#werewolf headcannons
scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Flufftober Day 14: 20 questions
Male!Werewolf (Henry) x Fem!reader
Word Count: 8k (I didn’t mean to make it thing long I couldn’t stop myself) 
Warnings: I have no idea what type of job the reader has in this fic, it's like in romcoms where the girl has a corporate job but you have no idea what she does, (in case it wasn't obvious I have no idea how corporate jobs work, please don't take this seriously, it's just for fun) swearing, gross flirting co-workers, talk of werewolf mating seasons, a pubes joke, tension, spelling mistakes, girl boss in power, a lesbian couple (not a warning i just love them)
Summary: after getting to know your werewolf coworker through a series of ups and downs for weeks, you sit down and play 20 questions.
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You hated your supervisor.
You'd been working at your standard desk job for over 3 years, and yet this bumbling idiot took your promotion right out from under you after only 1 year of employment.
Now he was the head manager of the entire floor.
Great, another sexist pig in power.
Well, not a pig, more like a wolf. A werewolf to be exact. He's out and no one seemed to mind, he never showed his wolf form in the office and never did any "animal like" things that would make him seem off.
He acted like a normal man. But he was already being favorited because of his species.
After another boring meeting, you and your assistant Jess were eating lunch in your very small office.
It was big enough to hold one ikea desk, one swivel chair for you to sit in and two very uncomfortable upholstered chairs for your clients. There was also a cheap bookcase on the wall adjacent to your desk, and the windows on the back wall were big and wonderful, if only they weren't on the side of the building opposite of the sun.
You shoved another handful of fries into your mouth, rolling your eyes at Jess's comment.
"I agree with you," You mumbled around your food. She takes a large bite of her burger, hand coming up to cover her mouth as she spoke.
"Like, I've never seen him actually work, he just wanders around all the halls. I know he has an office but God knows what he's doing up there, it's certainly not all the hard shit we do," She shook her head.
"Amen to that," taking your napkin you wipe away the excess ketchup on your lip.
There was a knock at your door, seeing Olivia who worked in accounts.
"Guys," She excitedly came in, sitting next to Jess. "You're not gonna believe what I just overheard the others talking about,"
"Well go on!" Jess playfully hit her knee, offering her some of the spare fries in the container. She happily took some.
"You know how the current senior manager is going away to another company?" She licked the salt from her fingers getting excited. "Well, they're going to open up the promotion to all levels of the building!"
You and Jess gasp, hand covering your mouth.
"Meaning that-"
"We all have a shot at getting it!" Olivia excitedly finished, stomping her heeled feet on the carpeted ground. "But there's more, two people are getting promoted!"
"Holy shit," You smile, wiping your hands from the fast food grease.
"That would literally save my ass," Jess laughed. "I could finally pay off my car with that salary,"
All three of you laughed for a moment before Jess cleared her throat looking between you both.
"I hope there's no hard feelings if only one of us gets it," She states. You and Livia share a look, leaning back in your chair.
"There won't be, because we are above all those self obsessed men who throw tantrums when things don't go their way. If one of us gets that promotion, we will be happy in knowing that their will finally be a woman in power in this building," You smile at them, enjoying how Olivia's back straightened as you spoke.
You knew one of the men would get the promotion, but they'd be just dumb to ignore all three of you. With how they treated the employees in the building you knew while 2 positions were open, you three only had a chance at one spot.
You all laugh, Olivia checks her watch, grimacing as she stands adjusting her pencil skirt.
"I have to get back, my breaks almost over, I just really wanted to tell you guys,"
"No problems here," Jess smiles, reaching out and gently rubbing her arm.
"You are welcome anytime," You smile, waving as she closes the door behind her. "If anyone deserves a promotion it's Livia," You comment pointing a finger at the door.
"She literally solved the pay roll issue last year and kept the company from going bankrupt, how the hell is she only on level 3?" Jess shook her head, finishing her burger and crumbling up the wrapper.
"How the hell are any of us on level 3?" You ask, more as a rhetorical question, staring out the windows into the parking lot. "We should all be on level 5, or at least 4. Why haven't we just quit yet and started our own company?"
"Because we're all broke and there would only be 4 of us to start a giant company," Jess answered, smacking her lips, it's clear she's asked herself the same question and everytime gets disappointed by the answer.
"As frustrating as it is, I think it's strangely addicting," Jess adds on, crossing her legs, staring off into space. You sigh, finishing off your fries, glancing at her.
"What'd you mean? How is it addicting?"
"We love what we do, no question about that," She waves her hands about, leaning forward, as if it was some secret between you two. "But what if the struggle makes it...I don't know....fun almost? We work twice as hard and getting that reward is always that much sweeter because of it,"
You scoff, using your tounge to pick out food in your teeth. Seeing the bewildered look on her face, you smile at her.
"What?" She laughs, noticing you staring at her. "It makes sense, right?"
"It absolutely makes sense and it reminds me of how smart you are. I'm glad we work together,"
It was her turn to scoff, looking away and shaking her head.
'"Work together' yeah that's a fun way to put it. I work for you, not that it's bad, but my family isn't exactly jumping for joy when I tell them I'm just an assistant," Jess's face fell, this had always been the hardest part of both your jobs.
Wanting to be more, but being stuck with the label "assistant" and whenever someone hears that word you can see the respect leave their actions and words when they speak to Jess.
"Then well just have to fix that," Pushing your chair back, you stand, a determined glint in your eyes. "We're gonna work our asses off and get you that promotion,"
You and Jess stood at the printing machine, waiting for all your recent, and very annoying, reports to be done.
It was a small room, beige walls and a gross faded greenish gray carpet and cheap lights. It's more of a glorified broom closet.
You were facing the machine, making sure everything printed correctly. Jess was leaning against the table next to the machine, hands against the edge of the plastic, looking out to the door.
"I really think we could do it,"
"Make the copies?" You tease holding up half the stack of papers. "I agree,"
"No, the promotion," She turns to you, still leaning on the table, hearing a small groan in protest from the moving weight. "You are one of the best on this level and if you get promoted you're gonna need an assistant and I'm the only one who can do it so we're basically in this together,"
"I thought you didn't want to be an assistant anymore?" You ask, flipping through the copies in your hand.
She sighed. "Honestly, fuck what my family thinks, I'm happy in this company and if that means staying here as an assistant, then so be it," She was nodding aggressively to herself, trying to believe the words she was saying.
"How about," You slowly say, thinking of your words carefully. "We work together to build the other up, and regardless of who gets it, we will support and love them. And so long as one of us makes it, the other should too. Or at the very least try to get the other to be their assistant," You shrug with a small laugh, trying to not make the moment bittersweet.
"Being your assistant is better than anything else I've ever done, you treat me as your equal and not your employee," She rubbed her hands up and down her arms.
"Because you are," You force a hard tone, letting the words sink in. "You are my equal and without you I would've drowned in work years ago," You both shared a smile.
You both obviously want the promotion, but there will always be that little bit of guilt that the others can't be with you. They deserve it as much as you.
Jess opens her mouth to say more but stops, glancing out into the hallway from the open door.
