#we both got overtime yesterday so i asked my manager if i could leave an hour early to take it off and also bc i felt like complete SHIT
and-claudia · 1 year
His Heir pt. 37 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2200
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gif not mine (look at his lil pouty lip)
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I sighed as I looked over the agenda for the day. It felt like everything had picked up since the gender announcement. Both mine and Maul’s days were jammed packed with meetings, going over data, and answering members of Crimson Dawn. It was tiring. Luckily though, Maul was making me go once either my work was done or when my day was supposed to be over so I didn’t overwork myself. On one hand that is great because I don’t have to pick any extra work or do overtime, but it also meant that I spent most evenings alone and went to bed alone most nights. 
“You ready for our briefing?” Qi’ra asked. 
I sighed mentally preparing myself to get up. Maul had said the baby’s growth will slow down soon, but I swear he had actually gone through a growth spurt. I was currently 26 weeks but I wasn’t too sure how big he was measuring at, but luckily we would get to find out tomorrow before we leave for Dasar’s wedding. 
“Do you need a hand?” Qi’ra asked, slightly teasing. 
“No, not yet.” I said with a laugh before getting up. 
We walked into Maul’s office and took our seats in front of his desk.
“Have you both looked over your own agendas for the day?” Maul asked. 
“Yes.” We both said with a nod. 
“Good. Be sure to stick to them strictly. That means when having meetings you make sure all parties are aware of the time frame and do not go over the allotted time,” we nodded along as he spoke, “Lady Yn, my only note for you today is to not skip lunch.” He said with a stern look. 
“I won’t and for the record, I didn’t do that yesterday. I ate while I worked.” I explained. 
“Not today. Give yourself the break. Understood?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“As for Lady Qi’ra…” 
His tone had me worried as I glanced over at her. 
“Dryden Vos. What can you tell me about his death?” Maul asked, sitting up a little bit straighter and crossing his arms over his chest as he gave her a pointed look. 
“What do you mean, Lord Maul?” 
I could tell she was scared. 
“Well, you were the only one currently working here that was present at the time of his death… you must know something. Right?” 
I watched Qi’ra as she took a deep breath, “His ship was attacked. He was killed by the attackers, along with almost everyone on board.” 
“And yet you managed to escape?” Maul asked, raising an eyebrow ridge. 
“Luckily, yes.” 
“Hm.” Maul said as he contemplated what she had just said, “Lady Qi’ra now that this is the story you’ve told me, it better be the one you stick to. Though if I find out you're discussing the matter again you won’t get the chance to speak of it ever again. Have I made myself clear?” 
“Yes, sir.” She said, voice shaking. 
“Oh and, I don’t want to hear of this Han Solo ever again.” Maul added. 
She nodded. 
“You’re dismissed, Lady Qi’ra. Lady Yn please stay for a moment.” Maul said. 
Qi’ra nodded and quickly stood and left the room. 
“Sorry I wasn’t there this morning, I wanted to get here early enough to get a head start on work.”
“It’s okay.” I brushed it off. 
“I’ll be home for dinner tonight though.” 
“I look forward to it.” I smiled, causing him to do the same, even just briefly before his com went off. 
“Meetings.” He said apologetically. 
“Don’t worry. I will see you later, love you.”
“I love you too, my dear.” 
I got up and left his office to go back to mine and Qi’ra’s office. For the time being, I had it to myself since Qi’ra had left for a meeting as well. 
One of the perks of being busy at work meant that time flew. So, right now I was collecting my things and getting ready to leave. I was going to ask if Qi’ra knew if Maul was in a meeting or not, but ever since this morning she’d been very quiet. 
When I made it to our quarters the first thing I did was change. Business wear was not baby bump friendly in terms of being comfortable to wear all day. After I changed I decided to spend some time reading while I waited for Maul to return. I went over to the large bookcase he had in the living area and began reading the titles on the spine. I absolutely loved that he still had real books. My eyes landed on one towards the end that piqued my interest. 
“Stories of the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters. How does that one sound, kih ik'aad? (little baby)” I asked as I grabbed it. 
I had recently taken up calling him that without really realizing it, but it seemed to be sticking for the time being. At least for me. 
I took the book over to the couch and got comfortable as I began reading one of the stories out loud to the baby. I finished that one and began a second, and then a third. Before I knew it, I had been reading for nearly an hour and a half… Maul should be home soon. After some thought, I decided to mark the page I had left off on by folding the top corner down before closing the book and setting it on the side table. Then I grabbed my datapad and began messaging the kitchens to bring us dinner. It would take at least half an hour for the food to get here so I had plenty of time to get the table set. In the meantime, I decided to double-check the plan for tomorrow. 
I had the housekeeping droids pack my luggage for me for the trip to Dasar’s wedding. Maul and I were set to leave tomorrow at 3:00 pm. We were going to leave at 10:00 am but a last-minute meeting forced us to push it back some. Once I was done checking, I set the table and waited for Maul. 
He should be here by now. 
I got a message from the kitchens telling me the food was being brought up. 
Any minute now. I messaged Maul telling him dinner would be here soon. Nothing. 
Foods here. 
I ended up waiting as long as I could before going ahead and eating. Alone. I took my time eating, hoping Maul would show up to join me. No such luck. Once I was finished I decided to shower, but before leaving the dining room I made sure Maul’s food was covered and placed in the warming drawer so in case he showed up while I was in the shower, he could eat. 
I stayed in the shower as long as I could, once again hoping that when I got out, got my soft robe wrapped around me, and walked out I would find him waiting for me. He wasn’t. I checked my datapad for any messages from him. Once again nothing. 
My last attempt to see him before I went to bed was staying up watching a holo. I made it halfway through before I could barely keep my eyes open. I had to get to bed. I sent Maul a message telling him that his dinner was in the kitchen, I was going to bed, and reminding him about my appointment tomorrow at 8. He didn’t have any meetings at that time for a reason. 
It took me a while to fall asleep but even then, I never heard Maul come home. 
The next morning I was woken up by Maul pressing a kiss to my forehead before he left. I didn’t have anything planned for today since we were supposed to leave earlier. So I laid in bed for another few minutes before finally getting up. Before I got ready I sent Maul a message asking him if he’d rather meet at the medical unit or come by here and walk with me there. I set down my datapad as I got ready. Once I was I grabbed it and saw no messages from Maul… he hadn’t even read the message. 
I sighed as I slipped my shoes on. He had never missed one yet. And sure I could reschedule it, but this was my last check-up before our trip. So I had to get it done now. 
When I got there I went through all the standard check-up stuff before we got to my favorite part, the ultrasound. 
"And there he is." The medical droid said. 
I looked over at the screen and couldn't help but smile. My son. 
"Would like copies of the scan?" The droid asked. 
"Yeah, just have them sent to my data pad. I'll share them Lord Maul later." 
"Very well. I must have a few questions before you leave, is that alright?" 
"Yeah." I nodded. 
"Okay. Question one, how are you feeling?" 
"Fine." I sighed. 
"Care to elaborate?" 
"Note really.” I suddenly didn’t really want to answer these questions because they were making me think about how Maul had seemingly forgotten about today. 
"Question two, have you been eating properly?" 
"Yup." I was being short with the droid. 
"Question three, have you been experiencing any discomfort?" 
"I'm carrying a human/zabrak hybrid, force-sensitive baby in my uterus, and despite only being 26 ½ weeks he’s had a growth spurt and is measuring 29, almost 30 weeks, so yes, I've been experiencing discomfort." I sassed. 
"How would you rate your discomfort, on a scale of 1-10." 
I let out a frustrated sigh, I was tired and missed Maul, "it's like a 5-6, very annoying but manageable. Are we almost done?" 
"Question four, have you been sleeping properly?" The droid ignored my question. 
"No." I said quietly. 
"Do you know what the cause is? If you're uncomfortable, try laying on your side. Many women at this stage in their pregnancy find it is more com-" 
"I'm not uncomfortable, just lonely. Maul's been super busy." I bit my lip, keeping the tears at bay, "I'm done. I'd like to leave now. Send me the scans." I sat up and pulled my shirt down. 
Before the droid could say anything I was gone. I went straight to Maul's office. He shouldn't have anyone right now. I opened the door and he didn't even bother to look up and see who it was.
"Don't you understand the concept of a closed door!? If the door is closed you do not enter. I do not have time for drop-ins right now. Go to Qi'ra and schedule a meeting. Now get out!" He said, not even glancing up to see it was just me. 
Suddenly all the sadness I felt melted away and was replaced with anger. 
"Didn't know I needed a meeting to speak to the father of the child I'm carrying." I snapped. 
He turned to face me eyes wide. 
"Yn, I'm sorry, I didn't kn-" he began, clearly upset that he yelled at me. 
"It's whatever." I cut him off, "Your heir is doing fine by the way. I'll send you the scans." I turned to leave and he used the force to shut the door before me. 
"Maul, open the door." I practically growled. 
I heard him sigh defeated and the door opened. 
"I'll see you tonight." He said gently. 
I scoffed, "I've heard that one before." 
"I will." 
"You better, we leave at 3:00." I said before leaving.
I made my way to where Qi'ra was working. 
"Yn, everything alright?" 
"Yes, do you have Maul's schedule?" 
"Send it to me." I said taking a seat at my desk. 
"Yes ma'am." She could tell I was in one of those moods where you don't question me. 
I looked it over and saw that he had meeting well into the evening again. 
"What the hell?" 
"Is something wrong?" 
"Why does he have meetings after 3:00?" 
"Last minute, urgent meetings." She replied. 
"We're supposed to leave at 3:00 for Dasar's wedding." 
"That's not until next week." 
"No, it's not. No... does he think it's next week?" 
Her silence gave me my answer. 
Without any hesitation, I sent a message to the hangar for them to prep my ship for departure. Then I pushed myself up out of my chair and went back to Maul's office. He looked panicked as he scrolled on his datapad. 
"So I guess I'm going alone?" 
"Yn- I-"
"Save it. I've been reminding you and reminding you about this. Clearly, you weren't listening. My stuff is packed. I already sent for my ship to be prepared. I was waiting until 3:00 to let you finish for the day but since you're not going I don't have to wait and I can get there earlier for my friend..." I was crying at this point. 
“Yn, please give me some time to figure something out.” Maul pleaded. 
“No. I am leaving. Feel free to show up when you can. Or don’t. I literally couldn’t give a single fuck about what you do right now.” I said before turning to leave. 
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Discipline upon future
.“Aponia!Reader x Obi-wan
(oh god I find it myself this is interesting..)
Summary : S/o’s voice lines...
[“I’ve been watching you for some time... I know when You’ll have your awakening”]
Obi-wan wakes up in a panic, he finds himself that his lover, Y/N is not on the bed anymore, he can still feel that his lover is still in the same room, but what scared him the most is that you manage to wake up earlier than him, he quickly tries to find you, and end up seeing you holding a book while sitting on a chair peacefully.
He could see your face getting washed with the light of the sun heating in the morning, heavy eyelids still couldn’t hide the shine of your eyes, He felt himself at peace for a moment and end up approaching you to greet and say good morning to you.
“Good morning my love, you don’t actually have to wake up earlier if you are still tired due to yesterday’s mission..”
“Worry not Obi, I’m fine and I’d just love to see the sunrise with you, that’s why I got a little too excited.. I end up waking up earlier than you”
He sits beside you, feeling your head resting on his shoulder makes him relax.
“What if I actually wake up later? wouldn’t that make you have to watch the sunrise alone? you should have woke me up earlier so there’s no chance that we both missed it, at least woke me up right now, don’t just leave me in bed alone” Obi spoke to you, patting your head while hearing you humming.
“I’ve been watching you for some time... I know when You’ll have your awakening”
[” The threads attached to you... Don’t worry, nothing today will make you sad.”]
Obi-wan understands your ability to see the future, and proofs are already everywhere as evidence of your ability, every effort you did was for the sake of fate, for the sake of the future, you never talk about how the future will be, but everyone knows that you’re able to see the threads that attached to everyone’s fate.
So when you say something, no one would ever doubt it, because if you manage to tell the fate you saw, it must be something relieving.
This morning, Obi-wan find himself how you stare at him while smiling in soft, peaceful, and relaxed gesture, makes him asks
“Is there something wrong with me?”
You quickly shake your head slowly, pointing to him in a slow gesture
” The threads attached to you... Don’t worry, nothing today will make you sad.”
The moment you declare it, Obi-wan feels relaxed, you say the comfort words, now he knows that he’ll be able to go back safety right into your arms once again, he knows that everything will be fine, he knows that this day will be amazing and will be one of his favorite days throughout the time.
“Thank you for telling me, my dear, may the force be with you”
“May the force be with you too, Obi”
[“You look busy... You struggle to have your prays answered? I will support you”]
There’s no free day for Jedis, they have to work all the time to make everything in peace, humanity, the galaxy, the republic.
But over time exists for Jedis, where everything just goes wrong at the moment, where everything has to be done quickly in the order of peace, a thing that everyone desired the most, especially the Jedi.
So does with Obi-wan, to him, overtime is worth his effort to create more peace throughout the galaxy. But after all, Obi is just a normal living being, always needs its own rest, and cannot work forever nonstop.
when he gets home, you quickly understood the situation, you hold him tightly from behind and ask him to relax for a moment, you serve him tea, and you both sit on the couch, with you holding his hands firmly.
“Sweetheart, I already understand your situation for the day now.”
“Must be, you always understand just with a single touch, I’m sorry for making you worried.. I just-”
“You look busy...  you struggle to have your prays answered? I will support you”
You are correct.
you hug him tightly, rubbing his back, and try to relax him so he could go to sleep easier
“But first of all... Rest, you deserve it.”
[“From your memory, it’s clear a lot’s happened. Don’t worry, I won’t leave without your saying so.”]
Sometimes Obi-wan is scared.
Scared of losing you.
You’re so lovely, so graceful, powerful, admirable, everything.
All of that miracles attract danger upon your way and your surroundings.
He already understands how cruel the world is, and he is scared that one day fate will make you experience one too someday later. the more he did his duties as the Jedi, the more he imagined if you were the one in danger in this cruel and gruesome world.
He wants to protect you all the time because he is scared that you one day get disappear and never come back to his side. He wants you to be safe, even though you could protect yourself from dangers ahead of your fate, he could never be erasing his fear throughout the time.
he could be very emotional sometimes about it. when the time comes, he’s wrapping you up from behind and talking about how he’s so worried about you, and planning to keep you away from crowds, from the republic, just you and him.
He’d hug you so tight, now wanting to let you go, and he’ll let it go once you both fell asleep together.
“Y/N I.. I’m always afraid and even though I don’t want to admit it, you could always understand about my feeling.. I’m sorry for looking so fragile in front of you..”
You rub his head and smile, hug him tightly while responding in a soft mumble
“From your memory, it’s clear a lot’s happened. Don’t worry, I won’t leave without your saying so.”
That words become a promise to Obi, that makes him calms down a bit.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Call Out My Name - F.W.
Fred Weasley X Reader imagine inspired by the song ‘Call Out My Name’ by The Weeknd.
Part 2 , Part 3
A/N: Your Feedback will be greatly appreciated! 
About: Fred is constantly in a ‘on and off’ toxic relationship and he uses the reader when he is lonely, overtime she falls in love with him but because she isn’t Fred’s girl - she has no choice but to walk away.
Themes: Heartbreak, unrequited love, sadness, longing.
Warnings: indication of smut, raw feelings of worthlessness, depression and anger.
Staring out of the train window trying to think of something to doodle in your notebook you couldn’t help but feel over the moon that you were going home for the summer, you had never felt like this before and you hated that you did - but after years of being strung along by someone and not being able to stay away from them - this feeling was bittersweet, hell, everything you had gone through was now nothing but bittersweet memories you just wanted to forget, almost like it never happened.
You fell in love with Fred slowly but the more time you spent with him you fell head over heels for him. This whole fiasco - whatever it was you had with Fred started three years ago, your first time spending the summer at The Burrow. Fred’s on and off girlfriend split up with him for the first time, Fred became withdrawn, not wanting to take part in his usual pranks or plan any new inventions with his brother George. At first, you believed that Fred wanted you around because he valued your friendship (a budding romance) and because you made him happy, but overtime you realised that this wasn’t the case at all - unfortunately you were just a stepping stone for him, someone to use when he couldn’t get what he wanted from the ‘love of his life’. 
You put your head in your hands and sighed deeply, the tears slowly pricking at your eyes, slouching in your seat you covered your house scarf (the one that Fred bought you) over your eyes, the memories flashing back to you like they happened yesterday.
We found each other I helped you out of a broken place You gave me comfort But falling for you was my mistake
Fred sat in his bed, his eyes red and puffy from all of the crying “I don’t know what to do, she doesn’t want me anymore” seeing him in such a state made your heartache, you had never seen him like this before - you were used to him bouncing around, always laughing and getting up to no good, not crying in bed too sad to be himself.
You sat on his bed and stroked his short hair that had been cut a few weeks ago “It’s going to be okay” you smiled at him softly “I know it might be too much to ask but why don’t we go for a walk? Get away from all the noise in this house, just this once.” you encouraged him.  
Fred contemplated your offer for a moment and then nodded “I can do that” he smiled, slowly getting out of bed. What started off as ‘just this once’ turned into routine - you and Fred going for stupidly long walks every morning you were at the burrow. 
Remembering the first time your hands brushed up against one another used to make the butterflies in your stomach soar but now all it does is hurt worse than before - rain now pattering down on the window.
Within months you and Fred did everything together, morning walks, quidditch in the afternoon basking in the warmth and orange glow of the sun, and then in the evenings you two would sneak downstairs whilst everyone lay asleep in bed.
