#we are not romanticizing mental illness or neurodivergency
hey fellow adhd’ers and depressed people (and anyone else this applies to), do you struggle with getting ready in the morning? me too! my brain is pure, unmotivated mush and I Hate It So Much.
here are some tips and tricks that work for me!
to get yourself moving, pretend you’re playing dress up with a video game avatar! prioritize comfort, especially if you’re struggling with negative emotions! most days, my sensory issues or depression are too much to let me wear the clothes i want to, and that’s okay!
if you need to brush your teeth or clean your face, make it into a game. how quickly can you shower (without slipping!! please please please be careful!)?? how many minutes does it take to brush your hair? set a timer and try to beat your high score! alternatively, turn on a song and try to accomplish a task before the song ends! while this doesn’t work for me every time, it’s been a major help on those days when i feel completely unmotivated.
body doubling is also fantastic! try facetiming a friend and do your morning routine together! before i was assessed for adhd, my best friend and i (also undiagnosed adhd at the time) would video call one another for hours at a time (for more than a year straight) so we could get our tasks done via body doubling.
above all else, remember that it’s okay to not be able to do some or all of these. there is no shame in “unproductivity”. just do what you are capable of, and remember to take breaks and ask for help when you need it! you are so important, and I’m glad you’re here. now go drink some water! <33
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alouistrancy · 5 days
honestly i dont understand antis. why are they so open about violence and murder in fiction, only to immediately disgust and shy away when theyre met with something even remotely sexual or taboo?? my brother in christ, sex doesnt ruin anything nor does it corrupt anything. youre falling into the puritan rhetoric.
i used to be in anti spaces where theyd all giggle about gory media like ultrakill, slasher films, body horror fanfic, hannibal and those were considered more "morally acceptable" to consume (also with mafia shit)
and... now that i look at it, its idiotic. whats so bad about sexualization? sure, i understood my former peers were uncomfortable because they were minors, but then again— it isnt that bad. its not disgusting, its not deplorable, its not rotten or 'icky', its something in human nature.
most antis i meet are usually minors who preach about "de-sexualizing characters" when those characters ARE meant to be sexualized, and thats fine. its not gross to sexualize characters or make fucked up stories about them that include taboo themes that dont include gore/violence, because, again,
fictional characters are objects. you cant dehumanize them. you cant ruin them. theyre objects. there is no personhood to rid them of, because they dont even possess it. theyre dolls.
it doesnt matter if the media does "romanticization, normalization or fetishization" of taboo themes (how about you shutization the fuckization upization) because you know it in your heart to differentiate fiction and reality. even i as a child— used to think witches were real, but that was because i was a child and now i know better.
the only ones who're going to be affected by fiction to a point in which what they think is happening is fine are people with weak morals or literal children. i dont get the rhetoric of young kids seeing dark media and thinking that shit is fine, because why is the child even looking at that kind of media in the first place?
why is the child, in this hypothetical scenario who is extremely naive and gullible, being given unrestricted access to view such content that you deem reprehensible? if anything, the guardian is at fault, because the child isnt mature enough to handle such things
it is not the fault of the creator if you take things literally— you are responsible for what you consume. its like eating some type of food you dont like and screeching about how the chef shouldnt make it and that others shouldnt enjoy it simply because it wasnt to your taste.
also with neurodivergent and/or queer antis, i dont understand them. what do you mean you agree with being weird, denying the social norms placed upon us by the so called normal people, and accept that there should be spaces in which we can express ourselves in and do things that would usually be frowned upon— yet hate proshippers and think theyre the scum of the earth?
are you not acting just like those that hate you— harassing others, speaking ill of them with such vitriol as if theyre the most revolting, rotten thing thats ever graced this earth, sometimes even saying they deserve to be raped or at worse, killed?
some people even proclaim that proshipping is a mental illness, or bastardize the definition into "problematic shipping" to use it and fearmonger younger audiences. they use the us vs them attitude thats almost cultlike. acting as if we're devils born with malicious intent, and that even taking on beliefs adjacent to ours would be blasphemous.
ive seen former friends get ousted from friendships when theyve tried to de-escalate situations such as someone that we were formerly acquainted with having a friend who openly liked a "problematic character" by anti's standards. ive seen year(s) long relationships get broken simply because their partner enjoyed a form of fiction that didnt harm anyone.
antis are the example of people who are easily affected by fiction. if you think people like us are vile and justify sending threats or doing horrible things to us in the sake of protecting the purity of your fiction, you are the one who let fiction affect reality. you are the naive child in your examples. you are a hypocrite.
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sappy-sabbath · 6 months
as a society can we stop making mental illness/neurodivergency trendy and romanticized. i know more mf who faked claim than ppl who actually had the condition. at the end it just makes the people who are diagnosed with the condition the butt of the joke or look disingenuous.
ALSO IF I MAY be real for a sec!!! it’s because of the “destigmatizing XYZ 🥺” tiktoks and self diagnosing that make this happen, i know they are good intent and not all people have resources but its one thing to be concerned about your mental health and another to claim to have a disorder that you haven’t been diagnosed with!
autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, BPD, bipolar disorder, psychosis, OCD have all became quirks than serious debilitating condition and as someone with ADHD and psychotic depression IM SICK OF ITTTT, it’s different with things like depression and anxiety bc you experience that at least once in your life but it’s getting out of hand
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the-orange-solace · 6 months
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◈ System Name ⇝ The Orange Solace
◈ Collective Pronouns ⇝ They/Them
◈ Bodily Age ⇝ Adult
◈ System Information ⇝ We are a Fictive-Heavy Polyfragmented System and have many duplicates, so names may overlap! Using their chosen emoji's and/or secondary names to distinguish them are recommended!
◈ Additional Information ⇝ We're a Queer Biracial and Neurodivergent system with Tourettes!
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◈ Please use Tone Tags!
◈ Ask to DM!
◈ Free to @!
◈ Asks/Submissions are open!
◈ Each individual has differing opinions on Source! Check below the cut and/or ask before engaging if possible!