"Hello, Ladies," It takes all your willpower to not gag or groan at the voice. Aiden, the second higher up to Henry. Assistant to the manager, an absolute asshole.
"Aiden," You say curtly, not looking away from the machine.
"Jessica, you're looking gorgeous as always," You could hear his disgusting tounge wet his lips. Even not looking you could tell he was eyeing her up.
"Funny, you said the exact same thing yesterday," she crossed her arms, openly glaring at him.
"Because it's true?" He laughs, coarse and rough, not at all a nice sound. "You are beautiful," His shadow moves across the wall getting bigger, you know he's stepping toward her.
Thankfully the printer is done with the copies, you rip them from the machine, whirling around and shoving half of them into Jess's arms.
"So sorry, Aiden but we have to go finish these reports," Grabbing her arm you lead Jess out of the printer room and to your office.
The farther away from him you both get, the more relaxed Jess's breathing is. Fianlly you reach your office, closing it tightly behind you.
Jess practically threw the papers on the desk, spraying them out across the wooden surface. She sits down in the chair in front of your desk. You perch on the corner, looking down at her, setting your stack neatly next to you.
"I hate him," She mumbles.
"You should report him to HR, he's creepy and doesn't do any of his work," You add, she nods.
"I'm going too," She rubs her temple. "Honeslty if I didn't need the money and love you, Livia and Tory I would've quit a long time ago,"
"Why should you be the one to quit?" You ask, she peers up at you, brow raised. "He's the creep, he's the one not doing anything. You love this job, you're amazing at this job. You shouldn't leave, he should. He's the one making everyone uncomfortable. He's the one who should be miserable and punished,"
Jess looks up at you with a wide smirk. Leaning back in the chair with a glimmer in her eyes.
"You're gonna win that promotion," She nods, accepting her statement and standing. Taking a hairtie from her wrist she puts her dirty blonde hair up into a messy ponytail. "We are gonna report that asshole to HR and work our asses off for the next 3 weeks and we are going to win this promotion," Taking off her blazer she rolls up her sleeves and starts laying out the reports.
"And then tomorrow you have a lunch meeting with the Gray family at about 1:30 and then you're free the rest of the day," Jess taps her tablet with her apple pen, scrolling through your schedule.
She followed you through the office building to the break room. A room with the best A.C in the world that constantly made the room colder then Antarctica. The walls are light blue, with chipping linoleum flooring, a cheap fridge and a coffee pot that does not brew coffee.
As you pushed the door open, you notice that the fridge is open, someone is bent over rummaging through its contents.
As you approach the person to politely ask if they could hand you your lunch, Jess inhales and grabs the back of your sweater.
"Y/n, Jessica, funny seeing you both here," You close your eyes with a soft groan, turning to see Aiden sauntering in the room with a smug face. "I've actually been wanting to talk to you guys,"
"Well we're really busy-" You try to cut him off, not having the energy to deal with this today.
"You're gonna find time," He states, his grin gone, now replaced with a snarl. "You, little Jessica, reported me to HR, why would you do a thing like that? What, I can't talk to my co-workers?"
"You don't talk, you flirt and it's disgusting," Jess says, holding the tablet tightly to her chest.
"What did HR say?" You tilt your chin up, challenging his attitude.
"Nothing, I told them it was a lie and that Jessica here constantly throws herself at me and I simply reciprocate, they let me off Scott free," He gloated.
You glanced to Jess, seeing her face fall, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Oh, now you're speechless?" He laughs, taking a step closer to you. "Now that you know you can't do anything about it, are you finally gonna go out with me?"
"No, and I will report you to the floor supervisor myself if I have too," You stand your ground, trying not to cringe at the horrible smell of his instant coffee breath.
"He won't believe you, he's a guy, and guys help each other get laid,"
"Going to sleep with me?" He interrupts, licking his lips. "Oh, I know you will, you-"
"Aiden!" The person who had their head in the fridge stands up. It's Henry, the floor supervisor. He slams the fridge door closed, causing the three of you to jump.
"Henry...." He nervously laughs, brushing his blonde hair back. "I...um,"
"Don't," he holds up his hand, stopping him. "Take a piece of advice Aiden, when a lady says 'no' you take the hint and leave,"
"Listen, Hen," Aiden starts, trying to act like friends and not employer and employee.
"Mr. Beckett," Henry stands firm, eyes hard as stone.
"What?" Aiden nervously laughs.
You and Jess take their distraction to sneak away from Aiden and more toward the door.
"As your Boss, you will call me Mr. Beckett or Sir,"
"Yes, sir," Aiden peeps, face turning red.
"You are to return to my office immediately and wait for me and HR to discuss your insistent and disgusting flirting with your coworkers," Henry holds up a single finger, silencing anything Aiden would even try to say. "Now, go,"
Not wanting to face further embarrassment, Aiden nods and silently walks out of the room with his head down.
As soon as the swinging door closes, you and Jess sigh. Wiping your forehead with your sleeve you gently rub her shoulder.
"Ms. L/n and Ms. Bow," Henry says gently, taking a step forward, but still leaving a large space between you. "I am so sorry about him, I knew he had been reported and did flirt with a few of you, but I didn't know the severity. He will not get away with this and he will be punished and I am terribly sorry for this,"
He doesn't wait for you to say anything, nodding his apology and leaving the room.
"That was unexpected," Jess says, taking a seat at the table and chair in the corner, setting her tablet and pen on the plastic surface. You follow, sitting down and exhaling shakily.
"Yeah," You didn't know what to say, your hands were shaking and sweat clung to your neck and shoulders.
"He knew our names," She comments, thinking, tapping her nails on the table. "We only met him like one time, and yet he remembered,"
"He also did hesitate to reprimand him, his own assistant and he looked like he was ready to fire him on the spot," You add.
"It was kinda funny how quickly Aiden backed down, he shut right up," Jess giggled softly.
"Maybe it's a werewolf thing," You both stare at each other for a moment before bursting out unto laughter.
The 3 weeks leading up to the big promotion went by extremely slowly and yet in the blink of an eye, it was Sunday night.
You, Jess, and Livia were all crowded into Tory's small one bedroom apartment. Sitting around her living room eating Chinese takeout and watching The Masked Singer.
"Does anybody need anything?" Tory asked, peering around the kitchen wall, finally fixing herself a plate.
"We have everything we need, Tory," Livia answered, looking over her shoulder at the brunette. "But if we need something we can get it ourselves, come on and sit,"
Tory was the nicest and most thoughtful person in the office. While normally very shy and quiet, she had a huge heart and could complete virtually any task without issues. The saddest part about working with her was knowing she worked in the mail room.
She was completely qualified to work at level 3 with the rest of you, but because of her calm demeanor, HR felt she'd be better suited for sorting mail.
She finally came into the living room, sitting on her sofa with Livia while you and Jess sat on the floor in front of them, using the coffee table to hold your plates.
"Can you believe tomorrow is the big day?" Jess smiles, glancing back at the others.
Ever since Aiden got reprimand by Henry, he stopped flirting and talking to you altogether. In fact, it's been about 2 weeks since you last saw him in the office.
