#vlad's his biggest fan
icedghostlatte-art · 2 years
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Singer AUs your Danny
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radiance1 · 6 months
Vlad Masters has died.
Or at the very least, that is what the upper class was lead to believe. Could you blame them? His death was wildly convincing, and the thing was.
No one knew who would inherit Vladco and his fortune.
As far as they knew, Masters never had any heirs to speak of at all. Not even an illegitimate child, or a foster care. He doesn't even have relatives that the fortune and company could go to.
So, safe to say, they were quite looking forwards to what would happen to the company. Would it sink, or stay afloat?
Now, normally, Damian wouldn't have cared a single bit about what would happen. But seeing as he is forced to go to an event held at the very dead Vlad Masters' mansion, he thinks he should have the right to see what'll happen.
The company's various stockholders were all gathered together, as well as Lex Luthor and other rich upper-class individuals. He knows that Vlad and Lex didn't like each other very well, so he thinks that Lex Luthor may or may not be backing the biggest current stockholder so that he'll have a say in the man's company when they take over.
Honestly, the event was pretty boring. He thought there would be... more, happening. Considering the context of this event.
So, he leaves. He's really just exploring to stave off his boredom, but if he found Vlad Masters' secrets before his death, well. Might as well, really.
He comes upon a room filled wall to wall with merchandise that screamed Masters was a packers fan before his death. Quite the large one at that as well. He picked up one item just to take a look at it, it wasn't something he was too interested in, but it was sort of impressive.
He turned when he heard the door open behind him, and saw a girl that was probably around his age staring at him with concern.
The thing is, she wasn't dressed like a guest. Or even a maid. She was dressed like a poor person.
So obviously he thought she was breaking in to find things to steal and sell off.
"I'm telling dad you tried stealing his packers merch." And with that, the girl was off, and Damian found himself running after her.
But also, father? He genuinely considers who she was talking about, clearly it couldn't have been anyone participating in the event, so was he also another thief that wanted to steal from Masters?
What sort of thief reveals they have another roaming around where they're stealing from? And their blood relation at that?
He realized that they were running towards where all the guests were gathered, and Damian thought that this girl was either lost, or genuinely didn't know what she was doing.
"Dad! Some kid is trying to steal your merchandise!" Said the girl, slamming open the doors and causing the attention of everyone present to fall directly on her as she paused.
Damian couldn't see it, but he thinks she's quite stupefied in that moment, paused on her pause. It was completely, and utterly quiet for a moment as the guests stared at her, and she stared back.
However, the next moment. The very detailed coffin laying in the center of the room suddenly swung itself open with a great pillar of green fire that reached the ceiling, causing his attention to switch over to it.
He saw lines on the floor around the coffin, lines that he previously ignored as some kind of design choice.
Lines that were filled with a liquid none to dissimilar to Lazarous Water.
A hand reached out of the coffin. "WHO DARES TO TOUCH MY PRECIOUS MERCHANDISE!?" And from beyond the grave the previously dead now arisen body of Vlad Masters pulled himself out of his own coffin, with inhumane red eyes.
So. Damian came to two conclusions that night.
One, Vlad Masters may or may not have had ties with the League of Assassins in some way, leading to his now ressurection.
Two, Vlad Masters has a daughter that was extremely well hidden from basically everyone present at the gathering and, maybe even the world at large.
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lilianade-comics · 7 months
I can't help but feel, from Jack's expression in your latest post, that either at the end of or partway through Vlad finally shouting at Jack about how they're not friends because he and Maddie abandoned him, Vlad's going to find himself caught up in the biggest hug with Jack giving a very sincere apology while probably also crying. He looks so /devastated/, I don't think he'd be able to stop himself, regardless of whether it's going to be helpful/appreciated or not.
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I'm a big fan of Jack having like, actual human reactions to things, so absolutely he would go for a hug. Unfortunately, Vlad still has 20 years of villainy to get out of his system.
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itshype · 2 years
Mother of the Year (DC x DP)
Here is the link to my DC x DP masterpost, and one of my last notfic I posted here was Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood where Danny and Vlad try to manipulate and mansplain their way out of trouble with the JLA.
OK I know we do a lot of John Constantine's soul being owned by King Phantom in this fandom. And that makes sense because it's canon he sells his soul a lot,
but like, hear me out, Talia al Ghul has access to the Pits and has used them multiple times. She has reason to believe she may never die. So, what if in one of her many political manoeuvres she sells her soul for a boon. She doesn't know enough occult to do what John did (sell it to so many people that he can't die because a war would start over who actually got hold of it) but again, she thinks she might be functionally immortal.
But hey, we could even make it not one of her many political manoeuvres. I mean Damian Al Ghul was supposed to be his Grandfather's new body. Why would Ra's care if he got emotional fulfilment by moving to Gotham and training under his dad? Why would he want notorious family-man Bruce to even know about the boy and have him taken to a place Ra's may never be able to extract him from? (Yes in some canon he doesn't know, I am aware thanks).
