#we get ace in a bathtub
bravest-notts · 2 years
my cleric jumped up 55 hit points in today's session! the artificer had made it their personal mission to make me an amulet of health and everyone cheating at playing poker got us a collective amount of gold to purchase a fancy gem, which was the last part we needed. that combined with several very good rolls netted me a nice ol beefy CON!
i'm sure the lord of misfortune who's blood curse runs through my tiefling lineage will have no problems with my CON going from 8 to 19 and the headache i woke up with the next morning has nothing to do with him at all.
still, though, it's a good thing we decided to immediately make the necklace because i proceeded to take 64 damage in one round from a peanut butter jelly, which would've wiped me clean out previously
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riririnnnn · 5 months
Random things in Blue Lock I find endearing:
-> Barou looking after Nagi
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This was cute, you know. I mean, Barou was the one who first scolded Nagi for swimming in that bathtub, but he is also the one taking care of him—you getting me? It's a small thing, I know, but it's really cute!
-> Rin accepting Hiori's help
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With the way Rin was shown till that point, I was actually scared for Hiori because I thought Rin was going to shook off Hiori by saying, "Fuck off!" Like, it just seems very plausible for his character, but then he surprised me!
Just look at him allowing Hiori to help him up by his arms! I understand that many will think that I've gone crazy, but this is one of those things where if you know, you know.
–> Barou throwing Nagi
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I snorted at this panel. Like, before this panel, we can see that Isagi literally has his hand around Barou's nape, but no, Barou has to throw Nagi only, it got to be Nagi—if that doesn't sum up their relation, I don't know what will.
–> IGA-DA-GOAT-GURI and Goatmaru
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When Isagi's name was suddenly called and he got startled which cracked them up. I just absolutely loved the above panel—so adorbs‼️
-> Sae being Sae
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I really haven't seen anyone talk about what he said above—even I seemed to have overlooked his words. It seems so bittersweet that when Sae gave validation to Isagi, he mentioned Rin too like, "He saw through your instincts too." Almost as if it were some kind of necessary requirement for someone to shine in his eyes.
Like, in simple words, "You looked through my little brother's instinct too? Now that's some good shit!"
It's kinda a subtle way of Sae giving Rin validation too like, "He is a solid player! How I know? Oh because he saw through your gameplay."
-> Ubers
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Lorenzo especially. Like, just look at him! I don't need to say anything more!
-> Silly Boy
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I wanna squeeze his face!!!! AAAAAA!!
And he is supposed to be the ace of the national team???? Like, look at that face, I will never be intimidated by such a cutie patootie. He deserves so many smooches!
-> Little Brother
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Aww. Just, awwwwwwww.
Head pats is my own love language too, so seeing this made me melt, and to be honest, Niko is Blue Lock's little brother! It just makes sense to think like that.
Part: 2, 3, 4.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: The Prefect has an accident in alchemy (courtesy of Ace, Deuce, and Grim) and has turned into a merperson!! Floyd witnesses this and drags them to Octavinelle, where they hang out with the Octotrio until Crewel can reverse the spell.
Author's Comments: i love these absolutely menaces they're my favorite ever i want to hold their hands and hugs them (and give azul smooches.) this ends in kind of a choose your own adventure way?
A bright, multicolored puff of smoke erupted from the cauldron in front of you as Ace and Deuce argued, Grim scurrying around your ankles as he cackled. The noise stopped immediately after the smoke cleared, but you still couldn’t see much of anything. It was only when you realized that you couldn’t breathe very well that you started to panic, flopping around the floor.
Wait, flopping?
You looked down at your legs, only to see the bottom half of a shrimp of all things.
“Bad pups! Stay!” Crewel yelled, quickly approaching your tiny form on the ground, “Ramshackle Prefect, are you alright?”
“Shrimpy?” Floyd leered, peeking over Crewel’s shoulders, “What did you guys do to them, huh?”
Ace and Deuce stepped back a bit, intimidated by the sharp glare Floyd sent their way.
“The water breathing potion must have backfired. What did you add into your potion?” Crewel glared.
“Um…dunno.” Ace mumbled, “I’m sorry, Prefect. I didn’t mean to make you…tiny.”
You tried to voice that it was okay, that you weren’t dying, but nothing came out but sharp shrieking noises and ragged gasps.
“It’s hard to breathe-!” you gasped, choking on air.
“Ehh? It's hard to breathe? You need water or something?” Floyd hummed, his words sending Deuce running to the nearest large plastic container to fill it up for you.
You were more impressed that he’d deciphered what you’d said.
“You can understand me?” you choked out, the sound coming out garbled and raspy.
He tilted his head, kneeling down to you, “Of course I can, Little Shrimp! Did your brain get tiny too? You’re just speaking mer.”
You were about to speak again before Floyd lifted you into his arms, curling his arms around your body and holding you close. He nuzzled your forehead affectionately, his teeth scraping against the skin.
“Leech! Unhand the Prefect!” Crewel demanded, swooping in with the container of water Deuce filled, “This is why you all needed remedial lessons in the first place!”
“Aww, no fun. I wanna play with Shrimpy!” he pouted, turning away and using his upper body to hide you away.
“It’s okay, Floyd. I’ll play with you later.” you promised, “Just please let me breathe.”
“Fiiiine. I don’t want Jade and Azul yelling at me for not taking good care of you. Whatever.” he huffed, annoyed at the idea of letting you go.
He dropped you into the water unceremoniously, the small splash briefly disorienting you before you became used to the feeling of breathing water. It honestly felt like the bathtubs at home, with the container just barely fitting you. Your tail was bent at an odd angle in order for you to breathe properly, and Floyd looked annoyed at your mild discomfort. He brightened up a second later, eyes glinting with mischief.
“I know! Shrimpy, let’s go to my dorm! We have a lot of water, and you can swim all you’d like! Then we can play all we want!” he grinned, sharp teeth gleaming in the light.
“That may be the best idea given the situation.” Crewel agreed, turning his gaze to you, “What do you think?”
You nodded, heart jumping at the thought of a bigger pool. You could breathe and have leg room in the Octavinelle pools, though you’d need to learn how to use your new bottom. You couldn’t imagine how hard it had been to transition from a tail to legs for Floyd and Jade, and in Azul’s case, tentacles. You kept trying to move how you would with your legs, but it felt you only had one big leg and only moved one way. Crossing your arms over your chest, you blew annoyed bubbles in the water.
“Aww, Shrimpy’s so cute!” Floyd cooed, scooping up the container with ease, “Come on, we’re going on a trip! Just me and Shrimpyyy!”
You tried your best to hold onto the container as Floyd slung you around the hall, yelling cheerfully about how much fun he was going to have with you. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping you’d reach Octavinelle soon.
“Floyd, what are you doing?” someone questioned, the amused tone all too familiar.
“Jade!” he beamed, shoving the container of Jade in Jade’s face, “Look at our Shrimpy! Aren’t they cute?”
“Indeed.” Jade chuckled, raising a brow as you floated aimlessly around the water, “I assume you were taking them to the pool in Octavinelle?”
“Where else? We need to keep our little Shrimpy close, don’t we?”
“That we do. I’ll walk with you.”
You wished you could chew them out about this stupid “our” business, but all that came out were more little shrieks and yelps. Floyd laughed, and that’s when you remembered that they could understand you.
“Poor thing. You sound so sad when you talk like that. I can barely understand you.” Jade sighed, acting all disappointed when you knew he was teasing.
“Mean!” you shrieked, and they both laughed.
Sinking back into the water, you blew annoyed bubbles until you found yourself in Octavinelle. The dorm was beautifully decorated, no doubt part of Azul’s influence. You furrowed your brow, looking from left to right. Where was Azul? It was after school, so there was only one other place he could be.
“Don’t fret, Little Pearl.” Jade hummed, staring down at you with half lidded eyes that scream trouble, “If you’re looking for Azul, he’s in his office. Of course, our priority lies with you as of now, but Floyd can retrieve him if you so wish.”
“Ehhh? Why me? I wanna play with Shrimpy.” he moped, holding the container of water closer to his chest.
“Oh, but Floyd, the Little Pearl doesn’t know how to use their tail. Wouldn’t it be more fun to play with them when they can run away? I will teach them the basics while you fetch Azul.” Jade hummed, attempting to placate his brother.
Floyd thought on it for a few seconds before brightening up, showing the container into Jade’s arms. With a loud promise of playing with you later, Floyd bolted towards the VIP Room.
Poor Azul.
“Well hello there.” Jade smiled down at you, his face distorted in the still sloshing water, “What do you say we get you in the pool, hm?”
You nodded, blowing more bubbles in the water. Jade chuckled politely, carrying you off into a hallway near the back of the dorm. You stood stationary inside the water as Jade hummed a tune, finally stopping in front of a door and pushing it open with his hip. The water sloshed over the side of the container, wetting his glove. Jade muttered a quiet apology and set the container down next to the wide expanse of clear water, his soaked gloved hand reaching into the water to pet your head.
“Do you mind if I lift you up? I hardly think dumping someone as delicate as you into a pool would be kind.” he hummed, pulling his gloves off one finger at a time, “I will also be shifting into my merform, so you won’t be lonely.”
You nodded, poking your head above the water. Jade’s bare hands were a sight you’d never seen before, and you were surprised at how soft they looked considering most of his free time was spent digging around in terrariums and even mountains. He noticed you staring, eyes crinkling in the corners as he chuckled. Without any warning, he swooped down gracefully, closing on you far too quickly for your liking. You jerked back, water sloshing over the sides of the container once again as Jade’s fangs glinted in the overhead lights.
“Don’t be shy, Little Pearl.” he cooed, dipping his bare hands into the water and scooping you up as though you were a plant ready to be repotted, “I won’t hurt you. I’ll treat you delicately, with all the care a little morsel like you deserves.”
Your eyes went wide at the morsel comment, but before you could see anything Jade had set you in the pool. Even though the water looked clear on the surface, there was a light fog settling within the water that made it hard to see much of anything. You jumped when you heard a splash a little ways away from you, but when you looked you couldn’t see anything. Fear coursed through your veins as you waited, unable to use your tail to swim towards where you hoped Jade had dove in with you. Gulping water through your gills, you tried to take deep breaths to calm down. They wouldn’t eat you, obviously. This was Jade. He just wanted to see you jump.
And jump you did, when a green blur gently tapped your tail from behind.
You jumped backward, whipping around to face none other than Jade. Crossing your arms, you glared at him as he chuckled, eyes narrowed.
“Apologies, Little Pearl. I wanted to see how you would react. It’s quite entertaining to see you out of your element.” he hummed, swishing his tail around as he darted in circles around you, “Now, do you think you’re ready to try swimming?”
“How do you guys work these things?!” you blurted, flopping in the pool like a fish on land, “It’s so hard to manage-”
“Don’t move it like you’d move your own two legs. Move like your legs have been merged into one.” Jade hummed, smirking at your struggle.
You jerked your tail as you managed to go forward, a small accomplishment in the grand scheme of things. Jade looked so proud though, and you tried not to let him feed your ego too much. He was probably laughing at you internally anyway.
“Good Little Pearl.” he hummed, swimming a bit further away, “Keep going. I’m certain you’ll be able to use that tail of yours efficiently in no time.”
With that praise, you tried even harder to swim towards him. It wasn’t as hard as it used to be now that you were thinking of your bottom as two legs merged together, and it occurred to you that merpeople had to pretend that their tail had been split in two. You wondered how they got used to feet, or even if they’d had a foot cramp before. Did merpeople have tail cramps?
You were too in your own head. As you snapped out of it, you realized that Jade had moved a bit farther, and had gone deeper into the pool. In the dimmer lighting at the bottom, you could swear his golden eye was glowing, beckoning you deeper into the pool like a siren. You almost didn’t go deeper.
Curiosity killed the cat, as they said, and curiosity was about to kill you.
So you swam down, chasing after Jade as he darted between the various types of coral, their jagged forms rising from the sand like nature’s fortified towers. Octavinelle was truly a beautiful dorm.
With beautiful people, you thought as you watched Jade look back at you, his eyes gleaming. His expression was playful as he twirled in a circle, darting into some faded yellow coral. Without a second thought, you swam after his, elated that you were finally getting the hang of your tail.
“What are you doing here?!” a loud hissed reverberated in the water, and Jade immediately darted in front of you like a guard dog.
A familiar face poked out from the coral, his blue gray eyes narrowed with annoyance.
“Azul?” you gasped, eyes widening at the surprise, “I thought you were back in your VIP Room?”
“Wh- Angelfish? Why are you a…?” Azul trailed off, head tilting to the side as he examined you, “...Nevermind that. You need to get out. Out! Leave!”
“Azul, it’s okay.” Jade spoke, his voice calm and collected.
He still hadn’t moved away from you though.
“Azul, is everything okay?” you asked, keeping your distance.
The last thing you wanted to do was annoy him.
“Angelfish, please leave. You shouldn’t see me like this.” he sighed, shaking his head as he shrank back into the coral, “It’s not a pretty sight, I assure you. Now, if you will-”
“There’s no part of you that I wouldn’t find nice.” you said, voice so stern it surprised you, “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to show me, but I promise I won’t judge you for anything. I’m literally a shrimp right now.”
You flicked your tail in his direction for emphasis, and Jade snorted. He seemed to have drifted off the side since you two figured out it was Azul and not some other random student.
“Aaaaazul!” Floyd called, darting out of nowhere into the coral Azul was hiding in, “Come play with us!”
“Floyd, no-!” Azul yelped as he was slammed out of his hidey hole, a writhing mass of black following his front as Floyd cackled. Your eyes widened at the appendages as he struggled to hide them, trying to make himself seem as small as possible. He kept shooting you panicked glances, his chest rising and falling rapidly as Floyd swam circles around him.
“Azul? Why are you on edge? Is it because Little Shrimpy’s here?” Floyd teased.
“Azul, I highly doubt Little Pearl cares about such trivial things.” Jade hummed, pressing a hand against your lower back and pushing you the slightest bit forward.
Azul froze on the spot, finally taking the time to look at your expression. There was no disgust, no amusement, no fear. There was just awe and curiosity. He swallowed thickly, feeling like a specimen on an examination table. You slowly swam forward, reaching out slowly, giving him time to pull away. He slammed his eyes shut but didn’t move, feeling your hand slide down one of his tentacles. You hummed as your other hand cupped one of them, flipping it upwards to reveal the suction cups. Azul cracked his eyes open just a bit to see you staring down at his chubby hideous revolting body with such much adoration that it made his heart jump into his throat. He couldn’t breathe.
“You’re really pretty, Azul.” you murmured, pulling the tentacle closer and letting it wrap around your hand, its actions shaky and slow, “You’re gorgeous like this.”
“See? What did I tell ya? Little Shrimpy doesn’t care.” Floyd laughed, poking Azul at the base of his tentacles.
“I’m not so sure about that, Floyd. They seem to care quite a bit.” Jade chuckled.
Another black tentacle wrapped itself around your waist as his purple tinted skin turned pink. He refused to meet your gaze as you accepted his touch without a bit of repulsion, your eyes affectionate and happy as if asking him to keep going. He yanked himself away before he could pull you into his chest and hug you for hours.
“Come swim with us, Azul!” Floyd called, snapping at him with his teeth as he giggled, “You can’t hog Shrimpy all day! That’s not faaair!”
“Floyd is right, you know. You should thank him for going to get you in the first place. That was very generous of him.” Jade hummed.
“I was here the whole time.” Azul mumbled, and you shook your head at their antics.
