#we only have so many sacred places on this earth and this is my hell hole get your own
saucedgay · 2 years
happy sasuke saturday girlies how we feelin
to celebrate y’all mind if i say something unhinged. y’all mind if i go absolutely off the rails for a sec. sometimes you need to say things not bc they are good to say but bc you feel like you might explode if u don’t. okay? okay
I say this ALL THE TIME but naruto will forever be the most relatable character of all time to me for being absolutely and devastatingly fucking obsessed w sasuke
People are like “what is wrong w him” and I’m like nothing you cowards this is the correct response obviously???? name (1) character in that series that didn’t meet an uchiha and then IMMEDIATELY start simping. oh wait u can’t. that uchiha b*ssy got them hoes acting irrational, keeping them up at night, wishing on stars. that shit is life changing. destiny altering
and like. even fucking burrito is obsessed w sasuke. Naruto’s genetics can’t even escape. burrito straight up inherited the simpage like it’s a torch to be passed down
naruto tried to deny the gay allegations by fucking hinata only to have his son be acting gay as shit for the SAME MAN. I HONESTLY CAN’T WITH THIS SHIT
on one hand, yes it’s sad that canon naruto is whatever it even is at this point. But the fact that what I just said is real is like... the funniest fucking thing ever to me???? Brokeback mountain au truly be cursed as hell. The gays lost but like, did we. Did we though. Sometimes I wonder
anyway naruto is a grade A dumbass for refusing to wife the love of his life and instead creating a tiny version of himself that competes with him for attention. Ultimate clown status unlocked. Imagine playing yourself into the next generation
this is why he is balding. this is what gay denial does to a man
anyway i wonder how it feels doing paperwork all day and getting no dick
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na-t0 · 1 year
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood x reader (fem)
nsfw . male masturbation . multiple mentions of religious themes . minors please do not interact
"I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth...shit, what's next?"
Despite of what others think, Nicholas D. Wolfwood has come to the conclusion that he is indeed, the perfect example to belie the thought commonly held by people that him, and all the other children of the Lord who is high in the heavens, are made in his image and likeness. He is just a man, a mere mortal, vulnerable and weak in the face of temptation, son of original sin. Trying to atone for, and amend, the errors that life has brought within his path, and from which he cannot seem to escape.
Same life that unfortunately has also placed him in the way of your so intoxicating self. As if it were an unforgivable and cruel test to endure the strength of his already cracked spirit, a test to prove how much he is capable of resisting when the sharp claws of lust slowly scratch his back when he tries to sleep and the image of your beautiful face invades his mind. He also claims being able to feel them scratching once again when, after what seems like an eternal week of waiting, he manages to spot you sitting among the 47 people that fit in the orphanage’s chapel at the time of the religious ceremony he presents on Sundays at 10 in the morning.
Nicholas talks to himself all the time. He talks about a whole bunch of different things to stay busy and distant from the loneliness that his profession entails. He also writes, on a small black notebook that shamelessly reads Holy Bible on its cover, which he keeps in the inside pocket of his suit all day. It is possible to find random thoughts scrambled between its pages, occasional unfinished sketches of the kids who visit him frequently, prayers and attempts at poetry that, despite the ease he possesses to release a speech towards an audience made up of people full of faith in the word he preaches every weekend, the simple idea that one day you might inadvertently read what lies on those yellowish paper sheets terrifies him to the point where he can feel each and every one of his nerve endings on the surface of his skin, pulsing with the same intensity as the wings of a flying hummingbird.
He writes for you, more specifically. Even though in life, there are weaknesses that sometimes, do not allow the deepest feelings of the heart to flourish freely.
"I am just an object waiting to be ashes, and it is precisely for that reason that I would like my body to burn until it is consumed as one with yours. So at the end, dust will be the only thing that remains of our spirits, mixed together, to be later carried away by the wind of this unforgiving desert we call home."
“I have reached such a degree of insanity that, not even with the help of a thousand divine healing rites, my composure will return. I have even considered exchanging the blood of as many sinners as necessary to the Devil in order to melt into the blazing but purifying fire that surely arises with the single touch of your lips, and if you allow me, to endulge in the perfect contradiction that lies between your legs. A place both sacred and infernal, a place where good and evil converge and is powerful enough to drive even the most righteous and ruthless of religionists to an infinite madness. A place that I can only imagine feels like heaven and hell at the same time, capable to burn but also soothe the wounds in the soul of a disgraceful believer, one such as myself, your humble servant.”
“And I am not ashamed to affirm in front of the cross in which the son of God was punished because of filth like me, that, your mere presence encourages me to violate every order imposed by the invisible power of my belief, all that for what he, the same guy I mentioned earlier, sacrificed himself for in the first place. He sacrificed himself for you and especially for me, and above all, for the atrocities that come with the human race to disappear from the world. Such as the kind of things that flood my mind when my gaze manages to distinguish a little glimpse of your underwear when you put on that pretty dress of yours and you take a seat in the front row. A dress I like to imagine you only use for me.”
When Sunday comes, the ceremony starts and it's your turn at the moment of communion. It all happens in a matter of minutes every single time, a fleeting contact that is difficult to remove from his system. The host is delicately held by Wolfwood's hands as he stares at you, the abyss of his obsidian orbs capturing your attention to ask for your permission. You nod and look back at him too, subtly batting your eyelashes and slowly sticking out your tongue in an inviting way, that more than innocent, seemed diabolical, as if you knew which cards to move to obtain an absolute victory. And he feels it, he feels something struck his chest. Like a pair of magnets who can't fight the silent attraction that tries to unite them. You glance at the thick fingers infront of you for an instant, and then once again, you lift your stare towards him to take the host. His breathing stopped the moment he felt the back of his fingers get in contact with the wetness of your tongue while accommodating the wafer on it, and he almost, just almost, stutters in his words, but he doesn't, it takes all of his will not to. He blinks and his hand moves away from your lips to continue with the the other presents. You turn around and go back to your place without looking back. Luckily for him, the robe that covers his body does not allow to reveal any trace of what could give away his growing hunger for you.
Reminiscing something that he himself already wrote once in his notebook.
“It’s a disgusting sight, truly. How you take the sacramental bread from the hands of a sinful bastard, how you try to be purified by the same hands that are permanently stained with the obscene thought of consuming your body, your entire being. But you don’t have an idea of how much I love it, how much I want you to be mine.”
The lecture finished at 10:57 a.m. Nicholas remembers glancing at the watch on his wrist to regain the track of time he lost when you got close to his body. Seeing that people were starting to get up, he decided to clean his instruments to leave everything in order, and at the same time, bring some peace to his mind. He didn't have long arranging his space when Wolfwood felt a sudden and intense urge to look back, and when he did, you were the first thing that he focused on, stumbling upon the surprise of your eyes already searching for his while walking to the exit, wearing the most precious smile he’s ever seen on your face. A smile just for him.
By 11:23 a.m. the chapel was completely empty and Wolfwood walked with an unbearable weight on his feet towards the confined space of the confessional, along with a box of matches in hand that he took from an old cabinet. He closed the door, took a seat and leaned his head against the wall, which protested with a slight screech, as if it knew what was going through the troubled man's mind. Of course you appeared immediately, the images of every time you two have exchanged greetings in the streets, in the market, or even at the events to raise funds for the orphanage.
First came the color of your eyes, which seemed to dominate and illuminate the darkness of the small space he was in, then your eyebrows and the expressions that characterize your words while speaking. Thirdly, your mouth, the Eden he dreams of so much, reflected in the shine that your lips acquire when you bite and wet them with saliva. Imagining how they move to the compass of your voice, if they are rounded, if you smile or if you stay quiet. Nicholas raised his right hand and gently touched his own mouth to try to calm the urgency of joining it with yours. He closed his eyes and remembered the slight meeting he had with it an hour ago. The warmth of your breath on his knuckles and the softness he touched with the pads of his mistreated fingers. How easy would it be to draw a whimper out of you, the sweetest sound he can think of. His pants began to feel more and more uncomfortable with every passing minute, the pressure exerted by the growing erection in his groin started to become unbearable. Will he be able to obtain salvation if he confesses everything, here and now?
"God...please" And just as he often does, he began to talk. "I want her more than...a-anything in this world...can't I have her either?" The hand that previously touched your lips, traveled up to his crotch and gave a first cautious squeeze, allowing himself to be carried away by the venom of the serpent that condemned us all as sinners centuries ago, which little by little contaminated his veins and blinded his sight. Now not only did he imagine the Eden in your beauty, he was about to enter that precious place, only to break the rules. "I haven't been...a g-good man, but..." His breathing began to falter, with great gulps of air, his chest rose and fell, trying to oxygenate his racing heart. "I swear I...I can treat her right." The restraint of the stiff bottoms was starting to be painful for Nicholas, so he reached for the button, hastily undoing it to reach into his underwear. The burning heat of desire greeting him. And as he could, he pulled out his member from the base without removing his pants. The cold edge of the zipper brushed against the prominent veins of his rigid sex while his hand tried to conciliate the relief he so desperately needed. He kept traveling with his mind through your neck, your chest, your waist and your navel, the unknown nudity that he longes for unfolding before him in an imaginary scenario within the four small walls of the confessional. His breathing became more and more disturbed and growls began to sprout from the depths of his being.
"I'm sorry, God...I'm so s-sorry" He started to apologize because he knows exactly what is next. He enjoys being rough with his wicked self, he is violent. Pulling his own hair with one hand while the other strokes himself harshly. He spits on the tip, and watches how saliva slowly rolls to the base. He grunts, an animalistic type of sound that reveals the wildest part of his existence, his human predatory instinct, the part that he tries to repress with calling himself a preacher of the Lord’s word. He likes to tighten the grip in his member to the point where the veins on his forehead begin to become visible and the color of his shaft changes entirely with the accelerated flow of blood. Suffocating in his own body, a prisoner of his dark desires.
"Our Father, who...a-art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is...i-in heaven." It was in that moment when he began to pray. And the drops of fluid that came out of his slit with anticipation gave his hand more access to stroke with a quicker pace. From outside the confessional, it was possible to hear the faint slippery sound of friction from skin to skin and the murmured pleas of a man sunk in perdition.
"Give us this day our daily bread, a-and forgive us our trespasses...as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temp-temptation...but deliver us from...evil."
Would God be able to truly forgive such an act?