So, she knows her father's body is failing and she's always been loyal to him (above and beyond what you could imagine FYI non-DC fans) but he'll never let Damian go and in this AU she loves her son more, and so she trades her soul. She trades her mortal soul to the King of Lazarus, the Ruler of Everything Beneath the Water in exchange for Damian's life, for his safe and unnoticed passage to Batman's side and beyond. If her father breaks free of the compulsion not to notice he will kill her without hesitation but if she has failed to secure Damian's safety and mind then she won't care.
Talia tracks down ancient texts held by the All Caste. She makes the trade late at night over her Father's biggest Pit in Nanda Parbat. She thinks the power of the Lazarus Pits will keep her safe but she didn't really read the fine print.
So about a year after Damian goes to meet his Dad, Talia gets Danny in her Assassin bedroom ready to whisk her off. Not to the afterlife, but to Illinois, America. She, as an indebted, quasi-immortal now owes this "'representative'" of the Throne of the Restless Dead near unlimited favours. And the representative's half-ghost clone has just hit a rather... radioactive puberty.
Danny figures that a liminal maternal figure will be invaluable for Dani who is struggling. Sure Sam and Jazz can help sometimes but this girl needs actual raising.
Damian, however, is not impressed that his mother is apparently raising his secret older sister in secrecy on the side when Talia seemingly sent him off to live without her.
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my aftg fan cast
a lot of these, especially in the next part, aren’t actors, so this is less a fancast and more of a “i have a horrible imagination and need to visualize characters so they feel more real to me” list
if they don’t look like what you picture, agree to disagree! i love seeing other ppl’s perspectives of what the characters look like and i hope you do too
without further ado,
neil josten - benjamin wadsworth
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okay listen just because i picked the most used neil fancast DOES NOT MEAN THE REST OF THIS LIST IS BORING!!! he’s just so neil-coded to me in deadly class! i even put him into a photo editing app to change his hair and eye color and he still fits!!! plus the top right pic is exactly how i imagine a nathaniel smile.
andrew/aaron minyard - vlad konoplev
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i’m gonna give credit to @kalu_aftg on tiktok for this, because i saw this actor in their tik tok. he’s in a russian series called my biggest secret (i watched a couple clips but i haven’t seen the show)
but come on!!!! this is andrew minyard!!!! and always with andrew fancasts it’s difficult to see them as aaron but i feel like this could go both ways, especially in the bottom right pic. identical, but different vibes, yk?
dan wilds - kiersey clemons
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i first saw kiersey clemons in new girl as kc and she feels so dan! then i saw the pic on the top left and i was like YES! this. is. dan. she seems very sweet and friendly but i know she could give a great game face.
nicky hemmick - conor husting
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even his pics give off major nicky vibes. he also has a very similar hair length to what i picture nicky with. fun fact: he’s also half-mexican on his mother’s side which is strangely accurate lol!!
allison reynolds - jessica lord
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i’m gonna be honest i just searched up “blond actresses 20’s” and that top left photo popped up and it was just so so so allison!! i included a couple pics of her in the ballet movie “find me in paris” because i couldn’t find a lot of pics of any of these actors in active wear and this felt close enough.
kevin day - nicholas galitzine
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honestly i got this idea from an instagram live he did where he was yelling about being 6 foot and my brain was like “that is kevin day IN THE FLESH”. i originally saw him in bottoms and he totally cracked me up.
matt boyd - daniel ezra
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like come on!!! his smile is so bright and inviting, it gives off such strong matt energy. he played spencer james in all-american and i haven’t watched it but ive seen ppl say good things. bonus: he’s the only one i could find with any form of a face guard (even tho nick galitzine also played a football player in bottoms lol)
renee walker - sydney park & lana condor
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okay SO my criteria was soft-looking people that can look sharp in other pictures, and i came up with these two! it’s kinda hard to picture renee without the pastel/white hair but let’s suspend disbelief.
seth gordon - young david beckham
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speaking of suspending disbelief, LMAOO. just hear me out, okay. seth was a fifth year, slightly older than the rest of them, so i was looking for that + blond buzz cut and this is the result!
and that’s all! i have more so i’ll probably make a part two, but im having trouble finding a nathan because it’s so hard NOT to picture nathan as a redhead but that means he probably won’t look like benjamin wadsworth.
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vladdyissues · 7 months
Danny Phantom Badger Cereal AU, where almost all the 'Phantom Fans' believe that Plasmius is the heroic Phantom's evil father... Similar to a Darth Vader + Luke Skywalker situation... Danny is mortified and embarrassed, but Vlad thinks it's hilarious! 😂
Vlad and Danny's hero-and-villain dynamic is uncannily similar to Vader and Luke's relationship. The Vader parallel in Bitter Reunions is so obvious it's clearly an homage:
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I can totally see "Darth Plasmius" and his estranged son The Fenton Phantom Menace being the biggest topic of gossip in the Ghost Zone 😂
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satureja13 · 3 months
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The Friendship between: Vlad and Jack
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Only a few months after Giga/Saiwa and Jack had been rescued from the Lab and moved to the Space (Balls) Bar & Grill & 'Residence', Ms Coombes brought traumatized Vlad there too. (He had to helplessly witness the murder of his first love Wesley).
