#we still dont have a civilian name for him :
captainlordauditor · 2 years
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Starting out spooky month with the pumpkin Talon, Raptor
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angy-grrr · 3 months
Himiko Toga never chose a villain name because she has always been the monster and demon for others, internalizing it. But also because she isnt trying to be someone else, but proudly show herself and her love -AFO exploited this to reaffirm the previous, so she never even realized she could give her blood for others.
Ochako Uraraka's goal and arc isn't finished until we see a few main points: "who will save heroes?" A discussion about heroism and saving, and I wouldnt be too surprised if saving villains also come up here as a developed version of the first. They are all people, and that's what matters over their assigned roles. "Himiko Toga". Where is she? Ochako's arc can't be finished until we see or hear what ended up happening. "What does she feel about it all?" She needs a resolution and express her feelings, and with the hiding she has done recently I cant help but wonder even more about Himiko's state, as she is the person who makes Ochako feel safe enough to talk about her thoughts. And lastly"You like him, dont you?" What will happen with her love for Izuku? Is she going to hide it, confess, talk about it more with Himiko? I still think about "the reveal" during her fight with her, and her hair covering her whole face... It could be because she "needs" to tell and show her whole face to Izuku*. I would prefer it another way tho
*She said she admires Himiko for being able to say her feelings and love who she does with her whole face, if I remember correctly, while remembering an Izuku who is looking somewhere (someone?) else smiling. I believe its important that she doesnt have her face shown there, but we still dont have a clear reason why. Is she just not able to show that love to Himiko because she hasn't shown Izuku first? Is it because she no longer feels it? In the next panel she says shes now going to stop her, we can see her face, and her mouth is covered in blood. Is it because their battle was never about him? Because she is ashamed of those feelings? Because she doesn't want to engage in them?
With chapter 425 taking us by surprise because of her first interaction with Midoriya after the war, I prefer to think she has her hair covering her face because she still can't be honestly herself with him. Partially? Yes completely, but she can't tell him her feelings like with Himiko.
I hope she expresses her feelings to the class, to her parents, her friends, the civilians... but I really don't think a confession to him and him only would solve anything.
She doesn't want or can't chase him and his feelings like with Himiko; Izuku is acting weird, upset about many things, and she doesn't see that, im sure she would have tried to help if she actually knew. Even tho she looks around to find a crying Himiko, she doesn't try to do the same now, and in fact rejects it; she decided her feelings are not for him or others to see, at least at the moment.
So how does Hori plan to change this in such little time? Is Izuku going to chase after her, when thats what he has always done with everything he wants? Doesn't he deserve to be chased back? Doesnt she deserve the right to decide how much of herself she wants to reveal to him? Or mourn the loss in her own terms, in case Toga's dead or she thinks she is?
With her feelings for both Midoriya and Toga she has tried to put heroism first, focus only on that; with the first one because she fails at her goals and just blindly imitates him without finding herself, and the second one because she shouldn't feel that way and questions herself over those quite frequently.
I have no idea if Horikoshi plans to make her put her feelings first for him over heroism like she did with her -risking it and acting against what a hero "should" do so they can both just be Himiko Toga and Ochako Uraraka.
I have no idea, but it would make me so sad if he did.
In chapter 424 we see Shoto first in the hospital, when the narration explains things cant be as simple as Deku thought as a kid. Then Ochako appears, with her arm over her stomach probably thinking about her fight. It can't end so easily, and I wouldnt be surprised if chapter 427 or 428 was about them.
Fun thought: what if Himiko is the one about to see Spinner? jkjkjk. It could be cute tho.
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - Discourse
hello again. kind of an experimental chapter, eye strain warning for colored text.
(Content: discussion of death and war)
He could still get yelled at online, though. This was often the case. People demanded that he stop trolling all the time and would not listen when he explained he was dead serious. 
He was lucky there were a few people with nothing better to do than argue with him. He liked the one with the rose in their name.
rosencratz: because it’s against interplanetary law to kill civilians! if it was anybody but empire they would be taken to court. 
ndhakdvsnnd: so if it was legal to kill them it would be okay
rosencratz: no thats not the point! im just bringing it up as an example of what they can get away with 
ndhakdvsnnd: you said the law was corrupt though. i don’t understand
rosencratz: yes its corrupt in certain instances! but not across the board. obviously its wrong to kill people whether its legal or not
ndhakdvsnnd: why
rosencratz: why what?
ndhakdvsnnd: why is it wrong to kill people
rosencratz: ???
ndhakdvsnnd: im serious. people kill each other all the time so why is it wrong now but not wrong other times
rosencratz: its always wrong to kill people! 
ndhakdvsnnd: why
rosencratz: because it hurts them and it overrides their will. people dont want to die. its wrong for someone else to make that decision for them.
ndhakdvsnnd: why
rosencratz: because people should have a right to their own life! everyone deserves to have a chance at a safe and happy life and doing anything to violate that is wrong.
ndhakdvsnnd: who decides if its wrong or not?
rosencratz: well thats just my belief. and i think its the belief of most good people who want to live in harmony with others. you wouldnt want someone else controlling your life, would you? so you should do unto others as you would have them do to you :)
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
Delta opened a different window, pulling up the Empire portal. He looked at the projected casualties at Lemuria, then shifted directories to see the latest military reports all across the Empire. It updated about twice an hour, always some new catastrophe developing on a different front. He switched back to the forum’s private chat.
ndhakdvsnnd: so its always wrong to kill people? its never okay?
rosencratz: yeah pretty much! the only reason it would ever really be okay is to prevent the deaths of other people but even then it isnt a good thing its just a necessary evil
ndhakdvsnnd: how would you know if it prevented the deaths of other people
rosencratz: it depends!
ndhakdvsnnd: depends on what
rosencratz: i have to go to bed now but we can talk more later if youre serious. Haha im a philosophy major so im always thinking about these things. 
ndhakdvsnnd: okay i dont care
rosencratz: no need to be rude!
ndhakdvsnnd: im sorry. yes we can talk more later im afk a lot though so i will just message you when i have time.
rosencratz: okay! goodnight!
ndhakdvsnnd: gn
Delta closed out of the window, now focused entirely on the Empire portal. It let him see the sketches of plans some months in advance. He could see the projected earnings and land gains. He had to click around a little to find projected fatalities and the plans for body removal. Most of the plans didn’t involve him; he couldn’t be everywhere at once. But his callsign still came up with some regularity. He squirmed a little, his unease growing. Some impalpable feeling of dread had been gnawing at him all week. It was like he couldn’t look at it head on. He opened the forum again. There were other messages waiting for him. 
ndhakdvsnnd: what does evil mean
merrium: The opposite of good.
ndhakdvsnnd: no i know that im asking how you would define it.
merrium: I think evil is a condition or a mindset that certain people embrace. You have to repeatedly condition yourself into disregarding the experiences and emotions of other people in order to achieve your own goals. Cruelty and callousness are evil. Selfishness is evil. Ignorance and greed are evil. 
ndhakdvsnnd: okay. is that why you dont like empire?
merrium: Where do I begin? 
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont know
merrium: I won’t begin. You can see my post history, I won’t rehash all those hundreds of essays for you. But I can send you a more proper reading list if you want, little fledgling 
ndhakdvsnnd: send it to me
merrium: Link here.
ndhakdvsnnd: thank you. can i keep asking questions and you wont get mad at me
merrium: Of course! I don’t anger easily. It comes with the territory.
ndhakdvsnnd: is it bad to hurt people
merrium: Violence is a multi-faceted thing. It’s bad to hurt innocent people and it’s bad to use disproportionate force against people who can’t defend themselves. But it’s really a problem of what is considered “violence”. Empire has formed a monopoly on violence, so that its war and oppression are often codified and accepted as the default. It is not recognized for the evil it is. “Violence” however is reserved for the lower classes who have fallen out of lockstep with Empire and it is used to mark them for execution or imprisonment. Oftentimes, violence is the only correct response to repression, and so is morally excusable.
ndhakdvsnnd: so it depends 
merrium: Yes, it depends on who is doing it and why.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay thank you. do you think everyone from empire is evil.
merrium: That’s a lot of people. I wouldn’t hold ordinary citizens responsible for the crimes of their government, but they can definitely be complacent. I think everyone who works to uphold the system is evil. 
ndhakdvsnnd: what should they do 
merrium: Stop being evil.
ndhakdvsnnd: how 
merrium: Stop supporting Empire and start working to resist it. It’s not enough to be against Empire. You have to be pro-resistance. I would recommend they all throw their guns down and refuse to fight another whit for it.
ndhakdvsnnd: they would die if they did that though
merrium: Imagine how the people they killed must have felt.
Delta considered this. He closed all the windows. The screen was giving him a kind of anxiety and besides, he had to be up soon. The long nights were taking their toll. Dark circles had formed under his eyes – darker than usual. The internet made him feel very stupid and very scared, but he could never draw himself away from it easily. He thought about Lemuria. All his thoughts kept drifting back to it. He thought about the mech site and the sand dunes and the Iselin, the countless vessels and castles he had laid to waste. Each time, he’d felt the pulse of life within his grasp. If he did the math, the amount of lives he’d destroyed must have been in the early thousands. If it’s really that bad to kill, then he was definitely evil. He mulled over this as he went to sleep. Did it make any difference? Should he care?
He thought about what it would be like to die and all the times he believed he would. He didn’t like it, but his feelings had never counted for much. The value of any life eluded him. Not once had he ever been made to consider it. This would complicate things. His last thought before drifting asleep was exactly that. This would complicate things.
