#we already have to see ads and shit and no one’s complaining about that since they presumably help keep the site running via revenue
seilon · 1 year
considering how tumblr is generally pretty responsive to fixing or at least improving technical issues when they’re complained about en mass, it’s bizarre to me they haven’t gotten rid of tumblr live yet
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kennahjune · 8 months
Thanks so much to the amazing @rogueddie for letting me write this!!!! Hope it lives to standards :)
Eddie had a problem.
A Steve Harrington sized problem.
Said problem was standing behind the counter at Family Video while the woman in front of him blatantly flirted with him.
It wasn’t the woman Eddie was worried about— she had at least five years of age on Steve, so maybe there was cause for concern— but Steve wasn’t paying her the time of day.
Instead, he was glancing over the woman’s shoulder at Eddie, who lurked in the aisles, and kept making faces and blabbling his mouth mockingly whenever she wasn’t paying attention.
Eddie was desperately holding back snickers and snorts. He couldn’t help but let a giggle escape when Steve moved his hand in a “blabbing” motion when she said something about her ex-husband (HUSBAND) again. The woman whipped around and glared at Eddie. Eddie gave her a finger waggle wave he realized belatedly was the same one Steve does.
Steve himself was almost beet red in the face with his effort to hold in his laugh. Eddie was amazed at how long he’d lasted.
The moment the door closed behind her Steve put his face in his arms on the counter and full on cackled. Eddie was quick to join.
They were still laughing when Robin came back from the bathroom.
“Is she gone?” she asked, looking oddly between the two of them.
Steve nodded, not having enough breath to get words out. Robin sighed a dramatic breath of relief.
“Oh thank God. Cause she looked one second away from bringing up some stupid shit like her failed marriage—“
That sent Steve and Eddie into another spiral of laughs.
“There’s no way she actually did.” Robin deadpanned.
Eddie nodded vigorously. “She fucking did!”
“Four times! As if bringing up how she was newly-single would make me want her. Did she look in a mirror before leaving? She’s closer to my dads age.”
Eddie snorted, trying to get his laughter under control enough to say “Even man-whore Richard Harrington wouldn’t go within a 20 foot radius of her.”
Steve didn’t waste a second before racking on: “Doesn’t need to get too close with how far back that hairline stretches.”
Robin and Eddie laughed themselves to tears.
And that was how it went.
A woman would come into the video store, shoot their shot with Steve, and Steve would laugh about it with Robin and Eddie later.
And it was fun. Eddie found it fun. Cause he knew Steve would always shoot the girls down, however nice or rudely he has to be about it.
It was a Friday, and as per usual on Fridays, Eddie was at Steve’s. Of course, it wasn’t just him— Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and Argyle were there as well.
They’d been hanging out whenever they all could before Nancy and Jonathan went to college and Argyle back to Cali. Hence the Friday night hang outs.
Tonight was no different, except for one thing.
“So explain to me once again why we have to drive all the way out to Indy for this?” Jonathan complained.
Nancy sighed and leant into him. “Cause there aren’t any good bars in Hawkins. And everywhere in Hawkins knows that almost none of us are of legal age.”
Jonathan grumbled but conceded, Wheeler had a point.
“Besides,” added Robin. “It’d be nice to finally get the hell out and see some new people.”
“Amen.” Agreed Eddie and Argyle at the same time. They both chuckled.
“Yeah well, I’d like to go soon before my social battery drains itself dead.” Remarked Jonathan, throwing an arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders.
“We’d have left already if SOMEBODY DIDN’T HAVE TO SPEND HALF AN HOUR PRIMPING HIMSELF!” Yelled Robin towards the stairs.
Steve had been MIA since Eddie got there at least 20 minutes ago. According to Robin he was still getting ready.
“PUT A LID ON IT BIRD-FOR-BRAINS, IM COMING!” Was the reply she got from the top of the stairs, where Steve was now coming from.
Nancy and Argyle snorted at the insult, but Eddie’s mind was rather taken up by the cut-off jean shorts Steve wore that showed more of his thighs than Eddie thought necessary for anyone’s functioning brain. He was also wearing what looked like the softest sweater he owned; a dark purple one that seriously brought out the green in his eyes.
Nancy whistled, Robin clapped. Argyle grinned at Steve and said
“Hey man! That’s the sweater I got you!”
Steve grinned right back and nodded. “Uh huh! Dude it’s like— SO fucking comfy you don’t even understand.”
The sweater was a little big on Steve, hanging over his thumbs a bit in the sleeves and landing just below the waistline of his shorts. If Eddie wasn’t so focused on the many moles on his thighs that were on display, the fact that Argyle had gotten Steve a sweater may have rubbed him the wrong way.
As it stood, Steve looked good.
He looked stunning, actually, in his glasses and his hair slightly ruffled in a delicate manner and his eyes wide and bright and—
He blinked and Steve was standing in front of him, no one else in the room.
Steve grinned giddily and laughed at him. “C’mon dude, you’re my ride up, remember?”
Oh yeah. They’d split everyone between his and Argyles vans.
“Isn’t Buckley with us?” Eddie asked as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
“Yeah, but I think she’s sticking with Jon and them on the way up.”
Eddie nodded and averted his gaze once more. There was a reason he’d skipped gym and avoided the mall.
That reason was glaring at him with all of its dotted moles and freckles and faint scars.
Jesus Christ he needed a cigarette.
The ride up was uneventful, peaceful even. Eddie let Steve have control over the radio, something Steve thought was normal but was downright foreign to anyone else. Eddie usually fought tooth and nail for control over the music but the sight of Steve singing and drumming his legs (holy shit his thighs jiggled—) and jamming out with a bright smile to whatever Tears for Fears or ABBA song he put on was worth it.
He followed behind Argyle and reluctantly sang under his breath with Steve to Head Over Heels.
The club they ended up going to was a little deeper into the city than they’d initially thought, and was slightly crowded when they got in.
Eddie was immediately hit with the smell of sweat and booze but not in an entirely bad way. In a way that told him that people here had fun.
It was bright and loud and the air tasted like fries (though Eddie might just be hungry). They took an empty table booth in a corner in the back.
After dropping their jackets off and everyone picking a seat, Steve got up to get everyone drinks.
“You want me to come with?” Eddie asked worriedly. It was Steve’s first time in Indy in a while and his first time out of Hawkins since the fall of Vecna. Sue Eddie for being cautious.
But Steve smiled sweetly at him and shook his head. “I’ll be alright, Eds. Be right back.” He knocked his knuckles on Eddie’s head affectionately and walked off. Eddie may have spent a second ogling before snapping his gaze to the table.
Eddie looked at Nancy with a raised eyebrow. She raised one right back.
She sighed. “Oh you’re hopeless.”
Jonathan snickered.
“Are you gonna make a move tonight?” Argyle elaborated.
Eddie shot up real fast. “Make a move? On who, Steve?”
“Yea, on Steve, doofus!” Robin reprimanded.
“There’s no board to make a move on.” Eddie pushed stubbornly. Because it was true. There was nothing there.
Robin groaned and dropped her head to the table.
“Dude, relax your knee. It’s shaking the whole table.” Jonathan tapped Eddie’s leg under the booth.
“Sorry, sorry. He’s been gone a while, right?” Eddie craned his head to look around the bodies of people dancing.
Robin huffed. “Yeah, kinda. But there are six of us, maybe he’s having trouble carrying all the drinks.”
Nancy suddenly kicked his leg under the table, a lot harder than her boyfriend had earlier. Eddie winced.
“Go help him.” Nancy all but demanded.
Eddie was up and away in a second, happy to have an excuse. He faintly heard Nancy and Robin high five behind him.
He weaved through the dancing crowd, bodies jostling him and pushing him forward until he got to the bar and finally spotted Steve and—
Something bubbled low in Eddie’s gut at the man standing in front of Steve. He was taller than both Steve and Eddie, well-built and had a bit of a beard going. He was leaning on the bar next to Steve, sort of caging him in. The scene made Eddie mad for reasons he didn’t give himself time to think about before he inserting himself.
Both Steve and the asshole’s heads turned to Eddie. Steve’s eyes lit up in recognition and relief while the man’s narrowed in anger at being interrupted.
“You know him, doll?”
Eddie wanted to make the man spit his own teeth out. Nobody else got to call Steve pet names. Just Eddie. It was an Eddie Thing, not an Everybody Thing. Fuck this guy.
“Yeah—“ Steve started.
“Yeah, he does. And yet I don’t think he knows you.”
Eddie stood shoulder to shoulder with Steve, glaring daggers at the douche.
The man scoffed and huffed, walking away and muttering under his breath. Eddie scowled until he could see the guy and his stupid beard. He finally turned to Steve.
Who was absolutely red in the face.
“You alright, sweetheart?” Eddie asked worriedly. “He wasn’t bothering you right? He seemed like a dick, looked like one even before I got up close.”
Steve stared at Eddie wide-eyed with his pretty lips parted. He blinked and spluttered a response.
“U—um, yeah! Yeah, no, I’m— I’m good. I’m alright. I’m great! Yep, great! Uh—“
“Are you sure?” Eddie was concerned, never having heard Steve stumble over a simple sentence so much.
Steve nodded vigorously before turning to the bar snappily. Eddie could still see the red painting his ears.
“Yep! Perfect! Could you help with the drinks? I don’t think I can carry them all, thanks!” And he was off back to the table.
Eddie stared after him for a moment before slowly grabbing the other three drinks and following back through the sea of bodies.
Steve was sat by the time Eddie got back to the booth, whispering heatedly with Robin, Eddie only managing to hear Steve hiss to her “that wouldn’t work!” before noticing his presence and shutting up all together.
Eddie raised an eyebrow but let it slide while he gave Nancy and Jon their drinks. He slid into the booth next to Steve who sat between him and Robin and across from Jonathan.
For the next 10 minutes, they all talked. They talked and laughed and joked and drank. But Steve seemed more in his head than usual.
Eddie was just working up the courage to ask him what was wrong when a guy came up to their table, eyeing Steve. Eddie immediately tensed.
All six heads turned to the dude who just showed up. But that didn’t deter him much.
“I was just wondering if pretty boy here wanted to dance?” He smirked at Steve, who Eddie felt tense up beside him.
“Um—“ Steve’s voice was kind of shaky, barely. But it was enough (mixed with the anger already brewing in his gut at the NERVE of this guy) for Eddie to finally step in.
“He’s alright.”
Six heads suddenly turned on him.
“Excuse me?” The asshole asked.
“You’re excused.” Eddie waved his hand in a shooing motion.
“Well I hadn’t exactly—“
“And I hadn’t exactly /asked/, now have I? Goodbye.” Eddie didn’t even bother offering a smile to hide the aggression in his tone. His message was clear: Get Lost.
The douche walked away grumbling and conversation soon resumed at the table.
“What was that!?” Jonathan asked incredulously.
Nancy and Argyle were both openly staring at Eddie in bewilderment.
Eddie shifted, but was more focused on the fact that Steve seemed to relax again.
“The dude was being an asshole. Just told him to get lost, not a big deal.”
“He was just asking Steve to dance? I don’t see the problem there.” Robin cut in.
It gave Eddie pause for thinking. She was right; there really was no problem there, so why had he been so upset about the dude asking Steve to dance. God just the thought of it left a bad taste in his mouth.
“It’s fine, Rob. I was just gonna tell him no anyway.”
Eddie looked at Steve then, who was a whole new shade of red.
“Are you alright? You’re all red again.” Eddie worried. Jonathan snorted into his drink and then winced when Steve kicked him under the table. Steve looked at Eddie.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit overwhelmed in the tight space I think. You wanna— uh— you wanna go dance?”
Eddie didn’t waste a second with his answer. “Sure.”
Eddie watched Steve and Robin have a silent conversation with their eyes and expressions before Robin grinned in victory and waved at them eagerly.
“Buh-bye! Have fun!” She sing-songed. Steve shot her a glare.
Eddie led Steve to the dance floor somewhere towards the edge of the crowd where there was less people. They really just stood there talking and sipping on their drinks while everyone around them danced.
“Hey, uh— thanks for telling him to back off. I’ve, I’ve never actually… been flirted with? By a guy, I mean— this is like— a brand new thing. But he and the other dude seemed just really creepy so— uh, thanks.” Steve stumbled through.
Eddie stared at his wide, earnest eyes and wondered how no guy had ever flirted with Steve before tonight. Even if the idea of it ever happening made him want to hurt somebody.
(Even though Eddie knows that guys have flirted with Steve before. Knows that he didn’t just make up those looks Tommy Hagan and Billy Hargrove gave him.)
So Eddie smiled and shook his head. “You’re all good, sweetheart. Just don’t want you running into the wrong guys.”
That pretty blush was back again, making Steve look even more breathtaking under the florescent lights and making his smile twice as bright.
Then they were rudely interrupted.
“Hey, babyboy.” Came an obnoxious call from behind Eddie. The guy was, again, taller that Steve, but this time he was barely taller than Eddie (a/n lemme live in slightly shorter Steve fantasy ok—). Eddie immediately hated him and his entire existence. Who just called people that? Babyboy? Was he serious or delusional?
Eddie watched Steve’s shoulders tense awkwardly while the guy spoke. His anger only grew and grew.
“Alright that’s enough dude, he’s not interested.”
The guy didn’t say anything to Eddie but kept talking to Steve which only served to irk Eddie further.
“I said he’s not interested ass face.” Eddie grabbed the guy’s shoulder. He finally looked at Eddie, seeming bored.
“He hasn’t said anything? Why not let the babydoll decide, huh?” He smirked at Steve. Eddie wanted to puke and scream at the same time. He felt like he was chewing on nails listening to this guy. Babydoll? First babyboy and now BABYDOLL??? Who the fuck was this dude? And more importantly would the possible assault charges be worth it?
“Um— yeah, I’m sorry. I’m not really interested in looking for anybody tonight.” Steve confirmed.
“Oh c’mon, doll face, don’t be like that.”