That was when Vlad met Jack for the first time. Vlad was 17 then and Jack 16 (as I write this, they are 20 and 19 years old). I think Jack helped Vlad with his puppy nature to get over this and their amazing chemistry helped them to become best friends. Jack and Vlad have the closest friendship of all of my Sims.
Jack didn't leave Vlad's side when he became weaker and weaker from Ji Ho's poisonous blood and had been devastated when he died shortly after.
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And they had an epic reunion when they brought Vlad back from hell a few months later (they are both big Star Wars fans).
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And when Jack fell in his coma, it was Vlad who didn't leave Jack's side.
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And he even tried to reach Jack in his coma to bring him back.
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They had to overcome a few hardships but nothing could taint their friedship. (Romance level: Below Zero). EXCEPT for that faithful day when Vlad decided to bond with Morgan to spare Ji Ho from their Bond Magic... Sai and Jack had been so mad at him, they didn't speak to him for months ö.Ö' (this stupid action also lead to the Boys' separation and a few weeks later they swore to not have any secrets from each other to avoid further harm). The scars on Vlad's back are from Jack. That was when he tried to stop Vlad from killing Ji Ho's landlord (who tried to make Ji Ho work in the brothel, like his mom).
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Vlad (and some of the others) also had a hunch on Jack's secret relationship to Kiyoshi. But he respected his decision and never urged him to tell him about it. Which was very hard for him because he knew that Jack suffered.
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Jack is also Ji Ho and Vlad's biggest supporter. He's also very close to Ji Ho and helps him to find a way how to love Vlad and he also started to set up dates for them.
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I love that they complement and learn from each other. Jack is the only creature Vlad is so comfortable with to let his barriers down and show his funny side.
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And Vlad also takes Jack serious. Yes, even Jack can be responsible and earnest and wise (at least sometimes ^^')
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Adult Vlad and Jack are still best friends in our 'The Family Business' and 'Love Hurts' stories. (I know them both for far over 10 years now and they already existed in my Sims 3 game.) They also invented the 'Insult Lightsaber Fighting' (inspired by Insult Sword Fighting from Monkey Island)
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Adult Giga/Saiwa, Uncle Stefan, Jack and Vlad (posted 2022, the photo is older) :3
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In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
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❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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halfagone · 1 year
I had a sudden idea here:
The two most common Ghost Core types given to Danny in fanfics:
Ice core
Electricity core
But what if he had neither of those and yet both at once?
What if Danny has a Storm Core, which gives him the power to rain down ice and call upon the biggest lightning storms?
Amity Park has never experienced a full Summer day ever since the portal. The hottest days of summer should've been sweltering, right? (No really, am I right? I'm not from America, so correct me if I'm wrong)
Except nowadays, it feels like the worst Summer will ever get is a particularly hot Spring day, where you maybe throw on a t-shirt and comfy denim over your swimsuit and go to the beach or pool.
And last time there was a particularly nasty storm coming their way, it seemingly faded and vanished, only to appear on the other side of town and leaving Amity unscathed. After all, a cyclone will fade upon meeting an opposing cyclone that seems to spin against it. And Danny has always been very good at going up against forces of Nature, and forcing them to yield, or at least coming to a draw.
Ember might've also one time referred to him as an "oncoming storm of ass-kicking"
The day Danny calls on a tornado to trap her and her fire attacks in the eye of it's razor winds, the ghosts come to understand she was more on point that anyone expected.
Technus gets his ass zapped by a bolt of lightning like Thor calling down his judgement (or, as he said later, "like Pikachu on crack") and it leaves him short-circuiting for a good while, like when the light goes out for a bit and suddenly your wifi has to be rebooted to make it work again. Later, he begrudgingly teaches him to better channel electricity. Danny's first Technus-inspired move is a real-life Thunder Fang. And he used it against Vlad.
And, since I adore the headcanon that the Ancients collectively adopt Danny, Pandora starts calling him her "little storm"
I kinda wanna have him end up dating both Kitty and Johny, as a whole thing where they both dated him at separate times, but both times he was the best goddamn date they ever had asides from being each other's soulmates, and now they're having FEELINGS for him, so Kitty has the idea of both of them sitting down with Jazz, since she's the local feelings expert, and she whacks them with a rolled up magazine, but they both end up together asking out Danny.
And I'm imagining he's more influenced by them than he would admit, because he got himself a bike like Johnny, and started taking tips from Sam, and has more leather stuff and goth fashion than he'll ever tell anyone about, especially because the heavy fabrics are great to wear on a bike.
Kitty ping-pongs between who's bike she hitches a ride on. And I'm betting she was a huge fan of books, while Johny loved Greek mythology (yes, I'm saying Johnny was a Percy Jackson fan as a kid). Which means that their affectionate nickname for Danny is "Typhon", for the Greek Titan of storms.
(Ignore how my brain keeps yelling at me that Danny would call them "Kitty Cat" and "Barghest". I imagine Barghest for Johny because of Shadow, who starts hanging out more and more as a puppy because of Cujo, except Shadow prefers a hanging out as a shaggy hound ((imagine Ruth from Ancient Magus Bride)) and that's exactly what a Barghest is.)