“I’d like to make the most of this form while I’m still in it. It’s been fun so far!” you bounced a bit in the water, curling your tail in and out.
“Aww, Shrimpy’s so cute!” Floyd giggled, his expression immediately shifting to annoyance when he processed what you meant, “Ehh? What do ya mean? We’re going to have you over like this again, Shrimpy. You’re not getting away that easily.”
“Indeed.” Jade began circling you, a sinister look on his face, “You’re such a small little morsel, it would be the same if we didn’t have a chance to catch you.”
A shiver shot down your spine as Floyd followed his twin’s example, the both of them circling you menacingly as Azul stared disappointingly at them.
“If you two keep freaking them out, they’ll never come back again.” he pointed out, tugging you closer by the tail, “Don’t scare the poor angelfish. ”
“It’s just a little fuuun.” Floyd giggled, brightening up at the thought of forcing you over again, “Come on Shrimpy, wouldn’t you like that?”
“Sketchy undertones aside, I agree. I think it’d be nice to try this out again, even just swimming in my human form. It’s like stress relief.” you mused.
“Professor Crewel should be working on a cure already. We best make haste if we’re to enjoy you to the fullest.” Jade smiled his close-eyed smile, “Little Pearl, if you will.”
He gestured to the coral around you as Floyd’s yellow eye gleamed mischievous. When Jade opened his eyes, you noticed his yellow eye was glowing too.
“You may hide, and we will seek you out.” he chuckled, tilting his head slightly, “Wouldn’t you enjoy that?”
“Oh yes, Shrimpy! It’ll be so fun. We’ll try to take a bite out of you.” Floyd laughed.
 Azul shook his head exasperatedly, holding out a hand to you.
“If you do not wish to join their game of cat and mouse, I can show you around the deeper ends of the pool.” he murmured, “I’m sure you would enjoy the secret’s I’ve stashed away.”
You looked between the three, contemplating which to try first. Well, what’ll it be, dear Prefect?
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yelenasdiary · 2 months
okay. i don’t send requests but i do talk to you a lot but i was wondering if i could request a wandanat comfort fic of just being worried about everything (and i mean everything) like every bad thing will happen. and r sees something on social media and digs deeper and freaks out even more
if you aren’t comfortable with this just delete it amd move on 🫶
Little Worry Pot
Pairing: WandaNat x GN! Reader
Summary: Wanda & Nat come home to find you stressing out. 
Tiny Angst, Fluff
Warnings: None, I don’t think? | 1.1K
Translations: Detka (baby),
AC: I hope it’s okay I used a personal experience for this! I used to get myself so worked up things like this, thank you for sending this! I hope you enjoy! x 
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When Nat and Wanda came home, Wanda’s first chore was drying the soaked umbrellas before putting them away. The TV was left on, the local afternoon news report giving a weather update that both women ignored. Nat quietly went upstairs and knocked softly on the bedroom door before entering. She expected to see you taking a nap but instead, she saw the bed frame. 
“Wands!” Natasha called out before she wandered over to the ensuite bathroom. 
“Yeah?” Wanda called back. 
Slowly, Nat opened the bathroom door to an unexpected sight. There you were, in the bathtub with the mattress from the bed covering you. “Detka?” Nat questioned with a confused look, standing in the doorway. 
“Huh? Oh, Hey!” You peeped your head out from under the mattress with a slightly crazed smile. 
Nat did her best to bite back the chuckle she wanted to let out, “W-what, uh, what is this?” She asked just as Wanda entered the bedroom. 
“Did you guys not see the weather warning? I thought that’s why you guys were late home” you replied, slightly confused as to why your girlfriends weren’t worried about the worrying warnings you had read on Twitter before turning on the TV. 
“Darling, it’s just a thunderstorm” the red head did her best to assure you. Wanda stood beside her, looking at you with the same confused look that Natasha had. “My love, did you do that thing again where you dig deeper into a headline and scare yourself?” She asked. Your eyes shifted to Wanda, “no, I promise! This is serious! We could get a hurricane warning at any moment! You both should get in here, come on!” You replied, shifting in the bathtub to make room for your girlfriends. 
Wanda lightly chuckled, “you’re too adorable, but sweetheart, we live in New York City. We are more likely to get a hurricane than a tornado” 
Natasha gently nudged the brunette, “probably not a good idea to say that” she whispered. 
“Well, don’t just stand there! Get in!! A hurricane is much bigger than a tornado, please just get in the tub!” You begged. Natasha wandered over to you and kneeled down to meet your eyes, “how long did you spend online researching tornados?” She asked. Your eyes dropped slightly, a loud crack of thunder making you jump slightly. “A couple of hours” you admit. 
“And what is the rule we have when you start researching things?” 
“To stop when I start to stress myself out” 
Nat smiled softly and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, “this is just the same old thunderstorm we usually have” she reminded you. “B-but all the signs were there” you added, looking into her eyes. Gently, she cupped your cheek and stroked your skin softly with her thumb, “I promise you detka, if there was going to be hurricane, you would be the first person we kept safe. We would never let anything bad happen to you, ever.” Natasha assured you, not breaking eye contact. 
“Do you mean that?” You asked, just wanting to be completely sure. 
Wanda smiled softly as she kneeled down next to Natasha, “would it make you feel better if we sat down and came up with a safety plan in case such a thing were to happen?” She asked in a comforting tone. You nodded slowly, “I think that would be a good idea” you replied, pushing the mattress up. Nat helped you out of the tub before Wanda took you by the hand gently and took you into the kitchen.
She made you a hot chocolate as you sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen, listening to the rain hitting the roof while you twirled your thumbs around one another to try and ease your thoughts. “Honey, it’s okay” Wanda said softly, your eyes looking up at her, “we all have fears” she added, knowing what you were thinking. 
“Yeah but you and Nat don’t go crazy and convince yourself something bad is going to happen” you sighed. 
“That doesn’t mean we don’t think about it” the brunette replied. “Anytime we have to go on a mission without you, we worry so much about your safety. Even if you are with us, we can’t stop the millions of thoughts of ‘what ifs’ we just have different ways of dealing with them” she adds. 
You took a small sip of your hot chocolate as you listened to her words just before Natasha joined you both, taking a seat next to you. “Wands is right detka but let me tell something I’ve never shared with anybody before” she says. Wanda slightly tilted her head in confusion, her mind racking for what Nat could possibly be talking about. 
“Never? With anybody?” You looked at the red head. 
“Not a single soul” Nat assures you. 
“I’m curious” Wanda adds making Nat chuckle lightly. “Well, I have a massive fear of a mouse plage. Anytime I see a mouse, my mind goes to the thought of a plage” your girlfriend confesses. Your eyes slightly shifted to Wanda then back to Nat, “hey, unless you have seen the videos I’ve seen, don’t judge!” Nat quickly inserts herself. 
“Oh, I wasn’t judging Natty” you smiled ever so softly, “I’m just a little amused that tiny little mouses are your biggest fear” you added. 
“Just a heads up, I wouldn’t go into the garage, I think I saw a mouse in there the other day” Wanda teases, causing both you and her to chuckle. Nat didn’t take any offense to the little teasing that was just thrown at her, she got to see your smile once more and that made confessing her fear worth it. “Well, if I see it, it’s dead” Nat commented, chuckling along with you and Wanda. 
“Since we’re on the topic, I should confess that I have arachibutyrophobia and claustrophobia” Wanda says. Natasha slightly frowns, “you have a fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth? But you eat my sandwiches?” She asks. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing thinking about all the times Wanda pretended to eat a peanut butter sandwich and instead would use her magic to make it disappear.
“That’s what you think” Wanda smirked, then it hit Nat, “oh come on! I could’ve eaten them!” She replied. “I didn’t want to hurt your feels, I am sure your peanut butter sandwiches are amazing!” Wanda commented. 
Hearing both of your girlfriends open up to you about stuff you honestly never knew, really helped ease the worries you had given yourself. Going from being scared to worried that your partners would be tired of you doing this to yourself to being here and helping you, really showed you how much they love you. The kitchen was filled with light bickering and laughter before the three of you decided to go out for pizza for dinner.
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - I hand out a couple of high scores & have qualms about pairs
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. I didn't get many screen shots this week, so welcome to a WALL OF TEXT. Duh duh duh dum.
July 2024 Week 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 16 fin - TanFang are ridiculous but I have grown to truly love them. ChainPun at the end made me hoot with laughter everyone was a meme of FINALLY. In fact, I loved all the pairs, this was a great ensemble piece.
I was left mildly wondering if Arm will ever lead a BL. 
All in all? 
I really enjoyed this show. It was slow to find its stride (I didn’t get into it until ep 7) but I’m very glad I gave it a chance. It’s a soft ensemble piece with multiple couples and very little plot, but I didn’t care because it’s not trying to be anything more substantial. Essentially this was a series of vignettes covering one year of uni for a queer friendship group finding love, new friends, and laughter. It’s not being harsh with us or it’s characters the way some offerings of this ilk have been (side eyes Friend Zone and Only Friends) nor did it tumble into Gen Y chaos. In fact, this reminded me more than anything of a refined and elevated Love Sick - just with older characters and occurring within a genre that has matured too. It has that close queer friendship group meets earnest gentleness that made me adore Love Sick so much. In other words, this was Thai BL at its finest, finding it roots again 10 years on, but also stretching upwards and showing us what it could do with that original seed. So? I loved it. Did it blow my mind? No. But it left me smiling and made me belly laugh quite a bit. 9/10
Technically it should probably get an 8/10 - too much singing, but I’m bubbling over with nostalgia rn.
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Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - I struggled to watch that fight. But that’s because it was so well done for a BL. Lots of speeches this ep. (I said too cheesy right before Dee did.)
I like Drake & Title as a new ship. Hope it sails. Also some decent ace rep. 
On a totally different note: Good use of frosting. But… you know I’m gonna say it… NO SINGING. 
Final thoughts:
What a FUN show. A charming quintessentially modern Thai BL about a doctor and a boxer who start as a one night stand and then fall in love. Great rep for everything from Muay Thai, to safe sex, to FUN sex, to ace, to bisexuality, to smiley kisses, to the first legal gay wedding in a Thai BL. It’s a delight and I enjoyed (almost) every single moment of it. 
An easy 9/10. 
I do hope we get more GreatInn.
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) eps 7-8 of 12 - So Ryu’s ma is evil? And Frank is giving me serious second lead syndrome. Also he’s been working out a lot. I noticed my dude, thank you. I don't think we've ever gotten this kind of focus on a side dish before. The show is in dangerous territory, since he's so good he's taking attention away from the leads. Also, I think Zen is completely aware of what is going on with this love triangle, he just doesn’t want to put up with their nonsense. I even like the cute side crumbs. 
On a complete aside: why are crime lords in BL always in bathtubs? Asking for… the other genres. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if The Godfather entirely took place in bathtubs? A Real Man has a large… tub. 
And we end with mass murder? WOW! Chaotically played my dearest pulp! 
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Century of Love (Weds Gaga) eps 3-4 of 10 - These boys are playing complicated roles with lots of layers to them. Daou is doing a great job. We can see the old man inside this kid. Offroad... I’m not convinced, he’s chewing the scenery a bit. I actually think he has the more layered and complicated part to play. So I'm giving him a chance to subtly show that cheerful façade fracturing with delicacy. But I worry we may be back in JamFilm territory where one partner can’t quite keep up with the other's skillz.
All of this is to say, this is still a better acted piece than I was expecting. (Although the surrounding cast and special effects are doing our leads no particular favors.)
It’s hugely enjoyable but uneven (with those occasional injections of slapstick humor) I’m not entirely sure the production knows what it wants to be. I wish it had the courage of its convictions to lean into the “I feel you linger in the air” aesthetic. Now that I know Thailand can go there, I’m a bit annoyed when a show like this, which should, doesn’t. Which is not to say I’m not enjoying it. I am. A lot. Just that I should probably lower my expectations. Daou, however, is so damn good, he keeps getting my hopes up.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 8 - Oh no we have a lonely poor little rich boy. Catnip character for @heretherebedork. Meanwhile, I’m liking the layers of the main romance, with everybody having hidden agendas and such. Nice tension. Of course I love the eroticism around smells. One of my favorite tropes. But I’m not sure I buy the relationship chemistry between the leads when this much lying is going on. 
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 7 of 12 - I am growing to love Fourth's version of this character. He’s so frantic and confused, but in a completely different way from the JBL. It’s a bit more whiny and a bit less cartoonish. But it resonates with me more. He's less of a meme tho. The photo moment! I literally squealed, "Gah!!! They are so cute!"
Linguistic moment. Did you hear in the cupcake section that Half went to rao/ter? Very sweet. (The boys use rao/nai.)
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Also, yay for the twist on the school counselor character! Best thing ever. I would like the entire story of Nop & Sin GMMTV, please and thank you. Also… NO SINGING. 
Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 12 - I’m continuing to enjoy this a lot. It’s a fun cast. A touch twee for me, and I’m really hoping they amp up something other than the romance soon, but I don't mind ending my week with these two.
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - I'm enjoying this show so much, just not as a BL (yet). It’s honest to the internship experience of overwhelm (such as I recall, it's been A WHILE). I’m not sure how much BL I’m getting from it thus far. I mean our leads shared a long glance or two but that’s about it. It’s very slow burn. But I don’t mind that since I’m liking the surrounding stuff. Can't stand the girlfriend intern character tho. I hope she get redeemed.  Or killed.
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 - Halfway through I had already finished my drink out of sheer boredom.  Trash watch here.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - Frankly I’m finding this relatively dull right now. Lovely kisses tho. Best and Seng are great together, consummate BL pros, not a pair I had on my bingo card. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - I like how much we can see K’s intense liking and emotional need for this loud broken kid. And how easy it is for him to admit to that truth. Because what he’s going through is so much worse than admitting to having feelings. The acting is fantastic. Sometimes I forget how great Japan can be. And then they decide to remind me. Oh, it’s SO GOOD. 
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - Another one I’m finding boring. Just japan’s version. The vintage yaoi “old dude creep trope” I see. It’s been a while. 
It's airing but...
Meet You at the Blossom - it's your funeral (or, more likely, one of the main characters'). You can argue but... statistics. You know my feelings on this matter. MY BLOG, remember?
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GIF by mypotatokun
In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution. I demand you tell me the moment you find it!
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT) - Got bumped to Aug 2. Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
July Releases Still To Come
7/24 I Saw You in My Dream (Thai Weds Gaga) - Dee Hup is behind this one so I have high hopes. Younger boy chronically teased his whole life by the older boy next door suddenly starts having horrific prophetic dreams about his bully and must save him.
7/26 4 Minutes (Thai Netflix or iQIYI?) - Great, a rich boy studying business at uni, suddenly gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future.
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return, and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: the premise? Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
No time this week, I'm having computer issues.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
136 notes · View notes
Pairing: Fierce Deity x Reader
Warning(s): smut :))
Notes: Writing this in honor of the 105 degree heat I had to endure a week ago. Also Fierce might be a bit OOC but I want my sexy daddy rn
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It was so damn hot.
Blistering heat swept across your skin, practically glowing from the thin layer of sweat, and you sat on the porch and considered your life choices. It was just your luck that your AC decided to die on you in the dead of summer, which is why you were outside in some booty shorts and a bikini top, hair up and popsicle practically down your throat.
"Jewel?" A voice rumbled from the depths of your home, and the Fierce Deity stepped onto the porch, the wood creaking under his impressive bulk. He stopped short as soon as he caught sight of you, eyes wide with some unidentifiable emotion that you were positive had to do something with your current state of (un)dress. Not that you were particularly impressed when you caught sight of his fashion choices.