“Hey Y/N” Fred whispered through the crack in the door, trying not to wake everyone up “fancy popping on one of those muggle horror movies you keep telling dad about?” 
You turned over, the landing light shining in your eyes and smirked at Fred, mirroring him “go on then.” 
Clutching your chest you could feel the pain of this memory hit you like a tonne of bricks, taking deep breaths you tried so hard to bring yourself back into the present moment... on the way home... leaving Hogwarts...but it didn’t work, like a leaf in the wind you were pushed back in relieving what you just wanted to forget.
The old and scratchy patchwork blanket sat over you and Fred, out of the corner of your eye you caught Fred glancing at you and smiling to himself. Turning to face him you asked what was so funny “nothing” he replied, yet he leaned in closer, his nose almost touching yours. Giving in, the two of you shared your first kiss and you could’ve sworn you felt sparks igniting within you. 
You brushed your fingers over your soft lonely lips reminiscing more of the memories that popped into your head as if they were being played on film. 
A few evenings later you and Fred were on the same sofa, covered by the same scratchy old patchwork blanket in the dead of night, yet this time instead this kiss lead to something much more, instead of sparks simply just igniting, burst into the biggest and most beautiful firework as you and Fred shared such an intimate moment together.
George had to admit that although he felt left out, he couldn’t deny how much happier Fred became when you were around - he started being himself again; pranking Ron and annoying Percy like it was going out of fashion.
But you had no idea that whatever you had with Fred would turn into the most intense rollercoaster ride you had ever been on.
I put you on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly
For the first time in your life you put another person before you and you deemed such an act ‘worth it’ at the time because you made mistakes out of your pure love for Fred, but you realised all you were doing was burning yourself out to keep Fred alight. Instead of getting perfect grades, you found yourself in enough detentions for everyone in your house.
In your mind Fred was yours, your boyfriend and he made you feel on top of the world and all you wanted to do was share your feelings and relationship to the world. Every Saturday morning you would be sat waiting at the Quidditch pitch to cheer on Fred, regardless whether it was a match or just practice.
You would write to your family and friends, telling them all about the soft haired troublemaker who swept you off your feet. “Looks like you’ve got another letter” George mentioned one morning over breakfast, your owl swooping up ahead delivering a reply. 
You smiled widely and nodded “Of course I do!” you giggled “My parents can’t wait to meet Fred this Christmas!”
George’s face dropped at your excitement, he cleared his throat awkwardly “I’m really sorry Y/N but did Fred tell you?” he asked, giving you a deep look of sympathy. 
You scowled and shook your head wondering what would get in the way of your perfect plans “tell me what?” 
George stayed silent for a moment but he tried his best to let you down gently “He’s back in contact with his ex, they’re working things out.”
And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me
And for the second time, Fred came crying into your arms looking like he had been torn apart “She doesn’t think it’s going to work out, she said that it’s not the right time” you held him in your arms, cuddling on the sofa in the common room, rubbing his back with one hand and stroking his now long shoulder length hair with the other, you reassured him. 
“It’s going to be okay Freddie, you got yourself back on track last time and you’re capable of going it again sweetheart” you reminded him “you’ve got me and George, remember.” 
Within the months that came after, you two were inseparable once again, going to Hogsmeade on the weekends raiding Honeydukes and sharing a butterbeer or two in the Three Broomsticks but as always and like George predicted, once Fred’s girl came back into the picture, he dropped you again. 
You managed to break from your flashbacks for a moment, removing the scarf from your face. Checking your watch you had another hour or so until you would be arriving at Kings Cross Station, you slumped back down in your seat and doodled broken hearts and tears onto your open love letters to Fred, now hidden in your notebook.
So call out my name (call out my name) Call out my name when I kiss you so gently I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay, even though you don't want me
“Well from the sounds of things you’re not in a serious relationship” you mentioned to Fred, taking off your muddy robes. George shook his head at you almost telling you off but you were both getting frustrated, the only difference is that you didn’t want to keep quiet anymore. 
“Not yet but I’m waiting for her” Fred said eagerly removing his robes too, George could feel the tension in the air and went to the common room.
“So what about us?” you asked bravely, your heart begging to hear what it wanted most. 
Allowing the last of your confidence that Fred had wiped away overtime, you walked towards him and cupped his face, kissing him softly, trying to convince him that you were the one worth waiting for but no matter what, deep down in your heart you knew Fred was thinking about her.
Fred kissed back and chuckled “us?” he flashed you a confused look “we’re the same as we’ve ever been, as we’ll always be” you felt crushed, this wasn’t the answer you were hoping for (and you now owed George all of your exploding bonbons) but you accepted your fate and left to find George so you could cry in his arms. 
“He never truly wanted me, did he?” You asked George, tears running down your cheeks. 
George shook his head “It’s always been about her Y/N, I’m sorry” you hugged George and cried into his chest whilst he held you.
“why can’t I be Fred’s girl?” 
Torturing yourself beyond repair you couldn’t stay away from Fred, no matter how hard you tried. You still found yourself supporting him at Quidditch, helping him study, you even engaged in conversation with him about his girl, how amazing she was and how happy she made him. You knew if he had the chance Fred would transform you into her if a single project came down to it.
Girl, why can't you wait? (Why can't you wait, baby?) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love? Won't you call out my name? (Call out my name) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way
Clutching your date and dancing lazily to the music you stared at Fred having the time of his life with the girl of his dreams on his arm, beaming up at him. You hoped this ball and your date would help you find a new spark and create new fireworks yet with every opportunity to do so all you did was wish for Fred, stare at him and act as if he were to realise you were the one with any coming moment - but it didn’t happen yet, it would never happen. You kept wishing over and over in your head for Fred to turn around, meet your gaze and to become blinded by your beauty when you had another admirer trying to break down your cold persona. 
I said I didn't feel nothing baby, but I lied I almost cut a piece of myself for your life Guess I was just another pit stop 'Til you made up your mind You just wasted my time
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Fred asked, taking a bite out of his toast “Mum and dad are really keen to meet her and she’s never been able to visit over the summer before and with everyone else there we just wouldn’t have the room.”
The two of you continued to walk towards the castle, George following not far behind.
Fred was now inviting his girlfriend to stay with him at the burrow this summer, something you had always done up until this very moment - this was the moment you realised that everything had been a lie, Fred never cared, he never loved you, he had just used you each and every time the love of his life got bored, only to drop you as soon as she wanted him back. 
“Yeah it’s fine, I understand completely” you lied, feeling anger, despair and insecure like you had never before “I’ll just see you at the shop once the ball gets rolling.” Earlier in the year Fred offered you a job to help out with him and George at the shop, placing your own career plan at the ministry on hold.
“Oh bugger” Fred stopped his tracks looking a bit stressed “that's another thing i forgot to mention, we won’t be needing you to help out anymore as-”
“she’s helping out instead” you cut Fred off, finally reaching your breaking point you ran away from Fred and went to your dorm, packing your trunk. 
You're on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly, babe And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me
“Are you seriously running back to him after what he did?” 
“He isn’t like that! you don’t understand, you can’t judge him - you don’t even know him!”
So call out my name (call out my name, baby) So call out my name when I kiss you So gently, I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay even though you don't want me Girl, why can't you wait? (Girl, why can't you wait 'til I) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of loving? Babe, call out my name (say call out my name, baby) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way, girl I'll be on my
Jolting awake the train came to a stop, you had finally arrived at the station. Taking a deep breath you picked up your trunk and notebook, getting off the train your scarf slipped off but you were too busy trying to spot your parents to notice. This was it, no more Hogwarts, you didn’t want to look back.
Feeling faint you ran into the toilets, throwing up the last of your pumpkin juice from the ride home, you stared at yourself in the mirror, washing your hands and splashing your face.
“Why can’t I be Fred’s girl?” You asked yourself.
On my way, all the way On my way, all the way, ooh On my way, on my way, on my way On my way, on my way, on my way (On my)
Reaching the exit of the station you spotted The Weasleys, welcoming Fred’s new girlfriend into a tight hug with delighted expressions on their faces. You looked to George and he gave a sad smile, he wanted to say goodbye but even that would be too painful for you to handle; after all, you weren’t just losing Fred, you were losing George, Molly and the rest of the family you loved so much.
Before you could turn around and continue to look for your family, Fred noticed you, he stopped for a moment and waved, holding your scarf up in his hands and shaking it. 
You wanted more than anything to run to Fred and collect it but instead you didn’t wave back or smile, you shook your head and spun on your heel, acting as if he were never there at all. 
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niallthegun · 7 years
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succulent sweets
#YOOOOOOOO so if any of u are keepin track of mah life from my last cake post#u know i have that coworker that i want to fight all the time#well!!!!!!#we both got overtime yesterday so i asked my manager if i could leave an hour early to take it off and also bc i felt like complete SHIT#which me and the other girl had talked about in length#so my manager told me to leave early so i went and told the other girl hEY i'm leaving an hour early so we're gonna leave at the same time#today!!!#and she was like uh what she never lets me leave early she always tells me to take a longer lunch#and i was like idk but she just told me to leave an hour early so imma finish these cakes while u do those other two cakes and then we#can leave!!!!!#NO i finished two ganache cakes and 12 ganache slices and was writing on all these cakes for customers and#then i noticed she had disappeared like 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave#(also note she hasn't done the two EASY cakes#like literally all they needed was a ganache drizzle and a couple fuckin strawberries like..)#anyway she appears and was like ok well i'm leaving!!! the bags are done and soaking in sanitizer u just have to hang them up!!!1!#i was like uh....why u leavin me in this mess EARLY...#so she just walks the FUCK OUT and i was lookin at the other two ppl i work with like uh?????????#she really gonna leave me all this extra shit so SHE can leave early when I ASKED to leave early and got PERMISSION#plus she knows i'm sick and wanted to leave early like?????? she really gonna do that#ALSO it wasn't just icing bags...it was SO MUCH SHIT I WAS LIKE???????????#y'all i was so mad i was shaking#i was trying to write happy birthday on a cake and i was literally SHAKING so my one friend was like girl lemme help u she's bitch#and i was like gorl u don't have to pls :')#but she did anyway and gave me a hug and i luv her :')#so i still managed to leave early but.....only 20 minutes early#i'm not gonna say anything to my manager about it but.....imma remember this#imma remember#fast times at the bakery
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Affection (Yandere Floyd x reader)
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Turns out @minteasketches birthday is the day before mine and I couldn't decide who I wanted to write for so I asked for a few of her favorite characters and had a draft for Floyd that would have sat. So I'll just post this on her birthday as a gift and have this be my post for my birthday too! Happy Birthday by the way you wonderful writer and artist I love your work!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
"I really don't like youuu~"
Floyd took a step closer towards the student with a menacing look in his eyes. Anyone who pissed him off had hell to pay for it that was for sure. He would make sure he never layed his disgusting fingers on her again.
His adorable little shrimpy that he adored so much. It was always oh so tempting to hold her close and squeeze her tight, which is what he usually did on the daily basis, but today was different. She had to spend time with another student and denied his affections promptly. After she had left him after apologizing Floyd went into depression again. His shrimpy never failed to brighten his day. Except today of course, when he didn't feel like going to club, specially not with his bad mood.
"Why does she have to spend time with someone else, can't she see I need her more." He released a sigh thinking more and more about the whole situation, her words recalling in his mind.
Then an idea popped up in his head. He could always spend time with her afterwards. She mentioned going to the library to tutor, he'd surprise her there, as soon as she was done!
He arrived there early then the supposed study session. He was actually hiding behind a bookshelf waiting for her to arrive. He noticed one student sitting their waiting impatiently. He assumed that he was the idiot who needed some help. After a little while he finally saw her arrive. It did irritate him to see her with someone else, but he knew the kind of person Y/n was and leaving someone to fail just wasn't her.
Overtime he started to see her become frustrated which wasn't like her in the slightest. She even taught the little sea otter who was beyond hope when it came to teaching him something. She was ever patient and calm the entire time. This guy managed to piss her off so easily, he had to be doing something wrong, at least that's what Floyd deduced. Seeing her so angry made him both curious and annoyed. What could he possibly have said to make her mad?
Floyd at least had a bit more constraint in him today and decided to listen in to gain some understanding.
"Hey, why do you always spend time with that eel?"
"Can you focus please?"
"Why as far as I'm concerned your hanging out with a crazy pyscho merman? He's gotta be forcing you." This student was really getting on his nerves.
He took his time away from his shrimpy, and for what to spread lies and try to pull her away from him. Not only that he placed his hand on her and she looked discomforted by it, never did she feel that way when Floyd would hug her randomly. It really didn't sit well with him, he was agitated and beyond that rage filled his system. That was never a good sign for anyone nearby.
He was about a second from taking the student and squeezing the life out of him literally. Until he saw his little shrimp stand from her seat.
"An arrogant bastard like you could never compare Floyd! He's far more sweet and lovable then you'll ever be! Don't you dare ever say shit about him!" She actually punched him across his face which surprised Floyd greatly cause the impact knocked the student out of his chair.
She immediately picked up her books and went off towards her dorm Floyd assumed, he couldn't keep his eyes off her until she exited the library. His heart was pounding faster in his chest and a smile ecstasy. Shrimpy really thought of him like that huh?
It definitely made him feel happy to learn how she felt. Maybe he should tell her he feels the same too! Ah, but Floyd still doesn't know himself what the feeling is but since Jade's so smart he'll just ask him!
He heard the groans of the student on the ground which brought him out of his thoughts. He saw the student getting back up from the floor murmuring curses and insulting his darling Shrimpy. It definitely reminded him of his rage against him for taking up her time in the first place, but now he insults her it struck a sense of bloodlust in the eel. He shouldn't do this in here though, he's sure Jade could help him get rid of any evidence too.
. . .
"Angelfish where are youuuu~?"
"Floyd-" She couldn't speak for a second cause a pair of long arms wrapped around her neck, covering her mouth, and a head nuzzled in her cheek.
"Yup~" He showed her a sharp toothed smile.
"Floyd you seem overly happy these days, has something happened?"
"Huh~ What do ya mean Shrimpy? I get to spend more time with you that always makes me happy!"
She was relieved on the inside since she tried calling him yesterday after the library incident and he didn't pick up. She called Jade too but he said his brother was doing something important for Azul, for a second there she thought she had put him in one of his bad mood swings by denying him.
Speaking of which,
"Floyd?" He wouldn't stop nuzzling her until he heard her voice calling him.
"Sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have denied your offer, that guy was a total prick. I should have chosen you instead. If you forgive me I'll get you some candy at Sam's Shop?" She tried to offer him.
"Eh? It's fine Shrimpy but since your offering I want to get some and share it with you!" He seemed far more cheerful than the mood you left him in yesterday. Usually his mood swings would last the whole day and bargaining him with something would work even his brother didn't have control over him all the time.
It definitely felt strange in her mind but she had to dismiss it with Floyd pulling her arm in the direction of the school store.
. . .
He had brought a lot of supplies from the store more than usual. As she had asked out of curiosity he said it was a surprise. Later on the next day she found out that the surprise was making takoyaki together.
It really did surprise her, seeing Floyd be this thoughtful took her by surprise. He was more of a PDA type rather than wholesome cooking together. She did tell him once that she wanted to try it once with him,, after learning his favorite food. That was a while ago though and for him to remember such a small detail like that. She shrugged it off as nothing though and went about doing the instructions Floyd gave as they worked together in the Octanivelle kitchen.
Both of them were enjoying themselves and when it came time to heat them up he put in one last ingredient mixing with the cream color mixture. He didn't want to tell her what it was but he said it was extra special.
When it came time that it was all done he told her to open wide.
"Shrimpy come on open up~! I want you to try the first bite of this new batch so you can tell me what you think! " He looked happy and stared at her in anticipation.
The gaze had her face turning red in which she could hear the laugh of the other twin within the empty Monstro Lounge. She didn't want to keep him waiting so she did as he was told and opened her mouth.
Soon as the sphere shaped food had entered and she had chewed the taste was weird, normal savory flavor but with the taste of something she couldn't put her finger on.
It wasn't that many of the food and as soon as she finished she had another pressed to her lips. Until it was all gone did the process repeat. That's when her vision began to get hazy.
"Floyd I don't feel so well. I think I need to go to the infirmary." Her body swayed as tried standing before she could take a step her body fell over tripping on air possibly.
"Eh~ What do you mean, Angelfish? You don't need to rely on anyone else but me." He had pulled her toward his chest the warmth lulling her senses into a gentle slumber.
. . .
When she woke up she found herself in Floyd's room, the messy appearance of it familiar to her. It was strange though since she couldn't remember coming into the room or falling asleep. The taste of takoyaki though remained on her tongue and she recalled a couple of things including the so called 'special ingredient' Floyd put in a few of them that he got from Azul.
It must have put her to sleep, but why would Floyd do something like this?
When she heard the door open she looked up and saw the man in question. He was elated to finally see her awake and ran over to you quickly.
"Angelfish! Your finally up! Great that means we can play now!" One word in particular stood out to her.
"Angelfish? You usually call me Shrimpy. Floyd what's going on?" She was confused and wanted answers but it only made the eel happy.
"Oh your mine now! That little study session of yours with that annoying little crab, you defended me, it was so amazing to see you angry for me Angelfish! It made me so happy so I had to show my affection back some way."
"What do you mean?" She did not like where this was going. She had used violence which was unlike her but with Floyd's seeing it too it's not a good thing for how he would interpret it. She did like the eel of course but she might have put the life of a student in danger.
"He was trying to take my angelfish away from me, so I let him know just how much I love you! Jade said it'd be good to show you how much and you used violence so I should do the same!" He nuzzled his mouth near her neck invoking a shiver to crawl up the girl's spine as he inhaled her scent.
That guy was right about him being dangerous, but he only did want to show you his affection.