Ooh, that's a really interesting idea! Danny has been shown to control the weather after the Vortex incident in "Torrents of Terror" so you've even got some canon backing to this! (As for weather in America, it really depends where you live? It's commonly headcanoned that Amity Park is in Illinois, and the temperature on average across the state in the summer is in the 80°s Fahrenheit or ~26.667° Celsius, but there have been records of summers reaching to the hundreds in Fahrenheit, although it doesn't happen often.)
It'd be really cool to see Danny both consciously and subconsciously altering weather events. I really like the idea of Danny being able to control the weather, especially if he does it so casually while others are looking on with their eyes bugging out of their sockets in shock. Because controlling the weather is no easy feat (Storm from X-Men? OP as fuck). Aww, "little storm", love that nickname. A little ball of ferocious energy. Like an angry chihuahua.
It might not be a cyclone, because Amity Park isn't near the coast even if you don't headcanon it in Illinois specifically. But parts of Illinois and the Midwest are in what's called "Tornado Alley", so it still technically would work, it would just probably not be a cyclone but a tornado. Unless it's Vortex up to his tricks again, but then it wouldn't be a naturally occurring- Sorry, tangent, but you get the idea.
If you've read lex luthor's ascent, then you know I like the idea of Danny dating both Kitty and Johnny at some point, but why not both at once? Polyamory coming in for the win! Hopefully Danny can keep these two from constantly arguing tho... Honestly, I just adore the possibilities of dynamics between these three (especially if Danny is stuck as 14- physically at least- as many AUs will have him, he can be with his also eternally young partners and not have it draw much attention from strangers). "Barghest" is a really interesting nickname and- after doing some more research- I can see why you chose it for Johnny, particularly with Shadow in mind.
A Storm core AU is really cool. I like Space core AUs as well, because there are a lot of weather events that could be caused by astronomical phenomena and it ties really well with Danny's love for space, but I think this is the first time I've ever heard of a Storm core for Danny. It would explain why Danny took to Vortex's power really well/easy, and while canon is really more of a suggestion to Danny Phantom fans at this point, I still really appreciate the neat tie-in it can offer.
Thank you for sharing this with me!! I'm glad others share my love for Danny/Johnny 13/Kitty, in any of its forms. (Mostly, forms that appreciate both their characters for all their faults.) Thanks for making me day a little brighter, and I hope you have a great day!
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raveyardantics · 1 year
What The Heart Wants
Vlad felt like his world was crumbling all over again. It had been bad enough when it was Maddie, a college crush that never got to go any further, but now, Jack Fenton had stolen the affection of another from him.
“Vlad,” Harriet called from the opposite side of the room, “come on…”
“How,” he asked, staring haunted into the side of the room, “how did this happen, Harriet?”
Somehow he could hear her roll her eyes. “It’s not like I planned this, I was just going through some old albums and then…”
He could still hear her excitedly asking to see him. Was he not enough? The house, the gifts, years of unconditional love and everything money could buy, and she was ready to leave it all to go see him. “Harriet… my heart is breaking, I can’t take this…”
“Oh for the love of-” there was the sound of her crossing the room and then the quick ‘fwap’ of a pillow smacking his face, knocking him back onto the bed where he laid in a daze and stared at the ceiling, wondering where it had gone wrong, “she’s seven years old you big drama queen, and it’s a sleepover! Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”
“Over…” Vlad felt indignant, “Harriet, for the last three weeks it’s been ‘Uncle Jack’ this, and ‘Uncle Jack’ that, and now she wants to go spend the night with… with him! On her birthday weekend Harriet! Her birthday! ‘Overreacting,’ please, if anything you’re UNDERreacting!”
Sighing, Harriet joined him on the bed. This was technically her fault, she had been looking over some college scrapbooks when their daughter, Dana,  tumbled into the room -literally- and had to be stopped from colliding with a vase more expensive than some people’s cars. Naturally, the curiosity of a child saw the strangers in the book beside her parents and responded with a thousand questions, most of which had to be answered with a PG retelling. Dana had taken a particular interest in ‘Uncle’ Jack. when Harriet slipped on a bit of nostalgia and told her that they were like brothers a long time ago. She had never had an uncle before, Harriet only had sisters, and for a girl who was used to having everything, the concept of something new to add to her treasures made her eye’s light up. Of course, she also had her father’s annoying habit of never letting anything go.
“Mommy,” she had said weeks ago over dinner, “I know what I want for my birthday.”
“Oh,” Harriet had replied, her and Vlad sharing a look of amusement at her assertiveness, “and what’s that?”
“I wanna go see Uncle Jack.”
Vlad had almost choked on his salmon at the announcement, forgoing his wine glass and reaching straight for the bottle. He spent the entire night in his library pacing and listening to Liza Minnelli records and any attempts he’d made to bargain with their daughter to change her mind in the subsequent weeks had been met with failure. 
“...Is it too early to ground her?” 
“On what grounds, Mr. Masters.”
He paused as he racked his brain looking for probable cause. “Treason?”