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halfpricedpages · 2 months
intro post (finally)
ive debated making an intro post because first off ive been on tumblr for two years and I never got around to it and secondly I am really really horrible at talking about myself because what is to much info and what it to little info and the cycle continues but im giving it a shot because I feel like my mutuals have no idea who I am lmao
HAI my name is Charlie im 15 (18+ I dont mind if you follow me but please dont dm me thank you :]) I use jasper as an online name kind of (at this point its just reserved for my best friend ace but I dont mind if other people call me jasper since I still love the name)
my pronouns are he/him but im also perfectly comfortable with common neopronouns (it/its xey/xem) if you wanna get funky with it.
im a self diagnosed autistic and ARFID (if you dont know what that is its an eating disorder where certain factors make you avoidant and restrictive of the food you eat and it has nothing to do with physical appearance. for me its linked to my autistic sensory issues(ALSO OCD NOW?!!? WHAT THE FUCK?!!?)) I have depression and anxiety and the only reason I mention this is because I relate my mental health to my fav characters in tv shows and books and stuff so if you see me posting about them like everything is connected lol
(my a03 is ghostwithfeet if you want to see me be silly and project my weird life onto fictional characters (I am the most inconsistent updater in the world please expect nothing from me if you even ask about a project it will scare me and like I turtle I will crawl into my shell never to see the light of day again))
my interests really vary about current hyperfixations but heres the master list
current hyperfixs
stranger things specifically Byler but mostly mike wheeler (this has turned into a special interest(I DO NOT support Noah schnapp or another of the other cast members who are in support of the inhumane actions the Israel government are doing. I am pro saving innocent civilians. I know that this can be controversial to be such a big fan of this show and honestly I have a lot of complex feelings on the matter but im autistic as previously mentioned and its my special interest and It won't leave my brain even if im not directly interacting with the media so im gonna yap about it on my blog thank you.))
also just Finn wolf hard for some reason (check out his band the Aubreys its awesome. also check out a recent movie he was in called when you finished Saving the world. it means a lot to me)
donna tarts the goldfinch book
old special interests/hyperfixs
the percy Jackson universe specifically nico di Angelo
the IT universe specifically reddie and Beverly marsh but more leaning towards richie tozier (see what I mean with the Finn wolf hard thing)
dead boy detectives !!
doctor who (I haven't even finished David tenants doctor yet so please no spoilers)
Alice oseman content (never read loveless or iwbft but ive read all of her other stuff)
paper girls graphic novel
other interests
the good place tv show
Kathleen Glasgows book girl in pieces
the walking dead comics including the clementine spin off graphic novels
um yeah thats all I can think of for now
my fav musicians/bands
florence and the machine
indigo de Souza
Kevin Atwater
the Aubreys
the cranberries
soccer mommy
runo plum
lala lala
the smiths
hospital bracelet
Chappell roan
Madilyn Mei!
Elliot smith
(my music taste is all over the place and is also very seasonal and I have a bunch of underground artists I dont listen to but I am here to give good recs I promise my playlists are fire)
we've gotten to the part of the intro post where im wondering if this is way to much information so sorry if I overshared idk but hope we can be silly mutuals or friends if you want (never be scared to shoot the friendship shot I would love to yap with y'all)
also since this is taking over my other pinned post I just want to put this as an honorary spot and let everyone know that my old pinned post was a quote from radio silence and that Aled last is me and I am him and the February Friday plot line is actually me and it makes me sick how much I resonate with that book
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
Honestly. thinking back on it (am mega late yes) even though i like. ultimately enjoyed going thru fontaine AQ as an experience in terms of its emotional core and payoff with characters like navia neuvillette n furina having very strong writing and characterization i do think the overall AQ lore and worldbuilding is probably the messiest in the entire game and feels like all of its opportunities and potential was underutilized the most and thats just. Unfortunate
like yes its inazuma thats the most infamous for how shitty and rushed its execution was (and rightly so) and yes it Also had its share of issues with nothingburgers like the whole statue thing going nowhere or how shoddily constructed the entire it-was-all-the-fatui deal was
but i still think it has a stronger ground to stand on like. all aspects of the story if just slightly differently written and centered around better in-lore reasoning and logic. Are internally consistent with the world ya know. and would have produced a good story. like it could be fixed easily. no need for me to go Full Rewrite here but like just to make a point:
a shut-in deity paranoid and trauma-stricken is ignorant to her peoples wishes and enacts an eternal rule that stifles their hopes and dreams. discontentment in the nation (NOT just the vision holders it shouldve been ALL inazumans divided on this i s2g) has been on the rise but only outside forces stoking the flames push it into overdrive as they seek to exploit the unrest to get the gnosis. couldve brought the whole "peoples faith powers the archon" if they wanted to pop off bc then the fatui by sparking the civil war are Directly weakening eis power like Thats solid! less ei was innocent and only the fatui led to the bad stuff more. ei is flawed makes shit choices and leaves an opening for their operations etc etc etc.
foreshadow signoras past and distrust of the gods in like a tense encounter or two early on (ritou maybe?) where she hints at a deeper reason behind her actions. no need to trauma dump just have her like idk mock us for seeking the archons for "help" in finding our sibling slash truth of the world and coincidentally use wording that directly alludes to what we already heard from dainsleif earlier abt the cataclysm and archons sus so its like an Oh Shit. she can namedrop or allude to venti to imply its personal or sth to further recontextualize her actions in mondstadt as well.
and so on. like then fixing the rebellion (ppl join for other reasons than just the VHD so its a more common cause etc maybe some ppl dont care abt the decrees as much but the drafting of civilians into the ever expanding war effort goes too far) and stuff like that. inazuma had the ingredients for a consistent good story they just fumbled it completely
whereas fontaine tells like. a much stronger and more hype emotional core journey for its focal points as u go thru them but also it just. Genuinely falls apart if you poke at the setting and world for a bit too long its really just swiss cheese and that sucks
like as much as i Do love the narwhal in a very normal and sane way i still think story wise it absolutely goes into the signora tier of mishandled AQ boss fights except Even worse than hers bc. signora Fits inazuma even if she was handled poorly. but with the narwhal (and by extension childes entire presence as happy as i was to see him at all) its just... kinda random? and got pretty much brushed aside even during the AQ like we get the opera hall cutscene and then theres a THIRTY MINUTE cutscene with focalors before the actual fight happens like way to just. eliminate any urgency from the situation bruh. and then at the end both the narwhal and childe kinda just got plot deviced into hyping up skirk and surtalogis name drop. which rly fucking sucks. 99.7% of fandom never reads the AQ fight boss drop to consider the narwhals a sentient thinking feeling entity and not just a dumb big pet bc skirk called it that etc.
childe in general i dont think im necessarily like. as negative on the way he was handled as some ppl are (tho the general sentiments are 100% shared) but its still very much like. a disappointment w his lack of presence and voiced lines and in terms of how a lot of the intrigue set up in the AQ Especially the oratrice judgement just got shrugged off all "who knows 🤷‍♀️" like Are You Serious. and also p much using him as a neuvi hype device like . I saw it i knew ppl were going to be insufferable abt it & was right
i also saw a comment talking abt how childe Being the purple guy inside the narwhal just corrupted or sth wouldve given him a more heightened presence during the boss fight and while im a hater of that concept for other reasons (mostly the. narwhal must have malicious designs for ajax thing) i cant disagree with that take in terms of the story aspect. like if the narwhal ate him when he fell back in (which i kinda? assume mustve happened lmao like where did he Go 😭😭) it Wouldve been a much greater moment for sth like that to be there.
But bc i personally dont like the Brainwashed Puppet Angle i think how id have done it is just. sure make the purple guy more reminiscent of ajax n his fight style maybe even FL . But. feature an actual fucking cutscene in the stomach of us realizing its Not Him. but instead its the Narwhal Emulating Him as a spectral summon thingy. bc it ate his dumb unconscious ass for safekeeping or w/e and is now copying his homework of "use a manifestation of the other as a combat technique" (v romantic btw. soulmates real). like DUDE we had childes earlier AQ appearance Actively Bring Up this EXACT thing! he uses a hydro construct mimicking the narwhal as a combat technique bc of how their encounter rewired his brain chemistry. and now the narwhal needs to improv a more humanoid angle to combat in its stomach after it ate us. so like pov ur the narwhal whats the closest point of reference to draw from at that moment?
Oh Right. the guy ur been fighting for 40+ days . Your guy (derogatory) 💀 like they have a telepathic link who knows if it could just straight up cross reference Our combat moves from the flashes its getting from childes memories of seeing us in action and utilizing that.
like it wouldve been so sick and still left the nature of their connection relatively open ended. like it ate him skirk would be separating them at the end and maybe comment on it a bit and his whereabouts during the entire thing wouldve been Way Less confusing. The knight dude being a mimic of ajax' battle technique would thematically connect to the golden house fight and his hydro whale technique and its just. the current electro dude is just so Huh. like its a good jumpscare and i love the OST obviously but it getting No Lore NOR cutscene sucks so bad
(And like if they wanted the combat design to be so that theres no cutscene interrupting the transition between being swallowed and entering the stomach phase just make it an AQ exclusive one. and if we cant have traveler talk and logistics of bringing paimon/neuvi to make the shocked observation of "is that.... him? no... its just an imitation???" or w/e . Just have us FLASH BACK to childes own fucking dialogue as the phantom him is summoned to face us where he mentions 1) traces of the narwhal on him and 2) the basis behind his hydro summon technique. so traveler can have a silent !!!!!! Realization that he got ate or whatever and now his narwhal is stealing his ideas jsjskdksirigkf)
Anyway i swear this wasnt just abt those two im so sorry . but like yeah its just a fucking shame and also the narwhal being just like . Means to an End in the prophecy feels kinda meh but like i dont have a solid idea on how that would even rly be fixed but yeah. underutilized my both beloveds
Back to fontaine general stuff tho i kinda do think that . hoyo almost missed the trees for the forest w it all if u will excuse the mid metaphor . like they told a very strong emotional story w neuvi and furina and navia But it came at the cost of a highly illogical lore and worldbuilding and its just An Issue if u dwell on it even a little bit and its rly a shame
like they were going for this justice theme of maybe AI justicebot is not The Way (TM) and people viewing court as a spectacle rather than a show of justice but then went never fucking where with it in terms of Maybe This Needs Changing . they made that entire champion duelists a thing despite it being So fucking stupid fundamentally like it just relies on nobody with enough raw power to just solo any duelist ever getting into the ring
(no credit for this tho this was a comment thread i ran into on leaks sub. there was also a point made abt how childe dueling and winning against clorinde when hes accused wouldve been such a great moment of like both showcasing clorindes role and linking to their earlier sparring and holding back thing and also that maybe the system sucks when this is possible and while i get the story needed him in jail so he can reunite w his narwhal . im now mad this didnt happen. give him a W in combat hoyo.)