Oh the assault charges would so be worth it.
“He just said he wasn’t interested so fuck off.” Eddie shoved his shoulder. The dude finally turned to look at Eddie, leveling him with a glare that Eddie happily returned tenfold. If looks could kill the guy would have been fucking obliterated on sight.
“If he wasn’t interested then why’s he dressed like that, huh?”
Jail was looking mighty fine to Eddie.
“I’m right fucking here, asshat.” Steve spoke up. “And Im dressed like this because I look good and I know it. Not for fucks like you who have to beg for scraps to get by. I said I wasn’t interested and you’re just causing more of a headache if anything.”
Eddie grinned at Steve. It was so hot when he got all bitchy.
The asshole scoffed. “Oh so baby’s got a mouth on him.”
Eddie finally snapped, those assault charges no where in mind when he punched the guy in the face.
“Eddie!” Steve yelled, absolutely flabbergasted at the sudden violence.
The guy left after that with a threat of harassment charges. Steve took Eddie outside to the alleyway on the side of the club to get away from the crowd and to better examine his freshly bruised knuckles.
“You didn’t have to punch him.”
“He fucking had it coming.” Eddie spat through clenched teeth. He was still seething. And Steve was prodding at the bruises but that was neither here nor there.
Steve looked at Eddie, still holding his bruised hand. His eyes were wide as always and his cheeks flushed once more. His eyes seemed to search Eddie for something.
“Was it cause he was an ass?”
Eddie scoffed. “Of course! He was an ass and made you uncomfortable and—“
And I wanted to be the one to call you baby.
“And?” Steve prompted.
“And… and I hated how he talked to you.”
Steve looked down at Eddie hand, the blush rising to ears again. Eddie hooked a finger under Steve’s chin with the hand that wasn’t bruised and being held.
“Hey, you alright? You’re getting all quiet again.”
Steve’s eyes flitted back and forth between Eddie’s own before he sighed.
“Eddie.. I can’t— I don’t understand.”
Eddie pouted, confused. “Don’t understand what? There’s not much to it, honey.”
Steve cheeks pinkened again with the endearment. “Not— not that. I get that he was a dick— a massive dick attitude to make up for what he was surely lacking—“
That startled a laugh out of Eddie.
“—but I guess I don’t understand the other times? You were never like this before when anyone else flirted, so what changed tonight?”
And wasn’t that a thought.
What changed?
Well for starters, he wanted to kiss Steve. He wanted to kiss Steve senseless, shove him up against a wall and stick his tongue down his throat until he was breathless an begging for it.
So that’s changed.
But he also wanted to hug Steve and hold him right and call him things like Sweetheart and Honey and Love and Baby (which he already does anyway for the most part). He wanted to take Steve places and show him things. Wanted to give Steve every pretty rock he found and show him every cool leaf he saw.
What changed was that he wanted Steve in every which way Steve would let him have him.
But of course, Eddie didn’t express these aloud.
“Eddie…” Steve stared wide-eyed with his mouth opened in shock, his face a violent shade of red.
Or maybe he did express them aloud.
He’d drank more than he thought.
And then Steve was kissing him. Steve was pulling him in by the hand he was holding and pressing their lips together in a kiss that Eddie would never forget, not matter how much he’d drank that night.
They let go of each others hands, Eddie immediately grabbing Steve’s waist and Steve tangling his hands in Eddie hair.
By the time they’d pulled away to breathe Eddie bad fulfilled his wish of shoving Steve against a wall and sticking his tongue down his throat.
“So you were jealous?” Steve teased, playing with Eddie hair where his arms were still wrapped around his neck.
Eddie grumbled under his breath and kissed Steve to shut him up. Steve hummed and smiled into the kiss.
“Kissing me into going to make me drop it, Munson. You were totally jealous of those guys in there.”
Eddie huffed and stooped lower to kiss at Steve neck, gaining an immediate reaction with Steve’s stuttered breath and sudden silence. Eddie chuckled.
“Oh? I thought kissing you wasn’t going to make you drop it.”
Steve hit his shoulder weakly. “Shut it, asshole— mm!” Eddie bit down lightly on the side of his neck.
Then the door to the alley was opening and Robin was telling them to get their horny asses home before thy got arrested for public indecency.
So they agreed to pick up at home. And the whole ride there was filled with relentless teasing about Eddie’s apparent jealousy towards any guy who so much as looked at Steve oddly.
It’s rushed I know but it’s like 2am on a school night 😭 and I’m not upset with the results. Could it be better? Yeah. Could it be worse? Absolutely. It’s not my finest work but oh well 🤷
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 30 - "Are you with me?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
A/N: I had absolutely no idea what to do with this one… and it shows I think… also can this be considered crackish?
"Danny you ready?"
"Give me a second Red!"
"No time! Going live in…"
"Wait wait wait!"
"I got the popcorn!"
"What about the block against the Justice League?!"
"Red locked them out of the system. Now get ready!!"
Danny blinked as he got pushed by Superboy in front of the camera Impulse was standing behind. Behind them was Wonder Girl giving him a thumbs up with one hand and holding up giant flash cards with her other one.
"Uh Hi?"
Impulse raised an eyebrow and moved his hand in a keep going motion. Nervously Danny rubbed his neck. He looked left and right as if looking for something until his eyes focused back onto the camera. He coughed, took a deep breath, unnecessary in phantom form but helpful to calm down, before smiling and touching his hands together at their fingertips.
"Ahem. Hello, hi. Now you might be wondering. Who the fuck is that guy to interrupt my Saturday night movie program. I am Phantom, the newest member of Young Justice. King of the Ghost Zone also known as the Infinite Realms. The Dimension that's pretty much gluing our entire reality together." He gave the camera a nervous smile before he continued. "I am here to tell you on behalf of the entirety of the Infinite Realms. That you humans, of this dimension…"
Danny took a deep breath, from the corner of his eyes he saw Superboy giving another keep going sign while Red Robin was checking something on his laptop, making sure none of their mentors was trying to cut short their live feat over the entire world as well as that the subtitles worked for different language countries.
"...well you humans suck." Danny said as he breathed out, closing his eyes and pausing for a moment to let his message sink in. "Look, I get it. It's always hard finding something new, seeing change but come on. Anti-Ecto Acts? Was that necessary?"
He waved his hand around like he was thinking to find the right words while peaking at the flash card Wonder Girl was holding up.
"Like come on, can't you humans get your act together? Why hunt down an entire species just because they are different? You humans are already constantly at war with each other, aside from the idiocy of that, do you really have to add interdimensional war to that list?"
Danny chuckled nervously ignoring the additional flash card Impulse was now holding up to make him call out some of the humans' crimes against, the list mostly containing petty things Impulse didn't like. "Just so you know. I am barely keeping my council from declaring the dimensional one by the way." He added instead.
"Now you all are probably wondering what the hell this random ghost hero is talking about with no solution." He glanced to the side. " Well I have one."
Danny coughed into his hand and right his stance. "Dogs."
He held out his arms and Cujo appeared out of nowhere jumping into them. Off camera Wonder Girl coed. His ghost puppy had pretty much charmed all his hero friends since day one.
"They are loyal, awesome, cute and every beings best friend. Ancients even Superman has one!" Danny said smiling as he held up Cujo into the camera, he was glad he had remembered to infuse Red Robin's equipment with ectoplasm so the broadcast wouldn't get distorted.
"It's something we can all agree on. So, are you with me? Let's discard these stupid acts and all focus on the cuteness of little beings like him? How could anyone want to destroy his entire existence!"
"SHIT!" Red Robin cursed loudly off Camera and Danny blinked head turning towards his direction. "B got our location! Oracle ratted us out and is about to shut down the broadcast!"
"What this soon?! We didn't even get to the juicy parts yet!" Impulse complained loudly and Danny nervously faced the camera.
"Uh… Yea so.. No Anti-Ecto Acts and pro Dogs!" He summed up liften a encouraging fist up as Cujo barked happily in his arms.
"ETA 2! We need to bolt!" Red Robin shouted as Wonder Girl Rushed across the camera to open the window on the other side. Superboy was already picking up Red Robin and Impulse was gone before Red had even finished his sentence.
Phantom gave the camera one nervous smile as Cujo jumped out of his arms. "For the record. This broadcast was brought to you by sleep deprived Red and our opinion that the Justice League is taking too long!"
The next second phantom was seen rushing off to the side most likely following the others a moment later a crash was heard in the distance before the camera tilted and fell to the side. The broadcast was cut off at that point.
Unknown to the audience, a group of young hero's was rushing away from there not so secret broadcasting location, trying to escape their mentors that were not happy about their kids trying to take matters into their own hands just because 'the adults are taking to long'.
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ratcash-wasgud · 9 months
hi! i just came by your work last night, loved it! stayed up reading it! 11/10 *cheff kiss* Are you up for a petition? maybe another mizuxreader, perhaps villainxhero kinda situation. the reader could be one of the money/sex hungry affiliated with the white man (not a white men herself but like a lap dog of someone with higher power than Abijah Fowle). instead of mizu taking Fowler she takes the *reader*, keeps her alive and makes her speak 7u7 maybe scream. they end up helping each other in the end after much fighting. ofc adding some nsfw there pfff if that wasnt obvious.
hope you see this! lmfao
Omg, yes!! Genius. This set something ablaze inside me (especially since I love witty villain characters). I was thinking about making this a one shot tho, but if yall want a second part tell me, and i'll try. Try. Anyways, this'll be more lighthearted than my other works. Oh, and I'm sorry if this isn't how you imagined the story to go. I interpreted some of the originaly show's story, but mostly I just wen't along with what's the easiest to get my own story going, and I probably got some cannon info wrong too, but please don't yell at me lmao.
Btw!! I'm really glad i got a request!! So thank you! If anyone has any other ideas, I'd be glad to try and working with it!!
Okay, enjoy!!
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ℕ𝕖𝕜𝕠 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕤𝕥.
When Mizu pulled up to tea with Heji Shindou, instead of the half-blad old guy, she was faced with you. Some woman in strange clothing. It seemed like it was a mix of western clothing, and some japanese casual wear. You even had your hair down, letting it flow freely. How unusual.
"Ah, the infamous samurai who is tearing through anyone in his way!" You say with a smirk on your face, opening up your arms. "Come, come. Oh, and I see you've bought a dog too." You add, looking smugly at Taigen.
"How dare-" He starts, but gets shut down by Mizu quickly, and the two follow you to sit down.
"So, I've heard you're after the white men, huh?" You say, not sitting on your knees, but sitting down criss-cross style. "Why? What is it that you're after? Money?" You ask, starting to pour some tea.
"I don't need things like that. I have a vow. I swore revenge." Mizu says simply. "And what is it that you need from me?"
"Oh, nada." You shrug. "I'm just willing to offer a deal." You shoot the both of them a smirk. "I'd love to have that fat bastard dead too! My loyalty isn't with him at all!" You say it like it's the most exciting thing ever. "You see, that sack of shit has everything in the world! Money, power, connections...and he's still complaining! Ha! Meaning, he doesn't deserve it." You say as you lift your tea and take a sip. "I, on the other hand, would take much better care of his privilages."
"So you want me to kill him so you can take his place?" Mizu asks, highly suspicious. She glances at Taigen, who is still giving you a dirty look for your comment from earlier.
"Yap." You nod, tossing down your cup. "Fowler wouldn't be an easy target, so without my help, you could already start planning your funeral." You say, but now a small dangerous glint appears in your eyes.
"And why should I trust you?" Mizu asks, her eyes narrowing at you, but your smirk doesn't falter.
"You shouldn't. Didn't you mother tell you not to trust strangers?" You say with a chuckle and Mizu rewards it with a small glare. A small, but cold one. "Still, it's up to you. Do you wanna kill that bastard so much you're willing to take the risk?"
"And how do we know this is not an ambush? That you won't just kill us if we say no?" Taigen cuts in, putting his hands on the table which you reward with your smile getting smugger.
"Oh, please." You put your hands up in defense. "You really think I'd waste weapons and men on you?" You say, looking him straight in the eye. "And besides, you won't say no." You look back at Mizu. "My deal has only benefits for you. You'll just have to gulp down some self respect."
Mizu raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" She can't deny, having someone close to Fowler himself helping her would be a huge positive, but...you just seem so sly. Like a cat.
"Ah, you see, I can get you inside Fowler's little residence." You stand up to pull of a blanket off a big barrel. "You'd fit inside quite well. You're a scrawny thing anyways." You say with a taunting smirk.
"It's a trap!" Taigen says to Mizu right away, but Mizu seems unfazed and steps closer. "How exactly would you get me inside?"
"Aw, I wanted that one to be a surprise." You say with a mock pout. "Fowler thinks I'm out getting a good deal on sake, and I kinda am." You take the barrel's to of, revealing that it's half full of sake. "I'd have you delivered right to his nose."
"You'd die." Taigen cuts in again, and Mizu can see your eye twitch at that.
"Could you shut your lil' pet up? The adults are talking." You say, your smirk disappearing.
"She's obviously untrustworthy!" Taigen draws his sword on a whim, but he's met with a revolver to his head right away.
"Don't try that shit with me." You say, tilting your head at him, but you then seel Mizu's blade at your nape. "Touché." You mutter.
"So what now?" You ask with a smirk breaking out on your face again. "Kill me and lose your only chance at killing the man you swore to slay down? Ha! Go on then." You say, glancing over at your shoulder at her, and you see Mizu tense up.
Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your head and you fall to the ground. Mizu hit you with the hilt of her blade, stripping you of your conciousness.
The next thing you see is a capmfire and a siluette around you. As you blink a lot to clear your vision, you notice Mizu and as you look down, ropes around you. She tied you up.
"So you didn't kill me after all." You say out loud, getting Mizu's attention. "The other guy? The one with a bald spot and a funny glare. The dog." You look around.
"Away." Mizu shrugs simply. It's the truth though, Ringo is away in a nearby town, getting supplements for the road, and she left Taigen with a promise of a later duel.