"Okay, I know you're a god, but how can you wear that," you gestured incredulously to the full set of armor he was sporting. "Why can't you melt like the rest of us?"
The deity gave a short laugh, moving to sit beside you. "I was not aware you would prefer that, though perhaps I can offer an..." his tone deepened. "alternative."
You raised an eyebrow and delivered a sharp, slurp-y suck to your popsicle. There was no way in hell you were going to fuck in this heat, not when you were positive a warm breeze would send you into cardiac arrest. "Nice try, but I fancy my life."
For a second, you could have sworn his expression turned pouty, but it was quickly replaced with a small grin. It was rare to see him so... carefree (even if he was hinting to having sex on the hottest fucking day of the year), and you almost felt inclined to humor him. Almost.
"Of course, but I have taken the liberty of exploring your territory," back was the feral glint in his pupil-less eyes. "are you aware of the springs on the eastern border?"
Aside from the fact that he talked like everything was a military campaign, he did have a point. The only problem was that the neighboring children didn't consider your 'territory' as private as he did, and you had no doubt they were there now. "Thanks, but I don't feel like exposing myself to a bunch of children," you snarked, finishing off your popsicle with one last hearty slurp, blind to how the deity's eyes immediately snapped to watch the spectacle with rapt attention. "Now, we could fill my bathtub with ice cubes, but I doubt you'll fit."
"Inconceivable," was Fierce's deadpan response, and you wondered if letting him watch The Princess Bride was a bad idea.
"Exactly," you flicked the wooden stick into the trashcan and wobbled to your feet. "Welp, I'm going to get naked and hope my skin peels off so I can be cool."
It was almost funny how alarmed he looked at your statement. "You will do nothing of the sort, my vow—"
"It's a joke, it's a joke!" you interjected before he could go all guard dog on you. "The heat's not doing any favors to either of us right now."
A hand sealed itself over your wrist, preventing you from stumbling inside like you hoped. You raised your eyebrow at the deity currently holding you captive, waiting to see if he would explain himself or if it was time for you break out the mom(tm) voice again.
"You need not worry about the children, they would not dare disturb you in my presence."
Of course he had threatened the children. It was to be expected that, whether intentional or not, the Fierce Deity was an imposing figure, and you had no doubt that it had taken nary a cold glance to send those poor kids running for the hills. You pinched your temples with your free hand at the very thought of another encounter with the HOA on the basis of the seven foot deity stalking your land at night. "Oh my god, please tell me you didn't chase them out."
"I did not have to," intoned the deity, as if that made it any better. "They left as soon as the leader caught sight of me."
And by 'left', you just knew he meant 'ran screaming for the hills'. "Fierce..."
"That is my name."
You deadpanned. "No shit, Sherlock."
"That is... not my name."
You were done. Tugging halfhearted in his hold, you whined. "C'mon man, it's too hot for this—"
Without warning, the Fierce Deity rose to his feet, practically casting a shadow over your sweltering form, and hoisted you, butt first, over his shoulder in one quick motion. You gasped in outrage, fists banging on the back of his armor, which did no damage whatsoever. "H-Hey! Put me down!"
Was this really happening? You were half-convinced a fever dream had taken hold of your sanity, because while Fierce was, well, fierce, he definitely wasn't the type to throw you down somewhere and make love to you... or was he? You could count the number of 'encounters' you'd had with the deity on one hand, as you relationship hadn't developed in that way until recently, and he had always waited for you to initiate, though you weren't dense enough to miss the way he glanced back at you with an expression with absolute want. Clearly, this display was him coming out of his metaphorical shell, and you were so here for it. Not that you weren't going to give him a run for his money first.
"Fierce!" You kicked your feet, though they didn't go far with the protective arm slung over the backs of your thighs. "Fierce, are you listening?"
"No," responded the deity honestly. "You would have used the phrase if you truly wanted me to stop."
Fuck, he had you there. You had been the one to suggest a safe word in the early hours of your newfound 'relationship', and Fierce quickly agreed. Though the word 'vow' had entered the conversation, it was quickly shot down, with the deity explaining that his vow to you was a sacred, unbreakable thing, and he had no wish to sully it. You were fairly sure him fucking your brains out wouldn't do that, but relented quickly when you realized just how serious he was.
"That doesn't mean I can't be annoyed with you," you snarked, though it was more playful than anything. Your house had long since disappeared as you traveled further into the forest, though it was hard to tell just how far he had taken you.
"That is why I shall never cease to adore you."
"I, what—" You squawked in abject embarrassment despite the fact that you had seen each other naked multiple times. "Y-You can't just say stuff out of the blue like that!"
"Inconceivable," came the second movie reference of the day. "I would never utter an untruth to you."
The fuck? Sure, he liked call you his treasure when he was balls deep, and there was no shortage of affection from him when you found yourself alone together, but you'd hardly expected such a stoic man to... well, it was as if he was trying to fluster you!
And, by god, was it working. Heat rushed through every part of your body at the thought of him taking control for the first time in, well, forever. Initiating was your thing, but now...
With a face redder than a beet, you muttered. "You better carry me back, dick."
You yelped when something distinctly close to a hand came down on your left ass cheek, not hard enough to hurt, but it got your attention all the same. "I intend to," came the deity's smug promise as you grappled with the fact that he had just smacked your ass.
Before you could muster a response to the insanity that had just occurred, Fierce pushed past a gaggle of branches--making sure they didn't smack you in the process, which was honestly the sweetest--and marched into the clearing where the hot springs resided. You waited patiently for him to set you down, regarding the bubbling spring with thoughtful consideration. The water was cool, that much you were sure of, and the area was blissfully empty of squawking children.
"...You may be on to something here."
A chuckle rumbled from Fierce's mouth, and he began to remove his armor. You froze as his breastplate and tunic came off, revealing miles of battle-scarred skin, glistening temptingly in the blazing sun, then scrambled to remove your shorts the second he undid his belt, because damn if you weren't going to get a piece of that. "You're such a bad influence," you teased, tossing your shorts to the way side as his leggings flew to the ground below. While you had the foresight to put on a pair of swim bottoms, the deity had done no such thing, standing naked before you without a care in the world. You were glad to see him so confident, even though it was wholeheartedly unexpected. "Scaring kids so we can play hooky."
But Fierce wasn't fazed, marching forward to scoop you up once again. You laughed in surprise, arms falling around his neck, legs wrapped around his very naked waist, as an arm came under your ass to support you. "I live to serve," rumbled the deity softly, and you pecked his lips with a cheeky grin.
"I know."
You giggled when he entered the spring, tall enough that no water reached you for a few steps. You wiggled out of his grasp as soon as the water touched your bum, paddling away happily in the blissfully chilly spring. The deity made no move to grab you, standing waist-deep with his arms crossed over his delicious chest. You began to tread, swiveling your body to face his. "Isn't it nice?"
Fierce offered you the ghost of a smile, though the softness in his eyes said what he didn't. "It is."
Still treading, you continued: "You know how to swim?"
He nodded, expression flashing to something more grave. "How am I to protect you without?"
That was the question, wasn't it? Chuckling, you paddled back over, leaving a trail of bubbles in your wake, hands outstretched like a child. The Fierce Deity caught you under the arms, pulling you close. His skin was cool, and you snuggled closer, practically purring... until something very familiar poked your prone thigh.
You bit your lip, feeling a rush of heat in your abdomen that had absolutely nothing to do with the weather. Glancing up at him through your lashes, you quipped: "Is that a sword or are you just happy to see me?"
Fierce's large hands slid down to cup your rear, covered only by the thin fabric of your swim bottoms. His expression seemed to darken when you arched slightly into his touch
"Fierce..." you breathed, running your hands over his broad shoulders as his hardness slid against your core, and it was then that the deity chose to capture your lips in a searing kiss, pulling you impossibly close. You moaned into his mouth, water rushing past your bare sides as he backed you against a conveniently-placed rock at the edge of the spring. He pressed you to them, deepening the kiss as you pawed at his shoulders.
"--Wait," you all but gasped when he broke the kiss. The Fierce Deity froze, hands stilling. His gaze never left your face, studying your panicked expression as he waited for you to speak. "--What if someone sees?"
A hand came up to stroke your cheek, tender enough that you scarcely believed it had happened in the first place. "No one shall disturb us," your deity soothed, but you knew that if you truly wished it, he would stop without so much as a complain. It was simply how he was.
You chewed the inside of your cheek, averting your eyes for a split second. It wasn't that you didn't believe him, but there was something so taboo about enjoying each other in such a public space. Gaze flitting back to him, you whispered: "...Promise?"
"I vow it," was his response, so sincere that you could have cried. Heart swelling, you gave a shy nod and pulled him in for another blistering kiss. The Fierce Deity's reaction was slow, but purposeful, as his hands stroked up and down your sides, eventually sliding upwards to hold your cheeks. Your legs tightened around his waist, bringing you impossibly closer to his rock hard dick. You broke the kiss, offering him a small, cheeky grin that coincided perfectly with the slow roll of your hips. The tips of the deity's ears pinked and you didn't miss the way his jaw clenched. "I guess you are excited to see me."
Instead of responding, he dove for your neck, teeth grazing your pulse point gently. You whimpered, chin tilting up for better access. His hands roamed back down to your sides, noticeably cautious, and you realized why when they cupped your breasts, thumbs stroking your pebbled nipples through your bikini top.
"Fierce!" You quivered as his tongue lathed over your neck, peppering the trembling skin with featherlight kisses. It didn't matter that you had done this before--it was amazing every time. He tweaked a nipple carefully and you broke. "Ah!"
Your hands grabbed hold of his stark white hair, tugging softly as you struggled to contain yourself. Your back arched when one of his hands slid across your spine to untie your top, tossing it aside as soon as the fabric slackened enough to be pulled off, baring your breasts to the open air. You shivered, half from the chill and half from the intensity of his stare, as though he would never get tired of you.
Almost reverently, the Fierce Deity dipped his head, taking a nipple in his hot mouth. You threw your head back when he rolled the other one between two thick fingers, plucking the tender bud hard enough to make you squeal. His gaze snapped to your face, drinking in every single one of your reactions with such a starstruck glint in his eyes that you could hardly stand to hold his burning look.
"Please," you whimpered, unsure of what you were actually asking for. Maybe it was his body, pressed closer than you could ever imagine, or maybe it was his soul, practically cradled in the palm of your hand. You felt as though would die for those eyes, gazing up at you with more emotion than you knew what to do with. "Fierce..."
Maybe it was the way you said his name, or the way you looked above him, face flushed a deep cherry as you panted for breath, but the Fierce Deity released your nipple to press a sweet kiss to the top of your left breast, directly over your beating heart. A soft gasp left you when his hands cupped your ass and he lifted you onto the rock, laying you down like you were the deity in this relationship.
You craned your neck to watch him settle between your legs, face to face with your undoubtedly soaked swim bottoms. Calloused hands stroked your hips, but Fierce didn't go further, staring at you with a questioning gaze. The tips of his fingers grazed the waistband, and his voice practically rumbled through you.
"May I?"
It warmed your heart that, even now, he was still this soft, this gentle with you, always asking before going further. Every one of his touches was a question that you were all too eager to answer, practically trembling with anticipation. "Go ahead," you whispered, shooting him a dazzling smile. Your swim bottoms were abruptly removed, but you didn't find it in yourself to care when his mouth immediately sealed over your throbbing pussy, delivering a strong suck that had you clapping a hand over your mouth to muffle your noises. A sort of growl reverberated through you and the Fierce Deity was immediately above you, gently removing your hand and pinning it to the stone with his own. The head of his dick pulsed against your entrance, but you weren't able to appreciate it when your chin was abruptly grabbed.
"No," rumbled the deity in a tone that reminded you of the distant crack of thunder, so close that you could feel his breath against your face. "I want to hear you."
You could have cum at that very moment.
Holy. Shit.
You could only manage a wobbly nod, jaw nearly at the floor, and he scooted back down, giving you a pointed look before lacing your fingers with his, holding your hands at your stomach as he reacquainted himself with your swollen clit, suckling the throbbing bud with enough force to make you moan louder that you had in your life. After a few seconds, he pulled back, tongue flicked against the small nub before he dover down to absolutely devour your dripping cunt. Your hips attempted to buck at the overwhelming pleasure, but they didn't go far with your arms in the way. You yelped as that godly tongue licked a stripe from base to clit, then diving down do slurp at the slick of your entrance. If there was any hope of you holding your moans back before, there certainly wasn't now, even as you twisted and shivered. Even so, there was no reprieve from that glorious mouth of his as he chased your every which way, rumbling lowly against your lips when you moved a bit too harshly.
"Fuck, Fierce–" you wailed as the coil in your belly tightened more and more, drawing you closer to the precipice of orgasm than you thought possible. it was all too obvious that he definitely wasn't human, and you were living for it. "Oh god, I'm going to–"
You finished the sentence with a shrill cry when he released one of your hands to push two thick fingers into your pussy, crooking at just the right angle that–paired with the sharp, all-consuming suck he delivered to your clit–made you quite literally see stars as your orgasm crashed into you like a speeding train. Your body shook, back arching with wild abandon, as you screamed your release to the bright, blue sky, too far gone to care whether anyone saw you or not.
Fierce released you when the tremors stopped, removing his fingers from your overstimulated cunt, though it wasn't for long, as he had you in his arms before your knees could drop from their folded position, cradling you to his naked chest as he made his way to shore, carefully sitting against a stone beside the bank with you in his lap, head buried in the center of his chest.
"Are you alright?" came his concerned rumble, and you couldn't help but chuckle, lifting your head to deliver a swift kiss to his chin.
"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you?" you asked softly, pushing some hair from your sweaty forehead.
"Many times," answered the deity with a small smile, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. He tasted sweet, a bit musky, and you couldn't imagine anything better... until you registered the pulsing penis–large and thick, wreathed in trimmed white hair that most definitely matched the drapes–settled against your aching cunt. It was sweet that he was giving you time to recover, but you wanted that in you now.
"Fierce," you moaned, rocking your hips slowly into his dick. A soft groan was your answer, and his hands were at your hips, guiding you up. Panting, you took him in hand, bringing the tip to rest snuggly between your drooling folds, angling yourself to that the appendage brushed heavily against the base of your clit, eliciting a shiver and moan.
Something dark glinted in the deity's stark eyes for a split second, but you didn't dwell on it when he began to push you down on his cock; slowly, as to not harm you, but there was definitely an insistent edge to his guidance that you couldn't help but notice. That, combined with the subtle clenching of his jaw, was all you needed to know on the subject. Gathering your strength, you sealed your hands on his shoulders and slid all the way down in one fell swoop, drawing a surprised gasp of your name from Fierce himself. You knew he wasn't much of a talker during sex, which was why moments like this were so damn delicious.
Gathering your strength, you began to bounce with reckless abandon, drawing more grunts from your lover as he grappled with the newfound pleasure. He always did what was good for you, which made returning the favor all the more overdue.
"Does that– huff, feel good?" You asked between bounces, making sure your grin was as cheeky as could be, reaching up to grasp handfuls of his hair. You tugged gently, forcing him to bend down for a sweet, sweet kiss. His hands tightened on your hips, but no move was made to restrain you, so you continued like your life depended on it, moaning softly as the head of his dick caressed that spongey spot within you with every swooping thrust. "You're always– haa, fuck, doing things for me, s-so I'm going to return the–...ohhh god, favor."