Since then, Jess had really come alive, finally owning up to her own talent and really shining through.
"It's gonna be an interesting day, that's for sure," Livia added, shoving an egg roll in her mouth.
All 4 of you had been working your asses off trying to prove your worth and importance in this company. Unlike most of the men in the office, you all helped each other in anyway you could. As bittersweet as the moment was, you couldn't be happier with your friends.
"I wanna make a pact," Livia says, setting her plate of food on the side table to her left. "No matter which one of us gets that promotion, we will still be friends and hold no grudges against each other,"
"Are you just saying that because you're notorious for holding grudges or-" Tory started, pointing a fork in her direction. Livia punched her arm, stopping her sentence. All four of you erupted into giggled, putting down your plates and silverware and turning to face each other.
"Let's interlock pinkies," Livia states, holding our her hands. After a few minutes of awkwardly bent arms, you all had your pinkies interlocked. "We promise to not blame each other but the men in the office if we do not get this,"
"Agreed," Jess and Tory agreed simultaneously, giggling at each other.
You looked at all your friends, such amazing people, all equally deserving of this promotion. It broke your heart to know how low the chances were, but with how hard you'd all worked, it'd be foolish of your superiors to ignore all four of you.
The next morning came far too quickly for your liking. It was all a blur, getting up and making breakfast, taking a shower and putting on your nice blouse.
Now you were standing outside your office waiting for the meeting to start. You glanced at your watch again. 9:57 AM.
3 minutes.
"Nervous?" Jess comments, looking up from her tablet. You force a laugh, bouncing on your heels.
"That's an understatement,"
"Well if it isn't Ms. Bow, and Ms. L/n," Approaching your office, George, was a known cheat and slob, it was truly a wonder how he got hired. "I hope you're ready for this meeting," He smiled with crooked teeth.
"We are, actually, thanks for checking in, George," Hiding the nervousness in your voice you stare him down.
As always, he clears his throat and lowers his gaze to the floor. George talked a big game but crumbled under any form of pressure. "You're going to loose that cocky attitude when I get that promotion," his tone didn't match his nervous posture.
"Maybe you'll be sorry," at that he looked up. "Maybe if you actually did your reports instead of having your team do it, you'd actually get-"
You watch started beeping, you glanced down. 10:00.
"We have to go, we'll see you in there," Was all you said before walking down the hall with Jess.
People were filing into the room, it felt way more crowded than normal. It was a large room, the whole back wall covered in windows with green carpeted floors and a huge table.
You took a seat at the table and Jess, being an assistant, had to sit in a chair pushed up against the wall behind you.
A gentle hand touched your shoulder, pulling out the chair next to you and sitting down. Glancing over, you sigh, seeing Livia dressed in a golden yellow dress, smiling sweetly at you.
"Nervous?" She nudges your arm, you scoff leaning in to whisper back.
"Is it that obvious?" You both laugh quietly, then you take a moment to look at her hair. Normally she had it in an afro, showing off her tight curls and being proud of it, but today they were in several small braids then spun up into a tight bun. "You did your hair,"
"Uh yeah," She looks away, almost embarrassed, her hand comes up and touches the side of her head. "Tory helped me with it after you and Jess left her apartment,"
Even with her dark completion you could see her cheeks and ears turning red.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Henry stood at the head of the table, in front of the windowed wall. "Let's begin?"
The first part of the meeting started the same as all the others, going over budgets, the profit margins, and employee of the month.
"Now that I've bored you all to death, let's talk about the two promotions that recently opened up." The whole room perked up a that. Your chest tightened, under the table, Livia grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly. "The first position is for floor supervisor, and HR believes it should go to..."
Everyone leaned forward, waiting on baited breath as Henry clearly enjoyed the suspense. "George McCain, congrats,"
Your heart sank, shoulders slumping. The room cheered as George stood, across the table from you with a stupid grin.
Henry took a step around the table to shake his hand. "Congrats on becoming the level 2 supervisor,"
The room went silent, it took everything in you, Livia and Jess to not laugh.
"I'm-I'm sorry," George shook his head, "level 2? I thought-"
"Oh, I'm sorry for the miscommunication, the former supervisor had left for maternity leave and decided to go down a different career path," Henry didn't even try to hide his smile, as if he was enjoying seeing George suffer.
"Right," George silently sat down, face pink with embarrassment. Henry walked back around the table, clapping his hands together.
"The next position open is Senior Floor Supervisor," Henry smiled as he spoke, making eye contact with everyone in the room before looking back down at his folder layed out on the table. "I'd like to say something about this person," He cleared his throat. "They've worked harder than anyone else on this level, and truly deserve this promotion and I'd like to apologize that it hasn't come sooner. With that said, congratulations to..." His eyes wandered the room before landing on you, his eyes softened and he smiled. "Y/n L/n,"
Your heart stopped, you're sure your lungs stopped as well, breath getting caught in your throat. You're aware of the small claps from your coworkers, and Livia squeezing your hand and rubbing your shoulder.
Henry walked around the table, ignoring all of the glares from the upset men on the floor.
Snapping out of your daze you stood as he reached your chair. You shook his hand, unable to hide your wide smile.
"Congrats, Y/n," His other hand came up, cupping your hand in his large ones.
"T-thank you, Sir,"
The next few days were even more stressful than the 3 weeks leading up to the meeting. You had twice as much paperwork to do and had to deal with even more rude glances from your coworkers, but you were mostly used to that by now.
Henry came around your office a lot more, and he wasn't as bad as you originally thought. He was polite and respectful and never made you feel uncomfortable.
One day, as you were filling out another stack of reports, Jess knocked her head and opened the door.
"Hey, Jess, what's up?" You say, glancing up at her then back to your paper.
"Mr. Beckett is here to see you," She tilts her head toward the other side of the door.
"Uh, show him in," You nod. Jess glances behind her, nods and then opens the door more.
Henry walks in the room, wearing his classic gray suit with a dark blue tie and a warm smile. Following him is a very timid skinny man, his hair was thin and covering his forehead, almost covering his eyes and his fave was covered in pimples. He looked like a teenager.
"Mr. Beckett, what can I help you with?" Interlocking your fingers and putting your elbows on the desk you lean your chin on your fingers.
"I came to see how the paperwork is coming and show my new assistant around," He proudly looks back, to which the young man turns bright red and gives you a shy wave.
"Well, it's nice to meet you," You smile at the assistant then look back to Henry. "And I'm almost done, I'm on the last two pages,"
"Excellent, there's no rush," He waved a hand dismissively, putting his hands into his pocket.
"If I may ask," You glance between him and the young man. "Why do you have a new assistant?"
Henry sighs. "I fired Aiden, and needed a replacement,"
"F-fired? Like he doesn't work here at all anymore?" Your eyes went wide, he simply shook his head.
"Yes, after hearing about how horribly he treated all the women here I called HR only to find he'd been reported 3 other times and they did nothing, so I fired him. I will not work with a man who disrespects women that way," His tone hardened, clearly upset at loosing him, they seemed like good friends.
"I feel like apologizing only for the reason of loosing your assistant, but-" You started.