"So...What is you plan now, big bad samurai? Try and torture me into telling you shit? Ha!" You say, wriggling in the ropes.
"I'm planning to exchange you for information." Mizu says simply, staring at the campfire. "I'm sure Heji Shindo would like to have you back."
You grit your teeth. "That old fucker doesn't give a shit about anything but his money and his dick. I'm sure that power hungry bastard is happy I'm gone." You say, scoffing. "But go on, try." Suddenly, you realize something. "What did you do with my gun?" You ask in a hurry, trying to feel around at your hilt.
Suddenly, Mizu lifts your gun, holding it between two fingers. "This?" She asks, looking at you from the corner of her eyes.
"Don't you dare lose it! I want it back when you're done with me!" You stomp your foot as much as you can.
"You know, for someone talking so big earlier, you're quite pissy now." Mizu says, rolling her eyes and you huff in response.
Then...as you glanced back at the fire, you noticed a small pot, boiling. You tried to lift yourself to see what's in it, but the ropes didn't allowed you to.
"...if I starve to death, I'm just gonna be a waste, you know." You mumble under your nose, and Mizu snorts. She then reaches for the pot, and pours out some what seems like soup into a small bowl and she puts it beside you.
You stare at the bowl, your eye twitching. "I can't reach it." You say, your eyebrows creasing together and she just looks at you with a small, amused grin.
"Huh." She says, leaning back on her hands. "Really?" She taunts you. Oh, this woman is horrible. Fine, you think. In one swift motion, you move your leg as much as you're able, and kick the bowl, spilling it all on Mizu.
Mizu's eyes widen and she looks down on her clothes. "...oh, you little bitch." She hisses at you.
"Come, kill me then!" You stick out your tongue childishly.
"You know damn well I could!" Mizu huffs back, throwing the bowl at you.
"Ha-ha, your whole little quest depends on me!" You laugh right into her face and wriggle your legs. Mizu almost growls at you and suddenly she picks up your gun again, and holds it above the fire, threathening to drop it.
"No!" You yell out, and fall forward, and bite into her ankle. Mizu yanks her leg away with a hiss and reaches down to pull you up by your collar.
"Okay, what's your fucking deal?" She says from behind greitted teeth.
"What's yours?" You ask right back, snarling right back at her. "If you'd wanted to kill me, you'd have done it by now. So, want me to talk? Earn it!" You say, getting closer to her face, trying to stand your ground.
"The fuck you want?" Mizu tosses you away, and sits at a reasonable distance from you. "To have Fowler dead? Then just tell me how to get in, and where he is!"
"I want you to untie me, and hand me back my gun!" You demand, and lift your nose, refusing to look at her.
"What's so great about this gun anyways?" Mizu picks up the gun again and looks at it more closely. It's obviously a western gun with a leather grip and engravings along it's barrel in the form of some kind of bird.
You scoff in response. "That was my first gun. It's special." You say like it's the most obvious thing ever. "I will bring it with me when I finally travel aboard, away from this stuck-in-the-past land."
"Huh?" Mizu raises her eyebrows. "You wanna leave Japan? For what?" She asks mockingly.
"Because! This place isn't wide enough for my potential! After Fowler is out of the picture, I will visit take his money and go to London. Start a new life and all. I will really bloom there." You say, rolling onto your back. "People will understand me there."
Mizu narrows her eyes. "I don't think people in Japan are the problem, you're just a common lunatic." That earns a chuckle from you.
"Says the guy who is set out to kill four men he doesn't know shit about." You says, glancing at her, and Mizu can't help herself, cracks a smirk.
"You have guts to talk back to your captor, you know." She says and lifts her eyebrows in amusement. She glances up at the sky too. The stars are very bright tonight.
"You won't kill me." You say, tilting your head so that you're looking straight at her. It's just now that she notcied how nicely the stars reflect in your eyes. Your eyes now look calm, and they don't have any slyness, or mischief in them at the moment. "It wouldn't benefit you." You shrug. "And torturing me would be useless. Pain passes."
"Say," Mizu starts, looking back at the fire. "You said that you're not loyal to Fowler. So who are you loyal to?"
"Me." You say withouth hesitation. "The one who I want the best for and I trust the most is myself. I'm not loyal to any old, egostical bastard with money, like most people in this country are." Say say it with disgust. "I never was and never will be loyal to anyone else, but me."
Mizu scoffs. "What are you, a stray cat?" She asks with a hint of amusement as she looks down at you. "That just makes you even more untrustworty."
You scoff back. "Who said that I want to be trustwhorty?" You ask, rolling your eyes. "Plus, I'm free. Well, not yet, but I will be. And it's not like you can say the same."
Mizu can't help but snicker. "Is that it? Freedom? I'm free enough, thank you."
"Naaaaah." You shake your head. "You're tied down by your own revenge. It tells you where to go, what to see, what to feel...if I told you where's Fowler, you'd get going by tomorrow. Even if I told you you'd die, you'd still go. Not because you want to die, but because that's the only thing you know. Revenge and rage. You'd jump in the well if I said Fowler's at the bottom of it." You say boldly, and look her straight in the eyes before you smirk slyly.
"You think you know everything, huh?" Mizu frowns and gets up to you, grabbing you by the hair. "You know nothing of me. I need this. I will throw my life away if I have to, to finish what I've started, so I won't think twice about taking yours too."
"You're all talk about killing me. Deep down, you know you need me." You taunt her. "You won't find that bastard withouth me. I work under his arm, I could get you there soooo easily, but you're throwing it away because you get too emotional." Your smirk gets even more smug. You kinda look like a cat, Mizu notices again. A cat that has just pushed off something expensive off a shelf, breaking it, and knowing it too.
Mizu noticed that sometimes you force that smugness into your little smirks. She sees it because the corners of your lips twitch. In reality, you are scared of her, but you'd rather die than let her see that. She never met a woman like you. She doesn't know how you got to the place you are, but she respects it. And still, you kow she could take your life. You're tied up, tripped of your weapons and vulnerable, yet you still taunt her. You're very annoying but somehow she can't help but admire your bravery. But the moment you're cornerned into a corner, you hiss and scratch.
After that, she lets you go and walks to be at a good six and a half feet away from you before she lays down, and decides to sleep withouth another word. Not much time passes when Mizu stays sleepless, but she hears you snore. And for some reason, she can't help but smile. You breathe through your mouth when you sleep. It's kind of cute.
The next couple of days are spent with Mizu travelling with Ringo and Taigen, and she drags you along too. Literally. She drags you while you're tied up. During those days, you managed to talk to Ringo a lot. Most of the time he's the one who's assigned to watch over you, and it doesn't seem like he has even as much as a mean bone in his body. You could even call some of your conversations pleasent. The other two on the other hand...you sometimes talk to Mizu and you two always end up in a neck to neck situation. Mizu wants to get you to talk, but she hasn't hurt you yet. She just always threathens you, yells and curses. You just flat out insult her at every chance you get though. It's not because you hate her, persay, but because you find it funny. You're being held captive after all, you need to use every chance you get to have fun.
Currently, you are left alone for the first time in weeks, as the others left your outside of town while they get something done. When you're sure they're out of seeing and hearing range, you start to rub the ropes on your wrist against a bigger rock you've found, trying to "saw" through it. When that irritating thing finally snaps, and you begind to get yourself free, you suddenly hear a very menacing sound from behind.
"The fuck are you doing?" You turn your head and see Mizu, glaring and gripping her sword. Fuck, you think and as she charges at you. You quickly throw away the rest of your ropes, and dogde out of the way. You didn't got to where you are now withouth knowing how to stand your ground, and defending yourself...and knowing how to cheat, of course.
You jump to your feet and get behind Mizu, and with one swift, forward kick to her side, you don't just get her to grunt and almost fall, you also send your gun flying from her side. By now, you've learned that that's where she keeps it. You're still just happy she didn't outright get rid of it. As the gun slides on the cold ground, you jump after it while Mizu regains her composure, and finally obtain it once again.
"Yes!" You silently cheer to yourself and point the gun at Mizu, who just looks at you, her blade covering half her face.
You gulp. Do you really wanna fire at Mizu? Kill her even? You did kinda want to kill her and betray her at first, but now you're...not sure. Sure, she's an asshole but...over those days as being her captive, you learned some things about her...she's not as heartless and cold. She fed you herself, she managed to keep you safe, even if she kept you in robes, and she just wants revenge...she even kept your gun safe.
But you can't show weakness. That's not what you stand for, so you shoot, but aim at her leg. She dodges of course, and manages to pin you down with her blade at your neck, but your gun at her stomach.
You just stare at her eachother, panting, not sure who's gonna kill who first. Mizu stares into your eyes, seeing her own reflection in them. Suddenly she notices that familiar glint in them, and how you swallow while panting, and how nose moves when you take a deep breath...and she feels her stomach fluttering. With adrenaling flowing through her veins and her skin haven't feeling contact with someone else's for so long, she makes a decision. A quick, and a little foolish one.
She pushes her lips against yours, her eyes closing and her breathing speeding up even more. And to her biggest surprise...you kiss back right away. It's all happening so fast. One minute you're nearly killing eachother, and in the other, you're passionately making out with her hands under your clothes, feeling your skin with your weapons thrown to the side.
"Asshole. You fired at me." Mizu mumbles into the kiss, her hands firmly feeling up the skin on your sides, while you rin your hands down her spine.
"Dickhead. You kept me tied up for weeks." You mumble back, gently biting into her lower lip, which Mizu rewards with a small gasp. Suddenly, she feels your hands under her clothes too.
"I knew it." You whisper. "A man could never have a soul like yours." You say and pull her back into a kiss. You feel her knees between your legs, pushing at your core, and in response you squeeze one of her breasts. Mizu starts to get rid of your clothes one by one, and as she does that, you quickly strip her of her own too.
Mizu's slander fingers slowly travel to your slit, but as she does, you grip her wrist and stop her. "No." You mumble. "Not like this." You flip her over (not easily though, she fights back even now), and look down at her naked form, quickly throwing away her chest bindings too.
"Fuck..." You mumble as you carefully align your core with hers, your clits touching, and moving together with every breath. And as you start to move gently, holding yourself up on your hands next to her head, you can hear her moan. She grinds back against yours, your juices mixing together. Even in this moment, it's as if you're both fighting for dominance. You don't know when will Mizu just reach up and choke you to death, but honestly? That's the best part.
You feel her hands around you, one clawing at your back, the other on your jaw...then cheeks, then lips, then the last thing you know is that she's forcing a finger inside of your mouth while you quietly moan and bite down on it. In response you push harder against her, almost squishing her clit with yours, which end in a louder moan from both of you.
"Can't...can't fucking take it..." Mizu moans, pushing her finger deeper inside your mouth before she retreats it, and uses her other hand to pull on your hair instead.
"What? Gonna cum? Ha." You manage to murmur out, not being able to stop your hips, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge too.
"You...fucking wish...ah!" Mizu's whole body twitches as you angle yourself a little differently, giving a whole new sensation to both of you, making you bite into her shoulder while she grips a handful of your hair thightly. And with that, a louder, choked back moan escpaed from both of you...being in perfect balance with eachother, and reaching your climax at the same time.
You stay there, just quietly panting and laying there, on top of eachother in silence for a while. You ahve your face burried into Mizu's neck, basking in her scent while Mizu still has her hand in your hair, feeling it's texture against her cheek.
"...you gotta go through a tunnel." You mumble.
"What?" Mizu perk up, lifting your head by your hair to look into your eyes.
"To get into Fowler's castle. You gotta go through a tunnel that is like...twenty steps away from the road's end and is filled to the brim with traps." You mumble, having your eyes open only halfway. "You gotta head East after you leave the last small village before the forest."
Mizu takes all that in. Now she knows how to get there...now she knows everything. "So that's what it took you to talk? For me to fuck you?"
"I fucked you." You say with a huff and get off of her, putting your clothes back on. "Well, I guess you got what you wanted, and I'm free too." You say, not really sure why. There are no ropes holding you back anymore, so...íthis is your cue to leave, isn't it?
"Wait, where are you going?" Mizu sits up, looking after you.
"Back to Fowler." You shrug. "I'm still his right hand. He probably sent men to find me." You sigh as you finish dressing up. "See you...at the castle." You say, look at her above your shoulder.
"..." Mizu narrows her eyes. "Fuck you." She spits.
"Check." You put on that so familiar smug smirk and hold up a thumbs up. "Spare me a seat in the audience when you cut his head off." You wave as you start walking away.
"...like a fucking stray cat." Mizu sighs, and before you dissappear, the last thing she sees is your wink.
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sillyteecup · 2 months
That Dam attitude
Jey Uso × black!reader
Strong language
Suggestive content
Violence, I guess? (don't thump your partners with ores)
Translation: Thixo=God
~A.N: This is me, entering the Bloodline community with a little love for Jey (I need Triple H to stop playing with him and give him a title opportunity) while working on that little Roman AU. Hope you like it. Enjoy. ❤️
30 minutes. That's how long Josh had been sitting on the other side of their shared kayak pouting like a 5 year old. Arms folded, lips pressed, eyebrows furrowed-the whole package. All because he much rather would've stayed back at their booked villa fucking instead of actually adding some adventure to their vacation.
And Siya, was frankly tired of it. "Not you still sitting over there pouting and shit," she commented with an annoyed look on her face.
Looking equally vexed, he replied, "Not you got us in the middle of the fucking ocean at 8 am on vacation," to which Siya rolled her eyes.
"First of all, dumbass it's a dam. Second of all, I did not come all the way out here to fuck, sleep, eat and repeat, I came out here to have fun and relax," she said. The fact that they were in Cape Town where there was so much to see and do (for Josh anyway since Siya had been there plenty of times as a child) and all he wanted to do was move like a damn Neanderthal amazed her. Fucking men.
"Oh, and praytell Siya, which part of any of this is fun or relaxing?" he asked incredulously, gesturing at the kayak. "And I want you to think very carefully about your answer because if you tell me some bullshit about connecting with nature, I will flip this bitch over and we gon' swim back to the dock," he warned.