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
I LOVE LOVE your headcanons and scenarios so much I can't help but make a request!! How do you think Itaru would react if a colleague (reader) from work found out that he was a gamer, the complete opposite from his work persona and what becomes of their relationship after? THANK YOU SO MUCHH!!
YOU ARE SO VERY WELCOME, DEAR!! 💕 I feel so grateful to receive comments like these, ugh. Hope you like it!
Pairing: Itaru Chigasaki x Reader
Title: Forceful revelation
Itaru would never say he liked his job per se. It was more like he had had to get used to it if he wanted to buy his precious games plus a place to play them. Even after all this time working in the same department, he hadn’t tried to get promoted or cared about developing relationships with his colleagues.
Never felt like he needed those things.
He was content doing his expected hours and then going back home at the end of the day. Especially if next day was his day off, like that night.
Waiting for some final copies to be made, he noticed a few colleagues passing by, their jobs already done.
“Good work today, Chigasaki-kun”
Flashing an already practiced working smile, the blond wondered if he would ever remember their names just as much as they liked to remind him of his own “Good work you too”
Just as he predicted, he could hear the faint laugh of his co-workers entering the elevator. Itaru looked at the clock- Only a little more before he could leave. The blond sighed tiredly as he sat again on his desk.
Everyone at the dorm made fun of him, but there really was no heavier burden to carry than the pressure of having to uphold your image and reputation. It wasn’t as easy as he made it look. 
You were a clear example of it.
Itaru didn’t have to lift his head to recognize your steps, but did it anyway. You were practically running and he felt even more tired just by watching you “Y/N-san” he greeted, not moving from his seat as he watched you regain your breath.
It had been a bit more than five months since you had transferred to his department at the company and he still didn’t know how to deal with your personality and your seemingly attachment to his working persona.
“Thank goodness I made it!” you smiled brightly as you regained your lost breath.
At first glance, you and Itaru weren’t that different. You both were usually congratulated for doing a good job at work and had overall good relationships with everyone.
However, Itaru knew better.
You had achieved much more than he had in all his years in such a short time. He even heard rumors that you would probably get promoted to manager by the end of the semester.
Which wasn’t surprising to him though, seeing you didn’t stop moving for a second from one project to another. What had your parent given you as a kid?
“...and so I was wondering if you knew the password for the projector they have in room 201? You know, the one with red chairs and a big plant on the corner”
Itaru hummed, looking around his desk to give you a copy of the passwords “Here you go, you can keep them”
“As expected of Chigasaki-san!” you accepted them happily.
The spring member’s smile faltered. 
Honestly, it was annoying to be put by such high standards.
He had tried to not get close to you, hoping the polite distance he always kept with others worked, but so far, you were still practically glued to him whether it was to ask him for advice or commenting how much you respected him.
…If you knew how he really was, Itaru was sure you wouldn’t be talking about him so happily. Focusing again, he noticed you waiting for something “Sorry, what did you say, Y/N-san?”
“Ah! I heard you are taking tomorrow off?”
“Yes, some personal matters happened at home” he turned around to make you understand he had things to do “I already signed and prepared everything, so there shouldn’t be a problem to send without me the first draft to our fellow company, I already talked with their administration”
“You really are amazing” he heards you whisper impressed.
He didn’t comment on your compliment “Anyway if anything happens tomorrow, I’ll be counting on you, Y/N-san”
Exactly as he thought, you gasped, beaming happily at the thought of being relied on “Of course! Good luck with your personal matter!”
“I can’t believe you took a day off just to play games”
Izumi rested her hands on her hips when she discovered the spring member laying on the sofa, tracksuit on and shirt already filled with crumbs from the bag of chips next to him. He already had bags under his eyes.
“I did my overtime and this is how I chose my reward, director”
Rolling her eyes, she took her handbag, considering futile to argue with him “I’m going shopping and then to a meeting, make sure you don’t stay all day in that position, all right?”
Not breaking contact from his game, Itaru hummed a goodbye. Damn, thank god he had taken a day off. This event was being too competitive. He wouldn’t have been able to make the quests unless he spent last night and next 24 hours defending his rank.
At some point the doorbell started ringing “Someone is at the door” he called out loud to no one in particular.
The bell kept ringing. Where were Matsukawa or Citron supposed to be at times like this?
“Itaru, my ears! Open the door, dammit, open the door!” Kamekichi flew over him.
Groaning, he walked towards the entrance, eyes still fixed on the screen. Hadn’t he made it clear he wasn’t planning to move until tomorrow night? “Hey director, you should remember taking your keys when- Shit! How come these fuckers have so much luck? I’m gonna have to fucking sweep the floor with-”
And for the first time since yesterday, slowly, Itaru broke contact with his controls.
That couldn’t be you.
If anything, the situation happening was just the most lucid dream Itaru had ever had, because there was no way in hell that was real life.
“Itaru, who’s this jerk, want me to beat them up?” Kamekichi had landed on his shoulder, wings moving in an attempt to scare you, but neither of you reacted to it.
Gripping your bag, your face was white, looking like a scared puppy that had just encountered a scary and bigger dog “I, uh… really apologize for coming unannounced on your day off. Chief tried to contact you but, um, we couldn’t reach you and-“
“…Why are you here”
You shivered at the tone of his voice. You had never heard Itaru talk like that to anyone. Ever. You showed him an envelope “T-there’s this document chief needed that you forgot to sign for this afternoon meeting and…”
In silence, he grabbed them, scanning them with a stoic face. You could cut the mood with a knife “Pen” he opened his hand.
“A-ah, right!”
Barely exchanging looks, you took the signed papers and thanked him.
“I hope that’s all, wouldn’t want you to come again and tire yourself out more”
You were practically shaking. Wishing him a good day, you turned and practically ran out of the place.
With the door closed, Itaru leaned his back on it, not even looking at the control resting on his hand.
Out of all the people he didn’t wish to show this side of him, somehow, unconsciously, you had become one of the firsts.
“…Well, shit”
When you finally took notice, you had already reached the station, breathing heavily. The situation that had happened moments ago struck you as surreal.
Itaru Chigasaki, your colleague at work, was what you would describe as the epitome of what you aspired to be. His charm, professionalism… could someone be any more perfect?
“I’m gonna have to fucking sweep the floor with…”
You shook your head, still not over it. You had never expected someone you admired so much to be so… different outside work.
Oh god, work.
You mentally groaned, already cringing at what scenario could possibly happen when he came back next week. As you entered the train, your mind started running wild. Would he accuse you? Joke about it? Although he hadn’t seemed comfortable… Wait, did people know about this? Would he threaten you to not say anything? The last thing you wanted was to be on bad terms with him!
As you sat on the platform, you noticed the crumbled documents in your hand, Itaru’s sign finally on them.
So much for a quick visit.
Neither of you talked about it when he came back next week.
Or the next one.
Time passed, and you were getting more and more anxious. Your blond colleague had never been someone who was cold to anyone, but it was more than clear that he had made a point not to interact with you under any circumstances, unless it was necessary.
Which was exactly why you understood his raised eyebrows looking at the coffee you had brought to his desk. Thankfully, he took the cup, bringing it to his lips “I believe I left all the files in your place, Y/N-san, do you need anything else?”
"Ah, well..." you had no idea what to say or how to react to him anymore. Itaru could feel it too, however, he didn’t try to alleviate the awkwardness.
It was painfully obvious how much it had shocked you seeing him at the dorm, so he didn’t understand why you kept trying to talk to him “You don’t have to force yourself, Y/N-san, people will notice things like that” he kept talking, his mouth covered by the cup
You opened your mouth to try and deny it but closed it, unable to. The awkward silence that had followed the last few days appearing again.
Pressing your lips together, you whispered an excuse and turned back to your own desk, dejected.
As he finished the coffee, Itaru couldn’t help but follow your figure. He had arrived expecting rumors about him, but no one seemed to have changed their demeanor.
So then, why did he feel like he was getting punched when you averted your eyes from his on meetings or he felt like being a dick to you when after it you tried to appease him?
Itaru leaned on his chair, sighing. Was it guilt?
You were someone who aspired to do your best with all you got, reminding him so much of people like Sakuya or director.
Maybe that’s why he felt like he had disappointed you, which made Itaru angrier and more confused. Why should he feel bad about it? It had been your fault. Leaving those thoughts aside he tried to concentrate again. It was actually better for him, now that he didn’t have to deal with you.
At least that’s what he repeated to himself.
It was almost dinner time when the doorbell at Mankai rang.
“I’ll go!” Izumi left the kitchen, opening the door and finding you there, not that the young woman knew you “Yes?”
“Hi, uh… Is Chigasaki-san inside? I’m a… colleague from work”
The young woman laughed nervously, looking inside and then back at you again “Is… Itaru-san expecting you?”
You shook your head “I can wait here if he prefers to change. I’m not in a hurry” 
“Oh! Um… all right, I’ll call him. Please wait a second”
The door closed again, and you took a deep breath, trying to calm down. A minute later, the blond came out. You took another look at his appearance. It really was miles apart from his working persona.
“I figured it wouldn’t matter anymore” he shrugged, answering as if he had just read your thoughts. His personality was on another level too “Why are you here?”
You swallowed down “I... I am lazy too, Chigasaki-san!”
Frowning, Itaru opened his mouth confused “What are you… “
“I don’t like to clean at home and get overwhelmed easily! also, I hate waking up early and I don’t like waiting for the food to get cold and end up burning myself…!”
What were you doing shouting all those things about you?
“…I also tend to leave everything until the last minute because I love spending time on the phone and have to make up for it after and, uh, what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry I made you feel uncomfortable in your own house! But..!” you clenched your fists “You are still the Chigasaki-san that I admire and respect, it doesn’t matter if you behave differently outside work. You are you!”
Itaru stared at you, not knowing how to react to your outburst.
Seeing your expectant face waiting for his reaction, his mind suddenly compared it to how the spring troupe did that cringy act to keep him from leaving the dorm.
Noticing the similarities, he found himself smiling and then laughing, under you confused stare.
‘You are you!’
A tiny smile reached his face. It was as if the burden and guilt he had been carrying these weeks about  being fake had lifted from his shoulders “…You really are something else” 
You raised your hands, moving them to reject those words “I’m sorry! I just meant it was…!” Itaru kept staring at you with a smile you had never seen before and you blushed, not knowing how to behave right now. 
“Ey, Y/N-san…”
He looked at the dorm and then to you, smirking now “…Would you like to play some games?”
“Fuck, Itaru-san I told you to wait! You are gonna kill me too if you throw that grenade now!”
“I don’t need weak people in my party” the blond pressed the bomb, eliminating every single person surrounding him “GG, Banri”
“SHIT! Why would you-!” they kept arguing until a knock was heard on the door
“May I come in?”
“Oh, Y/N-chan-san! It’s been a while” the high school boy turned around
You smiled at him “I know! There are a lot of things to take care of as a new manager… I brought some snacks as an apology though” you lifted a bag “I’m not late, am I?”
Itaru scoffed, still looking at the screen “Hey there, Y/N, more like I thought you had gotten scared”
You frowned, making space for yourself in the couch next to them “I never back down from a challenge Itaru, and you know it! You are just too enthusiastic when it comes to these things, so I have to prepare myself to kick your ass”
“Mmm… I wonder where did that ‘I admire you the most, Chigasaki-san’ attitude go. I kind of miss it”
“I can respect you and still want to see you eating dirt, you know”
The spring member snickered, stopping the game and giving you the controls “Yeah, yeah, let's show you how to really level up to the fullest to at least entertain me”
“You bet I will!”
Itaru wouldn’t say he tried hard to achieve big things or create ties with others, that just wasn’t his thing. 
However, glancing at you talking to Banri about the best way to make him lose, he thought allowing you entering in his world hadn’t been so bad after all.
And he smiled. Guess relationships really worked like that.
Hopefully you guys ended up liking it! Have a wonderful day! 💕
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kimburgess-ruzek · 3 years
You Have No Idea.
chapter one.
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summary: Something Kim does changes her future in Intelligence forever. In ways no one can imagine. But when she is caught on the wrong side of crime, will her previous reputation and relationship with the police help her? Or are her actions so damaging that nothing or no one can save her?
t/w: mentions of sexual assault
read on ao3.
*months before the prologue.*
“What do we got?”
Adam lifted the yellow tape to allow Voight to the scene. It was super early. 5:29 am. And the constant flashing lights and sirens made Adam too tired to joke around. He had to get up early to meet Rojas on the scene and take statements. He was wearing sunglasses and his hair wasn’t even done.
“Group of witnesses claim to have seen a woman kidnapped. They were outside of the bar and saw the woman and a man arguing in the alley, they thought it was nothing since it just verbal. Then a van drives by and the man pulls the girl inside and they take off.” Adam caught Voight up while they walked to where the rest of the team was.
“Did they catch a look at the plate?” Voight asked.
“No. The car was unmarked.” Kevin answered.
“The group wasn’t able to identify much of either the woman or the man. It was too dark. But they did say they were dressed for the club. The woman had on a dress. So my guess is camera footage of the club might have their faces. Jay is securing security footage from both inside and outside.” Rojas explained.
“Okay. Get back to the district and watch every second of the footage. I want to see if they were inside that club and if we can get facial rec.”
“We’re taking this Sarge? The witnesses were drunk themselves. They might not be credible. How do you know we’re just wasting time?” Hailey asked. There didn’t seem to be anything worth dragging Intelligence into. They probably could’ve handed this off to some other unit.
“We’re taking this case because I said so. This club has been on the radar for PD a while now. So go watch that footage. While you’re at it, grab the manager. Maybe he has some talking to do.”
“Copy, Sarge.” Adam walked back to his truck and sat inside there, trying to keep his eyes open. They had nonstop cases, and he hadn’t gotten much sleep in the last few weeks. The whole team hasn’t. With one member down, they had to do overtime most nights in order to be one step ahead of the bad guys.
Before he could drive off the scene, his passenger side door opened and Kevin sat down and buckled himself in without permission.
“Hey man, mind giving me a ride to the office? I rode with Jay and he’s still getting footage.”
“Nah, you got it.” Adam took off, heading back to the district. He didn’t talk much on the ride there. He just focused on not letting his eyelids close.
Kevin tried to ease the silence, “So, have you heard from her?”
Adam sighed and rubbed his forehead. “No, I haven’t. I’ve called her everyday. I’ve even dropped by her place a couple of times. She doesn’t want to be heard. Or seen.”
Kevin looked at Adam with sympathy. “Give it time. She took it hard.”
Adam answered as they pulled up to the parking lot.
“Yeah, I just don’t feel okay with it. Something doesn’t seem right.”
buzz, buzz. buzz, buzz.
It took everything in Kim to open her eyes. She rarely gets any sleep anymore; she is either pulling all-nighters or she is waking up sporadically at odd hours of the night. Her new lifestyle, as she would call it, isn’t the most healthy. She doesn’t have a sleep schedule, doesn’t have anything but beer in her fridge, and always wakes up hungover. But she doesn’t really care. She’ll do anything to keep going through life at this point. She takes every opportunity to rest her eyes, and she waits until the last seconds to rise out of her slumber. The light was already shining through her half closed curtains, and it took a few seconds for eyes to adjust. She yawned and stretched her arms before reaching for phone, reading the new message that she just got. However, before she could read it, she had a missed call notification. Kim sighed, she could probably guess who it was from. Nevertheless, she opened her phone and played the missed message.
*one voicemail from Adam Ruzek*
“Hey Kim. Just checking up on you. I haven’t heard from you in a while and I know you’re probably upset over everything that happened. I know I am. I miss being able to see my friend everyday at the office. Um, anyways, I just want to make sure you’re doing well. The whole team wants to make sure. Kevin won’t stop bothering me about making sure you’re doing good. I’ve tried visiting, but you must not have been home. Maybe we can meet for coffee or something. I have to go, but please. Just call me. Reach out. And know that I’m already here for you.”
Adam has called Kim everyday for two months now, ever since Kim left intelligence. And everyday, Kim would either sleep through it or she would ignore it. And everyday, Adam would leave a voicemail. Sometimes short, sometimes long. Always asking if she is okay and if she can call him back. Kim couldn’t help but laugh at how persistent Adam is. He will probably never stop calling he’s so stubborn. He’s probably just doing it out of spite now. Part of Kim wanted to pick up the phone one day and tell him to leave her alone and stop calling. To forget about her because she is not coming back. Part of her wanted to answer the call and just tell him the truth. But she knew that she couldn’t do either, because it would distract her from her new life.
Kim remembered the day like it was yesterday. The day that changed her life forever.
Two months ago.
The bastards that raped her sister, Nicole, were fully released. Kim dreaded that day, because she knew that she had to inform Nicole of the news. Nicole was healing to the best of her abilities. She felt okay living on her own, but every once in a while she would call Kim, scared and crying. When she heard of the news, Nicole was shocked and felt uneasy. She said that she felt unsafe and asked if Kim could stay the night with her. Kim obviously said yes, but she feared that Nicole would start to retreat to her previous ways.
Within a week of the release of the two men, two women were found in the basement of the train station with obvious signs of rape and signs of drugs in their system similar to what Nicole experienced. After hearing the news of the two women, Kim’s fear turned out to be a reality. Nicole would not leave her house, and she begged Kim to stay at her apartment during the night. Kim often times had to stay late to work on the case, so she would leave Nicole on speaker phone, being there for support and calming her down when her anxiety picked up.
A week later, two more women were found in the train station. It was enough for Intelligence to be looped in. All of the women were drugged with ketamine and raped. They couldn’t remember anything, other than they were invited to an after party after being out at bars.
Kim immediately saw similarities in this case with Nicole’s. She wanted to go a storm the two men’s apartment, but the team shot her down.