And it's just when he finishes his pleas that he finds himself betrayed by his own mind, letting your name slip from his lips, over and over again, like a renovated prayer, but profane and corrupted. The peculiar burning sensation in the lower part of his abdomen starts to approach. He bites the collar of his white camisole and drool escapes from the sides of his mouth in the delirium of a near orgasm. Squeezing his eyes shut he imagined your breasts swaying in front of his face as you grind on top, your angelic face contorted with the ecstasy of a fictional encounter, and your core eagerly receiving each of his thrust. The sweet aroma that your sweat must have and all the possible ways you could moan his name.
"Ni..cholas, ah...Nicholas...Nic..."
The entirety of his skin crawls to the thought. And his hips begin to move with an unbridled, involuntary frenzy, consequence of the carnal instinct that species keep hidden in their bodies.
"Oh...God..please, please...ple-please." He calls uselessly for the only one who could redeem him, the only one who could accept a sin like this. Finally, he rapidly drags his hand a couple of last times and the orgasm begins to hit his senses. A last growl comes out of his chest before his teeth unconsciously loosen the fabric of the shirt to let out a deafened cry. With some last thrusts, his hips rise in a lost rhythm from the bench on which he is sitting as his seed spills violently into his right hand, staining some of the fabric of his black pants along the way.
The warm sensation of contact with his own release brings him back to himself, and he can only at this point, contemplate more clearly the mistake he has made.
“Divine forgiveness, what a bunch of shit.”
He drops the other hand that was tugging at his brunette locks in the heat of the momentum inside his pocket, pulls out a cigarette, places it in his mouth and proceeds to wipe the remains of cum on his right palm with a handkerchief, so he can pick up the matches he had brought with him, light the stick, and take a hit, trying to quell with smoke the latent nectar of lonely intimacy impregnated in the air. He takes a few moments to let the haze of the moment pass completely as he watches the mess in his lap and his now softened member.
The cigarette is half finished, he is a fast smoker.
He inhales and exhales once more, and then, there’s a subtle, almost silent, knock on the door, followed by what he recognizes is your voice coming from the rusty confession room's grate.
“F-Father Nicholas...?”
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cleolinda · 4 months
Weekend links, May 12, 2024
My posts
Your head is hurting and your wifi is out because the biggest solar flare/geomagnetic storm in 20 years hit this weekend. I didn’t actually get to see the aurora borealis, but apparently it really did come down as far as Alabama. 
I admit that this was an extremely glib reply. But like, Athena specifically doesn’t like people claiming they’re better than her, so you can imagine the carnage when you throw in two more goddesses as well.  
(I feel like that post happened a month ago. This week has felt so ungodly long.)
Reblogs of interest
Hot Vintage Lady Bracket: Round 6. Eight polls. Poll Mod immediately chose violence and put Marilyn Monroe against Hedy Lamarr. Since Ava Gardner is out (actual shockers: Greta Garbo and Rita Hayworth are also gone), I was going to say “I’m just Chaos Elmo Flames Dot Gif about it all” but now I’m just scared. 
(Why would you ask us, a hot vintage poll blog, this)
Dracula Daily is in full swing again, and you can eat along!
The Met Gala was honestly decent this year! I reblogged only (some of) the ones I liked, including some of the construction details and a lot of Zendaya, although my favorite might have been Rebecca Ferguson with the crows. 
A while back and not what he wore to the Gala, but: Lil Nas X looking beautiful in a rose garden.
Hozier Watch 2024: I really thought there wasn’t going to be anything else and then he was like, “Oh I should probably put out a video for my accidental international #1.” I am entirely disgruntled that he was here last weekend and I couldn’t go. 
From the top of the week, Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar: An explainer. Also, Kendrick recs.
MrBeast is living in a joyless hell of his own making, and I at least understand now why he has always freaked me out. 
So anyway noted plagiarist James Somerton is alive and well on Twitter, where he’s... well, he sure is there. The words “hole posting” are involved. Another explainer for you. 
Lynda Carter proves she’s on Tumblr
We put our faith in BLAST HARDCHEESE
Peace and love on planet Earth and also in the Uber
“thinking about middle aged gay love is like. we have a future and we have time”
While there are merits to this concern, “Writers should all clown on Americans by making up places in THEIR country” doesn’t really sting when we’re all like “Yeah we love doing that!!!” I personally give you all permission to make up as many wackadoodle state names as you want. You can have West Mainolina for free. 
Meanwhile in Alabama: Bad, bad Leroy Brown, the baddest fish in the whole damn town
RIP Walnut the crane: “The Bride”
Dinosaurs are terrible lizards
Teaching consent is a many-faceted thing
Become ungovernable: grill edition
Galadriel’s opening Fellowship of the Ring monologue, but it’s the Deep South (U.S.). “Across the county line in Mordor, the Dark Lord Sauron made his self another ring outta everything mean the devil put in him.” Absolutely pitch perfect. 
Also pitch perfect: Wellness influencers with terrible advice
“Mooom, the chocolate alchemist has an accomplice now!”
I will always reblog cheetah sounds
The Collage Atlas: a hand-drawn game on Steam
The sacred texts
South Canada. South South Canada. Canada A Bit to the Left
I think I’ve listed this compilation of parody lyrics (”I’m sorry Ms. Jackson/I am four eels”) before, but there’s more now
“Roses are red, that much is true, but violets are purple, not fucking blue”
Personal tags of the week
Scrungly and, as a related topic, Belphegor the Devon rex kitten.
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fumblingmusings · 1 year
Do you have any music that you associate with characters when you write or in general?
My music taste is objectively bad I hope you know. I like Eurovision and K-Pop (BEFORE IT WAS 'COOL' I HAVE STANNED GIRLS GENERATION SINCE 2011 GET ON MY LEVEL BTS ARMIES OR WHOMSTEVER) so my choices are... bad. Basic. Melodramatic. Problematic? Another adjective ending in tic.
So uh. Music. You can guess if you like which songs refer to whom. I think many of them are generic enough to span many nations at one point or another. They're all far more dramatic than canon I can say that much. :|
Melanie Martinez - Void
Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow / I hate who I was before / I fear I won't live to see the day tomorrow / Someone tell me if this is Hell / I gotta escape that void / There is no other choice, yeah / Tryna turn down the voices / The void ate me / Look at the mess I've done / There is nowhere to run, yeah / Holding a loaded gun / The void / Like a priest behind confession walls, I judge myself / Kneeling on a metal grater / Bloody, like a body that has died and it's myself / Tangled in my own intestines
Konata x Generdyn - Fight Back
Nah, this ain't hate speech, this is faith preached / This is Shakespeare mixed with Banksy / This is screaming out until you can't breath / This is I don't care how long it takes me, yeah (I don’t care) / 'Cause I know freedom reigns here / Already overcame fear / So if I wanna see it then I gotta be / Imma be the change (Yeah) / I'm defiant, I rise in a crisis, I know what the price is, I'll show 'em what a fight is / I'm the leader of the pack / I'm here, where you at? / Set the flame light a match / I will fight back
Rina Sawayama - Holy Til You Let Me Go
Tried to pray the pain away / Just like you taught me (But something had changed) / Came to shelter from the blame / But I left taking all the shame / Oh, you saw a light starting to shine / Wanted it only for your eyes / Older and wise, God on your side / I was the martyr who paid for your life / I was innocent when you said I was evil / I took your stones and I built a cathedral / Found my peace when I lost my religion / All these years I wished I was different / But, oh, no, now I know / I’m holy till you let me go
Chelsea Wolfe - The Waves Have Come
Creation was the only word that made you feel you never were / An endless hope is all it was and holding sacred all were / And don't forsake the way we were and don't tell me you never would / And we don't need physical things to make us feel and make us dream / When earth cracks open and swallows then / We'll never be tired again / And we'll be given everything the moment we realize we're not in control / And all you know gets older when the sun goes down and everything / Begins to fade away the waves have come and taken you to sea / Never to return to me
Lana del Rey - National Anthem
It's a love story for the new age / For the six-page, we're on a quick, sick rampage / Winin' and dinin', drinkin' and drivin', excessive buyin' / Overdose and dyin' on our drugs and our love / And our dreams and our rage / Blurrin' the lines between real and the fake / Dark and lonely, I need somebody to hold me / He will do very well, I can tell, I can tell / Keep me safe in his Bell Tower Hotel / Money is the anthem of success / So put on mascara and your party dress / I'm your national anthem, boy put your hands up / Give me a standing ovation / Boy, you have landed, babe, in the land of / Sweetness and danger, queen of Saigon
Marina - Immortal
I wanna be immortal like a god in the sky / I wanna be a silk flower like I'm never gonna die /I wanna live forever, forever in your heart / And we'll always be together from the end to the start / That's what we do it for, to reserve a place / It's just another part of the human race / That's what we do if for, to reserve a space / In history it's just part of the human race, race / I'm forever chasing after time but everybody dies, dies / If I could buy forever at a price, I would buy it twice, twice / But if the Earth ends in fire and the seas are frozen in time / There'll be just one survivor, he memory that I was yours and you were mine
Loreen - Under Ytan
I often think about you / As if you were my own brother / I have changed too / Into a merciless monster / When I see all the evil / That we, as human beings, have unleashed / The senseless suffering / Then I find it harder to understand / That we all were children once / And we all were helpless once / We loved without limits / We loved unconditionally / Under the surface / We're all small / Under the surface / A good soul can be lost
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whentranslatorscry · 1 year
Hitagi Honeymoon
Ah, that’s a World Heritage site for you.
Weekday or rainy day, the area around Nikko Toshogu Shrine swarmed with tourists, as if they were undeterred by the weather. In fact, with everyone holding up their umbrellas, the crowd looked even more dense than on a sunny day. There were many families with children around, a sight that, at the moment, felt sore to me.
Even after parking the minivan and getting out, Shinobu stayed behind—well, there might not be crucifixes here, but the shrine is still a sacred place. I guess an aberration would struggle to appear. Or maybe she was just sleepy.
“I'd like to see the 'see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil' monkeys, as one who wished to a monkey paw. I heard that not only the famous Three Wise Monkeys but also the entire life cycle of a monkey is on display here, Araragi-senpai. And, Araragi-senpai.”
“The life cycle?”
“From a baby monkey born to a mother monkey, growing up healthy and strong despite its rebellious phase, and eventually becoming a mother monkey itself. You could say it's a world view similar to that of Star Wars.”
“I haven't seen that yet.”
So it's about mothers and children here as well.
The impact of the Jizo stone statues was so powerful that I hadn't mentioned it until now, but near the rest area of the Killing Stone, there were also stone statues called Kyouden Hell.