◈ This is a safe space for all Plurals, but mainly ourselves! If we don't like what you are doing in anyway we will freely block or simply not interact with you and/or you&!
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◈ Ask posts will be tagged with #Asks
◈ Names given will be tagged for each Ask (ex. An Anonymous Ask will be tagged as #Anon)
◈ We may not keep up with specific tags, this is going to be normal, deal with it
◈ We will not use censorship words (ex. unalive or oofed instead of dead or 🍆 instead of saying any term for genitalia)
◈ We enjoy siting terms and information, expect a lot of links and references
◈ We try to be as accessible as possible, but we may fuck up, just help us out when this happens
◈ This section will be updated as needed
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◈ Headmates each have an emoji/phrase they use for the posts they reblog and/or make
◈ Not all Sys Tags will be named in this post
◈ It's mostly for our own knowledge, state who is speaking, and to find certain posts of/for a member quicker
◈ Doubles and Duplicates welcome! We don't feel uneasy around people who are just like us or share our identity!
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Send in Asks to inform us of any triggers or topics you/you& may need for posts we make or reblog! This can be for any reason, as long as we're able to tag it in some form or be able to distinguish what it is to properly find and tag it!
◈ The following have been tagged:
⇝ Religious Horror (🕳️) ⇝ Body Horror (🕳️) ⇝ Dead Things (🩻)
⇝ ...
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◈ Systems Exclusionists/Sysmeds (Anti-endo, Anti-willogenic, etc.)
◈ Incest Shippers (Tcest, etc.)
◈ Pedophiles
◈ Rapists
◈ Racists
◈ Ableists
◈ Sexists
◈ Misogynists
◈ Misandrists (Believe men cannot also be victims)
◈ Xenophobes
◈ Islamophobic
◈ Antisemitic
◈ Fatphobes
◈ Queerphobes/Queer Exclusionists
◈ Against Neopronouns and/or Xenogenders
◈ Against Lovelessness
◈ Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERFs)
◈ Transmedicalists (Transmeds)
◈ Radical Feminists (Radfems)
◈ Against Recovery (Anti-recovery)
◈ TransID (Trans Disabled, Trans Race, etc.)
◈ Those who demonize Disorders such as...
⇝ Cluster Disorders
⇝ Psychotic Disorders
⇝ Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
◈ Those who Romanticize...
⇝ Mental Illness
⇝ Self Harm
⇝ Abuse
⇝ Rape
⇝ Pedophilia
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Credit: @plural-this-user-is and @endouserboxes
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marrmora · 2 months
TLDR: Do not know if we’re delusional or a system, most of our identities come from being mentally deranged and from trauma, and we’re still figuring out stuff. We are taking the figuring out about ourselves part slow.
If you are sensitive to alterhuman discourse, some very angry talk, and mentions of being insane and mentally deranged, please don’t read this. I wrote this because I’m so tired and so mad it’s awful.
Just gonna put this out here: we don’t know if we’re a system or not. We don’t know if we’re delusions, either. We’re just… here.
Yes, it does tie into our alterhuman identities, but more or less most of our identities are from being mentally deranged and trauma. We’re still making our intro, but we just WANTED to put this out before we finished it. Cause we may be like… 7 creatures in this body, but we don’t know what it is.
Most of my Keith and Lance fictotypes come from my trauma, while my others come from either being mentally + physically delusional and deranged, or I just am them. I am the blade of Marmora. I am a vampire. I’m a mother fucking god and I’m amazing at my job. But I’m mentally deranged and that shows. Im not human. I never was. So why call me that? Even the term “nonhuman” or “alter human” makes me icky, even if we use it. Stereotypes, whether you like it or not, are still in safe spaces. I’ve seen so many. Like yes, most peoples alterhuman identity stems from their past life or such, and I’m not saying that’s bad, but mine stems from neurodivergence, trauma, and being deranged. I’m fucking insane, don’t romanticize that shit. Don’t give me a damn flag and call it off, don’t even bring it up. Being insane isn’t something to be proud of.
^ (This barely has anything to do with the post, but I wanted to say this so bad. So so bad. And if you like the flags, that’s awesome, but I really don’t.)
We constantly feel like we’re faking, and honestly? Don’t think we’re a system. Just think they’re delusions. And I mean that in a good way. Being a system? Perfectly fine, that’s okay. I don’t think I am, though. I don’t think I’m plural.
And if I am? I’ll figure that out later. I just want to be the blades and do my honor, I don’t want to figure out everything so quickly. It takes time to figure things out.
I’m not even gonna tag this besides my usual tag and one for bat.
Vrepit Sa.
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akindplace · 2 years
I know some younger people might not remember this, but I was in my early teens when Skins came out and for several years tumblr still loved the series, and today I saw something from the show and it took me a while to remember the scene, though I watched the show more than once. Skins was such a fever dream on this website, but also a bit on real life too, because me and my friends enjoyed it but we didn't realize how much it romanticized mental illness among other things.
All the girls wanted to be Effie. I was often told I was like Cassie (I never had an eating disorder but I was skinny and depressed back then and I often spoke nonsense and I still do lol it's the neurodivergent brain going off). Those comparisons have so many problematic layers to them that I'm not going to dissect because this post would become an essay. We bought the romanticizing of the show, and we were kids with good education, we knew how bad it was to suffer from mental illnesses because we were actually suffering from them, but we were kids nonetheless and romanticizing it made us feel a little better about it, like our pain could make us as beautiful as Effy. It makes me worried about teens these days because media keeps pushing this romanticized idea of illnesses.
A girl's beauty is never, ever, measured by how much pain she can take, but the message over 10 years after the Skins came out still feels like that: the male gaze making the pain of young girls in particular something that is beautiful and attractive and even sexual.
Does anyone else remember the Skins fever dream? How it took years for it to die down? Can we keep it dead and can we kill other shows doing the same formulaic story? Please? Thank you?
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cheemerthelizard · 2 years
after watching half of MP100 season 1 in about two (2) days, I think I can definitively say that Mob is definitely autistic-coded, and that his psychic powers are an allegory for romanticized mental illnesses/disorders.
