#we aren't here for quality rn
nirvaneurysm · 2 months
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・ shawn mendes + the studio .
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itspyon · 4 months
Have you by any chance taken a look at r/dwt2 recently? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the posts over there about Dream's interactions (or lack thereof) with the fanbse rn and the big content drought. I think you always have realistic outlooks on this stuff and it would definitely help some people on here that I know are trying not to feel too down about it. (100% /nf)
hello dashboard
this is the longest post i have ever written. remember, this is how i personally see things. you don't have to agree with all of it or at all. still, long as fuck. you have been warned
i do not use reddit and i especially don't visit spaces that are a vent melting pot. not something i want to encourage by giving it clicks
however it is a topic i do have thoughts on, of various kinds, so walk with me on this one. i believe the position is in right now is 1 - one he hates, 2 - one he was forced to be in and 3 - one he's too afraid to get out of
you can understand my second point easily, i don't think there's any argument about it. if it was up to him, the current state of his content would not be like this, not talking quality, but in the general lack of it. he had to reorganise his life around october 2022 to the point he considered quitting. that's not an easy thing, logistically an otherwise, and for dream out of all people to have even think about it, it must have been a tremendous feat to get out of that spot mentally. then he could not make usmp happen. dealing with the hate. gumball. releasing the video. these aren't things that he could predict, and did shape the timeline of content release
i don't want to say i feel a bitterness about it from him, because he's not a bitter person. but when he talks about the things that weren't, i do feel that sad yearn, the-one-that-got-away-esque vibe in the conversation. which is completely understandable, because those are his projects he put time thought money and love in. and then he gets the carpet pulled, and now we're here. i feel people forget that a bit you feel sad about all the content, imagine him. we knew about usmp for tops 3 or 4 days, he had been working on it for months. empathise with him a bit and understand this is not a place he wants to be in either
my general "critique" of him regarding the situation is the third point. i say fear, i don't exactly know if that's what it is, and just as above, i understand why it would exist yes, obviously the face reveal and meeting fans and having the parasocialism hit you in the face changes a lot. i understand, say, walking back from his "Stans" video, i understand walking back on the nsfw, i get those things. but we're a bit past that point now, where denouncing that parasocialism is turning into what i see as becoming the cc he has said he doesn't want to be
and i say this as someone that has been around for a WHILE. he has in the past spoken negatively about the path he is taking. the cc that's removed from his audience, the famous guy that has all his accounts managed, the creator with the over scripted, over hyped, removed of all spontaneous dynamic content that ends up either underdelivering, or not delivering at all. ( note here, i don't think dream will ever underdeliver. not in his dna. simply describing that general persona )
he's not there yet, at all, but he's edging close enough where people are starting to feel uneasy about it. some quietly, some in an understanding tone, others demanding and demeaning. and i feel at every step of walking down this figurative path, my first and second points ring very loudly. he doesn't really want this, he never asked for any of this. he has been forced into this position. but now he's on this weird stasis chamber of sorts, not fully in it but also doing nothing to get out ? i see the absolute love he has for music. i see how much he loves minecraft, and his fans, and the weirdness of it all. but he's alienating himself from it and not particularly putting up any sort of fight. not even raising his voice. nothing at all
no snapchats no tweets no likes no replies no streaming no casual popping into a friend's stream. and i am happy for him ! let me make that super clear ! taking time for himself, chilling, doing things in private. i'm glad he has that space now, and he's enjoying a life he very much could not have for years
but the very overwhelming, and genuinely new type of quiet makes that uneasiness i mentioned before grow exponentially. this isn't a quiet we're used to, and i have been through many. i am personally fine with it, i am not the one to demand content, i can simply do something else. but it does worry me he's kind of just taking the punches, and is taking them so much to heart he has removed himself this much from the public, in a seemingly unnecessary fashion. and here's the real issue for me on that third point, and where that worry comes from, and maybe in part curiosity ?
he's sure of what he's doing. at least it appears that way. i don't see all the puzzle pieces, and i am concerned at the picture they paint. is he scared ? is he tired ? is he waiting it out even more ? should i be concerned ? is that maybe too parasocial, or am i just so put off by the change of scenery and the lack of explanation for some of these changes ( like i said, i understand some, but others seem out of left field ) , it that it makes me reasonably worried
still. i get it
i criticize some of it, because yeah, i am selfish, i want the content creator that i have been following for five years to be, at least in part, the one i subscribed to. i want some content, any content, at all
i also understand the road to here was not the one neither of us expected it to be, and it changed him more than it changed me
i am a passive onlooker of his life, and i have no right to make demands to what he gives me access to. i only can complain as much as it is appropriate, which is vocalising my feelings of missing him, because he has given me a piece, and now i don't quite get why it's gone. previously he would have told us why, now it's dead lining
but it's his life. it's his time. it's his piece. and it's his choice. he can do with it as he pleases. i can be unhappy. i can have issues with it, i can worry. i can demand explanations. i am not entitled an answer. the second people understand that last part, they will have a much better time dealing with the quiet
i miss him, i really do. i understand why he's gone. i don't approve of how far he's taking it. but that doesn't fucking matter, because whatever the reasoning is, if he is doing it this way, it's for a reason that's enough to him. and i'd say, we have to trust him with his own life
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betweenlands · 2 years
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[ID: Two asks from my inbox. The first is from @12u3ie and reads "Drop the essay, Solar /nf". The second is from @artisticgryfess and reads "wait no tell me about joe being technos hels". /End ID]
holy shit you guys i'm not even a hermitcraft or dsmp blog rn. fair enough this is a longstanding conspiracy theory of mine, though. ok, so. Joe Is Techno's Hels, the not-an-essay (mainly because i'm not going to cite SHIT, this is PURELY in the realm of headcanon/theory except if i explicitly indicate something is supported by canon)
so, the joke theory starts like this: back when hermitcraft/dsmp crossovers were first getting popular, there were a lot of crack theories about "hels!joe is technoblade" because... well, a lot of factors. they're both loosely english majors (i know joe is a history major just humor me), both slightly strange guys who operate by their own logic, both have somewhat similar (ish?) accents, both have a very deadpan sense of humor and incredible delivery on that deadpan, and most of all both of them Cannot Be Killed In A Way That Matters.
however, i am your local Hels Analyst, no like seriously there's so much weird shit about helsknight we haven't discussed yet, and one (implied? this is a theory but i feel it holds water) thing that's always been key to me about Hels versions is... they represent bad traits present in the original individual. whether or not those bad traits are the Objectively Bad ones or the traits the original self-identifies as bad is pretty up in the air right now (welsknight come off anon i just need you to tell me if helsknight likes pineapple on pizza it is absolutely fucking critical to our understanding of hels lore) but we'll be going with the latter, for reasons i'll explain later and by later i mean right now.
so! assuming there are hels versions of more players than just welsknight (i cannot stress enough how much we technically don't know this in canon -- it can reasonably be extrapolated but we really aren't sure!), that brings up an interesting issue with techno being joe's hels.
joe is not a particularly violent person.
"well solar," you say, "what does that have to do with techno being joe's hels?"