"Please, don't," He holds up a hand, smiling warmly at you again. "You have nothing to apologize for, neither of you do," He adds, glancing over his shoulder, at the door.
Jess jumped at being noticed, opening the door more. She'd been listening in, holding the door open just a crack.
"You can come in Ms. Bow," At his word, Jess creeps into the room, coming and standing behind you. "Anyway, I-" Henry starts, being interrupted by his phone ringing. "Excuse me," He says, pulling it out of his pocket, his face hardened at the caller ID. "I'm sorry, I have to take this, I'll be right back,"
He heads for the door, his assistant starts stuttering, reaching a hand out.
"Stay here, I'll only be a moment," He says, one hand on the door, he nods to you and Jess. "Don't worry, they don't bite," He winks and then closes the door.
The assistant doesn't turn back to you or Jess, he's clearly out of his element.
"What's your name?" You ask, he jumps at your voice, clearing his throat.
"How old are you?" Jess asks, leaning against the back wall, crossing her arms.
"I'm 19," With every second your gaze stays on him the redder his face gets.
"Why did Mr. Beckett hire you?" You ask, not being rude, it didn't make sense, as horrible as Aiden was, Noah was not a good replacement.
"Well, I'm his nephew, so-"
"His nephew?" You and Jess repeat, perhaps a little too loudly, he visibly shudders at your tone.
Before you or Jess can ask him anything else, Henry opens the door, smiling and shoving his phone back into his pocket.
"Alright, now-" He stops sensing the tension and how Noah's shoulders are trembling. "Everything alright in here?"
"May I have a word with you? In private?" You ask, Henry clears his throat, glancing at Noah before nodding.
Jess led Noah out of the room, closing the door behind her. You sigh, standing up and rubbing your hands together.
"I don't want you to take this the wrong way," You walk around to the front of your desk, Henry is silent giving you time to speak. "But why did you hire your nephew for the job when there are a dozen more than capable-"
"It wasn't a matter of being capable," He interrupts, even then as he held up his hand and thought about his words he didn't come across as rude. "I-I....uh...okay, yes I did hire him because he's my nephew but not because there aren't capable options on this floor it's for my sister."
"Your sister?"
"Yes, my sister is really struggling with money right now and has a job lined up at the end of summer. I gave Noah this job because he wants to help her, it's only for the next few months until fall starts, then I will pick someone else," He comes closer, not wanting anyone else to hear about his sister even though it's just you two.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know," You shake your head, unable to think of anything else to say.
"It's alright, there's no way you could've known," He ran a hand down his face, it was clear he needed to get that off his chest. "Just, just try to not assume I'm like the other assholes on the floor, okay?" He laughs, putting his hands in his pockets.
"It's a force of habit," You laugh.
"Then we'll just have to break it,"
"It's almost sad having you leave this office," Jess places another cardboard box on your desk, looking around the room.
You closed the now full box in front of you, turning around and walking up to Jess, taking her hands.
"It'll be okay, now that I'm a supervisor I can work on getting you a promotion, I promise, you won't stay in this position much longer," You squeeze her hands, she looks to the floor avoiding your gaze. You knew she believed your words, but it was nearly impossible to actually picture it happening.
Her lip quivered and her face turned red.
"Jess," You coo, wrapping your arms around her, she hugs you tightly, crying softly into your shoulder. "I know it's going to be different with the promotion but-"
"It's not that," She sobs softly, pulling away and wiping her eyes with the butt of her palm. "Jack broke up with me last night, and my grandma is coming to town next week, and I'm behind on my bills and now I don't work with you and everyone else is so mean here," She hiccups, burying her face back into your shoulder.
You'd only known Jack for a few months, he seemed a bit standoff-ish but like a decent guy, apparently that was wrong. Her grandma would flip out if she knew Jess didn't have an "actual" job and was behind on her bills.
If this had happened a week before you'd given her the week off, let her rest and give her a small loan to help. But she wasn't your assistant anymore and HR would surly find out if you did.
"I'm so sorry, Jess," You move her to sit in one of your chair, pulling out a box of tissues from your desk.
A knock at your door startles you both, Henry pokes his head into the room with a smile. He pauses upon seeing Jess.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is this a bad time? I can come back-" He starts, pointing out the door.
"No," Jess stands, sniffling loudly and wiping her face. "No, it's okay, you can talk to Y/n," She says, going to your bookcase and carefully putting them in the empty box.
"I actually came to talk to you," He says, hitting his palm with an envelope.
"Me?" She nearly drops a small stack of books, glancing at you then to Henry. "Why me?"
"To give you this," He steps forward, handing her the envelope.
Jess starts to open in, still sneaking glances at you, you simply shrug unsure as to what was happening.
"I know how close you two are and you've deserved this for a very long time," Henry says, getting excited.
Jess pulls out a small stack of papers, unfolding and reading them. She gasps, eyes going wide, more tears filling her eyes.
"Is this real?" She asks, voicing quivering.
"Very," He smiles, looking to you. "Senior Floor Supervisor Y/n, I'd like you to meet your new assistant, Ms. Jessica Bow."
"What?" You gasp, hands covering your mouth.
"I pulled a few strings," He shrugged. "And I know how important this was to the both of you. You both deserve this,"
"H-how, how can we ever thank you?" Jess stuttered, flipping through her her employment contract.
"There's no need-" He laughed, amused that she felt the need to do something for him.
"No, this is big, we really thought you were an asshole like 2 months ago and you're like really nice, you need to come to get drinks with us this weekend," Jess started sobbing, wiping at her eyes.
You and Henry stared at her in disbelief at how blunt she had been.
"Um," He cleared his throat, looking to his feet, suddenly bashful.
"You are welcome," His head snapped up to meet your eyes. "To join us for drinks, if you want, we go to the small burger place down the block and get drinks every other Friday,"
He nods, not breaking eye contact. "Okay, I'll see you then,"
"And here I thought you were going to actually relax with us tonight," Jess snorts, sipping her drink, earning a laugh from Livia and Tory.
"This is me relaxed," Henry argued, trying to seem firm even if he laughed.
All five of you were sitting at the bar of your favorite restaurant, you'd already had dinner and were now on your second round of drinks.
Livia and Tory were dancing in front of the jukebox along with some other people. After Jess poked Henry one more time on his outfit she joined the others on the dance floor.
"Do I still look that uptight?" He asked you after she left, laughing softly. You looked him up and down, he was wearing nice dress pants with a button up shirt.
"Yes and no, she's probably saying that cause you tucked your shirt into your pants." You sip your drink, giggling as he pulled his shirt out from being tucked. As he lifted you saw a little glimpse of the skin on his hips.
"Is that better?"
Maybe it was the drinks, or maybe the ambience of the bar with the red and gold lights that made his eyes shine and skin glow. Maybe it was the way his hair had curled against the base of his neck instead of being combed back.
"Almost, you should probably roll your sleeves up too," Part of you wants to see how far he'll go. He glances around as if he's doing something he shouldn't, then starts to roll his sleeves up to his elbows.
His forearms are tan and have a thin layer of dark hair on them. You take a long sip of your drink.