Mob being autistic coded is pretty obvious to anyone who knows the littlest bit about autism. I'm sure if I watched it in 4th grade, I would say that Mob kind of reminded me of some of my autistic friends, and maybe even a little bit about myself (I would probably also say that watching it in 4th grade would've scarred me for life, but that's not the point). His inability to "get a clue", his uptight keeping with the rules, his utmost trust in whatever anyone says, and many other traits are very reminiscent of traits found in autistic people.
Of course, Mob's personality isn't the main spotlight I wanted to shine on this post, but rather his psychic powers. Now, I personally think that his powers were specifically designed to be an allegory for autistic people who mask certain traits of theirs, but seeing as there are a lot of connections I could make with my undesirable ADHD traits, I believe these powers could be an allegory with just about any romanticized mental illness or disorder.
You may have noticed that I opted to exclude Mob's difficulty to express his emotions in my paragraph listing his autistic traits. Well, this is because that specific trait is linked to him repressing his emotions so that his powers don't leak out and potentially cause harm. Now, in the case of autism, this could be a metaphor for any number of autistic tendencies (stimming, infodumping, etc.) but it could easily serve as a metaphor for tendencies in other disabilities and illnesses, such as the inability to control one's voice with ADHD. They're traits that others consider weird and annoying, which sometimes makes it hard to make friends.
Of course, there's also the "percent till Mob explodes", which can so easily be a metaphor for meltdowns. Now, I'm not sure if it's from the autism or from some unknown mental illness of mine, but I personally tend to bottle things up until they burst, going into a fit of despair and self loathing, accompanied by loud crying that embarrasses me to no end. However, I don't think those are the type of meltdowns that the show meant to portray. I think it was specifically going for the meltdowns that autistic people feel when they reach a level of overstimulation that pushes them past what they can handle.
And, of course, there's a reason I said Mob's psychic powers were an allegory for romanticized mental illnesses. That's because of the usage of psychic powers in the first place. Everyone wants psychic powers. I mean, imagine all of the things we could accomplish if we could use telekinesis or see ghosts! This same mentality is used to tell people of any neurodivergency that they should stop taking their "cool superpowers" for granted. People with ADHD can get into the zone when they really like something and get so much done (and absolutely zero done on things they don't like)! People with OCD can always live in a clean space (and compulsively pick/scratch at their skin, leaving permanent scars)! People with autism can see the world in a different way than everyone else (and can become ostracized from that world because they see it differently)! These things are similar to what Mob has to deal with regarding psychic powers.
tldr yeah Mob is the autistic icon the anime community needs. him and jotaro are besties and hang out together not talking the entire time
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
mental illness and neurodivergent discussion feels so narrow on here sometimes... its usually about a specific section of symptoms with moderate severity that are used as like a focalpoint of "normal" behavior and things outside of it are discarded as harmful, and this leads to others having a gut reaction to anything seen as diminishing their suffering which i understand, but shouldnt be the response to trying to dissect and talk about mental illness under capitalism and society.
like, theres a lot to mental illness philosophy and activism i wanna discuss and share with people, lots of things that would never be seen as valid in the mainstream and which i would only really trust to talk about with other schizophrenic people because of how stigmatized psychosis is as a thing that makes you untrustworthy on your experiences and understanding (same for autism, in a way) I dunno, its like if you ever try to examine your mental illness and mindset in a way that normalizes or even celebrates your differences and how it affects you, thats seen as Bad because mental illness is Bad and youre romanticizing symptoms, which i think is silly. we all have different minds, and they can hurt or help us depending on the setting and circumstance, talking about the good doesnt mean ignoring the bad. also i dont know if all symptoms can be neatly categorized into "good" or "bad" either, its subjective, some people can experience "good" delusions or hallucinations, and some symptoms commonly seen as "good" can manifest because of trauma (like people pleasing or really anything that can be beneficial under capitalism)
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l0nglives · 1 year
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𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐞'𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 . . . a highly private & selective mixed multimuse ft fandoms from : the witcher , tvdu , btvs , & more. solely uses x-kit rewritten trimmed tags & beta editor. temp rules & muse roster behind the cut. DO NOT FOLLOW FIRST ! minors , personals , non-mutuals dni. as lazily thrown together by : poppy. thirty5. she / they. central usa. discord is for mutuals only. . . . 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
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affiliated with : my mental health. blogroll : @nak1mura , @starsburnt ( sideblog to this ) most active muse : gabriel knight , btvs muses , angouleme of cintra.
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⁰⁰¹ slides. ⁰⁰² resource blog. ⁰⁰³ aes / edit blog.
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⁰⁰¹ do not interact if you : are a minor ( under the age of eighteen ) , a bigot of any sort , send anon hate / hate follow someone / vague / gatekeep / basically a bully. no whitewashing muses , genderbending muses , etc. while i can't police what you write - & while there will be dark subject matter on this blog due to the fandoms i write for - i will not follow anyone who writes p.dophilia , i.cest , or dub / noncon nor will i write it.
in regards to fandoms such as asoiaf & the witcher that include said things : it will be acknowledged but never romanticized or even written out for my own comfort.
⁰⁰² following & blocking ! i get extremely overwhelmed easily & while i enjoy writing & making friends it's very easy to feel like just a follower count. do not follow first even if we were mutuals in the past. if you ignore this rule i will hardblock ; if you can't respect one rule , how will i know you will respect another ? if you would like to follow me you can 100% send me an ask or dm ! i never thought i'd have to write this , but please do not constantly block & unblock me ( follow me only to block me again & repeat it. ) several people did that before i took a mental break the last time. unless you have in your rules give me x time to follow you , i will block you to let me know i should not engage if you do not follow back within a week. nothing personal 100% ! we are all curating our online spaces & that is super cool ! if we break mutuals please , hardblock me. if i think you soft-blocked me i would end up just hardblocking to , again , remind myself not to engage.