"well, strawman i have made up to make this long-ass post more visually broken-up and less formal-feeling," i reply, "hels versions of players only exhibit traits that are present in the original person." and this is confirmed canon, by the way -- wels himself has explicitly cited specific ways he can sometimes suck that are directly visible in the way helsknight acts!
so. joe is not a particularly violent person, and... okay yes listen i know there's a lot of very good writing on how technoblade isn't entirely 100% down for violence all the time and maybe wants to peacefully retire, okay. i get it. i am not calling techno a murder machine all i'm saying is that one of them enjoys pvp enough that he helped train other people and the other one is recording as he always does from nashville tennessee. i am a variety mcyt blogger and the only dsmp essay i have ever written before now is about how the tftsmp metaplot parallels redstoner. just bear with me.
imo joe also exhibits a lot of self-awareness about his own bad qualities as a character, and none of those traits are really... present in technoblade? but here's where it gets interesting.
i am no genius and certainly no master c!technoblade analyst, but if we assume technoblade trained to become a fighter and identified certain of his traits as being Not Ideal for someone who focuses on pvp and being a strong pigman, we can. kind of see those traits in joe, even if we can assume technoblade has learned enough to stop displaying those traits:
will commit to the bit even if it's inconvenient for him
obnoxious about whatever form of literature is closest to him
will start quoting from that work of literature to fit the situation even when it totally doesn't fit the situation
zero bloodlust and an active need to avoid direct conflict; a tendency towards pacifism even
malicious compliance
perfectly timed awful timing
overwhelming amounts of Just Some Guy and also English Major energy
exceedingly stubborn and would rather go through a problem than around it; will also see a tunnel through a mountain and climb over the hill instead
and. hm! yeah that feels like a joe hills description. you could make a joe hills out of this. add to that the fact that both of them refuse to die, but technoblade never dies whereas joe conquers death by dying over and over and coming back repeatedly out of sheer spite -- yeah i'd say joe could very easily be seen as the hels of the two.
and if Hels, the dimension, is the hostile and horrible place that helsknight claims it is -- where "everyone's unyielding and everyone there rebels" -- well, only one of them has a (mostly) canonical backstory that involves struggling through a hellish landscape designed by a hostile architect who wishes to cause pain and suffering. and it's not technoblade.
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ca-suffit · 1 month
yeah anon I don't want to publish ur specific ask for the reasons u said, but thank u for reminding me of this post. this post from nalyra-dreaming was part of the affirmative action drama and I think a lot of what's in this post got lost out being talked about because of that. so let's talk about it. let's comb thru this so ppl can rly understand nalyra's racism and what they're defending when they want to defend her.
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first off, lol take ur own advice. but anyways. this way of speaking is crazy. this is why this whole group of besties put everyone off as time went on. that's why it's lol when ppl come to me saying nobody likes u, we prefer them. okay?? ur weird and u like being yelled at idk. these ppl read some dumb books and think they work on the show. they reference each other's fanon more than anything else. there's no discussions. they talk AT u. it's a bunch of ppl who want to be seen as smart and popular. that's it lol. "we've been trying to tell them" girl u don't work on the show stfu.
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this bitch is a whole bitch. u act like u have been victimized by a black fan because you had a disagreement. u play up "I tried to listen and I agree too! poor me, THEY don't want to hear anything else but what THEY want to hear :(" and THEN u have the fckn audacity to say shit like why aren't u all listening to BLACK MAN JACOB ANDERSON. why aren't u listening to black fans? why are u here making this post to act like a victim to "mean" black fans who just don't listen to facts and logic and jacob anderson himself. why are u here twisting this shit up to pretend u have empathy for black ppl by stepping over everyone here (who does not have to filter anything for show press) and saying "actually ur all wrong and stupid and ur the REAL racists because u take away jacob and bailey's own voices."
this is a real level of fucking evil racist shit and why I'm spelling this out rly slow rn so u all understand.
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"Louis is not chained to his coffin guys, he could have left, and a fight which shows off power discrepancies within the show story line is not automatically domestic abuse."
u jump thru so many hoops for lestat's defense it has made u dumb as fuck.
where was louis supposed to go? he's black, his family hates him, his husband is a demon spawn who stalks everyone down who tries to leave. who BEAT HIS ASS already at the *thought* that he'd even leave. that's not DV?? he could have left?? how are u like 50 years old and victim blaming like this and then saying u have authority over analyzing these books for the peasants here lol.
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the favorite go to line from this dumb group is "they're monsters" "they're vampires." anne rice was famous in the first place for using iwtv to humanize vampires. I think she used this type of "logic" over time too tho and that's prbly where this comes from. it's a bad excuse tho. we're talking about DV but u say it's not DV and then say "they're all murderers anyway so nothing matters." girl the redemption isn't about vampirism, it's about whiteness. u big fucking dummies who can't talk about race always want to pretend this is about lestat being a vampire and how we're too stupid to understand vampires and monsters. the horror of lestat rn is his whiteness. the horror is the power that gives him as he's the least capable of rational thought in that whole "family" unit. he's ignorant, controlling, and quick to anger. he never tries to fix his ignorance, he makes excuses for all his behavior because he CAN. because society allows him to do that! louis and claudia can't make any mistakes or be forgiven because black ppl are not given that same grace. u can call lestat a monster because on a white man that's still an attractive quality. ppl LUV white serial killers and abusers so much and hype them up like they're galaxy brain heroes. calling a black person a monster is just every day. with no benefit. that's the one u rly believe is the threat and then u shoot to kill.
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she's so dumb omfg. isolation doesn't mean put in an empty room. lestat wove himself into every aspect of louis' life so that louis could not exist without him. yes, on a level, louis was showing off his man, but u see how the "roots" take hold more and more over time. he's living in lestat's house, lestat is now the one driving the car. more and more lestat is telling them what they're doing and becoming critical of what louis will not give up. acting up v loudly when he doesn't get his way (he brings antoinette in when louis isn't "acting right" so he can torture louis at his job so he'll fix himself already, then he "allows" louis to see other people except now I'm gonna overreact about that too, now I've chased claudia off but btw did u know I've always had a big dick and u not being fun for me anymore is why all of this has ever happened??)
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again with the evilness of trying to prove ur shit point by saying "if u disagree with me then u hate black people (jacob anderson) even tho I'm speaking over all black ppl here with this post." ok lestat lol. u are always trying to excuse lestat's actions for being what they are by saying there's a book reason behind it or saying louis or whatever black or brown character is the REAL abuser. do u think abuse has to be intentional to count as abuse? do u rly think lestat's actions are justified when he could have easily explained any of it without doing all that? his response to louis' depression is to do everything I wrote above. u think that's not abuse? u think that's not isolation? "be my companion" but he didn't mean emotionally. u don't think that's maybe the arc lestat is going to have to go thru to be a better partner to louis? what do u think his arc is then, louis just made it all up and soon we won't have to care about race and lestat has been a cool guy this whole time just kidding?? anne rice rly gave u a smooth ass brain.
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I don't even know what this means. u all love to skip over points and just say "okay SWEETIE u just don't understand dark themes and monsters, u won't ever get it." okay U, SWEETIE, ur 50 years old, talk slow for me. I know u can do it. if u want authority then prove u know ur shit. a loud voice by itself doesn't do anything but yell. but this is all mama rice taught u tho. so here we are lol.
"everything is unreliable narration except for lestat who is always telling the truth because his egotistical crazy ass white woman author who wanted to be a white man so badly and wrote in his voice IRL to yell at ppl for real said he's telling the truth" u are all so crazy and racist and then u get big mad when ppl notice how crazy and racist u are lol. this gap between series airing has been annoying af but it's sure exposed ur asses because ur not smart like u think u are. when someone rly shows up and breaks down ur arguments to ur face and that is the sole reason I'm here, u all have nothing to say anymore. so fuck u lol enjoy this well earned fallout.
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smolsix · 9 months
-blows dust off this blog-
Little Nightmares III, huh???
