#we love a journey of self discovery and self improvement
alienwlw · 1 year
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I hope that someday you will see the real me better.
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raayllum · 2 months
Anyway borrowing from the Rayllum relevant sections of my "arc 2 is about the pursuit of knowledge / knowledge as a burden" meta for s4 and s5 (minimized/condensed text is from previous meta) let's talk about S6
Season four in a lot of ways was the journey of
Mutual Love as Self Actualization: Part 1 — Uncertainty to Certainty (S4)
As previously noted, Callum starts out S4 at both a loss with the mirror, and still coping with the uncertainty and stagnation of his loss of Rayla. When Ezran reaffirms that Callum still loves her, all Callum can helplessly rely that he doesn’t “even know if she’s alive.” Things don’t really improve once Rayla shows up, either, even if we see the persistent thread of not knowing vs knowing being knit throughout their arc with one another.
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When Ezran is trying to get Callum and Rayla to work together, he doesn’t tell them to set everything aside, or even harkens back to their good old days. He asserts their identities and says, “Don’t you remember who you are?” because to him — and evidently to Callum and Rayla, because it works — working together and helping each other has become a fundamental, core part of who they are as individuals. They are that interwoven with each other, and Rayla reflects that in 4x07 with, “Callum, you’re the 'destiny is a book you write yourself’ guy. No one can control you or make your choices for you” as well as what Callum offers up to her in 4x09 where we see the turning point in their prior uncertainty. Although they’ve both changed, they are fundamentally still the same people they were when they fell in love, and there is both comfort, sadness, and acceptance in that realization, where Callum says:
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Mutual Love as Self Actualization: Part 2 — Certainty and Discovery (S5)
Upon reconciling once Callum has said what we knew all along — “I’m so glad you come back” — Callum and Rayla return to the castle, and their searches for knowledge become arguably more explicitly stated by the text. Their first scene together in 5x01 establishes that Callum wants to know the Ocean arcanum (“I thought it would be about controlling the tides or fighting the currents” thereby exerting control, which he desperately wants over himself post-S4) as well as Aaravos, whereas Rayla is seeking answers about her family: “If I can figure out how he put you into the cursed coins, maybe I can find a way to get you out.”
This is, of course, something we know she doesn’t trust Callum with yet, not wanting to burden him with her problems especially before she’s reached her own conclusion of what to do about it (to delay it for the good of the world) and we see that the certainty and forgiveness Callum found in 4x09 has more than carried over.
Opeli: Don’t you want to know what she was up to? Why she did all this?
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And although very uncertain about opening up, Rayla still expresses certainty that she knows Callum could and can be there for her, if he wants to be — if he’s ready to be.
This is, after all, with both Amaya’s encouragement and Callum’s reassurance that 1) “You can tell me when you’re ready” and that 2) he does want to know from 5x01. Then, we see both their arcs in this way largely — or at least they would, in a perfect world — be resolved in many ways by their interaction later in 5x04:
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Previously, we’ve mostly talked about knowledge, especially within the text of the show, as a positive thing. It is the foundational rock of a strong relationship, it can lead to positive self actualization, and it helps the heroes keep Aaravos from being unleashed. When you do not have enough knowledge or perceived understanding of someone (Claudia assumes Soren could never understand her, and Viren and Harrow’s relationship breakdown), your relationship accordingly deteriorates. When you share knowledge, and share experiences (Rayla to Callum about the coins, Soren to Elmer about abusive cycles), you can become stronger together.
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But knowledge is not exclusively a good thing. It can also be harmful, or unwanted, or unwanted precisely because it’s harmful. It can bind you to deals or bonds you don’t really want, and once you know something, you cannot un-know it, whether about yourself or about others. And we see this most plainly in the story Archmage Akiyu shares about the prison ("I knew too much").
So if S4 is about beginning to navigate both in spite of and within uncertainty, S5 is about having the safety of that uncertainty stripped away, both in creating more of it, and in removing some of it. Namely, the Ocean arcanum.
He chased the Ocean arcanum because he thought, if Sky granted him potential and freedom, then Ocean would grant him control, but the truth was more complicated than that. While it did grant him control (the ability to break free from Finnegrin’s spell), it also granted him a rather hard truth he’d rather not know.
The first time he cites his poem about true tides and untold deaths, he is talking about his faith and trust in Rayla — the way he views her: “If she didn’t tell me, she has a good reason. […] I trust her. Unconditionally.”
The second time he recites the poem, it is about himself. The untold depths are within himself, are parts he is still trying to understand in full because they are uncomfortable truths. In many ways, Callum unlocking the Ocean arcanum is his version of Ezran’s 4x03 speech (see how we looped all the way back? 'Totally’ intentional I swear), that multiple things can be, and sort of have to be, true in order to gain new ground, even if there’s a part of you that wishes it could be simple.
Season six develops this theme, too, but it takes it and calls it Truth, and we see this reflected most notably in 6x06.
Mutual Love as Self Actualization: Part 3 — Certainty and Salvation (S6)
In season six, we see Callum build upon this certainty with Rayla by the way he remains emotionally open with her about his hopes and fears. After his 6x01 nightmare freaks him out, he runs right to her to receive support; when the guilt and fear gnaws at him in 6x03, he tells her the truth of what he did on Finnegrin's ship.
While the obvious facet of knowledge (truth) and salvation here is in 6x06, I also like to think it starts an episode earlier in 6x05. Callum wants to go along with the mission because he knows the quasar diamonds will be what they get in exchange whereas Rayla goes along with it because he's pushing for it (and well, helping people is always nice).
However, where Callum believes that the icy beast they seemingly have to slay is a monster, Rayla believes differently and hedges her bets on what she knows.
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This is a great mini turning point in season six for a few reasons. For one, it merges the idea of truth and knowledge into one ("I know it's true") as well as emphasizing the concept of knowing something in your heart, which 6x06 will build on of "dark magic tears a hole in your spirit/heart that light can fill". It also clearly ties back to something that Callum knows he knows, which is that he trusts Rayla unconditionally (5x01). So he goes with it.
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When Rayla does reach out to the behemoth, it's with more facets of knowledge: "I know you're in pain. I don't want to hurt you...", knowing the creature's name and the stories ("I know who you are"), and even in her lullaby:
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(We'll come back to the lullaby for 6x06's relevancy as well). Once Rayla's kindness and compassion gets through, of her knowledge and seeing the truth of Esmeray's pain much like Ezran saw Zubeia's ("and the truth of you seeing that made it feel like less, like healing"), we return to how well Callum knows her and his knowledge about the trial ("You knew this was the reward"):
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If I'd told you, you would've refused to go, because you never do anything for yourself.
To love someone is to know them, and to know them is (in these cases) to develop love for them. The same way that Rayla brings Runaan out of his grief and guilt induced darkness in 6x09 ("I'm your daughter and I love you") and recognizes the grief and guilt plaguing Esmeray, likewise, she represents and is Love to Callum.
He's gone from being uncertain about her survival, about expressing his love, all the way to looking to her for support and direction about the trials set before him:
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Kosmo: Dark magic left a hole in you, but the Star-truth ritual can fill the darkness with light. [...] You must search your mind and heart for your one deep truth, the star within you. Then you must let that truth shine and fill the darkness. Callum: One deep truth, huh? Kosmo: Your deepest truth. [...] You must find the star within you, the one deep truth so bright it can fill the darkness.
As know, Callum's trial is still a struggle for him at first. But luckily Rayla's lullaby also foreshadowed the principle of looking inward rather than outward, too, and precisely what kind of answer and truth Callum is going to find.
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Callum: I found my one truth.
His truth, his knowledge, his constant, his light... is love, his love, for Rayla and from Rayla. At the end of 6x06 in many ways, Callum is at his most self-actualized, freed from the taint of dark magic and paranoia about Aaravos' control... saved and allowed to become the best version of himself, a bright shining light. A star in his own right. Which is likewise why he expresses his truth before the episode is done. He did dark magic for her, but she's so much more than just darkness or desperation or sadness for him; she's light and hope and Love, too. She's his Constant, Deepest Truth. She's everything.
It's taken two and a half seasons, but he's ready to do more than just know it. He's ready to say it.
So he does.
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Words Of Wisdom (Jupiter Edition)
Jupiter represents knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Its placement in a chart can indicate a person's natural ability to learn, their willingness to seek out new experiences and ideas, and their ability to integrate different perspectives and worldviews.
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Here are some iconic book quotes that I feel represent the energy of someone Jupiter placements (sign or house) in their natal chart.