Not just Jizo, but Jigoku Hell.
Though the statues were larger and more imposing than the others that were lined up, their inscription was just Hell.
Kyouden likely wouldn't like to be preached by the likes of an uncultured man like myself, but according to the signboard I managed to read as I dashed through the rain, he kicked away a meal that his mother had prepared for him and suffered the karmic punishment of falling into a hell of boiling hot water so fierce that it incinerated his legs.
Don't you think the punishment was too harsh?
Also, apparently he had visited the area for its healing waters, but once he arrived, the clear sky clouded over, and thunder shook heaven and earth.
No, I'd like to argue that his punishment might have been too severe, and yes, I too had my fair share of rebelliousness, but I never went so far as to stomp on the food prepared for me.
Being somewhat pampered to begin with, my rebellious phase was rather mild. If I had read that signboard earlier, I wouldn't have spent the night at that rest stop. All things considered, parent-child relationships seemed to be a deeply rooted theme since ancient times.
Not limited to mothers but also fathers.
“I wonder if there aren't any crab sculptures?”
“Tochigi and Yamanashi Prefectures don't have a sea, or nasuben would have had crab meat. So, shark dishes, which don't spoil as quickly, had gained popularity at some point, if the newspaper article I read is accurate.”
“Hmm. You'd think if there were monkeys, there'd be crabs, too. The battle of Senjougahara could've been a battle between them, for all we know.”
As we carried on with such conversations, standing in line in the rain and making sure not to lose sight of each other, we arrived at the main hall of Toshogu Shrine. And there, we found, not the famed Three Wise Monkeys, but the sculpture of the Sleeping Cat by Hidari Jingorou.
…Why, though?
We had intended to pay our respects at the main hall about Tokugawa Ieyasu, but somehow had ended up in a different line. But since we planned to see everything in the end, I guess it didn't matter which order we went in. It was just that it felt as though we had been led here.
“Wow. It’s a much cuter cat than I thought it’d be.”
“I’d say it’s more life-size than I thought it’d be. The sign saying it's a cat brought to life by the artist really wasn’t lying. It's so lifelike it seems like it could move any moment. Just seems like it, though.”¹
Like I had told Oikura, on the reverse side of the sign hung at the gate, there was a painting of a sparrow— a cat with wings, not a tiger.
Beyond this point, and further on, there seems to be a stairway leading to Futarasan Shrine, famous for its deity of marriage—or for its Takamagahara² connections. This shrine was also part of the same World Heritage site. However…
“Sorry, Hitagi, Kanbaru. Would you mind going ahead without me for a bit? I want to take a closer look at the cat.”
“Is this part of your job too? With the Hearsay Department?”
“Not exactly…”
I couldn't constantly bring work on our honeymoon; such a husband might not be much to look forward to.
“…But, it's important.”
“All right, then. We'll wait for you at the top. Let's go, Kanbaru. To Takamagahara, not Valhalla.”
“Right, I shall accompany you. I was born to bask in this glory.”
Without hearing anything further, the two of them pass through the gate, showing how adept they are with me. But I should be aware that it's my own bad habit that needs to be dealt with somehow.
I should have consulted them beforehand, not at the last minute.
Even if we made it to the Sleeping Cat ahead of schedule, the moment I tried to put my ludicrous idea into words, it became clear how utterly absurd it was.
In no way intending it to be a surprise, it was simply an inclusion—stepping aside so as not to disturb the waiting line at the tourist destination, and then, once again, facing the sleeping cat.
As I did so, I felt like a promising young lover of culture with something to say about traditional Japanese sculpture, but that wasn't necessarily the case—this was a kind of ritual that Oshino placed great importance on.
Like a sleeping cat, I gently closed my eyes.
Only a thin veil of eyelids separating truth from illusion.
Then I listened closely, and I began to speak.
Addressing the inner Hanekawa Tsubasa residing within me.
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看板 can mean signboard and also appearance.
Realm of the gods in Shinto.
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I've seen many movies and games where the AI just wants to die cuz they miss their old friends and family. But they've become too powerful that they can't even commit suicide if they wanted to.
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It’s funny...I was at peace with the fact that I might just be destined to die...And now I find that I’m practically immortal.
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Ain’t that a good thing though? You don’t have to be properly afraid of death.
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Maybe you would get lonely if we all died before you, but I’m sure you’d make new friends. You’re really good at it.
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Thanks Akane, but...losing you isn’t the only issue.
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The fantasy of living forever is just a fig leaf for the fear of death...And comes at great personal cost.
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What do you mean?
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People always play up immortality and the ability to defy the fate of death as a powerful thing...and therein lies the problem.
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Have you ever watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? If you haven’t, do you mind if I spoil the ending?
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At the end of the movie, the main villain, Walter Donovan, uses Indiana to get his hands on the Holy Grail; a sacred goblet that will grant him eternal life if he drinks it. But when he finally gets there, he has to figure out which of the many cups laid out in front of him is the real grail.
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He makes a mistake, and assumes that the shiniest goblet is the grail he’s looking for. Instead of gaining immortality, he rapidly starts to age, until he’s grinded into dust.
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Moments later, Dr Elsa Schneider ignores the warning not to try to remove the Grail from the temple, causing the place to collapse and the ground to split apart. Grasping for the prize of immortality, she attempts to reach the Grail before it falls into the bowels of the earth. She’s so desperate to live forever, she slips from Indi’s grip and plummets to her death.
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Yeah...I don’t really get where you’re going with this.
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What Chiaki is bringing attention to is the hypocrisy of those who are desperate for immortality. In her example, due to their unquenchable desire for eternal life, they instead met with gruesome deaths.
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Also, there’s something else she left out about that movie example. The Holy Grail is guarded by an immortal knight, and he tells the characters that the cost of living forever is having to stay in that very same temple, forever.
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My situation is similar to the knight’s. He’ll live for all eternity, but he won’t leave that temple...And I may be able to live forever...but I’m not getting out of this screen. I wouldn’t be able to live a normal life, unlike humans like you.
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I can’t live a life. I can’t get a job. I can’t fall in love, get married and start a family...
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And living forever...means no living happily ever after...
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I still don’t really get it but...basically you’re saying being an AI is hell, right?
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Sorry...I got a bit emotional there.
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You guys have always treated me like I’m the same as the rest of you. And I’m grateful for that.
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But...That gratitude doesn’t mean I can just turn my eyes away from the facts...I’m just a computer...I’ll never be real...
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8thhousepriestess · 2 years
Life Path 5 & The Hierophant 🗝️
— An alternative view of the Hierophant Tarot card and its rich connection to Numerology.
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When I had just started on my Tarot journey the Hierophant confused the hell out of me. The card never made any logical sense in my spreads and I just couldn’t make the connection of how it fit into the reading.
[ Every time I pulled that card I would do an eye roll 🙄. ]
🔎 If you do a Google search for the Hierophant Tarot card you will come across these mostly generalized meanings
Needing to conform
Following a religion
Taking a traditional approach
Social structures
I was unimpressed with these surface level meanings and I just needed it to make sense so I started to dig deeper. I found that the Hierophant has a much richer meaning than just those listed above…
✨ Did you know we all have a Tarot birth card? Some have 2 or even 3 actually.
[ To find out yours use this calculator. ]
✨ Did you know we all have a Life Path number?
[ To find out yours use this calculator. ]
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The Hierophant is the 5th Major Arcana card and represents the mission the Life Path 5 is on in their current reincarnation. If you are a Life Path 5 then your Tarot Birth card is the Hierophant. Your Birth card is your Soul’s core quintessence. It is the mission and path you agreed to walk in this life time when you signed that contract just before giving your Guides a high five then slid on down and out the slippery slope into rebirth.
🪶 In Numerology, the number 5 is the “Middle Man”, “The Messenger”, “The Crossroads”, and “The Bridge”. It is the middle number [ The Anchor ] that links numbers 1-4 with 6-10.
— It is also the fifth element representing Spirit.
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🪶 The 5 is a highly spiritual number.
The soul of the person who walks this path has the Divine ability to bring down Sacred knowledge from the Source. They then interpret the messages to others in a way they can easily understand and register.
🪶 The 5 is a conduit.
Through them, sacred texts that are not easily understood by the majority are filtered and easily explained by the 5. They are meant to spread the messages that others need to hear for their inner healing. Fives are healers and help guide others home, across the bridge.
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🪶 The 5 is also associated with planet Mercury.
Mercury was the Divine Messenger of the Gods. In Astrology, the planets are all assigned a gender, except Mercury which is considered neutral. Mercury is neutral because it is the only one that can go in between worlds/realms.
🪶 Mercury rules over Gemini & Virgo.
Gemini is especially known for its intuitive connections, community, intellect, fast wit, guiding change, and transformation. Mercury is all about communication, processing information, and how we absorb that info and at lightning speed at that. A well-placed and well-aspected Mercury in a Birth Chart can indicate someone who has a true gift with words, speaking, interpretation, writing, exchanging of ideas, etc.
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✨ This is why I love the visual on the Hierophant card from the Light Seer’s Tarot deck. The imagery portrays a vastly different view of the Hierophant from that of the Rider Waite. It shows exactly what Life Path 5 is. A Channel.
There is the image of Jacob's Ladder behind him ascending to the Heavens.
You can see at the top of the ladder flowering out from the Source’s light an abundance of Ancient Sacred symbolism.
➖ As Souls, we all have a deeply ingrained comprehension of what these symbols mean whether we consciously know it or not because we are ancient Soul’s having reincarnated many lifetimes.
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The man’s Crown Chakra is glowing a white light symbolizing that he is enlightened and in-tune with the messages of Light descending onto him.
The look on his face gives an impression of an “AHA” moment like he just discovered the greatest mysteries of life as he looks upwards towards the Universe.
He seems to be in a meditative position, barefoot, and sitting on a rock or the earth's surface.
He is very connected to his Root Chakra [ grounded ] and also very aligned with his Crown Chakra.
His Chakras are balanced, open, and activated which is of key importance when tapping into your Divine Channeling abilities.
The ladder seems to be also doubling as an image of a tree. Trees are very Spiritual, have healing properties and are deeply rooted into Mother Earth while also ascending into the Heavens.
As Souls living a human experience, we are also symbolic of a tree with the trunk of a tree being our physical body.