like theres this entire thing about flawed justice in fontaine that is present in the 4.0 story but then it just...... Disappears. Bc AI justicebot was anti celestia archon deleter all along and it finished its job so its no longer a fundamental ethical issue for the legal system and fontaines ppl to grapple with and confront shit like childes sentencing. And furina wanted dramatic trials bc of what she was told by focalors but since she retires its now just neuvillette whos super fair so everything is fixed .
im not as big of a hater of act III as some but like thinking abt these things further makes me like it less and less like Yes they wanted this meropide vs regular fontaine dichotomy explored and all but thinking of it is just. i wonder how worthwhile the opportunity cost was in there (i have no correct answer btw)
bc . if you keep the childe jailed bc justice AI bot. they shouldve shown the people responding to it . bc that entire highly controversial judgement is Literally accompanied by the solving of the serial disappearances case AFTER multiple ""culprits"" had already been imprisoned for it which i actually forgot (thanks same reddit comment for reminding me) like Whats with those people then????? and just. Everything to do with the entire case including childes deal shouldve been a much bigger social upheaval anyway like ik stuff like furinas SQ shows ppl personally affected in the aftermath but i mean in bigger scale.
And Then if we like run a bit with this alternate hypothetical idea of childe no diffing the court system (clorinde im sure youre powerful but like i put more faith in those ruin guards that lasted 4s against FL than u girl) so hes simultaneously kind of a criminal let off scot free but also its so stupid to think a guy thats like 25 at most is involved in a 20yr old solved case it couldve been actual source of political discord. and like if you need to get him to the narwhal for plot reasons its Rly Not That Hard theyre obsessed with each other bro gets pinged a whale call once and its like yes honey we jailbreak for reunion tonight (hes going to throw hands Immediately bc hes the toxic battle maniac one). also yes ik they wrote it weird so technically ajax cant duel after the oratrice decides hes involved which is major intrigue point (that canon wasted but oh well) but like. they couldve written differently idc. he couldve even gone off investigating why AI bot considers him guilty on his own and then jeepers!! speedrun glitchless any% spawned into the primordial sea!! hes missing! but like this isnt a well articulated idea whatsoever lmao im just winging some shit
meropides existence in general was also just weird. again i enjoyed the character writing it enabled for wrio and the HotH trio and despite disliking childe just being MIA i do like how the storytelling around his escape expands on his social intelligence and street smarts still. but as an entity the fortress is just sorta there as a system that Obviously shouldnt be Like this when its literally the other side of the coin to fontaines Already dubious legal system but then they went the whole. its a gathering place for exiles (still a prison)!! a home for those alienated by the surface world after so long (so why KEEP them in there that long)!!!! protectors of egerias secret (okay Sure. but whats the need post prophecy then)!!!! And its like. okay im not about to uhh. overstep my understanding of the risk a chinese company limited by often nebulous and inconsistent censorship would take if they went for a full on prison reform/abolishing angle w the writing like i dont think that was in the cards. But it still means meropide as a system just falls apart if u think abt its existence critically At All and its hard to say whether fontaines writing omitting sth like it entirely wouldve ultimately been better for the overall focus of the story anyway. but yeah
and its just. im sure theres even more that i havent even noted here (logistics of nobody drowning in the flood & rest of teyvat being unaffected etc etc) bc this is just a rant ramble not a coherent analysis but my point in all of this is that the abundance of issues like these just kinda add up so that by the end its kinda like fontaines simultaneously the AQ that id say has the highest highs in terms of its best moments and strongest emotional beats and how much heart it carries . Like im not taking that away from it.
but its also the AQ with like genuinely the messiest fucking groundwork in lore and larger worldbuilding implications whose aftermath leaves the most plot threads barely explored or just discarded altogether by the end and its just?? Such a weird mess like i very much enjoyed it despite the problems and for me it still overtakes sumeru in many aspects but i cant pretend those problems arent there . like consistency of writing and lore accounted for sumeru is still the best AQ
(oh also. the fact that to my knowledge no fucking fontaine NPC Ever reacts to the events throughout the AQ is fucking insane. like other nations could get away w sth like that better but. THE ENTIRE NATION FLOODED. How the fuck arent they talking. ppl in meropide post act IV abt the close call. ppl who saw the narwhal in the opera house in V. Like . HUH???)
but yeah its . A weird situation w fontaines writing as a whole . & yes im giga late to the discussion HSJSJSKSI but oh well thats my brain for ya
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tacagen · 1 year
Healthy Eobarry AU
(yes its just called that. no there is no actual romance, the word eobarry is here only so i dont have to write 'barry and eobard' all the time im talking about them. some things are very close to that tho but thats just the way it always is with thawne.)
the core idea: eobard is still a flash fan from the 25th century with a huge crush but he never wanted to be a hero like barry. he always wanted to go back in time and become flash's archnemesis instead, so there is no rejection abandonment and disappointment drama at all. not a single trace of canon hatred, thawne just wants to have some good time with his favorite hero in a weird way. barry, on the other hand, has no idea what the fuck is even going on. the vibe is most reminiscent of silver age eobarry. their dynamic:
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ALSO their dynamic: this jla short
the lore:
they first meet in 21st century. eobard just finds barry, comes up to him like 'omg hi flash!! im your fan from the future and i just synthesized myself the speedforce connection to go back in time and meet you irl :)', waits exactly until barry believes and starts marveling at that fact, goes 'BUT THERE'S ALSO THIS LITTLE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW :)))) youre probably wondering why these colors. well, i call myself the reverse-flash and actually im here to cause problems for you on purpose. NOW CATCH ME IF YOU CAN :D', runs off to break the brakes of a bus carrying children or something like that while barry stands for a few seconds like 'huh. reverse? where are you going?'
right after barry, utterly confused and shocked, averts the situation thawne caused, he goes 'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT?? DIDNT YOU JUST SAY YOU WERE MY FAN??' which thawne answers with 'wow. you really thought i was one of these boring "my favourite person of all time inspired me to become a hero like them" rip-offs with no imagination, didnt you? tsk tsk, i am so disappointed'
secrecy of their identities to each other isnt a thing since the very first fight. 'by the way, my name is eobard thawne! and i know you're barry allen, i actually know most of the 21st century heroes' identities but i promise you can trust me with that!'. indeed, he doesnt reveal this to anyone or threaten to do so but trust isnt exactly the right word either as thawne fucking loves visiting barry while they're both in their civil clothes at times + itwasmebarry still becomes a thing (elaborated on further below).
thawne is faster than barry here from the very beginning on pure theory and little to no speedster experience but only because barry just desperatly tries to process all the information he recieves from thawne every time they fight along with handling whatever endangering civilians shit eo does and he isnt doing well. at all. like, it does require a lot of hard effort not to lose your mind while constantly being hit with stuff like 'OOOHH DID I MENTION THAT I WORK AS THE CURATOR OF THE FLASH MUSEUM IN THE 25TH CENTURY?!? BTW WE STUDY YOUR HISTORY IN SCHOOL IN COMICS FORM, ISNT THAT AMAZING?!!'
thawne never shuts up. thawne genuinely enjoys the whole thing and admires barry an impossible amount and he's always fascinated by every aspect of the speed force, especially seeing and using it in action. thawne never acts like a normal villain as in 'commit crime->run away/fight the hero/watch the chaos'. he does something that endangeres people's lives (ALWAYS in front of barry because that is the whole point) then runs alongside barry as he saves everyone, never initiating the fight and ENDLESSLY commenting on everything barry does with consideration of flash facts, speed force and other physics stuff and even barry's personal background. it always goes like 'must do this and this to get everyone to safety!-' and thawne, instantly from somwhere behind barry's left shoulder: 'YES you DO, because this this and this and of course you could try that but-' and it goes on for 5 minutes on superspeed at the very least. from a non-speedster perspective, it looks like two blurs with lightnings, red and yellow, are saving people and going with some kind of weird squeaking high-pitched sound, which is never there if there is only flash around.
by the way, the rule that it is Very important for thawne to touch barry at any given chance and prolong it by going faster than him is still present. the same goes for becoming a speedster partially to have an opportunity to get away from 25th century and its mildly or not so dystopian shit and boringness. doesnt really realize the first part tho, sometimes casually drops some crazy ass facts about his future as something totally normal (like that one good-bad detection chair from silver age that gets a cameo in rs) and gets confused when the reaction is something like '.....i am so sorry.'