⁰⁰³ my activity is sporadic ! i have a chronic illness ; i am mentally ill & neurodivergent ; & i work full time. answering memes , or threads , etc , is going to be low on my priority & i won't apologize for that. i will try to let you know if a thread should be dropped out of courtesy , but understand i'm human & prone to being very scatterbrained. i do write on discord often ; if we are mutuals i'm more than willing to write there for fun !
⁰⁰⁴ all of my characters are canon-divergent. that doesn't sit well with a lot of people & that's fine. i just enjoy building worlds based from canon into something i think would be interesting. as for my star wars muses they are not inherently legends or sequels , but a third option. honestly , the "secret third option" rule can be applied to all my muses. i take what is there from film , tv , literature , etc , & mix in my own headcanon - voila ! the poppyverse ! if you have any questions about my characters , ocs or canon , ask me - at this time i lack the spoons to make separate dossiers.
⁰⁰⁵ triggering material will be present , as well as dark subject matter. all triggers will be tagged with "trigger /" for your convenience. war , violence , mental health , murder , horror , religious symbolism than religion itself , child soldiers , sexual content ( this will be tagged as "lemons /" or "lemon mention /" ) , unhealthy relationships , grief , childbirth / pregnancy , & more will be featured. as for smut - which will have the lemons tag - it'll be very few & far between , but it will always be tagged for your consideration.
⁰⁰⁶ memes are the best way to get the ball rolling ! i am going to be extremely plotting focused solely so no one assumes anything & proper communication is paramount. while i love shipping , it will not be a priority - nothing against those who enjoy it , i just enjoy found families more & that's okay & doesn't mean i won't ship because i have otps just like anyone else.
notps : d.elena , d.aroline , dandelion / geralt ( due to experiences of being guilted to write it. )
⁰⁰⁷ standard rp etiquette : no forcing ships / storylines or assuming them without discussing it first , regardless if it's "canon" or not. no metagaming / godmoding. some of my characters are canonly OP like ciri & i will not weaken her for you. do not hound me or guilt trip me for replies. this is a hobby , not a jobby , & i want to have fun.
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cirilla of cintra , the witcher. angouleme of cintra , the witcher. buffy summers , buffy / angel. emerson leigh / anne keeble-pratt , buffy / angel oc. warden sophie amell , dragon age pc. bethany hawke , dragon age. daenerys targaryen , a song of ice & fire. tyene sand , a song of ice & fire. briar lightfoot , dnd / bg3 tav. viktor de lioncourt , amc immortal. claudia de pointe du lac , amc immortal. elena gilbert , tvdu. caroline forbes , tvdu. meggie gilbert , tvdu. grace nakimura , gabriel knight series. @nak1mura
npc characters / request only: sansa stark. catelyn tully ( stark ). connor angel. dawn summers. pavetta of cintra. dandelion / jaskier. rose winters. gabriel knight. anora mac tir. michelle hawke. florence trevelyan. hyacinth bridgerton. daphne bridgerton. kate sharma. sophie beckett. benji mahoun. sybelle.
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hiemalice · 1 year
can we actually talk about how funny it is when people with less stigmatized mental illnesses are like ew what are you crazy like we get it janet when you wanted to fight for neurodivergent rights you wanted to fight for the “neurospicy” low support needs autistics and adhders. who gives a fuck about the rest of us once we show symptoms that can’t be romanticized right
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toa-kirhan · 2 years
First time watching ToH S2E4 (Keeping Up A-fear-ances). Thoughts below:
Detailed thoughts:
This episode is another backstory-rich character-focused episode that gives us a much more complete picture of Eda and Lilith as people by introducing an unseen part of their dynamic: their relationship w/ their mother, Gwendolyn.
After getting cursed by her sister, Eda, or more appropriately, how to cure her, becomes the sole focus of her mother’s attention, to the detriment of Lilith, who loses her mother from her life, missing out on her coven initiation and never visiting her once she became part of the EC. Eda’s mother does anything she can to try and undo Eda’s curse, except of course, listen to her daughter and ask for her opinion on it.
While her mother’s frustration w/ institutional healing and its inability to cure Eda’s curse is understandable, as is her desire to see Eda cured (Past Eda was clearly afraid of the curse too), her insistence on seeing her cured, despite the dangers said cures might pose to her daughter’s life, is what causes Eda to run from home.
By the time that we meet Eda at the start of the story, she already has a well-established routine for dealing w/ the curse in a non-intrusive manner, but her mother is unwilling to listen to her, turning to increasingly desperate and obscure ‘cures’ for Eda’s condition. Only by seeing her ‘cure’ fail and proved to be a sham with both of her daughters now cursed does she realize her mistake: ignoring her two daughters.
I will mention the first line of an untagged post that I saw a while ago due to how relevant it is to this episode: “Disability is the central theme of the Owl House.” At the time, the only character that seemed to fit that description was Luz, but the theme of disability permeates this episode. Two lines in particular really reinforce this theme.
The first is Gwendolyn’s apology to Eda: “I made you think your curse was something to be ashamed of. Whether we want it or not, it's a part of you. And I love every part of you.” The second is Eda’s response after hearing her mother’s speech, right before she wrestles control back from the Owl Beast: “My turn to drive.”
The way these two lines are phrased really brings to mind people who live w/ mental illness as well as those who are neurodivergent. The way Eda’s curse is represented in the show, w/ Eda and the Owl Beast as separate beings that take control her body is reminiscent of the car analogy (often used to describe Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
The fact that Eda takes elixirs (medicine) to treat her curse also makes her condition reminiscent of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Gwendolyn’s aversion to potions is a clear allusion to anti-vaxxers, complaining about  “who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions,” an illusion to the pernicious lie that vaccines cause autism, as if autism itself was curse and not a simple deviation from neurotypicality.
While Eda and Lilith’s curse carries connotations of mental disability, mental illness, and neurodivergence, Luz’s inability to naturally perform magic is more reminiscent of physical disabilities. After all, in the story, it is one.
Unlike all of the other witches in the series, Luz is cannot naturally perform magic because she lacks the bile sac that produces the magical phlegm that witches channel into their spells. She is literally not abled to perform magic in a world that expects that from her, a world where performing magic is considered the norm.