Jupiter in Aries or 1st House: "It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do that is the secret of happiness." - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan. This quote represents the enthusiasm and energy of Jupiter in Aries/1st House, which encourages a sense of self-discovery and taking bold action. It emphasizes that happiness comes from finding joy and fulfillment in one's pursuits rather than simply pursuing pleasure.
Jupiter in Taurus or 2nd House: "The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." - Bertrand Russell, Mysticism and Logic. This quote reflects the practical and grounded nature of Jupiter in Taurus/2nd House, which values stability, material security, and the power of the senses. It encourages a slow and steady approach to expanding one's horizons and appreciating the beauty of the world around us.
Jupiter in Gemini or 3rd House: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. This quote represents the curiosity and communicative nature of Jupiter in Gemini/3rd House, which is all about gathering information, sharing ideas, and engaging with the world around us. It highlights the power of words and conversation in shaping our perceptions and relationships.
Jupiter in Cancer or 4th House: "Home is behind, the world ahead, And there are many paths to tread Through shadows to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote reflects the emotional depth and nurturing nature of Jupiter in Cancer/4th House, which is all about finding a sense of belonging and security in our homes, families, and traditions. It emphasizes the importance of finding our own path in life and the power of imagination to guide us on our journey.
Jupiter in Leo or 5th House: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." - William Shakespeare, As You Like It. This quote represents the creative and theatrical nature of Jupiter in Leo/5th House, which encourages us to express ourselves boldly and authentically. It highlights the power of play, drama, and self-expression in shaping our identities and leaving a lasting impact on the world.
Jupiter in Virgo or 6th House: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love. This quote reflects the analytical and service-oriented nature of Jupiter in Virgo/6th House, which is all about finding practical solutions to problems and improving the world around us through diligent effort. It emphasizes the power of empathy, compassion, and collaboration in achieving our goals and making a difference in the world.
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Jupiter in Libra or 7th House: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This quote represents the social and diplomatic nature of Jupiter in Libra/7th House, which values harmony, justice, and balance in our relationships and interactions with others. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and finding a healthy balance between our ideals and the realities of our lives.
Jupiter in Scorpio or 8th House: "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom. This quote reflects the transformative and intense nature of Jupiter in Scorpio/8th House, which is all about confronting our fears, embracing change, and gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. It emphasizes the power of resilience, determination, and the willingness to learn from our mistakes in achieving personal growth and success.
Jupiter in Sagittarius or 9th House: "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote represents the adventurous and expansive nature of Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th House, which values freedom, exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It encourages us to embrace the unknown, take risks, and follow our dreams, trusting that the journey itself will lead us to new discoveries and experiences.
Jupiter in Capricorn or 10th House: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius, The Analects. This quote reflects the disciplined and ambitious nature of Jupiter in Capricorn/10th House, which is all about achieving success and recognition through hard work, perseverance, and strategic planning. It emphasizes the importance of patience, determination, and the willingness to overcome obstacles and setbacks in achieving our goals.
Jupiter in Aquarius or 11th House: "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi. This quote represents the progressive and innovative nature of Jupiter in Aquarius/11th House, which values individuality, freedom, and the power of collective action to create positive change in the world. It encourages us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and work together to make the world a better place.
Jupiter in Pisces or 12th House: "I have been bent and broken, but I hope, into a better shape." - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations. This quote reflects the compassionate and spiritual nature of Jupiter in Pisces/12th House, which values empathy, intuition, and the power of imagination to transcend boundaries and connect us to the divine. It emphasizes the importance of embracing our vulnerabilities and flaws, trusting in the power of redemption and renewal to guide us towards a brighter future.
Stay tune for more astro posts…
xoxo J.
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Nah bc bahmee working herself to the bone to take care of Tae and make him care for her and that man just straight up being indifferent, taking her for granted and then suddenly missing her when he noticed she did everything for her is so real.
Some people think that only big gestures count and every day domesticity is just a given and no effort is required and then act all surprised when the person doing the effort is unhappy.
Some people also think that by loving someone who is indifferent with all their heart they will stop that behavior. It's not like that.
This is why also Bahmee (and many girls who have only dated men) melt so easily when dating other girls, because the energy is matched. Bare minimum is not in hell anymore.
I'm not saying Tae is a bad person, I'm just saying this dynamic is very real and I love this show because it's depicting shit that actually happens
Also having characters be openly gay or bi and retiring that old 'I am straight but I like you' stuff is healing to me. Yes self discovery journeys are interesting but it's not all there is. Telling the other stories is great, it's lovely.
Also did we noticed how the Bahmee script is something that happens a lot in BL but not that it was flipped onto a woman the reaction was harsher? This show has really nice and complex characters and it knows stuff. I would bet my liver that these kind of productions are improving because queer people are getting involved in BL.
Idk dude, I'm just so happy this show exists.
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hazelira · 4 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 | JAY
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genres: fluff, angst, and comfort
word count: 692
summary: Y/N and Jay mutually decide to take a break from their relationship to focus on personal growth despite their deep love for each other. Struggling with their insecurities and challenges, they realize they need time apart to become their best versions. After six months of self-discovery and healing, they reunite, finding their love more robust and resilient. Their journey underscores the power of self-improvement and the hope that true love can endure, leading to a beautiful second chance together.
The café was quiet, a soft melody playing in the background as Jay and I sat across from each other. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, but neither of us touched our cups. We both knew why we were here, and our unspoken words hung heavy between us. 
"Jay," I started, my voice trembling slightly. "I think we both know that something needs to change."
He nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. "Yeah, Y/N, I know. We need to work on ourselves."
We'd been struggling for a while, facing our battles and insecurities. Our love was strong, but it was clear that we couldn't keep going like this without hurting each other further. 
"I love you, Y/N," Jay whispered, his arms wrapped around me as we lay on the grass under the night sky. "I can't imagine my life without you."
His words were always filled with such conviction, such promise. And I believed him, just as he believed in us. We had dreams and plans for the future. But life had thrown obstacles in our path somewhere along the way, we struggled to navigate them together.
"Maybe we need some time apart," I suggested, my heart aching. "To figure out who were are individually, to grow."
Jay reached across the table, taking my hand in his. His touch was warm and reassuring. "I agree. It doesn't mean I love you any less, Y/N. If anything, I think it means I love you more. I want us to be the best versions of ourselves for each other."
Tears welled up in my eyes, and I saw the same emotion reflected in his. "So, this isn't goodbye. ...see you later?"
"Yeah," he said softly. "See you later. We'll find our way back to each other. Stronger and better."
As we left the café, we walked silently to the park where we'd shared many memories. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over everything. We found a bench and sat down, our fingers still intertwined. "This feels so surreal," I whispered. "Like a part of me is breaking, but another part knows it's the right thing to do." Jay nodded, his gaze focused on the horizon. "It's hard. But sometimes the hardest decisions are the ones that lead to the most growth." We sat there, watching the sun dip below the horizon, the sky painted in hues of pink and orange. The silence between us was comfortable, filled with unspoken promises and hopes for the future.
(Six Months Later) I stood in front of the same café, my heart pounding. Today was the day Jay and I had promised to meet again. We had both taken time to work on ourselves, to heal and grow. And now, we were ready to see if our love could stand the test of time. The door jingled as I walked in, and he sat at our usual table. He looked up, and our eyes met. A smile spread across his face, and I felt my heart leap. "Y/N," he said, standing up to greet me. "You look... amazing." I blushed, feeling a warmth spread through me. "You do too, Jay." We sat down, and for a moment, it was like no time had passed. We talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories of our journeys, growth, and hopes for the future.
As the sun set again, we found ourselves back at the park. This time, there was no sadness, only renewed hope and love. "Y/N," Jay said, turning to face me. "I still love you. And I believe that we're better now, stronger. I want to build our future together." Tears filled my eyes as I nodded. "I love you too, Jay. And I believe in us. Let's take this second chance and make it something beautiful." We leaned in, our lips meeting in a kiss filled with all the love, hope, and promise of our new beginning. As we pulled away, I knew we would face challenges together, no matter the challenges. Stronger. Better. And with a love that had only grown deeper. "Here's to us," I thought as we walked hand in hand into the future. "To healing, growing, and finding our way back to each other."
If you liked my story, reblogging, liking and adding comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
©hazelira, all work is written by me, do not copy or repost.
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thedragonagebigbang · 1 month
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @warpedlegacy  |  AO3: warpedlegacy
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Q&A With Duchess
What is your favorite character to romance?
I am a dedicated Cullenmancer. He was my first romance when playing DAI and I have stuck with him on nearly every subsequent playthrough since. He embodies one of my favorite character archetypes - the reformed sinner. He's ashamed of the things he did and believed in his past and is doing his best to atone. He seeks forgiveness but doesn't understand that forgiveness must come from within. Or he cannot fathom forgiving himself. I relate so much to his self-doubt and uncertainty, as well as his drive to improve and do better. 