I was trying to avoid being excited about it because no solid release date and 2024 could be a few months from now or a year from now and Idk how long I can handle being so fuckin hyped for this game YEEHAW
so here are my thoughts, if you wanted to know
FIRST OF ALL, i am so glad that after we saw LTNM II we thought it'd be co-op but it was just an AI, that we finally get co-op! AND ONLINE TOO, i spent the first day worried it'd be shared screen same room situation since i wasn't trying to get my hopes up but then I realised I can just.. google it.. AND IT IS!!! ONLINE!! IDK WHO I AM GONNA PLAY IT W FIRST AAAAAAAA
anyways, you can definitely tell it's a new studio working on this game, the world feels mostly the same but the character designs themselves are definitely stylistically similar, but not the same. With Six especially, the MC designs were very simplistic and realistic but used colour (or for Mono, a single design quirk being the bag) to stand out against their backgrounds and against the enemies which are largely neutral colours. But these new ones feel... "over designed"? On their own they definitely aren't, but in comparison to Mono, Six, Seven, and even NPCs like the flashlight girl, they have a lot more going on (especially the little wrench kid, Idk which one is Alone and which one is Low yet btw OOP)
Despite it being a new studio and you can tell, new puzzles and environments, they're still doing their best to have the OGs vibes and whatnot to feel familiar, namely in the trailer they bring back the fuses, and the additional gameplay video there's a short scene with an environment with all the shelves you can find in LTNM 1s gnome section (the one with the cart that is affected by the Maws swaying).
But regardless, it still feels different enough my brain is still nervous about it. I also feel In A Way about Tarsier having LTNM II explode and their franchise getting the attention it deserves, only to have it stuck with Bandai and now it's going to likely explode again and they aren't involved. Idk how anyone on that team feels about it, but if it were me omg.
Also the only boss we've seen so far (i hope they add more and i def want some to be a surprise so im not gonna assume this is the only one for now) feels... out of place? it has the design qualities of a LTNM boss, but the size of it makes it more of a spectacle than a warped/corruption of an adult. All the previous bosses fit in their environment, we are the small ones and they are scaled to the world around them. This is the first time, outside monster Six who imo is a bit of an outlier anyways due to her circumstances, we're getting a boss who is this huge and doesn't even fit their own environment. I hope we get a lore reason for this in some way, because currently the boss doesn't have the same vibe as the others and it's throwing me off a bit. Don't get me wrong, it'll be terrifying, but looking at the picture as a whole they are sort of out of place for me rn. I don't hate the bitch either, I'm not gonna be like omg get rid of it or change it, but it does strike me as odd seeing it for now.
And yes the tall man is too tall for a lot of things, but he's not THAT big. He's more like yer tall guy who hits his head off doorways, which happens irl anyways LMAO
Little Nightmares primarily tries to capture the feeling of being a small child and how everything is big and scary, but a doll that huge is out of the realm of reality set up for us already. It's gone from scary corrupted animal to godzilla, if that makes sense.
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twig-tea · 7 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @waitmyturtles @lurkingshan and @wen-kexing-apologist!
Current Time: 12:27 PM
Current activity: Taking a lunch break from work between back-to-back meetings (during which I sometimes post to tumblr when they are not useful meetings lol).
Currently thinking about: Balancing work stuff with Palestine stuff with Shadow theories! Also trying not to think about medical news I am waiting for....my brain is a stressful place rn.
Current favourite song: So I fell down a TXT FreeFall rabbit hole; fell in love with Skipping Stones, which then led me to the artist who created that song, Hanroro, and am now obsessed with one of her other songs, "Even if you leave,". Her tone, mood, just everything. Obsessed.
Currently reading: These days I only read fanfic and nonfic. Oh and the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures webtoon lolol Shoutout to Yeaka on A03 who (among other things) writes pitch-perfect Ustukushii Kare ficlets that get me through the day; here's the one I read most recently.
Currently watching: lol here we go (in no particular order but semi-ranked in terms of how much space they are taking up in my brain?):
Shadow the Series: binged all 7 eps yesterday, eagerly awaiting the back half!
I Feel You Linger in the Air: finale this week; this one was really hard for me to watch at first due to the the sexual assaults in the first four episodes, but it's a really gorgeous piece of work and I'm glad I stuck with it (I did have a real moment to myself where I thought if this pattern was going to continue I would have to drop it, but luckily it did not keep going). There are a few powerful scenes that I've written about separately that will live rent-free in my head.
Kimi ni wa todokanai / I cannot reach you / won't get through to you: I'm watching this one grey thanks to the incredible sub work by @lurkingteapot (follow @kiminaisubs!) and am absolutely loving it. These are such wonderful characters. It's so interesting to be watching this at the same time as the next one, because the similarities and differences make comparing the two a richer experience watching both!
Kimi to nara koi wo shite mite mo / If it's with you: Amane has rocketed up to one of my favourite characters of all time. Love how the family stuff is integrated into this show. I think I actually like this show more than I cannot reach you, but I've been providing the minimal insight I can into drafts of the subs for the other show so have been thinking about it more.
One Room Angel: very excited for this one, the humour is pitch-perfect and the themes are my cup of tea. I love supernatural stuff, and mysteries especially around supernatural mechanics, and psychology, and self esteem issues. and all that good stuff.
Kinou nani tabeta / What Did You Eat Yesterday?: Love that this show has retained the heart and quality of the previous work. Loving this a lot. It's not higher on the list only because I don't need to think about it a lot, it's SO legible, and so well done.
Mr Cinderella 2: I am having a FANTASTIC time with this show lol it is such a pulp; there is high drama, paranormal elements (rituals and potions), insidious psychological tricks, and really solid relationship writing. This show starts with the main couple together, and shows how they deal with all of these external forces--which works for me in a way it doesn't with Kiseki below because their response as a couple at first is to unite and shore up; they support one another through it. It's when they start trying to handle things on their own (and this is justified by the narrative) that things fall apart.
Kiseki: Dear to Me: Like everyone else, I have fallen in love with Ai Di the murder kitten. I think the mains aren't resonating with me as much because their problems are all external rather than internal, and they keep trying to handle them individually (i.e. without ever working as a couple to face these issues), but they are also very pretty and I appreciate all the lap-sitting.
Absolute Zero: Honestly I now watch this show with annoyance like "What are you doing with this scene, New Siwaj? Why?". The mechanics of the show are still interesting but I am mad at it so I now approach those questions with annoyance rather than interest lol
Venus in the Sky: I liked this one way more than I thought I would; it's miles better than Check Out and far more coherent. It's a decent pulp!
My Universe: I'm a bit behind on this one but mostly caught up now (one story behind); the quality of these stories varies wildly but it's an interesting short story format! I'm keeping track of thoughts for all of the stories and will do a post when I'm done if anyone wants to know which are worth watching (since they all stand alone)
My Dear Gangster Oppa: This just got started; the first episode was pretty! I think it's going to be a solid and enjoyable pulp lol
You Are Mine: This one I am not enjoying. Too much boss-using-his-powers-over-his-subordinate-to-force-proximity-and-not-actually-communicating, and the women pushing this male secretary at his boss as fodder really sits wrong with me.
Dangerous Romance: I have very little sympathy for the rich boy who doesn't think through the consequences of his actions or the people who enable him, and I'm annoyed that the Sailom character we got at the beginning of the series who was self-aware, confident, clever, and had his priorities straight seems to have disappeared. There is no internal consistency in this show.
Taskmaster series 16: I love this dorky show from England lol comedians are given absurd tasks and then are judged; it's got a very strong undertone-turned-overtone of kink, and yet is family-friendly, and I find that fascinating. What a good show lol
Current favourite character: HMMMM. Amane from If It's With You comes first to mind, to be honest. He's gay, he fucks, he has self esteem issues but he's working on them, he's brave enough to be honest to his crush even though he's been burned before, and he asks for what he really wants, and then hold hope that he might actually get it. And his behaviour around his crush is relatably cringe. I LOVE HIM. [@wen-kexing-apologist wrote this before I saw yours but YES, sad boy hiding behind happiness is THE BEST]
Current WIP: I have 4 asks that I have in my drafts that I owe @wen-kexing-apologist, @mynameisnotthepoint (this wasn't really an ask per se but it was an excuse to gush so I'm taking it), @wanderlust-in-my-soul, and @waitmyturtles. I have been working on all of them and do still plan on answering them! I also have a draft re: Hidden Agenda the novel vs the show that I realllllly need to just stop fussing with and post.