It's then you notice he's only drinking a water, and has been the whole time. You raise a brow as he takes a sip, he knows immediately why you're making a face.
"What are werewolves not allowed to drink?" You tease, glad that he laughs and didn't take offense.
"Werewolves can, but designated drivers can't," He simply responds, shrugging.
Your heart warms for a moment, he'd come out to have dinner with you and your friends and stayed to have drinks but isn't even drinking to ensure you all get home safe.
"What?" He laughs, noticing you staring very intently at him.
"You're just not how I thought you'd be," You whisper, feeling your face heat up, from the drinks or his warm gaze you aren't sure.
He's about to say something else when Jess comes back from the dance floor giggling and throwing an arm over your shoulder.
"Look, at Tory and Livia," She laughs, pointing. You leaned to look past Henry, who also turns.
Tory and Livia are slow dancing, holding each other close and staring lovingly into each other's eyes. Livia closes her eyes and leans in, kissing Tory.
"I knew they liked each other," Jess says, downing the rest of her drink.
"Everybody knew," Henry laughs, taking another sip of his water and smiling at you.
The next month flew by, you'd moved into your new office, celebrated Tory and Livia moving in together, and Jess finally being able to pay off one of her loans.
The leaves had fully turned, changing from greens and turning the ground orange. The sky was constantly gray and covered in clouds.
Like tonight, you were staying late to finish the reports on the floor. The sun had just set, the clouds turning from pink to purple.
It softly started to rain, padding softly against your window. It calmed you, the large room, the warm lamp beside you, and the comfort your favorite sweater brought you.
There was a soft knock on your door, you peered up, smiling at Henry walking into your office.
"Working late?" He pulled out the chair from across your desk, crossing his legs.
"Could ask you the same thing," You smile at him, still filling out the paperwork.
"I wanted to ask your opinion on something," He waits for your nod to continue, you do and he sighs. "Noah's mom got the job and he is now enrolled in college and I'm in need of an assistant-"
"I'm flattered, truly, but I'm afraid I cannot accept," You playfully interrupt sighing dramatically.
He laughs. "You are far too qualified to be my assistant, but I have two options and I'm wondering who I should promote,"
"Who are the candidates?" You glance back down to your work, still filling it out as he spoke.
"Jeremy in accounts, he's helped me more than once and is a great worker," You scrunched your nose. "But I can see he's a bad candidate," Henry laughed, rubbing his hands together. "Or I was thinking about Tory,"
You head flew up, mouth agape. "You want to make Tory your assistant?"
He nods. "She doesn't belong in the mail room, and I wouldn't be doing it because I pity her or because were friends or anything like that, it's because she is truly far too talented to stay in the mail room." He rambles, leaning forward, uncrossing his legs and resting his elbows on your desk.
You stare blankly at him, pen held tightly between your fingers, face blank.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" He asks, voice going quiet incase he overwhelmed you. "Was it something I said?"
"You said we're friends," You mumble, unable to go higher than a whisper.
He nods. "Yeah, I consider you my friend," His face lowers seeing the apprehension in your features. "Am I wrong to assume that we were friends?"
"No, no!" You snap out of it, raising your hands and shaking your head. "It's just...we've hung out and stuff, but I still barely even know you,"
"Why don't we change that?" A mischievous glimmer shines in his hazel eyes. "We're both going to he here for another hour, so let's play a game," He offers with a smile.
"A game?"
"20 questions, well each go and learn about the other." He shrugs, trying to play off how excited he clearly was.
"Okay, I'll play, can...can I ask you questions about being a werewolf?" You lower your voice, hoping your question didn't offend him.
"Yes, you can,"
"Alright, who's going first?" You ask, capping your pen and putting it in your pencil holder, then stacking your papers and moving them to the side of your desk.
"Ladies first," He gestures to you, smiling wide.
"Oh such a gentleman," You tease, humming as you think. "Let's start simple, what's your birthday?"
"September 7, I'm a virgo,"
"You're into astrology?" You gasp in fake surprise. He laughs.
"When you're whole life revolves around the cycles of the moon, you get sucked into stuff like that,"
"Where were you born?"
"New York," You groan playfully, rolling your eyes. "But not the main city, more country and rural," He tries to defend himself. "Not all New Yorkers are bad,"
"No, of course not," You smile at him glare, biting your lip as you think. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes, two sisters, one of them is married and has a baby on the way and the other just got a new job and has Noah," He smiles more to himself, it's clear he cares for them very deeply.
You can help but ask. "Are they werewolves too?"
"Yes, my whole family is," Short and simple.
"How old were you when you turned?" You didn't want to push but you were curious, you'd never known a werewolf before and he wasn't what you were expecting.
"I started showing symptoms at 16 but didn't fully turn until I was 17," He answers almost proudly.
"So you were a late bloomer?" You laughed at his groan, face turning pink.
"Yes, I was a late bloomer, ha ha, very funny," He laughed along with you, showing he wasn't offended.
"How does someone become a werewolf?" You didn't realize it, but you were leaning over your desk, trying to get closer to him, excited to hear his answers.
"Well," He thinks for a moment, smacking his lips. "Well, it varies from family to family, or person to person. In my case I was born into a werewolf family, my mom, dad and sisters were all werewolves, it's in our DNA. But there are ceremonies that I believe can be performed to turn people, like Vampires but less bloody," You only focused on one comment.
"You can turn someone?" You ask clearly too excited as he raises a brow at you.
"You sound like Bella from Twilight," He laughs, covering his mouth with his hand.
"What's wrong with liking Twilight?"
"Nothings wrong, I'm just curious if your going to go out looking for your Edward Cullen." He mocks, rolling his eyes.
"I've always been team Jacob, actually," Your eyes meet, and for a moment, he's all you see. His warm smile, the softness of his eyes, the way a strand of his hair curls against his forehead even though he combs in constantly.
You clear your throat, feeling your face getting hot.
"What color is your fur?"
He laughs at your diversion. "Gray, but a bunch of different shades, it's darker on my head and back and lighter on my hands and stomach."
"Does the carpet match the drapes?" His face turns bright red, closing his eyes and he laughs. Your hand comes up to cover your mouth.
"If I had, as you so elegantly put, carpet, then yes it would match," At your confused eyebrow, he sighs. "When you grow up covered in thick fur and hair you try and get rid of it wherever you can," He quickly says, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling himself start to sweat.
"What's the worst part about being a werewolf?" You bite your lip, enjoying having him be so honest and open.
"Uh, this is going to be embarrassing," He runs a hand down the side of his face. "Every May, we....uh well werewolves..." He sighs, face redder than you thought possible. "You know, it's spring time, and there's a lot of pheromones going around..." He's stumbling and moving his hands around and not meeting your eyes.
It clicks in your head.
"You go into heat?" Your jaw drops.
"We like to call it a werewolf period, it sounds less primitive and animalistic," He still hasn't met your eyes.
"What's that just, like, wanting to sleep with a bunch of people?" You joke, wanting to lighten the mood.