At this, Siya's eyes narrowed. There was no way this man was serious. "So you, Joshua Fatu, mean to tell me that you would trade in all of this natural beauty and peace for sex? Is that what you're saying to me right now?" They were on a kayak on the Waterfront dam with a perfect view of the Table mountain and the overall serene vibe of one of the most beautiful cities in Africa. And this man wanted to trade that in for some pussy? Bomb pussy, that is but semantics.
He smirked. "Ey ma, let's just say I'd prefer to be knee-deep different type of natural beauty, know what I'm sayin'?" he said, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Usually she'd find this funny and fold like a pretzel, but this time around her pussy was sore from all the work he'd been putting in since they landed 2 days prior, she was already running out of thongs since he kept tearing them off her (with the promise to buy her ne ones of course) and frankly, she was starting to miss being able to walk without holding onto something for support. As a matter of fact, part of her had actually considered having him admitted into a rehab because his addiction to her cooch was on its way to paralyzing her from the waist down.
"You need help. Professional help," she snarked, pointing her acrylic decorated nail at him, making him chuckle.
"Girl you better stop acting like you don't like creaming on this shit," he laughed, right as an older white couple rowed by. They looked aghast, as though they'd heard his comment, which mortified Siya.
"Joshua!" she scolded before apologizing profusely to the other couple, who continued clutching their pearls while they did their best to get as far away as possible from the younger pair. She shot Josh a deadpan look, one he responded to with an innocent shrug.
"Look babygirl, ain't my fault white folk can't mind their business," he said defensively.
Siya lifted her ore and gently thumped him on the head with it, making him hiss. "No, but your big ass mouth yelling our business for the whole fucking continent to hear is your fault. No home training, I swear," she complained as she continued to row.
Still rubbing his head and trying to row with one hand, he frowned. "Oh but when you're the one hollering at the top of your lungs for me to fuck you like a little slut while doin' tricks on the dick, might I add, it's all good?" Josh retorted, to the horror of another older couple rowing by.
"Thixo," Siya heard the older woman gasp. She sent the lady an apologetic smile and let out a string of "sorries" in Xhosa, before turning to glare at Josh again.
"The fuck all these old people doing out here so early anyway?" he exclaimed, albeit, quietly. "This is a sign if you ask me."
Siya was seething. "Fuck, you," she hissed with a deadly glare to match.
"Tuh, I wish you would," Josh replied, earning another, this time less gentle, thump to the side of his head. He raised his eyebrows, challenging his girlfriend to do it again. "Girl, you better stop playing with me, 'else it won't be no discussion."
Another thump.
"Siya," he warned, mildly irritated.
Usually she would stop but this time she was annoyed by his prior antics. "Joshua," she mocked him, moving to deal another thumped, only for him to grab her ore.
His face was set in stone. He definitely wasn't playing anymore. "Stop it," he commanded.
Siya however, was not moved in the slightest. "Or what?" she challenged.
He leaned closer to her, careful not to tip the kayak over as no one was rowing at the moment. "Keep fucking around and you gon' find out real soon," he growled.
Siya kissed her teeth defiantly. "You ain't gon' do shit."
Josh chuckled darkly as he sat back up straight. This girl was clearly dead set on testing his patience and she was gonna reap what she sowed. She didn't know it yet, (or maybe she did) but as soon as they got back to that villa he was gonna put her back in her place and fix that damn attitude.
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aguyinthepubliceye · 3 months
my partner and I have been watching different Ride The Cyclone productions. So far we've watched the off-broadway 2016 production (and just in case i'm mistaken, its the one played by Gus Halper, Alex Wyse, Tiffany Tatreau, etcetc. I will also be referring to this one as the OG even though is not cus im too lazy to type allat again), and some of t he more recent ones done in universities. I think it shocked us both to see the differences in the script. I mostly have qualms and complains around Mischa and Ocean's character. Mischa's has to do with how he's portrayed rather than the scripts, like Ocean's. In the newer ones, Ocean is portrayed as such a mean girl especially with the whole improvisation thing. They made her so superficial when in the original it really felt like she was trying her best to (as repetitive as it sounds) be her best and change the world positively even though it gave her a feeling of superiority for believing she is better than anyone else, that it came from HER being capable of changing the world. And by the end instead of reviving herself, she revives Jane and comes to terms that this is how she will affect the world, through giving someone else the chance to live again. That also means that Penny might not even remember her, and that's a whole lot development for Ocean cus she's not thinking about what her mark will be in the world and the changes SHE will make, but rather giving someone else the opportunity to live is purely selfless cus she gets absolutely NO reward, not even personal achivement or nourishment. It's just character development which kind of looses her effect when she's turned into a smart ass MEAN mean girl with airs of moral superiority that make no sense when she's bullying just because. Basically, yes she does think she can change the world but her superiority comes from moral and ethics, not just cus she's like 'im just better than anyone else cus im so slay yas girlypop'. They just pushed it too far with some of the stuff they changed/added (I will admit the improvisation bit was funny, if only it didnt ruin her character ((imo)) I feel like Mischa is being interpreted much more dumb than he actually is. They make him SUUUCH a himbo but almost fully negatively. It seems like they are putting characters in boxes. I enjoyed the OG because - much like he himself says - he gets hyped about things BUT in Halper's interpretation conserves that ''gangster'' more or less serious/chill persona and it's not just some loud ass class clown type of character. We didn't watch much of talia but even thinking of those interpretations singing Talia clashes so much because it feels so dumb'd down compared to the 'og' since he's kind of stupid and silly so it feels like Talia really is just a silly first love, he's being delusional and shit like that. Instead of the Mischa we first saw who already seemed far more realistic and less stereotypical, so it makes more believable for him to be so in love with Talia and that being the whole argument of his desire to live. GRANTED WHAT WE SAW ARE UNIVERSITY PRODUCTIONS so im not sure they were full on actors but still, it bothered me so much to see that twice, i had to get it out of my system bro. No hate to the actors tho these things happen, whateverrr anyway gus halper slayed that role, i have yet to see a Mischa that has so much ACTUAL passion and doesnt dumb down his rage thanks for listening im done yapping please dont yell at me thanks x2!!
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jacobsbigmelons · 1 year
Inspired by your username... Can I request one where Jacob's bf is obsessed with his pecs and like playing with them, maybe a first time blowjob too?
you don’t understand how much i love this
i am trying so hard not to self insert myself here because i’m a whole tiddy guy for men ESPECIALLY JACOBMYGODILLDOANYTHINGJUSTFORASQUEEZE
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“They are pecs, not ‘tiddies’.”
Jacob Custos x male reader
nsfw, pec play, blowjobs, slightly public, muscle worship
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“Anyone see Jacob? Y/N? They’ve just kinda been missing ever since we finished packing” Abi said, the sun beaming off of her colored hair. “Y/N always goes off on his own little trips, but Jacob? He probably got himself lost and trapped in a ditch somewhere knowing him” Kaitlyn spoke, her arms crossed over one another. “Or maybe they’re grabbing some last minute things?” Ryan shrugged as his suggestion floated in the air for a little bit “i think last minute was around 15 minutes ago, y’know…when the packing finished up?” “Touché” Ryan nodded.
“Hey don’t splash me!” Jacob complained as the cold water hit his body “Youre already wet stop being a baby!” You hollered before giving him another splash of lake water, which he returned just as quick. “Babe babe babe babe…babe! Watch this.” Jacob said as he swam towards the doc and pulled himself up as he wrapped his leg around the dock piling like a stripper pole, and began to rub his body from top to bottom before looking directly back to you. “You should be the next AdamandEve spokesperson” you yelled out, Jacob kept the pose, though with a confused look. “what’s that?” he said as he now wrapped his hand around the piling.
“Uh- website where you buy…y’know, stuff for late night bedroom stuff.” You said quieter as you also pulled yourself up onto the dock as you admired your boyfriends beautifully structured body. “I mean I could try but I don’t think they’d let me if it’s about sex and shit” Jacob said as he finally unraveled himself from the pole “and whys that? you got the body and you clearly know your way around a pole” You said as you pointed to him and the pole “Uh- Well i”m sure it wouldn’t matter but I uh…i’ve never been led to the bedroom, let’s say that.”
Jacobs statement drew a blank to you, you merely blinked at him for a few seconds before speaking “You never had sex?! Have you…ever had anything explicit with another person?” You we’re gonna speak more before Jacob intersected by putting his hand in front of him as a way to stop you from speaking. “Hey hey hey! I- I have actually thank you very much.” His tone trying not to waver nervously “mmmhm…lay with me” you demand with a small pat on the dock to let Jacob know to lay down as you shifted your body so your legs weren’t dangling off but instead laid on top of the dock.
Jacob walked the very few steps it took to get next to you as he crouched down before laying down fully, he put his arm behind his head as a way to support it. You moved in close to his chest as you rubbed your hand around his pecs and abs, the dripping water adding some shine to his physique. “Not saying i’m total eye candy but your more than welcome to admire” Jacob rubbed his other hand in-between your thighs.
“Yeah sure meathead” you teased as you sat up and straddled his lap as you looked down at him, his body definitely what Jacob labeled as ‘eye candy.’ You wrapped your hands on the sides of his chest before rubbing along it while playfully caressing the soft tissue in your hands. “You really like playing with my pecs huh?” Jacob stated, clearly not going to do anything to stop it though. “You got some hot tiddies what can I say.” You smiled before rubbing his chest again, Jacobs face now looking slightly offended.
“They are pecs…not tiddies, if you’re gonna play with ‘em at least show them some respect by calling them by what they’re called.” Jacob explained, of course he would get defensive over a muscle group. The hunk only knew brawn’s after all. “I’m so sorry your dear pectoral muscles got offended” you leaned down as you began to kiss your boyfriend, his underwear clearly not hiding how we was feeling anymore with the quite obvious poking you feel on your stomach.
The two of you made out until you decided to go lower down the body as you kissed around his neck, then his arms, biceps, back to his chest and nipples, abs, everything. The pleasurable sounds he made definitely let you know the effect you had on him then and there. “Your body is so fucking hot” your voice, slightly muffled as you spoke with your lips to his skin. At this point you already got to his dick, your hand rubbing against it as Jacob softly cursed.
“Can I suck you off?” You said sitting up straight once more as your hands were on the elastic parts of his underwear ready to take them off, his dick practically begging to be let out as it kept twitching. “Oh uh- Y-yeah! What uh…what should I do?” Jacob said slightly puzzled, trying to recollect every scene of porn he’s watched, yet it seemed like every little think he could try and think of wasn’t helping him decide what to do.
“Just lay there and look hot baby, let me do all the work for your first time” You confidently said, despite Jacob being slightly embarrassed at the fact that he has never been apart of explicit congress such as this, yet his confident personality hid a lot of that. You pulled off his last piece of clothing before moving it to the side, you leaned down as you licked the base of his penis while he led your hands back up to his chest, specifically to where his nipples were as if he wanted you to stimulate him up there while also doing it down there.
“Holy shit your fingers feel so good but your mouth is really doing a number down there” Jacob said in one breath, before you finally took his dick into your mouth. You went as far as you could and even just the tip going in was enough for Jacob to groan loudly. His hips began to move back and forth as you continued to rub and slightly pinch at his nipples. You grabbed his chest as a whole not long after as just grabbing his pecs and squishing them yourself was hot in its own way. “God this shouldn’t be so hot” Jacob quietly said with gaps in between as he was trying to not fumble his words from just how good he was feeling.
You were bobbing your head pretty quick, and it didn’t take long before Jacob eventually took a chunk of your hair in his hands and moved you up and down himself. “Take that big fucking dick in that tight fucking throat of yours.” He said as he began thrusting a lot faster, as well as his hips began to quiver a lot more. Only then was it when he stopped abruptly and cum began to leak from the small gaps of your mouth, that he finally let go of your hair.
“Oh my…fucking god, you gotta suck this dick a lot more babe jesus christ.” Jacob heaved as you took yourself off of his cock, cum making its way down your neck slightly. “We always got tonight, or if you want…you can be the one sucking this time.” You smirked while you used your arm to clean the mess that was made off of your body and Jacob was yet again lost in thought knowing the last night spent together at camp at least will be the most remembered for both him and you.
a/n: I finished this at like 3:20AM so if any of the last bits sound weird m so sorry ;-;
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jealousjersey · 8 months
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ “oh shit” ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
๋࣭ ⭑ part 2!!!
๋࣭ ⭑ part one here
๋࣭ ⭑ futuredad!mike schmidt x pregnant!reader (fluff)
๋࣭ ⭑ mostly dialog (really short i’m sorry fellas)
๋࣭ ⭑ a/n: short af, wanted to get pt 2 out as soon as possible!! part 3 is coming soon but i just couldn’t wait with this one!!
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“what do you mean you’re gonna be a dad?” you ask sincerely, with a bit of worry in your eyes,
“baby, i think i finished inside you” he says, still smiling. he loves the idea of being a dad.
“oh mike..” you say, hands covering your face. this scares you a lot. you know you’re not ready to be a mom.
“i’m here, i’ll always be here.” mike comforts you, putting his rough hand on your knee. “i can’t imagine how scary this is, but it’s your decision if you want to keep it or not.”
you pause and think for a second. “let’s have the baby” you say, smiling. eyes still muted, clearly deep in thought. do you actually want this baby or do you want mike to be happy?
“i really do want a kid with you mike. we would be good parents” you grin
“really!?” mike exclaims. he wasn’t expecting this answer. he was estatic. he wants to be a father so badly.
mike gets up and wraps his arms around you, his lips place a kiss on your forehead.