However, just like Eda, and actual people w/ physical disabilities, Luz, and now Eda and Lilith, is able to work around her limitations through the use of glyphs, similar to the tools and routines that people w/ physical disabilities use to work around theirs.
Gwendolyn apology’s to her daughter is one that everyone who has a mental or physical disability, lifelong condition, or otherwise deviates from societal typicality (such as in terms of gender, romanticism, or sexuality) wishes they could hear from a friend or family member still looking for a ‘cure’ for them when all they want is their acceptance and support. As someone w/ family like that, I can relate.
This episode’s ending builds on the last reveal about what’s happening w/ Luz’s mother in the human world: namely that someone, or something, has been impersonating her and writing her letters. Now, the imposter has taken on Luz’s appearance and now lives w/ her mother. While the letters were suspicious, this confirms that whatever took Luz’s place is supernatural, or more appropriately, magical in nature, likely from the Demon Realms or use of the door portal in general.
General thoughts:
Another back-to-back episode w/ past Eda?
Wow, how did Eda get to embracing the owl motif when she sees that in her dreams?
IS THAT HER PARENTS? Oh, is that just her mom and a healer?
Oh, the blue hand represents the Healing Coven!
Eda ran away from home? Did her mom really mean what she said, or was she just exaggerating? She seemed concerned about her being in pain, but asking for the healer to “cut it out” of her?
So that’s how Eda found the portal? Just buried in the ground?
Are we going to find out what happened to Eda’s mom?
So the screaming clocks have organs inside them, so is Eda just constantly killing them?
Eda’s gold fang is just jewelry?
Eda finds nice dresses and rips them up for that aesthetic.
The limbs popping off are part of the curse too?
Were those elixirs always there? Did Luz and King just have to move a few knickknacks to cure Eda? Did Eda really run out of all of those hidden elixirs to go to Tibbles for more? Maybe she just put them all there recently.
Another apology for the curse from Lilith! ^^
Eda’s mom! Gwendolyn! We got a name!
Dyeing her hair? Is she talking about the grey streak or all of Lilith’s hair? Is that why its blue now instead of red?
So their mom’s palisman is just a really big eagle?
Eda’s mom never visits Lilith? ;-;
This situation w/ Eda’s mom seems to perfect. Is she really going to solve what have been two overarching plotlines this series in just one episode? It’s only been 4 episodes!
Is that another wizard? I don’t trust wizards. Not after Adegast.
Wartlop is certainly a name.
Did Eda and Lilith’s dad leave them too, or is Lilith just bitter about her mom?
What coven is Eda’s mom part of?
Yep, definitely don’t trust Wartlop. Eda’s mom is also an anti-vaxxer.
Hooty being the voice of reason for once? :\
We’re going to be getting double Clawthorne owl transformations aren’t we?
Apparently magic healing crystals and humor theory doesn’t work? Who knew?
Wartlop’s pyramid of study? Good to see that Luz know’s an MLM when she sees one.
I don’t like Hawksley.
Lilith’s owl form is larger than Eda’s?
Oh, the Beastkeeper’s Coven!
What an action scene!
Is that why all the buildings are living? So they can command them on the fly?
Morton! Morton’s back!
Heartfelt apologies from their mom ;_;
Is that how Eda tames the curse?
They’re hugging it out ;_;
Oh? Lilith’s leaving? Is she coming back? They’re dad’s still around too?
Titan’s Blood? Is it actual blood from the Titan? Another human? There’s more secrets in the library?
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starsburnt · 10 months
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𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔 . . . an extremely private & selective multimuse for the star wars franchise. uses elements from both legacies & new canon , but largely headcanon inspired. absolutely do not follow first. sideblog to @l0nglives. minors , non-mutuals & personal blogs dni. loved by poppy , she / they , thirty5 , central usa. discord is for mutuals only. this blog will contain triggering themes associated with the fandom , so please interact at your own risk. rules & a muse roster are behind the read more. . . . 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 , 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒕 .
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⁰⁰¹ multi. ⁰⁰² resource blog. ⁰⁰³ aes / edit blog.
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the rules.
⁰⁰¹ d.n.i : any anti-lgbtqia+ , racism , abelism , or just general meanness will be tolerated. no vagues , anon hate , excessive drama , gatekeeping , etc will be tolerated either. i'm too old for tumblr which means i'm too old for that. i stay away from callouts unless the person in question is an extreme threat & there is ample proof of said individual being a threat. gender-bending is transphobic & whitewashing is racist. while i will not police what you write i , myself , am uncomfortable with writing out non / dubcon , in.cest & p.dophilia & i probably won't follow if you do & especially if i feel it's romanticized. if you ship master / padawan or clonecest i will probably not interact with you as both make me highly uncomfortable regardless if you think the jedi were not a family unit.
faceclaims that are on the dni list: amber heard , nate buzz , ian sommerhalder , eliza taylor , bob morley , scarlett johanson , elizabeth olsen.
⁰⁰² following & stuff : this is mutuals only , meaning i will only interact with people i follow & follow me back. non-mutuals are more than welcome to send a dm or an ooc ask , but otherwise , i want to keep my space small. do not follow first even if we have been mutuals in the past. if you ignore this rule i will hardblock. this is private. i simply want to have a small & clean dash so i won't become overwhelmed. you are welcome to send me a DM or even an ask requesting to follow ! :) if you unfollow me please hard block me so i can let myself know not to engage. i will not follow those who do not have their age on their blog , or rules , personals , or those under the age of eighteen years old.
⁰⁰³ activity & interactions : i am chronically ill , mentally ill , neurodivergent & currently looking for employment. this will all hinder on my activity. i often "shitpost" & write out headcanons because it's my blog & i can. i'm a person behind the computer screen. if you are only here for someone to be your writing partner & nothing else then this is the last place you should be. please do not nag me about memes or replies , either : if i want to drop a thread i will do my best to remember to let you know - my memory is spotty ! - but if you need to drop a thread you don't even need to tell me. we can start another. & another. & another. while a few "winging it" threads are fine , i am primarily plot focused & prefer discussing everything beforehand.