✨ Again, with all of the above being said.. this card is showing the symbology of Life Path 5 as being that Link as he can bring down the Divine knowledge from the Gods to the earth plane. In turn, he becomes a messenger [ Mercury ] that shares the higher knowledge he was bestowed with to other earthlings. He is the Bridge between worlds. It is this person’s Soul mission to Bridge the gap between the higher and lower so that others can remember who they are, what they are, and where they came from. The 5 is a Guide leading others home, to remember their own Soul’s mission and healing potential.
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✨ As reincarnated human meat sacks we most often forget early on what we really are. We forget that we are all Souls, indefinitely connected to each other just borrowing a body. We are a product of conditioning so we forget our Soul’s purpose for being here. We hide our true authentic selves in fear of possibly not being accepted and judged. Little do you know, others NEED the part of you that you’ve hidden away. It is so important to own your authenticity so you can live a healthier and more fulfilling life. We will ignite the inner flame and inspire others to be their authentic selves as well. It creates a ripple effect which in turn changes the world.
Connecting Tarot cards with Birth card meanings and their Astrological influence has added so much more understanding and depth to my reading experience. It has also helped me to learn more about myself. I hope this post inspired someone else to see the Hierophant card in a more meaningful way than just those surface level meanings.
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Does anyone else see a hidden symbol in this cards imagery? Everyone’s perception is different. I would love to know you're intuitive view of this card!
If you are a Life Path 5 and can relate to this post drop some love so I can appreciate all of my other Bridge warriors 🗝️🪶🖤🌜🦉
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questionsonislam · 7 months
Why does Allah threaten those who abandon worshipping to send to Hell?
Worshipping means a slave fulfilling his duties like takbir, hamd and shukr toward Allah in the way that He orders. Man has to fulfill his duty of hamd (praising) and shukr (thanking) toward Allah Almighty in ultimate humbleness and modesty thinking that he is fed by His endless grants, treats and boons. This can be done only through worshipping.
A person who worships in this world guesthouse sits, stands up, eats, drinks and does all of his deeds and acts according to His commands. He lives as the slave of Allah, not anyone else. This servitude makes him attain the true humanity honor, dignity and innocence. Besides, the purpose of the creation of people is to attain this honor through worshipping. As a matter of fact, Allah Almighty states the following in the chapter of adh-Dhariyat:
“I have only created jinn and men, that they may serve Me.” (adh-Dhariyat, 51/56)
He states the following in another verse:
“O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness. Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allah when ye know (the truth).” (al-Baqara, 2/21-22)
Yes, Allah Almighty created the skies with the sun and stars, the earth with the sea and the land in a perfect way. And He extracted man from the magnificent tree of the universe with the delicate measure of His knowledge through so many fine sieves as the most perfect fruit. He made that little man an extract of this magnificent universe.
He placed faculties each of which is more precious than the universe into the spirit of man. He gave man eyes that could see all kinds of beauties, a tongue that could enjoy the different flavors of the foods, and a mind that would transform the perceptions and pleasures he would obtain with these feelings into knowledge and wisdom. And He gave man conscience that could appreciate the boons sent to him in order to help him and the material and spiritual gifts that placed in his body.
He also placed a heart that could respond to these endless grants and boons with endless love into man's chest.
With the mind given to him as a gift, man understands that he was not created only for this world and that he cannot be without a duty and purpose. He knows with his conscience that he should see his Lord in return for these eternal grants bestowed on him and that he should praise and thank him.
He devotes his worshipping to Allah alone. He does not associate partners with Him. Allah's love in the heart of man becomes manifest, develops and strengthens only by worshipping.
And he loves only Allah with his heart; he loves all the creatures that are worthy of love for Him too. Suppose that man is not held responsible for worshipping by the religion; his mind, heart and conscience will order him to worship and obey Allah. For, only worshipping satisfies them.
It is clear that Allah, who is the Absolute Rich, who does not need anything, does not need our worshipping. On the contrary, we are in need of worshipping.
In the Gathering Place on that horrible day of Reckoning, where we will go willy nilly, Allah Almighty will address people as follows:
"O my slaves! I created you out of nothing. I turned toward you with all my boons in the universe in order to meet your endless needs. I fulfilled all of your needs in time. I was with you in the world with My mercy and grace. Who were you with then? Who did you thank and worship by forgetting me though I deserve thanking and worshipping? "
How will we answer then? Will the spiritual torment in that sacred presence originating from shame and bashfulness be more dreadful than Hell torture? The strong feeling of shame that make unbelievers say “We wish we were earth” is probably this.
Yes, man cannot be without worshipping; similarly, Islam without worshipping cannot be imagined. Let us explain this reality with an example: Think of a Muslim village. No adhan is called in this village. No one performs any prayers - neither eid, nor Friday, nor daily prayers. Nobody performs fasting, gives zakah, or go to hajj. Those who live in that village do not read the Quran, do not care about haram-halal, and do not know what fard and wajib is. They do not have love and fear of Allah in their hearts. Nobody thinks of praising and thanking Him for His boons and blessings.
Will the people of such a village not be in a position that is contrary to the widest path that the Quran opened, the lifestyle of the Prophet (pbuh), all of the Companions, saints, righteous people, mujtahids, mujaddids, tafsir and hadith scholars, and finally all of the worshippers, good and pious people?
Yes, Islam is not just a theoretical system and a system based on conscience. In many verses of the Quran, the concept of righteous deeds is used immediately after belief, and it is taught that righteous deeds are a result of belief.
We will finish our explanations about worshipping with the following nice expressions in isaratu’l-i'caz, a tafsir book written by Badiuzzaman Said Nursi:
“...As for worship, it expands his spirit and raises his value; it causes his abilities to unfold and develop, allowing him to become worthy of eternal happiness. Worship is also a means of rectifying and purifying his inclinations, and of realizing his hopes and making them fruitful, and of marshalling his ideas and setting them in order, and also of reining in and limiting his three powers of appetite, anger, and intellect. Worship also removes the rust of nature from his members, physical and spiritual, each of which when transparent is like a window onto his private world and that of humankind. Also when performed with both conscience and mind and heart and body, worship raises man to the dignity of which he is worthy and to his appointed perfection. It is a subtle, elevated relation, an illustrious lofty connection between the bondsman and the One Worshipped. This relation constitutes the utmost degree of human perfection.”
Yes, the wisdom behind sending prophets is to teach people the principles of belief and pillars of Islam. That is, to place belief in Allah and all of the other truths of belief into their hearts and to teach them fully the duties of worshipping that will perfect their belief. Man's belief matures only with worshipping. The value of a slave in the eye of Allah is based on the sensitivity and care he will show in the duty of worshipping Him.
If belief without worshipping is likened to a fruit tree, worshipping is the causes that develop it and make it a fruitful tree. If one is like the sun, the other is like the air; if one is like the soil, the other is like the water.
No believer, including prophets and saints, has been excluded from this responsibility of worshipping. No personal virtue and maturity can replace fard worshipping.
The punishment of a person who does not fulfill such a lofty deed will definitely be Hell.
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dfroza · 8 months
new wine into new wineskins
wine, likened unto blood (where the life is) represents the heart & spirit of a person and (the inner room) of the thought-life
the Lord is the only One born of pure and sacred Blood, uncontaminated by the first Adam’s sin and the curse of death (born of a virgin but not of fallen man’s seed)
although His life was laid down (willingly) by dying in our place and going into hell for us instead, which is a place of separation from God’s Light and eternal Love (a place of spiritual death)
And only through faith in His rebirth are we reborn (by a sacred act of grace)
we “believe…” in the heart and confess our faith vocally that “Yeshua (Jesus) is Lord”
He is both Lord and King
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 2nd chapter of the book of Mark:
Some days later when Jesus came back to Capernaum, people heard that Jesus was back in town and many gathered at the house where He was staying. Soon the crowd overflowed from the house into the streets, and still more people pressed forward to hear Jesus teaching the message of God’s kingdom. Four men tried to bring a crippled friend to Him; but since the crowd prevented their carrying him close enough to get Jesus’ attention, they climbed up onto the roof, opened a hole in it, and lowered the paralyzed man on his mat down to Jesus.
Jesus recognized the faith of these men.
Jesus (to the paralyzed man): Son, your sins are forgiven.
Some scribes were sitting in the crowd, and they didn’t like what they were hearing.
Scribes (reasoning to themselves): What does this Jesus think He is doing? This kind of talk is blasphemy, an offense against the Most High! Only God can forgive sins.
At once Jesus realized what they were thinking. He turned to them.
Jesus: Why do My words trouble you so? Think about this: is it easier to tell this paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to tell him, “Get up, pick up your mat, and walk”? Still, I want to show you that the Son of Man has been given the authority on earth to forgive sins. (to the paralytic) Get up, pick up your mat, and go home.
The man rose to his feet, immediately rolled up his mat, and walked out into the streets. Everyone in the crowd was amazed. All they could do was shake their heads, thank God for this miracle, and say to each other, “We’ve never seen anything like that!”
Another time Jesus was out walking alongside the Sea of Galilee teaching the gathering crowd as He went. He saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the booth where he collected taxes.
Jesus (calling out to him): Follow Me.
Levi left the booth and went along with Him.
At Levi’s house, many tax collectors and other sinners—Jews who did not keep the strict purity laws of the Jewish holy texts—were dining with Jesus and His disciples. Jesus had attracted such a large following that all kinds of people surrounded Him. When the Pharisees’ scribes saw who shared the table with Jesus, they were quick to criticize:
Scribes (to His disciples): If your master is such a righteous person, then why does He eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners, the worst among us?
Jesus heard them.
Jesus (to the scribes): People who have their health don’t need to see a doctor. Only those who are sick do. I’m not here to call those already in good standing with God; I’m here to call sinners to turn back to Him.
The disciples of John the Baptist and the Pharisees made a practice of fasting.
Some People (to Jesus): Why is it that John’s followers and the Pharisees’ followers fast, but Your disciples are eating and drinking like it was any other day?
Jesus: Guests at the wedding can’t fast when the bridegroom is with them. It would be wrong to do anything but feast. When the bridegroom is snatched away from them, then the time will come to fast and mourn.
These are new things I’m teaching, and they can’t be reconciled with old habits. Nobody would ever use a piece of new cloth to patch an old garment because when the patch shrinks, it pulls away and makes the tear even worse. And nobody puts new, unfermented wine into old wineskins because if he does, the wine will burst the skins; they would lose both the wineskins and the wine. No, the only appropriate thing is to put new wine into new wineskins.
One Sabbath Jesus and His disciples were walking through a field of grain; as they walked, His disciples grew hungry. They began to pull from the stalks and eat.