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about half a month after the test came back positive, the morning sickness really starts to set in. you’re always head above the toilet. mike can see how sick you’ve become, being extra careful around you, holding your hair when you throw up, and always getting you anything you ask for. he loves taking care of you.
mike already started picking out colors for the nursery, after only a month of you carrying his child. “he really is excited” you think as you smile. your pregnancy has opened a new aura to mike. he’s become softer. his eyes are no longer dull. since the night you became pregnant, his eyes have stayed with a sparkle in them. he was meant to be a dad.
“i really think primary colors would look good in the room, whaddya think babe?” he turns to you. “i think it’s perfect” you smile at him.
mike already bought a car seat, a crib and so. many. toys. you both don’t even know the gender, he doesn’t care right now, whatever the gender is, he’s going to be thrilled.
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3 months into your pregnancy, your baby bump starts to show. mike loves seeing you like this. he loves the new maturity you’ve grown, the glowing aura surrounding your skin and how beautiful you look. he’s also noticed your breasts getting bigger. you notice him checking you out and you start flirting with him like you just met. he giggles and kisses you.
mikes also matured a lot, you’ve noticed he stopped biting his nails, he’s become a lot less nervous. your pregnancy is sort of soothing to him. seeing you in a whole new light than the day he first met you.
you look happy. mike hasn’t seen you like this in a very long time, he’s absolutely amazed on how this has grown on you.
mike looks at you for a minute before pushing your hair behind your ear and kissing your cheek. you blush for the first time in months and he can tell.
“so, any guesses on the gender?” you ask him. “i’m making my bets it’s a girl” he grins as he looks you in the eyes, the same glimmer stares. “i’m putting $20 down that it’s a boy” you joke. “prepare your $20. it’s definitely a girl” he laughs back. the communication between you both has changed. you two haven’t argued in 4 months. this is a new record for you two. but you’re certainly not complaining.
mike started picking up on cooking dinner for you, when he found out the test was positive he frantically picked up every pregnancy book and started cooking trying to avoid the foods you couldn’t eat. of course once or twice he messed up and added cheese but you caught it before you took a bite. he was so embarrassed at first, making you a new dish entirely. it was so cute to see him like this.
mike has always had a thing for giving you whatever you needed, always taking such good care of you. it didn’t matter what was going on, sickness or in health, he always put you first.
“i love you so much” he says to you as you hold his hand tighter than ever. “i love you so much more.” you respond
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@joshhutchersons-slut had to tag u fr ☁️
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pileofmush · 9 months
warning: yes we're talking about taz skylar. yes i am opinionated.
i'm making this as a response to the posts i've seen floating around on my dash that are promoting neutrality, and, most annoyingly, whining about the backlash he's receiving.
you guys had your turn to speak so i guess i'll take mine!
no, this is not directed at any particular blog. yes, i am biased, and i'm not going to pretend that i'm not. and finally no, i’m not posting this to seem virtuous or some shit like that. glad we got that cleared up.
anywho. you guys are annoying me 😭
it's always #freepalestinetillit'sbackwards until your favorite british blorbo is questioned. questioned, rightfully so, mind you.
let's go over the facts:
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this was posted by twitter user knsiara yesterday morning. apparently, people are also getting on taz about who he follows on social media, but that's none of my concern. i'm aware it takes effort to cull and monitor the values of those you follow. i don't hold that against him. moving on.
the real concern is the charity that he was directly promoting. as in, the charity that he's presumably donated to and encouraged his 1.9 million followers to donate to as well, seeing as it was linked right there in his instagram bio.
so! there is a bit of confusion about who the red cross supports. i've done some basic googling, and yeah it's pretty vague, so i do understand the confusion. it seems the red cross provides aid to both sides, which has already put me off (in no circumstance would i provide aid to the country enacting a genocide. because remember, it's less-so a conflict and more-so a genocide.) but that's beside the point. as you'll note in the right-most screenshot up above, it's the fundraising for the british red cross (BRC), in particular, that has raised some eyebrows.
so who does the BRC support, then?
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there we have it. taken right from their site. i've even taken the liberty to highlight it for you: as it stands, the british red cross provides aid to "israel and occupied palestinian territory.”
what does that mean? well, i'm glad you asked. this leads to my next segment...
the assumptions:
does the BRC support palestine? no.
do they support israel? well, you read their words. it's not the clearest statement in the world, but it's to my understanding that the BRC supports israel, as it clearly subscribes to the zionist sentiment that palestinian land belongs to israel. hence, palestinian occupied territory. zionist rhetoric. now, that doesn't sound like an organization that has the people of palestine's best interests in mind, does it?
"but-but that doesn't make taz a zionist!"
oh, brother. he's donating to pro-israel organizations and encouraging his followers to do the same!! let's get serious here.
there is of course the possibility that he didn't research the charity. that he didn't know what he was promoting. and sure! it's possible. everyone's human. we all make mistakes.
but then he went and tweeted that vague as hell tweet implying that he sides with israel…
if it was an honest mistake; if he stood with palestine, he’d say so. morgan davies did, so let’s not pretend it’s a “protecting his job” move… (expanded on towards the end).
now, since i don't follow him, i don't have the timeline of things, such as when he added the BRC to his bio, or when people started asking him about it, but, i mean. the BRC was in his bio, now it's not. he posted the tweet two days ago, and has since deleted it. maybe it's bad timing, but, i'm not inclined to believe it is.
which leads me to my point that i'm highly suspicious of the taz-riders right now...
especially the ones outright complaining about him getting "canceled" and whatnot.
people use the word “cancel” so loosely now. it’s pretty much lost all meaning. choosing not to support taz skyler for his abysmal political opinions does not equate to him getting “canceled.”
dissing him on twitter does not equate to him getting “canceled.” girl no one is taking his netflix check away—he’s got a bag, he’s got a second season, he’s got his loyal stans: he‘ll come back from this. and honestly, throwing the term “cancel” around is ridiculous when we’re talking about matters like palestinian genocide.
yes, taz might have worded his response poorly under stress. but doesn't it still hold implications? what else can we assume if his response to people accusing him of promoting and funding israel is... we have different opinions, and that's okay 🤍
c'mon taz, you can do a little better than that, can't you?
so that's why i'm confused about why others are confused, regarding the backlash. we, the people, have such little control over the shit that’s happening in the world: of course we’ll exercise what little control that we have…
we’ll choose what we consume and who we monetarily support according to our own values.
people wanna talk about "parasocial relationships" and "putting him on a pedestal," but bae, i promise you, it's nothing personal. from me, at the very least. i was never a rider or a hater of taz, personally. but c'mon. he publicly promoted a pro-israel organization, and then made a vague nothing-tweet in response. backlash is warranted.
maybe you should reconsider why you’re so willing to ride for this man you don’t actually know… if we’re gonna bring up parasocial relationships, and all.
that doesn’t mean i support sending him death threats or doxxing him or anything like that, but i mean... if people have opinions, they're gonna talk 😭 getting called out on twitter is not the end of the world.
anywho. give him the benefit of the doubt if you want. but i think he's made his stance quite clear in his actions and inaction.
if you still want to simp over a man who thinks political neutrality toward genocide is acceptable, go ahead and take the watermelon outta your bio. there's no need for performative activism on this site. just admit to yourself that you're only willing to support palestine until it makes you uncomfortable.
as for support of the OPLA, that is, obviously, up to you. i, for one, won't be streaming it on netflix anytime soon. but, there are some actors in the OPLA who do support palestine, such as morgan davies, who publicly shot down the losers trying to angle that palestine is anti lgbtq+ and therefore does not deserve support (as if intersectionality and queer palestinians don't exist, lord) ...so, this is a nuanced convo and i may change my mind when season 2 rolls around if i feel the pros outweigh the cons. or i'll just follow morgan davies into their next project. whichever feels right.
what i won't do, however, is make this site comfortable for the taz-riders lmaoo, because there were a few too many posts advocating for him than i’m comfortable with from my fellow fans of one piece. one piece, of all fandoms, and we’re divided on the morals and ethics of supporting genocide—good lord— nor will i support anyone else on the OPLA cast who has a terrible take on what’s taking place in palestine. repeat after me, there's no such thing as neutrality when it comes to genocide.
free palestine, today. tomorrow, and the next. class dismissed.
posting this on 1/5/24, 7:00 pm EST. as of right now, taz hasn’t come out with a statement addressing the backlash. but hey! opinions can change and i hope he’ll change mine, for what it’s worth.
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deansapplepie · 7 months
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MarchWeres: Day 7
Prompt: Hunting
Pairing: Werewolf! Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 465
Warnings: non-sexual semi-nudity???? nothing descriptive, a little suggestive in the end.
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You were very excited about going hunting with Daryl, there was a long time since the last time he took you hunting. You had done it several times before, he taught you how to track and how to hunt using a crossbow, but recently you didn’t have much time to go with him on his hunting trips.
You hugged him on his motorcycle, the wind blowing a cool air on your face and the warmth of his body irradiating to you. You had a smile on your face that was pressed to his back.
Soon you arrived to the new place he wanted to try for a good hunt. You hid the bike well and entered deeply into the woods.
“What about we make a bet?” You suggested.
“A bet?” He asked back, despite he being the one that taught you everything, he knew you couldn’t win him on a hunting, not yet of course, and also it depended on lots of things such as having enough game to hunt.
“Yep. The one that hunts the most win something.” You confirmed, he was liking this game, the odds were totally on his side.
“Fine, the one who wins choose the prize.” He agreed. “Let’s start then.”
You continued to walk, crossbow in hand. You told some joke to Daryl, no snarky reply, no laugh… that was strange. “Daryl?”
You turned around to face in the distance a half dressed half naked Daryl, he hadn’t moved from the place you were standing before. “Oh seriously!?” You complained. “You think it’s going to be fair game if you shift into your huge ball of fur self?”
“Why not? We never put any rules” He was undoing his belt.
“I don’t stand a chance against your human self, I couldn’t ever compete against your werewolf ass.” You crossed your arms and nearly pouted. “Whatever, I’m not carrying your shit for you.”
Your turned around and continued to walk, didn’t even look back to see if he had shifted to the dark haired wolf version of him. A few minutes later you heard his jogging behind you, but it didn’t seem as when he was shifted. In seconds his “human” version was walking by yourside, elbowing you and trying to take the pout out of your pretty face.
The results? Of course he won, he tried to let you win, but your hunting abilities still needed to be improved and in the end he had got more game than you. “Ok, what do you want Dixon?”
You rolled your eyes. “You can’t win what you already own.” He just smirked at you, he said nothing and took you by the hand to take the bike and return home.
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Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
Mdni banner by @cafekitsune Cute paw divider by @lazyneonrabbitt
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aang3ll · 7 months
Games and Memories
agbhnjmnhg it's finally done after being sidetracked for so long
Warnings: Tkl fanfic, Implied romantic BakuDeku at the end if you squint, and light cursing (It's bakugou.)
Bakugou was sitting in his room, scrolling through his old pictures. The high school student had run out of things to do a good thirty minutes ago, having already completed his homework, and having already been told that he wasn’t allowed to do any more training for the day. (‘Five hours isn’t “too long!”’) So far, he had come across what was mostly family photos he was forced to take with his parents, and pictures of him and his middle school friends. Him at the park, him at the zoo, ETC… all that type of stuff.
That was when he came across it. It was a picture of him when he was very young, maybe five or six years old. He was standing next to a rather large tree, with someone else. Next to him was a boy about his age back then. A boy he recognized so easily by his dark green hair.
It had been a while since Bakugo had used that name for the boy, even in his thoughts.
The blonde couldn’t help but reminisce about those old days, many, many years ago. It was happy back then. He was happy back then. He was himself.
It had been so long since Katsuki had just been able to… be himself. His true self. The side of him that only his old friend could bring out.
He smiled, before scrolling to the next picture.
It was another one of him and the greenette. Only this time, Deku was on the floor, laughing with a bright red face, Katsuki straddling his waist.
Bakugou’s smile turned into a grin. Now, he knew just how to do a little bonding with his old friend.
Izuku was sat on the couch, bored out of his absolute mind. He had been watching TV, but after clicking through what was probably hundreds of channels, he had given up on trying to find something that really interested him. He leaned back into the couch with a groan.
“You’d think there would be more than just reality TV on a Saturday…” He mumbled to himself.
“God, you really need to learn how to fucken’ speak up, nerd.” The greenette jumped at the voice behind him, before whirling around, instantly being faced with a pair of familiar red eyes. “K-Kacchan!? How long have you been standing there?” He asked the boy standing behind the couch.
“A couple minutes, but long enough to see that you’re bored to shit.” “Heh, yeah, that’s true.” Izuku chuckled out, nervously.
Katsuki walked around to the front of the couch, sitting down. “Well, lucky for you, I’ve got somethin’ to entertain ya’ with.” The blonde grinned.
“Oh? And, what could that be?” The unsuspecting teenager asked, innocently. He was sort of excited. Bakugou was being nicer than usual, not even cussing Deku out for mumbling today (not counting breakfast this morning), and said boy intended to soak it in for as long as he could.
“Well, it’s a game.” The taller of the two explained. This only added to the other’s excitement. A game? With Bakugou? While this was certainly a surprise, the greenette wasn’t complaining.
“How do we play?” He asked with an unknowing smile.
“Simple. You keep your arms up for sixty seconds while I tickle you, and you win.” Said the blonde, rather bluntly.
The Midoriya boy froze up, his face turning bright red. That was… unexpected. He hadn’t expected Bakugou to just ask like that, let alone even want to tickle him in the first place. Not that he was against the idea, because of course he wasn’t. It was just a tad bit… …flustering.
“Well? Whaddya’ say, nerd?” “...What happens if I win?” Now it was Bakugou’s turn to be surprised. He hadn’t expected the other to ask that and, in all honesty, he had no idea for a surprise.
Izuku quickly noticed this from his friend’s shocked expression, so he came up with something on his own. “How about… if I win, I get to tickle you for two minutes?” “No.” “One minute?” “Thirty seconds.” “Deal!” Izuku grinned happily. All he had to do was keep his arms up for one minute, and then he would get to tickle Bakugou! Easy, right? Well, the poor boy seemed to underestimate how ticklish he was.