“We have no other leads,” Jay tried to reason. “There’s no evidence that it’s the two men, and there’s not enough probably cause for a warrant.”
“Are you kidding me? Of course there’s enough evidence. This is the same exact scenario we saw four years ago. The exact same. You can’t tell me this isn’t enough probably cause.” Kim replied.
“Kim, I get it, okay. I do. But we have no dna evidence, nothing useful from the women. A judge won’t sign off on a warrant. And who’s to say these aren’t just other men?” Hailey jumped in. Even though she wasn’t there when the first case went down, Hailey had heard about it when she arrived. She heard Kim’s concern about the release of the two men about a year ago. She felt for Kim, she really did; but she also understood Jay and knew it wouldn’t be enough for a warrant.
Kim let out a sigh, shaking her head. She was about to respond when Adam jumped in, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Let’s just try to find some evidence. Let’s pull pod footage and see who dropped off those two women.”
It was obvious Kim herself wasn’t handling the news well, either, and the team could tell. She couldn’t shake the feeling of Nicole missing. She couldn’t shake the image of Nicole helpless on a bench at the station. So helpless, no one even looking her way. And she can’t can’t shake the fact that Nicole was doing so good, actually taking a step forward before those two bastards were released. Now, all Kim could do was watch Nicole retreat to her previous ways. She tried being there for Nicole, but Nicole was shutting her out again.
If Kim couldn’t be there for Nicole physically, she was going to do everything in her power to make Nicole feel safe again. She was the first one at work and the last to leave. She just threw herself on the case, which meant getting little sleep or lunch breaks. Even without knowing for sure it was the same two men, Kim had a gut feeling that it was, and it made her sick to her stomach that they got off so easily. Kim asked to run point on the field, but because this case was so close to her, Voight said no without hesitation.
“Kim, I get it. You’re close to this. But I can’t have you going off the books like you did last time.”
“Sarge, please. I won’t. I—“ Kim tried but was shot down by Voight again, this time more assertive.
“No. I’ve made my decision. No further questions. Kim you will run the calls in the office and you are not to go on the field. Got it? Cause if not you can just go home.” Voight stared down Kim. He wanted to make a point to not only her but also the whole team that he is in charge.
The bullpen was silent, and there was so much tension in the room no one dared to even breathe. Kim could feel all eyes on her, waiting for her to make a move.
“Yes sir,” was all Kim could get out before clearing her throat and shifting her eyes to her desk, almost in embarrassment. Adam swallowed hard, he felt so bad for Kim.
“Good. So what do we got?” Voight slid his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders, getting back to business.
“We tried searching for pod footage of the train station, but couldn’t find anyone dropping the women off. Instead, we pulled video footage from the club.” Rojas began typing in her computer while the other gathered around her. Kim still sat at her desk. She felt like she couldn’t move. She was still stunned at what Voight did. And right in front of everyone too. Adam went to see the footage but kept a close eye on Kim.
“Here, you see the two victims, getting into a car. But you only see a portion of the faces of the two men.” Kevin explained.
“So not enough for facial rec.” Jay stated.
“No, but if you pause the video right here.” Kevin stopped the clip and zoomed in on one of the men’s arm, “You can see a scar on the shoulder. I ran all credit card transactions and the same two men that got Kim’s sister were there that night.”
“How does the scar link the same two men to both crimes?” Hailey asked out loud.
“Kim stabbed one of the guys in the shoulder as self defense.” Adam answered quickly, being sure not to share too much information in case Kim was sensitive to it. Everyone looked to Kim, seeing if she had a reaction. She instead was still staring at her desk. Jay began to put the pieces together.
“Do you think that’s enough probable evidence?”
“It can be.” Voight answered, starting to walk away from the desk. “Hailey, Jay, get together a paper lineup. Go see if the women can point out the suspects. Good job Rojas and Atwater. Write up a warrant for the judge.”
“Thank you sir.”
“Got it.”
Everyone stirred to action. Hailey printed out a sheet of random men, with the two suspects on there to see if the women can identify them. Jay put on his jacket and they headed downstairs to the hospital. The sudden noise and movement stirred Kim from her thoughts. She quietly rose from her desk and went to the locker room to splash water in her face. To her dismay, Adam saw Kim her up and he followed her. He wanted to make sure she was okay.
“Hey, Kim. You doing alright? Voight went down on you pretty hard.” Adam followed her into the locker room and closed the door, for privacy. She was drying off her face with a towel, and she turned to walk back out, not meeting his gaze.
“I’m good, Adam. I just want to catch these bastards.” Kim tried to move past him but he stepped in front of her, not letting her out the door.
“No, really. How are you doing? With everything?”
Kim sighed. She didn’t want to express what she was truly feeling, and she especially didn’t want to in front of Adam. Even though they had been through a lot together, this felt different. This not only affected her, but it also affected her sister and her niece. Her family. However, she knew that he wasn’t going to let her leave without doing so, so she opened up a little.
“I feel like I’m helpless. I can’t do anything up here sitting at a desk, that won’t help Nicole. That won’t help those two women. God, I just need to be out there. I need to close this case.” Kim ran her hands through her hair and then put her head in her hands, almost in self defeat.
adam places his hands on her arms, rubbing them up and down to try to sooth her. He gently consoled her, “Hey. Hey. It’s okay. You are helping by being up here. A lot. You have to be strong. For Nicole. And when we get these perps, when we do, you’ll be able to tell her you helped put those men away. We will get these perps. I will make sure of it. For you. I’m always here for you, Kim.”
Kim calmed down a little. She started to give in to her tiredness and fell into a hug when her mind ran back to the case, and she remembered that she had work to do.
“Yeah, thanks.” She pulled away and slid past him to head back to her desk to bury herself with paperwork.
Unfortunately, the two women weren’t able to identify the two men. They were too drugged to remember much of anything. However, the judge did sign off on a house warrant, saying there’s enough probably cause without the women identifying the suspects. The suspects being the same two men that assaulted Nicole and attempted rape on Kim and Erin. This information made Kim sick to her stomach. She knew that they should have been charged with more and sentenced to more time behind bars. Her gut feeling was proving to be true. She knew it had to be the guys. Fortunately, because of this, and with the previous evidence, Intelligence didn’t have to do any undercover operation. Kim was at least pleased with this, because she certainly couldn’t have gone under again, and she didn’t want anyone else going through what she and Erin did years past.
“We’re fifteen minutes out.”
“Copy. No one moves in until I say.”
“Copy that, Sarge.”
It was just past 11:00 pm, so the team was going to the nightclub that their phone pinged to about 15 minutes ago.
“Just rolled in. Both of their cars are here.”
“Twelve minutes out.”
Suddenly, a notification popped up on Kim’s computer screen. This changed everything. Kim clenched a fist, tensing up at the thought of the two men taking advantage of another pair of women. In the very same room that they tried to take advantage of her. In the very same room where Nicole was raped. She made a split second decision, and before she could talk herself out of it, she grabbed her jacket and her car keys. She headed for the back exit in order to avoid running past Trudy.
She didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She just knew that she had to see this case through.
Kim sighed. Adam. Never fails. She rubbed her eyes to try to get herself to forget about him, and she looked at her other missed massages.
*one text message from Ryan*
Babe. The cave. One hour. And don’t forget the beer.
Kim quickly look at the time.
11:43 am. Shit.
She only had twenty minutes until she would be late. And she could never be too late. Not with Ryan. She sprang out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
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kim-bobbae · 4 years
87. “I saved you a seat.”
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“I don’t get it,” He said flatly, evidently annoyed. “You’re always complaining about me being away and when I’m finally back you’re throwing a fit cos me sitting here and watching you work stresses you out? Come on.”
“I’m not throwing a fit,” You argued.
“Yeah?” He challenged, raising a brow as he folded his arms and leaned back on the sofa behind your desk, eyes staring you down.
“Do you want my company or not?” He asked, the straightforwardness catching you a little off guard.
“You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to…” You murmured, then clicked your tongue in annoyance at the sound of your email notification as you swiveled in your chair and turned your attention back to your desktop.
“If you don’t want to…” He repeated after you, rolling his eyes.
He knew very well that you were ‘in the zone’ with the pile of work that you had to do, and how fickle minded yet demanding your client was being on a Saturday night was doing nothing to make your job any easier. But he especially hated it whenever you used that line on him because what the fuck, why did it have to be on him. There he was, despite being jet lagged himself, giving you shoulder massages and trying to talk you through your stresses but all he got in response was you swatting his hands away and asking him to leave you alone cos it was getting distracting.
“Yeah whatever I don’t really deserve this crap after trying so hard to help you keep your emotions in check if you, a grown working professional, can’t deal with your own responsibilities,” He stated.
And that kinda hurt.
“Jay-” You started, swallowing a potential outburst as your eyes were still fixated on the screen, scanning through the endless lines of requirements your client had just sent, unreasonably asking to be met by the same night.
He watched as you closed your eyes, dropped your head to the table and your hands grabbed at your hair, then wordlessly picked up his keys and cast one last glance before making his way out of the study.
“I’m just trying to finish so I can make it-” You tried explaining after calming down, but the click of the main door signaling that he had left your apartment only drew out a long, heavy sigh. “…tonight.”
“Ayeee,” Gray greeted as soon as Jay entered the office.
“Long time no see!”
“Hey,” He said with a small smile.
Having left your house a few hours ago, Jay had sought solace in his studio, attempting to distract himself by working on some new tracks but obviously none of them were coming out satisfactory and it was adding on to his exasperation on top of the whole episode between the two of you this afternoon.
It rarely ended with him walking out on you even though he usually preferred to have some time to cool off before talking it out on the occasion that you guys argued. But ever since he left for the world tour, you struggled to keep yourself mentally sane with the ridiculous workload that you were facing at your new job and the lack of mental and emotional support. It was easier when he was around – you would bring your work to his office if you had to work overtime, he would come over to write his lyrics, but more importantly, he could pull you into his arms whenever he saw that the stress was driving you up the wall.
Needless to say, the past five months was a real struggle with you often crying over the phone to him despite your best efforts to keep it in. He knew the nature of your work and your low threshold for work stress, but he didn’t expect that you would have driven him away even after not seeing him for so long when he had put in the effort to spend time with you instead of recovering from his jet lag.
“What’s up? Everything okay?” Kiseok asked, reaching his hand out for a handshake.
“Yeah of course,” He shrugged.
“Is Ji Eun not joining us tonight?”
“Maybe later, she’s kinda held up at work,” He replied, casually going over to the refrigerator to grab himself a drink to avoid any further questions about you.
It worked, though, as everyone went on to catch up with one another, chilling with some card games and Nitendo Switch as per the usual.
The guys at AOMG had arranged for a casual gathering at the office on a Saturday night to congratulate Jay on concluding his successful world tour.
“You coming?” 
Your phone buzzed, and you diverted your attention from your bedroom ceiling to your mobile phone as the message preview from Hoody lit up the screen.
It was only three hours into the said time of the party when you had finally sent out the documents to your client, a huge wave of relief coming over you as you slumped into your seat, wanting to just stare into blank space and do absolutely nothing for a while.
“I don’t know, should I? I just got done with work and it’s super late though.”
“Duh, it’s a party for Jay, come and chill out. Pretty sure he’s been waiting, he seems pretty restless.”
You sighed, putting your phone face down on the table then rubbed your face, sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was a no brainer that you wanted to be there to celebrate the occasion with him. More than that, it was the end of all the woes of long distance that the both of you were more excited about cos if anyone thought Jay was busy in Korea, he was almost untouchable on a tour, though you had to commend his efforts to squeeze in a Facetime call every other night or sometimes even getting DJ Wegun to film it so you could watch him perform for a bit.
Maybe it was the fact that he had not been physically around you for so long that needed some getting used to, but you honestly didn’t mean to come off the wrong way when you asked him to leave you alone. Of course you wanted the hugs and the kisses, but at that point of time you just needed to get the work done as soon as possible.
“Ugh I’m a mess,” You groaned, as you walked over to the mirror beside your wardrobe – the dark circles were deeper than the pits of your stomach and your complexion was embarrassing from the lack of proper sleep the past couple of days.
Nevertheless, you picked out a casual set of clothes and with some make up and self-convincing, you managed to get yourself out of the house and to the office.
Yeah, it’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be fun. You repeated mentally.
“Ji Eun!” Loco greeted with a grin as soon as you walked in.
“Hey…” You smiled, unable to mask the weariness in your voice. “Sorry I’m late, but I brought some chips to make up for it if that’s okay.”
Jay’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice, and the way everyone’s attention was turning to you made it impossible for him to avoid looking at you.
“Aw you didn’t have to,” Kiseok said, hands on your shoulders as he brought you over to where everyone else was sitting.
“Everything at work okay?” Elo asked gently, noticing your lack of energy.
“Oh you know, the usual,” You shrugged.
Taking a quick glance around you had noticed that the only seat available was the one beside Jay and it was then when you linked arms with Hoody and walked towards the ice box, naturally avoiding Jay as you caught up with her in a hushed conversation. After all, you didn’t want to put it out there that their boss just had a fight with his girlfriend, nor did you want to ruin the atmosphere with talk about work at a party.
Jay could not help but take quick glances at you from time to time, the crease in your forehead and the subtle frown on your face as you spoke about what he assumed to be work woes to Hoody only making him feel worse about this afternoon. After all, you guys haven’t had proper quality time since he touched down yesterday for him to notice the weight you had lost and your lack of energy.
“You okay?” Loco asked, noticing how Jay went quiet ever since your arrival.
“Ya Hoody, don’t steal his girl, it’s his party today,” Ugly Duck remarked, turning all the attention on you.
“Sorry wha-?”
“Join us, we were just getting started with another round of drinks!” Sungwoo chimed.
“I saved you a seat,” Jay said in the quietest voice, barely looking at you as he cleared his throat.
You bit your lip, looking up at Jay for a split second before the both of you looked away from each other simultaneously. You tried as best as possible to stall for time and lingered awkwardly around Wonjae at the opposite end of the room. By now, it was becoming a little obvious that something wasn’t right between the both of you, but they knew better than to spell it out until a slightly tipsy Kiseok broke the silence.
“What? Afraid that you’ll jump on each other? Go ahead, we’ll look away,” Kiseok chuckled.
Seeing that Jay was having none of it as he smacked Kiseok’s head with a cushion, you took the opportunity while their attention was diverted and excused yourself to the pantry.
You sighed, unwrapping a bowl of instant ramen as you began regretting your decision to even turn up at the party when really, you would rather curl up in bed with Netflix than tread carefully around Jay after months of long distance.
Jay figured that it wasn’t wise to drag this out any longer and finally got up from the couch, biting on his inner cheek as he walked up to you quietly. There you were, sitting on the bar stool at the island, propping your chin on your hand as you stared blankly at the electric kettle not even noticing that he had walked right up beside you.
“Haven’t had dinner?”
“Oh…no, kinda made my way here as soon as I was done,” You explained, surprised, then pressed your lips to form a tight line.
He then reached for the bowl, unwrapping the condiments and wordlessly prepared it for you.
“Thanks,” You whispered.
“No worries.”
And for a while you sat there, looking at him whilst biting on your lip, not exactly sure of what to say to get rid of the deafening silence.
Noticing this from the side of his eye, he let out a soft chuckle, “What?”
“Nothing,” You replied, and as he looked at you with a brow raised, you sighed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drive you away...”
“Me too,” He sighed, leaning down to rest his elbows on the island as he brought his face closer to yours. “I’m sorry.”
A part of you wanted to go off on a long ass apology, but a part of you didn’t want to start this whole drama all over again, nor did you really have any emotional energy left in you. Instead, you simply looked at him, the both of you staying like that for the longest time.
“I know, you don’t have to say anything,” He said, finally wrapping his arms around your frame and pulling you closer to him.
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sunlightdances · 4 years
One Good Reason: (2/5) - Dean x Reader
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader Chapter Warnings: Anxious thoughts and feelings, but otherwise no major warnings. Series Summary: Dean never brings women back to the bunker. It figures the one time he breaks his own rule, the state issues a lockdown. Navigating the next month is an exercise in trust, patience, and falling in love. Author’s Note: More setup in this short chapter, but I promise there’s some action (*wiggles eyebrows*) coming soon! Stick with it, friends. Also: my new page divider is by the amazing @writeyourmindaway!
Series Masterlist / Complete Masterlist
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You hang up with your boss, a little stunned by how quick he was to tell you to stay where you are. You haven’t really thought this through at all - you have to get your laptop, and figure out how you’re going to basically live with three strangers and manage not to get a potentially deadly virus. Easy.
Dean comes back after a while, freshly showered, and you do your best not to stare at the way his shirt sticks to his damp chest, or how sharp his jaw looks now that he’s shaved.
You’re still berating yourself for being so stupid. You hardly ever go home with people, especially strangers. But after a work conference where you were routinely talked over by your male counterparts, you needed a drink, and headed to the nearest bar, where you met Dean.
You were captivated by him right away. He was obviously attractive, but you think it’s his personality that really did you in - charming and funny, a little self-deprecating - and before you could tell yourself it was a bad idea, you were kissing him against the brick wall outside on the way to his car.
Why you didn’t just go back to your hotel, you have no clue.
And now this.
“Sounds like I’m going to take you up on your offer,” you say, “if it still stands.”
He’s surprised for a second, but covers it well. “Are you sure?”
“Well, I don’t really have any other options. I could fly home right now, but looking online, the lines at the airport and ticket prices to change my flight mean I’d be spending way more than I can afford.” You fiddle with your phone. “If this isn’t too weird, I think staying here would be the best option.” You suddenly feel a swell of anxiety at the entire situation.
Dean must pick up on your mood swing, because he reaches over, taking your hand, surprising you. “Hey, like I said earlier. Probably better you’re not alone, huh?” He gives your hand a squeeze before letting go, getting to his feet with renewed resolve. “Want a tour?”