“Look Vlad, you know I’m not Jack’s biggest fan either,” she began.
“So it’s two against one now, great, now YOU go tell her no.”
“BUT,” Harriet continued, ignoring her husband, “it is only going to be one night, and I’m sure Maddie will keep things in order enough that if anything goes nobody will get hurt.”
“Ah yes,” Vlad said, eyes flashing red, “because that worked out so well last time, didn’t it dear.”
“No,” she rebutted, “but last time they didn’t have two kids or their own to look after either. I mean, little Danny’s just now walking and Jazzy is about Dana’s age so at the very least they’re capable of keeping children alive for the twenty-four hours it’ll take us to set up the p-a-r-t-y. Besides, much as I hate to admit it, kids have always loved Jack, remember when you guys had to volunteer at that daycare for class credit?”
“Well, you know what they say about those of like minds, my dear”
“Mmhmm,” she said, kissing his forehead, “and I also know what they say about opposites, Mr. ‘Accidentally sat on the class hamster and made the children cry.’”
Vlad grumbled as he thought about the family postcard the Fentons had sent them last year. Jack, mountain of a man that he was, tears nearly in his eyes as he cradled the two small children and his wife in his massive arms as if they were the only things in the world. He’d almost looked… competent, and Harriet had gotten serotonin from the smile he let slip looking at the photo longer than he cared to admit. He supposed one day wouldn’t kill anyone… also, he could always send a duplicate sentry to invisibly watch the house for signs of  excess buffoonery. 
“Besides,” Harriet said, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “it’s been a while since we’ve had a night just to ourselves, and I think my Dairy Queen outfit is getting a little sad boxed up in the closet, eh?”
Turning red, his ears perked up like an excited bat. “I… yes… well… I- I don't suppose one night is entirely unreasonable.”
“Good boy.”
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itsohh · 8 months
thoughts after completing mw3
I can firmly say its not worth playing unless your a fan of DMZ. as someone who isn't, its horrible.
the game turns 180 on the style of the campaign and you lose a lot of the liner gameplay which made the first two games so enjoyable. in order for what I presume was to cut corners they opt for a more open world more feel. while the other games did have this on some levels it wasn't done in a fun way.
for example 'alone' in mw2 you have the entire stealth aspect with johnny and then in mw1 (I can't remember the mission but its the one where you getting farahs brother) you do open objective as gaz with price and even though its a big area it still feels quite nice and focused.
this weird open world thing was seen in the second to last mission but it was still straight forward. honestly the game felt rushed, empty, spotty and full of fuller content. the story line wasn't very solid and felt ehhhh.
don't even get me started on some of the actual normal missions like 'kill invisible dudes who instantly snipe you before you can see me' fuck me that was horrible. they give the illusion of that you could stealth around them but every time I attempted gaz would get seen. so idk if that was scripted or not but it sucked.
the final mission felt lackluster and dull.
I'll give them that the final cutscene was good and did tug at the heart strings. but also it felt like his death was more for shock value? to reference the previous games. ah idk. it's not bad I suppose but I also feel like it was tacked on, I wish they made it a bigger deal
I can't help but wonder what the level design would have been if they had more time. I miss the way they did things in the previous games and it also so short. they established such a good begining in mw1 and then had maybe not the best game AI but a really good sequeal in mw2. mw3 falls so flat. I miss missions where you spend the entire time stealth, I miss the interactions between soap and ghost, or gaz and price.
for what they delivered it really wasn't worth the price. would I still have bought it? yes because I wanted to experience it.
the lack of optimisation is insane, sure its early access but we all know that they won't fix these bugs. on one mission I was forced to put my graphics on the lowest setting to load it. I have a current gen graphics card. for some random moments my screen would be covered in low pixel smoke that would only clear if I did a 360.
the graphics were of course, amazing and photorealistic but somehow didn't deliver on the immersion that the previous games did. the voice acting and acting alone carried this game unfortuantly let down by the shotty writing, cheap level design and general cash grab vibe to the game.
I thought that this was supposed to be the last game but with the lack of question still to be answered it does feel like they could have another one. without soap though... the team doesn't feel complete. any attempt to bring in roach at this point would feel like hes there to replace him which isn't idk great.
vlad's still out there, so is graves and then the entire plotline with valeria / alejandro has yet to be touched on. I imagined they will bring one of those in for the raid series
the game feels like it has so many holes, mainly why was so little amount of troops sent in. like at times it feels like there only 141 in the world and like ??? speshly with the final mission like your telling me they got only one hotel squad to go with price and soap? against a bomb threat caused by one of the biggest terrorists out there? wtf is everyone doing???
it feels weak and overall I rate the game 4/10
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Oh! Oh! For the bingo:
Masamune, Kanetsugu, Jean, Vlad, Chevalier & Rio, pretty please? >:3
Bingo Time!
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A bingo on the first try!
IkeSen Favorite Number 2 for a reason! He's a fun guy and I adored his character arc in his Act 2. Beloved, I would kiss you!