THE SAME ALSO GOES FOR 'IT WAS ME BARRY', its just way more lighthearted and has the purpose only of annoying and messing with barry through slight inconveniences in his life and it is a whole another part of their enemyship outside of the usual tag games. examples: 1. barry in his lab, extremely tired and almost exhausted, stumbles on air, says 'dammit eobard, this again??'. thawne unphases nearby with an offended look, goes 'HEY. THAT WASNT ME.', demonstratively pushes barry's mug with coffee off the table like a cat, 'now this was me, barry', grins and runs off before barry can do anything; 2. imagine thawne's excitement when he plays chess in iron heights, looks away, notices yellow lightnings with the corner of his eye and turns to the board again only to find that his queen is gone. the very next encounter starts with thawne running around barry in circles like 'it was you. it was you. IT WAS YOU! ITWASYOUWASNTIT!!'
this thawne is incapable of murdering anyone close to barry or ever hurt him at all. the best he can do is threaten anyone's life in barry's sight (and he knows barry will save everyone. more, he never arranges the events with the chance of barry not being fast enough to save every single life threatened so it isnt a big deal) because in other case he just wont come out to play with him :( ((i dont think thawne's generally capable of murder here? he feels too silly for that to me))
following important things: 1. barry obviously never killed thawne because he never did anything that extreme. 2. nora allen is alive and well and probably met thawne personally. he visits her in his civil clothes and acts in the nicest way possible, barry hears about the mysterious friend from work he never mentioned later and chokes on tea as nora recalls 'what did he say his name was? edward taurine?' 3. BARRY'S DOG IS STILL DEAD THO but it actually was an accident. he still blames himself for not shutting the back door that day in the way he blames himself for the not emotional enough postcard for his grandma in dc superhero girls. (see also: this vid but its about the dog instead of nora) ((ALSO thawne is most likely actively empathetic about it because he cant stand seeing barry sad or hurt. unfortunately he is also actively neurodivergent so that turns out to be awkward))
they team up often but barry is never aware of that as it happens out of his control. thawne has every single event that threatened barry marked in his calendar and an alarm set for it and he just shows up there like 'fuck you, this is MY archnemesis/idol/inspiration and nobody is going to fucking hurt him'
barry is generally always in the state of confusion when it comes to thawne. he doesnt understand what's going on like 80% of the time. as thawne never gets any clearer to him, barry just accepts that this, at some point, is now a part of his life.
instead of love letters, thawne writes and sends barry personally discovered speed force equations like 'look!! this is how it all works there!!' and occasionally mentions other science things discovered after 21st century. barry reads all that, understands and sometimes uses those against thawne who is completely delighted by that.
one day thawne manages to lock barry up in anti-meta cell and spends the following 3 hours on MATHEMATICALLY PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF THE SPEEDFORCE TO HIM STEP BY STEP, reciting his dissertation verbatim which was written in the context of no one knowing and caring about the concept.
thawne participates in the legion of doom and other supercriminal associations out of 'is flash gonna be there?? whatever youre planning im in, just leave him to me and me alone'. probably doesnt even listen to the scheme details and learns about it directly from barry in the final fight when he asks him 'eobard?? what?? the?? fuck?? why are you participating in something that's ultimate goal is DESTROYING THE FUTURE??'. (or others just stopped telling him the details, OR he doesnt listen on purpose after that one time he edited the whole plan like 'oh cmon do you actually think you could succeed with THIS?? let me show you how its actually done' only for them to lose epically. whats worse is that thawne saw it as something obvious. 'wait you really thought it would work?? cmon the whole point of being a supervillain is that the good guys always stop you no matter what you come up with.' they naturally never let him speak on the plans again which he responded with 'WHATEVER. YOU DO YOU IG. NOT GONNA INTERFERE AGAIN :/') unironically protects barry in group fights if any other villain is trying to aid him against the flash and attacks his own allies for that (barry once uses that to his advantage to take out the whole legion one by one lmfao. thawne genuinely doesnt notice that he is the only one standing until barry mentions it. he takes a moment to look around and that's when barry takes him out, too). as you can figure, he doesnt get invited into villain associations often, and if he does its usually the last resort bc he is a Genius Even By Future's Standards and therefore one of the most competent scientists out there.
nobody wants to sit at the same table with thawne in iron heights or interact at all because he instantly starts infodumping about the flash and their relationship. you accidentally get closer than like 2m to him and after a few seconds he just goes 'me and flash are best enemies, you know? we even always wear matching suits, oh and did you know-'
thawne gets mad if you compare his suit with kid flash because his suit has a Deep Idea and acktually he got to 21st century before wally was also struck by lightning and therefore was here first (yep, he did that on purpose and it gets revealed the very same moment he mentions it)
speaking of kid flash. thawne argues with him at any given chance because fighting a literal child on who is the biggest flash fan is something he would do on a daily basis. it just feels right (and it shouldve happened in canon at this point at least once. fucking Come On dc. almost 60 years of thawne's existence and for what!!). his points are that: he is the flash's Equal (even in height. thawne is very fucking proud of that fact) and not a pathetic sidekick; he got powers after years of hard scientific work and not by coming to barry's lab at the right moment; he is an Expert, a Professor, a Curator of the flash museum and knows everything about flashes, including the things they dont know themselves yet (he accidentally reveals that wally is also gonna be the flash but is quick to claim that he was the slowest and dumbest of them all and actually fuck you ima erase that from the timeline later), 'therefore l + ratio + IM his biggest fan and there is nothing you can do about it' 'lmaoooo who the heck taught you these words?? dude you sound so cringe. like do you even know what ratio means??' '*thinking it's just a figure of speech from 21st century literature classics or something like that for his whole life* well i- h- wh- DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT.' wally doesnt care at all and just trolls him, harshly at times. he doesnt take thawne even a little bit seriously, which eo tragically doesnt realize.
thawne's comedically jealous of barry to iris between the lines and is completely unaware of that. the same thing going on with the rogues about emenyship with barry but that one is direct and on purpose. probably fucking jumps in their fights with flash like 'hi i just took out cap cold for you no need to thank me <3 now, can WE dance?? :|' every now and then. probably it gets super awkward when they inevitably end up in iron heights together that same day. honestly i think every supervillain who met thawne wants to kill him at this point. he's extremely annoying, both on purpose and not
thawne finds and starts nitpicking the first curators and architects of the flash museum in 21st century from the very project stage like 'NO it should stand THE OTHER WAY everyone shut up im from the future i Know Better'. it continues right until barry comes to pick him up and apologise for the inconvenience. 'eobard, i know this place means... a lot to you but please let history run its course. i mean, arent you risking your whole existence by trying to make these changes?' 'BUT THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG >:('
CANONICALLY ALMOST DROWNS 3M AWAY FROM A BRIDGE WHILE TRYING TO RUN ON WATER WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO DO THAT YET OR AT LEAST HOW TO SWIM. every time barry mentions that incident thawne blushes like hell out of shame. imagine being saved from the lake by your crush/nemesis/everything who is actually Worried that you almost drowned out of your own stupidity which kind of covers the cringefail at first so youre enjoying the Moment but then you hear 'why did you even decide to run across the lake, there was a bridge nearby?'. thawne BEGS barry not to tell anyone (and especially wally). that probably was the first time thawne actually stayed in iron heights for longer than half an hour without getting out the very second everyone looks away on barry's condition of secrecy. now, the funniest part? if thawne hadnt shown that it was cringe even to him, barry wouldnt even say a single thing any further. to him it was a usual impossible to grasp shit thawne does every single encounter.
thawne considers heroes and their morals objectively dumb but his thoughts on barry having the same mindset are 'god he is SO adorably naive. so pure. so innocent. havent done anything wrong in his life. sweetest cinnamon roll of all times'. occasionally tells him that out loud because he has no fucking shame except when it comes to the lake incident
his own set of morals is just 'be gay do crime' where be gay stands for teaming up with barry on practically everything that isnt their one on one fights.
following: other villains are dumb to him as well. sometimes complains to barry about how nobody Understands him and his superior taste in being a supervillain, especially in the legion. poor barry just tries to get some rest between work and superheroing and then thawne casually comes running out of fucking nowhere, lies down on his lap and starts venting about how barry is the only one that Gets him on superspeed.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Talk about how BK stans are wierd about Izu. But lets talk how Izu's abuse was deliberate on Hori's part (again, this is not "random guy pressing many buttoms" he sit down and wrote this shit) and how people, mostly BK's stans ignore in favor of fanon bkdk
Izu's dad is mia (In Japan some families use actors to pretend to be the kid dad's. Like wow ) and we dont even know his job.
Inko is a beglectful mom, thanks to how Hori wrote her. (For those reading, neglectful doesnt need to always be "she ignored how her kid is starving" Inko never bother to know her own son or do anything)
Why Izu accepts he is useless? Not victim blaming here but....this is smth I don't get why Izu nods and accept he is useless. "A lesson in hopeless" which could explain but...that would have to apply to others students who were abused by BK. And they seem fine.
(Also the lil shit Izu saved from Bk and turns against Izu later...why? I get kids can be assholes! But while the lil shit doesnt need to be Izu's bff...why try to please BK?)
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Both Bakugou stans and Hori (to a lesser extent) are horrible when it comes to Izuku, they both seem to treat Izuku as the cheerleader / supporting act to Bakugou.
Bakugou's /BkDk stans (mostly) tend to write what they wish to see - an asshole with a heart of gold who redeems himself and proves himself worthy of being Izuku's partner. While seemingly unknowingly writing him as abusive - screaming at his partner, still calling him a "Shitty Deku" but fondly or doing worse like causing Izuku to try and kill himself or dumping Izuku via text while Izuku is in hospital...
All the while Hori neglects Izuku and his family sidelining him for the Todoroki's (no hate to the Todofam) but...
Where's Midoriya Hisashi? If he's AFO you would think Hori would build up to this moment / give Izu deja vu when he sees AFO - anything? Or is Hisashi a random asshole civilian who upped and left his family or tragically died?
Why does Midoriya Inko act so neglectful yet worried? How Hori writes Inko is pretty poor honestly. In canon, she's not an evil, mean mum nor is she supermum like I've seen the most common fandom perceptions be - She's just there. A true background character. She's just stood there not doing anything while her quirkless son gets violently beaten up for ten years and does nothing. (She had to have had some idea what was going on, no four year old could hide being exploded.) Yet U.A post Kamino she threatens to pull Izu out - now Izu has a quirk, why this change in attitude now Izu has a quirk? Hori never shows her actively doing things for Izuku like a mother should; she cries and worries but thats all she does - while Izuku comforts her! At least other shonen parents have the excuse of being dead so therefore being unable to protect their kids...
