Clown pt. 12
Pt. 1 pt. 11 Ao3
In which Dani walk in on something and Vlad gets a verbal smackdown.
Jason hummed as Danny cuddled closer to the steady thrum of the man's core. He’d been purring for the past thirty minutes as they watched the movie playing on his laptop., piled on Danny’s bed with their feet tangled together, and Danny didn’t even know if Jason knew he was doing it. They hadn’t yet broached the topic. Afterall, asking someone about their death was usually a one way ticket to getting in a knockdown dragout fight. And not the endearing kind that some ghosts used to show affection. It didn’t after though. Danny purred back.
“Hey Danny?”
“Are we dating?”
Danny paused the movie and turned to look up at Jason. He had his thinking face on. The one where his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pressed together in a tight line. It was adorable.
“I don’t see why not,” Danny replied, “Why?”
“I dunno, I just- We’ve been on a couple dates and I didn’t know if we were still trying things out or- this feels very couple-y though.” he said.
“Is that a good thing?”
Jason paused for a second, “yeah,” he said, “yeah it is.” Danny smiled and leaned up to kiss him.
“Good.” It wasn’t the first time, and it was short, but it made Jason smile.
“That was good too.”
“Oh yeah?” they asked, shifting to face their boyfriend and kissing him again, “How was that?” Jason didn’t answer, only hummed as he pulled Danny in for another kiss. Then another. Then another.
The laptop fell off the bed with a small thump, their movie long forgotten as the two made out like lovedrunk teenagers. At some point Danny ended up on their back with Jason’s tongue somewhere down their throat and his knees on either side of their hips. His hand had just begun creeping up their shirt when the door opened.
“Oooooohhhh.” The two bolted apart, Jason somehow managing to hit the back of his head on a shelf.
“Tristan I swear to the Ancients-” Danny started, but it wasn’t his roommate standing in the doorway. “Dani?” they asked.
“Dad?’’ she responded.
Jason’s eyes blew wide, ‘Dad?’ he mouthed. Shit. This was not something Danny wanted to explain so early in their relationship. They shot a look towards their boyfriend in a way that said ‘I’ll explain later’ before turning to their clone.
“Dani, what are you doing here?”
Dani rubbed the back of her neck, suddenly looking uncomfortable “Uuh, is this a bad time?” she asked, gesturing to Jason, “Should I go, or-?”
Danny looked between the two again before sighing. “No, it’s fine. Come in,” He said, gesturing her in as he did a quick tidy up of his bed, retrieving the laptop from the ground and setting it safely on the nightstand. “What brings you here, Dani? Not that I’m not glad to see you or anything but-” they gestured loosely.
Dani didn’t seem bothered. “Hm? Oh, Vlad kicked me out. Is that popcorn?” she asked, not waiting for an answer before picking up the bowl and taking its place at the foot of the bed. She held one hand out to Jason as the other shoveled popcorn into her mouth.
“I’m Danny’s daughter Dani,” she said, not bothering to chew or swallow first. “It’s spelt with an ‘i’ incase you get confused. You can also call me Ellie or just Elle if that’s easier for you. Not Danielle though, that’s what Vlad calls me but I think it’s too stuffy.”
Jason shot Danny a quizzical glance before taking Dani’s hand.
“I’m Jason, Danny’s boyfriend,” he said, seemingly having recovered from his shock. “He didn’t tell me he had a kid, but it’s nice to meet you.”
Dani’s head swiveled to send an accusatory glare at her original and she let out a mock gasp.
“Father how could you?” She said, looking entirely offended. Danny felt the heat rise in their cheeks.
“Dani, I’m twenty,” they started, “Forgive me if having a kid isn’t the first thing I advertise to a potential partner.”
Dani huffed, “Yeah, yeah, go on and make sense. You're not the only one,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes and leaning back as she shoved another fistfull of popcorn in her mouth. “Hey do you have any of that ecto-cheese powder I sent you? It tastes great on this stuff.” His clone was smirking sure, but she was his clone and Danny didn’t miss the way she was curled in on herself and clearly deflecting, because that’s how he acted when something was bothering him.
“What does that mean?” he asked, taking a more serious tone.
Dani only smiled at him, confused, “What do you mean? Dairy King helped me make it and it makes literally everything taste better. Do you still have it?” Danny shook his head. That wasn’t what he meant and she knew it. Then what she had said earlier registered and it wasn’t hard to connect the dots.
“Dani, why did Vlad kick you out?” His clone snorted, her eyes darting around the room, refusing to meet his eyes, before finally landing in her lap. It was silent for a moment before she took a deep breath.
“Vlad’s trying to get over Maddie,” she started before adding, “Vlad’s my other Dad,” for Jason’s benefit. “And apparently, there’s not enough room in his giant manor for all his guests plus me so he kicked me out. Told me to come bother you for a change.” Danny was seeing green. He didn’t even realize how tight he’d been clenching his fists until Jason reached out and gently removed his grip from the hem of his shirt.
“It’s okay though,” Dani hurried out, shaking off the thin layer of frost that had begun spreading around the room, “I didn’t want to stay in that stuffy place anyway. And I’ve been meaning to visit you. I’ve never been to Gotham and I was hoping we could do stuff together. Y’know? Like Father/Daughter bonding time.”
Danny took a deep breath as he attempted to reign in the cold. The chilly air calmed his nerves but he didn’t want Jason to freeze. He could already hear his teeth chattering.
“That sounds great kid,” he said before turning to his boyfriend, “You wouldn’t mind if I excused myself to make a quick call would you? I promise I’ll explain everything later.”
Jason looked between Danny and his daughter before shaking his head. Danny smiled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Thanks, and I’m sorry about movie night getting ruined,” he smirked.
Jason shrugged, “Eh, I'm sure we’ll be able to pick up where we left off.”
“Ew, guys, I’m still right here,” Dani groaned, making Danny laugh as he got up.
“Get used to it, sport,” he said, grabbing his phone and ruffling her hair on his way to the door.
“Don’t call me sport,” Dani grumbled, wrinkling her nose as Danny closed the door.
Danny sighed into the silence of the hallway. It was midday so most students would either be in class or roaming around outside enjoying the nice weather. He appreciated the solitude as he dialed Vlad’s house number.
He groaned, already hearing Dani begin to question Jason, through the door. That was not something he wanted to deal with.
“Is that a proper way to greet someone?” Vlad’s voice rang through the receiver. Danny ground his teeth, he’d forgotten how annoying this man’s voice was.
“Shut up Vlad. That wasn’t directed at you.”
“Oh, feisty today aren’t we Daniel? Tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure?” his voice was sickeningly sweet, if he hadn’t been so full of rage, Danny would have hurled.
“Oh fuck off Vlad, you know exactly why I’m calling.” He snapped, Vlad didn’t sound phased.
“Language, Daniel,” he chided, “and I am afraid I haven’t the faintest clue. Please, enlighten me.” Danny wanted to punch a wall. He took a deep -shaky- breath instead.
“Dani just showed up at my dorm. She said you kicked her out, would you like to explain why?”
There was a short pause as the fruitloop thought over how he would spin the story.
“I didn’t kick her out,” ah, so he settled on a blatant lie, “I am merely busy this month and sent her to stay with her other parent, as Danielle is so keen on calling you. Really Daniel, it’s about time you paid your child support.”
Deep breath. Deep breath. Take a deep breath Danny. Okay fuck that.
“Okay fruitloop, may I remind you of a few things real quick,” Danny didn’t wait for an answer as he barrelled forward. “Point one: You cloned me without consent. I don’t owe you any fucking child support. Point two: Remember that deal we made? You feed, house, and clothe Dani, provide her with a good life with all that fucking money you have, and You get to parade me around as your heir and godson and all that shit, with the added bonus of: I don’t punch your fucking face in and eat your core. Do you understand? Or did you forget?” Danny was seething by the time he finished. The final question was meant to be rhetorical but Vlad answered anyway.
“I did not forget our deal, Daniel,” he drawled, sounding satisfyingly taken aback, “However, I must insist that Danielle stay in Gotham with you for the time being.”
“And how exactly do you expect me to take care of her? I love the kid but I can’t exactly keep a twelve year old in my shared dorm room.”
“Understood. Would an apartment work better?” That stunned Danny for a second. The chill surrounding him melted away as he tried wrapping his head around what he thought Vlad was suggesting.
“What?” he hissed.
“Oh please Daniel, don’t be so dramatic. If it would help satisfy our agreement, then I could easily secure housing for you and Danielle. I will send you the details soon. Now if that’s settled then I really must be going. Tata little badger.” The younger half ghost was left gaping as the receiver clicked, indicating the old man had hung up.