I especially love romancing him as a Circle mage - there's just SO MANY juicy, messy layers to explore with that dynamic! How the Circle just hangs like a specter over their relationship. Does it haunt them forever? Or do they have the trust in each other to confront it head-on? 
What is your favorite specific moment in the DA series?
The Herald, alone and exhausted and hurt, trudging through the snow after the avalanche. In Your Heart Shall Burn is my favorite quest and my favorite part of the game, but that specific moment gets me every time. The way the sound mixing emphasizes the wind and the wolves howling, and then you start to hear your Herald shivering and panting. As you push them forward, their steps start to slow. It's agonizing to watch. When they finally see the lights of the Inquisition's camp ahead and collapse to their knees, I feel that relief along with them. The first time I played this game, that was the moment where, I think, I knew this was going to be my new obsession. 
Do you have any writing tips?
It sounds cliche, but write for yourself, first and foremost. Don't fall into the trap of "all writers must do x". There's so much advice out there, and lots of it seems to contradict. It can be so easy to get overwhelmed, and what works for someone else may not work for you - and that's fine! I need to outline my fics before I start writing, but I know some dedicated pantsers who write brilliant and beautiful work. The key is to find what works for you. There are no rules but the ones you make for yourself. 
Related to that, I think it's important to identify your style. We all have unique voices, and trying to make yourself sound just like someone else will only end in frustration. Play to your strengths! Do you prefer writing action or romance? Do you like intense angst or lighthearted fluff? Does dialogue or prose come easier to you? Do you like long, descriptive text, or do you prefer brevity? All of these things shape the kinds of stories that you will gravitate toward, and it also shapes the overall voice of your writing. What you are known for, in other words. It's okay if it takes you a while to find it, and it's okay if you have to try on a lot of different "hats" before you find the one (or several) that fit you. Writing is a journey of self-discovery in a lot of ways - that's why I love it so much!
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dreambunnynotes · 10 months
things to keep in mind before reading my blog:
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1.) self-improvement is not a "one size fits all" experience. my strengths, barriers, methods, and goals are going to be very different from everyone else's, and the methods, routines, and lists i post might not always apply to your life and might not be relevant to your experience at all. i am in no way claiming that my way is the only way; self-improvement is a very personal journey and it is through self-discovery that we learn what works best for us, which i encourage everyone to seek on this beautiful journey! ❤︎
2.) on this same note, this blog is a personal blog which means that i am posting my own unique-to-me self-improvement experience and not necessarily posting with anyone else in mind. please use discernment and only take what inspires you, leaving behind what doesn't. i ask that you do not attack me for posting what i am currently working on in my own journey, unless i am being harmful and need criticism. i am trying to not worry about what other people think of me and focus on my own self-improvement and i encourage you to do the same; keep your body and mind healthy and safe first and foremost, always!
3.) i am very aware of how detrimental the toxic positivity and productivity culture are, especially in north america where i am from, and i try to walk a fine line between discipline and play. my current journey is primarily focused on building up tolerance to discipline and hard work. if you are at a point in your journey where rest and recovery from over-working are integral to your growth, my posts might not be applicable to you and that is totally okay! i respect and support your journey, and please know that my need to focus on hard work at this moment is not in any way an attack on where you are at in yours.
4.) it is very important to me that the health and beauty related information i share is scientifically accurate and is not cultural appropriation. if i post something that is incorrect, insensitive, or harmful, please let me know and i will make sure to edit or take down the post and learn from my mistakes! accountability is important to me and i am always open to learning more.
5.) i do not follow people under the age of 18. it is nothing personal against you if you are a minor, it's just that it is important for me to follow people who are at a similar place in life as me and to make sure that the friends i make are within my appropriate age range. however, all people are welcome on my blog and it will ALWAYS be sfw! when i was a minor on tumblr, it was very important for me to follow adults that i looked up to and who were safe and treated me with respect so that i could grow and learn; you are welcome here, and i will always try to treat you and everyone i interact with with the utmost care and respect!
with love, bunny ❤︎
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chokememaximoff · 1 year
You can't hide from the shadows part IV
g!p Natasha Romanoff x Reader series
Abstract:In "You Can't Hide from the Shadows," join Y/N on a thrilling journey as she finds herself ensnared in a dangerous game of survival, hunted by a relentless foe. When Natasha Romanoff, the enigmatic Black Widow, enters her life, Y/N's world is turned upside down, leading to an unexpected and intense love affair amidst the shadows. Together, they must navigate a treacherous path of love, danger, and self-discovery, all while attempting to escape the ever-encroaching darkness that threatens to consume them both.
TW: violence, including physical altercations, injuries, and gun violence, along with depictions of abuse, torture, kidnapping, and captivity, explicit sexual content, mentions of mental health issues, pregnancy and childbirth, and strong language and mature themes.
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The days seemed to blur together for Y/N, as she found herself repeatedly struck by waves of nausea and unexplained weakness. Initially, Natasha dismissed it as something trivial – perhaps a bad meal or a minor bug. However, as time passed and Y/N's condition showed no signs of improvement, Natasha's concern grew.
One morning, Y/N awoke feeling worse than ever. She stumbled out of bed, barely managing to reach the bathroom before the nausea overwhelmed her. Natasha heard Y/N retching from the bedroom and hurriedly followed her, concern etched on her face.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Natasha asked, worry lacing her voice as she knelt beside Y/N and held her hair back. Y/N managed to shake her head weakly, her face pale. "I didn't eat anything bad," she managed to mumble between heaves.
As the days turned into a week and Y/N's condition persisted, she couldn't ignore the growing suspicion that had been nagging at her mind. She had heard about the possibility before, though she never thought it would apply to her. The thought of it both excited and terrified her.
Y/N decided it was time to take action. She mustered the courage to approach Natasha about going to the pharmacy. "Hey, Natasha," Y/N began tentatively, "I'm feeling pretty run down, and I thought maybe I should get some vitamins or something to boost my immune system."
Natasha glanced at her, concern evident in her eyes. "Are you sure you're not coming down with something? Maybe you need to see a doctor."
Y/N nodded, feigning agreement. "Yeah, I just thought some vitamins might help. Can we go to the pharmacy today?"
Natasha sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Of course, kotenok," she replied gently. "We'll go to the city later."
When they reached the city, Natasha parked the car outside the pharmacy, watching as Y/N entered. Inside, Y/N quickly located the pregnancy tests and added a few bottles of vitamins to her basket. She tried her best to seem casual and inconspicuous, not wanting Natasha to become suspicious.
Back in the car, Natasha smiled at Y/N, her eyes full of warmth. "Did you find what you needed?"
Y/N nodded, fastening her seatbelt. She leaned her head on Natasha's shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort as Natasha held her hand. "Thanks, Tasha," Y/N murmured, her nerves causing her stomach to twist.
As they headed back to the cabin, Natasha suggested they pick up some takeout food. Y/N agreed, grateful for the distraction. They settled in the cozy cabin, the warmth of the firewood making the atmosphere inviting.
The next morning, Y/N woke up before Natasha, her heart racing with anticipation. She quietly slipped out of bed, a bundle of nerves as she entered the bathroom. Trembling slightly, she took the pregnancy tests, her hands shaking as she waited for the results.
When she saw the positive outcome on both tests, tears welled in Y/N's eyes. She bit her lip to stifle a sob, her emotions overwhelming her. She had to share this with Natasha, but her worries held her back. What if Natasha wasn't ready for this? What if she didn't want a family?
A knock on the bathroom door startled Y/N, and she quickly wiped her tears away. "Yeah?" she called out, her voice slightly shaky.
Natasha's concerned voice came through the door. "Y/N, are you okay? I heard something fall."
Panicked, Y/N knocked a hairbrush off the counter, adding a touch of authenticity to her response. "I'm okay, just dropped something."
Natasha pushed the door open, her brows furrowed as she took in the sight of Y/N, who appeared a little disheveled and teary-eyed. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
Y/N pointed to the tests on the counter, her heart racing. Natasha's eyes widened as she looked at them, her expression one of shock and surprise.
Without thinking, Y/N began to ramble. "I didn't mean to keep it from you, I just didn't know how you'd react, and I wasn't sure if you wanted this, and I know it's a big step, and—"
Natasha's lips silenced Y/N's nervous rambling as she placed a finger against them. She took a step closer, her gaze tender as she cupped Y/N's cheeks. "Who said I'm not happy?" she whispered, her voice filled with affection. "I've always wanted kids, and being able to have them with you is a blessing, babygirl."