Izuku seemingly accepting himself as useless... It began with the acceptance of the hero name 'Deku' to me it felt like someone, who had been bullied for their disability, making their hero name "Spaz" just because a new friend at UA called them once that - 'but in a nice way.' So that "makes it ok now!" When really it doesn't - certainly not like how MHA showed, in real life moments like reclaiming the insult (especially with a history attached like Izuku's does) has to take a lot of work. It felt like whiplash to have Izuku suddenly "be ok with it." And honestly... I don't think he is truly, he still thinks of himself as useless and thats reinforced by 1) everyone around him calling him "Deku" still - including Bakugou. Izuku's internal monologue even supports that he still thinks of himself as useless which is just SAD at this point. 2) Izuku rarely (if ever) getting any rightful praise. 3) Izuku getting shared blame for shit that is Bakugou's fault alone. House arrest should have been just Bakugou's punishment and Izu should have kicked his ass to the moon.
And for your final point, that is true that kid is a little asshole and you would think that in a school where most people are aspiring to be heroes there would be some (other than Izu) trying to stand up for people being bullied against Bakugou...
But at the same time it's realistic for a class to be afraid of the violent loud mouth bully who is strong and unafraid to throw a punch. Imagine that but throwing explosions, burns and explosive punches - yikes.
Either way, Bakugou's popularity should have tanked with his 'garbage personality' when he got into U.A but Hori wants to wank him off.
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luffysprincess · 22 days
Your games are always the highlight of my tumblr week ♡ Today I choose Alhaitham
I know you already know vaguely that me and Alhaitham don't know how we ended up together, let alone how we ended up with a child. We see for like 2 weeks every 2 months because of our undercover line of work. What you dont know yet though is that her name is Aurelia. It means Moon Jellyfish. I didn't know this, and just fell in love with the name. As basically a genius he did know this though, and hates the name jkashdjkahsdj. But I won, and now she has a pet Jellyfish that he caught her. He named it Channary, meaning moon girl. He did this to be a smartass but she loves it and is none the wiser.
We literally have no idea when we started dating, we just know that one day we were in love against our will.
Our daughter lives with his grandmother that gives him hell but absolutely loves me. She does hate that we won't just work regular jobs and be at home with the family though.
Our wedding was a small one, with a max of 30 people, just those closest to us. We planned it and were wed in less than 2 months but it looked so gorgeous it was as if i took 2 years. Kaveh still lived with us until our child was born. She was born about 3-4 years after we got married.
I think that's somehow more than 5 facts idk i was into it i'm sorry kajbsdjkashd Anyways, I cant wait to see this. I'm still completely OBSESSED with your k-drama you made me for my bday with Jackson Wang ♡
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⌱ TITLE: The Dagger of His Heart
⌱ GENRE: Historical Romance, Action, Adventure
⌱ PREDOMINANT TROPE(S): strangers to frenemies to lovers; almost arranged marriage but one of them ran away
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As word spreads across the Kingdom of Ilm of a vigilante who goes by the name Ryder, Prince Alhaitham sends orders to capture “him” in hopes of easing civilian’s unrest. So when Ryder continues to evade each ploy to capture themself, Alhaitham gets restless and ventures out in the desert himself to find his target. But things take a turn when Ryder captures him instead. Even more so when the prince finds out Ryder’s true identity and the real reason she’s kidnapped him. Now he must decide if the notorious vigilante is to be trusted and learn who his true enemies are.
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In case it wasn’t clear, Ryder is thought to be a male by everyone. However, Alhaitham figures out very cleverly that she’s female the first time he sees her in person.
Ryder’s true identity is that of the runaway princess of the kingdom across the desert. It’s been three years since her disappearance. Alhaitham figured this out on his own as well, shortly after meeting her.
The reason why she ran away and is now capturing Alhaitham is bc she knows the corrupt secrets of both kingdoms and needs his help to end it all. Which he accepts.
Alhaitham is instantly impressed by Ryder the first time he heard any news of her. He was secretly rooting her persona on everytime news came of a vigilante raiding an army base etc etc.
Alhaitham and Ryder bicker a looooot. On their adventure, they are assumed a married couple multiple times bc of it.
First kiss happens in book 2, pg 286 when the two are running away from a deadly group and hide in an alleyway. The tight space and need to stay hidden pressures the prince to swoop down and kiss her. And then they kiss again and again…and again for a looong time.
Ryder’s true name is revealed to Alhaitham but it’s never written out in the book. The author chose for only Alhaitham to ever know her name. Not even readers are privy to this information.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
27th Street- Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
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Fluff, Barista! Reader, GN!Reader
It was a gloomy day in London. Gaz had just come back from his first mission with Price. It was exciting nonetheless. He couldn't go back to his flat, not yet at least. He needed energy, somewhere cozy just to pass time. It wasn't that he was afraid of being followed home, but he just needed to feel 'normal' again. The mission was hard, and he felt so out of his system, he wanted to feel like a civilian again. As he made way through the streets he found a new coffee shop. It was just right by his place anyways. So what's the harm in trying this, he thought.
It was a nice, warm shop. Inside books and some tables filled the place in. Three baristas worked this shift. He steps in, the sudden change in ambience startled him. And as he looked at the menu, you stood there. A kind smile on you, you waited as he looked through the menu. He sighed, finally giving up.
"a'right, so what do you recommend," he met your eyes. So kind and so sweet. "tough decision eh?" you giggle and look back at the menu then at him. "how about a...hm..you look like the kind to drink sweet, so...why don't I make a special one?" you look back at him, your smile still on. "why not." he reciprocated the smile. "alright so...it'll be a-"
"no..dont tell me.. I want it to be a surprise." he took his wallet out
"it'll be 4 quid...whats your name sir?"
"Kyle," he paid for the drink and sat at the near by table.
After some time, you walked up to him. "I call it the Kyle special." you handed it to him, the drink warm, the scent was mischievous. It smelled like a typical dark coffee, but when he tasted it, it was so sweet, not too sweet though. You waited for his reaction. "oh..my..I think I just found my favorite drink!". You grinned, proud of your work. "really? well thanks! the recipe is in your receipt, just incase." you winked and walked back to your station.
He walked back to the counter, " excuse me?" you turned around. "another one?" you asked, that same smile still on you. "Actually I was uh..I wanted to just say, that you are like very pretty. Too pretty to be honest." his cheeks gave away his own feelings. "well thank you, I have to say the same about you mister."
"is it okay if I ask..if maybe you'd like to go on a date with me? you can say no, just a thought after all" he was so nervous. And he had the right to be. It isn't everyday you find pretty people around the city.
"Of course, tell ya what, why don't you come back at around 11 and we can maybe go on a date then?" you wrote down your number and handed it to him.
And at exactly 10:59 he was outside, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. After you said your goodbyes to your co workers, his face lit up as you made way to him. "well if it isn't my new favorite customer."
He blushed at your comment.
After hours of walking around and talking nonsense, he walked you to your place. "Well this is it, see you tomorrow?" You were the nervous one now. His comments, the way he treated you so far, had you slowly trusting him. "you mean I can come back around?" gosh did his cheeky smile make you blush. "yes, i would like to see where this goes."
It's been a year, the best year of your life. You moved into his place like a week ago. You two met each others families. His mum adored you so much she started to ask him about when the church bells would ring. And the way he treated your parents, had you convinced this man was the one.
"Mr. (your last name), it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kyle." your dad was already impressed by such a small gesture. He was polite all night, making jokes with your dad. He even brought your youngest sister flowers. "wouldn't want your expectations to be low now do we?" she blushed so hard she pulled you aside and begged you to please let him come over more often.
Back at your shared flat, you two shared great memories. It was pure bliss. You two lived at 27th street. The most quietest little street in the city. It was there were you two kissed for the first time. Where he chased you in the summer with a water gun as passers watched you two run around. It happened to be the same street where you two laid on when you'd get drunk, or when it would rain. He'd hold your hand. By July, he carried a picture of you in his wallet. It was the same one he took in that street, the one where he was kissing you and you were smiling at the camera. His favorite memory. It was also the same night you told him you loved him.
Your eyes closed enjoying the rain, he wouldn't look at the dark sky, no, he looked at you, his darling, he smiled to himself. 27th street was the street where he knew he loved you and all your problems.
It was in that street where you two would argue the most in. "no Kyle, it is always the same thing. I want you, just you, and I get it, you have to save the world, every god damn time, but is it selfish to just want you around even when all else is shite?" " I have a job to do!". But it was also the same street where you two would cry in, hold each other and talk things out.
He was the one heartbreak you would be getting over your whole life. You swore you thought he was leading you on at times. One time you had the BIG argument. It was the hardest conversation with him so far. He left for another mission, and just minutes before he came back home, you left, packed your things and drove off. But then your phone buzzed, it was him. Soon you turned back on 27th street, you two sat on the roof talked about it all, the good and the bad. And as you two were now laying back in bed, the autumn air blew by, he held your hand. Squeezed it three times and kissed it.
Ever since, all else was the past. Just him and you against all. One night his team held a small get together, told him to invite the one he always talked about.
It was a Sunday after noon when he drove you both to his Captain's place. Everyone around was so..different...odd would've been a better word you thought. All from different parts of the world, wearing tattoos that spoke their own journeys. Soap ran to you. "if it isn't the lad/lass this one has been talking about." he greeted you, his hug was so..warm. "whats yer name again?"
"r/n, this one," soaps arm hung around Kyle's neck, "has been annoying the lieutenant about you, any chance he gets he is always mentioning you."
" 'oh yeah L.T., my r/n can do that, but better' " price mocked gaz
" 'C'mon L.T., even r/n would know better than that.' " Alejandro said
" 'R/n could probably fit through there, not you big one' " soap chuckled "he even told the L.T. how big he was and how you'd probably run faster than him, pissed him so much that gaz was on cleaning duty for a whole month."
"L.T. look, take a picture for my r/n!" the men all said at the same time, they all laughed.
The night went smoothly, you even met his lieutenant. You swore he hated you because of all the things Kyle would say, but he didn't.