Okay what the fuck? Was Vlad planning something? He had to be planning something. Danny deflated against the wall as he let the implications of their conversation sink in. Yeah. Yeah, Plasmius was definitely planning something. And knowing him, it probably wasn’t going to be good.
Danny was jolted from his thoughts as the door next to him opened, Jason peeking his head out before walking through.
“Hey,” he said, taking Danny’s hands as he pressed into the half ghost’s space.
“Hey,” Danny replied, resting their intertwined hands on his boyfriend’s waist. Jason gave him a quick kiss before leaning back.
“Look I promise this doesn’t have anything to do with what’s happening right now, but I have to go.” A million worries passed through Danny’s head as he stared into Jason’s gorgeous ocean eyes. But all possibilities of hurt were washed away as Jason stared back. Danny smiled and nodded. Jason smiled in return.
“I’ll see you soon,” he promised as he pulled away and took off down the hall. Danny really hoped that would be true.
He took a few more seconds to breathe before heading back in.
“So what’d you say to spook him?” Danny jokingly asked upon returning to find Dani rifling through his snack drawer. “Y’know, other than calling me ‘dad’,” The gremlin stopped her rummaging for a second to stare up at him and shrug.
“Hey, it’s technically true and it’s funny,” she said, stuffing a bag of chocolate into her hoodie pocket and sitting back to tear into a bag of chex mix.
Danny raised an eyebrow and flopped down next to her on the floor. “Maybe for you,” he whined, reaching for a handful of the snack, “You’re not the one who’s a teenage parent.”
“Sucks to suck,” the annoyance replied, jerking the bag away from his outstretched hand. “And for your information,” she started, pointing a pretzel at him for emphasis, “I didn’t say anything. I was merely asking the man what his intentions with my genetic template were- which i guess were obvious based on what I just walked in on,” she shivered at the thought, ‘’Then he got a text or something and left,” She shrugged and threw the pretzel in her mouth before dumping the rest of the bag after it.
Dani looked thoughtfully into the empty bag before crumpling it up and throwing it at the waste bin across the room. It hit the wall next to the bin and bounced to the floor. They both stared at it laying there before Dani begrudgingly got up to throw it away properly.
Danny let the back of his head hit the floor as he closed his eyes. It was comforting that Jason’s departure hadn’t been about Dani showing up, however it was still worrying. The last- and only other time- Jason had left in such a hurry Danny hadn't heard from him for days. The man insisted he was fine and it was just a work thing but still…
“So what’s his deal anyway?” Dani asked, settling back down with a fresh bag of popcorn and a small green container. Danny looked at her, confused, as she dumped the green powder into the popcorn bag and shook it. Evidently she caught his questioning stare because she actually held out the bag for him. “It’s that ecto-cheese powder I was talking about. Dunno why it was under your bed, but it tastes fine to me.” Danny tentatively took a handful of the bright green popcorn. It wasn’t the color that was concerning, but moreso the ‘cheese’ part, like who the fuck puts cheese on popcorn? Visionaries apparently. He tried going back for another handful but Dani kicked him. The little brat (/affectionate).
“So?” Dani prompted as he nursed his wound.
“So what?” Danny asked, looking back at her as he reached for a snack of his own.
Dani rolled her eyes. “Jason,” she said plainly, “What’s his deal? Like I can tell he’s at least kinda dead, but like-’ she paused to gesture loosely at the air, “-is he like us or-?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Didn’t ask,” he shrugged. Dani raised an eyebrow. “Look, we just- haven’t had that conversation yet. We only just decided on being a legit couple like ten minutes before you showed up. Cut me some slack.”
His clone sighed and threw an unpopped kernel at him. “Fine, but that’s important stuff. And I wanna know the tea, so don’t even think about not telling me.”
Danny laughed and knocked his head against hers. “Sure thing kid. Hey, did I tell you that Vlad offered to get us an apartment?” Dani’s eyes widened. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a gasp. Danny watched his own wisp of blue frozen air dissipate as they locked eyes.
“You wanna go see who’s ass we gotta kick?” He asked, mirroring Dani’s grin.
“Fuck yeah! But you’re telling me all about that phone call later.”
Pt. 13
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thewritersplace · 7 months
Writeblr Intro
Hello, all!
My name is Kendra, and this is my writeblr introduction. It's a bit simple stylistically, but that's how I am. Now, onto the intro!
I'm currently twenty-seven, use she/her pronouns, and am an asexual, demiromantic, biromantic cisgender woman (may as well cover all the bases, right?). I was born and raised in Northern California, spent my undergraduate years in Oregon, and then returned to NorCal, where I still reside.
I have an MA in History, a BA in Religious Studies, and a double minor in History and Psychology.
I've been on this website for over a decade (via my main blog), and have been writing in general for almost fifteen years. I started out with original works, then discovered fanfiction, and worked solely on that for over a decade, before slowly venturing back into original works again. Nowadays, I write both concurrently, though I admittedly do still find fanfiction easier, and my original works often take a backseat to my fics. Yet, somehow, I've ended up with a (current) total of six WIPs — all of which I will introduce you to today.
It's been a long time since I've shared my original works with such a large audience, so I have some natural apprehension, but ultimately I'm looking forward to doing it again.
Now, without further ado, I present my WIPs!
The Road To Eternity Is Paved With Blood (drafting)
Dracula's Daughter (outlining) (prequel/sequel to Road To Eternity)
The Wrath Of The Vampire Queen (outlining + drafting)
For The Love Of A Goddess (outlining)
The Other Side Of Paradise (outlining)
Red Thread Of Fate: Love In The Modern World (outlining + drafting)
The Road To Eternity Is Paved With Blood is a Dracula retelling of sorts that was inspired largely by Hellsing, with other snippets of inspiration taken from Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) and Dracula Untold (2014). The story begins in the 1880s, and extends at the very least to the early 1900s. It follows the life and times of Rose Rowan, a beautiful noblewoman, and her relationship with her husband, Vlad Draculea (former Voivode of Wallachia, and member of the House of Drăculești), as they navigate eternity and a life of vampirism together. Her twin brother, Judas, is also featured prominently — as are his experiences with vampirism, which contrasts some with his sister's. Of course, as with every good Gothic novel, there is darkness to be found within this tale. Abraham Van Helsing and his ilk have made it their mission to bring about the end of Vlad Draculea, and anyone connected to him. The challenge in this quest, however, lies in said connections that Vlad has — namely Rose, who will stop at nothing to protect him from the infamous vampire hunter. She will have her fairytale ending, even if it has to be achieved through darker means. For while the road to hell may be paved with good intentions, the road to eternity is paved with blood.
Dracula's Daughter is a sequel/prequel to the above story, and focuses on Beáta, the daughter of Vlad from one of his late wives. She is also a vampire, and has been living for centuries, though largely on her own. She has lived many lives, and is a worldly young woman, though at the beginning of our story she has come home to Wallachia to see her father again after his most recent remarriage, and to meet his new wife. While she ultimately becomes fond of her new step-mother, she also has to contend with the sinister plotting of some of her father's immortal brides — namely The Queen — who would like nothing more than to rid Vlad of his new wife. Thinking herself as perhaps the only one who can bring peace and stability to the family, Beáta wrestles with who she should side with, or if she should side with anyone at all. There is more to her new step-mother than meets the eye, however, and Beáta soon finds that perhaps she is not as alone in this fight as she thought. In fact, for the first time in centuries, she has someone on her side who will fight with sharp claws and bloodied teeth to make sure such a conflict will never come to pass again.
The Wrath Of The Vampire Queen is a story somewhat inspired by Dracula Untold (2014), as well as the life and times of Vlad the Impaler. The tale begins in the mid-1400s, where Vlad Draculea and his wife, Senka Slavkov (born Deirdre Delacroix) are navigating the wars and politics of his reign. It then extends well into several of the following centuries, where Senka is still searching for her husband centuries after his disappearance (which occurs some years after his historically recorded death). Her brother, Didier Delacroix (who adopted the name 'Renatus' upon arriving in Wallachia), a dhampir, accompanies her in her search, as they are the only family each has left, and his connections with the Church and various religious organizations consistently prove vital to their search. Senka believes she knows exactly who took her husband — Hungarian and Turkish enemies from his mortal life, now vampires themselves. Didier, however, is not so certain, as some things don't add up. Still, they both believe that Vlad is out there somewhere, and will continue their search until they find him — be it alive or truly dead. If it is the latter, then there will be no saving his former captors from the wrath of Senka Slavkov, the vicious and vindictive Vampire Queen.