⁰⁰⁴ the eu vs mickey mouse : i blend both legends & disney!canon within my portrayals. i take what i like from all aspects of media & literature & i sprinkle it in like salt bae to what i think is neat. that being said , my eu characters are not eu , but more headcanon inspired to bend to the new lore while honoring the old. this blog is a legacies & sequel-friendly blog. until i have the spoons to give dossiers for each character , if you want to know their differences you can always ask : )
⁰⁰⁵ triggers : triggering material will be present , as well as dark subject matter. all triggers will be tagged with "trigger /" for your convenience. war , violence , mental health , murder , horror , religious symbolism than religion itself , child soldiers , sexual content ( this will be tagged as "lemons /" or even "lemon mention /" ) , unhealthy relationships , grief , childbirth / pregnancy , & more will be featured. as for smut - which will have the lemons tag - it'll be very few & far between , but it will always be tagged for your consideration. while i do not write dead dove do not eat i do acknowledge that this fandom , while generally for all ages , have extremely heavy themes. please tread softly.
⁰⁰⁶ storylines & ships : just because a ship or relation is canon does not mean i will assume x , y & z without speaking about it beforehand. just because i do adhere to some popular fanon headcanons - meaning it is just a silly headcanon & not canon - does not mean i will force it on anyone ( i.e. korkie kenobi ) because people have a right to disagree with a fanon headcanon. absolutely none of my headcanons & world-building is law & i hope i never seem like i am forcing you to feel like it is. on the flip side , i ask for the same courtesy. with that being said , i love ships ! i love dynamics ! i just want to discuss everything before we jump in.
characters that will not be shipped : din grogu , anakin solo ( as i portray him as a child ) , any child versions of the canon characters , hondo ohnaka & the droids r2d2 & c3po.
⁰⁰⁷ basic rp etiquette pls ! : no godmodding , no meta gaming , no begging for replies / memes / etc. do not guilt me into a ship / storyline. do not force one on me , either. we are all here to have fun & that's exactly what i want to do - have fun. i don't care if you double space - no more than triple space pls ! - or use colors , or icons , or gifs , or small text or normal text. i just ask you to trim your replies. thank you.
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the muses.
leia organa solo. she / her. demisexual / romantic. carrie fisher & lily james & millie bobby brown & vivien lyra blair. primary.
jaina organa solo. she / they. lesbian. phoebe tonkin & ryan kiera armstrong. secondary.
anakin organa solo. he / him. heterosexual. faceclaim. tertiary.
han solo. he / him. bisexual / romantic. alden ehrenreich & harrison ford. tertiary.
luke skywalker. he / him. demisexual / biromantic. mark hamil. tertiary. * at this time i will not write luke in the sequels era. i will acknowledge the sequels , but i do not feel comfortable writing hermit luke & do disagree with a lot of how he is portrayed in TLJ.
padme neberrie amidala. she / her. demisexual / romantic. natalie portman. tertiary.
mara jade kryze. she / her. pansexual / demiromantic. sophie turner & summer fontana. primary.
satine kryze. she / her. demisexual / heteroromantic. viva bianca & ellie bramber & cate blanchett. primary.
korkie kryze. he / they. bisexual / romantic. sam heughan & kit connor. secondary. * while i do adhere to the korkie kenobi theory i will only write him as a kenobi , or even satine's biological son , if we both discussed it beforehand. otherwise i lean toward him being a foundling.
ahsoka tano. she / her. greysexual / biromantic. faceclaim. tertiary.
din grogu. he / him. no. faceclaim. secondary.
kata akuna. she / her. sexual / romantic. faceclaim. tertiary.
c-3po. he / him. lmao. rotlfmao. secondary.
r2d2. he / him. lmao. sjfoisfsfsfsf. secondary.
finn. he / they. gay. john boyega. tertiary.
rey of jakku. they / she. demisexual / panromantic. daisy ridley. tertiary / testing. * rey is a byproduct of abeloth. it's complicated & a wip.
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deepdarkbrain · 1 year
I've said just about everything to my therapist.
TW: all of them
Hi, my name is Ryn (they/them) and I've said just about everything to my therapist. Before I get into too much here, be forewarned, I don't want to pull any punches on this blog. I want to be able to share (just about) everything that I would share with my therapist. This blog is going to include posts about dark and difficult subjects ranging from basic mental health to suicide, self harm, substance abuse, etc. I'm 100% going to swear and say what could be considered terrible things. What I will promise though, is that I will always include trigger warnings at the beginnings of my posts and there is a permanent content warning at the top of my blog.
I want to be open and honest about these kinds of dark, intimate subjects not to romanticize them or to encourage others to follow me down what will sometimes be the wrong path. But to share my experiences in the hopes that it'll help someone else feel like, "Oh yeah, I'm not alone on this dumb planet." Having grown through pre-internet times to now, one incredibly helpful thing I've found the younger generations using is the internet to break mental health taboos. Being honest and talking about it, even with a little levity sometimes (I'm looking at you memes), can help.
I've been seeing the same therapist for many, many years now. We've worked through so many things; childhood traumas, hospitalizations, relationships, work struggles, and everything in between. We've had discussions about how shit the American health care system is and also shared wins.
They've had a couple kids. I've started to accept I'm not broken, I'm just really fucking neurodivergent. Not exactly equivalent to some, but to me, hell yeah. I'm killing it.
Here's a little background on me. I am in my early 30s and I've been dealing with mental illness (major depressive disorder mostly, plus anxiety, ADHD, and autism) for the entirety of my life. You'll notice I specifically say "dealing with" and not "suffering from," which is the more common phrasing. This is something I work really hard to do. For me personally, speaking about my MIs in a semi-light way and using specific language really helps me accept and advocate for myself. A psychologist I had in a group therapy session once told us,
Honestly that one statement changed everything for me. One of my biggest pet peeves around how people treat those of us with MIs is the age old trope, "Just think positively!" It drives me batshit insane. For one it implies that I enjoy feeling like garbage at random and destroying relationships with people I care about for no reason. And for another it implies that who I am and how I live my life is inherently wrong.