Y/N blinked, her heart pounding in her chest. "You're not mad?"
Natasha's smile was soft, her eyes full of reassurance. "No, Y/N. I'm not mad at all. I'm shocked, but it's a good kind of shock."
Y/N's uncertainty remained, and she hesitated before asking the question that had been nagging at her. "Are you sure?"
Natasha's fingers gently caressed Y/N's cheeks, her gaze unwavering. "I've never been more sure in my life," she said, her voice steady and sincere. "Our little family will be safe and sound, and I'll make sure of that."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes once again, but this time they were tears of relief and joy. She leaned in, her lips meeting Natasha's in a sweet and heartfelt kiss. In that moment, all of Y/N's worries melted away, replaced by a profound sense of happiness and love for the woman who had unexpectedly become her partner in this new journey of parenthood.
Natasha's transformation since finding out about the pregnancy was nothing short of remarkable. Gone was the stoic and unyielding assassin that Y/N had first encountered. In her place was a caring and nurturing figure who seemed to have fully embraced the idea of becoming a mother.
Y/N couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable, watching as Natasha took every opportunity to show her affection and care. Mornings started with Natasha gently rubbing Y/N's back as she struggled to get out of bed, offering a warm smile and a soft "Good morning, love."
Every meal had turned into a culinary masterpiece. Natasha meticulously prepared dishes that not only satisfied Y/N's cravings but also provided the necessary nutrition for the baby. She had taken it upon herself to research every detail of prenatal care, ensuring that Y/N had all the vitamins and supplements she needed for a healthy pregnancy. Y/N couldn't help but tease Natasha about her newfound obsession with recipes and nutritional guidelines.
"Natasha, you're spoiling me," Y/N would say, chuckling as she savored a particularly delicious meal.
Natasha would simply grin, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Consider it practice for when the baby arrives."
But it wasn't just the meals. Natasha's affection was evident in every small gesture. Y/N would often catch her gazing at her with a tender smile, her fingers gently caressing Y/N's stomach as if she could feel the life growing within. Y/N would laugh, "Tasha, I'm not that far along yet!"
Natasha would simply lean down to press a soft kiss to Y/N's belly and murmur, "It's never too early to start."
On days when Y/N felt particularly tired, Natasha would insist that she rest. Y/N had a bit of a stubborn streak and would attempt to help with some chores around the cabin. However, she was quickly intercepted by Natasha, who scolded her in a surprisingly motherly tone and promptly sent her to rest on the couch. Y/N would roll her eyes playfully but secretly appreciated the concern and affection.
One evening, as they sat in the cozy cabin, the crackling of the fireplace filling the room, Y/N rested her head on Natasha's lap. Curious about Natasha's sudden silence, she looked up and asked, "Hey, what are you up to?"
Natasha's fingers tapped nervously on her phone as she hesitated for a moment. Y/N's smile grew as she watched Natasha fidget, something she had rarely seen before.
"What's got you all nervous?" Y/N asked, sitting up with a playful grin.
Natasha let out a sigh, her gaze meeting Y/N's. "Well, I've been trying to arrange something," she admitted, her voice tinged with nervous excitement. "I might have gotten us a ride to New York, to the Avengers compound."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, and then a delighted smile spread across her face. "Really?"
Natasha nodded, her eyes flickering with a mixture of nervousness and hope. "I know it sounds sudden, but I thought it might be safer for the baby. And... I think people there would accept us, you know, two moms and all."
Y/N's heart swelled with affection for Natasha, seeing her nervousness and vulnerability. She poked Natasha's stomach, teasing, "Is my little assassin nervous about moving out of the cabin?"
Natasha huffed in mock annoyance, but her lips twitched into a smile. Y/N chuckled, touching Natasha's cheek. "I'm down to go wherever you want, Tasha."
With a gentle yet determined motion, Natasha pinned Y/N to the couch, her lips meeting Y/N's in a soft kiss. Then, she leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's belly. "We're going to have a great life," Natasha whispered, her voice full of love and promise.
As Y/N looked up at Natasha, her heart swelled with gratitude and happiness. In that moment, she knew that their journey ahead, with its challenges and uncertainties, would be a beautiful one because they were facing it together, as a family. Natasha's transformation was a testament to the depth of their connection and the love that bound them, ensuring that their little family would thrive in the world they were building together.
Eight and a half months had passed since Y/N and Natasha had moved to the Avengers compound. It had become a place of warmth, support, and the anticipation of a new life. Y/N's pregnancy had been a journey filled with ups and downs, but it was a journey they had taken together, embracing each moment with hope and love.
On this particular day, Y/N had dozed off in her bed, with Wanda Maximoff sitting by her side, keeping a watchful eye. The room was quiet, filled with the soft hum of the air conditioning and the occasional distant chatter from the compound. Y/N stirred in her sleep, her face contorting in discomfort. Sensing something was amiss, Wanda put her book aside and leaned closer.
Y/N's brow furrowed, and her murmurs grew more distressed. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, wide with panic, and she grabbed Wanda's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she chanted, her voice trembling.
Wanda's eyes widened, and she looked down, her gaze following Y/N's. Her heart sank as she saw the wetness pooling through Y/N's shorts. Reacting quickly, she called out for Natasha, her voice carrying a hint of urgency.
In a matter of moments, Natasha appeared, her steps quick and determined. Her eyes scanned the scene, her instincts kicking in. As she reached them, she saw Y/N's distress and the wetness on the bed.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Natasha asked urgently, her voice gentle yet concerned.
Y/N's panicked expression met Natasha's worried gaze. "I... I think my water broke," she managed to say, her voice quivering.
Without wasting another moment, Natasha moved into action. She helped Y/N up, her arms supporting her, as Wanda stepped back to give them space. Natasha's mind raced, her heart pounding, as she realized that Y/N was going into labor.
Quickly and carefully, they made their way to the compound's medical bay. The team there was already alerted and prepared for this possibility. As they entered the med bay, Y/N's breaths grew more uneven, her grip on Natasha's hand tightening.
The medical team worked swiftly and efficiently, their expertise and experience guiding them through the process. Everyone in the room felt a mix of nervousness and excitement, their focus solely on ensuring Y/N's well-being and the safe arrival of the baby.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a cry filled the air—a cry that brought tears to Y/N's eyes and a radiant smile to Natasha's face. As the medical team cleaned and swaddled the newborn, Y/N and Natasha shared a look that spoke volumes of relief, joy, and overwhelming love.
When they were handed their baby girl, Y/N's heart melted at the sight of her tiny, perfect face. She had Natasha's eyes and Y/N's own strength, already a testament to the love that had brought her into the world.
"Anya," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with awe as she looked at Natasha. Natasha smiled through her tears, leaning in to place a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead before turning her attention to their daughter.
Anya blinked up at them, her small fingers reaching out. Y/N held her close, feeling a rush of emotions that words couldn't possibly capture. As Natasha moved to their side, her hand gently touching Anya's cheek, they shared a quiet, heartwarming moment as a new family.
In that med bay, surrounded by the support of their friends and the promise of a bright future, Y/N and Natasha found themselves more in love than ever before. Anya's arrival was a testament to their journey, a journey that had led them here—to a moment of pure happiness and the beginning of a lifetime of love and adventure as a family.
Years had passed since the day Anya was born, and the Avengers compound had truly become a home for Y/N, Natasha, and their daughter. The halls echoed with laughter, the rooms were filled with love, and the memories created within those walls were a testament to the strength of their bond.
Anya had grown into a bright and curious child, a perfect blend of her two mothers. With Natasha's training and Y/N's nurturing, she had all the qualities that made her unique and exceptional. Her wide eyes held a spark of mischief, and her laughter was a melody that echoed throughout the compound.
Y/N and Natasha had settled into their roles as parents with grace and determination. Natasha's protective instincts were paired with Y/N's unwavering support, creating a perfect balance that allowed Anya to flourish. The couple had learned that parenthood was a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, but they faced each moment together, their love only growing stronger.
The compound had become a haven not only for the Avengers but for their extended family as well. The walls had seen countless gatherings, celebrations, and quiet moments of reflection. The laughter of children playing in the courtyard and the aroma of home-cooked meals wafting from the kitchen were constant reminders of the life they had built together.
In the evenings, Y/N and Natasha would often sit on the porch, watching the sunset and reflecting on their journey. They would hold hands, reminiscing about the challenges they had overcome, the love they had shared, and the happiness they had found in each other's arms.