Tags: Tagging folks I've chatted with recently! @dribs-and-drabbles @my-rose-tinted-glasses @slayerkitty @neuroticbookworm @lurkingteapot @crowie @visualtaehyun @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @sorry-bonebag @thewayurant
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yellowstonewolves · 7 months
Why I’m taking every Bg3 companion to get spayed right now immediately
Tav: I’m not arguing with a Tav. Whatever you say, beautiful. I just put you in here to ask what mod u used to get that pretty hair?!!
Durge: knows what they did. More or less.
Lae’zel: says pretty clearly she doesn’t want kids which saves me the time of listing out the other ten thousand reasons she shouldn’t have them.
Shadowheart: She should be in the Club!!!
Wyll: Now Wyll is interesting. He has many positive fatherly qualities but he’s been burdened by responsibility his whole life he doesn’t need more. Also he seems pretty into the whole wandering hero thing rn. Also also if his kid got so much as a nasty cough you know he’d instantly be making another devil pact about it. His dad is one thing this is his fucking baby.
Karlach: Approved of you licking the spider. Generally adhd in a way that’s probably not conducive to being a great parent but god she’d be an amazing fun aunt. (Also bc of her ending but shut up it’s fine she’s fine everything is good and happy for her all the time.)
Astarion: Listen. Listen to me. Yes he broke the cycle of abuse (unless he didn't) yes we’re all proud of him (unless we aren't). But he absolutely should not reproduce. Shouldn’t even babysit. He would be a good uncle though-the kind that shows a kid a bunch of fun card tricks and tells stories about their parent’s wild days but will say something psychologically devastating the moment the kid gets too bratty. He is the life lesson relative.
Gale: I don’t want to deal with Gale’s spoiled brat children. The man would be such a fucking pushover like goddd. “You were supposed to ground them, how did you end up going out for ice cream instead?” “I don’t know :(” I think he also says he’s not ready for kids in game but it’s pretty clear that he would True Polymorph himself a uterus the moment Tav asked nicely so that’s not great evidence. Or maybe in a way it is.
Halsin: Commitment issues obviously. If Tav knocked up he would offer to stand by them because he’s aware it’s the right thing to do and “I’m 350 years old, 18 years isn’t so long in the scheme of things” then six months later he leaves to go “commune with nature” and that’s the last you see of him for like twelve years. He’ll probably claim he got kidnapped by goblins again. Sure he did. Suuuure he did.
Minthara: is Minthara.
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TBB S2 EP 11: Metamorphosis
right from the get go already looks like cliché horror film intro (this initially made me dislike the ep, mainly bc we have too many bad horror films playing at the cinema where I work rn, but dw I came around)
the music was actually chillingly different than usually and continued into the scene in which Dr. Hamlock was introduced. I liked that, but in a bad way
the closeup on his hand confirms that the Zillo Beast ate it, no this is not up for discussion, Zillo Beast had himself a treat
I'm kinda coming around on Nala Se, ngl
Also for as uneasy Dr. Hamlock makes me, I feel like we're finally getting a high-quality villain on TBB and I'm here for it
Cid, being a huge dick:
I like watching Wrecker show off how smart he is. He knows all the weapons and how to use 'em. Yes. :D.
"Whatever did this wasn't human." <- I find that an interesting sentence, considering this is Star Wars. If this was a show that took place on earth, somewhere where it was unlikely for an animal to be, that line would've been chilling. In Star Wars? Not so much. Humans are only one of many species in that galaxy and while I do believe that clones = humans, via star wars lore, that doesn't apply. Clones are classified as their own species, meaning technically they aren't human. I'm probably over thinking this but whatever, the line struck me as oddly placed
"By yourself?" "Your concern is not warranted. I will be fine." <- ok, Tech ik you got the whole cool, logical, I-know-what-I'm-doing-vibe going on, but I gotta tell you, the person who says that in horror films dies first.
everytime tech checked what's going on in the hallway I yelled "nO" at him. and then he did it anyway. rude.
The second we first saw it I realised it was the Zillo. I've been wondering when/if it would ever come up again, since the Chancellor did order for it to be cloned when the og episodes aired and then we never saw it again, so the arc felt incomplete.
Hunter grabbing Omega to protect her from the beast 🥺
Tech's slow "Fascinating." followed by his "Take cover."???? sir u already had me, u didn't need to go harder
Wrecker grabbing Omega to protect her from the explosion🥺
Tech casually causing the explosion
"It ate the crew?" MY POOR BABY
"I can help. I know my way around Kaminoan tech." hmmm omega tryna stay out of the fight? she scared? hmmm Tech whatcha do???
Omega being better with Kaminoan tech than Tech and him just going with it and trusting her expertise. Yes. :D
idk where the "Zillo Beast feeds on energy" thing came from bc that wasn't part of the original arc and kinda threw me off, but alright, they needed a reason for it to grow real fast, I'll take it
they're already fighting the beast and then the empire shows up hhhhhhhh whyyyyyyy
omega just casually pulling the plug on tech's research, I love her
Tech grabbing Omega to protect her from the explosion 2.0 🥺
yes, hello, I'd like to inform you all again that I hate the empire, thank you
Tech allowing Hunter to keep flying even though he is the designated pilot and clearly very skilled. Just shows how much he trusts his leader and brother to keep them save. Love that :))
When the Commandos began rounding up the villagers I immediately knew what it meant and GAH HONSLTY WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS
The Empire only destroyed Kamino to control cloning, not to end it, hm? surprise surprise (these fcking motherfckers i swear)
"Send the data to Echo and Rex. See what they can find out."
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end of the ep confirms yet again that Dr. Hamlock is a bag of dicks :)
Prime Minister said f you and I'm here for it
and then he brought up Omega and I was not here for it anymore
finally the music during the last shot makes me think that this facility is going to come up again and it will likely be very traumatic and horrible and terrible and um ya. sucks man.
gonna tag @jealous-sloth77 and @saturn-sends-hugs bc I'd love to see their thoughts too :))
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riddles-hedgehog · 4 months
I hope you guys aren't mad at me for not wanting to be on here. I just. I'm tired. Of not being myself. Of pleasing others. Of not having fun. Of being turned down. Of being hated. Of being depressed. Of drama. Of people being picky af and stuck ups. I'm having fun on discord so don't blame me for ...enjoying rping there a bit more than here rn. Sure I still like to post on my main but. I'm unsure of the future of my rp blogs atm. I'm just. I'm staying on break for now. The stress sometimes gets exhausting. I need infinite vacations lol. Also I been playing cult of the lamb to distract myself. And staying in my private server with my close buds whom I know won't hate or judge me for anything I do. Idk. I'm thinking. Give me some time okay? Patience pls. That's all I ask. I'll make a decision eventually. Idk. In the meantime I'm gonna continue to post reblogs on main but I'm staying away from my rp blogs for a while sowwy. It is what it is. Hate me if u like. Whatever I guess....I'll miss you.
P.s. I'm going through shit rn cuz I may need to have my pet rat put down cuz she's suffering a lot. Her foots not healing and the vet thinks ...yah..we don't got much choice for her quality of life. So. It's another reason I'm on break. I can't handle decisions or serious shit rn. Or drama a there's always drama on tumblr rp communities ...so.. yes. Bye. Add my discord if interested otherwise I'll post reblogs still so no need to unfollow or anything.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
I'm the crazy obsessed and delusional Indian lady who thinks she's in a relationship with max and some of the things I do may seem similar to kelly or what she has done in the past but I think its the differences that count.