Time seemed to meld together when he kissed you, tongues swirling together in a dance only known to the two of you. The Fierce Deity wasn't a man of many words, but you felt his devotion in the way he pulled you close, his desire as his hand snaked down to play with your swollen bud of a clit, and his love in the way he looked at you with absolute, unadulterated adoration.
There was no doubt in your mind that you were in love with Fierce , which is why you reached beneath you to fondle his balls, large and heavy, in a featherlight caress, drawing another half-moan from the depths of his throat. You joined the chorus when the coil in your abdomen began to tighten once again under his careful ministrations. Your hips and thighs burned as you struggled to keep pace, huffing and puffing as determination flashed in your eyes. he did so much for you, so how could you not return–
As if on cue, Fierce's hands returned to the sides of your hips, gripping your love handles with a conviction. His legs, once straight, curved as he planted his feet on the ground and delivered a harsh thrust into you that had you screaming like a maniac. Over and over, he pounded into your poor pussy, rocking your very soul as you fought for stability, arching your chest into his own, which he told advantage of in the form of his mouth closing in on a bobbing nipple, sucking deftly as he practically hollowed you from the inside out. A myriad of whimpers left your throat, raw from all the yelling, but there was nothing you could do but scratch your nails down his biceps, crying your pleasure to the sky above.
It was then that your climax hit you with the force of a tsunami. You threw your head back with a half-sob when he slammed your hips to his own, holding you in place as you thrashed and babbled in overwhelming pleasure, eventually wandering up to control your upper body so he could press gentle kisses and bites onto your tender flesh. One thrust later and scalding cum filled your overstimulated, drooling pussy, but you were far too gone to react with anything other than a soft moan.
Exhausted, you allowed yourself to fall back into his chest, heaving with exertion. The Fierce Deity held you close, and you simply existed there for a few precious moments, drinking in each other's presence. It was only when his hands stroked over your spine, eliciting several shivers, did you find your voice again.
"W-Wait, I need a–" you tried to sit up–mildly panicked at the thought of him wanting to go again–but a gentle hand kept you down. "–I need a break."
"I know," came your lover's comforting rumble. He sounded weary, but you knew it wouldn't last; he was a god, after all. "How do you feel?"
"Fucked," you snarked tiredly, earning yourself a tender swat to the ass that felt more like a caress than anything. "I'm joking– I'm tired."
"I can tell," sneered the deity, hands coming under your armpits. You did your best impression of a rag doll as he lifted you off his massive dick, standing up and cuddling your prone form to his chest. You loosely wrapped an arm around his thick neck, black spots dancing in your vision when he bent to retrieve his clothes and yours. "Sleep, my dove."
And who were you to refuse? With a sleepy rumble, you pecked his shoulder once more and allowed sleep to take you.
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The next morning, there was a note on your front door.
You had awoken in your bedroom, satisfyingly sore, to one of Wild's patented omelets on your nightstand. You grabbed the accompanying fork and ate the still warm creation before traipsing down the stares to greet the boys, though not before exchanging the large tunic placed over you for some regular clothes, because while you loved wearing Fierce's clothes, you had some sense when it came to the other men in the house knowing of your... escapades with the deity, who was nowhere to be found. Time informed you that he was 'out', which was code for 'likely doing something illegal because no one wanted to fight him', but it was far too early to deal with whatever bullshit that scenario would bring.
You saw the note–which was really just a sad piece of notebook paper taped to the center of your door–after getting the mail. Puzzled, you retrieved it, tucked the mail under your arm, and nearly dropped everything when you read the blasted thing.
It was a note from your neighbor, Cindy, a middle-aged woman with either two or three kids–you had fallen out with her after she caught the Fierce Deity stalking over her property line in the dead of night–informing you that your guard dog had struck once again and she was calling the police if she saw his 'satanic cosplayer ass' again.
After taking a moment to gather your bearings–and once again contemplate the insanity your life had become, you crumpled the note, opened your mouth, and bellowed: "FIERCE DEITY!"
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That's a wrap! I hope y'all enjoyed the product of my conversation with @h4wari. I'll do edits tomorrow so feast on this unedited sin.
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radioisntdead · 5 months
It's 4 am, I haven't slept and I'm supposed to be sleeping but Alastor shenanigans are plaguing me, headcanon time folks! Throwing the reader in at random times
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Alastor is stunned when you shine a flashlight at him, like eyes wide, smile stuck, ears forced straight,
Deer in headlights fr fr
He's NOT happy once he's freed from the flashlight pause, if y'all are romantically involved you are getting bitten, if you are not romantically involved, then you are getting threatened, sucks for you good luck.
Dude makes deer bleats, it's canon
Imagine just giving the dude some form of affection like a slight smooch on the cheek and BLEAT
Also hooves, I imagine dude has to get his shoes custom-made to fit comfortably,
Do y'all think he could tapdance with the hooves? Like click clack, I have no idea how tapdancing works it's late, I'm sleep deprived and delusional.
If you know how tapdancing works feel free to infodump in the comments I love reading infodumps
I have no context but onlyhooves popped in my head and I found that hilarious,there are probably people who have a thing for hooves in that universe in a non cute way. Yucky shame on thee.
Anyways put this man shoeless, hooves out on a fleshly waxed/mopped floor or something and he's becoming Bambi, he is NOT dignified when he's slipping and sliding, do not laugh at him you will get bit and I said it once and I'll say it again this man probably has something, Now I adore Alastor that deer guy is why I'm in this fandom BUT THAT MAN DOES NOT HAVE GOOD HYGIENE,
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Why do I like this guy? [It's probably because this is the only fictional character that I unwillingly got a thing for that's ace and I feel safe in that way, only in that way though he would kill me. Or I'd kill him first because I AM NOT GETTING TAKEN OUT BY THAT DRENCH HIM IN HOLY WATER]
Anyways back on topic y'all would 100% have to chase him down with a bucket of water, soap and a sponge.
Like use the flashlight to stun him and throw him into a bathtub, dab shampoo and conditioner in his hair and leave him there to soak, this is a weekly debacle
Like he'll take a bath on his own but that's like once a month maybe twice if lucky
You will have to remind him to brush his teeth and stand in the bathroom and watch him brush his teeth, y'all are going to have to change out toothbrushes often because he destroys them brushes his sharp ol' teeth
also I just realized his teeth GLOW? Brushing isn't going to make it any less yellow but maybe glow more.
Deers apparently do this lil' ol' foot stomp while agitated and I can't remember if Alastor does a lil stompy stomp in the show but I can just imagine dude leaning on his radio staff probably bickering with reader because y'all are trying to get him to brush his teeth and then stompy stomp.
You could probably dress him up festively for Christmas, he won't do it willingly but you could try, put Christmas lights on his lil' antlers make him grow em' out and you can put ornaments on it too
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I should be sleeping but I'm doing this instead, I am making great decisions here!
I'm yawning rn and that has lead to me thinking he probably unhinges his mouth like pennywise to yawn, Sometimes I wish I could do that, big yawn.
According to his wiki Alastor is a canonically a foodie and cooks
He has a cookbook that he made himself, it's handwritten and looks like it belongs to a older woman [COUGH COUGH he took care into making it look like a cookbook his Ma had cOUGH COUGH]
I imagine he cooks in bulk [me projecting but that's because when I cook it's usually for my family] and before the hotel he would pack it in advance like "this is my delectable lunch, and this is my partners lunch for tomorrow and this is for-" but after the hotel it's just "Salutations! I made dinner now feast."
I imagine there's a few checks to make sure he didn't put any sinner meat in there, like Sir we did not consent to cannibalism.
He usually makes dishes with sinner meat separately.
Dude sleeps with his eyes wide open, dry ol' eyes, give him some eye drops like sir you had glasses in life, I'm assuming your eyesight got fixed to some degree, TAKE CARE OF IT this is coming from someone with glasses, I want good eyesight SOBBING.
anyways if y'all were married for example in life the first time you go to snoozeville and you wake up you freak out because he's staring at you and he did NOT DO THAT WHEN HE WAS ALIVE.
Dude definitely got freakier in death, like dude was a funky lil' charmer that killed people, I can't emphasize enough that this man killed people, Remember it's alright in fiction but we don't condone it irl.
And now he's a funky cannibalistic dude, still kills people
Imagine keeping a diary or something and one entry is just like
"Dearest diary, Alastor has developed a taste for sinner flesh."
I really don't use Alastor making puns in my fics enough, I need to put that in more I ADORE puns
I've been kicked out of like two gcs because I wouldn't stop making stupid puns at bad times.
Same with the 1920's-1930's slang and just everything like that was my hyperfixation for a good bit [I say good bit like I wasn't a walking talking wikipedia article and like it isn't actively ongoing] [I am SO GLAD I WAS NOT BORN THEN I WOULD NOT SURVIVE FOR MULTIPLE REASONS.]
Dude has chest fur. Also random tuffs of fur around like his elbows or knees.
I also headcanon that he sometimes sleepwalks, so you wake up at 2 am and he's just standing over you, watching.
Assuming you're used to it you just blink before turning around and going back to sleep, add in a "Alastor go back to your side of the bed"
When he's not freaking you out with his sleeping habits he's staying awake for multiple days in a row.
Okay I'm going to sleep now goodnight folks, Let's see if this makes any sense when I wake up.
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bagopucks · 1 year
N. Hischier - Comfy
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Nico Hischier x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warning(s): Flirty seductive Nico, copious amounts of fluff
Had this one in the notes app, was saving it for an occasion where I might not have had inspo or requests, but seeing as somebody wanted some Nico content and it’s too late/early to be coming up with a story line- here it is!
Post-game evenings had always been my favorites. The nights Nico and I lay curled up in bed while he held me, or talked my ear off while I tried to sleep. Nights when Nico came home with so much energy, I never exactly knew what to do with him. Energetic post-game Nico was alright.
But calm, relaxed, content, post-game Nico? It was like hitting a gold mine. Those nights when he came home, dropped his duffel inside the door, and forgot the world to be in my arms. Those were the nights I specifically looked forward to. I always anticipated them. I loved Nico no matter what mood he came home in, but I preferred some over others.
I sat on the couch, my kindle in my lap as my feet rested on the wooden coffee table. Despite the cool weather outside, it was warm in the house. When Nico and I got a place together in the suburbs, I insisted we share custody over the thermostat. So far, we have not come to a comfortable compromise. Our days were often spent adjusting the temperature as we walked through the house doing our own thing. It became a subconscious action. I’d turn the heat up. Nico would walk by hours later to turn the AC on.
Then I’d go back later on to turn the AC off and the heat up higher because of the chill in the house.
Then Nico would come back looking like he was dying of a heat stroke, turn the heat off, and the AC on.
When he was away for games? I always had the heat on.
The game had been playing on the tv, an oddly scheduled middle of the afternoon event. By the time it had ended, the time was nearing 6:00. Prime time for a good sunset. I never really watched it, but I enjoyed the glow it cast through the open curtains of the living room.
My foot tapped occasionally, impatient to get to the good part of a book I began to lose faith in. It was bad enough I couldn’t physically see my progress, but not being able to flip to a whole middle page and read ahead was even worse.
I heard a key jingle in the lock, a smirk formed on my lips as my attention was easily distracted from my book.
“Baby?” Nico’s voice called before it stopped short. He spotted me on the couch, and when I looked up, I knew tonight was one of those nights. My heart fluttered.
Nico stood there with a grin on his lips, his damp hair hidden beneath a ball cap. His suit looked like he barely even got it on before walking out the arena door.
I shut my kindle off and set it to the side, stood from the couch, and met Nico by the door. He dropped his bag so both hands could capture my hips.
“Nic.” I leaned up onto the tips of my toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. Nico hummed as he pulled away. I quickly slipped his hat off his head and tossed it on top of his bag.
“I was thinking about an ice bath?” Oh how delightful it sounded, but I was in no mood to sit down in the bath. Perhaps a bit too lazy to know I’d have to wash myself when I already got a shower that day.
“I’ll sit with you.” I whispered and pressed a kiss to his collar bone. “Wine too?” He couldn’t tell if that meant I was joining him or not, but he didn’t ask.
“Try one of our unopened bottles.”
I smiled to myself, whisking away into the kitchen to find what I needed. I snatched up mixing bowl for the ice, going to the freezer to scoop out a hefty amount. Then I grabbed a bottle of unopened wine, and two glasses, before I had gone to meet my lover in the master bathroom.
I passed the thermostat without taking note of the fact that it had been turned down.
“Ice and Wine.” I showed off the bottle as I entered the bathroom and set them aside. Nico was seated on the lip of the bathtub, having moved the shower curtain out of the tub. He was trying to find a good chilled temperature for the bath water. I smiled at the sight of him and approached slowly, my hand on his shoulder brought his gaze up to mine.
“I’ll sit in here with you, but Nico I don’t think I’m getting in the bath.” His face fell. I pushed a strand of his beautiful brown hair from his forehead.
“You’ll be okay without me. I told you I’d sit right here. You can tell me all about your game.”
“You always get in with me.” Nico rested his hands on the backs of my thighs. “Is something wrong?”
Amusement flashed across my face in the form of a smile and an eye roll.
“I get in the warm baths with you. Not the ice cold muscle relaxing baths.” I pulled away and Nico huffed before plugging the drain so the tub could fill.
“I still relax your muscles in the warm baths.” His comment was sly. Spoken with a straight face, but he knew what he was hinting at. As did I.
I turned back to him and chuckled softly.
“Not tonight Nico.” We were both too physically exhausted to have any fun, and I didn’t particularly mind. My mind wasn’t in that headspace anyway. His didn’t seem to be either, despite the comment that was made.
Nico turned to face me, parting his legs as I stepped between them. I slipped the suit jacket from his shoulders, careful to grip the fabric and pull it up swiftly before a sleeve hit the bottom of the tub.
“Good hands.” He decided to be cheeky. I smiled and ruffled his hair.
“The best hands.” I confirmed playfully as I tossed his suit jacket toward the counter. Half of it landed there before the heavier portion hanging off dragged it to the floor.
“Hands that could-“
“Hands that will not.” I cut him off as I unbuttoned his shirt. Perhaps he was in a bit of a friskier mood than I first thought.
“Fine, I give up.” Nico sighed out. I abandoned the few buttons left, not wanting to bend over and give him any more ideas. He must have caught on to the fact that I wasn’t going any further, because he moved to finish the job before I had turned to grab the bowl of ice from the counter top.
I heard his shirt drop to the floor, and I caught a bit of the fabric on my toe to drag it away from the tub as I turned back around.
Nico shirtless was always a sight to behold. When he was standing, his abs were on full display. Not the most toned, but also not lacking in definition. He was a strong guy, but by no means ripped. I loved the way his body looked. Not chiseled to perfection, but smooth like a marble statue. And comfortable to lay on.
I pursed my lips at the sight and shook my head in the process. Nico’s lips pulled into a bright smile. He knew what I was looking at. He loved to be admired as much as he loved to be touched. Not in an egotistical way, but more so in a rewarding way. He worked hard on his body, and to know his girlfriend loved it.. well that was all the gratification he needed.
“You’re sure you don’t want to come in with me?” His words were taunting, as if he tried to clue me in on something I was missing out on. I shook my head at his antics, stepping forward again and leaning sideways over him to dump the ice into the bath. A few of the chilly drops splashed up and landed on his back. Nico jolted at the feeling, one of his hands clasped my leg out of sheer surprise.
“You sure you wanna get in there?” I returned the attitude, stepping back and leaning forward, leaving space between us but still eye level with him.