Something I'm going to tell you, probably over and over again as I write this blog, is that if you deal with any kind of MI, YOU ARE NOT WRONG. I even have to remind myself of this, pretty regularly to be honest. There is something that's going on in your life, in your brain, in your physiology that is causing this to happen and it sucks and we all wish it would just go away, but at the very baseline, it's not wrong. You're not broken. You're just different, and different is okay.
More about me, I am wildly queer and I will fight you about it. Not really, because confrontation is extremely triggering for me, but I do feel really strongly about my LGBTQ+ community. I truly believe they are one of the most welcoming, accepting communities on the planet. Personally I identify as pansexual/asexual/aromantic (pan/ace/aro) because sexuality is a spectrum and I love everyone and no one at the same time, and I am non-binary because gender norms are dead. Use whatever pronouns you want for me, this is an internet blog, who's to say I'm even a real human?
Something I've gotten into recently with my therapist is called "Internal Family Systems Therapy." So I'll probably bring it up a lot. As I am a mere mortal and not an authority on literally anything, please follow the link to read more educated material about this subject. Otherwise, here's my very, very broken down, idiot, tl;dr.
IFST is a type of therapy that centers around the idea that within every person's mind, there are separate parts with separate purposes, usually to protect the base part. Recently in therapy I equated it to, "a close cousin of Dissociative Identity Disorder," in that you think of these separate parts as different versions or personalities of yourself. For example, in my situation I feel that within my mind there are at least five separate "me's" that are all Ryn but also each their own Ryn.
Of course, firstly there is me. The very essence of who I am. Funny, smart, loving, and able to think clearly and rationally. This is the part of me that has been me from birth and will only ever change for the better. It is the base, the original. This is the part of me that wants to stand up for itself but most often gets overtaken by the other parts. Base me gets frustrated when people use MI terms flippantly (ie. "Oh I'm so OCD!" "I'm goth so I'm also depressed." "You're like totally schizophrenic!"). Drives me bananas. Just don't do it.
Next there is depression. This is the part of me that experiences deep sadness, mental anguish, self hatred, and many other nasty, no good things. Usually the depression part of me is equivalent to someone I like to call Floor Ryn. People who know me well, know if I tell them I have become Floor Ryn, it means I've gotten so low that the only thing I'm able to do is lay down on my kitchen floor and exist. It is not comfortable, it does not make me feel better, but I simply cannot do anything else. I'm nigh on catatonic. Though at other times depression is sobbing for hours and being unable to listen to music with lyrics for fear that I will start sobbing.
Because depression is what I deal with the most and what comes up for me the most, there's a lot to it. Depression isn't just emptiness, it can also be cruel. To myself and to others. It's the part that has been hospitalized for attempting suicide. It's the part that created the hundreds of scars that live on my body. It's the part that has told friends I hate them when really I don't. It doesn't care about the exciting plans the me part of me made for next week, it just wants to cry and rage and feel miserable.
Next there is anxiety, and this is the second of my more prominent parts. This part overthinks, panics, has meltdowns/temper tantrums, and tries to fix everything. It's neurotic and selfish. It's the part that picks at my nail beds. It's also both blind and hyperaware of everything around me. It's that toddler at the mall beating their tiny, fat fists on the floor while you're thinking their parent should be doing a better job parenting. This part is also surprisingly rational; it can be bargained with. It can be given evidence and shown that everything is okay. I find anxiety to be easy to manage on a daily basis. But I do have meds for emergencies.
Next is ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This one is somewhat new to me. I've probably always had it, but haven't been diagnosed until adulthood. This part always has at least five projects going at once (I'm an artist and just a creator in general). ADHD can't pay attention in lectures, can't stay still, is terrible at exams, needs to multitask, and constantly wants to go off on tangents. It's hyper, impulsive, and generally content, if not good-spirited. It makes me question occasionally if I inherited my dad's bi-polar disorder. I haven't; I've been told many times by many practitioners. But the thought's still there (hello, anxiety).
Finally autism, and again this one is new to me. This is the part that feels like an alien because I can't understand why you feel the way you're feeling or fathom what you're thinking. It's the part I think that is the most ace/aro. It's the part that doesn't care about dating or sex and doesn't understand how you can't live without your partner for two days. Also it's the part that can't look you in the eye when we're talking and says shitty things sometimes because it forgets that yeah, it is actually human and has to follow human social rules.
All of these personalities of me coexist at once but can also present themselves more individually. They're each trying to do something for me. Depression is, to use another therapist's words (Kati Morton), "pulling the ripcord" to yank me away from a situation it deems triggering. Anxiety is working to repair and investigate to find a solution to the problem at hand. As for ADHD and autism, I think mostly they're just along for the ride. ADHD is kind of a bro, a Gryffindor (big Harry Potter nerd here). But they have their uses, I suppose.
Am I perfect? No, absolutely not. Do I want to be perfect? Not really, no, sounds hard and depression isn't up for the challenge. In thinking about perfection, I like to think of the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi, which essentially means to embrace the beauty of imperfection. As an artist, I've heard of it mostly in the context of kintsugi ceramics where pieces of pottery that have broken -- whether on purpose or accidental -- are repaired using something that will emphasize that it was once broken. I've often seen it where the shards are attached back together with gold so that the cracks are almost more beautiful than the original piece.
So, to try to find a conclusion to this post, I am mentally ill. I have been for a long time and I will be for a long time more. I am not broken. I am not wrong. I am not perfect. And all of these things are okay. I want to improve myself, sure, but I think everyone should strive to do that, MI or not. All I want to do with this blog is share my experiences and the sometimes comical ways I twist my deep, dark brain to ease the pain a little in the hopes that someone else might feel comfortable sharing those things, too.
Because you know I totally want to hear the ridiculous and stupid shit you've said to your therapist before, no matter how cynical and morose. Seriously, so I can share it with mine next week.