The hallways are never-ending. You have to admit - the cool tile floors and walls and deep wood paneling everywhere is intricate, and you sort of can’t believe this place is real.
“We inherited this place from our grandfather,” Dean tells you, walking slow next to you. “He was-- eccentric.”
You snort. “No kidding.”
“Still - we weren’t going to turn it down.”
You look at Dean questioningly.
“Sam and I-- we were-- army brats.” He seems to stumble over the words, but you’ve known people who grew up like he and his brother, and they never liked to talk about it either. “We moved around a lot. When our Dad died, we just-- felt kind of lost. This place was our first chance to put down some roots.”
He shows you the large bathrooms and a few bedrooms, telling you that you should pick whatever one you like.
“We have to go for a grocery run, so we can stop by the hotel and get the rest of your stuff then.”
You notice he skips past a few doors on his way back to the kitchen, but you don’t ask, not wanting to be rude.
“Sure, that would be good.” You pause, “Uh, any chance you have gloves and a mask? Might want it at the store.”
He frowns. “Shit, you’re right.” He snaps his fingers when he remembers something, “I work on cars, I definitely have gloves and might have a mask or two.”
You both pause for a minute as the reality of the situation sets over you.
“Uh, Dean? Should we--” You stop, anxiety swelling again, “We’ve never met before yesterday, and I traveled here. Are you sure I should stay here? What if I’m sick? What if I give it to you, and you give it to your brother, and your friend--”
“Hey,” Dean’s voice is calm, soothing, as he bends his knees slightly so he can look you in the eye. “If you’re sick, then I’ve got it already. The best thing we can do is just hang out here and wait. Hopefully we’re both good, but we’ll figure it out either way, okay?”
You try to take a few deep breaths. “You’re right. Okay.”
“Come on, a few more places to see, and then we’ll go get your stuff.”
After a few more minutes, the two of you end up back in the kitchen where you started.
Sam is there, and sends you a reassuring smile. He’s scribbling on a piece of paper, and passes it over across the table. “Grocery list,” he says, “add whatever you want.” You start to protest, but he stops you. “You’re stuck here with us; it’s the least we can do.”
Embarrassingly, you feel tears well in your eyes. This is-- well, the situation and circumstances suck. But the way it’s playing out? These guys are being more welcoming to you than most of your friends would be.
You write a few things, not wanting to overstep, and slide it back to Sam.
“We’ll drop you back at the hotel and then we can pick you up after we get groceries. Sound good?” Dean asks, and you nod.
A half hour later, you’re waving at them as they drive into town towards the Kroger, and you head up to your hotel room. The cleaning crew is working overtime, apparently, and you’re grateful that you have a place to get your bearings for a few minutes.
In your room, you pack up whatever you had out of your suitcase and head into the bathroom to take a shower and get your toiletries. At the last minute, you swipe a few extra tiny shampoos and conditioners - you have no idea if Sam and Dean have anything for guests, and who knows if Amazon would even be able to find their place.
Dean texts you after another half hour saying that they’re coming to get you and wanting to know if you need help with your bags. You text him your room number and head over to open the door, leaving it propped open by your backpack.
A few minutes later, a soft knock on the open door alerts you to Dean, standing in the doorway, a soft smile on his face.
“Hey. Need a hand?”
You nod, suddenly unsure of what to say. You feel different now that you’re here, in a hotel room with him. All you can picture is what it would have been like if you had stayed here with him last night.
He clears his throat to get your attention, your gaze having slipped to the bed.
“Having second thoughts?”
Is it just you, or is his voice a little huskier as he looks at you? You remember his eyes being one of the big reasons you were attracted to him the night before. A deep olive green, you find yourself unable to look away now, wondering if he’s feeling even a fraction of what you’re feeling right now.
You jerk yourself out of your thoughts. “Uh-- no. No, let’s go. I’m all packed.” You’ve had your purse since the night before, so you stuff it in your backpack and haul it over your shoulder. Dean takes your larger suitcase, and then you’re following him out, down the stairs, and out to the parking lot where Sam is waiting.
You feel the heat of Dean’s hand at the small of your back, and you wonder if he even realizes he’s doing it.
Back home, the bunker, they affectionately call it, Dean reminds you where the bedrooms are and tells you to pick whichever one you like. You still feel a little awkward about doing it at all, but you choose a pretty bare bedroom and start unpacking the clothes you’ve got with you.
Sam finds you a while later. “Hey,” he says after knocking gently on the door to get your attention. “I just wanted to make sure you were getting settled okay.”
You smile, though you’re sure it’s a little awkward. “As well as I can be,” you shrug. “Thank you, again, for letting me stay. I would have gone crazy at the hotel.”
Sam opens his mouth to say something else, but he’s interrupted by Dean appearing in the doorway. The two seem to have a silent conversation before Sam gives you one more smile and then heads off down the hall.
“Have everything you need?” Dean asks.
You nod, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. Why was this so unbearably awkward? You’ve literally seen each other naked. Feeling heat rise to your cheeks, that’s suddenly all you can think about.
“I think I’m going to do some work - try to get things sorted. If that’s okay.”
Dean shifts his weight. “Of course-- I… don’t feel like you need to tiptoe around this place. Or me,” he adds, meeting your eyes.
“Thanks, Dean.”
Something shifts in the air between you, and you start to think that maybe this won’t be so terrible after all.
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kessielrg · 3 years
Comeback Kid: Part 2
Summary: More third person additions to the chaos rp that @chibi-mushroom​ and @animacreates​  are doing.This time, Sabrina has spontaneously decided to break up with Ventus after what could amount to a nervous breakdown. In the aftermath, she is forced to take all her vacation time and become reacquainted with one of her favorite hobbies. But is it enough to get over Ven, or will the memory of him be too much to ignore? 
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2,398
Part: 1 | 2 | 3
If you liked this story, please reblog!
One of these days, Sabrina was going to have to ask Brain what the name of his cologne was. In the same breath, she needed to harass him on how much he used on a normal day. The cinnamon scent lingered on the still dryer warm t-shirt she had stolen. It was comforting. For once in her life, she was glad not to be surround by her purple obsession. The scent of lavender may be calming, but at the moment all it was going to do was remind her of the apartment.
And of Ventus.
Good thing Brain wasn't as vain as she was- the only mirror he really had was in the bathroom, attached to the medicine cabinet. If Sabrina had a full body mirror right now, she would have admired just all the ways she could have made Ven jealous. Brain's shirt didn't fall very low on her, but the old leggings she found were enough to cause a direct gaze to her butt. She was almost confident with herself again. Almost. Purposely being alluring to someone didn't mean the same if you didn't actually have someone to allure.
Sabrina grimaced to herself in the mirror, fluffing her hair a bit for something to do. She couldn't look herself in the eye. The last time she looked at herself in a mirror was when she skipped out on Ven. It's only been a day, and it still made her flinch. She had to leave the bathroom before she started to panic again. She went to the living room to find Brain sitting on his couch. The TV showing off some livestream on how to jailbreak a certain console. Sabrina walked up and placed her arms on the back of the couch.
“Could you hold off on being a blatant nerd? You're not even paying attention to it.”
Brain laughing, craning his neck to look up at her. “My house, my rules.” he told her. Then he got a good look at what she was wearing, and laughed. “And here I thought I was done with girls stealing my shirts.”
Sabrina let out a loud, incredibly fake gasp. “You had a sex life? Wow!”
“I could have told you about her if you had just asked. We dated for about a year. Not that I think I would have let you two share a room- you'd scare her.”
“I scare a lot of people. It's not even a challenge anymore.” Sabrina smirked. She moved around to sit next to him. Once she was comfortably sitting, she then asked, “So she was a good one?”
“Very good.” Brain agreed with a wide, incredibly fond, grin. Sabrina immediately recognized it as a grin of true love and scoffed.
“Oh shush, you.” her brother teased, forcing her to lay her head on his chest. She struggled for a moment out of annoyance. When she finally gave up, that was when Brain removed his hand from her head. Instead of sitting back up, though, she remained leaning on him. Brain did pick up the remote to change the TV setting so they could watch something on live broadcast. From there, the duo sat in a peaceful silence.
During the change between shows, Brain laid his head against Sabrin'as in thought.
“Hey Wabi-Sabi.” he mused. His voice was rather soft.
“Yeah?” she replied, her attention not leaving what was on the television.
“Do you remember, back before old Oz took us in, and we tried to spend a night out on the playground at Walt Memorial Park?”
Sabrina shifted a bit in her spot. Her face slightly darker than before as she asked, “Was that before or after the time we almost got caught by some officer around 2 AM?”
“You know what? I think it was that day.” Brain snorted. “But way before that, before the sun went down. Do you remember what we talked about?”
Admittedly, she had to close her eyes to try to remember. They nearly snapped open again as she realized, “It was about Mom, wasn't it? Why she left us.”
Brain gave her a solemn nod. “Not going to lie Sabi, I bluffed about a lot of that stuff. I wasn't there when Mom made the choice. I barely understood that she was the one who even made the choice to keep us together. Back then, I just assumed that they kept siblings together because who wouldn't? But I had to tell you something that night. You had just run away from another family. You were dead convinced that you couldn't be loved.''
“Why are you telling me this?”
“No reason,” he informed her with a grin. “Just thinkin' out loud, I guess.”
“Liar.” she spat, purposely using her elbow to poke at his side. Brain didn't refute the notion. If anything, he just laughed.
“So,” Brain then said, “What's your game plan for the next month? Oswald cashed in all that overtime and vacation pay you had. I can't see you just jogging between here and the old man's house everyday.”
“Shows what you know.” his sis huffed. “Just for that, I think I'm going to have you personally move all my stuff here.”
“What are you doing with the apartment, speaking of?” Brain asked.
“I don't know.” she admitted in a half grumble. “I'd let the lease run out, but that's still for another four months.”
“You really think you two will apologize between that time?”
Sabrina didn't answer. Instead, her face twisted into one of absolute disgust.
“Never said that.” she hissed.
“Sure, sure.” Brain laughed. “Just don't want you sitting at home with old Hollywood movies and ice cream, that's all.”
“Do you not know me at all?” Sabrina demanded, shoving him with enough force to make him move like a bobblehead for a moment. Brain's mirth did not let up. Sabrina gave her brother another disgusted grimace, but his words stuck with her.
Later on, while debating if she should clear her phone of certain numbers, Sabrina stopped scrolling through to see the name of her ex-boyfriend, Max. Max had been her first serious boyfriend, and they had managed to stay on good terms after the breakup. Sabrina made a single second choice, leading to her listening to the phone ring over as she waited for him to answer. She felt kinda dumb while waiting- was she really that self centered to think tha Max would have the time to even...
“Hey Max.” Sabrina greeted, almost in surprise, when he picked up the phone. “Yeah, I know it's been awhile. That's actually why I'm calling. You want to go to that little tea shop on Main Street tomorrow? I get it if you have other places to be since it's last minute...”
There was just one thing she could always count on in Max; he was patient when the situation called for it. Hearing him on the other end brought up a sense of relief she got from only a select few individuals.
“Thanks Max.” she sighed. “I just… need someone to talk to someone that isn't family. Yeah, I'm fine. Really. I'll tell you more later. Bye.”
Sabrina let out a long sigh. Well, that was one bandaid ripped off. Now to deal with the other; getting new clothes.
. . .
This island really was kinda small when you thought about it. She just hoped that no one Ventus knew would recognize her. Then again, the clothes she bought yesterday were darker colors meant to blend in with the crowd. If they managed to recognize her, hopefully she'd be long gone before they could flag her down. Seeing Max casually checking his phone outside the tea shop brought Sabrina a massive sigh of relief.
“Hey Max!” she shouted at him. He looked up and grinned at seeing her.
“Hey stranger.” he greeted with a grin. Once they were close enough they shared a rather heartfelt hug. “You wearing heels today? I knew you had legs for days, but I could've sworn you were shorter than this.”
“Nice try.” Sabrina smirked. She stood a bit taller over the fact that Max was several inches shorter than her. His height was perfect when they were dating- considering what he was nearly in direct eye line of. “You know I've never worn heels around you.”
“I used to be taller than you.” he jokingly pouted.
“Yeah,” she snorted. “For a whole summer.”
Max went into a laugh that was so light and joyful that Sabrina gave a small half smile. Bouncing more banter off each other, the duo headed on into the tea shop. Max found them a corner table near a back window.
“Anything look good?” Sabrina asked as they looked over the menu.
“Haven't had a tea party since I was swindled into one as a kid.” Max mused. “So I guess whatever you want to eat, and I'll take a cup of coffee.”
“How come you're only really adventurous when it comes to extreme sports?” Sabrina teased as she flagged down a waiter.
“Hey, if it's not broke, don't fix it.”
Sabrina just shook her head with a roll of her eyes.
“Welcome to Hightopp & Kingsleigh!” the server girl greeted. “May I recommend the earl grey this afternoon? Fresh from the pot!”
“No thanks.” Sabrina callously told her with a flick of her wrist. “We'll take a pot of peppermint rooibos, a baker's dozen of ladyfingers, and a single black coffee.”
“Sure thing!” the server girl agreed, writing it down on the notepad before heading to the back kitchen.
Sabrina and Max continued to have idle talks with themselves while they waited. There was no one else in this world that Sabrina could tolerate meaningless talks than with Max. They both said whatever was on their mind as it came. Thankfully, time away meant that they had plenty to reflect on. Unfortunately, it meant that at some point, current matters were going to be brought up as well.
She should have really asked to have a refill of hot water for the tea pot before even breathing Ventus's name.
“You just left him?!”
Sabrina groaned as she rubbed her temples. “Yeah...” she groaned. “His dad… I just hate his dad so much, Max. Then he started talking about marriage, and trying to convince Ven into whatever shady deal he's got going next, and it was just… Just…!” She looked up at Max to give a gesture of strangling an invisible neck, and it was enough to convey the message.
“All because your least favorite coworker was getting married as well?”
“And, like, everyone else around us! Ven's brother, two other guys from the station. How about we just chill for a hot second and realize that a ring isn't the only indicator of a good relationship?”
“You really should have gotten chamomile.” Max noted as he watched Sabrina take a rather long slip of her tea.
“Peppermint's better for stress.” she shot at him.
“If you say so,” Max replied, throwing his hands in the air to show innocence. Sabrina glared at him, but relented with a heavy sigh. Max looked her over. She had gone back to rubbing her temples and muttering rather unkind things under her breath. He had never really seen her in conflict before- or at least, this much conflict. Which meant he had to ask. Someone had to.
“Would things really change that much if you did marry him?”
Sabrina clung to the side of her head, her fingers clenching in her hair.
“No.” she finally admitted in a small grumble. “Just a different check box to fill when tax season comes around. It's the only excuse I can really think of. We're already living together, have at least one joint bank account because of it, and all that domestic bliss. We even have a chore chart, like a bunch of kids.”
“So what's holding you back?”
Sabrina grimaced -her teeth grinding- as her whole body tensed. Carefully, Max placed a hand on her arm. She looked up at him with the sole intention of smacking him away. But in seeing his sincere expression, she nearly started crying.
“Maxie,” she quietly told him “Is it bad I'd rather give him a kid than tie the knot?”
“Definitely unorthodox.” he mused with a solemn nod. “Maybe they feel like less of an obligation? You know the deal; some parents just drop their kids off to whoever, or just don't pay attention to them. Then they turn around and brag they're the best parents ever.”
“I can't do that to him.” she heavily sighed. “I just can't. And even then, I don't think I'm ready for a kid. Or any drama that happens during or after the pregnancy. Maybe when I'm 30? But doing so now just makes me sick.”
“Ah,” was all Max could say. He went into thought over this development. When a new idea came to him, he snapped his fingers as if he had solved a major mystery. “You said Oswald's making you take the next month off from work, right? Maybe it's time for a change.”
“Max,” Sabrina told him, even rather condescendingly placing a hand on top of his. “I am not going full Britney Spears and shaving my hair off. The mental breakdown was enough.”
“No,” he laughed, “Nothing like that. Look, you used to love dancing. Right? Roxanne is a teacher at the local dance studio. She mostly teaches the younger kids, but she's been itching for private lessons in her off time. Go take the edge off a bit. Do some pivots off the mirror, or spin around a lamppost for a hot second. Be that dramatic princess I know you are. Be yourself. I mean, it's not like Oswald's gonna let you head back into work right away anyway. Might as well make the most of it.”
“Next you'll be telling me that I should start writing a novel.”
“Well, I mean, if that's what you need...”
It hurt, but Sabrina forced herself to laugh. She looked up at Max and just smiled.
“I can't believe I know a lot of good guys.” she laughed, leaning over a bit to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Maxie.”
Max let out a shy little laugh as his face lit up a scarlet red.
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pixieposts · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 26
Today’s prompt was “recovery” so this is a little companion piece to yesterday’s prompt.  I got all my medical info from healthline and mayoclinic.  This will be the very last prompt I fill!  I’ve already written 27 and 28, so I’ll have finished with exactly 7 days to spare (it’s the 23rd right now).  I hope you enjoy!
Specific TW’s
Brief descriptions of injuries
Beau and Yasha arrived at the hospital around noon to pick them up.  Fjord had called that morning, explaining the situation and worrying that the truck would be too hard for Caleb to get into.  The door flew open, and Caleb winced at the sound.  
“Beau, concussion remember?” Fjord glared  
“Shit- right sorry man”  
She walked over, a sheepish look on her face as she stopped to take in the scene.  Fjord knew what she was seeing, because he saw it too.  Caleb covered in bandages and bruises, Caleb in a cast, in a hospital, with tubes all around him.  Caleb hurt.  He caught her eye and grimaced sympathetically; it would be hard for her.  A large hand landed on his shoulder and he looked up to see Yasha smiling tentatively at him.