Anya would sometimes join them, sitting between them with wide eyes as they told her stories of their past adventures. She would listen with rapt attention, her imagination already weaving tales of her own. And as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Y/N and Natasha would tuck her into bed, their voices soft as they whispered their love and promises of a bright future.
The compound was more than just a home; it was a sanctuary where love had blossomed and a family had been formed. Y/N and Natasha had found their place within its walls, surrounded by friends who had become family and a daughter who was the embodiment of their love.
And so, their story continued—a story of love, growth, and unwavering devotion. As each day passed, their bond only grew stronger, a testament to the enduring power of love and the beauty of creating a life together. In the heart of the Avengers compound, Y/N, Natasha, and Anya found their forever, a haven where love knew no bounds.
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dc-and-arfrona · 1 year
Book Keeper
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k+
Summary: Based of this prompt
Jason Todd roamed through the rows of shelves in the quiet bookstore, his eyes scanning the titles as he sought solace in the pages of a good novel. The smell of old paper and ink enveloped him, a familiar and comforting scent that never failed to ease his troubled mind.
Lost in his own thoughts, he almost didn't notice the figure struggling under the weight of a towering stack of books. His gaze shifted, curiosity piqued by the scene before him. A young bookkeeper, their face flushed with embarrassment, attempted to balance the precarious pile of self-help books in their arms.
Jason couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. He knew what it was like to seek guidance and answers within the pages of books, to yearn for a glimmer of hope and a path forward. With a gentle smile, he made his way towards her.
"Need a hand?" he offered, his voice warm and reassuring.
Their eyes widened in surprise, grateful for the unexpected assistance. "Oh, yes, please!" they replied, a hint of relief evident in their voice.
Jason carefully reached out, steadying the books as they adjusted their grip. The weight lifted from her, and they let out a sigh of gratitude.
"I appreciate it," they said, a sheepish smile gracing their lips. "I may have gotten a bit carried away with my book choices."
Jason chuckled softly. "We all have our moments. Sometimes, we find solace and answers in unexpected places."
As they walked together towards the checkout counter, they began to explain their reasons for choosing the self-help books. They shared their struggles, their desire for self-improvement, and their search for guidance in navigating life's challenges. Jason listened attentively, his empathy growing with each word they spoke.
"I understand," he said, his voice filled with understanding. "Sometimes, it's good to seek advice and perspective. But remember, you're stronger than you think. Trust yourself, too."
Their eyes met his, gratitude and admiration shining in their gaze. "Thank you," they whispered, touched by his words.
Jason paid for his own books, and as they walked towards the exit together, he couldn't help but feel a connection forming. Their encounter in the bookstore had sparked something within him, an inexplicable pull that urged him to know more about her.
"Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" he found himself asking, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
A genuine smile bloomed on their face, their eyes sparkling with interest. "I would love that," they replied, their voice filled with anticipation.
And so, in the quiet corners of the bookstore, a new chapter began for Jason Todd and he had come to assist. Little did they know that their chance encounter would lead to a journey of self-discovery, healing, and a love that would defy their own expectations.
Jason Todd roamed through the rows of shelves in the quiet bookstore, his eyes scanning the titles as he sought solace in the pages of a good novel. The smell of old paper and ink enveloped him, a familiar and comforting scent that never failed to ease his troubled mind.
Lost in his own thoughts, he almost didn't notice the figure struggling under the weight of a towering stack of books. His gaze shifted, curiosity piqued by the scene before him. A young bookkeeper, their face flushed with embarrassment, attempted to balance the precarious pile of self-help books in their arms.
Jason couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. He knew what it was like to seek guidance and answers within the pages of books, to yearn for a glimmer of hope and a path forward. With a gentle smile, he made his way towards her.
"Need a hand?" he offered, his voice warm and reassuring.
their eyes widened in surprise, grateful for the unexpected assistance. "Oh, yes, please!" they replied, a hint of relief evident in their voice.
Jason carefully reached out, steadying the books as they adjusted their grip. The weight lifted from her, and they let out a sigh of gratitude.
"I appreciate it," they said, a sheepish smile gracing their lips. "I may have gotten a bit carried away with my book choices."
Jason chuckled softly. "We all have our moments. Sometimes, we find solace and answers in unexpected places."
As they walked together towards the checkout counter, they began to explain their reasons for choosing the self-help books. They shared their struggles, their desire for self-improvement, and their search for guidance in navigating life's challenges. Jason listened attentively, his empathy growing with each word they spoke.
"I understand," he said, his voice filled with understanding. "Sometimes, it's good to seek advice and perspective. But remember, you're stronger than you think. Trust yourself, too."
their eyes met his, gratitude and admiration shining in their gaze. "Thank you," they whispered, touched by his words.
Jason paid for his own books, and as they walked towards the exit together, he couldn't help but feel a connection forming. Their encounter in the bookstore had sparked something within him, an inexplicable pull that urged him to know more about her.
"Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" he found himself asking, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
A genuine smile bloomed on their face, their eyes sparkling with interest. "I would love that," they replied, their voice filled with anticipation.
And so, in the quiet corners of the bookstore, a new chapter began for Jason Todd and he had come to assist. Little did they know that their chance encounter would lead to a journey of self-discovery, healing, and a love that would defy their own expectations.
In the weeks that followed, Jason and they, named [Y/N], spent countless hours together, sharing stories, laughter, and vulnerabilities. Their conversations ranged from lighthearted banter to deep discussions about life's complexities.
Jason found himself captivated by [Y/N]'s intellect, their genuine kindness, and the way they brought light to his darkest days. With her, he felt a sense of belonging and acceptance that he hadn't experienced in a long time.
As their connection grew stronger, Jason realized he was falling in love. [Y/N] had a way of making him feel seen and understood, embracing both his strengths and flaws. Their shared moments became the highlights of his days, and he eagerly anticipated their coffee dates and bookstore explorations.
One evening, as they sat in their favorite café, sipping their drinks and sharing laughter, Jason couldn't contain his feelings any longer. The warmth of the cozy atmosphere surrounded them, creating the perfect setting for his confession.
"S-[Y/N]," he stammered, his heart pounding in his chest. "I... I think I've fallen for you. You've become an essential part of my life, and I can't imagine it without you."
[Y/N]'s eyes widened, surprise and joy dancing in their gaze. their cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink, mirroring Jason's own nervousness.
"I... I feel the same way, Jason," they admitted, their voice filled with affection. "You've brought so much happiness into my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together."
Jason's face broke into a radiant smile, a mix of relief and elation flooding his being. The weight of uncertainty lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of certainty.
Leaning across the table, he took [Y/N]'s hand in his, their fingers intertwining. "[Y/N], will you be my partner?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.
[Y/N]'s eyes sparkled with tears of joy, and they nodded, their voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Jason. I would love to be your partner."
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their shared affection, Jason and [Y/N] embarked on a new chapter of their lives together. The bookstore had brought them together, but their love and connection would be written on the pages of their own story, one filled with laughter, growth, and an unbreakable bond.
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blushydiorrb · 5 months
    ♡⊹˚₊ 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄 ₊˚⊹♡
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this is nothing but an enhancement of the person already within you. this is not to say you aren’t perfect in your own beautiful way and you need to change your whole self because you’re “not up to par”. i make this post to tell you to never put a limit on your growth because change is constant and the smallest things make the absolute biggest difference. this is an endless self improvement journey where you will make clear of your beautiful qualities buried underneath, embody the person you’ve always wanted to become, and find new lovely sides of yourself in the process. the idea of change, even in the slightest, shouldn’t be feared but instead welcomed. there is nothing better than evolving and being a better person than you were yesterday. remember that you can change at any time. you don’t have to wait until a new year, month, or week and note that it’s never too late to do so. there is no other time than now. this post will always be here for you to look back on. and of course, despite the mentions of dream girl, this post is for EVERYONE.
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to start and this is very crucial, ask yourself a series of questions:
what are my deepest values in life? envisioning the dream person i desire to be, do the habits i hold support me on this journey? what are some things i need to let go of that i’ve been putting off? how have i been feeling these past few months? do the people i socialize with inspire & encourage me in my endeavors?
really take your time to think about what you value, ways you can support them and analyze things in your current life.
now that you’ve got the foundation, let’s begin and become the dream girl you want to be. 
do right by you. you can’t do right by others if you abandon yourself for the sake of them.