"No it's different, it's not about the sex it's about the closeness of the other person. They are to me as I am to them. They accepted me, body, mind and soul and I accept them. It's....it's more of a longing," His eyes finally left to yours, the sincerity in them makes your heart melt.
"That's actually really sweet," You whisper, unable to look away from him. "So you just, long for a real relationship?"
He nods. "It's the basis of life, finding a mate, and spending the rest of your life with them,"
"What's the difference between asking someone to be your mate versus your girlfriend?"
"Asking someone to be a mate is our version of proposing, not that we can't or won't propose, but that's what it means to us. We want to be with you for as long as you'll have us," He leaned his chin on his hand, elbows resting on the table.
"Do you imprint on people?" You laugh at his immediate reaction. His face fell, hair falling in front of his eyes, shoulders slumped.
"God, no, and if we did it wouldn't happen to babies," You both laugh.
"How do you know if you've picked the right mate?"
He shrugs, "You don't, it's a matter of trusting each other," again your eyes meet and your chest tightens. "You have to get to know each other, learn to trust each other, learn how to care for them, and grow in love with them. You have to fight everyday for them, showing them how much you care,"
His tone changed, no longer stating facts found in old library books but something he felt. Has felt for a long time.
You stare for a few moments, he raises his eyebrows, motioning for you to continue. You blink, looking down at your desk before smiling. Leaning forward on your elbows you smile and whisper.
"Why haven't you asked me out yet?"
His face turns red, looking away for a moment, then looking back up to you.
"I was worried you wouldn't want to go out with me, you didn't exactly treat all the male employees well, I figured I wouldn't have a chance," He shrugged, ears turning pink. "I wouldn't get a chance unless you asked me,"
You got his implication, licking your lips, ready to take the leap.
"Final question-"
"That was your final question," He interrupts. You blank, thinking back, you blushed harder, realizing your mistake.
"Wait, some of them were rhetorical questions and jokes, that doesn't count!" You protest, feeling defeated.
"They 100% count," He laughs, nodding his head. You sigh, unsure of what else to say. You were so close.
"My turn," He brings you out of your train of thought. Reaching across the table to grab your hand, squeezing your fingers and smiling warmly. "Will you go on a date with me?"
Tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch​ @flufftober​
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kisakis-boyfriend · 3 days
🎃 nsfw headcanons for fyodor, nikolai, and sigma (+dazai and chuuya if you’d like) with a werewolf s/o?
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Author's Note: I'll do Dazai and Chuuya in a separate post, thanks to tag limitations 😔
Pairings: Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma x male reader (separately)
Warnings: Male werewolf!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!characters, mentions of breeding, knotting, biting, scratching, leashing, mindbreak (Fyodor), virginity kink (Sigma)
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The 'fake dom' Slut
Fyodor likes to pretend that he's in control, but really, who's he fooling?
Trying to control a semi-feral beast. Yeah, good luck, buddy
You'll allow our favorite skinny Russian to put you on a leash, but it's only because you know that he can't hold onto it while you're railing the brains out of him
Fyodor is literally folded in half in a mating press, drooling like a whore. And you're loving every second of it
He definitely keeps track of the moon cycles — clearing his schedule on full moons and coming up with an excuse to be around you those nights
If your human form is also bigger/taller/more muscular than him; Fyodor will swoon
Not that he wouldn't swoon anyways, no matter what your human form looks like. He's just possibly got a little size kink 🤐
The Overt Slut
Nikolai is so not subtle…
"Oh my, what sharp teeth you have. You could totally bite me and make me bleed haha :)"
"Such sharp claws… it would be a shame if you accidentally scratched me with them!"
"What a big, thick cock! I could never take one that big… unless? 👀"
He'll sit next to you, knowing that you can see his phone screen, and look at werewolf knotting porn 😐
I mean, literally. NOT subtle in the least
Nikolai loves when you take control and breed all of his little holes
Just manhandle him and cover him in your seed please. You'll have a very happy jester in your possession
Personally, I think Niko has higher than average stamina; so he'd be able to go quite a few rounds, even after you knot him. If you want to keep rutting into him, he's all the happier ☺️
The Shy Slut
“I am not taking that! You'll never fit!”
30 minutes later, Sigma is crying as you pound the virginity out of him
Sigma acts like he doesn't enjoy being filled and having some rough sex, but it's just his insecurities, really
If you make him feel loved, he will eventually agree to certain things :)
Always screaming "I can't take it!" Or "it won't fit" but, again, none of that is true
Sigma easily becomes your moaning slut once your dick is fully sheathed within his gummy walls
Full moons make him nervous — he, conveniently, hangs out with you on those dates though…
Sitting in your lap as the sun sets, cupping your face and requesting kisses too
In a rare, confident display, your pretty boy will ask you to fuck him in your werewolf form all on his own
Still complains about his sore ass and the scratches covering his body tomorrow though 😶‍🌫️
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
no but wait what if werewolf!reader has a major scent kink and gets annoyed with the 141 wearing deodorant? i mean think about it, chemical smells must be offensive as fuck to such a sensitive nose.
gaz is probably the worst culprit for wearing cologne which smells wonderful to a human nose but is olfactory hell for werewolf!reader. it clings in a way that natural scents just don't, astringent and cloying on every inhalation. werewolf!reader can't help the way their nose crinkles in disgust whenever gaz walks past. unfortunately it makes him spritz a little more on after showering because gaz thinks that werewolf!reader thinks he smells "bad" (aka like a human being) and werewolf!reader ends up avoiding him to minimise the migraines his cologne causes.
don't worry he catches a clue after werewolf!reader stumbles out of their room after a 3 day migraine and faceplants directly into gaz's lap begging him to never ever wear that cologne again please. gaz switches over to arm & hammer unscented deodorant after that too. it's not completely scent free but it's way less offensive than his previous combination of cologne + deodorant and gaz is rewarded by werewolf!reader spending way more time with him than before.
price reeks of tobacco. everything he touches has a faint lingering scent of stale smoke that makes werewolf!reader smother coughs even when he isn't actively puffing on one of his admittedly expensive cigars. werewolf!reader ends up standing upwind of price as much as possible but still coughs whenever price lights up.
eventually price gets so fed up of the constant coughing and badly hidden grimaces that he slaps multiple nicotine patches on his arms and chews his way through endless packets of nicotine gum just to avoid it. werewolf!reader definitely prefers the hint of peppermint on price's breath when they're close enough to get a hint.
soap refuses to wear deodorant if he can't wear his favourite brand and somehow his favourite brand goes missing within a day of purchasing it. he tries keeping a little stash in his room, locker, gym bag but they all go missing too.
he definitely sulks and grumbles about stinkin' out the place but it's worth it when werewolf!reader seems to lean in subconsciously when they're in the gym together. he could swear he saw werewolf!reader's nostrils flare and felt them shudder happily when he slung a sweaty arm over their shoulders one time.
ghost is complicated. he has the least offensive smell to werewolf!reader but that comes with it's own set of problems. ghost constantly smells of himself, the iron tang of dried blood and something like cordite. for werewolf!reader it's positively mouthwatering. the problem is that ghost goes out of his way to avoid werewolf!reader. they're too tactile, too friendly for his liking and it makes his skin crawl that they seem to sway into his space at every opportunity.