“We brought clothes”  
“Danke Yasha, Beauregard, that was very thoughtful of you”  
“No naked ginger butts in the van”  
“Such a wonderful sister, your concern is touching”  
“I don’t want your ass touching the seats is all”  
Fjord rolled his eyes and stood, leaning forward to hit the buzzer for the nurse's station.  
The next hour was a blur of activity while the nurse got Caleb unhooked from his machines, Fjord walked him (probably too slowly) to the bathroom to help him change from the hospital gown to the clothes Beau had brought.  She had made excellent choices, soft worn sweatpants and a loose fitted t-shirt (one of Fjords, if the way it hung off Caleb’s shoulder was an indication) and a zippered hoodie.  Fjord tried not to wince at the sheer amount of bruising that covered Caleb’s skin, but his expression betrayed him.  Caleb reached for him as Fjord went to open the door, tugging lightly to get him close before pressing his forehead to Fjord’s shoulder.  Fjord held him as gently as he could, feeling the way Caleb’s hands shook where they gripped his shirt.  The nurse had given him a rundown off all the necessary caretaking instructions, along with a few printouts with the same information.  Beau took Fjords keys and parking lot ticket, offering to drive the truck back to their apartment so he could sit in the van with Caleb.  
Getting Caleb into the apartment took much longer than usual, mostly because Fjord refused to let him walk faster than absolutely necessary.  Yasha walked in ahead of them, unlocking the door and scooping up a very grumpy Frumpkin.  She went ahead, turning on as few lights as she could.  Fjord got Caleb settled in his favourite armchair before taping the care instructions to the fridge.  
No strenuous activity, limit screens, no driving... Sleep upright at first, icepack for pain, pain meds....
Did they have pain meds?  He couldn’t remember the last time they had bought any.  He checked the bathroom, pulling out a mostly empty bottle and shaking two loose.  Grabbing a glass of water he made his way back to the living room.  Yasha had settled herself on the floor cushion Molly had bought them the year before, and Frumpkin was purring in Caleb’s lap.  Fjord held out the meds and Caleb sighed.
“You heard the nurse, take them every four hours on the dot unless you want the pain to catch up to you”  
Caleb took the meds, swallowing them with the cold water and handed the glass back.  
“Beau’s grabbing meds, she wants to know if you want burgers?”  
Yasha and Beau left around dinner, keeping an eye on Caleb while Fjord made all the necessary phone calls to Caduceus and Vandran.  Caleb wouldn’t be working until his concussion was at least mostly gone, and Fjord knew he wouldn’t work until Caleb could be left alone again.  He was suddenly far more thankful for all the horrible overtime shifts he had been working.  
The first two weeks were the worst.  
Caleb struggled with the effects of the concussion most, the fogginess in his mind was something he wasn't used to.  He was forgetful and unbalanced to the point of Fjord insisting on helping him every time he had to walk more than a few steps.  It didn’t help that he couldn’t watch TV without an instant headache or read without getting nauseous.  Fjord tried to make things as easy as he could, but Caleb was irritable and frustrated by it all.  He couldn’t even take a shower without at least leaving the door open in case he got the spins.  
“I hate this Fjord, I hate it”  
“I know love, it’s got to be frustrating, but-”
“But nothing, this is the worst.  I just want to read or sleep normally!  Is that so much to ask?”
Fjord just sighed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder gently and pressing a kiss to his temple.  The helpless feeling was something he was rapidly getting used to.  
The snappish behaviour continued, only getting worse as time went on.  It got to a point that Fjord just stopped talking, as anything he said seemed to set Caleb off.  He didn’t blame him of course, Caleb was used to being independent, he was used to working and reading and writing... he couldn’t do any of that.  And if he took it out on Fjord well... Fjord was still battling the guilt of leaving him in the hospital by himself all night.  It was worse when the nightmares started, Caleb would wake sweating and shaking and absolutely refuse to let Fjord near him.  Fjords own nightmares he kept to himself.  
Things started to look up as Caleb’s concussion symptoms lessened and he was able to do more on his own, but Fjord still hovered.  He tried to hide it as well as he could, but the image of Caleb in the hospital, of the black and purple bruising that had covered his skin... well, that sort of thing is hard to forget.
Four weeks had passed, and Caleb had been given the okay to sleep lying down again, and they were finally getting the cast off his arm.  The doctor had been very pleased with the progress his ribs were making as well.  They lay in bed the night the cast came off, Caleb lifted his arm up into the air and flexed his fingers.  
“Must feel nice”
“It feels... lighter” he sat up, turning to looked at Fjord and chewing his lip “Fjord...”
Fjord sighed, sitting up and pulling Caleb close, he knew that face.  
“Whatever you’re about to apologize for, don’t”  
“Nope” Fjord popped the P before pressing a kiss to Calebs cheek “nothing to apologize for”
“I was awful to you; you were just trying to help”
“You were frustrated and had a literal brain injury Cay.  I can’t imagine how... how shitty that must be, and I’m the one who should be apologizing anyway”  
“If this is about the phone thing again-”
“You were alone in there, after getting in a massive accident”
It was Caleb’s turn to sigh as Fjord settled them back in bed and Caleb pressed in as close as he could to Fjords side.  It was hard not to just roll over and hold him properly, but his ribs still had healing to do and Fjord would be damned before he messed them up.  
The next morning while Fjord was making breakfast, Caleb walked into the kitchen looking excited.  
“What’s up?”
“Turn around”  
Fjord set the pan onto a cool burner and turned, raising an eyebrow curiously as Caleb stepped in close.  Caleb slid his arms around Fjord’s waist, holding tight as Fjord wrapped his around the smaller mans shoulders.  He rested his cheek against the top of Caleb’s head, taking a deep breath as the comfort of having him close washed over him.  
“I realized I didn’t do this yesterday” Calebs voice was muffled against his shirt “I wanted to, because I couldn’t before and... gods it feels so nice”  
“I missed it too”  
They stood like that, just holding each other, until the toasted buzzed and pulled them back to reality.  
The day of Calebs six-week checkup arrived in a buzz of excitement.  If the x-rays came back clean, Caleb could go back to his life.  Fjord knew he was desperate to get back to work.  The concussion was nearly gone from what they could tell, he had been able to read without feeling sick for nearly a week now and the bathroom light was no longer the enemy.  If his ribs were healed to a point that the doctors were no longer concerned...  
Fjord sat in the waiting room while Caleb was in the x-ray, drinking the horrible hospital coffee and wishing for some of Cad’s tea.  The nurse who had been on duty the night of Caleb’s accident came out to get him, smiling encouragingly.  He was led down the hall to one of the small consultation rooms, the nurse opened the door and Fjord stepped in.  He barely had enough to register the X-rays up on the light screen before Caleb had thrown his arms around Fjord's neck, knocking the air out of him.  He caught Caleb instinctively, wrapping his arms around his chest and steadying them both with a laugh.
“Good news I guess?”  
He looked over Calebs head to the doctor, who was smiling indulgently as he nodded.  
“All clear, his ribs look good as new.  Just keep an eye on any lingering concussion symptoms and hopefully we won’t see you any time soon”
“Thanks doc, really”
Fjord managed to steer Caleb out of the room, shuffling them so that he was tucked under Fjord's arm as they walked.  They got to the parking lot and Caleb pulled him to a stop before he could open the truck.  Fjord turned, and Caleb wrapped himself around him again.  Fjord chuckled, burying his nose in the long ginger hair and reveling in the simple pleasure of holding him tight.  
“It feels good to have proper grip on you again”  
Fjord kissed the top of his head, giving him a squeeze.
“Damn right it does”  
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peaches-of-1 · 4 years
Day 5 | Gingerbread
Black!Reader x BTS
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You weren’t sure if this was really the best job for you seeing as it included talking to people a lot and explaining in excruciating detail how things went even though there was clear instruction on the back. What was worse were the children who tried to eat the Christmas display even though there was a sign that said, “DO NOT EAT” in red glitter letters. Parents wouldn’t even try to stop them.
Still, you needed a job since you lost yours recently for not accepting the creepy and borderline stalker advances of your boss’s son. So here you were in a clear apron and green sweater with comfy jeans and Converse on working in the newest addition to BigHit, its café. Unlike most corporate cafés, BigHit Café was not attached to the main office building of BigHit Entertainment. Instead, the dark wood and green marbled setting was near Han River.
This means it was where a lot of families came to visit as well as beautiful couples, not to mention foreigners and bloggers. It was a very varied clientele, so you were usually very busy. Especially today.
Because you were “one of the best workers”, the manager decided you’d be here during today’s LIVE episode of Run BTS which would be a competition to build the best gingerbread house within the span of 90 minutes. You had spent all day yesterday decorating the café to look like such a sweetened dwelling on the outside.
Today, you were in your Christmas attire and one of the judges of the competition along with a lucky fan and another co-worker. There were more cameras than usual, and you saw the seven beautifully exhausted idols walk through the door in their own holiday merch. Jungkook’s gray sweater had a picture of their logo filled in with a green and red vertical ombre. J-Hope was wearing the same one underneath his thick padded coat.
Jin’s and Jimin’s sweaters were that of the logo surrounded by a wreath. Because of Suga’s new significant other being Jewish, he was wearing the Hanukkah version, a blue sweater with a silver and lighter blue ombre BTS logo. Namjoon and Tae were the only ones wearing the Kwanzaa versions. It warmed your heart that the boys were doing their best to support all the holidays that ARMY might celebrate.
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You were wearing the Kwanzaa one today, of course. That was one of the perks working here was that BigHit merch was part of your uniform, so you got one free shirt/sweater a month. It was also the reason why the aprons were clear, so that patrons could see what you were wearing and ask where they could get it.
Of course...you needed more than one shirt a month, so you had to buy merch in order to be in uniform. But like, other than bills what else were you gonna be spending your money on? BTS merch, duh.
Anyways, the fact that you were wearing the green version of the Kwanzaa sweater and Namjoon was wearing the black version got you a polite smile from him. Taehyung stood in front of you as you greeted the group and their managers...as if he wanted to say something. However, the young man stayed silent until he was called to get his makeup touched up.
Maybe you were just being paranoid or hyperaware, but it seemed like the guys were talking about you. However, they were nothing but professional. You and your co-worker brought out the now cooled down trays of gingerbread that had already been cut into the proper shapes. The very excited fan helped to uncover the selection of candies they could use on their houses.
“Can I use the cute employee too? I think she’d make my house look the best.” J-Hope said, a smile on his voice.
You looked over to Kara who was always getting hit on, but it soon clicked that he was looking at your face. That very same face soon got heated cheeks because what? Was J-Hope hitting on you? Nooooo. No. He was just playing around.
“That’s cheating to put something already so beautiful next to whatever you make, hyung.” Jimin replied with a giggle.
Jin then added, “Leave the pretty girl alone. She’s just doing her job. Besides, she should only be paired with someone who is almost as attractive as she is.”
Jungkook gasped loudly, “Oh, hyung, you just admitted that you think she’s more attractive than yourself. You’re just as bad as the others.”
The oldest member blushed, “I just, what I meant was--” he looked over at you and bowed. “I am sorry.”
“It’s ok. It’s fine.”  You replied and couldn’t help but feel your cheeks.
Taehyung blurted out, “We have matching sweaters!” with no follow up.
“Oh, look what you’re doing. You’re embarrassing her.” Suga said and then looked at you. “What is your name?”
“Y-Y/N.” You stuttered out. “Please call me Y/N.” You said with a bow and pointed to your name tag.
He said that he had already read your name tag, but just wanted to hear me say it. Your heart felt like it was just about ready to explode with all of their kind compliments as they began to focus on the competition. Even though you had thought you’d be judges, you were simply there to help the guys and do touch ups so that they weren’t horrible. The public would be voting on them tomorrow.
Was there even fridge space for three finished gingerbread houses? Each young man was basing it on whatever they wanted. The thing they were having the most trouble with was putting the pieces together. Even when a building went up, it would crash seconds later because of too much or too little frosting. You were called in when they had broken a piece past repair.
They could call on any employee or the fan to help up to three times, and it felt like your name was the one being called all 9 times. However, Kara was helping Hobi with his roofing and the fan gave team JinKook inspiration to do a Bt21 themed house. Kookie got excited and started trying to create the characters out of marshmallows and frosting while Jin decorated the actual house.
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“Y/N-nim!” Jimin called sweetly. “Can you help me with something?”
You walked over and asked what they needed help with. He wanted to know how to do the dripping icicles on the roofing, so I started to do it for him.
“No, no, no. Show me how to do it, please.” He said, his grin becoming more mischievous by the second.
Taehyung smiled, “I’ll work on the gingerbread man. I need green frosting.”
He got up to do so while Suga asked me how the front was already. You told him it was very neatly done before showing Jimin how to get the pointed dripping effect using some of the discarded bits of spiced cookie to pipe out some examples.
“You are really good at this, Y/N-nim~” The mochi like blonde said with smiley eyes.
“Thank you. I think you have the hang of it, so I will leave you to it.” You gave a bow and then went towards Kara before being called by Namjoon who had his hand up.
If this was another broken gingerbread person, you were going to just tell him to glue it with frosting. Kara gave you a cheeky head nod to go to them. You felt bad for the fan as she was supposed to be the center of attention for this event.
He didn’t look at you in the eye as he asked, “I um, we are not sure what to do. I’m pretty sure we won’t be getting first place, but it just looks bad.”
“So just a general help?” You giggled.
“Yes, please.” He replied, scratching the back of his neck, getting frosting on it.
You just handed him a napkin and quickly fixed up the roof to let them put candies on dots placed on the empty shingles. It was the 500th time you had been doing it this holiday season, and it was just November. Him and J-Hope thanked you before you went back and sooner or later, time was up.
Then it was time for voting. The sloppiest of the three houses was the one Namjoon and Hobi made since they didn’t have artists in their groups. The BT21 house had collapsed halfway through, so JinKook quickly made a simplified but still amazing house to present.
Still, it was too simple compared to the others. The one that Suga, Jimin, and V made together was the perfect mix of the two houses. That’s the one that ended up winning.
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The prize was a Christmas themed date with the fan. They were glad to get to know her better and ended up leaving with her. The others had to help clean up. You’d be putting their houses up for sale for an auction and the money would go to UNICEF. The winners had well hidden pouts behind their smiles, wishing they had lost instead while the losers were glad because they got to spend more time with you.
They kept asking if you needed help with things and to let them do things instead. However, Namjoon kept eating the candy he was supposed to be putting away. He gave you such a charming smile in return, you didn’t care that he was chomping away on inventory. It seemed that he was a nervous eater.
“I’ve been craving this taste for a long time, too.” He said and then helped to keep the door open while you put his house into the fridge.
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It wasn’t long until you and Kara were bowing to the four remaining idols. There were gift bags for the both of you, and you were glad to get such compensation for a stressful overtime. Both of you were sure to go fast asleep since this was all you had to do today.
You wanted to go through your bag first. CDs, signed mini poster, a Christmas Cooky, and...a KKT. After typing it into your phone, you nearly chucked your phone across the room. One by one, the boys greeted you and asked if you would date them, all seven of them.
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manggojooz · 5 years
Take My Hands Now (Part 7)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
word count: 2,660 thereabouts
genre: drama, angst
summary: You were born with a condition that allowed you to feel the pain someone else was going through when you touched them. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked like he could not be any less bothered with other people’s feelings and was a well known playboy of the school. One night, at a party, while he attempted to turn you into his toy for the night, he grabbed your hand and pain crashed through you, making you wonder whether behind the facade of this pleasure seeker, he could also be hiding something.
warnings: none
Previous Parts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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“Then go ahead... it’s as easy as holding my hand.”
The words carried the same somberness as the dark streets outside the mansion. The low resounding bass of the music still blasting from the house occasionally escaped to reach your ears like the thumping of your own heart.  
“Y/N, I don’t want to hurt you… I…”, he tried.  
“Then what do you want? What are you trying to do?”, you demanded as you lowered your hand.  
There was an uncertainty and awkwardness to the entire situation. What did he want exactly? What is there to explain? And what were you upset about?  
A light beamed into your face out of nowhere, you looked behind Jungkook. A car stopped at the roadside, and Mirae alighted from it. Perfect.  
You stalked past Jungkook who stood like he was stuck to that patch of asphalt.  
Mirae watched you come up to her and curiously asked, “You’re leaving now?” You nodded minimally, without even stopping, you quickly got into the cab. She took another look at Jungkook who still had his back facing her before she got in after you.  
He could hear it. The car was leaving; you were leaving.  
Jungkook’s vision was hazy the next morning as he opened his eyes. He blinked it away and stared up at the ceiling facing him. He doesn’t remember how much he drank last night, he doesn’t remember where he is now.
He inhaled the cold air around him, and it hurts. He exhaled the warm air from his lungs, and it hurts. This wasn’t abnormal, he feels it all the time. He never knew why, it just became like this overtime.  
“Then what do you want? What are you trying to do?”, he heard your voice, as though it came from a dream that he doesn’t remember dreaming.  
He gradually recalled last night. He stopped breathing, but it still hurts. It felt like someone stuck a bunch of band-aids on his insides, and now, they were being peeled off one by one. He raised his arm to rest it over his eyes, his cheekbone below his left eye felt sore.  
Something else flooded back into his mind. He was storming back through the gates in the dark night when he saw Hoseok coming out to meet him in the garden. Before Hoseok could say anything, Jungkook marched up to him and punched him right in the face, causing him to tumble onto the grass.  
Hoseok looked at him in utter shock, Jungkook has never once really punched him despite often threatening to do so. And then Hoseok stood up and fought back, his fist landing at the spot which was now probably bruised.  