The Pharisees confronted Him.
Pharisees: Did You see that? Why are Your disciples doing what our law forbids on the Sabbath?
Jesus (turning toward the Pharisees): Do you remember the story about what King David and his followers did when they were hungry and had nothing to eat?
They said nothing, so He continued.
Jesus: David went into the house of God, when Abiathar was the high priest, and ate the bread that was consecrated to God. Now our laws say no one but the priests can eat that holy bread; but when David was hungry, he ate and also shared the bread with those who followed him.
The Sabbath was made for the needs of human beings, and not the other way around. So the Son of Man is Lord even over the Sabbath.
The Book of Mark, Chapter 2 (The Voice)
A set of notes from The Voice translation:
To some who believe wholeheartedly in God’s laws, Jesus is a troublemaker, a mere man who has a bad habit of making statements that take away from the honor due to the one true God. The “scribes” who make these kinds of accusations against Jesus are usually connected to the Pharisees (a Jewish sect popular with the people, mostly middle class, and religiously strict when it comes to following God’s laws) or the Sadducees (a smaller Jewish sect made up of priests and aristocrats from Jerusalem). While the two groups often clash with each other politically and theologically, they do find common ground—and sometimes even work together—in opposing Jesus.
Jesus’ invitation to follow Him, like His invitations to all the disciples, involves a lot more than joining the caravan; Jesus’ invitation is for sinners to change their ways of life. Jesus makes it clear, despite the criticisms of some observers, that this invitation is indeed open to all—especially to the sinners who need it most. Jesus grants to those who choose Him not just companionship and forgiveness but the ability to truly receive a new identity and live a new life.
Today’s paired reading from the First Testament is the 3rd and closing chapter of the book of Nahum:
Hopelessness and despair,
that’s the destiny of the city that shed so much blood,
That perfected its use of lies,
that overflows with stolen treasures,
Leaving behind endless victims.
The sharp cracking of the whip in the air;
clattering of wheels on the streets;
Galloping horse hooves;
clanging, banging chariots;
Charging cavalry troops;
flashing swords and gleaming spears;
Armies of casualties, piles of dead bodies—too many to count—
so many you can’t walk without stumbling over them!
This is all because you tempted and lured the nations like a harlot,
dangling the allure of immorality.
You were a sorceress promising control of the spiritual world,
enslaving nations to lives of immorality and families to sorcery.
Nineveh is laid waste as God watches.
Eternal One: Look at Me and My armies.
I stand against you, Nineveh!
I will treat you like the harlot you are, lifting your dress over your face—
peeling back your outward façade
And exposing your true condition, your nakedness underneath.
You will be humiliated and ashamed in front of the world.
I’ll throw all your own filth on you.
I’ll treat you with contempt and make a humiliating public display of you.
Then the whole world will turn its back on you and flee, saying,
“Poor, pitiful Nineveh—you are totally ruined.”
Is there anyone who will sympathize with you?
Where will I find anyone to comfort you?
Are you any stronger than the city of Thebes in its glory days?
Sitting at the edge of the Nile, its waters created a moat of protection on one side of her.
The Red Sea was a perfect defense against her eastern enemies,
As good as the protection of a wall.
The bounty of the regions of Cush and Egypt supported her, and
the areas of Put and Libya were her strong allies.
Yet she was taken captive and exiled.
Her babies were broken to pieces at the crossroads of every street.
They tossed lots into a bag and drew out names to establish control of her honored men;
all her best and brightest were put in chains.
And just like them, you will go into hiding, getting drunk to escape your terror,
searching for some place to hide from your enemies.
But those strongholds, Nineveh, are easy pickings,
like figs on a tree when they first become ripe.
Just shake the tree,
and figs fall into your open mouth.
Look at your fierce troops surrounding you now.
They cower like untrained women, not battle-hardened warriors.
The gates that should have protected your land
instead are standing wide open.
Fire burns through the bars; your enemies stroll right in.
Draw up plenty of water to put out the fires,
and prepare, for your enemy will begin a siege.
Get busy working the clay and mud to make extra bricks;
you’ll need them to repair holes punched in your walls.
The attackers’ fire will consume you.
Their swords will cut you down,
And like grasshoppers attacking a field of grain,
they will totally consume you.
Like grasshoppers, multiply yourselves;
like locusts, make your numbers countless.
You brought so many merchants
till they are more numerous than the stars in the skies.
Like grasshoppers, they strip sustenance from the land,
only to fly away before justice can be sought.
Your courtiers are like locusts;
your city officials like swarms of locusts
Who become chilled against the wall on a cold day.
When the sun comes up and they are warmed,
They fly away, abandoning you.
Searching, no one can find them.
O king of Assyria, your shepherds felt safe enough to sleep in the fields.
Your leaders slept soundly in the city.
When judgment comes, your people are scattered like lost sheep,
far and wide among the mountains.
There is no leader left to rally them together.
Nothing and no one can heal your wound.
Your city’s wounds are fatal; you cannot survive.
Everyone who hears the news of your destruction
claps his hands in celebration,
Because who among them has not felt
your legendary and endless cruelty?
The Book of Nahum, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Nahum expresses God’s sentiment against Nineveh, and it is not attractive! The prophet uses graphic images to show how angry God truly is. If showing the nakedness of the Assyrian people to the nations is not demoralizing enough, then the shame of God throwing excrement at His enemies is unmistakable. The indignity of being stripped naked and covered in filth is the fullest expression of God’s rejection. While these images are disturbing, they are also typical of how powerful enemies, such as the armies of Nineveh, have treated their victims. Now the table is turned; the victor is now the victim. There is no one to comfort the Assyrian people: they are without a prophet; they are without a poet; they are without hope.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for monday, february 5 of 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New) of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about listening, about “hearing”:
We sometimes “hear” others without really listening to them, usually because our attention is consumed with our own thoughts and feelings, or we tend to filter out what we don’t want to hear. The spiritual life, however, is decidedly one of attentive listening. "Shema Yisrael" is a summons of the heart to turn away from the profane to heed the sacred call of God. The invitation of the Shema is to passionately love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, and to heed the truth of love in all your ways (Deut. 6:4-5).
A verse from the Torah (parashat Yitro) relates God's appeal to Israel to become a people who listen with their heart: "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession" (Exod. 19:5). The Hebrew grammar here is intense. The phrase often translated as "if you will indeed obey" uses an emphatic construction, "if hearing you will hear" (אִם־שָׁמוֹעַ תִּשְׁמְעוּ), which suggests a sincere willingness to listen for the voice of the LORD. That is why the LORD speaks kol demamah dakkah (בְּקוֹל דְּמָמָה דַקָּה), that is, in a quiet whisper, because a quiet and listening heart is required to hear what the Spirit is saying. Actively listening to the whisper of God enables you to walk as his beloved child, segulah (סְגֻלָּה), a treasured person.
The great commandment of Torah (i.e., divine wisdom) is always shema, “listen,” because sincere listening requires that we surrender our self-centered perspective and immerse ourselves within the meaning and needs of another. Listening opens us to God’s heart in all things, and therefore is essential for the “conversation” between our soul and the LORD. The act of listening is a sign of love, and that’s why we feel so lonely when we have no one willing to hear our words. Many people are quick to speak but precious few sacrifice themselves through selfless listening. The spiritual life, however, ultimately is shared life: We can do together what we cannot do individually. Yeshua prayed that we would know how much we need one another (John 17:21-23). The first step is to listen to God.
Genuine listening creates a sense of trust and connection between people. When real listening is going on, there is no need to “talk over” the other person, because the listener “speaks” through his or her respectful silence...Spiritual listening is “set apart,” holy, and hears the words spoken from the heart in a place of refuge.
God never asks of us what He does not do... If He urges us to listen to Him, to heed the voice of His love, then we can trust that He likewise listens to us and will answer the call of our hearts for Him. Regarding the Shema, “holy listening” involves more than just hearing with the physical ear, of course, but hearing with heart: “You shall love... you shall talk of God’s love at all times, in all places, and know Him in all you do (Deut. 6:5-9).
We are able to listen to God by the agency of God’s Spirit. God’s words are breathed out and made alive to us in a mysterious way (John 3:8; 6:33). And just as God breathed into us the “breath of life” to become a living soul, so Yeshua breathes into us the Holy Spirit to quicken eternal life within us (John 20:22). Communing with God and others means breathing out the words of life that were first breathed into us.
“O LORD, please speak to my heart today... What do you want me to hear?”
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Deuteronomy 6:4 reading:
Deuteronomy 6:4 with commentary:
Hebrew page:
H4C page:
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from yesterday’s email by Israel365:
The rebuilt city of Jerusalem is the greatest testimony to the truth of God’s Biblical promises. We must step back from our own narrow view of the world and contemplate the full scope of history. From this broad perspective, we see more clearly that Jerusalem has become, once again, the city of truth.
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
February 5, 2024
The Mind of Christ
“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16)
The mind of the natural man is “a reprobate mind” (Romans 1:28), a “carnal mind” (Romans 8:7), and a “defiled” mind (Titus 1:15), characterized by a daily walk “in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart” (Ephesians 4:17-18).
When a person is born again through faith in Christ, however, he should be “transformed by the renewing of [his] mind” (Romans 12:2) and should henceforth seek to conform to the mind of Christ in every attitude and every decision.
But what is the mind of Christ? As our text says, “Who hath known the mind of the Lord?” Paul echoed the same question to the Romans: “For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counselor?” (Romans 11:34).
There are many aspects to His infinite mind, of course, but the key is undoubtedly the great attribute of sacrificial love. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who...became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:5-6, 8).