After about 2 months since that night, you and him were walking by 27th street. He was a sweating mess. "Kyle?" you stopped in your tracks, his eyes full of tears. When you saw this your hands went to his face, your thumb caressing his delicate yet beautiful face. Last spring, you traced his features while he was sleeping, you memorized each scar. Every little detail of him. "whats wrong love?" But he couldn't speak. He wrote a whole speech. But now he was speechless.
"can I marry you?" his voice shaky. Your eyes opened wide, a single tear ran down your face, then a big smile fell upon your lips. "Yes! yes a million times...only if I can marry you!"
Once more, it was 27th street where you and him started a new journey together. The same street that gave you all you could ever want, the memories, the intimate moments where he'd share his stories as you two drank. The place where it all started.
'Cheers to 27th street.' Kyle raised his glass as he finished his toast. He played with the ring on your finger. You look at him, lifting your glass. Spouses for life.
"To 27th street." you said.
A/N: okay but to whoever asked for this...fucking thank you!
Is it sad that I cried because I would give my all top have this with him?yes but whatever
I feel like this wasn't exactly the request but lets ignore that
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copingchaos · 1 year
i'm a 100% for amplifying the palestinian voice and sharing what is actually going on on the ground. The focus should be on them.
We should all pray, donate and at least keep ourselves updated on the crimes that are comitted towards them.
Another thing we can do to show the extent of our solidarity, is to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal. I dont care about many of them these days but there still are some that are meaningful to me.
Well guess what?
"More than 700 leaders from the entertainment industry have signed an open letter released by the non-profit entertainment industry organization Creative Community For Peace in support of Israel. The open letter calls on the entertainment community to speak out forcefully against Hamas, to support Israel, to refrain from sharing misinformation about the war, and do whatever is in their power to urge the terrorist organization to return the innocent hostages to their families.". See for yourselves
Now you might think oh that sounds reasonable, to stand against hamas in support of isreal. But the WAR CRIMES isreal is currently comitting doesnt just affect hamas. Over 6000 bombs have been dropped on regular civilians in just 6 days. If that is not collective punishment (another war crime) then i dont know what is. Hospitals have been forced to shut down? Again, what about the regular folk? Over a thousand palestinian children have died this past week alone!
Isreal is comitting a genocide and what do (not all but a lot) people with influential platforms do?
They stand with the oppressor.
And for those who argue, this was only in reponse to the first attack of hamas a week ago. Well where is their voice NOW when palestinians are being etnically cleansed as we speak? They havent changed their tune.
And not surprisingly, they are the ones who post misinformation. Jamie lee curtis literally signed the letter, which explicitly mentions refraining from spreading misinformation about "the war". That woman posted an instagram picture in support of isreal, when the picture actually showed the suffering of palestinian kids. See the hypocrisy?
The names of the people who signed may surprise you. The likes of mark hamill, chris pine, jon bernthal.
I used to be on star wars stan twitter and it would make the community's entire day when mark hamill was active on twitter. I will never see him the same way and i shouldnt.
Anyway, once again this should NOT take away the focus on the injustice that is carried out on the people in palestine. In fact it should make you think about what's really important. Especially people in fandoms. It's time people stop mouth watering over idiots with platforms just because they are well-known.
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years
A Short but Sweet AckerSmut Preview...
heya RM lovelies so i very much wanted to get this out as a smutty xmas gift but that clearly didn't happen but better late than never no? Actually REALLY late, originally it was supposed to be for kinktober/smutober per @levi4mikasa's suggestion waaaaay back when (dont think i forgot 😘)
Its funny i always told myself id never write rivamika because theres no way in hell i could do justice to their characters but then i was like eff it- when it comes to pure smut, we ball!!!
So this is just a preview but the set up that i havent written yet is Levi and Mikasa had a heated argument at a military fundraising ball right before Marley Arc, he says something intentionally to really piss her off (naturally, its his kink) and shes ends up propositioning him; hellbent on revenge. Hilarity (and smut) ensues 😁
Her deceptively delicate hands were on his belt buckle, her right thumb sensually tracing the notched prong back and forth.
“Are you sure you want this, Captain?”  Mikasa asked lowly, peering up at him underneath her long, dark lashes.   
“Don’t call me that.”  His reply was a bit more gruff than he had intended, having gotten far too comfortable with barking orders at soldiers and civilians alike. He cleared his throat.
“Not here.  Not when we’re…like this.”  He finished, softening his tone.
Mikasa couldn’t help but scowl up at him.  “Then what the hell am I supposed to call you, sir? 
The irritation across her face instantly gave way to shock, her eyebrows scraping her hairline at his startling reaction.   For that cool, unyielding facade that was his handsome face fractured for a split second, revealing a flicker of something she would never thought possible for the stalwart captain: uncertainty, doubt.  Maybe even fear?  
She struggled to place it as she composed herself; quite a feat with the way his eyes now seem to be boring into her. As with his face, she caught a fleeting glimpse beyond that hard gaze; a flash of explosive heat that suddenly ignited, and while he had shut it away as quickly as it came, she could still feel the residue heat from it.  Although it was somewhat unsettling coming from someone as stoic as Levi, she’d be lying to herself to say it was wholly unwelcomed.
After an uneasy pause, he finally found his voice.
“Call me by my name…Mikasa.”
Her eyebrows betray her once again.   The casual yet profound intimacy of her name passing through his typically stiff but now softened lips, along with the way his eyes searched hers almost desperately did something to her; but she wasn’t quite sure what. 
Then she felt it, a flutter in her stomach, a warming yet pleasing sensation that slowly bloomed across her body. As she felt the soft heat crawl up towards her cheeks she tore her eyes away from his, focusing her attention back on the task at hand. 
“Fine.” She replied as bluntly as she could. “Are you sure you want this…Levi.”
Again, Levi hesitated before he spoke, or rather, whispered.  
“....Yes. I want this.”  Oh so very much.
It was Mikasa upon her knees, but the way he breathed out the simple, yet, loaded response had all the hallmarks of a prayer.  It was a sight to behold Levi so utterly vulnerable like this, but her Ackerman instincts wouldn’t allow her to ignore the opening; the much desired opportunity she had been hoping for.   
“...I’m glad to hear you say that,” she murmured as she began to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his trousers. 
Levi watched with such intense focus that the scene before him seemed to unfold in slow motion; memorizing every movement as she methodically undressed him, the grace and deftness of her fingers.   Deep down he wanted to relish this moment as much as possible, spurred on by the very rare occasion of not having to look up to take in the magnificence of her.  
As with his countenance, Mikasa peeled away the barrier before her, exposing his stark-white undergarments to full view.  Her elegant hands came to rest on his hips, pulling them slightly forward towards her as her grip upon them tightened.  Levi stilled himself with bated breath.  
This was it.  There was no going back.  And if he was being entirely honest, he was damn certain he didn’t want to.  In his reverie he was quite understandably distracted, his normally sharp instincts dulled.  
And with that, ladies and gentlemen, marked the downfall of Levi Ackerman. 
He nearly missed the small smirk tug at her parted lips but it was too late; Levi could only hopelessly watch as she suddenly reared her head back and smashed her forehead with the unmistakable strength of a woman worth a hundred soldiers against his woefully exposed groin. 
Levi saw stars, galaxies, f*cking aliens as he doubled over in sheer agony, a white scorching pain searing across his veins throughout his body; blinding him briefly. Once again his Ackerman instincts were stifled, unable to counter the continued onslaught as his vision returned to him only to see her slender yet deadly fist rocketing directly towards his face. 
There was no prospect of defensive maneuvering as she executed a devastating haymaker uppercut, her fist making contact square in the nose, lifting his entire body off his feet into the air and sending him sailing (and flailing) across his office.  
In a different circumstance he would have admired the elegance of her form- from the telegraphed windup as she shifted her weight and rotated her torso back, the fluidity of the follow through as her right arm glided across the air in a perfect arc, and the pinpoint accuracy of her fist as it locked on the bullseye that unfortunately happened to be his nose.  But alas, this was decidedly not that circumstance- the result of which had him crashing down heavily on his ass, one hand painfully clutching his abdomen with the other cradling his bleeding and possibly broken nose. 
His senses finally returned to him upon impact, the shock of it all finally giving way to fury.  
Levi was cut short when a pair of heavy boots landed dangerously close on either side of his head.  He looked up to find Mikasa leering down at him with a particularly devious smirk.  
“Oh, I'm going to break much more than your f*cking nose- Levi.”
She reached under her military skirt and tore off her panties in one fluid yank, tossing them aside before pouncing down to her knees to straddle his face. She fisted his hair roughly, yanking it flush to the ground as he gasped in both pain (and embarrassingly, delight), the other tearing his hand off nose and pinning it above his head.
“Now let's put that filthy mouth of yours to good use for once.”