“What? We gonna fight cause of some girl now? What in the world is wrong with you?”, Hoseok said angrily while lunging at Jungkook again.  
“What in the world is wrong with us. It’s not each other we are fighting”, Jungkook said with a cold expression, so cold that Hoseok stopped dead in his tracks and could only silently watch as Jungkook stomped past him back into the house.
In the present, Hoseok came to look for Jungkook and he finally realizes that he was lying on the bed in Hoseok’s guest room.
“I’m grateful you didn’t barf in here”, Hoseok walked further in and leaned against the cupboard as Jungkook managed to get his hungover body to sit up on the edge of the bed.  
“You alright?”, Hoseok asked, somewhat reminding Jungkook of you and making him feel instantaneously worse.  
“Not really”, Jungkook was rubbing his forehead with his thumbs.  
After a moment of silence, Hoseok uttered, “I don’t understand what’s going on with you, so... should I be apologising for yesterday? Or are we cool?”
It wasn’t really Hoseok’s fault, Jungkook knows as much and he did already punch him once.  
Maybe some things just don’t change. Hoseok called him again that night, hollering at him over the phone about this new club he was at, how amazing it was and demanding Jungkook to join him.  
“Not interested!”, Jungkook yelled back into the phone, mostly so that Hoseok could hear him.  
“What now? You gonna change your spots? Let me tell you something my leopard friend, people don’t change just because they want to! You think you can change who you are for someone else? That shit doesn’t last!”, Hoseok shouted back through the phone.  
Jungkook hung up and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get some water, still feeling his hangover. He stopped halfway down the stairs as he found his father walking through the living room, within earshot range from the guest room. Even from where Jungkook stood he could hear his mother with another male voice in there. The tabloid reports clearly had little deterrent effect.  
His father looked up at him, “you are home early today”, he said quizzically.  
Jungkook stared at his father, that same feeling continuously brewing within him with each breath he took, “you are home early too, Dad”.  
“Oh no, I just came home to get this”, raising up a black folder, “got to get back to the office now”, he said scrunching his face into a jokingly annoyed frown.  
“I see… Don’t work yourself too hard”, one end of Jungkook’s lips was raising marginally, trying so hard to pretend that everything was ok. His father just smiled back at him and turned to leave.  
The voices from the guest room down the hall bounced off the walls of the living room, but the emptiness of his departure was more resounding. Ever since Jungkook could remember anything, this was how it had always been. How do you even begin to change something, to change someone?  
Jungkook walked into the club, immediately attracting much attention. The same kind of music was blaring into his ears, lights flashing into his eyes and human bodies bumping into his sides.
Numerous girls tried to approach him, but he stood alone, hands hanging over the bars on the second-floor platform overlooking the dance floor below, waiting for Hoseok to get him a drink. He was eyeing one flirtatious young woman who was sitting at a table with a gang of well-built men, men who were much older than she was.  
She caught him looking at her from time to time and she whispered something into her companion’s ears before standing up to walk away. As she pranced up the stairs towards where Jungkook was, her eyes occasionally met his, but when she reached the top landing, he wasn’t to be seen.  
Out of nowhere, he suddenly appeared behind her, pulled her into a corner behind a crowd of people and her back slammed against the concrete wall. He barricaded her against the wall by putting up his arms on both sides of her head.  
“Looking for someone?”, he asked her smugly but coldly.  
“Weren’t you the one looking for me?”  
He smirked at her, “I was and do you know why?”  
“Why not you show me why”, she said with such typical suggestiveness.  
It was still as easy as before. She started to put her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, ready for contact. His eyes were half-lidded, looking at her with contempt. Just as their lips were about to meet, Jungkook tilted his head away from her.  
“You are so easy”, he whispered.  
Her eyes dart open. “What did you just say?”  
As abruptly as every other part of this night, some guy grabbed Jungkook by his arm and pushed him away from the woman he cornered. “What the heck do you think you are doing?”, he hissed at the woman first, his arms filled with large tattoos which looked like clichés.  
“What? He flirted with me first”, she replied in a slutty way.  
He turned to look at Jungkook, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheeks. “You think you can just go around messing with other people’s woman, huh?”
“It’s not my problem if your woman is more than willing to be messed with by me”, Jungkook taunted.  
The man started to nod with a threatening vibe, “Is that what you think? Are you just asking to be taught a lesson, you little asshole?” By this time, the rest of the entourage had assembled upon the scene and Jungkook just looked at them with satisfaction.  
He sneered arrogantly, prompting the first man to take a swing at his face, which he effortlessly avoided. That pissed them off more and they started to come at Jungkook together. It devolved into a mess – there was shouting, cursing, punching and kicking everywhere. Jungkook primarily took a defensive stance, but he crumbled to the ground after something hit him hard on his head. He started to hear Hoseok calling his name somewhere in the mix of noises and slowly he drifted off into unconsciousness.  
When he woke up, he was at the hospital, Hoseok standing at the end of his bed talking to two policemen. Jungkook tirelessly got up but every movement was accompanied by searing pain.
“Oh my gosh, you are awake! What the shit happened? They said you started the fight but I’m asking the club to give us the cctv footage”, Hoseok said as he ran towards Jungkook who tried to get off the bed.  
“Where are they?”, Jungkook asked.  
“Those bastards who beat you up? They are at the police station, duh. None of them needed to come to the hospital because you freaking didn’t manage to hit anyone. I honestly thought you were better at this man”, Hoseok just being Hoseok.  
“Hi Mr Jeon, when you are discharged, we will require your attendance at the station. For now, we will just ask you a few questions here”, one of the policemen said.  
“I can go with you now”, Jungkook solemnly replied.  
“Woah woah, I don’t think so, can you just lie back down please”, Hoseok raised both hands looking like he wanted to push Jungkook right back onto the hospital bed.  
“I’m fine, let’s go.”  
As Jungkook entered the police station, the gang of his attackers grew noisier trying to claim that they only hit Jungkook because he provoked them and they were already intoxicated.  
“But you see, this boy here is injured badly and none of you are injured at all! If no one is going to apologise to him and if he isn’t willing to settle this matter, we will have to charge all of you for assault!”, yelled a policeman at the squabbling men while slamming the desk with a stack of paper.  
“Yeah! Do you know who he is, you better watch out for his lawyers coming after all of you! You won’t have a shit left to say after they are done with you!”, Hoseok chimed in by shouting much to the annoyance of the police officer.  
They kept their traps shut finally, deliberating their options.  
“I provoked them. Let’s settle this. I will apologise”, Jungkook suddenly said soberly as he sat in one of the swiveling chairs propping his head up with one finger, trying not to touch any of the bruises on his face.  
Hoseok was wrong, Jungkook changed. It was no longer about how much he could hurt others, it was about how much he wanted them to hurt him.  
As they left the police station it started to rain, Hoseok sent Jungkook home that night. Jungkook pretended to be asleep in the car and Hoseok was not minded to expose him for that. When they reached the porch of Jungkook’s house, Hoseok took out a package wrapped in kraft paper. The wrapping was crushed, and there was a tiny card hanging from the twine that went around.  
“I was contemplating whether to pass it to you… but I guess, you’ll probably want it”, Hoseok mumbled.  
Jungkook sat on his bed and glanced at the card unwillingly, “Happy birthday, you didn’t choose anything from the store so I picked one for you. Y/N”. Carefully opening the package, it revealed that album he saw you pick out the other day. He looked around his room and there wasn’t even a CD player. There was one downstairs though, but he hated the entirety of downstairs.  
So, he walked out into the rain, across the garden to the driveway where the cars were parked. He unlocked one with the key he grabbed near the door and got in. His hair and clothes were almost drenched, the rain continued to fall rather silently on the windshield. He put the CD into the player and just sat there. 
♫ “Do you feel the pain?  
This pain I felt through you.  
As if I always knew,  
the words  
I never say to you...
These words that remain nothing.” ♫
The rain drops from his hair fell onto his face, slightly stinging the lacerations he got from earlier.  
You were sure your eyes were still puffy as you were walking to school despite the crying happening two nights ago.
Mirae had probed into what happened when both of you were in the taxi but you told her it was nothing and that you wanted to leave the party because you were feeling unwell, again. Maybe you were just physically programmed not to enjoy such boisterous events. You didn’t want to worry your friends over nothing, and you also didn’t want Namjoon to find out about any of this, just to avoid having him tell you off for letting yourself be played by Jungkook.  
Nevertheless, the truth of it was that Jungkook had succeeded in what he set out to do. You were hurt, more than you ever imagined you would be by him. You definitely knew that you were not going to devolve into one of his playthings. So, what did you want? What were you trying to do?  
As you approached the school gates, dragging your feet inattentively, your path was cut off by someone. His dark blue denim jacket swaying almost hitting your forehead, you could smell his recognisable scent. You looked up to see his face filled with cuts and bruises.  
“Y/N can we just talk for a minute? I’m sorry for… everything. And there are somethings I have to say, although everything is really messed up right now.”
Your face was expressionless at first but broke into the slightest warm smile, “Sure, but first, what happened to you, why are you injured so badly?”, you were almost cooing at him and your eyes were shimmering vaguely.  
You raised up a hand towards one of his bruises. As though he has developed a reflex after all this time, he moves one step backwards to avoid your touch, almost bumping into another student walking by.
“Don’t. It will hurt you.”
“It’s ok...”, you voice chimed gently, “I know you won’t hurt me...”
You reached out your hand further. He was worried yet he was hopeful that you were actually still concerned about him.  
“... because I won’t give you another chance to. So save it, whatever you want to say, I don’t want to hear it”, you sapped out all emotion from your voice without altering your tone a notch, and you lowered your hand away from his face.  
“Why?”, your speech sharply took a mockingly sinister turn as you observed his expression change, “are you the only one allowed to play around with someone’s feelings?”  
When your words fell, his eyes looked like it held an entire universe that had burnt out within it – the look of pained decimation and regrettable death.  
You had changed too; you were able to feel the pain without even touching him now, you felt it just by looking at him now. There was no telling whether the pain stemmed from him or from within yourself.  
They say people change, either because they learnt a lot or because they have been hurt too many times. For Jungkook and you, which was which?  
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rezdogsyonder · 4 years
Not Like You Think
Pairing: The Powered!Reader is married to an OC the marvel characters come in later.
Summary: You and your family are in trouble. What lengths will you go to keep them safe? Go against the Avengers? A gang infamous among CIA?
Warnings: Robbery, breaking the law, lying, murder, cheating
A/N: the reader is like early 20’s, married young to high school sweetheart. With a 3 year old. The reader has super strength, is bulletproof, and is influential. Like kilgrave but can turn it off. Also: didn’t expect it to be so long.. sorry! Couldn’t get back to present day in this chapter
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You don’t know how it got to this.
That’s a lie. You do, but you didn’t mean for it to get this messy.
They’re almost here. You need to leave. They’re not close to being done though. The car is waiting. It’s running. They’re probably gonna see you leaving if they’re here quick enough.
We could hide. Blend in. Yeah, that could work.
2 weeks before.
“Honey? What time you gonna be home tonight?” You yelled from the kitchen. Your preparing your babies diaper bag for daycare.
“Right around 8:30 ish? Maybe 9. They pretty much don’t let you take more overtime after 9.” He peaked out the door while doing his tie. He walked over to the counter and began eating the food you prepared for him.
“I’ll keep some food in the fridge for you.” You walked by kidding him on the cheek.
You walk over to the bedroom and to the bed, “Come on baby, time to wake up.” She just rolls over and shoved her face in the covers. “Come on sleepy buns, it’s early enough that you can have cereal.”
That got her sitting up, she reaches out to you and you oblige, bringing her to the kitchen.
“How’s my nakey baby?” Christopher smiles poking her belly. She giggles a little bit but she’s still trying to fight it, still wanting to go to sleep.
You put her in her chair and pour some cereal in the tray. You grabbed her soft little brush and put her hair in two little pigtails.
“See you tonight. Love ya. Love you too my little bean.”
“Love you. See you.” You say halfheartedly, grabbing Leia’s clothes for today.
You hear the door slam. Getting her dressed quickly and grabbing her diaper bag and an extra outfit, you’re soon following.
“Leia is at daycare, they close at 4:30, so I’ll need to leave at 4:15, drop her off with Joey, and head back to work.” You say to yourself in your car. You park in the one employee parking spot that is left and walk inside. 
It’s not much, but this restaurant has been the only place that would hire you. It’s kinda like a subway, but for burritos and tacos, and the place tips well. Especially in the Summer, which is approaching right now. Pretty soon you’ll have to find a different place for Leia to stay. The daycare you go to only works during the school year. 
You have your apron on and hat to cover your hairnet, but you see your day going down the drain when you see your least favorite person. The store owner. The one person you hate because, for some reason, he sees you as a threat. Maybe because the franchise owner almost gave this place to you. Yeah, gave. Guessing he found out from another manager in another store, he went to the franchise owner and laid down daddy’s money. 
Why was he even working here if he was rich? Honestly you think he just has a personal vendetta against you. He has hated you since junior year. 
“Ugh what are you doing here?” He said in disgust.
“How professional, Jamie.”
“I don’t need to be professional, I’m the boss Y/N.” He smirked smugly. “Just in case you’ve forgotten.”
A customer walks in, saving you from having to speak to him. You try to serve them fast, but slowly too because once they’re sitting at their table, Jamie is just gonna berate you for nothing. Like always.
“Who is the one that worked shifts last night? Hmm?”
“That was me and Matt.”
“What is this?”he holds his hand up.
“A bill?” It was 100. We catered a small party yesterday, probably about 20 people but that 20 brought guests.
“A counterfeit.”
“Well we used the pen thingy on every big bill that we get.”
“No you don’t. Cause then you would have realized it was counterfeit.” The door swings open and you expect a customer but Matt walks in.
“Matt tell him we always use pens on big bills”
“We use the pen on big bills. Every time, a habit we’ve gotten from you docking our pay a billion dollars.” Matt said immediately jumping on your side. A bit monotonous and you suspect it’s because of the bags under his eyes.
“If you used the pen then you would have known it was COUNTERFEIT.” He’s starting to lose his shit. Unprofessional as always. “I will dock you both 50 from your paychecks.”
“You’re so... ugh. You know that $50 is nearly a full shift.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Give me the bill.” Holding out your hand. He looks at you suspiciously before handing it over. You grab the pen from the register and write over it.
You hold the bill out in front of you mockingly. “Did you use an actual marker?” Showing the yellow marks.
His face goes beet red and Matt is about to laugh, trying to hold it back. Jamie just took out his own marker and marks the bill, the color turning a dark blue.
“Well then this is on you. Maybe you should quit being cheep and get us more detector pens.”
You cross your arms, and Matt can’t can’t hold it back and he’s giggling quietly. You know Jamie is trying to find a way to pin it on you.
Jamie opened his mouth to say something, but he sighed and walked away. Matt fist bumps you.
“You know one of these days he’s gonna get what’s coming to him.”
“That would be the dream. But right now he is our boss so we gotta dream while we work, come on. We gotta prep the pico and quac.”
The two of you continued your days work in peace, getting a couple regulars. It was a bit busier today than usual, you don’t know what caused it though. You even had to ask Christopher to pick up Leia.
Pretty soon the last group of people left their table and were leaving the restaurant. These guys were really polite, cleaning up after themselves too.
“You get front, I’ll get kitchen and food?” Matt offered.
“Yep, I’ll get the ice ready for you.” You grab an empty bean bin and a plastic knife from your station and walk around to the fountain machine. You jam the knife in the ice dispenser and go to get the mop bucket from the back.
Once back there you hear arguing, they’re shouting and it sounds like they’re through the back door. The door to drop off garbage. You try to hear better by pressing your ear against the door. One of the voices is Jamie.
“Excuse m—”
“JESUS!” It was just Matt. He has a bag of garbage.
“Huho sorry Y/N. ‘Xcuse.” You put your hand on his chest stopping him.
“Here I can take it.” You hold your hand out, he shrugs and gives you the bag. It was warm from the unused meat from today. You scrunched your nose for a second before heading outside.
The arguing stopped as soon as you opened the door. You saw Jamie and a man you recognized as a regular. He’s kinda too attractive to forget. Long brown hair, but it suited him, especially in the man bun he has right now. He was actually apart of the group that just left.
“Hey.” You wave to the customer, “what are you still doing here Jamie?” You said in a less enthusiastic tone. You walk over to the garbage can. Quickly before the meat burned through the heavy duty bag. It wasn’t fun to clean up.
“Just dealing with business Y/N, just head back in.” He snapped. You heave the heavy bag over the edge and into the garbage.
“Whatever you say,” you put your hands up in mock surrender. “Have a good night.” You say to the man with him.
“You too, ma’am.” He took his hand out of his pocket to wave, his shiny glove glinting in the moonlight. ‘It’s nearly summer.’ You thought, but he was still in a long sleeved jacket and gloves apparently.
You went back inside to continue your work, but that weird altercation stayed in your mind. Consuming your thoughts. Matt has the beans cooled back down, good thing because you had forgotten about the ice, he caught it before it started overflowing.
You’re done with the food heaters, the steamer, the tips, and the till. You’re pulling out the garbage from by the front door when you hear a loud bang outside. You go in the kitchen to see Matt.
“What was that?” You keep walking towards the back.
“Y/N I don’t think you should go out there, they’ll probably hit you in the face with a fircracker... Shitkids.”
“Well, yeah but the garbage.” You open the door, or try at least. Something was blocking it.
“Matt? Can you open this?” You push on the door to emphasize your need, even though he can’t see from where he is. Whoever it was probably stacked stuff on the other side. Garbage most likely.
“Yeah, coming.” He walked around you and tried pushing on the door. Even he struggles with the door, which kind of surprised you with him being kinda buff.