“It’s good for the muscles.” His words weren’t exactly a yes, but I reached out and placed a hand on his chest. I gave a firm shove, and Nico about had a heart attack as he tried to catch himself from falling back into the water.
“That’s mean!” He let out a laugh as he sprang up. He hadn’t wanted to be anywhere near the water after my little trick.
“Teasing your lover is meaner.” I set the bowl back on the counter. I leaned back against the cabinets and reached for the wine bottle, only to pause when I noticed the cork. Nico made his way over. He went to grab my hips before I raised the bottle in between us. His mischievous eyes lowered to the bottle, pursing his lips before sighing.
“You wanna be useful?” Caramel brown irises meeting my own. He looked offended, but I knew he was only playing a part.
“Brutal.” Nico took the bottle from my hands, and quickly disappeared from the bathroom. I shut the lid of the toilet in the meantime, and grabbed two towels. One that I put on the counter for Nico, and one that I laid out on the floor by the bath tub.
When Nico returned, the bottle was open and a prideful smile resided on his lips.
“My hero,” I fawned as I snatched the bottle from his hand.
“I try.” I turned back to the counter and grabbed the wine glasses, setting them both on the edge before filling them with a generous amount of the hopefully sweet alcohol. I heard Nico slip off his pants. When I turned back around, I realized he hadn’t bothered taking the time to take off his pants and his boxers one after the other.
I choked on my own breath. Caught off guard, but also amused by the way he stood there, hands held out by his sides with that smirk on his face that just said, ‘you’re sure?’
“Get in the bath tub before I lock you outside naked.” Nico huffed, his head dropping to look at the floor as he stomped his way over to the bath tub. It was a short distance, but he made due with the time he had to throw his little tantrum before stepping in.
I watched his whole body tense, my gaze lingered on his backside. “Take your time, Captain.” Nico’s head whipped around, but my gaze hadn’t moved. He knew I was flirting. Still, he went back to the task at hand. He lowered himself carefully into the tub, and released a shaky breath as he leaned back, his head falling back against the wall of the shower.
“I don’t understand how this is supposed to help with sore muscles.” I mumbled, turning the bathroom light off and flicking the switch on the wax burner I had plugged into the outlet by the mirror. Something to emit a soft orange glow and hopefully burn the lavender scented wax cubes I had in there. I sat on the towel outside the tub, leaning against the porcelain as I rested Nico’s glass on the corner where there was a bit more surface area. His head turned to look at me, dark hair falling over equally dark eyes. A look of fondness flashed across his features.
I took a sip of my wine, patient for him to speak as he got comfortable. Or as comfortable as one could in an ice bath.
“I love you, so much.” Nico’s soft whispers landed on my heart, making it skip a beat.
“I love you too, Nico.” I took another sip of my wine before Nico grabbed his own glass. He shifted his body and rested his elbows over the edge of the tub, smiling all the while as he taste tested the new flavor of sweet wine we had yet to drink. Until now of course.
I eyed him. Nico’s features contorted as he tried to decide his thoughts on the flavor. He nodded his head, before giving a shrug. Then he looked up at me.
“Not bad.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Nico wasn’t exactly high maintenance, but he wasn’t casual either. He could be a little picky with things sometimes. Especially his wines.
“I happen to think it’s great.” I leaned in closer and rested my head against the wall. “Which means we’re getting a second bottle.”
Nico pushed his hair back as he rolled his eyes at me, trying to contain his own smile.
“You need to try Swiss wine.” His subtle excitement was everything to me.
“You need to take me to Switzerland.” I countered softly. Nico leaned forward, and I met him in the middle for a quick kiss.
“I will. I will.” He settled back into the bath tub, his hair falling into his eyes again.
“No rush though, baby.”
“I know…”
Nico tried to push back his hair, but after another failed attempt, I swiftly stood up. He watched me curiously as I walked toward the cabinet and opened it, digging through until I found one of my hair clips. When I returned to the side of the bath tub, I sat on the floor and rested my wine glass beside me. Nico seemed to catch on to what I was doing, as he dipped his head and allowed me to gather his hair back and clip it to the top of his head. He looked a little funny, but at least he could see.
“Better?” I asked, and he nodded.
Nico’s head eventually rested against the lip of the tub. He let out a long sigh as I took in every detail I could. His big brown eyes watched me as I studied him. Like an intricate work of writing. But I wasn’t looking for misspellings or wrong punctuation. I was looking for the well worded phrases and strategic uses of figurative language. The beauty. Not the flaws.
We spent god knows how long in the bathroom. We talked and giggled and laughed, but the energy levels had depleted significantly as time went on. Nico was still in the bath well after the ice had melted and the water adopted a room temperature feeling.
Sometime along the way, our conversations had ceased and Nico’s consciousness had slipped from him. I quietly stood up, slipping the wine glass from the edge of the tub where he’d set it. I finished off whatever he’d left, placing our glasses on the counter before I looked back at him.
His arms were folded one on top of the other on the lip of the tub, his head resting on top of them. His upper body was awkwardly turned on his side, while his lower body still laid flat. It looked uncomfortable. I grabbed my phone to check the time. Only a little past midnight. I pulled up my camera and snapped a few photos of my sleeping lover’s peaceful expression before I walked back into our bedroom. He needed a change of clothes, though I knew most nights he usually preferred to sleep in only whatever loose shorts he could find. He didn’t believe in sleeping in boxers, and quite frankly I didn’t blame him.
I grabbed a t-shirt out of our dresser, just so he’d have the option if he wanted one. I set the shirt and shorts on our bed and tossed my phone beside them. I waltzed back into the bathroom, knelt by the tub, and carefully pulled the clip out of his hair.
“Love,” I whispered before moving my hand from his hair to lightly pinch his arm. Nico shifted uncomfortably at the feeling, then tried to move his arm.
“Nico, your body’s gonna be sore, come on.” I continued to speak softly, but I did raise my voice slightly. He groaned, but eventually his eyes opened. “There we go.” I stood up and grabbed the towel I had set out for him.
Nico yawned and took a moment to wake up before he lifted his head. He eyed me as I unfolded the towel and held it open for him. He rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless.
“Sorry.” His voice was quiet and deep as he slowly got up. Nico stepped out of the bath and shivered before I closed the space between us and wrapped the towel around his lower body, making sure it was tight before I tucked the loose corner in.
“Don’t apologize for falling asleep.” I reassured before stepping past Nico. I leaned over the tub and unplugged the drain. “You’re cute when you sleep.”
He chuckled softly as his cheeks turned red. Something I didn’t take note of until I was facing him again.
“I grabbed a shirt for you.” I left the bathroom, and Nico quickly followed.
“Might need a sweatshirt. It’s freezing.” I immediately turned around after I reached the bed, glaring at Nico.
“You just took an ice bath! Of course it’s gonna be cold!” His lips pulled into a smile.
“Don’t bullshit me, Nico. Walking around here talking about how cold you are,” I rambled playfully as I turned back to the bed and grabbed his clothes. The moment I looked back at him, Nico was giggling. I threw his clothing at him and tried not to smile.
“Change, you loser.” I teased before going to find my own sleepwear. I settled on a pair of satin shorts and a matching shirt.
Nico was dressed far quicker than I was. I changed facing away from him, but when I turned back around, he was certainly staring at me.
“What is your deal tonight?” I finally asked, laughing. Incredulous.
“I don’t know,” I could recognize the bashful tone in his voice. It’s one I don’t hear often. Not since we got together. Nico had always been a quiet guy. I wouldn’t venture as far as calling him shy, but more so easily flustered. Still, I hadn’t seen him look that nervous around me in a long time. “You’re just so pretty.. I just wanted to look at you.”
Usually I was skeptical about Nico’s compliments. All of them were genuine, but sometimes it was hard to tell when he was trying to flatter me because he wanted something or not. But this one was so innocent I simply knew it was genuine. He didn’t want anything other than a smile.
“You’re so cheesy.” I grinned as I made my way around to my side of the bed. Furthest from the door because Nico insisted I was safer there in case somebody broke in.
His thoughtfulness never ceased to make me happy. I was satisfied knowing he was willing to protect me. Once upon a time, I might have claimed to be independent and happy in taking care of myself. Nothing beats being able to find the right person to surrender that job to. Maybe not full time, but Nico was certainly my protector when he was around.
“Come on, Icepop.” I spoke as I pulled the blankets back and climbed in bed. Nico didn’t have to be told twice. He was quick to join me, slipping into bed beside me and laying down with me. He pulled the blankets up over us, and I quickly found my spot curled into his side.
“Comfy?” Nico whispered. I nodded, resting my head against his chest. I lifted one of my legs to rest over his waist, and wrapped an arm around his torso. He wasn’t really that cold, but I decided not to give him grief about being a baby.
“Always comfy with you.” I spoke softly in response, pressing a kiss to his side.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
you get sick right before a race weekend and insist that you're ok and you tell mick to stay away from you so he doesn't also get sick, but he ends up taking care of you until you feel better
Cw: reader's sick
At first, it was just chills, and since your office always cranked up the AC, you put it down to that. It never settled right with you anyway, so it was an expected effect.
When you got home, Mick was already starting to pack his suitcase for the weekend, Angie greeting you at the door, "hey, baby", you cooed, petting her soft fur and letting her guide to where Mick was.
"Hey, liebling", he greeted, kissing your lips and giving you a hug, "are you good? You look a little pale", he nudged.
"I'm just tired", you replied, "I might have a nap actually, if you don't mind", you offered. Usually, you tried to spend as much time with Mick as possible the week prior to the race weekend whenever you weren't able to travel with him, "of course I don't mind, go and rest. Angie, go with mama, okay?", he told you both.
You woke up two hours later and feeling more tired than when you went to sleep, feeling your body heavier and slower.
"You don't look too good, are you feeling okay?", Mick said as he carried a tray with a bowl and medication, setting it on the coffee table.
"Appreciate the honesty, it's very humbling", you clicked your tongue, "honestly, though, I don't feel good. I thought I'd sleep it off, but it only heightened it, it seems", you groaned.
"I have some pain meds ready here, and some soup", Mick shrugged his shoulders, "I was nearly one hundred percent sure you were going to wake up like this, I know your quirks already, I'm sorry", he smiled apologetically, kissing your cheek and heading you the supplies so you could heal better.
The next morning, you started having dizzy spells whenever you got up or moved too quickly, "I have a bath, cool water, so we can wash the night away", Mick began.
"You should stay away from me, though, you'll get sick too and that can't happen!", you covered your nose with your top.
"I'm taking care of you and that's decided, so we're doing it my way, okay?", he checked, "c'mon now", he encouraged, holding you with one arm under your knees and one around your back and easing you into the bathtub before he got in, "thank you for looking after me", you whispered, "always, liebling, always".
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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pikachu66 · 28 days
Would you please write Paul getting comforted by Gene or ace after having the mighty worst day ever please? ;O
You're enough, Paul...
❤️, 🚢, Paul x Gene.
Paul's POV:
I walked into my hotel room without saying a word to the guys. Today was the worst day ever. And I mean it. Let me tell you why.
First, Gene has a cold. So, he was snoring all night. I didn’t get any sleep. But, I love him, and he’s sick, so I got over it pretty quickly. I was mostly worried.
Then, the coffee machine wasn’t working, so I didn’t get my morning coffee. And as Ace says, if I don’t have my morning coffee, I’m worse than a “Diva with hemorrhoids.” Perfect.
After that, we had a meeting about tonight’s concert with our manager, Bill Aucoin. And we had a fight. Why? Because Bill told me to try and be more energetic on stage. *Me*. The Starchild. To be more energetic when I already give my everything. And when Gene told me to calm down, we started fighting as well, and I told him to get lost.
Then, an assistant told me that I had a phone call. When I got to the phone, I heard my dad’s voice. And instead of being happy, I was pretty pissed because he called me for only one reason: to lecture me on my lack of visits. So, I insulted him. And now, I regret it.
During the concert, I tried to be “more energetic,” but I kept making mistakes. I broke a guitar string, missed the right notes, and had voice cracks. Meanwhile, Ace was enjoying his life—that idiot was drunk. And his boyfriend, the Catman, was high as a kite. So, I tried to lecture them during intermission and got told off.
After the concert, Gene came to me. He asked if I was okay, and I’m so stupid that I got mad at him. God, I’m an idiot. Even Ace and Peter, who were stoned, looked shocked and told me to calm down.
I felt so stupid that I decided to shut up. Believe me when I say the ride back to the hotel was silent.
As soon as we arrived, I rushed into the hotel without waiting for the guys. I quickly reached my room and entered. I went to the bathroom, undressed, and started to draw a bath. I sat in the bathtub and let the water fill it. *I am an idiot. A brat. I don’t deserve anything that I have. I don’t deserve my friends. I don’t deserve Gene...*
At that moment, I curled up and started crying. *I am an idiot. I just want to make people happy... I just want to make them proud...*
Just then, I felt a familiar and comforting warm hand rubbing my back. I looked up, and Gene was there, smiling at me. He was sitting on the floor next to the bathtub.
"Paul... What’s wrong?" he asked me, calmly.
"I—I’m a bitch—"
"Don’t say that."
He gave me one of those stern looks that make me shut up immediately.
"You are not a bitch. You had a rough day, that’s all."
I sobbed as he spoke. He gave me a soft kiss on my forehead and ran his hand through my hair.
"Tell me what’s wrong. Please," he asked.
"I—I don’t know h-how to explain it—"
"Give it a shot. You might surprise yourself." He gave me a reassuring smile. So, I took a deep breath and started talking.
"...Today was horrible. No, terrible. Everything was so bad, I—I even yelled at you... twice... I’m an idiot, an absolute moron... Y-You were just trying to help... I-it just feels so stressful a-and everyone wants me to be perfect and I’m trying so hard..."
I sobbed, and Gene immediately hugged me, rocking me softly. He kissed my cheek and spoke calmly and slowly.
"Paul... You’re enough. You matter to us, and you have the right to have a bad day, to be tired or upset... Everyone has their bad days, you know... I understand that you had a bad day, and I’m not mad at you for that... I love you, and nothing will change that, okay?" he gently wiped away my tears as he spoke.
"O-Okay," I said, more calmly now.
"Now, come on. Let’s get you dressed and go to bed. You need it."
And with that, he helped me out of the bathtub and helped me dry off. He emptied the bath, and I put on my pajamas. We brushed our teeth together and then headed to bed. I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. God, I love him so much. Gene may not seem like the most sensitive guy, but under that rough armor he wears, he’s a very caring guy. Soon enough, I noticed that he had fallen asleep. I smiled a bit and kissed him.
"I love you," I said, before laying my head back down on his chest, not noticing the little smile on his face, as I let myself fall into Morpheus' arms...
There! Thank you so much for your request! It was very interesting to write and it made me so happy since it was my first request ever 😊
I hope I respected your wishes!
And with that, have a good day ☀️
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(They look like parents when you ask them to pose together for a photo, I swear 😭)
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tragedy-of-commons · 22 hours
Prompt For Everybody Talks: “I may not be a formal therapist, but perhaps a guide through your memories can help with your trauma. Facing your past can be therapeutic, after all.” + Black Swan + Queer platonic (Aro Ace Reader)
"I may not be a formal therapist, but perhaps a guide through your memories can help with your trauma. Facing your past can be therapeutic, after all."
As respectfully as you're able, you stare at Black Swan like she's sprouted another head.
"How long have you been planning this?" you ask skeptically, eyes raking over her form which is gracefully taking up the expanse of the doorway. You're so tired - you feel it in the creaking of your bones as you graze right past her, making a beeline for the kitchen counter. Getting home from work is always an ordeal.