For The Love Of A Goddess is a story set in the present day, and follows two young women — Megara and Zarina — as they navigate their lives as best they can. These two women are the best of friends, and share in many things — including being chosen by two goddesses to be their mortal partners in this iteration of their immortal lives. Megara, a historian and religious studies scholar, caught the eye of Athena, who admired her intellect just as much as her beauty. Zarina, a librarian with a previous background in psychology, attracts the attention of Aphrodite, who finds her beauty to be dazzling, and the depth of her kindness and compassion to be a rare thing in such an egocentric world. While very happy with their respective partners, Megara and Zarina find that being with immortals comes with a variety of challenges — and not just the more obvious ones. Athena and Aphrodite are just two of an endless list of deities who are trying to survive in a growing atheist world, and if they lose this fight, they may very well disappear for good. Not wanting such a thing to occur, all four women come together to try and create a plan to prevent this disappearance from happening — though they face difficulties in the form of other various deities not wanting to band together to save each other from extinction. After all, immortals are just as egocentric as the mortals they so often think of themselves as better than, and much more difficult to persuade. Thus, the four women must not only enact a plan to prevent the extinction of various deities, but also contend with the fact that they may be the only ones in this fight. With time very much not on their side, this group of mortals and immortals must figure out a way to ensure that they do not lose this existential battle, and keep the existence of so many deities alive.
The Other Side Of Paradise is a retelling of Genesis in some ways, with the focus being on Lilith and Eve, rather than Adam and Eve. It begins in the Garden of Eden, with Eve pondering the idea of a world outside of the garden, and curiosity about her husband's alleged first wife, who had fled Eden long before Eve's creation. Eventually, Eve dared to venture to the edge of the garden, and it was there she saw Lilith. The two spoke over the wall, and met every day thereafter, eventually becoming friends. Lilith tried to get Eve to leave both Eden and Adam, but Eve was just the slightest bit apprehensive. Eventually, after tasting the forbidden fruit from the tree, Eve was expelled from the garden, and Lilith was there to greet her upon her exit. Eve, who was excited by the prospect of seeing the world, happily took Lilith's offered arm, and went off with her. The two spent many eons together, though not always in the same physical forms, as souls eventually begin to outlast bodies. In the present day, their souls have come to reside in the bodies of two young women who have never met, but are destined to find each other — as that is what souls do.
Red Thread Of Fate: Love In The Modern World is a story about two young women, Shu Nazhi and Zhou Xue Li, who live in similar yet vastly different worlds. Shu Nazhi is a businesswoman who runs her family's company with the help of her older brother, Hou Zhu Zhi, and younger sister, Shu Nuan. Zhou Xue Li is a model, actress, and singer, who is down on her luck when it comes to love. The two are introduced by a mutual friend (Nazhi's foster sister of sorts, and Xue Li's close friend) under the guise of Nazhi being Xue Li's new bodyguard, and become close over the course of Nazhi's assignment. After Nazhi finds herself falling for Xue Li, she turns in her letter of resignation, and then promptly asks Xue Li out upon the latter's acceptance of said letter. Xue Li, already secretly head-over-heels in love, happily accepts, and the two spend the day doing various activities throughout the city. The relationship, blissful as it is, also comes with the complications of things like paparazzi, work commitments, as well as their differing personalities and lifestyles. As the two women navigate these challenges, they begin to wonder about what it would have been like to love each other in a different time, and if they ever did — for they know that the red thread of fate works in mysterious ways, and that some souls are always destined to find each other.
(Disclaimer: Zhou Xue Li was created by/belongs to @bwaldorf, who was kind enough to allow me to use her in my story)
Tagging @bwaldorf, @veneritia, @helioselene,
@moariin, @socialmediasocrates, @lasbrumas
(Please ask to be added or removed from the taglist)
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Next morning in Copperdale. Jeb is already on his way to San Myshuno to meet Jack. Team Home Improvement is going to restore Guidry's office (which had been destroyed when Morgan and Leander fought over Vlad's dead body...).
Francine and Vlad still try to clear Vlad's mind from Ji Ho's influence so it will be easier/safer to cut the Bond... But Vlad thinks he already made good progress. The bond abandoned him anyway after he tried to bond with Morgan. So it should be easy, right? So Francine made a test: Vlad is ready to cut the Bond when he is able to cuddle Malfoy, the evil rooster.
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Malfoy can sense any kind of magical interferences. And Malfoy says: a big no! Francine: "I thought so! Let's proceed!" Poor Vlad is so fed up with all this weird stuff they want him to do... Nothing of it makes any sense to him! What do massages and yoga and a rooster have to do with his ability to cut the bond?
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So they went over to the séance table. Francine is trying to help him through with some guidance from the other side...
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Francine: "Vlad - try harder! Fight against it! Think of the Siren's Spell! The danger this Bond puts you all in! The Council!" Vlad: "I try my best... but Ji Ho's spell is so strong!"
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Francine: "Ach! We have to rely on Rubyn and Leander then -.- There is still hope, don't worry. Especially Leander is very eager to help to cut the bond... as far as i can see here in the crystal ball..." Vlad: "Is he going to touch Ji Ho again?"
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Francine: "Sure. You must admit, this was very sucessful - given your reaction. The pain you felt shows that you are not ready to let go."
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Vlad: "I shall double my efforts!"
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He is so not ready...
'… A fine line's between fate and destiny Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be? When you tell me the stories of your quest for me Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly And as our energies mix and begin to multiply Everyday situations, they start to simplify So things will never be the same between you and I We intertwined our life forces and now we're unified'
Things will never be the same again - Melanie C (from the Spice Girls)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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cloudcountry · 1 year
i've been asked a lot of questions about these games despite only playing them for a month and i think thats really funny but also really sweet :(( thank you guys for taking an interest in the things i like?? thats so kind???
ANYWAYS here's a faq page!! just in case you have a question!!
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what are the ikemen games?
they're a series of otome games by cybird!! there's ikemen vampire, ikemen prince, ikemen revolution, and ikemen sengoku. those are the ones on the english server at any rate. ikemen villains exists but i don't know anything about it because its only on the jp server right now ^^
these games are rated mature, the mc uses she/her pronouns, and she also has a set appearance. please mind the warnings!!
which game would you recommend for a beginner?
i've changed my mind since writing this and i've decided that ikemen revolution is the better starting game for beginning players. it's not as spicy as the other games, its easier to navigate, and ALSO it doesnt deal with as dark of topics as ikemen prince. it's still dark though don't get me wrong but all of these games are (to an extent ofc.)
i would NOT recommend ikesen as your first game because the colors are very bright and they throw a LOT of things at you at once. it can be overwhelming for a beginner.
IKEVAMP QUESTIONS (i talk about this one the most)
what is ikemen vampire (ikevamp)?
ikemen vampire is a game where historical figures came back from the dead in order to fulfill a desire, something they wished they had or did in their previous life.
what ikevamp routes would you recommend?
isaac's route was beautiful. shakespeares route was AMAZING and so so dramatic. vincents route was insane so if you want something that will throw you for a loop go for him. arthur's route is INCREDIBLY emotional so be prepared if you want to romance him. he's very tragic.
personally i dont think i can give a good range of recommendations since i started playing two months ago, but ive heard good things about arthur, napoleon, comte (his route is good for lore!!), leonardo, and shakespeare (his route is good if you're looking to be introduced to the antagonists!! and if you want drama!!)
mozart's route has been noted as beginner friendly ^^
the routes are split between act one and act two!! act two routes have a bit more lore i think???
act one routes: napoleon, mozart, da vinci, arthur, vincent, theo, isaac, jean, & shakespeare.
act two routes: dazai, comte, sebastian, vlad, faust, & charles.
what do you think of the ikevamp suitors?
napoleon is kind of the face of ikevamp,,,, hes like malleus in a way. hes the obvious pick for your first route (except you should totally be DIFFERENT or not idk do what feels right!!) hes nice C:
mozart is fucking gorgeous but hes such a DICK. he gets better in his route though yk? the prickly but soft kind ^^
leonardo is so dad coded in that hes weird and falls asleep all the time. i dont really know much about him ^^; update he's creepy i don't like him anymore :(((
arthur. arthur arthur arthur. okay i started out not having the highest opinion of arthur but i want to let all of you know that you should one hundred percent give him a chance. he's such a kind, gentle, sweet person. he's tortured by his past but he's such a tender hearted guy. please give him a chance, you wont regret it. his route made me shed a few tears.
I WOULD FIGHT THE UNIVERSE FOR VINCENT VAN GOGH. he is an ANGEL. we do NOT deserve this man and if anyone hurts him i would start a RIOT. if he hugged me all of my problems would be solved and i would never complain again. his route is BATSHIT CRAZY THOUGH. i would highly HIGHLY recommend playing it but i was UGLY SOBBING by the end of it. watch out.
theo calls you dog <3 what a man!! hes pretty gruff and idk much about him either LMAO um update!! he's a very good negotiator. nobody knows the context of why i said that except for me LMAO (if you read will's route you know) hes very protective,,,, ummm dog person!! idk.