Soon, Deku was lying on the taller hero(-in-training)’s lap, his arms up as high as they could go. The game had barely even started, they were only five seconds in, (Bakugou set a timer) and the poor thing was already giggling and squirming like a madman. And yet, all Bakugou was doing was gently raking his fingers down the other’s sides.
“Huh, seems you won’t be lasting long, will you~?” The blonde teased.
Deku giggled out a ‘shut up’, before realizing his mistake. Katsuki wasn’t one to talk back to, especially not in a situation like this.
“...Shut up? Shut up? Oh, you’re in big fucken’ trouble now, damn nerd.” That was when Bakugou went absolutely wild. He scribbled his fingers over Deku’s belly, squeezed his sides, scratched at his underarms… anything he could do and/or reach, really. He showed no mercy in absolutely wrecking poor Izuku.
“AHHAHHHA- GAHAH- K-KAHAHAHACHAAHAHAN PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Izuku laughed out. He just couldn’t handle the ruthless tickling sensations all over his body, and no matter how much he thrashed from side to side, he just couldn’t get away. It was on his ribs, his stomach, his hips… everywhere. Atleast, that’s what it felt like to the greenette. “GAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T-!!! PLEHEHEHEHEASE, MEHEHEHEHERCY!!”
“Mercy is for losers, Deku.” That was all that could be said before Izuku’s arms shot down. Bakugou grinned and slowed to a stop, knowing he had won. “Heh, told you I’d win, damn Deku.” But the blonde’s grin slowly turned into a soft smile as he watched the smaller boy giggle with a bright red face, the ghost tickles probably getting to him.
“Y’know, since I won, I think I should have a reward.” Katsuki stated.
“O-Oho? Ahahand what were you thihinking?” The greenette giggled out.
“I’m thinking… dessert.” Bakugou leaned down, and blew a rather large raspberry on Midoriya’s stomach, and the room was filled with screeching laughter once more.
Let’s just say, Deku had a very long night, but the cuddles at the end were totally worth it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahhh sorry it's so short, but I hope you liked it!
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acowardinmordor · 2 years
Flip the Board - pt 3
Part One - Part Two
This is going to have to migrate to Ao3. I'm incapable of keeping things short. I'll try to catch everyone in tags when I post part four, which will flip this to posting by chapter, rather than by scene.
Eddie didn’t skip as he rushed out the side door of the school, headed for the parking lot, but it was close to it. Dustin was standing with his back to the school, next to the van, imitating Harrington’s frustrated mom pose, with a lunchbox hanging from his left hand, and his backpack over his shoulders. Max was leaning against the van, while Lucas argued, and Mike glowered. 
Good progress, but they needed to get moving and were two party members shy of a successful departure.
Eddie hurried over, clapping to bleed off the excess energy, then flung open the door. Ignoring the random stuttered confusion, he snagged his supply and shoved it under the driver’s seat, then reached for bags and whatever else they had on them. 
“What the hell?” Max asked as he yanked the skateboard out of her hands.
“Chill, Red, I’m not stealing your board, you’re coming too.”
“No, really, what the hell?” Lucas added. 
“Shh, Sinclair. Hold your questions til the end of class. Dustin, you’re three for five. Did they not want to skip out? I don’t care. They have to. Do I need to go back for them? Come on. Chop chop. Where’s Robin and Wheeler?”
“I’m right here?”
“Wheeler the Elder,” Eddie amended with a flap of his hand, “You, Sir Michaelmas, are already accounted for.”
“Okay, Dustin, what shit is this?!” Mike snapped. He turned to face off with Dustin, and Lucas turned with him. “You said this was Code Red.”
Dustin was his favorite. 
Kid didn’t blink, didn’t hesitate, didn’t even glance at Eddie for confirmation. Which was one hell of a thing since it was Dustin, who can, did, and would question everything he encountered -- all at the top of his lungs. It wasn’t like Eddie took the time to explain a damn thing after telling him to get the others. Yeah, Dustin tried to ask something after Eddie told him to get the others, but lunch was ending and step one had to start immediately, so Eddie sprinted out of the theater and trusted that Dustin would listen. 
“It IS a Code Red.”
“How the hell would he even know to say that? He probably just overheard you talking about something and thought it would be a good joke.”
“It isn’t a joke,” Dustin insisted. “This is real. He knows something, and it’s serious.”
“Nancy graduated last year, but we’re supposed to think this is real?” Lucas said.
Oh shit. 
“Just because he doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Steve gets things wrong all the time and we still listen to him!”
Maybe this meant that the vision thing wasn’t real. Eddie scrambled backwards in his head, trying to figure out if he knew that or not. He saw her around all the time. Around the school all the time. She was in Hawkins during spring break. 
Apocalypse canceled?
Oh wait. 
No. Dammit. 
He remembered this. He already knew this. Wheeler mentioned it after a couple campaign sessions. Damn. So much for hope. For a second he thought he hadn’t received some insane prophetic revelation.
“She’s working for the paper right?” Eddie interrupted before Mike could yell. “I knew that, sort of. A bit. I knew she was in Hawkins. That counts. It isn’t relevant to this. Got confused. Don’t complain, Wheeler junior, would you rather I know everything your sister does? I know you hate it when Steve talks to her, would you rather it was me?”
Mike’s eyeroll was the most ridiculous, but Lucas and Max joined in. 
Dustin was officially Eddie’s only child now; steadfast little shithead.
Eddie clapped again. 
“Right! Dustin! Where are the other two?”
“Okay. I told the others.” Dustin scowled a promise that all this good behavior was going to be repaid with the mother of all favors, but he answered, “Robin wasn’t sure when Steve finished his shift. She only knew it was before class ended today. She went to call him and see if Nancy was in the newspaper office. She’s either gonna show up with Nancy in a minute, or she’s going to be out here to let us know where Steve and Nancy are.
“And,” he continued, “The rest of Hellfire is pissed at you. Gareth said he was going to plan a coup for Hellfire and for Corroded Coffin. I am being very patient right now. It is taking everything I have to sound This Calm, but, Eddie, Dude, you need to start answering questions before I think you’re a Russian spy.”
Eddie blinked. 
“Uh.” Blinked again. “What do Russian spies have to do with demo-monsters and the Upside Down?” The kids all jumped when he said that name. He waved his hand, clearing it like a bad smell. “Dammit. Okay. Never mind, gotta learn about the communist infiltration later. Mayfield?”
“What now, Munson?”
“Don’t with that tone, Red. You have your walkman with you? Put it on. Kate Bush. Running Up that Hill. It’s your favorite song. Keep rewinding and listening until we can make you a loop tape.”
“What the hell?”
“Just put the headphones on.”
“Why should I listen to some dipshit who didn’t even know about the Russians?”
“Because you’re in trouble. The life-in-danger kind of trouble. Not the ‘you’re grounded’ kind.”
She snorted. For a second, Eddie saw how the others hadn’t noticed. She was good at fronting, if he hadn’t seen her before, he would believe it. 
“Have you been having headaches? Have you been having awful nightmares and thinking you’re hearing things and been thinking about how maybe it would be easier if--” He stopped before he outed any secrets. She heard what he didn’t say, and the suddenly serious look on her face was confirmation. “Just do it. It’ll keep you safe.”
Lucas had her walkman out already, skipping past the need to understand and lunging for her bag the second Eddie persuaded him. Good. That was good. Lucas would be good at this, and if he stuck with her, that was better odds on saving a second one. Their plan, using her, using a kid as bait for the interdimensional hell wizard was bullshit, and he wasn’t doing that again. No fucking way.
He knew the bats dropped, but he also knew the ground shook and there was a noise like the world tore apart right at the end. 
That was the last shot of the movie that arrived in his brain half an hour ago. A sound like the world screaming, louder than Dustin’s yelling, and then; a cafeteria. 
Maybe Max and the others pulled it off. Maybe they didn’t. He wasn’t gambling on this stuff.
“Are you going to explain stuff? Cause I’m trusting you right now, but even if I was okay not knowing what the hell, and I’m not, and you know that, even if I was going to be okay with it, no one else is going to be.”
“Yeah. You don’t know about this stuff,” Mike added. 
“I didn’t,” Eddie tossed back, stressing the past tense.
“And you learned about all of this while standing on a table in the middle of the cafeteria?”
For once, Nancy Wheeler’s ability to instantly override any conversation she entered was a blessing. Eddie didn’t know how to answer Mike’s question except with a plain ‘yes’ which would do exactly nothing to clarify any of this.
“Munson, if this is some kind of a joke, I will personally ensure that you do not graduate,” she announced as she joined them, deadly serious. “You have no idea how serious this is, and you can’t decide to use it as a prank the day before Spring Break because you think it’ll be funny.”
Eddie turned and smiled, “Ms Nancy Wheeler, you’re looking as delightfully felonious as ever.”
“Not a joke,” he cut her off. “Robin, where’s Steve right now?”
“Well he was at Family Video, but I called and told him Dustin called Code Red, and I think he tried to spontaneously teleport to the school to help before I finished the sentence. Luckily he smacked into the edge of the counter, so he stopped to listen for a sec, so I told him to go home and we’d meet him there. But that was a couple minutes ago, so he’s probably breaking driving laws and freaking out right now. By the time we get there, he’s going to be at least half as freaked out as I am right now.”
“What is going on?” Nancy hissed.
“Normal Hawkins shit, apparently,” Eddie said, “It’s the end of the world and I know what’s coming.”
“Bullshit. This isn’t a joke. I don’t know how you found out about any of this, but this isn’t one of your games!” 
The fizz of victorious energy he floated on tempered by a few points. Eddie heard the sharp edge of Nancy’s voice, and held it up against the fear as she described Vecna’s plan. There were similarities. She didn’t believe him yet, but she believed it was possible. 
The others continued bickering while he and Nancy squared off. 
“He isn’t joking,” Dustin repeated stubbornly.
“Oh, so our DM suddenly knows about the Upside Down and we’re just supposed to trust he isn’t making it a story?” Mike yelled.
“It’s Eddie! Of course we trust him!”
“Well,” Robin dragged out the word, “some proof would be nice.” 
“You want proof that I’m not joking, Nancy?” Eddie hummed a little, and kept his focus on her. Goddamn, at least this bullshit was giving him some top shelf opportunities for dramatics. He waited until the quiet got a tiny bit tense, then quietly, simply, said, “In 1983, your shoe boxes were full of shoes. Now they’re full of guns. Pick them up on the way to Harrington’s, would you? All of them.”
“What.” Her face froze, blank.
He had more things he could say, but if he could convince Nancy, he figured the kids would shut up until they got everyone in one place. She was scary enough to buy him a little more time.
“Am I wrong?”
“How do you know that?”
“Told you. End of the world and I know what’s coming.” 
She nodded once, cautious and serious.
Eddie clapped his hands loudly to break the mood, and turned back to the gremlins. “Max, Lucas, Robin, you’re with me. Dustin, Mike, go with Nancy. ”
“No, get back here, Munson, how do you know that? How do you know any of this?”
“Yeah, sorry, I would, but we’re on the clock. I’m not gonna waste time doing this song and dance twice aaaaaaaand, tragically, for me, but excellent news for Henderson; I need Harrington.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Cool for the Summer
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Summary: What you have with Andy is so much more than just a run-of-the-mill summer fling. And you won't let it be damaged by little things like flies, or a casual dash of outdated ignorance. Andy Barber x Black Reader
Warnings: Light Sexual Themes, Fluff, Cuteness, Light Angst, Protective Andy, Discussions of Race, Racial Ignorance, Racism, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: This one might be a little tough for some, so please heed the warnings. Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. Likes, comments, and reblogs appreciated. All mistakes are my own.
“Here we go!” You chirp as you weave your way through several already occupied park tables. “There’s the perfect spot just down there, honey. You see it?”
“Uh, yep. Lead the way, baby girl.” Comes the soft rumble of your man’s voice from behind.
“You sure you don’t need help?” The man had insisted on carrying everything himself. “At least let me hold the drinks or something.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Stubborn man. Of course he wouldn’t. You go to adjust the strap of your white, floral sundress as you make your way over to the table.
“Does my bow still look okay?” You ask, trying to feel whether or not the damn thing was still hanging evenly. You’d already asked him to readjust it twice for you. Not that he had minded, since Andrew Barber was committed to using every excuse in the book to get and keep his hands on you.
“Mmhm.” He replies without missing a beat.
“I can feel you looking at my butt, Big Man.”
“Yep.” He grunts, barely avoiding an accidental collision with another random park goer as he gets lost in the mesmerizing sway of your ass.
“You’re hopeless.” You grumble, not bothering to hide your smile even as you feel your cheeks heat.
“Only when it comes to you.”  
Likewise, handsome.
Only when you reach the spot you picked out does Andy finally allow you to help him. Together, you work to get everything settled before taking your seats. He then begins pulling items out of the big, white paper bag.
You stare down at your food as you unwrap it, suspicion clearly written all over your face. After all, just because it looked yummy didn’t mean the damn thing would actually taste good. 
“I can’t believe you’ve lived in Boston all this time without ever actually trying a lobster roll.” Your boyfriend remarks as he removes the wrapper from his lunch, which just so happens to be the same as your own.
“Hush.” You mumble, shooting him a playful glare. Holding the roll up to the light you take a moment to examine the famed New England cuisine. “I already told you. I’ve just got this thing about…mayo.”  
“But you like eggs, don’t you?” Andy leans back, casually lacing his fingers through yours. 
“Of course I do! Or did you forget that I made us eggs Benedict this morning?” You hear him chuckle when you pick up a chunk of lobster with your free hand. But what he doesn’t know is that you’re trying your damnedest not to bring it to your nose and sniff it.
Because that would be rude. Especially since you weren’t alone. Or at home. 
“Oh, I remember, baby girl. I remember you complaining about having to reheat everything after you jumped me in the kitchen.” He shrugs, his beautiful blue eyes dancing with mischief. 