Too many people have fought over your attention today, which is not as fun as it sounds. Your manager wants you to put in more hours, the rest of your coworkers keep trying to build meaningless bridges, and you fight demons (the urge to clock out early) every shift.
You dump your wallet and keys onto the tile with a clatter, pinching the bridge of your nose. Soft footsteps follow and watch your every movement - she's always been an observer.
"You make it sound like I've been scheming," Black Swan chuckles.
You're fairly certain she has been scheming. She's been leaving out guided meditation pamphlets on your nightstand, depositing aromatherapy candles on the rim of the bathtub, and not to mention the wheedling - always picking apart your sentences, looking for something that'll only disappoint her.
Snorting, you shove your paraphernalia from the day's struggle into a random drawer. You'll probably forget where it is later, but you could care less right now. "When are you not, Swan?"
As you go about fixing yourself a snack, you catch glimpses of her watching you. Like always, she's beautiful; so much so that it takes your breath away.
While others may find beauty in symmetrical bone structure and specific body shapes (or just mountainous standards), you find it in the atmosphere surrounding your loved ones.
Everyone and everything yields to her touch willingly. If a bystander told you that Black Swan could part the sea and bring about salvation, you'd believe them without a second thought.
If another bystander told you that everything Black Swan touches turns to gold, you'd almost believe them. Because, really, you're the one exception there - no matter how she molds you in her hands, you remain dull clay.
Of course, you know better than to share the full extent of these insecurities with her. She's your partner (as loose of a term as that is), and you're lucky to have her as that much. But she's always been too keen for her own good, and she knows you too well. You're upset, and you suck at hiding it.
She's extending a peace offering out to you, and you'd be doing yourself no favors by refusing it.
As you panic in your head further, you barely realize the presence by your side. Swan retrieves the spices from the cabinet and sets them out for you, setting a timer on her phone - because of course she knows how long you like to heat up your leftovers. It's sweet and painful all the same, coexisting in the same kitchen with her.
"Just trust me on this," she cajoles, taking ahold of your hand while you stare into the bubbling pot. "If you want to stop at any time, we will. It's not what you're expecting."
Her various rings are cool against your flushed skin, grounding you. Some are silver and others are brass, each speckled with tiny designs. Your favorite one is adorned with a crescent moon, fun to fidget with when she's working.
Firmly in the present, you sigh. There's not much you can do but agree, even if you're so done for the day; Swan rarely pushes, so you give in.
"…what does this 'guide' entail, then? Is it like the things you do for clients?"
"Akin to that, yes," she starts, sensing your apprehension, "but I want to make it special for you."
You like special things made with love; trinkets and memories you squirrel away for later when life becomes too much. Special moments of braiding hair, bathing, and just talking. Snippets of a special bond that transcends conventional standards because you can just be close, no matter the weight of the world pressing down on your shoulders.
You like special things.
"Okay, but I don't know why you're so insistent."
She smiles, coy. "You'll see."
You do, in fact, see. After your stomach is full and you can't avoid it any longer, you're walking down the hallway into the living room, led by your partner.
When you survey your surroundings, a laugh bubbles up the column of your throat for the first time today. The sofa cushions have been uprooted from their spot and positioned into a pantomime of a brick house.
"A couch fort?" you question, bemused.
Black Swan tugs you forward, ignoring your yelp, "Yes. Comfortable, don't you agree?"
When you stand in front of the rickety structure, topped off by a fleece blanket draped over its roof, you notice light spilling out from the cracks, soft and inviting. Without prompt, you wriggle your way inside, gaining entry after crouching down.
At first, you're completely blinded by a lamp, tucked away in a small alcove. There's just enough space in here for two people, objects of comfort and familiarity littered about where there's room for them; a jar of seashells and loose sand that you collected from the beach one year - which you still like to touch and revisit, some pencils and a sketchpad, and of course, pillows galore.
"I like where this is going," you tease, probably about to weep at the thoughtfulness of it all. She taps your back, and you feel her lavender tresses tickle your shoulder blade as she leans down to climb in beside you.
With you flush against one side, and her flush against the other, the space feels complete. Black Swan's eyes of mauve and the softest marigold observe you once more, filled with warmth.
Maybe it was because of your earlier stupor, but you'd hardly noticed that she also looks... spent. No, more than that, she looks ready to drop.
Discolored skin accentuates her bottom lashes, her lips are chapped and dry. Usually at home, she'll have her hair tied back, but now it's hanging down limply with knotted ends. How could you have missed that?
How long has she also needed a break? Your heart clenches painfully, tongue ready to voice these concerns--
Swan holds up a hand, effectively cutting you off. "That's what we're here to talk about. No need to panic. I'm only a bit worn out, I'm sure you know the feeling; I've been… worrying about you, and some other circumstances regarding my mother lately. I think this 'guided meditation' is what we both need."
Blinking, you tamp down your initial spiraling. You do both require relaxation and connection - being stretched thin is inevitable, but you've failed to realize how bad it's gotten.
You're also relieved she went about it this way, attuned to both of your needs, ever genteel in her approach. You watch your partner pick up a loose pencil from the wayward pile, retrieving her beloved sketchbook with her other hand.
Recognizing the routine immediately, you reach for your jar of shells. You pop open the lid and run the pads of your fingers over chipped sand dollars and jagged sea glass, soothed further by the sound of her scratching against the surface of paper.
Sometimes, Swan shows you what she creates; charcoal images of bygone days, hopeful glimpses of the future. On the contrary, there are other times where she'll guard her art close to her chest, for her eyes only.
"Yeah," you swallow, closing your eyes. In the background, somewhere, you hear the crashing of waves and the lullaby of soft melodies. "Did you want to go first? Also, this is really nice… thank you."
She hums. "Doesn't matter to me."
You wonder why that is. Even so, comfortable silence save for your shared ministrations fill the void. When your thumb catches on something obtrusive, something that's definitely not supposed to be in your beach jar, you pause. Peering into the glass to find the culprit, warmth floods your chest.
It's one of Black Swan's various crystals - the ones with supposed properties you don't fully understand - tucked strangely among your collection. Smooth and without grooves to run your fingers through, a pretty orange-red color… you think it's carnelian, if your recollection is to be trusted.
All of a sudden, there are hot tears springing up in your eyes. Something about Swan's presence being in a place so intimate, even in the form of an object, stokes a flame that warms every cold and vacant part of your being - nurturing those spots until something greater can flourish there.
You love her with all of your might - but you don't need to tell her so.
There just so happens to be tissues nestled between the pillows stacked up high on your right. You snatch the box, wiping your face and blowing your nose.
Quirking your chin upward a smidge, Swan seems unaffected, but the pinch between her brows gives her away; she's struggling with getting something down the way she wants to. You're not exactly an artist, but you know what it's like to be frustratingly inarticulate.
It's time to push forward. Just a little.
"Maybe, instead of right now…" you sniffle, "we could talk tomorrow? I'd feel up to it then." When she meets your eyes and smirks, you feel your cheeks burn in embarrassment. "Only if that's okay with you, I mean."
Black Swan nods, always considerate. "I don't mind that one bit, but would it be too much trouble to ask you to stay with me?"
"I-I wasn't planning on leaving!"
"Good," she laughs, full of mirth and everything genuine. "I was scared you'd leave me all alone in this patchwork settlement, cold and afraid."
Even if she's kidding now, you know she has fears. She'll admit them to you just like this, in a safe bubble, confessing them aloud so subtly that you'd almost miss them. But you don't, not a chance.
Tomorrow, you'll let Swan talk as much as she needs to. Perhaps then, her fears won't consume her as readily.
This is the dynamic you know, even if you feel like you don't deserve to reap its benefits. Black Swan supports you, and you support her in return, often wordlessly. This is the love you've grown accustomed to, even if some people don't understand it or care to try.
"Never," you whisper. You mean it, simple as that.
As the minutes turn into hours, both of you safely hidden inside this cocoon, you notice that your partner's hands have been stained black from the laborious effort of shading and erasing. Curious, you perk up and clear your throat, wondering if she'll be willing to share.
"Can I see?" you barely get the question out before she flips the sketchpad at breakneck speed, "Whoa--"
It's like a snapshot frozen in time. The composition is grainy with a dreamlike quality to it, deep and shallow strokes of grayscale forming an ideal photograph. It's the exterior of the couch fort you're sitting inside of, sketched to perfection, with neat cursive script scrawled across the top of the page near the frills.
Perfectly, it reads:
You couldn't agree more, you muse, tackling your dearest treasure into a messy embrace of protruding limbs and rekindled tears.
Until tomorrow, when this moment will become a fond memory of the past.
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: i hope you have a wonderful, absolutely amazing birthday, sam! this request took a lot of my will, but i'm pretty proud of it. modern au, in case it was unclear. i know this won't land with some audiences, but i'm happy nonetheless!
event post here
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fluff-foraxil · 8 months
Until the end (Doflamingo X F!Reader) - 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - . - Chapter 10
Ah! It's me! This might not be my best chapter, but I promise the next ones will be better just believe in me and my tired brain :,) ANYWAY, how are you beautiful people doing? :)
~ 11 years later ~
(Y/N) was sitting by the pool of the castle, the gorgeous weather of Dressrosa did nothing to mitigate her. Doflamingo was getting back after participating in the Summit War on Marineford. She knew about the death of Portugas D. Ace, the defeat of Whitebeard, the arrival of not only Shanks but also Blackbeard; the world was entering a new era, a new scary dangerous era as more pirates were roaming free than even before. Things had changed in those years, Doflamingo took over Dressrosa, he became the most known broker of the underworld under the nickname Joker, he welcomed Monet and Sugar into his family and, unexpectedly, got married. It happened 8 years ago, after the fall of the Riku family; the kingdom of Dressrosa had just been rebuilt to look like it did now, when Doflamingo asked (Y/N)’s hand. The man trusted her with his heart, body, and soul to death, even though he was cold and manipulating, he still had his own demons to fight, and she showed him that he was not alone, she showed him that there were good people in that hellhole called Earth. Even after their marriage, she was still actively working for him, dealing with business, and taking care of their family, as Doflamingo said one night. (Y/N) was brushing Monet’s hair while Sugar, her younger sister, was happily eating grapes. The sisters shared a special bond with her since the first day; they would follow her around and wait for her to return from her missions, going to her whenever they needed help, asking for her advice when they had doubts, seeking her comfort after a nightmare. «Your hair always looks so lovely Monet», she complimented. «You’re too kind, (Y/N)-sama», the girl blushed. Monet and Sugar were rescued by Doflamingo, he took them in after seeing the awful conditions they were living in and for that reason they pledged their loyalty to him. She clearly remembered the day she met them after Doflamingo brought them back into the ship.
~ Flashback ~
«And who are this lovely girls?», (Y/N) put on her kindest smile. «Monet and Sugar», Doflamingo replied pointing to each one. They looked scruffy, dirty, and malnourished so, being the good person she was, she immediately took them to take a bath. They followed her without any question, they watched as (Y/N) filled a big bathtub with warm water and a floral scented bubble bath, before laying down some fluffy towels and clean clothes for them. «I’m (Y/N), by the way», she broke the silence, «I hope the clothes will fit you, but don’t worry we will get you more once we reach the next island». «Thank you, (Y/N)-sama», Monet was hugging her sister close. She bent down to be at eye level with the green haired girl. «You’re welcome», she patted her head, «Now, come on, your bath is ready. I’ll be just outside so call me if you need anything, ok?». After they were all clean and dressed, she did their hair and lead them into the dining room where supper was already served. The rest of the family had just started eating, (Y/N) sat them with the other young members of the crew before taking a seat beside Doflamingo; the two girls were a bit unsure and wary of the others, but opened up seeing that they were being treated nicely. «You still have your magic touch when it comes to youngsters», Doflamingo commented while they were alone in their cabin. «I sure do», she kissed him, «After all I deal with a man-child every day of my life». «Fair enough», he chuckled, not taking her statement seriously.
~ End of flashback~
«Welcome back, Doffy», she didn’t look up from what she was doing. She felt his presence as soon as he stepped on the island. Her observation haki grew stronger, she could feel people from miles away without effort; her combat skills got better with time as well, she still wasn’t on Doflamingo or the elites’ level but if she could complete her missions without failing that was alright. «Missed me?», he kissed her. Sugar stuck her tongue out, showing her disagreement in showing love like that, hugs or a kiss on the cheek would have been better in her opinion. «A lot. Did you miss us?», she said referring to their family. «Obviously. Could you come inside after you’re done? I have something to tell you», he smiled, leaving a kiss on her cheek. Monet was patiently waiting for (Y/N) to finish braiding her hair, the golden ring on the older girl contrasting with the locks of green hair she was holding. The girl finished the braid, but looked at it, unconvinced; looking around she told the girl to wait for her as she picked up a gazania flower and added it into the girl’s braid, securing it to make sure it wouldn’t fall out. «I’m done, Monet», she declared. Monet stood up, stretching her limbs, her pale complexion looked out of place in such a sunny nation; plus, it was weird how she wasn’t melting considering her devil fruit power. «Thank you, (Y/N)-sama», she bowed. «There is no need to bow, we are family», she assured the other girl it wasn’t necessary to use such formalities with her. (Y/N) felt Doflamingo’s presence in their bedroom, the Warlord had just gotten out of the shower and was now sprawled on the couch with just his pants on staring outside the window, a bottle of his favourite liquor in hand. The golden ring was shining as the sun hit its surface. «How is my queen doing?», he asked without turning to look at her. «She’s doing great now that her king is back. Did you enjoy the war?», she walked up to his, hugging him from behind and kissing the side of his neck. Then she walked around the couch to sit beside him, nestling on his side, the feathers of his coat tickling her skin. «Very much», he chuckled. Doflamingo was so enthusiastic to have been present in such a crucial point in time. Raising his hand to bring her face closer to his, he kissed her deeply; his nightmares had completely vanished since she started sleeping by his side, his mood in general had improved as well since they became an official couple, even more after they got married; many women tried to catch his attention at social gatherings held in Dressrosa or on other islands, but Doflamingo was loyal and only had eyes for the woman that made him feel better than ever. «I got something for you», he said after breaking the kiss. (Y/N) looked at him, waiting to see what he got for her. Even though Doflamingo was a wealthy man now, he would bring her gifts just if he found one that really reminded him of her or if the object in question was as precious as his beloved; he was walking back to the castle, greeted by his subjects, when he stopped after catching the sight of a stone with a deep blue-violet hue. It was mounted on a ring, the stone was cut in a circular shape with a sort of vine made of little white diamonds and white gold curled on one side of it, the band was adorned with little white diamonds as well; he didn’t think too much and went inside to get it, once he was inside the jewellery shop he also got a pair of earring and a necklace to go with it.