(the less said about the way his heart skips several beats in his chest when he catches werewolf!reader burying their nose in his sweat drenched t-shirt while holed up in a safe house together the better in his opinion.)
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generalkenobee · 1 year
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radiolore · 7 days
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design by rovovbo!!^
the other person there is me,,,, cuz,,,, vemtur,,,,, hehe
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remuslupinlookalike · 6 months
remus lupin doesn't understand when he's being rude sometimes.
remus lupin doesn't know what people expect from him.
remus lupin feels to much and has very sensitive senses.
remus lupin is usually quiet and tends to go nonverbal.
remus lupin always thought that he needs to pretend playing a role and that everyone is watching and judging him like he is a character.
remus lupin never understood what "being a man" is about.
remus lupin keep his nails shorts because he tends to scratch himself and hurt his skin when he feels everything is wrong. thats why he has so many scars.
remus lupin tends to be overstimulated and cry. that's why that place is called the shrieking shack.
remus lupin needs to feel a constant stimulus on his mouth and tends to chew and suck his finger's skin. that's why he tastes blood at the morning after full moon.
so many people was mad at remus for being rude and stare or not looking them in the eye when talking, not talking or talking to much, being a know-it-all or too stupid to even answer a simple question, being a snob or a brat.
remus lupin is not violent, but he has violent thoughts.
remus lupin just want to feel that he doesn't has to hide so many things.
remus lupin constantly needs that the people who loves him confirm that they aren't mocking him in a cruel big joke. he loves his friends, but he isn't sure that they really like him back.
sometimes remus lupin just want to run far away to a place where he isn't a weirdo who needs to shut up to be accepted by the people around him.
remus lupin promised himself being a good adult to children that were outcast like him. the adult he needed growing up but never came, the one who would tell him that it's nothing wrong with him.
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simply-slytherin · 1 year
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A dark secret hidden in the closet of the Arithmancy classroom
screenshots by: @simply-slytherin
Okay so I've been spending way too much time gathering screenshots and exploring the tiniest of details around Hogwarts. I'm fully back into this hyperfixation. But as I've been exploring I'm discovering secrets and stories hidden in the environment. This one is especially interesting (if not the most unknown/not talked about). I believe that there is a chance that whoever the current Arithmancy teacher is in Hogwarts Legacy is a Werewolf. This is the only location in this closet with scratch marks, and at the time of posting this I haven't found these marks on any other walls...which tells me this is intentional. I love finding stuff like this since it adds to my head cannons of life in the era of Hogwarts Legacy.
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
Werewolf!konig requests OPEN
I want to be more active and get everyone excited for the Halloween special of werewolf!konig x reader, so if anyone has any asks about werewolf!konig, send them my way! SFW and NSFW is fine
Please be sure to check my ask guidelines (linked on pinned post) before submitting an ask. The porn without plot rule does NOT apply to werewolf!konig. Werewolf!konig is one of the AU's im good with writing for.
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Accidental Warlord AU headcannon that the Witchers have to take human carrying lessons. Prior to Geralt's little oopsie, a Witcher on the Path wouldn't have handled a non-witcher at all or with much care whem they did have to. Like having to fight a monster and only having one hand free to shove some scared person behind them or carrying a corpse back to town. It's not gentle handling of relatively fragile (emotionally and physically) beings.
After Geralt's become the Warlord, there's a baby in the keep. And that baby gets handed to different people, all of whom have 0% experience holding a baby, much less correctly.
"The baby doesn't like me."
"Why'dya think that?"
"Everytime I hold her she rolls her head away from me! She doesn't want to look at me."
"She's a baby. She doesn't know what she likes yet."
"...do you think she's afraid of my scars?"
"Maybe someone else should watch her for Geralt during meetings."
"No, look. Let's go get her right now and figure this out. Prejudice is learned, right? It's not possible that she could make that kind of judgement I don't think."
"Well, okay but I swear she does it."
"...you know you have to support her head, Eskel?"
"...What's that mean exactly?"
"I don't know. Ya just do it."
"Helpful advice."
And like, Jan has to come to their rescue and teach them how to hold baby Ciri properly and how to swaddle her just right and how to carry her in a bjorn sorta thing without slipping out to hit the floor and how to carry her on a hip while still getting work done as she gets older. Throwing her over a shoulder potato-sack style is a sometimes-at-play thing not a consistent means of transporting the Warlord's heir (no matter how she laughs when they do that).
It doubles with chores for efficiency. Bricks and mortar wrapped in old clothing to mimic the general shape of babies which are then strapped to chests or cradled in an arm. If your brick cracks your baby is dead. If the "head" rolls off your baby is dead. If you forget about it off to the side for too long the enchanted cloth changes color to signify your baby is dead.
Literal sacks of flour hoisted onto a hip and kept there all day to mimic clingy toddlers. Your "kid" gets wet the enchanted sack becomes covered in a layer of mucus to simulate how easily they can become sick. Your "kid" drops to the floor, it's been enchanted to scream until you cuddle it into a fitful "sleep".
The Witchers develop a point system and maybe a drinking game about it.
After Geralt, who has learned how to hold Ciri in the trial-by-fire that was traveling the Path with an infant, Lambert and Aubry pick it up the quickest, being the most involved with the current generation of Wolf Cubs.
After a good streak is kept, most Witchers are free to leave the training game, but a good chunk decide to move up a level instead and learn to handle the live children in the Keep. Mostly the little trainees, but also the servants' children. And all the laisse-faire attitudes about dropping bricks and sacks of flour are abandoned immediately.
Little bodies, so warm and heavy in one's arms that when they wriggle away it leaves Witchers feeling bereft. The slow puffs of sleepy breaths buried against hollow throats as children doze off while being held in arms that have been trained ot destroy. The bouncy giddyness of a child-upon-hip delighted at the height at which they see the world as stairs are ascended. A fussy baby distracted by strands of long hair that surround them as a nose buries into their head to breathe in deep that sweet infant scent.
And it feels right caring for the children who are their future brothers and honorary nieces and nephews and cousins. Like something they should have been doing all along. Tending to a kinder future.
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tu-es-gegg · 1 year
Seeing qforever being stressed and hitting Leo then immediately searching up dog anxiety symptoms-
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ottersinatrencoat · 3 months
so muggleborn students and probably half bloods would know about fanfiction right? Some would write it even. So I thought about this and I was like there is werewolf smut;
student: hi professor lupin I was wondering if you could answer some random hypothetical questions
lupin: sure
Student: so like do you think werewolves would be naturally friends to wolfs
Lupin, heart rate spiking: baffled
Student: or like dogs, would they have like a million dogs just cause they like them
Lupin: ummm potentially
Student: ok so like would happen if in werewolf form a person met a wolf
Lupin: they would likely try to assert their dominance
Student: Oh and how much like do they keep their human brain, because hypothetically if they’re partner was like an anamagus dog would they be friends in the wolf form?
lupin profusely sweating: yes I believe so, what’re these question for again?
student also profusely sweating because doesn’t wanna admit they write werewolf smut: just popped into my brain.