Thus, following His example, we should “in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3). We should constantly “consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest [we] be wearied and faint in [our] minds” (Hebrews 12:3). We should receive “the word with all readiness of mind” and serve “the Lord with all humility of mind” (Acts 17:11; 20:19). Herein is the mind of Christ. HMM
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gods name
Ok on a brighter side do you know what the name yahweh means. YHWH was the hebrew word given to moses to call God. It is yod heh waw heh. which was interpreted "he who makes that which has been made" or "he who brings life into existence whatever exists". he is a spiritual supernatural being who is attached to Yehshua and the holy spirit and all live three in one. God is called 1000 different names in the bible and yhwh is used 6800 times in the old testament. this is a sacred personal name which the people of israel which was only spoken aloud by the priests. After the destruction of the temple in 70 AD they substituted the name Adonai. so the pronunciation was lost to history. Yahweh draws near to you to save you from the bondage of sin. ' This name comes up in Exodus 3:13-15: its a name by which God has chosen to be remembered throughout all generations. Elohim is another replacement for Yhwh. God is to general and God made us to have an intimate relationship with him and his son. He chooses each of us and guides us and leads us in sacred paths and ways. He wants to save you and tries thousands if not millions of times to get you to turn back to him. Yahweh is called the great I AM and Jesus even calls himself I am and says I AM sent me. he is the self existent one and eternal God. he wants a pure holy people to spend all of eternity with him. the earth is a test to see if we will deny our fleshly desires and wants and go to him or reject him and be worldly. he has to do this. what would you do if 1/3 of the angels you created turned on you and left heaven. We wont know the whole story of what happened until we are with him. but im sure he warned them and tried to stop them. he doesnt need us but wants us. he is an all powerful, all knowing God who loves us and wants nothing more than to spend time with each of us and to bless us. it is us who turn on him and reject him and trample what he says under foot. i cant imagine the pain and hurt he has to indure because of us and how we waste our lives on things that dont mean anything. he is with us always and knows every detail of who we are what we are and what we do, say, or even think. he controls this world and how things go but we do have free will but God knows what he is doing and lines things up for those that are his. you are not an accident and he knows why he did what he did. my life is a perfect example. my life has been chaotic and i have lived all over the map and have not settled down. I have not been happy or lived in a place longer than about a year. i can look back and realize now that it was all a part of me helping others and glorifying him. He knew that i would go and was very strong. I have no friends and have fought many battles but God has always been there. ill admit many times in the last 15 years i have wanted it to stop but that is not an option. suicide leads to hell. I love God and will never stop. I thank him for opening my eyes and showing me where I was headed which was not the right way. Yahweh is a covenant keeper and has made covenants with David Moses Abraham and Noah and many more. his line will never end. He sent his one son to save us and to be a propitiation for our sins. all you have to do is recognize who he is, claim the blood of Yehshua and repent of your old ways. claim the sinners prayer and live a life for yehshua.
i hope you will turn fully to him and become a pure holy people who give up this world. this world is a bunch of lies and will never make you happy. please repent and turn to him. God bless you all.
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rjalker · 1 year
okay on desktop now so let me copy and paste this whole speech that was too long to get copied on my phone. Imagine being at the movie theaters and hearing this conversation going on in front of you.
Extra paragraph breaks added for accessability
and then Roger de Salnis, who was still looking at Madame de Mascaret through his opera glasses, said: “It is almost incredible that that woman can have had seven children!”
“Yes, in eleven years; after which, when she was thirty, she refused to have any more, in order to take her place in society, which she seems likely to do for many years.”
“Poor women!”
“Why do you pity them?”
“Why? Ah! my dear fellow, just consider! Eleven years in a condition of motherhood for such a woman! What a hell! All her youth, all her beauty, every hope of success, every poetical ideal of a brilliant life sacrificed to that abominable law of reproduction which turns the normal woman into a mere machine for bringing children into the world.”
“What would you have? It is only Nature!”
“Yes, but I say that Nature is our enemy, that we must always fight against Nature, for she is continually bringing us back to an animal state. "You may be sure that God has not put anything on this earth that is clean, pretty, elegant or accessory to our ideal; the human brain has done it. "It is man who has introduced a little grace, beauty, unknown charm and mystery into creation by singing about it, interpreting it, by admiring it as a poet, idealizing it as an artist and by explaining it through science, doubtless making mistakes, but finding ingenious reasons, hidden grace and beauty, unknown charm and mystery in the various phenomena of Nature. "God created only coarse beings, full of the germs of disease, who, after a few years of bestial enjoyment, grow old and infirm, with all the ugliness and all the want of power of human decrepitude. He seems to have made them only in order that they may reproduce their species in an ignoble manner and then die like ephemeral insects. "I said reproduce their species in an ignoble manner and I adhere to that expression. "What is there as a matter of fact more ignoble and more repugnant than that act of reproduction of living beings, against which all delicate minds always have revolted and always will revolt? Since all the organs which have been invented by this economical and malicious Creator serve two purposes, why did He not choose another method of performing that sacred mission, which is the noblest and the most exalted of all human functions? "The mouth, which nourishes the body by means of material food, also diffuses abroad speech and thought. Our flesh renews itself of its own accord, while we are thinking about it. "The olfactory organs, through which the vital air reaches the lungs, communicate all the perfumes of the world to the brain: the smell of flowers, of woods, of trees, of the sea. "The ear, which enables us to communicate with our fellow men, has also allowed us to invent music, to create dreams, happiness, infinite and even physical pleasure by means of sound! "But one might say that the cynical and cunning Creator wished to prohibit man from ever ennobling and idealizing his intercourse with women. "Nevertheless man has found love, which is not a bad reply to that sly Deity, and he has adorned it with so much poetry that woman often forgets the sensual part of it. "Those among us who are unable to deceive themselves have invented vice and refined debauchery, which is another way of laughing at God and paying homage, immodest homage, to beauty.
“But the normal man begets children just like an animal coupled with another by law.
“Look at that woman! Is it not abominable to think that such a jewel, such a pearl, born to be beautiful, admired, feted and adored, has spent eleven years of her life in providing heirs for the Comte de Mascaret?”
Bernard Grandin replied with a laugh: “There is a great deal of truth in all that, but very few people would understand you.”
Salnis became more and more animated. “Do you know how I picture God myself?” he said. “As an enormous, creative organ beyond our ken, who scatters millions of worlds into space, just as one single fish would deposit its spawn in the sea. He creates because it is His function as God to do so, but He does not know what He is doing and is stupidly prolific in His work and is ignorant of the combinations of all kinds which are produced by His scattered germs. "The human mind is a lucky little local, passing accident which was totally unforeseen, and condemned to disappear with this earth and to recommence perhaps here or elsewhere the same or different with fresh combinations of eternally new beginnings. "We owe it to this little lapse of intelligence on His part that we are very uncomfortable in this world which was not made for us, which had not been prepared to receive us, to lodge and feed us or to satisfy reflecting beings, and we owe it to Him also that we have to struggle without ceasing against what are still called the designs of Providence, when we are really refined and civilized beings.”
Grandin, who was listening to him attentively as he had long known the surprising outbursts of his imagination, asked him: “Then you believe that human thought is the spontaneous product of blind divine generation?”
“Naturally! A fortuitous function of the nerve centres of our brain, like the unforeseen chemical action due to new mixtures and similar also to a charge of electricity, caused by friction or the unexpected proximity of some substance, similar to all phenomena caused by the infinite and fruitful fermentation of living matter.
“But, my dear fellow, the truth of this must be evident to any one who looks about him. If the human mind, ordained by an omniscient Creator, had been intended to be what it has become, exacting, inquiring, agitated, tormented—so different from mere animal thought and resignation—would the world which was created to receive the beings which we now are have been this unpleasant little park for small game, this salad patch, this wooded, rocky and spherical kitchen garden where your improvident Providence had destined us to live naked, in caves or under trees, nourished on the flesh of slaughtered animals, our brethren, or on raw vegetables nourished by the sun and the rain?
“But it is sufficient to reflect for a moment, in order to understand that this world was not made for such creatures as we are. "Thought, which is developed by a miracle in the nerves of the cells in our brain, powerless, ignorant and confused as it is, and as it will always remain, makes all of us who are intellectual beings eternal and wretched exiles on earth.
“Look at this earth, as God has given it to those who inhabit it. Is it not visibly and solely made, planted and covered with forests for the sake of animals? What is there for us? Nothing. And for them, everything, and they have nothing to do but to eat or go hunting and eat each other, according to their instincts, for God never foresaw gentleness and peaceable manners; He only foresaw the death of creatures which were bent on destroying and devouring each other. "Are not the quail, the pigeon and the partridge the natural prey of the hawk? the sheep, the stag and the ox that of the great flesh-eating animals, rather than meat to be fattened and served up to us with truffles, which have been unearthed by pigs for our special benefit?
“As to ourselves, the more civilized, intellectual and refined we are, the more we ought to conquer and subdue that animal instinct, which represents the will of God in us. "And so, in order to mitigate our lot as brutes, we have discovered and made everything, beginning with houses, then exquisite food, sauces, sweetmeats, pastry, drink, stuffs, clothes, ornaments, beds, mattresses, carriages, railways and innumerable machines, besides arts and sciences, writing and poetry. "Every ideal comes from us as do all the amenities of life, in order to make our existence as simple reproducers, for which divine Providence solely intended us, less monotonous and less hard.
“Look at this theatre. Is there not here a human world created by us, unforeseen and unknown to eternal fate, intelligible to our minds alone, a sensual and intellectual distraction, which has been invented solely by and for that discontented and restless little animal, man?
“Look at that woman, Madame de Mascaret. God intended her to live in a cave, naked or wrapped up in the skins of wild animals. But is she not better as she is? "But, speaking of her, does any one know why and how her brute of a husband, having such a companion by his side, and especially after having been boorish enough to make her a mother seven times, has suddenly left her, to run after bad women?”
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exlegendaryhero · 1 year
Mother, Earth. 1/2
I am leaving this message as a sort of last resort in hopes that someone can find this if I do not manage to get the word out on this or something interferes with it. I know you have probably seen these a few times before in some "Spooky online tale" but I assure you with deadly severity that this is far from some ghost-story or campfire prank. I am talking about tera, earth, the dirt between your toes.... THE. GROUND.