Both Levi’s eyes and mouth widened, but before he could get out any retort Mikasa recklessly smashed her groin directly onto his face, joining his lips with her own (of a sort); grunting her satisfaction as she finally put him in his place- an inglorious place, yet a place, quite frankly, where he seemed right at home.
yah not me indulging myself to the max of my fav kinks (femdom, explicit consent and the loaded intimacy of using personal names) teehee
Anyway thats all i managed to get so far, honestly dont know when i'll finish (if ever, life getting the best of me at the moment) but the jist is ‘something something Mikasa beats the sh*it outta Levi, she rides his freaking face off and he basically thanks her and asks for seconds’ 😁
@warbarbie @magicalanchordestiny @chaosisbeauty23 @levi4mikasa much love and appreciation for the encouragement!! this is for you <3<3
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spidey-bie · 1 year
spidersona infodump!!!!!
name: ??? alias: peacock spider
age: ???
gen lore: -was bit by radioactive peacock spider -spider expermented on by alchemex; girlie was working for them at the time; someone didnt follow lab procedure; spider got out and bit him -left alchemex for another science place -a plot is ending alchemex as a corp + getting rid of the corrupt higher ups -before getting bit didnt rlly know abt the corruption + bad things going on at alchemex -after being bit, starts investigating the corp and finds out bunch of evil shit -b plot is activism and socia justice -joins protests as both spidey and civilian self -as spidey helps deal w larger problems w/ their society like taking out corrupt ppl and politicians -as civilian helps deliver food, provide transport, get resources for ppl in need, + more subtle political changes that need to happen
specific story: -is dating this universe's deadpool -dp is his "mj" except they dont break up bc they understand the spidey thing
alchemex lore: -alchemex is vv corrupt -owned by this univerese's kingpin -funded by the osborns
changes from bite: -produces web from spinerettes on wrist (wears braelets to conceal/protet them when out as civilian) -sticky bc of small hair everywhere -developed chelicerae in jaw; can open mouth normally OR can open all the way w/ chelicerae -chelicerae attach at chin and come up from cheek, sit in front of mouth -affects normal eating, wears mask in public bc of visibility -produces venom; bites causes fever, visual hallucination, and extreme anxiety/fear -visual hallucination changes colors of world to look like pattern of a peacock spider (like overlay layer effect in photoshop) -colors reflect the ones on his spidey suit -wears off in like 2~ hours, leaves no permanent aftereffects -super strength obvi, can lift like 2 tons or summ (idkk) -rlly spidery in general now ig?? -enhanced senses + spider sense -HATES mint bc it repels spiders (by proxy dreads christmas season) -gets urges to weave things/webs and makes blakets bc of this (donates the blankets) -can't get sick from raw meat anymore get urges to eat it if rlly hungry (still prefers cooked food bc of spices + flavors) -isn't affected by own venom -produces oil to keep from sticking to web (constantly washes hands/uses hand sanitizer bc of this; cant use fingerprint on phone) -uses webs as secondary security in apartment bc senses vibrations -can go weeks w/o food OR eats 4-5 times a day
You have to know that we have to set up that appointment for me to eat your brain kind sir. I'm also definitely stealing some of these. (Especially that venom thing. I was sitting here stumped for days on how my girl's venom affected other people 😭)
My girl and your guy would be like this 🤞🏽. They are both taking down their worlds Alchemax. My girl is just doing it by working from the inside. (And if I'd just sit down and finish writing this post everyone would know her story 🥹)
Love how you have a specific spider too. I just based mine on tarantulas in general because of a hyperfixation I had in my youth (my friend got one and I wanted one so badly but my parents said no 😞)
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cleromancy · 11 months
actually. still thinking about the stuff i mentioned in this post about like. people getting disproportionately mad at jason for mia compared to. like. any other supervillain that is *absolutely* also supposed to be somewhat sympathetic. like, thinking of two-face here in robin: year one (the dixon/beatty version).
because harveys role in the plot is adjacent to what Jason's is. he poses a clear danger to robin that makes the guardian/mentor reconsider the wisdom of having a kid sidekick at all. jason's actually there to make mia think about it, moreso than ollie, but their role as the antagonist of the story raises similar questions.
and i get that with comics in particular, your emotional reaction to what you read will always be influenced by what you see the fandom doing, and you do have... like im fairly sure the harv apologists are just like "i dont care who he hurt he looked good doing it" (and tbeyre so valid for that). and by comparison the jason legion, for we are many, are this whole scatterplot range of--some people only like him as a villain/think hes "unredeemable" (🙄), and some people want every bad thing hes ever done to be whooshed away by "pit madness" (🙄), and some people who. i have no ill will towards them but theyre fans of the new guy, the prime earth guy, and thats just a different character from my guy to the point that hes not even really relevant to ga 69-72 when we talk about it-- but nevertheless theyre in the same fandom, and the guy they like has the same name. so that can color peoples interpretations of whats on the page jf, for example, any of those factions really grates their cheese.
anyway. all that aside i do still feel like people get very angry at jason for being the antagonist--being a supervillain, even--maybe because he's so sympathetic by comparison in under the red hood/lost days (or i guess stuff the new guy's been in, if thats more your speed). like why did he terrorize mia! why did he scare her and beat her up!
and while i think the answer to that, from a character motivation perspective, is so obvious as to be. fucking asinine to need it spelled out-- the real answer is because as the storys antagonist he is there to challenge the protagonist. and in this case the challenge is not only the physical fight, its also a challenge to the question of whether or not plucky teen sidekicks should still exist in a post-death in the family dcu, where the baddies are badder and anyone can die.
r:yo was never asking that *specific* question, so lets just set it aside. thank you for your help harvey.
jason is a much easier target for reader anger than ollie because well. jason is absolutely doing something *wrong,* and he knows it, but he also has a fucking point, *and he knows it.*
ga01 was ABSOLUTELY engaging with and exploring aspects of the kid/teen sidekick trope that we know and love--mia kills a man on her test run, and the responsibility for mia being in a position where she felt like she had to do that, and the resulting trauma, is placed squarely and correctly on ollies shoulders. mias origin story meant she was never safe in her fucking life until she moved in with ollie, and now she finds out its left her with something permanent and life-changing--shes HIV+. what is safety? what is childhood? what does she want out of life, faced with her own mortality? she wants to help people. she wants to be a hero. and the way this unfolds, in the context of the dcu and how it works, you can see why ollie says yes this time. (and im so so glad he did.)
and jason shows up 20ish issues later when shes good and established to be like, "hi. you sure about that?"
and this is a chicken or the egg kind of situation where jason would not have done this to a civilian. shes a superhero. shes in uniform. there is an inherent danger to doing that and while you know that--both you the reader and you, speedy, green arrows junior partner and teen titan--nobody demonstrates it like jason "trolley problem" todd, both as the first notable dead sidekick and an incredibly dangerous, incredibly *terrifying* person. one who is *hell-bent* on *proving* it to you.
and when i say chicken and egg i mean while jason's responsible for his own actions, Ollie is explicitly responsible for mia's safety. imo blowing up the school wasn't to scare mia--it was to scare ollie. jason took the stakes of what it means to be speedy, or to *have* a speedy, and made them concrete. and that takes the concept of a plucky teen sidekick and makes it uncomfortable again because, god, she's just a kid. should she really be fucking doing this? (should her guardian really be *letting* her do this?)
(and people forget this, or purposely ignore it, but jason cant be more than 2 years older than her in this continuity, using tim as a benchmark. and i say this not because i want to emphasize that he would see mia as a peer rather than a child--though he would--or to imply he wasnt responsible for his actions--he was. i say this bc what was he doing in the supervillainy, he should have been at the club)
what i was getting at was i think rather than allowing the concept to exist in that gray area it is so much easier, so much more comfortable, to instead just be like. Well jason shouldn't have done that. he could have done it a different way. if he never put her in danger she wouldn't have been in that danger that night. and yknow all of those things are true but they don't negate the point he was making (and he was also doing more than that yk but this post is already Long lol), which was that that uniform puts a target on her chest. are you prepared for what that means?
and the difference between jason doing this, and Harvey, aside from the relative annoyingness of the people who want to condemn or exonerate them, is that. jason is not just a supervillain. he is a victim of *exactly* this thorny question. and he became a supervillain directly in response to this. you can not separate his actions here from the part where he knows what the fuck hes talking about, because it happened to him. and to make that less thorny, less uncomfortable, the focus turns away from the point he was making back to. Well he shouldn't have done it like he did it. while also ignoring that...... he did it like he did it because he knew how it felt, what it meant, to be a hero. if he didn't do it like he did it, would it have gotten through to them at all? would we still be talking about it like 20 years later?
anyway jason did such a good job posing uncomfortable questions in the narrative 🥰 im so proud of him for all his hard work!
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noiselessbuck · 1 year
asking about the good version of the sequel trilogy that lives in your brain
ok so my favorite sw movie is the force awakens because it caused me to have such a great idea for the rest of the series which never happened but shhhh it did
the main idea is that you can, by letting finnpoe exist, parallel a bunch of stuff to the original series but also more fun than that so we have:
- first off more time on reys home planet (i read the whole lil companion book about her chilling there) i'm not immune to Nausacaä coded characters
- poe has his tv canon backstory as a pilot instead of changing it to be racist
rey and finn things:
- finn and rey are like hinted at as oo are they gonna be together
- finn does actually get to say and fully use his force sensitive powers
- he and rey have like force-spidie sense on each other
- around the time when they are saving the hurt and angry sandworm thing is where finn's force sensitivity powers and shown and shows a lot of their force connection
- at a time after saving said sandworm thing finn and rey like either are egged on by someone or do think the other has a crush (possibly a weird singular kiss) and then! they both go um no thanks not romantic. but also- you're my force soulmate and my best friend. and then they're in a force-QPR thereafter
- after this poe is all like very quickly relieved and happy for them
rose things:
- listen listen rose and finn are thee ultimate "attempt at being straight before we both realize we are not" thing
- still have the most awkward kiss ever
- rose gets a cool gf (i dont know side characters names)
- both rose and finn are concerned about telling the other it's not gonna work out and then are relieved
- then they're chilling friends and she gets to be in the third movie doing cool stuff
finnpoe things:
- finn poe co-captains jacket scene is more romantic
- after a big scary fight they kiss
- i really want there to be parallels specifically to "a kiss for good luck" to hint reyfinn and then also smth similar to leia and han's endor scene with finnpoe of like what i thought you liked her? no dude im her soulmate, you're who im in love with
aro rey vs kylo stuff:
- more rey roasting kylo for having his shirt off and shit
- kylo being all like there's something special between us please join my facism 🥺 and rey going nope i have a force soulmate you're a force pain in the ass
- zero reylo kissing
- they can team up for the last part with the force sharing lightsabers thing but it would only show that rey has turned him (ps the final fight sucks ass and would be different but not solid ideas what it would be)
other things:
- rey would only ever be related to random trader civilians none of this granddaughter bullshit because power via lineages is the patriarchy fuck that we need Just some guy who is a girl representation
- the scene where rey fights evil!rey would one, semi mirror luke fighting spectral darth vader and two
- like im sorry but you can reject the evil version of yourself and still take notes on saber construction
- leia would only almost die she's actually gonna die and also only have the death scene be whatever CGI stuff
- kylo would still kill han bc that shit was funny
- the cool girl who led a stormtrooper rebellion and rides space horses will NOT be related to lando because what the fuck. rey being lukes granddaughter is one thing but- 2/3 of the black character in this fucking Galaxy are related? fuck no. she would still be cool and get more scenes and maybe she can be rose's girlfriend
- leia has the force uses lightsabers more and her lightsaber should be pink specifically because when carrie fisher was asked what color it would be that's what she said
- kylo needs to be more stupid and more just anything that would stop people from thinking he's cool hot and edgy. ofc this is nigh impossible but just more things similar to the "kylo ren the middle schooler" twitter account
- more animals!! and more animal interactions like the ice foxes
- name the porgs something else🤦
- make all the bad guy ships more interesting looking instead of just- the same thing but larger, unLess that element is played up for comedic effect more
- the kid at the casino stables who gets a shot showing they can use the force is the black kid
that's everything i can think of right now yee ill rb with more if i think of it
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read7sai · 1 year
Come along, Cosmo sheldrake.