1. Kelly had max right by her side when she made fake accounts and spread rumors about being with him. And his ex gf wasn't still pretending to be his gf on social media or irl.
If I have max by my side rn or when our relationship isn't public yet, I wouldn't be on my phone so much or we would be reading any gossip together and laugh about the fake stuff and then get busy with other stuff 🙈
2. I dont support conservatives especially after posting pro-choice stores on insta. I'm still not sure where exactly I stand on the topic(only when it comes to consensual sex), but I'm open to discussion and learning.
3. I'll never post personal information especially after being asked not to. I dont have anything on insta right now and I will start posting but it's going to be with the approval of everyone that's involved.
And I dont mind answering questions on your blog about our relationship together, now and then when we're free. I have plans to not be so away from the fans during the winter break, cuz I've been there and I know how I've missed him, they don't involve pictures tho.
4. I dont like drinking. I know he loves it and she loves it but I don't think I can get myself to start drinking. It might change when we're older but I can't guarantee anything for now.
5. I have no obsession with branded stuff. Yes I do prefer them cuz they're good quality but If it's a pretty dress I don't mind who made it. And I hope no one forces me to be any brand's ambassador cuz I just want to wear what I like and I can't do that if I'm working with a particular brand. And I'll be wearing Indian outfits mostly cuz I'm most comfortable in them and please don't expect any fashion tips or anything related to fashion basically. I'm just as fashionable as max but a little better cuz I don't like wearing the same outfit all the time, I like variety 😜 but don't worry max i won't bother you too much about it but I will push you to try new colors tho 😛
6. And if some max fans don't like me or are rude to me, I will block them but I won't make max do it from his account unless he himself wants to.
7. Most importantly, I won't flip him in the pictures. I never understood that anyway. I'll most probably remain private, I haven't figured it out yet, but if I do, I'll share our pics that we want to be out with maxverstxppen. Maxv1stappen and I aren't on good terms, it's a shame cuz I really like their edits.
8. And I don't want fan pages or 'styleofchandana' pages. Maybe edits pages for max and I, cuz I like edits..
9. I hope there's a TV in Max's room in rb motorhome cuz I'll most probably watch the races from there cuz I dont think I can control my emotions on live TV 😅
10. I'm a very family oriented girl and very proudly a mama's girl. So It breaks my heart everytime I think about how max and sophie had to stay apart during his childhood. And also how they currently live so far apart, I'm sure it gets boring living alone in her big house..so I'll try to push for some way she can live nearby so we can frequently meet and so she can have her time with her son that she sacrificed for his career 💗
I can only think of these for now, I'll post later if I can think of any more.
No. You get the fuck away from here.
This is a gossip blog and some things may sound delulu, but they’re not as delulu as this or you. Like I’ve said before -and like everyone knows-, I don’t like Kelly, but if I have to defend her from people like you, I will. What you’re doing is absolutely disgusting. You’ve crossed the line with this clown show, so don’t even try to call yourself a Max fan.
Despite us not liking Kelly, we’re not harassing her and everyone related to her and Max saying they broke up, much less messaging Red Bull and Verstappencom the way I know you’ve done. Keep doing this and I’ll find a way to let them -Max’s team- know about this.
Everyone go report her wherever you see her. If she makes new accounts let me know and I’ll post them here so people can report it.
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raspbeyes · 1 year
My speculation on motives (all possibilties)
Gonna be doing my take on the motives cuz i sure got a lot of thoughts!!
Also ofc content warning for topics of suic*de and self-h@rm, please click off if these topics are triggering for you
Now most have been revealed, here's the most updated scoreboard from episode 11
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(srry if it's low quality) Anywayyy we are now down to five secrets yet to be revealed. However, the reason i mentioned "possibilities" is not just cuz the secrets we have left can apply to multiple people, there is also the consideration that david could have lied about his motive.
David goes out of his way to answer last, choosing to collect everyone's secret beforehand. The story goes out of its way to show David's hesitance, which means it is signficant. Moreover, he chose xander, someone who cannot defend themselves. It is very possible he wanted to check if anyone would reveal xander's motive before he can say xander. Finally, with the reveal of his manipulator motive, the possibility of him lying has increased.
Ofc that is speculation, but i do feel there is reason to doubt david's claim of xander having the "mastermind-y" secret. So i will go down the list under the assumption that the current scoreboard is correct AND if the current scoreboard is incorrect (as monotv said, these aren't correct, just what is agreed upon)
(edit from later, if you just want my conclusions, then just scroll to the end lol)
David Didn't Lie, The Scoreboard Is Correct:
To recap, people's secret we DONT have rn are: Teruko, Hu, Levi, Min, and Veronika
The people who refused to reveal the secrets they have are Hu and Veronika, while Xander, Min, and Arei are incapable of doing so (Idk why ughhhhh how uncooperative)
Secret In Min's Possession - The owner of the secret blames themselves for the death of the siblings and parents, feeling survivor's guilt
Teruko: Not possible. They are an orphan, and they seem to have only one sibling, which is the brother who left them. Teruko already divulged their family situation, so this does not line up
Hu: Unlikely ... Though we have not heard of anything of Hu having siblings (as far as I am aware). We do know of her parents, which is where she gets her butterfly motif from, but again, with no mention of siblings, it is unlikely
Levi: Likely. Out of the five, this can be the most likely. Levi has spoken of a mother, father, and brothers. He claims to be disowned , which can work as a cover for hiding the fact they might be dead, explaining why he lives alone
Min: Unlikely, since we have heard nothing of her having siblings, only her parents during the bonus ep.
Veronika: Possible. I don't believe we learned anything about Veronika's family, so the possibility is always there.
Secret in Xander's Possession - The owner of the secret is highly competative, going so far to poison their rivals
Teruko: Not possible. She's a lucky student, so she does not have a talent to compete against others. And from her personality, she doesn't seem to be a very competitive person
Hu: Possible. Her talent is something that can be put up against others, so competition may be something she faced. However, like Teruko, she does not seem to be a competative person at the moment, quite the opposite it seems
Levi: Not possible. Levi mentions that his talent is something he has taken up recently. Moreover, he's a personal stylist, so his field of work probably won't require competitions
Min: Likely. Her talent is of her being the best academically, which is a competative field (can school be considered a field???) Though we don't see her being competative, unlike Hu, she doesn't seem incapable of it
Veronika: Not possible. Her talent is being a horror fanatic, so unless it's her having some sort of "nerd-off" at a horror convention, I can't imagine her dealing with competition for her talent
Secret in Hu's Possession - The owner of the secret feels the need to self harm for fun, taking on the talent as a distraction. Since this belongs to someone alive, we also need to consider why Hu would want to keep it to herself.
Teruko: Possible, as she is wounded and has numerous bandages covering her arms and legs, which could be to hide s*lf-h@rm scars. With her previous life situation being so miserable, she has a good reason to take up talent as a distraction. The only issue is the phrase "for fun", and Teruko doesn't seem like she enjoys any of the wounds and injuries she's gotten, since she does try to avoid being injured when possible.
Hu: Not possible. I cannot imagine Hu doing something like that for fun. Moreover, Hu says during the first episode of chapter 2 that she has received someone else's secret, so she could not have recieved her own secret
Levi: Unlikely. He did take his talent recently, and he does have a dangerous past. However, he's described to have a "serious" nature, so for him to do something like that "for fun" is very low.
Min: Unlikely. Similar to Levi, Min has a very serious personality, who always seems focused on studying to go do something for fun. Procrastinate, maybe, but not for her amusement.
Veronika: Likely. Veronika mentions that her main motivation in life is not morals or ethics, but just pure entertainment and excitement. Out of the five, she is the least serious character, which lines up with the description with "fun".