Once she opened the box he handed her, (Y/N)’s jaw fell to the floor. «The jeweller said the stone they have on is one of a kind», he explained, «It’s a type of gem that can be found only on one island and it’s also very difficult to extract». Doflamingo wasn’t big on words of affection, but she never complained about it, after all everyone had their qualities and flaws. He loved her even more for that, for being able to accept every part of him without making him feel wrong nor shaming him. «You didn’t have to, Doffy», she put the box down carefully before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him all over his face, «I was thinking about taking a night for ourselves, you know, like we used to do. Going out for dinner, then coming home, taking a relaxing bath together». He took her hand in his, kissing her fingertips. «I would love to», he accepted her request. She flashed him one of her sweet smiles, those smile that made him warm on the inside and made him ask himself how he could have gotten so lucky; since he was a child, after losing his title, he worked hard to achieve his goals, his mind constantly working and calculating the next steps and moves. He was getting tired, but when he was at his lowest, he found her, a plain commoner girl whose kindness he repaid by giving her a place to call home, someone he thought wasn’t going to play a part in anybody’s life was now his wife, his home, his safe place. «Then I better check If I have the right dress for the occasion», she kissed him, «I missed you, I was worried, you’re strong I don’t deny it, but I was just… just worried». «My Queen, I’m here with you now and I always will be», he wasn’t big on the sweet talk, but there were rare moments where he would let her know his feelings by words. The other members of the family wouldn’t worry about Doflamingo facing other pirates or the Marine, they knew he was strong but still, having someone care for you so much was the best feeling in the world. (Y/N) was going through her wardrobe, looking at all the clothes she owned, she tried to find the right outfit for their date. She remembered purchasing a dress recently that she was reserving for a very special occasion, but she couldn’t find it. «Which restaurant would you like to go to, my love?», Doflamingo asked from the couch. «We could go to your favourite one», she suggested while diving into the wardrobe. Pushing aside, looking closely, inspecting every dress, she finally found it. It was a vintage pale pink off shoulder dress, it had long puff sleeves and a bustier that kept the dress tight-fitting on the waist area while the skirt was loose to her move freely. It wasn’t a fancy dress, but she was a simple girl when it came to clothes. After taking it out a laying it down on the bed, (Y/N) looked at her husband who had taken off his glasses and was leaning his head back as he kept his eyes closed; she melted at the sight, one of the most feared men on earth looked like an ordinary man in that moment. Tip toeing to him, she took his face in her hands as he opened his eyes. She traced the scar on his left eyes before kissing it. «I love you, (Y/N)», he whispered. She rarely heard those words from him. «I love you too, Doffy, I love you more than anything», she replied before kissing his lips with passion. The married couple cuddled on the couch, music in the background, while enjoying each other company. (Y/N) was focused on listening to Doflamingo’s heartbeat, it soothed her, so whenever she felt anxious or stressed, she just needed to cuddle with her husband to make everything better. «I’m going to take a shower, care to join me?», she kissed his knuckles. «Have I ever refused?», he chuckled. Doflamingo could proudly say he had a family, a real family after all those years of suffering.
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claudemblems · 1 year
Operation "Kiss the Girl" | Chapter 1: The First Date
Summary: With the help of Jade and Floyd, Ace and Deuce put the first step of their "Kiss the Girl" plan into motion. What better way to woo your true love than sharing a private candlelit dinner in the Mostro Lounge together?
Genre: Fem!Reader. Lots of pining. Fluff.
Notes: This is a long one at 2,891 words! I plan on writing at least two more parts after this, so stay tuned for them 💜
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“Shrimpy’s in love with Azul?!”
The tweels stared slack-jawed at Ace and Deuce, wondering if this was some sort of prank they had the audacity to try to pull on them. Were they still angry about almost getting squeezed to death by Floyd during that whole contract debacle? Tsk, humans get so offended by everything. 
"She is!" Deuce exclaimed. "And the only way to turn her back to a human is to have Azul, her true love, kiss her within three days!"
"Hmm…" Jade tapped a finger against his chin. "Ace, Deuce, for your sakes, I hope you're telling us the complete truth. Otherwise, I'll have to use Shock the Heart on you."
"We swear, Jade-senpai!" Ace cried, slamming his hands on the table. "We didn't come all the way here to mess with you!"
"Please believe us. [Name] is in a dangerous situation right now because of our stupidity. We can't just leave her to stay a mermaid forever. We need your help."
In one last attempt to persuade the twins for help, Ace and Deuce got up from the booth and prostrated themselves on the floor of the Mostro Lounge. With their faces to the floor, both of them yelled simultaneously, "Please!"
The twins shared a look, debating if getting involved in such frivolous human affairs was worth their time. After several painstakingly long moments, they finally reached a consensus. 
"All right, we believe you, and we'll help you."
"On one condition."
"Oh no," Ace groaned, earning a swift smack on the head from Deuce.
"There's no room for complaining! We promised to help [Name], so we have to see this through."
"Fine,” Ace sighed. “What's the condition?"
"That you'll help us help Azul confess his feelings to her."
"Sure! No problem! That will be easy—wait, confess his feelings?!"
"You haven't seen how Azul gives her those sickly sweet goo goo eyes?" Floyd sighed, rolling his eyes at the thought. "He's like a sea sponge that soaks up any kind of attention he gets from her."
"Wait a minute. So you're saying that their feelings are mutual?"
"It would seem so," Jade replied. "Ah, I do love a good story about sea-crossed lovers."
"Isn't it star-crossed...nevermind. Yes, we'll help you come up with a plan for him to confess to her!"
"Excellent. Go prepare [Name] for a romantic candlelit dinner tonight. We'll make sure Azul is dressed to impress."
"He's also gonna need some time to calm those nerves of his. He already turns into a tomato-faced mess when [Name] is mentioned~"
"Are you sure that you'll be able to convince him to have dinner with her?"
"Oh, don't worry," Jade answered, flashing a smile that showed off his sharp teeth. "We have our ways.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Earlier That Day
“Professor, what’s that?”
“It's a seashell necklace imbued with the voices of shapeshifting sirens,” Crewel answered Ace, leaning down beside the bathtub you were soaking in and clasping the jewelry around your neck. “It will allow her to return to her human form for a short while.”
“Professor, you’re amazing!”
“Don’t start flattering me yet, puppies,” Crewel replied sharply, shooting the duo another one of his infamous terrifying glares. “It can only hold its power for a limited amount of time. You’ll know it’s running low when scales begin to resurface on her skin. When that happens, come find me. I’ll restore its magical properties with a vial of a siren’s song.”
“Yes, sir!”
“And don’t think your idiocy will go unpunished. I’ll go easier on you for being so willing to help out your friend, but once she’s back to normal, I’m going to whip you both into shape.”
“Y-Yes, sir!”
“Now, I’ll be taking my leave. I’ll leave her care in your hands. Do not make me regret it.”
“We won’t let anything happen to [Name]!” Deuce promised.
“You can count on us!” Ace added.
“Good. Then I’ll be on my way.”
The three of you watched as Crewel gathered his things and wordlessly strolled out of Ramshackle Dorm. The atmosphere turned heavy as the realization of the impossible mission you all needed to accomplish finally dawned on you. But not one for reveling in misery, Ace was there to lighten the mood.
“Well, it’s time to work on getting [Name] her little smooch with Azul!”
“Y-You don’t have to put it like that, Ace!” you cried, hiding your flushed face in your hands. 
“Aw, is someone embarrassed? Are you going to turn as red as the Little Mermaid’s hair when he puckers his lips for you?”
“Keep up your shenanigans and I’ll let Jade and Floyd make a seafood meal out of you.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Okay, I can do this. It’s no problem. I just have to act like myself. Don’t try too hard. Don’t fiddle with your tie. Don’t give yourself reasons to be nervous. This is perfectly fine. This is fine. I’m fine…NO, I’M NOT FINE AT ALL!!!”
Floyd cackled as Azul hid his face in his hands, the candlelight illuminating his flushed skin. “Aw, poor Azul’s heart isn’t prepared for his first date!”
“They grow up so fast,” Jade added, dabbing at his dry eyes with a handkerchief.
“Both of you, knock it off!” Azul cried, waving his hands in frustration. “You just dumped this on me out of nowhere! Who makes “date” plans for someone else, much less when it doesn’t even involve you?”
“If we left it to you, it would never happen.”
“You…You don’t know that!”
Jade and Floyd exchanged a look. 
“I think our boss here is in denial, Jade~”
“You’re not helping your case, you know.”
“Ugh, just…leave me alone for a minute,” Azul pleaded, rubbing circles into his temples. “I need to compose myself before she gets here.”
And just as he finished speaking, a voice came echoing from the entrance of Mostro Lounge. 
“Jade-senpai, Floyd-senpai! [Name]’s here!”
“Well, that’s our cue,” Jade said, shooting a playful smile at an absolutely mortified Azul. “Floyd, let’s get some menus and lead [Name] to her seat.”
“Sure thing! Azul, you better be composed now~!”
The twins set off before he even had time to respond.
“Oh, Sevens,” Azul sighed, holding his head. “This isn’t going to go smoothly at all.” Why in Twisted Wonderland did he let the twins persuade him into doing this “date” nonsense in the first place? “It’ll be a great stress reliever.” “You deserve a break.” Yeah, right. Those two were planning something far more nefarious, and it frustrated Azul that he couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.
But all of his anger dissipated the moment his gaze fell on you.
His breath caught in his throat at the sight before him: you wore a beautiful light blue evening gown that draped over your shoulders, cascading onto the floor like ocean waves. Your hair was pinned up in an intricate hairstyle fixed in place with pearl-studded hair clips, and your makeup perfectly complemented your outfit’s ocean theme with varying shades of blue eyeshadow and coral-colored lipstick. And to tie the look together, your neck was adorned with a dazzling gold seashell necklace.
“Wow,” he breathed, too caught up in your beauty to hold back his awe. 
You flushed at his sincere reaction. “Is this too much? Vil and Rook insisted on doing my makeup for the occasion. They said it would be ‘good practice.’”
“It’s perfect,” Azul replied, offering you his hand. Though he was still feeling like a flustered mess on the inside, he would never allow himself to forget to treat you like a gentleman should. “Shall we?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
To Azul’s surprise, the night was flying by, and his nervousness had completely vanished as if he'd never had it in the first place. Conversation with you was light and comfortable, but if he was being honest, he would have been perfectly content with just letting you talk the rest of the night away. He found your voice so soothing to listen to, and a part of him wondered if you’d managed to put him under some sort of a love spell. But he knew that you, of course, were a magicless human, and yet that only made Azul all the more entranced by you. 
“Thank you for having dinner with me, Azul,” you finally said, giving him a small smile.
“Of course,” Azul replied, wearing a smile of his own. “I should be thanking you as well. I would have asked you properly, but Jade and Floyd like to take matters into their own hands.”
“Just like Ace and Deuce. They seem to always make plans without asking for approval first.” You shook your head, laughing at the thought. “That’s what gets them into trouble all the time.”
“Yet here we are, enabling their behavior,” Azul sighed. “Still, I could never pass up an opportunity to be in your company. If I’m being honest…” A pink hue began to bloom on his porcelain cheeks, “you’re one of the few humans I feel like I can truly connect with. You know that I’m a reserved person, so trying to form friendships proves to be quite difficult for me. I’m out of my element when I’m not in the sea, which makes my attempts at fitting in even worse off. But with you…I forget about all of my shortcomings. I just enjoy being in your presence. So thank you, for all that you’ve done for me.”
Silence hung in the air for a few long moments before Azul’s face turned from a soft pink to a bright burning red. “I’m so sorry! I just started rambling and made everything awkward…Sevens, I don’t know what I’m even doing here—”
Upon feeling the touch of your hand on his, he lifted his gaze to your face, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you wearing a warm smile. “I enjoy being in your company, too. I’ll always be here for you, whether you want to talk or get something off your chest. All you need to do is call my name and I’ll be there.”
“Oh,” he breathed, taken aback by your sincerity. “I mean, yes, thank you. You’re also welcome to come talk with me any time.”
The two of you finished up your dinner before your plates were taken away by Jade and Floyd (who wore suspicious grins on their faces, you noted). They returned with dessert for the last course, which you and Azul finished in a comfortable silence.
“Could I ask you something?” you asked after a while, fiddling with your hands in your lap. You’d been having so much fun on your “date” that you’d nearly forgotten you needed to win his affection. 
“Of course.”
“What do you think of the love story between the Little Mermaid and her prince?”
Azul’s eyes widened a fraction. “Hmm…I’ve never really thought about it. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. I watched the movie again recently with Ace and Deuce, but both of them thought it was overrated. “Too much romance, not enough action.” Honestly, there’s a reason those two don’t get girls.” Sorry, Ace and Deuce. This is just a little bit of revenge for what you’ve gotten me into.
“Hah, those two are too scatter-brained to get it. The movie is a classic! Who watches it and doesn’t like the romance?”
“Are you perhaps…a hopeless romantic, Azul?” 
The tips of Azul’s ears turned a deep shade of red as he quickly shook his head. “N-No, I just don’t like seeing fools criticize good films!” He sighed, straightening his tie (something he seemed to do when he was nervous, you realized). “But if you’re asking for my opinion, I think the love story between the Little Mermaid and the Prince is beautiful. It’s endearing to watch the mermaid try to express her feelings through fleeting touches, gentle gazes, and bright smiles. And watching the Prince slowly begin to fall in love with her is so heart-warming. You can tell he loves her for who she is. His heart is matched perfectly with hers, and his affection for her is unconditional. He helped save her life, after all, just like she saved his.”
“They really are so sweet, aren’t they?” you replied with a dreamy sigh. You held your head in your hand, gazing up fondly at Azul as he rambled on again. The way his eyes lit up when he recounted the mermaid and prince’s romance was unmistakable. It was almost like he craved for the same thing in his own life, like he’d spent endless nights wondering what it might feel like if someone loved him like that.
Just who was he imagining in those scenarios, though, you wondered. No. You shook your head. Don’t get cold feet now. You’re looking too far into this. He’s just talking about the movie, is all. But still, part of you couldn’t help but question if there was a hint of truth in what you thought.
“And the film shows the importance of an equal give and take in relationships. This ensures fairness and a win-win situation for both parties, no matter what obstacles await them in the future.” He’s talking about contractual obligations again, isn’t he? You laughed to yourself. He never changes.
“But I do admire the Little Mermaid’s devotion to the one she loves. To give up her whole life as a mermaid means letting go of a lot, but she sees a brighter future with her prince. I think everyone deserves to find that special person, just as my mother found my step-father.” A small smile appeared on his face, no doubt recalling happy memories. “To be with someone who wants nothing more than to remain at your side…what more could you possibly ask for?”
It was then that he realized he’d begun to ramble on again. “Oh, I really don’t know when to quit, do I?’
Well, now’s the time to test the waters.
Carefully, you placed your hand on top of Azul’s, noting how his cheeks flushed at the action. “You deserve that happiness. I hope you find it.”
Instead of crawling back into his shell, Azul surprised you by smiling in return, gazing at you fondly. He mirrored your gesture by placing his other hand on top of yours and sincerely answering, “I hope you find it, too.”
Now it was your turn to blush. 
But further conversation with him would have to wait. The shell’s power had begun to dwindle, causing your bright mermaid scales to reappear on your skin.
Shoot. I need to come up with an excuse to leave, and fast.
And as if they could read your mind, Jade and Floyd quickly came to your rescue.
“Azul, don’t you think it’s time to wrap things up for the night? I’m sure [Name] is quite tired, and there’s a mountain of paperwork waiting for you in your office.”
“Oh! You’re right. It’s late, isn’t it?” Azul glanced down at his watch. “I’m sorry for keeping you so long.”
“It’s no problem,” you replied. “I had a great time. Thank you for having me.”
“You will always be welcome here. Come by whenever you’d like. Your food and drinks will be completely free of charge.”
The statement was so out of character that it left yours, Jade’s, and Floyd’s mouths agape. Azul never offered anything for free, not without some sort of catch. But it seemed that he was being genuine with his words. At least, that’s what you thought.
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Within moments, Ace and Deuce returned to your side, thanking the trio before leading you back to Ramshackle Dorm.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Even long after you’d left the lounge, Azul was staring off into the distance in a daze. He couldn’t hide the happiness that enveloped him like ocean waves. He was caught in your current, a single man enraptured by the siren that was destined to take him down with her. But he would willingly go wherever you wanted him to, even if it meant risking everything just for your love.