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Been kinda slow about getting to later routes in IkeSen, but he was a treat in Masa's Act 2. What I have played of his route (like, up to Chapter 2) I know that he smells like wisteria and while he won't insult his detractors to their faces, he will be such a petty bitch when getting his vengeance that you wouldn't even know it was him. Delightfully petty sneaky bitch, I like him.
And he's purple, always a plus in my book.
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Diagonal bingo! That's two bingos so far!
Jean my beloved! I love him. Actually redid his route recently bc collection event and he grows so much and learns to appreciate life in his afterlife, it's sweet. Sweetest baby Jean, I love you!
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Love his looks and he can be a sweetie, just was kinda expecting something a little more unhinged and bloodthirsty, like he was projected to be in previous routes. Oh well. At least he's pretty.
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I like him more when fans write him, bc canon Chev does not vibe with me. If provoked, I will bite him.
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I knew I was in trouble when I saw the dev notes for Rio's route and it it featured IkeSen bae Number One Hideyoshi and one of my top favs from MidCin, Nico. Cybirb had me pegged with this one.
He's just... the biggest sweetheart. He's mostly positive and supportive, the guy just becomes the biggest simp because he's shown kindness and decency he didn't get in his normal life before MC/Emma. It really shows how giving selfless kindness can help change someone's life around when all they knew before was kindness with some strings attached.
Thanks for the ask!
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vladdocs · 1 year
Good day! I’m quite curious based off a post of yours, what kind of Christian was Vlad III and others in the Order that Catholic Christians weren’t fans of? I know Christianity is wide so I found it best to ask :)
Hi, I don't really understand the question. Vlad was a good orthodox Christian: He built churches, gave them gifts, took part in the celebrations(we all know this one) and destroyed the ones that touched them. As a Catholic Christian, we didn't get much time with him, there is something about him and the pope in 1475 but it is small and I'm not allowed to tell yet. The Catholics hated Orthodox back then, even more than the ottomans actually. Pope pius II wrote a letter to Mehmed asking him to convert to catholicism and together to destroy the Christians with horns. It wasn't sent tho.
the biggest Orthodox hater in Vlad's time was probably the guy that met him and gave his description Niccolo de Modrussa. "others in the Order" if you are referring to the order of the dragon here, I don't know. Vlad III wasn't a member, Vlad II Dracul was neither (But he was really liked by the Catholics, ottomans too. Even managed to make them stop fighting at one point)
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sharkrocket · 1 year
Top 5 fave patho characters? Top 5 fav patho ships? Top 5 fave patho character designs? 🤔🤔😈😈[throws these questions at you and then bolts]
OH FUN, I love thinking about these things 😀
I have a more extensive write-up on my top two that you can read here, but I can try to sum it up to the best of my ability 
1. Artemy 
BIG strong beautiful body
Tired sarcastic dad who can do a punch
Intelligent but humble about it 
Goals and conflict I can understand
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2. Daniil
Poor little hiss hiss
Little freak of a man who is always freaking out, hot! 
Byronic hero-esque, self-destructive dramatic bastard
Romanticizing his melancholic solitude  
Shoots a gun real good and will throw hands
I do this to him 
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This will be a bit of a long post, so more under the cut
3. Stickyson
I LOVE MY STICKYSON!!! He’s so earnest and smart and a rascal, love to see a kid with big aspirations and eager to help
I keep thinking as he grows up with his two dads, how funny it would be if he picks up the best and worst traits between the both of them, so he’d be very kind, and intelligent, but have a temper and a smart mouth 
Love this kid, S-tier orphan 
4. Rubin 
IDK MAN, I JUST FIND RUBIN VERY FUNNY, just the way he holds grudges, how he thinks in straight lines, how he’s so bitter about being second-best, so to speak
I like him, stubborn thick-skull man who has beliefs and he’s going to stick to them, dammit
My partner is still carving through Patho 2, so I’m still learning more about these versions of characters. All the kids are pretty funny in their own way, but Notkin and Khan are growing on me. I forgot to mention Aspity last time, but I enjoy her brand of vitriol 
1. I am not immune to Burda propaganda 
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I got interested in Patho because I wondered offhand if ship art of these two healers existed, so I was already off to a fantastic start
I already had a tendency to favor pairings with opposite rival characters that work well together, so REALLY, I was no match, it was inevitable 
2. That’s it, there’s no more 😞
I’m one of those annoying people that fixate on one pairing and won’t shut up about it, so that’s all you’ll get out of me
THOUGH, I am 100 percent open to other pairings of other characters if the reasoning behind it is compelling or interesting enough (I’ve seen Andrey & Grief, Andrey & Vlad Jr. and Rubin & Grief and those are fascinating from an outsiders perspective)
1. Patho 1 Rubin
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I LOVE PATHO 1 RUBIN DESIGN SO MUCH, THE LEATHER DADDY LOOK IS SO GOOD FOR HIM, and compared to his stoic, straightforward, no nonsense attitude, it’s just SO FUNNY 
I have a theory that he would make a really good fashion model, but I’m waiting to have a proper doodle dump before I drop that on everyone 