I wonder why Hu would keep this a secret. All I can think of is that she is disturbed by it?? We see in episode 11 that she agreed to David's plan of sharing secrets and yet she refuses to disclose Veronika's (or whoever it may be). But Hu does say she wants to get through the trial without revealing hers, thinking it may not be needed. To me, kinda like Whit's refusal, Hu just doesn't want to expose someone.
Secret in Veronika's Possession - The owner of the secret is suicid@l, having been exposed to death before, and then attempted three times after. This secret belongs to Veronika, and honestly, there's not need for speculation. She's keeping it hidden because she thinks it is exciting.
Teruko: Likely, as Teruko has spoken of methods of hanging previously, making comments that imply she has experience. Her inability to be killed as she mentioned to Xander in ch 1 due to her extreme luck can explain "dying once" as Teruko having a near-death expereience and miraculously making it out alive . Coupled with her outlook that bad luck is ineviteble, she has likely been in the mindset to make several attempts
Hu: Not possible. Due to the broadness of this secret, it can be anyone who has experienced something like this, even someone as responsible as Hu could be ashamed of something like this. BUT, it cannot be hers if her hidden quote is related to her secret. It emphasizes Hu's will to live, meaning the opposite of this secret.
Levi: Possible. He does have a past he does not want to talk about, meaning whatever it is is negative, and he could have wanted to escape it.
Min: Possible, as it is broad and u never know when it comes to a secret of this nature
Veronika: Unlikely. I am only saying this since this is the one she possesses, and as far as I am aware, nobody received their own secret.
Secret in Arei's Possession - The owner of the secret is a killer without remorse.
Teruko: Possible. Teruko mentions that she has numerous shameful secrets. Though she does claim to have the knife armed in self defense, it still shows she has the capability of being violent. Another thing to mention about this motive is that it says nothing about the vicitm, who could have been maybe far less innocent than we might think
Hu: Possible. Judging by Min's unwillingness to reveal her secret (Even David questions if it is worse than his in ep 11), Hu's being something such as killing could be recontextualize her action. Again, it is possible this supposed vicitim isn't all too innocent themselves. Moreover, in her hidden quote, Hu (supposedly) affirms what she "did" by saying she wants to live, which can line up to having no remorse. Though, hidden quotes don't always parallel the secrets (I actually stumbled on another piece of evidence that i think is major later on but just scroll down to the next section to read abt it)
Levi: Unlikely. I'm only saying it is unlikely due to Levi telling Eden at the start of ch 2 that he wants to be a "good person" from his past, which could potentially be showing remorse. If that is the case, then Levi may not fit the description of "no remorse". Then again, in his hidden quote, Levi refers to his past actions as "heartless", so I'm not too sure
Min: Not possible. Judging by how she acted during trial 1, I can definitively say that Min cannot be a cold-blooded killer. She has expressed a lot of regret on killing Xander, so to have her somehow do something like that in her past makes no sense.
Veronika: Possible. Though I think Veronika is more to watch a murder without shame than to commit one herself. But that's just from my understanding.
David Did Lie, The Scoreboard is Incorrect:
If David did lie about Xander's secret, then I think it's pretty obvious what Xander's actual motive is, which is the motive Min has. Since this whole possibility hinges on David lying, then if someone alive had Xander's motive, they would have said something if David had claimed he had Xander's motive.
That leaves two possibilities of Xander's actual secret, either Arei's or Min's, since both are dead. And Arei's can immediately be excluded, as we see first hand in ch 1 how Xander reacts to killing Teruko, aplogizing right away and saying he not only hates murderers, but that he also hates the smell of blood. While that is somewhat shakey ground to argue on, since we don't know if he only regrets killing Teruko, there is also stronger evidence that min's secret is his. His hidden quote is "survivor guilt", which lines up perfectly with the description of the secret min has. His bonus episode also matches up with that description.
So Xander's secret is the one Min got. Working backwards, Min's is probably Xander's. If you look back up on the possibilities I made, the only two that could work for Min are the "poison" and "hopeless". While hopeless can be possible since we dont have proof saying otherwise, the poison one is the only one min can logically have.
Tho i also speculated it could be Hu. However, min doesn't match any others while Hu could, so I'm giving it to Min.
That leaves four more now: Teruko, Veronika, Levi, and Hu. I'm going to just say that Veronika's is the one about taking on a talent. Like I said previously, none of the other three seem to do something like that "for fun" and Veronika is the least "serious" of the group, so only that secret can fit Veronika.
So that leaves Teruko, Levi, and Hu with the secrets of "murderer without remorse" (Arei's), "hopeless child" (Veronika's), and "the reason for the killing game" (David's).
I'll start with the murderer one. Arei only mentions it once during the flashback in ep 11, saying it's none of david's business what secret what she got. Which ... isn't too helpful. Going over hidden quotes, Teruko's seems to refer to more to her mindset rather than secret, Hu speaks about not regretting a choice she made, citing it as a life or death situation, and levi speaks about his heartlessness. Again ... not too much help.
I decided to scan ch 2 of arei's interactions with these three, if she had any. She does speak to teruko during ep 4, and seems just as abrasive as always to teruko, calling her dumb. And in episode 5, she scoffs when eden and teruko walk into the playground. So I'm going to say that teruko is going to be marked off this list.
Though, she didnt have any interaction with levi or hu, i'll mention one thing. During her last appearance in episode 7, i remember finding it weird that arei gets her silent line of "..." here right after ace says to hu, "Oh, okay, taking sides with the murderer, I see! How admirable of you, Hu!". Now levi is also in the cafeteria at this time, so i could be wrong BUT ... for the creator to finally bring up arei right here should make whatever ace said about hu being important.
So i'm going to now say that hu in fact has the murderer secret. It could make david's line of saying that hu's secret being worse than his be foreshadowing. It also can explain why Hu, as david pointed out, agreed to the idea of sharing secrets but hypocritically doesn't speak about hers. It adds to her defending nico, as perhaps the person hu supposedly killed was cruel to her and may have threatened her life, so she feels no remorse for killing in self defense. she likely sees nico's attempt on ace's life to be similar to her case.
BUT! I'm not saying that hu is the killer in this case. MAYBE. But just cuz she has this secret doesn't inherently mean she manipulated nico into killing or that she killed arei.
Okay so that leaves Levi and Teruko with the secret veronika has and the secret david has.
Now teruko can have either reasonably, though I'm not too sure about Levi's. While mastermind Levi does sound cool, i just dont think he will have something like that narratively (but u never know). So I'm going to say that Levi has the hopeless child one and teruko has the "reason of killing game" one.
There is some good reason to think it is teruko's since the first scene we get is of an unknown figure wanting teruko dead. She has connections to Mai Akasaki, a mysterious figure connected to the killing game somehow. In ep 11, David tells teruko to spill his secret, possibly implying he knows (but he can also just want to have something over teruko or just distract others). Again ... it's shakey evidence.
Though, I don't want to call this the mastermind secret, as it only says the owner of the secret is the catalyst, not actively monitoring, the killing game
Levi is mentioned having a "dangerous past", which could refer to a near-death experience. It is clear his family life was not healthy, so that adds to the descriptor of being a "hopeless child". His hidden quote is
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
Heartlessness could be in refrence to making an attempt, where he could potentially be feeling guilt for not thinking of others?? It's definetely an enigmatic quote, as he is claiming his actions that will define him are an "excuse". So are these actions good or bad?? I'm not sure.
If David is not lying:
Dead Family [Min?] -> Levi
Poisoned Competition [Xander?] -> Min
Talent For Distraction [Hu?] -> Veronika
Hopeless Child [Veronika?] -> Teruko
Murderer W/O Remorse [Arei?] -> Hu
If David is lying:
Reason For Killing Game [David?] -> Teruko
Dead Family [Min?] -> Xander
Poisoned Competition [Xander?] -> Min
Talent For Distraction [Hu?] -> Veronika
Hopeless Child [Veronika?] -> Levi
Murderer W/O Remorse [Arei?] -> Hu
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mommabird1772 · 1 year
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Happy Witchcore Samantha Wednesday!