DAZAI IS SO WEIRD??? AND I MEAN THAT IN A NICE WAY.,.,,. BUT ALSO A ??????? WAY???? he enters the mansion through windows and his route is super angsty
isaac is my babygirl and the only one that matters. i love him. i wish to hold him tenderly and kiss him every morning and night. im gonna put a ring on that finger just you watch. he's a bumbling fool of a nerd and i adore him. he doesnt know how to emotion </3
after playing the interlude, i do know a little bit about jean and i already really like him. he seems very sweet and protective of mc, albeit a little awkward. but thats part of the charm!! <33 UPDATE HE FUCKING BITES YOU DONT TRUST HIM. the beginning of his route made me SO angry because not only does he not care for her safety, the rest of the residents openly disregard how she feels about anything. if you want to be pissed the FUCK OFF and hate EVERYONE this route is for you!!
SHAKESPEAREE'S ROUTE IS SO GOOD GAH I FEEL LIKE. IM BIASED THOUGH BC IVE BEEN FIXATED ON SHAKESPEARE MY ENTIRE LIFE I HAVE A PROBLEM!!! THE PROSE MAKES ME SWOON!!! (thank u dove for pointing it out LMAO) honestly i would recommend playing his route before vincents. it was vincents route that made me realize i was in love with him LMAO
comte is nice C: hes a sugar daddy??? uhh also hes very lonely apparently. victim of favoritism. i got a few chapters into his route and wow he is. really father figure coded. its kinda uncomfy but i'll try my best to get through it after jean's route. will update you guys.
sebastian is funny bc he ends up getting really attached to the mc and at the end of isaac's route he straight up tries to bribe them to stay WHICH MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE NOW BUT YK ITLL MAKE SENSE LATER.
vlad has a fox named marshmallow nd likes strawberries nd likes to garden. hes also an antagonist for some reason. HE FUKCING SUCKS AFTER PLAYING WILL'S ROUTE AND THE INTERLUDE I HAVE DECIDED THAT I HATE HIS ASS AND I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE. STAY AWAY FROM WILL YOU ASSHOLE.
faust scares me but yk henry adores him so im sure hes lovely!!
CHARLES IS SO FUCKING CUTE I WANT TO HUG HIM SO BAD. PLEASE. HES LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY DOG. very traumatized though and i heard that what happens after chapter twenty in his route is really sad.
IKEPRI QUESTIONS (i talk about this one ocassionally)
what is ikemen prince?
this game is based on beauty and the beast. you play as "belle," a commoner selected to choose the next king. its the darkest game in this collection and has some pretty heavy themes every route,.,. if you need specifics just ask!! i havent played through all the routes though, do i might not know ^^; i will, however, add trigger warnings beside what i think of them as i go through their routes.)
what do you think of the ikepri suitors?
PLS leon is really nice!!! he's more like an older brother figure to me personally but i think his hugs would cure my depression LMAO
CHEVIE.,,.,.,. HES SO SILLY apparently he's really sweet ocne you get to know him but hes a bit prickly at the beginning (but hey, isnt that the same for half the love interests?)
YVES..,.,.HES SO WET CAT CODED. his route is so sad but sosososo sweet its so adorable. i want to hug him. he's like a bestie to me tbh i would fight anyone that looks at him wrong FR. HE DESERVES THE WORLD AJHSGDAJ his route is really soft and definitely one of the less intense ones if thats your cup of tea!! hes really sweet did i say that already. tsundere type.
okay i'll admit i didn't like nokto at first because he's the flirty type but. he doesn't really give me the creeps anymore? now that i know why he does that./ he's kinda just there for me but i can appreciate how witty and sneaky he is. okay so update, his route has really weird pacing imo. it doesn't show the two of them actually bonding a lot and instead focuses on them butting heads. mcs love confession and then getting together felt very jarring. the romantic ending is cute though!!
LICHT IS SOOOOO RPETTY and hes the reserved type. i am foaming at the mouth. I WANTED TO PLAY HSI ROUTE FIRST but yves was probably the better choice for my frist route since his route os apparently super heavy ^^; UPDATE yes his route is heavy. watch out for themes of mental health issues and self harm/suicide.
CLAVIS IS SO GOOFY his relationship with the mc is honestly so adorable if you pick him as a love interest,.., theyre so teasinga nd wholesome towards each other and if my future relationship doesnt look like tehres I DONT WANT IT. his route adds a LOT of insight into his character. the writers did an excellent job of making him appear as a enigma while offering hints as to know he really is. thank you chevie!!
jin scares me??? like i know hes kind and all but he gives me the creeps. apparently his route punched people in the gut though KASHGD
I ADORE LUKE. ive only played yves's route so far but luke is so kind. hes so sweet. hes so godo at talking peoplee down from anxiety and even though he has a temper himself hes so good at regulating emotions??? i want to hug him so bad. he was so nice to mc in the beginning of yves's route too.
SARIEL'S HAIR BOTHERS ME!!! he has a sprite with a whip and i hate it. umm he's kinda nice sometimes but i dont really have an impression of him yet!!
RIO IS TEH SWEETEST :((( I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. he is so kind to mc and i know the whole obsessed thing isnt for everyone (it put me off at first too LMAO) but really he just loves her unconditionally and wants her to be happy its so cute im gonna die. now, rio's route doesn't have much of the fluffy puppy we all know so well. he's much more serious in his route, and he's kind of a sad character too. tragic? tragic. his route was really good though!!
GILBERT. THIS ASSHOLE. (dies) anyways. may i introduce you to his weird ass gloves and their unexpected appeal. also he has a cane which is silly. his coat is weird. i am picturing that diagram vio made for his outfit ITS RIDICULOUS.
keith's hair looks so soft i want to run my fingers through it in a very bestie way. he gave me a weird vibe when i saw him first but the second he opened his mouth teh weird vibe disappeared. he just seems so sweet and gentle :(( OKAY OKAY so i'm currently playing through hsi route for the second time, and KJJSDFGKJGFSJHDSDGJHGFJH ITS SO FUCKING CUTE. gugguuh youre gonna have to trust me on this one.,.,. i promise you this route had me squealing and screaming and laughing and kicking my feet with a goofy grin so many times. obviously it has its tragic moments, but keith is so sweet through and through. i think hes my favorite now ^^
i do NOT like silvio next.
IKESEN QUESTIONS (i rarely talk about this one)
what is ikemen sengoku?
ikesen (ikemen sengoku) is the one with the japanese warlords. you get sent back in time by a LIGHTNING BOLT and have to rely on a physics student who got sent back with you to lead you to a wormhole>>??? its so weird LMAO OH YEA AND YOU PREVENT AND ASSASSINATION BTW. the plot is confusing but mitsunari is cute.
what do you think of the ikesen suitors?
okay so i'll only be giving the opinions of the routes i have finished!!
mitsunari is a sweetheart. im really glad i started with his route because hes really kind. hes a little oblivious but hes incredibly strong and sweet and smiley and cute and GAH i love he. hes so sweet. ALSO if you want someone who will go like "why is my heart fluttering. what the fuck. i cant concentrate what is going on." GO FOR HIM.
kenshin's route was interesting? it was very sweet in the beginning and i LOVED how mc reacted to him going apeshit (I CANT SPOIL IT BUT OMG SHE WAS SO COOL. I WAS SCREAMING AND JUMPING AND LAUGHING IT WAS SO GOOD) but near the end of his route i got impatient. also theyre horny fair warning.
kennyo's route was one of those routes where i was like "WIAT THATS THE ENDING???" when it ended. its a good route, i liked the pacing!! he is kinda creepy in the beginning but i can see why some people like him. he is very much mature stubborn grumpy older man vibes if thats your cup of tea.
i started sasuke's route and was SHOCKED at how quickly mc came to the realization that she was in love with him. lo and behold theyve known each other for a month and a half when she finds out and its actually not weird. kenshin is jealous, yuki is sweet, shingen is silly, sasuke's route is delightful so far!! i do kinda feel like yuki is going to fall in love w the mc... UPDATE, yuki did indeed fall in lvoe with her but i dont think he realized it? i was a little frustrated with how they didnt communicate that they both kinda wanted to stay to each other. that was annoying. but hsi romantic ending was cute!! it gives the vibes of "he loves you no matter what route you take" even though sasuke doesnt seem to realize that LMAO
started kanetsugu's route, his mc is really funny LMAOOO OKAY UPDATE im basically done with it and although it gets REALLY BORING in the middle his route wsa really cute. teh romantic ending went so hard theyre literally the cute i was actually!!! smiling!!!! usually i read these things with a straight face HELP!!! his character growth is really touching and he really is the consent king. would highly recommend :(( hes so sweet.