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              𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍
bring out the journal because we are going on a self discovery journey! 
what are your goals that you’ve been wanting to achieve? start a business, do better in school and be at the top of your class, getting to places on time, be more open to meeting new people, reading more books a month, being more elegant, gentle, and kind…
what does the dream person in your mind look like? what habits and kind of friends do they have? how do they spend their time? how do they carry themselves? 
what are some things you need to let go of in order to successfully embody this person? socializing with toxic people, not having structure in the day, excess social media usage, substance consumption, sleeping in, procrastinating, victimizing, the negative self-talk, gossip, letting people step all over you…
what are some habits you’ll need to cultivate? lessen social media usage, waking up and going to sleep early, eating healthy, exercising, picking up old and new hobbies again, more walks, starting work right away, being kind to yourself…
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                   𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐗
digital declutter: delete any and all useless apps. most of them are to be real with you. you don’t have to check your influencer’s new posts and vlogs and you will be okay if you miss out on the newest internet trends. for a little more push on letting go of social media, read my post on digital minimalism here.
remember, that this is a self development journey. you can’t and won’t accomplish the goals and habits of the it girl you want to be if you’re on your phone for more than half the day. be raw with yourself. let go of social media.
social group: really take some time to think about the people you hang around with. are they supportive? negative? do they talk bad about others? criminals? are they goal setters and high-achievers? do they support you and your goals? do they hang around with bad people?
the people you socialize with tells a lot about your character. seriously! if you hang out with people who treat others like garbage (for no reason), if THEY knowingly socialize with people who do tons of horrible things, where do YOUR morals lie? yes, they have been nice to you and you’ve known them for years but that excuse begins to fade when you are striving to be a better person and morals come into play. the environment you tolerate will hold you back. 
don’t feel bad about doing this. i did at first but it’ll go away, trust me when i say you’ll do so much better. 
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most importantly, self care: how you carry and treat yourself shows others how to treat you. once you acknowledge what you are worthy of, you will not allow yourself to settle for anything that doesn’t meet your standards and much less allow yourself to tumble back into old, unhealthy ways.
enforce boundaries on yourself and others. get rid of the habits of bashing yourself when you make an honest mistake or your work performance/grades are low, stop saying horrible things when you look in the mirror, stop complaining and staying up at night for unnecessary reasons, damaging your health, stop letting people insult you, quit over explaining yourself.
detox ending note: again, take it easy with yourself. the more you exercise and strengthen your self-discipline, the easier this detox will be for you. you can start by applying a few habits at a time until it’s basically a part of a routine and go on from there but you have to remember to take it seriously in implementing it into your daily routine/life.
tell yourself that you are doing amazing because you are! you are striving to be better you every single day! how is that not admirable? you are always doing your best even if it may not feel like it.
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now that you have a clear vision of things even if it’s little! you need to do in order to fully embody your dream self, it’s time to put things into motion.
how can you do this? enforcing self-discipline and setting boundaries. 
think of motivation as a power boost at the starting line and your foot pressing on the pedal of your car is discipline, it’s what keeps you going forward on your journey. motivation, as fleeting as it is won’t bring you far but self-discipline will. 
self-discipline: the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.
a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.
a limit of a subject or sphere of activity.
remind yourself of the life you want to live and the person you desire to be, remember that all of your desires have always been within reach. you just have to break out of the barrier you’ve put up for yourself, fight through the fear and the “what if’s” and just do it! the person you wish to be is already within you. 
thinking of and wanting to start is one thing but actually starting, no matter how small has already moved mountains you can’t yet see. 
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                         WHERE TO START
self-discipline and boundaries go hand in hand. setting healthy boundaries will shine light on the path you want to take by making sure you’re staying protected by actions made by you and other people and discipline keeps you in check so that you can go about your self improvement journey the best that you can!
this can look like…
overcoming the urge to wallow in past failures and instead looking forward to a chance at a new beginning.
putting yourself first. taking care of your mind, body, and soul.
getting out of bed to finish your tasks even if you wanted to sleep in.
correcting yourself when you were slipping up on an old habit without self criticism.
making sure your boundaries allow you to grow and fix them as you seek fit
learning the best ways to say no and yes
being more considerate and kind to yourself and others.
not letting futile thoughts, ideas, and actions hinder your progress.
finally putting forth projects you’ve pushed aside. 
picking yourself back up after a difficult time even if it took a while.
more on boundaries here: BOUNDARIES 101
habits to acquire:
thinking of which times you felt down and uplifted and figuring out what contributed to those feelings. avoid habits and situations that don’t serve you and bring in more of what made you feel good about yourself and how you can further enhance that experience.
not rushing your personal journey
having a set routine. morning + night ideas.
standing firm on your boundaries
stop comparing.
becoming a digital minimalist
identifying with old habits and perceptions of yourself
investing in your appearance (because pampering is relaxing!)
not caring about what others think of you
taking care of your mind, body, and soul. tuning into what you need and what is best for you, fully influenced and putting things into motion because it’s what you truly want, not for pleasing others or trying to “fit in”
enjoying stillness
indulging in old and new hobbies every day. make it a priority!
more ideas here!
how do habits form? how do people get better at what they set their minds to? by figuring out what works for them and what doesn’t, what their roadblocks are and from then on, repetition and consistency. 
keep in mind that healing and improvement is subjective. make it work for you so that you are setting yourself up for success. take what you see from posts like these, videos, and books and refine it to make it fit perfectly with how you would like things to go.
take the habits you intend to leave behind and the ones you’d like to acquire and map out how you would go about leaving the past in the past to welcome in the new. 
figure out what your roadblocks are. when there comes a time where it’s hard to continue forward on your path, tune into your body and mind. what is it telling you? there is something that is bothering you that needs to be addressed. are you well rested? have you had enough water today? are you overstimulated? are there any illnesses that can easily flare up and be the reason why you’re feeling this way? 
don’t beat yourself up for feeling demotivated and unreasonably drained. most of the time, it’s really not the case. you just need to figure out what is going on and address it gently and sometimes you won’t really know what’s going on until later on and that’s okay! 
i would always feel drained or overstimulated with my depression, adhd, and chronic fatigue. it would cause me to flare up and enter episodes (depressive and manic). the things i would realize was that it was either caused by: an triggering/traumatic event, intense emotions that didn’t have an outlet, continuous outings. and sometimes flares up will just happen and i began to understand that. 
i didn’t blame myself for having illnesses. i just grew aware that what really matters is: i get through it every. single. time. and i will be okay even if i literally felt my world was crashing down on me yet again.
something that can help when dealing with episodes is that when you feel it coming on, prepare yourself so you can get through it even if it makes the experiences just a little bit better by 1%. taking a shower and brushing your teeth, cleaning up your space, gathering snacks and easy to make meals, telling a trusted loved one you won’t be available but might need their support, trying your best to go on walks even if it’s hard, putting on comfortable clothes, etc.
which one works for you? working your way up, going all in or both? it really all depends on what this method applies to. if you think changing your routine by the slightest will be a good step, do it or if you feel confident that deleting all the apps on your phone all at once is something you want to do, go all in.
keep track of your accomplishments. tracking your accomplishments will show how much you’ve done and keep you on your feet! nothing beats the feeling than looking back at all the things you’ve done before heading towards the rest of your goals with your head high. anything is possible. remind yourself that you can do it. sort it to yearly, monthly, and daily to do lists! it’s always the best thing to look at when there are times where you don’t feel like you did “enough”. your effort is more than enough!
and so you take a few days to rest. relaxing, taking a vacation… does this mean you’re being inconsistent? absolutely… not. duh? resting is being productive. putting yourself first IS self care! reward yourself with relaxing days spent by traveling, resting, going out etc. do what makes you happy and be safe. keeping a balance is SUPER important!
“take things slow with yourself. if your body wants to rest, let it rest. let your mind rest as well by letting go all the worries of “why you’re not active”. who cares if you take a slow day? do you know how much you’ve been through? the least you can do for yourself is be comfortable in your own bed without a care in the world. you’ve experienced enough guilt. let yourself be free knowing that you deserve to rest. you deserve moments of stillness. enjoy the now. it’s all we have. we’re not always meant to be up and running. we simply weren’t made that way. there is beauty in stillness, peace, and quiet. don’t put it to shame. instead, let your mind, body, and soul experience more of it.
do things at your own pace. if you think you can get up, brush your teeth and that’s all that you can do for the day, so be it. don’t force yourself to do things you can’t handle. you’ll be doing more harm than good. take it day by day. add an extra task as days go on. do something you believe will be fulfilling like going on a quick walk around the block, going to the store to get a drink, baking a treat, sitting outside for a few minutes at a time.”
— blushydior in be kind to yourself. healing is a journey.