For those of you who are new here, this orginally stemmed from my obsession with Sam Winchester and Sastiel in the Supernatural fandom, and in an attempt to provide Sam a better life, I created an AU with a transgender MtF witchcore Samantha, a genderfluid cottagecore beekeeper/gardener Castiel, and non-binary toddler Jack Kline.
New audiences call for a slight change in direction, and while Samantha, Cas, Jack, and I are still available to answer questions about the family, Witchcore Samantha Wednesdays will now be focusing on making moodboards that fit the cottagecore and witchcore vibe. Suggestions and prompts are always welcome, just shoot me an ask or a DM!
Today's moodboard is a more gothic and macabre take on the tradition of valentine's day. No matter how you celebrate, with friends, family, significant others or time to yourself, I hope you had a special February 14th. Next week we will be talking about Aromanticism, as Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week is Februray 19th-25th. Send me an ask if you'd like to be tagged or have suggestions for that!
I am extremely serious about needing suggestions in order to continue providing quality content, whether it be anonymous one word prompts, or elaborate collaborative pieces sent through asks
*As with the rest of my moodboards, none of these pictures are my own, and I claim no credit for any art or design used, only for the concept created*
Tagging: @cordellwinchesterwalker @willgrahamscat @fandom-hoarder @twobrothersoneheart @oh-no-its-danger-gays @flynn-thebin @winchesterestrogen @pirate-captain-kaira @stemroses @the-gray-ghosty @fangirlxwritesx67 @fae-and-night @cowboyincest @hexlorde @regnumveritatis @stuckysdaughter @wendibird @zwahkmuchoney @magpie-wings @sirrsnakesssss @r3animat0r Tagging: @somethxng-angel @hexlorde @need-that-sastiel-serotonin @ruinedsam @allieyourally @stemroses @eunoiastarz @wendibird @thewinchestersruinedmylife0924 @clairenovak-winchester @mxltivxrse2020 @hey-its-moss @annoyingdinosaurnoises @kayla-sparrow @cowboyincest @mychem1calbr0mance @chimerazodiac
(My DMs aren't working rn, so please send me an ask to be added/removed from the taglist)
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full-of-malice · 3 months
for the ask game — pretty sure i know who you’re gonna say for 1, but i’ll ask anyway. also 10 and 23
yeah you know me too well. miguel obviously. i'm not even gonna start but the misunderstanding and mischaracterization of him just to fulfill some sort of sexual fantasy. is painful for me. [since i answered miguel for this one i'll focus on atsv answers though i have lots of fandom takes] [miguel o'hara fans don't come at me rn pls pls pls begging]
10. i have so many gripes with fanon one of my biggest issues being the fact they take a character and will strip them of everything they mean and the entire point of their character. there is a lot of odd bastardization of some characters. fanon makes it so they can run with whatever they want and at some point some people need to understand that who you're talking about is no longer a preexisting character that is a vaguely resembling man with little to none of the same qualities. i'm guilty of it too yk we all are at some point i think but i atp almost accept that character as an oc fandom mash up with my own personal headcanons.
also i have a burning hatred for when in fanon they turn everyone into twinks and curvy women. they take away the old charm , the wrinkles and the skin and the gray hairs, and it kinda strips them of any and all personality. a body is something to be lived in and it's always cool when that shows in characters. taking that away in fanon rubs me wrong. and also it leaves me robbed of the buff women possibilities. i don't draw enough buff women because my knowledge of anatomy is Weak but big shoutout to artists who aren't scared to draw wrinkles, skin folds, or buff women y'all are real ones holding humanity together actually.
23. bagelbites [or spot x miguel]. i'm a firm aroace miguel o'hara believer and i was put off by how much shipping and sexual content there was for him as an aroace minor. i stayed very very far away from any shipping content for him at all for a very long time, and while i prefer him to be with no one, bagelbites When Done Right isn't half bad. it has to be done well, and if the artist understands the characters properly is not that bad, and generally tolerable for me. it is actually kinda cute in some instances. i don't think i personally ship it but i've come around to find it endearing from time to time. idk if this counts as an answer but this is what you're getting sorry
idek what i'm saying i was suprirsed to find this here and i didn't shut the fuck up bestie i'm so sorry for the wall of text. i have so many complaints sometimes i'm just a hater.
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cyanide-latte · 6 months
Hi! Quick question about writing:
How do you stay confident about your writing? I’m working on something rn but I’m afraid it isn’t going to live up to people’s hopes for it.
Thanks! Have a slipper lobster, because you’re cool;
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Hey, hi Ace, I apologize that it's taken me a bit of time to reply to this. I really wanted to think about my answer before just diving right in.
Please feel free to take this with a heavy grain of salt, because while I love talking about the writing experience with friends and mutuals, everyone's mileage may vary when it comes to different advice. And I say that partly because I know that my confidence in my writing shouldn't be measured by the same scale as anyone else's, and I do think that goes for everyone.
Please feel free to correct me if I'm interpreting your question and explanation the wrong way, but it does sound like you're worried that your project isn't going to live up to the expectations your potential audience is starting to have, either in terms of writing quality or the directions the story may take or the themes and tropes and ideas you choose to include. That somehow in one or more of these avenues, you may fall short and disappoint your readers. Again I could be way off the mark and please feel free to correct me, but I do get that feeling. It's daunting and can be hell to grapple with, especially if you yourself are excited and passionate about the project. That's your baby, your work, and you want it to be appreciated by those excited for it.
I have a few different thoughts here, so I apologize if this kind of goes all over the place.
Quality of writing is a skill that can be developed, especially with time, dedication and practice. Having natural talent with it can help, sure, but it's a skill that can be worked at. Quality of storytelling, I think, is a different matter and it can be easy to misconstrue the two, especially because there's a degree of overlap when writing fiction. Your particular voice and ease as a storyteller is going to be unique to you, and I do think it's also a craft to be honed, but that it starts with your own sincerity and passion. It's fairly common advice I see reminders of, "only you can tell this story your way", but I think a lot of implementing that comes from reminding yourself you love and and are passionate about the project, and also reminding yourself that the advice can be quite literal.
When we write, we bring our own experiences into that writing, however consciously or unconsciously. We may not be our experiences, but those things shape us, sometimes more deeply than we realize and that can show up in the tiniest of ways at times. And this is just personal speculation on my part, but I think that's a big part of why there can be so many similar stories that aren't the same. It isn't just that there are different people writing it, but that your particular amalgamation of experiences and how they've shaped you and your way of thinking and how you approach a story you want to tell isn't going to be like anyone else's. And when you pour yourself into that, when your sincerity shines through in your writing, I think people can tell. We're drawn to that kind of writing.
(that's definitely one part of why I hold such disdain for AI writing. Someone may have a cool concept but if you feed it into AI to make the AI write your concept for you, there's no sincerity. There's no heart in that. There's no soul in it. Because there's not truly that person in it.)
That's something I often have to remind myself of, when I find myself wondering whether anyone is going to like a project once I have begun writing and sharing it. Everything I've experienced shapes my thoughts, my opinions, my speculations, and in turn that shapes how I approach a story idea and the themes I choose to tackle and the tropes I want to incorporate and how I'm going to weave all those things together.
Sometimes that's still a little daunting, even if the reminder helps. People who don't know me and haven't read my writing before but are interested in a concept I have are the easiest possible people to disappoint. They don't know what they're getting into with me and I can't read their mind to guess at their expectations or what I'm going to make, and that's honestly okay with me. It's not really any different from buying a book at store based on the fact I may have been intrigued by its summary; there's always a chance that my expectations are going to be let down and I won't like it. So it goes, yeah?