yoshimoto's route starts very sweetly. they both bond over art, which is a shared interest of theirs. he treats her like a friend and not an enemy, although he can be a bit ditzy sometimes SJDJSDJ his route was one of the best ones i have ever played, i wasnt bored during it at all and his relationship with the mc is soo heartwrenching. if you like jihyun's route from mysmes i'd highly recommend because they have so many parallels ARGHH
IKEREV QUESTIONS (i rarely talk about this one)
what is ikemen revolution?
this game is based on alice in wonderland!! it got discontinued but the routes they have are still really good ^^ i started playing kyle's recently and its been kinda funny tbh LMAO
what do you think of the ikerev suitors?
first impression of ray: he likes cats. THATS ALL I REMEMBER. HE LIKES CATS. ok. nevermind i hate him., UPDATE i started his route and he calls you useless and a kid and says he doesnt have time for you even though HE made the deal to protect you??? his face went from squishy to punchable in two seconds.
ive seen a lot of people thirsting over sirius and he kinda reminds of a leonardo from ikevamp?>??> hes like a father figure from what ive gathered but apparently hes the type to deflect when you ask him ANYTHING
luka seems so sweet :(( unless youre jonah then he'll MAIM YOU
seth is..,,.,. weird? idk i was always a little put off by him being overly friendly with the mc he just creeps me out.
fenrir seems like a nice guy!! golden retriever vibes??? i havent done a single black army route so i dont know any of them that well oops
lancelot seems like a chevie type idk. i got a bit of background on him in harr's route but i dont know much about him ^^ UUPDATE/ he is very sweet also but he doesnt show it. very much internal battle vibes. hes in a complicated situation that involves mild spoilers i think so yk. but hes nice!! he falls in love with mc very quickly and honestly she falls for him easily too ^^; the route is very soft in a heartbreaking way :((
okay jonah doesnt have the best first impression but please wait for him. hes a really warm, sweet person. once he loves you he'll adore you endlessly. hes going to dote on you and make sure everything is to your taste and PLEASE give him a chance. his route is kinda silly at first because he throws money at you to win you over, but he shows his sweeter side surprisingly quickly too!!
edgar bright is an enigma. his mc is so mecoded its so silly. i will let you know my findings once i discover anything. OK SO UPDATE HIS ROUTE IS ANGSTY AS FUCK AND MADE ME ALMOST CRY LIKE TWICE. ITS A LOT BUT ITS SO WORTH IT. ITS SO GOOD SO DRAMATIC I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
zero is such a sweetiepiecutiepatootiehoneydumplingminniemunchiesnugglewugglepookiepiepotatocrispdippedinhoneywithcinnamonsugarontopwootiepie. hes so kind. he pops up a lot in edgar's route and hes so squishy. hes so hardworking and strong and reliable,,,, my whole heart please <3333 his route made me retain so much emotional damage but he is worth it. hes so soft, so sweet, so loving, he will treat you right. love of my life.
kyle's route is the best beginner route and ive only been here for two months. PLAY HIS FIRST PLEASE./ his route was written so well it made me feel so many THINGS him and alice are so GRAHHHHHHHHH BITING THEM BITING THEM.
harr's route is absolutely your route if youre a sucker for domesticity and found family. its such a sweet wholesome route i loved it. hes so sweet to the mc and OMG IF YOU HAVE A WEAKNESS FOR EASILY FLUSTERED MEN YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE HIM. HE HAS SO MANY MOMENTS WITH ALICE WERE HE CANT EVEN LOOK AT HER BECAUSE HES SO EMBARRASSED ITS SO SILLY PLEASE
i dont have much to say about loki honestly? hes a little silly and his eyes remind me of will's.
blanc never got a route and everyone mourns that to this day.
i will never play oliver's route because its creepy to romance a child. next!
i dont have an opinion of literally any other suitor. i think theres a few other routes??? but they havent stuck out to me so meh!!
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gremlin-bot · 1 year
That Ain't Happening Thursday
I realized I missed wip Wednesday and mellan came up with a name for Thursday.
So, Welcome to my wip Wednesday alternate!
The wip of this week is for "Corpses in the garden" (name may change) an all corpses AU, where Danny uses his corpse as fertilizer for his flower shop that is in Gotham.
The cool night breeze swipes in from the open window behind him. It was nice against his sweat slick skin, even though he knows he should have closed it by now. He didn't need any bats or birds getting in, not with his unique work. 
One more push of the shovel and then we flower bed will be ready. He already made sure that hole was wide enough to hide his next body, it's just a matter of getting it just a bit deeper. 
Danny sighed only slightly bemoaning this particular side effect of his Halfa condition. Trying to hide one corpse is hard but multiple identical ones is worse. Vlad is a lucky bastard and didn't have to deal with that. No, he just pays to make them go away.  
At this point he's just happy Sam got him into gardening. It was calming compared to the ghost fights he had to deal with nearly daily in his past. It also had the added benefits of its own. Hiding his bodies has never been easier and he's making money off of it! Take that Vlad!
Danny lets his musings drift away from him, focusing on finishing the flower bed in front of him. He's almost automatic in the way he handles the corpse of his own making. Fast but precise hands unwrap it from the blue tarp, keeping it steady in the process. Carefully He picks up the slightly decaying sack of meat and bones, slinging it over his shoulder.
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balshumetsbaragouin · 7 months
Daily Excerpt: Hybrid Affinity
Just a little while longer until this blog explodes with activity! Green With Envy starts this Friday, and you'll see plenty of my art then. I'll also be joining Phic Fight, because why not? In the meantime, why don't you enjoy this Sneak Preview of Chapter Four: Kin Altruism
________________________________________________________ “They’re late today.” 
“With the food. Not that you’d let us eat it.” Vlad floated in the middle of the room, legs crossed at the ankles, and seated in midair. It was starting to frustrate him how unbothered by the temperature and drugs he looked.
“How can you tell?”
“I’m not as cognitively impaired; so I’ve been keeping time.” 
“You always think I’m ‘cognitively impaired’.” It hurt to move his arms to gesture, so he let them flop back down into his lap instead of continuing to talk with his hands. They were still pumping in the higher amount of suppressant. He could tell by the fuzzy cotton in his head. Maybe he should be more concerned that his arms hurt through the anesthetic. 
“I think you are stubborn and irascible, not stupid. You’re just being drugged right now.” Vlad started to float over to him, and his whole being tensed. 
“What are you doing?”
“Something’s off with your energy.”
“Didn’t I tell you to stay away from me?” He forced himself to stand and put up his fists, “I swear I’ll kick your ass if you get any closer.”
“I’m sure you’d try, but I wouldn’t suggest it.” Still, he stopped a few arm lengths away. “Those injuries should have healed by now. You see? Didn’t I warn you about getting low on energy?”
“That’s my problem, not yours.”
“I need your help to escape,” he hissed, floating another few feet closer. “At least let me give you some of my energy so you can stabilize.”
“I do not want any of your disgusting vibes, Plasmius. I’d rather melt.”
“You’d transform before you melted. Although with the temperature in here, you’d probably wish you’d melted. It would be quicker.” He closed the last few feet, and a wave of icy power washed over him. Some of it sunk into his core, and the answering reduction in pain almost made him groan. “Stop being ridiculous, and let me help you.”
“You’re only out to help yourself.”
“I just explained I need you in better condition so we can escape. Can you not trust that?”
“Your plan definitely involves abandoning me.” Danny fought down the urge to move closer and suck up more ecto-energy. 
“If that’s true, then why do I need you in better condition? Wouldn’t be easier to use you as a distraction or leave you behind if you were weak?” Vlad grabbed a shoulder and ghost-handled him away from the wall. Before he could protest, they were floating closer to the coolest wall in the room. When he caught a wave of Plasmius’ energy this time, he had to bite his tongue to keep from groaning. “If you weren’t so intoxicated, you’d jump at the idea of strengthening yourself and making me weaker.”
“I’m not some weirdo cannibal like you.”
“You don’t think eating chicken is cannibalism.”
“I’m not half chicken.”
“You’re not half blob either, Little Badger.”
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Ghost Helpline part 8
All in all Uncle Dans lecture had been rather short and to the point. There had been no yelling, no anger, no demeaning or things thrown. While there had been a scowl at hearing the term Uncle he took Konstelacios explanation in stride. Dan sighed a lot but he wasn’t angry.
So why did she feel so awful? Uncle Dan always had anger problems, but she trusted him ether way. How couldn’t she after surviving an entire war with him. She was use to anger, she could take anger. Not, not whatever this was.
Konstelacio felt pressure push down on her chest. She didn’t like this at all! Her head hurt, yelling would have been easier.