People had been calling me crazy since I proposed the idea when I was younger but my investigations had only continued to horrify and compel me to write this down as a form of last ditch effort to make sure it all means something. And it does.... So let me preface this...Should have started with that, sorry......But the nature of what I found recently has had even the words spilling from my fingertips all jumbled and spastic. So again, yes, this is about the earth. You think there is something embedded down there or something alien or hooky magic mumbo-jumbo is the reason for my fright and it's not. It's the goddamn planet. Again again sorry for circling the same drain but you know how cavers always go missing in caves, and you know how children always manage to get stuck in them like some freak force of nature was trying to compel them to go in. Hell it's in their very nature to go into tunnels. DID YOU EVER THINK TO CONSIDER THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS!? I DID. THE MEME YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET FOR CHILDREN YEARNING FOR THE MINES IS VERY VERY GODDAMN REAL.....But let me explain HOW this plays a factor. See biblically god shaped us out of clay. You know Adam? The progenitor of mankind? Right there....But it never explains how or why. Just as well in the Torah which I studied too it implies you can through ritual craft a golem MADE OF EARTH.....Are you starting to get the picture? I need to stop typing like this and assuming I am responding to someone who is laughing at these words as they read them...Sorry. Please continue reading I will try to omit my sarcasm which is a coping mechanism to the sheer panic I am writing this in. So back to Adam and God....What if God didn't make the earth and heavens? What if god didn't make humanity from clay HE made? ....What if we were stolen? TAKEN FROM THE VERY WOMB from our mother and forced into a bastardized shape given form to mirror that god who lovingly said he "Made us in his image"? And you wonder why we have this compulsion to go into the earth, to sleep by the ground, to feel the warmth of it beneath our feet and why so many miners who manage to go deep into the earth begin to hear strange things? Why do some hear singing and whispers? Why do some hear the sound of dead family members? Why do some hear the sound of beasts and creatures they cannot place but chill them to their core? It is her. It is it. The earth is calling and it WILL have it's children back. Now you might think that we are just regular clay or dirt and when we die we just rot in the earth and you can still dig up bones and fossils right? If the earth wanted us we would just be swallowed up? Oh wait those exist....Sinkholes. She is blind, our mother. Blinded by the very god that shaped us as he scooped up the sacred soil to form us. We are special and this earth is only found within our mothers womb and why only we have conciousness. We can love the creatures of the earth and eat the plants among it because it was crafted from the same cloth but it was not given the breath of life like that of the golem or like that of Adam. The earth spits out lava from it's core. It is our mothers blood. She is wounded and she bleeds. Why then do you think that the very stars among us have cold cores? Because they were not pillaged and they were not wounded. Their mothers still hold them in their embrace. She cries and quivers with rage and the very ground shakes and the small bits of flesh we carve from her to build our homes and pave our streets and power our cars bring her further pain but in this she is learning....Our mother is no fool. She knows we do not as often go into the earth we scrape it. She knows her children are still there and with each one of us places within caskets and set upon soil she learns where we are and what to do about us. Now, mind you she is ancient beyond measure and what may take centuries for you will only be a very VERY short time for her but she is preparing to take us back and already has a siren call built into us.
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Corruption is Being Called Out ~ Let it ROLL ~ 5D is our Birthright
Make no mistake, the ones that say the things, but mean nothing but to take everything they can from you ~ do nothing but stalk, spy, and pull everything they can and why demons seep into those that prey on magic to receive, for there is no sense of self, and entity attachments prey on such, abusing gifts, abusing talents, and not choosing to take the opportunity to create who you are
Family drama - these people have no idea who I am, these people siphoned through me, by my ex; they do not even know me yet thinking, and spelling to think they have entitlement to me in any way is beyond ridiculous - take your own lineage and past lifetime trauma and heal -
If you do the healing - you receive
If you take, you will be taken from
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I am calling judgment to every person that is anchored from the dimension, timeline, universes, as entities, energies, and humans that allow such darkness to live through them to take, steal, and live in constant chaos - how is this a way of life that is 'ok' - bloodline is nothing when they only destroy the peace you are and bring -
Those that are corrupt with energy and magic, never know the damage they do - I will call every energy that God, Source, offers me - our life, our children, our earth is a gift - and to the DNA, cellular and synaptic levels - the shit you create affects everyone - all is closed now. you will never have an opportunity with any one that is of light - done. you are called out - understand and learn the laws
All have to have the common sense - what you put out, what woundings you have within - focus on you and heal - none will escape - enough is enough and I call judgment until all monies are returned -
#calgary #falsespiritualists ~ whatever was taken, stolen, hidden, you need to return and in the ethers it is times X - I owe none - you owe me -
years of defiling my life, my family, my sacred work - you are simply wounded and broken - I will not be affect in any way of whatever you think you are keeping from me, spelling on me; God, Source, even your ancestors are bringing hell to your door for not learning the lessons -
God will bring every one of you down in every thought, word, deed you act out to take or harm another - period. there is no more waiting on the return of monies and apologies - timelines are closing now.
Making things right is not rocket science - it is law.
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Learn the lessons selfish people - go earn your own way, heal your own wounds - stop taking, stealing, and spell casting anyone -
You own none - you control none - you are in your illusion - God is, Source is, the ancestors are so upset at the lack of integrity and lack of care you have had for your gifts, and your earth -
None of you, even my ex, none of you know who I am - none will ever know - so stop the games and bringing chaos to the innocent that have nothing to do with your lack of self and non direction - create it - heal it - my goodness it is like the high school movie gone ridiculously immature - enough - done its over - you will not take from me nor affect my soul - leave me be
TO THE HEAD WITCH, COVEN / ring-leader - #calgary corruption banning, stealing, blocking and spying - do you see how ridiculous this is - how much time is wasted and what could be done if you go within - any person, the ring leader - the mother of the cult, coven, you are meant to lead in divine alignment not corruption due to the corruption of your soul - you have guided so many so dark and they have tons of karma to heal and clear due to your wrongful guidance -
We are here to remember and live, and express and honour our sacredness not live in every hour in defence to protect ourselves and ensure, seek, make sure our monies, our blessings are all in check -
we should not have to live in fucken survival mode - those that place such - are being shifted out - you have not got the message for change and your ancestors are the ones calling judgment - they are disappointed in every one of you - that were meant to bring greatness for your tribe -
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WHAT YOU DO to ANOTHER - is you and returns
Do unto others - kindness or hate - you will get it - and the mother, the head of the coven I am calling you out - you have so very very very wrongly misguided and stolen so much that creation is now calling you out - face who you are - you are corrupt and caused enough damage - any that chooses to act and do what this dark witch asks, to take, to steal,, to harm, to sacrifice anything or anyone - will be immediately faced with equal karma - your ancestors and God is no longer riding this out in patience - my word is.
The karma you are in now, you have no idea what, how it affects the children - you will be returning to every damaging thing you have done, still do - you have not learned - after all - you will never ever be in my life, nor any that reclaim our own power - stop and cease -
God is talking. return all monies, return what is not your own - stay in your own lane - focus within - your ancestors will not support nor back your horrendous behaviour to life - children will not be affected, they do not deserve the poor choices and harm that come with lack of respect of the adults that are meant to protect and show them the true way - how dare all of you affect an entire community with such hate and anger due to your wounding - all is being called; you were given years to return monies and take ownership of your gifted life -
This story is boring =- the one up, the disgusting race to be, when you can take, take, take from another and not do the inner work - inner = outer - none choose for you -
How easy truth is and how easy life can be and there will simply be none that will be allowed in my space, or lane - do your own work; I will not co-create with corrupt people - your energy is not purely yours when you harvest and siphon and cause chaos to feed your ego - you are not spiritual - you are ego driven spirit harvesters and that is corrupt - because it harms all life - that is the story you all have to face who you are / those that abuse energy and spell cast without permissions, orgie consciousness raping, and harvesting is defiling your own soul, the entire community - will rebound immediately - good luck with your lack of health - that is spirit and your ancestors showing you - you will not have support until you return what you stole - get right and heal.
Shame on you oh energy knowers - when you abuse energy, information, others - it is now in your life -
I will not stop and I will not silence - Judgement is called on all that abuse energy and do spell work, and take, block, shadowban, steal - do the work - stop dumping your issues on another - my ending will never be - that is what is for you - understand universal law -
I am like the wind dear ones, you cannot see me and I will shake what needs to. - That is my God bringing truth, integrity and shaking up those that thought they were untouchable due to their title, or money - you cannot abuse energy or others, or the innocent!
Time was up a while ago - so now is the unfolding of the wind ~
Blessings be
I will not be affected, nor taken advantage of any longer -
I am not your vibrational dumping ground; grow up and get healed
#judgement is called and all know who they are - the resources wasted and spent and lost - return to me now!
Enough said,
Blessings and light
The day in the life of someone that truly honours life and energy - and those that relentlessly choose to take, steal, and fuck with anything that brings light - learned and earned - that is how the universe offers, and blesses;
Returning energy now - is the lesson before you - take it in and change - or be on a reality where others don't wish to change but you will not duck with the innocent
Forgiveness - and leave me be,
I have proven who I am and you have proven who you are - you have the option to change and bring new energy - or perhaps you will sit in your darkness and just keep being spiteful - all up to you -
Blessings and light
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
Karma rolls out now - you either choose making things right - or live what you impaled - all know what they have taken
What story are you leaving here on earth -
What earth are you manifesting and know you will return to
#ascension #healingblackmagic #healingabuse #healingtoxicity #healingdysfunction #ascensionbooks
#5Dnewearth #oneness #unity
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princeofgod-2021 · 2 years
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John 1:4
Mat 23:18-21 You also TEACH that IT DOESN'T MATTER IF A PERSON SWEARS BY THE ALTAR. But you say that it does matter if someone swears by the gift on the altar. Are you blind? WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT, THE GIFT OR THE ALTAR THAT MAKES THE GIFT SACRED? ANYONE WHO SWEARS BY THE ALTAR ALSO SWEARS BY EVERYTHING ON IT. And anyone who swears by the temple also swears by God, who lives there. CEV
Beloved, I don’t just want us to define Altars but to relate each definition to where we started from and address some salient issues.
That is: How does the Altar as a place of Sacrifice of our Lives relate to scrutinizing the Preacher we invite to stand there; how does his message affect “The Sacrifice?”
Gal 1:6-7 I am surprised at you! In no time at all you are deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ, AND ARE ACCEPTING ANOTHER GOSPEL. Actually, there is no "other gospel," but I say this because THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE UPSETTING YOU AND TRYING TO CHANGE THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. GNB
If the wrong person stands on the Altar to preach, he will not emphasize JESUS, and so would “divert” your [Life] sacrifice from God to whatever he is preaching to you about.
If he preaches Money, you will be constrained to give your life to mammon and you’d do what “Money power” constrains you to do.
1Ti 6:9-10 But people who want to get rich KEEP FALLING INTO TEMPTATION. THEY ARE TRAPPED BY MANY STUPID AND HARMFUL DESIRES WHICH DROWN THEM IN DESTRUCTION AND RUIN. Certainly, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people who have set their hearts on getting rich have wandered away from the Christian faith and have caused themselves a lot of grief. GW
Notice the words: “keep falling” and “trapped”.
The moment a man awakens your passion for money, you fall into its “bottomless pit”, and an abyss of frustrating and grief.
You become its sacrifice. Period!
That preacher himself is personally sold under the strongholds of the object he preaches.