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trashy-0possum · 1 year
Gear x reader hcs
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Love language: gift giving, quality time
Will treat you like a literal godess/god
Switch (mostly top)
Will take you out on fancy dates (expensive ones)
Mostly goes to restaurants with you (if ur comfortable with it ofc)
If ur not he will just make dinner for both of u at Home with candles and stuff ^^
Loves to buy you stuff
Everytime when hes out or at work and buys something he will buy 2 of it so u have it too
Normally a morning person but when ur over he will lay with you in bed as long as u want
Wants to please u in every way and hates to make you upset or mad :(
Shows u his secret plushie collection
First ever present you got from him? It was a tedy bear. And u still have it 😻
Buys both of u matching jewlery. Mostly necklaces
Loves to hold ur hand
When ur both out he always stays close to u and will keep an eye on u so nothing happends
If something happends he will take you home cuddle and kiss you till everything is okay
Loves. Absolutely loves to kiss your neck
Makes u breakfast in bed<3
Takes showers with u. Cant change my mind
Nightmare? If you want he will defenitly read you something from his books
Will kiss every part of ur bodie if hes bored
U lay on the couch watching a show? He will just pick you up and carry u to the bedroom- (if yk yk)
Loves to hold u.
Just like kuro hes a freaking heater.
Sometimes u wake up having a literal tail in ur face cause he accidentally transformed in his sleep-
Make out sessions with him. Are a must he loves it.
He loves to buy clothes for u like he just randomly comes home with a brand new dress for u
When u both fight he usually just comes back and apologises even if it was ur fault
If hes sad he needs cuddles. Alot. he NEEDS attention
If hes bored hes just gonna braid ur hair (he defenitly knows how to style hair)
Lets u wear his clothes (if they get dirty he will literally scream internally but just give you a smile and say its okay. its not)
Jealous af. A guy looks at u? Death stare.
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Okay these headcannons are so cute- i think next up im gonna make a lawless one or maybe niccolo the pookies<3
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kisakis-boyfriend · 3 days
Dazai, Chuuya, & Kunikida x werewolf reader
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Author's Note: Requested by the same anon who asked for this with Fyodor, Nikolai, & Sigma. I just had to break up the posts thanks to tumblr's tag limits 🙄 + bonus Kunikida because I can ✨
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, & Kunikida x male reader (separately)
Warnings: Male werewolf!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!characters, implied dom Chuuya as well, mentions of breeding, knotting, rough sex (Chuuya), heat cycle, Dazai calls you 'belladonna'
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The Shameless Slut
“Ooh please fill me up, my love! I'll gladly take all of your dick uwu”
Yeah, Dazai can get a little too excited about your werewolf form sometimes…
He can be such a pillow princess too. He just likes to lay there and show off his beautiful body while you're carving your place in his insides
Scarily possessive when you pop your knot into him
As soon as Dazai feels that sudden stretch, he's locking his legs around you and pressing it further in
His fingers tangle in your coarse fur, and a groan slips out–
“Yes! Tell me I'm yours, belladonna!” he'll rasp, staring you down with enough intensity to make your heart skip a beat
If you're comfortable with it, Dazai will brag about his insanely hot werewolf boyfriend
Rip ADA members who have to hear about you every single day… and rip PM members who also hear about Dazai's horny bf every time they meet 😅
The Greedy Slut
That's not your massive dick, it's Chuuya's. And you'd do well to remember that
Your werewolf form does something to Chuuya's brain. The man already enjoys rough sex, but this large, canine form stirs something up in his belly
Demands to be bred. There better be no cum spillage, it has to be in his hole(s)
Definitely uses his special ability to make you hit deeper and pound harder — so much so that it's caused Chuuya to pass out before
After that first time, Chuuya asked if you kept going. And when you said of course not, he looked rather disappointed 😟
From then on, you agreed to breed him whether he was still conscious or not (within reason, though)
Calls you 'good puppy' and similar affectionate terms
You two have had conversations about buying a collar and leash — and, if you choose to incorporate that into your sex life, you won't regret it. Chuuya will make very good use of them 😏
The Slut in Denial
Also a total denial slut
He would never admit to this even on his deathbed; but Kunikida loves edging
If you lick the underside of his cock with your rough canine tongue, growling at your beloved to hold it all in? The only thing Kunikida will have in his vision are stars swirling around
I don't think he would admit to loving your primal sex sessions either. Not unless he was already deep in sub space
On all fours, your larger form hunched over his body while your balls slap against Kunikida's ass, your fur tickling his back — this is when he'd slur out how much he loves taking your cock 💛
Also one to keep track of the moon's cycle. It's important to know when his partner will transform or go into heat
Dating a werewolf was never a part of his ideals, but he doesn't regret a thing
Becoming your mate has improved Kuni's life in all sorts of ways — whether we're talking about the amount of love he receives, or the benefits of nasty werewolf sex 😌
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pfhwrittes · 5 months
"swear tae god, garrick! it was a fuckin' wulf!"
"soap, c'mon mate. it can't have been a wolf. there haven't been wolves in the uk for thousands of years."
"yer no' listenin' tae me! it was a fuckin' wulf! ghost, tell 'im. you saw it too."
simon tilts his head consideringly.
"prob'ly just a big dog johnny. one of them mamalute things."
"d'ya mean malamute, lt?" kyle corrects with a shit eating grin as johnny grasps at his hair in frustration.
"it wasnae a fuckin' malamamamute 'hing! i know what i saw!"
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newskyillusion · 1 year
harry james potter who grows into himself: broad shoulders and thick arms and legs. wild hair everywhere; head, chest, arms, legs, stomach. hjp who takes care of himself, stretching, running, lifting because it helps with his mental health (he still cannot find a fitting t-shirt so they’re either too big or too tight which can be distracting). harry james potter who starts cooking and eating for himself. harry james potter who can bend draco in half even though he’s shorter
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v-h-lupin · 1 year
Moony with Braces pt 2
Sirius gets him magical color changing bands, which are actually just charmed, transfigured rubber bands. They make it easier for Remus to smile for some reason
although the charm includes them turning gold and red for every quidditch game, which remus found obnoxious but professor mcgonagall seemed to like them when he arrived for commentary.
james keeps taking his cigarettes because he found out from Lily that youre not supposed to smoke with braces
hes just glad that braces doesnt restrict him from alcoholic beverages
he's gotta hide his mouth while walking off to the whomping willow in case anyone sees him and wonders why he doesnt have his braces on
the Wolf Does Not Like The Braces, And Broke Them Immediately. Morning remus was not happy about that.
"I'm just glad I wasn't given headgear..." "you have to show us what headgear is now."
"Thats a torture device, moony-"
spells can bounce off metal. do with that what you will
5th year boggart isnt the moon yet, bc he's got friends and the prank hasn't happened yet- so the boggart is the effing orthodontist
Bonus: Lily having braces and they become braces buddies
also bonus: Professor Lupin feeling sympathy for the poor muggleborn students whose parents wont let them get their teeth fixed with magic
also just- just look at david thewlis, okay
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