//“ Let me get this straight. You did a favor for the Justice League and for payment you asked for loose change?!!!!”//
She rubbed at her horns in a attempt to soothe herself. They didn’t know who she was, it’s not as if she had defamed the family in any way. It’s not as if she asked for money directly… then again maybe that would have been better. She may be a Masters but it’s not as if any of the money was hers. She frowned, was it because she didn’t assert herself for their house? Had she made them look poor?
The little demon hunched in on herself she hadn’t meant to do any of that at all. Thank god she didn’t mention the handkerchief.
At the thought of the article she pulled it out and looked at it along with the rest of her prizes. She smiled a tad lopsided, “Looks like I need a belt.” And she knew someone just tech savvy enough to make her one.
— — —-
Dan was tired, but sated. Better than being soup in a thermos shaped cell. He missed war.
The fight for the throne hadn’t been as easily won as Danny’s family had assumed. Pariah, Dark had been gone for too long, the infinite realms cutting themselves into pieces. Distancing themselves, becoming stagnant, refusing to allow a ‘ghost’ of all beings rule them again. But Danny had grown to be more than that; a child of death herself, true balance, the great one. Dan snickered to himself, what a lame title.
Dan had demanded his place among the throngs of soldiers. He had earned his place as general. He killed and fought… and protected. Jazz was his sister again, his confidant (therapist). So when she pulled him a side one day to ask him a favor, Dan said yes.
Dan should have asked more questions.
Dan ended up keeping an eye on three forever children on a battle field. Which was easier said than done. They were reckless, suicidal shit heads with everything to prove. And they did; the witch boy, the host, the demon-ling. He hated to say it but the war might have not been won with out them. It hurt to think about.
It hurt to think about Vlad swooping in and giving them what Dan couldn’t. It hurt to see the host be a hero instead of a child. It hurt to see the demon sell her abilities for change. He huffed, flaming hair waving. At least the witch had the sense to run away from those that used him.
Dan sighed and signed and signed and signed papers. Fucking Aragon.
—- —- —-
No one paid attention as Booster Gold hobbled threw the doors. Blue Beetle should be in soon. Some of the leaguers even rolled their eyes honestly Booster was such a douche.
They ignored him as he practically threw himself on the couch, holding his ice pack to his head. So the idiot had also managed to get himself injured. Huh figures.
“Hey! Nightwing!”
“Haha hey Booster! How was space?”
“Crazy! Hey what’s up with everyone?”
“It’s along story.”
“I got time.”
“Honestly Booster it’d probably be faster for me to give you a copy of the reports.”
“Ugh reading! Come onnnn.”
Nightwing figured he could humor the man for a few minutes, “Well long story short we meet a demon.”
“They seem to be helping us but we just want to get more info on her to be careful.”
“Wow a real demon. Was she hot?”
“She was like 13.”
Booster got quite in a way Nightwing wouldn’t recognize until later, “Oh word? What did she look like?”
“All the footage was corrupted but Robin managed to make us a decent sketch.”
Booster Gold got everyone’s attention when he almost face planted onto Dicks tablet, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Did she have metal legs?”
“You mean boots yeah she had metallic …”
“Oh my god! And stripes right!!!” Booster was practice on-top of Nightwing dopey smile on display.
Dick thought back to the mass of black cracks on the girls body, “Stripes?”
“Oh MY Ancients! It Konny!!! I’ve missed her so much!” Booster started to laugh before devolving into tears, “I hope she’s not working for CW anymore. Last time I heard she was on trial for some bogus shit. I hope she’s okay.”
Booster continued to cry as Kord came in glared daggers an Nightwing and took off with his husband.
Dick stared at the open door, “What just happened???” His eyes widened as he stood up ‘Konny’ he never told Booster her name.
— —- —- —-
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What is your opinion on Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time?
Seeing, its positive reception, I am a little worried to say I don't like it.
There is so many concept to explore about Danny Phantom post-Phantom Planet, but this comic decided to focus on one of the most popular fan favourite story, Dark Danny from the future. (I know he was supposed to return for the series finale before Butch Hartman wanted the series to be lighter). And it does so while also adding sub-plots of Vlad/Dark Danny redemption, and (on a lesser degree) Ghost King. All of these are popular points that I do not care for.
It is truly a waste that it did not explore what possible deal Vlad had with Fright Knight. There is only one dialogue saying that the deal was off.
It is kind of too blatant with its fan service. I know the saying, "Let's pretend Phantom Planet did not exist." and this comic executes it literally.
It is an excuse to reset the universe and resume the status quo of the show. I know this show is inspired by Spider-man, but why follow this universe resetting gimmick.
I never like time travel story for this reason.
Also, I think the angst of Danny's parents hunting him down is getting tiring. By season 3 we and Danny should have already known that if they ever find out, they'd still love him. If memory serves, it is in "Masters of All Time" and "Reality Trip".
Why should Danny wipe his parents' memory at the end of "Reality Trip"? His reasoning is beyond me. I firmly believe that it is because Butch Hartman took over season 3 and instead of creating a new show status quo with his parents helping him, the production deemed it easier to just reset it back.
It is frustrating that Danny, once again, agree to let his parents hate ghost him, for absolutely no reason.
It has all I don't like, redemption story, universe resetting, loose ends that got buried, no Dani (although it is possible she will return), evil? Valerie that now exist outside time.
The quality is strange. It does have truly beautiful art style, bes illustrated by the great fight panels, but it also has low quality screenshot from the show as back ground. It is really noticeable in certain angle of Fanton Lab, Pariah's keep, etc.
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trinoxtrinox · 2 years
This is bad, very bad.
Ectoberhaunt 2022, Side Chaos. Prompt: Flight
Summary: Vlad has won, he now owns the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage, he's oficially the new Ghost King, and Danny was in front of him defeated.
This was the worst day of Danny’s life, he couldn’t stop Vlad in time, and now the fruit loop has the Ring of Rage and the Crown of Fire in his power.
“Well well well Daniel, it seems like everything has come out perfectly swell for me, hasn’t it?” Vlad began to boast as he extended his arm to look at his hand with the ring more closely.
“Shut up Vlad,” Danny said while grabbing his own stomach, there were some gashes on his hazmat suit, and from them there could be seen some slashes from which some blood and ectoplasm was dripping through as well as a lot of burnt skin, the former caused by Vlad’s claws if his own bloodied hands are to be believed, and the latter by the same ghost’s ecto blasts that hit dead center in the objective.
“I don’t think I will Daniel, no.” The older halfa looked at the other younger member of his species, happy to find him pretty beat up after their fight for the artifacts. Granted Vlad himself was hurt as well, but thanks to the power coursing through him brought by the ring and the crown he could feel his regeneration powers kicking up a notch and beginning to heal him way faster than they did before. “I’ll give you the offer once more, renounce your oaf of a father and join me, become my apprentice and son.”
“There’s *huff* no way I’ll do that *huff* you fruitloop.” Danny was breathing hard now, and he could feel how he was beginning to lose the battle to stay awake through this all. He remained firm though, and stood his ground against his opponent.
“Well, as you wish then, I’ll just have to get rid of him myself and take you as my son. Should that fail I can always make more clones of you.” The predatory smile Vlad gave upon noticing the fear in Phantom’s eyes was only exacerbated. Especially once he saw the rings appear around his body and witnessed Danny change back to his human form. “Not that it’ll be so hard with you in such a weak condition, now I just have to lock you up and I’ll be on my merry way to have my revenge on Jack once and for all.”
“In your dreams Vlad.” and taking a big gulp of air, Danny began sinking on the ground the moment he noticed Vlad look away after that failed attempt at a mockery.
“My dreams, dear Daniel, are what are going to become a reality now, if only you could see how beneficial it would be for you to follow along, it would make everything-” King Plasmius gazed once again where Danny once stood, however now only empty space was there, not a single trace of him present in the entirety of his new keep, “-easier. Where did you go Daniel? How did you even do that? Daniel? Daniel!?”
Vlad’s screams could be heard from all around the keep, however Danny didn’t bother to turn around and recognize what he was saying, for he was now flying across the Ghost Zone towards the Fenton Ghost Portal, hoping against all odds that he would be able to reach there and close it before the fruitloop reaches him and begins his own plans for world domination or something equally crazy.
“I need to warn everyone.” Was the only thought bouncing inside his brain as he muttered to himself the list of people and ghosts that would need to hear such a warning. Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Val, his mom and dad, Frostbite, Pandora, Dora, Sidney, Ember, Johnny, Kitty, and many more would need to be spoken to in order to avoid anyone being ended.