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qweei · 2 years
mental illness isn't cute nor a fun quirk to have, and i'm saying that as someone who's mentally ill and is neurodivergent.
ofc i believe we shouldn't demonize mental illness and i know this idea of mental illness being cute only really applies to some disorders like depression, anxiety ocd etc. personality disorders get demonized to high hell and should be destigmatized but i personally don't have experience with that so i can't speak on that.
but i can talk about the disorders i do have and how hearing discussions around mental illness can really frustrate me. like there's two sides to this a) who see mental disorders that includes disabilities as something scary, shameful and should be hidden and type b) usually teenagers and young adults who bcs of the influx of representation and discussions around mental health know a lot more yet seem to get it in their mind that to be interesting you have to have some diagnosis? "omg i'm so ocd rn" "i can't focus i must have adhd"
as someone who went through type A for years when i transferred schools and was surrounded by type b people i believed it was a good thing like waaay better than before, same with the content i found on social media that were way more positive bcs to me that meant that i was no longer demonized or pushed aside which is great! but honestly it isn't as much of an improvement as i first thought.
though i will say before someone misunderstands me: i am not at all against learning about different mental disorders and self diagnosing. i definitely think our knowledge on mental health is improving due to more representation or people being more open, but i still want to acknowledge the side of people who misuse the new found attention and support use and do harm to the community, whether intentionally or not.
it's just that some type b people can sometimes be as harmful as type A from my experience. at that school i was constantly surrounded by these ppl and every single time someone talked about mental illness it was always in such a romanticized way, it became a funny adjective, every serious disorder was simply just a cute quirk?? i once overheard a real life conversation where ppl where assigning each other mental disorders the same way you talk about zodiac signs!? also certain people straight up trauma dumping to be funny without any prior warning or anything, i often got so uncomfortable i had to leave the room multiple times. something even more horrifying i was told was by my roommate who told me her autistic sister with tics who went to a different school, people in her school started to copy her tics to the point it became a trend in the entire school.
i've realized this problem especially when i'm with neurotypical ppl my age where every time i mention or its brought up that i'm neurodivergent, they always get the feeling that they need to match up with me??? if that makes sense. listen icantbelieveimsayingthis BUT there's nothing wrong with being neurotypical, not being mentally ill or having trauma... that doesn't make you boring or less interesting and honestly thinking it does really is a slap in the face of people who are neurodivergent and or mentally ill.
i'm so tired of discussions around mental health being so black and white all the time like either I'm treated like a abomination or I get infantilized/romanticized. it really fucking sucks
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c00ldude1000 · 2 years
Overthinking, complicating, zoning in and out of passive manic thought, eventually being overcome with a paralyzing blankness of sorts. It’s the BPD. The comorbidity of my neurodivergencies.
Missed the bus. Mike approaches me. We start talking. Mike tells me about life’s most brilliant mysteries. Talking more he says he was houseless by 17. Mentally ill, he was left to the streets. How he needs to quit smoking, so his heart can continue to beat properly He asks, “Can I read to you some Christian poetry?” I decline.
Sorry Mike. For if you didn’t know, I am a nonbinary feminist, communist, leftist who’s too good to listen to some old rambling man’s prayers. Too good to set aside my fears Impart whatever “wisdom” you think you can provide my ears I won’t be listening; I’ll judge too soon and write you off as being unclear. But continue Mike.
He doesn’t let up, talks about how everyone needs to be kinder. Enjoy what they can to make this small little life last longer. Reminds me that we all matter “I’m still learning,” he says, “You’re still learning too, there’s an infinite amount of knowledge.” Still learning I guess to Make mistakes, to fall, to walk, to get dirty, to get clean of impurities, to listen to Mike and his ramblings.
Mike talks about love. Loving those in our lives and holding them close. He reminds me that it’s much too easy to let them go. He talks about community. I interject with my Gen Z Comment about capitalism, Its ties to individualism, My stupid bouts of activism Look at all this altruism. Mike knows these things firsthand without this tiktok bullshit jargon. But still, Mike listens.
Mike then stands before me; he raises his hands above my head and heals me of my diseased spirit. He looks at his disciple and says, “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, And do unto others as you would have other do unto you.” It’s modern-day Jesus Christ! Mike didn’t say that. But he very well could have. In fact, He did.
He wants to be a preacher he says. He has some buddy who’s going to sponsor his book. He’s working out the kinks, but he’s got a pretty good hook.
Mike, the perfect example of a systemic injustice, a systemic failure. His existence within a system That couldn’t care less about him. Politicians that falsely promise him safe housing, clothes, food, good doctors as they continue to cut funding to social programs more slim, So that maybe Mike can write a few more hymns.
And to just have some stranger go to their cushy $800 bedroom in a nice lil east end home And write some sappy, wannabe prophetic, wannabe woke, wannabe poet, poetry about you.
I think we should all be more like Mike, Jesus, no Mike. Mike should be, no, is our Saviour. There’s not a doubt I have about it.
I’ve moved. I’m on the bus now. Sinking into my seat filled with these warm indie movie like feelings. Over romanticizing my encounter with good ol’ Mike. I fade in with the swarm of other bus goers, faither havers, faith doubters, casual (not as religious) encounters. Eventually, I’m walking off to my job that fulfills little to no desires, Having no mysterious wonders. Eventually, like some lame working horse, I foundered.
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being neurodivergent and constantly being surrounded by other neurodivergents is such a vibe. like,,,
*different and conflicting forms of stimming* "can you PLEASE stop pacing for one moment?? i'm trying to hear this song i've had on repeat for an hour and you keep distracting me"
"where the FUCK are my keys?!?!?" *30 minute group search*
"that's your masking smile. what's wrong??"
*floor time*
*body mirroring/doubling as the only way of getting anything done*
"let me infodump about the Peruvian Nazca Lines!" "okay, but then you have to let me talk about Korean phonetics."
*abandoned hyperfixations as far as the eye can see*
"i'm in hell" "you can do this. just try not to tap your foot. it's called exposure and response therapy for a reason! it's going to be uncomfortable." "i'm going to scream"
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