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read this with conviction: 
“as of this very moment, i am leaving my old and undesired self behind; the past mistakes, the unhealthy habits, how i used to treat myself and the way i allowed others to treat me, and all the pain i have held on to for so long. it’s all gone now. even if i may or may not have a clear vision of the dream person i am now embodying, i will remain open minded and brave into learning and growing each and everyday. i am not my past mistakes nor my trauma. i’m safe and secure now. and because i’m aware of my infinite power of having full control of my reality, i am rewriting my story.”
you are not your past mistakes. you are not the negative words you have been told. you are who you want to be. everything in your world holds absolutely no meaning unless you assign it meaning thus, giving it power. turn a blind eye to things that don’t serve you, put yourself first and watch how you will bloom vibrantly. 
NOTHING IS OUT OF REACH. everything you want is already within you, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 
GIVE PERFECT A MEANING OF YOUR OWN! you are still an it girl if you make mistakes, you are still a healthy, recovering person with a few very tough days this week.
you are perfect for:
taking it easy 
always trying your best even if it doesn’t feel like it
making a mistake and learning from it
telling yourself: “i had a tough day today but it’s okay! i’m going to rest and take it easy. i’m okay. i am always doing my best. there’s nothing to worry about. tomorrow will be an amazing day.”
allowing yourself to cry, feel, and express your thoughts and emotions
putting your need first
using fear as an opportunity to grow
                YOU ARE PERFECT LIKE YOU.
you will grow at your own pace naturally.
don’t compare yourself to others, they too had a past and obstacles to overcome (and still do!) to get where they are at right now. 
don’t rush into things, handling more than you could at once.
don’t beat yourself up for not knowing certain things earlier. everyone learns and realizes things differently. 
this is not a race, there’s no routine that is supposed to be one size fits all. this is a self paced journey. you will realize and see things at a different perspective as events unfold, you will outgrow the people around you and the bad habits as you find yourself at a more stable chapter in your life. don’t rush, don’t compare, just keep looking forward.
i have fully embodied my definition of a dream girl/boy/person.
i carry myself with full confidence and elegance.
there is not a day that goes by where i don’t do my best. 
i’m beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, kind, and gentle.
i am the best version of myself.
success is inevitable for me. i am successful at everything i do.
i have all of my desired qualities.
i become better and better each and every day!
my self awareness increases every second. i have the most perfect mental diet.
it’s so easy for me to persist in new and beneficial thoughts. flipping thoughts is just way too easy.
i am in full control of my reality. i am fully aware of my potential and i will never let anything or anyone affect me.
“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
— Zen Shin
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☆ here is the google doc (and better) version! ☆
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
“I just wanted to highlight an awesome RWBY creator on YouTube who helped with making Volume 9 an amazing experience for me”
The creator in question is named ave_r_ie, also known as Avery. I discovered ave_r_ie's channel following the release of their Episode 6 reaction video, and it absolutely warmed my heart to see just how wonderful their reaction to the Bumbleby confession scene was. Over next several weeks, I decided to check out the rest of ave_r_ie's Volume 9 reactions as each video released. Getting to hear Avery talk about their mental health struggles and how they related to what Ruby was going through really affected me in a pretty profound way. Like Ruby and ave_r_ie, I too am dealing with my own issues with my mental health.
Without getting too much into specifics, I'm going through my own identity struggles at the moment, and find myself in a similar position to what ave_r_ie has described. In a way, these videos have absolutely helped me process my own thoughts regarding my own journey of self-discovery I'm going through, and I think they've done a lot for improving my overall thoughts on Volume 9 as a whole. Discussions like these just go to show and powerful and thoughtful of a series RWBY can be, and I definitely think the CRWBY writers deserve a ton of credit for tackling difficult subjects like mental health in a pretty impactful way.
In the off chance that Avery does actually end up reading this, I just want to say thank you so much for being such a positive force in the RWBY community. Your discussions about mental health and how Volume 9 has affected you both as a fan of the show and just in general have been amazing to watch. I wish you nothing but the best in conquering your own struggles, however long and difficult of a journey that may be. And thank you for demonstrating that this show matters. For all the negativity that can surround this community, your positivity has been incredibly refreshing.
I sincerely hope we can eventually get Volume 10, and if creators like ave_r_ie can help make this a reality through their love and dedication for the series, then I think we really need to support that. Seek out ave_r_ie's channel if you haven't already. Not only that, but spread some love for this amazing series. Lastly, for anyone who needs to hear this today:
You will always be enough.
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theegreenmuse · 2 months
݁˖ ❀ ⋆。˚ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞: 𝐌𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐠𝐨 ݁˖ ❀ ⋆。˚
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Hello beautiful souls,
I’m so excited to share with you a deeply personal part of my journey – the creation of my alter ego, TheeGreenMuse. This persona represents everything I aspire to be and has become a guiding light on my path to self-discovery and growth.
☞ Who is TheeGreenMuse?
🍵 TheeGreenMuse is the embodiment of my highest self. She is confident, resilient, and filled with love and light. She navigates life with grace and compassion, embracing every challenge as an opportunity for growth. In many ways, TheeGreenMuse is the person I strive to become – a beacon of positivity, self-love, and empowerment.
☞ Why I Created TheeGreenMuse
🍵 Growing up, I often felt lost and overwhelmed by the expectations placed on me. Living in a traditional African household in France, I struggled to find my voice and assert my individuality. The pressures of conforming to cultural norms and dealing with toxic family dynamics took a toll on my mental and emotional well-being.
🍵 In the midst of these challenges, I realized I needed a source of inspiration – a version of myself that I could look up to and draw strength from. That’s when TheeGreenMuse was born. She became my alter ego, a symbol of hope and a reminder that I have the power to create the life I desire.
☞ The Journey So Far
🍵 Embodying TheeGreenMuse has been a transformative experience. Here are some key steps I’ve taken on this journey:
1. Embracing Self-Love
Learning to love myself unconditionally has been a cornerstone of my journey. I’ve worked on forgiving myself for past mistakes and accepting my flaws as part of my unique beauty.
2. Setting Boundaries
Establishing healthy boundaries with family and friends has been crucial. It’s helped me protect my energy and prioritize my well-being.
3. Pursuing Personal Growth
I’ve dedicated time to personal development through reading, journaling, and exploring new hobbies. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow.
4. Staying Authentic
Being true to myself and my values is essential. I strive to show up authentically in all aspects of my life, especially on social media where I share my journey with you all.
5. Cultivating a Positive Mindset
Maintaining a positive outlook, even during tough times, has made a huge difference. I focus on gratitude and celebrate small victories along the way.
☞ Looking Ahead
🍵 The journey to becoming TheeGreenMuse is ongoing. There are still many areas where I seek growth and improvement, but I’m excited about the future. My goal is to inspire and uplift others who might be facing similar struggles. By sharing my story, I hope to create a community where we can all support each other in our journeys toward self-love and empowerment.
Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Your support and positivity mean the world to me. Let’s continue to grow, heal, and thrive together.
With love and light,
Aude-Edwige (aka 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞) 🌿
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kiiitasticbooks · 1 month
Sex Dreams About Your Friends Are Normal, Right? | A Review of Cash Delgado Is Living The Dream by Tehlor Kay Mejia
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Cash Delgado has a good life in the quaint town of Ridley Falls. She has Joyce’s Bar, where she manages a familiar group of regulars and emcees the ever-popular Karaoke Thursday. She has her six-year-old daughter, Parker, whose spunky attitude always keeps life interesting. And she has her best friend, Inez O’Conner, who improves Cash’s sometimes overly responsible outlook with one full of joy and potential.
But change is on the horizon when Chase Stanton, the former bar manager at Joyce’s (not to mention Cash’s last hookup), returns to town with business prospects that could threaten the local institution and all of Cash’s plans to someday bring new life to the place. And if that isn’t enough, Cash starts having very intimate dreams of Inez. Dreams that could threaten the foundation of her well-ordered life.
As Cash embarks on a reluctant journey of self-discovery, she’s forced to confront all the ways she’s been hiding in her own life. But will she choose to remain the same, or will the desire for love (even a love that looks different than she ever imagined) prove worth the risk?
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for this review. Cash Delgado Is Living The Dream was published July 2nd, 2024.
I love a good book about small town communities and queer found families, and Cash Delgado Is Living The Dream really delivered on both of those fronts!
There’s not too much to say about the plot for this book that hasn’t already been said by the description. We follow Cash, a single mom who works at a bar she loves, but unfortunately does not own. When a former coworker (who Cash has also slept with in the past) stops by one day, Cash learns a big franchise is thinking of opening a bar in their small town, almost certainly spelling the doom of Cash’s bar unless she can figure out a way to make sure the rival bar doesn’t open a location.
Also? She’s having sex dreams about her best friend. But she’s totally straight… right?