“You are such a freaking liar!” You exclaim, momentarily forgetting to keep your voice down. “You were the one who attacked me while I was trying to whisk together the hollandaise and –”
“I mean, that’s not how I remember it. But in my defense, little love, have you ever seen the way your hips move when you whisk?” He presses a kiss to your joined hands. “Especially when you’re wearing just my shirt and nothing else? Shit should be illegal.” Another kiss, this time with an added nip of teeth.
“Whatever. I told you it wouldn’t reheat well.” You point an accusing finger at him. “You didn’t believe me. And to top it off, now you’ve got me trying this…thing. ” You screw your face up at him, trying to ignore the fact that he finds you amusing.
“Aw, Y/N.” Andy coos. “You’re so cute when you crinkle your little nose like that. Look, if you don’t like the roll, I’ll go back and get you something else. I promise.” And you know he means it. Your man wouldn’t bat an eyelash if you asked him to throw everything away and take you to your favorite Asian bistro right this second. 
Not that you’d ever ask him to do that. It was just nice knowing that you were dating the type of man who wanted you to be comfortable at all times. 
“You don’t have to do that.” You tell him, shrugging dismissively. “I’m sure it’s fine. And if it’s not, I’ll just eat my fries.” 
“Shh, Y/N.” Andy murmurs, his thumb tenderly stroking your knuckles. “Just try it. If you don’t like it, I will go back over to that little seafood shack and get you something else.” His gentle tone brooks no room for argument. “Okay, sweetheart?”
So bossy.
“Okay.” You breathe as a warm breeze ruffles through your curls. Summer would be over soon, which is part of the reason you’d chosen to have your date at this particular park. You wanted to enjoy this beautiful weather while you still had the chance.
“Take a bite for me, baby girl. I'm curious to see what you think.” He encourages, letting go of your hand. It then occurs to you that you were probably going to need them both if you really did plan to eat this thing. 
“It’s just so…big.” You muse as you hold it up, poised to take a bite. “All this meat. I’m not sure if it’s all gonna fit in my mouth.”
“Could’ve sworn you said the same thing about me the first time you – ow!” He hisses before reaching down to grasp at his shin. “Shit!”
“Keep it up and I’ll kick you again, sir.” You tell him as you hold up your small foot, loving the way the sparkly polish catches the sunlight. “Please don’t make me mess up my pedicure. It was expensive.” 
And that wasn’t a lie. You’d decided to treat yourself this month, which meant this shit had to last!
“Keep forgetting just how violent my pretty lady can be sometimes.” Andy mutters, absentmindedly rubbing his abused leg. “Kind of turns me on.” And then he delicately grabs hold of your ankle and safely lowers it back to the ground.  “Should I be concerned about that?” He nibbles on a french fry, dunking it in ketchup.
And then you do it. Closing your eyes, you lean down and take a massive bite of your lobster roll. 
Go big or go home.
“Oh. My. God.” You moan before diving in once more, making your man chuckle. 
“Is it good, baby?” You look up at him, noticing the way his engaging blue eyes seem to sparkle back at you. “Eh, you got a little somethin’…” 
Ever the doting lover, he picks up a napkin so that he can sweetly wipe away a small smear of sauce left behind on your cheek. 
“There we go, sweet girl. Much better.” 
He has no idea just how much the gesture makes you melt inside. You honestly weren’t sure what you did to deserve this man.
“Thank you.” You whisper, suddenly feeling shy. “It’s - this is really good, Big Man. I was a little worried but…this shit is delicious.” You keep eating, scooping bits and pieces of sweet lobster meat with your fingers when they occasionally fall out of the buttered roll and onto the wrapper below.
“Aren’t you gonna eat too?” You ask, licking at your thumb. 
Jesus, this stuff was good, but it was also super messy.
“I will.” Andrew is quiet for a moment as a french fry dangles loosely from his fingers. “You have no idea just how beautiful you are, do you?” 
Now that takes you by surprise. Not because you were unaccustomed to hearing him say it, in fact it was just the opposite. Your boyfriend was always dropping sweet compliments like that. But what always seemed to strike you the most time and time again was the fact that he…
He actually meant it. Like, it wasn’t just some line he was committed to using to keep you in his bed.
There’s a soft, warm grin on his lips as he cocks his head to the side – his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Andy…” You break away from his gaze to stare down at your meal. “You’re ridiculous.” 
“I’m being serious.” He continues, popping a perfectly fried piece of potato in his mouth. And then he picks up another.
“I know.” You tell him, taking a cooling sip of your drink. “It’s – you’re nice.”
“I’m going to keep saying it.” Your man tells you, using two thick fingers to lift your chin. “Until you start to believe me.” 
“I do.” You murmur, suddenly feeling like you and Andy are the only two people in the entire park. One of your small hands reaches up to wrap itself around his wrist, your thumb resting over his pulse point. 
“Good. Doesn’t mean I plan on stopping any time soon though.” He winks at you then, before finally taking a bite of his food. “Damn if this isn’t delicious.” He takes one more before getting up to excuse himself to the restroom. 
“Be back in a minute, baby girl. If you finish yours while I’m gone then please feel free to help yourself to mine too. Just don’t go wandering off on me, okay?” You can tell that he’s joking. 
You could tell that he was still dealing with a little PTSD from that time you ditched him when you'd been out on your first date. While it had certainly been a few months since then, your poor Andy Bear still hadn’t fully recovered.
“You got it, handsome. Promise I won’t move from this spot.”
“Thank you.” He breathes a sigh of relief before striding off in the other direction. 
As you sit there alone, you take a moment to dig into your french fries, alternating between dipping them in ketchup and tarter sauce. Maybe you could convince Andy to share a basket of fried clams with you as well. Ooh! And the crab cakes. 
Not that he would ever let you pay for any of it. The last time you’d tried he’d actually snatched your card and kept it in his wallet for the rest of the night. You knew would get your way eventually, but until then, you would have to keep patiently biding your time. 
“Excuse me. Excuse me, Miss.” The sound of someone’s voice breaks you out of your precious reverie. Turning your head, you spy an elderly woman and someone you assume to be her husband waving at you from a neighboring table. 
“Are you talking to me?” You point at yourself. “Oh, um..hi!”
“Hello, honey.” She smiles, waving politely. “Sorry to bother you.”
“No, you’re not, Eva.” Her companion grunts, keeping his attention focused on the crossword he’s apparently working on. 
“Quiet, Alan. Was that –” She struggles to shift her chair a little closer to your own. “Was that young man your boyfriend? I’m talking about the tall, handsome one who just walked that way.”
“Sure is.” You tell her, feeling unable to control the smile dancing across your face. Not that you would want to anyhow. “He is pretty cute, huh?”
“Oh, he is.” The two of you share a conspiratorial giggle. “How long have you two been together?”
“A few months.”
“So it’s new, then?”
“Very.” You nod, swirling your drink around before taking a gulp.
“Oh, Alan. Alan – it’s new. Aren’t they just so cute?” She snaps her fingers at him a couple of times, trying to get his attention. “Alan!”
“No.” He grunts again, which kind of takes you by surprise. 
“Alan!” His wife gasps, looking almost offended as you feel. “Be nice to the poor girl.”
This man, or Alan as it were, finally turns to you then. His cool, gray eyes boring into your own.  
“Look, sweetheart.” Alan lets out a resigned sigh as he neatly folds up his paper crossword and tucks away his pen. “You’re a very pretty girl. You don’t need someone like me to tell you that. And that guy, your boyfriend? He’s a very good looking guy. You don’t need me to tell you that either.” He pauses for a moment as he coughs into his handkerchief. 
Your chest constricts slightly as what feels like a lead weight slowly sinks to the pit of your stomach. 
“And what you two have may be cool for the summer, or whatever it is you young people say these days, but that’ll be it.”
“And why would that be exactly?” The thing is, you had sneaking suspicion that you already knew where this was heading. But you weren’t quite sure.  
“You’re too different. I haven’t even known you for five minutes, but it’s blatantly obvious that you come from different worlds. And despite what the movies and the media tell you, it never works. Because it’s not meant to.”
Alright. Got it. Coded message received.
“It’s just not natural, the two of you mixing like this. And the sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be. Trust me.” He shakes his finger at you, almost as if he’s playing the part of a dutiful father warning an errant child.
“Well, I’m afraid that I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you, Alan.” As flustered as you were inside, and despite the anger coursing through you, you refused to let him see just how affected you were. “It was nice chatting with you, Eva. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going back to my lunch.”
“Oh!” Eva worried eyes flit between you and her husband. “Now see what you’ve gone and done, Alan? You’ve just upset that nice girl.”  
She was right. But you were more than upset. Underneath it all, you were hurt. 
“Eh, she’s young, she’s smart. She’ll be fine.” He waves away his fussing wife’s words as he stands up, obviously preparing to leave.
And of course, as luck would have it, Andy also picks that exact moment to rejoin you at your little table. 
“Hey, sweet girl. Over here making new friends, I see.” He goes to sit down and then pauses, extending his hand to the older man. “The name’s Andrew.”
“And we were just leaving.” Alan informs him, pointedly ignoring your boyfriend’s polite greeting. “C’mon, Eva.”
You shake your head, desperately hating the fact you were allowing one person’s misguided outlook to ruin such a wonderful day out with an equally wonderful man. But sometimes that was all it took, you know?
“Huh?” Andy pulls back, turning his attention toward you. “Did I miss something or..?” He trails off once he finally gets a good look at your crestfallen face.  
“Baby, what’s wrong?” And with that shift, you know he’s forgotten all about the man standing not even five feet away. 
His focus now is you. You are all that he sees as he moves to crouch down beside you.
“Alan, apolgize!” Eva implores him. At least she actually had the decency to look somewhat distraught about the whole situation. “Please. What you’re doing is – it isn’t very kind. This is a new generation. Maybe things might be different –”
But her husband simply isn’t in the mood to hear it. From her, you'd wager, or anyone else for that matter. 
“Son.” He turns to address the concerned man at your side. “I didn’t mean to upset your pretty friend here, not really. You’re a couple of good looking kids. Didn’t I say that to you before, sweetheart?”
Alan waits briefly pauses long enough for you to respond, but you don’t. Instead you choose to cup Andy’s cheek, trying to concentrate on the soft fullness of his neatly cropped beard.  
“You two are having a summer fling. I get it. I don’t support it, but –”
“Why the hell would either one of us give a fuck about what you do or do not support?” Andy snarls, his hackles raised. 
“I’m just trying to warn you because I’ve been where you are.” Surprised by the younger man’s harsh tone, he returns his attention to you. “Look, your Andrew here is lost in the newness of all of this. You’re beautiful, you’re exotic. He’s enjoying a small taste of the forbidden – I know you know what I’m saying.” Alan uses his folded puzzle to fan himself. “Everyone is always so quick to call things racist these days, but what the hell happened to being honest?”
“Hey, my guy. Unless you missed it, I’m a grown ass man who’s quite capable of making his own fucking decisions.” He scrubs a hand over his jaw as he cracks his neck. “And I’ve decided that I want to spend my day, my time – hell, pretty much my every fucking waking hour if she’ll have me – with this gorgeous woman right here.”
Andy closes the distance between them then, their faces so close that their noses are practically touching. ”So, I’m gonna do you a kindness by letting you know up front that I am definitely the kinda guy who won’t hesitate to hit an old man, especially if you say one more disrespectful thing about my girl.” 
There’s no hiding the fact that he’s seething, but you can also see that what he’s experiencing runs deeper. You suspect that he’s feeling helpless in a way that he never has before. 
“Ask your people, young lady. And I bet they’ll tell you the same -that’s assuming your folks haven’t done so already.” He goes to reach for his wife’s hand. But she’s clearly had enough of the spectacle, so she simply turns and walks away. “I guess that’s one thing the races have in common, wanting to spare our kids any unnecessary pain.” 
“But the thing is, Alan, nobody asked for your fucking opinion in the first place.” You hiss, finding your voice again. “About me or my man.” Your hands are shaking, so you keep them hidden under the table. “So I’m not quite sure why you chose to give it.”  
“I was just –”
“Go chase after your wife, buddy, before I fuck around and lose my shit.” Old man or not, you can tell that Andy is struggling to rein in his temper. 
Finally, Alan does the smartest thing he’s probably done all day. He turns and follows the same path his wife took, calling her name as he does. She doesn’t appear to acknowledge him, not that you felt overly compelled to care anyway. 
Now, you were left to pick of the pieces what remained of your date. But at this point, you weren’t even sure if it was salvageable. Maybe you would just ask him to drop you back home. After you made sure he was okay, of course. He would probably need you to reassure him that everything was okay, and that incidents like this would be few and far between, and –
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Andy asks, his heated blue eyes never leaving the older man’s slowly disappearing form. “He say anything else while I was gone?”
But then again, Andrew Barber also wasn’t like most other guys...
“Y/N...what else did he say when I was gone?” His voice hard as he repeats his question.
“Just…more of the same.” You shrug, picking at the remaining half your lobster roll. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.” He responds, his deep voice coming out a little more hoarse than it had only moments before. “I would hope you'd know that by now.”
“I do.” You tell him, wishing you could make yourself get up and go to him. Because you knew you were right. Comfort was the way to go here. Except you were finding it hard to do what you thought might make someone else feel better when you, yourself, were also having a rough time.
“Then why are sitting over there like you don’t?” 
“Why are you standing over there like you don’t need me to hug you?” You counter, standing on unsteady feet. “My jelly legs don’t work so good right now.” 
“I can come to you.” 
“Then come here.” You open your arms to him. Seconds later they’re wrapped securely around his middle, and his are around you too.
“What you and I have – this thing we’re building here – is so much more than some goddamned summer fling, baby girl. You gotta know that.”
“I do.” Because you did. Sometimes things really were that simple. 
“Say something else. Something more.” His voice wavers just a touch, almost as if he’s close to begging.
A small sigh escapes as you try to form the right words. And then decide to go with honesty, the usual best policy.