I've been humming this song while play Sky and also Spacing out;
So far i have thought of a pokemon crack fanfiction, similar to 'A misstep in time and space' but with Unova chosen Ingo and Amnesiac Kyruem.
I only thought of a Reunion part of the tale, where Kyruem bullied Hisui Legendarys into Teleporting them to Akari. But Akari is in the middle of being publicly interagated by Elesa or Almost interagated. As giratina pokes their head through a shadow, Civilians begin to panic/ Call their pokémon out. As they look around in a panicked motion they spot Akari getting fully out and Nodding toward her.
Acknowledging the legendary in front of her she givings a hopeful look gripping Ingo's hat between her fingers. Giving a dead palm expression before sighing at the disrespect they lower down to her Gaze and give a sigh blowing her hair wildly. "Oh by sinnoh- Giratina!" Yelping as she braces of the gust, Garchomp gives a warning growl looking seconds away from a Outrage.
Chatter grew loud as more people moved away from the scene still close enough to see. 3 trainers called out their pokemon to attack but were swiftly Knocked out.
'Make sure Warden Ingo and Kyruem dont cause anymore trouble for Sinnoh,' A Grumpy voice echoed inside akari's mind. She gripping her left ear in pain, yelping at the sudden Rumble in the mind.
"what?" Whispering as the words trailed downwards a rift cracks the sky disappearing barely ten seccond after. As the ground shook a massive dragon fall Screeching at the Sky.
Rushing over the Ice Rage filled Dragon, Rumbling the earth the high pitch roar died down with giratina's abrupt teleportation. Kyruem collapses to the Ground pawing at it's face, a Slow groan is echoed through the field coming from Kyruem's back.
Wide eyed Akari slowly steps towards the Dragon, "Ky?" Slowly becoming a sprint towards the laying dragon. "By Sinnoh! Uncle what the Distortion??" Coming to a pause patting the dragons head she calls out upwards.
'Ingo..?' Elesa gasps at the Legendary and mentioned name, before gaining a defensive posture. Thoughts begin to go wild in her head before being Flung into the Tracks as a familiar voice Grows.
"Ah..! It did work." Raising him self from the Judges Back, Be massages his Arm. "It did function as planned. And were near Akari are we not?"
A growl escapes Kyruem as it looks onto its back.
"Don't give me that. I Couldn't do Proper Safety protocols." Bonks It on the nose. " You were angry to so don't Commence these Railways."
Sighing Kyruem looks back towards Akari in resilient. Pleading from a Break from the Ancestor.
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steel-and-fire · 1 year
No mercy for the wicked.
I stare at my reflection in the water. I barely recongize my own face. Nothing has changed from my features, but my expression, i dont recongize it. Yet, it is most certainly me, kneeled down on the edge of the river, golden hair falling in the water, red eyes staring right back at me.
My hands are covered in it, my hair, my body. My armor...? The red flows with the stream, painting its clear color.
The memories return to me. Vivid, as they happened but a couple hours ago, or less. I found the broken wagon on the edge of the road. I found the corpses of the murdered men, the slaughtered animals. I saw trails of red and signs of dragging through the forest..
... I run in that direction, fueled by emotions darker than i knew i could feel. It took me a bit to find them, for their camp was deep enough into the woods. I didn't run in. I observed. I sunk into the shadows and moved around, my large form fading into the night, among the leaves and the tall grass... Just like when we hunted beasts... And now, it was monsters of a different kind i was hunting...
The raiders had set a nice little fort, with wooden fortifications, not too tall but easily dependable. They were around a dozen, drinking, eating, celebrating, laughing with their cruel voices. A couple were staying to the edges, watching out for danger, but they seemed to feel safe enough... They had numbers, a fortified camp, and good equipment. Even if ragtag, their armors and weapons were in good condition. They were much more than ordinary bandits, but i was new to the area, and hadn't learned the rumors, didnt know their names.
I didnt care either.
My eyes kept moving, and they finally saw what i was looking for. The women, the abducted, were thrown in a pile to the side. Cut apart, lifeless, clothless and disgraced. The raiders had their fun and they disposed of them... Only one was still alive, forced to... Entertain one of them to the side, who had taken a knife out and was stabbing her, laughing sadistically, immune to her screams and tears.
I didn't run in. I didnt make a heroic entrance. I didnt laugh. This wasn't a challenge, something fun to kill the time. Usually, i would save the civilians if i could, but i wouldn't exactly mourn for their loss either. Their lives isnt my business, im not that soft. Reality is cruel.. Right?
But not this time. This time, i felt immense, unapologetic, untamed, hatred. I felt it fuel me. I felt it overflow and consume me. I hated them. Even more than wanting to save the girl, i wanted to kill them all.
I saw her eyes. She was the first to notice. Even as she was bleeding, trying to defend herself from the stabs of the man on top of her, it was my shadow behind him that made her eyes widen in true terror.
Fear and terror are different. Fear is something you understand, something conscious. Terror is primal, instinctive.
The man on top of her stopped, confused, following her eyes, realizing my presence as my shadow loomed over him, dancing with the movements of the bonefires.
His eyes also widened in terror in that moment, but before he could open his jaw, his upper body was flying through the air, my axe having swang clearly through it, and landing headfirst into the campfire of the others.
It was the girl that screamed, top of her lungs. I dont blame her. Thinking back to it, it was a reasonable reaction. I ignored her stepped over her and towards the others, who were grabbing their weapons, getting reafy to defend themselves.
Thats right, not assault me. But to defend themsleves... Yessss...the terror in their eyes, i remember it so clearly. The fear... They reeked of blood... Of murder.. Of lives taken, cruelly, mercilessly...and now they were the prey, and they could feel the raw despair of being the weak ones...
I didnt laugh. I didn't say anything cocky. Not this time. I simply walked towards them, my axe already covered in gore. They spoke between themselves, they asked me something. I didn't hear it. I didnt care. The predator doesn't care about the prey's words, right?
One panicked and threw a javelin at me. A terrible throw, his hand shaking. I didnt even dodge it, it crashed against my chestplate, uselessly.
I gritted my teeth. My hatred was building by the second. The images of the poeple they killed. Of the ones they raped and murdered, playing in my head again and again.
I jumped!! In one motion i had left the ground and leaped at them! I roared in a primal cry as one readied her spear. My axe smashed it apart, and the other swing crushed the armor and the bones beneath. If she screamed, i didnt hear it. Only the sound of her broken body, as my axe cleaved through her meat, reached my ears.
The battle begun, if one could even call it that. They surrounded me. They attacked from all directions. Two of them just run away, abandoned the rest and run as fast as they could into the night, crying and shitted. Pathetic.
I had never fought so recklessly. So uncaring about my own well being. But its not like i could feel the pain. Their blades pierced my arms with great effort, yet i didnt feel it. I cleaved, and cleaved, and cleaved, and cleaved again.
They needed to die! To die! To die! Die! Die! Die! Die for your sins! Die for your cruelty!! Just die!!!
The camp was littered in blood and gore, pieces of once human spread all around. i stood above the last raider, my gaze cold as eyes, despite the bright red glow... and only then i could hear his voice. Trembling, his arms a shield over his face, he was begging.
"Please....please...ill never do it again... Dont kill me... Ill turn a new leaf...sob..please."
I looked upon him, and i thought of the vile acts he commited just today. In only one day, he had forfeited his soul, to gain what? Sadistic satisfaction, gold, and a sense of power. And now that it was taken away, he was trembling and begging for his life.
".... No mercy for the wicked." My words came out cold, and spiteful. Black like venom. He screamed one last time as my weapon seperated his stomach from the rest of his body. He tried to crawl away, his intestines dragging out, and two feet away, he left the last breath.
I spat at the ground.
I turned around, and walked between the blood and the fire, thw horrifying carnage, and to the girl. She was still bleeding, the cuts and stabs deep, and barely conscious. Yet what was keeping her conscious, was me. She stared at me like a monster from fairy tales. Curled up in a corner and shaking,unable to speak a word.
I reached for my belt , and threw a vial with red liquid at her feet.
"Drink it and you'll live. Try to live a decent life despite the scars.", was what i remember saying befote i left the sight, the black fire inside my heart satiated for now...
Yes, i remember it all clearly. And yet my expression hasnt changed. It's been like this for a few days now....
And i dont mind if at all. I no longer care. I am a weapon. A weapon to be aimed at the vile. At the monsters that prey on others, be it beast or human...
If that is the reality we live in, then i will hunt them down, ill become the nightmare they cant escape from. I will create rivers with their blood.
I sit up, and take my weapon, walking away from the water, wearing the same face i approached it with, wearing the same, red eyes. I stare at the moon in the night sky, linger for a moment, before i continue my path..
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