I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this book! I probably shouldn’t have been, since I really enjoyed Tehlor Kay Mejia’s earlier companion novel, Sammy Espinoza’s Last Review, but Cash Delgado was not a book I expected to love as much as I did!
A big part of my enjoyment of this book was the community. Being set in a small town with a close community, it was easy to fall in love with the side characters and the way they interacted with each other! Being able to rely on the old men who come into the bar to argue about which musician did a cover of a song better or the Stitch And Bitch club meeting to do crafts together made this book feel cozy and sweet, and made Ridley Falls seem like the sort of place I would love to live!
But I also really enjoyed the queer found family in this book. Cash’s best friend she totally isn’t having sex dreams of, Inez, lives on a farm with a few other queer characters, and they’ve built their own mini community out there, helping out with whatever everyone else needs and piling their money together to pay for the house. Even though Cash is totally straight and not having sex dreams featuring another woman, this small community of LGBT people is there to help her out in any way they can, whether that’s helping Cash with her fashion choices, watching Cash’s daughter for a while, or helping Cash realize that society’s compulsory heterosexuality has made her think she can only have relationships with men (and not her best friend, who she is having sex dreams about).
If you’re in the mood for a small town community, queer found family, and a main character realizing she may not be straight and may, in fact, be in love with her best friend, I definitely recommend Cash Delgado Is Living The Dream!
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sol-lar-bink · 1 year
your linework is so good i need to manifest it fr!!
btw anything to share about puffe's past? i presume she ended up working for haltmann at some point, but do you have a take on what the haltmanns'/puffe's "species" or homeworld is like?
Thank you very much! I love doing lineart ngl xD I find it relaxing to do it while listening to music/ youtube vids.
Hmm… I’ve never really thought about what their home planet would be like. I guess I don’t have a concrete idea in mind just yet… but I can come up with a few interesting ones!
I don't know if anyone else has talked about it either. I’d first assume they live on some sorta heavily roboticized planet, or a very futuristic utopia.
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I mostly think of Susie and Haltmann just forever traveling space, but i do like the idea of them actually getting to have a normal life for a lil while when Susie was still young (First time I've drawn Max Proffit lmao)
Maybe their species all live on Wall-E esc star cruisers after some catastrophic event- or are just scattered across different planets and stars after they used up all their planets resources.
OR it could literally be just Haltmann and Susie that are the scientific & sci-fi ones of their kind, since they were a Robotics company first, right? Doesn’t mean everyone else would be the same! The rest of their planet could be like any other kirby world with a variety of futuristic elements and magical ones. I wish we could get some more info on them now, just to help push me in one direction. I’ll be thinking about that a lot more now xD
I'm curious to hear your head cannons too if you have any!
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As for Puffe- There’s a couple little things I can think of. Admittedly I haven't thought a lot about her past aside from her adult life, so I just came up with this now (+ her new design helps fortify her personality)
She was a bit of a bully as a kid, but as time went on she would lose her friends one by one and struggle to make new connections after that. She’s always been loud mouthed, passive aggressive, always getting into fights, and it'd only escalate through her teens. It’s the only thing that really gets her attention from others.
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Fast forward to now as an adult, she’s pretty lonely, with little motivation and not really sure what she wants out of life. Her young personality traits are still carried over, but now as a sad recluse. She bottles it up a lot and only gets verbal when in confrontation or challenged.
She ends up applying and working for Susie after the events of Robobot. Traveling space sounds like it could help her find some answers while getting paid 🤏 do some self-discovery, but that lonely journey continues, even with a few robot buddies. She starts to lose interest and falls into that state of 'tired employee who doesn't want to do their job'.
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The only thing keeping her in the job is Susie, who is also trying to better herself from the events after all this time still.
Puffe really just needs some close friends and a little help to improve herself. And Susie is the start to all that!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hi! Quick question on how to grow from the habits or personality traits someone may have picked up from another person? I was in an unhealthy relationship with a dark-vibe, emotionally unavailable, man for a few years, and before we were together I was sunshine, I lit up rooms and was happy and flirty. He would even say he loved being around me because I make him feel good, I have an energy that is great and he liked it.
After breaking up with him, I realized I picked up some of his traits, I think of myself as strange to others or they see me as weird and I may make them uncomfortable (I noticed this was a common thought he had and I picked it up). I can't look people in the eyes as much (he had that habit, but I was always ok with that). I also fall into manipulating or being the victim which is something he did to be a lot- which led us to break up. I notice these habits and am reminded of him, and I do not want to feel so uncomfortable with myself, I broke up with him to grow into my higher self. Now I am awkward at flirting (before dating him I was phenomenal and detached from men-it was great), and now I am awkward, and I am trying too hard, and I am uncomfortable with myself in interactions (feelings like a weirdo-which he loved being considered being one...and even said I am one..) it's icky and want it to go away, I want to be me, not reminiscent of him.
Hi love! Firstly, be gentle with yourself during this healing and transitional phase. Don't beat yourself up for adapting some of your previous partner's traits over time. Naturally mimicking others' mannerisms is a sign of empathy, so be glad to know that you're human and emotionally available enough to form genuine connections with others (including romantic partners, a relationship where it is easy to remain somewhat closed off and not as vulnerable as we would like).
To release these newly-accustomed behaviors, it's time to go on a self-re-discovery journey. Think about the person you want to be (in this case, more upbeat, optimistic, and sociable) and the ways this person acts in different situations.
List out all of the characteristics would want to embody. Create a separate list of the characteristics you want to release from your way of thinking or behaving.
Under each value, write down how you do or can emulate this personal value in your daily life (at work, in social or dating situations, while running errands, at a party, etc.). Tear up the paper with the values, patterns, and mindsets you want to release.
Take the piece of paper with your desired values, behaviors, and attitudes, and label it "First Name, Last Name 2.0." Write out a "day in the life" or a storyline of how you would act in a situation where you're striving for the most significant improvement (e.g. speaking up in a meeting or negotiation, flirting, connecting with a new person at a dinner party, etc.) to feel yourself embodying and connecting with your desired "higher" self.
Aside from this exercise, I recommend checking out my Tips for Self-Discovery and these two self-discovery exercises linked HERE & HERE.
Hope this helps xx
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
Happy New Year 2024: A Fresh Start for a Bright Future
Shaina Tranquilino
January 1, 2024
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As the clock strikes midnight and fireworks illuminate the night sky, we bid farewell to another year and welcome the dawn of a brand-new chapter in our lives. Happy New Year, everyone! January 1st, 2024 marks the beginning of not only a new year but also an opportunity for fresh beginnings, personal growth, and endless possibilities.
The transition from one year to another is always accompanied by a sense of excitement and anticipation. It's like turning the page in a book, eager to discover what lies ahead. And as we embark on this journey into 2024, it's important to reflect on the lessons learned, celebrate our achievements, and set goals for the future.
Looking back at the challenges we faced in the previous year, it's remarkable how resilient and adaptable we have become. From navigating global crises to adapting to remote work environments, we have proven time and again that together we can overcome any obstacle. The collective strength and determination displayed by communities worldwide serve as a reminder that even in times of adversity, hope prevails.
Entering 2024 with optimism sets the stage for personal growth and self-improvement. It's an opportunity to evaluate our priorities and realign ourselves with what truly matters. Whether it's focusing on physical well-being, nurturing relationships, or pursuing long-awaited dreams – let this be the year where we prioritize self-care and make conscious efforts towards achieving our aspirations.
Moreover, let us not forget about spreading kindness and compassion throughout this new year. In a world often filled with division and strife, acts of goodness go a long way towards creating positive change. Reach out to your loved ones more frequently; lend a helping hand to those in need; embrace diversity and encourage inclusivity – these simple gestures can shape a brighter future for all.
In addition to personal growth, setting realistic goals can guide us towards success. Whether it's landing that dream job, travelling to a new destination, or learning a new skill – let these goals act as stepping stones towards personal fulfillment. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Embrace every step along the way and celebrate progress, no matter how small.
As we embark on this new year, let us also take a moment to appreciate the beauty of life itself. Cherish sunsets, laughter-filled gatherings with friends and family, and moments of solitude where you find solace in your own company. Life is a precious gift, and it's up to us to make the most of each passing day.
So here's to 2024 – a year filled with hope, growth, and endless possibilities. Let us enter this chapter of our lives with open hearts and minds, ready to seize opportunities and create positive change both within ourselves and in the world around us.
From Tumblr: Harmony Healing Hub and Etsy: Flower Therapy Healer, I wish you a Happy New Year! May this be the beginning of an incredible journey towards self-discovery, love, and joy. Cheers to a bright future ahead!
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