Disappointing a reader hurts the worst, I think, when you both know each other somewhat and you have hopes that maybe they'll love your ideas both in concept and execution. Maybe they're a mutual acquaintance who you get along with well, maybe they're a friend. There's a higher degree of trust and hope there, when you hand them what you wrote and ask them to read. You both have a chance of coming out of that let down and disappointed, and you as the writer can feel especially hurt. Maybe they didn't like your writing style (in which case, that could just be a personal preference thing on their part and you can't do much about it. It sucks but it's probably best to go your separate ways in that case.) Maybe you thought you knew they'd like it, maybe they even thought they would and set up the expectation but they ended up not liking it for some reason or another. I actually experience anxiety over that quite a bit when it comes to my mutuals and friends here on Tumblr, because I'm nervous about how something will be received when I finally post a bit of writing I really have wanted to make.
I think the thing that carries me then, aside from reminding myself "nobody else can tell this exact story the way I can", is taking the time to sit down and remind myself that no matter what happens, I'm going to find my audience.
To some degree I do say you are always your own audience; write for yourself, yes. But you share your writing in hopes someone else is going to love what you made. (If you make a cake you like and take it to a party to share with others, yes you made a cake you like, but you want to see at least someone else enjoy that cake too. After all, you worked hard on it and were happy about it!) Write for your own joy, share for the delight and validation from others, I've seen people say. And there's always going to be an audience outside of yourself. Maybe it's not always the people you hoped for or expected from the start, maybe it takes a while before your work finds its audience, but there's always going to be someone who reads your writing and clicks with it and loves it.
Again, my apologies if this is rambly.
And I know that there's a good chance this might not be the advice that can help you (and I really hope that if it isn't, that there's better advice out there somewhere that finds you ASAP.) But I do think reminding yourself that you're always going to find your audience is important, as well as being genuine and remembering that nobody is going to write your story the way you will. Nobody else in the world has your experiences and has had them shape you and the way you view the world and the ideas you have in the same way. But there's always going to be someone who reads your writing and loves it for that exact reason.
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cafe-shade · 4 months
[in reference to posts about fucking your friends + I've already said something about this before + most of you are already probably beyond this analysis anyway, but I didn't want it to go to waste]
I'm ngl when these started going around a while back, I thought there was some new wave of thought I just hadn't keyed into yet and- not in a dismissive/negative way BUT- I don't really know what to make of them now.
Like, I think I see an interesting perspective on the concept that pushes against amatonormative* assumptions, but I'm not sure if that's just really far outside the Overton window atm or if it's actually insane.
*Amatonormative/Amatonormativity: referring to the assumption of "romantic" love being of primary importance/significance over other "forms" of love.
Oversimplified, the reason there's so much pressure to get married + the basis for the ideas of "body counts" or being "ran through."
Quotes on "romantic" & "forms" of love, because I don't know if they really exist? Not just in the sense of being sociological constructs, but that these terms are used as standins for what we actually mean, and imply another piece of unsettling malice baked into most societies by virtue of patriarchy. On the level of bio/gender essentialism.
Romance, if not used in reference to or with implication of, sexual desire/attraction, is a nonsense word. Because what does it mean to "love" someone?
By my definition it's not a "feeling" but an active decision, that must be made mutually, and is shown through actions.
But I'm "weird" and very autistic. Most people are talking about a feeling when they say love, some strong positive emotion held towards someone. You love your partner because you feel this emotion.
So comes the "forms" of love concept, because we can't feel the same way about our partners as we do our parents, dogs, kids, etc. I heard the concept broken down into what was likely a gross mistranslation of five Greek terms via my church(es) and sperm donor as a kid. Eros, phlila, etc (I don't think I even spelled them correctly. It was one of those, "accept it because I said so" things). But most people both don't know what the fuck I'm talking about here, nor do they use the word "love" this way.
When we say "I love you," for those of us with enough emotional maturity to be clear about their feelings to the people in their life, we're not doing mental gymnastics to specify "which" love we're feeling. You're giving voice to a well of intense emotion that you're experiencing. Your/a cat comes to rest by your thigh on a bad day, and suddenly you're blubbering and scaring them away because they don't want to be around while you're wet AND loud. (Or a dog that's licking the tears away instead, if you're less skittish about loud noises than me. ) Your friend, sib, rare decent parent/family, says something offhandedly kind to you and now the rest of your month is made. And the way we respond to this feeling is usually the same. You think of them fondly when you're having a good time by yourself or with other people, because you associate these people in your life with that feeling. You're gentle with and when you speak with them, and maybe you adopt nick names between your loved ones. If you're more physically affectionate, then a hug/a kiss (specifics and form vary from culture to culture/person), curling up on a couch for movies, etc. If not, likely gifts or quality time if you're poor (most people rn).
A lot of people have a specific limit on how much affection they'll share with loved ones who aren't their partners, beyond *exua* contact. But the feeling being acted on is largely the same. The only difference between those relationships ("romantic" & non romantic) is sexual desire and a lack thereof; further, the reason we -are taught to- limit affection in non-romantic/sexual bonds, is because there has to be some way that a romantic relationship is deemed more important than others. To ensure an investment, of transaction is secure and significant. If that feels uncomfortable to acknowledge, or makes you feel the same kind of discomfort as when your boss asks you why you have a second job, it should. It is an unsettling truth that we've structured our cultures around the basis of treating people we desire like property due to jealousy, or explicit dehumanization. It's the basis of the concept of cheating, and the bedrock of purity/rape/dowry/monogamy culture. Or, in a word- Amatonormativity.
Saying all that to say, there is no such thing as "romance/romantic" love, and I'm not aro. Romance is just a word we use to hide and contain the broader ugly concept I (and many [mostly other women and feminist thinkers, check out Tara Mooknee for a video essay on the topic, she's not as mean as me]) have described. It's just that the "standard" form of relationship structures are inherently possessive, and literally a hold over from the days when folks with uteri were property of their father's until they could be bought with a dowry, and everyone else was either a soldier, slave, worker of some sort (if you're lucky) or something to fill out a harem/concubine (if you were cute enough).
And that sucks a lil bit.
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hello olly. say more
oh! okie!!
um imma start with nogi bc she wasn't included in my initial ramble, her full name is nogi sonoko (last name first name) and her and tougou met alongside another girl named gin in the tail end of their elementary school years when they were picked to be a hero team, nogi was picked due to her families connection to the taisha, which are the people who watch over the worship of the shinju (world tree) which is sort of a collection of gods as one entity referred to as shinju-sama usually. both nogi and tougou were picked due to their connection to the taisha, while from my current understanding (i could be wrong here) gin was picked due to her having noble qualities that would make for a good hero. nogi is, as ive referred to her in the past, a ditzy genius, being extremely smart but also kinda airheaded, she's particularly noted as having a tendency to daydream, which her parents allow after she proved that despite her daydreaming she was still well aware of her surroundings. nogi is along with tougou one of the most developed characters, the other ones being fuu and karin but we aren't talking about them rn, nogi is usually classified as a comic relief character, dressing up in funny outfits and playing with things like her cat pillow which she brings practically everywhere (it's also a hand puppet!) but her true greatness shines during things like her and tougou's, at the time washio sumi (called waashi by nogi) final battle together as a duo, where she went mankai TWENTY TIMES losing most of her bodily functions and becoming hospitalized as a result (fun fact! one of the first things she lost function in was her heart!) she did all this for tougou even when she (tougou) forgot her! then she told tougou the truth of the shinju and the vertexes even when tougou still didn't remember her! also her and tougou's dynamic is so cute and silly <3 her dynamic with the rest of the Hero Club is also so good i especially love her dynamic with yuuna
imma end this here bc wow that's a lot lol
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