Floyd broke into laughter at the lovestruck look on his boss’ face. “If you like Shrimpy that much, why don’tcha tell her? She’s been giving you goo goo eyes all night long, too!” 
“Ah, young love. It’s a beautiful thing,” Jade chimed in, smirking when Azul’s face turned a lobster red.
“You both are insufferable,” he huffed, stomping off to his room. He’d had enough of the tweels for one night. But even if he escaped their teasing within the confines of his four walls, that didn’t mean he’d managed to calm himself down at all.
Falling asleep proved difficult when all he could think about was you. 
And across the college grounds, the same could be said for you, too. 
You had the most wonderful night spent at Azul’s side, but time was already running out. You’d nearly forgotten the purpose of going there in the first place. You didn’t need to fall even more in love with him. He needed to fall in love with you.
But you still had time to make this all work. That’s what you reminded yourself before your eyes finally slid shut, your dreams filled with memories of your romantic night. 
One day had passed. You only had two more remaining. 
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I was wondering if you could do a period comfort for Beel, Belphie and/or Levi? I just love these so much!
Thanks so much!
Another request said: Hello, could we please have period comfort with the twins and Levi as well?
A/N: Hii I’m soso glad you liked the other posts thank youu 🙏🏼 and thank you for the requests!!! :D
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Taking care of you on your period part 3
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: blood mention, fainting, mention of dying
Part 1
Part 2
-He very rarely attends class in person and not online, and on one of those rare times you weren’t feeling well so he’s just very confused before you tell him because you keep standing and leaning on the desk which doesn’t look comfortable at all to him
-And it hardly helps you with the pain but it’s all you can really do while you’re in class besides pacing around which you decide to do as well near your desks at the back of the class
-The teacher decides to embarrass you in front of everyone and asks you why you’re not sitting like everyone else instead of coming up to you which makes you feel even worse, and you don’t even have it in you to throw any retorts at them
-Eventually the pain gets really really bad and even after waiting for some time after taking a painkiller it didn’t kick in, so you tell him you’re just going to head back home and so obviously he comes with you because he’s very concerned and even after you tell him the bleeding is normal, he’s heavily questioning if the amount of pain you’re having is really a normal thing for humans
-His room is unsurprisingly a really good distraction considering he has most of the stuff you’d need to be able to stay in there for hours on end (except for proper food, he only has snacks) so once the pain becomes lighter it’s a good place to unwind and get your focus off of the smaller pains
-It also provides light (from the aquarium part) without being overwhelming enough to give you a headache or migraine and it’s the perfect amount of light to still be able to fall asleep with
-He has tons of blankets and I headcanon he has a couple weighted blankets as well and he’d bring them over for you (you could fold a couple to put behind your back and on your thighs to help ease the pain a bit)
-If you’re on the taller side, his bathtub probably won’t be the comfiest considering you’re already in pain and you’d have to put yourself in an uncomfortable position that would put you in more pain and also share the tiny space with Levi on top of all that, so if you’re not willing to deal with the hassle it’s best you just both go to your room and have him carry all the blankets there for you 
-He starts off embarrassed about buying you period products, but he gets over it pretty quickly after thinking about how much pain you’re in and how much effort he’s saving you, along with the fact that anyone who mocks him for it probably isn’t able to get into a relationship of their own
-Overall, he’s really good with everything but there’s a chance he’ll get the wrong product even though he checks your messages a bunch of times to make sure 😭😭 for example, he might get the right size pad but without wings, but he does learn quickly luckily for you
-He’s naturally very warm which most of the time is really cozy and nice but during the times when it’s warmer out or when your body is really hot on its own due to the pain it can get a bit overwhelming
-At the same time though you don’t want to distance yourself physically because then everything just feels even more off, so cuddling with the AC on and a fan blasting while you have a couple light blankets covering you are the best, especially feeling yourself drift off when the sleeping conditions are so perfect and he’s rubbing your back
-Has a tendency to be a bit suffocating with his arms when you two are cuddling so you have to squirm around a bit to figure out a comfy position
-Constantly picks you up with no problem (which all of the brothers can do technically he’s just the one who does it the most often) so that you don’t have to move if you want to go to your room or somewhere else. He has no shame in it too he’ll just carry on like it’s the most normal thing in the world and he’ll act like anyone who judges is the weird one instead of the other way around lmao
-Definitely the type to tell you to focus on resting instead of stressing over your schoolwork, since even if you stress it’s not like you’re able to do it anyway when you’re not feeling well (even if it does sound kind of harsh) so he offers to help you write an email to your teachers to ask for an extension on the deadlines because you aren’t feeling well
-Some teachers are more understanding than others, and the latter ones just get mad at you for not having started sooner, and so you’re still worried you’ll get marks deducted if you hand anything in late
-So in the end he does your work for you 🥺 he doesn’t want you to start slacking in your classes because of him but he doesn’t want you to be in so much pain and also be stressing out about something that seems so insignificant to him at the same time, so he decides to just do it for you even if it takes him a while to understand the material from classes he’s not in
-He gets you basically everything while you rest and doesn’t make any comments about you not being productive or anything that might make you feel bad for relaxing
-He’s still constantly hungry (as usual) but he does his best to push it aside so he can take care of you, especially if you’re cuddling and you fall asleep on him, he doesn’t wanna risk waking you up 
-Though he will probably text one of his brothers asking them to grab him something from the kitchen (how likely are they to actually do it though 😭)
-Sometimes when you’re taking a bath to relieve the pain you want pressure on your lower stomach at the same time but it's a lot of effort to keep your hands on your stomach at the same time as you’re trying to fully relax your body, so he does it for you while taking a bath together. If you’re at the stage where you can literally bathe together why would he be shy about touching your stomach if it’s not a problem for you?
-He definitely knows about periods from Lilith, I imagine she’d learn about it after visiting the human world and them both being horrified at the thought, because why is it necessary to make them bleed so often? Why not once a year instead?
-Despite this though I don’t think he’d know too many of the details, and since he’s never had actual firsthand experience helping someone with it, it would take him a while to adjust to the fact that there are so many other problems that come along with getting your period, not just blood 😔
-I’m not sure if this is canon but if it’s not, I have a headcanon that he can put others to sleep so that would definitely come in handy pretty often. You’d be in too much pain to fall asleep on your own and you can’t stay still enough to keep trying so you’re just ranting about it to him and he offers, so obviously you accept and then you wake up a few hours later feeling much better
-One problem that you encounter quite often is him falling asleep on you, which is fine on its own, but after some time it stops being comfortable for you. But he’s pretty hard to move when he’s asleep so you have to fight for your life to free yourself 
-And then all your hard work trying to move without disturbing him (which hardly ever happens anyway) is thrown away because he wakes up as soon as you get out of his grip smh
-A good thing about Belphie specifically when you’re in pain is that he’s down to lie down and sleep literally anywhere so if you think that lying down on the floor in the middle of his room with a heating pad on your stomach will help your back pain and cramps he’s down, doesn’t even take any convincing from you he’ll just do it
-Even though he still feels a bit awkward helping you and isn’t always sure what you need him to do, he starts to put in a lot more effort in accompanying you everywhere after a while
-More specifically, after you told him about how you were once home alone and the pain was so bad you thought you were genuinely about to die, and no one was answering your messages either. And about the time you forced yourself to go out even though you weren’t feeling well and nearly passed out
-Both stories really concern him so he starts going with you literally everywhere when you’re on your period because he’s slightly paranoid that you’ll end up being left alone somewhere and you actually will die from it, and he’ll have no idea until after it’s too late 
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crownedtargaryen · 2 years
exam comfort. - modern!aemond
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pairing: modern!aemond x overwhelmed!reader (a/n): this is mostly a gift for my wife @hopelesswritergall. please take care of yourself, exams can be stressful. genre: fluff, comfort prns: they/them all notes are appreciated. tag list: @hopelesswritergall @twizzy123
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Aemond and I have been dipping our toes into romantics. Love was not something he said was his "forte." He had taken an interest in me as I started tutoring. Cold and pensive at the start, but slowly laughing at my corny jokes and playful statements.
We haven't talked in a while. I've withdrawn from those who could assist because I feel a need to get this right. Every second counts. I have to ace my exams and graduate from my classes without bumps on the road. A relationship and friends became distractions, and my brain wasn't happy with the amount of work I'd done. I needed to accomplish more, I needed to feel like I did something valuable with all this time.
I sat at my desk silently, my eyes scanning the material provided for me. My stress was rising, and I hadn't slept soundly in days. My brain, body, and emotions became overstimulated and I felt agitated about the small things. I knew I needed to take a break, but I was determined to stay focused on my task. I took a few deep breaths and tried to recenter myself. I reminded myself that I could do this. I could get through all of this work and return to everyday life with confidence.
Though, my thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock at the door. Looking up from my paper, I was unsure of who would be able to visit me. No one had visited me since exams, no one had time to. I didn't have time to see anyone either, so it worked out in the end. I slowly approached the door, my mind racing with the possibilities of who it could be. I opened the door and found my boyfriend, who had come to surprise me with a visit. My eyes widen, and guilt pangs in my heart. I ignored him. His countless calls, texts, and affections… I ignored it all for my grade.
"Aemond! What're you doing here?" I asked softly, my eyebrows raised. He looked at me, surprised I answered.
"(Y/N)," He says my name softly, my heart aching at his voice. Oh, how I missed it. I couldn't help myself, hugging him tightly. I feel his body stiffen for a second before he hugs me close. Immediate relief washes over me. He lets himself in, walking in as he picks me up, looking at my mess of a desk, realizing what's been happening. "Are you alright?" His voice is hushed and gentle, something I'm not used to from him. I nod slowly, but I hesitate. He notices. "Let's get this place cleaned up, okay darling?" He moves my hair from my face and I feel myself melt into his palm. He runs a bath for me, setting me on the toilet as he puts bubbles into the water. I smile at his thought. "Get yourself undressed for me, okay? I'll be back." He kisses my forehead, my heart fluttering as I nod. He heads off into my home, and I can only assume he's cleaning up a bit. I strip off my clothing, and lay it in the hamper next to the bathtub, running my fingertips over the water to test the temperature.
Moments later I hear the door click. I look at him and smile gingerly as he watches my face. His violet eyes gaze softly at me, placing me carefully into the bathtub. I look at him curiously as he grabs a cup and fills it with water. "I'm going to wash your hair, is that alright?" He says, wishing for my consent before doing so. I hum and softly tell him it's alright. He places his hand over my forehead to block my face from the water and dumps it on my head, soaking my hair. I shiver from the temperature change, hearing him whisper a soft "I know, darling. I know." I feel the soap now being massaged into my hair with his gentle hands, attempting not to be rough. He treats me like an ancient artifact, worth more than the world itself. As if I'm composed of glass and one wrong movement will shatter me. It makes me feel loved and seen. I can't help but smile as he runs his hands through my hair and removes the soap from my locks. He lets me wash my own body, not wanting to make me uncomfortable as he stands up. "I'll go order you some food, alright? Stay here and finish up. I'll bring some clothes in soon." He moves down, kisses my head, and then steps out of the bathroom and lets me tend to myself.
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I step out of the bath just as he walks in. Aemond's shirt has now been taken off as he watches me dry myself with a smile. "You're beautiful," he compliments, making my cheeks turn pink. I watch as he pats the toilet seat, allowing me to sit down. He unwraps my towel and tells me to lift my arms, slipping his shirt over my head and onto my torso. He dresses my lower half comfortably and then scoops me up, nuzzling his nose with mine and kissing my lips. He walks toward the living room where the intro to my comfort movie is playing, a rush of joy and excitement washing over me. He sits down, placing me in his lap and running his hand along my back. He wraps us in a blanket and nuzzles into my neck.
"I love you," he murmurs, squeezing me gently. "Don't ignore me again, I can't imagine my days without you." He whispers, looking up and watching the movie. Suddenly, the film stops, and he turns around to look into my eyes. I raise my brow, tilting my head with curiosity.
"Promise me. You've overwhelmed yourself. I don't want it to happen again. Promise me you'll come to me, trust me to help you." He holds my face gently as he speaks, and I softly agree.
"I promise," I whisper. A small smirk comes to his lips. I feel him moving in and kissing my lips passionately, but he doesn't push it beyond a showing of affection. He moves back and nuzzles his nose with mine.
"I love you so much… You’re mine. My sweetest (Y/N), specially hand crafted by the gods and goddesses themselves. Shaped to pure perfection." He holds my face once more, gorgeous eyes full of pure love. “I’ve been blessed. I would trade you for nothing, for nothing in this horrid world could take you from me. Nothing will ever compare to you. My darling.”
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 6 months
Having a hell of a day as you know, can I get some New York, Mass and/or Loui fluff that's as angst free as possible pleasee?
Whenever he hasn’t slept in a while, Maine will quite literally snatch him (he has thought of just pillow-casing this mf) and take him to his and Alaska’s house and they’ll both cuddle him. And Louisiana just accepts it cuz he isn’t strong enough to escape either of them, and especially not both of them.
He has just- full on bodyslamed his friends and brothers and hugged them till they couldn’t breathe
The human(?) equivalent to a puppy
^Especially with the look in his face when someone he loves comes home or enters the same room 😭💙
^If he has his tail out, it is 10000000000% wagging at the speed of light
I feel like he is a really good listener and gives great advice if you need it
New York:
Idk why, but I feel like he cannot tell his left and rights. Am I projecting? MMMMMM QUITE POSSIBLY SHUSH YOU-
He’s also a really good listener but he’s not as good when it comes to advice. Again me projecting? MAYBE-
You don’t have to tell him if you’re sad. He just. He knows. How he knows? Idk he’s got some mind reading type power 😭
^He will just sneak up on you, and if you catch him, he’ll just simply do what he was gonna do in the first place: curl up on your lap and cuddle the sadness out you. He’ll even purr when he cuddles you 😭 Yorkie cuddles make everything better, 5 star rating from literally the entire statehouse.
Has bought and made band tee shirts for all his pets. It’s the most adorable thing ever. Even his pigeons and rats have Queen and AC/DC and Led Zeppelin merch.
Despite basically being a cat/vampire (every gacha oc in 2018 be like:), he actually loves swimming and is surprisingly good at it (I hc him to be either part of the Navy or Coast Guard so- he kinda has to know how to swim-). BUT IF YOU PICK HIM UP AND THROW HIM INTO A BODY OF WATER, EVEN A BATHTUB, HES GOING TO STAB AND SCRATCH YOU IN VARIOUS BODILY REGIONS. UNASHAMEDLY TOO.
Actually really good at digital art. He’s good at traditional art to, but prefers digital art (him, upon discovering digital art: "IT HAS A MOTHA-F(SPEAKS BOSTON)KIN’ UNDO BUTTON 🥹🥹")
He lovessss taking long walks outside, especially on the beach at sunset. Has gotten plenty of drawing inspiration from the sunsets and the beach <3
He also really loves plants and nature. Granted, not as much as NJ, but pretty close. He won’t admit it though cuz he’s a stubborn bastard. We love him though :3
Mass gives the vibes of someone that’s really good at bass guitar and drums
I like to imagine that whenever he takes his hat off, his hair falls in front of his face and temporarily blocks his vision. Penn and Ginny love making fun of him for it <3
Hope these are fluffy enough I tried to add no angst, but my finger mighta slipped somewhere idk <3
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