The Patho 2 redesign was such a nerf, I will never forgive them
2. Patho 2 Artemy
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I like his green smock! And I love the leather shoulder bits, the straps, the big kangaroo pouch, the thigh pouches, his hood and the fashionable boots
I enjoy coloring this outfit, it’s functional and not too much 
3. Patho 2 Daniil
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This outfit inspires the urge to grab him by the scruff and shake him. Normally I’m a stickler for accuracy, but I refuse to draw his stupid asymmetrical coat collars. WHY TAKE THE MOST FASHIONBLE PART OF THE COAT AND DO IT LIKE THAT? I’m also not the biggest fan of his shoes, but I’m biased because I love drawing dress shoes. I do not enjoy coloring his outfit, the amount of layers I have to use is ridiculous 
I do like the little half-cape thing though, that’s very fashionable, and his STUPID LIL SNAKE BELT BUCKLE
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I will say, the fact that his outfit is so extra and infuriating to some extent is perfect for the little hiss hiss, so quality design from me 
4. Patho 2 Notkin
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I like his outfit a lot, there’s sort of a punk(?) quality to it
He very much crafted a look for himself with whatever he could get his hands on, and he made it work. I would wear this 
5. Patho 1 Anna Angel 
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WHAT AN OUTFIT, look at those gold and red accents and those thigh high boots, the DRAMA
This is so high fashion, I can easily see this on a modern runway
The Patho 2 redesign was also a disappointment I can’t forgive 
6. I have to mention Patho 2 Andrey
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They fact they kept him mostly the same except they took his shirt off was such a bold design choice, I am 100 percent onboard with this 
OKAY I’M DONE, I hope that answers some questions 
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lilianade-comics · 8 months
With your new portal shenanigans Cheesemelt AU, I'm now picturing the "You exist to serve ME!" scene, except it's mid-to-late in the story... and Dani's the one who says it.
By this point Vlad's bonded with Dani and is working to keep her safe instead of hurt her. She's trying to attempt something really dangerous that she's certain will bring her to Danny, Vlad's trying to stop her because he's certain it won't work and could end up with her badly hurt or a ghost herself. And Dani's stressed and desperate, snaps, and spits out the line, shocking and hurting Vlad but, even moreso, shocking and scaring herself. One of those "Oh god, what am I doing" moments.
All this results in her panicking, possibly breaking the binding on Vlad, and booking it, because she's twelve and panicking. Cue Vlad having to accept that he actually does care for her even without being forced to do what she says, track her down, and insist on helping her anyway. Maybe he makes some excuse like, "If you die here you'll definitely become a ghost and then I'll be stuck with you forever," but in that special Vlad way where it's super obvious that he's lying.
Anyway! Just- love the new AU, it gave me Thoughts (obviously), thanks for all the delicious Cheesemelt content you've been making! ^U^
Ahh, thank you for the ask! I love your thought process here. I've had a thematic moment in mind that's quite similar to this! But first, some additional important context for the AU in question:
Vlad is a widely disliked, smarmy, ambitious independent warlord/general vampiric nuisance in the political landscape of the ghost realm. He's been vying for the title of Ghost King for ages, trying to get Pariah Dark and his court out of the picture so he can take the throne. It is the BIGGEST POSSIBLE blow to his enormous ego that he got himself bound to the will of a little girl and is being paraded around like her manservant. So he's trying to trick her into releasing him, trying to be unhelpful, trying to be mean, trying to do ANYTHING to get out of the situation with his reputation intact. He figures out pretty quickly that her brother is none other than a certain infamous pain-in-the-neck ghost boy, and just grits his fangs because at least if he's stuck with Dani, he'll learn where Danny's hideout is and can set fire to it. But at the same time, he's low key getting emotionally attached to Danielle because Vlad has no friends and is desperately lonely and hungry for attention.
Dani has been raised to believe that ghosts are untrustworthy, tricky beings (similar to how the fae are perceived in folklore), and doesn't think twice about proactively magically binding the first ghost who approaches her. She needs Vlad to help her find Danny and lead them both out of the ghost realm, and then he can go back to whatever nefarious activities he likes. He's not allowed to hurt or betray her while under contract, so she's not really worried about him (although, she was really hesitant to discard the blood blossoms she brought along. They guaranteed no ghosts could grab her, but they also made it impossible for Vlad to fly her anywhere her feet couldn't take her, so she had to get rid of them!)
Now Danny himself. He was around three when he fell into the ghost realm through a spirit ring drawn by his parents. It's been ten years since then. The way the ghost realm works here is that if a living person spends too long in it, they WILL become a ghost, i.e. they die prematurely. Crucially, Danielle doesn't know this. So Danny is fully a ghost by this point, doesn't really remember much of his life, and is playing a Peter Pan/Robin Hood role alongside his band of fellow child ghosts Ember, Poindexter, Youngblood, and Cujo. They're regularly causing mayhem for the oppressors of the realm, which prominently includes Pariah Dark and Vlad (Danny isn't a fan of either of them, and Vlad truly isn't sure if he's more annoyed by Pariah or Danny).