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EOR SE.RA.PH Singularity: Prologue~Act 1
Welcome to SE.RA.PH Singularity aka EOR Singularity 1.5 since this is between Shinjuku and Agartha timeline. Just a quick and good warning, there’s lot of ranting so you���ve been warned... Time to go through this shit round 2 again
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In Gudas' room, both Tamamo and Nero are hanging out in plans of the supposedly coming Summer event. What a way to skip out Spring break... Isn't that why there's no Sakura Blossom related events?! And yep, a huge foreshadowing dropped courtesy of her Majesty Nero of her Summer Version coming after this hell
Well, let's not compete with Mordred on who's going to suntan aka boiled themselves hot in that steel tin can. Let's not forget while we stranded on that island first half Tamamo... Second half we got stupid writer in need to show waifu and fanservice, decided to half-ass their work to shove out all the men away.
Mama Emiya as usual, decided to drop in to make sure no one bother his kid/Master too much! Nagging Mom activated his skill: Nagging/Worrying from overthinking! Watch it, Tamamo. Mama Emiya is still my best Mama/waifu among all you people as he now crowns as Ruler of Chaldea Kitchen!
And Mash called in on us? Or rather this Seraphinx department...? Oh hey! It turns out we can finally contact other people aside from Chaldea's office! Looks like we got one of our resource back to supply Chaldea better. Turns out it belongs to Animuspere huh... Been a while their name turned up ever since Solomon Singularity
Mama Emiya doesn't have good impression on them since that's a place prone for terrorist target. While we postpone on studying magecraft with Mama Emiya, we head to the Command Room to find out Seraphinx
Arriving there, Mash and Da Vinci greeted us with the latter skeptical on attempting contact with an oil rig place. Da Vinci, you must understand... While Nero and Tamamo came for interest, Mama Emiya is merely concerned of his children.
Learning more about Seraphinx from Mash, and... Turns out excluding the ones we saved somehow... The rest aka most of the original staff died from Lev's explosion. One of Chaldea staff talked to us while discussing. And... DAMN IT, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT ME AGAIN BY BRINGING UP ROMANI?! TT__TT
As Romani is really well loved even by Seraphix staff... And... Something wrong with Sheba? We're not getting any video on Chaldea's end? What the... An SOS?! WHAT?! People are turning data and the one in message...?!
Seraphix disappeared from 2019?!?!??! What's happening?! And... What the fuck?! NOW WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! A random weird cheerful voice, casually threatens to kill everyone... Called herself BB... After hacking into Chaldea's system... Her livestream begin. For an AI that's probably recently made, she speaks as though she's already an old woman.
Now aside from the fake pity, Chaldea got the warning signal of BB messing further with the system. Less of a wizard, more of a random idol self-proclaimed girl from that random hacking video. AI is one thing, but Ruler of the Moon? Someone been too much of Chunnibyou here. Been taking up classes with Jeanne Alter how to be one? But yeah, I know what she mean considering this is a crossover
No need to be humble and admit for an AI who make fun of humans, you upgraded yourselves to be superior in everything. Blame DW instead, Gudas. That's where our money went and gone from gacha hell. And nah personally, I could care less if you even have a voiceover.
So your point is while you claimed to not really care... Okay what the hell?! Marina Trench that's all the way bottom in the sea.... WHY THE HELL IS IT DOING THERE IN 2030?!?!??! And got a full clear that's a Singularity we need to head over and fix
What a way to throw us a job, BB. And yeah, whatever, be our kouhai for your fans that care. If I'm disappointing, you're even a bigger disappointment and more boring than I thought, kouhai. I've seen bigger egos like Gilgamesh that makes fun 24/7 at us mongrels. So nice try in your attempts to be sadistic, gotta give you effort of A+ in doing so. And who needs AI when you got Enkidu? That's what I called more impressive of a clay gaining soul and learning how to be a human
Ignoring the competition of two kouhais fighting over that self-proclamation... And technically we're not your replacement for Hakunos too.
Well said, your majesty! Now it's time for us to go and fix this Singularity! We're saving time here BB, so get your useless ass working instead of running that mouth of yours!
Mama Emiya despite not trusting BB's words... He agree that she should let us help her, having a fragment feelings of their past meetings in CCC. Da Vinci given us her order to go ahead too! With Mama Emiya, Tamamo and Nero with us... Lastly Da Vinci's warning about the future... Let the rayshift to the future begins!
And of course... This is why Mama Emiya never showed up... Haish, oh well, at least in alternate headcanon and stories, we can always put it ways they can sneak back in to join us
Act 1 (1/6)
Arriving alone... We've reached the SE.RA.PH singularity. And a whole bloodfest to survive alone in this hell begins to kill the rest of 127 Masters.
BB once again starts her feed. Other than her boring crap and well fooling us.... And boring attempts for sadism, for a front gate, you want Gudas to start a fucking rape session to go through all over your body.
And great, looks a strange fox girl going to kill us after BB's talk. You've got hundreds of blood-thirsty Servants at Chaldea, if you can't dodge their shit while trying to calm their shit, then I got some pressing issues for you.
Also just in time... Someone looks like BB but not really saves us! While talking to her... Looks like the one killing us is Suzuka aka Suzuka Gozen! Like there's any choice for this hell, so a contract shall be made, Meltryllis!
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For 6 turns, both Suzuka and Melt are on par at each other! While Suzuka rants her own goal to get the grail, Melt is totally bored with her from the fight. High school girl peppy much? At least she leave us alone... And don't even try call me maybe by carly rae to! I'm not giving you the number anytime!
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Well, thanks for saving us, Melt? Well now you just admit yourself, you're probably eavesdropping on us didn't you?! Are you really a Servant?! First time hearing a class called Alter Ego you know! Like we got any choice to end the contract, we got an oil rig  to save, finding Mama Emiya and everyone, and getting back home safely afterwards!
Uh, Melt? You want to try being summoned and see how many jackass Servants we got at Chaldea? Excluding her Tsundere attempts... Melt suggest in which direction to go next from this Holy Grail War. Good to know BB isn't trustworthy even from Melt with BB look-a-like face too. 10 days aka 21/2 hours before Seraphix sinks...
We definitely got ourself one heck of an ally here in this hell hole! Gee, are we going to start how no one fucking is kind to me like shake hands and you're special to me?! Okay, skip that crap, let's move!
After revealing about Chaldea up to now... Well aren't we lucky Gudas happened to be your type of puppet to protect? Melt then reveal more of MoonCell's end of where they originally came from, and their own kind of Holy Grail War. And also, learning what an Alter Ego is with Melt revealing her origins.
Oh did we say you were nice? I mean yeah, like you saving us, taking care of us like an escort is TOTALLY not doing nice at all. Riiight, I heard lines before so don't bother.
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Well so much directing our way around, if you actually decided to go out for an all out attack. Yes, whatever you say, ma'am... Let's fight... WITH STYLE!
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Despite an "okay" battle against a Saber... Gee, Gawain, how rude! Have you not met other lady that can be Heroic Spirits?! And... WAIT, YOU'RE OUR GAWAIN?! Uh... Did BB just fucking reshuffle who's supposed to be coming with us?
Well whatever, thanks for coming to our rescue Gawain! Why the hell are you angry when your face say so! Blushing will not excuse your way out of this!
And so one long explanation later... We got both Gawain and Melt to help us around. Once again, BB arrived with the boring entrance... Someone got pissy just because things don't go her way
We can take the whole damn time we want since you throw our Servants away. One moment you'd like us rot to death, another you want to save us, someone got a bad mood swing here. And duh, how the hell does it look like we want your jealousy? Not me! So move on, you want to kill us right?
Poor Robin... Must suck getting thrown around by BB's whims... Robin is technically popular if writer need to stop shoveling waifu at every chance needed. So if you want a fight, then it's a pain in the ass fight you want!
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With only requirement BB's first boss is to break her first HP bar... Good to know she's totally unbeatable. And the whole bribing scheme comes from Sakura Chips and so forth... Well, one way to be Pay 2 Win player in a Holy Grail War
Act 1 (2/6)
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Gudas’s definition of normal is a bit warped thanks to the amount of Servant in Chaldea. Both Gawain and Melt began arguing about Servant’s going back to their true base instinct... Huh?! Wait?! All the masters died? So we’re fighting that same thing in Fuyuki all over again?!!!
Picking up the object looking like a Holy Grail, while cutting short... Oh god!
Okay wait... This is like CasGil’s Babylonia trip in seeing memories or sort... A man talking about working in the oil rig... One of the staff perhaps? It was showing what happened before Chaldea’s arrival in Seraphix. And killing their own current director, the heck?! Damn it... The final thoughts and memories turning the whole place in a killing festival to survive...
Act 1 (3/6)
Arriving a path that splits into two, Chest for Command Room, Thighs for Helicopter area, and Hair for submarine cable and pump with power plant. Aside from the unneeded comment on Chest, Tristan shows up! At least this isn’t our Tristan back n Chaldea but...
Ok, wait, I hope you don’t mistake her for BB but... You may be right and totally wrong at the same time! It’s hell but Melt is definitely our ally so far! Play Despacito if needed, but I’m not letting you harm Melt. Gee Melt, you want guillotine session, find Sanson and Carmilla! And do it later after you got what you need from this place!