“I don’t just know it, Andy. It - it’s more than that. I feel it. Right fucking here, honey.” Taking his hand, you place it over his heart. “Right here.” You rasp. “Where it counts.”
“Okay.” Your man clings to you even tighter. “Okay, good.” 
You two stand like that for a moment, both of you holding on to the comfort you were each attempting to give the other.
“I love you.” Andy whispers into your curls as his hand smooths its way up and down your back. “So much. And I hope you know that man is an idiot who–”
“Shh.” You interrupt, pressing a finger to his soft lips. “I love you too. And also, there’s a fly enjoying your lobster roll.”
“What?” He chokes on a surprised laugh. 
“Yep and – ope! Now there’s two.” You confirm, spinning him around so that he can see for himself. “Guess this date’s ruined, huh?” 
You bite your lip before brushing your fingers over his furrowed brow, smoothing out the small wrinkles. 
“Ruined. Right.” Your man sniffs. “On account of the flies. And not the casual cup of racist bullshit we just had tossed in our laps like it was nothing.” 
“Nope." You shrug. “It was definitely the flies, because ignorant assholes like that don’t get to fuck up our days.”
“Is that right?”
“Mmhm. Although, I have to tell you, I’m still a little hungry.” You shoo the flies away before picking up your unwanted food and tossing it in the trash. Have at it bugs. And then go to link an arm through his, gently leading him out of the park. 
“You are?” 
You weren’t, at least not really. But you didn’t want things to end this way. Neither one of you deserved that.
“Uh huh. Know any place where we could get a nice, juicy cheeseburger and maybe a couple slices of pie?” You bat your lashes up at him, wanting him to go along with it.
“I do. As long as we can get it to-go that I can hold you while we eat.” You allow Andy to adjust your positions so that you can snuggle deeper into his side.
While you were pretty sure that it wouldn’t be today, you knew you both would eventually be okay. And you could always try lobster rolls again some other time. Either at this park, or at a different one. The place didn't matter.
But your company...now that did.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, honey.”
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jarenka · 8 months
I am observing one pretty funny scandal right now.
I am a regular visitor of (mostly) Russian-speaking half-anonymous forum. "Half-anonymous" means that you actually have an account there but it never shows in threads, nobody can get to your account, watch your previous messages and so on. You can only identify yourself by adding avatar. It has its advantages (you can talk about very personal things in one thread and then post the most graphic porn with weird kinks in other without worrying what will people think) and disadvantages (you never know if it is a person with stupid opinions in your favourite thread or it's a known troll). Due to nature of the forum there is a special type of punishment for the most insufferable wankers. If a banned wanker (it usually happens after couple of short bans that didn't have any effect on wanker's behaviour, they continue to wank and get long or permanent ban) creates new account(s) to continue their wank moderators add avatar to their new account(s) so everyone on the forum can see their messages in threads. And since you need to be really insufferable to deserve this punishment, it usually interesting to go across different threads to find out that, for example, three pages of extremely stupid discussion were all made by this wanker who pretended to be five different people.
So, back in the end of 2022 a moderator warned one user that they pretty much aware of the user's multiple accounts they use solely for the wank. A moderator also warned that they will add avatar to this user's new accounts if they continue to act this way.
Couple of days ago it finally happened. And not only it revealed tons of wank in numerous threads but also this user turned out to be a well known fic writer. Let's call her Y.
Y was known on forum under her fandom nickname because she participated in different writing-related events where people usually give links to their fic archive/social media accounts. Personally I know Y from writing contest we both participated in back in 2021. She praised herself for leaving thoughtful comments with constructive criticism, but actually her comments were questionable and her reading comprehension was on "how dare you say we piss on the poor" level. This contest was widely discussed on forum, Y was called out for her shitty "criticism", and also her fic from this contest was ridiculed in some reviews for bizarre stylistic choices. After that she barely posted anything as Y, so people were thinking that she just lurking on a forum or left it entirely.
We didn't know that all this time Y was actually very active on the forum, she was a huge wanker with 20+ accounts. After the last ban for all Y's accounts, moderators put avatars on three of her side accounts. Turned out she was arguing with herself in different threads, she has couple of bans for derailing, she flooded a thread for questions with obviously troll questions. People were looking for her posts all over the forum and were like: "Oh, I remember there was some really stupid and annoying person in this thread couple of months ago... Oh shit, it was her!" Also she turned out to be that fetishist from celebrity threads who was going around telling that this and this celebrities were doing blowjobs right before the event, she can tell it from their knees. People also found out that she left plenty of nasty comments about celebrities' appearance in different threads. In fandom secret thread she confessed that she hates another fic writer and always leaves nasty comments under their fics from different accounts. I mean... Y wasn't the nicest person even under her nickname. She participated in top/bottom wank and left some rude comments under fics, but even people who already disliked her had no idea that she is going around on (half) anonymous forum writing paragraphs about %celebrityname% being an ugly bitch.
If you think it's the end of the story... No, it's not! Y created another account and started to complain that she just a regular user who was mistakenly banned alongside with Y. She maybe wanked a bit in past months because she was feeling miserable, but she is definitely not Y who was wanking on forum for years. She wasn't very good at lying. She claimed that she has no idea who Y was before she got her ban and... hm... nonconsensual avatar. In the same time she claimed that it's very easy to tell her apart from Y, because they have totally different writing styles (you can't see someone's writing style on this forum because you can't see other people's accounts). Moderators added avatar on this account too. Then she created another account and pretended to be a person who totally believes that some innocent user was accidentally banned along with Y (she quickly confessed that it was her defending herself). She got an avatar on this account. It was today. I am intrigued what happens next.
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apieceoftoastedbread · 3 months
i just got in the car to go home. let me yap.
Okay so, the thing at the beginning with saltarian was super cool. was kinda a jumpscare to see his face on the big big screen but it helped me stop disassociating and realize “holy shit im seeing the ghost movie”. Btw!! shoutout to my brother for taking me to go see it since my super religious parents would never take me. anyways uhm it was fucking awesome!! seeing all the ghouls in high detail kinda sparked my ghost hyperfixation again (it never left, just got very, VERY, weak.) i got to see my silly phantom and aurora and all the silly ghouls again and i was stimming very much. the theater was almost empty!! it was shocking how little people there was. I went with my brother and a mutual friend and we were the only ones in our row with small groups spread around us. Since this is my rant and i dont have any rules im gonna rip the bandaid off. i am so glad copia didnt and will HOPEFULLY keep being a reoccurring character as lead of the clergy. im a little upset about the cliffhanger of the new papa but i get it. ALSO,,, COSMO TALKED?? “Arent we gonna do a encore?” EXCUSE ME?? i was so so shocked. The misleading of death and new beginnings was also amazingly portrayed. i am going to miss the character of sister imperator but she had a good run. The show of Her, Papa copia (Father imperator🙏🙏), and Papa nihil being a family and all of then talking warmed my heart. totally didnt cry at that. WHAT DID MAKE ME CRY WAS IF YOU HAVE GHOST!! god the way they did that song and that whole scene tbh was just amazing. i cried a bit and was so touched by that song. The ghoulettes were amazing and i hope this isnt the last we see of them, but i get it if this is it. The singing ghoulete was amazing, she had a truely beautiful voice and make me get the chills a few times. The ones behind the instruments were just as good if not better. they all did great but i applaud the ones playing for being able to focus and play the entire time. The new song(god talk about quick changes) Was AMAZING!! i was up when it dropped and it has already been added to all my playlists. The credits with the song and the meaning of the song touch my heart in a way few songs are able to. I saw people on twitter complaining (as people on twitter do..) about certain ghouls not having much screentime, and i will admit that some had more than others, but i dont think its enough to be upset about. at the end of the day it relies on tobias, the camera team, and the ghouls boundaries. The dancers for Dance macabre and twenties was super cool!! kinda spooked me and make me uncomfy in the beginning but i think they did great. what did make me a little uncomfy was the video for year zero.. I am not a very religious person and do not have a label on what i consider myself, but the video was a bit of a jumpscare and was a little scary for me,. although im sure other liked it. I cannot wait for the album to be out and i will be putting on ghost more since the tism go brrr. expect ghost themed media to be posted by me more!! i think thats all but if theres anything else ill make a part 2 when im able to think again.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk!!
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lythea-creation · 4 months
I'm Right Here - Hiba x fem reader x Tasneem (Part 2)
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Part 1
warnings: Angst
word count: 1.098
Requested? Yes!
“Hey guys! Do you know where (f/n) is?”, Ali wondered.
“I haven't seen her since her last play”, Omar recalled.
Tasneem and Hiba exchanged a glance before taking a look at their phones, hoping for a message that would solve the mystery. But there was none.
“She didn't text us”, Tasneem declared. “Did she say where she was going?”
“Honestly I didn't even realize that she had left until now”, Omar admitted.
“Do you think we should search for her?”, Ali considered.
“Maybe she just went to the restroom though. I'll go take a look”, Hiba announced.
“Let's look around for her, too”, Ali suggested. “One of us should stay here in case she's coming back.”
But even after searching for twenty minutes they could not find (f/n) anywhere.
“I have a bad feeling about this”, Tasneem mumbled. “Leaving without telling us is so out of character for her.”
“Shit”, Hiba cursed.
“What is it? Do you know anything?”, Tasneem urged her.
“She left without telling us and we didn't even notice. That's the whole issue”, Hiba noted. “We basically ignored her the whole night.”
Tasneem's eyes widened in realization. “You're right. We really gotta make it up to her.”
“I'm gonna call her”, Hiba decided. “We're leaving.”
“Well, thanks”, Omar stated sarcastically, earning a death glare from the girls.
He held up his hands in defeat. “Hey, I was just joking! Time's up anyway.”
“See you”, Tasneem exclaimed while following Hiba outside.
“She isn't picking up”, Hiba remarked.
She had probably tried about four times already to no avail, but she did not give up.
“How about driving over to her place?”, Tasneem proposed.
They hurried out of the car as soon as they arrived.
As the door did not open after the first ring, they continued ringing without a break until (f/n)'s mom suddenly opened.
“Do you think it's fun to disturb people this late?”, she complained before recognizing the girls.
“Sorry”, Tasneem apologized for both of them. “Is (f/n) home?”
“No, she said that she was going out tonight. I think she wanted to go bowling or something”, her mom remembered.
“Okay. Thanks, anyway”, Tasneem replied politely before they walked away again.
“What do you think where she is?”, Hiba inquired.
“If she didn't call her mom, then she's probably still wandering around”, Tasneem suspected.
“Then let's go find her”, Hiba shot back frustrated.
The worry and guilt they were feeling was spurring them on as they were walking toward Pins, hoping to find their girlfriend on the way.
They did not say a word, the tense air between them too thick to get a word out. Thousands of worst-case-scenarios were flooding their mind.
After a felt eternity they finally spotted their girlfriend.
(f/n)'s head was hanging low as she was walking through the streets of the city. Her mind had gone blank by now as the monotonous movement of walking was working on its own.
She did not see the other girls approaching her until she recognized Tasneem's soft voice: “Hey.”
(f/n) looked up at them, stopping in her tracks. Her eyes still red and puffy from crying. Her posture slouched from sadness and exhaustion.
Hiba and Tasneem had known before, but in that moment they realized just how much they had fucked up.
After the first few seconds of surprise (f/n) got a hold of herself again, ironically ignoring the duo now as she was simply walking ahead.
“(f/n), please stop”, Tasneem begged.
But the former did not want to listen after the way she had been treated. All she wanted was to get home, slip out of her outfit and sleep to forget it all.
Hiba placed herself in front of (f/n) and took a hold of her shoulders. “We know we screwed up”, Hiba proclaimed. “We acted like absolute assholes.”
“We never meant to hurt you. I have no idea what we were thinking”, Tasneem added.
Now (f/n) snapped back from the emptiness. Sadness, betrayal and anger were hitting her full force without any warning, making the tears return and wander down her cheeks.
“Just leave me alone”, (f/n) whispered, pulling away from Hiba and moving to continue walking.
Instead of stopping her again Hiba and Tasneem accompanied her.
“Just tell us what we can do and we'll do it”, Tasneem stated.
“We'll make it up to you”, Hiba promised.
“I … I can't”, (f/n) cried, suddenly stopping again. “Do you even love me?”, she questioned while turning around to face the girls.
“Of course”, they said in unison.
“Doesn't feel like it”, (f/n) pointed out. “It felt like I was invisible. You were basically flirting around with the boys right in front of my eyes. Do you have any idea how that felt?”
They could not respond anything to that. No words could take that pain away now.
“I was so excited”, (f/n) confessed, fighting to keep the sobs down. “I was looking forward to today the whole week. Do you know how much time I spent picking my outfit? I wanted to have fun with you and you didn't even acknowledge me. Seriously why did you invite me?”
The silence between them was heavy, wearing all of them down at the same time.
The other girls were close to crying as well now.
“I'm sorry”, Tasneem claimed. “There's nothing we could say to take it all back. Honestly I don't get it either. I just wanted to spend time with you, too.”
“It's like turning into another person when leaving the safety of a private space like the car”, Hiba considered. “Putting up a facade in front of others. No excuse though.”
“I don't wanna live like that”, (f/n) remarked.
Hiba and Tasneem both agreed.
“It's not fair to request something from you after all we've done today. But can you help us to change that?”, Tasneem inquired.
(f/n) was hesitant at first, scared to get hurt on such a deep level. But somehow she just could not imagine her life without the two girls in front of her. She really did want it all to work out.
“Okay, I'll try. But that doesn't mean I'll take shit like that again”, she clarified.
Hiba and Tasneem were overjoyed.
Tasneem immediately jumped into (f/n)'s arm while Hiba grinned at the two before snatching (f/n) away. If life could just be easy like that.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
So I kinda changed up my writing style for this one as you may have noticed. I'm rlly not used to write from this perspective, but i felt like it would fit this part better. So i figured i'd try. How do you like the second part?
This story is finished now btw. So there won't be part 3.
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