So! When this disheveled human girl comes rocking up to his secret hideout and tries desperately to convince him that she's his long lost twin sister here to bring him home, part of him is tempted to at least hear her out, but the other part that's backed up by his crew just knows this reeks of a trap set up by one of his enemies to lure him somewhere. ("seems like something Plasmius would do," says Ember). He ultimately tells a heartbroken Danielle to get lost because he can't take the risk just because he's curious.
Now we arrive at Dani's lowest moment. Her brother is a ghost, he doesn't want anything to do with her, and her entire quest is crumbling around her. She staggers back to wherever Vlad was waiting for her (and he isn't surprised she came back empty handed. He was, after all, already familiar with Danny.) Dani then has a complete breakdown! Because she's a child stuck in a different reality and her brother is dead and Vlad didn't tell her that he already knew. Vlad feels a little guilty, but his ego won't let him admit this, so he argues with her instead. How could this foolish child have possibly thought her insane quest would succeed? The odds were always against her and she never should have even tried something so pointless and dangerous.
Dani throws some iteration of the "I hate you/you exist to serve me" lines at him, shocking herself and REALLY making Vlad feel bad, and then she releases him from the binding and elects to find some way to convince Danny to listen to her on her own. Vlad looks visibly upset but is like "Fine! That's exactly what I wanted in the FIRST PLACE, stupid girl"
Vlad is happy to be free, but his emotional attachment to Danielle won't let him abandon her no matter how much he wants to, because her wellbeing matters to him, bizarrely. So he takes matters into his own hands.
He surprise "attacks" Danielle in front of Danny and co, dangling her by her ankle from high in the air and launches into a natural villain monologue about how well this pathetic girl did leading him directly to Danny Phantom, and how he doesn't need her anymore, and "Oh, Daniel, can you believe that your own sister came to me thinking I would help her find you? Using her was so easy." and then he drops her so Danny can catch her.
A fight ensues, Vlad makes a swift and flashy exit, but not before exchanging a knowing glance with a shocked Dani, who now understands that Vlad just secured her Danny's goodwill in the only way he could; by being a villain.
There's more to this AU, but that's a pretty significant moment in it! Thank you for sending me your thoughts, I love when people interact with my silly AU ideas and come up with cool ideas for them!!! <3
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dilfdoctordoom · 11 months
My take on the new goden age, alan and red lantern should date
I am so, so excited for the new Alan series coming out soon for this exact reason; the writer's comments about how it's going to explore Alan's sexuality in the 40s and how he navigated that as well as being our first, true look at his dynamic with Vlad... oh I'm eating it.
I'm generally just very excited for Red Lantern. I love what we've seen so far and I'm just desperate for more content of him-- and Ruby, too, but she's got Justice Society right now (& yes, is already my everything).
Alan's one of my favorite DC characters (his color is green & he's insane, who the fuck is surprised) and I'm just... I'm half excited for his new series and half terrified. I'm not the biggest fan of Sheridan's past DC work. I actively despise Titans Academy & his run on Shazam.
That being said! He's credited on a lot of animated stuff I do like, such as Reign of the Supermen & Man of Tomorrow, which gives me a little hope. Coupled with his interviews where he's showing a decent grasp on Alan, I'm getting tentatively excited for it.
Just need to see if Vlad matches Alan's insanity.
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
fun fact, puppies show affection by lightly biting/mouthing on people. just holding fingers or hands in their mouths. usually when we train puppies not to bite us they lose that instinct, so we don't really see it too often.
my thought process: tiny pups do this to the vampires. Viago isn't the biggest fan because he just doesn't like the warm wet slimy feel, but will put up with it because he knows it just means they love him and gives little pats to the tops of Stu and Anton's head while they nibble on his fingers
Vlad could care less. he's 800 years old, he's had way worse, he just holds out his hand or arm for a puppy stu or anton to take and lets them sit on his lap, petting the puppies as they drift off to sleep holding his wrists in their mouths.
deacon gets the worst end of the deal. he doesn't at all mind caregiving, loves his tiny vamps and tiny stu (occasionally tiny anton too), but for some reason is just SO popular with the tiny crowd. Anton will come and sit in front of the couch while the big vamps watch tv, sitting crosslegged and looking up at deacon with such big eyes. Deacon almost tears his hand away when he feels Anton gently bite, but a sharp glare from viago and Vlad has him grow quiet, hoisting Anton up into his lap so that at least he doesn't have to hunch over for Anton to reach. he grumbles about the 'werewolf saliva' smell on his hand for the next few days - there's no such thing
Yess!! Lil puppy love mouthing/bites😭💕💕💕💕
Viago definitely isn't the biggest fan of the saliva but he'll make sure to only wipe his fingers off once the pups are looking somewhere else ♡
Vlad is totally chill with it, if anything he likes it because he knows for a fact that the pups aren't off running around the house, which gives him piece of mind ;w;
It's alllllways the ones who are a bit stand offish that tiny ones looove xD So, of course Deacon is the most love bitten/mouthed out of the others! He's a bit grumbly but then discovers he can use this to his advantage and ""not be able to do his chores that exact moment because he's got Anton nibbling, and he can't tear the poor pup away!!"""
But he totally does doused himself in some smelly sanitizer after because he swears he wolf smell is still on him xD
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