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Thankfully he doesn’t have pain in the ass gimmick for his boss fight, story wise both Melt and Gawain are facing off against Tristan. With Tristan pinned down, we got a choice to either let Melt end his life or... Melt withdraw herself since he noticed her condition. Thanks to Melt’s tsundere act, we manage to get Tristan to become our ally!
But unfortuantely we got a cat fight between Melt and Tristan... All’s well ends well still! While walking to the next destination, Gudas explained to Tristan everything so far... And while Tristan does the same, please don’t start poetry session like Shakespeare too
Heading towards Breast Valley aka Command Room where another particular Alter Ego lies... Aka Passionlip, an Alter Ego like Melt born from BB made of love and hatred. Good to know for someone in horrible condition, your pervert “sadistic” side is still working with that mouth
And woah! That’s a staff from Seraphix coming to us! We finally did found a survivor in Command Room! While Gawain already has Mable charmed by his looks, Gudas got to explain on their end while Melt is with them.... But first... That loud stomping sound behind Mable is a giant claw?! And... It’s Passionlip that Melt mentioned!! Here’s come the first round attempt in fighting her!
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Surviving 6 turns is good to know in story, she’s definitely unbeatable with that Trash & Crush skill. Despite bound in restrainment on her sense of self, Passionlip destroyed the route to the Command Room. Getting out of this area ASAP, we take along with Mable in two while Lip continues to compress the area.
Act 1 (4/6)
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Fleeing all the way to the Thigh area... We’re safe. And a long explanation later to Mable, it pretty much confirms how much Seraphix is cut off from the world. There’s confirmed of other survivors inside the Command Room beside her. Finding another time to get back to Command Room, Gudas still remain firm in taking Mable to find a safe place.
Melt mentioned a chapel where they could rest, though Tristan remembered Vlad Extra being there as a guard... Nevertheless, we still need to get there to recover from fatigue
Act 1 (5/6)
Reaching the Chapel, safe to say the newly found bloodied spear shows Vlad is still lurking around. Also pretty much confirmed there’s no point explaining to Vlad, since he definitely wants Gudas dead.
Good for you, Tristan. At least you’re repenting your mistake of attacking us out of madness. And... What did Vlad say again?!
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Gawain’s fatal blow killed Vlad once and for all... Vlad told us hurry to the chapel where Archer is waiting for us! But why? What’s wrong with Archer? Isn’t it our Mama Emiya?! No time to waste, Emiya is waiting for us!
And inside the Chapel.... Emiya--Wait.... Isn’t that... EMIYA ALTER?! So BB up to her no good tricks in switching around the Servant again... And a brief explanation later...
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Emiya Alter is still our Mama Emiya in ways to make sure we’re okay. The Chapel becomes our newfound base as Emiya Alter delivers more information. Melt ended up sleeping outside since Mable still doesn’t trust any Alter Ego by her experience. But before we could sleep, looks like one of the wall is in a weirdly haphazard problem?
At least we got a good night sleep... Melt on the other hand outside, laments about Lip she saw earlier.
Act 1 (6/6)
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300 Sakura Money paid to that BB just cause she want suffering in exchange... At least we got the key to unlock whatever that’s hidden in the church! And Mable, never question that AI who wants to be superior at every humane thing because of how inferior she probably feels
But with restrainment of who will get the data... Gudas ended up taking the information since Mable decided to let us know it. The record starts with a person working as a mental health specialist in Seraphix joined in 2016. Revealing the inner workings and different staff available to harvest oil and magical energy... There’s also a conflict between them, as they described the amount patients they received
Eventually pondering the reason of Seraphix’s creation... 3 years later, they lost contact with the outside world and chaos happened within them internaly. Monsters he encountered that attacked human minds? They even noted the change in themselves now they can longer trust people a month later, describing blood fest that’s probably Vlad and other Servants attacking around the church
On his final memory, they got attacked and losing their left eye in the process. The Director and assistant director went mad as confirmed by record keeper themselves. But... The planetarium? Experiment?
It ended there as Gudas now explained what they just learned. Melt revealed about the Planetarium being the power source of this singularity. Tristan offered to stay behind with Mable while we continue exploring this Singularity. Emiya Alter goes off on his own to deal with the remaining Servants...
Melt later reveals her true feelings to the sleeping Gudas how Gudas should be able to be in contact with Chaldea once they reached the Command Room. And her own feelings so far and about Gudas after becoming their Servant...
Act 1 done, 3 more to go! I’ll stop here and get back to grinding to clear some of the relevant missions...
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Danny was done.
His grades were in the dumps, his back hurt from that new blaster his mom hit him with, he had to foil the plans of the world's most pathetic billionaire for the forth time this month and his town was on fire. Again.
Danny hated his life. He just wanted to leave it all behind. He never wanted to be a hero! He wanted to be an astronaut, but Sam kept pestering and guilt tripping him into doing thing "for the good of the world". It was only after Danny was badly injured because of one of her stupid plans and her blaming him for it going wrong that Danny realized she treated him like a tool instead of a person and they had a friendship ending fight.
Tucker had been trying to warn Sam against treating Danny like this for months but she continued to get worse, wrapped up in her eco warrior goals she got tunnel vision and forgot to care about the people closest to her. Tucker didn't care why. He couldn't forgive her for hurting Danny.
Danny decided he needed to get out of this situation by any means necessary. He needed everyone to forget this ever happened. He thought about making a wish with Desiree but decided against it and went to ask Clockwork what he should do. Unfortunately he couldn't find Clockworks lair and instead went to ask Frostbite for advise or if he knew of a way to erase people memories.
Frostbite gladly told Phantom of a magical artifact capable or stealing/absorbing information, not only from minds and computers but absorbing actual physical items as well. Danny thought that sounded ridiculous but was willing to search for it anyway. Needless to say he wasn't expecting the artifact to be a Morningstar. Grabbing the weapon and defeating the guard, Phantom booked it out of there and wasted no time erasing Ghosts from the minds of the Amity Park residents and the GIW. Danny was impressed to discover Vlad had lost his powers as well as his knowledge and that the basement labs and ops center were basically erased from existence.
One of the only downsides about the artifact was that if anyone managed to steal it from him before all the information and items could be deleted than they would receive all the knowledge and goods Danny was working so hard to destroy, thus Danny and Tucker came up with a plan for Phantom to carry it everywhere on his back in a customized black case.
Clockwork tries to stop them, but in the fight he realizes Clockwork wasn't using his time powers against him. Then it clicked. In his fight with his evil future self the monster had shoved one of Clockworks time medallions into his chest. Danny was immune to Clockworks time powers and the god was much easier to beat this time around.
Danny traveled to the Clocktower to drop the older ghost off and caught a glimpse of Clockworks window into the timestream.
It was worse then he ever imagined. Not the future. No. Clockwork couldn't see Dannys future anymore because of the medallion. It was the fact Clockwork had been essentially fattening him up as a lamb for slaughter for the sake of the ghost zone. He was planned to take the crown and unite the zone, fixing and repairing everything he could before being assassinated, leaving the zone in peace and harmony and the throne empty and uncontrolled. Danny decides to keep Clockwork in the thermos.
They proceeded to borrow the Infi-map to take them to a world best suited for Dannys new life and it takes them to the DC universe where Tucker wastes no time crafting new identities for them. Tucker doesn't stay, but he wants to have a valid identity for when he visits using the portal guns.
This is where the story begins.
Tucker hacked into city records and a few other places and got Danny ownership of an abandoned house just outside of Star City (which Danny was very enthusiastic about the name) and they decided to renovate for Dannys sake. It was surprisingly easy with Danny's powers. Unfortunately the hacking caught the attention of some local heros who decided to just keep an eye on them and see what happens.
Danny gets a job at a high end restaurant as a waiter and actually liked it there. The pay was good and the other staff was friendly.
Nothing good lasts forever though as he's attacked by some nut calling himself "Sports Master". Seeing as it appeared no one was coming to his aid and there didn't seem to be anyone around, Danny went ghost and made quick work of the guy, leaving him unconscious on the sidewalk. Green Arrow and Black Canary just sat slack jawed from the rooftop where they had been preparing to save the kid. And oh gods this was a kid.
Now Danny is being stalked and harassed by capes telling him he needed training and a mentor/legal guardian/adult and he's getting more and more frustrated cause he knows what they want. He knows he's a heavyweight in the super world. He knows that they want to find some way to control him. To bring him back into the fight against evil or whatever.
But Danny wasn't having it. He managed to wrestle back control over his life from a literal god. He wasn't just going to follow them back into the frey. Danny just keeps telling them.
The answer is No!
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