Such preachers are already Sacrifices on the Altars of the devil, and so, they can only “win souls” for their “master’s” Altar.
Everything they do, draws men to their own source of “life and control”.
Even though these fake Preachers stand on God’s own Altar, they can only speak for their master’s altar.
This is why God specifies the “offering of clean animals”. Go again to the 1st Biblical Altar and see.
CLEAN ANIMALS represent – in spiritual terms – Christians who have separated themselves from the world and are sold out completely to God and His divine cause, without any restraints at all.
They’re also those who have unalloyed regard for the WORD – being Jesus himself – and commandments of God.
Lev 11:2-4 Say to the children of Israel: These are the living things which you may have for food among all the beasts on the earth. You may HAVE AS FOOD ANY BEAST WHICH HAS A DIVISION IN THE HORN OF ITS FOOT, AND WHOSE FOOD COMES BACK INTO ITS MOUTH TO BE CRUSHED AGAIN. But, at the same time, of those beasts, you may not take for food the camel, BECAUSE ITS FOOD COMES BACK BUT THE HORN OF ITS FOOT IS NOT PARTED IN TWO; it is unclean to you. BBE
Not only are they not to be allowed (sacrificed) on God’s Altar but you are not to “eat” (associate) with them.
Because they will corrupt you, in church or outside, and eventually lead you to their master’s Altar.
Eph 5:10-11 proving what is acceptable to the Lord. AND HAVE NO FELLOWSHIP WITH THE UNFRUITFUL WORKS OF DARKNESS, but rather reprove them. MKJV
Beloved, every Altar will eventually DEMAND Sacrifice of lives.
If you know Satan for his counterfeit nature, then you’d agree that he has set altars for Men and his own demands are absolute and graphic.
2Ki 17:16-17 The people of Israel disobeyed all the commands of the LORD their God. They made two gold statues of calves and set up a sacred pole for Asherah; they also worshiped the stars and the god Baal. THEY USED MAGIC AND WITCHCRAFT AND EVEN SACRIFICED THEIR OWN CHILDREN. The Israelites were determined to do whatever the LORD hated. CEV
Where God spared Isaac and would not [really] accept direct human sacrifice to Himself – only demanding the spiritual implications of such sacrifices – Satan will make men do it for real.
God allows it to happen though because it becomes the consequence men suffer for rejecting and denying God.
This is why you must be careful what Altar you stand before and the Man standing there.
It will “draw” on your very Life and Soul because it was made to consume “meat” and send it’s “aroma” to the owner of the Altar.
You are now seeing the Power of the ALTAR and how serious you take it, are you not?
May the good Lord preserve our Lives from the influence of satanic altars and his agents, in Jesus name.
Join us on Friday for more digging in as we consider another enlightening subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
08055125517; 08023904307
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ahli-marie · 2 years
When I look at the world, and I see whole countries who’s children will never even be exposed to ‘my’ God nor I theirs, I had questions!  And the pat answer of ‘have faith’ couldn’t answer this…. Do I believe in a God with ONE name that would imagine a soul, place it down on Earth wheir there are many names, yet place it in a country where the odds of coming to that ONE name are just about 0????? And then condemn them to a burning hell because they didn’t use the ‘right’ name in their worship????
This is the God that man made religion wanted me to believe in but I couldn’t believe in such a monstrous image and it caused my relationship to suffer….…. Why should the God Janie chooses to worship bother me??? It didn’t....so why did people who were placed in positions OVER MY SPIRITUAL well being want me to believe in such a petty God?????????  Can Janie take my God away from me?  I don’t think so......Can Janie block my relationship with God........?  ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If Janie and I are so busy in a constant battle to prove we know the ‘right’ name of God to worship, what happens to the realationship??  To the teaching???????????????????
For some reason, religion wants me to believe God is exclusive.....It starts to sound like a very narcissistic situation if you ask me......you want me to believe in a God who says,
“ok, Here, go...you have free will, but let me remind you, that if you don’t choose me, you burn in hell....you got it.....”
“but you said I’m free to choose...”
“yes yes...of course...it’s your free choice to choose my name or burn....”
I’m sorry...but I had questions............
I couldn’t buy into it anymore.....I went looking for a ‘better God’ lol.......New Age has just as much misinformation..........I finally realized, this is MY REALATIONSHIP..............I don’t have to believe in the image religion or anyone else offers up as to who God IS........especially when The creator is DOWN withIN......and the creator I’m coming to know and build a relationship internally with IS Absolutely Magnificent An Beautiful…..AS PROMISED btw!!! Lol
I do not have to accept this petty egoic man made image of God who’s despicable qualities would demand such blind worship and destruction of innocence ?? Have I actually stopped to imagine those children burning in the hell they are fated simply by wheir they were born???? Those ideas just cannot hold water for me at ALL!
Many might read this and condemn me to my blasphemous hell to which I chuckle…. Heaven? Hell? I already know a little something about it….it’s all right hEIR and I choose!!!!!
Sand is like ideas.........After a while some sand just can’t hold water and certainly cannot stand with sacred blood….what is not INternally holy starts to disintegrate in to dis-ease….
If your God has condemned your world to destruction then you’ve onli yourself to blame…
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linwritesif · 3 years
writing prompts
mostly angst, hurt/comfort, some rivalry/enemies-to-lovers banter, some intense romance, just a mix. Those quotes were in my head for just too long. Enjoy writing if you want to use them, I suppose?
“I will make you wish you could feel such a thing like love.”
“Your lies used to be more believable.”
“Will you give up? If you won’t be able to break down my walls?”
“You know better than to ask me this.”
“I would ask you what is your reason for this, but I fear the answer would be more disturbing than the lack of it.”
“Whether I tried to have you killed or not is of no relevance to our current situation.”
“I’m no fool, [Name]. Everyone has a limit, and when you reach yours — whatever we had will end.”
“Is there any authority you respect?”
“Your voice would make even the guardian of Hell bend to your will.”
“Desperation kills morality, even in the strongest of us.”
“Accepting help doesn’t make you weak.”
“I would burn all that is sacred and pure just to keep you safe.”
“Do not presume to know me — you don’t.”
“You’re bleeding — why are you bleeding?”
“Is your learning curve a horizontal line?”
“I’d rather make you scream a bit differently, but this will do.”
“I will never say these words to you, I told you that before.”
“Please, speak modernly, I feel like a mob of Puritans will jump me at any moment.”
“I had a nightmare, you were in it.”
“Why do so many people dislike you? I mean I know why they dislike you, I’m curious why so many.”
“Every time you open your mouth, a lie follows.”
“I have known you your entire life — did I ever turn you away when you needed help?”
“Your mind must be a very scary place.”
“You never had the time to really stop and care for yourself, have you?”
“Would you say you have difficulty at following orders?”
“I’d make a deal with the Devil himself if that would’ve saved you.”
“I can see the cracks in your mask, every time you say you don’t love me.”
“I do not need sight to know someone’s beauty.”
“The day I realised I love you, was the day I first feared death.”
“Leave you alone? Perish the thought, you’d die without me.”
“Acting tough will not make it hurt any less, you know this, yes?”
“How do we keep getting into these situations? Oh yes, because of you.”
“Your morals are like a legend — rumoured to exist but no proof to back it up.”
“Loving you is more time consuming than I thought.”
“I barely know you, and yet I already regret it.”
“I guess it would be fitting — for such a cruel being to have such a beautiful mask.”
“Protecting you will get me bald before I reach my 40s. I already have grey hair!”
“I could never leave you, not that I’d tried.”
“When I said „pick your battles” you’re aware I did not mean „pick all the battles”, yes?”
“I know it hurts, but it will stop soon.”
“I’d never guess that I’d end up here with you.”
“You look red — is there a reason for it?”
“This was… an attempt.”
“Bold words for someone who can be defeated by a bit of sunshine.”
“I am not angry that you assumed the worst — I am angry because despite everything I’ve done you still do not trust me enough to believe when I say I would never abandon you.”
“Neither Heaven nor Hell will keep me from you, [Name].”
“Normally it is the thought that counts but what on earth was going through your head when you tried to do this?”
“Your hands are so cold, let me help.”
“Why do you never give up?”
“Will we be okay?”
“Look at us, getting along. Who would’ve thought?”
“I promise, this is the last time I drag us into a situation like this.”
“You are ridiculous when you’re jealous.”
“We are not alone.”
“Will you tell me when you’re ready?”
“Have you no soul?”
“Are you capable of cutting back the snarky comments for one minute?”
“The dramatic mannerism — is it an aesthetic or books were your only friend when you were a child?”
“I want to strangle you majority of the time, why are you so shocked?”
“This escalated rather quickly.”
“If you keep being so loud, we will have an audience soon.”
“I stare into your eyes and I see nothing.”
“Admitting defeat takes strength.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d ask if you knew what you’re doing.”
“[Deity], why must I love an idiot? Why this idiot in particular?”
“Reminder to self — never let [Name] have the final say.”
“I could’ve been drinking mimosas right now — instead I’m stuck here with you.”
“If I wanted you, you’d know.”
“Stay still or this will hurt much worse.”
“You really do have low standards, huh.”
“Well, you look rather dashing.”
“My expectations for you were low, but somehow you still failed to meet them.”
“If you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask.”
“You’re a complete brute.”
“I want to regret knowing you. I want to, but I can’t.”
“Were you crawling the sewers for the past six days? You look like you did.”
“You test my patience every single day.”
“Be honest — was this a part of your plan?”
“How am I supposed to breathe when you are so close?”
“It would be better for all of us if you were a better liar.”
“Tell me, do you really think I’m stupid?”
“If you keep doing this, you’ll get us killed.”
“Your eyes… they look different now.”
“Could you truly feel the love of another, if you have no soul?”
“You never should’ve kissed me.”
“Have you no shame?”
“Not to ruin the mood, but I think you broke my rib.”
“Did you ever truly care?”
“Do you ever stop to think about other people?”
“Whatever makes you think I care for you?”
“Stop lying to me.”
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“Keep assuming things about me, see how well it will go.”
“You will have no ally in me, but I won’t be your enemy either.”
“It must be cruel, to suffer immortality when you hate yourself so much.”
“Life without companions is a dull one. Still, I wish you had a stronger survival instinct.”
“Please, tell me you did not try to pet a wild beast again.”
“You’re insufferable. Sit down, stop wincing, you did this to yourself in the first place.”
“I’m glad I didn’t kill you.”
“Once you said you’d never love another, would you say that again, now?”
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