The door is open just enough for you to get out and the two of you hear a groan. You and Matt exchange a glance before you squeeze through the door, him trying to pull you back in.
It’s too dark to see anything, the moon had moved higher and maybe behind some clouds, you can’t make out many shapes. You’re holding the heavy bag with two hands so you swing it into the garbage can and grabbed your phone.
“Turn on your flash, cause holy fuck I can’t see anything.” Matt asks, he’s just getting through. The door closing behind him, making it even darker than before.
“K just a second.” You get it on but the phone is having trouble reading your fingers. Whatever liquid was on your hand preventing it. You wipe your phone on your boob and your hand on your hip, it finally reads.
Once you see, the sight has you and Matt standing in shock. It was a body, face down and covered in blood. A good ten seconds has passed before Matt reacts and jumps to the other side of the person.
“Y/N call 911!”
“Yeah.... right.” You dial the number while keeping the light on the two of them. Your slow with your actions, this situation feeling as if it weren’t real. Not paying attention to the monotone voice at the other end, “Get to TacoTacos on main please hurry, send an ambulance.” You keep them on the line, answering the woman’s questions absentmindedly.
“Does he have a pulse?”
Matt’s hands were already on his throat feeling for one. After a couple seconds he shakes his head.
“No, he doesn’t.”
Matt tucks the man’s arm and rolls him over. It was Jamie. He begins cpr.
“It’s my boss. His name is Jamie Ness. I.. I think he was shot.”
“Don’t worry ma’am help is on the way. They should be there in a couple minutes.”
Yep, this wasn’t real. You look away. At the far corner of the shop is a man standing there. He was the man that Jamie was arguing with. He brought one finger to his lips, smiled, and disappeared behind the corner.
“Do you know anybody that would want to do harm to Mr.Ness?” The police officer asks.
“Who wouldn’t?” You look at the paramedic then at the officer, “Sorry, I know it isn’t good to say, but I haven’t seen one person that got along with Jamie.” You pull the blanket tighter around you.
“Do you know what Jamie was doing back there?”
You look the the corner where you saw the man. The paramedic straps that tightening thing around your arm. “No, he might’ve been coming back, but after yelling at us I wouldn’t think he would.... he’s not the kind of person to apologize or say he was wrong. Yenno?” You feel a stethescope being pressed to your chest.
“Mmhmm” he hums, writing in his notepad before slapping it shut, “I should let you go for now, here’s my card. If you remember anything, call me.”
His card said Carl Cohen, and had his number. You nod and tuck it into your apron.
“You’re good to go. I thought you had shock, and you’re blood pressure was a little low and your heart rate was a little high, but nothing too bad.”
The paramedic takes his cuff off of you and you hand him back the blanket. You walk over to Matt who was sitting on the curb. He was looking at the blood on his hands.
“Come ‘ere.” You pull at his elbow. He looks up, you see the tears looking in his eyes. He stands up reluctantly.
You lead him back into the shop. Through the front this time. Bringing him to the sink. You wash his hands for him. It seems he’s the way you were earlier. The blood stained his skin. You do what you can for now.
You lead him back out the front and tell him to get in the car. He usually hitched a ride with you anyways. You run back and switch off all the lights, also writing a note for the opening crew that said call you and you’d explain why the closing didn’t close all the way.
Running back to the car you’re heart breaks when you see him. He’s just looking out the window as tear roll down his cheeks. You shut your door and his attention switches to you, before switching back to the window.
“Do you want to come over to my place?” You offer, thinking he shouldn’t be alone right now.
He nods back to you.
The ride was quiet.
You get to your driveway and notice that an unfamiliar car is parked in front. You park beside Chris’s car.
You open the door for Matt and usher him to the closest bathroom. Grabbing hydrogen peroxide from the mirror, you spray his hands with it. The stains washing away with it. You could tell he feels a little bit better now that he can’t see it, but it’s still bad.
“Hold on.” You rush to your room, upstairs, as quietly as you can so you don’t wake up Leia. You burst into your room, only to find Christopher and a woman in bed.
You stop for a second and you’re shocked, honestly, but Matt is downstairs. You glare and point at your stammering husband “You’re fucking lucky that I can’t deal with this right now.” You grab the shirt you stole from Matt when you were roommates a couple years ago and a pair of your pajama pants from when you were pregnant and huge.
You run back down to Matt. He’s still in the same spot you left him. You place the clothes in his lap and step past him to turn on the shower.
“Clean up. Take as long as you need. I’ll just be outside. ‘Kay?” You kiss him on the forehead.
You leave and softly close the door. Upstairs, the first door on the left is Leia’s room. She’s still in her crib, sleeping face down. You grab another blanket and place it on top of her. She’s practically in a coma if she’s warm.
You close the door softly before going back to your room.
“Well good to see you clothed!” You gesture to the other woman. You know it’s not really her fault, but you’re angry. You pull her closer. “Did you know he was married? Tell the truth.” Using your powers on her.
“No, and I’m really so sorry. He just told me he was a single dad.” She rushed past you, seemingly embarrassed.
“Are you serious?” You’re trying to stay calm. Not wanting to get to angry. “In our house. In our bed. With our baby in the next room?” Each sentence accentuated with one step closer to him.
“You said you couldn’t get out of work, that you were gonna have a late close.”
“So this is justified?” You gesture to the bed.
“I—ugh, I—“ he steps back for every step you take closer.
“Spit it out.” venom lacing your words. He’s backed into the corner.
“We—ugh—we haven’t been together in a while. Um and just, I—”
“Get out.” Not wanting to hear more. You’re backing away now, knowing what happens when you get too angry. Not even he knows, but now you guess he never will.
“Get out. It’s that simple. Leave”
“Where will I go? What about Leia?”
“I don’t care, and if you cared about Leia so much then you wouldn’t have done this.” You said matter of factly.
“Nope!” You cut him off. “Get out, and don’t you dare think of waking her.”
Knowing him, he’ll stomp throughout the house just to make things hard for you. He seems to always do that when he loses the argument. You watch him step past you and out the bedroom door. You follow, making sure he actually leaves.
Once downstairs you can see he heard the shower going. He grabs his keys and turns to you.
He points to the door then back to you, “Youre such a fucking hypocrite.”
“No, I am not.” You whisper yelled. You began pushing him out the door.
Once he’s fully out you close the door behind him, trying not to slam it, and lock it. You turn around and lean against the door, you hear his car start up and leave. You feel tears welling up in your eyes, you shut them tightly.
This isn’t going to be easy.
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Hello to anyone who’s still following, here’s an update on where I’ve been
I’m sorry for being gone for so long, and probably longer yet...
But here’s an update for why I’ve been gone for what feels like months
Warning it’s probably gonna be a long one...
So firstly, the last thing I remember planning to post was an ask about my favorite moments from each of team rwby. And I remember being stupidly anxious over responding to it because I wanted to use gifs/pictures and a quote that goes with the moment if there is one, but I knew I didn’t have the gifs and would have to go and hunt for them. And I had to decide which moment was my favorite for each of the girls and I only had my mind made up for one of them.
Secondly, I got promoted to full time at my place of work, and for the past 2 months I was given overtime. so I’ve been working 6-7 days each week, 9-10 hour shifts, back to back closing shifts. My sleep schedule is so fucked up that I wake up a half hour to an hour before I have to leave for work, go to work for 9 hours, then go home to eat and relax for an hour or so before going to sleep and doing it all over again.
My fiancé and I have been renting out a house with our two roommates for the last 8 months. Whole bunch of roommate problems. (one nearly had a drug overdose the second week we were in the house because they didn’t really want to move out of their parents house and was freaking out. They don’t pick up after themselves and it feels like they just wait for someone to pick up after them. One eats literally everything in the house even after we decided we were all buying our own food and not buying to share because my fiancé and I were the only ones buying food, and since we both work nights we never got to eat any of the food we bought. Don’t even get me started on how they are with dishes...)
My fiancé and I were thinking about getting a new mattress because the one we’re sleeping on I’ve had for at least 10 years, and you can see the raised springs from under the first sheet. But living paycheck to paycheck makes it hard to save money for the things you need (especially when things go to shit when you finally have the money to save...)
I’ve been having a lot of health problems recently as well but I don’t have a doctors appointment until December 2 (that’s the earliest they could get me in) and I’ve been having so many people tell me I need to go to the doctors...
In the past 2 months I’ve had to be sent home from work at least 3 times because I just randomly started crying uncontrollably while trying to talk to customers. I thought it was just because I’ve been overworking myself and not giving myself time to really relax (I’m beginning to think I don’t really know how to relax...) but my managers tell me to see a doctor and a couple of them think that I will be put on depression and anxiety meds
And now for the final kicker that I’m at a loss for what to do....
Yesterday our car broke down. Whatever the beam thingy is that holds the tire in the right way snapped in half and so it’s no longer safe to drive (even with my dad ratchet strapping and welding it back together) if you drive faster than 40mph it starts to shake
So now we’re out of a vehicle to get back and forth from work. We both work all week. Our manager said that we can call in and ask them to use our sick time, but still...
And neither of our roommates have jobs right now, one has student debts they have to pay and they barely have enough for rent this month...not to mention anything for the other bills.
So on top of being depressed because of our own depression and anxieties, now we don’t know what we’re gonna do about work and not having a vehicle....
Sorry if it sounds like I’m whining and asking for help, I know there isn’t anything anyone can really do, I’m just venting and giving an update to whoever is still here and wondering where I disappeared to
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Excited For Us
Idol: Chuu (Loona)
Prompt: Hello! Could I request a scenario where gender neutral (or male) reader proposes to loonas chuu after finally being able to take her to paris and then a short epilogue of their honeymoon? tysm <33
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: So I did end up making this gender-neutral, and I used Chuu’s real name Jiwoo. Also I have no creativity for titles right now- I meant to have this up yesterday but work was rough and I ended up just passing out so it had to come up today instead. I hope this was what you had in mind!
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To say that you were excited would be an understatement. This was something you’d been planning for months, determined to make everything perfect so that Jiwoo would remember it forever. From finding the most beautiful place to stay within view of the Eiffel Tower and searching out the best restaurants to buying the perfect ring in her size (that you had Sooyoung find out for you) and figuring out exactly what you wanted to say and where you would propose, you’d done it all without her suspecting a thing.
So yeah, you were excited as you put the plane tickets in your pocket, ready to tell her that finally, the two of you were going to Paris, France. She thought the two of you were just going out to lunch, and it took all of your restraint not to just blurt it out or start laughing on the way to the restaurant.
“Are you okay? You’ve been pretty quiet today,” she asked as the two of you sat down at the table, giving you that look she gave you whenever she thought you might have something on your mind. Quickly, you gave her a smile and shook your head.
“I’m okay, just tired. It’s my day off so it’s taking me a while to wake up fully.” It was kind of a lame excuse, but she seemed to buy it, nodding her head as she looked down at the menu.
“Oh, I get that. You’ve been working overtime too. You needed a day off.” That was true, since you’d taken time off to go to Paris and needed the extra money to pay for the trip (and the ring) but you couldn’t say that. Not yet.
“Yeah, we’ve been super understaffed. I’m glad to finally have a day to spend with you though.” Her cheeks colored at your words and she giggled, reaching over to gently take your hand.
“Awe, babe, that makes me happy to hear.” You swallowed, and your hand moved down to your pocket. You couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, you were about to explode.
“Actually, I have something else to tell you.” She raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side, and she looked so cute that it calmed your nerves a little.
“What is it?” You pulled out the tickets and sat them down on table, sliding them across so that she could see them as the smile you’d been holding back finally burst onto your face.
“Jiwoo, we’re going to Paris.” Her jaw dropped, and for a moment, she just stared at the tickets like she didn’t believe they were actually there. And then she began to smile brightly, squeezing your hand as she looked up at you.
“Really? We’re really going?”
“Really. The flight and our hotel are booked. You just have to pack. Also, I already talked to your manager. It’s okay, we leave next week.” She looked like she might burst into tears as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth, looking back down at the tickets.
“Oh my god, babe. How did you keep this a secret for so long?” You laughed and rubbed the back of your neck.
“It was hard, but I wanted it to be a surprise, since I know you’ve been wanting this for so long.” She let out a little giggle and brought her hand away from her mouth to wipe at her eyes.
“I’m so excited. I love you so much.” With a grin, you got up and moved around the table to give her a hug. So far, everything was going to plan, and you still couldn’t be more excited.
You’d planned the trip to start from the moment the two of you landed, and Jiwoo seemed just as ready to go out and explore as you were, happy that you’d packed the trip to the brim with sight-seeing and activities. Even as full as the days were, she never lost her energy, easily bouncing from art museums to malls to the cute little cafes you’d scouted out. The trip began to speed by in a blur, and you were having so much fun that you almost forgot about why you’d brought her to Paris.
The big night rolled around quicker than you’d been expecting it to, and the nerves came rolling back into your veins when the two of you went back to the hotel to change for dinner. Tonight, the two of you would be dining in a fancy restaurant overlooking the Eiffel Tower, and that called for the proper attire.
As Jiwoo finished getting ready in the bathroom, you took a deep breath and pulled the ring box from your suitcase, glancing inside to make sure that the ring was still there before slipping it into your pocket where it was safe.
“Babe? Are you ready to go?” You turned around as Jiwoo stepped out of the bathroom and your eyes widened. As long as you’d been dating her, you still couldn’t get over how beautiful she was. Now, dressed in a pretty burgundy knee length dress and small heels, hair curled and pulled back away from her face by clips, she took your breath away once again.
“You look incredible,” you said, truthfully, and she giggled, stepping over to kiss you on the cheek and grab your hand.
“Thank you, you look amazing yourself.” With a smile, you gestured towards the door, nerves calmed once again by the way she looked at you.
“Well, my love, should we get going?”
The restaurant was perfect, just what you’d had in mind. The table you’d reserved was perfect as well, more private and right beside a window with a full view of the tower and town around it. When Jiwoo saw it, her hand came up to cover her mouth and she let out a little gasp.
“It’s so gorgeous! How did you find this place?”
“I did a lot of searching,” you said with a satisfied grin as you let go of her hand to pull out her chair. “I thought you would like it.”
I love it,” she said voice breathy as she looked out the window. As you sat down across from her, she turned to look at you with raised eyebrows. “How much was this?”
“Don’t worry about it, it was nothing too bad.” She didn’t look like she believed you, but just smiled and shook her head.
“If we weren’t on vacation in Paris, this would be different. But since this is a once in a lifetime experience, I’ll forgive you.” Her voice had a playful lilt to it, so you knew she wasn’t mad, and laughed softly.
“Let’s enjoy ourselves tonight,” you said, raising your wine glass in a toast. “To us.” She raised hers as well and gave you one of her big smiles.
“To us.”
Dinner, of course, was perfect, just like you’d expected it to be. The food and staff were both amazing, and the view of the town bathed in moonlight was beautiful. Thankfully, Jiwoo didn’t seem to expect a thing as you excused yourself to the restroom right before dessert.
In the restroom, you made sure your hair looked perfect and stared at yourself in the mirror, checking your reflection. Then, you took a deep breath and straightened your shoulders. You were going to do this: you were going to propose to the love of your life, because you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her and couldn’t imagine a future without her.
Reciting your speech in your head, you left the restroom, stopping by to let the waitress know that you were ready for them to bring the cake. Beforehand, you’d reached out to the restaurant, asking if it would be possible to write “will you marry me” on the plate that the fancy little cake came on, and they’d said yes. Finally, it was happening, and your shook the nervousness from your mind as you walked back up to the table.
Dessert was served only moments later.
It took her a moment to realize that there was writing on the plate, and when she did, her mouth dropped open and she froze in shock, staring down at the cake as her hands, once again, came up to cover her mouth in shock. Before she could say anything, you got down on one knee in front of her, pulling the ring box from your pocket.
“Jiwoo, I’m not exaggerating when I say that you are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be like without you there beside me, because I love you so much that you’ve become a part of my life. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you. Until I met you, I didn’t know that life could be so wonderful. Through the good and the bad, we’ve stuck together, and that's made me realize that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Kim Jiwoo, will you make me the luckiest person in the world and marry me?” Tears were already slipping down her cheeks as you finished, and you could feel yourself getting choked up as she nodded her head, pulling her hands away to reveal a bright smile.
“Yes, yes (Y/N), I will marry you!” You stood up, and she threw her arms around you, hugging you tight, and when the two of you finally pulled away and you put the ring on her finger, the excitement hadn’t gone away. You were going to be marrying the woman you loved, and nothing could make you more excited than that.
“(Y/N), honey, wake up.” Jiwoo’s voice slipped into your head, pulling you from dreamland. Letting out a little groan, you buried your head into the pillow.
“Five more minutes,” you said, making her giggle and shake your shoulder.
“Come on, don’t you want to explore Bali?” Your eyes opened, and you blinked as you looked around the unfamiliar room. That was right. You were in Bali for your honeymoon, and Jiwoo was now your wife. A sleepy smile made its way onto your face and you reached out to wrap your arms around her and pull her down onto the bed with you, making her let out a little squeak of surprise.
“I do, but this is nice too, don’t you think?” You leaned in to give her a quick kiss and she laughed as you pulled away, hands coming up to cup your face.
“It is nice, but please brush your teeth before we do any more kissing.” With that, she reached up to muss your bedhead before wiggling out of your arms and hopping off the bed. “Come on, Bali awaits!” With a smile, you sat back up and watched as she moved out onto the balcony, light wind playing at her hair and dress.
She was your wife. The more you repeated it, the more it made you smile, and you got out of bed to follow her onto the balcony.
The rest of your life awaited, and she would be with you every step of the way. And you couldn’t wait to experience it.
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